Five Stages of CEAC Cycle

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Five Stages of CEAC Cycle

Stage 1: Social Preparation

Municipal Orientation (MO). A public gathering of all stakeholders in the municipality,

to introduce the Project, dialogue on objectives, outputs, and roles of various parties, and

formally sign the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the MLGU and the DS.

The Municipal Orientation signals the official start of KC implementation in the


Social Investigation (SI). A process whereby the ACT members start to systematically

learn about the situation of the community as well as identify the strengths, opportunities,

and challenges that the community faces through integration, analysis of existing

reports/data and interview of key informants, among others. The team develops its action

plans for KC implementation based on the results of the SI.

Barangay Assemblies (BA). Gathering of all residents in the barangay who are 15 years

old and above. The BA is the basic decision-making body of the project in the barangay-

level, and is also where community volunteers (CVs) are elected to undertake functions

in the project at the barangay level.

Participatory Situation Analysis (PSA). A process in the project where community

volunteers elected by the BA undertake community research, identify the key problems in

the community that causes poverty, and identify the range of possible solutions to address

these problems.
Stage 2: Project Identification and Proposal Development

Criteria Setting (CS). A process, undertaken at an activity called the Criteria Setting

Workshop or CSW, where the BRTs elected during the BA for PSA validation gather at

the municipality, and discuss and agree on the criteria that will be used to select the

proposals to be funded from the KC project. The procedure for selecting the proposals are

likewise discussed and approved by the BRTs in the CSW.

Project Development Workshop (PDW). A training activity where Project Preparation

Teams (PPT), elected by each of the barangays during the BA for PSA validation, are

taught the key processes and tools to identify, select, and design appropriate solutions to

address problems.

Preparation of Detailed Proposals (PDS). The process undertaken by the PPT in their

respective barangays after the conduct of the PDW. Here, the PPT lead in mobilizing

other community volunteers to undertake many activities that will help them prepare

detailed and complete community proposals for sub-projects. Depending on the nature of

the proposed project, PPT and other community members undertake feasibility study,

prepare project technical design, program of works, and detailed budgeting of project


Community Consultations (CC). In the course of project development numerous

consultations are conducted to ensure that the community in general is kept abreast of,

and consulted on key aspects of the proposed sub-project design.

MIAC Technical Review. Once proposals are finished by the barangays, these are

subjected to technical review and evaluation by the MIAC. The MIAC will look for

readiness, completeness, and soundness of the proposal, but will not decide approving the

project. That is a function of the next stage

Stage 3: Prioritization

Community consultations. This is the final barangay assembly conducted after the PPT

have addressed issues raised during the MIAC Technical Review, before the project

proposal is passed on to the MIBF for prioritization.

MIBE-Executive Committee (EC) review of pending proposals. Occurs when a

proposal prioritized for funding by KC is deemed “pending” during the MIBF for PRA

for a variety of valid reasons. This is an optional activity. The role of the MIBF EC is to

certify that the reasons for the “pending” status of the proposal has been complied with,

or was not complied within the time set by the MIBF.

MIBF – Municipal Development Council engagements. These activities are conducted

after the MIBF to ensure that projects which failed to get funding from the KC grant will

be integrated into the Municipal Development Plans.

Stage 4: Implementation of Community sub-projects

Project implementation workshop. Are conducted in barangays who will implement

projects prioritized for funding by the MIBF. The ACT facilitates review of project

implementation plans, and begins to implement the initial preparatory activities to

commence implementation of the project.

Implementation of sub-projects and monitoring and evaluation. Projects that get KC

funding in the MIBF are implemented during this step. Communities open accounts, and

funds are downloaded directly into these accounts, which are managed by community

volunteers who are elected by the BA to form the Barangay Sub-Project Management

Committee (BSPMC). The BSPMC undertakes numerous activities during this stage,

including procurement, finance management, construction (if projects involve small rural

infrastructure), monitoring, supervision, etc.

Implementation of Operation and Maintenance (O&M) plan. Commences

immediately upon completion of the community sub-project. In preparation for this, the

ACT facilitates formation and training of sub-project management and O&M

organizations during the sub-project implementation stage. These include organization of

working committees, preparation of by-laws and organizational guidelines, and other

organizational development activities.

Stage 5: Transition

Community-based evaluation (CBE). Is an activity conducted near the end of the cycle.

Here, residents evaluate the changes that have occurred in the community using the tools

developed earlier in the cycle (during the CBME planning workshop).

The result give an indication of the perception of communities of their progress in

addressing poverty challenges.

Community-based monitoring and evaluation (CBME) planning. An activity where

people design a way to monitor the progress of the community in addressing the issues

identified in the PSA, as well as determine if conditions are getting better. After the

CBME planning, another workshop is conducted at the end of a cycle to undertake the


Accountability Review and Reporting (AR). The last activity in the cycle. This is

conducted on the 12th month of implementation, and at 2 levels. The first is at the

barangay level, where the community goes through an assessment of their activities in

KC. Commitments are reviewed, and lessons and recommendations are gathered that to

prepare the community for the next cycle. The results of the barangay AR are

consolidated in the Municipal AR, where the participation and engagement of the

municipal LGU is assessed. Lessons from these activities are then inputted into the

preparation and conduct of activities in the next cycle.

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