Module 0 - Community Organizing
Module 0 - Community Organizing
Module 0 - Community Organizing
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the time allotted, the students should be able to:
1. Show through a sketch note significant points of the orientation.
2. Reflect on ones roles in achieving the VMGOs of the college.
3. Introduce one’s self comfortably using the target language.
Module Overview
This module will introduce you to the Community Organizing & Development
in Agroforestry course Principles and history and concept. The course syllabus
containing the topics of AF 9a will be explored for you to have a complete grasp of
what will be covered during the whole semester. Course Guidelines will also be
introduced to help you navigate the semester of remote teaching and learning.
Moreover, you will be brought to better understanding of the college VMGO of which,
as a stakeholder, you have an active role to play to attain the vision, mission, goals
and objectives of the college. Lastly is the getting to know phase for the active
participants of the teaching-learning process- you, your virtualmate and your
Hello my dear students. Today is supposed to be our first day of class and
our first in-person meeting. Today I am supposed to see your beaming faces as you
greet your old friends and classmates. Today, we are supposed to…. Uh Oh, let us
not dwell on the things we cannot do at present. Let us focus on the many
possibilities that we can do with distant learning/remote learning. In short, let us keep
that positive vibes.
Let’s Explore!
Here is our course syllabus for AF 9a Community Organizing &
Development in Agroforestry for you to browse over. To read the syllabus from
start to finish will give you the power over the course helping you to grasp what you
need to learn and what you have to do for the duration of the semester.
COURSE TITLE Community Organizing & Development in Agroforestry
2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory
COURSE The course guide the students on the background of
DESCRIPTION Agroforestry Crop physiology.
CPSC is a dynamic institution of higher learning which is
accessible, globally competitive, culturally and morally
CPSC VISION sensitive towards sustainable ecotourism and natural
resource development.
Camiguin Polytechnic State College exists to provide higher
professional, technical and special instructions for special
CPSC MISSION purposes and to promote research and extension services,
advanced studies and progressive leadership in agriculture,
forestry, engineering, arts and other relevant studies.
PROGRAM 1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in
OUTCOME(S) Agriculture;
2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both
English and Filipino;
3. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary
and multi-cultural teams;
4. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical
5. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural
6. Generate and share knowledge relevant to specific
fields in the study of agriculture;
7. Formulate and implement agricultural development
plans and programs;
8. Apply the scientific methods in knowledge generation
and knowledge application;
9. Understand and apply the concepts of agricultural
productivity and sustainability in the context of national,
regional, and global developments;
10. Engage in agricultural production and post-production
11. Promote sound agricultural technologies to various
clients and in the manpower development for
agriculture; and
12. Employ relevant tools in information technology in
solving agriculture-related problems.
COURSE At the end of the semester, the students must be able to:
Identifying shoot
Growth types
and patterns.
Illustration on
the vegetative
growth of plant.
(Using module
as guide)
At the end of the WEEK Synchronous: Quiz
unit, the students 7 -Limited Face
are expected to: to Face Online
Recommendati questionin
Discuss ons for -Lecture via g
recommendation improving risk Zoom, Google
in improving risk communication meet, Rubric on
communication policies and the given
policies practices Facebook activity
room, etc.
(Power point
DF Files)
-Videos’ etc
WEEK Synchronous: Quiz
At the end of the 8
unit, the students -Limited Face Online
are expected to: Approaches to to Face questionin
Community g
Understanding -Lecture via
Organizing and
the strategic Their Relationship Zoom, Google Rubric on
principles meet, the given
to Consensus
Discusses Facebook activity
approaches to
room, etc.
Organizing Asynchronous:
Applying the
Strategic Principles -Printed
of Consensus learning
(Power point
DF Files)
-Videos’ etc
1. Quizzes- 20%
2. Project, Participation, Assignment- 40%
3. Term Exam – 40%
Freude am Fluss (2007), Freude am Fluss: An Innovative Approach to River Management, Living
with Water, Nijmegen,
ICAO (2010), “Operations within areas of possible presence of volcanicash”, A new Era of
Effective cooperation, Canada,
Kang, S.J. (2012), “Integrated situation management in Korea”, Presentationat First OECD/Swiss
Federal Chancellery Workshop on Strategic CrisisManagement, Geneva, Switzerland,
Let’s Do It!
Fill My QRI Chart. After studying the syllabus, you are now ready to Fill-in the QRI
Chart. Q stands for (Questions) which means Questions on items you are confused
about, R stands for recommendations for content; and I (Interesting) is the Interesting
points you found in the syllabus.
After you have read the syllabus, you are now ready to sign a contract stating that
you have read and understood the contents of the syllabus.
Syllabus Contract
Date: _________________________
Let’s Explore!
Familiarizing My Course Guidelines
So? What is a course guideline? Why is it so important for remote learning/distant
learning class?
Now, here is our Course Guidelines to help us address some concerns we might be
experiencing with remote teaching and learning. Read them from start to finish as
this will guide us for the smooth navigation of the course. Sail on and keep paddling.
This course is to be conducted both online and offline mode combined with limited or
scheduled face to face classes.
For online mode, students will participate in the course using Google's learning
management system called GOOGLE CLASSROOM (
coupled with social media platform namely FB classroom/group and messenger.
For offline mode, printed learning materials will be given at the agreed designated
places. Students shall pick them up and bring them at home for them to study.
Instructor will do follow up call to discuss, ask and guide the students in its learning
process. Required outputs shall be submitted through pick up mode in the same
agreed designated places.
Let’s Do It!
Just a Thought, Bubble it up!
What came to mind when you were studying the course guidelines? Write your
thoughts on the thought bubbles. You can add more bubbles if you have more ideas.
Let’s Explore!
Getting to Know CPSC More
A Brief History of the Camiguin Polytechnic State College
Prior to 1995, there were two existing satellite campuses of Higher Education
institutions in Camiguin and a school of arts and trades. They were the Camiguin
College of Fisheries and Maritime Studies located at Balintawak, Mambajao,
Camiguin, a satellite of the former Don Mariano Marcos Memorial Polytechnic State
College which is now known as University of Science and Technology of Southern
Philippines located in Cagayan de Oro and the Central Mindanao University External
Studies found at Tangaro, Catarman, a satellite campus of Central Mindanao
University located in Musuan, Bukidnon and the Camiguin School of Arts and Trades
found in Balbagon, Mambajao, Camiguin. These schools catered to the needs of
students in fisheries, agriculture, secondary and post-secondary trade courses.
Finding that these courses were insufficient to answer the needs of the
Camiguingnons, then Congressman Hon. Pedro P. Romualdo, sponsored House Bill
No 11899 merging the aforementioned schools into one Polytechnic State College to
cater to the needs of the populace. Thus CPSC was created through the enactment
of RA 7923, a Republic Act Converting the three campuses into what is now Known
as Camiguin Polytechnic State College on February 25, 1995.
Pursuant to Section 26 RA 7923, a transition body was created for its
temporary governance from June 1995-August 1995. The body was composed of the
CHED Chairperson and one representative each from the following agencies: DECS,
CMU, MPSC, and CSAT. The transition body lasted for six months, after the
appointment of the College first president in August, 1995.
CPSC officially opened more doors to additional higher education programs
in 1996. Today, the college offers undergraduate programs on fields of agriculture,
teacher education, engineering and computer studies, technology, arts and
sciences . It also offers graduate programs in Public Administration and Education.
CPSC main campus is located at Balbagon, Mambajao while the annex
campus is at Tangaro, Catarman. The different programs of the college have been
accredited by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the
Philippines, Incorporated (AACCUP).
A vibrant, empowered and dynamic institution of higher learning which is accessible,
globally competitive, culturally and morally sensitive towards sustainable ecotourism
and natural resources development.
Provide higher professional, technical and special instructions for special purposes
and to promote research and extension services, advanced studies and progressive
leadership in agriculture, forestry, engineering, arts and other relevant studies.
CPSC strives to:
1. Expand access to higher education
2. Integrate 21st century competencies in all curricular programs
3. Strengthen quality assurance mechanism
4. Expand government-academe-industry collaboration
5. Improve research and innovation and extension services
6. Promote excellence in all its programs
1. To provide training in the various fields of engineering and technology,
agriculture, arts and sciences, education, marine biology and other relevant
2. To equip the students with the skills, positive attitudes, self-knowledge and
expertise that would make them functional and useful members of the society
3. To cultivate in the students open-mindedness, critical thinking, appreciation of
environment, creativity, resourcefulness and industry
4. To offer a balanced education that demands quality performance from among
the faculty and maximum effort from the students
5. To constantly upgrade the quality of its instruction in all curricular programs
6. To establish linkages with other government agencies, non-government
organizations and industry for alignment and synchronization of operations
and industries for job placements and employment opportunities of graduates.
7. To promote progressive leadership in research, extension and production
needed for the socio-economic upliftment of the province and the region
8. To provide technical and special instructions to the physically handicapped
yet deserving individuals
Let’s Do It!
A. Reflective Writing. As an agroforestry student in CPSC reflect on how you can
become a contributor to the dreams of Camiguin Polytechnic State College as
reflected in the VMGO.
B. KWL-Chart: Go back to Activity 1. Fill in the last column under L – with what
you have Learned from this Lesson.
Topic 4 Getting to Know Phase-Introduction
Now, I have introduced you to our subject Introduction to Agroforestry through
our syllabus, set guidelines for smooth navigation of the course through the Course
Guidelines, and formally introduced CPSC to you with its brief history and its VMGO.
Don’t you think it is time for us to know each other?
Let’s Explore!
Getting to Know a Virtualmate More
List down at least ten (10) questions you want to know about your virtualmate.
After you have done the interview, write a three-paragraph profile about your partner.
Let’s Do It!
Introducing My Virtualmate Online
Now you are ready to introduce your virtualmate online. Take turn introducing
each other.
Since our class schedule falls every TF at 12:00 PM and M at 9:00 AM-12:00
PM. We shall have our virtual meeting for this activity on Introducing My Virtualmate
Online on Tuesday via fb room.
See you then!!!
(n.d.). Retrieved from Cartoon Stock:
Academic Maual Committee. (n.d.). Brief History of Camiguin Polytechnic State
College. CPSC Academic Manual.
Revision History of CPSC. (2019). Quality Manual.