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FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION BLACK bia BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY Ryan Coogler & Joe Robert Cole BLACK PANTHER Adapted Screenplay Written by Ryan Coogler & Joe Robert Cole EXT. DEEP SPACE A dark screen is lit up by twinkling stars. SON Baba? FATHER Yes, my son? SON Tell me a story. FATHER Which one? SON The story of home. A meteorite drifts into frame, heading towards tiny Earth off in the distance. FATHER Millions of years ago, a meteorite made of vibranium, the strongest substance in the universe struck the continent of Africa affecting the plant life around it. The meteorite hits Africa and we see plant life and animals affected by vibranium. FATHER (CONT’D) And when the time of man came, five tribes settled on it and called it Wakanda. The tribes lived in constant war with each other until a warrior shaman received a vision from the Panther goddess Bast who led him to the Heart Shaped Herb, a plant that granted him super human strength, speed, and instincts. A visual representation of the five tribes emerges as hands from the sand animation, and we see them unite, and then break apart as conflict arises. Bashenga rises above the conflict and eats the Heart Shaped Herb, proceeding to unite the tribes. PATHER (CONT’D) The warrior became King and the first Black Panther, the protector of Wakanda. (MORE) FATHER (CONT'D) Four tribes agreed to live under the King’s rule, but the Jabari tribe isolated themselves in the mountains. We see the Jabari striding off towards the isolated mountain region. FATHER (CONT'D) The Wakandans used vibranium to develop technology more advanced than any other nation, but as Wakanda thrived the world around it descended further into chaos. We see images of war and slavery just outside Wakanda’s secretive border. FATHER (CONT'D) To keep vibranium safe, the Wakandans vowed to hide in plain sight, keeping the truth of their power from the outside world. We see the protective barrier rise around the Wakandan city, as we pull back on the Earth as it spins, now zooming in on another part of the world... SON And we still hide Baba? FATHER Yes. SON Why? EXT. LAKE MERRITT APARTMENT COMPLEX, OAKLAND - NIGHT - 1992 Towering apartment buildings loom over the horizon. Kids play pickup basketball on a milk carton hoop when mysterious lights approach from the sky. INT. N’JOBU’S APARTMENT/HALLWAY - NIGHT An African man, N’JOBU (30s) sorts through firearms and goes over maps with another man, JAMES (20s, African American). Live news footage of the 1992 Los Angeles Riots plays on the TW. N’JOBU Hey look, if we get in and out quick won't be any worries. You in the van come in through from the west, come around the corner, land right here. Me and the twins pulling up right here, we leavin’ this car behind, ok? We coming... Suddenly, N‘Jobu hears something that we don’t... a familiar sound. N‘JOBU (CONT'D) Hide the straps. James quickly moves into action, hiding the guns in the walls as N’Jobu peers out a window, then clears the maps from the table and unrolls a tapestry on the wall, hiding a bulletin board. James cocks a handgun. JAMES Is it the Feds? N‘JOBU No. A KNOCK rattles the door. James walks over and looks out of a peep hole, then turns back with a confused expression. JAMES It's two Grace Jones looking chicks... they’re holding spears... N‘JOBU Open it. JAMES You serious? N’gOBU They won't knock again. James opens the door and TWO DORA MILAJE (members of the All Female Wakandan Special Forces) slowly enter carrying LARGE SPEARS. They eye N’Jobu. DORA MILAJE 1 (SUBTITLE) (in Xhosa) Who are you? N‘JOBU Prince N/Jobu, son of Azzuri. DORA MILAJE 1 (in Xhosa) Prove to me you are one of us. N'Jobu grabs his bottom lip and flips it, revealing a vibranium threaded TATTOO glowing blue with Wakandan script. The Dora SWIFTLY SLAM their spears down in unison, making the sound of an EMP. All electronics in the room instantly DIE our. INT. N‘JOBU’S APARTMENT - NIGHT The room is pitch black, then... BOOM. The Dora hit the floor with their spears again and the lights come back ON, but now YOUNG T/CHAKA (dressed in the ceremonial garb of the Black Panther) stands before them. N'Jobu kneels at the sight of him. He swats James, urging him to do the same. N’goBU (in Xhosa) My King... Young T’Chaka looks at James, who gapes in awe. YOUNG ’ CHAKA Leave us. N’gOBU This is James. I trust him with my life. He stays, with your permission, King T/Chaka. Young T’Chaka looks at him for a long beat. YOUNG T’ CHAKA, As you wish. At ease... Young T’Chaka removes his mask, hands it off to the Dora and the women step out into the hall, closing the door behind them. YOUNG ‘CHAKA (CONT’D) (in Xhosa) Come baby brother. (in English) Let me see how you're holding up. N‘Jobu stands. T/Chaka walks over to him and they embrace. YOUNG T’CHAKA (CONT’D) You look strong. N’JOBU Glory to Bast. I am in good health. How is home? Young T’Chaka’s mood darkens. YOUNG T’ CHAKA Not so good, baby brother. There has been an attack. Then, Young T’Chaka activates a simple looking beaded bracelet, KIMOYO BEADS, that project a hologram image of ULYSSES KLAUE. YOUNG T’CHAKA (CONT’D) This man, Ulysses Klaue, stole a quarter ton of vibranium from us and triggered a bomb at the border to escape. Many lives were lost. He knew where we hid the vibranium, and how to strike. N‘Jobu takes the news in. YOUNG T’CHAKA (CONT’D) He had someone on the inside. Young T’Chaka waits for N’Jobu to come clean of the crime. He doesn’t. N‘JOBU Why are you here? YOUNG T’ CHAKA, Because I want you look me in the eyes and tell me why you betrayed Wakanda. N‘JOBU I did no such thing. Young T’Chaka snaps a look to James. YOUNG T’CHAKA (SUBTITLE) (in Xhosa) Tell him who you are. JAMES Zuri, Son of Badu. N‘OBU What? N’Jobu’s face goes ashen as James is revealed to be YOUNG ZURI, a Wakandan spy. Zuri reveals his vibranium lip tattoo. N'Jobu grabs him. N'JOBU (CONT'D) James, James you lied to me? I invite you into my home and you were Wakandan this whole time? JAMES (ZURI) You betrayed Wakanda! Nr goBu How could you lie to me like - YOUNG 'T’ CHAKA Stand down. Did you think that you were the only spy we sent here? Zuri walks to the wall and removes a duffle bag containing VIBRANIUM CANISTERS, glowing blue. He shows one to Young T’Chaka. YOUNG T’CHAKA (CONT’D) Prince N’Jobu, you will return home at once, where you will face the council and inform them of your crimes. EXT. LAKE MERRITT, OAKLAND - NIGHT A kid catches the basketball, gazing up as an AIRCRAFT WITH STRANGE LIGHTS rises into the sky and speeds off. The ball drops. INT. COMMAND CABIN, ROYAL TALON FIGHTER - NIGHT - PRESENT DAY T’Challa, dressed in his Black Panther armor, sits at the console in the back of the ROYAL TALON FIGHTER. A BBC news report plays on the screen. BBC ANCHOR The tiny nation of Wakanda is mourning the death of its monarch, King T/Chaka. The beloved ruler was one of many confirmed dead after a terrorist attack at the United Nations a week ago. The Suspect has since been apprehended. (MORE) BEC ANCHOR (CONT'D) Though it remains one of the poorest countries in the world, fortified by mountain ranges and an impenetrable rain forest, Wakanda does not engage in international trade or accept aid. The succession of the throne is expected to fall to the oldest of the King’s two children, Prince T’Challa. Piloting the craft while seated in lotus position is OKOYE (30s, Head of the Dora Milaje.) OKOYE My Prince, coming up on them now. EXT. NIGHT SKY, CHIBOCK - NIGHT An overhead view of a SIX CAR MILITARY CONVOY, moving like a sinister serpent through the surrounding wilderness. We pull back into the sky revealing the tip of a futuristic looking aircraft. This is the ROYAL TALON FIGHTER (RIF). INT. COMMAND CABIN, ROYAL TALON FIGHTER - NIGHT T’Challa stands, and moves to a sand model of the convoy down below. Okoye gets up out of her chair and grabs her SPEAR off the wall. She moves towards the back of the craft. T’CHALLA No need, Okoye. I can handle this alone. Okoye pauses, then returns her spear to the wall. T/Challa closes the model and steps to a marked circle in the floor. T’CHALLA (CONT'D) I will get Nakia out as quickly as possible. Okoye places six KIMOYO BEADS into T’Challa’s gloved hands. OKOYE Just don’t freeze when you see her. 'T’CHALLA What are you talking about? I never freeze. T’Challa slips on his helmet, revealing himself to be Black Panther and folds his arms over his chest. Okoye opens her closed fist, dropping Panther out of the aircraft. EXT. NIGHT SKY, CHIBOCK - NIGHT Panther hurdles through the clouds and throws the spheres toward the cars below. The spheres CHANGE SHAPE into edged discs that we follow through the air as they zip toward... EXT. DIRT ROAD, CHIBOCK ~ NIGHT WHAM. The discs mount themselves to hoods of ALL THE VEHICLES, sending a sonic ripple through them, stopping the convoy in its tracks. I/E. MILITANT LEADER'S PICKUP, DIRT ROAD, CHIBOCK - NIGHT The MILITANT LEADER riding shotgun watches as The DRIVER looks around, confused. He tries turning the key to start the truck up again -- nothing. The Militant Leader grabs his AK-47 and climbs out to the front of the truck, he spots the disk mounted to it, and tries pulling it off to no avail. He raises his fist. MILITANT LEADER Defense position! The militant leader slips down a Night Vision MONOCULAR as the other MILITANTS echo the call and begin to fall in line. INT. CARGO TRUCK, CHIBOCK - NIGHT Packed closely together, SEVERAL NIGERIAN WOMEN dressed in hijab sit, waiting. A CARGO TRUCK MILITANT sits amongst the women, RIFLE in hand, next to a YOUNG MILITANT, a child soldier no older than twelve. We find a WOMAN sitting in the back corner, her eyes observing the militants intensely. This is NAKIA (30's, a Wakandan spy). The CARGO TRUCK MILITANT stands up and cocks his rifle. CARGO TRUCK MILITANT No games. He and the Young Militant exit the vehicle as Nakia watches closely. EXT. ROAD, CHIBOCK - NIGHT The pickup's driver climbs out, cocking a submachine gun and looks into the forest in the wrong direction. Slowly approaching, the militant leader points to SHIFTING FOLIAGE in the direction of Panther. The militants nod and the militant leader covers them while they go off into the grass. The militants move slowly following every sound. They point their guns at the base of a TREE, but it’s just a stray DOG. The gunmen approach the tree, eyeing around, then look up to find PANTHER stalking his prey from the tree tops. I/E. MILITANT LEADER'S PICKUP, DIRT ROAD, CHIBOCK - NIGHT MILITANT LEADER (into radio) What do you see? I/E. CARGO TRUCK, CHIBOCK - NIGHT Nakia climbs out of the truck while the other captive women Look on. EXT, MILITANT LEADER'S PICKUP, DIRT ROAD, CHIBOCK - NIGHT ON MILITANT LEADER MILITANT LEADER (into radio) Come in! Come int FROM THE ROAD We hear a faint struggle, then a MILITANT’S BODY is hurled into the side of the pickup truck as the other militants look on in horror! The .50 CAL GUNNER and all of the other men in the convoy BLINDLY OPEN FIRE into the trees. 10. Then PANTHER emerges from behind them, flipping into the truck bed and SLASHING clean through the base of the .50 CAL, then taking the gunner out with a single blow. I/E. CARGO TRUCK, CHIBOCK - NIGHT Slipping behind a MILITANT, Nakia picks up the man’s RIFLE and quickly disassembles it as another MILITANT approaches and using the BARREL like a combat stick, puts him on his back, out cold. She leaps onto a second militant, easily taking him down and striking him in the throat. EXT. DIRT CLEARING, CHIBOCK - NIGHT The four men don’t see Panther coming and executing a BARRAGE OF PUNCHES AND KICKS, Panther viciously dispatches them. He spots the Young Militant firing at him then SLASHES through a car door, and THROWS THE DOOR at a Militant behind him- taking him out. ON PANTHER In a moment of desperation, the Young Militant rushes out, firing at Panther to no effect. Then, as Panther walks towards him, Nakia dives out, kicking the young militant’s gun from his hand and grabs him in a neck-lock. Swinging around, Nakia kicks Panther in the chest, stopping his momentum, Caught off guard, Panther freezes. NAKIA This one is just a boy... he got kidnapped as well. Nakia pulls the wrap from the young militant’s face, exposing his pre-teen expression. She removes her own hijab as well. Panther stares at her- for a beat too long... P'CHALLA Nakia...I...I wanted to... NIGERIAN MILITANT #2 (0.S.) Hey!!! Panther and Nakia turn to find NIGERIAN MILITANT #2 holding a CAPTIVE WOMAN at gunpoint. ais NIGERIAN MILITANT #2 (CONT’D) I have her! Don’t move, I will shoot! I will shoot her right now! Behind the militant, an UNSEEN FIGURE creeps out of the bush. The figure stands, revealing herself to be OKOYE. The militant’s rifle is SUDDENLY CUT IN HALF by Okoye who finishes him with another swipe of her spear. OKOYE You froze. T/Challa removes his helmet, facing Nakia. NAKIA Why are you here? Eesh, you ruined my mission! T’CHALLA. My father is dead, Nakia. The news devastates her. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) I will be crowned King tomorrow, and I wish for you to be there. Nakia looks at T/Challa deeply. Then turns, catching eyes with one of the NIGERIAN CAPTIVES as Okoye brings them from around the truck. NAKIA Carry yourselves home now, and take the boy. Get him to his people. The Nigerian Woman nods. NIGERIAN WOMAN Thank you. OKOYE You will speak nothing of this day. T’Challa looks at the Young Militant for a beat before he, Nakia and Okoye disappear through the trees. The Nigerian Women and the Young Militant look up at the sky as the RIF takes off. a. EXT. WAKANDAN MOUNTAIN BORDER - BREAKING DAWN The RTF comes out of stealth mode and becomes visible as it glides over a mountain range. INT. ROYAL TALON FIGHTER - BREAKING DAWN T’Challa and Nakia sit close, silently. Nakia reaches out and touches his hand. He looks at her and smiles. OKOYE Sister Nakia... My Prince. We are home. Nakia approaches the front of the craft with T’Challa. They look out. I/E. ROYAL TALON FIGHTER - BREAKING DAWN Several BORDER TRIBE SHEPHERDS look over their flocks of sheep and cattle. As the RTF’s shadow passes over the STRAW THATCHED HUTS, SEVERAL CHILDREN run out into the pastures, smiling and waving at the Prince. TWO BORDER TRIBE KIDS (one boy, one girl) on horseback overtake them. Their horses hurdle ahead at a breakneck pace. The horse riders pump their fists in the air as the RIF soars over a second mountain range. T’CHALLA This never gets old. I/B. RTF - BREAKING DAWN Nakia, T/Challa and Okoye regard a BEAUTIFUL RAINFOREST that expands for as far as the eye can see. Okoye dives the plane seemingly right into THE TREES... when at the last moment it passes through, revealing the forest is a massive hologram and below, EXT. THE GOLDEN CITY, CAPITAL OF WAKANDA - BREAKING DAWN A sprawling metropolis with elaborate veins of public transportation running through it at ground level and high arching skyscrapers. a3. The RTF heads for the ROYAL PALACE, a magnificent building at the center of the city and touches down on the landing pad. EXT. LANDING PAD, ROYAL PALACE/INT. RTF - BREAKING DAWN RAMONDA (50s, Queen Mother of Wakanda), and SHURI (18, Princess of Wakanda) stand on the pad flanked by AYO. Okoye, Nakia and T’Challa exit the RIF and Nakia bows her head. NAKIA Queen Mother... Princess. My comfort for your loss. RAMONDA Thank you, Nakia. It is so good to have you back with us. Nakia nods. OKOYE (to Ayo) Take her to the River Province to prepare her for the ceremony. AYO Yes, general. Ayo nods and walks off with Nakia while Shuri watches closely. SHURT Did he freeze? OKOYE Like an antelope in headlights. Shuri laughs at this. T/CHALLA Are you finished? Okoye slams her spear into the ground, signaling the rest of the Dora to follow her off. T’Challa turns to Shuri. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) So surprised my little sister came to see me off before our big day. SHURT You wish. I’m here for the EMP beads, I’ve developed an update. T’CHALLA Update? No, it worked perfectly. SHURT How many times to I have to teach you, just because something works, doesn’t mean that it cannot be improved. T'CHALLA (teasing) You are teaching me, what do you know? Shuri holds out her hand and T’Challa drops the beads her hand. Shuri heads off. T’CHALLA (CONT’D) I cannot wait to see what kind of update you make to your ceremonial outfit. Shuri flips him off. RAMONDA Shuri! T’Challa smiles at this. SHURT Sorry mother. Ramonda turns to T’Challa. T’CHALLA How are you feeling today, mama? RAMONDA Proud... your father and I would talk about this day all the time. He is with us, and it is your time to be King. EXT. BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON, UK - MORNING 14. into Museum employees congregate outside as tourists and school groups move toward the main entrance. is. INT. WEST AFRICAN EXHIBIT - MOMENTS LATER We see a black man in high-end street wear, around 30 years old. A RING hangs on a gold chain around his neck. This is ERIK KILLMONGER. Killmonger stands dangerously close to the glass containing SEVERAL WEST AFRICAN ARTIFACTS. They range from what looks like iron gardening tools to masks and short range weapons. Flanking the room are TWO SECURITY GUARDS, slightly unnerved by his presence. We follow the MUSEUM DIRECTOR, a British woman (mid-40’s) as she enters and walks up behind Killmonger as he studies the war masks. MUSEUM DIRECTOR Good morning! How can I help you? KILLMONGER I was just checking out these artifacts. They tell me you're the expert. MUSEUM DIRECTOR You could say that. KILLMONGER They’re beautiful. Killmonger points at one of the masks. KILLMONGER (CONT’D) Where’s this one from? MUSEUM DIRECTOR From the Bobo Ashanti Tribe, present day Ghana. 19th Century. KILLMONGER For real? What about this one? MUSEUM DIRECTOR That one’s from the Edo people of Benin. 16th Century. KILLMONGER Now, tell me about this one. Killmonger points to a MINING TOOL off to the side. 16. MUSEUM DIRECTOR Also from Benin. 7th Century. Fula tribe I believe. KILLMONGER Nah. MUSEUM DIRECTOR (amused) I beg your pardon? KILLMONGER It was taken by British soldiers in Benin but it’s from Wakanda and it’s made out of vibranium. Don’t trip, I’mma take it off your hands for you. She looks at Killmonger like he's crazy. MUSEUM DIRECTOR These items aren’t for sale. KILLMONGER How do you think your ancestors got these? You think they paid a fair price? Or did they take it like they took everything else. MUSEUM DIRECTOR Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. The Museum Director subtly looks back at the security guards, then makes a face and touches her stomach -- indigestion. Killmonger smiles and leans over, whispering in her ear. KILLMONGER You got all this security watching me ever since I walked in. But, you ain’t checking for what you put in your body. The museum director looks at Killmonger in terror as a security guard walks up behind him. SECURITY GUARD Alright, mate. Let’s have it. Come on, mate. KILLMONGER I think she might not be feelin’ too good. as The Museum Director suddenly slumps to the floor, clutching her stomach. KILLMONGER (CONT’D) Hey! Hey somebody get some help! Come here! Call a doctor, please! Hey please, somebody come help! The security guards quickly rush to the museum director's aid. SECURITY GUARD (into radio) Medical Emergency right away in the West African Exhibit please. Right away! Killmonger stands back and looks toward the door. INT. CAFE, BRITISH MUSEUM - MORNING LINDA, A young black barista, looks on as TWO EMTs push a STRETCHER through the entrance. They head towards the West African Exhibit. LINDA I'm gonna take a break. Preoccupied with the commotion, her co-worker nods and Linda walks out. INT. WEST AFRICAN EXHIBIT, BRITISH MUSEUM - MOMENTS LATER The EMTs rush in, revealing the face of the lead paramedic... IT’S ULYSSES KLAUE (Afrikaans, 50s.) Another EMT, LIMBANI, mans the door. KLAUE Let's give the lady some space please. LIMBANT Step back please, gents, step back please. Museum-goers quickly beeline for the exit as Klaue approaches the guards. 18. Uneasy, the security guards follow Klaue’s instructions only to have KLAUE AND LIMBANI draw silenced pistols and rapidly shoot two of the three dead. Klaue looks at the one remaining. KLAUE Hey come here. Come here! It’s ok. You can go, but just don’t tell anyone, alright? The SECURITY GUARD looks back at him unsure, then takes off. Klaue then aims and shoots the Security Guard in the back. Killmonger looks on at him confused. KILLMONGER Bro, why you ‘aint just shoot him right here? KLAUE Because it’s better to leave the crime scene more spread out...makes us look like amateurs. The LENS on a surveillance camera at the corner of the room looks on. INT. SECURITY DESK, BRITISH MUSEUM - MORNING MONITORS with feeds from the West African Exhibit show a looped video of patrons enjoying the displays as... EXT. BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON, UK - MORNING Just outside the entrance, Linda exits, wearing plain clothes. She eyes her cellphone SCREEN where the same video plays. The source of the loop. INT. WEST AFRICAN EXHIBIT - MORNING Klaue looks down at the slumped bodies of the guards. Turns to Killmonger. KLAUE Now...let’s see if you know what you're talking about... Klaue removes his glove to reveal a BIONIC PROSTHETIC hand. 19. Klaue walks up to the PROTECTIVE GLASS surrounding a smaller case containing the mining tool and places his hand on it. An invisible charge SHATTERS the glass. KLAUE (CONT’D) That's just a taste. Klaue picks up the MINING HAMMER, studying it. The tool doesn’t look like anything special. Klaue’s hand SIZZLES BLUE and centuries of MUCK and GRUNGE drop off the hammer revealing that it’s pure vibranium. Klaue smells it, and smiles. KLAUE (CONT’D) Whoo... You're gonna be rich, boy. KILLMONGER You better sell that quick. KLAUE Oh it’s already sold. Klaue waves Limbani over with the stretcher to load the hammer inside. He BREAKS the WOODEN HANDLE off the tool, taking only the vibranium head. KILLMONGER Whatever you try, the Wakandans’11 probably show up. KLAUE That’ll make my day. I can kill two birds with one stone. Limbani approaches Killmonger who eyes a third MASK, expertly crafted and slightly haunting. He slides the mask inside the stretcher also. KLAUE (CONT’D) You're not telling me that’s vibranium too, eh? KILLMONGER Nah, I'm just feeling it. Killmonger lays atop the gurney and Limbani places an oxygen mask over his face. INT. FOYER, BRITISH MUSEUM - MORNING The fake EMT’s wheel the stretcher out of the exhibit toward the entrance. 20. EXT. BRITISH MUSEUM, LONDON, UK - MOMENTS LATER Klaue and Limbani load the gurney onto an AMBULANCE and climb in. Killmonger moves towards the front of the truck and gives Linda a kiss before she hits the SIREN and speeds off. EXT. WAKANDAN RIVER - DAY Several incredible BARGES transport congregations from FOUR WAKANDAN TRIBES, ELDERS and their TRIBAL WARRIORS in traditional garb, others in modern Wakandan attire, the DORA MILAJE and KINGSGUARD with spears and shields down river. EXT. DORA MILAJE BARGE, WAKANDAN RIVER - DAY Okoye stands with her second in command, AYO, flanked by a legion of Kingsguard and Dora. EXT. ROYAL BARGE, WAKANDAN RIVER - DAY Ramonda and Shuri dance. EXT. RIVER TRIBE BARGE, WAKANDAN RIVER - DAY Nakia dances among her tribal leaders. EXT. DORA MILAJE BARGE, WAKANDAN RIVER - DAY The Dora slam their spears in unison, sonically triggering the massive drains at the top of the waterfall and we PULL BACK to reveal natural seating built into the rocks below. EXT. WAKANDAN FALLS - DAY THE ROYAL TALON FIGHTER flies up to the pool’s edge and T'CHALLA steps off the aircraft, holding a short spear and shield and covered in leopard body paint. The crowd chants. ELDERS, WARRIORS, DORA Ngu T/Challa Lo. CROWD Ngu T’Challa Lo. T’Challa bows at Zuri’s feet as the RIF lifts away. ai. EXT. SEATING AREA, WARRIOR FALLS Thousands of Wakandans stand according to tribe, overlooking a challenge pool: the Border Tribe, the Mining Tribe, the Merchant Tribe and the River Tribe. FIVE KINGSGUARD DRUMMERS set up near the challenge pool. Ramonda stands at the edge of the pool with Shuri. Nakia is with the River Tribe, W’KABI (the leader of the Border Tribe Army) with the Border Tribe and Okoye with Ayo and the Dora Milaje. EXT. CHALLENGE POOL, WARRIOR FALLS - DAY In the water, ZURI (Now Wakanda’s High Shaman), holding the massive SPEAR OF BASHENGA, addresses the arena. gURL I, Zuri, Son of Badu, give to you, Prince T/Challa, the Black Panther! The Elders watch as Zuri holds up A CEREMONIAL VESSEL containing a mysterious concoction. ZURI (CONT'D) The Prince will now have the strength of the Black Panther stripped away. Zuri pours the solution into T/Challa’s mouth. T’Challa reacts violently, choking on the red fluid. T’Challa spasms, his veins expanding and his muscles contracting as the poison spreads through him. But soon, he stops shaking and exhales easy. Zuri turns to the audience. ZURI (CONT'D) Damaku... CROWD Damaku... 2URI Victory in ritual combat comes by yield or death. If any tribe wishes to put forth a warrior, I now offer a path to the throne. The Merchant Tribe Warrior calls out. 22. MERCHANT TRIBE ELDER The Merchant Tribe will NOT challenge today. W'KABI, the head of the Border Tribe calls out. BORDER TRIBE ELDER The Border tribe will NOT challenge today. Nakia calls out, representing the River Tribe. RIVER TRIBE ELDER The River Tribe will NoT challenge today. The Mining Tribe Warrior calls out. MINING TRIBE ELDER The Mining Tribe will NoT challenge today. ZURI Is there any member of royal blood who wishes to challenge for the throne? ON SHURT As she raises her hand, and a collective gasp is heard amongst the entire gathering. SHURI This corset is really uncomfortable. So could we all just wrap it up and go home? Ramonda pinches her, as the ELDERS groan, and the YOUNG WAKANDANS can be heard laughing. BACK IN THE POOL T’Challa smiles and shakes his head. The sound of WOODEN DRUMS and loud chanting suddenly interrupts. Everyone looks to the mouth of the main CAVE where SIX JABART WARRIORS and TWO JABARI DRUMMERS file out. Adorned in elaborate wooden armor, the warriors hold large wooden spears that look like javelins. The Kingsquard coil tightly as stunning the CROWD, the Jabari’s imposing leader, M’BAKU, emerges last. 23. ON THE AUDIENCE Where W’Kabi and Nakia unsheathe their weapons and Okoye readies the Dora Milaje. ON SHURT AND RAMONDA Shuri turns to her mother. SHURI (CONT'D) Are they Jabari? RAMONDA. Yes. BACK IN THE POOL Zuri confronts M’Baku. ZURI M’Baku. What are you doing here?! M’BAKU It’s challenge day. M'BAKU (CONT’D) We have watched and listened from the mountains. We have watched with disgust, as your technological advancements have been overseen by a child who scoffs at tradition. M'Baku points his spear at Shuri, who’s eyes grow large. AYO steps in front of her. M'BAKU (CONT'D) And now... you want to hand the nation over to this prince... (he steps nose to nose with T’Challa) Who could not even keep his own father safe. Hnm? We will not have it. I said we will not have it! (beat) I, M’Baku, leader of the Jabari wish to -- T’CHALLA, (interrupting) I accept your challenge, M’Baku. M’BAKU Glory to Hanuman. 24. Zuri puts the Panther mask on T’Challa. M’Baku grins and places a WOODEN GORILLA MASK over his face. He clenches his fist and calls out for his Jabari soldiers to form a semicircle behind him, pointing their spears at his back. T’Challa lifts his hand and calls out for the Dora, who fall into place behind him, making a perfect CIRCLE OF SPEARS surrounding the fighters. Zuri raises his hand, ill-at-ease. ZURT Let the challenge begin! The warriors CLASH, both with great skill. M’Baku with superior strength. T’Challa eludes a salvo of swings, then is driven back by the tip of M’Baku’s spear against his shield. Knocking M’Baku’s spear free, T’Challa is HAMMERED ONTO HIS BACK but instantly springs up to dodge more attacks and counter with TWO FIERCE KICKS. M’Baku spits blood and bangs his chest. The rest of the Jabari warriors RESPOND. T’Challa salutes the crowd and they respond LOUDER! M'Baku charges at T/Challa, knuckle-walking, and slipping his assault, T/Challa grabs M’Baku’s spear and cartwheels over it to land’ another KICK. The two continue to battle, BLOCKING and TRADING BLUNT STRIKES, until M’Baku delivers a backhand that KNOCKS T’CHALLA OFF HIS FEET near the Dora’s spears. With the deadly spears at his back, T’Challa blocks COLOSSAL OVERHEAD BLOWS with his shield, then M’Baku leans with all his strength trying to impale T’Challa on the TIPS. Clubbing M’Baku to his heels, T/Challa rushes forward for an aerial attack only to be met by a VICIOUS KICK to the chest, causing him to LOSE both his shield and spear! M’BAKU Where is your God, now?! Defenseless, T’Challa DODGES SPEAR-SWIPES before M'Baku corrals him into a BEAR HUG and delivers a CRUSHING HEADBUTT. M’Baku LAUGHS through his mask. 25. M'BAKU (CONT'D) No powers. No claws. No special suit, oh! Just a boy, not fit to lead. EXT. SEATING AREA, WARRIOR FALLS ~ DAY From T’Challa’s POV we see Ramonda cheering from the sidelines. RAMONDA Show him who you are! EXT. CHALLENGE POOL, WARRIOR FALLS - DAY T’Challa finds strength in RAMONDA’S VOICE. He shakes off the headbutt, stunning M’Baku with a SAVAGE ELBOW to free himself. M'Baku retaliates, GORING T’Challa’s shoulder. T’CHALLA I AM PRINCE T/CHALLA SON OF King T'CHAKA!! ON SHURT SHURT You can do this T’Challa! BACK IN THE CHALLENGE POOL T’Challa wedges M’Baku's spear UNDER HIS FOOT and PULLS M'Baku to the pool, FLIPPING his body into a SERIES OF LEG CHOKES. M'Baku FIGHTS, but can't escape. T’CHALLA, Yield! Don't make me kill you. M'BAKU I would rather die! T’Challa TIGHTENS HIS GRIP and M’Baku begins to fade. T’CHALLA What would the proud Jabari do without you? T’Challa tightens further. 26. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) You have fought with honor, now yield! Your people need you. M’Baku looks up at the Jabari warriors. T'CHALLA (CONT’D) Yield, mant M’Baku grudgingly reaches out and TAPS. T’Challa lets him go and is barely able to stand himself as Zuri steps forward. The crowd ERUPTS as struggling to catch his breath, T’Challa proudly lifts his arm. zURT I now present to you, King T’Challa the Black Panther!! T’CHALLA zuri. zURT My King. Drums begin to play and people start to dance. T/Challa and Nakia stare into each other’s eyes amidst the celebration as T’CHALLA Wakanda forever!! The arena ECHOES THE PHRASE emphatically. EXT. CITY OF THE DEAD - DUSK We move in on the Hall of Kings. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - DUSK Zuri, wearing ceremonial face paint, mixes a Heart Shaped Herb concoction and pours it into T/Challa’s mouth as he lies in a dirt plot in the middle of the room. ZURT Allow the Heart Shaped Herb to restore the powers of the Black Panther and take you to the Ancestral Plane. 27. T’Challa closes his eyes. ZUR. (CONT'D) T’Chaka, we call on you. Come here to your son. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - FLASHBACK We see YOUNG T’CHALLA and YOUNG T’CHAKA smiling at each other. INT. UNITED NATIONS BUILDING - FLASHBACK We see images of T’Challa and T’/Chaka from CA:CW. Father puts a hand to his son's face lovingly. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - DUSK T’Challa, eyes closed, struggles with the memories as he slips into the Ancestral Plane. zURT Damaku. The children begin burying T’Challa in the red sand. INT. UNITED NATIONS BUILDING - FLASHBACK The explosion from CA:CW kills T’Chaka, and we see T/Challa crawling towards him, then cradling him in his arms. EXT. UNITED NATIONS - FLASHBACK T’Challa puts on his father’s ring. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - DUSK Zuri is the last thing T’Challa sees as his face is buried. EXT. BLACK PANTHER ANCESTRAL PLANE - UNKNOWN T’Challa comes out of the dirt. There are stars above. He's in a VAST GRASSLAND somewhere in Wakanda with wondrous acacia trees. It’s surreal and beautiful. 28. A massive ACACIA TREE stands in front of him. T/Challa sees several YELLOW EYES looking at him and realizes PANTHERS are resting on the branches of the tree. T’Challa approaches. A large panther jumps down, then stands on two feet to reveal it’s T/CHAKA. T’Challa looks at his father and immediately pulls him into a hug. T’CHALLA, Baba! CHAKA (in Xhosa) My son. T’Challa kneels down before his father, overcome with grief. T’CHALLA I am sorry. T’ CHAKA Stand up! You are a King. T’Challa rises, and they begin to walk. T'CHAKA (CONT'D) (in Xhosa) What is wrong my son? T'CHALLA, (in Xhosa) I am not ready, Baba. CHAKA (in Xhosa) Have you not prepared to be King your whole life? Have you not trained and studied, been by my side? T’CHALLA That is not what I am talking about. I am not ready to be without you. T' CHAKA A man who has not prepared his children for his own death has failed as a father. (beat) Have I ever failed you? 29. T’CHALLA Never. (beat) Tell me how to best protect Wakanda. I want to be a great King, Baba. Just like you. T' CHAKA You're going to struggle. So you need to surround yourself with people you trust. You’re a good man with a good heart. And it’s hard for a good man to be King. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - DUSK T’Challa is aggressively pulled from the dirt by Zuri. ZURT Breathe, T’Challa. Breathe! T’Challa breathes in deeply, coughing up dirt. His battle wounds have healed. T'CHALLA He was there! He was there. My father. EXT. STEP TOWN, GOLDEN CITY - DAY A bustling futuristic metropolis. T’Challa and Nakia stroll side by side. FOUR DORA MILAJE shadow them from a distance. 'T'CHALLA Come home, Nakia. NAKIA I'm right here. T’CHALLA Stay. NAKIA I came to support you, and to honor your father. But I can’t stay. It’s just...I found my calling out there. I’ve seen too many in need just to turn a blind eye. I can’t be happy here knowing that there’s people out there who have nothing. T’Challa thinks on this. 30. T’CHALLA What would you have Wakanda do about it? Nakia thinks for a bit. NAKIA Share what we have. We could provide aid and access to technology and refuge to those who need it... other countries do it, we do it better. 1’ CHALLA We are not like these other countries, Nakia. If the world found out what we truly are, and what we possess -- we could lose our way of life. NAKIA Wakanda is strong enough to help others and protect ourselves at the same time. Nakia gives T’Challa a look. T’CHALLA If you were not so stubborn you would make such a great queen. NAKIA I would make a great queen because I am so stubborn. T’CHALLA Ah! So you admit it! NAKIA -+-if that’s what I wanted! EXT. WAKANDAN BORDER REGION - DAY We TRACK PAST several Border Tribesmen in a field, feeding and watering their pet HORSES and GOATS. Finally we come upon... W’Kabi feeding M20, his MASSIVE PET RHINO by hand. T/Challa stands beside him. T’CHALLA Is that him? Glory to Bast, man, is he still growing? als W’Kabi laughs. W'KABI Of course. W'KABI (CONT'D) I see Nakia is back... you guys going to work it out? T’Challa shakes his head and crosses in front of W’Kabi. W'KABI (CONT‘D) T’Challa, what's wrong? T’CHALLA Nakia thinks we should be doing more. W'KABI More like what? T’CHALLA Foreign aid... refugee programs. W'Kabi shakes his head. W'KAB You let refugees in, they bring their problems with them. And then Wakanda is like everywhere else. T’Challa thinks on this. W'KABI (CONT’D) Now, if you said you wanted me and my men to go out there and clean up the world, then I'd be all for it. T’CHALLA But waging war on other countries has never been our way. Then, both of their Kimoyo beads buzz. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) You too, huh? W'KABI Bast, are we in trouble? Their beads combine to project a display of Okoye. a OKOYE (DISPLAY) My King. My love. You will never guess who just popped up on our radar. INT. TRIBAL COUNCIL ROOM - DAY An ornate chamber overlooking the Golden City. At the top of a golden pyramid, T’Challa, W’Kabi, Ramonda and ELDERS from each tribe except the Jabari sit in a circle as Okoye briefs them. W’Kabi and Ramonda flank T’Challa’s throne. OKOYE A misidentified Wakandan artifact was stolen yesterday from a British museum, We have learned Ulysses Klaue plans to sell the vibranium to an American buyer in South Korea tomorrow night. There are audible murmurs at the name of Ulysses Klaue. TCHALLA Klaue has escaped our pursuits for almost 30 years. Not capturing him was perhaps my father’s greatest regret. I wish to bring Klaue back here to stand trial. MERCHANT TRIBE ELDER Wakanda does not need a warrior right now. We need a King. W'KABI My parents were killed when he attacked. Not a day goes by when I do not think about what Klaue took from us, from me. OKOYE It’s too great an opportunity to pass. W’KABI Take me with you. We’ll take him down together side by side, eh? T’CHALLA I need you here protecting the border. aa WKABI Then I ask, you kill him where he stands, or you bring him back to us. T’CHALLA You have my word I will bring him back. (beat) We will proceed with the mission. Ramonda looks on, irresolute. EXT/INT. MT. BASHENGA, TOP OF THE HILL - DAY The Great Mound. Where a meteorite hit, creating a cliff-face on one side and a large hill on the other. A DRAGONFLYER lands outside the WAKANDAN DESIGN GROUP. INT. WAKANDAN DESIGN GROUP, HALLWAY, MT. BASHENGA - DAY T’Challa walks with four Dora, including Ayo. The Dora stop outside Shuri’s Lab. As T’Challa pushes inside, Shuri approaches and bows her head. SHURT (mocking) My, King. T’CHALLA Stop it. Stop it. Shuri laughs and they do a special handshake before walking down the spiral walkway into her sprawling, futuristic lab. INT. SHURI'S LAB, WAKANDAN DESIGN GROUP - MOMENTS LATER Nexus of technology. Shuri strolls with T’/Challa by work tables of high-tech weapons and gadgets. SHURI I've already sent a car ahead to Busan for you, (beat) Who are you taking with you to Korea? 34. T’CHALLA Okoye. And Nakia as well. Shuri makes a face at Nakia. SHURT You sure it’s a good idea to take your ex on a mission? T’CHALLA Yes. We'll be fine. (beat) Besides, you will be on call, should we need backup. Shuri smiles at this and points out small communications devices. SHURI I have great things to show you, brother. Here are your communication devices for Korea. Unlimited range, also equipped with audio surveillance system. She walks him over to another table with WDG disks on them. SHURI (CONT'D) Check these out. Remote access Kimoyo beads. Updated to interface directly with my sand table. Curious, T’Challa notices a pair of SLEEK SHOES. T’CHALLA And what are these? SHURI The real question is what are those? Why do you have your toes out in my lab? Shuri points at T/Challa’s traditional sandals. ?’Challa smiles. T’CHALLA What, you don’t like my royal sandals? I wanted to go old school for my first day. SHURT (rolls her eyes) Yea I bet the elders loved that. Try them on. 35. T’Challa puts his feet into the shoes, and they lace up instantly, forming a perfect fit. SHURI (CONT’D) Fully automated, like the old American movie Baba used to watch. And I made them completely sound absorbent. T’Challa stomps his foot down without a sound. T’CHALLA Interesting SHURI Guess what I call them. T’Challa thinks on this. SHURI (CONT'D) Sneakers... T’Challa looks at her blankly. SHURI (CONT’D) Because you... never mind. Shuri walks T’Challa over to two mannequins. One wears T’Challa’s CURRENT SUIT. The other, just a panther tooth NECKLACE. SHURI (CONT'D) If you're going to take on Klaue you’ll need the best the Design Group has to offer. Shuri points at T’/Challa’s current suit. SHURI (CONT’D) Exhibit A. Old tech. T/CHALLA Old. ..? Functional, but old. Eh, people are shooting at me... wait let me put on my helmet... T’Challa smiles, amused. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) Enough... 36. SHURT (pointing to the necklace) Now look at these. T’Challa spots a GAUDIER GOLD TOOTH NECKLACE. She notices. SHURI (CONT’D) Do you like that one? T’ CHALLA Tempting. But the idea is to not be noticed. This one. Shuri uses her Kimoyo beads to sync the suit to T’Challa. SHURI (pointing at the necklace) Now tell it to go on. T’Challa does, and without warning, MILLIONS of vibranium laced NANITES spill from the necklace and form a new BLACK PANTHER SUIT around the mannequin. SHURI (CONT’D) Qooh!! The entire suit sits within the teeth of the necklace. Strike it. T’CHALLA Anywhere? SHURI Mhm. T’Challa turns to the mannequin in a relaxed fighting stance. Shuri nods and T’Challa SPIN KICKS the shit out of the mannequin! SHURI (CONT'D) Not that hard, genius! 'T’CHALLA You told me to strike it, you didn’t say how hard. Shuri picks the mannequin back up and drags it over to the same spot. SHURI I invite you to my lab, and you just kick things around. aI T’CHALLA Well maybe you should make it a little stronger, eh? Shuri shrugs as we see Wakandan Script built into the suit GLOWING INDIGO where the impact of T/Challa’s foot landed. T’Challa looks closely at the glowing script. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) Wait a minute. SHURI The nanites absorb the kinetic energy and hold it in place for redistribution. T’CHALLA Very nice. SHURT Now strike it again, in the same spot. T’Challa backs up for a kick. Shuri presses record on her Kimoyo. T'Challa sees this and looks at her suspiciously. T’CHALLA You are recording? SHURT For research purposes... T’Challa loads up then BOOM! He kicks the indigo spot and goes flying back across the room, CRASHING INTO A TABLE full of Shuri’s gadgets. Shuri cracks up. T’CHALLA, Delete that footage... EXT. BUSAN CITY SKYLINE - NIGHT We move over the beautiful skyline. EXT. JAGALCHI FISH MARKET - NIGHT A LEXUS SEDAN drives through the market and pulls into a parking stall next to several expensive looking luxury cars. T’Challa, Okoye and Nakia climb out of the sedan dressed to kill. A WIG covers Okoye’s tattooed head. 38. NAKIA This way. OKOYE Bast willing this goes quickly, and I can get this ridiculous thing off my head. NAKIA It looks nice. Just whip it back and forth. OKOYE What? It’s a disgrace. Looky-loos stare as Nakia leads them to an ELDERLY WOMAN (Korean), selling fish in front of an alley. Nakia greets her in perfect Korean. NAKIA (SUBTITLE) (in Korean) Hello Sophia, good to see you. Nakia smiles, but the Elderly Woman doesn’t smile back. ELDERLY WOMAN (SUBTITLE) (in Korean) Who are these two? NAKIA (SUBTITLE) (in Korean) My friends from Kenya. Very deep pockets. They’re good. ELDERLY WOMAN (SUBTITLE) (in Korean) Good for trouble, like you? An awkward pause, then she smiles. A LARGE KOREAN TOUGH, wearing a black Suit emerges from the alley, and motions for the Wakandans to follow him into. NAKIA (SUBTITLE) (in Korean) Thank you. INT. ANTEROOM - NIGHT A small dark room with a A BACK DOOR with a Korean Character on it and TWO MORE KOREAN GOONS guarding each side. They eye our heroes closely. As they step through a large METAL DETECTOR and are WANDED DOWN. 39. The door opens and they pass into... INT. UNDERGROUND CASINO, BALCONY - NIGHT They walk out onto the upper balcony of a buzzing, high-class casino. There are a few GAMING TABLES on the balcony level and a bustling pit down below. T’CHALLA Spread out. The buyer is likely already here. Okoye heads for the BALCONY VANTAGE POINT while T’Challa and Nakia go down to the FIRST FLOOR. T'CHALLA (CONT’D) The woman outside -- what trouble was she referring to? She plays along, alluring. NAKIA Ah, I got into a disagreement with some ivory traders. Made a bit of a mess. 1’ CHALLA And will there be any trouble tonight, Ms. Kenyan heiress? NAKIA Depends on how quickly we finish the mission... OKOYE (0.S.) (interrupting) -- Can we please focus. T’Challa and Nakia split up. T’Challa heads for the pit and Nakia walks over to the bar. ON OKOYE OKOYE (CONT’D) Thank you. INT. FIRST FLOOR, BLACKJACK TABLE - NIGHT Nakia slips into a seat at the bar and looks around clocking the room. 40. NAKIA (in Korean) Over here. One whiskey, please. NAKIA (CONT’D) Eyes up. Americans. I count...three. We see Nakia’s POV as she makes out THREE CIA AGENTS on the first floor, spread out under the balcony. OKOYE (0.S.) Five. How could you miss “Greased Lightning” there behind you. Standing over the balcony looking, Okoye spots TWO MORE CIA agents, both with greasy hair. An elegant waitress carries a tray of drinks to a CRAPS TABLE where we find T’Challa. The woman places the drinks down as T’Challa peers across the gambling pit at someone he recognizes and starts that way. T’CHALLA (into comm) six. Just spotted an old friend who works for the CIA, It just got a little more complicated. T’Challa steps up to another crowded CRAPS TABLE next to EVERETT ROSS, the sixth CIA agent he spotted. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) Agent Ross. ROSS Your highness. Ross plays it cool. T/CHALLA You are buying from Klaue... ROSS What I'm doing or not doing on behalf of the US government is of none of your concern. Now, whatever the hell youre up to, do me a favor and stay out of my way. T’CHALLA I gave you Zemo. 41. Ross And didn’t I kept it under wraps that the King of a third world country runs around in a bulletproof cat suit. I’d say we were even. Ross places a Pass bet. T’Challa dumps a stack of chips on Don't Pass. All of the SHOOTER'S FRIENDS blow on the dice. ROSS _(CONT’D) You really need to leave, now. They watch the dice roll. They land on 3. The dealer takes away Ross’ bet, and slides T’Challa’s massive payout over to him. T’CHALLA Klaue is leaving out that door with me. You've been warned. T’Challa walks toward another craps table, leaving the pile of chips behind (money means nothing to him). ROSS (to the empty chair) Hey, you won. Ross scratches his brow as a THIRSTY GAMBLER (Stan Lee) who was sitting next to T/Challa grabs them. Ross eyes the Thirsty Gambler who shrugs. THIRSTY GAMBLER You know what, T think T/11 just take these, bring ‘em over here and hold on for safe keeping. He slides them all onto the DON’T PASS bet and Ross walks off in search of T/Challa. ROSS (into comm) Ok heads up, the King of Wakanda is here. He cannot leave with Klaue. T’Challa stands at a ROULETTE TABLE when Ross walks up to him. 42. ROSS (CONT’D) Alright, vibranium from the attack on Sokovia links back to a person that I’m not actually saying I'm here to make a deal with but that deal will not be called off. When the dust settles you and I can work something out. T’CHALLA. I am not here to make a deal. Ross rolls his eyes. EXT, JAGALCHI FISH MARKET - NIGHT SEVERAL BLACK 4RUNNERS pull up in front of the Korean Woman and a platoon of EIGHT SOUTH AFRICAN TOUGHS dressed in suits hop out of the trucks protecting Klaue. Klaue winks at the Korean Woman as he walks past her. She smiles back and nods to the TOUGH behind her. INT. ANTEROOM - NIGHT Klaue and his men walk through the metal detector, and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM LIGHTS IT UP. The TOUGHS watch as they go through. INT. UNDERGROUND CASINO BALCONY - NIGHT Klaue and his eight man entourage confidently stream inside the casino, spreading out across the balcony, gaining every vantage point. ON ROSS AND T’/CHALLA At a stalemate. Then... NAKIA (0.S. Klaue plus 8! Ross looks to the entrance and immediately moves away from T’Challa. T’Challa watches Ross approach a third CRAPS TABLE. T’Challa turns his back to avoid being seen. T’CHALLA General. 43. OKOYE (0.S.) In position to secure our exit. T’CHALLA. And the vibranium. ON NAKIA Who changes position from the bar to the CRAPS TABLE where T’Challa was initially standing. NAKIA I don't see it yet. ON OKOYE As TWO OF KLAUE’S TOUGHS post up on either side of her on the balcony. She tries to play it cool as they look around at the patrons suspiciously. OKOYE I thought there were no weapons allowed in here. NAKIA (0.S.) There's not supposed to be. OKOYE Someone did not get the memo. Definitely armed. ON KLAUE Klaue spots Ross and smiles as he heads down the stairs flanked by a couple of his TOUGHS. INT. FIRST FLOOR, CRAPS TABLE - NIGHT Ross keeps his cool as Klaue approaches. ROSS Well that is quite the entourage. You got a mixtape coming out? Klaue cuts Ross a look. KLAUE Yeah! Yeah, actually there is one. Shocked, Ross is unsure if Klaue is serious. 44. KLAUE (CONT'D) Yea I'll send you the soundcloud link if you like. Klaue turns to one of his goons. KLAUE (CONT’D) Aye, Dave. Get him the link to the tape. The SOUTH AFRICAN TOUGH reaches into his pocket for his phone. Ross Please don’t make me listen to your music. I just meant, you got a lot of people with you. KLAUE Oh, you think they’re for you? Klaue laughs at this. KLAUE (CONT’D) Don’t worry. I can do a deal with you all by myself, thank you very much. He rubs Ross on the shoulder, hard, and for way too long. As several more SOUTH AFRICAN TOUGHS come pouring out of the VIP lounges. NAKIA (0.S.) six more, it’s a set up. KLAUE You got the diamonds? Klaue is still rubbing Ross’ shoulder. ROSS Ok, that’s enough. A CIA AGENT walks a FANCY SLIM BRIEFCASE towards Ross. ON NAKIA NAKTA, We need to move on Klaue. ON T’CHALLA T’CHALLA Stand down. We can’t afford a shoot- out. BACK IN THE PIT 45. Ross eyes Klaue as the CIA agent brings him the briefcase. ROSS The vibranium? Klaue looks around, and reaches into his pants and pulls out a wrinkled, sweaty paper bag, with “FRAGILE” written on it with a sharpie. Ross looks at the bag. KLAUE I was going to buy a fancy suitcase, but I thought I'd save myself some money. ON NAKIA NAKIA It’s now or never. Nakia continues towards the CIA agent. ON OKOYE OKOYE (in Xhosa) STAND DOWN! A South African Tough hears her, and turns towards ON OKOYE SOUTH AFRICAN TOUGH Hey. Okoye pretends she doesn’t hear him. SOUTH AFRICAN TOUGH (CONT'D) Hey! OKOYE (into comms) (in Xhosa) I’ve been made. her. 46. Okoye starts for the stairs when ANOTHER TOUGH moves to cut her off. Okoye slows down and the TOUGH trailing behind her reaches out to grab her hand and turn her around. As soon as the goon touches Okoye, she TWISTS him into an ARM- BAR, throws her purse at the OTHER TOUGH and extends her spear, stabbing the OTHER TOUGH in the foot. She then throws her WIG into the ARM BAR TOUGH’s face, and hurls him over the railing. DOWNSTAIRS The arm-bar tough CRASHES DOWN onto a gaming table behind Klaue and startled patrons, scramble in every direction. Klaue spins toward the commotion as... Klaue looks back to Ross and spots T’Challa. Producing a HANDGUN from his waist, Klaue opens fire on Ross and the CIA agent. Ross uses the SLIM SUITCASE as a shield as he ducks down below the craps table and T’Challa leaps to action, KICKING and FLIPPING THE TABLE on its edge to block GUNFIRE from Klaue’s other toughs. With bullets flying everywhere... PANICKED PEOPLE run for their lives. It’s CHAOS. Surrounded by TOUGHS, Klaue retreats for the stairs. KLAUE Get the diamonds, quick! EVERY ONE OF KLAUE’S TOUGHS unload, raining shells on the overturned craps table with Ross and T’Challa behind it. The TOUGHS move in only to have T’Challa leap from the table, staying low to FOOTSWEEP one onto his back. T’Challa kicks him back then disarms another TOUGH and kicks him into the bar. T’Challa then spins and kicks the next TOUGH over the roulette table and through the bar railing. Nakia grabs a goon in an ARM TWIST trying to relieve him of his gun. She takes off one shoe and knocks out another approaching gun. Swings the arm twisted goon to the floor, knocks him out, taking his gun and shooting up towards the balcony where Okoye is fighting. ON OKOYE Okoye BATTLES TWO TOUGHS with her full-length spear, dropping both with proficiency. a. She kicks the gun away from one, fights another with her spear, then kicks a TOUGH over the rail. Okoye JUMPS down to the casino floor and stabs a goon on her way down, tucks and rolls. Okoye takes out a TOUGH with her spear. Nakia flips a TOUGH over her back. T’Challa sends a TOUGH and table flying. Beats down two more TOUGHS, he turns for more. T’Challa spots Klaue nearing the entrance and breaking away from the fight, LEAPS HALF WAY UP onto a column, bounds off to the UPPER BALCONY INT. UNDERGROUND CASINO, BALCONY - NIGHT T’Challa lands 10 feet behind Klaue. T'CHALLA (in Xhosa) Murderer! Klaue stops and turns around to face T'Challa. He tries to fire his gun but discovers he’s out of ammo. Klaue smiles, dropping his gun and puts his hands up -- as KLAUE’S PROSTHETIC LEFT ARM suddenly splits open, revealing itself to be a SONIC DISRUPTER! KLAUE You know, you look just like your old man. T’Challa snatches up a ROLLING CHANGE CART TABLE just as Klaue fires the blaster at him. BOOOOM!!! A COLOSSAL SONIC BLAST hits the cart, blowing it to pieces and sending T’Challa FLYING THROUGH THE UPPER BALCONY RAILING back down into the pit. With money FLOATING in the air, T/Challa lands hard. KLAUE (CONT’D) I made it rain! ON NAKIA AND OKOYE Nakia and Okoye make their way to the top of the stairs as... EXT. JAGALCHI FISH MARKET - NIGHT Klaue and FOUR TOUGHS exit with Nakia and Okoye giving chase. 48. KLAUE That was awesome! That was awesome! Let’s go! Go, go, come on! Klaue jumps in the first of FOUR IDLING 4RUNNERS. The convoy instantly skids away as... Nakia and Okoye emerge. Okoye throws an EMP bead from her pocket and it lands on a parked LEXUS LC. NAKIA Do we just leave him? OKOYE He’11 catch up. Nakia starts the car and Okoye climbs in. T/Challa sprints out of casino. T’CHALLA. Shuri INT. SHURI'S LAB, WAKANDAN DESIGN GROUP - NIGHT Shuri stands in front of a rectangular VIBRANIUM CASING that lowers. The SAND inside FORMS into the Lexus LC’s cockpit. GRIOT (0.S.) Remote driving system activated. SHURI (excited) Yes yes yes! Wait... Which side of the road is it? We see a three-dimensional HOLOGRAM VIEW from inside the Lexus LC’s cockpit appear as Shuri climbs in. T'CHALLA (0.S.) For Bast sake just drive! SHURT Okay okay, calm down brother! EXT. JAGALCHI FISH MARKET - NIGHT PANTHER SPRINTS AFTER THE CARS AS NANITES SCRAMBLE FROM HIS NECKLACE, COVERING HIS ENTIRE BODY, FORMING HIS NEW MASK OVER HIS FACE... Black Panther. 49. Panther continues running as the LEXUS pulls up behind him, at the last second he single-leg flips and lands on the hood of the Lexus LC, digging his HAND and BOOT claws into the hood as it SCREAMS OFF. I/E. LEXUS LC/SHURI’S COCKPIT - NIGHT SHURI Woo! Let‘s go! INT. KLAUE’S 4RUNNER, BUSAN STREETS - NIGHT Klaue turns to the driver. KLAUE Put some music on! What do you think this is a funeral? EXT. BUSAN STREETS - NIGHT The 4RUNNERS cross through one intersection at speed, then make a hard right at the next INTERSECTION. Nakia remains on them as at the far end of the street we see PANTHER’S LEXUS I¢ join the chase. The CONVOY makes a right at a “T" and races down a TWO LANE STREET toward a split in the road. EXT. BUSAN ROAD SPLIT - NIGHT The FIRST (Klaue) and THIRD 4RUNNERS continue on the two lane street with NAKIA’S LEXUS SEDAN on their tail. NAKIA Which one is he in now? NT. KLAUE’S 4RUNNER, BUSAN STREETS - NIGHT Klaue picks up his radio. KLAUE (into radio) Hey, split up! I/E. NAKIA’S LEXUS SEDAN SPLIT STREET - NIGHT OKOYE They're trying to lose us. 50. NAKIA We'll take the right. EXT. BUSAN ROAD SPLIT - NIGHT While the SECOND and FOURTH SUV skid left down a SINGLE LANE ROAD followed closely by... I/E. LEXUS LC/SHURI’S COCKPIT - NIGHT A skilled driver, Shuri shifts gears, darting left, in behind the trucks with Panther anchored atop. SHURT We'll take the other two! I see a short cut. EXT. WASHIRO (YEONGDOGU), PANTHER’S HILLS - NIGHT With the LEXUS LC closing in, the SECOND and FOURTH 4RUNNERS make a right turn, dropping down a STEEP HILL. Panther chases the SUV's off the hill. The lead SUV collides with a car in crossing traffic. I/E. LEXUS LC/SHURI’S COCKPIT - NIGHT SHURT We're not going to make it! EXT. WASHIRO (YEONGDOGU), PANTHER’S HILLS - NIGHT T’CHALLA, Keep going! Panther uses his claws to make a sharp turn and avoid the wreck. I/E. LEXUS LC/SHURI’S COCKPIT - NIGHT SHURT Woo! Brother! EXT. WASHIRO (YEONGDOGU), PANTHER’S HILLS - NIGHT Panther catches up with the Rear SUV, he takes fire and leaps on the roof of the SUV. Panther rips the SUV roof open. si. The scared driver leaps out of the car, causing the SUV to collide with parked cars, “Sidewinder". Shuri runs over the escaped driver on accident. I/E. LEXUS LC/SHURI’S COCKPIT - NIGHT SHURI Hey, what was that!? EXT. WASHIRO (YEONGDOGU), PANTHER'S HILLS - NIGHT T’CHALLA Don’t worry about it. You're doing great. Panther leaps back onto the hood of the Lexus and they speed off. I/e. KLAUE'S 4RUNNER, SPEAR STREET - NIGHT Klaue looks back as Nakia closes in. The driver floors it as a GUNMAN in the THIRD SUV opens fire on Nakia’s Lexus. The bullets carom off the hood. I/E. NAKIA‘S LEXUS SEDAN, SPEAR STREET ~ NIGHT Nakia and Okoye...unfazed by the gunfire. OKOYE Guns. So primitive. I/e. KLAUE'S 4RUNNER, SPEAR STREET - NIGHT Klaue barks into his comm. KLAUE (into radio) It's a vibranium car you idiots!! Bullets won't penetrate!! I/E. NAKIA'S LEXUS SEDAN, SPEAR STREET - NIGHT Okoye slides out the passenger window and climbs onto the roof, stabbing her short spear into the top of the vehicle as a handle, her dress blowing in the wind. NAKIA, What are you doing? 52. OKOYE Just drive. NAKIA Eesh. Nakia drops back and weaves through traffic as Okoye, engages her SPEAR MECHANISM, then steadies herself and let’s her long spear fly, launching the weapon like a javelin. I/E. THIRD 4RUNNER, SPEAR STREET - NIGHT The SPEAR rockets through the REAR AND FRONT WINDOW of the truck, SPIKING THE GROUND and bringing the SUV to a stop with the force of a head on collision! I/E. NAKIA'S LEXUS SEDAN, SPEAR STREET - NIGHT NAKIA Woo! I/e. KLAUE'S 4RUNNER, SPEAR STREET - NIGHT KLAUE Oh shoot. EXT. YEONGDOGU, ENTRANCE TO DIAMOND BRIDGE - NIGHT The SECOND and FOURTH SUVS tear from the hills onto the DIAMOND BRIDGE with Panther’s Lexus right behind them. Closing in, Panther takes HEAVY GUNFIRE. I/E. LEXUS LC/SHURI’S COCKPIT, DIAMOND BRIDGE ~ NIGHT Speeding through BUSY BRIDGE TRAFFIC, Panther surfs the roof of the BULLET RIDDLED Lc. SHURI (0.S.) Hey, look at your suit! You've been taking bullets charging it up with kinetic energy! Panther looks down at the GLOWING GLYPHS of kinetic energy built into his suit as... T’CHALLA Pull around the truck. 53. EXT. DIAMOND BRIDGE - NIGHT The LC accelerates ahead, closing in on the SECOND suv, but just as Panther is about'to look inside, a passing TRACTOR- TRAILER BLOCKS his view. The 4Runner loses sight of Panther as he LEAPS TO THE TRAILER, bounding across the top of the big rig separating the Lexus and the 4Runner. I/E. SECOND 4RUNNER, DIAMOND BRIDGE - NIGHT Klaue’s gunmen search furiously for Panther as the Lexus LC suddenly cuts in front of them, without Panther on top. DRIVER where'd he go!? Then out of nowhere, PANTHER LANDS HARD on the hood of the suv. Looking inside, Panther doesn't see Klaue and launches off the 4Runner, distributing the kinetic energy from his suit with IMMENSE CONCUSSIVE FORCE, causing both TRUCKS TO CRASH and FLIP down the bridge. I/E. LEXUS LC/SHURI’S COCKPIT, DIAMOND BRIDGE - NIGHT Shuri swerves the Lexus, skillfully catching Panther on the roof again as... SHURT You show off. EXT. DEONGSEO, WHOOP STREET - NIGHT Nakia’s Lexus sedan trails Klaue’s 4Runner...both going airborne over hilltops. I/B. NAKIA'S LEXUS SEDAN, WHOOP STREET - NIGHT NAKIA There he is! Hold tight! I/E. KLAUE'S 4RUNNER, WHOOP STREET - NIGHT As the SUV catches air over a rise in the road, Klaue slides his body out of the truck. 54. KLAUE Right, let’s have some fun. Sitting on the windowsill, Klaue aims his SONIC DISRUPTER. I/E. NAKIA'S LEXUS SEDAN, WHOOP STREET - NIGHT Nakia is locked in and Okoye prepares to throw her SPEAR again but they suddenly LOSE SIGHT of Klaue as the Lexus hits the rise. EXT. DEONGSEO, WHOOP STREET - NIGHT Ahead, Klaue’s 4Runner launches off a second, STEEPER RISE. I/E. NAKIA'S LEXUS SEDAN, WHOOP STREET - NIGHT Nakia loses sight of Klaue again as... I/E. KLAUE'S 4RUNNER, WHOOP STREET - NIGHT The SUV LANDS HARD on the downside of the hill. Klaue, still at speed, steadies his disrupter and as NAKIA’S LEXUS appears in MID-AIR over the rise, he FIRES. I/E. NAKIA’S LEXUS SEDAN - NIGHT Klaue’s SONIC SHOT hits the Lexus sedan head on and DISMANTLES IT, piece by piece to its studs... SENDING NAKIA AND OKOYE FLYING. ON OKOYE As she twists through the air, her feet remain planted on a shredded piece of the cars’ roof. She lands on her feet, speed-skating to a stop. ON NAKIA Nakia skids up next to Okoye on the driver's seat, still buckled in, EXT. DEONGSEO, WHOOP STREET - NIGHT Ross pulls up in a SUBURBAN and stops in front of Nakia and Okoye. 55. ROSS Hop in. Put that spear in the trunk. EXT. CENTUM CITY BRIDGE - NIGHT 1’ CHALLA Faster, Shuri. INT. SHURI'S LAB, WAKANDAN DESIGN GROUP - NIGHT Tracking Klaue’s SUV, Shuri drives in the sand cockpit. SHURI I’m going as fast as I can! EXT. CENTUM CITY BRIDGE - NIGHT We see KLAUE’S 4RUNNER racing across the Centum City Bridge...the Diamond Bridge can be seen in the background. EXT. GWANGALLI ROAD, CHEETAH STREET - NIGHT Klaue is back inside the SUV as it WEAVES through traffic. Then, we spot a rapidly closing LEXUS LC WITH PANTHER on the roof. I/E. KLAUE'S 4RUNNER, GWANGALLI ROAD, CHEETAH STREET ~ NIGHT Klaue turns to his driver. KLAUE Take a right, take a right! EXT. GWANGALLI ROAD, CHEETAH STREET - NIGHT Klaue’s 4Runner and Panther’s LC make left turns, booking down a short road, then make quick rights. EXT. HAEUNDAE DISTRICT - NIGHT The 4Runner barrels along a brightly lit TWO LANE ROAD with the Lexus LC chasing. 56. I/E. KLAUE'S 4RUNNER, HAEUNDAE DISTRICT - NIGHT Unnerved seeing Panther closing in, Klaue slides his body back out to the SUV’s windowsill as his driver makes a sharp right onto a WIDER AVENUE. I/E. LEXUS LC/SHURI’S COCKPIT, HAEUNDAE DISTRICT - NIGHT Determined, Shuri rounds the turn, focused. The DIGITAL DASH shows 115 mph and climbing. But, hanging out of the truck, Klaue fires a MASSIVE SONIC BLAST that Shuri can’t evade. SHURI No no no no no no no!! And... HIT... the LEXUS LC SUDDENLY GOES TO PIECES...whole parts and panelling to a million fragments. INT. SHURI'S LAB, WAKANDA DESIGN GROUP - NIGHT Shuri’s driver seat EXPLODES INTO A TRILLION GRAINS OF SAND and she hits the floor. SHURT Brother! EXT. HAEUNDAE DISTRICT - NIGHT But PANTHER...launches himself out of the DISASSEMBLING CAR toward a BUILDING and in four strides along the side of the structure, he LEAPS OFF at KLAUE’S 4RUNNER. I/E. KLAUE'S 4RUNNER, HAEUNDAE DISTRICT - NIGHT Klaue’s driver spots PANTHER FLYING AT THEM and tries to swerve, but Panther LATCHES to the side of the SUV and DIGS IN with his claws. Panther GRABS THE RIM of the front tire and STOPS THE WHEEL dead in its tracks! The lug nuts SHEAR OFF from the force and Panther discards the tire, causing the truck’s nose to CRASH DOWN, skidding across the street with SPARKS FLYING. Panther ROLLS clear as the 4RUNNER HITS the curb, FLIPS OVER to its roof and SLIDES TO A STOP in the middle of a busy outdoor cafe as its PATRONS scramble. 57. EXT. HAEUNDAE DISTRICT - NIGHT With the SUV upside-down and customers looking on, Panther approaches to find Klaue struggling to climb out of his window. T’CHALLA Klaue!! Klaue slowly gets to his feet and tries to level his disrupter but running up, Panther evades the BLAST and is only nicked on the shoulder. Panther grabs Klaue’s arm, CLAWING into the sonic disrupter and COMPLETELY PULLS IT OFF. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) Did you think we would forget!? Klaue laughs. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) Look at me murderer! Where did you get this weapon? KLAUE You savages didn’t deserve it. T’Challa grabs him by the throat and slams him into the SUV. KLAUE (CONT’D) Oh, mercy! King, mercy! Seething, Panther exposes his claws prepared to strike. T’CHALLA Every breath you take is mercy from OKOYE (0.S.) (in Xhosa) King! T’Challa turns to find Okoye and Nakia getting out of Ross’ Suburban. NAKIA (SUBTITLE) (in Xhosa) The world watches. The pier has crowded with Koreans RECORDING them on cellphones as SIRENS can be heard in the distance. 58. ROSS Come on guys, let’s go huh? T’Challa eyes around. He has little choice and nods. EXT. TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA ~ DAY Fast-paced, loud and dirty. INT. TRAVEL AGENCY LOBBY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY SOUTH KOREAN EMPLOYEES busily work at desks. Nakia is among them, watching the passing cars. Guard duty. INT. BLACK SITE OFFICE, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Agents and CIA analysts move about. On the table sits KLAUE’S PROSTHETIC WEAPON and THE VIBRANIUM sitting atop the paper bag. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Klaue, strapped to a chair, makes faces at the two way glass. KLAUE Hello! I can see you! I can, I can see you. INT. BLACK SITE OFFICE, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY ROSS So, this is a big mess, huh? I figured we can go good cop bad cop. I'll talk to him first, then you guys go in -- Okoye turns to T/Challa. OKOYE (SUBTITLE) (in Xhosa) We can’t let him talk to Klaue alone. T’CHALLA (in Xhosa) Better to let him talk to Klaue alone for 5 minutes than to make a scene here. T’Challa turns to Ross. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) After your questioning, we will to take him back to Wakanda with us. Ross stares at T/Challa for a beat. Ross What? No. Look I like you, a lot. But he’s in my custody now. He's not going anywhere. Listen, I’m doing you a favor by letting you even be in here. Ross reaches out and touches T’Challa. Okoye steps in. OKOYE (SUBTITLE) (in Xhosa) If he touches you again, I am going to impale him to this desk. Ross looks at Okoye, sensing the thinly veiled threat. looks to T’Challa. ROSS Does she speak English? OKOYE When she wants to. Ross and Okoye eye each other for a long beat. ROSS I'm going in. And when I’m done, you guys are up. T'CHALLA --Agent Ross. ROSS Yea. T’Challa puts his hand on Ross’s shoulder. T’CHALLA I do appreciate your help in Busan. ROSS You see that? It’s called diplomacy. You're welcome. Ross walks through the door, closing it behind him. 59. He 60. T’CHALLA Okoye! Play nice. OKOYE Eh, Americans... INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Strapped to his chair, Klaue sings. KLAUE You know, you really shouldn't trust the Wakandans. I’m much more your speed. ROSS I don’t trust anybody, not in this job. But what I am interested in is that arm cannon out there. where'd you get that? KLAUE It’s an old mining tool that I made some adjustments to. But I can get you one if you'd like. ROSS Why don’t you give me the name of your supplier and 1’11 ask them. KLAUE He's right outside, why don’t you ask him yourself? ROSS T’Challa? You're telling me that weapon on your arm is from Wakanda? Klaue nods. KLAUE Bingo. KLAUE (CONT’D) What do you actually know about Wakanda? ROSS Shepherds. Textiles. Cool outfits. Ross stops as we notice a MICRO AUDIO BUG on his shoulder that T’Challa planted before he entered the room. 61. INT. BLACK SITE OFFICE, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY T’Challa and Okoye secretly listen to Klaue’s interrogation. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY KLAUE It’s all a front. Explorers searched for it for centuries. El Dorado: The Golden City. They thought they could find it in south america, but it was in Africa the whole time. A technological marvel. All because it was built on a mound of the most valuable metal known to man- Isipho- they call it. The gift. Vibranium... ROSS Vibranium yea. Strongest metal on Earth. KLAUE It’s not just a metal... They sew it into their clothes, it powers their city, their tech, their weapons... ROSS Weapons? KLAUE Oh yes. Makes my arm cannon look like a leaf blower. ROSS That's a nice fairy tale but Wakanda is a third world country and you stole all their vibranium. KLAUE (laughing) I stole all of it? Klaue can barely contain himself. KLAUE (CONT’D) All of it? I took a tiny piece of it. They have a mountain full of it. They've been mining it for thousands of years and still haven't scratched the surface. (MORE) 62. KLAUE (CONT'D) I’m the only outsider who’s seen it, and got out of there alive. (beat) If you don’t believe me you ask your friend what his suit is made of... what his claws are made of. Ross looks back at the two way glass, then heads towards the door. INT. BLACK SITE OFFICE, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY ROSS exits the interrogation room and approaches T’Challa and Okoye. I/E. PAINT TRUCK, BACK ALLEY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Limbani drives with Linda in the passenger seat. Attached to the dashboard is a GPS TRACKING TABLET DEVICE with a blinking BEACON (Klaue's prosthetic) inside the travel agency. We also see everyone's HEAT SIGNATURE, including Klaue seated alone. INT. TRAVEL AGENCY LOBBY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Through the FRONT WINDOW, Nakia watches a PAINT TRUCK pass the building that doesn’t seem right. INT. BLACK SITE OFFICE, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Ross studies T’Challa. ROSS Your father told the UN that Klaue stole all the vibranium you had. But now he’s telling me you have more? T'CHALLA And you believe the word of an arms dealer, strapped to a chair. Ross hesitates, but doesn’t bite. I/E. PAINT TRUCK, BACK ALLEY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY The truck pulls to a stop at the rear of the building. 63. Killmonger emerges from the back of the truck with an ASSAULT RIFLE with a GRENADE LAUNCHER ATTACHMENT. INT. TRAVEL AGENCY LOBBY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY On a computer monitor, we see SECURITY CAMERA FEEDS from outside the black site. Nakia wanders past the desk, eyeing over a travel agency employee’s (CIA Agent) shoulder and freezes. SECURITY CAMERA FEED the alley is empty, but there is a VISIBLE GLITCH in the footage. NAKIA (in Korean) Where is that? CIA AGENT (in Korean) Back there. He points in the direction of the interrogation room. I/E. PAINT TRUCK, BACK ALLEY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Killmonger slips on the AFRICAN MASK from the British Museum, then carries a DAISY-CHAIN OF EXPLOSIVES toward the building. He sets the CHARGES against the outer wall of Klaue’s room and fearlessly leans against the structure next to the charges, he holds a detonator in his hand as Linda and Limbani lean against the wall next to him. INT. BLACK SITE OFFICE, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY ROSS How much more are you hiding? Then suddenly... Nakia SLAMS through the door. CIA AGENTS draw their weapons. Nakia is unfazed. NAKIA (in Xhosa) Something’s happening out back. EXT. REAR OF TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Then... BOOM! THE CHARGES BLOW...carving a hole in the wall. 64. INT. BLACK SITE OFFICE, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Startled... they all break for the interrogation room but... INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Killmonger suddenly spins inside, laying down cover fire, RIDDLING THE DOORWAY WITH BULLETS and SHATTERING THE TWO-WAY GLASS. INT. BLACK SITE OFFICE, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Besieged with automatic GUNFIRE, everybody DUCKS down. On instinct, Ross shoves Nakia to the floor, taking a round to the back, saving her while... T’Challa’s SUIT FORMS and he shields a CIA Agent. Okoye dives clear of the doorway and the other agents scramble out into the travel agency for cover. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Linda and Limbani GRAB KLAUE carrying his entire chair with him still strapped to it as... Edging back toward the breach, Killmonger throws a live GRENADE through the shattered two-way window into the black site office. INT. BLACK SITE OFFICE, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Panther instantly dives on the grenade and it EXPLODES, doing no damage to him or the room, but lights up his entire’ suit. Panther bounds back to his feet to give chase as... I/E. REAR OF TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Klaue cackles maniacally being loaded into the paint truck by Linda and Limbani. KLAUE I see you took your time didn’t you! Killmonger continues to FIRE as Limbani and Linda hop in and begin to pull off. 65. Walking backward after the truck, Killmonger swings the RPG up to his shoulder as Panther emerges. The truck turns out of the alley as Killmonger aims. Panther charges at Killmonger and he FIRES! Taking the ROCKET head on, Panther is ENGULFED IN THE MASSIVE IMPACT and blown backward. Panther’s suit is lit to the max with kinetic energy as he labors back to his feet, he spots the RING dangling around Killmonger's neck on his gold chain. (It’s identical to the xing T’Challa inherited from T’Chaka in CA:CW.). OKOYE (0.S.) (in Xhosa) My King! Panther turns to find Okoye. OKOYE (CONT’D) (in Xhosa) My King...Nakia. INT. BLACK SITE OFFICE, TRAVEL AGENCY, SOUTH KOREA - DAY Panther and Okoye enter discovering agents and Nakia hovering around Ross on the floor. The receptionist (also an agent) applies pressure to his gunshot wound as a MALE CIA AGENT checks his pulse. Shaken, Nakia looks to Panther. NAKIA, He just jumped in front of me. Gravely wounded, Ross is barely conscious. NAKIA (CONT'D) I don’t think he'll make it here, it hit his spine. 'T’CHALLA Give me a Kimoyo bead. T’Challa looks at Nakia and motions towards her Kimoyo bead. She pulls one off and hands it to him. T’Challa inserts it into Ross’ wound. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) This will stabilize him for now. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) Give him to us. We can save him. 66. The agents stare at Panther and his glowing high-tech suit. INT. COMMAND CABIN, ROYAL TALON FIGHTER - DAY Okoye is at the helm with Nakia standing next to her. Neither can believe Ross is on board. Further back in the aircraft, we find Ross’ unconscious body. T’Challa looms nearby, lost in thought. OKOYE Our missions was to bring back Klaue. We failed. This man is a foreign intelligence operative. How do we justify bringing him into our borders? NAKIA, He took a bullet for me. OKOYE That was his choice. T’Challa stiffens. Okoye has gone a little too far. Torn, Nakia stares off, thinking about the Nigerian women they didn’t bring back to Wakanda and her culpability in Ross’ injury. NAKIA So now we are just supposed to let him die? OKOYE Let us consider that we heal him. It is his duty to report back to his country. And as King, it is your duty to protect ours. T’CHALLA I am well aware of my duties, General. I cannot just let him die knowing we can save him. OKOYE (chagrined) Where exactly are we taking him? 67. INT. WAKANDAN DESIGN GROUP, HALLWAY, MT. BASHENGA - LATE AFTERNOON Shuri covertly leads T’Challa, Okoye and Nakia inside, carrying Ross's body on a Maglev stretcher. She turns to T’Challa. SHURT Great, another broken white boy for us to fix. This is going to be fun. T’Challa cuts Shuri a look. INT. SHURI'S LAB, WAKANDA DESIGN GROUP - LATE AFTERNOON Ross is placed on a table surrounded by futuristic medical equipment. As Shuri works on him. SHURT He will live. The security alarm on Shuri‘s Kimoyo bead GOES OFF. SHURI (CONT’D) W'Kabi is here. Shuri, Nakia and Okoye quickly hide. T’Challa hurries up the ramp. Hoping for good news, W’Kabi approaches T’Challa. W'KABI What's going on, brother? Where is Klaue? T/CHALLA He's not here. T’Challa’s eyes lower regretfully. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) He slipped through our hands. W’KABL Slipped? For 30 years your father was in power and did nothing. with you I thought it would be different. But it’s more of the same. Deeply disappointed, W’Kabi can’t muster words. He looks at T’Challa and walks out. 68. I/E. ABANDONED AIRFIELD/GARAGE, SOUTH KOREA - EVENING an airplane graveyard. The paint truck pulls to a stop on the airstrip. Killmonger, Klaue, Limbani and Linda hop out, and hump their gear to a FOUR-SEATER ESCAPE PLANE parked on the airstrip. LIMBANI Let’s get going, boss. KILLMONGER You always sell to the CIA? KLAUE I sell to the highest bidder. Don’t you worry when I get back to Jo- burg and lay low for a bit, 1/11 make sure both you guys get paid. KILLMONGER Oh I ain’t worried about the money, bro. I know you're good for it. Klaue smiles. KILLMONGER (CONT’D) On our way back, just drop us of in Wakanda. KLAUE You don’t wanna go there, boy. KILLMONGER Yea I do. Killmonger suddenly draws a HANDGUN and SHOOTS LIMBANI DEAD. Reacting to the shot, Klaue crowds Linda with a skilled GRAPPLING MOVE and snatches her gun away before she can fire on him. Killmonger finds Klaue holding Linda’s gun to her head, using her as his shield. KLAUE (stumped) Drop it, or your little Bonnie and Clyde routine ends today. Put your gun down now! LINDA I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Erik. 69. KILLMONGER It’s gonna be ok. Killmonger fires without hesitation. The BULLET TRAVELS THROUGH Linda, killing her while Klaue dives behind the plane, WOUNDED IN THE SHOULDER from the round. Killmonger moves to finish Klaue but he’s gone. Following Klaue’s blood trail, Killmonger STALKS Klaue through the SCRAPYARD. Klaue fires at Killmonger, missing. Killmonger stops and turns, ducking between planes. Killmonger spots Klate THROUGH THE GLASS of a cockpit window and FIRES. Sniped through the window with precision, Klaue falls, losing Linda’s gun. Killmonger approaches and Klaue rolls to his back to face him. KLAUE +++¥-¥ou really wanna go to Wakanda? They're savages. Klaue shows his BRANDED neck. KLAUE (CONT’D) This is what they do to people like us. KILLMONGER I ain’t worried about no brand. Check these out. Killmonger rolls up his sleeve, uncovering SEVERAL AFRICAN SCARIFICATION MARKS on his forearm. KILLMONGER (CONT’D) Each one is for a kill. KLAUE You can scar yourself as much as you like. To them, you'll just be ‘an outsider. You're crazy to think that you could walk in there. Killmonger flips the inside of his bottom lip, revealing a glowing Wakandan TATTOO. Klaue can’t believe his eyes. KLAUE (CONT’D) And to think I saw you as some crazy American. 70. Klaue starts laughing, hard. Killmonger aims and pulls the trigger at point blank range. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT T’Challa enters to find Zuri tending to the garden. He looks around to the other Shamans. T’CHALLA Leave us. They immediately head out. Zuri turns to T’Challa. 2URL So your mission did not go as planned. T’CHALLA What happened to my Uncle N’Jobu? My father told me he disappeared. there was a man today wearing a ring identical to this one. Zuri turns back and T’Challa lifts his hand, showing his VIBRANIUM RING from CA:CW. Zuri turns away uncomfortable. ZURT That is not possible. T’CHALLA He helped Klaue escape from us and he was wearing this ring. My grandfather's ring. Do not tell me what is possible tell me the truth. 2URI Some truths are too much to bear, T’Challa. 'T’CHALLA, That is not your choice to make. What happened to him? 2URT I promised the King to say nothing. T’CHALLA I am your King now! Zuri looks up. fis ZURI Your uncle took a War Dog assignment in America. Your father placed me there to observe unbeknownst to him. Your uncle fell in love with an American woman. They had a child. The hardships he saw there radicalized your uncle. INT. N’JOBU’S APARTMENT - NIGHT - FLASHBACK N‘JOBU makes his plea to YOUNG T’CHAKA, picking up where we left off in the Oakland sequence. INT. N'gOBU I observed for as long as I could! Their leaders have been assassinated, communities flooded with drugs and weapons, they are overly policed and incarcerated. All over the planet our people suffer because they don’t have the tools to fight back. With vibranium weapons they could overthrow every country and Wakanda could rule them all, the right way... HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT 2URI He knew your father would not support this, so your uncle betrayed us. T’CHALLA No... 2URI He helped Klaue steal the vibranium. 'T’CHALLA, No no no no no no... INT. N’JOBU’S APARTMENT - NIGHT - FLASHBACK Young T’Chaka turns to N/Jobu. 72. YOUNG T’ CHAKA You will return home at once, where you will face the council and inform them of your crimes. N'Jobu reaches into his waistband and pulls a HANDGUN, aiming it at James/Young Zuri‘s head, freezing him. ZURI (0.S.) He drew his weapon on me Young T’Chaka pops his claws. He quickly springs forward, digging his CLAWS into the slide and destroying it, before he can pull the trigger. He then buries his CLAWS into N’Jobu’s chest, killing him instantly. He lets N’Jobu’s body drop to the floor, and closes his eyes. ZURI_ (CONT'D) Your father killed his own brother... INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT zURT To save my life. INT. N‘JOBU’S APARTMENT - NIGHT - FLASHBACK Young Zuri looks at Young T’Chaka with tears welling up in his eyes. YOUNG T’ CHAKA. Speak nothing of this. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT 'T’CHALLA And the child... ZURI We left him. EXT. LAKE MERRITT APARTMENT COMPLEX, OAKLAND ~ NIGHT - FLASHBACK One of the young kids playing basketball, who is now revealed to be YOUNG KILLMONGER stands looking up at the sky where the mysterious lights flickered. 23. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT ZURI We had to maintain the lie. Gutted, T'Challa can’t reconcile what he’s just heard. He turns his back on Zuri. EXT. WAKANDAN BORDER REGION, MOUNTAIN PLAINS ~ MORNING Dragging a LARGE BAG, Killmonger approaches. In the distance, we see the four-seater plane. W’Kabi approaches as Killmonger drops the bag. W'KABI What is this? KILLMONGER Just a ‘lil gift. Killmonger opens his bag, revealing KLAUE'S CORPSE. W’Kabi’s eyes widen, and his men draw their swords. WKABI (SUBTITLE) (Xhosa) Who are you? INT. SHURI’S LAB, WAKANDA DESIGN GROUP - MORNING Ross suddenly opens his eyes and reaches for his gunshot wound finding it astonishingly almost fully healed. Shuri tinkers with the circuitry of a PAIR OF MASSIVE CLAWED VIBRANIUM GAUNTLETS across the room as Ross sits up. ROSS Alright, where am I? Startled, Shuri spins. SHURT Don’t scare me like that, colonizer. ROSS Colon-who? My name is Everett. SHURT Yes, I know. Everett Ross former airforce pilot and now, CIA. 74. ROSS Right. Groggy, Ross gazes around at the completely unique technology. ROSS (CONT’D) Ok, is this Wakanda? SHURT (still working) No, it's Kansas. ROSS +++How long ago was Korea? SHURI Yesterday. ROSS I don’t think so. Bullet wounds don’t just magically heal overnight. SHURT They do here. But not by magic, by technology. (beat) Don’t touch anything. My brother will return soon. Leery, Shuri watches Ross wander about out of the corner of her eye. He walks over to the observation deck and gazes in awe at the exposed GLOWING ROCKS inside of the VIBRANIUM MINE. Suddenly an AUTOMATED MINING CART whips between light panels, floating above a rail. ROSS These train things...that’s magnetic levitation, right? SHURT Obviously. ROSS Obviously...but I’ve never seen it this efficient. The light panels, what are they? SHURT Sonic stabilizers. 75. ROSS Sonic what? SHURI In it’s raw form, vibranium is too dangerous to be transported at that speed, so I developed a way to temporarily deactivate it. Ross (in disbelief) There’s vibranium on those trains? SHURT There is vibranium all around us. That’s how I healed you. Ross tries to process this as a 3D PROJECTION OF OKOYE unexpectedly forms. OKOYE’S PROJECTION Where is T’Challa? His Kimoyo beads have been switched off. Ross, amazed, tries to touch the sand projection. SHURI Well we are not joined at the hip, Okoye. OKOYE’S PROJECTION A man showed up at the border who claims to have killed Klaue. SHURT What? OKOYE’S PROJECTION W'Kabi is transporting him as we speak to the palace. We need to find your brother. SHURI An outsider? OKOYE’S PROJECTION No, a Wakandan. An IMAGE OF KILLMONGER from the border appears on Shuri’s monitor. Then... Ross slowly walks into sight, staring at the screen. 16. ROSS He's not a Wakandan. He’s one of ours. EXT. WAKANDAN COUNTRYSIDE - MORNING T’Challa and Nakia gaze out off the side of a beautiful overlook. 1’ CHALLA He killed his own brother... and left a child behind with nothing. What kind of King... what kind of man does that? NAKIA No man is perfect. Not even your father. T'CHALLA He didn’t even give him a proper burial... My Uncle N’Jobu betrayed us, but my father may have created something even worse. NAKIA Hey. Look at me. You can’t let your father's mistakes define who you are. You get to decide what kind of King you are going to be. They share a look as T’Challa’s Kimoyo beads buzz. SHURI’S PROJECTION Brother, you need to get here now. T’Challa and Nakia look at each other. INT. SHURI’S LAB, WAKANDA DESIGN GROUP - DAY T’Challa, Shuri and Nakia listen as Ross briefs them on Killmonger. A BODY SCAN IMAGE of Killmonger is on Shuri’s monitor. ROSS Eric Stevens. Graduated Annapolis age 19. MIT for grad school. Joined the SEALs and went to Afghanistan where he racked up confirmed kills like it was a video game. They started calling him Killmonger. He joined a JSOC ghost unit. (MORE) Ts ROSS (CONT'D) Now these guys are serious. They will drop off the grid so they can commit assassinations and take down governments. T’CHALLA Did he reveal anything about his identity? SHURT He has a War Dog tattoo but we have no record of him. T’Challa and Shuri share a look. INT. TRIBAL COUNCIL ROOM - DAY T’Challa sits on his throne surrounded by the Tribal Elders, Ramonda, Shuri, Okoye, and the Dora. RIVER TRIBE ELDER Is this man Wakandan or not? MINING TRIBE ELDER (in Xhosa) Tell us what is going on. Killmonger is escorted in by W'Kabi. W'Kabi tensely steps next to T’Challa as Killmonger takes his place before the circle. T’CHALLA (in Xhosa) Speak. W'KABI (translates for Killmonger ) Speak. KILLMONGER I’m standing in your house. Serving justice to a man who stole your vibranium and murdered your people. Justice your King couldn't deliver. T’Challa walks close enough to Killmonger to be able to whisper to him. 78. T’CHALLA I don't care that you brought Klaue, the only reason I don’t kill you where you stand is because I know who you what do you want? KILLMONGER I want the throne. The entire room scoffs at this. Some ELDERS even hold their heads back and laugh. MINING TRIBE ELDER (in Xhosa) My goodness. KILLMONGER Y'all sittin’ up here comfortable. Must feel good. There’s about 2 billion people all over the world that looks like us but their lives are a lot harder, Wakanda has the tools to liberate them all. 'T’CHALLA And what tools are those? KILLMONGER Vibranium. Your weapons. T’CHALLA Our our weapons will not be used to wage war on the world. It is not our way to be judge jury and executioner for people who are not our own. KILLMONGER Not your own? But didn’t life start here, on this continent? So ain't all people your people? T’CHALLA I am not King of all people. I am King of Wakanda. And it is my responsibility to make sure our people are safe and that vibranium does not fall into the hands of a person like you. The elders murmur at Killmonger’s disrespect. They wait to see how T’Challa will respond. Then, Ramonda suddenly speaks. 79. RAMONDA Son, we have entertained this charlatan for too long. Reject his request. Killmonger eyes the Elders with an amused grin. KILLMONGER Oh, I ain’t requesting nothing! Ask who I am? SHURI You are Eric Stevens. An American black operative. A mercenary nicknamed Killmonger. That’s who you are. KILLMONGER (Laughing) That’s not my name, Princess. Ask me, King? 'T’CHALLA No. KILLMONGER Ask me. T’CHALLA Take him away. RIVER TRIBE ELDER (in Xhosa) Who are you? KILLMONGER (Xhosa) I am N'Jadaka, son of Prince N’Jobu. A hush falls over the room. The tribal elders knew N/Jobu. This changes EVERYTHING. MINING TRIBE ELDER (in Xhosa) The son of N’Jobu? KILLMONGER I found my daddy with Panther claws in his chest. You ain’t the son of a King you're the son of a murderer! 80. RAMONDA (in Xhosa) You're lying! (in English) Lies. W'KABI I'm afraid not Queen Mother. W'Kabi produces Killmonger’s GOLD NECKLACE and RING. Holding it up for everyone to see. MINING TRIBE ELDER (in Xhosa) The descendant of N’Jobu. KILLMONGER Hey Auntie. KILLMONGER (CONT‘D) I'm exercising my blood right to challenge for the mantles of King and Black Panther. Utter silence as all eyes turn to T/Challa. T’Challa desperately wants to refuse but knows that isn’t possible. RAMONDA. Do not do this T/Challa. BORDER TRIBE ELDER As the son of N’Jobu he is within his rights. RAMONDA He has no rights here. RIVER TRIBE ELDER The challenge would take weeks to prepare. KILLMONGER Weeks? I don’t need weeks. The whole country ain’t gotta be there I just need him... and somebody to get me out of these chains. RAMONDA T’Challa, what do you know of this? TCHALLA I accept your challenge. W'Kabi looks at T/Challa closely. el. EXT. WARRIOR FALLS, CHALLENGE POOL - LATE AFTERNOON T’Challa and Killmonger stand opposite one another. Killmonger SNAPS OFF a spear’s shaft with his foot and holds a SWORD to go with the SPEARHEAD. ‘The Tribal Elders, W’Kabi, and the Dora look on from their respective places. Shuri watches with Ramonda, but the stands are entirely empty. ON SHURI AND RAMONDA SHURI He will never beat T’Challa. He should have just come to the first challenge and gotten it over with. Ramonda looks concerned. She’s not so sure. EXT. WARRIOR FALLS, CHALLENGE POOL - LATE AFTERNOON Zuri brings T’Challa the DEATH HERB and he repeats the process, poisoning T’Challa while Killmonger stares on silently. ZURI The King will now have the strength of the Black Panther stripped away. Staring T’Challa down, Killmonger suddenly turns to Zuri. They recognize each other. Zuri looks away ashamed. IN THE SEATING AREA Nakia arrives through a tunnel and walks up to Okoye, who turns to her. OKOYE Where is Agent Ross? NAKIA I locked him in the office. He's not going anywhere. IN THE CHALLENGE POOL T’Challa holds his short spear and shield. He stares at his cousin. TCHALLA This is your last chance, throw down your weapons and we can handle this another way. 82. Killmonger slams his blades into the stone. KILLMONGER I lived my entire life waiting for this moment. I trained, I lied, I killed, just to get here. He takes off his vest and tears at his shirt, revealing the SCARIFICATION MARKS that go up his arm and across his entire back. They number in the hundreds. KILLMONGER (CONT’D) I killed in America, Afghanistan, Iraq. I took life from my own brothers and sisters right here on the continent. And all this death, just so I can kill you. T’Challa looks to Zuri and nods. ZURT (reluctant) Let the challenge begin. Killmonger tears forward with expert knife work and T’Challa with skilled defense. T’Challa PARRIES several strikes, countering with a LEG TAKE- DOWN but hesitates with his sword and doesn’t strike as they roll toward the edge of the waterfall. Back on their feet, they circle, and Killmonger lunges at T’Challa who dodges. T’Challa manages to knock Killmonger off his feet, gaining the advantage. 'T’CHALLA Yield! Killmonger FEROCIOUSLY BOBS INSIDE, but T’Challa lunges at Killmonger, giving him a superficial SLASH ACROSS his cheek. Fueled by rage, Killmonger begins to overpower T/Challa. He slices T’/Challa’s thigh. ON SHURT SHURI Snap out of it T’Challa! IN THE CHALLENGE POOL Wielding both blades, Killmonger slashes deep across T’Challa’s stomach, then spins, CUTTING deep into his bicep. 83. Hurt, T’Challa realizes his compassion was a mistake and he must fight back but blood leaks from his side. Killmonger dodges T’/Challa’s next attack. Stumbling, T’Challa is unable to avoid Killmonger’s BLADE BEING THRUST into his ribs. The elders gasp as Ramonda looks away and Shuri just stares. EXT. WARRIOR FALLS, CHALLENGE POOL - LATE AFTERNOON Killmonger snatches the knife out. T’Challa can barely stand. Killmonger punches him. ON NAKIA NAKIA, Get up. IN THE CHALLENGE POOL He continues to PUNCH T’CHALLA REPEATEDLY until he topples over. KILLMONGER This is for my father. Killmonger walks swiftly toward T’Challa to deliver his deathblow...only to have a guilt-ridden guri STOP HIM with his SPEAR, knocking his blade away. T’CHALLA zuri, no. IN THE STANDS OKOYE zuri. RAMONDA zuri don’t! IN THE CHALLENGE POOL 2URT I am the cause of your father's death. Not him. Take me. Regrouping, Killmonger grabs Zuri’s spear. T/Challa labors to get up but can’t. 84. KILLMONGER I'll take you both, Uncle James... Killmonger skewers Zuri with his spear. Killmonger drives the spear in further and GRABBING THE BLADE with both hands in death, Zuri falls with it to the shallow water as T/Challa watches in utter torment. T’CHALLA No! Zuri no! Zuri!! Noo! Fueled by rage, T’Challa lifts back up to his feet. He charges Killmonger, who ducks his attacks, while talking to the audience. KILLMONGER Is this your King? Huh? T’Challa swings his spear, Killmonger ducks. KILLMONGER (CONT’D) Is this your King? The Black Panther, who’s supposed to lead you into the future. ON SHURI, NAKIA, OKOYE AND AYO SHURI Come on brother! Nakia looks on, trying to hide her tears with Okoye and Ayo. AYO Is there nothing that can be done? IN THE CHALLENGE POOL KILLMONGER Him? He’s supposed to protect you. Killmonger ducks another attack from T’Challa and scoops him onto his shoulders. EXT. WARRIOR FALLS, CHALLENGE POOL - LATE AFTERNOON Killmonger walks to the edge of the challenge pool. ON NAKIA AND RAMONDA RAMONDA No. 85. NAKIA No! IN THE CHALLENGE POOL Killmonger heaves T’Challa off the waterfall. Staggered, everyone watches T’Challa DISAPPEAR BELOW to his death. Ramonda screams. KILLMONGER Nah. I’m your King. ON NAKIA Nakia shuttles Shuri and Ramonda into the caves while Okoye stays behind. NAKIA We have to go now! Queen mother, let’s go! IN THE CHALLENGE POOL Staggered, the new Shaman gives him the Panther necklace. Everyone slowly salutes Killmonger. INT. TRIBAL COUNCIL ROOM - NIGHT The room seems empty until we come upon Okoye grieving alone. After a moment, the door opens and Okoye quickly wipes her eyes. Pulling it together, she stands as Nakia approaches. The two women silently take each other in, sharing in their sorrow. OKOYE The Queen Mother and Shuri...they are safe? Nakia nods. NAKIA, Yes. OKOYE (in Xhosa) Thank you. NAKIA We should get to them immediately. OKOYE (in Xhosa) I cannot... NAKIA What OKOYE Though my heart is with you. NAKIA We cannot turn over our nation to man who showed up here only hours ago. OKOYE He is of royal blood. NAKIA He killed T’Challa. OKOYE In ritual combat. NAKIA Does that really matter? Okoye quiets. NAKIA (CONT’D) You are the greatest warrior 86. a Wakanda has. Help me overthrow him before he becomes too strong. Okoye stares at Nakia in disbelief. OKOYE Overthrow?! Nakia, T am not a spy who can come and go as they so choose. I am loyal to the throne, no matter who sits upon it. What are you loyal to? NAKIA, I loved him. OKOYE Then you serve your country. NAKIA No. I save my country. Nakia takes off. I love my country too. 87. INT. T/CHALLA'S OFFICE, ROYAL PALACE - NIGHT Ross walks around the office, admiring masks on the wall. He looks around as the door unlocks to Nakia, holding several blankets. Ross realizes something is wrong. ROSS What's wrong? Nakia tosses the blanket to Ross. NAKIA The King is dead. Come with me, unless you want to join him. Ross's heart sinks as... INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT Killmonger enters and a Shaman guides him to a dirt plot where they begin to bury him. EXT. CITY OF THE DEAD JUNGLE OUTSKIRTS - NIGHT Shuri and Ramonda, wrapped in blankets as a disguise, sit on a log surrounded by a THICKET OF TREES. Grief stricken, they hold each other closely. SHURT First Baba, and now my brother. Mama, we didn’t even get to bury him. Ramonda doesn’t have an answer. The women hear a rustle in the trees, Ramonda moves to protect Shuri, holding ONE OF NAKIA’S RINGBLADES as Nakia and Ross emerge from the foliage. Ramonda eyes Ross. NAKIA It's me. RAMONDA Nakia. Who is this man? NAKTA, He's a friend of T’Challa’s he saved my life. Ramonda studies Ross, then looks to Nakia. 838. RAMONDA Where is Okoye? NAKIA Okoye is not coming. She and Dora Milaje will serve the new King. (beat) Wait here. RAMONDA What has happened to our Wakanda? Nakia turns and heads into an even thicker BATCH OF FOLIAGE. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT A SHAMAN scoops water into the Heart Shaped Herb ceremonial vessel and grinds it. Killmonger opens his mouth and she pours the solution in as his eyes slowly close. ‘SHAMAN Allow the Heart Shaped Herb to give you the powers of the Black Panther land take you to the Ancestral Plane. EXT. LAKE MERRITT, OAKLAND - NIGHT - FLASHBACK We see the kids gazing up as an AIRCRAFT WITH STRANGE LIGHTS rises into the sky and speeds off. Young Killmonger runs into the apartment complex. INT. N‘JOBU’S APARTMENT - NIGHT - FLASHBACK YOUNG KILLMONGER enters to find N’Jobu’s dead body on the floor. He runs over to his dad, cradling him in his arms, sobbing. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT They scoop dirt on top of Killmonger’s face. 89. INT. N’JOBU’S APARTMENT - NIGHT Adult Killmonger enters his childhood apartment and sees the place where his father died. He walks over to the WALL HIDE and digs out a METAL STASH BOX. He breaks open the box and inside finds N’JOBU’S JOURNAL, cash and a pistol. Opening the diary, he finds details of Wakandan history and life, including drawings. He finds his father’s RING on a necklace and puts it on. Then, Killmonger looks up and N’JOBU is sitting across from him alive. N’goBU What did I tell you about going into my things? (playful smile) What did you find? Killmonger is now replaced by his younger self. YOUNG KILLMONGER Your home. N’goBU I gave you a key hoping that you might see it someday. Young Killmonger flips down his lip, touching his Wakandan tattoo. N‘JOBU (CONT’D) Yes. The sunsets there are the most beautiful in the world. But I fear you still may not be welcome. YOUNG KILLMONGER why? N‘JOBU They will say you are lost. YOUNG KILLMONGER But, I'm right here. N‘Jobu doesn’t have an answer for this. N‘OBU No tears for me? 90. YOUNG KILLMONGER (cold) Everybody dies. It’s just life around here. N'Jobu’s gaze darkens with regret. N’JOBU Well look at what I have done. I should have taken you back long ago. Young Killmonger has now been replaced by adult Killmonger, who sheds a tear. N'JOBU (CONT'D) Instead, we are both abandoned here. KILLMONGER Well maybe your home is the one that’s lost. That’s why they can’t find us. N‘Jobu stares at his son, heartbroken. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT Killmonger's eyes open - a new man. Powerful. And ready to conquer the world. He gasps for air. As he climbs to his feet encircled by Kingsguard and shamans. SHAMAN Breathe, my King. Breathe! INT. CATACOMBS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT Nakia drops through a hole into the warren of tunnels, emerging in the. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT Reveling in the power of the Heart Shaped Herb, Killmonger walks toward a dirt plot filled with the HEART SHAPED HERBS. The shamans trail behind him. KILLMONGER The Heart Shaped Herb did that? The shaman nods. ais KILLMONGER (CONT'D) This is all of it? ‘SHAMAN Yes. So when it comes time for another King, we will be ready. KILLMONGER Another King...yea go ahead and burn all that. Alarmed, the shamans don’t move, hoping Killmonger doesn’t mean it...but he does. SHAMAN My King, we cannot do that. It is our tradition -- Killmonger smiles , then quickly grabs the Shaman by the throat. KILLMONGER When I tell you to do something, I mean that shit. Burn it all! He lets her go as she gasps for air. Shell-shocked, the shamans move into action. ON NAKIA Nakia digs out a flawless Heart Shaped Herb and in an instant darts back for the catacombs, glancing back at Killmonger from the shadows. INT. HALL OF KINGS, CITY OF THE DEAD - NIGHT Killmonger stands in front of the dirt plots as the herb garden is engulfed in FLAMES around him. INT. TRIBAL COUNCIL ROOM - DAY Every Elder, the Border Tribe military leaders, including W'Kabi, the Kingsguard leaders, Okoye, and the Dora prepare for a council meeting. Killmonger strolls in, wearing the new gold panther necklace. 52. KILLMONGER You know, where I'm from, when black folks started revolutions, they never had the firepower or resources to fight their oppressors. Where was Wakanda? Hmm? Yea all that ends today. We got spies embedded in every nation on Earth. Already in place. Killmonger stands and walks looking each of them in the eye. KILLMONGER (CONT’D) I know how colonizers think. So we're gonna use their own strategy against them. We’re gonna send vibranium weapons out to our War Dogs. They'll arm oppressed people all over the world, so they can finally rise up and kill those in power, and their children and anyone else who takes their side. It’s time they know the truth about. us. We're warriors. The world’s gonna start over and this time we're on top. Killmonger sits. KILLMONGER (CONT’D) The sun will never set on the Wakandan Empire. Okoye looks to W’Kabi. OKOYE Wakanda has survived for so long by fighting when only absolutely necessary. W'KABI Wakanda has survived in the past this way, yes. But the world is changing, General. Elders, it is getting smaller. The outside world is catching up and soon it will be the conquerors, or the conquered. I'd rather be the former. KILLMONGER You heard your orders. Let’s get to it. W'Kabi salutes while Okoye looks on. 93. EXT. JABARILAND OUTSKIRTS, WAKANDAN MOUNTAINS - MORNING Nakia leads Shuri, Ramonda and Ross through the bitter wind and harsh conditions. ROSS So where are we going again? NAKIA We're taking the Heart Shaped Herb to Jabariland. ROSS Heart Shaped Herb, what is that? SHURI It gives whoever takes it heightened abilities. NAKIA, It’s what made T’Challa so strong. Ramonda stops in her tracks. RAMONDA Nakia. I don’t like this. The Herb belongs to us. We may be creating a bigger monster with M’Baku. (beat ) Nakia, you should take it yourself. NAKIA I’m a spy with no army. I wouldn't stand a chance. RAMONDA We'll go. They keep walking. Suddenly, they are surrounded by MEMBERS OF THE JABARI ARMY. NAKIA Stay calm. INT. M‘BAKU’S THRONE ROOM, JABARILAND - NIGHT M’Baku stares down from his throne at Nakia, Ramonda and Shuri. He glowers at Ross for a long beat, unnerving everyone, before finally turning to Ramonda. RAMONDA My son was murdered in ritual combat. 94. M’BAKU Were the odds fair? NAKIA Yes, but... M’BAKU So, it was less a murder than a defeat? This irks Shuri. SHURT Do not rub our noses in it -- M'BAKU Silence! I make the pronouncements here, girl. ROSS Look uh, your highness, the new King is a -- M’Baku drowns out Ross’ voice with loud barks. The surrounding Jabari follow suit. M’BAKU You cannot talk. One more word and I will feed you to my children. Ross looks petrified until M’Baku winks at Ramonda. M'BAKU (CONT’D) I'm kidding. We are vegetarians. Stepping in, Nakia pulls out the HEART SHAPED HERB. NAKIA Great Gorilla M’Baku. This is why we are here. To offer this to you. An outsider sits on our throne. Only you can help us stop him. M’Baku considers. His ego stroked. But... M'BAKU Come with me. INT. JABARI HEALING GROUNDS HUT - NIGHT M’Baku leads Nakia, Ross, Ramonda and Shuri to JABARI HEALERS working on T’Challa in a small hut in the snow. 5s. NAKIA Impossible. (beat) Is he breathing? M' BAKU He is in a coma, barely clinging to life. EXT. RIVERBANK, JABARILAND - DAWN - FLASHBACK ONE DAY BEFORE A tough weathered JABARI FISHERMAN walks along a frigid river with his YAK. M'BAKU (V-O.) One of our fishermen found him at the edge of the river border. He brought him to me. The yak pulls a wooden sleigh carrying T’Challa’s body, toward Jabariland. INT. JABARI HEALING GROUNDS HUT - NIGHT M’Baku, Ramonda, Nakia, Ross, and Shuri remain standing over T’Challa in the snow. SHURT Why do you have him in the snow?! M' BAKU It is the only thing keeping him from joining the ancestors. SHURI We need to get him to my lab! I can heal him there. M’BAKU Take him. He’ll be dead in seconds. RAMONDA Nakia, the Herb. Ramonda takes the herb from Nakia and pushes past M’Baku who looks on. RAMONDA (CONT'D) I call upon the ancestors. I call upon Bast. IT am here with my son T'Challa. Heal him. We must bury him. 96. Resigned, Shuri and Nakia watch closely sitting down next to her as Ramonda performs the ritual on T/Challa, pouring the solution in his mouth, while praying in Xhosa, then the snow atop his body. RAMONDA (CONT'D) (in Xhosa) Praise the ancestors. NAKIA (in Xhosa) Praise the ancestors. ROSS (in Xhosa) Praise the ancestors. SHURT (in Xhosa) Praise the ancestors. NAKIA Wake up, T’Challa. Wake up. EXT. BLACK PANTHER ANCESTRAL PLANE - DAY T’Chaka beckons T’Challa toward several other black and people in the distance. CHAKA (in Xhosa) My son. He looks at his ancestors. T’CHAKA (CONT'D) The time has come for you to come home and be reunited with me. T’CHALLA (in Xhosa) why? (in English) Why didn’t you bring the boy home? T’Chaka looks back at him. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) Why, Baba? T’ CHAKA He...he was the truth I chose to omit. scooping panthers ais T’CHALLA You were wrong to abandon him. TT’ CHAKA I chose my people. I chose Wakanda. Our future depended on -- T’CHALLA You were wrong! All of you were wrong! To turn your backs on the rest of the world. We let the fear of our discovery stop us from doing what is right. No more! I cannot stay here with you. I cannot rest while he sits on the throne. He is a monster of our own making. I must. take the mantle back, I must. I must right these wrongs. T’Chaka looks at his son, his disappointment giving way to a proud smile. INT. JABARI HEALING GROUNDS HUT - NIGHT T’Challa suddenly awakens and is pulled from the snow by Ramonda unsure where he is. T’CHALLA Do you have a blanket? They embrace. T’Challa turns to see Nakia and Shuri as well. The four of them embrace as M’Baku looks on. INT. M‘BAKU’S THRONE ROOM, JABARILAND - DAY our entire team of heroes: T/Challa, Nakia, Shuri, Ramonda, Ross talk. NAKTA, Killmonger has the full support of our military. And he burned the garden of the Heart Shaped Herb. ROSS Of course he did. The T’Challa turns to Ross. ROSS (CONT’D) That’s what he was trained to do. His unit used to work with the CIA to destabilize foreign countries. (MORE) 98. ROSS (CONT’D) They would always strike at transitions of an election year or the death of a monarch. You get control of government, the military -- T’CHALLA Our resources. The Great Mound. SHURI our vibranium. All of my designs. T’CHALLA He will send our weapons all over the world. T’Challa turns to Nakia. T'CHALLA (CONT'D) (motioning to Shuri and Ramonda) You must get them out of Wakanda safely. RAMONDA What? SHURI What about you? T’CHALLA The challenge will have to continue. RAMONDA T’Challa, we will not leave Wakanda. T’CHALLA It is my duty to keep you safe. SHURT If he gets control of our technology, no where will be safe. Shuri pulls T’Challa’s PANTHER TOOTH NECKLACE from her pocket and places it on his neck. T’Challa smiles. SHURI (CONT’D) The Black Panther lives. And when he fights for the fate of Wakanda I will be right there beside him. NAKIA As will I. T’Challa smiles he looks to Nakia and Ramonda who looks at him with confidence. ROSS I'm in too. The Wakandans cut Ross a look ROSS (CONT'D) What? You're gonna need all the help you can get. The Wakandans smile at Ross as M’Baku interrupts. M' BAKU Are you done? Are you - are you done? T’CHALLA Could you give me and Lord M’Baku a moment? Everyone exits and M’Baku gazes at T/Challa. T'CHALLA (CONT’D) Thank you. M'BAKU I owed you a great debt. A life for a life. Consider it paid. T’CHALLA Please allow my mother to stay here. M'BAKU No harm will come to her I give you my word. 'T’CHALLA You know I could use an army as well. M’BAKU (laughs) I bet you could. But no. I will give no Jabari lives towards your cause. 99. back 100. T’CHALLA. It is our cause. It is for all of us. M’ BAKU Us? You are the first King to come here in centuries. And now you speak of us? T’CHALLA I cannot speak for past Kings. But an enemy sits on the throne right now. We both know the power of vibranium. If Killmonger gets control of it, who do you think he will come for next? M’Baku sits. M' BAKU We will not help you. T’Challa walks out, leaving M’Baku to think. INT. VIBRANIUM MINE- DOWNSHAPT A train car carrying carts full of vibranium moves across the ground, it then takes a turn up the sides and up to the surface out to--- EXT. MT. BASHENGA, TOP OF THE HILL - DAY Where several BORDER TRIBE WARRIORS and KINGSGUARD load the cargo onto the bottom of a TALON FIGHTER. The Dora Milaje keep watch in the distance. Killmonger, dressed in casual clothes, his gold panther toothed necklace exposed. With W’Kabi and Okoye flanking him, he walks around watching impatiently as cargo is revealed to be being loaded up onto an entire FLEET of WAKANDAN AIRCRAFT. W'KABI Everything is on schedule. KILLMONGER Have the spies been alerted? WKABL Yes. Some have been resistant to our new mission. But the War Dogs in London, New York and Hong Kong are standing by. 101. KILLMONGER We'll strike there first. The others will come around. Killmonger picks up a Kingsguard spear. KILLMONGER (CONT’D) Look at this. A handheld sonic cannon powerful enough to stop a tank. Untraceable by metal detectors, and we got thousands of ‘em. The world’s gonna find out exactly who we are. Across from them, a TALON FIGHTER takes off, loaded with cargo. Killmonger watches, then turns to W’Kabi. As they smile the talon fighter EXPLODES in the air above them, startling Killmonger, W’Kabi, Okoye and the remaining Wakandans. They watch in shock as the debris rains down from the sky. Killmonger looks closely, trying to make something out. EXT. MT. BASHENGA, TOP OF THE HILL - DAY Killmonger, Okoye, and W’Kabi line up at the lip of the great mound, surrounded by hundreds of Border Tribesmen they look on with confusion as Several hundred yards away, at the foot of the mountain, PANTHER EMERGES FROM THE WRECKAGE, suit engaged in all of his glory. He starts walking towards the top of the hill. Okoye smiles. OKOYE He lives... ON PANTHER As he walks closer to the lip of the mound and retracts his mask. T’CHALLA NiJadaka!!!! KILLMONGER Wassup? T’CHALLA I never yielded, and as you can see, I am not dead. 102. KILLMONGER All that challenge shit is over with. I’m the King now. (turns to Kingsguard) Get those planes in the air! Carry out the mission! T'CHALLA (into comm) Shuri, now! SHURI (0.S.) Copy that. INT. SHURI'S LAB, HALLWAY, MT. BASHENGA - DAY Wearing Blanket disguises, Nakia, Ross and Shuri duck around a corner, avoiding detection by a group of Border Tribesmen running outside. SHURT (CONT’D) Go! Go go go go go! Come on, Ross! EXT. MT BASHENGA, TOP OF HILL - DAY Killmonger stands with W/Kabi at the top of the mound. KILLMONGER W'Kabi, kill this clown. OKOYE W'Kabi, the challenge is not complete. BORDER TRIBE COMMANDER What will we do? The Border Tribe soldiers look on at T’Challa and grow visibly nervous. W'KABI Border Tribe! BORDER TRIBE ay! ay! W'KABI Phambili! W’Kabi pulls his sword and triggers the SONIC FIELD around it. He points it towards T’Chalia and the Border Tribesmen line up in a battle formation and charge towards T’Challa. 103. A Dragonflyer takes off overhead and leads the charge downhill. Okoye turns to Killmonger. OKOYE You! Your heart is so full of hatred you are not fit to be a King. She slams her spear and the Dora fall in line behind her as Killmonger stares her down. Killmonger pulls his blades, and activates his PANTHER SUIT from his necklace as Talon Fighters take off in the background. OKOYE (CONT’D) Ayo. The King. Some of the Dora take off down the hill to fight for T’Challa. Okoye calls for the attack. One of the Dora jumps at Killmonger Panther followed by another Dora. “They attack. A third Dora jumps and side kicks Killmonger Panther. DOWNHILL The DRAGONFLYER overtakes the Border Tribesmen and begins shooting sonic blasts at T’Challa, that create a large impact on the ground as he runs. The Border Tribesmen continue to run down towards T/Challa and fall into a PHALANX FORMATION. The VIBRANIUM STITCHING on their blankets activates and high tech sonic shields emerge from the blankets and build on each other. The shields stretch out and up, making a barrier impossible for Panther to pass. Panther SUPER JUMPS over the sonic shield as it rises hurdling barely escaping it’s vertical edge. He lands behind the 1ST WAVE of Border Tribesmen, delivering a massive sonic blow that sends them flying as well as lifting some of the spilled spears into the air. Panther grabs a spear and with expert precision throws it at the Dragon Flyer. The spear explodes on impact, sending the DRAGONFLYER careening towards the ground right over T’Challa’s head. 104. W’Kabi sees this and leads the charge of the 2ND WAVE of Border Tribesmen down towards T/Challa, and they engage him swinging their blades wildly and using their shields to corner him. Ayo and the Dora collide with the 2ND WAVE of Border Tribesmen, fighting them off with precision. Engaging with the Border Tribesmen, T/Challa lands a hard blow on W’Kabi that sends him back through the grass. T'CHALLA W'Kabi stop this! Stop this now! W’Kabi runs on top of a large rock to gain a vantage point, and pulls out a large HORN. T'CHALLA (CONT’D) Noo!! W’Kabi blows on the horn. We push in on the DRAGONFLYER WRECKAGE, as a rumbling sound is heard. Suddenly ARMORED RHINO #1 crashes through the bit of the wreckage wearing a RED BLANKET. Then a second RHINO, ARMORED RHINO #2, crashes through the other side, bigger and faster than the last and wearing a WHITE BLANKET. The camera continues to push in as BOOM, the Dragonflyer is split into two and M20, W’Kabi’s personal rhino, emerges right towards camera. The Border Tribesmen lift their swords and cheer as the Rhinos run past them. W'Kabi hops on, and goes right for the pack of DORA, sending a third of them FLYING! INT. SHURI’S LAB, WAKANDA DESIGN GROUP - DAY Shuri, Nakia, and Ross are now running down the ramp, throwing off their disguises. Shuri motions for a SAND TABLE to rise, revealing a new tech armor rack. She grabs the communication devices. SHURI Nakia and I will get control of the Royal Talon with this. ROSS Ok, so what do I do? Shuri slips a kimoyo bead bracelet on Ross’ hand. 105. SHURT You will have to fly it. ROSS What? SHURT You were a great pilot. Don’t worry, I'll guide you through it. It’s just like riding a hoverbike. ROSS You guys have hoverbikes? Shuri raises a sand table. She hurries back to the first table, grabs the gauntlets and points out some Dora armor. SHURT Nakia, take that. NAKTA I’m not a Dora. SHURI Just put it on, it’s armor! Shuri runs up the ramp. Nakia begrudgingly grabs the DORA MILAJE UNIFORM and runs after her. SHURI (CONT'D) Good luck, Agent Ross! ROSS Yea I don’t know what I’m doing -- NAKIA We're counting on you! EXT. MT. BASHENGA, TOP OF THE HILL - DAY Okoye jumps over and throws her spear at Killmonger, it bounces off, Okoye catches in stride. She’s on the attack. The Dora Milaje advance on Killmonger, but DORA MILAJE #1 strikes too quickly, and Killmonger uses his superior strength and speed to grab her mid-strike, using her as a shield to hold off Okoye and the other Dora. DORA MILAJE 1 Wakanda Forever. Killmonger then slits her throat with his vibranium sword. Okoye, devastated, leads another attack on Killmonger. 106. EXT. MT. BASHENGA, TOP OF THE HILL - DAY As Nakia and Shuri sneak out onto the deck, and plant the Kimoyo bead puck on the RTF. INT. SHURI'S LAB, WAKANDA DESIGN GROUP - DAY Ross paces waiting for word from Shuri or Nakia about what to do, when suddenly the SAND TABLE drops to the ground, revealing an F-16 cockpit. GRIOT (0.S.) Remote piloting system activated. SHURI (0.S.) I made it American style for you! Get int Ross hops in and starts up the ship. EXT. MT. BASHENGA LANDING PAD - DAY The RTF clumsily takes off, its thrusters blowing back two Kingsguard pilots. SHURI/NAKIA Yes!! SHURI (into comms) Go! We can’t let those weapons get beyond Wakanda. INT. SHURI'S LAB, COCKPIT - DAY ROSS Alright, I’m on it. EXT. MT. BASHENGA, TOP OF THE HILL - DAY The RTF starts in one direction does a u-turn and TAKES off after the other ships. DOWNHILL T’Challa runs full speed next to RHINO #2 swings around its horn and does a takedown maneuver causing the Rhino to fall into the TRENCH left by the wing of the TALON FIGHTER. T’Challa flips out of the trench while the Rhino is trapped by the steep incline. EXT. MT. BASHENGA, TOP OF THE HILL - DAY 107. Killmonger is surrounded by Okoye and two Dora. They continue to back him up with synchronized hits, until they surround him with a TRIPLE SPEAR TRAP around his neck. OKOYE (in Xhosa) Lock! Get him down! They tighten their grip around his neck. OKOYE (CONT’D) (in Xhosa) Get the necklace! But Killmonger drops to his knees and expels his suit’s kinetic energy, blowing the Dora down the hill. Nakia takes off toward Killmonger. NAKIA, Wakanda Forever! ! He moves towards them with rage in his eyes. He engages Shuri and Nakia in battle, Nakia holds her own with her advanced ringblades while shuri strafes from the side with her panther gauntlets-- shooting Killmonger from a distance. INT. SHURI'S LAB, COCKPIT - DAY Ross flies the RIF over Wakanda, and sees the group of aircraft in the distance. ROSS Ok Shuri, I got ‘em what do I do? SHURI (0.S.) Shoot them down genius! ROSS Alright... Ross places his hands on the firing mechanism. ROSS (CONT'D) Here goes nothing. A RED TARGETING CURSOR pops up on the display. Ross reacts, then guides the cursor over the cargo ship, and fires! EXT. WAKANDAN AIRSPACE 108. The RTF goes into battle mode. Weapons pop out from opening all over the craft in quick succession. The RTF launches a SONIC BLAST that tears through the wing of the first cargo ship. Causing it to spiral down into the docking shores below. INT. SHURI'S LAB, COCKPIT - DAY Ross watches as the cargo ship drops. ROSS Alright, I got ‘em. EXT. WAKANDAN AIRSPACE ‘The DRAGONFLYER PILOTS see the cargo ship drop and turn back around towards the RIF. THREE DRAFONGFLYERS immediately begin firing at the RIF. ROSS (CONT'D) Oh shit shit shit. EXT. MT. BASHENGA - DAY Panther tangles with the Border Tribe, but is suddenly SMASHED in the back by M20 and is sent flying through the air, and into a large rock. EXT. MT. BASHENGA, TOP OF THE HILL - DAY Killmonger lands two hard swiping blows on Nakia, slashing her arm and her leg, then throws her down the hill, leaving him alone with Shuri, who BLASTS AWAY at Killmonger, until he suddenly springs at her, GRABBING HER GAUNTLETS WITH HIS CLAWS and BREAKS THEM! DOWNHILL On the ground, Panther is suddenly swarmed by Border Tribesmen and PINNED DOWN, stabbed, kicked and slashed with blades by the mob. He sees Killmonger in the distance closing in on Shuri, and then expels the kinetic energy in his suit and... WHAMI!! 'T’CHALLA Shuril! The DOG PILE is LAUNCHED off through the air!

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