Curriculum KTSP VS K13
Curriculum KTSP VS K13
Curriculum KTSP VS K13
For more details, below is the difference between 2013 and the SBC Curriculum (CBC)
1. Scouts be ekstrakuler which is mandatory for all students.
2. The selection of majors starting from class X ( SMA / MA ).
3. The number of class hours per week more and the number of subjects less than SBC.
4. For Guidance and Counseling ( BK ) prioritize the development potential of the students.
5. ICT ( Information and Communication Technology ) is no longer a subject, but rather as a
6. Assessment of students using the assessment of attitudes, skills, and knowledge in an
integrated manner
SBC 2006
1. Scouting is an extra that is not mandatory.
2. The selection of majors starting XI.
3. The number of hours of lessons a little more and the number of subjects more than the
Curriculum 2013.
4. Guidance and Counseling ( BK ) more on the students.
5. ICT ( Information and Communication Technology ) is a subject in school.
6. Aspect of knowledge is the most important part in the assessment process.