Curriculum KTSP VS K13

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1. The Characteristic of Curriculum KTSP/SBC (Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC)

2006) and Curriculim K13

 The characteristics of Curriculum KTSP

Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC) is an operational educational curriculum
developed by and implemented in each unit of education in Indonesia. SBC legally mandated by
Law No. 20 Year 2003 on National Education System and the Indonesian Government Regulation
No. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards
According to Ahiri 2007: 6, KTSP is the development model of the Competency Based Curriculum
that has some characteristics:
1. It is oriented to the learner outcomes and its effects.
2. It is based on competency standard and basic competency that is spelt out into content
3. It is based on the graduation competency standard.
4. It is concerned more on the diversity of curriculum model
5. It develops the whole and overall competencies
6. It applies complete learning.

 The characteristics of Curriculum 2013 is:

2013 curriculum aims to encourage learners or students, better able to make observations,
ask questions, reasoning, and communicating (present), what they earn, or they know after
receiving learning materials. The object becomes the structuring of learning and curriculum
improvement in 2013 emphasize on natural phenomena, social, art, and culture
1. Competence is expressed in the form of core competencies (kompetensi inti) that are
detailed further in the subject’s basic competencies (kompetensi dasar);
2. The balance of spiritual and social attitudes, knowledge, and skills, and to apply them
during various situations in schools and communities;
3. The life-based learning;
4. Scientific approach;
5. Learners produce work (products) through project-based learning;
6. Mastery learning;
7. Student-centered learning;
8. Authentic assessment;
9. The teacher as a facilitator.
2. The Differences Between Curiculum 2013 and KTSP
Curriculum 2013 was implemented in the 2013/2014 academic year on specific schools.
Curriculum 2013 was officialy launched on July 15, 013. Similarly, in 01 the curriculum has
differences with the KTSP. Here is some differences between curriculum 013 and KTSP.
Firstly, in curriculum 2013 aspects of the competence of graduates there is a balance of
soft skills and hard skills and knowledge. Different with KTSP, is more emphasis on the
knowledge. Secondly, in curriculum 2013 the learning process of each theme in elementary school
and all the subject in the Junior High School/ Senior High School done with a scientific approach,
which is standart in the learning process consist of observe, rework, ask, present, summed up, and
create. Differently, standart in the learning process consist of exploration, elaboration and the
confirm. Thirdly, in curriculum 2013, demand or majors from class X but in KTSP starting XI. Of
course, any changes will be to educate students for better conditions, and make them understand
the changes in teaching to be revamped. That’s some differences between curriculum 2013 and

For more details, below is the difference between 2013 and the SBC Curriculum (CBC)

1. Scouts be ekstrakuler which is mandatory for all students.
2. The selection of majors starting from class X ( SMA / MA ).
3. The number of class hours per week more and the number of subjects less than SBC.
4. For Guidance and Counseling ( BK ) prioritize the development potential of the students.
5. ICT ( Information and Communication Technology ) is no longer a subject, but rather as a
6. Assessment of students using the assessment of attitudes, skills, and knowledge in an
integrated manner

SBC 2006
1. Scouting is an extra that is not mandatory.
2. The selection of majors starting XI.
3. The number of hours of lessons a little more and the number of subjects more than the
Curriculum 2013.
4. Guidance and Counseling ( BK ) more on the students.
5. ICT ( Information and Communication Technology ) is a subject in school.
6. Aspect of knowledge is the most important part in the assessment process.

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