Tunnel Design

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The seminar discusses various aspects of tunnel planning such as the difference between general structures and tunnels, design and construction procedures, advantages and disadvantages of tunnels, and construction plans involving vehicles, schedules, and ICT.

The main steps involved are investigation, structural design, observation and measurement during execution, completion of construction, and maintenance and operation. The flowchart also involves determination of basic elements, ground classification, design changes if needed, and ensuring safety and cost efficiency.

The construction schedule depends on geological conditions like the selection of support and excavation methods, and environmental conditions requiring countermeasures for noise, vibration and construction restrictions. Both need to be fully considered.

<Session 1>

Tunnel Planning

Nobuharu ISAGO,Dr. Eng.

Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University
[email protected]
Tunnel Planning Seminar, Jakarta, 16 September, 2019 1
<Session 1>
Tunnel Planning

Menu of Session1
1.1 About Tunnel
1.2 Flowchart of Tunnel Construction Project
1.3 Tunnel Planning
1.4 Selection of Road Structure Type
1.5 Geometric Design
1.6 Tunnel Portal
1.7 Tunnel Construction Plan

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1.1 About Tunnel

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1.1 About Tunnel


1.1.1 Difference between General Structure and Tunnel

1.1.2 Design and Construction Procedure of Tunnel
1.1.3 Advantage and Disadvantage of Tunnel

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1.1.1 Difference between General Structure and Tunnel
<General Structure>
(1) Earth Work
• The road is generally constructed by filling and cutting existing
mountain without structures.
(2) Bridge
• The road is constructed in the air by structure.
<Mountain Tunnel>
(3) Tunnel
• The road is constructed in the mountain to avoid large scale filling and
cutting existing mountain.

(3) (1) (2)

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1.1.2 Design and Construction Procedure of Tunnel
General structure Mountain tunnel

Design condition Design condition

Load: Confirmed Load: Unconfirmed
Material: Artificial, Uniform Material: Natural, non-uniform
Material characteristics: Known Material characteristics: Unknown

Design Design Design

Structural design Setting of load is difficult, Support pattern based on
(Confirmation of safety and economy) and evaluation of ground classification
analysis is also difficult

Construction based on design
Validity of support is evaluated during
construction stage
Earth pressure on tunnel is complicated and it is
explained only in concept not in quantity.
Confirmation of safety and cost efficiency

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1.1.3 Advantage and Disadvantage of Tunnel

Advantage of Tunnel
• Risk of road closure is low, as tunnel is constructed under the ground
thus impact of disaster (rock fall, heavy rain, typhoon, gust, snow, etc.)
can be reduced.
-> It is important to locate tunnel portals avoiding disaster-prone area.

Disadvantage of Tunnel
• Load acting on tunnel varies according to the geological condition which
is not homogeneous.
-> It is important to understand geological conditions correctly before
-> At the same time, it is quite important to understand the limitation of

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1.2 Flowchart of Tunnel Construction Project

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1.2 Flowchart of Tunnel Construction Project
Determination of
Tunnel planning basic elements


Classification Design
Structural design

Observation and
Maintenance and Execution

Judgment of
Completion of Yes safety and cost
construction efficiency
* In tunnel project, design change is usually made according
to the investigation results in the design stage and also
actual geological conditions confirmed during construction.
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1.3 Tunnel Planning

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1.3 Tunnel Planning


1.3.1 Matters to be Considered in Tunnel Planning

1.3.2 Tunnel Planning Flow
1.3.3 Evaluation of Optimum Route

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1.3.1 Matters to be Considered in Tunnel Planning (1/2)

Matters to be Considered (1)

• Social and economic aspects should be considered in the tunnel
• In tunnel planning, not only tunnel itself but also access road to the
tunnel should be considered as the whole project road.

• Alternative routes should be evaluated comprehensively considering

traffic safety, topographic conditions, environment, etc.
• It is important for tunnel planning to understand that “Tunnel is part
of the road network”.

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1.3.1 Matters to be Considered in Tunnel Planning (2/2)

Matters to be Considered (2)

• Tunnel structures should be planned in consideration of related
tunnel facilities.

• Tunnel facilities such as ventilation system, lighting, emergency

facilities, etc. are provided for the road tunnel to secure traffic safety
as well as driving comfort.
• Tunnel structures and tunnel facilities should be planned at the same
time in order to correctly understand the mutual relations between
structures and facilities.

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1.3.2 Tunnel Planning Flow (1/5)

Accuracy of tunnel planning is increased by steps.

<Planning Stage>
• It is important to understand major issues of the project based on
the comprehensive surveys/investigations.

<Design Stage>
• Accuracy of design is increased by steps from preliminary design to
detailed design.

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1.3.2 Tunnel Planning Flow (2/5)
Tunnel Planning Flow
1. Selection of route 2. Selection of alignment 3. Determination of alignment
• 1/50,000 to 1/25,000 map • 1/5,000 to 1/2,000 map • 1/1,000 map
• Economic evaluation • Economic evaluation • Design
• Determination of geometric • Study for items to be • Study for the construction
standard considered • Cost estimates
• Study for major items to be • Study for structures (tunnel,
considered bridge, earthwork)
• Study for major structures

Analysis of existing data and Field investigations Field investigations
materials • Large scale landslide • Issues in earthwork section
• Topographic condition • Slope • Issues in tunnel section
• Geological condition • Conditions at tunnel portal Ground condition survey/Investigation
• Meteorological condition area • Ground stability
• Disaster • Existing structures • Small scale landslide
• Environment • Soft soil • Foundation ground for structures
• Landuse • Environment • Geological condition for tunnel
• Past Construction section
Geological investigation
• Elastic Wave Probing
Low <Accuracy Level> High • Boring survey
Tunnel Planning Seminar, Jakarta, 16 September, 2019 • Laboratory test 15
1.3.2 Tunnel Planning Flow (3/5)
1. Selection of Route
<Matters to be considered>
• Social needs
• Economic benefits
• Project scale
• Technical issues

<Topographical map> ALT-C1

• 1/50,000 to 1/25,000 ALT-E1

• Analysis of existing data ALT-E4

and materials ALT-C2

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++ Selection of Route (Example) ++

Total Tunnel Length 11.3km 10.7km 8.3km 9.7km 9.6km 6.5km

Total Bridge Length 7.5km 4.1km 3.0km 4.5km 2.7km 3.9km

2.4% 2.4%
Average Vertical Gradient (Accident, (Accident, 1.5% 1.6% 1.4% 1.6%
Slow speed) Slow speed)
High High
(Long tunnel +
Construction Cost (Long tunnel + (Long tunnel + Low Fair Low
bridge length)
bridge length) bridge length)
High High
Construction Difficulty Fair Low Fair (Many large Low (Many large
scale bridge) scale bridge)
High (Long
Impact on Natural Environ. Low Low Fair Low Low earthwork +
bridge length)
High (Passing High (Passing
Impact on Social Environ. Low Low Low Low
town/village) town/village)

ALT-C1, ALT-C2, ALT-E2 and ALT-E4 have some disadvantage.

ALT-E1 and ALT-E3 go to next step (Selection of Alignment).
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1.3.2 Tunnel Planning Flow (4/5)
2. Selection of Alignment
<Matters to be considered> <Items to be considered for alignment selection>
• Items to be considered for • Existing landuse and future landuse plan
alignment selection • Connection with other roads
• Traffic safety (alignment) • Relation with railway
• Type of structures • River crossing
• Environment • Alignment in the mountain
• Issues for construction • Geological conditions
• Natural and social enviroment
<Topographical map>
• 1/5,000 to 1/2,000

• Field investigations

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1.3.2 Tunnel Planning Flow (5/5)
3. Determination of Alignment
<Matters to be considered>
• Optimum alignment
• Determination of structure
• Road geometric design
• Structural design At valley
• Cost estimates Diagonally
to mountain
<Topographical map>
• 1/1,000 Shallow earth cover
in this area at portal

<Survey/Investigation> At steep slope

• Geological investigations

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++ Determination of Alignment (Example) ++

Total Tunnel Length 7.5km 7.8km

Total Bridge Length 0.9km (0.6km of large scale bridge) 1.8km (0.3km of large scale bridge)

Not stable and durable Stable and durable

Tunnel Portal

Gradient change (Risk for traffic accident) 1 gradient

Vertical Grade in

Fair (Longer total bridge length, but almost

Construction Cost Fair
bridge is small scale bridge)

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++ Items to be Considered for Tunnel Planning ++

Hydraulic conditions

River, Lake, Pond

Poor ground properties: Water inflow
swelling, squeezing,
Fault Zone unconsolidated etc.

rare species


Geological conditions
rock fall
Residential zone
landslide slope failure conditions

Topographical conditions Urban conditions

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++ Risk Factor (1/2) ++

1. Landslide 2. Fault

Tunnel Tunnel

3. Unconsolidation 4. Water inflow

Excavation→loosening earth pressure
Ground water

Excavation Water inflow

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++ Risk Factor (2/2) ++

5. Crack 6. Submergence collapse

collapse Tunnel Tunnel

7. Squeezing, Swelling 8. Inflammable gas explosion

Large earth pressure


Excavation gas

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1.3.3 Evaluation of Optimum Route

Optimum route is selected based on the evaluation of alternative

routes from comprehensive views.
<Economic View>
• In addition to construction cost and operation & maintenance cost,
benefit to road users by improving travel condition and social loss
reduction by decrease in traffic accidents should be evaluated.
<Safety View>
• Safety for construction, safety for road users, safety against disasters,
etc. should be evaluated.
<Environmental View>
• Impact on local community, natural environment, economic activity,
etc. should be evaluated.

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++ Impact on Surrounding Environment ++
If groundwater level lowers by tunnel construction, significant issues
would occur.

Rain-fall Water inflow


Well up

Effluent seepage ground


Reduce the
industrial water
Reduce the water
of river Reduce the
agricultural water
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++ Vertical Alignment ++
Declining Outward to Both Declining Inward from
Declining One-side
Sides Both sides


:Water flow

Method Gravity flow Gravity flow Forced drainage by

Direction Pit mouth at lower Both pit mouths Either pit mouth
・Desirable to construct ・Possible to construct
Advantage from the pit mouth at from both pit mouths None
lower altitude
・Due to drainage by
pumping, it requires more
・If construction goes in construction and
Disadvantage ・Spring water flows down one direction, part of the maintenance costs (during
only to one pit mouth construction is performed and after construction)
on downward pitch ・Construction is
performed on downward
Evaluation Good Bad

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1.4 Selection of Road Structure Type

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1.4 Selection of Road Structure Type (1/3)

The following matters should be considered in the horizontal alignment

• Impact on existing properties such as houses, buildings, etc.
• Important facilities such as cultural asset, mosque, electricity pylon,
• Area where topographic or geological issues arise.

Road length: 1km

Tunnel Route Compared to earthwork, tunnel
structure can achieve above-
mentioned matters.
• Good alignment can be provided.
• Risk for disaster can be minimized.
• Impact on natural environment
Road length: 2km
can be reduced.
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1.4 Selection of Road Structure Type (2/3)

The following matters should be considered in the vertical alignment

• Construction cost
• Cut and fill volume balance
• Balance between tunnel and bridge length/height

Long and
Short tunnel high bridge

Long tunnel

Short and low

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1.4 Selection of Road Structure Type (3/3)
• Construction cost of earth work has been increasing in recent years
to meet a growing need of safety (countermeasure for disaster) and
protection of environment (planting on slope, etc.).
• Construction cost of tunnel has been decreasing due to the
technological development.
<Before> <Now>

Construction Cost

Safety Bridge

Land Land
Land acquisition Land
acquisition acquisition

Earth Work Bridge/Tunnel Earth Work Bridge/Tunnel

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1.5 Geometric Design

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1.5 Geometric Design (1/3)
Tunnel class is determined according to road class of the project.

<Geometric condition in road class> <Geometric condition in tunnel class>

1. Horizontal/Vertical alignment 1. Horizontal/Vertical alignment in tunnel section
2. Cross section 2. Cross section in tunnel section
3. Horizontal/Vertical clearance 3. Horizontal/Vertical clearance in tunnel section

Tunnel class

Traffic Volume (veh/day, per tunnel)


Cross section

Tunnel Length (m)

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1.5 Geometric Design (2/3)

Horizontal alignment considering project area conditions (Example)

Avoiding the followings

Avoiding the followings • Hot spring
• Residential area • Hot spring facility
• School Area possible to adjust the alignment • Park

Hot spring
Facility Park

Hot spring


Area where adjustment of alignment is limited

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1.5 Geometric Design (3/3)

Vertical alignment considering project area conditions (Example)

Clearance Clearance Max. vertical

with road with road gradient in IC
Clearance section
with culvert Securing enough
Clearance earth cover
to road with road

Min. vertical

Min. vertical Clearance

Clearance Min. vertical gradient with culvert
with culvert gradient

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1.6 Tunnel Portal

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1.6 Tunnel Portal


1.6.1 Position of Tunnel Portal

1.6.2 Countermeasure to Construct Tunnel Portal
1.6.3 Matters to be Considered in Tunnel Portal Position

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1.6.1 Position of Tunnel Portal (1/2)

• Difficulty level of construction at pit mouth varies greatly

depending on positional relation between geography and
tunnel axial direction.

(1) Perpendicular to contours-type -> Easy

(2) Diagonal to contours-type -> Easy
(3) Parallel to contours-type -> Difficult
(4) Penetrating the ridge-type -> Easy
(5) Penetrating the valley-type -> Difficult
(1) (5)
(4) (3)

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1.6.1 Position of Tunnel Portal (2/2)

• Difficulty level of construction at pit mouth varies greatly

depending on positional relation between geography and
tunnel axial direction.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Perpendicular to Diagonal to Parallel to Penetrating the Penetrating the
contours-type contours-type contours-type ridge-type valley-type


Earth Deep Deep Shallow Deep Shallow

Small earth
None in Unsymmetrical Unsymmetrical None in covering,
Problem particular earth pressure earth pressure particular thick
Evaluation Most ideal Avoid if possible Avoid as much Generally stable Consider
order as possible carefully

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1.6.2 Countermeasure to Construct Tunnel Portal

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1.6.3 Matters to be Considered in Tunnel Portal Position (1/4)
In case tunnel portal is located at valley

Risk that soil flows into the tunnel
portal by landslide
Making the soil flow above the tunnel
by extending tunnel

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1.6.3 Matters to be Considered in Tunnel Portal Position (2/4)
In case tunnel portal is located at valley Countermeasure for landslide
Fixing rock bolt and ground
improvement by grout injection

Countermeasure for rockfall

Providing countermeasure method based
on the detailed survey/investigations

Risk of landslide and rockfall
Providing auxiliary method for landslide and
prevention work for rockfall
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1.6.3 Matters to be Considered in Tunnel Portal Position (3/4)
In case tunnel is constructed in thick soil/sand layer

Talus and debris

flow deposit area

Unstable tunnel facing during
tunnel excavation

Confirming the safety of tunnel

facing by numerical analysis
Avoiding the risk of collapse by
auxiliary method
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1.6.3 Matters to be Considered in Tunnel Portal Position (4/4)
In case tunnel is constructed diagonally to the mountain

Imbalanced earth pressure to the tunnel
Evaluating effect of imbalanced earth pressure to
the tunnel by numerical analysis
Decreasing earth pressure by auxiliary method
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1.7 Tunnel Construction Plan

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1.7 Tunnel Construction Plan


1.7.1 Construction Road Plan

1.7.2 Construction Vehicle Operation Plan
1.7.3 Construction Schedule Plan
1.7.4 ICT Construction Plan

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1.7.1 Construction Road Plan (1/4)
In case there is no existing access road to tunnel construction site
There is often no existing access road to the tunnel construction site, as the mountain tunnel is
constructed at area distant from residential area.
Construction road connecting existing road and tunnel construction area is constructed. Its geometric
conditions such as alignment, cross section, etc. are determined inconsideration of size of construction
vehicles, construction vehicle traffic volume, topography, etc.

Tunnel portal

Construction road Cut

Construction road

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1.7.1 Construction Road Plan (2/4)
In case large scale construction road is required
In case the construction road is constructed in the mountain, large scale cut and fill or temporary bridge
may be required. These types of construction road need more construction period and cost.

Large scale cut and fill

Temporary bridge

road Valley

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1.7.1 Construction Road Plan (3/4)
In case large scale construction road is required
Countermeasure (1)
A part of permanent earth work section is constructed first, and its section is utilized as the construction
road for the tunnel.
Advantage: Additional construction is not required as the construction road is constructed as a part
of permanent works.

Disadvantage: Remaining section of earth work can not be commenced until the tunnel construction is

Cut for Permanent cut line

construction road

Permanent earth work

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1.7.1 Construction Road Plan (4/4)
In case large scale construction road is required
Countermeasure (2)
Small size tunnel is constructed first to utilize as the construction road.
Temporary tunnel for access to middle of
Small size tunnel for 1 tube out of 2 tubes

本線トンネル 貫通側工事
Construction work
Constriction 1
工事① Constriction
工事➁ 2
Temporary tunnel

Temporary tunnel

Tunnel is constructed from 2 locations Small size tunnel can be constructed

Advantage earlier, and can be utilized as the
construction road
Additional cost is necessary for temporary Small size tunnel can not be expanded to
Disadvantage tunnel. ultimate size during it is being utilized as
Temporary tunnel must be filled after use. the construction road.
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++ Small Size Temporary Tunnel (Example) ++

■Small size temporary tunnel(NATM / New Austrian Tunnel Method) Ultimate size

■Small size temporary tunnel(TBM / Tunnel Boring Machine)

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1.7.2 Construction Vehicle Operation Plan
In case exiting roads are utilized as the construction road
In case existing roads are utilized as the construction road, negative impact on living environment along
the construction road may occur.
Flow of tunnel excavated soil
<Tunnel excavation site> <Temporary soil deposit site> <Soil disposal site>

Within construction area Utilizing existing road

Construction road is planned in consideration of geometric condition, traffic
Temp. soil deposit site
condition, environment, etc. of the existing road. Countermeasure such as
widening is made, if necessary.
Advantage Disadvantage Countermeasure
• Reduction of cost • Traffic congestion • Widening
• Shortening of • Traffic accident • Passing bay
construction period • Noise and vibration • Specific pavement

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Utilizing existing road 51
1.7.3 Construction Schedule Plan

Construction schedule of the mountain tunnel depends on geological condition and environmental
condition in addition to construction road plan.
Geological condition and environmental condition are fully considered before the construction.

Items to be Considered Note

Geological • Selection of tunnel support • Accuracy of geological investigations
condition • Selection of auxiliary should be enhanced by steps.
construction method • Risk and its countermeasure should be
• Selection of excavation method considered from the geological
investigations results.
Environmental • Countermeasure against noise • Restrictions in the construction method
condition and vibration such as night construction, blasting
excavation, etc. may be given.

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1.7.4 ICT Construction Plan
In case ICT (Information and Communication Technology) constriction is applied
Measurement of
It is difficult to understand detailed geological conditions during tunnel shape
planning stage.
Geological investigations are conducted by steps according to each
project stage.

Items to be Confirmed Reflecting in construction

Measurement • Tunnel shape • Change of tunnel support
• Safety of tunnel support • Change of construction method
• Safety of other tunnel facilities • Adding auxiliary construction method
Observation • Understanding the difference • Change of tunnel support
between actual geological • Change of construction method
conditions and those expected • Adding auxiliary construction method
in the planning stage
• Risk of collapse
Additional • Risk of geological condition in • Confirmation of geological condition by
surveys front of tunnel facing boring
• Additional countermeasure
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Thank you for your attention

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