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What Every Driver Must Know

Table of Contents
Dear Michigan Motorist......................................................................................................ix

Michigan crash facts...........................................................................................................x

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License

Who is a resident?............................................................................................................... 1

New Michigan residents..................................................................................................... 1

Licensing requirements....................................................................................................... 1

Michigan licenses, designators and endorsements........................................................ 2

Michigan and REAL ID........................................................................................................ 2

Moved to Michigan from another state or country........................................................ 3

Under 18 – Graduated Driver Licensing............................................................................ 3

18 and older – never been licensed................................................................................. 5

Providing your Social Security number............................................................................. 6

Providing proof of legal presence.................................................................................... 6

Providing proof of identity.................................................................................................. 6

Providing proof of residency.............................................................................................. 6

Physical standards............................................................................................................... 6

Vision and knowledge tests............................................................................................... 6

The Temporary Instruction Permit...................................................................................... 7

The motorcycle TIP.............................................................................................................. 7

Driving Skills Test................................................................................................................... 8

Restricted license due to a health condition.................................................................. 9

Probationary license program........................................................................................... 9

Table of Contents
What Every Driver Must Know
Changing information on your license............................................................................. 9

Renewing your license...................................................................................................... 10

The decision to stop driving............................................................................................. 10

Chapter 2: Your Driving Record

Your driving record............................................................................................................ 13

Michigan’s point system................................................................................................... 13

Alcohol and drugs............................................................................................................. 14

Driver reexaminations....................................................................................................... 15

Chapter 3: Voter Registration and State IDs

Voter registration............................................................................................................... 19

State identification cards................................................................................................. 20

State ID cards and REAL ID.............................................................................................. 20

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws

Distracted driving.............................................................................................................. 23

Kelsey’s Law....................................................................................................................... 24

Buckle up, it’s the law!...................................................................................................... 24

Protecting children and teens......................................................................................... 25

Children left unattended in vehicles.............................................................................. 25

Air bags.............................................................................................................................. 26

Speed limits........................................................................................................................ 26

Construction zones............................................................................................................ 26

Merging in a construction zone....................................................................................... 27

Maintenance vehicles...................................................................................................... 27

Table of Contents
What Every Driver Must Know
Emergency vehicles.......................................................................................................... 28

School buses...................................................................................................................... 28

School bus signals............................................................................................................. 29

Right of way....................................................................................................................... 29

Right of way when turning............................................................................................... 29

Right of way at intersections............................................................................................ 30

Be prepared to yield......................................................................................................... 30

Right of way and pedestrians.......................................................................................... 31

Right of way and funerals................................................................................................ 31

Passing on the left............................................................................................................. 31

Passing on the right........................................................................................................... 32

When passing is prohibited.............................................................................................. 32

Lane usage........................................................................................................................ 32

Turning................................................................................................................................ 33

Right turns........................................................................................................................... 33

Left turns............................................................................................................................. 34

Changing lanes................................................................................................................. 34

Roundabouts..................................................................................................................... 35

Railroad crossings.............................................................................................................. 35

Railroad crossing advance warning sign....................................................................... 35

Passive railroad crossing control systems....................................................................... 36

Active railroad crossing control systems......................................................................... 36

Trains and vehicles DO NOT MIX: Grade crossing safety tips....................................... 36

If you are stuck on the tracks........................................................................................... 36

What is an Emergency Notification System sign?......................................................... 37

Parking................................................................................................................................ 37

Table of Contents
What Every Driver Must Know
Parking on a hill................................................................................................................. 37

Parallel parking.................................................................................................................. 37

Disability parking............................................................................................................... 38

Van-accessible disability parking.................................................................................... 38

Parking violations............................................................................................................... 38

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals

Traffic signs......................................................................................................................... 41

Route markers.................................................................................................................... 42

Traffic sign colors............................................................................................................... 42

Regulatory signs................................................................................................................. 42

Traffic sign challenge........................................................................................................ 43

Traffic sign challenge answers......................................................................................... 44

Pavement markings.......................................................................................................... 45

White lines.......................................................................................................................... 45

Broken white lines.............................................................................................................. 45

Solid white lines.................................................................................................................. 46

Double solid white lines.................................................................................................... 46

Lines to help separate and protect................................................................................ 46

Crosswalk lines................................................................................................................... 46

Stop lines............................................................................................................................ 46

Directional arrows............................................................................................................. 47

Bicycle lanes...................................................................................................................... 47

Sharrows............................................................................................................................. 47

Yellow lines......................................................................................................................... 47

Broken yellow lines............................................................................................................ 47

Table of Contents
What Every Driver Must Know
Solid yellow lines................................................................................................................ 47

Left turn only center lane................................................................................................. 48

Yield lines............................................................................................................................ 48

White triangular symbols.................................................................................................. 48

Dashed white lines............................................................................................................ 48

Traffic signals...................................................................................................................... 48

The 5-section-head signal................................................................................................ 49

Flashing red light................................................................................................................ 49

Flashing yellow light.......................................................................................................... 49

Steady green arrow.......................................................................................................... 49

Flashing yellow arrow left-turn signal head.................................................................... 49

Pedestrian signals.............................................................................................................. 50

Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon............................................................................................... 50

Chapter 6: Sharing the Road

Commercial vehicles........................................................................................................ 53

Passing a commercial vehicle safely.............................................................................. 54

Slow-moving vehicles....................................................................................................... 54

Pedestrians......................................................................................................................... 54

Children.............................................................................................................................. 55

Motorcycles, scooters, mopeds and bicycles............................................................... 55

Moped or scooter?........................................................................................................... 56

Just about bicyclists.......................................................................................................... 56

Autocycles......................................................................................................................... 57

Table of Contents
What Every Driver Must Know
Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
Safe driving........................................................................................................................ 59

Aggressive driving............................................................................................................. 59

Are you an aggressive driver? Do you:.......................................................................... 60

Take care at intersections................................................................................................ 60

Intersections....................................................................................................................... 60

Freeway driving................................................................................................................. 60

A word about merging..................................................................................................... 61

Leaving a freeway............................................................................................................ 61

Freeway fatigue................................................................................................................ 61

Cruise control..................................................................................................................... 62

If an oncoming vehicle is in your lane............................................................................ 62

Bad weather...................................................................................................................... 62

Rain and fog...................................................................................................................... 62

Ice, snow and other slippery conditions......................................................................... 63

If your vehicle begins skidding......................................................................................... 63

Braking................................................................................................................................ 63

Stopping distances........................................................................................................... 64

Driving at night.................................................................................................................. 64

Emergency situations........................................................................................................ 64

Crashes............................................................................................................................... 65

Vehicle – deer crashes..................................................................................................... 65

Your best defense against deer...................................................................................... 65

If a vehicle – deer crash is unavoidable........................................................................ 65

Driving requires you to plan ahead to stay safe........................................................... 66

Before starting the engine................................................................................................ 66

Table of Contents
What Every Driver Must Know
Do not take risks................................................................................................................. 66

If you are approached or threatened while in your car.............................................. 67

If your car becomes disabled.......................................................................................... 67

If you are pulled over........................................................................................................ 67

In conclusion...................................................................................................................... 67

Safe Driving Knowledge Test

Safe Driving Knowledge Test............................................................................................ 69

Answers to the Safe Driving Knowledge Test................................................................. 73

Resources........................................................................................................................... 73

Websites............................................................................................................................. 73

Printed materials................................................................................................................ 73

Credits................................................................................................................................ 74

Photo and image credits................................................................................................. 74

Inside back cover

Secretary of State online services

Social media

Accommodations for people with disabilities and non-native speakers

Table of Contents
What Every Driver Must Know

Table of Contents
What Every Driver Must Know

Driving is a privilege and not

a right. Drivers must drive
responsibly and safely, obey
traffic laws, and never drink and
drive. Finally, make sure that
you and your passengers are
properly buckled up – it’s the

Dear Michigan Motorist:

Today’s vehicles are loaded with technology that was unheard of
even a decade ago. Systems that warn when you’re drifting from your
lane, assist you in parallel parking, automatically brake in emergency
situations and provide 360 degrees of vision around the vehicle via a
camera are becoming standard, even on moderately priced vehicles.
As remarkable as these leaps in automotive technology are, the truth
is that the most important safety feature in any vehicle remains you as
the driver.

Therefore, it’s to your benefit to continue improving and expanding

your knowledge of traffic laws and safe driving practices. Driving is a
privilege. Once you have been issued a driver’s license, you have the
responsibility to continually demonstrate the skill and knowledge to
drive safely.

Whether you’ve been behind the wheel for decades or are just starting
to venture out, driving is a discipline that requires judgment, knowledge,
physical and mental self-awareness, and practice. “What Every Driver
Must Know” is an excellent resource for assisting you on this lifelong

Jocelyn Benson
Michigan Secretary of State

What Every Driver Must Know
Resources • The number of crashes in which the driver was
using a cell phone has steadily increased over the
A resource guide is located in the back of this
past five years, with 749 crashes reported in 2014
booklet. It lists resources such as websites, printed
and 2,909 crashes in 2018.
materials and a customer service number for more
information about the topics in What Every Driver
Must Know. • There were 1,335 people injured and 14 people
killed as a result of a vehicle-deer crash. Nine of
the fatalities were motorcyclists.
2018 Michigan crash facts
Before you read further, consider these facts about • Licensed drivers ages 16-20 represented 7.1
driving in Michigan from the Michigan State Police percent of Michigan’s driving population. This
Traffic Crash Facts. young driver age group accounted for 10.3
percent (55,053) of drivers in all crashes and 6.6
• 312,798 traffic crashes were reported. Nine hun- percent (99) of drivers in fatal crashes.
dred and five of those were fatal crashes and
55,340 resulted in personal injuries. • According to the Michigan Department of Health
and Human Services, motor vehicle crashes
remain the No. 1 cause of unintentional fatal
• Crashes in which the driver had been drinking
injuries for children ages 1-14.
alcohol numbered 9,628, and 1,201 of these
drivers also were suspected of using drugs.

• A total of 2,933 crashes resulted from a driver,

pedestrian or bicyclist using a cell phone.

What Every Driver Must Know

What Every Driver Must Know

What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License

Did you know that. . . ?

• In 1901, the Michigan Secretary of State became
responsible for maintaining records of motor
vehicles and drivers operating in the state.

• In 1947, the minimum age to obtain a Michigan

driver’s license was raised from 14 years to 16

• In 1970, Michigan issued its first motorcycle

endorsement to State Rep. Loren Anderson.

Who is a resident?
You must reside in Michigan and have established be invalidated and returned to you. Michigan law
that you are legally present in the state to be allows drivers to hold only one valid driver’s license
considered a Michigan resident. at a time.

Under state law, the Secretary of State cannot issue

an original driver’s license or state identification card
Licensing requirements
to anyone who is not a legal Michigan resident. You must meet certain requirements before a
Michigan driver’s license can be issued. The
requirements for obtaining a license vary depending
New Michigan residents on the type of license, group designator or
If you are a new Michigan resident, you must endorsement needed.
immediately title and register your vehicle at a
Secretary of State office. You will turn in the vehicle’s Specialized licenses, such as a chauffeur’s license or
title or proof of ownership from your previous Commercial Driver License, may require additional
home state. If you have a driver’s license or state testing and a background check. Please make sure
identification card from another state, you may use you have the correct documents before visiting a
it until your Michigan residency is established. Once Secretary of State office to apply for a license.
residency is established, visit a Secretary of State
office to apply for a Michigan driver’s license or state You will not be issued a Michigan license if:
ID card.
• You have never been issued a driver’s license by
The Secretary of State will contact your previous any state or country, AND
home state to obtain your driving record, which
then becomes part of your Michigan driving record. • You have two or more convictions for moving
If your out-of-state driver’s license is suspended or violations on your driving record within three years
revoked, you must contact your previous state to of the date that you apply for a license.
clear any outstanding issues before your application
for a Michigan license will be accepted. To apply for a license, there can be no more than
one conviction on your driving record within three
When your application for a Michigan license is years of your application date.
accepted, your out-of-state driver’s license will

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know
Michigan licenses, designators need to present any additional identity documents.
Enhanced licenses and state IDs are also REAL ID
and endorsements compliant.
Operator’s license: Basic Michigan driver’s license.
Graduated Driver License: Level 1, Level 2 and Level
Chauffeur’s license: You must be at least age 16. A 3 licenses are issued as part of Michigan’s driver
chauffeur’s license is required if you are employed for education program for teens under age 18.
the principal purpose of operating a motor vehicle
with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 10,000 Moped license: A valid operator or chauffeur’s license
pounds or more, operating a motor vehicle as a may be used to operate a moped on Michigan
carrier of passengers or as a common or contract roads. You are not eligible for a moped license if your
carrier of property, or operating a bus or a school operator or chauffeur’s license is suspended, revoked
bus. You must pass the written chauffeur’s test. A or denied. Unlicensed teens age 15 or older with
Commercial Driver License also may be required, parental approval may apply for a moped license at
depending on the vehicle type or the Gross Vehicle a Secretary of State office. Vision, written knowledge
Weight Rating. and traffic sign tests will be given.

Commercial Driver License: Required if you are Motorcycle endorsement: A motorcycle endorsement
operating a single vehicle with a Gross Vehicle (CY) is required to operate a motorcycle on Michigan
Weight Rating (GVWR) of 26,001 pounds or more, roads. Successful completion of a motorcycle rider
operating a combination vehicle (towing a trailer education course or the written knowledge test and
or other vehicles with a GVWR of 10,001 pounds or motorcycle skills test is required. A motorcycle rider
more when the Gross Combination Weight Rating education course is required for teens ages 16-17
(GCWR)is 26,001 pounds or more, operating a and for adults who fail the motorcycle skills test twice.
vehicle designed to transport 16 or more people
(including the driver), or carrying hazardous materials Recreational double”R” endorsement: Required for
in amounts requiring placarding. Written knowledge a pickup truck pulling a fifth-wheel trailer designed
tests and road tests are required. Group A, Group B for recreational living purposes, with a second trailer
and Group C designators, and endorsements T, P, N, attached to the rear of the fifth-wheel trailer. A
H, X and S will be required depending on the type of knowledge test is required.
commercial vehicle operated.
Farmer endorsement: A specialized endorsement
Before you can operate commercial motor vehicles, used by farming operations to move equipment,
you must be at least age 18, have been suspension livestock and produce. A general knowledge test
free for 36 months before the date of application and a combination vehicles’ test may be required.
and have the appropriate Michigan CDL group
designation on your driver’s license. Drivers between
ages 18 and 21 can operate a commercial vehicle
Michigan and REAL ID
only in Michigan. You must be at least age 21 to drive Beginning Oct. 1, 2020, Michigan residents boarding
a vehicle across state lines or to transport hazardous a plane for domestic travel in the United States or
materials in amounts that require placarding. entering certain federal facilities, military bases
Requirements for testing and obtaining a CDL are and nuclear power plants must present a REAL
available at A printed copy of ID-compliant document.
the “Michigan Commercial Driver License Manual” is
available at no cost at your local Secretary of State Some examples of REAL ID-compliant documents
office or may be downloaded from include driver’s licenses and state IDs issued by states that meet federal REAL ID standards, and valid U.S.
passports and passport cards. The Transportation
Enhanced driver’s license: Allows you to re-enter Security Administration has a list of acceptable
the United States by land or sea from Canada, documents on its website at
Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean without the

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know
You will know that a Michigan driver’s license or state After your documents are approved, a vision test will
ID card is REAL ID compliant because it has a star in be given.
a gold circle printed in the upper right-hand corner.
Enhanced licenses and state ID cards that do not You also may be required to take a written knowledge
have a star on them are REAL ID compliant and will test, obtain a temporary instruction permit and pass
be printed with a star when renewed or replaced. a driving skills test. Other tests may be required
depending on the type of license.
Applying for a REAL ID-compliant card is optional.
You may not need a REAL ID-compliant license or If you are from another U.S. state, Canada, Germany
state ID card if you: or the Republic of Korea (South Korea), you may
convert your driver’s license to a Michigan license
• Do not fly and do not plan to enter certain federal without the written knowledge test, TIP or driving skills
facilities, military bases and nuclear power plants. test.

• Have an acceptable alternative to a state-issued If you have an expired foreign driver’s license or an
REAL ID-compliant driver’s license or state ID card, out-of-state license that has been expired for at least
such as a valid U.S. passport. four years, you will have to apply for a TIP and pass
a driving skills test before a Michigan license may
There is no extra cost if you apply for a REAL ID when be issued. For more information about obtaining a
renewing your driver’s license or state ID card. If you TIP, please read the section titled “The Temporary
apply for a REAL ID-compliant card at any other Instruction Permit” in this chapter.
time, a duplicate card fee will be due.
Your photograph will be taken.
If you choose not to get a REAL ID-compliant card,
your standard Michigan license or state ID card will A license fee will be due. Fees will vary depending
have “Not for Federal Identification” printed on it. on the license type and the addition of any
Your card remains valid for driving (license), and endorsements or group designators. Your new
may be used as identification for cashing checks, Michigan license should arrive in the mail in about
renting vehicles, purchasing age-restricted items three weeks.
and entering casinos (license or state ID card).

In 1955, Michigan became the FIRST state

Moved to Michigan from
to require teens under age 18 to take driver
another state or country
If you have moved to Michigan from another state or
country, you should apply for a Michigan license as
soon as you have established residency.
Under 18 – Graduated Driver
You will need to bring the following documents to
a Secretary of State office. More information about
each of these is found later in Chapter 1. If you are under age 18, you must successfully pass
Graduated Driver Licensing. (This requirement is
• Proof of a Social Security number. waived if you have had a valid license from another
state for more than a year.) Parents and guardians
• Proof of U.S. citizenship or legal presence. should check with their insurance agent about the
appropriate coverage for their teen driver.
• Proof of your identity.
Under Graduated Driver Licensing, you must
• Proof of Michigan residency. complete two segments of driver education
instruction and meet the requirements for each

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know
of the three licensing levels. Driving privileges are GDL Level 1 License: To apply for a Level 1 License,
increased at each new licensing level as you gain you must be at least 14 years, 9 months old, visit a
greater skill and confidence. GDL ends when you Secretary of State office with your parent or legal
turn age 18. guardian, pass the vision and health standards,
and present the following documents: Segment 1
Driver Education Segment 1: You must be at least 14 Certificate of Completion, proof of a valid Social
years, 8 months and have your parent or guardian’s Security number (or a letter of ineligibility), proof
permission to start Segment 1. Segment 1 requires at of legal presence, proof of identity and proof of
least 24 hours of classroom instruction, a minimum of Michigan residency. (The last four requirements are
six hours of behind-the-wheel instruction, a minimum discussed later in this chapter.)
of four hours of observation time in a training vehicle
and a minimum of 70 percent on the Segment 1 Once the Level 1 License is issued, you may
state exam. only drive with a licensed parent, guardian or

Michigan driver education in1956.

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know
designated, licensed adult age 21 or older seated school-sanctioned event or employment.
in the front seat next to you. (The designated adult
also will need a signed letter of authorization from You may not have more than one passenger under
the parent or guardian.) You are required to keep the age of 21 in the vehicle with you at any time unless
a driving log that tracks your supervised driving time one of the following applies: Your parent, guardian
(you must complete 50 hours, including 10 hours at or a licensed, designated adult age 21 or older is in
night, before taking the Driving Skills Test). You are the vehicle with you, the passengers are members
prohibited by Kelsey’s Law from using a cell phone of your immediate family or they are accompanying
while driving. you to and from an authorized activity or job.

Driver Education Segment 2: The requirements for Under Kelsey’s Law, you may not use a cell phone
taking Segment 2 are as follows. You must present a while driving, except for emergencies. Violators may
driving log of at least 30 hours of supervised driving be fined up to $295.
time (including a minimum of 2 hours at night) with
your parent, guardian or designated adult. You must GDL Level 3 License: You must be at least age 17
have held your Level 1 License for at least three and have held the Level 2 License for at least six
consecutive months. months. You must have driven 12 consecutive
months without a moving violation, an at-fault crash,
Segment 2 consists of a minimum of 6 hours of a license suspension or a violation of any of the
classroom instruction. You must pass the Segment 2 GDL restrictions. There are no state-imposed license
state exam with a minimum of 70 percent. restrictions for the Level 3 License, although parents
may request to delay advancing their teen to a Level
Driving Skills Test: You must be at least age 15 and 3 License if the parent feels the teen is not yet ready.
have completed Segment 2, along with a minimum
of 50 hours of supervised driving time, including 10
hours at night. You must have held your GDL Level 1
18 and older – never been
License for at least six months. licensed
If you are age 18 or older and have never been
You will need to present your completed driving
licensed, you will have to apply for a temporary
log, your Level 1 License, Segment 2 Certificate of
instruction permit at a Secretary of State office and
Completion along with insurance and registration
successfully pass a driving skills test administered by
for the vehicle you will be driving during the test.
a third-party testing organization.
Driving skills tests are given by third-party testing
organizations approved by the Secretary of State.
Study “What Every Driver Must Know” and the “Driving
More information about the driving skills tests is found
Skills Test Study Guide” to prepare for the written
later in this chapter.
knowledge test and the driving skills test. Copies are
available at Secretary of State offices and online at
GDL Level 2 License: You must be at least age 16
and have held your Level 1 License for at least 6
months. You must have no violations, at-fault crashes
Visit a Secretary of State office and apply for a TIP.
or suspensions on your driving record for the 90 days
You must present the following documents. More
preceding your license application. You must also
information about each of these follows this section.
present proof of legal presence (usually an original,
certified birth certificate) and the Driving Skills Test
• Proof of a valid Social Security number.
• Proof of U.S. citizenship or legal presence.
Level 2 License restrictions prohibit you from driving
between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. unless one of the
• Proof of identity.
following applies: You are accompanied by a
parent, guardian or designated, licensed adult age
• Proof of Michigan residency.
21 or older, or you are driving to-and-from either a

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know
After you have passed the written knowledge test your current legal name is different from the name
and vision test, and paid the TIP fee, your TIP is issued. on your birth certificate or legal presence document,
You must practice driving with a licensed adult for at you must show legal proof of the name change, such
least 30 days before taking a driving skills test. as an original marriage license, divorce decree or
court order for each time the name was changed.
Once you pass the driving skills test, you may return to
a Secretary of State office to finish your application
for your driver’s license.
Providing proof of identity
You must also provide proof of identity when
Your photograph will be taken. applying for a driver’s license or state ID card. Only
original documents will be accepted. Photocopies
A license fee will be due. Fees will vary depending on or faxes cannot be used. More than one document
the license type. Your new Michigan license should may be required.
arrive in the mail in about three weeks.
Out-of-state and Canadian applicants may use their
out-of-state or Canadian driver’s license as proof of
Providing your Social identity (licenses expired for less than four years will
Security number be accepted).
State and federal laws require the Secretary of
State to collect Social Security numbers to verify U.S. Providing proof of residency
citizenship or legal presence and to assist in child
Before your driver’s license or state ID card application
support collection. A letter of ineligibility from the
can be processed, you must present proof that you
Social Security Administration must be presented if
are a Michigan resident. At least two documents
you do not have a Social Security number and wish
must be provided. Acceptable documents include
to obtain a driver’s license or ID card. The letter can
a utility bill, credit card bill or account statement
be no more than 30 days old. All Social Security
issued within the last 90 days, pay stub, earnings
information will be verified.
statement, mortgage, rental or lease agreement,
or an insurance policy. Residency documents in a
For questions about Social Security or to replace
family member’s name may be used if the family
a lost Social Security card, contact the SSA at
relationship can be established by other forms of
800-772-1213 (voice), 800-325-0778 (TTY) or visit the
documented proof.
SSA website at for more information and to
request a Social Security card online.
Physical standards
Providing proof of legal The Secretary of State office staff will ask you a few
general health questions as part of the screening
presence procedure. Your application may be denied
To apply for a driver’s license or state ID card, valid pending a reexamination with additional medical
proof of U.S. citizenship or legal presence in the United information should there be any question about
States must be presented. Some of the documents your physical condition and your ability to operate a
that may be provided as proof of U.S. citizenship or motor vehicle safely.
legal presence include a certified copy of your birth
certificate with a raised seal that was issued by a
government unit in the United States or U.S. territory,
Vision and knowledge tests
a valid, unexpired U.S. passport or a certificate of You will be given a vision test to determine if your
citizenship or naturalization, a Permanent Resident vision meets minimum standards. If corrective lenses,
Card, or an Employment Authorization Card. such as glasses or contact lenses, are needed to
pass the test, your driver’s license will indicate you
The first and last names and date of birth on the legal must wear them while driving.
presence and identity documents should match. If

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know
If you fail the vision test, your eye-care specialist must by the Secretary of State.
complete a vision statement documenting that
you meet the vision standards. Sometimes driving • Pass the written knowledge and road sign tests.
limitations, such as “daylight driving only,” will be
required based on the vision statement and other • Pay the TIP fee.
information acquired by the Secretary of State.
After obtaining your TIP:
If you are required to take a knowledge test for
your original operator or chauffeur’s license, or a • Practice driving. You must complete a minimum
Commercial Driver License, arrive at the Secretary of 30 days of practice driving on a TIP before
of State office at least one hour before closing to taking the driving skills test. You are encouraged
allow enough time to complete the test. to enroll in an adult driver education course
before taking the driving skills test. Courses are
If you have difficulty speaking or reading English, taught by professional, certified instructors and
branch office staff will provide a list of available include supervised driving time on a driving range
foreign language interpreters. Foreign language and the road. Check online for driver education
interpreters may be used on all written tests, except providers in your area or visit the “Driver Education
CDL knowledge tests. Knowledge tests are available Providers” web page on the Secretary of State
in many languages. Please contact the Department website at
of State Information Center at 888-SOS-MICH
(767-6424) in advance to obtain a list of interpreters. • Pass a driving skills test. The driving skills test will
Hearing-impaired customers can request a sign be given by a third-party testing organization
language interpreter or use an interpreter they approved by the Secretary of State.
• Take your driving skills test certificate, TIP and
identity document to your local Secretary of
The Temporary Instruction State office.
• Your photograph will be taken.
A temporary instruction permit is valid for 180 days. It
allows you to practice driving with a licensed adult
• You will be issued a temporary operator’s permit.
before taking the driving skills test. A TIP is issued to
The TOP allows you to drive until your new
people who have never been licensed, who have a
Michigan driver’s license arrives in the mail.
foreign license and wish to get a Michigan license,
or whose license has been expired for at least four
In some instances, because of medical conditions
years and wish to reapply.
or other reasons, restrictions may be placed on your
driver’s license. If any special licensing conditions
To apply for a TIP, present the following at your local
are required, these conditions or restrictions will be
Secretary of State office:
printed on the driver’s license. Drivers licensed for
the first time are placed on probation for a minimum
• Proof of Social Security number.
of three years.
• Proof of U.S. citizenship or legal presence.
The motorcycle TIP
• Proof of identity.
The motorcycle temporary instruction permit gives
new riders an opportunity to practice riding on
• Proof of Michigan residency.
public roads under the constant supervision of
an experienced motorcyclist before taking the
In addition, you must:
motorcycle skills test. The motorcycle TIP is a transitory
tool used to obtain the Michigan motorcycle
• Pass a vision test and meet health standards set
endorsement; it is not meant to be used in place

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know
of a motorcycle endorsement. A motorcycle TIP is • Held a Level 1 License for at least six months.
good for 180 days. Only two motorcycle TIPs will be
issued to a rider in a 10-year period. • Not had any convictions, civil infractions, license
suspensions or at-fault crashes during the 90-day
To apply for a motorcycle TIP, you must: period immediately preceding your driving skills
test and application for your Level 2 License.
• Be at least age 16.
If you are age 18 or older, you must:
• Hold a valid Michigan driver’s license.
• Obtain a temporary instruction permit before
• Pass the vision test and motorcycle knowledge taking a driving skills test. A 30-day practice period
test. may be required.

• Pay the TIP fee. Driving skills tests are administered by independent
third-party testing organizations approved by the
The motorcycle TIP places certain restrictions on Secretary of State. A list of approved third-party
you for your safety. Whenever you ride, you must be testing organizations is available at all Secretary of
under the constant visual supervision of a licensed State offices and from the Secretary of State website.
motorcycle operator who is at least age 18. You are Be sure to ask the third-party testing organization you
not allowed to ride at night or carry passengers. choose about its pricing policies before scheduling
your test. The Secretary of State does not set driving
skills test fees or pricing policies.
Driving Skills Test
You will need to take a driving skills test if: Applicants who are hearing impaired or not fluent
in English, may use an interpreter during the driving
• You are applying for a Level 2 License under skills test. (Interpreters are not allowed during either
Graduated Driver Licensing. the written knowledge tests or the driving skills test
for a Commercial Driver License.) The interpreter will
• You are age 18 or older, have never been licensed be required to present photo identification to the
and are applying for an original license. examiner and may only interpret the instructions
as the examiner gives them. Lists of approved sign
• Your last driver’s license has been expired for language and foreign language interpreters are
more than four years. available through the department. Applicants may
also bring their own interpreter. For more information,
• You hold a driver’s license from a country other please call the Department of State Information
than Canada, Germany, or the Republic of Korea Center at 888-SOS-MICH (767-6424).
(South Korea).
The first part of the driving skills test requires you to
Eligibility requirements for taking a driving skills test pass a series of off-street, closed-course maneuvers
differ depending on your age. followed by an on-road driving skills test. After
passing the first part, you must then pass an on-road
If you are younger than age 18, you must have: driving test to receive your driving skills certificate.
The driving skills test includes urban, expressway, rural
• Completed Segment 2 of driver education. highway and residential driving.

• Your log showing that you have completed at Complete study information is provided in the “Driving
least 50 hours of supervised driving, including 10 Skills Test Study Guide” available at any Secretary
hours at night. (Driving logs are available in “The of State office or on the Secretary of State website.
Parent’s Supervised Driving Guide” or through the You should review this study guide thoroughly before
free mobile app RoadReady.) taking the driving skills test.

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know
Restricted license due to a Probationary license program
health condition New drivers, including teen drivers under Graduated
Driver Licensing, are placed on probation for a
When applying for or renewing a driver’s license, you
minimum of three years. The probationary period is a
may be asked to provide a “Physician’s Statement
way for the Secretary of State to monitor the driving
of Examination.” A physician’s statement is needed
performance of new drivers. Probation is a separate
for any physical or mental infirmity, impairment,
program from GDL, but works like GDL to encourage
disability or disease that may affect your ability to
new drivers to reduce their crash risk and drive safely.
drive safely. A physician’s statement also is required
if the Secretary of State has reason to believe you
have had a fainting spell, blackout, seizure or other Changing information on your
loss of consciousness in the preceding six months. For
a chauffeur’s license or a Commercial Driver License,
you must not have had any blackouts, fainting spells It is important that your driver’s license shows your
or seizures within the last 12 months. correct name and residential address. If you need
to change your name on your driver’s license, you
A vision statement may also be requested in some must first change your name with the Social Security
cases. A physician or physician’s assistant licensed Administration. Present your proof of name change
in Michigan or another state must complete the along with your valid driver’s license to the SSA.
physician’s statement. The physician or physician’s Allow at least three business days for the SSA website
assistant must accurately describe your condition, to update, before visiting a Secretary of State office.
including any disability or illness, and any medications At the branch office, present your license and proof
you have been taking. The form must be returned to of the name change, such as a marriage certificate,
the Secretary of State Traffic Safety Programs Division divorce decree or legal name change document.
where the physician’s statement will be reviewed The name change will be processed and a new
to determine if you meet Michigan’s physical and driver’s license will be issued for a fee.
mental standards.
Michigan law requires that your driver’s license
An unrestricted driver’s license may be issued if a address corresponds to your residence address, and
physician’s statement does not indicate a physical matches the address on your voter identification
or mental impairment is present and if all other card. You may submit a change of address online at
standards are met., at a Secretary of State office or by
mail. There is no charge for this service.
If a physician’s statement indicates a serious
physical or mental condition at the time you renew is a convenient and secure option
your driver’s license, you will be required to attend for changing your address online. A change of
a driver reexamination. During the reexamination, address submitted online will affect all Secretary
your ability to operate a motor vehicle safely will be of State files associated with your name, including
evaluated. Every effort will be made to help you keep your driver’s license or state ID card, vehicle records
your driver’s license and continue to drive safely. If and voter registration as well as transactions in your
you have such a condition and are renewing your online shopping cart.
license, please begin the renewal process several
weeks before your license expires to allow adequate If you are submitting a change of address at a branch
time for processing. office, bring your driver’s license. Your driver’s license
will be updated with your new address.
If a restricted driver’s license is issued because of a
disability or illness, a periodic driver reexamination You also may submit a change of address by mail.
may be required. Change-of-address forms are available on the
Secretary of State website. Complete the form and
mail it to the address provided.

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know
When you submit a change of address in person The decision to stop driving
or by mail, the procedures for updating your voter
Choosing to give up your privilege to drive can be
registration address also will be explained. Your driver’s
difficult. There are many questions to consider when
license may be suspended or revoked if you fail to
making this decision. How comfortable do you feel
change your address with the Secretary of State.
when driving? Do you feel it is becoming too risky
to drive? Do you get lost frequently or forget where
Renewing your license you are going? Are you worried that your health or
medications are adversely affecting your driving?
Your driver’s license is usually valid for four years
Have you had one or more “close” calls or a serious
and expires on your birthday in the year shown on
crash? Your decision is important because it not only
the license’s upper right corner. If you are younger
involves your independence but your safety and the
than age 21, your driver’s license expires on your 21st
safety of others on the road.
There are a number of organizations that have
To remind you to renew your driver’s license, the
publications and resources available to help you
Secretary of State sends a renewal notice about 45
decide when it may be time to give up driving. Aging
days before expiration. The renewal notice is sent
drivers, their families and the professionals who work
to the address listed on department records. Text
with them are invited to visit the Safe Drivers Smart
and email reminders are available if you provide
Options: Keys to Lifelong Mobility website at
the department with your email address or mobile
phone number. Do not let your driver’s license expire
unless you will no longer be driving. Driving without a
Developed by a consortium of state and private
valid license is illegal.
entities, this website is an online resource for active
older drivers, and for those who need to limit their
If you renew your operator’s license after its expiration
driving and find other transportation choices.
date, you will pay a late fee in addition to the regular
Website visitors will find useful information such
renewal fee.
as how to assess driving skills, transition to driving
retirement and identify alternative transportation
A driver’s license will not be renewed if your driving
options in their area. The website includes a PDF
record shows three or more unpaid parking tickets
of the booklet “Michigan’s Guide for Aging Drivers
or if your driver’s license has been suspended or
and Their Families” (the booklet is also available in
revoked. A renewal application also may be denied
Secretary of State offices).
if you have failed to provide a valid Social Security
number or letter of ineligibility from the Social Security
When you make the decision to give up driving,
Administration and proof of U.S. citizenship or legal
return your driver’s license to a Secretary of State
office and apply for a state identification card.
When renewing your driver’s license at a Secretary
A state ID card is used in place of the driver’s
of State office, a vision screening will be given. A
license for identification purposes. Free identification
new photograph also will be taken. Cash, checks
cards are provided to those who are legally blind,
and money orders as well as Discover, MasterCard
drivers 65 or older who voluntarily relinquish their
and Visa debit and credit cards are accepted at
driver’s license and drivers whose driving privilege is
Secretary of State offices. Find the office nearest
suspended, revoked or denied due to a physical or
you by using the department’s online Branch Office
mental disability.

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 1: Your Driver’s License
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 2: Your Driving Record

Did you know that . . . ?

• In 1901, the Michigan Secretary of State was
given the responsibility of maintaining records of
motor vehicles and drivers operating in the state.

• By 1913, Michigan had 60,438 registered motor

vehicles, more than 20 times the number eight
years earlier. Traffic crashes were on the rise too,
although there was no requirement to report

Your driving record

Driving is a privilege. Once you obtain a driver’s rating, automobile recalls and driver verification for
license, you must continually show that you have car rental companies.
the skill and knowledge to drive safely or your driver’s
license may be restricted, suspended or revoked.
The Secretary of State has access to information
Michigan’s point system
from law enforcement and the courts, including Under Michigan law, some traffic violations are
moving violations, crashes and certain drug crimes. civil infractions, while others are misdemeanors or
Your driving record will include information about felonies. Depending on the violation and how it is
civil or criminal moving violations and crashes. resolved, you may be fined, referred to a special
program, or, in the most serious situations, sent to
The Secretary of State is also notified of any traffic jail. In most cases, if you do not take care of a traffic
crashes, convictions and findings of responsibility ticket, your driver’s license will be suspended. Any
in other states. Convictions from other states will traffic tickets for moving violations received while
appear on your Michigan driving record along with your license is suspended will result in additional
any points assessed according to Michigan’s point suspensions on your driving record and payment of
system. You may purchase a copy of your own a reinstatement fee.
driving record at any Secretary of State office.
Each time you are convicted of a traffic violation,
Most convictions stay on your driving record for at you will have to pay certain court fines and costs.
least seven years. Certain convictions and licensing In addition, points may be posted to your driving
actions stay on your driving record for at least 10 record.
years. A conviction for a fatality or for impaired
driving remains on your driving record permanently. Each traffic violation has a point value, which is set
by law in the Michigan Vehicle Code. Points are
Under Michigan’s Driver Privacy Protection Act, placed on your driving record only after you have
personal information on your driving record is private been convicted of a moving violation. Points placed
and is not released to the general public unless there on your driving record remain there for two years
is a permissible use as prescribed by law. Personal from the date of conviction.
information includes your name, address, driver’s
license number and similar information. Some If you have six or more one-point violations, or 12 or
examples of permissible uses include insurance more points on your driving record within a two-year

Chapter 2: Your Driving Record
What Every Driver Must Know
period, you will be required to undergo a driver Three Points:
assessment reexamination.
• Careless driving.
The system used to post points to your driving record
is separate from the points assigned by an insurance • Disobeying a traffic signal or stop sign or improper
company to determine your rate. passing.

If you believe there are extenuating circumstances • 11 to 15 mph over the legal speed limit.
for the ticket you received, these must be submitted
when you appear in court. The Secretary of State • Failure to stop at railroad crossing.
cannot set aside a court conviction. The following
shows the points for some traffic violations. • Failure to stop for a school bus or for disobeying a
school crossing guard.
Six Points:
• Two Points:
• Manslaughter, negligent homicide or other felony
involving use of a motor vehicle. • Six to 10 mph over the legal speed limit.

• Operating while intoxicated or operating with • Open alcohol container in vehicle.

any presence of a Schedule 1 drug or cocaine.
• All other moving violations of traffic laws.
• Failing to stop and give identification at the scene
of a crash. • Refusal of Preliminary Breath Test by anyone
younger than 21.
• Reckless driving.

• Refusal to take a chemical alcohol test.

Alcohol and drugs
When you drink alcohol or use other drugs and drive,
• Fleeing or eluding a police officer. you endanger your life as
well as the lives of your
• Failure to yield causing death or injury of passengers and other
emergency responder, construction worker motorists. Each year,
or person operating implements of animal thousands of people are
husbandry. killed or permanently
disabled because someone
• Moving violation causing injury or death. drove under the influence
of alcohol or other chemical
Four Points: substances. Michigan takes
a strong stand against
• Drag racing. drivers who abuse substances and drive.

• Impaired driving. The effects of alcohol are the

same whether you drink beer,
• Younger than age 21 with any bodily alcohol wine or whiskey. A 12-ounce
content. can of beer, a 5-ounce glass of
wine and a 1.5-ounce shot of
• 16 mph or more over the legal speed limit. whiskey all contain the same
amount of alcohol. Drink a
• Failure to yield/show due caution for emergency standard serving of any of these
vehicles. and the effects will be the same to your body. Your
judgment and self-control will be affected.

Chapter 2: Your Driving Record
What Every Driver Must Know
Consuming even one drink can impair your ability to be legal for medicinal or recreational use in some
drive, slow your reaction time, dull your concentration states, it is still not legal, safe or wise to operate a
and cause visual problems. Many people mistakenly motor vehicle while impaired by marijuana since it
believe that coffee, a cold shower, exercise or fresh tends to distort your perception of time, space and
air can sober them up. The only thing that sobers you speed.
up is time.

It is best to never drink and drive. Select a designated

Driver reexaminations
driver ahead of time who is not going to drink. You
also can ask someone else to give you a ride, call
a taxi, use public
transportation or seek
other assistance.

If someone you know

has been drinking or
using drugs, do not
let him or her drive.
Find a designated
driver, call a taxi or insist that the person use public
transportation. Never ride with anyone who has
The Secretary of State may conduct a reexamination
been drinking or using drugs. If necessary, take away
if there is reason to believe you are unable to operate
a person’s car keys and offer him or her a place to
a motor vehicle safely because of health reasons, or
sleep. Be sure drivers are completely sober before
for violating the restrictions on a driver’s license, crash
they get behind the wheel.
involvement or an unsatisfactory driving record.
Michigan law requires driver’s license suspensions for
If you are a probationary driver or in the Graduated
drug convictions, even if you were not driving at the time
Driver Licensing program, you may be required to
of the offense. Even the
attend a driver reexamination after only one or two
possession, manufacture
or distribution of drugs
may result in a driver’s
The purpose of the driver reexamination is to discuss
license suspension. If
driving performance, determine the appropriate
there are no prior drug
licensing controls to reduce driving risk associated
violations, your driver’s
with this performance and encourage improvement.
license is suspended for
Licensing controls may include restrictions,
six months.
suspensions, revocations or a combination of these
A restricted license will not be issued during the first
30 days of the suspension. One or more prior drug
Michigan law allows for a driver reexamination
convictions in seven years means your driver’s license will
based on one or more of the following criteria:
be suspended for one year, and a restricted license will
not be issued during the first 60 days of the suspension.
• The Secretary of State has reason to believe that
The driver’s license reinstatement fee is $125. This fee is
you are unfit to drive a motor vehicle or have a
separate from the reinstatement fee required for any
physical, visual or mental condition that makes it
other driving activity.
unsafe for you to operate a motor vehicle.
Marijuana is gaining acceptance as having
• Any crash resulting in a fatality where the crash
legitimate medicinal applications and as a
report indicates that you were negligent or had
recreational drug, as evidenced by trends in state
been drinking.
laws permitting its use. Although marijuana may

Chapter 2: Your Driving Record
What Every Driver Must Know
• You have been in three or more traffic crashes discuss your driving behavior with you. If your license
resulting in personal injury or property damage is restricted, suspended or revoked as a result of the
over the past two years. reexamination, you will be apprised of your appeal
rights and license reinstatement information.
• You have accumulated 12 or more points within a
two-year period. A reexamination held due to medical issues may
require you to pass several tests, such as vision, written
• You have been convicted of violating the and on-road exams. You may also be required to
restrictions, terms or conditions of your license. present your current medical, vision or psychological
If you are required to attend a reexamination, a
driver analyst will review your driving record and

Chapter 2: Your Driving Record
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 2: Your Driving Record
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 2: Your Driving Record
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 3: Voter Registration

and State IDs

Did you know that . . . ?

• In 1965, Michigan added the motorist’s
photograph to the driver’s license.

• In 1975, Michigan became the first state in the

nation to combine driver licensing and voter
registration as part of the same service, known
as “Motor Voter.”

Voter registration
You must be registered to vote to participate in local, 14-day voter registration: If an election is being
state and federal elections. To register to vote you held within the next 14 days and you wish to vote
must be: in that election:

• A resident of Michigan and the city or township • You must register to vote at your city or township
where you are applying to register to vote for at clerk’s office, and,
least 30 days before Election Day.
• You must provide proof of residency, such as your
• A U.S. citizen. driver’s license, state ID card or other accepted
document with your name and current address
• At least 18 years old on or before Election Day. on it.

• Not serving a sentence in jail or prison. Registering to vote by mail: Michigan’s mail-in voter
registration form may be printed from the Secretary
If you are applying for, renewing, or updating of State website.
information on your driver’s license or state ID card,
you will be automatically registered to vote unless When renewing your driver’s license or state ID card
you are ineligible or you decline registration. by mail, a mail-in voter registration application will
be included with your renewal notice if you aren’t
Registering to vote: You may register to vote at registered to vote.
your city or township clerk’s office, county clerk’s
office, Secretary of State office, a designated If you are already registered to vote and your
voter-registration agency, or by mail. address has not changed, you do not need to mail in
the voter registration form supplied with your driver’s
If the address on your voter registration application license or state ID renewal notice.
doesn’t match the residential address on file with the
Secretary of State, your driver’s license or state ID Registered voters: If you move within your city or
card will be updated to match your voter registration. township, you must change the address on your

Chapter 3: Voter Registration and State IDs
What Every Driver Must Know
voter registration. Submit your change of address State ID cards and REAL ID
online at You may also change
Beginning Oct. 1, 2020, Michigan residents boarding
your address by mail or at a Secretary of State office.
a plane for domestic travel in the United States or
Your city, township or county clerk also can process
entering certain federal facilities, military bases
a change of address. There is no fee.
and nuclear power plants must present a REAL
ID-compliant document. Some examples include
If you move to another city or township, you must
driver’s licenses and IDs issued by states that have
register to vote in that jurisdiction to remain eligible
met the federal REAL ID standards, valid U.S. passports
to vote.
and passport cards. The Transportation Security
Administration has a list of acceptable documents
If you move out of state, please inform your city,
on its website at
township or county clerk in writing that you are
moving and to cancel your voter registration.
Michigan issues state ID cards that are REAL ID
compliant. These cards have a star in a gold circle
State identification cards printed in the upper right-hand corner. Enhanced
state ID cards that don’t have a star on them are
Under Michigan law, a state identification card is as
REAL ID compliant and will be printed with a star
valid as a driver’s license for identification purposes.
when renewed or replaced.
A state ID card can be issued to any eligible resident,
regardless of age. You may not have both a state
Applying for a REAL ID-compliant ID card is
ID card and a Michigan driver’s license unless your
optional. Not everyone will need one. For example,
license has been restricted, suspended or revoked.
minors (children under age 18) do not need a
REAL ID-compliant document when flying with a
You will need to provide proof of your citizenship
companion in the United States.
or legal presence, identity, residency and Social
Security number (or present a letter of ineligibility from
You also may decide not to apply for a REAL
the Social Security Administration. Letters more than
ID-compliant ID card if you:
30 days old will not be accepted). More information
about the documents required for obtaining a state
• Do not fly and do not plan to enter certain federal
ID card is available in Chapter 1 and on the Secretary
facilities, military bases and nuclear power plants.
of State website at
• Have an acceptable alternative to a state-issued
Your state ID card expires four years from your last
REAL ID-compliant ID card, such as a valid U.S.
birthday and may be renewed by mail. Applicants
presenting temporary legal presence documents
may be issued a state ID card that expires in less
If the convenience of having a REAL ID-compliant
than four years.
state ID card is appealing, you may apply for one at
any time. If you choose not to get a REAL ID-compliant
Free ID cards are provided to those who are legally
card, your standard state ID will have “Not for
blind, drivers 65 or older who voluntarily relinquish
Federal Identification” printed on it, but it remains
their driver’s license, and drivers whose driving
valid as identification for cashing checks, purchasing
privilege is suspended, revoked or denied due to a
age-restricted items and entering casinos.
physical or mental disability.

Chapter 3: Voter Registration and State IDs
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 3: Voter Registration and State IDs
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 3: Voter Registration and State IDs
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws

Did you know that. . . ?

• In 1904, the speed limit in Saginaw was 8 mph for
cars and 10 mph for bicycles.

• In 1922, the Detroit Police Department began

keeping traffic crash statistics.

• In 1945, the first chemical test to identify

suspected drunken drivers was administered by
the Detroit Police Department.

Distracted driving
or property” or “in willful or wanton disregard for
the safety of persons or property” are subject to
prosecution under Michigan law.

Texting while driving is illegal in Michigan and this

includes reading, typing or sending a text message.
Exceptions are in place for reporting crashes, crimes
or other emergencies. Drivers face a fine of $100 for
a first offense and $200 for subsequent violations.

Anything that takes your eyes off the road, your

hands off the wheel or your mind off your driving
can be a big problem. Studies show that your brain
cannot give full attention to more than one activity
at a time. Even seemingly simple tasks such as tuning
a radio can be risky, especially in bad weather or
heavy traffic. In the estimated quarter of a second it
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National
takes the brain to shift attention between two tasks,
Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates
a car moving at 65 mph covers 24 feet.
that there are at least 3,400 deaths annually from
distracted-driving crashes in which drivers lost focus
Here are some ways you can minimize in-vehicle
on the safe control of their vehicles due to manual,
visual or cognitive distractions.
Before driving:
While this statistic is significant, it may understate the
size of the problem since identifying the distraction
• Designate a front-seat passenger to serve as a
and its role in a crash can be difficult.
co-pilot to help with maps or navigation systems.
If you are driving alone, plot out destination routes
Most drivers understand the responsibility of getting
in advance.
behind the wheel and avoiding risky behaviors.
Distracted drivers who drive “in a careless or
• Be familiar with equipment in the vehicle. Practice
negligent manner likely to endanger any person

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
performing basic functions such as adjusting the engaging in verbal communication through a
temperature or radio settings without taking your mobile phone. They could
eyes off the road. receive up to $295 in fines
and costs if they are
• Preprogram your favorite radio stations for easy ticketed.
access and preselect a play-list on your portable
device. This does not apply if teens
are using a voice-operated
• Ensure all children are comfortable and properly system integrated into the vehicle or if they are using
buckled up. Teach them the importance of good a phone to:
behavior and remaining buckled up while in a
vehicle. Don’t underestimate how distracting it • Report a traffic accident, medical emergency or
can be to tend to them in the car. serious road hazard.

• Complete any personal grooming before you • Report a situation in which they believe their
start driving or after you reach your destination. personal safety is in jeopardy.

While driving: • Report or prevent a crime or potential crime

against themselves or another person.
• Make driving your priority. A momentary
distraction can lead to a crash. Keep your hands Driving is a privilege that requires skill, practice,
on the wheel and your eyes on the road. judgment and responsibility. As a young driver, a
teen’s attention needs to be focused on the road,
• Avoid using mobile phones, texting devices, and not on the phone.
navigation and other electronic systems.

• If you must use a mobile phone, make your call

Buckle up, it’s the law!
while your vehicle is safely parked. Avoid calling Click It or Ticket: Under Michigan’s
others who are driving. seat belt and child-safety restraint
laws, a law enforcement officer
• Do not take notes, read or look up phone numbers. may stop a vehicle if the driver
and occupants are not properly
• Avoid involved, stressful or confrontational buckled up.
Michigan law requires:
• If you must eat, choose easy-to-handle items and
make sure drinks are secured in cup holders. • All front seat passengers to be
buckled up (including the driver).
• Take a break if you find yourself “lost in thought”
or tired. • All passengers younger than age 16 to be buckled
up, in all seating positions
Kelsey’s Law • All children younger than age 8 to be in an
Kelsey’s Law helps protect young drivers approved child-safety seat or booster seat, in all
seating positions, unless 4 feet 9 inches or taller.
Teens with a Level 1 or Level 2 Graduated Driver
License who use a mobile phone while driving risk The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
being ticketed by a law enforcement officer. reports that seat belts save more than 13,000 lives
each year and that buckling up is the single most
Under state law, these teens are prohibited from effective thing you can do to protect yourself in a
initiating a call, answering a call, or listening to or crash.

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
• Be responsible – make sure all passengers are by children under age 4, then the child may be
properly buckled up. positioned in the child-restraint system in the front
• Even if the vehicle is equipped with air bags, they
are not a substitute for wearing a seat belt. • A child in a rear-facing child-restraint system
may only be placed in the front seat if the front
• Everyone in the vehicle will be safer when seat passenger air bag is deactivated.
belts are worn correctly – shoulder belt across the
middle of the chest away from the neck, with the • Anyone under the age of 18 is prohibited from
lap belt worn low across the hips below the riding in the open bed of a pickup truck traveling
stomach. more than 15 mph. The law allows exceptions for
vehicles used by farmers, construction workers, the
• Drivers exempt from using a seat belt military, participants in parades and authorized
because of a medical condition must emergency and rescue personnel.
carry a doctor’s statement.
Never hold a child on your lap or buckle a
child with another passenger into one seat
Protecting children belt. Always insist children buckle their seat
belts before starting the engine.
and teens
Since the Michigan Child Passenger Assistance with child-safety seat
Protection Law was enacted, use of installation is available at many
child restraints and safety belts has community agencies, such as local
increased, while deaths and injuries public health departments.
have decreased.
Avoid buying secondhand seats as
However, too many people still use they may not meet federal safety
child-restraint devices improperly. standards, may not work properly,
Make certain both the child-safety or may have missing parts or
restraint and your child are properly instructions. And, if there is a recall,
buckled up before you drive. you may not receive notification.

Michigan’s child passenger safety law mandates

Children left unattended in

• Children are to be properly buckled up in a car

seat or booster seat until they are 8 years old or Under Michigan law, it is illegal to leave children
4 feet 9 inches tall. Children must ride in a safety younger than 6 years old unattended in a vehicle if
seat until they reach the age requirement or the amount of time or circumstances in which they
the height requirement, whichever comes are left poses an unreasonable risk of harm or injury.
first. Children must be properly secured in the Parents or guardians who leave their children in a
child-restraint system in accordance with the vehicle under the supervision of someone age 13
child-restraint and vehicle manufacturer’s or older who is not legally incapacitated are not in
instructions and federal safety standards. violation of the law.

• Removing a child from a car seat to nurse while Make sure your children (or any passenger – including
the vehicle is moving is prohibited. pets – who may be at risk if left alone) are safe from
harm if you must leave your vehicle.
• Children younger than age 4 must be positioned
in a rear seat if the vehicle is equipped with a
rear seat. If all available rear seats are occupied

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
Air bags • 25 mph – In platted subdivisions (showing
boundaries, streets, easements and other features
Air bags are designed to provide vehicle occupants
of surveyed lots) and condominium complexes.
with extra protection in a crash. Depending on the
Watch for signs when driving through business
make and model, today’s vehicles may have air
districts, county, state and federal parks, on roads
bags in a variety of locations, including the steering
adjacent to parks and playgrounds, and in school
wheel, dashboard, roof columns and door panels.
and hospital zones as posted speed limits vary.
Sensors within the vehicle determine when an air
bag will deploy based on the type and severity of
• 45 mph – In a work zone if posted. If a work zone is
the crash. For the best protection, always wear a
not posted for 45 mph, then the speed limit is the
seat belt, even in vehicles equipped with air bags.
normal speed limit for that area.
Seat belts remain the best protection in rollover, side
impact and rear-end crashes.
• 55 mph – Unless otherwise posted, on all streets
that are not designated freeways and on all
• The front passenger air bag must be deactivated
if a child in a rear-facing child-restraint system is
placed in the front seat.
• 70 mph maximum/55 mph minimum – On all
freeways unless posted otherwise. School buses
• Parents are encouraged to seat all children ages
and trucks are restricted to 65 mph. On freeways
12 and younger in the rear seat of the vehicle to
with speed limits less than 70 mph, school buses
avoid potential injury from an air bag in the event
and trucks are restricted to 55 mph.
of a crash.

• It is recommended that drivers sit with at least Construction zones

10 inches of space between the center of their
Warning signs in construction,
breastbone and the center of the steering wheel.
maintenance or other
designated work areas are
• If you are pregnant, it is recommended that you
diamond-shaped with black
wear your seat belt with the lap portion of the
lettering on an orange
belt correctly positioned over the hips (not the
or yellow background.
stomach) and the shoulder portion across the
A combination of signs,
chest. Sit as far back as possible from the air bag.
signals, lighting devices,
markings, barricades, routing
Speed limits and hand-signaling devices may
be used around road construction,
Michigan’s Basic Speed Law means you must drive
utility work, and maintenance and surveying
at a “careful and prudent” speed in all
driving conditions. Drive at a speed
that always allows you to stop within
Construction and maintenance signs may mean
the clear distance ahead. This speed is
part of a lane, an entire lane or the whole road is
never faster than the posted speed
blocked. These signs are also used when work is
limit. Depending on conditions, it may
being done adjacent to the roadway, on shoulders
be slower than the posted speed limit.
or in ditches.
Anticipate trouble ahead. Be ready to stop safely.
Construction zones can be in place for a short period
Watch for and obey regulatory speed signs. The
of time, or last one or more construction seasons.
following summarizes some of the standard speed
Drivers are made aware of such zones by signs
limits defined under the Michigan Vehicle Code.
posted in advance.
• 15 mph – In mobile home parks and some
Watch for warning sign messages and obey them
municipal parks.
as directed. Drive defensively to avoid problems.

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
Be patient and everyone will travel through Different construction projects may use different
the construction zone safely. Look carefully for merging strategies, depending on the type of project
construction workers or moving equipment. and the amount of traffic. Traffic patterns in the work
zone may change as the construction progresses.
Construction workers also have the authority to Pay attention not only to the barrels, signals and lane
direct traffic in work zones and their directions should markings but to any construction workers using signs
be followed even if they conflict with an existing or hand signals to direct the flow of traffic.
traffic control device.

When going through a designated work area,

Maintenance vehicles
pay attention to the posted speed limits. For most
construction, maintenance or surveying activities, the
speed limit is 45 mph unless posted differently. Work
zones may limit speeds to 45 mph when workers are
present, yet allow traffic to return to the normally
posted speed when workers are absent. This allows
traffic to move at full speed when safe to do so while
requiring motorists to watch for workers and slow
down when construction is active in a work zone.

Fines are doubled for all moving violations in work

zones. In addition, motorists caught speeding in
construction zones face increased points on their
driving records.

Under the law, you will be assessed:

Michigan law allows state and local road agencies
• Three points for speeding 10 mph or less over the to equip their maintenance vehicles with flashing or
posted limit. oscillating green lights in addition to the traditional
amber lights. The green lights will only be activated
• Four points for speeding more than 10 mph but when road work is taking place. Private contractors
not more than 15 mph over the limit. are not allowed to display green lights on their
• Five points for speeding more than 15 mph over
the limit. Motorists should know that when they see flashing
green lights on a local or state maintenance vehicle
If you cause the injury or death to any person in a to slow down and drive with caution.
work zone, you may face fines of up to $7,500, and
imprisonment of up to 15 years. The color green was chosen because the human
eye is the most sensitive to the green wavelength.
This means green lights appear brighter and can be
Merging in a construction seen from farther away than other colored lights. This
zone makes them ideal for enhanced visibility in inclement
conditions such as in snow storms and clouds of road
One topic that raises a lot of questions for Michigan
drivers is merging in a construction zone. When two
or more traffic lanes merge into one in a construction
zone, there will be white-and-orange barrels and
signs marking the merging lane. Drivers should follow
the directions on the signs, instructing them when
and how to merge.

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
a lane, proceed with caution, keeping as much
space as possible between you and the stopped
emergency vehicle.

When an approaching emergency vehicle has its

red and blue lights on and its siren sounding:

• Pull over to the edge of the roadway or highway,

clear of intersections and stop.

• Remain there until the emergency vehicle has

Emergency vehicles passed. Stay alert – more than one emergency
vehicle may be responding to the call.
Yield the right of way to an emergency vehicle with
its red and blue lights flashing, rotating or oscillating
• Keep a foot on the brake so the brake lights
when it is approaching from any direction. You must
let emergency vehicle drivers know you have
also yield to an emergency vehicle that is stopped
with its red, blue or amber lights flashing, rotating or
• Stay at least 500 feet behind any moving
emergency vehicle displaying flashing warning
An authorized emergency vehicle includes:
lights and sounding a siren.
• Ambulances, fire department and police vehicles,
• Never pass a moving emergency vehicle
privately owned vehicles of volunteer or paid fire
displaying flashing warning lights unless directed
fighters if authorized by the chief of an organized
to do so by the emergency vehicle driver or a law
fire department, privately owned motor vehicles
enforcement officer.
of volunteer or paid members of a life-support

• A vehicle owned and operated by a federally

In 1925, the speed limit for school buses
recognized, nonprofit, charitable organization on highways was set at 25 mph. In certain
that is used exclusively for assistance during an
situations, traffic was required to halt, or
slow to 15 mph, when a bus was stopped to
• A tow truck or wrecker with a flashing, rotating
or oscillating red or amber light that is clearly
load or unload students.
marked and readily recognizable as a vehicle
used to assist disabled vehicles.
School buses
Failure to yield or exercise due caution when passing
Use extra care around buses and in school zones.
a stopped emergency vehicle is a misdemeanor.
Children are small and may dart into the street or out
Furthermore, if you fail to yield or exercise due
from around parked vehicles. Never drive around
caution when passing a stopped emergency vehicle
a school bus with its red overhead lights flashing;
and injure or kill emergency personnel, you can be
it is picking up or dropping off passengers. It is not
charged with a felony.
necessary to stop for a school bus stopped on the
other side of a highway divided by a barrier such as
When you see a stopped emergency vehicle:
a concrete or grass median, island or other structures
that separate the flow of traffic. See Figure 4.1.
• You must slow down to 10 mph below the posted
speed limit. Move over a lane if traffic and
Fines for failing to stop for a school bus are double
conditions allow it. If you can’t safely move over
what would normally be assessed for a moving

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
violation. Increased fines and imprisonment may When the RED overhead lights are flashing, stop at
result for violations resulting in injury or death. least 20 feet from the school bus. Remain stopped
until the flashing red lights are turned off or the bus
resumes its travels.

Figure 4.1. Because these roads are divided by a

barrier, the blue car does not need to stop even
though the school bus has its red overhead lights
flashing. Vehicles on the same side of the road as The National Conference to Develop
the school bus are required to stop.
Minimum Standards made a
recommendation in 1939 to paint school
School bus signals
buses “national school bus yellow.” In 1951,
When the YELLOW hazard lights are flashing, proceed
with caution. Michigan passed the School Bus Color Law,
requiring that all new buses be painted
National School Bus Chrome Yellow for
greater uniformity and visibility.

Right of way
Many different traffic situations require you to yield
the right of way to other vehicles, bicycles and

When the YELLOW overhead lights are flashing, be

prepared to stop.
Right of way when turning
You must yield to other vehicles when:

• Making a right turn, including at a red light.

• Making a left turn, whether you are turning left out

of your driveway or from an alley, or completing a
left turn on a green light in an intersection.

• Making a left turn on a red light (See Figures 4.2

and 4.3)

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
Right of way at intersections
You must yield to other vehicles when:

• You are approaching or stopped at an intersection

and the light has just turned green. If vehicles are
still in the intersection when the light changes, you
must yield to them before proceeding.

• You are making a left turn at an intersection.

When the light is green, you may turn once all
oncoming traffic has cleared. If you are still in the
intersection when the light turns red, complete
ONE WAY your turn as quickly and safely as possible.

• The intersection has a stop sign or a flashing red

signal. You must come to a complete stop and
check for traffic before proceeding. If there are
no traffic control devices, stop at the stop line or
crosswalk. If there is no stop line or crosswalk, stop
Figure 4.2. When making a left turn on red from a
at a point that allows you to see all approaching
one-way street onto another one-way street, you
traffic without having to pull into the intersection.
must first come to a complete stop and check for
traffic approaching from the right before turning.
• You reach a four-way stop intersection with a stop
sign at each corner of the intersection. The driver
who arrived at the intersection and stopped first
has the right of way through the intersection. If
two or more vehicles reached the intersection at
the same time, the vehicle on the left should yield
to the vehicle on its right.

• You reach an intersection with a malfunctioning

traffic signal. Come to a complete stop and yield
to vehicles already at the intersection. Yield to the
vehicle on your right if you both reach the intersection
at the same time.

• You reach an intersection with a flashing yellow

arrow. Yield to traffic before completing your turn.
• At a “T” intersection without any signals or signs, yield
the right of way to vehicles on the through road.

Be prepared to yield
• When approaching a YIELD sign. Slow down,
check for traffic and be prepared to stop.
Figure 4.3. When turning left from a two-way street
onto a one-way street at a red light, you must come
• Whenever you see workers in highway construction
to a full stop, scan for vehicles approaching from
or maintenance areas. You also must proceed
the right, and yield the right of way to any vehicles
with caution and be ready to yield whenever
opposite you that are turning right at the intersection.

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
you are approaching or passing a stopped waste • To pedestrians with disabilities, including physical,
collection, utility service or road maintenance hearing and visual disabilities.
vehicle with its lights flashing.
• When turning at any intersection. This includes
• When an emergency vehicle is approaching with all turns, whether or not there are lights or traffic
its red or blue lights flashing, rotating or oscillating control devices present.
and its siren or other audible device sounding,
immediately drive to a position parallel to and as • When stopping at an intersection with a stop sign
close as possible to the right-hand edge or curb or a flashing red light.
of the roadway, clear of an intersection, and stop
until the emergency vehicle has passed or an • At an intersection with a flashing yellow light.
officer signals that it is clear to proceed.
• To a pedestrian in an unmarked crosswalk on
the driver’s side of the roadway when no traffic
control devices are present.

• To a pedestrian who enters a crosswalk before

the signal has changed.

Police Vehicle • To a pedestrian crossing the street from an alley,

driveway, building or private road.

Right of way and funerals

• Funeral processions have the right of way over all
other vehicles, except for fire trucks, ambulances
and police vehicles.

• Vehicles in the funeral procession must display

the florescent orange flag with the appropriate
religious symbol (for example, a cross, a star of
David or the crescent and star).

• It is a civil infraction to cut through a funeral

• To through traffic when approaching a MERGE
sign. Adjust your speed as necessary to merge
• Drivers should be appropriately respectful of
funeral processions but they are not required to
pull over should they see a funeral procession on
Right of way and pedestrians the road.
As a driver, you must yield:
Passing on the left
• To a pedestrian in a marked crosswalk.
• Use caution when passing another vehicle.
• To a pedestrian in the crosswalk, even if your
• On a two-lane highway, you should have a clear,
traffic light is green.
unobstructed view of the left lane, and any traffic
in that lane should be far enough away to provide
• To children near or in a school zone crosswalk
you with the distance and time needed to pass
when school is in session. Be especially cautious as
children may unexpectedly dart out into the street.

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
• Once you have started passing a vehicle, do not When passing is prohibited
cut back into the right-hand lane until you can
Don’t pass when:
see the entire vehicle you are passing in your
rearview mirror.
• A solid yellow line is on your side of the center of
the road.
• You must return to your lane before you get within
200 feet of any oncoming vehicles.
• “Do Not Pass” or “No Passing Zone” signs are
• Remember to allow extra room for passing when
pulling a trailer.
• You are approaching a hill or
curve that prevents you from
• Do not pass more than one vehicle at a time or
seeing oncoming traffic clearly.
follow too closely when another vehicle is passing
slower traffic.
• You are within 100 feet of an
intersection or railroad crossing.
• When preparing to pass another vehicle by using
the center lane of a three-lane road, always use
• Your view is blocked within 100 feet
extreme caution. Approaching vehicles may also
of a bridge, viaduct or tunnel.
be preparing to pass. If you and an approaching
vehicle move into the center lane at the same
• Oncoming traffic is close enough that attempting
time, a serious crash could occur. Using this lane
to pass would place you and other vehicles in
for passing or merging is prohibited if the center
danger of crashing.
lane is marked for left turns only.
• You can’t see clearly ahead.
If you are being passed by another vehicle, • The center lane of a three-lane road is marked for
do not increase your speed or race the driver left turns only.
that is passing you. Allow the other driver to • A vehicle has stopped at a crosswalk or
complete the passing maneuver safely. intersection to allow a pedestrian to cross.

• In a construction zone.
Passing on the right • In any school zone or posted school zone in an
Passing a vehicle on the right is allowed but don’t unincorporated area.
drive on the shoulder or off the road to do so.
Passing on the right should only be done in certain • A school bus has stopped to load or unload
circumstances. passengers.

• When you have enough room on a two-lane road

and the vehicle you want to pass is making a left
Lane usage
turn. Like most of the world, drivers in the United States
drive on the right side of the road. But there’s more
• On a one-way street with more than one lane. to it than simply staying to the right.

• On a roadway with two or more lanes in each You must drive in the right-hand lane except when:
• Passing a vehicle in front of you.
• At an intersection or point in the road specifically
widened for the purposes of passing. • Stopped vehicles, a crash or other obstacles

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
make it necessary for you to cross the center line. • Only emergency vehicles and law enforcement
You must yield to any oncoming traffic before using their lights and sirens are allowed to drive
leaving your lane. against the flow of traffic.

• The road is divided into three or more marked • It is illegal to drive across median strips and
traffic lanes. through barriers.

• On a one-way street with two or more lanes of • If a road’s cut-through is paved and there are no
traffic. signs prohibiting its use, you may make a left turn
using the cut-through.
• Directed to move into the left lane by traffic control
signs and signals on a multiple lane highway with • You must enter or leave controlled-access roads
traffic traveling in both directions. only at designated and posted entrances and
• Crossing the center line to make a left turn into or
from an alley, private road or driveway.
• Approaching a stopped emergency vehicle. Always use your turn signal when turning.
Make sure it is safe to pass before pulling out
around the emergency vehicle. Before turn signals became standard equipment
on every automobile, drivers used hand signals to
• Road construction is near or blocking the right indicate a turn or a stop. Today these hand signals
lane or right shoulder. are used primarily by motorcyclists, scooter and
moped riders, and bicyclists. See Figure 4.4.
When driving on an interstate highway or full-access
controlled freeway, you must drive in the right-hand
lane. Exceptions for driving in the left lane are made
for the following situations:

• Traffic conditions or congestion make it impossible

to drive in the right lane.
Figure 4.4. Hand signals for a left turn, right turn and
• Weather conditions make it necessary to drive in
the left lane.
Right turns
• There is an obstacle or hazard in the right lane.
• Turn from the correct lane and use your signal.
• You must change lanes to yield to emergency or
• Obey all traffic signs and signals.
construction vehicles.
• Yield the right of way to pedestrians, emergency
• There is no traffic immediately behind or in front of
vehicles or other traffic at the intersection.
you in the left lane.
• Make sure traffic is clear on your left before
Remember that . . .
• Slow vehicles must use the right lane except when
• Follow the general curve of the curb as you make
passing or making a left turn.
your right turn. Do not stray into other lanes.
• Weaving from lane to lane to speed through
• Be aware that trucks and buses need more space
traffic is illegal.
to make a right turn.

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
• When multiple right-turn lanes are present,
complete your turn by entering the lane that
corresponds to your turn lane. See Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.5. As the blue car completes its right turn, it

is important that it remain in the lane corresponding
to its turn lane. If the car moved into another lane
while turning, it could cut off traffic in that lane and
increase the risk of a crash.
Figure 4.7.
Figures 4.6 and 4.7. Would you spot the hidden
Left turns vehicle if you were the driver? Always look carefully
• Turn from the correct lane and use your signal. for vehicles that may be concealed behind or
alongside of other vehicles. Take special care to
• Obey all traffic signs and signals. watch for motorcyclists, scooter riders and bicyclists
as their smaller sizes can make it easy to miss them
• Yield the right of way to pedestrians, emergency in traffic.
vehicles or other traffic at the intersection.

• Keep your front wheels pointed straight ahead

Changing lanes
until you start your turn. • Left lane: Look for traffic behind you and on your
left with a head check, turn on your left-turn signal
• When multiple left-turn lanes are present, and carefully move into the left lane.
complete your turn by entering the lane that
corresponds to your turn lane. • Right lane: Look for traffic behind you and on your
right, turn on your right-turn signal and carefully
• Check for all approaching traffic. See figures 4.6 move into the right lane.
and 4.7.

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
Roundabouts to large vehicles, as they may need more than
one lane to navigate through the roundabout.
A roundabout is a circular intersection where
entering traffic yields to vehicles traveling counter- • Refrain from passing other vehicles, bicycles and
clockwise around a central island. Vehicles entering mopeds.
from each leg of the
intersection must yield to • When entering or exiting a roundabout, watch for
traffic approaching from the pedestrians crossing the street.
left. This includes any bicyclists
or pedestrians who are Exiting a roundabout:
present. Vehicles exit the
roundabout by making a right • Maintain a slow speed. If you miss your exit, drive
turn onto the desired road. around the roundabout to your exit again.

Approaching a roundabout: • Indicate your exit by using your turn signal.

• Look for roadside signs and pavement markings to • Do not accelerate until you are beyond the
direct you into the correct lane before entering. pedestrian crossing at the exit.

• Slow down and stay to the right of the roundabout’s Railroad crossings
center island.
Traffic control systems for railroad crossings include
all signs, signals, markings and illuminated devices
• As you approach the yield line, look to your left.
that permit safe and efficient movement of both rail
and roadway traffic.
• When an appropriate gap in traffic appears,
enter the roundabout and merge with the flow of
When approaching any railroad crossing, slow down
the other vehicles.
and look both ways. Trains cannot stop like vehicles
can, and an approaching train is closer and moving
• Never make a left turn to enter a roundabout; this
faster than it appears. It could be fatal to ignore a
will place you in front of oncoming traffic.
signal or try to cross in front of a train.
Traveling in a roundabout:
Whether you are on foot, on a bicycle or in a
vehicle, cross railroad tracks only at designated
• Always stay to the right of the center island.
crossings. Never walk down the tracks; it is illegal and
• Vehicles within the roundabout have the right of
Railroad crossing advance
• Do not stop unless it is the only way to safely avoid
a collision or other danger.
warning sign
This sign warns of a railroad crossing
• If an emergency vehicle is heard or seen ahead. If a train is coming, all vehicles
approaching, do not stop. Leave the roundabout must stop no more than 50 feet or
at the nearest exit, pull over to the right and stop, less than 15 feet from the tracks.
allowing the emergency vehicle to pass. Trains overhang the tracks by at least
three feet on each side and may
• Avoid changing lanes. Move into the lane you have cargo that extends even farther.
need before entering the roundabout.
When you see devices that warn of railroad crossings
• Give special consideration to trucks, trailers and and possible oncoming trains:
other large vehicles. Avoid passing or driving next

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
• Slow down and be ready to stop. flashing, or the gate is down or in motion.

• If there is a stop sign at the crossing, you must stop • Do not drive through, around or under any
whether or not a train is in sight. activated railroad crossing system.

• Be aware that, unless clearly marked otherwise, • Once the train has passed, do not proceed until
school buses, vehicles carrying passengers for the gates are raised, signals stop flashing, bells
hire, gasoline trucks and other vehicles carrying stop ringing and you are sure that all tracks are
hazardous materials must stop and make sure clear.
no train is coming, even if there is no stop sign or
railroad crossing signal.
Trains and vehicles DO NOT
Passive railroad crossing MIX: Grade crossing safety
control systems tips
• Never stop on railroad tracks.
Railroad crossings with passive control systems do not
have flashing lights or gates to warn of approaching
• Always expect a train at any crossing.
trains. Instead, they use advance warning signs,
pavement markings and
• Always look both ways down the tracks.
crossbuck signs with yield or
stop signs located just before
• Avoid changing gears while crossing railroad
or at the railroad tracks to
alert drivers to look for trains.
• When there is snow on the road, proceed over
Slow down or stop as
tracks with enough speed to prevent you from
necessary and yield to any
becoming stuck at the railroad crossing.
rail traffic. Do not cross without
checking the track in both
• When approaching a crossing where nearby
directions for a train. Make sure all tracks are clear
traffic signals may have caused vehicles to
before proceeding and never race a train in an
back up near the crossing, never cross the tracks
attempt to cross ahead of it.
unless there is enough space for your vehicle to
completely clear the far side of the tracks by at
Active least 6 feet.
crossing If you are stuck on the tracks
Once railroad crossing lights and gates are activated,
control systems or you hear the horn of an approaching train, you
Active railroad control systems have about 20 seconds before the train arrives. If
inform road users of the presence you remember these few tips, you may prevent a
of a train. tragedy at a railroad crossing.
These systems may include
• If the crossing gates ARE ACTIVATED, or a train is
combinations of gates, flashing-light
clearly approaching, IMMEDIATELY get everyone
signals, message signs and bells or
out of the vehicle and as far away from the tracks
other audible warning devices.
as possible. Call 911.
No matter what active control system
you encounter: • If crossing lights or gates are NOT ACTIVATED,
or there is no train in sight, get everyone out of
• Stop when the bells are ringing, the lights are the vehicle and as far away from the tracks as

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
possible. Call the railroad’s emergency number traffic as you approach the driver’s side.
listed on the blue Emergency Notification Sign
posted near the crossing. Report the problem and
provide the crossing identification number shown
Parking on a hill
on the Emergency Notification Sign (six digits and • Turn wheels toward the curb when parking
one letter). Railroad officials may be able to slow, downhill.
stop or divert an approaching train. Then call 911.
• Turn the wheels away from the curb when parking
What is an Emergency
Notification System sign? • If there is no curb, turn the wheels so that the
vehicle will not roll into traffic.
An Emergency Notification
System (ENS) sign, posted at
• Always use the parking brake. The transmission is
or near a highway-rail grade
not designed to be used as a brake.
crossing, lists a telephone
number along with the
crossing’s US DOT number and Parallel parking
is used to notify the railroad of
Even though there are vehicles that will automatically
an emergency or a warning device malfunction.
parallel park themselves, knowing how to perform
this tricky parking maneuver is still a good skill to
Parking master.
You know that familiar movie scene in which an
• Select a parking space on the passenger side of
expensive sports car is parked on a grassy hill sloping
your vehicle.
down toward a pond and the car suddenly rolls into
the water! What’s that about? A bad parking job,
• Signal when approaching the space and check
that’s what!
your mirrors for traffic behind you.
Whenever you park:
• Pull up along side of the vehicle that is parked
ONE directly ahead of your parking space. There
• Always turn off the engine.
HOUR should be 2-5 feet between your vehicle and the
PARKING vehicle next to it.
• Set the parking brake. Do not rely
on the transmission to hold your 9 AM - 7 PM • Brake, shift into reverse and check for traffic
vehicle in place.
approaching from behind you.
• Take the keys and lock your vehicle.
• Release the brake and slowly back up, repeatedly
checking your mirrors for traffic and looking over
When exiting your vehicle after parking:
your right shoulder to help in positioning your
• Watch for bicycles, motorcycles, mopeds or other
vehicles that might be passing.
• As you start to back up, turn the steering wheel to
the right to start angling the rear of your vehicle
• Check the mirrors for traffic that may not see you
into the parking space.
before opening the door. Use your right hand
to open the door, so you will automatically look
• Once the rear of your vehicle is mostly in the
over your left shoulder for oncoming cyclists and
space, start turning in the other direction to
straighten out. Making this “S” turn should place
your vehicle directly into the parking space.
• When returning to your vehicle, face oncoming

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
• Adjust the vehicle’s position as needed to center Parking
it in the space. You should be no more than 6-12
inches from the curb.
Communities may pass
• Check for traffic before opening your door. parking ordinances for
local streets that are
stricter than state law.
Disability parking Signs will be posted at
Disability parking spaces are reserved for people the city limits.
with disabilities. Disabilities aren’t always apparent,
so even if people are not using a cane or wheelchair, The owner of a vehicle parked illegally is responsible
that doesn’t mean they are abusing the privilege of for any parking tickets. If the vehicle is being leased,
disability parking. the person leasing it is responsible. The following is a
partial list of “no parking laws.”
Free parking is provided only to vehicles displaying a
disability placard with a yellow free-parking sticker. Never park:
The requirements for obtaining a free-parking sticker
are more narrowly defined than for a disability • Where “no stopping,” “no standing,” “no parking”
license plate or placard. or “no parking at any time” signs
are posted.
To park in a disability parking space: NO
• Within 500 feet of a fire or a crash. PARKING
• You or your passenger must have a qualifying ANY
disability. This is defined as blindness or any • Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant. TIME
condition that significantly limits a person’s ability

to walk or that requires a wheelchair, walker, • Within 20 feet of a fire station
crutch or other assistive device. The disability may driveway on the same side of the
be temporary or permanent. street or, when marked, within 75
feet of the driveway on the other 8:30 AM
• You must have a disability license plate or parking side of the street. TO 5:30 PM
• Within 50 feet of the nearest rail of a
Never park in a disability parking space if none of railroad crossing.
the vehicle’s occupants are disabled or if the person
with the disability is not accompanying you into the • In front of any driveway, alley, theater, emergency
store. exit or fire escape.

• Next to a road where you block the view of drivers

Van-accessible disability turning at an intersection.
• More than 12 inches from the curb. This means the
Van-accessible parking spaces are wider than
curb should never be more than a foot from your
standard parking spaces. This provides room for the
parked vehicle.
van’s wheelchair lift and ramp, allowing the person
with a disability to easily exit and enter the vehicle.
• Against the flow of traffic.
For this reason, it is extremely important not to park
on the blue-striped area of the van-accessible
• Within 30 feet of a stop sign, traffic light or flashing
parking space. Doing so may prevent the person
beacon, including a warning sign.
with a disability from getting in or out of the vehicle.
It is also important to not block the ramp or curb cuts
• In a lane of a highway outside city or village limits
used by people with disabilities.
if there is a highway shoulder.

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know
• On or under a bridge (unless otherwise posted), • Within 20 feet of a marked crosswalk or 15 feet of
on an overpass or in a tunnel. an intersection if there is no crosswalk.

• On a sidewalk, or in front of a public or private • On the street-side of a legally parked vehicle

driveway. (double parking).

• Within an intersection, crosswalk or designated • So that you obstruct delivery of mail to a rural
bike lane. mailbox.

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 4: Traffic Laws
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings

and Signals

Did you know that . . . ?

• In 1915, the first stop sign was used in Detroit.

• In 1917, Michigan painted the first center

line on a state highway, the Marquette to
Negaunee Road.

• In 1920, the first four-way traffic signal with

red, yellow and green lights was used at
Woodward Avenue and Fort Street in Detroit.

Traffic signs
A traffic sign’s shape gives you a clue as to its meaning and purpose. Learn to recognize these nine basic
shapes and what they mean.

Octagon Triangle Diamond


Pentagon Pennant Horizontal Rectangle


Vertical Rectangle Round Crossbuck


Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know
Route markers
  Brown: Recreation/Cultural Interest
Federal, State, and County Road Systems

Interstate Freeway Sign U.S. Highway Sign   Fluorescent Yellow or Fluorescent

Green: School, Pedestrian or Bicycle Caution

  Fluorescent Pink: Incident/Emergency/

Unplanned Event
State Highway Sign County Route Marker
Regulatory signs
Regulatory signs tell you about specific laws. These
signs regulate the speed and movement of traffic.
They are usually rectangular and have a color
pattern of white and black, red, white and black, or
red and white.

Traffic sign colors

A traffic sign’s color also carries meaning. Knowing
the colors of basic traffic signs will make you a more
informed driver.

  Red: Stop/Prohibited/Forbidden In 1912, William B. Bachman, Wolverine

Auto Club of Michigan tour chairman, made
plans for the group to travel 271 miles to the
  Blue: Service/Hospitality
second annual Indianapolis Memorial Day
Race. Problems arose when the confetti that
  Green: Directions/Guidance
was tossed onto the roads by the lead car to
mark the route was blown around by the wind.
  Yellow: Caution/General Warning The 35 cars following the wind-tossed paper
trails ended up all over northern Indiana and
  Orange: Caution for Construction or southern Michigan. By 1920, Mr. Bachman had
Maintenance painted colored bands on 2,000 miles of utility
poles to designate road routes to solve the
  Black: Regulatory/Legally Allowed or
confetti problem, developing the precursor to
a national system of uniform road signage.
  White: Regulatory/Legally Allowed or

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know
Traffic sign challenge
Can you identify the following signs? Think about the sign’s shape and colors. (Answers are on the next page.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.

43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know
Traffic sign challenge answers 17. No U Turn. U-turns are prohibited.

1. Incident Ahead. An emergency or other 18. Right Turn Lanes. Regulates which lanes allow
unplanned event has disrupted traffic. These right turns.
warning and guide signs will assist you in driving
around or through the affected area. 19. Center Lane Left Turn Only. Regulates that the
center lane of traffic is designated for left turns
2. Gas Pump. Indicates the location of gas stations. only.

3. Exit. Indicates where the exit from the freeway is 20. Do Not Pass. Prohibits passing.
21. Pass With Care. This sign follows the Do Not Pass
4. Caution. Some event or road condition warrants sign. It is on the right side of the road and marks
warning you to be careful when driving. the end of a no-passing zone. Pass when it is safe
to do so.
5. One Way. Traffic flow is the same direction in all
lanes. 22. Median Ahead. Indicates that a divided
roadway begins ahead.
6. Speed Limit 55. Regulates that the legal speed
limit on a stretch of road is 55 mph. 23. Do Not Enter. You are not allowed to enter
areas where this sign is posted.
7. National Forest. Informs you about the location of
a national park. 24. Authorized Vehicles Only. Only law enforcement,
emergency or maintenance vehicles may legally
8. School Children Present. School children are in the use the emergency crossover. Never drive across
area. Drive carefully and obey directions given by the median or emergency crossover of a freeway.
a school crossing guard. To change directions, drive to the next exit, get off
and re-enter the freeway in the other direction.
9. Flint/Saginaw. Informs you of the direction to take
to reach a location, in this case the cities of Flint 25. Wrong Way. You have entered a lane of
and Saginaw. oncoming traffic. Get out the safest and quickest
way possible.
10. Wheelchair Symbol. Services and
accommodations for people with disabilities are 26. No Trucks Allowed. Trucks are not allowed to
available. drive in areas where this sign is posted.

11. State Route Marker. State highway M-32. 27. RR Crossbuck. A railroad crossing consisting of
two train tracks is ahead.
12. Parking Permitted. One-hour parking is allowed
between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. 28. Rest Area. Indicates accommodations that
have restrooms for the public.
13. Stop sign. Come to a complete stop and yield
to traffic and pedestrians before proceeding. 29. School Crossing. A school crossing for children is
ahead. Drive carefully and obey directions given
14. Yield. Yield the right of way. Slow down and let by a school crossing guard.
vehicles crossing your path go by.
30. Slow-Moving Vehicle. The orange triangle is
15. No Turn On Red. Prohibits turning on a red light. mounted on the back of vehicles that do not
move faster than 25 mph, such as Amish buggies,
16. No Right Turn. Right turns are prohibited. farm combines, and other large agricultural and

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know
industrial vehicles. Drive with caution around 48. Lane Ends Merge Left. The right lane is ending;
them. merge left. Yield right of way to traffic in the left
31. Right Turn Ahead. The road turns to the right.
49. Divided Highway Ends. The divided highway is
32. Road Curves Ahead. The road curves sharply to ending and will turn into two lanes of traffic.
the right and then to the left.
50. Two-Way Traffic. Two-way traffic begins; keep to
33. Sharp Curve Ahead, Limit Speed. A sharp curve the right.
is ahead; limit your speed to 35 mph.
51. Hill. A steep down slope is ahead. All vehicles,
34. RR. A railroad crossing is ahead. especially large trucks, should take precautions to
make sure their brakes are working properly and
35. Watch for Bicyclists. Bicyclists may be in the gear down if necessary.
area; drive carefully.
52. Slippery When Wet. Road conditions become
36. Watch for Pedestrians. Pedestrians may be in slippery in bad weather; drive carefully.
the area, drive carefully.
53. Merge Left. The right lane is ending; merge left.
37. Obstacle in Roadway. A traffic island or Yield the right of way to traffic in the left lane.
obstruction is ahead. Drive to either side.
54. Bicyclists and Pedestrians. A bicycle and
38. Maximum Height Allowed. The maximum pedestrian crossing is near; drive carefully.
clearance under a bridge or other structure is 12
feet, 6 inches.

39. Exit 25 mph. The speed to exit should not exceed

25 mph. Pavement markings
Pavement markings are white or yellow, and warn,
40. No Passing Zone. Located on the left side of
regulate and inform drivers.
the roadway, this yellow pennant cautions you
to refrain from passing because conditions make
passing hazardous. White lines
White lines separate traffic lanes moving in the same
41. Intersection Ahead. A road intersects your road;
watch for cross traffic.

42. Side Road Ahead. A side road intersects with Broken white lines
your road from the right; watch for traffic.
On roads that have more than one lane moving
in one direction, broken white lines separate traffic
43. Roundabout Ahead. A roundabout is ahead.
lanes. Do not straddle the broken white lines or cross
the double yellow line. See Figure 5.1.
44. Road Work Ahead. This orange sign indicates
that construction or maintenance crews are
working in the area; drive with care.

45. Stop Ahead. A stop sign is posted ahead.

46. Yield Ahead. A yield sign is posted ahead.

Figure 5.1.
47. Merging Traffic. Traffic merges from the right.

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know
Solid white lines Lines to help separate and
Solid white lines mark the right edge of the road. protect
Often called fog lines, these lines help you stay on
Traffic conditions can be quite diverse. Buses and
the road at night or in bad weather. It is illegal to
trucks have specific speed limit restrictions, mopeds
cross solid white lines when passing. Solid white lines
and bicycles have restraints as to which roads
also are used to separate lanes of traffic moving
they may use, and allowances must be made for
in the same direction. Do not cross a solid white
pedestrians in all cases. Certain line markings have
line. These white lines may designate sharp curves,
the job of ensuring that vehicles, bicycles and
freeway acceleration and deceleration lanes, and
pedestrians share the road safely.
other parts of the road where lane changes are
considered dangerous. See Figure 5.2.
Crosswalk lines
Solid white lines mark many pedestrian crosswalks.
They are painted all the way across the pavement.
Crosswalks are also indicated by white stripes placed
on the road in the direction of traffic. Crosswalks are
placed at intersections and sometimes between
intersections. Stop your vehicle behind the crosswalk
line. See Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.2.

Double solid white lines

A double solid white line is used to show a travel path
where driving in the same direction is permitted on
both sides of the line but crossing the line is prohibited.
See Figure 5.3.
Figure 5.4.

Stop lines
Stop lines are wide white lines painted across a traffic
lane that mark where you must stop your vehicle at
intersections. This keeps the vehicle out of the way of
pedestrians and cross traffic. If there are no stop lines
or crosswalks, stop the vehicle before entering the
intersection. Whether or not there is a stop line, make
sure you are able to see traffic from all directions
before proceeding. Can you identify the stop lines
Figure 5.3. in Figure 5.4?

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know
Directional arrows Yellow lines
Directional arrows are wide white arrows painted Yellow lines separate traffic lanes moving in opposite
down the center of the traffic lane. For example, in directions. They include solid, broken and center-lane
Figure 5.5, only right turns are permitted in the lane lines.
farthest to the right. The lane next to it permits either
right turns or straight travel through the intersection.
It is illegal to make a right turn from the remaining
two lanes. Always check for traffic and pedestrians
before proceeding or completing your turn.

Broken yellow lines

A single broken yellow line usually marks the center
line of a two-way roadway where a vehicle may
pass if it is safe to do so.

Solid yellow lines

If a solid yellow line is on your side of the center line, do
not cross it to pass. On a four-lane divided roadway
Figure 5.5 or a one-way road, a solid yellow line usually marks
the left edge of the pavement. A double solid yellow
line down the middle of a two-lane roadway means
Bicycle lanes that passing is not allowed for vehicles traveling in
A bicycle lane is labeled with special pavement either direction. See Figure 5.6.
markings and signs and is
reserved exclusively for
bicyclists. It is illegal to use a
bicycle lane for driving, passing,
making right turns, parking, or
as a pull-over to wait for
someone or make a delivery.

Sharrows are markings that
alert drivers and bicyclists
about proper lane positioning
and traffic flow to ensure the
safety of road users. When you Figure 5.6.
see a sharrow, watch for bicyclists and make sure
to give them the space, courtesy and respect they
deserve as legal road users.

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know
Left turn only center lane
A left turn only center lane helps traffic flow more
smoothly by providing a designated lane for left
turns. Each outside edge of the left turn only center
lane is marked with a solid yellow line with broken
yellow lines on the inside edges. See Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.8. The white triangles indicate where

you should stop to yield to pedestrians. The
accompanying sign reminds you to be prepared to
yield when pedestrians are present.

Figure 5.7. Left turns must be made from within the

left-turn-only center lane and may be made from
either direction. Using this lane to pass other vehicles
or as a merge lane is illegal and dangerous.

Yield lines Figure 5.9. The dashed lines indicate where you
should slow and yield to traffic in the roundabout.
Yield lines are typically found at roundabout
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Sect. 3C.01, Dec. 2009
intersections and mid-block crosswalks to help
regulate the flow of traffic. When yielding to traffic or
pedestrians, make sure to stop behind the yield lines. Traffic signals
There are two types of yield lines.
Traffic signals regulate the flow of traffic. It is illegal to
drive across public or private property, such as a
White triangular symbols store parking lot, to avoid a traffic-control device.
Combinations of traffic signals,
White triangles painted across a traffic lane indicate
signs, pavement markings and
you should be ready to stop and yield to pedestrians.
other traffic-control devices can
See Figure 5.8.
be found at intersections and
railroad crossings, in school
Dashed white lines zones, and at highway
construction and maintenance
Dashed white lines painted across a traffic lane in a
roundabout indicate that you should yield to traffic.
See Figure 5.9.
Red light means stop. It is at the
top of a traffic signal in Michigan.
Stop your vehicle behind the
crosswalk or stop line.

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know
Yellow light means the signal is about to turn red. You Flashing yellow light
are required to stop on a yellow light. If you cannot
A flashing yellow light means proceed
stop safely, do not speed up but drive cautiously
carefully through the intersection.
through the intersection.
Scan across traffic in both directions.
Green light means proceed cautiously after
checking for pedestrians and vehicles. Steady green arrow
A steady green arrow means that
If a traffic signal is not working, and there are no law
traffic coming toward you is stopped
enforcement officers or other traffic signal devices
and you may proceed with caution
present to control the flow of traffic, come to a
in the direction of the arrow. Yield
complete stop and yield to vehicles already at the
the right of way to pedestrians in the
intersection. Yield to vehicles on your right if you both
reach the intersection at the same time.

The 5-section-head signal Flashing yellow arrow left-turn

signal head
The 5-section-head signal or “doghouse signal” controls
left or right turns at intersections. This type of signal has Research from the Federal Highway Administration
red, green and yellow lights shows that by reconfiguring the signal arrows used
along with a yellow and a for left turns, traffic moves more efficiently through
green turn arrow. intersections and the chances for crashes are
reduced. The flashing yellow arrow left-turn signal
When the green arrow is head uses four separate lenses to manage traffic.
lit, turning drivers have a
“protected turn,” meaning A solid red arrow means you must stop. You cannot
all oncoming or conflicting turn until the signal changes.
traffic is stopped. When the Left turn Right turn
green light is lit, you may A solid yellow arrow warns you that the left turn signal
complete your turn when is about to change to red. If you are approaching
oncoming traffic has cleared. the intersection, you must stop.
However, if you are already
When either the yellow light or yellow arrow is lit, the within the intersection and
signal is about to change to red and you must stop if there is no conflicting traffic
you haven’t already entered the intersection or can’t present, you may complete
safely stop. If you have already entered the intersection, your left turn.
complete your turn with caution after making sure traffic
is clear. A flashing yellow arrow allows
you to turn left when the
When the red light is activated, you must come to a oncoming traffic, which has
complete stop. Check for cross traffic and pedestrians a green light, is clear. Be sure
before proceeding when the light turns green or when that there is an adequate gap
turning right on red. in the traffic and that there
are no pedestrians or bicyclists
crossing before making your
Flashing red light turn.
A flashing red light means come to
a full stop. Proceed when the road is A solid green arrow indicates that oncoming traffic is
clear. stopped and you may turn left. Proceed with caution,
always checking for and yielding to people in the

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know
crosswalk. At intersections with vehicle-detection Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon
cameras or in-pavement sensors, this sequence
A Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon is a crossing device that
may be skipped if there are no left-turning vehicles
alerts drivers to the presence of pedestrians. There
are six steps to the signal sequence.

Pedestrian signals Sequence for Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon

Pedestrian signals are used to control the movement
of people at specific crossing points along the road
or at an intersection. Some pedestrian signals may
have audible or visual countdowns indicating how
much time is left before the signal changes.
1. Signal remains dark 2. Signal flashes yellow 3. Signal displays a
until activated. when first activated. solid yellow light.
The white symbol of a walking person or the Vehicles should slow Vehicles must stop
word “WALK” indicate that traffic must yield and down and prepare to unless unable to do
pedestrians may cross. The signal will begin flashing stop. so safely.

when the time to cross safely is nearing its end. Any

pedestrians in the crosswalk at that time should
complete their crossing. The words “DONT WALK”
or the red upraised hand means do not cross
the roadway. If you are a driver, always yield to
pedestrians. 4. Signal displays 5. Signal alternately 6. Signal turns dark
solid red lights. flashes red, vehicles until activated again.
Vehicles must stop. must stop and yield
Pedestrians may to pedestrians before
cross. proceeding.

Figure 5.11. The Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon.

Figure 5.10. Samples of crosswalk displays.

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 5: Signs, Pavement Markings and Signals
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 6: Sharing the Road

Did you know that. . . ?

• In 1927, the Ford Motor Company produced its
fifteen millionth Model T.

• In 1939, the 3-M Corporation introduced reflective

sheeting for roadside signs.

• In 1942, the Willow Run and Detroit Industrial

Expressway, the nation’s first four-lane divided
highway, was completed. Nearly 42,000
Detroit-area motorists used it daily to commute
to the Ypsilanti bomber factory.

Commercial vehicles
Commercial vehicles are big. Their size and weight hidden from the truck driver’s view and this increases
make it much more difficult for them to maneuver the chances that the truck could hit you when it is
quickly. In the event of a crash with a commercial changing lanes or turning. For visibility and safety
vehicle, the occupants of a car are much more likely when traveling at night, use your low beams when
to sustain injuries or fatalities. following a truck or bus.

Commercial vehicles cannot Keep a safe distance behind a commercial vehicle.

stop or maneuver as quickly or Do not draft off of it. Following a commercial vehicle
easily as a passenger vehicle. too closely greatly increases the chances of a
A passenger vehicle traveling rear-end collision. When you drive right behind a
at 55 mph can stop in about commercial vehicle, the driver cannot see you, and
130 feet. A commercial you are severely limited as to what you can see on
vehicle traveling at the same the road ahead. Extend the distance between your
speed takes about 400 feet to vehicle and a commercial vehicle even more as
stop. weather or road conditions deteriorate.

Commercial vehicle drivers Commercial vehicles need room to make right turns.
may not be able to see traffic They may swing wide to the left to safely negotiate
directly in front of, alongside a right turn. When you see a commercial vehicle
of, or close behind their with its right-turn signal on at an intersection, know
vehicles. Large commercial that the truck is going to make a wide right turn. The
trucks have blind spots or “no white stopping lines on the pavement are there for
zones” (identified in blue in a reason. If you stop past the line, a commercial
the image to the right). “No vehicle may not be able to complete its turn without
zones” are spaces in which hitting you.
motorists should not linger
because they are not readily Never cross behind a commercial vehicle that is
visible to the commercial preparing to back up or is backing up. Remember,
driver. By hanging out in a most trailers are eight-and-a-half feet wide and can
commercial vehicle’s “no hide a car from view, preventing the truck driver
zones,” you are essentially from seeing your vehicle.

Chapter 6: Sharing the Road
What Every Driver Must Know
When merging onto the freeway, commercial Slow-moving vehicles
vehicles may not be able to move over, so match
Slow-moving vehicles are those
the flow of traffic as closely as possible, pick your
that can’t travel faster than 25
spot and go. When exiting the freeway, leave space
mph. Examples include Amish
between you and the vehicle in front of you. Plan
buggies, farm machinery such
your move early and always signal your intentions as
as combines and tractors pulling
soon as possible.
trailers or wagons, and industrial
and construction equipment.
Passing a commercial vehicle “Four-wheelers” and golf carts
are not considered slow-moving vehicles.
Passing a commercial vehicle, especially the larger A slow-moving vehicle will have an orange triangle
vehicles, requires forethought to avoid making mounted on the back to warn motorists of the
mistakes that could be costly to you, the truck driver vehicle’s limited speed.
and other motorists.
Do not get impatient if behind a slow-moving vehicle.
• Signal intended lane changes or turns well in The driver will usually try to pull over to the side
advance. Never cut off a commercial vehicle, whenever possible to prevent traffic back-ups. When
force it to slow down or stop suddenly. following or passing a horse-drawn, slow-moving
vehicle, avoid honking your horn or doing anything
• Pass commercial vehicles on the left side and else that might startle the horses.
maintain a consistent speed when passing.

• As you pass, be sure you can see the entire cab of

the truck in your rearview mirror before signaling Always yield the right of way to pedestrians.
and pulling back into the lane. This includes people walking, jogging, hiking,
skateboarding, pushing strollers, etc. You must
• Keep yourself visible to the commercial vehicle take every precaution to avoid a collision with a
driver as you pass. Allow enough time and pedestrian.
distance to pass safely.
Watch for pedestrians when entering a street
• Keep both hands on the steering wheel. from a driveway or alley, at stop signs, traffic
Commercial vehicles create strong air flow and signals, roundabouts, crosswalks and intersections.
draft when traveling at high speeds. Pedestrians may also cross in the middle of a block,
even if there is a crosswalk nearby.
• When following a commercial vehicle, observe
its turn signals before attempting to pass it. Be Even if you have a green light, you must yield to
especially careful with trucks pulling a trailer. people crossing the street or intersection.
Often, a driver must swing out to the left or right
before making a turn. The driver may not see you Never attempt to pass another vehicle that has
and could force you off the road. stopped for a pedestrian. Be especially cautious
when a large truck or bus is stopped because its
• Avoid passing or driving next to trucks in large size may block a pedestrian from your view.
If a street does not have a sidewalk, pedestrians
• Slow down if a truck or bus is passing you, especially should face oncoming traffic if they choose to
during bad weather. Splash or spray from their walk along the road’s edge. Keep an eye out for
tires can reduce visibility. Start your wipers before pedestrians on both sides of the road.
the vehicle passes.
Make extra allowances for the elderly, the young

Chapter 6: Sharing the Road
What Every Driver Must Know
and people with disabilities. They may require a little also makes it difficult to see them and to accurately
more time to cross a street. judge their speed and distance. This puts them at
a disadvantage in traffic. Any crash between a
You are required by law to stop or yield the right of larger vehicle and a motorcycle, scooter, moped or
way for a pedestrian with a white cane or guide dog. bicycle almost always injures or kills the operator of
Avoid honking your horn or revving the engine; these the smaller vehicle. Keep the following points in mind
noises are distracting and cover important audible when sharing the road with motorcycles, scooters
cues used by people with visual impairments. and bicycles.

Make sure your vehicle is not blocking a crosswalk. • Always treat motorcyclists and scooter, moped
Not only does it make it difficult for people with and bicycle riders with courtesy.
visual impairments to navigate, it is inconvenient for
anyone crossing the street and violates the rule of • It is illegal for motorists to drive beside a rider in the
always yielding to pedestrians. same lane. However, motorcycles, scooters and
bicycles are allowed to share a lane.
Mid-block crosswalks provide pedestrians with
safe crossing along roadways at places other • Intersections are one of the highest risk locations
than intersections. A yield line is sometimes used to for crashes between vehicles and motorcycles,
indicate the location where drivers should stop for scooters and bicycles. For example, motorists
pedestrians in the crosswalk. See Figure 6.1. frequently respond to police after a crash that
they didn’t even see the motorcyclist.

• Exercise extreme caution when making a left turn

at an intersection. Be alert for possible oncoming
motorcyclists, scooter operators or bicyclists. Left turns
present a higher risk for crashes because it is easy for
you to misjudge their speed and distance because
of their smaller profile. Always assume motorcyclists
and other small vehicles are closer than they appear
and wait for them to pass before turning.

• Many motorcyclists slow down by downshifting,

Figure 6.1.
which doesn’t activate the brake light. To be
safe, keep extra space between you and the
Children motorcyclist, especially on city streets.
Pay close attention around parked cars, near school
• Tailgating is illegal. Leave at least 3 or 4 seconds
zones, play grounds and parks where children are
of travel space between your vehicle and a
likely to be present. Children are unpredictable and
motorcyclist, scooter operator or bicyclist. They can
can dart out into the street unexpectedly.
usually stop in shorter distances than a car and may
have to swerve suddenly, slow down or change
Motorcycles, scooters, lanes to avoid or adjust to obstacles such as
potholes, pavement transitions or railroad crossings.
mopeds and bicycles
When sharing the road with motorcycles, scooters, • Pass a motorcyclist, scooter operator or bicyclist
mopeds and bicycles, it is important to understand as you would another vehicle, but not so fast or
the special characteristics and limitations of these so close that your tires throw dirt or stones into the
vehicles. riders’ faces or that a draft from your vehicle blows
them about. These riders may have to adjust their
While their smaller size makes these two-wheeled and place in a lane quickly to avoid a hazard. Use an
three-wheeled vehicles economical to operate, it adjacent lane for passing if it is safe and legal to

Chapter 6: Sharing the Road
What Every Driver Must Know

do so. Michigan law requires that you leave at

least 3 feet of space between your vehicle and
the bicyclist when passing. If this is impractical,
a safe distance and speed is required. You may
pass a bicycle by using an adjacent lane or in a
no-passing zone when it is safe to do so. Never
attempt to squeeze by.

• Before changing lanes, check to see if a

motorcyclist, scooter operator or bicyclist is in
your blind spot or in the space where you plan
to move. After you pass, look again before you
move back into the other lane. Make sure you
can see the rider clearly in your rearview mirror.
Many crashes happen because motorists failed
As a motorist, use your horn judiciously. Avoid horn
to check their blind spots and didn’t spot the rider.
blasts that may startle riders and put them at an
increased risk of a crash.
• A fast moving vehicle creates a lot of airflow and
draft. Be mindful that your vehicle’s “wind blast”
can startle or even push a motorcyclist, scooter Moped or scooter?
operator or bicyclist off balance, increasing the
According to Michigan law, a moped is defined as a
chances of a crash.
motor vehicle that:
• Check for turn signals or hand signals from
• Has two or three wheels and is equipped with
a motorcyclist, scooter operator or bicyclist.
an engine that does not exceed 100 cc piston
Additionally, if the vehicle moves to the left
or right side of a lane, if the operator turns to
check for traffic or begins to lean or tilt the
• Cannot propel itself at a speed greater than 30
vehicle, it’s likely the rider is planning to turn.
mph on a level surface, and,

• Has a power drive system that does not require

the operator to shift gears.

“Scooter” is a generic term for two-wheeled

vehicles that can include mopeds, but it also applies
to higher-powered machines that do not fit the
definition of a moped. The defining feature of a true
moped are the pedals (hence “mo-ped”), which
• Look carefully because the single headlight or are necessary to kick start the engine.
taillight on a motorcycle, scooter, moped or
bicycle can blend into the lights of other vehicles.
Just about bicyclists
• When parking your vehicle, check your mirrors Bicyclists may legally ride on Michigan roads, except
before opening your door. Use your right hand limited access freeways. They may ride anywhere in
to open the door, so you will automatically look the lane and have the same rights and responsibilities
over your left shoulder for oncoming cyclists and as motorists.
pedestrians. Opening a vehicle door in the path
of approaching traffic, including motorcycles, Obey all lane markings.
scooters and bicycles is dangerous and illegal.

Chapter 6: Sharing the Road
What Every Driver Must Know
Look for bicyclists loads should allow even more space and time when
riding from behind on passing a bicyclist.
the road shoulder or
in a bike lane before Bicyclists are not required to use a bicycle lane and
turning right at an may leave a bicycle lane to turn left or to avoid
intersection, into a hazards.
driveway or pulling
off the road. As Be aware that low-riding, three-wheeled recumbent
appropriate, yield and cyclists and three-wheeled super-recumbent
allow them to pass handcycle riders also use Michigan roadways. These
before turning. bikes are almost always equipped with rear view
mirrors and many riders use tall orange flags for
Do not use the bicycle additional visibility, but these cycles can be difficult
lane as a right-turn to see due to their low profiles.
lane. Do not overtake
a bicyclist and turn
right unless it is safe to do so.
An autocycle is a motorcycle that has safety belts,
Michigan law requires that you leave at least 3 feet a roll bar or roll hoops, a steering wheel and other
of space between your vehicle and a bicyclist when equipment required on a motorcycle. It has three
passing. If this is impractical, pass at a safe distance wheels and is not equipped with a straddle seat.
and at a safe speed. This may require you to use
another lane or wait for an opportunity to safely Because of its smaller profile, give an autocycle
pass. You may pass a bicyclist in a no-passing zone the same respect as motorcycles and other small
as long as it is safe to do so. vehicles on the road. As with motorcycles, scooters,
mopeds and bicycles, be especially watchful for
After passing, don’t return to your lane until well autocycles at intersections, in busy traffic and when
clear of the bicycle or other vulnerable roadway turning.
users. Large vehicles and vehicles towing oversized

Chapter 6: Sharing the Road
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 6: Sharing the Road
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 7: Emergencies and

Special Situations

Did you know that . . . ?

• In 1930, Fisher Body introduced the slanted
windshield to reduce glare from the lights of
oncoming traffic at night.

• In 1955, Ford Motor Co. announced that seat belts

would be offered as a factory-installed option.

• In 1974, the first massed-produced air bags

were offered as an option in some Cadillacs
and Buicks.

Safe driving
Safe driving involves more than learning the basics If you are an older driver, you have years of
of operating a vehicle and memorizing the rules of experience but may face difficulties brought about
the road. Safe driving also requires good judgment by health and aging challenges. Research indicates
and reflexes, experience, patience and common older drivers can improve their driving ability through
sense. It is your best defense as a driver. additional training, enabling them to maintain
their driver’s license while driving safely. Some
If you are a young teen driver, communities offer older driver testing and refresher
you may feel uncertain about courses.
your skill behind the wheel. Your
understanding and judgment
may not be as well developed
Aggressive driving
as an experienced driver’s. As Aggressive drivers run stop signs and red lights, speed,
you practice driving, first on the tailgate, weave their vehicles in and out of traffic,
driver education range, then pass on the right when it is not legal to do so and
with your parents, and later, may make improper hand gestures. They sometimes
once you are licensed to drive yell at you, honk their horns or flash their headlights.
without supervision, your skill and
confidence will grow. If you respond equally, the situation may get out
of control and escalate into road rage, in which a
If you are a middle-aged driver, you weapon or the vehicle itself is used to assault the
may have become complacent other driver.
about your driving ability after
years of driving. However, driving The exact number of traffic crashes caused by
on “autopilot” may actually aggressive drivers is unknown, but the National
leave you vulnerable on the road Highway Traffic Safety Administration has estimated
because you are not really attuned to 66 percent of all traffic fatalities are caused by
your driving environment and its potential aggressive driving behaviors.

Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
What Every Driver Must Know
Are you an aggressive driver? If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash farther
down the road, stop a safe distance from the crash
Do you: scene, wait for the police to arrive and report the
• Merge improperly? Failing to merge smoothly driving behavior witnessed.
disrupts the flow of traffic. Always try to merge
smoothly when entering the expressway or
turning from one road to another. If you see other
Take care at intersections
drivers making an ill-advised merge or turn, slow Crashes at intersections result in more traffic fatalities
down and give them room. Getting angry will not and serious injuries than on any other portion of the
help and your anger could adversely affect your road. Being alert and cautious at intersections will
judgment, resulting in a crash. A driver may be help keep you safe.
wrong, but how important is it to prove you are
right? Do not risk injury or death because you feel
you have been wronged when driving. It is much
wiser to back off and allow the driver to merge. • As you approach an intersection, check for
oncoming and cross traffic, other highway
• Drive slowly in the left lane? Use all lanes properly users, pedestrians, signals, signs and pavement
and obey the speed limit. If you are using the markings, the condition of the roadway and
left-hand lane to pass slower traffic and someone areas of limited visibility.
tailgates you, move back into the right-hand lane
when it is safe to do so and allow the faster traffic • Be alert for vehicles and pedestrians that may
to move ahead. Driving in the left-hand lane and disregard a traffic signal or other traffic control
allowing traffic to build up behind you increases device and proceed through an intersection
the chances aggressive drivers may take careless without stopping or yielding the right of way.
risks attempting to get around you. Anytime you are not sure what other drivers are
going to do, be safe and let them go first.
• Tailgate? This is another aggressive-driver trait. If
other drivers tailgate you, pull over and let them • Keep alert and look twice for smaller vehicles
pass. It is better to have these unsafe drivers in approaching an intersection, such as motorcycles,
front where you can see them rather than having bicycles and mopeds. Because of their size, it may
them driving on your rear bumper. be difficult to judge their speed and distance.
Protect these riders by being courteous and
• Make inappropriate gestures? Never gesture at allowing them to clear the intersection safely.
other drivers when you become angry. If another
driver is gesturing to you when you have made • Be especially cautious if you cannot see the road
a driving error, let him or her know you are sorry. or traffic clearly at an intersection because of trees,
Everyone makes mistakes. Returning gestures or buildings, piles of snow or other obstructions. Edge
becoming angry will not correct your mistake. It forward slowly until you can see past whatever
will only serve to make both of you angrier and is blocking your view. Once the intersection is
increase the risk of confrontation or a traffic crash. clear or traffic signals indicate you may proceed,
continue driving with care.
Always remember that safe driving is affected by
your driving attitude and your ability to control your
stress and anger. Do not let an aggressive driver’s
Freeway driving
behaviors provoke you to the point where you feel Freeways are our safest roads. Traffic flows in the
compelled to react in kind. same direction. There are no stops or intersections.
Pedestrians, small motorcycles of 124 cc or
If confronted by an aggressive driver, attempt to less, mopeds, bicycles, all-terrain vehicles and
get out of the way, avoid eye contact and ignore slow-moving vehicles are not allowed on freeways.
gestures or verbal attacks. If safe to do so, call the
police and report the aggressive driver. • An entrance ramp allows traffic to enter the

Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
What Every Driver Must Know
freeway. Often, an exit ramp will be next to Here’s what state law says about merging: “When
the entrance ramp. Look for “Do Not Enter” a vehicle approaches the intersection of a highway
and “Wrong Way” signs and speed limit signs. from an intersecting highway or street which is
The entrance ramp usually merges into an intended to be, and is constructed as, a merging
acceleration lane allowing you to increase your highway or street, and is plainly marked at the
speed to match freeway traffic speed. intersection with appropriate merge signs, the
vehicle shall yield right of way to a vehicle so close as
• Signal and check for freeway traffic by using the to constitute an immediate hazard on the highway
vehicle’s rearview and side-view mirrors and quick about to be entered and shall adjust its speed so as
glances over your shoulder. Choose a safe space to enable it to merge safely with the through traffic.”
to enter and then merge into traffic, yielding the MCL.257.649(7).
right of way to vehicles on the freeway. Do not
count on other drivers to let you in. Got it?

• On a two-lane freeway, drive in the right lane Translation: If you are the vehicle merging onto
except when passing, exiting to the left, allowing (in this case) the freeway, you are the one who
another vehicle to merge onto the freeway, must adjust speed and placement so as to merge
when the lanes are heavily congested with traffic safely and avoid a crash with traffic already on the
or when emergency vehicles or construction freeway. This applies whether you are entering a
workers are on the shoulders. freeway or exiting the freeway and merging into a
lane of traffic.
• On a freeway with three or more lanes of travel
in the same direction, you may drive in any lane.
However, if driving at or near the minimum speed
Leaving a freeway
limit, stay in the lane with the slower moving traffic. • Most freeway exits have a special deceleration
lane to slow down in when exiting the freeway.
• Merge signs are placed near freeway entrances Watch for exit ramp signs that indicate which
to alert you to traffic entering the freeway. lane to use when exiting the freeway. Make sure
Always watch for vehicles merging onto the to check for traffic and use your turn signal to let
freeway. Adjusting your speed or moving safely other drivers know that you are moving over into
into another lane will allow drivers to enter the the exit-ramp lane.
freeway smoothly and safely.
• Avoid slowing down on a freeway when exiting.
• Always watch for drivers who suddenly slow down Wait until you are fully in the deceleration lane
when approaching an exit or swerve into the exit before reducing your speed and then slow down
lane unexpectedly. gradually. Many ramps have sharp curves, so it
is important to obey the posted exit ramp speed
• Never stop on a freeway except for an emergency. limit.
If you must stop, turn on the emergency hazard
flashers, slow down gradually and pull all the way • If you miss your exit ramp, never back up, turn
off the pavement as soon as safely possible. around or use a median crossover. Instead, drive
to the next exit. Get back on the freeway and
return to the exit you want. Never use the crossover
A word about merging lane in the median. It is only for emergency and
Few topics of discussion get motorists’ blood boiling Michigan Department of Transportation vehicles.
quicker than the proper way to merge. What is
proper and legal? How should you merge? Merging
onto a freeway entails fast-moving traffic, and, if the
Freeway fatigue
roadway is also congested, say at rush hour, merging • One of the greatest dangers in freeway driving is
can be all the more difficult. fatigue. On long trips you can become sleepy or
hypnotized by the constant hum of the wind, tires

Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
What Every Driver Must Know
and engine. If necessary, let someone else drive. • Try an emergency stop in your lane only if there is
enough room and you cannot pull off the road.
• Do not rely on coffee or “stay awake” drugs. If
you feel tired, stop and take a 10-minute break at • If you cannot stop before hitting another vehicle,
least every two hours. Pull off the highway at the try to steer around it. Do not turn more than
next exit. Find a motel or rest area and relax. needed to avoid a crash.

• If you must drive, keep shifting your eyes from one

area of the road to another. Check your mirrors.
Bad weather
Look at objects near and far, left and right. Preventive maintenance prior to the winter season is
the best way to ensure safe travel. Regularly check
fluid levels such as power steering, brake, windshield
Cruise control washer and oil.
• Cruise control is best suited for use in rural areas
where there is not much traffic. Make sure the antifreeze is strong enough to prevent
freezing of the engine and fresh enough to prevent
• Set the cruise control at or below the posted speed rust. In cold weather, you may also want to change
limit. This steady pace saves gasoline and allows the windshield washer fluid to one containing an
for acceleration to pass slower moving vehicles antifreeze agent.
without blocking the left lane for extended
periods. Leave extra time and drive more slowly when it
is foggy, raining or snowing, and conditions are
• Acceleration does not cancel the cruise control hazardous. Allow greater following distance in bad
setting – depressing the brake pedal will. weather. In cold weather, bridges and underpasses
freeze before the road does.
• Using cruise control in heavy traffic, near large
numbers of exit and entrance ramps or when
roads are slippery from rain, snow or ice is not
Rain and fog
recommended. This could require the constant When it begins to rain, the
resetting of the cruise control to the point you are roads are most slippery
distracted, increasing your risk of being involved during the first half hour.
in a crash. Most vehicle manufacturers do not This is because oil dropped
recommend using cruise control when towing from passing vehicles has
heavy loads. not been washed away.
Be especially cautious
at intersections where oil
If an oncoming vehicle is in deposits may be heavier.
your lane Slow down and allow at least twice the normal
following distance.
• If there is time, tap the horn to warn the other
Brakes may become wet after driving through deep
water or during heavy rain. Test them, as they may
• Brake hard, but do not lock the wheels if your
pull to one side or the other, or they may not hold at
vehicle does not have anti-lock brakes.
all. Slow down and gently push on the brake pedal
until the brakes work properly again.
• Look for an escape route on the right edge of the
When your tires ride on top of the water on a wet
road, you are hydroplaning, which can result in a loss
• Try not to go to the left since the other driver may
of control. Worn tires, low tire pressure or driving too
see you and return to his or her proper lane.
fast contribute to hydroplaning.

Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
What Every Driver Must Know
If a flooded road is blocked off by safety barricades, • To prevent a skid in vehicles with standard brakes,
do not drive around them. The barricades are there use steady pressure on the brakes without locking
because it is unsafe for vehicles. There may be debris them. This method allows the wheels to turn,
or power lines in the water or the road may have maintaining steering control.
been washed away. If there are no barricades
in place at a flooded road, consider finding an • If the vehicle has full anti-lock brakes, maintain
alternate route. If you do try to drive through, do brake pressure and steer.
so with extreme caution. In addition to the hazards
already mentioned, deep water can damage your
vehicle’s engine.
If your vehicle begins
Drive slowly in fog. Turn on the low-beam headlights
• Take your foot off the accelerator.
and be prepared to stop quickly.
• Turn the front wheels only enough to keep them
If fog becomes so thick that you cannot see at all,
pointed in the direction you want to go and no
pull off the road. Turn on the four-way emergency
flashers and wait for the fog to lift.
• Be prepared for a secondary skid in the opposite

• Again, turn the wheels in the direction you want

to go. Then straighten the wheels to bring the
vehicle under control.

How and when you use your brakes will depend
on the road and traffic conditions and the type of
brakes on your vehicle.

• Under normal conditions, you apply a steady, firm

push on the brake pedal to slow and stop your
Ice, snow and other slippery
conditions • In extreme conditions, such as on snow, ice or in
an emergency stop on dry pavement, how you
Remember when driving on ice and snow, drive
brake depends on your braking system.
slowly. Driving in snow and ice requires extra
attention. In cold weather, be alert and listen for
• With anti-lock brakes, apply the brake with hard,
snowmobiles, watch for trail or crosswalk signs along
firm pressure from the start and maintain this
the roadway and be prepared to stop. You will not
pressure until you have stopped. You may feel or
have the same stopping power in slippery conditions
hear vibrations or pulsations, this is normal.
as you will when road conditions are dry and clear.
• In a vehicle without anti-lock brakes, apply the
• When driving on snow or a slippery road, slow
brakes just hard enough to not lock the wheels. If
down gradually.
the wheels do lock, release pressure and apply the
brakes again. This method of braking is sometimes
• Test your vehicle’s brakes lightly to get a feel for
referred to as “threshold” or “controlled” braking.
the road. Most skids happen when a driver tries
to turn too quickly or stops suddenly on slippery

Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
What Every Driver Must Know
Stopping distances vehicles, they will have trouble seeing you. Turn
on your headlights whenever you are in doubt.
Your stopping distance can be affected by fatigue,
how well you pay attention, the type and weight of
• Headlights must be on any time there is not
your vehicle, the condition of your tires and brakes,
enough daylight to see people and vehicles
the type of road surface and the weather.
clearly at 500 feet. It is illegal to use only parking
lights when headlights are required.
• To estimate how much time and space you have
for stopping on either dry or wet pavement,
• You should be able to stop within the clear
follow this general rule. A 3- to 4-second following
distance you can see ahead. When driving at
distance is required. When the rear of the vehicle
night, it is critical to drive within the range of your
ahead passes a sign or any other stationary
point, calculate the time it takes you to reach
the same spot by counting “one-thousand one,
• It is illegal to use or even flash high-beam headlights
one-thousand two, one-thousand three.” You
within 500 feet of an oncoming vehicle. Also, dim
are following too closely if you pass the mark
your lights for pedestrians and cyclists.
before you finish counting for 3 seconds. When
speeds are increased, or during adverse driving
• If oncoming drivers do not dim their headlights,
conditions, increase your following distance up to
keep your eyes on the right edge of the road
6 seconds or more if necessary.
ahead. Do not look directly into oncoming
headlights. The glare may blind you for several
• Wet pavement requires more stopping time and
seconds. A dirty windshield will make headlight
space. To make a smooth stop, increase pressure
glare worse.
on the brake pedal gradually and just before you
stop, reduce the pressure.
• Do not use high beams when behind other
vehicles. Bright lights shining in their rearview
• Look down the road 12 seconds. This rule means
mirrors can be distracting.
always look ahead of the vehicle about 12
seconds worth of travel time down the road. To
estimate this distance, choose a fixed object
near the road ahead and begin counting,
“one-thousand one, one-thousand two…” until
the front of your vehicle passes the object. If you
have not counted to “one-thousand twelve,” you
should be looking further ahead.

• Anticipate problems ahead and be prepared

to react in time. Keep a safe distance behind
another vehicle. Under poor or slippery driving
conditions, allow even more time to stop.

Driving at night
Nighttime driving is hazardous because your visibility
is reduced.
Emergency situations
Knowing how to handle the unexpected and being
• Headlights must be turned on one half-hour after prepared for emergencies when you are driving is
sunset until one half-hour before sunrise and at the best defense for safeguarding lives and property.
other times when visibility is reduced. Use your low
beams when it is foggy, raining or snowing during
the day. If you are having trouble seeing other

Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
What Every Driver Must Know
Crashes Your best defense against
Whether you are stopping at the scene of a crash deer
to provide help or are involved in one yourself, it is
• Stay aware, awake, alert and sober.
important to understand your responsibilities.
• Always wear your seat belt. Seat belts are your
If you are involved in a crash, do not drive away.
best defense in any collision.
Leaving the scene of a crash is against the law
and punishable by fines, jail time or both. Penalties
• Be especially alert in fall and spring, but remember
for fleeing increase if alcohol was involved or if the
that vehicle-deer crashes can occur at any time
crash resulted in injuries or fatalities.
of the year.
Help secure medical aid for the injured.
• Watch for deer crossing signs.
Vehicles involved in crashes that do
• Slow down if you see one deer. Deer frequently
not result in serious injury or death shall
travel in groups. Chances are there are others
be moved from the main
roadway by the driver or
a passenger with a valid
• Be especially alert for deer at dawn and dusk.
driver’s license if the vehicle
can be driven and it is safe to do so.
• Do not rely on gimmicks. Deer whistles, flashing
Look for a safe refuge, such
your high-beam headlights or honking your horn
as the shoulder, emergency
will not deter deer.
lane or median.

Exchange names, addresses, If a vehicle-deer crash is

driver’s license numbers,
registration and insurance
information with the other drivers
involved in the crash.

Notify the police if there are injuries or property

damage exceeding $1,000.00.

Vehicle – deer crashes

About 60,000 vehicle-deer crashes take place in
Michigan each year and officials suspect that as
many as half of all such crashes are unreported.
Vehicle-deer crashes are costly. The average crash
results in $2,100 in damages, usually to the vehicle’s
front end. Annual costs for these crashes statewide
are estimated at $130 million. If you do hit a deer,
report it to local law enforcement, the county sheriff’s • Do not veer for deer; stay in your lane.
office, the Michigan State Police or the Michigan
Department of Natural Resources. They can provide • Brake firmly.
a permit to keep it.
• Hold onto the steering wheel with both hands.

• Come to a controlled stop.

Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
What Every Driver Must Know
• Steer your vehicle well off the roadway. • To minimize blind spots, adjust the left and right
outside mirrors to see the edges of the vehicle
when seated in a normal driving position.
Driving requires you to plan
ahead to stay safe • An alternate adjustment method can further
reduce blind spots. While seated in the driver seat,
• Keep your vehicle in good working condition.
lean left to touch your head to the driver side
window; adjust the left outside mirror to barely
• Make sure you have enough gas to get to your
show the rear edge of the vehicle. Then lean right
to position your head above the center console
or in line with the rearview mirror; adjust the right
• Tell people your route and estimated arrival time
outside mirror to barely show the rear edge of the
at your beginning and ending stops.
• Check for clean headlights, taillights and brake
lights. Make sure all lights and turn signals work Do not take risks
properly. You can be ticketed for defective or
• Never turn the ignition to the “lock” position
missing equipment.
while your vehicle is in motion. This will cause the
steering to lock. Once the steering locks, if you try
• Clean the windshield and windows.
to turn the steering wheel, you will lose control of
the vehicle.
• Make sure your tires are properly inflated and
check them for any damage or wear.
• When driving, keep doors and windows locked.
Stay alert for danger. If available, take freeways
• Check in front and behind the vehicle for objects,
rather than streets through high-crime areas.
animals or people in your path.
• Be aware of your surroundings. Is there a police or
• Have your vehicle identification number etched
fire station, service station or other business open
on the car window and main parts to help prevent
nearby if you should need help?
it from being stolen for parts.
• Do not hitchhike or pick up hitchhikers.
• Alarms and interlocks to prevent other kinds of car
theft can also discourage amateur carjackers.
• Never leave keys in the car or ignition.

Before starting the engine • Close a sunroof at night and in high-risk areas.
• Make sure you are seated comfortably in the
• Do not get out to fix a flat tire. Try to drive slowly
driver’s seat.
to a service station or store with a well-lighted
parking lot and telephone for service.
• Make sure you and all passengers are properly
buckled up.
• Choose the safest route to any destination.
• Check mirrors and look again for anything in your
• Park as close to that destination as possible.
• When returning to your car, have your keys ready,
• Most cars have at least two blind spots or areas
be aware of your surroundings and of people who
around them that you cannot see in your mirror
appear to be in the wrong place, seem suspect
– to the left rear and right rear of the vehicle.
or whose demeanor makes you uncomfortable.
Adjust the inside rearview mirror so you can see
Before entering the car, check the interior for
the center of the road and any traffic behind the
possible intruders.

Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
What Every Driver Must Know
If you are approached or out only when the officer asks for them. Let the
officer know where these items are located before
threatened while in your car you retrieve them.
• If someone acting suspiciously approaches your
vehicle, try to drive away or sound the horn. The officer should inform you of the reason for the
stop. In some cases, the officer may ask you to exit
• Stay inside the locked car. your vehicle. Do not argue about the reason for the
stop or if you are issued a ticket. If you believe the
• If you are in trouble, use a mobile phone if officer’s conduct was inappropriate, cooperate with
available. any directions you are given and follow up with a
call to the officer’s supervisor. If you feel the stop or
• If a carjacker wants the vehicle, give it up without the ticket is inappropriate, discuss the matter with
a fight. A car can be replaced but personal safety the court, not the officer.
is priceless. Stay calm. Get a good description of
the carjacker. After the stop, make sure you and your passengers are
safely buckled up. Check for traffic and pedestrians
before driving away. Use your turn signal and follow
If your car becomes disabled all laws when pulling onto the road. The officer may
Pull as far off the traveled portion of the roadway remain with lights activated until you have safely left.
as possible. Activate your four-way emergency
lights and stay inside your vehicle with your seat
belt securely fastened. It is recommended that a
In conclusion
professional with the proper training and equipment Putting into practice the information found in “What
assist with your disabled vehicle to keep you and Every Driver Must Know” is a good step toward
your occupants in the vehicle safe. becoming a better informed driver. Concentrate
on your driving. A momentary distraction can lead
If you must leave your vehicle, be extremely aware
to a crash. Keep your attention on the road and
of passing traffic and walk directly to a safe location,
remember these tips to help keep yourself safe:
far away from the traveled portion of the roadway.
Please keep in mind that it is dangerous and illegal
• Drive defensively and stay alert to what others
for a pedestrian to walk on the freeway.
around you are doing.

If you are pulled over • Obey all traffic control devices and traffic laws.
If a law enforcement officer signals you to pull over,
• Be courteous to others.
pull off on the right side of the road as soon as it is
safe to do so and stop. The officer may want you to
• Use your turn signals.
move your vehicle to a different location for safety’s
sake. Stay calm, maintain your composure, follow
• Avoid looking at any one thing for more than a
the officer’s orders and do not make any movements
few seconds.
or take any actions that could escalate the situation.
• Drive cautiously and increase your following
Stay in your car with your seat belt on. Turn on the
distance at night, during bad weather, rush hour,
interior lights if it is dusk or dark outside. Open your
during maneuvers such as lane changes and
window. Keep both hands empty and in plain sight
when approaching intersections.
on the steering wheel. Ask your passengers to keep
silent and keep their hands clearly visible and empty.
• Do not drive when you are tired.
Do not appear angry, confrontational or accusatory.
• Always obey a law enforcement officer’s orders.
Speak with the same respect you expect in return.
An officer’s directions take priority over other
Take your license, registration and insurance card
traffic control devices.

Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
What Every Driver Must Know

Chapter 7: Emergencies and Special Situations
What Every Driver Must Know

Safe Driving Knowledge Test

Did you know that . . . ?

• On July 1, 1919, Michigan issued its first driver’s
license to Michigan Governor Albert Sleeper.

• In 1934, the Automobile Club of Michigan worked

with school systems to develop the nation’s first
high-school driver education class.

• Following is a sample safe driving knowledge

test. Can you answer all 10 questions correctly?
(The answers are found in “Resources.”)

1. City driving is more dangerous than expressway b. The weather is bad and roads are slippery.
driving because of the:
c. Traffic is slow in your lane and cars are in the
a. Lower speed limits. left lane.

b. Narrower driving lanes. d. Traffic is light and cars are merging onto the
expressway from the right.
c. Cross traffic and pedestrians.
4. Before turning left, it is important to:
d. Worse road conditions in bad weather.
a. Sound your horn.
2. You come to an intersection with a flashing red
light. You must: b. Yield to oncoming vehicles.

a. Slow down and drive carefully through the c. Swing to the right side of your lane.
d. Wait until oncoming traffic has a red light.
b. Turn either right or left since the road is
blocked ahead. 5. When entering an expressway behind several
other vehicles, it is MOST important to:
c. Stop at the intersection and wait for a flashing
green light. a. Keep your eyes on the vehicle in back of you.

d. Stop at the intersection, then proceed as b. Adjust the position and speed of your vehicle
traffic allows. to the flow of traffic.

3. You are driving in the right lane on an expressway. c. Stay as close as possible to the vehicle in
You should probably move into the left lane front of you.
d. Cancel your turn signal.
a. Traffic is heavy but moving steadily.

Safe Driving Knowledge Test
What Every Driver Must Know
6. To reduce the effects of headlight glare at night, 9. When approaching a work zone with a “Where
you should look: Workers Present 45” sign, drivers should:

a. Straight ahead. a. Slow down immediately.

b. Over your shoulder. b. Drive at a safe speed for conditions (up to

the posted speed limit), watch for construction
c. At the center of the road. workers and slow down to 45 mph or lower where
workers are present.
d. To the right edge of the road.
c. Merge to the right lane.
7. You are coming to an intersection with a yellow
flashing light. You should: d. All of the above.

a. Stop and wait for the light to change. 10. While driving on a two-lane road without bicycle
lanes, you encounter a bicyclist traveling in the
b. Make a U-turn; the intersection is closed. same direction. What is the safest way to pass
the bicyclist?
c. Drive carefully through the intersection.
a. Slow down and wait until there is no traffic
d. Prepare to stop; the light is about to turn red. approaching, then pass the bicyclist leaving him
or her sufficient space.
8. When changing lanes, you can check your blind
spot by: b. Continue driving straight, it is the bicyclist’s
responsibility to get out of your way.
a. Using the inside rearview mirror.
c. Do not pass the bicyclist until you come to a
b. Using the outside rearview mirror. traffic signal or stop sign.

c. Using both inside and outside rearview d. Honk to let the bicyclist know you are about
mirrors. to pass.

d. Turning your head and looking over your


Safe Driving Knowledge Test
What Every Driver Must Know

Safe Driving Knowledge Test
What Every Driver Must Know

Safe Driving Knowledge Test
What Every Driver Must Know


Did you know that . . . ?

• In 1937, the first copy of What Every Driver Must
Know rolled off the presses under Secretary of
State Leon D. Case.

• In 1938, a million copies of What Every Driver

Must Know were printed and Michigan was
recognized nationally as the first state to
produce traffic law instructions specifically for

Answers to the safe driving Information about the

motorcycle skills test is available at
knowledge test:
1 (c); 2 (d); 3 (d); 4 (b); 5 (b); 6 (d); 7 (c); 8 (d); 9 (b);
10 (a) • Signs, pavement markings, signals and traffic
laws: Additional information is available on the
Michigan State Police website at
Resources and the Michigan Department
The following resources will provide you with some of Transportation website at
additional information about topics in “What
Every Driver Must Know.” Customer service is also • Voter Registration/Voting: Information about
available through the Michigan Department of State voting and elections in Michigan is available at
Information Center at 888-SOS-MICH (767-6424). The Michigan Voter
Information Center is available at
• What Every Driver Must Know: Additional
information for many of the topics in “What Every
Printed materials
Driver Must Know” is available on the Secretary of The following printed materials are available on the
State website at Secretary of State website at or
at any Secretary of State office:
• Aging Drivers: An excellent resource for older
drivers, their families and the professionals who • “The Michigan Graduated Driver Licensing Parent
care for them is the Safe Drivers Smart Options Checklist” (SOS–380)
website at
• “Graduated Driver Licensing: A Guide for Parents”
• Motorcycles: To find a motorcycle safety class near (SOS–383)
you, visit Information
about motorcycle endorsements and registering • “The Parent’s Supervised Driving Guide” (SOS–191)
a motorcycle are available online at
• “Michigan’s Guide for Aging Drivers and Their

What Every Driver Must Know
Families” (SOS–194) Special thanks is extended to “Michigan History
Magazine” and the Michigan State Safety
• “Driving Skills Test Study Guide” (SOS–360) Commission for the material used in the Did you
know that? fun facts at the start of each chapter,
• “Your Probationary License” (SOS–215) and within the text in Chapter 1, page 3, Chapter
4, pages 28 and 29, and Chapter 5, page 42. The
• “Your Michigan Chauffeur License” (TS–025) material is credited to the publication “From Mud
to Microchips: Sharing the Road Safely through the
• “Michigan Commercial Driver License Manual” Decades,” celebrating the 50th anniversary of the
(TS–004) Michigan State Safety Commission.

• “Riding a Moped Safely” (SOS–321)

Photo and image credits
• “Michigan Motorcycle Operator Manual” The Michigan Secretary of State’s Office wishes
(SOS–116) to acknowledge the following for providing
photographs and images:
• “know the rules/blue spaces” (SOS–386)
• The Michigan State Library: Chapter 1, page 4.
Credits • The Michigan Department of Transportation
The Michigan Secretary of State’s Office wishes to Photography Unit: Chapter 4, page 23, top left,
thank the following organizations for their assistance page 27, and page 33. Chapter 5, page 41, and
with this latest revision of “What Every Driver Must page 47, top right, Chapter 6, page 53, top left,
Know”: the Michigan Center for Truck Safety, the and page 56, bottom left, and Chapter 7, pages
Michigan Department of State Police, the Office 62, 63, 64, and 65.
of Highway Safety Planning and the Michigan
Department of Transportation. • Photographer Cathy Yeulet: Page 59.

What Every Driver Must Know

What Every Driver Must Know

Secretary of State online services
Get online, not in line, at You can renew your vehicle registration/tab, driver’s license or state ID
card, or watercraft registration; change your address; and order a replacement license or ID card.

Social media
• Twitter –

• Facebook –

• Instragram –

Accommodations for people with disabilities

and non-native speakers
Individuals with a disability will find Secretary of State offices in compliance with standards established by the
Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need accommodation or have been denied services, call 888-SOS-MICH
(767-6424). Hearing-impaired customers should contact the Michigan Relay Center at 711.

Original driver’s license tests are available in many foreign languages, with English and Spanish versions available
on audiotape for individuals who have trouble understanding English.

If you have questions or need more information about any service offered by the Secretary of State, call the
Michigan Department of State Information Center at 888-SOS-MICH (767-6424).

SOS-133 (Rev. 09/19) PA 300, 1949 as amended; (75,000 @ ~$0. per copy, total $ )
Secretary of State
Jocelyn Benson
Renew a registration/tab for your:
• Car, motorcycle or truck
(And don’t forget your Recreation Passport)
• Watercraft

• Standard driver’s license
• Standard state ID (some exceptions apply)

Every eight years, you’ll need to visit a branch office

to get an updated driver’s license or state ID photo.

Replace or get a duplicate:

• Vehicle registration
• Vehicle title

Join the Organ Donor Registry

Change/update personal information:

• Address
• Telephone number and email address
• Emergency contact information

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