Discrete Mathmatics

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X4AE4AFX2Y # Discrete Mathmatics < eBook

Discrete Mathmatics

By H. S. Dhami, R. K. Bisht

Oxford University Press. Paperback. Book Condition: new.

BRAND NEW, Discrete Mathmatics, H. S. Dhami, R. K. Bisht,
Discrete Mathematics is a textbook designed for the students of
computer science engineering, information technology, and
computer applications to help them develop their foundations
of theoretical computer science. With a detailed introduction to
the propositional logic, set theory, and relations, the book in
further chapters explores the mathematical notions of
functions, integers, counting techniques, probability, discrete
numeric functions and generating functions, recurrence
relations, algebraic structures, poset and lattices. The
discussion ends with the chapter on theory of formal and finite
automata, graph theory and applications of discrete
mathematics in various domains. Adopting a solved problems
approach to explaining the concepts, the book presents
numerous theorems, proofs, practice exercises, and multiple
choice questions.

[ 6 MB ]

R eviews

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-- Dr . Consta ntin Ma r ks II

Thorough guideline! Its this type of good read. It is really simplistic but shocks from the 50 percent from the
publication. It is extremely difficult to leave it before concluding, once you begin to read the book.
-- Sa llie Wieg a nd
BCHBOQZ6MG // Discrete Mathmatics # Kindle

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