Petroleumand Petrophysical Characteristicsof Obanam Well Obanam Field Niger Delta

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Article · July 2018


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2 authors, including:

Uche Peters Adiela

Rivers State University of Science and Technology


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International Journal of scientific research and management (IJSRM)
Website: ISSN (e): 2321-3418




1 Departmentof Geosciences, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt
2 Department of Geology, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

The quality of the hydrocarbon reservoirs the study well in terms of porosity, permeability and
transmissivity decreases down the depth, therefore, it can be concluded that hydrocarbon potential and
productivity of the reservoirs sand can be classified in decreasing order of arrangement as A, B and C.
Hence, the reservoir A in well is the best in terms of hydrocarbon production and has highest transmissivity.
The reservoirs bulk volume water (BVW) values calculated and are close to constant resulted that the
reservoirs are homogenous and at irreducible water saturation. Therefore, the reservoirs of the study area can
be said to be prolific in terms of hydrocarbon production and they will produce water free hydrocarbon due
to the fact that all the reservoirs are homogenous and at irreducible water saturation

Reservoir characterization is the continuing process of integrating and interpreting geological,
geophysical, petrophysical, fluid and performance data to form a unified, consistent description of a reservoir
and produce a geological model that can be used to predict the distribution of reservoir properties throughout
the field. It can also be defined as the quantification, integration, reduction and analysis of geological,
petrophysical, seismic and engineering data.
This research work is on the application of wire line logs to identify and quantify hydrocarbon
reserves and evaluate rock properties in part of the offshore Niger Delta. The petrophysical analyses of the
wireline logs provide reservoir characteristics (porosity, permeability and fluids saturation). Quantitative
determination of fluid transmissivity (layer thickness times permeability) will be an added advantage to
further characterize reservoir rocks. Integrating these two parameters would guide and provide a good
knowledge of the potential of porous media and enhance exploration and development of the reservoir rocks.
The field under study is pseudo-named “OBANAM’’ field . The field is located in the offshore Niger
Delta, but the co-ordinates of the location of this field were concealed due to proprietary reasons.

Figure 1: Paleogeographic map of Niger Delta

The established Tertiary sequence in the Niger Delta consists, in ascending order, of the Akata, Agbada, and Benin
Formation. The strata composed an estimated 8,535 m (28000 ft) of section at the approximate depocenter in the
central part of the delta.

IJSRM Volume 6 issue 8 July 2018 [] Page 14

The Akata Formation which is the basal unit of the Cenozoic delta complex is composed mainly of marine shales
deposited as the high energy delta advanced into deep water (Schlumberger, 1985). It is characterized by a uniform
shale development and the shale in general is dark grey, while in some places it is silty or sandy and contains especially
in the upper part of the formation, some thin sandstone lenses (Short & Stauble, 1967).
The Akata Formation probably underlies the whole Niger Delta south of the Imo Shale outcrop of the Paleocene age
from Eocene to Recent (Short & Stauble, 1967). The Akata Formation has been penetrated in most of the onshore
fields between 12,000 and 18,000 ft (~3,700 – 5,500 m) and in many of the offshore fields between 5,000 and 10,000 ft
(~1,530 – 3050 m); however, the maximum thickness of the Akata Formation is believed to average 20,000 ft (~7,000
For all practical prospecting purposes, the top of the Akata Formation is the economic basement for oil; however, there
may be potential for gas dissolved in oil field waters under high pressure in the deeper formation (Schlumberger,
The Agbada Formation is a paralic succession of alternating sandstones and shales, whose sandstone reservoirs
account for the oil and gas production in the Niger Delta (Nwachukwu and Odjegba, 2001).
The formation consists of an alternating sequence of sandstones and shales of delta-front, distributary-channel, and
deltaic-plain origin. The sandstones are medium to fine-grained, fairly clean and locally calcareous, glauconitic, and
shelly. The shales are medium to dark grey, fairly consolidated, and silty with local glauconite.
The sand beds constitute the main hydrocarbon reservoirs while the shale beds present form the cap rock. These shale
beds constitute important seals to traps and the shales interbedded with the sandstones at the lower portions of the
Agbada Formation are the most effective delta source rocks (Schlumberger, 1985). Petroleum occurs throughout the
Agbada Formation of the Niger Delta.
Maximum thickness of the formation is 3,940m (12,000ft) at the central part of the delta, and thins northward and
toward the northwestern and eastern flanks of the delta. The formation is poorly developed or absent north of the Benin
city-Onitsha-Calabar axis. The age of the Agbada Formation varies from Eocene to Pliocene/Pleistocene.
The Benin Formation consists of predominantly massive highly porous, freshwater-bearing sandstones, with local thin
shale interbeds, which are considered to be of braided-stream origin. Mineralogically, the sandstones consist
dominantly of quartz and potash feldspar and minor amounts of plagioclase. The sandstones constitute 70 to 100% of
the formation. Where present, the shale interbeds usually contain some plant remains and dispersed lignite.
Benin Formation attains a maximum thickness of 1,970m (6,000ft) in the Warri-Degema area, which coincides with the
maximum thickness (i.e. depocenter) of the Agbada Formation. The first marine foraminifera within shales define the
base of the Benin Formation, as the formation is non-marine in origin (Short and Stauble, 1967). Composition,
structure, and grain size of the sequence indicate deposition of the formation in a continental, probably upper deltaic
environment. The age of the formation varies from Oligocene (or earlier) to Recent.


The delta sequence is deformed by syn-sedimentary faulting and folding. Evamy et al. (1978) described the main
structural features of the Niger Delta as growth faults and roll over anticlines associated with these faults on their
downthrown (i.e. seaward) side.
Growth faults are faults that offset an active surface of deposition. It is characterized by thicker deposits in the
downthrown block relative to the upthrown block. The growth fault planes exhibit a marked flattening with depth as a
result of compaction. Thus a curved, concave-upward fault plane is developed, which continues at a low angle.
The ratio of the thickness of a given stratigraphic unit in the downthrown block to that of the corresponding unit in the
up-thrown block is termed the ‘growth index’ which in Nigeria can be as high as
Different methods of study as applied to wireline well logs interpretation within the available materials have
been adopted for the evaluation of reservoir sands in this research work. The approach involves both
quantitative and qualitative interpretation. Qualitative interpretation entails visual analysis of the log shapes
for the identification of reservoir sands and hydrocarbon bearing sands. Quantitative interpretation involves
estimation of reservoir parameters and interrelationship between them.

IJSRM Volume 6 issue 8. July2018 [] Page 15

Figure 2: Structure of the Niger Delta

The instrumentation necessary for borehole logging is housed in a cylindrical metal tube known as
sonde. Sondes are suspended in the borehole from an armoured multi-core cable. During logging, the sonde
is gradually pulled up from the borehole bottom at a certain speed . The data are recorded on magnetic tape
as analogue or digital signal was be display on photographic paper. The different logs used for the research
work are Gamma ray log, Resistivity logs, Compensated Bulk Density log and Porosity log. The wireline
logs were used in the interpretation and calculation of the various functions and parameters of the reservoir

Figure 3: Workflow of the Study


Petrophysical Quantitative Analysis
Total of three hydrocarbon reservoirs were identified and evaluated and the each petrophysical properties
were calculated as follows;
Using Humble’s formula for unconsolidated formations typical of Niger delta sandstones,
F= 2.15

Reservoir A
Where  = 22
0.62 0.62
F= 2.15
  0.0008
22 769.5
IJSRM Volume 6 issue 8. July2018 [] Page 16
Reservoir B
Where  = 18
18 2.15
0.62 0.62
F= 2.15
 = 0.00124
18 499.8
Reservoir C
Where  =17
0.62 0.62 0.62
F= 2.15    0.0014
 17 2.15

Calculation of Irreducible Water Saturation (Swirr)

 F  2
Swirr = 
 2000 
Where F= formation factor
Reservoir A
Where F = 0.00081
 0.00081 2
Swirr =    4.05  10 -7   1

 2000 
Swirr = 0.00064
Reservoir B
Where F = 0.00124
 F  2
Swirr = 
 2000 
 0.00124 
 
2 1
Swirr =   6.2  10 -7 2
 0.000787
 2000 
Reservoir C
Where F= 0.0014
1 1
 F  2  0.0014 
 
2 1
Swirr =    7  10 -7 2

 2000   2000 
Swirr = 0.000837

Calculation of Permeability (k)

Reservoir A
0.136   4.4
Swirr 2
Where  = 0.22 and Swirr = 0.00064
0.136  0.22 4.4

0.136  0.00128
4.096  10 7
1.739  10 4
K=  424. 6md
4.096  10 7
K= 424.6md

Reservoir B

IJSRM Volume 6 issue 8. July2018 [] Page 17

Where  = 0.18 and Swirr = 0.00064
By substitution,
0.136  0.18 4.4
0.136  0.000529
4.096  10 7
7.19  10 5
K=  175.5 md
4.096  10 7

Where  = 0.17
Reservoir C and Swirr = 0.000837
By substitution,
0.136  0.17 4.4
0.000837 2
0.136  0.000411
7  10 7
5.59  10 5
K=  79.9md
7  10 7

Permeability (K) for reservoirs A, B, C, is 424.6md, 175.5md and 79.9md respectively.

Calculation of Transmissivity
Transmissivity (T) = Permeability (K) x Reservoir’s thickness
Reservoir A
Where Permeability (K) = 424.6md and Reservoir’s thickness = 120ft
Transmissivity = 424.6 x 120 = 50952mdft
Reservoir B
Where Permeability = 175.5md and Reservoir’s thickness = 90ft
Transmissivity = 175.5 x 90 = 15795 mdft
Reservoir C
Where permeability (K) = 79.9md and reservoir’s thickness = 86ft
Transmissivity (T) = 79.9 x 86 = 6871.4mdft
Transmissivity at reservoirs A, B, C, is 50952mdft, 15795mdft and 6871.4mdft respectively.

Calculation of Water Saturation (SW)

 Ro  n
Water saturation (Sw) =  
 Rt 
Reservoir A
Where n = 2
Ro = resistivity of water bearing rock = 2.939 ohm-metres
Rt = True resistivity of the rock = 85.550 ohm-metres
 2.939  2
 0.0344
Sw =   2
 85.55 
Sw = 0.19

Reservoir B
Where Ro = 3.042 ohm-metres and Rt = 90.307 ohm-metres
 3.042 
= 0.034 
2 1
Sw =   2 = 0.18
 90.307 

IJSRM Volume 6 issue 8. July2018 [] Page 18

Reservoir C
Where Ro = 3.342 ohm-metres and Rt = 83.508 ohm-metres
 3.342  2
Sw =   = 0.04 12 = 0.20
 83.508 

Calculation of Hydrocarbon Saturation (SH)

SH + Sw = 1,  SH = 1 – Sw
Reservoir A
Where Sw = 0.19,  SH = 1 – 0.19 = 0.81
Reservoir B
Where Sw = 0.18,  SH = 1-0.18 = 0.82
Reservoir C
Where Sw = 0.20,  SH = 1-0.20 = 0.80

Calculation of Bulk Volume Water (BVW)

Reservoir A
Where  = 0.22 and Sw = 0.19
Bulk volume water = porosity X saturation water = 0.22 x 0.19 = 0.042
Reservoir B
Where  = 0.18 and Sw = 0.18
Bulk volume water = 0.18 x 0.18 = 0.032
Reservoir C
 = 0.17 and Sw = 0.20,  Bulk volume water = 0.17 x 0.20 = 0.03
The reservoir B is found at the interval of 7673 – 7761ft ( 2339-2366m) and has a gross (G) and net (N)
thickness of sand, 88ft (26.8m) and 70.5ft (21.5m) respectively, with N/G ratio of 0.80; water saturation (Sw)
of 14% and hydrocarbon saturation (Sh) of 86%, porosity (ø) and permeability (K) of 25% and 997.8md
respectively. Its transmissivity is 87806mdft. (Table 1).
Therefore, reservoir B has very good porosity and very good permeability.The formation bulk volume water
values calculated are nearly constant (Table 1) and this shows that the reservoir is homogeneous and is at
irreducible water saturation (Swirr) and therefore can produce water – free hydrocarbon. The transmissivity in
reservoir A is higher than of B.


Dept Thicknes Gross N/G ( Swirr SW SH BVW K T(mdft)

h s (ft) Thickness %) (%) (%) (MD)
Botto of Ratio
Top m Sands(ft)

5579 5699 120 120 0.912 22 0.000 19 81 0.042 424.6 50952


5797 5887 90 90 0.910 18 0.000 18 82 0.032 175.5 15795


6379 6465 86 86 0.895 17 0.000 20 80 0.034 79.9 6871.4



There are three hydrocarbon reservoirs (A, B and C) observed in the well. Reservoir A occurs at the
interval of 5579ft – 5699ft (1700-1737m) and has a gross (G) and net (N) thickness of sand, 120ft (36.5m)

IJSRM Volume 6 issue 8. July2018 [] Page 19

and 109.5ft (33.4m) respectively, with N/G ratio of 0.9; water saturation (Sw) of 19% and hydrocarbon
saturation (Sh) of 81%, porosity (ø) and permeability (K) of 22% and 424.6md respectively (Table 1). Its
transmissivity is 50952mdft. Therefore, reservoir A has both very good porosity and permeability.

Figure: 4 Graph depicting Petrophysical attributes of the study area

Reservoir B occurs at the interval of 5797 – 5887ft (1767-1794m) and has a gross (G) and net (N)
thickness of sand, 90ft (27.4m) and 81.5ft (24.8m) respectively, with N/G ratio of 0.9; water saturation (Sw)
of 18% and hydrocarbon saturation (Sh) of 82%, porosity (ø) and permeability (K) of 18% and 175.5md
respectively. Its transmissivity is 15795mdft. Therefore, the reservoir has good porosity and very good
In reservoir C, the hydrocarbon occurs at interval of 6379 – 6465ft (1944-1971m) and has a gross (G)
and net (N) thickness of sand, 86ft (26.2m) and 77ft (23.4m) respectively; with N/G ratio of 0.9; water
saturation (Sw) of 20% and hydrocarbon saturation (Sh) of 80%, porosity (ø), permeability (K) and
transmissivity are 17%, 79.9md and 6871.4mdft respectively. Therefore, the reservoir C has both good
porosity and permeability but its transmissivity is the lowest.
The formation bulk volume water values calculated are nearly constant and this shows that the
reservoir is homogeneous and is at irreducible water saturation (Swirr) and therefore, can produce water-free
hydrocarbon. The transmissivity in reservoir A is highest among the reservoirs in well.


The reservoirs for the discovered hydrocarbons in the study area are sandstones within the Agbada
Formation. Petrophysical evaluation was carried out on the geophysical wireline logs. A total of three
hydrocarbon reservoirs were identified and evaluated.
The petrophysical parameters of reservoir A range from 32-22%, 5024-116.2md, 20-14% and 86 –
80% for porosity (ø), permeability (K), water saturation (Sw) and hydrocarbon saturation (Sh), respectively.
From the Dresser standard, the porosity (ø) ranges from excellent to very good, while the permeability (K) is
excellent. Its transmissivity ranges from 50952mdft–648148 mdft. The petrophysical parameters of the
reservoir B range from 30-18%, 1997.8 -166.5md, 30-14% and 86 – 70% for porosity (ø), permeability (K),
water saturation (Sw) and hydrocarbon saturation (Sh), respectively. Its transmissivity ranges from 14935 –
87806mdft. From the Dresser standard, the porosity (ø) ranges from very good to good, while its
permeability (K) ranges from excellent to good

IJSRM Volume 6 issue 8. July2018 [] Page 20


Fig. 5: Graph depicting relation between petrophysical parameters

The petrophysical parameters of the reservoir C ranges from 14-17%, 79.9 – 22.4md, 20-19%, 81-
80% for porosity (ø), permeability (K), water saturation (Sw) and hydrocarbon saturation (Sh) respectively. Its
transmissivity ranges 8449 to 1993.6mdft. From the Dresser standard, the porosity (ø) ranges from good to
fair while its permeability (K) ranges from good to moderate.
The reservoirs bulk volume water (BVW) values calculated are close to constant, this indicates that the
reservoir are homogenous and at irreducible water saturation. Therefore, reservoirs can produce water – free
hydrocarbon. When a reservoir is at irreducible water saturation, water saturation (Sw) will not move because
it is held on grains by capillary pressure. The petrophysical parameters show a gradual decrease from the top
to bottom of the wells, reflecting increase in compaction with depth. The porosity, permeability and
transmissivity also followed the same trend.

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