Mathematical Modelling of Petrophysical Parameters For Reservoircharacterization Using Well Log Data

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Pelagia Research Library

Advances in Applied Science Research, 2012, 3 (2):656-670

ISSN: 0976-8610

Mathematical modelling of petrophysical parameters for reservoir

characterization using well log data
Egbai J.C.1 and Aigbogun, C.O.2
Dept. of Physics, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
Dept. of Physics, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria

In petroleum industry, well logs play a vital role in oil and gas exploration and reservoir evaluation. A well in Mid-
west oil and Gas Company in Imusadege Marginal Oil Field, Kwale, Nigeria was used for the research. The
fundamental concepts of open wireline logging which evaluate petrophysical parameter such as porosity, water and
hydrocarbon saturation and, irreducible water saturation and permeability were highlighted. The well contains
eleven reservoirs, eight of which were hydrocarbon bearing while three were water bearing. These reservoirs were
evaluated using gamma ray, neutron, resistivity and density logs. The evaluated well are characterized by high
porosity and permeability with low clay content which is an indication for active or productive reservoir.

Key word: Well logs, porosity, permeability, reservoir, resistivity, hydrocarbon.


In petroleum industry, well logs play a vital role in oil and gas exploration and reservoir evaluation.

When a well drilling is finished, a decision must be made as to whether to complete the well or abandon it. Well
logs often provide the data that help make the correct decision. Well logs can sometimes be used to identify the
prescene of hydrocarbon where the quantity of the reservoir rock is so good that nearly all traces of hydrocarbons
have been flushed from the drilling cuttings circulated to the surface by the drilling fluid.

Well logs are used to calculate the amount of oil and gas in the ground. A well log is a graph of depth in well versus
some characteristics or properties of the rock. The rock properties is derived from measurements made when
instruments are lowered into the well on an electrical wireline or cable. Most measurements are actually recorded as
the instruments are raised to the surface from the bottom depth in the well. Once a well is drilled, the only
economical means of finding out what is down there is with a well log.

The well logs utilized included gamma ray, resistivity, caliper, density, neutron and sonic logs.

The gamma ray log was used to estimate bed boundaries, determine lithology with local knowledge and estimate
shale content. The resistivity log was used to correlate and determine bed boundaries, true formation resistivity, and
porosity, prescience of hydrocarbon and oil-water contact. The caliper log was used to check for borehole rugosity

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Egbai J.C. et al Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(2):656-670
while the density and neutron log was used to calculate for porosity, matrix density and determine hydrocarbon type
(gas or oil).

The quality of well logs can vary significantly from one well to the next. The type of log used in a well may also
change from one well to another. Each type of log has its own volume of investigation within which it responds to
the rock property it measures.

The development of recording techniques compatible with the application of computers in well log interpretation has
removed a large number of earlier assumptions and general estimates from well log computations. The result has
been a change from a correlation tool for geologists to an indispensable data source for the oil industry. A successful
logging program, along with core analysis, can supply data for subsurface structural mapping, define the lithology,
identify the productive zones and accurately described their depth and thickness, distinguishes between oil and gas,
and permits a valid quantitative and qualitative interpretation of reservoir characteristics, such as fluid saturation,
porosity, and permeability. Unfortunately, these petrophysical properties cannot be measured directly and, therefore,
they must be inferred from the measurement of other parameters of the reservoir rock, such as the resistivity of the
rock, the bulk density, the interval transit time, spontaneous potential, the natural radioactivity, and the hydrogen
content of the rock [1].

The aims and objectives of this research work include (a) To determining the lithological sequence using Gamma
Ray (GR) logs (b) To distinguish between permeable, porous formation and impermeable non-porous formation. (c)
To identify hydrocarbon bearing zone and non-hydrocarbon bearing zones (d) To determine the thickness of each
reservoir sand and the zones occupied by different fluids, (e) To determine or evaluate the petrophysical parameters
of each reservoir and (f) To evaluate the production capabilities of reservoir formation to make economic decisions
based on result.

All sedimentary deposits however, have an in homogeneity caused by distribution in time and space of sedimentary
facies and by compaction, cementation and the nature of pore filling fluids. [2]. One of the essential potentials for
commercial accumulation of hydrocarbon is the existence of a reservoir. Prediction of reservoir parameters is an
integral part of petroleum exploration geology. Such estimates are especially critical in evaluating prospects and
potentials where reserves and productivity are considered for economic success. [3]. Information about the porosity
of the formation is also important in oil exploration because of the relationship between effective porosity and
permeability of the formation [4].

Porosity is a dimensionless quantity expressed as a decimal fraction or percentage [5]. Effective porosity can also be
expressed as a ratio of the volume of water that can flow by gravity to the volume of the soil or rock. The definition
accounts for the free circulation of fluid in porous consolidated materials of rocks and soil respectively [6]. The
weathered of fractured rocks are often good aquifers provided they have low clay content. This suggests the reason
why aquifers in the basement rocks are found along the fractured or weathered zones [7]. Successful exploration,
exploitation and management of groundwater or hydrocarbon require a good knowledge of the spatial distribution of
aquifer hydraulic parameters such as lithology, thickness usable capacity and other hydraulic properties [8].


Stratigraphy of Niger-Delta. The tertiary stratigraphy of Niger-Delta has been described and defined by [9], who
recognized three distinct facies belt (formations). These are prodelta facies (Akata formation), paralic delta front
facies (Agbada formation) and the continental delta top facies (Benin formation).

Akata formation is the lower most units made of uniform shale consisting of dark grey sandy, silty shale with plant
remains at the top. It is believed to have been deposited in a front of the advancing delta and ranges from Eocene to
Recent. It is over 4000ft thick. This is as shown in Figure 1

The Agbada formation consists of a sequence of sandstones and shales. The formation is rich in microfauna at the
base decreasing upward and thus indicating an increasing rate of deposition in the delta front (figure 1). It is over
10,000ft thick and range from Eocene in the north to Pliocene in the south and Recent in the delta surface. Major
hydrocarbon accumulations are found in the intervals between Eocene and Pliocene age.

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Egbai J.C. et al Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(2):656-670
Benin formation extends from the west across the whole Niger delta area and southward beyond the present
coastline (Figure 1). It is over 90% sandstone with shale intercalations. It is coarse grained, gravelly, locally fine
grained, poorly sorted, sub-angular to well rounded and bears lignite streaks and wood fragments. In the subsurface,
it is of Oligocene age becoming progressively younger southward. In general, it ranges from Miocene to Recent.
The thickness is variable but generally exceeds 6000ft. The formation is associated with little hydrocarbon

Figure 1: Structure of the Niger Delta. High bulk density Benin squeezes Akala Formation shale seaward. At
outcrop the shale rises diapirically.

The study area Kwale is located in Ndokwa West Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. It is part of the
Niger Delta Basin where Imusadege Marginal Oil field is located. It lies within longitudes 50 351 and 50401N, and
latitudes 60 251 and 60301 E. It is bounded to the north by Ika South and Aniocha South Local Government Area to
the west by Ethiope East Government Area and to the south by Ughelli North and Isoko North Local Government
Area. River Niger forms the eastern boundary.

The well drilled by Mid-West Oil and Gas Company was located in Imusadege Marginal Oil Field in Kwale,


Open hole wireline logs were used for this research. Wireline electrical logging is done from a logging truck
sometimes referred to as a ‘mobile laboratory’. The truck carries the down-hole measurements, the electrical cable
and winch (a pulley arrangement) needed to lower the instruments into the borehole. The truck also carries the
surface instrumentation needed to power the down hole instruments and to receive and process their signals and
equipment needed to make a permanent recording of the log.

The download measurement instruments are usually composed of two components, (a) the sensors used in making
the measurement called the Sonde. The type of sensor depends upon the nature of the measurement; (b) the other
component of the downhole tool is the cartridge. The cartridge contains the electronics that power the sensors,
process the resulting measurement signals and transmit the signals up the cable to the truck. Logs are normally
recorded when the cable is being rolled upward with the Sonde for easy depth control. The cable is used to transmit
the electrical power from the surface to the down hole tools.

The surface instrumentation provides the electrical power to the down hole tool, processes and analyses the signals.
The desired signals are sent to a magnetic tape in digital form and to a cathode ray tube and photographic film in
analog form. The photographic film is processed and printed on paper as the composite log [10]. Most logging tools

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Egbai J.C. et al Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(2):656-670
are readily combinable. This implies that the Sondes and cartridge of several tools can be connected to form one tool
and thereby make many measurements and logs on a single and decent into ascent from the borehole.

The Gamma Ray (GR) log calibrated in (0-150) API units was used to describe the entire lithologic sequence. The
gamma ray log which responds to the amount of radioactive element in the formation shows two basic signatures
associated with sand and shale based on the geology of the Niger Delta. The sand line with low GR value (30-45)
API units was establishly followed by the shale line with higher GR value of 120API on the scale. A cut-off line
between the two extremes was established.

Well production tests combined with reservoir simulations also play an important role in determining the extent of a
reservoir. It is fair to say that in general the reservoir area is one of the most uncertain factors in the determination of
the hydrocarbon volume [11]. A well was drilled in Imusadege Marginal Oil field in Kwale. Eleven reservoir
structures were encountered between the depths of 2330m and 2346m. The data collected have shown that Gamma
ray, Density, Resistivity and sonic logs run in the well.

In Imusadege Oil Field, some reservoir properties were analyses. These include the porosity, fluid saturation; shale
content, permeability etc are calculated for the various reservoirs in the determination of hydrocarbon in place.


The porosity Ø of the hydrocarbon bearing zone is given using

ØD= (1)

ØD = porosity from density log
b= bulk density

f= density of the fluid

ma = matrix density

The matrix density ( ma) for sandstone in the Niger Delta is 2.65g/km2 [10]. Bulk density, b is taken from the tract
4 of the composite log reading scale and the density of the fluid f either oil or gas is used.

[12] proposed a formula relating porosity Ø and formation factor F. The relationship according to [10] is

F = a/Øm (2)

M = cementation factor or exponent varies between 1.3 and 3.0. The cementation and the constant “a” are
determined empirically.

The response equation for the neutron porosity log according to [13] is as shown below

ØN = e × Sxo × NW (water term)

+ e × (1 –Sxo) × Nh ( hydrocarbon term)
+ Vsh × Nsh (shale term)
+ (1-Vsh – e) × sum ( Vi × Ni ) (Matrix term) (3)

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Figure 2A: Composite Log of Well.

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Figure 2B: Composite Log of Well showing Reservoirs R1-R3

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Figure 2C: Composite Log for Well showing Reservoirs R4-R5

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Figure 2D: Composite Log showing Reservoirs R6-R7

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Figure 2E: Composite Log showing Reservoirs R8-R10

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Figure 2F: Composite Log showing Reservoir of R11

This equation is with the assumption that

ØNw = ØNh =1.0, ØNi = 0.0, Sxo =1.0 and that ØNsh and Vsh are known .

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Egbai J.C. et al Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(2):656-670
This results in

Ønc = ØN - Vsh × ØNsh (4)

ØN = porosity from neutron log corrected for lithology or gas (fractional)
Ønc = porosity from neutron log corrected for shale (Fractional)
ØNsh = apparent neutron log porosity log of 100% shale (fractional)
Vsh = Volume of shale (fractional)

Applying data into equation 2, the various parameters related to the oil in place could be calculated.

Archie’s equation was used to solve for water saturation using the resistivity values from the logs in figure 2. The
exponent was calibrated to sand stone zone.

Rw = R0 × ØeM (5)


= Rt/ R0 (6)

M= cementation exponent (unitless)
N= Saturation exponent (Unitless)
Øe= effective porosity (fractional)
Rt= resistivity of zone (ohm-m)
Ro= resistivity of the zone/rock filled with water (ohm-m)
Rw= water resistivity at formation temperature (ohm-m)
SW= water saturation from Archie’s method (fractional)

Using equation 5 and 6 it was reveal that the water saturation “SW” in the hydrocarbon zone was less than 50%.


The permeability of a rock is related to the porosity Ø and irreducible water saturation Swirr estimated from wireline
logs. The irreducible water saturation Swirr may be derived using the Schlumberger approach. In the zone of Swirr ,
the hydrocarbon produced is water free. Swirr is defined mathematically as

Swirr = (F/2000)½ [14]

The following expression relates the absolute rock permeable to Swirr and Ø. The permeability was estimated using

K= (Median gravity Oils)

K= (Medium gravity Oils)

K= [15]

Permeability from porosity and water saturation can also be estimated using model equations, charts and cross plot

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Egbai J.C. et al Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(2):656-670
Several equation have been proposed in order to estimate permeability from measurements of porosity and
irreducible water saturation. This was documented by [16] and was found to be convenient that is


Where porosity, Ø and irreducible water saturation Swirr are in percentage, K is in md.

Table 1: Lithological identification of Well A

Reservoir Depth Reservoir Lithology

Name Interval (m) Thickness (m) (Inference)
R1 1632-1639 7.00 Shaly sands
R2 1647-1651 4.00 Shaly sands
R3 1653-1666 13.00 Shaly sands
R4 1720-1728 8.00 Shaly sands
R5 1745-1744 10.00 Shaly sands
R6 1913-1918 5.00 Shaly sands
R7 1949-1952 3.00 Shaly sands
R8 2063-2094 31.00 Sand
R9 2100-2103 3.00 Shaly sands
R10 2163-2182 19.00 Sand
R11 2330-2346 16.00 Sand

Table 2: Determination of Porosity, Ø and formation factor of Well A

ØD (P.U) ØN (P.U) Ø = Ø2 Ø% F=
R1 0.3590 0.1100 0.2345 0.0550 23.45 14.73
R2 0.3205 0.3400 0.3303 0.1091 33.03 7.42
R3 0.3173 0.3300 0.3236 0.1047 32.36 7.73
R4 0.2524 0.2200 0.2362 0.0558 23.62 14.52
R5 0.2946 0.2550 0.2748 0.0755 27.48 10.73
R6 0.2973 0.3000 0.2987 0.0892 29.87 9.08
R7 0.2308 0.2475 0.2391 0.0572 23.91 14.16
R8 - - - - - -
R9 0.2628 0.2100 0.2364 0.0559 23.64 14.49
R10 - - - - - -
R11 - - - - - -

Efficiency rating of the porosity of the reservoir based on the neutron-density porosity values show that Ø<5% ⬄ low, 5 %, > Ø < 10% ⬄
median 10% < Ø < 12% ⬄Average, 20% < Ø < 30% ⬄ Good, 30% < Ø < 40% ⬄ Excellent.

Table 3: Determination of fluid saturation (Sn, Sw) of Well A

Reservoir Depth Rt Rw Ø Sw Ø Sn Fluid

Name Interval(m) (Ωm) (Ωm) (%) (%) (%) Content
R1 1632-1639 696.67 0.1358 23.45 5.36 94.64 14.73 1638.50
R2 1647-1651 365.00 0.2695 33.03 7.40 92.60 7.42 1650.50
R3 1653-1666 398.33 0.2587 32.36 7.08 92.92 7.73 166.00
R4 1720-1728 47.50 0.1377 23.62 20.52 79.48 14.52 1727.50
R5 1745-1755 257.50 0.1864 27.48 8.82 91.18 10.73 1954.25
R6 1913-1918 41.67 0.2203 29.87 21.91 78.09 9.08 1917.50
R7 1949-1952 30.00 0.1412 23.91 25.82 74.18 14.16 1952.00
R8 2063-2014 - - - 100.00 - - -
R9 2103-2106 80.00 0.1380 23.64 15.81 84.19 14.49 2106.00
R10 2163-2182 - - - 100.00 - - -
R11 2330-2346 - - - 100.00 - - -
R0 =2.0Ωm

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Table 4: Reservoir Permabilities using K= approach of Well A

Reservoir Sw S Permeability
F Swirr Ø (P.U) wirr Ø (%)
Name (%) (%) K (md)
R1 14.73 14.73 0.08058 0.2345 8.58 23.45 1973.30
R2 7.42 7.42 0.06090 0.3303 6.07 33.03 17680.80
R3 7.73 7.73 0.62200 0.3236 6.22 32.36 15480.00
R4 14.52 14.52 0.08520 0.2362 8.52 23.62 2065.81
R5 10.52 10.73 0.07320 0.2748 7.32 27.48 5447.41
R6 9.08 9.08 0.06740 0.2987 6.74 29.87 9273.16
R7 14.16 14.16 0.08410 0.2391 8.41 83.91 2237.16
R8 - - - - - - -
R9 14.49 14.49 0.08510 0.2364 8.51 23.64 2078.39
R10 - - - - - - -
R11 - - - - - - -

Table 5: Summary result of parameters estimated for well

Reservoir Depth Reservoir Rt Rw Ø Sw Swirr Permeability Sn Lithology

Name Interval thickness (Ωm) (Ωm) (%) (%) (%) K (md) (%) (Inference)
R1 1632-1639 7.00 696.67 0.1358 23.45 14.73 5.36 8.58 1973.30 94.64 Hydrocarbon
R2 1647-1651 4.00 365.00 0.2695 33.03 7.42 7.40 7.07 17680.80 92.80 Hydrocarbon
R3 1652-1666 13.00 398.33 0.2587 32.36 7.73 7.08 5.22 15480.00 92.92 Hydrocarbon
R4 1720-1728 8.00 47.50 0.1377 23.62 14.52 20.52 8.52 2065.81 79.48 Hydrocarbon
R5 1745-1755 10.00 257.50 0.1864 27.48 10.73 8.82 7.32 5447.41 91.18 Hydrocarbon
R6 1913-1918 5.00 41.67 0.2203 29.87 9.08 21.91 6.74 9237.16 74.18 Hydrocarbon
R7 1949-1952 3.00 30.00 0.1412 82.91 14.16 25.82 8.41 2237.16 74.18 Hydrocarbon
R8 2063-2094 31.00 - - - - 100.00 - - - Water
R9 2103-2106 3.00 80.00 0.1380 23.64 14.49 15.81 9.51 2078.39 84.19 Hydrocarbon
R10 2162-2182 19.00 - - - - 100.00 - - - Water
R11 2330-2346 16.00 - - - - 100.00 - - - Water

Table 6: Fluid- Types and Contents in Well A

Reservoir Density Bulk Neutron Porosity
Interval Inference
Name 1.95-2.95 (Fkm-3) 0-0.15-0.45( P.U)
Pb curve deflected to its lower values N curve deflected to its negative
1632-1639 R1 Gas filled reservoir sand
(LHS) value (RHS)
The reservoir thickness is small (4m) and is
1647-1651 R2 Pb curve deflected to its LHS N curve deflected to its RHS
oil field
Pb curve deflected to its LHS and at N curve is deflected to its RHS and at
1653-1666 R3 1653-1655 is gas filled 1656-1666 is oil filled
1655m it cross to the RHS 1655m it deflects to the LHS
Gas filled small reservoir with predominantly
1720-1728 R4 Pb curve deflected to its LHS N curve deflected it its RHS
shale in the middle
Pb curve curve deflected to its LHS and N curve deflected to RHS and 1747.5, Gas filled between (1745-1747). GOC at
1745-1755 R5
at 1745m, it deflected to its RHS. it deflects to its LHS 1847.5. (1747.5-1754.5) is oil filled.
Pb curve deflect to its LHS and at1915m, N curve deflected to RHS and at Gas filled between (1913-1915)m. GOC at
1913-1981 R6
it deflects to its RHS 1915m,it deflects to it LHS 1915. (1915-1918)m is oil filled
1949-1952 R7 Pb curve deflected to its LHS N curve deflected to its RHS Reservoir thickness is 3m with gas filled
Neutron, porosity curve deflected to
2103-2106 R9 Pb curve deflected to its LHS Gas filled reservoir
its RHS

The curve deflections and log data of the various reservoirs is as shown in figures 2 (A-F)


The research is based on the effectiveness of open-hole wirelogs in evaluating reservoir petrophysical parameters. A
well of eleven reservoirs were petrophysically evaluated.

Table 3 shows that Rt generally have high values at various depth indicating the prescence of hydrocarbons. This is
supported by the moderately low water saturation which corresponds to high hydrocarbon saturation except at

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Egbai J.C. et al Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(2):656-670
reservoirs R8, R10 and R11 in the well. These three reservoirs are water bearing sand zone with very low values of
true resistivity (Rt). This is shown in Table 5.

Reservoir, R1 of the well shows that sand occurs at depth (1632-1639)m with sand thickness of 7.0m, showing low
GR response. The reservoir is gas bearing with low shale intercalation. The resistivity (Rt ) response is high,
696.67Ωm producing sh of 94.64%, sw of 5.36% and Swirr of 8.58%. The hydrocarbon saturation, permeability, and
porosity are relatively high indicating good production of hydrocarbon.

Table 5 shows that reservoir R2 to R7 and R9 have high Rt, Sn and high permeability. These reservoirs have high
hydrocarbon saturation, porosity with low shale intercalation.

The analyses indicate that reservoirs R1-R7 and R9 have low water cut between (5.36-25.82) %. R8, R10 and R11
have water cut of 100% that is water saturation with no hydrocarbon. Based on this, R1-R7 and R9 are active
hydrocarbon reservoirs while R8, R10 and R11 are water productive zone.


The study shows that eleven sand reservoirs (or zones) were observed in the well of which eight wells of the
reservoirs are hydrocarbon bearing while the remaining three are water bearing zones.

The porosity value of the well is between (23.36 – 33.03) % while hydrocarbon bearing sand, ø ranges between (9-
40) %. This is a productive reservoir, [17] and [18]. This shows from the porosity value obtained from the data, we
can conclude that the reservoirs are productive except R8, R10 and R11.

Most of the reservoirs in the well are gas bearing. The hydrocarbon saturation Sh of all the hydrocarbon bearing
zones ranges from (74.18 – 94.64) % in the well with water saturation while water bearing zones have the value of
Sw= 100%.

High resistivity, Rt values in all the hydrocarbon bearing zones were observed from the data. Thus, from the
petrophysical analysis results, high quality reservoir characteristics, porosity and permeable sand were highly
observed in the well.

The authors wish to appreciate the part played by Mid-West Oil and Gas Company for the data and faculties
provided which made this research possible. The part played by Mr. Akporotu Richard Onoriode during the Field
work is equally appreciated.


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[10] Schlumberger, Log Interpretation Principle/Application. 1999, Vol. 4 p30.
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[12] Archie E.E., Pet. Tech. 1942, Vol. 5 p. 52.
[13] Crain, R., 2008, Hand book of Petrophysics Internet books.

Pelagia Research Library
Egbai J.C. et al Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2012, 3(2):656-670
[14] Schlumberger,Log Interpretation Principle/Application. 1977, Schlumberger Educational Services 5000 Gulf
Freeway, Houston, Texas 77023.
[15] Coates, E.R., A new approach to improved log derived permeability. The log Analyst 1973, Vol. 15 p. 20.
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[17] Etu-Efeotor, John., Fundamentals of Petroleum Geology, 1997, Paragraphic Publication,Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.
[18] Schlumberger, Log Interpretation Principle/Application,1987, Schlumberger Educational Services 5000 Gulf
Freeway, Houston, Texas 77023.

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