Comparing SPIR and SPAIR Fat Suppression Techniques in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Wrist Joint

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JMSCR Vol||05||Issue||06||Page 23180-23185||June 2017
Impact Factor 5.84
Index Copernicus Value: 83.27
ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450

Comparing SPIR and SPAIR Fat Suppression Techniques in Magnetic

Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Wrist Joint
Rini Indrati , I Putu Eka Juliantara , Johanes Dahjono3, Gatot Murti Wibowo4,
1 2

Bagus Abimanyu5, Emi Murniati6, Siti Masrochah7

1, 3-7
Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Semarang, Indonesia
RS Premiere Bintaro
Email: [email protected]

Introduction: In many clinical situations, the radiologist wants to eliminate the contributions of fat from
the total signal without affecting the water signal including in wrist joint. Frequency Selective Inversion
Pulse is one of fat suppression methods where SPIR and SPAIR are among the two methods applying
Frequency Selective Inversion Pulse.
Objective: This study aims to compare two fat suppression techniques SPIR and SPAIR in the magnetic
resonance images of the wrist joint and to evaluate the best image quality for the clinical usefulness.
Methods: This is a quantitative research with experimental approaches conducted in Premier Bintaro
Hospital. Data in form of 56 images of coronal T2WI-FSE wrist joint from 28 volunteers with two variations
of the method, SPIR, and SPAIR Fat Suppression are presented. Assessment of anatomical information
carried out by the radiologist and analysed with Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test at 95 % confidence level.
Results: This research shows that there is a difference of anatomical information in MRI Wrist joint
sequence coronal of T2WI-FSE between SPIR and SPAIR Fat Suppression.
Conclusion: SPAIR is the method which is clearer to show the anatomical information of wrist joint. The
application of selective adiabatic inversion pulse in SPAIR makes suppression of amplitude and modulation
of frequency.
Keywords: Fat Tissue, Wrist Joint MRI, Fat Suppression.

INTRODUCTION are mainly composed of the contribution of

The distribution of hydrogen nuclei was very hydrogen nuclei in water and fat molecules in
important in anatomical and pathological imaging adipose tissue (Cameron, 2012).
of an organ on the Magnetic Resonance Imaging There are many clinical situations where the
(MRI). The whole core of hydrogen will contribute radiologist wants to eliminate the contribution of
to the imaging signal, but most of the time, the fat from the total signal without affecting the signal
decay of nuclei cells (such as hydrogen of fatty of water, as well as on the wrist joint. Fat
acids chain in the cell membrane) are too fast to suppression technique can be used to increase the
contribute into measurable signals. Actual signals tissues contrast (cartilages, ligaments, metastases)

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JMSCR Vol||05||Issue||06||Page 23180-23185||June 2017
and enhancement optimization of lesions to techniques that apply a combination of these
determine the fat content and minimizing chemical principles, namely Spectral Pre-saturation with
shift artifacts. The suppression of hyper intense Inversion Recovery (SPIR) and Spectral
signal of fat can also be useful in post-contrast Attenuated Inversion Recovery (SPAIR). SPIR
imaging in which the lesion will be clearly visible sequence is a combination of spectral saturation
(Filipo, 2014). and STIR routine (Ribeiro, 2013). Spectral
T2 weighted image (T2WI) Fast Spin Echo (FSE) involving fat suppression RF pulse prefixes only
is one of the sequences in MRI which is derived sets to a frequency of fat only. This is possible
from the Spin Echo Echo sequences with the because of the differences in the molecular
application of Train Length (ETL) to streamline environment of the magnetization of hydrogen
the scanning time. Basically, T2WI demonstrate protons in fat, which means fat precision occurs at
the difference of a T2 tissue relaxation times. The slightly different frequencies. In this technique, the
fat on T2WI-FSE has a relatively high signal precession frequency RF pulse is applied to the fat
(intermediate) because it has the T2 relaxation time imaging of 100o – 140o. The magnetic moment of
of 10-100 ms. T2WI-FSE presents a picture of an fat will be inverted to the z-axis. After passing the
organ pathology. On the wrist joint which consists Time Inversion (TI) corresponding to the zero
of very complex tissue, the T2WI sequence is able point of the fat, excitation pulses of 90˚ is then
to show the variations in tissues contrast clearly, applied. As fat does not have a longitudinal
but in some conditions, it requires the application magnetization at the point, the excitation pulses do
of fat suppression method to display the tissues not produce transverse fat magnetization, hence the
contrast without a substantial contribution from the fat signal will be zero or appear dark in the image.
surrounding fatty signal (Jeremy, 2011). SPIR has several advantages over STIR. SPIR is
European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology far less susceptible to the inhomogeneous magnetic
(ESSR) states that the routine protocol of wrist field (Bo), for the removal of fat signals also occur
joint MRI is the axial PD FSE, Coronal T1WI- by choosing the appropriate inversion time with fat
FSE, coronal T2WI-FSE (Fat Suppression), sagittal zero points. It depends on the T1 recovery time
T2WI-FSE (Fat Suppression), and 3D-VIBE. than the precession frequency of fat itself, and
T2WI FSE Fat-suppression sequences both coronal relaxation time is not affected by small changes of
and sagittal sequences are created as a comparison inhomogeneous Bo.
to other sequences to confirm and to assess the
abnormalities that occur in the wrist joint without a
significant contribution from the surrounding fat
signal. The wellness of the T2WI-FSE Fat
suppression sequence as a comparison sequence
depends on the type of fat suppression techniques
There are several techniques that can be used to
perform suppress the fat signal, one of which is to
implement Frequency Selective Inversion Pulse
(Wu, 2012). Frequency Selective Inversion Figure 1. Diagram of SPIR (Philips, 2013)
Pulse technique is a combination or hybrid of Fat
Saturation techniques and Short Tau Inversion Unlike the SPIR, SPAIR keeps using pulse
Recovery (STIR), which is based not only on the inversion angle of 180˚ as yet applied to the
resonant frequency of fatty tissue but also in short adiabatic pulse. Both SPIR and SPAIR can be
Time Inversion (TI). There are two types of applied to all types of sequences which is very

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different from the STIR as whole sequences (Wu, anatomical information differences of wrist joint, 2012). The SPAIR technique is one of the MRI in coronal T2WI FSE fat suppression
powerful techniques to suppress fat, which has a sequences between SPIR and SPAIR. 28 volunteers
variety of advantages over conventional fat supper- of wrist joint MRI examination in Radiology Unit
ssion techniques. This technique is characterized Bintaro Premier Hospitals are taken as samples.
by low sensitivity towards the nature of The eligible samples of this study 1) aged around
inhomogeneous RF pulse and only suppressed/ 20-40 years, 2) weight with 4 categories
inverted fat spin (Ribeiro, 2013). SPAIR using (underweight, normal, overweight, and obesity).
inverted pulse in selective spectral adiabatic to Respondents giving an assessment of the wrist
invert the fat spin in volumes analyzed. joint MRI image in coronal FSE T2WI FS
After giving the adiabatic pulse, the big spoiler is sequences is one radiologist and 1 additional
used to negate the rest of the transverse radiologist.
magnetization. The fat spin will experience a The procedures in this study were:
recovery in accordance with the T1 relaxation rate, 1. Volunteers were informed of the consent, the
and after a certain characteristic time (TI null) intent and the purpose of the study, as well as
longitudinal magnetization will be zero. At this an explanation of the examination procedure,
point, the excitation pulses are applied. When the and were assured that this study was not
spin has no longitudinal magnetization of fat, the harmful to them.
fat will not contribute to the MR signal to be 2. MRI imaging of the wrist joint was started with
displayed in the image. Implementation SPAIR as 3 plane localizers.
fat suppression techniques will result in more 3. MRI imaging of the wrist joint T2 weighted
homogeneous fat saturation compared to other fat Fast Spin Echo coronal with Fat suppression
suppression techniques. was conducted.
4. Each volunteer was scanned with two
variations of the method of fat suppression:
5. The images as the results of these studies were
stored on a CD with DICOM format without
any identifying information, just given an
image serial code.
6. Two radiology specialist experienced in the
field of 1.5 Tesla MRI are requested to observe
Figure 2. Diagram of SPAIRat Fast Spin Echo the image produced by each technique.
(Philips Healthcare, 2011) Qualitative assessment is conducted by asses-
The purpose of this study is to determine the sing the image contrast in general including
anatomical information differences of wrist joint Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC),
MRI in coronal T2WI FSE fat suppression cartilage, marrow, fluid, bone, ligament, joint
sequences between SPIR and SPAIR method. In space, and then choose the best image from the
addition, it aims to determine the best fat two variations of fat suppression method.
suppression methods to display anatomical 7. Assessment of the radiology specialist is
information of wrist joint. performed by marking (√) in the questionnaires
provided. The clarity of the image is valued 1
MATERIAL AND METHOD for less clear, 2 for clear and 3 for very clear
This research is a quantitative study with an sense,
experimental approach that aims to identify the

Rini Indrati et al JMSCR Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2017 Page 23182

JMSCR Vol||05||Issue||06||Page 23180-23185||June 2017
Data obtained are tested with Wilcoxon Signed-
Rank Test to assess whether there is a significant
difference in the two methods of suppression with
the confidence level of 95%. The calculation is
aided with SPSS 20 software.

Research carried out on 28 (twenty-eight) male and
female volunteers, ranged in age from 20 years to Figure 2. MRI Wrist Joint MRI Image with SPAIR
40 years, with four categories of body mass index
(BMI): underweight, normal, overweight, and Before conducting a statistical test to determine the
obesity. anatomical information differences between SPIR
and SPAIR method, Kappa test was done to
Table1.Volunteers Characteristics by Gender determine the suitability or the common perception
Gender Quantity Percentage of respondents in the questionnaire assessment.
Male 14 50%
The Kappa test results are:
Female 14 50%
Total 28 100%
Table 4.Kappa Test Results in Two Respondents
Table 2.Volunteers Characteristics by Age Fat Suppression Method Value Kappa p-value
Age Quantity Percentage SPIR 0.878 <0.001
20 – 29 16 57% SPAIR 0.837 <0.001
30 – 49 12 43%
Total 28 100% Kappa test results showed The Kappa value on
SPIR method = 0.878 (p-value <0.001) and for
Table 3.Volunteers Characteristics by BMI SPAIR showed the Kappa value = 0.837 (p-value
Body Mass Quantity Percentage <0.00). These results indicate that there is a match
Underweight 7 25% or a shared understanding between the two
Normal 7 25% respondents in assessing the anatomical
Overweight 7 25%
Obesity 7 25%
information of wrist joint either on SPIR or SPAIR
Total 28 100% methods.
Compare-Means test with Wilcoxon Signed-Rank
From the 28 volunteers are obtained anatomical Test. for each anatomical criteria obtained the
information of wrist joint MRI in Coronal T2-FSE following results:
fat suppression sequences between SPIR and
SPAIR. Each fat suppression method produces 56 Table 5. Test of difference Result between SPIR
images that can reveal the anatomy of the cartilage, and SPAIR
TFCC, bone, marrow, fluid, tendons /ligaments, Anatomical Information p-value
joints space on each method of fat suppression.
SPIR vs SPAIR < 0,001

With p-value <0.001, it can be stated that there are

anatomical information differences of wrist joint
MRI in coronal T2WI-FSE Fat Suppression
sequences between SPIR with SPAIR method. To
determine the fat suppression methods that more
clearly describes the anatomical information
Figure 1.MRI Wrist Joint MRI Image with SPIR differences of wrist joint MRI in coronal T2WI-

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FSE Fat Suppression sequences is done by Table 8. Result of Mean Rank on Each Criterion
observing the mean rank of Wilcoxon Signed- Anatomical Information Mean Rank
Cartilage SPIR 0
Rank Test as shown in Table 6.
Cartilage SPAIR 5.5
Marrow SPIR 0
Table 6. Result of Mean Wilcoxon Signed- Rank Marrow SPAIR 7
Bone SPIR 0
Test Bone SPAIR 8.5
Anatomical Information Mean Rank TFCC SPIR 0
SPIR 0 Fluid SPIR 0
SPAIR 8.5 Fluid SPAIR 4
Ligament SPIR 0
Ligament SPAIR 6.5
The SPAIR method obtains a value of 8.5, and Joint Space SPIR 0
SPIR method gets a value of 0, indicating that Joint Space SPAIR 5.5
SPAIR method is more clearly in describing the
anatomical information differences of wrist joint Based on the mean rank result, cartilage anatomy
MRI in coronal T2WI-FSE Fat Suppression SPAIR scored 8.5, marrow SPAIR 7, bone SPAIR
sequences compared with SPIR method. Compare 8.5, TFCC SPAIR 7.5, fluid SPAIR 4, ligament
means for each anatomical criterion conducted to SPAIR 6.5, joint space SPAIR 5.5. The entire
determine the differences between the test criteria anatomical criteria on SPIR method obtaining
in an image. The results can be seen in Table 7. mean rank 0, indicating that SPAIR method is
more clearly in describing the anatomical
Table 7 Test of difference Result on each criterion information of wrist joint on each criterion
between SPIR and SPAIR compared to SPIR method.
Anatomical Information p-value To show the difference in the anatomical
information as a result of variations in body mass
Cartilage 0.002
Marrow <0.001 index (BMI) of volunteers, the test of difference
Bone <0.001 conducted by using anatomical information results
TFCC <0.001
Fluid 0.008
in SPAIR method is shown in Table 9.
Ligament 0.001
Joint Space 0.002 Table 9. Anatomical Information Test of difference
with BMI Variation
Three of the seven anatomical criteria (marrow, Anatomical Information p-value
bone, TFCC) has a p-value <0.001, cartilage p-
value = 0.002, ligament p-value = 0.001, fluid, p- SPAIR Image 0.235

value = 0.008, and joint space p-value = 0.002.

This shows that there are anatomical information With p-value 0.235 (p> 0.05), it can be stated that
there are no anatomical information differences of
differences on anatomical criteria Cartilage,
the wrist joint in SPAIR method on body mass
marrow, bone, TFCC, ligament, and joint fluid
index variation, which means SPAIR method can
space between SPIR and SPAIR method. To
determine which methods are more clearly be applied to all categories of body mass index.
describe any anatomical criteria can be seen in the
results of mean rank as follows: CONCLUSION
Fat tissue appears bright in most of the sequences
in MRI imaging. The ability to selectively suppress
fat signal will help determine abnormalities in
other tissues or lesions without significant
contributions from the fat signal in the imaging

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area. Selection of appropriate suppression Departement of Radiology, Nanjing
techniques can help radiologists interpret the image Medical University, China
precisely and accurately. The test results of this
study indicate p-value <0.001 (p <0.05), which
means that there are anatomical information
differences between SPIR and SPAIR method. The
SPAIR method is more clearly displays anatomical
information of wrist joint MRI in coronal T2WI-
FSE Fat Suppression sequence when compared
with SPIR method.
This way, SPAIR is recommended as a fat
suppression method of wrist joint MRI in coronal
T2W-FSE Fat Suppression. Application of the
SPAIR method in other sequences must be
accompanied by an inversion Time settings that are
appropriate to the Repetition Time value (TR) of
sequences used.

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Suppression Techniques for 3-T MR
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2. Cameron, Ian. 2012, Techniques of Fat
Suppression MR Physicist, The Ottawa
Hospital, Canada.
3. Jeremy, Jones. 2011, MRI Sequence
(Overview), Radiology Reference
article, Radiopedia.
4. Phillips, Benjamin Z, 2013, Wrist Joint
Anatomy, Department of Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgery, Washington
University, (published online at
5. Ribeiro M. Margarida,, 2013, STIR,
SPIR and SPAIR techniques in magnetic
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6. Wu Jing,, 2012, The Application of
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Rini Indrati et al JMSCR Volume 05 Issue 06 June 2017 Page 23185

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