MRI Specifications

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Tender is for one 3.0 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging System optimized for Advanced
imaging of the Neuro Anatomy including functional imaging, with super conducting magnet
having very high homogeneity, high performance gradients and Digital Radio Frequency
System with very high density RF coils. The unit is to be installed on turn key basis. Vendor
will offer the latest hardware and software available at the time of price bid opening. The
detailed specification that follows shall be understood to be minimum requirement :

a) 3.0 T active shielded super conductive magnet.
b) It should have at least 60 cm patient bore with flared opening.
c) Magnet length with covers should be less than 220cm.
d) Homogeneity of magnet should be better than 0.02 ppm over 20 cm DSV
e) The magnet should be well ventilated and with in-bore illumination with built in 2 way
intercom for communication with patient.

a) High performance, highly stable shim system with global and localized automated
shimming for high homogeneity magnetic field for complete imaging and
b) Auto shim should be available to shim the magnet with patient in position

High powered actively shielded Gradient system for increased spatial resolution,
decreased acquisition time, thinner slice acquisition with improved diffusion weighted
The gradient should be actively shielded with each axis having independently a slew
rate of at least 200 T/m/s and a peak amplitude of 80mT/m, for each axis.

a) A fully digital RF system capable of Multi Transmission with a RF amplifier of atleast
40 kW output, to reduce magnetic susceptibility artifacts, capable of zoomed
acquisition of “Areas of Interest”
b) It should also have at least 64 independent RF receiver channels “acquisition” with
each having bandwidth of 1 MHz
c) It should support Parallel acquisition techniques with a factor of up to 12 or more.

a) The table should be fully motorized and computer controlled table movements in:
vertical and horizontal directions.
b) A CCTV system with LCD display to observe the patient should be provided.

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a) The main Host computer should have a 19 inches or more high resolution LCD TFT
color monitor with 1024 x 1024 matrix display
The system should have image archival/storage capacity of 100 GB for at least
2,00,000 images in 256x256 matrix.
b) The Image reconstruction speed should be at least 1300 images/second or more for
full FOV 256 matrix.

a) Largest Field of View should be at least 50 cm in all three axis.
b) The measurement matrix should be from 128x128 to 1024x1024. Highest matrix
available to be quoted.
c) Minimum 2D slice thickness mm should be equal to or less than 0.1mm
d) Minimum 3D slice thickness mm should be equal to or less than 0.05mm

The main body coil integrated to the magnet must be Quadrature/CP. In addition to
this following coils should be quoted. High density coil for neuro imaging is an
absolute requirement.
i. Multichannel Head/Neck coils with at least 64 channels for ultrafast high signal
imaging of cortex, covering the cerebellum and the neck.
ii. Spine Array/Matrix Coils for thoracic and lumbar spine imaging with at least 32
channels acquisition per exam

The system should have 4GTIM/ GEM/D stream as standard.

The system should have basic sequences package with Spin Echo, Inversion
Recovery, Turbo Spin Echo with high turbo factor of 256 or more, Gradient Echo wilh
ETL of 255 or more, FLAIR. Single slice, multiple single slice, multiple slice, multiple
stacks, radial stacks and 3D acquisitions for all applications. Single and Multi shot
EPI imaging techniques with ETL factor of 255 or more. Fat suppression for high
quality images both inversion recovery and Dixon method/ IDEAL/ 3D Dual Echo/m -
Dixen. The system should acquire motion artifact free images in T2 studies of brain in
restless patients (Propeller, Multivane, Blade etc). Dynamic study for pre and post
contrast scans and time intensity studies
a) Neuro applications
1. Functional Imaging with Package for BOLD Imaging and evaluation and
processing package with paradigm generator (non goggle based) with large
high resolution monitor that can be moved to any part of the exam room. It
should be fully integrated with MR console for driving the paradigms. Should
have console computer, E prime, microphone, fiber optic cables etc. Eye
tracking facility with complete evaluation software.
2. Arterial Spin labeling 2D and 3D.

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3. Perfusion imaging of brain with single shot EPI and real time evaluation
software for rBV, CBV etc analysis.
4. Susceptibility weighted imaging / SWAN/ Venus BOLD.
5. Multi Direction DTI with minimum of 256 directions. (Complete package
including DTI quantification and tractography software). Prospective motion
correction enabled software preferred. Spinal tractography should also be
possible. Max B value of 10,000 should be available. Diffusion imaging with
single shot EPI.
6. T2 Relaxometry and volumetric for Hippocampus
7. 3D-T2 weighted Turbo Spin for Volumetric acquisition reconstructed in any plane
e.g. for lumber spine and for nerve root analysis.
8. High resolution imaging for inner ear.
9. The system should have facility for flow quantification of CSF, vessel flow. Both
retrospective and prospective gating should be possible.
10. Whole spine imaging with fusion software.
11. Real time Brain Wave, Pre Acquisition / Post processing or Auto-Processing of
BOLD or BOLD Specialist.
12. Sequences such as Double Inversion recovery for “Plaque Imaging” in Carotids
to be provided.

b) Vascular Imaging
1. MR angio Imaging Should have 2D/3D TOF, 2D/3D PC, MTS and TONE,
ceMRA, Facility for high temporal and high resolution 4D angio imaging for time
resolved vascular imaging with imaging frame up to 40 frames/ sec..
2. Bolus chasing with automatic and manual triggering from fluoroscopy mode to
3D acquisition mode with moving table facility for whole body application.
Specify table movement. Automated subtraction should be available.
3. “Non contrast enhanced” peripheral angiography for arterial flow with Native/
Trance/ inhance sequences

c) Diffusion Weighted Imaging, with single shot EPI, with b value of 10,000 or more.
Head and neck diffusion weighted imaging with background suppression
d) Spectroscopy:
The system should have the Hydrogen, Single Voxel spectroscopy, Multivoxel,
Multislice & Multiangle 2D, 3D Spectroscopy and Chemical shift imaging in 2D/3D.

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10. Software and hardware price to be mentioned separately
Multi Nuclear Spectroscopy: Facility of P31 Imaging & Spectroscopy. Double tuned Head
coil for P31 and H1 Imaging and spectroscopy.


a) A Server with two workstations with the same user interface as of main console is
required with the availability of all necessary software including:
i. Basic post-processing software including MIP, MPR, surface reconstruction
and volume rendering technique, Image fusion.
ii. Advanced post-processing offered applications including FMRI, perfusion
quantification, advanced perfusion analysis, processing of 2D/3D CSI data,
with color metabolite mapping, quantification of CSF flow data, vascular
analysis package on atleast two clients concurrently.DTI evaluation including
fibre tracking.
iii. Server based image processing software with concurrent three users.

12. MRI PACS : Picture storage and archival system, to store and retrieve MRI, fMRI and
spectroscopic images and raw data with a capacity of 20 Terabyte
expandable to 100 Terabyte. This should be from the same manufacturer as
the quoted MRI system. It is mandatory for the vendor to submit a valid FDA
approved DICOM compliance statement for supporting storage of all MRI
SOP classes. The vendor should also submit DICOM conformance
statement, as per the NEMA standards.
Vendor should connect PACS in MRI to other rooms located in same campus with
other modalities like EEG etc at no extra cost.


The System should have following safety features :
a) The magnet system should include an Emergency Ramp Down unit (ERDU) for
fast reduction of the magnetic field with Ramp Down time below 3 minutes.
b) High end Ferromagnetic detection system at MRI entrance room door
(Ferroguard / Ferroalert/ equivalent)

a) DICOM ready Dry Chemistry laser camera of 600 or more DPI with integrated
processor for filming from main console & workstation.
b) A color laser printer for printing high-resolution colour-coded 3D images and
protocols on plain paper or alternatively a dedicated color printer for medical images
c) The UPS system should be provided for complete MRI unit with Chiller and
emergency lights with at least 15 minute back up. An emergency door or hatch
should be provided in RF cabin.
d) RF Cabin: The system should be supplied with the imported RF cabin with RF room
shielding, RF Door screen, and interiors for the same should be carried out suitably.
e) One DG set of 225 kVA with AMF panel

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f) Dual Head MRI-Compatible Pressure Injector with 100 sets of syringes (Two
syringes & connecting tubing per set) - Please quote this as an OPTIONAL item with
separate price in the price bid.
g) Water Chiller for Cold Head and Gradients with UPS support
h) Two Non-ferromagnetic patient transfer trolley
i) MRI compatible Anesthesia Machine with Monitor with following specifications :
Please quote this as an OPTIONAL item with separate price in the price bid.
1 All the components of anesthesia machine including anesthesia ventilator,
anesthesia monitor and accessories should be MRI compatible.
2 High pressure tubing for Oxygen, air and Nitrous Oxide for central supply
connection with pipeline connectors should be supplied with machine.
3 There should be pressure indicating gauges for each gas for both cylinder as
well as pipeline supply in accordance to ISO requirements.
4 Gas Flow Management:
5 The anesthesia machine should have Integrated / mounted monitoring system
with memory to monitor patient parameters:
6 ECG with arrhythmia detection facility.
7 Respiratory rate measurement by impendence method
8 SP02 measurement
9 NIBP measurement

k) fMRI stimulation package with analysis software

Detailed specification in “Annexure 2”

14 Turn key : Tender is on a complete turn key basis. Vendor can inspect the selected
site on any working day after taking permission from the Director, DEI. Entire civil,
electrical and air conditioning work must be submitted in detail and get approved by
HOD/Director DEI/ appropriate authority designated by Director DEI.Details as per
Annexure 1.

15. Warranty
a) The vendor should offer warranty for the service and spare support for 5 Years of the
entire MRI system including Helium and cold head and all accessories including
transducers,& civil, electrical and air conditioning work of the Turnkey, Onsite
application support should be available for a period of 5 years.
b) Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (CMC) for the whole equipment including
helium refill & transducer / sensors and all accessories including turnkey and
generator for 5 years should be quoted after warranty. This will be considered for
price bid evaluation.
c) Vendor will be responsible for providing the Application Specialist to help run/operate
system & for its maintenance as per the working Schedule of the Department during
entire warranty period
Should provide uptime guarantee of 95% or more. Necessary antivirus during the warranty
and CMC period should be provided, with regular updates. In case the down time
exceeds the 5% limit, extension of the warranty period will be twice the excess down

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time period.16. General instructions : All tender responses should include the
following without which the tender will be considered invalid.

a) The model should be FDA approved with 'the best and latest technical features'
available with the vendor should be quoted in tender response with original printed
vendor data sheets.
b) All product catalogues in original.
c) A soft copy in word format in addition to a hard copy to be provided in a CD.
d) When the vendor data sheet disagrees with the bid response, clarification should
accompany in the form of letter/certificates from the principals in original.
e) System should be DICOM - 3MPPS & should be ready to integrate with
f) List of all installations worldwide of the system should be submitted.
g) The compliance statement must be filled strictly under headings given in the tender in
the same sequence. Each specification corroborated in the compliance statement
must give the page number where it is listed in the original technical data sheet along
with soft copy.
h) Turnkey works and the Equipment layout plan to be got as approved by Head of
Department / Director of DEI before the bids are submitted
i) The bids are to be submitted in two Bid System with separate Technical and Price
j) All applicable taxes etc should be clearly specified
k) A performance BG equivalent to 10% of the Bid value will have to be provided for the
gurantee period

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Annexure 1


The supplier shall be required to undertake all the pre-installation, site preparation work in
the area as per the layout plan. The bidder will inspect the site for feasibility before tendering
and submit the layout plan for approval by the HOD/Director DEI.
Rates of the following components of turnkey project should be quoted separately
a. Civil
b. Electrical including a DG set of 225 kVA with AMF panel
c. Public health (water supply and sanitary fittings), if any
d. Functional furniture for the MRI site and related area’s
e. Airconditioning for the site including the requirement for the equipment
f. Miscellaneous

Annexure 2

Complete NeuroNordic Lab solution for functional imaging with both hardware and
software FOR 3.0 TESLA MRI UNIT

● VisualSystem (for showing visual stimuli to the patient), LCD or Goggles based

● AudioSystem (for playing audio stimuli to the subject),

● ResponseGrips (feedback/monitoring system)

● SyncBox (system synchronisation ability)


● nordicAktiva (paradigm software containing standard clinical paradigms, e.g.,motor,

language, perceptual)

● nordicICE offline data processing software for BOLD and DTI data.

● nordicICE Perfusion Analysis software.

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