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Metal-free implant-supported single-tooth restorations.

Part II: Hybrid abutment crowns and material selection
Daniel Edelhoff, Prof Dr med dent/Josef Schweiger, CDT, MSc/Otto Prandtner, MDT/
Michael Stimmelmayr, Prof Dr med dent/Jan-Frederik Güth, PD Dr med dent

In many areas of restorative dentistry, metal-free materials offer material selection, on the knowledge and skills of the dental
an alternative to metal-based restorations while ensuring high practitioner and dental technician, and on an adequate occlu-
levels of biocompatibility and esthetics. Rapidly evolving CAD/ sion concept. The high rate of innovation – both with regard to
CAM technology has significantly expanded the range of mater- the materials themselves and to CAD/CAM technology – there-
ials available, providing access to materials classes and their fore requires an adequate level of prior knowledge to sensibly
combinations not previously available within conventional and successfully implement the wide range of possibilities. It is
manufacturing, such as zirconia ceramics and hybrid ceramics. becoming more and more puzzling for users to find their way
In addition, digital methods offer previously unavailable op- around the many different new techniques and materials. This
tions in diagnostics, greater planning reliability, better material review article provides an up-to-date overview of the possibili-
quality through standardization of the manufacturing process, ties and limitations of metal-free implant-supported single-tooth
and reproducibility – significant benefits that can be used to restorations. This second part discusses hybrid abutment crowns
advantage, especially in oral implantology. Even though tech- and materials selection. Resultant treatment concepts are pre-
nological progress in the field of metal-free materials has given sented and evaluated based on clinical examples. (Quintessence Int
rise to considerable improvements in their mechanical proper- 2019;50:260–269; doi: 10.3290/j.qi.a42099. Originally published in
ties over the decades, their clinical long-term success is still very German in Implantologie 2018;26(4):353–370)
much dependent on an appropriate indication and proper

The development of computer-aided design/computer-assisted Besides the classic approach using an abutment and a
manufacture (CAD/CAM) technology and the introduction of cemented crown, there is an alternative approach using directly
digital workflows have given rise to numerous new options in screw-retained hybrid abutment crowns for single-tooth res-
recent decades: in three-dimensional implant planning, in the torations, which are described in this second part.
manufacturing of implant abutments, and also in terms of the
available range of superstructure materials.1-5 The focus is pri-
Hybrid abutment crowns
marily on materials such as titanium, zirconia ceramics, or lithium
(di)silicate ceramics, and increasingly also on polymer-based The introduction of prefabricated lithium disilicate blanks with
materials.6-9 There are therefore many new ways to fabricate an industrially prefabricated connection geometry for titanium
custom implant abutments and to restore them using metal- adhesive bases has revolutionized the fabrication of metal-free
free single-tooth restorative designs as described in part one of implant-supported single crowns for almost all implant systems
this article.5,8,10-13 (Fig 1).11,14,15 For this – exclusively screw-retained – concept, the

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1 2

Fig 1 CAD/CAM blank made of lithium disilicate (IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent) in pre-crystallized condition for definitive implant-
supported single-tooth restorations (hybrid abutment crown, fourth generation ceramic abutments) with connection geometry for a
Cerec titanium base (Dentsply Sirona).
Fig 2 CAD/CAM blank based on PMMA (Telio CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent) with connection geometry for a Cerec titanium base (Dentsply Sirona)
for the fabrication of implant-supported long-term provisional single-tooth restorations.

metal-free implant abutment and the implant crown are com- contacts. For this purpose, the hybrid abutment crowns on the
bined into a single unit, simplifying the entire manufacturing titanium base can be tested either with a white low-viscosity sili-
process and reducing it to two steps. In the first step, the lithium cone material (such as Fit Checker Advanced, GC; or Virtual Light
disilicate blank is milled into the appropriate shape and receives Body, Ivoclar Vivadent) or with a provisional eugenol-free white
its final strength and shade in a crystallization firing cycle. In the adhesive cementing agent (such as Temp Bond NE, Kerr Dental).
second step, the result is bonded to the titanium base. This procedure additionally allows the ceramic abutment crown
Previously, the digital production of a metal-free restoration portion to be returned to the furnace for a new stain and glaze
on a single-tooth implant had only been possible by using a firing or to correct the shade and shape in another firing cycle.
zirconia abutment with a specific connection to the implant or This would be impossible after bonding, as furnace temperatures
to the titanium adhesive base (monolithic CAD/CAM zirconia would destroy the adhesive bond. Definitive bonding can be per-
abutment or CAD/CAM hybrid abutment plus separate crown). formed on the cast. The contact surface of the hybrid abutment
Prefabricated blanks with an integrated connection to the tita- crown is first etched (for lithium disilicate: 20 seconds with hydro-
nium base can be used for provisional polymethyl methacry- fluoric acid < 5%, such as IPS Ceramic Etching Gel, Ivoclar Viva-
late (PMMA)-based (Telio CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent; or Vita CAD dent) and then silanized (eg, by exposure to the effective silane
Temp, Vita Zahnfabrik) and definitive immediate restorations content in Monobond Plus, Ivoclar Vivadent, for 60 seconds). With
for implants (such as IPS e.max CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent; or Enamic, the Variobase titanium base (Institut Straumann), the titanium
Vita Zahnfabrik) using a powder-free intraoral scanner during surface does not need to be air-particle abraded thanks to the
at the delivery appointment or on re-entry (Munich Implant pronounced retentions present, according to a statement by the
Concept, MIC) (Figs 1 and 2).4,5,16 manufacturer. After careful degreasing, an adhesion primer can
In principle, a hybrid abutment crown can also be produced be applied to the titanium surface (eg, by exposure to the effec-
in a conventional workflow. Prefabricated titanium bases from tive sulfide methacrylate content in Monobond Plus). During
various manufacturers are available for this purpose, whose final bonding with a chemically curing resin adhesive specially
height can be reduced if specific guidelines are followed (Fig 3). optimized for this indication (Multilink Hybrid Abutment, Ivoclar
The abutment crown can be modeled in wax and transferred to Vivadent), it is recommended to obturate the screw access holds
lithium disilicate using the pressing technique. It is expedient to of the titanium bases with plastic pellets (eg, Pele Tim, Voco) to
try in the hybrid abutment crowns before bonding in order to protect them from the adhesive (Fig 3). Sterilization in the auto-
correct the shade if required or to adjust proximal and occlusal clave after bonding does not appear to have an adverse effect on

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3a 3b

Fig 3a Conventionally produced two-piece hybrid abutment crowns. Prefabricated titanium bases (Variobase, Institut Straumann) with
corresponding abutment crowns made of lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS e.max Press multi, Ivoclar Vivadent) conventionally fabricated using a
wax-up and the pressing technique.
Fig 3b After the clinical try-in and any adjustment to shape and shade, the lithium disilicate abutment crown (IPS e.max Press multi,
Ivoclar Vivadent) is etched for 20 seconds with < 5% hydrofluoric acid and connected to the prefabricated titanium base (Variobase,
Institut Straumann) at the laboratory (hybrid abutment crown, fourth generation).

the bond between the titanium adhesive base and the abutment abutment screw.11 Further in-vitro studies have shown that the
crown.17 After insertion with a torque wrench, the screw access lower strength of monolithic lithium disilicate hybrid abutment
holes are protected with a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tape crowns compared to monolithic zirconia crowns was actually a
and adhesively sealed against the oral cavity with a highly filled benefit in that it protected the supporting implant from over-
composite resin (Fig 4). In-vitro investigations of the load at frac- load.15,18 In an in-vitro study, screw access holes – indispensable
ture of hybrid abutment lithium disilicate crowns showed that with this design – resulted in reduced strength of the restorations
the strength-limiting factor was not the ceramic material but the compared to ceramic crowns without screw access.8

Fig 3c Preparation of the master cast for

bonding the etched all-ceramic crowns
(IPS e.max Press multi, Ivoclar Vivadent) with
the carefully degreased prefabricated tita-
nium bases (Variobase, Institut Straumann).
The screw access holes in the titanium bases
are protected from penetrating adhesive by
closing them with plastic pellets.
Fig 3d Situation following adhesive ce-
menting on the master cast. The conditioned
3c 3d and carefully cleaned surfaces had been
wetted with a primer (Monobond Plus,
Ivoclar Vivadent) and bonded with a special,
extremely opaque adhesive (Multilink
Hybrid Abutment, Ivoclar Vivadent). The ex-
cess can now be carefully removed from the
transition area between the abutment crown
and the titanium base (adhesive joint).
Fig 3e Clinical situation after the two
implants have healed (Bone Level, 3.3 mm
diameter; Institut Straumann) in a patient
with multiple congenitally missing teeth.
Fig 3f Situation following the insertion
of the hybrid abutment crowns (fourth
generation). (Laboratory procedures:
3e 3f Evelyn Neubauer, MDT, Landshut, Germany).

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Fig 4a Clinical situation following implant

insertion (Tissue Level, 4.1 mm diameter;
Institut Straumann) at site of the mandibular
right first molar (position 46) as part of a
comprehensive rehabilitation that included
a change in the vertical dimension of
occlusion (VDO).
Fig 4b Monolithic lithium disilicate crowns
(iPS e.max Press, shade HT; Ivoclar Vivadent)
on the mandibular right canine, first and
second premolar (teeth 43, 44, 45), and 4b 4c
second molar (tooth 47) and a hybrid abut-
ment crown to replace the mandibular right first molar (tooth 46) (IPS e.max Press, shade Multi; Ivoclar Vivadent) (fourth generation.)
Fig 4c Situation following the adhesive connection of crowns on the mandibular right canine, first and second premolar (teeth 43, 44, 45),
and second molar (tooth 47). The screw access holds of the implant-supported hybrid abutment crown 46 (mandibular right first molar) was
closed adhesively with PTFE tape and composite resin after tightening with a torque wrench. All occlusal surfaces have the same chemical
composition and exhibit comparable wear behavior.

Advantages Material selection and material combina-

tions for metal-free superstructures
■ Simplified manufacturing process compared to hybrid
abutments plus separate crown, as the ceramic abutment Many other combinations of materials for implant superstruc-
and crown are combined into a single component. ture are conceivable. Especially in the case of complex rehabil-
■ No cementing joint and no risk of damage by excess itations in both arches, the authors consider it important to
cementing material. ensure uniform wear resistance of the occlusal surfaces, avoid-
ing combinations of different materials such as monolithic lith-
ium disilicate ceramics and monolithic zirconia ceramics
(Fig 5).15,19 Where masticatory loads are high, available data
■ Manual bonding of the custom abutment crown to the tita- indicate that custom CAD/CAM one-piece titanium abutments
nium adhesive base in correct alignment is required. – with a ceramic component – appear preferable outside the
■ Risk of retention loss due to improper bonding. esthetic zone.20,21 These can later be restored with metal-free
■ No long-term clinical evidence. crowns made of monolithic lithium disilicate ceramics or a
■ More limited choice of path-of-insertion options, which combination of a zirconia framework sintered with a lithium
depend on the proximal contacts in relation to the internal disilicate veneer by a fusion ceramic (CAD-on technique; Figs 6a
geometry of the implant. and 6b).3,15,22 This technique would also ensure that antagonists
in a full-arch rehabilitation, for example lithium disilicate,

QUINTESSENCE INTERNATIONAL | volume 50 • number 4 • April 2019 263


Hybrid abutment Hybrid abutment crown

One-piece prefabricated One-piece CAD/CAM
• Titanium base, • Titanium base,
• Alumina • Zirconia
prefabricated prefabricated
• Zirconia • Custom CAD/CAM
• Zirconia or lithium • Lithium disilicate or
disilicate, custom zirconia, custom

Fig 5 The four generations of ceramic implant abutments. Between 1993 and 2013, various concepts (generations) for manufacturing ceramic
implant abutment were introduced: the one-piece (monolithic) prefabricated abutment (first generation), the CAD/CAM one-piece (mono-
lithic) abutment (second generation), the two-piece hybrid abutment plus a separate crown (third generation), and finally, introduced in 2013,
the two-piece hybrid abutment crown (fourth generation).

exhibit comparable wear behavior (Figs 6c to 6e).19 In a pro- To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is still no or
spective clinical study of three-unit zirconia fixed dental pros- only insufficient long-term clinical data on this type of res-
theses, a significantly lower incidence of major chipping was toration on implants. However, in-vitro studies have demon-
observed after 1 year in fabrications using the CAD-on veneer- strated that CAD/CAM composites do not even come close to
ing technique compared to manually veneered fixed dental achieving the strength values of lithium (di)silicate glass-
prostheses.22 Monolithic lithium disilicate crowns on one-piece ceramic crowns.7,8 Nor does it seem to be sufficiently certain
titanium abutments achieved the highest strength in an in-vi- whether this class of material achieves clinically sufficient long-
tro study compared to other glass-ceramic and polymer-based term wear stability in the load-bearing posterior region (Fig 7).25
crowns; they should therefore be reliable to use in long-term Furthermore, a clinical study of crowns made of CAD/CAM
restorations in the posterior region.8 This has been confirmed composites (Lava Ultimate, 3M Espe) on zirconia abutments
by a long-term clinical study that found a survival rate of 93.8% showed dramatic early failure rates.26 Crowns made of hybrid
for lithium disilicate crowns on implants after 10 years.23 The ceramics (Enamic) and crowns made of PEEK, on the other hand,
strength limit of monolithic lithium disilicate crowns could be might meet the requirements for definitive tooth-colored
advantageous in terms of protecting the implant substructures. implant-supported single-tooth restorations.7,8 A conclusive
In-vitro studies found no damage to the implant at loads below assessment would presuppose results from long-term clinical
the breaking load of the lithium disilicate superstructure.8,15 In studies.
monolithic zirconia crowns, on the other hand, permanent
damage to the implant was seen when the breaking load was
reached, which could result in explantation in a clinical situa-
tion.7 Even though the results of in-vitro studies have very lim- The success of a metal-free implant-supported single-tooth res-
ited applicability to clinical situations, they can provide import- toration depends on a number of factors. In addition to biologic
ant information for adequate material selection. factors, such as the bone supply, the position and length of the
An alternative to all-ceramic restorations could be poly- implant, the condition of the peri-implant soft tissue, the occlu-
mer-based crowns. A very wide range of CAD/CAM blanks made sal situation, and the presence or absence of bruxism,18,27 techni-
from industrially prefabricated hybrid ceramics, composite resins, cal aspects are the paramount factors in determining clinical
and polyetheretherketone (PEEK) materials is already available.7,8,25 long-term success. These technical aspects include the choice

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Figs 6a and 6b CAD/CAM 6a 6b

custom one-piece titanium abut-
ment for an implant-supported
restoration on the mandibular
right second molar (tooth 47) in
a patient characterized by high
masticatory loads. The all-ceramic
crown was manufactured using
the CAD-on technique.
It has a CAD/CAM zirconia frame-
work structure to which a corre-
sponding CAD/CAM lithium
disilicate veneer (IPS e.max CAD,
shade HT; Ivoclar Vivadent) was
sintered using a fusion ceramic
material (IPS e.max CAD Crystall./

Fig 6c Finished restorations as

part of a comprehensive rehabili-
tation with a change in vertical
dimension of occlusion. The
all-ceramic implant-supported
crowns 46 and 47 (mandibular
right first and second molar)
were fabricated using the
CAD-on technique, while the
CAD/CAM-milled crowns on the 6c
natural teeth were fabricated us-
ing monolithic lithium disilicate
(staining technique; IPS e.max
CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent).

6d 6e

Fig 6d Clinical situation following removal of the provisional restorations.

Fig 6e Clinical situation following adhesive placement of crowns 44, 45 and 48 (mandibular right first and second premolar and third molar)
and conventional cementation (glass-ionomer cement, Ketac Cem, 3M Espe) of CAD-on crowns on implants 46 and 47 (mandibular right first
and second molar). The surfaces of all restorations, including those in the maxilla, are made of same material in the occlusal surface area and
therefore exhibit comparable wear behavior.

and combination of materials, the production method, the avail- the focus is on custom CAD/CAM abutments, which can be opti-
able space, the type of retention (cemented or screw-retained), mally adapted to the clinical situation in terms of both axial incli-
and the occlusal concept.21,28,29-31 The treatment team can influ- nation and sub- and supragingival shape. Their greatest clinical
ence the treatment success by making correct decisions regard- advantage is that the abutment can shape the emergence con-
ing the design and method of fabrication of the implant abut- tour. With cemented restorations in particular, the removal of
ment and definitive restoration.7,8,15,29 Here, prefabricated excess classic cements is considerably simplified, since the crown
abutments often reach their limits. They offer less satisfactory margin can be adapted to the gingival contour and placed in in
solutions than custom abutments in many cases.32 At this point, an area where it can be controlled. With the introduction of

QUINTESSENCE INTERNATIONAL | volume 50 • number 4 • April 2019 265



7b 7c

Fig 7a Occlusal onlays and hybrid abutment crown made of an experimental CAD/CAM composite as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation
with a change in vertical dimension of occlusion.
Fig 7b Occlusal onlays made of an experimental CAD/CAM composite resin after adhesive connection and tightening of the hybrid abutment
crown with a torque wrench on an implant with an internal connection (Replace select, Nobel Biocare).
Fig 7c Clinical situation after 36 months of clinical service. Extreme signs of wear on the CAD/CAM composite are visible in the areas of
occlusal contact.

CAD/CAM, the required time and effort became economically the implant and abutment. The trend among implant manufac-
feasible while at the same time ensuring gentle treatment of turers toward internal connections has resulted in significantly
the material. Manual adjustment of prefabricated abutments, fewer instances of screw loosening,34 but at the same time it
on the other hand, carries the risk of overheating and affords no has increased the fracture risk of one-piece zirconia implant
control over the remaining wall thickness, which are highly rel- abutments in certain clinical situations.21,28 As for biologic com-
evant for the stability of ceramic restorations in particular. CAD/ plications, excess cement in the sulcus may be a major cause of
CAM fabrication of custom abutments from tooth-colored inflammation of the peri-implant tissue. A clinical trial by Wil-
materials has therefore now become an established method.15,21 son36 used dental endoscopy to demonstrate the association
A fundamental question is whether metal-free single-tooth between excess cement and peri-implantitis. Excess cement in
restorations should be cemented or screw-retained.33 From a the sulcus was associated with peri-implant inflammation in
scientific point of view, the two forms of retention differ only 81% of cases. Once the excess cement had been removed, the
insignificantly in terms of technical complications.29,30 The risk peri-implantitis healed completely in 74% of cases.
of screw loosening was slightly higher than the risk of cement In terms of excess removal, adhesive cementing agents
retention loss when looking at single crowns.34 However, only appear to present a much higher risk than conventional
clinical studies with an observation period of more than 5 years cements. An in-vitro study demonstrated that single crowns
were included in the relevant systematic review, so most connected to titanium abutments using a resin adhesive
implant systems evaluated had an external interface between resulted in ten times as much excess material even after careful

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removal than crowns cemented with classic cementing agents, crowns did not even come close to achieving the same strength
such as glass-ionomer or zinc-oxide/phosphate cements, under as lithium (di)silicate crowns in in-vitro studies.7,8 As already
the same conditions.37 Classic glass-ionomer cements are mentioned, it is not yet sufficiently certain whether this mater-
therefore an interesting alternative for use with high-strength ial class can provide stable long-term stable wear resistance in
ceramics (lithium disilicate and zirconia); they provided suffi- the load-bearing posterior arch.25 In a clinical study of crowns
cient retention for implant-supported crowns in in-vitro stud- made of a CAD/CAM composite (Lava Ultimate) on zirconia
ies.38,39 In addition, the amount of excess material can be signifi- abutments, 80% of CAD/CAM composite crowns showed a loss
cantly reduced by a special adhesive technique that optimizes of retention after only 1 year; 6% of crowns had fractured.26 No
the amount of adhesive introduced at delivery.33 retention loss occurred In the control group with lithium disili-
Metal-free single-tooth restorations can also be screw- cate crowns on identical abutments and using the same
retained to completely eliminate the risk of excess cement cementing agent.26 Crowns made of hybrid ceramics (Enamic)
while at the same time providing retrievable superstructures. and crowns made of PEEK, on the other hand, might meet the
The advantage of retrievability, however, is balanced by the dis- requirements for definitive tooth-colored implant-supported
advantage of having to provide an occlusal screw channel. In single-tooth restorations.7,8 Once again, however, insufficient
some cases, the alignment of the implant axis will rule out a results from long-term clinical studies are available for these
screw-retained solution, for example if the screw axis channel implant-supported metal-free single-tooth restorations.
would be located labially in the anterior region.40 If a screw-re-
tained restoration is preferred, the question also arises as to
whether a zirconia framework is required for a ceramic or other
tooth-shaded restoration.15 On the basis of the data available so far, the following recom-
An alternative solution is restoring single-tooth implants mendations can be made.
with hybrid-abutment lithium disilicate crowns, which can be The best evidence currently exists for lithium disilicate and
fabricated using the pressing technique (IPS e.max Press, Ivo- zirconia ceramics used as metal-free materials for metal-free
clar Vivadent) or CAD/CAM. implant-supported single-tooth restorations. Internal implant
With CAD/CAM, the connection with the titanium adhesive connections appear to be associated with a higher fracture risk
base is already provided by the manufacturer; only the external than external connections in one-piece ceramic abutments.
geometry is processed by the CAD/CAM system. In these hybrid Among other critical parameters, the restorative vertical height
abutment crowns, the abutment and crown are merged to form (RVH) was identified.28 This risk can be circumvented by using
a coherent structure (see Figs 1, 5, and 7). This “streamlining” of titanium bases in the form of a hybrid abutment plus a separate
the restoration represents a very efficient alternative to conven- crown, or a hybrid abutment crown.21,28,44 Monolithic crowns
tional metal-free crowns on hybrid abutments as there is no tran- made of lithium (di)silicate or zirconia frameworks with a sintered
sition between the abutment and the restoration. In addition to lithium (di)silicate veneer appear to be suitable as definitive
the biologic benefits, there could also be an esthetic advantage, superstructures. These materials appear to have a failure mode
because even if the abutment becomes exposed due to soft-tis- that protects the implant, as their strength is lower than that of
sue recession, it will not present with a different color. In addi- zirconia.8,15 In the case of solutions that are not screw-retained, a
tion, lithium disilicate ceramics are easier to bond to the titanium classic cement (eg, glass-ionomer cement) should be preferred
base than zirconia (Fig 3b). Attempts to perform air-particle abra- for the definitive connection of a ceramic crown, as this makes
sion as required to activate zirconia surfaces, on the other hand, the removal of excess cement easier.37 Sufficient long-term clini-
will yield suboptimal results due to the specific geometry of the cal data are not yet available for polymer-based materials for this
hybrid abutments. It should be noted, however, that only few indication. However, preliminary clinical results appear to cast
in-vitro studies of this concept have been carried out and that doubt on the use of CAD/CAM composites for crowns.26
scientifically reliable clinical data are still pending.11,15,41 Also, the
reaction to the lithium disilicate of the soft tissue in the peri-im-
plant emergence space should be investigated and compared
with today’s standard materials, titanium and zirconia.42,43
Nor do sufficient long-term clinical data exist for polymer- The authors thank MDT Evelyn Neubauer, Landshut, Germany,
based single-tooth restorations. CAD/CAM composite-resin for the laboratory support in Figures 3a to 3f.

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Daniel Edelhoff Josef Schweiger Certified Dental Technician, Head of Dental

Laboratory, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Munich University
Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany

Otto Prandtner Master Dental Technician, Plattform Laboratory,

Munich, Germany

Michael Stimmelmayr Associate Professor, Department of Pros-

thetic Dentistry, Munich University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich,

Daniel Edelhoff Director and Chair, Department of Prosthetic Jan-Frederik Güth Associate Professor, Department of Prosthetic
Dentistry, Munich University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Dentistry, Munich University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich,
Germany Germany

Correspondence: Prof Dr Daniel Edelhoff, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Munich University Hospital, LMU Munich, Goethestrasse
70, 80336 München, Germany. Email: daniel.edelhoff@med.uni-muenchen.de

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