in Vitro Performance of CAD CAM Fabricated Implant Supported Temporary Crowns. Martin Rosentritt. 2017. Clin Oral Invest

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Clin Oral Invest

DOI 10.1007/s00784-017-2057-7


In-vitro performance of CAD/CAM-fabricated

implant-supported temporary crowns
Martin Rosentritt 1 & Philipp Raab 1 & Sebastian Hahnel 1 & Matthias Stöckle 1 &
Verena Preis 1

Received: 14 September 2016 / Accepted: 10 January 2017

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2017

Abstract 1253.0 N (Chair-T) [CHAIR]. Tested groups showed signifi-

Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the in- cantly (p < 0.001) different fracture values. Failure pattern was
vitro performance and fracture resistance of a temporary characterized by fractures in mesial-distal, buccal-oral, or
computer-aided designed and computer-aided manufactured mixed (mesial-distal/buccal-oral) directions, with differences
polymethylmethacrylate (CAD/CAM-PMMA) material as for the individual groups.
implant or tooth-supported single crown with respect to the Conclusions Temporary CAD/CAM crowns showed no dif-
clinical procedure (permanently bonded/temporarily ferent in-vitro performance but provided different fracture re-
cemented). sults that depended on cementation, screw channel, and type
Materials and methods Sixty-four crowns were fabricated on of abutment.
implants or human molar teeth simulating (a) labside proce- Clinical relevance All bonded and screwed PMMA crowns
dure on prefabricated titanium-bonding base ([TiBase] im- were in a range where clinical application seems not restricted.
plant crown bonded in laboratory, screwed chairside), (b)
labside procedure ([LAB] standard abutment and implant Keywords CAD/CAM composites . PMMA, temporary .
crown bonded in laboratory, screwed chairside), (c) chairside Provisional, chewing simulation . Implant crown . Abutment .
procedure ([CHAIR] implant crown bonded to abutment), and Fracture resistance
(d) reference ([TOOTH] crowns luted on prepared human
teeth). Crowns were made of a CAD/CAM-PMMA tempo-
rary material (TelioCAD, Ivoclar-Vivadent). For investigating Introduction
the influence of fixation, half of the crowns were permanently
(P) or temporarily (T) bonded. Combined thermal cycling and Temporary computer-aided designed and computer-aided
mechanical loading (TCML) was performed simulating a 5- manufactured (CAD/CAM) implant-supported crowns restore
year clinical situation. Fracture force was determined. Data esthetics and guarantee function during the restoration process
were statistically analyzed (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one- or the osseointegration of dental implants. The temporary
way ANOVA; post hoc Bonferroni, α = 0.05). crown can be fabricated from polymethylmethacrylate-
Results All restorations survived TCML without visible fail- (PMMA), composite-, or polyetheretherketone- (PEEK)
ures. Fracture results varied between 3034.3 (Tooth-P) and based materials and should provide dimensional and marginal
1602.9 N (Tooth-T) [TOOTH], 1510.5 (TiBase-P) and stability and resistance to functional occlusal loading [1–3].
963.6 N (TiBase-T) [TiBase], 2691.1 (LAB-P) and Besides paste/paste bis-acrylate- and powder/liquid MMA-
2064.5 N (LAB-T) [LAB], and 1609.4 (Chair-P) and based materials, multiple polymer-based materials are avail-
able as CAD/CAM blocks [4]. These materials are polymer-
* Verena Preis
ized under controlled and standardized industrial conditions at
[email protected] high pressure and temperature, resulting in an improved con-
version and reduced residual monomer content [5]. With the
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, University Medical Center fabrication process, physical material properties [6, 7] and
Regensburg, 93042 Regensburg, Germany wear resistance [8] are improved compared to conventionally
Clin Oral Invest

polymerized materials. In return, the high conversion reduced conditioned (SR Connect; Bluephase Style 40s, Ivoclar
the ability of bonding to resin-based bonding materials [9–12]. Vivadent) prior to cementation as recommended by the
CAD/CAM materials are increasingly used as implant- manufacturer.
supported temporary or as long-term therapeutic restorations Four groups (n = 16 per group) were designed to simulate
for the pretreatment of complex clinical cases involving the the following clinical procedures (Fig. 1):
adjustment of the occlusal plane [3, 13, 14]. Special CAD/
CAM blocks are even manufactured with a prefabricated in- – Group BTOOTH^ (reference): crowns were bonded on
terface for the direct cementation onto a titanium-adhesive prepared human molar teeth.
base allowing a chairside screw-retained fixation of the tem- – Group BTiBase^ labside procedure: Telio CAD A16—
porary crown, easy retrievability, and ease of maintenance abutment solutions with a prefabricated interface and
[15–17]. The prefabricated interface provides an easy han- the titanium-adhesive base (Ti Base, Sirona, G) were lut-
dling and an optimized adaptation to the abutment. Screw- ed in the dental laboratory resulting in a temporary hybrid
retained hybrid abutments offer the elimination of deep sub- abutment crown. After the excess material was removed,
mucosal abutment shoulders and avoid excess cement which the restoration was screwed onto the implant analog. The
may lead to inflammatory reactions of the gingival tissue with screw access channel was sealed with composite
adjacent marginal bone loss. (Monobond Plus, Filtek Supreme; Elipar Trilight 40s,
Implant placement with immediate provisionalization is a 3M Oral Care, USA).
state of the art in implant dentistry, especially in the esthetic – Group BLAB^ labside procedure: a screw access channel
zone, and temporary restorations may be important for control- was manually drilled into the central fossa of the
ling the osseointegration [18] and may help forming the emer- prefabricated temporary crown (diamond red, 1.5 mm,
gence profile and visualizing the permanent solution [19–23]. water cooling). The crowns were bonded on the
To date, only limited scientific in-vivo information is avail- implant-abutment dummy. Then, the excess material
able for the performance of such restorations. Therefore, in- was removed, and the screw access channel was sealed
vitro aging and tests on the fracture resistance of CAD/CAM- with composite.
fabricated implant-supported temporary crowns may provide – Group BCHAIR^ chairside procedure: the crowns were
the first prediction of their mechanical performance and clin- directly bonded on the implant-abutment dummy and the
ical durability. excess material was removed.
The hypothesis of this investigation was that temporary
CAD/CAM crowns show different in-vitro performance and
fracture resistance when: For group TOOTH, 16 extracted human molars were pre-
pared according to ceramic and CEREC guidelines with a 1.5-
– Crowns were (I) permanently or (II) temporarily bonded mm axial and occlusal anatomical reduction and a 1-mm cir-
and cumferential deep shoulder margin with rounded inner angles
– Crowns were fixed on different abutments ((a) titanium- at an equigingival level of the tooth cervix and a convergence
adhesive base in the laboratory and screwed onto an im- angle of 4°. The teeth were vertically positioned in resin
plant chairside (group TiBase), (b) abutments bonded in blocks (Palapress Vario, Heraeus-Kulzer, G), and the roots
the laboratory and screwed onto an implant chairside of the teeth were coated with a 1-mm polyether layer
(group LAB), (c) crowns bonded chairside (group (Impregum, 3M Oral Care, USA) simulating the resilience
CHAIR)), or (d) crowns boned on the human teeth (group of the human periodontium. To achieve a similar layer, the
TOOTH, reference). roots were dipped in wax, which was replaced by polyether,

Materials and methods

A total of 64 temporary crowns were fabricated from a

PMMA-based CAD/CAM temporary restorative material
(Telio CAD, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, FL), by the chairside
CAD/CAM-system (Cerec, MCXL, Sirona, G). All crowns
were either permanently bonded (BP^, Multilink Automix,
Ivoclar Vivadent) or temporarily bonded (BT^, Telio CS Fig. 1 Scheme of the groups from left to right: TiBase, LAB, CHAIR,
Link, Ivoclar Vivadent). Inner sides of the crowns were and TOOTH
Clin Oral Invest

as described in previous studies [24, 25]. All teeth were not failure in a universal testing machine (1446, Zwick,
conditioned prior to temporary bonding. For permanent bond- v = 1 mm/min). In order to prevent force peaks, a tin foil
ing, primer was used (Multilink Primer A and B, Ivoclar (0.25 mm, Dentaurum, G) was positioned between crown
Vivadent) according to the instructions of the manufacturer. and antagonist. After fracture testing, all crowns were optical-
To simulate a clinical implant situation, (groups CHAIR, ly examined and appearing failures were documented.
LAB) 16 × 2 implant-abutment dummies (Straumann, G, titani- Statistical analysis was performed with IBM SPSS Software
um grad IV, d = 4.1 mm, H = 12 mm, abutment length = 6 mm, 6°) (v. 20.0, IBM Chicago, IL, USA). Normal distribution of data
were vertically positioned in resin blocks (Palapress Vario, was assessed with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Means and
Heraeus-Kulzer). Abutments were pretreated (110 μm Al2O3, standard deviations were calculated by using one-way analy-
1.5 bar) and activated with coupling agent (Monobond Plus, sis of variance (ANOVA) and subsequent posthoc analysis
60s, Ivoclar-Vivadent) prior to cementation. For group TiBase, (Bonferroni test) where appropriate. The level of significance
the titanium-adhesive base (Ti Base SBL 4.1 L, Sirona, G) was was set to α = 0.05.
mounted on a matching implant laboratory analog (Strauman
analog RC, Ref. 025.4101) using the applied abutment screw.
Implant laboratory analogs with titanium-adhesive base abut- Results
ments were positioned in resin blocks. Only for permanent bond-
ing, the base was pretreated (50 μm Al2O3, 1.5 bar, Monobond All restorations survived TCML without visible failures. Small
Plus) (Table 1). wear traces were found in the occlusal contact areas. After
The prepared teeth and implant situations were digitalized TCML, fracture results in the six different groups varied be-
using scanbodies (Cerec Omnicam, Sirona, G). The temporary tween 3034.3 (Tooth-P) and 1602.9 N (Tooth-T) [TOOTH],
molar crowns were designed (SW4.03, Cerec AC, Sirona) 1510.5 (TiBase-P) and 963.6 N (TiBase-T) [TiBase], 2691.1
with identical shapes and the default settings for Telio CAD (LAB-P) and 2064.5 N (LAB-T) [LAB], and 1609.4 (Chair-P)
and fabricated (Cerec, MCXL, Sirona). Inner sides of the and 1253.0 N (Chair-T) [CHAIR] (Fig. 2). Significantly
crowns were sandblasted (110 μm Al2O3, 1.5 bar). (p < 0.001) different fracture values were found among the
A combined thermal cycling and mechanical loading tested groups (Table 2). The predominant failure type was a
(TC = 2 × 3000 cycles between 5/55 °C distilled water, central fracture of the crown with partly remaining crown frag-
ML = 50 N for 1.2 × 10 6 cycles, f = 1.6 Hz, mouth ments attached to the abutment (Fig. 3). The groups [TOOTH]
opening = 2 mm) with 12-mm steatite balls (CeramTec, showed significantly (p < 0.001) higher fracture values com-
Plochingen, G) as standardized antagonists was performed in a pared to the other groups except from group [LAB]. Fracture
chewing simulator (EGO, Regensburg, G). Crowns were loaded values of crowns with screw channel [LAB] were higher than
with three points of contact in occlusal plane. Tests are equiva- those without [CHAIR]. Significantly (p = 0.012) different frac-
lent to approximately 5 years of clinical service time [26, 27]. ture forces were found for permanent cementation when com-
After TCML, all crowns were investigated in detail with paring group [LAB-P] and group [CHAIR-P]. If a temporary
microscope and intact restorations were loaded to fracture. cementation was selected, no significant differences were found
Fracture force was determined by loading the crowns to (p = 0.187) between group [LAB-T] and group [CHAIR-T].

Table 1 Materials

Code Cement Composition Manufacturer

CS Telio CS Link 55–56% DMA, ∼43% inorganic fillers, catalysts, stabilizers, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, FL
MA Multilink Automix 32–33% DMA, HEMA, ∼65% inorganic fillers (barium glass, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, FL
ytterbium), Ba-Al-fluorosilicate glass, catalysts, stabilizers, pigments
PMMA Telio CAD/Telio CAD Abutment 99.5% PMMA, pigments Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, FL
Composite Filtek Supreme XTE flow 10–25% Bisphenol A bis(3-methacryloyloxypropyl)ether DMA 3M Oral Care, St. Paul, USA
5–10% bisphenol-A-diglycidyl-MA
5–10% 2-propionacid, 2-methyl-, 3-
5–10% 2,2′-ethylendioxydiethylDMA
<5% ytterbiumfluorid
<2% polycaprolacton polymer
50–60% inorganic fillers
Bonding Monobond plus 4% Bonding monomers Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, FL
96% ethanol
Clin Oral Invest

Fig. 2 Mean fracture foce [N] as TOOTH

comparison of the individual 3500
groups with permanent (P) or 3000
temporary (T) cementation





Fracture values of the crowns with prefabricated screw channel fabricated temporary molar crowns could be partly confirmed.
[TiBase] were significantly (p < 0.009) lower compared to the For all groups, we found no failures during TCML and there-
crowns with a manually drilled one [LAB], independently of the fore no influence of the type of cementation on the in-vitro
type of cementation. Failure pattern was characterized by frac- performance. With permanent bonding, higher fracture values
tures in mesial–distal, buccal–oral or mixed (mesial–distal/buc- in comparison to the temporary bonding were found. This
cal–oral) directions (Figs. 3, 4). Both TOOTH-groups provided may be attributed to the reduced bonding of the temporary
mixed fractures and fractures in buccal-oral direction. Only for adhesive to abutment and crowns. A lower-filled content and
group TOOTH-P, two fractures of the cusps were found. The the lack of hydrophilic monomers (HEMA) (Table 1) contrib-
main type of fracture for both TiBase-groups and group LAB-T ute to the lower fracture results for the temporary bonded
was fracture in the mesial–distal direction. Both CHAIR-groups groups, especially in the TOOTH-group: temporarily
and group LAB-P mainly showed mixed fractures (Fig. 4). cemented crowns on the human teeth showed only about
50% (1400 N) of the fracture results in comparison to their
permanently bonded references. On abutments, the differ-
Discussion ences between permanent and temporary cementation were
smaller, ranging up to 620 N [TiBase]. The smallest differ-
The first part of the hypothesis that the type of cementation ences of about 350 N were found, when the crowns had no
(permanently versus temporarily bonded) influences the in- occlusal screw channel [CHAIR]. The temporarily cemented
vitro performance and fracture resistance of CAD/CAM- crowns provided about 65% [TiBase] and more than 75%
[CHAIR, LAB] of the fracture forces of the comparable per-
Table 2 Fracture force (N) of the different groups (identical letters manent groups. Different failure types between permanent and
indicate no significant differences among the groups (p < 0.05)) temporary cementation were found only for groups LAB and
TOOTH. These results confirm literature data that the type of
Group Cement Fracture force [N] ± SD [N]
cementation significantly influences fracture results of resin-
Tooth-P Adhesive 3034.3 ± 439a,e based restorations [6]. Materials with lower strength (flexural
Tooth-T Temporary 1602.9 ± 407b,c,d,f,g,h strength = Telio CAD 130 MPa) benefit from permanent
TiBase-P Adhesive 1510.5 ± 594b,c,d,f,g,h bonding in comparison to high-strength materials
TiBase-T Temporary 963.6 ± 421b,c,d,g,h (zirconia = 1200 MPa). For materials with higher strength
LAB-P Adhesive 2691.1 ± 1098a,e,f, such as lithium-disilicate or zirconia, no significant different
LAB-T Temporary 2064.5 ± 569b,c,e,f,g fracture results between permanently and conventionally
Chair-P Adhesive 1609.4 ± 393b,c,d,f,g,h cemented restorations were reported [26, 28, 29]. Previous
Chair-T Temporary 1253.0 ± 281b,c,d,f,g,h studies showed that resin-based materials with lower modulus
of elasticity and flexural strength offer a higher resistance
Clin Oral Invest

Fig. 3 Example failure type after

fracture test (TiBase: right
permanent; left temporary)

against catastrophic failure compared to ceramic crowns [30, 4 mm) for a prepared tooth. For the abutments, the support
31]. For resin-based materials, a protective effect due to higher is located straight below the fissure, which is the thinnest
damping and shock-absorbing capacity in comparison to ce- occlusal part of the crown and designed as an occlusal neck.
ramics was confirmed earlier [28, 32]. Sufficient strength with Local stress peaks on the top of the abutment may cause cat-
functional stability and reliable adherence between the resto- astrophic overloading and fracture of a low strength resin-
ration and abutment is a major prerequisite for the clinical based material. Here, further tests are required for investigat-
success of temporary CAD/CAM-fabricated crowns [32]. ing these influences.
Therefore, an adequate pretreatment of the prepared teeth/ Under clinical conditions, chewing forces might be directly
abutments, a sufficient strength of the crown materials and transferred from the crown to the abutment, leading to a higher
good bonding of the cement are found important factors for stress on the screw and the implant-abutment interface [34].
guaranteeing a sufficient cementation [33, 34]. Further, a compromised proprioception of patients with
The results indicate that fracture forces were strongly de- implant-supported restorations can result in a higher bite force
pendent on the type of abutment. During the in-vitro perfor- during functional loading [35]. In this context, it should be
mance, no failures and therefore no influence of the abutment mentioned that a higher stability of the materials might be
could be determined. Thus, the second part of the hypothesis generally required for implant-supported restorations [29].
could be partly confirmed, too. Crowns on the human teeth The presence of a screw channel and the geometry of the
showed the highest fracture data on most groups, besides abutment are also critical factors for the success of a fixed
LAB-T. This is in contrast to earlier data that the crowns on dental restoration. In general, the screw channel is expected
high-modulus (metal-based) abutments showed higher frac- to reduce the stability of screw-retained restorations [36–38],
ture data in comparison to comparable low-modulus teeth but present data show an unexpected influence of the screw
[29, 33]. The damping effects of the artificial periodontium channel. When crowns were bonded under identical condi-
for the tooth groups may have caused a more even force dis- tions on identical abutments, the crowns with a manually in-
tribution and aligning of the crown to the occlusal loading. duced screw channel showed higher stability with values of
This resulted in a different fracture pattern with mixed but also 800 (temporary) and 1000 N (permanent) in comparison to
buccal-oral and cuspal fracture. A small valuation of the load- crowns without screw channel. Reasons might be a local stress
ing areas may help to discuss the results: based on the assump- reduction on top of the abutment. The load is not directly
tion of a molar crown diameter of about 10 mm, less than 10% transferred to the crown material itself but to the restorative
of the occlusal area is supported by the artificial abutment screw channel filling. Another potential explanation would be
(diameter 2 mm) in comparison to about 80% (diameter that the screw channel allows a better flow during cementation
and thus a more homogenous distribution of the cement and a
more equal and thinner layer of cement. This drain may also
avoid a local cement accumulation. These results are in agree-
6 ment with a recent study, which found that an increased ce-
5 ment layer thickness over 50 μm reduces the fracture strength
4 of CAD/CAM ceramic crowns [39]. Present findings are sup-
3 ported by data that showed that the clinically relevant mechan-
2 ical stability of all crowns was not negatively influenced by
1 the presence of a screw channel [40].
0 A clear effect was observed for the type of screw channel,
which was similar for both types of cementation. About 1100 N
higher fracture results were found for both LAB groups
Fig. 4 Number and type of failure after fracture test (mesial-distal: m-o; (manual screw channel) in comparison to the TiBase-group
buccal-oral: b-o; mixed mesial-distal/buccal-oral: m-d/b-o; fracture cusp: c) (prefabricated channel). Noticeable are the high standard
Clin Oral Invest

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