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Why Is The Internet Important

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Why is the Internet important?


25 Answers

Shaheer Siddiqui

Shaheer Siddiqui, great man its just awsome

Answered Apr 20, 2018 · Author has 92 answers and 285.7k answer views

Originally Answered: Why is the internet important?

The internet has undoubtedly become a huge part of our lives. Many people in today’s generation
are relying in the internet to do a lot of different tasks. In fact, wherever you go these days, you can
see people holding some sort of gadgets and using the internet to play games or search things that
they want. But of course, the internet is not just about entertainment. It’s also useful in many other
things as well.

Today, many students are using the internet to do research and complete their assignments. Since
the internet is full of information, most students use this as a source of education. In fact, there are
now even online programs and courses available, which people can easily access to study and learn
other things even while they’re at the comfort of their homes. Years ago, if you wanted to find
something out, you would have to run at a public library and look through a pile of books, which is
very tiring and time-consuming. But now, with just a few clicks of your mouse, you can already get
any information you need.

Years ago, when you also wanted to buy something, such as food, shoes, or any items, you would
go to a shop or restaurant to get that thing you need. But now, you can easily Google the product
you want and have it delivered directly to your door! In fact, you can now even pay your bills and
file your taxes online. Hiring people you need is also made much easier with the use of internet. If
you need a plumber or a bookkeeper, for instance, you can conveniently search online, look through
various websites, and choose the one that you believe can provide you the service you need.
Amazing, right?

But that’s not just something that internet can do. Internet is also very important when it comes to
communication. Before, when people wanted to speak with someone who lives in a distant place,
they would have to reach a phone and make a phone call. If they don’t have any access to a phone,
they would write a letter, which usually takes a few days to arrive. But now, there are emails and
social media, wherein you can instantly send messages to your loved ones. You can even make a
video call and see the person even if he or she is at the other side of the world! This advantage also
benefits other industries as well, particularly the entrepreneurs and business owners. If before,
business owners would have to travel overseas to speak to a client, now they can make negotiations
even if they are at the comfort of their own office.

There are really so many things that internet can do for us. In fact, many people in today’s
generation can’t imagine life now without having this technological advantage. This is also the very
reason why technology experts are doing all the best they can to improve our technology even more.
Service providers also promise to improve their service because they know how vital is internet to
people’s lives today.

Importance of the Internet

I think most probably that this [internet] technology will be helpful, to get information easily. In that
way it will make clear what is truth, what is reality and what is false propaganda. I think that provided
each individual uses their own intelligence or mind to investigate further, this technology should be
very useful.

— His Holiness the Dalai Lama (From a BBC forum held 23 feb 2000)

On this page: what is "the internet"? why is it important to you? why is it important to your

What is "the internet"?

Technically, the "internet" is all the computers in the world that are connected, including the
technologies (routers, servers, etc (which are also computers actually) as well as the wires and
antennas that keep all the computers talking to each other.

So the "internet" is not just your web email. It is everything that goes over those wires from one
computer to another: the email itself, web sites, messenger (such as Yahoo Messenger or MSN
Messenger), phone calls on Skype, messages from an ATM to a bank, ...

The words "Internet" and "Web" are often used interchangeably. Strictly speaking, the "Internet"
would be everything that goes between computers, and the "Web" would be ... websites.

importance of the internet to you

Because of all these things, the "internet" is a gigantic library, as well as a world-wide message
board, telephone network, and publishing medium. It is open 24 hours a day, and you can find
anything you want there, and say anything you want.
As well as current events and blogs, information about almost any subject is available in depth and
up to date. This is incredibly valuable for every subject you can imagine. Almost every college and
government research organization is "on the web", along with libraries, educational institutions,
associations, and many commercial directories and sites,

If you appreciate the richness of the Web and the Internet, and get the benefits yourself, then you
will be better able to provide services on them. You don't have to know how to do those technical
things yourself — but if you know what is useful, then you will be able to direct your technical staff.

importance of the internet to your organisation

What does your organisation do?

Broadly, i think one could classify your organisation's jobs into something like this:


with other organisations, with your members, with your staff, with your supporters and donors.

some great ways: letters, phone calls, faxes, meetings

additional ways: email, messenger, web pages, mail lists, web site message boards

"Publishing" your message to the world.

some great ways: books, journals, brochures, press releases, workshops, conferences, lectures.

additional ways: website with conference proceedings, PDF files of your publications, blogs,

"Customer support"

the people you are helping through your organisation.

Nothing is better than people with people: interviews, workshops, conferences, classes.

additional ways can help them when you aren't there: email, messenger, web pages, mail lists, web
site message boards. With video-conferencing, podcasting and other great web tools, you can even
have workshops and classes online.


on the news, issues, papers and literature relevant to your cause.

some great ways: books, magazines, journals, papers

additional ways: websites, search engines to find materials world-wide, mail lists

What's the advantage of these "additional internet ways"? They just look confusing so far.
Yes, they do look confusing, probably because they are new to you. Books and paper looked very
confusing to you when you first started to read — you just don't remember because it was a loooong
time ago!

Increase credibility

These days, if a company or an organisation doesn't have a website, it doesn't exist.

The more information and services an organisation provides online, the more professional it appears
to the public.

Increase exposure

When journalists, researchers, etc want to find out about something these days, they don't write
letters asking for brochures — they search on the web, and subscribe to newsfeeds.

They can get information any time of day or night, and easily save it and sort through it.

Greater quantity and quality of inquiries

Quantity: People can contact you easily and immediately, through your email address on your site,
or even better, through a form on your site.

Quality: When people contact you, they have already searched for your information at least once
already. So they have already shown they are interested, and through your website they are already

Increase donations and sales.

Donating or ordering directly from a website can be as easy as typing in a card number and clicking
a button.

Reduce cost per contact.

The ultimate cost of doing "business" on the Internet is much lower than by print brochures and
letters by post.

Increased access to your information.

The information you supply is available to the world 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

It is easily findable through internet search sites, unlike a brochure that can slip underneath a pile
of other literature never to be seen again!

With a website, you can easily keep your information always current and up-to-date.

Gain full access to a seemingly infinite supply of current information.

As well as current events and blogs, information about almost any subject is available in depth and
up to date. This is incredibly valuable for every subject you can imagine. Almost every college and
government research organization is on the Internet, along with libraries, educational institutions,
associations, and many commercial directories and sites,

Maintain information that's "up to the minute" accurate.

With printed materials, the information you deliver can be out of date even before you get it back
from the printer. Often, providing updated materials involves throwing out old materials that you
had paid for. Materials on the internet however, can be brought up to date immediately at little
cost. Also, because there is only one copy people are referring to, you can know that your readers
are seeing current information — and not an out-dated brochure, that they forgot to replace with
the new copy you mailed to them at your expense!

Save on printing costs.

You can reduce your printed materials to shorter brochures and pamphlets, and in them refer the
reader to the wealth of information available 24 hours a day on your site.

Reduce phone usage and staff load.

By having information on your website, available to the entire world, 24 hours a day, you can greatly
reduce the time your staff must spend on the phone or answering letters or emails, providing this
same information.

Reduce postage, express mail and courier service, and phone costs.

Using email and mail lists, you can send large amounts of information to many people, for little or
no cost.

Increase your "green rating".

By using electronic media instead of print whenever possible, you reduce the amount of paper, ink,
and related materials you consume and discard — helping our poor over-worked planet (and
ultimately ourselves, since that planet is where we have to live!).

And this list mostly concerns using websites and email. I haven't even started on the possiblities of
online forums, blogs, wikis, video conferencing, ...

And they also look like more work! What do you need to do this?

I cannot tell a lie: They are more work. But they will reward you thousands of times over.

You need to learn new skills, to understand how to use the internet so that you can use it effectively,
and to be able to get your staff trained, and to hire new staff who can use it effectively.

You need to have at least one technically-oriented person on your staff. For example:

Websites don't make themselves, and once made, they don't update themselves. Unlike books,
which once published are "done", most of the work on a website is done after it goes live. That's
where the benefit is — that it is always current — but that's where the work is too!
If email isn't working right, or someone is having trouble transferring a file, it is much more efficent
to have someone right in the office who knows how to help. I've seen problems with calling in
outside people in two ways: One is, they often aren't actually very skilled. So it's a big waste of time,
and still nothing gets solved. And two, even if skilled, they have to take time to figure out the
particular details of the setup in your office. A staff person will already know, because they use the
setup themselves.

If your technical staff person has knowledge of networks, computer graphics, or web programming,
then you have a great resource for making your website and internet tools even more useful and

Importance of Internet in our life a year ago 12368 views by Vivian Falae The role of Internet in
modern society cannot be understated. Most of us hardly remember the times when there was no
Internet. Some did not even experience life before Internet. But what exactly is Internet? What do
we use it for? Why has it become so important? The answers to these questions and more you can
find in this article. What is Internet? If you do not know, the Internet is a network that connects
hundreds of millions of electronic devices, like computers, smartphones, tablets, laptops etc.
through TCP/IP, or Internet protocol. It provides access to millions of terabytes of information on
any topic imaginable. There is a common misconception that the Internet is synonymous with the
World Wide Web (Web or WWW for short). Actually, the Internet gives you access to the WWW.
The latter can be considered the Internet’s graphical user interface. The Web is the place where the
information is contained. There are billions of pages filled with information called websites. As a
matter of fact, you are on one right now! To get here, you must have used a web browser. A web
browser is an application that lets you use the Internet to view web pages. Simple! Now let’s talk
about the use of Internet. Why do we even need it? Uses of Internet READ ALSO: How to unlock
modem? Well, the answer is simple. Or rather, there are seven simple answers. Here are top 7 ways
you can use the Internet. ❶ Communication. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when
you thing about Internet is communication. If you thought of something else, then please do not
voice it, we are trying to keep it PG here. As the Internet connects millions, or even billions of
devices, it allows people to communicate with each other across the globe. You no longer have to
send letters and wait for weeks, sometimes months for a response. Nowadays, in a matter of
milliseconds, you can connect with whomever you want. ❷ Education. Back in the ‘old days’, you
had to physically go to school or a university and listen to boring lectures. These days, you often still
have to do that. However, now you have an alternative! There are many uses of Internet in
education. Many educational institutions practice online lessons, either for the full class, or for the
person who cannot attend the lesson. In addition, there are plenty of online courses, if you do not
want to commit to a university or college. ❸ Research. Every student knows the struggle of writing
an essay or any other kind of scientific paper. You have to master a topic in a matter of days (if you
are lucky) or several hours (if you are procrastinating). Reading through tons of books is tedious and
time-consuming. That is when the Internet comes to the rescue. With its help, you can find
everything you need on the topic of your choice. However, you need to know where and how to
look. The word research in this instance is not limited to the actual serious scientific research. When
you google how old your favourite music artist is, it also counts as research. Basically, if you are
looking for information via the Internet, you are researching stuff, no matter how serious or
important. ❹ Entertainment. After a long day at the school/uni/work/what have you, everyone
needs to relax a little bit. Most of the time, you cannot be bothered to go out, so the Internet comes
to the rescue! Movies, music, TV shows, YouTube, comics, video games, the list goes on and on.
Every kind of person can find something to entertain themselves with on the Internet. Some of those
things might not be legal or appropriate for children, so there is a certain control. ❺ Work. Some
people go to work every day, sit in a stuffy office until the day is over and then go back home to rest
and repeat the whole thing in the morning. On their jobs, they are most likely using the Internet, be
it for actual work, or for browsing cat memes on the company time. At the same time, some people
lie on their couches in their pyjamas with the laptops on their stomachs and also work thanks to the
magic of Internet. Some jobs do not require physical presence in the work place, so why waste time
and money on transportation, when you have the Internet at your mercy? Internet made browsing
cat memes at work even more comfortable! ❻ Financial transactions. At the end of the day, we all
just want to get paid. But what if your employer is actually on the other continent? Once again, the
Internet can help you with that. Nowadays, all you need to do to perform a financial transaction is
to fill in your credit card details in a specified fields and voila! Now you can receive your money. You
can also use the Internet to spend money. You can pay your tuition or send your parents some
money while you are away. Most importantly, you can buy things! Which leads us to our next point.
❼ Shopping. Online shopping is great. You can get anything (and we mean anything) on the
Internet, and it will be sent to your doorstep. If you are lazy, antisocial or have limited use of your
legs, you can order everything your heart desires online. Even if it is illegal. You can even open up
your own shop and sell things to people from across the world. From arts and crafts projects to old
childhood toys, if you need some cash, use the Internet to sell your stuff and get paid! Now that you
know about the uses of Internet, it is time to talk about its advantages and why it is important.
Advantages of Internet In our digital age, it is hard to imagine our everyday lives without the
Internet. It is used in almost every infrastructure and in many homes. It opened up a new realm of
opportunities to people who could not even dream about it before. The biggest advantage of the
Internet is that it makes things easier and more accessible. As you can see from the previous chapter,
it connects people, lets them learn, work and relax by providing the necessary means. But wait,
there is more: Importance of internet in education is that it allows people learn whatever they want
whenever they want. Most of the information, it can provide, is free, unlike most of the education
in the ‘real world’. Teachers can use it to make their lessons more interesting and engaging. The
importance of Internet for students is that it makes it easier to research things, as well as fact-check
the information that is taught in schools and universities. Role of internet in modern business is to
connect the buyer with the seller, or the supplier with the manufacturer. Role of internet in
marketing is that it allows to research the market, provide customer service or advertise the product
with a press of a button. And most importantly, Internet works as an equalizer. The role of Internet
in development of democratic societies is that it enables people. It lets them find out more about
other countries and cultures, make a choice on who they want to see in the government and
generally be more aware of their rights. Internet is an important tool in building a democracy. Of
course, it has its disadvantages, but the advantages generally outweigh those. These days, we
probably would not be able to live without the Internet. It made us lazy and reliant, sure, but it also
helped so many people feel valid and important. Thank you, Internet, for being there when we need
you the most!

Read more: https://www.legit.ng/1116642-importance-internet-life.html

Why the Internet has So Much Importance in Everyday Life

Why the Internet has So Much Importance in Everyday Life

October 16th, 2016 - Get new posts sent straight to your inbox, click here.


The internet has been described as the ‘decisive technology’ of our century, but how important is it
truly in people’s minds? A survey by a UK broadband provider TP-Link has suggested that some
people think the internet ranks above shelter, food and sleep in its importance in their lives. Another
survey found that the internet is considered more important than daylight by many people.

Here, we look at the ways the internet maintains a high impact presence in our everyday lives, and
in our society as a whole.

Everyday tasks and research

From essentials such as researching clothing and shoes online to the Dr Google phenomenon, the
internet at its most basic level is an indispensable tool we use to research products and services
(including other consumers’ opinions).

We also use the internet to book flights and accommodation, carry out essential tasks like managing
our bank accounts and pay bills, and research everyday problems and questions relating to, for
example, DIY household dilemmas, pet behaviours, or technology problems.

Watching movies, reading or watching the news and finding driving directions are all common
internet-based activities that we do regularly. At this everyday level, the internet has probably
become a staple for many – if not most – users with access to a connection at home and/or at work.

Friendships and social networking

The TP-Link survey mentioned above found that many people consider the internet so central to
their lives because it supported and strengthened their relationships; more than 51 per cent of those
surveyed found the internet helped with friendships. The immediate and rapid connectivity of the
internet allows people to minimise geographical distance and time constraints to connect with their
While friendships are helped along by the internet, apparently the same cannot be claimed for
relationships, with just 7 per cent of respondents stating that the internet has helped with their
romantic lives.

Other evidence suggests that the internet does in fact have a positive impact on sociability, civic
engagement, and familial and friendship ties. This could be through the growth of social networking
platforms and other communication options such as email, chat, and video chat.

Automation of everyday processes

The internet’s potential in this area is yet to be fully realised, but automation of basic personal and
business banking tasks – such as payments and billing – has certainly saved the time of many
consumers and businesses. Other processes that can now be automated via an app include finding
the best route to work given real-time traffic information, and obtaining up-to-date public transport

Updating and syncing your calendars, backing up data to the cloud, and getting weather alerts can
all be automated through the internet. These simple but crucial everyday tasks are otherwise time
consuming for individuals and might not even be carried out if the internet were not available.

Work-life balance

For some people, the internet has already helped them achieve better work-life balance and lifestyle
changes. A study into lifestyle locations found that the internet and its enabling of work-from-home
arrangements has supported many Australians seeking to move to towns that are close to but not
within capital cities. Demographer Bernard Salt says as many as 8 per cent of Australians or one
million people will work from home within ten years.

Businesses and the Internet

Operations and collaboration

While consumers and households can indeed attest to the power and value of the internet in their
lives, the internet has also come to play a critical role in the day-to-day operations of businesses and

Collaboration across and within organisations regardless of geographical dispersion is now a reality.
Businesses can work with their mobile workers, track their vehicles, and communicate with
suppliers and other partners – all in real time. The real-time operational advantage likely gives many
if not all businesses an ability to work more effectively and efficiently, with significant time and cost

Customer acquisition and reach

At another level, internet-based tools have allowed businesses to link with their customers –
whether these are other businesses or consumers – in many more ways. Online marketing is now
considered a vital component in marketing, and businesses can instantly reach potential customers
on the other side of the world with paid advertising.

Delivery channels and new products

Other businesses are selling and delivering their products or services online to their customers,
which has meant the creation of more digital-only products and additional channels for instant
delivery of products or services. For example, ebooks and video on-demand are now popular
products and more brands are offering these digital-only options to consumers.

Other examples include online courses, including whole degree programs, being delivered through
online-only platforms. In this area, the internet has opened up vast new possibilities for businesses
that have moved quickly to take advantage of these new gaps in the market.

Social movements and democracy

The internet has had a strong impact on social movements and possibly the growth of democracy
around the world. The internet’s impact on communication and media channels has meant that
messages can be spread and reach increasingly large audiences at an extremely rapid pace. For
example, while before the internet only those that could purchase TV spots or large newspaper ads
could publicise certain causes, now anyone can set up a blog to express their opinions.

Examples of social movements being impacted or partly driven by the internet or social media
include the Arab Spring and other civic protests around the world. The Occupy Wall Street protests
were also said to have been supported by the internet. All of these examples suggest that the
internet could have a positive impact as far as allowing social movements to flourish.

With its unlimited potential, the internet will continue to flourish and impact our lives in a multitude
of positive ways as technology progresses. Not only has the internet eased business by automating
certain processes and allowing companies to expand their reach, but it has also networked our
society. The digital revolution has already sparked some major socio-cultural shifts, and we should
continue to see the internet transform our lives into the future.
What are the disadvantages of the Internet?

Updated: 11/26/2018 by Computer Hope

Although the Internet is one of man's greatest creations, it also has many disadvantages, several of
which are listed in the following sections.

Bullying, trolls, stalkers, and crime

TrollAnyone who has spent time on the Internet has encountered trolls or abusive people. Another
issue that has increased over the years is cyberbullying.

With people sharing information on the Internet, it's also easier for stalkers to find personal
information about others through various means.

Hidden places on the Internet and the deep web can also be a place for criminals to conduct business
without as much fear of being caught. A global audience also gives criminals more ways to solicit
their goods.

Computer crime information and a list of the types of computer crime.

Pornographic and violent images

In our digital age, there is a nearly infinite amount of content on the Internet. While there are
amazing resources, such as Wikipedia, less desirable content also exists. Consequently, users can
accidentally come across violent or pornographic images that they may not want to view.

Protect children from harmful material and people on the Internet.

Addiction, time waster, and causes distractions

Surfing and playing games on the Internet can quickly become very addictive. This, in turn, makes it
is easy to spend a lot of frivolous time on the Internet instead of doing something productive. On
this same note, the Internet can hamper workplace productivity as well.

Never being able to disconnect from work

log offThe Internet is great for giving its users the ability to work from anywhere. However, that also
means that it may be expected that you are available to work, even if you are not supposed to be
For example, you may be at home and get a notification that you have received an important work-
related e-mail and then end up working on the content of that e-mail without getting paid.

Identity theft, hacking, viruses, and cheating

With access to billions of computers, it makes it easier for computer hackers and malicious users to
hack accounts and steal personal information that could be used for identity theft. The Internet also
connects all computers to each other, which makes it easier for hackers to scan millions of
computers and quickly identify what computers are vulnerable to attack.

The Internet also makes it much easier for students to cheat on their studies or find others on the
Internet to write reports for them or do their homework.

How to protect yourself while on the Internet.

Spam and advertising

It's great that the Internet can be an easy way to reach a much wider audience than traditional
advertising methods (e.g., newspaper, TV, and radio). However, because it is so easy and cheap, it
can mean that you will see more advertising and get more spam in your e-mail Inbox than you may
in real life.

How to stop spam.

Affects focus and patience

The sites we use on the Internet every day have an "instant gratification" effect. They also present
an endless menu of things to think about and experience at any moment, on demand. Getting
information this way rewards fast-paced thinking that shifts focus quickly, which affects your
interactions in general, making you more impatient and less focused on your activities. Try to
balance this natural effect with time away from social media and focused on more productive real-
life activities like exercise or cleaning.

Depression, loneliness, and social isolation

Social networking sites can also lead to depression as many people tend to compare their lives with
others. The Internet and online games make it easier to communicate with others, and although
you may find new connections around the world, it's easy to disconnect from those in your real life.

Health issues and obesity

Carpal Tunnel wrist braceAs with watching TV, spending too much time on the computer surfing the
Internet or playing games can also lead to obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle.

A computer also requires a lot of repetitive movement that can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. For
example, moving your hand from your keyboard to a mouse and typing are all repetitive actions,
which can cause injuries. Taking breaks, keeping the proper posture, and understanding computer
ergonomics can all help delay or prevent these injuries.

How to protect your eyes when using a computer.

Buying things that you don't need

The Internet makes it easy to buy things, that users may find themselves purchasing products
without putting much thought into whether or not they should be. Also, for some people, buying
items on the Internet can become so addictive that it causes serious debt.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of The Internet Essay

Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work written
by our professional academic writers. You can view samples of our professional work here.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays.

Published: Thu, 05 Jul 2018

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Advantages of Internet

3.0 Disadvantages of Internet

4.0 Conclusion
1.0 Introduction

Modern life has become easier and the people of the world have to thanks to the immense
contribution of the internet technology to communication and information sharing. There is no
doubt that internet has made our life become easier and more convenient. We can use internet to
communicate with people around the world, doing business by using internet, make new friend and
know different cultures, searching information, studying and etc.

The internet not only allows for communication through email but also ensures easy availability of
information, images, and products amongst other things. Every day the internet continues to
provide a new facility, something new that is immensely convenient and that makes life more easier
for web users. However, the internet also contains some unwanted elements or disadvantages. The
following are the advantages and disadvantages of the internet.

2.0 Advantages of the Internet

Firstly, the internet can let a person to communicate with people in virtually any parts of the world
through the internet or e-mail, without having to leave his room. E-mail allowed peoples to
communicate with minimum of times. It is now possibles to send a message to any parts of the
world through a simple e-mail address and the message is delivered in matter of seconds. Every
companies is using e-mail in business. The convenience of e-mail has allowed businesses to expand
and communicates with their vendors and customers located all over the world in records times.
Personal communication has also become more easier thanks to e-mail. Chat rooms, video
conferencing are some of the latest additions in this technology and these have allowed peoples to
chat in real time. Besides, there are a lot of messengers services in offering. With the help of such
services, it has become very easy to establish a kind of global friendship where you can share your
thoughts and explore other cultures. The internet also allows people within an organization to easily
communicate and share informations.

Second, information is probably the biggest advantages that internet offers. Internet is a virtual
treasures trove of information. Any kinds of information on any topic under the sun is available on
the internet. The search engines like Google, Yahoo are at your service through the internet. There
is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subjects known to
man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market information,
new ideas and technical support, the lists is simply endless. We can uses these search engines,
websites dedicated to different subjects and large amount of articles and papers are available for
perusal in a matter of a few seconds.
Forums on a number of sites allow peoples to discuss and share their thoughts and informations
with others located at different places all over the world. Whether this information is the latest
news happenings in the world or information about your favourite celebrity, everything is available
at your finger tips. A huge cache of data is available on the internet on every single subjects. With
this storehouse of information people can not only increases their knowledge bank but can do so
without wasting their time through traditional means such as visiting libraries and conducting
exhaustive research. With internet, students can save their times to search for information and
using their time to do other works.

This is particularly relevant for students who can use this wealth of information for their school
projects and also learn new things about the subjects they are interested in. In fact this internet is
for many schools and universities that are now able to assigns projects and work to the students
and follows their progress which can be easily posted on the school or university internal websites.
Online education has grown at a very fast pace since internet allow the development and uses of
innovative tools for imparting education. University students and lecturers can communicate
through internet. Besides, some universities are also offerings far distances courses to make study
become more inefficient and convenience. Internet become a gateway for those who wants to learn
but cannot afford the living fees at foreign countries.

Thirdly, entertainments is another popular reasons why many people prefer to surf the internet. In
fact, the internet has becomes quite successful in trapping the multifaceted entertainment industry.
Downloading games or just surfing the celebrity websites are some of the uses people have
discovered. Even celebrities are using the internet effectively for promotional campaigns. Besides
that, there are numerous games that can be downloaded for free. The industry of online gaming has
tasted dramatic and phenomenal attentions by game lovers. The internet has also revolutionized
the entertainments industry. People nowadays no need to go to a cinema hall to watch your
favourite movie. Instead of watching movies at cinema now have companies offering their services
where you just can downloads or order your favourite movie and watch it with a fast internet
connection. Besides that, you also can download other important software or your favourite music
in a matter of few minutes. There are a number of shareware programs that allow you to share and
download your favourite music and videos. The internet also allows people from different cultures
and background to connect with each other. Internet gaming is a huge business and allow
enthusiastic gamers to compete against each other in games even when they are located far apart.
Likewise dating has also allowed people to find their prospective soul mates.

Through the internet, shopping has also got a complete makeover thanks to the contributions of the
internet. You have many website selling a varieties of products online and one just need to select or
bid for the desired product and entire financial transactions can be conducts through the internet.
E commerce has got a facilities because of the internet and entire global business deals can be
conducted over the internet. Transfer of money is also no longer a times consuming job and with
just a click of a button you can easily transfers funds to any place you wish. Some of these services
of courses come at a price. The internet has made life very convenient. With numerous online
services you can now performs all your transaction online. You can books tickets for a movie,
transfer funds, pay utility bills, taxes etc, and right from your home. Some travel websites even plans
an itinerary as per your preferences and take care of airline tickets, hotel reservation etc. by using
internet, consumers can compare the prices of product before making decisions to purchase.

People who believes that impacts of internet on students is positives said that internet help students
by providing them the handy material and resources for their studies. It is a big reality that now
students takes a lots of help from internet. Students have any problem regarding their studies or
their daily life they can finds lots of solutions of that problem from internet. There they can find out
articles of scholar and other professional people which would be helpful for them. They can take
lectures from different academics on different topics.

One of the most important benefits of internet is that students can earn from internet through
bloggers. Students can take interest on earning through internet. It would be a great source of
income for them and also it would provide them a big experience of writing. The students who are
interested in media and wanted to be a writer in the future must do this work. This would increase
their professional skills which would lead them towards great future.

Students can also use internet for the social connectivity and there are lots of social media websites
which mostly students use for social networking. Such as Facebook, Twitter, Weibo etc are the
famous social networking site. Students can contact themselves with the foreign students and
discuss them on different issue to enhance their skills and knowledge. By using internet wisely,
students can get many information to enrich their knowledge.

3.0 Disadvantages of the Internet

However, for all its advantages and positive aspects, the internet has its dark and ugly side too. The
recent rumours that mongering about racial riots in Kuala Lumpur which in created a furores, just
goes to show how this tool, with its unrivalled reputation as an information assassinations and
company reputations can suffer if internet facilities are abused, especially by those with an axe to

Besides that some students will spend too much of time through the internet. Students are likely to
neglect their studies. If the movie has too strong a hold even elderly people are likely to neglect
some their important work. Students might lose concentrate on their studies because they spent
too much time on internet. Some of them can’t even divide their time to do homework but
they spent their time on watching movie or chatting with their friends through internet.
While the internet has made life easier for people in many ways it is also reflecting an uglier side to
its existence through a number of problems that it has thrown up for its users. With a large amount
of information freely available on the internet theft and misuse of this information is a likely
possibility. Time and again you see cases of people using someone else’s information and research
and passing it off as their own. Children nowadays seem losing their ability to communicate with
others. They are used to communicate with others via internet but they cannot communicate with
others face by face fluent. It was a strange sight that internet had make people losing their ability
to communicate. It is because people now are over depending on internet.

Another problem or disadvantage of the internet is that it has allowed a great deal of anonymity to
a large number of people who may access the different websites, forums and chat rooms available.
This has allowed perverted individuals to at times take advantage of innocent people and abuse
their trust. We can always hear from news that cheaters used internet to make crimes. The cheaters
will make friends with single ladies and cheat them by using sweet words. Lonely single ladies are
very easy get in trap of these cheaters. These cheaters normally will cheat these ladies to bank-in
money to them. Some of the cheaters try to borrow money from these ladies.

There are a host of games that are available on the internet and this has made most children to shun
all outdoor activity. In the absence of physical activity, children can easily fall prey to a lot of lifestyle
related diseases such as obesity, apart from failing to develop interpersonal skills. Apart from these
factors, sitting continuously in front of a computer screen can seriously damage our eyes, and put a
strain on our neck and shoulders. Children are in their developing years and these factors can create
life-long problems for them. Children will become more violence because affected by internet
games. There are too many internet games that contain violence content and it may affect negative
influence to children.

Another disadvantage of internet is harmful to little children. Children nowadays are explored to
internet and they are used to maintain internet as their daily life. This is one of the greatest threats
internet poses to children. Internet has provided an easy medium to children to gain access to
pornography and this can cause them to either become sexually-deviant or sexually-addictive. This
phenomenon has also caused another problem, and that is the increase in prevalence of sexually
transmitted diseases (STD) in children. According to reports, one out of every four teenagers gets
infected with a STD every year. The adult content that is present on the internet promotes
irresponsible sex and creates false notions in the minds of students.

If you have been following news lately then you must know what we are referring to. Children have
been lured by paedophiles posing as good Samaritans and have been physically abused and
molested. Internet has also made it easy for unscrupulous elements to get in touch with children
and this has led to an increase in the cases of kidnapping and identity thefts. About 60% young teens
in the United States have admitted to responding to messages from strangers. This kind of behaviour
is extremely risky and has made children extremely vulnerable to become victims of cyber-crime.

4.0 Conclusion

The points mentioned above have posed new challenges to teachers and parents. There are
demands from various quarters that there should be some sort of regulation to check this issue.
However, we believe that instead of making internet a taboo, we should educate children to use it
for their benefit. It is advisable for parents to monitor how much time their children spend on the
internet, and if possible set a time-limit till which they would be allowed to use the internet. Having
the computer in the living-room instead of a child’s bedroom can also ensure censorship on what
they are accessing on the internet. It is also important that you talk to them about ‘the birds and
the bees’ because if you do not talk to them, they will turn to their friends and internet for answers
which may not provide authentic information. Parents play important role in this content and they
have to pay attention on their children despite them get affected by internet.

Although studies on this disorder are in preliminary stages, it has been established that children who
spend most of their time on the internet, show a peculiar kind of behaviour which is marked by an
urge to be on the internet all the time, so much that the child may show all activities and become
immersed in the virtual world. Surveys conducted over the years have found that most people who
suffer from Internet addiction disorder are young adults, who easily fall into the lure of exploring
everything that is available on the internet. In America alone, it has been estimated that around 10-
15 million people are suffering from internet addiction disorder, and this is increasing at the rate of
25% every year. Internet had controlled some of them who are depending internet in their life
activities. Most of them will get mad if they cannot connect to internet. It becomes a kind of
physiology sickness around us.

The internet focused on the negative effects, it in no way means that we are undermining the
importance of internet in our lives. We have written this article for the internet audience, and you
are reading it through the internet, which itself explains the positive side of internet usage. It is for
us to decide whether we use technology for the betterment of our lives or put it to unabated abuse.
Children may not be mature enough to understand this, but us as parents, teachers and guardians
need to ensure that we inculcate the right behaviour in our children. Lastly, we have to take the
responsibilities to guide out children to use internet wisely and ensure them to get right information
from internet.


The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

February 18th, 2015 31 Comments Mobile Security, Online Privacy, PC security

pros and cons_header

Technology can be defined as applications, instruments, or processes that enhance or simplify the
aspects of everyday life. The vehicle you use to drive to work is an example of technology that
simplifies life. Or, the Internet, as a whole, can be seen as technology that has greatly enhanced our
lives. While the introduction of the Internet led to many benefits, unfortunately, it also came with
its own set of problems. Most significantly, these problems can negatively impact your security and

Let’s address some of the advantages and disadvantages (drawbacks) of the Internet, and what you
can do to keep your security and privacy intact.

Electronic Communications:

The Advantage:

Before the Internet came into existence, to communicate with someone who isn’t in the same room
as you, you would have to call them on a phone. Or if you wanted to send them a note you had to
send a letter through snail mail. With the introduction of the Internet, we now have the ability to
send and receive messages through electronic mail- virtually instantaneously and without the need
of a postage stamp.

ZA Extreme

The Problem:

Unfortunately, the ability to send and receive emails also created a means for cybercriminals to
distribute spam and malware. Malware hiding in email attachments could wreak havoc to your PC
or possibly even create a backdoor for an attacker to infiltrate your system. Through emails,
cybercriminals saw this as another opportunity to play on human emotions and lure victims into
revealing sensitive information through phishing scams.

What You Can Do

In addition to making sure your PC has an antivirus and two-way firewall, the key here is to think
before you click. Did you get an email indicating there was unusual activity with your account and
that you should click on this link to verify? Or, did you receive an email confirmation of a flight you
did not make? In either instance, do not panic. If you’re unsure whether the email is legitimate or
not, the best way to find out is to log into your online account directly to check on the claim. As
always, never open email attachments from a sender you do not know.
Online Shopping:

The Advantage:

With the Internet came the convenience of online shopping. Rather than having to drive to a mall
and wait in long lines to make a purchase, you can now do all of your shopping with a few clicks of
the mouse. In addition, the Internet made it easier for individuals to price compare between
different online retailers to see which one offers the best selections and prices.

The Problem:

While the Internet brought upon convenience for individuals to make online purchases, this also
created yet another way for cybercriminals to steal personal information and to distribute malware.

First, cybercriminals create fake websites that offer goods at unbelievable prices to attract
individuals. For example, during the Holiday Season you might search for the best electronic deals
through a search engine. Cybercriminals can trick you into clicking on their fake website by boosting
their ranking in the search engine results page (SERP) through a technique called SEO poisoning. You
might think you’re making a legitimate purchase, but in actuality the cybercriminal has just taken
hold of your personal information and could now use it to commit identity theft or sell it to the black

Second, cybercriminals can spread malware on legitimate websites by means of drive-by-

downloads. Since popular and legitimate online shopping websites already receive a ton of visitors,
this makes it much easier for cybercriminals to infect a wider reach of computers in a shorter
amount of time. Legitimate websites could unknowingly distribute malware to visitors through
malicious advertisements (or malvertisements) that are run by third-party vendors, or simply by
hackers who have compromised the website itself.

What You Can Do

Rather than using a search engine to search for amazing deals during the Holiday season, it’s better
to go to the official website of the online retailer directly. And if you’re thinking about making a
purchase from unknown online retailers, simply don’t. When it comes to online retailer that might
not be as popular or well-known as Amazon, tools such as MyWOT can give you a better idea of the
reputation of the website. Additionally, PC security that comes with anti-phishing is a must in
helping you avoid fraudulent websites. And just in case the legitimate website you’re visiting has
been compromised, your security software is there to stop the threats before it has a chance to
infect your PC!
Online Banking:

The Advantage:

Nowadays, online banking is practically the norm. You log into your online accounts to pay bills,
transfer funds, or just to check your balance. Prior to online banking, you would have to drive to
your local bank and wait in line for the next teller to have your transactions completed. With the
Internet, you can avoid the line all together simply by remotely logging into your account on your
computer and completing your transaction from there any time of day or night.

The Problem:

While the Internet brought upon efficiency and convenience of banking for consumers, this also
gave cybercriminals a means to potentially steal your hard-earned cash. Cybercriminals could trick
you into downloading a backdoor Trojan that would give them a back entry to your PC, where they
could then record your banking credentials. Or, as mentioned in the section on “Electronic
Communications”, cybercriminals could deceive you into revealing your credentials through a
phishing scam. All of this could be done via the Internet without leaving any trace.

What You Can Do

One of the last things you want to happen to you is for a cybercriminal to have access to your
finances. Cybercriminals can take advantage of vulnerabilities in outdated software and use it to
infect your PC with malware that can steal your banking credentials, so be sure to have adequate
PC security software and to keep your operating system, Web browsers, and other applications up-
to-date. When it comes to accessing your online banking account at a public hotspot, only do so if
you’re connected to a VPN (virtual private network).

The Internet of Things (IoT)

The Advantage:

The main advantage of the Internet is its ability to connect billions of computers and devices to each
other. Not only does the Internet create convenience in sharing and receiving information between
users, another advantage of the modern Internet is its ability for automation. Enter “The Internet of
Things”, where devices and sensors communicate with each other to automatically perform a
designated task or function. For example, a smart thermostat could reduce your energy cost by
automatically adjusting the temperature when it senses you have left the house. Additionally, it
“learns” your heating and cooling preferences and adjusts them to your liking.

The Problem:
While a smart thermostat can aid in reducing your energy cost, the downside is that a hacker could
exploit the hardware of the thermostat and use it to spy on home owners. Since smart thermostats
have access to information such as when you’re home or away, your zip code, and your WiFi
credentials, a hacker who compromises the thermostat will now have access to all of this

Smart thermostats aren’t the only devices vulnerable to attacks. According to a recent study, 70
percent of IoT devices are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This list includes thermostats, TVs, webcams,
sprinkler control systems, home alarms, and door locks- just to name a few. The truth of the matter
is that all of these devices have loopholes and vulnerabilities that could be exploited by just about

What You Can Do

If you chose to use IoT devices, make sure to examine the privacy policies and security features
before making a purchase decision. Also, when new security patches or software updates are
available, you should immediately update to the latest version. And finally, don’t be afraid to contact
the company that manufacturers the device, should you have questions or concerns about the

Never Let Your Guard Down

Are we saying we should go back to how things were before the Internet? Absolutely not! The
Internet offers great opportunity and advancement. However, keep in mind, the more convenient
something is, the less secure it will be making it a lot more vulnerable for a hacker to exploit its
weaknesses. Enjoy what the Internet has to offer, but always be conscious of the potential risks, as
doing so goes a long way to helping you stay more secure in this connected world.


There are many advantages of internet.

1.We can make donations online.

2. We can send and receive information across large matrix of computer systems. Through email
service, we can send messages for both business and personal purposes.

3.Internet has opened doors for virtual online offices.

4.During the festive season, we don’t need to visit crowed stores to buy our stuff. We can make
online purchases at a bargain price.

5.We can send birthday greeting cards through the internet.

6. Before making any purchases, we can check online for user reviews of the products that we intend
to buy.

7.We can use social media applications on our personal computer and mobile devices. In this way,
we can reconnect to our old school friends.

8.We can gather information for new job openings. We can also apply online for jobs.

9.We can earn online by doing freelancing jobs, selling online, completing surveys, affiliate
marketing, etc.

10.We can also sell old items that are of no use for us.

11. During idle time, we can listen to music or watch a video.


The disadvantages of internet are:

1.We often tend to purchase those extra items that we rarely need. Such purchases are a wastage
of money.


The internet is not free. Sometimes, it hurts while paying bills.

3. There are hundreds of vendors selling products of various brands. We get confused with too many

4. The transaction cost levied by the payment gateway providers decreases the margin of the online

5.Too many contradictory review leads us nowhere.

6. The physical distance among loved ones is increasing.

7.Somewhere the emotional connect between people are missing.

8.We feel helpless when the internet connection is down.

9.We always remain engaged with many online activities such as checking emails, socializing,
chatting, online shopping, business-deals, etc. We don’t get time to rest.

10. Our life is moving at the pace of internet. We seldom spare few moments of peace for us.


english IELTS Writing October 21, 2016


1) Information on almost every subject imaginable.

2) Powerful search engines

3) Ability to do research from your home versus research libraries.

4) Information at various levels of study. Everything from scholarly articles to ones directed at

5) Message boards where people can discuss ideas on any topic. Ability to get wide range of
opinions. People can find others that have a similar interest in whatever they are interested in.

6) The internet provides the ability of emails. Free mail service to anyone in the country.
7) Platform for products like SKYPE, which allow for holding a video conference with anyone in the
world who also has access.

8) Friendships and love connections have been made over the internet by people involved in
love/passion over similar interests.

9) Things such as Yahoo Answers and other sites where kids can have readily available help for

10) News, of all kinds is available almost instantaneously. Commentary, on that news, from every
conceivable viewpoint is also available.


1) There is a lot of wrong information on the internet. Anyone can post anything, and much of it is

2) There are predators that hang out on the internet waiting to get unsuspecting people in
dangerous situations.

3) Some people are getting addicted to the internet and thus causing problems with their
interactions of friends and loved ones.

4) Pornography that can get in the hands of young children too easily.

5) Easy to waste a lot of time on the internet. You can start surfing, and then realize far more time
has passed than you realized. Internet and television together of added to the more sedentary
lifestyles of people which further exacerbates the obesity problem.

6) Internet has a lot of “cheater” sites. People can buy essays and pass them off as their own far
more easily than they used to be able to do.

7) There are a lot of unscrupulous businesses that have sprung up on the internet to take advantage
of people.

8) Hackers can create viruses that can get into your personal computer and ruin valuable data.

9) Hackers can use the internet for identity theft.

10) It can be quite depressing to be on the internet and realize just how uneducated so many people
have become in today’s society.


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