Design Thinking Report

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Group 1.

Design Thinking Report Aakriti Mishra PGFA1901

Ankush Birla PGFA1901

Gaurav Khatri PGFA1918

Monal Dey PGFA1928

Surbi Sabharwal PGFA1957

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a process in which we seek to understand the user, challenge assumptions,
and redefine problems in an attempt to identify alternative strategies and solutions that might
not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding. At the same time, Design
Thinking provides a solution-based approach to solving problems. It is a way of thinking and
working as well as a collection of hands-on methods.

Design Thinking revolves around a deep interest in developing an understanding of the

people for whom we’re designing the products or services. It helps us observe and
develop empathy with the target user. Design Thinking helps us in the process of
questioning: questioning the problem, questioning the assumptions, and questioning the
implications. Design Thinking is extremely useful in tackling problems that are ill-defined
or unknown, by re-framing the problem in human-centric ways, creating many ideas
in brainstorming sessions, and adopting a hands-on approach in prototyping and

Phases of Design Thinking:

 Define – your users’ needs, their problem, and your insights
 Ideate – by challenging assumptions and creating ideas for innovative solutions
 Prototype – to start creating solutions
 Test – solutions

Design Thinking is essentially a problem-solving approach specific to design, which involves

assessing known aspects of a problem and identifying the more ambiguous or peripheral
factors that contribute to the conditions of a problem. This contrasts with a more scientific
approach where the concrete and known aspects are tested in order to arrive at a solution.
Design Thinking is an iterative process in which knowledge is constantly being questioned and
acquired so it can help us redefine a problem in an attempt to identify alternative strategies
and solutions that might not be instantly apparent with our initial level of understanding.
Identification of the Problem:

Problem Identification consists of:

1. Clearly identifying the root cause of a problem

2. Developing a detailed problem statement that includes the problem’s effect on the

Many stakeholders are involved in the policy process. Stakeholders are people or
groups closely affected by or concerned with the problem and are interested in
policy solutions for it

The Problem identified by Group 1

The issue of sanitary napkin absent from female’s washroom
The problem in this assignment as a group we have chosen is quite familiar and major concern among
the student girls that are studying in any institute, which is the issue of absent of sanitary napkin from
the female’s washroom in the college premises. It is important for the females in any institute to have
sanitary napkins in the medical rooms and washroom in the college premises because sometimes during
their periods they can forget to bring sanitary napkins with them and it creates a difficult situation for
them. As a result they have to ask their friend for the pads and if they do not have the pads they have to
go to a medical shop in that situation and in that situation very uncomfortable and are worried that they
will get a blood stain and many other things. So for solving this problems we first found stakeholders
relating to this problem and the stake holders we found are as follows:


Core Stake Holders

College Family &

Girls Friends


External Medical
Stakeholder Shops


1. The main problem is that there is no way for a Female to get a sanitary Napkin in the
institution premises if she has not brought her on sanitary napkin.
2. College girls are not allowed to go to washroom during the lectures without asking the
3. There are no Medical Shop near the institution from where they can buy these Sanitary
4. There is no facility of getting a sanitary napkin in the institution premises.

The Journey Map of a college Girl:

In this Journey map we can see the journey a college girl make while facing the problem of not bringing
sanitary napkin to the college.
Empathy Map:

Our group came up with a solution of creating a sanitary napkin vending machine named Sakhi and
installing in our college which will be free of cost.
Suggestions and Conclusion given by our group
 Making Sanitary Napkins available in college/Institute medical room.
 Installing sanitary napkins vending machine free of cost.
 Allowing girls to go to washroom without taking permission during the lectures.
 Government funding for installing the vending machine in all government schools and
 Pass a law for all private schools and colleges to install sanitary pad vending machine.

All colleges and instate should install a vending machine like Sakhi in their premises and if
not they should make some arrangements for the female’s to get a sanitary napkin and
fell comfortable in the premises.

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