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Dari buku Manajemen Operasional oleh Render, Barry

and Jay Heizer, Princi ples Of Oper ations M anagement,
 Prentice Hall, 9th edition.

Chapter 1, Operations and Productivity

Problem 1:

Mance Fraily, the Production Manager at Ralts Mills, can currently expect his operation to
 produce 1000 square yards of fabric for each ton of raw cotton. Each ton of raw cotton
requires 5 labor hours to process. He believes that he can buy a better quality raw cotton,
which will enable him to produce 1200 square yards per ton of raw cotton with the same labor 
What will be the impact on productivity (measured in square yards per labor-hour) if he
 purchases the higher quality raw cotton?

Problem 2:

C. A. Ratchet, the local auto mechanic, finds that it usually takes him 2 hours to diagnose and
fix a typical problem. What is his daily productivity (assume an 8 hour day)?
Mr. Ratchet believes he can purchase a small computer trouble-shooting device, which will
allow him to find and fix a problem in the incredible (at least to his customers!) time of 1
hour. He will, however, have to spend an extra hour each morning adjusting the computerized
diagnostic device. What will be the impact on his productivity if he purchases the device?

Problem 3:

Joanna French is currently working a total of 12 hours per day to produce 240 dolls. She
thinks that by changing the paint used for the facial features and fingernails that she can
increase her rate to 360 dolls per day. Total material cost for each doll is approximately $3.50;
she has to invest $20 in the necessary supplies (expendables) per day; energy costs are
assumed to be only $4.00 per day; and she thinks she should be making $10 per hour for her 1/106
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time. Viewing this from a total (multifactor) productivity perspective, what is her productivity
at present and with the new paint?

Problem 4:

How would total (multifactor) productivity change if using the new paint raised Ms. French’s
material costs by $0.50 per doll?

Problem 5:

If she uses the new paint, by what amount could Ms. French’s material costs increase without
reducing total (multifactor) productivity?


Problem 1:

1000 sq yds
Current labor productivity = = 200 sq yds per hour 
1 ton*5 hours

1200 sq yds
 New labor productivity = = 240 sq yds per hour 
1 ton*5 hours

Productivity improves 20% = ( 240 - 200 ) / 200 = .2

Problem 2:

8 hours per day

Current productivity = = 4 problems per day
2 hours per problem
7 hours per day
Productivity with computer = = 7  problems per day
1 hour per problem

Productivity improves 75%  7 − 4 =3 = .75  

 4 4  

Problem 3: 2/106
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Currently Using the new paint 

Labor 12 hrs * $10 = $120 12 hrs * $10 = $ 120

Material 240 * $3.50 = $840 360 * $3.50 = $1260

Supplies = $ 20 =$ 20

Energy =$ 4 =$ 4

Total Inputs = $984 = $1404

Productivity 240/984 = 0.24 360/1404 = .26

Problem 4:

If the material costs increase by $0.50 per doll:

Using the new paint 

Labor 12 hrs * $10 = $ 120

Material 360 * $4.00 = $1440

Supplies =$ 20

Energy =$ 4

Total Inputs = $1584

Productivity 360/1584 = 0.23

Problem 5:

From the answer to Problem 3 we know the following: 3/106
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Currently Using the new paint 

Labor 12 hrs * $10 = $120 12 hrs * $10 = $ 120

Material 240 * $3.50 = $840 360 * $3.50 = $1260

Supplies = $ 20 =$ 20

Energy =$ 4 =$ 4

Total Inputs = $984 = $1404

Productivity 240/984 = 0.24 360/1404 = .26

We want to know how high the material cost could go, using the new paint, before the
 productivity drops to the current level of 0.24. In mathematical terms we make the material
cost a variable ( X ), set the new multifactor productivity value to the current level, 0.24, and
solve for  X .

360/(($12x10) + 360 $( X ) + $20 + $4) = 0.24

360 = 0.24($120 + 360$( X ) + $20 + $4)

360 = $28.8 + 86.4$( X ) + $4.8 + $.96

325.44 = 86.4$( X )

$( X )= 325.44/86.4 = $3.7666  ≅ $3.77

It follows then that the new paint could raise Materials cost by no more than approximately
$0.27 (the difference between $3.77 and $3.50) before Ms. French would experience a
decrease in multifactor productivity.

Praktek Masalah: Bab 1, Operasi dan Produktivitas

Masalah 1:
Mance Fraily, Manajer Produksi di Ralts Mills, saat ini dapat mengharapkan operasi untuk 
menghasilkan 1000 meter persegi kain untuk setiap ton kapas mentah. Setiap ton kapas
mentah membutuhkan jam kerja 5 untuk diproses. Ia percaya bahwa ia dapat membeli kapas
yang lebih baik baku mutu, yang akan memungkinkan dia untuk menghasilkan 1.200 meter 
 persegi per ton kapas mentah dengan jam kerja yang sama.
Apa yang akan menjadi dampak pada produktivitas (diukur dalam meter persegi per tenaga
kerja-jam) jika ia membeli kapas mentah berkualitas tinggi?

Masalah 2: 4/106
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CA Ratchet, mekanik mobil lokal, menemukan bahwa biasanya membawanya 2 jam untuk 
mendiagnosa dan memperbaiki masalah khas. Apa adalah produktivitas sehari-hari
(asumsikan satu hari jam 8)?
Mr Ratchet percaya bahwa dia dapat membeli perangkat komputer pemecahan masalah kecil,
yang akan memungkinkan dia untuk menemukan dan memperbaiki masalah di luar biasa
(setidaknya kepada pelanggannya!) Waktu 1 jam. Ia akan, bagaimanapun, harus
menghabiskan satu jam ekstra setiap pagi menyesuaikan perangkat diagnostik komputerisasi.
Apa yang akan menjadi dampak pada produktivitas jika ia membeli perangkat?

Masalah 3:
Joanna Prancis saat ini sedang bekerja total 12 jam per hari untuk memproduksi 240 boneka.
Dia berpikir bahwa dengan mengubah cat digunakan untuk fitur wajah dan kuku bahwa dia
dapat meningkatkan tingkat ke 360 boneka per hari. biaya bahan Total boneka masing-masing
adalah sekitar $ 3,50; dia harus investasi $ 20 dalam persediaan yang diperlukan
(Expendables) per hari, biaya energi diasumsikan hanya $ 4,00 per hari, dan ia berpikir ia
harus membuat $ 10 per jam untuk waktunya. Melihat ini dari perspektif (multifaktor)
 produktivitas total, apa yang produktivitas nya pada saat ini dan dengan cat baru?

Masalah 4:
Bagaimana total (multifaktor) perubahan produktivitas olah menggunakan cat baru menaikan
 biaya bahan Ms Perancis dengan $ 0,50 per boneka?

Masalah 5:
Jika dia menggunakan cat baru, dengan apa yang bisa jumlah bahan Ms Perancis
meningkatkan biaya tanpa mengurangi total (multifaktor) produktivitas?

Chapter 2, Operations Strategy in a Global


Problem 1:

Identify how changes in the external environment may affect the OM strategy for a company.

For example, what impact are the following factors likely to have on OM strategy?

a. The occurrence of a major storm or hurricane.

 b. Terrorist attacks of 9/11/01.
c. The much discussed decrease in the quality of American primary and secondary school
d. Trade Legislation such as WTO and NAFTA and changes in tariffs and quotas.
e. The rapid rate at which the cost of health insurance is increasing. 5/106
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f. The Internet.

Problem 2:

Identify how the changes in the internal environment affect the OM strategy for a company.
For example, what impact are the following factors likely to have on OM strategy?
a. The increased use of Local and Wide Area Networks (LANs and WANs)

 b. An increased emphasis on service

c. The increased role of women in the workplace

d. The seemingly increasing rate at which both internal and external environments change.

Problem 3:

Operations managers are called upon to support the organization's strategy. OM does this with
some combination of one of three strategies. What are these three strategies?


Problem 1:

a. A major storm or hurricane may have considerable impact on a company’s facilities and

scheduling. Flooding and wind damage can make a facility unusable or significantly reduce
its capacity. Stocks of raw materials, especially agricultural products, might be damaged or 
in short supply. The long-term availability of some materials might be significantly
reduced. There may be a shortage of important services during the recovery. For example,
the demand for roofers and builders is high after a major storm and they would like to be
able to rapidly increase their capacity to handle the higher demand.

 b. Terrorist activity has forced organizations to rethink, and in many cases expand, their 
security systems. Firms have also had to reevaluate their supply networks and consider 
increasing their inventory safety stock. They may also reassess the risks of foreign
locations and expansion.

c. A decrease in the skill levels of Americans entering the labor market requires that
organizations place more emphasis on training, turn to automation to obviate the need for 
human labor, and hire from outside the United States.

d. WTO and NAFTA changed the rules for trading, opened new markets, and in some
instances, changed the role of labor versus capital (where labor is especially low cost,
emphasis often shifts from the use of capital to the use of labor). 6/106
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e. The increasing cost of health insurance adds significantly to the cost of labor. Some large
US organizations are passing on this increased cost to the employees or reducing other 
 parts of the benefit package in response to these pressures.
f. The Internet has promoted globalization of markets, and eliminated barriers of geography
and time.

Problem 2:

a. The increased use of LANs and WANs has, among other things, enabled new
organizational structures, the movement of the locus of responsibility further down the
organizational hierarchy (elimination of middle management), and the increasing
 practicality of JIT operations, mass customization, etc..

 b. The increased emphasis on service has, among other things, fostered an increased
information or information technology content of many products. Firms are also increasing
training because so much of the service economy is dependent upon individual
c. The increased role of women in the workplace is requiring an increased emphasis on the
creation and communication of appropriate human resource policies. It may also be
fostering the creation of flexible work schedules and, to a lesser degree, telecommuting.
d. Some companies seem to be adopting the perspective that their main problem is now the
“management of change” as opposed to the management of a specific process or product.
If nothing else, the management of change is becoming a formal part of the manager’s

Problem 3:
OM managers support the firm's strategy by achieving a competitive advantage through some
combination of differentiation, low-cost leadership, and response.

Praktek Masalah: Bab 2, Strategi Operasi dalam Lingkungan Global

Masalah 1:
Mengidentifikasi bagaimana perubahan dalam lingkungan eksternal dapat mempengaruhi
strategi OM bagi perusahaan. Misalnya, apa dampak faktor-faktor berikut mungkin memiliki
strategi OM?
a. Terjadinya badai besar atau badai.
 b. Serangan teroris dari 9/11/01.
c. Penurunan banyak dibahas dalam kualitas Amerika sistem sekolah dasar dan menengah.
d. Legislasi perdagangan seperti WTO dan NAFTA dan perubahan tarif dan kuota.
e. Tingkat cepat di mana biaya asuransi kesehatan meningkat.
f. Internet. 7/106
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Masalah 2:
Mengidentifikasi bagaimana perubahan dalam lingkungan internal mempengaruhi strategi OM
 bagi perusahaan. Misalnya, apa dampak faktor-faktor berikut mungkin memiliki strategi OM?
a. Peningkatan penggunaan Lokal dan Wide Area Network (LAN dan WAN)
 b. Peningkatan penekanan pada pelayanan
c. Peningkatan peran perempuan di tempat kerja
d. Tingkat tampaknya meningkat di mana kedua perubahan lingkungan internal dan eksternal.

Masalah 3:
manajer Operasi dihimbau untuk mendukung strategi organisasi. OM melakukan hal ini
dengan beberapa kombinasi salah satu dari tiga strategi. Apa ketiga strategi? 8/106
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Chapter 3, Project Management

Problem 1:

The following represent activities in a major construction project. Draw the network to
represent this project.

Activity Immediate Predecessor  

A -
B -
F C, E
H F, G

Problem 2:

Given the following Time Chart and Network Diagram, find the Critical Path.

Activity a m b t Variance
A 2 3 4 3 1/9
B 1 2 3 2 1/9
C 4 5 12 6 16/9
D 1 3 5 3 4/9
E 1 2 3 2 1/9 9/106
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Problem 3:

What is the variance in completion time for the critical path found in Problem 2?

Problem 4:

A project has an expected completion time of 40 weeks and a standard deviation of 5 weeks. It
is assumed that the project completion time is normally distributed.

(a) What is the probability of finishing the project in 50 weeks or less?

(b) What is the probability of finishing the project in 38 weeks or less?

(c) The due date for the project is set so that there is a 90% chance that the project will be
finished by this date. What is the date?

Problem 5:

Development of a new deluxe version of a particular software product is being considered.

The activities necessary for the completion of this project are listed in the table below along
with their costs and completion times in weeks.

Activity Normal Crash  Normal Crash Immediate

Time Time Cost Cost Predecessor 
A 4 3 2,000 2,600 -
B 2 1 2,200 2,800 A
C 3 3 500 500 A
D 8 4 2,300 2,600 A
E 6 3 900 1,200 B, D
F 3 2 3,000 4,200 C, E
G 4 2 1,400 2,000 F

(a) What is the project expected completion date?

(b) What is the total cost required for completing this project on normal time?
(c) If you wish to reduce the time required to complete this project by 1 week, which activity
should be crashed, and how much will this increase the total cost? 10/106
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Problem 1:

Problem 2:

Critical path: ACDE = 14

Problem 3:

Total variances of activities on critical path

Total variance = 1/ 9 + 16 / 9 + 4 / 9 + 1/ 9 = 2 2 / 9 = 2.55

And σ = 2.55 = 1.6 11/106
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Problem 4:





(c) 90% ≥ Z = 1.28 = (χ - µ ) / σ = χ − 40 / 5


Problem 5:


Project completion time is therefore t A + t D + t E + t F + t G = 4 + 8 + 6 + 3 + 4 = 25

(b) Total cost = $2, 000 + $2200 + $500 + $2,300 + $900 + $3, 000 + $1, 400 = $12, 300

(c) Crash D 1 week at an additional cost of 

Soal Praktek: Bab 3, Manajemen Proyek 12/106
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Masalah 1:
Berikut mencerminkan aktivitas dalam proyek konstruksi besar. Menggambar jaringan untuk 
mewakili proyek ini.

Kegiatan Segera Pendahulu

F C, E
H F, G

Masalah 2:
Mengingat Waktu berikut Chart dan Network Diagram, menemukan Jalur Kritis.

Kegiatan m a t b Varians
C 4 5 12 6 16 / 9

Masalah 3:
Apakah varians waktu penyelesaian untuk jalur kritis ditemukan pada Soal 2?

Masalah 4:
Sebuah proyek memiliki waktu penyelesaian yang diharapkan dari 40 minggu dan deviasi
standar 5 minggu. Diasumsikan bahwa waktu penyelesaian proyek terdistribusi secara normal.
(A) Berapakah probabilitas penyelesaian proyek dalam 50 minggu atau kurang?
(B) Berapakah probabilitas penyelesaian proyek dalam 38 minggu atau kurang?
(C) Tanggal jatuh tempo untuk proyek diatur sehingga ada kemungkinan 90% bahwa proyek 
akan selesai pada tanggal ini. Apa tanggal?

Masalah 5:
Pengembangan versi deluxe baru dari produk perangkat lunak tertentu sedang 13/106
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dipertimbangkan. Kegiatan yang diperlukan untuk penyelesaian proyek ini tercantum dalam
tabel di bawah ini bersama dengan biaya mereka dan waktu selesai pada minggu.

Kegiatan Waktu Normal Crash Normal Crash Time Cost Biaya Pendahulu Segera
A 4 3 2.000 2.600 -
B 2 1 2.200 2.800 A
C 3 3 500 500 A
D 8 4 2.300 2.600 A
E 6 3 900 1200 B, D
F 3 2 3.000 4.200 C, E
G 4 2 1.400 2.000 F

(A) Apakah proyek diharapkan tanggal penyelesaian?

(B) Berapakah total biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan proyek ini pada waktu
(C) Jika Anda ingin mengurangi waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan proyek ini
dengan 1 minggu, kegiatan yang harus jatuh, dan berapa banyak ini akan meningkatkan biaya

Chapter 4, Forecasting

Problem 1:

Auto sales at Carmen’s Chevrolet are shown below. Develop a 3-week moving average.
Week Auto

1 8

2 10

3 9

4 11

5 10

6 13

7 -

Problem 2: 14/106
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Carmen’s decides to forecast auto sales by weighting the three weeks as follows:

Weights Period

3 Last week  

2 Twoweeks

1 Three weeks

6 Total
Problem 3:

A firm uses simple exponential smoothing with α = 0.1 to forecast demand. The forecast for 
the week of January 1 was 500 units whereas the actual demand turned out to be 450 units.
Calculate the demand forecast for the week of January 8.

Problem 4:

Exponential smoothing is used to forecast automobile battery sales. Two value of  α  are
examined, α = 0.8  and α = 0.5.  Evaluate the accuracy of each smoothing constant. Which is
 preferable? (Assume the forecast for January was 22 batteries.) Actual sales are given below:

Month Actual Forecast


January 20 22

February 21

March 15

April 14

May 13

June 16 15/106
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Problem 5:

Use the sales data given below to determine: (a) the least squares trend line, and (b) the
 predicted value for 2003 sales.

Year Sales

1996 100

1997 110

1998 122

1999 130

2000 139

2001 152

2002 164

To minimize computations, transform the value of x (time) to simpler numbers. In this case,
designate year 1996 as year 1, 1997 as year 2, etc.

Problem 6:

Given the forecast demand and actual demand for 10-foot fishing boats, compute the tracking
signal and MAD.

Year Forecast Actual

Demand Demand

1 78 71

2 75 80

3 83 101

4 84 84

5 88 60

6 85 73

Problem: 7 16/106
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Over the past year Meredith and Smunt Manufacturing had annual sales of 10,000 portable
water pumps. The average quarterly sales for the past 5 years have averaged: spring 4,000,
summer 3,000, fall 2,000 and winter 1,000. Compute the quarterly index.

Problem: 8
Using the data in Problem, Meredith and Smunt Manufacturing expects sales of pumps to
grow by 10% next year. Compute next year’s sales and the sales for each quarter.


Problem 1:

∑ demand in previous n periods

Moving average = n

Week Auto Three-Week Moving

Sales Average

1 8

2 10

3 9

4 11 (8 + 9 + 10) / 3 = 9

5 10 (10 + 9 + 11) / 3 = 10

6 13 (9 + 11 + 10) / 3 = 10

7 - (11 + 10 + 13) / 3 = 11
1/3 17/106
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Problem 2:

Weighted moving average =

∑ (weight for period n)(demand in period n)
∑ weights
Week Auto Three-Week Moving Average

1 8

2 10

3 9

4 11 [(3*9) + (2*10) + (1*8)] / 6 = 9 1/6

5 10 [(3*11) + (2*9) + (1*10)] / 6 = 10 1/6

6 13 [(3*10) + (2*11) + (1*9)] / 6 = 10 1/6

7 - [(3*13) + (2*10) + (1*11)] / 6 = 11 2/3

Problem 3:

Ft = Ft −1 + α (A t −1 − Ft −1 ) = 500 + 0.1(450 − 500) = 495 units

Problem 4:

Month Actual Rounded Absolute Rounded Absolute

Battery Sales Forecast Deviation Forecast Deviation
with a =0.8 with a =0.8 with a =0.5 with a =0.5

January 20 22 2 22 2

February 21 20 1 21 0

March 15 21 6 21 6

April 14 16 2 18 4

May 13 14 1 16 3

June 16 13 3 14.5 1.5 18/106
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S = 15 S = 16

2.56 2.95

SE 3.5 3.9

On the basis of this analysis, a smoothing constant of a = 0.8 is preferred to that of a = 0.5
 because it has a smaller MAD.

Problem 5:

Year Time Sales X XY
Period (Units)
(X) (Y)

1996 1 100 1 100

1997 2 110 4 220

1998 3 122 9 366

1999 4 130 16 520

2000 5 139 25 695

2001 6 152 36 912

2002 7 164 49 1148

S X = S Y S S XY
28 =917 X =140 =


 x =
∑ x = 28 = 4
n 7

 y =
∑ y = 917 = 131
n 7 19/106
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∑ xy − n x. y = 3961 − 7.4.131 = 293 = 10.46
∑ x − n x 140 − 7.4
2 2
2 28

a= − bx = 131 − (10.46 × 4) = 89.16

Therefore, the least squares trend equation is:
= a + bx = 89.16 + 10.46 x
To project demand in 2003, we denote the year 2003 as x = 8 ,  and:

Sales in 2003 = 89.16 + 10.46 * 8 = 172.84

Problem 6:

Year Forecast Actual Error RSFE

Demand Demand
1 78 71 -7 -7

2 75 80 5 -2

3 83 101 18 16

4 84 84 0 16

5 88 60 -28 -12

6 85 73 -12 -24

∑ Forecast errors = 70 = 11.7
n 6

Year Forecast Actual |Forecast Cumulative MAD Tracking

Demand Demand Error| Error Signal

1 78 71 7 7 7.0 -1.0

2 75 80 5 12 6.0 -0.3

3 83 101 18 30 10.0 +1.6

4 84 84 0 30 7.5 +2.1

5 88 60 28 58 11.6 -1.0

6 85 73 12 70 11.7 -2.1 20/106
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RFSE  − 24
Tracking Signal = = = 2.1 MADs
MAD 11.7

Problem 7:

 Sales of 10,000 units annually divided equally over the 4 seasons is 10,000 / 4 = 2,500  and
the seasonal index for each quarter is: spring 4,000 / 2,500 = 1.6;  summer 
3, 000 / 2,500 = 1.2;  fall 2, 000 / 2, 500 =.8;  winter 1,000 / 2,500 =.4.

Problem 8:

. = 11, 000).  Sales for each quarter 

 Next years sales should be 11,000 pumps (10,000 * 110
should be 1/4 of the annual sales *  the quarterly index.

Spring = (11,000 / 4)*1.6 = 4,400;

Summer = (11,000 / 4)*1.2 = 3,300;

Fall = (11,000 / 4)*.8 = 2,200;
Winter = (11,000 / 4)*.4.= 1,100.

Praktek Masalah: Bab 4, Peramalan

Masalah 1:
Penjualan mobil di Carmen Chevrolet ditunjukkan di bawah ini. Mengembangkan rata-rata 3
minggu bergerak.
Minggu Auto Penjualan
2 10
4 11
5 10
6 13

Masalah 2:
Carmen memutuskan untuk meramalkan penjualan mobil dengan bobot tiga minggu sebagai
Berat Terapan Periode
3 Minggu lalu
2 Twoweeks lalu
1 Tiga minggu yang lalu
6 Jumlah
Masalah 3:
 perusahaan A menggunakan pemulusan eksponensial sederhana dengan untuk meramalkan 21/106
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 permintaan. Ramalan untuk minggu 1 Januari 500 unit sedangkan permintaan aktual ternyata
menjadi 450 unit. Hitung perkiraan permintaan untuk minggu Januari 8.

Masalah 4:
Pemulusan eksponensial digunakan untuk meramalkan penjualan mobil baterai. Dua nilai
yang diperiksa, dan evaluasi atas keakuratan setiap konstanta. Mana yang lebih baik?
(Asumsikan meramalkan bulan Januari adalah 22 baterai.) Penjualan aktual diberikan di
 bawah ini:
Bulan Penjualan Baterai Aktual Forecast
20 Jan 22
21 Februari
15 Maret
April 14
13 Mei
16 Juni

Masalah 5:
Gunakan data penjualan yang diberikan di bawah untuk menentukan: (a) garis tren kuadrat
sedikit, dan (b) nilai prediksi untuk tahun 2003 penjualan.
Tahun Penjualan (Unit)
1996 100
1997 110
1998 122
1999 130
2000 139
2001 152
2002 164

Untuk meminimalkan perhitungan, mengubah nilai x (waktu) ke nomor sederhana. Dalam hal
ini, menetapkan tahun 1996 sebagai tahun 1, 1997 sebagai tahun 2, dll

Masalah 6:
Mengingat peramalan permintaan dan permintaan sebenarnya untuk kapal nelayan 10-kaki,
menghitung sinyal pelacakan dan MAD.
Tahun Prakiraan Aktual Permintaan Permintaan
1 78 71
2 75 80
3 83 101
4 84 84
5 88 60
6 85 73

Masalah: 7
Selama tahun lalu Meredith dan Smunt Manufaktur memiliki penjualan tahunan sebesar 
10.000 pompa air portabel. Penjualan rata-rata kuartalan selama 5 tahun terakhir memiliki
rata-rata: 4.000 musim semi, musim panas 3000, musim gugur dan musim dingin 2.000 1.000.
Hitung indeks triwulanan.

Soal: 8 22/106
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Menggunakan data pada Soal, Meredith dan Smunt Manufaktur mengharapkan penjualan
 pompa untuk tumbuh sebesar 10% tahun depan. Hitung tahun depan penjualan dan penjualan
untuk setiap kuartal.

Chapter 5, Design of Goods and Services

Problem 1:

You wish to compete in the super premium ice cream market. The task is to determine the
wants of the super premium market and the attributes/hows to be met by their firm. Use the
house of quality concept.

Market research has revealed that customers feel four factors are significant in making a
 buying decision. A “rich” taste is most important followed by smooth texture, distinct flavor,
and a sweet taste. From a production standpoint, important factors are the sugar content, the
amount of butterfat, low air content, and natural flavors.

Problem 2:

Prepare a bill-of-material for a ham and cheese sandwich.

Problem 3:

Prepare an assembly chart for a ham and cheese sandwich.

Problem 4:

Michael’s Engineering, Inc. manufactures components for the ever-changing notebook 

computer business. He is considering moving from a small custom design facility to an
operation capable of much more rapid design of components. This means that Michael must
systems atupgrading
$100,000his CAD
each. equipment.
Option 2 is to Option
purchase1 is
purchase system
two new desktop
and CADserver 
the related
at $500,000. Michael’s sales manager has estimated that if the market for notebook computers
continues to expand, sales over the life of either system will be $1,000,000. He places the odds
of this happening at 40%. He thinks the likelihood of the market having already peaked to be
60% and future sales to be only $700,000. What do you suggest Michael do and what is the
EMV of this decision? 23/106
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Problem 1:

One possible solution for this problem is:

Problem 2:

One possible BOM would be:

  Bill of Material
Bread 2 slices

Ham 1 slice
Swiss Cheese 1 slice

Lettuce 1/26 head of lettuce

Mustard 2 teaspoon
Pickle relish 1 teaspoon
Paper plate 1
Paper napkin 1 24/106
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Problem 3:

Based on the BOM in Problem 2, an assembly chart might look like:

Problem 4:

The EMV for the desktop systems is $620,000 vs. $320,000 for the integrated system.
Therefore, Michael should purchase the desktop systems.

Praktek Masalah: Bab 5, Desain Barang dan Jasa

Masalah 1:

Anda ingin bersaing di pasar es krim super premium. Tugas kita adalah untuk menentukan
keinginan pasar super premium dan atribut / hows yang harus dipenuhi oleh perusahaan
mereka. Gunakan rumah konsep kualitas.
Penelitian pasar telah mengungkapkan bahwa pelanggan merasa empat faktor yang signifikan 25/106
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dalam membuat keputusan pembelian. Sebuah "kaya" rasa yang paling penting diikuti oleh
tekstur yang halus, aroma yang berbeda, dan rasa manis. Dari sudut pandang produksi, faktor 
 penting adalah isi gula, jumlah Lemak mentega, kandungan udara yang rendah, dan rasa

Masalah 2:

Siapkan tagihan-of-bahan untuk sandwich ham dan keju.

Masalah 3:

Siapkan bagan perakitan untuk sandwich ham dan keju.

Masalah 4:

Michael Rekayasa, Inc memproduksi komponen untuk usaha notebook selalu berubah
komputer. Dia mempertimbangkan untuk pindah dari fasilitas desain kecil kustom untuk 
operasi mampu jauh lebih cepat desain komponen. Ini berarti bahwa Michael harus
mempertimbangkan untuk mengupgrade-nya peralatan CAD. Opsi 1 adalah untuk membeli
dua baru sistem desktop CAD pada $ 100.000. Opsi 2 adalah dengan membeli sistem yang
terintegrasi dan server terkait di $ 500.000. manajer penjualan Michael memperkirakan bahwa
 jika pasar untuk komputer notebook terus berkembang, penjualan selama umur sistem baik 
akan menjadi $ 1.000.000. Dia menempatkan kemungkinan hal ini terjadi pada 40%. Dia pikir 
kemungkinan pasar karena telah memuncak menjadi 60% dan penjualan masa depan hanya $
700.000. Apa yang anda sarankan Michael lakukan dan apa EMV dari keputusan ini?

Chapter 6, Managing Quality

Problem 1:

The accounts receivable department has documented the following defects over a 30-day

Category Frequency
Invoice amount does not agree with the check amount 108
Invoice not on record (not found) 24
 No formal invoice issued 18
Check (payment) not received on time 30
Check not signed 8
Invoice number and invoice r efer enced do not agree 12

What techniques would you use and what conclusions can you draw about defects in the
accounts receivable department? 26/106
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Problem 2:

Prepare a flow chart for purchasing a Big Mac at the drive-through window at McDonalds.

Problem 3:

Draw a fishbone chart detailing reasons why a part might not be correctly machined.


Problem 1:

Category Frequency Percent

Invoice amount does not agree with the check amount 108 54
Invoice not on record (not found) 24 12
 No formal invoice issued 18 9
Check (payment) not received on time 30 15
Check not signed 8 4
Invoice number and invoice referenced do not agree 12 6

  = 200 100

Use a Pareto chart to organize the defects and conclude that the obvious problem (about half 
the defects) is the failure of the check to agree with the company’s records as to the correct
amount. Other problems are late payments and an apparent invoice-filing problem in the
office. Notice that 27% of these common errors appear to be the result of procedural problems
within accounts receivable (invoice not on record, no invoice issued, and invoice numbering
 problems). This value could be considerably higher depending on how much of the problem of 
disagreement between invoice and check amounts is the result of accounts receivable process
 problems. 27/106
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Problem 2:

Distance Symbol Activity

-- Pull up to speaker 

-- Press button

-- Wait for response

-- Verbalize order 

-- Get confirmation of order and cost

20 Move car up in line

-- Wait

20 Move car up in line

-- Wait

-- Verify order and cost 28/106
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-- Pay and receive order 

-- Leave

-- Realize they forgot the extra catsup!

Problem 3

Praktek Masalah: Bab 6, Mengelola Kualitas

Masalah 1:

Departemen Piutang telah mendokumentasikan cacat berikut selama periode 30-hari:

Kategori Frekuensi
Faktur jumlah tidak setuju dengan jumlah cek 108
Faktur tidak pada catatan (tidak ditemukan) 24
Tidak ada faktur resmi yang dikeluarkan 18
Periksa (pembayaran) tidak diterima pada waktu 30
Periksa tidak ditandatangani 8
Faktur dan nomor faktur direferensikan tidak setuju 12
Teknik apa yang akan Anda gunakan dan apa kesimpulan yang dapat Anda menarik tentang
cacat di departemen piutang?

Masalah 2:

Siapkan diagram alur untuk membeli Big Mac di drive-through window di McDonalds. 29/106
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Masalah 3:

Menggambar diagram tulang ikan merinci alasan mengapa sebagian mungkin tidak benar 

Chapter 7, Process Strategy

Problem 1:
Jackson Custom Machine Shop has a contract for 130,000 units of a new product. Sam
Jumper, the owner, has calculated the cost for three process alternatives. Fixed costs will be:
for general-purpose equipment (GPE), $150,000; flexible manufacturing (FMS), $350,000;
and dedicated automation (DA), $950,000. Variable costs will be: GPE, $10; FMS, $8; and
DA, $6. Which should he choose?

Problem 2:
Solve Problem 1 graphically

Problem 3:
Using either your analytical solution found in Problem 1, or the graphical solution found in
Problem 2, identify the volume ranges where each process should be used.

Problem 4:
If Jackson Custom Machine is able to convince the customer to renew the contract for another 
one or two years, what implications does this have for his decision?


Problem 1:
Solve for the crossover between GPE and FMS:
10X + 150000 = 8X + 350000
2X = 200000
x = 100,000 units
Solve for the crossover between FMS and DA:
8X + 350000 = 6X + 950000
or 30/106
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2X = 600000
X = 300000
Therefore, at a volume of 130,000 units, FMS is the appropriate strategy.
Problem 2 & 3:

Below 100,000 units use GPE, between 100,000 and 300,000 use FMS, above 300,000 use

Problem 4:
If Jackson Custom Machine is able to get the customer to extend the contract for another two
years, the owner would certainly wish to take advantage of the savings using Dedicated

Praktek Masalah: Bab 7, Pr oses Strategi

Masalah 1:
Jackson Custom Machine Shop memiliki kontrak untuk 130.000 unit produk baru. Sam
Jumper, pemilik, telah menghitung biaya untuk tiga alternatif proses. Biaya tetap akan: untuk 
 peralatan keperluan umum (EPG), $ 150.000; manufaktur fleksibel (FMS), $ 350.000, dan
otomatisasi khusus (DA), $ 950.000. Biaya variabel akan: EPG, $ 10; FMS, $ 8; dan DA, $ 6.
Yang mana yang harus dia pilih?

Masalah 2:
Mengatasi Masalah 1 grafis

Masalah 3:
Baik menggunakan solusi analitis Anda ditemukan pada Soal 1, atau solusi grafis yang
ditemukan pada Soal 2, mengidentifikasi volume berkisar di mana masing-masing proses
harus digunakan.

Masalah 4:
Jika Jackson Custom Mesin mampu meyakinkan pelanggan untuk memperbaharui kontrak 31/106
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selama satu atau dua tahun, apa implikasi hal ini miliki untuk keputusannya?

Chapter 8, Location Strategies

Problem 1 :

A major drug store chain wishes to build a new warehouse to serve the whole Midwest. At the
moment, it is looking at three possible locations. The factors, weights, and ratings being
considered are given below:


Factor Weights Peoria Des Moines Chicago

 Nearness to 20 4 7 5
Labor cost 5 8 8 4
Taxes 15 8 9 7
 Nearness to suppliers 10 10 6 10

Which city should they choose?

Problem 2 :

Balfour’s is considering building a plant in one of three possible locations. They have
estimated the following parameters for each location:

Location Fixed Cost Variable Cost

Waco, Texas $300,000 $5.75

Tijuana, Mexico $800,000 $2.75
Fayetteville, Arkansas $100,000 $8.00

For what unit sales volume should they choose each location?

Problem 3 : 32/106
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Our main distribution center in Phoenix, AZ is due to be replaced with a much larger, more
modern facility that can handle the tremendous needs that have developed with the city’s
growth. Fresh produce travels to the seven store locations several times a day making site
selection critical for efficient distribution. Using the data in the following table, determine the

map coordinates for the proposed new distribution center.

Store Locations Map Coordinates (x,y) Truck Round Trips per Day
Mesa (10,5) 3
Glendale (3,8) 3
Camelback (4,7) 2
Scottsdale (15,10) 6
Apache Junction (13,3) 5
Sun City (1,12) 3
Pima (5,5) 10

Problem 4 :

A company is planning on expanding and building a new plant in one of three countries in
Middle or Eastern Europe. The general manager, Patricia Donegal, has decided to base her 
decision on six critical success factors: technology availability and support, availability and
quality of public education, legal and regulatory aspects, social and cultural aspects, economic
factors, and political stability.
Using a rating system of 1 (least desirable) to 5 (most desirable) she has arrived at the
following ratings (you may, of course, have different opinions). In which country should the
 plant be built?

Critical Success Factor Turkey Serbia Slovakia

Technology availability and support 4 3 4
Availability and quality of public education 4 4 3
Legal and regulatory aspects 2 4 5
Social and cultural aspects 5 3 4
Economic factors 4 3 3
Political stability 4 2 3

Problem 5 :

Assume that Patricia decides to use the following weights for the critical success factors: 33/106
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Technology availability and support 0.3

Availability and quality of public education 0.2
Legal and regulatory aspects 0.1
Social and cultural aspects 0.1

Economic factors 0.1

Political stability 0.2
Would this change her decision?
Problem 6 :

Patricia’s advisors have suggested that Turkey and Slovakia might be better differentiated by
either (a) doubling the number of critical success factors, or (b) breaking down each of the
existing critical success factors into smaller, more narrowly defined items, e.g., Availability
and quality of public education might be broken into primary, secondary, and post-secondary
education. How would you advise Ms. Donegal?


Problem 1 :

Ratings Weighted Ratings

Des Des
Factor Weights Peoria Chicago Peoria Chicago
Moines Moines
 Nearness to
20 4 7 5 80 140 100
Labor cost 5 8 8 4 40 40 20
Taxes 15 8 9 7 120 135 105
 Nearness to
10 10 6 10 100 60 100

Sum of Weighted ratings: 340 375 325

Therefore, it appears that based upon the weights and rating, Des Moines should be chosen.

Problem 2:

Transition between Waco and Tijuana: 34/106
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300, 000 + (5.75 ) = 800,000 + (2.75 x)

3 x = 500,000
 x =  166,000

Transition between Waco and Fayetteville:

300,000 + (5.75 ) = 100,000 + (8.00 x )

200,000 = 2.25 x
88,888 =  x

Problem 3 :

 New Distribution Center should be located at:

(10*3) + (3*3) + (4* 2) + (15* 6) + (13*5) + (1*3) + (5*10) 255
C  x = = = 7.97
3 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 10 32

(5*3) + (8*3) + (7 * 2) + (10 * 6) + (3*5) + (12*3) + (5*10) 214
C  y = = = 6.69
3 + 3 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 3 + 10 32 35/106
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 Problem 4 :

Critical Success Factor Turkey Serbia Slovaki

Technology availability and support 4 3 4
Availability and quality of public 4 4 3
Legal and regulatory aspects 2 4 5
Social and cultural aspects 5 3 4
Economic factors 4 3 3
Political stability 4 2 3
    =
 23 19 22

Based upon her ratings of the critical success factors, Patricia should choose Turkey. From a
 practical perspective, given the small difference between the scores for Turkey and Slovakia,
and the subjectivity of the ratings themselves, Patricia would be better advised to develop
additional critical success factors, more carefully weigh the individual factors; or, in general,
to acquire more information before making her decisions.

Problem 5 :

Critical Success Factor Wgt Turkey Serbia Slovaki

Technology availability and support 0.3 4 1.2 3 0.9 4 1.2
Availability and quality of public 0.2 4 0.8 4 0.8 3 0.6
Legal and regulatory aspects 0.1 2 0.2 4 0.4 5 .5 36/106
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Social and cultural aspects 0.1 5 0.5 3 0.3 4 0.4

Economic factors 0.1 4 0.4 3 0.3 3 0.3
Political stability 0.2 4 0.8 2 0.4 3 0.6
 = 3.9 3.1 3.6

 No, in this case, use of the weighting factors does not change the recommendation. One might
again suggest that additional information be considered in making the decision.

Problem 6 :

(a) Doubling the number of critical success factors. There are two issues here. First, from a
 practical perspective there are a limited number of truly “critical” success factors – and
these should be the ones presently being considered. Any additional factors should be of 
secondary or tertiary importance. Second, given the subjective nature of the rating
 process, adding additional factors would also increase the overall margin of error of the
final ratings to a degree that may eliminate any gain in differentiation arising from the use
of the additional factors. The use of a maximum of seven to nine critical success factors is
usually appropriate.
(b) Given that one’s ability to estimate or rate an aggregate is usually better than one’s ability
to estimate or rate the individual components of the aggregate, this approach is unlikely
to provide much help.

Praktek Masalah: Bab 8, Strategi Lokasi

Masalah 1:

Sebuah jaringan toko obat utama ingin membangun sebuah gudang baru untuk melayani
seluruh Midwest. Pada saat ini, adalah melihat tiga lokasi mungkin. Faktor, bobot, dan
 peringkat yang dianggap diberikan di bawah ini:

Faktor Berat Peoria Des Moines Chicago
Kedekatan dengan pasar 20 4 7 5
Biaya tenaga kerja 5 8 8 4
Pajak 15 8 9 7
Kedekatan dengan pemasok 10 10 6 10

Kota mana yang harus mereka pilih?

Masalah 2:

Balfour sedang mempertimbangkan membangun pabrik di salah satu dari tiga lokasi mungkin.
Mereka telah memperkirakan parameter berikut ini untuk setiap lokasi:

Lokasi Biaya Tetap Biaya Variabel 37/106
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Waco, Texas $ 300,000 $ 5,75

Tijuana, Mexico $ 800,000 $ 2,75
Fayetteville, Arkansas $ 100,000 $ 8,00

Untuk apa penjualan unit volume harus mereka memilih setiap lokasi?

Masalah 3:

utama distribusi kami pusat di Phoenix, AZ adalah karena diganti dengan fasilitas, jauh lebih
 besar yang lebih modern yang dapat menangani kebutuhan luar biasa yang telah
dikembangkan dengan pertumbuhan kota. Produk segar perjalanan ke tujuh lokasi toko
 beberapa kali sehari membuat pilihan lokasi yang kritis untuk distribusi yang efisien.
Menggunakan data dalam tabel berikut, tentukan peta koordinat untuk pusat distribusi baru
yang diusulkan.

Peta Lokasi Toko Koordinat (x, y) Perjalanan Bundar Truk per Hari
Mesa (10,5) 3
Glendale (3,8) 3
Camelback (4,7) 2
Scottsdale (15,10) 6
Apache Junction (13,3) 5
Sun City (1,12) 3
Pima (5,5) 10

Masalah 4:

Sebuah perusahaan berencana memperluas dan membangun pabrik baru di salah satu dari tiga
negara di Timur Tengah atau Eropa. Manajer umum, Patricia Donegal, telah memutuskan
untuk mendasarkan keputusan di atas enam faktor keberhasilan kritis: ketersediaan dan
dukungan teknologi, ketersediaan dan kualitas pendidikan masyarakat, aspek hukum dan
 peraturan, aspek sosial dan budaya, faktor ekonomi, dan stabilitas politik.
Menggunakan sistem peringkat 1 (paling tidak diinginkan) sampai 5 (paling diinginkan) dia
telah tiba di peringkat berikut (mungkin Anda, tentu saja, memiliki pendapat yang berbeda).
Di negara mana harus menanam dibangun?

Faktor Sukses Turki Kritis Serbia Slovakia

Teknologi ketersediaan dan dukungan 4 3 4
Ketersediaan dan kualitas pendidikan masyarakat 4 4 3
Aspek hukum dan peraturan 2 4 5
Sosial dan aspek budaya 5 3 4
Faktor ekonomi 4 3 3
Stabilitas politik 4 2 3

Masalah 5:

Asumsikan bahwa Patricia memutuskan untuk menggunakan bobot berikut untuk faktor 
keberhasilan kritis:
Teknologi ketersediaan dan dukungan 0,3
Ketersediaan dan kualitas pendidikan publik 0,2 38/106
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Aspek hukum dan peraturan 0,1

Sosial dan aspek budaya 0,1
Faktor-faktor ekonomi 0,1
Stabilitas politik 0,2
Apakah perubahan ini keputusannya?

Masalah 6:

 penasihat Patricia telah menyarankan bahwa Turki dan Slovakia mungkin lebih baik 
dibedakan oleh (a) dua kali lipat jumlah faktor keberhasilan kritis, atau (b) menguraikan setiap
faktor kesuksesan yang ada kritis menjadi lebih kecil, item lebih sempit didefinisikan,
misalnya, Ketersediaan dan kualitas pendidikan publik mungkin akan dibagi menjadi
 pendidikan primer, sekunder, dan pasca-sekolah menengah. Bagaimana Anda menyarankan
Ms Donegal?

Chapter 9, Layout Strategy

Problem 1:
As in most kitchens, the baking ovens in Lori’s Kitchen in New Orleans are located in one
area near the cooking burners. The refrigerators are located next to each other as are the
dishwashing facilities. A work area of tabletops is set aside for cutting, mixing, dough rolling,
and assembling of final servings, although different table areas may be reserved for each of 
these functions.
Given the following Interdepartmental Activity Matrix, develop an appropriate layout for 
Lori’s Kitchen.

Interdepartmental Activity Matrix

Refrigerators (B) Dishwashing (C) Work Area (D)
Burners (A)
Cooking burners (A) - 7 193 12
Refrigerator (B) - 4 82

Dishwashing (C) - 222

Work Area (D) -

The present layout is: 39/106
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with a distance of 10 feet between adjacent areas. 40/106
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Computing the Load * Distance measure:

Load * Distance

A to B 7 * 10 70

A to C 193*20 3860

A to D 12*30 360

B to C 4*10 40

B to D 82*20 1640

C to D 222*10 2220

Total 8190

Develop a preferred layout. What is the sum of the loads * distance of your new layout?

Problem 2:
A firm must produce 40 units/day during an 8-hour workday. Tasks, times, and predecessor 
activities are given below.

Task Time (Minutes) Predecessor(s)

A 2 -
B 2 A
C 8 -
D 6 C
E 3 B
F 10 D, E

G 4 F
H 3 G
Total 38 minutes

Determine the cycle time and the appropriate number of workstations to produce the 40 units
 per day. 41/106
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Problem 1:

From the Activity Matrix, C and D should be next to each other and A should be next to C.
The other relationships are minor by comparison. One possible solution is:


with a distance of 10 feet between adjacent areas.

Computing the Load* Distance  measure:

Load * Distance

A to B 7 * 10 70
A to C 193*10 1930
A to D 12*20 240
B to C 4*20 80
B to D 82*30 2460
C to D 222*10 2220

Total 7000

Further improvement is possible. Try analyzing the following layouts.


Problem 2:

Cycle time = Production time available = 8 hrs* 60 minutes/hr = 480 = 12 minutes/cycle

Units required 40 units 40 43/106
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Minimum number of workstations =

∑t i
Work time required
Cycle time Cycle time
38 minutes
= =  3.17 station
12 minutes/cycle

3.17 workstations must be rounded up to 4 as 3 workstations would not be able to produce the
required output.

One layout – not necessarily optimal

Praktek Masalah: Bab 9, Strategi Layout

Masalah 1:
Seperti di dapur besar, oven kue di Dapur Lori di New Orleans terletak di satu area dekat
 pembakar memasak. Lemari pendingin yang terletak di sebelah satu sama lain sebagai adalah
fasilitas pencuci piring. Sebuah wilayah kerja permukaan meja disisihkan untuk memotong,
mencampur, rolling adonan, dan perakitan porsi akhir, meskipun daerah tabel yang berbeda
dapat disediakan untuk masing-masing fungsi.
Mengingat Antar berikut Aktivitas Matrix, mengembangkan tata letak yang sesuai untuk 
Lori's Kitchen.

Kegiatan antar departemen Matrix

 Memasak Burners (A) Kulkas (B) Pencuci Piring (C) Wilayah Kerja (D)
Memasak burner (A) - 7 193 12
Kulkas (B) - 4 82
Pencuci Piring (C) - 222
Area Kerja (D) -

Tata letak ini adalah:

ABCD 44/106
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dengan jarak 10 meter antara daerah sekitarnya.

Komputasi Load * Jarak mengukur:

Load * Jarak 
A ke B 7 * 10 70
A ke C 193 * 20 3860
A * 12 sampai D 30 360
B ke C 4 * 10 40
B ke D 82 * 20 1640
C ke D 222 * 10 2220
Jumlah 8190

Mengembangkan tata letak disukai. Apa adalah jumlah jarak * banyak layout baru Anda?

Masalah 2:
Sebuah perusahaan harus menghasilkan 40 unit / hari selama hari kerja 8-jam. Tugas, kali, dan
kegiatan pendahulunya diberikan di bawah ini.

Tugas Waktu (Menit) Pendahulu (s)

F 10 D, E
Total 38 menit

Tentukan waktu siklus dan jumlah yang tepat workstation untuk memproduksi 40 unit per 

Chapter 10. Human Resources and Job Design

Problem 1:

Develop a Process Chart  for making a grilled cheese sandwich.

Problem 2:

Develop an Activity Chart   for doing three loads of laundry. 45/106
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Problem 3:

Develop a Process Chart  for changing the oil in an automobile.

Problem 4:

Develop an Activity Chart  for writing a term paper.


Problem 1:

One possible solution. The level of detail in process charts depends upon the requirements of 

the job. Time is often included to aid analysis of value added.

Process Chart

 Distance Symbol Process Description

 Move to cabinet 

Get loaf of bread 

 Move to counter 
Open loaf of bread 

 Remove two slices of bread 

 Lay slices on counter-top

Close loaf of bread 

 Move to cabinet 

 Replace loaf of bread on shelf 

 Move to refrigerator 46/106
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Get mustard, package of ham from refrigerator, and butter 

 Move to counter 

- Open package of ham

 Remove two slices of ham

Close package of ham

Open mustard 

Spread mustard on bread 

Close mustard 

 Place ham on bread 

Close sandwich

Open butter 

Spread butter on top slice of bread 
 Move to stove

Get fry pan

Turn heat on under fry pan

Wait for pan to heat 

 Move to counter 

Get sandwich & butter 

 Move to stove 47/106
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 Place sandwich, buttered-side down in pan

 Butter top slice

- Close butter 

 Move to counter 

 Pick up ham, mustard, and butter 

 Move to refrigerator 

 Return butter, mustard, and ham to refrigerator 

 Move to stove

Wait for sandwich to brown on bottom


 Flip sandwich

Wait for sandwich to brown on bottom
 Inspect sandwich

 Move to serving area

Serve sandwich 48/106
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Problem 2:

Time Operator  Machine 1 Machine 2

Washer  Dryer 

 Load clothes and detergent in to Machine 1 Being   Idle


 Idle Run Idle

 Remove clothes from Machine 1 Being   Idle


 Load clothes into Machine 2 Idle Being loaded 

 Load clothes and detergent into Machine 1 Being   Run


 Idle Run Run

 Remove clothes from Machine 2 Idle Being unloaded 

 Hang clothes Idle Idle

Problem 3:

One solution might be:

Process Chart for 

Changing Oil in Car 

 Distance Symbol 

- Check that needed filter is in stock 

Check that oil is in stock 

 Move to car 49/106
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Get into car 

Start engine

 Idle car to warm engine

 Drive car onto lift 

Stop engine

 Release hood catch

Get out of car 

Go to lift control 

 Raise lift 

Go to toolbox

Get wrench

Get container for drained oil 

Get rag 

Walk under lift 

Wipe around oil drain plug 

-  Loosen oil drain plug 

 Position container 

 Remove oil drain plug 50/106
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 Drain oil 

Wipe around oil drain plug 

 Replace oil drain plug 

Tighten oil drain plug 

 Remove container to disposal area

 Move to lift control 

 Lower lift 

Wipe oil from wrench

 Move to toolbox

 Return wrench to tool chest 

Get oil filter wrench from tool chest 

Get container for drained oil 

 Move to car engine area

 Raise hood 

 Find oil filter 

-  Loosen oil filter 

 Position container 

 Remove oil filter 51/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Take old filter and container of drained oil to
disposal area

 Move to filter stock area

Get new filter 

 Move to car engine area

Wipe around filter mount oil seal 

 Install new filter 

- Tighten new filter 

 Remove oil filler cap

 Move to oil stock 

Get oil from stock 

 Move to car engine compartment 

Open oil container; pour in oil filler 

 Replace oil filler cap

Clean hands

Start engine

 Idle engine

Stop engine

Check oil level 52/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Check oil filter seal 

Check oil drain plug 

Wipe up any spilled oil 

Take empty oil containers to disposal area

Wipe oil from oil filter wrench

 Return oil filter wrench to tool chest 

Start engine

 Drive car off lift 

 Park car for owner pickup

 Return keys 53/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Problem 4 :

Activity Chart for Writing Term Paper 

Time Operator Computer 1 Computer 2

Desktop Library

 Develop topic Used for word 


 Develop initial outline Used for word 


 Research Used for look-up and 

web search

 Flesh out outline with Used for word 

information from research  processing 

 Evaluate paper 

 Final edit paper Used for word 


 Proof read paper Used for word 


 Print final copy of paper Used for printing 

Does this Activity Chart contain enough detail that you could estimate the time it would take
to write the term paper?

Praktik Masalah: 10 Bab Sumber Daya Manusia dan Desain Kerja

Masalah 1:
Mengembangkan Chart Proses untuk membuat sandwich keju panggang.

Masalah 2:
Mengembangkan Chart Kegiatan untuk melakukan tiga banyak cucian. 54/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Masalah 3:
Mengembangkan Chart Proses untuk mengubah minyak di mobil.

Masalah 4:
Mengembangkan Chart Kegiatan untuk menulis makalah.

Chapter 11, Supply-Chain Management

Problem 1 :
Determine the sales necessary to equal a dollar of savings on purchases for a company that has
a net profit of 6% and spends 70% of its revenues on purchases.

Problem 2 :
Determine the sales necessary to equal a dollar of savings on purchases for a company that has
a net profit of 8% and spends 40% of its revenues on purchases.

Problem 3
Phil Carter, President of Carter Computer Components, Corp. has the option of shipping
computer transformers from its Singapore plant via container ship or airfreight. The typical
shipment has a value of $75,000. A container ship takes 24 days and costs $5,000; airfreight
takes 1 day and costs $8,000. Holding cost is estimated to be 40% in either case. How should
shipments be made?


Problem 1 :

From Table 11.3, we see that this company would have to increase sales by approximately

Problem 2 :

From Table 11.3, we see that this company would have to increase sales by approximately

Problem 3 : 55/106
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Cost via container ship:

(.40 * 75,000)
[24* ] + 5,000 = (24* 82.19)+ 5,000 = 1,972.56 + 5,000 = $6,972.56

Cost via airfreight:

(.40 * 75,000)
[1* ]+ 8,000 = (1*82.19)+ 8,000 = 82.19 + 8,000 = $8,082.19

Therefore, use the container ship as it has a lower total cost.

  Bab 11, Supply-Chain Management

Masalah 1:
Tentukan penjualan yang diperlukan untuk sebesar satu dolar tabungan pada pembelian untuk 
 perusahaan yang memiliki laba bersih sebesar 6% dan menghabiskan 70% dari pendapatan
 pada pembelian.

Masalah 2:
Tentukan penjualan yang diperlukan untuk sebesar satu dolar tabungan pada pembelian untuk 
 perusahaan yang memiliki laba bersih sebesar 8% dan menghabiskan 40% dari pendapatan
 pada pembelian.

Masalah 3
Phil Carter, Presiden Carter Komponen Komputer, Corp memiliki pilihan untuk pengiriman
transformer komputer dari tanaman Singapura yang melalui kapal kontainer atau udara.
Pengiriman khas memiliki nilai sebesar $ 75.000. Sebuah kapal kontainer membutuhkan 24
hari dan biaya $ 5.000; udara memerlukan waktu 1 hari dan biaya $ 8.000. Holding biaya
diperkirakan sebesar 40% dalam kedua kasus. Bagaimana seharusnya pengiriman dilakukan?

Chapter 12, Inventory Management

Problem 1:
ABC Analysis

Stock Number Annual Percent of Annual $

$ Volume
Volume 56/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

J24 12,500 46.2

R26 9,000 33.3

L02 3,200 11.8

M12 1,550 5.8

P33 620 2.3

T72 65 0.2

S67 53 0.2

Q47 32 0.1

V20 30 0.1

  = 100.0

What are the appropriate ABC groups of inventory items?

Problem 2:
A firm has 1,000 “A” items (which it counts every week, i.e., 5 days), 4,000 “B” items
(counted every 40 days), and 8,000 “C” items (counted every 100 days). How many items
should be counted per day?

Problem 3:
Assume you have a product with the following parameters:
Demand = 360
Holding cost per  year  = $1.00  per unit

Order  cos t: = $100  per order 

What is the EOQ?

Problem 4:
Given the data from Problem 3, and assuming a 300-day work year; how many orders should
 be processed per year? What is the expected time between orders?

Problem 5:
What is the total cost for the inventory policy used in Problem 3? 57/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Problem 6:
Assume that the demand was actually higher than estimated (i.e., 500 units instead of 360
units). What will be the actual annual total cost?

Problem 7:
If demand for an item is 3 units per day, and delivery lead-time is 15 days, what should we use
for a re-order point?

Problem 8:
Assume that our firm produces type C fire extinguishers. We make 30,000 of these fire
extinguishers per year. Each extinguisher requires one handle (assume a 300 day work year for 
daily usage rate purposes). Assume an annual carrying cost of $1.50 per handle; production
setup cost of $150, and a daily production rate of 300. What is the optimal production order 

Problem 9:
We need 1,000 electric drills per year. The ordering cost for these is $100 per order and the
carrying cost is assumed to be 40% of the per unit cost. In orders of less than 120, drills cost
$78; for orders of 120 or more, the cost drops to $50 per unit.

Should we take advantage of the quantity discount?

Problem 10:
Litely Corp sells 1,350 of its special decorator light switch per year, and places orders for 300
of these switches at a time. Assuming no safety stocks, Litely estimates a 50% chance of no
shortages in each cycle, and the probability of shortages of 5, 10, and 15 units as 0.2, 0.15, and
0.15 respectively. The carrying cost per unit per year is calculated as $5 and the stockout cost
is estimated at $6 ($3 lost profit per switch and another $3 lost in goodwill, or future sales
loss). What level of safety stock should Litely use for this product? (Consider safety stock of 
0, 5, 10, and 15 units)

Problem 11:

Presume that Litely carries a modern white kitchen ceiling lamp that is quite popular. The
anticipated demand during lead time can be approximated by a normal curve having a mean of 
180 units and a standard deviation of 40 units. What safety stock should Litely carry to
achieve a 95% service level?

ANSWERS 58/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Problem 1:

ABC Groups

Class Items Annual Percent of $

Volume Volume

A J24, R26 21,500 79.5

B L02, M12 4,750 17.6

C P33, T72, S67, Q47, V20 800 2.9

  = 100.0

Problem 2:

Item Quantity Policy Number of Items to

Class Count Per Day

A 1,000 Every 5 days 1000/5 = 200/day

B 4,000 Every 40 4000/40=100/day


C 8,000 Every 100 8000/100=80/day


Total items to count: 380/day

Problem 3:

2 * Demand * Order cost 2 * 360 * 100

EOQ = = = 72000 = 268 items
Holding cost 1

Problem 4:

Demand 360
 N = = = 1.34 orders per year 
Q 268
Working days
T= = 300 / 134
. = 224 days between orders
Expected number of orders 59/106
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Problem 5:

Demand * Order Cost (Quantity of Items) * (Holding Cost ) 360 * 100 268 * 1
TC = + = + = 134 + 134 = $268
Q 2 268 2

Problem 6:

Demand * Order Cost (Quantity of Items) * (Holding Cost )

TC = + = 500 *100 + 268 * 1 = 186.57 + 134 = $320.57
Q 2 268 2

 Note that while demand was underestimated by nearly 50%, annual cost increases by only
20% (320 / 268 = 1.20)  an illustration of the degree to which the EOQ model is relatively
insensitive to small errors in estimation of demand.

Problem 7:

ROP = Demand during lead - time = 3 * 15 = 45 units

Problem 8 :

2 * Demand * Order Cost (2)(30,000)(150)

Q* 3000 units
= Holding Cost G
Daily Usage Rate
J . G
F   J
1 − 100 IK  =
H Daily Pr oduction Rate K
H 300

Problem 9 :

( 2)(1000)(100)
Q p* ($78) = = 80 units
( 0.4 )(78)

* ( 2)(1000)(100)
Q p ($50) = ( 0.4 )(50) = 100 units = 120 to take advantage of quantity discount.
Ordering 100 units at $50 per unit is not possible; the discount does not apply until 120 the
order equals 120 units. Therefore, we need to compare the total costs for the two alternatives.
Demand * Order Cost (Quantity of Items) * ( Holding cos t )
Total cos t = Demand * Cost + +
Q 2 60/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

(1000)(100) (80)( 0.4)( 78)

Total cos t($78) = (1000)(78) + + = $80,498
80 2
(1000)(100) (120)( 0.4)(50)
Total cos t($50) = (1000)(50) + + = $52,033
120 2

Therefore, we should order 120 each time at a unit cost of $50 and a total cost of $52,033.

Problem 10:

Safety stock = 0 units:

Carrying cost equals zero.

Stockout cos ts = (Stockout cos t * possible units of shortage * probability of shortage * number o

1350 1350 1350

S0 = 6* 5* 0.2 * + 6 * 10 * 015
. * + 6* 15* 0.15* = $128.25
300 300 300

Safety stock = 5 units:

Carrying cos t = $5   * 5 units = $25

per unit

1350 1350
Stockout cost: S5 = 6* 5* 0.15* + 6 * 10 * 015
. * = $60.75
300 300

Total cos t = carrying cos t + stockout cos t = $25 + $60.75 = $85.75

Safety stock = 10 units:

Carrying cos t = 10 * 5 = $50.00

Stockout cost: S10 = 6 * 5* 015
. * = $20.25
300 61/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Total cos t = carrying cos t + plus stockout cos t = $50.00 + $20.25 = $70.25

Safety stock  = 15:

Carrying cos t = 15* 5 = $75.00

Stockout cos ts  = 0  (there is no shortage if 15 units are maintained)

Total cos t = carrying cos t + stockout cos t = $75.00 + $0 = $75.00

Therefore: Minimum cost comes from carrying a 10-unit safety stock.

Problem 11:

To find the safety stock for a 95% service level it is necessary to calculate the 95th percentile
on the normal curve. Using the standard Normal table from the text, we find the Z value for 
0.95 is 1.65 standard units. The safety stock is then given by:

. * 40  ) + 180 = 66 + 180 = 246 Ceiling Lamps


Praktek Masalah: Bab 12, Manajemen Persediaan

Masalah 1:
Analisis ABC
Jumlah Saham Tahunan $ Volume Persen Tahunan $ Volume
J24 12.500 46,2
R26 9.000 33,3
L02 3.200 11,8
M12 1.550 5.8
P33 620 2.3
T72 65 0.2
53 S67 0.2
Q47 32 0.1
30 V20 0,1
  100,0 =Σ

Apa ABC sesuai kelompok barang inventaris? 62/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Masalah 2:
 perusahaan A memiliki 1.000 "A" item (yang penting setiap minggu, yaitu 5 hari), 4.000 "B"
item (dihitung setiap 40 hari), dan 8.000 "C" item (dihitung setiap 100 hari). Berapa banyak 
item yang harus dihitung per hari?

Masalah 3:
Asumsikan Anda memiliki produk dengan parameter berikut:

Holding biaya per per unit

Order per pesanan
Apa EOQ itu?

Masalah 4:
Mengingat data dari Soal 3, dan dengan asumsi setahun 300 hari kerja; berapa banyak pesanan
harus diproses per tahun? Apakah waktu yang diharapkan antara pesanan?

Masalah 5:
Berapa biaya total untuk kebijakan persediaan yang digunakan pada Soal 3?

Masalah 6:
Asumsikan bahwa permintaan itu sebenarnya lebih tinggi dari perkiraan (misalnya, 500 unit
 bukan 360 unit). Apa yang akan menjadi biaya total aktual tahunan?

Masalah 7:
Jika permintaan untuk item adalah 3 unit per hari, dan pengiriman lead-waktu 15 hari, apa
yang harus kita gunakan untuk titik re-order?

Masalah 8:
Asumsikan bahwa perusahaan kami memproduksi alat pemadam kebakaran tipe C. Kami
membuat 30.000 dari pemadam kebakaran per tahun. Setiap pemadam memerlukan satu
handle (menganggap 300 hari kerja tahun berjalan tingkat penggunaan harian). Asumsikan
 biaya tercatat tahunan sebesar $ 1,50 per menangani; produksi setup biaya sebesar $ 150, dan
tingkat produksi harian 300. Apakah jumlah produksi yang optimal memesan?

Soal 9:
Kita perlu latihan listrik 1.000 per tahun. Biaya pemesanan untuk ini adalah $ 100 per order 
dan biaya tercatat diasumsikan 40% dari biaya per unit. Dalam pesanan kurang dari 120, bor 
 biaya $ 78, untuk pesanan 120 atau lebih, biaya turun menjadi $ 50 per unit.

Haruskah kita mengambil keuntungan dari diskon kuantitas?

Masalah 10:
Litely Corp menjual 1.350 dari dekorator khusus beralih pada lampu per tahun, dan tempat-
tempat pesanan untuk 300 switch ini pada suatu waktu. Dengan asumsi tidak ada saham
keselamatan, Litely memperkirakan 50% kemungkinan tidak ada kekurangan dalam setiap
siklus, dan probabilitas kekurangan 5, 10, dan 15 unit sebagai 0,2, 0,15, dan 0,15 masing-
masing. Biaya perolehan per unit per tahun dihitung sebagai $ 5 dan biaya stockout
diperkirakan $ 6 ($ 3 keuntungan hilang per saklar dan lain $ 3 hilang dalam goodwill, atau
masa depan rugi penjualan). Apa tingkat safety stock Litely harus digunakan untuk produk 
ini? (Pertimbangkan safety stock dari 0, 5, 10, dan 15 unit) 63/106
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Masalah 11:
Menganggap bahwa Litely membawa lampu langit-langit dapur modern putih yang cukup
 populer. Mengantisipasi permintaan selama lead time dapat didekati dengan kurva normal
yang memiliki rata-rata 180 unit dan deviasi standar 40 unit. Apa safety stock Litely harus
membawa untuk mencapai tingkat pelayanan 95%?

Chapter 13, Aggregate Planning

Problem 1 :

Set the following problem up in transportation format and solve for the minimum cost plan.


Feb Mar Apr  

Demand 55 70 75


Regular 50 50 50

Overtime 5 5 5

Subcontract 12 12 10

Beginning Inventory 10


Regular time $60 per unit

Overtime $80 per unit 64/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Subcontract $90 per unit

Inventory carrying cost $1 per unit per month

Back order cost $3 per unit per month


Problem 1 :

Soal Praktek: Bab 13, Perencanaan Agregat

Masalah 1:
Mengatur masalah berikut dalam format transportasi dan memecahkan untuk rencana biaya
 Feb Mar Apr 
Permintaan 55 70 75

Reguler 50 50 50
Lembur 5 5 5
Subkontrak 12 12 10

Awal Persediaan 10 65/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Regular waktu $ 60 per unit
Lembur $ 80 per unit
Subkontrak $ 90 per unit
Membawa persediaan biaya $ 1 per unit per bulan
Kembali rangka biaya $ 3 per unit per bulan

Chapter 14, Material Requirements Planning

(MRP) and ERP

Problem 1:
The Hunicut and Hallock Corporation makes two versions of the same basic file cabinet, the
TOL (Top-of-the-line) five drawer file cabinet and the HQ (High-quality) five drawer filing

The TOL and HQ use the same cabinet frame and locking mechanism. The drawer assemblies
are different although both use the same drawer frame assembly. The drawer assemblies for 
the TOL cabinet use a sliding assembly that requires  four   bearings per side whereas the HQ
sliding assembly requires only two bearings per side. (These bearings are identical for both

cabinet types.) 100 TOL and 300 HQ file cabinets need to be assembled in week #10. No
current stock exists.

Develop a material structure tree for the TOL and the HQ file cabinets.

Problem 2:

Develop a gross material requirements plan for the TOL and HQ cabinets in the previous

Problem 3:

Develop a net material requirements plan for the TOL and HQ file cabinets in the previous
 problems assuming a current on-hand finished goods inventory of 100 TOL cabinets. The lead
times are given below.
Painting and final assembly of both HQ and TOL requires 2 weeks. 66/106
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Both cabinet frames and lock assembly require 1 week for manufacturing.

Both drawer assemblies require 2 weeks for assembly.

Both sliding assemblies require 2 weeks for manufacturing.

 Bearings require 2 week to arrive from the supplier.

Problem 4:

If the TOL file cabinet has a gross material requirements plan as shown below, no inventory,
and 2 weeks lead time is required for assembly, what are the order release dates and lot sizes
when lot sizing is determined using lot-for-lot? Use a holding cost of $2.00 and a setup cost of 
$20.00, and assume no initial inventory.

Gross Material Requirements Plan

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TOL 50 100 50 100

Problem 5:

If the TOL file cabinet has a gross material requirements plan as shown below, no inventory,
and 2 weeks of lead time is required for assembly, what are the order release dates and lot
sizes when lot sizing is determined by EOQ (Economic Order Quantity)? Use a holding cost
of $2.00 and a setup cost of $20.00, and assume no initial inventory.

Gross Material Requirements Plan

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TOL 50 100 50 100

Problem 6:

If the TOL file cabinet has a gross materials requirements plan as shown below, no inventory,
and 2 weeks of lead time is required for assembly, what are the order release dates and lot size
when lot sizing is determined using PPB (part period balancing)? Use a holding cost of $2.00
and a setup cost of $20,000, and no initial inventory.

Gross Material Requirements Plan

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TOL 50 100 50 100 67/106
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Problem 1:

Problem 2:

Gross Requirements Plan

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TOL 100

HQ 300

Problem 3:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Required   100 2
date weeks
release date 68/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Required 2
date weeks
Order  30
release date 0

Required 30 1
Cabinet date 0 week 
and lock  Order  30
release date 0

Required 15 2
HQ date 00 weeks

assembly Order  15
release date 00

Required 15 2
Drawer  date 00 weeks
assembly Order  15
release date 00

Required 15 2
HQ date 00 weeks
assembly Order  15
release date 00

Required 60 2
date 00 weeks

release date 60


300 cabinet frames and locks in week 8

1500 HQ drawer assemblies in week 8 69/106
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1500 drawer frame assemblies in week 6

1500 HQ sliding assemblies in week 6

6000 bearings in week 4

Problem 4 :

Gross Material Requirements Plan

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TOL 50 100 50 100

Release dates
50 100 50 100
and lot sizes

Holding cost = $0
Setup cost = 4 * $20 = $80

Total cost = $80

Problem 5 :

Solution using POM for Windows:

Gross Material Requirements Plan

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

TOL 50 100 50 100

Release dates   96
72 96 48
and lot sizes

Holding cost = $280

Setup cost = 4 * $20 = $80
Total cost = $360

  Bab 14, Material Requirements Planning (MRP) dan ERP

Masalah 1:
Para Hunicut dan Hallock Corporation membuat dua versi dari lemari file yang sama dasar,
TOL (Top-of-the-line) lima lemari laci file dan HQ (High-kualitas) lima laci lemari arsip. 70/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Para TOL dan HQ menggunakan frame kabinet yang sama dan mekanisme penguncian.
Majelis laci berbeda meskipun keduanya menggunakan perakitan laci yang sama frame.
majelis Laci untuk kabinet TOL menggunakan perakitan geser yang memerlukan empat
 bantalan per sisi sedangkan perakitan HQ geser membutuhkan hanya dua bantalan tiap sisi.
(Ini bantalan yang identik untuk kedua jenis kabinet.) 100 TOL dan 300 HQ lemari arsip harus
dirakit pada minggu # 10. Tidak ada saham saat ini ada.

Mengembangkan pohon bahan struktur untuk TOL dan lemari arsip kantor pusat.

Masalah 2:
Mengembangkan bahan rencana kebutuhan kotor untuk lemari TOL dan HQ pada contoh

Masalah 3:
Mengembangkan bahan rencana kebutuhan bersih untuk TOL dan lemari arsip HQ dalam
masalah sebelumnya dengan asumsi pada saat tangan persediaan barang jadi dari 100 lemari
TOL. Memimpin kali diberikan di bawah ini.

 perakitan Lukisan dan akhir dari kedua HQ dan TOL membutuhkan 2 minggu.

frame kabinet Baik dan perakitan kunci memerlukan 1 minggu untuk pembuatan.

Kedua majelis laci memerlukan 2 minggu untuk perakitan.

Kedua majelis geser memerlukan 2 minggu untuk pembuatan.

Bearings memerlukan 2 minggu untuk datang dari pemasok.

Masalah 4:
Jika lemari arsip TOL memiliki rencana kebutuhan material kasar seperti yang ditunjukkan di
 bawah ini, tidak ada persediaan, dan 2 minggu lead time dibutuhkan untuk perakitan, apa
tanggal rilis order dan ukuran banyak saat lot sizing ditentukan dengan-banyak-banyak untuk?
Gunakan biaya penyimpanan sebesar $ 2,00 dan biaya setup sebesar $ 20.00, dan menganggap
tidak memiliki persediaan awal.

Persyaratan Bahan Rencana Bruto

Minggu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TOL 50 100 50 100

Masalah 5:
Jika lemari arsip TOL memiliki rencana kebutuhan material kasar seperti yang ditunjukkan di
 bawah ini, tidak ada persediaan, dan 2 minggu lead time dibutuhkan untuk perakitan, apa
tanggal rilis order dan ukuran banyak saat lot sizing ditentukan oleh EOQ (Economic Order 
Quantity) ? Gunakan biaya penyimpanan sebesar $ 2,00 dan biaya setup sebesar $ 20.00, dan
menganggap tidak memiliki persediaan awal.

Persyaratan Bahan Rencana Bruto

Minggu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TOL 50 100 50 100 71/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

Masalah 6:
Jika lemari arsip TOL memiliki bahan-bahan kotor persyaratan rencana seperti yang
ditunjukkan di bawah ini, tidak ada persediaan, dan 2 minggu lead time dibutuhkan untuk 
 perakitan, apa tanggal rilis pesanan dan ukuran banyak saat lot sizing ditentukan dengan PPB
(menyeimbangkan bagian periode) ? Gunakan biaya penyimpanan sebesar $ 2,00 dan biaya
setup sebesar $ 20.000, dan tidak ada persediaan awal.

Persyaratan Bahan Rencana Bruto

Minggu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
TOL 50 100 50 100

Chapter 15, Short Term Scheduling

Problem 1:
Assume that Susan is a sorority pledge coordinator with four jobs and only three pledges. The
table below gives the expected time for each pledge to do each job.

Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Job 4

Alice 4 9 3 8

Barbara 7 8 2 6

Jennifer 3 4 5 7

If she wishes to minimize the time taken, to whom should she assign which job?

Problem 2:
Five jobs are to be done at custom furniture shop:

Job Days Date

to Promised
(in Days from

A 2 5

B 8 8 72/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

C 6 12

D 4 10

E 1 4

Compare the effect of the scheduling methods (A) FCFS (first come, first served), (B) EDD
(earliest due date), and (C) SPT (smallest processing time).

Problem 3:
The following six jobs are waiting to be processed:

Job Hours Time

to Due

#407 2 7

#281 8 16

#306 4 4

#429 10 17

#038 5 15

#998 12 18

Develop the appropriate sequencing for these jobs using the Critical Ratio criteria.

Problem 4:
Five jobs go through two work centers, as shown below:

Job Hours Required

  Varnishing Painting
(Center 1) (Center 2)

R 4 5
S 17 7

T 14 12

U 9 2

V 11 6 73/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

What is the appropriate sequence for these jobs?


Problem 1:
First, begin with the following assignment table:

Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Job 4

Alice 4 9 3 8

Barbara 7 8 2 6

Jennifer 3 4 5 7

Dummy 0 0 0 0

 Note: The “dummy” must be added because we have four jobs and only three people.

Solve this table for the set of assignments giving the minimum total job time.

Your final table should look like:

Job 1 Job 2 Job 3 Job 4

Alice 0 4 0 3

Barbara 4 4 0 2

Jennifer 0 0 3 3

Dummy 1 0 2 0

The set of optimal assignments would then be:

Alice - Job 1
Barbara - Job 3
Jennifer - Job 2 74/106
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Dummy - Job 4
 Note that Job 4 does not get done since it is assigned to the “Dummy.”

Problem 2 :



Sequence Process Flow Due Lateness

Time Time Date

A 2 2 5 0

B 8 10 8 2

C 6 16 12 4

D 4 20 10 10

E 1 21 4 17

TOTALS 21 69 33

Average completion time = 69 / 5 = 13.8 days

Average number of jobs in the system = 69 / 21 = 3.28 jobs

Average lateness = 33 / 5 = 6.6 days

Utilization = 21 / 69 = 30.4%



Sequence Process Flow Due Lateness

Time Time Date
E 1 1 4 0

A 2 3 5 0

B 8 11 8 3

D 4 15 10 5 75/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

C 6 21 12 9

TOTALS 21 51 17

Utilization = 21 / 51 = 41.2%



Sequence Process Flow Due Lateness

Time Time Date

E 1 1 4 0

A 2 3 5 0
D 4 7 10 0

C 6 13 12 1

B 8 21 8 13
TOTALS 21 45 14

Average completion time = 45 / 5 = 9 days

Average number of jobs in the system = 45 / 21 = 2.14 jobs

Average lateness = 14 / 5 = 2.8 days

Utilization = 21 / 45 = 46. 7%

Problem 3 :

Job Hours to Time Computed

Process Due Critical

#407 2 7 7/2 = 3.5

#281 8 16 16/8 = 2.0

#306 4 4 4/4 = 1.0 76/106
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#429 10 17 17/10 = 1.7

#038 5 15 15/5 = 3.0

#998 12 18 18/12 = 1.5

Critical Critical
Ratio Ratio

#306 1.0

#998 1.5

#429 1.7

#281 2.0

#038 3.0
#407 3.5

Problem 4 :

Soal Praktek: Bab 15, Penjadwalan Jangka Pendek 

Masalah 1:

Asumsikan bahwa Susan adalah janji mahasiswi koordinator dengan empat pekerjaan dan
hanya tiga janji. Tabel di bawah ini memberikan waktu yang diharapkan untuk setiap janji
untuk melakukan pekerjaan masing-masing.
Ayub 1 Job 2 Job 3 Job 4
Alice 4 9 3 8 77/106
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Barbara 7 8 2 6
Jennifer 3 4 5 7

Jika dia ingin meminimalkan waktu yang dibutuhkan, kepada siapa ia harus menetapkan yang

Masalah 2:
Lima pekerjaan harus dilakukan di toko furnitur kustom:
Hari Ayub Dijanjikan Selesai Tanggal
(Dalam hari dari Today)
C 6 12
D 4 10

Bandingkan pengaruh metode penjadwalan (A) FCFS (first come, first served), (B) EDD
(jatuh tempo awal), dan (C) SPT (waktu proses terkecil).

Masalah 3:
Keenam berikut pekerjaan sedang menunggu untuk diproses:
Jam Ayub Proses Sisa Karena
# 407 2 7
# 281 8 16
# 306 4 4
# 429 10 17
# 038 5 15
# 998 12 18

Mengembangkan urutan yang sesuai untuk pekerjaan ini menggunakan kriteria Rasio Kritis.

Masalah 4:
Lima pekerjaan melalui dua pusat bekerja, seperti yang ditunjukkan di bawah ini:
Jam Kerja Diperlukan
Varnishing (Pusat 1) Lukisan (Center 2)
S 17 7
T 14 12
V 11 6

Apa urutan tepat untuk pekerjaan ini? 78/106
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Chapter 16, Just-in-Time Systems

Problem 1:

asked toElectronics produces
reduce inventory by short runs ofabattery-powered
introducing pocketseveral
kanban system. After lanterns. Youofhave
hours beenyou
have developed the following data for connectors used in one work cell. How many kanbans
do you need for this connector?

Daily demand 1,500 units

Production lead-time 1 day

Safety stock 1 day

Kanban size 250 units

Problem 2:
Perkins Lighting wishes to employ a kanban in their new floor lamp production system. For 
the floor lamp base, they have provided the following information:

Daily demand 300 units

Holding cost $20/unit/year 

Order cost $10/order 

Lead time 2 days

Safety stock 600 units

Find the size of the kanban and the number of kanbans required.


Problem 1: 79/106
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Demand during lead time = 1, 500

Safety stock = 1, 500

Therefore: Maximum inventory level = 1, 500 + 1, 500 = 3, 000

 Number of kanbans needed = maximum inventory level/kanban size = 3000 / 250 = 12

Problem 2:

Daily demand 300 units

Holding cost $20/unit/year 

Order cost $10/order 

Lead time 2 days

Safety stock 2 days demand

Find the size of the kanban and the number of kanbans required.

Assume that the size of the kanban is the EOQ:

2 * Demand * Order cost 2 * 300 * 300 *10

Q= = = 90, 000 = 300 units
Holding cost 20

∴ kanban size = 300

 Number of kanbans = (demand during lead time + safety stock) / size of kanban

= [(2 * 300) + 600] / 3 00 = 1200 / 300 = 4 kanbans 80/106
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Soal Praktek: Bab 16, Just-in-Time Systems

Masalah 1:
Elektronik Bryant menghasilkan berjalan singkat lentera saku bertenaga baterai. Anda telah
diminta untuk mengurangi persediaan dengan memperkenalkan sistem kanban. Setelah
 beberapa jam analisis Anda telah mengembangkan data berikut untuk konektor yang
digunakan dalam satu sel kerja. Berapa banyak kanbans yang anda butuhkan untuk konektor 

Harian permintaan 1.500 unit

Produksi lead-time 1 hari

Safety stock 1 hari

Kanban ukuran 250 unit

Masalah 2:
Perkins Lighting ingin mempekerjakan kanban di lantai baru sistem mereka produksi lampu.
Untuk lampu lantai dasar, mereka telah memberikan informasi berikut:

Harian permintaan 300 unit

Holding biaya $ 20/unit/year 

Order biaya $ 10/order 

Lead waktu 2 hari

Safety stock 600 unit

Cari ukuran kanban dan jumlah kanbans diperlukan.

Chapter 17, Maintenance and Reliability

Problem 1:

California Instruments, Inc., produces 3,000 computer chips per day. Three hundred are tested
for a period of 500 operating hours each. During the test, six failed: two after 50 hours, two at
100 hours, one at 300 hours, and one at 400 hours. 81/106
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Find FR(%) and FR(N).

Problem 2:
If 300 of these chips are used in building a mainframe computer, how many failures of the

computer can be expected per month?

Problem 3:
Find the reliability of this system: 82/106
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Problem 4:

Given the probabilities below, calculate the expected breakdown cost.

 Number of Breakdowns Daily Frequency

0 3
1 2
2 2
3 3

Assume a cost of $10 per breakdown.


Problem 1:

FR(%) = failures per number tested = 6/300 = 0.02 = 2%

FR( N ) = failures per operating time:
Total time = 300 * 500 = 150,000 hours
Downtime = 2(450) + 2(400) + 1(200) + 1(100) = 2,000 hours
Operating time = Total time – Downtime = 150,000 – 2,000 = 148,000
Therefore: FR(N) = 6/148,000 = 0.0000405 failures/hour 
MTBF = 1/FR(N) = 24,691 hours

Problem 2:

Converting the units of FR(N) to months:

FR( N ) = 0.0000405 * 24 hours/day * 30 days/month = 0.029 failures/month

 FR(N) for the 300 units:

FR( N ) = 0.029 failures/month * 300 units = 8.75 failures/month

 MTBF for the mainframe:

MTBF = 1/FR( N ) = 1/8.75 = 0.11 month = 0.11 * 30 = 3.4 days 83/106
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Calculation for MTBF assumes that failure of any one chip brings down entire system.

Problem 3:

 R = [0.95 + 0.92(1 − 0.95)] * [0.98] * [0.90 + 0.90(1 − 0.90)]

= 0.996 * 0.98 * 0.99 = 96.6%

Problem 4:

 Number of Breakdowns Daily Frequency Probability

0 3 0.3
1 2 0.2

2 2 0.2
3 3 0.3

Expected number of breakdowns = (0)(0.3) + (1)(0.2) + (2)(0.2) + (3)(0.3)

  = 0 + 0.2 + 0.4 + 0.9
  = 1.5 breakdowns/day

Expected breakdown cost = Expected number of breakdowns * Cost per breakdown

  = 1.5 * $10
  = $15/day

Praktek Masalah: Bab 17, Pemeliharaan dan Keandalan

Masalah 1:

California Instruments, Inc, memproduksi chip komputer 3.000 per hari. Tiga ratus diuji untuk 
 jangka waktu 500 jam operasi masing-masing. Selama pengujian, enam gagal: dua setelah 50
 jam, dua jam 100 jam, satu jam 300 jam, dan satu di 400 jam.

Cari FR (%) dan FR (N).

Masalah 2:

Jika 300 chip ini digunakan dalam membangun sebuah komputer mainframe, berapa banyak 
kegagalan komputer dapat diharapkan per bulan?

Masalah 3: 84/106
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Temukan keandalan sistem ini:

Masalah 4:

Mengingat probabilitas bawah, menghitung biaya kerusakan yang diharapkan.

Jumlah kerusakan Frekuensi Harian


Asumsikan biaya sebesar $ 10 per breakdown.

Practice Problems: Module A, Decision Making

Problem 1:
Bascomb’s Candy is considering the introduction of a new line of products. In order to
 produce the new line, the bakery is considering either a major or minor renovation of the
current plant. The market for the new line of products could be either favorable or 
unfavorable. Bascomb’s Candy has the option of not developing the new product line at all.

Develop the appropriate decision tree.

Problem 2:
With major renovation, at Bascomb’s Candy (See Problem 1 above) the payoff from a
favorable market is $100,000, from an unfavorable market $ − 90 ,000 . Minor renovations
and favorable market has a payoff of $40,000 and an unfavorable market $ − 20 ,000 .
Assuming that a favorable market and an unfavorable market are equally likely, solve the
decision tree.

Problem 3:
Jeff Heyl, the owner of Bascomb’s Candy (Problem 1 and 2 above) realizes that he should get
more information before making his final decision. He decides to contract with a market
research firm to conduct a market survey. How much should Jeff be willing to pay for accurate
information (i.e. What is the Expected Value of Perfect Information, EVPI?)? 85/106
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Problem 1:

Problem 2:

Therefore, the appropriate choice under equally likely market conditions is to make the minor 
modifications ( EMV = $10,000.) 86/106
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Problem 3:
With knowledge of when a favorable market will occur, Jeff’s best payoff is major renovation.
This happens 1 2  the time. $100,000 * .5 = $50,000

When unfavorable market exists, Jeff will do nothing, which happens 12  the time.
0 * .5 = $0.0
so Perfect Information yields = ($100,000 * .5) + (0 * .5) = $50,000

Therefore EMV is $10,000 vs. $50,000 with Perfect Information

and EVPI = $50,000 − $10,000 = $40,000

Practice Problems: Module B, Linear Programming

Problem 1:

Chad’s Pottery Barn has enough clay to make 24 small vases or 6 large vases. He has only
enough of a special glazing compound to glaze 16 of the small vases or 8 of the large vases.
Let X 1 = the number of small vases and X 2 = the number of large vases.

The smaller vases sell for $3 each, and the larger vases would bring $9 each.

(a) Formulate the problem

(b) Solve the problem graphically

Problem 2:

A fabric firm has received an order for cloth specified to contain at least 45 pounds of cotton
and 25 pounds of silk. The cloth can be woven out of any suitable mix of two yarns A and B.
They contain the proportions of cotton and silk (by weight) as shown in the following table: 87/106
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Cotton Silk  

A 30% 50%
B 60% 10%

Material A costs $3 per pound, and B costs $2 per pound. What quantities (pounds) of A and
B yarns should be used to minimize the cost of this order?


Problem 1:

(a) Formulation:
Objective function: Maximize 3 X 1 + 9 X 2
Subject to: Clay constraint: 1 X 1 + 4 X 2 ≤ 24
  Glaze constraint: 1 X 1 + 2 X 2 ≤ 16

(b) Graphical Solution 88/106
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 X 1 @ $3.00  X 2 @ $9.00 Income

A 0 0 0
B 0 6 $54

C 8 4 $60*
D 16 0 $48

Evaluating all possible corner points that might be the optimal solution, the optimum income
of $60 will occur by making and selling 8 small vases and 4 large vases. An iso-profit line on
the graph from (20,0) to (0,6.67) shows the point that returns value of $60.
Problem 2:


Objective function: min C = 3 A + 2 B

Constraints: Cotton .30 A + .60 B ≥ 45
Silk .50 A + .10 B ≥ 25

We can learn the values of  A and B at intersection of the Silk and Cotton constraints by
simultaneously solving the equations that determine the point. To solve for  A we first multiply
the Silk equation by 6 then subtract the Cotton equation.

3.0  A + .60 B = 150 (Silk constraint multiplied by 6)

.30  A + .60 B = 45 (subtract Cotton equation)
2.70  A = 105
   A = 38.8 89/106
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Following the same basic procedure for the value of  B, we multiply the Cotton equation by 3
and the Silk equation by 5 and subtract the Silk equation.

1.50 A + 3.0 B = 225 (Cotton equation multiplied by 5)

1.50  A + .30 B
== 150
75 (Silk equation multiplied by 3 and subtracted)
  2.70  B
   B = 55.6

Using the Objective Function, we can calculate the profit at each of the three corner points:

Axis intercept (0, 250) = (0 * $3) + (250 * $2) = $500

Axis intercept (150, 0) = (150 * $3) + 0 * $2) = $350
Intersection of the two constraints (38.8, 55.5) = (38.8 * $3) + (55.6 * $2) = $227.60

The minimum cost is found at the intersection of the two constraint equations.

Praktek Masalah: Modul B, Linear Programming

Masalah 1:

Chad Pottery Barn memiliki cukup tanah liat untuk membuat 24 vas kecil atau 6 vas besar.
Dia hanya cukup dari senyawa kaca khusus untuk Glaze 16 dari vas kecil atau 8 dari vas
 besar. Biarkan X1 = jumlah vas kecil dan X2 = jumlah vas besar.

Vas kecil menjual sebesar $ 3 masing-masing, dan vas yang lebih besar akan membawa $ 9

(A) Merumuskan masalah

(B) Memecahkan masalah grafis

Masalah 2:

Sebuah perusahaan kain telah menerima pesanan untuk kain ditentukan untuk mengandung
 paling sedikit 45 pon kapas dan 25 pon sutra. kain tenun ini dapat keluar dari setiap campuran
yang cocok dari dua benang A dan B. Mereka mengandung proporsi kapas dan sutra (dengan
 berat) seperti terlihat dalam tabel berikut:

Cotton Silk 
A% 30 50%
B 60% 10%

Bahan A biaya $ 3 per pon, dan biaya B $ 2 per pon. Apa jumlah (pon) A dan B benang harus 90/106
5/18/2018 SoalDan Jawaban Heizer

digunakan untuk meminimalkan biaya pesanan ini?

Practice Problems: Module C, Transportation Models

Problem 1:
John Galt Shipping wishes to ship a product that is made at two different factories to three
different warehouses. They produce 18 units at Factory A and 22 units at Factory B. They
need 10 units in warehouse #1, 20 units in warehouse #2, and 10 units in warehouse #3. Per 
unit transportation costs are shown in the table below. How many units should be shipped
from each factory to each warehouse?

Warehouse #1 Warehouse #2 Warehouse #3

Plant A $4 $2 $3

Plant B $3 $2 $1

Problem 2:

Assume that in Problem 1 the demand at each warehouse is increased by 4 units. Now how
many units should be shipped from each factory to each warehouse?


Problem 1: 91/106
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Problem 2:

 Note that we had to use a “Dummy Factory” to supply the extra products as demand exceeds
the quantity available from just the two factories.

Praktek Masalah: C Modul, Model Transportasi 92/106
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Masalah 1:

John Galt Pengiriman ingin kapal produk yang dibuat di dua pabrik yang berbeda untuk tiga
gudang yang berbeda. Mereka menghasilkan 18 unit di Pabrik unit A dan 22 di Pabrik B.
Mereka perlu 10 unit di gudang # 1, 20 unit di gudang # 2, dan 10 unit di gudang # 3. Per unit
 biaya transportasi ditunjukkan dalam tabel di bawah ini. Berapa jumlah yang harus dikirim
dari setiap pabrik ke gudang masing-masing?

# 1 Gudang Gudang Gudang # 2 # 3

Tanaman A $ 4 $ 2 $ 3
Pabrik B $ 3 $ 2 $ 1

Masalah 2:

Asumsikan bahwa pada Soal 1 permintaan di gudang masing-masing meningkat sebesar 4

unit. Sekarang berapa jumlah yang harus dikirim dari setiap pabrik ke gudang masing-masing?

Practice Problems: Module D, Waiting-Line Models

Problem 1 :

A new shopping mall is considering setting up an information desk manned by one employee.
Based upon information obtained from similar information desks, it is believed that people
will arrive at the desk at a rate of 20 per hour. It takes an average of 2 minutes to answer a
question. It is assumed that the arrivals follow a Poisson distribution and answer times are
exponentially distributed.

(a) Find the probability that the employee is idle.

(b) Find the proportion of the time that the employee is busy.
(c) Find the average number of people receiving and waiting to receive some information.
(d) Find the average number of people waiting in line to get some information.

(e) Find the average time a person seeking information spends in the system.
(f) Find the expected time a person spends just waiting in line to have a question answered
(time in the queue).

Problem 2 : 93/106
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Assume that the information desk employee in Problem 1 earns $10 per hour. The cost of 
waiting time, in terms of customer unhappiness with the mall, is $12 per hour of time spent
waiting  in line. Find the total expected costs over an 8-hour day.

Problem 3 :

The shopping mall has decided to investigate the use of two employees on the information

(a) Find the probability of no people in the system.

(b) Find the average number of people waiting in this system.
(c) Find the expected time a person spends waiting in this system.
(d) Assuming the same salary level and waiting costs as in Problem 2, find the total expected
costs over an 8-hour day.

Problem 4 :

Three students arrive per minute at a coffee machine that dispenses exactly four cups per 
minute at a constant rate. Describe the system parameters.

Problem 5 :

A repairman at a local metal working shop services their five drill presses. Service time
averages 10 minutes and is exponentially distributed. Machines breakdown after an average of 
70 minutes operation (following a Poisson distribution). Describe the major system


Problem 1 :

(a)  P 0 = 1 − = 1 − 20 = 0.33 => 33%
µ 30

(b)  p = = 0.66
µ 94/106
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  λ 20
(c)  L s = = = 2 people
λ − µ 30 − 20

=  λ
(d)  Lq = = 1.33 people
µ (µ − λ ) 30(30 − 20)

1 1
(e) W 
 s = = = 0.10 hours
λ−µ 30 − 20

  λ 20
(f) W q = = = 0.0667 hours
µ ( µ − λ ) 30(30 − 20) 95/106
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Problem 2:

From the solution to Problem 1:

The average person waits 0.0667 hours and there are 160(20 arrivals * 8 hours) arrivals per 

Therefore: Total waiting time = 160 x 0.0667 = 10.67 hours

Total cost for waiting = Total waiting time * Cost per hour = 10.67 * $12 = $128 per day.

Salary cost = 8 hours * $10 = $80

Total cost = Salary cost + Waiting cost = $80 + $128 = $208 per day.

Problem 3:

λ = 20 per hour µ = 30 per hour M  = 2 open channels (servers)

 P 0 = 0 1 2
1  20    
  + 1  20  + 1  20       2(30)  
0!  30  1!  30  2  30      2(30) − 20  

2 1  4   60   
1+ +        
3 2  9   60 − 20   
1 1
= = = 50%
2 1 2
1+ 3 + 3 96/106
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  20    

 (20)(30)      1 20
 L = 
 30      +
 (1)[(2)(30) − 20]  2  
  2  
  30
  
  800  
    1 2
=   3   +
 1600  2 3
 
= +8 = 0.75 people
12 12


 L s 0.75
W  s = = = 0.0375 hours
λ 20

Problem 4:

 Lq =  λ = 1.125  people in the queue on average
2µ ( µ − λ )
W q = = 0.375  minutes in the queue waiting
2 µ (µ − λ )
 L s = Lq + = 1.87  people in the system
W s = W q + = 0.625  minutes in the system
µ 97/106
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Problem 5:

 N  = 5
T = 10 minutes

U  = 70 minutes
 M  = 1 server 
T  10
 X  = = = 0.125
T + U  10 + 70

From Table D.8: where X  = .125 and number of service channels = 1,  D = 0.473, F  = 0.920

Average number waiting = L = N (1 –  F ) = 5(1 – 0.920) = 0.4

Average number of machines running =  J = NF (1 –  X ) = 5(0.920)(1 – 0.125) = 4.025


Average number of machines being serviced =  H  = FNX  = (0.920)(5)(0.125) = 0.575


Probability of no wait = 1 –  D = 1 – 0.473 = 0.527

Praktek Masalah: Modul D, Menunggu-Line Model

Masalah 1:

Sebuah pusat perbelanjaan baru sedang mempertimbangkan mendirikan sebuah meja

informasi yang dijaga oleh seorang karyawan. Berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh dari
meja informasi yang sama, diyakini bahwa orang akan tiba di meja di tingkat 20 per jam.
Dibutuhkan rata-rata 2 menit untuk menjawab pertanyaan. Diasumsikan bahwa kedatangan
mengikuti distribusi Poisson kali dan jawaban yang eksponensial didistribusikan.

(A) Carilah probabilitas bahwa karyawan idle.

(B) Carilah proporsi waktu yang karyawan sibuk.
(C) Tentukan jumlah rata-rata orang yang menerima dan menunggu untuk menerima beberapa
(D) Tentukan jumlah rata-rata orang yang menunggu dalam antrean untuk mendapatkan
 beberapa informasi.
(E) Cari waktu rata-rata orang yang mencari informasi menghabiskan dalam sistem.
(F) Cari waktu yang diharapkan seseorang menghabiskan hanya menunggu sesuai untuk 
menjawab pertanyaan (waktu dalam antrian). 98/106
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Masalah 2:

Asumsikan bahwa meja informasi karyawan pada Soal 1 mendapatkan $ 10 per jam. Biaya
waktu tunggu, dalam hal ketidakbahagiaan pelanggan dengan mall, adalah $ 12 per jam dari
waktu yang dihabiskan menunggu di garis. Cari diharapkan biaya total selama sehari 8 jam.

Masalah 3:

Pusat perbelanjaan telah memutuskan untuk menyelidiki penggunaan dua karyawan di meja

(A) Carilah probabilitas tidak ada orang di sistem.

(B) Tentukan jumlah rata-rata orang yang menunggu dalam sistem ini.
(C) Carilah waktu yang diharapkan seseorang menghabiskan menunggu dalam sistem ini.
(D) Dengan asumsi tingkat gaji yang sama dan menunggu biaya seperti di Soal 2, menemukan
Prakiraan biaya total selama sehari 8 jam.

Masalah 4:

Tiga siswa tiba per menit pada mesin kopi yang membagi-bagikan tepat empat cangkir per 
menit dengan laju yang konstan. Jelaskan parameter sistem.

Masalah 5:

Sebuah reparasi di metal lokal yang bekerja jasa toko lima mereka menekan bor. Waktu
 pelayanan rata-rata 10 menit dan didistribusikan secara eksponensial. Mesin rusak setelah
operasi rata-rata 70 menit (jika suatu distribusi Poisson). Menggambarkan karakteristik sistem

Practice Problems: Module E, Learning Curves

Problem 1:

The initial external tank for NASA’s Space Shuttle took 400 hours of labor to produce. The
learning rate is 80%. How long will the twentieth tank take?

Problem 2:

An operation has a 90% learning curve and the first unit produced took 28 minutes. The labor 
cost is $20 per hour. 99/106
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(a) How long will the second unit take?

(b) How much should the second unit cost?

Problem 3:

Using the data from Problem 1, how long will it take to produce all 20 tanks?


Problem 1:

From Table E.3 where N  = 20 and an 80% learning rate:

Learning curve coefficient C  = .381

Y 20 = Y 1C  = .381 * 400 = 152.4 hours

Problem 2:

(a) T  N  + T 2C  = 28 * 0.9 = 25.2 minutes

(b) Cost = (25.2 minutes/60 minutes) ($20 per hour) = $8.40

Problem 3:

From Table E.3 where N  = 20 and an 80% learning rate:

Total time = 10.485

T N  = T1C  = 400hr * 10.485 = 4,194 hours

Masalah Praktek: E Modul, Belajar Curves

Masalah 1: 100/106
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Tangki eksternal awal untuk NASA Space Shuttle waktu 400 jam kerja untuk memproduksi.
Tingkat pembelajaran adalah 80%. Berapa lama tangki kedua puluh ambil?

Masalah 2:

Sebuah operasi memiliki 90% belajar kurva dan unit pertama yang diproduksi waktu 28 menit.
Biaya tenaga kerja adalah $ 20 per jam.

(a) Berapa lama unit kedua ambil?

(b) Berapa banyak yang harus biaya unit kedua?

Masalah 3:

Menggunakan data dari Soal 1, berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan
semua 20 tank?

Practice Problems: Supplement 7, Capacity Planning

Problem 1:
The design capacity for engine repair in our company is 80 trucks/day. The effective capacity
is 40 engines/day and the actual output is 36 engines/day. Calculate the utilization and
efficiency of the operation. If the efficiency for next month is expected to be 82%, what is the
expected output?

Problem 2:

Find the break-even point in $ and in units.

Problem 3:
Develop the break-even chart for Problem 2.

Problem 4:
Jack’s Grocery is manufacturing a “store brand” item that has a variable cost of $0.75 per unit
and a selling price of $1.25 per unit. Fixed costs are $12,000. Current volume is 50,000 units.
The Grocery can substantially improve the product quality by adding a new piece of 
equipment at an additional fixed cost of $5,000. Variable cost would increase to $1.00, but 101/106
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their volume should increase to 70,000 units due to the higher quality product. Should the
company buy the new equipment?

Problem 5:

What are the break-even points ($ and units) for the two processes considered in Problem 4?

Problem 6:
Develop a break-even chart for Problem 4.

Problem 7:
Good News! You are going to receive $6,000 in each of the next 5 years for sale of used
machinery. A bank is willing to lend you the present value of the money in the meantime at
discount of 10% per year. How much cash do you receive now?


Problem 1:

Problem 2:

Problem 3: 102/106
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Problem 4:

Profit = TR – TC 

Option A: Stay as is: 

Option B: Add equipment:


Therefore the company should continue as is with the present equipment as this returns a
higher profit..

Problem 5:

Using current equipment:

Using the new equipment

F 17,000 17,000
BEP( x) =   =   = = 68,000.
P−V 1.25 − 1.00 0.25 104/106
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Problem 6:

Problem 7:

The net present value factor for 10% and 5 years is 3.79
(3.79 = 0.909 + 0.826 + 0.751 + 0.683 + 0.621)
Therefore, the present value is: 3.79 * $6,000 = $22,740

The Bad News is you do have to pay back the loans!

Praktek Masalah: Tambahan 7, Perencanaan Kapasitas

Masalah 1:
Kapasitas desain untuk perbaikan mesin di perusahaan kami adalah 80 truk / hari. Kapasitas
efektif adalah 40 mesin / hari dan output sebenarnya 36 mesin / hari. Hitung pemanfaatan dan
efisiensi operasi. Jika efisiensi untuk bulan depan diharapkan menjadi 82%, apa output yang

Masalah 2:

Carilah titik impas dalam $ dan dalam satuan. 105/106
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Masalah 3:
Mengembangkan tabel impas untuk Soal 2.

Masalah 4:
Jack Grocery adalah manufaktur "merek toko" item yang memiliki biaya variabel sebesar $
0,75 per unit dan harga jual sebesar $ 1,25 per unit. Biaya tetap adalah $ 12.000. volume saat
ini adalah 50.000 unit. The Grocery secara substansial dapat meningkatkan kualitas produk 
dengan menambahkan sepotong peralatan baru dengan biaya tetap tambahan sebesar $ 5.000.
 biaya variabel akan meningkat menjadi $ 1,00, tetapi volume mereka harus meningkat
menjadi 70.000 unit karena kualitas produk yang lebih tinggi. Jika perusahaan membeli
 peralatan baru?

Masalah 5:
Apa titik impas ($ dan unit) untuk dua proses dipertimbangkan dalam Soal 4?

Masalah 6:
Mengembangkan bagan impas untuk Soal 4.

Masalah 7:
Good News! Anda akan menerima $ 6.000 dalam setiap 5 tahun ke depan untuk penjualan
mesin yang digunakan. Sebuah bank bersedia meminjamkan nilai tunai dari uang sementara di
diskonto 10% per tahun. Berapa uang tunai yang Anda terima sekarang? 106/106

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