Volumetric Effects of Ion Salt Interaction

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Carlsberg Res. Commun. Vol. 50, p.

193-198, 1985


T O R B E N G R A V E S P E D E R S E N '~ and AASE H V I D T 2~

"Department of Chemistry, Carlsberg Laboratory,

Gamle Carlsberg Vej 10, DK-2500 Copenhagen Valby
2~Department of Chemistry, H.C. Orsted Institute,
Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100 Copenhagen O

Keywords: Chlorides, water, volume, solvation, cation-water, electrostriction

The apparent volume of a series of chlorides dissolved in water - including hydrochloric acid and chlorides of
divalent cations - is calculated from available data on the density of the aqueous solutions.
The concentration dependence of the volume of the electrolytes illustrates the long range electrostriction of water
by the ions. The volume of the cations, at infinite dilution, reveals that the electrostriction observed, is composed
of two opposite volume effects. The experimental data supports the view that bulky, "icelike" water structures
predominate near the surface of a small ion, and dense structures, less organized than bulk water, are present at a
distance from the ionic center.

1. I N T R O D U C T I O N estimated by extrapolation from data on the

Volumetric properties of aqueous solutions of density at higher temperatures. A similar proce-
alkali halides were considered in a previous dure for HC1 is not described in the literature,
paper {11). Available experimental data indi- and in the present paper, the volume of the
cates that a progessive hydration of the ions in electrolytes in solution has therefore been com-
aqueous solution occurs upon dilution, giving pared with the so-called intrinsic volume of the
rise to negative volume changes (electrostriction ions calculated from the ionic radius, R, as
of water). A peculiar behaviour of the Li+-salts, 4nR3/3. This intrinsic volume is different from
compared with other alkali halides, was tentati- the hypothetical volume of molten salts at room
vely associated with the small size of the Li+-ion temperature used in ref. 11 and for this reason
compared with a water molecule. the extrinsic volume used in the present paper
The aim of the present paper is to further differs from the excess volume used previously.
elucidate the volumetric behavior of aqueous
electrolyte solutions. The volume of a series of
chlorides, including HCI and chlorides of diva- 2. T H E V O L U M E OF A S E R I E S OF
lent cations, is discussed in relation to the CHLORIDES
concentration of the electrolytes and the radius The apparent molar volume of solute, V~pp, is
of the cation. calculated from the density of a solution in the
In ref. 11 the hypothetical state of the molten following way
salts at room temperature was chosen as a Vl pp M~ [1/d~ + ( 1 / d - l/d~)/Wl]
= (1)
reference. The volume in the molten state was In this expression d is the density. The subscripts

Springer-Verlag 0105-1938/85/0050/0193/$01.20
T. G. PEDERSEN& AA. HVIDT: Ion-water interaction

i i i ! | i !

_ ~ * RbCI

35 , ~ . , ~ . / . ~ * RbCl

E ~.w..~--.o~* HCI
30 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ - - . ~ o - . -~- - - ~ L i C I .~oNaCI
o oCI2 E

.~,~,....,~--* BeCI2
25 >.-- j


.02 .04 .06 .08
Figure 1. The apparent molar volume of chlorides in -15
aqueous solution at 291 K, calculated from available I I I I
.02 .04 .06 .08
data (5) according to eqn. ( l ). x~ is the mole fraction of
the electrolyte.
Figure 2. The extrinsic molar volume of chlorides in
aqueous solution at 291 K, V~x'r = V~~ - V~,"~r. V~pp is
from Figure 1, and V~,"" = 4nR3/3, where R is the ionic
radius, reported in Table I. x, is the mole fraction of the

Table I
The radius, R(A,), taken from ref. 1, of the cations, and
intr 3 -I
the intrinsic molar volume, V, (cm mole ), of their
chlorides. o and 1 refer to the solvent and the solute,
R of cation W~""of chlorides respectively; w is weight fraction, and the super-
script* denotes the pure liquid state.
H+ 0 HCI 14.98
Figure 1 illustrates the c o n c e n t r a t i o n depend-
Li* .68 LiC1 15.77
Na + .98 NaC1 17.36 ence o f V~pp o f a series o f chlorides, calculated
K+ 1.33 KC1 20.94 according to eqn. (1) f r o m data interpolated to
Rb + 1.48 RbCI 23.14 291 K f r o m avaible density m e a s u r e m e n t on
Cs + 1.69 CsC1 26.76 a q u e o u s solutions (5).
Bez+ .30 BeC12 30.02 Table I reports the radius o f the cations
Mg2+ .65 MgCI2 30.65 considered a n d the intrinsic m o l a r v o l u m e o f
Ca 2+ .94 CaCI: 32.05 their chlorides.
Srz+ 1.10 SrCI2 33.32 Figure 2 shows the c o n c e n t r a t i o n d e p e n d e n c e
Ba ~'+ 1.29 BaC12 35.38
o f the extrinsic v o l u m e o f the electrolytes, de-

194 Carlsberg Res. Commun. Vol. 50, p. 193-198, 1985

T. G. PEDERSEN& AA. HVIDT" Ion-water interaction

Cs §


~i §


Be2 +
/ w


1 2 3

-30 Figure 4. The strength of the electrostatic field around

an ion, calculated according to eqn. (2). a is the distance
from the center of the ion.

0 5 10
The field strength around an ion may be ex-
pressed as
E = -q/ea 2, (2)
where q is the ionic charge (q = Z 4.8 10-~~e.s.u.),
Figure 3. The extrinsic molar volume of cations at e is the dielectric constant o f the medium, and a
infinite dilution in aqueous solution at 291 K. The is the distance from the center o f the ion. Figure
abscissa is the intrinsic volume of the cations.
4 illustrates the variation of the field strength
(cm 39moll).
with the distance from the charge. The increase
o f the strength with decreasing values o f a is
remarkable in the range relevant of the inter-
fined as the difference between the apparent action o f an ion with neighbouring water mole-
volume in solution and the intrinsic volume, cules, and for this reason an increase of the
V~ xtr = V~ pp _ v i i ntr. electrostriction of water, with decreasing ion
The molar volume of the chloride ion, at radius, might be anticipated.
infinite dilution, is 23,0 c m 3mol ~ (6, 10), and the The interaction of the electrostatic field of an
intrinsic volume is 15,0 cm3mol -' (see Table I). ion with water tends to align the dipolar water
The extrinsic volume of the chloride ion, V~c~'r = molecules in the direction o f the field. In this way
2 3 . 0 - 15.0 = 8,0 cm3mol ", is subtracted from the the field tends to disrupt hydrogen bonded
extrinsic volume of the salts, at infinite dilution structures in liquid water, and to compress the
(Figure 2), in order to give the extrinsic volume water molecules surrounding an ion. These
o f the cations. This volume is presented in electrostatic effect give rise to a shrinkage o f the
Figure 3 as a function o f the intrinsic volume. water. The extent o f the alignment o f the water
molecules depends on the ratio pE/kT, where p
is the dipole m o m e n t of water, kt = 1.83 Debye.
3. D I S C U S S I O N The alignment is perfect if ~tE> > kT, i.e. if
Electrostriction of a liquid is defined as the E > > 2 10 4 e.S.U. (6 10Wcm-'). This condition is
volume change caused by an electric field (l, 8). only fulfilled for the proton, but a consideration

Carlsberg Res. Commun. Vol. 50, p. 193-198, 1985 195

T. G, PEDERSEN&AA. HVlDT: Ion-water interaction

! |


-10 .e.'" I 9 10~ I

bulk water [U ~ S ~ V ~ 5 10
Figure 5. Model for structure modifications of water vintr
produced by a small cation. U, S and V stands for molar cat
energy, entropy and volume, respectively. Figure 6. The extrinsic molar volume of monovalent
cations in aqueous solutions at infinite dilution at 283,
298 and 353 K, calculated from available data (5). The
abscisse is the intrinsic molar volume of the cations.
(cm3- tool-').
ofeqn. (2), or of Figure 4, shows that very high
electric fields do exist near the surface of the
smaller ions.
There can hardly be any doubt that water in water is surrounded by two concentric regions
molecules are most strongly attracted to, and of structurally different types of water. Water
oriented towards the smaller ions. However, molecules in the innermost region (a) are assu-
Figure 3 demonstrates the very fact that a med to be immobilized, whereas molecules in
positive contribution to the electrostriction is the outermost region (b) are even more ran-
observed for the smaller ions. This positive domly organized than the molecules in bulk
volume effect is illustrated in Figure 3 by the water.
difference between the fully drawn curve and the On the basis of this suggested picture of
dashed extrapolation. The experimental data structured water the present volumetric data
thus brings up the question whether the strong indicates (see Figure 5) that region a of water
attraction between a small ion and water is (characterized by low energy and entropy) has a
compatible with a positive volume change. larger, and region b (characterized by high
In the case of the Li+-ion the positive volume energy and entropy) has a smaller specific vol-
effect (about 7 cm3mole ", see Figure 3) was in ref. ume than pure water.
11 tentatively ascribed to a void volume between This volumetric behaviour is in accordance
the ion and the first shell of surrounding water with the unusual volumetric properties of water,
molecules. The corresponding effect observed such as the unique temperature dependence of
for H +and for Be ++is, however, so large, that this the volume of liquid water (the negative expan-
explanation is insufficient to explain the obser- sivity below 4 ~ or the expansion accompany-
vations. ing the freezing of liquid water to ice, and the
According to the model of structure modifica- structural changes of water introduced by non-
tions of water by small ions, originally proposed polar solutes (7). The temperature dependence
by FRANK and coworkers (3, 4), an ion dissolved of the extrinsic volume of monovalent cations

196 Carlsberg Res. Commun. Vol. 50, p. 193-198, 1985

T. G. PEDERSEN& AA. HVIDT: Ion-water interaction

(5), illustrated in Figure 6, supports the view that istic thermodynamics of structural equilibria in
bulky, "icelike" water structures surrounding liquid water. The formation o f ordered, low-
the smaller ions "melt" upon heating. energy structures among water molecules is
These peculiar volume effects are associated accompanied by an expansion (AH. AV < 0,
with hydrogen bonding between water mole- and AS. AV < 0). The long range structural
cules. They reflect the fact that although hydro- changes o f water introduced by ions, and drasti-
gen bonding diminishes the distance between cally reflected in volumetric properties, may
neighbouring water molecules, it gives rise to an play an essential role in cell physiology, particu-
expansion, due to the directional character of the larly in the mechanism of the Na +pump, extensi-
hydrogen bond. Hydrogen bonding decreases vely discussed by LING (9).
the number of nearest neighbours to a given
water molecule, and in this way relatively large
void spaces are created between the molecules ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
(2). In ice the coordination number of the water We wish to thank professor MARTIN OTTE-
molecules is 4; the apparent volume of small SEN for his critical review o f the manuscript, and
cations in aqueous solution suggests that tetra- CHRISTIAN DETHLEFSEN for valuable discus-
hedrical ("icelike") water structures exist in the sions. LIZZIE AUGUSTSEN is gratefully acknowl-
immediate surroundings of the ions. Convinc- edged for drawing the figures.
ing experimental evidence is available that a
proton binds a water molecule in a proton-water
complex, H30", which is coordinated through REFERENCES
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Accepted by H. KLENOW

198 Carlsberg Res. Commun. Vol. 50, p. 193-198, 1985

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