The Behavior of Nonionic Surface Active Agents in Salt Solutions

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Todd M. Doscher, George E. Myers, 1 and Don C. Atkins, Jr. 2

Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Received December 4, 1950

This investigation was carried out to determine whether alkali metal
ions and alkaline earth metal ions have different effects on the properties
of solutions of nonionic surface-active agents. It had already been observed
(8,9) that in the presence of the alkaline earth metal ions these surface-
active materials are capable of stabilizing suspensions of clay in oil and
water media for use as drilling fluids, whereas the alkali metal ions had a
coagulating effect.
The nonionic surface-active agents used in this investigation are those
produced by reacting hydroxylie or acidic water-insoluble compounds
with ethylene oxide under such conditions that the ethylene oxide con-
denses to form a polyethylene oxide chain attached to the nonpolar
residue. The products have formulas of the type: R--O--(C2I-I40)~--
C2HsOH, where n may have average values between 3 and 20, and R
may be (a) an alkyl-aryl residue, such as the iso6ctyl-phenyl group in
Triton X-100 (Rohm and Haas Co.) ; (b) a fatty acid residue, such as the
mixed fatty and rosin acids derived from Tall Oil in Renex (Atlas Powder
Co.) ; or (c) a partial ester of hexitol anhydride and a fatty acid, in which
case there are several polyethylene oxide chains attached to each molecule
of the ester, as in the Tweens (Atlas Powder Co.).
These surface-active agents owe their solubility in water to the hydra-
tion of the polyethylene oxide chain; solubility increases and surface
activity decreases with increasing length of the chain. At temperatures
above 60°C. solutions of most of these compounds become turbid due to
dehydration and consequent association of the molecules into larger col-
loidal aggregates. It has been demonstrated that the osmotic coefficient of
solutions of these materials exhibits similar behavior to that of colloidal
electrolytes (ii); and,.further, that solutions of these nonionic compounds
solubilize w a t e r - i n s o l u b l e dyes (12), a n d a long x - r a y s p a c i n g is o b t a i n e d
1Part of this work was performed under the auspices of a National Lead Company
(Baroid Division) Fellowship, and was submitted as par~ of the Master of Science
thesis. Present address: Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.
2 Present address: Crest Laboratories, Burbank, Calif.

at moderate concentrations in water and benzene solutions (5). Earlier

experiments (11) have shown that concentrations of alkali chlorides below
1% have no effect on the colligative properties of dilute solutions of these
materials, "However, the observation t h a t the ability of these nonionic
materials to suspend clay could be enormously varied by the use of differ-
ent salts suggested that at relatively high bulk concentrations of salts, or
when dilute solutions are in contact with a solid surface, at which a higher
than bulk concentration of salt may exist due to adsorption, the behavior
of these nonionic materials might then be affected differently by different
All three types of water-soluble, nonionic materials mentioned above
were found to act similarly in the earlier studies; and the materials chosen
to t:fpify their respective classes were Renex and Tween 80 (monoSleate
ester), both of which contain 10 moles of ethylene oxide/mole of nonpolar
residue (2), and Triton X-100. The number average molecular weight of
the latter, determined from its freezing point depression in dry benzene,
was 680. All the materials, as received, contained slight traces of elec-
trolytes, which had been introduced as condensation catalysts. These
were removed by electrodialysis of 10% solutions, and the solutions Were
then concentrated by evaporation in vacuo between 15° and 25°C.


Turbidity and Viscosity

A clear indica~tion that the properties of solutions of these nonionic
colloids can be influenced differently by different salts was obtained by
studying the turbidity and viscosity of their Solutions. The turbidity of
solutions of Triton X-100 was determined with the Phoenix Light Scat-
tering Instrument at a w£velength of 437mt~. In order to remove dust
from the solutions, since the colloids could not be recrystallized and
filtered, advantage was taken of the facts that dust in aqueous solutions
is usually negatively charged and that the Colloids are nonionic. A sintered-
glass disk was sealed into the bottom of a glass U-tube; and a collodion
membrane was deposited on one side of the disk. Platinum gauzes were
suspended on both sides of the disk and connected to a source of 100
v. d.c., the positive pole in the unfiltered solution. The electrodialyzed,
10% solution of Triton X-]00 was sucked very slowly through the disk.
The filtered solution was then transferred to a container fitted with a
rubber serum seal, and measured quantities were 'withdrawn as needed,
and transferred to t h e light-scattering cell with a hypodermic syringe.
Water or the appropriate salt solutions, which had been prepared from
recrystallized salts and a supply of water obtained by subliming ice, were
similarly stored and transferred to the light-scattering cell.

The relative viscosities of the solutions were determined with an

Ostwald pipet which had a delivery time for water of 121.2 see. at 20.0°C.
The turbidities of solutions of Triton X-100 are greatly increased by
the addition of sodium chloride; see Fig. 1; calcium chloride, however,
has very little effect, and may act either to raise or lower the turbidity
slightly depending upon the ratio of salt to surface-active material. When
the turbidimetric data are replotted as reduced transparencies, H c / r (15)

~ O]~gNaCl/cc.
L25 QOSgNaCl/cc.





o 002 004 o.os o.oe

Fro. 1. Turbidity X 103 vs. concentration of Triton X-100, g./cc.

(Fig. 2), significant differences are observed in the slopes of the curves.
The small slope for the sodium chloride solution is indicative of the fact
that the sodium chloride solution is a comparatively poor solvent for the
Triton X-100, whereas concentrated calcium chloride solutions appear to
be better solvents than pure water (7). The dissymmetry coefficients at
concentrations of Triton X-100 above 0.5% are zero, but at lower concen-
trations were observed to vary in an erratic manner. It is therefore not
feasible at this time to extrapolate the turbidimetric results to zero concen-
tration and report molecular weights of the aggregates in the various
The viscometric results, shown in Fig. 3, are in accord with those
obtained turbidimetrically. The viscosities of solutions of all of the non-
ionic surface-active agents are abnormally raised by moderate concentra-


•o 015g.C=~


I ! ! m ~0 m .
0,02 0,04 0 6 0,08 0,10

Fro. 2. Reduced transparency (H c ) X 104 vs. concentration of Triton X-100, g./cc.

tions of sodium chloride, but calcium chloride has only a slight effect.
Other salts were studied in less detail than the sodium and calcium chlo-
rides: the nitrates of these cations, on the basis of chemical equivalents,
have the same effect as the chlorides; lithium is considerably less effective
in raising the turbidity and viscosity than sodium; and potassium Salts
are only slightly less effective than sodium salts. Barium and magnesium
produce slightly higher viscosities and turbidities than does calcium, but
aluminum salts give somewhat lower values.

5.0 .~ael
4.o ~ ~aCt

2,C .,-"=~ - ~ .... .==, . . . . . . . . CaC{ i


4.o ~Cl
! I I
0 5.0 IOJO 15.0

Fro. 3. Relative viscosity at 20°0. vs.salt concentration, wt. per cent.


The solubilization of the dye, Orange OT, was studied in solutions of
Triton X-100 containing calcium and sodium chlorides. The determina-
tions were carried out by shaking a suspension of the solid dye in the
solution, settling and centrifuging at approximately 2000 ) g, and finally
analyzing the supernatant liquid with a colorimeter. The results are shown
in Fig. 4. Both sodium and calcium raise the solubility in 0.5% solutions
of Triton X-100, but sodium chloride does so only slightly more than the

,~0 TRIIDNX-tOOj I0,~,~ a C l


, /,,oo, .,

FIG. 4. Solubility of Orange OT, rag./100 ee., vs. salt concentration, weight per cent.

calcium salt. As the solutions become more concentrated in Triton X-100,

the effect of both salts decrease. Attempts to measure the solubility of
Orange OT in very dilute solutions of Triton X-100 met with failure
because the solid dye was so well peptized in pure water and calcium
chloride solutions that the suspensions could not be clarified with the
available apparatus.

Surface Tension, Protective Power and Cataphoretic Velocity

The surface tension of Triton X-100 and Renex at various concentra-
tions of sodium and calcium chlorides was determined with the DeNuoy
tensiometer, and making the appropriate ring corrections (22). The results
are tabulated in Table I. The surface tension increases gradually with an
increasing ratio of calcium chloride to surface-active material and decreases
with increasing sodium chloride concentration.
The nonionie colloids were found to serve as protective colloids for
Lange's gold sol, and the protective power of the colloid was determined
against the coagulating effect of sodium and calcium chlorides. The coagu-
lation of the red gold sol was determined photometrically with a Klctt
photometer employing a blue filter. One ml. of the appropriate solution
of the colloid was added to 5 ml. of thestandard gold sol, and the solution
was then gently sl~aken for 5 min. and allowed to stand for 10 min. more.
The photometer was balanced to read 100% transmission and then 1 ml.
of the salt solution was added, the tube shaken for 1 rain. and then
returned to the instrument. A decrease in transmission of 10~o was

Surface Tension in Salt Solutions

Sodium cMoridc conch. Calcium chloride conch.

Surface-active agent
0 5% 10% 15% 5% lo% 15% 25%

Rencx, 0.02% 40.3 I 39.8 39.3 39.1 40.3 40.4 40.9 41.3 42.6
2.0% 38.5 38.5 38.4 38.4 38.5 39.2 40.0 40.8 41.2
6.0% 38.0 38.0 38.1 37.9 38.0 38.1 38.4 39.5 41.0

Triton X-100, 0.2% 29.4 -- 29.2 29.1 29.4 29.6 -- -- 31.4

2.0% 29.3 ~29.2 -- 29.0 29.3 29.4 29.9 30.2
10.0% 29.4 28.6 28.4 29:4 29.3 29.5 29.9 I 29.9

adopted as a convenient standard for the occurrence of coagulation since

solutions showing such a decrease in transmission could be visually iden-
tified as having been coagulated.
The results obtained with Renex are shown in Fig. 5. The calcium is a
far stronger coagulant than the sodium for the unprotected gold soll but
upon the addition of the nonionic colloids the coagulating power of the
calcium is eventually reduced to a value below that of sodium. It should
be pointed out that 1 g. sodium chloride and 1 g. calcium chloride are
within 5% of being chemically equivalent to each other.

,~¢ L
~c ~ CaCt2

e.c ffl

0 .~..-.o,--,-P--'~ ° m m o I I
LO 2.0 3.0 4D

FIG. 5. Salt concentration, weight per cent, to coagulate gold sol vs. Renex
concentration, per cent X 104.

In order to observe the effect of combinations of the nonionic surface-

active materials and various salts on the electrical properties of suspen-
soids, a sample of kaolin was used. The kaolin consisted of particles less
than 1 u, and it was electrodialyzed and neutralized with sodium hydrox-

ide. The use of kaolin had several advantages: observations could be made
in a mieroelectrophoretic cell (3) with normally incident light, and the
kaolin has definite exchange sites at which cations may be held. The results
at various concentrations of Renex and added salts are shown in Fig: 6.

~.o NaC{ 70"~M

cn n,
Neutralized Clay

Ca +÷ lO'lM
0 I z|o ! I | I I I
4.0 6.0 8.0

FIG. 6. Cataphoretic mobility of kaolin (~/sec./volt/cm.) vs. Renex concentration,

weight per cent.
It is apparent that the addition of Renex to the neutral sodium clay
has little effect on the eataphoretie velocity; low concentrations of sodium
chloride itself raise the eataphoretie velocity, as expected, and the addi-
tion of Renex to the sodium chloride-clay suspension lowers the cata-
phoretic velocity very slightly. Calcium chloride, at low concentrations,
lowers the eataphoretie velocity; but its effect is magnified by the addition
of very small quantities, less than 0.1~o, of Renex. As the concentration
of Renex is further increased its effect is ambiguous: at 10-2 M concentra-
tions of calcium, the cataphoretic velocity decreases, then attains an
asymptotic value; whereas in more dilute calcium solutions the mobility
reaches a minimum value and then rises with further addition of Renex.

Solubility of Calcium Salts and Isolation of Calcium Salt Complexes

A direct determination of the activity of calcium ion in the presence
of a nonionic colloid was attempted by measuring the solubility of calcium
sulfate in aqueous solutions of the colloid. To preclude the possibility that
the results would be influenced by any effect of the nonionic colloid on
the rate of solution of the solid (6), the solubility was determined both
by adding solid dihydrate to prepared detergent solutions and by adding
detergent to solutions which were originally supersaturated with respect
to the dihydrate. (The latter were prepared with the hemihydrate, which
is more soluble than the dihydrate, and which reverts to dihydrate in
water). The solubility is reported on the basis of 1 g. water, and is shown
in Fig. 7.
The observed solubilities may be corrected, to a first approximation,
for the amount of water bound to the nonionic molecule, and therefore
unavailable for solution of the calcium sulfate, by comparing the observed
specific viscosity with that predicted by Einstein's equation, Such a cor-
230 D O S C H E R , M Y E R S AND A T K I N S

reetion wOuld tend to be too large since any display of non-Einsteinian

viscosity in these systems would be due to such factors as nonsphericity,
nonrigidity, and interaction of the colloidal aggregates, as well as being
due to abnormal hydration. Notwithstanding these complications, solu-
bility corrections calculated on the basis of the Einstein equation are not
sufficient to compensate completely for the observed decrease in solubility.



- s~




420 a a * | * * * * , | •
o 4.0 e~) ,~o ,6~ zoo

FIG. 7. Solubility of CaSO4.2H20 (g. Ca/g. H20) × 103 vs. Renex concentration,
weight per cent.

Unfortunately, the salts of the alkali metals salt out the nonionic colloid
before the solution is saturated with the salt, so that direct comparison of
the decrease in solubility of sodium and calcium salts cannot be made.
When 30% or more calcium chloride is added to moderately concen-
trated (about 5%) solutions of several of the nonionic surface-active
materials, a solid material slowly precipitates. The two materials which
produce such a precipitate most readily are Renex and JH-331 (a homo-
log of Triton X-100, which contains a greater number of moles of ethylene
oxide/mole nonpolar residue). The precipitate is readily soluble in water,
indicating that it is not a product of hydrolysis. It is also soluble in alco-
hols (n-amyl was the highest used), but is insoluble in acetone, dioxane,
and ethyl ether, whereas the original colloids are themselves soluble in
all of these liquids. The precipitates were filtered, recrystallized from
isopropanol, and finally washed with ether to remove any excess isopro-
panol. After two or three such recrystallizations, the solid loses its amor-
phous appearance and a pale-yellow nonhygroscopic powder is obtained.
Analysis of the solid revealed that calcium and chlorine are present in

stoichiometric proportions, and t h a t the composition of the powder

obtained f r o m Renex was 23.7% CaC12, and 20.2% volatiles at 100°C.
The volatiles were identified as w a t e r b y drying the material in a closed
s y s t e m so t h a t the v a p o r s Could be condensed and collected. Assuming a
molecular weight of 750 for the Renex, the molar ratios in the recrystal-
lized complex are a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 CaCl2, 15 H20, 1 Renex.
I n order to determine whether the nonionic portion of the complex
was the same as t h a t left in the m o t h e r liquor or whether it was a different
molecular weight fraction, an a t t e m p t was m a d e to recover the two. The
calcium was r e m o v e d b y precipitation as the oxalate, and the solutions
were concentrated b y freeze-drying at 0°C. T h e concentrates were then
extracted with ether. T h e two nonionic oils recovered from the precipitate
and the m o t h e r liquor had refractive indices within 0.0004 of a unit of
each other. This result was rather unexpected, since it is known t h a t t h e
starting material is not homogeneous, s
Finally, to determine whether the solid was merely a mixture of cal-
cium chloride and the original material, x-ray powder diffraction p a t t e r n s
were obtained from the recrystallized solid and a frozen specimen of the
original substance. The d/n values of the i m p o r t a n t diffraction lines are
shown in T a b l e I I . T h e short spacings of the solidified Renex and the
solid complex are strikingly different. Those of the latter were c o m p a r e d
with the d/n values of calcium chloride and its h y d r a t e s (1) without
finding a n y correspondence.
d/n Spacingsfor Calcium Chloride-Renex Complexes

Frozen Renex--2% water~ 3.87 4.69 30.2 (60.4/2?) 60.9

Recrystallized complex 3.96 6.92 59.7
Dehydrated complex 54.8
Rehydrated (60°C.) complex 3.96 6.92 74.9-80.0
Reerystallized, dehydrated 4.30 ~ 5.98 b
Calcium chloride-isopropanol 4.30 5.98

The diffraction pattern obtained from the anhydrous material was not as sharp
as that obtained from the system containing 2% water. The halos were, however,
centered at 3.9, 4.7, and 55.
bVery weak.

After d e h y d r a t i n g the recrystallized complex at 100°C. in vacuo, no

sharp short spacings could be obtained, b u t a long spacing was again
identified. T h e d e h y d r a t e d material was r e h y d r a t e d at 60°C. and the
Work in progress has shown that it is possible to fractionate the raw materials by
adsorption on charcoal.

sharp spacings were restored and the long spacing increased. The dehy-
drated material was also dissolved and reprecipitated in absolute iso-
propanol; however the solid gave no long spacing and very faint short
spacings at d/n Values of 4.30 and 5.98. These two spacings were deter-
mined to be due t o the presence of a calcium chloride-isopropanol com-
plex by dissolving calcium chloride in absolute isopropanol and evaporat-
ing the solution to dryness at room temperature. The white, crystalline
solid gave spacings of 4.30 and 5.98.

The viscometric and turbidimetric data demonstrate that the nonionic
surface-active agents are salted out of aqueous solution by sodium chlo-
ride. Desolvation of the colloidal molecules and aggregates is presumably
the cause of this phenomenon, and judging by the increase in viscosity,
micellar growth must accompany the desolvation. The observed order of
salting out for the alkali metal ions, viz., Na, K, Li, is not the usual
order for the lyotropic series (13) in which lithium precedes sodium. The
observed effect of the heavier metal cations is also contradictory to the
usually accepted order for the lyotropic series. These cations, which have
relatively high heats of hydration and high electrical charge densities,
are usually far stronger coagulants than the alkali metal ions. It may be
concluded therefore that the alkaline earth metal ions interact with the
polyethylene oxide chain of the nonionic colloids, and thereby product a
salting-in rather than salting-out effect. This conclusion is further sub-
stantiated by the surface tension data, which show that at high ratios of
calcium chloride to colloid the surface tension is increased; and also by
the fact that the turbidity in these calcium chloride solutions is actually
less than that observed in pure water.
In contrast to the above results the solubilization data show very
little difference i n the effects of the calcium and sodium salts on the
ability of solutions containing more than 0.5% of Triton X-100 to solu-
bilize a water-insoluble dye. This result, together with the turbidimetric
and viscometric results, suggests that the organization within the colloidal
micelles and the fraction of the surface-active material in the form of
micelles is not affected differently by the two salts, but that the salts
influence only the size of the micelles and the extent of solvation 'of the
micellar surfaces. The salts may cause an appreciable difference in the
amount of aggregated material at concentrations of colloid below 0.1%,
when aggregation in pure water may not be as complete, but the extremely
high suspending power of the surface-active agents in this low concen-
tration range has prevented the determination of the amount of dye

The mechanism of the salting-in effect of the calcium may be assumed

to be due to its coordination with the ethereal oxygen atoms of the poly-
ethylene oxide chain. Although the polar moment of the nonionic mole-
cules is not known, it is undoubtedly less than that of the water molecule,
and preferential solvation of the calcium ion by the water molecule there-
fore would be expected (10)." On the o t h e r hand, the water molecules
solvating the calcium ion will be favorably oriented (with their positive
poles outward) for coordinating with the negative ethereal oxygens (14).
A dioxanate (dioxane is the dimer of ethylene oxide) hydrate of calcium
chloride has been isolated with the composition CaC12.2H~O. C2H40 (5),
whereas no anhydrous dioxanates have been isolated.
The isolation of a reproducible, crystalline complex of calcium chlo-
ride, water, and Renex is further evidence for this suggested mode of
coordination. The role of water in forming this complex is made evident
by the fact that dehydration destroys the crystalline spacings. It is also
significant to note that the recrystallized complex exhibits larger short
spacings but a long spacing very similar to that shown by the Renex itself.
Only after an excess of water is added by hydrating the complex at 60°C.
does the long spacing increase. It therefore appears quite definite that the
hydrated calcium ions do coordinate along the polyethylene oxide chains.
The experiments on electrophoresis and protective power involved the
introduction of a solid-liquid interface. The enhancement of the protec-
tive power of the nonionic colloid by calcium ion can be ascribed to the
primary adsorption of the solvated calcium ions by the gold particles
followed by the anchoring of the nonionic colloid via the hydrate shell of
the calcium ion to the colloidal particle. Pauli (19) has already suggested
such a mechanism to account for his observations that gelatin and gum
arabic acted as protective collbids" for hydrosols only in the presence of
small quantities of heavy metal ions. It is also known that calcium aids
in the fixation of organic colloids to clay (17).
The sharp reduction in eleetrophoretic mobility observed upon the
addition of Tween 804 to a suspension of clay in dilute calcium solution is
similar to the observed reduction in electrophoretic mobility produced by
a combination of calcium chloride and glucose on cholesterol (21). It may
also be accounted for by the above hypothesis: the inclusion of the non-
ionic molecule in the solvate envelope surrounding the clay particle will
result in a reduction of the dielectric constant of the diffuse layer with a
consequent decrease in ionization of the calcium ion and a lowered charge
density. Also, assuming that the potential on a colloidal particle can be
calculated using the Debye-Hilckel equations, it can be shown that the
electrophoretie mobility will be proportional to the square root of the
dielectric constant. A similar reduction of the dielectric constant in the
4 Polyoxyalkylene derivative of sorbitan monoSleate.

solvate shell of the calcium ion may explain the observed increase in
activity coefficient and solubility of the calcium sulfate.
The increase in electrophoretic mobility upon increasing the Renex
concentration in dilute calcium solution suggests that the Tween 80
adsorbed onto the clay particle at low concentrations is stripped from the
clay surface at higher Concentrations. This may be brought about by the
growth of micelles in the bulk of the solution at larger concentrations and
their competition with the clay for the calcium ion (20). It may be noted
at this point that very stable petroleum oil-in-water emulsions have been
prepared at concentrations of Tween 80 of 0.01%, but that such emulsions
were very unstable at higher concentrations and at zero concentration
The preceding results and their interpretation indicate that the efficacy
of these nonionic materials in improving detergency in hard water (4) is
due to the following factors: (a) formation of soluble complexes with
calcium, thus preventing the formation of insoluble calcium soaps, and
(b) enhanced formation of a protective layer of the nonionic colloids on
the solid surfaces at which calcium arid other heavy metal cations are

1. Sodium chloride and other salts of the alkali metals have been
found to salt-out nonionic surface-active agents, whereas soluble calcium
salts and other soluble salts of heavy metals salt-in these colloids.
2 : A Crystalline complex of a nonionic surface-active agent, calcium
chloride, and water has been isolated.
3. The nonionic surface-active agents.appear to coordinate with hy-
drated calcium ions both in solution and at solid-liquid interfaces.

1. AM. Soc. TASTINGMATEmALS, Card Index. Philadelphia, 1945.
2. ATLASPOWDER CO., private communication.
3. ABRAMSON,H. A. A., MOrER, L. S., AND GomN, M. H., Electrophoresis of Proteins.
Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1942.
4. BARKE~, G. E., J. Am. Oil Chemists' Soc. 26, 304 (1949).
5. BOGARgOS,I-I. F., AI'~DLYNCH, C. C., J. Phys. Chem. 47, 650 (1943).
6. BRINTZINGElt,H., AND SCttALL,A., Kolloid-Z. 71, 300 (1935).
7. DEBrE, P., Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc/. 51, 575 (1949).
8. DOSCH~R, T. M., Oil Gas J. 48, 75 (1945).
9. DOSCHER, T. M., J. Phys. & Colloid Chem. 53, 1362 (1949).
10. FUOSS, 1%. 1V[.,AND Kn~cSS, C. A., J. Am. Chem. Soe. 55, 2387 (1933).
11. GONICK,E., AND MCBAIN, d. W., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 69, 334 (1947).
12. G~EEN, A. A., AND ~%/~cBAIN,J. W., J. Phys. Chem. 51, 286 (1947).
13. KRUYT, H. 1%., Colloid Science, Vol. II, pp. 564 ft. Elsevier, New York, 1949.

14. McBAIN, J. W., Colloid Science, pp. 133 ft. Heath, New York, 1950.
15. MARK, ]:I., in Chemical Architecture, Chap. V. Interscience, New York, 1948.
16. MARSDEN, S. S., AND McBAm, J. W., J. Phys. & Colloid Chem. 52, 110 (1948).
17. MYErs, G., M.S. Thesis, Univ. of Southern Calif., 1950.
18. MYERs, H. E., Soil Sci. 44, 331 (1937).
19. PAULI, W., A~) SzPE~, L. S., Trans. Faraday Soc. 35, 1316 (1939); and PAULI, W.,
AND Zn~TN~R, H., ibid. 35, 1234 (]939).
20. REIC~ENBERO, D., Trans. Faraday Soc. 43, 467 (1947).
21. ]~EMSOW,I., Biochem. Z. 218, 86, 170 (1930).
22. ZOm~MA, H. H., A~D WAT~aS, G. W., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed. 13, 312 (1941).

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