Pulley Alignment Procedu
Pulley Alignment Procedu
Pulley Alignment Procedu
5-Step Sheave/Pulley Alignment Procedure
Pulley Alignment Guide
Precision alignment is an essential part of a proactive reliability program. This guide
provides information for the implementation of good pulley alignment of belt-driven
equipment including terminology, alignment methods as well as belt maintenance,
storage and tensioning.
The content of this guide and our 5-Step Sheave/Pulley Alignment Procedure are
basic guides to re-align machines. In practice, more details must be taken into
account. LUDECA is not responsible for any damage or injury arising out of the use
of these documents.
LUDECA is a leading provider of Preventive, Predictive and Corrective Maintenance
Solutions including laser alignment, vibration analysis, balancing, induction heating
and ultrasound equipment as well as software, rentals, services and training. For
more information, visit www.ludeca.com
1425 NW 88th Avenue
Doral, FL 33172
[email protected]
Pulley Alignment Guide
By Alan Luedeking, CMRP, CRL
Getting the most out of your belt drive systems involves several things, key among them
good pulley alignment and good sheave and belt maintenance. Good design, good quality
components and correct installation are the starting points. Thereafter, keeping it running
well requires attention to the details.
Good sheave alignment will increase efficiency by reducing premature wear or failure of
belts, pulleys and bearings. This can be accomplished by several different alignment
methods, such as the labor intensive string and straightedge method (most common), or by
laser. Laser pulley alignment systems are now well established in the sheave alignment field,
and have proven themselves in greatly reducing downtime and the manpower needed to do
the alignment, while simultaneously achieving far greater accuracy. This results in significant
labor savings and increased production uptime. Later on this guide we will acquaint you
with one such system and its features and benefits.
Your foremost concern should always be safety. Never allow loose neckties or long
hair anywhere near belt-driven machinery, and make certain all equipment is locked out and
tagged out.
Prior to beginning sheave alignment, it is a good idea to try to determine (if possible)
the cause(s) of your belt or sheave failure, and correct it to prevent unnecessary
reoccurrence. FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) and RCA (Root Cause Analysis) are
very helpful tools in this process. The cause of failure could be associated with poor drive
maintenance (improper belt tension, poor sheave alignment), environmental factors
(sunlight, harsh temperature fluctuations), improper installation (wrong belts/sheaves, belts
pried on by force), or operating factors (overload, shock load.)
Larger sheaves can increase belt life. If it is feasible, consider increasing both the driver
and driven pulley diameters by the same percentage. Speeds will remain the same. Larger
pulleys reduce bearing loads since they allow for more contact area between the belt and
pulley thereby permitting the equivalent drive force to be
transmitted with less belt tension.
Next measure sheave runout. There are two types of run-out: rim (radial) and face (axial),
both of which must meet tolerance prior to actually performing final alignment corrections.
The tolerance for radial or rim runout on high speed sheaves (1800 R.P.M. and higher)
should not exceed 5 mils total indicated reading (T.I.R.) on average, and may be increased to
up to 10 mils on slower sheaves. The tolerance for axial or face runout should not exceed
0.5 mils per inch of sheave diameter (T.I.R.) for high speed sheaves, and may be increased to
up to 1 mil per inch for slow sheaves. Always follow the sheave or machine manufacturer’s
tighter tolerance recommendations, if given. Start by checking for radial runout. If
unsatisfactory, check for shaft runout. If excessive runout is also present on the shaft, it may
be bent. If so, you must replace the shaft and check radial runout on the sheave again. If no
runout on the shaft is detected, replace the sheave instead. If the sheave is mounted on a
tapered shaft bushing, remember to inspect and clean the bushing both inside and out to
ensure proper seating. Next check for face (axial) runout (wobble) and if necessary correct it
by repositioning the sheave on its shaft. Once runouts are in tolerance, proceed to install
new belts.
Place the new belts into the sheave grooves, reposition the sheaves to rough alignment,
and check that the belts are properly seated within their grooves.
Other systems (such as LUDECA’s SheaveMaster® Greenline) feature a green laser fan
line whose greatly increased visibility is ideal for bright light conditions, especially outdoors
©2018 Ludeca, Inc. 4
on a sunny day, where red
wavelength lasers can be
harder to see. One such
system projects a laser line
onto three small targets that
are mounted to the face of the
opposing pulley; additional
targets can be mounted to
idler pulleys in the belt path
for a complete overview of the
belt drive alignment. The
mounting position of the
targets is important: two
should be mounted near the
top and bottom to allow twist
angle to be detected. The third LUDECA SheaveMaster® Greenline
should be mounted at the Belt Alignment System
back of the opposing pulley
(on the far side) to give maximum angular resolution to be able to visually detect horizontal
angle. For maximum visual resolution and hence alignment accuracy, try always to mount
your fan line laser emitter on the smaller pulley and the targets on the larger pulley.
One important consideration in the use of laser pulley alignment systems is safety. It is
important to ascertain the laser class utilized in these systems. The best use a Class II laser
which requires no special safety precautions beyond not staring into the beam.
Before beginning the alignment process, first ascertain that the motor has no soft foot.
Soft foot is machine frame distortion that can occur due to a variety of reasons, but
primarily from improper shimming, uneven foundation surfaces, or conduit strain. Check for
soft foot by loosening only one foot at a time on the motor and check for any gaps that
may appear under motor feet with a feeler gauge. Maximum permissible gaps are 0.002".
Anything greater needs to be dealt with. Shim as needed to eliminate any potential frame
Always correct vertical (or twist) angle first, by shimming the driver, then correct
horizontal angularity by moving the driver laterally with jackscrews, and lastly correct offset
by moving the driver with axial jackscrews, or by repositioning one of the pulleys axially on
its shaft. (Be careful not to cock the pulley in doing so!) Since performing one alignment
correction almost invariably affects the other alignment conditions, this process may have to
be repeated several times. This is where the fan-line laser systems mentioned previously
really pay off, since they allow you to monitor all three alignment conditions simultaneously
as you work. This makes the job far easier and faster, as well as increasing the accuracy of
the alignment.
Belt Tension
After the sheaves have been aligned, the next step is the proper tensioning of the belts.
Incorrect tension (as well as misalignment) will adversely affect the life of the belts and the
efficiency of the drive as a whole. Using a spring scale, press down on the belt in the
approximate center of its span (on the tight side), to deflect the belt by 1/64" per inch of
span length, and, while doing so, observe the force required to do so. If you are not sure of
the belt span length you may also use the center-to-center distance of the pulleys, which
• Pie chart and belt damage images courtesy of The Gates Rubber Company, Belt
Preventive Maintenance Manual, Denver, 1996.
• Easy-Laser® XT 190 image courtesy of Easy-Laser AB, Mölndal, Sweden.
• SheaveMaster® is a registered trademark of LUDECA, Inc., Doral, FL.
• All other illustrations copyright Ludeca, Inc. – www.ludeca.com
1 2 3 4 5
Check and correct Correct twist misalignment Set the belt tension to
sheave rim runout (radial) by shimming the motor feet. manufacturer’s specifications.
Visual inspection of the and face runout (axial).
sheaves, belts, foundation Recommended tolerance: Typically, set tension to
and baseplate. ±0.5 degrees. (9 mils/inch) recommended force to deflect
belts 1/64 inch per inch of span
Replace sheaves if needed. length (tight side).
Be careful not to affect the Print the report to
alignment during these document the alignment,
Using feeler gauges find adjustments. if your system allows
obvious gaps under the motor for it.
feet and fill them with shims, to Correct angular
eliminate any soft foot condition. misalignment by moving the
machine horizontally.
Clean up: remove rust, Recommended tolerance:
scale, paint, dirt from under Re-check the
±0.5 degrees. (9 mils/inch) alignment.
and around the feet. Clean
sheaves as well.
Install new belts, if 72-240 HRS
needed. Always replace
all belts together with a Run the machines at
new matched set. least 72 hours, but not
more than 10 days and
Correct offset
misalignment by moving 2 HRS+ retension again, this
time to manufacturer’s
the machine axially. recommended force values
Run machines for two hours
for used belts.
to allow belts to stretch
Replace damaged shim % Recommended tolerance:
and seat themselves then
packs with new, corrosion ±8 mils (thou) per inch
and crush resistant shims. recheck tension. Readjust as
Torque bolts to specifications. of span length.
©Copyright 2017 by LUDECA, INC. No copying or reproduction of this information, in any form whatsoever, may be undertaken without
express written permission of LUDECA, INC. WARNING: The content of this graphic is a basic guide to re-align machines. In practice,
more details must be taken into account. LUDECA, INC is not responsible for any damage or injury arising out of the use of this document
Keep it running. LUDECA.COM
Order No. 01-222-01