Motion To Amend The Complaint For Condemnation

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Filed: 12/30/2019 4:56 PM

Monroe Circuit Court 6

Monroe County, Indiana


) SS:
COUNTY OF MONROE ) CAUSE NO. 53C06-1906-PL-001293


Plaintiff, )
v. )
222 HATS LLC, and )
Defendants. )


The Plaintiff, the City of Bloomington, Indiana (the “City”), by counsel, pursuant to Rule

15 of the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure and Ind. Code § 32-24-1-8(d), respectfully requests

permission to amend the Complaint for Condemnation and, in support thereof, states as follows:

1. The City initiated this lawsuit on June 7, 2019 by filing a Complaint for

Condemnation (“Complaint”), Appearance, and Summons. In response, this Court issued a Notice

to Appear and Show Cause.

2. The Complaint, Appearance, Summons, and Notice to Appear and Show Cause

were served on the Defendants.

3. Pursuant to the Complaint, the City seeks to acquire certain real estate owned by

222 Hats, LLC for the purpose of constructing a new Fourth Street Parking Garage (the “Project”).

4. By agreement of counsel, the Court conducted a show cause hearing on October 7,


5. In an Order Following Hearing on Objections and Sustaining Objection to

Complaint for Appropriation dated December 20, 2019 (the “Order”), this Court sustained an
objection to the Project asserted by 222 Hats because the Project included nonresidential retail

space on the first floor of the parking garage.

6. In light of and out of respect for this Court’s Order, the City is redesigning the

Project to exclude any nonresidential retail space (other than the government office space

necessary to manage the parking garage) from the Project. The Project shall be exclusively used

as a parking garage, as that use is defined by Bloomington Municipal Code 20.11.020:

“[A] structure or portion thereof composed of one or more levels or floors used

exclusively for the parking or storage of motor vehicles . . .”

In order to move forward with the redesigned Project, the City’s petition for site plan approval

from the Bloomington Plan Commission shall include a request for a waiver from the first floor

nonresidential requirement.

7. Pursuant to Ind. Code § 32-24-1-8(d), if a defendant’s objection to an eminent

domain lawsuit is sustained, the plaintiff may amend the complaint.

8. Under the circumstances, the City respectfully requests permission to file an

Amended Complaint for Condemnation (the “Amended Complaint”). A true and accurate copy of

the Amended Complaint is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

9. 222 Hats, LLC will not be prejudiced if the Court grants the City permission to file

the Amended Complaint. Specifically, the City already tendered a written offer to 222 Hats, LLC

to purchase the real estate and improvements necessary to build the Project. As such, 222 Hats,

LLC is still entitled to fair and just compensation. Further, the Amended Complaint clarifies that

the City no longer intends to include nonresidential retail space as part of the Project.

WHEREFORE, the Plaintiff, the City of Bloomington, respectfully requests that the Court

enter an Order (a) granting the City 0f Bloomington permission to file the Amended Complaint

for Condemnation, and (b) providing for all other appropriate relief.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/Alan S. Townsend
Alan S. Townsend
Attorney N0. 16887—49

Bose McKinney & Evans LLP

111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(3 17) 684-5000
(3 17) 684-5 1 73 (FAX)


Larry D. Allen
Attorney N0. 30505-53
Philippa M. Guthrie
Attorney N0. 16958-53
Michael M. Rouker
Attorney N0. 28422-53

401 N. Morton Street, Ste. 220
Bloomington, IN 47401
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (812) 349-3426

Attorneysfor the Plaintiff the City ofBloomington

The undersigned certifies that a copy of the foregoing “Motion to Amend the Complaint

for Condemnation” has been served upon the following counsel of record by electronic service

through the Court’s system and/or by first class, United States mail, postage prepaid, this 30th day

of December, 2019:

David L. Ferguson Jason L. McAuley

Ferguson Law Koch & McAuley P.C.
403 E. Sixth Street 1720 N. Kinser Pike, Suite 110
Bloomington, IN 47408 P.O. Box 1030
Bloomington, IN 47402

J. Eric Rochford
Cohen & Malad, LLP
One Indiana Square, Suite 1400
Indianapolis, IN 46204

/s/ Alan S. Townsend

Alan S. Townsend


) SS:
COUNTY OF MONROE ) CAUSE NO. 53C06-1906-PL-001293


Plaintiff, )
v. )
222 HATS LLC, and )
Defendants. )


The Plaintiff, City of Bloomington, Indiana, by its Board of Public Works (“City”), by and

through counsel, for its Amended Complaint for Condemnation against the Defendants, 222 HATS

LLC (“222 Hats”) and German American Bancorp, Inc., states as follows:

1. The City is an Indiana municipality duly organized pursuant to the laws of the State

of Indiana.

2. In the course of the exercise of its responsibilities and police powers to provide for

public facilities and works, the City intends to construct a new, expanded 4th Street Parking

Garage, which shall occupy the parcels of land between the northwest corner of West 3rd Street

and South Walnut Street and the southwest corner of West 4th Street and South Walnut Avenue

(the “Project”).

3. The Project will serve and benefit the public and enable the City to perform its

functions by providing much needed additional parking in the downtown area. The Project was

approved for a public purpose and found to be in the public interest by the City of Bloomington
Board of Public Works in its Resolution 2019-43, approved at a public meeting held on April 30,


4. 222 Hats owns title to certain real estate located in Monroe County, Indiana, which

is commonly known as 222 South Walnut Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47401 and described as


The South Half of In-Lot Number Thirty-three (33) in the City of Bloomington,
Indiana, as set out on the original Plat of the City of Bloomington, Indiana, as
shown in Plat Book No. 1 at page 4 (now Plat Cabinet B, Envelope 1), in the office
of the Recorder of Monroe County, Indiana.
Tax Parcel No.: 53-05-33-310-173.000-005; Auditor’s Parcel No.: 013-05940-00.

The property sought herein is more fully described and depicted in Exhibit A and incorporated by

reference herein (the “Real Estate”).

5. Defendant German American Bancorp, Inc., (“German American”) holds a

mortgage dated March 30, 2018, for the Real Estate in the original amount of Five Hundred

Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) and recorded as Instrument Number 2018003813 in the records

of the Office of the Recorder of Monroe County, Indiana. German American entered into the

mortgage agreement with the individual Juan Carlos Carrasquel, whose address is listed as 34 E.

Saddlebrook Ct., Bloomington, Indiana 47401.

6. Defendant German American Bancorp also holds an assignment of rents dated

March 30, 2018, for the Real Estate recorded as Instrument Number 2018003815 in the records of

the Office of the Recorder of Monroe County, Indiana. German American entered into the

assignment of rents with Juan Carlos Carrasquel, whose address is listed as 34 E. Saddlebrook Ct.,

Bloomington, Indiana 47401.

7. The City has the statutory authority to undertake this Project and may exercise the

power of eminent domain over the property outlined above under Indiana law including, but not

limited to, Indiana Code Section 36-1-4-5 and Indiana Code 32-24-1, et seq.

8. In connection with and in carrying out the Project, the City has determined that it

is necessary for the City to take, appropriate, acquire, remediate, and make use of the whole of the

Real Estate for the Project.

9. The City has attempted to engage in negotiations with 222 Hats in a good faith

effort to purchase the Real Estate, including obtaining two independent appraisals and tendering

the required offer to purchase the Real Estate in accordance with Indiana Code Section 32-24-1-5.

From the end of 2018, the City also has also discussed opportunities with 222 Hats LLC member

Juan Carlos Carrasquel to have a space in the new structure that matches or exceeds his current

real estate footprint and that would maintain the organization’s visible presence on the corner of

West Third Street and South Walnut Street.

10. The City has complied with Indiana Code Section 32-34-1-5, and the Uniform

Property or Easement Acquisition Offer was personally delivered to 222 Hats LLC member Juan

Carlos Carrasquel on May 6, 2019. A copy of the offer was also sent via separate certified mailings

on May 6, 2019, to the owner, via the following names and addresses: 222 Hats LLC at 222 S.

Walnut Street, Bloomington, Indiana 47404-6108; the registered agent for 222 Hats LLC, listed

with the Indiana Secretary of State’s Office as Mallor Grodner LLP, at 511 S. Woodcrest Drive,

Bloomington, Indiana 47401; and Juan Carlos Carrasquel at 3497 E. Saddlebook Court,

Bloomington, Indiana 47401-8554.

11. The parties have been unable to agree upon the purchase and sale of such interests

in the Real Estate.

12. In an Order Following Hearing on Objections and Sustaining Objection to

Complaint for Appropriation dated December 20, 2019 (the “Order”), this Court sustained an

objection to the Project asserted by 222 Hats because the Project included nonresidential retail

space on the first floor of the parking garage. In light of and out of respect for this Court’s Order,

the City is redesigning the Project to exclude any nonresidential retail space (other than the

government office space necessary to manage the parking garage) from the Project. The Project

shall be exclusively used as a parking garage, as that use is defined by Bloomington Municipal

Code 20.11.020:

“[A] structure or portion thereof composed of one or more levels or floors used

exclusively for the parking or storage of motor vehicles . . .”

In order to move forward with the redesigned Project, the City’s petition for site plan approval

from the Bloomington Plan Commission shall include a request for a waiver from the first floor

nonresidential requirement.

13. Having been unable to acquire voluntarily the Real Estate, the City seeks to

condemn and acquire the Real Estate in fee simple by this action.

WHEREFORE, the City of Bloomington prays that:

(a) The Court issue an order requiring the Defendants to appear at a hearing to

show cause, if any, why the Real Estate sought to be condemned should not

be appropriated;

(b) The Court appoint, pursuant to Indiana Code Section 32-24-1-7, one

disinterested freeholder of the County and two disinterested appraisers

licensed under Indiana Code 25-34.1 to assess the damages which any

Defendant, as an owner or an interest holder of the Real Estate, may sustain

or be entitled to by reason of such appropriation and condemnation of the

fee interest in the Real Estate;

(c) Upon payment to the Clerk 0fthis Court ofthe damages assessed, the Court

order that the City of Bloomington may take possession of and hold all

necessary interests in the Real Estate;

(d) The Court take all other steps Which may be necessary for the City 0f

Bloomington to acquire, by the right of eminent domain, the Real Estate, as

more particularly described and depicted in Exhibit A; and

(e) The Court grant the City 0f Bloomington all other proper relief in the


The City of Bloomington reserves the right to demand a trial by jury.

Respectfully Submitted,

/s/Alan S. Townsend
Alan S. Townsend
Attorney No. 16887—49

Bose McKinney & Evans LLP

111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
(3 17) 684-5000
(3 17) 684-5 1 73 (FAX)
Email: [email protected]


Larry D. Allen
Attorney N0. 30505-53
Philippa M. Guthrie
Attorney N0. 16958-53
Michael M. Rouker
Attorney No. 28422-53

401 N. Morton Street, Ste. 220
Bloomington, IN 47401
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (812) 349-3426

Attorneys for the Plaintiff, the City 0f Bloomington





Legal Description:
The South Half of In-Lot Number Thirty-three (33) in the City of Bloomington,
Indiana, as set out on the original Plat of the City of Bloomington, Indiana, as
shown in Plat Book No. 1 at page 4 (now Plat Cabinet B, Envelope 1), in the
office of the Recorder of Monroe County, Indiana.
Tax Parcel No.: 53-05-33-310-173.000-005; Auditor’s Parcel No.: 013-05940-00.

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