MSFC Skylab Orbital Workshop, Volume 4

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The document discusses the design, development and testing of the Skylab Orbital Workshop. It provides details on the design goals, mission results, overall system design and performance of various subsystems.

Section 1.1 discusses the purpose and scope of the document, which is to document the design, development, test and evaluation of the Skylab Orbital Workshop.

Section 2.2 describes the main subsystems of the Orbital Workshop including the structural system, environmental/thermal control subsystem, solar array system, electrical power distribution system, communication system, experiment accommodations systems, and others.



Skytab Program Offlcc l_._ _ _. _ '-_l

NASA \¢_ --,

GeorgeC, Marshall Space Flight Center ]

! Marshall SpaceFlight Cenio, Alabama I
(II$1-TB*I-6 _813-Vo1-_6) 8SrC SKILID li7_-28J31 {:_

lie 810.25 IIO_gSBGP_ _OLIJB_ _ (IllS&) 527 p 22B
CSC_ -i

MSFC - Form ._190 (Rev June lgTl)




Section Title Page

Volume I
i INTRODUCTION ........................ i-i

i.i PURPOSE AND SCOPE .................. i-i

i.2 SLI4MABY ....................... l-S

1 2 1
. • DesiKn Goals • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • I-3
1 2 2
• • Mission Results • • • • • • • • o • • • • e • i-9

2 SYSTEM DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE ............... 2.1-i

2.I GENERAL ....................... 2.1-1

2.1.1 Design Philosophy .............. 2.1-1

2.1.2 Wet to Dry Evolution ............. 2.1-_

2.1.3 Overall Test Progr_ ............. 2.1-9

2.1._ Final Configuration Discussion ........ 2.1-16
2.1.5 Mission Performance ............. 2.1-51

2.2 SYST_24S ....................... 2.2.1-1

2.2.1 Structural System .............. 2.2.1-1

2.2.2 Meteoroid Shield System ........... 2.2.2-1
2.2.3 Environmental/Thermal Control
Subsystem (E/TCS) ........... 2.2.3-i _/
v • i ii)
2.2.5 Solar Array System .............. 2.2.5-i ._
2.2.6 Electrical Power Distribution System ..... 2.2.6-1
2.2.7 Illumination System ............. 2.2.7-1
2.2.8 Communication and Data Acquisition System . . 2.2.8-1
2.2.9 Caution and WarninK System ...... 2.2.9-i _"
2.2.10 Experiment Accommodations Systems ...... 2.2.10-1
Volume III _
2.2.11 Habitability Suppurt Systems ....... 2.2.11-1 _
V 1 me "Y i i ''
2.2.12 Pressure Oarmen_ _tioni_ System 2.2.12-1 i _
2 2 13 Stows_e System 2 2 13 1 , •
• • • •
2.2.1h Ground Support Equipment System . . . 2.2.1h-1 i
2.2.15 Marki_ System ............... 2.2.15-1 t

2.3 MATERIAL USAGE AND CONTROL .............. 2.3-I 1


Ill "

I_ -[ IlL [ --
. __i

I Section

Volume V
Page ,

I 3 RELIABILITY PROGRAM .................... 3-1

J 3.1 OBJECTIVE AND METHODOLOGY .............. 3-1 ?

3 •2 RELIABILITY .................... 3-2

r "
3.2.1 System Reliability Analysis ......... 3-2
: 3.2.2 Design Support . . . 3-12

,_ 3.2.3 Production and Test Support ......... 3-21

| 3.3 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOmmENDATIONS ........... 3-31 _

SYSTEM SAFETY PROGRAM ................... _-1

o_ih. GENERAL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • _ 1
_ ,

_,._: CREWSAFEI'Y ..................... h-h

.2.1 Concept Phase ................ h-_

_.2.2 Desip Phase ................ _-h !

_.2.3 Test and Operations Phase .......... M-18

•3 TRAINING ...................... _-28

_.3.1 Skills Training ............... h-28

• h.3.2 Operational Training . . .......... h-29

• 3.3 Eaploye Motivation/Avarenea8 ........ h-29

_._ CONCLUSIONS AND RECO_/_DATIONS ........... _-33

5 TESTING PROGRAM ...................... 5-1

5.0 IFI_ODUCTION ......... . .......... 5-1

5.1 TEST REQUIREMenTS . ................. 5-5

5.1.I General Requirenents and Guidelines ..... 5-5

5.1.2 Docunentation and Control Requirements of
Component and Subsystem TestinK ....... 5-7
5.1.3 Documentation and Control Requirements - i:
Spacecraft Systems and Integrated ----_.
Vehicle Testing ............... 5-11
5.1,_ Documentation and Control Requirements -
Mission Support Testlng....... .... _-18


,_=w_ "_ . .......


Section Title Page



5.2.1 Development and Qualification Testing ..... 5-21

5.2.2 Production Acceptance Tests (PAT) ....... 5-&5

5.3 STRUCTURES TESTING .................. 5-h6


5.5 SPACECRAIT SYSTEMS TESTING .............. 5-59

5 5 1 General 5-59 2

m 5 • 5 •2 Structures • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5-63 "

5.5.3 Environmental Control ............. 5-6h

5 5 h Electrical 5-66

5.5.5 Instrumentation and Communications ...... 5-69

5 5 6 Waste Management 5 73

5.5.7 Solar Arrsy System .............. 5-7_

5.5.8 Refr_geration ................. 5-T6

5.5.9 Ordnance Subsystem .............. 5-78 _:

5.5.10 Pneumatic Subsystem ............. 5-T9

5.5.11 Crew Systems ................. 5-81

5 • 5 • 12 Stowage • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5-8:' •

5.5.13 Expe__ments Subsystem ............. 5-83 _

5.5.1h Water ..................... 5-86 _i


5 6 1 General 5 8T

5.6.2 Vehicle Arrival, Inspection and Vertical

Assemb:KV................... 5-8T
5.6.3 Subsystem Verification ............ 5-89

5.6._ System Verification .............. 5-125

5.6.5 Final System Tes.t and Launch ......... 5-128

5.7 MTSSION SUPPORT TESTINO ................ 5-130

5.7.1 OWB Backup .................. 5-130

5.7.2 Laboratory ....... . .......... 5-1h1 _




Section Title Page


6.1 PLANNING AND SCHEDULING .............. 6--

6.1.1 Design and Development ............
6.1.2 Design Changes ................
6.1.3 Recommendations for Future Programs ..... 6-8

6.2 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT .............. 6-9

6.2.1 Configuration Identification .......... 6-9

6.2.2 Configuration Control ............ 6-i:I i
6.2.3 Configuration Accounting ........... 6-21

6.2. h Change Traffic ................ 6-22

6,2.5 Conclusions and Recommendations .......

7 MISSION OPERATIONS SUPPORT ................. 7-i I

7.1 GENERAL ....................... 7-i I
7.2 MDAC-W SUPPORT AT MSFC ............... 7-3 I

7.2.1 Overview of MDAC-W's Role at MSFC • • • 7-3 ' "

7.2.2 MDAC-W/MSFC Mission Support Inte.-f_ce .... 7-4

7.2.3 Facility Definition ............. 7-6
7.2._ MSFC Skylab Data System ........... 7-9

7.2.5 MDAC-W Support Structure and Marnlng

Schedules .................. 7-I_

7.2.6 Action Request Flow ............. 7-15


7 3 1 Overview 7 18

7.3.2 Mlreloa Support Teaa DeftntttontOrgantzatAon . 7-18

7.3.3 Su_ of Huntington Beach PTe3e.uncb
Operatlona Support . . ............ 7-19
7.3._ Identification and Management ot OWS i._
Problems/Action Requea_ ........... [-23


Section Title FaKe

7.3.5 Su_uLry of Mission Support Action Itels . . . 7-25

7.3.6 Facility Descrlptlon/ETaltmtion ....... 7-_I
7.3.7 Mission Support Manning Schedule8
(M_aoedlUammood ) .............. 7-37


7•_.1 General .................. 7-43

7• h• 2 Prelauuch SuppoFt • • • • • • • . • • • . • • 7in 43
7._.3 Mission SiualAttons ............. 7-I;3
7._._ Mission Support Organization and Mannin_ . . . 7-44
7. _. 5 Mission Support Facilities .......... 7-_
7._.6 Action Item Asslpment, Tracklng and Response 7-45
7. _.7 Hardware and Test Support ...... . . . . 7-46
7._.8 MDAC-W On-Site Support at MSFC . . ...... 7-47

8 NEW TECH_0LOG¥ ....................... 8-1

8.1 AER06PACE APPLICATIONS ..... . ......... 8-1

8.1.1 Nev Technolo_ Patent Disclosures ...... 8-1

8.1.2 Applicable Hardv_re and Desip Approlches . . 8-1
8.2 _ _L_C_TIOHS . ................. 8 'm_d'_

8.2.1 Elect ronic/Electrical ............ 8-2&

8.2.2 Fireproof 14sterisls ............. 8-25
8.2.3 Zero Or_vity Restraint Equipment ....... 8-26
8.2. h Structural Tecbnolo_ ............ 8-26
8.2.5 Fire Detection, Prevention and 8uPln'ession . . 8-27
8.2.6 nioeide Wipes . . . . ............ 8-27
8.2.T Therml Mechanical . . . . . ......... 8-28
8.2.8 Potable Water 8terili_tlon . . . . . . . . . 8-28
8.2.9 Noise Control ......... . . . . . . . 8-28
6._.10 Pneumatic Valve Design .... . . , , .... 8-29
8.2.11 PrOdUCt 5_fety K%mlustion . . , . o ..... 8-29


Section Title Page


9. 1 MISSION PERFORMANCE . • . • • • • • • • _ • • • • • '_:-J.

9.1.1 Structural System .............. 9-1

9.1.2 Meteoroid Shield (MS) ............ 9-5
9.1.3 Thermal Control System (TCS) • • . ...... 9-5
9.1._ Thruster Attitude Contx'olSystem (TACS) • • • 9-7
9.1.5 Solar Array System (SAS) ........... 9-8
9.1.6 Electrical Power Distribution System (PDS) . . 9-i_
9.1.7 Ill_alnatlon System ............. 9-11
9.1.8 Ccnaunieation and Data Acquisition Systems
(DAS) .................... 9-11
9.1.9 Caution and Warning (C&W) System ....... 9-13
9.1.10 Experiment Aceo_dstlons Systems ...... 9-13
9.1.11 Habitability Support Systems (HSS's) ..... 9-15
9.1.12 Pressure Garment Conditioning System ..... 9-23
9.1.13 Stowqe System ................ 9-23
9.1.1_ Marking System ................ 9-25

9.2 PROGRAM PLAN_NG ................... 9-26

9.2.1 Organisation ................. 9-26

9.2.2 Eet_.blilhing Requirements .......... 9-28
9.2.3 Controlling to RQquirements ......... 9-29
9.2._ improvements for Future Fro_ams ....... 9-31

9• 3 TESTING • • • • • • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • 9-36

9.3.1 Development and Qualification ........ 9-36

9.3.2 Spacecraft Symtm Testin_ .......... 9-39
9.3.3 Conel_sions a_d Reecmaendstlon8 ....... 9-I."-' _

9._ PREIAtRCH AMD MISSION SUPPORT ............ 9-_5


viii !

1.2. i-i Skylab Orbiting Assembly l-h
1.2.1-2 Skylab- Function of Modules 1-5 _

i. 2.1-3 Orbital Workshop 1-7 :

1.2.1-4 Mission Design Profile 1-8 Mission Actual Profile 1-13

2. l.l-1 S-IV-Gemini Space Laboratory Concept 2.1-2

2.1.2-1 NASA Saturn S-IVB Orbital Workshop 2.1-5

2. i.2-2 Wet Workshop Launch Configuration 2.1-7

2.1.h.i-i Orbital Work,_hop Tank Assembly, Skirts and 2.1-17 :

Interst age Meteoroid Shield 2.1-19 Active Thermal Control System 2.1-21

2. i. 4.4-1 Thruster Attitude Control System 2.1-23 Solar Arr_ System 2.1-25

2. i. h.6-1 Electrical Power Distribution System 2.1-27 ,

2.1. h.7-1 Illumination System 2.1-29

2.1. h.8-1 Communications System 2.1-30

2.1. h.8-2 Data Acquisition System 2.1-32 ' Electrical Command System 2.1-33

2.1. h.9-1 Caution and Warning System 2.1-34

2. i.4.10-1 Waste Management System 2.1-36

2.1. h.10-2 Waste Management System Truh Disposal 2.1-37

2. i. 4.10-3 Water System 2.1.-39 J

2.1. h. 10-h Personal Hygiene and Body Cleansing System 2.1-41

2. i.4.10-5 Food Management System 2.1-42 ._..-

.I. h. 10-6 _leep Support System 2.1-h, "

2. i. 4.10-7 Re frigerati on System 2. i-h 5

2. i.h. ii-I Stowage System 2. l-h7 ,

2.1. h. 12-1 Waste Management Vacuum Provisions 2.1-49

2.i. h.12-2 Experiment Vacuum Provisions 2.1-50 Basic Shell Structure Forward Skirt 2.2.1-3 Basic Shell Structure Forward Skirt - Panel 2.2.1-6

Installation Basic Shell Structure Aft Skirt - Panel 2.D.I-7
2.2.1.i-_ Basic Shell Structure Aft Skirt ?.2.i-I0

2.2.1.I-5 Basic Shell Structure Typical Aft Skirt 6ection ,'.2.1-iI Basic Shell Structure Aft Skirt - Umbilical 2.2.1-13
Installation Basic Shell Structure Aft Skirt Thermal Shield 2.2.1-I_

Static Pressure Distribution TACS Nozzles Panel Installation 2.2.1-1o Basi__ Shell Structure Aft Skirt - TACS Nozzle, 2.2.].-1'(

Mount ing Provis ions Orbital Workshop Separation Joint 2.2.1-19 Orbital Workshop Internal Color Requirements 2,2.1-28 Basic Habitation Area Tank Structure 2.2.i-30 Cylinder Rib Intersection Attach 2.2.1-32 Bonded Experiment Disc Installation 2.2.1-33 High Performance Insulation 2.2.1-35 High Performance Insulation Purge System 2.2.1-37 Side Access Panel ' abitation Area 2.2.1-38
2,2.1.2-8 Aft Dome Port Cio_res 2.2.1-hi Habitation Area Tank Forward Entry Hatch 2.2.1-h2

2.2. i.2-10 Viewing Window Assembly Installation 2 2.i-',h

2.2. i.2-11 Scientific Airlock 2.2. l-h6

2.2. i.2-i2 Water Stor _ge Container Installation 2.2. I-_,9 i/I0 Se_: ,t of Water Container Support 2.2.1-51


2.2. i.2-1h Water Container Typical Cro6s-section 2.2. l-5h Crew Quarters Installations 2.2.1-56

2.2.I. 2-16 Crew Quarters Structural Arrangement 2.2.1-58

_.,-.,.E-17 Floor G*'id Pattern 2.2.1-59 Floor Structure 2.2.1-62

2.2.!.2-19 Orbital Workshop Waste Tank 2.2.1-0_ Penetration Details - Common Bulkhead 2.2.1 .o7

.J ........ ..... •. |
l WMC Closeout at Floor 2.2.1-71 Closeouts Between Floor and Ceiling 2.2.1-72 Closeouts on Aft Floor 2.2.1-7h Forward Floor Colsecuts o 2.1-"':
,.I _a'

2.2. i.2-25 Water Tank Closeouts "_',

2. I- (' Wardroom Entry Curtain ,.__ ? ?( Crewman Restraints - internal 2.2.1-79
2.2. i.2-28 Astronaut Aids (Platform Foot Restraints) ?.2.1-81 Astronaut Aids (Light Duty Foot Restraints) 2.2 1-82 Footwell Restraints 2 o i-84 Triangle Shoe 2.2 i-_ Crewman Fixed Hand Restraints (Internal) 2.2 1-88 Dome Ring Locker Lower Leg Restraint 2.2 1-92 Table Restraints (Triangle Shoe) Test 2.2 1-110

Configuration Table Restraints (Fixed Foot Restraint) Test 2.2. i-Iii
Configuration Triangle Shoe Test Configuration 2.2.1-112

2.2. i.2-37 Pelvi? Restraint Tea t Configuration 2.2. i- llh ,

2.2. i. 3-1 Aft Structure 2.2.1-138 TACS Gas Storage Sphere Installation Subsystem 2.2.1-139 TACS Gas Storage Sphere Installation Subsystem 2.2,1-140

2.2. i. 3-_ TC-9 Test Specimen 2.2. l-lhl

2.2. I.3-5 TACS Sphere Meteoroid Shield In_ tallation 2.2. l-lhh TACS Sphere Meteoroid Shield and Skirt 2.2.1-145 Aft Structure - Radiator Support Structure 2.2.1-146 Radiator Sandwich Construction 2.2.1-ih8

2.2.1!.3-9 Radiator - Thrust Casting Connection 2.2.1-149 Thermal Control Unit Installation 2.2.1-150 Thermal Control Unit Installation 2.2.1-151

2 2. I. 3-12 Radiator Impingement Shield 2.2.1-153

2 .1.3-13 Radiator Shield Jettison Mechanism 2.2.1-155

2.2. I. 3-14 Flume Impln_ement Curtain 2 , 2. i-,/_


2.2. I. 4-i Aft Interstage B_ic Structure 2.2.1-169

i 2.2. I.4-2 Ring Frames and Intercoatals 2.2.1-170 Basle Shell Structure - Aft Interstage 2.2.1-172



2.2.i._.-h Basic Shell Structure - Aft Interstage - Vent 2.2.1-173

2.2.1.h-5 Basic Shell Structure Aft Interstage 2.2.1-i7h

2.2.1.h-6 At% Interstage/GSE Interfaces _._ i-!76

2.2.1.h-7 Basic Shell Structure Aft Interstage J.2 i.'_: Meteoroid Shield ?.2.2-., Meteoroid Shield Panel Joint 2.2.2-6 Meteoroid Shield Boot 2.2.2-7 Meteoroid Shield Auxiliary Tunnel Frame and 2.2.2-9

Beaded Panel Cover Meteoroid Shield Deployment Ordnan. e stud Fol,tu,, _._.2-I0

Panels Meteoroid Shield 2.2.2-12 Deployable Meteoroid Shield 2.2.2-13 Meteoroid Shield Rigging Device 2.2.2-]4 Meteoroid Shield Release System 2.2.2-17 Shield Release Device 2.2.2-18 Meteoroid Shield Release Mechanism 2.2.2-19 Workshop Flight Systems 2.2.2-39 , Forward Dome Structural Configurations 2.2.2-41 Airlock Cutout Impact _.gles 2.2.2-h2 End Closure Configuration 2.2.2-h3 Aft Dome/Skirt Configurat_ ons 2.2.2-44 Skylab Configuratlon 2.2.2-45 t Meteoroid Damqe Probabilities 2.2.2- 49 Meteoroid Shield Paint Pattern 2.2.2-52
2.2.3-1 Crew Comfort Criteria 2.2.3-4

2.2.3-2 Maximum Dynamic Input to PLV Fan/Shroud Assembly 2.2.3-ii

( In all Three Axes) '

2.2.3-3 Yes Schematic 2.2.3-20

2.2.3-_ Airlock to Workshop Interface and Mixing Chamber 2.2.3-22 '

2.2.3-5 Ventilation 2.2.3-23 ;

2.2.3-6 Fen Inlet Duct 2.2.3-24 _, '_

2.2.3-7 Duct Diffuser 2.2.3-26 "_.

2.2.3-8 Fan Cluster and Muffler Assembly _,P.3-27

2.2.3-9 OWS Ventilation System Fan Cluster Assembly 2.2.3-28

2.2.3-10 Duct Fan 2.2.3-29


_"'-"""'qr_-- I_
Number Page

2; 2.3-11 Floor/Air Diffuser Arrangement 2.2.3-31

2.2.3-12 Sleep Area Air Outlet 2.2.3-32

2.2.3-13 Ventilation Control System Diffuser Locations 2.2.3-33

2.2.3-14 Portable Fan with Sound Suppression 2.2.3-36

2.2.3-15 Circuit Breaker Panel 614 2.2.3-36

2.2.3-16 Fan Control 2.2.3-37

2.2.3-17 Fan Bus Selection 2.2.3-38

2.2.3-18 Convective Heater 2.2.3-40

2.2.3-19 Control and Display Panel 617 Thermal Coutrol 2.2.3-42

2.2.3-20 Heater Control 2.2.3-44

2.2.3-21 Heater Control Duct 3 2.2.3-65

2.2.3-22 Radiant Heaters 2.2.3-47

2.2.3-23 Radiant Heater - IB81046 2.2.3-48

2.2.3-24 Radiant Heater Components 2.2.3-49

2.2.3-25 ECS Control Panel 203 2.2.3-51
,°.2.3-26 Radiant Heater Control 2.2.3-52

2.2.3-27 OWS View Window Design Criteria 2.2.3-53

2.2.3-28 Wardroom Window 2.2.3-54

2,2.3-29 Wardroom Window 2.2,3-55

2.2.3-30 Wardroom Control and Display Panel 700 (IB84376-I) 2.2.3-57

2.2.3-31 Wardroom Window Heater Electrical Schematic 2.2.3-58

2.2.3-32 Thermal Control System Schematic 2.2.3-40

2.2.3-33 Preinstalled High Perform-rice Insulation 2.2.3-63

2.2.3-34 Forward Dome High Performance Insulation 2.2.3-64

2.2.3-35 High Performance Insulation Purse Syste_ 2.2.3-66

2.2.3-36 External Paint Pattern 2.2.3-70 ;
2.2.3-37 External White Paint Pattern 2.2.3-71

2.2.3-38 Thermal Radiation Coating 2.2.3-73

2,2.3-39 Meteoroid Shield Boot 2.2.3-74

2.2.3-40 Forward Thermal Shield 2.2.3-75

2.2.3-41 Aft Thermal Shield 2.2.3-76

2.2. _-k2 JSC Parasol Confisuration 2.2.3-79

2.2.3-43 MSFC Solar Sall Configuration 2.2.3-80

2.2.3-4_ 0W8 Heat Pipe Wick Configuration 2.2.3-83

2.2._--|_5 Heat P_,pe Locatlon_ 2.2.3-84


Number Page

2.2.3-h6 Heat Pipe Installation et Water BottleBalsa Wood 2.2.3-85

2.2.3-h7 Heat Pipe Installation at Floors 2.2.3-87

2.2.3-h8 Heat Pipe Support Assembly 2.2.3-88
2.2.3-h9 Heat Pipe Installation 2.2.3-91
2.2.3-50 OWS Viewing Window Cold Coating Test Sesults 2.2.3-101

2.2.3-51 SL-I Forward Compartment Wall Boost Temperature 2.2.3-106

History, Sensor C703h
2.2.3-52 SL-i Forward Compartment Wall Boost Temperature 2.2.3-107
History, Sensor C70h5
2.2.3-53 SL-I Forward Compartment Wall Boost Temperature 2.2.3-108
Hi_tory, Sensor c70h7
2.2.3-54 SL-I Aft Compartment Wall Boost Temperature 2.2.3-109
History, Sensor C7053

2.2.3-55 SL-I Forward Skirt Thermal Shield Boost Tempe:'ature 2.2.3-110

History, Sensor C7185

2.2.3-56 SL-I Aft Skirt Thermal Shield Boost Temperature 2.2.3-111

History, Sensor C7177

2.2.3-57 Wardroom Window Daily Temperature Extremes 2.2.3-115

2.2.3-58 OWS Aft Skirt Transducer C7189 Location 2.2.3- 127

2.2.3-59 Estimated Retro-Rocket Plume Contamination 2.2.3-131

2.2.3-60 Correlation of Temperature Data for S-130 Painted 2.2.3-133

Aft Skirt

2.2.3-61 Aft Skirt Maximum Orbital Temperatures at Beta = 0 2.2.3-134

Deg. Sensor C7189
2.2.3-62 S-13G White Paint Degradation 2.2.3-136

2.2.3-63 Temperature Response of Gold Taped Sidewall to 2.2.3-141

Direct S,')larExposure
2.2.3-64 OWS External Wall Temperature Simulation for EREPS 2.2.3-146
31 and 32

2.2.3-65 OWS External Wall Temperature Simulation _or ERE_ 24 2.2.3-I_7

2.2,3-66 Tank Wall Optics/ Properties 2.2.3-149

2.2.3-67 OW8 Mean Internal and"Floor-Stewed Foc_ Tempera- 2.2.3-157
ture History, DO¥'s 135- 147

2.2.3-68 OWS Rack-Stored Food Temperature History, DOY's 2.2.3-158

135- lh7
2.2.3-69 OWS Film Vault Temperature History, DOY's 135 - 147 2.2.3-1>9 . .I

2.2.3-70 OWS Mean *.nternal Temperature History, DOY's 2.2.3-161

i_?- 15h
2.2.3-71 OWS Rack-S%oved Food Temperature Ill,tory, 2.2.3-i_2
DOY's 147- 15_


Number I
Page _

2.2.3-72 OWS Film Vault Temperature History, DOY's 147 - 155 2.2.3-163
2.2.3-73 SL-2 Crew Comfort Conditions 2.2.3-164

2.2.3-7h OWS Cooldown After Parasol Deployment 2.2.3-165

2.2.3-75 SL-2 External Surface Temperature Distribution 2.2.3-167

2.2.3-76 OWS Mean Internal Temperature History, DOY 's 2.2.1-169
lh8- 17h

2.2.3-77 OWS Temperature During the First Storage Period, 2.2.3-171

DOY's 173 -k 299

2.2.3-78 OWS Maximum and Minimum Internal Temperatures, 2.2.3-172

I_9Y's 21 - 268

2.2.3-79 SL-._ Crew Comfort Condit_ ons 2.2.3-17h

2.2.3-80 OWS Surface Tem?,eratures for a Single ERE p Maneuver 2.2._-177

2.2.3-81 OWS Surface Temperatures for Eack-to-_ack EREP 2.2.3-178

Maneuvers _

2.2.3-82 OW_ Temperature3 During the Secon4 Storage Period 2.2.3-.180

DOY's 268 _ 32_

2,2.3-83 SL--h Maximum and Minimum Mere inter'_1 Temreratures 2.2.3-182

2.2.q-Sh SL-h Crew Co_ _o1't Conditions 2.2.3_.18h <

2.2.3-85 OWS Tenk Wall Temperature Re_y_ns_ Daring EP_.P's 2.2.3-1@7
29 :rid30 (iOY 01h)

2.2.3-_6 OWS Structural Temperature Trans:_,_"-_r

Locations 2.2.3-193
2.2.h.l-1 TACS M_nimum Thrust Ve,'sus Tot_ Impulse Consumed ?.2 h-3
2.2. h.2-1 TACS Schematic 2.2. h-h

2.2.h.2-2 TACS - Component Locations 2.2.h-5

2.2.h.2-3 'JAGS I-_s"_allation 2.2. h-6 TACS Control Valve 2.2. h-7

2.2.h.2-5 Typical Detail of Brazed Joint 2.2.h-9 !

2.2. h. 2-6 TACS Bimetallic Joint 2.2. h-lO

2.2.h.h-1 Skylab TACS Usagt: 2.2.h-16

2.2. _.2-i Solar Arrakv Wing Assembly 2.2.5-h Solar Cell Module 2.2.5-5 Orbital Workshop SAS - Electrical Power 2.2.5-7 SAS Beam/Fairlng Skirt Attach Point 2.2.5-8 : Wing S_.ctioi_Retention _id _ele_se System 2.2.5-I0 OWS Solar Array Performance 2.2.5- 37

2.2.5.h-2 SAG Performance - SAG 1 and SAG 2 2.2.5-39 -
(DOY's 159, 8 = l0°)

2.2.5.h-3 SAG Performance. - SAG'B 3 and h (DOY 159, B = lO °) 2.2.5-h0

! 4

! I

Number Page SAG Performance - SAG's 5 and 6 (DOY 159, 6 = i0 °) 2.2.5-41 I SAG Performance - SAG's 7 and 8 (DOY 159, 6 = I0 °) 2.2.5-42 _ 7 SAG Performance - SAG 1 (DO Y 175, B = + 73.5 ° ) 2.2.5-43 SAG 1 Voltage, DOY 339, Beta = -9 ° 2.2.5-44 SAG 1 Current, DO_ 339, Bets = -9 ° 2.2.5-45 _ : SAG's 1 and 2 Voltage, DOY 034, Beta = 0° 2.2.5-_6 : SAG's 3 and 4 Voltage, DOY 034, Beta = 0° 2.2.5-47 " SAG's 5 and 6 Voltage, DOY 034, Beta = 0° 2.2.5-48 '

?.2.5.4-12 SAG's 7 and 8 Voltage, DOY 034, Beta = 0° 2.2.5-49 _ SAG's 1 and 2 Current, DOY 034, Beta = 0° 2.2.5-50 SAG's 3 and 4 Current, DOY 034, Beta = 0° 2.2.5-51 : SAG's 5 and 6 Current, DOY 03&, Beat = 0° 2.2.5-52 SAG's 7 and 8 Current, DOY 034, Beta = 0° 2.2.5-53 : Solar Array/Temperature Transducer Temperature 2.2.5-56

Differential (Beta = 0 o) _ _

2 '2.5.4-18 Solar Array/Temperature Transducer Temperature 2.2.5-57 _

Differential (Beta = 73.5 ° )

2._.b.4-19 SAG Characteristics - 15 Modules DOY 159; SAG's 2.2.5-58 _ '_

l, 2_ 3, 4, and 7

2.2._.4-20 SAG Characteristics - 14 Modules DOY 159; SAG's 2.2.5-59 _

5 s_id 8 ' '_ SAG Characteristics - 13 Modules DOY 159; SAG 6 2.2.5-60 I SAS Transducer Thermal Profile (DOY 159, Beta = 2,2.5-63

i0°) SAS Transducer Thermal Profile (DOY 175, Beta = 2.2.5-65
+73.5 ° ) _; SAS Transducer Thermal Profile (DOY 339, Beta = 2.2.5-66

2.2.5. &-25 SA5 Transducer Thermal Profile (DOY 034, Beta = 2.2.5-67 i
0°) Typical SAS Thermal P.r¢0file (Actual vs Predicted) 2.2.5-68 ] SAS Temperature Transducer Measurement History 2.2.5-70 Zero G Connector- Disengaged 2.2.6-10 Zero G Connector - Engaged 2.2.6-11 Rigid Trough 2.2.6-17 Flex Trough Usage (General Concept) 2.2.6-18 Closed Trough System (General Concept) 2.2.6-19

m OWS Floodlight Locations and Marking 2.2.7-7
;' ! 1

Number Page
\ Remote Lighting Switch Panel 616 2.2.7-8 Remote Lighting Switch Panel 630 2.2.7-9 Circuit Breaker Panel - 613 Lighting 2.2.7-10

2.2.7. P-5 Floodlight Assembly Detail 2.2.7-16 Exploded Floodlight Assembly 2.2.7-17 Floodlight Cross Section 2.2.7-18 Portable Lighting 2.2.7-20 Floodlight as Originally Proposed - in Force 2.2.7-37

Until December 12, 1969 Pictorial History of 1B69364 Floodlight Design 2.2.7-38 Floodlight Design in Force From January 15, 1970 2.2.7-40

Until February 13, 1970 Floodlight Design_ in Force Since February 13, 1970 2.2.7-42

2.2.8. i-i "Ring" Bus Circuit Concept 2.2.8-5 Communi cation Box 2.2.8-7 Communications System Wiring Concepts 2.2.8-16 ' OWS Signal Conditioning Power 2.2.8-27 OWS DAS He_er Pcwer 2.2.8-28 Telemetry System Schematic 2.2.8-29

2.2.8.h-1 Sequence No. C6 2.2.8-'f5 _

l Fire Sensor Control Schematic 2.2.9-8 _ Control and Display Panel 616 - Caution/Warning 2.2.9-11


2.2. i0. i-i OWS Experiment Accommodations - Experiment 2.2.10-9


2.2. i0.1-2 OWS Experiment Accommodations - Experiment 2.2. i0-i0


2.2.10.i-3 Experiment Accommodations Typical Floor Mounting 2.2.10-i1

Provisions SAL Tripod 2.2.10-12 v Water Pres suri zation Network 2.2.10-15 Water Pressurization Panel 2.2.10-16 Water Pressuri zation Network 2.2.10-17 ESS N, Supp _-P__uel 2.2.10-18 OWS Experiment Accommodations Vacuum System - 2.2.10-19
Experiments _

{ Redesigned LBNPD Vacuum System 2.2.10-21 Film Vault 2.2.10-35 _.


.... ! .....
Number Page Film Vault ,.=._

"' 10-36

2.2. lO. 2-3 Film Vault 2.2.10-37 Solar Flare Notification System P. 2.10-45

2.2.!0, h-i Scientific Airlock (SAL) Design Requirements 2.2.10-50

Summary Scientific Airiock Installation 2.2, i0-54

2.2,10. h-3 SAL Window Container 2.2.10-56 -Z Scientific Airlock Filter and Desiccant 2.2.10-66


2.2. I0,5-2 +Z Scient i fi c Airlock Filter Equipment 2.2.10-67

2.2. i0.5-3 SAL Repressuri zation Subsystems 2.2.10-70 Maximum Urine Delivery Rate 2.2.11-7

2.2. ii. 1-2 Proof Pressure Tests 2,2, Ii-18

2.2.11.i-3 Trash Disposal Subsystem Trash Bag Locations 2.2.11-24 :

2.2. ii. i-4 Trash Disposal Airlock Sequential Operation 2.2,11-25 _ ,

2.2. ii. 1-5 Trash Lock Loading Equali ze Press ure 2.2.11-26 Trash Lock Trash Bag Eject 2.2.11-27

2.2. ll. I-7 Waste Management Schematic 2.2.11-29

2.2.11.i-8 Skylab - Orbital Wora_.nop DCR HSS Waste Manage- 2.2.11-30

ment Subsystem

2.2. ii. 1-9 Waste Management Subsystem 2,2.11-31

2.2.11.I-I0 4000 t,_J- Urine System Volume Determinator Stowage 2.2.!!-3_

2.2.11.i-Ii Waste Management Subsystem 2.2.11-33 Waste Management Collection 2.2.11-3h Waste Management Subsystem Fecal Collection Bag 2.2.11-36

2.2.11.i-ih Fecal Collector - Functional Diagram 2.2.11-37 _ Skylab - Orbital Workshop Collection Bag Usage 2.2.11-39

Scheme Waste Management Subsystem Fecal Contingency Bag 2.2.11-40 _ : Urine Collection and Sampling Equipment 2,2.11-43 Waste Management Subsystem Debris Collection Bag 2,2.11-47 Trash Disposal Subsystem Trash Bag Locations 2.2.11-49 u

2.2.1A.1-20 Trash Collection Bags 2.2.11-50 Fecal/Urine Collector 2.2.11-54 Fecal/Urine Collector- Block Diagram 2.2.11-55 _ Fecal and Urine Collection Facilities 2.2.11-.c7 .

2.2.11.I-24 Fecal/Urine Collector 2.2.11-60

i._,J_ ...... z; --- - ...... I III . .__ I

Number Page Fecal/Urine Collector - Schematic 2.2.11-61 Typical Urine Drawer - Schematic 2.2.11-62 Urine Chiller - Functional Diagram 2.2.11-64 Urine Separator - Exploded View 2.2.11-oo Waste Management Subsystem 2.2.11-72 Waste Processor Chamber 2.2.11-73 Waste Processing and Urine Management Facilities 2.2.11-76 Waste Processor - Functional Diagram 2.2.11-77 Urine System Dump Compartment 2.2.11-81 Waste Management System Fecal and Urine Return 2.2.11-83

Cont aine rs Vacuum Cleaner Assembly 2.2.11-56 Vacuum Cleaner and Accessories 2.2.11-87 Trash Airlock 2.2.11-90 Urine Collection Drawer Seal Debonding - Second 2.2.11-1h2

Mission Daily Urine Volume (Mechanical vs LI Analysis) - 2.2.11-156

First MisSion Daily Urine Sample Size - First Mission 2.2.11-157 Daily Urine Volume (Mechanical vs LI Analysis) - 2.2.11-160

Second Mission Daily Urine Sample Size - Second Mission 2.2.11-161

2.2. l!.2-1 Wardroom Food Recons titution Was te Dispensers 2.2. ll-l_O

2.2. ii. 2-2 Wate_- Dispenser 2.2. ii-191

2.2. ll.2-3 Rehydration Backup Provis ion (Drinking Water 2.2.11-192

Dispenser) Water System 2.2.11-195 Potable Water System Schematic 2.2.11-197 WMC Water System Schematic 2.2.11-198 !

2.2. ii.2-7 Water Storage Provis ions 2.2.11-201 Water Tank - Schematic (Typ) 2.2.11-202 Pump Assembly Water Agitator 2.2.11-20h Water Tank Heater Blanket - Schematic (Typ) 2.2.11-205

2.2.]] ,'7-1] _ot,ul
i ; :r __,_,
T:,f: - C,,,,rati_ 2.L.11-20_t Water Pressurization Panel 2.2.11-210 Pressure Regulator 2.2.71-211 _

_ ....
I1.2-14 Water Pressurizatio:, Network _.2.1±-::1_

Number Page Water Pressurization Network 2.2.11-213 Water Pressurization Network 2.2.11-214 ESS N 2 Supply Panel 2.2.11-216 Hoses 2.2.11-217 Hose Restrsint 2.2.11-218 Wardroom and WMC Water Port - Urine Flush Port 2.2.11-219
2.2. ll.2-21 Wardroom Water Network 2.2.11-220

2.2. ll.2-22 Wardroom and WMC H20 Heaters 2.2.11-222 Water Heater - Functional Diagram 2.2.11-223 HSS Water System Water Chiller 2.2.11-225 Water Chiller - Functional Diagram 2.2.-1-226 Water Management Dispensers - Installation 2.2.11-228 HSS Food Reconstitution Water Dispenser 2.2.11-230 HSS Water Subsystem Drinking Water Dispensers 2.2.-1-232 Water Subsystem Drinking Water Dispenser 2.2.11-234
! Installation WMC Water Supply Network 2.2.11-236 Urine Flush Dispenser 2.2.11-238 2,_rsonal Hygiene Water Dispenser 2.2.11-242 Partial Body Cleansing Facilities - Handwasher 2.2.11-243 Washcloth Squeezer Bag 2.2.11-245 Vacuum Dump and Vacuum Exhaust Systems 2.2.11-247 Wardroom Vacuum Outlet - Water Dump 2.2._1-248 Dump H,_ater Probe 2.2.11-250 !
i Vacuum Provision Schematic (Typ) 2.2.11-251 WMC Vacuum Outlet Water Dump 2.2.11-252 Water Purification Equipment 2.2.11-255 Water Sampler 2.2.11-256 i Reagent Container Assembly 2.2.11-258 !

2.2. ll.2-43 Color Comparator 2.2.11-259 Water/Iodine Waste Sample Container P/N IB80557 2.2.11-261 _i
2.2._1.2-45 Iodine Addition Chart 2.2.11-263 i
? _odine Con_alner 2.2.11-264 _" lodlne Injector 2.2.11-265 Water Deionlzatlon Filter Assembly 2.2.11-267

| 2.2.ii.2-49 Portable Water System Schematic i

xx _

Number Page WMC Water System Schematic 2.2.11-272 Water Usage - Skylab 2.2.11-294.1 Water Consumption - Tank l, SL-2, Wardroom 2.2.11-295 Water Consumption - Tanks l0 and 2, SL-3, Wardroom 2.2.11-296 Water Consumption - Tanks 2, 3, 4, and 5, SL-4 2.2.11-297 Water Usage - Tank 7, SL-3, Personal Hygiene 2.2.11-29b Water Usage - Tanks 7 and 8, SL-4, Personal Hygiene 2.2.11-299 Daily Drinking Water Consumption, CDR - SL-2 2.2.11-300 Daily Drinking Water Consumption, SPT - SL-2 2.2.11-301 Daily Drinking Water Consumption, PLT - SL-2 2.2.11-302 Daily Drinking Water Consumption, CDR, SL-3 2.2.11-303 Daily drinking Water Consumption, SPT - SL-3 2.2.11-304 Daily Drinking Water Consumption, PLT - SL-3 2.2.11-305 Daily Drinking Water Consumption, CDR - SL-4 2.2.11-306 Daily Drinking Water Consumption, SPT - SL-4 2.2.11-307 Daily Drinking Water Consumption, PLT - SL-4 2.2.11-308 Water Tank No. i Iodine Depletion 2.2.11-312 Water Tank No. 2 Iodine Depletion 2.2.11-313 Water Tank No. 3 Iodine Depletion 2.2.11-314 Water Tank No. 4 Iodine Depletion 2.2.11-315 Water Tank No. 5 Iodine Depletion 2.2.11-316 Water Tank No. 6 Iodine Depletion 2.2.11-317 Water Tank No. 7 Iodine Depletion 2.2.11-318 Water Tank No. 8 Iodine Depletion 2.2.-1-319 Water Tank No. 9 Iodine Depletion 2.2.11-320 Water Tank No. lO Iodine Depletion 2.2.11-321 OWS Iodine Solution for Water Purification 2.2.11-325 OWS Reagent for 12 Determination 2.2.11-327 OWS i Water Heater Resistance vs DaMs 2.2.11-326
Operating Personal Hygiene Equipment 2.2.11-382

2.2. Ii. 3-2 General P_rpose Tissue/Soap Dispenser T. 2.11-385

2.2. ii. 3-3 Towel and Washcloth Dispenser 2.2.11-389 ....

2.2. iI. 3-4 Washcloth/Towel Drying Area 2.2. l!-391 Personal Hygiene Kit 2.2.11-392

2.2. ii. 3-6 WMC/Sleep Compartment Mirror Location_ 2.2. i!-394



i .Number Page

i 2.2. ii. 3-7 WMC Water Module 2.2.11-395

! WMC Water Dispenser/Squeezer 2.2.11-396
_, Location of Personal Hygiene Equipment 2.2.1!-h12

2.2. ii.4-2 Whole Body Shower (Operational) 2.2. ll-4Lh

2.2. ii.4-3 Shower Centrifugal Concept ?.2 ..
2.2. ii.5-1 Ambient Food S_orage 2.2.11-435 Ambient Food Supply - Daily 2.2.11-436

2.2. II.5-3 Galley 2.2. ii-438 Food Table and Restraints 2.2.11-440

2.2. ii.6-i Sleep Compartment Equipment 2.2. Ii-_+49 Blanket and Pillow Installation 2.2.11-452

2.2. ii.6-3 Sleep Compartment Light Baffles 2.2. Ii- 457

2.2. ll.7-1 Refrigeration System Schematic 2 2. i1-473
2.2. ll,7-2 Refrigeration System ,:..
_.11-474 Refrigeration Subsystem Installation 2,2.11-475

2.2. ll.7-h Refrigeration Subsystem Radiator 2.2.11-476 Refrigeration System Radiator Bypass Valve 2,2.11-478

2.2. ll.7-6 Refrigeration System Radiator Relief Valve 2.2,11-479


2.2. ll.7-7 Refrigeration System Urine Freezer 2,2.11-481 Refrigeration System Food Freezer 2.2.11-482

2.2. Ii.7-9 Refrigeration Subsystem Chiller Control Valve 2.2.11-483 Refrigeration System Regenerator 2.2.11-484 Refrigeration Subsystem Regenerator Heater 1B85387 2.2.11-485 Water Chiller 2.2.11-486 , Centrifugal Separator System Chiller Compartment 2.2.11-487

Details Refrigeration Subsystem Pump Package 2.2.11-488 Refrigeration System Pump 2.2.11-489

2.2.1i.7-16 Refrigeration System Pump Relief Valve 2.2.11-490

t) ) RefriEeration Subsystem Filter (15 M) .... 11-492 RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - ;?.2.11-542
:)L-I/SL.-2 RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - 2.2.11-543

SL-1/SL-2 1_ Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - 2.2.11-544

SL-I i ;I,-2



Number Page RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - 2.2.11-545

SL-I/SL-2 RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - SL-3 2.2.11-546 RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - SL-3 2.2,11-5 l'r' RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - SL-3 2.2.11-54o RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - SL-3 2,2.11-549 RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - SL-4 2.2.11-550 RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - SL-4 2.2.11-551 RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - SL-4 2.2.11-552 RS Performance Data Daily Minimum/Maximum - SL-4 2.2.11-553 SL-1 Refrigeration System Data - Launch +6 Hou._ 2.2.11-555

G.E.T. RS - Food Temp History (DOY 136) 2.2.11-558 RS - Food Temp History (DOY 137) 2.2.11-559 Radiator Bypass Valve Cycle 2.2.11-560 RS Performance Trend Data (Pre-ac_/Act/Post Act) 2.2.11-561 RS Performance Trend Data 2.2.11-562 RS Performance Trend Data 2.2.11-563 RS Performance Trend Data 2.2.11-564 RS Performance Trend Data 2.2.11-565 Refrigeration System Secondary Loop Leakage 2.2.11-567

Tracking (i0 Day e Averages) Refrigeration System Primary Loop Leakage (10 Day 2.2.11-568

e Averages ) Refrigeration System Primary Loop Leakage (i0 Day 2.2.11-569

e Averages ) Refrigeration System Secondary Loop Leakage (i0 2.2.11-570

Day e Averages) Refrigeration System Food Freeze: Temperature Trend 2.2.11-576 Habitation Area Pressure Control System 2.2.11-597

2.2. Ii. 8-2 Habitation Area Latching Vent Valve IB74535-501 2.2.11-598

J.2.11.8-3 Habitation Area Solenoid Vent Valve 2.2.11-600

2.2.11._-4 Pressurization and Pressure Control System Hablta_ 2.2.11-601

tion Are'_ _.--Propulsive Vent Vacuum System Schematic 2.2.1],-609 Pneumatic Control System 2.2.11-626

2.2.12. i-I Suit Drying Station 2.2.12-4

2.2,12.1-2 Suit Drying Perform,_,c,:CX-5 Testing (:_ in GRMS) 2.2.12-ii



Number Page i Suit Drying Staticn 2.2,12-22 ! PGA Support Equipment Stowage 2.2.12-23 SWS Equipment Stowage 2.2.13-7 OWS Stowage 2.2.13-_ OWS Stowage Compartments 2.2.13-10 Tissue Dispenser - Installation 2.2.13- 12 Fecal Bag Dispenser 2.2.13-15 Towel Dispenser 2.2.13-16 Irash Container 2.2.13-18 Food Boxes 2.2.13-19 Food Freezers and Food Chiller 2.2.13-21 Urine Freezer 2.2.13-24 Film Vault 2.2.13-26 Equipment Restraints - Internal 2.2.13-28 Plenum Bag 2.2.13-32 Tool and Repair Kits 2.2.13-35

2.2.1h.i-i Model DSV7-321 Weigh and Balance Kit 2.2.1h-h

2.2.1h.1-2 Model DSV7-322 Forward and Aft Hoist Kit 2.2.14-5 Model DSV7-323 Stage Transporter 2.2.1h-7

2.2.1h.l-h Model DSV7-32h Stage Cradles Kit 2.2.14-8 Model DSV7-325 Stage Handling Kit 2.2.14-9

2.2.1h.i-6 Model DSV7-335 Handling Kit 2.2.14-I0 ,
2.2.14.i-7 Special Tool Kit (DSV-hB-305) 2.2.1h-12 Desiccant Kit, Secondary, Saturn S-IVB (DSV-hB-365) 2.2.1h-13 Beam Kit, Cover Hoist, Saturn S-IVB Stqe 2.2.14-14 i


2.2.1h.i-i0 Support Kit Dummy Interstage and Engine Protective 2.2.14-15

(DSV-hB-392) Desiccant Kit, Static; S-IVB Stage (DSV-hB-hS0) 2.2.1h-17

2.2.1h.i-12 I_rnamic Desiccant Trailer 2.2.14-18

2.2.1h.i-13 Weigh and Balance Kit, Stqe (DSV-hB-345) 2.2.1h-19 : Solar Array Hoisting and Handling Kit Model 2.2.14-26
DSV7- 30h + "
! Solar Array Hoisting and Han_llng Kit Model 2.2.14-27

.E.i h.2-3 ._iois

ting Operati ons
D_V7-30h 2.?. ih-28 i
2 ....
i_._-_ Model DSV_- 305 2.2.1_-29


Number Page Solar Arr_v Hoisting and Handling Kit Model 2.2.14-30

DSV7- 305 Flan View of Flared Aft In%erstage Access Kit 2.2.14-34

Model DSV7-326 Model DSV7-326 Flared Aft Interstage Access Kit 2.2.14-35 Model DSV7-326 Basic Platform Assembly 2.2.14-36 Handling Kit Flared Aft Interstage (DSVT-4B-307) 2.2.14-37 SMMD Handling Fixture Model D_VT-345 2.2.14-47

2.2. lb. 4-2 Model DSV7-345 2.2.14-48 Model DSV7-346 LBNPD in Shipping Container 2.2.14-49

2.2.14. h-4 LBNPD With Hoisting Adapter Installed Model 2.2.14-50

DSV7-346 Fork Lift (P/O Model DSV7-3h9) 2.2.14-51 Model DSVT-347 Handling and Installation Kit 2.2.14-52 Model DSVT-3h7 Handling and Installation Kit 2.2.14-53 Control Console in Handling Fixture Model 2.2.14-55
DSVT-3h8 Control Console on Equipment Handling Cart Model 2.2.14-56

DSV7-348 Installation of Control Console M131 Model 2.2.14-57

2.2.14o4-11 Motor Base Handling GSE Model DSVT-348 2.2.14-58 Model DSV7-349 Fork Lift - Configuration A 2.2.14-59 Model DSV7-349 Fork Lift - Configuration B 2.2.14-60 Model DSVT-349 Hoisting GSE for ESS Console and 2.2.14-61
Metabolic Analyzer Model DSVT-3t_9 MITI Ergometer Handling GSE 2.2.14-62

2.2.14.h-t6 Model DSVT-3'jl BS@4D Handllng GSE 2.2.14-63

2.2.14._-17 BMMD Handling GSE Model DSVT-351 2.2.14-64 Right Side View of ASMU on Donning Station 2.2.14-6_ Model DSVT-352 A8MU Adapter 2.2.14-66 Bight Side Donning Station on ]385337-1 Cart Model 2.2.14-67

DSV7-352 Model DSVT-352 Positioni_,g ASMU on Donning Station 2.2.14-68 Mod_ I)SV7-352 Installation of Protective Cage 2.2.14-69 .... PSS Bottle Handling Hook Model IkqVT-352 2.2.14-70 Model DSVT-352 PSS Bottle 2.2.14-71 Model DSVT-353 Common Flisht Stowage Containers 2.2.1_-73

Handlln_ C_E


Number Page Model DSVT-353 AMS support 2.2.15..72

2.2.15.h-27 Model DSVT-353 AMS Handling Adapter Assembly 2.2.15-75 Model DSV7-355 Exp S063 Handling Kit 2.2.15-76 Model DSV7-355 Alignment Fixture 2.2.-_-77 Model DSV7-357 Exp S183 UV Panarama Handling 2.2.14-78
and Installation Kit

2.2.14.h-31 Exp TO20 FCMU Handling and Installation Kit 2.2.14-79

DSV7- 359 Photometer Container Handling GSE Model DSV7-361 2.2.15-81

2.2.14 ,h-33 Model DSV7-361 Photometer Handling GSE 2.2.15-82
2.2.15.h-34 Model DSV7-36i Sample Arrs_, Container Handling GSE 2.2.14-83 !

2.2.15.h-35 Inverter Handling GSE DSV7-367 2.2.15-84

2.2.14.h-36 ETC Stowage Container Handling GSE DSV7-367 2.2.14-85
2.2.15.h-37 Model DSV7-367 ETC Handling GSE 2.2.ih-86 Model ,USV7-_67 ETC Support Stand 2.2.14-87 Model DSV7-372 A9 Container Handling GSE 2.2.14-89 Meteoroid Shield Handling Kit - DSV7-302 2.2.15-92 Meteoroid Shield Handling Kit - DSV7-302 2.2.15-93 Meteoroid Shield Handling Fixture 2.2.14-94 Meteoroid Shield GSE Hardware for Installation 2.2.1h-95 Hoist and Rigging Fixture Assembly 2.2.14-96

2.2. lb.5-6 Model DSVT-371 Meteoroid Shield Counter Balance 2.2.14-98
Kit Crew Quarters Veritcal Access Kit 2.2.15-i03 Vertical Crew Quarter_ Access Kit Model DSVT-303 2.2.15,-104 Access Platform Assembly 2.2,,14-105 Access Platform to Support Rail (Rolling Position) 2.2.14-106 Access Platform to Support Rail (Locked/Unlocked 2.2.14-107
Position) Access Stands for Inst_ilation of Kit 2.2.14-108 Crew Quarters Access Kit Model DSVT-303 2.2.1'-,-109 Crew Quarters Floor Plates DSVT-J03 2.2.14-110 Plenum Area Access Eq_,ipment 2.2.15-iii Model DSV7-307 Upper Dome Protective Cover/Access 2.2,14-112

Kit Dome Protective Cover/Acceus Kit and Forward Skirt 2.2,14-i13

Access Kit 5H^ Tank Dome Protective Cover/Access and Forward 2.2.14-114

Skirt Access Kit

Number Page LH 2 Tank Dome Protective Cover and Access Kit Model 2.2.14-115
DSV7-307 LH 2 Tank Dome Protective Cover and Access Kit Model 2.2.14-116
DSV7-307 Protective Covers 2.2.14-i!? Model D_VT-311 Hoist Assembly 2.2.14-119 Model DSVT-311 Dolly Track 2.2.14-120 Model DSVT-311 Food Container Handling GSE 2.2.14-121 Model DSV7-311 Urine Return Container Handling GSE 2.2.14-122 Model DSV7-311 Storage Container Handling GSE 2.2.14-123 Model DSVT-311 Water Container Handling GSE 2.2.14-124 Mo_el DSVT-311 Portable Water Tank Handling GSE 2.2.14-125 Film V_ult Drawer Handling GSE Model IX_VT-311 2.2.14-126 Model DSVT-311 Portable Water Tank Checkout 2.2.14-127
Handlin8 GSE Model DSV7-311 HSS Cart 2.2.14-128 Cable Weight _ssembly Installation Model D6V7-311 2.2.14-129 Hatch Transpor%atlon Kit Model DSVT-311 2.2.14-130

2.2.±_.6-28 Hatch Transportation Kit Model DSVT-317 2.2.14-131 Handling Fixture for Access Fanel Meteoroid Shield 2.2 14-132
Sepent Flared Af_ Interstage Access Kit Model DSVT-326 2.2.14-134 Plan View of Flared Aft Inters_ag e Access Kit Model 2._.14-135
D6VT-326 Model DSV7-326 Flared Aft Interstage Access Kit 2.2.14-136 Model DSV7-326 Basic Platform Assembly 2.2.14-137 Forward SkirZ Access Kit Model D_VT-328 2.2.14-138 Dome Portective Cover/Access Kit and Forward Skirt 2.2,14-139

Access Klt Basic Platform A_sembly 2.2.14-140 Basic Platform ._sembly with Upper Level Platform 2.2.14-141 Forwar_ Skirt Access Kit - Access Kit Modification 2.2.14-142
2.2.]4.7-i Model DSVT-327 Aft Umbilical Carrier 2.2.14-148 Aft lhabi]|c_] Kit, Checkout Stand (DSV-hB-346) 2.2,14-149 Umbilical Kit. Forwar4 Launcher (DSV-hB-316) 2.2.14-151

(DBVT-375) Vacuum Pu_ing Unit Installation (DSVT-314) 2.2.14-153 Fluid System S,'hem_t_c (DSVT-314) 2.2.14-15;


Number Page Refrigeration Subsystem Service Unit L_VT-31b 2.2.14-156

Front View (Door Removed) Refrigerati on Subsystem, Servl ce Unit 2.2.14-157 Accessory Kit Mechanical Test (DSV7-316) 2.2.1h-15o Accessory Kit - Mechanical Test (DSV7-316) 2.2.14-16_

Pressure Decay Leak Detector Schematic Accessory Kit Mechanical Test (DSV7-316) 2.2.14-162 Air Content Tester Assembly P/N IB87918-I 2.2.1)'--163

2.2.1_.8-9 Accessory Kit Mechanical Test (DSV7-316) 2._.l&-16&

2.2.1_.8-I0 Flexible Hose End Fitting GSE - RS Coolanol-15 2.2.14-170
2.2.1_.9-1 Ground Thermal Conditioning System DSV7-301 2.2.1_-175
2.2.1&.9-2 Ground Thermal Conditioning System - System 2.2.14-176
Configuration D6VT-301 Ground Thermal Conditioning System DSV7-301 KSC 2.2.1_-177
Operational Configuration
2.2.!&.9-& Ground Thermal Conditioning System DSV7-301 CCU 2.2.14-178
_echan_.c_l Schematic

2.2.1&.9-5 TCU Temperature vs. Flowrate 2.2.14-181

2.2.15,10-i Ground Thermal Conditioning System DSV7-334 2.2.14-188

2.2.14,10-2 Ground Thermal Conditioning System D6V7-33$ 2.2.15-iq9
2,2.14.10-3 Ground Thermal Conditioning System DSV7-33& 2.2.14-190

2.2.14.i0-& Ground Thermal Conditioning System OWS Interior 2.2.14-191


2.2.1_.ii-I Diatrlbution System, Environment_l Control Kit 2.2.14-197

, (DSV7-3,4 )

i 2.2,1_.iI-2 Normal Operational System, VAB (& Pad Contingency) 2.2.1_,i_8

DSVT-3_4 Accessory Kit Hecha_Ical Test (D6VT-316) 2.2.14-201

2.2.1_.12-2 Accessory Kit - Mechanical Test (DSVT-316) 2.2.14-202

Scientific Airlock Leak Test Kit Schematic

2.2.1_.13-i HSS Water Subsystem Checkout and Sterilization 2.2.14-207

Console D6V7-312

2.2.1b.13-2 OWE Checkout and Sterilization Water Subsystem, 2.2.14-208

_SS (;_V7-312) OWS L_eckout ann Sterilization _.'ater Suu_ystem, 2.2.1_ ....

Hss (zsvT-312)
2.2.1_.13-_ Water Subsystem GSE D_V7-312 2.2.1_-210

2.2.1_.i.-i Checkout Kit, Waste Management System (r_Y?-373) 2.2.14-215

2.2.1_.1_-2 Ground F ;port Equipment - Waste l_an_ement - 2.2.14-216
Fecal/Urlne Collector Air Distribution Test


1 ,
Number Page Leak Test and Checkout Accessories Kit DSV7-300 2.2.14-225 : Leak Test and Checkout Accessories Kit DSVT-300 2.2.14-226 Leak Test and Checkout Accessories Kit DSV7-300 2.2.14-227 Leak Test and Checkout Accessories Kit DSV7-300 2.2.14--'2_J
• O Leak Test and Checkout Accessories Kit DSV7-300 2.2.14-27 _ Pne,,matic Pressurization Console 2.2.14-230 Gas Heat Exchanger (DSV7-332) 2.2.14-232 DSV7-350 Vacuum Pump External View 2.2.14-234 Model DSVT-363 M509 Sphere Pressurization Schematic 2.2.14-235 DSV7-364 System Schematic 2.2.14-236 iB56759-1 Panel Assembly from DsV-hB-493A Kit 2.2.14-23b Water Pressurization Panel - 500 2.2.15-2 Trash Disposal Airlock - 634 2.2.15-3 P,_rtable Water Tank 2.2.15-4 Waste Management Compartment Water Dump Valve - 831 2.2.15-6 Waste Processor Door - Waste Processor Control & 2.2.15-7
Display Panel - Waste Processor Circuit Breaker
Panel - 817 SMMD Operation/Calibration - S_4D Reaaing Versus 2.2.15-8

Processing Time

2.3.2-1 PO327 Material/Component Usage Form 2.3-3

2.3.2-2 Aluminum Foil Insulation Installation 2.3-28

2.3.2-3 Closed Installation System (Overall Concept) 2.3-33

2.3.2-4 Wire Trough Installation Tank Sidewall - IB74713 2.3-34

2.3.2-5 Wire Trough Installation Crew Quarters Ceiling - 2.3-35


2.3.2-6 Wire Trough Installation Tank Sidewall - iB74713 2.3-36

2.3.2-7 Flex Trough U,,age (General Concept) 2.3-37

2.3.2-8 Rigid Trough 2.3-38

2.3.2-9 Application of Connector Boot Assembly to Tubing 2.3-39 ;

2.3.2-10 Wire Trough Typical Section at Wire Clamp 2.3-40

2,3.2-11 Wire Trough Fire Break and End Fitting 2.3-41 ?

2.3.2-17 Genera/ Ilhuuination Fluoreucent Bulb 2._-50

2.3.2-13 Cross Section of Lens Assembly 2.3-52

2.3.2-14 General illumination Floodlight 2.3-53 _

2.3.2-15 Refrigeration Subsystem Braze Fitting for Transi- 2.3-55

tion from Aluminum to CRES Tubing ,_

xxix '-

Ntu_iber Page

2.3.2-16 Refrigeration System Component-to-Boss Fluid 2.3-56 |


2.3.2-17 Refrigeration System Flare Tube Connector (MC) 2.3-58

2.3.2-18 Refrigeration Subsystem - Refrigeration Pump Unit 2.3-59

2.3.2-19 Shrouded Coolant Combustibility Test-A1 Tap_ Intact 2.3-61

2.3.2-20 Shrouded Coolant Line Combustibility Test Sample - 2.3-62
Al Tape Removed

2.3.2-21 Shrouded Coolant Line Combustibility Test Sample - 2.3-63

A1 Tape Removed

2.3.2-22 Shrouded Coolant Combustibility Test - A1 Tape 2.3-64

intac_ Allowable Surface Area of High Vapor Pressure 2.3-90
Materials S-12G Thermal Control Coating Test Results 2.3-92 S-13G Paint Predicted Outgassing Rate _ a Function 2.3-93

of Tim_ in Orbit OWS External Coatings 2.3-94

3.1-1 Reliability and Safety Inter-relations Between 3-3
F_ctions and Activities
3.2.2-] DAq_ _n R_v_ _w Flow Chart 3-17

5.5-1 OWS-I Post Manufacturing Checkout Schedu3,e 5-.60

(Page 1 of 2)

5.5-1 OWS-i Post Manufacturing Checkout Schedule 5-61

(Page 2 of 2)

5.6.1-1 Spacecr _ n" crall Schedule - Skylab 1 5-88

6.1.i-I Memorandum - Orbi tal Workshop Configuration 6-2 (

6.1.2-1 Skylab - OWS Change Request Form 6-4

7.2-1 MDAC-W/HOSC Coordination Interfaces 7-5

7.2-2 HOSC Skylab Operations Support Facility Layout 7-7

7.2-3 Skylab Data Flow 7-11 |

7.2-4 Action Request Flow 7-17

7.3.2-1 Orbital Workshop Prelaunch and Mission Support Team 7-20

7.3.2-2 OWS Mission Support 7-21
7.3.4-i Ovek_all Action Item Flow 7-24

7.3.6-1 OWS Mission Support Center Location and General 7-32


8.1.2-1 Orbital Worksho_ Solar Array System 8-10



Number Page

8.1.2-2 Refrigeration System 8-12

8.1.2-3 Film Vault Packaging 8-13
8.1.2-4 Thruster Attitude Control System 8-15
8.1.2-5 OWS Environmental Control System 8-16

8.1.2-6 Skylo_, Personal Hygiene System 8-!8


I 8.I. 2.7 Water System 8-19

i 8.1.2-8 Waste Management System 8-20 ;
8.1.2-9 Waste C, 11ector and Processors 8-23 _ •

i •



............................ i


Number Page Skylab Missions - Calendar Day/Day of Year/Mission l-lh

Day OWS Experiment Activity 1-16 Orbital Workshop Internal Color Requirements 2.2.1-29! TC-9 Qualification Test: TACS Sphere Installation 2.2.1-158 TACS Nitrogen Gas Storage Spheres Production 2.2.1-161

Acceptance Test --

2.2. I. _-i Aft Interstage - Design Ultimate Loads 2.2.1-179

2.2.i. 5-1 SL-1 Orbital Workshop Module Wieght Growth 2.2.1-188 Meteoroid Shield Test Verification Summary 2.2.2-25 Problem Summary Subsystem Habitation Area Tank - 2.2.2-32

Meteoroid Shield Meteoroid Protection Test Verification Summary 2.2.2-_7 Meteoroid Proection Structural Evaluation Suntmary 2.2.2-50

2.2.3-1 Thermal Control System Performance Summary 2.2.3-5

2.2.3-2 A/M Cooling to OWS 2.2.3-15

2.2.3-3 Environmental/Thermal Control Subsystem Design 2.2.3-19

2.2.3-4 Convective Heater Design Parameters 2.2.3-39

2.2.3-5 Radient Heater Design Requirements 2.2.3-43

2.2.3-6 HPI Design Parameters 2.2.3-62

2.2.3-7 Orbital Workshop Optical Coatings 2.2.3-68

2.2.3-8 Heat Pipe Design Parameters 2.2.3-81

2.2.3-9 0WS Thermal Control System Optical Properties 2.2.3-95
Requirements Verification

2.2.3-10 Average Flow Velocities Test Data 2.2.3-104

2.2.3-11 SL-2 Ventilation Duct Flow Summary 2.2.3-117

2.2.3-12 SL-3 Ventilation Duct Flow Summary 2.2.3-120

2.2.3-13 Gold Tape Optical Properties 2.2.3-150

2.2.3-ih Common Bulkhead Heat Leak 2.2.3-152

Number Page

2.2,3-15 OWS Electrical Heat Removal Capability 2,2.3-190

2.2.3-16 Temperature Instrumentation Error Summary 2,2.3-195 Qualification Test Summary 2.2.6-30 Illumination System Components .....,-oF
n._. Illumination System - OWS - Usage 2,2.7-31

2 P.8.1-1 Huntington Beach Pcst Manufacturing Test Affecting 2.2.8-10

OWS Communication System Huntington Beach Post Manufacturing Tests Affecting 2,2.8-32

OWS DAS Subsystem KSC Testing of the DAS Subsystem 2.2.8-33
2,2.8.2-3 Significant DAS Qualification Test Problems 2.2,8-34 Significant Huntington Beach DAS System Test 2.2.8-35


2.2 _ 2-5 Signlflca_t KSC DAS Sable'stem Test Prablcm'_ ,..2,8-36

2.2.8. h-1 Huntington Beach Post Manufacturing Tests Affecting 2.2.8-77

0WS TV System KSC Testing of the TV System 2.2.8-79 Caution and Warning Subsystem Panel Displays 2.2.9-10
2,2.10.1-1 OWS Experiments 2.2.10-2 Experiment - Related ICD's 2.2.10-4 0WS Experiment Accommodations Requirements Summary 2.2.10-7 Receiving Inspection Summary 2.2,10-23 VCL Experiment Test Suummary 2,2.10-25
, KSC Test Procedures Applicable to Experiment 2.2.10-26
Accommodations Skylab Experiment Accomplishment Summary 2.2,10-28 Astronaut - Induced Limit Loads on SAL 2.2.10-49 Random and Sinusoidal Vibration Load Factors 2.2.10-68
(Limit) at Liftoff and Boost WasLe Management Subs%'stem Development Tests 2.2.11-100 Waste Management Subsystem Qualification Tests 2.2.11-101 Waste Management System Test Assessment Document 2.2.11-102

2.2. ll.1-4 Problem S_mmary, Collection Module 2.2. ]1-105

2.2. l1,1-5 Problem Summary, Centri 1_ugalU_'ine Separator 2.2. ll-106

Assembly (CUSA) Problem Summary Vacuum Cleaner and Power Module 2.2,11-I07 Problem Summary, Waste Processor 2.2.11-108


Number ag.___e
P Problem Summary, Waste Tank - Trash Disposal 2.2.11-110

Airlock Trash Disposal Structural Evaluation Summary 2.2.11-123 Daily Urine Volume (LI Analysis) - First Mission 2.2.11-166 Daily Urine Volume (LI Analysis) - Second Mission 2.2.11-167 Daily Urine Volume (L! Analysis) - Third Mission 2.2.11-169

2.2. ll.2-1 Water Budget 2.2. ll-200

2.2. ii.2-2 Water System Development and Qualification Test 2.2. ll-27h
Line Items Water System Items in Test and Assessment Document 2.2.11-275

(TAD)MDC G0_72C OWS Water Subsystem Problem Summary 2.2.11-276 Water System Development and Qualiflcation Test 2.2.11-282
Completion Statements Tank 1 Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-328
DOY 066 Tank 1 Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-329

DOY 096 Tan_ i0 Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-330

DOY 071 Tank I0 Potable Water Analysis Prior to L_unch, 2.2.11-331

DOY 096 Tank 2 Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-332

DOY 065 Tank 2 Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-333
DOY 096 Tank 3 Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-332

DOY 068 Tank 3 Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-335

DOY 096 Tank h Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-336

DOY 067 Tank _ Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-337

DOY 096 Tank 5 Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-338

DO¥ 069 Tank 5 Potable Water Analysis Prior to Launch, 2.2.11-339

DOY 096 Tank 1 Potable Water SL-I/SL-2 Data from Sample 2.2.11-3h0

Returned from Orbit Tank 2 Potable Water SL-3 Data from Sample Rettu_r.._a2.2.11-321

from Orbit

_. Number Page

i Potable Water - SL-4 Data from Samples Returned 2.2.11-342

1 from Orbit
I OWS Action Summary - System: Water-Mission: SL-2 2.2.11-350

! OWS Action Summary - System: Water-Mission: SL-3 9. .l]-_l

I OWS Action Summary - System: Water-Mission: SL-4 2.2.11-352 Test Summary Sheet - OWS Whole Body Shower Water 2.2.11-418
Bottle Module Assembly Refrigeration System Design Requirements 2.2.11-h66 ICD 13M20926 Food Storage Requirements 2.2.11-h68

2.2. ll.7- 3 MaJ or Design Parameters 2.2.11-469 Refrigeration System Development and Qualification 2.2.11-h97
Test Line Items

2.2. ll. 7-5 Refrigerat ion Subsystem Test Problem Summary 2.2. ll- 500 Refrigeration System Items (TAD) Test and 2.2.11-509
Assessment Document MDC GOh74C Refrigeration System Performance Summary - Primary 2.2.11-55_

Loop RS Action Items - SL-1 and SL-2 RS Action Items - SL-3 2.2.11-585 Spacecraft Handling and Transportation Equipment 2.2.14-2

Safety Factors SAS Handling and Transportation Equipment Safety 2.2.1h-24
Factors Interstage Handling and Transportation Equipment 2.2.1h-33 '

Safety Factors

2.2.14. I_-i Experiment Handling Equipment 2.2. lh-hO ' Meteoroid Shield Handling and Installation 2.2.1h-91
Equipment Factors of Safety Access Kits Factors of Safety 2.2.14-100

2.2.1h.7-1 Umbilicals Handling Equipment Factors of Safety 2.2.1h-146

2.3,2-i MDAC Contractual References, Responsibilities, and 2.3-5
Reporting Tasks
2.3.2-2 Supplier Contractual References, Responsibilities, 2.3-6
and Reporting Tasks

2.3.2-3 Materials Used 2.3-8

2.3.2-h Tabulation _f Significant Flammable Materials 2.3-YI ....

2.3.2-5 Stowage Concepts 2.3.-22

• t
2.3.2-6 Component and System Tests 2.3-_6
2. _.3-1 MCAR Survey Summary (MDAC Hardware) 2.3-75


N umber P age Materials Outgassing Requirements, Design Criteria 2.3-89

and Definition_ External Materials Review - Acceptable per 2.3-95

50M02442 "V"

2.3. _. i-3 Externa/ Materials Review - Acceptable per CEI 2.3-t_0

Speci fi cation External Materials Review Rationale for Use 2.3-99

3.2-1 Reliability Program Functions by Development Phase 3-4

3.2-2 Criticality Categories 3-5

4.1-1 Key Elements of the OWS System Safety Program h-3

h.2.3.1-1 Review of Operations with Potential for Damage to h-21

Equipment or Injury to Personnel Special Safety Reviews 4-24 Safety and Safety Related Audits 4-25 CDR Approved Des ign Baseline 6-20

7.3.5-1 OWS Mission Support Action Item Summary - Number 7-27

of Actions by OWS System vs. Mission Period

7.3.5-2 OWS Mission Support Action Item Summary - Number 7-28

of Action Items by Initiating Agency vs. Mission

7.3.5-3 OWS Mission Support Action Item Summary - Number 7-29

of Action Items by OWS system vs. Type of Action

7.3.7-1 SL-I Manning 7-39

7.3.7-2 SL-2, SL-3, SL-4 Activation/Deactivation Manning 7-40

7.3.7-3 Normal Orbital Operations MSR Minimum Manning 7-41

I 8.1.1-1 New Technology Patent Disclosures Developed Under 8-2 '

i NASA Contract N;_89-6555 Orbital Workshop

9.2.3-i OWS Reviews 9-32

9.2.3-2 Cluster Reviews 9-33


A Angstroms
AC Alternating Current
ACE Acceptance Checkout Equipment
ACQSS Acquisition Sun Sen,_or
ACS Attitude Control System
ADP Acceptance Data Package
ALSA Astronaut Life Support Assembly
AM Airlock Module
APCS Attitude & Pointing Control System
ARC Ames Research Center
ASAP Auxiliary Storage and Playback
ATM Apollo Telescope Mount
ATMDC Apollo Telescope Mount Digital Computer
BTU British Thermal Units
CBRM Charger Battery Regulator Module
CCB Change Control Board
CCOH Combined Contaminants, Oxygen, Humidity
CCS Comnand Communicaclon System
C&D Control and Display
CEI Contract End _tem
CFE Contractor Furnished Equipment
CG Center of Gravity
CL Centerline
Cluster SWS plus CSM (used synonymously wlth "Orbital Assembly")
CM Command Module
CHG Control Moment Gyro
CMGS/TACS Control Moment Gyros Subsystem/Thruster Attitude Control
C/O Checkout
COAS Creu Optical Alignment Sight
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
C01_/ Certificate of Flight Worthiness
COQ Certificate of Qualification
cps cycles per second
CRS Cluster Requirements Spectftcat$on
CSM Counand Service Module
C&W Caution and Warning
DA Deployment Assembly
db Decibel
dc Direct Current
DCS Digital Coumand System -"
DCSU Digital Computer Switching Unit
DDA Dr.wtng Departure Authorization
DDAS Digital Data Address System
des. Degree
UTCS Digital Test CommandSystem
DT_S DIstCal Test Measuring System


ECP Engineering Change Proposal
ECS Environmental Control System
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electrou_agnetic Interference
EPCS Experiment Pointing Control Subsystem
EPS Electrical Power System
ERD Experiment Requirement Document
ESE Electrical Support Equipment
ESS Experiment Support System
ETR Eastern Test Range
EVA Extravehicular Activity
*F Degrees Farenhelt
FAg Fixed Airloc_'. Shroud
fc foot candles
FM Frequency Modulation
fpe feet per second
FSS Fine Sun Sensor
ft. Feet
g Acceleration due to Earth's Gravity
GFE Government Furnished Equipment
Grms G Level, root mean square
CSE Ground Support Equipment
H20 Water
lie Helium
HSS 14abltabillty Support System
Hz Hertz
ICD Interface Control Document
lOP In Orbit Plane •
IU Instrumentation Unit
: IU/TACS Instrument Unit/Thruster Attitude Control Subsystem
IVA Incra-Vehicular Activity
'' JSC Johnson Spacecraft Center
lOlz Kilohertz
KSC Kennedy Spaceflight Center
LCC Launch Control Center
LCG Liquid Cooled Garment
LH2 Liquid Hydrogen
LO2 Liquid Oxygen
LRC Langley Research Center
LV Launch Vehicle
LVDC Launch Vehicle Digita_ Computer
MDA Multiple Docking Adapter
MGSL Maintenance _round Support Equipment
l_lz Mesaherts
HRD Mission Requirements Document
MS Margin of Safety
m/sac. Millisecond J

MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center |

MSNq Manned Space Flight Network
MSOB Manned Spacecraft Operations Building
N2 Nitrogen
NASA National Aeronaucics and Space Administration
NHB NASA Handbook
NiCd Nickel Cadmium
NH Nautlcal Miles
02 Oxygen
OA Orbital Assembly (SWS and CSM - Used synonymously wlth
OWS Orbital Workshop
AP Differential Pressure
PCH Pulse Code Modulation
PCS Pointing Control System
PMC Post Manufacturing Checkout
POD Plannlng Operational Dose
psi pounds per square inch
psia pounds per square Inch absolute
psld pounds per square lnch differential
Q Heat
RCS Reactlon Control System
RF Radio Frequency
$-IB First Stage of Saturn I-B Launch Vehicle
S-II Saturn II
SAL Sclentiflc Air Lock
SAS Solar Array System
$CH Specification Change Notice
SL Skylab Program
$M Service Module
SWS Saturn Workshop (PS/HDA/ATM/AH/_S/IU/ATM Deployment
AT Differential Temperature
TACS Thruster Attitude Control System
TCRD Test and Checkout Requirements Document
TCSCD Test and Checkout Specification and Criteria Document
UV Ultra Violet
VAB Vehicle Assembly Building (HI-Bay)
Vdc Volts direct current
VHF Very High Frequency
_MS Waste Hanagement System
WSS Water Subsystem
Z-LV(E) Z Axle In Local Vertical (Earth Resources Attitude Mode)
Z-LV(R) Z axis in Local Vertical (Rendezvous Attitude Mode)

2.2.12 Pressure Garment Conditioning System Pressure Garment Conditioning Station

A. Pressure Suit Conditioning Design Requirements - Design Concept -

The IB87189 PGA Drying Station Assembly is an air circulation pump

system that forces air from the OWS cabin through a flexible fiber-

glass coated hose into the PGA red gas connector and then out the

PGA blue gas connector. As the cabin air flows through the air

pump, the air temperature is _ncreased above ambient and feed_

into the PGA assembly. As the air travels through the PGA, mois-

ture is evaporated and picked up by the air, reducing the air tem-

perature to Just e, few degrees above ambient. The air is then

exhausted into the OWS cabin. The output of the air pump is 18

ACFM (.505mS/rain), therefore resulting in an air volume of 10,800 ft.J

(303m 3) through the PGA durin_ a normal ten-hour drying cycle.

After dynamic drying of the PGA, further drying is accompAished

by the addition of two desiccant containers approximately 80

in.(203.2cI) in l_ngth. Each desiccant container holds 900 _. of

i 2.2.12-I
desiccant [at 270°F (132°C)] which is capable of absorbin_ a mlnim,Lm of

50 gins. of moisture at a relative humidity of iO percent and an air

temperature of 75°F (23.8°C).

i/ Design Requirements

a. The OWS shall provide a mean= of circulating unheated

cabin atmosphere through e pressure suit, using a

blcwer vhich is similar to the WMS blower and desiccant

bags for moisture removal. Each suit shall be dried

sequentially utilizing total blower output for each

-" drying operation. Inflight drying of the desiccant

bags shall be provided.

b. The P_A Drying Station Assembly must survive the loads


and environments induced during all preiaunch, launch, !

boost flight, and orbital operations of Skylab. A

summary of the design requirements is presented below. I

• Circulate OWS Cabin Air through PGA,

• Use power module identical to WMS.

• Maximum air temperature of 120°F (_8.8°C) at s,Jit interface.

• Dry three suits in _8 hours (dyna_ically).

• Minimum air f_ow to PGA of i0.0 ACFM (.28m3/mln).

• AP of 3.5 in. (8.89 cm) water maximum rot PGA.

• Minimum moisture removed during dynamic drying to

be _00 gms. out of _Oo _ns. total.


• Provide static 0esiccant cc._ainers (tvo per PGA)

to remove a minimum of i00 gms of mo_,ture at i0

percent RH at 75°F (22.2eC).

• Static desiccant containers to maintain air in

suit below 55 pez .-nt afte; 50 hours.

• Minimum number of drying cycles - 23.

B. System Description

i/ Subsystem Configuration - The suit drying equipment con-

sisting of a bi_er, hoses and desiccant bags is provided

to remove moisture from inside the pressure suit_ after each

suited operation. Pressure suits are dried at three (3)

suit drying stations located in the OWS forward compartment.

Drying is accomplished by installing a suit in the drying

station which consists of the PGA pox'table foot restraints

(attached to the forward compartment floor) and a hanger

strap which suspends the suit between the floor _d the

va_er ring foot restraints. The b_wer unit forces drying

air _hrough a hose and into the suit. Moisture is rifled by

the air and collected by the desicce,:: bags. The desiccant

bags are subsequently dried in the WMC waste processor,

caamberz 5 and 6. Figure provides an illustra-

tion of this suit drying concept.

The PGA Drying Station is composed of a s_orage ring Con-

tainer Assembly with the following major components:

IB87189 Suit Drying Station Assembly

1B832bl Pover Module


1B87188 Filter Assembly

1B87!90 M_uifold Assembly

1B87196 Hose Assembly

IB87193 & Bracket


1B87197 Gas Connector

1B85811 Power Cable

1B94478 Zitex Desiccant Container

a. Suit Drying Station Assembly (iB87189) - The Suit

Drying Station Assembly is the ring container that

provides the launch restraint for all the components

used during PGA drying. The Container Assembly

(1B80510) is normally closed during drying operations.

b. Power Module (1B_3241) - The Power Module is the air

pump that forces 0WS Cabin Air through the PGA assembly. The

Module operates normally in a 5 to 6 psia (34.5 to 41.4kN/m 2)

environment at 85°F (29._°C) maximum ambient air temperature.

This power module is identical to the one used in the waste

management compartment for fecal collection. The

module operates on 24 to 30 vdc power supply.

c. Filter Assembly (1B87188) - The Filter Assembly is a

gross screen filter that prevents large debris from

. entering the suction port of the power module. The

stainless steel screen is 30X30 mesh wire [.018 in. dia (.045 cm)]

supported between a retainer and the filter frame. The

filter frame also serves as a support for activating a

micro switch located on the power module. The Filter


L- u _T- ...... _.
Assembly is connected to the power module with quick- ?

release fasteners (two provided) and may be removed for

cleaning or for power module replacement if necessary.

d. Manifold Assembly (IB87190) - The Manifold Assembly

provides the interface connection between the power

module exhaust and the flex hose going to the PGA

Assembly. The Manifold mounts directly to the base of

the container assembly (IB80510). Also, the Manifold

contains a fire arrester to prevent propagation of a

possible fire source from the power module.

e. Hose Assembly (1B87196) - Th_ Hose Assembly is a fiber-

glass coated silicone rubber hose used to interface

directly with the PGA Assembly through the red gas connector.

The Hose is approximately 16 ft. (h.88m) in length and 1-1/2 in.


(3.81 cm) in diameter. A 90 ° elbow is located at the hose t

end that mates with the PGA Assembly.

f. Bracket (IB87193 & iB8719h) - These brackets are used

to retain the hose and cable assemblies during storage


and launch. They mount directly to the Container

Assembly (1B80510) at seven places.

g. Gas Connector (1B87197) - The Gas Connector is the flex

hose (1B87196) end support for launch and storage when !

PGA is not being dried. The gas connector is mounted

permanently to the base of the container assembly !

(1B80510-501). _ --
h. Power Cable (iB85811-i & -501) - The Power Cable is a !

flex electrical cable that interfaces direct3_ to the _


2 ?.12-6
Power Module (iB83241) through a zero "g" connector.

The other end of the Power Cable is connected to a

utility outlet located near the PGa Dryin_ Station

during PGA drying operations. At other times, the

Power Cable is coiled inside the Container Assembly

(1B80510) and supported by spring clips moumted to the

container. A dummy electrical support (1B76238) is

provided to restrain the free end of the cable when not

in use.

i. Zitex Desiccant Container (IB9hh78) - The Zitex Desiccant

Container is 6-1/2 ft. (1.97m) length of 1-1/h in. (3.17 cm)

diameter flex desiccan_ [Sorbead "R" Desiccant Type lo

Grade H, Amendment 2, 1/8 in. (5.h cm) diameter] container.

The container has twenty individual compartments con-

taining h5 gms. of dry desiccant. The desiccant is

measured and weighed at 280°F (137.70C).

The Zitex Desiccant Container (two provided per PGA) is

placed in the PGA after initial drying of the suit by

the PGA Drying Assembly. One end of a container is "

placed in the right glove, down the right side of the

torso, and into the right leg and boot. The other con-

tainer is in a like manner placed on the left side of

the PGA. The containers remain in the PGA until it is

used, at which time they are placed in their launch/

stowage position in the Container Assembly (IB80510).

Prior to PGA drying, the desiccant containers are


regenerated by placing in an unused Fecal Processor :

• drawer. In the processor, heat is applied directly to

the containers by the pressure plate, and concurrently

a vacuam is _±nu_ d_°ing a normal ten-hour drying


A dual set of desiccant containers are provided which

allow the regenerating process to begin at any time

prior to PGA use if required.

2/ Mechanical Interface (Internal and External) - The PGA

Drying Station Assembly interfaces with the ring container

support by means of inner supports and four (h) 1/h |n. (.635 cm)

diameter bolts. The ring container support interfaces directly

with the Skylab tank wall.

The Power Module interfaces with the PGA Drying Station

Assembly by two alignment pins and one quick-release


The Manifold Assembly interfaces with the power module by

means of a rubber sponge gasket compressed against the power

module housing to form an air tight seal. The Manifold

Assembly at the same time is supported on the base of the

Container Assembly.

The Hose Assembly interfaces with the Manifold Assembly by

means of a hose connection and clamp. The other end of the

Hose Assembly interfaces directly to the PGA through the red

gas connector.

Power Cable interfaces with the power module by means of

a zero "g" electrical connector and the other end of the

power cable interfaces with a utility electrical outlet in

a similar manner.

3/ Unique Fabrication Techniques and Important Details - None.

_/ Use of New Technology and Advanced State-of-the-Art

Materials Components, Systems, or Techniques. None.

C. Test Program Line Item

I/ Development Tests (CX-5 Report Number GhI78) - The test

specimen which is essentially identical to the production

unit, was subjected to all environments expected through the

Skylab mission from launch to on-orblt requirements (Refer

to TCD 1T_0719 Rev. B).

The following environments were tested:

a. Proof Pressure, Leakage, and Flow vs AP.

b. Functional Test of Power Module.

c. Functional Test of Zitex Desiccant Container.

d. Acoustical Measurement Tests.

e. Vibration Test of Zltex Desiccant Containers.

f. Functional Life Cycle Tests.

g. Post Test Inspections.

2/ Qualification Test - Not Applicable

3/ Acceptance Test - Not Applicable

_/ Special Tests - During the first and second week in June,

1972 an actual PGA was loaned to MDAC so that development-

type tests could be performed on two desiccant assemblies



proposed for use in a semi-closed loop drying system. The

: following basic procedure was followed:

The PGA drying system, including the PGA, waf_ installed in

an environmental chamber that was controlled to the highes_

air dewpoint expected for Skylab habitation area [60°F (15.3oc)].

The temperature was controlled at 83 +20

.O F (28.3 to 29_h°C) to test

the thermal characteristics of the Electronic Controller of the Dower

module. The dry weight of the PGA and desiccant assemblies

was recorded Just prior to the drying test. 500 grms of

water were added to the liner of the PGA and PGA closed

immediately thereafter. During the drying operation, the

continuous decrease in PGA weight was to be ,ecorded but

data was lost due to the electronic setup. In one case only

was the continuous decrease in PGA weight obtained. A sum-

mary of the results of the six ten-hour drying tests is

noted in Figure

5/ Problems and Corrective Actions

a. Problem - During the initial function air flow test, the power

module failed to exhaust a minimum of 5 ACFM (.li_OmJ/min)

to the two PGA. Flow rate as measured was below call- l


bration of the flowmeter.

@ Solution - A rubber duct was added to the power I

module exhaust port and routed to the non- i

propulsive vent. At the non-propulslve vent a I


rubber seal was added to prevent air leakage and


to channel the air into the manifold assembly.

After this duct addition, the air flow versus AP

exceeded the design requirement of 5 ACFM (.lh0mS/min)

to each PGA.

b. Problem - During the initial ten-hour functional test where

the test chamber was controlled at 83 +2o

_O F (28.3 to 29.4°C), th_

power module electronic controller overheated .

.130 .33
• Solution - A small orifice 1.13h in. dia.( .335 cm; ] was cut in

the rubber duct previously added and air flow channeled

across the electronic module. This orifice provided 1.3 ACFM

(.036hm3/min) to the electronic module which reduced the tem-

perature approximately 12°F (-II.IC). To reduce the tem-

perature further, another orifice was cut to increase

the air flow but during the test vezification run, the

new orifice did not reduce the temperature any appre-

ciable amount. Therefore, all remaining tests (life

cycle) was run with one orifice only. The resulting

i temperature was acceptable to the manufacturer of the

power module.

c. Problem - During a functional drying test performed at MSC/NASA

where approximately 6.85 ACMF (.191m3/min.), [70% 0^/30% N_, and _O°F

(32.2°C) and 60°dp (15.550C)], was channeled through the PGA, &pproxl-

mately 75 grams of moisture (water) remained in the suit after 5-1/2

hours of drying using an open loop system. The excessive

moisture (75 gins) was considered by MSC/NASA to be not

' i

2.2.12-12 i
adequate for control of Fungal contamination resulting

in desradation of PGA materials.

• Solution - Change concept from drying two PCA's at

time to one PGA at a time. Also_ after drying PGA

with air flow power module, place in the PGA a

sufficient amount of desiccant to absorb the remaining

moisture. A 6-1/2 ft (1.97m) length of Zitex

Desiccant Assembly was added to the drying tech-

nique. Test data that uses a PGA simulator (i/i0

volume of actual PGA) and a desiccant bag m,_nu-

factured out of Zitex material and Silica Gel was

tested with satisfactory results. Two vacuum

drying tests using the vet desiccant bags resulted

in the desiccant being dried completely after ten


6/ Subsystem Conclusions

a. Stuumary of Capabilities Versus Requirements - Based on

the test results and the power module performance after

life cycles the air flow rate and moisture removal has

been demonstrated. Removal of moisture remaining in

the PGA after dynamic drying was also demonstrated.

It is concluded from test results that the PGA Drying

Station will meet all design requirements for use on

the OWS.

b. Summary of Open Problems and Plans for Corrective

Action - None.

c. r__r_-Duratlon Operational Capability - Not applicable.


o _ "
7/ Subsystem Certification

a. Basis for Certi _ylng Design Maturity and Manned Flight

Safety - ASl functional demonstration tests have been

satisfactorily completed to verify that moisZure

removal from P(]Awill be accomplished.

b. List of Open Items - None.

c. List of Waivers and Deviations 4o Speclf_caZlons - None.

d, Summary of Risk Assessment o_"Open and Closed Items -


e. Summary Assessment of Problem Items Identified on

Backup Hardware - No problems.

?.?. 12-iI_
D. _ssicn Results

1/ Hsrdvare Ano_ies - No anoamlies were repo_ted. There was a tendency

for the pover :odule l_cated in Ring Container I_24 to heat up if the

lid vaa closed. T_,e crev left the lid open during suit drying


2/ Hardware As|esaaent

a. First Mtenton Crew Hardware Asaees=ent

The performance of the suit dryin8 station vu nominal for the first

ateolon. The crev reported that the suite were dried very well and

that there was little or no odor to the cults a_ter the drying pro-

cess. The Initial suit drying yes acccaplished for the BAg EYA.

The suite vere &lvs_s dried adequately and there yes no evidence of

bacteriL1 _rtn or odor. The notee level during the long _ime

operation of the blover yes unobjectionable.

Hose assembly lengths vere accept&hie. There vere no other changes

in procedure or hardvare reco_ende_ by the flight crev,

Tht suit dryer pover aodule va4 too hot to touch. This unit vas

operated vtth the ring coupsrtunt door cloeed per procedure. The

second :dssion crsv vas instructed to i_ave the door open for addi-

tional cooling. There is no explanation for the "hot" blover. T.t

yes also recom=ended that iI" the blover again gets too hot to touch,

the third crev vould meaeure the te_erature using the digitel


, The Follovln_ are questions and ansvers Fron the Crsv 8ystens


• liov lOa_ yore Individual tm dried

s_d, after each veartnl_? 10

boun approzis_to),y.


K ' ,_ _ L i
Bow many desiccants were dried in each chamber_ On initial

8ativation we didn't dry. Put in four per suit after SAS EVA -

dried two per suit lO hours - returned the other six to disposal

bq and back to locker. Put one in each of two processors. Six

are still wet.

The perfozsu_nce of the suit drying equipment was as planned for the

second mission. All hardware operated satisfactorily with the ex-

ception of the "warm" power module. The suits dried very adequately

emd no vetness or unpleuant o_ors were noted.

b, Second Mission Crew Bardvare Assessment

Crew comments fz_ the Crew System* Debriefing are provided as

fol.lovs :

o _ow long were indivtdlu&l suits dried after each vearlnK? We

dried all of them about 2h hours tve weren't sure how lon_ was

really needed to keep bugs from growing so ve put them on (dry-

InK) for s long time. The suits really never _ot very vet.

o Were the e,_remLlties ( feet, l_gs, arms, gloves ) dryT Yes.

• Wlul there any evidence of bacterial l_rovth or odor in the PGA's?


_nts f_om the Second Mission CPev Technical Debriefin8 are pro-

vidmd u follow8 :

• PiT Miniature in the suits: "I never notieed a vhole lot of

moisture in the suits, althoul;h ve alv_rs vent throtq_h

the total suit drains proeodure. The three little

han_ers that you hank Mour l_'s and FCS's on are alre_

lnl_LlAed in the blue water t_nk rinks rlsht above the

st&it dommln_ station. You J_Ult hOOk up the 8%tit dzTer,



and turn it on, and let it blow away; an_ be sure to

keep the co_e locker door to that suit dryer open so it

doesn't overheat. We let our 8ui*.s dry for 2_ hours and

then :owed t_,em up into _.he _A."

Co_en_8 from the CDR relative to the pro_'ems encountered over dry-

ing desiccants in the processor are provided as follows:

o CDR Soae of those long thin bologna like desiccants von*t

alloy you to close the feca_ drawer. If you don*t have

s_thing in the fecal dryer, and you close the door, %hat

little black metal plate that the fecal bag would stan_ on

sort of moves up, pres_ln_ near the top vent inside the

drawer. Then, when the door c'_o:_s, )_u will hear s slight

vseuul sound, as the vs_u_ is pulled on the door, when you

Rove the lever to the vacuum door position. Hormally _'hen

you put the fe_al _aterlal in there, the osae thinks happen,

except of course, the little tray does not go corpletel_" to

the top of the enclosure Shy :ore because the fecal b_ is

in the way. So it sor_ of tends _o hold the fecal ba_ up

a4_lnst the top of the chsab_. But vher you close the

door and nova the little lever, you'l_ hea." a kind of vacuum

sound and you'll know you°re putting a vacuum on the fecal

be4. _ov when you put in the bottoR dravers, those long, s

white bolosns liae desiceente, you will push down on _he

door, that little tr_r inside the e_partnent, when you

close the door and move _he lever, _s doa't set a vacua

pttlled inside the c_sTtaont. _v, the onl_r vat you

realise this is that you don't he_r that little characteristic

sound, sad if you tug on tb4 door, the door viii come open
-',_. 12-17
a little, showing that there is not a vacuum. Now what i

occurs in this case is that you don't get a good drying

and you also leak atmosphere out. Not fast and not criti-

cally, but enough so that it is noticeable. The ones that

are on the top of these desiccants are the ones that the

next crew should use. And if _hey put them in there, to be

sure that they check, to make sure that the door has a good

vacuum seal before they wander off, and set the timer and

leave. You put it in, close the door and as you move the

lever, listen for a little vacuum sound. Then try the door

and see if it csa_be easily pulled out. If it cannot, you're

okay. So set the timer and go on. If it flunks this, the

sound, or the fact that the door will open without a lot of

effort, then you probably haven't got a good vacuum in there

and you need to go back and do it again. We've got a couple

of desiccant lengths that won't fit and they're marked with

red tape. It's probable that there are others around there,

but hopefully toe ones that you pick out right at the top

of the sacks will be the ones we used and will be acceptable.

e. Third Mission Crew Hardware Assessment

There were no annmalie._ reported on the pressure suit drying system

during the _0hirdmission. T_leonly comment, made by the [_FT, was

that the suits are too close together.

•! '
,.?.x -i
E. Conclusions and Recommendations

Suit Drying - Suit drying was accomplished satisfactorily. The

initial suit drying was accomplished for the SAS EVA. Two suits

were dried and 2 desiccants per suit were dried in the processor

chambers No. 5 and 6. The six spare desiccants were removed to

a locker and stowed without drying. The suits were always dried

adequately and there was no evidence of bacterial growth or odor.

The noise level during operation of the bicwer was unobJectionaOle. _

Hose lengths were acceptable. There were no other changes in

procedures oz hardware recommended by the flight crew.

The suit drier power module was too hot to touch. This unit was

operated with the ring compartment door closed per procedure.

Crews will be instructed to leave the door open for additional

cooling. There is no present explanation for %he "hot" blower.

It was recommended that if the condition recurs_ the crew would

measure the temperature using the digital thermometer.

F. Development History - During the latter period of the waste

management hardware deliveries, the requirement for drying the

pressure garment assemblies (PGA) became apparent and an additional

power module was added to the Workshop to be used for suit drying.

In addition, desiccants used to keep the suit dry were dried in i

one of the waste processor chambers.

2.2.12-19 Presnure Garment/Equipment Stowage Provisicns

A. Design i<equirements - Specification r m_ber: CP20,_{OJIC. The Con-

tract End ite_ (CEI) Detail Specification defined the basic OWS

requirement as follows:

Pressure Garment Assembly (PGA) _ud Related Equipment Stowag_

(CEI paragraph 3.3.1.i1.2): Stowage provisions shall be provided

for restraining three extended pressure garment assemblies and

three extenaed Liquid Cooled Garments (LCG's) and associated

equipment. A means shall be provided to prevent the pressure suit

boots from s]Jpp_g out oT' the rcotraints when the suit is in this

extended stowed positi_.

Additional specific design requirements were as follows (reference

ECP W1681_2) :

i/ _l_wop:'essure garment assembly conditioning stations on the

upper floor facing Experiment T013, Crew/Vehicle Disturbance

aild two upper suit restraints which interface with the suit

grotmd clamps and attacl" to the water bottle ring with a

fabric strap.

2/ Foot restraints for attaching the suits to the floor grid

(existing foot restraints will be modified to mount in speci-

fied locations faclng Experiment T013 FMU's). [

3/ Strap restraints in the upper compartment for orbit stowage _'

of one pressure garmen_ assembly and three liquid cooled

garments. _,i

4/ On orbit restraints for two each helmets and gloves on _ :-

Experiment T013 mounting brackets.

I :'.2.12-20 _

5/ Three hanger assemblies in the upper compextment for hanging !

the liquid cooled garments to air dry in the 0WS environment.

6/ Armalon stowage bags (2 configurations) will be provided for

stowing the Zltex desiccant containers in the ring stowage

cont airier. °

B. System Description - To locate the PGA's in the OWS for drying

purposes and also for on-orbit PGA stowage, tw_ suit drying sta-

tions were provided on the 0WS forward compartment floor below

the suit dryer and adjacent to the T013 structure; each suit dry-

ing station accommodated one A7LB spacesuit (reference Figures :: and Eae_h drying station was fitted

with a portable PGA foot restralnt into whiL., the boots of the

PGA were inserted, to restrain the suit at the floor level. A

PGA hanger strap was used to stretch the PGA into an extended }

state by tethering the neck area of the PGA to the platform foot

restraint. The LCG's were air dried in the OWS atmosphere

adjacent to the PGA's. A long strap was used to restrain the legs

of the LCG to the OWS forward compartment floor and an LCG hanger

was used to restrain the LCG neck area to the TO13 st_cture. A

SEVA stowage bag containing a SEVA and a pair of EVA gloves was

conveniently located on each T013 structure for on-orbit stowage

and ready accessibility. Two complete A7LB spacesuits _

were located at the suit drying stations during drying

operations and whet they were not in use. The third

A7LB spacesuit was stowed in a designated stowage area in "_

the 0WS when not in use.


:_.2. l 2-_'?












• D
LCG Hangers: Liquid cooling garment hangers were supplied

for use in air drying the LCG's at the suit drying stations

in the 0WS. The LCG hanger was a rigid, open

triangular section that fit into the back and shoulder area of the

LCG. A flexible strap fitted with snaps was connected to the tri-

angular section to permit the LCG to be stretched while being air

dried. The snaps were provided to secure the LCG hanger to con-

venient str" cture. Three LCG hangers were stowed in OWS forward

dome stowage compartments until required for use. Each crewman

utilized one LCG hanger to dry his LCG in the OWS.

PGA Hanger Strap: Pressure garment assembly hanger straps were

supplied for use while the spacesuits were occupying the suit

drying stations in the OWS. The PGA hanger strap was a flexible

webbed strap, fitted on one end with a coupling and on the other

end with snaps. The coupling permitted the strap to be secured

to the PGA moun_ted D-Ring while the snaps permit the strap to be

attached to convenient structure. The strap also contained a

buckle to allow adjustment of its length to stretch the PGA for

suit drying operations. Three PGA hanger straps were stowed with

the LCG hanger in OWS forward dome stowage compartment until ready

for use. Each crewman utilized one PGA hanger strap to restrain

his PGA at the suit drying stations.

Long Straps: The long strap was 26 inches long and I inch wide

and constructed of a beta fabric webbing with a fluorel covering.

; Both sides of the strap were fitted with snap studs and snap

sockets. These provisions allowed the strap to be secured about

structure or to structure mounted snaps to conform to the


envelope of the restrained item.

2._. 12-24

Portable PGA Foot Restraints : Two portable PGA foot restraints

were provided for use on the OWS forward compartment floor grid

as a restraining mechanism for spacesuit restraint during suit

drying operations. The foot restraint retained the PGA boots

through use of a toe-bar s_id a heel fitting. Heel clips, which

were an integral part of the PGA boots, engaged under the foot

restraint heel fittings to provide rigid PGA boot restraint. Pip

pin retainers were integrated into the restraint to hold the PGA

boot in the restraint during the drying operation. A quick-

release fastener is located at the rear of the base plate to per-

mit easy installation and removal of the restraint from the grid

surface, Two grid clips fitted to the underside of the base plate

positively captured the grid surface upon installation to provide

rigid engagement of the foot restraint to the grid. The two

portable foot restraints were launch secured to the OWS forward

compartment floor grid. For use during contingency modes, the

foot restraints were carried about the SWS to aid in accomplishing

repair/corrective action tasks while the crewman was suited.

C. Testing - Line Item Test CX-5 was performed to establish the capa-

bility of the Zitex desiccant containers stored in Armalon bags to

withstand the vibration environment. The test was completed


Reference Documents :

Test Line Item CX-5 TCD IT_0719

CTCA 3505

Test Report TM-DSVT-SSL-R-70h9

D. Mission Results - The pressure garment/equipment stowrze provisions

functioned as designed.


\ p
E. Conclusions and Recommendation._ - The stowage provisions werc

satisfactory. The launch restraints provided e.d_q_te protuc-

tion for the hardware used on-orbit, including the :_itex desic-

cant containers.

F. Developmeht History - The PGA stowage provisions, as initially

designed, were flown with no significant modifications.

" o. " • 1;'-;'6

2.2.13 Stowege System Design Requirements

A. Stowage (CEI CP2OBOJIC, Paragraph

All items to be stow_q within the OWS were identified with their quan-

tity, size, weight, launch loca_ion and special stuwage requirements in

I-SL-O08. Stowage capability was to be provided ar_ described in IB85808.

NOTE: I-SL-O08 identified items for stowage on the OWS both initially

for launch and subsequently by orbital transfer. IB85808 OWS

Stowage Capability Drawing defined the size, location, stowage,

weight limitation, environment, and standard attachment pro-

visions for the stowage locations.

Other specific stowage requirements were:

B. Food Containers and Film Vault (CEI, Paragraph

The food and film temperature shall be maintained to their ICD require-

ments so long as the heat generation from the electronic equipment does

not exceed the values listed in ICD'8 13M13519 and 13M20926.

C. Orbital Maintenance Support (CEI, Paragraph

A tool kit, orbital spares, and Cluster repair kit shall be provided

to support the maintenance tasks. The tool design requirements shall

be in accordance with SE-O14-O01-2H. Stowage of these items shall be

as specified in I-SL-O08.

D. ExDeriaent M487 Habitabilit_/Crew Quarters (CEI, Para@raph

An M_67 experiment nodule consisting of the following hardware shall

be providedz

, 1/ Stownge container

2/ Portable velometer and air probe

3/ Portable temperature s_n_or8 (3 each)

4/ Portable digital thermometers (2 each) and surface probe (1 only)

3/ F_rtable measuring t_;c


6/ Portable sound level meter assembly

7/ Portable frequency analyzer and connecting bar

8/ Portable force (push/pull) gauge, extension rod and hook

91 Sparebatteries
i0/ Sound meter restraint bag

E. Biomedical Stowage Containers (CEI, Paragraph

_4ountlng accommodations shall be provided for two biomedical stowage

containers (OFP).

F. Film Vault (CEI, Paragraph

A vault shall be provided for stowage and on-orbit maintenance of film.

The relative humidity within the vault shall be maintained at _5 + 15

percent for the period from film loading in the Vertical Assembly Building

(VAB) to launch, and for orbital storage. The vault shall contain twelve

drawers of various sizes and radiation protection as follows:

Drawer Quantity and Radiation Protection

Dimensions - Inches (mml. (2.7 Specific Gravity Aluminum)

2 Drawers, 15x18x6-1/2 (38Oxh57x165) 0.25 in. (6.35 mm)

5 Drawers, 15xlSx6-1/2 (380xh57x165) 1.90 in. (h8.3 mm)

I Drawer, 15x18x8 (380xh57x203) 1.90 in. (h8.3 nun)

1 Drawer, 15x18x6-!/2 (380xh57x165) 2.90 in. (73.7 ms)

3 Drawers, 15x18x7 (380xh57x178) 3.hO in. (86.3 mm)

Three of the 15x13x7 in. (380xh57x178 am) drawers shall be capable of being

used as film handling containers.

G. Waste Storage Containers (CEI, Paragraph

Storage containers for the waste management supplies and for processed

samples shall meet the following requirements:


1/ All supplies for sanitary operation of the WMS shall be located in

appropriate storage containers, within easy reach of an astronaut

while positioned on the i'ecs/ collector seat.


2/ Storage containers shall house the tissues and clean vaste

collection vehicles to be used for fecal, urine, vomitus,

and debris collection.

3/ Storage containers shall be provided for used waste collection

vehicles and the processed content of each.

_/ The vehicle storage containers for feces, urine, and vomitus

shall be raovable fro= the OWS WMCin modular for: for trans-

fer to the Apollo CM and subsequent return to Earth.

H. Storage Provisions (Crew Equipment) _CEI, paragraph

_e sleep co=partment shall be provided with containers for storing

the individual astronaut's equipment, such as clothing, vritinK

_terials, log books, personal vreference kit, emergency oxygen

equipment, emergency hand-held lights, protective head gear, clothing

and medical kits. Quantities and unit dimensions of items are speci-

fied in I-SI.O08.

I. Pressure Garment. Asse:b_ and Related Equl_ent Storage (CEI, Para-

graph 3.3.1.II.2)

Storage provisions shall be provided fo_- restraining three extended

pressure gsruent assemblies and three ex_ended liquid cooled garments

and associated hardvare. A means shall be provided to prevent the

pressure suit boots fro= slipping out of the restraints vhen the suit

is in this extended stowed position.


• \
J. Snaps and Velcro Restraints (CEI, Paragraph

The location of restraints for on-orblt retention of loose equip-

ment shall be as defined in MDC G2h3_.

NOTE: MIX:G2h39, Orbital Workshop Snap/Yelcro Restraints, established

the locations, size, type s_,dapaclng requirements for this

type of restraint.

K. Urine and Blood Freezer (CEI, Paragraph

A freezer shall be provided to freeze urine and blood samples. The

freezer shall be capable of reducing the temperature of the samples to

below (270.hOK) within 3 hours, to O°F (255.h°[() within 6 hours,

and to below -2.5°F (25_°K) within 8 hours after each simultaneous

insertion of the samples into the freezer. The freezer wall or sink

temperature shall be no more than -2.5°F (25_0K).

L. Urine and Blood Return Container (CEI, Paragraph

A rettL_n container shall be provided for transferring the frozen urine

and blood samples from the OWS to Earth via the Command Module (CM).

The containe.r shall have a thermal control capability to maintain the

urine and blood samples after removal from a freezer at temperatures

not to exceed 17°F (26&.8°K) for 22 hours.

M. Coaputerized Storage Manlqement System (ECPO_I)

The general requirements for a c_puterized stowage management system

are r.s follows:

1/ The Sk_lab Storage List, I-SL-OOS, viii be utilized to

predate a computerized Or5 Stowage Master File identified

u C_mputer Program P1213.

i 2.2.13-4

L .
2/ T_ O_ Stowage Muter File will identify all o£ the items _hat

are to be stowed in the OWS - including CFE, GFE, flight spares

and maintenance items; the Haster File will also identify all

OHS restraint hardvare.

3/ The OWS Stovage He_lter File will be computerized and will provide

stowqe location, quantity, par_ -,tuber, change letter, nraen-

cl&turet size, veldt, _nd item number for all 0@5 stowage item.

_/ Dr&wings prepared specifica_y for Itowqe control viii include

loose equipment and stovqe pr_ielona inmtallation drawings

generated from the computerized OWS Stowage Haster File. The

dr&wings viii be sorted by stovqe location.

2.2.13-5 System Description

A. OWS Stowa6e Hardware 7

OWS stowage was provided in the forward dome, forward compartment and )

crew quarters through the use of various sized stowage compartments,

dispensers, refrieelated _**d ambient temperature food storage facili-

ties, refrigerated urine storage, and a film vault (Figure

All stowage in the OWS was vented te cabin atmosphere by the stowage

equipment door or lid Joint. The individual stowage locations were t

assigned subnumbers based on the 400-900 number series assigned to a

given area. The letter prefixing the stowage number reference, was

used for training ptu'poses only and did not appear with the stowage

number on flight hardware. Each stowage provision was fitted with a

stowage label that contained the assigned stowage number, the items

stowed, and their quantities. A label kit supplied additional labels

for use in reidentifying stowage equipment. Marking pens, in the

flight data files, permitted the crewman to write on a stowage label

or on the stowage equipment surface to track the status of the contents.

The stowed equipment within the OWS was arranged to provide a common

grouping of like items, e.g., all spares were grouped together, urine

collection bags were grouped together, clothing was grouped together.

One exception to this was the location of trash bag bundles for resupply.

These were loca_._ adjacent to trash containers and high use disposal

bag areas. OWS stowage also provided on-orbit temporary restraints,

through ,.Be of various length straps, bungees and fixed and portable
utilit_ -_straints. Bags were provided for on-orbit stowage of bio-

logicL I nactive trash, such as launch packing, in the plenum area.

These bags were called plenum ba_s.


Two tool kits and a repair kit provided the on-orbit capability for

maintenance and repair.

l/ Stowage Compartments

Stowage compartments in the OWS were of five basic sizes:

(I) 6 ft. 3 (.17 m 3) (stowage compartments of the DhO0 series);

(2) 1.5 ft. 3 (.Oh m 3) (stowage compartments of F523-F527); (3)

3 ft. 3 (.08 m 3) (stowage compartments of $900-$903); (h) 5 ft. 3

(.lhm 3) through 6.5 ft. 3 (.18 m 3) (stowage compartments WTlh,

and H820-823); and (5) i ft. 3 (.028 m 3) (the remaining stowage

compartments in the forward compartment and throughout the crew

quarters). (Figures and These stowage

compartment interiors, with the exception of the D400 series

stowage compartments, had holes on the top and bottom of the

compartment into which adjustable straps were inserted for launch

and on-orbit restraint of the stowed items. The latches on the

stowage compartments were the lift handle type. The lift handle

latches could be forced with a latch release tool if required.

All stowage compartments were constructed of sheet metal. The

D400 series stowage compartments were removable containers that

were designed to provide the capability to be fully packed out-

side of the vehicle and installed as a complete checked-out unit.

The restraints for stowed items within compartments were adjustable

straps and custom designed metal bracketry. The packing was pro-

vided by armalon/sponge bags and non-flammable fiberboard.

i 2.2.13-8

- _
.., . _ _

I =

I -

2/ Dispensers

Various dispenser mechanisms were provided for high use items

that accommodated rapid accessibility as well as stowage.

a. Tissue and Wipe Dispeners

Certain stowage compartments in the OWS crew quarters

had tissue dispensers for tissues, wipes and disin-

fectant moistened pads. (Figure Each

dispenser accommodated three cartridges, which were

individually dispensed in their own segment of the

dispenser. Four dispensers were located in the ward-

room, one in the WMC and one in each of the sleep

1 !
areas. Normally, one dispenser segment contained a

cartridge of tissue while the remaining two segments

each contained a cartridge of wipes. However, in

one of the wardroom isntallations, three cartridges

of disinfectant moistened pads were used instead of

the dry tissues and wipes. Each dispener contained

three spring-feed devices, a cartridge retainer with

cartridge retention cams, a compartment door with _.

three tissue access openings, and three hinged dis-

pension llds. The sprang-feed mechanisms advanced

the tissue in the cartridge from the rear as each

tissue was removed.

The hinged compartment door provided access to the

cartridges to facilitate removal and loading opera-

tions while also providing access openings on its

face through which tissues may be obtained. A

spring-loaded dispenser lid covered each access

opening on the compartment door to provide flamma-

bility control of the combustible tissue. The

cartridge retainer and cartridge retention cams

restrained each cartridge within the dispenser.

The cams permitted easy removal and replacement of

a cartridge. When the dispensers were in use, the

cartridges occupied only about one-thlrd of the

stowage compartment interior, permitting additional

stowage of other items. Additional stowage in this

area does not hinder removai and replacement of a


b. Fecal Bag Dispenser

Fecal bags were readily available to the crew in the

WMC through a dispenser. The fecal bag dispenser

occupied the H833 stowage compartment adjacent to the

handwasher (Figure The permanently

mounted dispenser contained a sprlng-feed device, a

resupply lid and a dlspenslon lid. As each fecal bag

was removed from the dispenser, the sprlng-feed mechsn!sm


at the rear ot the dispenser advanced the remaining

fecal bags into an accessible position, replacing the

withdrawn item. The resupply lid served to restrain

the stored contents while providing an opening through

which fecal bags may be obtained. This lid was main-

tained in the closed position through a latch. The

resupply lid was used to replenish the dispenser with

a resupply of fecal bags. The dispension lid was

spring-loaded closed and must be opened to obtain

individual fecal bags.

c. Towel Dispenser

New towels were readily available to the crew through

five removable towel dispensers. One towel dispenser

was launched in a WMCstowage compartment for immediate

use; the remaining dispensers were lo=ated in wardroom

stowage compartments. The outside surface of the towel

dispenser was lined with velcro to mate with velcro

located in the stowage compartments (Figure

Each towel dispenser was lauached with a supply of 18

towels. Each towel dispenser was partitioned into

three equally sized tiers_ the tiers are open at the

front and accommodated six rolled towels per da_. The

towels were restrained in place through friction fit.

The stowag_ compartmeht door provided flammability control

of the combustible towels.

3/ Trash Containers

Certain stowage compartments in the OWS were allocated

for use as trash containers for the stowage of' trash

(Figure The trash container was a stowage

compartment with a modified door that accept,:d the

installation of a trash bag onto an opening on the back-

side of the door. Tras_ was inserted directly into the

bag through the opening in the trash container door. A

friction-hinged trash lid covered the opening on the

trash container door when the container was not in use.

Velcro patches were used to maintain the trash lid in

the closed position. A tape patch restrained the trash

lid durin6 launch and was removed upon SL-2 activation

without the use of tools.

4/ Food Boxes

Eleven food boxes provided launch and on-orbit stowage

of ambient temperature foods for the SL-2, SL-3, and SL-4

missions (Figure 2,2.13.2-8). Five of the eleven boxes

were permanently mounted in the OWS forward ccmpartment

on the grid above the wardrc_. The remaining six food

boxes were dispensed on the forward compartment floor grid

aroLuld the experiment compartment access opening to ensure

structural integrity during launch. Upon SL-2 actizat_on,

the six dispersed food boxes were unbolted from their

launch stowed locations and bolted adjacent _o _he five

permanently posi_ioned boxes. Each food box door va_ als_


2.2. i._ .19
secured closed during launch with bol_z. Upon SWS

activation all food box launch bolts were removed by

the SL-2 crew with the aid of tools. Each food box !

was a sheet metal rectangular container of 8 ft. 3

(.23 m3). The food box doors were friction-hinged and

were opened through the use of a lift handl ° latch. If

the latch fails to unlatch, a latch release too! could

be used for forced entry.

5/ Food Freezers and Food Chille _

_acee chambered refrigerated unit in the OWS forward

_ompartment and one in the wardroom stored and preserved

the entire mission supply of refrigerated _oods _n a !

controlled thermal environment vented to the cabin. The

three-chambered 1,nit in the OWS forward compartment was

the 3tcwage Freezer with each chamber storing a 28-day

supply of frozen food (Figur_ The unit was

a foam-filled shell with th, primary and secondary loops

of the refrigeration suosystem maintaining the frozen

food at -lO°F (2hg.8°K). Each freezer was accessible

through a foam-filled outer door, fitted with a vented

gasket and a trigger latch. A hinged inner door con-

structed of sheet "lets/ wss attached to the outer door by

a short length of bcta fabric strap. The sheet metal

acted as a heat sink to conduct the heat contained around

the door area to the cooling coils, Each outer door was ---


, \
] -,

secured for launch with a launch pin inserted into

the side of the door. The trigger latches on each door

contained launch pins to prevent damage of launch loads.

These launch pins were removed by the SL-2 crew upon SWS

activation without the use of tools. A readout of each

freezer's thermal environment was available on an indicator

through selection of the proper freezer on RS DISPLAY

SELECT 1 selector located on Panel 616 and on telemetry.

The three chambered unit in th_ wardroom was the Wardroom

Freezer/Food Chiller which allots the lower two chambers

to food freezing and the top chamber to food chilling. The

two freezers provided a 28-day supply of frozen food each.

The food chiller was launched full of ambient food which

was removed on activation. The chiller was also used to

chill and temporarily preserve unconsumed food. In addition,

medical, supplies are periodically stored i9 the chiller.

The Wardroom Freezer/Food Chiller is an identical unit to

the stowage freezer; however, the coolant loops are modified

to permit food chiller operation at h5°F (280.h°K).

Temperature readouts are available on Panel 616 and on


6/ Urine Freezer

A urine freezer, installed in the WMC, stored and preserved

up to a 56-day accumulation of urine samples from three

{ 2.2.13-22

crew members. The urine freezer was a foam-filled shell

utilizing the primary and secondary loops of the refrig-

eration subsystem to maintain the stored urine samples

below O°F (255._°K) (Figure The front of the

freezer featured a hinged, foam-filled door that had a


vented gasket and a trigger latch. The freezer stowed

the urine samples in portable mounted support pad that

maintained the urine trays in an accessible position at the _

top of the freezer through spring action. To prevent the

trays from sticking to the freezer, only two urine trays

were stowed in the urine freezer at any given time; a

foam spacer was employed to transfer the spring force

from the support pad to the two urine trays. The freezer

door permitted only the top urine tray to slide out. The

urine freezer was launched with a spacer and two empty

urine trays. The trigger latch on the freezer door con-

tained a launch pin to protect the latch mechanism from

damage due to launch loads. This pin was removed by the

SL-2 crew upon SWS activation without the use of tools.

A r_adout of the thermal environment of the urine freezer

was ,wailable on Panel 616 and on telemetry.

7/ 0WS Film Vault

The Film Vault was a cast _luminum structure, with machined

aluminum doors, to protect the stored unexposed film from

radiation for its stored interval (Figure

The vault doors, hinged at the center of the vault provided

access to the drawers which contained packaged fiLm

cassettes. The doors were secured closed during launch by

bolts which were removed by the SL-2 crew during SWS activa-

tion with the aid of tools. 0n-orbit, the doors were secured

closed with two dial latches. Each side of the vault con-

tained a strip of velcro which was utilized to temporarily

restrain the cassettes as they were removed from the vault.

When opened, the vault doors exposed removable drawers which

were deployed through the use of strap handles. Salt pads,

used for vault humidity control, were stowed in the film

vault drawers in sealed containers. During uninhabited

periods of the SWS, the salt pads were vented to the relative

humidity of the vault at approximately 45 percent to protect

the unexpected film from deterioration. The stowed film

cassettes were restrained by on-orbit restraints, normally

of machined teflon, which provided the ability to extract a

single film container without handling other containers. All

restraints within the drawers were designed for tooless

remov_,l and reconfiguration if necessary on-orbit.


...... 'k
_.a. 13-26

.... n ....

The contents of each drawer was packed with corrugated card-

board to minimize vibration during boost. Each restraint had

a label that coded the contained film which corresponded to the

photo log book.

8/ Temporary On-Orbit Restraints

Fixed and movable restraints were provided for temporary stowage

of equipment for convenient restraint and access while performing

work tasks and for general on-orbit stowage of daily use items.

a. Short Straps

Sixty-fo'Ar short straps were launched in OWS stowage

compartments. Some of these short straps were wrapped

around the long power cables and communication cables

stowed in the OWS, as the crewmen required the use of

the short strap to restrain the cable when it was in

use. The short straps were constructed of a fluorel

coatad beta fabric webbing which was 12 in. (305 mm) lonR

and one in. (25.4 mm) wide (Fi&nlre2.2.13.2-12). The webbing

was faced on one side with velcro pile while each end

cont_dned velcro hook. Both sides of the strap were

fitted with four snap studs and four snap sockets. These

provisions allowed the strap to be securud about a

structure or to structure-mounted snaps and velcro to

conform to the envelope of the restrained item. The

shc'_t straps were to be used to temporari_: restrain

such a. cables, tools, books and replacement parts.



b. Long Straps

Twenty long straps were launched in an experiment

compartment for ready accessibility. The long strap was

26 in. (66 mm) lone and 1 in. (25 m) wide and was constructpd

i similar to the short strap but contained four additional

snap studs (Figure The long straps were

to be used to temporarily restrain moderately sized

equipment such as the vacuum cleaner, food trays, and

replacement parts.

c. Equipment Restraints

Eighteen equipment restraints were launched in an

experiment compartment stowage compartment for ready

accessibility. The equipment restraint was a fluorel _

coated beta fabric webbing strap, 73 in. (1850 mm) long and

1 in. (25 m_) wide (FiAnAre The end of the

restraint to be securely looped and fastened about a ,

handrail, handhold or open grid. The length of the

webted strap was adjustable to a length of 73 in. (1850 mm)

through use of a buckle to permit adjustment to the

envelope of the restrained item. The equipment

restraint was to be used to temporarily restrain large

piect,s of equipment such as urine return containers and

replacement parts.

_ 13-29
&, • &.l
d. Bungees

Twenty portable bungee_ were launched in an experi-

ment compartment stowage compartment and were used to

restrain reference material such as books or papers. The

bun=ee was 8 in. <203 mm) long and was constructed of a

coil spring fitted on both ends with a hoe:. (Figure The hook c_uld be attached to holes or

Joints on SWS stowage compartment doors to permit

retention of the reference material or small items

against a surface for convenient temporary stowage

while performing work tasks. Maximum extension of

the bungee was 12 in. _305 ram). Bungees were also installed

in the flight data ?ile and in the galley,

e. Utility Restrelnt_ _

The utility restraint was a fluorocarbon rubber cap,

supplied in two forms; fixed to structure and portable

(Figure _.2.13.2-12). The cup contained a cruciform

slit into which small flexible ftems could be inserted

for temporary restraint. The interior of the sup was

rounded to facilitate cleaning to prevent microbio-

logical growth.

1. Fixed Utility Restraints - Utility restraints

were provided throughout the OWS permanently

fixed to structure near food preparatic- areas,

in the WMC, in the sleep areas, and near articles

of operational equipment.

The utility restraints were used to retain

towels, washcloths, tissues, and clothing while

they were being temporarily stowed for drying

or for ready access.

2. Portable Utility Restraints - Six portable

utility restraints were stowed in an experiment

compartment stowage com,_artment. The port_ ,le

utility restraint was backed with an aluminum

disc, fitted with a snap socket (Figure The snap socket mated with the

snap studs located throughout the SWS for

retention of the portable utility restraint in

a convenient location. The restraints would be

used to temporarily restain tissues, towels,

and washcloths near the using area for ready


f. Plenum Bags

' 28 plenum bags were launched on the forward compart-

ment floor. The bags were made of armalon fabric

with a drawstring closure. Hook_ and "D" rings were

provided to facilitate stowL_e of full bags in plenum

area/ (,.igure

:,,P. 13-3_'

91 Snaps and Ve]cro

Velcro pile va_ provided in "patch" forn and was pLrmane..tly

installed on handrails, stowage compartL_ents, structure, etc.

throughout the SWS where work tasks were _onducted (_ee MDC

G2h39). They provided a restraining surf_ce to which velcro-

hook lined disposal bags, restraint straps, books, tools, _c.

were conveniently res_l_ined for temporary stowage ariaor use.

In addition, a supply of velcro hook and pile in "patch" fo_n


with adhesive backing was provide_ in Tool Kit 2 for inst.,lla-

tion i_ those light-workload areas whe,_',capability did no_


exist. Snap studs were iucated throughout the ._.uSon _towage

compartment doors, _artitionb, structure, kandr^ils, etc. and

were configured _n a standard snap pattern which accoNaodated

all SWS and CSM provimions that contain snap sockets (see MDC •

C_39). Snaps with adhesive ,:overed mounting plater were pro-

vided to g/we the crew on-orbit capability for loca_Ir.g snaps,

In addition, snap studs .hat could be _ounted in any grid node

hole were provided.

10/ Tool and Repair Xits

The repair kit contained equilment to re. _lr preszure ,hell

penetraticns, ventilation duct ds_e, and leaking threaded

ccunections. _1 flat patches consisti_g of 3 by 3 in.

- -e

(76 _y 76 _) aluamtm-- sheet covered with polybutene sealant,

nine aluminum blister patche_ (5-3/h in (1_6 _), 7-1/_ in.

(18h _), and 8-1/2 in. (216 _) in diameter] with polybu_ene

sealant _/_nd _ne edges, two I lb. (._5_ :.g) rolls, 3/_ _n.


+, --

(19 ram)wide polybutene sealant, one roll of ah'.minumized

duct tape, one roll of teflon plumber's tape and a pair of

_issors make up the repair kit (migure The

tool kits consisted almost entirely of standard off-the-shelf

tools (Figure 0nly tools with identified main-

tenance or operational requirements were flown. The tool kits

contained various sizes of the following:

a. Pliers

b. Phillips screwdrivers

c. Blade screwdrivers

d. Sockets and handles

e. Extensions

f. Open end/box wrenches

g. Screwdriver bits, blade and Phillips

h. Allen wrenches

i. Crowfoot wrenches

J. Torque wrenci_es

as well as a vise, clamps, pinch bar, adjustable wrench,

hammer, punch, mechanical fingers, retrieval hook, mirror,


Swiss Army knives, tweezers, _ape, lubricant, wire, and twine.

Each tool, where feasible, had veicro hook bonded to it to

interface with velcro pile on tool carrier belts. The con-

tianers for the repair kit and the two tool kits were a common

design. The containers consisted of a closed metal box with a

spring detented handle. The containers had multiple drawers, .._

I each being capable of being removed and attaching to the

I universal mount for ease of operation.


There was a spring clip or, the drawer slides whici, _,fforded ._

a two-posltion plus removal capability. The cabinets were

retained in standard locker compartments by a small drawbolt

which engaged the lock=,', bat _ti!! 9]lowed the removs] of

each individual drawer. The restraints used within the

drawers were made of molded sponge to form press fits with the

loose equipment. The Skylab repair kit was anodized red and the

tool kits gr_, with a detailed label of tile contents on each

drawer. Each item within the kit, along with the box was

marked with part number and serial number. Each _tem in the

kits was identlfied by a marking in an appropriate spot near

the item on the restraint.

B. OWS Stowage Software

i/ The P1213 Computer Program was developed to provide basic storage

information describing the loose equipment items aboard the

Orbital Workshop vehicle. The program presents this informatio_

by means of numerous report formats utilizing, to a large extent,

the Mark IV File Management System as a means by which the re-

quired reports were generated. A summary of the information


contained in the data base is as follows:

a. Item Number

An identification number assigned by NASA for each

stowage item with a unique part number. The ite_


number is the key fiell upon which _il the data are

' based.

t ?

i o "_ 13-36

b. Category Code

A one or two character code use to describe each item. The

current category coes axe as follows:

Category Code A - Ge:,eral s_cwag_ item ,Jithin ambient con-

tainers, cabinets and lockers.

Category Code B - Stowage items requirina special envlron-

mental protection.

Category Code C - Stowage items stowed individually - not

in an identified container.

Cateogry Code E - Stowage items stowed in GFE furnished

stowage container or other provisions.

Category Code F - Items installed in the vehicle by installa-

tion drawing other than the top stowage drawing.

Category Code _ - Items installed in the IG trainer, only.

Category Code H - Items installed in the backup vehicle, only.

Category Code D - Tiedowns, restraints, packing material, hard-

ware, etc., used to install stowage i_ems.

Category Code DX- Stowage Instructions.

Category Code DL- Stowage. labels, an_ label placement drawings.

Category Code _ - Tiedowns, re=traints, hardware, etc., u,_d to

install non-stowage items in the OWS. All

items with a "J" category code must be disposed

of after OWS activation,

It ...... k "'
Category Code TT - Items transferred into the OWS or out of the

OWS from another part of the cluster. A TT

category code indicates that the total quantity

of items is transferred - none is launched in

the OWS.

Category Code AT,

BT, CT, E__T- Only a portion of the items are transferred

into or out of the vehicle from another part

of the cluster. The remaining items are

launched in the vehicle with A, B, C, or E

category code stowage, as described above.

In other words, the item is both a transfer

item and an A, B, C or E item.

Category Code P - Indicates a description of the stowage location.

Category Code V - Indicates a volume summary for each stowage

location (total volume and available stowage

volume ).

c. Part Number

d. Engineering Change Letter )

e. Serialization Requirements

f. Total Quantity

g. Unit Weight

h. Dimensions ....



i. Item Nomenclature

J. Label Nomenclature

k. Supplier

I. Agency Responsible for Stowage Provisions

m. Trash Codes, as follows:

A - Trash items which are biologically active or potentially

dangerou_ to the crew. Mandatorj disposal in the Trash


B - Trash items which are dry and inactive. They may be

returned to on-orbit stowage.

o _ Trash items which may be processed to render them

sel'e for on-orbit stowage.

NONE - Assumed to have a trash code of "B" if any disposal

of item occurs at all.

n. General Notes

o Contractual Authority for Making a Change.

p. Planning Parts Code

q. Special Notes

r. Stowage Locations - 6 digit MDAC location identifier.

s. Location Identification - 5 digit NASA location identiflcr.

t. Delete Flag - Allows an item to be delted from a particular

. q

u. Quantity/Location - Provides the quantity of an item at each

stowage location during launch, orbit and

return of the three Skylab Missions.

2/ All stowage reports are generated from the File ManaRement System data

base. A brief description of each report follows:

a. Master File Report

This report lists all the data in the data base. It is used

to maintain and update the information contained therein; it

is not a released document.

b. Stowage List Report

This report provides the same basic information as the Master

File Report but is much more flexible in that the user has the

capability of selecting the categories of items he wishes to

be printed. Additionally special features are available which

provide a sort on parts code giving all the CFE, or GFE, or

whatever, listed together; a sort on Supplier which gives the

various codes such as MDACW, Mlq&O, or whatever, grouped

together; also the conventional sort by ite_Q number.

c. Stowage Location List

As the name implies, this report provides a listing by Ioca-

tion of all the itpms in the vehicle. However, the user has

the flexibility of choosing Just those c_tegories of items

he wishes to see printed. The option also exists which allows

the user to sort these locations by either the McDonnell

: Douglas location identification or the NASA/Crew identification.

I A special feature for this report is the ability to sort out

those items which have label nomenclature and group them together '"

i per location.

i 2.2.13-40
It should also be noted here that for almost all the reports

" described, the capability exists to sort/select on just about :

_ay field the user desires.

d. Orbital Workshop Stowage Location Usage Re_)ort

This report is in sort by NASA stowage 2ocation in alpha- °

numeric order. The header infoz_ation for each stowage

location consists of the MDAC stowage location number, the

corresponding NASA stowage location number and the iooation )

description. ?he first entry for each stowage location is a

volume s,Lmmary consisting of the total stowage volume of that

location, and the available stowage volume for each of the

seven mission time periods - SI.-I/2 launch, SL-I/2 orbit,

SL-I/2 return, SI.-I/3 orbit, SL-I/3 return, SL-I/4 orbit and

SL-I/h return. The volume summary also contains general notes

which indicate space reservations, volumes available for launch

only, and other aata pertinent to each stowage location. Sub-

sequent entries for each location define _Ii items (i.e.,

stowage items launched in OWS, stowage installation items and

transfer items) stowed at that location at any time during the

three missions. Items are listed in numerical order by item

number, preceeded by the category codes described above. - -_

Those items requiring a trash code are identified by an A, B,

or C, as described above.

e. Loose Equipment and Stowage Provisions Installation (IB80701)

This report, which is sorted by NASA location number, lists

all stowage items, restraint hardware and labels launched at

: that location. Reference drawings, such as stowage instruc-

tieus and label placement, are also listed. Each item stowed

at that location is identified in _erms of item number, part

number, nomenclature and quantity.

f. Loose Equipment and Stowage Provisions Installation - E.O.

Change Report

This report, which is also sorted by NASA location number, l:sts

only those changes to part number, nomenclature and quantity

since the most recent previous release of the report. If no

changes occurred in a particular Icoatir.n, that location is

excluded from the E.O. Change Report.

g. Parts List

This report providcs a listing of the items stowe_ in the O4S,

sorted by part number. In addltion to part number, the report

lists item number, nomencAature, total quantity and parts code.

I 2.2.13-_2

h. Parts List - E.O. Change Report

This report, which is 8orted by part number, lists only those

chan_es to part number, nomenclature, quantity and supplier

codes since tne most recent previous release of the report.

It should be noted that reports e., f., g., and h. were

provide_ for the Backu_ Vehicle and the 1-O Trainer as well

as for the Flight Vehicle.

i. Assembly Outlines (AO's)

The computer program generates first sheet AO's for each

stowage location which chansed since the most recent previous

release of AO's. These AO'I provide manufacturing authority

to install stowage items and restraint hardware at each

stowage location. Three different types of AO's are provided:

1. Loose Equipment 8towase Installation

2. Loose Equipment Stowage Kit

3. Locker Mod Restraint


,,, ., Testing

A. CX7 - Film Vault Humidity Control

TCD iTh1307
CTCA 3323

Test Report TM-DSV7-SSL-Rbg04

This test established the humidity diffusion rate for tne OWS film

vault and compared the theoretical diffusion rate that was used for

designing the humidity control assembly ana an actual expected rate

demonstrated by the CX7 test finture. In this test, the humidity

diffusion opening with toler,nces, i.e., the crack between the two

doors, was simulated an_ the resultant diffusion r_tes for *h: various

tolerance conditions established. The results of this test showed

excellent correlation between the theoretical calculation and the

demonstrated diffusion rates and thereby confirms the design of the

humidity control assemblies.

B. WSTM-17

TCD ITh2110

CTCA 9029

This %eat used the CX7 film vault humidity control test _peclmen to

demonstrate that sealing the salt pads in Zltex did not adversely affect

their ability to control humidity. The Zitex encased salt pad_ ten-

trolled humidity and therefore L_lowed MDAC to seal the salt pads and to

•i control the potentially poisonous aqueouD solution of potassium-

I t hiocya_t e.



C. C_6 - Film Vault Material ComDatibility Test


CTCA 332_

Test Report - TN-DSVT-SSL-R-6930

This test investigated the compatibility of the five most sensitive

types of film to be stored in the film vault with the interior materials

of the vault. The test involves setting up the reduced pressure on-

orbit environment to accentuate potential outgassing problems. Four

test durations of 1 week, 2 weeks, and 8 weeks were concurrently started

and five film clips from each of three specimen containers were taken

out of the specified test durations. The film, originally obtained

from _C, was returr_ed to Houston for bstch development, densitometry

readings and plotting of Hurter Durfield curves for each film clip•

Ca_efui examination of the resulting 191 Hurter Durfield curves indi-

cated that the materi_l tested with the five most sensitive films were

compatible for up to two months in on-orbit environment. This dura-

tion was sufficient to assure that the £ilm vault materials shoul_ not

adversely affect any of the film stored in the film vault. As a result

of design reviews and potential material selection problems, it became

necessary to run a second test.

D. CELl - Film Vault Material Com_tibility Develoument Teat

TCD ITh33_

_A 3_16 :"

Test Report TM-DGVT-SSD-RT051


This is the second material compatibility test. The five most sensi-

tive films were enclosed in the on-orbit OWS environment for O0 days

to demonstrate material compatibility. The films not affected

by the material which support the conclusion that the material used

in the Film Vault are compatible with the films to De stored therein.

r. ST-23 - Fii,_ Eoui_ment, GFE

TCD iT43h_8
CTCA 3507

Test Report TM-DSV7-ENR-R-7098

The thrust, radial and tangential, both random and sinusoidal _ibra-

tion tests were performed on a four drawer test fixture to simulate the

vibration profiles to the NASA supp_ lea teat specimens. After .thet_sts

the specimens were turned o_er t: t?.c PASA repreaentativeB. There were

no M_AC otJectlves in this test. Sinusoidal and random vibration tests

were performed on the following:

Specimen No. 1 (i) 16 MM Transport Mechanism, SEB 33100278-301

Specimen No. 2 (2) 16 MM Film Magazine, SEB 33100125-206

Specimen No. 3 (2) Ib }_4Film Cassette _00 Ft., SE_ 33100279-301

Specimen No. _ (2) 70 MM Ma_azlne Frame, SEB 33100082-301

After test they were turned over to NASA representatives for inspection

and checkout.


F. HS-I - Crew Restraints. Develoument Test

TCD 1T16801

CTCA 33h5

Test Report TM-DSVT-SSL-R-6901

The Crew Restraints Development Test which included equipment restraints,

was conducted _.o evaluate vaz'ious 4eaig,_ conuepSs of ces_raint-_ a_ an .;

aid in determining which specific design in each category should be

adopted for manufacturing. The tes_ results obtained provided subjective

recommendations of specific design concepts of equipment restraints.

Results indicated that the equipment restraLnts provided adequate

restraint and the trash bag presented no problem during removal from

stowage in a 5 psi (3h.5 kN/m "2) environment and vented traDDed =as without

structural damage to the bag or seal durin_ decompressio,_.

G. CA-16 - Spare EuuIDment Stowage Containers, Qualification Test

I TCD iT18h31

CTCA 3483

Test Report - TM-DSVT-ENV-R70_8

The _pare Equipment Stowage Containers Test was conducted to demonstrate

that the loose equilanent stowage containers and the equipment mounted [

within them can withstand the l_unch and boost dynamic load environments.
Several problems were experienced during the test which required correc-

tive action. All corrective actions were retested and incorporated in

the flight vehicle following successful teat completion.

H. ST-il - M_b[ 3b_wage Container Development Test

TCD IT_2091
CTCA 3313

Test Report - TM-DSVT-ENV-RT033

Sinusoidal sweep tests, random vibration tests and functional tests

were performed for development testing of the Orbital Workshop M487

" Stowage Container. _"_,_c

tests v_re performed _t the M..,onn,.]_n
_ ....
l De,,-1..,,,,.,_s

Astronautics Test Laboratories, Santa Monica, California, from

23 February through 25 February 1972. The development testing of the

test speciment was satisfactorily performed. The only incident of

malfunction or damage that occurred was in the thermistor thermometer

which failed to function after the last axis of vibration (tangential).

The instrument was cancelled from the kit and replaced with a digital

thermometer (SCI Electronics Corporation) All instruments satisfac- _

torily passed all phases of testing except the thermistor thermometer

which failed _o function after the last axis of vibration (tangential).

The instrument was cancelled from the kit and replaced with a digital

thermometer (SCI Electronics Corporation).

2.2.13-48 Mission Results

A. Stowage Compartments - The stowage compartments functioned generally

as planned. The door latches were apparently easy to operate.

However, several latches failed to operate properly during the third

,_ mission. The door openings provided adequate access to stored items. ;_

The doors remained closed during the launch phase and none of the

latches Jammed as a result of launch loads. The sta_dard door, and

.qtandard hole patterns proved very versatile. The armalon/sponge

bags performed as intended. All items packed in them survived the

launch environment and were used during crbit. The cardboard pack-

ing held up well and did not pose any problems in accessing and _k

removing items of loose equipment. The pelnum bags performed their

function of providing containment for biologically inactive trash.

The original concern of generating condensation in the plenum area L

by installing too many plenum bags was proved academic, At the end

of the second crew visitation, nine bags were in the plem±m area and

no condensation was observed.

B. Dispensers - All dispensers functioned as designed except some of the

_pr!_g loaded doors failed to stay closed during the third mission.

C. Trash C_ntain_rs - All trash containers functioned as planned. The

locat_ons of trash containers were moved in orbit by the first crew

to place them at more convenient locatio"s. This was eccomplished by

changing standard compartment doors. The on]<f difference between the

standard compartment and the trash container is the door which is

interchangeable and removable by pulling the hinge pin, Th_ r_upply __._

trash bags were located in compartments below the trash containers at

launch. This differed from the normal location of resupply items in

........ I

that all other re_upply items are grouped together in a specific

location. This multi-locationing of resupply bags caused some con-

fusion for as the bags were depleted it was difficult to locate the

replacing bags. The original plan was to obtain trash bags for the

trash container from the .......l_r compartment immediately adjacent

to the trash container being resupplied. The crew elected to supply

all trash containers from a single resupply compartmert until _t was

depleted. As the mission duration increased, the crew had to hunt

for a resupply compartment that still had trash bags.

D. Food Boxes - All food boxes functioned as designed.

E. Food Freezers and Food Chiller - The food freezer and food chiller

functioned as designed. No problems were encountered in removing

food and food racks. The crew recommended that the chiller have

some general restraints for holding miscellaneou_ food items.

F. Urine Freezer -'fhe urine freezer functioned as designed.

G. OWS Film Vault - The film vaui5 g_ncrally functioned as designed.

A few teflon restraints internal to the vault came loose and floated

within the vault drawers. On later missions, more equipment than

originally plan:led was put in the film vaults which caused consider-

able inconvenience (i.e., ualrestrained items interferring with the

closing of the drawer above). The dial latch on the vault door was

difficult to operate.

H. Temporary On-Orbit Restraints - In general, the temporary restraints

performed as intended. Some were found to be more useful than others.

The relative results are discussed in the following paragraphs.

i/ Short Straps - The short straps were not used very much. The

crew considered them too short for most applications.

l 2.2.13-50
2/ Long Str@s - The long straps performed very well and were

considered "extremely useful."

3/ Equipzaent Restraints - The equipment restraints also were con-

sidered "extremely useful." These restraints were difficult to

adjust because of the strap material but the concept was feasible

and the flight articles were usable.

h/ Bungees - The bungees were found to be very useful. The crew

_ more _f them and the capability _^ locate them in more

places. The method of attachment was cons2dered marginal. New

btmgees with flat metal hooks to catch the edge of locker doors

were developed and flown on mission 3. The new bungees were

rated "good."

5/ Utility Restraints - The utility restraints were well received

and performed their intended function. The crew did comment that

the towels would float into the work areas if all four corners

were not restrained, but this was not directly attributable to

the utility restraints. No use of the portable utility restraints

was reported.

6/ Plenum Bags - The plenum bags were used and perfcrmed as designed.

7/ Snaps and Velcro - The snaps and velero placed around the vehicle

were used as intended and were considered desirable and necessary.

The primary complaint was that there was not enough locations

that had velcro.

I. Tool and Repair Kits - The tool and repair kits functioned as design-
ed. The restraints were adequate. Some complaints were made regard-

ing the ntunber of pieces required to build up to a usable tool but

this is inherent in "socket" and "handle" type tool_. Also, the

arrangement of tools in the tool kits, was considered somewhat


2.2.13-51 Conclusions and Recommendations

A. Stowage Compartments

In general, the stowage compartments performed their intended

functions very well. They were versatile, provided ease of access,

bad smooth _nrf_ An_ bl_na_a -,_oll ,._ ....... _ --,__-^_

arrangement. On future vehicles, which will have much more

severe weight limitations, several modifications could be made.

The standard compartment doors could have been lighter. Several

standard lockers could have been designed for supporting lighter

loads. Standards _ould have been established for compartments

programmed to carry a certain range of loads. Based on known

equipment weights and volumes of various categories of "space

type" hardware, a set of standard design parameters could be

establ_she_ that wou]d indicate that for a certain volume, the

load carrying design capability should be a maximum of so much.

This could tend to reduce flexibility in hardware arrangement,

but with proper integration, a rational balance between flexi-

bility, standardization and optimum hardware could be achieved.

The ability to stow ring containers (and the ambient food con-

tainers) outside the vehicle minim-ized the impact of stowage

operations including stowage modifications on vehicle time. This

feature should be strongly considered when designing stowage

provisions for future vehicles.

I 2.2.13-52
. II I .i
The restraint straps in the compartments, even though adequate,

could have been more flexible, stronger and easier to adjust.

Flammability requirements severely limited the choice of strap


•L The armalon/sponge bags and the non-flammsble fiberboard proved

very effective _ -_ _'__ _ material

_ _...... _d __'b_ation dampening
.... _

device. These had the added advantage of being lighter than

other materials avaiiabl_ that would have satisfied the f!am_.a-


bility requirements.

B. Dispensers

All dispensers performed satisfactorily. The towl dispenser did

not require the versatility it had. Five dispensers having the t

capability of being located in any standard compartment were not


Considering there is only one dispensing location, five dispensers

c_ towels and a total of 450 towels launched, it be-

comes evident that one towel dispenser would have been adequate.

It must be understood that at the time the towel dispenser was

designed, they contained the total quantity of towels to be flown.

C. Trash Containers

The trash containers performed very well. The concept of standard

compartments with standard door attachments lent itself to inter-

changing trash containers as desired. The bag/door interface _ :

provided easy replacement of trash bags.

D. Food BJxes

The food box concept was satis_'actory. No problems were encount-

er._d in relocating the boxes on-orbit. Putting round cans in

•'ectangular boxes is not the most efficient use of space and is an

area for improvement. As in the case of the ring containers,

the food boxes were stowed before being installed in the vehicle.

This approach should be utilized in future vehicles to reduce

vehicle time impact due to stowage and stowage changes.

E. Food Freezers and Food Chiller

The food freezers and food chiller performed as designed. They

maintained the food at the required temperatures. The problem

of round cans in rectangular boxes still existed. Chillers and

freezers on future vehicles should have a general restraint capa-

ability such as standard snap or velcro patch patterns to provide

the flexibility to handle preflight and flight requirement changes.

F. OWS Film Vault

The film vault performed as designed. For meeting the program

i requirements, the OWS film vault was quite satisfactory. The

large amount of unplanned equipment stowed in the vault drawers

suggests a system of universal restraints should have been


G. Temporary 0n-Orbit Restraints

l/ Short Straps .... _+ straps were designed to fit snug aru_-_d

electrical cables to avoid slipping. This feature made the strapu

i somewhat difficult to attach and probably accounts for the

flight crews remark that they were too short. The stiffness of

: the fluorel material amplified this problem. Future strap designs

should not compromise usability to meet a functional requirement.

The fluorel material should be replaced by a flexible material

such as PBI webbing. The increased usability would out'weight

the slight increase in flammability especially in the s;_ticipated

normal atmospheres.

2/ Long Straps - The long straps performed satisfactorily.

3/ Equipment Restraints - The equipment restraints performed sat-

isfactorily. Again, the strap material itself made the use of

_hese items somewhat difficult. Future designs should utilize

other material such as PBI webbing.

h/ Bungees - The bungees appeared to be the best conch_pC for

on-orbit temporary restraints. A better attaching method could

have been developed. Permanent attachment or snap attachment

would have been desirable but woald have added weight to the


5/ Utility Restraints -"The utility restraints performed


6/ Plenum Bags - The plenum bags performed satisfactorily.

H. Sn_ps and Velcro

The snaps and vclcro per_'orr_,ed

satisfactorily. A higher shear

strength and longer life velcro would have performed better but

none were available that would meet the flammability requirements.

I. Tool and Repair Kits

The tool and re_air kits performed satisfactorily. The utilization

of standard tools proved to be effective and should be continued

on future vehicles. The contents of the tool kit should have

been arranged according to type but the addition of one tool at

a time throughout the design phase made this impractical. There

is always a tradeoff to be made between hardware design progress-

ion and hardware requirement progression a to whether redesign

is required or desired.

On future vehicles a basic comprehensive tool kit should be estab-

lished early in the design phase. Specific tools would have to

be added where the design dictated but the change in the basic

ki_ would be minimized.

J. OWS Stowage Software

The computer program was an excellent vehicle for performing the

function of tracking the various stowage items, restraint hard-

ware and required drawings. No previous program of this magni-

tude and numbers of stowage items exists from which a comparison ._

can be made between manual and computerized management of numerous


L _ k
stowage aspects, but intuition leads to the conclusion that

manual preparation would have produced a much higher magnitude

of errors. Future programs with their multiple missions and

fast turnaro1_nd times will find this type of approach to stowage

control indispensable. Development History - The closed container stowage capability of the

OWS, following wet to dry conversion, was 155 ft3 (h.h m3). At that

time 90 ft 3 (2.6 m3) was allocated with the remainder being growth

capability. In late 1970, ECP's 0hl and 069 increased the stowage

capability to 580 ft 3 (16.h m3). This was accomplished by the addition

of the ring containers, the film vault, more standard lockers in the

forward compartment, several non-standard lockers to make use of exist-

ing space.

As the amount of loose equipment steadily increased, it became necessary

to relocate some equipment from closed containers to oren floor or wall

locations, to avoid incorporation of additional stowage containers.

At launch, 560 ft3 (15.8 m3) of the 580 ft3 (16.h m 3) ,_as allocated for

speclfic loose equipment.

To provide a non-flammable packing material without excessive weight

pen_]ty, non-flammable fiberboard ".'_._

fabric.-.te_1_ke corregated

cardboard. Stowage bags conslstlng of arms/on fabric covered mosite

sponge were also developed to stow mainly optical equipment.

2.2.14 Ground Support Equipment System

A major prenLtse of the requirements for OWS GSE was to utilize as much

existing equipment from the DSV-4B and DSV-_ programs and to design as

little new equipment as possible. Accordingly_ a number of items _," GSE

were utilized in their existing configuration and a number of others were

used with v_in_ degrees of modification. New items of equipment were

designed for multiple us_ as much as possible in order to minimize costs.

Low carbon steel material was used as much as possible, consistent with

design requirements, t_ minimize costs. Higher grade steels, such as

_130 or ste/nless steels, were utilized where strength requirements

dictated their use and where low carbon steels were not satisfactory.

In cases where the GSE was to be used inside the OWS and/or where weight

was s fsc_,or: aluminum materials were used. GSE made of alundnum was

anodized or alod/ne finished and designed so as to prevent entrapment

of dirt and dust. The equipment was designed to be mu_e of weldments

and/or bolted attachments to permit breakdown of the GSE for storage

and shipment.

2.2.1_.i Orbital Workshop (0_) Spacecraft Handlin_ and Transportation Equipment

A. Deslln Requirements :

This fs_tly of kith was d#ligned to factorm of safety shown in

Table 2.2.1h.I-I.


+ 11 |

i/ OW_ Weight and Balance Kit (DSV7-321):

The function of the OWS Weight and Balance Ki_ (Drawing No.

IB889_), when used in conjunction with the DSV-4B-3h5 Weight

and Balance Kit (Drying No. 1A57907), was to measure the

weight and determine the longitudinal center c _ gravity of

",.he OWS.

The Kit consisted of adapting devices to be used _n conjunction

with the DSV_B Weight and Balance Kit electrical readout squiD-

ment, the DSUT-322 Forward and Aft Hoist Kit and an Overhead

Hoisting System. (Figure 2.2.14._ )

2/ Forward a_d Aft Hoist Kit (DSVT-22):

This Kit (Drawing No. IBSlh88) was desi_ned %o llft the OWS

either vertically and horizontally.

The Kit sonslsted of forward and aft spreader bar user.b!les,


a hoist beam s spare cable aasemb_ies, and hoisting spacers,

_dapter8 and shafts.

The following lifting conditions were required: (!) 2-polnt

horizontal liDting_.(2) 2-point vertical %o horizontal lifting

al_d (3) sln61e-po_nt horizontal li_tin_. (Flgure

3/ Ground Trumporter - Stalpe Dolly (DSVT-32_,): - -_

The Or;_d Transporter - St_ Dolly (Drewtng No. 1A57853-501) _

provided s_port, mobility at 5 miles per hour (8.0_5 km/hr) m',,.ximum

: 2.2.I_-5
over paved roads, and shock isolation by means of a three-

point suspension system mounted on two eight-wheeler dual

axle and wheel assemblies at the rear, for transporting the

OWS and necessary OWS ancillary GSE. The transporter was

also capable of towing instrumentation equipment. It in-

corporated air brakes and was capable of forward and

backward movement. There was :loturning radius requirement.

(Figure )

4/ OWS Cradles Kit (DSV7-324) :

The OWS Cradles Kit (Drawing No. IB82245) provided support

for the OWS during horizontal weighing, during all phases of

transportation and during storage of the OWS. The Kit attached

to the OWS fore and aft rings and directly to the transporter.

It consisted of DSV-hB-301 model modified GSE. (Figure

5/ Saturn V Workshop Handling Kit (DSVT-325):

The Saturn VOWS Handling Kit (Drawing No. IB78733) hoisted and

mounted the 0WS so that the induced handling loads were safe_v

transmitted into the OWS structure. The kit consisted of

segmented metal rings bolted to the forward and aft skirtl.

The kit _v..._-+=.___

_f modified model DSV-h-302 C.SE. (Figure

6/ OWS Handling Kit (DSV7-335)

The OWS Handling Kit (Drawing No. IB86478) provided a means for

) lifting both the Dinamic Test Article and the OWS fll6ht article.

It consisted of an I-beam, a yoke asse_ly and hoist cables and

links. (Figure

.i 2.2.1)_-6
' I

'L T , "_ .... ,- I



i illl i

_. 2.11_-10
7/ Special Tool Kit (DSV-hB-305):

The tool kit (Drawing No. IA57863) furnished all tools required

during handling of the OWS and was mounted on the transporter.

(Figure )

8/ Saturn S-IVB Secondary Desiccant Kit (DSV-hB-365):

The desiccant Kit (Drawing No. IB56998) permitted free breathing

of the habitation area and waste tank checkout and provided

desiccant caps to seal the umbilical ends of the original LOX

and LH2 fill and drain lines and the H2 vent lines. The kit was
connected in series with the static Desiccant Kit Model DSV-hB-450

during transportation and while unpressurized in the test stands.

It consisted of containers for the silica gel and indicators to

check gas relative humidity, hoses, fittings, brackets and desi-

ccant caps. (Figure 2.2.14.I-8)

9/ Saturn S-IVB Stage Cover Hoist Beam Kit (DSV-hB-368):

The beam kit (Drawing No. 1B57200) was required to hoist, position,

install and remove the protective pad and environmental cover center

section for the OWS. The kit consisted of a two channel mechanism,

strap rollers and strap extensions and rollers. (Figure 2.2.14.i-9)

i0/ Dummy Interstage and Engine Protective Support Kit (DSV-hB-392):

The support kit (Drawing No. IB57202) was required to shield the i,

aft end of the OWS from structural damage. The kit supported the

aft cover and the OWS in a vertical attitude for removal of the

aft handling ring. The design consisted of large and small ri'gs

with • tubular structure between with eight platform sections and

connecting links. (Figure 2.2.1h.1-I0)


Figure2.2.14.1_. Desiccant Kit, Seoondmry,Saturn S-IVB (OSV-4B-3m)

, .,'.1_-13




.... W

ii/ S-IVB Stage Static Desiccant Kit (DSV-_B-_50) ,

The desiccant Kit (Draying No. 1B57000) was required to provide

a humidity controlled atmosphere for the OWS in the protective

cover kit by flowing ingested air through three desiccant beds,

one breather each for the cover, the habitation tank and the

_aste tank, each with a relative humidity indicator. A differ-

ential pressure gage permitted monitoring ambient and pressure

differences. (Figure 2.2.1_.1-11)

12/ Dynamic Desiccant Kit (bSV-_-32_):

This Kit (Drawing No. 1B56TT2) wu required to supply a humidity


controlled atmosphere for the covered OWS while being transported

by sea. The kit consisted of a gasoline engine driving generators

to furnish 220 DC power converted to AC power to drive pumps flow-

ing air over desiccant beds and then under the stage cover. The

system was mounted on a trailer and was independently self suffi-

cient but capable of using shipboard power. (Figure

13/ Stage Weigh and Balance Kit (DSV-_B-3_5):


The electricai re.out equipment only of the Weigh and Balance

Kit (Drawing 1A57907) was required, in conjunction with DSVT-3fI_

to deter_ne the weight and center of gravity of the OWS. The

readout equipaent consisted mostly o._ purchamed parts.

(Figua • 2.2.1_.i-13}

' B. System Description:

The OW8 Spacecraft Handliag and Transportation Systee provided equip-

(2) supporting the OW8 during veighiag, transportiag and storing,

i lent for (1) weighing and deter_nlng the center of gravity of the OWS,


(3) lifting the Dyna_c Test Article, the OWS Cover and the OWS

horizont.l!!y _.
tl'_evarious stens in the proceSures

of weighing, transporting and storing the OWS, (h) transmitting in-

duced loa_s into the OWS stage structure, (5) transporting and

supporting the OWS during ground transport, (6) protecting the aft

end of t21eOWS during handling, (7) providing a humidity controlled

atmosphere for the covered OWS during transport by land or sea and

for providing free breathing for the habitation and waste tanks

during checkout and sealing caps for the original LOX and LH2 fill

and drain lines and I{

2 vent lines. This entire system handled the

OWS from the completion of manufacture through final delivery for

flight usage or storage. Consideration was given te any emergency

handling situations that mlght arise due to minute shifts of the OWS

when setting it on the transporter, the ground, and for small align-

ment adjustments and chaxlges in the center of gravity. Some unique

features incorporated into this system were air bags for gentle

support of the stage and the use of box extrusion shapes for the

large handling rings.

C. Testing:

Testing of the Spacecraft Handling and Transportation System consisted

primarily of a transportability and load tests of the Ground Transporter-

Stage Dolly, callbraiton of the weight and balance kits and proof load-

ing of the Baturn V Workshop Handling Kit rings, the hoist beams and

the Weigh and BLlance Kit. The cradles were upgraded from the DSV-_B

System and strengthened. The Workshop Handling Kit rings were upgrades,

the hoist beams were redesigned and the buic S-IVB covers were accepted

aA_ satisfactory. The Dum_ Interstage and Engine Protective ,_upport Kit

: 2.2. li_-_0

for the DSV-_B did not meet OWS desi_l requirements. However,

it was agreed with _FC that by using a Hydra-set, or its eoui-

valent, and care during hoisting, that the dynamic loading could

be avoided and the Support Kit could be used without structural


The objective of the Ground Transporter-Stage Dolly Productien

Acceptance Test (IB85219) was to demor_strate the ability of the

modified Saturn S-IVB Stage Transporter to transport the DSV-7

0WS Stage in the land transportation mode. The test was conducted

over improved roadway surfaces simulating actual operating condi-

tions to demonstrate transporter mobility and stability character-

iatics. The testa conducted were as follows:

1/ Minimtun Turning Radius Test

2/ Braking Test

3/ Backing Test

_/ Road Obstruction Test

5/ Simulated Curb _est

The transporter was instrumented with accelerometers to determine

the response of the modified transporter under o_erattonal condi-

tions for comparison with previously designed data on Model DSV-_B-

300. The data was recorded on magnetic tape over a frequency range

of 0 to 50 Hz, and oscillograph time hlslorles were made of all

data recorded.

2.2. I_-21
D. Conclusions and Recommendations

The OWS Spacecraft Handling and Transportation System functioned

as planned. There were no breakdowns or failares and all equip-

ment functioned as designed. Safety factors were adequate.

: These designs were the results of years of experience and proved

to be of good quality that should not be compromised in future

programs. The use of state-of-the-art resulted in a time saving

practical system.

It is recommended that a weight growth factor be utilized for

design of these GSE systems, when practical.


i 2.2.1_-22
2.2.1h.2 SAS Handling and Transportation Equipment

A. Design Requirements:

This family of kits was designed to factors of safety shown in

Table 2.2.1h.2-i.

l/ Solar Array Hoisting and Handling Kit (DSV7-304)

The Solar Array Hoisting and Handling Kit (Drawing No. 1278739) _:

provi ded:

(a) Rigidity and support for the OWS solar array during its

handling, transportation, checkout, and installation onto

the OWS,

(b) A means by which the SAS can be nolsted from a horizontal

positioned and rotated vertically, and

(c) Support for the solar array during checkout and ordnance

installation at KSC,

These desiF,n requirements are enumerated by Specification

Control Drawing IB79083, Solar Array System.

2/ So!ar Array ¢_pp_g °_ _+_"_ n_lly ^.... _-- (_, _)

The Solar Array Shipping and Storage Dolly Assembly (Drawing

No. iB787hl) provided a method for shipping and storing the

solar array when used in conjunction with the Model DSV7-30h

Solar Array Hoisting and Handling Kit and provided a shipping

and storage container with provisions for environmental control

when used in conjunction with Model DSVT-306 Solar Array Preser-

vation Kit. The dolly was to have limited towing capability. The

cover was to withstand a differential pressure of 0.25 psi (172h N/m2).

The towing speed was limited to 5 mph (8.0h5 km/hr) maximum.


For air transport, a 1/4 psi (1724 N/m _) crushinK pressure was

imposed and the ultimate hoist load was the weight x 3.0 L.F.

x 1.5 ult. F.S. = h.5 x weight.

3/ Solar Array Preservation Kit (DSVT-306)

The Solar Arr_v Preservation Kit (Drawing No. 1A82059) was to be

capable of maintaining sufficiently low humidJty within the en-

vironmental cover so as to preclude possible corrosive damage to

the solar array. Equilibrium with ambient pressure was to be

maintained inside the cover through the desiccant containers.

B. System Description:

The SAS llandling and Transportation System consisted of (i) a rigid

support frame with structural adapter fittings for mounting to the

solar array with two slings of beam-and cable designs which attached

to the adapter fittings. (Figures, -2, and-3); (2) a

dolly which consisted of a support frame mounted on castered wheels

with swivel locks and manually applied brakes with hoising and fork-

lift provisions and a frame and sheet construction protective environ-

mental cover which attached to the dolly and which provided for dessi- _:

cant containers at the ends of the dolly with a means of accepting

umbllicals from the desiccant containers (Figures and-5)

and (3) to free-breathing desiccant containers similar to the Saturn

S-IVB Secondary Desiccant Kit (DSV-_B-365) with necessary ducting,

clamps and mounting hardware (Figure The SAS Handling '

and Transportation System included the attachment of two accelero-

meters and recording equipment to the dolly and keeping a record of

accelerations encountered during the round trip from McDonnell

, _ >_
_. <


, m, • m l& _(i


_o2. '!.11.28
Douglas Astronautics Company at }{untington Leach to Ca_e

Kennedy and return. The recorded data indicated that no

excessive _:celerations were experienced.

C. Testing

Fit and Functional tests only, vere performed.

D. Conclusions and Recommendations

The SAS handling and tr_sportation system operated satisfactorily.

Safety factors were adequate. The use of existing state-of-the-

art and proven techniques resulted in a time saving practical


Due to the speed of travel on highways, the _esiccant container

orifices were subjected to a high level of moisture from the air

being delivered into the desiccant bed, therefore, lessening the

capability of the desiccant to remove moisture from additional

incoming air. This resulted in a reduction of the effectiveness

of the desiccant bed.

It is recommended that a variable type orifice be used instead

of a large fixed opening in future applications. The inflowing

volume of air could be controlled, thus, adding to the effective-

ness of the desiccant system.



2.2.1_.3 Interstage landlin& and Transportation Equipment

A. Design Requirements

This family of kits was designed to Factors of Safety shown in

Table 2.2.i_.3-1.

i/ Vertical Flared Aft Interstage Access Kit (DSV7-326)

The Vertical Flared Aft Access Kit (Drawin_ No.

IB78735) was to provide access for personnel to the interior

of the aft section of the O_"S and the flared aft interstage

while the OWS is in a vertical _osition, to enable accomplishment

of vehicle and equipment checkout, inspections and maintenance.


2/ Flared Aft Interecage Handling Kit (DSV-_B-307)

The function of this handling kit (Drawing No. IA57867) was to

provide a m_ans of transporting for short distances and hand!in_

the aft interstage.

B. System Description

The Int_rstage Handling an d Transportation System consisted of a

modification of the ModelDSV-hB-311 Vertical Flared Aft !nterstage


Access Kit which in turn consisted of modular lightweight access

platforms with extension platforms and upper level platforms (Figures


2.2.1_.3-i, -2 and -3) and the Model DSV-_B-307 Flared Aft Interstage

Handling Kit which consisted of a rigid base dolly assembly to which

the aft interstage was attached, a hoist beam structure which was

attached to the forward end of the aft interstate section on the dolly

for lifting purposes and a neopreme coated nylon weather protection

ccver (Figure 2.2.i_.3-_).

C. Testing

This system had been in use many years on the Saturn program and _

required no further testing. _

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D. Conclusions and Recommendations

The 0WS Interstage Handling and Transportation System functioned

as planned. There were no breakdowns or failures. Safety factors

were adequate. The use of existing state-of-the-art designs

resulted in a time saving practical system.

The actual load of the flared aft interstage on the dolly was

large enough that the tire size was somewhat marginal. Tire

size could not be increased due to overhead clearance restrictions

on the AKS PT. Barrow. This _'esulted in a grooving of the tires

under the load. It would be recommended that if a new dolly was

designed for the 0WS or future systems, in lieu of utilizing

existing eqLdpment, larger tires be used along with low slung

axles to provide proper load carrying capability and minimum

overall height.


I .
2.2.1_.4 Experiment Handling Equipment

A. Design Requirements

This family of kits was desiEned to factors of salety shown

in Table 2.2.14. h-1.

The general philosophy of desIEnir_ experiment handling euqipment

was to minimlze the danger of damage to expensive one-of-a-kind

experiments by reducing the deEree of human error inherent in the

individual experiments from the receiving-inspection point to final

installation in the OWS. Because of the extensive checkout and

inspection requirements for these critical items, their relatively

high weights (in excess of h0 ibs (18.1h kg)) and their fragile

nature demanded handling by mechanical means rather than by hand.

Psychologically, the use of mechanical handling equipment helped

to impress the t_-chnlcians with the fraEility of the experiments.

The design requirements of the individual experiment handling equip-

ment is as follows:

i/ Experiment M074 Specimen Mass Measurement Handling and Installation

Kit (DSVT-3_5).

This kit was to provide a means to manually lift, position, install

and remove the specimen Mass Measurement Experiment M07h in its OWS

location and also was to provide a means of securing the experiment

to the Model DSVT-311 handling dolly.

2/ Experiment M092 Inflight Lower Body Negative Pressure Handling

and Inatall_tion Kit (DSVT-3_6).

This kit was to provide a means of mechanically lifting, positioning,

installing and removing the lower body negative treasure device.

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3/ Experiment M093 Bio-Med Containers Handling and Installation

Kit (DSYT-3_7)

This kit was required to provide a means of mechanically lifting,

positioning, installing, removing the two Bio-Med Containers

Experiment M093 to their OWS locations and securing the containers

to the DSV-311 Handling Kit.

_/ Experiment MI31 Human Vestibular Function Handling and Installa-

tion Kit (DSVT-3h8)

This kit was designed to provide a means of mechanically lifting,

positioning, installing and removing the rotating litter

motor base, the control console and the equipment storage container

components of Experiment M131.


5/ Experiment M171 Metabolic Activity Handling and Installation

Kit (DSVT-3hg)

This kit was required to provide a means of mecl_u_ically lifting,

positioning, installing and removing the Metabolic Analyzer and

F_rgometer of Experiment MI71 and the ESS Console in its 0WS

location and also provided a means of securing them individually

to the DSVT-311 handling dolly.

6/ Experiment M172 Body Mass Measurement Handling and Installation

Kit (DSV7-351)

This kit van designed to provide a means of mechanically llfttng,

poaitic_ing, installing and removing Experiment M172 on the OW8

and |ecuring it to the D6VT-311 handling dolly and the vertical

,o hoist.

_. 2.2.1_-_2

7/ Experiment M509 Astronaut Maneuvering Unit Handling and

Installation Kit (DSVT-352)

This kit was designed to provide a means of mechanically lifting,

poaitioaing, installing and removing the Flight Support Equipment,

the Astronaut Maneuvering Unlt (ASMU), the GN2 bottle and regulator

and the Gf|2 bottle pallet components of Experiment M509. The kit

was to be capable of lifting and poslt_oulng the AS_,' on the GFP

auxiliary support stand and of protecting the ON 2 bottles when

they are secured to their pallet on the OWS floor.

8/ Experiment SOI9UV Stellar Astronomy Handling and Installation

Kit (DSVT-353)

This kit was required to provide a means of mechanically lifting,

positioning, installing and removing the Articulated Mirror System

Container and Optics Stowa6e Container, the S020 Experiment Container

and the S149 Experiment Container when they are mounted on their

storaEe pallets in their OWS locations, and on the DSVT-311 handlinE

dolly. It was also to provide a method of sulporting the

experiment components from the OWS floor attached to the Scientific

Airlock (SAL) during one-g checkout, and was to negate adverse

loading of the SAL during checkout,

9/ Experiment S063 UV Airglow liorizon Photography Handling and

Installation Kit (DSVT-355}

This kit vs4 designed to provide a means of mechanically lifting,

positioning, installing and reNaoving the UV Atrglov Horizon

Photogr&p_y Experiment S063 in its launch storage container i,, the

OWS, securing the container to the DS_:-311 handling dolly and

aligning _he experiment in its proper position.


10/ Experiment 8183 Ultraviolet Panorlma Handling and Installation

Kit (DSVT-357)

This kit w_s required to provide a means of mechanically lifting,

positioning, installing and removin K the spectoEraph assembly and

Experiment S183 equipment from the launch stors_e pallet to its

OWS location end _o secure it to the DSVT-311 handling dolly.

The kit also was to provide a means of supporting the spectograph

assembly and film carousel from the floor when attached to the

S019 mirror system.

ii/ Experiment T020 Foot Control Maneuvering Device Har,

dllng and

Installation Kit (DSVT-359)

This kit was designed to provide a meaus of mechanically lifting,

positioning, installing and removing the Foot Control M_...uvering

Device in the OWS and securing the experiment %o the DSVT-311

vertical hoist and bandlinK dolly.

12/ Experiment T025 CoronoKraph Contamination Measurements Handling

and Installation Kit (DSVT-.,60)

This kit wJu8 required to provide a means of mechanically lifting,

positioninK, inste/ling and removing the corouograph contamina-

tion measurements Experiment T025 in its launch storage container

to its OWS location dad securin_ the container to the DSVT-311

handlln_ dolly.

13/ Experiment T027 ATM Contamination Measurement ._u.dling and ,. _

:nstallatiou Kit (DSVT-361)

This kit vsuJ designed to provide • means of mechanice/jLy lifting,

positioning, lnstallinK and removing the Photometer and the



Sample Arr%v System in their launch sto.-age _-ontainers and

sec-,ring the storage containers to the DSV7-311 handling dolly.

The kit va_ also to provide support for the photometer head

and sample array during one-g deplcyment testin_ and was to

provide support for the pl cometer head during checkout when it

was deployed on top of its container.

1_/ Experiment S190B Earth Terrain Camera (ETC) 11andling and

Installation Kit (DSVT-367)

This kit was required to prov de a means of mechanically lifting,

positioning, installing and removing the ET.C ,Jtowa_e contE_er

and the inverter in the OWS and supporting the ETC during l-g

heckout in the OWS.

15/ A9 Container Handling and Installation Kit (DSVT-372)

_nis kit was designed to provide a _ans of mechanically lifting,

positioning, installing and removll the A9 container to and

from its )ocation in the OWS.

P System Description

This system consisted of a family of handling and installation kits

composed of aluminum and steel handles, fittings, a_aptov fr-mes,

supports, pint, slings, cables, plates, vheels, spreader bars,

stands, protective cages Lud cases, targets, plastic protective

covers, extension mechanism support fixtures, dv.;lo_ent raila_

counter weights. Aene caps. bern, clamps, mzd attaching bolts.

screvs, nuts and vuhers. There wan an existing requtre_nt to


removz the experiments from the OWS individually _f any failed durlng

checkout testing. Brief descriptions of the family of kits are as


l/ Experiment M074 S_ec_men Ma,_s Measurement H-ndling and Installation

Kit (DSV7-345)

This kit (Drawing _o. IB88982) consisted of a removable aluminum

frame which attached to the experiment base plate. Aluminum bronze

guide pins for OWS po, itioning of the experiment were provided

(Figures and-2).

2/ Experiment M092 Inflight Lower Body Negative Pressure Handling and

Installation Kit (DSVT-346)

This kit (Drawing No. IB88984_ consisted of aluminum adaptor fittings

and stainless steel support cables to utilize the Installation

Support Fixture from the DSVT-349 Handling and Installation Kit,

tie-down fittings to attach to the DSV7-311 handling dolly and a

semi-circular aluminum upper torso support structure for use during

the one-g checkout (Figures -4, and-5).

3/ Experiment MO_ .o-Med Containers Handling and installation

Kit (DSV7-347)

This kit (Drawing No. IB88986) consisted of aluminum adapter frames

to utlJ1 _e the DSV7-349 Installation/Support fixture from the DSVT- i

349 H Lng and Installation Kit and quick release pins to secure

the frames to the DSVT-III handling dolly (Figures to

and -7).

2.2.1 4- I_6

i I
2.2. l_-i_
I i
F i' I !
h Experiment MI31 Human Vestibular Function Handling and

Installation Kit (DSV"-31_)

This kit (Drawing No. IB_988) consisted oF atuminum adapter

fittings used in conjunction with tile Install_tion/Gupport

fixture of the DSVr-3h9 Handling and Install,_tion Kit, aluminum

tie-down fittings to attach the experiment components to the

DSVT-311 handling dolly and the DSVT-302 Kit padded hoist sling

(FiExlres 2.Z.lh.h-_, -9, -I0 and -ii).

5/ Experiment MIyI Metabolic Activiuy Handling and installation

Kit (DSVT-3h9)

This kit (Drawing No. IB8_990) consisted of an aluminum 8md steel

fixture with full castering lockable wheels with aluminum hold-

down fittings, stainless steel cables, an aluminum spreader bar

and adapter fittings, floor plates and hoist adapter frames

(Figures 2.2•Ih.I_-12, -13, -lh and -15).

6/ Experiment M172 Body Mass Measurement, }{andlinF, and Installation

Kit (PaY'i-351)

This kit (Drawing No. IB_992) consisted of an aluminum base plate,

steel hoist cables, an al_minum spreader bar and aluminum adapter

fittings (Figures 2.2.1h.h-!6 and -17).

7/ Experiment M509 Astronaut Maneuvering Unit (ASMU) Handling and

Installation Kit (DSVT-352)

This kit (Drawing No. IB8899h) consisted of an aluminum ASMU adapter,

handling fixtures, GN 2 bottle protective case _d cage, adapter

fittings, spreader bar anti donning station supports and support

assembly. Hoist cables were of stainless steel• (Figures 2•2.1h.h-18,

-19, -20, -21, "_n -23 and -2h)

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2. P. ll_-l_O

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8/ Experiment S019 UV Stellar Astronom_ Handling and Installation

Kit (DSVT-353)

This kit (Drawing No. IB88996) consisted of an aluminum &nd steel

hols_ assembly, an aluminum adjustable suppor_ structure for

securing the stowage container to the DSVT-311 handling dolly,

clamps and supports, an aluminum adjustable support structure to

permit one-g checkout and a pa4ded hoist sling (Figures 2.2.1_.h-25,


9/ Exper_ _'ent20_3 UV Airglow Horizon Photography Handling and

Installation Kit (DSVT-355)

This kit (Drawlng No. i_9000) consisted uf an alumin_uz fixture

assembly for hoistin_ the stowage container, an aluminum container

support assembly to secure the experiment to thc DSVT-311 hahdllng

cart, an optical alignment support fixture and a mirror carrier

tube (F'_res 2.2.i_._-28 and -29).

i0/ Experiment S183 Ultraviolet Pancrama Handling and Installation

Kit (DSVT-357 >

This kit (Drawing),'o. IB8900_) consisted of an alu'-_Inumcamera

handling frame assembly, a c,z ra clamp assembly an_ a camera

support assembly (Figure 2.2.._._-30),

11/ Experlmen% T020 Foot Control Maneuvering Device Handling and

Inst_llation Kit (DSVT-359)

This kit (Drawing,No. IB8900B) consiste_ of an aluminum clamp

assembly end yoke and sup,_ort for _ecurlng the experiment to the

Model DSVT-311 Handlln_ Cart (Fi_,_re2._,ih._-31).



_u u_ L_


i2/ Expcr!ment T025 Coronograph Contamination Measurements

Handling and Installation Kit (DSVT-360)

This kit (Drexing No. IB89010) consisted of an aluminum adapter

frame to attach the stow_e container to the DSVT-311 vertical

hoist to lift and position it within the workshop. The adapter

frame will have the capability of being secured to the DSVT-311

handling dolly by means of quick release pins.

13/ Experiment T027 ATM Contamination Measurement Handling and

_nstall&tlon Kit (DSVT-361)

This kit (Drying No. ]389012) consisted of aluminum hoist

adapter fittings, hold down fittings, a photometer head internal

support fixture, s sample array e_enston mechanism external

support fixture, a photometer extension mechanism external i

support fixture, a spreader bar, hoist cables, a _ling, GFP

photometer head deploymen_ rails, GFP ssmp!e array deployment

rails, GFP photometer has4 counter weights and a GFP protective

lens cap (Figures, -33 a_d -3_).

lh/ Experiment SI90B Earth Terrain Camera (ETC) Handling and

Installation Kit (DSVT-367)

This kit (Drying No. 1B91121) consisted of an inverter h_dling

; fixture assembly, an ETC stow_e container handling fixture

usa_ _, a support adapter to secure the inverter to the DSVT-311 • - -_

handling cart, an ETC hoist adapter, a one-g suport s4_pter for

the ETC, an ETC vertical support, clsmps and hoist cable sdapters

(Figures 2.2£_.4-35, -36, -37 and-38).

2.2.14-80 ;

iii i i i|
! I I


;. L" l
||l i , |, i


15/ A9 Container Handling and Installation Kit (DSVT-372)

This kit (Drawing No. IB91214) consisted of a forward support

adapter, an aft support adapter, an A9 locker hoist, safety

cable assembly, an A9 locker hoist beam assembly, and a support

assembly to secure the container to the Model DSVT-311 Handling

Cart (Figure 2.2.1_._-39).

C. Testing

There was no testing program on this system due to the fact that tight

schedules and geographic dispersion of the principal experiments re-

quired that the equipment in this system work properly the first time

used. Configuration and fabrication were relatively simple so that

fit and function became the prime requirements.

D. Conclusions and Recommendations

The creation of a handling system and the integration of require-

ments for handling the experiments, resulted in the design of a

family of equipment. A wide variety of onboard equipment utilizing

multiple use of cables, spreader bars and handling carts with

adapters, minimized the cost of the system and resulted in a record

of lO0-percent safe handling of the experiments. It is recommended

thtt future programs employing experiments and/or removable com-

ponents supplied by a variety of suppliers delegate the installing

contractor with the responsibility of handling and installation in

! order to ensure continuity of design and minimum cost.

2.2.1b-88 ;

• !

_ "_ ,

o_,° i x T - :

2.2.1_.5 Meteoroid Shield Handling and Installation Equipment

A. Design Requirements

This family of kits was designed to Factors of Safety shown in

Table 2.2.i_. 5-1 •

i/ Meteoroid Shield Handling Kit (DSV7-302)

This kit was required to prevent buckling of the meteoroid

shield panels during general handling and during vertical instal-

lation and to safely hold the panels in position for final align-

ment and adjustments. The kit Blso had to have the cepability of

mechanically deploying the shield for installation and deployment


2/ Meteoroid Shield Deployment Counterbalance Kit (I_V7-371)

This kit was designed to possess the capability of preloading the

meteoroid shield in the vertical direction in order to simulate a

zero gravity during deployment testing.

B. System Description

i/ Meteoroid Shield Handling Kit (DSVT-302)

This kit (Drawing No. 1B68231) consisted of an aluminum welded

support fixture with machined fittings to handle the meteoroid

shield panels, two hoist slings, special vertical support links

u'_cd fc_" supT_rt d,Arin_ f_nF,l aliment and inst_Sdatlon o_ the

shield, a rigging tool fixture assembly to aid in final rigging

of the shield, a pin release system to unlatch the mechanical ,'

"panel for mechanical deployment, spacers and support blocks

(Figures 2.2.1_.5-I, -2, -3, -4 and-_). -


2/ Meteoroid Shield Deployment Counterbalance Kit (DSVT-371)

This kit (Drawing No. 1B9119_) consisted of aluminum shield

adapters to attach to the meteoroid shield and support the low_r i



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ends of the cable assemblies, machined al_inum adapter

clasps to attach to the forward support ring to support the

upper ends of the cable assemblies, steel cable assemblies with

springs and turnbuckles to carry the weight of the meteoroid

shield, machined steel a_ usemblies for use during shield

deployment and machined slumtmm fittings vtth ball bearir_s

to provide support for t_le idler arms. (Figure

C. Testing

There was no testing program on this system.

D. Conclusions and Reconnnendations

The OWS Meteoroid Shield Handling and Installation System per-

formed per the requirements. The early designed Model DSV-302

Meteoroid Shield Handling Kit and the later designed Model DSVT-371

Meteoroid Shield Deployment Counterbalance Kit had to be used in

conjunction with each other in actual practice.

2.2.11,.6 O_ Access Equil:ent

A. Design Requlre=ents

This family of kits vas desired to Factors of Safety shown in

Table 2.2._._.6-i.

1/ O_ Crew Quarters Vertleal Access Kit (_wr-303)

This kit was required to provide personnel access to areas within

the forv_d coapartaent, the crew quarters and the ai_t compartment

while the OWS is inthe vertical position. The kit was used in

conjunction _Ith the Habitability Support System (HSS) Eoui_nent

Hsndli_ Kit (DSVT-311) for removal and installation of equilxnant

within these 0_ cceq)artment8. The kit also provided a means for

mergeney egress from the forward coapartment when the ktrlock

Module was not Joined ", the 0_. The access platform asseelbly was

required to be capable of 360 ° of rotation in order to install

eq_i]_aent in all quadrants of the vehicle. The capacity of the

platforu was to be 1350 lbs (612 kg) with a maximlm limit of three

persons permitted at any ene time. Kit cce_onentd were to meet

NSFC-STD-101 fl_biltty requirements and 100,000 class clean

room requirements. The kit c_ponent8 had to be small enough to be

carried through the side access openly. _cess vsj to be provided

into the plenun area and to provide secondary _rgeney e_ress

throuKh *,he reusable foreard hatch when this kit was in use.

2/ LH2 Tank Daae Protective Cov_r and Access Kit (DBVT..307)

This kit _s destsned to be used in conjunction with the forward

Skirt Vertical Access Kit (DSVT-328) to _oTide • means of l_'O-

tectins the OWS habitation area forvard dome and to provide l_ited

access to those c_ts on the done that are not accessible

f_ the vertical aeceu kit.


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3/ Habitability Support System (HSS) Equipment Handling Kit (DSVT-311)

This kit was required in conjunction "_iththe Vertical (OWS) Crew

Quarters Access Kit (DSVT-303), to provide a means for handling

the HSS equipment during installation in the O_S vertical position.

This kit was also required for handling the HSS equipment for

shipment and during system test. Items of HSS equipment required

to be installed in the 0WS by this kit were the food containers,

urine container, storage containers, water containers, portable

water container and film vault drawer. GFR OWS experiments were

also to be handled. All kit components were to be capable of

being hand carried into the OWS through the. side access opening

and through the forward compartment floor access opening Trackage

of this design was to interface with the dolly track threshold

of Model DSVT-317. •

_/ Transportation Hatch Kit (DSVT-317)

This kit was designed to provide a means of covering the openin_

in the side of the habitation area during transportation, handling

and checkout of the OW8, to provide a means of attaching the Clean

Room (DSV7-309) to the side of the OWS and retain the structural

integrity of the habitation area wall when the flight hatch is not in

place and to provide an electrical feed-through for activatin_ the

Metabolic Analyzer when the side access hatch is installed.

5/ Vertical Flared Aft Inter_tage Kit (DSVT-326)

This kit was required to provide personnel access to the interior

of the aft section of the O_S and flared aft interstage while in --

an upright position to accomplish the tasks of checkout, inspection

and maintenance.


6/ Forward Skirt Vertical Access Kit (DSVT-328)

This kit was designed to provide access to the interior of the

forward skirt and the instrument unit (I.U.) to accomplish

checkout p inspection and maintenance, and to provide a suitable

tracking rail for IBM's I.U. dolly. This kit was also to be used

in conjunction with Model DSVT-307 OWS Upper Dome Protective

Cover/Access Kit.

B. System Description

1/ OWS Crew Quarters Vertical Access Kit (DSV7-303)

This kit (Drawing No. 1B73900) consists of an aluminum tubular

access platform assembly with removable aluminum platform seg-

mentm installed such that the rollers on the supporting frame-

work rest on the stowage container support rall with all sub-

assemblies fastened together with tethered quick release pins,

three aluminum tubular portable access stands used to install

and/or remove the access platform assembly inside the O_S,

aluminum protective floor plates with polyurethane pads on the

bottom surfaces, aluminum tubular guard rails and ladders,

crotch accesm platforms covered with glass fiber cloth with a

polyurethane foam core to be used in the plenum area and sling

assemblies (Figures 2.2.1h.6-1, -2, -3, -_, -5, -6, -7, -8,

and -9).

2/ I_ 2 Tank Dome Protective Cover and Access Kit (DSVT-307)

This kit (Drawing No. 1B787h3) consisted of eighteen al_inum

sheet and tubing platform assemblies metring as a work platform

for men working on the forward dome as well as a protective

i cover from dropped objects and ten alumin_ protective ¢overm to

_ protect feed-through receptacles, the electrical panel and the

: reusable forward hatch area (Figurem 2.2.1h. 6-10, -Ii, -12, -13, -lh &-iS)

i iii • , ,




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3/ Habitability Support System (HSS) Equir_ent Handling Kit (DSV7-311)

This kit (Drawing No. iB787h9) consisted of a hoist assembly and

hoist carrier supported by the hoist rail and A_Ide rail assemblie_

of the Model DSV7-303 vertical access kit, a dolly track which

: consisted of elevated tlack segments which were interconnected

from the center of the OWS to the side access opening where it

interfaces with the track threshold of Model DSVT-BI7, a light-

weight aluminum dolly or cart which was used for moving equipment

on the dolly track, a food container handling fixture, • urine

return container handling fixture, a store_e container handling

fixture, a water container handli_ fixture, a film vault drawer

handling fixture, a portable water tank checkout handlir_ fixture

and hoist cables and ad•pter fillin_s (Fi_,res, -17,

-18, -19, -20, -21, -22, -23, -24, -25, and -26).

_/ Transportation Hatch Kit (KSVT-317)

This kit (Drawing No. IB78751) consisted of a GSE access _anel

which repl•ced the O_S flight access panel during transpor_&tion

and which was modified from a rejected OWS flight access panel,

two aluminum hatch handlss with captive fasteners which were used

to handle both the GSE transportation a_d flight access panels, a

welded aluminum structure door-Jamb protective ring that futened

to the door Jamb to prevent deaage to the Jamb when the access

door was removed, • welded aluminum elevated track dolly truck

threshold with tubular guide rails on the side which _ermitted

loaded dollies to be safely maneuvered into the OWS and • welded

aluminum tubular panel se_ent handling frame _ith special fasteners

to handle the meteoroid shield _a_el assembly (Figure,

-28 ana -_).

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5/ Vertical Flared Aft Interstage Kit (DSV7-326)

This kit (Drawing No. 1878735) consisted of a modified Model

DSV-hB-311 Vertical Flared Aft Interstage Acce_: Kit. The

modifications were to rework the primary platforms to clear the

refrigeration radiator, to provid_ auxiliary platforms to give

access to the Thruster Attitude Control System (TACS) bottles and

to modify the handrails. The design consisted of modular light-

weight platforms with extension platforms and upper level plat-

forms (Figures, -31, -32 and -33).

6/ Forward Skirt Vertical Access Kit (DSVT-328)

This kit (Drawing No. IB78737) consisted of s modified Model DSV-

4B-402 Forward Irterstage Vertical Access Kit. The modifications

were to provide pivotal supports for the outboard end of the

Mo_el DSV7-307 Access Platforms, to rework the lower end of the

handrails and to rework the inboard end of two access platforms to

clear the High Performance Insulation (HPI) cover of the electrical

feed-through receptacle. Sixteen of the eighteen basic platform

assemblies w_ich made up the basic lower level remaine_ unchanged

(Figures, -35, -36, -37 and -38).

C. Testing

All access kits were proof tested to limit load successfully. The

DSVT-307 Tank D_ne Protective Cover and Access Kit and the DSVT-328

Forward Skirt Vertical Access Kit were checked for fit on the Dynamic

Test Article (DTA) at H_aston and vith the O_S at Huntlng+_on Beach.

The DSVT-303 Crew Quarters Vertical Access Kit was checked for fit on

the Hi Fi at Huntington Beach. The DSV7-326 Vertical Flared Aft

Interstage Kit was not tested for fit because previous usage on the

DSV-_B gave confidence that the kit would work on the DSV70_S.

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D. Conclusions and Recommendations

The access kits fulfilled their d_sign requirements. Any GSE

which had functions inside the OWS and which rested on and

applied loads t_ _he OWS interior had to be carefully designed

and their weight m_uimized. There could be no _marring,

denting, or excessive straining of the flight structure. The

GSE had to have the capability for rapid assembly/disassembly

for entry/exit to +he OWS and still provide adequate safety

for personnel.

The single recommendation for chang_ is that something other

than ball-lock pins be used in certain assemblies. This is

due to the tendency of the ball-lock pins to gall in their holes

when used many times.

If the internal access GSE is to be used for servicing of

liquid lines or attaching test pressure lines, the GSE should

have permanent attach points for checkout and servicing equip-

ment. Liquid spillage containers should have permanent attach-

ments in relation to line outlets to assure no spillage internal

to the spacecraft.

During the _ ocessing of the spacecraft from assembly to

launch the internal GSE was removed and replaced frequently.

This created storage problems, reclcaning in some cases and

_;, york stopped during the process of removal and re-

i: lation. The GSE design considerations should be made as the

spacecra_ configuration is developed to assure maximum

ease and safety of remowl and installation. Consideration

should be given relative to leaving She GS_ installed until

launch, and therefore the GSE must withstand spacecraft

pressure tests, transportation and similar activities. Umbilicals Handling Equipment

A• Design Requirements

This family of kits was designed to Factors of Safety In Table

i/ Aft l_uncher Umbilical Kit (DSV7-327)

This kit was modified from the DSV-_B-315 Kit and was required

to provide electrical cables, an air conditioning unit, refrigerant

lines, pneumatic transfer lines and a SAS purge line. The umbilical

carrier assembly was required to maintain an inert atmosphere around

the electrical connectors and quick disconnects at low temperatures

and was required to incorporate a switch to signal carrier with-

drawal and retraction after disconnect• Pneumatic and mechanical

disconnect of the quick-release pins was required when pressure

was applied• The pneumatic and SAS quick-dlsconnects was required

to be activated by carrier disconnect motion. Covers were required

to prevent excessive leakage of GN 2 purge gas.

2/ Aft Umbilical Kit, Checkout Stand (DSV7-368)

This kit was modified from the DSV-_B-346 Kit and was designed to

provide and support the eletrical cables, pneumatic lines and the

air conditioning adapter duct to the OWS. An umbilical carrier

was required for attachment t:,the OWS, electrical groundi._ was

required as well as an eject mechanism to provide electrical cable

disconnect from the stage for test purposes.

3/ Forward Launcher Umbilical Ki + (DSVT-375)

This kit was modified from the DSV-4B-316 Xit and was designed to

support the electrical cables and to provide attachment to the OWS

electrical ground and an eject mechanism to provide electrical

cable disconnect from the OWS for test purposes.

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B. System Description

]/ Aft Launcher Umbilical Kit (DSVT-327)

This kit consisted of an ,anbilica/ carrier, a refrigerant coupling

(ground half only, including shutoff valves), pneumatic quick-

disconnects, an eject mechanism, electrical withdrawal switches, a

grounding system and an SAS purge quick-disconnect (ground-half).

Modifications to Model DSV-&B-315 were as fellows:

a. Removed unnecessary purge plumbing and cap openings.

b. Rerouted purge lines and resized orifices.

c. Designed new seals and plugs to contain purge.

d. Revised installation to reflect new or replaced electrical,

pneumatic and propellant lines. (Figure

2/ Aft Umbilical Kit, Checkout Stand (DSVT-368)

This kit (Drawing No. IA57917) consisted of electrical calbes and

plugs to connect the J-boxes to the OWS, pneumatic lines to

connect the pneumatic consoles to the 0WS and an air conditioning

adapter duct. The carrier will house the ground halves of the

quick disconnects and will support the electrical plugs and maintain

their attachment to the OWS. Two quick-release pins attached the

carrier to the OWE. The eject mechanism operated pneumatically

to disconnect the electrical plugs from their receptacles to

simulate lift-off. A grow-cling system was also provided


3/ Forward Launcher Umbilical Kit (DSVT-375)

This kit (Drawing No. IA5788M) consisted of &ttachments for elec-

trical plugs and the GH 2 MSFC ball-and-cone type vent coupling

locked to the stage by the earrier, an umbilical carrier assembly

to support the line couplings and maintain an inert atmosphere

around the electrical receptacles and completely disconnect from the

Figure Aft Umbillcad Kit, Checkout Stand (DSV-4B-346)

2.2. lh-lh J

OWS within Ii degrees of carrier rotation, a pneumatically

operated eject mechanism to disconnect electrical plugs to

si_nLlate liftoff and an electrical groundin_ sy_em (Figure


C. Testing

Tests were not required because of previous extensive tests on the S-IVB

from which this system was derked and because there was no change to

the eject system.

D. Conclusions and Recommendations

The OWS umbilicals handling system consisted of a modified model

DSV-IVB umbilical handling system with the eject system being used

without change. As a result, this system operated as planned as

it has for all S-IVB mission-,;.

Umbilical c_riers must be designed to assure minimum side loading

on disconnects and must have provisions to contain any liquid

spillage c used by disconnect leakage or rupture. Umbilicals should

also provide against any potential spillage from other sources above

the umbilicals.


2.2. iI_-i51

._, .............. _%
2.2.14.$ Refrigeration System Service and Checkout Equipment

A. Design Requirements

i/ Evacuate tile Orbital Worksho_ _ (o_<_) Refrigeration System {}<J

to less tha_ 5 nun hg (6t_6.5 N/re' ) to remove moisture a_d air

prior to filling.

2/' })ressuri:'.e the O_{$-l_S with ON o_" Oh for pressure dec:q; le_k

checks or for purge or drain.

3/ Fill, circulate, demoisturize, and filter the coola/%ol-lb in

the O'_4_{-RS.

4/ Provide local, ma_lual contro], and monitoring.

5/ items o[" Ground Support Equipment (GSE) are to b,, explosion-

proof, Electro Magnetic lnteference (£Mi) compatible, and

capable of being used on the launch fad.

o/ }_rotect the O'JS-RS from overFres=_uri:'ation during servicing !

and shi2ping.

_. System Description - To :m_et the above requirements, several

items of dS_',were designed to [,e u::ed in conjunction with each


i/ DSV-I'-{14 Vacuum:_,}_um_ping Unit - fh,, va,'um:: p_mlping ,_it is a

portable, caster-mo'_ulted console that is approximately 40 in.


(121.92 cm wide, fi'._, in. <_',. '_ ¢::'_j

deep, a_d [}_ in. !

(I.)".io cm high iF'igure D.._,I]_.<{-I). The unit has mounted


panel gages, valves, regulators, _w[tch_,s and indicators, and

weighs ap_'voximatci$" 1300 ibs. <_}.. ks). The major compo-

nents of the vacuum pmnp_:,g _u_it au'e the vacu_m_ pu2r.p, foreline
trap, vacuLu:l valves, sokenoid valve, ha:',t v%ive.;, preszure

regulator, relict' valves, pre_;:;urc :_wi'_cil, ".'rc;:.:._re gage,

vacuum gage, oil heater, temperature gag,, ani ,'.:,:toiler,

imaters, filters, quick dijco:mcct:', :_{trogcn g:_.s ,_.-,-c_ , 21 ,x

hoses, electrical power cable, switches, .-actor co:_trols, vitae

meters, uaui indicator lights. The el_,ct,.'icalpottle:: of

;.iodel DSV-7-JI4 is composed of two d[_,-Furged units contain-

ing e.lectrical components 8a_d coutrols Figure .'..'.14.,_-,').

2/ DSV-7-315 Refrigeration Service Unit - .':le :;e:vlce a,",itis

shown in Figure_ .:.2._.4..q-3sa_.d-4; it consists oI" a

complet ,ly enclosed, se!f-contained, caster-meu:_ted con.;ole

with pane]-mo,z_ted gage;, v_.lves, mct,,rs, :'egulater, switci:es

a_.d indicator lights. 2he power cable, i_.o:_e:;, _,i adarter._

are ;tcred witi_in the cabinet. The service :m:.t ::ystems in-

corpcu'ate safety features that grotcct ti_e ':ei:[,'ie svste::,

fro::: _'vcrpre:;zurizatie:l. fh.' .tu[c':,: a[::cc::::,'ctL; ,':: the ends

of ti_e hoses are k,,yed to a.'nu,'_, prog,,r :o:;:>.-t[.n to the

vehicle. .'he ga;eou_ nitrogen .:y::t,,::: tc,i th_ coolant sy:;te 2.

are cc:apletely segregated to F:'eve::t .X; :'re::, [::.'tavertent! F

being introduced i:;to the vehi:ie s-:stem w:,,. p. "'i_.,i '.'it!',

coolant. The el,_'ctrLca! port[o:: _:' the ".el.'i ..".'-'-St" is

oct.:posed of two gurged u::[ts centa'i:,i::g ,' ..','t ri.'.'L', c_'_.pcP.e:_ts

aa:d control.;.

TDe service unit is O:° in. t,l¢., c,':,

_ _:igh, .t ira. vllt,.' ,m

wide, _u_d Ju in, _1.4 c:a) dee_. 2he 'a_Froxi:'.:_te

weight cf

the s,'Jtem is ljOO lbs. k 'a'a. '' kg) kdry _ aa_.i ",Or) ibs. (0,_¢..

kg) ('wet).



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,', 2 ° _.-,- _5t_

_In_ ,-'-- _
The coolant subsystem cor_sists of a 31-gal. (0.117 m 3) reser-

voir Lr_--_l. (0.0_3 3)

u_ab]_], a _um_,_
_ control valves,

monitoring gages, and meters. There is a manifold circuit

that ties the system to _4odel DSV-7-214 so the vehicle system

may be evacuated through the coolant hoses. Vacu_m gage

tuSes, which mate with ilodel DSV-7-316, are provided at the

DSV-7--314 intezface and the vehicle interface. Coolant'is

circulated through tae system at u_ to 135 psig (9.306 x 105

N/m 2) at i to 2 gpm [3.78 (10 3 ) to 7.57 (10 3 ) m3/min] to

remove entrapped air bubbles and particles greater than i0

microns (i x 10 5 m),

The gaseous nitroge1_ subsystem will accept GN 2 or GH e at

between 400 [2,757 (106)] and 500 [3.4h7 (106 ) N/m 2] psig.

The gas can be regulated from 0 to 150 [1.034 (106 ) N/m 2]

psig_ which Js the relie_ valve cracking pressure. The gas

is used for purging the vehicle, purging the electrical com-

ponents for exLiosion-proofing, pressurizing the vehicle for

leak tests, pre suri;'ing the coolant reservoir, and purging

he coolant hoses.

3/ DSV-7-316 Mechanical Test Accessory Kit - This kit accommo-

dates many individual items that are required for protecting

checking, and servicing the 0WS subsystems. Each of the items

can be used independently of the others, on different subsys-

tems and at different times. Only thooe items of significant

importance in relation to the OWS-RS are described here.

a. Pressure Decay Leak Detector - The p_essur_ decay leak

detector (IB_6835) is shown in Figures 2. 2.1'_ .8-5 and -6.

i 2.2.14-158



The leak detector consJ-ts of a suitcase containing a

differential pressure gage with a reference volume

attached to one side and a flex hose that cor,nects to the

vehicle system under test on the other side. it also

includes pressure gages, relief valves, shutofi' valves,

adapters and associated plambing. It is a portable,

self-contained unit and can be used within the OWS to

measure the leak decay rate of the RS, the trash airlock,

the Environmental Control System (ECS) ground heat ex-

changer, the portable water bottle, and the waste


b. Air Content Tester - The air content tester assembly

(ib85669) is shown in Figures 2.2 14.8-7 and -8. The

•&nit consists of a carrying case that "ontains a calibra-

ted sight g)_ss, a bottle used for filling accumulators,

pressure gages, valves, and associated tubing. It also

includes flexible hoses that connect to both primary and

secondary circuits of the RS for simultaneous servicing.

This device allows concurrent fill_ng of both vehicle

circuits, testing them for air content, and assures a

quantitative accumulator filling. It is portable, self-

contained, a_d can be used inside the OWS. During ser-

vicing and checkout, it will interface with DSV-7-315 [und

the RS of the vehicle.

c. Shipping Adapter Plate - The RS shipping adapter plate

(ib83883) is shown in Figure 2.2.±4.8-9 and is ased when

shipping the OWS from Huntington Beach to Cape Kennedy.



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It provides the ability to indicate the RS primary and

seconda_j loop pressure variations from leakage or tem-

perature changes. It also provi.des additional accumula-

tor capacity to accommodate system volume changes during

shipment. The adapter plate consists of a plate on

which is mounted two separate and identical circuits,

each of which contains a pressure gage, accumulator,

shutoff valve, flex hose, and quick disconnects. The

circuits are enclosed with a protective cover that has a

clear polycarbonat_ (Lexan) front panel. The range of

the gages is from 0 to 60 psig (0 to 4.136 x 105 N/m 2)

with increments of 0.2 psi (1.378 x 103 N/m2).

C. Test Program of GSE - The performance and design maturity of [4od_l

DSV-7-314 have been proven through various tests prior to actual

u.<e at KSC. Specifically, .is model has p<.rformed properly in

its production acceptance test (IB82687-PATPI), le handling and

checkout procedure (IB89311) _nd by its use in the refrigeration

servicing test and checkout procedure (iB8)_781).

The performance capability and design maturity of _Iodel DSV-7-315

have been proven through various tests. SpecS_c_lly, this model

had demonstrated design performmnce in its production acceptance

test (IB84050-PATPI), the handling and checkout tests (IB89311)

and by its use in the refrigeration servicing TCP IB84781 conducte¢

at Huntington Beach Vehicle Checkout Laboratory (VCL) prior to

shipment %o KSC. These tests prove the proper functioning and

interface compatibility of this model

The performance capability and design maturity of Model DSV-7-316

have been proven through various tests. Specifically, this model

has demonstrated design performance in its production acceptance

tests, handling and checkout tests, and the OWS test control pro-


D. Mission Results - Performance During Service and Checkout - The

items of C_E design to service and checkout the OWS-RS performe,i

satisfactorily and met the design requirements imposed upon them.

There were no cases of major redesign or resultant schedule impact

on the vehicle. Some of the more significant problems encountered

and their solutions are as follows:

i/ DSV-7-315 Moisture Content of Coolanol-15 - Qualification

tests of RS flight components revealed that at low temperatures,

water in the Cocls_nol-15 had precipitated out of solution,

frozen, and blocked an RS filter. Further tests determine l

that the water content of the Coolanol-i5 should be 0.006_ by

voltune maximum (Karl Fisher method) to preclude water freezing

at the lowest temperature to be experienced by the ilS.

Previous to this the Skylab R_ had been filled with Coolanol-15

from Model DSv-]'-315. Available data indicated this coolant

had a moisture content of 0.310_$ which was considered too high

to be acceptable.

'['hef;llowing action was taken to rectify this proolem:

a. The water content of the coolant in DSV-7-315 was reduced

to 0.006}_ maximum by circulating the coolant within the

unit while maintaining _; dzy GH:_ curge through the eva_.'ua-

ted ullage of the reservoil _.

b. The coolant in the OWS/RS was flushed through the DSV-7-'JI5

utilizing the s__._.e


c. The mainten_%ce procedure for the DSV-7-315 was chan_ed to

require filtration of all coolant through a 0.115 mi__ron

(4.5 x 10-7 meter) black filter before adding i h t. the


2/ DSV-7-315 Heat Buildup of Coolanol-l> - Model DSV-7-315 uses a

centrifugal type pump which uses a combined rotor and impeller

assembly driven by the magnetic field of _n induction mot_r. A

small portion of the pumped fluid circulates through the rotor

cavity to cool the motor and lubricate the bearings.

During the initial design of this unit, no provision was made

for cooling the Coolanol-15. i5 was estimated that the steady-

state temperature within the unit may average approximately

100°F (310.9°K), bu_ thi_ was not considered high enough to

warrent the additional complexity of a heat exchan_er. 'fh,re

wm _ no tight temperature ._'equi_-ementat the tim_ s_nd there was

concern that a possible leak in a coola_,ol heat exchanger would

conta_[nate the flight cool_ut.

During the production acceptance tests of the DSV-7-315,

temperatures within the reservoir reached IOI'°F (314.8°K) but

there was still no cause for concern since it was felt that with

the addition of the other items of GSE used between the OWS and

DSV-7-315 the temperature would be less than 100°F (310.9°K) at

+.he vehicle interface.

When the s._.rvicer was actually used in circulating coolant

through the OWS-RS, the temperature at the GSE vehicle inters'ace

was in the range of 90 to lO0°F (305.4 to 310.9°K), Temperature

in the GSE servicer reservoir was in the range of ll0 to I£O°F

(316.5 to 322°K) due to the fact that much of the coolant was

being uypassed within the GSE and most of the pump heat was

going into the reservoir. Also the reservoir was low - having

already been used to fill both w hicle loops.

At this time, the maximum allowable temperature of ccsLano!

within the 0_,_ was established at 80°F (299.8°K) as mea_,ured by

transducers within the pump enclosure and the maximum allowable

temperature at the quick disconnect GSE-OWS interface was

established at 120°F (322°K).

To ensure meeting the above requirements within the vehicle,

it was necessary to pack dry ice around the lower portion of the

GSE reservoir and around the pump itself.

if this procedure had not worked, it was recommended t'_at the

heat could be removed frc_:,the OWS through the ground thermal

conditioning system heac exchanger. However, this was not done

since the dr_ ice kept the temperature low enough.

3/ DS_-7-3io Malfunctioning F_ ] L a_:d Vent Quick Disconnects on

Coolanol-l, qose - Two bSE .!'mr_perhoses were used within the

OWS-RS pump package to bypass coolano! around Che vehicle pumps

during var.ous servicing and checkout operations. Each eni o:"

each hose t_r_[nated in a s_eciai fi±i and vent quick diseonnot.t

which incorporated a manual valve to allcw closing of the vehic!_

poppet half of the disconnect prior to disconnecting the GSF, half.

, .:,.lh-:g8
During removal of these hoses aft<r chockout at _'[;C,one of

the vehicle poppet h_If, failed t< :'.,,,_*-

when the

mEmual valve was activated, hen the ]gk i'emalc h'_If was

disconrected the flight poppet sealed _roperly indicating a

malfunctioned GSE half. It ws,°, l:_ter discovered that the GCE

half was not fabricated correctly.

4/ D_JV-7-)_6 Leaking End Fittings of Coolanul-i5 Hose: - The

flexible fluid hoses used on the GEE ;ervicing the OWJ-kS

were made from Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) sot c_mes referred

to as Tygon. A steel helical wire was molded into th,_ ['VC

for strength and the hose was then covered with a steel wire

braid a_i4 a s_uff guard heat .',ilrunk_ver t:_e entir<, _.;sembiy.

i'he ends uf the hose w_ re forced into fittings tiiat cons[st-i

c:' threv stainless ste_l r,_rtc. (,]e_:f'[gure ['.,'.l!;._-i,J.} A

nipple fitting with serration:: or, its o[, _:rewea into ,_ sock,_,t

w_ich was swaged down to _old th_ h_se and squeeze it _ver tile

nipple fitting. The pres=[ng u:" the serrati::,s on the nipple

into the sof_ter I_VC w_s th_ main se_iing suz-:'ac__. The nip_L_

also retained the b-nut lsed to fasten the hos_, to its mating


TN]s particular hose was ::._.:,_n

:'or _WJ _.:e for sever'_ reasDns.

FVC is not only compatible with ,:o_[m:ol, but it is ir.._ervi_us

_0 heliu::_so it cou.d be us_'d :'<_r:_t.

ii_:, Leak. cb,<,_'ks, it is

aiso an exeellen_ material for [o:' vacuu_n apzlication, its


smooth inner bore gives it good flow characteristics and allows

for easy flush cleaning w_en used in precision cleaned systems.

It could be pressurized to 200 psig (1.38 x l06 N/m 2) operating

pressure yet be flexible enough to allow reasonable bends,

This hose (MDAC Part No. 1B80h80) experienced a history of

leakage problems from the very beginning of the program. Ex-

cessive failures and subsequent failure analysis revealed a

series of shortcomings in the design whic_ lead to a succession

f design changes.

a. It was determined that the 1/4-in. (.635 cm) I.D. hose did t

........... _,,_ _,L_ walls to properly contain the

molded-in helical wire. With bending and use, the wire

would work its way through the PVC and cause a leak. The

1/4-in. (.635 cm) size was discontinued and 3/8-in. (.955

cm) I.D. hoses with 1/4-in. (.635 cm) end fittings were


b. It was evident that the internal nipple fitting was

rotating within the PVC hose, losing its seal and resulting

in leakage. This was caused by a combination of bending,

twisting, and axial loading of the hose near the end fitt-

ings. The d,_sign changes resulting from this were: _'

o The nipple fitting was spot welded to the outer swaged

fitting so no independent _otation could take place.

o The smooth I.D. of the swage fitting was replaced with


a grooved I.D. for better grip.

: Q The saw tooth serrations on the OD of the nipple fitting ;

were replaced by a more square shaped groove pattern.

o The swage configuration on the OD of the swage fitting

was chang=_ from a hex shape to a round shapc° This

not only improved the squeeze but prevented inexper-

ienced operators from applying a wrench to its surface.

: o A recommendation was made by NASA/KSC to trim back some

of the metal outer braid on the PVC hose before insert-

ing it into the end fitting for swaging. This would

allow the swaged fitting to grip the hose material

directly. Thzs was never implemented.

c. It was determined that some rejected hoses were really due

to _ that was tra_d between th_ bo_e braid and the scuff

; guard. This sir babbled out of the ends when the hose was {

: : i_nersed in water. To eliminate this problem, the scuff

guard was perforated and one-half hour under water was

_ allowed before testing.

_" d. In addition to hard_are design changes, Landling and

checkout drawings were changed to inco_po2ate detailed

instructions for proper h_ndlin_ techniques to avoid

twisting or pulling of hoses ana to labricate the B-nut

| shoulder tc minimize friction during torquing.

. !

2.2. ih-172
2.2.1h.9 Refrigeration System Ground Thermal Conditioning Equipment

t A. Design Requirem, _s - The purpose of the ground thermal conditioning

system is to provide refrigerated water-glycol coolant to the OWS

_L ground cooling heat exchanger (CGHX), in support of the vehicle

habitabil:ty support system (HSS) RS. Mode± DSV-7-301 is required

when the frozen foods are installed in the OWS freezers up to the

time of launch. This model also provides the capability to purge

.[ the coolant from the HSS/RSS ground cooling heat exchanger prior to

liftoff. A summary of the requirements follows:

i/ Provide water glycol to the OWS-RS ground heat exchanger at

temperatures low enough and flow high enough to maintain frozen

food temperatures within the OWS until launch.

2/ Provide a ground purge capability to flush out the water glycol

from the OWS-RS heat exchanger prior to launch.

3/ Provide the instrumentation to monitor the temperature, pressure

and flow of the water glycol to and from the ground heat

< exchanger.

4/ The model must be explosion-proof and EMI compatible.

E 5/ Original design parameters were as follows:

Max Vehicle Load 5000 Btu/Hr (5.271 x 106 J/hr)

o Max Supply Temp -21°F (243.7OK)

o Min Supply Flow 3.2 GPM ( .012 m3/mln)

o Max Supply Press 200 psig (1.38 x 106 N/m 2)

Subsequent e%._nts led to a relaxation of the flow requirement in

order to obtain a colder temperature of -27°F (240.4°K) maximum.

2.2.14-17 3
B. System Description - DSV-7-301 Ground Thermal Conditioning System

See Figures through -h. The ground thermal conditioning

system consists of two ther_nal conditioning units (TCU) and the

coolant control unit (CCU). Interconnecting lines and hoses were


The TCU (NASA Model S14_121) is a government-furnished part (GFP),

modified to satisfy the low temperature requirements. The GFP TCU's

were manufactured by Rcckwell International Corporation No.

614-854025-iI_!, Serial Number 013, and No. 614-854025-301, Serial

Number 008. The major TCU components are a two-stage, 25-hp

(1.864 104 watt) reciprocating refrigeration compressor, an air-cooled

condenser with two fans, two liquid-to-vapor heat exchangers, an

........ + .... _11o_ two 3-hp (.... '-'art)....
+o__gly_1 _io.+ pumps

in parallel, solenoid and thermostatic expansion valves, and suitable

controls for local and remote operation. It is explosion-proof and

EMI compatible. The electzical components include motors for the

compressor, pumps and condensor fans, solenoid valves, relays,

temperature controller, instrumentation, switches, and indicator I_


The TCU provides the means of removing excess heat from the OWS

HSS, RS during the vehicle ground checkout and prelaunch phase. This

function is required continuously in support of the vehicle system

a_er the frozen foods are installed in the vehicle freezers until

the time of launch (approximately 45 da_,s). The unit is a cabinet-

enclosed, self-contalned system that refrigerates and circulates

water-glycol coolant. Two TCU's are used_ one is redundant. The

coolant fluid is purged from the CGHX prior to liftoff. The TCU is

I 2.2. Ih-17 I_



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capable of being restarted to supply coolant after completion of

the purge operation.

The CCU is a wall-mounted, cabinet-euclosed assembly. The CCU

contains a roto-met=r type flowmeter (frost-free), manual flow

control adjusting valves, solenoid valves with talkback, relief

valves to protect the vehicle system -_"romover_ressurization, and

pressure and temperature transducers to ir_dicate temperature and

pressure of water-glycol before entry into the vehicle GCHX.

The CCU is designed to control and monitor the coolant supplied

to the vehicle GCHX. The functional capabilities of this unit

are (1) control coolant flow, (2) remote monitoring of the coolant

pressure and temperature, (3_ remote monitoring of the GN 2 purge

pressure, and (4) purge of the GCHX with GN2. Redundant valves

are incorporated in th_ GN2 supply and return i_nes.

C. Test ?rogr_r, of GSE - The TCU was tested to determine what modi-

fications were required to obtain lower temperatures.

The CCU was production acceptance tested for leakage, solenoid

operation and transducer integrity.

The two items ,Jere tested together as an operating system in

accordance with a handling and checkout drawing prior to vehicle


D. Performance During Checkout and Prelaunch - From an overall stand-

point the Model DSV-7-301 performed in a satisfactory manner.

Vehicle requirements were met Aud schedule was not _vfected.

: Proper temperatures were malnt_ined within the OWS-RS and the

purge prior to llftoff was accomplished.

Significant problems encountered and their solutions are as follows:

i/ Inability to consistently operate at temperatures appreciably

i below the original design requirement.

As previously stated, the original design requirement for flow

and _emperature at the OWq-RS ground heat exchanger interface

; were 3.2 GMP (0.012 m3/min) of water glycol at -21°F (2h3.7°K)

maximum. To provide this temperature, calculations showed the

government fu,mished TCU had to supply approximately -29°F

(239.3°K) maximum. Its rated maximum supply temperature as

:ecelved was -5°F (252.6°K).

After the TCU (Serial No. 013) was modified for lower tempera-

ture operation it became evident that reaching the lower tem-

i perature was no problem but the flow dropped off considerably


i due to change of viscosity. •

The TCU evaluation test data established a curve which showed

the flow vs. temperature relationship. (See Figure

2.2.1h.9-5.) The coldest the unit was run was -35°F (235.90K).

At this condition the flow was 1.3 GPM (0.005 m_/min) and the

calculated heat exchanger i_terface temperature was approximately

-27°F (2hO.h°K), This was not a serious development since the

reduced flow wa_ sufflclcnt for the _WS ground be_t _xch_nger

performance while the colder temperature achieved wu highly



_c._al ,,o. 013 TCU was called
During actual vehicle te_t_, _' _' " i
upon to operate appreclably below th_ -29°F maximum (239._°K) i
! J

Supply temperature requlrement _Id although _he TCU w,_s only ]

1 2.2.zu- ao
i "

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tested to temperatures as low as -35°' (235.9°K) it consis-

tently and satisfactorily supported O_'$-RS tests by delivering

temperaturescolder than -hOOF (233.2°K). It continued to per-

i form satisfactorily throughout the program.

The other two TCU's modifled for cold temperature, however,

e_hibited anomalies as follows:

_ a. Serial No. 008 was modified by MDAC-W and used to support

qualification test HS-19 of the refrigeration system. This

unit exhibited intermittent random temperature irregulari-

ties so that it occassionally lost temperature control.

At KSC, a m-.-Ifunctloninghot gas bypass valve was

replaced in the refrigeration unit. Retests of this

unit showed satisfactory operation while delivering

-380F (23h.3OK) weter glycol with a simulated vehicle

heat load.

i b. Serial No, 014 was modified by Rockwell International at

: KSC to MDAC specifications for low temperature operation.

: i This unit performed satisfactorily and delivered -36°F

: (235.h°K) until food was loaded on-board and the OWS was

closed up. At +his time _.t"warmed" up to -32°F (237.6°K)

until Model DSV-T-B3h ground thermal conditioning system

was actlv_ted to cool th,. interior of the OW$. It then

cooled back down to -35°F (235.9°K).

One explanation for this marginal behavior is _hat during

this time period, the interior temperature of the Workshop

was not being continually controlled by a ground system.


I The internal duc_ system which controlled the environment


during Vehicle Assembly Bullding (VAB) operations had

been removed, last minute clcseeut functions _,¢ereperformed,

the door was secured and the interior of the OWS was purged

with ON 2. All of these operations could have had a consid.-

arable but temporary additional heat load on the TCU.

2/ Inability to consistently refill the vehicle ground heat

exchanger loop after GN 2 purge without activating the

lo¢-i,,vel light in the ground TCU.

One of t,_e requirements of this item of GSE was to purge the

water glycol out of the ground heat exchanger loop Just

prior to launch. In the case of a "hold" after this function

it was highly desirable to be able to refill the loop from the

GSE and start temperature control again.

Tests were conducted at Huntington Beach with simulated KSC

line volumes indicated marginal capacity in the TC{] reservoir

to perform this function, but with proper filling of the

reservoir a _atisfactory restart could be obtained.

Tests conducted at KSC showed the line volume to be greater

than simulated at Huntington Beach and to avoid a marginal

condition a supplementary reservo'r with a separate ON 2 pres-

surization source was added in parallel to each of the reser-

voirs in the TCU's.

Subsequently, a leak developed at the connectlon of the

supplementary reservoir to one of the TCU's. Before

this leak was dlscovered there was concern that a leak had

developed within, the _round heat exchanger of the OWS therual

conditioning system.


4 , k
i 3/ Ove.?10ressurizationof the Vehicle Ground Heat Exchanger

Loop - During checkout of the RS in the VAB at KSC, an anomaly

occurred which resulted in a pressure of 300 psig (2.06 x l06

N/m2) in the nS ground heat exchanger water glycol loop.

Although this ground system is i cofed to h00 psig (2.76 x l06

N/m 2) s_ndthe heat exchanger to 420 ps_g (2.89 x 106 N/m2) as

a component, normal le_k check m d operating pressures should

not exceed 200 ps-'g (1.38 x lO 6 N/m2).

The higher than normal pressure was caused by a _rocedural

error which closed a manual shutoff valve in the water glycol

return (reservoir) circuit of a TCU while the pump was still

running. This action dead-ended the pump and incapacitated the

prime GSE relief valves in the CCU. The pressure built up until

the backup relief valve in the reservoir of the redundant

; ground TCU relieved at approximately 250 psig (1.72 x l06 N,'3).

By design inte_.t the prime relief valves in the CCU relieve

from the supply (pressure) side to the return (reservoir) side

of the TCU's. This was done to prevent possible leakage

through the relief valves from depleting vital chilled fluid

during prolonged remote operation. The relief valves are

balanced and will relieve at 190 psig (1.31 x lO6 N/m 2) regsa'd-

less of back pressure under flow conditions, in case of a


procedural errcr causing a dead-.ended relief valve condition,

it was felt that one of the b,_ckup relief valves within the --

TCU would protect the vehicle, which it did.

Since it was not desirable to exceed the normal working pres-

sure of the vehicle system in any case, the following steps

" l 2.2.1h-18h
, were taken to insure the primary GSE relief valves could not

be dead-ended:

a. The two manual shutoff valves in e,__h TCU were wired open

with warning placards stating their valves must remain

open whenever the tu%it is operating in conjunction with

the vehicle.

b. Caution notes were added to procedures to insure that

the pump circuit bres.kers are open when troubleshooting.

This insured the plunp to be inoperative during these


4/ Water Glycol Leakage o£ Umbilical Quick Disconnects - During

the checkout of the, MS in the VAB at KSC, water glycol leak-

age was el,served at the ground heat exchanger :'eturn quick

disconnect (QD) in the aft umbilical ca_.rier. A failure

analysis of the QD indicated le_age was _ae to excessive

usage -- (wornout o-ring seals), in addition, there was evi-

dence of possible abuse due to side loads on the QD's which

could have r_.'_ulted frown the weight of" the GSE hoses, btmlp-

ing or pulling on the hoses or even stepping c the hoses.

The following successful action was taken:

a. All vehicle and GSE QD's were replaced by new parts.

b. These new QD's were mated by serial numbers, leak tested

with gaseous helium under varying pressures, temperatures

and side loads.

c. A support frame was installed on the aft umbilical

_ carrier to provide clamp supports for the hoses to

_,._m.n_..e pull.


d. Plastic bagging of mated QD's and periodic visual

monitoring of same was implemented.

e. A recommendation ",'asmade tu lubricate all seals with


_, Krytox each time the QD's are connected.


This effort was done in conjunction with a similar problem

on the ground thermal conditioning system QD's. See _igure :

o _ 14 I0 2 "

)2 2.2.1h.i00WS Ground Thermal Conditioning Equipment

' A. Design Requirements

i/ Maintain temperatures within the OWS hsbitation area by


' supplying conditioned water glycol to a ground heat exchanger ;

within the vehicle. This capability had to continue from

time of loading food and film on board until liftoff.

: 2/ Provide a GN 2 purge of the OWS heat exchanger loop prior to


3/ Prcvide local and remote monitoring of temperatures, pressures

and flowrates.

4/ Model had to be explosion-proof and EMI compatible.

5/ Design Parameters - GSE _:


o Supply Temp -3°F (2_3.7°K) Maximtu_ Cooling _"

o Heating, Basic 12000 Btu/Hr, Ambient (1.26 x 107 J/hr)

i o Heating, Additional 14000 Btu/Hr, Venting (1.47 x 107 J/hr) '

o Pressure 200 psig (1.379 x 106 N/m 2) Maxi_mm ,

o Cooling Load 41000 Btu/Hr (4.32 x 107 J/hr) '

o Flowrate 3 gpm Mln (1.135 x 102 m3/min)

] ',
2.2.1h-186 :_
? 6/ Vehicle Temp Requirements

o 40 to 80°F (277.6 to 290.8°K) General

o 40 to 50°F (277.6 to 283.2°K) Film Vault

o 42 to C5°F (278.7 to 291.5°K) Wall Temp

B. System Description - DSV-7-334 Ground Thermal Conditioning System

(See Figures through -4) - The OWS interior ground

thermal conditioning system kit consists of: two thermal condi-

tioning units; the fluid reheat unit; the fluid control unit;

the manual control s¢,nsole; and the power switching unit.

The TCU chills the water glycol, as required, so that the OWS

internal atmosphere will be maintained at 40 to 80°F (277.6 to

299.8°K). Heat is removed by using a refrigerant compressor and

; two condenser fans. The desired temperature is selected on a

temperatu e controller. The temperature range is selectable from

approximately -5 to +50 °F (252.6 to 283.2°K). The temperature

selected will be monitored by the temperature controller. The

water glycol temperature (return and supply), water glycol pres-

sure, and the water glycol flow are all monitored in the TCU.

Two circulating pumps are used in each TCU to circulate the water

glycol at the required pressure. One pump is used at a time.

Manual control provisions may be used to switch from one p_tmp to

the other.

_ The fluid reheat unit (FRU) heats the water glycol to the GCHX)

as required, so that the OWS internal atmosphere will be main- -

.: tained at hO to 80 OF (277.6 to 299._°K). The FRU uses two 9-KW

; heaters and on overtemperature controller to provide heat to the

water glycol. The FRU requires 440-VAC) 3-phase, 60-Hz power for

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the heaters and uses 28 vdc for commands and indications.

The fiuid control unit (FCU), through a pressure transducer,

monitors the pressure of t___ water glycol. Solenoid valves in

the FCU can redirect the flow of the water glycol from the GCHX

to a coolant dump in ground equipment. The FCU maintains GN 2


pressure supplied to purge the GCHX, and there is a pressure

• transducer to monitor the GN 2 pressure. The solenoid valve is

_ controlled b_ external GSE. Power and monitoring of the trans-

ducers are also controlled by external GSE. The FCU requires 28

vdc for control and instrumentation.

The manual :ontrol console (MCC) provides the system controls

and monitors performance. It furnishes control and monitoring

for the OWS GTCS fans. The MCC contains manual switche_ and

indicators to control the motor starters and to indicate the

normal flow or low flow. The fan failure circuits are in the

PSU and cut off the fans in the event of low flow from the fan.

The circuits also send signals to the MCC for visual display.

The MCC furnishes monitoring of the OWS atmosphere temperature.

It contains meters necessary to convert 0 to 5 vdc output from

OWS temperature transducers to the temperature of the OWS

atmosphere. The MCC has a meter that converts s 0-5 vdc output

from the FCU GNp pressure tr_%sducer to pressure. The MCC

requires 28 vdc power.

The power switching unit (PSU) routes power to the various

components of model and to the vehicle fans. The PSU was not

used at KSC.


__Jf II


C. Test Program of GSE - i_e Derformance capability and design _f

Model DSV-7-334 have been proven through v&ric_m tests at the


Huntington Beach VCL and TICO using one TCU Sl4-121, Serial No.

013. Specifically, this model performed properly when subjected

to the following tests: At TICO, PATP 1B87012 tested electrical

portion of FRU (1B87000), the PSU (IB87003), and the MCC (1B85287).

At the Huntington Beach VCL, the model was subjected co PATP

i 1B84920 (FCU), PATP 1B85780 (FRU), H&CO 1B85677 and TCP IB8_783.

The TCU used to operate this model at Huntington Beach was not

one of the TCU's to be used at KSC with this model. The same

TCU that supported DSV-7-301 testing was used since it could

provide the same functions.

D. Performance During Checkout and Prelaunuh - Fr -_ an overall

standpoint the DSV-7-334 performed satisfactorily and met the

design requirements imposed upon it. Tel_iperatureswithin the

OWS habitation area were properly maintained, the ground purge

was accomplished prior to launch and the schedule was not


Some significant problems encountered and their solutions are as

follows :

i/ Thermal Conditioning Unit Failures - The (TCU) used in

DSV-7-334 was an unmodified government furnished item. None

of the TCU's were ever tested in Huntington Beach since _he

TCU from Model L_V-7-301 could adequately meet the perfor-

mance requirements. The first time any TCU was used for

model D,SV-7-334 was at KSC and the units selected were from

previous Apollo, KSC usage.

The units had no difficulty in meeting the temperature and

flow requirements but two minor and one _,aJor problem


a. Serial No. 009 experienced the only serious problem,

One of the two large condenser fans failed while the

unit was on level 80 of the launch tower. Repair was

not possible on the tower so that the entire TCU had to

be removed from the tower and replaced. Compounding this

problem _'_ the fact that when the fan failed it opened

the main facility circait breaker which controlled both


TCU's making it impossible to operate the redundant TCU

until the circuit breaker was reset. The condition was

in violation of the ele(trical interface drawing which

required separate main facility circuit breakers for each


b. Serial No. 003 replaced No. 009 on the tower and had a

"loose" power cable when initially installed. After that

ws_ fixed there were no subsequent problems.

c. Serial No. 005 experienced a leak in the refrigeratio:_

system oil separation. AFter that was fixed there were

no _ubsequent pro olems.

2/ Water GI_ ol Leakage in the Umbilical Quick Disconnects - Dur-

ing the checkout of the ground thermal conditioning system in

the VAB a_ KSC, water glycol leakage was observed at the ground _ --

heat exchanger supply quick disco:_nect (QD) in the aft umbillcal !

carrier. A failure analysis of the QD indicated leLkage was due i

to excessive usage - (wornout V-shaped teflon chevron seals).

i 2.2.1h.19h
In addition, there was evidence of possible abuse due to side

loads on the QD's which could have resulted from the weight

of the GSE hoses, bumping or pulling on the hoses or even

stepping on the hoses. The following successful action was


a. All vehicle and GSE QD's were replaced by new parts.

b. These new QD's were mated by serial ntunbers, le,_,ktested

with gaseous helium under varying pressures, temperatures

and side loads.

c. A support frame was installed on the aft umbilical

carrier to provide clamp supports for the hoses to

eliminate side pull.

d. Plastic bagging of mated QD's and periodic visual moni-

toring of same was implemented.

e. A recommendation was made to lubricate all seals w_tb

Krytox each time the QD's are connected.

This effort was done in cot _unction with a similar p;oblem

on the refrigeration system QD's. See 2.2.1h.9.D.h/.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - (See 2.2.1h.15).

2.2,1h.ll OWS Ground Environmental Control Distribution System

A. Design Requirements - The environmental control kit distribution

system had to be capable of distributing conditioned gro,md air

to the inside of the OWS to maintain a controlled environment at


. KSC during checkout and prior to transporting the OWS to the

launch pad. The design requirements for Model DSV-7-3hh are

described in CEI Specification DAC 56692A and schematic number


B. System Description - The !odel DSV-7-3hh provided an air "istribu-

tion system that, when installed within the OWS, p_ovided comfort

to the personnel during OWS checkoat and launch preparations. The

air supplied to the system was furnished by grotund facilities.

The kit was used du_ing OWS launch preparations and checkout at

KSC in the VAB. It was installed and adjusted at Huntington Beach

prior to shipment. The kit _as removed prior to transfer of the

OWS to the pad. None of the kit parts were flight items.

The environmental control kit distribution system is shown in

Figure 2.2.1_.ll-1 and _chematically shown in Figure 2.2.1h.l!-2,

and consists of parts that make up a readily installed and

removable ducting system. The ducting system is primarily composed

of flexible fabric ducts, metal fittings, and support hardware.

Also included in the kit are covers for the flight 0WS air outlet

diffuserz. The c_vers _event the ground distributlon system air

from entering the flight, 0WS air duct system.

The flexible fabric ducting is made from a flame self-extinguishing

polyethylene coated nylon cloth (Hypalon). Sizes vary from 6.30

(16.0 e_) to 10.30 in. (26.2 era) inside diameter and 7 to 2h0 in.

(17.8 to 609.6 am) in length. A conductive path (stalnlesb steel

stitch) is p:ovided to alleviate static electricity buildup in the

duct material. The metal fittings consist of tees, elbows,

connectors, reducers and a damper device. The fittings ar_ made

from 0.030-1n. (.076 cm) stainless steel sheet. The straps are

used to support and tie down the fittings to the OWS structure.


, V----

° I i ,

" >=

J 2.2o1_°1_7
The straps have a slip buckle feature and conform to OW self-

extinguishing fire specifications. The prn+_etiv_ pads Rre used

to protect the interior surfaces of the OWS from being marred by

the metal fittings. The pads are made from a polyurethm%e rubber

sheet material. The diffuser covers are used to cover the flight

OWS air outlet diffusers. They are made from flame-reta_dant

coated nylon cloth and measure 18 inches (I_5.7 cm) in diameter by

6 inches (15.2 cm) long.


C. Test Program - There was no testing of the kit or any of its

components prior to its installation at Huntington Beach. However,

it was checked at Huntington BeacD after installation, and was _;

found to be quite adequate for distributing conditioned air through

the interior of the OWS. _

D. Performance During Checkout - The GSE (Model DSV-7-34h) designed

to distribute air through the interior of the OWS performed up

to its design requirements. There were no cases of major redesign i

or problems causing an impact to the vehicle schedule. No signi- _


ficant checkout problems arose.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - (See 2.2.1h.15).

A. Design Requirements

l/ Le_.k check Scientific Airlock (S_L) enclosure, S._ outer door

and pressurization valve, SAL window, vacuum hose, and

associated experiments under simulated orbital pressure

differentials of 5 psid (3.hh7 i0h N/m2). Acceptable total

leak rate: 2.6 x l0-3 sccs.

2/ Fit and functional check of items listed above under 5 psi

(3.447 x I04 N/m 2) differential.

a. Vent and pressurization time checks.

b. Check of handle and latch forces.

c. Fit check of all items interfacing with SAL.

B. System Description - To meet the above checkout requirements, a

SAL leak test kit was developed. It was made part of the Mech-

anical Test and Accessories Kit, DSV-7-316. The SAL leak test

kit (IB88603) is shown in Figure and schematically

shown in Figure _ 2.14.12-2. The unit consists of a carrying

case containing the necessary plumbing (relief valves, absolute _

pressure gage, and hand valves) required to transmit GN2, OH e,

and vacuum from _egulate_ pressure and vacuum sources to the SAL's.

The commodities flow through hoses that connect to an adapter

plate matched to the SAL opening on the outside of the 0WS. A

pressure gage, vacuum breaker (relief) valve, manual valve, and

calibrated leak will be mounted on the plate. The plate will

seal against the surface of the OWS. The kit also contains

polyethylene bags to enclose the SAL and experiments inside the

0WS and a means of purging the bags with helium during the leak

; check. This equipment will be used in conjunction with a mass


i spectrometer to leak check each BAL with its experiments under

orbital differential pressure conditions [5 psi (3.447 x 104 N/m 2)


C. Test Program of GSE - The performance capability and design •

maturity of the SAL leak test kit has been proven through its

"& i 2.2.14-200
_ r

'-- I I II"

production acceptance test and an H&CO which provided optimum

system operating parametars as well as a dcmcnstration of system


D. Performance During Service and Checkout - The GSE designed to

checkout the SAL performed up to its design requirements. There

were no cases of major redesign or problems causing an impact to

Lhe vehicle schedule. However, the significant problems that did

arise are as fc,


l/ Leakage of helium into GSE causing contamination of the mass


The nature c:"this leak test system is as follows:

A purge carrier gas (GN2) flows at a low rate through the SAL

at a pressure 9 psi (3.)_h7 x l0 h N/m 2) below atmospheric.

The SAL is surrounded by helium. Thus any helium leaking into

the SAL is carried away by the purge gas. A very low flow

sample of the purge has it diverted to a mass spectrometer,

_hich counts the molecules of helium that are present.

Because the maximum allowable leak rate being tested on the

SAL was 2.6 x lO-3 sccs., small amounts of extraneous helium

leaking through the GSE made the system unworkable by con-

tamlnating the mass spec.

Keeping helium f_'om leaking ir o the system was a problem.

The GSE was a kit which was assembled by the TCP during

checkout. Hoses and fittings were connected. It was found

necessary to perform extensive leak tests of these connec-

tions by spraying with helium and sensing with the mass sp_c


I c

(a leak of 1 x 10 -6 sccs., in the right place made the system

unworkable ).

Part of the GSE was fitted over the SAL openings on the out-

side of the spacecraft. This was found to be the major leak

path, and was finally enclosed with a PVC bag (which was

sealed to the outside of the spacecraft) and purged with GN2.

This solution proved satisfactory.

In addition, it was found that certain valves, because of

their location in the system, had to be continually checked

for stem leakage. Bellows valves would have served the pur-

pose better than the valves that were used ("0" ring stem

seals). Also, on two separate occasions it was found that

helium had leaked into the nitrogen supply at the tank farm

through a common vent system between the GH e and GN 2 supplies.

In addition, a PVC (Tygon _ line was originally u_ed to connect

the mass spec to the system. It was felt that contaminents

(plasticizers primarily) outgassed from the PVC and "fooled"

the mass spec, as it showed up as a leakage indication. A

20-foot Qo09.6 cm) clean i/h-in. (.0535 cm) I.D. copper tube

was used iu place of the PVC line. It proved to be an

excellent solution. Although the tube was long and the dia-

meter small, the response time of the mass spec was not
i affected, It was tested and found to be about one second.

2/ Fine flow control of gas to the mass spec and contrc _ of the ,

i flow of GN2 puAFe carrier through the SAL. ''-

to the m_ss spec required a good quality needle valve. The


It was found during checkout that control of the flow of gas


original valve that was tried was not a needle valve, and was

totally _acceptable. The flow into a mass spec is approxi-

mately 1 x 10 -3 sccs. It is controlled by noting the inlet

pressure which must be held constant at slightly below 0.2

microns (2.66 x 102 N/m 2) of mercury. Several needle valves

were tried before an acceptable valve was found, whlch could

hold the flow constant so that the inlet pressure did not

drift from its pro-set value.

In addition, the nitrogen purge was to be held at lO +2 scfh,

(0.283 m3/hr) and at 502 +l mm Kg (6.676 x lO4 N/m2). It was

found that it was quite difficult (although possible) to

maintain the pressure to within +_imm Hg (133.3 N/m2) using

the valves which were in the gage regulator assemblies. They

did not afford enough control. Again, needle valves would

have served the purpose better.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - (See Water Subsystem Service and Checkout Equipment

A. Design Requirements

i/ Water loaded aboard OWS will meet potable water MSC SPEC-PF-I,

Revision D, dated July, 1971.

2/ Total of approximately 6650 ib (3015.8 kg) of water loaded

into l0 individual vehicle water tanks.

3/ Able to service and load two water tanks simultaneously.

4/ Incorporate steam generator into model for sterilizing vehicle

systems and GSE.


5/ Model is explosion-proof and EMI compatible.

6/ Incorporate iodine injector for biocide treatment of water.

7/ Provide GN2 or GHe for system leak checks or purge.


B. System Description - DSV-7-312 water subsystem sterilization and

checkout kit. See Figure 2.2.1h.lB-1 through -_.

The water subsystem sterilization checkout kits HSS consists of

three major consoles and accessories for the checkout and support

of the OWS water system. They are the pump and deionization

cabinet assembly, the reservoir cabinet assembly, and sterilizer

cabinet assembly. Hoses, adaptors, quick disconnects, and other

fittings required to support the major consoles are stored in

separate containers. Each cabinet uses temperature, pressure and

flow devices for controlling and indicating necessary parameters

during system servicing, test, and checkout. The electrical com-

ponents, controls, and instruments of this model are housed in

the sterilizer assembly and the ptunp and deionization assembly.

The consoles are explosion-proof and EMI compatible. Monitor and


control are local only.

The sterilizer cabinet contains the stesm generator and autoclave

plus all valves and gages for operation. An SCR power controller

provided to _,,a_n_n_
_ ", an e%_al _..
__d across each sid, of th_

i 12-kw delta-connected heater. Two resetable elapsed-tlme meters

i are provided - 0 to 999 minutes and 0 to lO00 hours. These

meters indicate running time on the steam generator. ,,--

The reservoir cabinet contains the water reservoir, the biocide

tank and injector, and the nitrogen ejector for degassing the

!| 2.2.1h-206

, \

the water in the _ank. it contain_ all valves, gages, and pluo_u-

_,_ for _ - _"_

' The pump and deionization cabinet contains a pump; four filter

banks _,&?h consisting Df a pre_'ilte_ _ion staze, an organiz


absorption stage, a deionlzKti_n stage, 8m,d a 22-micron (2.2 x 10 -2

m) Zilteretion stage; a conductivity meter to measure th_ conduc-

tivity of the water; electrical switch gee r; phase sequcn, r,:laZs

to ensure proper phase rotation of the motor; and two elapsed

time meters. The ra_nge of the conductivity meter is ]_),0o0

ohms/ore to 18 megohr_s/cm.

The lines from the three ma.ior cabinets are brought together in

distribution manifold. '[_qismanifold distributes the water, stea_n

or gas to either or both of the two fill port manifolds within

the vehicle.

Each fill port ma_qifold services one vehicle '_ater tank [nde[-nd,_ntl_'

of the other so that concurrent but di£fere_ servi':ing of two

t_nks cam take place at once.

In addition to the items discussed _bove, _he k_ • * ',,_

v_riety of indiv[du'.l components &hi adapters for servicing m_d

checkout of the various subsi,,stems of the flight articles.

C. Test Progrs_n of GSE - '_he performa_%-'e c_pability and design

maturity of Model DSV-;'-jI2 has been _roved through v&rious t_sts.

Specifically, t_is r4odel h_ _emonstrated design perfor_nsg_ce in

its production &ccept_unce test procedures (IB79756-PATPI,

IB'I'975?-PATPI, and IB_l_lg(_-PaTPl}, the maintenance operating _ro.-

ce4ure IB_i993, smd the h_ndl_ng and checkout procedure iB90956.


Drawing IB84779 controlled the testing of Model DSV-7-312 with

• vehicle type water tanks.

D. Performayce Dr ing Service and Checkout - The GSE (Model DSV-7-3!2)

performed satisfactorily and met its design requirements without

s_y major redesign or schedule impact. Some of the significant

problems encountered and their solutions are as follows:

I/ Maintaining Low Vacuum Levels in the Vacuum-Jacketed Steam

Lines - Sterilization of the OWS water tanks and cSher corn-

ponents was accomplished by maintaining steam heat at 250°F

(394.3°K) minimum for at least 30 minutes. S_nce the stes/n

generation in the GSE was so for from the vehicle tanks i%

was necessary to utilize flexible vacuum-Jacketed steam

supply lines to reduce heat losses. Surface touch tempera-

tures were also reduced to avoid operator burns witnout

excessive bulky insulation.

The hose itself was a stainless steel convolution within a !

larger convolution. The annulus in between was filled with

high performance insulation and the inner core separated from

the outer c_re by standoffs. Some of these hoses were 35

feet (1066.8 cm) long.

Design requirements for the vacu,an annulus of these hoses

required evacuation to a level cf i00 microns of mercury

(13.33 N/m 2) or lower. Leakage was then checked by a pre-

, . .-d'

determined vacuum rise rate or by using a heliun mass

It was planned that once evacuated, the hoses would maintain

i spectrometer.

L 2.2. ih-212 :;

,% ,.

'_ a vacuum level low enough that servicing of the OWS could be

accumplished without re-evacuation. As it turned out, th_s

was not possible. The very low leakage rate required to meet

this requirement was not real_stic in the long lengths of

ho_ s used. Consequently, the hoses had to be constantly

under evacuation during steam sterilization operations. This

was accomplished by manifolding the evacuation ports off the

hoses together and having a vacuum pump evacuating all of them


E. Conclusions and Recommendations - (See

2.2.1)_.iJ_ Waste l_anagement System Checkout Equipment

A. Design Requirements - The waste management checkout kit is designed

to perform the following:

i/ A vacuur, decay leak test on the 0WS waste processor.

2/ Verification of operation of the vacu[un provision pressure

transducer on the OWS waste processor.

3/ A _e,_.kof the ch_nber interaction valve and the shutoff valve

and check valve of the 0WS waste processor.

I_/ A functional test of the filter saver valve and pressure

plate of the OWS waste processor,

5/ A function_l test of the urine collector pressure plate of the

OWS urine/fe_'al collector.

6/ A urine volume determinator calibration on the OWS urine/fecal


[/ An airflow distribution test of the OWS urine/fecs.i collector.


8/ An airflo__ versus pressure drop test on the power module of

_ the OWS urine/fecal collector.

: B. System Description - The waste ma_lagement system checkout kit


consists of the following major items:

i/ Flowmeter and gage assembly.

2/ Pressure gage.

3/ Checkout cover, fecal seat.

4/ Checkout seal, fecal seat.

5/ Various miscellaneous accessories including components such

as adapters, bags, couplings, hose assemblies, shims, tubing,

clamps, and qui_'k-disconnects.

The gas flowmeter and gage assembly consist of a system vacuum

gage, a GN2 source, pressure gage, one high and one low flowrate

flowmeter, filters, fittings, plumbing for operation and a

carrying case. The gas flowmeter and gage assembly are shown in

Figure 2,2.14.14-1 and schematically shown in Figure

The checkout kit is 22 in. (55.9 cm) high, 13-3/4 in. (34.9 cm)

wide, and 19 in. (48.3 cm) deep. The pressure gage is _sed to

me_sure the differential pressure of GNu. The instrument scale

is -0.5 to +0.5 in. (-124.4 to +124.4 N/m2) of water with incre-

ments _f 0.02 (4.97 N/m2).

The cove_" fecal seat 8_idseal are used in the functional testing

of the OWS urine/fecal collector.

C. Test Program of GSE - The performance capability and design maturity

of the SAL leak test kit have been proven through production accep-

tance tests at loth component and s._sembly levels.

2.2. lh-21h


D. Performance During Checkout - The GSE (Model DSV-7-373) designe,:

to check out the waste man-_emeQ_ ....

_ _.........
+_"_ _crformcd up %c its

design requirements. There were no cases of major redesign _f

the equipment due to problems, and no significant checkout problems


E. Conclusions and Recommendations- (See Mechanical GSE Recommendations - Establish clear, firm, and complete

definition of responsibilities for the GFP experiment controlled

hardware GSE. A delay in establishing the supplier of these GSE items

can result in the installing agency resorting to potentially unsafe

man-handling of equipment, or rapidly producing a less than optimum

piece of handling equipment, at Rdded cost, until the GSE becomes


2.2.1h.16 Pressurization and Leak Tect GSE - The function of the pressurization
and leak test GSE was %o provide the necessary hardware to leak check

and pressurize the habitation area, waste tank, TACS, pneumatic con-

trol system, and vacuum outlet system. GSE models in this group in-

cluded DSV7-30C Leak Test and C/O Accessories Kit (IB76556), DSV7-329
Pneumatic Pressurization Console (IB81183), DSV7-332 Habitation Area

and Waste Tank Pressurization Console (IB85301), DSVT-333 Automatic

Stage Checkout Console (IB83513), DSV7-343 Pneumatic Stage Console

(IB87765), DSV7-350 Vacuum Pumping System Accessory Kit (IB88675),

Db_7-363 M509 Sphere Pressurization Supply Kit (]]388812), DSV7-364

Gaseous Nitrogen Purge Panel Assembly (IB88673), DSVh-238 Propulsion
System Display Unit (7865700), DSV-4B-329C Checkout Accessories Kit

(IB57788),i DSV-&.B-493A APS C/O Accessory Kit (IB64550), DSV-4B-775

Safety Haad (11370778), and G3104 Rocketdyne Pneumatic Flow Tester.

A. Design Requirements

i/ DSV7-300 - This kit contained the accessories necessary to

leak check the OWS orbital configuration including the seal-

ing devices, the habitability support systems, the lower

body negative pressure experiment and additional experiments

as required. The kit also provided the capability to leak
check all vehicle pressurization end vent systems, and
the thruster attitude control systems. Also the kit

provided the capability to restrict purge g_s flow to

the high performance insulation during personnel

presence and to perform a SAS purge gas leak check. Compon-

ents of this kit were required to support the following
functions :

o Pressurization and leak check of the habitation area.

o Pressurization and l_ak check of the waste tank..

' o Leak check of the orbital cc_fig_ration sealing . --

o Checkout of habitation area pressure transducers.

o Checkout of waste tank pressure transducers.

o Leak check ot OWS vehicle piping systems by applying

vacuum to the L_nNP experiment; wardroom water syste,,
dump, waste management water system dump. urine d_mp,
waste processor, and refrigeration system pump box

o Leak check of forward entz-y hatch check valves.

o Leak and functional ch3ck of the habitation area

pneumatically operated vent system.

o Nonitoring pressures in both the habitation area aud

waste tank.

o _roviding warning of low or high pressures in the habit-

ation area, and providing warning if pressure limi_ s
were exceeded.

o Controlling the gas vented to the vent stack from the


o Continuous purge o£ the EPI with nitrogen (limited to

i ib/min (.h5 }d'/rJn.) durinz p_rsonnei presence in the

()WS forward skirt).

o Continuous purge o£ the SAS with nitrogen. G_ges to

monitor the SAS purge pressure during ground operations
were orovicea in this _it.

o Purge of the habitation area with nitrogen and s_-mpling

of the moisture within the habitation area.

o Providing a positive means o£ preventing excessive

pressure in the habitation area.

o Pressurizing the pneumatic control system sphere.

o Filtering the gas used to pressurize the TACS spheres.

o Preventing injury to personnel in event of failure of

a hsnd-operated TACS fill disconnect when disconnectin_

under pr,_,ssure,

o IL nln
o Leak test of the flight half of the TACS manual dis-

n Providin_ a gas-tight connection to each TACS nozzle

for leak detection and for applying proof pressure.

o Providing for safety of personnel and equiI_ent during

TACS valve leak checks and functional checkout.

2/ DSV7-329 - The requirements of this console were to receive

gaseous helium and nitrogen and to regulate and control the
distribution of these gases to meet OWS sy:tem requirements

for leak and functional checkout operations at KSC Launch

Complex. More specifically s this console was required to:

o Supply 3200 psig (2.2 x IC 7 N/m2) gaReous nitrogen for

TACS system pressurization.

O Supply 500 psig (3.h x i0 ° N/m_) _aseous nitro:en for

control bottle pressurization.

o Supply 500 psig (3.4 x 106 N/m2) gaseous nitrogen to

purge the DSVT-332 console.

o Supply 150 psig (i.0 x 106 _/m 2) gasious nitrogen to

purge the ground thermal conditioninc system.

o Provide for venting the TACS bottles to atmosphere.

o Operate remotely from 28 vdc signals controlling

solenoid operated valves.

o Provide remote indication of solenoid operated valves


, o Provide for remote indication of critical pressures

and temporature8 within the console.

3/ DSVT-332 - The requirements of this console were to receive

| ambient nitrogen from pneumatic console DSVT-329 and _'_

provide ambient nitrogen to pneum_ tic console DSVT-343 for

pressurizing the OWS habitation area. More specifically

this console was required to:

o Receive 500 psig (3._ Y i_'_ h/m ) _aseous .itro_el fro,_

the DSV7-;_2')console.

o Provide 500 psig (3.4 X i00 il/m

_) _aseous nitrogen to a restri-
ctor to pressurize the habitation area at a limited flow rate.

o Provide 500 psig (3.4 X I0 ° N/m2) gaseous nitro_.en to the

DSV7-343 console.

o Operate remotely from 28 vdc signals controlling

solenoid operated valves.

o Provide remote indication of solenoid operated valves


o Provide for remote indication of critical pressures and

temperatures within the console.

4/ DSV7-333 - _"_is console was required to receive, regulate,

and control the distribution of helium and uitrogen gas to
meet the leak and 9_nctional checkout requirements of OWS.

Used at A3 only, this console was required to supply GN2 or

e for leak and _unctlonal checkout o£ TACS, H/A, W/T and
PC_ systems.

5/ DSV7-3_3 - The 2unction of this console was to regulate and

control OWS p_culiar pneumatic servicing and checkout func-
tions during prelaunch operations. This console more spec-
ifically was requized to:

o £rovide 500 pslg (3.h x 106 N/m2) to a restrietor to

pressurize the waste tanK.

o Provide 750 psig (>.2 x iOb I;zn

2) to control valves in
the DSVT-332 console.

o Provide 150 psig (I.0 x i'_ r:/m

c) GI; to nurse the
I)SV7-3_ console.

o Provide GN2 as renuired to nurse the I)£V7-329 console.

2.2. II_-221

. _ &%

o Operate remotely from 28 vdc signals controlling solenoid

operated valves.

o Provide remote indication of the solenoid operated valves


o Provide for remote indication of critical pressures and

temperatures within the console.

6/ DSVT-350 - The requirements for this kit were to provide a

i X lO"5 Tort (1.3 X l0-3 N/m2) vacuum of 0.5 liters/second

(.5 X l0-3 m3/sec) at the experiment M171 metabolic analyzer

and l_wer levels of vacuum for experiments M092, S019, S020,

S0O3, S073, S183, T025 and T027. This kit was also required

to keep tne DSV7-350 Vacuum Pump col_ trap full of LN2


7/ DSV7-363 - The sphere pressurization supply kit was required

to provide the necessary lines and fittings to permit use

of bDAC facility GN 2 by experiments M509 and TO20. The

design parameters for the DSV7-363 were:

o MDAC GN 2 supply was at 3200 psig (2.2 X l07 N/m2), and

the required sphere pressure was 500 psig (3.h X l0b N/m_).

o A relief valve in the system was required to crack at

bOO psig (h.l X I0 b N/m 2) and reseat at 500 psig

(3._ x iob _/m2).

8/ DSV?-30_ - The gaseous nitrogen pur_e panel assembly was

required to provide low pressure GN2 to back-fill various


The panel assembly was to provide for t_e attachment of a

vacuum pump to the experiment interface and to regulate


and liiter Cll2 from a K-bottle. The DSVT-3bh was requireu

o Regulate facility (3_2 (< I000 nsig [6.9 X lo6 _:/_])

to a pressure level slightly above atmospheric
(<Zu psia [i.4 X i0h N/m_]).

o Attach to a vacuum system without subjecting the reg-

ulator outlet to a vacuum.

o Display the pressure existing at the outle_ offthe

panel on a gage.

o Equalize the outlet pressure with atmospheric pressure

when required.

9/ DSV4-238 - The requirement for this unit was to provide a

: means of regulating the facility ,,N

2 at a desired
pressure and to provide a readout of the re&-llated pressure
adjacent to the regn/lator. _he design p_rameters _.ppli-
cable to the DSV-4B-2_8 were:

o Inlet pressure: 200-h500 psis (i.. Z i/: - _I.X l) [_/m')

o Outlet pressure: 0-60 psig (C - ),.IX i J> :/m_)

o Gage pressure range: 0-60 p_ig (o - h.l ,(It:5 _,/m


o _egulator accuracy: + 2!'.

o Gage accuracy: + 2.5 p_ig (+_17,,<'3 L/re')

i0/ ,,_%-4_J-29C _11isunit was reclulred to Drovide nertabi_ tezt

gages used in checkout of the OWS. These gages had the
same design requirements as the I'S','i-_3 units above.
Miscellm;eous hardware in this kit differed from the hard-

• -2_.8 kit.
ware in the DS_4

ii/ D_V-_B-h93A - This kit was required tO provide a means of

leak checking various points of the oWS by meanL of a __

positive displacement method. These points included:

o Crbital configuration vent sealing devices.

o Solenoid vent valve module.

o TACS flight half disconnect.

o TACS valves (nozzle outlet).

12/ DSV-4B-775 - This model was required to supply the burst

disc used to protect the OWS habitation area NPV duct from
being over pressurized. This disc was required to r_pture
if the pressure within the duct reached 15 psig (i.0 × i05 N/m2 .

13/ G3104 Rocketdyne Pneumatic Flowmeter - This flowmeter was

required to measure the f]ow of gas from the habitation
area NPV purge and the gas flow through the access hatch
check valves.

B. System Description

i/ DSV7-3OO - The leak test accessory kit consisted of _he

hardware necessary to support leak and functional check's
of the H/A, W/T, pressurization control system, and TACS.
The kit also consisted of ba_-dwaxerequired for purging
the H/A. See figures, -2, -3, -4 and -5.

The hardware consisted of miscellaneous hoses, fittings,

caps, filter disconnezts, etc.

2/ DS_7-329 - The pneumatic pressurization console was a mod-

ification of the DSV-hB-432A console which received gaseous
nitrogen and helium and regulated and controlled these
gasec +o meet OWS leak and functional checkout requirements
at KSC. The console contained val'_es,filters, regulators,
orifices, etc., for control of gas flow. The flow control
valves and writ valves were solenoid operated and remotel_
actuated. These valves had position telkback switches for
remot_ position indication. Trsnducers provided for remote
reaAout of critical pressures and temperatures. See Figure

3/ DSW-332 - The H/A and W/T pressurization console was a

modified DSV-hB-_38 console which supplied pressurization,




-J __

o: o_ JJ
0 o.

U'_ Uo

i 2.2.lh-?30

checkout and purge gas to the vehicle int_rfa2e (DSVT__;_r_

and pneumatic console I_ZV'_'-_;,_.

The console contained valves, _.'ilters, regulators, ori-

fices and piping for the required internal and external

connections. Solenoid valves were used for flow control

and were remotel_ aetua+ed. These v,_ives had position talk-

b_ck switches which provided for remote valve position in-

dication. Transducers prov._ded for remote re,%dout o£ er_-

tical pressures and temperatures. ',;eeFigure 2 ._-+.it_-;'.

4/ '[WT-_q - 't_is console t:as use4 for c_,eckout of u\,;.;


I unti':,-t_n t<each, he c_':_ole ','u:_ :i rood[Tied I':'V-.,!-."

which controilu. [i_u {;h e ;clu _;. _.:_t.<: in e:_t,c.<_,'.,t c,:' ,',.,:.

The console contained filters, valves, regulators, e_c.,

which controlled the checkout _ases. Solenoid valves

were used for flow control and were remotelo, operated.

These v,%ives had position talkb_ck switches which provided

for remote valve position indication. Transducers provided

for remot._ re&dour or" critical pres._ures _tnd temperat,'4res

within the console.

5/ ,)_V7-_:_3 - The stage pneumatic servicing console w,s a mod-

if'ication of a I'_V-I_I'-I_'_A
pnet_tatlc console. ?his console

supplie._ pressurization, rheckout, and purge gas to the veh-

icl _ interl'ace (]:S%W.... ) and to pneumatic consoles ,W7 ....4

The console contained v.%ives, reculator,_, ?ilter%, ori-

_'ices, etc., which controlled the gas flow. Solenoid v,,_l,,es

provided for remote flow control. '['hes,vaJ.ves ha4 posi-

tion t,%lkback switches which Ka':e remote indication of

v_lve position. Transducers provided for remote readout

of the critical Lemperatures and pressures within the


P. ;_. iII-231

6/ OSVT-350 - The vacuum puzpiug kit contained a Veeeo vacul[_q
pu-mpin6unit and included necessary controls, instz_J_.en-
t_tion, ducts, hoses, adapters, and filtings req_'.Ir,__,_

create the desired vacutL_ton %:Z experiments. A L,'_

liquid level con_rollin6 system kept +hp ccld "5rap of this

vacu'&m pump 9ull at all times. See 7igure 2.2.1!_.16-8.

,/ _, V7-36_ The _4509 pressurization supply kit contained

three hose assemblies, a relief valve, a sphere cennectJ_ig
f!tlln6 and the necessary interconnecting fittings, packings

and seals to fulfill the _slgn requirements of pressurizing

the M509 sphere. See Figure

8/ "SVT-36u- 7he nitrogen purge panel assembly w,%s a portable

panel containing hand valves, a filter, a re6_/lator and a
gage. It connected into the experiment vacuum system and

was used to purge and back-fill evacuated experiments with

nihrogen. See Figure

9/ DSV-_B-238 - The only item of the prcpulslon system displa_

kit used for @W2 checkout was the IA37850 portable test

gage assembl_, which contained a check valve, hand valves,

a regulator, a ga_e and a filter. This gage assembl_

was used to pressurize transducers in the !I/Aand N/T for

c_tlibratlon and to pressurize the h'/,',
N_ r system for leak

check during checkout.

I0/ DSV-hB-329C - This kit was similar to the DSV-dB-2__8 kit

described above and the gek_,e_ssemblies in both of these
kits were used interehangeabl,v in checkout of OWS.

II/ DSV-4B-h93A - The only item of the accessory kit used for
OWS checkout was the I_56759 panel assembly. This panel
had 2h glass manometer tubes mounted on a panel which gave
a measurement of gas leakage through the use of a dis- --

placement of water in the tubes.

When connected to a source to be lea/_-tested, tb_ ",at_

• t
- . _,1)mm

i |

_,is_,lace{ in t_e tubes vet unit time a,_s me'uu_re_:. !:u:_e:"

'u_ fittin.-s from other _,its were used to ('onnect t.ni_ _it

to tle leak source. See Firure ;!.,']4.1u-Jl.

12/ D,;V--_i'-',"I") - Tais model contained a like burnt _lisc which

w'tr,desil',ned to relieve the pressure within the i.IA :iPV

it" it reacheo I') i_si_ ([.0 k [0 D ::/m';. The burst disc

wou]d "_ave exposed _%n ooenin," ecuiva[ent to a C-inch (.C5 m)

ui,tmeter hole had the uurst t_ressure been reached.

13/ C:Jiu_ i(ocketd:,ne !'neumatic Flowtester - This device measured

le_ka_,e of the i_/A _,}'VsFsten and access hatch check wtlves.

',he aevice was si_,,pL::

a flow_r,
eter which w_s connected tu

leak source and le_,_,e was determined u:' the level that

ball rea_'hed within a ,_radu%te2 tube.

C. GSE '2cstinr - }'roDulsion C,',;}'_

used on 0%1:"<:id not require a testinr"

pro:_r_m. Th.ere was r o testinc propz_m because _ Dortioll of the

equipment was a modification of a proven model or a ne'_ use of a

model havin_, previous successful usage elsewhere. :_ew D_,rts were

in _-ener_%l informally tested or an analysis conducted to assure

%h(%t they ,would ?rrform %heir function satisfactcril::, t'A'.'


was conducte(1 on _,ressurization and leak test C,SE followin_ r_anu-

facture to a_sure that the co.n:_onents would ;_erform their function

cor, cutly. Lo m%,lor rroblems witl, this e(u:irment were uncovered.

D. :'.ission Pesults - ._:omission results as such are a_'lqicable to

%his G:':.since it ks all non-flight hardw,%re. The l,


_ le,,%ktest GSE performed iLs intenu_d mission of pressurizing,

and checkln_- out tile OWO vehicle sat,_._,:'c_ctorily

anh with no r_t'or


E. Conclusions _n_ Recommendations -'ihe pressuri=ation _nd leaL test

GSE l,erfo_m.ed its D,nction of supporting checkout of" the OWS as

Inteneed. There were no major vroblem_ with the equipment.

Earl[.' consideretion should De r,iven in establlshin_ the need to

carry into a spacecraft, oI_eratln,-,pieces of CSE such as a mass

spectrometer, or v_cuum pumvs. These needs are created due %c the

InabilitF %o obtain pro|_er %es% results with lon,zer test lines. A

Lradeaff shoulu be made of :_o_en%ial contamina%ion problems _nd

ele_min_ requlrement_ of %hese pieces of GSE versus [r_/_Idin_,

2.2. i_- 737


O0 w

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_ ',

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__ I I I I I j 11 lc;=:m_ ] _ q_


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i 2.2.1_-_38
a testi.._: access nlate in the sr,acccrafit to route shorter

test line:- ,*'romexternally mounted G.';L. bt_V(-J(_ }land[in. and ChecKout r_lt (1_._,)_),'_)

A, Desi_n i_equlrement_ - T_e requirements :'or this ki',.were :o

provide non-flight hardware that was inst_lled on _,W,<_


i_s manui'act'4re, checkout and transportation but w_Ieh had to

be removed prior to launch. All items in T,

his kit were z,

to be identified in appropria:e procedures ._.ndby sp_.cial tags

or other me_,ns "o indicate that b_v were not to be flown.

q. System _escription - The, function of !hi_ kit was to provide

and collect r_scellaneous non-fl_sht h_ordware th,_t was no _

h&nd!ed e!sewh-re. The- [terns i'c!ude _- in this L:i'_were:

o _liEn_ent flittin_s [,:ed _o a:;_n the I'; i o CW.: and .':: '_

o '-_.r:,_,io_,
keeper u_ed [_ sepsx'atior_ groove 'uri-c ma:r:-

:,':re _nd transportation to exclude di:t, 6_c.

o _',_ spring retaining nut __sserbly ,._sedto keep -?.'_p]ung_r

in oc,:pr_ssed position until :',\;:

was installe_ on vehicle.

o ;oupons a:t_ched to vehicle _o d_r_rm!ne emissi/ity u_.

o.bsorp;i\qty char-_cteristics off _',;3surfaces.

o ",,J; no,;71e cove_'s u._ed to pre'_ent c_ _Lamlnation c? [.',CJ.

o -;h]se sensors used to verify _'i_Welr_-,uils prior to ordnance

o Ch__rco%l cannister pro_ectlve covers used to seal both

inlet and outlet quicl" disconnects on eight charcoal c%n-



o Caps on ,,AZ purge pressure sensing systen and 3Af purge

exit ports wbic!, prevented cont_r, inatlon durin_ v_anut'acture __

and trtnsportat!on.

o "aps flor fiittlngs in base of ..abit_tlon area main electrical

outlet used tc sea& habitation area for pressur._ zations

- dd
required prior to installatiJ,
n of tube assemblies at KSC.

C. Testing - There was no formal testing program of the components

of this kit. Where applicable components were PAT tested fol-
lowing manufacture. The majority of these components performed
a very basic function and did not require testing.

D. Mission Results - There are no real mission results as such

since the kit was m_e up of non-flight hardware. The hardware
performed its function prior to launch of OWS with no major pro-
blems encountered.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations- There are no recommendations

- as the function of this kit is very basic and it performed its
D1nction quite satisfactorily. DSV7-511 Partial Checkout Accessories Kit (IB95727)

A. Design Requirements - The partial checkout accessories kit's

function was to provide hardware used for OWS backup checkout
prior to the launch of OWS-I. Components oi this kit were re-
quired because they had been expended in the checkout of OWS.

B. System Description - This klt consists of tees: elbow_, hoses,

seals, washers, etc., _,,da TACS checkout panel assambly which
was used in performing a partial checkout of OWS B/U while OWS-I
was awaiting launch at KSC.

C. Test Program - There was no test program for this kit as the
kit was only a coile_tlon of hardware needed to continue checkout
of CWS B/U. Parts requiring PAT were tested successfullyto
assure tb_+,they would perform their function correctly.

Do Mission Results - Since this equipment was GSE, there are no

mission results as such. The equipment performed its function
of partial checkout of the OWS P/U.

E. _onclus_ons and Recommendations - The partial checkout kit per-

,_ed its function satisfactorily. There are no recommendations •

_erning this kit since it is very basic and performed its
function satisfactorily.


L Electrical GSE System - General

A. Design _{equirements - The basic design requirements for the

Electrical Ground _upport System were to minimize the manufac-
turing of GSE and SE required to support OWS checkout. To

accomplish this task, the existing S-iV_ Automatic Checkout

System <ACS) was utilized in conjunction with a minimum n,unber
of new e!ec'_rical end items for Huntington Beach checkout.

MDAC did not provide the electrical checkout system at the

Kennedy Space Center used for launch and pro-launch checkout;

however, individual end items were provided for subsystem check-

out in the V_.

Table i-I of the Orbital Workshop Ground Support Equipment

Model Specification, DAC-56692, lists the models of GSE furnish-
ed new or made by modifying existing Government Furntsted _S£.

T@rle 1-2 of DAC-56692 lists the models of S-YqB GSE and SE

which were used for system checkout of the OWS at Fi_.

B. System Description - The Automatic Checkout System is a digital

computer controlled checkout system. A computer interface unit

controls the transmissicn of data between the computer and con-

trol consoles and display units. The checkout system is capable,

under computer control or manual control, of operating the (_S
subsystems to determine acceptable performance and record and

document results of all tests performed. The checkout s_stem

provides fault isolation to a replaceable module or component

wit_:in the Workshop, provides required manual control for human
intervention to ensure reliability and safety. New electrical

modules were manufactured to compliment the existing S-IVB ACS

for special OWS systems.

The following, list shows the new electrical GSE that was man-

ufactured for testing at HB and KSC.

Model No. Title I_C/O KSC C/O

DSV7-100 Airloek Module Simulator X

DSVT-I02 SAS Instrumentation X X


DSW-IO_ Ground Elect. Test Kit X

DSV7-105 Internal Test Lighting X X

DSV7-106 TACS Elec. Checkout Kit X X

DSV7-109 SAS Component Test Set X

DSV7-122 HSS Refrigeration Test X X


DSW-i29 Experiments Cable & X X

Connector Kit

DSW-50B Habitation Area Mass X X

Decay Leak Test Kit
DSV7-50_ TV Subsystem Elec. X X
Checkout Kits

DSV7-506 Special Test Devices X

DSVT-507 KSC Elec. Accessory Kit X
DSVT-509 TACS Elec. Test Kit X

C. Testing - The checkout system was tested as a complete integrated

unit at HB before the ACS was connected to the OWS. The in-

dividual end items that were designed to be used independently

of the ACS were checked out by means of an Acceptance Test

Proc edure.

The models used for subsystem checkout at KSC were functionally

tested by an end Atem Acceptance Test Procedure prior to use on

the OWS.

No major problems were encountered during GSE checkout at HB

or KSC.

D. Mission Results - The Automatic Checkout Systems mission is to

verify the design integrity and op_rationsl capability of the


CWS. The OSE at "_ and KSC perfor ed this mission properly,

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - 3he ACS a_d subsystem end

items performed well and accomplished its task to veri_ the
OWS electrical systems. Airlock Module Simulator (DSV7-100)

t_. Design F,
eguire_nents - The purpose of the Airlock Module "'imu-

lator (_'._)was to provide allelectrical interface, to the Cb'5,

representlng the /_'¢,.Power, contro] and monitoring _%inctions of

the ;_¢_
were to be provided by the ±W4Sboth manually and auto-
matlcally under control of the Automatic Checkout System (AC3).

In order to provide all the necessary functions, the _4S had

"_osimulate the followlng Airlock Vodule Systems:

o Power Distribution

o Instrumentation

o Atlitude Control System

o SAJ and Meteoroid Shield Control

o _ommunications

o Caution and Warning

o Thermal Control

o Illumination Power and gor__

o Experiment Accommodations

Pressure Jontrol

o Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) and Multiple Docking Adapter

(MDA) Control

o Refrigeratlon System Control

In addition, test points and circuit protection was specified.

2.2. l]_-2h3

B. System Description

i/ Physical - The AMS consists of seven bays of equipment,

separated into three consoles. A four-bay console was
locate_ in the Test Control Center. The other two consoles,
a bay unit and a two-bay Junction box, were located on the
eighth level of tower 6 at AB-VCL.

2/ Functional

a. Power Distribution - The &MS was capable of distri-

buting 28 VDC GSE power to the OWS either manually or
automatically. Manual control and monitoring was pro-
vided through the use of a power and control panel.
Automatic control was effected under computer control.

b. Instrumentation - The heart of the AM data system was

simulated by the ANLSin order to provide a means of
processing OWS TM data. A control panel, a decommu-
tation unit and an interfaco with the ACS provide the
capabl_ity to do a complete checkout of the OWS in-
strumentation system, i

c. Attitude Control, Pressure Control, ATM and MDA, RS -

An electrical interface is provided by the AMS to
allow automatic checkout of the 0WS TACS, £CS, ATM
and MDA functions and RS.

d. SAS and Meteoroid Control - AM control of the deploy-

ment systems for the SAS and the meteoroid shield are
simulated on an appropriate panel built into the AMS.
In addition, the capability to send simulated AM.
Digital Command System (L_S) commands automatically
is provided.
e. Communications and Biomed - A front panel is provided
for power and controls to test the OWS Intercomm and
Biomed Systems. In addition, a capability to inter-
connect the OWS Intercom System to GSE Communications
System was included. _

I 2.2.1h-2hh :
f. Caution and Warning System (_S) - Two panels are

provided for the CWS. Cne panel contains the controls

and indicators necessary to simulate functions be-

tween the AM .V_S and the OWS. _ second panel suFplies

power for the Fire ;)erection System in the OWS. In

addition, indications of "FI_E" from the (_;g are dis-

played on the "Fire Detection" panel.

g. Thermal Control System (TCS) - A panel is provided

_;hich allows controls and indications for the appli-
cation of power to the radiant heaters. Displa_'s of
heat exchanger commands are also provided.

h. Illumination - A control and dlspla_, panel provides

controls and indications for emergency and initial/

entry lights. In addition, indications of bus vol-

tage status are displayed.

i. F_:periment ;_commodations - A panel i¢ provided to

control the activation of scientific alrlock exper-
iments. In addition, various displays are provided.

C. Testing - The model DSV7-100 had a continuity test performed on

the wiring after manufacturing. Then, an Acceptance Test Pro- i

cedure was accomplished against the unit at P2, and finally the
unit was used during the GETS test before oei.ngused to check-
out the OWS.

D. Mission Results - The model performed as required.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - The AMS was the most impor-

tant element of the Q'WS GSE. It was utilized in every test

either in a manual mode or in an automatic mode and, in many
cases, in both modes.

However, it should have s_,nulated the AM more precisely. An

audio center should be includes because, during A3 checkout,
the Intercomm System Gain was substantially different than

that in the flight system. Solar &_ray InstrumentationSimulator (DSV7-102)

A. Design Requirements - The purpose of the SAS simulator is to

provide portable GSE to support instrumentation testi_ for SAS
functions when the £AS w_ngs are not instaSled on the CWS.

The unit is therefore designed to provide the capability to

simulate wing section deployment, as well as wing fairing
deployment. In addition, each temperature probe installed on
the SAS wings is simulated. Identical units are utilized to
each of the two SAS wings. Since circuit protection
is provid,d on the OWS, it is not required in the simul_tor.

B. System Description - The SAS simulator consists of two junction

boxes and sixteen cable assemblies. Within ,,:h J-box, ten
200 ohm, 1/4 watt resistors simulate the SAS temperature probes.
Six i000 ohm, 1/4 watt resistors are provided to simulate wing
section deployment position. In addition, two single pole
toggle switches are utilized to pro_ide indications of simu-
lated wing fairing deployment. Eight cables are utilized to
connect each Junction box to the OWS. Three cables route all
temperature probe simulator outputs to various temperature
bridge modules on the OWS. The second group of three cables
connects the wing section deployment position simuletors to the
.multiplexerson the OWS. The OWS provides 5 vdc to the simula-
tor which is then ret_Lrned,through the IOOO ohm resistors,
to the OWS. Two cables are utilized to provide 28 vdc to the
switches in the simulator to allow control of deployment in-
dications to the OWS.

C. Testing -The unit had a Product Acceptance Test performed on

each J-box prior to use on the OWS. No problems were encount-
ered during any of these tests.

D. Mission Results - No fit problems were encountered when the

flight SAS was installed at KSC. In addition, the data return- . .
ing from the Skylab before and after the deployment problems
proved that the simulator performed as expected during its

us%go a% _ :_ndK?C.

E. Conclasions and _ecomn'_endations-qhe %aS instruments!ion slma-

iator performed as expected in all respects. However, as a

result of the mission support test (T[@O3), a recommended im-
provement would be to replace rne fixed resistors in the wing
section posi_ ion indications should be replaced with potentio-
mete rs. ;;round £1ectrical lest Kit (DSV7-!O4)

A. Design _equirements - The purpose of the 5round _ilec_rical

Test }titwas to provide a collection of hardware necessary to

perform electrical checkout of the ()WS at A_-VCL. The kit was

required to provide cables, c%ble trays and/or supports and

fee6throughs, transient and 6 db detectors with associated

cables an6 junction boxes, test box assembl_es and load slmu-

B. System Fescription

i/ installed Cables - rhir+y-seven interconnecting cables be-

tween the Airlock _,ioduleSimulator (i_4S),DSV7-100, and

the CWS provided _he necessar-/ simulated power, commands
and responses. Since zhe _4$ was located in two different

areas ._hin the VCL, 26 interconnecting tables were re-

quired. Various interconnections among many of the perman-

ently located <_ GSK in A_-V_L required the use of 13

cables. In addition, qO cables connected the permanently

installed OWS GSE to the e_'s%ing GSE utilized to check
S-IVY stage_. Eigh_ cables provided facility power to the

GWS GSE permanently installed at AS-V,:L.

2/ Loose Cables - A number of cables to provide i_Lterface

between <_'WScomponents and the existing _$V-hB-726 break-
out box were utilized during various tests and trouble- ._

All necessary cabling for interconnection of _:4C equi_nent

2.2. i_-2h7

was also considered a part of the DSV7-104.

3/ Test Box Assemblies - A number of test box assemblies

were utilized to checkout the OWS DAS, TV and Power Dis-

tribution Systems.

4/ Resistive Load Simulators utilized in measuring voltage

drops during power distribution system testing were a part
of he Model DSV7-104.

5/ All of the transient detectors and junction boxes utilized

during EMC testing of OWS i are a part of the DSV-7-104.

C. Testing - _roduct Acceptance Testing and Receiving Inspection was

performed with no significant problems resulting.

D. Mission Results - The model met its design requirements.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - Most of the items listed were

utilized many times, either during checkout of 0WS i or the

backup OWS. The following recommendations are made as a result

of some problems encountered during checkout:

i/ Spare EMC detectors should be made available.

2/ The load simulators should be capable of being attached

to the OWS grid work in the ceiling.

3/ The adjustable load simulators should have an "adjustment

locking" capability. Internal Test Lighting Kit (DSV7-105)

A. Design Requirements - The purpose of the Lighting Kit is to

illuminate the interior of the OWS ir support of test and check-
out activities.

Twelve portable lights were to be furnished to provide a min-

imum of 25 foot-candles (269 lumen/m 2) at a distance of _ ft.

(1.2 m) from each light source. Each light was to provide on/off

control and be capable of directing light at various engles. The

lights had to produce a _egllgible amount of D41. In addition,

each light housing was required to be explosion-proof.

Control of the lights was to be effected from a box locat_d
outside the OWS. Special cle_ing and packaging requirements
were also specified.

B. Syste_ Description - The unit consists of one explosive-proof

and two non-explosive proof Junction boxes, twelve lights and a
number of cables. The non-explosive proof J-boxes provided in-
dividual on/off control of 6 lights through a 7.5 ampere circuit

breaker. The explosive proof J-box provides on/off control for

each of 4 lights through individual switches. Two i0 ampere
circuit breakers service the _ lighting circuits. Twelve 35 ft.

(10.7 m) cables are utilized to provide power and control to the

lights. A 25 ft. (7.6 m) cable routes power to the non-exploslve
proof J-boxes. l:owever, the explosive proof J-box receives

facility power through a 75 ft. (22.9 m) cable with an explosive

proof plug.

C. Testing - There were no problems encountered during the product

acceptance tests. In addition, during testing accomplished in

the circuit study lab at A3, 55 foot-candles (592 lumen/m 2) were
measured at a distance of h ft. (1.2 m) from the lamp _nder test.

D. Mission Results - The model met its design parameters.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - The unit was used during testing

in the "High Fidelity Mockup" at IIuntington Beach (HB). It was

not used during checkout in the VCL at HB nor was it used to support
KSC checkout. Functionally, the unit met all design requirements.
However, the lights were cumbersome to utilize, relocate, etc.
Therefore, it is recommended that the model DSV7-105 not be
utilized in case of future OWS checkout.

2.2.1_.2_ TACS Electrical Checkout Kit (DSVT-I06)

A. Design Requirements - The TACS Electrical Checkout Kit provides

a means of obtaining valve voltage and current traces, bilevel

indications of valve actuation, thruster inlet pressure measure-

ment_, relay contact malfunction indications, and TACS system

IU/ATMDC timing informatl_ which will provide data for


analysis in the checknut of the OWS Thruster Attitude Control


The model provides the control and selection capability of a

module and thruster in addition to individual or any combination

of valve selection on any thruster. Operation of the selected

valves in either momentary or continuous and an indication

status of the valve selection is provided on the TACS elect-

rical checkout kit control panel.

B. System Description - The TACS Electrical Checkout Kit (8106)

contains three portable boxes, six pressure transducers and a

set of drag-on cables.

%%e Electrical Checkout Kit Control Unit (8106AI) is a portable

unit that interfaces, via drag-on cables, with the OWS Thruster

Relay Control Unit. Also connected to the 8106AI unit is an

oscillograph; not part of model DtV7-106. In addition to the
switches and lights utilized for various combinations of thruster

valve indications and control, the unit contains shunts and

valve command pick-off points distributed to the external

oscillograph for recording voltage and current alve traces.

Each control line contains a 5-amp fuse to protect the OWS in

case of a short within the box.

The TACS Electrical Checkout Kit Instrumentation Unit (8106A2)

ira portable unit used to condition the TACS pressure measure-

ments providem by the model DSV7-106 six pressure tranducers.

The six pressure transducers monitor thruster pressure. Drag-on

cables are used to interface the transducers and the Instru-
mentation Unit. _

The TACS Electrical Checkout K_t J-Box (8106AS) distributes the _

thruster pressure meamArements from the 8106A2 instru_entaticn '_

unit to an external oscillograph; again not part of model L'"',,

The J-box also interfaces the TACS relay control m_>_L_. ,,


2.2.1h-250 _,

distributing data to the external oscillograph for TACS system

IU/ATM_C timing tests at KSC.

C. Testing - A PATP was performed on the Model _3V7-I06. Also,

the model was checked with the ACS at HB _s part o5 _he elec-
: trical preparations prior to connection to the CWS

D. Ydssion Results - The unit veriYied the electrical validity of

the TACS subsystem°

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - The model performed satisfactorily

during TACS checkout at liband KSC. No major problems were


2._.i_.25 SAS Component Test Set (DSVT-IO9 _

A. Design Requirements - The SIL_Component Test Set provides she

capability for the generation of Dark Current-',olt_ge (I-V)

data for OWS solar modules. The test set will be used by the

SAS manufacturer for product acceptance te_tlng and derivation

of initial dark I-V data. It will also oe used at K:_C. The

unit pro_des the capability of applying 5 to i0 known voltages

to each of 120 solar-cell modules in a wing, one at a time. The

applied voltage is time limited to a range of 1 to 2 seconds.

While app_,ing a known voltage to each solar-cell module, the
applied re]rage, current drawn and resistance of the R_fB'sare
monitored and recorded. The measurement system has an acc,,r_cy

of within 0.i percent. Additional requirements provide 120 V_C

(120 ms) power for back bia=Ing dio_s in the S_S power unit;
also, the unit is portable, mobi!_ and requires on13_ AC power
to operate.

P. System Description - The solar array system component test set

is compoze_ of two bays of electrical equipment mounted on a

dolly with wheels and forklif_ provisions. These two bays
contain logic, control, D_'s, line printer, power supplies,

circuit breakers, and a drawer (to hold loose equipment suppled

with the test set). The DSVT-I09 also has a J-box, c_oles,

and adapters to provide the interface for various d_-rk i_'test



..... \ i
The operation is based on the sequenclng of three counters -
the temperature counter, the power supply counter snd the module
counter. The sequencing of the c_unters and the decoded output
of the counters can be controlJed by front panel switches.
The temperature counter function is to automatically sequence a
matrix that switches resistance temperature bulbs (T_B's) on
the SAS wing to the inFAt of a digital voltmeter. The power
supply to the proper voltage values (as determined by front
panel switches). The number of voltages applied is detern_incd
by front panel The module counter's function is to
sequentially activate matrice, th_.tapply the programmable
power supply output to the app:Jpriate module under test and to
monitor on the DVM, through a redundant pair of wires from the
modules, the voltages applied to the module. All da_a is out-
put on a line printer for a permanent record.

C. Testing - The performance capability of the model has been sat-

isfactory In both its PATP and H&CO. No major problems were

D. Mission Results - The model met its designed objectives.

E. Conclusion and Recommendations - The unit performed satisfactorily

at both the supplier and K_qC. HS? Refrigeration Test Set (DSV7-1227

A, Design Requirements - The HSS Refr_Eeration Test bet provides

the capability of simulating failure or normal operating modes
of the refrigeration electrical system and mo_,itoringtheir
effect in an ambient condition. In addition, the unit provides
a monitoring capability when the refrigeration system is op-

The model verifies mS HSS refrigeratSon electrical systes logic

operation in the following systems:

o Coolant Pump Inverters

' 2.2.1k-252

o Regenerative Heater Controllers

o Radi_to_ Bypass Valve Control!ers

o Control Logic Units

The unit is also transportable and self-contained, requiring

only AC power to operate.

B. System Description - ._qneHSS Refrigeration Test Set is composed

of two bays of electrical equipment mounted on a dol±y with
wheels and forklift provisions. _nese two bays contain (i) a

r_lay plane with relays and lamp drivers, (2) panels that con-
iain switches and lamps, (3) voltmeter and counter, (h) power

s'-pplies, and (5) test point panels. The DSVT-122 ais_ has a
J-box and cables to provide the interface to cuDpo r_ refrigera-
tion electrical _esting.

Within the model switching is provided to simulate normal or

low delta-P, liquid level, or flow. Resistors are provided to

s_ulate high or low temperatures for all temgerature control
sensors and majority voting logic verification. VariabJe re-

sistance is provided to verify switc_hing points of temperature

comparator log_c and lights are provided to indicate the state

of comparator circ_ts, valves and logic. A volt-ohnmeter is

provided to measure AC, DC, _%_ and ohms. A frequency counter is

provided to measu:e frequency, phasing and time del_Js. Test

points are provided to access selected vehicle functions.

C. Testing - The performance capability and desigr, maturity of

model D_V7-122 has been proven by satisfactory completion of
FATP and H&?O procedures.

D. Mission Results - The unit ,,erified the electri I portion of

the refrigeration subsystem.

E. Conclusion and Recommendations - No major problems were en-

countered during the use of model DSVT-122 at libo: _SC. A minor

problem of some consequence was discovered at HB du_ .ng refrig-

eration electrical preparntions. The counter WcALId not ¢_unt


properly because of excessive noise on the input of the Digital
isolator Card. The problem w_s eliminated by reducing the value
of the isolation resistor in Model DSVT-122, whl_h in turn raised the
voltage input to the digital isolation card abr_e the noise level.

In conclusion, the unit performed well at both HB and [_C,

encountering no major problems at either test site. Experiments Cable and Connector Kit (DSVT-129)

A. Design Requirements - The purpose of the Experiments Cable and

Connect_r Kit was to provide a kit of loose hardware to inter-
face _ith OW_ cxperimeris for use dur._ngcheckout. The k_t was
requized to provide connectors, adapters contacts and cables
_hich are compatible with an existing breakout box as well as
various experiments. The kit was to be stored in _ portable

B. System Description - The DSV7-129 consists of 19 cable assem-

blies, 5 loose connectors and an adapter. The components within
the kit are utilized as follows:

I/ Cable assemblies with breakoL.tor external power require-

ments are m ted _tun e>:periments.

2/ loose =onnectors are mated with all other known experiment

connectors as required.

3/ An adapter cable to mate cables to the DSV7-726 breakout


4/ A l_r_-er
cable for experiment TO13.

5/ A coaxi i cable for Standing Wave Ratio (£WR) measurements

for experiment M509.

6/ An SWR adapter.

Each of the components indicated were utilized during checkout ....:

of the 0W£ experiments, while _r_:;alledin the 0W_ zt HB and
_g_in at KSC.

C. Testing - During receiving inspection tests and product accep-
tance testing, no problems were inaicated.

D. Mission Results - The H_odelmet its designed objertives.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations- The kit proved to be extremely

useful, It was used it_more situationsthan origlnsily anti-
cipated. As a result, there is no question that ±_ would be
utilized again in the future. Habitation Area Mass Deca_ Leak Test Kit (DSVT-503)

A. Design Requirements- Provide a unit to perform a gross leakage

rate (mass decay) test of the OWS habitation area to verify that
the overall leakage rate is within allowable limits.

B. System Description - The mog_l cons ts of equipment located

inside the habitation area and consoles located in the testing
tea. Inside the habitation area, there are twenty themister
transducers, five quartz thermometers,five fan assemblies, and
two distributionboxes distributedthroughout the OW[_to provide
a reliable measureme_Itof the inside temperature. The equip-
ment is connected through an electrical feedthroughto the
Dyme_ Data Arquisition System and a Control J-Box. After the
equipment is connected, the OW$ hatch was closed and the hab-
itation area pressurizedto 5.0 Z 0.5 Dsig (34.5 ± 3.h5 kn/m2)
with gaseous helium. Then the gross leakage rate test is conducted
until stabilized test data is o0tained over a length of time,
approximately48-hours. sufficient to determine the leakage rate.

C. Testing - The transducers,thermo_neters,pressure standards,

and the Dymec System were caliJrated prior to installation for
the leak test. Then, the total electrical system was verified
by an acceptancetest before the mass decay test wa_ performed.

D. Mission Results - The unit worked well at HB and KSC.

E. Conclusionsand Recommendations- The model accomplishedthe

task, as expected. However',a portable air conditioner f_r
the Dymec enclosure wnuld provide the needed temperature

stability that was not obtained when a remote unit was used at
KSC. TV Subsystem Electrical Checkout Kit (DSVT-504)

A. Design Requirements - Provide the necessary equipment to perform

the following tests on the TV subsystem.

i/ Time Domain Reflectometry of individual segments and thc

total subsystem

2/ Isolation tests

3/ Fault current verification

4/ Voltage magnitude and polarity power outlet tests

5/ Gain verification tests

6/ Frequency i-esponse

7/ DC response

8/ Llnearity

9/ Sign_l-to-noise

iO/ Converter noise

i!/ Camera operation

B. System Description - The model consists of cables, connectors,

load terminations signal generators, and a video amplifier
which were connected in various configurations as identified in
the TV ._ubsystemATP IB91066 and KSOO45 to accomplish the tasks
listed above.

C. Testing - The individual items of the model had receiving test

performed prior to its use.

D. I._Ission
Results - The model completed the verification of th_ :
OWS TV subsystem.
- ---4

E. Conclusions and n_com_endat_ons - The model performed


2.2.14-25% Special Test Devices Index List (DSV7-506)

A. Design Requirements - P.ovide special test devices needed for

test and checkout of the OWS/_24/MDA.

B. System Description - The model consists of four groups of special

test devices assigned to the following drawings: IB93005,

12,93OO6, 1293007 and 1293008. These special d-vices are con-

nected in various "_ays as defined in KSC Acceptance Test


C. Testing - An acceptance test was a--complished on each test

device prior to use.

D. _tlssion RestLlts - The devices performed properly in the tests

in which they were used.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - The model performed as expect-

ed_ however, to prevent delays in testing tine, the following
recommendations are applicable:

I/ Add smaller alligator adaptors.

2/ Incr_.ase the quantity of test leads and test lead adaptors.

3/ Create load simulator for use on the 400 Hz fan circuits.

4/ Create load simulators for 4DIll and 4Di19 bus lo_u_ing. KSC Electrical Accessory Kit (DSV7-507)

A. Desi_: Requirements - Provide special electrical equi_nent to

support tbe _cllowing checkout s_,d prelaunch activities at _LSC:

!/ I'onitor the pre-load setting on the Solar Array System.

2/ Verify DC power characteristics during maximum power trans-

fer from the AM/MDA to the OWS.

3/ Actuation of the Solar Array magnetic proximity switches.

B. System Description - To munitor the pre-load setting on the SAS - -_

load sensors, this model has a strain indicator, a balance unit,

load sensor harnesses, extension cables, and patch cords. The
hardware is hooked up to the SAS sensors and the OWS cinch bars


are torqued until the proper reading is obtained un the indicator


To verify the DC power characteristics, this model contains

load simulators and cables that are connected to the busses to

monitor voltage during power transfer.

To actuate the solar array proximity switches, this model con-

tains a magnetic actuator which is Flaced near _he $AS switches

during SAS testing.

C. Testing - The individual items had receiving tests performed

prior to use on the OWS.

D. Mission Results - The model performed properly during the

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - The model is acceptable for

the tasks it has to perfozm. TACS Electrical Kit (DSV7-509) _

A. Design Requirements - The TACS Electrical Checkout Kit provides

a meanz _f obtaining valve voltage and current traces, biievei
indications of valve emtuation, thruster inlet pressu_-e measure-

ments, relay contact malfunction indications, and TACS system

IU/ATMDC timing information which will provide data £or analysis

in the checkout _f the OWS thruster attitude con rol system.

The model provides the control and selectiJn capability of a

module and th_Ister in addition to individual or any combin-

ation of valve selection on any thruster. Operation of the

selected valves is either momentary or continuous and an indica-

tion status of the valve selection is provided on the TACS

electrical checkout kit control panel.

B. System Description - The TACS Electrical Checkout Kit (8509)

contains two portable boxes, six pressure transducers and a

set of drag-on cables.

The TACS Electrical Checkout Kit Control Unit (8509AI) is a
portable unit that interfaces, via drag-on cables, with the OWS
thruster relay control unit. Also connected to the 8509AI unit

is an oscillograph, not part of model DSV7-106. In a_dition to the

switches and lights utilized for various combinations of thruster

valve indications and control, the unit contains shunts and valve

command pick-off points distributed to the external oscillo- r

graph for recording voltage and current valve traces. Each _

control line contains a 5-amp fuse to protect the _18 in case

of a short within the box.

The TAC8 Electrical Checkout Kit Instrumentation Unit (8509A2)

is a portable unit used to condition the TACS pressure measure-

ments provided by the model DSV7-106 six pressure transducers. The

six pressure transducers monitor thruster pressure. Drag-on

cables are used to interface the transducers and the Instru-

mentation Unit.

C_ Testing - A P&TP was performed oi,model DSV7-509. Also, the

model was checked with the ACS at HB as part of the electrical

preparatiors prior to connection to the OWS.

D. Mission Results - The unit verified the electrical validity of

the iACS subsystem.

E. Conclusions and Recommendations - The model performed

satisfactorily durinK TACS checkout at HB and KSC. No major

_roblems wer_ encountered.


i i

2.2.15 .Marking System Design Requirements - CEI Section 3.3.10: "Equipment inside the

habitation area shall be marked or fabled, as required, to enhance

crew performance and to p, omote crew safety."

The Orbital Workshop Operational Nomenclature Document (MDC G0837C),

dated April 16, 1973, contains illustrations reflecting the actual

nomenclature as placarded on or near operational equipment. System Description - The MDAC-W design approach to markings was

presented to the Crew Systems Support Working Group at the S'"lab

Orbital Workshop Critical Design Review. The marking systems are

broken into three major areas: operational, procedural and


The operational markings consist of control and display (C/D) panels

aLAdother u_
....+ _,_.-.h
aq scientific airlock controls,

electrical outlets, vent valves, trash airlock, tool kits, water tank

controls, waste management equipment, etc. The operational markings

on this equipment included t_.e identification of functional control

positions sad the marking of the mode of operation, e.g., directions of

rotation, "lift to turn", "squeeze to release," etc. Most operational

markings were accomplished " silkscreening. An example of an oper-

ational panel using silkscreen markings is the water pressurization

pane] 500 (Figure 2.2_15.2-i). Some equipment, however, u_ilized

labels as a means of identifying functional positions. Examples of

operational equipment using labels are the trash airlock (figur_ one of the scientific airlocks, water tanks and the port-

able water tank (Figure 2.2.15,2-3_. For equipment that was expected



lS_ @SIN2

PflIlIUR! ll.llO 1SO PSi N 2 SUI'_LY

+y -

Water Pressurization Panel - 500

i ..................... . % J
1. VALVE/OUTER DOOR handle - PRESS _ 5 psi(verity}
2. LID - UNLOCK and open
3. insert trash beg
4. LID - close and LOCK
5. VALVE/OUTER DOOR handle - CLOSENENT (vm'lfy _ 0.5 psi)
7. EJECTOR handle - E.'=CT return to CLOSE
-Y ;34 ,

POS m ,pl _
-z , I _. /'
• I ...... ! --- +z

+Y _ /

Trash Disposal Airlock - 634


I q
to see much repe_ted usage or handled in such a way that could possibly

obliterate the nomenclature, the technique of engraving %he equipment

and filling the recess with ink was specified. This method protected

the marking from rubbing by placing it beneath _ne surface of the

part that would normally receive the wear. Examples of equipment

marked in this manner are the dump valves and their identificatioz

(backing) plates (Figure fecal processor doors

(Figure, and the trash airlock control levers (Figure

Procedural markings consist of labels and placards that are installed

on or near various piece_ of operational hardware that require more

than a simple ope_Ptins procedure. The procedural labels contained

abbreviated operating instructions for their related equipment. They

were intended to supplement, but not replace, the use of procedural

handbooks or u.lecklists. An example of a typical procedural label is

the SMMD operation/calibration label locmted in the WMC (Figure In most cases the procedural labels were installed on

an intermediate backing plate which in turn was either screwed into

place or held in place by v_icro hook and pile.

The third category of markings is numerical. Contained within this

category is:

o The OWS numbering system.

o The clustez" reference system.

o The storage numbering system.



/ _._-_

\ ii_l -,I
_ _ _,,
Waste Mana41ement Comartmen*. Water Dump VP' - 831

=- mlmmmmm_ _ . _=


TIMER SETV-r" _ _ _' l/



1 2 3 4 ._ 6 PlCAL RAG INSiXt'ION

OP;N .............................
IIMAII_N4_ +etA* _lllOp
' ............

Jl le4,1_ bq - +eee+Q flea i_e,4_,e, ,e.l F,t*q, _-d ,*.*

? +_lllll 011
, ,. , • i



Waste Processor Door

Waltl ProcellOr Control & Displlv PMtel
Waste Processor C.cu0! Breaker Panel - 817

Figure 2,2.15.2-5

2.2. L5-7
.... '............ ill


SMMD Ol_r_mn/C,_h_0on
e.Mfi_ Re_:lint_ Versus IEroc_iing Time

,'.::. "--9
The OWS numbering system assigns a number to a piece of equipment and

enables th_ piece of equipment to be correlated to its related

control/display panel, e.g., light fixtures correlated their C/D

panel, water tank heaters to their C/D panel heater controls, urine

Lrawers to their related C/D panel circuit breakers, etc. The

..umbers are assigned to the euuipment in a sequential manner

starting at the +Z axis (VCS duct I) and progresses clock-_ise, in

other words, left to right around the compartment when viewing from

the center.

The cluster reference system was developed in order to identify the

different control/display devices throughout the Skylab cluster. •

The breakdown of the cluster reference number_ used only in the OWS

is as follows:

o Dome h00-h99

_ o Upper Wall 500-599

o Experiment Compartment 600-699

o Wardroom 700-799

o Waste Management Compartment 800-899

o Sleep Compartment 900-999

o Plenum Area 1000-1099

Labels and silkscreening methods were used for applying cluster ref-

erence numbers. Silkscreening was used for permanently installed

equipment, i.e., vent valves, control/display panels, and :

electrical outlets. Labels were used on equipmen_ that was GFP or ....

on similar equipment that was used in several places in the OWS.

.... II

Examples of these would be TV control panels, fire detection

control panels and scientific airlocks.

The stowage numbering system consists of three digit numbers that

are assigned in the same sequence as the OWS numbers and cluster

reference numbers, i.e., by compartment, left to right, using the

same breakdown of numbers as the cluster reference system. The

number correlates stowage locations with stowage lockers and a label

carrying this number is applied to the outside of the appropriate

cabinet door. On this label is also printed the approved stowage :

nomenclature acronyms for the items that are stowed in the locker,

including the quantity if more than one.

Another category of stowage related labels is the miscellaneous stow-

age lagel. This label is used primarily inside stowage (ring) con-

tainers and are intended to:

o Identify the hard mounted stowage items.

o Identify the tools, if any, required to remove the item from


o The procedure involved, if not obvious, to remove the item

from stcwage.

While most items were identified by a label, there were some instances

where the stowage item was packaged in a fabric pouch. The method +

used to identify these pouches was hand lettering, using a black

"magic marker" felt tip pen. The stowage nomenclature was hand

lettered on a separate fabric "nameplate" and sewn ont_ the pouch.


In addition to the stowage labels that were applied to stowe_e lock-

ers, there was a requirement to provide the flight crew with the

capability of updating the stowage labels on-orbit. The method

chosen was blank labels with a felt tip marking pen. Two sizes of

:' blank labels __re provided. Also, a moderate number of crew

identification "Snoopy" labels were provided.

i In order to accomplish the design approach of the above marking systems,

several marking methods were specified. A description of those

methods follow:

A. The prime methods of permanently marking OWS equipment was the

silksc,_een process and hand lettering with Magic Marker felt

tip pen. The silkscreenihg followed normal silkscreen procedureE;.

The ink used, however, was Uniglaze C1336 black ink. This ink

was approved for use on the OWS from an offgassing standpoint

and is, in fact, the only silkscreen ink meeting the limits

specified by the MSFC Spec. IOIA, Flammability, Odor and Toxicity

Requirements document. There were problems with this method in

that the silkscreened markings were vulnerable to normal wear.

Very few markings in the OWS escaped some form of chipping or


B. The fabric pouches were identified with hand lettered fabric

"name-plates" sewn to them. The method of markin_ the nameplate

was to use the sharp edge of a black "magic marker" felt Kip pen.

The lettering was specified on the hardware drawing to be approx-

imately .25 iu. (6.3ram) high with a .06 in. (l.Smm) stroke _idth

_ and the lettering style was to be similar to futura. The .25 in.

(6.3mm) high lettering was considered close to a minimum size

in order to achieve a clear and concise character. This method

: of marking fabric proved to be very successful and was superior

to other, more sophisticated methods that were tried.

C. All labels used in the OWS were of the anodized "metal foil"

type. The label background color is gold with black lettering.

The gold color is defined by MDAC-W color chip STP 0302-020305.

The black lettering matches Fed-Std-595-37038 (flat finish).

D. The type face of the OWS labels was futura demi-bold. This

type face being preferred over futura medium because of its

heavier stroke. When using a photo-etching process on metal

foil labels this heavier stroke is necessary in order to allow

for a certain amount of "shrinking" of the type face during the


E. The overall dimensions of labels and thelr basic format was

, established during several flight crew reviews of OWS _ockups

(Crew Station Review and Crew Compartment Stowage Review).

Also, MDAC-W was requested through CCSR RID's to follow as a

guideline NASA SC-D-O01, General Specification for Metal Foil

Decals where it was compatible with MDAC-W marking approaches.

F. The minimum label thickness was .003 in. (.076am). This

thickness was reserved for only those locations that required

wrapping a label over a curved surface. It was not desirable

to use the .O03-inch thick label on a flat surface as the label

was so thin that it tended to deform and pick up any s_face

irregularities when installed. In addition, handlin_ the label

without damaging it proved most difficult. All procedural labals,

stowage labels, and most operational labels are .O08-in. (203mm)

thick although some eperatlonal labels are .O05-1n. (.127mm)

thick. As the requirements for label content changed it became

a rule that the label thickness woul.d be increased to .O08-in

(.127mm). Those labels whose thicknesses remained at .O05-in

(.127mm) are simply labels whose content did not require chan_ing.

G. The adhesive used on all permanently installed OWS labels was

Scotchweld No. 583 solvent activated adhesive. This adhesive is

a permanent typ, adhesive that requires activation with _4.E.K.

prior to application. When anDlied properly, this adhesive pro-

vided • good bond between the label and its mating surface.

H. For the special on-orblt blank labels and "Snoopy" labels, a

pressure sensitive adhesive was used (Scotch Brand No. ]468).

Also, these special labels used an oversize teflon backing which

served two purposes. First, the oversized backing allowed crew-

members to remove the backln_ with their finRers, without the

need of special tools or aids. Second, the teflon was used in

lieu of paper in order to meet flammability requirements. Testing - No formal testing program was carried ou_ on the marking

system o: labels.

During several mockup reviews, problems witht_e label adhesive was dis- __

covered. The OWS labels, when first manufactured included a _res-

sure sensitive adhesive identified as Scotch Brcn_ No. h65,

manufactured by the 3M Company. While this adhesive was recommended

by the label manufactl_rer as being a common adhesive and used by

them on most of the labels they manufactured, the adhesive proved to

be inadequate to firmly adhere the label to its mating surface.

Considerable discussion on adhesives took place until finally the

adhesive was revised to a more permanent solvent activated adhesive.

The adhesive selected was Scotch Weld No. 583 solvent activated

adhesive. This adhesive proved to be satisfactory for use in the

OWS environment.

The original on-orbit blank labels also used Scotch Brand No. 465

adhesive. Since these labels were intended for on-orbit use, the

adhesive had to be a pressure sensitive type. The replacement

adhesive selected was Scotch Brand No. 468 which is chemically

similar to the previously used No. 465, but is thicker. This in-

creased thickness provided a better bond to a mating surface and was

considered to be adequate for the on-orbit environment. Mission Results - No comments were received from the Missions 1 and

2 Flight Crews regarding the adequacy and durability of OWS markings.

The Mission 3 crew noted that some of the character sizes on some

labels, such as on the air distribution ducts and ring containers,

were too small to be eutly read at a distance.

The crew also noted that in some cases the nomenclature on equipment

did not match the proceduze nomenclature which resulted in some


I Concl'_ion_ and Recommendations - In general, the OWS marking

systems were adequate and contributed to a successful mission.

Although no significant problems were encountered in flight, experienc_

gained during the silkscreening of the various OWS panels suggests

certain recon_endation_ than can be made for future application. As

described in Paragraph, the panels silkscreened with uniglaze

: ink were not able to withstand normal wear. For future applications

it is strongly recommended that an ink more suitable for silkscreening,

e.g., MDAC STM 0248 catalyzed silkscreen ink, be used. This ink has

proved to be easily applied using normal practices and stands up very

well to normal wear.

The metal-foil labels proved to be an excellent method of identifying

stowage content and for procedural labels. For future applications

it is recommended that the .008 inch (.20_mn) thickness be used for

all labels applied to a flat surface. In gsneral, the application

of labels on a curved surface is not recommended. However, if this

cannot be avoided, the .00_ inch (.076 am) thickness should be specified. Development History - The only significant problem in the development

of markings and labels was the selection of an adequate adhesive for

labels. This is discussed in paragraph


• !

J s "

2._.1 Introduction

This section covers the materials, significant processes, and

material verification tests uses to manufacture and verify the

Skylab Orbital Workshop (OWS) hardware. Included within this

section are the material and process selection criteria and assess-

n_ent rationale that were applied in the design application to main-

tain materials control to assure safety of the OWS and the astro-


The compatibility and acceptability of material selections and

usages included consideration of all material characteristics and

disciplines described in the technical and design requirements

documentation of' MDAC and NASA/MSFC.

The materials and processes used are in compliance with the design

and material requirements as stated in the Contract End-Item Detail

Specification, Orbital Workshop Performance/Design and Qualification

Requirements, CP2OaOJIC. MDAC has complied with the design require-

ments for material and process application and their verification

t_st, quality assurance test requirements, test procedures, and

data collection and reporting procedures as required by Contract

NASg-b_5_, Schedule II. The complete list of all materials and

processes used in the OWS fabricated hardware has been provided

the NASA and can be found in the computer tabulation runs, P1775

Program, OWS System Process and Material Specifications.

The material and process discussions are subdivided into the follow-

ing category headings of Flammability, Odor and Offgassing; Materials




Compatibility; Metallics; and Non-Metallics. Each selected subject

within the category follows a general discussion presentation

consisting of subparagraphs of requirements, alternative solutions,

tests, discussions (as needed), and conclusions.

2.3.2 Flammabillty m Odor m and Offgasslng

A. Requirements

i/ The controlling doclunent for selecting materia/s is _£FC-

: SPEC-IOIA with modifications as noted in the CEI Detail

/ Specific_.tion. MDAC Document IB78110, Flammability, Off-

gassing and Odor Requirements, Materials, was prepared to

provide the engineering definition for contractual compliance,

• implementation, and control of MDAC internal designs and

supplier designs. MDAC drawing IB86198, Flsmmabillt_ Batch/

Lot Test Requirements, is a list of materials that have been

batch or lot tested to maintain control per MSFC-SPEC-101A

over certain materials prior to their use on the OWS.

It is emphasized that the basic ground rule applied to the

OWS designwas fire prevention. Therefore, the use of all flammable

materials was reviewed, documented, and reported on P0327 usage

forms (Figure 2.3.2-1). The use of materials classified as

Type II (self-extinguishing), and Type III (flammable) and

components classified as Type III (classifications are per

MSFC-SPEC-)OIA) were reported along with the _ppropriate

rationale for approval by NASA/M_FC. Flammable materials

were used only in the absence of a suitable nonflamm£hle

material. Each submittal item (Type II or III) was also

t ,,,



_a_II_ jr_, DATE

O SUBJE CT _O_ I_V&_.b.*¢ _'vp|

'- r_l u_ I /Dmb, WIN(_ DRAWING d o _UUllll

.: . i ;',

LOCATION / ;i _N_A"'_rr
R.WO _
X ,
l) NEAR-
_ST 10_P

Ill I. !.:.:;
'iii_llilllI ', ........
,illll : ._Illl lllli : i iilll ..............
,.''. Iiii) _J. llii :: ...


Ill Ill)Ill)Ill)Ill)iLl))))) IIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill))IlL)IlL)))fill)Ill)


Ill IIILIIllIlll Illilllllll tIlllll_ll IIlIl=lll I. llll IIILIIILI; L LIILLLLI IllIllll

lil lllllllilllllllllllllll [lllLi[lIl lllllllll llIII IlllIlllIll IIIILLII llllIllI






o._.,o. I..O.,,
I 111 JAN 1111)

FtLzure 2.3.2-1
included as part of the materials use map (_AC drawing

IB77015). The map depicts the >ocation of each item and

aids in determining the distribution of material throug_,t

the habitable interior and its proximity to other items.

2/ The authorizing references, documentation, and reportin_

responsibilities that are applicable to MDAC and suppliers

who furnished equipment for installation in the OWS are

shown in Tables 2.3.2-1 and 2.3.2-2. In addition to the

reports listed, MDAC has su_itted a tabulated report cn _he

of_gassing characteristics of materials used in the interior.

This report, identified as Computer Program P0327, tracked

the cumulative sum of the organic content and carbon monoxide

offgassln_ rates.

B. P0327 Usage Report Form

1/ A P0327 form (MDAC Form 60-2_61-_ or the revised Form

60-2_6_ _, dated January ii, 1972, Material/Component Usage)

was provided for all drawing releases. P0327 forms initiated

f_r design elements using flaaaable material were assigned an

identifying number. Rationale developed to support the material

usa_.e was put on the form for approval by the OWS Program

'_anager and was then su_nitted to NASA/MSFC for review and


2/ The rationale or installation infor_ation supplied with each i

reported use indicated, for exaaple, _he provisions for i

isolation and a fire hazard analysis to ensure that adequate

safety (isolati,,,,)provisions or test data vere available i




to substantiate the intended design aoplicstion. Each design

technology initiatea the materials and components usage form

where a report was required in accordance with the estab-

lished contractual data requirements for reporting to NASA.

The form was provided with all drm_ing releases and routed

for approvals of specific material disciplines through

various technologies before final approval by the Fire

Marshal and Program Manager.

3/ Three hundred forty (3h0) usage agreements aud two hundred

thirty (230) amendments were submitted to NASA/MSFC. A

listing of the non-metallic materials used withln the OWS

and the weight of each is shown in Table 2.3.2-3.

C. Significant Flammable Materials

l/ Following is the general information on the identification

of significant flammable materials and the present quantity

and location or distribution of these items in the OWS. The

stowage or installation approac_ used and testin_ conducted

to assure that safety provisions were satisfied for these

items is also presented.

2/ The majority of the flammable materials reported were used

on detail parts (0-ring seals, ink markines, thread lockin_

inserts, etc.). Table 2.3.2-h _ives the pertinent charac-

teristicP of _he significant flammable materials used in

the OWS, The items included in Table 2.3.2-h were selected

because of the relatively large mass or quantity of material


Table 2.3.2-3



I Nylon 3.23 (i.46)

2 Teflon 1793.58 (813.39
3 Fluorocarbon Rubber Sheet/Moldings 95.70 '43.h0)
h Ink, Warnow, Black 0.04 (0.02)
5 Rubber Sponge, Mosites 1062 84.54 (38.34)
6 Activated Charcoal 68.07 (30.87)
7 Micatex Paint 25.00 (ii.34)
8 Balsa Wood 2.30 (i. Oh )
9 Polyurethane Foam, IP20011 1531.06 (o94.33
i0 Urea Resin, MMM-A-188 1.50 (0.68)
ii Plastic Terminal Board 53.15 (24.10)
12 Kynar 0.79 (0.36)
13 Ink, Marker 0.03 (0.01)
14 Filled Epoxy Insulator 37.12 (]6.83)
15 Silicone Rubber 127.90 (58.00)
ib Fluorocarbon Rubber Clamps 6.53 (2.96)
17 Stycast 2651 23.39 (10.60)
18 Stycast 2850 97.68 (44.30)
19 Diallyl Phthalate 12.39 (5.62)
20 Delrin 500 1.38 (0.03)
21 Primer, IP20073 0.i0 (0.05)
22 Adhesive, IP20085 14.15 (6.42)
23 Potting, IP200T4 0.i0 (0.05)
24 Epoxy Potting, MSFC-SPEC-222 0.20 (0.I0)
25 Paper 29.00 (13.15)
26 PBI (T-Treated) 116.14 (52.b7)
27 Nomex Thread 3.36 (1.52)
28 Coolanol-15 53.80 (24.h0)
29 Rayon Terrycloth 378.00 (171.42)
30 Aluminum/Cardboard 6.00 (2.72)
31 Kapton 0.27 (0.12)
32 DC-4 Lubricant 0.05 (0.02)
33 NBG Tubing 0.08 (0.04)
34 Food Gra_e Viton 11.61 (5.27)
35 Matte Varnish No. 17-358 0.01 0.004)
34 Mylar 0.07 (0.03)
37 Potting, PR 1933 2.34 (1.06)
38 Polybutene 0.27 (0.12)
39 Adhesive, IP20075 23.83 (2.0.80)
40 Sealant, iP20057 3.32 (1.51)
41 Adhesive, IP20001 93.09 (42.22)
42 Adhesive, STM0480 0.01 (0.004) ..
43 Primer, 8TM0481 0.01 (0.004)
44 Polyester Paint 0.04 (0,02) ! ;
45 Porosilieate Insulation 1.72 (0.78)
4_ Fiberglass (Glass Tape, MIL-I-19166) ii.84 (5.37) _ ,.

47 ....Lubricant, DC-340 0.52 (0.24) _ !


k _
Table 2.3.2-3 (Continued)



h8 Silicone, RTV 154 O.16 (O.OY)

h9 Auhesive, EClb63 0.60 (0.27)
50 Adhesive, Epon 828 3.b2 (1.73)
51 Silicone, RTVI02 O.0h 0.02)
52 KEL-F O. 86 O. 39 )
" 53 Neutro_ena Soap 12.50 5.67 )
5h Adhesive, IP20025 Class I 2.25 1.02)
55 Adhesive, 1P2001_ 3.81 1.73)
56 Stycast 2262 0.09 O.Oh)
_7 Cety_ Alcohol O. 01_ 0.OOh )
58 2utyl Rubber 0.22 O.ul)
59 Silicone Grease 0.01 O. 00_)
b0 Gold Tape 0.51 0.23 )
Ol Sealant RTV 500 O. Ol 0. bob )
02 Polyurethane Coated Nylon O. 8h O. 3_ )
03 Polyethylene O. 8b O. 39 )
04 Sthylene-Propylene Rubber O. Ol O.O(L )
b5 Epoxy Sealant, MSFC 2021529 0.02 0.00_)
60 Ink, Uniglaze O.O1 O. 00_ )
o7 Vespel SP-I 5.19 J. -_5)
b8 Freon 22 ih.35 o.5])
b9 Indium Foil O.01 O.ooh )
70 Shrink Tubing, MSFC-SPEC-270 0.30 0.i,',)
71 Velcro 35.37 lb.01.)
72 Tape, Scotch No. h25 (Y-9050) 2.57 1.17)
73 Stycast I09D 3.00 l._b)
7h MIL-E-5_>6 Paint 0.01 O.O_jl4 )
75 Tape, b_'stik o3OD 2.02 0.p_)
7b Rubber, Buna-N 0.01 O.OOh )
"_7 Adhesive, RTV ll0 0.02 o.00o)
78 Sylvard 18h 2.16 O.')S)
79 Scotchcast XR5038 Potting 0.12 o.0_)
00 Glass Tape Mystik 7001 O.38 O. 17)
b: _omex/Kapton/Romex O.06 O.0 _)
82 Polyamide Tape MIL-T-h3h35 O.I0 O.05)
83 Polyester Gla_s O.Ii O.O'))
_h Epoxy Resin 0.82 0.37)
85 Lubricant DC 3h00 O.O1 0.(I(I_
_b Tape Scotch _3 0.01 0.00_
07 Polymide Varnish 0.16 0.07)
88 Dodecane 38.7h 17.57
09 Lubricant, Tallow/Wax 0.02 0.01 ) -.
90 Polyester Foam l.h7 0.67)
91 Epoxy Adheslv=., S-1709h 0.01 O.00h)
_2 Potting I:C2273 8.80 _.99)
• _3 Permacel Insulator 0.57 0.20)
9h Poly Vinyl Butyral 1.00 C.h5)

_ 1

Table 2.3.2-3 (Continued)



95 Salt Pads (Ambivalent Desiccant) 0.53 (0.24)

96 Zitex 3.06 (1.39)
97 Zinc Chromate Primer 0.03 (O.O1)
98 Cation Exchange Resin (Styrene/ 6.80 (3.08)
Divinyl Benzine)
99 Natural Latex 5.95 (2.71)
100 Adhesive, HTh22 1.2'3 (0.58)
101 Loctite O.01 (0.004)
102 Crepe Towel Paper 2.10 (0.95)
103 Conolan 6000 (Plastic Foil) 2.11 (0.96)
104 Adhesive, SR 529 0.31 (0.14)
105 Sealant, Epoxy 801 0.04 (0.06)
106 Tape, Scotch 465 1.83 (0.83)
107 Tape, Mystik 7453 0.07 (0.03)
108 Quick Sol-U 1.41 (0.64)
109 Adhesive, RTV ll2 0.06 (0.03)
llO Adhesive, RTV 106 0.01 (0.004)
ill Ink, Black Magic Marker 0.01 (0.004)
112 Ink, Green Magic Marker 0.01 (0.004)
113 Potting RTV 156 0.30 (0.1h)
114 Potting EC1663 O.h5 (0.20)
115 Petroleum Grease 0.06 (0.03)
ll_ Polyolefln Plastic 0.30 (0.14)
i17 Ink, 73X Black 0.01 (0.004)
118 Adhesive, IP20031 0.05 (0.02)
i19 Ink, Ball Point Pen 0.01 (0.004)
120 Polystyrene 0.08 (0.04)
121 R2 Retort Stock 0.05 (0.02)
122 Polypropylene Foam 5.h2 (2.4b)
123 Aclar Film 0.04 (0.02)
124 Adhesive, Scotchweld 583 0.05 (0.02)
125 Adhesive, Intercel 1ClO01-91 433.83 (19b.74)
126 Paper Label and Adhesive 0.01 (0.004)
127 Adhesive, 3M No. 63 0.01 (0.004)
128 Ink, Epoxy, White Warnow 0.02 (0.008)
129 Polyolefin Shrink Tubing, STM069-01 0.13 (O.0b)
130 Tape, Red Vinyl, Scotch No. 471 O,h5 (0.20)
131 Lubricant, Kendall Oil, SRG-hO 0.01 (0.002)
132 Adhesive, Polysulfide, IP20098 0.01 (0.004)
133 Low Friction Coating, STM0536-01 0.12 (0.006)

Total 5336.41 (2420.061 _ -_


Table 2.3.2-4


_ ]
Reported No. of Items
on Suppl or Weight
Stowage or
Sample Supplied
For Flanm_=bility "
Item No. in Pounds* (kg) Location Testing
Fixed Items

? Pulyurethane 10005 1,010.0 Tank Walls and Kef:

: Foam (45_.03) common bulkhead A3-860-KBBA-TM-i

dated 72
December 1966
10049 O.l Tank wall small I DAC Report
(0.05) plug at weld DAC-60609 dated
seam March 1967;
TM X-53732 dated
I0069 245.3 Refrigeration April 1968"*
(111.24) system lines
and freezer
; walls

I0073 1.9 Tank wall at _

(O.LI6) access door jamb

\ 10134 1,9 Tank wall at

(0._;6) access door jamb
_ 2

I0192 3.9 Ground thermal

; (4.04) conditioning
system lines

: 10209 30.7 Electrical

(13.92) cabinet cold
)late wall

I0218 0.7 Jrine chiller

(0.32) drawer walls

_ I0227 4.0 Radiant heater

(1,81) walls

I0256 1.4 Helium port cover

(O,OG) on tank wall

10262 16,8 Debris bag (see

(7.6_) stowed items)

*Weight given is for the flammablematerial only.

'*Successfully passed flammability testing.

Table 2.3.2-4
MATERIALS (Continued)

; I

on Suppl
Reported No. of Items
or _ight
Stowage or
in Pounds*(kg) Location
Sample Supplied
For Flammability

; i
i 10280 88.4 Fecal bag (see
! (40.09) stowed items)

:; ; 10282 28.7 Contingency

'_ (13.02) fecal bag (see
stowed items)

i Refrigerant 10026 20.0 Throughout OWS, Ref: MDC-G2784

(Coolanol- (9.07) contained in dated November ]970**
i 15) steel lines

General fOOl6 42 items B on forward Supplied per CO 293,

IlIumination dome dated February,
Light lO around 197l (Ref test
Assembly water bottles Request MD-31)**
4 in wardroom
3 in waste
• _ compartment
3 in sleep
14 in aft

Wire 10008 1,400.0 Throughout OWS Ref: MSC2035B

Harnesses (634.90) contained in MDI6, dated
(_nsulated enclosures May 21, 1971
wire) MSC2035B
MD]O, dated
April 15, 1971
: MDg, dated
April 15, 1971
dated May 5, 1971"*

*Weight given is for the flammable material ,nly. •
**Successfullypassed flammability testing.


Table 2.3.2-4
MATERIALS (Continued)

Reported N_. of Items Stowage or Sample Supplied
on Supp] or Weight Installation _or Flammability
Item No, in Pounds* (g) Location Testing

Stowed Items

Sleep I0202 30 items, One in each sleep Supplied per CO 407,

Restraints each at compartment dated Juice24, 197l
6.7 Ib 27 stowed in
(3.04) lockers,
3 in 13Al21
12 in 13C121
12 in 13Dl21

Towels 10027 420 items, Stowed in lockers Supplied per CO 293,

eacn at Bulk Stowage dated February lO,
0.5 lb (0.23),189in IOA456 ]971 (ReF.Test
210.0 Ib I 126 in 13F121 Request MD-29)**
(_5.24) total 3 in 15A235
6 in 15B235
6 in 15C235
In dispensers
18 in 15C245
18 in 15D245
18 in I-E245
18 in 15F245
18 in 16E390

Washcloths I0027 840 items, Stowed in lockers Supplied per CO 293,

each at In dispensers dated February lO,
0.2 ]b (0.09), 84 in 15A235 1971 (Ref.Test
168.0 ]b i If2 in 15B235 Request MD-29)**
(7b.19) total If2 in 15C235
112 in 15D235
84 in 15C245
84 in 15D245
84 in 15E245
84 in 15F245
84 in 16E390

*Weight given is for the flammablematerial only.

**Successfullypassed flammabilitytesting.


Table 2.3.2-4

Reported _o. of Items Stowage or Sample Supplied
on Suppl or Weight Installation For Flammability
Item No. in Pounds* (kg) Location Testing

Charcoal I0002 61.3 (27.80)In canister None required

(in 6 within ventila-
items) tion unit over
WMC. Spare
units stowed in
in IOA20I

in fOAl68
in 10A184

I0277 8.1 (36.73) Odor filter in

(in 6 waste management
items) compartment in
Module 5 spares
in lOA216

Water Bottle lOOl5 15.8 (71.66)0ne on each Supplied per CO 293,

Heaters (in lO water bottle dated February lO,
items) in forward 1971 (Ref Test
:ompartment Request MD-30)**

Water Heater lOC61 12.6 (5.71))ne in food table Supplied per CO 419,
(in 2 in wardroom - One dated July 2, 1971
items) in WMC in cabinet (Ref Test Request
Ibove sink MD-32)**

Adhesives Reported 72.6(32.92) Bonds foam None required

in 53 (I0055) to walls
supple- I0.5(4.76) Bonds foam
ments (I0209) in cabinet
Majority 27.9(12.65) Throughout
included (in 51 the OWS
in 10055 supple-
and I020(. ments)

*Weight given is for th_ flammable m_terial only.

**Successfully passed flammability testing.


Table 2.3.2-4

Reported No. of Items Stowage or Sample Supplied
on Suppl or Weight Installation For Flammability
Item No. in Pounds* (Rg) Location Testing

General- I0022 4,312 Stowed in lockers Supplied per CO 293,

Purpose items, in dispensers dated February I0,
Tissues contained l in 16DlSO 1971 (Ref Test Request
in II 2 in 13E182 MD-29)**
dispensers 2 in 13E242
Weight 2 in 13E312
estab- I in 15F125
lished at l in 15F285
l.O Ib (U.45) l in 15F355
_er dispenser I ir,15F385
ll.O Ib (4.99)

Utility I0022 4,116 Stowed in lockers Supplied per CO 293,

Wipes items, In dispensers dated February I0,
contained l in 16DlSO 1971 (Ref Test Request
in 18 l in 13E182 HD-24)**
dispensers l in 13E242
Weight l in 13E312
estab- 2 in 15F125
lished at 3 in 15D235
1.0 Ib (0.45) 3 in 15C235
ner dispenser, l in 15B235
18 Ib (8.1Cl 2 in 15F285
total l in 15D355
2 in 15F385

Debris Bag I0262 140 items, Stowed in lockers Similar to fecal

each at (single bag bags supplied per
0.19 Ib used in vacuum CO 293, dated
(U.Ug), cleaner) February I0, 1971
26.3 Ib 14 in 12A268 Sample bag has
(1i.93) 14 in 12F268 been supplieu for test
total 14 in 12G268 in conjunctionwith
14 in 12H268 vacuum cleaner supplied
70 in 12C450 per CO 51u. (Ref. Test
14 in 15D285 _eouest FII-45)**

*Weight given is for the flammable material only.

**Successfullypassed flammabilitytesting.


Table 2.3.2-4

Reported No. of Items Stowage or Sample Supplied
on Suppl or Weight Installation For Flammability
Item No. in Pounds* (ig) Location Testing

Fecal Bags 10280 465 items, Stowed in lockers Supplied per CO 293,
_: each at 84 in 12A268 dated February lO,
0.39 Ib 84 in 12B268 1971 (Ref Test
(0.18) 84 in 12F268 Request MD-29)**
179.2 Ib 84 in 12G268
(81.27) 84 in 12H268
total 45 in 16C390

Contingency 10282 191 items, Stowed in lockers Supplied per CO 293,

Fecal Bags each at 6 in 16A130 dat_ February I0,
0.22 Ib II in 16Dl30 1971 (Ref Test
(O.Ol), II in 12A26_ Request MD-29)**
42.4 Ib 11 in 12B268
(19.22) II in 12F268
total II in 12G268
II in 12H268
If9 in 12C450

Urine Bladder I0263 441 items, Stowed in lockers Inlct hose portion
each at 9 in IOA308 Supplied per MD-67,
i 0.13 lb 96 in 10A324 dated April 4, 1972"*
(0.06), 96 in IOA340
59.G Ib 96 in IOA356
(27.03) 96 in IOA372
total 24 in IOA388
24 in 16A300

Waste Water 10114 5 items, Stowed in lockers Supplied per CO 551,

Bag each at 5 in 16F300 dated October 30,
I.I Ib 1971 (Ref. Test Reauest
(0.50), MD-7B)**
5.5 Ib

*Weight given is for lhe flammable material only.

**Successfully passed flammability testing.


k ,
Table 2.3.2-4

Reported No. of Items Stowage or Sample Supplied
on Suppl or Weight Installation For Flammability
Item No. in Pounds* Location Testing

Trash Bag I0182 424 items, Stowed and used Supplied per CO 293,
(small) each at in lockers dated February lO,
0.0/ Ib Stowed items 1971 (Ref Test
(b.U3], 53 in 16A390 Request MD-29)**
29.7 Ib 53 in 15_385
(13.47) 53 in 15A235
total 53 in IIA288
53 in IIB288
53 in iiC288
53 in IIF288
53 in 12B460
Usage locations
l in 16Bl30
l in 15C385
I in 13D312
l in 13D182
I in 13D242
l in IID288
I in 12D460

*Weight glven is for the flammablematerial only.

**Successfullypassed flammabilitytesting.

2 3-17

The stowage or installation approach used to ensure ade-

quate safety for each of the tabulated items is as follows:

a. Installation of Fixed Items - The majority of the per-

manently installed flannnable materials were small

in size, separate items, or easily isolated component

parts. These include:

1_ The charcoal filters that were enclosed in metal

canisters and stowed or installed for use in metal


2. The water tank heaters that were installed on metal

water tanks were enclosed in nonflammable fluoro-

carbon rubber-impregnated fiberglass.

3. The personal hygiene water heaters in the waste

mana_._ment system and wardroom food table were

enclosed in a metal outer can and installed in a

metal locker on the metal food table structure.

h. The adhesives used were sandwiched between layers

of nonfla_able material or were used to bond

significantly larger masses of flammable material

in place (such as polyurethane foam to the O_r3

tank vail ).

The rematntn_ fixed items include the foam insulation,

refrigerant, light assemblies, and wire _rnesses. The

Keneral design approach folloved is to contain or isolate

the fle_able material. The commonly used approaches

were enclosure with metal (provides a large heat sink),

wire troughs with fire breaks, or isolation by


r . .. ....
separation from other flammable materials. Each use

ond its installation and protection or isolation pro-

visions was documented and submitted on a material usage

form, as discussed previously.

Special precautions and design provisions have been

imposed and incorporated with respect to the above uses

of fixed flammable materials. These include the


5. Polyurethane foam insulation installations were

covered by a minimum of 0.003 in. (.07bmm) thick aluminum

foil. The tank wall insulation also included a

fiberglass line: covered by the aluminum foil. All

penetrations through the foam incorporated fiber-

_las_ and aluminum foil protective covers to isolate

the foam from exposure to the OWS atmosphere. Poly-

urethane foam uses vithin freezer vails was sand-

wiched between metal walls of 0.030 in, (,70_) _inimum

thickness. Ex_ensive flammability teotln_ was con-

ducted to determine the minimum foil thickness that

would provide the desired flammability protection.

b. The refri_eratlon subsystems installation incorpor-

ates the followin_ design provisions to eliminate

potential leak paths for the refrigerant:

a) All tubing Joints _itnln the OW$ pressurized

interior were brazed.



b) O-ring sealed boss fittings replaced MC flared

fittings. This provides the interface seal

between the CRES tubin_ and alumint_ active


c) All active components were enclosed in a sealed

vacuum vented container.

d) Damage protection was provided by foam insula-

tion Jackets around the refrigerant lines

(thermal requirement), which in turn were

covered by aluminum shrouds of 0.050 in. (i.27mm)

minimum wall thickness.

In addition, extensive flammability testln_ was con-

ducted using typical segments of refrigerant-soaked

insulated lines to substantiate the adequacy of th_

design approach.

7. Electrical components and wirin_ inst_ilations

incurporated the follow_ng special system design

features, in addition to normal circuit protection


a) All encapstLlated electronic modules were coated

with a layer of plasma-arc spra_-ed aluminum

(Metco No. _) to preclude flame propagation. ,,

b) All wirln_ inside the OWS w&s routed through a

system of closed metal troughs containing fire "_

barriers or non-flammable convoluted tubing.

c) The power control console was compartmentalized

to prove_, flame propagation.


i_lummmt_ ...... t ._
d) The light assembly was made up of a comoosite

arrangement consistin_ of a tempered glass tube

over the basic Lexan lamo for flammability pro-

tection and a 0.020 in. (.508mm) Teflon exterior coat-

ing over the glass tube to shatternroof the

_lass. This arrangement was assembled into the

lamp end fittings and potted. The lamp was in

turn installed in a metal housing for additional

protection durin_ use.

b. Installation of Stowed Items - Flammability protection

for .'towed items _as provided by the metal stowage

cabinets and, in certain instances, by nonflammable

glass fabric bags enclosing the it_n when removed from

a metal locker. Installation of sto';ed items did not

include any specific requirement to fireproof the item

before placing it in the cabinet. The stowage inter-

face was concerned only with size, _eight, vibration,

shock, and flotation (zero-g) constraints. The locker

itse]f provided the flammability protectioh required.

Stowage restraints or packa_in_ provided was nonflam-

mable, where possible (Armalon ba_s for small items or

nonflammable strap-type restraints for larger installa-

tions ).

Specific stowage concepts applied to the stowed flam-

mable materials noted in Table 2.3.2-4 are given in

Table 2.3.2-5.

Table 2.3.2-5


Item Concept 4

Sleep restraints Restrained in cabinet by straps except for the three :.

in use.

Yowels Rolled individually and stored in bundles. Used

from a dispenser which holds 2h towels in a metal
container closed on five bides. The dispenser was
installed in a metal cabinet. Only the rolled end
of the tc,_el cylinder was exposed to the atmosphere
of the cabinet. Bulk stowage of replacement towels
for the dispensers was in a cabinet restrained by _.
_ashcloths Stowed in bundles of 28 cloths in a metal container
closed on five sides. The container was installed
in a metal cabinet. Cloths were extracted through
a spring-loaded metal door in the sixth side of the
metal container.

_issue/wipes Stowed in closed aluminum foil coated box. Used in

a tissue/wQpe dispenser, with the ends of the box
punched out. The dispenser installation used a
spring-loaded metal door which had to be opened to
remove a tissue/wipe. The dispensers were installed !
in a metal cabinet.

Bags (trash, Stowed in bundles in metal cabinets and strap- :

_rine, etc.) restrained. Exposure was limited to the time of t
usage only. Installation for the specific bags was
as follows:

D_bci& b_gs: inside the metal vacuum cleaner


Fecal and contingency fecal ba_: installed in

the collection module housing, short-duration
exposure under direct surveillance by the crew

Urine bladder assembly: installed in metal

centrifugal sepsxator housing. _
Waste water ba_: in metal locker, --_

Trash bag: iu metal locker, accessible by

means of a me_al door _


i '
D Special Flammability Protection Cases

l/ Special precautions were taken and design provisions incor-

porated for the design and installatiot, of major flammable

materials. The following paragraphs present the design

features incorporated and the testin_ performeu to support

the design approach for polyurethane foam insulation,

electrical wiring, general illumination light assembly, and

the refrigerant (Coolanol-15).

a. Polyurethane Foam - The selection of Lhe liquid hydro-

gen fuel tank of the Saturn S-IVB stage as the habitable

volume for the OWS required a significant modification

in material to eliminate a potential fire hazard. The

hazard was due to the use of polyurethane foam insulatlon

bonded to the internal walls of the tank. The insula- ?

tion was a glass fiber-reinforced polyurethane foam L

sealed with a glas_ fabric impregnated with a ooly-

urethane resin. The existin_ insulation was retained,

necessitating a design modification to provide a flame-

retardant coating on the internal insulation.

1. A study and test progr,_m was initiated in which

three phases of tests were conducted, as follows:


a) The first phase consiated of the preliminary

screening of flame-retardant materials. Spool- _

mens of Dyna-Th_rm D-05, aluminum foil, and other _

materials bonded to the ins:_lation were tested

for thermal shock, tensile strength at cryogenic



temperature, and thermal contraction rate. The

most promising materials were then considered

for structural testing in a 3 ft. (91._cm) dome

_: specimen.

b) The second phase consisted of testing to deter-

mine flame-resistance, the offgassing character-

istics, and the products of combustion of various

coatings considered. The materials were tested

under the simulated atmospheric conditions that

would be encountered in the OWS.

e) The third phase consisted of a 3 t. (91.hcm) dome

panel test. This test was performed to prove the

structural integrity of the flame-resistant _

coated insulation system. The material was

tested in liquid hydrogen, pressurized, and the

external skin heated to duplicate the conditions

imposed on the S-IVB stage. ;

As a result of this program, it was concluded that

aluminum foil was the best flame-retardant system

evaluated in this program. Test results demonstrate

that alu,,,inumfoil provides maximum retardation of

foam burning rate and is the only system evaluated

that prevents surface flame propagation. Offgassing .--

products and rates with aluminum foil ._._ s,,_i-

i ciently low t_ be haudled adequately by the acti-

vated charcoal absorber of the atmospheric control i

system. The 3 ft. (91.hem) dome test demonstrated that the

liner with aluminum foil will withstand exposure to

cryogenic and pressure environment. The coating

weight is approximately half that of Dyna-Therm

D-65, either with or without the glass fabric re-

inforcement, i

Details on the materials considered and the specific

i: tests conducted are included in Technical Memorandum

No. ll7, A2-860-KBBA-TK-172, dated December 1966.

This program was followed by a test program con-

ducted to determine the structural integrity of a

flame-resistant coating on the internal insulation.

The t_st evaluated two candidate materials, aluminum

foil and Dyna-Therm D-65, in an 8 ft (2.ha) diameter

scale tank.

The tests indicated that either material was feasible

for use as a flame-resistant coatin_ with the aluminum

foil structurally more ad_auate than the Dyna-Therm

D-65 coating.

Details on this test program are included in Tech-

nical Memorandum No. 178, A3-860-KBBA-TM-178, dated

march 1967.

In conjunction with the structural testing programs --

conducted, an additional testing effort was made to

aetermine the eff_tlve_,e_s of _-_.= fl_,e-r_Lardan_

materials, i

1 7

The offgassing and ageing properties of these

materials as well as the insulation material were

were also studied.

The early phases of testing identified only one con-

figuration that completely prevented the spread of a

fire on the surface of the insulation. This was 0.002

in. (,052mm) thick aluminum foil bonded to the surface.

This configuration also was found to almost complete-

ly prevent the offgasslng of hydrocarbons from the

insulation material.

The aluminum foil was found to prevent surface

burning and iL._it s_0surface decomposition to

approximately a l0 in. (25.hcm) diameter cavity. These

tests were conducted with a 1/2 in. (1.27cm) diameter pene-

tration hole through the sample, 5-psia (34.5 kN/m 2) oxygen

t above the sample, and approximately 0.25 psi (1.7 kN/n 2)

maintained below. No effect of exposure to the mission

i profile, including time spent in 5-psia (32.5 kN/m 2) oxygen

up to 2_ days, was observed in the burning properties.

Offgassing of the samples extrapolated to 30 days indi-

cated a buildup of less than 5-ppm total organics in an

S-IVB hydrogen tank.

Details on these te_ts are includes in Douglas

Report DAC-60609, dated March 1967.

i 2.3-26 |
2. In addition to the MDAC testing efforts described

above, testin_ and evaluation of the proposed foil

covering were conducted by the Materials Division

of MSFC (Ref: Technical Memorandum X-53732, dated

April 30, 1968). These studies were made to verify

that the foam protection scheme of usin_ an aluminum

foil liner was adeouate to prevent fire and fire

propagation in the insulation due to internal sources.

From the results of this activity, it was concluded

that the three-dimensional insulation material can

be made nonflammable by coverin_ it with an aluminum

foil liner. To be completely compatible with the

OWS and to accommodate dama_,e to the liner without

Jeopardizin_ the OWS, it nas been shown that a liner

thickness of 0.003 in. (.076nm) is required. With this

liner thickness, even damage to the liner will not

result in catastrophic combustion, but rather, the

insulation will be self-extlnguishlng in less than

1 ft 2 (.093m 2) of area. The &_dition of the 0.003

in. (.076mm) thick liner makes the three-dimensional insu-

lation exceed the most stringent requirements placed

on material flammability for manned space _ Ant. :

The design approach used in the OWS was the appli-

cation of a minimum thickness of 0.003 in. (.076mm)

aluminum foil. A typical example oC this insulation

is shown in Figure 2.3.2-2.

Where epoxy laminate inserts were installed or when

foam thicker than one inch was used, a minimum of 0.005

in. (.127,_1m) thick foil was bonded over these materials

to provide adequate flammability protection.

b. Electrical WirinK - The initial internal tank wire cover

concept was for all wirin_ to be installed in a way that

permitted visual inspection and provided protection from

physical dama_e by the crew.

i. The configuration baselines consisted of open wire

bundles with protective covers at selected locations.

Since physical damaKe was likely to occur only in

high-traffic areas, adequate protection could be

achieved if the wires were covered. Consequently,

the wire harnesses were structurally protected from

normal astronaut contact in hi_h-traffic areas.

This Was done by routln_ wires in channels of the

structural members immediately adjacent to mechanical

and electrical equipment or structures, coverin_ the

wires with a metallic shield, or by coverin£ wire

breakouts to equipment with Teflon corru_&ted tubing.

When the crew quarters were inverted with s soft

(fabric) ceilin E located immediately above the LO 2

come, the hat section ceilin¢ frame members were

used for wire protection. Visibility was obtained

by flat perforated covers.


Subsequently. when CO 15 (ECP W027) was received in

November 1969 to invert the crew quarters, the floor

orientation was revised to the present configuration

and the soft ceiling disappeared. However, the

channel cover design was carrle4 over.

2. In January 1970, the requirement statin_ that all

wires needed tight segmented compartments for fire

protection was received (Letter PM-AA-SW-286-69).

The present closed conduit concept defined in the

following was developed to meet this new criterion.

Visibility was deleted as a requirement (Supplemental

Agreement 9h); however, complete prelaunch access

remained a requirement. The new design nrovided for

all internal tank wiring to be routed in closed con-

duit on c)nvoluted tubing.

A trade study was conducted to evaluate various

design concepts, hardware, manufacturin_ techniques,

installation techniques, rework techniques, and

accessibility for In,_ection. This evaluation

covered the following concepts:

a) Tubular metal conduit and Junction boxes using

flttings such as y's, tee's, crosses and straight

fittings, at specified intervals for wire

I harness support within the tubing.

E 2.3-30
b) Wire harnesses in a braided fiberglass cover

with Teflon tubing installed durin_ the we_tvinc


c) Wire harness with fiberglass and Teflon tubinc

slipped over it and terminated in special

fittings at each branch.

d) Wrapping wire harnesses with aluminum foil.

e) Convoluted tubing (Thermofit NBG) was evaluated

for replacement of fiberglass or Teflon tubing

for ease of manufacturin_ and to reduce contam-

ination of the OWS atmosphere. Samples were

tested and approved by MSFC.

The study resulted in an overall design concept that

enclosed major wire harness runs in a closed-conduit

(metal channels with covers). This allowed manu-

facturin_ to use standard wire harness fabrication

procedures on all main wire runs. Wire h_rness

branches that extend aw_v from the main wire run in

the closed conduit, required fiberglass and Teflon

tubin_ to be terminated in fittings at th? closed

conduit and at the connector back shell.

As a result of these study efforts, the wirini_ in-

stallation were changed from the baseline OWS inter-

nal wirin_ cover system to a more sophisticated

system. The baseline called for star daxd wire

2.3 -31

harness runs protected in hi_h-traffic areas by

various materials, covers, hat-section ceiling

frames, and metal guards, and interconnected by

standard interface connectors supported by standard

brackets. The more sophisticated system provided

for routin_ all wiring inside the OWS through a

: closed conduit (trough) system for increased pro-

tection against flame and physical damage (Figures

2.3.2-3 through -6 _.

Basically, the new closed container system con-

sisted of rigid conduit, flexible conduit, inter-

change boxes, convoluted tubing, and barrier boots.

(See Figures 2.3.2-7 through -i0). Barriers are

included in these devices to inhibit flame propa-

gation (see Fig. 2.3.2-11).

3. Specific design details on these concepts are given


a) ___o,'_hs- Rigid (see Figure 2.3.2-_) - The riRid

aluminum troughs with the fire barriers form the

basic enclosure unit for interconnectin_ wire

routing. The Teflon insulated wire inside the

trough is not covered with any additional flame-

protective materials. Fire barriers are in- i

stalled periodically throughout the length of

the trough runs. They are co_prised of aluminum

doublers [minimum 0.060 in. (.152cm)], NBG _rom_ets i


, 2.3-32 1ji

0 z "_
,,, .-_
'_" _ _ o

_ Z "r"


II I "' _'_ •
N r_
T '

;_. 3-35

\ Jl

,'. 3-37

_ g

..... i


(201C012 through 0h2), and Refzet impregnated

fiberglass cloth served or tied with tying tape.

The following materials are used for the fiber-

glass cloth:

o Refset, L3203-6

o E glass cloth (1528 or equivalent),STM0bl9

[minimum O.010 in. (.25hmm)].

o Teflo -coated glass tying cord, STM03hhA01C213.

b) Troughs - Flexible (see Figure 2.3.2-7) - The

flexible troughs are used as extensions of the

rigid troughs at points where the wire is routed

to adjacent structure, which has a different

acoustic or vibration level. It consists of

Refset impregnated STM0619 cloth with _lass

tying tape for serving. The flexible troughs

are fastened to the structure or the rigid

troughs by the same STMO34_AOIC213 tying cord

and fire barrier grommet that is used with the ¢

rigid troughs.

c) Interchange Boxes (see _i_ure 2.3.2-7 - The

aluminum interchange boxes are required for

complex crossover and interchanges of wire

harnesses. The maximum size [with a minimum

thickness of 0.050 in. (l.27mm)] is 12 in. (30.h8

cm) by 2h in. (b.Ogocm) by o in. (iS.2cm). The boxes con-

sist of a cover, housing, and support brackets of aluminum

with fire barriers identical to those used in

tl:e rigid troughs.

d) Compartmentalized Housing. (Console or Cabinet) -

Large metal housings [minimum, 0.032 in. (.813ram) thick]

for electrical equipment like the display control

console and the refri_,eratior electronics cabinet

have been compartmentalized with metal p_rtitions.

A fire barrierwas provided at all wire penetra-

tion points similar to those useG in the rigid

troug_hs. It is comprised of the same Refset

impregnated cloth used in the rigid troughs but

of different size. In most oases, a metal

portion fitting is used rather than the NBG

grommet to secure the cloth.

e) NIIG Flexible Tubular S_'stem - The various p_Lrts

of the NSG system (except as indicated below by

an asterisk) are made by a Droprietary rrocess

with a proprietary m_ter_al. The NBG flexible

tubular system consists of the t'ollowin_ com-

ponents :

o Convoluted Lubine [minimum 0,030 in. (.(bim_)]

ST:! O519

o Convoluted connector boots [minimum 0.050 in.

(1.27_;)], 2011_3 Series



o Boot-to-tubing adapter [minim_ 0.005 in, (2._,,n)]

201B_ Series

o Tubing-to-trough adapter [minimum 0.075 in.

(l.gmm)] 201 E Series

o °Glenair zero-g connector adapter (aluminum),

G2518 and 02519

o WCloth boots Refaet impreKnated STM0619 cloth

wi%h glass tyin_ tape for serving.

Any combination of the components is assembled

on the wiring harness to mLke an enclosure-type


_. The following data are supplied to document the

testin_ that Justifies the design and material use.

It _huuld be noted %hat some of the tests cr test

units covered more than the OWS habitable area

interconnecting wire harnesses and accessories.

Also, some were tested on a systma level rather than

as an individual component or Dart configuration.

This was done for convenience and practicability,

but more significantly because it required a number

of assembled parts to provide a testable item. A

_ood example would be the boot-to-tublnR or tubing-

to-trough ad_pters. They were too small for use in

& current overload test. In addition, they were not

intended to function alone, out were to be used as

one of several parts to create an enclosed tubular


Table 2.3.2-0 lists the various tests conducted and

the status of the results.

c. General Illumination Light Assembly

i. The initial OWS general illumination light consisted

of a fluorescent lamp contained in ,L Lexan tube to

provide the pr,_tection a_,_inst Is_,p break,_e and

•nercury contamination. The Lexan material did not

meet flammability requirements and a study was

initiated to provide a suitatle lens material for

the light assembly.

2. This study was conducted by Sylvania Electronics

Systems and the results (published July _, l_}bg)

pointed out the following materials as havin_ the

most potential for fulfilling the optical, flammabi-

lity. and nonbreakable requirements:

a) rolycarbonates (Lexan)

b) Chemically tempered _.iass (|lerculite If)

d) Fluorocarbons.

The materlal_ were evaluated individually and in

combinations. The results indicated that there w,s

no one material capable of satisfyi,_g all physical

and optical requirements. Polycarbonate material.

met all but the flammability requirement; however a

Teflon sleeve Improved this characteristic. A



, 2.3-_7

J .
combinatlon of chemically tempered _lass, polycar-

bonate, and Teflon was used t_ brin_ _bout a complete

solution to the fl_mabillty requirement.

As a result of thls study and in response to the

requirements received January 9, 1969 (Letter

PM-AA-SW-280-69_, the lamp assembly was redesiRned.

2. The materials for the light were a Sylvania F8T5

lamp covered _ith SylRard 182 and ytrrium oxide

fill inside a Lexan tubg. A chemically tempered _lass

tube with a 0.020 in. _._08mm) Teflon exterior coating

_tas placed over the Lexan tube. This arranFeme_,t

was assembled into the lamp end flttlnKs and potted.

The rationale for this design was to provide a llght

configuration that (]) sealed the mercury vapor to

prevent toxicity, (2) met flammability requirements,

(3) prevented shattered _lass in the OWS atmosphere,

and (h) met illumlnatlon requirements. In meetlnr

the requirements in items I to 3, the light illumi-

nation was degraded. This new confiFuration ._qulred

five additional lights and 62.5 watts of additions/

electrical power for the OWS illumination system.

A _eneral illumlnatlon light (MDAC P/N IB6936_) was

supplied to MSFC by CO 293, dated February i0, 1971

for flammability testln_. As a result of these tests

the light was approved for use in OWS.

i 2.3-b8


h. Lights were provided to illuminate the habitable areas

(forward compartment and crew quarters). Refer to [)raw-

ing No. 1B76406 for exact locations and designations.

The forward compartment included the volume between the

forward dome and the crew quarters• Eight lights were

located on the dome approximately h5 de_rees apart near

the handrails and 25 degrees up from the tangent point


of the cylindrical section; lO lights were in the for-

ward compartment approximately 3b degrees apart and

located near the tangent point of the cylindrical sec-

tion and the dome below the water bcttles.

The crew quarters included the waste management compart-

ment, wardroom, sleep compartment, and experiment com-

p_rtment. The lights were installed as follows:

a) Four lights in the wardroom.

b) Three lights in the waste manaaement compartment.

c) Three lights in the sleep compartment.

d) Fourteen lights in the experiment compartment.

e) Twenty-four in the forward compartment.

The light housings (Figure 2.3.2-12) were permanently

installed and lights were designed for crew replacement

with spare lamps. The lights could be controlled


from either the light assembly oy the control

panel. In addition, two airlocK-controlled

lights were installed above the power distribution

console and two lights at the exit. These lights

durlnc initi,,_l opt, rati_mn-entry 'rod emer¢,ency-

lighting conaitlons. A nwitch wtL_ provided on each

l_unp assembly for off-kow-hi_=h control of each light,

indei_endently. The end of the i_reinstallet_ light

housing assembly w_ts indexed to the switch on the

light bulb. The bul0 has an attached I_i_t,%il with

a zero-,: connector that allows one-handed replace-

ment. A hinged cover on the housin£ assembly I_ro-

tected the _i,,,tail after installation and sup:.orted

the l_mp.

Design and construction detail:_ on the li£ht bull,

are shown in Vigures 2.R.2-1Y and -lfi, 'l'ixe


installed in the protective recta: cover is shown in

l.'iFure2. _.2-I I_.

d. l{e_'r
i_:erant (Cool._nol-l))

i. The ON[_ refri_eratlon system provided a closely

controlled temperature environment for food freezlxw,

food refri_;eration, potable water chilling:, urine

chlllinc_ and urine s%mple freezing.

'2he refriKeration system sui_plied cools/It _'luid temperatures

for ret'ri_',eraI.ion ,'tt -libel '' to +1_l°t ' (,'h( ° to 2(O°K).

The ret'ri_-,eration system used a sin_le-ptm_e liquid

refri_:erant, Coolanol-lb circulated through the

tempsrature-controlled storage units absorbin_

excess heat. The absorbed heat was in turn trams-

t'erred to the space radiator, the thermal eal_aeitor,




, \
or the _round cooling heat exchanger.

2. Coolanol-15 required special design because of its

hazardous nature. The refrigeration system in-

stallation incorporated the following design pro-

visions to eliminate potential leak paths for the


One of the key features in the design to prevent

Coolanol-15 leaking into the habitable area was

locating the pump package in an evacuated enslosure. '

Any leaks from equipment in this enclosure would

result in the free Coolanol being vented to the

waste tank.

Other important features were the use of off-the-

shelf-qualified, proven components and hardware,

the use of brazed Aeroquip union connections where

possible, use of MC-type connectors, use of AND-STD

ports with Viton O-rings, or Teflon-coated metallic-

K-seals where lines connected to components. Figure

2.3.2-15 presents a typical connection for tran" tion

from CRES tube to the freezer aluminum boss, which

incorporated the AND-STD ports. Figure 2.3.2-16

depicts the typical component-to-boss fluid connec-

tion. This connection used an O-rin_ seal or K-seal

for pressure _nte_rity.

A typical flare tube fittinc, used only inside the

pump packa_,,e enclosure, is shown in Figure

2.3.2-17. The use of 5!SFC-develoDed MC fittings

increased the reliability of the connection.

3. The size of the pump accumulators was important.

The maximum amount of Coolanol-15 contained in the

two pump accumulators was lob in 3 (_.ghm) per loop.

if a major leak were to deplete the accumulator of

fluid and pressure, a safety switch would shut down

the active coolant pump. The maximum amount of

Coolanol-15 that would leak from the system was

that contained in the accumulators, or lOb in 3

(2.9hm3). The lines, pumps, etc., would still be full

of fluid but no force would remain in the system to

expel this remainin_ Coolanol once the accumulator

b_llows bottomed out.

Protective insulated covers were used around the

Coolanol lines. There were two types o:" insulation

used - a flexible, open-cell foam directly around

the tube, and a closed-cell rigid polyurethane foam.

Jacket around the flexible core. The insulation was

then covered with 0.050 in. (l.ZTmm) aluminum shrouds.

The line construction is shown in Figure 2.3.2-I_.

h. An evaluation of alternative coolan5 fluids was also

conducted in which the impact of ehanglng to Freon


, \


I',-I_u _i-(_ w_s assessed (see _eDort No. _DC

G27_, dated November iO, 1970). The conclusion

of this study was to retain the existin_ coolant.

In support of this study, severe/ flammability test

samples of polyurethame foam-covered, aluminum-

Jacketed lines were p:'epsred and tested at MSFC.

These test samples were saturated with Coolanol-15

and subjected to fl_mmability tests in a i00 percent

oxygen atmosphere at o.0 psla (l_l.h kN/m_). Igniters were

placed both internal and external to the aluminum Jacket

over the foam insulation. In addition, the aluminum

tape used to cover the Joint where the two ha/f-

shells come together was removed and the tests were

re, eared a_ain with both interns/ and externnl

i_nltion sources.

The test results indicated that minor ch_rrin_ and

discoloratiun occurred, but no si_nific_,t, sustained

combustion could be initiated. The samples used for

these tests are show_l in Figures 2.3.2-]9 through

2J in the closed condition amd _ they appeared

when opened after the tests were completed.

i 2.3-6o
2.3.3 Material Compatibility

This subsection describes the methou of control and assessment for

materials used in flight hardware designs. The contractor has

applied _ecu_entea controls to govern the selection of materials

and components for the ourpose of minimizin_ or eliminatin£ poten-

tial hazaras and to ensure compatibility of materials and components

with mission environments. The demonstration of the materials

application compatibility is doc1_ented in this section. Material

uses that do not meet the Kuideiines and criteria for acceptability,

are incompatible, or have flrunmable characteristics have been

reported along with the appropriate rationale to substantiate the

material use in the particular design to NASA/MSFC. To comply with

the basic con%tact I_AS9-o555, Schedule II, for material control,

r_AC initiated reporting form P0327, Material/Component Usage (see

Figure 2.3.2-I) to obtain approval from NASA/MSFC for uses of

certain materials for OWS hardware.

The material disciplines and reportin_ tasks for compliance with

material compatibility reauirements were imposed on all major sub-

contractors supplying* equipment so that MDAC could meet its con-

tractual resoonsibilities. All data generated by MDAC subcon-

tractors has been transmitted to NASA/MSFC.

A. General Guidelines

i/ As authorized by Change Order 660, the P0327 form was

expanded to include other material disciplines already

under contract for reportin_ an incompatibility or material

not meetlnK the acceptance criteria but which can be sub-

stantiated in the design application. These other material


disciplines already under contract are out_assing, hardware

contamination, and age control of synthetic rubber.

2/ Also, as authorized, MDAC initiated a survey of all detailed

part and assembly drawings to ascertain material compati-

bility in the design application and with operational

environments. Disciplines to be covered by this in-depth

reassessment were corrosion prevention, creep, fatigue,

cold f±ow, lubricity, stress corrosion, fungus resistance,

and hydrozen embrittlement. The review provided NASA/MSFC

with a documented reassessment of materials used in OWS

designs; however, the survey was terminated prior to com-

pletion. The survey results are reported following the

disciplines and control program paragraphs.

B. Material Guidelines and Criteria

The followin_ guidelines and acceptance criteria for each dis-

_ipline or material characterization noted below were used to

determine compatibility and acceptability of materials on

usin_ drawings.

l/ A£e Control (Synthetic Hubbez _e control of synthet.c

rubter materials and componenL as per MSFC-STD-IOSA, as

modifzed in CEI CP20_0JIC. The a_e control of synthetic i

rubber was limited to those items noted in the Mission/

Safety Critical Items (MCI) List, per MDAC dra';ing 1B7530h.

MDAC has prepared and maintained drawing 1B88809, List, A_e

Sensitive Iten_s Control Orbital Workshop, for reportin_ the

a_e-sensitive synthetic rubber items to MSFC.


2/ Cold Flow - The selection evaulation of components for

analysis consisted of a review of the designs to determine

if the applied steady state of installation loads are

sufficient to cause cold flow. Where applicable, the effect

of elevated operating temperatures was considered. All

designs were reassessed for possible evidence of cold flow.

Since there were no controlling specifications for cold

flow, it was not possible to provide a quantitative evalu-

ation. Therefore, only a qualitative evaluation: based on

experience and good engineering Judgment, was performed.

3/ Contamination Control - The requirements appear in CEI

CP208OJIC, and in the Contamination Control Plan, MDC-G0384A.

Contamination control and cleanliness requirements related

to OWS hardware were applied throughout manufacturing, test,

and checkout of the OWS module. Mercury contamination

control was in accordance with MSC Standard 120, Breathing

Systems, Reauirement to Test for Mercury Contamination, and

implemented by the MDAC document, Orbital Workshop Mercury

Control Plan.

4/ Corrosion Prevention - Each detail part was reassessed with

respect to the need for protection from corrosion. The MDAC

drafting manual contains ge_oral rules for determining the

protection necessary to prevent corrosion of metallic parts

and the prevention of bimetallic corro-ion because of dis-

similar metals contacting. Applications using metallic

materials were reassessed and evaluated, r,DAC Finish

Specification F-297 was the controlling document for all

finishes and coatings for YDAC internal designed flight

hardware. All MDAC supplied designs and standard parts

installed in the 0WS were reviewed, evaluated, and docu-

mented for corrosion protection adequacy.

5/ Creep - Since there were no controlling specifications for

creep, it was not possible to provide a quantitative evalu-

ation. Therefore, only a qualitative evaluation, based on

experience and good engineering Judgment was performed.

(Creep data published in MIL-HBD-5 were used for applicable i


b/ Fatigue - The controlling document for fatigue is MSFC

Report S&E-ASTN-ADV. (71-73), dated April 19"(1, entitled

"Vibration, Shock, and Acoustical Test Specification for

the S-IVB Orbital Workshop Components and Assemblies."

Vibration and acoustic test results were acceptable for

evaluation of structural adequacy. Typical fatigue analysis

methods were used to evaluate components which are suo-

Jected to vibration loads. A conservative design approach

was taken to minimize ootential fatigue,problems by using

a design ultimate factor of safety of l.hO times limit

equivalent static load, wherever practical. The limit

equivalent static load was defined as the maximum vibration

load (j sigma) developed from the random vibration environ-

ment. For fatigue analysis purposes a (2 sigma) maximum _

vibration load was used along with the specific life cycle

reauirement, azAdno factor of safety was employed.

2.3-68 •


7/ Flammability - The controll_ng criteria appears in Sub-

section 2.3.2.

b/ Fungus Resistanc_ - Fungus-resistant materials were pre-

ferred. Materials that act as fungus nutrients had to be

covered with a suitable protective coating in all designs.

Fungus nutrient materials were considered to be excluded

from identification and reporting requirements if they were

encapsulated or in hermetically sealed components. Hardware

applications were evaluated according to their fungus

resistance; depending on materials that support or are

damaged by fungi. The evaluation was limited _o areas of

the OWS that were exposed to moisture.

9/ hydrogen _brittiement - Certain applications of metals _ere

reviewed to determine their suscephibility to emhrittlement

in the presence of hydrogen. Released drawings were

reviewed with the following metal applications:

a. Low-alloy steels (e.g., 4130, 4140, _340, 52100 and 615£)

heat treated to 150 or 200 ksi (1.24 x 108 N/m 2 or 1.37 x 108 N/m 2)

or higher [above 160 Lsi (i.i0 x 108 N/m2) yield strength].

b. Corrosion-resistant steels.

c. 18 nickel maraging steels (e._., 250 maraging).

d. Titanium alloys {e.g., b AI-4V).

i0/ Lubricity - Each lubricant use or lubricity application

(i.e., electroplating to prevent galling) on all dlawing

configurations was assessed for design adequacy to meet

mission requirements. Since there was no controlling

specification for lubricity, a q,,a] tatlve ewluation was

performed, based on experience and good engineering Judge-

ment. The design parameters (i.e., load, rpm, speed,

operating temperature, life requirements, operating environ-

merit, etc.) were identified and compiled to enable each

lubricant design application to be assessed for meeting

mission objective.

ii/ Offgassing (Toxicity) - The controlling criteria appears in

Subsection 2.3.2. The P0327 Computer Program calculates

material offgassing rates and computes the total cumulative

: offgassing rate for materials u3ed. The total offgassing

rates (toxicity) are the calculated total offgassing pro-

ducts of the carbon monoxide (CO) and total organic (TO)

emissions from each exposed material or from nonhermeti-

cally sealed components that permit backwash of offgassing

products into the habitation area atmosphere.

12/ Odor - The controlling criteria appears in Subsection 2.3.2.

13/ Outgassing - T_e controlling criteria appears in Subsection

14/ Stress-Corroslon Susceptibility - The definition and accept-

ance criteria for assessment of metal alloy use appears in

MSFC drawin_ 10M33107, Design Guidelines for Controlling

Stress-Corrosion Cracki:_g. The use of all mctal alloys is

reviewed and those listed in IOM33107 are assessed and

evaluated for design adequacy regarding the possibility of

crack initiation and propagation.

C. _lana_ement (Contrcl Prod<ram)

I/ The material control program is administered by the Fro£ram

Manager throuah the Fire Marshall's office. Six b_sic

manacement tools were implemented to aid in administration

of the materials control pro_r_un: 5_aterial and Component

UsaFe }b'port (P0327 Form), Fire Marshall's office, Toxic

Hazard Control, Documented Material Compatibility Review,

Materials Computer ProKram (P0327), and Materials Data Bank.

a. P0327 UsaKe Report Form - Controls were established for

the selection 8m,d use of materials to ensure consistency

with design and program objectives.

The control feature within the engineering organization

was the assessment by the technologies of mazerial_

used on detail, assembly, and installation drawings.

A P0327 form was provided with all drawin_ releases to

note the aDplicable subject discipline for which the

drawinr was reviewed. P0327 forms generated because of

an incomnatibility were approved by the OWS Pro_rar.

Hana_er and were submitted to NASA/MSFC for review and


b. Fire Marshall - The office of Fire Marshall was created within

the Chief Design Engineer's Office to provide direction _nd to

serve as the focal point for P0327 _AC approvals.

The basic philosophy to ensure a flre-free habitable

area in the OWS was carried out by indoctrinatinR the

desiKner to use nonflammable materials, qhe use of


fls'_nable materials was approved only on the basis that no
su_ablc nonflammable material was available.

c. Toxic hazard Control

1. To protect the flight crew from toxic physiological

effect from the use of any hazardous matezial, each

such material used in the OWS was subject to appro-

val of the Design Office, Materials and Process,

Engineering, and Crew SysteI_AS.

2. A computer program was de_'eloped to provide account-

ability for bulk materials and materials used in

components. This accountability extended to all

materials classified as potentially hazardous that

were not located in a sealed container and not in

encapsulated modules, information recorded includes

complete identity of the materials and components

and their location within the habitable area, the

amount and exposed area of the materiai, and cumu-

lative information on the total offg_assing products.

The purpose of this accounting aided astronaut

safety by providln_ _l evaluation invoicing the

aspects of toxicity thresholds.

d. Material Compatibility Assessment Review - The material

compatibility survey covered released drawings on flight

hardware (detail, assembly, installation, vendor, stand-

ard parts, and material substitutions in fabricated hard-

ware) for the OWS to assess material compatibility in


.............. =
usinF designs, qoverment-furnished [,roperties were ex-

cluded flrorlthis review.

A mstrix worksheet of drawinF information (includln_ identi-

fication numbers, nomenclature, and criteria with example

as shown in Figure 2.3.3-1) and the material discipline

parameters as defined were compiled to demonstrate _aterial

compatibilities in OW$ _rawings released :s of 31 March 1972.

e. Material Usage Computer Program, P0327 - The computer pro-

gram is used to calculat_ the total offFassing rates for

carbon monoxide and total organics for each material _id the

sum of all material offgassing products.

f. Material Data Bank - A comprehensive set of data on flamma-

bility and off_assinc was available to aid the materials and

design engineer to select materials for the crew areas.

These data included outside sources such as MSC-06261, Non-

metallic Materials Design Outlines and Test Data }_ -dbook

(more commonly known as the COMAT list). With respect to

internal sources, MDAC has prepared a data bank computer i

program to aid in the main_c,lance and retrieval of informa-

tlon on nonmetallic materials considered for use on various

space pro£rams. This program up(lates a master file, which

is maintained on magnetic tape, and provides a complete up-

to-date reference of nonmetallic materials. The file con-

tains the generic name, the trade name or number, the vendor

name, and test results. The test results include flommabi-

lity category, combustion rate, flash point, fire point,

carbon monoxide and total organics off_assing data, a_.. ,;,l2

ratin_. Nearly 2,000 materials are listed.


i). l,laterials Com!_atibility Assessment _eview Summary

i/ Major subcontractors completed the _,_aterials Compr.tibility

Assessment Review ([4CAR) and their results a/id data w_r_

transmitted to hASA/MSFC.

2/ The MDAC results of the MCAH showin_ percenta4_e of completion

is presented in Table :/.5.j-l. _he evaluation oC the draw-

part numbers consisted of am examination of the pertinent

detail cu_d assembly drawinKs Bad .l review of the applicable

mission requirement includinK the environment and load con-

ditions. Table 2.3.3-i contains the s_nmary of MDAC drawin_

part numuers that were to be evaluated a/_d a summ_ry of

drawin_ part numbers that were not evaluated because of

termination of the effort prior to cor l:]etion. After the

NCAR effort :_A[3A/5_SFCauthorized (('O c_2o) the stress corro-

sion survey of l[_j drawings which ame included in the per-

centaKe completion figure in T.%ble 2.3,3-i. I_o work or

evaluation b,v ::I)ACwas done on any worksheets provided b::

m}_!or sub_'cntract _rts prior to termination of the '(_ .

E, Recommendat icns

I/ The Contractor must appl)' &dequate control methods at the

start of the pro,_ect to Kovern the selection of materlals

and comFonents to ensure compatibility of m_terials with

mission environments.

Z/ '£'her,aterial application for a particular chsr_cteristl-

must be shown in a _ocumented record which demonstrates

materi_l compatibility in the using, design.


_,MDAC I,AI_D_At_!,. )

Table 2.3.3-1



Jo i(Iflow ?I'[ r,11 07

_orrosion Prevention I)7"/ hTj jO

:reep ] 92 Oo h5

Fa_i lUC I [20 3hh 20

Fun_,us Resistance ii0 33 30

:lydro_en kmbrittlement 1_7 i 35 9q

Luoricity 901 370 h2

]ut_assin_ 20 O i00

]tress Corrosion 1799 :Shh h7

'Flammability, Oaor and Offaassin_ summaries are presentea in Subsection

_._.2. A_c Control and Contamination (hardware) were each 99 percent


i: '.'Le surve:: of t,,n'u_,ar_: ,iravi:2.'.- to ,:et_., cor:patibi-

[ity or" materials s_ouid be initi,,t0,,_at ti_e start o:"

,_u::new pro_-,ram. ':'i_i_,

_o._ leszcn costs _tnd the i_I,act

o? uesirn chan:es resuitin: From a retroactive a._sess-

ment review dovnstream in the procr_tm.


2 .3.4 METALLICS Selection Criteria and Characteristics

A. General

i/ The metallic materials selected for the OWS for MDAC designed

hardware were restricted to corrosion and heat resistm_t

steels and alloys and aluminum alloys, with a few exceptions,

i.e. bearings, cams, etc.

Extensive u_e was made of 17-4 PH heat treated to HI025, _

A286, _-7 PH heat treated to CHgO0 and the 300 series


Although many different aluminum alloys were selected, con-

siderable use w_s made of alley 6061 because of its

resistance to stress corrosion anu good Joint efficiency

when welded.

,.. Requirements

i/ The renuirements for the o=leccion of metallic materials

was governed by the _AC £rafting Manual. The selection

criteria was _imJlar to that used during the design of the

Saturn SIVB. When MSFC Document IOM33107, "Guidelines for

Controlllng Stres_ _orrosion Cracking was zssued, _his

document was used to select materia_ in regard to s_ress

corrosion resistance. Previous to that time, the experience

gained on the Saturn SIVB was used as a guide to selecting

t,atezial with good resistance to stress corrosion.

C. Tests

i/ L_ttle metallic material testing was conducted to determine



mechanical properties since most materials used were fully

documented in MIL-HDBK-5 "Metallic Materials and Elements

for Aerospace Vehicle Structures." Some tests were con-

ducted to determine material characteristics to reflect

specific design requirements. These included creep testing,

and evaluation of compatibility of metals with different

environments. The specific details of many of these tests

are mentioned elsewhere in this document

2.3.h.2 TACS Bi-Metal Joint

A. Requirements

i/ It was necessary to effect a Joint between the Titanium

6AL-hV TACS nitrogen storage spheres and the 30hL stainless

steel tubing used in the TACS plumbing system. This joint

had to have a very low leak rate a_d had to have high

reliability. After a review of various Joining techniques

a bi-metal joint (titanium 6AL-4V to 30hL stainless

steel) manufactuled by Nuclear Metals was selected.

B. Alternate Solutions

I' In selecting the type of Joint, a review of mechanical J

Joints (flared fittings and conoseal type Joints) were evaluated.

This evaluation disclosed that the mechanical Joints could

not consistently meet the leak rate requirements or reliabi-

lity of the bi-metal Joints.

C. Discussion

l/ During the fabrication and production acceptance testing of

the bi-_etai Joint, MDAC worked with Nuclear Metals and

developed processing specifications that controlled each


_ %\ "
step in the manufacture of the Joints. Through the use of

these specifications, the reliability of the joints was


2/ MDAC also worked with Nuclear Metals in developing a non-

destructive test of the diffusion bonded transition Joint

between the titanium and the stainless steel, techniques

were developed so that a defect 2/6h in (.79h mm) in dim._eter

could be detected using ultrasonic _nspection. This achieve-

ment was considered significant because of the difficulties

involved in the ultrasonic inspection due to the different

acoustic impedence of the two materials.

3/ The me_allurgical characteristics of the hi-metal Joints

were carefully analyzed, and the results of this analysis

incorporated into the manufacturing speciflcat_on. The

width of the transition Joint was controlled to minimize

the formation of intermetallic compounds. This was con-

trolled by limiting times and temperatures during Joint


D. Conclusions and Recommendations

The hi-metal Joint selected successfully _assed all development

and qua]ification testing and has been uzed for ten months on

the TACS system. During testing and operation no Joints leaked

or failed to meet all design objectives. The use of this Jclnt

is highly recommended for future applications where dissimilar

- --9

metals must be Joined in high pressure systems.


_" ----'rY"_..... L Electron Beam Welding

A. Requirements

i/ Several designs required Joining techniques that could be

used for thin materials, could be made without contmmination

of the parts, cr would not damage (through heat) adjacent

are_. It was determined that electron beam welding was

the most attractive joining technique.

B. Alternate Approaches

i/ Methods of mechanically joining the Joints in question were

evaluated. This method waJ no_ considered acceptable because

(i) there wasn't enough room for mechanic_l fasteners, or (2)

the Joint would not be leak tight.

C. Discussion

i/ Urlne Probe Assembly

It was necessary to effect a narrow weld with a minimum heat

input to join two parts of this a_sembly. Too large a weld

would result in damage to the electric wiring immediately

adjacent to the Joint. A vacuum was also required on the

inside of the probe. This was provided by EB welding the _

inner portion closed. The resulting atmosphere inside the

probe was that of the vacuum chamber [! x i0-4 torr (1.33 X 10-2

N/m2)]. Since the weld was effected in a vacuum, the c±eanliness

of the probe was maintained during welding.

2/ Fittings for Coolanol System

a. Due to design modification of the Coolanol system fittings

for induction brazing were required that had unique

geometries. Many of these incorporated a brazed Joint


with a mechanical Joint. I9 these unusual configurations

had been ordered from the induction braze fitting sup-

plier, Aeroquip, the lead time would have been prohibi-

tive. The fittings were fabricated instead by EB weld-

ing half of a standard, in stock, braze fitting to a

machined part.

b. EB welding permitted the joining of the thin wall [0.028 in

(.Tll mm)] stainless steel parts while maintaining the

cleanliness required for subsequent induction brazing.

3/ Potable Water Deionizer

a. The design called for the installation of seven l0 micron

stainless steel filters into each end of the deionizer

cartridge. In order to reduce the possibility of

corrosion, little or no laying surfaces were desired.

This requirement eliminated the use of a support ring

and mechanical fasteners.

b. The final design incorporated the use of EB welding.

The filters, composed of a number of layers of screen,

were EB welded directly into the cartridge head.

Only through the use of EB welding could the thin

filters be Joined to the much more massive cartr/dge.

The smooth fillets produced by EB welding eliminated

any faying surface. During welding the filter cle_m.-

liness was also maintained.


\ I

D. Corc!usions & Recommendations

i/ Electron beam weldinK proved to be an indisoensable Joining

method for the OWS hardware. It was particularly useful in

joininK cleaned parts where cleaning after assembly was

impractical and for Joining materials with wide variations

in thickness. In many cases the added cost of EB welding

was offset by savings derived from the elimination of other

procedures. Urine Chiller

A. Requirements

i/ In order to reduce weight and to increase the thermal

response of the urine chiller, the use of aluminum was

considered necessary. The chiller used coolanol as the

cooling medium and the coolanol plumbin_ was fabricated

from stainless steel so that induction brazing could be used

to join the tubes. A Joint was required between the alumi-

num and the stainless steel. Since the chiller was located

in an inaccessible area, a leak free Joint was a requirement.

B. Discussion

i/ A survey was conducted of the different types of aluminum

to stainless steel Joints available. Based on past history

and testin_ conducted for the Apollo Program, a Joint fabri-

cated by Bi-Braze Corp. was selected. This Joint consisted

of an aluminum coated 30hL stainless steel tubing that was

al_inum dip brazed into an aluminum 6061-T6 boss.

2/ During the design of tnis Joint, _re was taken so that

unexpected loading of the bi-braze Joint could not happen.

A support was added near the Joint so that any handling

loads would be picked up by the support and would not

adversely affect the bi-brazed Joint.

3/ Careful control of the materials used and the process pro-

cedures was exercised. All tubing was metallurgically

examined to determine freedom from grain boundry carbide


C. Conclusion

l/ No Joint failures vere experienced during testing or opera-

tion. This type of Joint can be recommended for future


2.3.h.5 Induction Brazing

A. Requirements

l/ It was _ecessary to effect "leak-free" Joints in the 30hL

stainless steel plumbing on the TACS, Refrigeration Sub-

system, Vacu_n Outlet System, and Water Pressurization

System. The maximum leak rate that could be tolerated was

1 X l0-b sccs per Joint. After a review of various Joining

methods, induction brazin_ _ing automatic temperature

control brazing equipment manufactured by Aeroquip Corp.

was selected.

B. Alternate Solutions

l/ In selecting this type of Joint. a review of mechanized

Joints (flared fittings and swage-lock) were evaluated. This

evaluation disclosed that these mechanical Joints could not

consistently meet thc leak rate requirements or reliability

of a brazed Joint.

C. Discussion

l/ The brazed Joints utilized unions and fittings of 301_L stain-

less steel containing preplaced 82% gold - 18% nickel braze

alloy. The sleeves and fittings were obtained precleaned

and packaged from Aeroquip. The induction brazing process

used an inert gas (Argon) shield on the inside and outside

of the tube Joint to prevent oxidation or contamination

during brazing.

D. Conclusions and Recomzenaations

l/ Induction brazing resulted in Joints with leak rates less

than 1 X i0 -I0 sccs (less khan the lower limit of the leak

detecting equipment). Brazed Joints are readily inspectable

by visable and by x-ray techniques. There was no instance

of a braze Joint leaking after passing visual, x-ray, leak

and proof testing. Induction brazing is relatively simple

and quick to perform. The Joints are 100% reliable.

2.3.h.0 Aluminum Tube Welding

A. Requirements

l/ It was necessary to make reliable, leak free, Joints in

the aluminum tubing of the radiator. The radiator tubing

was 6063-T5 while the tubing leading from the radiator _

manifold was 6061-T6. It was required to weld Joints

between OO63-T5 and OO61-T6 and between bOOl-T6 and 6061-T6.

These welds had to be made in-place on the radiator assembly.

B. Alternate Solutions

i/ In selecting this type of Joint, a review of mechanical

joints (flared fittings was conducted. It was determined

that mechanical Joints could not consistently meet the

leak rate requirements.

C. Discussion

i/ The welding process used an insert ring of h0h3 aluminum

alloy between the two tubes for filler material. Ar Astro Arc

weld head specially modified by MDAC to weld i/h in (.635 cm)

OD aluminum tubing was used with a pulsating current power

supply. Thc welding required the use of flux on the I.D.

of the weld Joint to promote proper wetting of the molten

filler material. This also required flushing of the tubing

after welding to remove the flux.

D. Conclusions and Recommenda,lons

!/ This was the first use of in-place tube welding for Joining

small diameter aluminum tubing. Consideration should be

given in the future to eliminate the use of the filler

insert and flux through the development of high frequency

pulsating current.

2.3.h.7 Potable Water Tank

A. Requirements

i/ A metal potable water tank was required that would contain

the drinking water for the duration of _be mission without


B. Discussion

The most suitable material was determined to be 320 Stainless

Steel (ref.


i/ During the biocide depletion tests it was noted that faying

surfaces promoted an increase in metal ions due to crevice

corrosion. The design of the tank took this into considera-

tion and all welded Joints were developed to eliminate or

minimize laying surface.

MetallurRic_l examination of full sized tanks after develop-

ment ar_dqualification testing revealed no corrosion of the

stainless steel.

C. Conclusion

i/ The water tank fabricated from 321 Stainless Steel performed

satisfactorily. Biocide Tank

A. Requirements

-" i/ A container was needed for the biocide solution (30,C0_ PPM

iodine). A material had to be selected that would not

adversely affect the iodine nor be attacked by it.

B. Discussion

i/ Based on the general corrosion resin!ante, three materials

were selected for testing, e_se were pure titanium, 316L

stainless steel and nickel base alloy }lastelloy C-270.

Tests indicated that either titanium or H_._telloy C-276

were acceptable materials (ref.

Since the container was a welded structure and contained a

bellows, Hastelloy C-276 was selected due to its weldability

and formability. Both of these characteristics were important

since the bellows is fabricated flom formed convolutions that



are Joined by a burn-down weld.

C. Conclusion

i/ Three iodine containers fabricated from ilastelley C-276

performed satisfactorily.

2.3.5 Non-Metallics Outgassing

A. Requirements

i/ Table summari_es the outgassing requirements and the

design criteria for the OWS. The OWS contract (CEI CP2OSOJIC)

requires that hlgh-vapor-pressure ma_er!als used on OWS ext rior

surfaces in line of sight of optic%lly critical surfaces con-

to o: be overcoated with materials designated acceptable

in NASA/MSFC Dwg. 50MO24h2 if the surface area of the material

_xceeds the values given in Table and Figure,

as a function of the distance %o the optically critical surface.

Optically critical surfaces are defined as orbital attitude

control sensors, experiment windows or experiment optics.

2/ MDAC established outgassing design criteria for the OWS exterior

(MDAC Dwg. IB79102), which are based on the reauirements

defined in CEI CP208OJIC. Dwg. IB79102 limits the outgassing

during the first hour in a vacuum to 0.20 percent of the

material weight, and decreases this limit to 0.0h percent during

the 21st hour _n a vacuum. Requirements to protect optically

critica _urfaces from qutgassing were met by (i) employing

r.cceptable materi Is, (2) obeying the required distance versus

projected area relationship given in Table 2.3.%.1-1, or (3)

meeting the maximum outgasslng rate design criteria (0.2

perc_nt/_r of msterial weight during first hour in vacuum, 0.0h

percent/hr during 21st hour). Exceptions to the third require-

ment (rate ver3us _ime) were z,_own from test data to occur prior

2. -88

,,4 mw-p---- ,_



L .

- to deployment of optically critical surfaces. However, by

the time optically critical surfaces are deployed, the ou_-

gassing rate is below the allowable maximum.

B. Outgassing Tests

MDAC has measured the outgassing rate of several materials used on

the OWS exterior surfaces in simulated orbital conditions (Reference

MDAC Report MP 51,704 (PDL ID4397), June 3, 1970). The outgassing

r_te of S-13G thermal control coating, shown in Figure

is typical of the coatings considered. Figure, which is

an interpretation of Figure, shows that the coating out-

gassing rate will exceed the specification required limit of 0.20%/

hour during the first hour, but it will drop to below the steady-

i_ state required rate (O.Oh_/hour) after a few hours in orbit, many

hours before any optically-critical equipment was deployed. The

tests demonstrated that OWS outgassing would not contribute signifi-

cantly to external contamination of the Skylab.

Outgassing of high vapor pressure materials; such as thermal control

paints, silastic rubber seals, cadmi_un plating, and bearing grease_

will occur on the exterior of Skylab. All of the outgassing

contributes to external contamination. Some of the generated vapor !

and gas will escape, and the remainder will remain near the Skylab

_, either in a cloud or will be absorbed on exterior surfaces. The

principal surface coatings on the OWS exterior are identified in

: Figure A tabulation of all external materials used on i

the OWS exterior is shown in Tables 2.3._.!-2, -3, and -4. Amount

of exposed area and rationale for use of each material is indicated.


-r _,


o C.)

t/_ I---



° i _1 I

__L_ ¢'_ I

o _: __ > .

___ __ _#
, _

SIN3^3 INV31JlN91S (_H/%) 3LV_ SSO'I



_al:_inlil,..e]:nmhl: li_|

i i

i ....... ii

i. 3-98 i

Attachment I to:


This attachment provides data that co_firms that the outgassin& :ate of _: _king

lacquer on the antisolar and solar sides of the OWS meets the specification

requirements before optically-critical equipment is deployed in orbit, The

antisolar side is in the shade when the Skylab is in the SI attitude, but has

r limited exposure to sunlight during two other Skylab attitudes; rendezvous and

earth resources experiment package (EREP). Outgassing on the "hot" (solar) side

surface is not as critical as the antisolar side since the continuous heating on

the "hot ' side results in the outgassing rate decreasing to a value below the

specified limit prio_" to deployment of optically-critical i_ema.

Outgassing is most critical adjacent to the two scientific airlocka (SAL)

through which optically-critical equipment is deployed. One SAL is located on

the OWS solar aide at fin plane 1 (-Z axis), and the other SAL is at fin plane

Ill (+Z axis).

Thermal analyses were made to determine the temperature history of the 0%/8 sur-

faces adjacent to the SALe during boost and in orbit through the first E_EP

maneuver. Tests to simulate orbital outgassing rates were then conducted in a

vacuum chamber using the analytically defined heating schedules. The predicted

orbital outgassing rate of marking lacquer Is sho_, in Figure 1 for the -Z axis,

and in Figure 2 for the +Z axis. Both of these figures show that the outgassing

rate of ma_king lacquer decreases below the maximum allowable rate (0.2_/cm2-hr)

in less than one hour after launch, long before the deployment of the first

optically-critical equipment that is in line-of-sight of the out4aslimg surfaces.

+_ .... -'++i

• ,,o I I _ /?_-I +: l -
< .... II I/ __- l+_ m_ 1/ <
/>< r+- N

= II
"< _.:. '- +< 1++-+
z 3+ k i

<Ill)+ :
-- _
l'- _
,.,.I 1,1.1 _I
_[ _ ........ -- ...... _ _.--" _ _#_

l'El" 0 _
:"+ I o_ o
-T---F- I :- + / / // I ,_ _-
_% _® _ o

°/, i )-+ i+

i "+
Ill ....
_ _
_[ _[11 ++
i e_ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

HH {iN3I% ]iYH _0] iHO_]M ONi_Svoino 4b

2. _-+i.o+'
At, tad_n_nt I _o:
Table L .3.5.1-2_

Attachment II to:


This attachment documents Justification for the use of black epoxy (Cat-a-lac)

paint, that has not been heat-aged, on the exterior surfaces of the Orbital


CEI Specification, CP2080JIC, requires that the material weight loss rate of

each outgassing surfs e shall be less than 0 .2%/ _cm2 , or that the distance

from the outgassing surface to the nearest optically Oritical surface shall

com_ly with the area-distance rule shown in Figure i.

The outgassing characteristics of OWS surfaces adjacent to the solar SAL (+Z

axis) and the antisolar SAL (-Z axis) were evaluated because t_ey are close to

optically-critically-critical equipment and they represent the extreme temperature

conditions for the normal Skylab orbital attitude (solar inertial). All other

: OWS exterior surfaces have temperature histories that lie between these extremes.

: Demonstration that the outgassing of black epoxy, without heat aging, is accept-

able at the extreme conditions also demonstrates acceptability at all other OWS

exterior surface locations.

The +Z ax'is surface is hottest and outgasses at the highest rate initially,

decreasing rapidly as the volatile constituents are driven off. The -Z axis

surface is coldest and outgasses at the lowest rate, retaining volatile con-

stituents for the longest time. When the Skylab attitude is changed for

rendezvous or earth resources experiments, the -Z axis surface temperature

increases to an intermediate value with a corresponding increase in its out-

gassing rate.


Attachment II to:
Tests of black epoxy painted surfaces were conducted to determine thei c out-

gassing rates in an environment simulating these operating conditions. The

simulation test data for the solar SAL and the antisolar SAL are plottted in

Figure 2. For each of these tests, the specimens were maintained at room

temperature during the f_rst hour while the test chamber pressure was reduced

to less than 6 x 10-6 tort (7.99 x 10-4 N/m2) (ramHg). Then, in each test,

the sample temperature was raised rapidly to the maximum test temperature and

maintain at this temperature for the remainder of the test.

Figure 3 shows the maximum vacuum ou_gassing rate of black epoxy (not previously

heat-aged), as a function of the maximum surface temperature. The data points i

on this cur_'erepresent the peaks on the curves in Figure 2. This curve

indicates that the outgassing rate will never exceed the maximum allowable, if

the peak surface temperature does not exceed 180°F (355.3OK). At any given

maxim,n temperature, the outgassing rate decreases _'apidly from the maximum

value, as shown on Figure 2.

The test results indicate that, adjacent to the solar SAL, outgassing will

decrease to below the maximum allowable (0.2%/hr-cm2) in about 25 minutes.

Since no optically-critical equipment in line-of-sight of these surfaces is

deployed until many hours later in orbit, the use of black epoxy paint in this

location meets the requirements specified.

The test simulating outgassing adjacent to the antisolar SAL showed that the

maximum outgassing rate of black epoxy will not exceed the maximum allowable

during boost [178°F (354.2°K), Figure 3] or in orbit [120UF (3220K) Figure 2]

Therefore, the use of black epoxy paint in the vicinity of the antisolar SAL

meets the reauirements specified.


j k
Attachment II to:


0.3 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 3.1 6.1 12.2 18.3 24.4
...... 5160

800- ' I

O00 3670


400 .... ,O_I -_""_ j 2580 ;

200 .... / 1290


/ U:E

_lIoo _._' _.I _

eo- _
_" 516.1_
P" -;
< fig 387.1 :S
(.9 Z
P" 40 / 258.0 < .
Z (REF. CP20OOJ,C) _ _<

I- - D
D O :
0 20 _ 129.0
UJ rr
_- <
<( - uJ
LU ¢-)
(J <
< u.
D 10 .... _ REGION 64,5 D
(n _ Q
c_ 8 _ 51.6 ,.
I,U - _ (J
6 _ 38.7
_ o
o. 4 _ 26.8

2 '_ ;_ 12.9 ,

! I I / I I I I ! 6.6 *r
I 2 4 6 8 10 _0 40 O0 80

Figure 1. Allowable Area of Outgauing Surface Versus the Line-of-Sight to an Optically Cdtical Surface
ii ,i i



Attachment II %o:






_ o._
W '
k- 250°F (SOLAR SAL)
(_.2°K) :




• ¢ 0,010 :-
0.008 _

0.1_ _

0,004 120°F ANTI,SOLAR


(294.2°K) ,.

0.001 rooF/L J
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 2. Black Epoxy (Cat-A-Lac) Ou1Lgaldng Weight Lou Rate Data ':

At ta('hn_-nl. I I. t.c':
rl'ab] e ;2. {. '_. _ -}_


261 267 278 289 300 311 366 478 589 700

0.BIX] " I


o_ _ / .... I
0.200 ......


0.080 , •

;_ 0.060 ...... jr

z 0.040 ' •



- / ,,

X -- ' '
l_ 0.006 •

0._ ........

0.11112 "

" i

10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600

O00t _ [ MAXIMUM
I l I IN A VACUUMI - OF 1 | I ;

Figure 3. Maximum Outga.tng Rate of Black Epoxy Coating at a Function.

, of Maximum. Surface Temperature t ; Teflon coating on Interior Fire Retardant Liner - The aluminum foil

fire retardant liner used on the interior of the OWS was coated to

meet contract requirements (CEI CP2080JIC).

A. Design Requirements

i/ Provide high _mittance

2/ Have a color acceptable to crew systems

3/ Have abrasion resistance

h/ Be non-flaking

5/ Be easily cleaned in orbit j

6/ Be non-toxic

7/ Meet flammability and offgassing requirements of MSFC-SPEC-IOIA

8/ Be compatible with Lh 2 (liquid hydzo_en) i

NOTE: This was a requirement for the "wet" Workshop only.

B. Other Materials Considered

i/ The following co_tings were considered and discarded for the

reasons noted:

a. A MDAC developed silicate base inorganic paint with zinc

oxide pigment was not acceptable because of excessive flaking


when exposed to LH 2.

b. Alodine hOT-h7, a green chemical conversion coating was not

used because the color not acceptable to crew systems and

because it reduced the light level.

C. Tests - A low temperature contraction test nroved that the Teflon

coatin_ (]_ _t :_ffcct the physical properties of aluminum foil when

it was immersed in LH .


! ! Color An,,dizing - The majority of the interior a],Aminum structures

(floors, walls, cabinets, etc.) were color anodized.

A. Design Requirements _.

I/ Provide high emittance

2/ Provide colors acceptable to crew systems

3/ Be abrasion resistant - non-flaking

h/ Be non-toxic

5/ Meet offgassing and flammability requirements of MSFC-SPEC-IOIA

6/ Be compatible with liquid hydrogen

B. Finishes considered before anodizing was selected - The following

coatings were considered and discarded for the reasons noted:

i/ Inorganic paints (Micatex) were found to generate particles

when bumped by other equipment

2/ Epoxy paints did not meet offgassing and fla2maability require-

ments of MSFC-SPEC-IOIA _

NOTE: Laminar X-500 polyurethane coating was used on the upper


ring locker doors to replace Micatex after It wa_ found

that the doors chipped around the edges during usage.

This material was selected because it had previously been

approved for use in the Airlock.


C. Conclusions and Recommendations - The anodic coating met all the


major requirements; however, the colors could have been more

uniform. One of the problems associated with anodic colors is the

lack of uniformity between the same color on different alloys,


and in some cases, between different panels of the same alloy. In


general, the larger the quantity of alloying constituents, the moze

difficult it is to get uniform colors. Since color anodizing is

more of an art than a science, it should be accomplished in shops

which have experience in the successful application of colors. The

selection of colors which have been successfully applied throughout

the aluminum industry should also be considered. Continued use of

colored anodic coatings for future habitated spacecraft is recom-

mended for basic structures which require impact and wear resistance;

however, the u';e of low offgassing, flame resistant coatings for

accent colors should be considered.

2.3.5.h Bonding Snaps - There was a need to bond numerous snaps to surfaces

inside the Workshop.

A. Requirements - Adhesive strength requirements were interpreted as

being the ability to hold the snap in place while being subjected

to numerous cycles of snapping and unsnapping.

B. Initial Selections

i/ The initial adhesive selected was Mystik G360 double-faced tape.

This materis/ worked sat%sfactorily so long as all snapping and

unsnapping was performed using nominal care; however, when the

unsnapping was done in a particularly Jerky manner, the snap

would fall off.

2/ The next adhesive selected was Hysol's EA911F epoxy. This

material was acceptable except when the snap was being bonded

to a relatively flexible surface, where the bonded snap would

Just peel away.


3/ A total of nine adhesives were eva/sated for _his application

using three sizes of bond area for the snap with optimum

performance found in IF20075 polyurethane adhesive. The

IP20075 polyurethane adheslv_ was used for this application.

C. Recommendations - For future applications it is suggested that

wherever possible the snaps be riveted in place instead of adhesive


) Bonding Foil Labels - Initially 3M's Scotch h65 acrylic based adhesive

transfer tape was used to attach aluminum foil labels.

A. Problem

I/ Two problems were encountered with the Scotch 465; on removing

the paper backing from the back of the label, the adhesive at

the starting edge of the label was destroyed, and the foil it-

self at the starting edge was stretched or deformed causing a

, peeling edge effec_ in the installed label.


B. Re3olution

i/ To resolve this problem the paper backing was split across the

middle of the label so that the backing could be peeled away

from the center of the label toward the edge. This solution

resolved the destruction of the adhesive at the edge of the

label but did not eliminate the peeling edge effect. The

problem was Cinally resolved by changing to Scotch 583 solvent

activated adhesive. The high adhesion of the Scotch 583 over-

came the tendency of the label edge to peel away.

2.3-112 Low Emittance Surface on Te_nk Wall Exterior - The exterior wall of the

' OWS was coated with goldized Kapto,,.

A. Design Requirements

I/ Provide low emittance surface in space vacuum

2/ Have essentially zero outgassing rate in space vacuum

3/ Be unaffected by contact with interior of the me_,eoroid shield

i h/ Be resistant to atmospheric corrosion

B. Alternate Finishes Considered - The following coatings were con-

sidered and eliminated for the reasons stated:

i/ Lock-Spray Gold, a two component system which deposited a gold

film on metal or non-metal substrates. This did not coat

aluminum foil easily nor uniformily. It also used hydrazine as

a reducing agent, thus presenting a safety hazard, especially

when used to cover large areas.

2/ Gold coated ceramic coating was applied to aluminum foil. The

corrosion resistance of the foil was very low as shown by com-

plete failure of the foil in less than two (2) hours in a salt
spray cabinet.

3/ Stainless steel and nickel foil were both used as substrates for

gol_ plating. Although both plated satisfactorily, the emittance

was marginal, and these coated foils were very difficult to bond

to the tank wall because they were quite stiff.

h/ The concept of applying a gold coated pressure sensitive tape

was investigated next. Several manufacturers of pressure

sensitive tapes were consulted on the availability of a gold --

coated pressure sensitive tape capable of meeting the temperatures,

environment, emittance, and low outgassing requirements of the


Workshop exterior. The two resulting candidate materials

were 3M's Y9184 Goldized Kapton pressure sensitive (P/S) tape

and Mystik 4017 (also known as PD550) gold coated Kapton P/S

tape. Initial evaluations of the two tapes eliminated the Y9184

tape because of the extremely poor adhesion of the gold coating.

The I_stik h017 was tested in the as-received condition and met

all functional requirements. It was subsequently subjected to

long term outdoor exposure, hi-temperature exposure, hi-vacuum

exposure, and hi-humidity exposure to detelnnine any aegradation

in required properties, b_stic 4017 passed all tests success-

fully. Exterior Paints - S-13O, White and Black Cat-a-Lac - S-13G, white and

black Cat-a-Lac were used on the exterior of the OWS.

A. Design Hequirements

i/ Meet the absorbtance and emittance requirements established by

Aerothermo _roup to maintain acceptable temperature range within

the Workshop

2/ Meet the out_assing requirements of MSFC Drawing 50M02442

3/ Meet the and requirements after long exposure to space environ-


4/ l'rote:t s_,c fren corrosion i,rior to launch.

5/ i.ow cnourn cure temperature to prevent ,_smaj,

e to sta_e


i,. ,,t)ter)_aterials Consi,lerea

I/ ?-_,3 silicate c-oatin_-was not acceptable because it was

ciff_cult to apply uniformly over uneven surfaces, and it

I' required a cure temperature above 300°F. The cured coatin_
could be easily damaged and was very difficult to repair.

It was easily contaminated, and difficult to clean. It

could be damasked by water exposure.

I The finishes used on the exterior of the OW_ were selected

i these materials
because of their had been properties
thermal successfullyandused
low on other spaceAll

: I flights, and all were listed in 50MO2_h2. In addition,

extensive evaluation of the potential contamination by

i offgassin_ of the S-13G was submitted to NASA on P0327


: Form, Supplement No. 10501.

) Elastomeric Seals

The elastomeric seals within the workshop can be divided into two

_eneral cate_ories.

i. Those seals used to seal the workhop interior from the eviron-

ment of space, and

2. Seals within internal systems in the workshop.

A. Requirements

For seals used to seal off the space environment, the primary

: requirements were:

1/ Low permeability to _ases

2/ Oood vacuum stability

3/ Ability to withstana service condit._ns

h/ Ability to meet _he flammability and offgassln_ requirements

for workshop interior

_/ Ability to meet the outgassin_, requirements for workshop

exterior when in direct line-of-site of optical surfa:ed.

: 2.3-I15

_. Seals Discussion

Fluorocaruox, rubber _eals were used for all subject seals. For

the hatch and the access door se_is a /b shore A durometer

flame resists_nt fluorocarboz_ elastomer per ST_ 05_h-010302 was

used. q'he O-rln_s used for the prlma_; seal of the window was

made from a /b shore A duromeZer fluorocarbon elastomer meetln_

the out_assin;, requirements of IB791O2. This material was per

Sq_ OuOI-UIolUI. The window seals were also subjected to

thermovacuum bake of hO hours at hO0°F (477.6°K) and 10-3 torr

further improve its outgassing characteristics.

C. Sealin_ Systems

The three oasic syst_ms within the workshop that required

sealin_ were:

a. the water system

b. The refrigeration system

c. The waste mema_ement system

i/ _ nrimary requirement for amy elastometers used in contact

with urinkinc water was that %hey meet tk'_ FDA recuirements

of "Food GraCe Rubber." Initi_lly all these seals were

maQe from fooa trade Viton per S?:_ 0_97-01030h. This

materi:ll :o_s not meet the fio_nmahility requirements of

i:_7oilu, but since it is totally enclosed and in water this

was not si_nific_mt. Durinr cuallfication testlnP it was

foun_ that in several aDvlications the compression set of

the foou _rade Viton was too high and eau_,ed minor leaks.

The ,tffectec seals were reDlace w_th food _rade silicone 0-

rln_a per ST)_ 0b_2-01020_ and the system worked very


, |
;_ satisfactorily. Wherever O-rings were used in this tystem

and were not in contact with the w_ter, low compression set

Viton per MIL-R-832_8 was used.

2/ In the refrigeration system, Coolanol-15 co_,:_tibility was

of primary significance. For this application fluoro-

) silicone seals per _L-R-25988 were satisfactorily used.

3/ In the waste management system, since the seals Jould be

effected and disengaged very often it was decided _hat it

was essential to use an elastomer which possessed optimum

: compression set characteristics, addition to the other

functional requirements. Low compression set Viton per

MIL-R-O32h_ was successful_'" used in all applications except

for the outboard hatch of the trash airlock. In this apDli-

cation it was necessary to use a very soft elastomer, 30-h0

bhore A, to allow a seal to be effected with the available

compressive load. A silicone elastcmer seal was succe_s-

fully used in this application.

2.3._.9 Velcro

Velcro fasteners were used in numerous applications throughout the

, workshop.

i A. Re0ulrements

1/ On the exterior of the workshop Velcro Corp.'s RAQI2-1 hook

! (Nomex Tape with nylon hook) and HAQ12-2 pile (Nomex tape

with Nomex pile) were used successfully and met the flamma-

bility requlrement_ of being non-flammable in air.

2/ For the interior of the workshop, the only Velcro products


ll|nl iiiii

. ;o

: to meet the flammability _nd outgassin_ requirements of _


IB781]0 were Pb37 pile (Fluorel coated 1_eta glass tape with i

etched TFE nile) and HST2 hook (Fluorel coated Beta glass .'

: tape with PBI hooks)

B. Us_e_

i/ After May 1971 the H572 hook [.006 in. (,152 ram) diameter

PBI fib6r] was replaced by H616 PBI hook [.008 in (.203 ram)

diameter PBI fiber] , by the suppliers own volition.

2/ Toward the end of the OWS nrc,_-ram a shorage of PBI fiber

occurred and Ghe hSlo i_oo_ tape had to be replaced with

I15h9 polyester hook tape.

2.3._.i0 Foam Insulation on the Common Bulkhead

A. Tests

).n unreinforced polyuretha_le foam panel with alumimnn foil outer

liner renresenting a candidate insulation system for the common

bulkhead was fabricated ant submitted to I_ASA MSFC for flamma-

bility testing,. During the pressure reduction cycle for the

flammability test, the test panel foam disintegrated. A test

program was taen initiated to test various designs of foam re-

inforcement which would withstand the OWS pressure reduction

without structure failure of the polyurethane foam. Three

basic confi£uratlons of foam (unreinforced, 3-D reinforced and

I-D reinforced) w_th 181 glass cloth liner on the foam and •005"

aluminum foil forming the outer skin, were tested under a simu-

lated OWS pressure blow down cycle• Both the 3-D and the I-D

inforced system was selected and used on the OWS. The results
reinfor_.ed fo,_ successfully withstood the test. The I-D re-
_ 2.3-118
: !

of the evaluation Zests were reported in [.fDACTechnical

Memorandum _1o. Tt,i13_, dated January l_, 19_i.

_ 2.3._.ii Shatterproof Gauche (;lass


% A. Requirements

It was required to have a shatter-proof cover-glass for the

gauges in the workshop. The use _f shatterproof transD&rent

_l&stic materials such as acrylics and polycarbonates was

disregarded because none of these met the flammability require-

ments of l:_'{bllO.

B. Discussion

A clear, _ressure sensitive FEP Teflon filra [.0035 in (.088 m_n)

total thickness ] was found which, when applied on the glass,

met the flammability and functional requiren:ents of the application.

Tile selected material was RV-CT-_I "Tuf-Gard" fabricated by

Arvey Corp., Lamcet Div. [.:DACMaterial Specification STM

0000-01 was written around this material.

2.3._.12 Webbings

WeobinKs were renuived for ur _ in num.erous restrain% applications

throughout the 0%_'_.

A. Requirements

i/ '."heinitial candidate webbin;_ materi_is investigated were

pol_,c_'.zimidazole (PBI), 'ieflon coated beta plass and

Fluorel coated beta _lass. 'Jhe Pbl webbln_s (Fabrics

Research l,abs l_o's. 5101, Si03, Slhl and Slh3) did not meet

the flsznmability and outFassin_ requirements ot IBT011U.

i 2.3-119


d/ ',no Teflon noatea beta _lass webbin_ (li_veg Industries

i_o. dS_-ubOf')) 'would not function _)rooerlv wllen used with

buckles and die not meet flammability re(luirenents. The

Fluorel co _ted beta ;:lass webbinf" ( _avbestos _!anhattan

l_L 30C5) met all requirements but was re.iected b', the crew

• due to e<cessive sneddin_ off the _]uore] coating. :

_° b. Selection

I/ The webbing finally selected was Raybestos Manhattan's RL h$80

which consisted of a .010 in (.254 ntm) thick layer of urette

fabric (Monsanto's fl_r_e retarda.nt treated aromatic nylon) sand-

wiched between t_¢o .012 in (.305 ram) thick layers of Raybestos

I_anhattan's Fluorel L3203-6. All cut enas were covered

with tios molded of L3203-0 for ease of insertion into

ouc_les as 'well as to meet the Cl_,_ac, ilitv reauirements.

This webb!n_ me_ all flammability, outpassinf, and functional


! requirements, i

2. _.>.13 Coolanol 15 Precipitate - Coolanol i_ was selected as the beat

exchanFe fluia in t_le OWL; refri<eration system.

A. L:yster_Test

i/ burin_ a cold test run of a simulated refrigeration system,

a significant !Jressure drop across the filter was noted.

- Disassemoly showed that the filter was clo_ed with material

that was principally wr:ber.

2/ To estaolish tt_e ._laximum amount of water that could be

tolerated by the systen, a series of tests were run usin_ "

Coolancl i_ with various percenta_,es of water. As a result

of these tests O.UUO% by volume of water was established as


i /.
the maximum allowable amount.

_! B. Test Results

i/ In working with various batches of Coolanol 15, it was

found that some batches contained a gelatinous precipitate

which was identified as silicic acid, a product resultin_

from the reaction of water with the silicate ester, the

principal ingredient of Coolanol 15.

2/ Laboratory tests were conducted to establish the amount of

water which could be tolerated without causing the hydro _ is

reaction. It was established that Coolanol 15, which met

the water content limit reauired to prevent ice blockage

of the filter, would not form silicic acid under any of the

conditions used in the tests.

3/ It was found that excess water could be removed by circu-

latinK the Coolanol 15 within the servicer while msintaininF

a dry nitrogen purge through the evacuated ullage of the

reservozr. All coolant used for the OWS was dried before

it was introduced into the refrigeration system. Water and Biocide Storage Tanks

A. Requirements

i/ The water storage tank was required to contain an aqueous

solution of iodine in the concentration range of 2-12 parts

per million (ppm). If the iodine content dropped below

2 ppm, it was to be replenished with an injection of

30,3_u _m io_:ine from the biocide stora_,e tank. Potassium

: iodide was also present to facilitate the preparation of

concentrated iodine solutions. Both tanks had to have a


very slow tea tion rate with their contents and be resistant

to any localized attack such as pittin_{ corrosion that

could cause leakage. Furthermore, materials had to be

selected that would generate only minimal amounts of iron,

nickel, and chromium ions durinF, the expected corrosion

react ion.

_J. Water Tank Testing

: The testin_ can be divided into materials screening and tank


i/ Screeninr - Two types of screening tests were performed:

Coupon tests, using high concentrations of iodine, small

snecimens, and elevated temperatures; and subscale tank tests

usin_ tanks made of the most promising materials (30h, 316,

321 and 31_7 stainless) and having a volume of approximately

12 liters.

2/ Tank nualification - Based on the tests listed above, as

well as weliability and stren_,th considerations, 321 stain-

less steel was chosen for the tanks. A series of tests

were carried out in full-sized tanks to measure iodine

deDletion and corrosion rate, and to characterize the

corrosion products.

C Test [_esults

i i/ The aoove tests showed that the averace rate of reaction of

thP internal tank surfaces is less than one microinch per



Z/ This rate of reaction results iL iron, chromium, and nickel "_

corrosion products exceeding, the specification limits within !I

a few months. 2.3-122

5/ The rate or ¢lepletion of iodine in the tank is such that

replenisk_ent is required before completion of the mission.

_ h/ The reaction rate of the tank surfaces and the iodine

depletion are approximately linear, indicating that the

characteristics of the _as_,ive layer on the metal surface

do not c_,an_e si_ni_'icantly.

5/ No corrosion was visible on the metal surfaces after ,_


,_.3.5.1> Biocide Tank

A. Testing,

I/ Small volute ( 400 cc) bellows tank storage containers and

acceler:_ted coupon tests were run on candidate materials,

includinF _Ib I,stainless steel, }{astellov C-27b alloy, an_

titanium. The _0,000 pp,:_iodine concentration depleted to

zero in tr_c 31UL containers in a [/;?,,_vtest. }I_,_telloy

C-;'7u and titanium showed low depletion rates.

_, Selection

i/ hastelloy was selected for the biocide container since

bellows made of this material could be easily fabricated.

Also, the use of titanium was prohibited by I4SFC-Spec lulA.

2.j.5.1o Water Purification by Ion Exchange

A. l_equirements

I/ Due to a slir ht reaction between the water and'the metal

storage tanks and the downstream lines, the sLilowable

metallic ion concentrations would be exceeded within a few

mo_.ths after the tanks were filled. The maximum allowable

I ionic concentrations in parts per million (Dpm) were (her


\ .
MSC-SPEC PF-I): iron, 0.3; chromium, 0.05; and nickel,

0.05. A meth_ to purify the water was required.

B. Discussion

i/ The installation of an ion exchange bed was the only fea-

sible way of purifying the water. ']'hemain problem was the

selection of a cation exchange bed that would remove the

unwanted metallic ions but not the bioc_de (ioaine).

C. Cation Exchange Resin Selection and Tests

x i/ Several different types of cation exchange resins were

tested to determine the most suitable type for the Skylab

ion bed. Resins tested were:

a. Rexyn AG 53 cation exchange gel; weak acid, synthetic


inorganic ion exchanger.

b. Amberlite IRC-50 cation exchange resin; weak acid ion

exchange resin.

c. Amberlite IR-120 cation exchange resin; stron_ acid

sul£onated polystyrene resin.

d. BJ_.[}ad AG 50W-X8 cation exchange resin; stong acid

sulfonated polystrene resin.

e. Chelex i00 cation exchange resin; weak acid resin

Tests were verformed on the above resins to:

a. Determine what depletion of the iodinP biocide resulted

: when the water containing it was passed through the


b. Determine the efficiency of the resins for removin_

_ron, chromium and nickel ions.

c. Determine the chan_e in pll of the water when passed

throuRh the resin.


D. Te_t Rcsults and Usage

J/ Test results showed that the most satisfactory cation

exchange resins were strong acid types such as Amberlite

IE-120 and Bio-_ad ACSOW-X12. (Reference MP Report

51,9_0 [PDL I04859J).

2/ Further testing, and conversations with personnel in Dow

Chemical Company and other companies producing cation

exchange resins, indicated that a rigid (highly cross-

linked) _'orm of strong acid resin, synthesized using styrene

and 12% divinyibenzine, was best for the Skylab water

system. A snecialiy purified form of a suitable resin,

designated Bio-Rad AGSOW-XI2, obtained from Bio-Rad Company,

32nd and Griffin Ave., Richmond, Calif. 9480h, was chosen.

This resin is Dowex 50W-XI2 resin, synthesized by Dow

Chemical Company, Midland, Michigan, which has been ex-

tensively treated by Bio-Rad to reduce contaminants to low

levels, and has been converted to the potassium form.

3/ For maximum metallic ion removal with minimum pressure drop,

a size range for the ion exchange resin of 20 to _0 mesh

was chosen. The s_ze of the cartridge was chosen to give

the greatest possible depth for passage of the water, since

conversations with experts at Dow had indicated that poor

efficiency of metalllc ion removal might otherwise occur.

_/ Preliminary testing of the ion exchange resins indicated

that they would all remove Iodine biocide from the water.

Since the specifications for water system performance require

that iodine blocide be present at the outlet frem the water


systeT:L, an iodine pretreatment sLep was added to decrease

the tendency of the resin to remove iodine. This step

involves flowing an iodine solution of i00 ppm concentra-

tion through the filled cartrld_e for several days, and

then flowing a low concentration iodine solution through

until the effluent iodine concentration has dropped to an

acceptable level.

5/ Long-term tests were performed on the ion exchange cartridge

filled with resin, and it was found that even after extended

pretreatment of the resin with iodine it was not possible to

maintain a suitably high concentration of iodine in the

effluent water under water usage conditions simulatin_ those

expected on Skylab. Because of this, smaller volumes of

resin were used in the final configuration flight unit to

reduce the quantity of iodine removed.

_.>.5.1"( I1ultilayer Insulation

A. Requirements

i/ Mult_layer insulation was installed on the external surface

of t,e forward dome to provide proper thermal mama_ement of

the OWS habitation areas. %'he insulation consisted of

multiple layers of metalllzed plastic film isolated from

each other by separator sheets. The separator was a key

material narameter.

B. Alternative Solutions

i/ A _olyurethane foam was considered initially but was

rejected on the basis of particle _eneration. A net

material was subsequently identified as the most attractive


type of separator. The first nettin_ considered was a

nylon material, llowever, the material was found to out_as


excessively in a vacuum environment. Net outgassin_ was

reduced by replacing the ;_ylon material with a Dacron counter-

part which could be stiffeneO without use of azly volatile

compounds and wllich, inherently, absorbed less moisture.

C. Material Selection

i/ T_,e _?ecifJ: n_ utillze4 umm , _mnf_uratlon developed

under NASA CHAD Contract _ASg-21hO0, "Investigation of High

Performazlce Insulation Application Problems," l-b9 to b-73. L

Additional developments on the same C_AD progrs2n, partlcu-

larlE in the area of fabrication technology, were utilized

in the OWS Program. D_tai[s of the CHAD development are

presented in Contract reports.

D. Recc-_nendations

i/ Future use_ of mulSilayer insulation (MLI) for thermal con-

trol could realize increased system performance and lower

system weight by incorporatin_ results of an MDAC MLI

development study which has subsequently identified an

improved net configuration.

2.j.>.id Polyimiae Laminates

A. Requirements

i/ Within the workshop a need existed for relatively rigid,

thermally insulative, sheet material which could be formed.

This was the type of application a plastic laminate would

satisfy. Polyimlde/_lass laminates were found to be the

only system which would meet the stringent flammability and


offgas_ing requirements.

B. 14aterialProcessing and Application

l/ At that time the state-of-the-art of polyimide resin-glass

fabric laminatingwas almost non-exlstentand therefore the

processin_ metaods for epoxy/glass, polyester/glass,and

_henolic/glass laminating were followed.

Tt was found that the extreme tackiness of the prepre_ made

it extremely difficult to lay up sharp corners, and the

step-up temperature cure and large quantity of outgassin_

products durin_ cure resulted in porosity and bridRing at

sharp radius corners and angles.

The problems in laminatin_ Dupont's Pyralin 35-513 polyimide/

181 glass prep:'eg were resolved by designing around the

material limitations.


t ---- III I I II 1 _ .




Orbital Workshop Project

_ The information in this report has been reviewed for security

i classHication. Review of any information concerning Department
of Defense or Atomic Energy Commission programs has been made
i by the MSFC Security Classification Officer. This report, in its
entirety, has been determined to be unclassified.

This document has also been reviewed and approved for

technical accuxacy.

WiUiam K. Simmons, Jr. _7

Manager, Orbital Workshop Project

Rein Ise
Manager, Skylab Program


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