Proceedings of The Second Manned Spaceflight Meeting

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2nd Manned Space Flight Meeting

Dallas, Texas April 22-24, 1963

PI 63
28201 N68 28242
Co-sponsored by National Aeronautics and Space Administration

MEMBER - $7.00
NON-MEMBER - $12.00

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

500 Fifth Avenue New York 36, N. Y.

J. J. Bingham
P. E. Purser
A. I. Sibila, Chairman
J. D. Beadling, Chairman
C. R. Bartel J. J. Peterson
D. D. Blume W. H. Rosenberry
L. D. Gregory B. C. Scott, Jr.
L. F. Karkos R. H. Shearin
M. H. Pedersen J. L. Woods


J. D. Barnard R. M.· Walker, Jr.

A. Gardsbane G. B. Whisenhunt

C. E. Porcher J: B. Green

R. S. Miller T. S. Webb
Page intentionally left blank
Banquet Speech - - Lyndon B. Johnson 1

,.. Systems Engineering for Manned Space Flight - - Joseph F. Shea C,,~5~,tycj,...) .... 4-S
~ Military Aspects of Manned Space Flight - - Thomas S. Power. CS1~" tt.Vc.~
..... ~/.~ 9- J1.-
1Flight Experiences in the Mercury Program - - M. Scott Carpenter ~n~."Y1l,;g~l I,. Grissom
("~~.~~ ~~)
13 _}to

.l Research Requirements for Future Manned Space Flight Communications - -

John M. Walker (!/.~~,.LNAAL~ . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17-1.""1.-
Gemini Design Features - - William J. Blatz
The X-20 (Dyna-Soar) Progress Report - - Calvin B. Hargis, Jr.
(Classified) ~/

Apollo Design Features - - Charles H. Feltz

Briefing on Russian Manned Space Flight Programs - - James H. Fox
Titan-Gemini ~unch Vehicle Program - - J.U. LaFrance, Jr.

{f1l5~. H~ .)~f:{; ~
Gemini Program and Mission - - James A. Chamberlin and James T. Rose
The Titan III Standardized Space Launch System - - Joseph S. B1eymaier (j'F.SC:, ~~) . 33 - 3r'
Saturn Launch Vehicle Program Saturn C-l Program - - Robert E. Lindstrom
Saturn C-V Program - - James B. Bramlet
Future of Large Launch Vehicles - - John •. StoneCJl.f1~( ~~). " . . . . . . . . . 39 -1./-3
Manual Control of Launch Vehicle Syste... - - W.B. Luton(~ t;~l...~e.);

44 -rD f'l,

Launch Vehicle Cost Analysi~ tnd4~m Evaluation - - Stanley Hauer~

and Robert Waters (¥.T~. y..... ......... ~ I .George Tabata
..... . 51 - t;:(.,

Self-Sealing. Spacec:aft St~~res in W~ ~eteoroid Environment - -(",.0:;:: ~~. j ;

-/ 57
James J. Pl.echockl. LAI~'~\Al'f4)' . . . . . . . ". . . ~ .. ".. -(,(, ),

New Fabrication Techniques fpr~pa~e,~t~cture~,~.-~, Childers, R. Liddell,

K. sparling~_~j1~~f~~'~~~~)' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67-fsC ",
Trends in.Spacecraft ~~y~tems - - Ray L. Shahan

I On Board Propulsion Design foz;.,~~~~efj..SAa~craft - - J.C. Moule, H. Nitikman

and P.B. ThOmpSOn{~ ~r'lV'j" . . .. . ....... . 81 -8".\--
Extra Vehicular Maintenance and Techniques - - Carl R. Cording (1L.~.).. 86 -1"
A Visual Presentation Simu}at~ U~W InveS:1atipn of Various Phases, of Lunar
Flight - - J. E. Willer'lN~ ........ ~~B;.:..~IIAI&o~ .......... . ... 92 -if /'fJ
~ Effect of Materials on ~tm~s~~rifi~~n~amin»~~~~~~~Manned Spacecraft - -
Luther L. Bolstad.(!-f~~rl,.....r\lNdt~ ......... C.) ..... . . . . . 99 .... 110 tl;

, . Control-Display Design in ~~~~.~Pfce System Development - - Edward L. Warren

and Malcolm L. Ritchie . (~/ll/.v)' .................. . 111 -11'3 "
7. Selection and Effectiveness Considerat.ions Arl..·sin g From E{~o:~~~~oqfi}\emeptJPf Small
Groups - - John E. Rasmussen, and i11iaa . Baythorn ~~.I~ ~"~;1' ...

f. A Reappraisal of the Radiation Hazards to ~ ?J'~~~l:~~t~ -1 fO t:- \

John E. Pickering, and John II. Talbot. ~r"-'-:-' f""¥1\."~ • . . . • .

- iv -
The Role of Simulation I-i..~he Devel?fr:.e:n.t~,yf Gemini Guidance and Control - -
John T. Clausen, Jr'l"l ~~'~l' ... . ... 126-/J :J

A Study of Cert~A~Aspects of Lunar Ascent a~d ~ndezvous with an Orbiting Vehicle

,H. U. Burri.(~~. . . ............ . ........ .

-V£unar Landing and Long-Range Earth Reentry Guidance by Application of p~rturba~ion~ ~ I~ ~

Theory - - Henry C. Lessing, Phillips J. Tunnell and Robert E. Coate '.AIASI}J ~.Gr~ 140- 0

Apollo Guidance and Navigation - The Problem of Automatic and Manual Systems
Integration - - David G. Hoag (Classified)

.. ~ture
of On-Board Computers for Space Vehicles - - Gordon H. Smith{I.IJI!J~){~-."2-~"r 15,J.-}f"8'
! Factors Affecting the Design of Flight Stabilization and Control Systeas for Manne~
Spacecraft - - C.L. Seacord (Classified)
~teral-Range and Hypersonic Lift-Drag-Ratio Requirements for Efficient Ferry Service
from a Near-Earth Manned Space Station - - Dona,J.~ L. ~az:,dell Jln_d Charles H. McLellan. lS9-/'~ "-
. lffHSIJ.~/ilJ. .~)
~ Look at Manned En)ry at~:~~~.lan_to~~erbolic Velocities - - E.S. Love and
E. B. Pritchard .t,uRS,+, ~ /(,14 .}............. • • • • • If:,7 _/J{) /A

Engineering Manag~ent .to Achieve Reliability in Manned Space Systems - -

Leslie W. Ball t.~ tI.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ., . . . . . . '.' . l8lr /&'6."-

r' Radiation Shielding Considerations in Manned Spacecraft Design - - S.L. Russak{~:~)187~/f~l

~light Safety Aspects of Manned Space Flight - - Frederick J. Bailey, Jr.(~:?:.~~~s -I/f
~ission Control for Ma~~ ~Fa~e Flig~t~.~~h~s~oah6f C. Kraft, Jr., John D. Hodge . ~
. and Eugene F. Kranz. <'!y/JSH,J~ -;~i>f.~.) ••••••••••••••••• 199-J.

SP:~:C;d:l:-'C/lti:, .~.~c~u~s~t~o~ ~ ~ R.E. :ye: ~ .. T~i~~ V~~a~~~. 9 '.i~z-

Gemini Launch Escape - - Warren J. North and Wi lliam B. Cassidy (Alnf.4 ~~
I •. 213 -1../1,

~ Manual Abort Technique for the Midcours? Re~ion of a Lun~~~sion

___ George P. Callas and Robert B. Merrick (!",*S/t. ~ -,e;.:... oJ.. . . . . . . . . 217-2-1.3 t\-
Space Stations and the National Space Program --- A Challenge - - Thomas E. /AJIJSA~
Dolanl·~. 224~L~
_ I>

I Space Age Transportation Systems - - L.T. Spears and C.H. Rutland(N'OS!l·~~4". 229 _il&",


Manned Flight to Mars and Venus in the 70's - - Benjamin P. Martin ~ ~~~~23.6~Z.i~'"
~ fJ.,). . . . 2p4- try
Man's Uti li ty in Mi li tary Space Missions - - Courtland D. Perkins

Space Materials for the Future - - Robert A. Stauffer and John L. Ha.a(W .~.,e".,.). . 260-2-7.3

t·~. Research Requirements Life Sciences Research Needs - - Charles F. Gell (~./J'7~ 274-27~ If;

Future Problems in Re-Entry Physics - - Peter H. Rose. ~.-~ tfj,.:~ . . . . . . 279~2.rt ~

The X-IS Program - - Joseph A. Walker and JO';~b Weil (N.M.IJ;.F.A;U-~4!--~5-W'~47A

Research Needs for Energy Conversion Systems -/ - David C. Whi te (lilT) . . '.' . . . . . 30,8.-'3 Zf' '"
~/. Problems and prowss with Long-Duration Life~Support Systeas - - J.L. Mason and
W.L. Burriss. "l) D..
~tf"d4~ "- Ik/1'LI ................. .
fl _) . . .
. 329 ~3rP;t.

,1.-. Status and Future Engineering Probl~s of EljctriJ( Pz;,oP~~ion Sy~e~ ~- ,iussell D. - _ _ .)~
Shattuck and Robert J. Denington ,t:.t.wr",1Q.., ~.
tpfl-SII.. • /o~~~~.~ J.f--6 . 341-3 fI'
'3. Future Spacecraft Design Requirements and Trends - - Manned Syst
h .~ E. Z. Gray . e,.)~;n - 3 $'J
!Y. The Reliability Aspects of Space Prograllls - - James M. Bridges J.....~. ..... 360·-1(.3
Future of Nuclear Rocket Propulsion Systems - - Walter C. Beckwith

- v -
Engineering Development Requirements from the Space Crew Viewpoint - -
A. Scott Crossfield (Not Available at time of Printing) \
General Management of Space Programs - - Industry Viewpoint - - Walter F. Burke. . . 364
Government Viewpoint of the Management of the Aerospace Programs - - James N. Daivs. 370
Project Engineering Aspects of Space Programs - Govt. - - William E. Lamar
(Not Available at time of Printin~)
Problems Facing the Aerospace Project Engineer - Industry Viewpoint - -
Joseph G. Gavin, Jr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
Space Policy and Space Management - - Edward C. Welsh . . . . 374
Congressional Viewpoint on Space Programs - - Olin E. Teague 377
Apollo Program Evolution and Background R.O. Piland . . . 379
Materials Problems in Manned Near-Space Operations - - Wolfgang H. Steurer 382

- vi -



Vice President, United States of America

You may recall the circumstances of a football game and what we hope to do--would still he required ,of us in
in Dallas which went into Southwest Conference records our own self-interest if we were the only nation on earth
as a one-to-nothing victory for SMU over TCU. On a to possess space capabilities.
rainy autumn Saturday, the bus carrying the Horned
Frogs from Fort Worth, 32 miles away, couldn't make Yet, if misconceptions do exist among the public, the
it lJP Chalk Hill, west of Dallas on the old Dallas Pike. fault is less theirs than it is the fault of those who have
The result was a forfeit--with the official score of one- understanding of space but have, not taken the time to
to-nothing. explain fully its meaning or the necessity for our nation-
al activities in this new realm.
I mention this to contrast our horizions--and our cap-
abilities. Many of you can remember when Chalk Hill The Age of Space reflects and is supported by a rev-
was a major obst~le and the supreme test for every new olution in science and engineering.
automobile. Motorists could brag if they climbed Chalk
Hill with no more than two or three rest stops to permit Ninety per cent of all the scientists who have ever
the engine to cool. Yet now, we are able to talk lived are living today. More mathematics has been
seriously about explorations and journeys 26 million created since the beginning of the twentieth century than
miles away to the planet Venus--or 47 million miles in all the rest of history. Ninety per cent of the drugs
away to the planet Mars. being prescribed by our physicians now were not even
known ten years ago. In many fields of SCience, the
We have come a long way. In the new Age of Space research literature published just since 1950 is several
which brings us together, we are destined to go a long times greater than all that published in the centuries
way further. before.

The Age of Space is less than six years old. It is no This exploration of science and engineering is not
insignificant detail that this important scientific forum just American. It is not just in the Free World. The
is convened in this city and this state far removed from sudden burst forward of man's scientific knowledge
the older established centers of economic, commercial and capability is world-wide -- on both sides of the
and industrial enterprise of our nation. On the contrary, Iron Curtain.
this emphasizes one fact about the Age of Space which
many have neglected: In this context, when we speak of competition between
the Free World and the Communist World, the com-
The fact that the Age of Space is--for all regions of petition in space is merely symbolic. The real com-
America--a second industrial revolution--a revolution petition between our systems is not a race for the
which is bringing a new future, a new degree of partic- moon--it is a race to see which system will do the best
ipation, a new scope of contribution for each region of job of developing and applying new scientific capabilities
our country--and for every segment of our society. for the betterment of life on this earth for all mankind.

Some of our countrymen suspect that space is a gim- If this is the competition, I am sure some will ask
mick or a gamble. Others regard it as forced upon us why go to the moon? Why be concerned about Venus
solely by considerations of national prestige and inter- and Mars? Why send men up to orbit the earth? Why
national competition--the necessity of ''keeping up with not keep both feet on the ground and spend our money
the Russians". here instead of in outer space?

You and I believe such .conceptions are false. These are sincere questions and valid questions.
They cannot be dismissed impatiently, If the public
Space is not a gambit. is to be asked to support the cost of space research,
the public is entitled to understand the justification for
It is not a gimmick. these large--and still growing--demands.

Our national activities in space research and explor- There are several parts to the answer.
ation are no longer in the category of a gamble.
First--and foremost--is the fact that the full value
"Keeping up with the Russians" is not our primary of science to the improvement of life on earth cannot
motivating force. In fact, we want to pass them, not be achieved, if we artifiCially limit our horizions to
just keep up with them. Moreover, what we are dOing-- the outer edges of the earth's atmosphere. If we are

to make science the servant of man, we must go into I was Majority Leader 01 the Senate.
space to put science to work for us on earth.
We have invited and encouraged all nations on earth
Two examples help iliustrate this. to join with us in this common peaceful endeavor. We
can be proud that more than sixty nations--from Argen-
First, there is the field of weather. Scientists tell tina to Zanzibar, from Iceland to Thailand--are working
us that if we could accurately predict the weather five cooperatively with us in the greatest international pro-
days in advance, it would mean cost savings of $2.5 gram of scientific information exchange ever known.
billion annually in agriculture, $45 million in the lumber
industry, $100 million in transportation, $75 million in Our first and continuing objective is to develop the
retail marketing and more than $3 billion in management peaceful uses of outer space. But we are not unmindful
of our water resources. This is for the United States of the threats to peace on earth which would result from
alone. The total world-wide benefits are beyond cal- the exclusive mastery of space by any power seeking to
culation. perpetuate earthly aggressions.

We will be able to do these things--these and many When we send our probes on missions into space,
more. We will be able to predict the weather, not just near and far, we are not engaging in idle adventures.
five days in advance, but perhaps for a whole season. As some say, "What man can conceive, man can do".
In advance, we will be able to eleminate the high toll of As just one example, it is conceivable that an unfriend-
lives and property from hurricanes and tornadoes and ly power might use space for arms storage, or for the
typhoons. We will some day perhaps be able to modify stationing of an offensive weapon, or for other hostile
and exercise control over our weather--eleminate purposes.
drouths and floods, bring rains to the deserts and control
the deluges of the jungles. But we can do none of this If we are to be reasonable and prudent, we must
without developing space capabilities on which we are anticipate today what the Soviets or others might have or
at work today. might develop to threaten our freedom. We cannot wish-
fully and unrealistically assume that no nation will ex-
Second, there is the field of communication. Our tend its objectives of world dOmination by means of
first trans-Atlantic telegraph cable opened in 1866. space weapons.
Sixty years elapsed before the first trans-Atlantic radio
circuit in 1927. Thirty more years passed before we had If we are to realize the full capabilities of our tech-
the first reliable trans-Atlantic telephone cable in 1956. nology for the betterment of American life--if we are to
It took us ninety years to increase our capabilities '1 meet fully our national requirements--we cannot arbi-
thousandfold. But today we have the prospect through trarily put a ceiling on the domains of science.
communication satellites of achieving another one
thousandfold increase in less than a decade. Responsibility to ourselves--responsibility to the
cause of freedom which we lead--requires us to explore
Perhaps before the 1960's end, we will be transmit- the realms of space as we are doing today.
ting hundreds of individual messages by satellites in
one second. Books the length of the Bible will be trans- There is another part to the answer about our pur-
mitted in written form in less than one minute. Dallas poses in space which is too little understood. This is
business mem will be able to check their inventories the fact--as I mentioned at the beginning--that this Age
in London or Tokyo in a matter of seconds. Giant busi- of Space is the star performer in this industrial
ness machines and computers will be tied together a- revolution.
cross the oceans. Scientists in distant, underdeveloped
nations will be able to solve their equations on com- Our space program is creating and helping to create
puters in Texas or New England or California. new basic industries for our economy. The number of
private companies and research organizations partic-
Again, if we are to achieve these things--tf we are ipating in our space programs has grown in less than
to put our new technical competence to work for us to six years to more than five thousand. A single orbital
the fullest extent possible--we must be capable of uti- flight by one of our astronauts last year required the
lizing space as the avenue for these advances. Earth- supporting services of more than four hundred thousand
bound science cannot serve us. A ceiling on science individual jobholders. Out of our space research pro-
would be a ceiling on our progress and our prosperity-- grams have already come more than 3, 000 new products
and eventually on our freedom itself. and methods aVailable for the use of private enterprise.

That last point is one we must not forget. Technology of space research is just now beginning
to be felt in our daily lives. By-products of the space
The United States has chosen as a matter of firm program are appearing in the automobiles we drive, in
national policy to commit its efforts to the development our office equipment, in the air-conditioning and heat-
of the peaceful use of space. It was my privilege in ing equipment in our homes, in the medicines we take
1958 to present the United States policy to the United and even in the pots and pans our wives use in their
Nations at the request of President Eisenhower while kitchens.

------- --~-

Many of the Buck Rogers symbols of this age have For the first t~~ ~nl'Ur nation's history, an his-
unexpected values. For example, the space suits worn toric new boom is beginning in which all regions will
by our astronaut heroes--such as Colonel Glenn--may share--in which the strength of every region will be
soon be used widely in medical centers to relieve the marshalled and its promise realized and the people
discomfort of stroke victims. By-products of the re- permitted to prosper.
search on the propellants which send our missiles aloft
will provide effective means of treating tuberculosis. This city, this state, this regIon have known boom-
times in the past. But the promise of the future now
It took us 112 years to develop photography, 56 years unfolding dwarfs the dimensions of the past. Scientists
to develop the telephone, 35 years to perfect the radiO, and engineers--as well as public officials--have a duty
15 years to make radio workable, 12 years to make to bring the reality of this future home to the American
television feasible and 6 years to develop the atomic public now.
bomb. But the outpouring of space research into our
lives and businesses is coming after less than six To reach for the moon is a risk. But it is a risk we
years--and this is only the beginning. must take. Keep in mind that failure to go into space
is even riskier.
Equal in importance to these developments is the
impact of our space effort on the economy of every In less than a lifetime, Chalk Hill--and many ob-
region of our nation. As might be expected, Texans stacles like it--have been mastered and young gen-
have said much about the significance of this State-- erations have forgotten where it is. So it will be with
and of the Southwest--in the Age of Space. But I would outer space. Where the moon is a major goal today,
emphasize that this is by no means exclusive to the it will be tomorrow a mere whistle stop for the space
Southwest alone. traveler.

Space research has brought a major rejuvenation to We go into space as pioneers came into this West,
New England. for one purpose only: to find ourselves and our fam-
ilies a better life on earth and to assure the ultimate
It is generating new growth and prosperity in the success of the cause of freedon we uphold.
Deep South and Southeast.
If we do not succeed in these efforts--as one great
Space will be an increasingly important source of American has put it--we will not be first on the moon;
contracts and jobs in economic activity for the Great we will not be first in space; and one day soon we will
Lakes, the Northwest and the Rocky Mountain States. not be the first on earth.

Space-related activities have already become the

number one industry for the nation's most populous
State, the State of CalifOrnia.



Deputy Director, Systems
Office of Manned Space Flight
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(Luncheon Speech)

The,manned lunar landing program presents waiting to receive me, often trembles for me least
not only the most difficult technical challenge which I should fall headlong. Add to all this, the heaven
the nation has undertaken but also one of our most is all the time turning round and carrying the stars
complex management problems. We are now al- with it. I have to be perpetually on my guard least
most two years into the program. I would like to that movement, which sweeps everything else along
review with you today how we are attacking the should hurry me also away. Suppose I should lend
task; particularly the systems engineering function you the chariot, what would you do? Could you keep
within the OMSF and some of the systems problems your course while the sphere was revolving under
with which we are still wrestling. you? Perhaps you think that there are forests and
cities, the abodes of gods, and palaces and temples
Before discussing our organization, I would on the way. On the contrary, the road is through
like to reminisce a bit. The first task thrust upon the midst of frightful monsters. You pass by the
us after the establishment of the OMSF Office of horns of the Bull, in front of the Archer, and near
Systems was the selection of the lunar mission the Lion's jaws, and where the Scorpion stretches
mode. I recall we were all quite enthusatic about its arms in one direction and the Crab in another.
the job for it was a wonderful technical problem. Nor will you find it easy to guide those horses,
That was, incidentally, before we recognized all with their breasts full of fire that they breathe
the other ramifications of making such a decision. forth from their mouths and nostrils. I can
scarcely govern them myself, when they are un-
In order to develop perspective for the ruly and resist the reins".
studies, we did a bit of historical research to see
how the wisdom of the past might be brought to Even the dangers can be identified. The
bear on our present problems. Archer obviously fires the micrometeorites we
must guard against, and the poison of the Scorpion
Since Apollo sprang originally from Greek is the lethal radiation from solar flares.
civilization, we started there, and found, in the
story of Phaeton what is probably the first descrip- The "clause" of the Crab is possibly what
tion of a nominal space mission and the difficulties makes our contracts hard to negotiate~
of astronaut selection and training. Although a few
of the details are lacking, I was struck by the grasp In selecting our approach to systems engi-
of the overall problem. neering for the manned space flight programs,
historical perspective was also important.
Phaeton was the son of Helios, the sun god.
One of Helios' duties ,was to drive the chariot of The concept of systems engineering for
the sun from dawn to dark. Phaeton desired to complex research and development programs has
drive his father's chariot. As recorded in Bull- evolved in this country over the last two decades.
finche's Age of Fable, Helios, in warning Phaeton By this time, the name has been applied to so
of the difficulty of the task, said: many different variants of technical management
that it may now call to mind only a generalized
"Your lot is mortal, and you ask what is impression of responsibilities and functions. In-
beyond a mortal's power. In your ignorance, you deed, I often think that systems engineering is at
aspire to do that which not even the gods them- least as difficult to define as it is to do. In general,
selves may do. None but myself may drive the the management of research and development pro-
flaming car of day. Not even Jupiter, whose grams today recognizes that two broad sub-divisions
terrible right arm hurls the thunderbolts. The of the program team exist: the research and de-
first part of the way is steep, and such as the velopment organization, often called the project,
horses when fresh in the morning can hardly climb; and the systems engineering organization. It is
the middle is high up in the heavens, whence I my- almost universally recognized that systems engi-
self can scarcely, without alarm, look down and neering is not responsible for the development of
behold the earth and sea stretched beneath me. the "hardware" elements of a program. The gen-
The last part of the road descends rapidly, and eration of the systems concept and the overall
requires most careful driving. Tethys, who is system specifications is usually accepted as the

system engineering task. "growing pains" engineering that is ever present on
new systems as they enter service. It finally par-
The gray area is the extent to which the ticipates in the evaluation of the system iIld
system engineering group participates in the de- economic worth that are experienced.
velopment phase of the program, and the organi-
zational relationship, both explicit and implied, In addition, early in a developmental program,
which it holds with respect to the development the development organization may carry responsi-
team. bilities to systems engineering in areas where they
have a particular competance. Throughout the de-
This area is also the one where personal velopment program they are available to the project
relations become most important. I gave a talk people and are often used as consultants.
last week at the University of Kansas and got into
a bull session with some of the undergraduate Although stresses and strains undoubtedly
engineering students. They had just taken a existed in the initial phases, management has woven
course in personnel relationships, and several the systems engineering and development depart-
were apparently thinking of giving up detailec;l en~i­ ments into an efficient working team, aided by the
nee ring in favor of going into technical management "espirit de corp" of a single corporation.
because they felt that working with people was so
important ---- and that engineers were usually Perhaps the other extreme is the addition of
insensitive to personal relationships. a technical direction function to the systems engi-
neering responsibility which the Air Force employed
Although I objected strongly to their premise in the ballistic missile program. The development
for how can you manage well things which you team in that case was a number of associate con-
don't understand in detail --- they certainly had tractors, each responsible for major hardware
identified one of the major factors which must be elements which had to be integrated to provide a
taken into account in establishing a smoothly work- system.
ing program structure.
In addition to developing the systems con-
In the spectrum of approaches to the task cept and the specifications for the major system
which have been employed, two historic examples elements, the systems organization technically
come close to defining the extremes of the distri- directed the activities of the major contractors to
bution. One is the role which systems engineering assure that both design and manufacturing procedures
plays in the Bell Telephone Laboratories; the other would result in satisfactory operational systems.
the role which it played in the Ballistic Missile
Program. The technical direction function explicitly
included responsibility for design engineering of
At Bell Telephone Laboratories, the major subsystem s; direct assistance to associate con-
responsibility of systems engineering is the deter- tractors when necessary; planning and developing
mination of new specific systems and facility de- ground support systems for research development
velopment projects -- their operational and and operational phases of the program; directing
economic objectives and the broad technical plan test programs for systems, subsystems, and se-
to be followed. Systems engineering controls and lected components; directing the associate con-
guides the use of the new knowledge, obtained from tractors to implement such research and develop.-
research and fundamental development programs, ment operational requirements as are approved by
in the creation of new systems. In determining the Air Force and directi~ the contractors in im-
new development projects, systems engineering plementing reliability programs.
considers the content of the reservoir of new
knowledge awaiting application, and the opportuni- Hence, in a sense, the system engineering
ties for its use. It attempts to insure that the organization carried the responsibility both for the
technical objectives of the development projects development of the system concept and the details
undertaken can be realized within the framework of its execution. Implicit in this concept is a very
of the new knowledge available in the reservoir close personal identification of the system people
and present engineering practices. with the details of the development program. In
addition, the implementation of the concept obvi-
As the development organization proceeds ously required detailed direction of a number of
with the project, systems engineering maintains industrial concerns by another, essentially com-
close contact, continually appraises the results, petitive, industrial concern. This approach, justi-
and amends the objectives and plans as required. fied by the exigency of the program, did result in
Service trials are generally needed during the difficult working relationships.
course of development. It organizes the trials in
cooperation with operating engineers and partici- Much can be learned from these two ex-
pates in the testing and evaluation of results. When amples. In evolving the systems engineering con-
the system is standardized and placed in manu- cept within the manned space flight program we have
facture, systems engineering follows service per- charted a course between the two extremes cited,
formance of first installations and coordinates the coming somewhat closer to the first than to the

second. the keys to an effective relationship between the
system people and the development team. In
The Nature of the NASA organization, and the addition, the fa'ct that the system group does not
magnitude of the task, dictates that the implemen- specify design details provides a measure of im-
tation of the program be done through the NASA partiality which must be maintained by the system
Centers. They combine both the administrative group to perform its other function, a technical
and technical competence to contract with and consulting service and problem audit capability
technically direct the industrial firms selected to for either center or ONSM management.
execute the hardware developments. All direction
of industrial firms is done by government people. Technical impartiality is one of the major
keys to effective operation of a systems engineer-
The systems engineering role in OM SF is ing organization. It is also one of the hardest
intended to provide program wide technical analysis states of mind to achieve. In an era when any
for management to insure that functional and per- individual function can be implemented in a number
formance requirements placed on all elements of of different ways, it is difficult, if not impossible,
a system are within the present or projected state to specify uniquely which approach is best. The
of the art and can be developed within the scope of proper frame of mind is to ask whether the
the project. The specific nature of this generalized approach selected can do the job within the system
responsibility has evolved over the last year as the constraints, not whether it will do the job in
systems organization has come into being. accordance with an individual's preconceived
notion of the proper implementation.
The overall nature of our work is illustrated
by the mission mode decision and the planning of For the last year we have been carefully
the possible future manned space flight programs, recruiting an in-house team of scientists and
such as the Lunar Logistic System, the Space Sta- engineers to do this systems job. Frankly, the
tion and the Planetary Programs. Our people con- task has been much more difficult than we had
centrate on the requirements for such systems and expected, because of the restrictions inherent
the study programs which must be conducted to within the Civil Service structure. In order to
answer the eternal questions: what, why, when provide a quantum jump in our capability, last
and how. The studies are usually implemented by February NASA requested the American Telephone
the Centers and contractors working either for the and Telegraph Company to assist us in the system
Centers or OMSF. We then pull together the study engineering effort. We asked them to provide an
results, select the system concept and develop the organization of experienced men able to develop
system specification and the program plan. The the factual bases needed by responsible NASA
object is to have available, at the start of any officials to make the wide range of decisions re-
future program, the blueprint from which the de- quired for the successful execution of the manned
velopment team can proceed. space flight program.

On the existing programs, the relationship A T& T re sponded to this reque st by forming
with the Centers is more intimate. The Apollo Bellcomm, Inc., in March 1962.
program was underway by the time our organiza-
tion was formed. Since the mode decision, the It is important to note that the Bellcomm
details of the system concept have been evolving organization assists and supports a technical
in parallel with the development of the early hard- office within the Government rather than an ad-
ware. Our formal interface with the development ministrative office. This ~mportant distinction
teams is the Systems Specification, which we pre- makes it possible for the Government to properly
pare, and which defines the functional and per- carry out its total responsibility (utilizing the
formance requirements on major systems ele- contractor for assistance) to maintain the final
ments. The specification also ties down the inter- technical, engineering and procurement judge-
faces between hardware being developed by differ- ments within the Government itself. The key to
ent NASA organizational elements. our success will be our ability to attract and ke~p
extremely competent men on our in-house staff,
In the case of critical systems, we specify which intend to keep relatively small. Present
the design approach but not the details of the de- plans call for the group to total no more than 125.
sign. We have spent considerable time arriving Bellcomm presently has approximately 100 tech-
at the proper level of specifying the design nical people on board and we expect it to level off
approach. Obviously, the specific design de- at about 200 such employees
cisions are properly the p:terogative of the develop-
ment team. As an example, 'for a digital computer Frankly, we have not been without growing
we might specify memory capacity, arithmetic pains over the past year. The task of building a
speed and input - output functions, but not the type team, setting the standards for performance and
of" memory, circuit design or input - output establishing working relationships within an
mechanization. existing program structure has been a full time
job, and it is far from over. I can report, how-
Split of responsibility at this level is one of ever that I am convinced we have turned the

corner and are beginning to measure up to the From this point of view, the terms "manual"
task thrust upon us. and "automatic" carry more emotional than techni-
cal content. For example to term an inertial
So much for organization. 1 would like to guidance system manual because the output of the
dwell for the remainder of my time on some of the digital computer is sent to a panel display and
system aspects of the program. The task we are then, through hand controller to the autopilot,
undertaking is so complex that we must design the rather than directly, is stretching things a bit.
system to maximize the probability of success and However, the computer output may be the best
safety. To me, this means continuing to examine point for the man to monitor the system, and
all possible ways of performing a particular func- having his hand on the controls may place him in
tion, and selecting the subset which provide the the best position to compensate in the event of a
highest degree of flexibility and reliability. One malfunction. And these things are subject to
of the pitfalls which must be avoided is the dogma analysis. In such a mode, the question of whether
of preconceived ideas. The man-machine relation- man is in the loop or out of the loop becomes one
ships for space flight has been one area in danger of semantics.
of being overwhelmed by dogma.
1£ I attempted to come up with my own trite
For a while 1 was afraid that Apollo might be phrase, the best 1 could do might be "man opti-
one of the last battlefields on which human race mized in the system" which is sufficiently general
took up arms against the encroachment of machines. and ambiguous. It indicates no particular mech-
Catch phases such as "man in the loop", "man out anizations, but, hopefully, indicates an open mind
of the loop", the middle ground of "man across the about studying the problems, which is exactly what
loop", and, 1 suppose, even man just "looped", we need.
have purported to represent the proper solution to
one of the more subtle system problems facing the The role of the astronaut in the system is an
program. interesting technical problems --- but the reliability
of the systems is essential. This is the area in
Some of the extreme protagonists in the field which the greatest strides must be made. Bob
would return the Space Age to the good old-, days of Gilruth emphasized it this morning, I'm adding my
the Wright Brothers when we did not have all that own two cents worth now, and we must all continue,
electronics cluttering up the airframe. Others henceforth and forever, to be aware of the problem
would wrap the astronauts in a cocoon and, through and bend every effort to solve it.
the wonders of the age of automation, deliver him
rested and safe to the surface of the moon. If we predict, based on failure rate data
available today, how reliable our missions will be,
Either extreme is obviously absurd. As you the answers are discouraging. We, within NASA,
probably could judge, the human factors design of are convinced that the past need not be extrapolated
Helto's chariot left much to be desired. Phaeton forward. The success of the last string of Mercury
finally did get to drive his father's course and Atlases and the first four Saturn 1 launches is, we
perished in the attempt when the firy steeds ran out believe, tangible proof that this nation can indeed
of control. The epitaph which Ovid had dedicated exercise the design skill and attention to detail so
to him has proved immortal: essential to successful space flight programs.
But the discipline so far demonstrated has been in
"Here lies Phaeton, Driver of his father's a narrow sector of the team. The test, retest and
chariot, which, if he failed to manage, yet he fell test again philosophy which we use at the Cape and
in a vast undertaking". the refusal to accept any unexplained :.ahomolys in
the data has been the major difference. This
Despite the immortality, 1 suspect he would philosophy must extend back to the factories so that
have welcomed a "fly by wire" mode or even a the operation at the Cape becomes, truly, the re-
little closed loop guidance and control. dundant check it is intended to be.

Both man and machine have many functions The solution to our reliability problem is
to perform in a complex space mission. Guidance not masses of statistically significant data. It is
and control requirements dictate the presence of people, their attitude and their competence. And
inertial platforms, digital computers, auto pilots we have a long way to go before all the many tiers
and radio links with earth. The man can best con- of people who work on our programs, ---- anyone
trol sequences such as docking, selection of the of whom may, in a number of subtle ways, maime
landing site from the hover point and, perhaps, a part which may later fail in flight -- have the
lunar touchdown. Although these functions are training and devotion to their job required. Re-
important, his essential role is in monitoring the liability means that a contractor's attitude should
system s, and, in the case of a malfunction, select- not be one of getting the equipment out the door,
ing and setting up the alternate operating modes so "by the inspectors" if possible, and let the follow
that the full range of possible redundancies avail- on checks take care of any deficiencies. Rather, in the system can be used. the contractors must be more rigorous, if possible,

than the customer. I'm sure many organizations Astronaut Gordon Cooper will circle the earth for
give lip service to such standards -- especially at one day. December will bring the first unmanned
proposal time. Would that there were nearly as test of the Gemini spacecraft, which will later
many who actually perform that way. sustain two men in orbit for two weeks.

Ovid's account of Phaeton's story contains This summer, the first two-stage Saturn I
the phrase which, I feel, best summarizes the will be launched. This vehicle was developed by
accolade which the people who work on our pro- the Marshall Space Flight Center and will place
gram must deserve: "Materiem Superabat Opus". over 20, 000 pounds in orbit. This will be the
Freely translated, it means "the workmanship largest payload injected into orbit from the sur-
surpasses the material. " face of the earth in a single launch. With this
milestone accomplished, the United States will be
The road to the moon is long. Much of the second to none in booster capability.
road is hard and unglamorous. One pundit has
noted that the quantity of paper generated during Perhaps the answer is to let the public par-
the project, if piled up, would reach the moon be- ticipate more. I understand that when the citizens
fore Apollo. We've studied the suggestion and of Texas heard about the 20,000 pound payload,
determined that, although it is quantitatively true, they devised an experiment which, they felt, would
the resulting structure would be very unstable and demonstrate to the world the capability of the
hard to climb. The medical people said we would United States and provide a little free advertising
have to substitute page boys for astronauts. We to Texas as well. They proposed to place a group
concluded that the real hardware had to be de- of their prize cows in the payload compartment.
veloped. They argued, logically, that this would be the first
"herd" shot around the world and would "beef" up
Although each succeeding year will bring in- our image. Furthermore, they continued, we
creasing evidence of accomplishment on the pro- would then "milk" the shot for all it was worth,
gram, we must remember that the national effort, and the world would understand that there was no
and interest, must be sustained over many years "bull" about it.
for this project to be successful. Continued sup-
port can only corne from public understanding of the After careful study, it was decided that
nature of complex technical programs. It is hard there was already too much at "steak" on the shot,
to get across the story of the early phases of a and the experiment did not "meat" all our require-
. program the things which must be done ere we take ments. Our guidance people were worried about
to television for the spectacular missions. getting a burn steer. But Brainerd finally said the
whole idea was "udderly" fantastic.
The nation must understand that last year
was the time of definition for the program. This Perhaps, in your idle moments you can turn
year will be the year of detailed design and the your thoughts to somewhat more concrete solutions
early phase of the ground test program. The to the problem. Ideas will always be welcome.
spectacular milestones will be few. In May,
Thank you.



Commander in Chief fIttlu......,.-r n ,--::,f3
Strategic Air Command VD 0-
~ t, r:; ,
(Luncheon Speech) ~
President Kennedy has made it clear that The question arises as to what we can do to-
the United States has one prim~ry objective in day to meet any space threat of the future. To
space -- its peaceful conquest. But he has made answer that question we have to choose among
it equally clear that this country will take every three different approaches. The first approach
step necessary to protect itself against any threat requires that we try to anticipate the type and
from space that may be posed by other nations. scope of military threat from or in space we may
have to face, both in the immediate and more dis-
Toward this end, the President has assigned tant future, and then take all steps necessary to
the Department of Defense certain tasks which, in cope with such threat or threats. I call this the
his words, entail "increasing responsibilities and !'defensive approach".
burdens •••• to make sure that space is maintained
for peaceful purposes, and that no nation',secure a The second approach entails the expeditious
position in space which can threaten the security development of a military space capability which is
of the United States and the Free World. " so advanced that it would discourage any attempt to
use space for aggressive purposes and, at the same
Some people claim to see an inconsistency in time, augments our present retaliatory deterrent.
the fact that tM s country exhibits an interest in This may be called the "deterrent approach".
military space applications while, at the same
time, professing its desire to ensure the peaceful The third approach which has been suggested
use of the space medium. But there is no incon- is based on the realization that, while we have made
sistency at all, because our military space effort great strides in space technology, we still know too
is an integral part of a single national space pro- little about future military space potentials to es-
gram designed to benefit all mankind. tablish parameters for an operational capability in
either the defensive or offensive areas. There-
Space potentially offers unique military ad- fore, the proponents of this approach maintain that
vantages, and we must anticipate that some nation we should direct our military space effort primarily
or nations will endeavor to exploit such advantages toward basic research in all the scientific disciplines
to help them attain their political objectives. This and fields which, in one way or another, can con:-
leaves us no choice but to protect ourselves against tribute to the development of military space systems,
such a contingency, and our military space effort both manned and un:manned. The point is that, once
is, therefore, essentially a matter of self-defense we can determine definite operational requirements
which is the right and duty of all sovereign nations. for such systems, we would have the knowledge and
Our main problem in this respect is the fact that techniques or, in other words, the "building blocks"
we cannot foresee the exact nature of the threat to develop them speedily and economically.
which we will have to meet. Therefore, as Secre-
tary of Defense McNamara pointed out, "the re- The choice among these three approaches is
quirements for specific military operations in not only a most difficult one but also very critical
space are not completely clear. " because we cannot afford to make a mistake. If
this country should suddenly be confronted with a
It should be emphasized that any military "Space Cuba, " and have the wrong or perhaps no
space capability which we may develop would not means to deal with such an emergency, our very
be directed against a particular nation. It would survival might be at stake.
be directed against any potential aggressors who,
at some time in the future, might pose an offensive What makes the choice so difficult is a com-
threat in space or attempt to deny us the space plex combination of a variety of factors, such as
medium for peaceful pursuits. I submit that this political consideratic..ns, limitation of resources
concern on our part is well warranted. Just as we and technological problems. \-105t of all, the lead
are now witnessing gradual proliferation of nuclear time required to bring a new weapon system from
capability, there is the possibility of future pro- original inception to operational readiness has
liferation of space capability, This would enable generally been in the order of years and can be
a growing number of countries to use space for expected to be much longer for military space
aggressive pruposes unless we are in a position to systems even if we should have all the essential
prevent them effectively from doing so. "building blocks". Moreover, the state of the art

advances at such a rapid pace that any space system One such area concerns future means for
under developmlnt may be obsolete before it be- command and control d our global strike forces.
comes operatio';lal and, hence, would no longer Effective command and control of these forces is
suffice to cOpP. with the more advanced weapon an integral component of our overall retaliatory
systems of an-aggressor. capability, and its survivability in case of a sur-
prise attach is, therefore, a vital element of a
It has been said that military space technology credible deterrent. There must be reliable two-
is now at the stage where aerial warfare was in way communications between the authorities in
1908 when the War Department accepted its first command of all combat forces in the field, be they
airplane from the Wright Brothers. I would go underwater, on the ground, in the air, or, ultimately;
further than that and say that it is at the stage of in space. Because of the immense scope and world-
the very beginnings of the military utilization of wide deployment of these forces, there must also be
air, namely, the French Revolution when balloons extensive electronic equipment for rapid processing
were first used for battlefield observation. Then of all information received from them so that the
as now, no one could predict the ultimate potential command element can make instant and appropriate
of the new operational medium, let alone speculate decisions.
on how best to exploit that potential or how an
enemy might exploit it. The Strategic Air Command now has in opera-
tion the most advanced and extensive communica-
In trying to illustrate that point let us assume tions network in existence. Among the many
that this was the year 1938 instead of 1963, and you measures taken to enhance the survivability of
had asked me to talk about the evoluation of aerial command and control of SAC's far-flung ·bomber
warfare during the next 25 years. I might have and missile forces are: back-up or "redundancy"
told you that, by 1963, we would have airplanes of our communications, alternate headquarters
flying at speeds of five hundred miles an hour and and, for over two years, an airborne command
at altitudes of 50,000 feet, and that these airplanes post equipped to assume command in case all
might carry bombs with the explosive power of ten other command facilities should be put out of
to twenty tons. You probably would have accepted commission.
these predictions as being in the realm of possi-
bility. But what would your reaction have been if While these measures should insure the
I had been able to forecast what we really have to- survivability of SAC's command and control
day -- combat airplanes without propellers, flying system for some time to come, continuous improve-
at more than twice the speed of sound and at alti- ments will be needed to keep up with any new de-
tudes of some 17 miles, each carrying the equiva- velopments that might impair the effectiveness and
lent of millions of tons of TNT? And what would survivability of that system. Communication
you have said if 1 had dared to predict that, within satellites offer a variety of possibilities in this
less than 25 years, we would have unmanned respect. However, we may find that, eventually,
rockets which could take pay loads of similar mag- the only really survivable command and control
nitude to targets six thousand miles away in half structure - not only for SAC but all our military
an hour? forces - would be one employing a maneuverable
command post in space.
By the same token, it is just as impossible
to foretell today what lies ahead for us in space. Should such a spaceborne command post be-
Considering the ever accelerating pace of techno- come necessary, it would have to be large enough
logical progress, I am convinced that the next to carryall electronic gear required to gather,
decade will bring even more dramatic advances process and disseminate operational information
than the past 25 years. For this reason, it would on a global basis. Also, it would have to be cap-
seem unwise to project our programs for military able of defending itself against any interference or
space systems on the basis of present knowledge attacks from the ground and space. It is incon-
and present weapons concepts unless we a!low our- ceivable to operate such a central command post,
selves sufficient flexibility and latitude to adapt especially one deep in space, without a skilled
these program to any future developments. crew to operate and maintain its complex equip-
ment and without competent officers fully qualified
Therefore, this country endeavors to find to assume command of the strike forces whenever
ways of meeting the demands of both the immediate necessary. Here, then, may be the first major
and more distant future without committing itself requirement for military men in space.
to a rigid approach. Toward that end it may be
well to analyze the potential military uses of space, Another area of military space applications
recognizing that this is necessarily a matter of conceivably could be means for inspecting sus-
conjecture. Within that frame of reference. I want picious satellites. A large number of manmade
to d·iscuss some potential areas of strictly military objects are now orbiting the earth. In addition to
space applications which have a direct bearing on instrumented satellites launched by both ourselves
the subject of your Meeting -- the role of man in and the Soviets, there is also considerable space
space. debris, that is, components of the rockets employed

to put the satellites in orbit. Because of the development of anti-missile missiles. Our present
steadily growing nwnber and small size of all efforts are along similar lines but, even if we
these objects it will become increasingly difficult should succeed in producing a reliable anti-missile
to keep track of them, let alone determine their missile, it would be a stop-gap measure at best.
As the missile inventories of both sides con-
The time may well come when our security tinue to expand, the "shotgun method" of missile
will make it necessary to ascertain whether and defense would become increasingly ineffective
which of these space objects constitute an offen- against an all-out missile attack, with hundreds
sive threat. They might be orbital ballistic of warheads and decoys flashing through the skies.
missiles or, perhaps, employ some radically new The ultimate solution, therefore, may lie in the
and still more potent weapon technique. development of space-based manned systems
capable of destroying enemy missiles during their
Future developments may permit conclusive boost phase or in mid-course.
inspection of potentially hostile satellites and, if
need be, their neutralization from the ground or Asswning such a system should become
by means of som e type of unmanned space vehicle. technically and economically feasible some time
However, it would appear more feasible to use during the next decade, any nation whose strategic
maneuverable spacecraft, manned by crews who capability were to rest primarily on ballistic
can search out suspected weapons carriers, board missiles would no longer have a deterrent against
them and, if required, neutralize them. And this aggression employing other types of weapons. We
could be another important role for military men have taken this contingency into account by continu-
in space. ing to program our strategic forces on the basis of
the mixed-forced concepts. This concepts entails
This brings me to the next area of possible a balanced mix of both manned and unmanned
manned military space applications, namely, that weapon systems in which the advantages of both
of space defense. The main problem in projecting can be exploited to the fullest, providing invaluable
defensive systems against any future military flexibility and optimwn effectiveness in their
threat from or in space stems from the fact that employment.
we cannot predict, with any degree of assurance,
the nature of the threat against which we may have Most of the Free World's nuclear fire power -
to defend ourselves. As I indicated earlier, we between 80 and 90 per cent - is presently concen-
must expect the discovery of new phenomena and trated in the Strategic Air Command which, in
techniques which, by the time there will be opera- addition to its fleet of strategic bombers, has a
tional space systems, may have revolutionized all rapidly growing inventory of Atlas, Titan and
current concepts and tools of warfare. This means Minuteman ICBMs in widely dispersed and well
that we must anticipate dramatic advances in the hardened sites. The nation's missile inventory
state of the art and technological breakthroughs is being augmented by the Navy's Polaris weapon
with which we must be prepared to cope in both system which, because of its mobility and under-
their defensive and offensive applications. water operation, has good survivability and is,
therefore, an effective deterrent. The targeting
There is, however, one definite trend which and operational planning for all these strategic
is indicative of what we can expect, and that is the forces, as well as for other nuclear strike forces
continuing compression of time in the application under the control of the Unified Commands, has
of firepower. It used to take months and even been fully integrated through the Joint Strategic
years to carry firepower to a military objective Target Planning Staff, an agency of the Joint Chiefs
and additional weeks or months to apply that fire- of Staff located at SAC Headquarters.
power in sufficient amounts to achieve the de sired
results. The airplane compressed the total time As a result of this joint effort, there is now
for reaching and destroying a military objective assurance that all our nuclear strike forces, be-
to hours; the missile with its nuclear warhead has ing committed to a single strategic target -list and
compressed that time to minutes. It seems reason- single operational plan, fully complement and
able to expect that future weapons will reduce it to supplement each other rather than compete with
seconds and even less. We must bear this in mind one another as was possible in the past. This has
as we try to visualize future defensive systems not only strengthened the nation's overall nuclear
which doubtless will present a still greater chal- deterrent immeasurably but also made it easier
lenge than we face today. to maintain that deterrent in the face of any new
developments that, otherwise, might impair it.
As of now, there is not even an effective Among such developments would be an effective
defense against ballistic missiles although it is defense against ballistic missiles along the lines
safe to asswne that the Soviets are just as intent I mentioned. In this case we would merely revise
on developing such a defense as we are. While the present concept of our common war plan by
we have limited knowledge about Soviet efforts and assigning a different role to SAC's manned aircraft.
progress in this field, except for propaganda state-
ments, indications are that they are pursuing the At the moment and for some time to come,

the bombers still carry the bulk of the deterrent provide a truly mixed force, capable of accomp-
load, a fact which is not too well understood. As lishing a wide range of missions across the entire
our missile inventories increase, the role of the spectrum of strategic operations. No one can
manned strategic weapon systems will decrease predict today what these operations will entail,
proportionally until we have reached the relative but I do know that SAC has the competence and
strengths deemed necessary for a well balanced flexibility to adapt itself to any new requirement
mixed force. We cannot anticipate today what that and any new weapon system, no matter how revo-
balance should be five or ten years from now be- lutionary. Therefore, I have no doubt that it can
cause we cannot predict the factors that may in- meet any future demands of the space age, just as
fluence it. But if it should become possible to it is now meeting the demands of the missile era.
perfect effective defenses against ballistic missiles,
we will undoubtedly have to place more reliance on From what I have said so far, it should be
manned weapon systems again. evident that none of the three approaches to which
I referred in the beginning - the defensive, deter-
In fact, manned aircraft may have to serve rent and "building block" approaches - will by it-
as a penetration aid to our missiles by seeking out self suffice to counter the overall military threat
and destroying an enemy's missile defenses, at from space, Instead, we must select that combina-
least those based on or controlled from the ground. tion of all three approaches which makes the most
This task can be greatly enhanced by employing economic use of our human and material resources
air-breathing air-to-ground missiles, similar to on one hand and, on the other, assures us an
the Hound Dog with which many of SAC's B- 52 s adequate military space capability for both the
already are equipped. In contrast to ballistic immediate and distant future.
missiles, the Hound Dog can fly close enough to
the ground to be rather immune to any presently Next, we must continue our intensive non-
foreseeable missile defenses. Its penetration cap- military effort along the entire spectrum of space
ability, accuracy and firepower make it such a and space-related sciences. The primary re-
promising weapon against these defenses as to sponsibility for this effort rests with the National
warrant the development of long-endurance air- Aeronautics and Space Administration. Its close
craft which can carry a number of Hound Dog cooperation with the Department of Defense will
missiles on extended airborne alert, without itself not only further its own objectives of the peaceful
ever approaching enemy terri tory. conquest of space but also help create the building
blocks for the future military systems which may
I have dwelled on the subject of manned be required, to repeat President Kennedy's words,
bombers because it has considerable bearing on "to make sure that space is maintained for peace-
the last area of potential military space applica- ful purposes".
tions I want to discuss, namely, space-to-ground
offense. Finally, we should keep adding to the select
group of men who are being trained to live and
As a nation, we abhor the very prospect of work in space. I have pointed ott the reasons why
offensive weapons in space, and if it were possible certain types of military space systems may have
to conclude enforceable international treaties for to be manned. If and when the time comes to
banning offensive space weapons, we would no employ such systems operationally, we must be
doubt take the lead in promoting such treaties. On certain to have sufficient numbers of highly
the other hand, we must be realistic enough to qualified and motivated officers to man them.
accept the possibility that, regardless of any future That is a requirement we know we will have to fill,
treaties, some hostile nation may succeed in plac- no matter what technological surprises the future
ing offensive weapons in space which would gravely may have in store for us.
impair our deterrent.
In this age of computers and automation we
Preservation of our military deterrent is a tend to forget that, at the beginning and end of the
vital prerequisite for our statesmen in their con- chain, the most important element is still man
tinuing endeavor to maintain an honorable peace. himself. And regardless of how advanced and
The value of the "strategic umbrella" represented complex our weapon systems may be, man has
by SAC, as the nation's principal military deter- always been and will always remain the only true
rent, was demonstrated again during the recent ultimate weapon. Therein, I believe, lies the
Cuban crisis when, as President Kennedy stated, real military significance of manned space flight
it "provided a strategic posture under which all and, therefore, the greatest challenge for the
United States forces could operate with relative men of the Strategic Air Command.
freedom of action". I am confident that, if our
survival should demand extensive of our strategic
capability into space, we will be ready and willing
to do so.

This may require the addition of manned

strategic spacecraft to SAC's inventory so as to



M. Scott Carpenter
w;) .I -r:+ .\
e,v-· ~ NABA}Manned Spacecraft Center ~, I~,
c;irgil I. Gris~;---
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center


At this time, the National Aeronautics and We had been unable to simulate either of these
Space Administration (NASA) has successfully adequately, but, again, we were convinced that, if
completed five manned space flights in Project the machines we had designed could make the flights,
Mercury. Two of these were suborbital, and of then we who had been trained could also accomplish
approximately 15 minutes duration, and each of the mission.
these subjected the pilot to about 5 minutes of
weightlessness. The remaining three manned flights Many, many times during the training period
were orbital. Two of these flights involved the and particularly on the centrifuge, I have been
completion of three orbital passes, or about filled with wonder at the ability of the human body
5 hours of weightlessness. The last orbital flight to withstand and even combat automatically, but
was extended to six orbital passes with nearly intelligently, these strange stresses with which it
10 hours of weightlessness. has had no evolutionary experience. We in Project
Mercury think that we have designed a very good
As a result of these flights, we have gained spacecraft, but I submit that there is great talent
a wealth of information about space and man's and foresight evident in the design of.the pilot as
ability to function in this new environment. There well.
is, however, much which is yet to be learned
regarding both of these aspects. As the title of this paper indicates, it is to
be a discussion of flight experiences in Project
In April of 1959 when the astronauts joined Mercury. In order to give you a chronological
the NASA, we were told that, in our flights, we progression of events I have excerpted from the
would be subjected to a frightening combination of flight reports in their proper order, salient
stresses resulting from vibration, heat, cold, features and experiences. I hope that the results
humidity, noise, acceleration, weightlessness, high will give you a reasonable appreciation for what
concentration of carbon dioxide, immobility, dis- it has been like to fly with the Manned Spacecraft
orientation, radiation, and hopefully, landing Center team which is under the direction of
shock. Our eyes, inner ears, cardiovascular and Dr. R. R. Gilruth.
respiratory systems, and even our very intellect
were considered suspect by many who contemplated HISTORY OF MERCURY FLIGHTS
man's flight in space. On the other hand, we all
felt that this step was a natural one, albeit a Our first ballistic flight was made by Alan
big one, in the progress of aviation. We were Shepard in Freedom 7 on May 5, 1961. He lifted off
concerned that there was nothing really mysterious at 9:30 a.m. after spending a little over 4 hours
or insurmountable lurking beyond the nebulous in the spacecraft. The flight progressed almost
division between earth and space. We did recognize exactly as planned with only one minor problem in
that some physiological unknowns would be vibration during powered flight. Al said that his
encountered, and we attempted to familiarize our- vision was blurred slightly around the maximum
selves with them as best we could. dynamic pressure period. This condition has been
avoided in subsequent flights by the addition of a
The training program that we put together sponge rubber pad between the couch and helmet, and
proved to be of tremendous value. The simulators by a small modification to the Redstone Launch
that were developed for Project Mercury, by and Vehicle.
large, provided accurate and representative
experience. The most valuable of all the simulators Al's flight was a tremendous boost for us all.
is the procedures trainer, which is a full-sized As you may remember, Yuri Gagarin made his flight
replica of the Mercury spacecraft with its controls about a month earlier and we were feeling a little
and displays animated by a computer. Except for low, since we had not even made a ballistic flight.
weightlessness and acceleration, all aspects of the Not only was Al's flight a morale booster but it
flight can be Simulated. There were repeated confirmed the adequacy of all elements of our
training periods on the centrifuge. Desert and system, including the computers, booster, space-
water survival instruction was given. Zero-g craft, men, and procedures. The attitude control
flights in various types of airplanes, star system worked well and verified the accuracy of our
recognition, SCUBA diving, egress training, and simulations, ignition of the retro-rockets proved
systems study were among the more notable phases of to be smooth, and attitude excursions produced by
this unique education program. retrofire appeared to be easily controlled by the
In retrospect, the only unknowns that existed
in my mind after this very thorough training The reentry started on schedule and the
program was completed were: what would be the associated deceleration peaked at the expected Ilg,
effect of prolonged weightlessness, and what which is higher than our orbital reentry of 8g, but
reactions might be caused by various untried of shorter duration. A helicopter had hooked onto
combinations of these stresses?

the spacecraft within 2 minutes after landing. Al that the landing bag had been released. If this
made 2ts egr~ss through the side hatch and was were true, the only thing holding the heat shield
hOistpd aboard the helicopter, which carried them in its proper position would have been the retro-
botrback to the carrier, Lake Champlain.
~ >
pack retaining straps. For this reason, a decision
I • was made not to jettison the retropack. The
Our second ballistic flight by Gus Grissom on reentry progressed normally, however, except for
July 21, 1961, in Liberty Bell 7, was similar to the brighter than average reentry glow which
the first suborbital flight except for the flight resulted from the vaporizing retropack.
plan procedure and the spacecraft configuration.
The flight plan was designed to investigate space- The heat shield was deployed normally and on
craft systems not used on the first 'flight; and the schedule after the main parachute, indicating that
spacecraft had a large window which was directly in the telemetry signal had been erroneous. Despite
front of the pilot, instead of the small portholes these minor problems much information was gained
at either side. This window permitted a much from the flight and it was a decided success.
better examinat~on of the earth's surface and
horizon than was possible through the portholes. The destroyer USS NOA had the spacecraft
Maneuvers were made by using alternate control aboard approximately 20 minutes after landing and
systems and the window as a reference rather than John made his egress via the side hatch directly
the periscope and instruments which Al had used. onto the deck of the ship.

The flight proceeded normally in all respects This flight was a boost to morale for the
until shortly after impact when the explosive side whole country as well as to all of us in Project
hatch, which was being flown for the first time, Mercury. It had demonstrated man's usefulness and
detonated prematurely for reasons still ability to function in space. Many intriguing
undetermined; and Liberty Bell 7 began to ship scientific observations were made, including the
water. Gus made a rather hasty exit and although presence of the airglow layer and the discovery of
the helicopter did manage to hook onto the space- the luminous particles. Many color photographs
craft, the added weight of the onboard water coupled were taken but those of the sunsets and cloud
with an engine malfunction in the helicopter made formations are the most striking.
it necessary to release the spacecraft, which sank
immediately. Gus had neglected during his rapid We had, after this flight, first person
egress to seal the oxYgen inlet to his suit, so he, testimony that prolonged zero-g was not bothersome;
too, lost a great deal of bouyancy and, by the time on the contrary, John felt that it was a very
the secondary helicopter reached him, was nearly comfortable state, and the rest of us who have
exhausted. followed concur with him in this. He confirmed
that there was no undesirable vestibular effect, no
Once during egress training, I made the mistake nausea, no viSion problem and, subjectively, no
of jumping into the water with my gloves on but not reduction in his ability to withstand acceleration
sealed to the suit at the wrist. I lost the after long periods of weightlessness.
trapped aid through the sleeves much the same as
Gus did and I can assure you that swimming with the As a result of Astronaut Glenn's experience,
Mercury suit on and no air inside is a mighty tire- minor, but important, changes were incorporated into
some task. I think I have a good feel for how tired the spacecraft. A modified limit-switch circuit
Gus was when he finally got into the recovery sling. was incorporated into the heat shield jettison
system, and many other minor modifications were
Although the onboard data were lost, made to the control system and parachute sequencing.
telemetered information was available for post- In addition, equipment with which to carry out
flight analysis and the flight was a success. On several scientific experiments was added.
the strength of the data from these two flights, it
was decided that the next manned mission would be On May 24, 1962, Aurora 7, in which I was
an orbital flight. fortunate to be the pilot, lifted off on this
Nation's second orbital flight. The spacecraft
John Glenn'S epic three-orbit flight in systems operated perfectly except for the horizon
Friendship 7 on February 20, 1962, was a tremendous scanners which caused an intermittent er~or in
technical and personal triumph. Since the news pitch attitude. This error existed at the time of
media have given this flight such complete retrofire and necessitated manual attitude control
coverage, I will attempt to cover only those details during this period. A yaw error existed which was
which I think you might not be aware of. not corrected and this was the major factor in the
250-mile overshoot.
This flight also went substantially as planned,
but some minor malfunctions did occur. The first During this flight, the same inability to
of these was the inability to control the suit control the suit temperature accurately gave me
temperature precisely. Although the temperature some concern, but, again, after a short familiar-
was not excessively high, John was not able to ization period, the temperature was stabilized at
control it accurately. The next problem involved a comfortable level.
the failure of two of the l-pound yaw thrusters.
Although yaw attitude was controlled by the large Measurements and observations were made of the
24-pound thrusters, fuel consumption was excessive. airglow layer, including its compOSition,
So John took over and controlled mal:ually for most brightness, and wave length, which was strong in
of the rest of the flight. o
the 5577-A region, and its altitude which is
The failure of a limit switch later in the roughly 80 km. The luminous particles were again
flight gave the telemetry indication to the ground observed, and it is of interest that these particles
seen by John have never been observed on the dark

side. This fact leads us to believe that, if they photographs of the earth's limits and the night
are luminescent, they must be excited £[ solar airglow are also planned, together with a study of
radiation. It was also determined that they almost the visibility of a flashing light which may be
assuredly emanated from the spacecraft because used as an aid in making a rendezvous in our future
rapping the side of the spacecraft released clouds space programs, Gemini and ApollO.
of them.
Thus, already our activities during these last
Cloud height determination and horizon Mercury flights look forward to our future programs
definition were attempted by photographic means. - programs in which manned space flight will really
come of age. They will give us the capability of
I also undertook to determine whether any putting several men in space with increased amounts
unusual sensations such as Cosmonaut Titov had of scientific equipment and of transporting them to
reported would result from head motions under our nearest neighbor - the moon.
zero-g. But I noticed no effect at all even after
very violent head motions. As a prelude to the other papers of the
conference, I would like to add a few words about
An attempt was made to determine the drag due these future manned spacecraft programs, in which
to the residual atmosphere at the orbital altitude all of us will be vitally concerned. Specifically,
by means of a towed balloon and tenSiometer, but I would like to talk for a few moments about
this experiment vas unsuccessful because of the astronaut participation in these programs, as a
unsatisfactory i.nflation of the balloon. A sphere topic that may not be covered so intimately by
and standpipe installation was included so we could other speakers.
observe the effect of the weightless state on
confined fluids. As one might expect, in the The Mercury program is nearly wrapped up now
absence of gravity effects, surface tension is and has given us skill, confidence, and knowledge
predominant and it appears that it alone may be of space flight that we started out to acquire
sufficient to facilitate the efficient transfer of 4 years ago. We are eager to push ahead and use
fuel from one tank to another at zero-g, without our experience to solve some of the more complex
the use of bladders. problems that we will face in future flights.

On October 3, 1962, Wally Schirra, in his We expect to start the first manned Gemini
Sigma 7, lifted off on our third orbital flight flights in 1964. The Titan II launch vehicle is
and flew a near perfect six-pass flight, almost rapidly approaching a man-rated state with eight
putting Sigma 7 down on the deck of the carrier. successful flights out of twelve tries thus far in
the program. The first production models of the
Wally, in an effort to prove the capability Gemini spacecraft are on the assembly line at the
of the Mercury spacecraft to fly a day-long mission, McDonnell plant and we at MSC are turning a large
made extensive use of drifting flight in which no part of our attention to the Gemini systems.
attitude control is attempted, thereby conserving
fuel. Although the constraint on fuel consumption The Gemini missions are going to require a
precluded an extensive scientific program on this great deal of astronaut control, from the launch to
flight, he was able to show that we could indeed the recovery phase. Although we will be aided and
fly 18 orbits with the equipment on hand. backed up by the same flight operations team that
has made our Mercury flights so successful, pilot
During his first pass, Wally also found it decision is going to playa larger part in the
difficult to obtain the proper suit temperature, space flight missions of the future.
but by the beginning of the second pass, he had it
well under control and no further problems were The critical time of launch and insertion into
encountered. orbit will be monitored onboard by the pilot and
the exact moment and method of abort will be his
This spacecraft again had some minor decision. The delicate maneuvers necessary for
modifications. Included were a better HF antenna, space rendezvous must be accomplished by the pilot,
a yaw reticle on the window to determine whether aided as he will be, by high-speed computers, radar,
or not we could establish yaw attitude without the and beacons.
periSCOpe, and the capability of disabling the
high fly-by-wire thrusters which helped to conserve The landing and recovery phase is the third
fuel. area of pilot control. Developmental problems in
the controllable paraglider will require water
FUTURE PROORAMS recovery using a parachute system for early Gemini
flights. The beauty of the paraglider system is
Next month, the Mercury program will culminate that it can be put into the Gemini program at any
in the I-day mission of Gordon Cooper. Gordon will time with a minimum of trouble and little redesign
take advantage of the experience we have gained in spacecraft systems. The paraglider has been
with drifting flight to stretch the spacecraft fuel redesigned to give an increased wing area and a
supplies to cover tne 30 hours he will be in space. smaller angle of sweep. With thes,e and other
The area formerly occupied by the periscope has lesser design changes, the maneuvering ability of
been used for storing extra oxygen for this longer the paraglider has been increased, providing a
mission. Gordon will continue the modest program positive control landing system for the Gemini
of research which John and I began by taking pilot.
special photographs for the Weather Bureau to
determine the relative clarity of cloud formations One of the greatest benefits we expect from
in the infrared spectral region. Further Gemini flights will be the familiarization they

provide with the problems of rendezvous which are spacecraft will be, the decisions on orbit
vital to the lunar landing scheme now being pursued. injection, midcourse correction, and landing must
These flights will also provide excellent orbiting be made by the astronauts.
scientific laboratories from which we stand to
learn many, many things about our space environment. CONCLUDING REMARKS

Although the lunar orbit rendezvous technique I think this philosophy sums up our attitude
provides for landing only two of the three toward manned space flight. It is the increasing
astronauts in the Apollo spacecraft, from the importance of the man in the system that is going
astronaut's aspect, it continues to make use of the to characterise our space flights of the future.
team concept in space flight. Since the Lunar We will need skilled pilots to fly these missions,
Excursion Module will have no long-distance and we are in the process of developing those
communications capability, the astronaut remaining skills now.
in the lunar orbiting Command Module will serve as
a monitor and coordinator for the men on the The era of manned space flight is just
surface, relaying their status and observations to beginning, however, and Project Mercury is only the
the deep space tracking stations on earth. We plan first step. We are convinced that it has been a
to have three of these powerful communications very profitable step and that succeeding programs
stations for the Apollo mission in order to keep in in manned space flight will continue to expand our
constant contact with the voyagers. However, no knowledge of the universe, hopefully for the
matter how close the contact between earth and benefit of all mankind.


John M. Wal.lter
Chief', Communications and Tracking Division
Electronics and Control Directorate
Of'f'ice of' Advanced Research and Technology
~e:8ttQ!U'te?s (,v ..... /. - -JA.. 1> c. -
I ~,

Introduction as a result of our space effort.

~e research requirements for manned space °To maintain public interest in space explora-
flight, in many respects, are "staggering to the tion places a much DX>re severe requirement on
imagination, It and yet the Nation is embarking on communications than the sum total of scientific
just such an undertaking. Research requirements experiments. For instance, a minimum require-
are large because prior to 1961, when President ment should be real-time television for close-in
Kennedy established as a national space goal a manned missions such as exploration of Mars and
manned lunar landing for this decade, f'ew dared Venus and a reasonable amount of picture trans-
to think seriously in terms of' such a project. mission from the DX>re distant planetary missions.
It is not the enormity or possibility of' success Coupled with this requirement is that the size
of such a goal that creates research requirements, and weight of the communications system must be
but rather the need, via research, to lower the no greater than present equipments, and the
cost required to continue manned space f'light reliability at least an order of magnitude better.
beyond the DX>on. Once triggered, the imagination
transcends the original concepts and pushes to As a result, the nominal communications
even higher goals. To achieve these goals, such requirements for future manned space flight are:
as manned explorations of Mars, Venus, Pluto, and
some of our nearer stellar neighbors, many scien- Bit Rate _ 61sec.
- 10
tific breakthroughs will be required to make
these explorations feasible. Size and Weight = no increase

Many technological areas of research too numer- Reliability = order of magnitude improvement
ous to list must be pushed simultaneously to
achieve the required capabilities. ~is paper Primary Power = no increase
will discuss communications research activities
required for future manned space f'light missions. for systems transmitting from our immediate
planetary neighbors and somewhat less in bit rate
for the DX>re distant missions.
The preceding argument for a communication bit
There are many dif'f'erent f'actors involved in rate of 106/second does not include any reference
manned space flight that have either a direct or to unmanned space probes which must precede
indirect bearing on communications requirements. manned exploration. If a comparable increase in
Any listing of' such f'actors would include the the communications capability could be incorpo-
following: rated into the unmanned missiOns, which are de-
signed to provide the information required prior
1. Public interest to undertaking manned exploration, then a con-
2. Available resources siderable savings could be realized in national
3. Mission objectives resources. Communications capability for
4. Size and weight of' spacecraft presently scheduled lunar and planetary probes
5. Booster capabilities limits both the type and number of experiments
6. Mission time contemplated. It limits the type of experiment
7. Experiments carried in that the data rate is too low; and the number,
8. System configuration in that the power consumption and weight of the
communication system is an appreciable percentage
Needless to say, it. would be unrealistic to expect of the spacecraft.
the communications system to meet all require-
ments, or f'or this paper to discuss all the factors It is also important to note that an increased
bearing on these requirements. communications capability of the scale previously
cited would allow a striking demonstration of the
On the top of the list is public interest, technological advancements that our free enter-
since, to a large extent, I believe this to be of prise system is capable of achieving; and if this
the utmost importance and should be considered capability were achieved first, would emphatically
more seriously by the scientific community than demonstrate the superiority of' our system of
it has yet seen fit to do. It is up to the sci- government in achieving technological advancements.
entific community to convince the public (i.e.,
the customer) that manned space flight and ex-
ploration is not only a good, useful, and worth- Present Capabilities
while undertaking in itself, but an investment
in the future as well. To be somewhat trite-- Our present communications capability, while a
at the minimum, we must put on a good technical source of pride to both the Nation and the NASA,
show or demonstration for the publiC, as well as falls far short of the aforementioned requirements.
show the everyday benefits that befall the public

which gives for a system with the following para-
It> Pt 3 watts
20 db

Ar 85 ft. receiving.apertur~
(25.5 meters) (5680 ft2)
a nominal bit rate of 200 bits/second from the
3 I 4
vicinity of Mars. This bit rate is considerably
higher than could be achieved in practice for two
3 reasons: first, the hypothetical system is an
infinite bandwidth system; secondly, rocommuni-
cation system to date has been built that comes
I closer than 6 db to the theoretical limit. As a
result, the operational bit rate for a communi-
cations system with the given parameters is
nominally lQ/second. Tb meet the desired require-
ments of 106 bits/second will require an improve-
ment of 50 db.
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

TIME IN YEARS For a given range, the bit rate is propor-

tional to:

where At is area of sic antenna,

f is frequency
GND. VEH. XMIT. NOISE ~e design engineer can improve the system capa-
FREQ. ANT. ANT. PWR. TEMP. bility by varying these parameters. It is
reasonable to expect that the following improve-
960MC 85' 4' 3W 70° ments could be made without changing the weight
carried aboard the spacecraft.
2 20°
frequency - increase by a factor of 4 - 12 db

3 1~.84KM decrease by a factor of 4 6db

Ar - increase by a factor of 6.31 - 8 db
4 lOIn'

Tbtal - 26 db
Figure 1 shows the capability of the Deep Space ~e remaining 24 db improvements must be made on-
Instrumentation Facility for communications to the board the spacecraft. It therefore adds to the
vicinity of Mars, as well as the projected capa- weight and complexity of the spacecraft. It is
bilities resulting from improvements which can reasonable to expect that advances in the compo-
reasonably be expected to be incorporated into nent technologies, such as higher efficiencies,
the system. better structures, energy storage, and large self-
erecting spacecraft antennas, will allow as much
~e expression for the theoretical bit rate for
as 5 db improvements without increasing space-
a digital communications system limited by craft weight. In summary, without a major ''break
gaussian noise is: through" in technology, about 20 db improvements
4.6 Pt Gt Ar at the expense of spacecraft weight must be made
Imax in order to achieve real-time television reception
4 R2KT from the vicinity of Mars. Of course, the capa-
bility from the vicinity of Pluto would be
Pt sic transmitter power approximately 20 db worse.
Gt sic antenna gain
Research Approaches
Ar Receiving aperature
~ere are many methods by which you can improve
K Boltzman's constant the performance of the communications system.
Some of these are:
T System noise temperature
1. Increasing antenna sizes
R Range of communication 2. Increasing transmitter power
3. Increasing the frequency
4. lowering the system noise temperature.

other methods which come to mind for ilIIproving the eptical Techniques
communications system are by ilIIproving the IOOdu-
lation techniques to closer approximate Shannon's 'lhe laser or optical maser has opened a new
limit, employing on-board data processing to realm of possibilities in space communications.
eliminate redundancy and thereby increasing the ']here have been many papers written concerning the
information per bit, and by caref'u1.1.y designing possibility of employing lasers for deep space
the experiment. 'lhe current efforts in these communications. In general, the papers either
approaches will be discussed in the following appear to be the type that allow the possibility
sections. of employing optical techniques in space communi-
cations or point out that optical techniques are
Antenna Size not applicable to space communications. Oddly
enough, !IlOst of these papers have been written by
NASA is presently negotiating with Industry for microwave experts and one is led to history to
the construction of a 2l0-foot-diameter parabolic draw a parallel. In the early part of the 20th
dish which should be available for incorporation Century, there was a similar lack of optimism
into the DSIF in the mid-to-late Sixties. Studies concerning the auto!IlObile, with people continually
have shown that for larger antenna apertures, the pointing to the advantages of the horse and buggy.
arraying of smaller antennas to achieve the same Certainly microwaves will never take the type of
effective aperture is economically competitive. backseat that horses were forced into as a result
Presently, NASA is exploring techniques to IOOre of the auto!IlObile; but it might well be that
effectively realize this equivalence. (It is optical techniques will replace microwave tech-
interesting to note that the Russians employ the niques in deep space communications.
arraying technique to achieve high antenna gains
and large effective apertures for their space 'lhe research and development that must be per-
communications.) formed before optical communication becomes a
reality is considerable, and a listing of the
NASA efforts in the arra;ying of antennas is major advancements required are:
presently limited to an in-house effort with empha-
sis on a system of signal processing 'Which has 1. stable frequency oscillator
promise of ilIIproving performance at low signal 2. Efficient conversion of electrical
levels. power to coherent optical radiation
3. Reliability of optical power oscillator
Considerable engineering effort llDlSt be under- 4. Pointing accuracy
taken in the arraying of antennas before a 5· Acquisition technology.
decision can be made concerning this approach as
opposed to larger single dish apertures. In a 'lb indicate the ilIIprovements possible using an
theoretical sense, the approach BlJPears rather optical communications system, a comparison will
straightforward--detect and loCk-on in phase the be made between microwave and optical systems
received signal in each of the antennas and then with both systems having the same power supply
coherently add the signals from the individual drain. 'lhe calculation is based on the following
antennas. As silllple as this appears, there are assUlllptions:
a significant number of problems that must be
investigated before such a system will be a 1. Optical oscillator efficiency is 1/100
reality. 'lhese are: that of the microwave and operates at
6000 angstroms.
1. Propagation effects of the atmosphere
2. Optimum separation of antennas 2. Spacecraft aperture of the optical system
3. M::>dulation techniques is 1/100 microwave aperture.
4. Antenna size
5. Operating frequency 3· Optical ground receiving aperture is
6. Number of antennas that can be arra;yed. 17400 the aperture of the microwave
receiving aperture.
In fact, attention must first be directed toward
the parameters and configuration of experiments Effective systems temperature of optical system
that will identify the technical and operational is given by:
problems involved in arraying antennas to achieve
apertures greater than 500 feet in diameter or Teff optical = hf = 2.4 x 10 OK
gains of 75-85 db. k

where h Plank's Constant

k = Boltzman's Constant.
Space offers essentially a gravity-free environ-
ment, and, possibly, lightweight structural tech-
niques could be employed to achieve antenna
apertures in space considerably in excess of 500
feet. Such an antenna must await IOOre economical
boosters and advances in space and structural
materials technology; however, it is not too early
to perform design studies on such antennas to
clearly identify the ilIIportant areas of research.

it is found that for these parameters the optical 2. Satellite Retrodirective Optical System:
communications system is 22.6 db better in per- The satellite portion of the equipment is an
formance than the microwave system. The 6 db arra;y of retrodirective optical elements or
future improvement in the microwave effective noise corner reflectors. The individual elements are
temperature as was mentioned earlier cannot be fabricated of fused silica and have a 2.5 em
matched by a lilce improvement in the optical system, hexagonal pupil. Reflected energy is constrained
reducing this advantage to 16.6 db. Research in to a one-second beamwidth which is equivalent to
the efficient generation of optical frequencies 93 db gain. The satellite reflector assembly
has the possibility of obtaining a further gain consists of nine panels having 40 elements each,
of 20 db, thus an overall 36.6 db advantage for for a total of 360 elements. This assembly is the
the optical system. This magnitude of system frustrum of an octagonal pyramid whose base width
improvement allows serious consideration of real- is 45.7 em, top width is 20.3 em, and 17.8 em
time TV reception from the vicinity of Mars. high. The effective reflecting area is approxi-
mately 800 em2 •
Possibly the greatest advance required in
technology for application of optical communi- 3. Receiver: A !IlOdified IGOR tracking tele-
cations is that of beam pointing. In the previous scope, which has a 45 em diameter aperture. Tele-
comparison, the optical aperture was 4.8 inches scope !IlOdifications consisted of replacing the
in diameter which results in a one-second of arc camera with a lQAo filter and a photomultiplier.
beamwidth. As a result, the pointing accuracy of In operation, a satellite slant range of 1,500 Ian
the spacecraft system must be within a few tenths- is expected. Actual satellite altitude is 1,000
of-a-second of arc in order to realize this 16.6 Ian. Its velocity is 7.4 km sec- l • These opera-
db advantage. Let us now consider an unconven- tional parameters will create a relativistic
tional approach to improving the operational laser velocity aberration which will be manifested by
system that is to extend the microwave techniques the beam center of the reflected laser pulse
of coherent signal mixing to higher and higher being returned to a ground point 38 meters forward
frequencies. Such advanced technology would permit of the transmitter. However, the returned beam
the arraying of optical telescopes. This increase spread is sufficiently wide to permit the trans-
in effective aperture would provide an improve- mitter and receiver to be !IlOunted together.
ment in received signal of well over 10 db or the
same magnitude of improvement possible by arra;ying Accuracies to be expected with this system are:
of microwave antennas.
Range + 3 meters
Whenever optical communications is proposed as
an operational possibility for future space Range rate - ~ 15 meters sec- l
communications, the "opposition" immediately puts
a cloud over the system. Admittedly, a cloud Angle ~ 30 seconds of arc.
seriously impedes any optical system, but this
impediment normally represents no more than 12 db However, the returned pulse has sufficient
degradation to a camera. The !IlOst degrading signal-to-noise ratio to permit the satellite to
feature of a cloud appears to be physiological be photographed against a star background. The
since it prevents man from physically seeing or photographic !IlOde of operation can give angular
forming an image with the light received. This accuracies of two seconds of arc.
does not preclude the use of optical frequencies
but points to an area where further understanding The satellite reflector assembly was designed
is needed. to last for over a hundred years--this limit is
imposed by a darkening effect on the corner
reflectors as a result of the radiation belts.
s-66 Laser Tracking Experiment
Ground equipment, which will be continually
As an initial step in providing many of the updated, can be compared to its predecessor. In
answers needed before optical technology ma;y be addition, those qualified individuals who wish to
brought to bear on the challenges of space communi- participate will have a common target, thus
cations and tracking, an active optical system facilitating the reduction and correlation of the
will be employed to track a satellite. The experimental data.
experiment will be performed by Goddard Space
Flight Center and Wallops station personnel using The spacecraft optical system is a type of
the s-66 Polar Ionosphere Beacon Satellite as a laboratory equipment and as such will allow many
reflector. Initially, the NASA effort will be different kinds of experiments to be performed.
directed toward achieving high precision satel- Experiments are being planned to investigate the
lite tracking data. following classes of problems:

The equipment for this experiment is composed 1. Signal-to-noise: How much energy is
of three subsystems: transmi tter , satellite lost in transmission? How is this energy lost?
retrodirective optical system, and receiver. What affect does background energy have on laser
1. Transmitter: The transmitter is a Q.-:-
switched ruby laser operating at 4.32 x loL~ 2. Signal adulteration: How does the aero-
cycles per second (or a wavelength of 69400A). space environment affect the intelligence being
Energy output is a one-joule 2OO-nanosecond pulse carried and the recovery of information on a
per second; transmitter beamwidth is three minutes coherent optical beam?
of arc, or an effective transmitting antenna gain
of 70 db.

3. Physical phenomena: What are the long life in the space environments; 1. e., radi-
refraction characteristics of a coherent optical ation resistant semiconductor devices.
beam in an aerospace environment, the polarization
properties, and even the coherence properties? Operation of present day semiconductor devices,
because of their dependence on the crystal struc-
:!here are, of course, many other important ture and high degree of purity, are vulnerable to
experiments unmentioned and even not envisioned radiation damage. Identifiable radiation damage
that can be performed using the satellite as a mechanisms are:
reflector. :!hose listed above represent the
initial efforts of a continuing program of investi- 1. Displacement effects: where the atoms
gation. are displaced from their normal lattice sites.

2. Surface effects: where the residual gas

Reentry Communications in the semiconductor package is ionized, affecting
the surface of the device.
Presently configured communications systems do
not provide any capability during one of the most Research efforts are currently being pursued
critical phases of manned space flight--during to achieve an active thin film device which will
reentry into the earth's atnx>sphere. Project be radiation resistant. With such devices, the
Mercury flights experience greater than four radiation should easily pass through the thin
minutes of ''blackout,'' and manned lunar missions film without seriously affecting the physical
will experience even longer times of reentry structure of the material. On the other hand,
communications blackout. :!he reentry blackout since such a device would not depend on the crystal
gets progressively worse the farther into space structure for its operation, the radiation dis-
man goes and returns. placement effects are not present.

:!here are many research approaches to mini- Microelectronic technology is an outgrowth of

mizing the blackout period created by the shock- the transistor technology where the material and
induced plasma surrounding the spacecraft. fabrication processes are well understood, well
Examples of possible approaches are: controlled, and generally involve fewer steps
than the manufacture of conventional electronic
1. AerodynamiC shaping: 'lhis is an obvious components i so one might conclude that reliability
approach but has limited applicability due to need is inherent in microelectronics.
for aerodynamic breaking.
One of the limiting factors in modern day
2. Increase frequency: For deep space technology involving the reliability of electronic
missions, the frequencies needed to provide systems is the number of connections or inter-
reliable communications during reentry extend connections which must be made. It is widely
beyond the frequency 'Where efficient power gener- recognized that the reduction of these connections,
ation is possible. either within integrated elements or between
integrated circuits, is of great importance in
3. 1-1agnetic field: Strong magnetic fields achieving reliability. It is in this area 'Where
applied to the plasma act to constrain electrons fUrther study is required, since the application
motion and thus make the plasma appear as a di- of microelectronic techniques w;ithout major
electron. Need for strong magnetic fields limits revisions in interconnecting circuit elements and
usefulness of concept. system components will yield only part of the
potential benefits from use of these techniques.
4. Materials addition: Materials can be
injected into the plasma which effectively cool studies are being initiated to determine
the plasma and thus decrease ionization. Appli- pertinent applications of the microelectronic
cability of this approach has not been fully technology as it applies to specific NASA space-
evaluated; however, an active research program is craft electronic systems.
being pursued in this area.
Component technology must advance to the point
5. Plasma antennas: Since the plasma is where on-board data processing can be used
essentially a conductor, some means should be extensively without degrading overall system
possible to use the plasma as the antenna. To reliability. Pre-processing of experimental data
date, no promiSing concepts exist. will allow an increase in the information per-bit
of communications and thus indirectly increase
:!he same solution to reentry blackout will be the communications capability. For instance, much
applicable to manned fly-by exploration where a of the TV picture is redundant and substantial
probe is sent from the spacecraft to the surface reduction in the bit rate needed to transmit reak
through the planetary atJOOsphere. time TV can be realized by pre-processing the
picture data.

Component Technology Much has been said about component technology

and reliability and the promise the future holds
Continuing efforts are needed in component in this area. It remains to be seen whether or
technology to increase the reliability of the not these advances will materialize and be a
communications systems on spacecraft and to reduce panacea for spacecraft reliability.
the size, weight, and complexity. Research efforts
in these areas should be striving to increase life-
time and efficiency of transmitting devices, as
well as obtaining semiconductor devices which have

-Zl -
Speech Compression eqUipment required to receive voice communication
from deep space, it is not necessary to place the
Considerable effort is being expended by the burden of speaker identification on the voice
Governnent, Industry, ruld the universities in channel.
speech processing. The objectives of this on-
going effort vary from that of obtaining secure study effort is currently underway to determine
voice communication to assisting the blind. This the proper orientation of a NASA research program
research effort provides a broad base of technol- to take advantage of these differences in
ogy that can be exploited for manned space flight designing deep space voice communication. 'lliis
communications; however, the speech compression study effort should indicate whether or not there
systems evolved to date are not directly is sufficient pay-off in this area to warrant
applicable. NASA research.

'llie follOwing are major constraints imposed on

previous work that are not applicable to manned
space flight.
Considerable research effort will be expended
1. Universal applicability. Previous speech by the NASA, as well as the electronics industry,
systems have been designed to work with any in increasing the capability of communications
speaker. 'lliere are a limited number of astronauts systems for future manned space flight. This
and it is conceivable that a speech compression research effort will pay dividends in both the
system could be tailor-made for each astronaut. manned and unmanned space missions. All the
research activities touched on in this paper are
2. Two -way. 'llie requirement for a speech oriented toward increasing the information
compression system for manned space flight is to received from a spacecraft. Some of these efforts
limit the spacecraft complexity and power con- are aimed at increasing the bit rate; vihereas,
sumption and essentially imposes no such restric- others are aimed at increasing the infonaation
tion on the ground system; in fact, the earth- content. The reentry communications applies to
space link could be a conventional voice channel. the reliability and safety of manned space flight
as well as making possible certain types of
3. Bandwidth. In manned space flight, the missions such as a fly-by with a landing probe.
primary effort is energy conversion as opposed to
conserving bandwidth. There are a large number of operational research
problems associated with future manned space
4. Real-time. Space distances preclude flight which have not been discussed, such as
real-time in that propagation times are measured below-the-horizon communications on the lunar
in minutes. surface, communication between the orbiting space-
craft and excursion vehicles, and the affects
5. Speaker identification. Due to the of planetary atmospheres on communication. Many
complexity of placing a man in deep space and the of these answers and research efforts nn.tst await
more information about the environment and types
of missions contemplated.



Senior Engineering Advisor to
NASA Manned Spacecraft

James T. Rose
Head, Launch Vehicle Mission Planning
Office of Launch Vehicle Integration

> Gemini Spacecraft Project Office

~/Manned Spacecraft Center, ~~ r
I Ibf·


Gemini is the manned space vehicle system figure 2, is under development and is expected to
following on from Mercury. It is planned to use be available for later flights. The paraglider is
this system to lay the groundwork of experience a wing which is designed to be stowed in the after
required for future manned space programs. Flights end of the spacecraft, to be deployed at the
of up to 14 days in duration will be attempted, and appropriate time, and inflated so that a landing
techniques for rendezvous and docking with another can be made similar to that of a conventional
space vehicle will be established. Some details of airplane.
these and other associated mission objectives are
discussed. The launch vehicle used to insert the space-
craft into orbit is a Titan II which has been
INrRoruaI'ION modified in some respects, especially by the ad-
dition of those systems required for pilot safety.
The Gemini progr!lIIl has been established to
provide a flexible space vehicle system which can The target used in the rendezvous program is
be used to explore the many problems of manned a version of the Agena D adapted to the rendezvous
operation in a space environment in much greater requirements. The Agena will be launched by an
detail and depth than could be done with the Atlas Standard Space Launch Vehicle.
pioneering Mercury vehicles.
In order to assist the reader in understanding
Although there are many objectives that may the terminology of this paper, a list of terms and
ultimately receive attention, the following specific definitions is presented in the Appendix.
objectives have been selected for the present

1. Long duration (up to 14 days) The long duration flights will be designed to
provide much information on man's ability to live
2. Rendezvous and work in a space environment. The crew's
physiological condition will be monitored, and
3. Maneuvering in space (before and after their ability to perform tasks will be evaluated.
docking) EXperience will be gained in the problems associated
with eating, sleeping, and waste disposal under
4. Extravehicular activity prolonged periods of weightlessness. In general,
this part of the program will use the same types of
5. Landing at a preselected site instrumentation and methods that were used on
Mercury. These long duration flights will also
6. Provision of a platform for scientific provide a very critical test of the reliability of
experiments the spacecraft's systems, which must be specially
configured to meet very severe requirements in this
The specific configurations of the Gemini regard.
vehicles have been designed to accomplish these
objectives. Although more detailed descriptions One of the features of the present program is
l the experiments in rendezvous. Since rendezvous
have been given elsewhere ,2, it is believed that
has many planned and potential uses in other space
a very brief summary of the basic characteristics
programs, considerable thought was put into
should be given at this point.
designing these experiments so that a groundwork
would be laid that would be useful in all applica-
The spacecraft is shown in figure 1. The
tions to which rendezvous might be applied. Because
reentry vehicle is similar to Mercury in overall
shape, but it is enlarged to accommodate 2 men. of the complexity of these miSSions, a detailed
The equipment installations have been revised for discussion will be given later.
ease of assembly and checkout. The Gemini
The ability to maneuver in space and perform
configuration also departs from Mercury inasmuch
as the Gemini retains in orbit the adapter section orbital corrections after insertion is also
fundamental to many space programs. During the
which mates the reentry vehicle with the launch
rendezvous operation, maneuvers of the target and
vehicle. In this section, many of the supplies and
systems are carried which are used in orbit but not spacecraft under both ground and onboard control
will be accomplished. However, after the spacecraft
for reentry.
has docked with the target, it will be possible to
Although landings will initially be made with check out and light up the main engine of the Agena.
This operation will exercise all the safety
a conventional parachute, a paraglider, shown in

monitoring features necessary when a man is in- discussed in the following paragraphs.
vrived. Similar precautions are alsa necessary with
lesper~t to the navigation system, which is respon- RENDEZVOUS OBJECTIVES AND METHODS
sible for making it possible to make a safe reentry.
As was previously stated, the objective of the
On some of the flights, it is proposed to Gemini rendezvous program is to develop and to
depressurize the cabin and open the hatch and allow demonstrate techniques which will be practical for
one of the astronauts to climb out of the cabin the majority of possible space programs which will
using a 30-minute supply of oxygen strapped to his utilize rendezvous. This requires a more compre-
suit. In this experiment, it is proposed to test hensive program than one in which a specific type of
the astronauts' mobility and ability to perform rendezvous is accomplished a few times. The program
tasks. The feasibility of repair and assembly of must include the use of different techniques and a
equipment in space will be explored during these wide range of variables, so as to arrive at the
excursions. Answers to the many questions in this optimum and most practical procedures. Since the
area are vital to the concepts that will be used on performance and accuracy of systems used in rendez-
future space vehicles and space stations. vous are initially only based on estimates and even
the feasibility of some features of these systems is
The Gemini spacecraft has been designed to land not completely established, it was necessary to
in a preselected area, and after the introduction of adopt a very conservative assessment of ability of
the paraglider, at a preselected point on land. these systems to meet their design performance, at
This is intended to simplify the recovery problem in least in the early stages of the program. For this
the primary landing areas, as compared with recovery reason, it was felt that the hardware should be
at sea. It should be noted that it is anticipated designed so that alternate methods of rendezvous
that the use of alternate landing sites will be could be provided both in the spacecraft and in the
necessary when the weather is below the minimums target. In this way, the possibility of accom-
established for a safe landing. The establishment plishing at least some of the objectives of any
of these minimums is a very important part of the given mission are maximized. As experience is
paraglider program. accumulated, techniques will be refined and devel-
oped to the point where practical operating methods
Initially, it is planned to deploy recovery are established. In order to accomplish a flight
forces in much the same way as was done in the program involving these concepts, all the rendezvous
Mercury program. A great part of this effort is vehicles will have the same configuration and hence
devoted to covering the principal abort cases which the same capability. Although experiments will be
almost invariably involve water landings and large designed to exploit this capability progressively,
Naval recovery forces. As the program matures and the planning is such that if, for instance, the
confidence is established in the reliability of the launch window actually achieved and the insertion
systems, it is hoped that it will be possible to accuracy are substantially better than anticipated,
reduce greatly these recovery forces and rely almost this fact can be exploited even in real time in
entirely on a relatively small contingency effort. optimizing the subsequent maneuvers to take advan-
In consonance with the basic objective of the tage of this circumstance and to minimize the steps
Gemini program, it is anticipated that there are required in achieving the final objective of
many scientific observations and experiments that arriving at practical operating techniques.
can be included in the Gemini program. Although
many features are included in the basic design that Rendezvous will be an essential part of a
should facilitate the introduction of a variety of number of future manned space flight programs. For
experiments, detailed planning of these experiments instance, rendezvous has been selected as a primary
has not yet passed the very preliminary stage. phase in the Apollo lunar landing mission. Types
of programs that will require the use of rendezvous
PROGRAM OUTLINE as one phase in the achievement of final objectives
are as follows:
The Gemini program has established a series of
flights to develop the required techniques, gain 1. Lunar orbit rendezvous (Apollo)
experience, and provide information on the earliest
time schedule for long-duration missions and ren- 2. Earth orbital rendezvous (deep space)
dezvous operations in the areas discussed in the
previous section. The first phase of the program 3. Space stations
will be unmanned flights to qualify the spacecraft
and launch-vehicle systems. Because of the complex 4. Satellite inspection and repair missions
nature of the programs and procedures unique to
rendezvous, the first group of manned flights are In order to develop general rendezvous tech-
categorized as long-duration missions; nevertheless, niques that will be valid for future space applica-
preliminary experience in terminal maneuvering on tions, it is necessary to determine similarities
some of the first manned missions· will be accom- among the various possible rendezvous programs.
plished with a small target carried in the adapter
section of the spacecraft and ejected in orbit. The analysis of the rendezvous requirements for
The final missions of the program will be devoted to these different types of programs points out that
the development of rendezvous techniques and, a number of basic characteristics are common in
ultimately, postrendezvous exercises. each program when the basic premise of minimizing
the operations and fuel required is used. Some of
Since a practical rendezvous-.~.f0gram requires the important characteristics are as follows:
the development and optimization of·a number of
important areas, some of the basic requirements for 1. Target vehicle would be established in
rendezvous and the way in which the Gemini program orbit prior to spacecraft launch.
will be implemented to solve these problems are

2. A launch window of sufficient length would on-board computer. The method minimizes the fuel
provide the necessary confidence level for opera- required for the maneuver, and thus allows rela-
tional use. tively large initiation ranges between the target
and chaser vehicle. Approximately 30° to 330 of

3. Iaunch techniques for the manned spacecraft orbital travel would be required to ccmplete the
would limit the out-of-plane error to within the maneuver, depending on the accuracy of the launch
terminal maneuvering capabilities of the chaser and midcourse maneuvers.
A second method for conducting the terminal
4. One vehicle would maintain a fixed orbit maneuver would use optical guidance for establishing
unless an emergency condition arose. the intercept course. This method is more expensive
from a fuel consideration since it does not use
5. The initial orbit of the two vehicles orbital mechanics as such to optimize the maneuver.
would be of different periods for overccming phase The initiation ranges would be more restricted, but
differences. the hardware requirements would be minimized. In
order to use an optical guidance method, ranging
6. Tenninal guidance techniques would be information must be provided to the astronauts.
capable of overcoming dispersions generated through This information can be provided by a radar with
the launch and midcourse phases of the mission. range and range-rate capability or by cruder optical
measuring devices such as a reference grid 3 or
From these basic characteristics, Gemini has
s:imple sextant.
established a general operational rendezvous
technique that will apply in the different rendez-
As the requirements of different rendezvous
vous programs. This operational technique is shown
programs will vary, so will parameters, such as
in figure 3, which is a flow diagram showing the
time altitude, inclination, and velocity, which
possible steps in an operational mission from the
form'the restraints and boundaries of the different
launch phase to the docking phase.
steps shown in figure 3. In order to determine
The target vehicle would be in orbit prior these values of a given program, five major param-
to the initiation of the manned spacecraft launch eters must be evaluated and interrelated until they
are compatible. These major parameters are as
sequence. The spacecraft would be launched by follows:
using a variable-azimuth launch technique. This
technique is presented in more detail in a subse-
1. Operational launch window
quent section. The variable-azimuth launch tech-
nique controls the out-of-plane errors for an
acceptable period of time within the maneuvering 2. Fuel allotted for rendezvous
capabilities of the terminal guidance techniques.
This allows the out-of-plane corrections to be 3. Target inclination
determined and applied during the on-board control-
led phase of the mission, making relatively complex 4. Orbit altitudes
and expensive plane adjustments unnecessary in the
midcourse phase of the mission. 5. Mission t:ime

If launch of the spacecraft occurs at a time The operational launch window is the actual
in the launch window when the phase relationship time period which is required to provide an accept-
between the target vehicle and the launch site is able confidence level for operational use for the
optimum, then the mission sequence will go directly particular launch vehicle and spacecraft under
frcm the launch phase into the tenninal phase. By
definition, this transition is called an immediate
rendezvous. Should spacecraft launch occur at Control of the out-of-plane error requires the
greatest expenditure of rendezvous propulsion.
any time in the window when the phase relationship
is less than optimum, then the period difference Using controlled or variable-azimuth launch tech-
niques in conjunction with the target inclination
created by the altitude difference of the target
and spacecraft orbits would provide a fixed initial relative to the launch site will control the out-of-
catchup rate for correcting the phase error. If a plane errors between certain l:imits for a. period of
different catchup rate is required to reduce trail- time. For a given amount of fuel, or velocity, to
ing displacement dispersions in the tenninal phase be used for maximum out-of-plane conditions in the
terminal phase, a plane launch window is estab-
of the mission, the chaser vehicle, which in the
lished. This launch time period with respect to
major;ity of cases will be the spacecraft, would
out-of-plane errors must be as large as the acutal
adjust its orbital period to provide the desired
operational launch period required by the vehicle.
catchup rate. The ground computer complex can
If the plane window is smaller, either the target
detennine the adjustment and provide the chaser
inclination must be lowered with respect to the
vehicle with the appropriate information through launch site, the fuel allotment must be increased,
a command link or by voice communications. It is or countdown and launch procedures must be improved
also possible to determine this adjustment at the so that a smaller operational launch window is
t:ime of spacecraft launch; and with suitable pro- required.
grams in the spacecraft's on-board computer, the
adjustment can be determined on board.
The difference in the orbit altitudes of the
tvo vehicles will provide a fixed catchup rate
There are two primary methods of conducting a
between the target and spacecraft for correcting
terminal maneuver. One method uses orbital mechan-
ics to optimize the intercept course of the phase differences. The mission time sets the
amount of time in which the midcourse catchup ma-
chaser vehicle. This method requires the use of a
neuver must be completed. Catchup time and rate
radar with angular measuring capability and an regulate the number of degrees of phase difference
that can be allowed when the spacecraft is launched. difference corresponds to approximately 43 minutes
This limit of phase difference provides what is of phase launch window. On a number of the Gemini
called a "phase launch window." Again, as with the missions, postrendezvous maneuvers with the space-
out-of-plane consideration, this phase launch period craft and target in the docked configuration are
must be as large as the operational launch window. planned, so it will be desirable to limit the
If the phase window is smaller, either the catchup rendezvous time to 1 day in order to conduct these
rate must be increased, the mission time extended, maneuvers during the second day. This time limit
or the required launch window reduced. would reduce the launch-phase window to approxi-
mately 20 minutes.
Depending on the relative sizes of the phase
and plane windows, either one or both of which may The target vehicle will be placed into orbit
be much larger than the operational window, the prior to the time of spacecraft launch. The systems
optimum time of launch might be with respect to the of the Agena target will be capable of operating
plane or with respect to the phase. In the case of for 5 days; thus, the spacecraft would be provided
the Gemini program, as presented in a subsequent 3, 4, or 5 possible launch days. A 1- or 2-day
section, the optimum launch time is with respect to mission completion time, the start of the spacecraft
phase. launch window at the beginning of the target's
second orbit or second day, or postrendezvous
If both the plane and phase windows are equal reqUirements of the Agena will cause this variation
to, or very near, the size of the operational launch in the number of possible launch days.
window, additional evaluation will be necessary
since the phase and plane windows do not necessarily For the Gemini miSSions, the particular target
begin near the same local time on the number of orbital inclination of 28.87° has been selected in
acceptable launch days. A study of the phasing order to optimize the plane launch window and
times with respect to the position of the plane on rendezvous fuel requirements.
the possible launch days will determine ·if adjust-
ments to the plane or phase launch windows would be Using this inclination and variable-azimuth
required. launch techniques, the out-of-plane errors can be
restricted to relatively small values for an
The point to reemphasize is that though the extended period of time. One variable-azimuth
values for the five major parameters just discussed launch technique is shown in figure 5. The maximum
will vary from program to program, the operat:Jnal out-of-plane error that must be accommodated by the
technique which uses these parameters can be the Gemini spacecraft in the terminal phase will be the
same. perpendicular distance between the launch site and
the plane of the target vehicle. This accommodation
The acutal purpose of the Gemini rendezvous to error is accomplished by launching the spacecraft
mission will be to gain, through actual operational on an azimuth parallel to the plane of the target
experience, the optimization of these parameters vehicle at the point of launch. Intersection of
so that this information and experience can be made the two planes will occur approximately 90° from
available for future applications. the launch site. In order to provide a continuous
plane window as shown in figure 5, the target's
ACTUAL RENDEZVOUS PARAMETERS maximum latitude point, which is established by the
inclination in relation to the latitude of the
In order to describe the actual Gemini rendez- launch site, must not exceed the spacecraft's
vous mission, the important parameters for the terminal maneuvering capabilities. If the maximum
operational mission are presented first. Then, the latitude point of the target's plane relative to the
use of the Agena to provide increased launch-window latitude of the launch site exceeds an established
tolerance, if that is required in the preliminary spacecraft out-of-plane capability, the 1l1ane launch
experiments, is described. window will be broken in two sections. One section
would be located around the ascending arc of the
The orbits which have been selected for the target plane and the second around the descending
Gemini target vehicle and spacecraft are presented arc. An example is given in figure 6 which demon-
in figure 4. The target vehicle will be placed strates this point. Elf using 0.6° for the upper
in a 160-nautical-mile circular orbit, and the limit of out-of-plane error, the plane launch win-
spacecraft's orbit will be an elliptical orbit dow is reduced from one 141-minute to two 37-minute
having a perigee of 87 nautical miles and an apogee periods when the target inclination with respect to
equal to the orbital altitude of the target. These the launch site at Cape Canaveral is changed by only
orbits were selected primarily from launch vehicle 1° from the near optimum 29°. A further increase
performance and orbital lifetime limitations. The of 1° reduces the launch window to two 28~inute
period difference in these two orbits provides periods. This example shows the extreme sensitiv-
the Gemini spacecraft, which is the chaser vehicle, ity of launch window to the inclination of the
with a 5.5° per revolution catchup rate for target plane.
correcting phase differences.
This parallel azimuth launch technique is
For another performance reason, the spacecraft relatively easy to implement in the launch vehicle's
systems will have operational capability of 2 days; guidance. No additional performance is required
therefore, the rendezvous will be completed within from the launch vehicle. The payload capability of
a 2-day period after spacecraft launch. Present the launch vehicle will have negligilble variations
plans indicate that 29 spacecraft inertial orbits due to the variation of the earth component as the
measured from the first apogee can be used for azimuth changes with launch time.
completing the catchup maneuver. With a catchup
rate of 5.5°, an out-of-phase difference of A second variable-azimuth launch technique
apllroximately 160° will be a maximum. This phase makes use of launch-vehicle guidance in yaw during

the latter phases of powered night to minimize or The spacecraft will acquire the Agena target
steer out plane errors. Guidance is accomplished by vehicle with its radar at a range of approximately
varying the launch azimuth of the spacecraft so that 250 nautical miles. Upon acquisition, the radar
the azimuth is an optimum angle directed toward the will provide range, range-rate, and angular-dis-
target's plane. This will reduce the out-of-plane placement information. Range and range-rate infor-
distance prior to initiation of yaw guidance. This mation will be displayed to the astronauts while
technique requires considerable additional perform- r.ange and angular-displacement data are introduced
ance from the launch vehicle. into the computer. With these raw data, the
computer will calculate the relative velocity
For the Gemini program, appreciable performance components along the three axes. From these
margins may not be available; therefore, the Gemini velocity components, the relative motion equations
parameters are being selected on the basis of a will: be used to determine the velocity increment and
parallel-launch variable-azimuth technique. direction required in real time to establish the
However, provision is being made for the variable- spacecraft on the optimum intercept course. This
azimuth yaw steering technique so that it could be information will be displayed to the astronauts
used should a sufficient performance margin be who will monitor the changing velOcity and position
available. The variable-azimuth launch techniques requirements. After the velocity requirement tends
will provide biases to offset relative nodal to level off near a minimum value, the astronaut
regression effects of the two orbits so that a mini- will select the time to orient the spacecraft to the
mum out-of-plane error is provided at the start of proper attitude and apply the proper velocity
the terminal phase rather than at insertion of the impulse. When the range is reduced to approximately
spacecraft in its initial plane. 2 miles, the astronaut will apply a braking impulse
to reduce the closing rates for final docking
An out-of-plane correction capability during operations. Between the initial impulse and final
the terminal maneuver of o. 53 ° will be provided in impulse, small intermediate corrections will be
the Gemini spacecraft. The Gemini plane window computed and applied. The number of intermediate
for which the parallel launch technique will be corrections will depend on the maneuver completion
used is shown on figure 7. The total length of time after the initial impulse is applied. Depend-
this window is 135 minutes. This window is much ing on the accuracy of the midcourse catchup
larger than the Gemini phase window of 43 minutes, maneuver, the time to complete the maneuver may
based on a 2-day mission time; therefore, the correspond to as little as )00 of orbit travel and
optimum launch time or time "zero" will be with to as much as 330° of travel. Figure 9 shows an
respect to phase. Figure 8 shows the launch times example of velocity requirements at different
for each possible launch day measured from the time spacecraft positions from perigee using an orbital
of target lift-off. The beginning of each window mechanics terminal maneuvering technique. These
represents the first permissible phase condition values of velocity were derived using a specific
within the plane window. In most cases this phase set of initial conditions. The optimum amount of
position will be the optimum or zero condition. orbital travel to complete the maneuver after first
These numbers are based on a mission time of 2 days. impulse is also shown on the figure. The plot of
velocity represents the minimum amount of velocity
It is antiCipated that these launch times will, that would be required to conduct the maneuver if it
at least ultimately, be adequate for the actual were initiated at any point over the final two
launch reqUirements of the spacecraft and launch orbits for the given set of starting conditions.
vehicle. Since, as stated previously, a l-day ren- The velocity requirement includes the initial and
dezvous mission is desired, these launch windows braking impulses. It might be noted that the
would be reduced to panes of approximately 20 min- catchup rate over the final two orbits for the
utes in duration. conditions shown in figure 9 was 1.5° per revolution.
For faster rates up to 5.5° per revolution and/or
Based on the expected maximum out-of-plane larger out-of-plane errors up to 0.53°, the
errors in the terminal phase of the mission and the required velocity would be greater, but the trend
energy level between the two initial orbits, of the curve would be similar. Within the out-of-
Bufficient fuel for a velocity capability of plane tolerances established by the launch tech-
700 ft/sec is provided in the spacecraft for con- nique, it will be possible to initiate the terminal
ducting the rendezvous mission. maneuver, if required, at ranges as far away as
250 nautical miles.
In the terminal phase of the mission, Gemini
will develop terminal maneuver techniques in which The optical guidance technique, which will be
an orbital mechanics guidance method and an used for the Gemini missions, will be basically sim-
optical guidance method are used. An interfero- ple from an operational aspect. The range and range-
meter-type radar with both angular and range rate infonnation from the Gemini radar will be
measuring capability, together with the on-board displayed to the astronaut for establishing the
computer, will provide the hardware system necessary initiation time and braking schedule. The astro-
to compute an optimum orbital mechanics solution. nauts will observe the relative motion between the
The on-board computer will be programed with a set spacecraft and the target vehicle with respect to a
of equations which describe the motion of the star background. The Agena vehicle will be equipped
spacecraft with respect to a rotating coordinate with a flashing light so that it can be detected
frame centered in the target vehicle. These equa- against the star field. When within proper range of
tions will be "mOdified Clohessy-Wiltshire 4 " the target vehicle, an astronaut, by using his
linearized equations of motion. (The modification on-board propulsion system, will thrust normal to
of these equations was performed by Edgar C. the angular motion of the target vehicle. The
Lineberry of Flight Operations Division, NASA astronaut will continue to thrust until he observes
Manned Spacecraft Center. ) that the relative motion has been eliminated. At

this instant, the spacecraft is on a constant line- THE "ACTIVE" AGENA
of-sight approach to the target vehicle. A constant
line-of-sight approach to the target will be As previously stated, Gemini will be the
reestablished periodically during the maneuver when initial "work-horse" in developing general
the relative motion is again noticeable. By moni- rendezvous techniques in each phase of the mission.
toring the range and range rate, the astronaut In order to determine the actual accuracies and
establishes the proper braking schedule similar to dispersions in developing rendezvous technOlogy in
that required for the orbital mechanics technique. all phases of a mission, it is necessary that the
The maneuver time will be to the order of 20 missions be completed. For the initial Gemini
minutes and the initiation range will be approxi- rendezvous missions, additional capability is
mately 20 nautical miles. Since the initiation considered necessary until adequate real-time
range for this technique is much smaller than that knowledge of the accuracies and techniques is
required for the mechanics technique, necessary established.
midcourse adjustments will be oriented to provide
minimum miss distances of less than 20 miles. This In order to provide this additional capability,
latter procedure makes it possible to use either the Agena vehicle has been selected as the target
technique; thus, redundancy is added to the terminal vehicle for the Gemini program. The Agena is a
phase. Figure 10 shows the velocity requirements space-stabilized vehicle and can be maneuvered in
for conducting the optical guidance maneuver for a orbit. The Agena not only can aid the spacecraft in
specific out-of-plane condition with different conducting the rendezvous mission, but it also
ranges and closing rates. These results were provides the power source for performing postdocking
obtained from a simulation study and represent the maneuvers, which is another objective of Gemini.
most severe initial starting conditions with respect
to the out-of-plane velocity component. The Agena provides the Gemini program with a
flexible rendezvous technique. Figure 11 shows this
Investigation has shown that the velocity flexible technique. The figure is a flow diagram
variation with initial range is primarily a result similar to the operational diagram showing the
of the variation in the magnitude and direction of possible real-time steps between the launch phase
the velocity vector as the spacecraft approaches and the docking phase.
the target on the catchup trajectory. In general,
a catchup trajectory can be established such that The Agena provides the additional capability
as range decreases, the direction of the velocity in the launch and midcourse phases for directing
vector approaches the direction of the line of the two vehicles to the terminal phase of the
sight between the target and the spacecraft. mission. This capability can be seen by the
Therefore, the corrective velocity required to additional blocks in figure 11. Additional plane-
establish a flight path along the line of sight is and phase-correction capability provides additional
reduced. launch-time capability. The Agena vehicle after
insertion into its 160-nautical-mile circular orbit
The optical system which uses an optical method will have a velocity capability of approximately
for providing ranging information to the astronauts 5,400 ft/sec which can be used for midcourse
will be developed and exercised during the Gemini corrections.
program. This technique will serve as backup in the
event of a radar failure. For a I-day mission completion time, the Agena
can provide a catchup rate that will allOW a full
OOCKINGPHASE ,60° phase difference if required. This capability
to correct all phase errors greater than 70° for a
Once the two vehicles are within a quarter of I-day mission removes all restrictions with respect
a mile of each other and the relative velocity has to a phase window. To perform this maneuver, the
been reduced to approximately 8 to 10 ft/sec, the Agena would receive from a ground command site the
docking maneuver will begin. Windows in the space- required information for storage in its programer.
craft make it possible for the astronauts to have At the proper point in its orbit, the main Agena
adequate visibility so that they can perform the engine will be ignited and an elliptical orbit
docking operation with manual control. A docking whose apogee might extend out as far as 550 nautical
collar on the Agena vehicle which engages with the miles will be achieved. The new Agena ellipse will
small end of the spacecraft is being designed to increase the catchup rate so that catchup will occur
1 on a selected orbit. The size of the ellipse will
absorb shock loads up to 12 ft/sec. Since the
vary with the magnitude of the phase difference.
relative velocity at contact has been shown by The Agena will recircularize its orbit by applying
simulation to be to the order of 2 ft/sec, there is a retroimpulse at its 160-nautical-mile perige~
when the phase difference has been reduced to
an ample margin of safety. between the values of 5° and 11°. This impulse
provides two spacecraft catchup orbits for complet-
In order to provide the design concept and ing the midcourse maneuver. Final midcourse adjust-
provide the astronauts with docking experience, two ments and closing conditions will be identical to
mechanical docking simulators are now being built. those required if the Agena had not ma~euvered. The
One simulator is being built at the Langley Research maximum Agena ellipse and the recircularization
Center and the other at McDonnell Aircraft Corpora- maneuver will require approximately 1,,00 ft/sec
tion. Both simulators should be completed in 196,. from the Agena vehicle with two main engine igni_
The Langley simulator will serve as a research tions.
simulator and will provide general information in
rendezvous docking. The McDonnell simulator will Depending on the phase position relative to
utilize Gemini hardware and will be used for hard- the plane position at spacecraft launch, the amount
ware qualification and training. of Agena velocity available for correcting

excessive plane errors will vary between approxi- RENDEZVOUS PROGRAM SUMMARY
mately 5,400 ft/sec to 4,100 ft/sec. Since the
relationship between phase and plane can be calcu- The Gemini rendezvous approach is divided into
lated, accurate plane windows have been determined. two phases. Phase 1 of the rendezvous program, in
A velocity of 5,400 ft/sec corresponds to a 12· which a radar transponder package will act as a
out-of-plane correction, and 4,100 ft/sec corre_ target, will be carried out in conjunction with the
sponds to a 9.4 0 correction. other long-duration requirements. This phase will
be a preliminary terminal guidance study. Phase 2
When the spacecraft is launched and the angle will begin when the Agena is introduced into the
formed between the Agena and spacecraft planes flight schedule as the target vehicle. The four
exceeds 0.53°, the Agena will make a plane maneuver. facets of Phase 2 are: the Agena as active, the
From tracking data, the ground computer complex will Agena as passive, operational rendezvous, and
determine the two positions where the planes inter- Gemini-Agena with systems operational. The active
sect, the required velocity and direction, and Agena portion of Phase 2 refers to the utilization
the time of engine. ignition. The first convenient of the Agena propulsion system in increasing the
command site will transmit this information to the confidence level of completing rendezvous and in
Agena where it will be stored in the Agena programer developing rendezvous techniques. The passive
until time to begin the maneuver. There will be Agena portion of Phase 2 refers to the nonpropulsi-ve
portions of the launch window in which the Agena requirement on the Agena effecting rendezvous as the
will be required to conduct both a plane and a operational1echnique is developed. Operational
phase maneuver. These maneuvers could be initiated rendezvous refers to the development of the tech-
simultaneously; however, from accuracy considera- nique so that a high confidence level is anticipated
tions, the present plan is to conduct them sepa- for future flights. The Gemini-Agena with systems
rately. operational refers to postrendezvous maneuvers in
the docked configuration.
The Agena plane-correction capability will
increase the plane window appreciably, but not as APPENDIX
much as might be expected for two reasons. The
first is that the optimum or "zero" time of launch DEFlNITIONS
will still be at the first optimum phasing condition
after the plane position is within 0.53° of the Launch window is the time span over "Which a
launch site. This allows the spacecraft to conduct launch may be performed and still meet the timing
the mission without Agena maneuvers. The window, conditions for rendezvous.
therefore, will only be opened in one direction.
The second reason is that the parallel-launch Operational launch window is the launch window
variable-azimuth technique cannot be employed for as defined and limited by the practical hardware
out-of-plane conditions as large as 9.4 0 because constraints of the launch system.
the spacecraft launch azimuth is becoming more
southerly with time, and a range safety limit, as Phase (launch) window is the launch window as
well as a landing-area restraint, will be imposed. determined by the ability of the rendezvousing
A launch azimuth of 105° has been established as vehicles to catch up with each other when they
the southerly bound for the variable-azimuth launch are separated by a pha~ difference or geocentric
technique. When the azimuth reaches 105°, the angular displacement.
out-of-plane error using the parallel-launch
procedure will be approximately 3.2°. A constant Plane (launch) window is the launch window as
launch azimuth at 105 0 will be used until the plane determined by the ability of the rendezvousing
angle, which will be formed between the two planes, vehicles' maneuverability to compensate for angular
reaches the limit of the Agena capability. This differences between the orbital planes of the two
is noted on the flow diagram shown in figure 11. vehicles.
The launch window, which includes the Agena capabil-
ity, is shown in figure 12. The launch window de- Midcourse phase is the portion of a rendezvous
notes the areas in which spacecraft maneuvering only flight from injection into orbit up to the point
is required, areas in which only Agena phase maneu- where contact is made between the two vehicles so
vering is required, areas in which only Agena plane that command of the subsequent closing operations
maneuvering is required, and areas in which both is on board the rendezvousing vehicles.
Agena plane and phase maneuvers are necessary.
Terminal phase is that portion of a rendezvous
As the program progresses and experience is flight during "Which the astronauts in the spacecraft
gained, a better knowledge of the accuracies and determine and execute the proper maneuver to estab-
dispersions associated with the techniques in the lish the precise intercept course between the target
different phases of the mission will be acquired. and spacecraft. This maneuver will bring the two
It is then anticipated that the increased capability vehicles close enough together in both position and
provided by the Agena will not be required and the velocity to permit final docking operations.
rendezvous technique will become the operational
technique shown in figure 3. Docking is the final phase of a rendezvous
flight in which the two vehicles are brought into
POSTRENDEZVOUS CAPABn.lTY bodily contact and latched solidly together.

At the completion of an operational rendezvous Inclination of orbital plane is the angle be-
exercise, the Agena when docked with the Gemini tween the equatorial plane and the plane of the
spac~craft will have a velocity capability of ap- satellite vehicle which passes through the center
proximately 2,340 ft/sec for conducting postrendez- of the earth.
vous maneuvers. After docking, the astronauts will
be able to control the Agena's attitude, monitor
Agena systems, and ignite the Agena engine.
Launch azimuth is the initial heading of the
satellite vehicle from true North. The launch
azimut h is defined by the position of the desired
orbital plane with respect to the position of the
launch site.


1. Chamberlin, James A., and Meyer, Andre, Jr.:

Project Gemini Design Philosophy. Astro-
nautics and Aerospace Engineering, Feb. 1963,
pp. 35-39.

2. Blatz, William J.: Gemini Design Features.

Presented at the Second Manned Space Flight
Meeting, April 22-24, 1963 (Dallas, Tex. ).

3. Lineberry, Edgar C., Jr., Brissenden, Roy F.,

and Kurbjun, Max C.: Analytical and
Preliminary SimUlation Study of a Pilot's
Ability to Control the Terminal Phase of a
Rendezvous with Simple Optical Devices and Figure 1. - Mock-up of Gemini spacecraft.
a Timer. NASA TN D-965, 1961.

4. Clohessy, vi. H., and Hil tshire, R. S.: Terminal

Guidance System for Satel lite Rendezvous.
Jour. Aerospace Sci., vol. 27, no. 9, Sept.
1960, pp. 653-658.

LAUNCH -'1"-'- -- MIDCOURSE - - - - - <oM_ ci~~~~i - t - DOCKING



Figure 2.- Paraglider deployment. Figure 3. - Operational rendezvous technique.



1. .....




Figure 4.- Orbits selected for Gemini

' rendezvous program Figure 5.- Variable azimuth launch.
1.0 2.0


- - - - - - J- - - - - - OUT - Of - PLANE

.4 ANGLE, DEG .8



H 1---1

Figure 6.- Plane launch window variation Figure 6. - Plane launch window variation with
with target plane inclination. target plane inclination - Continued.


2.0 .6

16 .4




---< I-- Of 28 MIN EACH---<

Figure 6. - Plane launch window variation with

target plane inclination - Concluded. Figure 7. - Gemini plane window.




20-;• t- 43-1 I -•
, I
43--1 ...,..., 1'--33
I 152 J r

--l 1--.. 3
" I I I I
~ ~~
I: lillil
I I 180240300 0 60120180240300 0 60120180
o 100 200 1<1«) 1500 1600 2800 2900 JC()Q AD) .4JCX) uoo APOGEE APOGEE APOGEE

Figure 9.- Orbital mechanics

Figure 8. - Gemini launch window. te:nninal maneuver techniques.
640 200

Il V 560
FT/SEC 520




Figure 10.- Optical guidance terminal maneuver technique.

LAUNCH ..... i'••- - - - - MIDCOURSE _ _ _ _ _-+. +- TERMINAL

, il"i

r+ AND



Figure 11.- Flexible rendezvoas technique.


- 43!-~ 431- ....... 71 I - -l53 ...... _9 -I 48 '-
20-1 I- 43- 1·.....-0143~25... --.t:J- -m- -l431- ....... 431- .... 143~36t-

~ .I~ I?a • • ~I • I@ ~
___ 155----1 '_-214_ _250----1 1---226------l





,./ /
" ,,

/ ~



1400 1500 1600 2800 2900 3000 4200 4300 ,,",,00


Figure 12. - Gemini increased launch window using "active" Agena.



Colonel Joseph S. B1eymaier

Ti tan III Program Director
~~ Space Systems Division
~r Fo~ce Systems Command ~ ~ •

~~~~nn~--~L-_'~~~~~~~'-' ~ociated aerospace ground equipment

developed to complement the booster and the unique
Titan III is the popular name for Program 624A ITL facility at Cape Canaveral are integral parts
Standard Space Launch System nOW under deve10pnent of the Titan III.
by the Space Systems Division of the Air Force
Systems Command for the Department of Defense. Together these three vital elements comprise
a new space launch capability -- one conceived and
At the conclusion of the 45-month deve10pnent developed "from the ground up" specifically to meet
program, which includes 17 launches from the those space launch requirements of the next decade
Atlantic Missile Range, it will take its place as which cannot be met by any other space launch sys-
a versatile and powerful addition to the National tem now under deve1opnent.
Launch Vehicle Program.
Design Approach
Titan III, when it is operational, will be the
product of a new Department of Defense management The 624A Space Launching System is planned as
concept and the first so-called "billion dollar" a national standardized launch vehicle adaptable to
program where the contractor effort is conducted a wide range of applications. I t is being designed
almost exclusively under cost-p1us-incentive-fee for use in both mili tary and non-military missions
type contracts. in the period from 1965 through 1975. Deve10pnent
objectives have been versatility, reliability,
Standardization -- one of the keynotes to the economy, high launch rates, and early availability.
Titan III philosophy -- will give it greater mission The philosophical and technical approaches to these
flexibility than any other launch vehicle or system objectives have given strong consideration to the
now under deve10pnent. Payload capability will building block concept, standardization, conserva-
range from 5,000 to 25,000 pounds and mission capa- tism and simplicity of design, the capability of
bility will include: industry to produce, and cost effectiveness.

--low altitude elliptical orbit by direct A conservative approach to design has been
injection, adopted uniformly throughout the program by main-
taining a second generation technology and resist-
--low altitude circular orbit, ing adoption of second-and-a-half or third
generation techniques. This philosophy has led to
--low altitude circular orbit with Hohmann maximum utilization of the best current state of
transfer to another orbit, technology while avoiding dependence on not-yet
achieved technical advancements or new research.
--synchronous orbit·, and Emphasis has been placed on functional integrity
of equipnent rather than peak performance. Con-
--deep space trajectory to escape. servative ratings and design margins have been
used in those cases where new equipnent is being
The ITL factii ty -- integrate-trans fer- specified.
launch -- will give Titan III quick responsiveness,
a quality required of any military system. Minimum The entire 624A program has been planned to
pad time is insured through off-pad assembly, pay- derive the maximum benefit from the accumulation
load integration and checkout leading to high of knowledge and experience resulting from the
launch rates from fewer pads with resulting ballistic missile and space programs. Every effort
economies. has been made to make this a thoroughly up-to-date
system using the best available demonstrated and
Repeatability -- or if you will, reliability proven techniques. The System specifically has not
is inherent in the conservative design approach been made dependent upon new major advancements in
which makes maximum use of state-of-the-art and any area. The employment of such an approach will
does· not require any technical breakthroughs. result in providing the United States with a space
launching system which reflects a carefully planned
The Titan III will be man-rated and as such balance between operating versatility, performance,
will have a capability to support the manned as cost, reliability, and utilization of national
well as the unmanned systems now indicated for the resources.
near future.
Management Approach
In reference to the Titan III Standard Space
Launch System, you will note the emphasis always is To set the stage for a discussion of the
placed on SYSTEM. Although this system features a Ti tan III management approach one must refer to
versatile and powerful new booster in two separate the remarks of Secretary of Defense Robert S.
configurations, the boosters alone would add little McNamara before the House Armed Services Committee.
to this nation's capability in space, particularly
in support of military requirements.


The problems outlined and the solutions The Booster Vehicle
advan~ed have a direct relation to Titan III be-
cause the 624A program was selected as the guinea Since one of the time-consuming factors
pig to prove Mr. McNamara's point. plaguing our space efforts to date is the need to
virtually hand-make each booster to fit some par-
He told the Congress: ticular payload and mission profile, one of the
over-riding considerations in the design of the
"Research and development expenditures, '.J . Titan III was maximum standardization to improve
whether measured in budget terms or in program utilization and decrease long-term costs by pro-
terms, have been mounting steadily over the years, viding a basic vehicle to which many payload
but too much of this effort is not producing useful packages can be affixed with no modifications to
resul ts. What we want are weapons and equipment the booster other than the payload-to-booster
that the fighting man can use. We are not inter- fairing. The Titan III system also inCludes a
ested in supporting the intellectually challenging, standard payload shroud that will accommodate any
but militarily useless, engineering 'tour de force'. payload up to 10 feet in diameter.
If we are to make optimum use of our available
scientific and engineering manpower resources, we Further simplification and versatility comes
must plan our program carefully and concentrate from the "building block" approach used in the
these resources where they will make the greatest design of Titan III boosters. The basic core of
contribution to our military posture. the Titan III vehicle is a structurally-modified
Titan II ICBM -- a two-stage vehicle powered by
"Poor planning, unrealistic schedules, un- storable propellant liquid fuel engines. Thrust
necessary design changes and enormous cost of the engines will remain the same as in the ICBM
increases over original estimates have continuously version for the forseeable future -- 430,000 pounds
disrupted the efficient operation of our research for the first stage and 100,000 pounds for the
and development program. Most of these difficulties second.
have resulted from inadequate prior planning and
unwarranted haste in undertaking large-scale devel- To this core a new upper stage or transtage is
opment, and even production, before we have clearly added. The transtage engine will burn the same
defined what is wanted and before we have clearly fuel as the core. An integral part of the trans-
determined that a suitable technological basis has stage structure will be a control module housing
been developed on which to build the system. We all flight control and guidance components for all
have often paid too little attention to how a stages of the vehicle. Transtage thrust will be
proposed weapon system would be used and what it approximately 16,000 pounds and the engine will
would cost, and finally, whether the contribution have a multiple restart capability.
the development could make to our forces would be
worth the cost. The configuration resulting from combining the
modified Titan II with the transtage and control
"Accordingly, we are now following the practice module will be designated Titan III A. When two,
of inaugurating large system development projects five-segment, l20-inch diameter, solid rocket
only after the completion of what we call a 'pro- engines are added to the "A" configuration the
gram definition' phase. To the greatest extent vehicle will be designated the Titan III C.
possible, we want to do our thinking and planning
before we start 'bending met81'. Pencils and paper, Lift-off thrust of the two solid propellant
and even the feasibility testing of 'pacing' com- first stage booster engines of the Titan III C will
ponents, are a lot cheaper than the termination of be in excess of 2,000,000 pounds. Secondary liquid
programs. By a more thorough and complete study injection thrust vector control will be used in the
and assessment of the facets of each new develop- solid booster stage. Thrust vector control for all
ment -- prior to major commitments -- we can reduce other stages will be performed by conventional
the number of expensive projects which might other- hydraulic engine gimbaling.
wise later have to be reoriented, stretched out or
terminated." The Integrate-Transfer-Launch Facility

Mr. McNamara's philosophy has been foll\JWed To fully understand the significance of the
to the letter in the Titan III Program. A year of ITL facility now under construction at Cape
exhaustive effort went into Phase I. When Phase I Canaveral, it is important to refer to a statement
was completed, system definition and the program by the Honorable Brockway McMillan, Assistant
management package was forwarded to DOD. A strong Secretary of the Air Force for Research and
management organization had been structured with Development.
close control through PERT-Time cost techniques
established to insure attainment of all objectives Mr. McMillan began his statement with this
in accordance with program plans. question:

Within the Space Systems Division, the Titan "Can a launch vehicle which must stand on the
III System Program Office (SPO) consisting of the pad for six weeks of pre-launch checkout support
Air Force and Aerospace management team was well a military c apabili ty for anything?"
established, providing an integrated partnership
bearing full management responsibility for the He went on to answer his own question as
total standard launch vehicle system. follows:

"I think not. The essence of any military

capability, be it in the Armed Forces Police or in
the strategic retaliatory force, is readiness,
responsiveness to command, and adaptability to

the changing needs of policy or the fickle fortunes present facilities; yet, eliminating them runs the
of war. risk of losing a valuable payload due to some mal-
function during or after launch. Until out tech-
"To me this means that military vehicles must nology produces a space vehicle so foolproof that
be simple, reliable, dependable, and flexible. extensive pre-launch checking is unnecessary, we
must live with out present procedures, and consider
"If space vehicles are ever to support mili- other means of improving our launching facilities.
tary missions in the same sense that air vehicles,
ground vehicles, and marine vehicles now do, they A system to increase launch rates came from
must be capable of flexibility during the mission. an Air Force sponsored study which sought new
They must be capable of responding to circumstances means of speeding up the pre-launch checkout of
which were not known at the time the mission origi- space vehicles in general. This solution envisioned
nated, by maneuver, by change of attitude, by shift off-pad assembly of the entire booster/payload,
of orbit, and by re-entry at a time and place deter- complete checkout in a consolidated preparation
mined by a military commander, not by an facility remote from the launching site proper,
astrologer." transportation to the launching site in a "ready"
configuration, and occupancy of the launching pad
Today, when we see or hear of an astronaut only for that time necessary to fuel and launch
being launched into orbit, or of a space probe sped the vehicle. This approach allows simultaneous
on its way to wrest from the universe some of its preparation of several complete systems, the
secrets, we can be certain that many weeks were reduction of "on-pad" time to a minimum, the ability
spent painstakingly checking each and every detail to react rapidly to mission changes with in toto
of the vehicle used to boost the payload - be it man replacement of one vehicle by another which is
or machine - into its path. These myriad checks ready to be fueled and fired. It also makes more
are necessary to insure t~at every part of the effective use of support facilities through single
complex machines used to probe space do and will location preparation activities, and the resulting
function properly; anything less than this means higher launch rate. This is, in essence, the
the loss and waste of valuable scientific equip- Integrate-Transfer-Launch concept.
ment, or more regrettable, a human life. To
ensure the success of the mission and the safety The Engineering Challenge
of passengers each component of the booster and its
payload is not only thoroughly checked prior to Although the philosophy under which this
erecting the vehicle on its launching pad, but system is being developed entails the application
checked again after the components have been mated of the present state-of-the-art, there are some
to form the complete vehicle. Understandably, the areas which must be recognized as potential risks.
time needed to assemble the booster and its payload These include:
on the launching pad and then check it out complete-
ly runs into weeks, during which time that ~arti­ In the solid motors, the area with the greatest
cular launching pad cannot be used for any other question marks is the liquid injection thrust vec-
purpose. In the event of a change of mission or a tor control. The function of liquid injection TVC
major malfunction requiring the replacement of a has been used on the Minuteman and in its most
payload or booster stage, the pre-launch checkout advanced configuration on the Polaris second stage.
must begin anew, and more weeks are consumed. Thus- This has been successfully flight demonstrated.
the time factor - is the one irreplacable quantity. The significant deviation in applying this on the
Titan III system lies in full directional control
Obviously, if we continue to tie up launching in all planes through a single nozzle. Also, two
facilities for weeks at a time for each payload, motors, operating independently, but as a single
it will not be long before our present facilities stage, offer the possibility of higher vector
are saturated and more must be constructed. angle requirements than previously demonstrated.
Simultaneously, the trend toward larger, more To minimize this risk we have ~eady demonstrated
exotically fueled boosters has increased safe- the feasibility of the system in our 100" motor
separation distances in turn demanding more real program; we have programmed full scale demonstra-
estate per launch site and complicating the support tions early in the development phase; and we have
problem. Since there are few areas in this country planned a very stringent cold flow program.
which fulfill the requirements for launching sites,
it is equally obvious that there is a limit to the The second area of concern regarding the use
number of launch complexes that can be built be- of the solid motor stage is at separation. This
fore we run out of available real estate. If we is being studied analytically in great detail and
are Dot to be limited by this factor in the near an early wind tunnel test program has been initiated.
future, some way must be found to better use pre- Here again the differential in performance between
sent and.future facilities; the most obvious the two motors comes under close scrutiny and all
method being to increase launch rates and to pro- means to assure positive control will be implemented.
vide for greater flexibility in the event of
mission changes or pre-launch aborts. One of the Another advancement in technology which is
solutions arising from Air Force research is the being applied in this system is the extended
Titan III, the first Department of Defense burning time of the solid motors. This is new,
Standardized Space Launch System. almost double that used in the Minuteman first
stage, however, we have shown the feasibility of
Although this state-of-the-art space booster this in our subscale static test work and will
makes maximum use of the proven components and demonstrate materials life and component con-
techniques, it must still be put through a grueling figuration during the early test firings.
series of pre-launch checks before it is ready to
launch its payload. These checks are the major One area of concern regarding the development
stumbling blocks to higher launch rates from of the pressure fed engines for the transtage

is the effect of the high combustion temperature on Another potential problem area associated with
the ablative material used in the fabrication of environment is the fact that the system must be
the thrust chambers. Apollo subscale tests con- able to 11ve in a hard vacuum for 6-!- hours instead
ducted during December 62 and January 1963 in this of a few minutes. The development of new equipment
area of concern were very encouraging. Ablative such as the Environmental Control Unit, the modi-
Thrust Chambers withstood the high temperature fication to existing equipment and the effect of
affects for a considerably longer burning time this environment on unmodified equipment may add
(50%) than that required for the transtage engines. up to possible difficulties.
Early last month, a successful firing for a duration
in excess of the transtage burning time was con- Why Titan III?
ducted at the Contractor's facility. This test is
viewed as a significant achievement in the develop- Peaceful and military uses for space are not
ment program since loss in chamber pressure was separate and distinct. They are, in fact, a
very slight and the event occurred approximately single requirement and are indivisible. This
forty-five days ahead of schedule. Admittedly, the nation has no aggressive designs on anyone or any-
test was not conducted with a fully developed thing, therefore any military use we may make of
injector but the injector efficiency was suffi- space is for the purpose of keeping the peace.
Ciently high to merit the "significant achievement"
classification. This was well stated by Dr. Edward Welch,
Executive Secretary of the National Aeronautics and
Another area of concern is the use of a Space Council, when he said:
columbium-titanium nozzle extension and the area
ratio at which this extension can be fastened to '~e have space missions to help keep the peace
the ablative thrust chamber. A materials testing and space missions to increase our ability to live
program is being. conducted by the engine manu- well in peace ••. national security missions are a
facturer involved tensile tests on both flat and major portion of our national space program, at
cylindrical specimens. To date, we have seen no least as important as any other phase in space.
indication of a serious problem in this area. If we do not take adequate care of our national
Nevertheless, the explosive forming dies will be defense, we will not have a chance to do any of the
capable of forming an all columbium nozzle other things in space -- at least as free men."
Our policy of peaceful use of outer space has
The skirt is fastened to the thrust chamber at never been intended or interpreted to deny the
an area ratio of 6:1. Previous experience on a military the use of space for peaceful or for
full titanium skirt was with the Ablestar engine stabilizing purposes.
which had the skirt fastened at an area ratio of
20:1 and had experienced no difficulty. However, This point has been very clearly stated by
the subscale Apollo test program mentioned pre- Dr. Harold Brown, Director, Defense Research &
viously proved conclusively that titanium could Engineering. In his recent testimony before the
not be used at the 6:1 area ratio. We believe Senate Committee on Aeronautics and Space SCience,
that columbium can be used at the 6:1 ratio but may Dr. Brown said:
require a coating to eliminate oxidation. In any
event, the thrust chamber wrapping mandrel is being '~e must, therefore, engage in a broad program
fabricated to a much greater area ratio than 6:1 covering basic building blocks which will develop
so that should difficulties arise in this area the technological capabilities to meet many possible
ablative material can be extended out to whatever contingencies. In this way, we will provide neces-
area ratio is required in order to effectively sary insurance agains t military surprise in space
fasten the nozzle extension. by advancing our knowledge on a systematic basis
so as to permit the shortest possible time lag in
The major, but by no means the only cause for undertaking full scale development programs as
concern in the development of the Titan III guidance specific needs are identified."
system is in modifying the Titan II guidance sys-
tem to operate in the predicted Titan III environ- What are the peaceful and stabilizing activi-
ment. The most likely candidate for trouble is ties in space that are of military importance? Vice
operational shock. It has been determined by President Johnson enumerated some of them in a
analysis and simulation that a limiting feature of public address. He mentioned, early warning of
the inertial measurement unit when subjected to the ballistic missile attack, various kinds of sur-
shock impulse generated from explosive bolt ig- veillance and reconnaissance, communications of a
nition during staging may be in the accelerometer secure and invulnerable kind, and navigation.
servo loop. In particular the 25 PIG gyro float Roswell L. Gilpatric, Deputy Secretary of Defense,
being limited in accelerometer freedom might go noted recently the list also includes defensive
to its mechaniCaL stop. During the time that this missions and missions to inspect and verify that
situation persists, the unit cannot function as an unidentified space vehicles are in fact peaceful.
accelerometer and optisyn counts (the measure of If they are proven hostile, they will be
incremental velocity) are lost. Limited testing neutralized before they can do harm to mankind.
on a Titan II system has been performed by AG Spark
Plug; and test results confirmed the analysis. The Titan III is being developed to support just
requirement for a hardware change and the extent of such systems referred to by the Vice President and
such a change are presently undergoing careful Mr. Gilpatric.
investigation. It must be emphasized that con-
siderable technical risk is always present in Prior to Department of Defense approval of the
making a major change to a device as complex as Titan III system, the whole picture of U. S. space
the 25 PIG. launch capability was examined at length by a joint

planning group made up of representatives of both There may be no importance to such inspectiOns
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration at all, conSidering how easily the en~ could launch
and the Department of Defense. harmless decoys or dangerous booby traps while con-
cealing the contents of a satellite. To turn the
Following the policy decision of President problem around, we would want to be able to counter
John F. Kennedy on May 25, 1961 establishing this such an effort on the part of an enemy satellite.
nation's expanded space program, the Large Launch
Vehicle Planning Group was established by agreement Second, consider the practicality of the manned
between Mr. McNamara and the NASA Administrator orbital development station, popularly called MODS.
Mr. Webb. The LLVPG brougbttogether the best know-
ledge in DOD and NASA as well as from outside There are a variety of purely scientific
agencies and extended an existing agreement on reasons for putting a manned laboratory into space.
booster development to include the actual planning And there are equally valid and pressing reasons
for space boosters of the future. for justifying a military-oriented "space station."
For one thing, military experience can contribute
The LLVPG scrutinized each and every booster to the success and the effectiveness of MODS pro-
available as well as those approved for development grams. Military officers have pioneered in the
at that time. They included the NASA-Air Force Mercury program, and military pilots have shared
Scout; the Air Force Thor, Thor Agena and Thor X-15 experience with civilians. Military man
Ablestar; the NASA Thor Delta; the Air Force Atlas eventually must become functional in space. To do
and Atlas Agena combination; the Air Force-NASA so, he must acquire the kind of experience best
Ti tan II Gemini booster and the NASA Saturn I and afforded by an orbiting development station. In
II large launch vehicle. such a station, man can undergo the effects of the
genuine space environment, conditions which cannot
Subsequent recommendations of the LLVPG led to be entirely simulated on the ground. He can test
NASA's work on the advanced SATURN, the large and check-out equipment, determine the limits of
1,000,000 pound thrust hydrogen engine, and also human endurance under severe circumstances, and
to DOD's work on the Titan III proposal. It had evaluate the life support that will become
been previously proposed to make a space launch essential to future space operations.
vehicle from the Titan II ICBM by modifying Titan II
and putting on an upper stage, but detailed studies Third, there is the communications satellite.
by the LLVPG recommended against this approach in
favor of the Titan III approach -- a standard launch Last May the Secretary of Defense directed the
vehicle system based on a structurally modified development of two military communication satellite
Titan II missile with strap-on solids. The systems with the goal of reaching an operational
importance of such decisions becomes evident when capability as early as possible. At the same time,
one realizes that about one half of funds expended following the publicized success of Telstar, a
for space projects are for launch vehicles. program got underway to produce a commercial space
communications system. Why won't a single program
It is established that not only the Air Force satisfy both requirements? The answers are basic
but DOD, NASA and independent technical authorities and irrefutable.
recognized the clear cut need for a space launch
system which would become a part of the National Commercial communications systems require many
Launch Vehicle Program, and at the same time and channels, a considerable number of which are normally
more importantly, would meet military space launch leased by the military for its routine administrative
requirements. communications; the strictly military require rela-
tively few channels. But these few channels must
What are some military requirements for be global and they must be reliable even in the
Titan III? gravest of circumstances. Further, the channels
must be jam-free, and any command control function
First, the matter of rendezvous and inspection. must be secure from en~ interference or operation.

Rendezvous in space is not an easy task and Not only does a military system require a few
there are three aspects of rendezvous -- and the jam-proof channels, but the satellites must function
attendant functions of inspection and transfer with simple ground stations. Eighty-five foot
which complicate the problem for the military antennas and receivers soaked in liquid helium are
planner. acceptable for commercial installations, bu~ they
are hardly suitable for installation in a trailer
Simple rendezvous in space and the transfer of or for landing in the Congo by airlift.
fuels or liquid food cannot satisfy the military
requirements for supporting a military mission. Another requirement of military communications
Logistically, there is a need to transfer numbers satellites is the desirability of providing multi-
of men and quantities of materials, in bulk. As ple ground stations or of hardening key stations,
another point of difference, it is one thing to both in the interests of survivability. Neither
rendezvous with a friendly satellite in a controlled factor is required for commercial purposes.
environment and pre-determined orbit; it is quite
another thing to rendezvous with an uncooperative A military system must function 24 hours a
vehicle which might be equipped to take evasive day, with built-in redundancy to guard against chance
action or be booby-trapped. Finally in terms of or induced failure. In this respect, we must re-
inspection, there is little advantage to coming member that Telstar can operate only a small
close enough to a foreign vehicle in space to be percentage of the time, and that many silent orbits
able to inspect it, unless we are also prepared to have to follow each transmission in order to allow
capture it, or otherwise negate it. for the recharging of batteries.

Communications may well be the life-line of -~great mission and payload flexibility,
survival in any future conflict. As a "last
ditch" system, land-line or micro-wave techniques -~high degree of repeatability, and
leave much to be desired, and any conflict between
military and commercial utilization would be --maintainability of a high order.
intolerable in a critical situation.
Taking into consideration the management and
Establishing, maintaining the operating technical approaches being taken in the development
military space systems to perform the missions out- of the Titan III Standard Space Launch System, the
lined here requires a space launch system with the radically new contractural approach which should
exact dimensions designed into Titan III stimulate maximum performance from the industrial
family, the appraisal of the technical risks and
--almost immediate reaction time, the Air Force determination to maintain a conserva-
tive state-of-the-art program from approval through
--capability to economically support frequent initial operational capability permits great confi-
and multiple launch requirements dence that Titan III will join the national launch
vehicle program on schedule in 1965 and will perform
the missions it is designed to perform.



~ John w. Stone
Advanced Studies Manager
Launch Vehicles & Propulsion Directorate
Office of Manned Space Flight
~ National Aeronautics and Space Administration) W(l4lo~ J>.c "
Introduction the accomplishment of this mission is one of the
major considerations in determining NOVA.
Launch vehicles have been one of the most
important, if not the pacing item in determining NOVA Study Program
the progress of our National Space Flight Program.
Unquestionably, the capability and the availa- Since NOVA will be the next large launch
bility of our launch vehicles will, for some years vehicle after the SATURN V, it must provide a "Big
to come, continue to be key factors and will have Step" in vehicle technology and payload capability.
a major effect on our progress. Therefore, NOVA must carry the largest payloads,
with the greatest reliability and at the lowest
Our large launch vehicles currently under possible cost consistent with the projected state-
development or being studied for future develop- of-the-art technology. To determine the "Ideal
ment represent an ambitious growth in capabilities NOVA" NASA is conducting extensive studies both
to support manned exploration of space. SATURN I in-house and by contracts with industry. NASA is
and SATURN I-B, planned to be operational in 1965 also benefiting from efforts by other government
or 1966, will be significant milestones in the agencies, as well as company-sponsored efforts.
art of large boosters. ~e next increase in The Marshall Space Flight Center is the technical
booster capability will be" the SATURN V, which is director and coordinator of the NOVA launch vehicle
planned for operational status in 1967. SATURN V program. The major contracts with industry are for
is the largest launch vehicle the free world has studies by General DynamiCS/Astronautics and
under development at the present time. It is Martin-Marietta/Baltimore to determine vehicle con-
sized to meet the launch requirements to accom- figurations, define research technology develop-
plish the APOUIJ mission of a manned lunar land- ments required to support various vehicle concepts,
ing. establish basic model specifications, determine
facility requirements, and define development and
Following SATURN V, the next large launch operating plans. Contracts are also in effect
vehicle planned for development is the NOVA. ~e with Douglas Aircraft, General Dynamics/
original NOVA concept was developed in 1959-1961 Astronautics, and Space Technology Laboratories to
with the goal of providing a direct flight capa- study Advanced NOVA concepts. Boeing Aircraft has
bility for a manned lunar landing. NOVA was to been studying a solid boosted NOVA. Martin-
be essentially a back-up for SATURN V and, Marietta/DenVer is studying the·f8cllities
therefore, of the S8JIE or present state-of-the- required to launch the various vehicles conceived
art technology. ~e selection of the Lunar Orbit by the various contractors. ~ese are the major
Rendezvous (LOR) mode of operation in conjunction or prime NOVA contractors. Additional inputs too
with SATURN V now provides for the APOUIJ mission numerous to cover here are being made by various
capability, thus eliminating the necessity for an contractors, both from government contract and
early (1967-1969) NOVA vehicle for this particular company-sponsored efforts.
mission. ~erefore, the primary requirements for
NOVA were shifted from early manned lunar landing Growth in Payloads
to more ambitious and later missions. ~e origi-
nal concepts became both obsolete and insuffi- Figure 1 shows the growth in payloads which
cient. Moreover, it became more and more apparent these future large launch vehicles will provide.
that resources during the next few years would not Plotted on this graph are single-launch weight
permit the development of another large launch lifting capabilities to earth orbit. SATURN I
vehicle at a rapid pace with an early availability will be able to lift 10-ton payloads to orbit by
goal. ~s situation necessitated are-direction 1965. A year later SATURN I-B will increase this
of the NOVA program during 1962; and a study capability to almost 15 tons. You will note the
effort was initiated to determine what the NOVA increase provided by SATURN V. ~is "9"ehicle will
should be, how it could be employed, and when it single launch 120-ton payloads to earth orbit.
should be developed. ttle next step is to a NOVA class vehicle. A
single NOVA will be able to place a payload of
potential Missions 500 tons (or one million pounds) to earth orbit,
and this could be accomplished before the mid-
Potential missions which could utilize a 1970' s. ~is would be four times the SATURN V
NOVA class vehicle include: capability, or an increase by more than two orders
of magnitude over that of today's launch vehicles.
a. Manned planetary exploration
b. Large lunar base Direct Operating Cost Trends
c. Large orbital or global cargo missions.
As payload capabilities increase, the vehicles
One or more of these requirements must materialize increase in Size, require more thrust, and become
before development of a NOVA launch vehicle can be more expensive. At the same time, however, they
justified. Of all of these potential missions, accomplish missions which their predecessors
the one of manned planetary exploration appears couldn't do and, of equal importance, provide us
to be the most ambitious and probably will require with a more economical transportation system.
the largest weight lifting capability. ~erefore, Figure 2 illustrates this this trend by consider-


ing cost' on a basis of dollars per pound to orbit. staged at the end of the boost phase, with the
sustainer engine operating to orbit. This vehicle
It is expected that the direct operating would be 406 feet in height, 90 feet in diameter,
costs of the first SATURN I-Bwill approach a 24 million pounds in weight, and develop 30 million
$1,000 per pound into orbit. The cost curve drops pounds of thrust.
quite rapidly but tends to level out around $400
per pound. The SATURN V will orbit payloads ini- Advanced NOVA Concepts
tially for about $250 per pound, with subsequent
flights approaching a minimum level of $150. NOVA The Class III vehicles are the furtherest
will have an even flatter curve. An early state- advanced vehicles studied. These vehicles are
of-the-art vehicle could orbit payloads for $150 somewhat unconventional in approach, as well as
per pound, with eventual reduction to less than using new techniques in propulsion and recovery.
$100. A more advanced state-of-the-art NOVA could
conceivably place one-million-pound payloads into Figure 4 is a configuration studied by General
orbi t for even less. Dynamics/Astronautics. This vehicle has an uncon-
ventional shaped first stage which is recovered by
Vehicle Configurations use of parachutes and retrorockets fired just be-
The vehicle studies fell into three cate- fore water impact. The first stage is 140 feet in
gories or classes. Class I represent present or diameter, with the thrust structure going between
SATURN V state-of-the-art which could be developed the LH2 and 102 tanks. The vehicle shown has a
and become operational in the early 1970's. Class chemical (102/LH2) second stage, however, this
II, while still considered conventional, are ad- would lend itself very well to a nuclear second
vanced somewhat beyond the present state-of-the- stage when it becomes available.
art. They would require developments, such as new
propulsion systems, and could be operational in the Martin/Baltimore also studied the configura-
mid-1970's. Class III are beyond what can be con- tion shown in Figure 5. They named it RENOVA.· It
sidered conventional. They require technology ad- is reusable, and features such things as air aug-
vancements, such as altitude compensating engines, mentation. upon leaving the atmosphere the air
and will utilize recovery and reusability. scoops close, the ring which limited the expansion
ratio is jettisoned, and the vehicle goes on to
Figure 3 shows some typical configurations of orbit. In orbit the payload is separated, the
Class I and Class II vehicles. The two vehicles on vehicle rotates 180 degrees, fires a retro, and re-
the left represent current technology. The first enters the atmosphere. Parachutes are deployed,
is a two-stage, all-liquid vehicle, with 102/RP and retrorockets are fired just prior to water
propellant first stage using 18 F-l engines entry. In the same manner as the General Dynamics
(uprated to 1.8 million pounds of thrust each) and vehicle, the vehicle floats with its engines out
having an engine-out capability. "Engine out" of the water. It is towed to shore, refurbished,
means that should one engine fail, the remaining and reused.
engines will provide sufficient performance to
accomplish the intended mission. The second stage Douglas Aircraft studied an interesting con-
has three M-l engines (1.5 million pounds thrust cept called ROMBUS. Figure 7 shows it on its
each) and uses L02/LH2 propellant. This vehicle launching pad, which is a water filled basin. The
is 450 feet high and is some 80 feet in diameter, vehicle has eight LH2 tanks attached to the out-
has a take-off weight of 25 million pounds, and side. As the propellant is used from the tanks,
develops 32 million pounds of thrust. they are staged as shown in Figure 8. Parachutes
slow the descent of the tanks, and they are re-
The second configuration is typical of covered from the ocean and refurbished for reuse.
vehiCles using a solid propellant first stage. upon reaching orbit, the payload separates from
This one uses four 300-inch motors. The second the vehicle in much the same manner as for the
stage uses liquid (L02ILH2) propellant with Mol RENOVA. Retrorockets give the vehicle the proper
engines. This vehicle is over 500 feet in height, trajectory for entering the atmosphere and land
60 feet in diameter, weighs 34 million pounds at recovery.
launch, and produces about 50 million pounds of
thrust. Solid vehicles are both taller and NOVA Launch Facilities
heavier than liq~id ones.
Due to the tremendous size of the vehicle
The three configurations on the right of required to lift one-million pound payloads, it was
Figure 3 are typical of the Class II vehicles. necessary to support the vehicle study contractors
All three require advancement of propulsion tech- with a launch facilities study. A contract was
nology. All would use 102/LH2 propellant. The issued to Martin-Denver by the Launch Operations
first two would require development of a plug Center, cape Canaveral, to evaluate the various
nozzle. Due to the quantity of modules, engine- vehicle configurations in terms of launch facility
out capability would be required, as well as requirements and feasibility. Factors such as
vector control. The two-stage vehicle is 385 vehicle concept, launch rates, assembly and check-
feet in height, 71 feet in diameter, launch weight out methods and procedures, acoustic limits and
14.5 million pounds, with 18 million pounds of safety limits were among the considerations.
thrust developed at lift-off. The single stage Figure 9 is a typical view of a stage and its
vehicle is 377 feet in height, 81 feet in diameter, transporters in the stage checkout building. After
launch weight 24 million pounds, and take-off checkout, the stages are removed from the checkout
thrust of 30 million pounds. building by the transporters and taken to the
launch area.
The last configuration shown on Figure 3 is
a stage-and-a-half vehicle having five 6-million- Figure 10 shows a concept of a combination
pound-thrust engines. Four of the engines would be assembly and launch building. The design includes

removable flame ducts and deflector, and provides 3. Development time for a vehicle in this
tor internal. erection and assembly of the vehicle. class v11.l range from seven to nine years.
The umbilical. arms swing into protected areas in
the val1.s of the building at lift-off. The roof 4. Development costs for such a vehicle
provides weather protection during erection, Yill be from 3.5 to 6 billion dollars.
assembly, and checkout, but is opened at the t:illle
of launch. The inside of the building is provided 5. Reusability is most desirable and v11.l
with an acoustic liner that is designed to result in transportation efficiencies. Although
withstand (with a mjnjmllm of refurbishment) the expendable vehicles have less cost effectiveness,
temperatures expected during lift-off. The launch they still make manned planetary flights an
building v1ll stand about 650 feet high, Yith an attractive proposition.
outside diameter of about 350 feet. In same cases,
the number of pads required voul.d exceed the 6. The vehicle concepts considered must be
quantity that could be placed in the NOVA launch compatible with the requirements for low density
pad area Yithout violating separation distance payloads of 2 to 3 pounds per cubic foot and
criteria. In these cases, it would be possible to diameters of not less than 60 feet.
harden the structure of the launch building so the
pads could be placed closer together. 7. Although a reusable s1ng1.e-stage vehicle
appears desirable, development risk makes it
Conclusions marginal.. one or more of the following features
possibly could make them less marginal:
Results, to date, ot the large launch vehicle
studies lead us to several. conclusions concerning a. Solid or liquid JAro's.
the future vehicles which v11.l follow or supersede b. Air augmentation.
SATlIRIi V. These conclusions include the following: c. Staging of tanks and/or engines.

1. A new large launch vehicle in the 500- Acknowledgments

ton orbital. payload class will be justified only
i f one or more of the following mission require- The author wishes to express his sincere
ments ma1;erial.ize: gratitude to the Future Projects Office of the
Marshall Space Flight Center, General. Dynamics/
a. Manned planetary exploration Astronautics, Martin-, Douglas Aircraft,
b. Large lunar base and Martin-Denver for the visual aids used in this
c. IArge orbital. or global. cargo paper.

2. Take-off weights of a 500-ton orbital.

payload class vehicle range :f'rom 15 to 40 pounds.
TIro-stage expendable liquid vehicles are the TIEID Of DIIECT OPEIATlI6 COST fOI L&l6E LAUICH YEHICllS
lightest, and solid first stage vehicles are the F\6.2 IEAITH TO LOW OIIIT)




400 1----4---------=

TO.S 70 75


1- 50 FT. DIA.


----,.-_ _ ~ ,~ 'tj:-I ~ STAGE
f ( I
8 IN.

120 FT.


Figure 3 TYPICAL LARGE LAUNCH VEHICLES (General Dynamics/Astronautics)

Figure 5 RENOVA - INBOARD PROFILE (Martin) Figure 6 RENOVA - LAUNCH & REXX>VERY (I-m'tin)

Figure 7 ROMBUS (Douglas) Figure 8 ROMBUS - TANK STAGING (Douglas)


Figure 9 POSITI ONING AT SCB ( l>'a rtin )

Figure 10 LAUNCH BUILDING (l-lartin )


w. B. Luton
Senior Specialist
Chance Vought COrwNUoa ~ ,Ig,</.
When the launch vehicle ot a manned space systea function? We need on17 adlli t that there is at
is ignited and the hold-down clamps are pulled, least saue probability. Then, lilat it!! the burden
tens of ai11ionll of dollars in equipaent and on the primary mbsion if we provide the lIanual
ground support labor will already have been spent control and guidance capability necessary to
whether the prlllary 1I1ssion is accOlllpl1shed or accaaplish the secondary lIissions? The answer
not. A great variety ot lIaltunctions can result to thil:o question b that we don't know until we
in aborting the prlllaryllission and yet allow have determined aan's ability, established what
the accOllpl1sbient ot one or more alternate he require!!, and developed the manual techniques
missions. The cOIIplete Apollo spacecratt, with necessary to accomplish an exacting type ot hUllan
its Cauaand Module, Service Module, and Lunar activity never before attEmpted. Simulation with
Excursion Module, will be a very high capability man-in-the-loop is the only means available to
craft which could be used tor several advantage- U8 to arrive at an answer we can rely on with
ous missions other than the aanned lunar landing. any real confidence.
As an ullllple, let us uSlDe that during the
boosted phase ot flight prior to reaching the Chance Vought has conducted several lIan-in-the-
desired injection, one ot the stages operates loop studies using the Manned Aerospace Flight
with less than the allowable min1ll_ thrust. Simulator facility. The following paragraphs
The lunar landing cannot be made. Depending brietly describe this simulator and discuss two
upon the degree ot the malfunction here are studies ot manual control of launch vehicles.
saae possibilities ot What the pilotaight do:
1. Make a fly-by of the moon.
The Manned Aerospace Flight Saulator was designed
2. Eject UK to reduce weight and proceed as a general purpose research facility for .an-in-
to orbit the 1I00n. the-loop studies. A digital-analog caaputer per-
tOl'lllS a real-time solution of all of the general
3. Inject the CCJIIIIland Module, Serrlce equations, vehicle dynamics, and the control and
Module, and the Lunar Excursion Module guidance equations in a tull six-degrees-of-
into a circular earth orbit at sOlIe freedom. The simulator ie shown in Figures I and
pre-detennined altitude and: 2. The gondola contains a single seat cockpit
with a fully lIechanized instrllllent panel and
a. Rmain in this orbit for several cockpit controls. The gondola is suspended on a
daye using the CIM as a space hydraulically powered gimbal ~stem to provide
station. angular and translatory motions. Thie eystem 18
in turn mounted on a pitching base which positions
b. Deposit LEN for possible future the longitudinal axil! of the gondola from full
use. nose-up to full nose-down which, for example, can
be progr8llllled according to the canputed longi tu-
c. Separate UM with crew to make dinal load factor, thus simulating axial acceler-
one or 1I0re long range rendezvous ation force!! from 0 to 't 1 g. The cockpit instru-
to further demonstrate system ment panel, shown in Figure 3, is a general
capability for subsequent lunar purpose research panel which ie modified as
attempts. required to present the neceesar,y displar para-
meter!! for each simulation and can be readily
d. Use the Service Module to inject interchanged with any other panel.
the elM and LEN into the required
orbit for effecting a rendezvous with The saulator is surrounded by a spherical screen
sane space station which may be in and a gimbal mounted apparatus projects a scene
service at that time. of the earth (or moon) in accordance with the
attitude changes of the simulated vehicle. A
Certainly there are 1I0re types of malfunctions high-fideli~ speaker 8,Ystem provides character-
and more possibilities of what may be done to istic noises ot rocket engines, etc. Vibrations
salvage as much fran the mission as possible. are programmed through the moving base and through
Also, those malfunctions which would not allow the cockpit seat which is separately suspended
the canpletion of any practical secondaryllission and powered. A lIaster control station, as shown
can result in a variety of circumstances requir- in Figure 4, coordinates the saulated flighte
ing a nUllber of abort procedures i t an optimUll and provides repeater inetrllllents, x-y plotters,
recovery is to be achieved in each case. It i8 and pen recorders.
unlikely that a pre-programmed autanatic guidance
~stm can handle all of the practical possibil- III. EARTH ESCAPE LAUNCH STUDY
1ties, whereas a manual systEm quite possibly can.
The tirst of our studies to be discussed is a
In deciding whether or not to provide manual simulation of a two-stage launch vehicle and a
guidance capability, the first question to arise lIanned lifting ballistic capsule. The basic
18, what is the probability of an abortive mal-

eqaatioas of translationa1. aotlOll, wloclt1e., D. OUeet di8tance of 'Yehicle trc:a the
al t.ltude, posi tion, cQIwIic pressure, etc., vere reference inertial plane.
caaputed in six-degrees-of-freedc:a. All position
calculations vere referenced to a fixed inertial o. Altitude f t . velocit7 8ituation of the
pl_ and a two-boq grad tational S7staa (earth vehicle relative to a graphic presen-
and wmicle) was ass_ed to exist. A standard tatiOD of the naainal trajector,r.
1959 ARDC atao!!phere 1f&8 ued and perturbatiCllls
to the velocities reeul ted frc:a the aerod7DIaic Figure 5 mows the nCDinal altitude TB. veloci V
and thrust loads OD the vehicle. Geocrapbic trajecto17 and scae t7Pical trajectories achieved
headiDgs and positioDS relative to the reference byaanual control. '!he flights were launched
plane and to a surface target OD the rotating fraa a rotating earth 15 ailes off the inertial
earth vere resolved in the digital cc:aputer. plane intended for burnout. Therefore, the in-
ertial trajecto17 of the launch vehicle had to be
'lbe smulated vehicle vas ass_ed to be a rigid turned into this reference inertial plane prior
boq. The two-stage booster s18ta contained to burnout and while I!!aultaneouq tqing the
five engines in tbe tirst stage aDd two in the launch trajector,r. The degree of success in
second. All engines were handled independentq aeeting the requireaents for burnout is indicated
in the cCJIputer, i.e., the thrusts, fuel nOllS, in'rable I. The required accuracies 1nd1eated
and nozzle defiections vere cc:aputed separateq are those d.-ed suitable for a direct launch
for each engine. into an earth to aoon trajecto17.
Maaents of inertia and center-of-graTit7 position The results of this stud7 are lIT no aeans con-
were cc:aputed as functions of vehicle _1515 which clusb. but tbq gi'Ve an indication that the
varied with fuel now, tiae and staging. The hUlan operator, when given adequate dil!lplq
second stage was equipped vi th four fixed direc- infol'llatlon, can control the trajecto17 of a
tion, low constant thruet engines for velocit7 launch 'ftIhicle vi th the required precision.
control and a single engine vas on the capsule
for separatiClll frca the second stage. Denection nu1.Dc the stud;y, equipaent aalf'lmctioos and
of the booster nozzles and reaction controls on errors aade lIT the pilot 1II1ile he .all still
the second stage and capsule provided attit.ude learning the procedure resulted in randc:a situ-
control. ations that would not allOif caapletion of the
aiNion. In these cases the pilot executed
'lbe pilot. aanua1l7 lighted and teminated the varioue abort procedures at his 01fD discretion.
booster engines as required. Separation of the Figure 6 illustrates one ease in which the pilot
tin.=t stage vat'! autCDatic vi th first stage thrust aborted at an altit.ude of approxiJlate17 100,000
te:mination. Second stage separation and en- feet vi th a relative wlocity of 11,500 Ips and
gaging the capsule's reaction controls were a ~inlc rate of seae 1,000 Ips. He terainat.ed
aanual functions. A three-axis side al'll con- thrust of the second stage booster and allowed
troller controlled attitude through a rate- the vehicle to descend to an altitude ot approxi- s)"!:tAa with a rate daDping stabili V aateq 500,000 ft. at vhich tiae he oriented the
aupentation S7l'lt.aa. vehicle to a pitch angle of plus 1SO aDd re-
lighted the booster. Thle checked the descent
'!he cockpi t dbpllQ'8 included the following: and accelerated the vehicle toward circular
satelli te speed. He aanipulated the pitch mgle
a. Pitch attitude as required to bring the vertical velocity to
zero upon reaching an altitude ot Loo,ooo ft.
b. Roll attitude Holding altitude constant, he continued thrust
and coa~d in near circular orbit lDltil given
c. Sideslip the COlllland to de-orb1t. With the 'Vehicle
rotated 1800 in 7ft, he re-lighted the second
d. Horisontal veloc1t7 and burnout ~and stage booster until the veloci t7 wa(l reduced t!r
500 Ips. As the vehicle descended toward the
e. Vertical veloci tJ and burnout cc.aand sensible ataOl!lphere, he separated the cc.aand
aodule traa the booster and 8et an L/D lUX glide
f. Altitude attitude. 'lbe capeule d88cended to bapact the
earth at 200 Ips since no drag chute or landing
g. Angle-of-attack chute vas deployed in this siaulation.
h. KOl'llal acceleration The variet7 of abort situations encountered
denont!trated how a pilot's judgeaent and nexi-
i. Longitudinal acceleration biliV can be utilised to:
j. Vehicle heading 1. Adjust trajecto17 errors.

k. Present course 2. Abort the priaa17 alesion and select and

carr,r out an alternate aipsion.
1. Prograuaed course
3. Del.,. thrust teraination and alter the
a. Differential heading of present course trajecto17 to aake the safest ca~ule
and progr_ed course. escape and/or reach an optalll reco'Ve17


Bum01lt Requi1'!~
Paraeter Acc~acl Results CCllllente

Horizontal ~locitJ ± 13 It./eec. Predcminantly nega- More sensitive velocit,

31,,300 tt/eec. tive but usually indicator vould provide
very close. required accuracy.

Vertical velocity ± 25 tt./eec. Predcminantly Readability ot display

2,J.a60 it/eec. poeitLve - not quite sat1etactol'7.
occasional ail.

Altitude ± 16,000 ft. Predcminantly nega- Di.8play used was deeigned

629,000 tt. tive but usually tor qualitative infor-
very close. mation and had to be uRed
as a quantitative display.

Lateral dieplac8lent ±S N. ~ile8 Alwqs positive Display provided high

o N. Milee accuracy and readability.

Lateral velocity ±13 It./sec. Predcminantly Required accuracy same

o tt./sec. positive - order of lIagni tude as
occasional ~iss. display readabilitr.

Range ±4 N. lIIilee No attempt vas made to

1912 N. Milee control range in this

A great ..ount ot vorlc 18 yet to be done to de- lunar lander on a transfer orbit having an apolune
velop display concepte and flight techniques ot S9 lIiles. During the traneter the pilot .ade
betore ve can knov what the h\lllan operator's aid-course corrections as required to arrive at
capabilities and requireaente really are. the te1'lllinal vindow, which ve detined as a sphere
around the mother ship having a radius ot IS,OOO

Another ot our studies regarding pilot control The boost trajectory 18 shown in Figures 8 and 9.
ot launch vehicle s,ysteas vas a st.ulation ot The altitude vs. range plot Rhows that the ncmi-
a lunar landing cratt. The objective ot th1e nal trajectory cl1mbs to SO,OOO teet and ie held
stu~ vas to obtain data regarding a pilot's at this al ti tude 1Ihile accelerating to the re-
ability to control the launch, transter, and quired injection speed. The out-ot-plane range
tel'lllinal phases ot the lunar lander IIhsion V!I. in-plane range plot ehows that the launch is
and to determine how ~uch assistance he will alvays made parallel to the orbital plane ot the
require trail cockpi t displays, on-board ccm- mother ship.
puters, autopilots, etc.
The horizontal and ~rtical velocity echedules
The s1Daulated flights began vith the lunar required to govem the ncm1nal trajectory are
lander on the lunar surtace and ended when it shown in Figures 10 and 11. Circular orbital
vas wi thin a tev thousand teet of the 1I0ther speed is 5484 1'pe and the HohIIIann injection speed
ship. The tinal closure and doeldng lIaneuver tor an apolune ot 59 N. lIiles is S5SS tps. The
vas not inCluded in this experiment. The lunar vertical veloeitJ increases from sero to 300 tps
surtace position of the lunar lander at the tille and, ot cour!'!e, back to sero on reaching burnout
ot launch was at various distances, up to 60 altitude.
lI11es, awq traa the orbital plane ot the 1I0ther
Ship, thus requiring a plane change .aneuver. B.r launching parallel to the orbital plane ot the
mother ship, the lunar lander' e orbit crossed the
'lbe lIechanics ot the probl_ are ehown in mother ehip' e orbit 900 atter injection. On
Figure 7 and Table II. The 1I0ther ship was in approaching this plane intersection, thrust vas
a circular orbit at an altitude ot 59 N. lIiles. applied in the local horizontal perpendicular to
The lunar lander vas launched vhen the liDe-ot- the lunar lander's orbital plane ae required to
sight elevation to target vas 86.40 • Atter .ake the turn into the plane ot the 1I0ther ship.
lit\-ott the lunar lander vas yawed to align the
pitch plane parallel to the orbital plane ot the The cockpit inetrument panel included the tollow-
!lother ship. The lunar lander was then pi tched ing lIechanized displays:
ae required to lIaintain an etticient trajectory
to an altitude ot 50,000 feet and le~l tlight 1. Three axle attitude ball
speed ot 5,196 tpe. The pilot then reduced
thrust to 1/3 ot tull thrust and continued at 2. Pi tcb cClllllland bar
constant al ti tude until a Hobaann injection
speed ot S,SSS tps vas obtained. This put the 3. Present course heading (relative to target


------- - - - -
!AJlOIT ALmuDI - )S8,720 ft. (S9 I. III.)
'1'JBOJ:r m.ocI'l'! • S,3h2 I'PS (.&JIauLY lA'll • 0.0;0;022 Dm/SIC)

lIHICU 'l'.&Idft'
BCmZ. VER'l'. AL'l'I'lUIZ IPCmnC8 JIIGLK UL. to 'Tn
IlL. '1'0 A'l"l'I'l'UDI
JJa)S'1' -0.212 86.ll
0 0 0 0 0 0 1.80
111'1'U'l'Ic:B -o.~22 8h.,2

I&_ OFF A'!'

261.8 S,l96 0 50,000
I1SD'1'IaI AL'1'. 6.878
2 n.12 86.82

29r 6.900 70.11
CDICULAR SPIED S,L8L 0 ;0,000 2 0 90 180/0
272.zI 6.8)S2 69.8

300.61 69.01 90.81

BORlI our S,SSS 0 ;0,000 6.8)2 0 0
27h.82 69.s2 90.)2

LID or Sl:0R'l' 69.S 0 0 180

DIS'l'.RIOOCIS 2,66) S,330 1U 293,)00 -0.2))
TO 70,000 ft. 0 0 69.S 180

'1'IWfSFlll CIlBI'1'
3,72'-S S,272 0 3S8,720 0 0 0 0 180

100000a 1 - FOIl. mRUS'l' UP '1'0 LlVEL-OFF, 'tHO 1/3 'l'RRUS'l' '1'0 BOlIlIOO'1'
2 - rtJLL 'lBROS'1' Pm EHTIRE BOC.S'1'


L. Vertical ~loci t7 with ca.and bug a. Differential anc.aal7 &nile

S. Horizontal veloci t7 b. Difterential altitude

6. Alt.i.tw1e c. Lateral diBp1ac_ent trca orbital plane

of the aother ship.
7. Horaal acceleration
d. Differential angle between orbital planes
8. Body axis angular rates
e. Predicted position ot the aother ship
9. CRT displq - altitude Ye. at lunar lander apolune
borbontal ftlociV
t. Predicted posItion ot lunar lander at
10. '1'Y displq - guidance modes apolune

The c~and displq indicated to the pilot the The mid-course guidance mode displqed the abo~
correct pitch attitude to maintain at all par_eters with increased scale resolution. The
and the required ftrtical Telocit7. The pitch third TV display aode l!I1aulated a line-ot-sight
cCllllland bar shOWed pitch error detemined trca radar presentation ot line-ot-sight eleT&tion
caab1ned deviations in pItch and/or ~rtIca1. angle, bearing angle, and range. A reterence
veloci t7 trca nc.inal.. fltar was a180 pictured on the screen to repre-
sent an actual star relathe to the lIIother ship
The guidance lIIodes on tile TV displq were tor use in gO'V8ming the line-of-sight dur1ng
selected 117 the pilot. The boost guidance mode the terminal phase of the rendenous.

During the exper1Jlent four diUerent lIIodes of g. Line-ot-~ight elevation
operation were included:
h. Line-of-eight range
a. Automatic Mode - Completely autoaatic
except that the booster was terminated Figures 8 and 9 sho~ a typical case of the
by the pilot using a burnout CQllllland pilot's abilitJ to control the boost trajector.r
dhplay. using only dieplay paraaeters a through e above
and Figures 10 and 11 show how the velocity
b. Manual-CCDI1Iand Display - 'nIe pilot in programs as a function of altitude were maintained.
full control using cCJlllland, predictive,
and status diflPl8Js. V. CONCLUDING REMARKS
c. Manual-Predictive Display - The pilot These two saulator etudies have provided evi-
in full control using predictive and dence that launch vehicle guidance ie within
status displays. the capabilities of the pilot, that diepl*7
requireaents are considerably less complex than
d. Manual-Status Di!!play - The pilot in full many technically qualified personnel believe
control using only statue displays. them to be, and that the pilot can serve as a
very tlexible and reliable guidance and control
The results of sOle 136 fUgh ts in the four component. Modern rocketry over the past several
lIIodes indicated that the fuel required to reach decades has necessarily developed without man-
the terainal rendezvo~ window 15,000 feet traB in-the-loop and has forced the development ot
the mother ehip, in a suitable situation for the sophi!ticated automatic guidance systems capable
tinal closure, was less than 4 percent in excess ot !!.Ouch feats as that of Mariner II. Manned
of the theoretical lIIin1JlUll. 'nIe conceneus of space systems are now a realitJ and there has
opinion 18 that minor iJIIprovements in display!! been relatively little work toward developing
and technique can reliably reduce this to about manual guidance and control e1stems. The pilot
2 percent. It further indicated that the differ- has been by-pa!!!led in this function and the
ence in the efficiency of the four lIIodes of tendency 1II0re often than not seall!! to be to
operation is only approximately 1 percent of leave it that way.
the ruel.
'nIis should not be the caee. Manned space
It is important to note that the least of the vehicles IIIU-"'t develop as lIIul ti-mieeion capabiU tJ
display Modee consisted of only the following systems in which optilllua utilization of the human
paraeters: operator as a guidance and control component
will put automatic syetems into their proper place
a. Attitude as auto-pilots to be used at pilot option.
b. Altitude
1. "Preliminary Investigation of Manual
c. Vertical Velocitv' Control of the Apollo Booster Syetem
Using the Manned Space Flight Simulator,"
d. Horizontal velocity Chance Vought Corporation Report No.
AST/ElR-oo.15, November 1961.
e. Course heading relative to
target plane 2. "Lunar Boost and Rendezvous Saulator
Study," Chance Vought Corporation
f. Line-of-sight bearing Report No. 00.133, December 1962.




l~""/ ~ .'~
flf ~. I
V . f / \'~ I
g SOOI---t---rt- / ',~ .~
r I
o ' , -~~ ' -./Y I
/// I .~~-p I
~ 400~--+---~~-+---+---+---~ . --~--~--~
~ -, -, I I
~ 300~--+---~--+---4---4---~--~---r--nl
11 I

o 4 8 12 16 20 24
28 32
i 36


1L ~ \ i

600 1
\, 1
0 500
, ~I
5! RE.lIGHT~ ..

r!'-V 1

f T\.. RE~ROG~ADEl

j:: 300
200 '-
....... ESCAPE Jl

100 ~1-- ,...- CIRCULAR


o V
o 4 8 12 16
28 32




.. . ~JRcuILAR L II
.50 5
:;: 1 1 1 1
1 1
g 40
\ ~ ... -'
C . 0
20 30 40 50 ~O /0 80 90 I{O do do
1\ '" '" V f ORBIT A TT AINEO-
/ ....;.. . . zI TARGET PLANE J
~ 30 5

~ 20
) v. ~
0 ...
:; Z 10 I 111
~ 10 "" IS
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 lIO 120 130 FIGURE 9


l -- ...:::.:::. ::.:::....
70 so
....... 60 TYPICAL MANUAL CONTROL FLIGHT h _ ·1- :;: 40
~ ~<

'" k +:.J-~HM~NNI~ '

.... o
,. 30 .~ ...
... NOMINA~~ )
",' / I Q

~ 20
I.......... / NOMINAL ~ ~-~

~ .' :;:7
o ... ~~ :.:::-::=-P
o o
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 o 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400

~~ ~
Stanley Hauer. Hughes Aircraft C~. Culver City, Cali~ 'ft¥Soo-
George Tabat~obert waters~Space Technology Lab9a.t9Fi8S i oS
~R-edoIlQe But: , GalifpIlHa 17!-/"7
Abstract d-j ,)-/0 by extrapolation from historical data. trade publi-
cations and contractor studies.
Space Technology Laboratories has been The third objective was to integrate the mis-
engaged in design-cost studies for the Future sion. performance-design and operational variables
Projects Office, Marshall Space Flight Center for in a cost-effectiveness model so that perturbations
the past two years. These studies were performed of these variables and trade-offs could be studied.
under contract number NAS 8-2599. This paper is Finally. the cost and cost-effective Inodels
a brief summary of the Phase III report. The were analyzed to determine efficient system speci-
report is unclassified and available to industry. fications and operating characteristic s.
The purpose of these studies was to develop
a methodology and data for performing cost anal-
yses and systeIn evaluation for different launch OBJECTIVES
vehicle designs in the Saturn and Nova classes. It 1. DEFINE MISSION, PERFORMANCE·DESIGN AND
was desired to have a consistent and usable tech- OPERATIONAL VARIABLES.
nique for estimating the total cost and cost-
effectiveness of large launch vehicle programs. 2. DEFINE COST CATEGORIES, ESTIMATE FACTORS,
This paper presents in summary form, a STRUCTURE COST EQUATIONS.
technique for developing cost category models.
Design values for the C-1 launch vehicle were used
and estimated costs for this system are listed. In
addition, some system evaluation techniques are MODEL.



2. COST CATEGORIES Chart 2 lists the indirect and direct cost

categories as defined by the Future Projects
4. INDIRECT COSTS, C AND CG The indirect costs can be considered fixed in
R nature. The direct costs vary with the number of
S. INDIRECT COSTS, CF AND CD launches. Another name for direct costs are spe-
6. DIRECT COSTS, Cv cific direct operating costs (SDOC).



Chart 1 lists the four major objectives of DEVELOPMENT, ENGINEERING, TEST, CD PERSONNEL, CL
the study.
The first objective was to define the mission,
Chart 2
performance-design, and operational variables in
a way that would be applicable for a wide variety
of missions, designs, and operations.
The mission was defined as payload (pounds) Chart 3 lists the variables which account for
placed in a standardized orbit, put into es~ape different cost estiInating relationships or cost
velocity, or cargo delivered to the moon. Per- standards.
formance-design variables refer to the usual The first set of variables, the vehicle class,
equations for payload fraction. mass ratio, struc- indicate s the size and complexity of the launch
ture ratio, etc. A common variable of these and vehicle. Cost estimating relationships and cost
the cost equations is weight. The operational equations are unique for each class. They must be
variables refer to the launch base parameters i. e. modified if it is desired to apply them to another
launch rate, number of pads, required number of class. An example of modification is the use of
operational launches, etc. scaling down factors for dollars per pound of
The second objective was to develop a tech- structure.
nique for estimating the cost of launch vehicles. The second set of variables, the design vari-
This consisted of first defining the cost categories ables, affect the development, production and pro-
in detail. The mathematical form of cost equa- pellant cost categories. Stage designation (first,
tions for each cost category was then assumed and second, third), propellant type (LOX-RP, LOX-LH,
cost factors or cost estimating relationships were etc.), and the subsystem weights determine some
then developed. The relationships were determined of the parameter values in the cost equations.
The third set of variables, the operational K2 launch base operations cost per
variableI<-, affect the range and general overhead, pad per cOITlplex per year,
ground support equipment, launch fac~lities, trans- 10 6 $; = 4, assuITled value for
portation, and personnel cost categones. In gen- C-l system
eral, these variables pertain to the launch base B nUITlber of launch cOITlplexes
operations. The cost models for these categories
are structured as a function of program years, P number of launch pads per com-
number of operational pads, number of launches, plex; = 2 for C-l systeITl
launch rate per year, time on pad, and countdown
Y = number of operational years in
time. the prograITl
The fourth set of variables can be termed
a complexity-judgment factor which perturbs the CG Cost Category - Equation 3 states CG as
cost standard or cost estimating relationship. the SUITl of its development costs, cOITlplex as soci-
Complexity is determined by the materials used, ated equipment, pad associated equipITlent and its
density factors, structure ratios, and manufac- maintenance cost. Equation 4 results froITl substi-
turing techniques. The judgment or "mental set" tuting probables values for the C-l launch vehicle
of the analyst is also a modifying factor in the in equation 3. The symbols are:
development of the parameters and the cost of
equations. C G (C-l) ground support equipment costs,
10 6$
COST VARIABLES kG developITlent costs, 10 6$. A
1. VEHICLE CLASS probable value for this terITl
could be 200/0 of the cost of the
A. THOR, ATLAS, TITAN ground support equipment.
B. SATURN C·l, C·5 c cost of launch control ground
C. NOVA support equipITlent per complex,
10 b $; = 10, assuITled value for
N cost of checkout and related
ground support equipment per
B. PROPELLANT TYPE pad per cOITlplex, 10 6$; = 4,
C. SUBSYSTEM WEIGHTS: STRUCTURE; assumed value for C-l systeITl
M number of pads serviced by one
set of launch control ground sup-
3. OPERATIONAL VARIABLES port equipment; assume 2,
PROGRAM YEARS, PADS, OPERATIONAL LAUNCHES, n yearly maintenance cost factor,
LAUNCH RATE, TIME ON PAD percent of ground support equip-
ment hardware cost; assume 8%
per year


Chart 4 lists the equations that were devel-
oped for the range and general overhead; and (1)
ground support equipment cost categories.
CR Cost Category - Equation 1 states CR C (C.1) - (.025) (10)N + 4B(2)Y (2)
as the sum of range operations and launch base
operations. The range operations have been ex-
pressed as a function of countdown hours cost per GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT, CG
launch, The launch base operations have been
computed by prorating yearly overhead costs to
CG - k G + cB + ~B + nY (cB +~) (3)
the number of pads. Equation 2 results frOIn sub-
stituting probable values for the C-l launch vehicle
in equation 1. The symbols are:

C R (C-l) range and general overhead Chart 4

costs, 10 6 $
range operations cost per
countdown hour per launch, Chart 5 lists the equations that were devel-
10 6 $; = 0.025, assumed oped for the launch facility and development cost
categorie s.
value for C-l system
CF Cost Category - Equation 1 states C F as
average number of countdown
hours per launch; = 10, the sum of its developITlent cost, a constant term,
assumed value for C-l complex associated facilities, pad associated facil-
systeITl ities and its ITlaintenance cost. Equation 2 results
from substituting probable values for the C-I launch
N number of launches vehicle in equation 1. The symbols are:

launch facility costs, 10 6$ NSi = number of ith stages that would
development costs, 10 6 $. A be tested separately from a
probable value for this term complete launch vehicle
could be 150/0 of the cost of the a first unit producti~ cost of the
launch facilities launch vehicle, 10 $
x launch base expansion require- Nn number of development vehicles
ments for facility equipment,
10 6 $; = 5, assumed value for 8.5 unit cost, 10 6 $, of a test launch
C-I system Clv total operational launch vehicle
production cost less engines,
b cost of cc.mplex related facility
cost, 10 $; = 20, assumed 10 6$
value for C-I system
p cost of pad related facility cost, INDIRECT COSTS
10 6 $; = 15 per pad per com-
plex, assumed value for C-I LAUNCH FACILITY, CF
m yearly maintenance cost factor, CF kF + X + bB + pPB+ mY(bB+ pPB) (1)

percent of launch facility cost;

assume 5% per year (2)

Cn Cost Category - Summary development DEVelOPMENT CD

cost category items and their probable cost esti- ITElI
mating relationships are noted. Item IB, Engineer-
ing is most difficult to estimate and most critical I. DEVelOPMENT
because it is the item having the highest amount. A. SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 6~OF(I+II)
Its value can range from $2,000 to $4,000 per B. ENGINEERING 2.000 TO 4,000 $/# OR 7.0 ws·33
pound of structure depending on the design config- MISCelLANEOUS k + BT + ST
uration. The equation, 7. WSO. 33 was developed
from contractor cost estimates. Miscellaneous
items include instrumentation, handbooks, and
documentation, all denoted by the symbol k; and A. FACILITIES
tooling. Tooling costs have been divided into basic B. OPERATIONS eND
and sustaining. They are most difficult to estimate III. CAPITAl EXPENSES
and are unique for each design. The cost of item IV. SUSTAINING EFFORT
rD, Test Items, consists of a factor, 1. 08, for
spares; the first unit vehicle cost, a; and the
number of development test items, Nn. Contractor - I(K, Ws' a, NO' 'v) (3)

test facilities, item IIA, was not estimated. Test

operations, item IIB, consist of launch base test CD (C.l) - 342 + 7.77 W~·33 + 16.7 a(S
operations and/or contractor test operations. The
symbol c, can be the unit test operations cost. + .0333 alN 1.1 + 1.lS E as., Ns,.
Capital expenses consis't of contractor engineering
and production facilities and are unique for each (4)
contract. Sustaining effort consists of the cost of
design changes and related production changes. An
arbitrary percentage factor, 5% to 25% of Cn and
5% to 10% of C v , can be used. Chart 5
Equation 3 states that Cn is a function of a
constant term, K; the structure weight, WS; the
first unit production cost, a; the number of devel- Chart 6 lists the equations that were devel-
opment test units, Nn; and the total vehicle pro- oped for the launch vehicle production cost
duction cost, C v ' category.
Equation 4 results from substituting probable Equation 1 states the functional dependence
values for the C-l system. The symbols are: of cost on weight, engine type, quantity of launches
and learning curve. .
Cn (C-I) total development cost for the Equation 2 is a simplified version of equa-
C-I system, 10 6 $ tion 3. In equation 3, costs are estimated in detail
by stage, engine, guidance subsystem or structure
342 constant value for capital costs,
subsystem. The dollars per pound parameter for
10 6$
structure for upper stages may be increased by
Ws total structure weights of from 5% to 10% to account for increased manufac-
launch vehicle turing complexity and a like amount for a propel-
lant combination other than LOX-RP.
first unit launch vehicle pro-
The symbols are:
duction cost of structure only,
10 6 $ Cv Launch vehicle production cost,
millions of dollar s
N number of operational launches
f Functional relationship
first unit cost of i the stage,
10 6$ W Weight, pounds

E Number and types of engine CT Cost Category - Equation 3 states CT
N Number of operational launch (barge transportation of stage s from manufacturing
vehicles facility to launch base) as the sum of the trans-
porter investment and operating costs. Equations
4 and 5 result from substituting appropriate values
Learning curve exponents
for the C-l system. The symbols are:

First unit engine cost, dollars total transportation costs, 10 6$

Number of a particular type of unit transporter cost, 10 6$ per

engine per vehicle
number of transporters required
cS Dollars per pound of structure,
for the program
first unit, dollars per pound
annual oper~ting cost of trans-
First unit guidance cost, dollars
porters, 10 $ per transporter
Structural weight, pound per year
Constant to account for spares, y number of program operational
assume 80/0 years
Refers to type of engine L launch rate per year for the
Refers to stage
a First unit vehicle production DIRECT COSTS
cost, dollars
Total empty weight, pounds
Dollars per pound of total (1)
empty weight, dollars per
pound, assume 265 Cp (C· I) = .04N (2)
0.848 900/0 learning curve exponent


CT (C·l) = 7.6 NT (4)

Cv - I(W, E, N, a) (I)
NT (C·1) = .155L (SI


Cv = k5 [CSWSN l+a + aGN I +Y
/ML = I(B, P, S, E, L)


+ ~1 ae (ne N)I+f3! i (3)

ML (C. I) - 115B + 43L (9)

CL (C.1) = 2.53 BY + !.ON (10)

Chart 6
Chart 7
Chart 7 lists the equations that were devel-
oped for the propellant, transportation and per-
C L Cost Category - Equation 6 states that
sonnel cost categories.
Cp Cost Category - Equation 1 states the launch base personnel costs are the product of a
yearly personnel cost factor, the number of per-
functional relationship for Cp and equation 2 notes
sonnel required to launch the vehicle and the pro-
the results after substituting values for the C-l
gram years. Equation 7 includes factors for
launch vehicle. The symbols are:
supervision, fatique, vacations, etc. Equation 8
Cp (C-l) total propellant costs, 10 6 $ illustrates the many factors considered to deter-
mine personnel requirements. Equation 9 results
unit cost of propellant, dollars
from substituting C-l values in equation 8 after it
per pound
was structured as a linear sum of the variables.
u = utilization factor to account for Equation 10 results from substituting equations 7
boil off and transfer losses and 9 in equation 6. The symbols are:
weight of propellant (oxidizer CL (C-l) total launch base personnel
and fuel) pounds cost, 10 6 $
N number of operational vehicles k6 factor - 10 6 $ per per sonnel per
launched year
total number of launch base Chart 9 illustrates how integrated mission
direct personnel analysis (schedule, budget and cost-effectiveness)
can be performed for two launch vehicle systems
B = number of launch base
complexes using some of the cost category models.
Equation 1 states the schedule or payload
p pads per complex requirements for the C-I and C-5 launch vehicles
number of stages per vehicle in an orbital mission. Equation 2 states the budget
constraint for the two systems. Although the
E number of engines per vehicle equation denotes budget in terms of direct operating
cost, total cost or production cost equations may be
used instead. Equation 3 is the cost-effectiveness
Chart 8 lists the cost categories, their ratio, dollars per pound.
amounts and percentages of the total amount. The advantage of the chart is that it quickly
These amounts were calculated by substituting the shows the interrelationship of the five variables.
input data (120 launches, 10 years, 1 complex, 2 In addition constraint (for example, 20 C-l launch
pads, etc.) for the C-I launch vehicle in the cost vehicles must be programmed) lines can be added.
cate gory models.
It is of interest to note that the development
and production cost categories account for about Chart 10 illustrates two types of tradeoff
900/0 of the total cost. This is usually the case for studies that can be performed using the cost cate-
launch quantities above 50. It also indicates the gory models.
areas for greatest cost estimating effort. Reliability Tradeoff - This chart can be used
to examine the effects of reliability upon total cost.
Assume the mission (total survived payload in orbit
or escape) is fixed, The number of successful
IN 10 YEARS, COMPLEX launches required by each system can then be deter-
CATEGORY mined. Applicable reliability (ratio of successes
to trials) factors may then be selected and the
(1,621) (45) total cost determined.


TOTAL 3,605 100


S = 19.000 Nl + 220,000 N2 (1)

E=...8.. (3)




!;; ""'">------,--- BUDGETS (B)
~ V>

u.. 8
o I-
W ~r-----~~----~~-----'-----­
c .9


Chart 9 Chart 10
Iso-Cost Technique - This chart can be used
to trade dollars froIn one category to another
while Inaintaining total cost fixed. As SUIne that
two systeIns must have equal cost but have differ-
ent reliabilities. The chart illustrates how cost
can be allocated to either or both categories for
various reliability levels of the second system.

Chart 11 illustrates how the transportation

or "traveling salesInan" probleIn is siInilar in
concept and solution to an interplanetary transpor-
tation scheme. The technique is particularly
b b b. bn
amenable to cOInputer solu.tions. The result 1 2 I
would be to recommend specific launch vehicles
(and systems) that should be developed at specific n
tiIne periods to obtain overall Ininimum cost-
effectiveness for a given schedule i. e. Inission.
Consider In earth launched systems or
= a., - 1. 2, .., m

launch vehicles which supply n locations (orbital. m

lunar and planetary missions). The systems pro- L x.. = b. i = 1. 2, ... n
duce schedules at levels al' aZ' ... am and the
demands at the locations for these schedules are
" I

blo bZ • . . . b n . The unit cost (dollars per pound

of payload) of transporting system i to location j
is denoted by Ciji and the amount of pounds of pay-
load is denoted by Xij. The transportation pattern
which minimizes total cost can be determined by
solving the equations. Chart 11


by James J. Piechocki
Senior Research Engineer
Northrop Space Laboratories

~~rI--rL ~rU.", ~~~,~.

rvvvv1/vv'T, lot{(P /0 ot

The likelihood of meteoroid encounters poses various ties, and most complete evaluation will undoubtedly
problems to the spacecraft designer, one of them be gained by long-term detection satellites to
being the loss of fluids vital to mission completion. realistically assess the degree of danger.
It is demonstrated that, for the more ambitious pro-
jects, a structure which provides penetration re- In the meantime, statistical analyses of various
sistance only can impose weight penalties of increas- earth-bound observational approaches will proceed.
ing seriousness as mission times rise. Structural Photographic methods seem applicable to meteor mag-"
composites utilizing elastomeric materials reliably nitudes of 6. Radio techniques extend the detection
demonstrate in the laboratory a capability of self- range to about magnitude 13. Some data further into
sealing compatible with system requirements. In an the micromet~oric range have been collected by
extensive program at Northrop, and in support of a orbiting vehicles exposing relatively small areas 0
NASA-sponsored study, a variety of structural con- for limited durations.
figurations successfully sealed following penetra-
tions at speeds from 8,000 to 20,000 feet per second. An accurate appraisal of the environment hinges on
The sealants are evaluated by excitation on an elec- the relation between an observed luminosity and the
trodynamic shaker, and it is shown that the more particle mass as it ablates in its fiery earth at-
successful sealants exhibit high damping and energy mosphere entry. Some of the most reliable informa-
dissipation when compared with the less successful tion of this nature was obtained in an experiment
materials. In a unique application of the theory of coded Trailblazer I, developed by NASA, and reported
viscoelasticity, models of material response are by Whipple (Ref. 1). Correlation with frequency of
proposed, and a qualitative description of success- occurrence and meteor mass is then presented on
ful operation is advanced. Material property data flux versus mass charts, where the mass is presented
plus the results of hypervelocity perforations of as a threshold value. It is interesting to note the
elastomers and complete panels are presented in historical changes in the flux information as tabu-
support of the derived conclusions. lated by various investigators. In Figure I, it can
be seen that the most current results present a
A survey of suggested self-sealing configurations somewhat more optimistic picture. The data of
is presented. Recommendations for the practical Whipple, presented as the 1963A line, indicates a
applications of these systems are given. decrease in frequency over his earlier (1957) esti-
mate beginning from magnitude 23 and showing better
1.0 INTRODUCTION than one decade decrease for magnitude 5 meteors.
His conclusion tends toward the 1956 results of
With the advent of space excursions of longer dura- Watson 2 • Indeed, an alteration in the mass-magnitude
tion, the meteoroid environment must receive care- relation reflects this change.
ful attention. No experimental data for signifi-
cantly lengthy durations are as yet available to Meteoroid size Can only be determined from mass and
confirm the existing predictions. It is important, density relations, both of which are speculative.
therefore, to assess the need for self-sealing appli- However, there is general agreement among investi-
cations and to survey the utility of these systems. gators that the prime hazard is due to the wicro-
As armor plate and bumper approaches have received sized debriS, or micrometeorites.
a great amount of attention, the added or alterna-
tive benefits of self-sealing have remained hitherto The flux data can be converted into an index of the
unexplored. While one may recognize that self- penetration hazard. This is done by converting the
repair concepts are not a panacea in that they do meteor mass to an equivalent wall thickness pene-
not provide for defeating penetration, it is expe- trated by it, assuming values for the meteor parame-
dient that their utility be studied. Moreover, a ters of velocity and density, and a pertinent pene-
need to explore various sealing concepts is manda- "tration equation. The re~iprocal flux plotted versus
tory in view of the variety of anticipated environ- the threshold wall thickness defines an average time
mental considerations and possible areas of appli- to penetration of a unit area for any selected group
cation. material. The assumed values of the attendant
parameters are:
(a) Average meteoroid density, p = 0.44 gm/cm
2.1 The Meteoroid Environment
(b) Average meteoroid velocity, V = 22 km/sec
The presence of extra-terrestial material has been
observed by man for many centuries in the manifes- (c) Herrmann - Jones thick target penetration
tation of meteorites, and the threat to space formula (Ref. 3):
travel has been discussed at gre~t length. However,
it has only been in the past decade that the hazard
has been subject to quantitative scrutiny. The
,j ,,:-;i ~'/~
p= 0.\ lfJ ~"I/J
(V{1s V
science of meteoroid observation has many uncertain-

with~ thick-target depth of penetration (b) An armor plate structure with a zero pene-
Pt target dens i ty tration probability P(o), of 0.99.
,. H target Brinne1 hardness
m meteoroid mass (c) A self-sealing structural composite.

(d) Thick target penetration depth 2/3 thin The Whipple 1963A "best estimate" flux data was
sheet penetration depth assumed. The air replenishment system is assumed
to have the capacity to replace air at a rate
The relatively low meteoroid density is proposed in necessary to maintain the specified pressure to
Reference 1, and is consistent with the generally offset the predicted loss from hole production flux,
accepted notion of the cometary origin of over 90 with an equipment weight penalty of 40 percent of
percent of the debris (Ref. 4). Whipple also the lost mass 6 • Ideal nozzle flow was assumed in
accepts the listed penetration relation as appli- calculating the mass loss. The armor plate concept
cable for low density particles. is applied to a vehicle of 1,000 ft 2 of exposed
surface area. The penetration relationship selected
The average-time-to-penetration data is shown in for ease of computation is that of Rodriquez 7 ,
Figure 2 for the two sets of Whipple data, viz., which is a generalized form of that of Kornhauser 8 •
that of 1957 and 1963 estimates. It can be seen
that for a 0.1 cm skin thickness Cabout 0.040-inch) The self-sealing systems employ an e1astomeric
the penetration time has been increased by a factor sealant confined in a honeycomb core sandwich, and
of over 3,000. This result accrued with an intended will be described in detail later. Successful
pessimism of one order of magnitude in the 1957 laboratory specimens of this type have been fabri-
data. The changes in the data over six years of cated with a unit weight of 1.7 1b/ft 2 (not in-
effort arise from the alterations in the flux infor- cluding the metallic face). This current optimum
mation and the penetration relation and criterion. has been used for the weight analysis.

Future changes in the penetration equations are not An average meteoroid velocity and density of 22
expected to be drastic, although laboratory projec- km/sec and 0.44 gm/cm 3 , respectively, taken from
tion techniques for realistic speeds and particle Whipple, are assumed. The complete analysis is
masses still require development. Uncertainties in shown in Figure 3. The air replenishment concept
the density estimates could reduce the average time becomes noncompetitive at mission times beyond
to penetration by one order of magnitude below the one month. For times greater than two weeks, the
"best estimate." According to Figure 3, a vehicle O.100-inch system is actually lighter than its
of 1,000 ft 2 exposed surface (about 90 meters 2 ) with companion 0.020-inch skin system since only the
an aluminum skin thickness of 40 mils designed to a less frequent, more massive, perforations are
realistic zero penetration probability could be experienced. A comparison of armor plate and se1f-
penetrated in less than one month. The problem in- sealing yields interesting results. For the range
creases linearly with larger vehicle size. of sealant constructions between 0.020-inch and
O.lOO-inch aluminum face thicknesses, a weight
The need for meteoroid protection for extended advantage over armor plate is predicted for mission
missions is obvious, as is the existence of a times beyond two days to about two weeks. Moreover,
variety of uncertainties in its implementation for the 0.020-inch air replenishment concept would still
the shorter ones. Long-time orbiting detectors be lighter up to about two weeks.
will provide better data for a realistic assessment
of probabilistic vehicle design, but the time to It becomes apparent that the weight tradeoff p'oint
implement these efforts must not inhibit current or for self-sealing configuration occurs for mission
future development. The biomedical results of a times beyond two weeks. Hence, for near-earth
penetration-induced decompression have been detailed performance, vehicles could utilize these structures
elsewhere, and will not be discussed here. However, to a weight advantage assuming that the particle
it has been reliably stated that incapacitation of flux rate is not significantly altered. As discussed
an exposed biospecimen could result in seconds. 5 earlier, the flux data are considered to be reliable
Self-sealing systems, with nearly instantaneous to the extent that any future revisions should not
response and no extraneous crew monitoring, are produce drastic changes. Some further optimizations
logically suggested. Hence, for unmanned compart- in the self-sealing geometries can be expected, but
ments, for inaccessible areas of the vehicle, and their effect should not be drastic either. Hence,
even as a complement to armor plate, self-sealing the weight picture of armor versus self-sealing as
structures "design around" the environmental problem presented here is considered quite realistic.
and present a greater degree of crew comfort and
safety. The "bumper" concept has not been analyzed here
because of the ~carcity of data at this time. It
2.2 System Comparative Evaluation can be reasonably expected that considerable weight
saving can be effected if one were to apply the
One method of observing the utility of self-sealing laboratory optimums. 9 Indeed, factors of 50 percent
is to compare the expected weights of various and higher have been reported. However, it is
systems for different mission times. Such an interesting to note that these optimums occur at
analysis has been made for the following systems geometries where a considerable percentage of the
employing aluminum skins: total penetrated depth (bumper plus witness plate)
is in the rear wall. This situation may be intoler-
(a) An air replenishment system with provisions able for cryogenic tankage where the residual energy
for maintaining a 14.7 psi air atmosphere of penetration (past the bumper) may be severe
with no provisions for repair. enough to initiate shock effects in the confined
fluid. Applying this further to manned capsules,

one need be concerned about structural wall crack These salient requirements. along with compati-
formation with or without a bumper, since a pene- bility with the structural function of the shell.
tration-resistant structure may not necessarily be made the elastomers a logical class of materials
leak-proof. However, nonoptimum bumpers may be for this purpose. The use of the elastomers for
employed. For this reason, a factor of 30 percent static seals is well known and prevalent. The
weight savings may be a more realistic assessment further possibility of tailoring the material to
of bumper efficiency. With this factor applied specific requirements is available to a high degree
directly to the armor plate curve of Figure 3, the in view of the presence of this effort in polymer
weight tradeoff for bumper versus self-sealing research.
occurs between ten days and three months for self-
sealing configurations using aluminum skins of 4.0 SURVEY OF SELF-SEALING CONCEPTS
0.020-inch to O.lOO-inch thickness for the structural
requirement. All of the concepts discussed here were initially
subjected to perforations at 7,000 to 8,000 fps.
3.0 SEALANT MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS Lead, steel, and glass projectiles of 1/8-inch
diameter were used. The particle accelerator range
Depending on the area of application, self-sealing was evacuated to approximately 200 microns for each
materials must satisfy specific requirements. Many shot. The exit side of the specimens were exposed
of these demands are obvious and are listed as to ambient conditions, so that sealing was being
follows: observed across essentially a 14.7 psi pressure
differential. Immediately after firing, sealing
Minimum permanent deformation following was qualitatively checked by ear and with the
hypervelocity perforation coupled with assistance of a stethoscope placed onto the exit
good recovery characteristics. side near the perforation. Following thiS, leakage
rates from a known volume container over a spectrum
Sufficient strength and crack propagation of pressure differentials were measured using
resistance under extremely rapid loading laboratory-type flowmeters. Further testing of the
to localize damage and material removal. more promising configurations was then conducted at
hypervelocity facilities at velocities in excess of
High internal loss characteristics to 20,000 fps.
facilitate energy dissipation.
4.1 The Honeycomb-Core Sealant Concept
Resistance to degradation by the induced
environment. The basic configuration is shown in Figure 6. It
consists of a metallic face sheet and a reinforced
Chemical properties compatible with fire neoprene backs trip confining a phenolic fiberglass
reSistance, permeability, and minimal honeycomb core. The core is filled with the
odor and toxiCity of the degradation sealant and proper surface treatments are used to
products. insure good sealant-to-core and -face bonding.
Bjork describes the process of hypervelocity A rubber backup strip, with a good bond to the
penetration as a fluid phenomenon, neglecting the core-sealant, seems to be a necessity. Early
inherent strength of the material, and considering experiments which included shots into panels with
it eqUivalent to the propagation of a pressure wave metallic rear faces exhibited severe damage on the
in the megabar range. Eichelberger and Gehring ll pellet exit side (see Figure 5>. In most cases,
have further postulated that the hydrodynamic sealant material local to this area was also
analogy yields accurate predictions for the initial observed to be severely damaged and hole closure
stages of crater formation, and that descriptions was not achieved. When neoprene was substituted,
of the final stages must account for the mechanical immediate improvement was observed in the form of
after-flow of the impacted material. Charters 12, decreased deformation of the backup sheet and
in describing crater formation, refers to a rebound adjacent sealant. Since the area bounded by the
or recovery of 15 percent of the maximum formed backup strip represents a free surface with ex-
crater volume in the final stage of penetration. pected shock wave reinforcement due to reflection.
it is apparent that a diSSipative material is
These descriptions were made from observations of required. The resiliency of the neoprene further
impacts on thick metallic targets. However, many permits recovery from radial deformations due to
aspects of the penetration mechanism apply equally the passage of the particle, and enhances hole
well to the elastomers. It is this inherent closure.
ability for recovery from as much as 100 percent
strain which renders the elastomers applicable to The function of the honeycomb core is to contain
self-sealant usage. Figures 4 and 5 show the entry the sealant and provide damage confinement through
and exit face, respectively, of a penetrated panel. the addition of bonding surfaces in the sealant
The remarkable degree of recovery is evident in volume. However, aluminum honeycomb geometries
both photos of this penetration which occurred at exhibited massive damage. Radial collapse of the
approximately 7,000 feet per second. The tendency cell walls as much as twelve times the projectile
of elastomers to exhibit viscous responses further diameter, with attendant sealant damage, was
serves to enhance their application in view of the observed. Again, the need for a more dissipative
attendant energy dissipation to be expected. The material was apparent. The use of phenolic fiber-
notion of a sealing mechanism utilizing a flow glass core, with attention to maintaining good
process is a feasible (as well as aesthetic> core-to-sealant bonding, was seen to greatly
possibility and will be described later. alleviate the damage. Subsequent firings resulted
in little or no core damage and localization was

Sealant materials used in the initial work were An example of successful self-sealing following a
commercially available silicones, polysulfides, 20,000 fps penetration in the mechanical configura-
and polyurethanes. The silicones were observed tion is shown in Figure 10. The backup sheet has
to exhibit minute radial cracking local to the been pulled back to show the localized interior
particle path and did not seal with the reliability damage. In every instance shown, the sealant
of the latter materials. The polysulfides and material is seen to be deposited in the entrant
polyurethanes used successfully can best be hole, and the exit damage is quite remarkably
described as less viscous and, hence, more amenable localized.
to creep or flow characteristics which are obvious
from static handling of the materials. It was Residual leakage rates for the successful panels
these observations which suggested a method of were measured by observing the pressure drop froIT.
dynamic material testing and evaluation, to be a known volume container capped with the penetrated
described later in this paper. specimens. Leakage rates as low as 2.0 lb/yr to
zero have been observed. Average leakage rates have
A highly successful configuration consists of a been found to be on the order of 1 to 2 Ibs/day,
0.020-inch aluminum face, 3/16-inch thick core, which is an improvement of better than 99 percent
with 3/16 or l/4-inch cells filled with a poly- over the observed rates through the penetrated
sulfide elastomer, and a 1/16-inch fiber-reinforced aluminum face sheet hole. In many instances, the
neoprene backup sheet. The self-sealing weight specimens showed a detectable leakage rate across
contribution is 1.7 pounds per square foot, and a 14.7 psi pressure differential, but exhibited
the over-all weight is approximately 2.0 pounds almost complete sealing at 4 to 5 psi internal
per square foot. Best results are observed when pressures.
the bonding agents used are the same material as
that of the sealant. Since all tests were con- 4.2 Elastomeric Sphere Concept
ducted with 1/8-inch diameter projectiles, it is
conceivable that some further weight reduction The concept just described relies on both the
may be achieved with more realistic (vis., smaller) energy dissipation and the recovery of the sealant
projectile sizes. material for successful operation. For extremely
localized damage, the recovery of the material in
To further observe isolated sealant response to the domain of infinitesimal deformations is uti-
dynamic puncturing, various configurations were lized to effect hole closure. It is conceivable
penetrated. These consisted of shots into 1/4-inch that under certain environmental conditions and
and 1/2-inch discs of sealant material in variously with massive face sheet and sealant damage or tear-
supported geometries. Shots were made into various out, macro-motion of the sealant into the perforated
permutations with and without face sheets and backup zone will be required. For this reason, the elasto-
sheets. Where possible, a circular grid was molded meric sphere concept was investigated. Here, the
onto the surface of the sealant disc, and both pre- conventional sealant is replaced by discreet elasto-
and post shot spacings of the grid lines were made. meric spheres to a predetermined packing density
In some cases, residual radial surface strains (see Figure 11).
adjacent to the entry crater were observed to be
tensile. For the majority of cases, residual Upon penetration, the pressure differential between
strains were found to be undetectable or below the inside cabin and the vacuum of space forces the
3 percent, indicating that the specimen surface was balls toward the entrant hole and effects the seal-
relatively undamaged. Upon dissection of the ing. Ball size, packing density, and material will
specimens, inspection of the damage at the particle control the mobility of the spheres and the seal-
path revealed local tearing in a direction opposite ability. This concept exhibited residual leakage
to the direction of the projectile. Delamination rates that are comparable with the mechanical system
in the radial direction extending out from the described earlier, and is currently under further
particle path was indicative of the presence of study.
localized shearing through the specimen thickness.
The deposition of material toward the hole in both 4.3 Other Systems
instances just discussed is considered desirable,
in that both surface and subsurface inw'3i dis- A number of alternate concepts developed to fit a
placement of the sealant minimize hole s~ze and, variety of requirements have been successfully
hence, leakage rates. tested. They may be classed as mechanical or
chemical depending on the mode of activating the
Figure 7 shows a typical surface damage in what is sealing process.
considered a brittle silicone rubber. Figure 8
shows the identical situation for a highly success- One highly successful approach is to prestress the
ful polysulfide sealant. The cross-sectional view sealant in compression. This enhances the seal-
of a perforation in a 1/4-inch silicone rubber is ability of materials which have desirable thermal
shown in Figure 9. The displacement of the material or vacuum properties, but which exhibit brittle-
back along the pellet direction cannot be explained type fractures or low shear strength characteristics
in terms of wave theory. One simple explanation is under dynamic conditions when simply confined. The
that the short-duration heat pulse upon puncturing relatively low modulus characteristics of the
melts the surrounding material, and the subsequent elastomers facilitate the buildup of moderate
air flow across the slab initially forces material internal stresses with appreciable strain recovery
back along the particle path. In any event, this in the penetration hole. The prestressing can be
displacement of the material back into the hole accomplished in a variety of simple and ingenious
assists the sealing process. ways.

One prestressing technique uses an elastomer and Some classical bodies are shown in Figure 14 along
foaming reagent which causes an unconfined volume with their stress-strain equations. Most real
expansion of 200 percent to 300 percent upon curing. elastomers depart from this ideal behavior, exhibit-
The structural panel is filled with the uncured ing a spectrum of retardation times which makes
sealant compound to a volume fraction which will difficult a complete description of response over
produce a desired prestress level. Face plate bond- a broad range of loading rates or frequencies.
ing is accomplished with a material whose softening However, responses over a selected frequency band-
point is above the cure temperature of the sealant. Width, specified by design criteria, can be
The sealant is then cured at the required heat. accomplished. A response fit over a decade of
This technique has shown successful sealing charac- frequency is considered adequate.
teristics with a high degree of reliability.
The most general characterization of a material
Chemical concepts rely on the dynamic action of the with a time response in shear can be written as
penetrating particle to initiate a reaction which (Ref. 13):
closes the hole. In one concept, shown in Figure
12, an uncured polymer is separated from the
catalyst by a thin, nonreactive membrane. Upon
complete perforation, the pressure differential where Sij and Eit are the deviatoric stress and
across the panel forces a mixture of polymer and strain tensors, respectively, and P and Q are
catalyst through the hole. Very fast curing mixtures differential operators whose coefficients define
have been used with complete and repeatable sealing material properties. A Laplace or Fourier mathe-
action. In another method, small bags of catalyst matical transform may be performed which alters
are interspersed in the sealant void (see Figure 13). the time-dependency to one of frequency. The
This seems to localize the curing action to the notion of modulus is retained in the form
area of the penetration. Bag size is an important
factor in this method. For very uniform distribu- Q
tion of the catalyst in the uncured elastomer, =P E' -fiE"
microencapsulation techniques can be adopted.

In all of the chemical concepts where the sealant denoting the complex modulus, with barred quantities
materials are initially fluid, careful attention denoting transformed properties. Since the value
must be given to the rheological or flow properties is complex, it denotes in a vector representation
of the polymer. The viscosity of the material must in-phase and out-of-phase components. The in-phase
be such as to permit an initial gradual flow through component is referred to as the elastic or storage
the hole without excessive loss. Cure rate must modulus; the out-of-phase component is called the
obviously be rapid enough to "set up" the material loss modulus. For low to moderate damping (E"IE'
in the hole. Environmental stability must be care- < 0.2), it can be shown that the ratio of E" IE' ,
fully considered against mission time, as degrada- or loss factor, is a measure of the percent energy
tion can severely alter flow rates and, hence, diSSipation of the material (Ref. 13).
Sinusoidal excitation may be performed by a variety
5.0 SEALANT MATERIAL EVALUATION of means which include the vibrating reed or rock-
ing beam. The intent at this point is to simulate
Observations of a variety of sealing results follow- the loading rate of hypervelocity perforation.
ing perforation indicate the importance of the This implies that excitation be performed in the
proper selection of the sealant material. Indeed, kilocycle range. However, power limitations
material differences are apparent from static severely hamper the generation of detectable me-
handling of the specimen material. The highly chanical displacements at those extremely high
frequencies. For this reason, correlation with
elastic or rubbery materials tested exhibit a
theoretical models of material response was attempted
tendency toward crack formation and excessive
at moderate frequencies from 100 to 2,000 cps in
volume removal or tear-out. When a less viscous
material was substituted, immediate improvement was an attempt to describe successful self-sealing
noted. This improvement is characterized by a operation of solid elastomers at impact speeds of
remarkable degree of damage localization in the 5,000 to 7,000 feet per second.
form of a minute particle path with little or no
surface damage. Unfortunately, such terms as 5.2 Results of Dynamic Excitation
"less viscous" or "more elastic" are purely relative
and do not assist in a quantitative description of The OSCillatory test method employs a three-inch
material response. One method of assessing the diameter, l/4-inch thick elastomer specimen, with
use of a solid elastomer may be derived from a a mass bonded to its upper surface. The elastomer-
consideration of the theoretical response of visco- mass combination is bonded to a rigid mounting
elastic materials. plate, which is in turn attached to the head of a
conventional electrodynamic shaker. Bonding agents
5.1 Theoretical Material Response used were the same material as that of the specimen
to insure homogeneity. The test geometry is shown
Ideally, viscoelastic materials are assumed to in Figure 15. Input and output accelerometers,
consist of elements whose over-all behaVior can along with the associated phase angle were recorded
be described as a combination of viscous and for fixed output "g" levels to maintain constant
elastic responses. Ideal springs and Newtonian peak stress on the sealant over the frequency range
viscosity characterize linear behavior and permit tested.
the use of the principle of superposition.

Considerable in-plane restraint was evident on the ability of the elastomers to recover deformations,
specimen, resulting in an apparent stiffening of or chemically by employing a mechanism actuated by
the material. However, it was felt that this the penetrating particle. Weight considerations
geometry most nearly simulated the confined sealant appear attractive for the longer missions, where
in a panel configuration. Two silicone rubbers, the term "longer" applies by present calculations
which exhibited poor to inconsistent self-sealing, to missions of a duration beyond two to four weeks.
and a po1ysu1fide and a polyurethane elastomer with The need is even more urgent if one considers that
superior performance, were the four materials penetration-resistant structures may not necessarily
selected for initial evaluation. be completely leakproof following a meteoroidal
The results of the oscillatory tests are shown in
Figures 16 and 17. The in-phase or elastic modulus Material behavior under the space environment mUSD
results indicated that the two successful se1f- be carefully assessed, and stable materials are
sealants exhibited higher in-phase or recovery mandatory. Both mechanical and chemical methods
moduli. From Figure 17, it is seen that the energy have been shown to be practical when careful atten-
disSipation characteristics of the po1ysu1fide and tion is given to material bulk and compressibility
polyurethane materials were superior at the higher properties, and that of flow. The combined attention
frequencies. It is concluded that the extremely of the structural designer and the chemist has been
high damping capability of the latter two materials a necessity in the development of the current con-
at the higher frequencies renders them more suitable cepts.
for this application.
A qualitative description of the mechanical self-
It is to be noted that the in-phase or elastic sealing mechanism has been forwarded based on the
moduli values of Figure 16 are considerably higher measurement of aggregate material dynamic proper-
than Young's modulus information reported in the ties. A complete theoretical analysis would be
literature. Owing to the test geometry which beneficial, but is beset with the vagaries also
imposes radial restraint on the specimen due to the associated with the thick-target hypervelocity
bonded surfaces and the short specimen height, the penetration problem.
results are more closely in agreement with bulk
modulus. For a purely elastiC, isotropic material As self-sealing structures are not specifically
with complete lateral restraint, normal deforma- intended to defeat the incoming meteorOid, their
tions are volUmetric, and the associated stiffness area of application may seem to be restricted.
is the bulk modulus, K, where However, as a complementary system for either armor
plate or bumper constructions, a significant increase
K in safety can be expected. Use of elastomers as a
back-spall preventative appears possible, but re-
and 1) is Poisson's ratio. An incompressible quires further study.
material (1)=0.5) has an infinite bulk modulus.
Greater usage can be expected in areas of the
Furthermore, pure volumetric deformations are
vehicle having a minimum of personnel activity
minimized with increasing bulk stiffness. Obviously,
(e.g., passageways, airlocks, etc •••• ). Tankage
complete recovery ameliorates the self-sealing
protection is another area where the dissipative
situation by effecting hole closure following per-
capabilities of elastomers may prove feasible,
foration. Naturally, maximum closure, and hence,
with uniquely designed self-sealing systems employ-
minimum leakage would result with minimum material
ing tailored materials.
loss or tear-out. Consequently, high internal
dissipation in shear from a controlled viscosity is
consistent with minimizing material loss. A sealant
material rigidly confined, having a relatively high
The author wishes to express his thanks for the
bulk modulus and internal dissipation is adjudged
valuable assistance in the preparation of this
paper of his co-workers of the Space Materials
Laboratory, Northrop Space Laboratories, R. D.
Another method of material evaluation used is the
Johnson, Head. The majority of the results pre-
standard Lupke resiliency test. In this test, a
sented were obtained under NASA contract, NASr-102,
specimen of the candidate material is impacted by
"Self-Sealing Structures For The Control of the
a pendulum and the degree of successive rebounds is
Meteoroid Hazard to Space Vehicles," N. G. Mayer,
recorded. Although this test provides relative
Project Monitor of NASA Headquarters.
information only, it has been highly useful for
initial screening of materials for energy absorp-
tion capability.

6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Whipple, F. L., "On Meteoroids and Penetration",
paper presented at Ninth Annual American Astro-
The need for self-sealing structural systems has nautical Society Meeting, Los Angeles, California,
been described in view of the many uncertainties in January, 1963.
the meteoroid environment assessment. Moreover,
these uncertainties are expected to be present for 2.
Watson, F. G., "Between The Planets", Harvard
a number of years to come. Practical self-sealing University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
composites have been developed in the laboratory 1956.
which provide a greater degree of safety with the
added feature of self-repair to minimize crew 3. Herrmann, W., and Jones, A. H., "Correlation of
responsibility. Hole closure can be accomplished Hypervelocity Impact Data", Proc. 5th Symposium
either mechanically by utilizing the inherent on Hypervelocity Impact by the Tri-Service

Committee, April, 1962, Vol. I, Part 2, pp.
389-438. ROCKET" SATaLiTE DATA - 1959
10 0
4. Hawkins, C. S., and Southworth, R. B., ''The KORNHAUSER - 1960 (REF. 14)
Statistics of Meteors in the Earth's Atmosphere",
Smithsonian Contributions to Astrophysics,
Vol. 2, No. 11, Smithsonion Institution,
Washington, D. C., 1958.

5. Konecci, E. B., "Decompression Events In HUGHES - 1956 (l5)

Biosatell ites", ARS 638- 58, presented at the
Semi-Annual Meeting of the ARS, Los Angeles,
California, June, 1958.

6. Carter, J. W., and Bogeman, B. L., "Inflatable

Manned Orbital Vehicles", Proc. of the Manned WATSON - 1941(2)

Space Station Symposium, Los Angeles, California,

April, 1960.

7. Rodriquez, D., "Meteoroid Shielding For Space

Vehicles", Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 19,
10- 6 10- 4
No. 12, December, 1960.

8. Kornhauser, M., "Prediction of Cratering By

Meteoroid Impacts", Advances In Astronautical FIGURE 1 METEOROID FLUX ESTIMATF.S
Sciences, (Proc. of Fourth Annual Meeting of
AAS, December, 1957; Plenum Press, Inc.,
New York, 1958. ~ 10'4


9. Wallace, R. R., Jr., Vinson, J. R., and Korn-
hauser, M., "Effects of Hypervelocity Particles
i 10 '2
on Shielded Structures", ARS 1683-61.
Z 10'0
o - 1 0 0 YR.
10. Bjork, R. L., "Effects of Meteoroid Impact on
Steel and Aluminum in Space", Proc. of Tenth 1 YR.
International Astronautical Congress (London
1959), Wien-Springer-Verlag, 1960.

11. Eichelberger, R. J., and Gehring, J. W.,

"Effects of Meteoroid Impacts on Space Vehicles",
ARS 2030-61.

12. Charters, A. C., "High Speed Impact",

Scientific American, Vol. 203, No.4, October, THICKNESS OF ALUMINUM-CM.
1960, pp. 128-140.
13. Alfrey, T., Jr., "Mechanical Behavior of High
Polymers", Vol. VI, High Polymers, Interscience
Publishers, Inc., New York, 1948.

14. Kornhauser, M., "Current Estimates of the

Effects of Meteoroids on the Skin of a
Satellite Vehicle", ASVE Memo No.3, Missile
and Space Department, General Electric Co.,
25 Feb. 1960.

15. Hughes, R. F., "Meteoroid Impacts and Their

Effects on Ballistic Missiles", Real Gas
Tech. Memo #13, 23 July 1956. Z
~ P(o) = 0.99
16. Whipple, F. L., "The Meteoric Risk to Space .!.:z:
Vehicles", Vistas in Astronautics, pp. 115-
124, Pergamon Press, New York, 1958. ~

:> 10
IDA. 1 WK. 1 MO. 1 YR. 2 YR.





















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BASE PLATE~,_JjL1===~_ _- - ,

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M. Childe;:.y Division Engineer, Lockheed-California Co~ ~
~ Liddel~ Senior Advanced Systems Engineer, Lockheed-California Company

~j Manufacturing Research Specialist, Senior, Lockheed-California Company

a:.;.. R. Titus ..... 2I1s91H"ch Specia1iSt.(Lockheed Missiles and Space

The structure comprises almost half of the weight and
any reduction in this item permits a like increase in another
The extension of man's activity beyond the Earth's atmos- subsystem to improve the mission utility. In the example
phere is barely into the pioneering stage. The astronauts cited here, a 13 percent decrease in structural weight
who have penetrated space are watched apprehensively by increased the payload capability by 50 percent. This
millions of viewers on television, and every little mishap weight margin could be used to increase life support and
almost becomes a national emergency. As such flights power supply fluids to extend the mission life, impulse
become more common, public interest will wane until the propellants could be added for additional maneuvering
day comes when the launching of an astronaut will create capability, or additional scientific equipment could be
no more interest than the passing overhead of Echo 1. carried. It is conceivable that with this increased capa-
However, before this situation arises, a great deal of bility one launch might be able to do the job of two. Both
costly work must be done in all areas of spacecraft design, presentandprojected high costs of placinga pound of pay-
not the least of which is in the field of space structures. load in orbit permit the structural designer to consider
materials and types of construction previously considered
The demand for lightweight, reliable, compact vehicles economically unfeasible.
will result in design concepts which utilize foil-gage, high-
temperature materials, and in some cases, expandable The need for highly efficient structures is not restricted
structures. Some of the fabrication techniques which are solely to the spacecraft. Improved structures throughout
required to build these structures is' the subject of this the booster also improve mission capability by increasing
paper. the booster payload capability. In a multi-stage booster
system the final stage structure is almost as important
Lightweight Structures as the spacecraft, since the inert weight of this stage also
reaches orbital velOCity. On lower stages the effectivity
Nearly every space vehicle to date has been weight limited becomes progressively lower since the inert weights of
because of booster payload capability, and this restriction these stages do not reach as high a velocity; however, even
will undoubtedly continue to exist. The weight required in these, structural weight affects the payload capability.
for structure subtracts directly from the weight available Figure 1 is a typical plot of stage structural weight frac-
for the instrumentation, equipment, and supplies required tion vs stage gross weight for booster upper stages.
for the mission. Although booster sizes have increased, (Structural weight as used here includes propulsion, un-
the missions ha,e become more ambitious and the program usable fluids and other inert weight items as well as the
manager continues to be faced with making the decision of actual structure.) Figure 2 shows the stage structural
"what to leave off". The result is that highly efficient, weight fraction vs limiting ideal velocity obtainable by the
lightweight structures are very important. stage regardless of its size. While the problem of opti-
mizing a booster for a particular mission will not be
To illustrate the point, Table 1 shows a typical group considered here, Figure 2 does indicate the degree of
weight summary for an orbital carrier vehicle expressed performance change with stage structural weight fraction.
in terms of percent reentry weight.

Table 1 Although structural improvements, both in the space

WEIGHT BREAKDOWN FOR TYPICAL ORBITAL vehicle and booster, must be weighed against cost, relia-
CARRIER VElllCLE bility, and many other factors, the potential improvement
to space systems offered by highly efficient lightweight
Typical Goal Percent structures is worth a great deal of effort to effect such
Percentage Percentage Difference improvements. A substantial part of this effort must be
expended in the area of fabrication techniques for exotic.
materials and structural concepts.
Structure 46 40 -13
Fabrication Techniques
Equipment 32 32 0
As in most technologies, the problem offabricating struc-
Propulsion 10 10 0 tures is one of evolution. Very seldom does a sudden
break through occur which enables the manufacturer to
Payload 12 18 +50 build something today which he could not do yesterday.
Even the relatively new technique of "explosive forming"
haSbeen underdevelopment for several years, and in fact,
is still under development.

In afield as ):Iroad as this one, it is necessary to restrict perience proved that, with slight modification, these
the subject p[latter. Consequently, we will discuss some methods were indeed satisfactory. The primary machine
of the work which has been done at the Lockheed- California tools used were power shear, power brake, Guerinrubber
Company ,In the fabrication of structures from foil gage hydropress and roll former. Due to the limited quantities
(.003 to. 020) Rene 41; the fabrication of honeycomb sand- required, handcheckand straighten operations were often
wich from foil gage refractory materials (. 001-inch) work employed for final finish rather than adding additional
being done at the Lockheed Missiles and Space Company; tooling. All assemblies were joined by welding. Fusion
and a look at some of the techniques being used and pro- welding was used for flat skin joints, roll seam welding
posed for application to expandable structures (Lockheed- for corrugation to skin and beam subassemblies, and spot-
California Company under contract to ASD). welding for all other joints.

Foil Gage Structures. Because of the weight problem Handling. Handling of foil gage materials was the
previously discussed, there is a great interest in the de- most difficult problem encountered. The relatively soft
velopment of methods for utilizing foil-gage materials, solution-treated Rene 41 was very susceptable to "dings",
particularly the high-temperature materials, in the pri- "oilcans", edge crushing, and all of the other ills of a
mary structure of aerospace vehicles. This interest is fragile material. If one item in foil gage sheet metal
due to the fact that all high-temperature metals, i. e., fabrication should be stressed, it is education. Figure 5
super alloys and refractory metals, have densities in the shows a strut and bulkhead fabricated from. 004 in. thick
neighborhood of . 3 lb/ cu in. or more; therefore, in order material. From raw stock inspection through transpor-
to reduce the weight it is necessary to use these materials tation, shearing, forming, welding and heat treatment,
in very thin gages. Old ideas of "minimum gages" have to employees must be educated to the fact that seemingly in-
be discarded because we must not be bound by such re- consequential pressures can produce damaged parts. One
strictions. The minimum gage for any application is that of our introductions to this fact occurred during the first
one which is required to do the job, and the manufacturing shearing operation on . 003-in. gage material. A small
people must learn how to handle, bend, join, and otherwise door was left open to take advantage of any breeze on a
process the material. warm day. The foot wide, nine feet long sheared-sheets
were placed on a workbench about 30 feet from the door.
As a result of this philosophy, the Lockheed-California A breeze picked up this material and lodged it against
Company began to explore the problems which might be adjacent equipment. The ensuing wrinkles caused the
encountered when fabricating actual structures from foil material to be scrapped.
gage materials. We were aware of the work which had
been done by North American on their "Spacemetal", At this point it should be stressed that the final structure
Ryan's "Miniweight", and the Budd integrated construc- as aged hardened was much more resistant to damage than
tion. Welded honeycomb sandwich panels as developed by wasthe soft material. In fact, itwas surprisingly sturdy,
John J. Foster were also of considerable interest. How- and with reasonable care would be entirely satisfactory as
ever, these techniques had all used stainless steel and a space vehicle structure.
were therefore temperature limited to values below those
of interest for reentry vehicles. To our knowledge no one Generally, mill packaging was satisfactory. Coils were
had done any real work using foil gage Rene 41 which ap- wound on overlength cores and securely taped in place to
peared to be the best all around material for the applica- prevent edge crushing. The coils were then fastened se-
tions we had in mind. We were also interested in bUilding curely in sturdy wooden boxes. In the instances where
something large enough to have real meaning. It has been the coils were not on overlength cores, edge crushing did
our experience that small panels, while handy to carry occur.
around, do not really represent the problems encountered
in fabricating an actual structure. Good housekeeping of all work areas was a necessity to
prevent part damage. Felt-topped work benches mini-
Consequently, a specimen representing a portion of a mized damage from particle and chip indentations. Tooling
winged reentry vehicle, Figure 3, was chosen as typical used to fabricate parts must be cleaned of dust accumu-
of structures likely to be designed in the future. Figure 4 lated on oil films before use. Seemingly small nicks in
shows this specimenwhichis 54in. wide, 75 in. long, and tooling appeared as large dents in finished parts. In order
43 in. high. It consisted of a series of trusses in two di- to minimize damage during transportation, shipping con-
rections covered on one side by a skin-corrugation surface. tainers were provided. Each part was separately packed
The gages of material varied from. 003 in. for the corru- to retain shape and prevent dents. Interleaving parts in
gations to .020 in. for some of the beam members. The craft paper inside a cardboard carton did a very acceptable
weight of the completed specimen was 2-3/4 lb/sq ft of job of protection.
platform area. The addition of a second surface would
have increased this weight to about 3-1/4 lb/sq ft. The One problem that was not overcome was the inertia of the
manufacturing research organization at CALAC coura- assembly tools. In most cases the assembly fixtures and
geously set out to make the specimen. Problems encoun- welding guns were hundreds of times heavier tb3.n the parts.
tered were as follows: Under these conditions operator "feel" is virtually non-
existent. Tools' could bump into and halfway through a
1. Handling detail part before any tool reaction was noticed. This was
2. Shea~lng especially true during final assembly operations in re-
3. Forming corrugations and struts stricted spaces.
4. Trimming - deburring
5. Fusion welding Shearing. Shearing of foil gages requires that cutting
6. Spotwelding equipment be reserved for thin gages only. A general
7. Heat treatment purpose power shearthatwas used on ordinary materials
did a good bending job on foil gages, but did not cut. This
Fabrication Approach. Having had virtually no experience same shear, with blades ground sharp and set at . 000 in.
with the foil gage Rene 41, the problem was approached to .001 in. clearance was satisfactory. Heavier gages
cautiously by making a few preliminary tests. As a result may be sheared successfully on standard equipment used
it was decided that, for the most part, standard aircraft for stainless steels. Hold-down clamps for thin gages
machine tools and methods could be used. Subsequent ex- must be firm, cleaned of all dirt to prevent marking, and

rounded on the corners. Beveled micarta clamp faces all foil gage cutoff operations, the residual burr was re-
with heavy ~k-up springs were satisfactory. A substi- moved with a rotary file operating in a die grinder at
tute method of shearing was used for gages up to • 006 in. 100, 000 rpm. Heavier gages were deburred on a belt
when a special shear was notavailable. The thin Rene 41 sander with good results.
was packed between sheets of. 020 in. thick 7075- T6 alumi-
num and sheared as a sandwich. Fusion Welding. The only fusion welding involved in the
fabrication of the test panel was for joining the skin seg-
Forming. The tooling used to form the foil gages had to ments. As the. 004-in. thick material was only available
be held to unusually close aircraft tolerances. In some in 12-inchwidths, five sheets were required for the full
cases, such as in roll forming, sets of tools were held to skin width. The solution heat treated material was pre-
a total tolerance of • 0005 in. Where complete part en- pared for welding with a standing flange • 012 in. to .015 in.
closure was not required, normal tool tolerances were high. The butt Heliarc welds were produced without the
held and produced satisfactory parts. In order to save addition of weld metal. A smooth copper backup bar was
Rene 41 material costs, 301 stainless steel sheet was used used with no groove or backup gas. The sensing head was
for tool try to check clearances and overall operation of locked out, and the arc length was fixed with a precision
the tools. slide.

Springhack was somewhat variable between heats. The so- Spotwelding. itesistance weHling was the basic joining
lution treated material average 1 percent and the 30percent method employed. The initial problem encountered was
cold reduced material averaged 11 percent springback. accessability during assembly. Figure 10 illustrates the
Test sections of tools were made to verify springback complexityofsome of the joints. A careful appraisal and
prior to final construction of rubber press tools. To obtain detail plan of subassemblies was required to maintain
and set the bend radii required in the beads on the beam accessability through final assembly.
and rib members, a matchingcover plate was used in the
rubber press operation. Figure 6 shows the die used to Expulsion of metal from the spotwelds was also en-
form the truss members. countered. Although this problem was not completely
eliminated, the welding parameters were controlled
Interchangeable inserts allowed use of the same basic sufficiently to obtain satisfactory spotweld shear strengths.
tool for all members. The hat shape for these members
was obtained with a leaf brake operation. The reverse The . 003-inch corrugations were joined to the. 004-inch
flange on the hat brim was given a final sizing operation skin as a subassembly. The corrugated panels were tack
by passing the sections through one set of formingrolls. welded to the skin from the center of the panel outwards.
Figure 7 is an assemblage of parts fabricated for this Micarta fixtures maintained proper pitch spacing. The
specimen. corrugations were then roll welded to the skin. Copper
mandrels were inserted into the corrugations on each side
The skin backup corrugations were made of • 003-in. gage of the weld to prevent crushing (Figure 11). Guide wheels
material. BecaUE!e of the foil gage, small cross section, were mounted on the welding machine frame ahead of and
and relatively long parts, progressive roll forming was pehind the welding wheel to maintain alignment. The small
used. In order to save on tool development cos"ts, the bead on the corrugation was used as a track for the guide
usual approach of developing rolls to form a complete wheels. All of these welds were made witha low inertia,
panel width in one pass \jas not used. Figure 8 shows 100 kva, Stryco rollspot seam welder. The corrugation
the set of five rolls which were developed to form one doublers were then roft welded to the tops of the corruga-
half corrugation in one pass. A powerbrake, preformed, tions using insert mandrels. Beam and rib cap sub-
straight bead was used to guide the rolls. The second pass assemblies were then joined to the doublers. Figure 12
was made with the sheet turned end for end and upside shows the completed surface subassembly.
down so that any tendency toward misalignment would be
balanced. Through this unorthodox approach corrugations As might be expected for the gages being welded, the
were made at low cost to tolerances of plus or minus majorproblem was the prevention of wrinkles in the skin,
. 002in. and 1/2degin the full sheet width of twelve inches. especially near the edges. For the one specimen being
fabricated within the time and budget allocation, this prob-
As a result of this and more recent experiences, progres- lem was not completely solved.
sive, multiple spindle roll forming was one solution to
fabrication of foil gage materials to close tolerances. All beam, rib, and intercostal members were subassem-
Even for small prototype quantities the overall cost was bled by first tackweldingthe halves together and then roll
very competitive. welding (Figure 13).. Gussets joining the vertical and
diagonal members were attached with a rocker arm welder
Trimming - Deburring. Economical cutoff methods for using copper insert mandrels and aluminum " holding
long lengths of foil gage material formed intO complex fixtures.
shapes were limited. No true production method was de-
veloped for parts of this type. Shearing with formed dies Final assembly welding was accomplished with 100 kva
was not feasible because of low quantity. Even with good portable guns of scissor and 'C' type (Figure 14). Light-
support, friction sawing produced a ragged, torn edge. weight, compact size, and versatility are the prime req-
The method finally adopted was a 14-inchdiameter abra- uisites for portable equipment. Equipment not meeting
sive cutoff wheel operating at 3, 400 rpm in a table saw. these requirements can produce excessive mechanical
A movable table-top plate was fixed to a guide bar in the damage to detail parts.
normal cutoff groove in the sawtable. This newtable was
jig bored for pins at the various cutoff angles required. Heat Treatment. All of the sheetmaterialwas purchased
Plastic fixtures were cast to the exterior shape of the from the mill in the solution-treated condition. The
parts to be cut and pinned to the movable table. An in- heavier gage materials, .010 in. and. 020 in. thick, were
tel"iorplasticplugwas inserted inside the part. (Figure 9) cold reduced an additional 3 opercent at the mill after solu-
With the whole assembly clamped firmly in place, cutoff tion treatment. By purchasing the material in this condi-
operations produced a smooth precision joint. For the tion, satisfactory formability was maintained and in-house
90 degree cuts on the corrugations, each panel was cast processing minimized. No re-annealing of the material
solid, both top and bottom, with Kerr tool stone. This was required during any of the fabrication operations.
rigid fixturing produced a smooth controlled cut. After
The final aging treatment required 1400°F for 16 hours. The problems involved in producing such a panel are for-
The completed box truss section was aged as a unit after midable. The very thin gage requires careful handling
all welding and assembly. Although Rene 41 retains good to prevent damage, diffusion of brazing alloys into the
strength at this temperature, adequate support was pro- parent material can destroy the integrity of the joint, dif-
vided so that part sag would not cause permanent distor- ferential thermal expansions result in buckles and wrin-
tion. Care was exercised to minimize the heat sink effect kles in the face sheet, and protection of the completed
of any heavy fixturing. Thermal gradients across a large panel against oxidation, are typical of some of these
part with the attendant differential in thermal expansion problems.
can cause permanent wrinkling.
On the other hand the picture has a bright side. There is
Conclusions. Theprimaryproblem encountered infabri- a good possibility that the panels can be assembled by
cation of foil gage structures was not the inherent form- diffusion bonding thus eliminating the braze material.
ability, but rather in handling and education of employees. The completed panels have a high stiffness-to-weight
Parts take on the aura of a fruit stand ("Don't squeeze the ratio, and the handling requirements during manufacture,
tomatoes") and must be handled, packaged, and trans- assembly, transit, and ground handling are less demanding.
ported with special care. Shearing and forming can be
accomplished with conventional techniques. Closer fits When starting a program of this sort, advantage must be
and tighter tolerances are required but only in proportion taken of all the pertinent current technology. There is
to the reduction in gage. Spotwelding requires special considerable technology in the fabrication of honeycomb
techniques to produce optimum strength joints vithout sandwich from stainless steel. This technology came
metal expulsion. Taking the broad view, an average primarily from the B-58 and RS-70 programs. However,
aerospace company can fabricate lightweight foil gage as applied to the present program, these have serious
structures of the type described here with minimum de- limitations, one of which is the temperature required for
velopment and minor equipment modification. Another brazing. While temperatures for stainless steel brazing
view of the completed specimen is shown in Figure 15. are below 2000°F, refractory materials require tempera-
tures considerably above this. Both the tooling and the
materials to be used in the composite itself are affected
Refractory Metal Honeycomb Structures by this requirement.
The previous section described structures and fabrica- Tooling Materials. The raw materials used in making
tion techniques for the superalloy materials, speCifically tools were glasrock, micro-quartz, fiberpax, and mica-
Rene 41. These materials are good for temperatures bonded aluminum. The glasrock-foamed silica (25 to 50
ranging from 1500°F t02000°F depending on the material, lb/cu ft.) has proven to be a satisfactory material for
application, and length of exposure. Above this tempera- brazing temperatures of 2200°Ft02400°F, although some
ture range, and indeed beginning at about 1750°F (Figure deterioration does occur at temperatures above 2000°F.
16), the refractory metals provide a more efficient struc- The brazing surfaces for the initial small panels were
ture material. ground to the required flatness and grooved to receive the
heating elements with a hacksaw blade. The brazing tool
All these materials, however, suffer from an affinity for the full size panels is cast on a flat surface plate from
for oxygen at these temperatures which renders them a slurry. The holes for the heater wires are integrally
useless unless properly protected from the ambient oxy- cast by plastic tubes which are subsequently burned out.
gen environment or unless used in a vacuum (Figure 17). Figure 18 shows the assembled brazing fixture for one
Means of protecting by coatings have been developed dur- side with the glasrock tool, heater wires, and coated caul
ing the past few years which are effective on relatively sheet.
thick sheets and massive parts. However, foil gage ma-
terials present a more difficult problem since the usual A problem area not being investigated, but which is im-
coatings diffuse into the surface of the material, and if portant as brazing or diffusion temperatures exceed
the sheet is very thin, diffusion may penetrate through 2500°F, is a suitable material for the brazing tool. The
the complete thickness, if not initially, then perhaps with use of tungsten for cases where production quantities will
continued exposure to high temperatures during use. It justify the cost may provide the solution.
is also pointed out that thick coatings on thin sheets par-
tially defeats the purpose of using the thin sheet for Brazing Environment. The original brazing was done in
achieving light weight. an argon atmosphere confined in a plastic bag (Figure 19).
However, subsequent brazing in a vacuum, 5 x 10- 4 torr,
The previous discussion also described structures which was so successful and required less preparation with
are "open face" types. Many studies have been made fewer problems that all current work is being done in a
which show that for certain applications more efficient vacuum furnace. The one used for this project is the
structures can be made by using "double face" sandwich work area of an electron beam welder.
structures (Ref. 1 to 3). This is particularly true where
the structure is very lightly loaded. For these applica- Core Preparation. The surfacing of the core materials
tions, where gages of material must be very small, the to the required flatness is a critical process. Previous
natural support to the faces afforded by a honeycomb core experience has shown that for heavier gages, a variatiori
can be explOited to provide smooth surfaces and rigid in core thickness less than. 002 in. must be maintained.
panels. It is presumed that for the foU gages, a tolerance of .001
in. is required. Hand lapping has been selected as the
With these characteristics in mind the Lockheed Missiles most practical process presently available. The core
and Space Company, under contract to Aeronautical Sys- slice is glue-bonded to a ground surface plate with an ad-
tems Divisio", is developing a sandwich panel 18 in. by hesive that can be dissolved in a solvent. The lapping is
18 in. in size consisting of . 00 I-inch foil Molybdenum done with a cast (meehanite) surface plate prepared with
alloy faces. Due to material limitations, the present core a cross grid of grooves. A 240-mesh alundum grit is
consists of a 1/8-inch cell honeycomb of . 00 I-inch gage used as the lapping agent.
Inconel 702. Recently molybdenum honeycomb core has
become available and will be used for future panels.

Heater Elements. A number of possible materials for Expandable structures
use as heater elements were investigated. These ma-
terials were narrowed down to nichrome and columbium Two types of metallic structural concepts designed for
foil ribbons. The placement of the elements in the fix- high-temperature usage have been briefly discussed. We
ture was found to be critical, since the thickness of ma- will now turn to a completely different concept, i. e., ex-
terial between the wire and the surface provided ins ulation pandable structures for space applications. In trying to
and the wire temperature was a function of this distance. discuss this subject we find ourselves in the thicket of
The use of thick caul sheets allowed these wires to be diversity of opinion. Lockheed has collected nearly one
placed on the surface or in shallow grooves which alle- thousand documents related, in one way or another, to
viated this problem. expandable structures. These documents were collected
as part of an ASD contract to survey and provide handbook
Brazing Alloys. The criteria for choosing a brazing ma- information on expandable structures. We would like to
terial must take into account fillet shrinkage, diffusion take this opportunity to thank the many firms who gener-
into the parent material, oxidation resistance, ratio of ously cooperated with this effort by supplying us with re-
melting point to operating temperature, wetting charac- ports and data.
teristics, etc. For this project the gold-palladium alloys
werechoseninitially, and from the various possible com- It is obvious that with all this information available we
binations a 50-percent gold - 50-percent palladi~.0005- must be narrowly selective in the presentation made in
inch thick foil was found to be satisfactory, except that this paper. Consequently, we will discuss only those ex-
diffusion into the parent materials has proven to be a pandable structures which are folded for launch, then ex-
serious problem. A better brazing material was subse- panded to a greater volume after reaching orbit. The
quently found to be 7o-percent silver - 3O-percent palla- final structures so obtained will be assumed to be rigid-
dium. However, it appears that diffusion bonding will ized by chemical means rather than depending on air
provide the best solution. pressure. They are of a size and nature to be inhabitable
by men; however, they are not designed for reentry. Great
Assembly Process. One of the more important require- strides have been made in the past few years to provide
ments in the final assembly of the panels is that adequate the technology required to build a vehicle which meets
support be provided to insure uniform temperature across these requirements, but there still remains much to be
the face and that the parts be held firmly in place with done before these concepts will replace the more conven-
uniform contact. This resulted in finding that heavy caul tional first-generation, mechanically unfolding concepts.
sheets are necessary. Because of problems of thermal
expansion andcompatability the caul sheets were made of The advantages make the gain worth the task. Some of
molybdenum. these advantages are:

The assembly process consists of placing the lower half 1. As the boosters increase in-efficiency, the
ofthe brazing tool with the faCe up. Heater wires are in- required ratio of volume to weight of the
serted or laid on the surface and covered with electrical payload will tend to decrease. Expandable
insulation. The caul sheet is placed on top and a stop-off structures can provide a favorable ratio.
of water-suspended MgO is applied. The composite panel
is laid on top. The upper half of the fixture which has 2. Due to the unitized construction fewer joints
been assembled in the same way as the lower half is now are required with a resultant reduction in
clamped and placed on top of the panel. The entire as- potential sources of leaks.
sembly is loosely clamped to prevent slippage and placed
in the brazing chamber where the heater wires are at- 3. Since the primary loads in such a vehicle
tached to the power lead (Figure 20. ) are tension due to the pressurization re-
quired, it is possible to exploit the high
The resulting panel is shown in Figure 21 as it appears tensile strength properties of various fila-
when the fixture is opened. As can be seen, perfection ments and fibers to provide a lightweight
has not yet been achieved and the surface skin, which I structure.
would remind you is only one mil thick, is not perfectly
smooth. The reasons for this roughness are attributed 4. There is some evidence that such structures
to the difference in the coefficient of expansion of the In- may be more resistant to meteoroid damage.
conel 702 core material and the molybdenum facings and
the shrinkage of the braze alloy during solidification.
Recent unreported work indicates that this effect can be Design Concept
reduced to the vanishing point.
A major, if not the most important design consideration
Work is continuing on this project with the ultimate ob- for a manned space station, is protection against meteor-
jective of developing a panel which will be capable of oid strikes. The amount of time of exposu·re and th~
operation at temperatures above 2500°F. To achieve this vulnerable area is so large that strikes are inevitable,
will require core materials of refractory metals (these although more recent data have indicated less hazard than
materials have recently become available in thin gage was previously thought to be the case. Two aspects of
honeycomb); higher melting brazing alloys or more likely, this problem must be considered. The first is that inso-
the elimination of the braze material all together and de- far as is practical, the structure should not allow meter-
pendence upon diffusion bonding; the development of fix- oids. to enter the station due to the hazard to personnel
ture and heater element materials capable of resisting and equipment. For this purpose, double wall construc-
higher temperatures; and of particular importance, a tion appears to provide the best solution. This means
means of protection against catastrophic oxidation in that a filler material or some method of maintaining the
service. spaCing between the walls is required. Various methods
have been proposed including honeycomb cores, foamed

in place plastics, and drop cords between the walls. The It is apparent that with double walls, cores, insulation,
foam plastics will provide the best meteoroid protection. etc. , itis no longer possible to fold such a structure into
In order to be effective for meteoroid protection, the two a tight little package. Some indication of the effect of wall
walls should be two inches or more apart and the core thickness on unfolding ratio can be obtained from Figure
density must be small to keep the core weight from being 23. For the type of mission being discussed here it is
excessive. probable that high unfolding ratios are not required. This
is the case if a certain amount of "hard" equipment is
Secondly, if the meteoroid has enough energy that it suc- enclosed with the folded structure during launch.
ceeds in penetrating the inner wall, a means of sealing
off the hole is required. Self sealing methods under de- Materials and Processes
velopment may provide the solution, at least for the small
holes most likely to be encountered. For the larger holes, A great many materials have been proposed for use in
which in any event will be a very rare occurrence, patches expandable structures. Many of these materials fall by
can be applied since leakage rates on even relatively large the wayside when considered in the light of their resist-
holes are slow enough to provide time to locate and repair. ance to the environment of space. Table 2 is illustrative
Much work remains to be done on meteoroid science - both of this point where we find only four materials which fall
in environment criteria and in effects on specific struc- into this "excellent" class.
tures. Of equal importance, the type of work which has
been done on the physiological effects of meteoroids which Foam-in-place plastics have been widely proposed as a
penetrate the walls of manned stations should be expanded method of rigidizing structures. Some of the materials
in order to provide a basis for assessing the hazards which have been foamed in vacuum are polyurethanes and
(Ref. 9). gellatins.

Most designs for expandable space stations incorporate

the double wall principle in one form or other. Typical
design concepts are shown in Figure 22. These designs
are heavily biased to provide meteoroid protection. In
addition, the sandwich construction provides an efficient
structure, and the space between the faces can be used
for insulation, self-sealing packets, ducts, etc.

Table 2


-8 Total Expected Serviceable

Materials Vacuum (10 mm Hg) Radiation (Apprx. 2 yr) Temperature Limits

Teflon G F -100° to +475°F
Mylar G G -100° to +325°F
Saran G G -100° to +275°F
H-Film (Polyimide) E E -100° to +550°F


Cotton G P - 65° F to +200°F

Nylon G F - 65°F to +250°F
Dacron G G -320°F to +325°F
HT-1 (Nylon) G G - 65°F to +450°F
Fiberglass E E -320°F to +450°F


Epoxy E G - 320°F to +450°F

Phenolics F G -320°F to +450°F
Polyester G F -320°F to +350°F
Silicones G G -320°F to +550°F


Silicones G G -200°F to +550°F

Butyl F P - 65°F to +375°F
Chloroprene G G - 65°F to +250°F
Polysulfide P P - 65°F to +250°F
Polyurethane G E - 65°F to +300°F
Viton G G - 20°F to +450°F

P = Poor G = Good NOTE: Comparisons are based on materials

in their own category and not on
F = Fair E = Excellent category versus category.

Figure 24 shows a typical example of a foaming operation. Conclusion
It appears, however, that there is a long step from the
laboratory samples which are small enough to be made in It is recognized that much of the discussion on expandable
a bell jar or small vacuum chamber, and a full-size structures has been in the nature of vague generalities.
double· wall cylinder ten feet or more in diameter which The research and development efforts in this field are
must automatically provide itself with the proper distri- just barely past the preliminary stage, and actually very
butionofmaterial to insure the structural integrity of the few expandable structures have' been flown .. The work in
completed vessel in the zero-gravity environment. The this field is being pushed forward rapidly, and there are
solutiontothisproblem may lie in the technique of apply- a number of important projects under way or contemplated
ing layers of the basic materials to the inner or outer which will provide information and confidence to incorpo-
wall, then by means of solar heat setting off the reaction rate these concepts into practical manned space vehicles.
which would result in a fOaming action. Once started the In the meantime it is perfectly feasible to consider the
heat of reaction could sustain the process until complete use of expandables in certain speCialized -applicatiOns of
foaming had been achieved. a secondary nature. It is anticipated that the information
currently being collected and evaluated will provide the
Wall structures are generally considered to be made of basis for such designs.
Fiberglas and may be of filament wound or woven fabric.
One very interesting concept which has been developed is
an integrally woven sandwich structure. In the non- Summary
rigidized condition this material lies flat and can be
folded, as rigidized it is a hard "truss core" type sand-
wich which provides excellent structural walls. In this paper we have suggested some ways in which light-
weight structures can be built from very thin gage su-
The key to successful expandable structures of the type peralloy and refractory metal materials and from non-
metalli~ materials which are folded for launching, ex-
discussed here is the technique for rigidization. It is
obviously desirable for this process to be automatic, con- panded m space, and rigidized.
trolled, and rapid. The state of development is such that
one cannot saywith certaiIity that anyone method is better The techniques employed for the superalloys, such as
than another. One way that holds considerable promise Rene 4.1, in gages down to. 003 inches are well developed,
is to impregnate the wall material with a suitable resin and WIth a nominal amount of additional work for im-
material. Itisthenpartially cured so itwill not be sticky provement, structures can be fabricated today from these
but is s.till pliable. After deployment in space, the ma- materials. The fabrication of honeycomb panels from
terial will then rigidize as the result of the space envi- . 00 I-inch thick molybdenum is currently in the process
ronment. Various types of materials will respond to dif- of being developed and there is every expectation of suc-
ferent environmental conditions. Some are rigidized by ~or this effort in the near future. The practical ap-
ultraviolet rays, others by infrared or temperature, and plIcatIOn of expandable, rigidized structure for primary
still others evaporate. Some of the types of materials structural manned applications is further down the road
are listed in Table 3 which shows the process by which but the intensive efforts being exerted is resulting ~
the rigidization is achieved. rapid progress which will lead to designs which exploit
the unique characteristics of these concepts.

Table 3




Epoxies X X

Polyvinyl Chloride X X

Acrylics X X

Polyvinyl Formal X X

Polyesters X

Polyurethanes X X

Gelatin X X


1. A. B. Burns and R. F. Crawford, "Minimum Weight Analyses for Four Types of Stiffened, Flat, Compression
Panels and Their Relative Efficiency," LMSC Technical Report 2-47-61-1, Sunnyvale, California, June 1961,
(ASTIA AD-267626).

2. R. F. Crawford and C. E. Stuhlman, "Minimum Weight Analysis for Truss-Core Sandwich Cylindrical Shells under
Axial Compression, Torsion or Radial Pressure," LMSC Technical Report 2-47-61-2, Sunnyvale, California,
April 1961, (ASTIA AD-267625).

3. E. H. Nickell and R. F. Crawford, Structural Shell Optimization Studies, Vol. II, ''Optimization of Stiffened Cylin-
drical Shells Subjected to Uniform External Hydrostatic Pressure, "LMSC Technical Report 3-42-61-2, Sunnyvale,
California, June 1961 (ASTIA AD 267624).

4. R. C. Nysmith and J. L. Summers, "Preliminary Investigation of Impact on Multiple-Sheet Structures and on

Evaluation of the Meteoroid Hazard to Space Vehicles, " NASA TN D-I039, September 1961.

5. MIL-HDBK-23, Composite Construction for Flight Vehicles, Armed Forces Supply Support Center, Washington 25,
D. C.

6. ASD-TDR-7-938 (I), ''Development of Light Weight High-Temperature Structures Phase I - Design Criteria, "
Interim Technical Documentary Progress Report LMSC, Sunnyvale, California, July I, 1962 - September 3D, 1962.

7. ASD-TDR-7 -938 (II), ''Development of Light Weight High-Temperature Structures Phase II - Manufacturing Develop-
ment," Interim Technical Documentary Progress Report, LMSC, Sunnyvale, California - October I, 1962-
December 31, 1962.

8. M. G. Childers and V. B. Koriagin, "Lightweight Structures for Space Vehicles, "Society of Automotive Engineers
Paper 420C, Lockheed-California Company, Burbank, California.

9. C. F. Gell, A. B. Thompson, and V. Stembridge, "Biological Effects of Simulated Micrometeoroid Penetration of

a Sealed Chamber Containing Animal Specimens, " Aerospace Medical Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 1961.

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~ .12

~ . 11
~ .1

U . 09


. 07

. 06
IS p =300 ISp =400
. 05 10 ,000 20,000 30,000 4 ,

to V (i de ol) (fps)



RENE '41










PH 15-7 MO (RH 950)



17-7 PH (TH
1050) FIGURE 16.







Cb J




§ 0.01
':2 0. 01
0 . 001







~~s:s:s::s~s:s:s:s;:S:;~s:s:s::s~~s:s;:S:;~S3 - FIB ER G LAS 0 UTE R FA C E



";!b.;s::::II~~~::O;;:!;"Iii~;;;IF.'~~;#:;~?S'i~~ _ SOFT CELL ULAR RU BBE R SELF






E. P. PERC A RPIO, SEPT 20 ,1962



1 0'),00 O':-----~___:_----------------..

REF . ASD-TDR-62 -568




o 1, 000

z FIGURE 23.


A IRMAT * WIN G (25)



O~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _R~I~G~ID~ST~R~U~C~TU~R~E~S~(~I)_~



A. Powdered Material

B. Compression Molded Disc

C. Rigid Foam (obtained using vacuum and 250 F)


J. C. Maule. EIhief"'- B. Nitikman. .ba:l:a~ eb:ter-' ~ P. B. ThompB<\"l
Propulsion & Power Systems Branch Propulsion Branch Propulsion Branch
Manned Spacecra.f't Programs Advanced Space Technology Advanced Space Technology
-.J>ouglas Aircl'8.f't CqIIJI&B¥. Inc.) t Douglas Aircraft C~. Inc. Douglas Aircra.f't Company. Inc.
/'7 ~o.. '~, / .
m'RODUCTION ~ b~70()J.. ~ in this sense. becomes almost synonomous with relia-
bility during many phases of a manned mission. Con-
Early vehicles. such as the Douglas D-558 Skyrocket sider a vehicle in lunar orbit for example. For
series. the X-15 and the present Mercury. Gemini safe return of the crew. ignition of the propulsion
and Apollo systems illustrate the design changes in system upon command is just as important as preven-
the evolution from conventional aircra.f't to realis- tion of accidental ignition.
tic spacecra.f't designed to operate beyond the atmos-
phere. The rocket-powered aircra.f't. specifically One approach toward reliability is that of redun-
the X-15. were designed to explore high speed dancy. An example is the use of redundant engines
phenomena and flight conditions associated with re- in such a manner that i f one engine fails. the
entry into the earth's atmosphere. remainder are sufficient to complete the mission.
But this leads to a contradiction. With more
Experience in prolonged space flight has been engines. the flight control system and indeed the
obtained from the Mercury spacecra.f't system. whole vehicle design becomes more complicated and
Gemini will provide an extended capability to man- hence can be expected to be less reliable. The
euver in space for prolonged periods of time. It greater the number of engines. the greater the pos-
incorporates deSign changes. derived from Mercury sibilityof human error during checkout. Moreover.
experience. which shift the emphasis from simply not all engine failures are passive.
achieving orbital flight to performing useful tasks
in space. The Apollo design includes the capability It should be noted that a well-developed. qualified
of complete command on board the spacecra.f't. Beyond engine rarely" experiences a catastrophic in-flight
this. interplanetary vehicle designs are being failure. Failures do occur. and are corrected.
studied. the recent EJ.fPIRE study being one exampl.e. during early engine development programs. But after
The trend in all of this is that of making fuller tbat. the reliability of the engine matures to rel-
use of man's potential and capabilities as a func- atively high values. This argument can be supported
tioning member in the spacecra.f't design. by a survey of Thor flight test data. Over m
the flight malfunctions occurred during the first

This paper reviews the ways in which a propulsion 2fY1, of all Thor flight attempts. or these malfunc-
system designed for a manned spacecra.f't differs tions. most are attributable to systems not directly
from that of an 1!nD!8 n ned vehicle. These differences associated with the engine. As devel.opment contin-
seem small to the authors. ~y are certainly ues. the record improves. In fact. the only Thor
smaller than the differences between a nuclear and propulsion system failures in the last 100 flights
a chemical propulsion system. Yet. the success of can be traced to human errors during ground check-
a manned vehicle depends on patient attention to out. possibly caused by gross fatigue of the crews.
such small details. In light of the "what have we rather than resulting from engine system design
learned" theme of this session. this paper is faults.
limited to a discussion of chemical propulsion
systems. Within this limitation. those general The inherent conflict between the "keep it simple"
requirements and design considerations unique to and the "make it redundant" approaches to relia-
manned propulsion systems are: engine requirements bility can be illustrated quantitatively by con-
with regard to crew safety and reliability; require- sidering the question of engine malfunction detec-
ments for pilot controls and displays; propellant tion. Use of engine malfunction detectors of some
management requirements; and the possibility of in- sort on a multiple engine system permits shutting
flight maintenance and repair. down a bad engine. On the other hand. automatic
monitoring and engine shut down devices must be
held to a minimum. since each device added intro-
RELIABILITY AND SAFETI duced additional complexity and therefore provided
another source of failure.
The most striking difference between the design
approach to manned and unD!8nned space vehicles is a As shown in Figures 1 and 2. the effects of monitor
perSistent emphasis on reliability and crew safety. unreliability on the overall reliability of the
For an unmanned weapon system. reliability is one system can be of considerable importance. A spare
element in a cost effectiveness evaluation. But engine is helpful if the bad engine has damaged
no dollar value can be placed on the life of a man. nothing but itself. and is successfully isolated.
This emphasis on safety and reliability pervades Its usefulness is lessened if a malfunction monitor
all aspects of propulsion system design. occasionally shuts down good engines. From Figure
1. assuming an engine qualified to a mission relia-
In missile propulSion design. safety and reliability bility of 0.99). a perfectly monitored four-engine
are often antithetical. The ignition system. for cluster would have a mission reliability of 0.9994 -
example. may contain so many "safety" devices to a big improvement. But i f the malfunction-monitor
prevent inadvertent firing. that the missile is shuts down each good engine randomly. about once in
less likely to work when it is supposed to. In every 20 missions. the reliability is down to about
spacecraft design. we refer to reliability as the 0.98. only half as good as with a single engine.
probability that the mission objectives will be
achieved. and to safety as the likelihood that the Having questioned the reliability of an engine mal-
crew will be returned to earth unharmed. Safety. function detection device. it is also reasonab1e to

question the' rel1abil1 ty of a man himself. Will all appropriate example is a voice warning system
failure ~les develop slowly or harmlessly enough to which uses a prerecorded female voice. speak-
permit a man to catch them in time? It should be ing directly over the pilot's headset, to
pointed out that this is done now on rocket static desc~be the exact nature of the hazard.
tests. during which test engineers frequently catch
trouble in time to save the engine. A big diffi- An example ot the application of these guidelines is
culty is in assigning a number to the man's relia- illustrated in Figures 3 and 4. The panel shown
bili ty. Is he CfJ'1o certain of controlling a bad applies to a two-stage spacecraft. Each stage has
engine, and 9<:J{o certain of not shutting down a good two oxidizers and two fuel tanks and uses a single.
one? Of course, in the event of error. he might be pressure-fed engine. A primary example of the
able to restart the engine with no particular harm, employment of time sharing is the use of the same
a trait not shared by automatic sensors. propulsion panel (Figure 4) for display and control
ot both stages. The schematic arrangement of the
This discussion is not intended to prove that mul- displays facilitates a logical diagnosis of the
tiple engines are better than a single engine. condi tion of the propulSion system. Without further
That decision depends on the particular mission. time sharing, the display shown would be adequate
configuration, etc., of the vehicle. The present for a gross checkout but would not give enough infor-
opinion is, however, that, with good displays and mation to pinpoint and isolate a tault in the
controls, a well-trained flight engineer can justify system. For example. consider the helium pressure
the incorporation of a malfunction detection system. gauge shown in Figure 4. This gauge can be acti-
vated by a number of transducers, selected by the
crew, to provide an indication ot system pressures
CONTROLS AND Dll3PIAYS throughout the helium pressurization system (thus
eliminating several additional gauges). Once a
What displays does the crew need? X-15 pilots have fault is located, the crew has the option ot (a)
relied rather exclusively on throttle and chamber isolating the troublesome elements in the system and
pressure readings during powered flight. It is SWitching to redundant elements, (b) attempting a
felt that it would be unwise to conclude too much repair of the fault, or (c) weighing a decision
from this experience. With only one pilot, and a between abort or continuing the mission with reduced
short powered phase, there is too much happening capability.
for him to devote much time to engine performance
analysis using the variety of available gauges. The The same approach is applied to temperature readouts
multi-engined airplane take-off maneuver, where a and. as shown on the paneL for a multiple tank con-
flight engineer or third pilot concentrates heavily figuration, display of two separate tank temper-
on engine operation, might be a better model of the atures with a single gauge is easily accomplished.
future spacecraft. In addition, proviSion is made to use this same
gauge to read temperatures at the top and bottom of
But there is one more element. For a long duration the tanks by activating the switch located directly
mission, the crew will want enough information to beneath the gauge. Propellant freezing is a perni-
detect, locate, and analyze faulty components so cious problem in this example. Thermocouples are
that they can be repaired in flight. located in critical regions of the tank (i.e., near
heat Shorts) and an additional proviSion is made to
Past experience suggests some guidelines for display display their readings sequentially on the same
design: indicator.

1. The Army-Navy Instrumentation Program, ANIP, Critical components of the pressurization and propel-
has shown that simplified, integrated, dis- lant feed system are also controlled by switches
plays yield significantly higher pilot effi- located on the panel. The pilot can select auto-
ciencies than conventional ones. matic control of redundant pressure regulation
systems or manually override the automatic system.
2. In actually designing displays, we have inev- The propellant flow control valves are controlled in
i tably found that there is never enough space the same manner. Selection of automatic or manual
to simultaneously display all the information switching depends on the mission phase. A critical
that a pilot is capable of understanding and maneuver may require the pilot to be occupied with
acting upon. (A corollary of this is the con- other functions and manual switching of supporting
clusion that there is no point displaying systems would then be a redundant backup.
information that the crew member can do noth-
ing about.) Time sharing of indicators The displ~ shown for a pressure-fed engine (Figure
reduces this problem. Measured parameters can 4) only includes a chamber pressure monitor for
be displayed in sequence, using the same steady-state operation. One can question whether
indicators, or the system can be programmed to this is adequate.
display only the most critical parameters or
only those which have exceeded their redline Present-day engines differ so substantially in their
value. malfunction modes that no general conclusions can be
drawn. (Obviously, pressure-fed engines do not
3· Some bisensory warning system need be combined throw turbine blades.) Experience has generally
with the displays. This is particularly been that combustion instabilities are most likely
important for an orbiting space laboratory or to occur during engine start up tranSients, valve
an interplanetary vehicle. (It would be un- and turbopump failures during steady-state running,
reasonable to expect a crew member to stare and valve malfunctions during shutdown.
continuously at a panel for a year.) If
several malfunctions occur simultaneously, a A gas generator driven. turboP1.DlIP-fed engine might
logic network will select the more important then require a disp~ of turbop1.DlIP speed and inlet
and interrupt a:ny lower priority warning. An temperature. But not all turbopump engines are the

same. A topping cyel.e engine. such as Pratt Be Each of these three has its inherent diaadvantages.
Whitney's RIJ.O. '1I1IJ.7 not require turbopump speed aDi There is currently a controversy as to whether or
1Dlet temperature disp~. This type of engine not interpl.anetary vehicles sbould provide artifi-
seems to respond to maJor maJi'unctions by shutting cial "g's" by rotation. From the rather provincial
itself off. This is inherent in that it derives its viewpoint of the propulsion engineer. the rotating
pumping energy from regenerative chamber heat. with vehicl.e would seem to solve DIBIIY probl.ems.
the warmed propellant driving the turbopump. ADy
interruption in the flow of either propellant
reduces the chamber heat. and the pump tellds to run m-FLIGm MAINrENANCE AND REPAIR
Detection. replacement. and repair of faulty compo-
It appears that the onlJr mal.function mode which nents may turn out to be the most important contri-
might justify an automatic shutdown system would be bution of man's abilities in achieving prol.onged
combustion stability. This is still a somewbat space flights. It is rather ear~ to speculate on
controversial question. Sometimes the effects are this. but some indication of the type of propulsion
!Dil.d. The Thor propulsion system. for example. system deSigns amenable to in-flight repair has
sometimes exhibits a slight but harmless 20 cps already been obtained from the design of boosters.
resonance. Some eng:l.nes. particular~ in develop- such as the Saturn S-IVB program.
ment. exhibit instabilities which lead to an
extreme~ rapid chamber pressure excursion. some- Consider the representative propellant pressuriz-
times resulting in destruction. ation regulation system schematic shown in Figure 5.
In current practice. each of the valves. solenoids.
and filters shown would be connected by tubing with
wel.ded (or possib~ even B-nut) fittings. Each
fitting would require leak check. In trying to meet
If an aircraft propu1sion system fails entire~. the the requirements of compl.ete~ automatic ground
craft can return the crew safe~ by gliding back to checkout of the system. rapid replacement of mal-
earth. A lunar spacecraft. coasting in the trans- functioning components. enviromnental control. of the
lunar trajectory after earth escape. is in an anal- entire system in space. we have tended toward
ogous situation. I f the trajectory is properly modular design concepts. A representation of this
planned. the spacecraft w1.ll s1mp~ circumnavigate approach is shawn in Figures 6 and 7. All of the
the moon and re-enter the earth's atmosphere vi thout components of Figure 5 have been combined into one
the propulsion system operating again. But this body. A small cartty of known vol.ume is connected
analogy breaks dawn once the ~ecraft commander to all leakage points in the module. Monitoring
has committed himself to lunar orbit (or earth or the pressure at this point serves as a l.eak check
Mars orbit for that matter). Assume that the space- for the entire module. el.im1I18.ting the myriad of
craft has some reserve propu1sion capability for leak detectors necessary otherwise. Reducing the
abort. (This is typic~ su;pplied by the terminal. entire pressurization system to a small surface
propulsion stage.) l!efore commitment to each drastic~ reduces temperature control requirements.
successive phase of the mission. the spacecraft
commander must not only check out the workability While this design approach has resulted from booster
of the propulsion system but also decide whether requirements, it also· seems to be the appropriate
there is enough fuel remaining to continue. approach to in-flight ma1ntelllUlCe and repair. Col.-
l.ecting all the active parts in a small volume
The fuel. gauges employed in contemporary systems. simplifies the problem of providing access. The
such as capacitance probes or point sensors. are analogy between this and the "black box" approach
entire~ inappropriate to measurement under zero to el.ectronic system design and maintenance is cl.ear
gravity. This probl.em is avoided in some current and appealiDg. Perhaps the internal components of
vehicles by using small. auxiliary engines to suppl.y such a module w1.ll some day be as standard and
settling force fiel.ds during the period of fuel interchangeabl.e as vacuum tubes and resistors.
measurement. If bladders are used to control. the
propellant. the measurement probl.em is aggravated. For some phases of a manned mission. such as during
a landing maneuver. in-flight repair capability is
As propellant quantity is a safety item. it is high- of littl.e value. For lunar or earth orbital
~ desirabl.e that it be measured continuous~ or missions of a year's duration. the crew has the
quite frequently. (An additional benefit accrues leisure time to repair almost anything. We have
from use of a continuous propellant measurement as suggested an appropriate approach toward feed system
a gross l.eak detector.) But no present~..developed designs. M:>re work is needed in other areas.
measurement device seems capabl.e of continuous particular~ repair of propellant tankage. While
measurement under zero g. Three approaches to this the very presence of man in a spacecraft forces a
have been suggested. high requirement for propulsion reliability. his
presence also seems to provide the best means of
1.. The propellant could be contained wi thin meeting that goal.
metal bellows. measuring the extension of the

2. Acoustica Associates. Inc.. has suggested

measuring the acoustic resonant frequency of
the gas volume within the tank.

3. The radiation gauging system being devel.oped

by North American Aviation for the HS-1O
might be adapted to this purpose.

iii 5iii
.....iii'" .996

.. .994
::> .990 ..

d :3
3 4 6



- 84-






Carl R. Cording

Manager - Manned Systems Simulation Laboratory

~General Electric CO~D~Q~ ~ D
~( ;I U~7 T ~/lft-.
Orbital maintenance and repair can no longer intelligent design of any sub system in any
be classified as a highly desirable and much given spacecraft and depended, of course, upon
sought after but hardly obtainable system charact- the specific system and mission. There is a
eristic. I am sure that most of us when consid- problem, however, which is universal to all
ering this problem have shuddered at the weight systems and which is relatively inflexible in
penalty implied by considerations of spare parts, its need for solution. That is the problem of
tools, diagnostic equipment and sub system design extra vehicular maintenance. With few exceptions
philosophy necessary to achieve this goal. maintenance and repair and the design problems
associated thereof are amenable to engineering
Achievement of the goal, however, is mandatory. analysis and basic trade-off study, as long as
The exceptionally long durations of the missions we are discussing this activity taking place
currently proposed for earth orbiting space sta- within the confines of the vehicle cabin. Al-
tions, lunar base and interplanetary explorations though we are concerned about weightlessness here,
by man offer the systems engineer no choice but it is not difficult to realize that restraint in
to absolutely require in-flight maintenance and seats or at work areas and the use of various
repair capability. Graphic illustration of this types of equipment as retention aids can easily
consideration is shown on figure 1. The solid be designed. The problem of repair within a
line is typical of the shape of a sub system re- cabin, therefore, becomes little different than
liability curve plotted for a duration of one the problem which we face and daily solve in
year. As you can see probability of successful the maintenance of aircraft, missile systems,
operation at launch is high. A steady reduction and other highly sophisticated pieces of machinery.
of this probability occurs until at one year for Zero gravity is easily handled within a cabin and
instance the value is well below any reasonable can in fact be an advantage in achieving those
acceptable limit. The dotted saw-tooth curve, hard to get to places and difficult positions
however, indicates system reliability as a that we all hope to design out of our equipment
function of time considering the application of but somehow invariably creep in.
periodic preventative maintenance by the crew.
Such is not the case in performing mainten-
While the numbers shown here must be con- ance and repair external to the vehicle. Here
sidered as relative they are representative of the environment is hazardous. We are obviously
values which can be generated for any given sub encumbered by a pressure suit, a back pack,
system. The need for preventative maintenance possibly some form of propulSion, and the way
to assure reliable operation of various sub the man made radiation belts are beginning to
systems for long periods of time is, therefore, look he will probably be equipped with some
easily seen. Examination of this particular type of radiation protection. In addition this
problem leads us to the obvious conclusion that astronaut probably has to carry with him a
preventative maintenance as well as replacement satchel of tools, spare parts and test equipment
and repair is one of the major and most signif- and even so will probably be forced to operate
icant roles that the crew of any long duration like the proverbial plumber who constantly must
mission will be called upon to perform. It is return to the store for the correct equipment.
also obvious that appreciation of this role as Therefore, operating within the hazards of the
a necessary criteria for mission success must environment and the limitations of his suit
be recognized early and provided for in the de- and his work place, this astronaut must in one
sign and development of the system and its re- way or another apply himself to the task of
lated sub systems. doing meaningful work in the weightless environ-
ment. Here obviously he is not so easily re-
The type of maintenance and repair, the strained as he was in the cabin and depending
sub systems and the equipment which might be upon the location of his particular area of
affected, the diagnostic needs and requirements interest he can experience a minimum load path
as well as analysis of spare parts and tools between himself and his work. This combination,
has been studied on many occasions by many pressure suit and frictionless with no restraint
people. The chart shown here on figure 2 is appears to be the most severe set of operating
representative of the types of failures which restrictions which will limit the astronaut .and
one might expect the crew of any long duration which will subject him to the most challenging
spacecraft to be required to correct. The development of his role of maintenance and re-
criticallity rating shown is arbitrarily sel- pair.
ected between 10 for catastrophic and 1 for
inconsequential. Study of the trade-offs of Regardless of the size of future vehicles
replacement versus repair, self-monitoring certain equipment and sub systems will by nature
versus manual diagnostic and adjustment, de- require service from outside the cabin. A partial
gree of redundancy versus degree of maintain- list includes docking ports, radiators, sensors,
ability are, of course, necessary for the solar paddles and associated gimbal mounts,

anteana, fuel storage, fuel lines and valves, and fidelity. How good is the simulation? How
propulsion systems. All of these to a greater or complete can we believe the data? How close is
-lesser extent may require repair. All of these it to the real world are all questions which
most certainly will require at least inspection certainly deserve an answer. In the case of
and probably preventative maintenance. It is in this machine the answer is in fact a difficult
recognition of this problem, therefore, that a one. Certainly we do not simulate weightless-
simulator was developed by General Electric to ness. We do, however, simulate relatively well
evaluate the ability of an astronaut to perform the dynamics of weightlessness in five of the six
useful work while weightless and while encumbered possible degrees of freedom. This in itself is
by an inflated pressure suit. AnalySis of this fairly good dynamic simulation. The numbers are
simulation problem suggested that the important not absolute since the sixth degree of freedom as
parameters of this weightless environment as ap- a parameter must be simulated in order to extract
plied to the task of performing meaningful work absolute numbers from your test results. However,
are the dynamics. Frictionless in six degrees for the testing which was conducted the quantita-
of freedom the astronaut will have little op- tive data is considered to be valid within rel-
portunity to work in the same fashion as he does atively narrow limits. It is not expected for
on earth. Anticipation of this difficulty has example that the difference in adding the sixth
promoted some concern and analySis-of methods of degree of freedom will be as significant as the
overcoming this apparent difficulty. However, difference between subjects. Now it obviously is
it occurred to us that it would first be benefic- possible to cheat the machine. That is, one can
ial to determine as best we could on earth what learn to apply his body and his mass in a fashion
the basic capabilities and limitations of man which is contrary to the situation which one would
might be in this unusual environment. The pro- expect in experience and thereby upset the data
gram for the development of this simulator was, accordingly. However, with reasonable test design
therefore, undertaken and has resulted in the and with reasonable restriction upon the operation
device shown in figure 3. The apparatus shown of the subjects one can reduce this to a point
here is mounted on three commercially available where the data is effected in a relatively small
air bearings. Compressed air at Sixty pounds way. In addition to the quantitative data which
per square inch flowing through these bearings can be extracted from this simulator there is a
raises the entire device approximately .003" great deal of valuable qualitative information
above the floor and provides a frictionless which is available. This will be discussed
base through which translation in two directions shortly. It is pointed out that the qualitative
as well as yaw can be achieved. I might note data is possibly the most significant that we
here that this .003" becomes difficult to work have taken so far, since it has the effect of
with and requires a special floor which in turn providing us with new confidence in the ability
requires constant maintenance. As a result, for of man to learn to apply his body mass in a
another similar device which we have since built, fashion which is to his advantage even in this
special air bearings were designed which raises weightless environment. At this writing the
the assembly approximately .012" and consequently problem of correlatipn still remains. The
permits its operation over almost any type of quality of this simulation can only be determined
standard laboratory or factory floor. The yoke after sufficient experience is developed by con-
or "C" shape device is mounted to the upright ducting similar tests either in space or in air-
frame directly through the use of one over-designed craft flying the Keplerian trajectory. Until
roller bearing assembly. This bearing provides that time, however, we feel confident that our
360 freedom in roll. At the ends of this yoke data is real and of use in establishing equip-
the vertical framework shown is attached at ment design criteria.
either side with two roller bearings equally over-
designed. This gimbal provides pitch freedom. The test program we have conducted attempts
We can, therefore, achieve in this assembly five to investigate three of the basic parameters in-
degree of freedom; roll, pitch, and yaw plus two fluencing the ability of a man to perform extra
directions in translation. Now while air bearings vehicular maintenance. The first is his ability
at the gimbal mounts would have provided a much to apply maximum short duration push/pull and
lower coefficient of friction than the roller torque forces. This is, of course, a measure of
bearings; the roller bearings, because they are his ability to accomplish such tasks as breaking
over-designed, offer a resistence which is well a nut, snap or unsnap fasteners, inserting or re-
below the noise level of the ability of a test moving modules or sub assemblies which are hung
subject to sense the presence of friction. When up and which require the application of high
perfectly balanced a subject can begin pitch force level for a short time duration. The second
rotation Simply by sharply blowing air out of parameter was his ability to apply these forces,
this mouth. Furthermore this well balanced sub- push/pull and torque, as a relatively constant
ject, as he applies forces to a stationary object force application. By relatively constant we
will duplicate within the limits of the simulation, suggest a time of application sufficiently long
the motions, displacements and reactions of the to effect movement of a nut on a bolt, of a module
weightless astronaut. from its rack or of a component from its container.
Investigation of these parameters if was felt
The question which now arises is one which would lead us to some fairly good insight as to
must be discussed during any simulation program; this man's capabil ity of doing useful work. The

high level short duration force application neces- on the ground. This percentage is plotted as an
sary to dislodge pieces of equipment and fasteners ordinate with the number of trials as the abscissa.
and the long duration force application necessary As you can see, very little difference is in ev-
to move them about. The third parameter was that idence between the pressure suited and shirt sleeve
of time to accomplish a given hypothetical series clothed subjects. The shaded band which includes
of complex tasks. Here we were concerned not only nearly all data points indicates that a subject
with his ability to apply forces but also his dex- while weightless will be able to apply a magnitude
terity and motor capabilities in performing certain of push force between 40 and 55 percent of his
activities with respect to this frictionless envir- capability on earth.
onment. This investigation, it was felt, would
provide us with some insight into our ability to Figure 6 is a similar curve plotted for pull
estimate the time that would be required by an force capability. The results here are similar
astronaut to perform a given task as a ratio of to those above except the band ranges here between
the time it would take him to accomplish the same 50 and 65 percent of earthbound capability. It is
task on earth. In all of these tests the variables noted that this data was collected on subjects who
which were programmed were those of dynamic and were well trained in the simulator and who reached
suit restriction conditions. Our control in all a learning asmptote. Initial tests on these sub-
cases was the conduct of these required tasks in jects when untrained recorded forces in the order
shirt sleeves under 1 "g". Our variables included of 10 percent. This is a rather significant in-
shirt sleeves in five degrees of freedom and pres- dication of ability to learn and adapt to this
sure suited in five degrees of freedom. frictionless environment.

It must be noted here that our operating pres- Figure 7 indicates torque values plotted in
sure within the suits for the conduct of these a similar fashion. These values appear to be un-
tests was 1 psi. This pressure level was chosen as commonly high as compared to those recorded for
a value which hopefully simulates the mobility of push and pull. A logical explanation of this in-
the future Apollo space suit. The suit used for crease suggests that because the force couple in
the tests was a Navy Mark IV pressure suit and as torque was applied in the vertical plane and be-
a cockpit oriented suit obviously provided mobility cause our simulation provided no vertical trans-
restrictions when pressurized to 3% or 5 psi well lation freedom "cheating" was possible with un-
beyond those being designed into the Apollo garment. usually high values recorded. This restriction
Investigation of the design criteria for the Apollo has become critical in torque even though roll,
suit and discussions with responsible personnel pitch, and horizontal translation freedom was
have indicated that use of the Mark IV suit with simulated. As a result, the torque data recorded
1 psi pressure simulates the mobility of what will cannot be considered real and has consequently
be achieved in the Apollo suit. As a result, this been rejected.
1 psi operating pressure was used since it offered
restrictions which appeared to be a good compro- Our second test program was designed to
mise between those ideally sought and those which evaluate both cortstant force application and
are mandatory for extra vehicular space operation. dexterity. The apparatus shown on figure 8 was
The results of the first portion of our investiga- constructed. The panel on the left contains
tion, that of high application short duration force switches, a standard jack, a commercial valve, a
capability is shown in figure 4. This is a busy half inch diameter stud and nut, a simulated
chart and is shown only for the purpose of sum- electronic module, and a hatch held in place by
marizing the data which was accumulated. Not a hinge and two standard "C1eco" clamps. A rope
mentioned before was a systematic lock-out of representing a guideline was strung between the
roll, pitch, yaw, and translation in an invest- panel and an upright ten feet away. The subject
igation of the axis which was most critical to in the simulator and pressurized was placed be-
the performance of these tasks. However, as fore the panel and was required to operate the
you can see no readily apparent indication of a switches, open and close the valve, crack the nut
critical restraint direction is in evidence. and back it off the stud, run it in and tighten
However, qualitative results indicate that elim- it to 300 inch pounds torque, remove the C1eco's,
ination of translation is a great aid in improving open the hatch, disconnect the jack, remove the
performance. module, place it in the vehicle, insert a spare
in its place reconnect the jack, close the hatch
Each data point represents six task replica- and re-insta11 the C1eco's. He was then, using
tions for two subjects and relates the push, pull the guideline, required to translate ten feet,
and torque capability in shirt sleeves and in a turn around and return.
Mark IV pressure suit at 1 psi.
This task includes the majority of motions
The most significant of this data is re- and force/time applications that are representative
plotted on figure 5. Here we have divided the of general extra vehicular maintenance activity.
applied push force of the variable conditions The subject was evaluated first as to whether he
by the push force which each subject could apply was able to accomplish the task and second against
in shirt sleeves with his feet planted firmly on the time he required to perform it.

In all cases the subjects were able, without

restraint, to accomplish the task. The results MAINTENANCE
of the time to accomplish are shown on figure 9.
Time to complete versus task number are shown for
two subjects performing 34 replications over a
four-day period. Although these curves have been
100 "

I ",
I ',I '
I " I"
I ',I
smoothed the actual data points diverge only 80
slightly from the slope shown. As you can see, a DAYS \...- MINIMUM
classic learning curve has developed which asymp- ACCEPTABLE
totes at approximately two minutes. The control; 60
task performance in shi rt sleeves on the floor, is R("f.l
one minute time to accomplish or approximately one-
half the time necessary in five degrees of freedom.
Within limits of the simulation this test 20
program has generated a set of conclusions regard-
ing man's ability to perform extra vehicular main-
tenance and repair.
1. His ability to apply a push force ranges
between 40 and 55 percent of his terrestrial cap- Figure 1
2 . His ability to apply a pull force ranges
between 50 and 65 percent of his terrestrial cap-
3. Simply by USing his off hand for restraint
he ~s able to perform a relatively complex main-
4. On a time base he ~s approximately 50 PRESSURE SHELLS ME TEOROIO PUNCTURE ATMOS PHf~E LOSS B

percent as efficient in five degrees of freedom WINDOWS 8 ASTRO

PuLSE BURST TANKS ~~~l~SF~ .~aslON. 10
5. A great deal of adaptation and learning WINDOWS, ASTR()()OMES RADIAT ION DARKENING VISI BILITY

occurs in a relatively short time in this fric- PRESSURE SHELLS


tionless environment. SHORT CIRCUITS FftOM MATER-

Possibly the most significant conclusion we ACCEL ERATED WEAR AN D SEIZ-
reached is that the problem, at least from the ABSOR9ED GASES ON BEARING

standpoint of performance of extra vehicular main- PRESSURE SEALS

tenance and repair, is not as awesome as we had 10 0CCl..A PROGRESSIVELY
supposed. With training a subject can handle him- RaJT1NE IMPACTS AND MISHAPS DOCK . CAPABILI TY LOSS. Ti-HS
self reasonably well, learning how to apply his DOCK MECHANISM COULD BUCKLE STRUCTl.MS. BEN;)
mass as required to do the job at hand . While STRUCn..RE 8 PRESS -
personnel restraint is obviously desirable for URE VESSELS EQUIPMENT OR PERSONNEL COMPRESSION, lDSS OF STATIOH
safety and in order to permit two hand operation, GoEN TANK StaN, POWER LOSS


it is not absolutely necessary. Special tools FUEL CELL

also fall into this category. While they may be OR TRANSDUCER

desirable they most probably should be task and PUNCTURE OR LEAK IN THERMAL

efficiency oriented rather than desi gned to elim- ENIIIRONMENTAL TO REDUNDANT cupcurr
inate entirely an unbalanced load path. SOLENOID OR CLOGGED LINE MAY MJT BE POSSIBLE TO 9
In summary, we might as a result of this ATT ITUDE CONTROL ERATIVE VALVE OR SOl£NOID. T ITUDE CONTROL CAUSN:i RE- a I
test program, place more confidence and conse- GUIDANCE' GYRO BEAR ING "SE IZES·, RADAR GROUND TRACKING uSED TO MAIN-
quentl y more reliance upon man to provide, in INOPERATIVE ETC.
the future , the ability to fulfill the maintenance COMhUIIlCAT IQNS ~~~~g ~~~~~':~ OISTORTION AND/OR LOSS OF
and repair role that will be so critical to both BlOWN FUSES, ETC.

mission and flight safety success in long duration

spacecraft. Figure 2

-89 -
GROUND 170 221 311 - - -
5° FREEDOM 50 93 274 75 115 287
ROLL 65 101 277 75 115 271
PITCH 87 85 237 101 115 289
TRANSLA TlON ~ 15 Z68 108 143 299
PITCH a ROLL 72 115 278 109 130 292
PICTHa TRANS. 81 125 271 117 138 309
ROLL a TRANS. 93 137 271 128 137 292
GROUND 162 219 307 - - --
5° FREEDOM 71 120 236 86 129 250
ROLL 79 116 282 80 147 280
PITCH 71 96 226 83 103 238
TRANSLATION 69 100 232 83 114 272
PITCH a ROLL B4 113 244 107 116 287
PITCHaTRANS , 73 96 243 73 95 250
ROLL a TRANS. 77 97 247 81 I 12 258

Figure 4

Figure 3

100 100

90 90

80 80 ,
... -- .... /
10 ,
II 'I I II I 1/1 .J..I--. '-IJ 'I L I I .L-h f1/
-- --
60 60
, , ,
fil . II I II 'I I U I ,/ '/" ..t. "7 I'f._ 'I I, 50
r0 r~Vi W~I 'II; II; 17/; ~ 0 I/; v/;
mV/; V/ 'l; 'II; ~

40 I!! r0 ;1,4ff I -r-; 'lk

0 - /'"


30 30

20 20

10 0

o 0
10 12 13 14
o 618 10 12 13 14

Figure 5 Figure 6
100 ~

.... , ... ~

~ eo
~ /II 7l;~ 71 ~ If!VI,
77Wi ~ ~ ~
II: '//lL. 77 177/ "P.. J.7- '11' '1'1 I II1/II I j l Ti. .
o 70
~ 60



11. 20


2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14
F igure 7

F igure 8


~ :::::::: ; ' S 0 BJ ECT B
I :::::::::::

1;-' - '-- -- - --
- i- -- -- - - - - -- - -- -- ,-
jY IUiJE~TSI i G1ROiNi- i Hr li EV~
°1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 II 121314 15 16 f718 19202122232425262728293031 323334353637


~. E. Willer
Engineering Chief, S~ulation & Systems Research
North American AViation, In~.) I
Gel:lmI:e~B -B~Si.on ~
t"'COIumbus, hio

ABSTRACT extrapolation of earth-operating VTOL criteria to

lunar vehicles quite unsound. And added to these
This paper describes a Visual Presentation two factors is the extreme criticality of fuel
Simulator used for man-in-the-loop simulation consumption for the lunar vehicle.
investigations of various phases of the lunar land-
ing mission. This simulator consists of a full- With the astronaut being such an integral part
scale fixed-base cockpit mockup with operating of this lunar landing vehicle system, and the
instruments, a closed-circuit television system, required tasks being of such an unusual and critica
a terrain model, a servo-powered six degree of nature, it has become apparent that man-in-the-loop
freedcm TV camera transport, and an analog ccmputer. simulation must be used to a further extent than
ever before. Only by making the man as integral a
Specific techniques and equipment used to en- part of the system as possible can the over-all
hance the realism and to adapt the simulator to system be studied and refined. Analyses which do
various phases of the mission are discussed. not take full account of the astronauts capabilities
T,ypical results which illustrate the type of and limitations under the actual conditions to be
system characteristics that can be investigated are encountered will not possess the degree of validity
presented and discussed. or reliability required for this important mission.

Finally, on the basis of recent experience The purpose of this paper is to

in simulation, refinements and new developments
that may be expected in man-machine simulation (1) describe typical man-in-the-loop
techniques in the near future are presented. simulation investigations of the
previously noted phases of the
~VTrtO ~ lunar landing mission that have been
conducted using a unique Visual
Scme of the most demanding problems antici- Presentation Simulator,
pated in the lunar landing program are those
associated with the deorbit and landing, and with (2) describe specific techniques and
the rendezvous and docking phases. Current think- equipment used to enhance the
ing is to allow the astronauts to participate realism of the simulation,
extensively in these phases, i.e. handle the guid-
ance and control manually, with any automatic sys- (3) indicate the type of system
tems being used for reference or backup. characteristics that were investi-
gated and the nature of results that
In any event, these phases of the mission are were obtained, and finally,
intended to be independent of outside aids, there-
by giving the astronauts as much mission flexibility (4) indicate what improvements might be
as p~ssible, and raising their confidence level by expected in man-machine simulation
establishing their ability to conduct the mission techniques in the near future.
"on their own". The high degree of reliability
required for those systems affecting crew safety Simulator Description
adds further emphasis to this approach inasmuch as
this approach generally allows the use of simpler The investigations were conducted utilizing a
and more reliable mechanical systems as opposed to Visual Flight Simulator shown in Figure 1. This
more complicated electronic systems. simulator consists of a full-scale fixed-base
cockpit mockup with operating instrumerits, a closed
The success of a manned soft landing on the circuit television system, a terrain model, a servo-
moon depends on the astronaut being able to select powered six degree of freedom TV camera transport,
a suitable landing site, bring the vehicle to this and an analog computer which contains the
site, and actually touch down on the surface within appropriate equations. In order to "flY" the
the design limits of the vehicle. Similarly, the simulator, the astronaut operates the controls in
success of the lunar orbital rendezvous concept the cockpit, which produce proportional voltages
depends on the astronaut's ability to perform a that are transmitted to the analog computer. The
rendezvous and subsequent docking maneuver with computer then solves the equations of motion for
the orbiting command module. the parameters describing the flight path and
attitude of the vehicle. These parameters are sent
These tasks are significantly different frcm to the TV camera transport, where they position the
those which astronauts, and pilots in general, camera in the 3 translational axes and the 3
have performed to-date. For instance, current attitude angles above the terrain, and to the
experience with vertical landing and take-off instrument panel where the information is displayed
vehicles has been necessarily restricted to the on the appropriate instruments. A diagram of the
earth's environment, which has a considerably information flaw is shown in Figure 2.
different gravitational and atmosph~ric environ-
ment than the moon. ihese two factors alone make
The basic cocl:pi t mockup used for the investi- particular study; in the case of tre deorbit phase,
gations is shown in Figure 3. It is a full-scale the scale is such (40,000:1) that considerable
fixed-base mockup, representative of a two-man curvature is evident in the model. The terrain
lunar landing vehicle. It will be noted that the is installed in a removable cart 10 feet by 32 feet
cockpit configuration differs for the two sides; long.
this merely reflects the fact that the forward
vision limitations can be changed readily from one The modeling of the lunar surface is scmewhat
investigation to the next. arbitrary, particularly for the smaller scales,
since the area simulated presents no terrain
The TV projector is also visible in Figure 3. features within the resolution limits of current
This is a Schmidt type projector whose position can lunar topography. Accurate modeling is thus limite:i
be readily changed to suit differing simulations. to distant features such as craters and mountains
Generally, the projector nearly fills the 12' x 16' along the horizon. Minor craters and other local
screen, resulting in ~ field of view to the effects are cut and colored according to the latest
astronaut of about 50. It is recognized that this information available and cemented in position.
field of view is less than desired; however, it is
a limitation which we feel is not so severe as might The over-all results of this simulation setup
be thought at first. Note that in the case of the are presented in Figure 7, which shows the
docking simulation, the astronauts attention is astronaut approaching a touch down next to a
directed to one specific limited area, 50 this field "reference" space vehicle.
of view presents no real limitation.
For adaptation to rendezvous docking studies,
Also shown in the right hand corner of Figure a model of the command module is substituted for
3 is a starfield projector. This picture is the terrain, with the background being completely
superimposed on the TV picture in the docking black. A picture of this is shown in Figure 8.
simulation investigations, as will be discussed With this black background, a starfield can now
later. be superimposed on the TV picture. '!his projector
is also servo-operated and controlled by signals
The cockpit instrument displa:y is shown in fran the analog ccmputer. Its position was seen
Figure 4 for one of the earlier studies. Note 1) in Figure 1 and 3. '!he over-all effect can be seen
the relatively large number of instruments available, in Figure 9.
2) the use of tape instruments to obtain the
required accuracy for altitude, altitude rate, rang~ '!he lack of motion in the cockpit is treated
and range rate, and 3) the Mercury type attitude - briefly in Reference 2 and will be discussed later;
attitude rate indicator in the center. A however, in general, it can be seen that the
modification of this same instrument displa:y, as simulation is a rather ccmplete one. '!he astronaut
used in a later study, is shown in Figure 5. Note receives visual cues externally from the TV and also,
that the Mercury attitude instrument has been in some cases, the starfield displa:y; visual cues
replaced by a conventional "8-ball" type (All internally from any of a large number of
Attitude Indicator), and that considerably fewer instruments; force and motion "feel" from the
instruments are used in this investigation. various control sticks or pedals; and, in sane
cases, auditory cues via the intercom head set and
The cockpit controls generally consist of a engine noise generator. '!he over-all effect is to
right hand side stick or pencil stick for pitch and make the man as IllUch a part of the system as
roll control, and foot-operated treadles for yaw possible, by simulating as many of the significant
control. The left hand throttle provides thrust factors as practicable.
control. Considerable variations in these controls
are used; particularly in the docking investigation~ Test Procedure
where the left hand control becomes a 3-axis
translation controller. An intercom system is also Engineering test pilots or astronauts were
provided to the astronaut. used during the investigations. '!he subjects
generally had previous experience in flight
Figure 6 shows the terrain model and TV silllUlators. Prior to a series of runs, each of
camera transport in position. The servo-driven the subjects was given a cockpit orientation
camera transport assembly controls the attitude session which included the following pOints:
and position of the TV camera, and thereby provides
a continuously moving real-time picture of the (1) The purpose of the experiment.
terrain model. The camera's six degrees-of-
freedcm have the following limits: (2) Control modes being used.
Translation Angular Attitude (3) Objective to be accomplished.

0 To enable the pilots to accurately rate the

Longi tudinal, x, 20 feet Roll, tP , + 60 suitability of the vehicle's handling qualities, a
nOminal task requiring precision control was
Lateral, y, 6 feet Pitch, e, 0
.:!: 20 -95
established. The subject was then given a few
0 practice runs to become familiar with the system
Vertical, z, 4 feet Yaw, ¥" .:!: 270 and then he performed a specific series of runs
having a ccmbination of one of the control modes
More detailed characteristics of the camera trans- and/or instrument panel variations. Upon
port system, including maximum rates and frequency completion of these runs each subject went through
responses, can be found in Reference 1. a recorded debriefing session for recommendations
and opinions.
The terrain scales vary depending on the

While pilot performance was recorded and Attitude command, rate command, and acceleration
analyzed, the actual determination of the suit- command ~stems were investigated. More detailed
ability of the characteristics being investigated characteristics such as dead zones and thrust
was based largely upon pilot opinion. The standard misalignment effects were also investigated, as well
NASA Cooper scale (Figure 10) was emplo,yed as the as the effects of instrument failures.
pilot rating basis, and regions of satisfactory,
acceptable and unacceptable characteristics were Performance data recorded consisted of RMS
established. error during hover, time to hover, total flight
time, range and cross-range displacement, and
~ecific Investigations and Typical Results velocity and attitude angles at touch down.
However, primary conclusions are again based upon
Deorbit Phase (From orbit to hover) - The pilot opinion rating.
purpose of this investigation was to determine the
astronaut's cap~bilities of performing this phase The pilot opinion ratings indicated that the
of the mission under full manual control and with attitude command control ~stem was superior for
minimum pilot aids and instrument displays. performing the given task.
Different deorbit schemes, control modes, and
instrument panel displays were investigated. The quantitative performance measurements,
one of which is shown in Figure 11, substantiated
The results indicated that the astronaut should this. This figure shows that the time (and hence,
be able to perform this phase with relatively simple fuel) to establish hover at the desired landing
displays and controls, and that the propellant used point, is lowest for the attitude command system.
was only slightly higher (approximately 51» than for
a "perfect steering" or automatically controlled The effect of a dead zone about all 3 axes is
trajectory. shown in Figure 12 for a rate command system. It
can be seen that only a ~ internal dead zone is
Regarding the instrument displays, the subjects sufficient to cause a deterioration in pilot
in general preferred the simpler panels and were rating from Satisfactory to Unsatisfactory but
equally as successful in flying the mission with the Acceptable, a significant change. This particular
"minimum" or "essential" panels than with the "plush" result is significant because it is the type of
panel. The "plush" panel is shown in Figure 4, and effect that is not amenable to analysis, but must
represented what the first "open loop" engineer's be obtained with man-in-the-loop simulation of a
analysis indicated the astronaut would need. The representative task.
"minimum" panel (obtained by masking this panel)
by comparison, consisted of about one-half this Since the standard maneuver was essentially
number of instruments. an instrument task, several runs with rate command
systems were conducted in which the pilot's landing
A conclusion de~ived from this phase of the reference was obtained visually. While it was
study concerning the external visual display was difficul t for the pilot to get exactly over the
that the astronaut, looking straight down at the intended site (since downward visibility
surface of the moon (as he is scheduled to do fran disappeared as the target was approached), the
deorbit to roundout) cannot really utilize the standard deviation for all landings was reasonable.
external visual information available to him. This This shows that visual performance could, in
was primarily due to lack of the normal horizon general, match or exceed, with the proper
reference, and required the pilot to scan his presentation, the touch down performance of the
attitude indicators and his out-of-orbit plane instrument landings.
indicator at a much higher rate than would be used
under normal ''VFR'' conditions. Thus, if the deorbit In addition to visual approaches, control and
to roundout portion of the landing mission is to instrument failures were simulated. The control
rely on the visual flight conditions, the pilot failures were conducted with nominal rate command
must be able to see the horizon more readily than ~stems and progressively failed in one and two
by looking overhead. axes. At the time of failure, the control system
in the failed axis reverted to a proportional
Three different control system modes were acceleration command ~stem. Instrument failures
investigated: acceleration command, rate command, consisted of flying first with position and
and attitude hold. The evaluations of acceleration velocity information covered over, and second, with
command controls were conducted at the beginning no instruments at all. It was concluded fram these
of the deorbi t maneuver. The subjects were unable studies that pure visual and partial instrument
to control the vehicle for longer than 10 seconds panel runs could, with adequate learning time, be
with the acceleration levels used (fUll control flown nearly as well as the complete instrument
maximum acceleration as low as 7 0 /sec2 in pitch panel cases.
and roll.) It was therefore concluded that at this
stage in the training period, the acceleration Here again is a truly significant conclusion,
command control system, operating simultaneously available with confidence only through the tool of
about all 3 axes at the level noted, was man-in-the-loop simulation.
unsatisfactory. Evaluation of the rate command and
attitude hold control ~stems indicated there was Docking Phase - The purpose of these studies
li ttle difference between them, and that they were was to evaluate the astronaut's ability to
both acceptable. accanplish this lunar orbital docking task with no
autanatic mechanical system. Here again, the
Final Approach and Touchdown Phase - The attitude control system modes investigated were
purpose of this investigation was to determine the attitude hold, rate command, and acceleration
control requirements in the hover, translation and ccmmand. The translational control ~stem was an
vertical touch down phase. "on_off" system. Translational thrust level,

~stem deadband, and cross-coup1ing effects were 'Which wi11 soon be landing United States astrcnauts investigated. on the moon. It is realized that the simulaticn
techniques and devices discussed are far frcm the
For this investigation, it was necessary to ultimate, and that we will in a few years look
convert the 1eft hand thrott1e to a 3 axis trans- back and consider many of these techniques obso1ete.
1ationaJ. ccntro1, as previouB~ mentioned. Also,
a starfie1d projector (Figure 1 and 3) was added; Some of the significant improvements that
this enables visual attitude cues to be provided might be expected to do this can be listed as
by projecting stars at infinity. Were these stars follows:
to be on the cCJlllD8nd module background, they would
change angle as the camera moved into the ccmma.nd (1) Wider angle projection s,ystems -
module model during docking. This starfield also whether TV or real-time optical
allows angular motion of the mcxlule in space systems.
to be simulated. For example, limit cycle motions
(considered to be 1ikely) of the ccm:na.nd module (2) Use of co1or and higher resolution
or target vehicle could be introduced. (if TV) well beyond the current
A significant refinement to the simu1ation was
devised during the investigations. This consisted (3) Obtaining of a 3-dimensional effec~
of mounting a portion of the pilot vehicle on the
TV camera in the fie1d of view; the astronauts (4) Introduction of motion "cues" to the
task was then to mate the two bodies in the TV astronauts; though adding considerable
picture. This innovation essentially overcame the bulk, thus can be done with present
TV pictures lack of three-dimensional characteris- state-of-the-art. (The cues would
tics. be limited to the initial
acceleration, and then washed out at
One result of this investigation was that the a rate just below "threshold").
subjects were quite reluctant to
use the treadles for yaw control; it was strongly (5) Addition of physical. environmental.
recommended that a 3 axis attitude stick be used. factors such as appropriate pressure,
temperature, radiation and acoustic
As in the previous phases, the control mode levels; this would, for example,
preferred was attitude command. However, in this require the astronauts to wear and
case the acceleration command system could be made operate their "pressure" suits.
flyable as a backup if a low enough level of thrust
were used. (6) Requiring the astronaut to perform
the noted tasks in their proper
One interesting aspect of this mode was that time period - i.e. after being
one astronaut considered that nOise cues, supplied space-borne for several days, and
to indicate the operation of the thrust motors, confined.with the other astronauts.
were extreme~ helpful in certain control modes.
As each refinement is added, be it those
Pilot opinion was employed in the major part noted above or others, the manned lunar landing
of the study as the primary criterion for program will utilize it and continue to demand even
determining the acceptability or unacceptability more improvements. This iunar program wi11 depend
of the control system characteristics investigated. to an increasing extent on comprehensive, detailed
However, performance parameters were recorded and man-in-the-loop simulation investigations such as
analyzed. A summary of performance data for the have been outlined. This dependency will promote
translational characteristics is presented in the rapid development of· even more realistic and
Figure l3and indicates a reasonab~ good correlation sophisticated simulation devices and techniques.
between the performance and pilot opinion.
Significant data were obtained on the
degradation of system rating due to cross-coup1ing 1. Knox, Carl E., ''Visual Presentation Simulation"
effects (c.g. offset from thrust). In this case, SAF-1B Committee, June 1961
it appeared that c.g. offset in the acce1eration
command mode would be difficult to handle without 2. A 'Harrah, R. C. and Kwiatkowski, S. F., "A New
considerable training. Look at V/m!OL Fl¥ing Qualities",
!AS Paper No. 61-62, January 1961
One final comment on this particular phase is
in order. Besides being the best we:y of obtaining
the required analytical. results of the man-vehicle
system capabilities for system design purposes, the
simulation setup used waSlCODBidered by the subjects
to provide first-class training for conditions of
space rendezvous and docking.

Concluding Remarks

It is hoped thatthe preceeding discussions

have provided inSight into the we:y that man-in-the-
loop simulation can be used to help solve the
engineering problems of the man-machine s,ystem










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Luther L. Bolstad, Materials Engineering, 4-
Aeronautical Division
Minneapolis-Honeywell Regwator C~~ -D1. \. ,
/7 Ii ad ) /(i r~ .. I
ABSTRACT /' 5'Y 'J..'f 0 . b
:J3J-I S periods. Many materials, especially plastics,
When selecting materials for use in manned give off quantities of volatile substances into the
spacecraft, outgassing and flammability char- atmosphere. On planet Earth these contaminants
acteristics must be given greater consideration are diluted in our atmosphere to such a low con-
than when the same materials are used in earth- centration that they do not present a problem.
bound applications. In the confined atmosphere However, in the confines of a space vehicle these
of a space cabin the outgassing products from materials accumulate and may reach toxic concen-
surface coatings, electronic equipment, plastics, trations. (3) In the event of a fire, the buildup of
and other materials, may accumulate to toxic a harmful atmosphere is very rapid and especially
levels. In the event of fire, the atmospheric serious. (2)
contamination may rapidly become serious. The
sudden contamination could overload the air This paper describes the equipment and proced-
purification system creating a potential hazard ures used to measure the atmospheric contamina-
to the occupants of the cabin. ting potential (ACP) of various materials such as
surface coatings, adhesives, tapes, wire insula-
Information on the relative atmospheric contam-
tions and molding compounds. The measurements
inating potential (ACP) of various materials is
are made under two conditions: (1) simulated
needed in the design of spacecraft that are to be
use conditions at 200°F, and (2) simulated acci-
occupied by man for long periods under "shirt
dental fire.
sleeve" conditions. ACP values will aid in the
choice of materials to be used and help establish Knowing the relative potential for atmospheric
the requirements of air purifying equipment. contamination and fire hazard is useful for two
reasons. First, materials having low ACP values
This paper describes an experimental program
can be selected and second, contamination levels
which will determine the relative outgaSSing and
in the atmosphere of the spacecraft can be esti-
flammability characteristics of over 100 mate-
mated from the amount and type of materials that
rials, including surface coatings, wire insula-
are used. This estimate will aid in determining
tions, tying cords, molding compounds, adhesives
the requirements and capacity of the air purifying
and casting compounds. Experimental apparatus
system for the vehicle.
and analytical techniques are described.

Preliminary results obtained from the experi- The Navy has pioneered studies on the problems of
mental testing programs will be presented with living in the closed environment of submerged sub-
special emphasis on flammability characte.ristics marines. (3, 19, 20) They have made Significant
of materials in pure oxygen. advancements in the selection and development of"
paints, plastics, and other materials having low
ACP characteristics. (7) They have found ways of
removing carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydro-
This paper describes a program at Honeywell to carbons and other contaminants from the sub-
determine the suitability of a number of materials marine atmosphere, (3) and at the same time, they
for use in spacecraft that are to be occupied by have learned how to minimize contaminants. For
men under" shirt sleeve" conditions for prolonged

example. ;estrictions are placed on living habits shows a diagram of the apparatus we use for this
of the d'ew. Crew members are not permitted test. The test specimen is suspended from a
to use '3.erosol type shaving creams because of stainless steel support. A Pyrex chamber is put
.. ~
contamination caused by the Freon propellant. in place and the system is sealed by turning a
\The hobby kits brought aboard to occupy the threaded ring into a rubber "0" ring, forcing the
sailors"leisure hours must not contain lacquers, "0" ring to make a vacuum-tight seal against the
sMvent based adhesives or other materials having glass. The system is evacuated to about 1 mm
high ACP values. pressure and then filled with pure oxygen to a
pressure of 5 psi. Helium is added until the total
Work on the problem of contaminants accumu- pressure in the system reaches ambient atmos-
lating in closed environments was done when pheric pressure. The purpose of the helium is
materials were selected for use in the Project to minimize the effect of possible leaks. Over a
Mercury Capsule. (6) For this program, a simple period of 48 hours even a small leak could appre-
but adequate test procedure was used to choose ciably alter the composition of the sealed atmos-
materials for the relatively short trips planned phere. The sample is then heated to 200 ± 10°F.
for Mercury. Test materials were sealed in a
desiccator under 5 psi oxygen pressure for 24 The temperature of the trap outside of the oven is
hours at various temperatures. The atmosphere kept at approximately room temperature. The
in the ~esiccator was swept through an activated temperature differential between the part of the
charcoal trap cooled in a dry ice-alcohol bath system inside the oven and the trap on the outside
using helium or nitrogen as carrier gas. The causes convective circulation. It is estimated
contaminated charcoal was placed on a watch that the total volume of gas circulates through the
glass in a covered one cubic foot aluminum box trap in somewhat less than one hour. Any out-
and heated on a 300°F hotplate. The odor evolved gassing products which can condense at room
in this box was evaluated by having at least three temperature collect in the trap. After about 48
persons sniff the air in the aluminum box. Each hours, samples of the enclosed atmosphere are
material was rated satisfactory or unsatisfactory withdrawn with a hypodermic syringe for analysiS
on the basis of the intenSity and type of odor. and odor classification.

For longer space missions, it is natural to ex- Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are deter-
tend the Mercury test procedure to find out what mined using a gas analysis kit. (22) The total
the outgassing products are and in what quanti- organic content is determined by passing a mea-
ties they are evolved. This is the objective of sured volume through a flame ionization detector.
our present program. The detector has been calibrated using pentane
and the total organic content is reported as parts
In this presentation it is convenient to divide the per million pentane equivalent. The moles of
subject into two sections: outgassing studies CO , CO and organics per gram of material are
and flammability studies. calculated for each contaminant as the ACP of
the material. The odor is classified by. having
three persons carefully sniff the sample in the
OUTGASSING STUDIES syringe. The odor is given a numerical rating
of zero to three. Zero indicates no detectable
Honeywell's outgassing tests consist of sealing odor; one, detectable but not objectionable; two,
test material in a glass chamber under 5 psi mildly objectionable, but tolerable for short
oxygen and about 10 psi helium. The sample is periods; three, intolerable for even a short per-
then heated and, after a specific period, gas iod.
saulples are withdrawn for analysiS. Figure 1
is a photograph of the equipment and Figure 2

Materials that are eliminated because of high Note that carbon monoxide is frequency produced
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, or total organic under these relatively mild conditions. Some
content or because they have an objectionable ode>r materials, such as the polycarbonate and the nylon
are not tested further. The better materials, or molding compounds, increased in weight, sugges-
those for which no substitutes are presentlyavail- ting that oxygen combines with the polymer mole-
able, are analyzed further using gas-liquid chro- cule instead of producing volatile oxidation pro-
matography. (5) Figure 3 shows the gas chro- ducts.
matograph used in the studies. Figure 4 is a
sample chromatcgram.
Chromatograms typically contain 10 to 30 peaks.
We are now in the process of identifying major Figure 5 shows the flammability test equipment.
peaks by comparing retention times with that of This test consists of heating the test material
known materials. Three different chromato- under standardized conditions and noting the time
graphic columns are being used in which the liquid required for ignition and the characteristics of
phases are apiezon, carbowax and didecyl phtha- the fire. The atmosphere is analyzed for toxic
late, respectively. If a good correlation is ob- combustion products. The equipment and pro-
tained between the retention times of an unknown cedure is a modification of that used by the Navy
peak with that of a known compound the unknown in evaluating materials for use in submarines. (22)
is identified with reasonable certainty. In cases
where more positive identification is desired the Figure 6 schematically shows the equipment
material in a given peak is collected from several plumbing. A Pyrex bell jar 18 inches in diameter
cycles of the chromatograph, sealed in a capillary and 18 inches high standing on an aluminum base
"U" tube and submitted for mass spectrograph provides a closed environment. The composition
analysis. and pressure of the atmosphere in this environ-
ment are obtained by evacuating the system to
Table I gives outgassing test results for several about 1 mm pressure and then back filling with the
plastic materials. A quantitative value for the desired gases. Most of our tests were made in an
amount of a given contaminant produced per unit atmosphere of pure oxygen at 5 psi (which is one of
weight of material is defined as the ACP of the the atmospheres considered for use in spacecraft).
material. ACP is expressed as moles of con- A few tests were made in an atmosphere of 80 per
taminant per gram of material. When using this cent nitrogen and 20 per cent oxygen to determine
data, the test conditions under which it was ob- how atmospheric composition and pressure affect
tained must be kept in mind. The 200°F tempera- test results.
ture is higher than the antiCipated use tempera-
ture, but was chosen for this work to accelerate Two test setups were used. The first, shown in
outgassing and provide a margin of safety. Vola- Figure 7, was for materials that could be molded
tiles contained in the plastics come off most or cut into a bar form. Molding compounds,'
rapidly at the beginning of the test and should be casting resins, and bulk plastics were usually
coming off at a much reduced rate after 48 hours. made into one-half inch square bars, five inches
Products that are produced by chemical reaction, long. The test bar was set on a pedestal and cen-
such as CO, CO , and thermal degradation pro- tered within a 1. 5 inch diameter nichrome heating
ducts, would be expected to continue coming off coil. Thermocouples are attached to both the test
as the test is continued longer. The possibility bar 'and the heating coil. Two spark plugs are'
of reactions having long induction periods is a positioned about O. 125 inch from the test bar, and
possibility that should also be considered. There- 0.5 inch above the coil. The purpose of the spark
fore, great care should be used in extrapolating is to ignite combustible gases close to where they
these data to temperatures or time periods dif- are formed to prevent dangerous accumulation of
ferent from that of the test. explosive mixtures.

The second type test setup, Figure 8, was for 2. An increase in temperature within the system
materials such as surface coatings, tapes, tying from the coil heat and the heat of combustion.
cords and solvent based adhesives. This setup
consists of an aluminum tube 1. 25 inches in di- The reading immediately after the burn is a more
ameter and nine inches long with O. 020 inch thick or less complex combination of these two effects,
wall. These tubes are coated following the dif- but it does give a qualitative value of pressure
ferent specifications for each surface coating change due to non-explosive fires in a constant
material. Tapes, tying cords, and other thin volume environment. Typical increases in pres-
film stock are wrapped onto ·the tube. The tube sure range from 50 to 100 mm.
is then placed on a pedestal and centered within
a nichrome coil 2. 25 inches in diameter. Ther- The pressure is then brought to ambient atmos-
mocouples and spark electrodes are adjusted as pheric pressure by back filling with helium. Gas
with bar specimens. samples are withdrawn with a large hypodermic
syringe and analyzed, following essentially the
The following test procedure then takes place: same procedure used in analyzing outgaSSing pro-
1). The test specimen (bar or tube) is in posi- ducts. The remaining contaminated atmosphere
tion; 2). the desired atmosphere in the system is drawn through a liquid nitrogen trap with a
is attained; 3). the spark is turned on; and, 4). vacuum pump. The collection of water and CO 2
an electric current is passed through the heater is nearly quantitative when the system is evacua-
coil. A current of 50 amperes is used for the ted to less than 10 mm pressure. The trap is
smaller coil and 56 amperes for the larger. The weighed before and after the carbon dioxide is
coil reaches a temperature over 800°C (1472°F) evaporated. The liquid condensate (mostly water)
in 100 seconds. The interval between turning on is poured into a small vial and saved for possible
the current and the time the sample starts burn- future testing and odor characterization. This
ing is recorded as the ignition time for that par- method of obtaining the weight of CO and water
ticular material. Figure 9 shows a very active is reliable to O. 1 gram as determined by intro-
sample of burning material. This particular ducing known amounts of CO 2 and H 20 into the
sample was an epoxy adhesive. system.

Continuous records of the coil and sample tem-

peratures are made with Honeywell Electronik 17 DISCUSSION OF RESULTS
recorders. The coil temperature record indi-
cates how constant the heating cycle is from test The time required for the test material to ignite
to test. The "sample temperature" is not a true under the standardized heating condition of this
measure of the surface temperature of the sample. test is considered to be a relative measure of the
but it is useful in recording ignition time. When ease with which the material ignites. There are
the sample ignites, the slope of the temperature a number of factors that affect the ignition time
versus time curve increases sharply, providing and these must be remembered when interpreting
an automatic record of ignition time. the data. Several of these factors are listed be-
The system pressure is read immediately after
the burn. Two factors will affect this pressure: 1. Degradation temperature of test material.

2. Convective cooling of sample and heater

1. An increase or decrease in the number of
moles of gas in the system;
3. Variability of heating conditions.

4. Absorptivity - emissivity characteristics Assuming that emissivity changes of the nichrome
(a/ e) of various materials. resistance wire in the coil are minor, the maxi-
5. Specific heat. mum variation in heating conditions due to current
fluctuations is estimated to be less than five per
6. Thermal conductivity.
7. Sample geometry.

Degradation Temperature. Absorptivity - Emissivity Considerations

To ignite a sample, the surface of the test mater- We have no exact information on the absorptivity-
ial must reach a temperature at which low boiling emisSivity characteristic of the various materials
volatiles are evaporated or at which it degrades tested. In the infra-red region of the electro-
to produce combustible volatiles. The thermal magnetic radiation spectrum, plastic materials
stability of plastic materials varies widely. The approach the characteristics of a gray body and
plastics having greatest thermal stability should a/ e is assumed to be close to unity.
have the longer ignition times; however our test
results show that this is not always the case.
Specific Heat, Density, and Thermal Conductivity

Convective Cooling
Materials having a high thermal capacity per unit
The effect of convective cooling was investigated volume (specific heat times density) will warm up
using an aluminum sample tube without any test more slowly and tend to have longer ignition times.
material applied. Figure 10 shows heating curves Likewise, materials with higher thermal conduc-
of the coil and the untreated aluminum sample tube tivity will tend towards longer ignition times by
under three different pressures. The ultimate virtue of the heat carried away from the surface
temperature reached by the coil and especially the into the material. Mineral fillers increase the
thermal capacity and conductivity of composite
sample tube is considerably less at higher pres-
sures. Comparing the sample tube te mperatures materials and would be expected to increase igni-

at equal heating times of 600 seconds we have 530, tion times.

424, and 370°C, respectively, at pressures of O. 8,

260, and 650 mm. Figure 11 shows the effect of
Sample Geometry
placing a cap on top of the sample tube. Without
the cap the cooling due to the "chimney" convec-
The corners of a square bar heat up faster than
tion resulted in the tube being 136°C cooler after
600 seconds heating, that is 288°C without the cap the flat surface because the ratio of heat absorbing

versus 424°C with the cap. After learning this, surface to the mass being warmed is highest at
the corners. Most of the bar specimens were
the flammability tests were made with the tube
capped. standard one-half inch square and five inches long.
Some materials were available only as round rod
stock. Those materials tested as round specimens
Variability of Heating Conditions. are noted. Just how much the ignition time is in-
creased by this geometrical factor was not deter-
The heat output to the coil is controlled (to within mined, but it is probably signifkant.
± O. 5 ampere) by regulating the current input. The
corresponding heat output of the coils is 341 watts The thickness of surface coatings and other mate-
± 2 per cent for the small coil and 947 watts ± 2 rials tested as thin films affects the ignition time.
It was noted that coatings less than O. 001 inch
per cent for the larger coil (calculated for 600°C).

thick were difficult to ignite, presumably due to the number of materials in 100 per cent oxygen at
rapid heat transfer to the aluminum tube through 260 mm pressure with that of normal air at 650
the thin film. Wherever possible a film thickness mm pressure. The 650 mm pressure was chosen
greater than 0.003 inch was used. to avoid a pressure buildup during the burn which
exceeded ambient atmospheric pressure and there-
Table II shows burn test data on a number of plas- by lifting the bell jar. Furthermore, the partial
tic materials in the form of bar specimens. The pressure of oxygen at 650 mm air pressure is
atmosphere is 100 per cent oxygen at 5 psi pres- exactly one-half that of 100 per cent oxygen at 260
sure (260 mm). It is difficult to correlate the re- mm.
sults with the individual factors discussed above.
Because this was a screening program, most of The results show that the ignition time in air is
the materials were tested only once. In three in- consistently longer than in 100 per cent oxygen.
stances where experiments were repeated, the This is attributed more to the greater convective
ignition times agreed reasonably well - - 76 and cooling at 650 mm pressure than to the concentra-
80 seconds, 52 and 55 seconds, and 63 and 65 tion of oxygen. The burning time and quantity
seconds for materials 6278, 6020G, and 7159, burned are consistently higher in pure oxygen than
respectively. The Navy test procedure specifies in air. Less convective cooling and higher oxygen
four runs on each material to obtain an average concentration in the pure 02 burns are probably
value of test results. (22) both contributing factors.

Once the sample is ignited the burning time and The amounts of CO and organics produced per
weight of material burned serves as relative mea- gram consumed in the air burn is generally greater
sures of the material's tendency to burn under the than in the corresponding oxygen burn. The effi-
controlled experimental conditions. The toxic ciency of CO production shows no consistent ten-
reaction products produced in greatest quantity dency in one atmosphere over the other.
are carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The at-
mospheric contaminating potential (ACP) is calcu-
lated for CO, CO and total organic matter pro- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
duced in the burn. The units are in moles per
gram of material consumed by the fire (except for The investigation reported in this paper was con-
silicone materials where the initial sample weight ducted as part of a program funded by the Space
is used). These values can be used to estimate the and Information Systems Division of North Amer-
potential hazard of burning a given weight of a ican Aviation, Inc. The program is related to
material in a closed environment. For example, the Apollo manned lunar landing effort.
if one ounce of phenolic resin from an instrument
panel were consumed by fire in a 100 cubic foot
cabin, the atmosphere would contain more than 0.3
1. Anon., "Threshold Limit Values for 1962",
per cent CO , O. 1 per cent CO and 10 ppm total J. Occupational Med. 4, 545-9 (1962).
organics (pentane equivalent). Breathing this at-
2. Anon., "Fire In Attitude Chamber", Avia-
mosphere would cause asphyxia within 30 minutes.
tion Week and Space Technology, November 26,
The astronaut would have to don a rebreather unit 1962, p. 37.
or gas mask immediately after the fire starts.
3. Arnest, R. T., (Navy Medical Research Lab),
Incidentally, the smoking of two packs of ciga- "Atmosphere Control In Closed Space Environ-
rettes would produce about the same quantity of ment (Submarine)", Report No. 367, Decem-
ber 1961, ASTIA AD 270896.
CO as the burning of one ounce of phenolic resin.
4. Back, K. C., Thomas, A. A., "Develop-
ment of Space Cabin Tolerance Criteria to
Table III gives burn test data on several surface Trace Contaminant, " Paper Presented at
coatings, tapes, tying cords and miscellaneous 33rd Annual Meeting of Aerospace Medical
Association, Atlantic City, N. J., April 1962,
items. Table IV compares burn test data on a Midwest Research Institute Memo M-3, April

5. Dal Nogare, S. and Juvet, R. S., Jr., "Gas- 14. Leary, J .• "Pyrolysis of a Cotton/Nylon
Liquid Chromatography", Interscience Pub- Fabric," Army Quartermaster Research and
lishers, John Wiley and Sons, 1962. Engineering Center, Natick, Mass., Clothing
and Organic Materials Division, Textile Re-
6. Damiano, J., "Physical Properties of Non- port 195, November 1961.
Metallic Materials for Manned Space Vehicles,
Report 6792, McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, 15. Lykova, A. S .• "The Toxic Effects of Low
St. Louis, Missouri, 20 April 1959, Revised Concentrations of N0 in Air," Tr. Leningr.
15 September 1961. 2
Sanit. - Gigien. Med. Inst. 58, 117-25 (1960).
7. Field. D. E .• Alexander. A. L .• and Umsted, 16. Madorsky, S. L .• and Straus, S .• "Stability
M. E. (U. S. Naval Res. Lab., Washington, of Thermoset Plastics at High Temperatures",
D. C.). "Water-Thinned Paints for Submarine Modern Plastics, No.6, Feb., 1961, pp. 134,
Interiors, " American Chern. Soc .• Div. Org. 136, 138, 143, 145, 147, 207, and 210.
Coatings and Plastics Chemistry, Preprints
21, No. 1 pps 219-36, March 1961. 17. McKee, H. C., Burchfield. H. P., Rhoades,
J. W.. "A Study of Trace Contaminants in
8. Gabis, M. S .• and Anmuth, M., "Combustion Enclosed Systems", Southwest Research In-
Hazards Resulting From Shipboard Fires", stitute, January 31, 1962, Final Technical
Philadelphia Navy Shipyard, A 2115, Septem- Report.
ber 1958. ASTIA AD 203696.
18. Mojejejev, V. D., "High Temperature De-
9. Greenspan, L., (Nat'l Bur. of Standards, composition of Epoxy Resins". Plasticskije
Washington, D. C.), "Ignition of KEL-F and Massy, No.6. pp. 11-15 (1962).
Telfon, Rev. Sci. Instr. 29. 172-3 (1958).
19. Schaefer, K. E .• "Experiences with Sub-
10. Gruntfest, I. J., and Young, E. M., (General marine Atmospheres", Aviation Medicine.
Electric Co .• Philadelphia, Pa.), "The Action May 1959, pp. 350-359.
of Flameproofing Additives on Pbly (Methyl-
methacrylate)", Amer. Chern. Soc., Div. 20. Schaefer, K. E., (Head Psychology Branch,
Org. Coatings and Plastics Chern., Preprints Naval Medical Res. Lab.). "Psychological
21 No. I. pps 113-124, March 1961. Problems of Submarine and Space Medicine. "
Yale Scientific Magazine. November 1959,
11. Honma, M.. and Kawasaki, E. H., Loc~heed pp. 28-32.
Aircraft. Missiles and Space Division, "Ther-
mal Degradation of Polymeric Materials - 21. United States Testing Company, Inc .• "Gases
Gas Evolutions From Polysulfide Polymers", Emitted by Thermosetting Plastics when Sub-
ASTIA AD 268041, December 1960. jected to Flammability Tests", Bureau of
Ships Contract NObs. 83414, UST Report 18,
12. Klein, H. A., "The Effects of Cabin Atmos- August 25, 1961.
pheres on Combustion of Some Flammable
Aircraft Materials:' Wright Air Development 22. United States Testing Company, Inc .• "Pro-
Center Technical Report 59-456, April 1960. cedures and Analytical Methods for Determin-
ing Toxic Gases Produced by Synthetic Mater-
13. Kovarskaya, B. M., Golubenkova. L. 1., and ials, " Bureau of Ships, Washington, D. C.,
others (Inst. Plastic Materials, Moscow). Contract NObs. 84814.
"The Thermal Degradation of Some Epoxy
Resins", J. Polymer Sci. 56, 383-90 (1962).

Analysis ppm 1J!l2kL. X10-6
Ident. Test Test Sample Weight 1-2ram.
Material Type No. Temp (OF) Time (hours) wt. (g) lOBS (g) Odor cU
2 leu
CO org.
Polycarbonate 7157 215 72 51. 31 0.001 2 none none 84 0 0.33

Acrylic 6025 217 48 11.28 0.0440 1 none 25 15 0.44 0.31

Polyamide molding cpd 6820 210 48 21.45 0.0359 2 trace 25 5 0.21 0.05

Phenolic molding cpd 6343 199 64 34.26 0.1147 2 trace 25 250 0.15 1.5

Diallyl phthalate molding cpd 7525 214 65 32.00 0.0091 2 1200 250 267 1.6 1.7

Grey vinyl primer 7573 220 72 11. 94 1. 5431 3 none 300 2842 5 48

Epoxy varnish 7134B 218 45 0.761 0.0167 2 none 40 139 1.1 37

Epoxy varnish 7134B 208 72 0.781 0.0163 2 trace 50 127 1.2 33

Polyester tape 6856 200 24 0.9599 0.0039 1 trace 25 12 5.2 2.6

7083A 326 24 58.35 0.2989 3 21\.000 1400 296 4.8 1

Epoxy casting cpd

7083A 207 74 36.06 0.1617 2 1000 none 123 0 0.7

Epoxy casting cpd

Urethane potting cpd 7363A 213 48 25.03 0.0900 1 trace 300 63 2.4 0.5

74 3.907 -- 2 trace none 60 0+ 3.1

Urethane foam 7212A 200

Silicone rubber 6891 219 48 26.63 0.2231 2 trace 100 197 0.75 1.5

Glass epoxy laminate 6473 202 58 17.37 0.0111 2 trace 25 42 0.29 0.48

1ACP is the atmospheric contaminating potential per unit weight of material

. IIlllks. -6 4 8 X ppm O. 2 X ppm contaminant

ACP gram X1Q • 24. 5 X weight sample = weight of sample

4. 8 .. volume of closed system (liters)

24.5 ,. ambient gram molecular volume (liters)

Table I. Outgassing Data on Several Plastic Materials

- ACp3 (mOlest X 10. 6
I M.ter~al Type !dent.
Time, Sample Weight
No. wt. g 108 •. 1 CO CO Org.
see. sec. 2

Phenollc 6343 93 392 34.3 10.6 2 >1300 4300 13

DAP Molding Compound 6938 60 225 24.3 8.48 2 778 49.500 29

DAIP Molding Compound 7525 60 105 32.6 12.5 53 41,600 39

Nylon Rod 6278 80 290 22.4 9.1 2 60 38,000 7
MoS Filled Nyi<m 7387 87 346 12.8 8.60 3 26 31.500 6
Epoxy Casting Compound 7553 45 105 31.1 9. ~2 NA 6150 64

Ep~y Casting C"mpound 6293F 81 225 43.9 10.5 3 0 29,200 13

Epoxy Adhesive 60200 55 137 35.8 12.8 2 1000 6400 10

Ep6xy Adhesive 6020M 110 190 41. 2 n.5 3 803 51.400 84

,Epoxy Casting Compound 6021lQ 85 190 45.5 12.4 2 1000 17.800 19

Epoxy Foam 6293C 46 234 7.3 7.3 2 2200 5600 28

Urethane Foam 7212A 47 68 4.1 4.1 3 160 20,000 9

Urethane Foam 7616 47 88 7.9 5.7 3 30 60,000 14

Silicone Rubber 7147A 60 260 24.2 9.9 2 63 32.000 4

Acrylic Sheet 6985 85 125 32.4 12.8 3 309 41.400 75

lRound rod 1/2" in diameter

2Round rod 3/8 11 in diameter
3ACP is the atmospheric contaminating potential per unit weight of material consumed by fire.

ACP moles X 10.. 6

:II: 53 X 'ppm
24. 5 X welght loss
• LJ X
wetght ioss
53 = volume of closed system (liters)
24.5 = ambient gram molecular volume (liters)

Table II. Burn Test Data - Bar Samples in 100 Per Cent Oxygen at 5 psi Pressure

ACP (.Il!Oles. X10- 6
Ignition Burning gram:
Sample Weight
Ident. Time, Time. 106s g Odor CO CO 2 Org.
Material Type wt. g
No. sec. sec.

Red Enamel 6676 50 32 4.9 total 2 0 23,000 9

Red Screening Enamel 6913 no 0.8 0.2 2 0 68,000 165


Epoxy Enamel 7202 52 35 7.61 near 2 290 23,000 7


Vinyl Primer 7573 75 50 10.8 near 3 1600 9200 290


Lacquer 1557 52 25 6.2 6.2 3 250 37,400 14

Black Enamel 16429 no 4.2 1.0 1 4400 27,300 97


Electrical Tape 6768 27 43 8.14 total 2 700 41,900 68

Fiberglass Tape 6771 105 35 9.69 3.63 2 1800 61,400 23

Fairprene Rubber Sheet 6793 72 70 24 total 3 174 14,200 31

Neoprene-Cork Sheet 6690 35 80 12.2 4.9 3 1320 86,800 69

Table III. Burn Test Data - Surface Coatings, Tapes, Tying Cords, and
Miscellanea in 100 Per Cent Oxygen at 5 psi Pressure

ACP (_lllPleS) XlO-
. gram
Ignition Burning
Time, Sample Weight
Ident. Time, Odor
Material Type No. sec. sec. wt. g loss g CO CO 2 Org.

Polytetrafluoroethylene 6008
oxygen 260 220 41.3 14.0 3 2500 12,000 580
air 375 55 41.4 0.7 3 1900 81,000 720

Polychlorotrifluoro- 7173
ethylene oxygen 15!)' 210 41. 7 11.0 3 4300 Note 1 67
air no 41. 8 1. 76 3 96 Note 1 120

Epoxy Adhesive 6020A

oxygen 65 120 29.3 11. 7 3 620 42,000 37
air 80 70 27.8 3. 1 3 2000 110,000 160
Epoxy Casting Compound 6020R
oxygen 71 141 33.3 11. 3 3 270 38,000 34
air 96 133 33.3 7.7 3 1300 52,000 76
Epoxy Adhesive 6293G
oxygen 60 120 29.0 10.5 3 590 44,000 34
air 100 35 31. 7 2.5 3 1900 35,000 200
Silicone Rubber 7041
oxygen 76 449 22.7 4 1 240 11,000 18
air 100 160 22.5 0.5 1 69 810 7
Epoxy Foam 7609
oxygen 61 171 20.2 10.7 3 350 46,000 22
air 125 80 20.6 1. 94 3 5200 47,000 220
Epoxy Foam VX
oxygen 45 110 4.35 4.35 3 51 42,000 18
air 72 43 4.36 1. 20 3 3100 68,000 190
Silicone Adhesive 6851
oxygen 76 19 7.0 total 3 0 11,000 3
air 148 44 7.1 4.4 3 100 12,000 35
Screw Sealant 7045
oxygen 76 221 20.2 13.4 2 624 36,000 35
air 86 99 20.5 7.1 2 1270 19,000 130

1Condensate in liquid nitrogen trap (8. 19 and 1. 4 gram from oxygen and air burns, respectively), mostly chlorine

Table IV. Burn Test Data in 100 Per Cent Oxygen at 5 psi
Pressure and Air at 12.6 psi Pressure

. .- - - - - - · O V E N



Fi gure 1. OutgasS i ng Equ ipme nt W ith Oven Doo r Rai sed


Fi gure 2, Outgassing Equi pment Sch ematic

r:-II';r rn-I'T-I '·'i I : I I I I I I I I I I I I I~I I II ,:" .---. ITt

Ii i~';k iCi :,: :,i, ' " I: L ii i cl,
U;.b' '~ ;::' L I '1 1 " :::,,1<

Fi gure 3 , Gas Chromatograph

l':!\4 I t ~ 16 i i ,
J•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,•••
I I .! III llMl!_ I

Figure 4. Sample Chromatogram

~ U

Fi gure 6. F lammabi l it y Equipment Pl uilbing Schematic

Fi gu re 5. Fla mm abili ty Equip ment







Figure 8. Tube Test Setup

Figure 7. Bar Test Setup


1 _ _ _ _ _ _....... 1000

600 0
11---- ct
400 ffi
111---_- ~
SAMPLE .....

800 400 o

Fi gure 9. Material Under T es t

Figure 10. Heating Curves - Capped Tube


600 ~

400 ~
I I - -_ _~ UJ

800 400



Figure 11. Heating Curves

- 110-
Control-Display Design in Manned Space System Development

Edward L. Warren, USAF ,fjfl"

!;tLtJA..- ~
c"C&.. ;If
Malcolm L. Ritchie, Ritchie, Inc.,
-7~- -,

The problem of designing a control-display system were made in the design process. There is therefore
for a vehicle is that of organizing information and a considerable stress upon the requirement that the
getting it to the operator so he can understand clearly designers anticipate all relevant aspects of the
what the situation is and what controls he may use to system's operation. On the other hand a system
effect his decision. The work sponsored by the Air which includes a human operator with a somewhat
Force on this problem has yielded some tentative con- flexible control system allows the operator to take
clusions. One is that the role of the man in vehicle into account things which were not anticipated in the
control is determined, deliberately or not, by the early design. An automatic system can only respond with
crystallization of system design. Required overall control modes which are specifically connected to
system performance can only be assured if that role given expected conditions. The human operator can
is based on sound detailed prediction of man's per- use any available control mode to respond to con-
formance in the specific system design. Another con- ditions he finds in operation whether or not these
clusion is that there is no substitute for a sound ex- conditions were anticipated. In this sense an operator
perimental development program in control-display. can perform functions which allow second guesses on
Newly required equipment must be anticipated and the part of the designer or an extension of the de-
developed by the time it is needed in a specific system. signer's function.

The control-display equipment in any manned The problem of system design is reliability of
system is that equipment which provides the interface performance. There does not appear to be any short
between the man and the rest of the system. It is the cut in terms of a philosophy or a simple kind of
key ta man's usefullness in a system because it is the decision which will allow a general answer to the
means by which he gets information about the system problem of what functions should be made automatic
and its situation in relation ta some desired condition, and what functions should be made manual. In general
and the means by which he imposes his desires upon it appears that any function which is performed in
the system. Therefore the control-display equipment exactly the same way each time to the same set of
is that which makes the difference between a vehicle inputs which are present in the situation can usually
in which the man is a passenger and one of which he be made quite refiable when automatic. On the other
is in command. hand there are functions which will be performed in
different ways depending upon local conditions. In
This implies that the control-display equipment some cases these conditions could not have been antic-
is designed as an integral part of the system, or as pated or required information is not present in the
an integral subsystem and not on a piece meal basis. situation. Such functions will probably be more
realiably performed by the human operator than by a
One way of looking at the requirement that the piece of equipment. For some time now it has been
control-display system be designed as an integral apparent that the role of the vehicle operator has been
port of the rest of the system is ta note that the design shifting from that of tracking in continuous control to
of the control-display equipment determines the role a new primary use as a decision maker, situation
of the human operator in the total system. This role determiner, and state selector. There will be even
of the operator becomes very important in assessing less employment of the man in the inner control loops
the overall reliability of the system in its operation. and a more sophisticated employment of him in the
outer loops. This appears to be a sound prediction of
Space vehicles are complex systems and assuring future trends in the role of the operator. However,
reliability of performance requires detailed study of this is not a simple answer to all design problems.
system interrelation and predictions of conditions for Even if one determines that those functions will be
operation. From the standpoint of reliability a com- automatic which are highly determined then one still
pletely automatic system has a singular characteristic; has to identify these functions one by one in the pros-
that is, it is capable of performing only those functions pective system design. Computation, for example, is
and taking into account only those inputs which were one of these determined functions. Once it can be
anticipated in the design and for which connections decided that a certain computation is needed then it is

generally true that a piece of equipment can do the any general or transitory limits on the altitudes at
computa1ion better than a man. An example of the which he could operate he needed to bear these values
type function which will usually be allocated to a man in memory or else derive them from some other
is the decision about time to retrofire. While the source. What is being said is that the actual altitude
trajectory following retrofire may be highly deter- is only one of several things about altitude which the
mined there are many factors which enter into the operator needs to know in order to use the infor-
decision to select a time. For example, the level of mation. These other things are such as desired
the oxygen supply, radiation level etc. may become altitude, temporary limits, long term limits, pre-
more important to the astronaut than the optimum dicted va lues of a Ititudes and perhaps others. In the
choice of landing area for speedy pickup. last several years the development of aircraft cock-
pits has seen a number of these computed functions
In the past it has frequently been true that a great being added to the information displayed on the panel.
deal of design decision in a given system is crystal- It seems clear that this trend toward more infor-
lized before any significant thought is given to the mation about the operating situation wi II be continued
control-display system and hence to the detailed role in future system design. This seems especially
of the man in the system. It should be clear that a true for those systems like space vehicles for which
continuation of this procedure precludes the possibility the operating limitations will be very strict.
that a rationa I determination can be made of the con-
tribution of the man to overall system performance The need for more information in the cockpit rides
reliability. That this procedure was at all tolerable hand in hand with the need for better interpretabi lity
in the past is partly due to the fact that aeronautical of the display systems. There is no simp Ie way to
systems were simpler and had less stringent oper- resolve these somewhat conflicting demands, just as
ational boundries than space systems, and partly that aerodynamicists have found no general solution to the
we had more experience in operating similar systems problem of reducing drag while getting adequate lift.
in simi lar environments. Not on Iy wi II the conse- In a precisely analogous manner display and control
quences of error be more stringent on the part of systems must be designed to some extent uniquely
space systems but for some time we wi II have less for each given application and setting. While some
direct knowledge about the operating environments genera I functiona I relationships can be identified, in
and circumstances. the end it is true that disp lays are in the cockpit to
provide information required for control decisions.
At this point it should be clear that the most A vehicle for a given mission will have a particular
reliable system is neither the all-manual nor the all set of control decisions required of the operator.
automatic. In general the most reliable system lies Only when this set of decisions is made specific can
somewhere in between. At present there is no rule the designers be sure that they know what information
of thumb for deciding just where in between the design must be provided in the display system. This infor-
should fall. Each individual function must be decided mation content must be specified before there can be
on its own merits in view of the limitation on this a rational design of a system to provide this infor-
particular system and mission. This implies a need mation.
for a detai led study in the early design phases showing
each required control action and decision 1. One specific problem in display design appears
worth special mention at this time. This is the
In the history of display design it was typically problem of designing displays to make clear some
true that a sensor picked up one aspect of vehicle's specific and perhaps complex relationship which is
performance or position and fed this into an indicator important to the control task at the moment. One
designed for displaying just this parameter; one historical example of such a display is the Instrument
indicator per displayed parameter. For example, in Landing System which gave specific relative bearing
the case of altitude the actual momentary value of information required for the job of maneuvering into
a ltitude was shown on the indicator. It was left up to landing position relative to the runway. Another
the operator to derive from some source infor- example is to be found in the 3-Axis Attitude Indicator.
mation about how high he wanted to be. If there were In this case the complex relationship which is shown
by the display is that between the control effects of
1. Kearns, John H. & Ritchie, Malcom L. Cockpit pitch, roll and yaw and the resulting effects on pitch
control-display subsystem engineering. U.S. Air angle, bonk and heading. The complexities in these
Force, Aeronautical Systems Division, Technical relationships occur mainly at very high pitch attitude
Rep. No. 61-545. angles.


One current example of work on illuminating needs of some expected ~nedJlystem. This can
specifically complex relationships is that of the be done by hypothesizingf'(' 'sses of vehicles or
terminal phase of orbital rendezvous. In recent work systems and analyzing their requirements. The
sponsored by the Air Force an approach to this procedure is much like that which should be done if
problem has been made resulting in a concept which the system were actually to be developed. These
allows very ready interpretation of the relative motion classes of system would be made up of representative
between rendezvous vehicle and target vehicle. This configurations and mission phases involving those
relative motion concept allowing a clear interpretation problems of special concern to the Control Display
of the control action required to correct simultaneously subsystem and related subsystems.
for altitude error, cross range error and range rate
error. The key display of this relationship was In the absence of a real system with all its parts
called the Rendezvous Vector Display. The detailed visible, a realistic system may be formulated with
study of such specific maneuvering problems can be as much detail specified as will be needed. This
expected to result in more specific display solutions realistic system is valuable because the critical
ta elucidate these complex relations. control problems arise in the interaction of several
subsystems. The subsystems are much easier to
In the space vehicles which have flown and those specify than are the interactions. Making reasonable
which are next to go into space the instruments were but specific assumptions about the subsystems allows
strongly influenced by a search for those indicators the interactions to be studied in the hypothetical
which were already developed and had demonstrated whole system. The important issue here is to set
reliability. While this procedure may appear to limit the problem up for an adequate study while it is still
the systems in some respects there are powerful an anticipated problem. When the problem becomes
reasons why this procedure can be expected to recur. real and pressing it will usually be already too late
to work out an adequate solution.
When looking at an actual system development
with time schedules and dallar limitations, it is Only in this way can Control Display equipment
necessary to consider how expected time to accom- of the proper design be made available to system
plish proposed termination of requirements, design of development programs on an off-the-shelf bosis. r
equipment, and building of equipment for the specific There is one point which system development groups
system can be brought in line with the system develop- must understand and accept •. The phase "off-the-
ment schedule. The most time consuming and costly shelr' is going to have a different meaning in the
aspect of this cycle is designing and building of the future. It will nat necessarily mean a piece of equip-
equipment required to moke up the system. Therefore ment which has been used in a system before, but
it is natural that there will always be some pressure will be "off-the-shelf" in that capability of the equip-
to use existing hardware and in fact there is a tendency ment wi II have been demonstrated in an Advanced
to warp requirements to make this possible. Thus it Technology Program which will include flight demon-
is inevitable that, to some extent, system design will stration in a vehicle having cnaracteristics as near
be dictoted by equipment avai lable and thereby the as possible to the type for which equipment is
operator's role in the system will be determined in intended.
like manner. If this pressure is acknowledged, then
the solution is to provide enough advanced work that
newly developed hardware is available by the time it
is needed. This means that new systems must be
studied in advance in such a way that the interface
problems are revealed. The only feasible way that
this situation can be handled is to have Experimental
Development and Advance Technology work, by which
the Control Display equipment is developed to be
system oriented from the start. That is to say, it is
necessary that efforts in the Experimental Development
area not be undertaken from the stondpoint of developing
a single parameter or single indicator. The require-
ments for new and improved Control Display equipment
can be determined only by considering total system


COllllll8nder John E. Rasmussen, ysx

:\.\William W. Haythorn~
U. S. Naval Medical Research Ins~
National Naval .Medical cen:9 6).. ~ y IJ 0 r
rsetfiesda, ~land

Introduction personal contact Since the beginning of SOCiety.

In fact, voyages of the early Whaling ships were
For many centuries man has lived under ad- far more extended in duration than the presently
verse environmental conditions and banded to- contemplated missions of space craft and future
gether to operate weapons. His performance weapons systems. However, to date man has not
usually has been adequate for survival in these faced a situation involving the combination of:
situations, and at times he has been unusually (a) prolonged total isolation in a sensory poor
effective in spite of the fact that behavioral environment; (b) intensive, enforced interaction
scientists did not assist in selecting and of small groups; (c) total interdependence of all
organizing the crews. In view of the adapta- individualS for group Survival; (d) total impossi-
bility and ingenuity Which man has demonstrated bility of removing an ineffective crew member;
throughout history in meeting the demands placed (e) sustained demands for vigilance and reaching
upon him in stressful situations, it is not at rapid though irreversible decisions; and (f) a
all out of order to raise a question as to Why major financial and idea10gical commitment by
so much emphasis is being placed today on the society in the accomplishment of the mission.
interpersonal aspects of small crew performance
and the emotional effectiveness of the individual Although technological advances are just now
group members. An effort will be made in the beginning to produce the unique set of environ-
present paper to trace the development of this mental and psychological conditions outlined
problem area and outline the general nature of above, the implications and Significance of certain
some of the broader aspects presently being ex- less stressful combinations of these conditions
plored. While the focus of the Navy's current clearly has been indicated in several well studied
research effort is on future sea-based deterrent military programs. A brief review of findings
weapon systems, the work is equally applicable to from these programs will give an indication of the
the closed ecological systems of space vehicles. nature of the problems to be faced in future
closed ecological systems.
The specific problem area of concern here
extends beyond the usual considerations of human Military Experience With Small Groups Under
engineering, personnel selection, and technical stress or in Isolation
training. It is assumed that the man-machine
interface problems will be solved and highly Research findings from several rather
trained and skilled personnel can be selected to divergent operational programs form a core of
man the vehicle in question. However, evidence information from which to approach the present
has been accumulated Which indicates that the problem. These are the Navy's experience in the
above factors are not sufficient to insure mission Antarctic with Operation Deep-Freeze; isolation
success. The closed ecological systems with studies in the submarine service; and Arm:! and
Which we are concerned introduce a combination of Air Force studies of crew composition Which were
factors Which until recently had not been en- conducted during World War II and the Korean con-
countered in man's conquest of his environment. flict.
It is the unique combination of enforced inter-
action of small groups of men, each of Whom is Operation Deep-Freeze
critical for mission success, and the sensory
poor or impoverished environment resulting from In 1956, just prior to the Intern.ational
prolonged physical isolation Which assumes in- Geophysical Year, the Navy Medical Department was
creased Significance as a critical factor in requested to undertake the psychiatric assessment
mission success. of all men who would winter over in the Antarctic
as part of Operation Deep-Freeze. This request
History is replete with situations where was made as a result of an individual's develop-
men have lived for prolonged periods of time ing a serious and disrupting psychiatric illness
in isolated, sensory poor environments, early at the height of the wintering over period when
Antarctic expeditions being cases in point. there was no possibility of obtaining relief or
Small groups of men also have worked and lived assistance from outside sources. The continuing
in situations of prolonged and enforced inter- clinical and research program conducted during
the subsequent seven years has yielded a wealth
~e opinions and statements contained herein are of information on the psycho1ogical response of
the private ones of the writers and are not to be healthy, highly select groups of men living in
construed as official or reflecting the views of extreme isolation under conditions of genuine
the Navy Department or the Naval Service at large. rather than simulated stress.

The number of perscmnel at the five U. s. Rohrerll has postulated three primary phases
Antarctic stations ranges from roughly twelve to of adjustment to prolonged Antarctic isolation.
one h\Dldred. The men are totally isolated for First is the period of heightened anxiety which
periods of time ranging from approximately five to accaJq>anies arrival in the Antarctic. During this
ten months, four months of which is characterized time the individual is finding himself in an un-
by total darkness. Even collllllUDication by radio known situation and evaluating the future in this
frequently is impossible because of adverse new environment. '!bis anxiety diminishes as the
weather conditions. Temperatures exceeding one isolation becomes a reality and the men become
h\Dldred. degrees below zero have been recorded at involved in the extensive physical activity of
the South pole station. In addition to the bitter preparing for the Winter night.
cold and darkness, extreme Winds and drif'ting
snow discourage free physical movement outside The second stage begins af'ter the last air-
of the shelter buildings. Somewat remote, never- cra:f't have departed and routines have been '
theless anxiety-producing, threats of death exist established. It continues throughout the winter
in the form of possible fuel shortages, fire, or night. '!bis adjustmental phase might be character-
serious injury. ized as one of depression; however, it should be
emphasized that the depression is not necessarily
Detailed results of the psychiatric assess- of pathological proportions nor is it experienced
ment program are reported elseWhere9. However, in the same way or to the same degree by all in-
in passing it might be noted that not a single man dividuals. In fact, many men are consciously
accepted for this program through the psychiatric unaware of depression until the signs and symptoms
assessment procedure is known to have been hospit- are brought to their attention. '!be subtle in-
alized and separated from service for psychiatric dications of depression take the form of insomnia,
reasons. On the other hand, current Medical De- moodiness, forgetfulness, and concentration diffi-
partment statistics indicate that approximately culties. Headaches appear to show a marked in-
15 men would have been so hospitalized and dis- crease during this period, particularljI among the
charged from a comparable size sample of the more intellectual members of the groupO. Both
general Navy population serving in less stressful. Mullin and Rohrer have commented on the increased
environments 2 • Although relative concern over repression of hostile feelings toward other mem-
serious psychiatric illness has diminished some- bers of the group which occur during this adjust-
'What on the basis of this experience, related mental phase. In fact, Mullin raises the possi-
findings point up an area of serious weakness in bility that this repression of interpersonal
our current knowledge of psychiatric assessment. hostility underlies the increase in headaches.
Mission success in isolation depends upon more
than individual effectiveness. In fact, based on Rohrer's third adjustment phase may be deSig-
the Antarctic experience, there is good reason to nated as the anticipatory phase. Here, there is
believe that effective personality interaction an increase in activity and decrease in the de-
and group cohesiveness probably is as important pressive phenomena. Further, repression of
as ~Sividual proficiency to mission accomplish- hostility begins to lif't so there are more argu-
ment • ments and overt displays of irritability. Less
concern and pride is shown with the work remaining
Effective personality interaction becomes to be done and in maintaining the station; main-
increasingly critical as the size of the group tenance which can be deferred tends to be lef't
becomes smaller. Actually, one is faced with two for the relief party to accomplish.
different conditions of isolation in the Antarctic.
At large stations a number of sub-groups·can An illustration of the behavioral changes
develop so the individual rejected by one group outlined above is seen in Figure 1, which is
of men usually can find acceptance in another. based on data analyzed at the U. S. Navy Medical
However, this is not true at the small stations. Neuropsychiatric Research Unit, San Diego. The
When enforced interaction occurs over a prolonged significance of such disruptions for successful
period of time, among a small group of highly accomplishment of a mission requiring high degrees
skilled and trained men, mission effectiveness of technical skill and coordinated effort is self-
will suffer unless the group is personally com- evident.
patible. '!bis extends beyond the team compati-
bility considerations usually encountered in Period in Months
weapon system operations. In essence, with the lBehavior 1-4 5-8 9-12
passing of time \Dlder extreme isolation emotional ~isruption of sleep cycle 2 15 3
feelings and biases distort reason and judgement ~pathetic, indifferent 1 5 1
in situations where there is constant inter- ~ense, restless 3 8 19
personal friction. ~mplaining, whining o 1 3
Irritable, hypersensitive 6 9 13
Certain phenomena which seem to be related Suspicious, mistrustful o 7 16
to the sensory poor environment of the Antarctic Uncooperative 1 2 13
also have been identified. For the most part,
these are individual rather than group phenomena;
however, because of the widely differing rates FIGURE 1
with which the conditions are reported from one
station to another and from year to year, there FREQUENCY OF CHANGES IN INDIVIDUAL'S CONDUCT
is some suggestion that there may be a certain .AND EMOTIONS AT ONE SHALL STATION
degree of group contagion involved. DURING ANTARCTIC ISOlATION

Submarine Studies Air Force and Army Experience 'With Crew Compo-
Present day nuclear submarines are manned by
large crews, and the period of isolation is not as Another source of information regarding the
extended as that found on Operation Deep-Freeze. importance of small group phenomena in the opera-
Therefore, the situation is not directly comparable tion of military units stems from the efforts of
to the Antarctic. There are several studies, how- various Army and Air Force research laboratories,
ever, which shed further light on the problem of dating from World War II and the Korean conflict,
men living in closed ecological systems. These which were responsible for conducting research on
studies qave been summarized in some detail by social psychological factors affecting the per-
Weybrew16 • Particularly germane to the present formance of bomber crews in combat. Although not
discussion is evidence of a phenomenon somewhat specifically concerned 'With isolated or confined
akin to the three adjustmental phases noted in the crews in the strictest sense of the words, the
Antarctic. This has been noted in Operation Hide- research results are clearly relevant to the op-
out7, on an early habitability cruise of the U.S.S. eration of small space craft or underseas vehicles.
Nautilus 1 5, and on the world circumnavigation of As has been suggested earlier in this paper, there
the U.S.S. Tritonl. 6 Generally speaking, the is reason to believe that the prolonged and en-
changes in group behavior became apparent approx- forced interactions among a small group of men
imately one week after the beginning of isolation. magnifies the importance of interpersonal be-
The greatest difference between the phases noted haviors. Much of this work, and its special
in the Antarctic and in submarine studies is in relevance to the performance of teams in flight,
the final or anticipatory stage. The submarine has been summarized by Sells13 , among others, and
studies report little or no evidence of a deteri- 'Will therefore be only very briefly reviewed here.
oration of interest in and care of the vessel.
Parenthetically, in the operational Polaris program Perhaps the most intensive of these efforts
it would appear that highly effective competition was that of the Crew Research Laboratory at Ran-
has been encouraged between the two crews to leave dolph Air Force Base. B-29 bomber crews were
the vessel more ship-shape at the end of the assembled at Randolph and completed their crew
voyage than it was at the beginning. Whether this training there prior to proceeding to combat in
would carry over with small crews isolated for Korea. A 'Wide variety of measures vas obtained
more extensive periods of time is a matter of con- in training school and related to SUbsequent per-
jecture. An increase of headaches also is report- formance in combat. These measures ranged from
ed in the above studies. Again this is consistent individual ground school grades to simulated bomb
with Antarctic findings; but, a question remains drops over stateside targets. Among the many
as to whether the headaches reported during early measures obtained were attitude scale scores des-
isolation studies aboard submarines was attribu- cribing crew member attitudes toward the Air Force
table to increased CO levels or other toxicologic miSSion, their crew in, the Korean con-
agents. 2 flict itself, and so on. Subsequently, various
measures of combat performance were obtained, in-
It is unwise to place the submarine exper- cluding superior officer's ratings and the per-
ience in the same category as the stUdies of small centage of scheduled Missions completed.
Antarctic stations with regard to information on
group functioning. The crews of present day Analysis of these data -- reported by French,
nuclear submarines contain in excess of one hun- Knoell, and Stice 4 -- indicated that, whereas
dred men; therefore, they are more similar to the training performance measures predicted crew per-
large Antarctic stations than the small groups of formance in combat with only chance success, mean
concern in the present paper. As indicated crew attitude measures obtained in training pre-
earlier, isolation in large "communities" appar- dicted rated combat performance Significantly.
ently involves a different and less stressful set That is, crew attitudes in training predicted com-
of interpersonal variables than that encountered bat performance better than did crew performance
in small groups. measures in training. Furthermore, crew attitudes
in training predicted rated combat performance
The foregoing not withstanding, throughout better than they predicted training performance.
history submarine crews traditionally have been
among the most effective and best integrated groups DeGaugh and Knoell 3 collected attitude survey
ever assembled. This degree of excellence.has data from crews while they were in the Far Eastern
been accomplished empirically through a system theater, either in Japan or Okinawa. Their ques-
which has slowly evolved over a period of half a tionnaire, which had been administered to crews
century. Thus, in spite of their size, knowledge which had been in combat for at least thirty days,
gained from our nuclear submarine experience may measured three primary attitudes: satisfaction
have particular value in developing relevant tech- 'With the Air Force; pride in work groups; and in-
niques for sustaining high levels of crew effect- dividual adventurousness. Satisfaction with the
iveness over long periods of time and anticipating Air Force and pride in work groups were found to
the emotional impact of a sensory poor environ- be Significantly correlated with ratings of combat
ment on the emotional effectiveness of individual effectiveness, but individual adventurousness was
crew members. not found to be related. These and other studies

J. 12
(for e~J.e, by Berkowitz, Schachter , measures. Without such measures it is not possible
Haythorn ) indicate rather clearly that attitudes to assess the performance effectiveness of small
are significant in determining performance of groups of men serving in closed ecological systems.
small military units. ~is goes beyond gross measures of mission accom-
plishment and includes the "emotional cost" in-
It has also been fairly well established volved. '!'he highly trained and skilled crews under
that a high degree of interpersonal liking within consideration here are not expendable. Thus, while
the group facilitates the acceptance of group this research problem area might be considered much
standards. ~us, a group of men who are individ- more basic or conceptual in nature than those 'Which
ually motivated to perform their assigned missions follow, it is extremely important in the develop-
and who in addition have a strong team spirit is ment of psychiatric seJ.ection and preventive psy-
likely to perform very well, while a group of men chiatry programs 'Which are adequate to cope with
equally well-motivated indiVidually but lacking the probJ.ems of closed ecological systems.
the team spirit mayor may not perfonn well. In
addition, the interpersonal relations among group In research to date, considerabJ.y more
members can provide powerful emotional support. attention has been given to the investigation of
~e importance of this factor is stressed in the how and why small groups function than to measures
current psychological view that membership in of group effectiveness. Moreover, for the most
groups is needed as a means of maintaining per- part, these studies have been concerned with des-
sonal adjustment. Acceptance by group members Criptive measures of group action and interaction.
was shown in World War II to be Significantly Unfortunately, few attempts have been made to
related to measures of individual adjustments of determine how closely the group functioning
naval recruits. Also, the importance of inter- approaches the most highly desirable pattern of
personal J.oyalties among military group members interaction as considered from the standpoint of
was indicated in a research study of combat in- maximizing performance effectiveness. Consequently,
fantrymen during World War II in which it was such studies can lead to identification of cor-
found that loyalty to his buddies was one of the relates (composition, organization, etc.) of
chief flftors in keeping the infantryman going in differences in group process but cannot J.ead. to
combat • This factor was also emphasized in a establishment of correlates of most effective or
report by Grinker and Spiegel 5 of psychiatric efficient group functioning, even for a specific
experience with Air Corps personnel during World crew or group and a specific type of duty.
War II. It would seem, then, that a great deal
of concern for the compatibility of a group of One of the more important considerations
men is justified, both on the grounds of its im- involved in the criterion area is the necessity
portance in determining perfonnance effectiveness for development of a systematic statement of the
and in its relationship to individual adjustment. basic performance functions required in execution
A considerable amount of research directed toward of small group duties in general, and a point by
a better understanding of the factors determining point delineation of how these functions are in-
compatibility has been conducted, both in military volved in the particular duties of a specific
research organizatiOns and university laboratorie~ small group. Along with the development of generic
Our knowledge is still very meager, however. In small group functions, there is the need for speci-
the remainder of this paper, we shall discuss very fying the performance dimensions appropriate for
briefly the research problem areas which seem to describing crew performance of those functions.
require attention. Specification of the basic performance dimensions
descriptive of crew task performance, for crews in
Implications for Closed EcoJ.ogical Systems general and for any particular type or section of
a crew, will greatly facilitate the determination
Based on a general analysis of the opera- of criterion standards on those dimensions. Such
tional problems of closed ecological systems, de- criterion standards then can serve as reference
rived research requirements and the existing values for assessing the performance effectiveness
state of knowledge, the following are seen as of operating crews.
fruitful. areas of research regarding team and
crew behavior: criteria of small crew effective- Group COmposition and Organization
ness, crew composition, maintenance of crew
effectiveness, closed space environment problems. The first problem in this area is the speci-
Fortunately, a good deal of information already fication of conditions under which careful and
exists in these problem areas. The primary task deliberate composition of crews, on the basis of
is one of synthesizing that knowledge which personality and/or other psychological factors,
already exists, filling in basic theoretical as can contribute to the effectiveness of the opera-
well as empirical gaps, and translating the in- ting mission to which the crew is assigned. On
formation into usable operational selection and the basis of research to date, it has not been
preventive psychiatry programs. unequivocally demonstrated that psychological
factors in crew or team composition should be
Criteria of Crew or Small Group Effectiveness considered a primary variable in performance
effectiveness under all operating conditions. On
One of the most vexing problems in neuro- the other hand, there is evidence that certain
psychiatric research is that of adequate criterion aspects of operational conditions under which

crews work -- nature of duties, operating en- ficat ion of, and control over, the factors under-
vironment, degree of isolation, etc. -- are lying group cohesion and disruption. Fortunately,
critical in determining the degree to which a considerable body of basic research also is
composition factors are of significance in available on this problem and can be brought to
achieving creW effectiveness. bear in future work. Unfortunately, most of this
research has been carried out in laboratories with
The research problem here is envisioned as experimental groups which have no history and little
presenting two major tasks: First, to specify future. studies are needed which focus upon well-
the operating conditions which maximize the im- established groups under conditions of isolation.
portance of personality factors in crew composi- Such studies may be expected to yield information
tion; and secondly, to identify the individual as to the specific psychological responses normally
personality patterns and combinations thereof used in maintaining the 1ntegrity of small groups
which maximize crew or small group effectiveness and the effectiveness of these responses. More-
under given operating conditions. An answer to over, this research area should include investiga-
the first task should specify the conditions under tion of the consequences of limiting the availa-
which deliberate composition of crews, on the bility of certain psychological responses or
basis of psychiatric and psychological factors, mechanisms, e. g., withdrawing from the group,
could profitably be effected. Answers to the social ostracism, etc. Studies of groups isolated
latter task would specify the criteria to be used in the Antarctic indicate that certain psycholog-
in selecting individual crew members and the ex- ical mechaniSms used by individuals and/or groups
plicit rationale to be employed in actually under such prolonged stress may be responsible for
asSigning men to crews. precipitating potentially serious psychiatric dis-
Intimately related to the problems of crew
or group composition are those concerned with Environmental Restructuring and Enrichment
organization of the group. In general, or-
ganization is used here to refer to many as- With technological advances, the role of man
pects or dimensions of group structure; e.g., in future systems is shifting to include a
leadership, communication authority, status, etc., heavier emphasis on information processing and
all of which are probably inter-dependent. Re- monitoring functions and a decreasing emphasis on
search to date has been concerned primarily with physical activity and personal mobility or
identifying these major dimensions of structure "changes in scenery." As a consequence of these
and in illustrating how variation along such developments, the environment of closed system
dimensions has important effects upon some aspects crews may be characterized as one of reduced
of group functioning. Less attention has been sensory stimulation. Moreover, there is little
given to the inter-dependencies between the struc- opportunity for increasing the level of stimula-
tural dimensions. It is here that considerable tion because of confinement and isolation.
progress may be made.
It is clear from the Antarctic research that
The end result of work in this area is to there are rather marked changes in behavior which
fill the present gap in our knowledge of how to occur under conditions of isolation and confine-
combine highly trained and skilled individuals ment. Recent work with total sensory deprivation
into crews which will be emotionally as well as also has produced quite dramatic behavioral change&
technically compatible under the stress of pro- However, to date, the exact significance of re-
longed isolation. On the basis of Air Force and duced environmental stimulation for the effective
other studies, it appears likely that considerable operation of closed ecological systems remains
pay-off may be expected in this area. unknown. From the point of view of military and
space environments, it is likely that the situation
Maintenance of Crew Effectiveness of critical importance is the imposed structuring
or monotony of the sensory environment.
Once an effective crew has been formed,
steps must be taken to insure that it remains Primary attention in this research problem
effective over time. In the systems under con- area should be directed to an investigation of
Sideration, the potential for disruption and in- the effects of long-term exposure to such struc-
effectiveness of small crews through interpersonal tured environments on individual functioning as
friction will be increased while the opportunities well as the effects on the interaction and per-
for outside appraisal and help become more formance of small isolated groups. In addition,
limited. Under such conditions it becomes im- once the conditions of stimulus structuring and
perative to develop resources within the small patterning which produce the behavioral response
isolated units themselves for diagnosing trouble to reduced environmental stimulation are known,
spots and correcting potential difficulties. systematic investigation should be undertaken to
Training and indoctrination principles useful in determine ways of overcoming the deleterious
the development of such group diagnostic and self- effects of such deprivation. It is likely that
maintenance skills also are required. In essence, deprivation effects may be attenuated by enrich-
the quasi-therapeutic potential of small crews ing the environment, by modifying the individual's
must be fully exploited. tolerance for limited environments, or by more
effective utilization of certain aspects inherent
The development of effective principles to in the environmental situation per se. However,
accomplish these objectives requires the identi- the exact approach to the attenuation problem must

await the identification of variables responsible 5. Gr1nker, R. R. and Spi:?l, J. P. Man ~
for the behav10ral changes under -conditions of stress. Philadelph1~ Blaidston. 1945.
reduced env1rollll!ental st1mulation.

The closed ecological systems of manned space
6. Haythorn,W. w•.=t:k
metric measures -
between socio-
;;a. bOiiI'ber
crewsin combat. -r.ackl8ild Mr Forci""iiiiSe,TeL:
Air Force'"'PerS'"onnel' kci \'raining Researt:h Center,
vehicles and future weapon systems will engender December 1954. (Research Bulletin AFPTIt:-~-54-
specific indiv1dual and interpersonal stresses, 101. )
the overall significance of which will exceed any- j. ... ~ -,~

thing heretofore encountered. The significance of 7, Kinsey, J. L. Report on psychiatric stUdies·-

these problems has been recognized, but very little on operation hideout, U.S.N. ~d. Res. Lab. Re-
systematic effort has been focused on evaluating port No. 230, 20 July 1953.
their magnitude and dev1sing techniques for coping
with them. The problem area of concern is one 8. Mullin, C. S., Jr., Some psychological aspects
which extends beyond the province of man-machine of isolated antarctic liv1ng, ~ J. psychiat.,
research as it is presently env1sioned. 1960, 111, 323-325·
On the basis of the Navy's operational and 9. Nardini, J. E., Herrmann, R. S. and Rasmussen,
research experience with small isolated groups in J. E. Navy psychiatric assessment program in the
the AntarctiC, as well as Air Force research on antarctic, !:!!!:!.:.. i!:. Psychiat., 1962, 119, 97-105.
bomber crews, it is clearly ev1dent that mission
success is dependent upon more than adequate human 10. Nelson, P .D. and Gunderson, E. K. E. Analysis
engineering and the selection of technically of adjustment dimensions in small confined groups,
qualified and trained personnel. Two additional U.S.N. MRPRESU Report No. 62-3, 1962
variables are introduced by the use of small crews
in the closed ecology of space and future weapon 11. Rohrer, J. H. Interpersonal relationships in
systems vehicles. Effectiveness of interpersonal isolated small groups. In Psychophysiological
interaction among personnel operating the system Aspects of sp£e Flight, New York, columbia Univ.
is a critical variable in mission success. Second- Press, 1961, 3-211.
ly, factors inherent in prolonged isolation and
physical confinement assume a Significant magni- 12. Schacter, S., Ellertson, Ii., McBride, D.,
tude in both indiv1dual and group effectiveness. ana. Gregory, D. An experimental study of co-
The nature, significance, and implication of these hesiveness and productiv1ty. ~~, 1951,
problems is discussed in terms of crew composition, ~, 229-238.
maintenance of crew effectiveness, closed space
env1ronment problems, and performance criteria. 13. Sells, s. B. Group behav10r problems in
flight, In HUIII8D Factors in Jet and Space Travel,
New York. ROiiiI(I Press, 1961, Il2-'I3r.--
14. Stoufi'er, S.S., I:umsdaine, A. A., Lumsdaine,
1. Berkowitz, L. Group standards, cohesiveness, Marian H., Williams, R. M., Jr., et ale studies
and productiv1ty. Human ~., 1954, I, 509-519. in social psychology ~ ~ War II: Vol. II.
The"""Aiiierlcan Soldier: Combat ana: its aftermath.
2. Christy, R. L. and Rasmussen, J. E. Human Princeton: princeton Univer. Press, 1949.
reliability implications of the U.S. Navy's ex-
perience in screening and selection procedures 15. Weybrew, B. B.: Psychological and Psycho-
(to be published). physiological Effects of Long Periods of Sub-
mergence: I. Analysis of Data Collected During
3. DeGaugh, R. A. and Knoell, Dorothy M. Attitudes a 265-Hour, Completely Submerged, Habitabllity
relevant to bomber ~ performance ~ canbat. Cruise Made by the USS Nautilus (S8557l), U.S.N.
Lackland Air Force Base, Tex.: Air Force Personnel ~d. Res. Lab. Report No. 261, Feb. 18, 1951·
and Training Research Center, May 1954. (Research
Bulletin .AFPTR:!-TR-54-18.) 16. Weybrew, B. B., Human factors and the work
env1ronment. J. Occupational~, 1961, l'
4. French, R. L., Knoell, Dorothy M., and stice, 290-294.
G. F. Measures of attitudes and performanCE! ~
early 'training ~ predictors of B-29 ~ .F!::.
formance in Korean conflict. Lackland Air Force
Base, Tex:: ""A1rForce Personnel and Tra1n1ng
Research Center, March 1956. (Laboratory ~
CRL-LN-56-4. )

I '0-". ~ by
~ ..... Colonel John E. Pickering
, , ~ IDe~ty Chief of Staff Research
,.(,~, _. ~71i-c. ~] Aerospace Medical Diy, sion
I.,IJJ<AT~ "'" ~ IJ':~ Air Force Sy:t: mmand

1 ~ ~i~ Colonel John M. Talbot, USAF, MC

Director of Aerospace Medicine
Office of Deputy for Manned Space Flight
"::;:IT Air Force Systems Command
e,w .."...-/
INTRODUCTION (Figure 1 Van Allen Radiation Belts)

With the discovery of the great radiation belts energy spectrum, and temporal character-
surrounding the earth, emphasis has been istics defined in a rather accurate manner.
placed on determining the nature, extent and The outer radiation zone extends to 8 to 10
effects of the space radiations and to charac- earth radii in the equatorial plane and dips
terize differences between the inner and outer down to low altitudes with increasing geo-
radiation zones, the auroral zones and inter- magnetic latitude. For example, at 55 to 70
planetary space. These latter studies are degrees geomagnetic latitude, the outer zone
being conducted in large measure to define the dips as low as 300 km in altitude.
properties of high energy particle radiations
emanating from the sun during times of intense This zone is composed primarily of electrons
solar flare activity. and protons as determined by satellites and
sounding rockets. The electrons at the heart
Similarly, with the interest generated in quan- of the zone suggest energies greater than 500
tifying the physical properties of these radi- kev and values in the order of 2x1 0 7 electrons /
ations, the biological aspects emphasize man's cm 2. Protons with energy greater than 10 Mev
ability to perform specific tasks in several appear to number Ie s s than 100 protons / cm
radiation environments, and the nature of man's and protons greater than 140 kev approximately
vulnerability to radiation. It is reasonable to 10 protons / cm 2 . A soft proton component in
argue that one of the major reasons for send- the energy range of 140 kev to 4.5 Mev has
ing man into the aerospace environment is to been discovered as a result of the flight of Ex-
realize the advantage of his abilities and skills plorer XII and leads to the hypothesis that the
as an equipment operator, trouble shooter, regional extent of the soft protons and the
maintenance specialist, observer and inter- outer zone electrons is very similar. On a
preter of dynamic situations and a maker of temporal basis, the outer radiation zone is
decisions. Our Mercury flights have already characterized by fluctuations in intensities an
shown an operational flexibility and a gain in order of magnitude greater than those observed
reliability, which can be realized when man is in the inner radiation zone. Additionally, there
a component of the system. Furthermore, are large changes associated with magnetic
operational plans for Gemini and Apollo have storms.
been modified to exploit this versatility. Man's
capabilities are the composite of many deter- Properties of the inner radiation zone are not
minants including the functional properties of as well known as the structure, composition,
biologic components and systems. This being and energy spectrum of components in the
true, it can be argued that these biologic com- outer radiation zone probably because of the
ponents and systems then constitute targets presence of a penetrating proton component
for ionizing radiation and further that biologic superpositioned on an intense electron com-
damage might well influence the success of a ponent and the inherent difficulty in experi-
manned system. mentally discriminating the properties of one
component in the presence of the other. In the
RADIA TION ENVIRONMENT equatorial plane, the inner radiation zone be-
gins at an altitude of abont 600 km and extends
Although the origin of many of the radiation to an altitude of about 10,000 km (2.6 earth
particles of space, particularly those in the radii). The energy spectrum of protons has
radiation belts, is still a controversial ques- been measured at the low altitude fringe of the
tion, four reasonably discrete zones can be inner radiation zone but a definite spectral
identified and the structure, composition, shape throughout the inner zone does not exist.
The spectrum at 1. 6 earth radii based on
Note: All expert'ments referr.ed to in this.
pa~er In wnrcn abo~a:torv anunals were l~
VO nd were conCluc ed aCcorctlnj! to ltne ru es
01 oJ;ato:ry: anlma care a~ prOnlU ga t ect y
the ational Soclety for Medical Kesearch.

protons of E)40 Mev has been deduced from the dose corresponding to Sxl0 9 protons/ cm 2
Pioneer 3. Temporal variations in the inner at E=30 Mev equates to approximately 1300 rad
zone involving as much as a factor of 3 have • in 1 gmt cm, which is their range. In general,
occurred and can be correlated with major solar flare particles have an isotropic distri-
solar proton events and/ or major geomag- bution. The tem.poral variations, at least
netic storms. for the number of low energy flares and the
flux of particles produced in them on arriving
It was conjectured prior to "Starfish" that at the earth are strongly m.odulated by the
a high-altitude nuclear test might result in eleven year solar sunspot cycle.
a loss of some particles from the inner nat-
ural radiation belt, but the predominant effect Compared with the solar flare protons, the
was the inj ection into the earth's m.agnetic hazard potential of the alpha particles and of
field of beta particles resulting from the de- the galactic cosmic radiation appears of
cay of charged or uncharged fission products. minor concern. Analyses of galactic cosmic
In this way a new electron belt was formed radiation as measured by balloons and space
superimposed upon and extending below the probes indicate particle fluxes and dose rates
natural belts. Data so far do not give a well below those that would produce any de-
completely consistent picture of the distri- monstrable biological damage unless inter-
bution and persistence of the injected elect- planetary flights were extended to time periods
rons; measurements disagree by a factor of 2 of many months. For instance, it is estimated
and occasionally 4. that free space galactic cosmic radiation inte-
grated weekly doses range from O. 1 to 0.3 rad.
The maximum intensity appears to occur
at a mean altitude of about 4000 km. and the This, then, as a statement of the space radi-
contour for which the electron flux is ation environm.ent for man clearly indicates
10 9 /cm 2/sec is approximately SOOO km that a reliable evaluation of the biological
thick and extends 6000 km. in the north-south efforts of high energy proton irradiation is of
direction. Definitive data are still lacking prime importance.
concerning the decay of these trapped elec-

From. the observed distribution of electron Protons of immediate interest most likely are
flux, the external radiation intensity at the above 10 Mev and below 1000 Mev. Radiation
exterior of the capsule during a mission biology effects, as they are now understood
similar to Mercury 7, 8, and 9, would be be- can for general purposes be conveniently divi-
tween SO-lOO r and would represent an in- ded into high, middle, and low dose responses.
ternal cabin dose of • S to 1 rad to the skin High dose effects - incapacitation-unquestion-
of an astronaut. ably result from involvement of the central

The auroral zone is m.ost often observed dur- (Figure 2 Types of Radiation Death)
ing periods of intense solar activity and/or
magnetic storms. The light is caused by (Table 1 Dose and Clinical Effect)
energetic electrons; protons mayor m.ay not
be present but in any case do not contribute nervous system rather than the typical radi-
significantly to the light. The occurrence of ation syndromes of gastrointestinal and hema-
these events is between 60 - 6S o Nand S topoietic injury. The early manifestations of
geomagnetic latitude. A great deal is known radiation injury, ataxia, retching, vomiting,
about these events and for our purpose need shock-like symptoms, iritis, nystagmus,
not be further discussed. hemorrhage, and subsequent death are all a
function of dose. Massive doses of high-dose-
In interplanetary space solar flare corpus- rate radiation have demonstrated quite a con-
cular radiation m.ay well be the significant sistent pattern in monkeys, dogs, and one hu-
contributor to biological effects. This. radi- man accident victim. These experim.ents
ation, ejected from the sun, has been identi- suggest that exposure to 2S00 rad will cause
fied as protons mixed with a very sm.all incapacitation within a time period of thirty
number of alpha particles. The energy spec- minutes. Furtherm.ore, though limited re-
trum of solar flare particles varies signifi- covery takes place for several hours, degen-
<'''.ntly from flare to flare. For a large flare eration and death are imm.inent. Death tim.e
proton peak intensities can be described at at this dose level most probably will occur
N(30 Mev)=l. Sxl0 5 protons/cm 2 /sec at t=l. 2 in a few days (4 - 7). In this regard it has not
days. For a I-day period the flux of protons been dem.onstrated in the laboratory that ram-
of 30 Mev was about Sxl0 9 protons/cm 2 and ation in any dose can kill instantaneously.

As the radiation dose is decreased, i. e. , Focal irrcdiation to the eye of the primate with
600-1500 rad, there is a different mechanism 14, 39, 185 and 730 Mev protons indicates that
of death- -predominantly from gastrointe stina1 the RBE for cataract formation, iridocyclitis,
injury--and rapid incapacitation is not clini- erythema and epilation ranges between 1 and 2
cally apparent unless it be psychological. Sur- when compared to Co 60 gammas. It is interest-
vival times are increased to 1 - 2 weeks. ing to note that 14 Mev neutrons have a similar
RBE (2) for these same sequelae of acute
Furthermore, at even lower doses, 300-600 radiation exposure.
rad, if death occurs, it is most probably
attributable to the hemat opoietic death pattern Preliminary whole body proton exposure using
of several weeks to months. Extending the 730 Mev protons yields an LD 50/30 of 315 rad,
dose vs effect, to lower values, for conditions a figure that compares well with bomb spectrum
encountered in short term space operations, neutron experiments, thus suggesting an RBE
200 rad can be considered as noncasualty pro- of approximately 1.6.
ducing, i. e., there will be no acute incapaci-
tating effects. This may not be true for such Until we can unequivocally relate particles,
long-term latent effects as carcinogenesis, rate, and dose to tissue equivalent effects,
cataractogenesis, temporary sterility, short- in the actual space environment, there will
ening of life span, and genetic changes. In be a factor of uncertainty, but one of no greater
space exploration 50 rad can be considered as magnitude than any of the other problems of
an acceptable, safe dose, while a dose of vehicle launch, orbit and recovery. Further-
400-450 rad can be considered lethal to half more, 10 years of long-term latent effects
the crew within 30 days. One must, however, research with primates on the effects of
consider the variability of biological response neutrons, gammas, and mixed neutrons and
to the dose. Human exposure to therapeutic gammas, support the concept of a dose
doses of radiation as well as animal experi- schedule such as the following:
ments suggest a factor of 2 difference in re-
sponse, i. e., 400 rad may in one person Table 3 Estimated Hazards
appear clinically as if the dose were 200 rad,
while in another more nearly like 800 rad. Additionally, in primates, 50 rad of acute
As the dose goes up, however, less variance exposure to neutrons, gammas, and mixtures
occurs. of these, has not produced cataracts; erythema
and epilation have not been observed below
There are other uncertainties besides bio- 250 rad.
logical variance: the endpoints used to mea-
sure incapacitating criteria; the unknown Although lacking the precision of systematic
factor of extrapolating animal data to man; experimental studies, certain observations
the complexity and demands of the task he is acquired through clinical studies of bomb
to accomplish; and perhaps greatest of all, casualties, accidental exposures, and thera-
his will to accomplish his task. peutic experiences deserve careful consider-
ation because of their relationship to what
In addition, in estimating radiation effects, Furchtgott (1956) has called "behaviorally
the influence of dose rate must be included significant effects." For example, Keller
because of the likelihood of considerable vari- (1946) noted fatigability as an almost universal
ation in this factor during space missions. complaint in his study of bomb casualties;
and Gerstner (1957, 1958) commented on the
Because of these considerations, it is essen- appearance of listlessness, apathy, headache,
tial to identify the specific biological effects and drowsiness "within a few hours" of ex-
of protons of different energies. It is very posure to radiotherapy. Miller, Fletcher, and
important in evolving reliable proton dose vs Gerstner (1957) found about 50 percent of
effects schedules that the experimental sub- their patients showing fatigue, anorexia, and
jects be well standardized in terms of radio - nausea shortly after radiotherapeutic who1e-
biological research experience. From this body exposures ranging from 125 to 175 r.
standpoint, we recommend the infrahuman Further studies of therapeutic experience by
primate because of the fact that extensive Levin, Schneider, and Gerstner (1959) showed
RBE data based on Co 60 as a standard have that whole-body exposures of 150 to 200 r
been developed in all of our acute primate left patients asymptomatic for about an hour,
studies with fast and thermal neutrons, but thereafter precipitated feelings of fatigue,
gamma rays, nuclear weapons and now, with apathy, dizziness, and headache, and produced
protons. appearances of depression and energy depletion.
Thoma and Wald (1959) reported similar find-
(Table 2 RBE vs Co 60 Gammas) ings in their review of accidental exposures.

Finally, Furchtgott (1952) reported studies, Upon closer examination, the interaction of
unavailable to him in original form, which high-energy radiation with matter is more
suggested that radiation of the skin in "su- complex, and a more complicated picture
berythemal doses" increased scotopic thresh- emerges. For purposes of discussion, it is
holds for several days and produced decre- convenient to divide the energy spectrum into
ments in dark adaptation levels. five ranges.

One, of course, cannot foresee with confi- (Table 4 Representative Radiation

dence what impact these effects might have Events)
on task performance, since high levels of
training and motivation often sustain an oper- 1. For energies less than 10 Mev: a complex
ator to outstanding leveis of achievement des- picture of secondary radiations --gammas, neu-
pite his infirmities. Furthermore, many of trons, betas, etc., emerges as a result of
these symptoms may be reasonabJ.y well con- nuclear interactions. However, in view of the
trolled by use of mild analgesics, stimulants, Shielding required for more energetic particles,
and perhaps antinauseants. extremely intense incident fluxes of this lower
energy radiation are necessary before they
SHIELDING would constitute a problem.

If the range of doses suggested in Table 3 2. From 10 to approximately 300 Mev, the
should be judged biologically unreasonable, situation is somewhat simplified. No mesons
then additional applications of shielding, are produced, and the interactions that do
vehicular and! or partial body, must be ex- occur, such as spallation, fission, and nuclear
plored along with protective chemical com- excitation, followed by the emission of neu-
pounds designed to ameliorate the mechanism trons, protons, etc., produce secondaries
of radiation damage. whose range in shield is for the most part
smaller than that of the primaries. If the
The physical principles of shielding against shield is designed to stop the primaries up to
both electromagnetic and particulate radiation a given energy, secondaries will be taken care
are well known and understood, and it is not of more or less automatically.
likely that entirely new shielding principles
will be found. At least no startling advances 3. Above 300 Mev, mesons are produced as
can be expected in the near future. The com- secondaries (among other particles). However,
plexity of the problem and the many unknowns in the range from 300 Mev to about 1 Bev,
still prevalent suggest that shield design to- much of the kinetic energy of the primaries
day is consequently a mix·ture of science and is consumed to create the rest mass of the
educated guesses. mesons and relatively little remains for their
kinetic energy. The range of the mesons,
Optimization of shield design for size and therefore, is fairly small and again shielding
weight may well define vehicle configuration, designed to stop the primary radiation will,
payload, and mission. Therefore, it is es- to a large degree, stop the secondary radi-
sential to examine the radiations of space in ations.
terms of the attendant shielding problems.
4. Above I Bev the situation again gets com-
As a first approximation, it may be said that plicated. The multiplicity of possible second-
for high energy particles the shielding pro- aries and further generations of reaction pro-
perties of all elements are nearly the same ducts--such as mu-mesons and electron-gamma
and depend only on the total amount of matter cascades--as well as the effects of heavy
(measured in grams per square centimeter) primary thindown events, necessitate close
in the shield. evaluation: composite shielding might be pre-
ferable for particles in this energy range.
Refining this approximation then, there are
differences in radiation attenuating character- 5. At very high energies (above 10 Bev) the
istics among different elements, but these build-up of secondaries and further generations
differences do not exceed a factor of 4, from contribute predominantly to ionization and
hydrogen to uranium. For radiations other dose, and the best philosophy may be to use
than electrons and gamma rays, the elements no shielding at all, unless the primary flux
having low atomic numbers are more effective is very strong--which would be the case for
as shielding materials on a weight basis-- an intense solar flare.
hydrogen being twice as effective as uranium.
However, for electrons and gamma rays,
elements having higher atomic numbers are
more effective.

Whatever the choice, the vehicle must carry 10. Gerstner, H. B. Military and Civil
substantial weight in the form of shield ma- Defense Aspects of the Acute Radiation Syn-
terial. As shielding weight increases, new drome in Man. USAF School of Aerospace
propulsion systems will find application and, Medicine Report 58-6, Nov 1957
conversely, with new and more powerful pro-
pulsion systems, perhaps more exotic shield- 11. Gerstner, H.B. Acute Clinical Effects
ing methods will come into use. Electric of Penetrating Nuclear Radiation. J. A. M. A.
and/ or magnetic deflectors as have been 168:381-388, 1958
suggested by some then may be the system
of choice. At present, however, it is most 12. Miller, L. S., G. H. Fletcher, and H. B.
urgent that we focus our attention on obvious Gerstner. Systemic and Clinical Effects
gaps in our knowledge: (1) There is a dearth Induced in 263 Cancer Patients by Whole-
of precise physical data on the space radi- body X-irradiation with Nominal Air Doses
ations themselves; (2) Physical data on the of 15 to 200 r. USAF School of Aerospace
interaction of very high-energy particles with Medicine Report 57-92, May 1957
matter is incomplete; (3) Information on
biological effects produced by higher energy 13. Levin, W.C., M. Schneider, and H.B.
radiations is insufficient. Gerstner. Initial Clinical Reaction to Thera-
peutic Whole-body X-Radiation--Some Civil
Defense Considerations. USAF School of
References Aerospace Medicine Report 60-1, Nov 1959

1. Rosen, A., C.E. Eberhard, T.A. Farley 14. Thoma, G. E., Jr., and N. Waldo The
and J. L. Vogl. A Comprehensive Map of the Diagnosis and Management of Accidental Ra-
Space Radiation Environment, 28 September diation Injury. J. Occup. Med. 1 (No.8):
1962, Prepared under Contract for the USAF 421-447, 1959
School of Aerospace Medicine, Brooks AFB,
Texas 15. Furchtgott, E. The Effects of X-irradi-
ation on Brightness Discrimination. J.
2. Artificial Radiation Belt from the Starfish Psychol. 34: 37 -41, 1952
High-Altitude Nuclear Test, I G Bulletin 64,
2 October 1962

3. Chupp, E. L., D. L. Dye, B. W. Mar,

L.A. Oncley, and R. W. Williams. Analysis
of Solar-Flare Hazard to Manned Space
Systems, Boeing Document D2 -11608
4. University of California Report, UCRL- AXIS
6667, 1961, title classified

5. Zellmer, R.W., J.F. CulverandJohnE.

Pickering. Proton Irradiation Effects in
Primates, Second International Congress of
Radiation Research, Harrogate, Yorkshire, 10
England, August 1962

6. USAF School of Aerospace Medicine un-

published data to be presented 28 April 1963
at the Aerospace Medical Association

7. Pickering, J. E., R. G. Allen, Jr., and

O. L. Ritter. Problems in Shielding. Medi-
cal and Biological Energies of Space, FIGURE 1 The Van Allen Radiation Regions with Pioneer ill Trajectory
October 1960

8. Furchtgott, E. Behavioral Effects of

Ionizing Radiations. Psycho1Bull. 53 :321-
334, 1956

9. Keller, P. D. A Clinical Syndrome Follow-

ing Exposure to Atomic Bomb Explosions.
J.A.M.A. 131:504-506, 1946


{ Tab!e I

Dos .. and Cl:nlcai Effect

\: - DEATH
des .. rang .. ; ~r
(1 .. ~ ha I )

\\ ~-"IIE.ITH

~ernatopOl .. t l ( gastro-mt"~tlnal Iran

:--..... ,,,", ul ~lon~

"\ cause of hefTlorrhag('"(lrLuldtOI"\ rl'SpJratorv

death C- 0 I 1 a p s (' l;nl"r"

tane of

de,oth Zmonths two", e e k s

3 hl,ltnan dat.. 30



L~ 2 .68 ~ ~ M ~ q M M U

Cauaea of death aDd survival time. U II tunet10a of~. ba.ed ~ e.,erimental work with primaIu,
and rouchly correct for maD. The ahorteat 8\U'Tival time. at the hilbeat do.. nile. are ca&I8ed b7
cerebrallUld. central _rvous ay.tem damage accomp&D1ed b,- coma aDd ~lou. At le. .r «IDee
levels, some deaUw beam to be from ...-troiDteati.oal damap. while !:be incldeDCe 01 cerebral death
deerealles. Gutrolnteatlnal death comes from .zlaut" damap to the lilliDc 04 the mtelitta.• • •Uh Table 3
ulceration. bleedtq. diarrhea, ezee••t"'! water aDd miDaral loa•• aDd mr.ctiaD.. Moow1q dowD from
1600 r • •ome dealtlll beam to appear which are pr1marUy related to damace to tt. blood-fOl'llliDc
Uuuea. The plateau .t 300-500 r and 34 day. 18 made up of deatn. from. the effect. of .were de- Estimated Hazards
pre ••ioo of white blood celli, which reduce. tbe abWty of the body to combat lIIItactloD" pbu; redue-
tiOll 111 platelet., leacHnc to continuous blee~. (From Ger.taer, A.F. Sc:b.. vi A•• lied. a.e....rc:b
Report 51-6, 1957.)
l'1.GURE Z
Total Dose
Period (Rad) Leukemia Longevity Sterility Cataract Genetics
(x span rate) (x spon rate)
Table Z
1 year 50 3x 2x
RBE Compared with Co 60 Gamma Radiation

3 years 95 6x 3x

iridocyclitis erythema epilation desquaDlation cataract
5 years 130 9x o 4x

type of
10 years 200 12x 1-2 yr 5x

Co gamma

14 Mev neutrons 14 Z.3 Z.3 I.Z

thermal neutrons •Z .6 .8 .3 .4

730 Mev protons 1.0 Z.O Z.O

910 Mev alphas Z.O .5 Z.O .7

Table 4

Representative Radiation Events

energy range representative events

1. <10 MEV gamma rays, neutrons, electrons, beta particles, etc.

z. 10 MEV - 300 MEV spallation, fission, nuclear excitation followed by neutrons,

protons, etc.

3. 300 MEV - 1 BEV mesons, etc.

4. >1 BEV mesons, electron-gamma cascades, thin down events for

heavy primaries

5. >10 BEV build up of secondaries

41John T. Clausen, Jr. r:!>O<t /l-. ~ \
Group Engineer; Guidance and Control Dynamics ~~O '0 (\,; ~ J
aMcDonnell Aircraft corp~ion, <;;1 ,~ .~. .!
Abstract of a space mission. There are obvious advantages
to exploiting this proven capability - such as
The Gemini Guidance and Control Systems, with savings in equipment and providing mission flexi-
their extensive use of man as both a mode selector bility - therefore, the Gemini project has attemp-
and as a sensor-operator, have been established ted to fully integrate into the system such manual
with simulation playing a major role. Simulation abilities as decision making, navigation, mode se-
studies ranging from simple electronic devices lection, and flight control. Since man relies on
duplicating display light s~quences during the cues, displays, and controls to execute his task,
launch phase to complex optical-mechanical-analog development of the system could be accomplished
simulation of the docking phase of rendezvous have only by using "man-in-the-100p" simulations.
been performed. This paper outlines the objectives
of these studies and describes the special simula- Although manual systems are emphasized, auto-
tion equipment utilized. matic control modes still afford many of the same
advantages to a space vehicle that they do to a
A simulated crew station with all the perti- high performance aircraft. For instance, solu-
nent displays and controls has been constructed tions to problems of launch guidance, re-entry,
adjacent to the analog computer laboratory to per- and long term attitude control are better suited
mit real time evaluation of guidance and control to automatic systems. Simulation played an equal-
systems with man in the loop. This facility, used ly vital role in the development and integration
initially to evaluate hand controllers, displays, of these automatic systems - particularly the In-
and attitude control system configurations, has ertial Guidance and Attitude Control Systems.
been expanded to include a star projector and a
target projector to permit rendezvous guidance Simulations employed in the Gemini develop-
studies, and has also been fitted with an abstract ment have used digital, analog, and hybrid equip-
presentation of the target vehicle to permit ment. Also, use of special purpose simulators
studies of the docking phase. Currently, the sys- such as the Johnsville centrifuge and a full scale
tem is under modification to provide high fidelity docking simulator are planned. Simulation, in the
projection of targets and backgrounds by means of form of a complex mission simulator, will provide
a TV projection system. invaluable training for the astronauts and person-
nel in the entire manned ground complex.
In addition to extensive all-analog and al1-
digital simulations, it has been found necessary Manual Controls and Basic Control Displays
to develop hybrid programs to achieve a satisfac-
tory compromise between accuracy requirements and In order to use man's capability for exercis-
solution times. One example of this involves the ing control deCision, execution, and feedback sen-
re-entry phase where exacting navigation computa- sing, he must be provided with suitable controls
tions with a wide dynamic range must be solved and instruments. Sensing and control capabl1i ty
concurrently with real time operations by the is directly related to the fidelity of the displays
Gemini crew. Many of these simulations incorporate and to manual abl1i ty to operate the thruster con-
actual equipment, providing both added realism and tro1s. Analytic studies indicated that the atti-
rigorous evaluation of the design. tude and translation thruster locations and magni-
tudes as shown in Figure (1) should satisfy the
In order to evaluate manual controls and dis- control and maneuvering requirements for the
plays in a high gravity environment, a special Gemini mission. Several manual modes of operating
Gemini cockpit gondola vas constructed for use on these thrusters had been suggested, and, therefore,
the Johnsville centrifuge. Although the centri- an early simulation task was initiated to develop
fuge tests of the controls and displays are vital manual controls and basic control displays, deter-
to the program, the Docking Simulator is the most mine manual control modes of operation, and verify
interesting in the field of dynamic simulators. that thruster levels and characteristics were
This is a full scale replica of both the Gemini suitable.
spacecraft and the target which allows six-degrees-
of-freedom and permits actual evaluation of the Astronaut control of spacecraft attitude is
last 100 feet of rendezvous. This simulator, uti- introduced through an "attitude controller." The
lizing analog equipment to solve the necessary following major design criteria were established
equations, will permit techniques to be developed for this controller:
'for docking from various initial conditions, light-
ing variations, and under conditions of minor 1. Either astronaut must be capable of exe-
equipment failures (such as target attitude con- cuting control in all manual modes.
trol malfunction).
2. Cross coupling, whether actual or ap-
Introduction parent, must be minimized.
In the Mercury program, automatic systems 3. Must be of minimum weight with sufficient
were used almost exclusively in the Guidance and structural rigidity.
Control System with manual operations used solely
as optional back-up modes. The experience gained 4. Must introduce no false inputs or demon-
proved that man is fully capable of making de- strate greatly degraded feel forces during high
cisions and executing control during most phases "g" environment.

5. Must be capable of efficient use during yaM pedals were suggested and tested as a possible
"bard" pressure suit conditions. solution to the cross coupling problem, since oDl7
two axis hand controls would then be required.
6. Must be capable of actuating six switches Simulation tests soon revealed that, for the
and three potentiometers in each control direction. particular configurations, pedals were uncom-
fortable, space consuming, and virtually im-
In the case of the translation controller (used for. possible to use in hard pressure suit operation.
rendezvous maneuvering), design criteria included The manual control modes sel;ected for use with the
minimizing the controller size, weight, and cross attitude controller are:
coupling potential, and the detrimental effects 1. Rate Coumand Mode - This is a primary
due to a hard pressure suit. The translation con- manual mode which provides rates proportional to
troller was not expected to be used in a high "gn controller deflections.
enviromnent, and was designed for use by the com-
mand astronaut only. Only one switch operation in 2. Single Pulse Ccmmand Mode - A usef'ul mode
each direction is required. The requirements for for orbit maneuvers. Each controller deflection
crew station displays are fairly obvious - they provides one brief thrust pulse (10 milliseconds).
must provide sufficient information in an under-
standable format to enable the pilot to perform 3. Direct Coumand Mode - This is a back-up
the particular task. mode which fires the thrusters directly when con-
troller deflections exceed a threshold.
Although designs to satisfy the requirements
for the crew station devices were developed, the To more f'ully evaluate the attitude control-
only sure method of design evaluation required ler, and to permit studies of the translation con-
that they be exercised under conditions approxi- troller, a six-degree-of-freedom simulation was
mating actual flight. To do this, a fixed base developed. The simplified docking problem em-
crew station, simulating the Gemini capsule, was ployed will be discussed in the section on docking
constructed. A photograph taken early in the de- studies. The evolution of the Gemini translation
velopment program is shown in Figure (2). It can controller is, again, a demonstration of the ef-
be observed that the crew station is tilted up at fectiveness of simulation for manual systems de-
a 45 0 angle. This feature was introduced as a re- velopnent. This controller is designed for left
sult of the 24 0 angle between the center lines of hand operation by the coumand pilot to provide
the two seats, and tends to reduce the discomfort translational thrust in response to intuiti ve
and fatigue that would occur if one or both pilots motions - in other words, push to go forward, pull
had to sit at a "bank angle." The fixed base simu- to reverse, raise to go up, etc. Original con-
lator was installed adjacent to the analog com- cepts for this controller employed a fairly mas-
puter facilities. One of the first problems ex- sive design which provided one inch deflections in
amined on the simulator was the evaluation of at- all directions. Evaluation of this design on the
titude controllers and displays. For these in- simulator disproved these concepts, and the much
itial evaluations, a three-degree-of-freedom solu- simpler design shown in Figure (5) evolved. Full
tion of the Gemini rotational equations (with dis- scale deflections were reduced to 1/2 inch, and
turbance moments) was adequate. the control forces yary from approximately 4 Ibs.
at breakout to 5 lbs. at f'ull travel. Direct mode
As a result of the experience obtained in switches operate at 1/4 inch and require negligible
Mercury, the design of the attitude controller force to operate. The controller can be folded
started at a fairly advanced stage, and the de- for stowage under the panel. The button control-
velopment of the Gemini controller was not expected ler shown in Figure (5) represents another theory
to be difficult. However, the hand controller evo- disproved by simulation. The removal of the but-
: lution shown in Figure (3) demonstrates that the ton allowed replacement of the "T" handle by a
best "paper" designs frequently fail under the knob. It was believed that a pulse mode, which
scrutiny of a realistic simulation. The design would provide a short thrust pulse in the direc-
requirements for the hand controller proved some- tion of control deflection for each button depres-
what contradictory. For example, some of the axes sion, would provide a desired vernier control
configurations best suited to minimum coupling capability for the docking maneuver. Simulator
tendencies were also the most difficult to mass studies revealed however, that direct control af-
balance for the high "g" situation. Controller forded comparable operation, and also that a po-
CA) was simple but not suited for the "g" environ- tentially dangerous situation could arise.when
ment. Controller (B) was mass balanced, with an closing in pulse mode due to inability to cancel
acceptable motion and axis location, but the horns closing rates rapidly.
interfered with the pressure suit. In Controller
(C) an attempt was made to duplicate the axis and As indicated in the photograph of the simulator
motion of Controller (B) without the "horns," interior in Figure (6), the control display
using a four bar linkage, but the pitch motion was evolved is a modified version of the Lear-Siegler
uncomfortable and the design was complicated. 4060E Attitude Ball Indicator which had already
Finally, Controller (D), which features a palm proven successf'ul for high performance aircraft
pivot point for pitch and yBlI, evolved. The roll such as the F4H. Although meters were considered
axis of the mutually orthogonal system is located for supplementing the basic attitude ball indica-
some four inches below the palm pivot point. The tions, flight director needle indicators mounted
present design characteristics are shown in Figure on the face of the indicator were selected. The
(4). The rate coumand potentiometers have a dead- horizontal and vertical needles across the face of
band about the neutral point to eliminate rate in- the instrument, and a pointer at the top of the
puts due to inexact stick centering. instrument, are used to display pitch, y8Jt(, and
roll information, respectively. In all modes,
Daring the evolution of attitude controls, information is presented such that the astronaut' s

task is to null the needles, which can be driven The first results obtained showed a high rate
by attitude, rate, or a mixture of rate and atti- of both unnecessary aborts, and failures to react
tude, from platform, radar, or computer outputs. to malfunctions requiring abort. Examination of
Simulator studies, conducted to establish the meter the problem showed that the tolerances for times
sensitivities, produced the unexpected results that of indicator illumination had been (erroneously)
these values were not critical. Full scale deflec- introduced in a completely random fashion, without
tions have been set at 50 or 5 o/sec. for all any normal pattern or sequence observed. In addi-
modes. tion, the pilot was obliged to estimate a fixed
time period. When the problem was re-presented
The next simulation step in the development with properly correlated occurrences and improved
of the controllers, displays, and attitude control instructions, the subjects developed a "feel" for
modes will be an evaluation in a high "g" environ- the proper sequence, and were generally successful
ment. These simulation tests are currently sched- in making the proper action. The system was
uled to be run in June - using the Johnsville cen- judged to be potentially usable, and the more
trifuge facility. The appropriate controls and rigorous tests followed.
displays are being installed in a crew station
mock-up which will be installed in the centrifuge Development and Integration of the Inertial
gondola. The "g" environment during boost, boost Guidance and Attitude Control Systems
abort, and re-entry will be simulated with a sub-
ject monitoring the displays and operating switches In developing the computer portion of the
and controls to respond to the situations presen- Inertial Guidance System, digital simulation has
ted. been used very extensively. This is true for the
guidance modes: Back-up Launch Guidance, Rendez-
Boost Phase Abort Display Study vous Guidance, and Re-entry Guidance. It also ap-
plies to the prediction modes: Orbit Prediction
The boost phase of flight leading to Gemini and Retrograde Firing Time Determination. The
injection into orbit is normally guided by radio general techniques and results of these studies
commands to the booster, although the spacecraft are collected for brevity in this section. Basic-
Inertial Guidance System provides control, if re- ally, the sequence was first to develop simplified
quired. Vehicle control is all automatic, but guidance equations and prediction functions com-
monitoring of the boost phase performance is a patible with problem requirements and spacecraft
critical astronaut task. The astronauts must ob- computer capacity. The equations and functions
serve guages indicating fuel and oxidizer pres- were then tested to determine the effects of hard-
sures, displays of attitude and rate, power system ware and mission errors, and modified as required.
status, chamber pressures, sequence lights, and The resulting computer program was then used to
Environmental Control System displays. The cues provide prediction data such as fuel requirements,
available from displays are supplemented in the touchdown envelopes, trajectories, operational
actual situation by motion and audio cues such as procedures, etc. Also, the spacecraft computer
those arising from thrust disturbances. Obviously, flow diagram is usually set up and checked out by
a complete evaluation of this launch phase is a digital simulation.
complex task. Studies have been conducted with a
high degree of realism by Chance-Vought Corporation In developing the attitude control system,
using their (moving base) Manned Aerospace Flight analog simulation was used for studying the auto-
Simulator. However, early in the program an in- matic control modes as well as the manual modes
itial evaluation was made to determine pilot cap- already discussed. However, an interesting aspect
ability of interpreting and reacting to the three of the analog simulations employed, and planned,
display lights which indicate the conditions is depicted in Figure (8). It is the orderly in-
during the critical period of staging. The simu- tegration of the Inertial Guidance and Attitude
lation was unique in its simplicity and in the re- Control Systems by progressively introducing hard-
sults obtained. ware into the closed loop analog simulation. The
major test objectives are shown in the figure.
The Simple display shown in Figure (7) was The flight hardware expected to be included, ulti-
used to determine the ability of six test pilot mately, is indicated by an asterisk. So far,
subjects to properly interpret lights under both studies involving the Attitude Control Electronics
normal and malfunctioning conditions. The indica- and the Orbital Attitude and Maneuver Electronics
tor on the left is lighted when the chamber pres- packages have been conducted. The rate gyros,
sure in the first stage drops below a threshold horizon sensor, and inertial measurement unit will
value, and, normally should not come on. This be mounted on a 3-axis Carco table which will simu-
indicator is disabled prior to normal first stage late the spacecraft.
burn out. The middle indicator is lighted when
the staging command occurs, and remains lit until Rendezvous Simulation
physical separation is achieved - normally, a
period of about 1.8 seconds. The light on the A key aspect of the Gemini program is the
right provides an indication of second stage pres- rendezvous in space with an orbiting target vehicle.
sure, and, normally stays lit until second stage In its Simplest form, the rendezvous problem con-
reaches operating pressure. In other words, in sists of matching the position and velocity of two
the normal sequence at staging, the second stage bodies in space, and several guidance schemes have
chamber pressure light is on, the staging light been proposed to accomplish this task. One of
comes on and stays on about 2 seconds, and then these schemes uses radar inputs to the Inertial
both lights should go out at about the same time. Guidance System which computes the required maneu-
Should the lights not operate in this sequence, ver from the orbital mechanics equations. This
the astronaut has a very limited time in which to method can be treated as basically static during
initiate abort action. a computation cycle, and has responded to analysis

by pure digital simulations. Other methods for feet of the Agena target, and the relative veloci-
Gemini rendezvous, however, require visual tracking ties have been reduced to 'about 5 ft/sec., the
and pilot decisions for successful intercepts, and docking phase of the mission is initiated. This
have, therefore, required "man-in-the-loop" task is accomplished through manual spacecraft
studies. maneuvers using steering information provided by
visual observation of the target. The astronaut
These simulations have, thus far, been conduc- also uses spacecraft attitude, body rates, range,
ted using the fixed base crew station as previously and range rate information from the displays. The
described, but with added equipment to provide the target vehicle has a radar antenna and other cues
desired visual display. The star projector and which can be used for a relative roll reference.
target projector, shown in Figure (9), have been The Agena will be equipped with a docking cone
installed on the top of the fixed base simulator. which is designed to absorb the impact forces.
The star projector, gimballed in three axes, pro- The damper system is designed to provide normal
vides simulated star brightness magnitudes down to engagement under the following relative terminal
that of third order stars without spot size in- conditions: one foot radial displacement, one-half
crease. Only a general star field pattern is simu- ft/sec. radial velocity, one and one-half ft/sec.
lated at present. The target is projected from a axial velocity, and ten degrees angular misalign-
two axis gimballed light source driven by computed ment.
target line-of-sight angles. The target image is
displayed intermittently to represent the flashing As previously mentioned, a simplified six-
light used on the actual target. A flat screen, degree-of-freedom docking simulation has been used
at a distance of about five feet, is presently used for early docking studies. The abstract oscillo-
for projection. scope display, used for presentation of the Agena
target, is shown for various typical docking stages
A semi-optical rendezvous method has been ex- in Figure (10). The fore and aft ends of the tar-
amined on the simulator, wherein the pilot applies get are represented by the large and small circles,
thrust in a manner to stop the apparent motion of respectively, and the horizon line provides a
the target relative to the stars while maintaining pitch and a roll reference. Circle sizes vary pro-
a desired closing schedule based on radar measure- portionally to range, and the relative circle posi-
ments of range and range rate. In the simulator tions vary to simulate proper aspect angles.
studies, the basic feasibility of this technique
has been verified, and a number of performance The "man-in-the-loop" simulator studies have
figures have been provided. Also, some of the indicated that astronauts can efficiently perform
problems with such an approach have been pointed the dual task of controlling spacecraft transla-
up, and, in one case, the simulation proved to be tion and attitude to dock. The performance has
deficient. The latter condition resulted when been well within the docking cone design capabili-
trajectories were such that very low line-of-sight ties. Two man operation has also been tested with
rates were produced, and the projector servos be- the command pilot controlling translation, and the
came inadequate because of granularity. A problem second pilot controlling attitude. Although this
in the technique, which was observed in the simu- approach proved to be Simpler for untrained opera-
lation, is the difficulty in separating apparent tors, trained pilots have demonstrated that sharing
target motions due to spacecraft rotations from the the control is unnecessary.
true motions when the line-of-sight rates are very
low. An optical device to improve this condition A well trained pilot can dock using the direct
will be evaluated in the next study. command mode of attitude control, although the task
is complicated by disturbance moments introduced
Another rendezvous technique, in which all in- by the translational thrusters. In the rate com-
formation on the target is obtained optically, has mand mode, these coupling effects are detected and
also been examined on the simulator. This system controlled by the automatic operation. As men-
is still in the development stage, and results have, tioned previously, the results of the simulation
thus far, been primarily used in designing an opti- indicated that the pulse mode of translation
cal device to assist in crew interpretation of the thrusting was an unnecessary feature, and this mode
visual data. One interesting result was obtained was eliminated.
1n connection with observations of the target
flash rate. When the rate becomes appreciably less The simulation described above is a useful de-
than the 90 FPM design value, the target ceases to Sign tool, but it is relatively crude and unrealis-
appear as a continuously tracked image, and the tic, particularly for short ranges. While the
flashes begin to appear as unique targets. planned closed circuit TV system will provide more
realism, still, at close ranges, a three-dimen-
A modification is currently underway to per- sional system is required. This feature will be
mit closed circuit television projection of the available in a full scale simulator, which has as
target vehicle for the rendezvous studies. This its major objective the training of astronauts.
will provide a realistic image for short range con- An artist's conception of this docking simulator
ditions, and will enable an evaluation of the tran- is shown in Figure (11). In its early use, the de-
sition conditions leading to the docking phase. A vice will be used for design studies. It will then
gimballed Agena model, slaved to analog computer be shipped to NASA to be used primarily as a train-
signals, will be projected through the TV system er. Crew compartments and visible portions of the
on a beam splitting optical mirror, and the star full scale vehicle replicas will be as realistic as
background will be observed through the beam split- is feasible. An isometric drawing of the docking
ter, which serves to blend the images. trainer is shown in Figure (12). Three degrees of
relative translational motion are provided, with
Docking Simulation the Agena moving longitudinally and vertically, and
the Gemini moving laterally. The Gemini will be
When the Gemini closes within a few hundred gimballed for pitch, yaw, and roJl rotational free-

&.. The AgeD& replica is mounted in a 40 foot communication link. In addition, a completely
taver on a counterbalanced st'ing, and has no angu- digital solution to the problem has been progrmmaed
lar freedom except for safety measures. .An air which provides a problem solution in faster than
bearing support system permits vehicle motion ap- real time. This simulation, slaved to real time,
proximating the zero drag conditions of space. The is currently being investigated for use in "man.-
Gemini yaw gimbal also uses an air bearing. In ad- in-the-100p" re-entry studies.
dition to providing the training capability, this
simulator will allow the circumstances at space- Both the all-digital and the hybrid solutions
craft-target contact to be determined under condi- become very expensive if they require full time use
tions of high visual fidelity. of the IBM 1094 digital computer. For the hybrid
solution, a method has been developed by IBM-
Re-entry Simulation Federal Systems Division which permits the digital
computer to be shared with other problems. This
A major innovation in re-entry of manned space- reduces the cost of the problem to approximately
craft will be demonstrated in Gemini. steering will that of an analog computer solution.
be exercised during the re-entry to bring the space-
craft to a prepared land landing site. The heart Mission Simulator
of the guided re-atry is the Inertial Guidance Sys-
tem, which provides constant knowledge of space- The success of the Mercury program was due, in
craft position and velocity, predicts the touch- part, to the use of simulation in systems' checkout,
down point if the trajectory is maintained, and and in training the astronaut as well as the ground
computes the down range and cross range distances complex. The increased complexity of the Gemini
between predicted and desired landing points. Tra- mission, particularly with regard to astronaut and
jectory control is exercised by properly directing ground network cOlllllllI1ications during launch and
the lift vector produced by the offset center of catch-up, requires even more training of the entire
gravity used in the re-entry module. This lift mission complex. For this reason, a mission simu-
vector is oriented by rolling the spacecrBf't in re- lator is being developed which is capable of opera-
sponse to bank command logic, Which is based on tion in the following modes:
computed range errors as shavn in Figure (13).
(Note that positive lift occurs in the head down 1. Alone for astronaut training only,
position). The bank angle collllll8Dds may be intro-
duced to the automatic control system with no as- 2. With the Mission Control Center,
tronaut control required. The computed collllll8Dds
are also displayed, and the astronaut may manually 3. With the Mission Control Center and .round
control during re-entry. Because of inherent cross tracking Detwork computer complex,
coupling of body rates and the high natural freq-
uency ofoscil1ation during re-entry, the manual 4. With Mission Control Center, tracking net-
control task is' considered a difficul~ one, requir- work computer complex, and the Burroughs launch
ing "man-in-the-100p" simulation. guidance computer system.

This simulation has been initiated using the Voice collllllUlications, telemetry, teletype, and
fixed base crew station in a semi-closed loop pro- digital command system links, as well as the hard
gram. The attitude modes are accurately simulated line connections to control and monitoring centers,
and respond properly to operator inputs, but tra- are required. The mission from pre-launch through
jectory data is programmed and does nOt react to paraglider touchdown will be simulated.
simulator maneuvers. The trajectory information is
provided by tapes which were obtained from a11- To meet the training and checkout requirements
digital programs where automatic attitude control which have briefly been outlined, the Gemini Mis-
was exercised. Mach Number, dynamic pressure, ve- sion Simulator shavn in Figure (14) is being de-
locity, flight path angle, bank. angle, and down veloped. It utilizes a fixed base flight trainer
range and cross range errors are provided by the in conjunction with a digital computer complex,
tape, and the displays are appropriately driven. and peripheral "black boxes" simulating various o~
Unless the pilot makes drastic errors in responding board systems. A digital computer was selected be-
to cOllUllands, the simulation is good and has served cause of reliability and accuracy requirements.
to establish the basic feasibility of manual control Gravth potential of the mission simula~or includes
during re-entry. Although some of the expected provision for an out-the-window display which is
coupling effects were observed, the astronauts not presently included. The mission simulator will
proved adept at controlling the problem. allav instructor initiated and programmed fault
insertion into the system simulations. The system
Full six-degree-of-freedom simulations are is expected to meet the present design requirements,
being developed to afford better evaluation of the provide spare capacity for growth, and offer con-
trajectories as infiuenced by pilot action. The siderable flexibility through reprogramming to
wide dynamic range of the trajectory variables, and change equations, emphasize certain flight phases,
the accuracies required in the navigation computa- etc. It should provide the capability to train
tions, indicate a need for solution on a digital the astronauts and ground network personnel, and
computer. Whereas the solution of the rotational also exercise as much operational equipment as is
equations in real time with the dynamics involved, feasible.
requires fast or continuous solution, as obtained
with an analog computer. A compromise solution to Conclusion
the problem, using a hybrid (analog and digital)
approach, has been designed. In this method, the It is difficult to ocncei ve where the Gemini
translation equations are solved on a digital com- program would be without simulation, but fortun-
puter, and the rotational equations on an analog ately, this speculation is not necessary. The
computer - with converter equipment prOviding the Guidance and Control System development has uti-

1ized various analog, digital, hybrid, and miscel- 7. Perform error analysis,
laneous simulation techniques to:
8. Train astronauts and ground crew personnel,
1. Determine system design criteria and
evaluate design concepts, 9. Predict performance.

2. Evaluate man's capabilities, The use of these techniques has facilitated the
early and efficient development of a Guidance and
3. Test flight hardware in closed loop opera- Control System which takes full advantage of man t s
tion in simulated environments, capabilities while providing advanced "state-of-
the-art" Inertial Guidance System Modes to accomp-
4. Develop procedures and techniques, lish tasks never before undertaken in a space mis-
5. Optimize controls and instruments,

6. Check spacecraft computer program,

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A,study of Certain Aspects of Lunar Ascent and Rendezvous
. .. Wi th an Orbiting Vehicle
H. U. Burri
Defense Electronic Products ~

Radio Corp~at~QD of America

Introduction 1'?tJ'J..7 00
In the investigation of space missions such as This particular Problem has, of course, been
the lunar orbit rendezvous mission it is often solved previously.l,2 Usually, a rotating system
necessary to investigate the relative motion be- of cartesian coordinates is used as shown in
twenn two bodies which are on free fall traject- Figure 1: The x-axis is along the tangent to the
ories in a central force field. Frequently one circular reference orbit, the y-axis is along a
desires only preliminary results of limited radial line and the z-axis is perpendicular to
accuracy and in such cases the use of the Kepler- the reference orbit plane so that- a right-handed
ian equations of motion may be too time consum- system of coordinates is formed. If one restricts
ing. Often the area of interest concerns the the relative displacements between the systems
motion of a body with respect to a second refer- origin and the point mass to small values comnared
ence bo~y which moves in a nominally circular to the radius of the circular reference orbit~
orbit. Elsewhere, a set of linearized equations the differential equations describing the relative
has been developed which describe the motion of motion can be linearized and closed form solutions
a point mass with respect to a cartesian system may be obtained. In this paper a rotating system
of coordinates whose origin moves at orbital rate of curvilinear coordinates is proposed which per-
on a circular reference orbit. l ,2 These equa- mits a linearization of the differential equations
tions lend themselves to the study of the problem of relative motion under less restrictive condi-
stated above. However, the choice of a cartesian tions. Closed form solutions are, therefore,
system of coordjnates requires that the relative obtained which are valid over a larger domain.
motion be restricted to the vicinity of the origin
which prevents the application of these equations The proposed system of rotating coordinates is
to many situations of interest. In this paper a shown in Figure 2. The origin 0 rotates at
linearization of the equations of motion in a orbital rate ~ on the circular reference orbit
curvilinear system of coordinates is described of radius R around an inertially fixed force
whose origin also moves at orbital rate on a center 0 0 • Let P be a point mass and let pI
circular reference orbit. In this case the be the projection of P onto the reference orbit
relative motion is restricted only to the vicinity plane. The position of P with respect to the
of the reference orbit and not necessarily to the origin 0 is defined by the three components
vicinity of the moving origin. The resulting s, h, z which are shown on Figure 2 and which are
equations can, therefore, be used to study a defined as follows:
larger class of problems.
s is the length of arc measured along the
To illustrate one of the many ways these reference orbit circle from 0 to the line
relations may be used in preliminarJ design the 0 0 pI
lunar launch and ascent phase of the lunar orbit h is the radial distance from the reference
rendezvous mission is considered below. In this orbit circle to pI
phase a vehicle is launched from the lunar surface
towards a rendezvous with a second vehicle which z is the distance P pI measured perpendic-
is in an orbit around the moon. In planning this ular to the reference orbit plane and
maneuver one will, in general, have decided on directed so that a right handed system of
some nominal ascent plan which will require that coordinates result.
the first vehicle be launched at a precise moment
in order to achieve the rendezvous. However, if It can be shown that the motion of P in the
one permits deviations from the nominal ascent curvilinear x, h, z-system can be exPressed by
plan this restriction can be relaxed and a toler- the following three differential equations.
ance on the launch time gained. It is the object h·s
(1 + -R) ~ + 2 _h_ (1 + _s_)
. • =0 (la)
of the second part of this paper to examine this R we. Rw RW
question and to study the limitations which might
be put on these deviations. .
-(1 + ~) - _s_ (2 + _s_) (1 + ..!!...) +
Equations of Hotion R Rw RW R

Consider a point mass which moves in a central ·h R2 (R + h)

~ .. - -=--...:.;.;.,,.-:.:.:.....,,.........--- (lb)
force field. In this section equations will be RW UR + h)2 + z2]3/2
presented which describe the motion of this point
mass with respect tc a rotating system of co~
ordinates, whose origin moves at orbital rate on z R2 z
a circular reference orbit around the force center. RW 2 = - -C-CR';;';""+-=h:"')-2-+-z2-1....3..../2- (lc)

Equations (1) can be linearized if one speci- necessarily restricted to the vicinity of the
fies that: or1g~n. What one does, in fact, by going from
the x; y, z system to the s, h, z system
is to exchange a limitation on a displacement for
~« 1 _z_« 1 1 a limitation on a rate. ~.:hereas, in the first
case x is li~ited but the rate x is not,-in
the second case s is not restricted while ;
It is imnortant to note that no restriction has to mus t be small compared to R c.o •
be placed on the Quantity s. After linearization
equa.tions (1) become: In order to demonstrate the meaning of this
..s -2w h (2a )
difference consider the example illustrated in
Fieure 3. Let the origin of a rotating system of
h = 3 CU
2 h +
s (2b)
coordinates move on a circular orbit of radius R.
A point mass originally located at this origin'is
..z - _ CV 2 z (2c)
given a tangential imnulse so that it enters the
elliptic orbit shown in Figure 3. The subsequent
motion is now of interest as it aupears in the
F,quations (3) can be integrated readily and with rotating system of coordinates shOwn in Figure 2
the initial conditions for t = 0: (the s, h, z - system) and as it aPDears in the
system shown in Figure 1 (the x, y, z - system).
· So 5 ,. So The relati~ position as it is measured in the
two systems is illustrated in Fip;ure 3.
· ho h ,.
.z . .Zo
11 0
Figure 4 shows the motion in the 8~ h, z -
· Zo system as computed using equations (3) and also
as computed using the equations of Keplerian
one obtains mechanics. The computations were carried out
s • +
s cu t
3 ...2.) +
assuming the circular orbit to be an orbit around
the moon at an altitude of 50,000 ft. above the
surface and the elliptic orbit to be an orbit with
+ 4 Ao sinw t) - an apocynthion altitude of 100 n.mi. It is seen
from Figure 4 that there is substantially good
ho (3a) agreement between the two cases. On the other
- 2 -
w (1 - cos W t) hand, Flgure 5 shows the motion as it aupears
11 in the x, y, z - system canouted with the equa-
h • ho + --2. sin c.u t +
. tions of Keplerian mechanics and also with the
linearized equations of Reference 1 (i.e., equa-
tions (3) with x and y replacing s and h).
+ (3 ho + 2 SO) (1 - cos loU t) (Jb)

Cc.l Clearly, after only a short time the discrepancies
between the linearized equations and the equations
z - Zo cos c.u t + ~ sin w t (3 c) of Keplerian mechlllics become intolerably large.
Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the motivation which
led to the choice of the s, h, z system.
One should point out here that a certain
amount of care has to be exercised in interpret- Since they have the property of not being
ing the meaning of the rate s. It is not the restricted to the vicinity of the origin but be-
difference between the tangential speeds of pI ing sufficiently valid anywhere in the vicinity
and 0, but rather a measure of the difference in of the reference orbit equations (3) are partic-
angular rate between the two. The difference in ularly useful for the study of orbital transfers.
tangential speed can be shown to be In what follows they will be applied to the
study of certain aspects of lunar ascent and
rendezvous •

It is interesting to note that these equations Ascent to Rendezvous with Orbiting Vehicle
are formally identical to the equations in Ref.
1 and 2 which were developed for a system of co- Consider two vehicle in coplanar circular
ordinates as shown in Figure 1. These latter orbits in a central force field as shown in
equations can be obtained from equations (3) Figure 6. Let the higher of the two orbits have
simoly by exchanging s and h by x and y. a radius R and orbital rate tv ,and let the
However, one must bear in mind, that they are lower orbit be of radius R - ~ R. Assume, now,
valid only as long as all displacement components that it is desired to have the lcwer of the two
x, y, z are small, i.e. only in the immediate vehicles ascend to the higher orbit,for a
vicinity of the origin. On the other hand, in the rendezvous with the second vehicle. Let us
derivationcof equations (3) no restriction had to further specify that all thrusting maneuvers be
be placed on the magnitude of the coordinate s. purely impulsive.
Thus the equations are valid anywhere in the
vicinity of the reference orbit and are not

The optimal way to execute the maneuver defined In order to achieve rendezvous at ta the
above is to let the lower vehicle be transferred quantities 5 and h must become zero at
to the higher orbit by w~ of a Hohmann ellipse. Ct) t co Cf a' Thus, from equations (3) and their
In order to achieve a successful rendezvous the
Hohmann ellipse must represent a collision course, derivatives one obtains the non-dimensional
which requires that the two vehicles have a expressions:
specific relative position with respect to each
other at the moment when the transfer is initiated.
If a transfer is initiated when the relative
position of the vehicles is different another s
trajectory has to be fiown in order to achieve ;R sini a + 6 <fa sin Cf a- 14 (1 - cos
In Figure 6 a typical transfer trajectory is
3 'fa sin 'f a - 8 (1 - cos <f a)
shown. It intersects the high orbit at points A
and B, thus offering two opportunities for a
rendezvous. Since the flight times on the trans-
fer trajectory are different for the two points,
the required initial relative vehicle positions fA.Jb.R
must be different for rendezvous at A or B,
as is indicated on Figure 6. -2";; (1 - cosct'a) + (3'faCOSCfa - 4 sin 'f a)
If the impulse by which the vehicle is injected
into the transfer is applied tangentially to the 3 if a sin Cf a - 8 (1 - cos Cf a)
lower orbit then the periapsis of the resulting
trajectory coincides with the point of injection. (Sb)
Such trajectories are said to have a clear
periapsis; they are of interest because a vehicle .
which travels on such a path will never collide = (6 - 3 w~ R ) -
wi th the central body.
For the discussion that follows let the or~g~n -(6 - 4 0 ) cos Cf -
t.u~R a
of the rotating s, h, z system of coordinates
coincide with the vehicle which is in the higher
of the two orbits. To begin with, it is useful sin (Sc)
to express in this system of coordinates the motion
of the other vehicle while it is still in the
lower orbit. Presuming that the two orbits are
coplanar and circular with a radius difference
-(3 - 2 So sin <fa +
~ R one can obtain from equation (3) the follow- w6R W~R
ing non-dimensional equations.
+ cos C( a (Sd)

s . ~ +
'W t ;:Uia)
'lbe b. V required for injection into the transfer
trajectory is obtained i'l'om equation'S (4a), (Sa),
h .(5b)
- 1 (4b)

z . 0 (4c) (Se)

Now, consider the transfer of the vehicle in 'lbe t:, V for insertion into the higher al ti tude
the lower orbit. Let subscript 0 denote orbit Simply becomes
conditions just after the injection into the
transfer and subscript 1 conditions at the time
~lhen the two vehicles meet. Also, let the develop-
ment again be restricted to planar maneuvers.
'lbe initial. relative nosition of the two
vehicles is given by the quantities So and Equations (5) are valid for any type of ascent
ho = - A R. If, in addition one chooses the time and are not restricted to clear peri apsis trajec-
tories. In order to obtain a clear periapsis a
of flight ta = ~alw frorn injection to particular relation must exist between the
rendezvous the transfer is fully defined. In quanti tie s Sol t::.. R and if a which may be ob-
general, this transfer will of course not have a tained from equation (Sb) by letting holwt§t .. o.
clear periapsis.

For the special case of the Hohmann transfer it From the data cont.ainedin Figures 7 and 8 one
can be shown that may derive some information about the launch
window for ascent from the lunar surface to
rendezvous with an orbiting vehicle, such as the
... 25 ascent of the lunar excursion module (LEM) to the
orbiting Command and Service Module (CSM) in the
Apollo Mission. To that end it is first necessary
In addition, the equations of a Hohmann transfer to define what is meant by the term launch window.
in the s, h system can be derived from equations
(3) and one obtains the dimensionless expressions: Assume that the ascent consists of two distinct
phases; during the first phase the LEM is launched
into a circular orbit of low altitude; the second

6,sR .. - -+- 1r + +
W t + sin c..u t
phase consists of injection of the vehicle into a
transfer trajectory towards rendezvous with the
CS}!. For the nominal case it is assumed that the
transfer trajectory is a Hohmann ellipse and that
both phases are accomplished by one single con-
h tinuous thrust application. This maneuver re-
A R .. - ~ (1 - cos W t) quires precise timing in order to achieve the
proper relative vehicle position so that the
Hohmann is a collision course.
It anpears from these equations that a Hohmann
transfer takes place over CO t • 1t i.e., aver Should launching not occur at the nominal time
the time it takes the target vehicle to complete the maneuver has to be changed in order to achieve
one half revolution. '!his is, of course, in rendezvous. For such cases it is assumed that the
error and is a consequence of the linearization launch into the circular orbit remains unchanged
process. and that all timing errors a:'e made U'O by changes
in the transfer trajectory. Let it also be
Equations (5) were evaluated mmerically and stipulated that only trajectories which have a
the results are shown on Fi$ures 7 and 8 where the clear pericynthion are acceptable. With these
quantity AV/wl::J.R" b..Vo!OJl:.R + 4vl /wl:. R is rules it is possible to determine the~V-penalties
plotted versus initial relative position sol 6. R which are associated with improper launch times.
One may now define the launch window as the time
wi th '-f a as 'Oarameter. Figure 7 gives results span during which the vehicle may be launched
for <-f a ~ 180 0 • On Figure 8 results are without exceeding a suecified maximum uermissible
ulotted for q a ~ 180 • These two figures show
0 ~V-penalty. However, as will be demonstrated be-
the characteristics of all possible ascent trajec- 10l0J, this definition is not sufficient and will
tories which result in a rendezvous within the be modified.
ranges of the independent variables given.
Assume that the !.EM is launched from the lunar
Consider now only ascent trajectories which surface at a time which differs from the nominal
are characterized b r clear periapsides. Since a time by an amount l:l t. Upon reaching Circular
speed it will miss the proper position for a Hoh-
vehicle which is on such a path will never collide
mann transfer by the amount A So .. R W IJ. t.
with the central body these trajectories are
attractive for manned missions, where safety is of Knowing this quantity and referring to Figures
prime interest. As mentioned before, for each 7 or 8 one may determine the 6. V penalty
value of solAR there is only one value of~ a associated wi th this miss.
which will result in a clear periapsis trajectory.
The results of such an investigation are shown
The loci of all uoints which have this property
on Figure 9. The LE!-1 low altitude lunar orbit
are shown in Figure 7 and 8 as broken lines. Both
of these lines start at the Hohmann point but was assumed to be 50,000 ft; CSM orbit altitudes
their behavior thereafter is quite different. For of 50 n.mi., 100 n.mi. and 150 n.mi. were consid-
a rendezvous during the first 180 0 (i.e., at a ered. Inspection of Figure 9 shows, that depend-
ing on the permissible A V-penalty, a fairly sub-
point of type A on Figure 6) the ~V-requirements
rise very steeply as one J1IOVes away from the Hoh- stantial lauroh window exists for early launches.
Compensation for an early launch is achieved by
mann uoint. There is, therefore, only a very
narrow region of the initial relative position injection of the vehicle into a trajectory with
solt::,.R where a clear periapsis ascent is possible. q a > 1800 (points B on Figure 6) right after
Even within this region large 6. V-savings might it has reached circular speed at the low altitu:ie.
be achieved if one were to abandon the clear Such trajectories, however, cannot offer compensa-
periapsis requirement. On the other hand it is tion f:>r late launches. Also inclu:ied on Figure 9
seen from Figure 8 that for rendezvous during the are curves which show /::) V versus launch time
second 180 0 (i.e., at a point of type B on Figure for the cases where one injects the vehicle,
6) clear periapsis trajectories can be obtained immediately after it has reached circular velocity
over a large range of initial relative position at low altitude, into a trajectory with l{ a < 180 0
s../6R and with relatively little cost in ~ V. (points A on Figure 6). Clearly these flight

paths are not useful; they require high Do V and
permit practically no compensation for late
launches. Late launches can be accommodated if
one permits the LEM to remain a certain length of
time in the low altitude orbit before one injects
it into the transfer trajectory, i.e., by the well
known phasing orbit technique. In this technique
one takes advantage of the fact that, if launched
late, the LEM will eventually move into the
pOSition which is proper for a Hohmann transfer,
by virtue of the difference in period between the Y
high and the low orbit. Obviously, this technique
does not involve a ~ V-penalty. The longer the
launch is delayed the longer the vehicle will have
to remain in the low altitude circular orbit.
Eventually a delay time will be ~ached where it
is no more time-consuming simnly to remain and
wait on the lunar surface until the next opportu'"
n1ty arises for the nominal launch, approximately
one CSM revolution later.
One msy now define the term launch window
differently for early and late launches. Fbr
early launches the definition above still holds; ROTATING SYSTEM OF CARTESIAN COORDINATES
for late launches one may consider the limit of FIG.I
the launch window to be the time at which waiting
on the lunar surface for the next launch opportu-
nity does not introduce any loss of time.
Returning to Figure 9 the following concluding
remarks may be made. As the CSM park orbit alti-
tude is increased the launch window for late
launches increases greatly, i.e., from 420 sec for R
50 n.mi. to 1580 sec. for 150 n.m. On the other
hand the launch window for early launches de-
creases with increasing CS4 altitude although this
altitude dependence is not strong. If one, as an
example, permits a D. V penalty of D. V • 200 fns
the launch window decreases from 110 sec. at 50
n.mi. to 150 sec. at 150 n.mi.
Acknowledgement FIG.2
The author would like to express his apprecia-
tion to Dr. L. E. Matson of Radio Corporation of
America for suggesting that the curvilinear co-
ordinates discussed above be used ind for his
advice in executing the work renorted in this
1. Clohessy, W. H., and Wiltshire, R. S.: Terminal
Guidance System for Satellite Rendezvous.
Jour. Aerospace Sci., vol. 27, no. 9, Sept. MEASURED IN
1960, po. 653-658, 674. X-Y SYSTEM

2. Space Technology, Edited by Howard S. Seifert

John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York 1959. ~ELATIVE POSITION



h Nil

!-- -~ v- I r----,b


KrLERr MEj"HANj' (,-
-900 -800 -700 -600 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 -0-0100 -900 -800 -700 -600 -500 -400









1-'50 NM
AL~'TUDE ~ 900- f-LAU~H
q +a.,80·
~ K). +a<I~· I !
I~NM NIl'-.. 500 7
-,........, II l'-.. t'-... / LIMIT OF LAUNCH WINDow
400 AT
!!ONM .G"--.... t--..
890S EC.
420 SEC.

-400 -300 -200 -100 0 +100 +200 +300 +400




-3 -2 -I o 2 3

Ey Henry C. Lessing, Phillips J. Tunnell,
and Robert E. Coate
~National Aeronautics and Space Administration~
Ames Research Center/
MOffett~ield, Calif.

Summary Notation

A guidance scheme has been investigated which A aerodynamic acceleration, g units

has as its basis linear perturbation theory. An
improved capability of the scheme has been achieved FT} linear theory gain for the ex, state
by the proper choice of independent variable and by variable used to determine the magnitude
appropriate weighting of the guidance gains computed of the control variable T}, dimensions
on the basis of the linear theory. of T}/ex,

The capability of this guidance scheme applied g surface gravity, ft/sec 2

to the descent-to-hover phase of lunar landing is
demonstrated for two different types of nominal h altitude, ft
trajectory; a constant-thrust gravity turn maneuver,
and a constant-thrust, constant-pitch-rate maneuver. Isp specific impulse, sec

For the purpose of demonstrating the perform- KA, K'h empirical dimensionless weighting factors
ance of this type of guidance scheme for atmosphere
entry, it has been applied to the guidance of a L/D lift-drag ratio, dimensionless
vehicle entering the earth's atmosphere at parabolic
velocity. The guidance capability of this control m mass, lb-sec 2 /ft
scheme is evaluated for entries from abort condi-
tions as well as for entries within the normal entry r
corridor; in addition, the effects upon the guidance
capability of variations in lift-drag ratio and S vehicle reference area
atmospheric density are investigated.
t time, sec
It is shown that for both lunar landing and
atmosphere entry this guidance system, which uses a T thrust, lb
single nominal trajectory, permits guidance to a
selected landing site from a wide range of initial V total velocity
conditions. Since a single nominal trajectory is m'
used, only minimum storage capacity is required. Vc characteristic velocity, gI sp Ln ~,ft/sec
ft v T 'i OiL W earth weight, lb
x downrange
In the field of guidance of aerospace vehicles,
the concept of guidance about a nominal or reference Y crossrange
trajectory has received considerable attention. It
has been investigated for use in the midcourse phase xTG range to go, xf - x
of the lunar mission, and for vehicles reentering
the earth's atmosphere (e.g., refs. 1 to 5). The X,Y,Z inertial axis system positive north, east,
mathematical basis for this concept is perturbation and radially outward (see fig. 17)
theory6,7; that is, the analysis of conditions in a
limited neighborhood of a nominal trajectory. Non- ( ) derivative with respect to independent
linear systems may be handled by the theory because variable
in the neighborhood of a known trajectory they can
be described in terms of linear differential equa- y flight-path angle (see fig. 17), deg
tions with varying coefficients. However, it is the
restriction to the neighborhood of a known trajec- 5( difference between actual and reference
tory which forms the primary limitation on the use- value of any quantity, ( ) - ( )r
fulness of the theory, particularly in the case of
atmospheric reentry. The various proposed methods e thrust orientation, positive upward, deg
employing this concept for reentry have,in general,
range capability of 6,000 miles or less. Theoret- AT}
ex, (~) adjoint variable
ically, the proposal of reference 5 to store mul-
tiple nominal trajectories and associated feedback 11. angle of latitude, deg
gains should permit guidance to any range, but the
increased storage capacity required makes this t heading angle (see fig. 17), deg
approach undesirable. The purpose of this paper is
to show that by the proper choice of independent 1jr angle of longitude, deg
variable and use of empirical weighting factors it
is possible to greatly increase the guidance capa- I-L product of universal gravitational con-
bility of a linear perturbation scheme. This capa- stant and mass of planet, ft 3 /sec 2
bility is achieved without increase in information
storage requirements.
atmospheric density decay parameter, l/ft

p atmospheric density, Ib sec 2 /ft 4 (4)

This is the basic equation for control about a ref-
erence condition, and was called by Bliss 6 the
fundamental formula. Equation (4) may be particu-
i initial
1arized by identifying the single sum at v = vf
f final with the state variable x q , which it is desired to
control (1:5. q :5. M). Thus, identify
r reference or nominal
) "Am0xm Vf
I = oX q IVf (5)
v vertical component M

h horizontal component Then

dXq I
Am IVf = dXm Vf (6)

Development of Control Equation To indicate the proper partial derivative, the

following notation has been introduced in the liter-
ature. Equation (6) is written
In this section we will derive the basic equa-
tion used in linear perturbation guidance. Somewhat
similar developments may be found in the literature
(e.g., ref. 7). Consider the set of nonlinear
differential equations
Equation (7) defines the boundary conditions neces-
(1) sary for the solution "i~(v) of equation (3).
Equation (4) may now be written
where 1 < n <M

F = M known functions
x =M state variables
u P external force variables
v independent variable (such as
time, velocity, etc.) (8)

Expanding equation (1) in a Taylor series about some

desired nominal or reference trajectory and retain-
ing terms to first order only gives Equation (8) is the basic equation by means of
which an estimate can be made of the first-order
change oX q of the state variable Xq from its
(2) reference value at the final condition vf, due to
(a) a change oXm of any state variable xm from
its reference value at a prior condition v, and
This is a set of M linear differential equations (b) a change oUp of any external force variable
with varying coefficients ~(v) and bmp(v), the up from its reference value during the interval
solution of which describes the motion about the v to vf"
reference trajectory, where
For simplicity, consider IIp to be control
variables, and assume the number q of state vari-
ables it is desired to control is equal to the
number P of control variables. Then, given a
= ~Fm\ (v) desired final value OXq(Vf) and given certain
\axn)r departures oXm(v), there is an infinity of control
variable functions which will accomplish the desired
final value. In particular, there is a constant
value oUp over the interval v:5. v~ :5. vf which
will accomplish the desired final value, and, with
the notation,
The set of equations adjoint to equation (2) is
defined by

equation (8) may be written

Multiplying equation (2) by "m,

equation (3) by
oXm, summing over M and integrating over the
OXq(Vf) I ,,~~
= (V)OXm(v) + LI~~ (v)o~ (10)
interval v to vf (Vi :5. v :5. Vf) gives

Solution of equation (10) for the control variables Lunar Landing
up then gives
The guidance scheme just described will now be
11p(v) uPr(v) + LF~
(v)6xm(v) (11) applied to the descent-to-hover phase of lunar land-
ing. The main features of the descent from orbit
to the lunar surface are indicated in figure 1. A
100-mile circular orbit was assumed, with the gross
Equation (11) is applicable to a complete descent accomplished by means of a Hohmann transfer
three-dimensional analysis. All the guidance orbit whose perilune determined the initial condi-
results obtained in this paper are two-dimensional. tions for that portion of the descent considered
It is shown in the appendix that to first order, here - a guided letdown to an altitude of less than
these results are valid for three-dimensional 1000 feet.
Two maneuvers previously considered in the
Insofar as the theory is r.oncerned, the partic- literature 8 ,9 were chosen as reference trajectories,
ular set of state and independent variables chosen the gravity turn and the constant-pitch-rate maneu-
is completely arbitrary. There are practical con- vers. The fuel reqUired, in terms of the character-
siderations for using a state variable as independ- istic velocity, is shown in figure 2 for the two
ent variable rather than time, since this reduces maneuvers as it is affected by initial or perilune
M in equation (11) by one, thus simplfying the altitude and thrust level. Any desired value of
guidance through reduced information storage requi:e- thrust may be used for the constant-pitch-rate maneu-
ments. In the present investigation the state varl- ver for a given initial altitude, in contrast to the
abIes chosen were somewhat arbitrary, but total single value of thrust necessary for the gravity
velocity instead of time was used as independent turn. Both maneuvers require a large increase in
variable because of the simplification just noted, fuel with increase in initial altitude. As a com-
and because it appears that it has additional advan- promise between fuel requirements and avoiding the
tages as well. The most significant advantage is mountainous lunar surface, an initial altitude of
that the neighborhood of the nominal trajectory 75,000 feet was chosen. This prescribed a
appears to be larger in terms of velocity, or, T/Wi = 0.42 for the gravity turn. The thrust ratio
perhaps more correctly, the excursions of the state for the constant-pitch-rate maneuver was chosen to
variables on the actual trajectories relative to be 0.56, the optimum value for this altitude.
those on the nominal trajectory generally are
The characteristics of the resultant reference
smaller when compared on the basis of velocity.
trajectories are shown in figure 3 in terms of the
Obviously, the advantage of using the.independent
state variables chosen for use in the control equa-
variable for which the 6xm of equatlon (11) are
tion; altitude h, flight-path angle y, and range
minimized is that less violence must be done to the
x. It is desired to control the final values of two
linear theory to make it operate over the range of
quantities, range and altitude. The two con~rol
conditions desired.
variables are thrust, T, and thrust orientatl0n, e.
Equation (11) defines a terminal control system Then the two control equations from equation (11)
in that the system makes no attempt to eliminate are
present errors, but instead acts to prevent the prop- T(V) = Tr + F~ (V)6h(V)
agation of present errors of all variables into
errors of the controlled variables at the final con-
dition v = v f . As formulated, the system defined by + F; (V)6y(V) - F~ (V)6x TG (V)
equation (11) attempts to use minimum control excur- (12)
sion for a maximum length of time. If the informa- e(V) er(V) + ~ (V)6h(V)
tion possessed by the system is correct in the sense
that all pertinent variables have been accounted for, + ~ (V)6y(V) + ~ (V)6x TG (V)
and if the system is in the neighborhood of the nom-
inal trajectory where linearization of the equations
The guidance gains associated with equation (12) are
is valid, equation (11) will command a control incre-
ment just sufficient to achieve the desired result presented in figure 4. The gains associated w~th
flight-path angle remain finite over the veloclty
if the increment is maintained to the final condi-
range; however, all other gains for both reference
tion. Another formulation which has been used is to
trajectories have singularities at zero velocity.
command the maximum available control excursion for
a minimum amount of time 3 • This approach has a Since this investigation was performed on an analog
computer rather severe storage limitations were
certain appeal because the desired end result is
always brought to what is thought to be the ce~ter
necessar~ly imposed, a circumstance, however~ which
conforms with the original intent of developlng a
of the vehicle's capability as quickly as posslble.
guidance system with minimum information storage
However, during the earth reentry portion of the
requirements. The dashed lines in figure 4 indicate
present investigation, it was found that (when
the maximum values of the gains actually used in
attempting to operate outside the region wherein
the investigation.
linearization is valid) this type of command tended
to cause erroneous trajectory excursions from which
it was later impossible to recover, and so was not The guidance capability u~ing the constant-
satisfactory. The form of control finally used was pitch-rate reference trajector~ is s~r~zed in.
intermediate to these two extremes; the guidance figure 5 in terms of the corrid9~ of lnltlal altl-
tude and range limits from whicl'lit is possible to
gains were adjusted through the use of empirically
guide to a target area 1,000 feet in altitude and
determined weighting functions as will be described
10 000 feet in range, the center of which is located
subsequently. B,y these two means - the use of
770,000 feet downrange, the range for this particu-
velocity as independent variable and empirical
lar reference trajectory. Changes in initial range
weighting of the guidance gains - it was poss~ble to
and altitude were accompanied by the appropriate
greatly extend the operating range of the baslc
linear theory.
initial velocity and flight path angle changes cor- The nominal Lin for this trajectory is equal
responding to the Hohmann trajectory passing through to 0.1. Because of the two-dimensional nature of
that point. the investigation, the nomenclature used in appen-
dix A to indicate the vertical component of Lin
Two corridors are shown, the smaller one corre- will be eliminated. Figure 8 shows the character-
sponding to the use of the guidance gains shown in istics of the reference trajectory in terms of the
figure 4. The boundaries of this corridor are state variables chosen for use in the control equa-
defined entirely by the inability of the guidance to tion: altitude rate h, aerodynamic acceleration
meet the altitude limits of the target area. Multi- A, and range x. It is desired to control the sin-
plying the gain ~ by a factor of two, more than gle quantity, range, by means of the control vari-
doubled the size of the corridor. Further increases able Lin; then the control equation (11) is:
in guidance capability were found to be possible by
the same means, but characteristics such as
increased fuel requirements, excessive angular
rates, and other factors made the results unsatis-

Also shown in figure 5 are the fuel require-

ments for a perilune altitude of 75,000 feet. Only
a moderate fuel increase occurs for initial range The guidance gains associated with equation (13) are
errors. The curve shown results from use of the shown in figure 9. These gains, determined by means
linear theory gains; however, the fuel requirements of the linear theory, did not define a guidance
due to using the adjusted gain is not significantly scheme capable of handling the nonlinearities result-
different. ing from the large departures from the reference
trajectory desired, even when account was taken of
Figure 6 shows the guidance capability obtained the multi valued nature of velocity evident in fig-
with the gravity turn reference trajectory. Again, ures 8 and 9. The gains actually used in the
the smaller corridor, obtained using the guidance results to be presented are indicated by the dashed
gains of figure 4, had boundaries defined entirely lines. Associated with these gains are the empiri-
by the inability of the guidance to meet the alti- cally determined weighting factors shown in fig-
tude limits of the target area. By a I!IDderate ure 10 that enable the guidance system to operate
adjustment of the guidance gains, namely, the use over virtually the full range of vehicle capability.
of 1. 5Fg and 0. 85F~, the extreme increase in the The combination shown is not unique; other combina-
guidance capability shown in the figure was tions also permit full guidance capability, a fact
obtained. The fuel requirement is shown in the which will allow for optimization stUdies. The
lower part of the figure for the nominal altitude of final form of the control equation is now
75,000 feet. A 100-percent range error requires a
fuel increase of about 70 ftlsec, which is equiva-
lent to about 14 seconds of hover time.
Typical guided trajectories for the gravity
turn reference trajectory are shown in figure 7.
The guided descents were initiated from a Hohmann
transfer orbit with a perilune altitude of 50,000
feet. This figure em;phasizes the extreme initial This equation with the modified linear theory gains
errors which the guidance system is capable of and the weighting factors just described were used
to obtain all the results to be presented
Earth Reentry Guidance subsequently.

Figures n( a) and ll(b) show two typical

In the investigation of guidance for atmosphere guided trajectories for entry angles corresponding
reentry at parabolic speed, a vehicle with a maxi- to the extremes permitted by the vehicle's capa-
mum Lin = 0.4 and wienS = 50 was chosen. The bili ty, the uncontrolled skip boundary and maximum
nominal atmosphere used was the 1959 ARDC model. acceleration boundary. The uncontrolled skip bound-
ary is defined as the shallowest reentry angle at
The characteristics of the nominal trajectory which the vehicle can acquire sufficient aerodynamic
chosen are shown in figure 8. Several factors were force to control the subsequent trajectory. For the
considered in choosing this trajectory. One factor vehicle considered in this study the boundary is
was the easing of the restrictions upon the time of '1 i = -4.7 0 • The maximum acceleration boundary is
return from a lunar mission to a single earth site, defined as the steepest reentry angle for which the
by seeking ranges up to one-half the earth's circum- acceleration will not exceed the maximum desired.
ference. A 6,OOO-mile nominal range was chosen For the 109 limit chosen for this study, the bound-
since it is approximately in the center of the ary is '1i = -7.3 0 •
desired range envelope. A high-skip type of tra-
jectory was chosen because it im;poses low total These boundaries are shown in figure 12; for
heat loads, and because the final range is less ranges greater than approximately 6,300 miles
sensitive to state variable errors than it is for another vehicle capability boundary is defined by
trajectories which have relatively low skip alti- the maximum ra~ge possible at a given reentry angle.
tudes. Although not of concern in the present Also shown in figure 12 are the data points indi-
investigation, these considerations are of great cating guided trajectories calculated to delineate
practical significance in the design of the heat the guidance capability. It can be seen that the
shield, and the backup and monitoring system for guidance system is capable of operating over virtu-
the primary guidance. ally the entire corridor defined by the vehicle

An item of significant interest in the evalua- rate reference trajectory. With a single gravity
tion of a guidance system is its ability to handle turn reference trajectory, the guidance system could
off-design conditions. Three types of off-design compensate for initial range errors of 100 percent
conditions were considered in this study: of the reference value with a small additional fuel
increment, equivalent to a characteristic velocity
(1) Reentry from abort conditions of 70 ft/sec.
(2) Variations in the vehicle L/D
(3) Atmospheric variations In the earth reentry problem, it was found that
with a single reference trajectory it was possible
The abort conditions considered were reentries from to obtain a guidance capability from 1,500 to 12,000
circular orbit and from a velocity of 32,000 ft/sec. miles for a range of entry conditions which utilized
The two reentries shown in figure 13(a) were initi- virtually all of the vehicle1s capability.
ated from a circular orbit at an altitude of 600,000
feet. The range traversed from the time of leaving For the abort conditions considered in this
orbit altitude until an altitude of 400,000 feet was paper, the guidance system was generally able to
reached was 4,700 miles greater for the 7i = -0.410 make almost full use of the vehicle's range
entry than for the 7. = -1.59 0 entry. Comparison capability.
of this range increme5t with that possible through
guidance as shown in figure 13(a) indicates that the Errors of 5 percent in vehicle L/n had little
thrust applied in orbit to initiate reentry must be effect on the capability of this guidance scheme.
used as the primary range control in this type of
abort situation. The results of figure 13(a) show, Density variations from the nominal affected
however, that the guidance system is capable of the long-range guidance but had little effect on
utilizing almost full vehicle capability. guidance capability for ranges less than 6,000 miles.

Two angles were considered in the reentries

shown in figure 13(b) for a velocity of 32,000 ft/sec. Appendix
At this velocity the vehicle has the capability, at
the angle of -4.3 0 , of extremely long range. As
shown, however, the guidance system is incapable of In this appendix the specific control equation
achieving a range greater than 7,500 miles for this used in the earth reentry portion of the paper will
off-design condition. At the steeper entry angle be developed, and it will be demonstrated that to
of -7.2 0 the guidance is again able to utilize first order the two-dimensional results presented
almost full vehicle capability. in this study are valid for three-dimensional
applications. The equations of motion used were
The density deviation from the 1959 ARDC
atmosphere used in this study varied linearly from h V sin 7
zero at 100,000 feet to ±50 percent at 400,000 feet re V cos '1. cos ~
altitude. The effects of variations in vehicle x re'" = r cos 11.
L/D and deviations of the atmosphere on the shape
of a 6,000 mile trajectory entering at a steep angle
7 Lv + Y. cos 7 - -1 -Il cos 7
are shown in figures 14 and 15. A summary of these mV r V r2
effects on guidance capability at various ranges is
presented in figure 16. The solid line is a repeat V
. g - 1:... sin 7
m r2
of the information given in figure 12, that is, the
guidance capability under nominal conditions. It Lh_l_
S mV cos 7 Y tan 11. cos 7 cos S
can be seen that the L/D variations affected the
capability relatively little. At long ranges, how-
ever, the density variation caused a considerable y
. re

reA = -r V cos 7 sin S

loss in the guidance capability. It is anticipated
that including a component in the control equation
where the geometry is shown in figure 17. The
sensitive to density deviations (the adaptive assumptions made in the development were
feature of ref. 5) will make a marked improvement.
This will be investigated in the near future.
Concluding Remarks
(c) Planar reference trajectory

In this study a modified perturbation theory With these assumptions the control variable may be
has been applied to the problems of lunar landing considered to be the vertical component of lift,
and earth reentry guidance. It has been shown that and the coefficients of the perturbation equa-
if velocity is used as the independent variable in tions (2) of the text are found to be, for those
the guidance equation and if the linear theory gains which are other than zero,
are appropriately weighted, then one reference tra-
jectory can be used successfully in spite of large a 1.3 Vr cos 7 r
errors in nominal or initial conditions. The use of
a single reference trajectory in each problem means a~4 sin 7r
that the guidance method requires little storage
capacity. a2~ - (reVr cos 7r )/rr2
In the lunar landing study, the guidance a23 -(reVr sin 7r )/rr
capability for a control system formulated with the
gravity turn as the reference trajectory was far a24 (re cos 7r)/rr
superior to one formulated with a constant-pitch-
~l 0 a21 a31 a41 ±aSl 0 Al
0 0 0 0 0 0 A2
is a13 a23 ass a43 ±aS3 0 As
~ a14 a24 a34 a44 ±aS 4 0 A4
-As 0 0 0 0 0 a6 As
A6 0 0 0 0 aS6 0 /'6

and equation (4) of the text becomes:

[A10h + A20x + A301 + A40V + AsOt + A6~]tr

It is desired to control the final downrange, x, and

crossrange, y. B,y the strict identity (5) of the
text, the left side of equation (A4) will equal the
downrange change at the final value of the independ-
ent variable if

±as3 = ± 2"
CCJE\ sin lr
-;::-) cos 2 lr

A slightJ¥ different formulation holds if the

m) cos lr
stopping condition is other than the independent
variable acquiring some specified value (see, e.g.,
ref. 7). In the present type of problem the results
are not significantJ¥ different. In the notation of
equations (7), equations (A5) are
aS6 = - rrre cos lr
~ =~ =~ = At = t-Y = 0
Ii = 1

Solving equations (A3) using the boundary conditions

Pr V CCn8\ _ 1 _ (*} Ii =
= 0

(A6) gives the values for all t. B,y inspection,

A~ = rY for all t (A7)

2 r m ) cos lr J(~J _(;): That is, to first order, there is no effect of

heading angle, ~, or crossrange, y, on the down-
range, x. This result is true on1¥ for a planar
where the ± signs indicate the possibility of a trajectory, a restriction approximately fulfilled
left or right orientation of the hPrizontal com- as a result of the nature of the vehicles considered
ponent of lift. Then equations (2) and (3) of the in both parts of this paper; the strictJ¥ two-
text become dimensional results presented should then remain
valid if extended to a full three -dimensional
oh 0 0 a13 a14 0 0 oh 0 [o(Lv/D)] investigation.
ox a21 0 a23 a24 0 0 ox 0
Equation (A4) now may be written
0)- a31 0 ass a34 0 0 01 b 31
oV a41 0
a43 a44 0 0 oV 0
ot ±aSl 0 ±aS3 ±aS4 0 aS6 ot ±bs 1
oy- 0 0 0 0 a6S 0 oy 0

Transformation to any independent variable and 5. Bryson, Arthur E., and Denham, Walter F.: A
combination of state variables is a simple matter. Guidance Scheme for Supercircular Re-entry
As noted in the text, velocity was chosen as the of a Lifting Vehicle. ARS Space Flight
independent variable, and altitude rate, h, aero- Report to the Nation, paper 2299-61, Oct.
dynamic acceleration, A, and range, x, were the 1961.
state variables chosen. With these variables,
equation (A8) becomes 6. Bliss, Gilbert Ames: Mathematics for Exterior
Ballistics. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1944.

7. Tsien, H. S.: Engineering Cybernetics. McGraw-

Hill Book Co., Inc., 1954, pp. 178-197.

8. Faget, Maxime A., and Mathews, Charles W.:

and equation (11) becomes Manned Lunar Landing. Aerospace Engineering,
vol. 21, no. 1, Jan. 1962.

9. Citron, S. J., Dunin, S. E., and Meissinger,

H. F.: A Self-Contained Terminal Guidance
Technique for Lunar Landing. ARS Space
Flight Exposition, paper 2685-62, Nov. 1962.


I \
"" 75,OOOft/
and the superscript has been left off the F
functions because of the single control variable.
Equation (AlO) is the same as equation (13) given
in the text as the unmodified linear theory control Figure 1. - Lunar landing approach.
equation for earth reentry guidance.


References 150,OOOft
6600 o 50,OOOf!} AT PERIWNE
1. McLean, John D., Schmidt, Stanley F., and ~ <> 150,oooft
McGee, Leonard A.: Optimal Filtering and
-= 6400
Linear Prediction Applied to a Midcourse
Navigation System for the Circumlunar Missio~ l3 6200 <'>
NASA TN D-1208, 1962.
9w ~,oo,OOOff
2. Wingrove, Rodney C., and Coate, Robert E.: >
u 6000
Lift Control During Atmosphere Entry From
Supercircular Velocity. Proc. IAS-NASA ~
IE o
National Meeting on Manned Space Flight, ~ 5800 50,OOOft
St. Louis, Mo., April 30-May 2, 1962. «
3. Morth, Raymond, and Speyer, Jason: Control u 5600 I I
System for Supercircular Entry Maneuvers. o .2 .6 .8
.4 1.0

4. Foudriat, Edwin C.: Study of the Use of a Figure 2. - Fuel required for gravity turn
Terminal Controller Technique for Reentry and constant-pitch-rate maneuver.
Guidance of a Capsule-TYPe Vehicle. NASA
TN D-828, 1961.

W O--~~------, GRAVITY TURN
~ -20-
« Vj =5570ft /sec
I 0> -40-
a.. ~ -60-
~ -80-
lL. -100 L

'? 100-

.8 -
.6- -
X 80-


o I<.-...I......--L._ _L---'---J OL...-....I---.J..--L-...L...:~

1.0.8 .6 .4 .2 o 1.0 .8 .6 .4 .2 o
V/Vj V/Vj
Figure 3. - Peference trajectory state variables.

8- .8 -
h h
.4- radian/ft .4-

.5 FJ .5 F!XI04
0 -=:::::::::--=::---1 radian/ft 0 - - -.....~===!
radian -.4-
-.8- -.8-

.8 .4 o .8 .4 o
VlVj VI Vj

(a) Constant pitch rate .

.8- .8-

F~ Ibltt .4- h
radian/ft .4-

.5 F~ .5 F~xI04
Ib/tt 0 ---=~----,l radian/ft 0

4 6
YXIO- -4-
. .5 Fy -.4- F~
Ib/radian radian
-.8 - -.8 -
.8 .4 o .8 .4 o
V/Vj V/Vj

(b) Gravity turn.

Figure 4. - Linear theory guidance gains.



~ 6-
~ .;
« 4- - 5900 t::
9hl -5950 ~
2- - 5850 :.:;::: Ve , h=75,
~ >0 2- - 5900 >;::
« u
o L....-_---'-_ _.L-_--'_ _-'-_----' 5800 :I: ~~~_~__~__~__~__~__~.OO50~
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 W ~
fr r

Figure 5. - Guidance capability: Fiqure 6. - Guidance capability:

constant-pitch-rate reference trajectory. gravity turn reference trajectory.

=__'__'--.lrv '
"? 5
~4 .-:-'b 0
~ x -1- \

Yj=-5.53" ~~
a: :;; -2- 1
~=Ol <>: - -3-

------ ---
-.-!..---.. ... t:1
.... , ~
, <>:
-4 L I

--- ... ,~
o 2
x, 5 M x 10- 3
4- "\ -5

'" -4
5« 2-
U -3 x
<>: -2 ';2
~ -I '"a:<>:
0 5 <>:
-16 - 12 -8 -4 0 4 8 x 10
RANGE, x, ft o 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
VELOCITY, V, ft/sec x 10-3 VELOCITY,V, ftlsecxl0- 3

Figure 7. - Typical guided trajectories:

gravity turn reference trajectory. Figure 8. - Reference trajectory state variables.


-20 -10 -20

Kii 6
-8 x -16
v -16
Q -Q f3
x -6
_ -4


ll.<>: ;:! 2
-4 -2
'"....-_ -4

o 8 16 24 32 40 0 8 16 24 32 40
0 8 16 24 32 40 o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 9. - Linear theory guidance gains. Figure 10. - Empirical weighting factors.

-12 6 -12'f' 6
00 Q
Q ~ x
0> x «- -8 -_
- 4 Yi =_7.3°
-i -8 ~4 u .s:::;
Vi = 36,000 ft Isec
e o g
o -4 ~ 2
Yj =_4.8° ffi -4 t= 2 I
5« ,/" yA Vi = 36,000 ft lsec « !:i
« \'-A
« I
I \
\ \
o \
o o 23456 7
o 2 3 4 5 6 7

(8) Shallow entry. (b) Steep entry.

Figure 11. - Typical guided trajectories. Figure 11. - Concluded.

-5 r· . . ····
... 4
-------- LID =0.4

-7 Vj =25,264 ftlsee Vj = 25,740 ft/see
Yj= -1.59° "Yj= -0.41°

I I 1 I I
o 2 4 6 8 10
o 2 4 14 6 8 10 12 RANGE, x, STATUTE MILESXI0·3
(8) Reentry from circular orbit.
Figure 12. - Guidance capability. Figure 13. - Abort conditions.


00 5
'Q ------ LID =0.4 '?o 6
- x



o 23456 7 8 o 2 3 4 5 6 7

(b) Reentry at 32, 000 feet per second. Figure 14. - Effect of LID variation on
Figure 13. - Concluded. guided trajectory.

/ / ,'-----_0DECREASE
II? //~ / - - - ........... ~,.,'"
'"" \
- x
.£:.4 /1/
I If
/ /

Yj = -7.2 deg

" \
w /f ,
o l

o 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 15. - Effect of density variation on guided trajectory.



o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Figure 16. - Effect 01 off-d·esign conditions on the guidance capability.


'Y----- PLANE
Figure 17. - P.xis system for trajectory equations.


~Gordon H. Smith
Assistant to the Chief Engineer
Computers and Data Systems
~netic~ ~~-------t~~07---~
/ North AniericaJiAVclaro~ ~ ~.
0111-- t;o 0 ?J
L INTRODUCTION is reasonable to predict that cOIIlputers for space
vehicles will evolve in the same manner.

The application of on-board digital computers

for space vehicle systems is in its infancy. Pri- IL SPACE MISSIONS
mary applications have been used for timing and
control functions on unmanned vehicles. Several A. COMPUTATIONAL FUNCTION
manned systems are in development where on-
board computers will be used. The functiop.s of computers for space vehicles
initially have been for guidance and control. Sys-
In a field in its infancy, it is difficult to pre- tems currently in development have digital com-
dict what future computers, future applications, puters which possess functions for guidance,
and future capabilities are going to be. However. attitude control. steering. star tracking and dis-
information is available from the earlier applica- play. These computers also will perform func-
tion of on-board computing equipment in aircraft. tions of premission checkout, perforIIlance
missiles, and submarines which can be extrapo- monitoring, and it can be expected that in the near
lated to space applications. In these earlier sys- future the on-board computers also will be doing
tems, it has been found necessary to incorporate in-flight checkout and other self-test functions
computing capability for essentially four reasons: leading to in-flight maintenance. In the DYNA
(1) there was no man in the system so a computer SOAR system, the on-board digital cOIIlputer is
had to be included to perform the control and deci- involved with the re-entry and energy management
sion making functions required, (2) the function functions as well as the guidance and control func-
being performed was too complex and rapid for a tions. In lunar missions such as that of the
man to perform, (3) the function had to be control- APOLLO. the on- board computers will perform all
led more precisely than a man could readily do. the previously mentioned functions and, in addition.
and (4) the man had so IIlany things to do and such will be aiding in orbit injection. mid course and
a short time to do theIIl in, that he needed the help terminal guidanc~ functions. The problem of
of a cOIIlputing systeIIl. rendezvous will add requirements for antenna con-
trol, radar tracking, and radar control. As space,
Tracing the history of cOIIlputer applications vehicles probe farther and farther into space, the
to IIlissile systems, it is found that the first digi- on-board computing function could be expanded to
tal computers were used for navigation. As IIlore include data correlation, conununications control,
IIlissile systeIIls have been developed. the on- data compression, data storage, pattern recogni-
board cOIIlputer perforIIls not only the navigation tion, antenna pointing, and teleIIletry control func-
functions but the steering COIIlputations, the stabil- tions. Even in vehicles which can be controlled
ity augIIlentation computations. the instrUIIlent from the earth for boost and mid course guidance
calibration functions, preflight checkout, in-flight functions, it may be desirable to have an on-board
perforIIlance monitoring, staging control, thrust computer for exact terminal control. This is
cutoff cOIIlputations, and warhead pre-arIIling func- necessary because the conununication time lag
tions. Thus, the computer has gone through evo- from the earth IIlay be several IIlinutes: This
lutionary stages; first perforIIling a single function would make precise control impossible.
and then perforIIling the cOIIlputations for a highly
integrated, highly sophisticated but very simple
and consequently, very reliable system. Simi- The computing functions on early space vehi-
larly, in aircraft applications the first on-board cles will be siIIlpler than those required for later
digital computers were for single-purpose func- more sophisticated systems. Consequently, the
tions such as fire control or navigation. As air- computers required for these early systems will
craft systems have become IIlore sophisticated, be simpler than those required for the more com-
the on-board cOIIlputer has accUIIlulated the COIIl- plex systems. At the Space borne Computer
bined functions of naVigation, fire control, display Engineering Conference held in Anaheim, Califor-
control, perforInance monitoring, autopilot steer- nia, in October of last year, a half dozen digital
ing functions, air data processing, premission computers were described which are being designed
checkout, radar control, and fuel manageIIlent. for early space vehicles. As the space missions
Since computational functions in both aircraft and become IIlore sophisticated. the computer systeIIls
missile systems have evolved from single function will require higher speed, more memory capacity,
applications to system integration applications, it and more computational sophistication. For

functions of the vehicle velocity vector and which past few years and can be incorporated in future
will be conf'tant for the remainder of the thrust systems at a variety of levels.
period, art loaded into special registers and the
computation indicated by For relatively simple devices, redundancy at
the circuit level is attractive. However, when the
s =K - Kx dx - Ky dy - Kz dz (2) amount of hardware required in a device as com-
plex as even a simple digital computer is consid-
is performed continuously in a simplified digital ered, then circuit level redundancy is not as
differential analyzer. When the function, S, appealing. It requires many more circuit elements
passes through zero, the cutoff signal is provided. than a device with no redundancy; it poses some
serious problems during manufacture and mainte-
The logical designer of a vehicleborne com- nance in isolating redundant components which have
puter will provide high-speed computing capability failed, and the power, weight, and volume required
through other techniques. One of these might be for the hardware is significantly greater than for a
the utilization of parallel arithmetic. The arith- nonredundant computer.
metic center in a parallel computer generally is
complex because all digits in the number are proc- A second level of redundancy which can be
essed simultaneously. In this case, to simplify considered is redundancy at the module level. This
the computer, the logical design may shorten the requires voting circuits to identify the proper out-
computer word, restrict the number of operations put from the module and at least three identical
that the computer is capable of performing, and modules at every point where redundancy is utilized
use several programming steps at high speed to so that an automatic vote can be taken. The voting
provide the capability required. circuitry also requires hardware so this method is
Another arithmetic technique sometimes used
provides higher speed than the method of proces- A third level of redundancy is that of redun-
sing the digits serially. This technique utilizes a dancy at the subsystem level where more than one
combination of the two methods whereby the digits computer would be supplied to perform the desired
are grouped and then, each group is processed in functions. This is shown in Figure 6. In a manned
parallel. system, it may not be necessary to supply more
than two computers, one performing the function
There are several methods of paralleling and the second being redundant. One would expect
other than arithmeti.c that can be used to provide that in order to vote, a majority vote would be re-
high-speed computing capability. One of these is quired. However, by using two computers which
paralleling of instruction sequencing so that por- can each be performing self tests and monitoring
tions of several different instructions are proces- the performance of the other computer and, if
sed simultaneously to give higher computing there is any discrepancy, the astronaut can make
speeds without increased arithmetic speed. a decision as to which computer is performing
Another form of paralleling that can increase
computational speed is the paralleling of proces- Another approach to redundancy which may
sing centers. (See Figure 5). In this case a com- be promising is a combination of several small,
mon memory is shared by several computing single-purpose processors into a multiple com-
centers, or by a computing center and an input- puting system. These computers would be inte-
output processing center. grated so that the function of a computer which has
failed could be transferred to a second computer
Because of the variability of computer sys- which is performing a lower priority function. If
tem organization, it is difficult to compare com- a spare computer were provided and the astronaut
puters on the basis of the time required to add or had the capability of repairing the units, extremely
multiply, or even to compare them on the basis of long missions can be accomplished with a high
memory capacity. The only way that the computa- probability of success. In this case, a co~puter
tion capabilities of computers for space applications which has malfunctioned can be electronically re-
can be compared is to compare their performance, placed by a spare computer and the malfunctioning
speed, memory capacity required, and ancillary computer repaired at the leisure of the astronaut.
equipment required for the particular application The astronaut would isolate the malfunction through
in question. a combination of diagnostic and automatic checkout
techniques. A multiple computer system with
C. RELIABILITY THROUGH REDUNDANCY switching and repair capability is shown in Figure 7.

To achieve the reliability which will be re- IV. SUMMARY

quired for deep space missions even though highly
reliable integrated ci:rcuits and sophisticated de- In less than six months, there will be com-
sign techniques are used, it may be necessary to puters for space applications designed for Bingle
utilize some form of redundancy. Redundancy functions which will be 10 lb in weight, 0.15 cu ft
techniques have received considerable study in the in size, will require approximately SOw of power,

elements also are in development. These include requirements for higher reliability imply leu
pneU!llatic elements, cryogenic elements, bionic hardware.
devices, and a combination of lasers and fiber-
optic elements. Most of these latter techniques The function of the designer of a spaceborne
are in an early state of development. Thus, it is computer is to provide the simplest design to do the
difficult to predict what their impact on space job required. Because there is a wide variety of
computers is going to be. functions that might be performed in space vehicles
for different applications, it is expected that at
Currently the most promising circuit ele- least two major classes of computers will be re-
ments, which are being incorporated in the Im- quired. One class will consist of very simple com-
proved MINUTEMAN system, are integrated puters designed to perform more or less single
circuits. An example of an integrated circuit is functions such as navigation, antenna stabilization.
shown in Figure '1. Theoretical studies and actual A second class will consist of computers designed
reliability measurements indicate that the inte- to integrate all of the computations required in the
grated circuits in the Improved MINUTEMAN will system into a single computing device. The internal
be a factor of from 10 to 100 more reliable than the organization of these computers is difficult to pre-
circuits used in the current MINUTEMAN produc- dict at this time. However, the designers of the
tion program. This is extremely significant con- space borne digital computers tnay time share cir-
sidering the high reliability components used in the cuits to a greater extent than is required for the
current program have been demonstrated by test design of ground-based computers. Designs also
data to be 100 times more reliable than conven- tnay provide special features in these vehicleborne
tional MIL-Standard components. A reliability computers to solve the necessary computations at
growth curve comparing the same circuit using the required rates with a minirnU!ll amount of com-
MINUTEMAN high reliability components with the plexity.
integrated circuit form used in Improved MINUTE-
MAN is shown in Figure 2. The data from which One method of providing high- speed comput-
this material is plotted was obtained from accel- ing capability without complexity is to provide a
erated life test measurements and indicates that digital differential analyzer incremental computing
the integrated circuit is already a factor of two capability, in the computer. There are a nU!llber
more reliable than the same circuit when imple- of different computational algorithims used in digi-
mented in the highest reliability conventional com- tal differential analyzers but the one most common-
ponents available. ly used is

There is the immediate possibility of an dz = (YO +L dy) dx = Y dx (1 )

even greater reliability growth through a combi-
nation of thin film and integrated circuit techniques. The digital differential analyzer is composed
It is not clear at this time whether it will be thin of a number of integrators, each capable of per-
films deposited on integrated circuits or integrated forming the computation of Eq 1. A commonly used
circuits deposited on thin films. Either technique symbol for an integrator is shown in Figure 3. The
will result in more circuit flexibility and fewer integrators are usually implemented in four or five
interconnections. These advances will lead to delay lines. Information is read from the delay
improved reliability. lines serially. It then is processed and recorded
back into the memory. Because the incremental
The memory technology currently in use in computer processes all integrators in the same
vehicle borne computers includes rotating tnag- tnanner and is serial, very little circuitry is re-
netic memories, core memories, multiaperture quired.
core memories, rope core memories, delay lines,
and in the near future, thin film memories. It is Because of the simplicity of generating some
expected that these memory devices will continue functions with incremental techniques, variations
to be used for some time even though cryogenic of a digital differential analyzer are sometknes
memories are currently in development' and there used in conjunction with a general purpose com-
is some hope for a combined laser and fiberoptic puter. For instance, sine and cosine generation
memory device in future systems. with a digital differential analyzer is very simple.
(See Figure 4.) Because only two integrators are
B. COMPUTER ORGANIZATION CONTRIBUTIONS required to continuously generate sine and cosine
TO RELIABILITY functions, the logic designer may provide special
registers in the computer for performing these
The problem of meeting the requirements of computations.
future space systems computers with increased
computing capability, higher speed, easy program- Incremental techniques also will facilitate
ming, large memory, and at the same time meet high-precision thrust cutoff computations. In this
the requirements of high reliability, imposes case the general purpose computer performs con-
tough design problems for computer designers. At tinuous computation until the computer predicts
the same time, the requirements for more com- that during the next computational cycle thrust cut-
puting capability imply more hardware while the off will occur. At this time parameters, which are

instance, in the APOLLO mission with a lunar IIL RELIABILITY CONSIDERATIONS
excursion module, the mission can be divided into
a number of relatively independent operational
periods. These periods include preflight calibra- A major difference between the aircraft sys-
tion, boost guidance, orbital, transfer orbit injec- tem application and space system application of
tion, mid course guidance intervals, parking orbit digital, computers is required reliability. Aircraft
injection, orbit determination, rendezvous, and a system reliability is highly desirable because of
similar set of functions for the return flight. To economy and weapon system effectiveness. How-
perform these functions, the on-board computer ever, a mean-time-between-failure (MTBF) of
requires more than 12,000 storage words. In this between a few hundred and a few thousand hours
situation, the computations performed are rela- has been acceptible b~cause of the relatively short
tively simple during each phase, so extremely mission times in an aircraft system and the avail-
high computing speeds are not necessary. How- ability of the equipment for scheduled or nonsched-
ever, for more complex missions (planetary uled maintenance between flights. In special
landings on Mars or Venus where gravitational applications when mission times may range be-
constants and atmospheric and surface conditions tween weeks and perhaps years, the reliability
are not known accurately), it may be necessary requirements will be much more stringent. In an
to provide both large memory and high speed on- APOLLO mission of approximately two weeks, if a
board computing. probability of success of 0.95 for the total system
is desired, a system MTBF of 7720 hours is re-
B. IMPACT OF MISSION VARIATION quired. If the probability of success for the com-
puter portion of the system is 0.99, the reliability
A significant difference between aircraft and requirement for the computer is 33, 600 hr MTBF.
missile applications and space vehicle applications If one looks beyond the APOLLO type lunar mis-
is the high degree of variability in the space mis- sions to, for instance, a Saturn probe mission of
sion requirements. In aircraft and missile sys- approximately 50,000 hr mission time, the com-
tems, vehicles were produced with identical puter system must have a MTBF of 5 million hr to
equipment aboard, identical functions to be per- have a probability of success of 0.99.
formed in the computer, and were designed for
identical missions. Programming for each com- Except for radiation hazards, the space envi-
puter was not performed individually, but the pro- ronment is more benign than the aircraft environ-
grams were written for the weapon system and ment and this will be extremely helpful for system
were used in all of the vehicles. However, in the reliability. A submarine environment is nearly
space systems even though there may be identical like the envirorunent that would be expected in a
systems, the mission requirements for each sys- space vehicle. Actual operational experience with
tem may be different. Consequently, one program- identical digital computers which are used in both
ming job will not be sufficient for the whole family submarine and airborne applications indicates that
of identical or nearly identical space vehicles, but the reliability in the submarine application is ap-
each computer program must be designed to the proximately 10 times better than that in the air-
specific mission requirements of each space craft.
vehicle. Trade offs are always possible between
programming complexity and hardware simplicity. Reliability in digital computers has been the
subject of intensive efforts for several years. Re-
In aircraft and missile systems, the designers liability can be obtained through a combination of
usually have made the decision to use simpler several techniques •. These techniques consist of
hardware at the expense of programming complex- using the most reliable basic electronic components
ity because the programs once written were appli- that are available in circuits which are designed to
cable to all of the vehicles. However, in the be tolerant to deviations in component parameters.
spaceborne applications with each space vehicle These circuits are then combined to provide the
having its own mission requirements, the trade off simplest computer which will do the job. Using
in favor of simplified hardware must be examined manufacturing processes which are carefully con-
more closely. Another requirement that may trolled so that incipient modes of failure are not
influence the design of computers for deep space introduced during assembly also is important in
probes is the additional data processing capability achieving reliability. If the above techniques do
beyond that required for real-time control func- not provide for enough reliability to do the job,
tions. The desirability of extremely low powered some form of redundance will be incorporated.
systems may make the systems design such that
the complexity and hardware requirements in the A. COMPONENT CONTRIBUTIONS TO
computer may be expanded to reduce the hardware RELIABILITY
complexity and power requirements in the telem-
etry system with a net savings in power and relia- Electronic components that are likely to be
bility. It may be possible by preprocessing the used in the next few years will include conventional
measurement data on-board the space vehicle to resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, etc,
reduce the amount of data which must be trans- that have been designed and developed for high
mitted back and hence, reduce the bandwidth and reliability in combination with thin film circuit
power requirements in the telemetry equipment. elements and integrated circuits. Other circuit
and will have a predicted MTBF of approximately If the 20,000 hr MTBF computer is used in
50.000 hr. a multiple computer system application similar to
tha t shown in Figure 7 . and the mean time to
Wi thin one year, there will be at least one repair is 1 hr and reduced s y stem capability is
large cen tral computer for space applications defined as function A or function B having to be
which w ill we i ght approximately 20 lb , occupy curtailed, the mean time between reduced sys-
approximately O. 25 cu ft, will require under tem capability is 66,700 , 000 hr or 7610 years.
200 w, and will have a predictedMTBF of appro xi- The s i gnificance of this number is not that any-
mately 20,000 hr. This computer w ill have a one contemplates a system which will operate for
computational capability comparable to large several thousand y ears but that for a manned deep
scale scientific and data processing computers. space miss ion the probability of successful com-
pletion of the mission is very high.
Both of these computers will have integral
analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion BIBLIOGRAPHY
capability which will facilitate integration with a
variety of devices in the space vehicle. Smith, H. Gordon, Optimization of Computer
Capability Through Programming and
If they can be used. special purpose devices Logical Design, May. 1960.
having little flexibility. even lower power re-
quirements, and higher reliability than either of Proceedings of the Spaceborne Computer Engi-
these computers, can be provided. neering Conference. Orange Engineers.
October 30-31, 1962 .

Figure 1. Integrated Circuit



~ 0.1

..:I 0.01


0.0001L-__ ~ ___ L_ _ L__ _~_ __ L_ _~~_ _L__ _~_ __L__~~__L____L___L____L___~___L___J____L_~

~_ _ _ _

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964

Figure 2. Reliability Comparison: Integrated Circuit.

Versus MINUTEMAN High Reliability Component


} -______________________________________ dz= Ydx


Figure 3. Integrator Symbol

dll ______________L-~~~--------~~--~ d SIN II



Figure 4. Sine and Cosine Generation with a Digital

Differential Analyzer





Figure 5. Parallel Processing Center




Figure 6. SubsY8tem Redundancy








Filure 7. Multiple Computer System


Charles H. McLellan
Head, Mission Analysis Group, Aero-Physics Division
NASA Langley Research Center
~ey Station, ~t~ Va.

Introduction results of this investigation are presented in

figure 1.
The operation of any long-term manned space
station will require some type of ferry vehicle to The maximum lateral range achievable is pre-
transport men and equipment to and from the station sented in terms of the vehicle maximum hypersonic
with regularity and reliability. Such a vehicle, LID. For this investigation a value of WICnS of
designed for entry at near-orbital speeds, could 200 lb/ft2 was chosen. At the lower values of LID
also be useful in the return from any deeper space a value of 75 lb/ft 2 was also considered and was
mission if either an earth-orbit rendezvous terminal not found to have a significant effect on the
maneuver or a maneuver combining atmospheric braking values presented. To achieve these lateral ranges,
and a near-earth parking orbit is used. the vehicle performs a shallow reentry and holds a
constant altitude at the bottom of pullup by
This study was undertaken to determine the rolling about the wind vector until an appropriate
class of vehicle which could be most efficiently equilibrium glide path can be followed. This mode
used as a ferry vehicle between a near-earth space of operation has been discussed previously2,3.
station and the earth. One measure of this effi-
ciency is the ability of the vehicle to reach pre- Requirements for "Quick" Return
chosen landing sites with some prescribed frequency.
In the discussion that will follow, "delay
In considering this frequency of return it is time" is taken as the time between decision to
necessary to consider not only the normal mode of reenter and initiation of reentry, and a "quick"
operation in which only infrequent returns are return is defined as a return with a delay time of
scheduled at desirable times, but also operation less than one orbit. For a quick return, therefore,
under various degrees of emergency, which 'dictate the vehicle initiates reentry some time in the first
quick or even immediate return to earth. In extreme orbit after the decision to reenter.
emergencies, when immediate return to earth is nec-
essary, choice of landing site becomes impractical. The ma.xi:muln lateral range that could be
In most cases, however, although it might be required for Quick return from a given orbit to a
required to abandon the station quickly, the ferry landing site at a given latitude is determined, as
vehicle could remain in orbit for some time before shown in figure 2, to be given by
initiating reentry in order to land at a pre chosen
si te. The allowable delay time in brbi t would be
determined primarily by the capabilities of the (1)
ferry life-support system.

This paper will examine the geometry of the whichever is the lesser. Here ~ is the orbital
ferry ranging problem, that is, the lateral ranges inclination to the equator, A2 is the latitude of
required to reach chosen landing sites from various the landing site, and IE is the radius of the
near-earth orbits, ,and will investigate and compare
earth. These range requirements are shown in fig-
several means of achieving these ranges. The par-
ure 3. Also shown are the values of hypersonic
ticular case considered is that of returning from a LID required to achieve these ranges. Several
space station which is in a circular orbit at an geographic points are shown to indicate the limits
altitude of 200 statute miles, but the results
of the United States and of the U.S. Mainland.
obtained are not sensitive to orbit altitude for
orbits within a few hundred miles of the surfacel • The ability to reach any point on the globe
From this orbit the vehicle will retro and reenter once each orbit from any orbit inclination is seen
at very close to satellite velocity. The down- to require a hypersonic LID of about 3.6. For
range problem can be handled by proper timing of equatorial or polar orbits no lateral range is
the retrofiring, and the desired lateral range can required to reach points on the equator or the
be achieved by aerodynamics, space propulsion to poles, respectively, once each orbit. Although
change orbit plane, atmospheric propulsion, or com- such landing sites are usually impractical, they do
binations of these methods. The relative cost in
serve to point out the fact that the minimum lat-
terms of weight of using these different methods to
eral ranges required for quick return from equato-
achieve lateral range will be discussed.
rial or polar orbits approach zero as the location
of the landing sites approaches these points. For
Lateral Range by AerodynamiCS
other inclinations no choice of landing site can
assure quick returns with zero lateral-range
In order to tie the lateral-range requirements
to vehicle aerodynamics, an investigation of the
cross-range capabilities of vehicles with various
hypersonic lift-drag ratios was undertaken. The

L-3353 -159-
Effects of Delay Orbits on Range Requirements multiple landing sites can serve to alleviate

For an equatorial orbit the range requirements
ranging requirements for either quick or delayed
to reach a base at a given latitude are fixed. For
orbits of other inclinations, the requirements can The effect of landing site choice on the LID
be reduced through use of delay orbits or multiple requirements for return from a polar orbit is shown
landing sites. in figure 6. The interior of the table presents
the values of LID required to assure reaching the
The effect of delay orbits on lateral range representative landing sites shown on the left uti-
and associated LID requirements is illustrated in lizing various numbers of delay orbits. The values
figure 4, which presents the maximum holding time presented for zero delay orbits are those for quick
required to reach a landing site near Edwards AFB return, that is, ability to return once each orbit.
from orbits of various inclinations and for several The sites at Alaska and Thule were included on this
values of the hypersonic LID. The solid curves chart for purposes of emphasizing the decrease in
represent boundaries or discontinuities in the pic- LID requirements with increasing latitude of
ture, while the dashed curves are representative of landing site. Although the unfavorable climates at
the members of the family. As seen in figure 4, a these latitudes might preclude their use as prime
vehicle with an LID of 3.6 could reach Edwards AFB landing Sites, their possible use as emergency
within one orbit for any orbital inclination. This landing sites might warrent consideration. As may
quick return is possible for a vehicle with be seen from this chart, for return from a polar
LID = 2.7 from orbits inclined at less than 22 0 to orbit, the LID required can be reduced consider-
the equator or from a polar orbit. With less LID ably by proper choice of landing site when a number
some holding time is required for a polar orbit and of delay orbits are allowed.
the orbits for which quick return is possible are
limited to low inclination orbits as illustrated by Use of multiple sites. While still considering
the LID = 2 curve. With an LID of greater than polar orbits, it is obvious that conSiderable reduc-
1.9 quick return from an equatorial orbit is pos- tions in lateral-range requirements can be obtained
Sible, while with less LID the landing site can- through use of multiple landing sites as illustrated
not be reached from an equatorial orbit. The curve in figure 7. In this figure we are looking down on
for LID = 1 shows that at least daily return is the northern hemisphere, with the orbital plane
possible to a base such as Edwards for all orbits appearing as a straight line. The landing sites
which pass over the continental U.S. As LID is are placed on the equator for figure simplicity.
decreased further, the holding times for all incli-
nations increase and the band of low inclinations, If we have one landing Site, it can be as much
for which no return is possible, grows wider. With as 90 0 in longitude away from the plane of the
values of LID greater than 0.84, holding times of orbit. If two sites are conSidered, chosen so that
less than 12 hours are required to reach the site they are separated by 90 0 in longitude, one of the
from a polar orbit, but for values of LID less sites will always be within 450 of the orbit plane.
than 0.84, the delay time for a polar orbit jumps This distance is reduced to 300 for three sites and
to 24 hours and remains there for values of LID 22.5 0 for four sites spaced as shown.
down to 0.66 after which no regular return to
Edwards from a polar orbit can be counted on. The decrease in maximum possible separation
from the orbit plane is, of course, directly
These discontinuities are shown more clearly reflected in a decrease in the lateral-range
in figure 5 where a cross plot of maximum delay time reqUirements to reach at least one of these sites,
to reach Edwards AFB is plotted against LID for and, therefore, a decrease in the vehicle LID
three orbital inclinations. As can be seen, from an requirements. In figure 8 the LID required to
equatorial orbit it is a quick-return or no-return reach several landing site combinations are shown
proposition, with the break point coming about for various numbers of delay orbits. Edwards AFB
LID = 1.9. For the polar orbit, quick return is is included as a single site for comparison pur-
possible down to an LID of 2.7, after which there poses. The other combinations of sites shown,
is a steady increase of holding time with reduction reading downward, are two bases within the conti-
in LID down to an LID of 0.84 where a holding nental United States, two bases with near optimum
time of about 12 hours can be required. For values spacing, three bases across the continental United
of LID between 0.84 and 0.66 once daily return is States, three near optimally spaced bases, and four
pOSSible, and for lower values of LID, no regular bases approaching optimal spacing. The degree to
return is assured. The curve for an inclination of which multiple bases properly spaced can reduce
30 0 shows some of the characteristics of each of vehicle LID requirements is apparent.
these limiting curves.
Interim Stations and Relaxed Return Requirements
We must keep in mind that in discussing these
delay times we have made no restriction as to the The discussion to this point has dwelt on the
time of day the return is to be made. If we requirements for quick returns and returns with
restrict our landing to the daylight hours, approxi- delay times up to one-half day and has been primar-
mately 12 hours or more additional delay time could ily concerned with polar orbits. The values of
be required for single site landings. LID that have evolved from this analysiS represent
what we would like to have for efficient, regular
Return From Polar Orbits service to a future space station. If we conSider
ferry requirements for an earlier space station,
Choice of landing site. In considering space the questions that arise are how much do we have to
stations for reconnaissance, surveillance, weather- relax our return requirements in order to use the
watching, or other applications, the complete earth low LID and ballistic vehicles which will be
coverage provided by polar or near-polar orbits is available, or, conversely, just how much LID or
attractive. In considering return from such orbits, how large a landing area is required to meet ~nimUm
proper choice of landing site location and use of return reqUirements.
'!'he minimum lateral-range angle TJy which A* becomes 900 and 0 0 , respectively, and no lat-
eral range is required as was indicated in an
will allow twice daily return from a polar orbit is earlier figure. For other inclination angles the
given by ranges required are small, reaching a maximum value
of less than 20 miles for an inclination of 450 •
~TS These small ranges should be wi thin the capability
(2) of any controllable landing device, such as a para-
( TJ)
y II
= - - cos A
2 glider, or could be achieved through use of a small
amount of space propulsion, thus placing the
landing sites wi thin the reach of nonlifting
where WE is the earth rotation rate, TS is the reentry vehicles. These small range requirements
orbital period, and A is the latitude of the also serve to indicate the size of landing area
landing site. For the near-earth orbits considered that would be required if the vehicle had no con-
in this paper, ~TS is taken as 22.50 • For the trol over its set down.
ability to return once daily the minimum lateral- On the right of figure 11 are presented the
range angle required is given by fuel requirements which would be required to
achieve these cross ranges by use of space pro-
pulsion to change the inclination of the orbital
plane. These values were obtained assuming a spe-
cific impulse of 300 seconds. It can be seen that
the weight of propulsive fuel required for bases
within the continental U.S. is about 2 to 3 percent
These lateral-range requirements and their of the reentry vehicle weight.
associated hypersonic LID values are presented in
figure 9. As was shown previously, a vehicle with Weight Penalties Associated With Lateral Range
an LID of about 1 can reach any point on earth
twice daily from a polar orbit, while an LID of As mentioned previously, the lateral ranges
about 0.7 would give the capability of daily return required may be obtained by several methods in addi-
to any site. The approximate limits of the U.S. tion to the use of aerodynamic glide which has been
Mainland are indicated to show the ranges that would discussed to this point. The other methods con-
be required for return to mainland landing sites on sidered here are:
a daily or twice daily basis from a polar orbit.
1. The use of space propulsion
Early space station orbits may well be other
than polar, inclined so as to take advantage of 2. The use of combinations of space propulsion
existing launch and tracking facilities. For such and aerodynamic glide
orbi ts we can determine the minimum range which will
assure the ability to return to a properly posi- 3. The use of aerodynamics and atmospheric
tioned base at least once daily by the method illus- propulsion
trated in figure 10. Shown as solid lines are three
consecutive orbit traces mutually separated by a Structural or fuel weight penalties are, of
distance ~TS. The maximum latitude of these course, associated with these various methods and
one purpose of this paper is to evaluate the cost
orbits is given by Al = ~ and the intersection in terms of weight of these approaches.
of the traces can be shown to occur at A2 which
is given by The weight of vehicles capable of reentering
the atmosphere with high values of LID will, of
course, be greater than that of vehicles capable of

only ballistic reentry. Some data to this effect
tan A2 = cos -2-) tan Cl.i ( 4) are presented by E. S. Love l and have been used to
obtain figure 12. The abscissa on figure 12 is the
lateral range that could be obtained aerodynamically
If a landing site is located at a latitude A* by the vehicles and the upper nonlinear scale pre-
halfway between "1 and "2, then this site will sents the vehicle hypersonic LID. The shaded area
encompasses the majority of the data presented in
always be wi thin an angular distance of "1 2-"2 reference 1. The weight increase is very rapid for
the first few hundred miles of lateral range, pri-
from one or other of these traces. The maximum marily because of the ineffectiveness of the low
lateral range required to reach this site at least Lin vehicles in obtaining lateral range. The exact
once a day is therefore given by weight values will, of course, change for each
stu~, and the solid line which was chosen for use
in the remainder of this paper represents a mean of
all the data rather than a curve of minimum weights.

Space Propulsion

These values are shown in figure 11 for all orbital Propulsion can be applied either in the atmos-
inclinations. phere or in space to obtain the desired range. If
atmospheric propulsion is to be used, it is most
It should be borne in mind that these values efficient to use air-breathing engines with their
apply for a landing site at the latitude ,,* which relatively high values of specific impulse. If pure
is located slightly under the maximum latitude which rocket propulSion is to be used, this can be used
the orbit reaches. For a polar or equatorial orbit, best in orbit where the fuel and propulsion systems

do not have to execute the reentry. The initial Aer0dynamic-G1ide-P1us-Space Propulsion
weight in orbit then consists of the normal reentry
vehicle, the fuel for orbital transfer, the ~anks, Combinations of space propulsion and aerody-
engine, and any special guidance system reqU1red namic glide might be practical in some cases. The
for the orbital transfer. weight required can be found by

Assuming a circular orbit with an impulse

applied 90 0 before the point at which maximum range
will be required, the ratio of the initial to final
weight will be given by
- eW':':'i~.:. ;i:':~: -':-n-in_or-~-~-~_i-:;:-o-r
W = (:i) (wei;t ~: :::~: for)
zero lateral range 'zero lateral range Lin


Lateral range (Lateral range)L/n

+ (Lateral range)propu1sion
initial weight
final weight
These relations give the curves shown in fig-
ure 14. For large lateral ranges, Lin appears
acceleration due to gravity at rE the more economical approach and combinations of
the two would not be designed into the system just
radius of the earth to obtain range capability. For small values of
lateral range, space propulsion appears to be more
economical and should be studied further for the
r orbit radius specific configurations and tasks conSidered.
y lateral range Atmospheric Propulsion
ISp specific impulse of rocket The use of propulsion in the atmosphere allows
the higher specific impulse of air-breathing pro-
The weight ratio WilWf is plotted against pulsion systems to be utilized. However, the effi-
range for several orbit altitudes in figure 13. The cient use of propulsion in the atmosphere requires
effect of specific impulse is also shown in this aerodynamically efficient configurations since
figure. A value of Isp of 300 seconds will be
used for the remainder of the study of space pro-
pulsion. Because of the lower orbital velocity at
the high altitudes, the energy required to change
the orbit is lowered. For low orbits, however,
a change of several hundred miles in altitude has
little effect on the weight ratio. where

In actual practice the initial weight

Wi R range
should be increased by the weight of the tankage, V velocity
engine, and associated control system. No detailed
study has been made of this weight; however, a pre-
liminary review indicated that 20 percent of the Weight = Lin _ _1_ _
fuel weight should be more than enough to cover
these items. The dashed curve in figure 4 shows Drag (V
that this is not a very large factor in the total Vorb
The specific impulse values that can be
In this analysis it has been assumed that the expected in the atmosphere with ram jet, turbojet,
orbit change is independent of any retroimpulse or combinations of various jet engines are shown in
used to initiate reentry. For small amounts of figure 15. The shaded area represents the current
lateral-range change (on the order of 200 to predictions for the performance of future engines.
300 miles) the retro-rocket, When properly oriented,
may be able to supply a large part of the energy Propulsion in the atmosphere can be applied
required to obtain the desired lateral range; how- either at subsonic or supersonic speeds. For the
ever, for lateral-range requirements over purposes of this paper it is assumed that the LID
1,000 miles, its effect is small. The exact effect is constant throughout the supersonic speed range.
of the retro-rocket on these curves would, however, While this is not strictly true, it will be seen
be a strong function of the initial orbit and later that secondary variations in LID will not
reentry conditions required which make the inclusion alter the conclusions. For the subsonic speeds,
of these effects impractical as they are beyond the the Lin corresponding to a given hypersonic LID
scope of the present investigation. class of vehicles is not easily determined since it
depends strongly on the design philosophy.

Since range is proportional to LID, it appears Conclusions
unattractive to consider atmospheric propulsion for
very low values of LID. On the other band, because It has been shown that the lateral range
of the inherent range capability of very high LID required for return is strongly dependent on the
vehicles, they will not require the use of propul- location and number of landing sites, on the
sion. The analysis has therefore been carried out inclination of the orbit to the equator, and on the
only for an LID of 1 vehicle with the expectation amount of delay time that can be tolerated. For
that the analysis could later be extended to higher the ability to reach any point on earth once each
LID values if atmospheric propulsion looked prom- orbit from any orbit, a vehicle with a hypersoniC
ising. It was found that for this vehicle it is LID about 3.6 is required. Although i t would be
more efficient to use atmospheric propulsion super- nice to have this capability, it is questionable
sonically tban subsonically for subsonic LID val- whether it is actually needed, and in any event it
ues up to about 8. is probable that such a vehicle will remain beyond
our grasp for quite some time to come. If we are
A maximum range is obtained for a given weight satisfied with selected single or multiple bases
ratio at about 11,000 feet per second for the high and are willing to accept reasonable delay times in
Isp values and at 7,000 feet per second for the orbit prior to initiation of reentry, the hypersonic
low Isp values. Solving the range equation for LID requirement for return from a polar orbit can
be reduced to the neighborhood of one. For other
these values gives two sets of weight ratios which than polar orbits, larger ranges are, in general,
do not make any allowance for containing the fuel required for returns with delay times of one-half
or the weight of the engine and other associated ~ or less, but for properly selected landing
equipment. The effect of these factors is very Sites, very small lateral ranges are necessary to
strong on the overall weight ratio since the vehi- assure daily return.
cle must reenter the atmosphere with all of this
weight. However, it is interesting to compare these This study has also shown that for large lat-
weight ratios (starting at an LID = 1 vehicle) with eral ranges, the use of space propulsion is very
the weight predicted for range obtained by the LID expensive and not competitive with LID alone. A
alone. The area between the two curves just above combination of space propulsion and LID is not
the LID alone curve in figure 16, therefore, is attractive and such a combination should not be con-
the band of the weight ratio including only the sidered for the sole purpose of obtaining lateral
original LID = 1 vehicle and the fuel. Even this range. For small amounts of lateral range space
area is well above the LID alone curve and indi- propulsion with an LID = 0 vehicle appears to
cates that, neglecting the increase in vehicle empty achieve lateral range more economically tban aero-
weight, this approach is still uneconomical from the dynamic glide. The differences, however, are not
weight standpoint. great enough to eliminate the possibility that
efficient LID vehicles can be made competitive
In order to show the effect of the vehicle mod- with space propulsion in this range.
ifications required to reenter with the extra fuel
and equipment, an elaborate but approximate weight References
analysis was made. This analysis attempted to
account for variations in the percentage of weight 1. Love, E. S., and Pritchard, E. B.: A Look at
tied up in heat protection and structures as the Manned Entry at Circular to EYPerbolic Veloci-
vehicle becomes larger to include fuel and propul- ties. Paper presented at AIAA Second Manned
sion equipment. The analysis is subject to much Space Flight Meeting, Dallas, Texas,
question concerning the exact values used, but since April 22-24, 1963.
the use of atmospheric propulsion does not look
promising even in the case where this added weight 2. Becker, J. V., Baradell, D. L., and Pritchard,
is neglected, the details of the weight analysis E. B.: Aerodynamics of Trajectory Control for
are not of importance and therefore have not been Re-Entry at Escape Speed. Paper presented at
included in this paper. The results of this anal- the International Academy of Astronautics
ysis, however, are included in figure 16 as the Symposium, PariS, France, June, 1961. Also
band between the upper two curves to illustrate the published in Astronautica Acta, Vol. VII,
large effect that can result from modifying the Fasc. 5-6, 1961, pp. 334-358.
vehicle so that it is capable of reentering with
the fuel and associated equipment. 3. Baradell, D. L.: Lateral Range Control by:
Banking During Initial Phases of Supercircular
Reentries. NASA m D-1511, 1962.

=200 S.M., WICOS =200 LB/FT



o 3 4 YREQ. = RE (Qj + ).2) OR

Figure 2.- Maximum lateral range

Figure 1.- Lateral range obtainable by aerodynamics. required for "quick" return.

7 xI0 3
24 ,
aj,DEG \
6 90 3.5 \
20 \
3.0 "- "-

--- .B4



-- 1.0-----
2 0 - _ _._
-' 1.0 3.6
60 75 90
0 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90

Figure :;.- Lateral range required for "quick" Figure 4.- Maximum delay time for
return from space station orbit. return to Edwards AFB.

aj =30°1\90 0
24 '\ I
, I

16 '~, I
35° EDWARDS AFB 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.3 .8

HR 12

~ '~
42° NEW YORK STATE 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.2 .8
50° NORTH DAKOTA 2.2 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.1 .7
4 I
L ______.'-----'"-____ 70° ALASKA 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 .8 .5
o 4
71° THULE 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 .9 .7 .6 .4

Figure 5.- Maximum delay time for Figure 6.- Hypersonic Lin required to reach
return to Edwards AFB. various landing sites from a polar orbit.



LANDING SITE 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7
EDWARDS AFB 2.7 2.6 2.4 2.2 1.9 1.6 1.3 .8

EDWARDS + NEW YORK 2.4 2.3 2.1 1.8 1.6 1.2 .8 .8

EDWARDS + S.E. AUSTRALIA 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.2 .8 .8 .8 .8

+ NEW YORK 2.4 2.3 2.1 IS 1.6 1.2 .8 .8

I.B 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .9

1.6 1.1 1.0 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8




Figure 7.- Optimal spacing of multiple landing

Figure 8.- Hypersonic L/D required to reach
sites for return from polar orbit. multiple landing sites from a polar orbit.




Figure 9.- lateral range required for daily Figure 10.- Location of landing site to achieve
or twice daily return from a polar orbit. daily return with minimum ranging capability.

20 I I
0 0.5 1.0 15 2.0 25
i I I I I I

YREO.' Wj-Wf
LA~~7PAL 2

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

2 4

Figure 11.- Minimum lateral range required Figure 12.- Weight required to achieve
for daily return from inclined orbits. lateral range by aerodynamics.

4 4 ) < 300 S.M. L/D'O
(h ORB LID' 0.5 .0

Isp' 300 SEC .5

I ·300 SEC
{ SI:' S.M.
3 3
- TANK + ENGINE WT.· 0.20 2

3 -- 4 10 4
3 -3
1 2 M X 10-3 LATERAL

quired to obtain d Chipro

eve lateral
Figure ~ - rang
lateral Weight
e byrespace propulsion. 4 Weight
Figure 1.-
range by aero
r equire
dynamics Plus tospace
a pulsion.

SP 0- 4
6 VEHICL - __=
-----~L/D ALONE

I -------t~----- 4I
o 2 6 8 10 LA~ERAL
I 2

E timate d specific ge on weight
igure0 fair
15·- brea
s thing engines. Figure 16·-·Effect of lateral ran
n _ vehicle LID = 1.
impulse usIng a tmospher~ c propulsio

Asst • Chief, Aero-Physic ,
La:ngley Research ter,

Aerospace Engineer, Mission Analysis Group

Aero-Physics Division_---.
La:ngley Research Center NASA.

stagnation point

The environment associated with manned entry eq radiation equilibrium

is reviewed with the objective of hopefully arriving
at an entry vehicle class that shows promise of o at L/DaO
future mission versatility and a capability of entry
over a range of entry velocities from circular to p p~load
hyperbolic without large penalties for aerodynamic
performance. Such a multipurpose entry vehicle is 26 at entry velocity of 26,000 ftlsec
shown to be feasible to the degree that it would
appear to merit further study in consideration of Introduction
future entry vehicle needs. A U I H6 R..
The theme for this meeting, as given in the
Symbols meeting announcements and summarized in figure I,
is to review the trends and requirements for next
A ablation as main heat protection mode generation space programs, using the status of
to~ I s programs and technologies as the focal
CL lift coefficient point. Moreover, to assist in future planning, four
questions have been posed. These are:
en drag coefficient
1. Where have we beent
g deceleration, earth referenced 2. What have we learnedt
3. Where are we goingt
LID lift-drag ratio 4. What will we needt

M,P,F,G relative evaluations for landing apprOach: The studies from which the results to be given in
marginal, poor, fair, good this paper are drawn were stimulated by similar
questions directed toward and confined to.manned
Q heat load entry vehicles. For the most part we will deal with
the second question - what have we learned - but
q heat rate with an eye toward the others.

r nose radius As for where we stand DOW, figure 2 gives the

picture of the manned entry vehicles involved in
R radiative cooling as main heat-protection current programs in terms of their hyperSOnic lift-
mode drag ratio and nominal entry velocity. At the far
left with design entry velocities at orbital speed
S reference area are Mercury with LID of zero, Gemini with LID
of about 1/4, and X-20 or Dyna-Soar with an LID
T temperature of slightly less than 2. At escape velocity is
Apollo with LID of 1/2. We will not bother to
2-D two dimensional describe these vehicles further, since status
reports on each are scheduled for this meeting, and
VE entry velocity their basic features are well known.

W weight This picture raises some interesting questions

for the future if we assume that manned activities
€ emissivity in space are not only going to continue but will
become more frequent and of greater variety. For
7 flight-path angle example, what is the comparative growth potential
of these vehicles in terms of ability to adapt to
entry angle greater entry velocities (also lesser velocities
for Apollo) and to different missions? What LID
corridor width from undershoot to class, if any, including those outside the values
overshoot for these vehicles, would appear to merit special
attention in consideration of future entry vehicle
Subscripts: needst The question of mission growth potential
will be left to those giving reports on these vehi-
max maximum value cles, although the results to be presented herein
may aid in such an assessment. By and large it is
rad radiative heating difficult to answer any of these questions without
some knowledge 'of what type ,of missions will be
conv convective heating undertaken beyond those associated with these

L-3347 lIa this respect, most of us are uniquely ent'ry vehicle that shows promise of future mission
gifted in oh inability to predict the future. versatility and a capability of entry at circular
Neverthelesu, we can within certain restraints to hyperbolic velocities without large penalties
examine th~ probl.ems broadly with the hope of gath- for aerodynamic performance. Should this objective
ering at least some useful indications, if not not be reached, then hopefully the study would give
specific conclusions. a better feel for what we are up against in
attempting to arrive at such a vehicle class. It
For a number of reasons, among which are is beyond the scope of this paper to give a summary
included economics, the several years that tran- of results of all facets of the entry problem that
spire from conception to flight for any new entry were examined in the course of this study. In what
vehicle, and the accel.eration that could be afforded follows, we have selected examples that are believed
manned space activities, there would appear to be a to convey reasonably well a picture of the overall
place in the future for a multipurpose entry vehicle results. For these selected areas we will try to
that would satisfy the essential requirements of a summarize the results broadly, avoiding detailed
wide variety of missions, including variable entry delving into the specialty areas.
velocity. In the variety of missions, we include
not only the peaceful and sCientific, but possible Scope and Assumptions in Entry Calculations
mil.itary applications as well. This is perhaps not
as Utopian as it ~ first sound, if we accept the The entry velocities generally range from
idea of using an entry vehicle that, although it orbital speeds, or nominally 26,000 ft/sec, to
might not be ideally suited for a particular mis- 46,000 ft / sec. The latter value was chosen some-
sion, would be sufficiently versatile to do the job what arbitrarily; however, it is representative of
without major sacrifice in the mission objectives. entry velocities for a number of planetary missions.
Clearly, reuse would be a prime requirement in the Primary attention is given to values of maximum
vehicle design. Of course there is recognition LID at hypersonic speeds between 1/2 and 2; in
that in the spectrum of manned space activities
there will be certain missions requiring certain
some instances the limits are extended to ° and 3.

specialized entry vehicles, even should such a Although the advantages and disadvantages of a
multipurpose vehicle become a reality. variety of entry modes and maneuvers have been
examined, it is sufficient for the purpose of this
Although discussion of future manned missions paper to summarize the results for one representa-
is beyond the scope of this paper, one point is tive mode. ACCOrdingly, all results shown herein
worth noting. A look at possible future missions are derived from trajectory calculations that con-
quickly reveals an interest in a wide range of form to the following conditions. The undershoot
entry velocities. For example, figure 3 presents boundary is-assumed to be deceleration-governed by
the effect of orbit altitude (circular orbit) or a maximum of l2g. The overshoot criterion is a no-
apogee altitude (elliptic orbit) upon entry veloc- skip entry completed within one pass. Entry is
ity. Entry is assumed to begin at 400,000 feet. considered to be initiated-at 400,000 feet with the
Within the range of entry angles of interest for 'vehicle in a trimmed condition at either (L/D)max
manned entry, about 00 to 100, there is little or Clmax' A constant LID trajectory is main-
effect of entry angle upon entry velocity, except
.tained'trom entry to pullout. At this point the
when the orbit or apogee altitude is within about
vehicle is rolled so as to maintain a constant
1,000 miles or less of the earth. Onee the alti-
altitude flight path, i.e., roll or lift vector
tude exceeds several hundred miles, there is ini-
modulation is assumed. This maneuver is maintained
tially a marked increase in entry velocity. At
until the vehicle is unable to generate sufficient
6,000 miles out, the entry velocity exceeds
lift to sustain flight at that particular altitude.
30,000 ft/sec. At the higher altitudes the veloc-
An equilibrium glide maneuver at either (LID )max
ity increase with altitude lessens, but note that
at the altitude for a 24-hour orbit a vehicle will or CLmax is then initiated and flown to the
face an entry velocity near 34,000 ft/sec. More- landing point.
over, lunar and most planetary missions will
involve entries at escape speeds or beyond, unless The earth is considered to be spherical and
propulsive braking in some form is used. For these nonrotating with an atmosphere defined by the ARDC
reasons, entry velocity is considered to be one of 1959 model atmosphere.
the prime variables in studies of multipurpose
entry vehicles. The results were obtained by machine calcula-
tions for the region from entry to pullout and by
No attempt has been made to list the reference analytic methods from the pullout point to landing.
works that have already examined one or more
aspects of the entry problems that were reviewed in Discussion
the course of the present study. An extensive sur-
vey of the literature was part of this study, as Deceleration
will be evident from the compilation of data in
some of the figures. Accordingly, the list of ref- The maximum deceleration to be expected during
ences l - 45 appended hereto should be regarded as entry and its relation to entry angle and entry
typical rather than exhaustive. In some respects, velocity is reviewed in figure 4. Consider first
therefore, this study has been a review of what has the hatched areas which encompass entry speeds from
been learned from studies by others; in most 26,000 to 46,000 ft/sec. The values of gmax indi-
respects it has been a new examination; and in all cated by the curves in this area correspond to the
respects it has been an independent examination, maximum deceleration experienced during that portion
as will likely be evident. The objective has been of the trajectory involving deceleration from super-
to examine the environment associated with manned orbital to orbital speed. It is evident that as
entry at circular to hyperbolic velocities with the orbital speed is exceeded, peak g becomes increas-
hope of arriving at a general class of multipurpose ingly sensi ti ve to change in entry angle and that

for manned lifting entry at superorbital speeds, general.4 considered to be acceptable without
entry angle will be limited to roughly 100 or less. excessive demands on guidance requirements. It is
apparent, however, that at much higher velocities
Also shown are several. curves falling outside the corridor width will become undesirably small
the hatched areas. These correspond to suborbital and some widening by resort. to different entry
entry velocities and are included merely to bring modes, negative lift, propulsion-induced negative
attention to the important role that abort condi- lift, or the like, bears consideration. In these
tions may have upon peak. g. It is evident that studies, we have regarded positive lift as the nor-
there are marked effects of the velocity at which mal. mode of entry, but with negative lift capability
entry is initiated following abort, and of vehicle to be available, the latter to be treated as a
(LjD)max. Other factors which will not be treated safety feature to be used only in emergencies.
here, such as altitude at abort-entry, retro appli-
The effect of (L/D)max is much the same as
cation23 , 24, etc., have important bearing on abort
peak. g. Our examinations indicate that with a the case for deceleration, namely, that there is
capability to withstand the order of l2g, a lifting little to be gained by exceeding an LID of about l.
vehicle would be able to handle a wide range of Entry at C~, as contrasted with entry at
abort conditiOns. (L/D)max' is of interest because of the reduction
in total heat load that is effected. Note that
All of the results given in figure 4 are for there is no serious reduction in corridor width by
entry at (L/D)max; however, the picture is essen- entering at CImax. This might be expected because
Mally the same for entry at C~.
of the variation of LjD at Cl4aax with (L/D)max,
as will be discussed later.
At the steeper entry angles, the peak. g' s
experienced at overshoot (positive lift is employed Heating
in these examples) is shown to be significantly
lower for (L/D)max = 2 than for 112. Figure 5 Any examination of the heating picture for a a closer look at the peak g I S at overshoot as multipurpose entry vehicle as advanced herein is
affected by LID and entry velocity. These results confronted with the possibility that radiative
do not correspond precisely to the overshoot peak. heating may have a major if not dominant place in
g's indicated in figure 4, but essentially so. the heating picture at hyperbolic speeds. While
These are the peak. g I S experienced when the pullout good progress has been made over the past yea:r in
achieves a flight-path angle of 00, and the velocity the understanding of radiative heating and its pre-
at pullout is as shown. The main conclusion here diction, there remains much room for improvement.
is that increasing entry velocity brings about In particular, accurate methods of prediction for
marked increase in peak. g's at pullout, particularly areas considerably removed from the stagnation
at low LID. It is equally important to note that region and on afterbodies are urgently needed. In
there are sizeable benefits in alleviating peak. g's spite of these difficulties, some conclusions can
by increasing LID to about 1; however, further be drawn as to the role of vehicle type in radiative
increase in LID does little to alleviate peak g heating when we impose the requirement that it must
at pullout until very high entry velocities are have capability of entry at hyperbolic speeds. The
encountered. The same remarks apply for any given latter is an important factor to ·bear in mind in
value of entry angle between undershoot and over- what follows, for tenmination of the entry velocity
shoot. We cannot overlook the implication that the requirement at subescape speeds would alter the
peak. g' s shown here are going to be difficult to conclusions decidedly.
avoid without resort to other modes of entry or
maneuvers during pullout, such as skip, pitch- Attention is directed first to the right-hand
modulation, etc., some of which may be less portion of figure 1. Here is shown in a qualitative
desirable. v~ the heat load input to an entry vehicle in terms
of Btu's per pound of vehicle veight as a function
The dashed line in figure 5 represents the of entry velocity. TIro ballistic body types are
peak. g I s that would be experienced in an equilibrium considered; one is blunt with large nose radius,
glide following deceleration to orbital speeds. and the other is conical with small nose radius.
This merely serves to indicate that for LID I s of The curves indicate the convective and radiative
about 1/2 and greater the subortibal-speed portion heat inputs. At entry velocities generally falling
of the entry vill, at approximately escape entry in the subesca:pe regime, the advantage lies with the
speeds or less, generally produce peak. g I S greater blunt body since the heating is essentially all con-
than those experienced in overshoot pullout, whereas vective and the nose radius is large. As e~try
the overshoot pullout will usually produce the velocity increases the radiative contribution first
greater peak. g I S at hyperbolic entry speeds. becomes significant on the blunt body, but over a
narrow range of velocities the sum of the radiative
Corridor Width and convective heat load still remains less than
that for the conical body which is still deriving
The width of the entry corridor between under- nearly all of its heat load from co;nvective heating.
shoot and overshoot is of interest primarily from Further increase in velocity soon brings about a
the standpoint of guidance and flexibility of opera- reversal in the picture as the radiative load begins
tion. Figure 6 summarizes this subject in terms of to dominate. (Note that the ordinate is to log
the difference in entry angle between undershoot scale, the abscissa to linear.) The result is that
and overshoot, l!q& as a function of hypersonic at hyperbolic velocities the conical shape is more
(L/D)max. Increasing entry velocity drastically efficient from the viewpoint that it has less total
reduces the width of the entry corridor, from about heat input. Reference is made to the work of
a 100 maximum at orbital entry speeds to about a ~ Allen14 for detailed treatment of this subject.
maximum at 46,000 ft/sec. The latter width is

Guided by the foregoing considerations and the entry velocities. )breover, the maximum heat rates
resul.ts of AlJ.en14, Bobbitt 25 , and others, one can for entry at C~ are less sensitive to the value
draw a fair analogy between the pointed or slightly of vehicle (L/D)max. For entry at Cr.nax a
blunted cone of fairly large half-angle at zero multipurpose lifting entry vehicle having a l-foot
angle of attack and a pointed or Slightly blunted nose radius and capable of covering the velocity
highly swept delta shape at fixed high angle of range shown would be required to handle heat rates
attack, to conclude that if the former strikes an up to about 1000 Btu/ft 2sec. There is the overall
optimum in the tradeoffs between radiative and con- indication that in considering heat rates, it is
vectiveheating, the latter shoul.d have fair merit advantageous to keep (L/D)ma.x small.
in this regard. ACCOrdingly, we have selected the
latter class of vehicle as one deserving special
attention in the heating studies. Moreover, as has Figure 9 is merely a conversion of the heat
already been pointed out in the discussion of decel- rates of figure 8 to radiation equilibrium tempera-
erations and corridor widths, some lift is desired. tures with an assumed emissivity of 0.85. For
These two features, small nose radius and lift, act entry at CLmaxl the maximum radiation equilibrium
to reduce both the magnitude of the radiative temperatures waul.d range from about 30000 F to
heating and its relative importance to the total 65000 F, and to higher temperatures for entry at
heat .load. This is illustrated in the left-hand (L/D)max· .
portion of figure 7, where the ratio of radiative
heat load to convective heat load is shown as a Figure 10 presents the stagnation point heat
function of entry velocity for three vehicle types loads. The hatched band for any value of (L/D)max
representing different combinations of LID and covers the heat loads from undershoot (bottom of
nose radius. Note that the undershoot condition is band) to overshoot (top of band). The large reduc-
considered; this tends to accentuate the role of tion in heat load that is realized by entry at
radiative heating. Estimates of the ratios for the CLmax rather than (L/D)max is quite evident; and,
stagnation point and entire body are shown. These as in heat rate picture, is strong justifica-
estimates do not have the confidence level one could tion for keeping (L/D)max small, especially for
wish for, particularly the radiative contribution
and the entire-body estimates. Generous use has entry at (L/D)max. These factors direct interest
been made of the work of AlJ.en14 , Wick 20, BObbitt25, toward a design that gives (L/D)max near CLmax,
and others in arriving at these values, and where and that enters near CLmax and employs roll modu-
comparisons could be made, these estimates were lation to govern ranging. It is encouraging to note
found to be in reasonable agreement with those from that for entry at CLmax the increase in stagnation
other studies. The overall picture is felt to be point heat load with entry velocity is not overly
fairly reliable and at least capable of illustrating large over this velocity range, and in light of the
the marked reduction in the importance of radiative localized areas subjected to this increase, would
heating to the total heat load as LID is increased
and nose radius is decreased. The LID ~ 0 vehicle
appear to be tolerable from the standpoint of
is a hemisphere with a short cylindrical afterbody; increasing heat protection weight on a multipurpose
vehicle with increasing entry velocity, additional
the LID = 1/2 vehicle is of the Apollo type support of which will be given later.
entering at the attitude shown; and the LID = 1
vehicle is a highly swept, delta.-planform, lifting
body entering at C~ax. Some mention of the possible effect that use of
pitch modulation4,26-28 in the pullout might have
upon the results presented thus far seems appro-
In the heating resul.ts to follow a vehicle with priate at this time. In this connection, modul.ation
a loading W/s of approximately 35, a nose radius restricted to the regime between CLmax and
of 1 foot, and similar in shape to the LID = 1
vehicle has been assumed. The resul.ts of figure 7 (L/D)max is the mode of possible interest, with
and other examinations indicated that for this both lift and drag being modulated. The prime jus-
assumption, convective heating accounts for nearly tification for pitch modulation in pullout is reduc-
all of the total heat load, and that the convective tion of decelerations and widening of corridors.
heat rates far exceed the radiative, although at However, modulation of this type, as compared with
the highest velocities the radiative heat rate is pullout at CL.max' increases both heat rates and
significant at undershoot. For our purposes, theIl, heat loads. Estimates indicate that for LID ~ 1,
convective heating shoul.d give a reasonable picture the penalty in heat load is relatively moderate, but
of the environment. In the results to follow, the by no means insignificant; further increape in LID
value of W/SCL for entry at CLmax and the value soon brings about sizeable increase in the heat load
penalty. The prime questions are: in the absence
for entry at (L/D)max were assumed to be invariant of pitch modulation in pullout are the accelerations
with (L/D)max. so large and the corridor width so small that pitch
modulation in pullout is a necessity; or second, do
Figure 8 summarizes the maximum stagnation the advantages of incorporating pitch modulation in
point convective heat rates as a function of entry pullout justify the heating penalty incurred? For
velocity. It is evident that regardless of whether the highest velocity considered in this study, it is
entry is made near overshoot, undershoot, at doubtful that this point has been reached. However,
(L/D)max, or at CLmax' entry velocity has a major in light of the desirability of entering at high CL
effect on the heat rates. As has been observed in with subsequent roll modulation, the addition of
earlier stUdies by others, undershoot produces some pitch modul.ation capability for use during and
maximum heat rates much larger than experienced at after pullout - with roll modulation remaining the
overshoot; and, entry at CLmax' as contrasted with primary mode - might offer a fuller realization of
the aerodynamic performance potential without a pro-
entry at ( LID )max, has a decided advantage in hibitive ·heating penalty, provided LID does not
reducing maximum heat rates, moreso at the higher exceed about one and the pitch modulation is suf-
ficiently restricted.
Heat Protection work indicates that its achievement will likely be
accompanied by short material life or inherent
Figure 11 summarizes the results ot tigures 8 erosion, thereby inferring refurbishment at'ter each
to l.0 in the torm ot heat l.oad versus heat rate so entry flight, and in this respect would require a
as to establish in a general way the rel.ation ot refurbishing technique similar to that for a surface
the stagnation point heating to the materials pic- protected by ablation material.
ture. The l.ett end ot each curve corresponds to
entry at 26,000 tt/sec and the right end to A comparison of the two sides of figure 12
46,000 tt/sec. The hatched boundary is that sug- indicates that 'While current refractory metals can
gested by Robertsl.7 tor approximating the l.imits to adequately handle most of the surface areas of
which metallic shiel.ds can operate; tor exampl.e, manned litting vehicles entering at orbital speeds
the retractory metals can be expected to cope with and perhaps slightly higher speeds, other modes of
some 40 to 50 Btu/tt 2 /sec, and a copper heat-sink heat protection are required over much of the vehi-
approach woul.d be so heavy in handling heat l.oads cle if it is to have a high growth potential in
entry velocity. A review of the technology indi-
greater than about l.O,OOO Btu/tt 2 that it would
cates that of the several approaches that show
probably not be teasibl.e. An extensive review ot
promise, a refurbishable abl.ation shield appears to
the current state of heat protection technol.ogy
offer the best approach to this objective at this
indicates that barring rapid devel.opments in ceram-
time. Other approaches such as refractory metals
ics, transpiration COOling, and one or two other
might be satisfactory over large areas of the upper
approaches, abl.ation materials will be the most
surface for entry at CImax, particul.arly i f they
likely choice for the stagnation region of the
multipurpose vehicl.e treated herein. have life on a cyclic basis. On the other
hand, the use ot a refurbishabl.e abl.ation covering
Of greater concern, perhaps, than the heating over these areas as well may offer the greatest
to the nose or stagnation region is the heating of growth potential in terms of entry velocity, modes
the major surface areas of the vehicl.e. An esti- of entry, and therefore mission versatility.
mate of the maximum radiation equil.1brium tempera-
tures that woul.d exist along the streamwise center- In manned vehicles the greatest sat'ety to the
l.1ne of a delta-pl.anform litting body with man, and generally the greatest versat1llty for the
(L/D)max = 1 and entering at Cl,uax is shown in vehicle, come about by insuring that insofar as produced hazards and stresses are
the lett-hand portion of figure l.2. The assumed concerned, the lim1 t factor is the man and not the
emissivity is 0.85 as before. The hatched bands vehicle, otherwise man's fUll potential has not been
indicate the range of temperatures to be expected safely exploited. This woul.d seem to be a desir-
on the lower surface between undershoot (top of able philosophy to follow in selecting the heat
band) and overshoot (bottom of band) for entry protection system and load-carrying structure of a
vel.ocities of 26,000, 36,000, and 46,000 tt/sec. multipurpose entry vehicle as envisioned herein,
Note that there is a drop of onl,y a few hundred provided it is not carried to extreme. In this
degrees in progressing 20 feet rearward from the respect, our examinations have led us to conclude
tangency point of the surface with the hemispherical that there is much to be said for perfecting a
nose. refurbishable ablation covering technique in con-
junction with a cold load-carrying structure. Such
The curves showing the rapid decay in tempera- an approach allows the separation of the heat-
ture with distance rearward are for the upper sur- protection job from the load-carrying job, thereby
face centerline and the condition of overshoot. affording a choice of the optimum material and
Although these estimates are subject to consider- structure for each. A desirable and apparently
able uncertainty because there is insufficient reasonable goal is refurbishment at the operational
knowledge on how to handle the expansion over the site in a period of a few ~s or less by a tech-
upper surface, they should give some feel for the nique that lends itself to use of coverings of dif-
near-minimum temperatures to be expected on the ferent thickness, dependent upon the entry velocity
vehicle. of the mission to be undertaken or the sat'ety fac-
tor desired. HopefUlly, the technique woul.d also
In the right-hand portion of the figure is be able to capitalize readily on new and IOOre effi-
g1ven the status of the life of coated refractory cient abl.ation materials as they are developed.
metal sheet as summarized recently by Mathauser18 .
The different curves represent different refractory The effect upon vehicle aerodynamics of the
metals; it is not essential to our purpose to shape changes that accompany ablation might be an
identify each, but they include tungsten, tantalum, area of concern for vehicles with high hypersonic
molybdenum, and columbium, and they represent a LID if they require small leading-edge radii to optimistic average of test information. achieve their aerodynamic performance. Our examina-
The broad result is that present-day coatings can tions indicate that for vehicles with L/D's at
provide protection under continuous exposure of at least as large as one this question can be largely
least 1 hour at 30000 F to 100 hours at 25000 F, circumvented through appropriate design.
and that an order of magn1tude or greater decrease
in coating life is obtained under cyclic exposure As a final comment on the materials picture,
conditions. This serious degradation under cyclic much remains to be learned about the performance of'
temperature exposure reflects directly on the reuse- coated refractory metals, ablation materials, and
ability of refractory metal components in entry other thermal protection schemes during prolonged
vehicles. Added to Mathauser' s compil.ation is a exposure to space environment. Both laboratory and
band indicating a probable improvement in the pic- flight data now in hand and being accumul.ated indi-
ture from fUture coatings and/or ceramics as indi- cate some problem areas, but as yet nothing that
cated by current stUdies. This gain has not yet appears to be insurmountable for the IOOre promising
been realized for sheet-type application. Current approaches outside of the problems created by the

impact of fairly large meteoritic particles; fortu- and entry velocities. Information from recent
nately, impact by these larger particles occurs structure and material reviews, the aforementioned
infrequently. systems studies, and the existing manned programs
was used in making the weight estimates. Details
Weight of Entry Vehicles of the estimates will not be covered herein, but a
few comments on volume and equipment weights can be
Within the past year or so, a number of system given briefly. Internal volume was taken to be
studies have been made of entry vehicles by various 100 cubic feet per man. The weight of equipment
industrial organizations and government agencies. plus crew was assumed to be 2000 pounds for the
Much of this information is of a proprietary nature, I-man-l-d~ miSSion, 4200 pounds for the 3-man-l-day
or classified. Nevertheless, some indications of mission, and 5200 pounds for the 3-man-14-d~ mis-
the results of these studies can be presented if sion. These figures include a 500 pound unspecified
confined to a form that respects the interests of p~load item. Any equipment weight in excess of
the source. For these reasons, the sources of the these figures that is required for a mission is
data points in much of what follows are not assumed to be handled by appropriate distribution
identified. of items between the entry vehicle and a mission
Figure 13 presents the results of a literature
survey of entry vehicle system studies. At the top Consider first figure 14. The letter A desig-
of the figure is shown the variation in the ratio nates that ablation is the prime heat protection
of total entry vehicle weight at finite L/D to approach, R indicates a metallic radiation
total entry vehicle weight at L/D = 0, i.e., W/Wo , approach, and A - R that the weight ratio is rela-
as a function of hypersonic (L/D)max' Each point tively unaffected by the choice of either the abla-
tion or metallic radiation approach. The weight
represents a vehicle study. All of the points are ratios shown are for a I-day mission; however, other
for entry at or near orbital speed. The studies estimates indicated that the picture would be negli-
encompass 1 to 3 man vehicles and 1 to 14 day mis- gibly altered for a 3-day mission. The values of
sions. In some cases, in order to form the ratios wjwo cannot be defended any better than indicated
on a more common footing, it was necessary to
increase or decrease vehicle size slightly; the by the symbol size; however, the overall results
same applies to equipment. Whenever this was done, are believed to give a reasonably accurate picture
the procedures employed by the group who made the of the relative positions of the different vehicles.
original study were followed in making the revised Fortunately, the weight ratios are less sensitive
estimates. In any event, it can be stated with to the assumptions involved in the estimates than
confidence that the spread in the band at any value are the weights themselves.
of (L/D)max is far less an effect of the range of
The results in figure 14 indicate that low to
the variables just mentioned, than a reflection of moderate (L/D)max can be achieved without major
the vehicle type selected by those who conducted
increase in weight. The overall reduction of the
the original study, plus their differing views as
to the procedures for estimating structural and values of weight ratio in going from a l-man to a
equipment weights. The broad conclusion of this 3-man vehicle is, for the most part, simply a
survey is that at a given (L/D)max there is con- reflection of the much larger values of Wo for a
siderable room to exercise ingenuity in lowering 3-man vehicle. However, there is an indication
entry vehicle weight. The general indication that that the more marked increase in weight with
entry vehicle weight increases with (L/D)max, and (L/D)max that occurs near (L/D)max of 1/2 for
that at (L/D)max ~ 3 is of the order of two times the I-man vehicles is delayed to about (L/D)max
that at L/D = 0 for the same mission, seems of 1 for the 3-man vehicles. This effect is asso-
reasonably valid. ciated primarily with the relation of crew size to
the fineness ratio of the crew compartment that can
The bottom half of figure 13 gives the ratio be achieved with a specified volume, and to the
of payload weight to total vehicle weight as a func- flexibility in the choice of crew arrangement that
tion of hypersonic (L/D)max' There are a few less is possible in the design of a multiman vehicle as
contrasted with a I-man vehicle.
data points than in the figure above since some
studies did not give a breakdown of weights. The Figure 15 presents results for an entry veloc-
quantitative values are not overly important, since ity of 46,000 ft/sec. Note that in contrast to the
these are dependent on what one defines as payload. low L/D vehicles selected at the lower velocity
In this compilation, payload was assumed to include in figure 14, the low L/D vehicles selected in
the crew, portable instruments, etc. - any equipment figure 15 tend toward conical types with small nose
readily on-and-off loaded with each flight. Such bluntness, since they are believed to be more
items as on-board life support systems would not be representative of types suitable for this velocity.
included. The trend of the data is the important All results are for a three-man crew, a 14-day mis-
feature, in that it reflects the drop in payload sion, and all vehicles use ablation as the prime
efficiency for a given mission as L/D increases. heat protection approach. It is doubtful that the
estimates are more r~liable than the height of the
Following this survey of the literature, an
symbol bars. While these results must be considered
attempt was made to get a more refined picture of
tentative, they should give a fair picture of the
the variation of wjWo with (L/D)max' Figure~ 14 relative weights. For reasons given earlier
and 15 present the results for the entry velocities (decelerations, etc.) it is doubtful that vehicles
indicated and for the particular vehicle types and with (L/D)max less than about 1/2 will be con-
attitudes sketched. It is recognized that selec- sidered for manned entry at this velocity. With
tion of vehicles different from those shown could
this in mind, these results indicate that an
alter the results, but those selected should be
(L/D)max of about 1 can be realized without severe
fairly competitive in their respective L/D classes
increase in weight.
As an adjunct to these examinations of trends is shown by the dashed curve labeled P (denoting
in vehicle weight, figure 16 presents results of a reference to planform area). The curve labeled B
literature search conducted with the object of is for the same series of pointed half-cones and is
exposing effects of entry velocity and heat protec- included to bring attention to the importance of
tion approach. At the left is shown the ratio of reference area to the overall results (B denoting
total vehicle weight for a radiating metallic reference to base area). The use of base area was
approach to that for an all, or nearly all, ablative found to be generally misleading in a broad com-
approach. As would be expected, the trend in moving parison of configurations such as attempted here.
toward higher entry speeds, as indicated by the While planform area was used as the reference area
hatched band, is to shift the advantage to the abla- throughout, it is recognized that for blunt, chunky,
tion approach. These results are restricted to a vehicles that tend to dominate the picture at values
maximum longitudinal ranging during entry of about of (L/D)max of about 3/4 or less, it is a moot
10,000 miles, which would appear ample for most pOint as to whether planform area or base area is
missions. A much longer ranging requirement would the more logical choice.
alter the picture toward the favor of the radiating
approach, or a combined ablation plus radiation A literature survey of experimental studies of
approach. The (L/D)max of the vehicle also has entry vehicles at hypersonic speeds yielded the data
important bearing, with the lower L/D vehicles points shown, where the open symbols indicate
tending toward the top of the band and the higher results for untrimmed vehicles and the closed sym-
L/D vehicles toward the bottom, as roughly indi- bols represent trimmed vehicles. Bear in mind that
cated by the wavy lines; however, the trend with wing-body, all wing, and lifting body results are
velocity remains the same. As a general rule, the included. At first glance the picture is one of
higher the (L/D)max' the higher the entry velocity gross scatter, but if the points are ignored that
for which the radiating approach will remain com- correspond to vehicles whose shape was chosen with
petitive. No data are given beyond 36,000 ft/sec little desire for high C~ax capability, for
in that no system studies were found that gave example, the elliptic body type sketched at the
serious consideration to other than ablation at bottom, most of the open symbols for (L/D)max ~ 0.5
hyperbolic velocities. For a multipurpose entry and with CLmax:S 0.5 can be disregarded. The
vehicle capable of entry over a wide range of veloc-
ities, the results of this survey lend support to remaL~ng data fairly well bear out the trend of
the adoption of the ablative approach as the main the Newtonian envelope. Thus, the general indica-
mode of heat protection. tion from studies of vehicles made to date is that,
for those vehicles having good C~ax potential,
To the right in figure 16 is presented the an increase in (L/D ) max capability beyond about
results of a compilation directed toward defining
the increase in weight associated with increasing
3/4 to 1 cannot be counted on to yield significant
entry velocity for a given vehicle class, gain in CImax' ThiS, in turn, infers that beyond
(L/D)max ~ 1 in this case. All vehicles repre- (L/n)max of about 1 increase in lift capability
sented here were mainly ablation protected. Again, (not lift coefficient) comes about almost entirely
more detailed system studies are needed, but the by increase in planform area or vehicle Size, which
indication that the weight penalty for increased is generally accompanied by an increase in total
velocity potential is within the realm of practical weight. (This does not necessarily infer an
consideration is encouraging, and tends to bear out increase in wing loading.)
the view expressed earlier in the discussions on
heating. It is perhaps worth noting that absolute
values of C~ax higher than those shown are pos-
Relation of (L/D)max to C~ax and to L/D sible, but either CLmax or angle of attack will
at CLmax be negative in the usual sense. As an example, a
point at CImax ~ 1 is shown which corresponds to
The review of the heating problem has indicated a pointed cone with 45 0 semiapex angle and at large
the advantages of entry at CLmax and the desir- negative angle of attack (indicated by negative
sign beside symbol). Aside from the question of
ability of realizing a high value of CLmax' One
practical interest in such a shape at the extreme
question that presents itself is: at what value angle of attack required to realize this C~,
of (L/D)max does further increase in (L/D)max
the question of whether base area is a more logical
produce little gain in C~ax? This is, of course, reference than planform area for this and similar
not readily answered since it admits of an infinite shapes is raised.
number of entry vehicle shapes. An analytical
attempt toward an answer was made by applying Another question to be considered is: at what
Newtonian procedures to a variety of body, wing- value of (L/D ) max does further increase in
body, and all wing families. In each family of (L/n)max produce little gain in the L/D avail-
shapes one parameter was varied so as to cover a able at CLmax? This is important from the view of
range of (L/D)max' Only positive CL and positive realizing the advantage to the heating problem from
angle of attack (in the usual sense) were treated. entry at high CL and at the same time having sig-
An envelope was drawn about all the curves thus nificant L/D for cross-ranging and maneuver
determined. The resulting Newtonian envelope is during entry to a preselected landing point. Fig-
shown by the solid curve in figure 17. The peak in ure 18 presents the variation of L/D at CLmax
CLmax around (L/D)max of 3/4 or so reflects the
as a function of (L/D)max' The dashed line merely
input of several series of half-cone types as indi- indicates a limiting boundary which is the maximum
cated by the sketch at top. To illustrate, the increase of L/D at CLmax with (L/D)max, i.e.,
Calculated curve for a series of pOinted half-cones
(L/D)max occurring at CLmax' Two estimates are Landing
shown, one using a Newtonian polar, and the other
exact two-dimensional pressures at infinite Mach Low-g impact at landing is desirable for a
number. Experimental data from the aforementioned vehicle intended for reuse, such as the multipurpose
literature survey are seen to follow the general entry vehicle. Although conventional tangential
pattern of these estimates. landing is not necessarily the preferred mode to
accomplish this, it is of interest to see what con-
It is evident that there is considerable to ventional landing requires in the way of subsonic
gain in L/D at CLmax with increasing (L/D)max performance. In figure 20 a summary of landing
until (L/D)max of about one is reached. Beyond approach criteria (just prior to flare) derived from
pilots' eValuations is given in terms of wing
this there is relatively little to gain by
loading and subsonic L/D. The results for values
increasing (L/D)max' It is worth noting that L/D of CL of 0.2 and 0.3 are shown; these values tend
at CLmax ca,pnot be expected to exceed about 0.8,
to bracket the range of interest. The hatched zones
and that the Newtonian polar which was used in the are defined by pilots' evaluations, M designating
analytical trajectory studies of this paper is indi- marginal, P poor, F fair, and G good. One must
cated by these results to be a reasonable input. recognize that everything is relative in this
regard, and the boundaries between the zones are
Lateral Ranging fuzzy at best. Specific criteria for acceptability
would have the final sayso. Nevertheless, these
Aside from the factors already discussed, the evaluations do bring out logical trends and should
mission objectives relating to lateral ranging be generally adequate for the purpose of approxi-
during entry may have overriding influence on the mating desirable criteria for a multipurpose entry
choice of hypersonic (L/D)max for the entry vehicle. For example, if we assume an entry
vehicle. No attempt will be made to summarize this vehicle with a hypersoniC L/D of about 1 and
subject herein, in that the paper by Baradell and a wing loading in the neighborhood of 35 or so,
McLellan29 to be given at this meeting serves this a subsonic L/D of about 4 or more would be a
desirable but not an essential goal.
purpose. The paper29 examines the problem at
orbital entry speeds; however, other studies have
shown that increased entry velocity introduces no (L/D)max and Volume
particular difficulty in reaching a prescribed
landing point, and generally increases the accessi-
ble landing area. Figure 19 is a sample of the The foregoing discussion raises the question:
information contained in the paper. In this Is conventional landing attainable without undue
example, the maximum lateral range, and L/D, compromise to useful volume? One aspect of this
required to return from a polar orbit to a spot question is considered in figure 21, where a liter-
within the continental United States (Alaska ature survey of experimental studies of fixed geom-
excluded) is examined. These results show that an etry entry vehicles gives a feel for the relation
LID of about 0.7 will guarantee at least once-a- of hypersonic (L/D)max to subsonic (L/D)max'
day return to any spot in the continental U.S.
and their relation to volumetric efficiency. The
(Alaska excluded); an LID of about 0.9 will assure
experimental points show that the higher the sub-
twice-a-day return to the U.S.; an LID of about 1
sonic (L/D)max, the greater the possible spread
will provide at least twice-a-day return to any spot
on earth. Other examinations show that an L/D of in hypersonic (L/D)max' The boundaries denoting
about 1 will give at least once-a-day return to the values of the ratio of volume to the two-thirds
U.S. from an orbit of any inclination that passes power to planform area were derived from the same
over the U.S. (i.e., for the lowly inclined orbits source studies as the experimental data. The right-
any spot within the southern half of the U.S. would angle form of the boundaries is open to question
be accessible, and as orbit inclination increases but seems fairly reasonable. These boundaries are
the accessible area increases until the entire U.S. maxima in the sense that a given valued boundary
is accessible for orbits inclined greater than could move down or to the left, but not up or to
about 370 ) . the right. The overall results show that hyper-
sonic (L/D)max comes at greater expense to volu-
In a number of areas already discussed, the metric efficiency than does subsonic (L/D)max' Of
results point toward an L/D ~ 1 class entry vehi- particular interest, in view of the previous
cle as one meriting special consideration for a results, is the indication that a fixed geometry
multipurpose vehicle. A more complete examination entry vehicle with a hypersonic (L/D)max of the
of the lateral-ranging picture than covered herein order of 1 is capable of achieving subsonic
indicates that unless frequent or immediate recall (L/D)max well in excess of 4 while retaining rela-
is an overriding mission requirement, this same tively good volumetric efficiency. Other examina-
class of entry vehicle has adequate lateral-range tions indicated that good volume distribution can
capability. For a multipurpose vehicle frequent or be realized in a vehicle that has these
immediate recall in the usual sense takes on less characteristics.
importance as entry velocity is increased, since the
latter generally infers missions that are of longer Concluding Remarks
duration and more remote from earth. Moreover, as
the duration of even near-earth orbital missions is A review of the problems and environment of
increased to the order of several days or more, manned entry and entry vehicles for entry speeds
immediate recall to a prescribed landing spot between 26,000 and 46,000 ft/sec, some of the
becomes more difficult to justify as a normal mode results of which have been summarized broadly
of operation. herein, has indicated the following.

A reusable manned entry vehicle suitable for 7. Eggers, A. J., Jr., Wong, Thomas J. , Hornby,
entry at circular to hyperbolic velocities appears Harold, and Wyss, John A.: Some General Con-
practicable without incurring large penalties for siderations of Manned Lunar Return Missions.
aerodynSJDic performance. In the absence of propul- Paper presented at ARS Lunar Missions Con-
sive braking or the like, lift would be an essential ference, Cleveland, Ohio, July 1962.
requirement for such a multipurpose vehicle. The
general class of vehicle that shows considerable 8. Bryant, J. P., and Frank, M. P.: Supercircular
merit has a hyperSOnic (L/D)max of about one, and Reentry Guidance for a Fixed LID Vehicle
many of the arguments favoring this class are negli- Employing a Skip for Extreme Ranges. Paper
gibly affected by entry velocity within the range presented at ARS Lunar Missions Meeting,
considered. Entry at high CL, coupled with a Cleveland, OhiO, July 1962.
design that tends toward the realization of
(L/D)max near CLmax' appears desirable from con- 9. Adams, Macc.: A Look at the Heat Transfer
sideration of heating and lateral ranging. The Problem at Super-Satellite Speeds.
well-known alleviation of the heating problem by Preprint 1556-60, ARS, Dec. 1960.
entry at high CL is sizeable over the entire
10. Love, Eugene S.: Reentry Vehicles: General
velocity range, and entry at high CL produces no Concepts and Operational Modes. Reentry
significant detrimental effect upon peak decelera- DynSJDics. Bulletin of Virginia Polytechnic
tion or corridor width. With entry at high CL, Inst., Eng. Exp. Station Sere No. 150,
indications are that the increase in weight of an Vol. LV, No. 10, Aug. 1962.
ablation-protected vehicle in this class that is
brought about by increasing entry velocity is within 11. Becker, J. V.; Baradell, D. L., and Pritchard,
practical consideration. The recommended heat pro- E. B.: AerodynSJDics of Trajectory Control
tection approach is refurbishable ablation; however, for Reentry at Escape Speed. Astronautica
the use of a radiating metallic approach over sig- Acta, Vol. VII, 1961, pp. 334-358.
nificant surface areas is not ruled out for the
highest entry velocity of this study. Use of roll 12. Campbell, John P.: Low-Speed AerodynSJDic
modulation only as the entry mode is attractive Research Related to the Landing of Space
from the heating viewpoint; however, it appears Vehicles. Proceedings of the NASA-University
that the addition of some restricted pitch modula- Conference on the Science and Technology of
tion capability, with roll modulation as the primary Space Exploration, Vol. 2, Chicago, Ill.,
mode, might offer a fuller realization of the aero- Nov. 1962.
dynamic performance potential without prohibitive
increase in heating. Conventional landing appears 13. Trimpi, Robert L., Grant, Frederick C., and
within reach of such a vehicle without excessive Cohen, Nathaniel B.: AerodynSJDic and Heating
penalties in total weight or usable volume, and P;roblems of Advanced Reentry Vehicles. Pro-
with good volume distribution. ceedings of the NASA-University Conference on
the Science and Technology of Space Explora-
While more detailed systems and configuration tion, Vol. 2, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1962.
studies are and will be needed, particularly as
future mission requirements become better defined, 14. Allen, H. Julian: Gas Dynamics Problems of
this review has indicated the feasibility of the Space Vehicles. Proceedings of the NASA-
multipurpose entry vehicle to the degree that such University Conference on the Science and
a vehicle would appear to merit further study in Technology of Space Exploration, Vol. 2,
consideration of future entry vehicle needs. Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1962.

References 15. Canning, Thomas N.: Recent Developments in the

C"nemistry and Thermodynamics of Gases at
1. Allen, H. Julian, and Eggers, A. J., Jr.: A Hypervelocities. Proceedings of the NASA-
Study of the Motion and Aerodynamic Heating of University Conference on the Science and
Missiles Entering the Earth's Atmosphere at Technology of Space Exploration, Vol. 2,
High Supersonic Speeds. NACA TN 4047, 1957. Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1962.

2. Eggers, Alfred J., Jr., Allen, H. Julian, and 16. Goodwin, Glen, and Howe, John T.: Recent
Neice, Stanford E.: A Comparative Analysis of Developments in Mass, Momentum and Energy
the Performance of Long-Range Hypervelocity Transfer at Hypervelocities. Proceedings of
Vehicles. NACA TN 4046, 1957. the NASA-University Conference on the Science
and Technology of Space Exploration, Vol. 2,
3. Chapman, Dean R.: An Approximate Analytical Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1962.
Method for Studying Entry into Planetary
Atmospheres. NACA TN 4276, 1958. 17. Roberts, Leonard: Ablation Materials for
Atmospheric Entry. Proceedings of the NASA-
4. Chapman, Dean R.: An Analysis of the Corridor University Conference on the Science and
and Guidance Requirements for Supercircular Technology of Space Exploration, Vol. 2,
Entry into Planetary Atmospheres. NASA Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1962.
TR R-55, 1959.
18. Mathauser, Eldon E.: Research, Design Consider-
5. Gazley, Carl, Jr.: Deceleration and Heating of ations, and Technological Problems of Struc-
a Body Entering a Planetary Atmosphere from tures for Winged Aerospace Vehicles. Pro-
Space. Rand Rept. P-955, 1957. ceedings of the NASA-University Conference on
the Science and Technology of Space Explora-
6. Becker, John V.: Reentry from Space. Scientific tion, Vol. 2, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1962.
American, Jan. 1961.

19. Anderson, Roger A.: Research, Design Considera- 31. Scala, S. M.: Heating Problems of Entry into
tions, and Technological Problems of Struc- Planetary Atmospheres from Supercircular
tures for Planetary Entry Vehicles. Pro- Orbiting Velocities. General Electric Space
ceedings of the NASA-University Conference on Sci. Lab., R61SD176, 1961.
the Science and Technology of Space Explora-
tion, Vol. 2, Chicago, Ill., Nov. 1962. 32. Cohen, Nathaniel B.: Boundary-Layer Similar
Solutions and Correlation Equations for
20. Wick, Bradford H.: Radiative Heating of Vehi- Laminar Heat-Transfer Distribution in Equilib-
cles Entering the Earth's Atmosphere. Paper rium Air at Velocities up to 41,000 Feet per
presented at the AGARD Specialists' Meeting Second. NASA TR R-118, 1961.
at T.C.E.A. Rhode-Saint-Genese, Belgium,
April 1962. 33. Hansen, C. Frederick: Approximations for the
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of
21. Styer, Eugene F., and Zimmerman, Donald K.: High Temperature Air. NASA TR R-50, 1959.
Thermal Protection Structure for Lifting
Super-Orbital Entry. Preprint, IAS 34. Kivel, B., and Bailey, K.: Tables of Radiation
No. 62-103, June 1962. From High Temperature Air. Res. Rep. 21,
AVCO-Everett Res. Lab., 1957.
22. Anon.: Lift Entry of Manned Space Vehicles:
Generalized Determination of the Aerodynamics 35. Adams, Mac C.: Recent Advances in Ablation.
and Thermodynamics Associated with the Lift- ARS Jour., vol. 29, no. 9, Sept. 1959.
Vector Modulation Technique. Douglas
Rep. SM-42l20, Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc., 36. Lees, Lester: Convective Heat Transfer With
Aug. 1962. Mass Addition and Chemical Reactions. Pre-
sented at the Third Combustion and Propulsion
23. Slye, Robert E.: Velocity Requirements for Colloquium, AGARD, NATO, Palermo, Sicily,
Abort from the Boost Trajectory of a Manned Mar. 17-21, 1958.
Lunar Mission. NASA TN D-I038, July 1961.
37. Meyerott, R. E.: Radiation Heat Transfer to
24. Eggleston, John M.: Some Abort Techniques and Hypersonic Vehicles. Lockheed
Procedures for Manned Spacecraft. Aerospace Rep. L.M.S.D.-2264, Nov. 1957.
Engineering, Nov. 1962.
38. Kivel, Bennett: Radiation From Hot Air and
25. Bobbitt, Percy J.: Effects of Shape on Total Stagnation Heating. AVCO Res. Rep. 79,
Radiative and Convective Heat Inputs at Oct. 1959.
Hyperbolic Entry Speeds. Paper presented at
Ninth Annual Amer. Astro. Soc. Mtg., Los 39. Rose, Peter H.: Reentry From Lunar Missions.
Angeles, Calif., Jan. 1963. Preprint No.7, Lunar Flight Symposium, Amer.
Astr. Soc., Denver, Colo, Dec. 29, 1961.
26. Grant, Frederick C.: Modulated Entry. NASA
TN D-452, Aug. 1960. 40. Vaglio-Laurin, Robert, and Trella, Massimo: A
Study of Flow Fields About Some Typical Blunt-
27. Grant, Frederick C.: Analysis of Low- Nosed Slender Bodies. Rep. No. 623, PIB Aero.
Acceleration Lifting Entry from Escape Speed. Lab., Dec. 1960.
NASA TN D-249, 1960.
41. Anderson, Roger A.: Thermal Protection Systems
28. Becker, John V.: Heating Associated with and Structures for Reentry Vehicles. Reentry
MJdulated Entry into Earth's Atmosphere. ARS Dynamics. Bulletin of Virginia Polytechnic
Jour., May 1960, p. 504. Inst., Eng. Exp. Sta. Ser. No. 150, Vol. LV,
No. 10, Aug. 1962.
29. Baradell, D. L., and McLellan, C. H.: Lateral
Range and Hypersonic Lift-Drag Ratio for 42. Hildebrand, R. B.: Manned Return From Space.
Efficient Ferry Service from a Near-Earth Presented at the Sec. Internat. Congr.,
Manned Space Station. Paper presented at Internat. Council of Aero. Sciences, Zurich,
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43. Schmidt, D.: Ablative Thermal Protection for
30. Eckert, Ernst R. G.: Survey of Boundary Layer Aerospace Vehicles. WADD TN 61-48, Mar. 1961.
Heat Transfer at High Velocities and High
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Banking During Initial Phases of Supercircular
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45. Swann, Robert T.: Composite Thermal Protection

Systems for Manned Reentry Vehicles. ARS
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26 36 46

Figure 1.- Meeting theme. Figure 2.- Current manned entry vehicles.

FT/SEC x 10-3 (UDl MAX :0.5 (UD~=2
46 9 MAX


o B ~ ~
o 5 ~
Figure 3.- Effect of orbit or apogee
Figure 4.- Maximum deceleration during entry.
altitude on entry velocity.


L 25
,500 25,500

~ 41000 36,500
2 ~ 46,000
:-,. 41,000
..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~EQUILIBRUM GLIDE
'--__~____-L___ _
.L-":::::=::::::I~====!==="'-' 26,000 2 3 0 2 3
o I 2 3

Figure 5.- Effect of LID on maximum Figure 6.- Width of entry corridor.
deceleration at overshoot.

CWS ~ 50 LB/FT2 2
log B~
.5 .5

~~6------~3~6~~~~4~6~ 46 26 36

Figure 7.- Role of vehicle Figure 8. - Maximum stagnation

type in radiative heating. point convective heat rates.

(Teq) MAX
BTU/FT2 x 10- 3
of x 10-3' 600
10 (L/D)MAX


36 46

Figure 9.- Maximum stagnation point

radiation equilibrium temperatures (e = 0.85). Figure 10.- Stagnation point convective heat loads.

26,000 S VE S 46,000

WIN fhWf ?


I~~__________-L~__________~__________~ (OVERSHOOT)
10 102 103 104 o 5 10 15 20 I 10 100

Figure 11.- Stagnation point convective heating Figure 12.- Surface temperatures
in relation to heat protection. and material capability.


, 1;~/#jI;~/lljllli/I/;//~
:!L. IlillIIII$J;lPm/lll·;J P; II!JII///
Wo YI/llliI/III//lI/WI; / / A

o 3


.1 w
o 2 3 I 2 3

Figure 13.- Effect of maximum hypersonic Figure 14.- Effect of maximum hypersonic
LID on entry vehicle weight. LID on entry vehicle weight.

VE = 46,000 FT/SEC

3 o 3 MEN
x 9 MEN


2 3 36 26 36 46

Figure 15.- Effect of maximum hypersonic Figure 16.- Effect of entry velocity on
LID on entry vehicle weight. total weight of entry vehicle.


Ct.MAX, .6


o 2 3

Figure 17. - Effect of (L/D)max on CLmax for entry vehicles at hypersonic speeds.

800 1.0


.B .8
/ o
.6 400

o 2
o 30

Figure 18.- Effect of (L/n)max on Lin at CLmax Figure 19.- Maximum lateral range and Lin
for entry vehicles at hypersonic speeds. required for spot return from polar orbit.

VOLUME 2/3 )

2j ~

120 200 150 100 200 150 100

~ 4


o 2 4 6

Figure 20.- Landing approach criteria Figure 21.- Relation of hypersonic to

from pilot evaluations. subsonic (L/D)max for entry vehicles.



Leslie W. Ball
Director of Reliability,
Aero-Space Division
Thhoeing C~
Seattle, was~

Abstract timely production of high quality compon-

ents requires almost infinite capacity for
Von Braun has stated, "Reliability is the result painstaking care and attention to detail
of an almost religious vigilance and attention to by all elements of the organization, both
detail on the part of every member of a develop- management and non-management; this
ment team." Problems discussed in this paper is as true for a so-called conventional
are (I) how to manage people to attain such vigi- "old-line" product as for a new one."
lance, (2) how to organize reliability knowledge.
Purpose of This Paper
When a system is engineered and built by a
single, tightly knit team, vigilance can be achieved These two quotations are enough to establish
by inspiring leadership, and reliability experience that achievement of reliability in manned space
can be communicated verbally. When developed flight is a serious problem and that the solution
by several large organizations and hundreds of requires strict engineering discipline. In this
suppliers, and when subject to a multitude of econ- paper, nothing more will be said about the serious-
omic and political restraints, a formal manage- ness of the problem. Rather, an engineering
ment pattern is required. The author has develop- management system will be described. This
ed such a pattern through ten years as line man- system provides for development and application
ager, management consultant, and Reliability of formal discipline, wherever experience has
Director of a multi-project aerospace organization. shown that it is needed to help solve the space
This paper outlines the system of engineering reliability problem.
management practice that has been evolved to
provide the extreme reliability necessary forman- To communicate an understanding of this
ned space systems. ,A UTHDIL system, it will be necessary:

Reliability Through Discipline 1. to present a matrix of the activity groups

that are critical to reliability,
It is an old cliche that failure recurrence can-
not be prevented by changing the laws of physics, 2. to relate each activity group to the pro-
but only by changing the actions of people. In the bability of failure, and
manned space program, one of the most urgent
requirements is to change the actions of engineer- 3. to discuss program management, con-
ing people toward more intensive discipline. tracting, and purchasing in relation to
Wernher von Braun has expressed this requirement obtaining the required level of discipline.
for personal discipline in the following words:
Project Activity Groups It () rff-O Il
"Reliability is the result of an almost
religious vigilance and attention to detail All the activities in an engineering program,
on the part of every member of a develop- from conception to mission accomplishment, can
ment team, and the most important aspect be regarded as part of the ,following four primary
of every successful reliability program is functions.
to keep this vigilance alive. "
1. Programming
The need for improved engineering discipline 2. Designing
is not limited to the exotic items required by the 3. Manufacturing
manned space program. It is serious, even in the 4. Using
long established branches of engineering. For
example, in regard to metal forming in support Within each of these primary functions there
of the nuclear submarine program, Admiral are certain activities which are essential to build-
Rickover haR published the following statement: ing reliability into the product and into the mis-
sion. We will describe these activities by the
"The most prevalent inadequacy found in term "creation activities".
our audits is failure to recognize that

The "Pr'?$ram Creation" activity gro~p .i~c1udes A total program can be defined by combining
all those ac1\vities, such as program deflmtlon, the four functions of prograrrl, design, manufac-
planning, .~d funding, that are essential to putting ture, and use with the four aspects of creation,
people to 'ork. The "Design Creation" group of assurance, resources development, and operations
activities covers those things that are essential to evaluation. This combination into a 4 x 4 rrlatrix
making design decisions and to creating the draw- results in the sixteen activity groups illustrated
ings and specifications. "Manufacturing Creation" by Figure 2.
converts the design docUInentation into hardware.
"Use Creation" covers those transportation,storage, The terll:l "Quality" and "Reliability" have been
maintenance, and operation activities that are es- omitted from the Activity Group titles. These
sential for achieving the mission. Again, it is the words describe attributes of an equiprrlent that
"Creation Activities" that build reliability into a result from adequate discipline in all sixteen
product. activity groups. It is confusing when they are
used by therrlselves to describe one activity group
In addition to the "Creation Activities", manage- or one organizational unit, rather than a total pro-
ment has found it necessary to add many types of grarrl. However, they can be used without con-
"Assurance Activities". The assurance activities fusion as adjectives in phrases such as "Design
do not build reliability into a product directly. Reliability Assurance Staff" or "Reliability Derrl-
They do reduce the probability that errors or o~ onstration Test".
missions in the creation activities will escape de-
tection and cause failure. Qualification te sting of It should be noted that the 4 x 4 rrlatrix of activ-
cOrrlponents is an exarrlple of an activity that does ity groups can be used to describe any engineering
not create, but does help assure, reliability. prograrrl. This is true whether the purpose is to
achieve reliability, cost effectiveness, schedule
The difference between a rrlanufacturing creation control, or a,ny other managerrlent purpose or
action and a rrlanufacturing assurance action can be equipment characteristic.
illustrated by a rrlicrometer rrleasurerrlent of the
diameter of a steel shaft. When a rrlachinist rrlakes By our definition, a total reliability program
such a measurement to set a lathe tool, it builds covers all those activities that experience has
reliability into the product. It is therefore part of shown are critical to obtaining reliable product
"manufacturing creation". When an inspector operation. Sirrlilarly, a cost control prograrrl
rrlakes an identical rrleasurerrlent, but only to check would cover all those activities that experience
the work of a rrlachinist, it is part of manufactur- had shown were critical to cost control.
ing assurance.
It is unfortunate that Government procurerrlent
Combination of the four primary functions, pro- agencies have been de.veloping a series of specifi-
gram, design, manufacture, and use with the two cations, each of which requires a management
aspects, creation and assurance, results in eight prograrrl aimed at a single attribute. For exarrlple,
"Project Activity Groups". These groups are il- MIL-Q-9858 seeks to require a rrlanagerrlent system
lustrated by Figure 1. that will produce quality and MIL-R-27542 seeks
to require a rrlanagement systerrl that will produce
Total Engineering Programs reliability. Other docUInents have bean prepared
to require value engineering, rrlateriel rrlanagerrlent,
In a total engineering prograrrl, project work is and other worthy attributes.
preceded by "Developrrlent of Re source s". Also,
the project activities, including the reliabilityas- It is the author's opinion that a single "Prograrrl
surance activities, are subjected to an "Operations Managerrlent Requirerrlents Specification" should be
Evaluation" or audit systerrl. prepared. Such a specification would require a
managerrlent system covering the sixteen act~vity
The "Re source s" that must be developed and groups shown in Figure 2. It would require enough
made available for project application consist of: discipline to ensure that any attribute, such as
reliability, quality, or value was achieved to the
1. Procedures extent called for by the systerrls specification.
2. People
3. Facilities Critical Activities
4. Suppliers
To develop effective engineering disciplines,
"Operations Evaluation" of project work rrlust each Activity Group is broken down into rrlore
provide, for each activity, answers to the follow- specific "Activities ", then each Activity into even
ing questions: more specific "Activity Iterrls", and then each
Iterrl into a group of "Checkpoints". For exarrlple,
1. Are adequate resources available? in the Boeing Aero-Space Division Reliability Pro-
2. Are they being properly applied? grarrl Plan, the first Activity in the Design Crea-
3. Are they being effective? tion Activity Group is "Systems Engineering".

One Item in this activity is "Establishment of an The ways in which deficiencies in manufactur-
Environmental Stre s se s Specification". Some of ing disciplines reduce the intended strength are
the Checkpoints for this Activity Item are: innumerable. The most common example is that
of imperfect soldering reducing vibration
1. Manufacturing Stresses strength of connections.
2. Transportation Stresses
3. Storage Stresses Figure 5 illustrates that lack of design or use
4. Checkout Stresses discipline can cause failure of a perfectly manu-
factured item. Also, lack of manufacturing dis-
The reason that any checkpoint item, such as Man- cipline can cause failure of a perfectly designed
ufacturing Stresses, is included in the reliability and used item. In between there are values of
program is simple. It is, experience has shown. stress and strength for which failure is caused by
that failure to include such stresses in a system combinations of design, manufacturing and use
engineering environmental specification has caused discipline deficiencies.
failures in previous equipments.
We will now express in symbolic form the dif-
Relation of Primary Functions to Failure Probability ference between creation and assurance activities.
We will use the symbol Pdcx to represent the
Twelve years ago. Robert Lusser related stress probability that the design creation will produce a
and continuous strength variances to failure prob- stress "x", and the symbol Pdax to express the
abilities. Shortly afterwards. as a consultant to probability that the design assurance function will
Redstone Arsenal, I extended Lusser's analysis to allow such a stress to escape through the design
include discrete strength discrepancies. Today, review and testing system. Similarly, we will
we will restate some of this analysis in a manner use the symbols Pucx and Puax for the probabil-
that will provide a direct relationship between ity of a use stress in excess of the design intent,
failure probabilities and engineering disciplines in and the symbols Prncx and Prnax for the manu-
the areas of programming, design, manufacturing, facturing strength. We can then write:
and use.
Pfx = [<Pdcx X Pdax) + (Pucx X Puax)]
Figure 3 illustrates the ideal case of a product failure design use
so manufactured that there is no strength variance, probability = stress probability
and so applied that there is no stress variance.
For any value of ''x'', Pfx the probability of failure, X (Pmcx X Prnax)
is equal to Psx the probability that the stress will manufacture
be greater than "x", mUltiplied by Pwx the prob- X strength probability
ability that the weakness will be less than "x".
Putting this into symbols, we write: Relation of Programming to Failure Probability

Pix = Psx X Pwx It would be excessively expensive to apply every

available discipline to every item in every program.
For all values of x, either Psx Qr Pwx is zero. Consequently, one of the purposes of program
Therefore, for the ideal case, the probability of planning is to express management decisions on
failure is always zero. which disciplines will be applied to which items of
equipment. These decisions are discussed in the
The Lusser concept of overlapping stress and ''How Much Discipline" section of this paper.
strength probabilities is illustrated by Figure 4.
At the risk of outraging our mathematical col-
The effects of imperfect discipline in design. leagues, we will use the symbol Ppc to represent
manufacture, and use are illustrated by Figure 5. the probability that a discipline will be omitted by
Imperfect design discipline can result in stresses the creators of a program plan, and the symbol
that exceed the limit assumed in a safety margin or Ppa to represent the probability that its omission
failure rate calculation. For example, if an elec- will escape through the program assurance func-
tronic circuit designer does not design against tion. We can then write the non-mathematical
surges incidental to switching, these surges may symbolic expre s sion:
produce voltages or currents in excess of the design
intent. Similarly, imperfect disciplines in use can
produce stresses that exceed the design intent. For
example, shocks caused by dropping an equipment
on a floor may far exceed the design intent. An out-
standing example of use stress exceeding design
limits was the subjecting of the 720 aircraft over
Florida to negative accelerations of almost 4G.

Pf = (Ppc X Ppa) require the seller to define his own discipline for
failure program each critical activity. The third step is to nego-
probability creation X tiate a seller-prepared program plan for applying
assurance and funding each discipline. These plans must be
probability flexible enough to permit the seller to improve on
them without waiting for buyer approval.
X [(PdC X Pda) + (Puc X PuaU
design use Development of Discipline by Experience Retenticn
creation X creation X
assurance assurance There is a real danger that any license to
probability probability develop discipline will be abused by subjective
prejudices. This danger exists even though the
X (Pmc X Prna) disciplines are developed by the seller's own
manufacture functional executives. In the Boeing Aero-Space
creation X Division Reliability Program there is no place for
assurance such abuse. Our only basis for deve'Ioping dis-
probability cipline is through our Failure Experience Reten-
tion System. This system is completely objective
The sole purpose of this symbolic expression is because it follows the highly reputable procedure
to illustrate that the probability of a particular of the "scientific method ".
mode of failure depends on the level of discipline
in all eight Project Activity Groups. The technique of applying the scientific method
to reliability technique has been discussed in
Buyer or Seller Discipline several papers by the author. The "OBSERVE"
step covers failures that occur in the research
Practically all representatives of industry ex- laboratory, during manufacturing test or in opera-
press opposition to a buyer-seller relationship in tional service. The "ANALYZE" step includes
which the buyer tells the seller not only WHAT he analysis of each failure in terms of human actions
wants, but HOW it is to be produced. Specifica- and what can be done by managers to so discipline
tions in which the buyer describes how engineering these actions that failure will not recur.
is to be managed, or manufacturing is to be per-
formed are considered as contrary to the ethics of The principal "HYPOTHESIS" is that if lessons
the free enterprise system and therefore as un- from failure analyses are fed back into documents
American. and future work is done in accordance with these
documents, reliability will be achieved. Of course,
While pressing the case for intensified discipline, it is recognized that documents do not achieve
this author supports the industry viewpoint. The results by themselves. They must be used in the
constraints imposed upon the seller should be to dedicated atmosphere described by the quotation
develop and adhere to his own self-imposed dis- from Dr. von Braun. The documents that we use
ciplines. The seller has a legitimate right to for reliability experience retention are divided
identify those Activities that experience has shown into the following three types:
must be disciplined and he must develop the in-
house ability to evaluate competitive management 1. Training and Motivation Texts
proposals. But, the seller should specify neither 2. Directive Documents
the method nor the organization required to achieve 3. Operations Evaluation Checklists
these disciplines.
The first type provides for teaching and inspir-
In some cases, a seller may choose to impose ing people, the second for directing them, and the
upon himself disciplines that represent an industry third for objective self-checking and independent
standard. For example, in the case of welding of checking of compliance with the disciplines re-
pressure vessels, a procedure developed through quired by a project program plan.
American Welding Society, may be chosen by a
supplier as a standard for his own work. Even in The "TEST THE HYPOTHESIS" step in the
the design area, a discipline such as for electronic scientific method consists of contracting for new
parts selection, may be developed by an industrial equipment in a way that will ensure retrieval of
group as an industry standard. However, adoption the lessons that have been learned and fed back
of such standard should be a voluntary decision into the failure experience retention documents.
made by the supplier. It is our practice to develop, for each reliability
critical activity, "Procedures" which are suitable
The use of program plans in support of con- for call-out in Project Reliability Program Plans
tracts provides the mechanics to establish neces- and which require application of the necessary
sary discipline s within the free ente rprise system. resources in technology, people, facilities and
The first step is for the buyer to identify those supporting suppliers.
critical activities for which he requires the seller
to have formal disciplines. The second step is to

How Much Discipline 3. Develop Operations Evaluation Checklists
and Procedures such that conscientious
The dominant purpose of any Project Reliability workers can check themselves and can be
Program is to reduce the cost of mission accom- checked by others in a systematiC, objec-
plishment. In the case of manned space flight, the tive manner.
term "cost" includes a value placed upon the life
of an astronaut and a value placed upon the nation-
al prestige that may be lost through unreliability.

The question of how much discipline to require

on each project then becomes a systems engineer-
ing problem of trade-off between the cost of each
discipline and the cost of unreliability that could be
caused by omission of the discipline. We have
attempted such cost studies at the level of a total PROJECT ACTIVITY GROUPS
system and down to the level of a single component,
such as a connector. L PROGRAM CREATION 5. PROGRAM ASSURAt«;E

2. DESIGN .. 6- DESIGN ..
For example, consider the discipline of "cer-
tification of the workers" who assemble transistors.
The cost per transistor for the discipline might be
$10- 3 , the probability of failure might be decreas- 4. USE .. 8. USE ..
ed from 10- 6 to 10- 8 , and the cost per failure
might be $10- 4 . The cost per failure prevented
then would be $1,000 and the savings per failure
prevented would be $10,000. This would indicate Fi,.r. I .IOBa IELIAlILITY PlOGIA. &al'ln GIIIPS
that the cost effectiveness of this particular dis-
cipline for this particular part had an advantage of
ten to one.

In the aerospace industry, we are still chron-

ically short of reliability cost data. We lack data
on the cost of applying each discipline, on the
probability of failure being caused by its omission,
and on the cost of each failure. A concerted nation-
al effort is required to get such data. Without it
our reliability program management decisions are
just educated guesses.

Conclusion PROJECT FUtCTlONAl.

A study of history shows project fail, or even that PROOUCT PROOUCT RESOURCES OPERATIONS
nations fall, when discipline give s way to anarchy. CREATION ASSURAM:E DEVaOPr.'ENT EVALUATION
In the case of aerospace engineering, we have the
scientific knowledge to conquer space, and we have PROGRAM l. PC 5. PA 9. PRD 13. P(E
a growing body of reliability technology being gen-
erated by experience retention, but knowledge with- DESIGN 2. DG, ' /6. DA 1Q. DRD 14- D(E
out discipline is not enough. To conquer unreli- I
MAMlFACTUitE 3. W;' : 1. MA : ll. MRD 15. M(E
ability, the partnership between industry and the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration USE 4. UC 8. UA 12. URD 16- U(E
must do these things:

1. Ensure an adequate industry-wide Reli- FI,.r. 2 TOTAL IElIUllan 'IOGU. Aal,an GIOUPS
ability Resources Development Pr~m
based on failure analyses, including
failures predicted by theory or produced
in research experiments.

2. Develop Contracting and Purchasing

Methods that ensure application of these
resources in a disciplined manner.




Pfx = Ps x Pw = 0


11m> Pw



Pfx = Ps x Pw. FINITE IN REGION xl TO x



_ _ _- ' - _ - - , . - -_ _h _ _ _






I hJ,
'i r"1-FI{.tJ f
INTRODUCTION High energy protons emitted during solar flares
are another radiation constituent. The intensity,
Space radiations have received considerable at- frequency duration and return periods for these
tention over the past few years--and have been events are not yet adequately known. It is known
cited, at various times, as a factor limiting or pro- that the course of a flare event is dependent upon
hibiting manned space flight, or as being completely the intensity of the flare itself, the preconditioning
insignificant. Depending on the attendant conditions, of interplanetary space by the variable lower en-
any of these observations may have been correct. ergy solar plasma and the geometry between the
sun and the place of measurement. The presence
A space radiation analysis requires (1) a model of the geomagnetic field also influences the course
of the ambient radiation environment, (2) a model of the event in the vicinity of the earth.
of the spacecraft or body which interacts with the
environment and (3) the physical relationships Therefore, flare events as measured near
which describe the interactions. A number of mod- earth have shown differences in intensity by many
el environment and spacecraft data will be dis- orders of magnitude. As a result of the rather
cussed. However, the purpose here is not to pre- complex occurrence model and the poor statistics
sent new data, but rather to indicate the analytical to date, the procedure for considering flare events
procedures that are necessary to properly consider has been to select one or more design events,
radiations in spacecraft design; selected from the most severe recorded, to repre-
sent the conditions to be expected. Three such
design events are 23 February 1956 and two ver-
SPACE RADIATION ENVIRONMENT sions of the 10 May 1959 flare. The first derived
from Foelsches plot, and the other two derived
A satellite orbiting within the magnetosphere of from Winckler's observations and from a later
the earth will encounter protons and electrons NASA version 6 , 7.
moving in an oscillatory north-south motion and
drifting in longitude around the earth. These par-
The differential kinetic energy spectra for the
ticles comprise the Van Allen belts. The size,
events are shown below:
shape and variability of these belts have been well
treated in the literature. The measurements made
to date have shown a region of electrons and pro- dN = 2.563x 10- 1 KE-1.2985 dE ; 0.60<E
tons of the inner belt and a region mostly of elec-
trons in the outer belt. < 130 Mev

The number versus energy distribution of inner dN 7.859x10-1KE-1.4460dE.130<E

belt electrons or spectra at low altitudes as re- 2
ported by members of the Van Allen group agrees < 550
well, in form, with estimates based on earlier
measurements I, 2, 3. This spectrum, extrapo- dN3 2.957 x 103 KE- 2 . 5520 dE; 550 < E
lated to the peak flux altitude of the belt, is shown
in Fig. 1. Also shown are the spectrum of elec- < 1600
trons at the peak of the outer radiation belt* and
the fission electron spectrum believed to be repre- dN = 6.961 x 1011 KE- 5 . 040 dE; 1600 < E
sentative of the peak of the artificial radiation belt. 4
A flux contour chart of the natural electrons at one < 5000
longitude is shown in Fig. 2. It should be noted
that, due to asymmetries of the magnetic field, dN5 2.802 x 10 22 KE- 7 . 850 dE; 5000 < E
this cross section is not constant at all longitudes.
< 10,000
In passing through matter, say the walls of a
spacecraft, some of the energy of the electrons
goes into the creation of gamma rays from the nu-
cleus of the absorbing material. These brems-
K ~S
5.0 x 10 protons fcm -sec-

strahlung gamma rays must also be considered as

part of the radiation dosages that result from the ster (1)
Van Allen belt electrons. High energy protons of
the inner Van Allen belt are another radiation con-
stituent. Their energy spectrum and flux contours dN = 9.39 x 10 9 E- 4 . 8 dE 20 < E < 10,000 Mev
are shown in Fig. 3. These data are plotted in the
4 (2)
B, L magnetic field coordinate system of Mcilwain .
The electrons of the artifical radiation belt are also dN 6.268 KE- 2 . 07 dE; 5 < E < 60 Mev
5 I
plotted in the same coordinates

1. 3755 KE- 3 . 95 dE; 60 <E < 10,000 Mev

*As given bY Dr. Van Allen 10 tfie ARS Space Fhgfit
Report to the nation.
K =' ~ , S'"
dN . =
3.988 x 10 10 protons /cm 2 -
Preliminary Estimate of Radiation for Two-
Week Equatorial Orbit at 600 Naut Mi
sec-ster (3)

Note that the second spectrum is of an instanta- Aluminum Shield

neous flux. It was assumed that this flux lasted for Thickness (gm/cm2)
about 30 hours. The third spectrum is time inte-
grated, and the first was assumed to be that of the Source 2 6 10

peak flux- -which decayed in intensity as t -2 (with Van Allen Belt protons 223.0 119.6 85.4
t in hours). Secondary neutrons 1.5 3.2 3.6

The next constituent is cosmic radiation, con- Van Allen Belt electrons 0.0 0.0 0.0
sisting primarily of high energy protons and alpha Secondary X-rays 12.7 8.8 7.6
particles, but also including significant amounts of Artificial belt electrons 31,233.0 0.0 0.0
nuclei of heavier elements. The equation of the Secondary X-rays 184.8 159.4 154.0
cosmic radiation flux is given as Cosmic rays "-1. 0 ---1. 0 ---1. 0
8 Solar flare protons 0.0 0.0 0.0
N (> E) = O. 3 (1 + E'- 1. 5; 5 x 10 < E Mev
292.0 251. 6
Our knowledge of the space radiation environ-
ment has improved greatly in the last three years.
In this time, there have been significant revisions From this first analysis, it appears that the
in models of the intensity of the trapped radiation-- space radiation would be a significant factor on
with correspondingly significant changes in the as- this mission. If we assume that our spacecraft
9 2 2
sociated hazard . A number of solar flare proton structure would be at least 6 gm/cm ("-12 Ib/ft ),
occurrence models have also been presented over then electrons would not be much of a hazard. If
this period--and this is still a major area of un- there were any parts of the craft which might be
certainty among different groups. 2
2 gm/cm or less, then electrons would be a very
great hazard. We also see that by 6 gm/cm the
PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF HAZARD X-rays are the largest component of dosage.
Furthermore, they have decreased only a few per-
General Dosage Plots 2
centiles between 6 and 10 gm/cm , whereas the
proton dosages have decreased almost 30%.
Assuming the correctness of the environmental
model, it remains to determine the extent to which It would appear that a higher atomic number
these radiations must be considered in the design material should be used behind the aluminum.
of a spacecraft. To do this, we must first qualify This would increase the absorption of X-rays.
the environmental model with respect to the mis- But an observation of this kind is only qualitative
sion under consideration. To first size the prob- and could be misleading if used for design. The
lem, it is helpful to convert the environment from higher atomic number material might increase the
a distribution of particle fluxes to radiation dos- dosages, if not preceded by the right amount of
ages as a function of thicknesses of a standard aluminum. Generally, an analysis of this type
absorber. We have done this, using a number of does not yield design information, but gives an
. 10 11 indication that there may be a radiation hazard.
ruM programs deSCribed elsewhere ' . Plots
of dose versus aluminum absorber obtained with
the use of these programs are shown in Figs. 4 If this is indicated, then generally, for any
through 7. given spacecraft weight, the design which surrounds
the crew with the most uniform distribution of
The effect of orbital parameters on radiation spacecraft materials will offer the best radiation
dosages in the Van Allen belts is shown in Fig. 8. protection. Therefore, if at this point in the pre-
The effect of the geomagnetic field in screening liminary design there are some tradeoffs possible
out solar flare particles is shown in Fig. 9, for between propellants and heat shield- -or between a
the 10 May 1959 solar flare. The proton energy localized or more uniformly distributed heat shield--
cutoffs used in the preparation of these data were high mission dosages would favor the diStributed
obtained from the solar plasma model of Obayashi heat shield as more efficient than the other two.
and Hakura, as given in Ref. 7.
Initial Design Dosages
Initial Specific Evaluation
The next step is to determine the radiation
We can now make a first evaluation of the dosages within the initial design: For this to be
radiation hazard, using as an example a two-week of any additional value over the first estimate, it
equatorial earth orbit at 600-naut mi altitude. is necessary to analyze the design in detail as to
Table I shows radiation dosage schedule, within arrangement and composition of materials. Con-
three thicknesses of aluminum, from the various sider, for example, two adjacent equal-area sec-
constituents. tions of a spacecraft with net thicknesses of 0.2

and 1.0 gmf cm • respectively. The sum of the is a complex irregular target with varying absorp-
Van Allen belt proton doses (from Fig. 4) passing tion properties, radio sensitivities and damage tol-
through each of these sections is about 17% greater erances. The dosage values shown in the various
than the dose through the average thickness of 0.6 figures have been entrance dosages. It is over-
2 conservative to consider these as whole body dos-
gm fcm . This error depends upon the degree of
averaging and upon the steepness of the dose ver- ages. because this neglects self-shielding within
sus absorber curve. It would thus be considerably the body--which reduces the dosage as the radia-
larger for the May 1959 type of solar flare event tion proceeds through the body. One approach to
than for either the protons of the Van Allen belt or estimating whole body radiation has been to assume
the February 1956 type of solar flare. a regular homogeneous shape--such as a water
sphere--and determine the dose at a number of
In Ref. 10, radiation dosages within an Apollo
depths which can be used to evaluate total absorbed
command module were evaluated. The average radiation dose.
vehicle thickness was 13.86 gmfcm • Using this Aside from the errors introduced by the model,
value to approximate the shielding effectiveness of the advantages of using a regular shape are negated
the spacecraft gives dosages that are considerably by the fact that the body entrance doses coming
lower than determined using a multilayer. multi- from the asymmetrical irregular spacecraft are
section analysis of the spacecraft. These factors not isotropic. Using a more complex shape for the
are 5.41. 1. 2 and 1. 25. respectively. for the May body model complicates the calculation considerably,
flare event. the February flare event and the inner but does not offer any great improvement unless the
belt protons. Other reasons for providing a de- radiation anisotropy is included. However, any
tailed geometric analysis of the spacecraft can be improvements in whole body dosage estimates are
seen from Table II. for two early Apollo command limited by the usefulness of the whole body dosage
12 itself as the index of radiation damage.
modules .
The relative radiosensitivity and tolerance of
TABLE II different regions of the body have been considered
in the recent development by NASA of a body model
Proton Dosages After Flare of 10 May 1959* and schedule of allowable dosages to different re-
gions of the model. While this model is not very
Within L2C Within M-l-l refined, it represents a significant step toward bet-
Command Command ter evaluation of the actual body damage. The intro-
Module Module duction of a finite shape and a number of dosage
(rad) (rad) check points complicates the dosage calculations
Neglecting CM
equipment 1306 397 The dosage calculations using the body model
may be set up using the body as an extension of the
Including CM spacecraft, or vice versa--whichever gives the
equipment 130 75 simplest geometry. We have no absolute measure
of the geometric detail required, but it would ap-
*Unprotected man--18,099 rad. pear that as much as a factor of 5 in improved ac-
curacy would result from a 400 section by 8 layer
spacecraft representation versus a simple average.
Although there are significant dosage differen- Another factor of 2 error might result from using
ces between the two designs, the difference in a a single absorber, instead of the actual materials
comparison made without evaluating the effects of planned for the spacecraft. These calculations for
inboard equipment would erroneously favor the a single combined spacecraft and body model might
second design. One should also not attempt to require four or five hours of IBM 7094 time for
draw conclusions as to the types of design pro- each dosage region. No one, as yet, has performed
viding better radiation protection. This was shown a parametric error analysis to determine the ac-
when an evaluation of another command module, curacy as a function of analysis detail.
similar in design to the L2C (aft-re-entering cone),
gave a radiation dose lower- than: the first two-- Physical Factors
namely 51 rad. This was later attributed to a more
extensive ablator on the cone- walls. together with a Implicit in the analysis has been the availability
number of other factors, none' of which pointed ill of computational procedures to determine the inter-
advance to such a large decrease ill dosage. action between the radiation particle sand matter--
whether this be represented as a uniform spherical
Another justification for the detailed geometriC, absorber or a spacecraft of complex shape and com-
and composition analysis is that, in order for the, position. These procedures, or programs developed
results of the dosage determinations to provide in~ from the physical equations, comprise the interac-
puts to design, it is necessary to know where Hie fun model between the spacecraft and the environ-
dosage "hot spots" are located. Therelore" the- ment models. The development and scope of the
_ 10 11
dosage contribution from each spacecraft· regiOn. programs used are discussed elsewhere '
must be available from the calculatfon in the fOL"ln
of dosage distribution maps. Suffice it to say that, because of the broad energy
distributions of each of the space radiation constitu-
Radiobiological Factors ents and the significance of secondary radiations,
these computational procedures must be capable of
Another important factor, when dealing with accep.ting the environment model in great detail and
manned spacecraft dosages, is that the human body following interactions through a number of very

small increments of absorber. As an example con- determine whether this is a practical means of re-
sider the Van Allen belt electrons. If the inne; belt ducing the hazard. On a Mars or Venus mission
were represented as a nonenergetic beam and if the the total dose from cosmic rays could become cdm-
2 parable to the solar flare dose, as shown in Fig.
passage through, say, 1 gm/cm were determined-- 1~. There might be little value in rescheduling the
using only one or two depth sections--then the re- fllght to a year of less solar activity, because the
sulting bremsstrahlung dosage estimate might not
increase in dosage from cosmic radiation might
be more accurate than a factor of ±20.
more than offset the decrease in dosage from flare
particles. But this cannot be determined without
Operational Factors additional analysis.
The preliminary analysis may show that the PRELIMINARY DESIGN EFFORT
hazard may be considerably reduced or eliminated
by a modification of one or more of the operational Following these preliminary analyses, "firmer"
factors. These include trajectory, mission dura- values of configuration and lor mission will evolve.
tion and date. An obvious modification to reduce A more detailed radiation analysis can then be per-
the dosages shown in Table I would be to lower the formed and fed back into the design groups. At this
orbital altitude. Choosing an orbital altitude of
point, some items may be "frozen"--for example
400 miles would reduce the dosages by a factor of
the mission profile--but some gross features of the
almost 100, as can be seen in Fig. 8. configuration may still be modified. The more de-
tailed analysis, which provides dosage distribution
To substantiate this effect, it is necessary to maps, will be useful in formulating these modifica-
calculate the dosage, using the complete mission
time and the proper orbital elements. It was tions.
:nentioned that the Van Allen belts are irregular
m shape. The effect of the irregularities is that . We recently completed a preliminary design analy-
SIS for a LEM spacecraft, using the body model men-
the trapped radiation environment is not uniform
tioned previously. Figure 11 shows the patterns
in anyone orbit and may also vary considerably
among successive orbits. used in this analysis. The results were as follows.

For an extreme example, take a 100-naut mi The average radiation dose from the NASA model
of the May 1959 flare inside the LEM (preliminary
orbit injected at 0° latitude and 0° longitude at an
design configuration) was 7456 rad.
inclination of 40°. We found that no Van Alien belt
protons were encountered until the middle of the
seventh orbit. Then, in an interval of 2.7 minutes The maximum eye dose was 2020 rad.
(n9rtheast of Madagascar) about 17. 50/0 of the total
The maximum blood-forming organ dose was
12-hour orbital dose would be received. The re- 133 rad.
mainder of ~he dose would be received over a peri-
od of 8.4 mInutes, as the satellite passed over
The maximum skin dose was 2814 rad.
Mozambique and Madagascar. The significance of
the injection point and- -in turn- - the launch site is The maximum extremity dose was 9900 rad.
also apparent from this example.
Note the nonuniformity of the dose and the fact
In preparing the data used in Fig. 8, an attempt
that the maximum extremity dose was larger than
was :nad~ to smooth out these irregularities by
the average entrance dose in the crew compartment.
considermg 12 hours as the unit of exposure time.
T.his approxi:nation would be poor for the case just
Figure 12 shows the shield weights versus the
dIscussed, smce each of the next four or five orbits
probability of not exceeding the maximum allowable
would probably encounter Significantly higher parti- dosages for this spacecraft. The probabilities were
cle flu.xes as the orbit passed through the South
derived from the environmental occurrence model.
Atlantlc anomaly. Unless the complete mission is
Shielding of each other by the two crewmen and
used in the calculation, it is doubtful whether the
shadow shielding by the moon were also considered
radiation flux for the mission can be obtained more
in this analysis. Associated with this figure would
accurately than within a factor of two or three. be a set of dosage distribution charts, which locate
For the radiation constituents trapped in the the dosage "hot spots. "
geomagnetic field, these calculations would prob-
ably need about one hour of 7094 running time for
every three days in orbit. It is desirable to pre- DESIGN EFFORT
serve the (or flux) history in the calculations,
so t.ha~ the tlI?e and space locations of the high Figure 12 and its supporting data are the results
radla.tlOn reglOns will be known. In the case just of analyses performed during the preliminary de-
mentlOned, the short exposure periods might sug- sign phase. Figures 13a and 13b represent an at-
¥est the use of a garment-like radiation shield to be tempt to .trace o.ut the procedure during the main
mflated with water during intervals within the belt engmeermg desIgn effort which would follow. This
and later drained back into a reservoir. Small wa.s done for the L.EM mission, starting from the
orbital maneuvers to avoid the edge of the belt pomt where a prel1minary configuration has been
might also be considered. evolved a?d using define? values of mission and pay-
load. ThIS may be conSIdered as the beginning of
Cosmic radiation intensity and solar flare fre- the design effort.
q~ency vary inversely and directly, respectively,
wIth the solar activity cycle. If the re sults of the The radiation analysis effort has three major in-
preliminary radiation analysis showed these to be puts, as shown. Each of these requires improved
or more detailed values as the design effort proceeds.
significant contributors to the mission dosage, then
Input da~a format ~s indicated next, leading into pre-
ehanges in the launch date could be examined to processmg of the mput for the dosage calculations
which utilize the environmental, the configuration radiation considerations.
and the body models--and the radiation interaction
models. The adequacy of our existing input pre-
processing techniques is shown by the shaded box REFERENCES
1. Pizzella, G., Laughlin, C. D. and 0' Brien,
To support the dosage calculations, an experi- B. J., "Note on the Electron Energy Spectrum
mental check on the accuracy of the interaction in the Inner Van Allen Belt, " Journal of Geo-
model is available from irradiated sample test phys. Research, Vol. 67, No. 9, p 3281, 1962.
panels. If the dosage allowables are not exceeded,
the next step is an experimental verification, using 2. Walt, M., Chase, L. F., Cladis, J. B., Imhof,
more detailed spacecraft and body model sections. W. L. and Knecht, D. J., "Energy Spectra
If the experimental checks do not support the analy- and Altitude Dependence of Electrons Trapped
sis, then modifications to the spacecraft, body or in the Earth's Magnetic Field, " Proceedings
interaction models are indicated in terms of the of First International Space Science SymposlUm,
two-way connection and the analysis repeated with Nice, 1960.
indicated modifications.
3. Dessler, A. J., "Letters to the Editor,"
If the allowables are exceeded and the experi- Journal of Geophys. Research, Vol. 65, No.
mental check is satisfactory, then a dosage allevia- 10, p 3487, 1960.
tion study would be made. This major substep is
shown in Fig. 13b. Three categories of alleviation 4. Mcilwain, C. E., "Coordinates for Mapping
techniques are shown, together with examples of the Distribution of Magnetically Trapped Parti-
each. These techniques are then evaluated, con- cles' " Journal of Geophys. Research, Vol. 66,
sidering dosage alleviation relative to penalties No. 11, p 3681, 1961.
that may be imposed elsewhere in the system, as
indicated. 5. Hess, W. N., "The Artificial Radiation Belt
Made on July 9, 1962," Journal of Geophys.
Some of the techniques will be found impractical, Research, Vol. 68, No. 3, p 667, 1963.
or inefficient. One or more may offer considerable
promise. The evaluation could require cooperation 6. Foelsche, T., "Protection Against Solar Flare
with many--if not all--of the project technical areas, Protons, " presented at 7th Annual Meeting of
with the government and with the command module American Astronautical Society, Dallas,
contractor. For example, a possible alleviation January 1961.
technique may be removal of part of the command
module shielding by the crewmen for use during the 7. Winckler, J. R. and Bhavsar, P. D., "Low-
LEM portion of the mission. Energy Solar Cosmic Rays and the Geomag-
netic Storm of May 12, 1959," Journal of
Following the alleviation studies, the recom- Geophys. Re search, Vol. 65, N'o.lf,-p2'!r3 7 ,
mended technique (or techniques) can be imple- 1960.
mented and the analysis procedure continued until
the goal is reached. 8. Jacobs, G. C., "Proceedings of Conference
on Radiation Problems in Manned Space Flight, "
NASA TN D-588, NASA Headquarters, Wash-
SUMMARY ington, D. C., 1960.

From the foregoing discussion, it can be seen 9. Russak, S. L., "Radiation Dosages from Elec-
that consideration of radiation shielding require- tronics and Bremsstrahlung in the Van Allen
ments is achieved "bootstrap" fashion in a series Belts," presented at Symposium on Protection
of feedback analyses. Inputs from various tech- Against Radiation Hazards in Space, Gatlinburg,
nical specialty areas, such as flight mechanics, Tennessee, November 1962.
structures and configuration design, are used to
help define the radiation hazard. The radiation 10. Beck, A. J. and Divita, E. L., "Evaluation of
analYSis, in turn, furnishes data to these specialty Space Radiation Doses Received Within a Typi-
areas--and these are used to make modifications cal Spacecraft, " ARS Journal, 'Vol.' 32, No. 11,
which will reduce the radiation dosages without P 1668, 1962.
adverse functional or operational effects.
11. Beck, A. J., Divita, E. and Russak, S. L.,
Even a small amount of radiation shielding "Evaluation of Space Radiation Safety Pro-
saved by the relocation of an already existing com- cedures in the Design and Operation of Some
ponent is well worth the effort. In this regard, all Early Manned Lunar Vehicles, " Proceedings
the components and materials of the spacecraft may of the Sixth Symposium on Ballistic Mlssile
be thought of as part of the radiation shield "sub- and Aerospace Techriology, Vol. 3, p 365,
system." This subsystem is then designed, along Academlc Press;-NeviYi5fk, 1961.
with the other subsystems, so that specific shield-
ing mass is kept to a minimum. Furthermore, if
shielding is required, then proper provision for its 12. Russak, S., "Designing for Space Radiation, "
storage or mounting can be made. Aerospace Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 10, P 60,
This all implies that a high degree of systems
integration capability must be available at the be-
ginning of the preliminary design effort and that
those performing that function need to recognize
some of the problems and procedures of space

_ _ _~3 x 10 5

14 x 10
1.5 x 10
2.1 x 10
4.2 x 10

2.1 x 10
1.5 x 10
10' t--c-----="'-~_

4 x 10
3 x 10

o 1961 OUTER BElT, J *3.2XlO


(~ 1962 INNER BELT, J '2,2X10



to'O.OI 0.1 to



i MAllO. 1959

c. 220 ~

O.lBJ~ 1956 5QAR FLARE


O·06°l 2
0.[140 ABOVE 10 MeV
IG· -.- '"100
1.00 1.2() 1.40 1.60
I.'" 2.00
2.20 2.40 260



Iff II?
l i f 1 - - - - -__


'- 23 fEB 1956 SOLAR EVENT
1O-l j ~

1O- QI 1.0 10 100 1000
Fig. 5. Neutron Secondaries from Space Radiation Proi)ns
Fig. 6. Elect..., Dose Rates



102 j
Wi j


10 0.1 LO 10

Fig. 7. X-Ray Dose Rates


100 400 l~ 2~
Fig. 8. Variation of Geomagnetically Trapped Radiation Dose with Orbital
Altitude and Inclination



10 10 102



FROM TN 0--681

MAY 10. 1959

1O-1+LJtL-.-;;:-_""7.:_----:>_ _. - - _ - , -_ _ __
00 ~ ro ~ ro ~ ~




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 750







'S[(fIG. llII.






Frederick J. Bailey, Jr. •

Chief, Office of Reliability and Flight Bafey ~
NASA ~ed Spacecraft Center ~~ , Ill},

~, I I""""

During the past year, about 20 hours of flight team made up largely of operational personnel and
experience in manned space operations was accumu- an Inspection Board chaired by the Operations
lated in Project Mercury. Although the actual Director. This approach proved quite effective in
flight tillle was quite short, the preflight prepara- accomplishing such improvements as could be retro-
tions were extensive and considerable experience fitted or incorporated into the fabrication of sub-
was acquired in the development and practical sequent articles, but it could not, of course, cure
application of operational procedures intended to difficulties frozen into the basic configuration.
reduce the hazards of these flights.
For programs beyond Mercury, requirements for
The flights themselves also showed up several checking and servicing equipment have been given
areas where the unique character of spacecraft greater consideration in the initial spacecraft
operations requires special protective measures in layouts. In an effort to get the necessary details
the design of spacecraft systems and equipment. engineered into the hardware at an earlier stage
than was done in the Mercury programs, the Devel-
The purpose of this paper is to describe some opment Engineering Inspection program is being
of the operational practices which have proven extended by holding additional inspections, with
effective, and to call attention to design areas somewhat smaller inspection teams, on each of the
where special measures seem indicated to reduce major subsystems during the subsystem development
hazards peculiar to space operations. and qualification program.


The operational procedures that have proven The next problem to be faced is the problem of
valuable in efforts to augment flight safety are assuring that the spacecraft, when it leaves the
listed below: factory, is complete, contains only :f' qualified
parts, has been thoroughly checked out, and that
Development Engineering Inspection, Factory all peculiarities observed at any tillle during the
Rollout Inspections, interface controls, Flight assembly and checkout process have been reported to
Safety Reviews, and environmental and operational the operational crew.
mission simulations.
One solution to this problem that has demon-
DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING INSPECTIONS strated its effectiveness in the Mercury program
bas been the procedure set up by the Air Force and
The first problem encountered in trying to Aerospace Corp. for Factory Rollout Inspections on
operate a spacecraft safely is the problem of the Mercury-Atlas launch vehicles. The key feature
getting it designed and built so that it can be of this program was the establishment of permanent
operated safely. Spacecraft equipment mustnot technical teams of specialists assigned to each
only operate, it must also be checked to verify major subsystem of the launch vehicle. These teams
that is is operating or ready to operate. Systems reviewed in detail the status of each subsystem and
must be planned from the start in order that the its performance in the integrated systems tests at
necessary checks can be made without incurring the the factory prior to acceptance of the vehicle for
hazards associated with breaking into plumbing and shipment.
electrical circuits. Equipment requiring frequent
replacement or servicing must be located and This concept of a Factory Rollout Inspection
designed so that these operations can be performed for the spacecraft as well as for the launch vehi-
without disconnecting or damaging other equipment. cle has been adopted in other MSC programs.
Electrical disconnects, particularly, must be in
sight and wi thin easy reach if the very serious It has also been found desirable ~t inspec-
hazards associated with bent or broken pins are to tions required during final assembly and test of
be avoided. the spacecraft at the factory be performed by in-
spectors from the operational group, and that
Because of the severe space and weight re- engineering personnel from this group participate
strictions and the limited experience available at in the integrated systems and final factory accept-
the tillle the design was laid down, the Mercury ance tests of the completed spacecraft. This pro-
spacecraft has presented very serious problems in cedure is helpful in minimizing the amount of tear-
these areas. Successful operation has been down and reinspection required at the launch site.
achieved only at the expense of the most pains- More important from the standpoint of safety, this
taking and tillie-consuming effort in reverification procedure acquaints the operational group with any
of disrupted circuits. possible symptoms of trouble that may assume sig-
nificance during subsequent checkout tests at the
The procedure adopted in the Mercury program launch site.
in an effort to inject some of these requirements
derived from operational experience into the space- INTERFACE CONTROL
craft hardware took the form of a series of Devel-
opment Engineering Inspections conducted on each Another important requirement that became
spacecraft as it neared completion by an inspection evid'ent early in Mercury operations is the need

for special measures to maintain effective control change that is of vital Significance to him.
over the inter.faces between major systems of the
space vehicle. These systems are designed and The approach taken in the Mercury program to
built under the cognizance of different engineering minimize these risks has been a particularly com-
teams in ~ferent parts of the country. Coordina- prehensive series of Flight Safety Reviews con-
tion as to details of interface equipment location ducted on each mission in the week preceding the
or relocation is difficult. The structures in- launch. These reviews are conducted by a NASA
volved are large and flexible. They are subjected Flight Safety Board which includes, among others,
to large loads and experience surprisingly large the Operations Director and the astronaut making
distortions, particularly during the atmospheric the flight. Separate review meetings are held on
phase of flight. Under such conditions, inadequate the launch vehicle, the spacecraft, and finally the
physical clearances between various pieces of complete mission. The Air Force, in addition,
equipment and structure in the interface are an holds its own in-house reviews of the launch
ever-present risk. vehicle.

Any debris left in the interface can also The object of these meetings is to review with
become a hazard if it can wedge between tank domes the engineers and inspectors directly responsible
and adapter walls in such a way as to produce local for the checkout of each space vehicle subsystem
stress concentrations. all information that exists on the prior history
and current status of that subsystem. The dis-
Electrical system changes are rather fre- cussions cover in detail all difficulties observed
quently required in the launch vehicle or space- in checkout and all changes made as a result of
craft. Each proposed change in any system has to these difficulties or as a result of the analysis
be examined for possible effects on other systems of data from previous flights and ground test
through the interface wiring connections. The risk programs. The discussions also include verifica-
that incorrect or obsolete wiring diagrams may be tion of the qualification status of all equipment
used for this purpose cannot be ignored. and of the useful life remaining in limited-life
items. In the case of the launch vehicle they
To reduce these hazards in Mercury, it was include consideration of any pertinent difficulties
necessary to create an official Interface Committee, in the other programs where it is used.
reporting independently to the Operations Director.
This Interface Committee was made up of engineers The meetings are conducted in as an informal
and inspectors selected from each of the organiza- and leisurely manner as possible to encourage full
tions involved in the preparation of the space ve- and frank discussion of every potential trouble
hicle for flight. The committee was assigned re- area. The basic philosophy governing the dis-
sponsibility for witnessing all launch site activi- cussions is that a launch must not be undertaken
ties involving the interface and to verify that as long as any observed difficulty remains unex-
correct physical clearances existed, that equipment plained or uncorrectei.
was properly secured, that the interface area was
clear of debris, and that official wiring diagrams These review meetings have been quite
showed the exact configuration of the electrical effective in concentrating attention on the
circuits actually existing on the space vehicle on detailed engineering problems of each vehicle. At
specified dates. the time of launch there has been no doubt in the
mind of anyone involved as to the prior history
Although the Interface Committee approach has and flight readiness status of all systems.
been effective in preventing difficulties in Mer-
cury flights, additional measures are being taken MISSION SIM!JLATIONS ON ENVIRONMENTAL SPACECRAFT
in later programs in an effort to prevent some of
the problems from getting as far as the final In all MSC programs an attempt is made to
assembly of the vehicle at the launch site. No achieve the earliest possible flight date with
matter how effective these measures become, how- hardware that advances the state-of-the-art. The
ever, it is still not possible to eliminate the problem is to decide just when each mission can be
requirement for a final verification of the con- undertaken with an acceptable level of safety. The
dition of the interface late in the launch prepa- approach that MSC has taken has been to design our
rations. In all probability the need will grow spacecraft systems with sufficient redundancy to
since future vehicles carry hypergolic liquid absorb the expected number of random failures of
reaction-control fuels in this area. It is parts without serious consequences, ana to carry
necessary to continue to inSist, therefore, that out a ground and unmanned flight-test program that
adequate access and procedures for interface will assure detection and correction of all "built-
inspection are a safety requirement in all future in" or "early development" sources of system
space vehicles. failure. It can never be completely proved, how-
ever, that the test program has uncovered the last
FLIGHT SAFETY REVIEWS of these sources of failure. Some risk will always
remain that a mode of failure associated with pro-
Preparations for manned space flight involve longed operation will not have been revealed.
the coordinated effort of many people working in
different locations and responsible for different To minimize this type of risk, it is impor-
systems and subsystems of the space vehicle. tant that selected phases of the ground test pro-
Changes to the hardware and changes in plans are gram be continued throughout the entire manned
frequent and unavoidable. Under these conditions flight program.
there are substantial risks that mistakes will be
made, that important symptoms of trouble will be One phase of the Mercury ground test program
unrecognized and unreported, or that someone some- that has proven particularly valuable in dis-
where will not get word of a supposedly innocuous clOSing problem areas of this sort has been a

program in which the complete spacecraft has been Zero-g environment, structural deformation,
subjected to a series of simulated flights in a heat removal and equipment temperature control, and
simulated mission environment. In several in- fuel management.
stances, this program called attention to effects of
the vacuum and thermal environment on spacecraft ZERO-G ENVIRONMENT
components that could have caused considerable
difficulty in flight. This program has also been Probably the most insidious hazard to relia-
extremely useful in verifying the effectiveness and bility associated with the space environment is
safety of the many changes that have been made to the possible effect of zero g on spacecraft equip-
the spacecraft for various reasons. ment that is not completely free of debris. In
orbit, every void in the spacecraft from the
A program of this type, run continuously pressurized cabin itself down to the interior of a
throughout the life of the flight program, now transistor or relay, including all gas and liquid
appears to be an essential safety feature of any tanks and lines, becomes a region where debris that
future manned space program. would normally be held fairly securely in place by
the earth's gravitational field now floats freely
MISSION SIMULATIONS about under the influence of magnetic or electro-
DURING PRELAUNCH PREPARATIONS static fields, fluid currents, or surface tension
A final feature of the Mercury program that
deserves mention in connection with flight safety Under these conditions filters and screens
is the attention given during the prelaunch prepa- become imperative in all liquid and gas systems
rations to rehearsals and simulations designed to to protect close tolerance valves, orifices, or
increase the proficiency of the pilot and ground impellers. Indeed, the most obvious manifestation
controller team. of the phenomenon in Mercury was the stoppage of
the unscreened cabin ventilating fan by debris in
The most significant finding in the Mercury two of the early unmanned flights. This debris was
program to date has been the convincing evidence present despite clean-room fabrication of the
that the pilot can function effectively in the spacecraft, plus a very intensive effort to clear
space environment. This demonstration that the it of debris by repeatedly inverting and tumbling
space environment does not degrade pilot pro- it.
ficiency is extremely important to the safety of
space flight operations. As a result of this Obvious protective measures also require com-
finding, the flight procedures may be planned to plete elimination of exposed electrical contacts
take full advantage of the pilot's well-known capa- ~here that sufficient debris could exist to
bility for detection of rapidly developing mal- short them. There may conceivably be still more
functions and for shutdown and switchover to back- subtle effects, however, where interactions be-
up systems or to alternate modes of operation. tween electrostatic and magnetic fields and accumu-
Many system malfunctions develop more gradually, lations of floating particles may have significant
however, and require study and analysis by system effects on equipment operation. Since these phe-
specialists on the ground before intelligent nomena, if they exist, cannot be reproduced on
corrective action can be taken. Maximum safety in earth, a great deal of imagination may be needed to
space flight can only be achieved by coordinated visualize the nature of such problems and to deter-
handling of problems by the pilot and the ground mine the protective measure required. The brute-
monitoring team. force solution of perfect cleanliness seems, from
past experience, to be unattainable. In any event,
To develop maximum proficiency in this joint it will become more difficult as we move toward
effort, Mercury preflight preparations have in- micro-miniaturization where smaller and smaller
cluded a comprehensive series of simulated flights particles of debris become capable of shorting out
with special simulation equipment and with the the more closely spaced electrical paths.
actual flight vehicle during the period just pre-
ceding each space mission. These simulations were STRUC"I'URAL DEFORMATIONS
made extremely realistic. They not only served to
verify the feasibility of planned procedures and Because of the requirement for lightness,
provide crew practice for the expected flight plan, launch vehicle tanks, adapters, and the spacecraft
but also included a wide range of emergencies itself are all susceptible to rather large dis-
deliberately introduced to show up areas where im- tortions under load. During the atmospheric phase
proved planning might be needed to eliminate all of flight, dynamic pressures approach 1,000 pounds
possibility of confusion or indecision. Preflight per square foot at Mach numbers in the transonic
mission simulations of this type will continue to speed range. Under these conditions fluctuating
be an essential safety requirement for any future pressure distributions may produce rather severe
space mission. buffeting loads and fluctuating wakes. Early in
Mercury development flights several cases were
FLIGHT SAFEI'Y PROBLEM AREAS encountered where structural reinforcement or
redesign was required to prevent- failure, or where
Up to this point, a few of the preflight increased clearances had to be provided to reduce
operational procedures used in the Mercury program the risk of interference or damage under load.
that appear to have special merit in increasing the
safety of space operations have been discussed. It is not feasible to duplicate the flight
The Mercury flights also disclosed several areas conditions at full scale with ground equipment, nor
where special attention to detail design seems is it feasible to build up gradually to these
indica ted to cope with some of the unique charac- flight conditions in a series of manned flights.
teristics of space flight. The most important of Hence, each new space vehicle configuration will
these areas are listed below: require at least one unmanned flight to provide

verification of structural integrity under the con- :FUEL MANAGEMENT
ditions encountered in the atmospheric phase of
night. On the basis of night operations to date,
optimum management of reaction-control fuel is
Distortion and vibration that might not other- emerging as one of the most important require-
wise be harmful can be disastrous if they trigger ments for successful space flight. It is of criti-
limit-switches that are used to sense separation cal importance to safety because of the need to
and initiate automatically subsequent steps in the retain sufficient fuel for control during the
night sequence. The best protection from trouble retrofire and reentry maneuvers.
of this sort is obtained by designing separation
sensors to require travel beyond any possible Mercury experience has indicated that direct
structural deformation before actuation, and by manual control over the reaction-control thrust
requiring confirmation of separation by two sensors nozzles is liable to be quite wasteful of fuel.
before activation of succeeding steps. Indications are that the ultimate system for space-
craft may be a command-type control system where
A final point that is worth mentioning because some form of autopilot fires precisely measured and
it has been too often overlooked is that the high timed pulses to produce commanded rate or attitude
rate of decrease of ambient static pressure that changes.
occurs during the launch phase of flight requires
special attention to the venting of sea-level air There is an obvious need for research on both
trapped in adapters, shrouds, external equipment the control power and response required in space-
bays, and exposed equipment. craft and on the mechanization of control systems
to meet these control requirements with minimum
HEAT REMOVAL fuel use.

The problem of removing heat from equipment

in spacecraft has given a great deal of trouble.
Internal heat-generating equipment such as in- An associated urgent requirement for future
verters requires special attention because the spacecraft that has been brought out in Mercury
reduced density of the cabin oxygen atmosphere and experience is provision of more accurate and relia-
the lack of natural convection under zero-g con- ble indications to the pilot of fuel usage, both
ditions inhibits convective heat transfer. Care- rate of use and quantity remaining.
ful design is required to provide adequate forced
convection or conductive heat paths to transfer Although experience in Mercury has been limited
the heat to points where it can be rejected to to management of attitude-control fuel, similar con-
space by radiators or evaporative coolers. Exter- siderations can be expected to apply to management
nal equipment, notably the nozzles of the reaction- of velocity-changing fuel in rendezvous, orbit
control system, has given trouble for the same correction, and lunar landing maneuvers.
reason. The vacuum environment eliminates all con-
vective cooling of the nozzles. Special attention SUMMARY
is required to prevent heat tr~t is left in the
nozzle walls after each pulse from leaking back up In summary, Mercury experience has pointed out
the propellant feed lines by conduction, with a number of places where special operational proce-
adverse effects on the propellant or the solenoid dures or special attention to design details can
valves that control its now. A very thorough and produce increased safety in manned space night. It
careful analysis of the heat flow and temperature has emphasized again the overriding importance of
conditions in all equipment is an important design meticulous attention to detail in the design and
requirement for future spacecraft. operation of space night hardware.


Christopher C. Kraft, Jr.)

Chief, Flight Operations Di . ion
NASA Manned Spacecra ter
John D. Hodge) ~
Asst. Chief For Flight Con 1
Flight Operations 1sion
NASA Manned S craft Center

Eugene F. Kranz
Asst. Head, Flight Control Operations Branch
Flight Operations Division -+- --
_ _ Spacecraft CenterI~Uhv ' I~


The development of a complex vehicle requires The one significant point which was brought to
the parallel development of a test and control or- bear in the manned spa.ce flight program was that the
ganization to provide the support necessary to ac- vehicle traveled almost to the extremes of its limit
complish the test objectives and to qualitY the design envelope on every flight; and the need for a
vehicle for operational rather than research and ground-based crew to monitor, evaluate, recommend
development usage. and, if necessary, command became evident. The
work that this ground crew accomplished is defined
The manned space-flight program uses a pure as flight control.
research and development vehicle which is normally
operating very close to the limit of its design The fundamental aims of the flight-control crew
envelope. In addition, the full spectrum of en- are the safety of the astronaut and the successful
gineering techniques is applied to the development completion of the mission. B,y far the largest task
of a manned space vehicle. is the determination and recommendation for a course
of action essentially in real time in the event of
This paper traces the development of the real- a contingency situation. The course of action may
time controlling agency from its concept through a be an alternate mission, a change in mode of oper-
Mercury mission to Project Apollo. In the course ation, or premature termination of the mission. In
of this paper the flight-control tasks are identi- Project Mercury, the definition of real time varies
fied and developed commensurate with the time frame from a matter of seconds to about an hour, depending
allowed. on the phase of the mission.
INrROOOCTION The following transcript of the MA-5 mission
illustrates the rapidity of the evaluation and de-
Many papers have been written on the subject of cision process of the flight control team. High
operational plans and procedures for the Mercury thruster activity indicated an out of orbit mode in
program. It is the purpose of this paper to present the automatic stabilization and control system; and
a general survey of one particular aspect of oper- if this anomaly continued, the reaction control
ations, namely flight control. In this paper the system fuel supply would probably have been depleted
growth of flight control for Project Mercury and the prior to the end of the third orbit. The flight con-
plans for the following programs, Gemini and Apollo, trol team at Hawaii identified this condition, and
are discussed. the decision actually to terminate the mission oc-
curred during this 12-second period. This discus-
Until quite recently, research and development sion took place between the California Spacecraft
testing of aircraft usually followed the pattern of Communicator and Systems Monitor and the Flight
a fixed flight plan, with a predetermined set of Director at the Mercury Control Center.
tests followed by postflight analysis. The flight-
envelope boundaries were approached slowly because CAL CAL thruster activity on 69 and 70.
inflight evaluation by the pilot and possible ob-
servers was limited by the available instrumenta- CAPE Roger.
tion and the ability to develop real-time solutions.
The action in the event of emergencies was to return CAPE SYSTEMS Did he say activity or no activity?
quickly to a more acceptable part of the flight en-
velope and, if necessary, abandon the aircraft. CAL Activity on 69 and 70.

More recently, the advent of air-ground data CAPE You've got 12 seconds.
links has allowed a ground-based crew to monitor
the test in progress, to moditY the flight if CAPE Go ahead with retrofire.
necessary, and to recommend the most expeditious
course of action to be taken when contingency CAL Thruster activity on roll at CAL.
situations arose.
CAL 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, fire.
The missile age brought with it the develop-
ment of a ground-to-air data link by which infor- CAPE Roger.
mation and commands could be sent from a monitor-
ing ground crew or automated system to the vehicle CAL Retros fired.
in order to moditY its flight plan.

Fire 180813.

4. Flight profile analysis consists of moni-
toring the flight program, development of alternate
profiles when contingencies occur, the coordination
of changes to the mission plan in real time, and the
CAL ~e have confirmation of retros 1, 2, determination of go-no-go status for subsequent
and 3 fired. phases as based on data from systems, flight dy-
namics, and crew performance.
CAPE Roger.
5. Postmission analysis is a detailed review
CAPE Ro~r, understand. of the mission operations, vehicle system perfor-
mance, and the performance of the spacecraft crew.
CAPE Did you copy, Recovery?
During the initial phases of Project Mercury,
CAPE Standby for time. flight controllers were obtained on a part-time
basis from the en~ineering organizations within the
R:EX::OVERY Roger, standing by. Space Task Group (now Manned Spacecraft Center), and
a relatively small group accomplished the premission
MISSION CONmOL preparation tasks and performed the postmission
analysis. However, with the advent of the actual
The objective of mission control is to increase Mercury miSSions, it was recognized that a full-time
the probability of mission success and crew safety. organization was required to perform this function.
Any deviation from a nominal mission requires that
a decision be made, and this decision may either in- The ability to control a mission is a function
crease the chance for mission success or jeopardize of the preflight preparation, the experience levels
the overall mission objective and, thereby, affect of the flight control team, and the quality and type
the life of the space crew members. In order to of data obtained from the network in real time. All
augment the analysiS and decision-making capability, aspects of the mission are reviewed, and the oper-
every concept, function, procedure, and system must ational concepts are developed and compared with the
be designed and implemented with mission success as test objectives. The systems are studied on the
the primary objective. basis of their operational function and utilization,
and failure modes are identified. As a result of
The mission control organization for Project this premission analysis, mission profile deficien-
Mercury was implemented to provide centralized con- cies are identified. The results of these studies
trol of remote sites capable of data exchange and are documented in three primary handbooks:
command control. The organization, exclusive of
technical support personnel, consisted of 16 flight 1. Mission Rules
controllers in the Mercury Control Center and
42 flight controllers at the remote sites. This or- 2. Vehicle system schematics
ganization, shown in figure 1, was responsible for
the detailed conduct of the mission from vehicle 3. Trajectory 'WOrking papers
lift-off to landing.
Each document is designed to allow rapid re-
Flight control is the portion of mission con- action to a contingency and to provide accurate
trol pertaining primarily to the aspects of flight real-time decisions.
dynamics, vehicle systems operation, and spacecraft
crew performance and can be defined as the integra- As a result of this documentation, it becomes
tion of the spacecraft crew and the ground personnel obvious that some automation is required, primarily
necessary to accomplish manned space flight. in the area of trajectory analysis. A real-time
digital computing system is provided for this pur-
Flight control consists of five phase-oriented pose.
tasks. They are defined as follows:
A major purpose of the documentation is the
1. The preflight-preparation task represents formulation of contingency plans and the criteria
the largest single part of the mission-control and methods for implementing these plans. This
function. It consists of the development of the formulation, in fact, forms the largest part of the
operational concepts, the determination of facil~ real-time flight control problem.
ity and personnel requirements, and the detailed
flight-operations training. Included are the pre- The Mission Rules are premission guidelines for
paration of mission documentation and operating pro- decision making and contain most of the contingen-
cedures, the preparation of mission logic and asso- cies that can occur during a mission. For certain
ciated computer programs, and the training of oper- time-critical cases, the Mission Rules include the
ating personnel. detailed procedures necessary to implement this
2. The mission-control task consists of super-
vision and coordination of mission ground support, Another primary document is the Flight Control
the command control of unmanned vehicles, and the Handbook which primarily contains the current space-
direction of the overall mission. craft system schematics. These schematics, as
typified by figure 2, define a total system oper-
3. Spacecraft-systems and crew-performance ation and contain: (1) a power source, (2) com-
analysis enhances mission success and crew safety ponents and controls, (3) displays for the astro-
by supplementing the crew in analyzing the tele- naut, and (4) displays used by the flight con-
metered and voice data to determine systems status. trollers.

I f a malfUnction is indicated b.1 telemetry or systems are used in the same manner as they would
by astronaut readout, the probable cause or railure be ror an actual mission. This procedure develops
can normally be isolated through one schematic, and cDnridence in the systems and is particularly im-
the necessary action, ir any, can be taken. portant in the case or the real-time computer
complex. At the time corresponding to the loss or
The third major document utilized during the ccmmunications at Cape Canaveral, the simulation be-
mission is the trajectory working papers, which comes open-loop. The network sites at acquisition
contain most of the launch abort trajectories, the transmit radar information rrom prepared paper tape
reentry trajectories, and the nominal orbital tra- through the teletype lines to the computing center.
jectories. The logic utilized to develop ~his The telemetry data are played into the remote site
document is essentially the same as the logic uti- displays, and the flight controllers evaluate and
lized in developing the computer programs ror a respond to the data. Figure 5 shows a remote site
specific mission. The tracking inrormation obtained console group.
rrom the network is processed b.1 the computers; then
it is presented to the rlight dynamics personnel via The network training exercises all aspects of
plotboards and digital displays. A rl1ght dynamics flight control and aids in perfecting the Mission
console is shown in rigure 3. Rules and operational procedures. !!he final ob-
jective or these exercises is the development or
conridence in the readiness or the network equipnent·
and flight controller personnel prior to initiating
Personnel training is accomplished in the the terminal countdown.
rolloving three phases:
!!he increased complexity or the Gemini and
1. Individual Apollo missions is partly a result or the mission
proriles, for example, the larger inc~mental ve-
2. Team training locity capabilities or the space vehicles and the
subsequent capability to change the orbital para-
3. Network training meters. This complexity results in a significantly
enlarged tracking and computation requirement. In
The individual training is accomplished by addition, rar Project Gemini, both the Gemini space-
briefings, detailed systems and operational studies, crart and the Agena target vehicle have this incre-
preparation or mission documentation, and observ- mental velocity capability. The command control or
ation or mission operations. Flight controllers this capability in the Agena systems by ground per-
participated in the preliminary Mercury nights, sonnel is essential to mission success. The basic
both as individuals and later as teams, to build up tasks or flight control are essentially unchanged;
their capability to perform their eventual task. however, the expansion of the systems to include the
in-orbit maneuvering capability required greater
The team and network training is necessary to automation or the orbit-determination and command-
develop the decision capability or the night con- generation function.
trol organization. The team assignments are usually
made 3 months prior to a mission, and, arter the The complexity associated with the mission
systems updating brierings, the teams begin an in- profiles will require' greater data exchange, both
tensive period or training in the spacecrart pro- from the spacecrart to the ground and between the
cedures trainer and site console trainers. During ground sites themselves. The bulk or the tele-
this phase, the night controllers are trained in metry data will be assimilated b.1 a number or highly
both the command-communicator and systems-engineer- specialized remote site personnel. In addition,
positions. A third night controller will fly the signiricant amounts or these data will be auto-
spacecrart procedures trainer, which provides both matically transmitted to the Integrated Mission Con-
telemetry and communications inputs to the console trol Center (IMCC).
trainers. These exercises primarily consist of
normal and contingency procedures associated with IN'l'.ro.RATED MISSION CON'lROL CEN.l'ER
portions or the actual night plan. When the team
training is completed and the required conridence The Integrated Mission Control Center facility,
level is attained, the third phase of training be- shown in figure 6, is to be implemented in Houston,
gins. This phase, in preparation ror a live mission, Tex. This new facility will provide the central-
normally commences 2 weeks before the mission. ized control capability necessary for the conduct or
Simulation exercises have been previously taped and the Ckmini and Apollo missions. The racilitY in-
transmitted to the network sites. A simulated cludes dual mission operations control rooms capable
mission normally begins at 4 hours berore lirt-ofi of various combinations of simultaneous real-time
with a vehicle and network countdown. This simu- miSSions, simulation exercises, or system checkouts.
lation affords a checkout of the prelaunch pro- At the present time, it is not planned to conduct
cedures and the test sequencing. At simulated two missions simultaneously. The real-time com-
lift-off, the procedures trainer provides closed- puting complex will be utilized at !MCC to assist in
loop telemetry and voice data to the Mercury Con- providing better reaJ.-time decision capability ror
trol Center operating positions. both the vehicle systems and trajectory analySis.
Basically, the IMCC will be staffed and operated the
The procedures trainer, shown in figure 4, is same as the Mercury Control Center J however, the
normally manned by the mission or backup astronaut mission analysis capability within the IMCC will be
ror these tests. This action provides for the in- enhanced b.1 the development of mission support
diSpensible integration of the spacecrart crew and specialists. This procedure will enable most flight
ground personnel and establishes the required con- control personnel to concentrate on a specific
fidence between these personnel. Trajectory data system or mission phase. At the network remote
are provided from taped data to the switching and Sites, the flight control teams are essentially the
distribution area and eventually to the flight same as those for Mercury missions with the addition
dynamics plotboards. Whenever possible, the ground of a systems monitor for the Agena vehicle or the
Apollo Lunar Excursion Module and the S-IVB abort system which is automatic. This manual
launch-vehicle stage. system results in a much more reliable sequence
system but requires very close monitoring, with
The IMCC mission operations room will direct short decision and response times both in the space-
the facilities and organizations necessary for craft and on the ground. A Ground Flight Controller
accomplishment of the mission. These facilities will assist the astronaut in identifying valid abort
and organizations include the following: requirements.

l. Internal and external computing facilities Network Flight Controllers will continue to
monitor the normal progress of the mission and to
2. Communications facilities determine the course of action in the case of ab-
3· Network stations and flight control teams
These abnormalities may be associated with
4. Launch facilities trajectory deviations, in which case velocity cor-
rections must be determined and transmitted to the
5. Spacecraft and flight crew remote sites and thence to the spacecraft. They
Personnel within the mission operations con- may also be associated with spacecraft systems mal-
trol room represent the primary decision-making functions, in which case corrective actions must be
group associated with the mission. The Operations determined or an alternate flight plan, which may
Director is responsible for the overall performance result in early termination of the mission, must be
of the mission. He has delegated much of this provided.
authority from lift-off through landing to the
Flight Director. The Flight Director is supported Preplanned mission documentation and computer
by a staff of approximately 15 personnel, as indi- programs will again be used to assist in determining
cated on the organizational chart in figure 7. the course of action in the case of contingency sit-
uations. One point which should be mentioned is
that, in the case of Gemini, the crew has a much
greater onboard capability than before. The com-
Rather than develop a description of each puter controlled guidance and navigation system to-
position in the mission operations control room, gether with the propulsion system provides the crew
significant portions of the Gemini mission which with the capability to complete a normal mission
detail flight control operations for both manned without further trajectory assistance once the
spacecraft and unmanned flight vehicles are pre- initial ephemeris of the two vehicles has been
sented. The Flight Director will again direct the properly established by the ground system.
mission operations from the lift-off, through
powered flight, to recovery of the spacecraft and The personnel at the ground stations will
crew. The Flight Director will continue to receive assist the astronauts in vehicle checkout prior to
inputs concerning the performance.of the spacecraft reentry. They will also update the onboard com-
and its systems, the launch vehicle, and the flight puter with the latest information for reentry and
crew from flight control personnel; and on the basis insert the correct retrofire times. The reentry of
of their analySiS, and by correlation with the de- the Gemini vehicle will be similar to that of the
tailed mission rules, he will direct continuation Mercury spacecraft. The main difference from
or abort of the mission. Mercury is the capability to modulate lift during
the reentry. The lift modulation combined with the
The basic objective of the Gemini mission is para glider landing system may require additional
to place a target vehicle in orbit and follow it flight-control support. At the present time,
with a mann~ vehicle which is to rendezvous with studies are being made of the utilization of a radar
the target vehicle with a minimum of fuel usage and controlled, ground controlled intercept type of
the shortest time. This mission adds several tasks approach for assisting the crew in the landing phase.
to mission planning.
During the reentry phase, the IMCC will direct
First, tne countdown of both vehicles must be the recovery force to the proper landing area and
conducted in the same time period; second the aid them in recovery of the flight crew. During
launch time and launch azimuth of the sec~nd vehicle this period, flight control will continue to main-
are extremely cirtical if the objectives are to be tain contact with the crew and support them as re-
met. quired. After the mission, the flight controllers,
both at the IMCC and remote sites, will be required
There is about a 20-minute period each day when to undergo a detailed postmission analysiS in order
launch can occur into the correct orbital plane and to determine actions and problem areas for future
with an acceptable phase difference. This time missions. Although the Gemini mission with its two
period corresponds to a plane error of 0.4° and a vehicles, one manned and one unmanned, will require
phase difference of 70°. Of course, larger errors detailed analysis of a large quantity of inform-
can be acconmodated if the velocity capability of ation, the flight control team, with its training
the Agena is used. and aided by automatic aids, will be able to eval-
uate this information, reach a decision, implement
The launch phase remains the most critical pe- this deCiSion, and take action to support the
riod of the flight. However, a redundant guidance flight crew and assure the successful completion of
system with automatic and manual switchover has the mission.
been provided in the Gemini-Titan configuration.
In addition, ground monitoring will determine re-
quirements for switchover for malfunctions which The early Apollo missions will be conducted in
occur at a slower rate. The Gemini spacecraft has a manner similar to that of the Gemini missions.
a manual abort system unlike the present Mercury
However, as the missions increase in both frequency
and complexity , the manpower requirements necessary
to support these missions will become excessive.
Test programs are now underway at the Bermuda site
to provide computer data processing of spacecraft
data. The site data processing will be combined
with wide -band data lines to transmit the t racking ,
telemetry, and voice data to the IMCC f or evaluation
and decision . The ability to provide a highly
skilled flight - contr ol team with near continuous
full bandwidth data is the ultimate object ive of
flight control.

The Apollo Lunar Mission, and all subsequent

Manned Space Vehicles, will continue to require the
support of a ground flight control team. Whenever
a vehicle is probing the envelope of ultimate pe~­
formance and expanding the bounds of known space,
Flight Control will aid in providing the added mar-
gin towar d mission success .

Figure 1 .- Mercury Control Center organizati on

GND IEADOUT Of art' & ar


.......... -_.-.<p

Figure 2.- Spacecraft schematic diagram

Jm +


- I

Figure 2 . - Concluded

Figure 3.- Flight dynamics console

Figure I~. - Me r cury procedure s traine r Figure 5.- Remote site console group

1 I~

, I

r _...J
r- ~ ----~ ____ L_- -~---~- --~ -- -~
L -- ------ - - - - - .- ---- - - - -- - - -


Fi p:ur(~ ( . - THee ' ) r CUld:~ ,""U '-' n

Figure 6. - Exteri or vielr of ]}1CC

R. E. Wye, S. Teicher, W. J. Kellar, and B. Blum
Philco c o r s , A Sub/tidiary of Ford Motor Company
t/I!'"; estern Development Laboratories
Co~~ I;) alo Alto, Calif~

The purpose of this paper is to present a f - f

summary review of spacecraft tracking and data V I'tIc~
r t
acquisition. The subjects to be covered include
(1) the reasons for tracking, (2) the restrictions
imposed on tracking by nature, (3) the merits of

various types of tracking as a function of altitude
and coverage, (4) the accuracy needed for position Vr = radial velocity of spacecraft m;

determination, (5) factors involved in tracking data

c velocity of light
acquisition, and (6) possible changes in current
technology to better meet the requirements of fr observed frequency
f transmitted frequency
From this relationship it is seen that a frac-
One of the purposes of tracking a spacecraft tional error, or uncertainty, in c produces the
is to establish the initial conditions for the equa- same fractional errol in V r . For an uncertainty
tions of motion. These initial conditions provide a in c of 1 part in 10 , the uncertainty in the dop-
set of trajectories bounded by a volume of finite pler velocity is also 1 part in 10 . As an exam-
radius. The magnitude of this radius is a function ple, for a spacecraft radial velocity of 25,000 feet
of the prediction accuracy. In the limit, if the per second, an uncertainty in the velocity of light
tracking equipment were perfect, if we had precise of 1 part in 10 6 would produce a doppler velocity
knowledge of the physical constants, etc., this ra- error of 0.025 feet per second which, as we shall
dius would be zero, and hence the error between see, is quite small with respect to other doppler
the actual spacecraft trajectory and the predicted, errors. On the other hand, an uncertainty of 1
or computed trajectory, would also be zero. part in 10 6 for the {elocity of light produces a
range error of 10- R, which can be significant
Spacecraft location is useful (1) in correlat- for very long ranges. [See Fig. 1.] This is, of
ing an observed event with the position of occur- course, due to the proportionality relationship be-
rence or measurement; (2) in determining a better tween range and the speed of light. It follows then,
knowledge of the forces acting on a space vehicle that uncertainty in the speed of light is relatively
from the discrepancies between the spacecraft lo- unimportant to doppler data but can be important to
cation and the predicted location; (3) in evaluating range data in deep space.
and determining corrective maneuvers necessary
to place the spacecraft on the desired trajectory; Uncertainties in Station Location
(4) in determining where ground antennas should
be oriented to receive information from the space- The trajectory prediction procedure is essen ..
craft, and/ or to relay commands to the spacecraft. tially an attempt to predict the position of a space-
craft in an appropriate inertial coordinate system.
Let us now examine some of the sources of This is done by relating the spacecraft to known
error and their magnitude in trajectory prediction. points in the coordinate system (location of track-
The major errors contributing to the inaccuracies ing antennas). Any error, or uncertainty in the
in prediction are: position of these reference points will, therefore,
degrade the prediction accuracy.
1. Random and Bias Errors. These include
noise, calibration errors, antenna sag, atmos- A few extremely accurate surveys to specify
pheric refraction, multi path, and uncertainty in the positions of points on the earth's surface have
physical constants. been made with accuracies of 1 part in 10 6 . This
2. Uncertainties in Spacecraft Environment. implies that one can not expect to relate station
This includes atmospheric drag, and uncertainties position to a fixed reference more accurate than
in ground station location with respect to a refer- about 120 feet, or 0.02 nautical miles.
ence inertial coordinate system.
3. Imperfect Trajectory Selection. This is The range data accuracy, for low elevation
due to the non-optimum weighting coefficients, the angles, can be expected to vary between :1::0.02 nm
use of linearity assumptions which may not be ap- due to the uncertainty in the station location. As
propriate, and the truncation of iteration proce- we shall see later, the major components of dop-
dures. pler data error may arise from station location
uncertainties, particularly at low spacecraft alti-
Let us now see how some of these sources tudes.
of error affect the technique used in determining
the trajectory (doppler, range) and what are the Uncertainties in Atmospheric Density
lower bounds on these errors.
Uncertainties in atmospheric density evalua-
Uncertainties in Speed of Light tion prevent accurate determination of the instan-
taneous orbital parameters, and hence produce
The effect on doppler and range as a result errors in predicted position. Suppose that the
of the uncertainty in the speed of light can be un- spacecraft's position and velocity vectors were
derstood from the following relations by: precisely known at a particular time and that the
future positions were deduced by solving the equa- do not improve the prediction capability.
tions of motion. If the equations of motion utilized
J1.n atmospheric drag force different from the actual Even though the source of tracking errors nas
drag force, then errors in position prediction would not been detailed, it is interesting to note the ef-
result. For a satellite in a 155-nrn circular orbit, fects of station off-set upon range-rate measure-
and an uncertainty in the drag force of lO per cent ments. A station at 40 0 latitude was offset O. Ol nrn
~, a lO-percent uncertainty in atmospheriC den.. in both latitude and longitude. Figure 4 shows the
3ity), tracking must be accomplished at least every resulting error in the range-rate measurements.
two orbits (three hours) to keep the position predic- This simulation run indicates the high sensitivity of
tion accurate to 0.1 nrn. range-rate measurements to station offset andim-
plies the difficulty in obtaining data that is actually
From the above, it is seen that the unknowns as accurate as the measuring capability of the
in nature, such as the variation in the atinosphere, tracking equipment. The use of range-rate meas-
the uncertainty in the speed of light, and a lack of urements as an effective means of locating a station
knowledge of the shape of the earth restrict the ac- is also indicated.
curacy to which a spacecraft's position can be pre-
dicted. The effects of coverage may be seen in fig-
ure 5. The addition of data from additional track-
The Merits of Various Types of Tracking as a ing contacts gives rise to a large reduction in the
Function of Altitude and Coverage expected tracking error. For this particular simu-
lation the tracking data was processed in three sep-
The accuracy with which the ephemeris of a arate groups, each one containing the tracking data
satellite must be determined is a function of the from several tracking sites. The sudden change in
mission of the satellite. A navigational satellite accuracy is caused by the sudden addition of data.
may require very accurate knowledge of position The tracking summary for this run is found in
while some communication satellites may have Table II. The actual tracking was done at Canav-
much less stringent accuracy requirements. The eral, Carnarvon, and Hawaii. A complete picture
tracking equipment necessary for tracking as well of the effects of coverage on tracking accuracy is a
as the amount of tracking time then becomes a func- complex one. Tracking accuracy is dependent both
tion of the mission of any particular satellite. upon the number of data points as well as some geo-
metric quality factor. The nature of a pass, high
Simulation studies have been conducted at or low elevation, as well as the spacing between
WDL in an attempt to determine the relative merits tracking contacts influences the obtainable tracking
of different methods of satellite tracking. Compar- accuracy. Figure 5 indicates that a point is reached
isons of range and range-rate tracking over a vari- where additional data becomes less influential in
ety of altitudes have been conducted. A chart indi- accuracy improvement.
cating equivalent tracking capability is shown in
Figure l. This figure indicates the relative accu- The tracking errors caused by atmospheric
racy with which range or range-rate measurements variations are greatest for low-altitude satellites.
must be known to determine ephemerides of similat The probability of a low-altitude satellite being
accuracy. The errors considered are random er- above the tracking horizon for a given tracking site
rors and are not specified as to their source. The is much less than that for a high-orbital-altitude
error in measurement is thus a lumped error of all satellite and, as a result, there is much less oppor-
possible sources. No study was made as to the ap- tunity for a station to track those satellites needing
portioning of this error. This figure indicates that the most frequent up-dating. The tracking coverage
range-rate measurements provide the most sensi- for low-altitude satellites may be increased by the
tive measuring technique for low-altitude satellites. use of a satellite-to-satellite-to-ground tracking
while poorer quality ranging systems may be used technique, * a tracking satellite at high altitudes
for higher orbital cases to obtain tracking accura- results in longer periods of contact with the ground
cies that would require very sensitive range-rate station. The increase in coverage is readily appar ..
systems. ent by this technique but the effects of equipment
error have not as yet been evaluated by our simula"
Although Figure l shows the relative sensitiv- tion runs.
ity of range and range-rate tracking, it is interest-
ing to note an expected tracking performance given As tracking accuracy is improved by addi-
a realistic tracking situation. Figures 3(a) and (b) tional coverage, so it is improved by additional
show the tracking error which might be expected types of measurements. Figure 6 compares the
using range-rate and angle tracking for a low-alti- smoothed tracking accuracy which may be obtained
tude satellite for various times after tracking has by tracking with 1. O-mrad angular accura-cy; 1. 0
been completed. These figures point out that addi- mrad angles and 0.5 nrn range; and 1. 0 mrad angle,
tional data from either additional equipment or ad- 0.5 nrn range, and 1.0 ft/sec range-rate. Figurea
ditional tracking contacts tend to improve tracking indiC'ates that at 50,000 nrn a range-rate system of
accuracy. The linear nature of the simulator al- o. 05ft'/ sec sensitivity would be required to sub-
lows the error resulting from tracking with addi- stantially improve accuracy. This is apparent in
tional equipments to be estimated. If an equipment Figure 6 as the additional range-rate measure-
has I-ft/ sec range-rate accuracy with an O. 33-m- ments cause only a slight improvement in the accu"
rad angular capability, the expected error would be racy of tracking.
one-third the minimum error in these two figures.
Available equipments listed in Table I may be fitted T'hese simulation runs stress the fact that
into this chart using imagination and linear approx- additi.9J1al tracking information will increase
imation. This particular simulation uses a known
atmosphere. If a lO-percent atmosphere uncer- * D. B. Davis, "Satellite Assisted Tracking, " 9th
tainty causes an ephemeris error of 0.1 nrn in.3 A.mlual Aerospace and Navigational Electronics
llours.. .it he.cOIDAS .that .refine.!! e.quipments Conljrence, Baltimore; 1961.

Table I



(AFMTC Mod II) Range Rate PN Ranging MKII

Range 500 nm 32,000 nm 2000 nm 32,000 nm Lunar Lunar 1000 nm 1000 nm

0 Accuracy 15 ft 15 ft 50 ft ::1:12 ft ::1:45 ft ::1:90 ft ::1:10 ft 1 ft

Resolution 3 ft/bit 6 ft/bit 3 ft/bit 6ft 13.3 ft 15 ft 1 ft 0.03 ft

Accuracy 0.1 mil rms 0.05 mil rms 2 mils rms 0.1 mil rms 0.1° 0.02° 0.01 mils 20 (10 -6)

Az. Track-
ing Rate 40 o/sec. 28°/sec. 20 o/sec. 26°/sec. 2°/sec. 52°/sec.

El. Track-
ing. Rate 30 o/sec. 28°/sec. 20o/sec. 26°/sec. 2 a /sec. 23°/sec.
tracking accuracy but at some altitudes one type of from nominal period. The first defines the azimuth
measurement may require only off-the-shelf tech- sector, and the second defines the deviation in ex-
llriques while the other may be pushing the "state- pected time of arrival.
of-the-art. "
The main area of interest for initial acquisi-
The information gained from the tracking tion exists near the horizon plane of the tracking
simulation runs show station. Acquisition can be accomplished by sector
scanning the antenna in azimuth only, thereby set-
1. Expected tracking accuracy at 12-S nm ting up a "fence" in the sky at the radio horizon.
given a specified tracking situation The height of the "fence" is equal to the antenna
2. A means of extracting these curves to elevation beamwidth, and the width of the "fence"
actual equipment by linear extrapolator and a range- or sector must be at least equal to the uncertainty
rate, range equivalent plot in azimuth bearing. For any given section width,
3. An indication of the effects of additional the antenna scanning rate must be such that (1) the
tracking data by both extended- coverage and supple- spacecraft appears within the antenna beamwidth at
mentary measurements least once, and (2) the spacecraft remains within
4. Statements of the limiting effects of the antenna beamwidth sufficiently long so as to per-
cn.a.ture. mit the detection and acquisition circuits to perform
It is apparent from the charts that tracking
accuracy may usually be improved through increas~ The basic elements of the space-time acqui-
ing measuring and coverage capabilities. Cost sition are illustrated in Figure 7. The spacecraft
trade-offs are thus possible comparing equipment breaks radio horizon at an azimuth and time such
developments, additional ground stations for in- that the antenna may need to perform a space
creased coverage or the use of a high-altitude sat- search.
ellite for increased tracking coverage. No attempt
at these cost trade-offs is made in this paper but The spacecraft's rate-of-change of elevation
directions for further tracking improvement are angle varies with elevation angle, altitude, and po-
indicated. sition relative to the tracking site. Since the rate

Table II

No. of Data No. of Tracking

Points Observations

Fir st Revolution 172 3

First and Second Revolution 457 6

First, Second, and Third Revolution 675 9

Spacecraft Acquisition of change of elevation angle is smaller for low ele-

vation angles, a space search at the lowest possible
Up to now we have been speaking about space- elevation angle is desirable.
craft position prediction. Let us now discuss the
subject of acquiring the spacecraft signals that are The uncertainty in orbit inclination is a func-
to be used in computing its position. tion of the booster propulsion and guidance subsys-
tem tolerances. These tolerances may cause de-
Spacecraft acquisition is a twofold process of viations of greater than 10 in inclination. The re-
locating signals from the spacecraft in both positiop sulting deviation in azimuth varies with maximum
and frequency at a given time. Accordingly, the elevation angle and is much larger for low passes
acquisition process can be divided into two steps: than for overhead passes.
locating the spacecraft in space, and locking onto
its signals in frequency. The order of these two Uncertainty in the orbital period may be as
operations depends on the strength of the signal to great as five minutes in the first orbital pass after
be acquired as well as the relative uncertainties in launch. This uncertainty depends mainly on wheth ..
these quantities. If the signal strength is suffi- er injection occurs at such a point that orbital
ciently high, the acquisition antenna can be omni- tracking data can be obtained immediately after in-
directional (or at least can cover the entire search jection. The scan of the tracking antenna must be
area within its beamwidth) so that the system has performed during the complete uncertainty interval
to acquire only in frequency. Likewise, the uncer .. around the nominal time of acquisition. After the
tainty in frequency may be sufficiently small com- first orbit, the period is usually known sufficiently
pared to the receiver bandwidth that only a scan in well that the search time becomes much sITlaller.
position is required.
It is iITlportant to note that periods of satel-
Usually the first task is to sector scan and lites at low altitudes ITlay vary from pass to pass
track the spacecraft, especially on the first track- because of changes in atmospheriC density. For
able pass. This need arises from the uncertain- this reason the uncertainty in period never reaches
ties in orbital parameters upon launch. The or- zero, and predictions of orbital paraITleters cannot
bital parameters contributing greatest to the need be made with certainty more than about a day in
for sector scanning are (1) the deviation in space- advance for satellites with apogees less than 200
craft bearing relative to the desired bearing at or- miles altitude. At higher altitudes, however, long-
bit. in,iection. and (2) the deviation in orbit period term prediction of ephemerides is possible and

practical to implement. a narrow-bandwidth filter channel and then switches
to wider bandwidths to lock on to the modulation.
The process of acquiring in position and time In many tracking systems only the carrier is of
can be improved in at least three ways, all of which interest (for range-rate data), and the modulation
are concerned with reducing uncertainties in azi- is used for telemetry. However, the modulation
muth and time into view. The most obvious way to may be sidetones or pseudo-random noise (PN)
reduce these uncertainties is to improve the quality sequences for ranging. Here, the usual procedure
of tracking data, particularly during launch and the in acquisition is for the ground station to generate
first few hours of tracking. Tracking systems are a signal (sidetone or PN sequence) like that from
constantly being improved at the various launch the spacecraft, and then to lock it to the received
ranges. Hence, this error source is being reduced. signal by shifting its modulation generator in phase
until transmitted and received signals lock in the
Reducing booster and guidance errors during spacecraft. The generator at the ground station is
launch and injection also tends to reduce bearing left free-running to remain in lock with the space-
and time uncertainties in the tracking data. Regard- craft signal, and the amount of shift in phase needed
less of any improvement in tracking capability, the to do this is proportional to range. This locking
anticipated improvement in booster performance procedure can take several minutes for long code
will tend to decrease uncertainties in spacecraft sequences at lunar distances.
coordinate s in the immediate post-injection phase
of operations. The frequency-acquisition problem is being
attacked by improving oscillator stabilities on the
A third way to reduce the errors in acquisition ground and in the spacecraft, and by the use of
data is to improve the speed of the trajectory com- adaptive filters in the receivers. The latter item
putation process, mainly by speeding the transfer allows wider bandwidths for initial acquisition or
of data from tracking devices to the computers. Re- re-acquisition and narrower bandwidths for data
placement of low- speed teletype data transmission reception after acquisition is accomplished.
by high-speed lines and such data-handling equip-
ment as Kineplex or Dataphone can decrease the This foregoing discussion on acquisition ap-
time required for processing tracking data by an plies both to radio and to optical tracking. Optical
order of magnitude. Likewise, the use of satellites techniques can result in narrower beamwidths and
to relay tracking data can reduce even more the greater angular accuracies than are achievable with
time needed for data transmission in worldwide radio tracking systems. Also, laser techniques
tracking networks. will allow wider bandwidths for shorter pulses and
more precise ranging.
Frequency- Time Acquisition
Another feature which may change the methods
While the antenna beam is traversing the sat- of spacecraft acquisition will be the pre sence of
ellite signal, the tracking receiver must find the men as part of the equipment in advanced space-
signal frequency and indicate a "hit." This may be craft. In this case the spacecraft may have the ca-
done by tuning the receiver across the search band, pability of acquiring the ground station instead of
or by having numerous (channeled) receivers stag- the present method of operation. Such an approach
ger-tuned,. The width of the search band which might be favored, particularly if the spacecraft has
must be covered depends upon the maximum dop- on-board devices for position measurement inde-
pler shift, spacecraft and ground transmitter insta- pendent of the ground stations. Man can also serve
bilities, ground receiver instabilities, and the as an adaptive element in the acquisition process.
ground receiver's ability to predict the doppler
shift. If a tunable receiver is used to find the fre- Areas for Improvement in Tracking
quency, then it must tune over the search band and
indicate a "hit" while the signal remains in the an- Tracking accuracy may be improved by im-
tenna beam. Figure 8 gives the defining equation proving equipment accuracy, increasing coverage
for receiver tuning rate and bandwidth. or improving the knowledge of nature and the natural
constants. The limits imposed by the knowledge of
Additional probleIT4' occur in achieving phase- the speed of light restrict improvement in range
lock of receivers and in synchronizing tracking tracking by direct range measurements. The use
signals. The frequency sweep rate of the voltage- of lasers or phased arrays seem to offer improved
controlled-oscillator in the phase-locked loop is an angular accuracies while lasers offer an opportunity
inverse function of the loop filter bandwidth. The to use much higher frequencies and obtain the re-
rate of change of signal frequency depends on the sultant improvement in range-rate measurements.
rate of change of doppler shift and on the transmit- Lasers also allow shorter base lines to be used for
ter and receiver oscillator instabilities. Hence, interferometer types of tracking approaches. Cover-
the loop filter bandwidth must be chosen to maxi- age may be increased by the use of more and more
mize sweep rate and to allow for deviations in the tracking sites or through the use of satellites serv-
signal frequency while minimizing the receiver ing as tracking sites.
noise bandwidth.
These improvements are all possible if the
If the transmitted signal is phase modulated, need is found to exist.
the receiver usually acquires the carrier first with

Range Error Due To Speed Of Light Uncertainty Comparison of Range and Range-Rate
FIG. 1 As A Function Of Range FIG. 2 Tracking
Uncertainty In Speed of Ll9ht (c ). I Part In 10'

-:.• I:!

e 10' / ~2
Ir U

• 10'
/ "'
5g' ..
Ii 10'
II: ~ ~ I I------------+-----------f~------_j
/ o
10' / ;;
10' 10' 10' 10" 10'
Range ( O.ll-:-------;-;:~---.....,_;;:*"'.,.____---->.~
100 1000 10,000
Altitude (n. mi.)

Observational Pass Data - 2 Passes Observational Pass Data - 3 Passes
v (Start, Duration, MaO- Elevation) v (Start, Duration, Maalnun EJnatIoll)
V (61,5.5,90-) V (24, 5.5, 90")
V (91,5.5,90-) V (38, 5.5, 90")
V (61, 5.5, 90")
Satellite Altitude- 125
Satellite Altitude-
Gaussian Tracking Data lnaccuracl..
E lIT (nmi),cr. (fps),cr(mrad),cr (mrad)
Gaussian TrocklnQ Data Inaccuracieo
S S A E (as (nmi~, (fpI),rd~crE tnradl
~ (*,*,1.0,1.0)
;; 2.0 1 1
! 1.2
It I
/ (*!lo.01o,l.o
0.8 V,l !



-n /

100 200 300 400 500

Time (minotal

Time (mlnut..)

FIG.4 FIG.S Error In Predicted Position

Peak Root-Mean-Square 1000
Doppler Tracking Data Distortion
ITs = .01 n.mi.

. '~ ~ ('
0), ,erE = 1.0 mrad.
Altitude=150 n.mi.

N Peak Doppler Distortion
For Overhead Pass g 100 v
1: 2.00 IU
I..... '\ c
1.00 .......... I'\.
~ ~
~ '\
lA I'-
~ 0.50

Peak Doppler Data.
8: Distortion For Median
8 0.10
Elevation Angle P_
I 0.05
100 200 500 1000 2000 50tXI
o 60 120 180 240 300 360
Satellite Altitude (n.mLl Time (Minutes)

FIG.6 Tracking Errors for 50,OOOn.mi.Satellite
-- Basic Elements of Space-Time Acquisition
Angles Only

lA'D~' ----8------ ----------

UE • I'D...... Sweeping Antenna

Beam Swath

~ / ----- ---------

Range a Angles

CT -0.5 n.m.
Antenna Horizon

CT -tOft/sec
Rarge, Range-Ratle, a Angles
1000 2000 3000

Receiver Tuning Rate and

l ~'l
I!l f-B

. ~ B .
f· > 1 (l!lf-B+2 i ) or f> Bl!lf-B provided that i sB
- T B - BT-2 B
T=Time for antenna beam (3 db) to scan past signal (sec.)
~f= Frequency uncertainty or search bandwidth (cps)
f =Tuning search rate (cps/sec.)
B = Acquisition bandwidth (cps)


Warren J. North ~
Chief, Flight Crew Operat· DivisWn -I- -r:
~ NASA. Manned
-( ----..
raft Center ~ ~ , M.
) ,
\, ,
William B. Cassidy ~~
A cs ~v~s~on
(Ling-TemCO-vough-t) ~ S-7. 00 I

The Gemini launch escape modes have been 2. OXidizer-tank pressure (Stages I and II)
tailored to the design and dynamic characteristics
of the launch vehicle and spacecraft. Before the 3. Engine-chamber pressure (Stages I and II)
pilot's role is discussed with respect to the
operation of the escape system, a brief review of 4. Primary-guidance or control failure
the spacecraft and the launch vehicle configuration
will show why it has been possible and desirable to 5. Excessive rates
include a flight crew in the abort decision loop.
6. Staging signal
Stage tank pressures are critical because of
The Gemini spacecraft incorporates a manual structural and pump suction head requirements.
sequence system to control the major spacecraft Figure 2 shows various pressure time histories for
sequences and system operations. This concept is the Stage I fuel tank. The two top curves indicate
in contrast to the Mercury spacecraft design where normal excursion envelopes of gas ullage pressure.
unmanned orbital flights required an automatic The fuel tank is pressurized by fuel-rich exhaust
sequencing system involving numerous timers and products from the turbo pump. The structural
interlocks. threshold curve starts out at ambient pressure at
liftoff, increases to about 3 psi above ambient
The launch vehicle for Gemini is the standard pressure at 60 seconds (maximum dynamic pressure)
Titan II modified to attain increased mission reli- and increases beyond 90 seconds because of tank
ability and pilot safety. As shown in figure 1, stresses due to increasing axial acceleration.
redundant guidance, autopilot, and first stage hy- Pump suction head limits in terms of tank ullage
draulic control systems have been provided. A re- pressure are shown. At periods greater than
dundant hydraulic control system is standard on 70 seconds, pump head requirements are more criti-
most modern aircraft. This Gemini backup system cal than the structural requirements. Superimposed
can be triggered manually or automatically. on the plot shown in figure 2 are tank pressure
histories resulting from two kinds of malfunctions:
A primary area of concern in manned launch a broken autogenous pressurizing line and an
vehicles is dynamic behavior in the event of ullage leak of 2 square inches. From the pilot's
guidance or hydraulic malfunctions in the high standpoint, the critical time for these types of
dynamic-pressure flight regime. Aerodynamic insta- failures is near liftoff when ullage volume is
bility will cause the Gemini launch vehicle to small and ullage pressure decreases rapidly. Tank
diverge to breakup attitudes within 1 second when pressure requirements as a function of time are
control failure occurs at maximum dynamic pressure. very nonlinear. This type of parameter can best be
Because of the need for immediate switching under monitored manually. If an automatic malfunction
this condition, the backup guidance and control sensor were designed to follow these pressure
system is automatically triggered. Automatic curves, it would be nonlinear and complex.
switching is accomplished by abnormal rate gyro
Signals, full-engine gimbal pOSition, and low- Figure 3 shows the launch vehicle displays in
hydraulic pressure. The attitude rate switching the spacecraft. The tank pressures are displayed
level for the first stage is 3.5 degrees per second on vertical meters with two indicators per tank.
in pitch and yaw and 20 degrees per second in roll. These meters have two secondary uses. If the left
During second-stage flight, where no aerodynamic set of needles is rapidly driven upward full scale,
divergence is involved, the levels are opened up to it is an indication that the primary guidance power
10 degrees per second in pitch and yaw. Manual system has failed. 1{hen all four of the Stage I
switchover will be initiated if guidance or control tank pressure indicators peg out, it is an indi-
w~lfUnctions cause a slow divergence which is cation of physical staging. The numbers in the
sensed by the pilot or by ground tracking. It is center of the Stage I display are time markings
evident therefore that design action has been taken which indicate the structural limits of the tanks
to reduce the possibility of catastrophe due to as a function of time. The crosshatched area in
g~idance or control failures. the lower portion of the figure indicates to the
pilot the pump head pressure requirement. The
Based on a thorough failure analysis by small triangle-shaped symbol in the Stage II dis-
~~rtin-Marietta Corp., Aerojet, Aerospace Corp., play indicates the minimum pressure for Stage II
and the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- engine start.
tion, additional malfunction sensors are incorpo-
rated. The parameters which are sensed in the Engine chamber-pressure lights above the
launch vehicle and displayed in the spacecraft are tank pressure indicators are activated if either
as follows: Stage I or Stage II chamber pressures drop below
65 percent. Consequently, the Stage II engine
1. ~~el-tar~ pressure (Stages I and II) light is on during Stage I flight and is

extinguished at staging. One might rationlize that in the moving base cockpit with adequate displace-
physical aC~leration cues would negate the need for ment and washout capabilities to simulate small
an engine suatus indication. However, partial perturbations of the normal vehicle accelerations.
losses in thrust are not always immediately detect- In addition, a pitch rotation of ±100 degrees from
able; con~equently, a visual indication of chamber the horizontal permitted a partial simulation of
pressure is desirable. The Titan II staging se- the direction and magnitude (up to 1 g) of axial
quence involves a simple fire-in-the-hole technique accelerations. The cockpit motions were accom-
where the second stage is ignited before separation plished with hydraulic servo mechanisms driven by
from Stage I and before Stage I thrust has com- analog signals. The cockpit was rotated in pitch
pletely decayed. This procedure eliminates the to 57 degrees from the horizontal for the launch
need for ullage rockets. position. At liftoff the cockpit was rotated from
57 degrees to 75 degrees, producing the sensation
The staging light is illuminated by the staging of lift-off thrust to the pilot. The cockpit then
signal and is extinguished 1 second later when phy- continued to rotate up to 90 degrees, representing
sical separation occurs. the first few seconds of acceleration after launch.
For abrupt changes in axial acceleration, such as
The rate light is triggered by signals from the staging and loss of thrust, the cockpit was rotated
rate gyros in the launch vehicle. The rate thresh- rapidly downward.
olds are the same as those which trigger the backup
guidance system. The launch vehicle gyro outputs The combination of engine and aerodynamic noise
are filtered to reduce their response to the launch was simulated by a high fidelity speaker system
vehicle natural bending modes. This discrete indi- located in the astrodome surrounding the cockpit.
cation of launch vehicle overrate can be cross- The noise spectrum was reproduced from an actual
checked with rates which are measured in the space- cockpit recording obtained during a Mercury-Atlas
craft and displayed on analog needles superimposed launch. The maximum intensity level inside the
on the eight-ball attitude indicator. closed cockpit near the pilot's head was 104 deci-
bels which occurred at maximum dynamic pressure.
The guidance light illuminates when the backup Corresponding noise deviations were programed as
guidance and control system is selected. applicable for each simulated malfunction.

The digital timer located near the launch The simulation program involved 51 malfunction
vehicle displays is very useful in correlating runs representing nine major types of malfunctions
launch vehicle events. which are as follows:

Figure 4 shows the launch acceleration and 1. Partial loss of thrust - one engine
dynamic pressure time histories. Also indicated (Stage I)
are the three Gemini launch escape modes. Ejection
seats are used from the launch pad to an altitude 2. Total loss of thrust - one engine
of 70,000 feet. Ejection seats are feasible for (Stage I)
Gemini because of the low order pressure wave which
originates from burning hypergolic propellants as 3. Total loss of thrust - both engines
in Titan II. Above 70,000 feet, the spacecraft drag (Stage I)
has reduced sufficiently to permit separation of the
spacecraft by salvo fire of the retro-rockets. For 4. Staging failures
this escape mode, the top section of the adapter is
retained and the resulting configuration (fig. 5) is 5. Tank (fuel and oxidizer) pressure losses
aerodynamically stable, small end forward. The
adapter section is separated at apogee of the escape 6. Roll malfunction (Stage I)
trajectory. After staging, when dynamic pressure is
negligible, the escape mode involves shutting down 7. Direct-current power failure
the booster and separating with the translational
rendezvous propulsion system. 8. Instrument malfunction

The escape hatches and the ejection seats are 9. Display-light failure
triggered by the actuation of either pilot's D-ring
located on the forward portion of the seat. The The selected malfUnctions were based on failure
launch vehicle is shut down and the retro-rockets analysis data for the Titan II launch vehicle.
are fired by a control on the left console. The Personnel from NASA and Ling-Temco-Vought, Inc.,
maneuver rockets are fired by a translational con- established the number of runs for each type of
trol handle located just above the pilot's left malfUnction, and the time that the malfunctions
knee. Figure 6 shows the location of these controls were to begin. The selection was based on the
in the spacecraft. criticality of the malfUnctions with respect to
anticipated pilot difficulty in detecting and eval-
LAUNCH SIMULA.TION PROBLEM uating the cues and the response time for taking
corrective action. Normal launch 'vehicle runs were
A launch simulation was conducted to evaluate interspersed throughout the simulation. The most
the launch vehicle displays and to confirm that the difficult malfunction runs were selected for use
crew could assess the status of the launch vehicle in the simulation regardless of their probability
and take abort action if required. The simulator of occurrence in actual flight.
chosen for this study was the moving base aerospace
flight simulator at Ling-Temco-Vought, Inc. A The NASA astronauts who partiCipated in the
photograph of the simulator is shown in figure 7. simulation were given only 1 day of indoctrination.
Each pilot was scheduled for approximately 75 runs,
Three degrees of angular freedom were available 65 runs having malfunctions and 10 being normal.

-Z14 -
Each of the 51 naU'unction runs 'WaS presented to the SUMMARY
pilots at least once, and the 14 most difficult runs
were presented twice to each pilot. The runs were In summarY, Gemini mission reliability and
randomly distributed so that the pilots had no 'Way crew safety have been enhanced by incorporating a
of knowing which problem would be presented next. redundant guidance and control system and a fl~~ible
They were a'Ware of the general nature of the possi- launch vehicle monitoring system.
ble malfunctions, but they were not aware of the
time during flight at which the malfunctions were

A digital computer controlled simulator atti-

tudes, vibration, and the magnetic tapes. With the
exception of pilot action which completed the runs,
the simulator was operated in an open loop configu-
ration. In addition to the launch-vehicle-related
displays, the cockpit contained a D-ring ejection
seat handle, launch vehicle shutdown and spacecraft
abort handle, and a secondary guidance switch. The
pilot's control response to each run was recorded,
as was his verbal assessment of each run.

It became readily apparent to the pilots that

the most critical malfunctions were engine failures
or tank pressure losses immediately after liftoff
or immediately after staging. The critical engine
failures were readily detectable through redundant
cues, including decrease in sound level, decrease
in acceleration, and illumination of the combustion MD'

chamber pressure light. Pilot reaction time to

this failure was as low as four-tenths of a second. Figure 1.- Flight control and guidance system
Reaction time requirements varied from approximately
1 second to 2~ minutes, depending upon the type and
time of malfunction. Several of the malfunctions,
such as sensor failures and gradual tank pressure
losses were noncritical and required no abort
action. For the majority of the failure modes,
there were multiple cues such as is the case with
engine failure. Tank pressure losses were sensed
by redundant transducers driven by redundant power
sources and presented on redundant meters. For 35 - - BROKEN AUTOGENOUS LINE
tank pressure failures which occurred after the _ ..._- 2 SQ IN ULLAGE LEAK
first 5 seconds, the rate of decay was relatively 3
slow. The pilots were able to let several pressure
failures decay parallel to and just above the
structural limit or were able to wait until the
pressure dropped to within 1 psi of the structural TANK ULLAGE 2
margin before taking abort action. GAS PRESSURE

With only 1 day of familiarization and with
partially developed displays, the pilots were able
to analyze and react correctly to the critical mal-
functions. Extreme monitoring accuracy should be
possible after instrument development has been com-
pleted and the pilots have received the intensive o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
familiarization and training which will precede a TIME FROM LIFT OFF (SEC)
manned Gemini flight.

A manual abort system will provide added Figure 2. - Stage I fuel tank pressures
operational flexibility by enabling the flight crew
to choose an abort time which may reduce the possi-
bility of aborts at high dynamic pressure; to
choose optimum abort times compatible with contin-
gency recoverY areasj and to reduce the probability
and the risk involved with an inadvertent abort.

There is good analogy here to aircraft opera-

tions where the pilot by using his flight instru-
ments, engine displays, and physical cues is able
to assess accurately the validity and seriousness
of various warning or malfunction indications.


e..,,, LOAD 5 G
q -(PSF lO - )


40 80 120 160200240280320 360

Fi gure 3. - Booste r monitoring display s Figure 4. - Gemini launch paramete rs



Figure 5.- Gemini r etr o- escape confi gurat ion Figure 6. - Escape controls

Figure 7.- General v iew o f manned aerospace simulator

.-_.--- -2 16-

By George P. Callas and Robert B. Merrick.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration,

Ames Research Center,
Moffett Field, Calif.

Introduction prior to the emergency can be utilized to give a

reasonably accurate prediction. This leads natu-
rally to restricting the number of points on the
Although manned space flights require a very trajectory from which aborts will be considered.
high probability of mission success they must have These points are termed abort way stations, and
an even higher probability of crew survival. This should occur frequently enough to handle all the
emphasis on crew survival leads to requirements for possible aborts.
abort techniques and subsystems that enable safe
return from all phases of the mission in any event If the best estimate of the state vector is
other than a catastrophy. routinely computed on board for the next one or two
way stations, in the event of computer failure the
The phases of space flight in which emergencies state vector would be known at those future pOints
requiring abort are most likely to occur depend on and sufficient time would exist for abort calcula-
the mission. Since for a lunar mission, the vehicle tions and vehicle maneuvering. The abort calcula-
will be in the midcourse region for over 75 percent tions would be based on trajectories tabulated
of the flight time,it is essential to study the before the flight for each of the way stations.
problem of abort during this phase. Since these trajectories are computed before the
flight, they can represent the exact physical situa-
The object of the paper is to describe an abort tion with the inclusion of the earth's oblateness
technique which will require a minimum of on-board and the perturbing bodies such as the moon, sun, etc.
equipment and to illustrate the performance of the The scheme proposed in this paper uses precalculated
scheme by presenting the results of a digital charts computed in this fashion.
simulation of the system.
Once the abort velocity increment is computed,
the vehicle must be oriented in the proper direction
Discussion of the Problem and the abort executed. Errors in thrusting during
the abort maneuver can cause large deviations in the
return trajectory and must, therefore, be corrected
Consider a manned spacecraft on a typical lunar with subsequent maneuvers (cf. ref. 1). The pres-
mission encountering an emergency that necessitates ent study assumes that the midcourse navigation
an immediate return to Earth. Let us assl.DIle that system is not operable so an alternate method of
the emergency was caused by a failure in both the computing subsequent corrections is required.
communications link and the on-board computer, so
that all of the necessary calculations for the abort If an inertial measurement unit were used to
must be made either on board without the computer, monitor the abort maneuver, thrusting errors during
or else prior to the emergency. Such an abort the abort could be measured and corrected immedi-
problem can be considered in three parts. ately afterwards with a vernier engine that can be
controlled more accurately. Since any good quality
First, the state vector at the time of the inertial measurement unit can measure the magnitude
abort maneuver must be predicted. of the velocity increments more accurately than they
can be applied, the required vernier correction is
Second, a safe return trajectory must be known quite accurately immediately after the abort
determined within the existing constraints, that is, maneuver has been executed. It will be shown that
landing site restrictions and available change in the residual errors from all the sources considered
velocity. are small enough to allow a safe entry. Before
these 'errors are examined, a description of the pro-
Third, the vehicle must be oriented properly posed system and the mathematical model will be
and the abort maneuver performed so that the desired given.
return trajectory is achieved.

One method of predicting the state vector after Description of the Proposed System
an emergency has developed is to make a series of
ce1estia1 observations and process them in some
fashion that will best estimate the current position The proposed system consists of precomputed
and velocity. These results can then be updated to charts and an inertial measurement unit with an
the abort time. Several such schemes exist but optical sighting device which can be used to aline
generally they either require a complex computer to two of the axes in the desired directions. It is
process the results, or they are so simplified that assumed that the primary navigation system employs
they have marginal accuracy and cannot be used near an estimation process similar to the one described
the moon. Furthermore, sufficient time may not by McLean2 , and that the system is programmed to
exist to make the necessary celestial observations give, for preselected ranges, the time to go and the
to determine the state vector accurately. Thus , velOCity components. In the event of a failure this
consideration must be given to the idea of calcu- system provides estimates of these quantities at two
lating the state vector of the vehicle in advance future ~ositions.
to minimize the pilot's task in the event of an
emergency. If the state vector is predicted for
some time in the future, this information gained
Abort Charts The hodograph velocities for various specified land-
ing sites can be given in tabular form to any
41 desired accuracy as illustrated by the table in
The abort charts consist of velocity hodographs figure 2.
plotted for each reference trajectory. Typical
hodograph plots are shown in figure 1. The radial After the abort velocity increment is computed
velocity is plotted along the abscissa and the hori- the vehicle is maneuvered to the proper attitude so
zontal velocity is plotted along the ordinate. The that the abort can be executed at the time the vehi-
dashed line represents the velocity history of the cle reaches the way station.
reference trajectory, and points corresponding to
specific ranges are marked. The solid lines repre-
sent all of the achievable in-plane safe return Inertial Measurement Unit ( IMU)
trajectories at the respective ranges shown. For
example, at the range of 100,000 kilometers, the
vehicle would have the velocity represented by the Since the thrust vector is predominately radial,
solid circle on the dashed line if it were on the a relatively simple optical device can be used to
reference trajectory. The vector joining that point aline the vehicle and the inertial measurement unit.
with any point on the solid line would represent Figure 3 illustrates how the abort maneuver would be
the abort velocity increment at that range. The accomplished. The angle e is the thrusting angle
further the abort velocity increment extends to the and is computed from:
left along the return velocity curve, the shorter
will be the return flight time. Since the fuel on
board the vehicle will be limited, the curves are e (2)
terminated on the left. The terminal point on the
right of each solid line represents the minimum
practical abort velocity increment required to The IMU would be alined with one axis pointing
return the vehicle to a safe entry. If some veloc- toward the center of the earth and a second axis
ity on the solid line results in a return to one of lying in the orbital plane. The orbital plane can
the desired landing sites, the velocity is termed a be established by some reference star or by observ-
"landing site point" and the corresponding point on ing the earth's track in the star background. The
the reference trajectory is an abort way station. third axis is normal to the orbital plane and for
the planar aborts the velocity in this direction
The difference between the maximum and minimum would be held to zero. Since the IMU can be alined
flight time can be several days; therefore, only the quite accurately, errors in thrusting during the
points toward the left end of the curves should be abort maneuver would be measured and corrected
of interest if return time were an important consid- subsequently with the vernier engines.
eration. Thus, abort way stations can be located at
ranges where the landing site point occurs at the
left portion of the curve. If three landing sites Assumptions
are considered, abort way stations can be found with
nearly minimum flight times which are separated by
time intervals of four to five hours along the The analyses in this paper are based upon the
reference trajectory3. following assumptions:

Restricting the aborts to in-plane maneuvers 1. That the velocity corrections, including the
limits the number of solutions that return to a par- abort maneuvers, are impulsive.
ticular landing latitude; however, it also reduces
the number of charts necessary to describe all pos- 2. That the actual trajectory of the space vehi-
sible aborts. Furthermore, in-plane aborts result cle can be accurately described in terms of the
in a constant entry track which is desirable for linear perturbations about a precalculated reference
ground tracking during entry. Thus, this paper is trajectory.
limited to in-plane abort maneuvers; however, the
proposed technique can easily be extended to con- 3. That the errors considered are random and
sider out-of-plane aborts. gaussian and can be represented accurately with
second-order statistics.
When an emergency of the type considered arises,
the pilot quickly determines which abort way station
he is approaching and selects the proper charts; for Performance Criteria
example, the one shown in figure 2. As in figure 1,
the solid curve represents all of the achievable
safe in-plane aborts for a vehicle at a given range. In evaluating the performance of the abort
I~ general, however, the vehicle will not be on the system some criteria must be stated. Since the
reference trajectory and the pilot will use the best prime objective after an abort is to return to earth
estimate of his radial and horizontal components of within the entry corridor, the deviations from the
velocity as given by the computer before the failure. center of the corridor have been established as a
measure of the performance of the system. It is
The pilot will choose the landing site he convenient to express the center of the corridor in
prefers, taking return flight time into considera- terms of the conic vacuum perigee, and the devia-
tion, and calculate the abort velocity increment by tions from the center of the corridor as deviations
merely subtracting as indicated by the two equations in perigee altitude. Thus a satisfactory entry was
assumed to result if the perigee of the return
I::NR = VRHodograph VR trajectory was 6430.00 ±30 km.
- Estimated
l:;,.VH = VHHodograph To evaluate the performance of the proposed
- VHEstimated system the covariance matrix of the errors in the
state vector was determined after the vernier cor- vernier correction to the actual time of its impl.e-
rection and the miss at perigee caused by these mentation. The covari8J1ce matrix of errors due to
errors were examined. the delay was computed, and the miss at perigee
due to this error was obtained USing the prediction
The errors that are considered are: matrix.

1. Errors in the knowledge of position and

velocity at the time of the abort Numerical. Example

2. Errors in thrusting during the abort

maneuver To illustrate the performance of the abort
technique the results of a digital. simulation of the
3. Errors in making the vernier correction system will be given. The simulation model is
described below.
4. Error caused by delay in accomplishing the
complete velocity increment

Position and Velocity Errors

The reference trajectory-<that was sel.ected is
entirel.ybal.listic and l.ies approximatel.y in the
The errors in the knowledge of position and moon's orbital. pl.ane. Injection occurs at a perigee
velocity at the time of the abort are functions pri- of 6450.0 kin on February 21, 1966, with a vel.ocity
marily of the navigation system. In this study a of 11.015858 km/sec. The vehicl.e passes ahead of
navigation system similar to that described by the moon and reaches perilune at a l.unar altitude of
McLean2 was assumed.. The covariance matrix of 185.0 kin after a flight time of 70.68 hours. The
errors in estimation resulting from this system was moon's gravitational. attraction rotates the direc-
obtained at each of the abort way stations along tion of flight so that the vehicl.e returns to earth
the reference trajectory. For each way station a and enters the atmosphere in the center of the entry
reference abort trajectory was found and a transi- corridor with a flight-path angl.e of - 5 . 50 . The
tion matrix along this new reference trajectory was total fl.ight time from injection to the return ref-
used to update the covariance matrix of errors in erence perigee is 144.88 hours.
estimation from the abort time to the time of the
vernier correction. A prediction matrix was then
utilized to compute the rms miss at perigee result- Observation Schedule
ing from these errors.

The primary navigation system assumed was

Thrusting Errors similar to that described by McLean2 • This partic-
ular example uses 45 observations with three vel.oc-
ity corrections on the outbound and 35 observa-
The thrusting errors conf'_dered were errors in tions and two velocity corrections on the return
aiming and in cutoff. As mentioned earlier, abort leg. The observation sequence prior to the first
thrusting errors are measured with the IMlJ and sub- velocity correction is shown in detail. in figure 5.
sequently a vernier correction is made. If the sequences were followed preceding each
vernier correction were made at the same time as subsequent correction.
the abort, the only errors resulting from the abort
maneuver would be measurement errors and vernier
thrusting errors. This is illustrated by the veloc- Abort Way Stations
ity diagram shown in figure 4. The true vernier
correction is by definition the abort thrusting
error. However, because of the measurement errors, For in-pl.ane aborts the band of l.atitudes from
the indicated vernier correction is slightly differ- which a landing site can be selected is restricted
ent. Furthermore, the actual vernier correction and depends on several characteristics of the
will be different from the indicated vernier cor- reference trajectory (cf. ref. 3). These are:
rection because of vernier thrusting errors. The
total error is then the vector sum of the measure- l.. Inclination of the reference orbit
ment error and vernier thrusting error. Since the
measurement errors are small and analogous to ver- 2. The entry range capability of the ·vehicl.e
nier thrusting errors, in this analysis they are
considered as part of the vernier thrusting errors. 3. The abort vel.ocity increment capability of
The intended vernier correction is the indicated the vehicle
error resu.:..ting from the abort maneuver, thus the
statistics of the vernier correction are described The ability of the system to achieve a safe
by the covariance matrix of abort errors. These entry will be independent of the first two parame-
statistics were used in the matrix analysis illus- ters. Representative values were chosen for the
trated by Battin4 to determine the covariance example below, where the entry range is taken as
matrix of errors in vernier thrusting. The predic- approximately 3000 nautical miles and the inclina-
tion matrix was then utilized to compute the miss tion of the transl.unar trajectory is approximatel.y
at perigee due to errors in vernier thrusting. 28.60 • The maximum abort velocity considered ..Ln
the exampl.e was 2.0 km/sec.
If the indicated vernier correction is not
applied at the same instant as the abort maneuver, Abort way stations were sel.ected at nearly
a third error will result since the on-board com- equal t.ime intervals along the reference trajectory
puter is not availabl.e for updating the indicated and the l.anding sites that resulted from small
variations of abort velocity were determined. It This same idea is followed throughout the
was found that if three landing sites were selected, remaining leg of the trajectory. Table II defines
near minimum return time trajectories could be found the emergency points that were considered and the
at all the way stations selected. A SUllllllary of the way station where the abort was initiated for that
abort way stations, their spacing, their correspond- emergency.
ing landing Sites, and the velocity increment neces-
sary to achieve the landing site are given in
table I. Results

Although for this study it was more expedient

to select the way stations and then determine the The rms errors in perigee miss due to each of
landing sites, in general this procedure would be the errors considered were computed for each of the
reversed. That is, desired landing sites would be emergencies discussed and the results are presented
selected and then the abort way stations would be in table III.
The rms perigee miss due to the errors in the
knowledge of position and velocity at the time of
Emergency Stations the abort is tabulated in column 2. As expected the
results are poorest before any observations are
taken. Indeed, point 2, which is the worst condi-
It is not necessary to examine every point on tion, represents the effect of an emergency after
the reference trajectory to evaluate the abort per- injection that could not be corrected until the
formance. It is only necessary to examine aborts second way station. An abort at the same way sta-
from those points known to give "poorer" results. tion with only one observation, emergency 3, results
These less satisfactory cases will occur at points in a great reduction in the miss at perigee. This
where the covariance matrix of errors in estimating illustrates the importance of the observation sched-
the state vector is greatest. This generally occurs ule in relation to the abort way stations.
before a sequence of observations. Figure 6 shows
an enlarged portion of the trajectory with the obser- If the abort maneuver were executed and no
vation schedule and abort way stations. The solid subsequent corrections were made, extremely large
circles numbered 1 through 4 represent the first perigee errors would result from the small errors
four way stations and the stars represent emergen- in thrusting (cf. ref. 1). Consequently, a vernier
cies at the "critical" points. For example, the correction would be necessary. The statistics of
first case to examine occurs after injection and the vernier correction depend on the statistics of
before the first observation. Any emergency occur- the abort errors. The covariance matrix of errors
ring after injection and before the first way sta- resulting from the abort maneuver was computed with
tion was approached would result in an abort at the the assumption of an rms error in aiming of 0.5 0 and
first way station, and the uncertainty in the esti- an rms error in cutoff of 1.0 percent. These
mation of the injection errors would be the major assumptions result in vernier corrections of about
source of error in the perigee miss. The covariance 20 to 25 m/sec rms.
matrix of injection errors updated to the first
abort represents the errors of estimation at that The end-point errors are not directly affected
point. If an emergency developed very near the by the errors in the abort maneuver but only by
first abort way station, sufficient time would not those in applying the vernier correction. The
exist to perform calculations and maneuver the vehi- assumption for the vernier errors was 0.5 0 rms in
cle; therefore the abort would have to be made at aiming and 0.2 m/sec rms in cutoff. Also, an error
the second way station if a desired landing area arises from the delay in applying the vernier cor-
were to be reached. However, none of the scheduled rection since the on-board computer is presumed not
obServations could be made, and thus the error available for updating the indicated vernier correc-
matrix at injection must be updated to the second tion to the actual time of its implementation. The
abort way station to determine the error in estima- effects on terminal conditions due to these two
tion of the state vector. In this study it was sources of error ar, given in columns 3 and 4 of
assumed that 15 minutes is required to prepare for table III. The vernier thrusting delay time was
an abort maneuver; thus if the emergency occurred taken as 15 minutes. Because the trajectory sensi-
within 15 minutes of an abort way station, the abort tivity coefficients generally increase as the time-
could not be made until the following station. to-go increases, the miss due to vernier thrusting
errors is larger for the later aborts. The miss due
If the emergency were to occur after the first to delay in applying the vernier is a function of
observation, an abort would be made at the second the position on the trajectory as well as the delay
abort way station and the subsequent observations time. Near the earth, where the curvature of the
shown could not be :made. Thus thee error matrix trajectory is greater, the effect of the delay is
would be that obtained after the first observation largest.
updated to the second way station. If the miss at
perigee due to error in the estimated state vector The total ml',s at perigee resulting from all
were small fo' the case just nentioned, emergencies three sources is tabulated in column 5. It is
after subsequent observations would result interesting to note that the error resulting from
in correspondingly smaller misses because each an abOl't at the last way station consldered is only
observation would further reduce the error in the 10 km. "'his way station i" well within the sphere
estimated state, of influence of the mv:m. Aborts on th.' outbound
leg of the trajectory at ran.",es beyond the last way
Another type of "critical" point would occur stati.n are of little va.lue since the return time
if ar. emergency arose at the time of the first without an abort is only slightly longer.
velo~ity correction. Such an emergency would resCllt
in 9.['. abort at way station 4 since there iI/'Ould be The -: sigrra miss at perigee due to all of the
sufficient time to make the necessary computations. errors con; idered is wi thin tre allowable error of
±30 km for all but emergency condition 2. ~i8 In defining the landing site, a constant entry
error could be reduced to an acceptable value if the range was assumed. Actually, the vehicles being
observation schedule were altered so that a better considered for the lunar mission have same aerody-
estimate of position and velocity could be obtained namic capability and can achieve a fairly large
prior to the first way station. "footprint. " Since the errors in making the abort
will cause deviations from the reference, the land-
ing site could not, in general, be achieved with a
Concluding Remarks constant entry range. Thus, the aerodynamic capa-
bility of the vehicle would be required to reach the
desired landing site.
A manual abort system consisting of precomputed
charts and an inertial measurement unit has been
described. The system was evaluated by simulation References
on the digital computer and t~e results were given.

The results of this study show that the use of 1. Merrick, Robert B., and Callas, George P.:
precalculated charts to aid in the computation of Prediction of Velocity Requirements for Mini-
the abort velocity increment is feasible. The incor- mum Time Aborts From the Midcourse Region of
poration of abort way stations makes possible the a Lunar Mission. NASA TN D-1655, 1963·
location of desired landing sites on the charts.
The error in estimating the state vector at the 2. McLean, John D., Schmidt, Stanley F., and
abort way stations is dependent on the observation McGee, Leonard A.: Optimal Filtering and
schedule used; thus the location of the way stations Linear Prediction Applied to a Midcourse Navi-
should be considered in choosing the observation gation System for the Circumlunar Mission.
schedule. NASA TN D-1208, 1962.

Since the abort and vernier velocity correc- 3. Kelly, Thomas J., and Adornato, Rudolph J. :
tions can be measured to a higher degree of accuracy Determination of Abort Way-Stations on a Nom-
than they can be made, the performance of the system inal Circumlunar Trajectory. ARS Jour.,
is limited by the aiming accuracy of the IMU and the vol. 32, no. 6, June 1962, pp. 887-93·
cutoff characteristics of the vernier engine. A
substantial improvement in the system would be real- 4. Battin, Richard H.: A Statistical Optimizing
ized for ranges of 200,000 km or more if these were Navigation Procedure for Space Flight.
improved. Instrumentation Laboratory, MIT Rep. R-341,
Sept. 1961.


Time, injection Abort velocity

Way station Range, km Landing site
to perigee, hr increment, km/sec

1 40,000 29·30 1.71 1

2 90,000 32.44 1.63 2
3 125,000 33·19 1.78 1
4 155,000 49·72 1.73 3
5 180,000 55.69 1.81 2
6 205,000 63·59 1.81 1
7 230,000 73·75 1.74 3
8 250,000 79·91 1.76 2
9 270,000 87·55 1.74 1
10 290,000 97·84 1.65 3
II 308,000 97·58 1.88 3
12 325,000 105.62 1.90 2
13 340,000 ll1.66 1.84 1
14 355,000 121.61 1·74 3
LanUlng S 1 tes :

L Coast of India, East of the city of Cuttack.

2. Hawaiian Islwd.s, near city of HonolulU.
3. Puerto Rico, near city of San Juan.


Emergency Tilne from Number of station

Range, km observations Way
condition injection, hr

~ 0 6,500 0 1
2 2 39,200 0 2
3 2·5 46,000 1 Earth 2
4 6.5 90,500 8 Earth 3
5 12.0 136,000 9 E, 8M 4
6 14.5 153,000 9 E, 8M 5
7 18.5 180,000 10 E, 8M 6
8 22·5 202,000 15 E, 8M 7
27·5 230,000 19 E, 10 M 8
10 34.5 262,000 19 E, 10 M 9
11 35·5 270,000 19 E, 10 M 10
12 40.0 290,000 19 E, 10 M 11
13 44.5 308,000 19 E, 10 M 12
14 49·0 325,000 19 E, 10 M 13
15 53·0 339,000 19 E, 10 M 14


RMS perigee miss, in kilometers, due to errors in -

Emergency Total rms
condition Knowledge of Delay in miss, km
state vector Vernier thrusting thrusting
1 6.1 1.2 6.5 9·1
2 21.0 2·3 2.8 21.3
3 5.8 2·3 2.8 6.8
4 3·0 3·3 1.8 4.9
5 3·5 4.0 1.4 5·5
6 5·0 4.8 1.2 7·0
7 6.6 5·4 1.2 8.6
8 4.0 5.8 1.1 7·1
9 2.2 6.4 1.3 6.8
10 1.8 6·7 1.3 7·1
11 2.0 6·9 1.4 7·3
12 2.4 8.2 2.2 8.8
13 2·7 8·7 2·7 9·5
14 3·0 8·9 3·1 9·9
15 3·5 9·0 2.6 10.0

E 1.6
R= 50.000 km
.. f)
U "",
> 0.8 R' 100.000 km , ...... "RANGE. km
..J :-- " 100 000
R=I50.000km \ ,,::- •
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - ..:c;)'/\ABORT VELOCITY
2 0.4 ,*,;'
it: _------ 150.000
~ I

Figure 1. - Typical abort hodoqraph chart--=,.

A 0.16305 0.45428
B 1.12453 0.45739
~ ~
~ --r-~---------------a~--- 1
l: 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0
Figure 2. - Abort chart for way station 4. Figure 3. - Alinlng the IMU and the thrust vector for an abort.


FIgure 5. - Lunar trajectory o_rvatIon schedule.

Figure 4. - Veloc!!;y diagram.

F1gure 6. - Location of critical emergency points.


Thomas E. Dolan
Member, Professional Staff ~ 1..' :
National Aeronautics and Space Council, IN "'-I~~, 'D .L r


The combination of two great organizations Operational Technology the ability to

into a single national AIAA, the title of this con- operate effectively in space.
ference - - - "Manned Space Flight" - - - and the
theme of today's session --- essentially, "Where Bioastronautics --.- the science of man's
do we go from here?" --- reflect an understand- well-being in space.
ing of space as as'ingle national effort, our
awareness of the fundamental importance of man From a Perspective such as this, it is
in this effort, and our concern as to the proper possible to develop the fundamentals, milestones,
evolution of the national space program. sequence of events and their interrelationship for
our national space program.
Against this background, it is most appro-
priate to discuss space station activities as an The point is that regardless of whether this
element of our national space program. SpJcif- or some similar technique is used, the decision
ically, I plan to emphasize certain aspects of the maker --- Government or industry --- should
space station program which, in my judgment, have a master picture of this type that identifies
are not adequately considered. Further, I will the evolving nature of our national space program
suggest that such aspects pose special challenges and its mainstreams of activities. This Perspec-
and that we all --- individually and collectively tive, reflecting a national program stripped of its
--- have a responsibility to meet these challen- trivia and reduced to fundamentals, can make an
ges. effective contribution to the key management de-
cis ions of resource application and major pro-
Perspective gram starts.

.The first aspect is Perspective. Our grasp Another example of Perspective lies in the
of Perspective is, at best, an imperfect thing. manner in which we emphasize the various as-
Without Perspective, it is possible to encourage peets of our activities. Surely, a viable national
programs of mo~st improvement with resultant space program should have ever-changing shad-
demands on our national resources and, without :, ings, peaks and valleys, tones and overtones tobe
realizing it, take a series of sTIlall steps at the a total and meaningful picture. If we lose our
expense of accomplishing really fundamental Perspective, it is easy to accede to the momen-
space milestones a~d realizing national object- tum of large organizations and channeled thinking.
ives. This can continue to carry us into areas which
originally held great promise, but where - - - in
Each person in a policy or decision-making fact --- we should be redUCing our effort and re-
role --- not only in Government but in the private directing it to new regimes of interest.
sectors of the economy as well --- should have
developed in his own mind the fundamental mile- For example, the next five years will see
stones and objectives which constitute our nation- several hundred satellites in earth orbit. In that
al space program. Only by testing each new pro- same period, there might be thirty or so in the
gram --- such as a space station --- againstthis cislunar regime and less than a score in 4eep
picture can an effective judgment be made which space. The unknown, however, is pretty much in
is responsive to national space program needs direct proportion to distance away from our
rather than the parochial interests of a given or- planet. Maybe the momentum of our early earth
ganization or industrial element. orbital activities is carrying us forward at the
expense of our newer deep space regimes of
The picture, for example might be divided interest. We should ask ourselves "Does a sta-
into the fundamentals of two types of mission __ _ tion program affect earth orbital plans?" "Was
manned and unmanned; three types of mission the total impact of an operation such as Mariner II
regimes --- earth orbit, lunar and deep space; of greater significance - - - technically and non-
and four types of supporting technological effort: technically - .. - than the last several correspond-
ing earth orbital operations?" Ii the answers are
in the affirmative, then a reassessment of em-
Transportation Systems --- the ability to phasis is in order to equate activity with oppor-
put things up and move around in space. tunity.

Reentry Technology - - - the ability to return.

Here, the Perspective that we need is to materials and aerodynamic tests which employ
recognize the changing currents as well as the scale models, lar ge launch vehicle s, and cost
fundamental patterns of our national space pro- tens of millions for single data points? Could a
gram; to learn to slow down activities in certain space station be employed to launch various size
areas and expand them in others as time pro- models at different angles of attack and velocity
gresses. into an instrumentated range for data points? In
another vein, could an earth orbital space station
In the area of Perspective then, the chal- program be configured --- in timing, manage-
lenge is twofold. First, we must discipline our- ment' hardware --- so as to efficiently provide a
selves to go through the often agonizing process backup lunar reconnaissance capability?
of developing a fundamental, objective picture of
our national space ac~ivities. And second, this The point is this: it would appear that unex-
picture must be utilized when pas sing judgment on plored possibilities exist for space station AppliC-
proposed new missions, hardware programs, or ations. Examination is required so that those
lines of endeavor. In this manner we can avoid having merit can be brought to light and included
doing "more of the same" or doing something in the formative stages of program definition. In
"just a little better" but rather take our resources addition, Applications thinking of this type might
and apply them to the fundamentals that will yield indicate areas in our national space program
the greatest progress as a function of time and where activities could be curtailed in favor of
investment. more effective concepts. It is just as important
--- and often more difficult --- to know when to
Applications stop things as well as start them.

The subject of space station Applications The challenge, then, in the area of Applica-
holds several areas of special interest. One of tions is twofold. The first recogn.izes the national
these is in the area of activity patterns. character of our space program and the cornmon
civil and defense test needs in the early phases of
Utilizing the national Perspective previous- a space station activity. It suggests that a pro-
1y described, it appears from analyses that Appli- gram concept be formulated which makes maxi-
cations fall into a pattern of two categories --- mum utilization of existing --- and distinctive --- and defense --- and four rnission regimes: capabilities and capacities while at the same time
Test, Military, Orbital Launch and Applied Use. being fully responsive to the specific missions
Of particular note are the common engineering and and objectives of the agencies involved.
scientific test interests in both the civil and de-
fense categories in the early phases of a space The second challenge is to penetrate the
station program. On the other hand, hardware subject of space station Applications deeper than
evolutions into military and orbital launch missions we have heretofore. This will more factually de-
suggest more distinctive second generation Appli- termine the characteristics of the program and
cations roles peculiar to each category. hardware. Also, it might contribute to the ob-
jectives of our unmanned satellite programs and
Studies indicate that even 4 - 6 man space indeed, in some cases, provide a better data
station projects may cost as much as two billion return.
dollar s. It is clear that duplication of effort would
be expensive. Therefore, the interests of th.e Evolution
national space program could best be served by a
single initial project responsive to both civil and One evolutionary possibility starts with a
defense test needs, for technology wears no label. relatively modest station and evolves into one or
more advanced operational concepts when their
The challenge then is to conceive a map.- requirements are defined and the impact of the
agement arrangement, hardware concept, and "g" vs. no "g" problem is established by actual
coordination rapport which effectively implements space test. Maximum utilization of existing
and effiCiently discharges the in.itial project in an launch vehicles and spacecraft is made so that
evolving station program. only the station itself represents a fundamentally
new hardware item.
Examination of the full potential for space
station Applications represents a second area of In this concept, the basic unit might be a
interest. The challenge here lies with each of us 4 - 6 man! 20 , 000 pound/l year min.imum life
to think of new, constructive, and intelligent uses article aimed at satisfying initial civil and de-
for space stations; uses which can stand the" should fense test needs. Titan ill and Saturns I and IB
be done vs. could be done" test. The Perspective would be candidate launch vehicles.
that we spoke of above --- the national Perspec-
tive - - - is fundamental to this task. The key is From this point the program could evolve
cross fertilization --- rather than compartment- into advanced projects utilizing one or more of
ation --- of thinking. Should one, for example, the original stations as the basic "bricks" of the
continue to think in terms of hypervelocity reentry ultimate "building." These might take the-form

of large wheeled stations if gravity is required; The "reasonable resource" criteria might
large ":molecular" designs if size but not" g" is be satisfied by the" single Phase I/two step evo-
the funda:mental criteria; an operational co:mplex lution/existing launch vehicle and spacecraft" pro-
of several s:mall stations operating at different gram previously :mentioned. But in keeping with
orbit altitudes and inclinations; or any co:mbin- our original objective of touching on aspects of
ation of these second generation syste:ms. The station progra:ming not ordinarily discussed, the
:merit of an Evolution of this type is principally earliest Resource proble:m faCing a space station
one of efficiency. It could be designed and i:m:me- progra:m is adequate cost esti:mating.
diately e:mployed to satisfy known test needs and
grow to :meet foreseeable applications. The pro- It is difficult to :meet cost targets once a
gra:ming could digest major decisions --- such as progra:m has been initiated. But even :more dis-
"g" vs. no "g" --- without costly backtracking or couraging is the wide variation of cost esti:mates
delays. Indeed, its flexibility would also appear furnished for decision :making on progra:m starts.
to give the concept a backup potential for support- How do you reconcile launch cost estimates for a
ing existing projects. certain next generation vehicle that change by a
4: I factor, depending on the source, or judge cost
An even more :mini:mal first generation con- estimates for the sa:me progra:m from co:mpeting
cept is based on a s:maller unit - typically a organizations that range fro:m $1. 7 billion to $16
Z - 3 :man station sizing. In so:me versions the billion?
stations might be a new hardware ite:m with :mod-
ular concept growth while in other arrange:ments Cost analyses are not :mysterious. They re-
existing syste:ms :might be modified for a proto- quire a good, honest effort with plenty of digging,
type station capability. The prinCipal :merit of heavily garnished with judg:ment. Whether it is
the concept is c1ai:med to be an earlier avail- called Value Engineering, Syste:ms Analysis, Cost
ability. However, there is currently no indica- Effectiveness or just plain Cost Analysis, the en-
tion that concepts of this type are particularly deavor must take its rightful place in Government
attractive when entire progra:m Evolution is con- and industrial organizational structures like any
sidered. The initial costs appear significant --- other skill - - - aerodyna:mics, propulsion :mater-
as high as a billion dollars --- while so-called ials or design -- - and held to equivalent account-
earlier availability is bought at the expense of ability. To discount the problezr. fails to recog-
longer Evolution. There is no indication at this nize the funda:mental fact that one of the few things
ti:me that the station progra:m could evolve direct- that can hold us back in space is a disenchanted
ly fro:m this :mini:mal concept to :most postulated Congress and public who authorize resources to
applications without still needing an inter:mediate get a job done and who are then faced with an ag-
capability. onizing reappraisal calling for either project
ter:mination or hundreds of :millions :more to :meet
The challenge in the area of Evolution is original objective s.
straightforward. It is si:mply to define a progran
which: Having raised the proble:m, itls a fair ques-
tion to ask what :might be done about it. The
(a) Makes :maxi:mu:m utilization of our solution has several ele:ments, including organiz-
present hardware syste:ms. ational, as noted above. But one facet lies, in:my
judg:ment, in the area of making increaSing use of
(b) . Reflects long range Evolution rather the modest a:mount of historical cost data being
than short-term expediency. accumulated by our :multibillion dollar national
space effort.
(c) Is flexible enough to absorb :major
decisions and back up existing progra:ms. In the aircraft business, para:meters and
patterns of dollars/pound of airfra:me; subsystems
(d) Is consistent with so:me reasonable costs; costs as a function of payload, range and
de:mands on Resvurces. velocity; etc. were plotted, studied and known to a
degree which per:mitted realistic estimates of new
Resources progra:ms on the one hand and exposed inept pro-
jections on the other.
Offhand, I d.onlt recall any:major space pro-
gra:m which has attained all of its objec.tives and What is past is prologue, at least if te:m-
has run IJ.ignimcantly under esti:mated aos1;:i. On the pered by judgment. We are in the Year Seven of
other hand, we are all fa:miliar with unfortunate the Age of Space. A li:mited a:mount of cost exper-
exa:mples of projects which i:mposed greater de- ience is available for factoring into our analyses.
:mands on Resources than originally anticipated. To faU to consider this source of practical exper-
The challenge here is to come up with a space ience and judge its :meaning on its own merits
station progra:m which has the Perspective that fails in my opinion to recognize the changing :mar-
we spoke of earlier, is dyna:mically Evolutionary, ket place and decision arena.
and yet imposes reasonable de:mands on our Re-

Decision criteria-wise, we are paying about a national manned space station program.
$110,Ooo/lb. for a group of four manned systems.
Even more interesting is the fact that the cost If a single station project is initiated to
spread is less than 15%. What would you think of satisfy initial civil and defense test needs, a new
a presentation that projected space station pro- dimension of coordination and cooperation will be
gram costs at 1/5 or 1/10 this pattern without --- imposed on industry and Government. The chal-
at least as an absolute minimum --- explaining lenge is to propose Management concepts which
why the costs differed so markedly from current are responsive to the national rather than institut-
experience? ional characteristics of the project and which ha~
clear lines of authority and a centralized point of
In summary, a Resource challenge is to control and responsibility.
make the changes --- in organizational structure
and mental attitude --- that are required to pro- Decision Making
duce more factual and accurate cost data to go
with program recommendations. Perspective teaches us that our manned
space station prcgram is not a project, but a pro-
Management gram made up of a series of projects. It is not a
discreet element, but a stream of effort. Conse-
If a manned space station program repre- quently, a great number of programing decisions
sents one of the fundamentals of our total national are involved through a decade --- decisions as to
space program, it then follows that the program when to start and what the end product should be
(made up of several projects) is very important ten years from now, and decisions that we will not
and will undoubtedly be large and demanding of know the answers to until we are part way through
time and effort. The control of programs such as the program. Consequently, we can visualize the
this with gestation periods in terms of years, need for a flexible, evolving space station pro-
which cost hundreds of millions of dollars and gram which lends itself to the introduction of
which involve thousands of people, presents one major decisions without disruption and waste mo-
of the most formidable Management tasks ever tion.
attempted. The programs are complex to say the
least. With the best Management we will have Decisions facing us during the evolution of
difficulty in realizing our goals. Without good the program include possible lunar reconnais-
Management we can be assured that those goals sance; gravity versus no gravity; size and char-
will not be met. acteristics of the station when used as an orbital
launch facility for both lunar shuttle systems and
Many subscribe to the integrated task force our initial manned deep space flight --- possibly
or team approach made up of a single body of per- a Mars or Venus orbiter. The questions arise:
sons, physically located together in one area, "Is it possible to conceive a flexible evolving
representing the several disciplines involved and manned space station program, with the key de-
responsible to one person alone who, in turn, has cisions identified?" "Is it possible to have a pro-
full authority and commands the resources allo- gram capable of responding efficiently and rapidly
cated for the project. But whether this or some to whichever the way a decision goes so that we
similarly modern Management concept is selected. aren't caught off base or have to backtrack?"
it is apparent that a "business as usual" philoso-
phy will not suffice. Space success is not a The answer to these questions, in my judg-
"busines s as usual" proposition. Rather, it poses ment, is yes. And the challenge to the Govern-
special challenges which demand a different ment organizations and industry elements that
approach. plan to participate in the program is to layout a
simple, straightforward, evolving manned space
One criteria that might be used to check on station program which will provide the flexibility
the effectiveness of any proposed space ~tation required by the decisions makers to accommodate
Management would be the identification of the one the unanticipated and unusual as well as the ex-
person who is completely responsible for all pected and the known.
facets of the program; who has full responsibility
and decision-making authority inside of resource Support
allocations; and who is on the job full time on
that project and that project alone. If he is not Discussion of the aspect of Support as the
high in the organization; if he does not have re- last item belies its importance. It has several
sponsibility for all aspects of the program (launch dimensions --- national, organizational, and
vehicles, payloads, et cetera); if he is not given individual --- which merit comment.
full line authority with the resources placed at his
disposal rather than controlled by a parallel or- First, in terms of national support, the 7. 6
ganization; and if he is not on the job full time to billion dollar FY 1964 space budget request re-
the exclusion of all other distractions and respon- cently submitted to Congress is indicative of the
sibilities, then it is suggested that the Manage- current Administration's aggressive support of
ment structure may not be adequate to administer our national space program. The 40% increase

over last year's budget is heavily oriented to Each of us in the aerospace field has a re-
manned space flight with much of the technology sponsibility to contribute to this effort, to stimu-
and actual hardware directly applicable to a space late support in all of these areas, to communicate
station program. As a matter of fact, two -thirds with his co-workers and the public. We cannot be
of an initial station project's hardware --- launch content to "let the other fellow do it" and effect-
vehicles and ferry spacecraft --- are currently ively discharge that responsibility.
under development.
The challenge, then, to each and everyone of
The second dimension --- organizational us, is to support the AdIninistration in its expand-
support --- concerns the prototype station itself. ing space program, and to communicate with ---
While a procurement program has not yet been re- and broaden the base of --- public and scientific
leased, important groundwork is being laid. Cur- understanding and support of our national space
rently, more than $4 million per annum is being station program.
invested in industry contracts alone for space sta-
tion studies and subsystem hardware development. Conclusion
Several times this amount is being spent on in-
house activities. The awareness of NASA and DOD Only infrequently does history give us an
as to the importance of space stations and the sup- opportunity to formulate and implement an activity
port that they deserve is underscored by this effort - - -such as this multiproject space station program
- - -whose impact might well take its place with
The third dimension of support is individual. that of nuclear energy as being one of the funda-
It applies to each of us. Congressional support is mental milestones in the accomplishments of man.
required for the expanding space budget with its But such an opportunity poses a challenge, facets
emphasis on manned space flight and eventually a of which have been discussed. The effectiveness
space station program. Scientific support is need- with which we respond to the challenge will dictate,
ed in order to capitalize on a station project's test to a great degree, the success that we will have
and research potential. And public understanding with our national space station program.
and support of a multimillion dollar space station
project is essential.


L. T. Spears~C. H. Rutland ~ ~' ..

Project Engineers


Within this session on future space systems, The launch vehicles and stages to be
the other papers ,and speakers wi~l deal largely developed under the SATURN and APOLLO programs
with missions and activities to be conducted in will provide an initial capability for orbital
space. This paper will discuss briefly launch and lunar logistic support. In looking toward
vehicle concepts, or space transportation system this future operational environment, we must ask:
elements, which seem compatible with the nature Under what conditions will these vehicles become
of space travel assumed for the 1970's and 1980's. obsolete, and what types of vehicle concepts
We will not dwell on prospects for initiation of appear promising as their replacements?
space projects which would create such traffic
demands, but will concentrate on vehicle concepts The major areas of improvement we will seek
potentially available for the assumed missions. in "second generation" vehicle concepts will be
It should be kept in mind, however, that the flow in operational characteristics and economic
from demand (requirement) to capability is not a efficiency. Some of these objectives are illus-
one-way stream. The traffic market will be trated in Fig. 3., along with alternate paths
greatly influenced by the capacity and efficiency available.
of available transports.
Near future space activities can be grouped
into three categories: Earth orbital, lunar, and Studies over a period of time have led us to
planetary. It can be assumed that orbital and believe that higher levels of operational reli-
lunar traffic will be first to achieve high levels ability and economy are achievable with reusable
on a sustained basis, while planetary missions are vehicles, particularly for some classes of vehi-
still on an intermittent and exploratory basis. cles and operations. That is, the "airplane"
Therefore, we will concentrate for this discussion approach to vehicle design, development, and
on orbital and lunar traffic - - under somewhat operation will get us closer to our objectives
matured operational conditions. than will the ballistic missile approach. We will
discuss the application of the reusable vehicle
Transportation is of course required for ini- concept for Earth to orbit transport, which seems
tial placement of men and equipment into orbit and nearly certain to be adopted at some time in the
on the lunar surface. However, crew rotation and future. The extension of this concept to other
sustained logistic support will create the major elements of the lunar transportation system will
traffic demands. Some typical estimates for be discussed as one of the major alternatives
support of space stations and lunar bases of currently under investigation.
varied sizes are shown in Fig. 1. These data do
not include indirect items such as service and ORBITAL PASSENGER FERRY VEHICLES
maintenance crew requirements in orbit for support
of lunar and planetary missions. Considering future transportation of
passengers between Earth and orbit, and cargo
A composite projection of cargo and passenger traffic at high frequencies, vehicle studies
traffic rates for the coming decades is shown in conducted over the past several years have con-
Fig. 2. This projection was compiled recently by verged toward highly reusable, airplane-type
Mr. H. H. Koelle, Director of Future Projects for launch vehicles. These have normally. fallen into
the Marshall Center, taking into consideration two classes:
mission desires, logistic support estimates, and
1. Rocket-boosted vehicles, designed for
tempered with expected budget constraints.
vertical take-off (VTO) and winged fly-back and
We can normally expect some degree of free- landing.
dom in payload size per trip for cargo transpor- 2. Horizontal take-off (HTO) vehicles,
tation, which may influence a choice toward equipped with advanced air-breathing_propulsion,
larger vehicles, resulting in lower flight designed to operate from runways and for aero-
frequencies. Passenger transportation, on the dynamic flight during early boost.
other hand, will require a certain frequency of
trips which is to some extent independent of In our recent studies of the rocket air-
available vehicle sizes. Crew rotation will be plane concept, new constraints and emphasis have
necessary at staggered intervals; unpredicted been introduced, with results differing somewhat
needs for personnel and for special equipment from earlier ·studies. First emphasis has been
will occur at orbital and lunar stations. In placed on reliability and passenger safety.
this discussion, we will therefore give first Beyond this, special attention has been given to
attention to passenger transportation, involving passenger accommodation, because of a belief that
vehicle concepts and operational modes approaching space transportation for this period must not
a "shuttle" or "ferry" mode of operation. be limited to astronauts. Operations in space

will involve ~ersons of varied talents, age, and complete reusability. With our present knowledge
physical condition. As a part of this emphasis, of orbital recovery, the price for orbital re-
design c~traints have been Unposed to lUnit covery will be high in terms of inert weight,
flight accelerations (boost and re-entry) to 2-3 development effort, and vehicle size for a given
g's, and to 4 g's under abort conditions. This passenger complement. In any of the configurations,
factor, plus an approach to initial boost, has led however, lifting recovery and the "low acceleration"
us to depart from the conventional marriage of ride will be maintained for the passenger vehicle.
rocket boost and VTO. This work indicates the
rocket booster in the HTO mode to be a good candi- GROUND ACCELERATOR CONCEPTS
date, and is being investigated in current studies.
Two methods of propulsion are currently under
When designing HTO vehicles for operation consideration for the ground accelerator. One is
from runways, the rocket vehicle size is invari- a conventional liquid rocket sled (Fig. 7) with
ably limited by runway weight limitations. In the exception that the vehicle engines are used for
recent studies, this problem has been alleviated boost, with the sled only supplying propellants to
by an approach which is not new, but seems replenish the vehicle tan~.s. This approach has
applicable. The vehicle lift-off weight is kept the advantage that all boost propulsion is operat-
down by keeping the major undercarriage and the ing from beginning of the ground run, allowing
initial boost propulsion equipment on the ground, verification prior to release and lift-off.
in the form of a ground accelerator sled. Under
The second approach (Fig. 8), not yet studied
these conditions, HTO is competitive with VTO, if
in as much depth, envisions a "linear steam turbine':
not superior from a performance standpoint. One
comparison of VTO with HTO in this form is shown which employs turbine blades along the track. A
in Fig. 4, i.e., indicating the sum of drag and greater impulse is attainable from the steam in
gravity losses to be a smaller fraction of stage this manner than by exhausting through rocket
ideal velocity in the HTO case.
Admittedly, these analyses were not approached
from a completely unbiased standpoint. It was A typical flight profile is shown in Fig. 9.
felt that the HTO mode of operation is preferable The ground acceleration to 400-600 fps can be
unless the necessary penalties are too great. accomplished within 5,000 ft or less. The sled has
When designed to the "g" constraints for non- the ability to decelerate (water brake) the vehicle-
astronaut passengers and approached from the sled combination in the event that all systems are
ground accelerator standpoint, the studies indicate not confirmed for lift-off.
no major penalties, and perhaps an advantage for
the HTO mode. Among the reasons for preference A fairly steep climb-out follows lift-off,
of the HTO mode for a passenger transport are the followed in turn by a nose-over toward a flight
following: path angle o~ about 20 degrees at first stage burn-
1. Passenger and payload preparation is out. The "saw-tooth" appearance of the flight
simplified. acceleration curve results from a first approach,
using incremental shut-down of rocket engines to
2. Preparation of launch vehicles for flight control "g" levels. Further study is expected to
is simp lified . show advantage in engine throttling to maintain a
3. Boost flight more nearly approaches past near-constan:t "g" level.
flight experience.
After aerodynamic deceleration from cut-off
4. HTO mode is more adaptable to "g" speeds of approximately 6,000 fps, first stage
constraints and passenger abort under possible turn-around occurs a few hundred mile's down-range,
emergency conditions. and return flight to the launch or adjacent landing
site is accomplished with subsonic turbo-jet or
These considerations have led to vehicle The orbital passenger vehicle, in some
concepts as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. These versions integral with the second stage, re-enters
vehicles are designed for transportation of 10 from orbit, achieving the desired landing site by
passengers (plus crew and limited cargo). Both choice of time for retro firing, in combination
consist of LOX/RP first stages and LOX/Hydrogen with maneuvers executed during re-entry. Operation
second stages, giving lift-off gross weights in as a glider is planned, unless propulsion proves to
1-1.5 million lb range. A lUnited amount of be necessary for "go-around" capability during
storable propulsion is provided in the payload landing approach.
stage for final adjustments in orbital plane and
altitude, for rendezvous maneuvers, and for de- BOOST PROPULSION
System studies and supporting research on
Of the two approaches to full recovery and several variations of this basic vehicle concept
reusability, that typified by Fig. 5 seems to be are now active within NASA, the Air Force, and
the goal toward which we should work, i.e., where Industry, with primary differences being in boost
passenger provisions are integral with the propulsion. The spectrum of boost propulsion
reusabl~ second stage. This minimizes the number choices available to us, as shown in Fig. 10,
of vehicles or stages to undergo recovery and ranges from pure rocket to pure air-breathing
flight preparation processes. An interim configu- engines. Marshall work to date has concentrated
ration employing a separate payload vehicle in more on the "rocket" end of the spectrum,
combination with an expendable second stage may complementing work at other agencies on advanced
prove advisable as a first step before achieving

air-breathing systems. As this work proceeds, Studies of competitive concepts of new design
however, there are indications that some combi- are planned in the near future for comparison with
nation of the two propulsion modes may be superior SATURN V and modified versions thereof. This can
to either in a "pure" form. then give us the best indication of the profitable
life-time for the SATURN V, and can give direction
The potential of air augmentation for rocket for supporting research on approaches which seem
engines is being investigated as a ''mixture'' of most likely as its eventual replacement.
the two propulsion modes. This approach has
possibilities for noise reduction, as well as LUNAR TRANSPORTATION
impulse improvements with minUnum inert weight
addition. Its potential should be best for an The requirements and transportation systems
HTO vehicle of this type, with its tendency for the early exploration of the lunar surface
toward longer flight duration in the atmosphere, have been discussed in descriptions of the APOLLO
and having considerable velocity at flight program and its extensions. If we assume that
initiation. The'size and shape of necessary the lunar activities will be expanded to a size-
shrouding and its compatibility with the basic able lunar base, the need for more economical and
vehicle are being investigated in current studies. efficient means of transporting people and cargo
becomes more pronounced. We can look for this
Initial vehicle studies were based on use of improvement in several ways including larger
rocket engines currently under development; launch vehicles such as NOVA, introduction of
however, several variations in engine hardware are nuclear propulsion into portions of the mission
also being considered in current studies. The profile, reuse of transportation system elements,
first step is to explore possible use of F-l and or possible combinations of these methods.
J-2 components in arrangements more adaptable to
the vehicle concept, including multiple chambers We cannot at this time establish firm require-
feeding into a Single large nozzle. Rocket ments for a lunar base because of the unknowns of
engines of new design based on high chamber the lunar enviromnent and base functions. We can
pressure are being investigated for comparison make estimates from what is known and make para-
with the earlier rockets. The most attractive of metric analyses to determine the effect of these
these will then be compared with the conventional assumptions on the logistic requirements. When
air-breathing propulsion concepts. examining the logistic requirements for a large
lunar base (approximately 50 men) we can categorize
NEAR FUTURE OBJECTIVES these payload requirements as: Initial base facili-
ties, personnel delivery, life support equipment,
In view of the probable need for a national base maintenance and improvement, and return
decision within the next few years as to vehicle vehicles. We then try to tailor our transportation
concept and development program, our near future systems to satisfy these requirements. A large
efforts are directed toward: portion of these payloads are one-way trip require-
ments, but one of the most critical demands is the
1. Complementary vehicle studies, covering
rotation of personnel. Looking at these two
major candidates in sufficient depth to allow a
requirements separately, one may decide to develop
valid national ,choice at the appropriate time.
two separate transport systems; however, it is
2. Continuing systems analyses by which desirable from the standpoint of vehicle inventory
candidate concepts can be narrowed and the to develop one system that can satisfy both
remaining concepts optimized. requirements. Such a system would likely be
preceded by several evolutionary steps.
3. Supporting research in pacing technologi~.

The first improvement from the present

ORBITAL CARGO CARRIER VEHICLES chemical expendable systems is the use of a nuclear
escape stage with the SATURN V vehicle, employing
The development of SATURN V in the 1960's an operational stage resulting from the RIFT/NERVA
and the expected development of NOVA in the program. This system will in~rease the lunar
1970's for manned planetary missions provide a capability of the SATURN V by about fifty percent.
tremendous capability for transportation of large This is still an expendable system, with the
payloads to orbit. The question for the later nuclear stage being disposed of, most likely, by
time periods then becomes one of operating injection into a solar orbit after delivering the
efficiency and cost effectiveness. Current NOVA
payload to escape velocity.
studies include efficiency of operation and
probable obsolescence rate among the prime factors The return of personnel with this system will
in selection of candidate vehicles. This has led be the same as the all chemical systems, i.e.,
to strong consideration of advanced engines, and minimum propulsion (for lunar escape) and Earth re-
to consideration of recovery/re-use in varying entry at paraboliC speeds. As the number of
degrees. personnel at the base increases it will no longer
be practical to train and/or condition all
Competitive vehicle concepts are being personnel to withstand this enviromnent. It
studied for comparison with the SATURN V under becomes necessary, therefore, to reduce this
operational conditions assumed for the 1970's. enviromnent by applying propulsion during the
The first of these studies is an investigation of return phase. The performance capability of the
advanced versions of the SATURN V, including n·lclear systems, and the desire, for economic
pos~ible conversion of the stages for recovery
reasons, to recover and reuse these systems leads
and re-use. A SATURN V equipped for winged
us to the consideration of the reusable nuclear
recovery of the first stage is shown in Figs. 11
ferry concept.
and 12, with the latter giving an indication of
stage size relative to current large aircraft.

REUSABLE NUCLEAR FERRY While the system described has many desirable
features, more must be learned about the problems
The nuclear ferry system would have a mission to be encountered and the economical attractiveness
profile as shown in Fig. 13 and the mission would of such a system before we can say this is the
consist of the following operations. When used in approach to be pursued for the future lunar trans-
combination with the previously described Earth-to- portation systems.
orbit passenger ferry, acceleration levels are
held to about 2-3 g's for the lunar round-trip. Studies are now being performed to better
answer some of the more critical problems and
1. Lunar cargo, and propellants for cislunar
include the following:
propulsion are transported to Earth orbit.
2. The ferry is fueled and loaded with cargo 1. Nuclear propulsion parametric studies for
in orbit. a number of space missions to determine the requir~
ments, development problems, feasibility, and
3. Out-bound passengers board the serviced
ferry after being transported to Earth orbit by
the reusable orbital ferry vehicle. 2. DeSign studies of the nuclear ferry for
operation with expendable and reusable SATURN V
4. Upon arrival at lunar orbit, out-bound
class vehicles and NOVA. This includes radiation
passengers and cargo are transferred to a chemical
e~vironment, maintenance and degree of reusability,
shuttle vehicle which operates between lunar
m1cro-meteorite protection for long exposure time,
surface and orbit, and return passengers are
cargo packaging, crew compartment and abort
transferred to the nuclear ferry.
requirements, etc.
5. The nuclear ferry returns to Earth orbit
3. Operational analysis studies to determine
and is prepared for subsequent flights.
how much a system might integrate into the total
6. Returning passengers are transported to space transportation requirements and evolution.
Earth in returning reusable orbital ferry vehicles. This includes the comparison of the merits of this
system with other candidate systems that might be
A typical conceptual design of the reusable available in the same time period.
nuclear ferry and lunar shuttle vehicle is shown
4. Orbital operations studies to determine
in Fig. 14. The ferry weighs approximately 550,000
the requirements for servicing and launching of
pounds at ignition including 300,000 pounds of
nuclear propelled orbit launch vehicles.
propellant. It can deliver up to 22 people and
55,000 pounds of useful cargo and propellant for
the shuttle descent to the lunar surface. The SUMMARY and CONCLUSION
shuttle is a reusable system having a LOX/H
propulsion system of the Pratt and Whitney 2RL - IO Space transportation systems of different
types are being investigated for support of manned
operations in Earth orbit and on the lunar surface
at the levels expected in the 1970's and beyond.
Among the alternatives, the concept of reusable
space vehicles, operating as ferry or shuttle
An example of how such a system might evolve
transports, seems to approach most nearly the
with time is shown in Fig. 15. The shuttle, while
characteristics of successful Earth surface
shown as being available in the late 1970's with
the nuclear ferry, is not limited by the current transportation systems.
state-of-the-art, but is shown as required for
Application of this concept, particularly for
this system. It could be available sooner if
passenger transportation, has been discussed for
desired for another mode of operation.
transport between Earth surface and orbit, between
Earth orbit and lunar orbit, and for operation
between the lunar surface and lunar orbit.
This system of transportation is not cheap
It seems likely at this time that an airplane-
from the standpoint of performance, technology
type, reusable ferry vehicle will be developed
development, or development cost. Payload must
within the foreseeable future for transport of
be sacrificed to provide propellant for the ferry
passengers between Earth and orbit. Efforts are
return trip, and new and greater demands. are
now active within NASA, Air Force, and Industry to
placed on nuclear engine development and orbital
define alternatives in boost propulsion and
maintenance and service operations.
operating modes to allow sound decisions and
The most critical item for thi's m~de of choices prior to commitment to a large program.
operation is the development of a nuclear propul-
sion system which has the capability to meet the Application of the concept to lunar
demands of the mission. The design criteria of transportation, in the form of reusable nuclear
such a system as compared to the RIFT/NERVA system ferry vehicles and lunar shuttle vehicles, appears
is as follows: Three times the thrust; three times at this point as one of the promising alternatives.
the power level; four to five times the burning A better understanding of the operations, vehicle
life time; seven to eight times the starts; twice designs, and its potential benefits is now being
the engine efficiency, in terms of pounds thrust developed to allow comparisons with competing modes
and with the required technological developments. '
to.pounds of engine weight. Nuclear engine concepts
wh1ch offer promise in this regard are currently
under investigation. While these concepts are not presented as the
solution to space flight needs of the future, it is
our hope that some probable future trends in space
transportation have been portrayed in this

discussion, and has stimulated your interest. It ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
is also evident from the discussion that necessary
decisions on the part of planners of future Studies of future space transportation
vehicle development programs will not be arrived systems are at present being conducted by aero-
at easily. space firms under NASA/MSFC sponsorship. Much
*The opinions expressed in this paper are of the material used in this paper is based on
those of the authors and not necessarily those current studies with the Boeing Company, Ling-
of the National Aeronautics and Space Temco Vought, The Lockheed Corporation, and North
American Aviation.

AV6. STAY-TillE 10 YEAR OPERAnN6 200~------4-------~-------+~----~
~ ~
~ 30 Q.
1110. !:;; ~ FLIGHTS
.20 t-

~i 20 Ic
....11<- ~IDO~------~------~--~----~------~


10 ...

20 o
II< OL-........-...,....---.,-~~~
If 00 100 200 ~ 0 10 20 30 40 50 ic 50~------~----~~~------+-------~

1960 1965 1970 1975 1980

FIG. 3 FIG. 4
..... 0.65



FIG. 7 FIG.8





FIG. 9 FIG. 10
I---STAGE I ---or'---STAGE n: _ _ _->i,,1 ¥
VEL (N.Mil I I

" \ PATH
25t 100 : , ANGLE ••• , 60 8 CI..
20 75 ! .\ II ~TUDE 50
6 ;:;: 10
(.) 3

15 I '. '\ / _"",,,..," ~. ,,,,.I.'" ...

10 50 I ~ .. I ",.. ", LOAD ~CTOR 30 4 CI..
. II r-- .. -,,~ A ..... ' 20 I-
25 1,.' ,,' , '''''I" '•• b:.-' L -_ ..... ' Z
, -_:..-..... --............. .. 10 c
o °o!l~40"""""8~O'"'":1~20-:-:!:160~20:-:-0-:2~40~28~O-:32::-0-:3:'::60~40~O-:44':-::O~480 0 0
CI.. 2
a: 10 I
CI.. 2 3 10 2030 100


/ 133A

_ 351.5 FT
- PAYLOAD,. .. s-][ 7~ REUSABLE Sole -

"1" 1·~57FT
-_.~,~---1_ .
. l

FIG. 13
FIG. 14

# ~
I_ .

r,....... ::~~\', . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'" 1:---.,
........ -~
I: I I "
'II' j
- --


_ _- - - - 160fT - - - -_

/ I ORBIT /"', \' ,/' . i
, ' / I " ..... ~- ,
/" / ", -~
':::..:.::::..... /'" SHUTTLE OPERATION
EARTH ..... - ___ -<. . .




. TO

1965 1970 1975 1980


Ie; elj4:
Benjamin P. Martin
Senior Advanced Systems Engineer
Research and Development Division
~ Lockheed Missiles and Space c~
Abstract f)J?-3 ().- R. R. Titus and Z. A. Taulbee, and with specialized
~ inputs from others to be described later.
Velocity requirements associated with various
flight paths to Mars and Venus and the resulting Flyby Trajectories
propulsion and re-entry weights are combined and
varied with other missions system weights which Two quite different classes of trajectories
are a function of mission goals, trip time and have been found for Mars trips which differ from
environmental protection. From these weight trade- each other in terms of Earth orbi t mass require-
off analyses are evolved spacecraft design con- ment, time of flight, and sensitivity to the time
cepts and total mass requirements on Earth orbit in which the trip is taken. A representative of
to accomplish the various missions. Mass re- the high energy, or "hot trip", class of traject-
quirements so established are compared with launch ories is shown in Fig. 1 for departure from Earth
rocket capabilities. 31 October 1970. In this class of trajectories
the vehicle dips inside of Earth's orbit, crosses
System requirements covered in the analyses, Earth's orbit on its outward trip to Mars, passes
and briefly described in the paper, to determine Mars very close to the aphelion of the transfer
total mass requirements on Earth orbit are: ellipse, again crosses Earth's orbit, and finally
arrives back at Earth approximately a year and a
(1) Propulsion systems for Earth orbit half after the starting date. Because in this
departure. trajectory arrival at Mars occurs when the vehicle
is at or very close to the aphelion of the trans-
(2) Earth entry systems for different missions. fer trajectory, the energy of this transfer
trajectory is greatly influenced by the position
(3) Life support systems. of Mars on its own rather highly eccentric orbit
at time of vehicle arrival. Arrival for the
(4) Navigation and control systems. trajectory shown in Fig. 1 occurs near its peri-
helion; therefore the trip shown represents
(5) Reconnaissance and scientific instrumen- a favorable transfer time for this class of tra-
tation for gathering data during course jectory. Later missions, for which arrival
of missions, and requirements for storage occurs with Mars further'from the sun, involve
and/or readout. higher energy transfer orbits, and therefore in-
creases mass requirements on Earth orbit, as
(6) Space power supply systems. will be shown later.
The Martian perturbation of the interplanetary
(7) Vehicle design concepts. trajectory was based upon the nearest approach to
A, JiHOfL the surface of Mars being one tenth of the radius
Introduction of Mars, i.e., the radius of nearest approach was
taken as 1.1 times the radius of Mars, as shown in
This paper is a summary of the results of a the center of Fig. 1 by rp = 1.1. Vao = 0.10
study contract recently completed with the means that at nearest JlPproach to Mars the hyper-
Future Projects Office of NASA's Marshall Space bolic excess speed with respect to Mars is 0.19EMl3.
Flight Center, HuntSville, Alabama. The- many The other main class of trajectories includes
people participating in the study, whose efforts the low energy, or cool, type of trips shown in
are represented here, will be identified to enable Fig. 2. It will be noted that although these
the reader to contact the investigator directly tra.jectories do not carry the vehicle inside of
should his deeper interest make this desirable. Earth's orbit, they do reach out considerably
beyond the orbit of Mars. By so doing the energy
Few references will be listed here as a com- of the transfer ellipse, and therefore the mass
plete list of references is included in the final requirements on Earth orbit, are not nearly as
report l of the above study. senSitive to the distance of Mars from the sun
at time of arrival as had been noted for high
Even though an iterative process is used to energy, or hot, class of trajectories. This
establish economical missions, a process in which class, however, does involve greater trip dur-
departure velOCity, return velocity, life support ations as indicated in the figure.
and shielding weight (and for stop-over missions
planet arrival and departure velocities) must be It has been found that for both classes of
traded off, the discussion will begin with rep- trips total mission requirements, as expressed
resentative interplanetary flight paths. Included in terms of necessary mass on Earth orbit,
in the same section will be mission reqUirements, increase as the nearest approach to Mars is de-
in terms of mass on Earth orbit, as determined creased. However the effect on the trip time is
from the systems considerat10ns. not the same with a variation in nearest approach
distance for the two classes. For the high energy
Mission Analysis and Requirements class a reduction of the nearest approach distance
increases the total trip time, whereas for the
The study described in this .section was low energy class reducing the nearest approach
conducted by R. V. Ragsac, with inputs from distaace decreases the total trip time.

(NI\~ ~ N~Sl-<{ct~ -Z36-

A representat!ve Venus nonstop flyby traject- high-energy light-side, r = 1. For all of the
ory is shown in Fig. 3, which is a pictorial trips shown in Fig. 1 theP chem1cal. Earth escape
display of a one year, non-stop round trip, propulsion system mentioned above was assumed and
leaving in the conjunction period of 1972. It the return capsule was assumed to be a modified
is po6sibl~ to obtain such a plot for all possible Apollo command module with a solid propellant
trips of interest in any conjunction year along retro rocket (250 sec Isp) to decelerate the
wi th the corresponding trajectory infonnation of vehicle from its approach speed down to the para.-
departure and arrival at Earth and of planetary bolic design re-entry speed of the Apollo, after
passage. A systematic analysis of this type of which the command module ablative heat shield
transfer trajectory2 yields a set of velocity absorbs the final. re-entry heat pulse.
contour charts on which lines of constant plan-
etary passage distances are drawn. It has been As noted, considerable saving in both mission
found for the Venus flyby trips that a reduction time (approximately 2 months) and mass require-
of the nearest planetary approach distance results ment on Earth orbit can be achieved if the higb-
in a reduction of both the mass requirement on energy dark side passage is employed instead of
Earth orbit and also the total. trip time. the previously discussed high-energy light side
passage. This kind of a passage however, 'WOuld
A very fru1 tful class of interplanetary entail a great reduction in thedata which could
missions possessing great potential for planetary be accumulated at Mars by photographic means.
reconnaissance is the multi-planet flyby or inter-
planetary grand tour. For these missions the As mentioned earlier, the low energy trips
spacecraft passes both Mars and Venus on the same shown by the three curves on the extreme right
trip. The necessary planet-vehicle trajectory of the figure are not nearly as sensi tive to the
alignment for each type of grand tour is repeti- year of the trip as are the high energy trips,
tive every 2,338 days (6.4 years), however the and in fact, the minimum requirement for a 1975
mission requirements will not be the same for low energy flyby is somewhat less than for 1971
every opportunity due to the eccentricity of Mars' and 1973.
orbit. It has been found that both planets may
be passed for essentially the same requirements On the left side of the diagram are shown
as a Mars non-stop trip, measured in terms of both the mission requirements for Venus flyby
necessary mass on Earth orbit and total. trip time. trips occurring in three different years. It is
Figures 4 and 5 present trajectory plots for two noted that the mission requirements for all three
types of grand tours along with the dates of the of these trips are nearly the same in both mass
several events. The trajectories of the inter- required on Earth orbit and in total trip time,
planetary grand tours were extensively analyzed so which is about one year. The variation is small
that a scaled plot of each leg could be drawn to because of the low eccentricities of the orbits
include the effects of planetary be~d1ng at the of both Earth and Venus, and the small difference
time of passage. which does occur is due mostly to the change in
the alignment between the node of the orbital.
The entire study of both the flyby and the stop- planes of Earth and Venus and the major axis of
over missions, to be discussed later, utilized the transfer ellipse. It is noted further that
realistic joined conic trajectory data3 which the mass required on Earth orbit for the 1970
include the effects of terminal. planetary per- Venus trip is down almost to the capability of a
turbations, orbital eccentricities and inclin- single C-5 launch.
Requirements for three grand tour trips are
Flyby Mission Requirements shown, t'WO-planet flyby trips for 1970 and 1972
and a three-planet flyby trip for 1910. It is
It was pointed out earlier that for the high noted that the mission requirements for both the
energy class of trajectories (those in Which Mars-Venus 1970 trip and for the Venus-Mars-Venus
arrival at Mars occurs at or near aphelion of the 1970 trip are both lower than the rn1n1wUD value
transfer ellipse) mission requirements are quite for the Mars trips alone, and that even the
sensitive to the distance between the Sun and mission requirement for the 1912 grand tour is
Mars at time of arrival, and therefore quite lower than for any of the high-energy llgbtside
sensi ti ve to the time period in which the trip is liars trips and requires less total. trip time than
made. This sensitivity is clearly shown in Fig. 6. any of the trips taking the vehicle by only Mars.
It can be seen that for a Mars light-side flyby,
employing a chemical propulSion system to escape In an attempt to save total. misfiion mass
from Earth orbit, both the required Earth departure requirements, re-entry systems other than a
speed and the mass requirement on Earth orbit rocket retro system were investigated. These
increase greatly as the trip is delayed from systems will be shown later but the savings
1971 to 1975. The chemical system employed here available by employing one of these systems, a
was a 430 sec Iap hydrogen-oxygen system. It drag brake system, can be seen by comparing the
can also be seen that the min1mum. mass requirement mission requirements shown in Fig. 8 with those
does not necessarily coincide with the minimum of Fig. 7. The curves of Fig. 8 are not the same
departure speed requirement. This is especially shape as those in Fig. 7 because the trajectories
true for the 1975 trip. themselves have been modified to take full ad-
vantage of the drag brake re-entry system.
These trips, along with many others, are also
presented in Fig. 7 which shows Earth orbit mass Figs. 9 and 10 show comparable data for an
requirements plotted now versus total trip time. escape propulsion system employing a modIfied
The mission requirements just discussed are Nerva nuclear engine and the retro and drag
those for the group of curves labeled Mars brake Earth re-entry systems respectively. Two.

. -Z37-
things seem to stand out above all others in these the stopover missions is clearly shown in Fig. 14.
two figures. One is that if a nuclear escape It is seen here that, as was the case for the Mars
propulsion system is used the total mass require- flyby miSSions, mass requirements increase much
ment on Earth orbit for the Venus flyby missions more slowly as the trip is delayed within the
is dawn to the launch capability of a Single C-5, 1970 decade than for chemical escape propulsion
whether a retro Earth re-entry system or the drag systems.
brake system is used. The other important point
is that for the high energy Mars trips the increase Fig. 15, which shows the effect of trip
in mass reqUirements for the later years is much selection on Venus 1972 10-day stopover mass
less (especially for the drag brake re-entry reqUirements, indicates the various kinds of
system) than it was for systems employing the ox- trips which must be explored if a minimum is to
ygen-hydrogen chemical propulsion system. be found. It is noted in this figure that for
both chemical and nuclear escape propulsion
A direct comparison between the Mars light-side systems minimum mass requirements are for the
mission mass reqUirements for vehicle systems curve labeled II-B. By observing the small in-
employing a chemical escape propulsion system, sert in the lower part of the figure it is
and either a retro or drag brake re-entry system, evident that this means approximately 1/3 of the
with those for a vehicle system8!Iploying a total trip time should be spent on the outbound
nuclear escape system and a drag brake re-entry segment and approximately 2/3 on the return seg-
system is shown in Fig. 11. Here again it is ment of the trip.
shown that the increase in mission requirements
as the trip is delayed in the 70's is reduced for Because of the low eccentricities of the orbits
a drag brake re-entry system a...'1d is brought of both Earth and Venus, mission requirements
nearly to zero if both a nuclear escape pro- for years other than 1972 will be .r.ather similar
pulsion system and a drag brake re-entry system to those shown, as was the case for ~he flyby
are employed. missions. However, because the orbits of Venus
and Earth are not exactly co-planar, two general
Fig. 12 shows a similar comparison for Venus departure regions are available, each disting-
lightside flyby trips for departures in 1970, uished by the resultant range of total trip time.
1972 and 1974. It is noted that for the 1970
trip approximately 275,000 Ib are required on In Fig. 16 this effect is shown by the two
Earth orbit if a chemical escape system and a curves for a give1 Earth escape stage. All
retro rocket re-entry system are employed, and possible departure and arrival regions were
that if a drag brake system is substituted for st\.l.died ano. only those two yielding lower system
the rocket retro re-entry system, approximately mass and reasonable trip time are presented.
20,000 Ib can be saved on Earth orbit. If a The two curves may be made to join together
nuclear rocket escape propulsion system is used smoothly by applying a midcourse plane change
and the drag brake re-entry system is retained, which would cause the two departure regions to
the mass required on Earth orbit can be reduced unite. This technique was not used, however,
to approximately 160,000 lb, well within the because the one departure region corresponding
launch capability of a single C-5. In fact, the to the curves labeled II-B in Fig. 15 yields a
mission requirements for all three years shown distinctly lower mass minimum and a shorter
are below the orbital launch capability of a mission duration. Only the trips of optimum
single C-5 if the nuclear escape propulSion system trip segment distribution are shown in Fig. 14.
and the drag brake re-entry system are employed.
It is noted that the mass requirements for
Orbi ting Stopover Missions both 1973 Mars stopover missions and 1972 Venus
stopover missions are approximately one million
A sample mission profile for a 1971 Mars pounds in Earth orbit if a nuclear escape pro-
10 day stopover using a chemical escape pro- pulsion system and a drag brake Earth re-entry
pulsion system and a drag brake re-entry system system are used.
is shawn in Fig. 13. The stopover time of 10 days
selected for both Mars and Venus missions was be- The effect of orbit stay times greater than
lieved to be of sufficient length to perform ten days was briefly investigated for Mars 1973
all the experiments and observations necessary from trips. The increase in transportation system
the capture orbit. mass on Earth orbit was found to be almost linear
with stopover time, with the nuclear system again
System requirements in terms of mass 011 being the least affected. Staying over 60 days
Earth orbit and total trip time are shown in instead of ten, approximately doubles the mass
Fig. 14 for Mars missions and in Figs. 15 and 16 requirement for systems employing a chemical
for Venus missions. These system req~rements Earth orbit escape stage, whereas only a 50'1>
were obtained by an optimizing method which es- increase was found for vehicle systems employing
tablishes a locus of minimum mass-on-Earth-orbit a nuclear escape stage.
points by systematically analyzing the parametric
effects of in-bound and out-bound leg duration, Martian Orbit Lifetimes & Perturbations -
total trip time and departure and arrival vel- Because the altitUde of the parking orbit must
ocities at both Earth and the destination planet. be great enough to give the orbiting vehicle
This integrated approach, although requiring sui'ficient drag life to carry out its mission
numerous calculations of the total interplanetary objective, drag lifetime was computed for orbits
system mass, eliminates arbitrary selection of an around Mars as a function of pericenter altitude
interplanetary trip from the multitude which are for two different orbit eccentricities and for
available. two different models of the Martian aGmosphere,
the Yanow mode1 5 and an extreme model which was
The importance of the nuclear escape stage for designed to be the maximum denSity profile for

the Martian atmosphere. 'l'h18 model i8 f'aab1onecl For a et veil propellant value the net injection
after Earth's profile with the largest gradient payload can easily be fo~~ for different values
of slopes that seems plausible. The results, as of' hyperbolic excess speed. Co:we:rsely, for a
computed by L. F. Koehler, are shown in Fig. 17. given value of injection pa:Jload, i!llpulse pro-
pellant required can be found as a function of
Because of the effect of the orientation of required hyperbolic excess speed, aud is increas-
the capture orbit on the retuzn propulsion ing rapidly with increasing speed at the high
requirements at the time of departure, the study speed and high propellant corner of the diagram
also included an investigation of 1-iartian orbit due! to very large gravity losses for these massive
perturbations as caused by the non-spherical shape stages which employ a single J-2 engine.
of Mars. The perturbation factors were obtained
from observed perturbation data on Phobos and Since mission trajectories can be classified
Deimos. Results are shown in Figs. 18 and 19. in tenus of the required hyperbolic excess speed
and the net injection payload, requirements can
Phobos Stopover Missions - Mars' largest and be determined for a given mission objective.
closest saterli te, PbObOs, appears to offer Areas could be added to this diagram bounded
certain advantages as a stopover station for by requisite speed and payload mass which would
the interplanetary mission. To identify the then make it possible on one diagzamto relate
major requirements for such a mission a prelimin- mass requirements on Earth orbit for various
ary investigation of a particular set of Mars missions with orbital launch stages carrying the
orbital excursions was conducted by M. G. Ross. required amount of propellant and also with
The mission vas assumed to occur during the launching rocket capability.
opposition of 5 Dec. 1975. As vas the case for
the stopover missions at a lower alti tude above These mission requirement areas have been
Mars, it vas assumed that energy dissipation at added to Fig. 20 which results in Fig. 21.
Mars would be by aerodynamic braking which would It can be seen that although an 8-IVB stage
put the vehicle on an eccentric orbit whose ape- fully loaded on Earth orbit can achieve the 1970
center was at the alti tude of the desired circular alld 1972/74 Venus flyby missions, the mass on
orbit. Then, just enough propulsion to circular- Earth orbit is beyond the capability of a
ize the orbit would be employed. Single C-5 launChing, but seems to be rather well
matched for two C- 5' s with orbital rendezvous
It was found that for the Phobos stopover and propellant transfer.
mission, if the circularizing maneuver is com-
bined with the plane change maneuver to put the The 8-II has possible applicability as an
vehicle in the orbital plane of Phobos, total orbit launch vehicle making flyby missions
required mass on Earth orbit is 1,191,560 lb possible to both Mars and Venus. It appears
as compared with 1,094,500 lb for the orbit of feasible to orbit an 8-II fully loaded with
500 Ion alti tude. Thus, a mass increase of less liquid hydrogen with one Saturn C-5 and then to
than CJ'1, makes possible direct contact with rendezvous LOX tankers and payload vehicles as
material of the Martian system, and at the same needed. The mission requirements shown in Fig. 21
time probes are still sent down to the surface of are for a retro rocket re-entry system and, as
Mars for acquiring atmospheric and surface in- mentioned earlier, requirements could be reduced
formation. i f a drag brake system is employed.

Orbit Launch Vehicles and Operations Similar graphs were made for Earth orbit
escape stages employing nuclear propulsion systems
This part of the studY! vas conducted by of various power levels. Fig. 22 shows the re-
J. F. McLaughlin and is meant to show the sults for a 1500 mw engine. The minimum payloads
relationship between mission requirements and and hyperbolic excess speeds making up the en-
planned vehicle capability. Both chemical and velope boundaries are the same as those in Fig. 21
nuclear specific orbital propulsion systems and and the same constants apply. It is immediately
stages were examined. Fig. 20 shows the net noted that an orbital stage carrying 110,000 to
payload injected out to some mission speed vs the 120,000 Ib of liquid hydrogen can accomplish both
orbi tal stage impulse propellant required tc the 1970 and the 1972/74 Venus flyby missions.
achieve this speed which is shown as hyperbolic Moreover, the total mass required on Earth orbit
excess speed in tenus of Earth mean orbital speed can be handled with a single C-5 launching. If
or EKlS. Curves are shown for values of EMOS the rendezvous of two C-5's is utilized, the
from zero (just barely escape) all the way to Mars low and high energy trips and the 1972 grand
the hyperbolic excess speed of 0.30. The diagonal tour are available. For these, however, the
dash lines show the mass required on Earth orbit propellant capacity of the orbit escape stage
which for any curve is the SUM of the net in- should be approximately doubled, the exact capacity
jection payload shown, the impulse propellant, depending on the mission or missions chosen.
and the stage inert weight.
A comparison of the various nuclear escape
Since the abscissa is orbit escape stage stages which were examined is summarized in
impulse propellant (in this case oxygen and Fig. 23 which shows the injection payload VB
hydrogen), chemical stages of known propellant :mpulse propellant of the orbit escape stage for
capacity as weI: as buzn time indices can easily two values of hyperbolic excess speed, 0.15 EMOS
be added to the diagram to make it more usable. for the upper family of four curves and 0.30 EMOS
Because the diagonal lines show mass required on for the lower family of four curves. It is im-
Earth orbit, launching rockets of known capability portant to note that for propellant values
can be conveniently shown at the proper diagonal slightly over 100,000 lb, the approximate re-
location. quirement for the early Venus flyby missions, a

performance gain is realized by increasing the speeds, (3) a conical shaped vehicle using a
power level from 1000 mw to about 1500 mw for both small nose radius to minimize the stagnation
families of curves. heat rates, (4) a high altitude drag brake system.
Fig. 24 shows a comparison of these four entry
For these early Venus flyby missions the 1500 mw systems in terms of their total mass as a
value seems to be rather well matched with mis- function of entry velocity. Although the Apollo
sion requirements, orbital escape propellant configuration is very good for the re-entry
capacity of 110,000 - 120,000 lb and the orbital speeds associated with lunar return, the heat
launch capability of a single C-5. However, for shield mass increases very rapidly with increas-
slightly more ambitious missions a considerable, ing re-entry speeds in order to survive the in-
further gain is realized by increasing the creased convective and radiative heat flux. Con-
power to 4000 mw, which of course also decreases vective heat flux increases approximately as
the operating time of the nuclear propulsion the third power of the velocity and is inversely
stage. One hour operating time limit lines are proportional to the square root of the nose
shown on the graph for the families of curves radius of the vehicle. The equilibrium radiative
representing both speed values. Fig. 23 also heat flux may increase as much as the 12th or
shows that for the injection payload masses 14th power of the velocity and is directly
associated with flyby missions, there is very proportional to the nose radius.
little, if any, to be gained by going to power
levels above 4000 roM and in fact, there is a For the higher entry speeds entry system mass
net reduction in performance by going above can be reduced from that shown for the Apollo
4000 row in the lower mission requirement regions type capsule by adding a retro propulsion stage
indicati~g that the gain in performance afforded to break an Apollo type vehicle down to its
by the higher power level is more than offset design entry speed. A propulsion stage mass will
by the increased mass of the propulsion system. increase expon~ntial1y with the required velocity
reduction..Total mass, of course, is dependent
Earth Entry Systems upon the specific impulse of the propulsion
system and the structural factors used.
The Earth and planetary entry phase of the study
was conducted by R. R. Titus with assistance If an ablative vehicle is designed with a
from J. H. Chin. The study of entry into Earth's nose radius to minimize the total effect of the
atmosphere is primarily concerned with entry convective, equilibrium radiation, and non-
velocity. The general effect of the high entry equilibrium radiation heating rates, the entry
velocity associated with Mars and Venus trips, system mass can be reduced still further as shown
as compared with lunar flights, is to greatly by the curve for the optimized capsule in Fig. 24.
reduce or eliminate entry corridors and to
introduce aerodynamic heating phenomena which The fourth curve is for a vehicle design con-
were of minor significance for the lower entry sisting of the Apollo 'capsule fitted with a large
velocities. light-weight drag brake to utilize the upper
atmosphere for deceleration while greatly re-
This study is an outgrowth of past entry ducing the stagnation heat flux due to the low
problems; beginning with missile cones and densities. A propulsion system is included to
continuing with entry of the Discoverer capsules, provide, or supplement, the lift vector required
the Mercury program, and the presently proposed for a single pass entry.
Apollo missions. Each, in turn, has presented
new and increasingly difficult problems. These Since it was found in the study that a saving
require major restrictions and design limit- in entry system mass is amplified in terms of
ations compatible with prescribed human toler- mass requirements in Earth orbit by a factor of
ances. For the Mercury program, deceleration 20 to 40, a reduction in the entry system mass
levels and aerodynamic heating pulses to which becomes very important.
the crew is subjected are predictable by theory
and are substantiated experimentally. Re-entry Trajectory Mode

In the Apollo program entry at parabolic Re-entry of the drag brake system will consist
velocity tends to subject the crew to higher of four major phases as shown in Fig. 25.
deceleration forces and it also introduces an Phase I is the near Earth hyperbolic approach
additional aerodynamic heating phenomenon, trajectory and defines the entry velocity;
viz. that of radiation from the gases behind the magni tude and flight path angle. Phase II in-
bow shock. For the return from interplanetary corporates a ballistic entry and terminates
flight, where entry is at hyperbolic velocity, when the local flight path angle becomes zero.
the entry corridor is small or nonexistent for This point is here defined as pull-out.
the ballistic case, and lifting entry is re- Phase III begins at pull-out when the negative
quired. Also, the heating definition now lift propulsion system is started to provide a
includes the very involved phenomenon of non- single pass entry. During this phase additional
equilibrium radiation heating which may be the atmospheric braking to parabolic speed occurs
major contributor, and the deceleration forces at a high al ti tude. A decreasing thrust could
must be closely controlled by entry tra,jectory be used in order to maintain constant altitude.
selection. However, for this study a constant thrust was
assumed instead, which means that initially
Four basic concepts of entry systems believed thrust is insufficient to maintain altitude and
to be operationally available in the early 1970 the vehicle climbs. Near the end of this phase
time period were considered. These are: when parabolic speed is reached, the thrust is
(1) an Apollo type capsule, (2) an Apollo capsule greater than that required for maintaining
with exospheric rocket braking to Apollo design alt~tude and a negative flight path angle is

generated. Greatest weight saving for regeneration
systems is in the recovery of atmospheric water.
The propulsion system was assumed to have a The recovery of atmospheric water presents max-
specific impulse of 300 sec. The thrust level imum saving for minimum effort and will doubtless
and pull-out altitude can be chosen such that the be used in missions of more than a few days
flight path angle and speed match the Apollo type duration. The next greatest saving is in the
re-entry. At the end of Phase III,tbe irag brake, recovery of water from urine. The problem here
with its negative lift rocket system, is Jettison- is somewhat more formidable although a number of
ed. Phase IV is the final descent and recovery. solutions appear to be feasible. Generally, it
is desirable to use a high temperature distil-
Stagnation Temperatures lation to destroy bacteria and low temperature
distillations to produce less ammonia. The
Since the uncertainty of the total heat flux system presently favored at LMSC is the vapor-
to the stagnation region is larger than the compression distillation method. The recovered
variation of flux from stagnation point to drag water is electrolyzed to provide oxygen and
brake perimeter, a uniform total heat nux to hydrogen for carbon dioxide reduction.
the frontal surface of the drag brake was
assumed. The smallest saving comes from the recovery
of oxygen from carbon dioxide. The problems
The heat flux from the wake to the rear surface here are an order of magnitude greater than those
of the drag brake, expected to be much smaller of urine distillation. No complete system has
in magnitude, was neglected. Transient con- res.lly been developed even in the laboratory.
duction heat transfer analysis indicates that It is noted in the block diagram that waste
the skin attains approXimately the radiation is accumulated in four different places. Leak-
equilibrium temperature by radiating the inCident, age, as shawn on the diagram, will be a function
time-dependent, heat fluxes equally from both of cabin pressure. As mentioned, the partial
surfaces. Consequently, the maximum temperature pressure of oxygen was assumed to be 180 torr,
is approximately the initial radiation equilib- to provide an alveolar partial pressure (the
rium temperature. partial pressure in that part of the lungs con-
taining gases effectively in equilibrium with
Stagnation temperatures for tre drag brake the arterial blood) of 100 torr. It was further
re-entry system were computed on this basis assumed that to avoid decompression sickness the
and are shown in Fig. 26 as a function of pull- cabin pressure should not exceed 360 torr
out al ti tude and entn velocity. Al though lower i f it contains substantial nitrogen. The 180 torr
temperatures are experienced for the higher O2 plus 180 torr N2 was finally selected over
pull-out altitude, greater drag brake area and lower pressures to maximize time for action,
negative propulsive lift are required. However, minimize fire and explosion hazards, and to min-
for the lower pull-out altitudes the increased imize blower fan power.
temperatures require some penalty in terms of
mass per unit area of tiE drag brake system. Ionizing Radiation
Fig. 27 combines these effects and shows total
entry system mass as a function of entry velocity The main radiation problem confronting manned
and pull-out altitude. A lO-g limit line is shown interplanetary night is that of solar nare
on the figure. protons. The unshielded dose from the largest of
these events has been estimated at from 1000 to
Life Support Systems 8000 rads.

This phase of the study effort, which was The proton producing nares can be roughly
based on a three man crew for miSSions of grouped into two categories, relativistic
365 and 600 days, was under the direction of (R) and non-relativistic (N-R). The relati v-
R. S. Thomas with assistance from eleven istic nares produce protons with energies of
colleagues. A two-gas cabin atmosphere was several hundred mev and higher. '!bere have
recommended and assumed for the study, 180 torr been seven to nine of these in the last 21 years.
02 and 180 torr N2 . At!llOspherie water, W'ine, and The ~relativistic nares occur about once a
carbon dioxide regeneration by physico-chemical month during a solar maximum and about once a
means is preferred over an open or biological year during a solar minimum. Maxima (and
regeneration system. Metabolic supplies are minima) are about 11 years apart, with the next
calculated on the basis of an average metabolism maximum to occur about 1969. '!be relativistic
of 2,820 K calories per day. Radiation shielding flares show some indication of occurr1.ns between
weights are based on a 0.001 probability of maxima and minima. The duration of observable
receiving 200 rads to the blood-forming organs proton producing flares is from 10 to 100 hours.
from all sources of radiation throughout the
mission. A question still unsettled is the variation
of dosage with radial distance from the sun.
Meteoroid shielding is based on Whipple's The model that· seems to best account for the
1962 distribution and Summers' hypervelocity observed phenomena would indicate about an
penetration equation. For the rotating (gravity inverse 2.5 power diminution. For conservatism
providing) vehicle configurations, gravitational the inverse cube power was assumed to determine
acceleration of 0.3 to 0.85 g's was assumed the Venus flux and the inverse square power to
provided. Thermal control is based upon space determine the Mars flux with extrapolation from
radiators and circula.ting liquid coolants. A Earth fluxes. Based upon this variation of
flow diagram for the recommended physico- flux with distance from the sun, Fig. 29 was
chemical, nearly closed, life support system is plotted which shows aluminum shielding require-
shown in Fig. 28. ments versus the probablli ty of receiving more

than 200 rads aggregate to blood forming organs. accuracy, is shown in Table 2. The estimated
Shielding for both Venus type missions of one 1970 weight, volume, and power requirements for
year and ~ars type missions of 600 days duration the trajectory determination system, attitude
occurring during solar maximum and during solar control system, computer system, and command
minimum, are sho,m. A basic aluminum shielding link equipment are shown in Table 3.
area density of 56 grams/sq cm was assumed, with
a variation in both directions depending upon Reconnaissance and Scientific Instrumentation
mission requirements, to provide a maximum acute
dose from relativistic solar flares of 25 rads A feasibility technique study, performed by
and a 0.001 probability of exceeding an E. I. Curtis, of high resolution optical
aggregate dose from all radiation of 200 rads. reconnaissance from a manned Mars flyby vehicle
was based upon considerations of a previous
A swnmary of the weight and power levels for study 7 which dealt with reconnaissance and
the complete life support and crew protection scientific data collection requirements for
systems for a three man crew associated with both planetary manned flyby and orbiting missions.
representative Venus and Mars trip durations is The special case of extre:ilely high-resolution
shown in Table 1. optics is the most productive a.l1d yet the most
demanding reconnaissance function to be per-
Guidance and Control formed and has considerable design problems
introduced by the dynamics associated with the
For the study of guidance and control techniques, vehicle and the mission. A major goal of the
conducted by J. A. Carson, the interplanetary flyby mission is to provide landing site detail
mission was divided into three phases: (1) in- of sufficient refinement to implement future
jection, (2) midcourse and (3) planet approach, preCision manned landings. In order to synthesize
with the midcourse and planet approach phases a simple system capable of meeting stated per-
repeated on the return leg of the journey. formance requirements; focal length, ftlm reso-
Guidance measurements for both the midcourse and lution, stability requirements, light conditions,
planet approach phases are based on triangulation required film speed (ASA) ratings, varying frame
using optical angles and time. At least three I.J.tes, anddata collection and transmission rates
angles at the time of measurement are required were explored.
to establish a position fix. A minimum of two
successive position fixes establish the required An information and criteria flow diagram
corrective impulse. indicating man's role in the system is shown
in Fig. 31. Reconnaissance and instrumentation
For the midcourse phase, angles are measured functions are established by mission goals brought
between pairs of celestial bodies, at least forth by both the questions which remain un-
one of which must be a planet or the sun. answered after flights of unmanned vehicles and
As the target planet is approached the method is research programs, and by the future plans for
changed to one in which the angle sub tended by manned landings. The various functions to be
the planet disk and the angles between two performed and the environmental data from prior
stars and the planet center are measured. Inertial research, as well as limitations imposed by the
guidance is assumed during the launch and the vehicle dynamiCS, will define the sensors to be
injection phase and during corrective thrust used which in turn will establish the various
periods. The selected guidance system includes techniques and parameters.
star trackers, a field scanning telescope, an
accurate time reference, inertial platform with The probes indicated in the block diagr&~,
platform rnounted accelerometers, attitu~e for which a large weight allow'ance was made in
control sensors, servos and a computer. establishing mission requirements, would be
released from the manned flyby vehicle to gather
Functions which should be delegated to the atmospheric and surface data. Information from
human navigator are manual sext,ant observations the probe instruments will be read through the
and assistance to automatic measuring devices by probe data link to the on-board data storage
initiating naVigation fix sequences and avoiding and processing center which is also receiving
readings based on false targets. He may also data from the on-board sensors. In the vicinity
make instrument substitutions and minor repairs of the target planet, data will be acc~~ulated
and perform in-flight calibration of instruments at such a high rate that considerable attention
using comparative checks or autocollimation to the data processing function is necessary
techniques. if saturation of the data storage systems and
the ground link are to be avoided. Here, man
The angle measurement techniques for both plans a very important role in making decisions
midcourse position fix and planet approach fix regarding the storage and transmission of data
are shown in Fig. 30. Angles between three as well as in the fields of target selection and
selected pairs of celestrial bodies are used, determination of techniques to be employed.
and in the vicinity of the planet, ran~e is
determined by stadiametric means. Perturbation A mission model is used to establish flight
techniques are utilized, which implies that the dynamics, geometry, data gathering time, and the
approximate position, velocity a~d time are resultant tentative reconnaissance and scientific
known. This restriction seems reasonable hecause instrumentation is shown in Fig. 32. The highest
very large deviations from the nominal trajectory resolution sensor is the 120 inch focal length
w0uld probably be catastrophic. C&llera shown as item 1 using standard film. An
electrostatic camera is shown as an alternate
A list of optical guidance and control compon- in the event that the radiation environment pre-
ents, their characteristics, and expected 1970 cludes the use of standard photographic film.

It is assumed that for either system a maximum Vehicle Concepta
resolution, at nearest planetary approach, will
be 1.5 meters. However, the product of Several spacecraft configurations were gener-
resolution and swath width will not be as great ated and evaluated for early manned interplanetary
for the electrostatic camera as for the standard flyby missions by J. Zoszak. Spacecraft were
camera and film system. configured so that for minimum missions they could
be launched with their three-man crew by a single
other instrumentation are listed in the order booster to a low altitude orbit, and checked out
of decreasing resolution, with alternate systems, on this parking orbit prior to injection into. - c '
and information from alternate systems, bordered the requisite interplanetary transfer ellipse. A
by dashed lines. The information from these modified Apollo command module was used ~s one
on-board systems and that from the landed and/or of the major components in the spacecra~t and as
orbiting probes, believed to require 16 'D1 the final Earth re-entry body.
channels plus a TV channel, .result in the
data quantity shown on the right side of the Of the configurations examined the rotating
diagram. It appears that to transmit over a (gravity) spacecraft received the major emphasis
36 day period the data from the reconnaissance primarily because of the lack of knowledge of
and instrumentation equipment shown, for the the effect on the human body of very extended
mission model in which at least 3 x 10" bits of periods of weightlessness. A solar powered vers:fcn
information are gathered during the 105 minute of the rotating spacecraft which was studied is
period in the vicinity of the planet, a trans- shown in Fig. 35. The command module, which is
mi tter power of 36 watts and bandwidth of 36 ICC basically a modified Apollo command module, serves
will be required for the 36 day readout time. as the launch vehicle for the crew, as the command
For the remainder of the trip, with only the on- and control center for the spacecraft during the
board scientific instrumentation and the long journey, and as the Earth re-entry body.
continuous real time status reporting channel '!he service module serves as the crew's living and
(shown at the bottom of the diagram) operating, recreation center, and contains the pli mary life
transmi tter power and bandwidth can be reduced support equipment.
to 6 watts and 6 KC respectively.
These modules are connected to the central hub
The weights, volumes, and power requirements section by the extended rigid spoke structure.
for the on-board reconnaissance and instrumen- '!he command module has either a retro-propulsion
tation system, as well as for the probe in- or a drag brake system for providing the
strument systems, is shown in Table 4. About initial deceleration during Earth re-entry. The
three kilowatts of the indicated power require- total mass of this combination of command module
ments are for theccherent, side-looking radar. and its Earth braking system is equal to the
This power demand should not prove to be a mass of the service module. The central hub
great problem, however, because the total energy section has the midcourse propulsion unit attached
required (less than 6 kikowatt-hours) could be at one end, the power supply unit at the other,
carried in the form of primary batteries for and has the solar flare shelter mounted inside.
about 100 pounds or less.
The spacecraft is folded into the compact
Power Systems assembly on the launch booster as shown in
Fig. 36. The spokes are in their retracted •
Power system studies for early manned inter- condition to fit within the height of the payload
planetary miSSions, conducted by F. V. Bischof envelope. At launch the crew is in the command
with inputs from G. E. Rich and C. M. Bennett, module to which is attached an emergency escape
indicate that two types of space power systems rocket to pull the command module away in the
are feasible. These are the nuclear and the event of an abort situation. In a normal launch
solar dynamic conversion systems. The SNAP 2 this rocket is jettisoned after first stage burn-
nuclear reactor-turbo-generator system and the out.
solar concentrator-turbo-generator system appear
capable of producing the indicated power re- On orbit, the following erecting procedures
quirement of 5 to 6 KW and can be installed on are carried out: (1) forward section of the
either a rotating or a zero-g configuration. adapter is jettisoned, (2) command module is
Fig. 33 shows a possible arrangement of a rotated 180° and is secured to the end of one
modified SNAP 2 installed at the end of a long spoke. This can be accomplished by either a
separating boom of a rotating configuration. cable system or by the attitude control system on
the command module, (3) the service module rotates
For solar dynamic power systems, both 90° and is secured to the other spoke. The
rubidium cycles and biphenyl cycles are under cable system can also be used to move the spokes
consideration. Although the higher operating and module into position before the power supply
temperature of the rubidium system results is erected and checked out. All subsystems in
in a considerably smaller radiator than that the spacecraft are then checked out on orbit
for the byphenyl system, total system weights before proceding with the interplanetary phase.
are nearly identical. This is because the low
operating temperature of the biphenyl system '!he vehicle then has the configuration shown
permits the use of light weight materials, such in the middle of Fig. 37. If the condition and
as aluminum and magnesium, for fabrication of operation of all necessary systems are found to
the power unit and radiator components. Fig. 34 be satisfactory, plans continue for orbital
shows a typical solar generator heat balance launch of the spacecraft when it reaches the
for the rubidum cycle system with an output proper point in its orbit on a subsequent pass.
of 6 KW. For this launching, the spacecraft is oriented

relative to the velocity vector and the orbital References
launch booster system is operated to inject the
spacecraft into the programmed heliocentric 1. ''Manned Interplanetary Mission Study," Report
orbit. When the required velocity is reached 8-32-63-1, Lockheed Missiles & Space Co.,
the booster is shut down and jettisoned. The Final Report - Study for NASA, George C.
spokes are then fully extended and locked in Marshall Space Flight Center under contract
place, the solar power unit is extended and NAS 8-5024; March 1963.
oriented, and the spacecraft is either spun up
to the desired angular velocity at this time or 2. "A Systematic Approach to the Study of Non-
after sufficient sightings are taken to determine stop Interplanetary Round Trips," by
whether an initial velocity correction is required. S. E. Ross, presented to 9th Annual Meeting,
American Astronautical SoCiety, Los Angeles,
During Earth launch and orbit escape phases Calif., Jan. 1963.
the probes shown on the dJagr!3lJ1 can be mounted
within the lower adapter, between the hub and the 3. "Interplanetary Trajectory Handbook, " to be
injection booster. During the interplanetary released as a NASA Technical Note approx-
phase these probes would be rotated as shown to imately April 1963. Work performed by LMSC
avoid impingement of the plume of the midcourse for Marshall Space Flight Center under
rocket. Prior to launching the probes, the NASA contract NAS 8-2469.
spacecraft would be despun and oriented relative
to the destination planet. 4. "Optimization of Interplanetary Stopover
MiSSions," ARS preprint No. 2725-62,
A spacecraft weight summary is presented in by R. V. Ragsac and R. R. Titus. Presented
Table 5 for three of the configurations invest- to 17th Annual Meeting, American Rocket
igated. These are, from left to right in the Society, Los Angeles, Calif., Nov. 1962.
table: (1) the rotating configuration employing
a solar dynamic power supply, which was just 5. "A Study of the Martian Upper Atmosphere
discussed, (2) a zero-g configuration employing a and Ionosphere," The Journal of the Astro-
solar dynamic power supply, and (3) a zero-g nautical SCiences, Vol. VIII, No.4,
configuration employing a nuclear power supply Winter 1961, by G. Yanow.
separated from the crew by the spent orbit
escape stage which is retained. The retention of 6. "Two Extreme Model Atmospheres for Mars,"
this stage accounts for the greater midcourse Rand Corporation Report No. RM-2782-JPL,
propulsion mass as shown in the table. It is by G. F. Schilling.
noted that although the life support mass is less
for the lower duration Venus trips, this reduction 7. "Reconnaissance/Scientific Instrumentation
is approximately offset by the increase in solar of a Manned Mars Flyby, With EmphasiS on
flare shelter mass because of the requisite closer High-Resolution Optics, LMSC AO 14294,
prOximity to the sun. Jan. 10, 1963, by E. I. Curtis.

..... -- -. .. --
. ..... __ ... ..............

14 AUG 1973 "0"

FIG. , High-Energy Nonstop Flyby Past Mars "'-

"-------------....... ,"

FIG.2 Low-Energy Nonstop Flyby Past Mars

2 PASS c!
to NOV 1971

Nonstop Flyby Past Venus

1='6.4 Two-Planet Flyby 1970-1972


,- -

d ...·f..
(-,. i
I. i.
~.,. ,..

L. . . . . . .

I ....

.... ..,..... OT.,.

~n .,,'"
fto 2-
f- ~


., "' .....
Flyby Missioo Requirements for Various Years (Chemical Escape - Retro Earth Entry)
, ...
tOTAL ,... , . \DAYSI
O'i' 'i'd'i'

.Flyby MIssion Requirements for Various Years (Chemical Escape - Drag- Brake Earth Entry)
- ,


u; 1975/
u 7
rp =1

~ 1600 /'

73 V
it 1200

6 SEP t970

3 71 U- ~

PAS~ c! o
9 MAY t97t 0.26 0.30 034 038
FIG.S Three-Planet Flyby 1970-1972
F16.o Trip Selection Criteria

.. .
.,. . ,


5 .... -!
r i
I· c!LO-EM
'.-' I
i.I 1972 • m4
+ f,O'
" ..12
I or.,. 1,.ln

<19 fa

F16.q - - lOTM. TIt., , . (DlYI)

Flyby Mission Requirements for VariwB Years (Nuclear Escape - Retro Earth Entry)

Flyby Mission Requirements ior Vadoos Years (Nuclear Escape - Drag- Brake Earth Entry)



~ MAR~ ~DE
r, FLYBY, I, -1
J .t CHEM r--


!::t600 i - - t-
I _J

1 }

&Jl / h
15 , ,' III
l Ij
~ j
25 OCT 1973--4

\ I
r- 16 DEC 1975

v' 11 l'-
VI \,,- V

\ ,,
,. ,

~ lETRO ,. ,,/
,. -'
_.011 .I. .'
'- ----- '--- "--- ~/
\. t-NUC/DB -~ NUC/1DB NUC/Dj
1970 1972 1974
'Mo 900 ltOO v
1500 1700 1900 2300 2300 2700 760 8OC)' 840 880 1430 1460 1980 2000 20 40
F16. " Mus Reduction U.Lng Drag Brake Entry



; tSOO
iMlOO \
2' SEPTEMBER 197' 5

FIG. 13 Mara Capture Mission with Ten- Day Stopover
- ..0 400 4SO

Mi••ton Requirements for Various Oppositions - Mars Ten-Day Stopover


(Chemical ElICape - Drag- Brake Earth Entry) (Nuclear Escape - Drag- Brake

Earth Entry)

..51fOO ~r--------------------------------------,

! I4DO ja5.Z


- ClCwlCAL CMf.. KICM'I'
- - tM:L1_ U.TM IICMII

!aoo ~z.t ~­
1m) a~ZD J

I ,-
~IOO i.
8- lil2
.: -
Q4 - I

- -
""'------~---,...,....", ; '

ZOO !GO 400 500 eoo ~L_-----~~----UO~----~M»~----._L-----MO~----MO~-----~ ..

Mlutoa. ~ for ItT2 Cm)mctloQ. V.... n.t-Ilay 8topcwer
_ ....... EDDy,
(Chemleal E...... - Dn&-- ....... EDDy'
(NWl.... E ...... -Dn&-



I '102 c ~ II.;;U

. o.-~o
~ 1I.:tv

; 100 u.!J:>

_,.oL_-'--_--!,,-_L._-'--_-:'_--,L.._-+,._-:':-_:!:,--_ _ _--'
o 20 70
-2 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 KLOMElERS
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 FI6.18
PERIGEE AIlHUDE (NAUTICAL IlLES) RotaU_ Ra1e of UDe-or-.w.kk:. fur ElHplk OJ'hlLs .\round ),1.:101, 3Ut! Ilm I\..·"i"-P"is \ltit.uo:k·

,.uu 11m (IU . .!. Itl'\ /Day)

1000 nm (7. tI HL" /J)::l~'l i 400

~ i,




O~ ,~ Jo m So
r60 .to Jxs
r=1G.2.0 Performaace of Orbtt t.lmch &oo.ter Uatac stacle .J-! Eq:lQfI


:!fJ :)0
'0 50 60 70 so 90

Orbi.t Inclination (Dcg)

Nodal Regression Rate for Circular Orbits Around Man


! 180
160 3!50


~ .

i 100 ~
~ g
lMPULSE PROf>ELLANT (k; .10-')

Performance of Orbit Uwnch Booster Uatng Single J-2 Engine

.......z 80



600 o

FLG- 21.

Performance of Orbit Launch Booster Using 1500 Mw Engine



i 150
~ i' 100.---------------------------------------,

It> "
RETRO-BRAKING ---------...





~~;;;;;,~ .-.-~-----
Flu. 2.,.3 Comparison of Nuclear Orbit Launch Vehicle Performance 35 -40 -45 50


22000 2W
~ hPO'2;ooo FT. (855 KM)

\ /
2SIqOOO FT (8&6 KM)

~ .,.-.........................

~1600 1 1200 ..

\ \ 1/ z
CD 1400 ~
3QqOOO FT (111.7 KM)

~I ~ ~IOOO
~1200 ~
;:) 12 13 14 15 18 17
1'1:- i.IImy Trajectory Phutng
i ~
40 44

H2 0 963

hoo' 3OQOOO Ft (II] KMI

H~ /w1ED

FOOD 1.24 H,O
fJ •.
1.07 2.60
nQDOO FT CI!25 KM) C02 3.08


1=16.27 All QUANTITIE~ It. "9 ~£k II,/~r
F6G..28 \.cad~ Ch'H·<I ",I(- :-"1"-" S\SI,·m

Re1&l.lvlflttc flare r;;pectnuq y .lul}, Uist e"HIIt A.velllP'V_trlpa.a.:~

as per private oommunicab.... - WlncI<ler data tobel.58time.8EutbDa

N(lQ-.. e1aUv1Alef1aTe~",LE" A ....rap Mars trip nu. - - . . d

worll statemet datil on May, 11I59_t to be 0.53 u.-. £utb 0-


______ 00111,," ~IWIINUM


------=. . . .

______ _______ VENUS




Prol:ab1llty of Receiving > 200 Rads Aggrepte to

Blood-Forming ()rpDs from Solar Flare Protou

17,000 KM T0460KM TO I7,OOOKM ALTITUDE (105 MIN.)




i=w:3. 3 ' Th~· :'I.lanncd flyby Itcl"()nn.:uss·lncc Roll'

FIG.3"2 Payload Performance Capability Mannl>f.i Mars Flyby Reconnaissance
77 . 5 KW INPUT


58.1 KW IN

26.2 KW LOST

L----,::;::==~_7.;j KW OUT

...-_.1::=:;---7.07 KW IN


FIG.33 Nuclear Power Plant - Rotating Vehicle Cooligur:ltion


l=~. 34 Rubidium 6-kw Solar Turbogenerator





30 HU

flE!.'35 R.o.....- S...... ~ ..-
Manned Interplanetary Spacecraft I
FIEr.36 Launch Configuration






'¥ ,


F16.37 E""",_


365 Days 600 Days

Open Closed Open Closed

Gas Supply 2,330 1,230 3,670 1,850

CO Removal 90 90
Contamination Control 30 30 50 50
Food and Water 5,810 2,250 9,590' 3,500
Crew Support Equipment 70 70 70 70
Temperature and Humidity Control 435 435 435 435
Regeneration Equipment 300 350
Sterilization 10 10 10 10
Sound and Vibration Control 10 10 10 10
Pressure Suits 100 100 100 100
Utility Water 10,000 200 16,000 200
Radiation Shielding 8,000* 8 1 000* 6 1 000* 6 1 000*

TOTAL 26,885 12,635 36,025 12,575

Power Level (Average) 2.6 kw 4.7 kw 3.1 kw 5.1 kw

Power Level (Peak) 3.9 kw 6.1 kw 4.6 kw 7.6 kw

*Assuming 365-day mission to Venus and 600-day mission to Mars


Guidance & Control Image Instrument

Output Accuracy 1970
Optical Components Detection Application

Star Trackers Image Dissection Gimbal Position Midcourse pOSition

Precision Gimbal Tube, or Vidicon 3 - 5 sec and align inertial
Servos components

Field Scan Telescope Vidicon or Mosaic Image Scan 10 sec Planet approach
Locking Gimbals Signal Analysis position

Sun Tracker Masked Photo Electric Angle Position Vehicle coarse

Locking Gimbals Cells Signal to 30 - 50 sec attitude
Attitude Servo references

Star & Planet Photo Multiplier or Angle Position Vehicle coarse

Tracker, Locking Image Dissection Signal to 30 - 50 sec attitude
Gimbals Tube Attitude Servo references

Telescope-Camera Photo Plates * or Manual Measure Manually operated

(Manual oper'n. ) Electrostatic Film of Solar System 1 sec or better midcourse position
Bodies Positions
on Star Field

Space Sextant Observer's Eye Prism Angular 3 - 5 sec

(Semi-automatic) Position Pick-off

*Requires special protection -from radiation fogging.

TABLe .3 (Estimated for 1970 State-of-the-Art)



Inertial Instruments, Optical Sensors,

Atomic Resonance Time Reference
and Associated Electronics


Inertial, Optical and

Associated Electronics


Memory, Logic Elements and




TOTALS 122 0.30 380

Notes: Environmental control equipment, attitude torquers, and power conversion equipment is not
Computer memory and clock are continuous; other items operated intermittently.




(lb) (ft 3 ) (kw)


SYSTEM 750-1250 31-37 3.3
Detail-Site Camera (120 in.
(105 Min)
F. L. ) Stereo Mapper, IR
(Mainly Radar)
Imaging, Radar + Processors,
Displays, etc.


Interplanetary & Planetary 450 17 0.2
Measure - Fields, Particles,
Air (Growth from Mariner-
Centaur Experiments + Display /
Analysis Aids for Manned
ON-BOARD TOTAL 1200-1700 48-54 3.5 kw (peak)


TV, Weather, Gas, Radiation, 210 8 cu ft 0.050 kw
Soil, Biological Tests + Beacon,
Command Rcvr, Data Storage,
Converters, Transmitter




Rotating Zero-g Configuration

Configuration Solar Power Nuclear Power
Cf d' Cf if Cf if
Emergency Escape Rocket 4,535 4,535 4,535 4,535 4,535 4.535

Command Module 9,525 9.525 9,525 9,525 9,525 9,525

Service Module 2,950 2,950 2,270 2,720 2,270 2,720

Life Support 4,990 7,260 4,990 7,260 4,990 7,260

Power Supply 680 680 680 680 680 680

Hub and Spokes 3,630 3,630

Solar Flare Shelter 7,940 6,080 7,940 6,080 7,940 6,080

Midcourse Propulsion 7,875 8,010 7,210 7,300 9,840 9,980

Adapters and Fairings 1,725 1,730 1,790 1,880 1,810 1,905

Shield (Nuclear Power Supply) 2.220 2,220

Mis cellaneous 1,360 1,360 1,135 1,135 1,135 1,135

TOTAL 45,210 45,760 40,075 41,115 44,945 46,040

~ Venus flyby trip time, 330 days

d' Mars flyby trip time, 600 days

• Courtland D. Perkins
Chairman, Department of Aeronautical Engineering
/rprinceton ~l;:eRity ~n. . 71 It; "$ () 0 r
Introd uction .f!tt!l, the building block programs of Titan III,
Blue Gemini and X-20 are extremely important and
I have been asked to discuss with you this bear on the development of man's ultimate pay-off
morning, "Man's Utility in Military Space Mis- in space weapon systems.
Sions," a very controversial subject with great
emotional content. It is interesting to reflect on Sixth, the great cost of placing payloads into
the fact that nearly all early thoughts on space orbit is such that it limits most of today's important
travel dealt with manned systems and in particular, manned military space possibilities. The frequency
manned military systems. As our total national of military launches will probably permit economical
program emerges, it is surprising to see that the recovery of booster stages. The two stage winged,
only serious manned space activities are directed fully recoverable, space launcher is an important
towards exploration with the real utility of man in possibility for the future and it should be included
military space systems poorly defined and poorly in the building block program.
Seventh, finally the military space program is
The total national program is developing at an floundering badly and needs a firm goal to focus its
extremely rapid pace, with the rate of build-up now research and development objectives.
well over $1 billion a year per year, exceeding al-
ready that involved with the erection of the ballis- The Developing National Space Program
tic missile program several years ago. This great
rate of advance 1s having a profound influence on I think that all of us have been amazed by the
the entire fabric of the country and to no ones sur- rapidity with which our national space program has
prise is creating all sorts of problems. been developing during the past two years. I also
believe that many of us are amazed at the direction
I will try to make the following points: this program is taking. Certainly the studies made
in the late 1940's and early 1950's, mostly by the
First, the advance of the total national space RAND Corporation, correctly predicted that the state
program has been amazing and as a result we now of the art would support the orb1ting of large pay-
have a rather firm grasp on many aspects of space loads, correctly predicted that the impact of this on
technology. The direction that the national pro- the mind of man would be startling, but did not pre-
gram is taking is surprising to many who felt at the dict that the major task of the national program would
outset that it would be dominated by military pro- be going to explore the moon before a full exploration
grams. was made of the military impact of space operations.

Second, although many possible military mis- Prior to Sp'utnik I, the idea of space operations
sions in space have been identified by many for any purpose was given little acceptance at any
studies, only Reconnaissance/Surveillance has level of the government or by the country at large.
achieved any real recognition and is being develop- Except for a few enthusiasts who usually overstated
ed seriously. space objectives, there was little real interest in
funding the very expensive efforts involved. With
Third, the so-called "space gap" has been 20-20 hindsight many people now write or speak of
closed in most areas of space activity except in the how brilliantly they predicted space activities and
field of manned space developments. This remain- how they were a small voice lost in the wilderness.
ing gap is being closed through the massive lunar In point of fact, there was little real support in
program, Apollo, designed to put man on the moon money or concept. There was the marginal IGY pro-
and return him before the end of the decade. ject Vanguard set up with inadequate funding and a
booster designed to escape using the military ballis-
Fourth, rationale for man in military space is tic missile boosters that could really do tne job;
usually based on doctrinal or other inadequate argu- there was a program in the Air Force, Weapon System
ments. It is very costly to have man as a part of a 117L dealing with Reconnaissance Satellites, again
space vehicle system and therefore if he is to be in- with only token financia~ support, and the small
cluded, his contribution must be an important one. voice of the Army team at Huntsville under Dr. Von
Possible good uses of man in military weapon sys- Braun calling for support of space activities, again
tems is in the role of operator of varied sensors in with no real support in the Army or elsewhere.
a sophisticated, large space station for total sur-
veillance and as an important subsystem in ad- This small effort would have produced practi-
vanced intercept or inspection missions. cally no results by this time had it not been for the

shattering effect of the Russian space successes.
The first shock came after Sputnik I in October 1957, Military Missions
and the second after the first manned orbital flight
in the spring of 1961. These two events have Mr. John Rubel, Assistant Secretary of De-
shaken the confidence of the country to its founda- fense, in a speech before the Aerospace Luncheon
tions, called for new super management in the De- Club of Washington, D. C. in October 1962, made
partment of Defense, new alignments of industry, the pOint that of the total Defense Department ex-
great expansion of research efforts in the universi- penditures allocated to space activities, about
ties, a great emphasis on education to the higher half were programmed for clearly identifiable sys-
levels of science and engineering science, called tems with very promising and immediate military
for the creation of non-profit organizations to man- pay-offs, and the other half was in support of
age massive weapons systems, created the large "building blocks" being developed to provide the
operating NASA out of the old NACA, and resulted in option to do the military missions of the future that
the creation of many new scientific advisory boards could not be clearly identified today. He also
to all echelons of the military, the Congress, and pOinted out that in spite of much study by all con-
to the President himself. cerned, there had been really very little new in the
way of mission concept and as of today there were
The present National Space Program was erect- only a few credible military potentials for space.
ed in two massive steps. After Sputnik I, the Air These included reconnaissance, communication and
Force was given the green light and proper funding, navigation. Beyond this were the building blocks,
after considerable dalliance with the old ARPA or- the largest single item being Titan III being de-
ganization, to get on with Weapon System 117L. veloped in spite of the fact that there is no mission
This resulted in the identification of the three un- assigned to it as a hedge against future possibili-
manned programs, Discoverer, Samos, and Midas. ties. Today we should include the Blue Gemini and
The Army was directed to manage the synchronous Dyna Soar or X-20 as other major elements of the
active communication satellite "Advent 01 and the building block program.
Navy was given "Transit" the navigational satellite.
NASA was put in business with the first scientific The expenditures on the clearly identifiable
unmanned satellite, mostly involving the explorer space missions has been quite stable over the past
series and was handed the old Air Force program few years except for those involving warning and
MIS, a program to put man in orbit at the earliest inspection. The building blocks, however, have
possible moment. This, after being absorbed by had and will have a difficult road due to their nebu-
NASA, became Project Mercury. The Air Force lous position with respect to identifiable mis sions.
pinned its hopes for more sophisticated manned There seems to be much difference of opinion on
space operation on project Dyna Soar, a hypersonic these programs within the Department of Defense
winged vehicle whose objectives were many things itself, particularly with respect to the two manned
to many people. The main factor in all this was programs, Blue Gemini and Dyna Soar. One year
that space was now a good word and activities were they must be defended as programs designed to
started across a wide spectrum of possibilities with develop state of the art and flight experience, to
military, scientific experiment and exploration mov- study military potentials of man in space, and to
ing forward abreast with about equal emphasis. yield important research information with no refer-
ence to immediate military mission. Several years
This situation was abruptly changed with the later the climate will have changed and ~ese pro-
first manned orbital success of the Russians in 1961. grams must be defended on immediate military
Here the second great acceleration took place, but capabilities. The project people on the building
this time a major divergence in objective became block programs must stand loose and defend in the
obvious. The major motivation of the new expand- popular vein of the moment. In most cases, the
ing program was to be "prestige" and the lunar pro- delay in getting the policy word down through the
gram Apollo was identified. This focused the entire various staffs takes about two years, and as the
NASA space effort and has permitted the identifica- policy seems to change on two year cycles, it
tion and funding of many sub programs in support of inevitably finds the project people 180 degrees out
Apollo. In the meantime, many proposed military of phase with the policy makers.
space programs have faded away as a result of
studies involving mission requirements and cost The military space missions that appear today
effectiveness to a point where the total military as probable or possible can be listed below in
space program is poorly defined and poorly sup- descending order of probability.
1. Support of Ground Activities - Communica-
Today then as we see the great Apollo objec- tion, Navigation, Weather
tives bringing into focus a massive effort in space 2. Reconnaissance/Surveillance
exploration and scientific experiment under the 3. Inspection/Interception
direction of NASA, the military space mission be- 4. Defense of U.S. Space Activities
comes more vague and poorly defined making it 5. Defense against Ballistic Missiles
harder to support research and development in these 6. Offensive Weapon Delivery
areas and to keep alive those programs that have
been started.
Of this list, only the first two are completely covery of a payload from orbit in its Discoverer pro-
credible today. The first, communication, naviga- gram; the NASA has identified and investigated the
tion, and weather are space capabilities that im- nature of the Van Allen belts with its Explorer and
prove the operational characteristics of our present the interplanetary phenomena of Solar proton propa-
ground based systems. The second, the total sur- gation and Solar winds with their Mariner. Mariner II
veillance job, is the military space mission that made one of the most spectacular flights in its re-
is receiving real support and in some aspects, cent transit of Venus this past December. Spectacu-
adequate funding. Inspection and interception is lar demonstrations have been made of intercontinen-
considered important by most, but in spite of this I tal communication when European TV programs were
the backing of this interest doesn't include a transmitted through Telestar and Relay and Tiros has
serious allocation of money. Defense against been a great success in acquiring good weather in-
threats to our own massive space objectives is a formation.
mission quite similar to inspection and intercep-
tion, but it has broader implications. The unmanned program has been very success-
ful and each day brings more data and a better under-
Defense against ballistic missiles has always standing of many aspects of space. There is little
been one of the great hopes for space oriented question that we are no longer behind Russia in un-
systems. Unfortunately, in the studies made to manned space operations and the so-called space
date there has been little confidence developed gap has been more than closed in this area.
that today's state of the art will support a realis-
tic solution to this difficult problem. It continues Although Project Mercury has been a spectacu-
to be studied in the hope that someone will de- lar success in our manned space flight capability,
velop some new concept that will lead us to an it is still considerably short of the Russians. This
acceptable solution. gap cannot be closed before the Gemini program and
many feel that it won't be really closed before the
Delivery of offensive weapons from space sys- Apollo lunar program. In any case, there is little
tems has always been the number one hope by all doubt that the Russians are much more interested in
military space enthusiasts. Strategic bombing is manned space activities than we have been and
the blue ribbon military job today and any new sys- without question they are serious in their interest
tem that can be proven credible has little money in manned military space possibilities.
problems to contend with, e.g., Atlas - Titan-
MM - Polaris, etc. Unfortunately I no one has Man in Military Space Missions
come up with a good concept of how this might be
made a more effective delivery system than the The part of the building block or future capa-
ICBM. bility programs that is most hotly debated is the
real utility of man in space military activities. On
We have then only one active military mission the one hand, man is a remarkable piece of machin-
that has universal credence (Surveillance) and a ery having very fine sensors and a built-in com-
great deal of money is being spent in these areas. puter that is largely self-programming. He can
Beyond that, however, the military is groping adapt to new situations rapidly I perform certain
around for better state of the art, better concepts maintenance and repair operations, add to the re-
and better argument to develop military space dundancy of control systems, and perform major
missions further. Beyond this then are the three tasks in sophisticated recovery operations -- all
building block programs: Titan III, Blue Gemini, this for only 180 pounds. Unfortunately, man is a
and Dyna Soar. This plus much applied research very fragile piece of hardware and must be pro-
adds up to a total military space program of close tected from the harsh environment outside the at-
to $1.5 billion per year. Mr. Rubel thinks this mosphere. He must be provided with life support
may be too much. He can only be proven wrong elements such as oxygen, food, and waste disposal,
by better concepts and above all, by better argu- and made comfortable and happy. He mustn't be
ments. made to withstand high or low extremes of tempera-
ture, too much acceleration in launch or recovery
The Space Gap operations, and must be provided with abort capa-
bilities throughout the flight envelope. All of this
The massive build-up in the national space pro- will add up to several thousand pounds over an
gram following the shock of Sputnik I in October unmanned system. As of today, the cost of la unch-
1959, is now bearing fruit in a massive series of ing payloads into orbit comes to approximately
launchings by both the NASA and the Air Force. This $1000 per pound; it is very expensive to include
involves the use of standard launch vehicles and man in a space system. To include him, the sys-
space craft, such as NASA's Explorer, Mariner, tem must be designed to make use of his very
Echo, Relay, Tiros, OSO I and Mercury, and the Air special talents, otherwise he'll just be along to
Forc~'s unmanned programs using Thor and Atlas
carry the flag.
Agena boosters. Both organizations have launched
countless sounding rockets and research experi-
ments as a by-product of many other booster
launches. The USAF demonstrated the first re-

As of today, it has been impossible to make a One of the most attractive possibilities for
convincing case for a manned military space mis- full recovery is th~_winge1i two stage airplane type
sion, yet many feel instinctively that man will launcher in the now familiar B-52/X-15 mode. The
ultimately be involved in ways that cannot be clear- first stage would incorporate an air breathing pro-
ly defined today. This situation has called for the pulsion system, perhaps a turbo ramjet, and be
building block programs already referred to - capable of cruising out to achieve a desired orbital
Titan III, Blue Gemini and X-20 aimed at an ex- plane and to accelerate to a launching Mach number
ploration of man's capability to contribute actively and altitude. The second stage would have the
in military space systems. The ardor with which capability of achieving orbital velocities with
one defends these programs today seems to a func- adequate payloads. The second stage could be
tion of various parochial interests, a situation that propelled by high pressure rockets or supersonic
keeps these expensive programs in dire peril. burning ramjets. Both stages would be piloted,
fully recoverable and reuseable. Although this
The inclusion of man in operational space sys- type of launcher would be expensive to develop,
tems cannot be defended on simple doctrinal grounds the operational costs would be a great deal less
or simply for his maintenance or redundancy con- than for a non-recoverable system, assuming that
tributions. Rather a very careful analysis must be ferry missions were required on frequent intervals.
made to prove that including him will provide either
unique capabilities unattainable in unmanned sys- A pre-strike total surveillance space station
tems or low cost effectiveness in relation to par- then could maximiZe man's capabilities and result
ticular unmanned systems. in a military space system that would have unique
capabilities and good cost effectiveness. Man
As an example, it is very difficult to prove that would be required in this space station to perform
a manned reconnaissance system has either a unique operational duties and he would have to be rotated
capability or low cost effectiveness over unmanned on reasonable intervals. If the recoverable launch-
systems. This is particularly true if the reconnais- er system just discussed were developed to per-
sance job is done more or less the way it is being form the ferry mission, man would also be involved
done or could be done with unmanned reconnaissance in piloting both stages to perform launching, ren-
satellites. One is not confident that a man in an dezvous, docking, transfer, and recovery func-
orbiting vehicle with, say, one camera can provide tions.
enough advantages over the single camera in an un-
manned satellite to pay his way. On the other hand, Another very important role for man will be on
it is quite possible to find some credence in a sys- inspection, interception, and negation missions.
tem that combines many different sensors into one Here man's very real capacities for sizing up situa-
payload with man present to select various sensor tions on the spot and taking action, both offensive
modes and to perform maintenance and repair opera- or- defensive, will be invaluable. He will be very
tions. This capability would be maximized in a effective in the rendezvous maneuver, can take
space station oriented to various activities con- proper action to identify the character of an un-
cerning total surveillance, and possibly command known satellite, can decide what action is neces-
and control. The crew of this station would have sary as far as negation is concerned, can com-
to be ferried to and from the space station in some municate information to the ground, receive in-
sort of transfer service. Man's contribution would structions, feint, spoof, and perform other tactical
be very real in such a system, and its cost-effec- maneuvers. It is hard to imagine this job being
tiveness would be good. done without him.

The space station, although very costly to The man in an inspection and negating satel-
place into orbit in the first place, nevertheless has lite would also be most efficiently launched by the
an effective advantage in that the very expensive two stage aircraft type launcher as this will pro-
sensors involved are neither thrown away or re- vide the fastest reaction time, the capability of
entered. The space station can be considered a acquiring any orbit at the earliest moment, the
permanent station and the various sensors main- capability of launching covertly, and the lowest
tained and resupplied through ferry mission. All of cost due to recoverable characteristics of the sys-
the cost advantage of the space station would be tem. The space vehicJe probably should be a lift-
dissipated however if the costs of ferrying men and ing reentry type vehicle making it possible to
material to the station were not minimized. Here maneuver on reentry to return to a secure base
the large cost of $1000 per pound is a staggering with the shortest possible wait in orbit and land
hurdle, and we must have relief from such costly accurately without the requirement of turning out
operations. The best way that is known today for large recovery teams.
making an order of magnitude change in this cost is
by recovery of launch vehicle stages for re-use. The surveillance manned space station and
One can postulate that the ferry and resupply of a manned vehicles to perform inspection and inter-
surveillance space station will be on frequent ception missions then are two strong possibilities
enough intervals to make such a recovery economi- for the future. They should be supported by
cally sound. launchers that have military capabilities of low

cost, rapid reaction time, and simplicity. The to perform horizontal landings without auxiliary
Titan III is an important potential for this system aides and incorporates an efficient radiation cooled
as is the even more interesting two stage aircraft structure. The great emotion over the program in-
la uncher to break through the $1000 per pound cost volves the debate over the value of all this in light
barrier. The building block program supports these of the fact that there is a severe weight penalty in-
capabilities and they must be pressed forward. We volved.
should add to them a space station capability and
the two stage aircraft type la uncher. If this could In 1960 Dyna Soar was identified as a program to
be identified as the manned military mission in achieve suborbital velocities (about 17,000 ft/sec)
space, it would focus the rambling and largely using Titan I as a launcher; later that year Titan II
unsupported program of the Air Force, as Apollo was incorporated as the booster giving Dyna Soar a
is doing for the NASA. maximum velocity of 22,000 ft/sec. All this time
many felt that the Air Force should get on with space
The Blue Gemini and the Dyna Soar experiments at once and the heavy winged glider
should be replaced by a lower L/D and more effiCient
Although we may be looking ahead to space structural shape that could be orbited by Titan II.
stations, manned space interceptors, and new Many still think so and even though now Dyna Soar
flexible and recoverable launchers, today we are is perched on top of Titan III with plenty of capa-
hotly engaged in defending important elements of bility to give it orbital velocities with good pay-
this future program. The most controversial are loads, the critics still feel Dyna Soar is inefficient
the Blue Gemini and Dyna Soar or X-20 programs. and the large lateral maneuvering on reentry and
simpler landing capabilities are not important enough
The Blue Gemini is a development from the to justify the cost. Most of these people think that
NASA's Gemini program laid on about a year ago Blue Gemini will do all that was originally pro-
to support the total Apollo mission through con- grammed for the Dyna Soar.
ducting manned space flight experiments in the
interval between the end of the Mercury program There are those of us who violently oppose
and the beginning of Apollo flights. It was really this view and are fighting to keep the Dyna Soar in
identified as a program to provide "flying time" the program. We feel the lateral maneuver capa-
for the NASA team that would eventually have to bility has great military potential and compromises
face up to Saturn and Apollo. It was felt that to lower the L/D are leading us in the wrong direc-
Mercury was too small and too critical on its tion. Dyna Soar is an important program and I only
Atlas (D) booster for any further development. hope it can be kept alive. Most of NASA, the Air
Gemini, making use of Titan II, could be launched Force, and a large portion of DOD agrees with this.
more reliably, carry more payload, and perform
some experiments such as rendezvous and dock- A Focus for USAF Space
ing. Recovery was to be a little more sophistica-
ted than Mercury in that it was to be a trimmable In summary then, manned military space mis-
ballistic configuration with a hypersonic (L/D)max sions have not received enthusiastic support during
of about three tenths (0.3). It is also to use a the past few years and its posture with respect to
Regallo sail wing to enable it to perform horizontal the total national space program continues to de-
landings on skids. The Air Force, also interested cay. This is due to a lack of a credible first line
in acquiring "flying time" has identified Blue mission, the development of highly sophisticated
Gemini and hopes this program will help it along manned space vehicles by the NASA, the parochial
to the next step, the Dyna Soar or X-20. arguments for the actual configuration of the space
vehicle, the poorly thought out doctrinal arguments
The most controversial program of all is Dyna for man in military space that rightly receive little
Soar and this comes about in large part due to its credence by the administration, the placement of
past history. Dyna Soar was a boost glide bomber the program that exists in the so-called building
in 1956, a reconnaissance system in 1957, an ad- block part of the military space plan, and, of
vanced hypersonic flight experiment in 1957, an course, the very large costs involved.
orbital weapons system in 1958, a suborbital aero-
dynamic experiment on Titan I in early 1960, on The military space program continues to progress
Titan II in late 1960, and a fully orbital space without any proper focus. The only real mis sion it
vehicle on Titan III in 1961. It has been mas- has today is in a sophisticated unmanned system and
saged by everyone including continual review by this is, of course, in the heavy classified areas so
the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, by the DSB, that its progress and accomplishments are unknown
by PSAC, by RAND, by NASA, and by WSEG. It to most. The manned military space capabilities
is a miracle that it still survives. could be maximized in the surveillance space sta-
tion, in the manned interceptor, and in the fully re-
The crux of Dyna Soar is its lifting reentry coverable launcher. The Department of Defense
capability with relatively high hypersonic L/D, would do well to get on with these systems as they
and as a consequence a large lateral maneuver have real military importance and would focus the
range. As a by-product it will have the capability otherwise rambling military space R&D efforts.

In tne meantime, the projects that we have If these .op out of the program, manned military
going, the T~tan Ill, Blue Gemini, and Dyna Soar space systems are ~ad fen'the next decade and
are extremely important and must be continued. the military problems this could create might be
very large.

,'" ..'

Robert A. Stauffer
Vice President - General ct Research Division

John L. Ham /
Research Associate (J) 0 J!fo dt'
National Research COrpl~~ I"u~,,, h
~~ / ~--ar,/~-
With increasing complexity and time durations for I
space missions, some new properties of materials
are becoming important. At the very low gas densi-
ties encountered in space, bearings, sliprings,
gear trains and other devices requiring motion be-
tween surfaces show increased tendency to cold weld
and normal lubricating techniques cannot be used.
Work on cohesive properties of materials at low
pressures are described and possible methods of
overcoming cold welding problems are discussed.
Recent developments in superconductors are reviewed
and applications for these materials in space vehicles
are discussed. A superconducting material which
should make attainment of fields of 100 kilogauss
practical is described. h.. O,(fjOIt

The materials problems of our nation- space materials work. Eventually, sever-
al space program are the most diversified al solutions were found to this problem
and specialized which have been encounter- and, while there remains much to be done
ed in connection with any single technical in the field of re-entry, the interest
objective in this country. The purpose in the materials 'for space use has taken
of this paper is to review the nature of on far broader aspects in the last several
these problems and to discuss the general years.
approach necessary to solve them. In
addition, two important research areas Table I outlines some of the major
will be discussed in more detail. One of materials requirements in our space pro-
these - the operation of mechanical de- gram. This list is by no means complete
vices in space - is growing increasingly but will serve to illustrate some of the
important and may seriously handicap our difficulties we are facing. In review-
space effort if it is not more fully ing this outline, it is interesting to
investigated. The other area concerns see the wide diversity of materials re-
superconductors, a relatively new class quirements. It is clear that a broad
of materials which will almost surely range of talent is going to be necessary
find use in. the space program and there- to solve these problems. In most cases,
fo~e deserve careful evaluation for this the demands being made on the materials
application. are pressing them to the very limit of
their performance capabilities. Com-
In the early days of our space pro- pounding this situation, difficult
gram, the general principles of chemical combinations of material properties are
rockets were available to us and our demanded. For example, in the case of
efforts were primarily concerned with future chemical propulsion systems,
scaling up so that vehicles could be nozzles must not only withstand a tempera-
propelled into space. The question of ture very near the highest melting point
coming back to earth was a more serious known but they must provide erosion and
one at the time because there was no corrosion resistance while they do so.
good method available for withstanding A thermionic converter powered by nuclear
the high temperatures of re-entry. An fission demands a cathode which is capa-
intensive materials research program was ble of operation at around 1500°C, but
initiated which overshadowed all other it must also at this temperature have


Deyice Application Requirements


Chemical Propellant (Solid) High heat of reaction per unit

weight but sufficient stability
to permit mixing and storage
without premature reaction.

Nozzles (Liquid and Resistance to temperatures in

Solid) excess of 3500 o K, also erosion
and corrosion resistance.
Minimum weight desired.

Storage Tanks High strength-weight ratio at

(Liquids) cryogenic temperatures.

Cryogenic insulation capable of

acceleration without damage,
having minimum space and weight
requirement and capable of
permitting storage of cryogenic
fluid for periods as long as a

Ion Engines Ionizer High temperature stability,

compatibility with material to
be ionized, porous structure.

Accelerating Low sputtering rate, insolubility

Electrodes in ionizer material, no reactivity
with ionized material, expansion
coefficient similar to ionizer.

Nuclear Fission Fuel Elements High neutron efficiency, dimen-

sional stability, strength at
high temperature, shock resistance,
good thermal conductivity, mini-
mum weight.

Nozzles High temperature stability, com-

patibility with propulsion gas,
erosion resistance.

Thermonuclear Magnet Superconductor capable of generat-

Engine ing fields of 100 kilogauss or

Insulation Combination of insulation suit-

able for minimizing heat transfer
between magnet at cryogenic tem-
perature and plasma at millions
of degrees.



Device Application Requirements
Protective Devices

Re-entry Nose Cone Stability at temperatures of

3000 0 K or more, low rate mate-
rial loss, minimum weight,
maximum insulating value for
protection within nose cone.

Shielding Shield Material Capability of stopping high

speed atomic particles, minimum
weight and volume.

Magnet Superconductor to generate fields

up to 50 kilogauss.
Temperature Vehicle Surface Controlled ratio, absorptivity
Control for visible radiation to emis-
sivity in infrared radiation.
Must resist changes due to com-
bination of ultraviolet radiation,
particle radiation or exposure to
Aerospace Structures

Hot Frame Structures Low creep and sustained strength

at 1650oK, future extension to
2800 oK, oxidation resistance.

Control Surfaces Low warpage and erosion at re-

entry temperature up to 2200oK,
oxidation resistance.
Thermal Barriers Low heat transfer to cold struc-
tures, low emissivity of multiple
radiation shields, light weight
and oxidation resistance, low
thermal diffusivity.

Lift Surfaces Self-cooling by ablation or porous

structures for transpiration cool-
Energy Conversion

Photovo1taic Energy Conversion Generation high EMF from visible

Converters Material radiation, availability in large
thin sheets, resistance to radia-
tion damage.



Device Application Requirements

Surface Coating High electrical conductivity,

optical properties to control
temperature and minimize loss
of useful radiation, protection
against particle radiation.

Thermoelectric Junction Materials Generation of high EMF per unit

Converters temperature difference across
junction, high electrical con-
ductivity, low thermal conduc-
tivity, suitability for high
temperature service.

Thermionic Cathode High temperature stability,

Converters chemical stability, high electron
emission, low evaporation rate,
compatibility with alkali vapors.
Anode Temperature resistance, dtmen-
sional stability, chemical
stability, low work~ction.
Insulating Spacers High electrical resistance, good
temperature stability, ~h~cal
MIlD Converters Magnet High field superconductor.
Electrodes High temperature stability,
erosion and corrosion resistance.

Containment High temperature stability,

Structure erosion and corrosion resistance.

Nuclear Fission Fuel Elements High neutron efficiency, strength

at high temperature, shock resis-
tance, good thermal conductivity,
minimum weight.

Thermonuclear Magnets Superconductivity capable of

Converter shaped fields up to 100 kilo- .
gauss at lOoK, efficient thermal
Containment Low outgassing and sputtering for
Vessels 10- 9 torr or lower service, mini-
mum secondary electron emission.



Device Application Requirements

Ion Sources High ion yields, low contamination

of ion beam by sputtering or out-

Thermal Insulation Light weight capable of conserv-

ing high temperature of plasma,
highly resistant to radiation

Mechanical Devices

Bearings, Gears, Lubricants Low vapor pressure, resistance

Sliprings, and to radiation damage, means of
other moving parts distribution, suitable perform-
ance in absence of oxygen.

Low Friction Resistance to cold welding and

Surfaces wear.

strength, dimensional stability, a proper Mechanical Devices in Space
work function and ideally provide a suit-
able sheath for a fuel element. Most of the requirements listed in
Table I are so unique that the solution
It is clear from these examples why of one requirement will offer little help
more and more attention is being focussed on the others. There is, however, one
on composite materials. In order to get area which will have an exceedingly broad
the range of properties demanded for application and which must be well under-
space devices, it will be more frequently stood if we are to be successful. This
necessary to resort to coatings of porous is the performance of mechanical devices
material impregnated with a second mate- in space.
rial and structures which consist of an
aggregate of materials bonded together. Mechanical devices involving bear-
Present techniques for construction of ings, gears, and sliding parts have become
nozzles and nose cones have relied heav- so routine in our earthbound thinking that
ily on use of composite materials. More there has been a tendency to overlook
and more examples of this technique will possible problems with these devices in
follow. One such possibility being in- space. For terrestrial use, we have
vestigated at the present time is in developed systems of lubrication and
connection with some of the very highly bearing design which let us quite accurate-
energetic fuels being considered for ly design for varying loads, temperatures
solid propellants. While these materials and surface speeds. It is only when we
show much promise of increased specific get to the extremes of these conditions
impulse of engines, they are often so that we have diffuclty. Unhappily, there
active that it is difficult or impossible are some important differences between
to handle them for manufacture of propel- the environment of space and that on
lant grains or to store them after com- earth which have an important effect on
pounding. The use of protective coatings the behavior of mechanical devices. In
for the individual particles of these the first place, there is essentially no
materials is being investigated and there atmosphere in space. Figure 1 gives an
is hope that these coatings though pro- indication of the great reduction of re-
tective will have fuel value so that sidual gas which occurs as one goes into
little energy loss will result in their space l . This chart is expressed in terms
use. of the relative density of gas molecules
in space as compared with the atmosphere
Because of the complexity and ex- on earth. One does not need to go very
treme performance demand for space mate- far away from the earth before the gas
rials, it is going to be increasingly density reaches only a minute fraction
important to bring materials people and of that which we have here. At 1500 miles
design people into closer contact. There away from earth, the molecular density of
is little chance of solving most of the the atmosphere is only about 10-11 times
problems in Table I by ordering catalog that on earth. This is equivalent to a
items from a material supplier, The O"A_·_~. n,.-,::at::u::I1'r&l
r - - .... - - - -
n-F !:I,...nl1T'\n
..... - ----... ... -
1 n-14
t-,, _ _
'-"' ..... 4.

communication between these people cannot

be limited to specifications written by Under these conditions, if a surface
a design engineer for de~tvery by a mate- by one means or another becomes clean of
rials engineer in an arms length deal. its protective oxide layers there is little
Most of these problems will best be opportunity for reoxidation. Figure 2
solved by the device engineer and the gives some idea of what these relationships
material engineer educating each other are like 2 • It will be seen that even
sufficiently so that they can jointly 500 miles from the earth (around 10-11torr)
arrive at some compromises to solve the a surface once clean of its oxide will
problem - a compromise which neither stay in that condition for a period of
would be likely to comprehend alone. perhaps an hour before being recontami-
While there are a great many capable nated. When one goes further into space,
materials peopLe in the organizations surfaces once clean will remain clean for
concerned with device development, there very long times.
is obViously far more of this specialized
talent in the materials industry. We Clean surfaces of metal can easily
will make more progress on our materials be obtained where there is rubbing of one
development through increasing alliances surface on another so that in such devices
between the organizations specializing as gear trains and bearings, in all like-
in devices and those who are expert in lihood the surface will soon be worn clean
materials. if no steps are taken to prevent this.

When very clean surfaces are pushed month of lubricant for each square centi-
against one another, even with modest meter of bearing surface, if bearing
pressures, there is a considerable ten- could be held at 55°F. However, in space
dency for welding between the surfaces. with the absence of convection cooling,
Figure 3 shows a summary of some work bearings will almost always run well
which was done at National Research Cor- above this temperature and if the common
poration to see what the bonding tenden- lubricant illustrated in Figure 4 were
cies might be like 3 . These experiments to run at 200°F, the loss per square
consisted of breaking a sample of metal centimeter would be around 100 grams or
at very low pressure and then pushing about 1/4 pound per month.
the surfaces back together again. Under
these conditions, the surfaces contained One way to minimize this lubricant
no contaminant layer provided the pres- loss is the use of protective housings
sures surrounding them are low and the around bearings and other moving devices
exposure times are of short duration. in such a way that a somewhat elevated
pressure is maintained around the sur-
Following the breaking of a specimen faces to reduce loss of lubricants. The
and brief exposure, the two surfaces are disadvantage of this approach is that it
pushed back together with a force just calls for substantial addition of weight
great enough to cause plastic deformation to a mechanism in the form of shields
(around 90,000 1bs/sq. in. for steel and and housings. The shielding approach
60,000 lbs/sq. in. for copper). Then the does not eliminate loss but only reduces
joint is put under tension again to see it. If really tight enclosures are used,
what force is necessary to break the bond. then new problems are encountered in the
These results are compared in Figure 3 form of seals for shafts. In missions
with the strength of the virgin metal. of long duration, it is desirable to find
It will be seen from this curve that in another technique.
all cases, even at low temperatures,
there is a decided sticking tendency A more fundamental solution is to
which in similar experiments conducted search for materials which will have
in the presence of air are negligible. very low vapor pressure and will, there-
It is interesting to note that increasing fore, evaporate more slowly than conven-
the pressure of gas in the system from tional lubricants. There are many mate-
the 10-9 range used in these experiments rials of this type being studied. Sev-
up to 10- 4 torr results in a reduction in eral are shown in Figure 4 and compared
the strength of the weld area. Where sur- with evaporation rate for the conventional
faces of metal rub on each other, the cold 1ubricant5 . However, even with these
welding tendency becomes even more serious materials, there is an appreciable loss
than in these static tests and bonding as bearing temperature approaches 200°F.
occurs at much lower temperatures and In evaluating these lubricants, weight
pressures. loss alone is not a sound basis for con-
sideration. The light fractions of the
Our normal solution to this problem materials evaporate first and the residue
of cold welding between moving parts is continually increases in viscosity, even
to provide lubrication for the surface. though fresh lubricant is added. Lubri-
In space, this problem is made much more cants designed for high bearing load are
serious not only because of the increase generally dependent on additives for
of cohesive tendencies but also because their performance. These materials have
the lubricants, which we customarily use the characteristic of attaching them-
are for the most part sufficiently vola- selves to the bearing surfaces and insur-
tile so that they disappear into the ing that no direct metal to metal contact
space environment in a very short time. is possible. These additives usually
have a very different vapor pressure from
It is difficult to make a comparison the main body of the lubricant. They are
of evaporation rates for various lubri- either stripped or concentrated in the
cants because these materials are almost process of evaporation but in either,
always mixtures with components having a they become ineffective. Professor
wide range of vapor pressures. However, George S. Reichenbach6 of M.I.T. has
Figure 4 will serve to give an idea of recently observed another phenomenon
the magnitude of this problem of lubri- concerning additives which needs careful
cant loss. The lower bar graph shows study. He has found that many of the
the rate at which a common lubricant common additives do not function properly
will disappear if used in space 4 . In in the absence of air. It appears that
order to replenish this loss, it would be the presence of oxygen is vital to the
necessary to supply 3 or 4 grams per chemistry by which these additives attach

themselves to bearing surfaces so that simulating space conditions, particularly
without air, they are no longer useful. the reduced pressures encountered in space.
A great deal of work has been done at
In addition to usual liquid lubri- pressures in the 10- 5 to 10- 6 torr range.
cants, other techniques are under con- It is doubtful how valid such tests are.
sideration. Solid lubricants which If bare surfaces of metal are exposed in
usually have low vapor pressures are such tests, they may survive through con-
being studied and a number of these offer tamination from the residual atmosphere
promise from the standpoint of stability in the test chamber. Operation at a pres-
in vacuum7 ,9. Here the problem is to sure of at least 10- 9 to 10- 10 torr is
find a way to distribute the materials desirable and such equipment is now readily
to insure that surface "is continually available.
covered with no bare spots where cQld
welding can occur. Soft metals,8,9, for Some of the lubricants which have
example gold, are being considered as been chosen, based on laboratory simula-
lubricants. Here again, while vaporiza- tion of space environment, have now been
tion is nota problem, the question of evaluated in tests which were actually
film maintenance continues to be of conducted in space. There has been little
concern. discussion of the resylts but recently
Henry Frankel of NASA reported that so
Some problems present a particular far tests of this kind have given very
challenge. For instance, there is fre- discouraging results which he attributes
quent need for moving electrical contacts to the fact that laboratory evaluation
in such devices as sliprings and commu- on earth was not done at sufficiently low
tators. Here we normally run such devices pressures and did not include a full
without lubrication in order to prevent simulation of the space environment.
interference with electrical signals and
because of the surrounding atmosphere More knowledge about design of
the surfaces remain sufficiently contami- mechanical devices capable of operation
nated to avoid cold welding. Figure 5 in the space environment is necessary and
gives an example of the behavior of a this field should receive more attention.
device of this t~e at a pressure of In addition to short range studies armed
approximately 10- torr. In this case, at quick answers for specific applications,
a slipring potentiometer being tested at it is desirable that a more basic and
National Research Corporation was rotated general program be undertaken in the hope
at 2 cycles per minute. In the beginning that more thorough understanding of
and for a period of 5 minutes, the device frictional processes may lead to new
delivered a very clean signal identical concepts for overcoming wear and cold
to the input. After 8 minutes of opera- welding problems in space.
tion, some noise could be seen. After
15 minutes of operation, the device was Use of Superconductors in Space
stopped and then after a short interval,
started again. The signal at that point A number of propulsion devices now
was totally unrecognizable compared with under consideration are dependent upon the
the input as can be seen from Figure 5. ability to generate large magnetic fields
of considerable volume. In addition, if
Work at Lockheed lO offers some hope it were possible to maintain large mag-
for a solution to this type of problem netic fields in spacecraft, there are
by providing a source of oil vapor in other applications which would become
the immediate vicinity of the contact interesting. Some of these are summarized
point so that at any given time, a small in Table II, which also gives some idea
amount of oil is adsorbed on the surface of the field strengths required. In
and prevents direct contact. It is also addition to these items shown in Table II,
possible that by control of loading on it is almost certain that if designers
the contact surfaces, some improvement had at their command the use of large
can be made. Devices involving sliding fields, uses would be found in instru-
electrical contacts are extremely impor- mentation. To date, the use of high
tant in space devices and a concerted fields in space devices has had relatively
effort is necessary to find an adequate little attention. Fields up to 5 or 6
solution to this problem. kilogauss were practical in the form of
permanent magnets but beyond this, power
In studying performance of moving and cooling requirements were so great
parts for space use, it is extremely as to be wholly impractical for magnets
important to do the best possible job of of a conventional nature. For example,

a 100 kilogauss solenoid of conventional huge fields could be maintained with very
design having a 20 cubic inch volume little power requirement.
would require a 2000 kilowatt power sup-
ply and cooling system equivalent to Dr. Stanley Autler 13 of the M.I.T.
500 gallons per minute of water. It is Lincoln Laboratory in 1960 built a small
difficult to see how such a device could superconducting solenoid of this type
be put in space, although a field of this which served to stir up a great deal of
strength in a much bigger volume is neces- interest in the field and to cause people
sary if thermonuclear devices are to be to review the kinds of materials which
used in space. During the last few years, might be useful for making superconducting
new developments in the field of super- solenoids. Following that development,
conductors have made the maintenance of a number of !~terials began to appear.
high fields in space possible. The per- J.E. Kunzler of the Bell Telephone
formance of these materials offers so Laboratories reported a method of pro-
many new possibilities that it warrants ducing a superconducting wire with a core
some detailed discussion. of the brittle intermetallic compound,
Nb3Sn. Shortly after this, Kunzler 15
Superconductors are a class of mate- ana simultaneously Berlincourt 16 of
rials which are capable of carrying Atomics International, reported the use
electrical currents with no resistance of niobium-zirconium alloy in the form
loss at all, but certain conditions must of wire. Since that time, many small
be met in order to make this situation solenoids of field strengths up to 60
possible. One of these is the condition kilogauss have been built from this alloy
that the temperature be below some par- and at the present time, solenoids with
ticular value. Figure 6 shows a typical volumes of several cubic feet at 50 kilo-
curve obtained when one plots the resis- gauss are being constructed from this
tance of a superconductor against tem- material.
perature. The resistance of the material
falls off in the usual way as temperature Niobium-tin, which in many ways has
is reduced until a so-called "critical better magnetic properties, has been
temperature" is reached. At this point, studied less than niobium-zirconium be-
the resistance drops off sharply and even cause it has the disadvantage that the
the most careful measurements indicate superconducting core of the Kunzler wire
complete absence of resistance at tem- is extremely brittle and the wire cannot
peratures below this point. If a tem- be wound without serious damage to the
perature is selected which is well below properties. It is necessary in using
the critical temperature and an increas- this material to wind it into solenoids
ing external magnetic field is applied and then heat treat the entire assembly.
to a superconductor, the material loses This offers serious difficulty in terms
its superconducting properties at a of expansion coefficients and selection
particular field strength. This point is of structural materials and insulations
known as the "critical field" for the as the heat treating temperature for
material and increases as temperature is the material is around 1000°C.
reduced. Of course, the real interest in
superconductors comes in connection with Figure 8 shows the characteristics
their current-carrying capability. of these materials and also shows the
Figure 7 shows the type of curve obtained properties of a new superconductor which
in this case. Under these conditions, is in the last stages of development at
the current-carrying capability as a super- National Research Corporation." In each
conductor decreases regularly as the ap- case in this figure, the properties are
plied field increases until some ultimate reported as current density for the
critical field is reached, at which point active areas of the conductors. For
no further superconducting current is niobium-zirconium, this is the entire
carried. cross section 17 For the Kunzler-type
niobium-tin, this is about one-quarter
These general characteristics of of the whole cross section in the form
superconducting materials have been known of a co~e of Nb3Sn inside of a niobium
for a long time 12 and there has been sheath14,1~,19. For the National Research
speculation from time to time that if Corporation material, it consists of a
proper materials could be found, it would thin film of Nb3Sn on either side of a
be possible to build electrical systems niobium strip. It can be seen from these
in which there would be no resistance at curves that the niobium-tin compound pro-
all. Under such conditions, it would be vides higher current densities in the
fully practical to build magnets in which active areas than the niobium-zirconium

alloys and, even more important, permits serious problem. However, as a byproduct
auch higher fields. The National Re- of interest in long-term storage of cryo-
search Corporation superconducting genic fuels, new low temperature insula-
Nb 3Sn has the advantage that it can be tions have been developed which make it
wound into solenoids after final heat look feasible to maintain such systems 20
treatment without any damage, thus remov- Several superinsu1ations are available
ing the handling problems which have which should make it practical to design
limited the use of the Kunzler wire. cryogenic storage systems to maintain a
superconducting solenoid at operating
Figure 9 shows the actual current temperatures i~ a space vehicle for as
carried by the National Research Corpora- long as a year 1.
tion superconducting ribbon. At 20 kilo-
gauss, a ribbon 0.0011" thick and 0.0625" Combining the capability for main-
wide is capable of carrying nearly 100 taining low temperatures and the promise
amps. The same ribbon at 100 kilogauss of the superconductors for use in sole-
can carry nearly 20 amps. These currents noids, it would appear entirely practical
are being carried by very thin films of tod~y to think in terms of using magnetic
Nb3Sn on either face of the ribbon. fields of up to 50 kilogauss in space.
Within the next year, it undoubtedly will
While superconducting solenoids have be possible to consider volumes of as
been built, there are many problems still much as a cubic foot in such applications
to be investigated. The current densities and possibly within a year, the capa-
shown in Figure 9 are considerably reduced bility for field strength will increase
when these materials are used in winding fram 50 to 100 kilogauss.
solenoids. The superconductors carry
less and less current as solenoids become Summary
larger. The cause for this reduction and
the possibility of eliminating it are not The materials performance in space
fully understood. is so closely related to device perform-
ance that a much closer cooperation be-
At the present time, there are no tween materials people and device people
adequate inspection methods for the is going to be necessary to make real
conductors and performance is still rath- progress. Standard materials are not
er variable. However, in spite of these going to solve many of today's problems.
limitations, solenoids are already being More and more, the use of combinations of
built and sold by a number of companies. materials such as coatings or composites
will be necessary. The solutions to
In connection with the use of super- these problems are gena- ally going to be
conducting solenoids in space, several very specific and of little broad use.
important principles have already been
demonstrated. Superconducting solenoids One field of investigation where
have been operated in such a way that there is a broad application is in the
after a solenoid is energized by means area of materials for use in bearings,
of a bank of storage batteries, it can sliprings and other devices where sur-
be shorted out by means of a supercon- faces are required to move on one another
ducting link and put into a persistent and/or in space. Some progress has been
operation, which no longer required made in the field but much more knowledge
any power supply. Under these conditions, is necessary in order to insure that the
the currents circulate in the supercon- wide range of devices which will be re-
ducting solenoids with no resistance loss quired to operate in space environment
at all and the field associated with this can perform satisfactorily for missions
circulation of current is maintained of long duration.
steadily. The one requirement in such a
situation is that the material be main- The field of superconducting mate-
tained at a low temperature continuously rials (which so far has found no applica-
in order to permit this operation. In tion in space technology) will, within
general, the temperatures that are best the next few years, become important.
suited for these superconductors are USing these materials, it appears entirely
around 4°K, although in the case of practical to build solenoids capable of
niobium-tin, it might be practical to reaching fields of as much as 100 kilo-
operate as high as lOoK. gauss. Using present technology for main-
taining low temperatures over extended
Some time ago, maintaining tempera- periods, it should be entirely practical
tures in the 4° to lOoK range for appre- to transport solenoids of this type into
ciable lengths of time would have been a space for use over long periods of time.
The use of such solenoids should be help- 11. Frankel, H.D., To be published in
ful in speeding the development of some Metals Eng. Quart., ASM, 1963.
of the new propulsive devices under con-
sideration and will also probably find 12. Shoenberg, D., Superconductivity
application in other space devices. (Cambridge University Press, London,
13. Autler, S. H., "Superconducting
1. Johnson, F.S., "Structure of the Electromagnets," ~. §£i., Instr. 31
Upper Atmosphere," Space Materials Hand- 369-373 (1960).
~ (Lockheed Missiles & Space Co.,
Sunnyvale, Calif. 1962) pp 19-29. 14. Kunzler, J.E., Buehler, E., Hsu, F.
S., and Wernick, J. N., "Superconductivity
2. Ham, J. L., ''Mechanisms of Surface in Nb3Sn at High Current Density in a
Removal from Metals in Space," Aerospace Magnetic Field of 88 Kilogauss," Phys.
Eng. 20 20-21 (May, 1961). ~. Letters ~ 89-91 (Feb. 1, 1961).

3. Ham, J. L., "Cohesion of Copper and 15. Kunzler, J.E., "Superconductivity

Steel Repeatedly Fractured and Rejoined in High Magnetic Fields at High Current
in Vacuum," Society of Automotive Densities," Rev. Mod. Phys. 33 501-509
Engineers, Automotive Engineering Congress, (October, 1961).
Detroit, Michigan, Jan. 1963. Preprint
632D. 16. Ber1incourt, T.G., Hake, R.R., and
Leslie, D. H., "Superconductivity at
4. Dushman, S., Scientific Foundations High Magnetic Fields and Current Densi-
of Vacuum Technique (Wiley, New York 1949) ties in some Nb-Zr Alloys," Phys. ~.
p 789. Letters ~ 671-674 (June 15, 1961).

5. Buckley, D. H., Swikert, M. and 17. Hulm, J. K., Chandrasekhar, B.S.

Johnson, R. L., "Friction Wear and and Riemersma, H., "High Field Super-
Evaporation Rates of Various Materials conducting Magnets." To be published in
in Vacuum to 10- 7 mm Hg," ASLE ~ • .2. Advances in Cryogenic Engineering ~
8-23 (1962). (1963) Presented at the 1962 Cryogenic
Engineering Conference, University of
6. Reichenbach, G.S., Foster, R.S. and Califor~ia, Los Angeles, Calif.
Shaw, R. To be presented at ASLE-ASME
Lubrication Conference, Rochester, N. Y. 18. Babiskin, J. and Siebenmann, P.G.,
October, 1963. Report NRL Progress, April, 1962.
(PB181071) .
7. Jackson, E.G., "Lubrication in
Space Vehicles," ~.2" 417-434 (July, 19. Hart, H.R., Jr., Jacobs, I.S.,
1962). Kolbe, C. L. and Lawrence, P.E.,
"Superconducting Critical Current of
8. Midwest Research Institute, "Physi- Nb3Sn in Pulsed Magnetic Fields," High
cal and Chemical Properties of Ceramic Magnetic Fields (MIT Press, Cambridge,
Bonded Solid Lubricant Films," WADD Mass. 1962) pp 584-588.
TR60-530, Part IV, Jan. 1963.
Contract AF 33 (616)-6854. 20. Hnilicka, M. P., "Engineering
Aspects of Heat Transfer," Advances in
9. Clauss, F. J., O'Hara, C.F. and Cryogenic Engineering.2. (Plenum Pre,s,
Cooke, F.B., 'Materials for Lubricated New York, 1960) pp 199-208.
Systems," Space Materials Handbook,
(Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Sunnyvale, 21. Smolak, G.R., Knoll, R. H. and
Calif. 1962) pp 229-305. Wallner, L.E., "Analysis of Thermal-
Protection Systems for Space-Vehicle
10. Clauss, F.J., Proceedings of Cryogenic-Propellant Tanks," NASA
Symposium on Lubrication in Space, Cam- TR-R-130 (1962).
bridge, Mass., Feb. 1962 (Baird Atomics
and A.D. Little, March, 1963).



Field Strength
Kilogauss Use

Magnetohydrodynamic Converter 50 to 100 Conversion thermal energy to

electrical energy

Shielding 20 to 50 Protection spacecraft from

particle radiation

Thermonuclear Power 100 Generation electrical energy

from nuclear fusion

Re-entry Communications 20 to 50 Deflection plasma to permit


Mass Spectrometers 20 to 50 Analysis of high velocity


0 10°

I&J ~I-...
0 ........
U) ..........
"" ~
> ~
0:: 0 500 1000 1500



~ 1018 STEEL
~ 20

o0 100 200 300 400 500

til 200 of
MIL-L-7808 (OCTOIL-S) h-.-.,~~~ JOHNSON
.illlf(j(DDlUiSSH;HMWA(NNil) (CALC. FOR 27% LOSS)
1.0 10 100






AT 2 C.P.S. IN A VACUUM OF 10-9 Torr


z I-

cr:: FIELD He
cr:: ::::> (
u ,/




Vs. Vs.
AT 4.2°K
AT 4.2°K


Q.. I I
"- :E \
"- ........ i--.0625"--i L.oolI"
........ ..... -... '"
- I-





20 40 60 80 100 120 140 20 40 60 BO 100 120 140

Life Sciences R~ch Needs
- ~ ----- --..
- 10 I
Charles F. Gell,--M. D., D. Be. 111IP
Manager, Life Sciences T
Chance Vought corp~tiotl~i f ~,
A little over two years ago, a paper vOIcmg applied biomedical problems are solved and
optimism for an increasingly accelerated tempo man is capable of living in a space station or of
in the pursuit of necessary programs in bioastro- traveling to other planets in a space ship,
nautics was presented in this city (Ref. 1). then the spaceman can safely and capably apply
This paper predicted that the practical problems himself to the studies as defined by those
of maintaining man in space would receive interested in the exobiological concept. The
greater emphasis through the use of biological key to the mastery of space, is still man himself.
packages in satellites and probes. These would
create a means for the direct observation of As one of the latter group, I am heartened
the effects of physical stressors in space on by recent developments indicating an increaSingly
viable systems and organisms. Although the accelerated program of practical projects
Russians apparently had placed much greater related to man's sojourn in space. The bio-
emphasis upon the biomedical aspects of space satellite program under the aegis of Dr. Orr
flight than we in the U. S. had, it was then Reynolds has been reinvigorated and an organized
predicted that with our increased enthusiasm for program has been established at the Ames
bioastronautics, our programs would begin to Research Center. This facility has the responSi-
match those of the Russians in sophistication bility for the development of six biosatellites.
and numbers. It appears that a productive biosatellite program
may come into being despite many initial
Unfortunately, these predictions have setbacks. The recently established Office of
failed to materialize. The only notable efforts Biotechnology and Human Research directed
in the study of viable organisms in space have by Dr. E. B. Konecci, is organizing an extensive
been those studies conducted on the Astronauts program to expedite the resolution of existing
themselves. It appears then that practically all biomedical problems. The office of Dr. C. H.
of the basic problems in bioastronautics are Roadman continues to function as the space medi-
still with us. In many cases little has been cal office with direct progressional medical
accomplished in their resolution. interest in the astronauts and their problems.
NASA appears to have a well-rounded organiza-
Two well-defined areas of interest have tion for the maintenance of a strong space medi-
meanwhile developed in the realm of space cal program. It appears then that we are again
biology. One area, that of exobiology enjoys in a position to predict an increase in the tempo
popularity with the academic biologists who are of onslaught on space biomedical problems.
mainly concerned with the realm of space as a Hopefully this will result in a speeding up of
potential source of extraterrestrial biological programs such as Apollo, which will greatly
specimens. This concept encompasses the extend space flight. Thus, when man is safely
possibility of finding life or the precursors of and comfortably esconsced in his space station
life in space and on planetary bodies other than or space ship capable of extended flights, he can
the earth. Investigations in exobiology may devote his time to exploration for the possible
possibly lead to an increased knowledge of the detection of life in space. He will also be able
origins of life. It is certain that man's fund of to study physical phenomena as seen more
knowledge will be far advanced through the study clearly in space itself and from these observations
of exobiology. perhaps gain an understanding of the origins
of life. Deo Gratia!
The other area of interst in space biology
is that maintained by experienced aerospace What then remains to be done in bioastro-
medical personnel, many of whom have spent nautics research before man can spend a reason-
a professional life time in practical aerospace able time in productive performance and
biomedical research. These men accept the observation aboard a manned space system?
credo that man is engaging in space flight; The concept of the various physical stressors
therefore, it is incumbent on them to see that that will complicate man's existence in space
the astronaut makes his flight safely and can remains the same. Man will be projected from
perform useful work in a normal environment a homeostatic environment to one totally
while in space. lacking in his environmental necessities with
some redundant agressors added to the picture.
In the higher councils of the Nation, the This Simplifies the stating of his requirements.
exobiologists have at present the predominant He needs everything! The fundamental problems
speaking voice for biologists in general. Their remain the same; the question is, what has been
discussions imply that in their opinion the accomplished and what remains to be done?
primary reason for space flight is that of the
opportunity to investigate space for possible To more clearly assess the questions
detection of extraterrestrial life. In most posed above, we can outline the physical stress-
cases the practical aerospace medical scientist ors in space which must be mitigated. Addition-
would beg the issue as to what was the primary ally, certain miscellaneous requirements must
reason for putting man into space. In concert be added. The outline is as follows:
with the apparent Russian viewpoint, he feels
that the practical bioastronautic problems are
those of immediate moment, and that when these

A. Physical Stressors Inherent in Space orbiting flights where return can be effected
at will, or for replenishable space stations.
1. Total lack of a liveable atmosphere. Noxious gases can be controlled by filters or
2. Extreme temperature variations. chemical absorption. Humidity control in all
3. Presence of ionizing radiations. systems would undoubtedly be a condensation
4. Presence of meteoroids. and collection system. Condensation and collect-
5. Absence of terrestrial gravity. ion of water would also provide a potable water
6. Absence of terrestrial magnetic force. source.
B. Physical Stressors Generated in the Space The physico-chemical means for life
Ship support in use now may possibly become the
back up for the biological (plant or algae) systems
1. Acceleration stresses on escape, which are in the experimental stage. For long
reentry and abort of vehicle. term multi-man miSSions, the biological life
2. Noise. support system shows promise. The space farm
3. Vibration. concept is one which should be thoroughly
4. Ultrasonics. investigated. The maintainance of plant or
algae life for oxygen generation, waste products
C. Stressors Generated by Man Himself and gas disposal, food for man and beast should
not lack serious consideration.
1. Toxic contamination.
2. Waste disposal requirement. The partial pressures of the environmental
3. Sustenance requirements. gases in the space structure are still a matter
4. Maintainance of health and body tone for study. At present 100% oxygen concentration
in the space man. at 5 psi pressure is considered adequate for the
manned compartment of the orbiting space craft.
D. Behavioral Stressor Mechanisms This oxygen pressure is phYSiologically sound
insofar as the oxygen requirement, negative
1. Psychological effects of space flight potential for oxygen toxicity, and possible aero-
on man. embolism are concerned. There is however some
2. Effect of mixed stressors. concern as to the suitability of this :pressure
3. Biological monitoring - psychophysio- where micrometeroid penetration mIght occur.
logical correlation. Further investigation in the physiological
4. Training requirements. rationale of gas combinations including the
requirement for nitrogen or other inert gas is
It might be stated at this point, that certain required.
of the above stressor mechanisms can be satis-
factorily studied in laboratories or in simulators Temperature variants as a stressor mech-
on the earth's surface. Other studies would be anism are under continuous study. The need for
further validated if they could be checked out in control is basically in the random heating either
a biosatellite or a space station devoted at least from the outside solar source or from heat
in part to biologic experimentation. A few generation within the space craft. The present
problem areas cannot be simulated on earth method of heat control is by dissipation of waste
and for their resolution, the studies must be heat through radiation to space, either by liquid,
done in a biosatellite or space station. vapor of absorption cycles. Future space craft
will be equipped with chemical refrigeration
In consideration of our first listed stressor systems. Space craft have been insulated to
mechanisms, that of a total lack of an atmosnhere maintain a physiologieally suitable internal
in space, we are faced with the ongoing 4 environment. The existing problem area in
problem of life support system development. thermal variations in space flight are those of
The ultimate in the development of a life support environmental control systems, rather than
system will be one in which the direst life sus- bioastronautic research.
taining requirements such as breathing, oxygen,
absorption of carbon dioxide and other noxious Undoubtedly the most hazardous stressor
gases, water reclamation and perhaps recovery in space for the unprotected Astronaut is that
of edible substances will all be recycled through of ionizing radiation either cosmic or from solar
a continuously repetitive process of biochemical flares. The variations of concentration and
breakdown and resynthesis. With such a system, specific types of ionizing radiation in space are
extended lunar and planetary explorations are of such a nature that it is hard to establish
within reason. Many closed cycle systems are standards for protection. The effect of ionizing
being laboratory tested at present. These include rooiation upon man is not only the result of the
the algae and other plant photosynthetic methods, intensity, but also of the prolongation of exposure.
chemical photosynthesis, electrolYSis and photo- Solar flares may bring the level of radiation to
lysis, and other laboratory methods that show lethal proportions, but in addition continuous
promise. exposure to radiation at a sublethal level may
bring about radiation illness of an incapacitating
Present research efforts directed to the nature. Prediction of solar flares, new and
Gemini and Apollo flights involve the partially or novel shielding, radiation protective clothing
semi-closed enVironmental systems. In these and pre and post exposure pharmaceutical treat-
systems, superperoxides and ozonides are used ment for radiation sickness are all in the present
to remove the carbon dioxide and water vapor study category. Cosmic radiation as stated
from the cabin air and oxygen is released to before is probably the most important biological
recondition the ~aseous environment. A system problem in space flight.
of this nature WIll continue to be suitable for

The presence of meteoroids in space intro- for mitosis and growth, in bacteria, fungae,
duces a possibility of casualty production during higher plants and lower animals. Enzyme activity,
long-term space station occupancy. Experiments membrane permeability, cyclosis, behavior of
done by firing hypervelocity metallic and silicon biological fluids and other cell functions can be
particles through the wall of a prototype space investigated in an orbiting satellite to determine
craft containing rats by the Astronautics Division the effects of long-term weightlessness at the
of the Chance Vought Corp. has demonstrated the individual cell level. Vought Astronautics had
possibility of animal damage by blast, burn, done some studies on protoplasmic streaming
intense light or wounding by spalled material. in the amoeba while it was in a weightless state
The possibility of explosive decompression also in the Keplerian traj ectory. A conceptual design
exists in this type of an episode. The insulated for microscopic observation of cells in space
construction of the wall of a space station should was as stated before proposed by Vought
give reasonable protection from internal explos- Astronautics more than two years ago. The
ion by the penetration of the micrometeoroids. activities of the biological satellite group at
Penetration by larger meteoroids could only be Ames Laboratory, if carried to a satisfactory
handled by gas tight bulkhead compartmentation conclusion could shed some light upon the bio-
of the ship. Further work should be done to logical effects of long-term weightlessness. It
investigate the partial pressures of gases com- is hoped that this will be in time to influence the
prising the internal gaseous environment of the future design of space stations. If the space
space ship to reduce to a minimum the possibility station is in use before this problem is thoroughly
of the explosive effect and the associated intense investigated, then periodic examinations of the
light resulting from meteoroid penetration. The men occupying the space station will be necessary
micrometeroid protection of the man outside the to determine the possible effects of this stressor
space ship in a space suit should also be investi- on their health.
If it is necessary to design the future space
The absence of terrestrial gravity in the station in the form of a rotating wheel for the
space platform or in space flight introduces the application of some gravitational force upon the
biological problem of weightlessness. While some crew, another complicating syndrome will
of the biological fraternity have been lulled by the beset the men. This is called the Coriolis
apparent lack of subjective symptoms in the factor. Coriolis acceleration is generated when
successful orbital excursions of the Astronauts the man is in motion perpendicular to the axis
and Cosmonauts, Soviet scientists and some of of rotation of the space station. Vertigo and
our own Biologists express fear that there is a disorientation are pronounced when the man
possibility of disturbance in cellular metabolism attempts to move to, or away from, the center
in long-term flights. of rotation. If the rotating wheel is the design of
the future space station, continued laboratory
The Astronautics Division of Chance Vought work on the Coriolis effect is necessary.
has had a proposal outstanding for more than two
years consisting of a special biological payload The magnetic field of the earth exists from
for a satellite to study possible physiological the fact that the earth acts as a gigantic bar
Changes in cells exposed to weightlessness during magnet. The maximum height of the magnetic
their entire life span. A statement has been flux field of the earth at the equator is about
attributed to Russian Bioastronautics specialists, 15,000 miles, hence all mankind is continuously
(2), who said that possibly after a weeks' duration exposed to this magnetic force. Certain bio-
in space there may be a breaking down of mole- logical experiments have been conducted on
cular or cellular distribution in the human body. animals in generated magnetic fields of Significant
The statement also includes the observation, that intensities. J. M. and M. F. Bernothy (Ref. 3)
the more short lived the cell, the earlier it could have exposed rats to magnetic field strengths of
be expected to breakdown due to the effects of 4200 Gauss, observing changes in development,
weightlessness. The question of the effect of mortality rate, activity, body temperature,
long-term weightlessness certainly should be appearance, food consumption, fertility and in
considered in space station design. Studies are hematology. The question may be asked that if
needed to clarify the possibility of the occurrence increased magnitudes of magnetic flux can
of muscular atrophy, decalcification of bony cause these chang es, what would a greatly reduced
structure with the inevitable result of calculus or absent magnetic field bring about in men
formation, interference to cardiovascular function exposed to space flight?
with possible thrombotic formation and the
possibility of a generalized disturbance of cell In considering the generated stresses that
physiology in space flights of more than a week. are inherent in the space ship deSign, we include
those of acceleration, nOise, vibration and
The gross effect upon the labrynth has as ultrasonics. Gross acceleration has been
yet not been satisfactorily resolved. This is a demoilstrated as not hazardous either in normal
problem of great significance according to the ascent or reentry when the man is properly
Russian expert Yazdovsky and it is hard to believe positioned so that the applied acceleration is
that space station design, in the absence of further transverse through the long axis of the body.
basic knowledge would envision anything other The escape trajectory has fortunately never
than the rotating platform. As stated in the been required and crash deceleration has as yet
beginning of this paper, NASA-Ames is engaged not been encountered. Continuous studies on
in the design of six biological payloads for restraints and crash harnesses are being conduc-
satellite exposure. These will be used predomin- ted for the protection of the Astronaut. Supine
antly for the study of the effects of long-term couch configurations and other seating structures
weightlessness at the cellular level. Cells of are being designed for greater comfort, perform-
plant and animal origin will be investigated ance ana protection.
The noise in the Mercury capsule in orbit freely in a space suit external to the space craft
has been recorded as a continuous 87 decibels. or to individuals attempting to assemble material
This is slightly higher than the maximum of 80 in space. The difficulties of simulating space
decibels approved for continuous exposure to men on the earth for these visual studies are great
in space craft. In a space station the men will but not insurmountable. An existing space station
not be protected with a space suit helmet and would of course be ideal for space vision studies.
radio phone cups as were the pilots in the Mercury
flights, hence further study in noise abatement Instrumentation for space vehicles has
and ear protection is necessary for l?pace stations. brought about a need for reevaluation of the
advanced techniques currently proposed for air-
The limits of vibration upon man are craft. The aircraft display which uses a geo-
incompletely delineated. Practically all of the centric vertical reference system with the
human studies in vibration have been done on vehicle attitude related to the earth's horizon
vibrating platforms which vibrate in the longitud- would lack the sophistication required in space
inal or transverse plane. The effects of combina- flight. Horizon reference is not necessary for
tions or vectored vibration modes on man are control in space, where there are five different
not too well understood. Low frequency vibrations reference possibilities for vehicle attitude.
can vary from mild incapaCitation due to annoy- Research in three dimensional display systems
ance, to permanent physical damage. Below 2 is in progress and eventually a single three
cps the body of man responds as a unit mass. dimensional display may be able to handle all
Above 2 cps the various organs and soft tissues data required for maneuvering in space.
have a resonant frequency. Random vibrational
modes may cause damage to specific organs. The roncern of the behaviorial sciences
Studies of the effect of vibration on man as a over confinement and the selection of Astronauts
debilitating stressor both in performance and as has been reduced somewhat with the extended
a frank casualty producer are being conducted cruises of the nuclear submarines in which 60
in various laboratories. The need at present days of continuous underwater cruising has
is a device to expose the subject to vibrations in become commonplace. The exceptional behavior
all planes of reference. and performance of the Astronauts has also
allayed fears of aberrant behavior patterns. A
UltrasoniC vibrations may be a potential recent report, however by Zubeck, Welch and
liability to man in long-term space station occup- Saunders (4) describes a decrease in alpha
ancy. Ultrasonic exposure results in compression frequencies of the electroencephalograph observed
waves passing through the tissues of those exposed in a fourteen day confinement where the subject
with the generation of internal heat as the most was exposed to continuous white noise and
manifest symptom. The long-term effects unpatterned light. The ECG records were still
of ultrasonic vibrations both upon the physical abnormal one week after the test and long lasting
aspects of the human body and upon the perform- motivational losses were observed. Apparently
ance quotient of the individual should be more their findings indicated to them that prolonged
thoroughly understood before long-term space periods of perceptual deprivation can produce
station occupancy becomes routine. some long lasting disorganization of brain
activity. Studies in behavioral patterns in long-
The physical stresses upon man in a closed term confinement should continue for psycho-
compartment generated by himself or his require- physiological information.
ments are those of his own toxic emanations and
production of waste. His need for water and Simulation of space flight in all its psycho-
sustenance create additional stressful circum- physiological aspects will be an ever expanding
st~~ces. The ultimate in the environmental field of endeavour as the full requirement becomes
containment of man in space would of course be obvious to those in operational control of
the closed cycle environmental system where Astronaut training. There will be no back seat
waste material would be recycled and converted checkout in space flight and the potential
into food and water for continuous reuse. While Astronaut will have to be fully prepared as a
this is the ultimate in conceptual design for Pilot on his first flight. Present simulators are
environmental control systems, the present space efficient in the simulation of flight parameters;
system dictates the absorption of toxic emana- however, they do not create a realistic operational
tions by chemical means, the collection of waste situation. Motivational control is desirable since
water by condensation and purification, the the operator performs in a known no risk situa-
handling of waste material by chemical treatment tion. Because of this, his simulator performance
and storage. The present research in food is in many ways does not replicate the operational
in dehydration, packaging, palatibility and equivalent of the man. An approximation of
reduction in human waste production. For long- operational space flight may be achieved if in
term space flights the use of algae for food is some way the man can be motivated to do well.
being considered as well as biochemical proced- The possibility of an unpleasant experience as a
ures that utilize carbon and hydrogen for the result of poor performance may be a means of
possible conversion to sugars. Suitable plants achieving this. The calibration of motivation
and animals for use in space platforms as living may be achieved through psychophysiological
sources of food are not impractical and are correlates.
being investigated.
The investigation of physiological correlates
Visual requirements in space comprise a to psychological responses and performance
problem area that needs further investigation abilities in stressful situations may be an
in bioastronautics research. The lack of economical way to detect and predict the effects
reference pOints and inability to perceive depth of work and of the environmental restrictions
will be a serious detriment to a man moving placed on the Astronaut during an actual space

mission. The combination of biological monitor- In concluSion, I would like to remind you
ing and data handling which make such detection that this resume of requirements of bioastronautic
and prediction possible must be investigated. research is necessarily a broad brush treatment.
Fundamentally as stated before, everything that
A means of assessing the effects upon man has been accomplished can be further examined
of long-term exposure to an unforgiving environ- for sophistication and improvement. Beyond
ment must be established to assure safety in this there is a tremendous requirement for bio-
the space station. What does the overall stress astronautics research in the areas that have only
of continuous residence in space do to the decis- been philosophized and conj ectured upon. This
ion making ability of a man, what per sonality paper concentrates upon the psychophysiological
changes will occur and what will his general and biomedical problems of space flight as
effectiveness be under these circumstances? research areas for the present and future. We
have not discussed the future plans and hopes
In the development of psychophysiological of exobiological research and exploration. Life
correlation and information acquisition systems, on the planets, the relationship of biological
new and more sophisticated biological monitoring systems to time and space, the precursors of
equipment will be necessary. In a recent request life and the possibility of understanding the
for a proposal from NASA, Edwards Flight origins of life we leave to the future of man in
Research Center for a design study of a psycho- space. Whether or not the above knowledge is
physiological information acquiSition, processing the primary reason for space flight does not con-
and control system, stress was placed on the cern us. We feel the primary problem in
fact that biological monitoring was still in the astronautics today is to assist in the resolution
basic medical measurement category. The of the biological problems involving man in his
suggested parameters of monitoring were heart, space station of the future so that he may function
lung, vascular, brain, metabolic, thermal, effectively, effiCiently and safely during his
neuromuscular, autonomic conditioning and entire mission. When this is an accomplished
behavioral patterns. These were to be correlated fact, scientists may become Astronauts and make
to the dynamic parameters of the machine and their observations first hand. I would like to
the environmental parameters of the living space. repeat, that in our opinion, the key to the mastery
Needless to.say, this is a formidable, yet of space, is man himself.
necessary task of information acquisition correla-
tion and display.


(1) Gell, C. F., Newer Concepts and Recent

Developments in Bioastronautics 7th
Annual Meeting, AAS, Dallas, Texas,
Jan. 16-18, 1961.
(2) Brownlow, C., Aviation Week & Space
Technology, Oct. 8, 1962.
(3) Bernothy, J. M., Magnetism - Medical
Physics Vol. m, Glasser, ed.
(4) Zubeck, Welch & Saunders, Science,
Feb. 8, 1963.



df~ Peter H. Rose - Principal Research Scientist
.::::p Avco-Everett
Research Laboratory, Everett, Massachusetts

It is a dangerous task to attempt to discuss The transit times for a minimwtl energy,
the future research in any field. To write about Hohman-type, one way transfer from Earth to
such a subject we must see the problems clearly Venus and Mars are about ISO and 250 day\-
enough to discuss them and, this being the case, respectively. By the use of about a factor u1 2
this work ought properly to be called the research of excess velocity, these times can be reduced
of today. Thus, this paper shall be restricted to 25 and 50 days, respectively, as shown in
to discussing research problems which we can Fig. 1. Of course, this is a very gross simpli-
see today which we will have to face in the im- fication of a very complex problem, given for
mediate future if we are to vigorously pursue illustrative purposes. In actual practice there
the exploration of interplanetary space with are small launch windows for Venus or Mars
manned and unmanned vehicles. missions and the size of the launch window can
also be increased by use of excess velocity.
The area which has been singled out for Shorter transit times will effect savings in the
discussion here is the field of re-entry physics. life support system weight as well as the radi-
a name which has been adopted to denote the ation shielding requirement for manned vehicles.
basic phenomena involved in interactions be- In addition, the logistic advantages of reducing
tween a body or vehicle and a planetary atmos- the time required for exploratory ventures and
phere. We shall consider only our knowledge of removing some of their scheduling restrictions
the basic phenomena involved in such interac- will surely legislate the use of these higher
tions and what these processes mean to the characteristic velocities at a time in the future
vehicle, mostly through the heating problem. Of when advanced propulsion systems have mini-
course, there are many other aspects to a plan- mized the added launch penalty. Because any
etary entry which do not fall into the area of velocity imparted to a vehicle may be dissipated
re-entry physics, such as lift and drag, guid- in planetary entry, high re-entry velocities, both
ance and control, stability, communications and for Earth and other planets, are of obvious
landing. In most situations one or more of future interest.
these aspects will dominate a mission profile or
a vehicle design, at least in an indirect way. In Re-entry technology today is based on a
general, a vehicle design calls for specific per- broad research foundation developed in support
formance which. in turn, determines the re-entry of missile and satellite programs. The heating
maneuver and, consequently, the environment. problem of all re -entry vehicle s de signed to date
Our knowledge of re -entry physics allows us to has been dominated by convective heating con-
transform such performance specifications into siderations with a significant but secondary role
vehicle design data. being played by radiative heat flux. This is the
case for the Apollo re-entry vehicle, where the
Thus, to look at the re-entry physics prob- radiative heating accounts for approximately 300/0
lems of future space missions we must look at of the total heat input. The relative magnitude
what these missions might be and what the par- of these two sources of heating are manageable
ameters and the limits of the performance will to some degree by designing the proper combin-
be on such missions. Having specified the per- ation of nose radius and deceleration altitude,
formance requirements, we can assess the i. e., ballistic coefficient W /CnA. but the ex-
aerophysical problems. tremely strong dependence of radiation intensity
on entry velocity will result in high speed re-
Manned re-entries from lunar missions at entry being radiation dominated.
speeds approaching escape velocity are with us
today in the Apollo program. Some day there Our only re-entry experience in the velocity
may also be a requirement for a re-entry of range above escape speed where radiation should
unmanned vehicles from lunar missions. possi- be the dominant transport mechanism is with
bly for returning valuable evidence from a meteors which have been observed to enter the
lunar expedition without the restrictions im- Earth's atmosphere at velocities between 37,000
posed by a manned system. Likewise. for the and 238, 000 ft/ sec. The direct analogy of this
exploration of interplanetary space it is safe to phenomenon to the high speed re-entry problem
assume that both manned and unmanned mis- has led the aerodynamicist to invading the field
sions will be of interest. One needs to differ- of meteor dynamics, which previously had been
entiate between manned and unmanned missions the domain of the astrophysicist.
in any discussion such as this because the lim-
itations which must be placed on manned vehi- Applying our kn.owledge of entry phenomena,
cle performance due to physiological restraints Riddell and Winkler 1 have shown that only very
result in considerable differences in the re-entry small (micron size) and very large (100 ft diam-
problems. It is generally accepted that the max- eter) objects can survive the interaction with the
imum deceleration of a manned vehicle must be atmosphere throughout the above meteor velocity
kept below 10 times the acceleration of gravity, range. The very small objects have such a low
unless a breakthrough is made in the technology ballistic parameter, W/CnA, that they deceler-
of passenger restraint and/or our understanding ate at such a high altitude that they can reradi-
of human anatomy. Thus, manned re-entry will ate their heat at a reasonable temperature. The
always be made at relatively shallow re -entry large bodies have such a high value of W/CnA
angles to minimize decelerations. that they do not decelerate before impacting on
the Earth's surface and consequently do not dissi-
pate their energy. In the intermediate size

range only objects with velocities at the lower
end of the' meteor entry velocity range can be
expected'to survive re-entr
with meteorite observations •2.This is consistent (6)

For re-ehtry velocities up to the escape

speed, re-entry performance has generally been The payload mass ratios for both consuma-
analyztd by considering the dynami~s of a c.on- ble and heat sink systems are shown in Fig. 2
stant mass body. However, meteonte expenence as a function of the parameter eM y~"
and elementary considerations indicate that mass For high speed re-entry where ~.n"
radiatlve heating .
loss due to consumption of heat protection ma- dominates, the heat transfer coefficient CH ap- plays a significant role. ~n the sur~ival of proaches approximately 0.20 while CD for blunt
bodIes at high re -entry velocltles. Allen and bodies is about 1. O. Thus, even if the heat sink
Grant 4 have perfo rmed similar analyses to cal- were made of graphite with its relatively high
culate the mass loss due to heat absorption dur- heat capacity per unit mass, i. e., its high heat
ing the re-entry as a function of the entry vel-
ocity. Such an analysis is reproduced in its
of vaporization, the parameter ~
e I)
:l c:!:I.«"
simplest term here. will be approximately one at about 50,000 ft/sec
and the no-mass-Ioss analysis yields vanishing
Following Allen 3, the equation of motion for payloads.
a trajectory where the acceleration due to grav-
ity can be neglected when compared to the drag, For the variable vehicle mass case, the
can be written as payload mass ratio can be plotted as a function
of re-entry velocity if reasonable values are
assumed for the parameter ~ ; lI.-
(1) For the case of spherical bodi~s, O:with Q*, CD,
and CH, as previously stated the mass ratios
are shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that at
where m is the vehicle mass, t is the time, V re-entry velocities of about 80,000 ft/sec, the
is the velocity, CD is the drag coefficient, p is payload mass ratio of a sphere becomes vanish-
the density and A is a characteristic area of the ingly small.
vehicle. The heat input can be written approx-
imately as Recently it has been pointed out by Allen
that this limiting velocity at which the payload
mass ratio vanishes can be overcome, or at
least postponed to higher velocities, by consid-
ering more optimum vehicle geometries. When
radiation from the gas behind the normal shock
is the dominant form of heating in the stagna-
tion region, then it becomes desirable to mini-
where H is the heat input and C H is a heat mize the shock strength and, consequently, mini-
transfer coefficient. mize the gas radiation, by utilizing a conical
body. In doing this, we concede some ground to
If we let Q* be the heat capacity per unit convective heating but we can drastically reduce
mass of a heat protection system in which the the radiation and, consequently., reduce the total
material is being consumed, say by vaporiza- heat transfer.

dH Q* d",
The effectiveness of the conical re-entry

dt = dt
vehicle in extending the limiting velocity is shown
in Fig. 3 by the dashed line drawn for a very
small cone half-angle, i. e., 8.5 0 from the data
of Grant. The small cone angle favors high re-
Combining the above gives entry velocities. The results shown were ob-

tained by Grant from a somewhat more com.plex
numerical study including the effect of blunting
= rC
lc Q*' Vd.V
H (4) the cone tip. This effect results in nearly equiv-
alent performance for an end-on cylinder and a
I) cone in this analysis. From the point of view of
survival of a significant payload fraction alone,
If we can assume the quantity in the bracket re-entry velocities of up to 100 or 150 x 10 3 fps
to be essentially constant throughout a trajectory, are of interest for the heat shield materials
then the mass at any instant, m, is related to presently envisioned.
the original mass, m o ' and the velocity at
initial re -entry, Vi, by The ratio of heat transfer to drag coefficient
determines the limiting re -entry velocity, as
(5) shown byEq. (5). As a result of the differ-
ences in dependence of CH for convective and
ae rodynamic heating on cone angle, velocity and
Reynolds number, this ratio will have a minimum
For the case of a nonconsumable heat pro- value at some re-entry velocity and then will in-
tection system, i. e., a heat sink, the mass of crease rapidly with higher velocities as radiative
the payload, Mp ' to the original total weight is heating begins to dominate. The locus of these min-
ima produces an optimum cone angle for each
re-entry velocity, with optimum cone angles

decreasing with increasing re-entry velocity. will be discussed more extensively in a later'
This effect is shown in Fig. 4 from an analysis section.
of AlIenS. It was also shown by Allen that the
lowest value of ballistic coefficient possible for The above considerations lead to the conclu-
the optimum geometry produces the least heat- sion that although re -entry velocities higher than
ing. escape speed are certainly of interest for future
entry systems, there are some very solid limi-
The extreme re-entry conditions which are tations which must be considered. Even the best
encountered in the above situations also involve presently known heat protection materials will be
very large loadings. In fact, the maximum de- insufficient to allow survival of a significant pay-
celerations are so large that most 'of the situ- load fraction at entry velocities above 100,000
ations discussed will not be usable for manned ft/sec. On the other hand, manned vehicles will
re-entry vehicles. The maximum decelerations probably be limited to re-entry velocities closer
along the limiting velocity trajectories are of to 70,000 ft/sec. Above this velocity; rocket
the order of several hundred to several thousand braking may become more efficient. In the latter
times the acceleration of gravity. Thus, manned case, the entry velocity of concern to the aero-
re-entries will not utilize these very large vel- phySics problem, i. e., the velocity left for dis-
ocities because the deceleration must be limited sipation by aerodynamic braking, will be less
to values of the order of 10 g's. than the above value. It must be concluded then
that although very high velocities, i. e., greater
The problem of the deceleration-limited than 100,000 fps, are logistically attractive, their
manned re-entry vehicle is to produce a suffi- utilization is presently doubtful because there are
cient amount of drag during a single pass through no obvious solutions to the problem of dissipating
the atmosphere to reduce the velocity below the the resultant large ene rgies. In order to remove
local circular value without exceeding the maxi- this present restriction, new techniques of heat
mum deceleration limit of 10 g's. The condi- protection and dis sipation must be invented and
tions required by such a maneuver have been developed.
investigated extensively by Chapman 6 . The entry
corridor height concept, i. e. , the distance be- The problems discussed so far for entry in-
tween the vacuum perigees of the trajectory to the Earth's atmosphere must also be consid-
which just skips out of the atmosphere because ered when we talk about entering the atmospheres
of insufficient drag, and the vacuum perigee of of other planets. The dynamical performance of
the trajectory which achieves the maximum tol- a re-entry vehicle entering any planetaryatmos-
erable deceleration, was developed to illustrate phere is completely described by constants rep-
this effect. Figure 5 shows this corridor height resenting the scale height of the atmosphere,l3,
as a function of velocity for a ballistic as well the radius of the planet, ro ' and the gravita-
as for lifting vehicle::;. Even an infinite lift/drag tional acceleration, g. A detailed look at the
ratio cannot increase velocity at which the cor- specific heating problem in a planetary atmos-
ridor vanishes for the 10 g deceleration limit phere' of course, requires a detailed knowledge
above 85,000 ft/sec. For reasonable lift/drag of the constituents of the planet's atmosphere for
ratios, such as one to two, the corridor van- a better determination of the heat transfer co-
ishes at 80,000 ft/sec. If we can increase the efficients, CH.
physiological tolerance limit of the human pas-
senger, or we develop a restraint system which Re-entry physics problems facing us for the
would allow a maximum deceleration of 20 g's, future vehicle designs, consequently, must lie
the infinite L/D corridor would vanish at about in the aerophysics of the environment encount-
120,000 ft/sec. TAe above value applies for con- ered by a vehicle flying through atmospheres at
stant lift or drag trajectories. Use of moduia- veiocities up to about two to three times the e.$.-
ted forces could extend these capabilities some- cape speed. Quite simply, the re-entry physics
what 7. problem lies in the determination of the proper
value of the heat transfer coefficient, CH, in the
Since the corridor for manned re-entry at previous discussions and achieving a thorough
very high velocity is very small, and our anal- understanding of the basic phenomena underlying
ysis of meteorite entries and high velocity mis- this determination. Other aspects of atmospheric
sile re-entries indicates that very large frac- entry, such as forces and stability, are determ-
tions of the payload must be invested in heat , inable from the simplest Newtonian flow model
protection, it appears reasonable to re-examine tc reasonable accuracy, except perhaps for very
the competitive position of other decele.ration slender bodies. It is a well known fact that the
sche-mes under these conditions. Preliminary surface pressures do not depend strongly on the
results from a study of Yoshikawa and Allen thermodynamic state of the gas but rather on the
indicate that the break-even point between aero- momentum transfer processes. Thus, these
dynamic and rocket-braking may well be reached questions are essentially unaffected by the high
in the 65,000 ft/sec re-entry velocity range for temperature, high enthalpy re-entry environment
advanced propulsion systems, such as hydrogen in a direct way. However, through shape changes
nuclear rockets. Their preliminary results ob- due to extreme heating, re-entry physics can
tained from a very simple mass change equiv- interact with the body forces.
alence are shown in Fig. 6. In addition to the
use of rockets for braking, other schemes should Much research has been done in the mech-
be investigated. Among these are the use of a anisms by which thermal energy is transported
drag brake 8 or other light structure to produce from a high temperature ~as to a body surface
deceleration at very high altitudes, or possibly in hypersonic flow 10,11,1 • In this paper we
an appl~cation of magnetohydrodynamic inter- shall concern ourselves with what are the diffi-
actions between the flow and the field of a culties and peculiarities of the high speed plan-
magnet on board the vehicle to reduce heating etary entry problem and what are the areas
and to increase drag. The latter possibility where our knowledge is limited. The primary
difference ,of the high speed entry problem is the simulation of flight at the combined velocities is
fact that the air or other planetary atmosphere produced. Such a range has been operated suc-
environment is probably highly ionized due to the cessfully at NASA Ames 14 producing simulation
large kinetic energy possessed by the re-enter- of about 43,000 ft/ sec and has the potential of
ing body. Thus one large area of study must be fully utilizing the best that can be achieved in
the radiative and diffusive transport of ioniza- both these devices. This limit is probably of the
tion energy. Besides causing significant degrees order of 35,000 ft/sec for the launcher and
of ionization, the large specific energy of the 20,000 ft/sec for the shock tunnel. To acceler-
environment also necessitates consideration of ate pellets beyond these velocities, radical mod-
the coupling between the various flow regions, ifications of the hypervelocity launcher, as well
i. e., viscous and inviscid, and the energy trans- as greatly improved shock tunnels, are probably
port mechanism. The customary independent required. The third experimental facility capable
treatment of radiation and convection, inviscid of contributing to research in this velocity range
flow and the boundary laye!, as well as the is an arc gas heater modified by the addition of
shock front, can lead to erroneous conclusions. magnetic fields to accelerate gases to high en-
In certain situations we need to consider energy thalpie s without the need for creating the pro-
decay due to radiative transport, nonisothermal hibitively high gas stagnation temperatures other-
shock layer, radiation absorption in the boundary wise required. Development of such facilities is
layer, in the inviscid flow and, even in the free presently being pursued Early experimental
stream for the case of strong ultraviolet radi- versions of such devices are ope rating l 6 ,17. High
ation, the effect of all of these phenomena on enthalpy arc facilities can be expected to be use-
the conditions at the boundary layer edge and, ful' particularly for material research in the
consequently, the convective transport, as well future.
as the details of the shock structure.
To discuss re-entry in more detail, let us
In addition to this complex coupling of the look at the thermodynamic state of a high tem-
flow and gas physics, we must also consider the perature gas, such as air, under the conditions
surface interaction carefully. Due to the highly produced in high speed entry. The equilibrium
energetic environment and the predominance of state of gases of known composition can be cal-
radiative transfer under many situations, the culated from thermodynamical and statistical
interaction with the surface material may be mechanical considerations as a function of tem-
quite complex. Although the material response perature and density. The conditions of a sample
is not, strictly speaking, a re-entry physics of gas brought to re st at the stagnation point, or
problem and is bette r treated elsewhere, the re anywhere else, of a vehicle flying through the
is very strong coupling particularly in the bound- atmosphere can then be calculated by the appli-
ary layer where ablated surface material may cation of the Rankine-Hugoniot equations. Such
dominate the air properties and the radiative, as calculations have been made for flight through the
well as convective processes, are appreciably Earth's atmosphere with the results shown in
altered. Thus surface interaction must be con- Fig. 7. At approximately 30,000 ft/ sec, air be-
sidered as an area of aerophysical research. gins to ionize and is more than half ionized by
50,000 ft/sec. Temperatures of interest will
Research in re-entry physics has always range up to 20,000oK. It is this regime of par-
been paced by our ability to produce and study tially ionized air in which our re-entry problems
the simulated environment in the laboratory. lie. In other planetary atmospheres, being large-
During the past few years significant advances ly composed of nitrogen, the other major con-
have been made in several of our experimental stituent being fractions of C02 of the order of
techniques which now allow us to conduct experi- 10%, this picture will be very similar. The prop-
ments with gases duplicating the flight environ- erties of both air and these atmospheres will be
ment at velocities as high as 60,000 ft/sec. dominated by the properties of ionized atomic
Arc-driven electric shock tubes have been op. mtrolen at very high velocities. However, the
erating with shock strengths up to 13 mm;i.t seJ3, de tail a of entry into these atmospheres is nec-
giving stagnation joint simulation of flight at up eaaarily clouded by our lack of precise knowledge
to 60,000 ft/sec. Ballistic ranges are pres- about the constituents and their concentrations.
ently capable of acce~erating small pellets up to
velocities somewhat in excess of 30,000 ft/sec. When dealing with transport of energy in
When such a ballistic range is fired into the I ' I . a , the properties of the gas of course play
nozzle of a hypersonic shock tunnel in which ,o.. a important role. The most important of these
the gases are flowing at 10,000 - 15,000 ft/sec, 1 i probably the thermal conductivity because of
I it_ atrong influence on convective heating. Un-
1 fortuDate1y the transport properties of high tem-
* The driver conditions which have been achieved\ peratul'e gases are extremely difficult to calcu-
in these shock tubes are capable of producing I late and even more difficult to measure directly.
simulation of flights up to 85,000 ft7sec. At I Our knowledge of the critical transport properties
present the only limitation is the lack of a is thus restricted to extensive calculations of the
driver of sufficient size to eliminate the costly collision cross sections of the various species
expansion of driver gases. The driver conditions present 18 and only a few measurements over
would produce shock speeds of 16 mm/~ sec at limited temperature ranges of a very few of the
initial gas pressures of up to 1 mm of Hg (sim _ species involved •. This of knowledge of the
ulating stagnation point density at about 110,200 transport propertles ~f ~lgh temperature gases
ft) and 18 mm/~ sec (stagnation point simulation has kept us from achlevmg a really good under-
approximately 85,000 fps) at initial pressures of standing of the ?e~t tra.nsfer mecha~ism •. To date,
O. 1 mm of Hg, if sufficient energy were avail- we must be s~tisfle.d WIth an essentIally mte-
able to produce the same driver conditions in grated check InvolVIng both the boundary layer
a larger diameter driver chamber. theory and transport properties. Some thermal

conductivity measurements exist from measure- chemistry and ionization processes are frozen
ments of the temperature distribution in an arc at the values existing at the boundary layer edge.
column 19, but probably the best and most ex- The exact thermodvn:amic state of the gas dur-
tensive data lie in the comparison between con- ing the experiments 20 was not known accurately
vective heat transfer experiments and theory20, 21. due to our ignorance of the ion-electron recom-
bination mechanism at these high temperatures.
Re-entry heating is basically from two sources, Thus, it has not been possible to differentiate
i. e., either due to the conduction of heat from experimentally between the two states of the
the hot gas to the body or due to radiative trans- boundary layer gases for which the calculations
fer. The heat transfer coefficients for either have been made. The experiments were per-
phenomena can vary over a large range. In a formed at stagnation densities at least one order
free molecule flow, the heat transferred is es- of magnitude higher than the interesting flight
sentially the complete kinetic energy of the air regime. As most flight applications are in the
molecules relative to the body, 1/2 y2, and the higher heat transfer, frozen boundary layer re-
rate of arrival of molecules is pY, aSSuming gime, it is important to improve our under-
complete accommodation of the molecule to the standing of the relation between the data and
conditions of the surface. Consequently, theory. In addition, the theory was calculated
for nitrogen and the experiments were performed
• , d.H
X d't:: C I -"'V3 I
H'"i" ,- =-:£ P (7)
in air and some of the uncertainty can lie in the
differences between the transport properties of
the gases.

or Radiative heat transport is more sensitive

to the precise state of the gas. Whereas con-
vective heating was roughly proportional to the
flux of energy arriving at the vehicle, radiative
heating is dominated by the temperature and
For continuum flow, correlations of shock tube
density of the gas. Thus, radiation is not only
heat transfer measurements in dissociated air lO
sensitive to the degree of dissociation and other
and theoretical calculations 11 have been written
chemical processes, but also to changes in
in the form of
temperature and density caused by the degree
of completion of these processes. Because of
this dependence we must differentiate between
radiation from gases in thermodynamic equilib-
rium and those in non-equilibrium states. Con-
sidering the equilibrium gas first, one must
further differentiate between opaque and optically
or thin radiating layers. If the optical mean free
path, i. e •• the distance traveled by a photon be-
fore it is absorbed. is small compared to the
(9) thickness of the radiating layer. then the radia-
tion will be the well known Stefan-Boltzman re-
Thus, the fraction of the flow energy trans-
ferred by convection decreases with increasing cr,= (J'T 4 (10)
Reynolds number, Re, and increases only weak-
ly with velocity. In our range of interest, the
or 4
Reynolds number varies over a large range CH =
while the velocity varies only by a factor of 2 -.L PV 3
or 3. Although the above correlation equation 2.
was written to apply only over a limited range
The more usual situation in re-entry prob-
of velocity from 5 to 25,000 ft/sec, recent ex-
lems is the opticallr: thin gas. Extensive shock
perimental data obtained under highly ionized tube measurements 2 have been made of the
conditions have indicated that the departures
radiative properties of air and several exten-
from this correlation equation are not very
sive tables have been collected from these
significant. dat~ 23, 24. 25. Over limited rang~s of the
variables, correlation equations can be written
At the present time, our over-all knowledge to fit these data in the form of
of the convective heating process is quite good,
even up to extremely high velocities. The
available data and theories are shown in Fig.8. (11)
Over-all agreement is to plus or minus 200/0,
even up to the highest velocities investigated.
As almost 60% of the air is ionized at this
condition, it is unlikely that the ionization phen- which is applicable in the 25.000 to 35,000
omena should introduce additional uncertainties ft/sec regime.
to this agreement even to much higher velocitie&
Thus heat transfer coefficients for equi-
Upon closer inspection of the over-all librium radiation are roughly.
agreement, one does not find quite such a sat-
isfactory situation. Fay and Kemp 22 have shown
a difference of a factor of 2 at stagnation pres- (12)
sures of about one atmosphere between an equi-
librium boundary layer and one in which the
The radiative heat transfe r coefficient in- agreement with the predictions is surprisingly
creases rapidly with both velocity and Reynolds good. The uncertainty due to the lack of cover-
number. A limiting value of CH due to radia- age of the whole spectrum is accentuated at
tive transfer can be estimated from simple con- very high temperatures due to the shift of the
siderations. H the flux of energy is 1/2 P V3 per blackbody peak into the ultraviolet and the over-
unit frontal area, then if all the energy is ra- all higher level of blackbody radiation. Thus,
diated away, at most one-half will be radiated until a good total measurement is made, a de-
toward a body. The other half will be radiated gree of doubt must exist.
to space.
The radiation from gases of other planetary
Yoshikawa and Chapman 26 have considered atmospheres is an area of research which is
the radiative energy transfer from a two- only just being started. From our present
dimensional layer, including the effects of radi- knowledge of the atmospheric compositions of
ation cooling, i. e., the loss of specific energy Venus and Mars, it must be concluded that the
of the gas due to radiative transfer (sometimes large amount of C02 present relative to Earth,
called decay) and the reabsorption of radiative and the strong tendency of the CN molecules to
energy as the gas becomes more opaque. Heat radiate, that these atmospheres will present a
transfer coefficients were found to reach a more severe radiation problem at equivalent
maximum value of about 0.25 from these data. velocities.* However, the uncertainties here are
as yet considerably greater than air.
Research in radiation from high temperature
gases revolves about determining the absorption The last source of heating which must be
coefficient of the gas. Shock tube investigations considered is the radiation from the gas which
have allowed us to synthesize a model of mol- has not yet achieved thermodynamic equilibrium.
ecular radiation for air which is known to ap- Initial observations of the existence of such an
proximately 30% up to gas temperatures of effect led to the speculation that the energies
BOOooK. The molecular radiators shown in Fig.9 involved could easily be thermally significant3 0 •
have been identified and quantitatively normal- However, detailed studies have shown that rela-
ized as shown. Identification and normalization tively little energy is transferred 27 , 2B. It was
by the individual contributor is vital because shown that the radiation in the non-equilibrium
each constituent has its own temperature and zone behind a shock front was due to species
density dependence. Our knowledge of air radi- produced mainly as a result of binary reactions
ation shown is quite complete up to tempera- and consequently obeyed binary scaling laws.
tues of 80000 K. Consequently, the integrated non-equilibrium
radiation intensity from a shock front is inde-
For the high re-entry speeds of interest in pendent of density (peak intensity varies directly
the future, this knowledge will have to be ex- as density and zone width varies inversely) and
tended to temperatures of 20,0000K. At these depends on velocity only. In the 25,000 to
conditions, air is almost completely ionized and 35,000 It/sec range this dependence can be ex-
the dominant source of radiation is the capture pressed roughly as
of electrons by atomic ions to produce nitrogen
atoms, i. e., Kramers' radiation, marked N in
=C V(S)
Fig. 9. The effective charge of the nucleus
needed for quantitative calculation of this radi- ~N.E. 5

ation is uncertain to a factor of 2 to 4, leaving

the radiation intensity which is proportional to C V2.
this parameter squared undetermined to a fac- or C 5
tor of 4 to 16. In addition, there may be sig- HoN.E. -
nificant contributions from the atomic line radi-
ation. This source of radiation has only recently
been identified 27 and quantitative results appear Recent measurements have shown that the
to bear out the theoretical predictions. Figure velocity exponent in Eq. (12) increases sharply
10 shows data which have been collected at al- with tempe rature when the continuum radiation
most 10,0000K, which show both the lack of due to atomic ions starts to dominate, whe reas
certainty of Kramers' radiation and the pres- the velocity dependence of the non-equilibrium
ence of atomic line radiation. At high tem- effect does not show this effect. Consequently,
peratures the line radiation will be opaque when the significance of non-equilibrium radiation
the background continuum is still optically thin should decrease still further at highe.r speeds
and the opacity of these sources must be treated until the overshoot is essentially not noticeable.
independentl y.
This trend has been observed experimentally.
Despite the fact that our knowledge of the These three sources of heat transfer have
radiative properties of air is quite extensive, in the past been considered as independent
there do exist several regions of the spectrum phenomena and their heating effects have been
which are not easily accessible to laboratory linearly additive. Several analyses have been
measurements. This fact casts a certain shadow
of uncertainty over our knowledge of total radi-
ation. To date, no good total radiation meas-
urements exist. One of the best approaches to
* Preliminary measurements in ballistic ranges
by Carlton James 29 have confirmed this esti-
such a total measurement was made in a bal- mate. He found a maximum intensity at a com-
listic range at NASA Ames 28 by the use of 10 position of about 7.5% C02, which corresponds
narrow band filters and phototubes covering the roughly to the maximum CN concentration. In a
range of O. 2 to 1. 0 micron in wavelength. very gross way the data can be predicted by
These results are shown in Fig. 11. The the known properties of CN radiation.
performed in the past year to show that this phenomena may also have the inverse effect, in
assumption can lead to serious errors when that the radiant heat transfer may increase due
considering the high speed re-entry case. to the increased absorptivity of the shock layer,
as was the case in the examples discussed in
Yoshikawa and Chapman26 have analyzed Reference 31. The absorbing boundary layer
the effect of energy loss due to radiation, or will always tend to increase the convective heat-
energy decay, on the overall radiative heating. ing over the corresponding value in a boundary
In addition to considering this non-isoenergetic layer where air is being injected in the same
shock layer, they also accounted for the opacity quantity as the absorbing vapor.
of the gas by considering re -absorption of radi-
ation. The geometry cons ide red was a plane A second problem which arises out of mate-
one-dimensional shock layer. Their results are rial interactions is the simulation of the proper
summarized in the map of characteristic dis- heating environment for sufficiently long times so
tances for absorption and dElcay shown in Fig. that the material properties can be studied. For
12. In this figure Ldec is the length required situations where radiative transport is the dom-
to lose all the energy by radiation of constant inant mechanism, such, as for instance, for a
intensity behind a normal shock, while Labs is Venusian entry at about 40,000 fps, the facility
the length required to reach the blackbody ra- must supply radiant heating at rates of the order
diation limit. At relatively high densities, i. e. , of 10 kwj cm 2 . It is desirable to have the heat
low altitudes, Labs < < Ldec so that absorp- source be the gas itself so that the spectral
tion dominates decay while at high altitudes, energy distribution of the heating is also repro-
Ldec <.( Labs and decay dominates. Lc duced. The simulation facility should thus be
represents the value of the characteristic length capable of containin§ a gas at temperatures of
which dominates the radiation history and is the order of 15,000 K in such a manner that
thus a combination of Labs and Ldec, whichever surface material interactions will be limited to
is smaller. the surface under study and the other walls of
the container do not produce any effects. This
Another form of coupling has been consid- would be the case if a model were placed in a
ered by Howe and Viegas 3l • This paper treats hypersonic flow and the stagnation region gas
the effect of both absorption and decay in the were at the proper condition. Such a facility
shock layer on the convective stagnation point could well require extremely large energies.
heat transfer. The effects on radiative heating.
as well as injection of foreign species into the One final coupling mechanism to be con-
boundary layer,are also considered in this ref- sidered here is the absorption of ultraviolet
erence. The non-dimensional convective heat radiation by the ambient gas ahead of the bow
transfer rates, i. e., heat transfer rate multi- shock. At high speeds, and particularly when a
plied by the square root of the nose radius large region of the shock front is not in ther-
divided by the stagnation pressure, resulting modynamic equilibrium, a significant fraction of
from this analysis are shown in Fig. 13. The the energy is radiated at very short wavelengths.
convective heat transfer is diminished signifi- At these wavelengths, the mean free path of a
cantly by the inclusion of radiation in the flow photon is quite short even in cold gases and,
field, the effect being larger for larger bodies consequently, a large amount of absorption may
and higher pressure levels. It would appear as take place immediately forward of the body.
if this effect should be predictable by consid- Preheating will thus occur in the ambient flow
ering the change in the driving potential across and the gas cap energy will increase since it
the boundary layer caused by the energy loss in must accept this preheated gas. By this mech-
the non-isoenergetic shock layer. This is not anism, sometime s called radiation trapping, the
found to be the case in Reference 31, but t..lJ.e body nlusi now be prepared to accept more than
cause is not well understood. These aspects of one-half of the incident energy flux. The work
coupled convection and radiation will certainly of V. A. Prokofiev 32 showed that a dramatic
require further cons ide ration. thickening of the shock wave can result from
this situation. It can also be argued that since
A by-product of this analysis touches upon the gas ahead of the shock will now be heated
the coupling of the radiation and the boundary and will expand even before the body arrives,
layer gases which frequently are materials other the streamlines will diverge forward of the
than the ambient gas, i. e., gas which has been shock wave and a flow resembling a subsonic
injected into the stream Lv ablation. The sub- flow will result. A related phenomena, the
ject of the interaction of hl,:'hly energetic flows precursor ionization due to the absorption of
with surface materials is another whole area of ultraviolet radiation emitted in the shock front,
research much too involved to be covered in a was predicted by Hammerling 33 and has been
thorough fashion in this paper. However, two observed in the Glenn-Mercury re-entry by Lin3 4 •
problems which are dominantly aerophysical in
nature should be singled out at this stage. The It has been shown in earlier sections that
first is the possibility of blocking a significant high speed re-entry will require that large
amount of radiative transfer by the use of a fractions of the total vehicle weight will be re-
relatively opaque boundary layer gas. The pos- quired for heat protection during entry. The
sibility of producing a surface material which analyses were based on use of the best con-
will give off vapors with the required high ab- ceivable ablating materials whose performance
sorption coefficient is not considered here. was in the 10, - 20,000 Btu/lb range. Pyrolytic
However, if such a vapor can be made in the graphite would be such a material. In situations
boundary layer then, in the case where radiant where much of the vehicle weight will be re-
heat transfer dominates, it may be possible to quired by the heat protection system based on
produce a shielding effect and reduce the total this scheme, alternate approaches should be
surface heating by radiation. However, this carefully scrutinized. The invention of a new
and novel re-entry system could well change
many of our conclusions. wire with local value of interaction parameter.
Thus, for strong interactions this theory pre-
A technique which could well radically alter dicts very low densities in the vicinity of the
the situation is the application of magnetohydro- wire. The physical picture of this flow is, a
dynamic (MHD) interactions during re-entry. . shock layer which is of thickness € Rs, 1. e. ,
Flight applications of MHD have been a temptmg the density ratio times its radius, supported by
possibility for some time. It is basically very the magnetic field lines and e.psentially lifted
attractive to be able to operate upon a hot gas completely off the body surface. Convective heat-
stream without making physical contact. In the ing behind such a wire would be almost com-
past the large power dissipation in the machin- pletely eliminated. If this concept were to be
ery for producing the strong magnetic fields used on a re -entry vehicle, the large r shock
was found to be prohibitive 9 • Over the past radius would result in added drag which, in turn,
few years the understanding of the phenom.enon would cause deceleration at a higher altitude.
of superconductivity has developed to a pOInt Thus, radiative heating could also be reduced
where today relatively large superconducting through the density dependence of this form of
magnets have beEm made and larger and even heating.
flyable ones are being designed 35. With the.
power and dissipation problems removed, fhght The theory sketched above has been veri-
applications of MHD become more favorable. fied experimentally in a shock tUbe 39 • A current
was passed through a wire stretched across a
In the laboratory MHD interactions have
shack tube (and out through the walls) timed to
been prpduced to demonstrate drag and lift
reach a peak value of about 2 x 10 5 amps during
forces 3b , as well as strong deflection of ionized
the steady flow time. A flow geometry as pre-
hypersonic flows 9 . To assess the utility of
dicted by the theory, i. e., a concentric, thin
MHD interactions, the pertinent parameters
shock layer located at a significant distance
governing these flows have been calculated for
from the wire was observed. A picture of such
the density-velocity range of interest 37 . The
a flow is shown in Fig. 15. The figure shows
degree to which a flow may be by .a
a top view of the flow ove r a magnetic field
magnetic field is measured by the 1nterachon
produced by the wire transverse to the flow.
parameter, S, defined as the ratio of the work
The wire is 4 mm in diameter and the shock
done by the magnetic body force in the inter-
front stands approximately 2 cm in front of the
action zone to the kinetic energy of the gas.
wire. This distance was about 300/0 greater than
When this parameter is approximately one, sig-
the distance predicted by the theory for these
nificant influences of the magnetic field on the
currents and conditions. The aerodynamic shock
flow should be expected. The magnetic Reynolds
for the no-field case is marked on the figure to
number is a measure of the disturbance of the
be very close to the wire. The luminous layer
primary field caused by the currents flowing in
is seen to be considerably thinner than its ra-
the gas. For large magnetic Reynolds numbers,
dius despite the unfavorable view afforded by
R m , the field is significantly influenced by the
looking down at a two-dimensional geometry. It
flow While at low values of Rm the flow has no
must be concluded that the theory predicts the
apparent effect on the field. The Hall coeffi-
flow geometry and, consequently, the ?eat trans-
cient, W T , is a measure of the angle betwee~
fer reduction predicted by the theory IS also
the electric field and the current. When WT 1S
likely to be realized.
large, the currents (then called Hall currents)
tend to flow in the direction of motion of the
Applications of these new concepts have not
fluid and the resulting force vector is then ro-
as yet reached fruition. However, the under-
tated and the effectiveness of the interaction is
standing of these flows being gained from cur - .
reduced. rent research may point the way to future apph-
The above three parameters have been cations which can materially ease the difficulties
evaluated as shown on an altitude flight velocity of planetary entry at extreme velocities.
grid in Fig. 14. As a typical dista~ce over
which MHD interactions take place IS the shock
stand-off distance, i.e., the thickness of the REFERENCES
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16. Burkhard, K, Devine, R., Hogan, W. T. 29. James, C., "Experimental Studies of Radi-
and Kessler, R., "Experimental Investiga- ative Heating Associated with Mars and
tion of a Crossed-Field Accelerator for Venus Entry," NASA Ames Preliminary
High Enthalpy Re -Entry Simulation," 4th Data, Sept. 1962.
Symposium on Engineering Aspects of
Magnetohydrodynamics, Berkeley, April 30. Teare, J. D., Georgiev, S. and Allen,
1963. R. A., "Radiation from the Non-Equilibrium
Shock Front," Progress in Astronautics
17. Lenn, P.D., Bodoia, J.R., Ward, D.L, and Rocketry, Vol. 7, Editor F. R. Riddell,
and Demetriades, S. T., "Three-Fluid Non- Academic Press, New York, 1962.
Equilibrium Plasma Accelerators, " AlAA
Electric Propulsion Conference, Preprint 31. Howe, J. T. and Viegas, J. R. , "Solutions
63047, Colorado Springs, March 1963. of the Ionized Radiating Shock Layer, In-
cluding Reabsorption and Foreign Species
18. Yos, J. M., "Transport Properties of Ni- Effects, and Stagnation Region Heat
trogen, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Air to Transfer," NASA TR R 159, Nov. 1962.
30, OOOoK," Research and Advanced Devel-
opment Division, Avco Corporation, RAD
TM 63-7, March 1963.

32. Prokofiev, V. A. ,"Consideration of the Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Flow, I
Effect of Emission of Radiation in the One- The Magnetohydrodynamics of Conducting
Dimensional, Stationary Flow of a Mona- Fluids, ed by D. Bershader, Stanford
tomic Gas," Uchenye Zapiski Moskovskogo Univ. Press, 1959.
Gosudarstvennogo Universieteta, Mekhanika,
172, pp 79-124, 1952. 37. Levy, R. H. and Hayes, J. E., "Applica-
tions of MHD to Re-Entry Vehicle Control,"
33. Hammerling, P., "Ionization Effects of Avco-Everett Research Laboratory RN 289,
Precursor Radiation from Shocks in Air," March 1962.
Avco-Everett Research Laboratory Re-
search Report 98, June 1960. 38. Levy, R. H. and Petschek, H. E., "The
Magnetohydrodynamicall y Supported Hype r-
34. Lin, S. C. Goldberg, W. P. and Janney, R. sonic Shock Layer, " Avco-Everett Re-
B., "Radio Echoes from the Ionized Trails search Laboratory Research Report 140,
Generated by a Manned Satellite During Sept. 1962.
Re-Entry," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 67:
3851, Sept. 1962. 39. Locke, E. V., Petschek, H. E. and Rose,
P. H., "The Magnetohydrodynamically-
35. Stekly, Z.J.J., "Magnetic Energy Storage Supported Hypersonic Shock Layer-Part II.
Using Superconducting Coils," Avco-Everett Experimental," Fourth Symposium on
Research Laboratory AMP 102, Jan. 1963. Enginee ring Aspects of Magnetohydrody-
namics, Berkeley, April 1963.
36. Fishman, F., Lothrop, J., Patrick, R.,
and Petschek, H., "Supersonic Two-
en 100,000
LLI 75,000
a: 50,000
:I: 25,000
LLI 00 100 150 200 250
Fig. Effect of velocity on the one way minimum transit time
from Earth to Mars and Venus. (From Reference 3)

LLlen 3
a.. 0
o a..
.2 .4 .6 .8
CH Vj2

Fig. 2 Heat protection system mass requirements for ablative

(mass is lost as it is consumed) and non-ablative heat
shields. (From Reference 3)

Fig. 3 Re-entry vehicle mass ratio variation with entry velocity.
Cone tip is assumed to be initially small but finite and
~ blunting due to heating is considered. Q* was taken to
U) 160 be 15,000 Btu/lb and CH constant at 0.25. Cone half angle
~ 120
in this calculation was 8. 50 • (From Ref. 4)

....~Z 80
.02 .04.06.1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .5



ANGLE.8C= 55°

Fig. 4 Ratio of mean heat transfer cOefficient to drag coefficient

for various cone angles and entry velocities, showing the REF. ALLEN
dominance of radiative heating (high CH) at high velocities
and the optimum geometry variation with entry velocity. (From Ref. 5)

Fig. 5 Entry corridor height dependence on entry speed and lift/drag
~ 25 ratio. (From Ref. 6)
~ 20

~ 15
g 10
oo 5

20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000




20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000

Fig. 6 Comparative performance of impulsive, rocket braking in

terms of the velocity at which the heat protection system
and the rocket will achieve the same mass ratios. (From Ref. 3)

350 55.000~SEC.
2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 I


ILl Z ".2
ILl 250


ILl 200

« 150



Fig. 7 Map of the stagnation temperature and compressibility
function, Z, variation with altitude and flight velocity. Z
is one for non-dissociated non-ionized air, approximately
2.0 for dissociated but non-ionized air and 4.0 for fully
dissociated fully ionized air. Entry trajectories are 10 g
undershoot boundaries for W /CDA .... 50 LID .... 1.0
vehicles. Note all deceleration takes place in regions where
the boundary layer chemistry is estimated to be frozen.

SHOCK VELOCITY - Us - mml flo sec




~!l! 0.6

II: 0.5


•• •
.: .
rn 0.3
C o


.. , •




Fig. 8 Summary of available stagnation point heat transfer measure-
ments and theories. Although a considerable amount of scatter
exists in the data, the trend predicted by the theories of Fay
and Kemp22, Hoshizaki, Cohen and Pallone are clearly veri-
fied. The greatest uncertainties probably lie in the state of
the boundary layer, i. e., Fay and Kemp equilibrium vs frozen
result, and the differences in the transport properties of
nitrogen and air.


If) 4 ~--4----+--~----+---~---+--~~~~~~N
:::E -oJi---.., 0
"- 2

~ 0
.-wz -4

2 -6

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Fig. 9 Radiance of air as a function of temperature at piPo of
10- 2 • The contribution from various molecular bands
making up this total is also shown. Because each band
has its own temperature and density dependence, knowledge
of total radiation is not enough to allow extrapolation to
different conditions. An individual identification and normal-
ization of each band system is required.

~ Te =9650 o K
/- PI =0.1 mm Hg,US=IOtO.2 ;;EC
~ :t.
I / ' ......... o BLUE CHANNEL
I .........

I "-
"- .........

I .........
Z I ........... ~IO~O BLACK BODY 9650 0 K
1.0 ...........
~ I .........
z ......... .........



till llCi

-- --- -......:


2 I
ID .01 I i
::J I
~ .. -----+\
w I
.00IO~--=----I:--~-~--..L.,-----L--I-=---.,..I-=---""I::------,=,"I-=---""'I--.,.L1 --=,"=---::-'
.2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Fig. 10 Shock tube data showing the spectral distribution of radiation
behind normal shocks from air at approximately 10,OOOoK.
As can be seen from Fig. 9, only the N2 + (1-) band system
contributes significantly. Other contributors are nitrogen
atomic lines and continuum. Greatest uncertainty is the
normalization of the level of the continuum radiation. Con-
tribution in the near infrared is also not well defined.

107 -
'il GE-124
106 -




20 24 28 32 36 40
VELOCITY. ftlsec
Fig. 11 Ballistic range measurements of the integrated radiation from
the stagnation region in front of hypersonic pellets, compared
to the predictions of Refs. 23, 24 and 25. The variations
due to pellet material are attributable to contributions in the
near infrared due to surface and boundary layer radiation.
Wavelength region from 0.2 to 1. 0 microns is covered by
10 narrow spectral and broad band detectors. (From Ref. 28)


O~~~------~------~~------~------~L-------~ I
10 20 30 40 50 SOxIO!


Fig. 12 Characteristic lengths for energy decay. Ldec. by radiation

and for absorption. Labs. of radiation mapped as a function
of stagnation density and flight velocity. The combined
characteristic radiation length. Le. i. e •• the dominant or
shorter of the two. is also shown. (From Ref. 26)

~ 6000
o R= 5 FT. Ps =0.1 ATM
2 - R AS SHOWN.Ps = 1.0 ATM
~ 5000 o R= I =10 ATM
o OR= 5 =10 ATM
~ 4000
" 3000
N 2000 .,,":' ~2 WITH RADIATION


~ 1000
,," ~__ ~


o 20 30 40 50

Fig. 13 Effect of radiative transport in the shock layer on the con-

vective heat transfer rates at the stagnation point. The no
coupling result shown is essentially in agreement with the
data shown in Fig. 8. Radiation cooling of the shock layer
decreases the convective heating significantly. especially at
very high stagnation pressures and for large bodies. (From Ref. 31)



,.,LL.. 200

~ 100

o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Fig. 14 Map of pertinent conditions, at the sonic point a hypersonic

vehicle, useful for determining the character of the inter-
action of the flow with a rnagnetic field. All pararneters;
the interaction parameter, S, the Magnetic Reynolds number
RM, and the Hall coefficient, W T , are norrnalized for unit
magnetic field strength, i. e., one webe r pe r s quare meter,
and unit length, i. e., one meter.



Fig. 15 Image converter photograph at an exposure of . 05 ~sec

at the interaction of the hypersonic flow in a shock
tube with a current-carrying wire aligned transverse
to the flow. The shock layer which is formed is con-
centric with the wire, is of thickness E Rs where E is
the density ratio and Rs the shock radius, and the
density is very low in the irnrnediate vicinity of the
wire (evidenced by the lack of lurninosity in front of
the wire). The agreement between prediction and actual
location of the shock front is evidence for anticipating
the large heat transfer relief predicted by the theory.


Joseph Weil
Assistant Chief, Research Division

~.Fl.ight Research Center,

Edwards, Cali~


The X-15, which is the latest of a long series anhydrous-ammonia fuel tank, and a YIB99 rocket
of research airplanes, is the nation's first piloted engine. (The initial X-15 tests utilized an IRll
entry vehicle. The pilot is in complete control of engine because of del.ays in the development of the
the vehicle from launch to landing, thus maldng it design engine.) The YIB99 engine is throttleable
possible to accomplish extensive research on the trom 4o-percent to lOO-percent thrust and can be
proper role of man in future space ventures. shut down and restarted in flight. An important
feature of the engine is the idle capability which
Numerous articles and several books describe allows about 85 percent of the engine starting cycle
the development of the X-15 airplane and early to be completed prior to launch.
flight-test results; therefore, only brief mention
is made herein of some of the more important histor- To withstand the temperature environment ex-
ical &6pects of the X-15. Although the flight-test pected, all external surfaces on the X-15 airplane
phase of the X-15 program is not yet complete, many are Inconel X, and the internal structure is a com-
tangible results have been achieved (see bibliogra- posit~ of Inconel X, titanium, and some aluminum,
phy). One objective of this paper is to review some depending on the expected local temperature environ-
of the most important X-15 operational problems. ment. Cooling for areas such as the flow-direction
The major emphasis, however, is placed on piloting sensor on the nose, the cockpit, and electronic bay
aspects. Much has been learned In both of these is supplied by liquid nitrogen.
areas that should be of great value in the develop-
ment of future space vehicles. Aerodynamic control is provided by the horizon-
tal stabilizer deflected Symmetrically for pitch and
History of P.roject differentially for roll. Upper and lower movable
vertical-tail sections are utilized for directional
Design Development control. The vertical tail is a 10· -wedge section,
and the lower movable section is-Jettisoned for
The design requirements specified for the X-15 landing clearance. Attitude control at low dynamic
were a maximum velocity of 6,600 fps and an altitude pressures is provided by rockets in the nose and
of at least 250,000 feet. Representative areas of wings. The stability augmentation is essentially a
the primary structure were to experience temperatures conventional damper system on the first (X-15-1)
of 1,200· F, and some portions of these representa- and second (X-15-2) X-15 airplanes. The third X-15
tive structures were to achieve heating rates of (X-15-3) utilizes the Minneapolis-Honeywell (MH-96)
30 Btu/sq ft/sec. The airplane was designed to have adaptive control 5,Ystem. The X-15 landing-gear
satisfactory aerodynamics and structural character- system incorporates a nose gear and main-gear skids
istics relative to specific flight profiles, which located well to the rear on the fuselage.
resulted in attainment of the required performance
and heating. Flight Tests

In December 1954, invitations were issued to Aerodynamic COnfigurations. Of the 77 X-15

contractors with experience in the design of high- flights made prior to April 1, 1963, 68 were made
speed, high-altitude aircraft to participate in the with the design tail (lower ventral on). The last
design competition. P.roposals resulting from the eight flights, however, were flown with the lower
invitation were received and evaluated during the ventral removed. The reason for this configuration
summer and fall of 1955. A contract was awarded change is discussed subsequently.
North American Aviation for construction of three
"X-15" aircraft in June 1956, and a contract was Mode of operation. The mode of operation for
given to Reaction Motors for development of a suit- the X-15 flight program is illustrated in figure 2.
able rocket engine. Two B-52 airplanes have been converted to carrier
airplanes. The X-15 is launched from a location
An extensive wind-tunnel and structural-compo- between the B-52 fuselage and inboard nacelle of the
nent testing program was initiated in 1956. By right wing.
September 1957, enough data had been collected so
that construction of the first X-15 could be started. The research flights were planned to be con-
Much had been learned in these tests about hyper- ducted along the instrumented range extending ap-
sonic design considerations. This knowledge was proximately 400 nautical miles northeast of Edwards,
reflected in numerous design changes instituted to Calif., to Wendover, Utah. The X-15 is launched
accomplish the design requirements. The final X-15 over various dry lakes, with all flights terminating
configuration is illustrated in figure 1. at Edwards. A maximum range of 225 nautical miles
has been required so far in the progrBjD..
The X-IS propulsion 5,Ystem includes a
l,OOO-gallon liqUid-oxygen tank, a l,400-gallon Flight progress. The initial phase of the

X-15 flight program can best be described as simply 6,020 fps have been attained. Although additional
a series of progre;3ive steps to higher speeds and performance potential remains to be explored, attain-
higher altitudes. Some deviations from this ap- ment ,of altitudes of the order of 400,000 feet or
proach were madp,to investigate higher structural greater ,(shaded area) may be limited by high dynamic
heating rates dh~ stability and control at high pressure and high acceleration during recovery.
angles of attack in order to insure a reasonable
level of flight safety. Operational EXperience
A summary of the flight progress for each of A fairly complete summary of X-15 operational
the three X-15 airplanes is presented in figure 3. experience has been presented in several papers,
Included are some of the events that significantly the most recent at the March 1963 AIAA Space Flight
affected the program progress. The first glide Testing Conference in Cocoa Beach, Fla. l A less
flight was made in June 1959 by the contractor with detailed summary of X-15 operational problems is
the X-15-1; a powered flight with the X-15-2 was presented in this paper.
made in September 1959. In all, 11 contractor
flights were made with the interim LRll engine dur- Figure 5 shows most of the areas of concern in
ing 1959 and 1960 to evaluate the airplane and the X-15 operations. These areas have been categorized
various systems. During this period, the X-15-2 as: structural and thermo-structural problems, the
airplane was damaged in an emergency landing after a YLR99 rocket engine and propellant system, auxiliary
fire developed in the engine compartment during power unit, and control and guidance systems. The
flight. bar graphs show the magnitude of particular problem
areas and the time period in which such problems
The first government flight with tne X-15-1 existed.
airplane with the interim engine was performed in
March 1960. This airplane was tested until Febru- As might be anticipated, most of the operating
ary 1961, and the maximum speed and altitude for the problems were encountered when a specific system or
interim engine were achieved. Six pilots, from the X-15 structural component was first exposed to a
U. S. Air Force, the U. S. Navy, and the NASA, par- meaningful operating environment. This generally
ticipated in this phase of the program. occurred during early flights. However, in the
thermo-structural area most of the problems were
The X-15-2 airplane was the first of the air- experienced when the X-15 attained a point in its
craft to be converted to the YLR99 engine and was performance envelope at which a significant thermal
flown three times by the contractor during November environment was reached. In some instances, such as
and December of 1960 to demonstrate engine throt- with the stability augmentation system and the
tling and engine restart capability. auxiliary power units, initial problems were resolved
only to encounter different problems later in the
The government first flew the X-15-2 with the flight program. With the YLR99 engine, a continuous
YLR99 engine in March 1961 and continued the re- series of problems of v.arying importance have been
search program that had been started with the X-15-1 experienced.
airplane. After engine conversion, the X-15-1 air-
plane was returned to the government and was flown As shown in the figure, the X-15 airplanes
again in August 1961. The X-15-1 and X-15-2 air- were grounded following the first landing accident
planes were used interchangeably in support of the after the X-15-3 engine explosion and briefly after
flight program until August 1962 when the X-15-1 the second landing accident. The most recent ground-
was removed from flight status and modified by the ing was caused by problems with the auxiliary power
contractor to accommodate special cameras. The unit.
X-15-1 is currently in flight status. The X-15-2
was severely damaged in November 1962 in an emer- Structural Problems
gency landing and is being rebuilt.
Most of the structural and thermal problems
The X-15-3 airplane, which suffered major resulted from insufficient engineering data with
damage in June 1960 during a ground run of the which to establish realistic design criteria. Thus,
YLR99 rocket engine, has been rebuilt and modified they are representative of the state of the art at
to accommodate the MH-96 adaptive control system. the.time the X-15 was designed.
The first flight of this airplane was made 'in
December 1961. Fourteen flights have been performed, The deficiency of the landing gear was apparent
and the MH-96 control system acceptance demonstra- after the first landing. After the foUrth landing,
tion has been completed. the main-landing-gear shock struts were replaced by
struts with greater energy-absorbing characteristics,
Performance. Figure 4, a plot of the X-15 per- and the gear backup structure was strengthened.
formance envelope, indicates the extent of accom- High loading on the nose gear, caused by foaming of
plished performance during the 77 flights made the oil within the oleo strut, was relieved by a
before April 1, 1963. The maximum velocity attain- modification which provided a floating piston to
able with the X-15 is somewhat less than' the design separate the oil from the gas. More recently, tech-
goal, inasmuch as the airplane is now heavier, the niques have been devised to reduce landing-gear loads
engine specific impulse is slightly lower, and caused by the input of the stability augmentation
available burning time is lower than originally system to the horizontal tail, inasmuch as such
planned. The solid curve shows the presently at- inputs were contributing factors in the latest X-15
tainable altitude and velocity for the YLR99 engine. accident.
The lower dashed line, included for reference pur-
poses, is for a constant dynamic pressure of Panel flutter was considered in the design of
1,500 psf, although the design limit is 2,500 psf. the X-15 using criteria then available and was not
The diagonally lined area shows that a maximum believed to pose a problem. Nevertheless, panel
altitude of 314,750 feet and a maximum velocity of flu~ter has occurred in flight and has required

modi~ication o~ extensive areas of the fuselage side pump-seal leaks, corrosion, metering-valve binding,
~airing and vertical tails, as indicated by the and random failures of pressure switches, relays,
diagonal lines in figure 6. and other small components. Perhaps the most insid-
ious of all the X-15 engine problems involved deto-
Thermo-Structural Problems nations within the YIR99 engine second-stage igniter
(fig. 9). The first-stage nozzle wall is also a
The magnitude of temperatures resulting from wall of the second-stage liquid-oxygen manifold and
turbulent flow in the vicinity of expansion-joint curves around to form the injector face for the
slots in the wing leading edge is not easily pre- second-stage igniter.
dictable. This condition contributed to the local
permanent buckling, as shDlffi in figure 7. In an On two flights, one in August 1962 and one in
effort to minimize the buckling problem, several October 1962, the injector face was blown out of the
design changes have been made. Two of the changes igniter after shutdown. After the first occurrence,
are shown in the lower sketch. An O.oo8-inch-thick powerplant representatives concluded that a thread
Inconel tab, welded along one edge, was installed lubricant reacted with liquid oxygen by impact of a
over each slot to eliminate or at least minimize the loose orifice plug. The second occurrence was with
turbulent flew and resulting local hot spots. A the orifice plug and fitting fabricated as an inte-
fastener was added at the slot to decrease the fas- gral unit and with the system assembled with spe-
tener spacing and to increase the skin resistance to cially qualified thread lubricant. A NASA investi-
buckling. To reduce the load that the skin splice gation team concluded that the only combustible
must carry at each slot, a further change added material available was the fuel, liquid ammonia.
expansion slots with cover tabs in three of the out- For an explosion to occur would reqUire a backflow
board segments of the leading edge. Internal shear of ammonia from the second-stage igniter chamber
ties were added at the new slots to prevent relative through the injector face into the liquid-oxygen
displacement of the leading-edge segments. These manifold. Also, it was noted that both igniter
modifications have, essentially, solved the problem. detonations followed engine burnout due to liquid-
oxygen depletion. This theory was proved in a series
The X-15 windshield glass and retainer have of special ground tests.
undergone several changes in order to develop a
combination which will withstand the temperatures Design studies are being made toward sustaining
encountered during certain high-speed or entry con- second-stage operation for a longer period in the
ditions. The first change was the replacement of event of liquid-oxygen supply-pressure decay. Mean-
soda-lime glass with alumino-silicate glass which while, flights are being continued by servicing the
has higher strength, better thermal properties, and X-15 with less than normal fuel to assure that
can withstand thermal stress to temperatures 1.5 oxygen-depletion burnouts do not occur in flight.
times greater than the expected flight values. This procedure reduces burning time and, therefore,
imposes a limitation on maximum-performance
Failures of both types of glass were encountered capability. In addition, a shroud has been devised
in 1961. The fracture pattern of the alumino- that will be placed around the igniter to retain any
silicate glass is shown in figure 8. It was ob- pieces that might separate, should more severe deto-
served that the retainer frame buckled near the nations occur; however, this configuration has not
center of the upper edge of the glass and that fail- been tested.
ure of both glass panels was initiated adjacent to
this buckled area. The buckled area apparently Auxiliary-Pewer-Unit Experience
created a local hot spot which induced higher ther-
mal stresses than even the alumino-silicate glass Early in the program, ma.rIY minor problems with
could withstand. To eliminate this condition, new the auxiliary power units (ARJ) were encountered.
retainers ~~re fabricated and installed which han These were primarily component failures which delayed
twice the thickness of the original frame and were flights until modifications and improvements in-
made of titanium instead of Inconel X. The reduced creased their reliability. For approximately
coefficient of expansion of titanium compensates 2 years, fairly satisfactory operation was obtained.
better for the differential expansion associated Then, in July 1962 a sudden rash of pinion-gear
with the cooler Inconel X substructure frame. Buck- failures appeared in the units. Nine units were re-
ling of the frame was eliminated, but a new problem moved from service by mid-January of this year because
was encountered. After a flight last June, small of severe gear wear. Two X-15 pilots, on separate
cracks in the glass were observed near the forward occasions, experienced complete gear failure and
edge of the rear section of the retainer, shown by loss of one ARJ early in flight. Failure of both
the crosshatched area in the figure. Local heating units is catastrophic; without hydraulic power, the
resulting from stagnation ahead of the thicker aerodynamic flight control system cannot q>erate.
retainer was suspected, and a glass-inspection pro- After the second of the tWQflights, the pinion gear
cedure with polarized light verified the occurrence in the second ARJ was found to be badly worn. The
of glass annealing in this area. The rear section X-15 aircraft ~re grounded until the problem was
of the retainer (shaded region) was completely resolved.
removed to eliminate the discontinuity ann. allow an
undisturbed flow across the glass. Subsequent Considerable effort was expended in seeking
flights have been made with no evidence of annealing. the cause of these failures. The sudden appearance
of this problem after several years of satisfactory
Rocket-Engine Experience service under seemingly identical conditions led
investigators to suspect a change in some opera-
The YIR99 rocket engine has been the source of tional factor. Fabrication, turbine-wheel balance,
more flight-schedule delays than any other X-15 assembly, and overall inspection procedures were
system. Preliminary Flight Rating Tests did not reviewed. Gear cases were checked for distortion or
accomplish their objectives, as was subsequently bearing misalinement. Data were scrutinized to
shown by flight experience. Some of the more prom- determine if different aircraft flight parameters
inent problems have been premature chamber failures, had imposed a new environment upon the units. The
lubricating oil was investigated. flight envelope, using automatically blended aero-
dynamic and reaction controls. A sketch of the
The study indicated that the pinion-gear pitch mode of the MH-96 adaptive system is shown in
failures were primarily attributable to insufficient figure 11. A prototype of this system was flown in
lubrication at high altitude. Laboratory tests an F-10lA airplane and was then extensively checked
proved that pressurizing the gear box greatly alle- out in the X-15 simulator before the flight compo-
viated the situation. Such a modification is now nents were installed in the X-15 airplane. In
incorporated into the X-15 aircraft. In addition, general, few adjustments to the adaptive system have
procurement of gears fabricated from a more durable been required as a result of operational flight
material and the design of a force-feed lubrication experience. The most significant changes were a
system were recently initiated as a long-range reduction in the maximum level of usable system gain
effort. and the addition of a new notched filter. These
modifications were required because of objectionable
EXperience With Control and Guidance Systems limit-cycle amplitudes and structural-resonance
problems similar to those of the stability augmenta-
The importance of careful system-development tion system. Extensive ground and prelaunch checkout
programs prior to flight testing has been dramati- procedures for each flight have facilitated the suc-
cally illustrated by the X-15. In some instances, cessful accomplishment of 14 flights.
however, serious system problems can arise in spite
of a thorOUghly planned development program. For some systems, development requirements have
been grossly underestimated. A good example is the
Before it was installed on the X-15 airplane, experience with the X-15 inertial flight data system,
the stability augmentation system (SAS) underwent which provides vehicle velocity, height, rate of
extensive developmental and environmental testing, climb, and attitude about the three axes to the pilot
including tests using the analog flight simulator and to data recorders. This system was designed to
and control-system mockup. In the simulator tests, be alined from the B-52 carrier airplane prior to
a limit-cycle oscillation of 2.5 cps to 4 cps, launch of the X-15. Considerable flight experience
primarily in roll, was detected but was not thought was required to develop adequate procedures and
to be of sufficient amplitude to be objectionable. control techniques for the proper alinement and erec-
However, a tolerance level for limit-cycle amplitude tion of the system. Moreover, a number of engineer-
had not been established. Figure 10 shows the ing modifications and component improvements were
limit-cycle amplitudes, as the control power is in- necessary to obtain even acceptable operation of the
creased, for several signal-shaping filters in the system. As shown in figure 12, the velocity data
stability augmentation system. When these oscil- are reasonably accurate for flight-control purposes
lations occurred in flight, with the production over most of the flight regime. The altitude data
filter, the pilots found them to be objectionable are unacceptable during the final stages of flight.
at conditions of high control power, so a modified Therefore, it has become necessary to develop and
filter was incorporated. Subsequently, during a utilize alternate techniques and procedures for
relatively 10w~a1titude entry, it was found that the completing various flight missions, using cues pro-
lightly damped horizontal surfaces were excited at vided by other systems.
their natural frequency of 13 cps by control inputs.
The X-15 inertial reaction to this oscillation was Summary
sensed by the augmentation-system gyros which closed
the loop through the control system and produced a Many problems, both physical and procedural,
rather violent vibration. To alleviate this problem, experienced in the X-15 program could have been pre-
a redesigned, or notched, filter was checked out on vented had they been anticipated or more thoroughly
the fixed-base simulator to avert both the objec- accounted for in design and in qualification testing.
tionable limit-cycle oscillations and the destruc- A greatly decreased program cost and increased
tive higher-frequency resonance associated with the flight frequency would then have been possible, with
vehicle structure. This modification has been attendant earlier attainment of research objectives.
successful in flight. This statement is understandably broad, since it is
impossible to provide for all contingencies. A
Because of the great dependence placed on the research vehicle built in limited quantity with
stability augmentation system during certain crit- limited funds and incorporating untried systems is
ical flight phases, a backup, or auxiliary, system destined to experience many difficulties. Thorough,
was developed on the simulator and incorporated in realistic system and component testing should be
the aircraft control system. This system is auto- completed as early in the program as possible.
matically actuated in the event of a primary aug- Neither component nor system testing can stand by
mentation system failure. In flight, spurious itself.
signais generated by other electrical equipment
actuated the system when the primary stability aug- Piloting ASpects
mentation system had not malfunctioned. This pro-
blem was subsequently eliminated by altering the The important phases of a typical X-15 altitude
switching-network response. The system is now mission are shown in figure 13. Following rotation,
functioning satisfactorily. the boost phase consists essentially of a constant
pitch-attitude climb in which a peak dynamic pressure
An example of a more successful system devel- of from 500 psf to 1,000 psf is attained. The longi-
opment and vehicle integration program is the expe- tudinal acceleration on the pilot at burnout is
rience gained with the Minneapolis-Honeywell (MH-96) about 4g. After burnout there is a relatively long
adaptive control system currently installed in the coast period of up to 3 to 4 minutes during which
X-15·-3. This system automatically adapts itself to reaction controls are used. Perhaps the most
the varying control effectiveness and changing basic- demanding phase of flight is the high-ang1e-of-attack
vehicle characteristics by providing an essentially entry in which peak normal accelerations of the order
invariant response to control input throughout the of 4g to 6g and longitudinal accelerations of -2g

to -3g are imposed on the pilot in a flight regime Now, consider the benefits of having the pilot
where there is a rapid increase in dynamic pressure in the loop. In several instances, automatic damping
and wide variations in aer~ic characteristics. systems have failed during flights and the pilot has
been able to continue the flight plan to"the success-
The final phase of an X-15 mission involves ful completion of the flight. In one lnstance,
navigating to the Edwards area and performing the during an altitude flight with the adaptive flight
actual landing on the dry lake. control system the plan called for a constant-pitch-
attitude boost. When the system undershot the
Boost desired 38 ° pitch angle, the pilot overrode the
automatic system and brought the airplane to the
Figure 14 is a time history of the powered por- desired pitch angle. Final altitude was within
tion of flight for a 270,000-foot altitude mission 3,000 feet of the desired 25o,ooo-foot peak.
made in January 1963. A maximum normal acceleration
of about 2g was used in the roundout to attain the On the basis of X-15 experience and also as a
specified pitch angle of 38°.- At this point (40 ~) result of separate studies initiated and/or partic-
the ground controller indicated that the flight path ipated in by NASA Flight Research Center personnel,
was somewhat high, so the pitch attitude was reduced it is firmly believed that the pilot should be con-
to correct the trajectory. (The pilot is usually sidered an integral part of the control loop. Of
able to control the climb angle to within ±0.5° course, there is the possibility of introducing
without difficulty, since control effectiveness is human error. However, by utilizing previous experi-
good and the airplane is relatively stable.) The ence, such as that being accumulated on the X-15, and
controllability was rated as excellent. The accel- by careful training, it is felt that the advantages
eration along the longitudinal axis during the of active pilot participation in the boost control
thrust period reached a maximum of 3.7g at burnout. task outweigh the disadvantages. It has been repeat-
In this instance, there was a 3-second delay in ter- edly demonstrated that the control task of boost to
minating thrust because the pilot experienced diffi- orbital insertion is well within human capability.2
culty in reaching for the throttle. This extra It is imperative, however, that the pilot be included
burning time caused the vehicle to overshoot the in the design from the beginning by providing an
designated altitude by some 20,000 feet. No signi- adequate display system and control modes to take
ficant burnout transient was evident in this flight, full advantage of his presence.
nor in any other flights. The transient in angle of
attack and pitch attitude in this instance was prob-
ably induced by the pilot when he reached for the
throttle. The entry maneuver is perhaps the most chal-
lenging from the pilot's standpoint, since it is
How well the pilot has been able to achieve the flown at a relatively high angle of attack and under
peak velocity and altitude called for in a flight rapidly changing conditions of dynamic pressure,
plan should be considered. Figure 15 compares the temperature, and velocity, with the associated
actual (flight) and planned burnout velocity and changes in aircraft stability and response.
peak altitude. The mean discrepancy in velocity is
about 200 fps with an extreme value of 500 fps. The Consider basic stability during the entry.
mean dispersion in altitude is about 8,000 feet with Figure 16 shows the lateral-directional controlla-
an extreme difference of almost 35,000 feet. This bili ty boundary with the roll damper inoperative for
piloting performance may seem crude compared to the the design configuration, that is, lower ventral on.
50 feet in 500,000 feet in altitude and 5 fps in The shaded area represents an uncontrollable pilot-
25,000 fps in velocity accomplished by the automatic airplane combination, defined largely from analytic
systems used in Project Mercury. However, the X-15 methods and simulator runs but verified in limited
mission, although designed to be controlled by a flight teRtS. It is evident that 3. large portion of'
human pilot, has no requirement for this type of the entry is performed in an angle-of-attack range
accuracy. Consequently, suitable instrumentation that is unflyable with the roll damper off. This
and display sensitivity have not been provided. condition is attributed to a negative-dihedral
effect primarily caused by the lower ventral. The
The X-15 experience certainly will not provide full significance of this problem was not appreciated
all of the information needed to determine the pro- until the X-15 was in flight status. For the same
per role of the pilot in future space boost opera- roll-damper-out emergency condition with the lower
tions. However, this experience will contribute to ventral off, the vehicle is controllable, although
the fund of knowledge that will enable the final the handling qualities are not considered good in
decision to be made. the entry angle-of-attack range.

In some X-15 situations, having the pilot in Figure 17 is a comparison of a 314,750-foot

the loop was disadvantageous; in others, his pres- entry made with the design configuration and a
ence was beneficial. On one flight, for example, 271,7oo-foot entry made with the lower ventral
the pilot had not flown the X-15 for 7 months. The removed. In both instances, the X-15-3 with the
trim selector in the airplane was different from adaptive flight control system was used. For the
that in the simulator. At launch, the pilot ener- basic (ventral on) configuration, the pilot was
gized the wrong button. Without trim, a poor rota- somewhat disturbed by the buildup in sideslip near
tion was achieved which resulted in a burnout veloc- peak dynamic pressure which was primarily manifested
ity that was 500 fps low and an altitude that was by a ±0.5g lateral acceleration. Largely because of
30,000 feet lower than desired. In another instance, this occurrence, the pilot rated the lateral-
the pilot experienced pitch disorientation during directional controllability as only marginally satis-
boost. He disbelieved his displays and pushed over :factory.
to check the horizon visually. By burning slightly
longer than planned, the pilot was able to burn out In a recent entry made with the lower ventral
within 8 fps of the desired velocity, but the final o:ff (right portion of fig. 17) no pronounced
altitude was 22,000 feet below the flight plan. lateral-acceleration oscillation was evident, and
the lateral-directional characteristics in the ter- at the Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa.,
minal phase of entry were rated as excellent by the long before critical flight tests were conducted.
pilot. All pilots do feel, however, that it is valuable to
be exposed to the flight acceleration environment on
Present plans call for all future altitude a centrifuge at some time during a program, if for
missions to be performed with the lower ventral no other reason than that it contributes to the over-
removed, although a study is being made to arrive all pilot experience.
at a different vertical-tail configuration. A more
desirable design would provide a greater margin of In summary it can be said that, early in the
directional stability at low angles of attack than program, entries from high altitude were anticipated
provided by the present ventral-off configuration, with some misgivings, for here was a situation that
but would retain the beneficial positive-dihedral combined all the problems of a potentially chal-
effects at the higher angles of attack. lenging control task with a difficult environment.
X-15 experience has indicated that the entry piloting
Figure 18 is a comparison of entries for two task is not nearly as formidable as once envisioned--
very similar flights to 250,000 feet. In each not because the basic characteristics of the air-
instance, the original design tail was used; however, plane were better than predicted, but because of
in the flight shown on the left the standard stabil- intensive efforts to obtain a configuration and
ity augmentation system and the manually controlled control modes where a single failure would not prove
reaction control system were employed. The flight disastrous. The information being obtained from
on the right was made using the MH-96 adaptive flight X-15 entries should be particularly useful for appli-
control system, with the reaction controls and aero- cation to future lifting entry vehicles, such as the
dynamic controls blended into a single controller. X-20 and lifting-body configurations.
For both entries the maximum dynamic pressure was
about 1,000 psf and the average angle of attack at Landing Techniques
entry was about 18°. The most significant difference
between the two entries is the magnitude of the Navigation to the landing site is started
angle-of-sideslip oscillation as normal acceleration during the final stages of the X-15 entry. Pilot
and dynamic pressure build up. The excursions are comments indicate that the Edwards lakebed, which is
much smaller with the MH-96 adaptive system. The approximately 11 miles long and 5 miles wide, is
maximum normal accelerations were about the same easily discernible from as far out as 160 nautical
(5g), with the adaptive system providing a somewhat miles at an altitude of 100,000 feet. The pilot is,
smoother response. In general, the pilots favor the therefore, in visual contact with his landing area
aerodynamic and reaction controls combined into a during the entire approach phase. The maneuverabil-
single controller. On these two flights, both ity available to the pilot at 100,000 feet and a
pilots considered the handling qualities to be sat- Mach number of 5 is defined in figure 20. In gen-
isfactory, with a slight deterioration in the eral, the landing site falls in region A, and the
lateral-directional mode. However, at higher angles pilots have had little .difficulty in managing their
of attaek for entry, the adaptive system is clearly energy by using only their cockpit instruments and
superior on the X-15 simulator and will probably be visual references. The energy-management situation
used for all extreme-altitude missions. is more critical in region B or C where either
maximum maneuvering or a maximum range glide is
Pilot opinion on the use of hold modes during required to reach the landing site. In such
entry appears to be mixed. Such modes can greatly instances, radioed assistance is provided to the
reduce the pilot's concentration and workload, but pilot based on ground-based energy-management
this can boomerang. For, if a control-system calculations and radar tracking. Although the pres-
emergency arose, some pilots would prefer to be ent methods for energy management are completely
actively "in the lOOp" prior to the emergency. Thus, adequate for the X-15 under VFR conditions, flight
the pilots might prefer to provide their own outer- tests will be made of several onboard energy-
loop stabilization. management systems that will provide research data
pertinent to IFR approaches.
One of the most critical problems that could
occur is an augmentation failure during entry. A The final phase of each flight is, of course,
flight in which such a failure would occur, of the approach and landing. This area has progressed
course, would not be planned, and normally a single from one receiving a great deal of concern and
failure cannot produce a complete washout of augmen- attention in the first X-15 flights to~outine
tation. During the early stages of one entry from operation based on the experience, procedures, and
around 200,000 feet, however, an inadvertent techniques developed.
disconnect of the critical roll damper occurred at
an angle of attack of 17°. Inasmuch as the flight Figure 21 illustrates the wide range in initial
was being made with the design tail configuration, conditions that may exist at high key and the flex-
this angle was well inside the uncontrollable ibility afforded the X-15 pilot in selecting a
region, as illustrated in figure 19. Although some pattern that enables him to attain the designated
violent motions occurred, the pilot was able to touchdown point. The pattern is normally flown at
recognize the problem and push over and reduce the an indicated airspeed of approximately 300 knots,
angle of attack as shown, successfully completing and the handling qualities, including the control-
the entry. Moreover, the pilot used this opportu- system use and the airplane responses, are consid-
nity to evaluate the angle-of-attack level that ered excellent. If less sink rate is desired, the
might be controllable in a similar emergency from aircraft can be flown at an indicated airspeed of
higher altitudes. 240 knots for the optimum lift-drag ratiO, and, if
necessary, excess altitude can be lost at constant
The simulation of entries and the pilot train- airspeed by use of the speed brakes. Although rates
ing provided by the fixed-base simulator have been of sink average 250 fps and have been as high as
completely adequate. This was predicted in 1958, 475.fps prior to landing flare, none of the pilots
on the basis of a comprehensive centrifuge program has considered these values to be a limiting factor
in the pattern. some pertinent published 3 and unpublished NASA data.
Pilot comments indicate that a minimum (LID) max
The flare point is chosen so that the energy
during the flare of from 2.5 to 3.0 is marginal,
remaining after the flare will carry the aircraft to
regardless of wing loading. Additional flight data
the intended touchdown spot. The flare altitude is
are being obtained by the NASA Flight Research Center
not selected from the altimeter, but from the pilot's
using lifting bodies for correlation with these
estimate of the height necessary to reduce the sink
rate and arrive level in proximity to the ground. results. The initial flight data will be obtained at
a wing loading of about 6.5 psf.
It is significant that a rather high flare speed is
used to gain more time after the flare in which to
make configuration changes, correct trim changes, Future Plans for the X-15
and then execute the landing at acceptable values of
Basic Program
angle of attack, sink rate, and in proximity to the
intended landing point. Vertical velocities at
touchdown are generally less than 6 fps. The original X-15 research program is about
90-percent complete. The remaining flights involve
extension of the altitude envelope to perhaps
During the last several years, the X-15 pilots
have been requested to attempt spot landings to 360,000 feet to 400,000 feet and additional heat-
transfer flights. Also, a brief aerodynamic-noise
provide statistical data on landing accuracy for
investigation is planned using specially instrumented
future low-lift-drag-ratio vehicles. Figure 22
panels. Most of this program will utilize the
summarizes the dispersions that have resulted from
spot-landing attempts. Recently, the touchdown X-15-3 airplane.
point has been well within ±1,000 feet of the
intended pOint. Contributing factors to this Follow-On Programs
achievement have been the excellent visibility from
Numerous experiments are planned which make
the X-15 cockpit, similarly excellent low-speed use of the X-15 as a test bed to obtain heights
handling qualities, and the availability of effec-
greater than those reached by balloons, but lower
tive speed brakes. Finally, before and during the
than satellite altitudes. These experiments capital-
X-15 flight program, landing simulations were made
ize on the ability of the X-15 to provide on-the-
using the F-l04 airplane configured to match the
spot pilot input in the conduct of the experiment
lift-drag ratio of the X-15. This experience has
and the return of the experiment to the ground for
been invaluable and has allowed the pilots to estab-
detailed evaluation and adjustment or correction of
lish geographic checkpoints and key altitudes around
deficiencies. Some of the experiments will ride
the landing pattern; thus, the pilots become famil-
"free" in piggyback fashion; others will be grouped
iar with the position and timing required in the
to share the cost of operation. Currently approved
pattern imposed by the low lift-drag ratios.
X-15 follow-on experiments are listed in the fol-
lowing tabulation:
These glowing reports of X-15 approach and
landing characteristics may prompt a question about
Experiment Mission
the recent landing accident of X-15-2. This acci-
dent was traced to premature failure of the left High altitude
Ultraviolet stellar
gear, which, in turn, was the result of a hard land- photography
ing triggered by a system failure which prevented
flap deployment. Thus, the emergency situation was Ultraviolet exhaust Above 25 miles
brought about by equipnent failure, rather than pilot plume character-
error. istics l
Horizon definition Above 40 miles
Now, a few generalizations are in order on what
has been learned from the ~pproach and landing expe- Optical-degradation Varied
rience with the X-15 and other low-lift-drag-ratio measurements
gliders. Consider X-15 optimum pattern geometry. Detachable high- High heating
For VFR conditions, a general circular pattern has temperature
always provided ample pilot control over the touch- leading edges
down point. Although a straight-in approach would
be used in an emergency landing with minimum energy Infrared exhaust 100,000 feet to
available, there is no reason to use this technique signaturel 130,000 feet
in normal operations. Under IFR conditions, however, High-temperature Varied
with electronic aids the straight-in approach ~ be windows
the more desirable technique.
Atmospheric-density Above
In most instances when flying a pattern in a measurements 125,000 feet
low-lift-drag-ratio vehicle, pilots choose a speed Micrometeorite Above
somewhat higher than that for maximum lift-drag collection 150,000 feet
ratio to allow a margin for final adjustments
follOWing the flare. Figure 23 compares the speed Advanced integrated Varied
for maximum LID and that selected as near optimum data systems, and
approach speed by pilots for a number of "gliders" energy management
having an (L/D)max of 3 to 4. I t is apparent that Vapor-cycle cooling Long-duration
the pilot generally chooses a speed at least 30 per- zero g
cent higher than that for (L/D)max.
lPiggyback package
Finally, to what level can (L/D)max be
reduced and still enable the pilot to complete a The future X-15 program will be flexible and
successful flared landing. Figure 24 summarizes will be modified, extended, or terminated on the
basis of timely reviews by NASA and Air Force per- Bibliography
sonnel. At present, it would appear that the pro-
gram will extend at least through 1966. Finch, Thomas W., and Matranga, Gene J.: Launch,
Low-Speed, and Landing Characteristics Determined
Concluding Remarks From the First Flight of the North American X-15
Re search Airplane. NASA TM X-l95, 1959.
The X-15 program has kept in proper perspective
the role of the pilot in future programs of this McKay, James M.: Measurements Obtained During the
nature. It has pointed the way to simplified opera- First Landing of the North American X-15 Research
tional concepts which should provide a high degree
Airplane. NASA TM X-207, 1959.
of redundancy and increased probability of success
in future space missions. But, perhaps most impor- Flight Research Center: Aerodynamic and Landing
tant is the fact that a sizable segment of industry Measurements Obtained During the First Powered
and government engineers and scientists has had to Flight of the North American X-15 Research Airplane.
meet the problems of designing and building hardware NASA TM x-269, 1960.
and making it work. This has provided invaluable
experience for the future aeronautical and space Walker, Harold J., and Wolowicz, Chester H.: Theo-
endeavors of this country. retical Stability Derivatives for the X-15 Research
Airplane at Supersonic and aypersonic Speeds In-
cluding a Comparison With Wind-Tunnel Results.
NASA TM X-287, 1960.
h altitude, ft
Saltzman, Edwin J.: Preliminary Full-Scale Power-
hactual actual peak altitude, ft
Off Drag of the X-15 Airplane for Mach Numbers
From 0.7 to 3.1. NASA TM X-430, 1960.
hplanned planned peak altitude, ft

lift-drag ratio Stillwell, Wendell H., and Larson, Terry J.: Meas-
L/D urement of the Maximum Speed Attained by the X-15
Airplane Powered With Interim Rocket Engines. NASA
(L/D) flare maximum lift-drag ratio available during
the flare TN D-6l5, 1960.

M Mach number Stillwell, Wendell H., and Larson, Terry J.: Meas-
urement of the Maximum Altitude Attained by the X-15
dynamic pressure, psf Airplane Powered With Interim Rocket Engines. NASA
TN D-623, 1960.
indicated airspeed, knots
Matranga, Gene J.: Launch Characteristics of the
X-15 Research Airplane as Determined in Flight.
velocity corresponding to maximum lift-
drag ratiO, KIAS NASA TN D-723, 1961.

achieved burnout velOCity, fps Reed, Robert D., and Watts, Joe D.: Skin and Struc-
Vactual tural Tempe;t"atures Measured on the X-15 Airplane
During a Flight to a Mach Number of 3.3. NASA
Vplanned planned burnout velocity, fps
TM x-468, 1961.
Vapproach approach velocity, KIAS
McKay, James M., and Scott, Betty J.: Landing-Gear
Behavior During Touchdown and Runout for 17 Landings
W/S wing loading, psf
of the X-15 Research Airplane. NASA TM X-5l8, 1961.
angle of attack, deg
Holleman, Euclid C., and Reisert, Donald: Control-
lability of the X-15 Research Airplane With Interim
e pitch attitude, deg
Engines During High-Altitude Flights. NASA TM X-5l4,
Subscript: 1961.

Saltzman, Edwin J.: Preliminary Base Pressures

max maximum Obtained From the X-15 Airplane at Mach Numbers
From 1.1 to 3.2. NASA TN D-1056, 1961.
Matranga, Gene J.: Analysis of X-15 Landing
1. Row, Perry V., and Fischel, Jack: Operational Approach and Flare Characteristics Determined From
Flight-Test Experience With the X-15 Airplane. the First 30 Flights. NASA TN D-1057, 1961.
AIAA preprint 63075, Amer. Inst. of Aeronautics
and Astronautics, March 1963. Taylor, Lawrence W., Jr.: Analysis of a Pilot-
Airplane Lateral Instability Experienced With the
2. Holleman, E. C., Armstrong, N. A., and Andrews, X-15 Airplane. NASA TN D-l059, 1961.
W. H.: Utilization of the Pilot in the Launch
and Injection of a Multistage Orbital Vehicle. Yancey, Roxanah B., Rediess, Herman A., and Robinson,
IAS paper no. 60-16, Inst. Aero. Sci., 1960. Glenn H.: Aerodynamic-Derivative Characteristics of
the X-15 Research Airplane as Determined From Flight
3· Weil, Joseph, and Matranga, Gene J.: Review of Tests for Mach Numbers From 0.6 to 3.4. NASA
Techniques Applicable to the Recovery of Lifting
TN D-l06o, 1962.
aypervelocity Vehicles. NASA TM X-334, 1960.
Kordes, Eldon E., and Noll, Richard B.: Flight
Flutter Results for Flat Rectangular Panels. NASA
TN D-1058, 1962.
-30Z ...
Taylor, Lawrence W., Jr., and Merrick, George B.: Hopkins, Edward J., Fetterman, David E., Jr., and
X-15 Airplane Stability Augmentation System. NASA Saltzman, Edwin J.: Comparison of Full-Scale Lift
TN D-1157, 1962. and Drag Characteristics of the X-15 Airplane With
Wind-Tunnel Results and Theory. NASA 'I'M X-713,
Jordan, Gareth H., McLeod, Norman J., and Guy, 1962 .
Lawrence D.: Structural Dynamic Experiences of the
X-15 Airplane. NASA TN D-1l58, 1962. Walker, Harold J., and Wolowicz, Chest er H.: Sta-
bility and Control Derivative Characteristics of
Hoey, Robert G., and Day, Richard E.: Mission the X-15 Airplane. NASA 'I'M X-714, 1962.
Planning and Operational Procedures for the X-15
Airplane. NASA TN D-1l59, 1962. White, Robert M., Robinson, Glenn H., and Matranga,
Gene J.: Resume of Handling Qualit ies of the X-15
Banner, Richard D., Kuhl, Albert E., and Quinn, Airplane. NASA 'I'M X-715 , 1962.
Robert D.: Preliminary Results of Aerodynamic
Heating Studies on the X-15 Airplane. NASA 'I'M X-638 Petersen, Forrest S., Rediess, Herman A., and Weil,
1962. Joseph: Lateral-Directional Control Characteristics
of the X-15 Airplane. NASA 'I'M X-726, 1962.
McKay, James M., and Kordes, Eldon E.: Landing
Loads and Dynamics of the X-15 Airplane. NASA Weil, Joseph: Review of the X-15 Program. NASA
'I'M X-639, 1962. TN D-1278, 1962.

Kordes, Eldon E., Reed, Robert D., and Dawdy, Alpha Tremant, Robert A.: Operational Experiences and
L.: Structural Heating Experiences on the X-15 Characteristics of the X-15 Flight Control System.
Airplane. NASA 'I'M X-711, 1962. NASA TN D-1402, 1962.

Keener, Earl R., and Pembo, Chris: Aerodynamic Larson, Terry J., and Webb, Lannie D.: Calibrations
Forces on Component s of the X-15 Airplane. NASA and Comparisons of Pressure-Type Airspeed-Altitude
'I'M X-712, 1 962 . Syst ems of the X-15 Airplane From Subsonic to High
Supersonic Speeds. NASA TN D-1724, 1963.


Figure' Figure 2






!''('W T
,,:: ",,' I riii YlR99


1 : I I /
I 400 /
X-l5-2 ,,7 I" ,. ===" 2'"' ::1' I iiI"UN I
I I i FT
/ ,~

~~~~' -

Z i J
X-15-3 ---=:;;;;:'" II!II " .' 100
~~~ 'C
I I i q '1,500 PSF

I I I o I 2 3 4 5 6 7xl0 3
1960 1961

Figure :3 Figure 4


JUNE 1959 TO APRIL 1963

1959 1960 1961 1962 1963



im- i '






Figure S Figure 6





Figure 8
Figure 7


o 10 20 30 40 50
OX'l'GEN INLET F igure 9 Figure 10 ROll CONTROL POWER , PER SEC 2



--MEQiAH !CAl.


-1 ''''FAa I

L _____________ ~

Figure 12 640
F igure I I


F igure 13




::,:'::"'::L= ~ 1::1
g 0 16 32 48
64 so 96 112


o 24
4 200
[lEG 12

o 2 4 6110 3 o 100 200 3001103 8


Figure 15 o 2 3 4
Figure 16
5 6



"oIAx • 314,750 FT ho.Ax • 271,700 FT
OYNAMI:~. ~f ..c-:= :-: I f ~ =- I
'~! /l I /l
::E;:;;I~ I
~B 0

]~ l f~ 1
ANGLE ~sre;up.
_:f :'= I fa:o:: I
• :t ~ I A
~b(\r\ Q o t I k
=zsr". I
ANGLE ~ susup. •V w


I t
0 1020 3040 !5060 70
L.crERAl ACC!l..£R.lllON.
• :1
-'0 20 ,. •I ,. I
'00 '20 0 20
'" 100 '20

Figure 17 Figure 18





DEG 12

o 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 19


FiQure 20


ILID)MAX • 2.8 TO 4.5

V......,....· l3 'tL""-x
o 0
o 0 0
-~----------~-~-- 400
DISPERSION, 0 1-~"""I'I'~~..;o;."..._....oQ:0_ _,.".....I...- VAPPROACH ' 300
FT 0 0 o KIAS
-1000 -------------0------
o 0

-2000 100
1961 1962 1963 o 100 200 300 400 500

Figure 22 Figure 23


X-IE X-15
• •


o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 eo

Figure 24

David C. White
Ford Professor of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
Massachusetts Inst~ of Tec~log~
/ Cambridge '%> Mauecb.ui8tU? (S'i.f~OO/

1.0 Introduction

The ability of man to travel in and Project Gemini uses a two-man space-
explore outer space is determined by his craft and will be used for longer earth
having power sources that can meet orbits than Mercury, including develop-
minimum requirements for communication ing the art of rendezvousing and docking
and mobility in any given space venture. in space. The electric power consumption
Manned space missions that are currently of the Gemini spacecraft is between 500
in operational or developmental phases and 2000 watts. The time duration of a
are Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo. The Gemini mission is up to two weeks. One
power requirements for these missions additional requirement placed on the
have been determined, and energy conver- power supply was that it produce a supply
sion systems to satisfy the mission of potable water. On the basis of these
requirements are under development. The requirements, an ion exchange membrane
establishment of research needs for energy hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell was chosen as
conversion systems to carry out manned the electric power source. Comparative
space exploration, should not come from studies of total system weight including
space programs in the operational phase, primary energy source, energy converter,
but should come from projections of heat rejection system and auxiliary
planned space programs for the future. controls, showed that the Gemini fuel
These goals, coupled with programs cell system was superior to aNi-Cd
designed to gain further knowledge of battery solar cell system beyond 20
physical processes, regardless of their hours operation. The Gemini system is
ultimate utilization, will yield the most well suited to mission times of 20 to
effective energy conversion research 1000 hours(4).
Project Apollo uses a three-man
2.0 Review of Current Manned spacecraft and embraces a number of
Space Missions Requirements missions including earth orbit, circum-
lunar, orbital rendezvous, and lunar
The basic classification of manned landing and return. Power requirements
missions in which NASA is currently are 1.2 kw with peak power estimated at
interested are (1,2) Earth orbit, Lunar 4 kw. Mission times extend up to a
and Planetary. In the earth orbit period of 2 weeks. The power source
category, the Mercury and Gemini space- chosen is the medium temperature and
craft are in the operational and develop- pressure modified Bacon cell using an
mental stages respectively. aqueous electrolyte of potassium hydro-
oxide. The Bacon cell is a hydrogen-
The Mercury spacecraft was designed oxygen fuel cell and its by-product is
initially for a single astronaut to make water, which is recoverable and useable
three orbits. This has been extended to as potable water for the astronauts.
six orbits giving 9 hours exposure to
near earth space environment, and it will All the current manned space
be used in a flight covering 16 to 18 missions for which hardware is under
orbits. The Mercury spacecraft carries development have modest power require-
144 lbs. of silver-zinc batteries to ments and relatively short mission
provide an average of 70 watts while in durations; that is, power requirements
orbit, w~§~ an emergency reserve lasting of up to a few kilowatts and durations
24 hours\ • The peak demand is about 1 of several weeks. The electric power
kw. sources for these missions are either

rechargeable batteries or hydrogen- 2.3 Energy Conversion Systems for
oxygen fuel cells. Manned Space Flight

2.1 Review of Future Manned Mission Wide varieties of electrical energy

Requirements conversion systems are needed to meet
all requirements of manned space travel.
The present and future missions for The choice of an energy conversion
space e~ploration have been outlined by system is partially determined by the
Hyatt(lJ and are summarized by him in power level and duration of the mission.
Table 1. The manned space missions, It is also dependent upon environmental
Mercury, Gemini and Apollo, are opera- conditions, relative reliability,
tional or in the developmental stage. available source of primary power, use
Energy conversion systems for these of by-products, heat rejection, etc. A
missions have been chosen and are in the listing of various factors which play a
design, test and evaluation stages. Be- dominant role in determining feasibility
fore 1970 a lunar landing is anticipated of a given system is given in Table 3.
and orbiting; manned laboratories will be To fully evaluate these factors, detail-
in the planning or operational phases. ed information of each mission is needed.
In the decade 1970 to 1980 a manned lunar
station, a Mars landing and various deep Examples of typical power applica-
space probes are possibilities. Each tions are given in Table 4. These are
new undertaking places additional not meant to be all inclusive, but rather
demands upon electric energy conversion to serve as an indication of power ranges
systems. and mission requirements which must be
served by energy conversion systems. The
In a lunar station, a permanently diversity of power levels, mission times
installed power station of a megawatt and refueling possibilities rules out
capacity is a possibility and portable any single energy conversion system as
power sources for exploration of the being optimum for all possible space
lunar surface will be needed. In deep power applications.
space probes the electrical power source
will be needed not only for communica- Studies of the requirements of
tion, telemetering and control, but also specific missions were made by Rykar for
for powering electric propulsion units. several manned space flights. Schutte
An estimate of electt'ic power require- et al(7) have studied the relative
ments versus time has been made by advantages of fuel cell systems, solar
Sanders, et al(5), and is shown in Fig. cell systems, and cryogenic chemical
1. The estimate is for gross power dynamic systems for missions similar to
requirements of over 100 kw by 1974 and those considered by Rykar. He concludes
over a megawatt when electric propulsion that solar cell systems give the high-
power is used. This high power level est kw/lb, but above 1-2 kw the size of
coupled with very long mission times of a solar collectors and radiators make
year or more, points to a nuclear power their use doubtful. The weight of a
source as the only solution. fuel cell which increases directly with
kw demand, presents upper limits on
In the cases of manned space flight fuel cell systems and gives advantages
the electric power system must have to chemical dynamic at higher than 5
major emergency reserve capacity to give kw rating when below 1000 kw hr. In
the human cargo a high probability of the range of 100 kw hr to 1000 kw hr
survival in case of a power failure. and peak demands of 1 to 5 kw either fuel
Typical mission times and survival times cells or chemical dynamic may be pre-
are shown in Table 2(6). In all cases ferred, depending on the specific
except earth orbits, survival time and application. For higher power levels
mission time are close to the same and longer durations nuclear powered
duration. This points to excessive energy converters offer the best, and
emergency power or more realistically, possibly the only solution.
extreme reliability of the primary power
source. Such reliability can only be
obtained by long development and test An auxiliary condition inherent in
programs on operational equipment. This using a nuclear power system in space,
precludes the fast utilization of new is extreme reliability of the total
systems in operational vehicles where energy conversion system. In many
reliability is a prime requisite. instances the nuclear power plant will

be used where survival times of human seem preferable to the yet undeveloped
cargo are of the same duration as hydrocarbon fuel cell for manned space
mission times. Absolute reliability application. The same general con-
and long life of the conversion system clusions appear to apply to thermo-
is. in such instances. imperative. chemical dynamic systems. and open cycle
hydrocarbon consuming MHD systems. For
While the nuclear power source the rest of the direct energy conversion
takes a dominant position in manned processes and a large class of dynamic
space travel, it is not an optimum systems. there is enough diversity in
energy source for all missions. Solar manned space applications to indicate
cells plus rechargeable battery systems potential usefulness of all these systems.
are feasible where portable power This does not mean that the development
supplies are required~ Solar powered of operational systems on a very broad
conversion systems in the kilowatt base is indicated without a specific
range are also feasible in space probes application. It does. however. indicate
where solar energy is non-cyclic. The that there is no simple formula to
upper power limit on solar systems are restrict fundamental research on
as yet undetermined. being critically processes. merely on the basis of the
dependent upon fabrication and trans- needs for power sources in manned space
portation in space of large area missions.
3.0 Status Review and Research Needs
The needs of human cargo in manned Energy Conversion Systems and Devices
space flight for water and food.
require the transporting of some forms The energy converters of long term
of consumable products. Thus fuel cell potential interest in space application
systems with by-products of potable include solar cells, thermionic con-
water are desirable for medium duration verters. thermoelectric generators. fuel
missions and possibly for long duration cells. batteries, bio-cells, magneto-
missions. Similarly biochemical or hydrodynamic generators, and dynamic
bioelectric energy sources offer special converters of all types. Extendirg energy
advantages when integrated with the converters to include electrical propul-
needs of human cargoes. sion engines, adds to this list. electro-
static thrustors (ion engines), electro-
A first consideration in limiting magnetic thrustors (plasma engines).
the number of applicable energy con- and electrothermal thrustors (arc engines}
version systems. is the type of primary
energy source that can be used for a An extensive range of scientific
given mission. Possible primary energy and engineering problems are encountered
sources and their range of applicability in covering a field this broad. ..The
are listed in Table 5. Comparing Table state of basic knowledge ranges from the
5 with the power applications listed in very merger as in the case; of bio-
Table 4. indicates that the whole range chemical or bio-electrical ,processes to
of primary energy sources known. may extreme scientific and engineering
find application in manned space travel. sophistication in the well known and
Considering all classes of needs of highly developed dynamic systems. Any
manned space flight listed in Table 4. status review and statement of research
it does not appear possible to needs covering such a wide range of
materially limit the types of energy scientific and engineering levels of
conversion systems applicable in special competence is at best sketchy. It is
situations to manned space flight. difficult to maintain a balance between
established processes and new concepts
The only significant conversion which are many years from basic under-
systems which the author would eliminate standing, and farther from operational
on the basis of his survey of manned feasibility. To help offset bias by
space flight requirements. are thermo- the author. it is recommended that the
chemical systems consuming hydrocarbons. following status reports and symposia
There is no obvious advantage in having be reviewed by the critical reader.
thermochemical or electrochemical
systems which substitute hydrocarbon 1. IRE Transactions on Military
systems for hydrogen-oxygen systems. Electronics. Vol. Mil. 6. No.1.
with the possible exception of bio-cell January 1962. Issue on Direct Energy
systems. ~drogen-oxygen fuel cells Conversion Covering Solar Cells. Thermo-
electricity. Thermionic Conversion.

Fuel Cells, Batte~tes, MHO Gene~ators, reduction in output after 10 days ex-
and RadioActive Isotope Powered Con- posure to the Van Allen radiation belt
verters. has been reported. Studies to minimize
radiation damage have included using
2. Astronautics, Vol. 7, No. 11, n-on-p instead of p-on-n structures,
November 1962, Issue on "State of the base material of oxygen free silicon and
Art, 1962". various protective coatings. The use
of protective coatings has significantly
3. Third status report on Fuel Cells, reduced cell deterioration by radiation
1 June 1962, No. AD 286686 USASRDL. damage. The efficiency of silicon cells
range from 101 to 151. The efficiency
4. Status Report on Thermoelectricity of operational solar cell systems are
NRL, Memorandum Report No. 1361, lower than these figures with 8l being
January 1963. typical for an oriented system and non-
oriented system dropping off to under
5. Selected Papers on New Techniques 11. Typical solar cell systems will run
for Energy Conversion, Edited by Sumner approximately 9 watts per pound.
N. Levine, Dover Publication, Inc.,
New York, 1961. In addition to silicon, other semi-
conductor materials with energy gaps
6. Proceedings 16th Annual Power between 0.7 ev and 1.5 ev have been
Sources Conference, 22-24 May 1962. studied for solar cell applications. Of
these, caAs, CdS, and CdTe have shown
7. Advance~ Energy Conversion - some promise. GaAs was originally
Pergamon Press, Symposium on thermo- proposed as a cell with high radiation
electric Energy Conversion resistance but current tests do not bear
vol. 1, parts 1-4, 1961 out this prediction. Thin film cells
vol. 2, January-June 1962 of CdS are being investigated with the
Symposium on Thermionic Power Conversion aim of developing flexible arrays which
vol. 2, July-September 1962 can serve as very large area collectors
vol. 2, October-December 1962 in space. The best efficiencies of solar
cells made from materials other than
8. Progr~ in Astronautics and silicon, range between 21 and 111 and
Rocketry by ARB, published Academic Press, most are not yet operational nor compet-
Vol. 3, Energy Conversion for Space itive in performance with silicon cells.
Power 1961, Vol. 4, Space Power Systems,
1961. The solar cell is today useful and
offers continued long term promise in
9. Space Power Systems Conference, space applications. Continued develop-
American Rocket Society, Santa Monica, ment of solar cell structures to fit
California, September 25-28, 1962. the special needs of space travel and
last in the space environment is of
10. Proceedings of Specialists meeting major importance. Solar cell research
on Photovo1taic Energy Conversion, IEEE, divides into three major classifications:
AIAA, Washington, D.C., April 10-11, 1) investigation of fundamental pro-
1963. perties of materials; 2) device
structure to utilize efficiently solar
11. 4th Annual Symposium on Engineering radiation; 3) studies of radiation
Aspects on MHD, Berkeley, California, effects. Research in all areas is
April 10-12, 1963. necessary.
3.1 Solar Cells The dominant material properties
in solar cell performance are the energy
The silicon solar cell is tech- gap, carrier mobility, carrier lifetime,
nologically the most advanced of the and absorption coefficient. Fundamental
direct energy converters. They have been studies of material systems with
used as the power source on space particular reference to the dependence
satellites and space probes with satis- of electronic properties on composition,
factory performance. Silicon solar cells crystal structure, lattice defects,
are subject to deterioration in per- temperature, etc., form an important
formance when subjected to high energy foundation for solar cell research.
radiation. On unprotected cells a 251

In the area of device studies the spacings are of the order of 10 microns
detailed understanding of the mechanisms and present tremendous problems in the
of hetrojunctions and graded gap fabrication of devices. Both because
structures is in its infancy. Improved of low efficiency and construction
utilization of broad band radiant energy difficulties, the vacuum converter is
in variable energy gap structure may not considered promising, except for
result from understanding the transport very special conditions requiring a heat
mechanism in such structures. Studies source below l500 0K and a sink tempera-
of contact resistance, anti reflective ture around 1000oK.
coatings, broad band windows, thin film
structures, etc., are also an essential The cesium thermionic converter
part of solar cell research. The with emitter temperatures of l6000K to
minimization of radiation damage through 2000 0K has obtained efficiencies of 6%
choosing materials with transport prop- to 16% with power densities of 2 to 14
erties less sensitive to radiation, watts/cm2 •
induced defects or the design of struc-
tures to shield radiation damage from Laboratory thermionic converters
the junction area, are of vital impor- have been built for solar, chemical and
tance to ensure operational solar cell nuclear sources. The operating tempera-
systems in the space environment. ture while compatible with solar heating
is still somewhat high for nuclear
The solar cell holds such an impor- sources and chemical sources. The low
tant place in space travel that a broad efficiencies and high energy density
spectrum of fundamental and applied place extreme requirements upon the
research is justified to ensure the design of the heat source and method of
development of solar cells with both coupling it to the converter. For space
improved efficiency and longer life in applications the thermionic system
a space environment. promises superior power to weight ratios.
This is due to a relatively low conver-
3.2 Thermionic Converters ter weight per kw plus the high sink
temperature leading to minimum radiator
The major classes of thermionic areas for disposal of waste heat in space.
diodes are the close spaced (0.001 cm) Because of its high operating tempera-
vacuum diode and the cesium diode tures l500°C to 2000°C it also offers
operated in the space charge neutraliz- considerable promise as a topping device
ing, plasma, and arc modes. Current to be used in conjunction with conven-
research and development work is con- tional turbine generator systems and
centrated on the cesium diode and nuclear sources. The thermionic con-
significant advances in theoretical verter is emerging from the laboratory
understanding and device construction for use in some space application as
have been obtained. evidenced by the SNAP 13 program and the
SET program. In the SET system an out-
The longest measured life of put of 6.2 watts per pound was obtained.
practical thermionic converters tested
so far, is about 2000 hours. The life The areas of research which are
of most thermionic converters is indicated by the present status of
significantly shorter than this, and in thermionic converters are: 1) emitter
most cases failures are due to the materials and surface properties; 2)
corrosive effects of cesium on structural transport properties of plasmas; 3)
parts. Eventually it is believed that dynamics of arc mode operation; 4)
structural problems will be solved and structural and heat transfer design of
the evaporation of the emitter will be converters In most of these areas
the factor which determines converter extensive research activities are
lifetime. currently underway. These include
theoretical analyses giving the work
The present state of the art in function of cesium coated surfaces;
vacuum thermionic converters indicate observing the plasma conditions in the
that efficiencies of approximately 5%, interelectrode spacing by studying the
and power densities 1/2 watt/cm2 are optical properties of the plasma; and
possible at emitter temperatures of measuring voltage-current curves in a
l500 0K with useful emitter lifetime of systematic way over wide ranges of
up to 500 hours. The emitter-collector emitter temperature, collector

laboratory stage have been composed of
temperature interelectrode spacing, homogenous materials in each leg.
and cesium pressure, for a number of
different emitter materials. Some of The principle generator material
the materials which have been tested used has been the long established PbTe
.. re niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, system doped both p and n type. Other
tungsten, rhenium, and iridium. materials used include ZnSb, GeTe
which are p type and are more stable
While impressive gains in the per- than p type PbTe. The alloy GeSi
formance of thermionic converters have developed by R.C.A. has moved into a
been made, there is still a great deal position of prominence as a generator
to be done in understanding fundamental material, due principally to its ability
mechanisms as well as construction of to operate over wide temperature ranges
practical converters. There is evidence and remain chemically and mechanically
of a SOl decrease in output due to stable. The 500 watt SNAP 10-A system
voltage drops in the interelectrode uses GeSi thermoelements and should be
plasma sheaths. Polycrystalline emitters tested in a spacecraft by 1966. Other
result in highly non-uniform emission thermoelectric generators in the SNAP
patterns with indications of significant series include SNAP 3, 7A, 7B, 7C, 70,
reduction in effective emitter area. 7F, 9A, and 11. Thermoelectric
Materials of construction and seals are generators have been used with solar
needed which can withstand cesium concentrators and large area solar
vapors and the high heat fluxes and thermoelectric conversion panels have
temperature gradiants of practical con- been built.
verters. Research in the thermionic
area must still embrace fundamental Thermoelectric generators have
studies of emission and transport relatively low efficiencies. Thermo-
mechanisms as well as engineering studies couple efficiency of approximately 101
of integrated device and system design, and overall efficiencies of 51 to 61
if operational thermionic systems for when used with a radioactive isotope
space application are going to be heat source or 21 to 31 with a combus-
obtained. tible fuel heat source. The advantage
of thermoelectric generatots with a
3.3 Thermoelectric Generators nuclear heat source is their long life.
More than two years of continuous
The research and development effort operation has been obtained with a SNAP
in thermoelectrics has decreased Sig- thermoelectric generator. No other
nificantly. The massive shotgun type energy conversion system is today in a
search for new thermoelectric materials state of development that can exceed
with high figures of merit has not nuclear powered thermoelectric generators
yielded results as rapidly as first for long term, reliable, maintenance
predicted. Device development programs free, unattended operation. This factor
have shown that in the actual con- alone makes thermoelectric generators
struction of physical generators an important part of the manned space
electrical contacts, material contami- power program.
nation, chemical and structural
stability, and mechanical strength, all The research and development
play a dominant role in determining the program in thermoelectricity should
ultimate utility of a given material. consist of two main parts: 1) studies
Segmented generators in which several of materials and transport mechanisms;
materials are placed physically in series 2) design and fabrication of thermo-
in a given n or p leg of a thermocouple electric structures to meet operational
junction have been built, and couple conditions using existing materials.
efficiencies of III obtained. While
segmentation has advantages from the Further advances in thermoelectric
viewpoint of best utilization of thermo- materials require detailed studies of
electric properties over a given tem- electronic transport mechanisms and
perature range, the problems of galvano-magnetic effects in semi-
electrical contacts, thermal expansion conductors and semimetals. The most
of dissimilar materials, etc. limit the useful thermoelectric materials are
practicality of segmentation. Con- all compound semiconductors and semi-
sequently the only thermoelectric metals used individually or as solid
generators that have advanced past the solutions of several systems. Binary,

ternary and quartanary systems have been reactor as the primary energy source,
found to be good thermoelectric materials. either for central station power gen-
The band structure of these materials is eration or for power generation in
known in only the meagerest form. The space, non-equilibrium ionization has
Hall mobility measured in Bi2Te3' the been proposed. This involves the use of
most studied thermoelectric material, a gas mixture (usually a noble gas with
does not correlate with the proposed alkali metal seed) in which the tempera-
energy band model. Lmprovements in ture of electrons can be maintained
figure of merit by a factor of two have well above the gas temperature with
been observed in the BiSb system at little expenditure of power. When this
liquid nitrogen temperatures, but is achieved, the electron density and
theoretical explanations are not yet electrical conductivity are increased
available. Long term detailed studies enough to make application to MHO power
of the electronic properties of thermo- generation attractive.
electric materials are necessary to lay
the foundation for further advances. For central station power generation
with fossil fuels, the major problems
An all inclusive list of material are still associated with the high tem-
systems to study is hard to establish, peratures necessary for acceptable
and it is not evident that all promising electrical conductivity and the attend-
materials should be investigated in ant materials problems ,that result. One
depth. Any fundamental study should approach has been to use oxygen enrich-
certainly include some of the best known ment to lower the preheat temperature
thermoelectric materials as PbTe, Bi2Te3' to that obtainable with readily-avail-
ZnSb, BiSb, GeTe, and GeSi, if increased able, economic, heat-exchanger materials.
insight into thermoelectric processes It has been shown that the addition of
are to be obtained. an oxygen plant increases the capital
cost slightly and reduces the plant
In the device area, continued work efficiency but not by a large enough
on junction fabrication, material de- factor to make this approach unreason-
gradation with time and temperature, able.
fabricating arrays of couples, physical
and thermal shock resistance of materials, The use of MHO power generation in
design of heat transfer structures, etc., space applications is limited to
are all necessary to develop operational relatively large power installations,
systems. These studies are best conduct- a megawatt and upwards. The MHO system
ed in the context of specific applica- that seems most feasible for space power
tions as is currently being done in the is a closed cycle whose working fluid
SNAP 7 and 10 programs. Devices studied is either a seeded noble gas or an
must be based on today's known thermo- alki metal, using a nuclear power heat
electric materials. The effect on source. The relatively high exhaust
devices of new materials which may come temperature (2500-3000 0 F) of MHO
from fundamental studies cannot be systems minimize the radiator size
realistically predicted, but the necessary to dispose of the waste heat
potential value of such materials in the in space. Studies have shown that be-
space program justifies significant cause of the r4 factor in the radiation
fundamental research on the electronic disposal of heat there is a gain in
and physical properties of thermoelectric overall output power per pound of
materials. system weight by using lower temperature
differentials between heat source and
3.4 MHO Power Generation sink. Considering the radiator weight
plus generator weight an ideal camot
Progress is being made toward the engine should operate at 3/4 of maximum
goal of making MHO power generation camot efficiency to minimize total
practical, but much remains to be done. system weight. This results from a
trade between increased generator size
Nuclear reactors cannot, at present, due to reduced camot efficiency and
operate at temperatures at which equili- reduced size of radiator. The radiant
brium electrical conductivity is disposal of heat desiring a high exhaust
sufficient for efficient MHO power gen- temperature matches the inherent
eration. In order to use a nuclear characteristics of the MHO power

generator very well since the minimum tem- The open cycles investigated have
perature is determined by the useful con- used working fluids of hydrazine,
ductivity of the gas. The MHO generator hydrogen-oxygen and hydrogen. The
is, therefore, well matched to one of the hydrogen-oxygen system can be used in a
major limitations of a space environment. number of cycles which include reheat
and regeneration and which are integrated
Superconducting magnet coils are with the cooling, requirements of the
essential for MHD power generation be- flight vehicles. Upper temperature
cause of the high fields obtainable lUnits of operation, due primarily to
and the low power input required. Work materials, are around 2000 o F, however,
is progressing both in the area of when the design of a conversion system
materials development and in the area is integrated with the vehicles cooling
of fabrication technology. At present requirements, a much lower temperature
it appears that fields of 10-30 kilo- may be desired as in the cryocycle which
gausses are obtainable with negligible use cryogenic super critical hydrogen
power requirements for large generators. heated by the waste heat from the space-
craft and then expanded through several
Present experimental work is cycles in a gas turbine system.
directed toward a better understanding
of the fluid mechanics of MHD generators In closed cycle systems for space
and toward reliable and long-lived application, the primary source of energy
channel construction. Characteristic is either solar or nuclear energy. The
results to date are the production of working cycles considered have been
1500 kilowatts of electric power in a Rankine or Stirling cycles, using work-
combustion-fired generator that operates ing fluids of Mercury, Rubidium, Cesium,
for roughly ten seconds, and the success- Potasium, Indium, Helium, Lithium, Bis-
ful testing of an MHO channel design for muth, etc. The mercury system is
140 hours at gas temperatures of 5000°F. applicable up to l600°F and the alkali
metals cover the temperature range of
The research in MHO of specific l500°F to 2600°F. The higher temperature
interest to space power is primarily in cycles are fundamentally limited by
the following areas: 1) high temperature materials. The Rankine (condensible
nuclear heat sources; 2) transport vapor) cycles with metal vapors present
processes under non-equilibrium condi- difficulties with condensing and boiling
tions; 3) superconducting magnet design in a zero gravity environment plus severe
including insulation; 4) MHO boundary erosion problems. The Brayton single
layer phenomena. The development of the phase gas cycle has been investigated as
MHO generator for space application an alternate to Rankine cycles for the
still contains many areas of basic space environment. Studies indicate that
research in addition to many engineering overall system weight including radiator
development programs. Its long term is larger in a gas cycle system because
usefulness in space justifies continued of the variable exhaust temperature. For
research on this system but the state the same maximum temperature a gas cycle
of the art today precludes operational has four times the size radiator as a Ran-
systems in the near future. kine cycle. Considering the higher operat-
ing temperatures possible with gas cycles
3.5 Pynamic Systems radiator sizes are approximately twice
those of Rankine cycles. The compressors,
The dynamic systems, which include turbines, and bearings in gas cycles are
a thermal mechanical engine and an more reliable. The gas cycle may prove
electromechanical generator, have a advantageous for nuclear MHO closed cycle
wealth of operational data on which to systems particularly with a helium work-
draw. The heat engines may be either ing fluid which simplifies the materials
open or closed cycle systems. The open problem at high temperatures.
systems use chemical fuels and are most
attractive for short missions where the In terms of non-space applications
working fluid may be used as a heat sink reliable open cycle systems are available
for cooling. As a rule of thumb 500 kw in a large range of ratings, and closed
hr is the transition between open and cycle regenerative Brayton systems of
closed cycle dynamic systems. megawatt capacity have been operated

reliably for over a decade. In the high porosity electrodes.
power range 300 kw to 1 row the joint
SNAP SO/spur program is laying the Other low temperature cell systems
ground work for operation in a space are under study. Some interesting results
environment. For high power space have been reported for hydrazine and
application the dynamic systems are methanol cells. Hydrocarbon cells con-
prime contenders as the feasible power tinue to be the subject of intensive
source. effort, but despite rumors of success,
no low temperature cell system working
The requirements for research in directly on hydrocarbons and showing
the dynamic systems are quite different reasonable performance has been announced.
than most of the direct conversion Work is also being done on low tempera-
systems. The scientific principles of ture reforming of hydrocarbons to a
the dynamic converters are well known. mixture of hydrogen and carbon oxides for
The problems areas include: 1) materials subsequent use in a low temperature fuel
for higher temperature operation; 2) cell system. A key problem here is the
properties of new working fluids; 3) development of a suitable reforming
development of cycles coupled with catalyst. Also under study are two types
environment control of the entire space- of high temperature cells for burning
craft; 4) development of bearing, seals; hydrocarbons, namely those using solid
etc. for use in a space environment; S) electrolytes and those using molten salts
test and reliability data proving as electrolytes. Calcium zirconate in
feasibility of long term maintenance free massive or film form shows promise as a
operation in a space environment. solid electrolyte, but temperatures in
excess of 1000°C are required in order
The research needs for dynamic to secure reasonable mobility of oxygen
systems other than in materials, are ions in the zirconate lattice. Molten
hardware development programs in which salt systems operate at lower tempera-
specific systems are constructed and tures, generally around SOO-700°C. The
tested until all the weak links are salts used are usually carbonates,
eliminated. A dynamic system is funda- through which oxygen travels as a carbon-
mentally an engine and must follow a ate ion. To simplify the corrosion and
development and test pattern analogous containment problems encountered with
to that of aircraft piston and jet engines. such molten salts, there is currently
In aircraft the engine development has much interest in electrolyte pastes made
always been separate from the airframe by incorporating a finely divided solid
development. The similarities between like magnesia into the melt.
engines and dynamic converters indicates
that the preferred approach is to develop To minimize the weight and volume in
standard dynamic systems which will be any fuel cell the electrode current
used in a wide range of space missions. densities at the desired operating voltage
To tie development programs on dynamic must be maximized and the plate spacing
systems to specific missions will make must be minimized. The electrode current
it both difficult and wasteful to densities are determined by transport
establish the long term test programs and ionization processes at the electrodes.
needed to develop reliable dynamic power The following steps occurring in series
systems. are generally involved: 1) Transport of
reagent to the electrode. If a gas, then
3.6 Fuel Cells transport through the gas phase, followed
by solution in the electrode and diffusion
The hydrogen-oxygen system is still to the electrode surface is involved. If
the most successful reagent combination a porous gas diffusion type electrode is
for low temperature fuel cell use. The used, then this transport is through the
Gemini spacecraft operates on a hydrogen- electrode pores. 2) Chemisorption on the
oxygen cell equipped with an organic electrode surface. 3) Occurrence of the
cationic ion exchange membrane as electro- electrochemical reaction on the electrode
lyte. Interest in different types of surface, involving electron transfer.
solid ion exchange systems as electrolytes 4) Travel of the ion product to or away
is high. The Apollo spacecraft operates from the electrode. S) Transport of
with a Bacon type hydrogen-oxygen cell, other reaction products away from the
using an aqueous electrolyte at relative- electrodes, countercurrent to the flow
ly high temperature and pressure and dual of reagents. Anyone of these steps can

limit the operation of an electrode. from supplying the total energy de~~d
For hydrocarbon fuels the electrochemical in solar powered system during periods
reaction at low temperatures is the rate- of no solar radiation to a wide range
limiting step. In the hydrogen-oxygen of special purpose and emergency power
cell, both the transport steps and the application. Batteries have such
electrochemical reaction rate determine diversity of use that on almost all
the performance of present cells. manned as well as unmanned space missions
batteries will find some range of
Continued improvement in fuel cells application.
requires fundamental studies of the
various transport processes in both solid In terms of research the battery is
and liquid electrolytes, and investiga- in the technological state of develop-
tion of electrochemical catalysis. ment where the limiting problems are
Extensive studies of this nature are those of design and fabrication to obtain
currently underway. very long life, under a variety of
conditions such as depth of discharge,
In the case of hydrogen-oxygen fuel number of discharge cycles, temperatures,
cells operational systems are under sealed construction, shock and vibration,
development. These programs will etc. The program needed to improve
establish valuable data on total fuel cell batteries is primarily that of hardware
system operation in a space environment. development and test. The needs for
While hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells are fundamental research is in detailed
becoming operational there are many steps investigation of mechanisms much as
in the process which are not well under- outlined for fuel cells. Such programs
stood. System development programs must should be carried on with the results
not be allowed to replace or eliminate from the rese~rch being_used for
research programs on specific processes future systems rather than radical modi-
in fuel cells. Continued basic research fication of existing systems. Battery
on all limiting transport and reaction research and development programs should,
processes are essential to further i~ therefore, follow the general pattern
provement in fuel cell systems. used for any highly developed operational
device or system.
3.7 Batteries
3.8 Bio-cells
The battery is the oldest of the
electric power sources. It has the The bio-cell under study today are
advantage of being an integrated energy is of two general types: 1) bio-chemical
storage and conversion device and as process yielding chemical by-products
such has very wide usefulness in space which serve as fuels and 2) direct bio-
power application. electric conversion. In both cases the
unique feature is that the electrode
Batteries are generally classified processes are promoted or catalyzed by
in two groups as 1) primary batteries, bio-chemical agents rather than by con-
2) secondary batteries. Primary batteries ventional chemical catalysts. These
involve irreversible electrochemical bio-chemical catalysts are fundamentally
reactions in which the reagents are the enzymes, which are introduced into a
consumed without replacement. Secondary cell either by living micro-organisms
batteries are designed to operate on or are added directly as crude extracts
reversible electrochemical reactions, so made from micro-organisms. The exact
that the system can be restored to the form of the enzymes used depends upon
charged state by reversing the direction the type of reactions to be opera~ed.
of current flow. Regenerative fuel cells, The primary fuels for bio-cel1s can be a
in which the products of the cell are wide variety of relatively inert materials
converted to the original fuel by thermal such a vegetable products, human waste
energy, also deserved mention here. and petroleum, while ultimate oxidants
will be oxygen. Photo synthesiS may also
For space power the application of be included in the bio-cell process in
primary batteries will be on relatively some instances.
short term missions or as reserve
emergency power. The use of secondary The power densities from bio-cells
batteries and regenerative fuel cells are low and the temperature range is
can cover a wide range of applications primarily that of life on the earth's

surface. The use of bio-cells as operational system there is always an
primary power sources seems doubtful, interplay between hardware development
but they offer potential on very long work and fundamental research. Just as
term manned space missions for combined in scientific research where experiment-
use as special power sources integrated al and theoretical studies supplement
with environmental control. and complement each other, and both must
go on simultaneously, so must there be
The state of the art in bio-cells some overlap between development work
is many years from operational systems. and fundamental research on energy con-
The research needed is fundamental version systems. The exact amount of
studies of bio-chemical and bio-electric overlap is determined by many factors
processes. The design and test of and a quantative answer to the optimum
actual systems today is premature and sequence is difficult to establish.
should be made secondary to all funda-
mental research which will give Some guide lines of the time
increased understanding of the mechanisms sequence between research and develop-
in bio-cell energy converters. ment and operational systems can be
deduced from the historical evolution
4.0 Research Planning of various energy conversion systems.
Table 6 presents a historical develop-
Research and development programs ment of four direct energy converters.
on energy conversion processes can be Several factors are apparent from the
subdivided into four major steps. Tables. 1) The fundamental concepts
necessary to establish that an energy
a. The understanding of fundamental conversion process exists is usually
processes very old dating back to the l800's. 2)
The establishment of practical feasibility
b. The development of materials to results from additional concepts about
implement item (a) details of internal mechanisms and often
c. The conception and fabrication these concepts come from research on
of systems to use items (a) and (b) other systems. 3) The time delay between
efficiently laboratory working devices and a know-
ledge of those factors establishing
d. The development and test of feasibility has shortened materially in
hardware to obtain performance the last decades. 4) Fully operational
characteristics, life, and systems lag a ndmber of years behind a
reliability data under both laboratory model with five to ten years
laboratory and actual operating being a representative time depending
conditions. upon the complexity of the equipment and
the reliability desired.
The progression from fundamental
research items (a) and (b) through Fully operational systems, have not
development and fabrication of opera- been developed for all the direct con-
tional systems, items (c) and (d), is version processes shown in Table 6. The
seldom a linear time sequence. In some most significant conclusions from those
cases an understanding of the science data for planning research on energy con-
of fundamental processes lags signi- version systems is: 1) the acceleration
ficantly the fabrication of a working that has occurred in developing labora-
device, while in others the knowledge tory models of energy converters once
of fundamental processes leads to basic processes are conceived, and 2)
extensive programs to develop a working the significant time lag that still exists
energy conversion system. Thermoelectric between laboratory models and operational
and biological conversion are examples system. The lapse of five to ten years
of devices preceeding a knowledge of between conception plus laboratory
fundamental processes while the MHD feasibility studies and a full scale,
generator and thermionic converter is tested operational system is apparently
an example of a knowledge of processes a real time lag even when extensive
preceeding the development of devices. programs to develop specific devices are
Regardless of the sequence of events supported. This natural time delay must
leading up to the development of an

not be forgotten in anticipating conversion systems. It can also be
research results or starting research conducted as fundamental studies of
programs that will be useable in future limitating processes occurring in exist-
operational systems. ing systems such as boundary layer
phenomena, emission characteristics of
5.0 Conclusions materials, temperature and physical
limitation of materials, thermodynamics
The operational requirements of of cycles, basic transport phenomena in
manned space flight place extreme demands liquids solids and gases, etc. The
upon energy conversion systems. These needed concepts may also come from
include long flight times, high opera- totally independent research not oriented
tional power requirements, large power toward energy conversion ~ystems such
and long operating times for emergency as biochemistry,intersteller plasma
systems, a wide diversity of environ- physics, etc. The necessary fundamental
mental conditions and a broad spectrum research need not be tied to hardware
of operational specifications ranging development or mission requirements. In
from a small communication system to a fact to do so will only increase its
spacecraft main propulsion system or a expense and delay its results.
large lunar based main power plant.
The choice of power supply is very
The diversity and complexity of the much determined by specific mission
operational and environmental conditions requirements and environmental conditions.
of manned space travel minimize the To carry out meaningful studies of a
probability of signifcantly shortening given mission or type of mission specific
the time between initial research results devices and systems must be used. The
and operational syst_ems. This points results of such studies can indicate
strongly to the conclusion that energy which of several systems, whose design
conversion systems for manned space parameters are known, would be most
travel during the next decade must come promising for a specific mission.
from conversion processes whose basic Mission oriented research, however, by
fundamentals are known today, and in its very preoccupation with specific
which working laboratory models exist. needs for operating systems is the worst
possible platform from which to plan
A second conclusion based on the fundamental research.
review of manned space flight require-
ments and the present status of energy It is equally dangerous to review
conversion systems is that the power the present status of energy conversion
requirements needed for manned space systems and "blue sky" which systems
exploration in the next two to three will be the most significant based on
decades cannot be met with existing operating characteristics which have yet
systems. It has been shown that a lead to be obtained in the laboratory. The
time of one to two decades exists be- research analysist who anticipates break
tween the initial conception of an energy throughs by surveying the state of the
conversion process, the fabrication of a art and tries to orient research accord-
laboratory prototype, and its ultimate ingly seldom makes a wise choice of
development into a tested fully reliable research programs. The problem areas in
operational system. Such being the case known energy conversion processes can be
it is imperative to actively support pinpointed and sound research programs
fundamental research in energy conversion planned. The danger in research planning
processes to supply concepts for the is to predict needed "break throughs"
decades ahead. and try to force their occurrance by
large expenditures on crash programs.
If the fundamental research is This particular disease, which today
neglected, future decades will see re- inflicts many research programs, seems
search and development of specific to have been caught from hardware
processes conducted simultaneously, with development programs where such an
a resultant loss in efficiency, increase approach has some justification. The
in cost, and high probability of not result is short term research which
having at any cost the energy conversion changes every three to five years with
systems needed for manned space flight each change in mission requirement. The
from 1980-onward. The necessary funda- crash type, mission oriented, combined
mental research may be conducted by fundamental research, and hardware
studies to increase the knowledge of development program is an enormous sink
processes involved in specific energy of talent and dollars with significant

results seldom forthcoming. Energy ing known processes into hardware is
conversion research by its very nature the program needed to meet both the
is an applied science, as is all device ten year and thirty year goals of
research, and is particularly vulnerable energy conversion systems in manned
to this mixing of research and hardware space flight.
Fundamental research programs can-
not replace the hardware development
programs needed to supply operational 1. Wyatt, De Marquis D., "The Current
systems in the next decade. Without Missions of NASA", Proc. of NASA -
extensive and expensive development University Conference on the Science
programs, reliable tested operational and Technology of Space Exploration
systems will not be available for Vol. 1, Nov., 1962, pp 3-13.
tomorrows manned spacecraft. Such
hardware programs, however, must be 2. Hyatt, Abraham, "Planning for the
based on known operating processes and Future Goals of NASA", Proc. of NASA
not on extrapolated results of unproven University Conference on the Science
processes. and Technology of Space Exploration
Vol. 1, Nov., 1-3, 1962, pp 15-24.
The funding of energy conversion
programs has historically evolved from 3. Finger, Harold B. and Schulman, Fred,
hardware needs. Two major factors "Power Requirements of the NASA Space
indicate that a change in philosophy Program" - "Space Power Sys tems", Ed
is necessary. One is that energy con- Snyder, Nathan, W., Progress in
version has extended its scope into Astronautics and Rocketry - Vol. 4,
processes whose basic mechanisms are Academic Press 1961, pp 615-632.
not fully understood. The other is
that long term projected applications 4. Schanz, J.L. and Bullock, E. K.,
for manned space flight require energy "Gemini Fuel Power Source - First
conversion systems not obtainable by Spacecraft Applications" ARS Space
extrapolation of existing systems. The Power Systems Conference, Sept., 25-
solution is a recognization of energy 28, 1962, paper no. 2561-62.
conversion as a science whose research
results are needed today as a con- 5. Sanders, Newell D., et a1. "Power
tribution to knowledge, without for Spacecraft" Proceedings of the
reference to any specific mission. The NASA - University Conference on the
accumulated results of this research Science and Technology of Space
when assimilated and understood will be Exploration, Vol. 2, Nov., 1-3, 1962,
the foundation on which future energy pp 125-150.
conversion systems can be based. Then
and only then can sound hardware 6. Rykar, Norman J. Jr., "Manned Space
development programs with specific Flight", ARS Lunar Missions Meeting
mission goals be planned and the very July 17-19, 1962, paper no. 2465-62.
real problems of operational character-
istics, life and reliability be faced 7. Schutte, H.A., Tarter, J.H., Roble,
and solved. R.C., "Comparative Analysis of Fuel
Cell, Solar Cell, and Cryogenic
Long term fundamental research Chemical Dynamic Space Power Systems
programs on basic mechanisms and for Intermediate Duration Missions
processes as yet not understood and ARS Space Power Systems Conference
hardware development programs convert- Sept., 25-28, 1962, paper no. 2524-62.


.,,'" '-. MAX. AVERAGE



10' ~- TIROS I

looL 1 1 1 1
1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974


Fig.l Anticipated Nonpropulsive and Propulsive

Space - Power Requirements



1958- 1 1962-68 2 1962- 3


Scientific Satellites -Ranger -Mariner

-Small Special Purposes -Surveyor Voyager
-Orbiting Observatories Search for Extra-
UNMANNED Terrestial Life
Application Satellites Out of Ecliptic
-Communication Intermediate Space Gravitational Experiment
-Meteorology Probes Outer Planets and Their
-Navigation Satellites
Engineering Research Leave Solar System
1962-68 4 Before 1970 5 After 1975 6
MANNED Ballistic Reentry
DEVELOP- -Mercury -Apollo Mars Landing
MENTAL -Gemini Lunar Logistic System Venus Reconnaissance
(- AUTHORIZED Search for Life on
Maneuvering Reentry
f PROGRAMS) Interim Orbital Labs_ UNMANNED Planets

After 1968 7 After 1970 8 After 1980 9


Manned Orbiting Labs_ Mars Station

MANNED Operational Ferry Vehicle Scientific Observations Advanced Manned
OPERATIONAL Recoverable Boosters Lunar Explorations Expeditions
Engineering Experiment Jupiter Satellites
And Development Mercury and Others



Earth orbit 1 day 30 minutes
Space laboratory 6 to 12 months 30 minutes
Circumlunar 5 days 3\ days
Lunar landing 6\ to 14 days 3\ days
Venus-Mars fly-by 1 year 1 year or less

(*) Time to survival is defined as time required to return

to surface of earth without regard to geographic location
of earth landing point.



power demand high vacuums
primary power for propulsion, irradiation from high energy particles
auxiliary power in main space- meteoroids, micrometeoroids, and cosmic waste
craft, power for special missions radiant disposal of waste heat
either portable or installed at temperature ranges
fixed locations lunar or planetary surface conditions
solar energy density and its periods of


minimum time and power for by-products of value to sustain life
emergency conditions and survival cyrogenic system as heat sink or
short term exploration from main environmental control
long term reliability of fixed
installation or main spacecraft
availability or absence of equipment
maintenance or repair
absolute reliability of power
source for human survival

10 2 to 105 watts for 8
105 to 10 watts for communication,
communications, control and control, propulsion and environment
environment 2 mission times from 10 to 10 3 days --
mission times from 1 to 10 days no refueling
no refueling
6 6 10
10 3 to 10 ,vatts for communication, 10 to 10 + watts for central power
control, experimental laboratories station at fixed installation
and environment 2 4 mission times from 10 3 to 10 4 + days
mission times from 10 to 10 + days -- refueling possible
-- refueling possible
1 to 10 ~atts for communication 10 to 105 i'Jatts for communication,
10 to 10 watts for special propulsion, and experimental apparatus
experimental apparatus mission times 0.1 to 10 + days --
mission times 0.1 to 10 days -- refueling or recharging possible
refueling or recharging normal

high total energy demand high total energy demand
low pO\ver, long operating life low to medium power, long operating life
high power, short to long operating maximum pOHer set by collector area
life strongly dependent upon space environment
relatively independent of space radiation damage
environment cyclic availability of solar radiation
low to medium total energy demand lmv to medium energy demand
low power, long duration, high very lmv power
power, short duration or possibly dependent upon space environment
refuelable solar energy needed for photo synthesis
relatively indepependent of space processes
environment human \vaste one possible fuel supply
dependent upon rechargeable system by-products useful to human cargo
or availability of transportable
by-products such as water useful to
human cargo

Fundamental Additional New Laboratory Operational
Concepts Concepts Needed Models Systems
For Application

1834 1910-1930 1904 1958

Faraday General Studies J.C. Bose Vangard
negative co- of semiconductors Cats Whisker Earth
efficient of 1927 r.f. rectifier Satellite
resistance in L.O. Grondahl using galena and
silver sulphide P.H. Geiger silicon
1839 Copper Oxide 1930
Becqueral Rectifiers W. Shottky
photovoltaic 1940-l95~ Cuprous Oxide
effect in electro-Extensive work photoelectric
lytes on crystal pre- cells
1873 paration of 1948
W. Smith silicon and W. Shockley
photo conduction germanium, Bell J. Bardean
in selenium Telephone, Labs, W.H. Brattin
1874 and Purdue Transistor
F. Brown University 1954
Rectification in 1955-1963 D.M. Chapin
lead sulphide and Extensive work on C.S. Fuller
iron pyrite III-V compounds G.L. Pearson
1879 p-n junction
E.H. Hall solar cell
Hall Effect
Quantum Mechanical
Treatment of
Electrical Con-
duction in Metals
A.H. Wilson
Quantum Theory of
Electron Motion
in Semiconductors

Fundamental Additional New Laboratory Operational
Concepts Concepts Needed Models Systems
for Application

1805 1880 1930 1930

Davy's low temp. Gas diffusion Railway signal Railway Signal
cell, using type electrode battery batteries
solid C as fuel 1900 (air breathing 1964
°2 , and Pt Rasch, solid
electrolyte with
cathode, re-
placeable zinc
Gemini Fuel
electrodes in
nitric acid gaseous reagents anode 1966
1839 1930 1952 Apollo Fuel
Croves first Union carbide Bacon H2-O.z fuel Cell
H2-0 2 cell using porous carbon cell
Pt electrodes in electrodes 1954
sulfuric acid 1937 Grubb, ion ex-
Bauer & Preis change fuel cell
solid zirconium 1957
yttrinum mem- Calcium zirconate
branes membrane cell
Davtyan, impreg-
nated porous
ceramic di,scs
Grubb, ion ex-
change membranes

Fundamental Additional New Laboratory Operational
Concepts Concepts Needed Models Systems
For Application

1884 1950 1958 No operational

T.A. Edison "L" Cathodes Hernquist-et a1 systems yet
Thermionic or dispensor space change
Emission cathodes neutralization
1901 1951 with cesium
o.w. Richardson Champeix 1958
Richardson- qua1itive dis- V.C. Wilson
Dushman Equation cussion of con- Cs plasma diode
1915 verter - ruled 1958
S.W. Schlicter impractical G.N. Hatsopou1os
Statement of 1956 J. Kaye
basic concept Hatsopou1os vacuum diode
of thermionic vacuum diodes 1958
converter and crossed Grover. Pidd eta1
1923 E and H field fissionable
I. Langmuir triode emitters
Diode space 1957 1959-1963
charge Moss- analys is' Extensive research
1933 of planar diode on emitters.
J.B. Taylor cesium plasma and
I. Langmuir materials of
Emission from construction -
W in presence life test on
of Cs prototypes

Fundamental Additional New Laboratory Operational
Concepts Concepts Needed Models Systems
For Application

1822 1949 1947 1958

Seebeck Effect A.F. Ioffe M. Telkes SNAP III
1834 Theory of SnSb-Pbs Thermoelectric
Peltier Effect semiconductor generator generator
1857 thermoelements 1953 1966
W. Thompson 1954 A.F. Ioffe SNAP lOA
Theory of H.J. Goldsmith Russian prototype Thermoelectric
Thermoelectricity Bi2Te3 thermoelectric generator
1948 1955 refrigerator
H.B. Callen R.W. Fritts 1956
Onsager's PbTe :J..olF.. -Io£fe
reciprocal 1956 Russian Kerosene
relations for A.F. Ioffe, et al Thermoelectric
Thermoelectricity Thermal scatter- lamp
1953 ing by neutral 1957-1963
Herring-Thermo- defects studies Extensive develop-
electric power of of ternary solid ment on materials
semiconductors solutions and devices
1956 ranging from
J.R. Drabble 1 to 5000 watts
R. Wolfe 1962
Band structure of GeSi alloy
Bi 2Te



J. L. Mason
Chief Enginee ,
AiResearch Manufactu ing Company,
Los Angeles, Cal fornia

0"3 00 \ Staff Engineer,
01- I '::7 AiResearch MilPllf;"tttrillg CeWll'eA'h
""""'-1 Los Angeles .... raJ ifornia

Introduction and composition. In addition, the system must pro-

vide the means for removing the wastes produced by
Life-support systems designed for long dura- man.
tions will be required for such future manned
missions as the space station, the lunar base, and Assuming an average metabolic rate of the
the expeditions to Mars and Venus. In order to order of 500 Btu/hr, the following figures are
real ize the full scientific potentialities for these obtained for material inputs and waste production:
missions, the 1 ife-support systems should be
designed for essentially indefinite operation, with Material Waste
a minimum consumption of stored or resuppl ied
expendables, to reserve vehicle payload capabil ity
Inputs ,Production
for scientifically meaningful equipment. Of course, O2 1.9 lb/man-day CO 2.25 lb/man-day
there are state-of-art limitations imposed on system
HO 4.5 to 10.0 HO 2.2 to 7.7
design for a particular mission. 2 2 lb/man-day
Spacecraft life support encompasses the func- Food = 1.8 1b/man-day Urine 3.35 lb/man-day
tions of thermal and atmospheric control, water 0.4 lb/man-day
management, waste management, food supply, and per-
sonal hygiene. Because these functions are funda-
The production of water vapor (perspiration
mentally interrelated by energy and material
and respiration) will vary, dependlng-on-the method
balances that may override other considerations for
of cool ing the man. The lower value of the H20
long-duration missions, functional comparisons on a
listed under waste production, above, is applicable
system basis are necessary. The relationships
to a shirtsleeve environment in which the latent
between the life-support system and other vehicle
heat load is maintained at the minimum level by a
systems such as the power system are extremely
important in arriving at an integrated optimum suitable mean radiative sink temperature
environment I. The higher value applies to a man
vehicle system.
in a ventilated, thermally insulated pressure suit.
Of these two, a shirtsleeve environment will be
For missions beyond the two-week class now
desired from the standpoint of comfort.
under development there will be a strong tendency
toward further conservation of expendables. This
Table I shows the recommended atmospheric
development is, necessarily, at the expense of
design conditions for a shirtsleeve environment.
power consumption substantially higher than the
power requirements for current life-support systems.
In advanced life-support systems for long-
duration missions, emphasis will be placed on the RECOMMENDED NOMINAL ATMOSPHERIC DESIGN VARIABLES
processing of waste products to conserve essential
materials such as oxygen and water. Closure of the Missions Beyond
Missions Up
oxygen and water loops will be essential to avoid Parameter
to 3:-4 Weeks 3-4 Weeks
excessive penalties. Complete closure of the mate-
rial loop by food production appears to be in the 10
distant future because of the complexity of man's Total atmospheric 5
dietary requirements. pressure, psia

This paper discusses recent progress and

present status, and presents many of the development
Temperature, of 75 75 1
problems that must be solved to achieve a completely Partial pressure,
integrated and rei iable life-support system for mm Hg
long-duration missions. Nitrogen 0 340
Material Balances Oxygen 240 170
Carbon dioxide ~7 ~5
A life-support system for long-duration mis-
sions must provide the various materials consumed Water vapor 10 10
by the crew, including a gaseous environment that
is controlled with respect to temperature, pressure, Food consumption will vary from 1.3 to
5.0 lb/man-day, depending upon _diet, for caloric


Intake of 30Qo kcal/day. The lower value ~pplies
to a dry fooa diet; the higher value is applicable
water balance will be an Important factor In the
design of any closed-cycle system.
to a normal~food diet. The required water consump-
tion will depend upon the amount of water contained Comparison of human production and consumption
in the food. A diet corresponding to a food Intake of the molecular species water (see Table II) shows
of I.S lb/man~day will be assumed compatible with that for any cool lng-ventilating method (shirt-
the nutritional and palatability requirements for sleeve or pressure suit) the excess of water pro-
long-duration missions. The amount of water avail- duction over water consumption Is about 1.2 lbfman-
able from the food will determine the efficiency day. This quantity is referred to as metabolic
requ i red of some of the recove"ry processes, In water. Roughly two-thirds of the metabolic water
closed-cycle systems 2 • (0.9 lb/man-day) comes from partially oxidized
foods such as carbohydrates. The remaining one-
The above material balance figures are a rough third (0.3 lb/man-day) comes from oxidation of
estimate of the incentive for loop closure to con- 0.035 lb/man-day of hydrogen In food by part of
serve expendables" Associated'weight and power 16
penalties, and basic considerations of feasibility man's oxygen supply. This represents 0.3 x 18
and rei iability, will strongly influence specific 0.27 lb/man-day of the man's oxygen consumption.
decis ions regarding loop closure. Limiting consideration to stored food supply, the
0.9 lb/man-day of food-derived water can be
Breathing Gas regarded as a tolerable margin of error In the
closure of the water and oxygen loops. This repre-
With an open-cycle breathing gas system, sents essentially an allowance for physical leak-
carbon dioxide is removed by a washout process ages from the spacecraft and functional leakages In
using a sufficient throughflow of breathing gas to the various recovery systems due to process
maintain the carbon dioxide partial pressure within Inefficiencies. Considering the nature of the
the desired limits. Assuming mixing of the products contemplated recovery processes, this Is not a
of respiration with the breathing gas, the required large margin, but it should be sufficient, if the
open-cycle breathing gas flow is given by cabin leakage rates can be kept low. Incidentally,
water will almost surely be an intermediate product
en: - pc) mg in processes for recovery of oxygen from carbon
wg W
dioxide; therefore, a surplus of water can be con-
Pc mc verted into a surplus of oxygen by electrolysis.

where w CO 2 production rate, I b/hr It should be emphasized that the amount of

c metabolic water depends upon the diet and this will
Pc CO 2 partial pressure, psi determine the requirements for the processes used
in water reclamation and oxygen recovery. For
n: total pressure, psia example, using a completely dehydrated food diet
(representing a food intake of 1.32 lb/man-day),
m molecular weight of CO the water derived from the food drops to 0.74
c 2 lb/man-day. Obviously, with a reduction in meta-
m molecular weight of breathing gas bolic water, the material conservation requirements
g for the I ife-support system become more stringent.
Therefore, depending upon total pressure and
breathing gas composition, the required throughflow TABLE II
will vary from 6.1 lb/man-hr with air at 14.7 psia FOOD-WATER MATERIAL BALANCE
to 1.6 lb/man-hr with pure oxygen at 3.5 psia, for
a carbon dioxide partial pressure of 7.6 mm Hg. By
recirculation and carbon dioxide removal from the
Oxygen consumption = 1.90 lb/man-day
breathing gas, the material requirements are Carbon dioxide generation = 2.25 lb/man-day
reduced from the 37 to 146 ib/man-day range to
4 lb/man-day (allowing for a leakage rate of Urine production = 3.35 lb/man-day
2 I b/man-day). Because of the i r low fixed we i ght Fecal output = 0.40 lb/man-day
and power requirements, open-cycle breathing gas
systems will be optimum for short durations (up to Food consumption = I.SO lb/man-day
12 hou rs). Water generated by oxidation of food
(1.90 - 2.25 ~!:g ) :~:g = 0.31 lb/man-day

In vehicles using fuel cells for power, the Fecal water (assume 75~) 0.30 lb/man-day
potable water produced as a byproduct of power Urine water (assume 95~) 3.20 lb/man-day
generation may be in excess of requirements. In
Total solids In wastes = (0.40 - 0.30)
such vehicles, close water management will not be + (3.35 - 3.20) = 0.25 lb/man-day
required, and an open-cycle water system will be
optimum. For long-duration missions, where solar,
nuclear, or isotope power systems will be used, Carbon in f 00 d converte d "Into CO 2 = 2 •25 44.0
water reclamation will be required. The condensate = 0.615 lb/man-day
obtained from the heat exchanger in the atmosphere 2.02
control system will be relatively pure and will Hydrogen converted into H20 = O•31 IS.O
require little treatment, probably only filtration
over activated charcoal and ultraviolet irradiation, = 0.035 lb/man-day
to be suitable for drinking purposes. Urine Is H 0 derived from food (metabo~ic H20) = 1.80 - 0.615
95 percent water and requires more extensive pro- 2
cessing, such as distillation, to be usable. The -0.035 - 0.25 + 0.31 = 1.22 lb/man-day

If the feces Is not processed for water recov- be used to advantage. Most oxygen recovery systems
ery and 95 percent of the water In the urine Is utilize the electrolysis of water for production of
recovered, 0.46 Ib/man-day of water wIll be lost, oxygen. The hydrogen that is produced simultane-
reducing the water available to the oxygen recovery ously with the oxygen is used to reduce the carbon
system, as shown In Table III. dioxide which Is separated from the recirculated
breathing gas. A variety of reactions can be used
TABLE III In the intermediate steps. It is convenient to
WATER AVAILABLE TO OXYGEN RECOVERY SYSTEM classify these systems according to the carbon-
95 PERCENT RECLAKATION OF URINE, contaInIng end product. For example, using the
NO FECAL WATER RECLAMATION Sabatler reaction, with an end product of methane,
a hydrogen deficit of 0.172 lb/man-day results if
Metabolic Available Available O all the carbon dioxide Is reduced stoichiometrically.
Food 2 This hydrogen deficit can be related to the water
Consumption, Water, Water, In H20,
Ib/man-day Ib/man-day balance, if the hydrogen is produced by electroly-
Ib/man-day Ib/man-day sis of water. To produce 1.90 Ib/man-day of oxygen,
0.25 it will be necessary to electrolyze 2.14 Ib/man-day
1.32 0.74 0.28 of water. The 0.24 Ib/man-day of hydrogen produced
1.80 1.22 0.76 0.67 as a byproduct of oxygen generation wIll provide
3.52 the water balances (see Table IV) for the specified
5.00 4.42 3.96 end products.

Since the oxygen available in the carbon dioxide TABLE IV

produced by the man amounts to 1.64 Ib/man-day, It
is impossible to close the oxygen cycle using the
dry food diet, unless the fecal water Is recovered.
On the other hand, with a normal food diet (which Avai lable
H 0 by CO
End Product 2 2 Metabolic Water
is probably Impractical for a long-term mission), Water Balance
there is no need to process the carbon dioxide for Reduction
oxygen recovery; ample oxygen Is available in the Ib/man-day Ib/man-day Ib/man-day
surplus water. With the assumed diet of 1.80
lb/man-day, the oxygen recovery system Is required 1.84 0.76 +0.46
to recover 75 percent of the oxygen contained in 1.07 0.76 -0.31
the carbon dioxide for makeup of metabolic con-
sumption. If the oxygen recovery system is addi- 1.38 0.76 o
tIonally required to provide for makeup of cabin
leakage, higher oxygen recovery efficIencIes will
be necessary2.
Material Loop Closure

Based upon the material balance considerations,

Carbon DioxIde Table V shows the priorities assigned to various
processes for long-duration mIssions.
Absorption of carbon dioxide on lithium hydrox-
Ide requires 2.6 Ib/man-day In expendable absorbent. TABLE V
Lithium hydroxide will be optimum for mission dura-
tions up to about 14 days3. Regenerable carbon RELATIVE PRIORITY FOR MATERIAL LOOP CLOSURE
dioxide removal systems of various types .can be FOR LONG-DURATION MISSIONS
used for long durations.
Max i mum Mater I a I
Atmospheric Fluid Storage Funct ion Process Saving IncentIve
High-pressure gaseous storage will be used for
oxygen supply In vehicles designed for short- Recycle breathing Remove CO 33-142
gas 2
duration missions. If the utilization rate is
above the minimum set by boiloff, cryogenic storage Reclaim water Reuse condensate 2.2-7.7
methods will offer significant weight advantages
when the amount of fluid stored is In excess of a Reclaim water Process urine 3.2
few pounds. On vehicles using oxygen recovery, CO removal Regenerable 2.6
atmospheric fluid storage will be required for 2
makeup of leakage and for repressurization. 02 recovery CH4 end-product 1.6
H2 recovery C end-product 0.3
A space laboratory could logically require
fairly large quantities of stored atmosphere, to ReclaIm water Process feces q.3
meet emergency situations, but have a low normal It should be emphasized that the material
demand rate. This combination of requirements
could be met with either high pressure gas storage deficits which may appear to be small on a percent-
(which will b~ relatively heavy) or cryogenic age or a Ib/man-day basis can represent substantial
systems with refrigeration (which will be relatively weights for a multl-man, long-duration mission.
high in power consumption). The choice will depend That Is, because of the cost of transportation for
on weight-power tradeoffs and continued progress in space cargo, It will be desired to use an efficIent
(In terms of materIals conservation) life-support
the development of storage techniques involved. system; the payload capacity available can then be
Oxygen Recove ry reserved for equipment or supplies which increase
mission capability. This will probably be desired
whether or not resupply Is possible.
For mission durations where solar or nuclear
power systems will be optimum, oxygen recovery can

Power Penalties accomplished by heating the bed, by purging the bed
with gas, or by a combination of the two methods.
The weight penalties for power consumption
exert a highly significant influence on life-support Purge-gas desorption by Itself, using hydrogen,
system design. This Is particularly true for short- has been shown to be impractical as a means of
duration missions where relatively open-cycle sys- removing carbon dioxide from molecular sieves
tems will be optimum because of their low fixed because of the high gas flow requlred ll • The pur-
weight and low power consumption. As mission dura- pose of using hydrogen as the purge gas is for the
tions increase, the weight of expendables mount, ultimate integration Into an oxygen recovery system.
necessitating closing the cycles. For long-duration
missions, power consumption will still be important, Satisfactory desorption by combined heating
even where power is available at reasonably low and purging has been demonstrated with hydrogen
penalties, because of the weight penalties associ- flows corresponding to stoichiometric reaction of
ated with rejection of waste heat. High thermal the hydrogen and carbon dioxide to form methane.
efficiency will, therefore, be desired when compati- However, the energy requirements and bad tempera-
ble with the requirements for high material recovery ture levels are comparable to those required for
efficiency. thermal desorption by Itself. Since control Is
more difficult and the hydrogen purge gas must be
Priority must also be given in life-support extremely dry to avoid poisoning the molecular
system design and process selection for use of low- sieve, It appears that purge gas desorption for
cost energy where it will suffice. Low-cost energy, carbon dioxide removal from molecular sieve beds
in this case, Is the energy available at small offers no advantage over thermal desorption.
vehicle-weight penalty. Waste heat (from the elec-
tronic equipment, for example) Is usually the Figure I shows typical thermal desorption per-
cheapest form of energy, although Its temperature formance for a molecular sieve canister at 14.7
level may not be adequately high for many processes. psia. Thermal desorption was accompl ished by an
Thermal energy provided by a solar absorber and integral electrical heating element located inter-
transmitted by a liquid heat transfer fluid loop nally In the bed. During the 26-minute preheat
may be obtainable at lower penalties than electri- period with a 600-watt power Input, relatively
cal power. However, for such purposes as the I ittle carbon dioxide Is evolved until the bed
electrolysis of water and operation of fluid cir- reaches a temperature of approximately 400°F. At
culating devIces, electrical power will be required. the point where carbon dioxide Is evolved at the
required rate, the automatic control reduces power
Electrical power may be available at more than input to approximately 240 watts to maintain an
one penalty, depending upon conversion (voltage essentially constant flow of carbon dioxide. Near
from d-c to a-c), regulation, and energy storage. the end of the desorption cycle, the power input to
Much of the electrical power required by an advanced the bed Increases to 300 watts to complete desorp-
life-support system can be in the form of unregu- tion. Residual carbon dioxide content is less than
lated d-c, which is obtained with some types of 1.0 percent at the end of desorption. The saw-
power systems at significantly lower penalties than tooth shape of the carbon dioxide production curve
closely regulated a-c. In vehicles with large free results from the off-on type of power control.
cabin volumes, much of the power-consuming process More uniform delivery could be achieved by a pro-
equipment can be operated on a cyclic basis to take portional control with a lead or anticipatory
advantage of power load schedules or periodic Inter- circuit. However, as will be discussed, high con-
vals of power abundance. An example of this would version efficiencies have been obtained with the
be an earth orbital space station (using a solar simple type of control.
power system) In which the oxygen recovery system,
which consumes most of the power, is operated only Figure 2 is a schematic diagram of a regener-
during the sunl ight phase to avoid the weight pen- able carbon dioxide removal system In which the
alties associated with energy storage for dark-side molecular sieve Is thermally desorbed. In this
operation. system, the process gas Is first dehumidified
before passing to the molecular sieve bed, where
Carbon Dioxide Removal the carbon dioxide Is removed. After leaving the
carbon dioxide adsorber, the process gas flows
One of the major problem areas in design of through the desiccant bed that is being regenerated.
oxygen recovery systems has involved integration of The carbon dioxide adsorbent bed is regenerated by
the regenerable carbon dioxide removal system with heating. The heat remaining In this bed at the end
the carbon dioxide processing system. Regenerable of the desorption cycle Is used for desorption of
carbon dioxide removal systems based upon use of water from the desiccant bed. Part of the power
the synthetic zeolite molecular sieve adsorbents expended in the carbon dioxide desoprtlon process
have been extensively studled 3 - 9 • In all of these is used twice.
systems, the adsorbent Is regenerated by vacuum
desorption (with vacuums of the order of 100 microns The thermal energy required for thermal de-
and less) under adiabatic conditions. This approach sorption of a molecular sieve at 14.7 psla is
appears to be satisfactory If the carbon dioxide is ideally around 1000 watt-hours/lb of carbon dioxide
dumped overboard and the space vacuum can be used at a temperature leva In the 400 to 500°F range.
for the desorption process. Where the carbon The performance shown In Figure I indicates a
dioxide is to be processed for oxygen recovery, the thermal energy requirement of approximately 2000
removal system must supply the carbon dioxide at a watt-hours/lb of carbon dioxide. By use of more
relatively high pressure level, preferably without efficient thermal insulation to reduce heat leak,
use of vacuum pumps that would have prohibitive it has been possible to reduce the energy input for
weight and power requirements lO • Adsorbent regen- desorption to the neighborhood of 1200 to 1400
eration to provide the carbon dioxide at the pres- watt-hours/lb of carbon dioxide. If desorption Is
sure levels required for processing can be to a lower pressure than 14.7 psia or If It is

aided by a vacuum pump, the thermal energy require- methane. Since the catalytic reactor under the
ment can be reduced to around 700 watt-hours/lb of operating conditions obtained In system provides
carbon dioxide. essentially complete conversion, the slight loss in
system efficiency is attributed to the Inefficiencies
Since thermal energy is required for the of the control system In maintaining a stoichiometric
desorption process, the electrical energe require- ratio at the reactor Inlet. All oxygen recovery
ments can be reduced by use of waste heat. Waste systems, if they are to be efficient, will demand
heat will be obtainable at the proper temperature precise proportioning of reactants at the extremely
level from either the power system or the oxygen low flow rates of the order of a few tenths of a
recovery system (in particular, the hydrogenation Ib per hr. System controls, Including sensors in
of carbon dioxide reaction). Optimization of the particular, may represent a significant problem
carbon dioxide removal system will Involve system area for long-duration operation, although recent
integration and detailed consideration of many tests have been highly encouraging In this area.
factors, Including the availability of waste heat Figure 5 shows typical performance of an integrated
from power, thermal control, and oxygen recovery system for one desorption cycle.
systems; power consumption penalties; and the heat
dissipation penalties. As indicated In Table IV, a water deficit of
0.31 Ib/man-day results where methane Is the end
Oxygen Recovery by Hethanatlon of Carbon Dioxide product of the oxygen recovery process (assumed
diet = 1.80 Ib/man-day, 95 percent urine water
Hethanatlon of carbon dioxide (the Sabatler recovery, no fecal water recovery). If all of the
reaction) Involves its reaction with hydrogen to waste water Is recovered, a surplus of 0.15 Ib/man-
yield methane and water: day Is obtained. It may be possible to obtain
essentially 100 percent water recovery. If this
water reclamation Is accomplished and if the assumed
diet Is representative, an oxygen recovery system
The reaction Is exothermic (1600 Btu/lb carbon with methane as the end product may be optimum.
dioxide reacted) and Is self-sustaining with high However, If, as now seems I ikely, a somewhat drier
conversion efficiencies (about 95 percent) at moder- diet Is used, It will be necessary to process the
ate temperature levels (less than 500°F). Because methane to recover some of the hydrogen for reuse.
of these advantages, use of the Sabatler reaction Two processes for hydrogen recovery will be con-
has been intensively studied for systems where it sidered: methane pyrolysis and methane oxidation
is the end reaction and where It Is an Intermediate with carbon dioxide.
reaction. Extensive experimental studies In this
area have been recently conducted l2 ,13,14 Methane Pyrolysis

The most direct way of recovering the hydrogen

A typical system using the methanatlon process from the methane produced by the Sabatler reaction
Is shown schematically in Figure 3. Carbon dioxide involves pyrolysis of methane to carbon and
is mixed with electrolytically-generated hydrogen hydrogen:
and reacted in a reactor using a nickel catalyst.
The water produced by the reaction Is condensed in
a heat exchanger and the methane is either dumped
overboard or is processed for hydrogen recovery.
Figure 4 shows typical catalyst performance. ThIs reaction is endothermic, requiring 2340 Btu/lb
of methane (at IOOOOF),with equilibrium conversion
Considerable variation in catalyst activity favored by high temperatures and low pressures, as
has been observed between different batches of pre- shown In Figure 6. By use of metallic catalysts
sumably identical formulations. However, with such as palladium, cobalt, or nickel, reasonable
suitable preconditioning and design allowances in decomposition rates can be obtained at temperatures
system operating parameters (bed temperatures), be low 700°F.
this should not be a dlfficul~ problem.
Low temperature operation of the pyrolysis
Tab Ie VI shows typ Ica I performance that has reactor is desired to minimize side reactions, to
been obtained with an Integrated carbon dioxide promote nucleation and precipitation of carbon, to
removal and methanation system. improve reliability, and to reduce power consump-
tion. However, low equilibrium conversions will be
TABLE VI obtained, necessitating recycling for low-temperature
AND HETHANATION SYSTEM Figure 7 Is a schematic diagram of an oxygen
recovery system using carbon dioxide methanation
followed by methane pyrolysis. The methane pyroly-
Adsorption-desorption cycle time 85 min sis Is accomplished In a recycling loop that uses
Molecular sieve effective 4.4 wt percent a pafladlum diffusion cell for separation of the
CO loading methane and hydrogen.
Average thermal energy Input 4900 Btul I b CO The alternative arrangement for a methane
Hethanation catalyst weight 2.5 Jb-hr/lb CO pyrolysis system Involves operation at elevated
2 temperatures (or low pressures) where high conver-
Overall system O recovery 97 percent sion efficiencies are obtained.
efficiency 2
Buildup of carbon on the catalyst will eventu-
The system efficiency refers to the percentage of ally clog the catalyst surfaces, reduce its effect-
the carbon dioxide adsorbed that Is converted to Iveness, and Increase the pressure drop through the
bed. Therefore, the catalyst must be periodically Because of the relatively low conversion efficIency
replaced or cleaned. requIred for the methane reaction with carbon
dioxide, the recycle may not be required for the
In order to elIminate the water defIcit assumed diet of 1.80 Ib/man-day.
incurred by the methanatlon reaction, It wIll be
necessary to achieve the conversion efficiencies Oxygen Recovery by Carbon Dioxide Reduction
given in Table VII.
The reverse water-gas reaction (Bosch reaction)
TABLE VII involves the reduction of carbon dioxide by hydrogen
to carbon and water.
This reaction is exothermic, evolving 921 Btu/lb of
H20 Deficit CH 4 carbon dioxide. Iron pellets or steel wool are
Food C02 Reduc t Ion Pyrolys Is effective catalysts for the reaction which optimally
Consumption CH4 End
Product to CH4 to C + H2 takes place at temperatures in the range from 930
Ib/man-day Ib/man-day percent percent to I 130°F. Carbon monoxide and methane are both
produced in the reaction, which provides conversion
1.32 -0.79 100 80.0 of approximately 30 percent of the carbon dioxide
":0.31 per pass, requIring recirculation of the reaction
1.80 74.8 41.7 products, as shown in the system schematic of
Figure 10. The catalyst requires activation by
For the dry food diet, high material recovery effi- heating with hydrogen prior to use. Periodic
ciencies will be required. For the assumed diet of reactivation and cleaning of the catalyst is
1.80 Ib/man-day, It may be possible to el imlnate the required. The formation of carbon monoxide and the
recycle and separator In the methane pyrolysis loop. relatively high catalyst consumption rates are the
The thermal energy Input for methane pyrolysis will major disadvantages of this system for oxygen
range from 173 to 458 watts/man for the conditions recovery.
given in Table VII.
Oxygen Recovery by Direct Pyrolysis of Carbon Dioxide
Methane Reaction with Carbon DIoxide
Direct thermal decomposition of carbon dioxide
Another method of recovering the hydrogen from into carbon and oxygen requires extremely high
the methane produced by the Sabatier reactIon temperatures for appreciable reaction rates. Car-
involves reacting It with carbon dioxide according bon dioxide can be more readily dissociated into
to the following reaction: carbon monoxide and oxygen, as follows.

This reaction Is mIldly exothermic, yIelding 142 A conversion of about 5 percent has been obtained
Btu/lb of carbon dioxIde (at 100°F). at a temperature of 3500 0 R and a pressure of I psla.
Conversion Is favored at low pressures. The carbon
As shown In Figure 8, equll ibrium conversion monoxide produced by the pyrolysis reaction is then
is favored at low temperature, although conversion separated from the oxygen and passed through another
reaction rates will be enhanced by high temperatures. reaction to give
This reaction offers the possibility of accomplIsh-
1ng the decomposition of methane at lower tempera- 2CO = CO 2 + C
tures than required by highly endothermic methane
pyrolysis reaction previously discussed. However, This reaction proceeds readily at 900°F to provide
the carbon fouling problems may be similar. good yields, using iron carbide or the product
carbon as catalysts.
Figure 9 Is a schematic diagram of an oxygen
recovery system using the Sabatier reaction followed Figure II shows a possible system arrangement
by methane oxidation by carbon dioxide. A recycle which uses a molecular sieve for separation of the
loop is provided for the methane-carbon dioxide carbon monoxide and oxygen. Among the numerous
reactor to obtain high system efficiencies. disadvantages of this system are low operating pres-
sures, high operating temperatures, and the presence
In order to obtain a material balance with the of carbon monoxide as a product of reaction to be
methanation reaction followed by reaction of meth-
ane and carbon dioxide, the conversion efficiencies separated from oxygen.
shown In Table VIII are required.
Oxygen Recovery by Electrolysis of Carbon Dioxide
The electrolytic dissociation of carbon
dioxide requires the carbon dioxide to be in an
CARBON CrOXIDE METHANATION FOLLOWED BY Ionic state. Liquid and gaseous carbon dioxide are
nonelectrolytic and do not conduct electric current.
Food C02 ReductlGn CH4 Oxidation Carbon dIoxide does not dIssolve in many electro-
Consumption to CH4 to C + H2O lytes to form Ionic solutions that can be electro-
Ib/man-day percent percent lyzed for carbon dioxide reduction. Following are
descriptions of two electrolysis systems that have
1.32 58.2 72.8 been investigated.
1.80 58.2 27.8
Electrolysis of Holten Lithium Carbonate will be lost by dumping this product overboard than
would be the case using the Sabatler reaction. The
Lithium carbonate is formed by addition of Flscher-Tropsch process, therefore, offers the
carbon dioxide to molten lithium oxide: possibility of a single-reaction oxygen-recovery
system that meets the material conservation require-
ments for long-duration missions. For example, the
waste products from the oxygen recovery system will
ideally have an HIC mole ratio of 0.80. If a
The lithium carbonate is electrolyzed to produce Flscher-Tropsch reaction can be made to provide a
carbon and oxygen and regenerate the lithium oxide: hydrocarbon with that composition, no hydrogen
recovery reaction will be required.

Cathode: 2U+ + 2e- = 2Li Considerable research work will be required

with catalysts and with reactor design to apply the
Fischer-Tropsch process to an oxygen recovery
Overall: 4LI + 2C0
= 2Li 0 + 2C + O2
2 system. Anticipated problem areas Include obtaining
high reaction yields at moderate pressure levels,
The electrolytic cell Is required to operate at and preventing pOlymerization or other reactions
temperatures in excess of IOOOoF to maintain the that may give physically undesirable products.
electrolyte in the molten condition. The theoreti-
cal energy requirement for the electrolysis amounts Oxygen Recovery by Photosynthetic Gas Exchangers
to 1.1 kw-hr/lb of carbon dioxide electrolyzed.
Actual cell efficiencies that have been obtained in Photosynthetic gas exchangers use the photo-
experimental units have been low, with an energy chemical reactions of green plants to reduce carbon
requirement of 8.5 kw-hr/lb of carbon dioxide dioxide and produce oxygen. Host of the work with
indicated. Problems anticipated with this type of photosynthetic gas exchangers has Involved algae,
system Include development of filters for carbon although recently there has developed Increasing
separation, and development of components and mate- interest in higher plants such as endive and
rials resistant to tie hot, highly corrosive chinese cabbage lS and duckweed l6 • A potential major
electrolyte. advantage associated with photosynthetic systems is
the capability for production of food, using bac-
Electrolysis of Carbon Dioxide in Solid Electrolytes terially digested wastes to supply most of the plant
nutrients. The problems here involve development
This involves the use of semiconductors as of a nutritionally adequate and palatable diet,
sol id electrolytes for the conveyance of oxygen Ions using these rather simple food sources. The require-
from the anode to the cathode: ment for high growth rate excludes the use of many
common crop plants. Methods have been developed to
Cathode: CO
+ 2e- = CO + 0- bleach and make a "flour" of algae that can be used
in baking or as a filler in other foods. With
Anode: 20- development, It should ultimately be possible for
algae to provide at least one-half of the total
Overall: 2C0
= 2CO + O
daily food requirements. One of the major problems
~as Involved elimination of bacterial contamination
that has apparently caused the digestive disturb-
The carbon monoxide appears at the cathode and oxy- ances reported by test subjects on an algael diet.
gen appears at the anode. The carbon monoxide Is
decomposed catalytically in a separate reactor Other problems associated with photosynthetic
according to the reaction: systems Include control of growth rate, elimination
of toxins, and control of pathogenic microorganisms.
2eo = CO + C
Trace Contaminant Control
The carbon dioxide produced by this reaction Is
returned to the inlet of tie electrolytic cell. In addition to the water vapor and carbon
dioxide produced by the man, other contaminants are
The feasibility of this process has been generated by man and by the equipment. These trace
demonstrated IS, although much research and develop- contaminants, if allowed to build up, tan lead to
ment work remains to be done before a practical unit noxious, toxic, or explosive atmospheres.
can be fabricated. An electrical power requirement
of 6 kw-hr/lb of carbon dioxide Is estimated for Contaminants with high molecular weight, such
the process. as indole, skatole, and methylmercapton, are effi-
ciently removed by activated carbon. The capacity
Oxygen Recovery by Flscher-Tropsch Process of activated carbon for high-molecular-weight con-
taminants Is large relative to the contaminant
The ~ischer-Tropsch reaction is normally production rate. It has been estimated that the
associated with the commerical production of liquid activated carbon required for trace contaminant
hydrocarbons by the reaction of carbon monoxide and control will amount to only 2 Ib/man yearlO. Con-'
hydrogen. Depending upon pressure, temperature, sequently, regeneration will not be required.
and catalyst, a variety of organic materials can be
produced ranging from simple hydrocarbons to alco- Contaminants with low molecular weight, such
hols and other oxygenated compounds. The Flscher- as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane, are
Tropsch process can be applied to carbon dioxide relatively poorly adsorbed by activated carbon.
hydrogenation to yield water and a hydrocarbon Catalytic combustion with oxygen appears to be the
product. If the carbon-containing product is of most effective means of preventing buildup of low-
higher molecular weight than methane, less hydrogen molecular-weight contaminants. Of these substances,

methane Is the most difficult to oxidize. Hopcallte by bacteria. Gases that are produced Include
catalyst has been used for trace contaminant control odorous products such as Indole, skatole, methyl-
on submarines. As shown in Figure 12, a catalyst mercapton, and hydrogen sulfide, in addition to
bed temperature of approximately 830°F Is required hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane.
for complete oxidation of methane with hopcallte.
Since operation at lower bed temperatures should be A primary function of the waste handl ing sys-
preferable from the standpoints of reI lability and tems involves treatment to inert the living bac-
power consumption, an Investigation of catalysts teria that produce gas and toxic products. This
for oxidation of trace contaminants has been under- can be accomplished by freezing, heating, combustion,
taken lO • Several platinum catalysts were tested or chemical or biological treatment. For short-
and found to be Inferior to hopcallte. A palladium duration missions, It will suffice to freeze and
catalyst was obtained that gave complete conversion store the feces. For the long-duration missions,
of methane at 620 oF. the storage space required may be excessive and
other methods may be necessary. Dehydration
Present knowledge of the trace contaminant followed by combustion of feces leaves very small
problem for long-duration space capsules Is incom- residue and permits recovery of the water and
plete. In particular, the contaminants produced oxygen contained therein. The penalties in terms
by the electronic and other equipment are not of oxygen consumption and increased heat load for
known. The "maximum allowable concentrat Ions" are feces combustion are very nominal. Bacterial
not known for many contaminants, or are based upon digestion of feces also provides water recovery
industrial safety standards that may not be appli- and supplies a nutrient for a photosynthetic
cable to long-term, continuous exposure for man- system.
Microbiological Contamination Control
Urine production depends upon diet, water
Although the space vehicle can be aseptic at consumption, metabolic rate, and perspiration rate.
the start of a mission, the production of undesir- An average rate of 3.3 Ib/man-day can be used for
able microorganisms by the crew during an extended design purposes. The solids In urine represent
flight Is a matter of concern. These microorganisms about 5 percent by weight and Include amino acids,
can impose a health hazard, produce a noxious salts, hormones, organic acids, and numerous,
atmosphere, or degrade equipment and supplies. different compounds. Normally, no pathogenic
Since all microorganisms can be assumed to be In- bacteria are present.
troduced Into the vehicle by the crew, It might
appear that the menace to health would be insignif- With respect to urine treatment, the waste
Icant, assuming a proper preflight quarantine period. management system has the function of processing
However, In some species of bacteria, high mutation to prevent evolution of toxic and odorous substances.
rates from benign to pathogenic forms are experi- For short-duration missions, the urine will be stored
enced. Therefore, provisions should be made In or vented overboard through an evaporator. This
spacecraft I ife-support systems for elimination or will be optimum where fuel cells are used for power
control of growth of microorganisms. and potable water Is produced as a ,byproduct of
power generation. For long-duration missions, in
Ultraviolet radiation of the 2537 A wave- which sol ar or nuclear power systems are used, It
length is very effective In killing microorganisms. will be necessary to recover the water In urine for
Power requirement for a suitable ultraviolet lamp reuse. Many different processes have been studied
Is low, around 5 watts. The lamp will generate for water reclamation from urine. Perhaps the
some ozone that can be decomposed catalytically. simplest, and one that Involves essentially no
The process gas flowing through the trace contami- power or heat rejection penalty, consists of atmos-
nant catalytic oxidizer will be sterilized, but pheric or vacuum distillation integrated into the
the flow required for trace contaminant control Intermediate heat transport fluid loop to take
purposes will not be adequate for microbiological advantage of the different temperature levels that
control. Germicides can be Incorporated Into exist at various points In the loop. That Is, the
filters and surface coatings to prevent growth of heat of condensation is added to the coolant at one
microorganisms In areas where favorable conditions point and is removed as the heat of evaporation at
exist for their propagation. another point with a different temperature level.

Waste Management Wash Water

The waste management system consists of equip- The amount of wash water required will depend
ment for the collection, treatment, and processing upon the extent of, personal hygiene measures. For
of storage of the 'various waste products. Much of short missions, the personal hygiene provisions can
the previous work In waste management has been be very rudimentary (such as sponge baths) without
concerned with waste collection; here, the emphasis any ser Ious discomfort. For longer durat Ions, it
will be on the waste processing that will be may be necessary to provide arrangements approaching
required in long-duration missions. those obtained by the Individual In his normal
habitat. An effective bactericide and detergent
should be used In the wash water to control bacteria
on the skin and Increase the efficiency of soil
The composition and the amount of feces removal. The used wash water will contain skin
depend upon diet and physical condition of the cells, bacteria, and small amounts of solutes. The
individual. An average amount is 0.4 Ib/man-day, amount of solid material removed from the skin by
70 to 85 percent of which is water, with the remain- washing will amount to approximately 0.007 Ib/man-
der consisting of food residues, digestive fluids, day, 0.003 Ib/man-day of which will be removed by
cell fragments, bacteria, and products generated filtration and treatment with activated carbon.

The solutes remaining in the wash water after this and Integration of the reactor with a regenerable
treatment will be principally sodium and potassium carbon dioxide removal system have been extensively
chloride. Assuming a wash water requirement of investigated, with highly encouraging results. The
3.0 lb/man-day and a tolerable limit on solutes second step In the system, which involves recovery
of 1.0 percent, the wash water could be recycled of hydrogen from methane, has the additional problems
7.S days before requiring more extensive processing with catal yst 11 fe and rej uvenat ion. Cont i nued
than filtering and treatment with activated char- research work with catalysts and reactor design
coal. Whether or not the saving effected by this will be desirable to attain the full system capabil-
approach to processing of the waste water is ities with respect to weight, reliability, life,
worthwhile depends upon the overall vehicle water and power consumption.
management problem and the resultant penalties for
water processing. Food Supply

Dehumidification Water Freeze-dried food wIll provide the major part

of the dIet for the foreseeable future. The amount
The amount of condensate collected in the heat of water derived from food can exert an Important
exchangers and used for moisture removal will de- effect on the choIce of the processes to be used
pend upon the latent heat load from the crew and In oxygen recovery and water reclamation. Photo-
the loss of water by evaporation In food prepara- synthetic systems offer promise of providing at
tion and personal hygiene. least part of the food requIrements for very long
missions, but will require considerable research
The condensate will be quite pure chemically, work with regard to plant physiology, system
but may be contaminated with small amounts of engineering, and hardware design.
organic substances that can support bacteria growth.
Filtration of the condensate through an activated Trace Contaminant Control
charcoal bed and irradiation by ultraviolet should
provide adequate treatment to make the condensate Low-molecular-weight contaminants can be
suitable for drinking and food preparation purposes. catalytically oxidized, and high-molecular-weight
contaminants can be efficiently adsorbed on acti-
Conclusions and Recommendations vated carbon. More data are needed concerning the
nature of the contaminants that will be produced
The following comments apply to the present and the maximum allowable concentratIons for many
status of long-duration life-support systems for contaminants.
Microbiological Contamination Control
Carbon Dioxide Removal
This represents a potential problem area where
Thermally-desorbed molecular sieve adsorbents little InformatIon Is avaIlable. The seriousness
appear to offer a satisfactory means of regenerable of the problem has not yet been properly assessed.
carbon dioxide removal that Is suitable for inte-
gration with oxygen recovery systems. Waste Management
Because of its static nature, electrodialysis Most of the work to date in the area of wastL
carbon dioxide removal is promisIng for long dura- management has Involved collection, handling, and
tions, but requires more research concerning ion storage of human wastes. For long-duration missions,
exchange resins and membranes, and Internal water It will be necessary to process the urine for water
management within the cell. recovery. It may also be desirable to process
feces In some way to reduce the storage space
Atmospheric Fluid Storage required (If for no other reason). If a very dry
food diet Is used, reclamation of the fecal water
Subcritical cryogenic storage of oxygen and may be essential to avoid a water deficit. Dehy-
nitrogen would offer greater weight savIngs than dration and combustion appear to offer an effective
supercritical storage for long-duration missions means of solid waste disposal that provides con-
involving storage of large amounts of fluid. servation of the essential materials contained
Atmospheric fluid storage will be required for therein. Biological treatment of wastes will
leakage makeup and for repressurlzation in vehicles provide both conservation of materIals and a
using oxygen recovery. It will probably be necessary nutrIent for a photosynthetIc system.
to use cryogenic refrigerators to prevent excessive
bolloff losses with cryogenic tankage for space- Water Reclama~ion
craft with large pressurized volumes and low leak-
age rates. Chemical repressurlzatlon systems may Water can be recovered from four waste sources:
be used to advantage in some applications. heat exchanger condensate, wash water, feces, and
urine. Different processes can be used for recla-
Oxygen Recovery mation of water, depending upon the source of the
waste water and the use to whIch the product water
A number of different processes have been wIll be put. Condensate can be used for drInkIng
proposed for oxygen recovery from carbon dioxide. after filtration and treatment to kIll microorganisms.
At the present time, carbon dioxide methanatlon Wash water can be reused as wash water after fil-
(Sabatier reaction) followed by reaction of the tration. Reclamation of fecal water Is the most
product methane with carbon dioxide appears to be difficult and Is probably best accomplished by
the most attractive of the various schemes. The combustion-vaporIzation. The water contained In
water produced by both reactions Is electrolyzed the urine can be recovered by a number of different
to produce oxygen and the hydrogen used in the methods. Perhaps the simplest of these involve a
methanation reaction. Sabatler reaction catalysts vacuum or atmospheric distillatIon process that Is

Integrated into the coolant loop to take advantage 7. Lovell, J., and F. Morris, "DeveloPments In
of the different temperature levels In the loop. the State of the Art of Regenerable Solid
Adsorbent Carbon Dioxide Remove I Systems,"
Energy Requirements ASME Paper No. 63-AHGT-66, March 6, 1963
An important consideration In life-support 8. Coe, C. S., and G. Chrrstensen, "Carbon
system opt.imlzat ion involves the preferent ial use Dioxide Management In Space Capsule Atmos-
of low-weight-penalty energy. This requires deter- pheres by Regenerable Adsorption of Carbon
mining the penalties associated with use of various Dioxide on Synthetic Zeolites at Low Tempera-
types of energy such as low-temperature waste heat, tures," Paper presented at the 34th Annual
high-temperature thermal energy, unregulated d-c Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association,
electrical power, and regulated a-c electrical Los Angeles, California, May 1963
power. The type and quantity of energy required
may exert a significant Influence on the process 9. Christensen, G., "Low-Temperature Adsorpt Ion
selected for a given function. Life-support system of Carbon Dioxide," ASD-TDR-62-560, September
optimization involves Integration of the various 1962
subsystem energy inputs and outputs to make maximum
use of the Internal energy available. Overall 10. Rousseau, J., "Atmospheric Control Systems
optimization involves integration of the life- for Space Veh Ic I es," ASD-TDR-62-527, Part II,
support system energy requirements with the power March 1963
system, considering the availability and penalties
for various types of power. Because the life-sup- II. Mason, J. L., and W. L. Burrls~ "Application
port system is a large consumer of power, its of Molecular Sieve Adsorbents to Atmosphere
requirements may be reflected In the design of the Control Systems for Manned Spacecraft," Paper
power conversion system. presented at the 50th National Meeting of the
AICHE, Buffalo, New York, May 8, 1963
12. Rydelek, R. F., and G. Christensen, "Investi-
J. Janssen, J. E., "Thermal Comfort in Space gation of Integrated Carbon Dioxide Hydrogena-
Vehicles," ASME Paper. No. 59-A-207, t Ion Systems, Phase III," Report No. SS-863-R,
December 1959 AIResearch Manufacturing Company, Los Angeles,
California, January 1963 (to be published as
2. Coe, C. S., and J. Rousseau, "Oxygen Recovery an ASD report)
System Integration for Long-Range Space Mis-
sions," AIResearch Report SS-858-R, Presented 13. Rydelek, R. F.,"Investlgatlon of Integrated
at the ASD Symposium on Space Vehicle Thermal Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation Systems,"
and Atmospheric Control, Wright-Patterson ASD-TDR-62-581, October 1962.
Air Force Base, Ohio, February 12-13, 1963
14. Ames, R. K., "Present Status of the Sabatler
3. Waggoner, J. N., and W. L. Burriss, "Environ- LI fe Support System," ASME Paper No. 63-AHGT -48,
mental Control of Manned Spacecraft for March 1963
Durat ions up to Two Weeks," ARS Journa I, g,
No.7, pp 1019-1028, July 1962. 15. ChandleG H. W., and W. Oser, "Study of
Electrolytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide,"
4. Bambenek, R. A. and J. D. Zeff, "Developnent MRL-TDR-62-16, March 1962
Status of Advanced LI fe-Support Systems,"
ARS Paper No. 2107-61, American Rocket 16. "Investigations of Selected Higher Plants as
Society, New York, October 1961. Gas Exchange Mechanisms for Closed Ecological
Syst ems," BI 0 I ogl st Ics for Space Sympos I urn,
5. Mason, J. L. and W. L. Burriss, "Advanced AMRL-TDR-62-116, May 1962
Environmental Systems," Proceedings of the
lAS-NASA National Meeting on Manned Space 17. Wilks, S. S., "Preliminary Report on the
~ Inst I tute of the Aerospace Sci ences, Photosynthetic Gas Exchange Potentialities of
New York, May 1962 the Family Lemmaceae (Duckweed)," Ibid

6. Arnoldi, W. E., "Regenerable Sol id Absorbent

Systems for Carbon Dioxide Control," Closed-
Circuit Respiratory Systems Sympos~um, WADD
TR-60-574, August 1960


~-~+- I I I I

- 0.4

PREHEAT 600 WATIS -..j.....- 240 WATTS---J

1-300 WATTS

~F ~ FROM CO2 TO 02

I "- "IJ'\J\II Iyvr\A r\


8" 0.2

o. 1
27S·F 35O"F

o 15 20 25 30 35 40 70 75 80 85
Time. Mmutes
"16.2 - Regeoo/>Ie CO, _ .. s,-..
50>_ .... InfeCnotion _ 0, IIec:oftry s,-..

---..;: r-

90 II V


I- 7 0
.... CO2 + 4H 2 - CH. +2H,0

H2 • CO2 , H2 0, N2
PUMP 8 30

_ _ 5,*",
FIG.3 20

400 500 600 700

FIG.4 CO, Methanalion Catalytic: Reaction

1\I - ,

- /' ........
/'" '/ V
1\ I-

~/ --- -/.
in 60

"'~/ /

,I z
0 $/
200 .......
II /
5 /' '"
5 20

I 00 ....0- III CH" C + 2H,



o 10 20 '--
30 40 50
-60 - 70 - 80-- 1000


5 1.....-
f16. s,stem Chancteristics Reaction EqUilibrium - tfJd....... ~ from ......

CO, INLET· .....- y - -......-j
WATER '------'
REACTION: CO, + CH. ~ 2C + 2H, °
SEPARATOR :h---+--~___- _____ --
60~ __
50 _ ____ _

CH .. - H2
401----+~_~-_ - - -

201-_ _+
10 _ _ _

FROM -.K--oQ-----I

FIG. 8- CO 2 • CH.. Conversion as a Function of Temperature

FIG. 7 - Oxygen Recovery by CO2 Methanation CH.. Pyrolysis


CO 2 INLET ---,--r=="---., REACTOR


0, TO



F16· [0 Oxygen Recovery By Reverse Water Gas Reaction

FIG 9- Oxygen Recovery by CO, Methanation and Reaction of CO, and CH.

z 40



FIG II - Catalytic Decomposition of Carbon Dioxide to Carbon and Oxygen FIG. \2. Catalytic Methar1e Conversion


Russell D. Shattuck and Robert J. Denington

Aerospace Research Engineers
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
Lewis Research CenteIj ~ I ~

Introduction requires long propulsion times to achieve high

velocities. Thus, in contrast to high thrust
Many types and sizes of chemical rockets are trajectories, which consist of short power bursts
now in use after many years of development. followed by a long coast period, the electric
Nuclear rockets though not yet a reality, are systen operates almost continuously with litUe or
expected to become available in the next five to no coasting. This, naturally, imposes a stringent
ten years. Why, then, the interest in electric reliabili ty and life requirement on the electric
propulsion? powerplant.

The answer lies in tle high values of specific Engine Characteristics

impulse that can be achieved with electric propul-
sion. Chemical rockets are very s:imple and light A ~pical electric engine is shown schemati-
weight, but they are limited in specific impulse cally in Figure 1. It consists of the thrustor,
to 400 or 500 seconds. As a consequence, an propellant feed syst em, electrical power supply,
extremely large portion of the total vehicle electrical power conditioning, a nuclear-reactor
weight must be devoted to p~opellant, limiting the heat source, and a radiator for rejecting waste
payload. The nuclear rocket is somewhat better heat. From mission considerations, general
than a chemical rocket, with a potential of specific a tions for the engines can also be
achieving a 1,000 second specific impulse, but defined. Figure 2, a comparison of advanced
this may still not be high erough far the very nuclear rockets and electric propulsion for a
sophisticated missions proposed for the future. manned Mars miSSion, serves as an example to
The electric system represents a new approach to point out general requirenents l , 2, 3. In order
the propulsion problem. Rather than attempting to to perfonn the manned Mars mission, an engine
add thermal energy directly to the exhaust gas, life of 10,000 to 15,000 hours is required.
the thermal energy is first transfonned into Specific weights for tre entire engine on the
electrical power. This power is then employed in order of 10 to 25 Ib/KW of thrust must be achieved
any one of a number of possible thrust devices to in order to compete successfully with the nuclear
produce vehicle acceleration. Broadly, these can rocket for most missions. In the case of many
be described as (1) electrothermal thrustors in higher emrgy scientific probes, a specific weight
which the electrical po~r is simply used to reat as high as 40 lb/KW would make electric propulsion
an exhaust jet providing specific impulses of 1000 superior to the nuclear rocket. 4 Reliability
to 2000 seconds, (2) electrostatic devices in goals of .9 for the unmanned missions and .99 for
which the electric power accelerates the particles the manned missions become extremely difficult
by electric fields to specific impulses of several when the long life requirements are considered.
thou""Sand seconds, and (3) magneto-hydrodynamic
devices in which magnetic fields are used to The power levels of interest for electric-
accelerate a neutral plasma to specific impulses propelled spacecraft are a furetion of the mission
of a few thousand seconds. Because the MHD type and the booster used to place the electric
devices have a great deal of research and develop- spacecraft in orbit. A Saturn C-lB booster can
ment work ahead of them, they will not be dis- place approxiJ1lately 28,000 pounds of payload in a
cussed further in this paper. JOO-mile orbit. With this size spacecraft, )0O
to 500 kilowatts of electric power can be utilized
The benefits of reduced pr opellant consump- effectively by the electric engine for performing
tion are not, however, obtained without cost. unmanned scientific probes to the planets. A
For a given thrust level, the electrical power Saturn C-5 booster can place 200,000 pounds of
that must be expended increases directly with payload in a JOO-mile orbit, or 85,000 pounds to
specific impulse, and the powerplant weight escape. With this size spacecraft, 1 to 5 mega-
increases correspondingly. Therefore, it is watts of electric power can be utili zed by an
necessary to optimize thrust level and specific electric engine to deliver much larger unmanned
iJ'lPulse in order to arrive at a balance between payloads to the planets. It is estimated that
propellant weight and powerplant weight to yield for a manned interplanetary mission, 1,000,000
a maximum payload. When this optimization is to 2,000,000 pounds of payload must be placed in
performed, vehicle acceleration is typically a 300-mile orbit. Ten to 30 megawatts of electric
found to be on the order of 10-3 to 10-4 G's at power can be utilized by the electric engine with
a specific impulse from a few thousand up to near range of spacecraft sizes.
20 ,000 seconds. As a result, the electric space-
craft cannot take off from a planet's surface; it Thrustors
mus t be boosted into orbit by a chemical or
nuclear rocket. An additional problem resulting There are several electric thrustors which
from the low thrust is that the electric vehicle are wfficiently advanced to be moving into

engineering t~ases. These several types are order for electric propulsion to be competitive,
illustrated. in Figure 3. The electrothermal the 5,1sten weight must be of the order of 10 to
thrustor ~s two approaches, both having nearly 25 lb/KW. With tre bulk of the electrostatic
the same ~et of problems. The arc jet heats the thrustors weighing 5 lb/KW, considerable effort
propellant (hydrogen or ammonia) by use of an arc on thrustors will be needed to keep the overall
drawn from a center body to the chan ber or noz zle engine weight competitive.
walls. The resistojet heats the propellant by
passing it around hot refractory metal heating Thrustor Problems
coils. No arc occurs in the resistojet.
The various electric propulsion devices all
The contact-ionization electrostatic engine have unique technology problems. These problems
produces ions by passing cesium vapor through a are ei. ther in lifetime, power efficiency, or
2000 0 F porous tungsten plug where the ions are propellant utilization, or combinations of these
formed on the surface of the' tungsten. These ions three.
are then electrostatically accelerated to a
specific impulse of several thousand seconds to Lifetime Until very recently, the lifetime
form the exhaust beam. of arc jets was only minutes but a recent AVCO
test ran several hundred hours at 30 kilowatts.
The electron-bombardment electrostatic source The development of low power (3 kilowatt) arc
forms ions by a different process. Here the jets is not proceeding as well, however, primarily
propellant vapor, which may be mercury, cesium, because of nozzle erosion. Resistojets are not
argon, xenon (or many other materials), is fed quite as far along and lifetime data is not
into the ionization chamber. Electrons are emitted available. Contact-ionization thrustors are
from the cathode at high velocity. These electrons plagued with heater failure, ionizer embrittlement,
strike the propellant atoms and ionize them. The and ionizer property changes with time. The
ions then drift out the back of the engine where electron-bombardment thrustors, too, have lifetime
an electrostatic field then accelerates them to a problems. The most critical area is the electron
specific impulse of several thousand seconds. enitter. It is possible to build an emitter with
the necessary lifetime, but not at a useful power
The Present Status of Thrustors efficiency. The lifetime of the accelerator
structure is another problem area for both the
The present status of thrustors for electric contact ani the electron bombardment ionization
propulsion is quite encouraging. Useful power thrustors. The lifetimes that have been observed
efficiencies are being attained and the weight of on some of the thrustors and components are shOlin
the thrustor unit is relatively good. Table 1 in Table II. There is much more development work
summarizes the conditions in March, 1963. to be done in improving lifetime for all electric
thrustors ani component parts.
The thrustor spe cific areas are only a small
fraction of the cross section of the boosters Power Efficiency The power efficiency of the
which could be used to launch a 5,1stem of interest varioul1 electric thrusters is shown in Figure 4
to electric propulsion. A comparison wi thin the 6, 7, ~, 9, 10. At the low specific impulse near
same family, such as between the two Lewis electron 1000 seconds, the electrothermal thrustor seems
bombardment, the two Electro-Optical Systems likely to provide power efficiencies of better
electron bombardment, or the two Hughes contact than 75%. In the specific impulse range from
ionization tlru"stors,shows that small increases in 1000 seconds to 5000 seconds the power efficiency
power level bring large reductions in the specific is low, but above 5000 seconds the power efficiency
area. This area reduction comes about primarily of electric thrustors again becomes high.
because a change in power level is not accompanied
by a change in voltage. Hence, the insulators for The power losses in the ion rockets can
low power thrustors are the same size as far power almost all be assigned to the cost of producing
thrustors, and a significant amount of space is the ions, because the acceleration of these ions
occupied by insulators. It is unlikely tha. t thi s is practically 100% efficient. A comparison of
trend will continue to much higher power levels the theoretical ion production energy to the
because a near optimum siz e seems to exist in the actually observed ion production energy for
neighborhood of a few kilowatts so that large several propellants is given in Table III. When
powers would be attained by clustering modules the ionization energy in a practical ion source
rather than by scaling. This would then mean is a hundred or more times the theoretical values,
tha t future specific areas would not be much it is well worth an extensive effort to correct
improved over the best values in Table 1. this loss.

The specific weight of these thrustors is too Propellant Utilization Probably the most
high bu t in the case of the electrothermal troublesome area in the ion-thrustor is that of
thrus tors, is encouraging. The EOS unit, at propellant utilization. Currently, the6t~cal
1.3 lb/KW, is the lightest electrostatic thrustor, experience ranges from 80% to about 95%' ,11,12.
but it is the one which h~ received the most This loss of propellant causes two difficulties,
light-weight design effort'. (It should be noted the most obvious being that the wasted propellant
tha t this particular EOS thrustor has yet to be must be placed in orbit in place of payload.
built and tested.) Even the most optimistic Fortunately, tre high specific impulse of ion
mission analyses do not assume power generating thrustors makes this less of a problem than with
specific weights much lighter than 10 lb/KW. In other devices operating at low specific impUlses.

For example, even at the low propellant consump- Flight Tests
tions of ion thrustors, a utilization of only 80%
would lead to a decrease of payload in the parking The NASA flight test p:J.ans were extensively
orbit of about 6%. reviewed in a recent paper14 and will not be
discus sed in detail here. Table IV shows the
Beyond any doubt, the more serious drawback current plans for tests in both ballistic am
of less-than-perfect propellant utilization results orbiting shots.
from the presence of neutrals in the exhaust.
These neutrals are struck by the high velocity ions Most, but not all questions regarding electric
and ionized. In effect, this causes an ion having propulsion can be satisfactorily answered by tests
zero velocity to suddenly appear at a place in the in vacuum systems on the ground. For example, an
acceleratioo system where it should have an axial ian beam in space is a stream of positive particles.
velocity of thousands of feet per second directed In a short time (milliseccnds) the vehicle would
along the line of thrust. But in this case the accumulate an excess of negative charges lihich
new ion can only accelerate toward the accelerator would cause the bean to return to the vehicle.
structure where it will impact at high velocity This Iilenomenon is not generally observed in
causing erosioo am subsequent loss of the critical vacuum tank tests because of free eleC~DS in
electrode shape. This actien can easily limit :Be the "vaClD1lll," rut through indirect tests !:I using
life of the accelerators to a few hundred hours l • pulsed beams, it has been shown that neutralization
of the beam can be affected in a tank. However,
Supporting Research No specific solutions to there are still a sufficient number of known
the contact-ionization source lifetime problems vacuum tank-ion beam interactions to cause some
are just around the corner. Much research is doubt as to the completeness of the knowledge of
being conducted in these areas, primarily at Hughes the processes involved. Flight testing seems to
Research Laboratories am Electro-Optical Systems, be the only llEans of resolving these difficulties.
and progress in all areas is being made.
A second area needing flight test confirmation
The electron-bombardment source lifetime is the ability of systems, and especially propel-
problems may not be as far fran solution. An NASA lant systems, to operate in a zero-gravi ty
contract (NAS 3-2516) with EOS is for the develop- environment. This is a problem, well known to
ment of a cesium electron-banbardment ionization chemical propulsion systems, and is nearly as
source which emplqys a cesium-coated cathode. serious for the electrothermal thrustors which
Since the propellant is also ceSium, the cathode use a relatively large amount of propellant and,
can even be banbardeg by energetic cesium to main- to a lesser degree, is serious for the electro-
tain its temperature. This configuration is very static thrustors.
promising for long-life performance, but has yet
to be tested for more than a few hours. There is also a group of long-tenn effects,
which only extended e:xposure as in orbiting
The lifetime of the accelerator structure in flights, can adequately test. These include the
the electron-bombardment thrustor can be improved effect of meteorites and corpuscular radiation.
by reducing the current density in the exhaust Aside from the direct damage that would be caused,
beam. This increases the specific area and weight tlEre is a p:>ssibility that these foreign materials
of the thrustors. However, accelerator lifetime could trigger electrical breakdown between the
and performance can also be improved through high-voltage electrodes.
increased knowledge of the accelerator ion optics.
This is being studied at Hughes Research Labora- It is known tmt the impact of a high velocity
tories under an NASA contract (NAS 3-2511). particle will initiate an electrical discharge
pulse. If the acceleration system of an ion
The ion production losses as well as the poor thrustor is operating near its limiting electrical
propellant utilization are being attacked by field strength, such a pulse could lead to a
extensive analytical and the supporting experimen- continuous discharge. This might require momen-
tal studies of the ionization chamber processes. tary thrus tor shut do'W11 in order to clear the
Work on this part of the source is being conducted fault.
at Jet PropulSion Laboratory, Hughes Research
Laboratories, Space Technology Laboratory, Electro- If foreign material either of meteorite
Optical Systems, Ion Physics, and Lewis Research origin or tha:t:. sputtered fran the structure by
Center. meteorites, accumulates on the ion emitter of a
contact ionization thrustor, "poisoning" of the
The power efficiency of the arc jet is low iwiz er will result. In time, this would reduce
because a stabilizing impedance must be used in the ion current and lead to a perfonnance loss.
series with the arc. In a D.C. arc this is a
resistor lihich dis sip!. tes nearly as much power as Status of Electric Power Supplies
the arc. Developnent work in this area has been
pursuing stabilization of the arc before rectifi- It was shown earlier, in the discussion of
cation of the primary A.C. power, through the use missions, that the electric engine must be light
of low dissipation inductors or thyratrons, but weight, have high reli abili ty, and operate for
this has yet to be demonstrated. Operations of long periods of time. The electrical generating
the arc directly from A.C. has been used also but system (comprising the major portion of the
has not been very successful. e~ine weight) must achieve specific weights of
10 to 20 Ib/KW for manned missions and 40 Ib/KW
for unmanned missions in order to be competitive

with other propulsion schemes. The electric coosequently is too heavy. MHO shows considerable
generating systems must also achieve the required promise, but the technology is presently not far
reliability for operating times in excess of enough advanced to realistically discuss at this
10,000 hours. Power levels of interest are dic- time.
tated by both missions and boosters, but powers in
the range t to 30 megawatts are presently of Rankine-Cycle Powerplant The Rankine-cycle
interest. Based on these requirements, the power-conversion system shown schematically in
following can be coocluded: Figure V is typified by the steam-turbine cycle
used in ground power-generating systems. Thermal
1. A closed cycle is required. In an open energy is removed from the nuclear reactor by a
cycle, the weight the cycle fluid lost liquid-rnetal heat transfer fluid. This fluid
during the 10 to 30 thousand hours of passes through a boiler heat exchanger, where it
operation would be prohibitive. supplies heat to vaporize the cycle working
fluid. This energy is then converted by a turbine
2. The system must utilize a nuclear heat to IOOchanical-shaft energy driving an electric
source. A chemical heat source is too gererator. Wet vapor leaving the turbine is
heavy for long missions. A solar heat condensed and pumped back through the boiler.
sourc~ requires a large collector (about The waste heat is rejected to space through a
70 ft /KW) which is heavier, because of radiator. The high cycle temperatures necessitate
the Size, than nuclear sources at high the use of unconventional turbine fluids such as
powers. Isotopes are not available in potassium, s<Xiium, rubidium, or cesium to prevent
sufficient quantities for a manned mission. excessive pressures. The severe thermal,
A fusion reactor is not yet available, envirmmental, and life requirements imposed on
even in the laboratory. Thus, a nuclear the nuclear-power supply in turn result in many
source, specifically a fission reactor, severe problem areas.
is the only heat source of interest.
Multi-megawatt space systems require the use
3. The powerplant must operate at very high of very high temperature reactors cooled by liquid
temperatures. In space, a closed-cycle metal to achieve light-weight reactors and shields.
heat engine must reject waste hea t by This imposes reactor control and fuel-element
radiation. The radiator area required is problems, both of which are under extensive
directly proportional to the fourth power investigation by the Atomic Energy Commission and
of the absolute temgerature. At a its contractors.
temperature of ISOO F, approximately
1000 square feet of area are required The high-temperature alkali metals required
per megawatt of electric power. In for reactor coolants and for turbine fluids are
contrast, at 700 0 F approximately corrosive. Ordinary materials are not satisfactory
20,000 square feet, or one-half an acre on a strength-to-weight basis. High-strength,
of radiating surface are required per corrosion-resistant refractory alloys and sophis-
megawatt. Thus, to achieve a tolerable ticated handling techniques must thus be developed
radiator size, the rejection temperature before long life can be assured. Some promising
must be high, which in turn also implies test results have been obtained with Cb-l% Zr,
heat-source temperatures near 2000 0 F but there are no data for the more advanced alloys
to achieve reasonable cycle efficiencies. likely to be required by systems for manned
4. The combination of high reliability and
long life is extremely severe. The Radiator areas on the order of 1,000 to
testing, alone, required to develop and 2,000 square feet per megawatt of electric power
prove a reliability of 99% for thousands must be provided for the electric engines.
of hours is prohibitively expensive. It Coolant must be circulated through this surface
may well be that once a given system has to transfer heat from the powerplant to the
been established as the best that tech- radiating surface. This radiator must be protected
nology can provide, the only way of from meteoroids because punctures resulting in the
achieving any better reli abili ty :is thrnl81 loss of the engine coolant cause a powerplant
the use of redundancy in critical com- failure. Integration and deployment of these very
ponents and on-board repair and main- large structures from the spacecraft present
tenance. addi ti onal problems.
Power Conversion Techniques The Rankine-cycle powerplant requires a
number of high-speed rotating units, including a
Power-conversion schemes of potential interest turbo-alternator and two or more pumps. Long-
for electric propulsion systems are the Rankine lived, high-temperature bearings must be developed
cycle, the Brayton cycle, thermionic conversion, for these units and complex packaging problems
thermal electriC, and magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD). involving the integration of high-temperature
Of these five schemes, only the Rankine cycle and (2000 0 F) turbines and low-temperature electrical
the thermionic presently show promise. The Brayton components in close proximity must be solved.
cycle requires relatively low radiator tempera- Additional problems are the prevention of turbine-
tures, and consequently is too heavy. The thermal- blade erosion by the high-temperature wet cycle
electric conversion scheme operates at low tempera- fluid and the development of turbine geometries
tures, is relatively low in efficiency, and and materials for the high-temperature, high-
stress environment.

The electric engine requires a large number Assuming that the problems in the fuel
of electrical canponents including the alternator, element can be solved, there still remain many
controls, am power conditiening for converting unknowns en how converters c01Ulected in series
the alternator out}:Ut to match the electric and series-parallel canbinations will act.
thrustor. The present-day state-of-the-art limits Electrical stability of these combinations may
most of these components to temperatures in the prove to be a difficult problem.
1000 to 200 0 F range. This can be a major problan
when it is noted that the rejection of 3S KW of Anotier problem which may be the major one
electrical losses at 140 0 F require approximately encountered by thermionic systems is the ability
1,000 sq. ft. of radiating surrace. Thus, the of conver ter circuits to withstand failure of a
development or high-temperature electrical com- single converter. Preliminary analysis has
ponents becomes a necessity. indicated that an open circuit failure of a con-
verter in a nuclear ruel elanent can cause over-
Thennionic Powerplant A thermionic converter heating or the fuel element with a high proba-
consists of two electrodes, a hot cathode and a bility of catastrophic failure. To achieve
relatively cold anode, as shown in Figure 6. reliabili ty necessary for electric propulsien
Electrons are emitted rrom the hot surface and missiens, it is mandatory that a system containing
collected on the cold surface, producing a poten- many thousams of individual converters be capable
tial of about one volt. In the thennionic reactor, of tolerating the failure of one or more con-
the converter is built into a cylindrical fuel verters during the missien's life.
element. Heat is supplied by :fission of the fuel
centained within the cathode, as ShOWl in Figure 7. Radiator and containment material problems
The cold electrode, or arode, is cooled by a in the thermionic system are fairly similar to
liquid metal circulated around the thermionic fuel those encountered in a Rankine-cycle system. The
elements, and through the radiator where heat is electrical components also present similar
rejected to space. For po'Wer systems producing problems. However, it should be ooted that a
megawatts of electric power, huIXireds of these thermionic system produces low-voltage D.C. power
fuel elements are contained wi thin the reactor and "Which must be converted to a higher voltage before
each rue I element can centain fran 10 to 20 con- it can be effectively utilized by the thrustor.
verters. The comrerters are connected in series This requires an inverter far converting the D.C.
and series-parallel canbinations to provide a to A.C. power. Using the present state-of-the-art,
reasonable voltage output and some measure of these inverters are extremely heavy and sensitive
redundamy thrwgh the parallel comectiens. To to high-tenperature nuclear envircnments. Con-
achieve reasonable efficiencies and system weights, siderable development is still required in this
heat is rejected at 13000 F to 18000 F and the area before they can be used in a high-powered
cathode operated at temperatures from 30000 to spice system.
3S000 F.
Power Supply Status The development of
At present, nuclear-thermionic systems are in Itmoderate temperature, low po'Wer lt nuclear-reactor
the very early technology phase. The program is electric power supplies is proceeding with con-
more concerned with uIXierstanding the basic physics siderable promise of-ultimate success. The
of the thermionic converter and in developing specific weights and power levels of power systems
nuclear fuels and fuel-clad canbinations which can now uIXier development are sUllllllari~ed :in Figure 8,
withstand the high-temperature nuclear environment where they are compared with the estimated weights
than in investigating tiE power system. Very little of larger, more advanced powerplants.
work has been undertaken on tie problems of
integrating a large number of converters in the Atomics International under AEC contract is
reactor or toward developing a high-temperature, developing SNAP-lOA and SNAP-2. SNAP-lOA is a
fast thennionic reactor. So it is too early in SOO-watt, 900 0 F, nuclear reactor system incor-
the development program to pre dict tie magnitude porating thermoelectric conversion, that weighs
or cri ticali ty of the problems that will be abwt 800 lb/KW. SNAP-2 is a 3-KW, 12000 F
encountered in the thermionic system. An attempt nuclear reactor system, with a mercury Rankine-
is made in the following paragraphs to SUl1II1Il.rize cycle power cenversion sr.tem, that weighs
what is presently thought to be tiE more critical approximately 2S0 lb/KWI ,17.
Aerojet-General, under NASA contract, is
The fuel-element converter combination seems developing SNAP-8, a 3S-KW, 1300 0 F, mercury
to present the most critical development problems, Rankine system similar to SNAP-2. It weighs
primarily because it must operate at higher about lSO lb/KW with oominal shield:ing.
tempera tures than any long-life nuclear reactor.
Long life for the fuel-clad emi. tter combinatien The SNAP-2 + lOA development reactor has
may prove to be very difficult to obtain. Short- been successfully operated ror long periods of
time tests have shown promise, but long-tem t:iJne of which 2000 hours were at full power. The
operation in a nuclear environment where diffusion SNAP-8 reactor should operate early this year.
of the flEl into the clad, chemical ccrnbinatien of The SNAP-lOA power-conversion system has shown
the two, vaporization of the fuel, swelling of the SOllie success and is cuITently scheduled to be
fuel due to fission product, etc. may cause seri- integrated with the nuclear system this year, with
ous difficulties. flight tests within two years. SNAP-2 integration
tests and flight tests are scheduled to follow
SNAP-lOA by ene to two years.

The development of high-temperature high-power The state-of-the-art for small electric
Rankine-cycle powerplants is presently in the thrustors is pranising and with the possible
research and technology phase. The program is exception of the lifetime problem, it should not
concentrated on obtaining the basic data required be difficult to extrapolate the present perform-
before initiation of design. This in::ludes the an c e to higher power levels. Unfortunately, the
measurement of fluid properties and heat-transfer nuclear electric power supply will present
coefficients, the investigation of material com- considerably more difficulty. A number of low
patibility with the alkali metals, development of power sources are being developed but these are
fabrication techniques for refractory metal, fuel- generally characterized by low temperature and high
element development, turbine-erosion investiga- specific weight. The technology will require
tions, the development of high-temperature elec- considerable extension before the light-weight
trical components, etc. Technology programs have systems needed for electric propulsion are
been underway in this area since the late '50's available. Progress in securing and expanding
under the Air Force (SPUR), NASA, and more recently the teChnology is being made steadily and it is
the AEC-AF SNAP-50 programs. These programs are expected that the technology necessary to allow
being funded in the tens of millions of dollars per the initiation of the design of advanced systems
year. for electric propulsion will be available in the
late 1960's.
Referring to Figure 8 again, it is apparent
that considerable improvement in power plant per- It has been shown that if the research and
formance is required before the goals for electric development programs now being pursued prove
engines are achieved. Present estimates of the successful and result in a long-lived electric
performance levels that may be achieved with engine system, a unique and important element will
advanced systems when redundancy, all potential have been added to our future space propulsion
losses and spacecraft integration considerations capabili ty.
are factored into the performance estimates are
also shown. These weights are considerably higher
than some p.lbli shed value s, primarily because they
include 25 percent component redundancy, structure References
weights, power-conditioning weights and losses,
and a radiator meteor probability of non-puncture 1. Himmel, S. C., "A study of Manned Nuclear-
of 99 percent. Rocket Missions to Mars," lAS preprint
No. 61-49, 1961.
Despite these conservative assumptions, the
electric propulsion system still offers potential 2. Speiser, E. W., "Performance of Nuclear-
for manned missions i f long life can be obtained. Electric Propulsion Systems in Space
Exploration," JPL TR-32-l59, 1961.
3. Moeckel, W. E., "Fast Interplanetary Missions
In spite of all the problem areas being with Low Thrust Propulsion Systems," NASA
studied, there are some 'Which are recognized but TR R-79, 1961.
about 'Which little has been accomplished and
doubtless still many more 'Which have yet to be 4. Spencer, D. F. et al, "Nuclear Electric
defined. Spacecraft for Unmanned Planetary and
Interplanetary Missions," JPL TR-32-281,
It was pointed out that in order to design an April, 1962.
electric ergine system of long flight capabilities,
a multipronged research, development, and testing 5. Electro-Optical Systems, Inc., Pasadena,
effort of extensive proportions must be completed. California, data su1::mitted in response to
The success of all parts of the electric propulsion Request for Proposal, 1962.
system depends, as do all aspects of space propul-
sion, on the development of high temperature, high 6. Speiser, R. C. and L. K. Branson, "Studies
strength, low weight structural materials. Impor- of a Gas Discharge Cesium Ion Source," ARS
tant electric thrustor component problems are the preprint No. 2664-62, November, 1962.
heater, the ionizer, and the accelerator struc-
tures. The power supplies must utilize corrosive 7. Jack, J. R., "Research on Resistance Heated
liquid metals and be designed and qualified to HYdrogen Jets," AIAA preprint No. 2)81-62,
operate in a high temperature, nuclear environment. March, 1962.
To establish that the total system has the required
reliabili ty for many thousands of hours, it will be 8. John, R. R., M. Chen, J. F. Connors, and
necessary to test all of the components, subsystems J. Megrue, "Arc Jet Engine Performance
and final systems many more thousands of hours. Experiment and Theory IV," ARS preprint
No. 2345-62, March, 1962.
Systems will have to incorporate redundancy
concepts and a tolerance of component failures and 9. Page, R. J., "Current Status and Prospects
may have to be capable of onboard repair and main- of Electrothermal Propulsion," ARS preprint
tenance in flight. The systems will also have to No. 2649-62, November, 1962.
remain operable and useful despite possible
deterioratio n in performance which aging will 10. French, Pm, "Electron Bombardment Ion
produce in components and subsystems. Source," ARS preprint No. 2381-62, March,

11. Husmann, O. K., "A Comparison of the Contact 17. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft," Advanced Nuclear-
Ionization of Cesium on Tungsten with that Electric Power Generator and System Study,"
of Molybdenum, Tantalum and Rhenium DWA-2107 and 2157, October, 1962, and
Surfaces," AIM pre print No. 63019, March, January, 1963.
18. Personal communication fran R. T. Craig,
12. Reader, P. D., "Scale Effects on the Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, under Contract
Performance of Ion Rockets," ARS Journal, NAS 3-2522, January, 1963.
May, 1962, P 7ll.
19. Reader, Paul D., "An Electron Bombardment Ion
13. Kerslake, W. R., "Accelerator Grid Tests an Rocket with a Permanent Magnet," AIAA
an Electron Bombardment Ion Rocket," NASA preprint No. 63031, March, 1963.
TN D-ll68, February, 1962.
20. Reader, Paul D., "Investigation of a 10-
:IJ+. Childs, J. H. and R. J. Cybulski, "Flight Centimeter Electron Bombardment Ion Rocket,"
Tests and Early Missions for Electric NASA TN D-1163, 1962.
Propulsion Systems," ARS preprint
No. 2653-62, November, 1962. 21. Anonymous, "Design, Fabrication and Testing
of a Cesium Ion Rocket Engine," Quarterly
15. Sellen, J. M. and H. Shelton, "Transient and. Progress Report, Contract NAS 5-517,
Steady State Behavior in Cesium Ion Beams," November, 1962.
ARS preprint No. 1379-60, Noveni:>er, 1960.
22. Hughes Research Laboratory, data submitted
16. Dieckamp, H. M., "Nuclear Space Power Systems," in response to Request for Proposal, 1962.
AtomiCS International, July, 1962.



10-' TO 10- 4 G'S

HEAT 1,000 - 100,000





""-"" /~EI~:~,CI~~C/KW

J __________ 15

300 400 500 600



Approximate Specific Power Specific Specific

Power Impulse Ei'ficiency Area Weight
Thrustor (KW) (Sec) % (Ft 2/KW) (Lb/KW) Reference

Resistojet 15.0 850 75 0.003 1.0 7

Arc Jet 30.0 1050 45 0.0004 0.22 8

Electron Bombardment (1) 3.0 5000 75 0.05 3.3 18

Electron Bombardment 1.0 5500 82 0.34 4.0 5
Electron Bombardment (1) 2.3 7000 75 0.10 1.3 5
Electron Bombardment 0.5 5000 70 0.88 6.0 19

Electron Bombardment 2.0 5900 75 0.17 5.0 20

Contact Ionization (1) 0.5 4500 40 0.54 4.1 22

Contact Ionization (1) 2.5 7600 62 0.08 4.8 21

Note: (1) These performance figures have not been attained (4-63), but are beli eved
to be realistic estimates of performance within 12 months.


Item Lifetime
AVCO Arc Jet 00 KW) 720 hours
Lewis Electron Bombardment
(4 MLB, 5000 sec) 150 hours
Hughes Contact Ionization
(3 MLB, 8000 sec) 125 hours
IPC Electron Bombardment Engine
Cathode Heater 2000 hours
Hughes Contact Ionization
Ionizer Button 8000 hours


Propellant Theory Practice

Argon 15.7 600

Cesium (Electrcn
Bombardment) ).9 600
Cesium (Contact
Ionization) ).9 1500

Mercury 10.4 500 to 800


Name Date Power Objective

SERT I Late 16) 1/2 KW Thrust and Neutralization
in Space
SERT II Mid 166 3KW Long Term Space Effects

SEET III Mid 165 1KW Attitude Control by Ion








'-------- EXHAUST



19;jr'~F HEAT ~
e- ~ HEAT



1000 ~ SNAP IDA






T~oeing Co~y _____-,,-.--,,-.--,,-.--,,-.-~--._~--~~~__
(Z, 13001-- ~ lv-a..A -----F=-F----i=------F---+"--F---<~~~~-+'--~
DeSign requirements of a vehicle or system are I !
linked integrally to the overall mission objectives for I
which the vehicle or system is being developed. There- :",","•.
fore, before characteristics of future manned spacecraft
are discussed, a brief review of these objectives is in
order. ......
The existence of an aggressive space program for
both exploration and possible military missions is beyond
question. Vast sums of money have been appropriated
by the government for research and development. Large
and small administrative organizations have been estab-
lished to direct and coordinate the efforts of industry and
thE' military in the advancement of space technology. The Figure 1
largest peactime buildup of technological capabilities in
history is under way. Within the next decade or two, at The programs shown will include Earth-to-orbit
the present pace, manned deep-space exploration in the shuttle-type spacecraft, permanent orbiting stations,
interest of scientific advancement is inevitable. This orbit-to-orbit shuttles, long-range interspace trans-
trend will continue and accelerate as new knowledge of ports, and fixed lunar bases. It is important that these
space is developed. programs be developed in an orderly fashion, with suf-
ficient emphasis on securing environmental data early
Manned military missions in space present a prob- upon which realistic engineering design can be formu-
lem; they are difficult to justify now. It is historically lated. Also, it would be wise to develop our knowledge
true, however, that all major technology advancements of man's capabilities in logical steps. Here it will be
have important effects on a country's military strength advisable to develop a small space station early in
and direction. The obvious analogy to justify manned which variable-g effects for long periods could be
military space systems is the military history of the air- studied. Then, after exploration of the moon has been
plane. Though the parallel of the airplane and the accomplished, and its value as a potential space base
manned re-entry vehicle is bound to be faulty here and is more fully understood, the decision regarding use of
there, to ignore the possible lessons to be derived from a large space station or orbital assembly, or a lunar
such a comparison could be unwise. staging base for space explorations can be made with
Therefore, operational considerations for military
as well as scientific missions are considered in this RELATIONSHIP OF DESIGN TO MISSION REQIDREMENT
paper. Since the use of manned spacecraft for military
missions is still uncertain, it is expected that during the In the past, because of severe booster limitations,
foreseeable future the character of manned space pro- spacecraft design was constrained within narrow bounds.
grams will be mostly research and development, involv- With the advent of C-l, C-5, and Titan III launch sys-
ing a limited number of vehicle designs, numerous and tems, we now have more flexibility for several alter-
frequent changes, and a constantly increasing emphasis nate approaches - the choice will depend on accurate
on cost and performance improvement. assessment of mission requirements. The impact of
varying these requirements is readily seen in the case
SPACE PROGRAM PLAN of possible transportation systems to support lunar ex-
ploration. Combinations of lunar excursion modules,
In Figure 1 is shown, in condensed form, the esti- alone or combined with direct shot lunar logistic
mated schedule for future manned space program de- vehicles, are feasible. A study was made to compare
velopment to be used for this discussion. The timing these modes, assuming that personnel are carried by
shown may be optimistic for the near-term events and lunar excursion modules only and cargo by either means.
lacking sufficient perspective for events a decade from
now, but the interrelationships shown are valid. The The concept of lunar transportation systems that
plan assumes an orderly buildup of technological capa- combine crew- and cargo-carrying capability compli-
bility, environmental data, and operational experience in cates the determination of the relative efficiency of
each area (i. e. , high orbits, space stations, lunar pro- various system concepts. This results principally from
grams, etc.). No effect of political pressures or other the uncertainty in annual crew and cargo transportation
unforeseen stimuli is considered on the timing or phasing requirements for support and is graphically
of the various programs. shown in Figure 2.

Examination of these programs reveals a prime in- Three different-size lunar excursion modules were
terest in future high-orbit missions for both military assumed for the study to carry the crew, and the cargo
capability and research. It is believed that this interest was assumed carried by either the LEM's or by a lunar
will result from the vulnerability aspects of low- logistic vehicle. A comparison was then made on the
orbiting spacecraft to hostile action and the desire to basis of C-5 firings required to support lunar missions
explore regions more remote than near-Earth orbits. of varying size.
The p'erformance of all-crew system concepts is
represe~t~d by horizontal lines, with intercepts equal
to the reciprocal of crew number carried per launching. Particle Flux vs Mass
Also, all-cargo system concepts are represented by
straight lines through the origin, with slope equ;J.I to the
reciprocal of cargo transported per launching. In Near-Earth Satell ite Data
(Explorer, Pioneer, Samos,
either of these cases, the relative efficiency of various
systems is unequivocal, being independent of mission

U .......
;:: I..L.
~ .8r---------~----------------~----------~



"'~Z .-J
~~g .6 u..


.5 >
1 «
O~'" .4 oJ
5~~ LV, Slngl. Stage :J
~~~ H2-o PropulsIon
.3 2 ~
LEM: H -o Descent :J
~8:;: .2 2 2
~ ::::J~ 1 1 Np 4-50/50 Asc.nt
Z .1 9-Mon LEM L.....21-Mon BOlO _I NP4-5O/5O At>ollo SM
0( ~ 6-Monlh--t Crow St. Tlmo l.,-Voor


(1000 L8/MAN) 10- ~~--~---...l..:-----+-
10- 15 10- 10 100

However, when system elements that combine crew Figure 3

and cargo capability are introduced into the total trans-
portation concept, the relative efficiencies become __ 10- 5 grams. Further, most of this data is secured
mission-sensitive. This is illustrated above by showing in near-Earth orbit; very little information is known in
the nondimensionalized launch rate requirements for the region of the Moon or cislunar space (Figure 3).
families of LEM/logistics, LEM, and LEM/LLV trans- There is little data available that can be used for pre-
portation systems as a function of the required ratio of dicting meteoroid storms or planning space flights. The
cargo to crew. meteoroid protection required for a space vehicle can-
not be predicted with confidence based on available data
The following significant observations may be de- today. A satellite program capable of measuring parti-
rived from these data: The relative advantage of mul- cles weighing 10-5 grams and larger is required.
tiple-man transportation systems is a strong function of
The effects on human occupants of high-velocity
the crew/cargo ratio. Thus, for crew transportation
particle penetrations of pressure chambers need fur-
only, a two-man LEM suffers a 2. 5-to-1 launch rate
ther study. This should include evaluation of the
penalty over a five-man LEM. For support of a nominal
spallation or fragmentation hazards. It is expected
21-man lunar base with one-year crew rotation interval,
that the criteria for the pressurized compartments of
this penalty is decreased to l. 09-to-1 (with logistics
spacecraft will be similar to those for a commercial
LEM supplement) or 1. 42-to-1 (with LLV supplement).
jet aircraft with regard to damage protection (i. e., the
Therefore, the choice for selection will depend upon the
pressure vessel designed to be penetrated by particles
initial R&D costs for system development and the num-
weighing as much as a gram without catastrophic
bers of launches required.
rupture), and, in addition, provisions for repairing
this damage on board will be required.
Radiation. Radiation hazards caused by solar flares,
Meteoroids. The National Aeronautics and Space Van Allen belt radiation, or nuclear bursts are well
Administration has a well-conceived program for ob- recognized, but it is difficult to establish a required
taining environmental data of all types. From an engi- level of protection. Vehicles operating in the region
neering design standpoint, however, major data defi- below the Van Allen belt probably will not carry the
ciencies still exist. For instance, with regard to additional weight of shielding required for any man-made
meteoroids the existing data is plotted on Figures 3 and radiation. It is difficult to see any need for operation of
3A in terms of meteoroid flux versus particle mass. manned spacecraft for extended exposure to the Van
The actual data points from U. S. satellites gathering Allen belt radiation. Therefore, the radiation hazard of
this data are shown in comparison to the current esti- most concern is solar flare activity for cislunar and
mated variation. It will be noted that the band of un- space flight. It is recognized that better radiation data
certainty encompasses five orders of magnitude and that is required, and NASA has a program to develop it. In
considerable extrapolation is required to reach the addition, the criteria for which protection must be pro-
minimum size particle that will cause structural damage vided are not well understood.
Near-Earth Sate II ite Data 1.000 . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - , - - - - - - - , - - - - , - - - - - ,

Dust (10- 12 Gms)

z ....

Explorer VIII

to Moon
u.. (ooTEI a rod _ "'-en c ........ ., !.fttoI do_ limit.)

-' 10- 1
0."'" ~o-~-~-~!- ... ~-~-~-~-+--+---:!,.
u Pioneer I Zodiac
10-2 Cloud
Figure 4
Also important is the potential these remote regions
provide for possible manned military systems. The vul-
2 4 nerability of manned space systems will require their
LOG ALTITlJDE (KM) dispersal to the remote regions of cislunar space to es-
cape enemy detection. In Figure 5 is plotted the expect-
Figure 3A ed detection range for advanced radars versus relative
radar cross sections as related to small manned space-
craft. It can be seen that very high altitudes will be
To illustrate the problem, a design analysis was required to escape radar detection. Future develop-
made for a level of solar flare activity approximating ment of optical scanners and trackers will increase the
an average level between the low- and high-level periods detection altitudes still further.
of flare activity. It was assumed that flights of long
duration would be made during those periods in cislunar
space, and that the degradation of the probability of mis- ANTIC I PATED DETECTION RANGE -
sion success would be determined for different amounts FUTURE RADARS FOR 10-5
of radiation shielding. A peak survival value of .995
was selected as being representative of the maximum
degradation level that might be tolerated for anyone of
the many other kinds of potential failures affecting mis-
sion success. Figure 4 shows the amount of protection
required versus survival probability. Survival is defin-
ed as receiving less than 400 rads of dosage at a 4-cm
body tissue depth. The mission length is assumed to be
one month. Short-time flare detection will reduce
shielding requirements. Provision for localized pro-
tected areas will doubtless be required for future space-
craft. The astronauts can enter them and ride out solar
radiation storms. The data upon which this analysis is
based varies greatly with calender time and, in order to
have the confidence one should have in the validity of the
results, more information is required.


The Apollo program represents a major milestone Shaping and coatings can drastically modify the
in man's astronautical advancement even greater than radar return from the spacecraft. Even with the best
the Mercury flights. It is man's first true space explora- techniques, however, avoidance of detection is most
tion and is the forerunner of manned space operations difficult at low altitudes if continuous-search methods
through regions remote from the Earth. are used. Decoys can be used to make identification of

the real target difficult, but they become complex if The results of this study, shown in Figure 6, show
they are required to be effective for extended periods. a cost advantage for multiple launches and rendezvous
They will be effective, however, for flyover-type mis- over the total payload range. One important factor
sions. Therefore, for manned military systems having causing this is the high initial R&D cost for developing
extended mission durations, high-altitude operation will a new booster and indicates the value of getting as much
be required. use from a design as possible. It also illustrates the
advantages of up rating boosters until the cost of up rating
SUPERORBITAL OPERATIONS approaches the cost of developing a new larger booster.

In development of flight operations for high-altitude

orbit injection and return, velocities ranging from
30,000 to 45,000 feet per second must be considered. RELIAB I LlTY OF 0.8
l02- LH 2 Ioo,,·,
These are some of the basic problem areas, from an JOO N Ml Cl.c"lo. Orbit
operational sense, which then result in: 2()"l. Payload P.O'MII~
10'1'0 P'Y1ood ' •
Nt .. 10001." t"..",ched

1) Greater launch and injection propulsion require-

2) Larger space maneuvering requirements;
3) Wider re-entry corridor width;
4) Improved landing site acquisition;
5) All weather landing.
- - - ="

They will be discussed to show their impact on space-

craft trends and design requirements. It is recognized &0011 •• Slog. I
TIw",'(I0 u..)
that mission performance and equipment requirements
are equally important in selection of the specific space- 0, 1.0 30 3'
craft, but since missions beyond Apollo are as yet PAYLOAD (I06 US)

barely defined, no discussion of these problems will be

attempted. Figure 6
Launch and Injection Operation Trend Booster reliability was assumed to be 1. 0 for this
study. If this were degraded a certain increment, the
Many studies have been made comparing the varioUi curve set would shift upward uniformly and not change
ways of putting large amounts of payloads into orbit, the basic conclusions. In actuality the booster reli-
including reuseable launch systems, large expendable ability is poorer for the initial flights, becoming
systems, and modular launch vehicles. Studies have asymptotic to some high level as the number of launches
also been made, from the cost standpoint, to evaluate increase s. Thus, if a reliability factor that follows this
the use of Earth-orbit rendezvous techniques for space- trend were used, the advantage would be in favor of
craft assembly. It has been found that rendezvous large number of launches and favor the smaller booster
assembly is by far the most economical method for put- cost comparison even more.
ting large amounts of payload in orbit using expendable
boosters. Most studies today show that for such large Space Propulsion Trend
amounts of payloads in orbit, recoverable boosters
offer even greater cost savings. In either case, rendez Analyses of the many potential manned missions in
vous is an integral part of assembly of large payloads, space reveal very few cases in which space propulsion
the only limitation being the maximum number of flights will not become necessary. This holds true for both
that are operationally feasible for that mission. military and scientific activities. Propulsion systems
considered, of course, run the gamut from electromag-
Assumptions and ground rules used for a recent netic to nuclear, and from integral installations such as
study are listed below: the Aerospaceplane to separable propulsion units.

1) L02-LH2 two-stage boosters, steel construction, Other than for interplanetary missions it appears
single thrust chamber; that the extremely low thrust-to-weight ratio propulsion
2) 300-nautical-mile, circular-orbit mission; systems have limited application. For cislunar opera-
3) Booster reliability of 1. 0 for the boost phase; tions there will be required thrust levels ranging from
4) Cost and booster payload data based on present- 0.10 to 1. 0, preferably with a throttling range of approx-
day estimates; imately 10 to 1. The ratio of the national propulsion
5) Payload boosted into orbit in more than one piece effort aimed at chemical or nuclear propulsion to meet
and assembled by rendezvous technique. The ren- such a requirement is proportionally too low when com-
dezvous maneuver penalizes the payload weight and pared to the efforts on the extremely low-level thrust-
reduces reliability. The payload weight penalty level types.
was assumed to be 0.1 and 0.2 as defined by the
ratio of unsuccessful tries divided by total tries; There is considerable debate in the industry con-
6) Cost figures, including vehicle, facilities, GSE, cerning onboard space propulsion versus separable
R&D, and propellant costs. Each vehicle was units. Aerospaceplane advocates envision a completely
costed independently of other sizes. recoverable space system, which they believe will be
the ultimate development of space activity when it In the second case, the total weight in orbit for the
reaches large-scale operation. It becomes a matter of recoverable system is 496,000 pounds and for the non-
economics much the same as the recoverable first- recoverable system, 320,000 pounds. The difference
stage boost problem, although operational problems in favor of the nonrecoverable system is 176,000 pounds.
will no doubt be an important factor. Without a com- Again, if the cost per pound in orbit is assumed to be
pletely recoverable space system, it is possible to $100, the economic advantage will be in favor of the
visualize hundreds of spacecraft in operation, with man- recoverable system, if the cost of the disposable propul-
made debris scattered throughout space. The problems sion stage exceeds $630 per pound unit weight. For
of traffic control or surveillance would be impossible in reference it is believed that the cost per pound of an
such a case. empty stage presently approximates $500 to $1000, the
cost to launch a pound into orbit is in the $1000 plus
A study was conducted to assess the comparison range. The economic advantage of the disposable system
between an all-recoverable upper stage containing on- will then be considerably greater, based on today's
board propulsion and an equivalent spacecraft with a launch costs, than that shown by the above analysiS.
separable propulsion unit. Each was assumed to carry
10,000 pounds of payload in aID, OOO-cubic-foot payload The analysis reveals another trend. The relative
compartment. The propulsion system was sized to pro- advantage of a disposable propulsion unit increases with
vide a 21, OOO-fps velocity increment in both instances. the amount of space propulsion being provided. For in-
Two conditions were then evaluated. The first can stance, in the first case approximately 1500-fps orbital
assume an initial stage propulsion system providing velocity was provided and in the second case 21,000 fps.
5000 to 6000 fps velocity. The upper stage then provides The break-even unit cost of the disposable stage ran
the impulse for injection into a 300-nautical-mile from $110 to $630 per pound. This indicates that low-
circular orbit. The second case assumes that the upper orbit vehicles with a minimum propulsion requirement
stage is injected by other means into the same orbit so on all recoverable spacecraft will make sense when
that the 21, OOO-fps increment is available for space launch costs are reduced to attainable values; but for
travel and return. high-orbit space operations requiring velocities of
35,000 fps and higher, the disposable propulsion unit
In Figure 7 are shown the results of this study. In will be used. The use of nuclear stages will also favor
the first case the total weight in orbit is 126,000 pounds separation of spacecraft from the propulsion unit.
for the recoverable system and 95,000 pounds for the Figure 7 shows a comparative layout of the all-
nonrecoverable units. For each flight, the weight differ- recoverable and separable spacecraft.
ential is 31,000 pounds in favor of the disposable propul-
sion system. Inasmuch as the disposable propulsion
stage weight was 28, 000 pounds, 1. 1 pounds of vehicle He-entry Vehicles Trend
weight were required to recover each pound of booster.
Or in other terms, if the cost of placing 1 pound into The question of optimum re-entry vehicle configu-
orbit can be reduced to $100 per pound, as advocates of ration approach is one that is not yet finally settled,
recoverable boost systems promise, then it will be an and it may never be settled to the satisfaction of all con-
economic advantage to use the all-recoverable system if cerned. The proponents of near-ballistic shapes empha-
the cost of the disposable propulsion unit is more than size the superior weight efficiency and basic simplicity
$110 per pound unit weight. of their vehicles. On the other hand, advocates of lift-
ing re-entry vehicles, such as X-20, emphasize re-entry
flexibility comfort and horizontal landing. The argu-
INTEGRAL VS EXPENDABLE PROPULS ION ments consider only part of the mission. There is no
Aerospaceplane Second Stage perfect all-purpose re-entry shape any more than there
is a perfect all-purpose airplane. The choice will
develop around the mission requirements. We could
design higher performance into an airplane if we were
willing to compromise its takeoff, landing, and hold
requirements. Likewise, an airplane optimized for

landing and takeoff would be a poor high-performance
fighter unless some form of variable geometry is used.

~) s@ The weight advantage of a low LID re-entry vehicle

is illustrated in Figure 8. The data shown is for a
series of vehicles configurated for a common set of
10,000 CU FT PAYLOAD VOLUME 10,000 CU FT ground rules and for two re-entry speeds. A vehicle
with an LID of 1. 5 will weigh approximately 30 percent
21,000 FPS AV 21,000 F'S
370,000 LBS lf2/LH ~OPELl.ANT 251,000 LIS lf2/LH2 more than one having an LID of 0.5. This ratio holds
EXP. ~OP. SYS 28,000 LIS true for two- and three-man vehicles, but will become
126,000 LBS RE-ENTRY WEIGHT 67,000 LIS
smaller as the size of the spacecraft increases. The
additional weight results from the heat protection sys-
NOTE: 59,000 Ibs ore required to recover 28,000 Ibs
tem and control system requirements based on today's
of expendable propul5ion system or 1-1 Ibs of knowledge. The projection of state-of-art development
vehicl. requited to recover 1 lb of empty boostar
also reduces this ratio.
Figure 7
RE-ENTRY MANEUVERAB ILITY reduce our efforts to understand better the capabilities
of both. Understanding connotes actual flight develop-
WEIGHT REQUI REMENTS ment, not merely analytical trade studies and cost-
effectiveness comparisons.

When re-entry from high orbits is considered, the
problem of achieving a re-entry window width compatible
with guidance and control capabilities is difficult. The
Mercury vehicle is capable of entering the Earth's
atmosphere and has sufficient corridor width at 25,000
fps without the use of lift. The Apollo vehicle, on the
other hand, to maintain an acceptable minimum corridor
for re -entry from the Moon, will require an LID equal
to 0.5. If the re-entry velocity is to be increased,
deceleration force reduced, or corridor width increased
.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 LID values must be increased. The use of propulsion '
HYPERSONIC LID for providing this tolerance is no longer competive from
the weight standpoint, since the impulse to change the
Figure 8 direction of a body traveling at 35,000 fps has become
prohibitive. Figure 10 shows the variation of corridor
width for various values of LID at different re-entry
An acceptable level of operational flexibility can be
speeds. A maximum force of 6 g's was used to limit
achieved by low LID space vehicles by the choice of
allowable maneuvers so as to keep the comfort level
orbit altitudes and inclinations. In Figure 9 is shown
within acceptable values. No lift modulation was
orbit paths for an inclination of 36 degrees. A side
assumed. If modulation is considered, significant
range of only 200 nautical miles is required to be able
increase in corridor width results for the higher LID.
to land at Walker Air Force Base in Texas t'rom any of
four orbits, For a 34-degree orbit a recovery can be
made with a vehicle having a side range of approximately
35 nautical miles.
Width. 50 N Mi 30
I I "'"


36.fil 156 N Mi 19S N Mi

J6.SO 196 N Mi 110 N Mi

Figure 10
Figure 9
When the total problem of re-entry from superorbi-
On the other hand, to return to such a base from a tal flight is considered (i. e., (a) meeting the extremely
90-degree orbit will require a side range exceeding 600 small tolerance between skip-out and exceeding either
nautical miles for two orbits each day. Likewise, to the g limits or temperature limits, (b) being on the orbit
return to the same base from an equatorial orbit will which passes near the desired landing site on first pass,
require a side range of approximately 2000 nautical (c) decelerating at the right rate to stop exactly at the
miles. This side range can be achieved either by orbit site rather than undershooting or overshooting due to
plane change prior to re-entry or by maneuver during angle of entry, atmospheric variations, or timing, and
re-entry. Our trade studies have shown that for low (d) having weather conditions sufficiently good to land),
side ranges the minimum weight system has a low LID. the only possible conclusion is that research should be
For side ranges ove r 700 to 1,000 nautical miles the aimed toward opening up the tolerance to much wider
advantage favors vehicles that can achieve the required limits than those attainable with LID of 0.5 for future
side range using maneuverability during re-entry. So operational flexibility.
again, operational mission requirements must be
defined before an approach is selected. It is hard to
believe that at this stage of space development we should
Re-entry Vehicles' - Landing Phase VARIABLE GEOMETRY RE-ENTRY VEHICLES
Although specific operational requirements will 12
LID Characteristics

dictate the terminal recovery of future spacecraft, the

~ ··I-~~·
trend will be toward greater range control to correct
re-entry errors. Experience with X-20 will show it to
have this capability satisfactory for a research program.
It may also be adequate for operational landing systems
as well that depend on ground-controlled guidance used
for the terminal phase. However, improvements in the
terminal phase LID can and will be developed by use of
s 6

thrust, variable geometry, or base drag reduction.

Ite .....try Config
A good design must seek resolution of the conflict-
ing design requirements of re-entry and landing. For
re -entry, the most efficient spacecraft will minimize
the surface area exposed to high heating. For the land-
ing phase, the LID should be high enough to give the MACH NUMBER
pilot time to evaluate his position with reference to the
landing field at "high key" and also at "low key, " to Figure II
have visual reference of the end of the runway. With an
LID of 4.5 the high and low key positions are 30,000 and
15,000 feet, respectively. Raising the LID to 10 changes THRUST-AUGMENTED UD
high key to 4000 and low key to 2000 feet. If pilots are
to control the spacecraft manually, this reduction in 0.31 0.251 0.21
high and low key altitudes becomes most important, 14
particularly in variable weather conditions. Future 12
systems doubtless will utilize some form of automatic
landing guidance that will minimize pilot function.
However, even with automatic terminal guidance, the
vehicle will require a high enough LID to allow the
pilot to take over guidance function if he wishes. Other-
wise he is nothing more than a passenger, and it is
difficult to believe that such degree of dependence upon 2
automation is desirable in the foreseeable future.
o .5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Wind-tunnel tests have been conducted on many var- (1/D)IA5IC
iable geometry configurations to examine the gain in sub-
sonic LID possible for reasonable weights. In Figure 11 Figure 12
is shown the remarkable improvement possible at less
than 5 percent increase in vehicle weight for a configura-
tion that has a hypersonic LID equal to approximately RANGE EXTENSION WITH TURBOJET
1. 25. With such an LID, the pilot will be able to make
range corrections of 200 miles after reaching transonic 10,000
speeds. This method of providing range and heading
corrections of such magnitudes was found to be the
lightest of the many studied and one that could also ;;;-
~ 'Turboiet
reliably be deployed, with the spacecraft controllable to
the desired limits. It is believed the re-entry space-
C> r----Basic Vehicle (Variable Geometry)
craft of the future will incorporate such variable iii
geometry devices. ~ 5,000

If improved LID is desired only to correct the flight >


path during approach phase prior to flare and during .....

flare, rocket thrust augmentation can be used. From the o
weight standpoint, such installations can be competitive
with variable geometry designs, but they lack the large
range-correction potential. They are, however, simpler o L-____ ~ ______ ~ ____ ~ ____ ~~ ____ ~

and require less R&D for availability. The effect on the o 200 600 1,000
basic LID of a vehicle for various thrust rockets is shown SUBSONIC RANGE (N MI)
in Figure 12.
Figure 13

Figure 13 shows a comparison of weights for the The systems shown are:
various propulsion methods plotted versus range. It is
believed that future spacecraft will run a combination 1) A series-type system in which failure of a major
of variable geometry plus a modest amount of rocket element causes failure of the spacecraft;
impulse during the terminal and landing phases of 2) A parallel-system concept, in which dual subsystems
flight, which can also be used for other phases of the are used. Both subsystems function at all times,
mission in a back-up mode if required. but either alone is sufficient to handle the function;
3) A primary subsystem with a failure detector, a
switching means, and a backup subsystem to handle
DESIGN FOR RELIABILITY the function if failure occurs on the primary sub-
If large-scale space systems operations are to 4) A parallel-subsystem concept with a means of
develop, their reliability will have to reach levels that repair for the malfunctioning subsystem;
provide more confidence of mission success than now 5) A primary-plus-standby concept with a capability to
exists. Currently, major improvements are being repair a malfunctioning subsystem.
developed in ctJmponent design to increase their mean
time to failure. System redundancy, parallel load paths, For reference, three points are shown. Point 1 is
and minimum system activity are other approaches also typical of the reliability that can be obtained for a man-
being incorporated into spacecraft to improve mission ned space station with a mission duration of 6 months.
success probability. Yet these steps alone will not be Point 2 represents a manned lunar reconnaissance
sufficient for complex spacecraft requiring mission module having from 200 to 400 hours I operating time.
durations lasting several weeks or months. Point 3 represents a sophisticated, unmanned lunar
reconnaissance vehicle with a mission duration of from
Our analyses show that typical vehicles, whose 400 to 600 hours.
missions require good guidance, accuracy, attitude sta-
bilization, space maneuvers, antenna sensor and solar A line is drawn arbitrarily at 0.5 reliability to
panel orientation, environmental control, communica- indicate that below such a value the system concept is
tion, power supplies, etc. , are difficult to design with not considered to be feasible. Another line drawn at
a high degree of confidence of operational lifetimes 0.7 is considered, from the safety standpoint, to be the
exceeding several weeks. Even assuming major im- minimum feasibility level for a manned system. Below
provements in the state-of-art of component design, this that value the escape system would be used too often for
is still true. It is our conclusion that when long mission the vehicle to be considered a good risk.
duration is essential for such spacecraft, manned
vehicles with in-flight maintenance offer the best From this data it can be seen that in-flight mainte-
solution. nance is the most effective factor for attaining the level
of reliability necessary for complex spacecraft. Where-
A comparison of such spacecraft is shown in Figure as there have been instances of reviving malfunctioning
14 where five different design concepts are plotted. Sys- elements by clever remote diagnosis and manipulation,
tem reliability versus a complexity factor which is the for the more complex vehicles a man on board will be
product of mission time and failure rate are shown. The required. The design of both spacecraft and subsystems
longer the mission time or the higher the failure rate, will have to provide space and modular construction to
the greate r is the complexity factor. permit this maintenance capability.


The most important factor influencing construction
of re-entry vehicles is the hypersonic L/D desired. As
LUNAR Il:ECONNA'SSA.NCE (UNMANNED) stated earlier, it is believed that L/D varying from 1. 0
to 1. 5 will be the most typical for the future. Conse-
quently, a composite construction will be required to
provide the minimum weight solution for orbital or
superorbital re -entry.

Re-entry vehicles that experience a peak cold wall
heat flux of 40 BTU/ftLsec or less, except in stagnation
regions, can use refractory metal shields backed by
fibrous insulation with current state of art. For these
configurations the pressure compartment would also
serve as body structure and probably be of weldable
aluminum alloy. Either a water-wick system or a cir-
culating system with watE"r boiler would be required to
absorb heat coming through the insulation. The thermal
protection - including refractory shield and support,
Figure 14 insulation, water, and watecr system - would weigh 3 to

5 pounds per square foot of surface area, depending on other values of"J.,/I?, ~ce weights for both systems
the refractory-shield-to-structure attachment. This increase almost directly with total heat flux. Trans-
system is primarily influenced by the peak heat flux with piration systems are attractive because they are re-
relatively small effects on weight of vehicle LID. usable and maintain a fixed aerodynamic shape.
Depending on the type of system and design heat flux,
The peak heat flux exceeds 40 BTU/ftLsec in at transpiration may be competitive or superior on a
least the forward regions of lifting re-entry shapes that weight basis to charring ablation.
have been examined with an LID of 1. 2 and less. A
charring ablator can be used in the higher heat flux
regions. For the vehicle with an LID of approximately COMPARI SON OF TRANSP IRATION AND
1. 2, 8 pounds pe r square foot is required whe re the ABLATION SYSTEMS
peak heat flux is 40 BTU/ft 2 -sec. Because of the
significantly higher weights for the ablation system, a
composite system with ablation only in forward areas ........ Ablation

Transpil"'Q'tion: (Woter System)

and radiation shields for the remainder is attractive for _ _ _ Self R.gulating
vehicles such as shown in Figure 15. A relatively thin i _ Temp Controlled
layer of low-density ablation material may be bonded to
the refractory metal to protect the coating from the
I 16lXJoF

meteoroid environment. Since this material will be (5

ablated early in re -entry, control surfaces can be
I 24«f'F

operated during re-entry within heat limits. ~ 10




Figure 16

Vehicles designed for re-entry from low orbits

using refractory radiation shields can be used for
atmospheric entry at escape velocities by bonding abla-
tion material to the refractory shield for absorbing
the short duration peak heating at superorbital veloci-
ties. Tests have demonstrated the compatibility of
selected ablators and bonding agents with disilicide
refractory coating.


In summary, it is expected that manned spacecraft

of the future will emphasize operation at high-orbit alti-
tudes. They will require use of space propulsion for
rendezvous, space maneuvers, and return. The pro-
pulsion units will be separable and disposable for high-
altitude operation, even when recoverable first stages
are used. Rendezvous is most promising for assembly
Figure 15 of large space payloads. It is more economical than
the use of single launches of new large ooosters.

Transpiration systems are being evaluated and Re-entry spacecraft will require use of lift to pro-
compared with other systems. The efficiency of a vide sufficient corridor width for superorbital re-entry.
transpiration system is strongly a function of tempera- For operational systems, the LID range over 1. 0
ture allowed at the porous surface. Another important appears the most attractive, considering all the vari-
parameter is extent of optimization of effluent flow abIes affecting re-entry accuracy. Variable geometry
rates for each local area and versus time. Figure 16 plus rocket augmentation will be used to provide landing-
compares thermal protection weights for a charring site acquisition and all-weather landings. Composite
ablator with four different transpiration systems. The structure appears most attractive for such vehicles.
higher char surface temperatures, with heat rejection
by radiation as max heat flux is increased, results in
best efficiency for a char ablator at higher heat fluxes
and best effiCiency for transpiration at lower fluxes.
The total heat flux is based on a heating-time curve for
equilibrium glide from low orbit at LID = 1. O. The
relationship of transpiration and ablation is similar at

- 359-
James M. Bridges C !'v~.~
d,,\J '~L\(~ l'-l
~ Y

~~---- ________tDirect r of Electronics
Office of the Di of Defense Res~h & Eng.·~.(I/iI'~·-'lg ___

On many occasions during the past 5 years I of better than 0.0001 percent per 1000 hours. The
have stated that the reliability of spaceborne failure rate of standard electronic parts now gen-
equipment and devices may h2come a pacing factor in erally used in military systems ranges from 0.1 to
the achievement of our national objectives in mili- 0.001 percent per 1000 hours--one to three orders
tary and civilian space. To introduce my subject of magnitude poorer than needed for our assumed
this afternoon, I wish to emphatically repeat this space craft.
As many of you know, some $30 million has been
Further, I am convinced that reliability is of spent in the MINUTEMAN program to increase the life
such crucial importance to all our space-related of electronic parts. This effort has provided an
activities that it should be considered a matter of average improvement of roughly 10 to 1 so that
national policy. It is essential, I believe, that failure rates of MINUTEMAN parts range from 0.0002
the highest levels of government and industry percent per 1000 hours for diodes to 0.01 percent
management be made fully aware that the attainable per 1000 hours for power transistors. Specifica-
level of space-system reliability not only may tions for these improved parts are being prepared
place physical restrictions on the extent of our by the Air Force so that they will be available to
space explorations, but will directly control the all system designers.
time required to accomplish any space program, as
well as its cost. For example, we must recognize But the use of even these improved parts--
that the ultimate practicability of a satellite ~lich are generally the best available today--
communications system, whether military or commer- would give a 90-percent probability that our
cial, will depend not so much upon our ability to 20,000 part space vehicle would operate without
launch and guide satellites into optimum orbits or failure for only about 1 month.
to demonstrate that usable communications circuits
can be established via those satellites, but on how It is obvious that reducing the complexity of
much it will cost to maintain in orbit the number spaceborne devices will greatly increase their pro-
of satellites required to furnish a reliable com- bable operating lifetime. For example, if parts of
munications service. And, of course, this cost MINUTEMAN quality were used in a spacecraft having
will be directly dependent upon the operating life- only 2000 parts, one could reasonably expect a 90-
time of the satellites in orbit. percent probability that it would operate without
failure for 1 year. The use of redundancy would
The degree to which reliability will limit or also provide improved reliability.
delay the practical attainment of our space objec-
tives, or affect their cost, will depend critically I realize that predicting a system's reli-
upon these factors: (1) how well the factors ability on the basis of the number of parts and
involved in obtaining high systems reliability are their failure rates may give results that are
understood throughout the government and industrial overly pessimistic when compared to the system's
agencies engaged in our space programs; (2) how actual performance. The combination of statistics
thoroughly this knowledge is applied to design, and recent experience with space and weapons sys-
engineering, construction and testing; and (3) the tems, however, convinces me that, to meet the
level of support and adequacy of direction of requirements of many of our space programs, we
general reliability programs. will need parts of considerably better quality
than those produced for the MINUTEMAN program.
I shall review today some of the more signifi-
cant aspects of management and technology involved In addition to preparing specifications for
in obtaining reliable systems. After noting a few MINUTEMAN-quality parts, the Department of Defense
of the efforts underway in the Department of De- is supporting several other parts-improvement
fense, including some in which the National Aero- efforts. A Space Parts Working Group, with repre-
nautics and Space Administration (NASA) is jointly sentation from the Military Departments, NASA and
engaged, I shall suggest some program concepts space-system contractors, has been established
that might help us to reach our space programs' under Air Force leadership. The Group's aim is to
goals more effectively. determine common requirements for parts used in
space systems. Availability of these requirements
The fundamental limitation on space systems will permit us to concentrate development and
reliability is the relatively high failure rate of testing work on these parts in an effort to raise
parts now available to the system designer. Some their reliability level.
space systems under development, or planned, have
requirements for operating lifetime ranging from 1 In carrying out the recommendations of the
to 5 years. This demands a level of reliability of "Darnell Report,,,l the Department of Defense is
individual parts several orders of magnitude preparing parts specifications that include
greater than most parts now available can attain. stringent requirements for reliability. We are
also supporting a research effort to identify
To put this in perspective, let us consider a mechanisms of parts failure and to develop
space vehicle incorporating 20,000 parts, whose methods of short-term testing to determine
mission calls for a 90-percent probability that it failure rates without having to test large
will not fail for 1 year. Without redundancy, this quantities of parts for long time periods.
would require parts having an average failure rate

All these efforts will certainly improve the operating conditions. This means, of course, that
general level of parts reliability, but I seriously the designer must put much more emphaSis on those
doubt that we will ever fully meet reliability engineering and test phases that are vital to
requirements for space systems via the route of incorporating and measuring reliab~lity. Let the
conventional electronic-parts improvement. I am designer's philosophy be not "fly"nd fix," but
convinced that the only promise of really meeting "design for reliable operation from the start."
these requirements lies in the widespread use of
microelectronic integral circuits. There is good We have learned a great deal during the past
evidence that this new electronic technology offers few years about the elements in design and engine-
significantly greater reliability than comparable ering that affect systems reliability. Today most
circuits employing the best conventional parts competent design engineers know how important it is
available today. True, the present state of the to select the best parts, to avoid tight tolerances
art does not permit the use of microelectronics in in electrical and mechanical systems, and to con-
many types of circuit applications. But the tech- servatively load parts, electrically and mechani-
nology is advancing rapidly, and we may expect that cally. They know how to protect parts and circuits
microelectronics will be usable to a much greater against environmental stresses. They know how tre-
extent during the next few years. In addition to mendously the application of redundancy in areas of
its inherently high reliability, the reduced size, critical circuits or weak individual parts can con-
weight and power requirement of microelectronics tribute to reliability. They know how to predict
will permit a more generous use of circuit redun- with reasonable accuracy the life and reliability
dancy in space vehicles. of systems and subsystems even before putting them
together for the first time. And they know, by
I strongly urge the space industry to very testing at subsystem and system levels, how to
carefully consider the application of this new determine whether their design meets the desired
technology in the development of new systems. Als~ standard of reliability.
wherever it seems to offer technical promise, I
recommend that more emphasis be placed on the In my opinion, a mature and experienced
development of solid-state devices to replace engineer knows enough today about the principles of
klystrons, magnetrons and traveling-wave tubes. deSign, engineering and test associated with reli-
ability that he should be able to design a system
Giving too little attention to reliability whose inherent reliability is controlled almost
during the design, engineering and test of a entirely by its complexity and the reliability of
system has been a major source of operational the parts he has to work with. I suspect that
failures. Even if all parts needed for a system system failures from design deficiencies are caused
have adequate reliability, improper application of not so much by what we don't know as by what we
these parts will inevitably result in an unreliable don't do.
Now, if we have ~his much know-how in design
In considering reliability engineering for and engineering, why do we still make mistakes in
spaceborne systems we should recognize that there those areas that lead to failures in our space
is a fundamental factor--other than long life and programs?
maintenance-free operation--that is different from
most other systems; that is the fact that space The answer, simple in fact but very complex
systems are produced in relatively small numbers. in cause and remedy, involves three basic condi-
In designing devices that are to be produced
in quantity, the engineer has tended to rely-- First, on a particular job we may not have
perhaps too heavily--upon the possibility that enough engineers with the requisite know-how.
design deficiencies can be corrected or inadequate
components replaced during production, or that his Second, even if the engineers have the know-
design mistakes can be rectified by field modifica- ledge, we may not give them enough time or money
tions during the equipment's service life. In many for thorough design, engineering and test.
of our guided-missile programs (NIKE and TERRIER,
for instance), missiles have been produced in quan- And, third, the company or government program-
tities of several hundred for developmental firings. management people may not be sufficiently enlight-
Designers have used the information gained in this ened, either technically or policywise, to see that
production experience and the numerous early fir- the available know-how is effectively applied.
ings to improve equipment design and to test its
reliability. To a certain extent, this practice The first of these is a problem of great
has relieved the engineer of pressure to do a national concern. As a result of the recent rapid
thorough design job in the first place; unfortu- expansion in our military and space programs, we
nately this has had the effect of delaying general have created such a vast amount of development and
recognition of the need for intensive reliability engineering work that our limited supply of compe-
engineering. tent, experienced technical people is seriously
overextended. I won't go deeper into that question
Because space systems are not "produced" in right now, because it would only lead to a discus-
the usual sense of the word, and also in view of sion of our educational systems and the multitude
the high cost of launching the vehicles, this of reasons for the present inefficient use of
correct-as-you-go design procedure is not practi- engineers. I can suggest, though, that on every
cal. The system and all its components must be major project there must be enough engineers with
properly designed in the beginning; then, before the proper know-how and with the authority to
the first launch is attempted, the system's per- ensure that all the engineering done on that job is
formance and reliability should be proved as far as right in every detail.
possible in the laboratory under simulated

The second situation, in which we know how to the contractor's adherence to any other perform-
engineer the job but don't do it right for lack of ance or management requirement.
time or funds, also presents a sticky problem. More
often than not, a contractor is faced by program From the over-all standpoint of deSign and
schedules and money limitations that make it impos- RDT&E management, we in the Defense Department are
sible for him to design, engineer and test the sys- emphasizing, in all major development programs,
tem with the thoroughness needed to satisfy the the use of quantitative reliability requirements
mission reliability requirement. Too often, over- and suitable demonstration plans. We are stress-
riding schedules are based on policy criteria and ing design reViews, reliability monitoring, system
do not allow sufficient time for a sound engineer- analysis and the inclusion of a program-definition
ing and test program. I believe this is a charac- phase. The more recent contracts are incorporat-
teristic national fault; it is certainly not unique ing incentive clauses on reliability. (We are also
to our space programs. advocating that PERT analyses be made during the
program. )
We must all feel the great national urgency
that presses us toward early success in our major I appreciate, of course, that in certain pro-
space and weapons-development programs. Over and grams impelling factors may justify the early
over again, however, experience has taught us that firing of space vehicles, even though the risk of
too much haste in engineering and testing can bring failure due to the lack of reliability may be
on serious delays in a program, often far exceeding fairly high. We should, however, know reasonably
the time it would have taken initially to do a well how great a risk is involved so that we can
thorough job in the essential design, engineering balance the cost of failure against the true value
and test. Worse than that, hurried and inadequate of early success. On the other hand, there is con-
engineering and testing may lead to repeated fail- siderable doubt that it would be wise to carry the
ures in the initial operational tests, and this in development of some systems, such as communications
turn may cause the entire project to be abandoned-- satellites, into the very expensive phascG of final
a very undesirable and often unnecessary waste of engineering and satellite launching until certain
human and economic resources. precautionary steps have been taken; that is, it
should be reasonably well established, through
The solution of this whole problem--adequate careful prediction, analysis and preliminary de-
design, engineering and test leading to acceptable sign, that it will be possible with the current
levels of reliability--depends largely upon the technology and components to eventually attain the
attitudes and enlightenment of managcment people in level of reliability necessary to make the proposed
both government and industry. Management is called system operationally and economically feasible.
upon to recognize and respect the critical impor-
tance of establishing realistic and essential reli- Another concept that could help toward making
ability goals and, through sound planning and ad- space systems perform reliably involves the greater
ministration of all phases of a program, to ensure usage of cornmon devices or subsystems whose reli-
that these goals are reached. ability is well established. To encourage the
application of this "building-block" philosophy,
When first planning a space program, the the Department of Defense and NASA are cooperating
government must very carefully determine the mini- in an effort to develop launch-vehicle components
mum level of reliability essential to meet the that can be used in several space programs. Mr.
mission objectives. Once established, the reli- John Rubel, Assistant Secre~ary of Defense for
ability factor must be considered just as criti- Research and Development, recently had this to say
cally and conscientiously as any other performance about the joint project:
characteristic in decisions regarding the cost of
the program and the time required to complete it-- Both NASA and the Defense Department have
even the feasibility of initiating the program at coordinated efforts leading to thE' standaru-
all! ization of some of the most important of
these "building-blocks." The SCOUT launch
In his proposals, a prospective contractor vehicle is an example. The standardized
must fully take into account the required reli- ATLAS D, being built by the Defense Depart-
ability levels and must include realistic estimates ment (under a program towards which NASA is
of the time needed to satisfy those requirement& contributing approximately fifty percent of
and the cost of the work. The government in its the funds), is another example. The Defense
final selection of the contractor, must adequately Department has also developed a standardized
weigh the contractor's understanding of the reli- AGENA upper stage, the AGENA D, which is
ability requirements and associated technical and programmed for use both by NASA and the
managerial factors. Defense Department for a great variety of
missions. No single factor is likely to
Once a contract has been awarded, the contrac- contribute as much to improved launch
tor's management must make sure that the program is vehicle reliability as the standardization
staffed, throughout all design, engineering and of launch vehicles and their repetitive use.
testing phases of the program, with the engineering
know-how necessary to meet the reliability require- We can likewise make significant gains in
ments; moreover through incentives and disciplines, reliability and cost reduction by more common
the proper motivation must be instilled in the pro- usage of guidance systems and other space craft
ject people, one that will keep them constantly devices. Administratively~ the attainment of such
working toward the designated reliability goals. goals in the various areas of guidance, telemetry,
The program directors in the government must watch communications, stabilization and power supplies
over the status and progress of the program's reli- will probably be much more difficult, but we feel
ability aspects just as carefully as they review it is so vitally important to meeting our

reliability goals and reducing the mounting pro- First, we must place highest priority on the
liferation of R&D proJects, that it deserves very development and application of microelectronics as
careful consideration. In support of this convic- our best hope of meeting space program reliability
tion, NASA and the Defense Department have under- objectives.
taken a coordinated program aimed at bringing about
the common usage of advanced guidance systems in Second, we must continue and increase our
space craft and launch vehicles at the earliest joint DOD-NASA efforts to establish common require-
possible time. ments for electronic, mechanical and electromechan-
ical parts applicable to space systems and to
We all recognize that the introduction of new foster the development, test and application of
components or techniques into a system development these common parts.
before their reliability and performance have been
firmly established is a prime source of system Third, in all phases of space programs, we
operational unreliability. On the other hand, we must place more emphasiS on the use of proven
know that the development and use of new component~ design techniques, engineering practices and
techniques and devices is essential to meet the methods of reliability-assurance testing.
advancing performance requirements of our space
programs. A vigorous exploratory and advanced Fourth, we must make greater use of commonly
development program to provide these new component~ applicable space devices whose reliability and
techniques and devices must be maintained. But we performance have been demonstrated.
need to increase our efforts to perfect them
through extensive engineering and reliability Fifth, we in the government must carefully
assurance testing before they are introduced into determine the mission reliability requirements for
specific system developments. For a long time I a new system and specify these requirements in our
have thought that all our space programs could contracts in quantitative terms, along with tests
profit immensely from a continuing "test bed" pro- to prove compliance. When reliability is thus
gram wherein new devices and components could be specified, the contract must contain reasonable
tested for life and performance in a real space incentives involving penalties or a premium on fees
environment before being committed to a particular that will motivate the contractor to meet the
space mission. Probably much of this kind of test- reliability specifications.
ing could be done rather inexpensively by "piggy-
back" rides on vehicles launched for other mis- Finally, reliability must be considered a
sions. This "space testing," of course, should not matter of national policy and its importance to
replace thorough testing of new devices in a simu- the successful accomplishment of our space objec-
lated environment in the laboratory. tives recognized by line management at all levels
of government and industry involved in the conduct
As I close I would like to repeat the areas of our space programs.
requiring our greatest attention in attaining the
level of reliability demanded for our space

1 Office of the Director of Defense Research and

Engineering and Office of the Assistant Secretary
of Defense (Supply & Logistics), Parts Specifica-
tion Mana ement for Reliabilit , May 1960 (2 vol.).
Paul H. Darnell was chairman of the ad hoc group
that made the study.)


Walter F. Burke
Vice President & General Manager
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation
p. O. Box 516
St. Louis 66, Missouri

Introductory Remarks only a few of the many facets of this task can be
touched upon and it is hoped that they will be
American industry has risen to every occa- found to be of common concern.
sion demanded by either national security or
national prestige goals set by the governing bodies AEROSPACE INDUSTRY GROWTH
of these United States. Space leadership will be
no exception. Historically, American industry Forecast
has provided a standard of living in this country
which overshadows anything ever before experi- First and foremost is the necessity to
enced in history. This has been possible through grasp the very scope of the aerospace industry as
the exercise of freedom of thought unhampered by it is today and its growth from its relatively
authoritarian type governmental control, but ema- humble beginnings in the early 50's. Figure 2,
nating from the competitive spirit of a free people compiled from various governmental bureaus,
each one of whom has the opportunity to pull him- clearly depicts this progression through the 1950's
self up by the grace of Almighty God to whatever and forecasts its extension through the 1960's.
level of advancement he sets as his goal. However, judging from past experience with such
projections, it will in all probability be exceeded
It is in this arena that the American aero- by a significant amount. Graphically displaying
space industry now faces a task which will demand thi.s data on Figure 3, it can be recognized that
of it a dedication greater than ever before requir- the basic "jumps" in rate of expenditure have been
ed. In assessing the challenges of "General brought about by specific events such as Sputnik I
Management of Space Programs, " Industry will do and the successful Project Mercury manned
well to view management in the light of Noah Web- flights. Recognizing the fact that space explora-
ster's definition, "The judicious use of means to tion has barely started, it is more to be expected
accomplish an end (by) skillful treatment." Al- that there will be at least two more step inputs
though it is unlikely that Webster in the early this decade. These could result from far more
1800's foresaw the age of astronautics clearly, it ambitious space exploratioq effort reinforced by
is strikingly true that he very explicitly set down successful programs on Gemini and later, Apollo.
in black and white the task of management from
the industry point of view. As an example of the unlimited vista from
today's porthole, consider the possibilities of a
We might well paraphrase Webster and say suggestion made by Dandridge Cole in an article
that the challenge to management is to entitled "Capturing the Asteroid, " from which I
"foresee, select, train, utilize in the most take the liberty to quote "Even so remarkable an
economical manner possible the proper achievement as capturing a minor planet should
proportions of manpower, facilities, be considered a possibility in the next decade,
working capital and lastly, but of great especially with the advent of nuclear spacecraft. "
importance, team-spirited leadership to This article appeared in the March 1963 issue of
accomplish America's stated goal, Astronautics and Aerospace Engineering and is
'Leadership in Space'. " indicative of the ever accelerating pace of space
This function of management may be symbolically thinking. In all likelihood, some of this thinking
represented by the wheel (see Figure 1) in which will come to fruition and it is not at all unreason-
the hub is the task, the spokes are the balanced able that the actual rate will reach 14 billion
distribution of talents, and the rim is the well- dollars per year by 1970 as appended on Figure 3.
rounded management team exerting a uniform With a gross national product projection of 767
pressure on all the spokes, holding them to the billion dollars for 1970, this still represents
task, and thoroughly aware of the many varied up merely 1.82% allocated to aerospace. From the
and down external conditions which are experi- point of view of industry. management must look
enc·ed by any forward moving, pioneering team. forward at least as daringly as its technological
A fault in the rim is even more disastrous than a personnel. or be outstripped.
crack in a spoke. In the brief time available,

Expansion or Merger? sitions per company. Obviously, acquisition is
not the complete answer, but each management
In the past an expansion of such proportions group must face up to this problem, and be flexi-
in any industry was in general created by a simple ble enough to adjust to changing conditions.
numerical increase in the number of personnel
doing the already existing tasks for the most part. Growth in Test Facilities
This is not the challenge to management now.
For aerospace technology has brought with it a Along with this growing technology,
vast increase in the number of associated skills management inherits the problem of providing
and technical disciplines. In support of this state- progressively extensive phYSical facilities, with
ment, the experience of McDonnell Aircraft Corp. particular emphasis on those of a laboratory or
is presented. Whereas in 1950, exempt salaried test nature. Although statistics are not generally
employees, representative of these technical available for the whole industry with respect to
disciplines, accounted for 11.320/0 of total employ- capital investment for facilities and the portion
ment, they now in 1963 represent 27.90/0 of total of the total required for research and develop-
employment. This increase has brought about an ment, the specific case of McDonnell Aircraft
even greater than proportionate increase in job Corp. is presented for consideration. For the
classifications as changing technology and in- acquisition of its present facilities, M. A. C. has
creaSing specialization create new demands. reinvested from earnings 70.6 million dollars for
McDonnell experience to date from 1950 is shown land, buildings, machinery and equipment. Dur-
on Figures 4 and 5 with a forecast for the 1970 ing this same period, the government has providErl
period extended at its present rate of expansion. 44 million dollars, or 380/0 of the total 114.6 mil-
Whereas a decade ago engineering fell into a few lion dollars of facilities. This 70.6 million dol-
broad fields such as aeronautical, civil, mechani- lars represents the reinvestment of 650/0 of total
cal, electrical and chemical, we find today such corporate earnings to date. Figure 7 shows the
fields as human engineering, aerospace medicine, distribution of this investment between what may
psychology, physiology, anthropology, astronomy be classified as production type facilities and
and the pure sciences playing an increasingly im- R&D type facilities. Research and development
portant part in the integrated effort required for facilities include engineering campus office build-
successful spacecraft deSign. ings and all laboratory buildings and laboratory
equipment. In an effort to make the values more
Looking constructively ahead, management meaningful, it was decided to compare these costs
has two basic choices: either expand from within versus the pounds of "production" and "R&D"
using its present staff as a nucleus or expand by craft produced to date. On this basis the re-
the acquisition of complete staffs from without. invested earnings were $11. 20/lb. for R&D and
Conditions which favor expansion from within are: $2. 40/1b. for production. This results in a ratio
of R&D to production investment of 4.7 to 1.
1. Broad range of basic skills already When the presently programmed installations are
available. completed, this ratio will have increased to 5.1,
2. Inspiring "programs-in-being. " and over the next five years is forecast to become
3. Favorable employment situation. 7.5. Under these circumstances, management
4. Steady rather than "explosively" is confronted with the challenge of allocating
programmed growth. capital asset investments where they are best
5. Financial strength sufficient to carry able to contribute to the corporate long term
new operations through "grOWing pain" growth on a sound financial basis. In pursuit of
status. this, M. A. C. has invested heavily in t~st facili-
ties capable of Simulating space environment for
Faced with these two alternatives, what has the manned space vehicles and will shortly have 15
aerospace industry done? A survey was made space chambers in operation ranging in size and
from the best sources available of a selected group capability from 32" dia. x 72" long @ 10- 10 torr.
of 21 companies commonly considered to be the to 30' dia. x 35' long @ 10-8 torr., including two
"hard core" of the aerospace industry, exclusive chambers capable of testing a Gemini spacecraft
of strictly electronics or propulsion manufactur- and adapter in complete orbital configuration,
ers. These companies collectively absorbed a including provisions for manned occupancy during
total of 176 supplementary organizations during the duration of the tests.
the period of 1950-1961 as shown on Figure 6 for
an average of 8.4 acquisitions per company. Despite the very substantial investment in
However, it is particularly significant that six of test facilities on hand at the start of the Mercury
the eight companies doing by far the major share program, it was found necessary to further in-
of the aerospace business acquired a total of only crease this amount. See Figure 8.
fourteen operations for an average of 2.33 acqui-

AVAILABILITY OF TRAINED MANPOWER trative personnel. As an example of the growth
in emphasis in this area it is interesting to ex-
For the past several years we have been amine M. A. C. experience in overhead ratios
continually made aware of the projected shortage during the past five years as shown on Figure 13.
of engineering and science college graduates. A These figures are for almost identical total em-
recent publication makes the following contrast ployment levels of approximately 27,000 person-
(Figure 9) for the 1960-1970 period. Practically nel. In general, such a growth is looked at as
all fields are going to double. This should be undesirable when thought of as added burden.
looked forward to with enthusiasm by management However, it should be remembered that controls,
as a forecast of an expandin"g economy, but it when properly installed, serve the purpose of
must be planned for. enabling more efficient management, and there
should be a net gain in operating efficiency throu!p
The questions management must ask itself their proper use. Thus, any increase in adminis-
are: trative expense is unwarranted unless it is more
1. Have the educational agencies of the than offset by a decrease in operating costs.
land recognized this requirement? Herein lies the problem. Originators of manage-
2. Are the educational facilities and ment systems are to be highly commended for
curricula paced to satisfy this re- their analytical approaches in many instances,
quirement? and and it is the top management's job to assess the
3. What part is industry taking in the proper degree of penetration of "systemitis" and
solution of the problem? assure that the system reports the progress, not
delays it.
In a recent presentation to the St. Louis
Junior College District Technical Education Ad- An increase of the order of 32% in any cost
visory Committee, Norman C. Harris, of the area is always a source of major concern and has
University of Michigan, presented some rather resulted in a very detailed study to determine the
revealing facts on the matter of educational causes. A major contributor to this increase is
levels. As shown on Figure 10 and Figure 11, the necessity of producing a multiplicity of re-
taken from this presentation, the occupational ports and analyses for the various governmental
spectrum will have been so drastically changed agencies, with a great deal of overlapping data.
by 1970 that there will have to be an entirely new Figures 14 and 15 depict this problem and show
emphasis on middle level or junior college edu- clearly that a reduction in reporting formats will
cation. Aerospace management level personnel permit a definite reduction of cost in this area.
have here a very inviting challenge to work with This challenge is one to be shared by both indus-
community groups to bring about this transition. try and government.
Particularly because junior colleges tend to
satisfy local needs, aerospace firms which will The above mentioned few challenges must
be a very significant employment factor should and can be met and properly dealt with by an
accept a prominent role in this endeavor through agressive management. Their solutions will
counseling, publicizing, and taking an active part definitely produce more aerospace program for
in obtaining the facilities needed to train this the same total dollars.
major share of their workforce.

The aerospace industry today is a very act-

ive proponent of employee development through The author greatfully acknowledges the
training programs completely operated by each assistance of Mr. R. C. Krone, Director of
company, and through college and graduate level Personnel, and Mr. P. T. Rafter, Manager of
assistance by means of co-op programs or re- Plantwide Planning, McDonnell Aircraft Corp.,
imbursement type off-hour degree programs. in compiling the data presented herein.
Typical of this interest in the development of its
employees is the example of McDonnell Aircraft
as summarized in Figure 12.


As industrial enterprises become more com-

plex in keeping with advancing technology, there
is a concurrent need to develop better systems
of management controls. The very breadth of
ground needing coverage automatically has in-
creased the amount of effort required in this
area and is reflected in the growth of adminis-




1952 0.2 347.0

1956 1.1 419.2

1960 3.4 503.2

1964 7.9 606.0

1968 9.8 709.0

_I 1970 10.0
F1GO.fIE 2




,"" ",,'
..,., 13.1'"

10 ~
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970
so 54 S8 62 66 70



1400 176
Z /" I
;::: //
~1000 ay. . .
... 600
~V V
400 / /
::t 200 .... / .......V
1~7 I I
~ 1 I I I I I I I I I I
o 0
1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 51 53 55 57 59 61
REAL PROPERTY $33.0 $20.3 $ 53.3 $ 4.3 $4.2
TOTAL $42.5 $28.1 $ 70.6 $22.6 $9.7 (PRIOR TO MERCURY)
REAL PROPERTY $ 10.3 0 $ 10.3 0 0
TOTAL $44.2 0 $ 44.2 $ 5.9 0
REAL PROPERTY $43A $20.3 $ 63.6 $ 4.3 $4.2 ADDITIONS FOR GEMINI 8.290 1180.0
INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES 43A 7.7 51.2 24.3 5.5
TOTAL $86.8 $28.0 $114.8 $28.6 $9.7

JAN. 1947 - DEC. 1962 36.2 2.5 38.7



1960 1970 INCREASE
ENGINEERS 88,300 155,600 76.2
CHEMISTS ..........................................3,000
PHYSIClST5. .......................................5,800
117.2 ED~:~~~::L
I 58
L._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.l-_ _ _ _ _....L..._.J.
32 110 I
METALLURGISTS ...............................1,400 2,600 85.7
EARTH SCIENTlST5. ...............................100 200 100.1
MA THEMATICIAN5. ........................4,000 10,100 152.5
MEDICAL SCIENTISTS...........................100 1,200 1100.0
OTHER SCIENTIST5. ..........................3,600 5,800 61.1
I-_____+ ____- L _ +_ _-LL-----l-j
SUB-TOTAL ........ 18,100 38,800 114.2 OCCUPATIONAL 32 25
TECHNICIAN5. ....................................49'OOO 107,000 118.4 (PER CENTI NO COLLAR BLUE COLLAR WHITE COLLAI

TOTAL..... 155,400 301,400 93.0





105 315 105,000 6462 5362 83
I". <DIll


6 81 12

26 50 I 18



AREA 1958 1963


MANUFACTURING.............................1.0 1.06

ENGINEERING......................................1.0 0.94

PROCUREMENT....................................1.0 1.00
























James N. Davis
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
(Installations &: Logistics)

As weapons become more complex, a method familiar in depth with their programs. In turn,
for managing their acquisition has developed which this can be done only if our program managers
is intended to insure that the government's invest- can accurately assess the solution of technical
ment is effective. Programs to acquire such wea- problems.
pons give rise to such problems as:
The above discussion is intended to illustrate
1. Schedule compression and overlap of the problem: executing a program which is charac.-
hundreds of traditionally sequential tasks, syn- terized by complexity, concurrency and military
chronizing hundreds of distinct task-activities in urgency. For those weapons programs which have
one major program; these characteristics (by no means all of them), a
2. Forecasting program difficulties with management organization is needed for each which
sufficient time to develop alternate solutions: centralizes the program authority and responsi-
3. Executing large numbers of contracts on bility in one office. The program manager should
one program: be carefully selected on the basis of his general
4. Evaluating the risk of untried technology intelligence, boldness, proven willingness to make
as it is designed into sub-systems and tested: decisions. He should become the visible center of
5. Projecting dollar needs in advance so as program authority and information with his career
to respond to the annual budget cycle: affected by his performance.
6. Committing funds and knowing what they
will buy: All priority weapons programs do not require
7. Avoiding overruns: the same composition in their central program
8. Obtaining the special industrial facilities offices. There is a gradation which can be applied
required: to delegations of authority. Nevertheless, these
9. Scheduling the use of test facilities: are the delegations, modified by degree. which
10. Supporting the test program and later the should be centralized under the program manager,
inventory with sufficient spare parts to keep the if he is to be held responsible (to any degree) for
weapon in operation: execution of the program:
11. Making sure that test, ground handling and
maintenance equipment is developed and produced 1. Budget control:
on schedule: 2. Contract administration:
12. Insuring attention to reliability and quality 3. Authority to buy in-house services:
control during design: 4. Selection of his support personnel:
13. Ordering, financing and shipping govern- 5. Control of the tenure of his staff:
ment-furnished equipment on time to prime con- 6. Technical evaluation and system decisions:
tractors. 7. Control of engineering changes, etc.;
14. Analyzing and preparing forecasts of cost 8. Measurement of achievement on contract
and schedule impact caused by alternate force incentives: and
levels; 9. Use of Government facilities
15. Determining needed engineering changes
and scheduling them into the program; and In addition, he should be a major participant
16. Insuring that contractors respond to the in selection of contractors, negotiation of con-
system plan so that all components work together. tracts and construction of contract incentives on
performance. Likewise, the Armed Services
Regardless of organization, this imposing Procurement Regulations should be in harmony
array of problems must be solved. and in support of this centralized weapons manage-
ment concept.
About 125 weapon systems are monitored sys-
tematically by the Office of the Secretary of The personnel practices likewise should
Defense. The contribution of each is significant develop classifications and the career potentials
to our military posture. Strong emphasis on which support it. We believe the experience
schedule synchronization within these projects is gained by personnel in a weapons program office
essential. Likewise, costs are sufficiently large will be much broader than that obtained in other
on each, that constant attention to economy and Defense assignments. Program office personnel
avoidance of overruns is critical. Normal budget are required to cope with the simultaneous man-
constraints and limits on our ability to finance agement of time, dollars and technical progress.
escalating program costs require accurate long They are faced VIi th the subtleties of technical
range dollar projections by managers who are interface problems, the importance of forecasting

technical and schedule difficulties, and the conser- such new approaches PERT-COST will be encour-
vation of program time as a precious commodity. aged. Tools such as this can only become useful
These are the characteri&tics of the new person- as industry assists Government in their refine-
nel challange in Government, and likewise in ment. An energetic campaign is being developed
industry. to insure the newer, mechanized methods of work
and resources planning and analysis are not
The rank of the military program manager layered on top of older manual systems of report-
should be commensurate with the gravity and the ing. The latter should be eliminated.
magnitude of his task. In a study last year, nine
programs were checked and, in only one case, In addition, an open channel of technical and
was the rank of the manager and his delegations of programming audit will be encouraged. Neither
authority considered commensurate with his task. the Government nor the industry program manager
It will be found that on most of our major pro- is safe in his heavy responsibility if he has only
grams, the manager works with men of much one source of information. Trust is implicit, yet
higher rank on his more important problems. the shade of difference in motives between cus-
These men are by no means all in his direct line tomer and vendor, the semantics of work agree-
of Service command. The Services are encour- ments and descriptions of program status warrant
aged, therefore, to upgrade the position of the each seeking a small, but distinct, surveillance
program manager, and to develop distinct career activity under their jurisdiction which provides a
patterns in this field. separate accounting of progress and problems.

The above description of an "in-house" man- To this end, the Government has sought to
agement concept is not unique or unrelated to in- collect advanced technical skills within the pro-
dustry. In fact, we expect it to be merely a con- gram manager1s staff, or at least in-house. This
tinuation of the management structure within has not always been successful, and outside orgcn-
industry which is under contract to create weapoIlS izations, non-participants in the contract as such,
for us. Therefore, in industry, we expect a com- continue to augment our in-house skills and supply
plimentary program management organization, advice on program activities of advanced comple»-
with similar rank, responsibility and delegation of ity and criticality to program success.
authority. The indus1;rial manager must assume
the responsibility of technical design, work load- Policies governing the in-house management
ing, budgeting, scheduling and program decisions of major weapon systems will become more
in order to create the sub- system, or as prime clearly described, and procedures for their con-
contractor, to integrate the work,of all contracto1'8 duct as well. As an example, a new procedure
in response to the Government statement of work. outlines the method for conducting a program def-
inition activity at the beginning, so as to permit
Each manager, industrial and military, ther~ the industrial groups which might be associated in
fore, must have the other as a primary point of a weapons development, to explore in depth the
contact in Government and company in order to technical, schedule and cost feasibility of the pro-
resolve problems and execute the program. posed program. This directive is in the final
stage of coordination.
The Government shall continue to work with
industry in developing managerial tools which Finally, the search continues for a useful
assist in creating a complex weapon system. format of program data which can be viewed peri-
Neither the Government nor industry manager can odically by top Service and Defense management
expect to anticipate problems and make decisions and which insures that, even on an exception basis,
without means of rapid analysis of technical activ- all major problems requiring high-level decision
ities, their cost and their timing. Some time- are forecast early and plans developed to accom-
honored methods are not believed adequate, and modate them.


Joseph G. Gavin, Jr., Vice-President, Director LEM Program,

Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation

Rather than pursue the problems of the aero- trol of heat flux to m2nlmaze structural distor-
space project engineer at a distant philosophical tion, and data handling and storage capacity - all
level, I would like to examine them from a very at unprecedented reliability levels. Again, with-
personal point of view. To begin with, let's out the proper evaluation and approach, we could
establish a definition. The Project Engineer not have progressed from analysis to hardware.
referred to here is the senior technical person
holding line authority in a major program. Some- In reviewing the project engineer's role, it
times this person is called the Engineering is sometimes surprising to see how much of his
Manager of a program. This distinction is neces- efforts are devoted to administrative problems.
sary because occasionally the term 'project engi- He must maintain a delicate balance of emphasis
neer' is applied to levels of engineering super- between project and discipline - his specialists
vision more traditionally known as group leaders. must be clearly project oriented, yet they must
This Project Engineer, of which I speak, carries benefit from their ties with colleagues on other
an immense responsibility, and must at various projects. The project engineer must resist the
times display talents worthy of Albert Einstein tendency for the myriad of insignificant, and
and John Foster Dulles. therefore easier, administrative demands to dilute
his attention to the significant and frequently
Let's first examine his technical problems. thorny technical questions. At the same time, he
While he cannot be expected to be expert in all must exercise judgement with respect to delegation
disciplines, he must be reasonably at ease in of both technical and administrative responsibil-
considerations ranging from heat transfer to ities - he must resist the temptation to carry out
digital data handling. His comprehension level each study himself; he cannot funnel every detail
must be sufficient to earn the respect of the through his office. By these last comments, I do
various specialists within his organization. not mean to imply that his administrative role is
Modern, complex systems require difficult trade- less important than his technical role. He must
off and integration compromises. With the support take a leading part in cost and schedule estimates
of his group leaders, the project engineer must - otherwise neither he nor his subordinates will
define the proper compromises without inordinately live up to these seriously. He must demonstrate
lengthy studies. He must require from his crew administrative as well as technical control to
adequate, useful, and convincing information; he limit over-elaboration, to resolve group inter-
has to resist the sometimes easier course of ask- faces, and to insure coordinated milestone
ing for further investigation - beyond the level accomplishment.
of real significance. For example, in the LEM
program, we are now examining a very interesting While engineering education seldom stresses
compromise - should weight be invested in a this point, a surprising proportion of the project
stronger landing gear to permit rougher landings engineer's trials and tribulations are in reality
or in more propellant to permit better landings? people problems. He must be able to approach each
We could continue to embroider this study for subordinate in the manner which will result in
months; but we won't; we must avoid this optimum performance. He must be able to apply the
temptation. appropriate "filter" to each subordinate's
cormnents so that the information is "normalized".
Another technical hurdle for the project He must exhibit leadership, must be able to
engineer is the undefined or "floating" require- inspire others to lead, and must be able to eval-
ment. Designing to provide margin for such re- uate performance objectively. He must be able to
quirements requires conservative boldness - or is cormnunicate effectively within his engineering
it bold conservatism - and strong convictions. project, within the program organization, with
Pursuing the example of the LEM, we are currently representatives of the procuring agency, and with
wrestling with the problem of what constitutes sub-contractors. One of his toughest tasks is to
reasonably safe assumptions with regard to the recognize and acknowledge those occasions when he
lunar surface. How high a coefficient of friction is wrong.
might an assumed dust layer provide? A course of
action will have to be taken long before all the In the case of manned vehicles, he also is
answers are available; our solution must previde a confronted with the necessity of working with,
reasonable degree of flexibility to cover the range understanding, and cormnunicating with pilots or
of possibilities. astronauts, as the case may be. Success for the
project demands the development of mutual respect.
A further technical demand on our project
engineer is a clear understanding of those areas Having progressed from technical problems to
within the project which press the state-of-the- a discussion of human relations, I may as well go
art. The problem usually occurs in two steps; all the way and reduce the project engineer's
first to recognize these areas, and second to limit considerations to a few very basic questions which
them. Our Orbiting Astronomical Observatory is an he must answer in almost every instance:
example of a program made rather difficult by the
necessity of pressing the state-of-the-art in a "If I permit the project to progress in this
numb~r of areas simultaneously in order to achieve direction would I go as pilot?
the desired results. In this case, astronomical would I ask my best friend to go as pilot?
precision has placed unusual demands on such would I invest my own money?
things as star tracker gimbal angle accuracy, con- does this action really count?"
The project engineer can make use of the most re- (c) Flight testing has always been expensive
fined methods - s,ystems studies, multi-variable and potentially dangerous. With the
mathematical analysis, elaborate simulations and advent of manned space flight the magni-
tests - but, in the end, he has to satisfy these tude of these conditions has increased
questions. drastically. More patience and ingenu-
ity must be exercised in testing on the
In principle, everything I have said was just ground. The Probability of Mission
as true 10 to 15 years ago as it is today. What success and mission safety must be ex-
then are the differences which make the job of plored with far greater care and under-
today's project engineer more difficult? Here are standing.
a few:
(d) And finally, I am convinced that, under
(a) Today's major program is larger, repre- the pressure of these more demanding
sents a greater technical step ahead, programs, a better professional engi-
and is one among a sma.1ler number of neering job is being accomplished
national programs. This makes every today - not easier, but better.
decision more significant in terms of
either money or effort. Each decision More detailed technical study supporting the
requires greater justification and more decision-making process, more detailed test pro-
careful analysis of its implications. grams with additional emphasis on extracting the
maximum amount of information fran every level of
(b) The quest for performance - of all testing. Efforts such as these, and the multitude
kinds - inspired by mission require- of others covering every technical - and human -
ments and industrial competitiveness aspect of the program - are the responsibility -
has increased the level of effort as and the salvation - of the project engineer of
well as the calibre of talent required today's space programs.
to do all but the simplest engineering


Dr. Edward C. Welsh, Executive Secretary
National Aeronautics and Space Council

It is a pleasure for me to speak briefly to profit to be derived from an adequate space invest-
this distinguished audience on a very broad sub- ment now.
ject: "Space Policy and Space Management. "
Indeed the subject is so big that I plan to take less Who is it that would suffer from a policy
than the allotted time and simply make a few cap- based upon the antediluvian ideas of those who
suled observations. recommend that we not invest our public and
private capital in space exploration? Surely not
By way of introduction, I would observe that the Soviets. They would gain, if we followed such
combining space management and space policy policy suggestions. No, the ones who would lose
in the same discussion is in itself a point of from such short-sighted views would be the citi-
significance. They belong together, but they are zens of the U. S. who believe freedom and first
often treated as being unrelated. It is true that place are the basic rights and privileges of
one can evolve and expound policy without making Americans.
provisions for management - - but one cannot
have effective policy without competent manage- In case there is any doubt as to what I am
ment. The ingredients of policy are the objec- referring, I want to make it clear that I am not
tives, the guidelines, the purposes -- plus the criticizing those who believe they detect waste or
will and intent to carry them out. The ingredients needless duplication in our space program. I
of management are the competences--including would be pleased to have every such item exposed
the people, the procedures, and the funds -- and have the funds so identified re-invested in the
necessary to make the policy work. Not so program so as to accelerate performance. Those
incidentally, management is more than super- who place a balanced budget and a first-place
vision of current performance. It is also planning Russia ahead of our space accomplishment are the
ahead for future performance. persons toward whom I point my criticism. When
those persons finally enter the twentieth century,
At the risk of unwarranted misinterpretation
I hope they will wake up and learn that the head-
on the part of scientists and engineers present,
hiding ostrich is not our national bird.
I suggest that there is as great a scarcity of top-
notch managers as there is of top-notch technolo- Multi-Project Program
gists. It is perhaps unfortunate but nevertheless
fact that in the space business nothing less than It is not feasible to try to give a detailed
the best can be considered adequate. That applies exposition of our space policy on this occasion,
to management as well as technology. but there are some features of our policy which I
want to mention. I do so while emphasizing that
Positive vs. Negative Policies there are various aspects of policy which will
undoubtedly be omitted in the interest of brevity
This country, as great as it is, cannot afford and generalization.
avoidable handicaps in the space race. Conse-
quently, we should avoid the bad practice of First of all, there is an over-all policy
management based upon fallacious budgetary objective, which the President has expressed as
philosophies and rely instead upon constructive the determination of this country "to become the
policy objectives. Few things are more waste- world's leading space-faring nation." .It is worth
ful than the starting and stopping, the delaying mentioning that this is a broad umbrella, under
and hastening of programs to suit the whims of which one can find many space projects -- some
those who place a halo on inaction and place a of which have been clearly defined, such as the
wall of ignorance around the vital surge of lunar mission, and some of which are either
technological competence. being identified, such as space stations, or are
yet to be specified. Suffice to say that the space
What can be more harmful to this country's program is not a one-project design nor a short-
future than a proposal that we curtail our space run episode. It is a growing, expanding, multi-
efforts, stifle our productive initiative, and project program, which I predict will become
freeze the U. S. in a second place position? an increasingly significant part of our way of
There are those who are so enamored with life. As important as it is, the moon project is
slogans of false economy that they would deny not the whole space program; it is just one por-
our future generations the power, prestige, and tion and one phase of an over-all program which

has breadth through variety and depth far into 5. There are inherent risks in space explora-
the future. tions, particularly in manned flight, and they
must be recognized. It is basic to our space poli-
Features of Policy cy that we accept these risks, take reasonable
safeguards, absorb the unavoidable losses which
A few features of this broad space policy will occur, and proceed with courage toward our
are: objectives. If we had been unwilling to take risks
and proceed on course, this country would never
1. Its objectives are peaceful. The law of have become the great nation it is. If we become
the land states that "activities in space should be satisfied with our power and wealth and timid in
devoted to peaceful purposes for the benefit of our efforts, we will lose our world leadership
all mankind. " That same legislation specifically position and along with it our freedom. Space is
includes, as part of the peaceful purposes, space a challenge to both our courage and our initiative.
activities devoted to "the defense of the United If the ways of the timid are followed, the race is
States." In other words, the distinction as to lost.
what is peaceful and what is not peaceful is a
matter of intent and is not determined by what 6. While we must continue to improve on
agency of the government engages in them. Space state-of-the-art competences, it is essential that
activities devoted to deterring war and maintain- we strive just as hard to make so-called quantum
ing peace are as peaceful, in the light of law and jumps in technology and in performance. In fact,
policy, as space activities devoted to augmenting as a policy matter, I would stress the drive for
our scientific knowledge about the solar system. the "leap-frogging" type of improvements rather
U. S. space policy is distinctive in its determina- than giving inordinate attention to making a piece
tion to improve the opportunities for peace of equipment slightly better, to adding a few more
rather than to increase the threats of world dom- pounds of thrust to a rocket engine, or to wedding
ination and possible aggression. ourselves to existing technology. The space pro-
gram is a program of vitality, in which the rate
2. Our policy asserts that space travel and of obsolescence is being pushed by a vigorous com-
space exploration are subject to international law petitor on the one hand and by the unlimited oppor-
and that such activity should be consistent with tunities for greater accomplishment on the other.
the provisions of the United Nations charter.
Among other things this means that outer space 7. It is a significant element of policy that
and celestial bodies are not subject to national progress be the joint product of government and
appropriation and that space is not to be used for private enterprise. Our chief competitor in the
aggressive purposes. Even though it is feasible, space race operates under a different system and,
the U. S. has no intention of placing weapons of in a sense, our relative success in the space race
mass destruction in orbit and will only do so if is and will be a test of how well our system stands
compelled to such action by the aggressive up in the eyes of the rest of the world. I am con-
activities of others. vinced that we can survive the test and show anew
the superiority of our system, but it will not be
3. It is our policy to seek increased interna- possible to do so if we fail to use effectively the
tional cooperation in, and mutually advantageous assets we have. That we started late in the race
agreements for, the orderly and open conduct of was not a fault of private enterprise. The blame
space and space-related activities. To meet our there must rest on the government. But, now
world leadership responsibilities, it is necessary that the government has awakened to its task and
both to compete with as well as to cooperate with has allocated resources to the effort, the free
other nations in space. enterprise system per se is under the gun. The
space challenge is indeed an opportunity, but we
4. It is also our policy that the concept and can flunk its test if we are dilatory or if we place
performance of our space responsibilities shall false fiscal objectives ahead of space success.
be' maintained and strengthened as a national
program rather than a series of separate and Future Characteristics
unrelated projects. To this purpose increasingly
close and coordinated relationships are being It is so easy to confuse the space program with
maintained among the government agencies con- some particular aspect of it that I will make a
cerned. This has the merit of improving the flow few more observations which should be obvious,
of data, experience, and technical knowledge but sometimes are not. Emphasis upon liquid
between agencies and also of minimizing the like- chemical rockets, for example, is a phase of
lihood of duplication. When I refer to avoidance current space development and should not be
of duplication I include duplication of omission interpreted to mean that the space program as
(where no one is doing something needed) as well such has made a choice to the exclusion of solids
as duplication of commission (where two or more or nuclear propulsion. All three and possibly
agencies are doing the same thing). The former other techniques will become essential and
inhibits our space progress even more than the standard in the program. Moreover, the concen-
latter. tration of attention and funds on the manned lunar

project is temporary. so far as the space pro- performance suffers. If private contractors
gram is concerned. It is. however, a current underrate precision and reliability. deliberately
objective and a basic step in building our longer under-estimate bids, waste unduly their best
run space capabilities. Space stations, planetary talents in selling rather than producing, refuse
visitations, and even terrestrial travel of both to assume some of the risks of innovations. per-
personnel and freight via space will have future formance also suffers. If both government and
priorities at least as great as the lunar project. private management fail to plan ahead with con-
Moreover, operational space applications in fidence that the space race is a long race, a more
communications, meteorology. navigation, and far-sighted competitor will be found in the
observation will become standard and reliable winne r I s cir cle.
instead of experimental. The distinction between
scientific and manned expe~itions will dissolve Conclusion
and be replaced with a recognition of their com-
plementary characteristics. In conclusion, the national space program
is an essential and dynamic feature of our econ-
Space Management omy. It benefits the many rather than the few.
It strengthens the nation, both at horne and abroad.
In these brief comments, most references to It looks forward rather than backward. It high-
management have been indirect rather than lights the contributions of the most able technolo-
specific. Perhaps the major point I want to make gists and the most able managers and gives them
is that we can assemble all the essential ingred- an unprecedented peacetime opportunity to repay
ients of trained scientists and engineers, of more fully the special bonus they have received
funds and facilities, of materials and equipment by living in this great country.
.•. and we will still lose the space race if the
application of managerial skills is deficient. If We can afford the space program. We must
the government delays decisions, fails to exploit afford it. We can~be satisfied with nothing less
all technology, engages in intra-mural conflict than first place -- to the moon, to the planets,
and confusion. and underpays its key personnel, and throughout the solar system.

-------- - -- - - -- --


Olin E. Teague
U. S. House of Representatives
Chairman Sub-Committee for r.Rnned Space Flight
House Science and Astronautics Committee

I want to begin these remarks by asking for the American taxpayer, -- withQut ever being
your understanding. There are many of you, I am perfectly sure that we are right in our decisions.
sure, who think that service on the House Committee
on Science and Astronautics is a glamorous assign- And, I need make no apology for that --
ment. It is true, there is an element of glamor because the scientists who come before us often
involved but -- you can take my word for it -- very have conflicting ideas about what is right and
little of it rubs off on our constituents. what is wrong.

It is true that in my own District, there are As Chairman of the Manned Space Flight Sub-
many people who believe whole-heartedly in our space committee, I can speak for my colleagues when I
program, -- particularly in our plans to put a man say that we are greatly impressed with the team of
on the moon. But, it should be made very clear to scientists ,with whom we have the privilege of
you that there are also many people in my District working. I refer to such men as Dr. Werner Von
who think the space program is a lot of nonsense -- Braun, D. Brainard Homes, George M. Low, William
and who believe quite sincerely that we are wasting E. Lilly, Dr. Kurt H. Debus, Robert R. Gilruth,
a prodigious amount of money in trying to put men and others.
on other planets.
This is a great and dedicated group of men
One of the newspapers in my District has and I want to pay tribute to them at this time.
already taken me firmly to task for my preoccupa-
tion with the problems of space. The mitor feels Now, I want to make myself clear about the
I should concentrate on more earthly problems. space budget.

And, let me add also, that today as we sit As you so well know, a day doesn I t go by
here, the House of Representatives is voting on a during which some Republican Members of the Congress
Feed-Grain Bill. This bill is of the utmost don1t get up and declare that the President1s budget
importance to my constituents -- particularly in a should be attacked, not with a paring knife, but
time of drought such as we are experiencing at the with a hatchet. The attack is invariably answered
present time. And, as sure as you are born, I shall by Democratic Members who claim that the budget
have an opponent next year who will attack me on cannot be cut by so much as a bundred dollars wi th-
the grounds that -- instead of staying in Washington out seriously impairing the safety and the economic
and voting for my constituents, I was located in health of the nation.
the plush Marriott Motel, in Dallas, dreaming about
the moon. The Members of the Committee on Science and
Astronautics have attacked the budget problem with
I mention these facts, not out of self-pity, great seriousness and dedication. We have held
but as a reminder that we, in Congress have our exhaustive interviews with private industry and
problems, just as you have yours. Service on the with every interested agency of government in order
Science and Astronautics Committee is not altogether to assemble our inforQation. I can tell you this:
a bed of roses. It1s a pretty controversial asSign- if we find any soft spots in the space budget, we
ment. are going to eliminate them. If we find any money
that does not need to be spent this year -- but can
There is another point to remember. In the be postponed until next year -- we are going to
entire Membership of the Congress we do not have a recommend that the appropriation be delayed.
single Nobel Prize winner. We do have a smattering
of PH.D. I s -- but most of these are honorary. We The Members of the Committee on Science and
have a few Rhodes Scholars and a handful of Phi Astronautics are enthusiastically dete~ined to
Beta Kappas, but most of the l-lembers who have spend as much money as is necessary to insure that
achieved any degree of academic eminence have done the United States become permanently the leading
so in the Humanities: law, Literature or History. sky-faring nation on earth.

There are very few scientists in our ranks. However, the l1embers are also determined to
And, to be perfectly frank, I don1t think many prevent the space race from becoming an extravagent
scientists could get elected to Congress. and wasteful boondoggle. There is always a danger
of this, since Congressnen are not equipped to know
Congress, in short, is comprised of 435 and understand the needs of the space program to
ordinary American citizens. And, among these the same extent, let us say, that they are equipped
there are at least 435 different points of View to assess the amount of expenditures necessary for
regarding the space progra.'lI. a familiar program such as the construction of dams.
On the other hand, there is the danger that some of
I would like you to put yourselves in our the scientists who come before us might see in this
shoes for a few moments. Think, for just a little, program a veritable bonanza of appropriations -- by
how much we in Congress have to take on faith. We far surpassing the dreams of every science faculty
discuss budgets in the billions of dollars. Trying in every major university in the history of the
to serve the best interests of the Nation and of wol'ld.

We have the responsibility of providing for a niques with all organizations -- military and
progra:n that will insure our permanent supremacy civilian -- who are seeking an American break-
in space, and, at the same time, preventing the through in space.
possibility of the U. S. Treasury from being looted
by inspired Visionaries. As of now, the space program -- and
particularly the program for lunar exploration
The learned gentlemen come before our is in trouble in the Congress. The trouble is not
Committee and demand -- and I think the verb is not necessarily fatal, but it coul,d grow into some-
too strong -- a budget of 5.1 billion dollars for thing very serious indeed.
the coming year. We are told that this is the
absolute minimum and that if we cut the request by First of all, there is a large and growing
as much as $100, we shall be crippling and endanger- group of Congressmen who are against the program,
ing the entire space exploration program for the period. They feel that the moon-race is -- in the
future. words of former President Eisenhower -- "A mad
effort to win a stunt race." I don't agree with
Now, at first glance, this is pretty frighten- this point of view, but, on the other hand, it
ing talk. However, we -- and every Congressman -- would be foolish to brush it aside as simple-
know that the budget preparation began eighteen minded provincialism. Some Very distinguished
months ago. The whole concept of space exploration people have expressed serious doubts about the
has been changed -- in many important respects -- moon race -- including Doctor Killian, Dr. Van
in the meantime. The direct ascent approach to the Allan, Lewis Strauss, Dr. Condon, Dr. Vannevar
moon has -- for better or for worse -- been un- Rush -- and many others. The opposition of such
ceremoniously junked. The earth-rendezvous approach people as these cannot be simply ignored --
has been considered and discussed and the lunar- p~pecially when they have been more articulate
rendezvous has been embraced -- with joy by some, in expressing their opposition than the proponents
with misgivings by others. All this has happened of lunar exploration have been in expressing their
between the creation of the budget and its presen- support.
tation -- so, can one blame a Congressman for
questioning the assurances of these witnesses when Then, there are other Congressmen who feel
they say this requested amount is the minimum that that lunar exploration is a too-expensive luxury.
should be granted -- with no questions I¥lked? They feel that the money to be spent on placing
a man on the moon could be better spent here on
For all we know, the request should be for earth -- on feeding the hungry, sheltering the
a billion dollars more -- or a billion dollars less. homeless, healing the sick and educating the
Or, indeed, it could be that the request is abso- ignorant.
lutely right. We really have no way of being
certain. There are even some people in Congress who
are so old-fashioned as to think the money should
As you know, the Bureau of the Budget saw be ~ -- and applied ~inst the national debt.
fit to cut the request from 6.2 billion to 4.2
billion dollars. In doing thiS, I am sure the There is still another school of thought --
Bureau of the Budget was working from just as much anCl. to this one I subscribe -- that believes that
a scarcity of positive information as was the the only possible justification for the expendi-
Congress -- or the scientists. tures of these vast sums of money is that it will
lead to a permanent and impregnable reinforcement
Can Congressmen be blamed for being skeptical? of the defense of our nation.

To be brutally frank -- the scientists -- We cannot justify the program purely in terms
who talk so coldly about communicating with other of international prestige. There are ways of
planets -- have done a very poor job of communicat- building our prestige better, for less money and
ing with the people on this planet who are expected in terms that people can more easily understand.
to foot the bill. --
If the program is to succeed, the scientists
They seem almost intent upon bedazzling the both military and civilian -- must do a far better
Congress and the public with a glamorous and job of convincing the American people along these
bizarre jargon. They talk of diodes and Vidicons, lines -- and doing it in terms that they can under-
command modules and magnetohydrodynamics, bleed- stand.
off and burnout -- almost as if they were deadly
afraid of lapsing into comprehensibility. Continuing Congres£ional support depends
upon this -- and so do continuing appropriations.
There have been many times when I have
wished with all my heart that more Congressmen This is the job that must be done -- and the
had studied Science -- and that more scientists scientists must do their share in getting the
had studied English. message over to the public. You are all educators
of specialists, -- you must also become educators
It would, I think, be quite helpful for the of the average man.
space scientists to admit, quite frankly, what they
do not know. Such admissions would not only be
good for their souls, but they would increase
confidence in their probity.

A touch of humility is a much felt want --

and with that humility there should come a greatly
enlarged desire to share all knowledge and tech-


R. O. Piland
Acting Manager, NASA Apollo Spacecraft Project Office
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center

The Apollo Spacecraft Project has been in pro- John Glenn'S orbital flight took place. The last
gress for approximately three years and considerable and one of the most significant decisions was the
progress has been made. A significant milestone was deciSion that the mission mode would be the lunar-
reached with the awarding of the contract for the orbital-rendezvous technique. This decision was
Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) to the Grumman Aircraft made in mid-1962. Simultaneously with these dis-
Engineering Corporation. The award of this contract crete milestones were various developmental activi-
completed the selection of the major industrial team ties. Some of the more significant activities
members that will carry out the Apollo Project. Con- during this time period are presented in the lower
current with this completion of the selection of the half of figure 1.
industrial team, flight tests of full-scale Command
and Service Module hardware have begun. As the em- As stated previously, the Mercury Project
phasis starts to shift to flight testing, it is in- started in 1958. Shortly after the Mercury Project
teresting to recapitulate chronologically the activ- started, NASA formed the Goett Committee under the
ities of the Project to date. chairmanship of Dr. Harry Goett of Goddard Space
Flight Center. The purpose of this committee was
IROGRAM EVOLUTION to study and recommend what should be the next
manned space-flight program. This information would
The accomplishments of the Project to date may provide the necessary guidance to the various NASA
be summarized as follows: First, the mission objec- Centers in setting up their research programs. In
tive has been established to land men on the moon May of 1959, after a study of some nine missions,
and return them to earth in this decade; the lunar the committee decided that the lunar mission should
orbit rendezvous technique has been selected as the be the next manned mission carried out by the NASA.
mission mode and design approaches to the spacecraft This recommendation, after some months of close
have been determined. Secondly, the spacecraft work study, was presented to the Administrator of NASA
statements have been completed and contractors in early 1960. The Manned Spacecraft Center (Space
selected. Most of the contracts have been defini- Task Group at that time) was represented on this
tized, with accompanying program definition. The committee and quite a few of the Apollo spacecraft
spacecraft design is about 50 percent complete, with concepts were developed during this period. The
the Comman~ and Service Modules being further along next big effort was a coordinated study effort.
than the Lunar Excursion Module. Spacecraft fabri- This study effort lasted for about 18 months, in
cation is underway, with boilerplate and prototype the period of 1960 and early 1961. It involved
spacecraft hardware cOming off the manufacturing the Space Task Group, various Research Centers, and
line. The first major flight test will be conducted industrial concerns. This effort started with a
within the next several months. It will be a flight series of technical guidelines. These guidelines
test of the Command Module and the Launch Escape dealt with such things as the flight time, the
System (LES) to measure the dynamic behavior of the number of crewmen, the launch vehicle, landing capa-
configuration and to qualifY the LES in the case of bilities, and similar basic requirements. These
a simulated pad abort. Last, organizations have technical guidelines formed a frame of reference,
been developed at MSC, at NASA, and at various con- within which various technical studies were carried
tractors to implement the Program. out. These technical guidelines were presented to
the various Research Centers in April 1960. Later
Significant Project activities and related in 1960, several industrial studies were started.
events may be described in some cases as periods of These studies were built around the same guidelines.
work and in others as discrete milestones. Figure 1 This study period was summarized in mid-1961 with
presents a summary of both since the beginning of an Apollo Technical Conference in WaShington, D.C.
the Project. This was the formal part of the Apollo study effort,
leading up to the first development contractual
Project Mercury was officially announced as a effort.
program the latter part of 1958, and assigned to
NASA for execution. The Apollo Project was announc- SPACECRAFr DEVELOIMENT
ed in mid-lgE,:>. At that time, Apollo was planned as
a circumlunar flight, and not as a lunar-landing Prior to completion of the various studies in
mission. Shortly thereafter, the first formal mid-lg61, work statements and specifications were
Apollo organization was formed. Alan Shepard's being prepared for the development of the Command
Redstone flight in May of 1961 was followed very and Service Modules. The gray part of the bar on
closely by a PreSidential decision to carry out the figure 1 for this module indicates the period of
manned lunar-landing mission. Several months later, time in preparation of the work statements, bidders'
the Office of Manned Space Flight was created with- briefings, proposal preparation, evaluations, and
in NASA to direct the Apollo Program, including selection of the Space and Information Systems
spacecraft, launch vehicle, and other program ele- Division of North American AViation, Inc. to develop
ments. In the latter part of 1961, the decision was the Command and Service Modules. This contract,
made that the Saturn C-5, or Saturn V, would be the after a period of negotiations, was awarded at the
launch vehicle for the lunar-landing mission. The end of 1961. Since that time, North American has
Apollo spacecraft project was moved to Houston, continued to design and develop these modules,
Te~s, in early 1962; and shortly thereafter leading to this first test which should be conducted
in several months.

The Navigation and Guidance System had been two things: how the spacecraft would be developed
studied by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to carry out the mission where the complete space-
(MIT) on NASA contract starting in early 1961, and craft landed directly on the moon, or alternatively,
the contract for system development was awarded in the lunar orbital rendezvous technique where only a
mid-1961. MIT has continued the design and develop- portion of the spacecraft was landed on the lunar
ment of this system to the present time. Partici- surface. In the middle of 1962, after such studies
pating with MIT in the development and manufacture were made by various groups, the decision was made
of the Guidance System are three industrial contrac- to use the lunar-orbital mission.
tors: the AC Spark Plug Division of General Motors,
Raytheon, and the Kollsman Instrument Corporation. The spacecraft has evolved parallel to the
Shortly after MIT was awarded the contract for the evolution of the mission and mission mode. Figure 3
Navigation and Guidance System, they prepared work presents the spacecraft configuration as it appeared
statements; and after bidders' briefings and evalu- at various times. On the far left is a sketch which
ations, the contractors were selected in 1962. was put in the original study work statement. At
that time, it was thought that the spacecraft would
The last major element of the spacecraft is the
probably be in three modules, including a reentry
Lunar Excursion Module. The block of time in early
module; a module with space propulsion capabilities
1962 under the study effort bar represents a concen-
for maneuvering; and pOSSibly, a module related to
trated study of the lunar orbital rendezvous mode
the specific mission that the vehicle was carrying
and associated spacecraft design. This effort, com-
out. During the first study period, considerable
bined with the effort of OMSF, MSFC, and industrial
effort was directed toward the reentry module. At
groups, led to the selection of the lunar orbital
the bottom of figure 3 are shown four shapes that
rendezvous mode. As before, a work statement was
received considerable attention. The configuration
prepared and, after a period of evaluation, the
on the right was the one subsequently selected as
Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation was selec-
the Command Module. This module configuration has
ted to carry out the development of the Lunar Ex-
remained constant during the evolution of the space-
cursion Module. This contract was awarded in late
craft, along with the launch escape tower. In the
1962, and the contractor is now initiating the
design of the LEM. early studies, the propulsion module was geared
mainly to an abort capability, rather than lunar
landing. After the luna!' landing decision was madp
There are two areas to which particular atten-
in May efforts to evolve a system for lunar land-
tion should be given in the development of the Proj-
ing we;e intensified. The first such effort which
ect. These areas are the evolution of the mission
mode, and the evolution of the spacecraft configur- appeared in the 7/61 work statement is shown on the
ation. The mission evolution is depicted in figure. It consisted of a landing or descent stage
of hydrogen-oxygen and an ascent stage of a cluster
figure 2. As stated previously, Apollo was first
of solid rockets and liquid verniers. By the end
announced in mid-1960 as a circumlunar reconnais-
sance mission. It was recognized then that prior of 1961 when the contract was awarded to North
American, the configuration (identified as 12/61)
to a lunar-landing mission, a reconnaissance mission
would be desirable. In addition, the planned launch had been evolved; namely, a single engine liQuid-
vehicle payload capability at the time was propulsion system for the Service Module. The
16,000 pounds, which limited the mission to a cir- landing stage had evolved in detail, but was still
cumlunar mission. Studies in the period referred a large hydrogen-oxygen stage. In order to reduce
to, therefore, dealt primarily with a circumlunar some of the problems associated with landing this
mission and the associated spacecraft. In May of very large stage on the moon, the decision was made
to break this stage in two parts, as shown in the
1961, the decision was made that the mission would
figure. The lower portion (identified as 4/62)
be a manned lunar-landing mission. At the time,
would provide the primary propulsion during the
however, the mode was not established, but only that
descent to the lunar surface, but would be jetti-
the mission would be a lunar-landing mission. From
soned prior to touchdown. The second stage, with
May 1961, at the time of the Presidential decision,
landing gear, would provide the propulsion for the
until November 1962, a period of intensive study
was in progress which culminated with the decision hovering and landing, itself; and then the upper
stage or Service Module would be the launch stage.
to develop the Saturn C-5 (S-V) launch vehicle.
That was in April 1962. At the same time, however,
This decision meant that the direct-landing, single
studies were continuing on the LEM and the decision
launch vehicle mission would not be carried out. It
was tacitly assumed at the time that the mode would was made that the LEM would be the route taken.
be earth-orbital rendezvous. For the period of time The last configuration was evolved in July 1962, and
of late 1961 until mid-1962, the studies dwelt on this is the overall configuration that is being
worked on today.

Event/Year '58 I '59 '60 '61 '62 I '63 ,



'58 '59 '60 '61 '62 '63





LUNAR EXCURSION MODULE 1.- Proje:::t !.'Jilestcrles and Developn:ent

'60 '61 '62 '63



C-5 (EaR MODE)


.rig ... re 2.- Apollo Missior. 1i:Ju Mission Mode Evol..:tion

7 62


Figure 3·- Apollo Spacecraft Configuration Evolution


Wolfgang H. Steurer
General Dynamics - Convair

The important and otten decisive role of materials in space

technology has been widely discussed and is generally accepted.
!here i8 an abundance of proposed research topics in the field of
materials which call for pursuance at a high rate of effort, if
serious setbacks 'in space programs are to be avoided. This abun-
dance is a result of the variety and severity of otten unexplored
enviromnents, of the close relationship between materials and design
and of unconventional perfor.mance criteria, introduced by the asso-
ciated disciplines.
It is difficult to judge the relative importance of these proposed
research topics, primarily due to the absence of clearly established
and numerically defined design requirements. This leaves us with an
enor.mous number of materials problems, much too large to be pursued at
a high rate of effort. Materials research and developnent is expensive
and, once started, represents a considerable commitment with regard to
facilities, personnel and time.
In the present discussion it is the intent to define, by means of
a simplified analytical procedure, the significant materials problems
for a selected group of aerospace vehicles. It is obvious that, within
the limitations of this discussion, there will be no roam for specific
materials data. In the attempt to arrive at a fairly complete picture,
a certain degree of generality cannot be avoided.

Definition of "PrOblems"
The term "problem" appears at first sight very vague. As a technical
ter.m it represents the gap between requirements and capabilities.
Materials problems, speCifically, refer to the gap between design require-
ments and materials capabillties. A prerequisite in the deter.m1nation of
materials problems is, therefore, the identification of design require-
ments, which necessarily include environmental as well as operational
aspects. These can only be spelled out accurately for specific systems
components, comprising a specific set of design requirements.
In order to arrive at an objective definition and to distinguish
materials problems it is, therefore, necessary to follow the established
procedure of systems design, from systems analysis, configuration and
environments to component design, and, ultimately, to the assessment of
materials capabilities.

DefiDition ot Systems

The systems which have been selected tor this ana.l.yais campriae
"Mlmned Near-Space Operations". This formulation identifies a number
ot basic requirements: the tem "near space" refers to orbital
operations closest to the earth, i.e., altitudes between the lowest
teasible orbits up to the closest natural radiation belt, which places
the orbital regime between apprax1Mtely 100 and 600 miles. The dis-
cussion ot the significance ot this regime is beyond the scope ot this
paper. It is undoubtedly the choice region tor continuous operations
ot SCientific, commercial and mi11tary nature. Continuous, active orbital
operations, in turn, postulate (1) that the vehicles are not only manned,
but permit the crew to 11ve and carry out their assisoments without
restrictions with regard to environment, apace, equipnent or suppliesj
this, in turn, postulates (2) an adequate size ot the orbital station, and
(3) a continuous supply line with the grOUDd station in the torm ot a
scheduled earth-station trattic, tor supplies as well as personnel. The
requirement tor this supply l1ne differs basically tram those ot other
apace operationa, as the emphasis is not so much on large payloads, as on
a continuous exchange ot small payloads in short intervals. For this
purpose, boosters, expendable as well 8S recoverable, are impractical
and uneconaDical. The most effective system tor continuous earth-station
tratt1c is a 11fting, selt-propelled vehicle tor horizontal takeoff and
landing, or, essentially, an airplane nth orbital capability. A number
ot concepts have been proposed tor such a vehicle, which estab11sh its
teasib1l1ty. Without commitment to any specitic version, it may, tor the
purpose ot this discussion, be designated as IfOOL-Orbital Vehicle.

Once several space stations have been established, operations call

tor additiona! maneuverable shuttle vehicles tor interstation tra:1't1c.
They may be designed tor re-entry or may, like the station itself, carry
emergency re-entry gear with untoldable or inflatable drag devices.

Manned Near-Space Operations, as defined tor this discussion, comprise

the tollowing vehicle types:
1. Space stations with a minimum weight ot 100 tons and orbital
altitudes between 100 and 600 miles.

2. HroL-orbital vehicles tor a minimum payload ot 5 tons and at

least 200 missions.

3. IBneuverable interstation shuttle vehicles.

Assumed Systems Schedule

The ear11est feasibility of these vehicles is defined in Figure 1.

The schedule is closely connected with the state-ot-art as well as the
booster capacity and the availability ot present space proJects. The 100
ton station could be placed in orbit by the advanced Saturn V, while the

300 ton station would have to await the operational status of NOVA.
In both cases it is assumed that the station is entirely built on
earth and deployed in space by self-erection. Numerous designs for
such systems have been proposed" such as the three wing station of
NASA-Manned Space Center" which is typical of the 100 ton station, or
the 21 man hexagonal torroid station of Langley Research Center, which
is typical of the 300 ton class.
T,he most significant step in space station technology is the intro-
duction of space assembly capabilities" as it opens the door for almost
unlimited orbital build-up. It could be achieved earliest in 1969 without
the aid of Saturn V. Boosters could later be replaced by the mOL-orbital
vehicle, which would serve as a construction truck in the gradual assembly
at large space stations.

The initial deployment of space shuttle vehicles could be accom-

plished with a number of boosters" such as Titan II or III. It could"
likewise" be carried out later by the m~o system.

In contrast to lunar or interplanetary operations" near-space
systems are concerned only with three trajectory regimes: exit, near-
earth orbit and re-entry. For the near-space station only the first two
apply" with the exception of the on-board emergency re-entry gear" which
may be considered as a small system in itself. The exit or launch phase
introduces a number of requirements which are common to all components,
particularly the following three: (1) the resistance to the acceleration
forces" (2) the compatibility with the aerodynamiC shape restrictions and,
(3) the all-important drive for light weight which has always been the
guiding principle of aerospace engineering.
As soon as the station has been deployed" the necessity of human
accommodation introduces a first distinction of components and deSign re-
quirements with regard to the environmental exposure:
(a) Components exposed to space environment only.
(b) Components of the protective envelope" partially exposed to both
space and atmospheric environments.
( c) Internal components" exposed to atmospheric environment only;
The related materials may, likewise, be classified according to their
relation to space environment as:
(a) Materials with passive fUnction, which merely have to withstand
space environment.

(b) Materials which carry out an active f'unction, primarily
in the protection against space environment.

(c) Materials not in contact with space env1.ronment.

Critical Com.ponents of the Space Station

The most delicate component of a space station is the primary hull.,

as it provides the separation between human life and space environment.
It is exposed to all constituents of space environment and has further
the active function of shielding against its harmfUl effects, such as
micrameteroid impact or high energy radiation. In order to be feasible
weight-wise, it vUl combine all functions integrated in a single
structural composite, for which a variety of design configurations have
been proposed. The typical structural arrangement for such a composite
is shown in Figure 2, which defines the function, environment and
material requirements for each of its elements. The inner skin provides
the sealed envelope for human environment and carries the pressurization
loads. The outer skin acts as a m.eteroid bumper, primary radiation Shield,
substrate for the temperature control coating and as an envelope for the
meteroid and radiation protection system between outer and inner wall.
As the tabular listing in Figure 2 shows, the critical environments as
well as the material requirements differ considerably for each element of
the composite.

The dimensioning of the radiation and meteroid protection is essen-

tiallya trade-off between weight and risk. This may be illustrated for
meteroid protection by the nomogram. of Figure ,. The left side of the
diagram. represents the familiar environmental frequency - mass relationship,
based on the assessment by Whipple et al, as well as on recent satellite
experiments. Superimposed at the right side is the relationship between
particle mass and minimum wall thickness (aluminum) to prevent puncture.
For any risk level the required wall thickness can be determined as indica-
ted by the dotted line and, vice versa, the risk for a selected weight

In Figure 4, the nomogram. is further augmented by the add1 tion of an

assumed meteroid protection system and by minimum gage limitations. The
cross-over or break-even points define the l1m1tations of various protection
concepts for minimum weight design. The shaded envelope identifies the
minimum weight condition for the entire field, fram the minimum available
sheet gages up to a upper weight limit, selected for an accepted risk level.

The energy dissipation or "filler" material of a meteroid protection

system may, for low orbital operatiOns, serve simultaneously as thermal
insulation, as convective heating will be encountered in addition to the
radiant solar heating at altitudes below 150 miles. The magnitude of solar
and aerodynamic heating in relation to orbital altitude is illustrated in

Figure 5, which places the break-even point at approximately 95 miles.
Similar reqUirements, as discussed for the primary hull, apply
to its integral components, such as doors, windows and their sealing
elements. Windows present particularly delicate requirements, as
shielding against radiation and meteroids may defeat their primary
purpose of transparency. For window materials it is desirable to
confine the transmission to the optically useful range. This is illus-
trated in Figure 6: If we would use conventional glass, the ultra-violet
radiation will be absorbed, however, the infra-red portion of the
spectrum will be transmitted to the inside, resulting in considerable
transfer of heat to the interior, where it is difficult to remove. If
we attempt to avoid this by selecting a glass which absorbs infra-red
radiation, the energy appears as beat which it then partially transmits
to the interior by conduction. Internal heating may be further reduced
by a coating which reflects most of the infra-red radiation without
excessive penalty on the visible transmission. The problem of window
materials is further complicated by the gradual loss of optical properties
due to micrameteroid errosion and radiation effects.
For internal components the prime criterion is low density, while
strength and stiffness depend on the g-level at various locations (distance
from the station hub). tntra-light weight materials, such as magnesium-
lithium alloys or foamed materials are of prime interest.
For external structures, the foremost requirement is stiffness, as
flexibility can lead to considerable "WObbling" in a revolving station.
External components are usually large, such as antenna reflectors or solar
collectors. Inflatable structures and self-rigidizing materials playa
predominant role.

Erection by inflation is often difficult, particularly for intricate

shapes. An expendable envelope, added to the actual structure, solely for
the process of inflation is illustrated in Figure 7. While the permanent
structure consists of a self-rigidizing material, type A, the expendable
portion r,atures a material, type B, which gradually sublimes in space
vacuum, so that ultimately only the rigidized useful structure is left.

Material Problems of the Space Station

The results of an analysis of essential components of a space station
are compiled in Figure 8. The caaponents are divided in primary caaponents,
i.e., those which apply necessarily to any space station design; secondary
components whose use depends on specific missions and are, therefore,
optional, and finally, a number of typical elements which are integral parts
of primary or secondary components.

The evaluation is presented in tabular form, each column representing

a design criterion. The first two criteria are of a general nature: (l) the

f'unctiona1 significance of a canponent and (2) its contribution to
the overa:ll weight of the system. Only those components which appear
to be significant with regard to either of these two basic criteria
are included in the evaluation. The next group of columns lists various
material property requirements, such as strength or stif'1'ness as well as
functional material characteristics, such as sealing or transmission
capability. The third group of columns ref'ers to various critical en-
vironments, such as induced temperatures or constituents of the space
environment. The significance of the individual criteria is expressed
by either dark dots, identifying the most critical topiCS, or light
dots, referring to the less severe.

The relative significance of components with regard to the combined

ef'f'ect of the material problems involved is indicated in the last
column, using the same means of distinction. At the same time it is
attempted to identify, on the basis of' simple statistics, the recurrent
critical material properties and environments, as shown on the bottom


The same procedure of identifying design requirements bas been

followed for the mOL-Orbital Vehicle, which has been described before
as an airplane with orbital capabilities. A simplified mission profile
is presented in Figure 9. The system can be conceived as a single stage
vehicle or a two stage configuration, with various types propul~ion
systems, mostly using cryogenic fuels and oxidizers. A number of proposed
designs are based on the use of an air collection and enrichment system,
generating the oxidizer for final boost into orbit during a cruise period
at intermediate altitude levela.

Critical Design Environments

The most severe design requirement of the atmospheric portion of the

trajectory is the aerodynamic heating at hyperSOnic velocities. The
magnitude of heating of' the lift surfaces during exit and re-entry is
shown together with the respective flight profiles in Figures 10 and 11.
During exit, temperatures depend extensively on the propulsion concept.
They may reach 30000 F for supersonic combustion ramjet, or l600°F for a
prolonged time period in case of air collection cruise. During re-entry,
considering the long service time of the vehicle, structural temperature
limitations placed at 20000 F confine the maneuvering capability to lower
altitudes, as indicated by the shaded reentry corrider. The importance
of materials is clearly demonstrated by the region between the 2000 and 25000 F
line: only a few hundred degrees of added high temperature capability
would widen the re-entry corridor remarkably and permit maneuvering at higher
altitudes and higher wing loadings.

The metallurgical significance of this temperature range is illustrated

in Figure 12 which shows the high temperature usefulness of several typical

alloy groups. As indicated by the dotted lines, the use of an apparently
high strength is often precluded by oxidation or jOining considerations,
particularly in the application to minimum gage structures, where con-
ventional technologies no longer apply.

It should be noted that the high temperature material requirements

of the BrOL - 0 vehicle differ considerably fram boost glide systems
as this vehicle will necessarily carry its cryogenic fuels in wing tanks,
precluding a hot structure. This calls for a wall design with almost
perfect insulation between 20000 F and -4320 F, to minimize fuel boil-off.
In addition, the structure must be compatible with repeated exposure to
space environment. The temperature ranges and secondary requirements of
the wing and fuselage structure in comparison with the boost glide
vehicle are illustrated in Figure 13.

Critical Components of the HTO~O Vehicle

In designing a composite structure integrating stress carrying capa-

bility, thermal protection and meteroid protection, there are three basic

(1) Internal insulation.

(2 ) Split insulation.

(3) External protection system.

Parametric studies indicate clearly the superiority of the external

protection system, in which the stress carrying structure is at cryogenic
temperatures. In assessing the weight requirements of thermal protection
systems, Figure 14, we find that the metal envelope, needed in view of
the poor load carrying capability of high efficiency insulation materials
(including vacuum), represents more than 85~ of the total weight, even
by the use of foil gages. Foil gages, in turn, introduce a set of new
problems, as their technology is,in many respects, completely undeveloped.
A typical example of foil gage difficulties is illustrated in Figure 15
which refers to oxidation protection. The designer's idea and his basis
for weight calculation is identified in the first sketch, showing the
cross-section of a foil skin. In order to make it useful for high tempera-
tures it requires oxidation protection, particularly in the case of
refractory metals. Diffusion coatings are very effective, yet consume a
considerable portion of the foil thickness, so that in same cases hardly
any metal is left, not to speak of the unacceptable material embrittlement.
If we attempt to avoid this by means of a metallic coating, the added
weight defeats the original purpose of foil gage structures. The use of
foil gage materials encompasses a number of other problems such as:

availability, uniformity, corrosion, for.m1ng, joining, heat treating,
handling and repair.

At ~he leading edges and the nose, temperatures between 30000

and 4500 F may be encountered. The following potential solutions are

(l) Refractory metal "boiler plate"

(2) Refractory metal honeycomb

(3) Convective cooli~

(4) Pryolitic graphite

(5) Ceramics

(6) Ablation composites

(7) Limited ablation refractories

(8) Transpiration cooling

The features of most of these designs are well known. One

promising new concept is the use of "limited ablation refractories ll ,
i.e., materials which serve as a hot structure during most of the heat
input, yet have the capab1l1tyof absorbing the peak heating by temporary

Add! tional problems are introduced by functional. components which

are integral parts of the heated structure, such as doors or windows.
Window materials must combine high temperature capability with the pre-
viously described limited transmission for the orbital portion of the
trajectory. In Figure 16 the temperature limitation of a number of
optical materials is shown together with the range of light transmission.
A fair compromise is obtained with the AKLO-type Pyrex which is essen-
tially limited to visible transmission and withstands temperatures up to
l2ooOpt; its low thermal expansion is an additional advantage. It is
recognized that such delicate components as windows will be equipped with
a shutter, to be closed during exposure to the most severe environments.
The selection of materials should, however, be guided by the "fail-safe"
principle, which precludes catastrophiC effects in case of the failure
of protection devices.

Materials Problems of the llrOL-O Vehicle

The analysis of the design requirements of the various components

of the llrOL-O vehicle 1s again compiled in chart form (Figure l7). :Besides

the lift surfaces, leading edges, nose and windows, it places a
severe problem rating on radames, ther.mal protection, meteroid pro-
tection, sealant materials and the components of the air collection


The requirements of the third type of near-space vehicles, the

inter-station shuttle, are essentially covered by the preceding dis-
cussion of the space station, and are therefore not further discussed.


Any problem can be solved if enough time is given for research.

The initially discussed vehicle schedule, however, introduces stringent
time limitations. In order to phase the time aspect in the establish-
ment of priorities, it will be necessary to assess the time required for
research and development and to compare this time with the vehicle sche-
For this purpose the initially established time table is once more
shown in Figure 18 for the systems under discussion. In addition to the
initial operational capability, it includes the preceding phases of design,
manufacture and testing, omitting the earlier systems phases to allow
the utmost time for materials research. The target date for its completion
has been selected to coincide with the start of final design, except for
the space assembly capability for which research can extend to the time
of initial operational capability. The resulting target dates for materials
research are indicated at the bottom of the time table.

Projection of Research ACCOmplishments

The time required for research depends on a number of aspects, listed
in Table I, together with other priority cr~teria. The first consideration
is the present state of art and the projected rate of effort in of
funds and manpower. There is further the question of complexity, referring
primarily to the number of disciplines involved: The breakdown of a
research project in individual tasks, their alignment (including the establish-
ment of a common language between disciplines) and the final synthesiS
always tend to lengthen the time of research accomplishment. In addition,
many topics include tests with certain minimum time requirements, such as
creep or corrosion tests. In very advanced topics considerable time is
often lost before they gain general recognition, a prerequisite of funding.
Finally, one item which can not be overlooked is the time required for
administrative contracting procedures, from the requesting and allotment

ot funds, issuing ot the work statement, the preparation and evalua-
tion of proposals to the final contract assignment.
The assessment of the total time requirements and the resulting
projection of research accomp1ishments bas been carried out for each
component and prob1em, which has been termed as critical in the pre-
ceding test analysis. As an examp1e of this procedure, the evaluation
of the space station hull. structure, is shown in Figure 19.
Listed at the 1ett are the previously stated requirements, such as
ultra light weight materials and designs, joining and deployment
techniques, meteroid protection, radiation shie1ding, development ot
"integral" design concepts and the development of space assembly technology.
The expected research trend during the applicable time period is identified
by a triangular pattern, representing the gradual diminishing magnitude
or severity of the problem to its final solution.
The same evaluation has been carried out for all major components.
The resulting trend charts tor meteroid protection systems, thermal pro-
tection systems, space assembly, seals and sealants, temperature control
surfaces, optical transparencies as well as for the leading edges and
nose ot the In'OL-O vehicle are presented in figures 20 through 26.

Priority Classification ot Research Problems

In the final evaluation, the prob1ems which meet the deadline for
the applying vehicle system are not further considered. The severity of
the remaining problems is measured by the nmnber of years by which research
exceeds the vehicle target date. USing this information they were subse-
quently separated into priority categories which are defined as follows:
Priori ty 1: "5 years behind schedule".
Priority 2: "3 to 4 years behind schedule".
Priori ty 3: "2 years behind schedule n •

Priority 4: "1 year behind schedule~

The problems included in the first priority category are presented

in Table II. A further distinction of importance is made by the sequence
of topiCS, which has been based on the remaining priority criteria of Table
Table II produces a nmnber ot expected items, as well as a few sur-
priSing topics. The development of foil gage technology and the related means

of oxidation protection rank on top of the list. Further termed as
very critical is the integral hull structure for the space station as
well as for the HI'OL-O vehicle, which combines the basic structural
requirements with those of meteroid protection, thermal protection and
radiation shielding. The first priority further lists the materials
for emergency re-entry systems, such as unfoldable high-temperature
drag devices. In the second priority, Table III, appear such topics
as "integral" thermal and meteroid protection systems for service be-
tween -423 and 22OOoF, required for the mOL-O vehicle sealants
compatible with a temperature of 2200 0 F as well as space environmentj
rotating seals for the space station, required for the separation
between the revolving assembly and the zero-g area; the potential
contamination of the air in the space station interior resulting from
materi~ls; or even the exact establishment of the meteroid environment,
which is a prerequisite to materials development rather than a materials
problem per see

This final representation is admittedly rather crude. However, the

purpose of this discussion was not solely the identification of critical
problem areas, but also the demonstration of the procedures employed in
their determination.

These procedures, likewise, are sanewhat crude. With some added

refinement, however, they may provide a helpful tool in the wise use of
our resources in terms of funds, manpower and materials, and ultimately,
in the orderly achievement of new aerospace capabilities.

r:16.1 r:1G.2
Potential Sc:hedule for Manned Near-Space ()pentI1. Composite Wall Design for Manned Space Systems
VEHICLE &97071 1 7273

APOLLO - CIRCUMLUNAR SV ~~~~~~ ______ tw~Wlli"",~c.>ti~~~~~~~~~0,,(n.05,-~~A",LL~E~N~V(",R~ON~M~E_NT_51

100 TON SPACE STATION SV -" SKIN ~;ci,~~~6~ ~~~:LEDR ~!cil~~~g~DS ~~~ AD~~~\~NO.


I="lG.3 ~6.4
Nomogram for Correlation of Risk Level Weight and Risk Assessment of Various Design Concepts
and Wall Thickness (AU (HYPERvELOCiTY R£G(ON 25,000 FTjSECl for Meteoroid Protection

~ ]0
~ ~
0,050 ~
100 w
"- z
0 '"u
1,000 ~
~ 4



0.05 0.1 0.5 1 5MM

r:l6. SO ORBITING VEHICLE Space Window Spectra




1-- ~ I '

- ----

, --' ,

.., I V HEAT

= =---- BREAK EVEN


0 100 """' 200 300


Self-Rigidizing Structure FIG.1 Space Station F16.8


•• • .10 ••• 0 0


• 0
• c
•• •
0 0
• • •
• • •• •
• •
0 ,0 0
• •• CJ 0 0
•• • • 0 0

•• •• • • c •
• • • • ••
• 0
0 0 0
0 0 (j

• 0
• • (j 0 0
•• •• 0
0 0
•• • • • •
• ••
0 0

••• 0 0 0

• •
• u
I. 0 • 0
0 0
'. 0

• 1

••• •• ]~ o • ••

• 0 • 0

••• •• 0 0 0
• • 0
• 0

HTOL - Orbital Vehicles Exit Profiles - Fl<=.. 10

HTOL - Orbital Vehicles

Single and Two-Stage Mission Profiles FIG. q

"- 1,500


w 200


5 10 15 20 25

Orbital Lift He-entry Profiles - FIEr. II

FIG. 1"2.
Limitations of Metals for Heated Structures
2,000 -~J



---- \ \..
1,000 FT. T5KIN°F


MIN~UI~.'p~G~E~I~~S ' " , _ ~_\ _ _ _ _~

/ .......
\ -

.... '\
' ..... '-~ " "
1,000 2,000 MELTING 3,000

4 8 12 16 20 24
VELOCITY - 1,000 FT ';5EC.

FI6. 13 1=16.14
HTOL-O and Boost-Gllde Vehicles Weight and Thermal Efficiency
Temperature Environments and of Structural Insulation Systems
Associated Problems of Primary Structure
I 2,000° I
I BTU/lN.-FT. 2-HR.-~F
l.oooe I

------ I R. T. I L-_ _-'-_ _ _-'-_ _ _'--_ _- ' 0.1

-423 F I I
0.01 0.1 10 100

1=16. I~
5='16. 15 Transmission and Temperature Umitations
Oxidation Protection of Foil Metals of Window Materials


r-_-_~-:il l l l l l l lil l ~I[l lil ltil lil l l l[1 [l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l lil : DESIGN


r:::: :iill:II,~IIIIIII:illllll:illillllllllllllllllllllllllll111111~llmlllilllmlllllllllll, DIFFUSED COATING

L_- 1~lil l l~I ~I I I I I I I I I~1 1 1 1 1 1~l il !1 1 1 I Iil ili SURFACE COATING

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HTOL - Orbital Vehide
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SS Hull Structure Meteoroid Protection Systems

REQUIREMENTS I I 63 64 T65 I 66 671 68 69 I 70 P REQUIREMENTS 1 63 : 64165 66 67 1r I 68 69 70 P

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Thermal Protection Systems Space Assembly

REQUIREMENT 5 I 63 64 i 65 ! 66 I 67 T68 I 69 I 70 P REQUIREMENTS I 63 ! 64: 65 I 66 i 67 I 68 T 69 I 70 P

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Seals and Sealants Temperature Control Surfaces

REQUIREMENTS 163 : 64 T65 1 66 T67 i 6s169 I 70 REQUIREMENTS 1 63 I 64 T65 I 66 I 67 T68 T 69 I 70 P

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Optical Transparencies (Windows) HTOL-O Leading-Edge, Nose (3,000-4,500 OF)

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REQUIREMENTS i 63 : 64 65 67 !68i 69 1 70 p
: 63 64 I 65 , 66 : 671 b" I
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Priority Criteria TABLE ~







Priority II - ("3 - 4 YEARS BEHIND SCHEDULE") TABU: - JK"













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