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*Jl. Ratu Kemuning Blok D-11 no.

19B, Taman Ratu, Jakarta Barat 11510

HP/WA 0816 878766
*Jl. Hibrida Raya Blok PF-23/05 Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240
Telp. 021-45865659 - HP/WA 0816 878766
Management by Ignatius Tyfin *e-mail : [email protected]
*website :

1. Find the solution of the following equations 9. If the radius of the outer circle is 10 cm and the radius of
(a) the inner circle is 8 cm, find the area of the shaded region.
(c) ( )
(d) ( )

2. a. If and , find the value of .
b. If and , find the value of .

3. If , find the possible values of . 10. In the diagram, O is the centre of a wheel. The
circumference of the wheel is 220 cm. Points A and B lie
4. Find the solutions of the trigonometric equations below for on the circumference of the wheel and the length of the
minor arc AB is 33 cm. Calculate:
(a) (i) The acute angle AOB.
(b) (ii) The diameter of the wheel.
(c) √ (iii) The length of the chord AB.
(iv) The area of the shaded region.
5. James stands at a height of m and looks out the window ( )
of a hotel. He sees a police car parked on the road below.
His angle of depression is 45 . At the same time, John
standing 20 m above James sees the same police car
o 11. Find the area of the shaded region, in terms of .
from the window. His angle of depression is 60 .
(i) The distance of the police car from the foot of the
(ii) The value of . 
2 cm
6. If and the length of arc cm, then
find the radius of the circle.
12. A photo has dimensions of 50 cm 70 cm is put into a
frame that has uniform width. If the area of the frame and
the photo are equal, find the approximate value of the
A B width of the frame.

120 o
13. There is a rectangular container that has breadth of 12 m
O will be covered by some planks that have breadth of m
each. If the breadth of each plank used is 0.2 m more than
the previous ones, then the number of planks used is 2
7. Consider the following figure.
less than the initial. Find .

14. State the expression in the form of

( ) .

15. Express ( ) in the form ( ) ,

where , and are constants. Hence, state the
coordinates and the nature of the vertex.

16. The two shortest sides of a right angled triangle are cm

If the radius is 10 cm, find the area of shaded region. and ( ) cm. Is it possible to make a right-angled
triangle that has area of 20 cm ? If it is possible, find the
8. From the following figure, if the radius of a circle is 2 cm, largest area that can be made and the corresponding
find the area of in tems of . value of .

 B
17. From the following quadratic function , 27. Find the coefficient of in the expansion of
which one is the correct answer?
( ) ( )

28. Find the non-zero values of and for which:

( )

29. There are 5 digits, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. If each digit only can
be used once, how many numbers of codes can be made
a. , , dan using these 5 digits where the last two digits of the code
b. , , dan cannot be 25?
c. , , dan
d. , , dan 30. There are 3 numbers, , and . If the mean, the median
e. , , dan and the range of the three numbers are 9, 11 and 10
respectively, find the value of , and .
18. Given the following graph of quadratic equation. 31. In a class of 21 students, 15 can speak Spanish and
y 6 can speak English. Twelve students from those who
speak Spanish are from Argentina and three students from
x those who speak English are also from Argentina. Given
one student chosen at random is from Argentina, find the
probability that he/she can speak Spanish.

y  ax2  bx  c 32. There are 16 students in a certain class. 8 students like art,
12 students like music and 1 student like neither art nor
Find the correct choice. music. Two students are chosen randomly, find the
a. , , dan probability that the first student chosen like music only and
b. , , dan the second student chosen like art only.
c. , , dan
d. , , dan 33. In country A 30% of people who drink tea have sugar in it.
e. , , dan In country B 65% of people who drink tea have sugar in it.
There are 3 million people in country A who drink tea and
19. Given , where are integers between 1 12 million people in country B who drink tea. A person is
and 7 inclusive. Using these values of , find the chosen at random from these 15 million people.
probability that the curve crosses -axis. (i) Find the probability that the person chosen is from
country A.
20. Given the equation of the curve and equation (ii) Find the probability that the person chosen does not
of line . Find the range values of such that the have sugar in their tea.
line does not intersect the curve. (iii) Given that the person chosen does not have sugar in
their tea, find the probability that the person is from
21. Solve the following inequalities. country B.
(b) ( ) ( ) 34. Jamie is equally likely to attend or not to attend a training
(c) session before a football match. If he attends, he is certain
to be chosen for the team which plays in the match. If he
22. Find the domain of the following functions. does not attend, there is a probability of 0.6 that he is
chosen for the team.
(a) ( ) √
(i) Find the probability that Jamie is chosen for the team.
(ii) Find the conditional probability that Jamie attended
(b) ( ) √
the training session, given that he was chosen for the
(c) ( ) √

35. The probability that Henk goes swimming on any day is

23. There are 55 consecutive numbers and the sum of all the 0.2. On a day when he goes swimming, the probability that
numbers is 5 555. Find the last term. Henk has burgers for supper is 0.75. On a day when he
does not go swimming the probability that he has burgers
24. a. If … , find the value of . for supper is . The probability that Henk has burgers for
b. If … , find the number of terms in supper on any day is 0.5.
the sequence. (i) Find .
(ii) Given that Henk has burgers for supper, find the
25. Find the quotient and the remainder from the following probability that he went swimming that day.
polynomial division.
(a) is divided by
(b) is divided by
(c) ( )

26. Find the coefficient of in the expansion of ( ) .

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