Silicones and Structural Adhesives

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Silicones are polymers with a silicon-oxygen backbone that are synthesized through a three step process involving chlorosilane synthesis, hydrolysis, and polymerization. They have a wide range of applications including sealants, adhesives, coatings, and more due to their unique combination of properties such as thermal and chemical resistance.

Silicones are synthesized through a three step process - first, chlorosilanes are produced from silicon metal and methyl chloride. Then, chlorosilane hydrolysis occurs. Finally, polymerization and polycondensation takes place to form the silicone polymers.

Some of the main applications of silicones include sealants, adhesives, coatings, lubricants, and more. They are used in industries such as construction, transportation, consumer products, and more due to their versatile properties.

International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422

Silicone sealants and structural adhesives$

Franc,ois de Buyl*
Dow Corning s.a., Industrial Park, area C, B-7180 Seneffe, Belgium
Accepted 27 March 2001


The mode of preparation of silicones, their use and typical performances are reviewed. Particular attention is given to their use as
sealants and structural adhesives in construction and building applications where adherence properties for assembling two substrates
are important. An important part of this paper has been previously published ten years ago in French (Colas, Chimie Nouvelle 8(30)
(1990) 847–852) however the purpose with this paper is to bring some more up-to-date information’s on the above subject. r 2001
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: A. Silicones; A. Sealants

1. Introduction: nomenclature and brief history simultaneous presence of ‘‘organic’’ groups attached to
an ‘‘inorganic’’ backbone gives silicones a combination
By analogy with ketones, the name silicone was given of unique properties and allows their use in sealants and
in 1901 by Kipping to describe new compounds of the adhesives compositions in fields as different as aerospace
formula R2SiO. These were rapidly identified as being (for their low and high temperature behaviour), electro-
polymeric and corresponded to polydialkylsiloxanes, nic (for their electrical resistance), medical (for their
with the general formula: excellent biocompatibility) and the building industries
(for their capability to seal materials of various nature,
and their good resistance to weathering) [1].
The most common silicones are the PDMS terminated
with trimethylsilyloxy groups, with the following structure:

The name silicone was adopted by the industry and most These are linear polymers and liquids, even for large values
of the time refers to polymers where R ¼ Me (poly- of n. The main chain unit, a(SiMe2O)a, is often shortened
dimethylsiloxanes, abbreviated as PDMS). Many other by the letter D referring to the 2 oxygen atoms bonded to
groups, e.g. phenyl, vinyl or trifluoropropyl group, can the silicon atom. In a similar way, M, T and Q units can be
substitute the methyl group along the chain. The defined relative to the number of oxygen atoms as [2]:

$ This nomenclature allows an easy and fast description

This review is based on a lecture presented at a seminar on
Reactive Adhesives held in Loughborough on 29 November 2000. of polysiloxanes. The structure of the trimethylsilyloxy-
*Tel.: +32-64-888-333; fax: +32-64-888-950. terminated polydimethylsiloxane depicted above can
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. de Buyl). therefore be expressed as MDnM. It is possible to

0143-7496/01/$ - see front matter r 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 4 3 - 7 4 9 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 0 1 8 - 5
412 F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422

simplify the description of various structures like by hydrolysis of PDMS. Redistribution reactions
(Me3SiO)4Si or tetrakis(trimethylsilyloxy)silane, which can be used to convert the other silanes and increase
becomes M4Q. Superscripts are used to indicate groups the commercial yield of the production equipment
other than methyl attached to the silicon atoms of the [4].
polymeric backbone. For example vinyl-, longer alkyl- It is also possible to replace the chlorine groups by
chain, or simply hydrogen. alcoholysis:

2. From quartz to silicone

In this way, various silanes with different functionalities
Silicones are obtained in a three steps synthesis:
can be prepared, e.g. alkoxy and vinyl: these allow
1. Chlorosilane synthesis, coupling reactions to take place between inorganic
2. Chlorosilane hydrolysis, surfaces and polymers in composite manufacturing
3. Polymerisation and polycondensation. [5,6].

2.1. Synthesis of chlorosilanes 2.2. Hydrolysis of chlorosilanes

Today, silicones are obtained commercially from PDMS are then obtained by the hydrolysis of the
chlorosilanes prepared following the direct process of dimethydichlorosilane in presence of an excess of water
Rochow [3] and using Si metal obtained from the according to the following reaction [2]:
xMe2 SiCl2 - yHOðMe2 SiOÞn Hþ zðMe2 SiOÞm with n ¼ 20250 and m ¼ 3; 4; 5; y
ðmainly 4Þ: linears cyclics
ð1Þ ð2Þ ð3Þ

reduction of quartz at high temperature: This heterogeneous and exothermic reaction gives
formally a disilanol intermediate [Me2Si(OH)2], which
SiO2 þ2C-Si þ 2CO
readily and rapidly condenses with HCl acting as a
and methylchloride obtained by condensation of metha- catalyst to give a mixture of so-called linears (2) and
nol with hydrochloric acid: cyclics (3) oligomers by inter- or intramolecular
condensation. This mixture separates from the aqueous
CH3 OH þ HCl - CH3 Cl þ H2 O: acid phase, the ratio between the two types of oligomers
depending on the hydrolysis conditions (concentrations,
The reaction giving chlorosilanes takes place in a pH, solvents).
fluidised bed of silicon metal powder in which flows a These oligomers are water-washed, neutralised and
stream of methylchloride, usually at temperatures of dried. The HCl is recycled and reacted with methanol to
250–3501C and at pressures of 1–5 bars. A mixture of give the methylchloride used in the direct process
different silanes is obtained containing mainly the described above.
dimethydichlorosilane, Me2SiCl2 [2]:

Yield Bp (1C)
(weight %) 2.3. Polymerisation and polycondensation
xSi þ Me2SiCl2 (1) >50 70.0
yCH3 Cl - The linear (2) and cyclic (3) oligomers obtained by
MeSiCl3 10–30 66.4 hydrolysis of the dimethyldichlorosilane have too short
Me3SiCl o10 57.9 chains for most applications. They must be condensed
MeHSiCl2 o5 41.0 (linears) or polymerised (cyclics) to give macromolecules
other silanes 5 F of sufficient length [7–9].
Opening and polymerising cyclics, (R2SiO)m, to form
The reaction, exothermic, proceeds in the presence long linear chains is catalysed by many acid or base
of a copper-based catalyst and has a yield of compounds [4] and gives at equilibrium a mixture of
85–90%. The various silanes are separated by dis- cyclic oligomers plus a distribution of polymers. The
tillation: as the boiling points are close together, proportion of cyclics will depend on the substituants
long distillation columns are always seen at sili- along the chain, the temperature and the presence of a
cone plants. The dimethyldichlorosilane (1), which is solvent. Polymer chain length will depend on the
separated, becomes the monomer for the preparation presence of substances capable of giving chain ends.
F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422 413

Polymer chain end functionality will depend on the bonds between adjacent chains. This is achieved
presence of end-blocking agents of various natures. according to one of the following reactions: cross-
Linear condensation is an equilibrium reaction linking by condensation, addition or radical reaction.
catalysed by many acids or bases [4,7]:
3.1. Crosslinking by condensation

This method is used in sealants such as the ones

available from Do-it-yourself shops. Silicone sealants
to give long chains by intermolecular condensation of are also widely used by professionals in original
terminals SiOH. A distribution of chain length is equipment manufactories for glazing sealing windows
obtained and longer chains are favoured when working and doors for either residential or public buildings.
under vacuum and/or at elevated temperatures to reduce These products are ready to use and require no mixing:
the residual water concentration. Acid catalysts are cross-linking starts when the product is squeezed from
more efficient when the organosilanol carries electron- the cartridge and comes into contact with moisture from
donating groups, base catalysts when it carries electron- the atmosphere and/or present at the surface of the
withdrawing groups. Some catalysts can induce redis- substrate.
tribution by attacking the polymer chain with the Most silicone sealants are formulated from a reactive
formation of cyclics. This will be important when polymer prepared from a hydroxy-endblocked-polydi-
condensing a mixture of linear oligomers such as methylsiloxane and a large excess of methyltriacetox-
dimethyl- and methylphenylpolysiloxanes: a sequential ysilane:
HO2ðMe2 SiOÞx 2H þexc: MeSiðOAcÞ3 -@2AcOH ðAcOÞ2 MeSiOðMe2 SiOÞx OSiMeðOAcÞ2
polymer will be obtained in the absence of redistribution As a large excess of silane is used, the probability of 2
while a random polymer will result if a catalyst capable different chains reacting with the same silane molecule is
of opening the main chain is used. remote and all the chains are endblocked with 2 aOAc
Apart from the above polymers, reactive polymers functions (5). The resulting product is still liquid and
can also be prepared. This can be achieved when re- can be stored in sealed cartridges or aluminium foils
equilibrating oligomers or existing polymers: sausages.

to obtain a poly(dimethyl-co-methylhydrogenosiloxane) Upon opening and contact with the ambient

terminated with trimethylsiloxy groups. This polymer moisture, the acetoxy groups are hydrolysed to
can be further functionalised using an addition reaction: give silanols, which allow further condensation to

The above polymers are all linear apart from the cyclics, occur:
but these are also made up of difunctional units, D.
Apart from these, branched polymers or resins can be
prepared if, during hydrolysis, a certain amount of T or
Q units are included, which will allow a three-dimen-
sional expansion of the material. This can be achieved if
considering the hydrolysis of the methyltrichlorosilane
in the presence of trimethylchlorosilane.

3. Silicone crosslinking

The silicone polymers are easily transformed into a In this way, 2 chains, (5)+(6) have been linked, and the
three dimensional network and an elastomer via a cross- reaction will proceed further from the remaining acetoxy
linking reaction, which allows the formation of chemical groups on (7). An organometallic tin catalyst is typically
414 F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422

used. This cross-linking requires that moisture diffuses elimination of the product):
within the product and the cure will proceed from the
outside surface, towards the inside. These sealants
are called 1-part sealant RTV (room temperature
vulcanisation) but actually require moisture as a
second component. Acetic acid is released as a by-
product of the reaction and corrosion problems are where to simplify, other Pt ligands and other Si
possible on substrates like concrete, with the formation substituents are omitted.
of a water-soluble salt at the interface (and loss of There is no by-product with this reaction: moulded
adhesion at the first rain!). To overcome this, other pieces made with a product using this cure mechanism
systems have been developed: 1-part sealants releasing are very accurate (no shrinkage). However, handling
less or non corrosive by-products, e.g. oxime using the these 2-part products (polymer and Pt catalyst in one
oximosilane RSi(ON ¼ CR20 )3 or alcohol using the component, SiH oligomer in the other) requires some
alkoxysilane RSi(OR0 )3 instead of the above acetoxysi- precautions: the Pt in the complex is easily bonded to
lane. electron-donating substances like amine or organosul-
Condensation curing is also used in 2-part systems phur compounds to form stable complexes with these
where cross-linking starts upon mixing the two poisons, rendering the catalyst inactive. Caution needs
components, e.g. an hydroxy endblocked polymer also to be taken as the reaction of SiH intermediate with
and an alkoxysilane such as tetra n-propoxysilane water may lead to highly exothermic process, liberating
[7]: explosive hydrogen gas.

3.3. Crosslinking with radicals

Efficient cross-linking with radicals is only achieved

when some vinyl groups are present on the polymer
Here, no atmospheric moisture is needed. Although chains. The following mechanism has been proposed for
residual moisture presents in filler helps condensation the cross-linking made by radicals, which can be
reaction to occur, organotin salt is usually used as generated from organic peroxide [6]:
catalyst but it also limits the stability of the resulting
elastomer at high temperatures (reversion reaction). Rd þ CH2 ¼ CH2Si 
Alcohol is released as a by-product of the cure leading to -R2CH2 2CH2Si 
a slight shrinkage upon cure: this precludes the RCH2 2CHd 2Si  þCH3 2Si 
fabrication of very precise objects (0.5–1% linear -RCH2 2CH2 2Si  þ  Si2CHd2
 SiCH2d þ CH2 ¼ CH2Si 
3.2. Crosslinking by addition
-  Si2CH2 2CH2 2CHd 2Si 
The shrinkage problem encountered with both 1- and  Si2CH2 2CH2 2CHd 2Si  þ  Si2CH3
2-parts condensation systems can be eliminated when -  Si2CH2 2CH2 2CH2 2Si  þ  Si2CHd2
using an addition reaction to achieve cross-linking. 2  Si2CHd2 -  Si2CH2 2CH2 2Si 
Here, cross-linking is achieved using vinyl endblocked
polymers and reacting them with SiH groups carried by where  represents 2 methyl groups and the rest of the
functional oligomers such as described above (4). A few polymer chain.This reaction is used for high consistency
polymers can be bonded to this functional oligomer (4), silicone rubbers (HCR) like the ones used in extrusion or
as follows [4]: injection moulding and which are cross-linked at
elevated temperatures: the peroxide is added before
use. During cure, some precautions are needed to avoid
the formation of voids by the peroxide’s volatile
where  represents the remaining valences of the silicon residues; post-cure may also be necessary to remove
atom in intermediate (4). these volatiles, which can act as depolymerisation
The addition occurs mainly on the terminal carbon catalysts at high temperatures.
(b–addition) and is catalysed by Pt or Rh metal
complexes, preferably organometallic compounds to
enhance their compatibility with the medium. The 4. Properties of silicones
following mechanism has been proposed (oxidative
addition of the SiH on the Pt, H transfer on the The position of the silicon element in the periodic
double bond in the b–position, and reductive table, led to a belief of the existence of analogue
F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422 415

compounds analogous to carbon. Most of these

analogue compounds do not exist or behave very
differently. There are few similarities between SiaX
bonds in silicones and CaX bonds [2,4]:

Element (X) Bond length (A Ionic character (%)
SiaX CaX SiaX CaX
Si 2.34 1.88 F 12
C 1.88 1.54 12 F
H 1.47 1.07 2 4
O 1.63 1.42 50 22

Between any given element and Si, bond lengths are

longer than for C with this element. The lower
electronegativity of Si (1.8) vs. C (2.5) leads to a very
polarised SiaO bond, highly ionic and with a large
bond energy, 452 kJ/mole (108 kcal/mol). The SiaC
bond has a bond energy of 7318 kJ/mole (76 kcal/mol),
slightly lower than a CaC bond while the SiaSi bond
is weak, 193 kJ/mole (46.4 kcal/mole). These values
partially explain the stability of silicones: the SiaO
bond is highly resistant to homolytic scission; on the
other hand, heterolytic scissions are easy, as demon-
strated by the re-equilibration reactions occurring Fig. 1. Helical conformation of polydimethylsiloxane backbone.
during polymerisations catalysed by acids or bases.
Another example of the difference between analogues
is the tetravalent diphenyldisilanol, (C6H5)2Si(OH)2,
which is stable while its carbon equivalent, a gem-diol, closed polygon after about eleven repeating units (22
will dehydrate. The SiaH bond is weakly polarised, but chain bonds), which results in a flat helical chain
here in the direction of a hydride, and is more reactive conformation [10] (Fig. 1). Thus the ease with which
than the CaH bond. Overall, there are few similarities silicones may adopt many conformations is confirmed
between a silicone polymer and a hydrocarbon polymer. by monolayer absorption studies on water: two struc-
Silicones displays the unusual combination of an tures have been proposed, an open one where the
inorganic chain similar to silicates and often associated SiaOaSi bonds are oriented towards the aqueous
with high surface energy but with side methyl groups phase, and a more compact one where the chain adopts
that are, on the contrary, very organic and often the helical structure The important point is the low
associated with low surface energy [10]. The SiaO energy difference between these two structures, demon-
bonds are strongly polarised and without protection strating once again the flexibility of the siloxane chain
should lead to strong intermolecular interactions [4]: yet, [7].
the methyl groups, only weakly interacting with each Despite a very polar chain, silicones can be compared
other’s, shield the main chain. This is made easier by the to paraffin, with a low critical surface tension of wetting.
absence of side-groups at the O atom, and therefore high The surface activity of silicones is displayed in many
flexibility of the siloxane chain. The resulting open circumstances [7,10]:
structure is the basic reason for the lower barrier to
rotation around the SiaO bond, of about 2.5 kJ/mol, * The polydimethysiloxanes have a low surface tension
approximately equal to RT at room temperature, (20.4 mN/m) and are capable of wetting most
compared with barriers of about 17 kJ/mol in alkanes surfaces. With the methyl groups pointing to the
[11]. Thus the polydimethylsiloxane chain can adopt outside, this gives very hydrophobic films and a
many conformations. surface with good release properties, particularly if
The inequality of the Si (ySi D701) and O (yO D371) the film is cured after application. Silicone surface
valence angles means that, distinct from carbon and tension is also in the most promising range consid-
carbon-oxygen chains, the all-trans chain of polydi- ered for biocompatible elastomers (20–30 mN/m).
methylsiloxane is not an extended chain. It shows a Silicone sealants based on PDMS polymer show
416 F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422

similar surface characteristics, however some differ- preparing elastomers with little swelling in alkane or
ence between various curing chemistry may be aromatic solvents.
exploited to the benefits of specific customer require-
ments [12].
* Silicones have a critical surface tension of wetting 5. Applications to silicones adhesives and sealants
(24 mN/m) higher than their own surface tension: this
means that silicones are capable of wetting them- The main property of a sealant is that of sealing a
selves; this will promote good film formation and joint between various building components or materials.
good surface covering. Sealing is actually taken to understand the provision of
* Silicone organic copolymers can be prepared with a barrier against specific environmental influences
surfactant properties, with the silicone as the hydro- whichFdepending on the application envisagedFmay
phobic part, e.g. in silicone glycols copolymers. include humidity, driving rain, still or pressurized water,
draughts, sand, dust, etc. [13]. The sealing properties are
The low intermolecular interactions in silicones has basically achieved when the sealant adheres to the
other consequences [10]: adjoining based materials and is also able to absorb
* Glass transition temperatures are very low, e.g. 146 K movements of the joint without tearing away form the
for a polydimethylsiloxane compared to 200 K for substrate, or without tearing apart itself.
polyisobutylene, the analogue hydrocarbon. In order to ensure a long life expectancy of a building
* The presence of a high free volume compared to joint seal, a sound knowledge of the chemistry and
hydrocarbons explains the high solubility and high physical properties of the selected sealant is required.
diffusion coefficient of gas into silicones: silicones Among the main three types of sealants that can be
have a high permeability to oxygen (Table 1), found on the marketFhardening, plastic, elasticFsili-
nitrogen or water vapour, even if water is not capable cone sealant are particularly appreciated for their elastic
of wetting a silicone surface; as expected, silicone behaviour. The ability of silicone sealant to absorb
compressibility is also high. movements is therefore typically the highest compare to
* In silicone, the activation energy to the viscous other families of sealant, which means that silicone
movement is very low, and the silicones viscosity is sealants can afford 25–30% joint movement as ex-
less dependent on temperature compared to hydro- pressed as the percentage of initial joint width.
carbon polymers; moreover, chain entanglements are Regardless of whether they are formulated as one or
involved at higher temperature and contribute to two components systems, the chemistry of elastic sealant
limit the viscosity reduction [4]. is characterized by the fact that a flexible polymer
component is ‘‘cross-linked’’ to form a three-dimen-
The presence of groups others than methyl along the sional structure. This network has elastic properties that
chain leads to a reduction of the polymer’s thermal can be determined by macroscopic measurements, like
stability, but with this substitution, some of the above tensile strength versus elongation strain plots according
properties can be modified: to standard test method used in the building industry
[18] (Fig. 2).
* A small percentage of phenyl groups along the chain The reactive polymer contained in the sealant
perturb sufficiently to affect crystallisation and allow corresponds to a spiral bedspring which has loops
the polymer to remain flexible at very low tempera- attached to its ends. The cross-linking agent corresponds
tures; the phenyl groups also increase the refractive to punctiform fixing device with three arms, which is
index. able to anchor three end loops of the spiral bedsprings at
* Trifluoropropyl groups along the chain will change one point. As cross-linking is progressing further, a
significantly the solubility parameter of the polymer, three-dimensional network is building-up, and we may
which enables copolymers of PDMS with methyl,- easily imagine that such a structure can be elongated
trifluoropropyl siloxane blocks to be used for and compressed in all three dimensions and has a high
degree of elastic restoring capacity.
Plasticizers are typically added to silicone sealant
Table 1
Permeability coefficient to oxygen
compositions in order to adjust rheology of the paste,
and make easier for the polymer chains to slide over
107 P O2 (cm2 s@1 bar) when the cured material is elongated or compressed in
PDMS 605 his real-life joint configuration. The effect of adding
Poly methyl phenyl siloxane 25 non-reactive plasticiser, which is typically 100–
Poly tetrafluoroethylene 4.2 1000 mPa s viscosity trimethylsilyl-terminated PDMS,
Polyethylene 0.4
is actually reducing the modulus and hardness of the
Nylon 6 0.04
F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422 417

sealant (see Table 2). Of all these cure systems, 1-RTV

acetoxy, or acetic acid system is without any doubt the
most widely used. Despite the fact that use of acetoxy
sealant is restricted because the corrosion phenomenon
it causes to certain metals and its reaction with alkaline
surfaces, it does offer excellent adhesion to glass and
ceramic surfaces and has therefore become an important
adhesive in the glass and sanitary industries [14].
To provide a solution to the above mentioned
incompatibility issue of acetoxy sealant in a large
number of applications, neutral cure systems have been
developed since the beginning of the 1970’s. In the
neutral family of silicone sealant, we may find basically
the oxime, which are based on cross-linking agents that
liberate methyl-ethylketoxime upon cure, and the
alkoxy, which are based on all sorts of cross-linking
agents that liberate methanol, ethanol, and possibly iso-
propanol. Alkoxy and oxime cure systems are now
available in either transparent (silica filled composition
only) or non-transparent/solid colour (silica and/or
chalk filled composition containing appropriate pig-
ment) versions. Their chemical neutrality enables these
systems to offer a wide range of adhesive bonding
capabilities to metals (copper, brass, zinc, galvanized
steel, aluminium), including polyester powder coated
Fig. 2. (a) Tensile strength versus percentage strain for Tensile- metals, and all sorts of brick, concrete masonry, and
Adhesive joint between anodised aluminium and glass for a typical marbles. A primer might be required for some difficult
low modulus neutral cure (condensation) sealant. Joint dimension are metals and in applications where we expect the
12  12  50 mm3 size. Speed of testing in tensile mode is 5 mm s@1. (b)
Same specimen maintained at 100% extension for 24 h. Elastic
assemblage being exposed to severe weathering condi-
recovery is >95% for typical silicone sealant. tions.

5.1. Thermal ageing resistance

Overall, a silicone sealant formulation may contain up
to 10 components as described in Table 2. Silicones are used in numerous applications requiring
The speed of cure of so-called one-component-room- high temperature resistance [4,7]. During thermogravi-
temperature-vulcanisation (1-RTV) depends naturally metry and in absence of impurities, the polydimethylsi-
on the moisture level in the ambient air, i.e. typically loxane degradation only starts at around 4001C. Yet the
these sealants cure more slowly when there is little term thermal stability must be used with caution, as it’s
moisture in the atmosphere than when the percentage meaning is largely dependent on the application
relative humidity is high. However, it is surprising to considered and often implies many different properties:
note the number of queries received by sealant depolymerisation, oxidation or fire resistance. Applica-
manufacturers during autumn and winter months, tions are diffusion pump fluids, heat transfer fluids,
which indicates that many applicators of 1-RTV elastomers for oven seals or for electrical cable insula-
sealants are not as familiar with this phenomenon or tion. In case of fire, a silicone elastomer insulating an
the dependency of curing properties on temperature and electrical cable will decompose to give insulating silica
relative humidity as it is commonly assumed. rather than electrically conducting carbon as produced
The number of different possible types of cure systems by the combustion of an elastomer formulated with
that silicone sealants can offer is far higher than with hydrocarbon polymer.
any other raw material base. In theory, this makes Depending on their formulation and cure chemistry,
possible to develop the ‘‘ideal’’ silicone sealant for commercial silicone sealants can be exposed to max-
almost every sort of application. imum service temperature of 120–1801C. Silicones can
Basically, all 1-RTV and 2-RTV silicone sealants and/ be however degraded, particularly at elevated tempera-
or adhesives can be divided into three classes: acid, tures, by substances capable of acting as depolymerisa-
neutral and alkaline, depending on the chemical by- tion catalysts, such as metals salts, fillers, and cure by-
product that is released during the curing process of the product that show acid or basic character [4,17].
418 F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422

Table 2
Typical components in a silicone sealant formulationa

Component Typical chemical Function

Polymer Hydroxyl BSiOH, Binder required to form the elastomeric network

Vinyl BSiaCH2 ¼ CH2
Plasticizer Trimethylsilyl- BSi(CH3)3 Adjustment of mechanical properties such as hardness, visco-elasticity,
Paraffin oil of high boiling point. Organic plasticizers (diluents) may reduce formulation cost as well as
providing some special ease-of-use properties.
Reinforcing fillers (active) Fumed silica (SiO2); precipitated calcium Thixotropic reinforcers (non-slump), adjustment of mechanical prop-
carbonate (CaCO3) carbon black erties (cohesion); provide toughness to the elastomer as opposed to
brittle materials.
Non-reinforcing fillers Ground calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) Reduce formulation cost, adjust rheology and mechanical properties.
Cross-linkers Acetoxy BSi(OC(O)CH3)3 Cross-linking of the polymeric component; privide network structure.
Alkoxy BSi(OR)3
Oxime BSi(ON ¼ CRR0 )3
Amine BSi(NHR)3
Specific additives Catalysts: organo-Sn, -Ti, -Pt, -Zn, -Rh Acceleration/retardation of the curing process;
Adhesion Promoter: XaCH2CH2- Enhance the adhesive bonding properties against substrates;
Water scavenger Prolonging shelf life.
Pigments Offering wide range of colours.
Rheology additive Adjust ease-of-use characteristics and features.
Biocides Provide fungus growth resistance, e.g. sealing of sanitary devices and
Note typically: R and R0 =CH3, C2H5. X=organic functional group like amino, mercapto, vinyl, epoxy, methacryloxy, etc.

5.2. Chemical ageing and weathering resistance For instance, most of the siloxane polymers and
plasticizers used in commercial silicone sealants are of
Silicones sealants are used in the building industry as the same chemical nature, i.e. have a PDMS backbone.
sealing or coating materials for their outstanding Therefore, differences in the durability of 100% silicone
durability and resistance to a variety of weathering sealants are essentially due to differences in their cure
conditions [14–16]. This behaviour is a direct result of chemistry (catalyst and cross-linker), these differences
the unusual organic/inorganic hybrid nature of their being typically noticeable after prolonged periods of
siloxane polymer backbone, which provides the low weathering [17].
reactivity of the various bonds towards polluted air or Due to the low glass transition and melting tempera-
water, the hydrophobic character limiting their contact tures of PDMS polymer, 100% silicone sealant do not
with many aqueous solutions and allows their use in the substantially stiffen at lower service temperature.
presence of many chemical compounds, and their Typically, their Young’s modulus is maintained within
transparency to UV radiation. Other properties make a 725% range over a temperature range of @40–
them suitable as building sealants: silicones are easy to +801C.
pigment as they are transparent at visible wavelengths; Actually, exposure of silicone sealants to water or
and the low chain-to-chain interaction results in high humidity at moderate temperature conditions
elastomers with very low modulus, which reduces initially results in a completion of their cure process
permanent join stresses and increases longevity of accompanied by an overall improvement in their
assemblages. Using copolymers can reduce swelling of physical properties, e.g. increase in tensile strength,
elastomers in common solvents. elongation at break and adhesion against substrates.
The role of the various composition ingredients in the This is illustrated by the effect of pre-conditioning
durability of a sealant, and in particular the durability of tensile-adhesive joint specimens used for testing adher-
its adhesive bonding properties during service-life in real ence properties of sealants according to building
aging conditions has been discussed recently [17]. industry standards (cf Fig. 3) [18].
Fundamental questions have also been recently raised
e.g. ‘Whether the pressure on formulators to reduce 5.3. Adhesive properties
formulation cost is compatible with durability?’ and
‘What criteria should a sealant specifier use to select a Sealants are designed for use in adhesive joints that
durable sealant for any particular application?’ undergo significant dimensional changes during their
F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422 419

Fig. 3. Typical 4-sided structural glazing design.

service life. Understanding physics of cure of 1-RTV coupling agents, has been studied. The depths of cure (z)
issued from the various silicone sealants curing chem- at static humidity’s and temperatures have been
istry, as well as the long-term performance of sealant measured. Plots of cure depth (z) against the square
joints is therefore critical to the sealant developer and root of time are initially linear, and later deviate from
specifier [14,19]. For a rapid overview of what are this line. The point at which this deviation begins is
important aspects of the science of adhesion, the reader termed the kink, and beyond the kink the slope of the
may refer to reasonably recent publication on the line becomes increasingly positive. The kink separates
subject, which compares theories and adhesives systems what we called the outer and inner regions of cure. The
for their respective peculiarities [20]. time at which the kink occurs increases with tub depth.
An important aspect that readily needs to be well These observations have prompted the authors to
understood is the phenomenon of gradients that occurs measure swelling of the cured sealants from various
across a deep section of any joint design, which is depths in toluene, and to study adhesion to aluminium
directly linked to the curing process triggered by the and glass in the two regions.
moisture entrance from the outer layer down to the Mean joint strengths with standard deviations and
inner regions of the joint. The installation of such a modes of failure are shown in Table 3. These show that
gradient has direct consequences on ultimate adhesive joints taken from the outer regions are stronger than
strength between the sealant and the substrates. those taken from the inner regions.
It has been shown that the depth of cure (z) of a Conclusions from all experiments are actually con-
silicone sealant with butanone ketoxime reactive groups, sistent with the diffusion of organosilanes species to the
and some moisture curing isocyanate adhesives is given outer region during cure. Initially these are uniformly
by the following equation [21,22]: distributed through the samples. The cure process
involves indeed water diffusing into the sealant from
z ¼ ð2VPptÞ1=2 :
the outer face, to reach reactive groups in the PDMS,
Here V is the volume of sealant that reacts with 1 mole silanes and titanates. However once they are consumed
of water, P the permeability coefficient for water across there will be a flux of organosilanes molecules in the
the cured sealant, p the vapour pressure of water and t opposite direction to replace them, as well as volatiles
the time. The assumptions that underlie the above by-products. This flux meets the water molecules and
equation are that the chemical reactions involved in cure reacts with them. The effect of this is that the rate of cure
are much faster than the permeation of water in the can be reduced whence zoð2VPptÞ1=2 , which is what we
cured layer, and that the reactive groups are immobile. have observed with most sealant and in most curing
Any water that passes through this cured layer quickly conditions. Eventually the concentration of silanes and
reacts with uncured sealant, and thus the barrier is titanates towards the bottom of the tubs is diminished,
thickened. There is thus a distinct barrier between cured and this gives rise to the increase in the gradient of the
and uncured sealant. plots of z against t1=2 . There will be overall more cross-
In a recent study [23,24], sealant that is essentially linking and coupling species reacted in the outer region
ethoxy-terminated PDMS with a non-reactive PDMS and therefore an increase of the strengths of lap joints by
and a mixture of reactive substances (organosilanes and increasing both the cohesion of the sealant and the
organotitanate), which perform as cross-linking and strength of the interface with the substrate. Hence
420 F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422

Table 3
Testing of single lap joints against aluminium and glass for 1-RTV Alkoxy cure silicone sealanta

T1C rel. hum. (%) Joint strengths (N) with mode of failure

Aluminium–aluminium Glass–glass

Inner region Outer region Inner region Outer region

5 100 196736C* 283720C 255741C 339747C

25 75.4 167752I 292718C* 232768I* 344754I
35 100 115713I+C 257739C* 272723C 304724C
Failure modes are shown by the following codes: C=100% cohesive failure, C*=dominantly cohesive failure. I=100% interfacial failure,
I*=dominantly interfacial failure, I+C=mixed failure.

increases in strengths in the outer region are recorded in In Structural Glazing, the silicone adhesive plays a
Table 3 for some joints that failed cohesively, and for triple role. It resists the constraints imposed by the effect
others where failure was interfacial. of the wind on the glass elements combined with a
The interpretation of the swelling behaviour is less permanent load in case of unsupported system, roof
straightforward, and this is because the number of cross- glazing or sloped glazing. In addition, it withstands the
link sites in the PDMS, namely the SiaOR end groups, imposed movement created by the differential thermal
is constant, and will not be increased by further amounts dilatation between the glazing element and the internal
of organosilanes and organotitanates in the system. structure. Essential is therefore to use a sealant material
What seems possible is that with increasing amounts of with best viscoelastic properties and not a rigid adhesive
these, increasingly longer chains from the polymerised as the material should resist to both a load and a
silanes and titanates link the end groups in PDMS, or movement without creating stresses at the glass interface
interpenetrating networks are formed of PDMS and the or failing cohesively. Owing to its excellent adhesion to
cross-linking agents. If the former is the case the reduced glass, its thermal stability, its elasticity, and its resistance
swelling in toluene in the outer region will be due to the to UV radiation and ozone, silicone proved to be
tri-dimensional polysiloxane ‘‘resin’’ being less compa- extraordinarily suitable for the composition of such
tible than linear PDMS backbone with toluene. How- sealant. The explanation lies in the fundamental
ever both of these views are consistent with the diffusion chemical properties of this type of material, which are
of cross-linking and coupling species into the outer in fact close to the glass structure.
region. Basically, Structural Glazing technology using sili-
cone sealants has been proven answering the best to the
technical requirements these sorts of architectures
5.4. Structural adhesives impose: mechanical resistance and stability, safety in
normal conditions of use and in case of fire, respect of
The need of architect and designers for perfectly hygiene, health and environments aspects, protection
smooth glazed facade where the architectural fusion of against noise, and needs to reduce energy consumption
the building skeleton with the facade could be reached and retain heat in the buildings. This later argument is
appears as early as in the twenties and became a reality reinforced by the commitment given at the Kyoto
only after silicone sealant had been developed in the conference by the European Union regarding Carbon
fifties and the structural glazing techniques being made Dioxide emissions, which has literally catalysed new
technically possible in the sixties. Structural Glazing is developments in the area of glass and facade in
the method of bonding glass, ceramic, metal, stone or architecture. From passive, facade systems are becoming
composite panels to the frame of a building utilising the reactive: to save energy is not anymore the only
strong and long-term adhesive benefits of silicones objective but also to supply energy to the building.
(Fig. 3). This technique provides the architects with
limitless design possibilities, the concept of totally glazed 5.5. Release properties
facade, while ensuring full performances to the building
owner as silicone sealant not only improve the air and Transfer paper for self-adhesive labels is obtained
weather tightness of the structure but also support the with silicone paper coatings [10]. Silicones are applied as
panels and increase the rigidity of the facade while liquid before curing them, usually via an addition
providing a flexible rubber anchorage that absorbs reaction to give film coated paper; self-adhesive labels
differential movements between dissimilar materials can be applied to this paper without risk of permanent
from thermal or even seismic loading or bomb-blasting bonding: the adhesive surface tension (30–40 mN/m)
[25]. does not allow enough wetting of the silicone, and this
F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422 421

reduces the actual contact surface and the adhesion material in sediments. Upon disposal of the sludge, e.g.
work; this will allow easy removal of the label from the by land amendment, these polymers can be chemically
silicone coated paper. degraded, in example by clay containing soils, to lower
Similarly, a silicone elastomer can be used to prepare molecular weight species, mainly siloxanols binding to
a mould from an original object like a sculpture, which soils or volatilised and oxidised in the atmosphere.
is covered with a 2-part elastomer. The low surface Furthermore, studies have shown that volatile silicone
tension of the silicone will allow a perfect wetting of the oligomers like polydimethylcyclosiloxanes and short
original surface and will give, after cure, a perfect chain linear oligomers of low molecular weight do not
negative. Plaster or a thermosetting resin (polyester, contribute in the lower atmosphere to the formation of
epoxy, y) can be cast in this mould to give a copy that ozone and these volatile silicone oligomers have been
has all the details of the original master; the low surface granted an exemption from the volatile organic com-
energy of the silicone will allow an easy demoulding of pounds (VOC) regulations by the EPA in the USA; in
this copy. the higher atmosphere, volatile silicones oligomers are
quickly photochemically degraded and do not deplete
5.6. Safety and impact on the environment the ozone layer neither contribute significantly to global
warming [28].
Most siloxanes have a very low level of toxicity; this Other silicone products, e.g. elastomers, are disposed
explains the use of silicone fluids as ingredients in many by landfill or incineration, their combustion leading to
cosmetic products and of silicone elastomers as materi- amorphous silica, CO2 and H2O.
als in biomedical applications [4].
Silicone elastomers are currently used in many
approved class II or class III medical devices as defined 6. Conclusions
by the EEC Medical Device Directive, e.g. as electrical
insulation on pacemaker leads or as pacemaker coating, PDMS are formed from compounds that are largely
as tubing in cardiopulmonary bypass sets or in hydro- available: quartz and methanol, and if necessary, the
cephalic shunts because of the excellent biocompatibility latter can be produced from wood distillation [10]. Often
of the PDMS polymers: again the low reactivity of all referred to as silicones, they are used in many applica-
the bonds present in dimethylsiloxane, their insolubility tions because of their stability, low surface tension and
in aqueous media and the low surface energy of the lack of toxicity. Methyl group substitution or introduc-
resulting elastomers are all contributing factors. Sili- tion of tri- or tetra-functional siloxane units leads to a
cones are also used in pharmaceutical formulations as wide range of structures. Polymers are easily cross-
excipient or drug carrier, e.g. fluids in dermatological linked at room or elevated temperature to elastomers,
sprays or elastomers in inserts because of the high without loosing the above properties. These factors
permeability of a silicone elastomer and the high but explain the commercial success of silicones and should
controlled drug diffusivity that is made possible; silicone support their future development.
are also used as active, e.g. fluids used in many 100% silicone sealants show excellent resistance to the
deflatulant pharmaceutical compositions because of combined effect of the key weathering factors: water,
their low surface tension and defoaming performances. heat and ultraviolet light. The actual response to this
The most common PDMS polymers, e.g. PDMS with environmental challenge depends on the particular cure
viscosities between 10 and 100,000 cP, have a very low chemistry and the ingredients formulation of the silicone
acute toxicity via the main routes of administration [26]; sealanty as well as on the creativity of the formulators.
orally they are not absorbed but excreted unchanged To address the questionFwhat criteria should a
and they are not absorbed through the skin; repeated sealant specifier use in the selection of a sealant product
oral, dermal or inhalation dosage showed no significant in order to have confidence in its performances and
adverse effects to various species; in-vitro studies durability in its use?Fwe may reasonably consider few
showed no indication of mutagenic potential. This key performances parameters:
explains why PDMS polymers have been widely used
in application involving humane exposure. * Mechanical performance criteria, e.g. elasticity,
Recent work has clarified the fate of silicone in the modulus and movement capability.
environment [27]. In the environment, there is no * Adhesion to specific substrates, with primer if
evidence suggesting a negative impact. The most widely necessary.
used, the PDMS, are nearly insoluble in water and * Aesthetic changes: discoloration, surface cracking or
absent from the water cycle. Because of their extremely staining.
low solubility in water and low surface tension, these
polymers will accumulate in the sludge of wastewater We assume the sealant specifier has made the
treatment plant or be strongly absorbed by particulate appropriate choice as far as concerned the chemistry
422 F. de Buyl / International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives 21 (2001) 411–422

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