Tales of Destiny Walthrough....

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The document discusses copyright restrictions on reproducing and using the FAQ content without permission. It also provides a walkthrough and answers to frequently asked questions about the game Tales of Destiny.

The document cannot be reproduced, used commercially, given away for free, or used without the author's permission. It also discusses making sure to credit Kao Megura if using his copyright text.

The purpose is to provide a frequently asked questions guide and walkthrough for the PlayStation game Tales of Destiny to help players with questions and progressing through the game.

__ ___

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|| ||
|| [[email protected]] ||
|| Copyright (c) 2003 Joaquin Puga ||
|| ||

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Unpublished work Copyright 2000-2003 Joaquin Puga
This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced
in any way, shape or form (physical, electronic, or otherwise) aside
from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in
it's original, unedited and unaltered format. This FAQ cannot be used
for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling
it) or promotional purposes. It cannot be used in any sort of
commercial transaction. It cannot be given away as some sort of
bonus, gift, etc., with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy
and is therefore prohibited. Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by
the publishers, editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company,
group, business, or association, etc., nor can it be used by game
sites and the like. It cannot be used in magazines, guides, books,
etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (including
mediums not specifically mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form
(including reprinting, reference or inclusion), without the express
written permission of the author, myself. This FAQ was created and is
owned by me, Joaquin Puga. All copyrights and trademarks are
acknowledged and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this
The above Copyright Notice was developed by Kao Megura (with a tiny
bit of helping from Ignacio de Lucas). It is self-affecting, meaning
that it cannot be reproduced without crediting its author (for all
purposes, Kao Megura). A lot of FAQ writers out there are starting to
be aware of the need to protect their work from plagiarism. This is
Good. However, there's been an increasing trend among some of them do
so by just copying and pasting Kao Megura's copyright notice, without
crediting him at all. This is Wrong. He's too good a guy and is more
happy about these people protecting their work (and doing so with
something he has devoted a lot of time to perfect) than concerned
about his own protection being transgressed. Thus, he'll say nothing,
but I won't. If you're going to just copy his Copyright Notice (one
that warns against plagiarism, for goodness' sake) at least have the
decency of thanking him properly!
| THANKS A LOT TO IGNACIO DE LUCAS for letting me use the disclaimer |
| from his Xenogears FAQ. THANKS TO KAO MEGURA because he is the one |
| who made it in the first place. Remember that, if you want to use |
| the above disclaimer you MUST ask for permission from Kao Megura or|
| Ignacio de Lucas, not from me. |
| |
| Ignacio de Lucas Kao Megura |
| <[email protected]> <[email protected]> |
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Version 0.1 [12/16/00] - Decided to make a walkthrough for Tales of
Destiny. Started work on the ASCII logo.

Version 0.2 [08/19/01] - Hooray, first released version of the guide!

It was about time, it's been about seven
months since I decided to postpone work on
this guide ^_^ The walkthrough presently
covers the first half of the game. I hope you
like it! Current File Size: 222 KB

Version 0.3 [08/26/01] - The walkthrough has been expanded up to

Radisrol's revival. The Coliseum section has
been completely reformed and some minor
mistakes have been corrected. More to come
soon! Current File Size: 272 KB
Version 0.4 [09/24/01] - Sorry about the long delay, I really hope
this doesn't happen again. Anyway, the FAQ
now covers all the quests up to the battle at
Belcrant. Current File Size: 323 KB
Version 0.5 [02/01/03] - Yes, it's been over a year since the last
update. Besides finishing the walkthough, I
decided to delete some stuff that was
unnecessary. Happpily, this is the final
version of the guide, so now I can honestly
say there wont be any more delays ^_^.
FINAL File Size: 425 KB

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- PART I -
1.1 About this Walkthrough
1.2 About Tales of Destiny


2.1 Gameplay basics
2.2 The Controls
2.3 The Battles
2.4 Menu Explanation


3.1 Attack on the Draconis
3.2 Garr and Phandaria's Mountains
3.3 The Border Town of Janos
3.4 A Warm Welcome to Seinegald
3.5 Darilsheid, the Capital of Seinegald
3.6 Straylize Temple and the Eye of Atamoni
3.7 Begin the Quest! Philia and the Underwater Ruins
3.8 Cherik, the Link Between the Sea and the Desert
3.9 Something is Rotten in the State of Calvalese
3.10 Ahoy, Matey! A Pirate Adventure...
3.11 Sheeden and the Tidal Cave
3.12 Showdown Time! Onslaught on Moreau Castle
3.13 Overthrow King Tiberius! A Frontal Attack!
3.14 Phandaria, the Country of Perennial Snow
3.15 Remembrances... Mary's Lost Love
3.16 The Decisive Fight Against Lydon!
3.17 The Calm Before the Storm...
3.18 Libra IV, The Mysterious Abandoned Factory
3.19 Radisrol's Boot Disc and Some Side-Quests
3.20 Ignasea and the Warp Gate
3.21 Josaia, Mikheil and the Sky Cruiser
3.22 Rodeon, Helraios and Igtenos' Revival
3.23 Deimos, Cloudius and the Guardian Draconis
3.24 Battle in Belcrant. Hugo's Secret...
3.25 A World of Fear and Darkness...
3.26 Garbage Labyrinth! The Quest for the Belselium
3.27 Swordian R&D, the Birthplace of the Swordians
3.28 One Last Peaceful Night
3.29 A Bunch of Sidequests
3.30 Dycroft, Last Hope of the Aetherians


4.1 Warehouse Treasure!
4.2 Run! The Tag Mini-game
4.3 The Racing Boy at Neuestadt
4.4 Neuestadt's Coliseum
4.5 The Blackjack Match
4.6 Cress' Quiz!
4.7 Cats 'n Stones
4.8 The Tricycle
4.9 Ship Combat!
4.10 Secret Areas - Seeds, Lens and... Roshambo?
4.11 Lienea - Quiet Village Business


5.1 Clearing Things Out


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1.1- About this Walkthrough

First of all, note that I'm not a native English speaker, so expect
to find some mistakes in spelling and grammar. Please don't mail me
about them, as this is the final version of the guide and I have no
plans to update it unless I realize I overlooked something big. The
same goes for little corrections about the walkthrough or the side
The latest version of this file can always be found in the following
GameFaqs - www.gamefaqs.com
Video Game Strategies - http://vgstrategies.about.com
PSX Codez - www.psxcodez.com
Fresh Baked Games - www.fbgames.com

1.2- About Tales of Destiny
Tales of Destiny is the second in a series of (mostly unconnected)
RPGs, known simply as the "Tales" series. Though it's not all that
popular with the masses, the series manages to keep a pretty healthy
fan base here in America (and an even stronger one in Japan).

The first game in the series was Tales of Phantasia, for the Super
Famicom (1995), which quickly became a classic in Japan due to its
innovative gameplay and revolutionary voice acting.
Due to ToP's considerable success, Namco continued to produce games
similar in gameplay and style. Here's a list of the Tales games
released to date:
- Tales of Phantasia [Super Famicom]
- Tales of Destiny [Playstation]
- Tales of Phantasia (remake) [Playstation]
- Tales of Phantasia - Narikiri Dungeon [Game Boy]
- Tales of Eternia [Playstation]
- Tales of the World - Narikiri Dungeon [GB Advance]
- Tales of Destiny II [Playstation 2]
Of all the games in the series, only Tales of Destiny and Tales of
Eternia (renamed "Tales of Destiny 2") have been oficially released in

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This section has some info on the game that you might want to know
before starting the game.

2.1- Gameplay basics
Some things you should know before you play the game:
HP (Hit Points): These represent your health. When an enemy hurts
‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ you, the number that appears is the amount of Hit
Points that you lose. When the number is zero,
your character dies. Hit Points can be regained by
casting healing magic on the character, using an
item (such as Green Gel), sleeping at an inn, etc.
TP (Tech Points): When you cast a spell, use a technique, summon a
‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ Spirit, etc. you use some of these. They are like
MP are in most games. In ToD you regain a little
TP after each battle. You can also recover these
by using an item (such as an Orange Gel) or
sleeping at an inn.
Sleeping at an inn: You can stay at inns to get your HP and TP to the
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾ ‾‾ ‾‾‾ maximum without spending an item or using your
magic. Of course, staying at inns will cost you
some money.
Gald: Gald is the money in Tales of Destiny, you get it
‾‾‾‾ by fighting monsters and sometimes in chests in
dungeons. The other way to get money if exchanging
the Lens you receive in battle (read below).
Lens: Lens are a kind of energy source, they are
‾‾‾‾ supposed to be the legacy of an ancient
civilization. Oberon Corporation buys Lens from
'Lens Hunters' (people who kill monsters for the
Lens inside their bodies) to elaborate products.
Lens thus become a great source of income for your
party, since you get them after every battle and
they can be exchanged for money in almost every
town. Note that the Lens Exchange Rate varies a
lot. You should try again later if you are offered
a low rate.
Food Sack: The Food Sack is a special item were you put food
‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ items. When a character's hurt, he/she will regain
a little HP by eating from the bag with each step
(of course, the food value decreases).
Swordians: Swordians are sentient swords created during a war
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ long ago. Just like the other characters, they
have different personalities (they even have a
gender). Moreover, they even gain levels as they
take part in battle, becoming better weapons and
learning new spells for their masters to cast.
Discs: Discs serve as equipment for Swordians. They can
‾‾‾‾‾ boost their Slash and Thrust power as well as
provide them with extra spells. You can equip only
one disc on a each Swordian at a time.
Sacred Skills: Apart from the normal skills everyone gains as
‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ they level up, the main character can have access
to Sacred Skills, which combine his specials and
Dymlos' spells. Sacred Skills can be learned from
special stone slabs that are found around the
world. If both Stahn and Dymlos have learned the
necessary skill/spell, you will have to answer two
very simple questions. Note that in order to use a
Sacred Skill in battle, Stahn must be wielding
Dymlos as his weapon.
Channeling: The Channeling is an accessory that allows a
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ second player to control a character during
battles. To do so, put the character of choice in
the second position in the menu (below Stahn) and
equip the Channeling on him her. Now enter a
battle and have the second player press the Select
button on his/her controller until a message
reading S-Auto appears over the chosen character.

2.2- The Controls
/ F I E L D S C R E E N \
| Directional Buttons: Movement |
| SELECT Button: Access Menu |
| START Button: N/A |
| Circle Button: Talk/Confirm |
| Cross Button: Cancel/Run |
| Triangle Button: Access Menu |
| Square Button: Fire Sorcerer's Ring |
| L1 Button: N/A |
| L2 Button: N/A |
| R1 Button: N/A |
| R2 Button: N/A |
/ M E N U S C R E E N \
| Directional Buttons: Move Cursor |
| SELECT Button: N/A |
| START Button: Adjust Screen (only in the Customize screen) |
| Circle Button: Confirm/Select |
| Cross Button: Cancel/Exit Menu |
| Triangle Button: Discard Items from the Inventory |
| Square Button: See Item Details/Disable Skills and Spells |
| L1 Button: Confirm/Select |
| L2 Button: Cancel/Exit Menu |
| R1 Button: Quickly Scroll Up in the Inventory |
| R2 Button: Quickly Scroll Down in the Inventory |
/ B A T T L E S C R E E N \
| Directional Buttons: Move Horizontally |
| SELECT Button: Change Character Control Mode |
| START Button: Pause (use the L1 and R1 to scroll through |
| the battlefield) |
| Circle Button: Attack/Confirm in the Battle Menu |
| Cross Button: Use Special Skill/Cancel in the Battle Menu |
| Triangle Button: Access Battle Menu |
| Square Button: Use Shield/Toggle Specials in the Battle Menu |
| L1 Button: Change the direction the party is facing |
| L2 Button: N/A |
| R1 Button: Select Target |
| R2 Button: N/A |
/ W O R L D M A P S C R E E N \
| Directional Buttons: Movement |
| SELECT Button: Access Menu |
| START Button: Toggle Map and Side View |
| Circle Button: N/A |
| Cross Button: Run |
| Triangle Button: Access Menu |
| Square Button: N/A |
| L1 Button: N/A |
| L2 Button: N/A |
| R1 Button: N/A |
| R2 Button: N/A |

2.3- The Battles
In most RPGs, battles are turn-based. Each character gets a turn per
round. All you have to do is choose the commands from a small menu
that includes the basic actions.
In Tales of Destiny, battles are more like a fighting game. Your
party and the group of enemies are placed in a horizontal battlefield.
Basically, you can only control Stahn, the main character, while the
rest of your party is controlled by AI. This system created by Namco
is called the Linear Motion Battle System (LMB System).

The Basics of Attacks and Skills
Stahn can attack in several different ways. Pressing the circle
button will make him run and use a slash attack against the target,
but if you press a down in the control pad while he runs, he will stab
the enemy. Different combinations will result in different attacks.
You will get used to it quickly once you play.
As he becomes more powerful, Stahn will acquire skills to use in
battle. These skills consume TP when used, but are really powerful.
You can have up to four skills ready to use in battle at the same
time, but unlike in Tales of Phantasia, any skill can be used
regardless the distance. Here's a small chart of how to use the skills
equipped on each slot:
1. Cross Button
2. Up + Cross Button
3. Left or Right + Cross Button
4. Down + Cross Button

Aside from normal Skills, you can use Sacred Skills. To learn how to
use a Sacred Skill, Stahn and Dymlos must have reached a certain
level and be able to use a certain skill/spell, only then can they
receive a Sacred Text to teach them the Sacred Skill from one of the
several stone slabs scattered around the world. It is worth noting
that Stahn must have Dymlos equipped as his weapon in order to use a
Sacred Skill in battle.
The Battle Menu
By pressing the Triangle button during battle, a menu with six icons
will come up. Here's a short explanation of their functions:

Spells: Allows you to tell a character to cast a spell. Remember

‾‾‾‾‾‾ that only characters equipped with Swordians can use magic.
Also, note that if a character gets hit while casting a
spell, the process stops, which means you will have to
repeat your order.
Special: Just like with the 'Spells' command, you can use this icon
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ to tell a character to use one of his/her special skills.
If the character selected is one controlled by a player,
you will be able to change the skill assigned to each
button combination (see 'The Special Sub-Menu' in section
2.5 for more information on this).
Command: Allows you to give certain commands to the entire party.
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ These commands only last for the duration of the battle.
There are six different commands you can give, here's the
· No Quarter! ---> Characters will use their most
powerful without taking TP into
· Recover! ------> The party will focus on healing
rather than fighting.
· They're Mine --> The party just defends or heals
· Protect! ------> The party defend each other from
· Use No Skills -> Character won't use any TP.
· Retreat -------> Run away from battle ^_^

Strategy: Lets you change a character's AI settings. See 'The

‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ Strategy Sub-Menu' in section 2.5 for more information on
Order: You can use this to change the formation of your party.
‾‾‾‾‾ Note that you are unable to switch members during battles
(see 'The Order Sub-Menu' in section 2.5 for more
information on this).
Item: You can tell a character to use an item with this command.
‾‾‾‾ An improvement over Tales of Phantasia, is that you can
have several characters using items at the same time, which
allows a more efficient healing when needed.

2.4- Menu Explanation
T h e M a i n M e n u :
| Spells Item Valuables Order Customize |
| Special Equip Status Strategy Save |
| Stahn || [Character Name] || [Character Name] |
| || || |
| LV 01 || LV 01 || LV 01 |
| HP 9999/9999 || HP 9999/9999 || HP 9999/9999 |
| TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 |
| EXP 0 || EXP 0 || EXP 0 |
| NEXT 10 || NEXT 10 || NEXT 10 |
| [Character Name] || [Character Name] || [Character Name] |
| || || |
| LV 01 || LV 01 || LV 01 |
| HP 9999/9999 || HP 9999/9999 || HP 9999/9999 |
| TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 |
| EXP 0 || EXP 0 || EXP 0 |
| NEXT 10 || NEXT 10 || NEXT 10 |
| Playtime 9:00 Gald 999999 Lens 9999 |
| Encounters 216 Food 0 / 2000 |
NOTE: Note that the character boxes on the rightmost column are
colored darker than the other ones. That's because they are
reserved for characters who are not in you current active party.
To switch those characters, you will have to use the 'Order'
In the Characters' Boxes:
‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾
LV: Shows the current level of the character. Higher levels means
the characters are stronger. The highest level the characters
can have is 99 and the lowest is 1.
HP: It's shown in the following format: Current HP/Maximum HP. The
highest Maximum HP possible is 9999 for all characters.
TP: It's shown in the following format: Current TP/Maximum TP. The
highest Maximum TP possible is 9999 for all characters.
EXP: Shows how many Experience Points the character has gained.
Experience Points are used to raise the levels of the
NEXT: Shows how many Experience Points the character must gain in
order to raise a level.

In The Bottom Box:

‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
Playtime: Shows for how much time you have been playing the game.
Encounters: Shows in how many battles you have engaged since the
beginning of the game.
Gald: Gald is the money of the game. This shows how much money
you have at the moment.
Food: ToD uses the same Food Sack system of Tales of Phantasia.
You can put food you find in the sack your party will
consume it while walking in a dungeon if they are hurt,
recovering HP. There are three different Food Sacks you
can get in this game.
Lens: Just like money, you get Lens from killing monsters. You
can afterwards exchange these for money at certain places.
For more information, see section 2.2.

T h e S p e l l s S u b - M e n u :
| Spells || [Swordian Name] TP 999 / 999 || HP 9999 |
|____________||_______________________________________|| / 9999 |
|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|| TP 999 |
| X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] || / 999 |
| || |
| X [Spell name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] || HP 9999 |
| || / 9999 |
| X [Spell name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] || TP 999 |
| || / 999 |
| X [Spell name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] || |
| || HP 9999 |
| X [Spell name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] || / 9999 |
| || TP 999 |
| X [Spell name] X [Spell Name] X [Spell Name] || / 999 |
| || |
| || HP 9999 |
| X [Disc Spell] X [Disc Spell] X [Disc Spell] || / 9999 |
|_____________________________________________________|| TP 999 |
|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|| / 999 |
| || |
| [This box displays a short description of the || HP 9999 |
| spell the cursor is pointing at. The TP cost of || / 9999 |
| the spell is shown in the top left.] || TP 999 |
| || / 999 |
In the middle box:
‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
The symbol next to the spell name can either be a 'X' or a 'O'. The
'O' is for the spells that can be used outside of battle.
You can tell the AI of the character which spells it mustn't cast by
pressing the Square button next to the spell name. Once you do this,
the name will be displayed in gray. Remember that you can still tell
that character to cast the spell via a battle command. To reverse the
process, just press Square next to the spell again.
'Disc Spells' are spells provided by the Disc the Swordian is
currently equipped with.

T h e S p e c i a l S u b - M e n u :
For Player-controlled Characters:
‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
| Special |
| [Character Name] || |
| TP 999/999 || [A list of the character's Special |
| || skills is displayed in this window.] |
| ( ) [Skill Name] || |
| || |
| ( Up ) [Skill Name] || |
| || |
| (Down) [Skill Name] || |
| || |
| (<-->) [Skill Name] || |
| || |
| |
| [This box displays a short description of the Special Skill the |
| cursor is currently pointing at. The TP cost is displayed in |
| top-right corner.] |
| |
In the middle-left box:
‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
( ) The skill placed in this slot will be usable in battle by
pressing the Cross button on the controller.
( Up ) The skill placed in this slot will be usable in battle by
pressing Up and the Cross button on the controller.
(Down) The skill placed in this slot will be usable in battle by
pressing Down and the Cross button on the controller.
(<-->) The skill placed in this slot will be usable in battle by
pressing Left or Right and the Cross button on the controller.

For AI-controlled Characters:
‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
| Special |
| [Character Name] |
| TP 999/999 |
| |
| X [Skill Name] X [Skill Name] X [Skill Name] |
| |
| X [Skill Name] X [Skill Name] X [Skill Name] |
| |
| X [Skill Name] X [Skill Name] X [Skill Name] |
| |
| X [Skill Name] X [Skill Name] X [Skill Name] |
| |
| X [Skill Name] X [Skill Name] X [Skill Name] |
| |
| |
| [This box displays a short description of the Special Skill the |
| cursor is currently pointing at. The TP cost is displayed in |
| top-right corner.] |
| |
In the middle box:
‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
The symbol next to the skill name can either be a 'X' or a 'O'. The
'O' is for the skills that can be used outside of battle (there are
very few of them).
You can tell the AI of the character which Special skills it mustn't
use by pressing the Square button next to its name. Once you do this,
the name will be displayed in gray. Remember that you can still tell
that character to use that skill via a battle command. To reverse the
process, just press Square next to the skills name again.

T h e I t e m S u b - M e n u :
|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|
| Item | | HP 9999 |
|_________________________| | / 9999 |
|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|| TP 999 |
| */*** |‾‾‾|‾‾‾|‾‾‾|‾‾‾|‾‾‾|‾‾‾|‾‾‾|‾‾‾|‾‾‾|‾‾‾| || / 999 |
| |New|Btl|ABC|Wpn|Arm|Shl|Acc|Fod|Eqp|Dsc| || |
| ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ || HP 9999 |
| E [Item Name] : ** O [Item Name] : ** || / 9999 |
| O [Item Name] : ** E [Item Name] : ** || TP 999 |
| O [Item Name] : ** E [Item Name] : ** || / 999 |
| X [Item Name] : ** X [Item Name] : ** || |
| X [Item Name] : ** X [Item Name] : ** || HP 9999 |
| E [Item Name] : ** O [Item Name] : ** || / 9999 |
| O [Item Name] : ** E [Item Name] : ** || TP 999 |
| O [Item Name] : ** E [Item Name] : ** || / 999 |
| X [Item Name] : ** X [Item Name] : ** || |
| X [Item Name] : ** X [Item Name] : ** || HP 9999 |
| E [Item Name] : ** O [Item Name] : ** || / 9999 |
|_______________________________________________________|| TP 999 |
|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|| / 999 |
| || |
| Item [Item Type] || HP 9999 |
| Picture [This box displays a short description of || / 9999 |
| the item you are pointing at with the || TP 999 |
| cursor.] || / 999 |

In the middle box:

‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
*/***: This displays the number in the list of the number the
cursor is pointing at. The number after the slash is the
amount of different items you possess.
O: The circle next to an item means that it can be used at the
moment, from the menu.
X: The cross next to an item means that it can't be used at the
E: An 'E' next to an item means that it can be equipped. When
the cursor is pointing at one of these items, the character
sprites on the rightmost react according to how it would
affect their stats.
**: Shows the stock you have of each item. You can never have
over 15 of the same item.

The grid on the top right part of this box allows you to choose how
to sort your items:
New: Places the items you got since the last time you entered the
item menu first. Note that new items are always displayed in
green instead of white.
Btl: Places items usable in battle first. Useful when looking for
healing items.
ABC: Sorts items in alphabetical order.
Wpn: Places weapons first.
Arm: Places armor first.
Shl: Places shields, gloves and other protective pieces of
equipment first.
Acc: Places Accessories first.
Fod: Places food items first.
Eqp: Places equipment first (such as Green Gels, Panacea
Bottles, etc.).
Eqp: Places Discs first.

In the bottom box:

‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
Aside from the description of the item, this window can display other
useful info if you press the Square button. It can show you the 'Food
Value' of Food Items and the attributes of equipment.

T h e E q u i p m e n t S u b - M e n u :
|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| ____________________________________ |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|
| Equipment || Equip Remove Auto || HP 9999 |
|_________________||____________________________________|| / 9999 |
|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾||‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|| TP 999 |
| || Weapon [Item Equipped] || / 999 |
| || || |
| [This box displays || Armor [Item Equipped] || HP 9999 |
| a list of the items || || / 9999 |
| that the character || Head [Item Equipped] || TP 999 |
| can equip in the || || / 999 |
| selected slot.] || Hand [Item Equipped] || |
| || || HP 9999 |
| || Acc. 1 [Item Equipped] || / 9999 |
| || || TP 999 |
| || Acc. 2 [Item Equipped] || / 999 |
| || || |
| || Swordian [Item Equipped] || HP 9999 |
| || || / 9999 |
| || Disc [Item Equipped] || TP 999 |
|_______________________||______________________________|| / 999 |
|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|| |
| Item [Item Type] || HP 9999 |
| Picture [This box displays a short description of || / 9999 |
| the item you are pointing at with the || TP 999 |
| cursor.] || / 999 |
| || |
NOTE: Character who cannot equip Swordians obviously don't have the
'Swordian' and 'Disc' slots.
In the top-right box
‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
Equip: Self-explanatory.
Remove: Self-explanatory too, just choose this and then select what
you want to remove from the character.
Auto: The game simply selects the equipment that will raise the
character's stats the most. Bear in mind that the game doesn't
consider elemental advantages and disadvantages. Finally, note
this command doesn't affect the Accessory slots.
In the middle-right box:
‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
When equipping something, this box displays how some of the
character's stats will be affected. The four affected stats are:
Attack: Easy to guess, this is the power of the physical attacks of
the character. When equipping characters that can wield
bladed weapons, the 'Attack' value divides in 'Slash' and
Defense: Self-explanatory. The higher your defense, the less damage
you receive. The defense can be modified by equipping Armor,
Accessories and sometimes even Weapons.
Hit: The accuracy of the character when hitting. The Hit rate can
be modified by equipping Weapons or Accessories.
Evade: This is the chance that your character has of avoiding any
harm from an attack. This stat can be modified by equipping
Armor or Accessories.

In the bottom box:

‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
When selecting equipment, this box displays a short description of
it. If you press the Square button the box will display useful
information of what you chose in this fashion:
| [Item] [Name of the Item] [Item Type] |
| [Picture] |
| |
| Attack ** Hit ** Attribute |
| Defense ** Evade ** |

Attack: How much it adds to your Attack. Note that for bladed
weapons, 'Attack' is replaced with 'Slash' and 'Thrust'.
Defense: How much it adds to your defense.
Hit: How much it adds to your accuracy.
Evade: How much it adds to your evasion.
Attribute: Under this title will appear the elemental attributes of
the weapon, armor, etc. Note that a piece of armor can have
different grades of elemental resistance, being there
armors that diminish elemental damage, others that annul
damage and others that absorb it.

T h e V a l u a b l e s S u b - M e n u :
It's simply a list of your Valuables (otherwise known as rare items).
You can't do much with most of them from the menu, but there are some
that can be activated or used. A good example of it is the World Map,
which you can use to see information on places you have already
There's not really much else to say ^_^

T h e S t a t u s S u b - M e n u :
| Status |
| [Character Name & Surname] |
| |
| Swordian [Swordian Name] |
| [Portrait of |
| LV 99 the Character] |
| HP 9999 /9999 |
| TP 999 / 999 |
| |
| STR 999 EXP 22937 |
| CON 999 NEXT 1797 |
| AGL 999 |
| LUC 999 Weapon [Equipped Item] |
| Armor [Equipped Item] |
| Attack 9999 Shield [Equipped Item] |
| Intellect 9999 Head [Equipped Item] |
| Defense 9999 Hand [Equipped Item] |
| Hit 9999 Acc. 1 [Equipped Item] |
| Evade 9999 Acc. 2 [Equipped Item] |
| |
Quite easy to understand, the Status Sub-Menu shows you almost all
the information there is about your characters. You can always change
character names from here (not their surnames, though), just place the
cursor next to his/her name and press the Circle button.
Just like in the Equipment Sub-Menu, if the character can wield
bladed weapons, 'Attack' will be divided in 'Slash' and 'Thrust'.
You can see the stats and equipment (Disc) of the Swordian equipped
on the character by pressing down on the controller, so that the
cursor points at the Swordian's name.

T h e O r d e r S u b - M e n u :
|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| _______________________
| Order | | Restore Replace |
|_________________________| |_______________________|
| |
| |
| [This window displays the disposition of your party in battles. |
| You can change it easily by selecting a character and moving |
| him/her to the left or right.] |
| |
| |
| Stahn || [Character Name] || [Character Name] |
| || || |
| LV 01 || LV 01 || LV 01 |
| HP 9999/9999 || HP 9999/9999 || HP 9999/9999 |
| TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 |
| [Character Name] || [Character Name] || [Character Name] |
| || || |
| LV 01 || LV 01 || LV 01 |
| HP 9999/9999 || HP 9999/9999 || HP 9999/9999 |
| TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 || TP 999/ 999 |
In the top-right box:
‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
Restore: Use this command to put your party the way it was the last
time you entered this sub-menu.
Replace: Use this command to switch an active party member with an
inactive one.

T h e S t r a t e g y S u b - M e n u :
| Strategy |
| Stahn || [Character Name] || [Character Name] |
| || || |
| [AI Setting] || [AI Setting] || [AI Setting] |
| || || |
| [AI Setting] || [AI Setting] || [AI Setting] |
| [Character Name] || [Character Name] || [Character Name] |
| || || |
| [AI Setting] || [AI Setting] || [AI Setting] |
| || || |
| [AI Setting] || [AI Setting] || [AI Setting] |
| [This box displays || |
| a list of the || [This window displays a description of |
| different options || the AI option the cursor is pointing |
| you have for each || at.] |
| of the AI slots.] || |
In the Characters' Boxes:
‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾
Note that there are two different AI settings for each character. The
first one is for the overall behavior of the character (TP usage,
spells, attacks), while the second one is for targeting.
Try to make yourself familiar with the AI options, so that you can
control your party in the most efficient manner possible.

T h e C u s t o m i z e S u b - M e n u :
|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| ____________
| Customize | | Restore |
|_________________________| |____________|
| Message Speed 0 1 2 3 4 |
| ____ |
| Controls ** Menu´ [Tr] ____ Attack |
| [Sq] [Cl]´ |
| Defend__/ [Cr] |
| \___ Special |
| |
| Verify Encounter ON OFF |
| |
| Verify Target ON OFF |
| |
| Voice ON OFF |
| |
| Combo Display ON OFF |
| R |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| 0 |
| User Window Color G |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| 64 |
| B |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| 160 |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| R |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| 160 |
| Enemy Window Color G |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| 64 |
| B |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| 0 |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |

Message Speed: Press right or left to change the speed at which the
text appears. '0' is the fastest and '4' the slowest.
Controls: Press right or left to select one the 23 different
button configurations (the '**' is the number of
Sound: Press right or left to switch between MONO and STEREO
(quite obvious ^_^). Press the confirm button to have
access to the BGM and SE volume controls.
V. Encounter: Press right or left to switch it ON or OFF. I have no
clue about what this option does. If you happen to
know, please drop me a line.
V. Target: Press right or left to switch it ON or OFF. When this
is OFF, there will be an arrow showing where your
target is if it leaves the screen during battles.
Voice: Press right or left to switch it ON or OFF. Use the
enable/disable the battle cries.
Combo Display: Press right or left to switch it ON or OFF. This
option only appears after you get the Combo Counter
item. You should turn it ON right away, since it
allows you to get more experience.

You can change the color of windows using the controls at the bottom
of the screen. The values assigned the each color in the diagram are
the standard ones.
If you press the Start button while in this sub-menu, you will be
able to adjust the screen.

T h e S a v e S u b - M e n u :
Not much to explain here, so I won't make a graphic. Just select a
save slot and confirm to save your game. The basic information about
your party will be displayed. Note that each save you make takes up a
whole slot in your Memory Card.
Tales of Destiny only save or load files in the Memory Card inserted
in the first Slot of your Playstation. Also, you cannot have more than
three saves in one Memory Card.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
After choosing to start a new game, you'll have to name your main
character. The default name is Stahn, and that's how I'll refer to him
in the guide.
The 'Random' option randomly selects a few characters to make a name.
This option obviously worked better in Japanese ^_^
Remember that you can change the character's name any time later,
don't worry about it. Too bad you can't change the surname.

3.1- Attack on the Draconis
Items to Get: Food Sack S [Valuable], Green Gel [5], Cloak [1],
Apple [1], Dymlos [1], Oberol C [1], Spectacles [1],
Flare Bottle [1], Melange Gel [1], Orange Gel [1]
Stahn will be found on board and taken to see the captain for
interrogation. Seemingly, this ship is carrying something very
important... Anyway, after getting beat up, you will be sent to swab
the deck.
Meanwhile, in the control room, one of the ship's officers informs
the captain about a monster attack! After giving the corresponding
orders to his men, the captain mentions that the monsters are probably
after "it".
The monsters land right on the deck where Stahn is. They kill the
guard and threaten Stahn, who seeing himself weaponless, retreats.
This is the very first time you can control Stahn. Note that you have
the Food Sack S (small) in the 'Valuables' section of your menu. You
can run around by pressing X.
Go down the stairs until you see a door on your left, go through it
(there's a monster further down, and Stahn can't fight). Walk a bit
left and use the ladder, then use the door to your right. As you enter
the room, a monster kills a crewman and starts chasing other two. Now
walk right and go through the first door you see, examine the right
toilet and answer yes to get a Green Gel. Go back outside and walk
right. Check the body lying on the stairs to get a Cloak (equip it on
Stahn right away).
Keep going right. The door is locked and the path it blocked by
crates, but you can move then by pressing the circle button and
walking around. After moving a couple of crates, proceed right. Go
through the door to enter the dorms, check the fruits on one of the
tables to get an Apple (you can get infinite Apples by re-entering the
room and checking the table again). Go outside and use the stairs to
go down.
Walk south and use the first door you see. Stahn will note something
shining in the top-left corner of the dark room. Go a bit right and
up, then turn left and follow the path. After going down some stairs,
go left and up to see a sword secured with chains. Stahn takes it, and
much to his surprise, it starts talking! Its name is Dymlos, he is a
'Swordian'. An enemy appears, you will have to fight your first
battle. Just press the circle button to make Stahn run and attack. The
enemy is really weak, don't be afraid to try some stuff. Note that you
can use the Fireball spell, but you don't need it.
After the battle, Stahn introduces himself. Dymlos tells him about
the spell he can cast now, Fireball (Stahn can't cast spells without
Dymlos equipped). After some more conversation, you'll be controlling
Stahn again. Walk down, right and south again, then leave the room.
There are now monsters in the hallway, running into them will start
a fight. Walk left and up, then use the door there to enter the
storage room where Stahn was found. Grab the chest and the bag for an
Oberol C and a Green Gel, then leave the room. Go down, far right and
up, then use the stairs to go up.
Walk left past the crates and go through the previously locked door.
Check the stew in the kitchen to recover completely and leave. Walk
right and go up the stairs. Head left and use the door, grab the chest
by the bed for a Cape (equip it) and leave. Walk left past the stairs
and go through the door, and get a Green Gel from the chest. Return
outside and use the path going up, turn right and use the door there.
Grab all the treasure in this room (a Green Gel, a Spectacles, a Flare
Bottle and a Melange Gel), then leave and walk back left and down.
Enter the captain's room on your left to get a Green Gel and an Orange
Gel, then leave. Go right and use the door to go outside.
If you want to, you can go into the control room by heading left, but
there's not much to see there. Anyway, use the small stairs on the
deck, walk right and use the door. Go all the way up to where the
Stahn was swabbing the deck before the attack. You'll witness how a
another crew member is slaughtered. After defeating the monsters, the
dying man tells Stahn to escape using the pods, but he wants to stay
and kill the monsters with Dymlos' help. Fortunately, Dymlos makes him
understand that if would be suicide.
Stahn gets on one of the escape pods, but as it is launched, a
monster damages it, and Stahn end up falling in a forest in the
mountains. Even though he survives, he faints in spite of Dymlos'
attempts to keep him conscious.

3.2- Garr and Phandaria's Mountains
Items to Get: Wooden Shield [1], Auto Bow [1], Green Gel [2],
Life Bottle [3], Cloak [1], Melange Gel [1],
Cape [1]
You will wake up in a cabin. The silver haired man, Garr, will inform
Stahn he's in the mountains of Phandaria. After some more chatting,
you will get Dymlos back.
Garr's master, Alba, will ask you to look for his granddaughter in
the back woods. Before going outside, go to the room where Stahn woke
up and grab the chests for a Wooden Shield and an Auto Bow. Go left
from there and get a Green Gel from a bag in the room next to the
bathroom. Finally, get a Life Bottle from a chest in the kitchen.
NOTE: To take advantage of Garr's strength (he starts at level 8), go
to the 'Strategy' sub-menu and set 'Strong' as the option in his
second slot. That way, he will attack the most powerful enemies,
leaving the weak ones for Stahn.

Leave the cabin now. Note the magical symbol on the floor by the
entrance. That is a Save Point. You can Save your game by stepping on
it, accessing your menu and selecting 'Save'.
Now walk left from the cabin and leave by north (you can't go south
yet). You will enter a small forest maze. Start by going up and
turning left. Go straight until you get a Cloak from a chest, then
head down and left to get a Life Bottle. Go back right and up, turn
left as soon as possible and head up to find Chelsea.
After a funny scene about Master Alba and Chelsea, you will regain
control of your party. Equip the extra Auto Bow on Chelsea if you want
to, you won't control her for long anyway. Now walk down until you
have no choice, then go far right. Before returning to the cabin,
remove all of Chelsea's equipment to sell it later. Finally, go down
and leave the screen. Alba will greet you and you will get a Melange
Gel as a reward for helping.
Back inside the cabin, Garr will offer to accompany Stahn to the
nearby town of Janos. Save your game next to the cabin and go south
to enter another forest maze. Here's the map:
| ___________ |
| |T1 ~~~~| |
| | ~~~~~~~| |
| ALBA'S CABIN | ~~~~~~| |
| |--| |--|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| | | _| | |
| | |____| | |
| | |‾ |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| |_____ |
| | | |
| C____ ‾‾‾‾‾| | |
| | T2|___________| | |
| | | |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| _________________________| | |
| | | |
| | |‾‾‾‾‾‾| |‾‾‾‾| |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| _| | | |____| | |
| JANOS -|- SP| | T3 | |
| ‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| |
| -- & -|- Connection between T1 Green Gel |
| screens T2 Life Bottle |
| ~~~~ Water T3 Cape |
| C Cave Entrance |
| SP Save Point |

Start by going down, right and up to reach the lake where Stahn's pod
crashed. There's a Green Gel in a chest in the top-left corner. Return
to the forest, go down, right and down, then go far left and get a
Life Bottle from the chest (remember this place, you will be back
soon). Walk right a bit, then go down and left. Go down the first
chance you get, turn left and grab the chest containing a Cape (equip
it on Stahn). Follow the path and turn left when you have a choice,
then walk down to find the Save Point.

3.3- The Border Town of Janos
Items to Get: Saber [1], Channeling [1], Leather Helmet [1],
Old Cane [1], Rapier [1], Green Gel [1], Atwight [1]
Discs to Get: Flame [1]
Before entering Janos, remove all of Garr's equipment and equip the
Leather Armor on Stahn. When you enter the town, Garr says goodbye and
leaves. Dymlos starts talking again, it seems he doesn't trust Garr
one bit.
Once you regain control of Stahn, you can explore the town. In the
tavern, you can meet the 'Black Wings' lens hunter gang. You can try
to join them, but they'll ask for an outrageous amount of money.
Try to go through any of the guarded gates. The soldiers will stop
you and ask to see your passport, but since you don't have one, you
can't pass. Go to the inn and talk to a man who has lost his passport.
After that, go outside and look for an old lady, she will say she
found a passport, but she gave it to a soldier. Enter Phandaria
Station (the big building by the southern gate) and talk to one of the
soldiers. He will ask Stahn if the passport belongs to him, but he
doesn't take it (since he wants to got to Seinegald and he knows who
the real owner is). Finally, go to the inn and talk to the man, he
gives you 50 Gald in thanks. Stahn asks him where to get a passport,
but he should have gotten one when he entered town.
As you leave the inn, Dymlos reprehends Stahn for not using the man's
passport. Then, outside, you bump into a woman. She needs someone to
assist her in saving her friend, who's trapped in a temple. Of course,
Stahn offers to help immediately. The woman's name is Mary.
You will be going back to the forest, so you should equip yourself
first. Go to the weapon shop and buy a Wooden Shield for Mary and two
leather helmets. Don't buy a new weapon for Stahn, since Dymlos will
be stronger very soon. Also, buy two Capes for Mary from the equipment
store (it is next to Phandaria Station).
Go back to the forest now. From the Save Point, walk north and turn
right. Keep going until you have no choice but to go up. At this point
Mary will tell you to turn left. Do so (this is the same place where
you got a Life Bottle before) and search around to enter a cave.
Starting at the entrance, go south to find a Save Point. The enemies
in the cavern give much more experience than the ones in the forest.
It would be a good idea to gain a few levels.
When you are ready, walk left a little, then go far south to get a
Saber (equip it on Mary) and a Channeling. Go back up, then left and
up again. Check the sparkle on the wall to open a passage, go through
it. Follow the path (get a Leather Helmet from the chest along the
way) and you will be in the temple.
NOTE: The Channeling accessory allows you to control party members
(other than Stahn) manually. Look for it in the 'Playing the
Game' section for more information.
Walk down and left, heal up and head north. You will see Mary's
friend, Rutee. After a funny scene and lots of verbal abuse three
soldiers will appear and attack you.

MINI BOSS: Soldiers___________________________________________________

Soldier [3]
HP 200
TP 0
EXP 27
ITEMS Life Bottle [1], Green Gel [1]
First of all, press L to make Rutee and Mary fight at the front
(otherwise, they would just stay behind and watch).
Have Mary use Beast Blade and Stahn use the Kick Attack skill or just
normal attacks. Even though it shouldn't be necessary, have Rutee use
items to heal the others if they run low on HP.
This battle is a piece of cake, you should win in no time (how come
in RPGs, trained soldiers can be defeated by anyone who grabs a
After the battle, the soldiers run away. Seeing Stahn might be of
some use, Rutee convinces him of going back to town with her and Mary.
When you regain control, note that you have the Old Cane in your
inventory, which is what Rutee and Mary came here for. Walk far south,
there are two corridors near the exit. Go right first, follow the path
and go through the door to get a Flame Disc from the chest, let Dymlos
use this disc for now (equip it on Stahn's 'Disc' slot). Now go back
and use the left path. Go through the first door to get a Rapier
(equip it on Rutee), then return outside, go north and enter the other
room for a Green Gel. Finally, leave the temple and save your game.
Head south, turn left and go south again to enter Janos.
As you enter, a soldier will give you a passport. The party will then
go to the tavern to talk. Answer whatever you want to Rutee's
question, it doesn't seem to affect anything. After Rutee makes fun of
Stahn's humble roots, you will learn that she also has a Swordian, its
name is Atwight. She mentions that not everyone can hear the Swordians
(that explains Mary's confusion), however, the user is not chosen, as
Dymlos had told Stahn. After Stahn agrees to join and Rutee leaves,
you will learn about Mary's past and go to sleep.
3.4- A Warm Welcome to Seinegald
Items to Get: Life Bottle [1]
The next morning, Rutee and Mary have to wake Stahn up. Rutee plans
on going to the village of Harmentz to give the cane they got from the
temple to a person named Walt. She wants to exchange Lens for money
before, though. Ask Rutee to explain what Lens are and go downstairs.
Rutee will automatically talk to the new person behind the counter.
This person will explain the basics of Lens. You should pay attention
to her, what she says is quite interesting. Rutee will proceed to
exchange all your Lenses, getting three Gald per Lens.
TIP: The Lens Exchange rate varies a lot when you exit and reenter
the place where the clerk is. You should always make sure that
you are getting the best possible rate before exchanging.
Once you regain control of Stahn, go outside. Before leaving the
town, check your equipment: change Mary's weapon back to a Saber and
put Rutee's settings in the 'Strategy' menu in the 'Moderate Healing'
mode, so she doesn't waste TP. Also, if she has reached level 5,
disable the automatic use of 'Search Gald' from Rutee's 'Special'
screen in the menu. Finally, remove the Flame Disc from Dymlos and
equip it on Atwight (Dymlos can already use the Fireball spell and
Atwight needs the boosts in Slash and Thrust).
Now leave through the north gate and go all the way north to access
the world map for the very first time (yes, I know. This has to be the
worst-looking world map ever for the PSX). Go north and cross the
bridge, then west to see a town. It would be a good idea to raise one
or two levels right now. The enemies in the area give good experience,
Gald and Lens. For healing, use Atwight's 'First Aid' spell.
Once you are ready, save your game and enter the village of Harmentz.
Rutee will tell you that Walt lives in a mansion in the back of the
town. Now enter the shop and buy a Hand Axe for Mary and Leather
Gloves for everyone (don't buy weapons for Stahn and Rutee, their
Swordians are -or will soon be- better). Buy items if you need them,
but don't exchange your Lens unless you need money.
The man walking by the entrance of town is Stahn's uncle Bob. He will
offer to give you some money. You can either accept it, refuse to take
it or ask for more ^_^ You should refuse, that way you get 10 Lens
instead of 10 Gald (note that if you ask for more, uncle Bob will give
you 15 Gald, but he won't want to see you anymore ^_^).
Note that you can't stay at the inn, because all the rooms are
booked, then go to the bottom-right corner of the village, where you
can find a boy playing hide-and-seek. Talk to him and he'll give you a
Life Bottle to keep your mouth shut ^_^.
Now go north from the inn and cross the bridge. DO NOT take the
child's treasure, he'll take ALL your money if you do (the treasure is
just a gel).
Enter Walt's mansion. Go right from the entrance and talk to the body
guard. He will punch Stahn and let you pass afterwards. Go upstairs
and talk to Walt in one of the rooms. Rutee will give him the Old Cane
in exchange for money, but since she's not happy with the 5,000 Gald
she gets, she takes another 5,000! Now go to the inn and talk to the
clerk to make use of the room Walt had booked for you.
Stahn oversleeps again, and once again, Rutee has to wake him. Her
new plans are to go to the village of Armeida and teach swordsmanship
to the mayor's son. Answer whatever you want to her question, then go
downstairs. The three soldiers from the temple have found you, but
this time they brought many friends! Being surrounded, the party is
left with no option but to fight.
MINI BOSS: Soldiers___________________________________________________
Soldier [8]
HP 200
TP 0
EXP 72
GALD 160
This battle is basically the same from before, the only difference is
the amount of enemies (they are eight now!). It is still a piece of
cake though.
Have Stahn take care of the enemies on the right first, while Mary
and Rutee hold off the ones on the left. If Stahn is at level 5 or
above, use his Kick Attack skill to finish the Soldiers in no time. If
he doesn't have that tech yet, just have him attack normally. Once
Stahn is done with the guys on the right, have him help on the other
Mary should use Beast Blade. Rutee should use Snipe Air if she has it
already, if not, let her cast spells or attack normally.
The Soldiers' attacks are not very strong. A normal hit hurts your
characters for about 20 HP, while the two hit combo they can rarely
hurt you for more than 40 HP. Remember to use the square button to
defend, halving the damage taken.
After the fight, the rest of the soldiers are just too scared to do
anything, but don't think that was it, because another person appears.
His name is Leon. Even though he tells you to surrender peacefully,
Rutee juts laughs at him, initiating a fight.

BOSS: Leon____________________________________________________________
HP 9999
TP 999
Just by looking at his amount of HP, you can tell you can't beat him.
If you still want to try, your attacks hurt him for 20 HP tops, while
each blow he deals hurts your characters for about 150 or 200 HP!
After your humiliating defeat, Leon reveals he also has a Swordian,
Chaltier. After some conversation about Seinegald and Leon, you are
taken to the capital of the country, Darilsheid.

3.5- Darilsheid, the Capital of Seinegald
Items to Get: Chaltier [1], Orange Gel [4], Green Gel [2],
Life Bottle [1], Panacea Bottle [1], Club [1],
Round Shield [1], Chain Mail [1], Leather Cape [1],
Bread [1], World Map [Valuable], Elixir [1],
Miracle Gel [2], Red Savory [1], Hourglass [1]
When you regain control of Stahn in jail, check the cell door. Now
walk by the bed to have a scene with Rutee, after which you are taken
to see the king.
The king wants to punish you, but a man named Hugo appears and says
that since Stahn and Rutee are Swordian users, they might be useful.
He plans on sending you to Straylize Temple to investigate something,
with the proper control devices, of course. After a test run of the
devices on Stahn, the king starts talking about the 'Eye of Atamoni',
an ancient weapon kept in Straylize Temple. Hugo suggest to send Leon
along to investigate what's happening in the temple.
After more and more talking, Hugo reveals he is the president of
Oberon Corporation! Once he leaves, the king gives you your orders:
to inspect the temple and ask for an update from the Archbishop or
whoever is available. If there's anything going on, you must stop it
at all costs.

Once you regain control of Stahn, leave the king's chamber. Enter the
room on your right and get the bag for an Orange Gel. Now go north
from the stairs, enter the room on the right and get all the treasure
(two Green Gels, a Life Bottle, an Orange Gel and a Panacea Bottle),
then go left and enter the room, get all the treasure (a Club, a Round
Shield, a Chain Mail and a Leather Cape) and use the stairs nearby to
go up.
Walk down, far right and use the stairs, then enter the rightmost
room (the library) and get an Orange Gel from the chest. Return to the
first floor and use the western exit. Cross the bridge, get a piece of
Bread from a bag in the kitchen (it's the rightmost room), then go
downstairs. Use the rooms in this floor if you need to rest later. To
leave the castle, use the stairs in this floor and follow the path.
Note the stone slab near the main entrance of the castle, you will
use it later on. Now go to the city and enter Hugo's mansion (it's the
building in the top-right corner of the city). Leon will start calling
for someone called Marian. After meeting Rembrandt, you will go to
Hugo, who gives you Dymlos and Atwight back, as well as a map of the
world (it's a Valuable). Equip the Swordians on their masters right
away. Try to leave the mansion, Leon will go back to see Marion. It
seems he loves her and hates Hugo. Moreover, Leon's true name is
Emilio! Once Leon goes back to the party, leave the mansion and
explore the city.
Buy the needed equipment for everyone, but as always, let the
Swordian users use their Swordians! Once you are done in the city,
explore the harbor. Make sure you buy some Panacea Bottles from one of
the vendors.
NOTE: Be sure to get the treasure from the Warehouses in the harbor,
see section 4.1 for more information. The prizes include an
Orange Gel, a couple of Miracle Gels, a Red Savory and an

3.6- Straylize Temple and the Eye of Atamoni
Items to Get: Savory [1], Green Gel [3], Bellebane [1],
Orange Gel [2], Talisman [1], Life Bottle [1],
Round Shield [1], Chain Mail [1], Knight's Saber [1],
Iron Helmet [1], Spectacles [2], Stray Robe [1],
Ankh Hat [1], Tech Ring [1]
Leave the city now. Travel north and you will see a village. There's
not much to do there, but you will come back much later, so remember
the place. Exit the town and go north, then east along the shore,
cross the bridge and save your game. Now walk up and enter the forest.
In the forest, walk up a little and turn right. Check the white
mushrooms in the clearing with the stone slab to get a Savory (save it
for later, so it has a greater effect). Go back left, head up and turn
right, then follow the path until you get to another clearing. Get a
Green Gel from the chest in the bottom-left corner of the clear, then
go up and right. Get another Green Gel from a chest near the cliffs,
and proceed right to leave the screen.
Go straight in the first misty screen, then walk right and up. Check
the white mushrooms near the little slope leading to a lower level to
get a Bellebane (save it for later) and check the top-left corner of
the platform to get an Orange Gel from a hidden chest. Now go down the
slope and head north, into the next screen.
Go down the slope in this screen too, then just follow the path and
leave the screen. Finally, go straight and you will get to Straylize
As you enter, the party note that something's wrong. Go right and
enter the cathedral. Talk to the bishop lying on the floor, then go
through the door left from the pulpit, head right and talk to the
other bishop, who has no idea of what is going on. After the
conversation, he gives you a Talisman (equip it on anyone). Now leave
the cathedral and enter the main building up north.
The party will hear a person asking for help behind a sealed door. Go
and check the door to learn that the door will open only after you
destroy some crystals. Now save your game.
There are two possible paths to take now, one leading left and one
leading right. Use the later one, head north and go upstairs. Go
through the left door to fight a Mini-Boss.

MINI BOSS: Lizard Man_________________________________________________

Lizard Man
HP 360 Weakness: Earth
TP 0
HP 200
TP 0
EXP 33
These battles are very easy, just send your party to fight at the
front and use your best techs. Stahn's Spin Slash works great against
the Krystal, as it is tall enough for the attack to hit several times.
If you want to use magic, I recommend you have Leon cast Spike on the
Lizard Man, it deals several hits for about 80 points of damage.
After the battle, one of the crystal balls in front of the sealed
door will be destroyed. Leave the room and go through the door to your
right. Get the Life Bottle from the chest and return to the room with
the Save Point and the door.
Use the left path now, there you will find two sets of stairs. Go up,
then head right and walk north when possible. Use the leftmost door,
get the Round Shield and return outside. Now go through the two middle
doors and defeat the Mini Bosses (refer to the strategy above). Since
the rightmost room contains an empty chest ignore it and walk back
down, disregard the stairs to your right (they lead to two empty
chests) and return to the lower floor.
Save your game if you want to, then use the stairs going down in the
left path. Walk left and go up the stairs, enter the rooms as you
follow the path, collecting a Chain Mail from the first one and
defeating mini boss in the second one; then return downstairs.
Walk left, collect the Knight's Saber next to the door (don't equip
it, your Swordians should be better). Now go through the door and
defeat the last Lizard Man to break the barrier at the door.
Go back to the Save Point (if you don't remember the way: go down
from where you broke the last crystal, use and stairs in the far right
then walk down and right). Save your game and go through the
previously sealed door to meet Bishop Ayles, who tells you that the
Archbishop was killed by a man called Lydon. Dymlos and Atwight get
really upset when they hear that the Eye of Atamoni is involved in
Leon finally manages to convince Ayles to take you to the Eye of
Atamoni, but before going where he said, let's climb the Tower of
Knowledge to get some treasure.

NOTE: You can learn a lot about the world of ToD just by taking the
time to read the books on your way up the tower. Many of the
books talk about a war that took place long ago. Can you say
In the room were you met Ayles, get a Green Gel from the left side,
behind some bookshelves... Note that there is an open book on a table
in this room; it contains information on Sacred Skills, which means
you ought to read it. Now go upstairs.

Floor 1 - Get an Iron Helm from a chest in the right side of the
room (equip it on Stahn).
Floor 2 - Get an Orange Gel from a bag directly right from the
stairs going down, then grab a Spectacles from the
chest to the right of the stairs going up.
Floor 3 - Get another Spectacles from a chest to the right of the
stairs going down.
Floor 4 - The books on the tables here are really interesting,
make sure you read them to learn about the events that
took place over the last few hundred years. Now get the
treasure in the room (a Stray Robe, an Ankh Hat and a
Tech Ring). Note that the Tech Ring allows you to
control Stahn manually.

After you climb down the Tower of Knowledge, save you game. Use the
left path in the room with the Save Point and go upstairs. Turn left
and use the stairs there, then follow the path and enter the
Cathedral. Ayles will open a secret passage for you, use it.
In the next room, ignore the empty chest as you go left, then save
your game. This room has a very simple puzzle, you have to press all
the switches of either type (clear or dark) and the matching door at
the top of the room will open. From the entrance, walk up and turn
right, step on the switch and go up, then turn left and step on the
upper switch. After that, walk up and step on the last switch to
unlock a door. Finally, follow the path going up and go through the
right door.
You will find yourself in a room with water on the floor. Walk up to
see the pedestal that once held the Eye of Atamoni. Ayles recognizes
the petrified girl as Philia, an apprentice priestess. After, Leon
uses a Panacea Bottle on her and she recovers, Philia explains that
the High Priest Lydon took the Eye of Atamoni. This upsets Dymlos and
Atwight, since it has the power to destroy the world (insert dramatic
music here ^_^).
After a long conversation, Philia will join your party. Don't look
down on her, as she will quickly become a very useful character. You
should switch Mary for her for now, so she can gain a few levels.
Also, equip the Gem Rod you bought at Darilsheid on Philia.

Leave the room. You will have to get out of the temple. For those
who don't remember the way: use the rightmost path to go far down,
walk left and down again to leave the room. Exit the Cathedral, and
follow the path to go downstairs. Keep going and use the stairs to
reach the lower floor, then go down and right and leave the building.
Go talk to the bishop in the cathedral if you want to, so that Philia
explains what has happened. Now proceed to the mountain path and go
all the way back to Darilsheid (it's quite a simple route, so I won't
describe it).

3.7- Begin the Quest! Philia and the Underwater Ruins
Items to Get: Flare Bottle [1], Liqueur Bottle [1], Rue Staff [1],
Orange Gel [1], Pickaxe [Valuable], Life Bottle [1],
Iron Helm [1], Fine Saber [1], Clemente [1]
Discs to Get: ?DISC [1], ?DISC [1], Stone [1]
Once you get to Darilsheid, you should inform the King and Hugo about
what happened (they won't say much, though). Now go to the docks and
talk to the sailors near the fish monger. They will mention how
something very big and valuable was taken on a ship to Calvalese. You
might want to talk to the 'Black Wings' gang before leaving, just for
the fun of it ^_^.
Go to the castle and talk to the king. Leon will tell him what you
just found out and he will make the necessary arrangements for you to
go to Calvalese.
Now go to town and buy whatever you need (a few Green and Orange Gels
will suffice for now). You should exchange all the Lens you have right
now, because the exchange rate in Calvalese is not very good, and you
will need the money. Just remember to make sure you are getting a good
rate (don't accept anything below 8 Gald per Lens). Once you are
ready, head to the docks, save your game and tell the captain that you
are ready.

Half-way through the trip, the ship will be attacked. Before going
to deck, talk twice to the bartender to get a Flare Bottle and a
Liqueur Bottle, then go outside and walk up to see the dragon-like
monster that attacked the ship. The party decide to fight it, but
Philia says it's telling her to get on! Having no other option, the
others follow her...
You arrive at a ruined place. Save your game and go up the stairs.
Move the small pieces of rubble blocking the way by pressing the
Circle button and moving, then go upstairs again. Philia will say that
the voice comes from above. Head right and get a Rue Staff and an
Orange Gel. Return to the last room and use the stairs to go up.
Move the rubble out of the way if necessary and head right. Go
through the open door at the top of the room and get the Pickaxe from
a chest (it will appear on the Valuables sub-menu). Leave the room and
examine the locked door to your right. Stahn will use the Pickaxe to
open it, allowing you to get a Life Bottle. Return to the room with
the rubble and make your way to the top. Enter all the rooms there to
get an Iron Helm (equip it on Leon), a Fine Saber (equip it on Mary)
and a ?DISC (you will learn what to do with it later).
Right from the room with the rubble, use the lower path leading to
another screen, then use the chains to go down the hole. Philia will
say that the voice can be heard from below. Use the left chain first
to get another ?DISC, then go back up and use the right chain. Go down
once more and head right into a room with stairs. Check the right room
for the Stone Disc (equip it on Rutee), then return to the last room
and use the stairs.
You will enter what looks like a control room. There's a sword lying
on the floor, which turns out to be a Swordian, Clemente! Despite
Rutee's comments Philia accepts to wield Clemente (equip him on Philia
right away).
NOTE: Clemente is a great Swordian. Even though he's not really good
as a... sword, his magic is great. You should always try to keep
Clemente in your party, so that he gains levels and learns new

You have to get back on the sea dragon now. Leave the control room
and head south in every room until you can turn left, do so. Go up
three chains, then head left twice. Walk down three screens (you will
have to move the rubble out of the way in some of the rooms) to reach
the Save Point. Use the lower exit in this room to return to the ship
and resume your trip to Calvalese.

3.8- Cherik, the Link Between the Sea and the Desert
Items to Get: Food Sack M [Valuable], Combo Counter [1],
Elixir [1], Ifrit [1]
Upon you arrival at Cherik, Leon will tell you to go to Baruk's
office. Buy Amber Cloaks and Blue Ribbons for Rutee and Philia from
the peddler in the docks, then enter the town.
NOTE: Be sure to get the treasure from the Warehouses in the harbor,
see section 4.1 for more information. The Prizes are a Elixir
and an Ifrit.
It's better to get done with the business, before exploring town, so
enter the top-left building. This is Baruk's house. Use the stairs in
the back to reach his office. After another amusing scene, you'll meet
Baruk Songram, Oberon's manager in the Calvalese region. He will tell
you that aside from the attacks on the Lens transport ships in
Fitzgald, nothing has really happened. If something suspicious came on
a ship, the sailors will know, which means you have to go to the docks
to get more information.
After the conversation ends, get a Food Sack M (it will appear in the
'Valuables' submenu) and a Combo Counter from the chests.
NOTE: The Combo Counter counts the amount of consecutive hits
delivered by the party to one enemy. You will be awarded extra
experience for your best combo at the end of each battle. In
order to enable the Combo Counter's functions, go to the
'Customize' submenu and turn 'Combo Display' on.

There are three interesting scenes in this very room. They are not
compulsory, but they contribute to character development and... well,
the lighthearted feeling of the game:
- The first one is activated by checking the bookshelf
Mary was looking at during the last conversation. You
will find a cook book which contains a recipe Mary
remembers. It is a special dish from Phandaria...
- Now check the bookshelf by Baruk's desk to see a
little scene between Stahn and Rutee.
- Finally, a little scene with Philia, check the
bookcase near the stairs and choose to read the black
magic book. Philia will be quite upset ^_^.

Now leave the house and go to the docks. Talk to the sailor walking
by the ship, who will say he helped carrying something, but he doesn't
know it was taken. You will be told to talk to Jake, who's at the inn.
Go there and talk to the maid, and then go to the weapon shop and talk
to the clerk, who will say Jake is at the docks (boy did I see that
one coming...). Finally, go to the harbor and talk to the sailor
standing in the top-right corner. He will tell you that the statue was
taken to a certain temple. Since the only temple in Calvalese is at
the capital, that's your next destination. Tell Baruk what you just
found out, then prepare to explore the town!
First, let's do the shopping: buy Iron Gloves for Stahn and Leon
(also for Mary, if you are using her). Besides the usual healing
items, buy at least three Rune Bottles from the equipment shop. Now
enter your menu and use them on the two ?DISCs you got from the last
dungeon. They will transform into the SW020020 (equip it on Stahn) and
the SP010022 (give it to Leon or Philia).
Note that you can play a mini-game with one of the boys looking at
the well. See section 4.1 for more information. Now leave the town.
3.9- Something is Rotten in the State of Calvalese
Items to Get: Charm Bottle [1], Kite Shield [1], Amethyst [1]
Discs to Get: Scorched Earth [1]
The enemies in this area give good experience, Gald and Lens; it
would be a good idea to train your characters until they are all
around level 13. Once you are ready, head north from Cherik, save your
game and enter the capital, Kalviola.
Wow! This city is nothing compared to Darilsheid! **ahem** Anyway,
let's do the shopping before going into the temple. Buy Ring Mails for
Stahn, Leon and Mary at the armor shop.
Note that the weapon shop owner won't do business with you. Talk to
the weapon shop mistress, who will mention her son, Tosh. Now go to
the southern exit of the city and, WITHOUT LEAVING THE SCREEN, walk
north along the right side of the city's wall. You will see Tosh, who
is trying to beat a Sea Slug. Stahn will stop him, but before the
party can do anything, the 'Black Wings' will appear to save the day.
Unfortunately, the boss will get hurt by the slug, leaving you in
charge of the situation ^_^ More slugs will appear and you will have
to do away with them. After Tosh goes away, go into the weapon shop.
This time you will be able to buy stuff! The only new weapon available
is the Bastard Sword, a great piece of equipment for Mary. Don't equip
Stahn or Leon with one (you know, to keep the Swordians in good
shape). Finally, talk to Tosh twice to receive a Charm Bottle.

Once you are ready, enter the temple conveniently placed in the
center of the city. Philia will ask about Lydon and the statue, but
the priests there will say they haven't seen the High Priest. Back
outside, Philia remarks that the priests shouldn't know of Lydon's
rank; they are obviously connected to him somehow. In order to sneak
into the temple at night, Philia will stay and open the back door.
Now go to the inn (right from the temple) and pay a hundred Gald for
the lodging. You will regain control of the party during the night.
You can go to the pub now and meet some really strange people
(probably just characters from another game by Namco), but there's
nothing important there. Just go to the temple, and use the small
entrance on the left side of the building.
After Philia rejoins, remember to switch her back with Mary (if you
want Philia in the fighting party, that is). This is the kitchen of
the temple; walk right as far as possible and go upstairs. Follow the
path, ignoring the first few doors (the chests are empty). Once you
get to a double-sized door, go down, enter the room on the left and
grab a Kite Shield (equip it on Stahn or Leon), then enter the room on
the right and get the Scorched Earth disc (equip it on whoever has the
Flame disc). Now use the exit on the bottom of the screen to reach the
balcony. Get the Amethyst from the chest (equip it on your character
of choice) and go all the way back to the lower floor.
From the stairs, go left a little, then south, right and down the
stairs. You will meet a group of monks, which means it's mini-boss

MINI BOSS: Monk Soldiers______________________________________________

Monk Soldier [2]
HP 664
TP 0
Priestess [2]
HP 494
TP 60
Bat Eye [2]
HP 489 Weakness: Fire
TP 0
EXP 260
GALD 400
Just like the previous mini bosses, this battle is not difficult at
all. As always, have Stahn attack the enemies on the right while the
rest of the party takes care of the left.
The most useful skill for this battle is his Kick Attack, as it will
hit two enemies at the same time for a fair amount of damage. Have
Stahn and Leon use this attack (Stahn on the right and Leon on the
left). If you are using Mary, her Double Blade should wreak quite a
lot of damage (granted she has the Bastard Sword, of course).
Rutee should cast Ice Tornado on the enemies on the right (aim for
the Priestesses, they can be quite annoying). If for some reason Stahn
or Leon get severely hurt, let Rutee take care of it (either with
spells or items). Philia should cast Storm on the left, to prevent the
Priestesses from casting spells.
Note that the Priestesses are your main concern in this battle, as
they can cast spells like Wind Arrow, Deep Mist, Acid rain and
First Aid. Make sure they never get enough time to cast anything.
After the battle, a jailed priest will explain how he was locked by
Lydon's followers. It seems they so-called statue was brought here...
Go back upstairs, walk far left and down. Use the stairs on your
right, then walk down and right. You will have to fight another mini
boss, refer to the strategy above.
Enter the Cathedral and check the blue flame to open the secret
passage (just like you had to do in Straylize Temple). Behind the
passage, you will find a room like the one where you met Philia. A
High Priest will nicely explain Lydon's plans (don't you love when
they do that?). Lydon is behind the attacks on Oberon ships. He uses
lens to create monsters. Now you will have to defeat the same mini
boss TWICE (this is getting boring...).
After the fights, Leon will ask Stahn if he knows where you are going
next. Choose any answer, you are going to Fitzgald anyway ^_^
Once you regain control of Stahn, leave the city and head south, back
to Cherik. Go to the docks, talk to the captain of the ship and tell
him you are ready to go to Fitzgald.

3.10- Ahoy, Matey! A Pirate Adventure...
Items to Get: Rune Bottle [1], Elixir [2], Sylph [1],
Winged Boots [1], Panacea Bottle [2],
Rotten Orange [1], Bellebane [4], Oberol EX [4],
Life Bottle [2], Pine Gel [4], Miracle Gel [3],
Lemon Gel [5], Green Gel [5], Melange Gel [4],
Orange Gel [5], Bastard Sword [1], Oberol C [6],
Lavender [2], Sage [5], Savory [2], Oberol Gold [2],
Thief's Cape [1], Aquamarine [1], Silver Chain [1],
Veldan [1], Battle Axe [1], Amber Cloak [1],
Iron Glove [1], Iron Helm [1], Silver Cloak [1],
Barracuda [1], Holy Bottle [1], Dark Bottle [1],
Tuna [1], Hourglass [1], Lucky Cap [1], Jam [1],
Crab Soup [1], Beef Tartar [1], Herring [1]
Discs to Get: Wall of Flame [1]
NOTE: The items you get from the pirate ships will greatly vary
depending on your performance. The list of 'Items to Get' above
does not include the treasure of the second and third ships
(read below to understand more).

Upon your arrival, Leon will tell you to go see Ilene, the manager of
the Fitzgald region. Go south from the ship and a little to the right
to get a Rune Bottle from the bag behind the wooden boxes, then go
left, into the city of Neuestadt.
NOTE: Be sure to get the treasure from the Warehouses in the harbor,
see section 4.1 for more information. The Prizes are an Elixir,
a pair of Winged Boots and a Sylph.
As you enter, you will see two children picking on an orphan who was
adopted by a rich woman. After Rutee's intervention, enter the nearby
arms shop. Buy Ahmet Helms and Gauntlets for Stahn Leon and Mary.
Getting Kite Shields for Leon and Mary would be a good idea too.
Let's explore the city now. Leave the store, then walk left and go
upstairs, enter the mansion and get a Panacea Bottle from the chest on
the balcony. Now go to the park (in the top-right sector of the city),
you can race against a boy for nice prizes, check section 4.2 for more
The city is huge, but there's not much to do besides getting the
items described in the above paragraph. Well, you can get Rotten
Oranges from a man's trash can in the poor sector of the city, but I
don't think you'd be interested in that ^_^
Go to the Lens Shop now. You will finally meet Ilene there; follow
her downstairs to talk in private. Leon will explain his plan to stop
the attacks to the Oberon ships. Once Ilene leaves to make the
arrangements, get the Bellebane and the Oberol EX, then leave the
room. Make sure you have enough Green Gels, Orange Gels and Panacea
Bottles, because you will be facing a pretty long adventure next, with
LOTS of fighting.
Go to the harbor and make use of the Save Point by the ships. Your
next adventure is going to be really long and tough (if you are
interested in getting treasure, that is). It will take about an hour
and there are no Save Points until the end, so make sure you are fully
rested, so as to avoid quitting half-way through.
With that said, walk north, talk to Ilene and tell her you are ready
to start! The ship will be attacked during the trip, just as Leon had
planned. You will now have to go through the pirate ships defeating
the bosses in each one, until the chief of the pirates shows up.

Here's an explanation of what is to come: you will have to fight your

way through three ships before the pirate chief appears. The battles
in all the ships are not random, they are activated when you touch one
of the monster sprites running around (just like in the Draconis at
the beginning of the game). The first three ships have the same
structure, the only thing that changes is the content of the many
treasure chests.
After you finish each ship, the captain of the Oberon Lens transport
will say something about your performance (based on how long you took,
I believe). Depending on how you did on the last ship, the treasure
aboard the next ship varies. The only ones that are always the same
are the first and fourth ships.

- Map and Walkthrough of the Ships -

Since the first three ships have the same design, I will write a
general walkthrough, putting 'T##' instead of the actual name of the
item. The list of what you get in each ship is provided at the end.
NOTE: Each of the three times you have to aboard the enemy, there
will be several pirate ships ready for you to raid. Feel free to
get on any of them, they are all the same.
| To Deck |
| _____________/<>\_____________ |
| | 09 | |
| | | |
| | |‾‾‾‾‾‾\></‾‾‾‾‾‾| | |
| | | To B2 | | |
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| |05 | | | |
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| |04 | | | |
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| |03 | To Deck | | |
| |__--__|______/<>\______|__--__| |
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| | 02 01 | |
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| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| |
| |
| __________ __________ |
| | 12 11| |13 | |
| | | |14 | |
| | | To B1 |15 | |
| |_____--___|__/<>\__|___--_____| |
| | 10 | |
| | | |
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| |‾‾--‾‾|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|‾‾--‾‾| |
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| ‾‾‾‾‾\></‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| To B3 |
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| _________________ |
| | | |
| | BOSS | |
| |25 | |
| |_____________--__| |
| | | | |
| | 24 | | |
| To B2 | 23 | | |
| /<>\ | -- | | |
| |‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ | |
| | 22 | |
| | | |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| |
| |
| -- Connections \></ Stairs Going Down |
| Between Screens |
| ## See the Booty /<>\ Stairs Going Up |
| List Below |

Board any of the ships available and enter using the lower entrance.
Go right to get T01, then go far left and get T02. Use the nearby door
and go north, collecting T03, T4 & T5 along the way. Once in the next
room, grab T06 from the chest near you, then walk far right for T07.
Use the door going down there, get T08 and return up.
Use the door in the middle of this hallway to go up into the next
screen. Walk right, then up and left. Get T09 from a chest and go
downstairs. Get T10 from the nearby chest, then enter the room to your
left. Grab T11 and T12, return down and use the door in the upper
right door to enter another room. Collect the chests for T13, T14 &
After returning to the hall, use the nearby door to go down. Get T16
and T17 as you go down into the next screen. Grab the chest for T18,
then walk left for T19. Ignore the stairs going down right now and
head north, get T20 & T21, returning down afterwards and using the
Get T22 from the chest near the stirs, then walk right and go through
the door there. Grab the chests in the room for T23 & T24, return
outside and follow the patch going right and up. Use the door there to
find the chief of the ship. Before talking to him, get T25 from a
chest in the left side of the room.

- List of Booty -

First Ship: T01 Life Bottle T14 Oberol EX

‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ T02 Panacea Bottle T15 Lemon Gel
T03 Pine Gel T16 Miracle Gel
T04 Miracle Gel T17 Lavender
T05 Lemon Gel T18 Oberol EX
T06 Green Gel T19 Oberol C
T07 Melange Gel T20 Bellebane
T08 Orange Gel T21 Oberol C
T09 Bastard Sword T22 Sage
T10 Oberol C T23 Savory
T11 Melange Gel T24 Bellebane
T12 Pine Gel T25 Oberol Gold
T13 Oberol C
CONDITIONS: None. The first ship is always the same.


Second Ship A: T01 Pine Gel T14 Squid

‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ ‾ T02 Holy Bottle T15 Mackerel Pike
T03 Squid T16 Squid
T04 Splint Mail T17 Mackerel Pike
T05 Red Snapper T18 Squid
T06 Red Snapper T19 Tuna
T07 Miracle Gel T20 Squid
T08 Lemon Gel T21 Hourglass
T09 Squid T22 Tuna
T10 Blue Ribbon T23 Tuna
T11 Smelt T24 Tuna
T12 Squid T25 Kite Shield
T13 Land Hat
CONDITIONS: You can get all of this in the second pirate ship after
the captain of the Oberon Lens transport says that "Your
fighting was swift and magnificent...".

Second Ship B: T01 Spectacles T14 Holy Bottle

‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ ‾ T02 Melange Gel T15 Squid
T03 Spectacles T16 Squid
T04 Wrasse T17 Red Snapper
T05 Dark Bottle T18 Holy Bottle
T06 Dark Bottle T19 Splint Mail
T07 Barracuda T20 Squid
T08 Spectacles T21 Holy Bottle
T09 Spectacles T22 Amber Cloak
T10 Amber Cloak T23 Red Snapper
T11 Holy Bottle T24 Red Snapper
T12 Red Snapper T25 Blue Ribbon
T13 Red Snapper
CONDITIONS: You can get all of this in the second pirate ship after
the captain of the Oberon Lens transport says that "You
are too damn slow..."


Third Ship A: T01 Elixir T14 Rune Bottle

‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ ‾ T02 Energy Bullet T15 Winged Boots
T03 Oberol Gold T16 Melange Gel
T04 Charm Bottle T17 Energy Bullet
T05 Mangosteen T18 Rune Bottle
T06 Silver Cloak T19 Miracle Gel
T07 Liqueur Bottle T20 Sea Bream
T08 Energy Bullet T21 Miracle Gel
T09 Flare Bottle T22 Energy Bullet
T10 Rune Bottle T23 Talisman
T11 Miracle Gel T24 Winged Boots
T12 Sea Bream T25 Holy Symbol
T13 Melange Gel
CONDITIONS: You can get all of this in the third pirate ship after
the captain of the Oberon Lens transport says "Well done,
we've got their backs against the wall! Now finish them

Third Ship B: T01 Liqueur Bottle T14 Oberol C

‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ ‾ T02 Miracle Gel T15 Flare Bottle
T03 Flare Bottle T16 Flare Bottle
T04 Panacea Bottle T17 Liqueur Bottle
T05 Miracle gel T18 Oberol C
T06 Liqueur Bottle T19 Miracle Gel
T07 Rune Bottle T20 Oberol C
T08 Melange Gel T21 Melange Gel
T09 Flare Bottle T22 Miracle Gel
T10 Miracle Gel T23 Rune Bottle
T11 Oberol C T24 Talisman
T12 Liqueur Bottle T25 Winged Boots
T13 Melange Gel
CONDITIONS: You can get all of this in the third pirate ship after
the captain of the Oberon Lens transport says "I know it's
a tough fight...".

- The Chief's Ship -

After beating the boss of the third ship, you will be able to aboard
the pirate chief's vessel. Here's a map of it:
NOTE: Although the captain's room is actually in a separate floor,
I've added it as part of B1 for order's sake.
| __________________ |
| |SP TD | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
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| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾\></‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| To B2 |
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| __________________ |
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| | Captain's Room | |
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| _____|________ ________|_____ |
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| | 06 07 | |
| |_____________/<>\_____________| |
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| |05 | To B2 | | |
| | | |03 | |
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| | | To Deck | | |
| |__--__|______/<>\______|__--__| |
| | | |
| | 01 02 | |
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| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
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| To B1 |
| /<>\ |
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| | | |
| | 37 | |
| | | |
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| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾\></‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| To B3 |
| _________ __________ _________ |
| | 18 19 | 20 21 | 22 23 | |
| | | | | |
| |____--___|____--____|___--____| |
| | | |
| | | |
| | 29 28 | |
| |‾‾--‾‾|‾‾‾‾‾‾\></‾‾‾‾‾‾|‾‾--‾‾| |
| |17 | To B3 |24 | |
| |16 | | 25| |
| | 15| | 26| |
| | 14| To B1 |27 | |
| |__--__|______/<>\______|__--__| |
| | | |
| | 13 08 | |
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| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| 09|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
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| To B2 |
| _____________/<>\_____________ |
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| | | | | |
| | | To B2 | | |
| | |______/<>\______| | |
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| |_ ________________________ _| |
| | -- |________ | -- | |
| | | | | | |
| | | 35 36 | |‾‾‾‾--‾‾| | |
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| |‾--‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾--‾| |
| | 34 33 32 | |
| |______________________________| |
| |
| |
| |
| SP Save Point ¨¨ Locked Door |
| TD Teleportation Device \></ Stairs Going Down |
| -- Connections /<>\ Stairs Going Up |
| Between Screens |
| |
| 01 Oberol C 20 Battle Axe |
| 02 Lemon Gel 21 Amber Cloak |
| 03 Oberol C 22 Green Gel |
| 04 Wall of Flame 23 Iron Glove |
| 05 Green Gel 24 Orange Gel |
| 06 Orange Gel 25 Green Gel |
| 07 Oberol C 26 Melange Gel |
| 08 Splint Mail 27 Oberol EX |
| 09 Orange Gel 28 Orange Gel |
| 10 Green Gel 29 Iron Helm |
| 11 Thief's Cape 30 Silver Cloak |
| 12 Aquamarine 31 Barracuda |
| 13 Silver Chain 32 Holy Bottle |
| 14 Green Gel 33 Life Bottle |
| 15 Orange Gel 34 Oberol Gold |
| 16 Lemon Gel 35 Dark Bottle |
| 17 Pine Gel 36 Tuna |
| 18 Miracle Gel 37 Hourglass |
| 19 Veldan |

Note that unlike the other ships, this one has only set of stairs for
you to enter. Go down.
From the stairs you just used, go left and get an Oberol C, then go
right for a Lemon Gel and head up, into the next screen. Grab another
Oberol C from the chest as you go up, then turn left for and get the
Wall of Flame disc by the stairs (equip it on Rutee or Philia). Walk
left and down, get a Green Gel from the chest and leave this room
using the stairs going up. Go to the left and right ends of this hall
for an Orange Gel and an Oberol C, then return downstairs (the door
in the middle is locked).
Go down the stairs in front of you to reach B2. Walk right for a
Splint Mail (equip it on Stahn or Leon). Go a little left and down,
get an Orange Gel and a Green Gel, then grab the hidden chests (they
are "under" the southern wall) for a Thief's Cape and an Aquamarine.
Walk back up and left, get the Silver Chain and head up into the next
room. Collect the treasure (Green, Orange, Lemon and Pine Gels) as you
walk north and head into the next screen.
This hall has three doors, go through all of them for the booty
(Miracle Gel, Veldan, Battle Axe, Amber Cloak, Green Gel and an Iron
Glove). Now go south using the door in the right end of the corridor
and get an Orange, Green and Melange Gel along with an Oberol EX
before going back up.
Before going down to B3, check around the area covered by the wall on
both sides of the stairs for an Orange Gel and an Iron Helm (check
the map for more clarity ^_^). Once you are in B3, walk right and head
down into he next screen. Enter the room in the hallway for a Silver
Cloak and a Barracuda, then keep going down until you reach another
hall. Walk left, getting a Holy Bottle, Life Bottle and Oberol Gold
along the way, then head up. Get a Dark Bottle and a Tuna from the
side room and keep going north.
You should be back in the first room of B3. Walk up until you reach
the next screen, then use the stairs in the middle of it to reach a
new portion of B2. Get a Hourglass from the chest and proceed up, to
reach what looks like an office. Save your game and prepare your
characters for a tough battle. It would be a good idea to replace
Philia with Mary, since the boss' constant pummeling will probably
give Philia very few chances to cast spells.
Once you are ready, get in the cylindrical thing to be transported to
the captain's room. DO NOT USE THE DOOR GOING DOWN, it takes you near
the beginning and it can't be opened from that side. Just go near the
man standing there, who Philia recognizes as Batista a priest from
Straylize Temple. You will have to fight him now!

BOSS: Batista_________________________________________________________
HP 4500
TP 0
Priestess [2]
HP 494
TP 60
Monk Soldier [2]
HP 664
TP 0
EXP 692
GALD 460
ITEMS Green Gel, Bellebane
This is the first real boss battle you'll have to fight, and it can
be tough, since Batista is very fast and powerful.
Try to hold off Batista while Leon and Mary take care of the enemies
on the left. The Kick Attack skill is pretty effective and so is
Vortex (learned at level 18), which keeps Batista busy, but dealing
hardly any damage. Whatever skill you use, just make sure you refill
TP often.
Rutee's role will be healer once again. She should never let anyone's
HP go below 700. If everyone is safe, have her cast Ice Wall (Ice
Tornado if Atwight is not level 17 yet) on Batista. If you feel like
it, have her use her Thievery skill on Batista to get a Bellebane.
Just have her ready to heal (remember that using items is more
effective than casting spells, since it's quicker). If a character
dies, make sure you revive them right away!
After Leon and Mary are done with the enemies on the left, send Mary
after Batista ^_^ Leon should use his magic though, Stone Wall seems
to be pretty effective.
Batista's attacks are very strong. You can easily lose over 300 HP if
you are hit! On top of that, he is dreadfully fast.
After the battle, Batista will still hide Lydon's whereabouts, so you
will take him with you to Neuestadt for a nice little interrogation

Once in Neuestadt, Leon and Ilene will leave with Batista to get
everything ready. Now walk down and use the Save Point, then leave the
You'll be automatically in Ilene's mansion, where Batista is being
interrogated. As a means of making Batista talk, Leon will take Mary's
tiara and put it on him.
After Rutee and Mary leave, Ilene will take Stahn to see the city.
Watch the amusing "date" scene, with Rutee and Mary spying ^_^ After
the stroll in the park, Ilene will show Stahn the coliseum, where you
will end up fighting Bruiser Khang, the current champion. Don't even
bother trying to win, although it's possible (I'll explain how later),
the result is the same. Just let him beat you (it shouldn't take more
than a few blows).
You will wake up in the waiting room of the arena. Khang will
apologize (sort of...) and you will return to the mansion. Meanwhile,
Leon finally decides to stop the interrogation for the day, seeing how
Batista won't be talking soon... Now you'll witness one of Philia's
memories about Batista being a kind person (yet he seems to disagree
with the Archbishop in certain aspects...). After the flashback, the
prisoner manages to escape from the mansion.
The next morning, Philia and Stahn discover that Batista is missing.
It appears Leon let him escape because he could track him with the
tiara, thus finding out where Lydon is.

Before going to the harbor and talking to Ilene, you should take care
of some business in this place:
- First of all, beat the Mach Boy at least thrice
and choose the prize you consider most useful (I
recommend the Sage). Note that the boy won't race
you anymore after you win three times and you will
be called the 'Prince of Mach Speed'. For more
information on this see section 4.2.
- Note that you can enter the Coliseum any time now,
but you have little chances of winning normally.
There is a way, but it costs some money... You can
get Bruiser to join your party that way, but he
will leave as soon as you move on with the story
(i.e. get on a ship). It's worth your time anyway,
as the prizes are pretty good.
- You remember that Stahn comes from a country
village in Fitzgald, don't you? Well, you can visit
it now if you feel like it (there's nothing to do
there, though). You'll have to leave the city and
travel far north to get there, so you may want to
bring Bruiser along so that he takes care of the
enemies quickly.

Once you are done with the little details, return to Neuestadt (if
you went to Lienea, that is: go shopping! Buy all the necessary gels,
a few Panacea Bottles and a couple of Rune Bottles, because there are
no working stores in the next town. Also, exchange all of your lens at
the best possible rate, you get a chance to do it for a long time...
Finally go the harbor and save your game, then talk to Ilene by the
ships. Leon will tell her to get a ship ready to go to Aquaveil, which
is where Batista went...
NOTE: If Bruiser is in your party at this point, he will stay behind,
saying that he can't leave his home country (phony champ...).

3.11- Sheeden and the Tidal Cave
Items to Get: Rotten Orange [1], Wormy Apple [1], Pom Seed [1],
Wendiene [1], Red Bellebane [1], Red Lavender [1],
Crescent Axe [1], Orange Gel [1], Life Bottle [1],
Flare Bottle [1], Hourglass [1], Panacea Bottle [1],
Melange Gel [1]
Discs to Get: ?DISC [1], Shelter [1], ?DISC [1]
By the end of the trip, Leon will talk about Aquaveil and its
relation with Seinegald. Ilene will then come in and announce that you
have reached the destination. Go out to deck to find out that you will
be dropped off near the city of Sheeden. Once on the map, walk a
little north and enter the city.

There's not much happening in town, since there's no communication

with the other cities, the stores have no supplies (that's why you had
to buy everything back in Neuestadt).
This part of the game may be a little tricky, you'll have to talk to
certain people in order to move on with the game. First of all, talk
to the old woman near the southern entrance of town. She will mention
that a man named Batista became the new lord of Moreau (he doesn't
waste any time, does he?). With this, your party will be resolved to
head for Moreau, so go to the harbor and talk to the sailor on the
ship. He will say that he can't take you, but don't despair, just walk
a little down and talk to the old man there. He will reveal there's an
underground way to Moreau in the coastline south of the city.
Before leaving the harbor and talk to the peddler by the warehouses.
Buy what he calls 'Shiny Junk' for 6,000 Gald. It's actually a ?DISC
which transforms into the SW060060. Equip it on Stahn, then give to
Leon the disc Stahn had. You can buy some supplies from him if you
didn't buy any at Neuestadt.
NOTE: Be sure to get the treasure from the Warehouses in the harbor,
see section 4.1 for more information. The prizes are a Pom Seed,
a Wendiene, a Red Bellebane and a Red Lavender.
Now talk to everyone in town to learn what's been happening in
Aquaveil lately. Note that once again you can get infinite Rotten
Oranges from trash can in one of the houses and one Wormy Apple from
another ^_^

Leave the city once you are ready. With the mountains to your right,
walk south. You should find a cave by the shores (if not, you forgot
to talk to someone in town!). Here's a map of the cave:
| Section A |
| ________ |
| / T2 \ |
| ______________ | | |
| To B-|- | |__ __| ENTRANCE |
| |_______--_____|__ _______|--|_______ __ |
| | |T3 | T1 \ |
| | ‾‾‾‾‾‾ | | |
| To B-|- -|- | |
| | | | |
| |_________________|______________________| |
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| |
| |
| Section B |
| EXIT |
| _ ______ __________ |
| | DB___ | SP | |
| | |×××| -|- |‾‾‾‾| | |
| | |×××| | |~~~~| | |
| | ‾‾‾ /\ \~~/ / |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ | |~~| |____ __________________ |
| _|--|~~|--| -|- | |
| / _|~~|T9|T5 | __ _ ___ -|- To A |
| _____________ __/ _|~~~~~‾‾|‾‾‾‾‾‾|××|--|×|×××|‾‾‾‾| |
| | ______ | |~~~~~«««««__ |\‾ T4‾|×××| | |
| | /~~~~~~| -|- ««««««««~~~~~| | ‾‾‾‾‾‾|×××| | |
| | ««ST~~~| | _|~~~~~~~~T6««« -|- |×××| -|- To A |
| |T8|~~~~~~| T7|__| ~~~~~~~~~~~__| | ‾‾‾ | |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ | | |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| |
| |
| -- & -|- Connections Between «« Paths over the Water |
| Screens ST Sacred Skill Slab |
| ××× Unwalkable Areas SP Save Point |
| ~~~ Water DB Dungeon Boss |
| |
| T1 Crescent Axe T6 ?DISC |
| T2 Shelter Disc T7 Hourglass |
| T3 Orange Gel T8 Panacea Bottle |
| T4 Life Bottle T9 Melange Gel |
| T5 Flare Bottle |
NOTE: Yep, it must the crappiest map I've ever made, but please bear
with it ^_^

Inside the cave, walk left and get a Crescent Axe from a chest behind
a small waterfall (equip it on Mary), then go left a bit more and up,
into another screen. Get the Shelter disc from a blue chest (equip it
on Philia) and return down, then walk left and leave the screen.
Keep going left. Use what looks like some kind of natural set of
stairs to go up, near a passage. Get an Orange Gel from the chest a
little to the left and go up into the next screen. Head left, into the
next screen. Once in the new room, use the passage going down near the
middle to get to a chest containing a Life Bottle.
Go back up and this time, leave the screen using the left exit to
find a Flare Bottle. You will have to go all the way back to the place
where you found the Orange Gel. In case you don't remember: from the
last chest go two screens right and one down. Now go down the natural
stair thingy and head left, into the next screen.
Walk down and left, then leave this screen using the exit around
there. You will be in a room with a big pond in the middle. Note that
there is a little path going into the pool (it's near the entrance to
this place), use it to get to a chest containing a ?DISC. Use a Rune
Bottle to transform it into the SP025062 disc (equip it on Leon). Now
look for another path in the water in the upper part of the screen.
After getting across the pond, then use the passage going left. Walk
down a bit to get a Hourglass from the chest. Now go up and left to
see the 'Black Wings' once again. This time Grid is trying to learn a
Sacred Skill from the stone slab, which he obviously can't read ^_^
Once they leave, get a Panacea Bottle from the chest and return to the
last room (you can't learnt the Sacred Skill yet).
Go up and left from the passage, then go up into another screen. Go
up and left to get to a Save Point. Keep going left, then head down
to find a chest containing a Melange Gel. Return to the Save Point,
heal up and use it, because you will have to face a boss pretty soon.
Go left using the passage near the Save Point. Keep walking and you
will find the Orgus Queen guarding the exit.

BOSS: Orgus Queen_____________________________________________________

Orgus Queen
HP 2800 Weakness: Fire
TP 0
Orgus [4]
HP 880 Weakness: Fire
TP 0

EXP 1066
GALD 418
You will be surrounded at the start of the battle. Have Stahn get rid
of the enemies on the right using Tiger Teeth. You may also want to
have Rutee (or whoever is equipped with the WOF disc) cast Fire Wall
to help Stahn. Meanwhile, the other characters will manage the Orgus
Queen and the other Orgus.
Once there are no more enemies on the right, have Stahn cast Fire
Storm (or Fire Wall if Dymlos hasn't reached level 19 yet) on the
Orgus Queen for a good amount of damage. Make the character equipped
with the WOF disc cast Fire Wall while the rest of the party keeps the
boss busy, so it doesn't interrupt the spell casters.
The battle should be over pretty soon this way. Just try to avoid
leaving the Orgus Queen alone, so that it can't do anything nasty.
After beating the boss, you can finally go leave the cave. Save your
game, then go follow the path until you reach the city of Moreau.

3.12- Showdown Time! Onslaught on Moreau Castle
Items to Get: Score A [1], Blue Talisman [1], Rabbit's Foot [1],
Gnome [1],Life Bottle [1], Green Gel [15],
Melange Gel [11], Orange Gel [8], Amethyst [1],
Score B [1], Lemon Gel [1], Pine Gel [1],
Halberd [1], Miracle Gel [1], Valve Handle [Valuable]
Discs to Get: Sharp Stone [1], Swirling Flame [1]
Before doing anything here, let's buy items. From the entrance, go up
and a bit right, then enter the shop. Buy the usual items plus
Breastplates and Gauntlets for Stahn, Leon and Mary from the right
clerk. Leave the store and go right (note that one of the posters
there is a plug of Tekken 3 ^_^), far down and right until you see
some guards hassling a woman and her child. Stahn will get furious and
attack them with his Missile Sword skill. As could be expected, you
will have to fight the guards, but don't worry, they are the same
enemies you fought back in the temple where you met Rutee (yes, they
are THAT weak).
While escaping, the party will meet a bard named Karyl, who wants to
team up with you to save his friend and defeat Batista. After the
conversation, you will be in control of Karyl.
NOTE: When Karyl enters your party, you get the Score A item, which
allows Karyl to use one of his special skills.
From the pier, go up the stairs, then right a bit and all the way
down into the harbor. There are several stores here, one of them sells
only ?items. Most of them are a waste of money, but some are great:
buy the second ?SWORD of the list for Mary (it becomes a Mythril
Sword), the first ?ARMOR of the list for Rutee or Karyl (it becomes a
Mythril Chain) and maybe the first ?HELM (it becomes a Lucky Cap). You
may also want to buy Striped Ribbons for the girls at the hat store.
NOTE: Be sure to get the treasure from the Warehouses in the harbor,
see section 4.1 for more information. The prizes are a Rabbit's
Foot and a Gnome.

Return to the city now. Go up from the harbor entrance, then go far
right. You will be in the spot where you fought the guards. Head down
and follow the path leading into a house, where you can meet the
mother you helped before. She will offer you a reward, the item
depends on what you answer: number 1 gets you a Charm Bottle while
number 2 gets you a Blue Talisman (I recommend the second one).
Leave the house and go back up, then follow the path to your right.
Karyl will stop you, as the castle is ahead and using the front door
is not an option. Now you have to go to the pier (head down, then all
the way left and down the stairs), where a man will take you to the
| E |
| __ __ __ ___ _________ N |
| |09| |VV| |12| | | ___ | T |
| | |__| |__| | |SP-|- | L | -|- R |
| | | ___________ | | |01 | | A |
| |_____ 10 11| | | | | ‾ ‾ | N |
| __|--|‾‾‾‾‾ |_--_____--_|___| |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ C |
| |08 ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |05 04 02| E |
| | _|__-- 03| |
| |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| | ‾‾‾‾|‾‾‾‾ |
| |______________ ____| |13 | |
| | > < 06 | 14 | |
| |19 | | ____|___ | |
| __|_--_______ | | | -|- |15 | |
| | ___| |20| |07| |‾‾| | 16| |
| | |== |__|«» ‾‾ | | |_ ___| |
| |21 | -|- | | == | |
| | | |‾‾‾‾‾|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ | 18 17 | |
| | | | 23| |_________| |
| | | ==| | |
| | | | |___ |
| | |__ ___| | | |
| |22 > < -|- | EXIT |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| | |¨¨| |
| | |____| |__ |
| | | |
| | 24| |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| |
| |
| -- & -|- Connections between SP Save Point |
| screens VV Valve |
| > < Place wooden blocks ¨¨ Locked Door |
| here to make a path == Stairs |
| you can walk over «» Wooden blocks |
| |
| 01 Life Bottle 13 Melange Gel |
| 02 Green Gel 14 Lemon Gel |
| 03 Green Gel 15 Melange Gel |
| 04 Green Gel 16 Pine Gel |
| 05 Melange Gel 17 Green Gel |
| 06 Orange Gel 18 Halberd |
| 07 Melange Gel 19 Green Gel |
| 08 Green Gel 20 Orange Gel |
| 09 Amethyst 21 Orange Gel |
| 10 Green Gel 22 Melange Gel |
| 11 Green Gel 23 Green Gel |
| 12 Score B 24 Green Gel |

Once you are on the balcony, go left. Enter the cell (or should I say
room...) where the red haired girl is and talk to her. Her name is
Leianna and she is the next lord's wife! From now on, you can recover
your HP and TP by talking to her.
Get a Life Bottle from a chest near the door, then go left and save
your game. Walk south (note that you can walk over the shallow water)
and get two Green Gels from the bags by the wall. Go left for another
Green Gel, then get a Melange Gel near the door and head up into the
next room.
Walk left and go down. Get an Orange Gel from behind the big bush as
you walk down, then left and down for a Melange Gel (also behind a
bush). Go back to the door and head left this time. Grab the chest by
the door for a Green Gel, then go up. Collect all the chests in the
room (they contain an Amethyst, two Green Gels and a the Score B),
then examine the valve once to close it. Equip the Amethyst on the
character of your choice.
NOTE: Karyl can play the 'Samba' with the Score B.
Go back to Leianna for healing and save your game. From the Save
Point, go down and left, then down into another room. Check behind
every bush as you walk down to get hidden items (two Melange Gels, a
Lemon Gel and a Pine Gel). Walk onto the previously flooded part of
the room, grab a Green Gel and a Halberd (equip it on Mary), then
follow the path left into another screen.
There's a big wooden block thingy here. You have to push it around so
that it fills the breach in the path in the upper platform. Now
proceed left to find another block. This time, push it all the way
down and fill the gap there. Ignore the chests for now and use the
exit at the top of the screen. Get a Green and Orange Gel, then cross
over the wooden block you moved before, walk a bit and far left, then
enter the valve room. Check the valve, so that the water starts
running again and return down. If you are in need of healing, now is a
good time to visit Leianna.
Go back to the place where you ignored the chests. Get an Orange Gel
and a Melange Gel from behind the bushes as you go down, then walk
over the wooden block. Go up for a Green Gel and use the exit around
there to go right. Walk down and left, get a Green Gel from a chest
and go up through the door to reach a new section of the castle.

NOTE: The layout of this part of the castle is way too complicated
for me to make a map without confusing the heck out of you ^_^
In this new area, walk up and get the two chests behind the bushes
and the ones in the corner of the room (they contain a Green Gel, two
Orange Gels and a Melange Gel). Now go north into another room. Get a
Melange Gel from the chest there and keep going up. Loop around the
wall to your right, then go down the stairs and leave the room to
reach a dry canal. Walk down and right, then up for a Melange Gel.
Push the wooden block left and up to fill the breach and go all the
way back to the first room of this area.

You should be at the first room of the area. Use the stairs to get to
the lower part of the room, get a Green Gel from the chest and use the
door. You will have to descend into the canal using the stairs. Get a
Melange Gel from the chest there, then move the wooden block around so
that it completes the path in the upper platform (make sure you don't
get trapped ^_^). Now use the exit in the northern wall of the room to
get to a room with an organ in the middle. Go near it and Karyl will
start playing it, opening the door in front. Karyl suggests that you
proceed while he plays. Leon objects, saying he may lock you in. You
will have to choose a character to stay with Karyl and prevent him
from doing anything funny.
Go through the door Karyl opened, then turn right and get the Sharp
Stone disc. DO NOT GO DOWN FROM THERE, just return to the last room
and proceed up. You will have to solve a puzzle here: there are eight
switches on the floor, each one produces a different sound when you
step on it. Check the door to hear the sequence of sounds you have to
repeat. It much easier than it looks. If we name the switches (from
left to right):
1 3 5 7 8 6 4 2
In other words, all you have to do is alternate between the switches
on both ends. Once the door opens, go through it to get the Valve
Handle (a Valuable item). Now go back to Karyl to get him and the
other character back, then return to the first room of this area.

Use the left exit this time. Grab two hidden chests behind the bushes
for a Green Gel and an Orange Gel, then use the stairs to descend into
the dry canal. Once again, move the wooden block so that it fills the
gap in the upper path, go over it, get a Melange Gel near the door and
proceed north. Open the valve and get all the treasure here (there are
two Green Gels and two Orange Gels). Now return to the first room of
this area (don't worry, this will be over soon).

Yay! Say goodbye to this room forever and use the right exit. Use the
stairs here to go down, get a Melange Gel and return up. Go north,
into another room. Walk over the wooden block you moved earlier and
open the door, then go downstairs to enter the third and final area of
this castle.
| |
| ENTRANCE ______ |
| |==|__|==| | | ______ |
| | | | Cell | | VV | |
| | -- | | | | | |
| _______|‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾¨¨‾‾‾‾‾| | -- | |
| |Batista|___ ____________ |‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾| |
| | == | == | -|- | |
| |__==___|_____________«»__| | SP | |
| | -- | > < | | |
| | == |_____ _____| | _|____ ____| |
| | == | -- |‾‾‾‾‾‾| 01| -- | |
| | == | | 02| |__ ___| |
| | == -|- -|- | == | |
| |_______|_____--_____|______|____________| |
| MAIN |
| DOOR |
| |
| |
| |
| -- & -|- Connections between SP Save Point |
| screens VV Place the Valve |
| > < Place wooden blocks Handle here |
| here to make a path == Stairs |
| you can walk over «» Wooden blocks |
| ¨¨ Locked Door |
| |
| 01 Swirling Flame 02 Melange Gel |

From the room with the stairs, go south. Walk far right, ignore the
locked door there and proceed into the next screen. There is a Save
Point here (thank god!), use it and go up. Install the Valve Handle
and close it, so that the canal in the other rooms empties. Now go
down from the Save Point to get the Swirling Flame disc from a chest
(equip it on Rutee or Philia). Return to the room with the canal (left
from the Save Point). Walk to the left side of the room (near the door
to the first room) and use the stairs to descend onto the canal. Fill
the breach in the path using the wooden block and return up. Go back
to the Save Point, recover both HP and TP completely and save your
game, the final battle against Batista is very near!
Back in the room with the canal, Walk down, then head left over the
block you just moved and use the door going south. You will be in a
room with four exits. Go right, get a Melange Gel from behind a bush,
then return. Go left this time and go all the way up the stairs to
find Batista.
BOSS: Batista_________________________________________________________
HP 6000
TP 0
Sorceress [2]
HP 880
TP 80
Assassin [3]
HP 880
TP 0
EXP 1640
GALD 666
Just like in your last encounter, Batista is painfully fast. He might
destroy your strategy if you make one slight mistake. He's not all
that tough, anyway.
As soon as the battle starts, have Stahn attack Batista. The special
technique of choice is Force, because it will keep Batista away from
the party and damage the Sorceress behind him in the process! If you
don't have access to Force yet, just use Vortex to entertain Batista.
Have Rutee cast Sharpness on Stahn, then just have her do the
healing. Philia should make use of the Barrier spell (from the Shelter
disc) to protect Stahn and the your other fighter (Leon or Mary).
Mary (or Leon, depending on your preferences) should just wreak havoc
on the left side of the battlefield, that should be more than enough.
You may want to have Philia entertain the Sorceress there with quick
weak spells (like Wind Arrow) for while, though.
Once Batista is the only enemy left, it shouldn't be hard to corner
him. Have Rutee use a Flare Bottle on Stahn and Mary, who should
already be pounding Batista with all their might. Now have Philia cast
Ray and Rutee cast Fire Storm until the battle is over!

If you are fast enough in giving order to your characters, this

battle should be a cinch. Just make sure Stahn keeps Batista away from
the party and that Philia prevents the Sorceresses from casting Storm.
After Batista's defeat, Karyl will try to kill him, but will be
stopped by Philia, who asks where Lydon is. Realizing Philia's
newfound strength, Batista gives Karyl the key to the cell where Fayte
is, committing suicide afterwards...
Fayte turns out to be just OK. He was imprisoned after his father,
lord Zino, was killed for rebelling against the plans of King Tiberius
and Lydon to attack Seinegald. The path is clear now: you will have to
go to Terazzi and deal with Tiberius.

3.13- Overthrow King Tiberius! A Frontal Attack!
Items to Get: Miracle Gel [2], Bonito Flakes [2], Squid Jerky [1],
Pine Gel [7], Life Bottle [5], Melange Gel [5],
Lemon Gel [5], Plate Armor [1], Juicy Beef [14],
Chestnut [2], Persimmon [2], Wormy Apple [2],
Rotten Orange [2], Sour Milk [2], Loser [1],
Mythril Mesh [1], Biwa [1], Cross Helm [1], Jam [1],
Apple [2], Blowfish [1], Eel [1], Melon [3],
Green Gel [3], Orange Gel [3], Dorian [4],
Flare Bottle [1], Bread [1], Cheese [1], Beef [1],
Steak [1], Chicken [1], Roast [1], Tender Roast [1],
Brie [1], Elixir [1], Efreet [1], Hourglass [1],
Grow Fruit [1], Sheeden [1], Diamond [1],
Channeling [1]
Discs to Get: Revitalize [1], Blessing [1]
The next morning, you will be just outside the inn. Don't go to the
harbor just yet. There's some new stuff to do in town.
Walk down using the nearby path, then turn left to get to the pier.
The boatman can now take you to several places in the city. Visit the
houses in southern and northern Moreau for some treasure (a Miracle
Gel, Bonito Flakes and Skid Jerky), then go to the Arms shop and buy a
Cross Helm and a Light Shield for Stahn, Leon and Mary. Finally, go to
the equipment shop and buy some Pine and Lemon Gels.

Go to the harbor now and save your game. You will find Fayte and
Leianna talking to the captain of the ship on the right. Tell Fayte
you are ready to start the trip to Terazzi.
On the ship, you will learn a little more about Karyl's personality,
then a monster will attack. Make sure the Swirling Flame disc on
Philia and the Wall of Flame disc on Rutee. Now go to the deck and
walk up to start a battle against Kraaken.

BOSS: Kraaken_________________________________________________________
HP 10000 Weakness: Fire
TP 200 Absorbs: Water
EXP 625
GALD 420
ITEMS Orange Gel [1], ?JEWEL [1]
Even though the enemy looks big and scary, this battle is quite easy.
Just have Stahn use his best specials to keep the boss busy (dealing
quite some damage too, since Dymlos is a Fire elemental weapon).
Your other fighter character (Leon or Mary) should do the same as
Stahn, pound the enemy with his/her best specials. If things ever get
out of control (i.e. Kraaken goes wild and gives your entire party a
good beating), have this character use items to help Rutee heal
Rutee should use a Flare Bottle on Stahn and Leon. If everyone is in
good condition, you may want to have Rutee use her Thievery special on
the boss until she steals a ?JEWEL from Kraaken. After that, just have
her cast Fire Wall.
Philia should be casting Fire Storm on Kraaken to get great results
(1000 points of damage per casting!). If you forgot to equip the
Swirling Flame disc on Philia, just have her cast Ray.
After the battle you will resume your trip to Terazzi.

Once you regain control of Stahn, use a Rune Bottle on the ?JEWEL you
stole from Kraaken to transform it into an Aquamarine (equip it on
anyone). Walk up now, buy some supplies from the peddler if you need
to, then walk left and up, into the pier (entering the town is
useless, since every single door is locked). Talk to the boatman and
tell him you want to get on. This is different from the last time you
rode a boat, you will have to decide where to go in certain points.

When you are first asked where to go, choose left, then left twice
more and up once. You'll get to a house, just pick up the treasure (a
Miracle Gel and a Pine Gel) and leave. Now choose right, up, right and
up. Note the two chests in the upper room (you will get to them
later), then get a Life Bottle from the chest and go left. Use the
device to open the gate and leave.
Choose left, down, right, up (this path was closed before because the
gate was down), down and up to get into a house. Pick a Pine Gel, a
a Melange Gel and a Lemon Gel from the chests and leave. Finally, go
right, up and left to get to the pier of Terazzi Castle.

Go up from the pier and enter the castle. Use the Save Point if you
want to. Talk to the guard and pay him 500 Gald to pass through. Get
a Plate Armor from the chest (equip it on Stahn), then talk to the
Bush Baby (the statue). It will heal you completely if you pay 500
Gald. Now try to leave the room. The guard will be in the way again,
and you will have to pay ANOTHER 500 Gald ^_^ Healing up costs 1,500
Gald here, but it's worth it. Note that you can also ask the guard to
give you clues about a puzzle you will find later on (of course you
shouldn't, since you are using this guide).
Now walk left from where the guard is. Grab the contents of all the
chests there (Juicy Beef, Chestnut, Persimmon), then head left, into
the next screen.
You should be in a corridor with a canal running in the middle. Go up
and pull the lever there to stop the water from flowing. Now return to
the room where the guard is. Go right from the Save Point, then down
into another screen. Go to the left side of the room and get all the
treasure there (Wormy Apple, Rotten Orange, Sour Milk, Loser). Note
the weird looking thing on the floor in the upper left corner. Grab
the bonsai tree up there and move it to discover a ladder, then go
down it.
Walk a bit down and right, go through the first door and get all the
treasure there (Mythril Mesh, a Biwa, a Cross Helm and a Lemon Gel).
Leave the room and go farther right, then use the door at the end of
the hallway. Get an Apple, a Jam, a Sour Milk, a Rotten Orange and a
Wormy Apple from the chests, and go all the way back to the dining
Walk to the left side of the screen and use the door going down. Get
a Blowfish and Bonito Flakes in the kitchen and proceed left. Grab the
chest for a Juicy Beef, then use the stairs to descend into the canal
and go left. Get an Eel from the chest and keep following the path.
You will eventually get to a chest containing the Revitalize disc
(equip it on Stahn for the Slash and Thrust boost). Now go all the way
back to the room with the Save Point.

Pay the guard to get through and have the Bush Baby heal you, then
return down. Walk right from the guard, then go down and leave the
screen. You should be in a room with four exits now. Go right and get
a Juicy Beef from the chest on the upper platform, then go one step
down and check around to get a Lemon Gel and a Pine Gel from chests
hidden "under" the wall. Now use the exit going down in that very room
to get a Lemon Gel from a chest. Return to the room with the four
exits and go down for a Melange Gel and another Juicy Beef. Go back to
the last room and proceed left.
You should be back in the room with the canal running through the
middle, only in the lower part of the screen. Walk right, over the
bridge. Go up and get a Juicy Beef, then use the exit going left.
You are now outside the castle. Get a Life Bottle from the nearby
chest, then walk down a bit. Check behind the big tree there for a
Pine Gel, a Lemon Gel and a Juicy Beef. Walk down a little and get a
Life Bottle, a Pine Gel and another Juicy Beef from behind the tree.
Finally, check behind the tree in the lower left corner to get a
Melange Gel, then walk right and down to leave the screen.
Check behind the tree by the path for three Melons, then grab the
chests on the right for a Green Gel and an Orange Gel. Walk down for a
Life Bottle, then get four Dorians from behind a nearby tree. Grab two
Juicy Beefs from behind the trees at the bottom of the screen and a
Flare Bottle from the chest on the right. Note the ladder that leads
into the building and go up it. get a Melange Gel from the chest there
and go inside.
Get a Persimmon from the chest to your right, then go up for a
Chestnut and cross the bridge to your right. Grab the contents of all
the chests there (Bread, Cheese, Beef, Steak, Chicken, Roast, Tender
Roast, Brie and Apple), then proceed north, into the next screen.
Walk straight up into the next room, pull the lever and use the left
exit for two Juicy Beefs. Now return to the room right before the
device with the lever. Walk right and use the ladder to go down, get a
Pine Gel and go back up. Go north using the exit on the right to get
to a study. Grab the contents of all the chests there (a Green Gel, an
Orange Gel and a Melange Gel), then use the ladder in the upper-right
corner to go up into a bedroom. Check the reliquary left of the bed to
get 1,000 Gald. Now use the door in this room to get to a room with a
huge hole in the floor. Drag the bonsai tree at the top of the room
and let it fall down the hole.
Go back to the room before the study. This time, use the lower right
exit. Get a Life Bottle on the right side of this room and two Juicy
Beefs hidden "under" the wall nearby. Now leave the room using the
upper passage. Get a Green Gel, an Orange Gel and a Juicy Beef, then
check "under" the wall there to get an Elixir, an Efreet and a
Hourglass. Proceed left to find the bonsai tree you pushed down a the
hole a while ago. Drag it onto the switch to open the locked door,
then go through it.
Go north again to enter a room with a puzzle. There are twelve doors,
each with a different image. They represent the twelve zodiacal signs
(in case you didn't notice ^_^). Each time you go through a door, you
will appear in the same room again.
In order to get past this place you will have to go through the doors
a certain order, which happens to be the order of the signs in the
year (starting with Capricorn in January, finishing with Sagittarius
in December). In case you didn't understand, go through the doors in
the following order:
1 - Goat (Capricorn)
2 - Water Bearer (Aquarius)
3 - Fishes (Pisces)
4 - Ram (Aries)
5 - Bull (Taurus)
6 - Twins (Gemini)
7 - Crab (Cancer)
8 - Lion (Leo)
9 - Virgin (Virgo)
10 - Balance (Libra)
11 - Scorpion (Scorpio)
12 - Archer (Sagittarius)
After going through the twelfth door, you will come upon a room with
a Save Point. Heal up and save your game (duh!). At the top of this
very room, you will meet King Tiberius and Lydon. As could be
expected, Tiberius will fight you.

BOSS: Tiberius________________________________________________________
HP 10000
TP 0
Monk Warrior [2]
HP 990
TP 0
HP 880
TP 80
EXP 2182
GALD 1256
ITEMS Sheeden [1]
The key to this battle is magic. That is why a party comprised of
four Swordian masters is the best you can have here.
As soon as the battle starts, have Stahn use Force on the Monk
Soldiers, then start pounding them with your best specials (use Force
occasionally for a better effect).
Rutee should cast Sharpness on Stahn, then cast Ice Wall or Icicle
(if Atwight has reached level 28) on the enemies. Once Tiberius is all
alone, you may want to have her use Thievery to steal the Sheeden (a
decent water elemental weapon) from him.
Philia, as usual, will be using Clemente's best spells. Always aim
for the Sorceress, so that she can't use spells on your party. If
Clemente has reached level 28, he should have the Fear Flare spell.
Use it! It can deal as much as 1600 points of damage!
Leon will be fighting as a mage this time. Have him cast Stone Wall
or -if Chaltier has reached level 26- Stone Press, which can deal as
much as 1800 points of damage! Nevertheless, don't doubt to have Leon
attack Tiberius directly if you have trouble keeping him at bay with
Stahn alone.
Unfortunately, Lydon gets away in the Draconis... Tiberius will tell
you that Lydon went to Phandaria, from where he will carry on with his
plans to destroy Seinegald. Fayte will then come in to hear what
happened. The party is now heading for Phandaria, though Karyl decides
to stay, seeing the state of his country...
You have to leave the castle on foot now, but it's no big deal at
all, there are no more random battles. You may want to pick any chests
you forgot to take before.

Once outside, you will note that the town is now normal. There's
people walking around mindlessly while a little tune sounds ^_^ Talk
to the boatman, who will now offer to take you to four different
places, though there's nothing interesting in the Weapon Shop and you
should have already taken the treasure in the houses. Just tell the
man to take you to the pier.
NOTE: Be sure to get the treasure from the Warehouses in the harbor,
which are now open (see section 4.1 for more information). The
prizes are a Pine Gel, a Grow Fruit, a Sheeden, a Blessing disc
Diamond and a Channeling

3.14- Phandaria, the Country of Perennial Snow
Items to Get: Pine Gel [1], Melange Gel [1], Egg [1], Elixir [1],
Lemon Gel [1], Bolt [1], Thinking Cap [1],
Tech Ring [1], Mystic Symbol [1],
Sorcerer's Ring [1], Mythril Sword [1],
Rune Bottle [1]
Discs to Get: ?DISC [1], ?DISC [1], Light [1]
Once you are back at the harbor, head into town for supplies. Buy
Plate Armors for Leon and Mary at the Armor Shop, then go to the
Equipment Shop and buy whatever you need. Now walk north from the last
shop and enter the building there. You should see the water gate
control in the lower floor. Walk left and up, then go downstairs to
get the two chests you saw when you opened the gate (a Pine Gel and a
Lemon Gel). Just in case you are interested, you can get an Egg if you
"talk" to a hen in a house in the east side of town ^_^
Go back to the harbor now and save your game, then get on the right
ship and tell Fayte that you are ready to go to Phandaria. As usual,
you will be attacked during the trip. Go to deck and talk to Fayte. It
seems Lydon has sent monsters on Phandaria's fleet!

You will have to play a little mini-game now. It's just like an old
arcade shooter. You can move in eight directions and shoot with the
Circle button. If things get nasty, you can always call for
reinforcements with the Triangle button.
Start the game now. There are four enemy ships and a whole fleet of
monsters in front of them. If you destroy the group of monsters
"created" by a ship, another group will replace it soon afterwards.
Note that every once in a while, an enemy ship will cross the screen
at the top of the screen. SHOOT IT! Destroying those ships grants you
prizes, such as enhanced firepower or bonus points.
TIP: A good strategy is to destroy all the enemy ships but one. Try
not to damage this ship while fighting the monsters that come
from it. The point of this strategy is waiting for the extra
ships that cross the screen at the top. Destroying them not only
grants you lots of points, but you may even get bonus points!
After the battle, you will be given a rank for your score. Then you
will receive an item from Fayte, depending on your rank: If you called
for reinforcements, your rank is 'Seaman' and you receive a Green Gel;
if you got less than 2,500 points, your rank is 'Sergeant' and you get
a Miracle Gel as your prize; finally, if you got over 2,500 points,
you are called an 'Officer' and your prize is an Elixir.

You will now arrive at Frostheim. Pay attention to what Fayte says:
you must buy Fur Capes to protect your characters from the cold. Now
walk up and right to find Mary. Talk to her to see a little scene.
After the scene, talk to the merchant walking around in the harbor
and pay 7,000 Gald for a ?DISC, which can be transformed into the
SP075115 (equip it on Stahn).
NOTE: Be sure to get the treasure from the Warehouses in the harbor,
see section 4.1 for more information. The prizes are a Lemon
Gel, a Bolt, a Thinking Cap, a Tech Ring and a Mystic Symbol
(make sure you equip the Mystic Symbol on Rutee or Philia).

Go into town now. Start by going into the inn near the left end of
town. There will be an Oberon Corp clerk there. Exchange the ton of
Lens you must have by now at the best possible rate (the best I got
was 6 Gald per Lens). Now that you are filthy rich, go to the general
store. There are lots of good pieces of equipment there. Buy whatever
you think is convenient (don't try to save money, you won't have it
Equip the Fur Capes and go out of town. Walk a bit north and then
west to enter a forest. There, you will see a group of soldiers
attacking good old Garr! You will have to fight a group of 2 Monk
Warriors, a crow and a Sorceress to protect him. After the battle, the
party will take Garr to Frostheim for recovery.
Upon waking up, Garr will explain that the capital, Heidelberg, was
attacked, and the Eye of Atamoni is now kept at the castle. The most
shocking revelations are that Garr is a member of the royal family of
Phandaria, plus he is a Swordian Master! Unfortunately, his Swordian,
Igtenos, is now in Lydon's hands. The party obviously decides to go to
Heidelberg to face Lydon, and Garr goes along (sadly, he is at the
same level he was at the very beginning of the game).
Leave the inn. Garr will explain the two possible routes: you can
either go west through the forest (which is blocked by Lydon's army)
or going along a frozen river to get to Heidelberg from the mountains.
The best option is pretty clear, so Leon decides to go along the
Go to the store and update Garr's equipment, then leave the town.
Walk a bit west and far north to find what looks like a cave in the
mountain. Go inside.
NOTE: Although he is very weak for the time being, you should put
Garr in the active party for a while, so that he gains levels
more quickly.

This is where the Fur Capes are necessary. If the character in the
active party are not equipped with one here, they will lose 10% of
their HP with each step!
Walk north, then a bit left and go near the big chunk of ice. Garr
will give you the Sorcerer's Ring, which uses Lens energy to shoot
rays of light (each shot takes one Lens). Equip the Sorcerer's Ring on
someone (preferably someone in the inactive party), then face the ice
chunk and press the Square button to melt it. Now go up, into the
Walk north until you see a frozen pond. Note that if you get on the
ice, you will slide across. In order to get the chest in the center,
just stand in front of it and walk onto the ice. Get the ?DISC, which
can be transformed into the SW100100 (equip it on Stahn), and head
left. Walk over the bridge, then go down and leave the screen.
Walk down and left to come upon another frozen pond. Stand in front
of the pine in the middle, then walk onto the ice, you should hit the
pine and stop. Go down now and get the Light disc from the blue chest
(equip it on Rutee). Go up across the ice, then left and up again to
get a Mythril Sword. Head down, left after hitting the pine, down
across the ice, then right. Although the exit is there, don't use it
just yet. Stand by the pines on the right and go up, then right for a
Rune Bottle. Finally, return to the exit and use it to reach the world

3.15- Remembrances... Mary's Lost Love
Items to Get: Apple [1], Wormy Apple [1], Flare Bottle [1],
Rotten Orange [1]
You are now just outside Heidelberg. Do not enter the city yet!
Instead, walk south west until you reach the town of Cyril. As you
enter, Mary will remember something... Now go into the house in the
lower left corner of town, Mary will recognize it as her home. This
will cause her to remember many details about her past life, yet she
cannot remember the person she lived with...
After the whole scene takes place, just leave the town and go back to
Heidelberg. Explore the city now. There's very little to do here since
all the shops are closed... You can get Apples and Wormy Apples from
some houses. Apart from that, you can get a Flare Bottle and a Rotten
Orange in the guard station.
Visit the inn if you need healing, then go to the castle, at the top
of town. The guards will stop you, then a man will appear and tell you
to go away. Mary finds his voice familiar and decides to show him the
sword she kept as the only link she had to her past. It seems this
man, Dalis, is the person Mary was looking for... Unfortunately, the
guards recognize Garr during the conversation and try to capture the
party. Everyone manages to escape, except for Stahn and Rutee, who
stay with Mary.
Stahn and Rutee are put in jail while Dalis interrogates Mary. After
a while, the rest of the party show up to rescue you.
Make sure that Garr is not in the active party, as you will soon be
fighting in a boss battle. Go upstairs, to the office, to see what
Mary is doing. The party will start eavesdropping while Mary tells
Dalis her tragic story...
Just when Dalis is about to recover his memories, a couple of
soldiers appear and ruin everything, convincing Dalis to fight you!

BOSS: Dalis___________________________________________________________
HP 7500
TP 0
Stray Monk [2]
HP 1300
TP 0
Archer [2]
HP 900
TP 0
EXP 1890
GALD 904
ITEMS Composite Bow [2], Moonstone [1]
Stahn as always, should just use his best specials. Note that Force
doesn't work too well on Dalis, thus you should just concentrate on
skills like Dragon Blade and Tiger Blade.
Have Rutee cast Sharpness on Stahn and Leon, then have her cast Ray
(from the Light disc) on Dalis and the enemies near him. If Stahn's
HP drops below 1300, have her heal him quickly, just in case. Once
Dalis is the only enemy standing, you may want to have Rutee steal
from him to get a Moonstone, an accessory with good defensive powers.
Leon should deal with the enemies on the left to protect Philia while
she casts spells. Once those enemies are dead, have Leon cast Stone
Press on Dalis for a fair amount of damage.
As usual, Philia will be casting spells like crazy. Take care of the
guys on the left first, then focus on Dalis and company to support
Stahn and Leon.

Watch out for Dalis' attacks. Although most of them are not a cause
of worry, he does have a deadly combo that can knock about 1000 HP off
Stahn and put you in a nasty situation... Overall, this battle is not
really difficult if you are careful enough.
After the fight, Dalis will get his memories back. You will have to
escape via the roof, but before heading out, make sure you grab the
sword on the desk. Now use the stairs in the lower right corner of the
room to go up. After jumping off, follow the path into the cave.
You will be in a passage way that leads to the castle. During the
scene, you will meet Darzen, an old soldier that remains faithful to
Garr's family. He will take you to a safe place.
There will be a little scene now, during which it is decided that it
is best for Mary to stay behind with Dalis. Talk to Darzen for healing
now, save your game afterwards.
NOTE: The scenes after the fight vary slightly depending on whether
you visited Cyril before or not. If you did, Rutee acts quickly
and heals Dalis, which leads to his eventual recovery and Mary's
happiness. If you didn't, Dalis' injuries will be really bad and
he will die...

3.16- The Decisive Fight Against Lydon!
Items to Get: Bracelet [1], Beef [1], Mythril Tiara [1],
Melange Gel [1], Life Bottle [2], Sacred Text 5 [1],
Bread [1], Orange Gel [1], Winged Spear [1],
Pine Gel [1], Reflex [1], Aquamarine [1],
Orange Gel [1], Hunter's Bow [1], Deck Brush [1]
Discs to Get: Wind Spear [1]
You will now have to go through the passage to get into the castle.
Here's a little map for reference:
| EXIT |
| |‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾|‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| |
| |______ | T6 T7 | |
| | |___--___| |
| |________ | |
| ____|--|____ |
| | ´´¨¨ºº¨¨´´ | |
| | ´´´¨IG¨´´´ | |
| | ´´´´´´´´´´ | |
| | ´´´´´´´´´´ | |
| ______ |____ ____| |
| |T5 |_ ______|--| |
| | ST -|- ___| |
| |______|‾ ‾‾| |____ _______________ |
| | -|- __ __| |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾\ | \></ |
| | | B1 |
| ______ | |_________ |
| | Dz| | ´´´´| |
| |SP | ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|´T4´| |
| |__--__|_ ____________|´´´´| |
| | -|- ´´´´| |
| _____ ‾‾‾| |‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| |T3 |_ __________| | |
| | -|- | |
| |_____|‾ ‾‾‾|--|‾‾‾|--| |
| ENTRANCE|‾ ‾‾‾| |
| | T1| |
| | T2 | |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| |
| -- & -|- Connections between SP Save Point |
| screens Dz Darzen |
| Ladder leading into ´´ Ice covered zones |
| the Castle IG Ice Golem |
| ST Sacred Skill Slab \></ Stairs Going Down |
| ºº Passage ¨¨ Hole in the floor |
| |
| T1 Beef T5 Bread |
| T2 Bracelet T6 Orange Gel |
| T3 Mythril Tiara T7 Winged Spear |
| T4 Melange Gel |

Leave the room with the Save Point, walk a bit right and then all the
way down, to enter a room with people. Get a Bracelet near the wooden
crates and a Beef from behind the old man in orange, then return to
the passage.
Go left to get to another room with people. Grab a Mythril Tiara from
a chest, then talk to the Equipment Shop owner and buy whatever you
need from him.
Return to the passage, then go right and up, finally right again to
leave the screen. Follow the path to reach a frozen part of the floor.
Step onto it, then go up and left. Now walk a few steps down and get
onto the ice again to get a Melange Gel from the chest by the pillar.
Keep following the path left of the frozen part. Turn right when you
get the chance and go downstairs. Follow the path into another room,
then go up. Check behind the left pillar there to get a Life Bottle,
then return to the upper floor.
From the stairs there, go far left into another screen. Follow the
path and turn left. You will find another of those stone slabs here.
Make sure that Stahn is equipped with Dymlos, then check it. If you
have reached the needed level (you should have), you will have to
answer a couple of questions. They are pretty easy to guess, but just
in case, the answers are: 'Fire Wall' and 'Missile Sword'. After that,
Stahn will learn the 'Fiery Wave' skill and you will get the Sacred
Text 5 item.
After getting the Sacred Skill, check the bag in the corner for some
Bread. Lave the room, then walk right and up, into another screen. Get
on the big frozen platform. Heal up and step onto the ice, you will
have to fight against an Ice Golem.
MINI BOSS: Ice Golem__________________________________________________
Ice Golem
HP 6000 Weakness: Fire
TP 400 Absorbs: Water
EXP 1750
Being the boss weak to Fire, Stahn and Dymlos will be causing the
most damage. Just have Stahn use Dragon Blade and Tiger Blade
constantly, don't bother using your newly acquired Sacred Skill, it's
not as effective as the aforementioned specials.
Rutee should cast Sharpness on Stahn and then just concentrate on
healing. Don't have her cast attack spells, or she will heal the boss
Philia should cast Fear Flare or Holy Lance, if Clemente has reached
level 31 already. Leon should use magic; Stone Press proves to be far
more effective than normal fighting this time.
This battle is a piece of cake, just keep beating the enemy with all
you've got until it's dead.
Once the Ice Golem is gone, go up a bit more, then equip the
Sorcerer's Ring on someone. Shoot twice, the first ray should melt the
chunk of ice, while the second should hit the wall and open a passage.
Proceed up now.
Walk north a little, then use the door there to enter a room with
two chests, which contain an Orange Gel and a Winged Spear (equip it
on Garr). Return to the passage now and follow the path to reach a
ladder that will take you into the castle.

You are now in the prison of Heidelberg Castle. Leave the cell, then
go left and up the stairs. Go up again to reach the castle itself.
Here's the map of the first part:
| |‾‾ ‾‾| |
| | S S | |
| _____| |_____ |
| | | |
| | | |
| ____ ______ | | |
| | | | T3||‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| |
| | | |T2 || | | T4 | |
| ____ | | |__ __||__ ______ _|__ __|_ ____| |
| | ||‾‾‾‾|‾--‾¨¨‾| -- º--º | -- ¨¨ ¨¨ |______ |
| |War || T1 | | | _ _ _ _ | _ | |
| |Room||_--_| | _________| ´*` ´*` ´º` ´*` | ´*` | |
| | || | | | _ _ _ _ |__ __| |
| | || | | | ´º` ´*` ´*` ´*` ¨¨ | |
| |‾‾==‾‾‾‾‾‾‾==‾‾‾‾‾‾ | | _ _ _ _ _ _ | |
| | | | ´*` ´*` ´*` ´º` ´*` ´*` | |
| |__--_______--____________| |_________________________| |
| ENTRANCE | | |
| | | |
| |__--__| |
| | | |
| | | |
| |__--__| |
| |
| |
| -- Connections between * Lit Torches |
| screens º Unlit Torches |
| == Stairs ¨¨ Locked Doors |
| S Statue |
| |
| T1 Wind Spear T3 Reflex |
| T2 Pine Gel T4 Aquamarine |

Walk right past the armor, then go upstairs to reach the Audience
Hall. Go left and enter the bedroom there. Get the Wind Spear disc
from the chest (equip it on Philia) and return to the hallway in the
floor below.
Head right and up, then go through the door in front of you. In the
storage room, get a Pine Gel and a Reflex armor (equip it on Stahn),
then leave the room and head right. Note that there are two
suspiciously unlit torches there, use the Sorcerer's Ring to light
them. This should reveal a passage into another part of the castle,
go through it!
Go right in the passage, then down to enter a large room with three
doors and several torches, three of which are unlit. Well, as could be
imagined, the doors open when you light the corresponding torches.
Walk right and down from the entrance of the room, then fire the
Sorcerer's Ring on the torch over there. Go through the leftmost door
now for an Aquamarine, which you should equip right away. Return to
the spacious room, then walk far down and light the torch. Walk back
up and use the middle door.
Walk north until you see two statues, one is a woman holding a
crystal ball and the other one looks like a monster and has a flame
burning atop. If you use the Sorcerer's Ring on the one with the
crystal ball, the passage at the top will open briefly. In order to
keep it open, just drag the monster statue right under the woman, so
that it's fire heats the crystal ball. Go through the passage to reach
a new area, the Clock Tower.

This place may seem a bit confusing at first, but it's actually quite
simple. Start by going far left over the immense gear to get a Life
Bottle. Walk back right and climb the chain just left of the gear to
reach another screen. Pull the lever there and return down, then keep
walking right until you reach the chain in front of the entrance. Go
up it.
Get on the metal artifact to your right to get across the gap and
climb up to the upper platform. There are two chains there, go up the
one on the left first and follow the path if you want an Orange Gel,
if not, just go up the right one. Try pulling the lever to discover
that it controls the elevator in the lowest platform. You will now
have to leave a character behind, so that he/she can pull the lever
while you are on the elevator (leave Garr, of course). Now go up the
chain there to get a Hunter's Bow, then return all the way down.
From the chain you just climbed down, walk far right and get on the
elevator. Stahn will ask the character you left behind to pull the
lever, making the elevator move. You should end up in the platform
just right of the aforementioned lever. Go up into another screen. If
you try to get on the metal artifact here, Stahn will note that the
pulley is frozen. You will have to shoot it with the Sorcerer's Ring
from the platform above to unfreeze it, only then will you be able to
get to the other side, where you got the Hunter's Bow. Now climb down
the chain and get back the fifth member of your party.
Climb back up and use the metal artifact to cross, then go up and
left. Climb the last chain and use the door at the top to get to the
final area of this dungeon.

Walk left a little and go down the door there to reach a room with
a Save Point and a strange device. Note that there is a door that
going south in this very room, DO NOT GO THROUGH IT! It leads to the
Audience Hall, from where you can't return without doing the whole
dungeon again! Just save your game for now, ignore the device and go
up twice.
There should be three doors in front of you. Note that the torches on
the sides of the right and left doors are unlit. Okay, light the
torches by the left door, then go through it. You will find a device
resembling the on near the Save Point, just use the Sorcerer's Ring on
the frozen chain and leave.
Light the torches by the rightmost door this time, then go through
it and examine the device there to move the wheel thingy. Return to
the Save Point and examine the device you ignored earlier to open the
final door that leads to Lydon. Make sure your party is in top
condition and save your game.
Now return to the room with the three doors and go through the middle
one. Keep going north until you reach the top of the castle, where
Lydon is waiting for you. After he gives you the usual baddie speech,
the battle will start!

BOSS: Lydon___________________________________________________________
HP 13000
TP 999
Holy Knight [2]
HP 1420
TP 0
HP 1380
TP 164
EXP 4323
GALD 1370
LENS 172
ITEMS Antidote Charm [1]
Although Lydon does have a pretty impressive amount of HP, this
battle is easy as long as you are careful enough. Just beware of
Lydon's Force Blade combo, the rest of his attacks aren't much of a
problem. Even his Wind spells shouldn't be a cause of worry, as he
should barely get the chance to cast one, maybe two, at the beginning
of the battle.
As usual, start by using Stahn's Force special to repel the enemies
and prevent them from harming the rest of the party. After that, just
keep using Dragon Blade, this should hopefully not only damage the
Holy Knights, but also interrupt Lydon's attempts to cast spells.
Healing is pretty important in this battle, as Lydon could use his
Force Blade combo at any time and kill any unlucky character with
under 1500 HP that stands in his way. Don't let Rutee be distracted
casting attack spells, especially while the other enemies are still
around. If you are sure everything is under control, you can try to
steal an Antidote Charm from Lydon, it's a pretty good item.
Philia should start casting group spells like Ray or Fear Flare at
the beginning of the battle so that Lydon's minions die quickly,
reducing the possible problems considerably. After that, have her cast
Holy Lance on the boss (if Clemente hasn't learned Holy Lance yet,
just stick to Fear Flare). If you equipped the Mystic Symbol you got
from the warehouse on Philia, this battle should be a cinch.
Unless Lydon is causing real trouble at the battle front, Leon should
stay behind and cast spells. Stone Press deals a fair amount of
damage (about 1000), but don't doubt to cast the Demon's Lance spell
if you have it already, it can cause just as much damage as Holy
After the battle, Lydon will try to use the Eye of Atamoni against
you! Fortunately for you, he is overwhelmed by its energy and ends up
vanishing into nothingness, allowing Garr to get his Swordian back.
Right before everyone can rejoice, the Eye of Atamoni starts releasing
more and more of its energy. Leon quickly hands everyone a special
disc to attach onto their Swordians, preventing a catastrophe.
After arguing with Garr about what should be done with such powerful
artifact, the group departs for Darilsheid on the Draconis. During the
trip, Stahn will be visited by Philia, who is worried about Rutee. You
will now have to look for her around the ship. Leave the room where
Stahn is, walk a bit right and enter the room there for a scene with
Leon, then return to the hall and walk right and down the stairs. Use
the stairs in the corner there to reach a lower level, then follow the
path and go through the first door you come upon. Remember this room?
This is where Dymlos was once held. Work your way to the exact place
where you met him to get a joke weapon, the Deck Brush ^_^
Now that you got the Deck Brush, explore a bit more if you feel like
it, there's not much more to see though. Just go out to the deck Stahn
was told to clean at the beginning of the game to find Rutee and see
a little scene about her (it's pretty interesting, I must say).
Now just watch the scenes that constitute the fake ending. Everyone
is happy now, yet there seems to be someone plotting what could
develop into a crisis...

3.17- The Calm Before the Storm...
Items to Get: Dark Bottle [1], Lemon Gel [1], Panacea Bottle [1],
Fish [Valuable], Dymlos [1], Clemente [1],
Food Sack L [Valuable], Black Onyx [1],
Mental Ring [1], Charm Bottle [1], Gnome [1],
Igtenos [1], Atwight [1]
Some time after Lydon's defeat, Stahn will be living with his sister
and grandfather in Lienea. After Lilith wakes you up, explore the
house if you wish, then just go into the dinning room to have
breakfast. When you regain control of Stahn, put the dishes in the
sink, then leave the house. You will have to get some fish for Lilith.
NOTE: If you leave the house before having breakfast, Lilith will
scream at you when you come back, then the day will start again
Explore the town now, there's not much to see. Enter the house in the
middle of the village and look for a passage going down in the kitchen
(look closely). Go down there to get a Dark Bottle, a Lemon Gel and a
Panacea Bottle from the chests.
Now go to the village market and talk to the fishmonger. He will tell
you that he doesn't have any fresh fish to sell you (you don't have
any money anyway ^_~), so you will have to get it from somewhere else.
You have three options now:
1.- Returning to Lilith empty handed.
2.- Catching a fish in the village pond.
2.- Going to Neuestadt to buy the fish.
Although this is not important, here's a brief list of Lilith's
reactions, just for the fun of it ^_^
1.- Just return home and talk to Lilith. After Stahn
explains what happened, Lilith will say it's not his
2.- Go to the village pond and catch a fish using the
Circle button, then go home and talk to Lilith. She
will get really mad and tell you to return the fish
3.- This one is harder than the others, since you have to
go all the way south to Neuestadt and come back. Equip
a weapon on Stahn, then leave the town and work your
way through the mountains until you reach Neuestadt. At
the harbor, you will have to choose between two
different fish mongers, one sells you a whale steak
while the other sells you a swordfish. Return to Lilith
anyway, if you got the whale she will tell Stahn that a
a whale is not actually a fish ^_^ If you bought the
swordfish, Lilith will get angry at Stahn for getting
such a weird fish (note that Stahn calls it a sunfish

No matter what you did about the fish affair, Lilith will be waking
Stahn up again the next morning. This time is different though,
Someone is here to see him. It's Philia, and she brought Clemente and
Dymlos with her! It appears the Eye of Atamoni is missing AGAIN, and
Seinegald has requested their help.
After Philia gives Dymlos back to Stahn, leave the house. Talk to
Lilith to see a little scene after which you get the Food Sack L
(a Valuable item).
Now walk far left and then down to talk to the village chief's
daughter, who will declare her love for Stahn (!). You have to choose
what you respond now: if you say you like her too, she will give you a
few Miracle Gels; if you say there's another girl, she will give you a
Magic Mist (allows you to escape from battles faster); finally, if you
choose the third option, you get a Black Onyx (raises max HP by 30%).
The Black Onyx is by far the best (equip it on Stahn).

Okay, check your equipment one last time before leaving town, then
travel far south through the mountains, until you reach Neuestadt.
As you enter, Philia will tell you that there's a ship waiting for
you at the harbor. But wait! There are two mini-games you can do in
town right now, the Blackjack mini game and the second part of the
race around the city. Check sections 4.3 and 4.5 for more information.
The Coliseum is closed, and Ilene is not home right now, which means
you should just go to the harbor after doing the aforementioned mini

Once you are done in town, talk to the captain of the right ship.
Before going to Seinegald, you will have to get Garr and Rutee into
the party. I recommend getting Garr first, it saves you a trip ^_^
Once on the ship, Philia will explain why the Swordians were
unresponsive after the last crisis ended. Apparently, the discs Leon
gave everyone to seal the Eye of Atamoni had put the Swordians in
stasis! Leon lied when he said it was because the world was out of

Getting Garr
You should be taken to Frostheim. Leave the town, walk a bit north
and west to enter Tilso Forest. This so-called forest is just a path
in the woods, once you are past it, go west to enter another forest
that looks exactly the same (lazy programmers...).
Okay, you should be out in the map by Cyril. You can enter the city
and visit Mary if you feel like it, but she won't join you just yet.
Travel northeast and enter Heidelberg. Now that the city is back to
normal, you might want to explore it (there's nothing of interest,
though). Go to the castle once you are done. After a short discussion
with a guard, Darzen will get you in to see Garr.
As you could have guessed, Garr is more than upset to hear that the
Eye of Atamoni has been stolen, after what the king of Seinegald had
said ^_^ As expected, he will join you immediately. Note that you have
Igtenos in your inventory now, but he is unusable for the time being.
Just leave the city and travel south until you reach Cyril, then go
east through the forests to reach Frostheim. Enter the harbor and talk
to the captain of the ship and tell him to take you to Seinegald.

Getting Rutee
You should be in Darilsheid right now. Leave the city and travel
west, then down as soon as you can. Walk east this time, then go
north, cross the bridge and enter the nearby town.
Explore a bit if you want to, there isn't much to do anyway. Go to
the orphanage in the top-left corner of the city to meet Rutee, who
will join you after getting Atwight out of storage ^_^
Use the beds in the orphanage to recover your health if necessary,
the leave the city and go all the way back to Darilsheid. If you
haven't gone for Garr yet, go to the harbor and set sail for
Phandaria; if you have, just read the next section.

3.18- Libra IV, The Mysterious Abandoned Factory
Items to Get: Lute [1], Crossbow [1], Fenface [1],
Strong Halberd [1], Iron Knuckle [1],
Rune Bottle [1], Life Bottle [1], Pine Gel [1],
Miracle Gel [1], Holy Bottle [1], Sacred Text 2 [1],
Channeling [1], Rubber Suit [2], Oberol C [3],
Reflex [2], ID Card B [Valuable], Gale Staff [1],
Energy Bullet [1], Oberol EX [2],
ID Card R [Valuable], Fine Shield [1],
Strike Axe [1], Elixir [1], Pine Gel [1],
Silver Plate [1], Rare Gauntlet [1], Ankh Shield [1]
Discs to Get: SW130130 [1], Electrify [1]
Once you are back in Darilsheid with Garr and Rutee, go see the king.
He will say that ever since the Eye of Atamoni was stolen, Hugo and
Leon disappeared along with the Draconis. Now leave the king's room
and walk north from the stairs. Go through the door a bit left from
there for some new treasure (a Lute, a Crossbow, a Fenface, a Strong
Halberd, an Iron Knuckle and the SW130130 disc). Equip the disc on
Stahn, then leave the room and head right to get even more treasure
from a similar room (a Rune Bottle, a Life Bottle, a Pine Gel, a
Miracle Gel and a Holy Bottle). After that, just leave the castle.
Since Hugo seems to be involved in the crime, you will have to search
his mansion for clues. Go there to find it packed with Oberon Corp
employees who are looking for Hugo too. Go up the stairs in the room
and head right, into another screen. Walk right and down, then left.
use the door in the upper wall to enter Hugo's office. Stahn will
notice a book lying on the desk, walk up and check it. It reads 'Libra
Now go back to the room where the Oberon Corp employees to ask them
what 'Libra IV' means. You will have to talk to the one that has a
beard, the manager, to learn that Libra is the code name for an old
factory located on a island near Cresta.
Return to the king to announce your discovery, he will have a ship
ready to take you to the factory. Before going to the harbor, you
might want to play a mini game that allows you to get another Sacred
Skill right now. To play, leave Darilsheid and travel north-west and
enter the village of Armeida. Near the inn there, you can meet two
characters from Tales of Phantasia who will test your knowledge. If
you win, you get the Throw Sword sacred skill and a Channeling! See
section 4.6 for more details!
Buy supplies if you need to, then go to the harbor. Save your game
and talk to the captain of the left ship, who will agree to take you
to the old Oberon Crop factory.

Once at the factory, the party will talk about Leon's relation to the
unfolding crisis. You will be asked if you still believe in him,
choose any option, as it doesn't really matter.
Now go up through the door there, to get to a room with four exits,
two going up and two going to the sides. Head left, get a Rubber Suit
from the chest (equip it on Rutee) and talk to the Oberon Corp
employee to fight a group of enemies. Return right.
Of the two doors going up, use the right one. Pull the lever by the
conveyor belts, then get an Oberol C from the chest by the golden
door. Go through the door to reach a room filled with piles of scrap
metal; grab the chest for a Reflex armor (equip it on Garr) and return
to the room with the four exits.
This time, go up using the left door. Walk a bit up, turn right and
go down into another room. Talk to the employee there and defeat him
to get the ID Card B (a Valuable), then return up.
Walk up and turn left, head up and go through the door. Use the
stairs in that room to descend onto a lower level. Grab the Electrify
disc from the blue chest and get on the conveyor belt, which will take
you into a room with another two belts. Get on the one going south to
be taken near a locked door with a blue panel on its left. Check the
panel to use the ID Card B, then go through the door. Defeat the
employee there to learn something about a password and get the chests
in the room for another Reflex and Rubber Suit (equip this one on
Philia). Now leave the room and get on the conveyor belt at the top.
You should end up in the room with the scrap metal. Work your way
back to the room with the four exits and use the one going north on
the left. Go through the door in the top-right corner and follow the
path from there until you get to an entirely new area.
Check the computers on the upper-left and lower-right corners of the
room to get more information on the password mentioned before. Go down
from there into a hall. Head left into another room and defeat the
employee there, who will tell you that part of the password is a
color (like we didn't know that). Get all the treasure in the room (a
Gale Staff, an Energy Bullet and an Oberol EX), then return right.
Go right this time to reach a room with a computer in the center.
When you check it, you will be asked to enter the password 'IV'.
Choose option 3 (Blue) first, then option 4 (Metallic Blue). The door
at the top of this room should be now open, go through it and fight
the Oberon Corp employee to receive the ID Card R (a Valuable).
Return down and go right to get to a door with a red panel on its
left. Just like you did before, check the panel and go through the
door. In this large room, walk up and go through the door to your
right for a Fine Shield and an Oberol EX (equip the shield on Stahn),
then return down. Walk left and walk around the console thingy, then
get an Oberol C from a nearby chest. Go left and a bit down to find a
door leading to a Save Point.
After saving you game, leave the room. Walk far up and a bit right to
get an Oberol EX from the chest by the scrap metal. Go through the
nearby door for an Oberol G, then return to the large room and use the
door in the upper-left corner. Walk up and talk to employee, who will
fight you after stupidly trying to make you think everything is normal
^_^ Now just use the door he was guarding to reach an elevator that
takes deep down...

You will be in a cave area. Walk down into another room, from where
you should go left for a Strike Axe. Return to the last room and head
right. Walk right across the room and use the passage to get to a
small, seemingly empty room. Check behind the stalagmite for an
Elixir, then leave the place. Walk left and down, follow the path and
get a Pine Gel at the end of it before going down, into another area.
Walk down over the plank and follow the path going into another room.
Once there, go a bit right and use the plank leading north to get a
Silver Plate (equip on Stahn). Go back down, then follow the path left
to get to another room. Walk up over the plank and use the passage
going right for an Oberol C and a Rare Gauntlet (equip it on Stahn).
Return to the last room and walk over the plank going left, into
another room.
Go up to the top of this place, get an Ankh Shield from the chest to
your left, then go far right into the next room. Now just keep going,
after a couple of rooms, you will witness a scene involving Hugo,
Rembrandt, Marian and Leon.
It seems Hugo is forcing Leon to cooperate by having Marian as a
hostage! When the party arrives, Leon is left behind to entertain you.
Pay attention to what Leon says now, as he reveals several important
details (Rutee is his sister!). After that, he will fight you, to
protect what's most important to him...
BOSS: Leon____________________________________________________________
HP 12000
TP 9999
EXP 2875
GALD 655
ITEMS Elixir [1]
It's only sad that Leon is so pitifully easy to defeat now... Have
Stahn use Dragon Blade on him from the beginning. If Leon manages to
get too close to the party, use Force a couple of times. Garr should
just use Wind Blade or Mirage, the damage won't be great, but it will
prevent Leon from doing anything.
Rutee shouldn't need to heal much this time, being Leon so weak. Have
her cast Sharpness on Stahn and Garr, then have her steal (you can get
an Elixir this way) or use her specials. Philia will be probably
dealing the most damage, as the Holy Lance spell can hurt Leon for
about 1500 HP!
Leon doesn't have many attacks actually, and there's little chance
that you see them, as you will be pounding him from the very beginning
of the battle ^_^
Even after his defeat, Leon will insist on not letting you pass. The
cave will suddenly start shaking, causing a flood.
The party ends up near Hugo's Draconis, walk right and enter it. You
will now see the island sinking, taking the factory and Leon with it.
Then, unexpectedly, a massive structure rises from the sea. Dymlos
says it's an Aeropolis, a relic from the ancient war during which the
Swordians were created. Much to everyone's surprise, a beam of light
shot from a weapon in the Aeropolis blasts the land, absorbing the
terrain into the sky!
According to Dymlos, the weapon is called Belcrant, a mass
destruction weapon used during the war. The revival of Dycroft (the
capital of all the Aeropolises) and Belcrant was the reason for Hugo
wanting the Eye of Atamoni. To make matters worse, it appears Dycroft
has evolved over the last hundreds of years!
After Garr vainly tries to reach Dycroft with the Draconis, the
Swordians tell you to go to the ruins where you met Clemente, called

3.19- Radisrol's Boot Disc and Some Side-Quests
Items to Get: Horn [Valuable], Elixir [2], Sacred Text 1 [1],
Emerald Ring [1], Grow Fruit [1], Flare Sword [1],
Savory [1], Sage [1], Lavender [1], Bellebane [1],
Red Savory [1], Red Sage [1], Red Lavender [1],
Red Bellebane [1], Lemon Gel [1], Pine Gel [1],
Miracle Gel [1], Boot Disc [Valuable]
Discs to Get: Swirling Flame [1], Purity [1], Thunder Spirit [1]
You will be in the world map, next to Darilsheid. Note the changes in
the map and enter the city. Talk to the king if you want to, it's not
actually necessary. Buy supplies if you are running low, then go to
the harbor and talk to the captain of the captain of the left ship.
After a short discussion, he will agree to take you to Demon's Reef,
where Radisrol is.

Surprisingly, Radisrol will no longer be submerged, probably because

of Dycroft's revival. You have to get to the control room of the city,
which is where you found Clemente. Getting there will be much easier
this time, as there are no enemies.
From the first room, go up, move the rubbish out of the way and
proceed upstairs. Go up one more time, then right twice. Use the rope
in that room and work your way down. Go right and just keep going
up until you get to the control room.
The former commander of the Er'ther forces, Marius Raiker, will
welcome you. Upon hearing what happened with Chaltier, Raiker will
mention that they have already lost three Swordians: Igtenos, who is
actually just unable to manifest his thoughts or powers; Chaltier, who
sided with the enemy; and Berselius, who died during the war when is
Core Crystal was destroyed. Incidentally, Igtenos can be repaired, but
the technology needed can only be found in the Aeropolises.
In order to restore Radisrol completely, a Boot Disc is needed. But
before getting that, you must get an assistant for Raiker, since he
only exists in the computer ^_^ You will now receive the Horn, which
you can use to summon Bernardo, the sea dragon. Leave the control room
and work your way out of Radisrol to find yourself travelling on the
sea dragon.
NOTE: You can only get off Bernardo when you get to a city, you can't
just get off on a shore. When you want to summon the sea dragon
again, just go to any harbor in the world, enter the Valuables
sub-menu and use the Horn.

As far as I know, there are three candidates for Raiker's assistant:

a scientist, a junk hunter and an elite priest. Here are the methods
for getting each of them:
1.- Scientist: Simply go the Otto's Lab at
Darilsheid castle and talk to one of the
guys there.
2.- Junk Hunter: Go to the town of Junkland
in Calvalese and talk to the man near the
cave entrance.
3.- Elite Priest: Go to Straylize Temple and
climb the Tower of Knowledge, then talk
to one of the men at the top.
I think your choice doesn't make any difference, so just go to
Darilsheid and talk to one of Otto's Assistants. Just for the record,
when you talk to one of the candidates, he will be recruited
automatically, you don't get a choice, so be careful.

You have an assistant for Raiker now, don't you? Well, don't return
to Radisrol just yet, this is a great time for side-quests and mini
games! More importantly, you can two of the other characters join your
party now:
· Karyl: Go to Moreau. He's at the square playing for
the people. Talk to him and he will offer to
join you!
· Mary: Go to Cyril and talk to her. She will only be
available right now if you let Dalis die :(
· Chelsea: Go to Heidelberg and enter the castle. She's
sitting in Garr's throne ^_^
· Khang: You will have to enter the tournament held at
the coliseum at Neuestadt and beat him to have
him join (see below for more information).

Note that you can change the characters you chose anytime you want,
just try to make someone else join you and you will be asked who you
want to replace. Now that your party is complete, let's do some
Moreau Square: Go to Moreau and talk to one of the cat people there.
‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾ You can play a mini game with him for an Elixir. Check
section 4.7 for a more information.
Sacred Skill: You can get another Sacred Skill right now. From
‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾ Moreau, travel north and work your way to the tidal
cave. Go to the Stone Slab in that cave (check the map
in section 3.11 if you don't remember) and check it.
Answer 'Fireball' and 'Spin Slash' to the questions to
get the Sacred Text 1, which allows Stahn to use Spin
Emerald Ring: Having Chelsea in your party, go to Neuestadt. At the
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ harbor, make sure you have at least two Bonitos (a type
of fish); buy them if you don't. Now talk to the cat
standing near one of the fish mongers. Chelsea will try
to feed it something, choose to give it a Bonito both
times to receive an Emerald Ring, which reduces TP
usage by 1/3! Equip it on Philia or Stahn right away.
Coliseum: At this point, the Coliseum at Neuestadt will be open
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ again, with new monsters and prizes for you to claim!
Read 'Phase 2' in section 4.4 for more information.
The items you get here are very good this time, make
sure you get all of them!
Remember to equip what you just got, especially the Flare Sword (a
killer weapon for Garr!) and the Emerald Ring (great for Stahn or

Now return to Radisrol and work your way to the control room. Your
next mission will be retrieving the Boot Disc from a cave west of
Lienea which you can only access with the sea dragon.
Leave Radisrol and navigate southwest. Use the mini map to get to a
large bay just west of Lienea, then go into the cave to reach the
Hidden Temple
This place is the simplest dungeon in the game, it consists of a few
rooms that look exactly the same. each of the rooms has a locked door
that can only be opened by leaving a Swordian (and his/her master) in
a device by the doors.
NOTE: You can actually have Stahn and Dymlos stay in any of the doors
while the other characters retrieve the Boot Disc. However, you
miss two discs found at the end of the dungeon that way.
Just walk north and check the sword shaped depression on the wall,
then choose the character that will stay with his/her Swordian to keep
the door open. Repeat this twice more and you will get to a room that
looks different.
Go up the stairs and go to the middle platform there to fight a
monster (nothing to worry about). Get the three blue chests there,
they contain the Purity and Thunder Spirit discs and the Boot Disc
(a Valuable).
Now go all the way back, talking to the characters you left behind to
have them rejoin. Once you get the last party member back, Belcrant
will go off again, covering even more of the sky! Just leave the
temple and return to Radisrol.

3.20- Ignasea and the Warp Gate
Items to Get: Garnet [1], Wendiene [1], Pine Gel [1],
Orange Gel [1], Elixir [1], Tricycle [1],
Thunder Scepter [1], Oberol C [1], Silver Plate [1],
Miracle Gel [2], Emerald Ring [1], Melange Gel [1]
Discs to Get: SW180180 [1]
In Radisrol, go all the way into the control room again and talk to
Raiker's assistant. After a short sequence, Radisrol will rise to the
Now, in order to get to Dycroft you will have to go to the Aeropolis
called Ignasea and use the Warp Gate. If you need supplies, you can
just use the anti-grav elevator of Radisrol to return to Darilsheid.
Before doing anything else, let's explore the areas of Radisrol that
were inaccessible before because of the water. Leave the control room,
to your left, you can find the anti-grav device. Use it to go to
Darilsheid and buy supplies if you need them. Also, you can do yet
another side-quest now, see section 4.8 for more details.
Use the anti-grav device at Darilsheid to get back into Radisrol.
Leave the room where you appear and head right to reach the an
elevator and use it. Go left twice and use the previously unreachable
door for a Garnet, a Wendiene and a Pine Gel.
Return outside and proceed left. You should be back in the room with
the Save Point. Go up from there and use the stairs to descend onto
the newly dry area, then go through the door in the upper wall for an
Orange Gel and an Elixir. There's nothing much else worth mentioning,
except for a room where you can heal your characters for free.
Check your equipment and arrange your party, then leave Radisrol. You
will be walking on the Aethersphere (check out the sight of the
surface). Go west, a bit north, then east, south and west to reach
Ignasea. Save your game and enter.

Walk far north over the path and use the opening in the structure to
enter it. Note the teleporter thingy to your left, it will be
activated later. Head right and up to reach another teleporter,
then step on it to be taken to the real dungeon:
| LEVEL 3 |
| |
| +-----+ +-----(¤) +----------(D) |
| | | | | |
| +--+--+----+ | -----+ |
| | | | | | |
| | +---+--- +--+--------+ |
| (¤) +--+ | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | +-- (D) | | |
| | | (D)----+--------+ |
| +--+ | |
| +------+ | |
| | | +------+ |
| +----------+ | | |
| | | | | |
| | +------+--------+-----(¤) |
| (D) |
| |
| |
| LEVEL 2 |
| |
| +--------+-----(¤)-----+----+ (U) |
| | | | | | |
| +-----+--+ +---(D) | +-----+ |
| | | ---+ | |
| | +---+- | | |
| (¤)----+ | +----+-----+ |
| | (U) | |
| | (2) | |
| +---+--(3) (U)---+ | |
| | | | |
| (D) +---------+------+ |
| (1) | | |
| | | | |
| (U)-- (¤)---+ +----(D) |
| |
| |
| LEVEL 1 |
| |
| (¤)-----------+------+ |
| | | | | |
| +---+---+ (U) | (¤) | |
| | ' | | | +--+ |
| +---+---+ +-------+ | |
| | | |
| (¤)---+----+----+ +--(¤) |
| | | | | | |
| | +------+-----+ | |
| | -+ |
| +----(U) | +------+---+---+ | |
| | | | | | | |
| +--------+ | | |
| +-----(¤) (U) |
| |
| |
| --- Horizontal Path (¤) Teleporter |
| | Vertical Path (D) Elevator Going Down |
| + Junction (U) Elevator Going Up |
| |
| (1) Thunder Scepter (3) SW180180 |
| (2) Oberol G |
NOTE: I hereby apologize for the ugliness of this map ~_^

You start at the bottom right corner of level 3. Ignore the path
going north, head left and follow the path, then use the elevator
there to descend onto level 2. Get a Thunder Scepter from the nearby
chest and return up. Walk back right and use the path you ignored
earlier. Turn left as soon as possible and use the elevator to get an
Oberol C, then go back up. Walk a bit right, then go north and follow
the path to reach en elevator going into level 2.
Follow the path south to the bottom of the screen, then walk left
and use the teleporter to enter another room. Go down for a Silver
Plate (equip it on Garr) and a Miracle Gel, use the teleporter to
return to the dungeon afterwards. Walk up, a bit right and down to
reach an elevator that leads to level 1. Follow the path and use the
teleporter to your left.
From where you appear, go right and use the stairs. Walk far right
(ignoring the passage going up for now) and use the exit for a Slayer
Sword. Return left, into the hall. Use the path going up to reach the
gate (or what's left of it, anyway). You will be automatically taken
back to Radisrol, to make a new plan.

Now that the Warp Gate is destroyed, you will have to go to Mikheil
and use the Sky Cruiser, a small version of the Draconis, to reach
Dycroft. In order to reach Mikheil, you have to go to Josaia another
Aeropolis) through another Warp Gate in Ignasea.
Note that an inn has been installed in one of the empty rooms of
Radisrol, you probably want to make use of it (though you can still
use the free recovery pods). Go to Darilsheid if you need supplies,
then save your game and go to Ignasea.

Once inside Ignasea, go right and up to use the teleporter. Walk a

bit left, then follow the path going north and use the elevator at the
end to reach level 2. This time head left, ignoring the teleporter
along the way, then go all the way down. Go right to get the SW180180
disc (equip it on Stahn), then use the nearby elevator to descend onto
level 1.
Follow the winding path and turn left when you get to a junction. Use
the transporter for an Emerald Ring (equip it on Stahn or Philia).
Back in the dungeon, walk right and up until you reach yet another
teleporter. Use it and follow the path to get a Miracle Gel at the
end. Return to the dungeon now and work your way to the elevator in
the lower left corner of the screen.
You should be back in level 2. From where you appear, walk north and
left, then use the teleporter. Go up and use the stairs to reach
another room, then walk right and down to reach another transporter.
You are now in a section of level 3 you couldn't access before.
Follow the path north and right to reach a point where you have to
choose between using a teleporter or an elevator. Use the transporter
first and go left for a Melange Gel, the return to the dungeon and use
the elevator. Follow the path to get to the last teleporter, use it.
Walk far north to reach the Warp Gate. Before doing anything, use the
Save Point. Note the little teleporter thingy in the lower right
corner of the room, step on it to activate the transporter at the
entrance of Ignasea, which saves you the trouble of going through the
dungeon from now on. If you need healing or supplies, take this chance
to go to Radisrol.
Now, about the Warp Gate itself: note that there are four different
colored gates surrounding a ray of light. Depending on the gate you
use to enter the light, you will be warped to a different Aeropolis.
Here's the list:
Blue ----> Ignasea
Green ---> Rodeon
Red -----> Josaia
Yellow --> Deimos
So, go through the red gate and step into the light to reach Josaia
(note that Dymlos won't let you go anywhere else right now).

3.21- Josaia, Mikheil and the Sky Cruiser
Items to Get: Arc Wind [1], Bear Claw [1], Duel Helm [1],
Rare Shield [1], Winged Boots [2], Burning Sword [1],
Holy Bottle [1], Hourglass [1], Oberol G [1],
Sacred Text 3 [1]
Discs to Get: Strengthen [1], Demon Arrow [1]
You will arrive at the Warp Gate of Josaia. Just like in Ignasea,
there's a little teleporter in the corner that can take you to the
entrance of the Aeropolis, but it's not working yet.
Now, from the Warp Gate, go south and step onto the teleporter to
enter a dungeon area, much like the one in Ignasea:
| LEVEL 1 |
| |
| +------+ (¤) | |
| | | | º--+ |
| +--º +- -----+------+ | |
| | | |
| | +---+--+ |
| | | | | |
| +-+-+- --- -+------+---+ |
| | | | | |
| +--+ | | |
| | +------+------+---+--- |
| | | |
| +---+- -+--º | |
| | |
| º--+----+ +-------+-+ (U) |
| | | | | | |
| | +-- -+ | | |
| | | | |
| +---------+---+ |
| |
| |
| LEVEL 2 |
| |
| +---------- |
| | +-------+ |
| +---------+ º--+ | |
| | | | | |
| | +- --+------+--+----+ |
| | | | |
| +---º | | +- --+ |
| | | | | | |
| | º---+ +----+ +---º |
| | | | | |
| | | | +----+ |
| | | | | | |
| +----+----+- --+----+ +--(D) |
| | | | | | | |
| +--º | +- --+ |
| (U) ---+----+ | |
| |
| |
| LEVEL 3 |
| |
| +------------+--- |
| | | | |
| --+------+- -----+----+-----(U) |
| | | |
| | º | ---+---º +------+ |
| | | | | | | |
| +--+---+-------+- -----+ | |
| | | | | + -+ |
| | | +-º +---+---+-------+ | |
| | | | | |
| +----+-----+ - -+ º +-- |
| | | | | | |
| (D) +---+---+ |
| |
| |
| LEVEL 4 |
| |
| +--- |
| | | | |
| º--+------+--------+ |
| | | | |
| | | | (D) |
| | (U) + --+ | |
| | | | | |
| +--º º--+ +--+--+ |
| | | | | |
| | º | + --+ | |
| | | | | +-----+ |
| +---+-----+-----+-----+-- |
| | | | | |
| º--+ |
| |
| |
| LEVEL 5 |
| |
| (1) |
| | (¤) |
| +-----+-----+ | |
| | | | | |
| | | | |
| (2)--+----(D)----+---+ |
| | | | |
| | | | | |
| +-----+-----+ | |
| | | |
| (3) |
| |
| |
| --- Horizontal Path (¤) Teleporter |
| | Vertical Path (D) Elevator Going Down |
| + Junction (U) Elevator Going Up |
| Switch º Orb |
| |
| (1) Arc Wind (3) Strengthen |
| (2) Bear Claw |

This dungeon is a bit like a mini-game, though the amount of enemies

detracts from the fun. In each floor, you must collect several orb
thingies to activate the elevator leading to the floor above. This
would be rather easy if it weren't for the horde of monsters roaming
around. Fortunately, there are also switch-like tiles on the floor
(which are activated by stepping on them) that you can use to prevent
the enemies from advancing...
Since there is no treasure in the first four floors, I won't write a
walkthrough for them (the map should be just enough). One word of
advice before you get to it: don't waste too much time trying to use
the switches to avoid enemies, it's not worth the effort.

When you finally get to level 5, get the chests at the northern,
western and southern ends for the Arc Wind, Bear Claw and Strengthen
disc (you may want to equip it on Philia). Now use the teleporter in
the upper right corner to get to the exit of Josaia. There you will
find the other end of the device that you saw at the Warp Gate. Take
this chance to return to Radisrol for healing and to exchange your
Lens at Seinegald (since you are probably near getting 9999, which is
the max). After that, return to Josaia and use the exit.

Travel far north-east of Josaia using the map to guide yourself. You
will eventually reach the Aeropolis Mikheil.
Inside Mikheil, go north once to find a switch and three paths going
up. Ignore the switch and head up using the leftmost path. Use the
yellow platform to go up, then go right a bit and go down on the
purple one to return to the entrance. This time use the right path to
reach another yellow platform going up. Finally, go far to the left
and use a purple platform to go left to a teleporter.
You will be in yet another dungeon like the one in Ignasea (I don't
understand how the Aetherians managed to live or work in these places
~_^). Anyway, work you way to the bottom-right corner and use the
elevator to reach level 2. Walk far left (beware of the tiles that
disappear) to reach a teleporter, use it.
Get a Duel Helm from the chest in the lower-left corner (equip it on
Stahn), then use the yellow platform to go right. Once you are on the
other side, throw the nearby switch and go right to get a Rare Shield
from a chest (equip it on Stahn). Now return all the way left and step
on the teleporter.
Walk right over the disappearing tiles once again, then use the
teleporter just north of the elevator. Throw the switch there and step
onto the purple platform, then go north and left. Get a pair of Winged
Boots from the chest in the upper-left corner and step on the yellow
platform going down. Use the teleporter there to reach return to level
2 of the other part of the dungeon.
Walk left and use the elevator to reach level 3. Work your way to the
lower area of this place and step onto the right teleporter. Use the
yellow platform, then go left and two screens north to reach a chest
containing a Burning Sword (if you didn't get on from the Coliseum,
equip it on Garr). Now return to the yellow platform and use it, then
go right and up. Use the gray platform to reach a puzzle room.

NOTE: This puzzle can be very tricky if you mess with switches
without knowing. In other words: in order to prevent
complications, don't touch anything unless you know what you are
Now throw the green switch near you and use the platform to go up.
Walk to the top of the screen and use the gray platform there to get
to a red switch, throw it. Now, as you walk back down, step on the
seemingly pointless purple platform (that should make a nearby
platform of the same color move right).
Step on the purple platform that just moved, then go up. You should
be near a red and a light-blue platform. Step on the latter, then walk
a bit left and go down using yet another platform to reach a chest
containing a Holy Bottle.
Return to the red platform you saw before and use it to go up, then
move left on the blue platform. Walk up, far left and down, then get
on the light-blue platform to go a bit right. There should be a yellow
platform going down, use it! Step on the left gray platform to get a
Hourglass from the chest, then proceed down using the white platform.
Walk right and use the white platform there to go up near two gray
platforms more. Use the lower one to get an Oberol G, then go back and
use the upper one platform. Finally, go south from there to reach a

You are now in level 3. Follow the path and use the elevator, then
walk left and step onto the teleporter. Use the gray platform and go
right to reach a large rectangular room. Walk far right and go down
the path there, then use the platform to be taken south. Throw the
nearby switch and head left to throw a purple switch, then return
right. Go down and use the white platform, then follow the path until
you come to a room with a Save Point.
After saving your game, get the chests for a pair of Winged Boots and
the Demon Arrow disc (equip it on Rutee). Use the teleporter on the
right to be taken to level 4, where you have to work your way to the
elevator in the lower part of the screen. Be VERY CAREFUL not to fall
down to level 3 (the way back up is too long, you should just reset).
Once in level 5, go north and use the transporter. There you will
find a tough puzzle (not because of the puzzle itself, but because
what you have to do is hard to guess). Note that there is a weird
device on the right side of the room with a plug thingy that runs
over a track. You can move this plug by pressing the Circle button
next to it and walking down over the track. Doing that opens up the
path going north for a couple of seconds, which is not enough for you
to get through. Now, look at the left side of the room, there should
be a boulder of some sort there. Drag it and place it just left of the
track of the device. Pull the plug all the way back and quickly push
the boulder onto the track to block it. If you do it right, the path
will remain open!
Now that the path is open, heal up and go through it to find
Rembrandt and Marian. After a scene that shows what happens when the
translation team consumes illegal substances while working (I suspect
the nonsensical conversation is fruit of censorship), your party will
be in critical condition. Use magic to recover your HP and Orange Gels
for your TP, then go north after Rembrandt.
After another weird scene, you will have to fight!
BOSS: Rembrandt_______________________________________________________
HP 15000
TP 0
EXP 3500
GALD 2312
ITEMS SW280280 [1]
As usual, have Stahn start with Dragon Blade. If he has reached level
40 already, attack Rembrandt with Light Spear. It doesn't make much of
a difference, just try to keep him busy so that he can't unleash one
of his vicious attacks on the party.
Rembrandt carries a very powerful disc, so you should make sure that
Rutee steals it from him. After that, have her cast Demon's Lance.
Don't bother healing unless it is really necessary, Garr can take care
of any minor damage using items...
If Clemente has reached level 40, have Philia cast the Holy Wrath
spell to deal about 900 points of damage; if he hasn't, just cast Holy
Lance (700 points of damage).
As mentioned before, Garr should play the part of the healer in this
battle. However, if Rembrandt manages to give Stahn a hard time at the
front, don't hesitate to send Garr after to support him (note that
Rutee would have to concentrate on healing instead of casting attack
spells in this case).
This is an easy battle overall, but don't take it for granted.
Rembrandt's attacks pack quite a punch, you must not let your guard
After the fight, Rembrandt will explode (!). Marian, upon finding out
that Leon is dead, will explain that she was hired by Hugo because she
resembled Leon's mother...
After Marian is sent down to the safety of the surface in an escape
pod, the party will get on the Sky Cruiser. Unfortunately, the
security system of Dycroft, which comprises the Guardian Draconis and
the Mirror Shield, will stop you.
This opens up the path of two new missions: going to the Aeropolis
Cloudius to deactivate the Guardian Draconis and going to Helraios to
revive Igtenos and find a way to neutralize the Mirror Shield. Even
though there is no set order for these missions, I recommend doing the
latter first (because Igtenos will need every bit of experience he can
get once he is revived).
NOTE: Remember to equip the SW280280 disc on Stahn!

Anyway, leave the Sky Cruiser and enter the nearby Aeropolis, Josaia.
Use the teleporter to get to the Warp Gate, then head for Ignasea
(through the blue gate). You should go to Radisrol for healing and new
equipment (the Weapons and Armor shops should be there already). Now
go down to the surface using the anti-grav elevator, then go all the
way to Lienea village in Fitzgald. Check the stone slab near by the
pond, you should be able to get the Sacred Skill 'Dragon Toss' now
(the right answer are 'Fire Storm' and 'Kick Attack').
NOTE: Around this point, if Chelsea is in your party, she will talk
about being homesick (in my case, it happened on the way to
Radisrol's control room). If you visit Alba in his cabin near
Janos, you can learn about Chelsea's past.
Now, take the anti-grav elevator at Darilsheid to go back to
Radisrol. Remember that the next two missions can be done in any
order, but I strongly recommend that you go to Helraios first!

3.22- Rodeon, Helraios and Igtenos' Revival
Items to Get: Ankh Shield [1], Elven Bow [1], Warrior Symbol [1],
Juicy Beef [8], Oberol EX [3], Oberol G [1],
Green Gel [1], Card Key [Valuable], Orange Gel [1],
Score D [1], Flare Claw [1], Laser Blade [1],
Flare Sword [1], Winged Boots [1]
Discs to Get: Volcano [1]
Leave Radisrol, then go to Ignasea. In the Warp Gate room, go through
the green gate and step into the light to be beamed to the Aeropolis
From the Warp Gate at Rodeon, go south and use the teleporter to be
taken to level 5. This is the easiest Aeropolis yet, so there's not
even the need to draw a map. Just like the in Josaia, you can play a
mini game of sorts here with the monsters: in certain points of the
girders you will find bombs which you can drag around and detonate
using the Sorcerer's Ring to eliminate the monsters.
From the point where you start in level five, go to the upper left
area and use the elevator to reach level 3. Use one of the elevators
there to get to level 1; once there, get an Ankh Shield from the blue
chest in the middle and get on the nearby elevator.
You should be in level 2 right now. Get an Elven Bow from the chest
at the bottom, then use the elevator at the top-right corner to get
a Warrior Symbol from a chest in level 4 (equip it on Garr). Return
down and get on the nearby elevator that leads to a different part of
level 4. Finally, use the teleporter in the upper left corner to reach
the exit.

Once outside Rodeon, travel a bit north, then west and a bit south
to reach Helraios.
Enter the Aeropolis and go north in the first room. In the short
corridor, go up to reach a spacious room. Get a Juicy Beef from a
chest to your left, then check the computer in the upper right corner
for a clue about a password if you feel like it (the clues were messed
up in the translation...).
Return down now and follow the path until you come to a room with
three doors (including the on you came through). Use the left door and
go through the room filled with conveyor belts to reach a room with
four chests (they contain 3 Oberol EXs and an Oberol G). Go down from
there, then walk left and up past the flame-throwers into another
Here, you will have to move using the conveyor belts. Walk up and get
on the belt to your right. When you have to chose go up, right, up, up
and right. Get a Green Gel from the chest, then go left and up to
reach a door, go through it. You should be in front of three doors, go
through all of them and get two Juicy Beefs, the Volcano disc and the
Card Key (a valuable). Now return down using the left door (the one
you came through).
Go back to the bottom of the room, get on the belt from before and go
up, right, up, up, left, up, up, then use the door there to get a
Juicy Beef. Return down and use the belts to go left, grab an Orange
Gel from the chest and use the left belt to return to the beginning of
the room.
Back in the room were you saw the flame-throwers, use the right exit
and follow the path to enter another room with conveyor belts. Just
like before, get on the belt going right; when you have to chose, go
up, right, right, up and up to get to a chest containing the Score D.
Return to the bottom and get on the belt, then go up, right, up, left,
right, left and up for an Orange Gel. Use the nearby belt to return
Now backtrack to the room with the three doors you saw near the
beginning of this place (before the conveyor belt area). Go through
the golden door in the middle; check the two computers there for more
useless clues, then check the door at the top to open it with the Card
In the new area, walk a bit up and go left to get two Juicy Beefs,
then return right. Ignore the door just north from there and follow
the path, getting the treasure in each of the rooms (two Juicy Beefs
and a Flare Claw). Now go through the door you ignored earlier (it's
in the middle of the room) and just keep moving until you reach a Save
Point, use it!
Go north through the door and check the computer to enter the
infamous password. As I said before, the translators screwed up here,
so guessing the password by yourself is almost impossible... You have
to pick from the four sets of characters and then chose which one you
want to input. To start, input 'GIFT', then 'FATE' to open the door.
If you input 'GIFT' before, you should find a chest containing a
Laser Blade (equip it on Garr). Now go through the door in the upper
right corner of the room to get a Flare Sword, then return down and
use the door on the left side. You will meet Ilene, who will attack
you after a short conversation...

BOSS: Ilene___________________________________________________________
HP 13000
TP 800
EXP 3500
GALD 1980
ITEMS Mind Ring [1]
Ilene is really weak, so there's no need for any kind of strategy,
just pummel her with all you've got. Stahn's Dragon Blade and Garr's
Mirage work great, so does the Holy Lance spell. You can have Rutee
steal a Mind Ring from Ilene if you want to; though I doubt it's going
to be of much use...
After her defeat, Ilene will explain her reasons for siding with
Hugo: she wanted to create a better world from the ashes of the one
under the Aethersphere. Sadly, after reasoning and realizing how wrong
Hugo's methods were, Ilene commits suicide...
After another long scene, Igtenos will finally be repaired. While he
and the others start work on a device to neutralize the Mirror Shield,
Rutee will try to comfort Stahn...

When the device is finally complete, you will regain control of your
party. Equip Igtenos on Garr immediately (he starts at level 7, so he
will need every single bit of experience he can get). Now get a pair
of Winged Boots from the nearby chest and use them to leave the

Now go back to Rodeon and warp to Ignasea. Return to Radisrol for

healing and supplies. Also, buy some new equipment there if you can
afford it, it's pretty good.

3.23- Deimos, Cloudius and the Guardian Draconis
Items to Get: Gold Key [Valuable], Iron Key [Valuable],
Bronze Key [Valuable], Guitar [1], Green Gel [1],
Orange Gel [1], Melange Gel [1], Lemon Gel [1],
Pine Gel [1], Miracle Gel [1], Life Bottle [1],
Dark Seal [1], Rubber Suit [1], Silver Plate [1],
Crescent Bow [1], Lucky Blade [1], Protect Ring [1],
GC Rod [1], Elven Cape [1], Sacred Text 6 [1],
Egg [Valuable], Winged Boots [1]
Discs to Get: Earth [1], Tornado [1]
Just like before, leave Radisrol and go to Ignasea. In the Warp Gate
room, go through the yellow gate and step into the light to be beamed
to the Aeropolis Deimos.

From Deimos' Warp Gate room, go south. You will be in a dark room
where all you can see is a small circle of light around you. Don't
worry about it, it will change soon. In fact, this is the easiest
Aeropolis you will ever visit: there aren't even random encounters,
just three measly groups of monsters to beat! Here's a map of the
| _ _ |
| ___| ¨¨ |___ |
| |_____ _____| |
| | <<<>>> | |
| | ‾‾ | |
| | |‾‾‾‾‾‾| | |
| | | | | |
| | |______| | |
| | ______ | ENTRANCE |
| _| |_ | | WARP |
| DESTROYED | | |--| GATE |
| WARP | T1 | | | |--|__ |
| GATE ‾‾‾‾‾‾ | | | | |
| __|--| ________/ \____| | |
| | | | -|- -|- | |
| | |___| |‾‾‾‾‾\ /‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| |____________| | | |
| ________|--|________ |
| | |___ ___| |_____ |
| _______| _ <<<>>> _ ___| |
| __|_ ____ |_| ‾‾ |_| |>>>> | |
| ____________ | <<<<| | |‾‾___| |
| | __ | | ‾‾| | _ _ |>>>> | |
| | |__| | ‾DD‾‾_____| |_| |_| |‾‾ | |
| |_____ _____| | __ |_ __| |
| | _ _ | | | |_______________ _| DD |
| | |_| |_| |______| | | | |
| | _ _ ______ | _____ | |__ |
| | |_| |_| | | |____/ _ \__ |__ | |
| | | |_______ |_| __| | | |
| |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| \_____/ | | |
| | | _____ | | |
| | T2 T3 |__________________/ _ | | | |
| | ________ ________ |_| |__| | |
| | T4 T5 | / ×× \ |___________| |
| | | | | |
| |____________________| | (¤) | |
| \___ ___/ |
| |--| |
| EXIT |
| |
| |
| -|- & -- Connections Between ¨¨ Locked Door |
| Screens ×× Sealed Door |
| << & >> Stairways (¤) Teleporter |
| DD Stairs Going Down |
| |
| T1 Guitar T4 Earth |
| T2 Dark Seal T5 Silver Plate |
| T3 Rubber Suit |

Okay, you should still be just south of the warp gate. Go left to
find a crossroads, then go down into the main part of this dungeon.
You should be able to see three rats running around in the darkness;
you have to chase them and "talk" to them to engage in battle. After
each battle you will get a Valuable item: the Gold, Iron and Bronze
Keys, which you will soon be using...
Once you have all three keys, return north to the crossroads and use
the exit going up. Walk north and use the stairs, then check the
nearby door to open it with the three keys. Walk into the new room and
check the strange looking thing in the center, this should turn the
power on, which means there's light now! Walk back south now, but
before returning to the crossroads, get a Guitar from the chest in the
bottom-left corner of the area.
Return down to the room where you fought the rats. Go down the stairs
near the entrance and walk far left to find a set of stairs going down
to another area. Use them and follow the long path to reach a room
with several chests containing a Green Gel, an Orange Gel, a Melange
Gel, a Lemon Gel, a Pine Gel, a Miracle Gel and a Life Bottle. Now go
back to the room where you found the rats.
From the stairs near the entrance, go right and down the stairs to
reach another area. Follow the path left to get Score C from a chest,
then return to the main area once more.
This time, use the path going left at the bottom of the room. Turn
left when you get to a junction and you should reach a room with four
pillars. Go down from there into a spacious room and get the contents
of the four chests: a Dark Seal, a Rubber Suit, the Earth disc and a
Silver Plate. Now find a path going right in this room and use it, you
should see a door going down pretty soon, go through it. The exit is
right there!
TIP: The Dark Seal increases the experience gained by one character,
but cancels all of his/her special skills. You should equip it
on Garr, since he and specially Igtenos are low on levels. Plus,
since Igtenos is so weak, Garr's special attacks don't help
much. This doesn't mean he'll become a burden, just equip a
powerful disc on Igtenos (such as Demon Arrow) and Garr will
become a deadly spell-casting machine!

In the world map, save your game and travel south, east and northeast
to reach the Aeropolis Cloudius. Save your game and enter.
Step on the teleporter to reach a girders area (like you didn't see
THAT coming):
| LEVEL 1 |
| ---+----- | |
| | +-----+ | | |
| +-----+ --+--+---+ |
| | | | -----+ |
| | +-----+---+ | |
| | | | |
| +--+ ---+-+----+---+---+ |
| | | | | |
| | | | +---- |
| | ----+------+ |
| +---+ | |
| | +---+ |
| +---+ | | |
| | ------+-----+ (¤) |
| (U) | |
| (¤) |
| |
| LEVEL 2 |
| +--------+--------+ |
| | | | |
| +---+-+ | +-+---+ |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | (U) (U) (U) | |
| | | |
| +---+----+----+ +----+ |
| | | | ++ |
| +---+ +-+ | | |
| | | +---------+ |
| | | |
| (D) +---------------------(¤) |
| |
| LEVEL 3 |
| | |
| ---+----------+ | | |
| | | +------+--+ |
| +--+ | | |
| | ---------+----------+ | |
| (¤) | | |
| (D) (D) (D) | |
| | | | |
| +---+ +-------------+ |
| | | |
| | +---+--------+ |
| | + +--------- |
| +-------+----------------------(U) |
| |
| LEVEL 4 |
| +------ (U) +-- |
| | | | |
| +---- | +-- |
| | +-----------+ |
| +-+------+ | +-- |
| | +----+ | |
| | | +--+-- |
| +-+------+ | |
| | | | |
| + +----+--------+ |
| +------+ | | |
| | | +-----+ |
| (¤)-----+ (¤) | | |
| | (D) |
| |
| LEVEL 5 |
| (¤) (D) (¤) |
| | | | |
| | +--------+ |
| +---+ | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| +------- +--+-- | |
| +-----+ | +--+ |
| | | | | |
| | ---+--- | | |
| | | | +--+ |
| | ---+--------+- | |
| ' ' |
| |
| |
| --- Horizontal Path (¤) Teleporter |
| | Vertical Path (D) Elevator Going Down |
| + Junction (U) Elevator Going Up |

NOTE: You can get the GC (Green Crystal) Rod in this dungeon. If you
miss this item, you will not be able to access the bonus dungeon
of the game, so MAKE SURE YOU GET IT!
You start in the lower right corner of level one. Go left and use the
teleporter to be taken to a room with plants. Walk right and get a
Crescent Bow from the blue chest, then check the plaque in the middle
to get a clue for an upcoming puzzle: "The Goddess who shines her
light upon darkness bides her time silently." Note also that there is
a crest engraved on the wall, it's the moon. Now return to the girders
using the teleporter.
Walk back right and follow the path going north. When you reach the
top, go left and up, then down to reach an elevator leading to level
2. Walk a bit north from the elevator, then go right and down at the
first junction. Follow the path and use the teleporter to get to a
room with another clue: "The fragment of the night's first star falls
in the west." Get a Lucky Blade from the chest next to the star crest
engraved on the wall and return to the girders. Walk left and up, then
follow the path to your right. You will eventually reach a three-way
junction; go down and use the teleporter there to get another clue for
the puzzle: "The Fire Spirit, the source of all light, faces the
Goddess and burns when it receives the light of fire." Note that the
crest on the wall is the sun. Now backtrack to level 2.
Walk up and follow the path left. Ignore the first junction and
continue left, go down at the next one and take the elevator to level
3. Now walk down and use the lower path going right to reach an
elevator going to level 4.
Go left of the elevator and step onto the first teleporter you see to
get to an area with three chests containing a Protect Ring, an Elven
Cape and the GC Rod (which you need to access the bonus dungeon).
Return to the girders and work your way to the teleporter on the
bottom-left corner for another clue: "Saturn stands between the Fire
Spirit and the Goddess." Get back on the teleporter to reach level 4,
then work your way to the elevator at the top and use it.
Walk south to the bottom of the screen, then go left and up to reach
a teleporter. You should appear in a room with a stairway and a stone
slab by the right wall. Check the latter; you should be able to obtain
the Hellfire Sacred Skill from it (the right answers are 'Flare
Tornado' and 'Force'). Now use the stairway to go up and save your
game. Go through the door at the top of that very room to reach the

Figuring out this puzzle on your own could take a while, but it'd be
quite fun. I recommend you try to do it by yourself, but anyway...
Start by going through one of the doors at the top to get to another
floor. There are four holes and a crystal sphere with little stars.
Remember the second clue: "The fragment of the night's first star
falls in the west.", which means you should drop the sphere into the
left hole (you will hear it shatter; don't worry, it's supposed to
happen). Get the Tornado disc from the chest in the middle and return
According to the first clue: "The Goddess who shines her light upon
darkness bides her time silently.", so place the moon sphere over the
clock at the southern peak of the cross (you will know it has been
situated correctly when the sphere lowers itself onto the floor). Now,
the third clue said: "The Fire Spirit, the source of all light, faces
the Goddess and burns when it receives the light of fire.", making
pretty obvious that the sun sphere should go on the top spot.
The fourth clue reads: "Saturn stands between the Fire Spirit and the
Goddess." The odd part is that you don't have a Saturn sphere...
Fortunately, you can make one yourself: move the empty crystal sphere
onto the ring in the lower-left area of the room; they will combine
forming Saturn! Drag the new Saturn sphere onto the last peak of the
Now, for the finishing touch, remember the third clue again. It said
that the sun "burns when it receives the light of fire", so equip the
Sorcerer's Ring and shoot the sun sphere. If everything is right, a
dome of light will appear. You are finally done with the puzzle, just
go back down and save your game, then return to the girders area using
the teleporter.

Okay, now work your way to the teleporter in the top-right corner and
use it. If you solved the puzzle correctly, you should be able to walk
over a path of... overgrown roots. Heal up and go up through the door
to meet Baruk, who will tell you about his desire for a true utopia
and attack you, of course.

BOSS: Baruk___________________________________________________________
HP 15000
TP 0
Earthworm [3]
HP 2835
TP 0
EXP 5075
GALD 1829
ITEMS Dark Bottle [1]
A good way to describe this battle would be pathetically easy.
Really, I don't know why they even bother... Apart from that, he
doesn't even carry a decent item for you to steal!
Anyway, have Stahn use his best skills. You may even want to try your
Sacred Skills (though they aren't very useful in my humble opinion).
The Earthworms should be dead in a snap (specially with Rutee and
Philia casting spells), then you should get Baruk. I don't want to
sound repetitive, but Dragon Blade is the most effective skill here
In order to get rid of the Earthworms, have Rutee cast Blizzard and
Philia cast Holy Wrath or Explode (even better). It shouldn't be long
before they all die, leaving poor Baruk alone.
From the beginning of the battle, have Garr cast Demon's Lance on
Baruk to keep him busy. Rutee and Philia should join Garr once they
are done with the Earthworms, just cast the same spells from before to
deal thousands of damage.
After the fight, check the chair under the chest under the chair
where Baruk was sitting to get the Egg (a Valuable item). You need
this item for an extra quest, so don't miss it! Now press the big red
button on the wall and the Guardian Draconis will be no more.
If you have already been to Helraios, Belcrant will go off again as
you try to leave. Now check Baruk's body, it will disappear and you
will get some Winged Boots (what the...!). Leave the room and use the
Winged Boots to exit to the Aethersphere, which is now almost

3.24- Battle in Belcrant. Hugo's Secret...
Items to Get: Score E [1], Duel Sword [1], Silver Cape [1]
Discs to Get: Blizzard [1], SP100300 [1], Mercy [1]
It's time to go to Belcrant already! However, I recommend that you
visit Radisrol one last time before facing Hugo. To reach Radisrol,
simply travel southeast (you can recognize it in the mini map for its
proximity to Ignasea).
This is the last time you will be in Radisrol, so try to buy any
useful equipment you couldn't afford before. You could also go down to
Darilsheid to exchange your Lens (though it's not essential).
NOTE: Make sure you buy several pairs of Winged Boots while you are
in Radisrol, they will come in handy later on!
In case you are interested, you can now play the Ship Combat
mini-game at Moreau Square, check section 4.9 for more information.
There's nothing important to win from it, and it will be available
later, but I figured some of you would like to know...

Once you are ready, leave Radisrol and enter the nearby Aeropolis,
Ignasea. Use the teleporter near the entrance to reach the Warp Gate,
then go through the red gate and step into the light to be warped to
Josaia. Leave the Aeropolis to find the abandoned Sky Cruiser. Now
save your game and get on to start the trip to Belcrant!
In Belcrant, follow the path and go inside, then step on the
teleporter. Once again you will be in a dungeon resembling the other
Aeropolises, though this one is actually much easier. All you have to
do is go from level to level using the elevator thingies. Every level
has the same design, so there's no need for much explanation.
You start in level 1. Get Score E for Karyl from a chest at the top,
then use the device near the middle to get to level 2. Grab the
Blizzard disc from the blue chest at the center and equip it on Garr
or Rutee (mainly for the status boost). Now get on the elevator at the
southern end to reach level 3, get the SP100300 disc from the chest on
the left end and a Duel Sword from the upper-right area, then use the
elevator near the center. There's no treasure in level 4, just get on
the elevator at the top. Go near the center of level five to get the
Mercy disc from a chest (equip it on Philia), then use the elevator on
the left end of the place. Finally, in level 6, get a Silver Cape on
the right side and use the teleporter at the center.
You should be in a room with two teleporters. Get on the right one to
enter level 1 of what we could call the second 'tower' of Belcrant.
There's not even treasure to collect here, just keep going up until
you find another teleporter.
After going through the second tower, you will appear near a stairway
going up. Heal up completely and make sure that Garr is equipped with
the Demon Arrow disc, then go north to meet Hugo, who will give Rutee
the "I'm your father" and "come to the dark side" speech ^_^ After
that, he will reveal that he has Berselius, the Swordian who had
supposedly died during the Aeth'er Wars! After some more talking, you
will have to fight.

BOSS: Hugo____________________________________________________________
HP 20000
TP 999
EXP 4400
GALD 3200
ITEMS Mystic Symbol [1]
Although this battle is not really difficult, taking victory for
granted can be deadly. Giving Hugo a short break can lead to him
casting a deadly spell!
Okay, I guess you already know what Stahn has to do... Dragon Blade!
Hugo must not get the chance to do anything. When he teleports, go
after him immediately or he will play havoc with your party!
Rutee should use her Thievery special skill on Hugo until she is
successful, as Hugo carries a Mystic Symbol, which is well worth the
effort. Once you are sure you have gotten the item, have Rutee either
cast attack spells or use Bloody Rose on Hugo. Obviously, if Hugo
gets to cast a spell and damage the party, you will have to stop
whatever you are doing to cast Nurse or another healing spell.
Philia should cast either Holy Lance or Holy Wrath (which damage Hugo
for about 1300 and 1700 points respectively). Meanwhile, Garr should
cast Demon's Lance for an astounding 1600 points of damage!

While Hugo doesn't seem to be tough at first, you should be careful

around him. If you ever leave him alone for a while, he will cast Holy
Wrath on your party, damaging everyone for about 2000 points! Hugo can
also teleport around and use a special attack that resembles Rutee's
Snipe Roar, but that shouldn't be much of a problem. The most powerful
attack Hugo can use is called 'Divine Power': it's an attack composed
of four very powerful spells (one for each of the classic elements)
hat will definitely hurt everyone on the screen for over 3500 points!
Although Huge rarely uses Divine Power, you must be ready for it. This
attack is the main reason for the special attention you must pay to
After the battle, Hugo will start acting oddly... It appears
Berselius was the mastermind behind this whole plan, Hugo was simply a
pawn! Realizing that she was abandoned for her own protection, Rutee
will finally accept Hugo as her father minutes before his death...
Suddenly, a person will appear out of thin air. It's Kronos, king of
the Aetherians! It seems that, upon his defeat, Kronos' soul possessed
the body of Berselius, who died in battle! On top of that, Berselius
has evolved over the years, he is now what Kronos calls the 'Swordian
After a display of power, Belcrant will go off one last time,
completing the Aethersphere. Kronos will then have Belcrant sink into
the sea with you inside!

3.25- A World of Fear and Darkness...
Items to Get: None
After being miraculously rescued by Fayte, you will be taken to talk
to the king of Seinegald. The situation does not look nice, Radisrol
has been taken by the enemy, and although Riker's assistant managed
to escape, he is badly injured and needs to rest for now...
Continuing the avalanche of bad news, you will be informed that there
are monsters descending from the Aethersphere attacking the villages
in Seinegald. You will help, of course: you'll have to visit one of
the three villages in Seinegald (Harmentz, Armeida and Cresta) and
defeat the monsters there to continue with the game. I recommend going
to Armeida, since it's the nearest town and there's only one monster
to kill. It's not that the monsters are tough or anything, but they do
get annoying when you have to fight them ten times or more (as in
Buy any supplies you are missing, then leave the city. Note that
monsters you encounter on the World Map have changed, so don't let
your guard down. Travel west, then north near the crater and you will
reach Armeida. When you enter the town, an Ogre will attack you, just
kill it! Vims and Melina (of the Seven Generals of Seinegald) will now
appear and tell you that they have decided to abandon Armeida. Then
you will be summoned to Darilsheid to talk to Raiker's assistant, who
has just woken up.
Back in Darilsheid castle, you will have to go to the war room (it's
on the second floor of the main structure). Now talk to the assistant
at the top of the room to start the meeting. The new plan is basically
to build a gigantic Lens cannon and vaporize the Aethersphere.
Once you are in control of Stahn again, go up to the pulpit to
receive your instructions: after the cannon destroys a part of the
Aethersphere, you will have to go up there and defeat Kronos. In order
to do that you will need to find some of the rare metal called
Belselium to repair the Draconis AND go to a secret lab to upgrade
your Swordians.
According to Dymlos, the Belselium can be found somewhere in Junkland
(a city in Calvalese) and the Swordian R&D Laboratory is located just
north of Armeida. Although you can do these missions in any order, I
think that going to Junkland first is slightly better, so...

3.26- Garbage Labyrinth! The Quest for the Belselium
Items to Get: Magical Rouge [1], Bahamut's Tear [1], Score F [1],
Winged Boots [1], ?HELM [1], Doom Blade [1],
Dragon Fang [1], Flare rod [1], Belselium [Valuable]
Discs to Get: Thunder [1], SW400400 [1]
Go to the harbor and use the Horn to summon the Sea Dragon. You will
have to travel northwest, to the port town of Cherik in the continent
of Calvalese. Once in Cherik, buy supplies if necessary. Make sure you
check the dresser in the house where there's a baby to get a Magical
Leave the town now and travel north until you reach the city of
Kalviola. From there, go southwest and then north to enter Junkland.
Inside Junkland, go to the equipment shop and buy 15 Neutralizers
(you will need them to survive in the next dungeon). Now go to the top
part of the town and talk to the person blocking the cave entrance to
have him move.
NOTE: The junkhunter near the cave will try to sell you a ?SWORD for
99,999 Gald, don't buy it! It's just a Laser Blade, like the one
you got at Helraios. You don't need it at all.

Inside the cave, enter your menu and use a Neutralizer. It will
protect your party from the toxic gas in this cave for a certain
period of time. This is quite important, as your party's HP would drop
by 2% with each step in the gas under normal conditions! That is why
it's so important to bring as many Neutralizers as possible.
As usual, the map of the dungeon is below. Since the layout of this
place can be a bit confusing even with the map, I have differentiated
the areas where you can walk from the areas where you can't.
| ______ |
| ×××××××××××××××××××××××| |××× |
| ×××××________××××××××××|\D/ |××× |
| ××××|T2 |××××××××××‾‾‾| |××× |
| ×××××‾‾‾‾‾| |×××××××××××××|--|××× |
| ×××××__×××| |×××××××××××××| |××× |
| ××××|T1||‾ _|××××××××××××××\ \×× |
| ××××| || |×××××××|‾‾‾‾‾‾|××| |× |
| ××××| || |×××××××| |\ |××| |× |
| ×××|‾--‾‾ ‾|××××××|T5|| |×/ /×× |
| ×××| |××××××| || || |××× |
| ×|‾ ‾|××××|--||--||--|××× |
| ×| |××××| || || |××× |
| ×|‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾|×××| || || |××× |
| ×| |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾| |×××| || || |××× |
| ×| |×××××××| |××|‾ ‾‾ ‾‾ ‾‾|× |
| ×|--|×××××××| |××| |‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾×× |
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| ××××××××××|___ ____|××××××××××× |
| ××××××××××××××| |×××××××××××××××× |
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| ××××××××××××××××\_________/‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾\ /×××× |
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| ××××|_ |×| _/×_________________| |_| /××××\ | |
| ××××××\ |×| /××/ -|- \××××/ | |
| ××××××| |×| |×××| /‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾\ |‾\ ‾‾‾‾ / |
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| ××××/‾ ‾‾ ‾‾‾‾ |×××××××××××| |××××××××××××××××× |
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| ××××| |×××××××××| |×××××××××__| |___×××××××××××××× |
| ××××|\D/|×××××××××| |××××××××/ _______|××××××××××××× |
| ××××|T6 |×××××××××| |×××××××( (_______×××××××××××××× |
| ××××| \_______/ \____×××\_______ \××××××××××××× |
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| ×××××××××××××××××××/ -- \××××/ |×××××××××××× |
| ×______/U\_××××××××| |×××| /‾‾‾| |×××××××××××× |
| / T3 \×××××××| \__/ |×××|__|×××××××××××× |
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| ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× |
| |
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| ×/ _____/×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××‾‾×× |
| ×| /××××××××××_/U\_____×××××××××××××××××××××××× |
| ×| |×××××××××/ ___ \××××××××_____×××××××××× |
| ×| |×××××××××| /×××\ |×××××××/ T4 \××××××××× |
| ×| ‾‾‾‾\××××| \×××/ |_______| |××××××××× |
| ×| <B> )×××\ ‾‾‾ -|- /××××××××× |
| ×|_______/×××××‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾×××××××××× |
| ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× |
| |
| |
| -- & -|- Connections Between \D/ Ropes Going Down |
| Screens /U\ Ropes Going Up |
| Breakable wall «» Boulders |
| ××× Unwalkable Areas ¤¤ Hole |
| <B> Belselium |
| |
| T1 Bahamut's Tear T6 Dragon Fang |
| T2 Score F T7 Thunder |
| T3 Winged Boots T8 Flare Rod |
| T4 ?HELM T9 SW400400 |
| T5 Doom Blade |

Now, from the entrance go north. At the fork choose the left path and
inspect the suspicious looking wall to break it. Proceed up and turn
left, then break the wall by the little gas cloud near the left end
and go north through the passage.
You should be in a room filled with gas clouds. At the top, use the
open passage to reach a chest containing the Bahamut's Tear axe (a
great weapon, equip it on Mary if she's with you). Return down, walk
right a little and break the wall there, then go through the passage
to get the Score F. Now backtrack to the passage before the room
filled with gas.
From the passage you just used, walk south into another room. There
should be a rope leading to a lower level, go down it. Walk left for a
pair of Winged Boots and use the nearby rope to go further down. Walk
down and head right. You will come to a room with a chest contaning a
?HELM (use a Rune Bottle or Philia's 'Identify' skill to transform it
into a Star Helm and equip it on Stahn or Garr).
Now you have to go back to the fork near the entrance. If you want to
save some time, you could use a pair of Winged Boots (just make sure
you have another pair for later). Anyway, once you are at the fork,
take the right path. Break the weak part of the wall in front of you
and follow the path to get to a chest containing a Doom Blade, then
return down. Walk right past the open passage and break the nearby
wall. Just follow the long path now until you find a rope leading to a
lower level, use it.
Walk a little down from the rope and head right, into another
screen. Keep going right through the long passage, then walk a bit
down and follow the path going left. You should eventually come to a
place where you have to choose between two passages, one leading south
and one leading west, use the latter.
In the new screen, walk left first, then go all the way down to the
bottom of the screen (. Follow the path to your left to get the Dragon
Fang (a weapon for Bruiser), then return right, go up a little and
turn left. Head south when you reach a junction and you should reach a
rope leading down to a lower level.

Follow the path going down and right and you will eventually find a
boulder in your way (you can drag it around if you press the Circle
button next to it). Now, take it right and up and place it on the
little hole in the floor so that you can walk over it. Go right from
there and follow the path south to get to a chest containing the
Thunder disc (equip it on Garr). Return all the way up to the spot
where you placed the boulder and examine the weak wall there to break
it, then follow the path going left into another screen.
Walk a bit right and then up. Check the northern wall to break it and
go through the passage. Get the chests in the room for a Flare Rod and
the SW400400 disc (equip it on Stahn!). Return down now and proceed
Follow the path until you get to a junction. Take the right path
first to find a small boulder like the one from before. Push it up,
left and down to cover the hole and proceed down. Just follow the
winding path now until you find a little silver pyramid on the floor;
that's the Belselium. Take it (it will appear in the Valuables
sub-menu) and use a pair of Winged Boots to leave the dungeon. Now
just leave the town and save your game!
Okay, now simply return to Darilsheid and get ready for the typical
fire dungeon...

3.27- Swordian R&D, the Birthplace of the Swordians
Items to Get: RC Rod [1], Sacred Text 4 [1], Vorpal Sword [1],
Beam Shield[1]
Discs to Get: SP240360 [1], Hellfire [1], SW350350 [1]
As always, buy any items you need before leaving the city. The
laboratory is located just north of the village of Armeida (the cave
entrance may be hard to see because of the darkness, but it's there).

As you enter, the party will have a short conversation, once it's
over enter your Equipment sub-menu. Since most enemies in this place
absorb Fire elemental damage, Dymlos is useless for the time being,
which means it's time to give Stahn another weapon (the Bahamut's Tear
axe is recommended). It would also be a good idea to give the SW400400
disc to Rutee, since her Swordian is a Water elemental. Finally, go to
the Spell-sub-menu and disable all of Philia's Fire elemental spells.
Walk up from the entrance and go over the bridge. Use the Sorcerer's
Ring on the pillar near the right end; you should hear a sound. Now
just follow the path up and left to leave the screen.
Walk up and then a bit right over the bridge, then head down into
another room. Get the RC Rod from the chest and then check the stone
slab on the left to get the Sacred Skill 'Flame Vortex' (the right
answers are 'Explode' and 'Vortex'). Return up now and proceed right.
Get the Vorpal Sword from the chest and go up into another room.
You should now be in a room with many pillars and platforms. In order
to make your way through this place, you must use the Sorcerer's Ring
on the pillars to open or close paths. If you activate the wrong
switch and get stuck, you can always use the little teleporters found
on each platform to return to the entrance and then step on the switch
there to reset the whole puzzle.
Walk up to the platform just north of the entrance and use the
Sorcerer's Ring on the platform to your left. Go up, right and a bit
down, then shoot the rightmost pillar and get the SP240360 disc from
the nearby chest. Go far north now, then walk right behind a pillar to
reach a chest containing the Hellfire disc. Head left this time and
get the SW350350 disc from the chest (equip it on Garr or Rutee), then
go north and activate the last switch to open the path to the exit.
Once in the new room, walk left and down. Activate the switch near
the lower bridge and use the path that appears to reach a chest
containing a Beam Shield (equip it on Stahn). Now use the passage in
the lower right corner of the room to leave.

This room has another rather interesting puzzle. You will have to
direct a laser beam to a device at the top of the room using the
pillars. I suggest you try solving this yourself, just for the fun of
Note that each pillar has either a '\' or a '/' mark on it. That mark
shows the position of the mirror inside the pillar which you will use
to reflect the beam. Arrange all the pillars as shown in the diagram
below to open up the path:
| |
| ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ |
| (T) (T) |
| : |
| [\] [\] [\] [\] [\] [\] [/]··[/] [\] [\] |
| : |
| [\] [\] [\] [\] [\]··[\] [/]··[\] |
| : : : |
| ··[\] [\] [\] [\] [\] [\] [\]···:···[/] |
| : : |
| [\]·······[\] [\] [\] [\] [/]··[/] [\] |
| : : |
| (S) (S) |
| |
| |
| ·· & : Beam [\] Pillar with a '\' Mark |
| (T) Target Device [/] Pillar with a '/' Mark |
| (S) Source of the Beam |

Once the puzzle is solved, step on the teleporter at the top and go
through the door. After a short conversation, your Swordians will
receive a juicy boost of 100 to their Slash and Thrust stats, which is
apparently all they needed to fight Kronos.
Anyway, you will now have to leave the place on foot, as Winged Boots
can't be used here for some reason. There's no way to get lost, so I
won't write a walkthrough. Once you are out of the cave, equip Dymlos
back on Stahn and activate Clemente's Fire spells.

3.28- One Last Peaceful Night
Items to Get: Sacred Text 7 [1], Lens [Valuable], Old Cane [1]
Return to Darilsheid now. If you didn't deliver the Belselium before,
enter the Draconis now and give it to the person there.
Enter the city and go tell the king that you have fulfilled your
mission so he can give you a new assignment. There are not enough Lens
to power the cannon, so you will have to retrieve the special Lens
kept in Armeida, Cresta and Harmentz.
First of all, you will have to talk to the mayor of Armeida, who is
in the castle's War Room . He will tell you that the Lens was stolen
by a bandit who supposedly hides in the forest around Straylize
Temple. And since all rumors and suppositions are true in RPGs, you
will have to go there ^_^
As you leave the castle, make sure Stahn is equipped with Dymlos and
check the stone slab in the courtyard. If both Stahn and Dymlos are at
high enough levels, you will be able to get one of the best Sacred
Skills, 'Assassin' (the right answers are 'Dragon Blade' and 'Fiery

In case you don't remember, the forest leading to Straylize Temple is

northeast of Armeida. Once there, go up a bit and head far right. The
bandit should be standing by the stone slab. Talk to him and he will
attack (it's just an Ogre like the ones you fought before).
After the fight, you will get back Lens. Don't even bother to check
the stone slab, you need a special item to get the last Sacred Skill.
Just leave the forest and go to Harmentz (southwest of Armeida). The
Lens of this town is held by Walt, so go into his house and talk to
him. Remembering the time Rutee stole from him, Walt will ask you to
give him all your money and you will have to accept, there's no other
way. You have the Lens now, but don't leave so soon! Go into the room
just south from where Walt is and check the large dresser to get the
Old Cane. You must not miss this item, as it can be transformed into
the BC Rod, one of the three keys to the secret dungeon of ToD, the
Tower of Druaga. Now try to leave the mansion and Walt will give you
all your money back. Isn't he nice?
The last stop will be Cresta, Rutee's hometown. To get there, go a
bit south from Darilsheid, and then far east. Go to the mayor's house
(in the upper-right corner of town) and talk to him. After hesitating
a little, he will tell you that the Lens was buried by a tree in the
orphanage's grounds, go there. Check the tree, you will find nothing;
go inside and ask the Director of the orphanage, who will explain that
there used to be a tree where the shed is now. Finally, enter the
shed, stand just right of the window and walk three steps south, then
dig to find the last Lens you need!

Now that you have all three Lenses, return to Darilsheid. Talk to
General Lewein at the courtyard and hand him the Lenses so he can
finish the cannon. Go talk to the King. He will suggest you get some
rest while the final adjustments are done.
You will now see a pretty lengthy scene of what happens at the inn.
Since it's so interesting, I decided to copy the dialogues here. Note
that the scenes for the optional characters take place only if they are
in the party at the time and some of them (particularly Mary's) may
vary according to certain decisions you made earlier.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾
-In Stahn and Garr's room -
Garr: What's the matter? Can't you sleep?
Stahn: I'm really tired, but I can't seem to get to sleep...
Garr: I understand how you must feel, but you should try to get
some rest.
Stahn: Yeah, I'll try... How about you, Garr? Aren't you sleeping?
Garr: I have many things on my mind.
Stahn: Like what?
Garr: Oh, about the future...
Stahn: What?
Garr: I wonder if we'll be able to restore peace to this world
after all the fighting is done? Belcrant has torn away the
surface of the world and sunlight has been taken from us as
well. When I start to think about what needs to be done
after the fighting is over, my head starts to hurt.
Stahn: You're right... Even if we win, the world won't return to
normal right away.
Garr: Yes, that's why we need young people like you to rebuild our
Stahn: ... I don't think I'm capable of...
Garr: You should believe in yourself. Don't underestimate
yourself. For example, you're still carrying on even though
the odds are against us. You are an optimist. This world
needs more people like you.
Stahn: Garr...
Garr: I suppose we should call it a day. We still have a hard
road ahead of us.
Stahn: I'm going to step out for a bit...
Garr: All right... Don't stay out too late.
Stahn: Sure.

-In Rutee and Philia's room -

Philia: Why don't you relax for a while?
Rutee: Philia... What do you think about Stahn?
Philia: Why are you asking me that all of a sudden?
Rutee: I don't really mean anything by it... I'm just curious about
what you thought of him.
Philia: ...I think he's wonderful... Yes, he is wonderful.
Rutee: Wonderful? When? How? He's just a country boy...
Philia: He's so pure and honest...
Rutee: When he's focused on something, he forgets about everything
Philia: He's so earnest and hard-working...
Rutee: He tries to take responsibility for everything...
Philia: He has a strong sense of duty...
Rutee: Why is it that everything you say about him is so nice?
Philia: Rutee, you think about him only in negative terms.
Rutee: That, that's not true.
Philia: Rutee, why do you think people can't be more honest?
Rutee: I dunno. Beats me.
Philia: Life would be so much easier if everyone was honest with
Rutee: ... So, you want to say I'm not being honest with myself,
Philia: Only you will know that for sure.
Rutee: Oh, leave me alone, will you?
Philia: Sure...
Rutee: I'm going out.
Philia: Okay.
-After Rutee leaves, Clemente starts talking to Philia-
Clemente: How can you say those things?
Philia: What do you mean by that?
Clemente: Come now, you're no better than her.
Philia: I, I don't know what you are talking about...
-Someone knocks on the door-
Philia: Yes?
Stahn: Can I come in?
Philia: Stahn? Why, certainly.
-Stahn comes in-
Philia: So, what brings you here?
Stahn: Well, nothing really. I just couldn't sleep. I wanted to see
how everyone was doing.
Philia: I see.
Stahn: Hmmm? Where's Rutee?
Philia: She went outside.
Stahn: Outside? Where?
Philia: I don't know. I think she went outside to think for a while.
Stahn: I'd better go find her. She's probably up to no good if
she's by herself. Well, thanks. I'm going to find her now.
-Stahn leaves and Clemente starts talking again-
Clemente: You're not being honest.
Philia: This is the way it should be.

-Now we see Stahn walking around the inn. The optional character's
scenes take place now-
- Mary's Scene -
-Stahn finds Mary looking out the window near the stairs-
Stahn: Mary? What's the matter?
Mary: I can't sleep. You too, Stahn?
Stahn: Yup. By the way, have you seen Rutee around here?
Mary: Rutee. I thought I saw her pass by a little while ago.
Stahn: Okay. Thanks for the tip. I'll se you later.
-Stahn leaves-
Mary: Now, this is interesting...
- End of Mary's Scene -

- Karyl's Scene -
-Stahn finds Karyl alone in a hall-
Stahn: Karyl? What's going on?
Karyl: Yo, Stahn. I didn't want to bug anyone, so I'm doing a
mini-concert here. So, what's up? Do you want to hear some
Stahn: Um, not exactly. Have you seen Rutee?
Karyl: Yeah, sure did.
Stahn: Really?
Karyl: Yup. Ya know, I asked her if she wanted to hear a song, but
she ran out of here.
Stahn: Where did she go?
Karyl: She headed toward the east wing.
Stahn: Gotcha. Thanks, see ya.
-Stahn leaves-
Karyl: This blue light doesn't go well with a night like this.
- End of Karyl's Scene -

- Khang's Scene -
-Stahn finds Khang in the hall, surrounded by women-
Stahn: K, Khang!?
Khang: Whaddaya want? You got something to say to me?
Stahn: Not exactly...
Khang: Hey, will you get a clue and figure out what you want before
you bug me?! Here's a word of advice, bubba. Have a clear
goal in life, or you're gonna die! My goal in life? Women!
I want to be loved and adored by women! That's my goal in
Stahn: Err, okaaaaaaaaay... (I think)...
Khang: Hey!! You'd better not die!
Stahn: Huh?
Khang: Whaddaya mean 'huh?'!!! I haven't finished my fight with you
yet! You're mine! You'd better not die! Got it?
Stahn: Khang...
Khang: That's all I've gotta say to you. See ya.
-Khang leaves and Stahn enters the pub-
- End of Khang's Scene -

-At the pub, Stahn sits next to Rutee-

Stahn: I've finally found you.
Rutee: What do you want? Let me guess, you can't sleep either?
Stahn: Kinda...
Rutee: There's nothing we can do about it. In fact, if you can
sleep at a time like this, there's something wrong with you.
Stahn: This is it... We can't lose...
Rutee: You're right...
Stahn: What's wrong?
Rutee: I was thinking about all the things that happened. About my
past, the orphanage, my father, brother...
Stahn: Rutee...
Rutee: I'm sorry. I guess it's not the right time to get
sentimental yet...
Stahn: You know, I'm a pretty good listener, so I'll listen to you
if you want.
Rutee: Your kind words are more than enough. There's really no use
staying up all night to talk about this stuff. We still have
a very important job to do.
Stahn: Yeah.
Rutee: Let's go back.
-Rutee turns to the bartender-
Rutee: Thanks.
T. Owner: Sure thing, no problem.
Rutee: Then, good night.
Stahn: Yeah, good night.
-Rutee leaves the pub-
-Now we see a conversation between the four Swordians...-
Dymlos: Our time has come.
Atwight: This is out destiny.
Igtenos: We lost Berselius during the Aeth'er Wars.
Clemente: And Chaltier is no longer with us...
Dymlos: There are only four of us left now.
Atwight: Will we achieve victory with out powers?
Igtenos: We have to believe.
Clemente: We have to believe in the masters each of us has chosen.
Dymlos: In order to stop the Eye of Atamoni...
Atwight: ... there is no other choice.
Igtenos: We must take responsibility for the legacy of our past.
Clemente: Even if it means our existence.

-The next morning, in the hall-

Rutee: Looks like everyone's here.
Garr: The Multiplexed Lens Cannon should be operational now. Let's
go to the castle courtyard.
Stahn: Yes, let's go!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾ ‾
NOTE: Chelsea doesn't really have a scene of her own. She is just
sleeping in Rutee and Philia's room. The other character's say
a couple of lines about her, but nothing important at all.

Once you in control of the party again, leave the hotel and go to the
castle courtyard. Monsters will appear from the anti-grav elevator and
wreak havoc. On top of that, the cannon doesn't even scratch the
Aethersphere, as the energy is actually absorbed.
The party will now hear Raiker's voice. He will say that it's no use
shooting the Aethersphere, as there is a special field that not only
absorbs the energy of the canon, but is also absorbing the very life
force of the planet! The only way to open up a path is to aim at

3.29- A Bunch of Sidequests
Items to Get: Blue Talisman [1], Valkyrie [1], Holy Symbol [1],
Golden Seed [1], Terra [1], Gourmet A [1],
Gourmet B [1], Gourmet C [1], Gourmet D [1],
Score G [1], Sacred Text 8 [1], (plus all the stuff
from the Tower of Druaga and the Coliseum)
Discs to Get: Giant [1], Wind Power [1], Dark Power [1],
Blue Dragon [1]
Okay, now you can attack Dycroft! But, of course, you will want to do
all the side quests before. Believe me when I say there's plenty to
do! While you are in the courtyard, talk to the Assistant, he will
give you a Blue Talisman.
Now go out to the map and get on the Draconis. You will be asked if
you want to attack Dycroft or fly around the world. Choose the second

Coliseum: It's time to do the final part of the Coliseum at

‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ Neuestadt. The prizes are pretty decent and it should
be rather easy to win. Read 'Phase 3' in section 4.4
for more information.
Secret Spots: There are four hidden areas in the world map that you
‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾ can visit now that you have the Draconis. While
there are not really crucial, some of them provide
good items and clues about the rest of the sub-quests.
See section 4.10 for more information.
Lienea: There are two sub-quests waiting for you at Lienea,
‾‾‾‾‾‾ check section 4.11 for more information. Make sure you
get a Golden Seed from Aunt Maggie's garden if you want
to learn the last Sacred Skill later on. Oh, while you
are in Lienea, talk to Stahn's uncle Bob to get a Holy
Golden Voice: If you take Karyl to his house in Sheeden and go into
‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾ his room, you can meet his friend Sakuraba (who is
actually the game's composer). After some chatter, he
will play the piano, which will inspire Karyl to write
a new tune; after a few tries you will get the Score G,
which enables Karyl's final skill, Golden Voice. After
that, you can come back and ask Sakuraba to play the
piano for you (you can choose from two tunes). I
recommend doing this even if you don't use Karyl at
all, because the music itself is worth it.
The Tower: If you got the GC Rod, RC Rod and BC Rod, you can
‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾ access the secret dungeon, the Tower of Druaga, and
now's the perfect time to do it. You don't want to miss
all the great equipment that's up there! Check section
4.12 for more information.
Phoenix: If you've done everything else by now, you should be
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ready to earn Stahn's last Sacred Skill. For that, you
have to give the Golden Seed to Otto at the Laboratory
in Darilsheid. He will give you the Giant disc, equip
it on Dymlos and go to the monolith near the entrance
of Straylize Forest (don't forget to give Dymlos to
Stahn). If your level is high enough, which it really
should by now, you will be able to retrieve the Sacred
Text (the right answers are number 3 and number 1).

3.30- Dycroft, Last Hope of the Aetherians
Items to Get: Star Shield [1], Shamisen [1], Fragment [4],
Terra [1], Star Glove [1], Star Cap [1],
Soul Steel [1], Delis Emblem [Valuable],
Resist Ring [1], Force Ring [1], Star Cloak [1],
Faerie Ring [1], Cuttie Mitten [1]
Discs to Get: SP300410 [1]
Okay, now that you've done all the sidequests (I'll be assuming you
did, by the way), you should be ready to kick some major ass in
Dycroft. Just do the usual stuff: replenish you inventory rest at an
inn if you have to, then get on the Draconis and choose the first

From the Draconis follow the path to reach the Save Point placed at
the entrance (how convenient...), then go on. Go down the stairs in
the left to reach a chest containing a Star Shield, then go back and
use the stairs on the right for a Shamisen (a weapon for Karyl). Now
proceed north until you find a big mirror, touch it to reach another
- Mirror Area -
Keep going until you find another mirror; go through it for a
Fragment and a Terra armor, then continue your way right. After a
while you will reach a blue chest (contains a SP30041 disc). Use the
door right above the chest to reach a Star Glove and the second
Fragment, then return down and continue left to reach a mirror leading
to a new area.
Leave the mirror room and follow either path (the lead to the same
place). You will reach a wall with mirrors: go through the left and
middle ones first to get a Star Cap and the third Fragment, then use
the right mirror and follow the path to reach a different area.

- Prison Area -
Walk down and step on the magic circle to be transported to the
prison area, don't worry though, as bad guys never lock anything and
when they do, the just drop the key around somewhere... Now just leave
your cell and pick up the rest of your party (remember to rearrange if
necessary). The exit is on the upper-left corner of the area, but
before you leave, make sure you get the Soul Steel bow and the last
Fragment from the cells on the bottom-right. Once out of the dark
prison, use the Save Point and go down to reach the first room of this
Check your item screen. You should have 4 Fragments by now; if you
have any less, you will have to backtrack for the ones you misseed.
Now, assuming you have everything, just walk down over the magic
circle and the four Fragments will fuse into the Delis Emblem (a
valuable), allowing you to proceed to the next area.

Run left by the mirrors, and use the door at the end to reach a
spacious room. Head down through the passage at the bottom to get to
a chest containing a Resist Ring, then follow the path right into
another chamber. The path is simple here, just follow it, but make
sure you get the Force Ring from behind the railing near the exit
(it's on the right) before you leave.
You should now be in a room full of mirrors. Nothing special, you
just have to break them until you find the exit. In case you are not
in the mood to search for yourself: just shatter the second mirror
from left to right on the second row. Now follow the path into the
very annoying crystal zone.

- Crystal Area -
First and foremost: save your game! This area is the longest one in
the whole dungeon, and it's not particularly fun, so you may want to
take a break now.
Anyway, once you are ready, read the text on the wall, then go
through the left door and step in the central hexagon. Stahn will be
teleported alone to a crystal area, and he will have to solve the
puzzle here all by himself. Fortunately, there are no random
encounters here, only battles activated by stepping in front of
certain mirrors.
Leave the room you appeared in to reach a cross shaped hall. Note
that if you stand in front of the mirror in the center you will have
to face a Shadow (they are not hard, but they do get annoying). Take
the path going down to another room. Check out the Blue Crystal here,
it can be put in five different positions (the four cardinal point
plus a central position). Anyway, avoid the hexagons on the floor and
proceed south.
Note the coffin-looking thing by the door, you can move in front of
mirrors to block your reflection, avoiding those annoying Shadows. Now
examine the huge crystal in the middle of the room to shatter it, then
continue right.
Okay, down from where you are you can see a Green Crystal, leave it
alone for now and go a bit up (ignore for now the weird device) and
right to reach a room with hexagons on the floor. Grab the Faerie Ring
there and have a good look at the room. Return to device you saw and
examine it. This will shut the power in the room you just visited,
which will keep the hexagons from teleporting you out. In the dark,
you will have to find a passage going south, into a room where Stahn
will be able to contact the party. Rutee will read you a clue that
consists of colored letters:
- W (white)
- U (blue)
- E (red)
- S (purple)
- E (green)
- W (light blue)
- N (yellow)
If you want to figure out the solution to the puzzle alone, just skip
to the next area once you are done, if not, read on: the colors are a
reference to the big crystals you saw around here, and the letters are
for the directions it can point ('U' is for Up, by the way). You will
have to arrange all the crystals so that they point in the right
direction and come back here.
Okay, return to the dark room now and head right to reach the Yellow
Crystal. Examine it until it's pointing north (use the little symbols
on the floor to guide you), and run all the way left until you are
back in the light.
Walk up and use the passage to the left. Use the coffin-thing to
block the mirrors if as necessary to reach the exit at the very top,
then go up. Leave the light switch alone until you've had a good look
at the next room, then shut the power and go into the dark. Get a Star
Cloak from the chest and use the nearby door to reach the Purple
Crystal. Change it's position until it points south and return out.
Back in the darkness, walk down to the bottom of the room, then go
right until you hit a wall and try to find a door going up. Once in
the new room, cover the mirror on the way right to reach the Red
Crystal (make it point east) and the Light Blue Crystal (make it point
west). Now go all the way back to the room before the last light
Still with me? Walk down to the middle of the room (fight a Shadow if
you have to) and head left, getting a Cuttie Mitten from the chest on
the way. You should be in the cross shaped hall from the beginning.
Go through the passage at the top to find the White Crystal, touch it
until it points west and return to the hall, then use the exit at the
bottom. Have the Blue Crystal point upwards, then follow the path you
used when you first came here to eventually reach the Green Crystal
(examine it until it points east).
If you did everything correctly, you should be ready to leave the
place now. Just go to the room where Stahn talked to Rutee (go right
and down from the nearby light switch) and step on the hexagon at the
center. Finally back with the party! Save your game and use the
right door to reach the final area of Dycroft!

- Final Area -
Okay, this is a short one. Follow the path to your right and just
continue south until you reach a big button on the floor, step on it
to power this entire area. Return to the last screen and go through
the mirror at the left side of the top wall, then keep going until you
reach a room with three mirrors.
This last puzzle is very simple: just go through the mirrors and
examine the crystal things. After doing those three crystals, examine
the one that just appeared in the room with the three mirrors to open
up the path to the final battle!
Well, you're almost there, so heal up and check your equipment (make
sure that your spell casters are equipped with a Mystic Symbol each),
then save your game and go north.
NOTE: Now that you've saved here, you have access to all the world
map conversations that were removed from the American version
(they're all in Japanese, by the way). Just check the Sound menu
(access it from the intro screen).

Walk into the center of the room to witness a very short event, then
follow Kronos into the next chamber. After a little bit of talking,
you will have to face someone you know.
BOSS: Leon____________________________________________________________
HP 16000 Weakness: Light
TP 9999
EXP 4000
GALD 1520
He's pitifully weak, really. If you've done all the optional stuff,
the AI could probably win this battle without you doing anything...
Anyway, just send Stahn to the front and keep Leon busy while the
party cast their beast spells. Big Bang is particularly effective,
knocking about 9,000 HP off Leon!
Leon's only dangerous skills is called 'Demon Attack'. It can hurt
everyone for quite some damage, but since he uses it rather rarely,
and his other attacks are so weak, there's nothing to worry about.
And now for Kronos's first form!
BOSS: Kronos__________________________________________________________
HP 25000
TP 999
EXP 5600
Kronos can be annoying, as can both fly and teleport around, so it's
in your best interest no to give him a single second of peace.
Have Stahn and Garr use all they've got from the very beginning, but
don't bother with the more powerful skills if they have little chance
of hitting (when Kronos is flying, for example). Just use whatever
skill let's you hit him there (Spin Slash and Vortex are pretty good
for this battle).
Of course Rutee and Philia should keep to their best spells as usual.
Big Bang will do some heave damage (around 5,000) and Tidal Wave about
half of that. Keep the party's HP above 4,000, just in case you get
hit by Divine Power.
Kronos can cast some of the most powerful spells in the game, most of
them do less than 2,000 damage (either to the whole party or to one
character), so healing should not be a problem for the most. The one
powerful spell he can cast is 'Divine Power', which consists of four
spells (one for each of the main elements), the total damage being
somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000 (as the Earth spell may not hit all
of the party). As long as you keep everyone's HP above 4,000 you have
nothing to worry about, anyway.
Of course Kronos, being the maniac that he is, can't accept defeat
graciously, so he absorbs power from the Eye of Atamoni and transforms
into a huge... lump of flesh?
BOSS: Ultra Kronos____________________________________________________
Ultra Kronos
HP 30000
TP 9999
I actually thought his last form was tougher. Granted, he has more HP
now, and takes only half the damage he used to, but his attacks aren't
really dangerous. He basically just sits there while you fight, though
he CAN actually teleport to the other end of the battlefield (when he
does, just remember to change the direction your party faces!).
Well, as usual, start by sending your warriors to the front to keep
Kronos busy while your other characters to heal everyone to top
condition (you may want to use Flare Bottles, too). Since Kronos is
mostly static in the corner, you use your favorite attacks or even
practice combos ^_~. Just keep hitting!
Since Kronos's defense has received quite a boost, you will want to
have Rutee cast Acid Rain and use Flare Bottles on your fighters.
Don't overdo it, though, as casting attack spells is probably more
useful. Big Bang will only do about 2,500 damage, Tidal Wave 1,200 and
Meteor Swarm some 1,800. Note that Kronos can use weak attacks on the
party members who stay in the back, even while you are hitting him!
This means your spells will be interrupted often...
This guy's arsenal of spells is not quite as impressive as it was
last time, the most damage he can do with a single spell is around
2,500. His most annoying attack he has is a ray that hits the whole
party (the damage isn't that much, though).
So, as I said before, if you get too bored just fighting him, try
practicing combos. He has plenty of HP and his body is so big it's
hard to miss!

Just sit back and enjoy the ending now. Congratulations!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
4.1- Warehouse Treasure!

Every harbor in the world has at least one warehouse. Though they
seem pointless at first, you can get several useful items from them by
playing around with the positions of the crates.
Since describing the correct arrangement of the crates would be
rather confusing in most cases, I've included a diagram of every
warehouse and a short explanation of what you have to do.
Finally, note that in most warehouses there are two or more possible
arrangements that yield items, one of them easy and the others
difficult to discover by yourself, and the items you get vary
according to the difficulty.

- Left Warehouse:
· Move one of the crates to the upper-right
corner to get an Orange Gel or a P. Bottle.
· Place the crates one space to the right and to
the left of the central column for an Elixir.
- Middle Warehouse:
· Place the two crates by the upper wall,
between the wooden boxes for a Miracle Gel.
· Place one in the space down and left from
the right column for a Red Savory.
- Right Warehouse:
· Place the crates around the grain sack at the
top of the room for a Miracle Gel.
· Place on of the crates down and right of the
central column, and the other one, down and
right from the first for a Hourglass.

- Left Warehouse:
· Place the three crates in a diagonal line
going down and left by the cluster of boxes at
the top for an Elixir.
- Right Warehouse:
· Place the three crates by the right wall, just
below the wooden boxes, for a C. Bottle.
· Place the crates as in the diagram below for
an Efreet.
| «»«»#### ########|
LEGEND |#### «»#### ########|
|## [] [] ####|
## Boxes/Jars/etc. | ####|
«» Crates |#### ########|
[] Target Spots |#### []########|
|## |
| |
|## |
|#### |
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

- Left Warehouse:
· Line up the crates to the right of the column,
leaving one space between them to get an
- Right Warehouse:
· Place the three crates by the northern wall,
blocking the door at the top-left corner of the
warehouse to get a pair of Winged Boots.
· Place the crates around the right column (one
to the right, one to the left and one below),
leaving one space between the column and the
crates to get a Sylph.

- Left Warehouse:
· Line up the four crates next to the grain
sacks to get a Pom Seed.
· Place the crates as in the diagram below for a
| #### ########|
LEGEND |######## ########|
|#### «»«»####|
## Boxes/Jars/etc. |######## «»«»####|
«» Crates |######## [] |
[] Target Spots |######## [] |
|######## [] ####|
|## [] ####|
| |
|## |
| ## |
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
- Right Warehouse:
· Of the spots marked in the diagram below,
place the four crates on a, c, e and g to get a
Red Bellebane.
· Place the crates on b, d, e and g to get a Red
LEGEND |###### ############«»########|
|###### ############«»########|
## Boxes/Jars/etc. | ####«»«» ########|
«» Crates |#### [a [e #### ##|
[- Target Spot | #### [b[d[f |
|#### [c [g ##########|
| ##########|
|#### ##########|
|######## ##########|
|######## |
|#### |
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

- Only Warehouse:
· Place the crates on a, b, c and d to get a
Rabbit's Foot (note that spots c and d already
have crates on them).
· Place the crates on e, f, g and h to get a
LEGEND |############ ## [e [f [g [h|
|############ |
## Boxes/Jars/etc. |######## #### |
«» Crates |########[a ####|
[- Target Spot |########[b ####|
|####[c[d #### ####|
|##«»«» #### ####|
| ########|
| ########|
| ############|
| ############|
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

- Left Warehouse:
· Place the crates around the pair of barrels at
the top to get a Pine Gel.
· Place the crates as shown in the diagram below
to get a Grow Fruit.
LEGEND |###### |
|###### ####|
## Boxes/Jars/etc. |## [] ####|
«» Crates |#### ######|
[] Target Spots |######## [] ######|
|####«»«» ####|
|####«» [] ####|
|####«» |
| [] ####|
|#### ####|
|######## ########|
| #### ########|
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
- Middle Warehouse:
· Place the crates on spots b, c, f and g to get
a Sheeden.
· Place the crates on spots a, d, e and h to get
Blessing (disc).
LEGEND |######## ## ####|
|######## #### |
## Boxes/Jars/etc. |«»«»«»«» |
«» Crates | [c[e |
[- Target Spots |#### #### [a [g |
|#### #### ##[b [h |
|######## ######## [d[f ####|
|######## ######## ####|
|###### ########## ####|
|###### #### ####|
| ########|
|## ########|
| ## ############|
|## ############|
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
- Right Warehouse:
· Place the crates on spots b, c, f and g to get
a Diamond.
· Place the crates on spots a, d, e and h to get
a Channeling.
LEGEND |###### #### ############|
|###### ############|
## Boxes/Jars/etc. | ########|
«» Crates |#### ########|
[- Target Spots |#### [a [g ####|
|#### [c[e ####|
|#### [d[f ####|
| [b [h ####|
| |
|###### |
|########## |
|########## |
| #### |
|#### |
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

- Left Warehouse:
· Place the crates on spots a, b, c and d to get
a Lemon Gel.
· Place the crates on spots e, f, g and h to get
a Bolt.
LEGEND |######## ## ######|
|######## ######|
## Boxes/Jars/etc. |#### ####|
«» Crates |#### |
[- Target Spots |#### ####[a [g |
|#### ########[b[e |
|«»«» ########[c[f ####|
|«»«» ####[d [h ####|
| ####|
|## ####|
|## ########|
| ########|
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
- Right Warehouse:
· Place the crates on spots b, d, f and g to get
a T. Cap.
· Place the crates on spots a, c, d and e to get
a Tech Ring.
· Place the crates on spots a, c, f and g in
under 16 seconds to get a Mystic Symbol.
LEGEND |######## #### |
|#### |
## Boxes/Jars/etc. | ####|
«» Crates |###### #### ####|
[- Target Spots |###### ######## ########|
|###### ######## ########|
|###### ######## [b [e########|
|####«» #### [d ########|
|####«» [c [f ####|
|##«»«» [a [g ####|
|## |
| |
‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾

4.2- Run! The Tag Mini-game

This mini-game takes place in Cherik. To begin, talk to the boy

standing to the right of the well. He will ask you if you want to play
tag with him. All you have to do is avoid being caught for as long as
My advice: RUN! RUN LIKE HELL! ^_^ There's not much to say, just try
not to get caught in narrow places. Sometimes, running in circles (or,
should I say, squares) around the well can keep you out of the
children's reach for a while.
The prices consist of 1 Gald per second plus a certain item. Here's
the list:
0 to 19 Seconds -> N/A
20 to 49 Seconds -> Melange Gel
50 to 99 Seconds -> Miracle Gel
100 + Seconds -> Efreet
4.3- The Racing Boy at Neuestadt

In the park in the upper right sector of Neuestadt, you can race the
fastest kid in town for prizes. You should have the organizers show
you the route before running (don't worry about memorizing it, there
are arrows in certain spots to help you).

- First Challenge -
Note that if you move before the countdown ends, it will start again.
There is one way to cheat and get a good start every time: when the
countdown starts, talk to the kid, but don't pass the dialogue. This
will keep the boy from moving immediately after the countdown ends.
Now press left in your controller in advance and press the Cross
button to pass the dialogue!
The rest of the race is pretty easy. It shouldn't take more than two
or three attempts to win the race, just make sure you are a smart
runner (run on the inside of the course and be careful when turning).

When you win, you will have to choose one of the three different
1.- Sage [permanently raises a character's HP by 5%]
2.- Magical Rouge [gets you a 10% discount at stores]
3.- Thief's Cape [Def +3, Evade +5%]
The best prize here in my opinion is the Sage. The other ones aren't
all that useful when you think about it. Plus, you can use a Rune
Bottle on the Sage to make it a Red Sage, which raises a character's
HP by 10%!
After you win thrice, the boy won't race you anymore, making you the
'Prince of Mach Speed' ^_^.

- Second Challenge -
After the first half of the game, you will be able to race the Mach
Boy again and get new prizes. The race is much harder this time, since
he will get an extra speed boost.
Having a good start is not enough, in order to win now, you must try
to get right in front of the kid before going down the first set of
stairs, which is where he gets his first boost. Although this may seem
hard, you should be able to get it right after a couple of tries.

Just like before, you will have to choose your prize when you win.
Here's what you can get:
1.- Elixir [Completely recovers HP & TP]
2.- Charm Bottle [Gets you big discounts at stores]
3.- Gnome [Summons Gnome, the Spirit of Earth, once]
The Elixir is not that impressive, as you can get as many as you want
from the coliseum. Since you can get only three prizes, my advice is
that you get two Gnomes and a Charm Bottle.
Just like the last time, the boy will refuse to race you after you
win for the third time and you will be made the 'Prince of Mach
Speed' again.

4.4- Neuestadt's Coliseum
Items to Get: Elixir [3], Savory [2], Sage [2], Lavender [2],
Bellebane [2], Lucky Cap [1], Jam [1], Crab Soup [1],
Beef Tartar [1], Herring [1], Pine Gel [3],
Lemon Gel [3], Melange Gel [1], Orange Gel [1],
Grow Fruit [1], Flare Sword [1], Red Savory [1],
Red Sage [1], Red Lavender [1], Red Bellebane [1],
Miracle Gel [2], Combo command [1], Channeling [1],
Diamond [1], Moonstone [1], Ruby [1], Emerald [1],
Sardonyx [1], Silver Cape [1], Mystic Symbol [1],
Antidote Charm [1]
Discs to Get: Swirling Flame [1]
The tournament held at Neuestadt's coliseum has three different
stages, each one has different monsters and prizes. This is a great
improvement over the system used in Tales of Phantasia, as it allows
you to take part in the coliseum at any time without being mercilessly
slaughtered ^_^
Below, are some tips for each of the stages of the coliseum,
including the monsters you fight and the prizes you get.

- Phase 1 -

After the pirate's episode in Neuestadt, the coliseum will become

available for you to fight for the first time. You will still have to
buy the tickets to enter the place, though.
Although the battle against the champion is almost impossible to win
by normal means when you first gain access to the coliseum, there is a
way. All you need is 15 Energy Bullets (you can buy them from any of
the Oberon shops).
Now enter the competition, you will have to fight against 8 enemies
before facing the champion:
1- Barbarian
2- Lizard man
3- Scorpion
4- Worm
5- Hornet
6- Poison Snake
7- Tzin
8- Mandragora
These enemies shouldn't be a problem at all! Now get ready to fight
the champion!
BOSS: Khang___________________________________________________________
HP 2935
TP 272
EXP 150
GALD 320
ITEMS Green Gel [1]
As soon as the battle starts, use an Energy Bullet on him. While he
recovers from the shock, get a little closer (only so that he stays on
the screen) and use another one. Repeat this until you have used all
of you Energy Bullets. If Bruiser is still standing, just use a Flare
Bottle and battle normally to finish him off.
After his defeat, Bruiser will offer to join the party. Accept!
Although he will leave as soon as you leave the continent of Fitzgald,
having him in your party, saves you the trouble of beating him each
time you take part in the competition. This means that you only have
to defeat the first eight monsters to receive the prizes ^_^

After the defeat of the last enemy, you will be given your prize.
Here's the list:
1st Time - Elixir: Elixir [1] ^_^
2nd Time - Set of Herbs: Savory [1], Sage [1], Lavender [1],
Bellebane [1]
3rd Time - Lucky Cap: Lucky Cap [1] ^_^
4th Time - Gourmet Set: Jam [1], Crab Soup [1], Beef Tartar [1],
Herring [1]
5th Time - Gel Set: Pine Gel [1], Lemon Gel [1],
Melange Gel [1], Orange Gel [1]

If you participate again after winning for the fifth time, you will
only get more Gel Sets.

- Phase 2 -

During the second half of the game, after the revival of Dycroft and
Radisrol, the Coliseum will be open again.
You won't need a special strategy to beat the champion this time, he
is actually easier to beat than some of the enemies before him ^_^
The new 8 monsters that you will have to fight before kicking Khang's
butt are the following:
1- Imp
2- Clay Golem
3- S. Giant
4- Blood Slime
5- Zombie
6- Blood Wolf
7- Evilstar
8- Ice Golem

The monsters are easy to beat, but Khang is even easier. Just use
Dragon Blade a few times and he will be history! Just like the last
time, let him join you to save you the battle against him in the
The prizes are much better than last time:
1st Time - Grow Fruit: Grow Fruit [1]
2nd Time - Flare Sword: Flare Sword [1]
3rd Time - Swirling Flame: Swirling Flame [1]
4th Time - Deluxe Herb Set: Savory [1], Sage [1], Lavender [1],
Bellebane [1], Red Savory [1],
Red Sage [1], Red Lavender [1],
Red Bellebane [1]
5th Time - Powerful Gels Set: Lemon Gel [1], Pine Gel [1],
Miracle Gel [1], Elixir [1]

If you participate again after winning for the fifth time, you will
only get more Powerful Gels Sets. Note that this allows you to get
infinite Elixirs! You may want to stock up two or three extra ones,
just in case ^_~

- Phase 3 -
At anytime after the Aethersphere's completion, you can access the
last set of battles of the Coliseum. You should have no trouble with
most battles (except maybe the eighth one).
Once again, if Khang is not in your party, you will have to fight him
after defeating the eight enemies, which is just a waste of time. Have
him join the party to make things quicker.
Here's the list of enemies:
1- Trent
2- Basilisk
3- Gas Cloud
4- Grizzly
5- Killer Owl
6- Red Roper
7- Baldios
8- Wybern
The last enemy is the only one that could give you trouble, since it
has 20,000 HP! Just use a Flare Bottle and slash away... By the way,
note that the enemy's name is spelled 'Wybern' when it should be
'Wyvern'. Yeah, I'm a nitpicker, so? ~_^

The prizes are not all that impressive, still, I recommend getting
them all, as that enables a new mini-game:
1st Time - Combo Command: Combo Command [1]
2nd Time - Channeling: Channeling [1]
3rd Time - Jewel Set: Diamond [1], Moonstone [1], Ruby [1],
Emerald [1], Sardonyx [1]
4th Time - Silver Cape: Silver Cape [1]
5th Time - Powerful Gels Set: Lemon Gel [1], Pine Gel [1],
Miracle Gel [1], Elixir [1]

Note that once again, you can keep fighting for more gel sets, which
means you can get as many Elixirs as you want. The interesting part is
that after you win for the fifth time, you will be able to play 'Ghost
Hunt' an annoying mini-game with a great prize. Read the below for
more information.

NOTE: The Combo Command you get here allows the character equipped
with it to use any skill in a fighting game fashion (that is, by
quickly imputing a series of commands). While it may seem quite
impressive, it's pretty much a waste of an Accessory slot, since
ToD let's you change the skills selected even during battle.

- Ghost Hunt -
Once you have finished the Coliseum five times in Phase 3, the man
guarding the gate to the battle arena will give you a new option,
playing 'Ghost Hunt'. The game is pretty simple, you have to run
around the arena slaying ghosts with your sword.
The ghosts appear at random spots in the arena and disappear after a
while. Slaying them is simple, just get next to them and press the
Circle Button to use your sword... While this may sound easy, it's
not. Some of the ghosts are quite erratic in their movements and it's
hard to guess what they'll do next. On top of that, some of them may
teleport around, making you waste precious time looking for them. Last
but not least, if you miss one single ghost, you just lose. You don't
get absolutely anything, which just adds to your despair...
The bottom line is: this game can get pretty annoying after a while,
but the prize you get is really worth the effort (particularly if you
did not get a Mystic Symbol from your battle against Hugo). Just make
sure you don't push yourself to playing for too long... or keep a dose
of valium handy ~_^

The prize for this madness inducing mini-game is a Mystic Symbol,

which halves the time it takes to cast a spell. This should be your
second one, which means you now have one for Philia and one for Rutee.
Can you hear that? It's the sound of your party kicking Kronos's butt
in the near future... ~_^ By the way, if you keep playing you get
measly Antidote Charms; don't even bother...

4.5- The Blackjack Match
Items to Get: Mental Ring [1], Miracle gel [1]
At any time during the second half of the game, you will be able to
play a game of Blackjack in Neuestadt. Just enter the inn and go
downstairs, into the pub.
Talk to the people there to be offered to play blackjack. You have to
place a bet of 100 Gald and pick cards numbered from 1 through 13 four
times. In order to win, the sum of the values of the drawn cards must
be 21. You lose if you exceed that number and you get your money back
if after the getting the fourth card you haven't reached 21. You can
also retire at any moment and get your money back.
Almost all the cards have at least two different values that appear
at random, which makes the game a bit difficult, plus the fourth set
of cards varies all the time.
Winning seems to be a long shot, but do not despair, there's a simple
way to win most of the time. You see, some of the cards take the same
value most of the time, and they happen to sum 21 exactly. All you
have to do is pick: 'Mountain' (numbered 8, hopefully), then 'Sun'
(numbered 11) and finally 'Monkey' (numbered 2, if you are lucky).
Obviously, you should quit the game if you happen to find a
'Mountain' numbered 9. You could also keep playing and try with 'Cat'
instead of 'Monkey' from the third set, but winning is not just as

That way, you should win one out of four matches! The prize for this
is 200 Gald plus a Mind Ring the first time (after that, you just get
Miracle Gels).

4.6- Cress' Quiz!
Items to Get: Sacred Text 2 [1], Channeling [1]
At any time during the second half of the game, you can go to Armeida
village to meet two characters from ToD's predecessor, Tales of
Phantasia. They are standing right outside the inn in the center of
When you talk to them, they will ask you if you know their names,
the right answer is number 2, 'Cress, Arche'. Now they will ask you 50
questions, each of which you will have to answer within 4 seconds. You
can stop the quiz at any time by pressing the Cross button.
Here's the list of the correct answers:
‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾ ‾‾‾
1- B 11- B 21- B 31- C 41- D
2- A 12- A 22- B 32- A 42- B
3- D 13- D 23- A 33- A 43- D
4- C 14- C 24- D 34- C 44- A
5- C 15- C 25- B 35- C 45- C
6- D 16- D 26- C 36- A 46- B
7- B 17- B 27- D 37- D 47- D
8- B 18- A 28- A 38- A 48- C
9- A 19- C 29- C 39- D 49- D
10- C 20- D 30- D 40- B 50- C

After the quiz, Cress will tell you how many answers you got right.
If you did well, he will give you the Sacred Text 2, which teaches
Stahn the 'Throw Sword' Sacred Skill. If you got a perfect score, you
will also receive a second Channeling ring.
NOTE: You can repeat this mini-game as many times as necessary until
you get the Channeling.

4.7- Cats 'n Stones
Items to Get: Elixir [1]
During the second half of the game, you can go to the square at
Moreau and talk to one of the cat men to play this mini game.
Those who played Tales of Phantasia will probably remember this game.
The cat tells you the number of stones in a pot (a random number
between 16 and 29), then you both get turns to take stones away from
the pot, and the one to take away last one loses.
In order to win you have to put him in a position he can't escape.
You have to make the number be one of the following when his turn
comes: 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 28. Before starting he will say the
number and ask if you want to go first, if the starting number is one
of the above say no, if not, take the first turn and take away the
amount needed to make it one of the special numbers. If the number is
27 you have to take away 2 to make it 25, suppose your opponent takes
2, the number is now 23, so take two more to make it 21.
You will get an Elixir for winning this game. Note that you can't
play again after winning.

4.8- The Tricycle
Items to Get: Tricycle [1]
This quest becomes available right after Radisrol rises to the
Go to the village of Armeida, north of Darilsheid. Enter the house in
the top left corner and talk to the old lady sleeping in the bed. She
will wake up suddenly and give you 500 Lens thinking that you are a
man named Gale.
Now go to Darilsheid. At the Oberon Corp shop you will see a man who
seems to be upset about something. Talk to him to discover that he is
Gale, who came to Darilsheid to exchange his Lens, but forgot them at
home ^_^ Philia will ask you if you want to give him the Lens that the
woman mistakenly gave you; accept to do so.
Gale will be so happy to get his Lens, that he will give you his
Tricycle. If you equip it as an accessory, you can avoid random
encounters in the world map, but the speed leaves much to be desired,
really. This makes the Tricycle a pretty... useless item. It's there
for those who'd do virtually anything to avoid battles ^_^.

4.9- Ship Combat!
Remember the arcade shooter clone you played back when your ship
was attacked on its way to Phandaria? Well, you can play it again now!
This mini-game becomes available before going to Belcrant for the
first time. All you have to do is go to Moreau and pay 100 Gald to one
of the cat people in the square.

The rules are pretty much the same: you have three ships that can
move in eight directions (always together). You have to use the Circle
Button to shoot and destroy every enemy that appears.
There are four enemy ships, each with a small group of monsters
protecting them. Note that if the monsters are destroyed, more will
replace them after a while.
Every once in a while, an extra enemy ship will cross the screen at
the top, dropping water mines in its wake. Its important that you
destroy them because they will accumulate at the bottom of the screen
otherwise, and you will have less room to move. Plus, these extra
ships leave prizes when destroyed which can double the firepower of
one ship (if a ship with enhanced firepower gets one of these prizes,
you get some bonus points).
Each time you destroy all the enemies on screen, another fleet will
appear, so this time you don't have to hold back to get lots of

Now, the rewards you get for playing this are not very good: my best
score 9950 and I still got a measly Oberol G. Other rewards I got were
Lemon Gels, Pine Gels, Melange Gels, Green Gels and Winged Boots...
According to the cat guy, you get something special if you get a score
of 100,000 or more, but I've never gotten past 10,000 points, so I
don't know what it is...

4.10- Secret Areas - Seeds, Lens and... Roshambo?

Once you gain control of the Draconis at the very end of the game,
you will be able to reach many places you could not get to before.
This may not seem like much at first, since you have supposedly
visited every possible location on the world map. What you didn't know
is that there are four unmarked areas you can enter in the world map.

- Seed Shop -

The seed shop is located in the coast just west of Junkland, in the
continent of Calvalese. Walk into the little indentation going into
the land.
The man in this place can sell you three kinds of seeds for a bunch
of Gald:
- Pom Seed for 1,000 Gald
- Estima Seed for 10,000 Gald
- Lanakear Seed for 10,000 Gald
I know the prices seems incredibly high for just seeds, but they are
actually useful. You will want to buy at least two Lanakear Seeds for
the Planting sub-quest (see section 4.11). By the way, don't buy Pom
Seeds from this guy, you can get them from Otto (the scientist at
Darilsheid) for much less.

- Lens Shop -

Land on the big snowy island south-west of Janos, in Phandaria and

walk into the northern forest.
You can trade your Lens for some pretty nice stuff here. It works
like this: he takes all your Lens and you get to choose one of the
possible rewards:
Less than 100 Lens - Green Gel
More than 100 Lens - 1. Savory 3. Lavender
2. Sage 4. Bellebane
More than 1,000 Lens - 1. Red Savory 3. Red Lavender
2. Red Sage 4. Red Bellebane
More than 3,000 Lens - 1. Efreet 3. Wendiene
2. Sylph 4. Gnome

Be careful when trading with him, as he will take all your Lens, even
if you have much more than is needed to get a certain reward.
Now, as you have probably realized, this is a great chance to raise
your characters' stats, especially their maximum HP and TP. All you
have to do is fight until you get 100 Lens or more and trade for one
of the herbs, then repeat. Once you feel you have enough, just use
Philia's Identify skill to turn the low level herbs into high level
ones (that means, turn a Lavender into a Red Lavender).
Another interesting detail is that if you bring over 3,000 Lens to
this man and instead of choosing one of the four items he offers you
cancel (pressing X), you will get a Mist Orb, an accessory that
reduces the time needed to escape a battle (which is not recommended,
by the way).

- Heiroku's House -
Land on the big island north of Terazzi in Aquaveil and walk around
the westernmost end of the island to find the hidden area. If you talk
to the man there, you can choose to play Roshambo (it's actually just
some Rock-Paper-Scissors game).
Stahn plays RPS against Philia. The winner of each draw gets a
chance to hit the opponent (pressing the Circle Button); if the
opponent fails to defend him/herself (pressing X), the other scores a
point. The first player to get 5 points wins.
There are three challenge levels. The higher the difficulty, the more
you get to bet:
Level 1 ---> Maximum Bet = 9 Gald
Level 2 ---> Maximum Bet = 99 Gald
Level 3 ---> Maximum Bet = 999 Gald

Here are the prizes:

5 wins; 0 Losses = Bet + Bet * 2
1 Loss = Bet + Bet
2 Losses = Bet + Bet/2
3 Losses = Bet + Bet/4
4 Losses = Bet
As you can seem the money you can get from this mini-game are
completely worthless. However, I believe that there may be a special
prize if you manage to beat Philia several times in a row in the hard
mode (though this is based entirely on my own speculation).

- Programmers' House -

This place is located on the shore just east of Lienea, in Fitzgald.

Just walk around a bit and you should find it. The house is full of
weird people (avatars of the programmers, probably) talking about the
game's secrets.
Given the importance of what the people here say, I've decided to
transcribe it here along with my comments on what I believe they are

Karell: "Her husband should be allowed to live so they can live

happily together... Or did you kill him by any chance?
Well, if that's the case I guess it's too late."
COMMENT: This is quite obviously a reference to Mary and Dalis,
so there's not much to say.
Soleili: "Did you get the mystical item that summons... You know,
it summons that thing."
(Yes) ---> "Hey, that's great."
(No) ---> "The harbor is far away..."
COMMENT: This one is probably referring to one of the summon
items that you can obtain from the warehouses in harbors
around the world.
Longo Rango: "If there are any typos and grammatical errors, it's my
fault. Sorry!! By the way, how's that Channeling thing
working? Is it sending out those positive waves?
COMMENT: A reference to the Channeling ring. While it doesn't
quite reveal the use of this accessory, this comment
exposes the fact that the Channeling is pretty important
(otherwise, there would be no reason for it to be
Myu: "Wheeeeeee! Is my Mary happy? Well, at any rate go to
COMMENT: Another reference to Mary...
Solarei: "I don't like a person who goes north when he's told to
go south. You know, sometimes it's good to do what you
are told."
COMMENT: I really don't know what this is supposed to mean. Mail
me if you have a clue...
Lefise: "Isn't Pooky cute? It's always interesting to add
someone to your party other than a Swordian Master. Like
that certain someone...
COMMENT: This is most likely a reference to Lilith, Stahn's
sister. She was a playable character in the Japanese
version, but the method to getting her into the party
normally seems to have been disabled in the American
Hyupo: "At night, a fairy does my work for me. By the way, did
you go buy the Sunfish?"
(Yes) ---> "You're strange."
(No) ---> "Heh, that's unfortunate."
COMMENT: Remember Stahn's time at Lienea, after beating Lydon,
when Lilith asked him to go get some fish? Well, if you
cared enough to go all the way south to Neuestadt and buy
some, you probably remember that you could either buy a
Sunfish or a Whale (which is not even a fish, by the
way). Though it didn't seem to make any difference back
then, buying the Sunfish (hence, being a good brother)
probably had something to do with getting Lilith into the
party (in the Japanese version, of course).
Moframe: "I love the ocean. Whatever happens, you must save your
game on the final Save Point. I ain't sayin' there's a
boss after that, but you know, there will be STUFF after
that... you know what I mean?"
COMMENT: This one hint about an option that opens up in the Sound
Test menu after using the final Save Point. You see, in
the Japanese version, the characters would have
occasional conversations on the world map, but these were
removed from the American version (since they decided not
to dub anything).
Jokah: "Did you get all three rods? Out of the three, one has
to be changed from something else. What should you do? A
bottle has something to do with it."
COMMENT: This is, of course, referring to the three rods that
open the path to the secret dungeon. They are the RC Rod,
the GC Rod and the BC Rod. In order to get the latter,
you have to use a Rune Bottle on the Old Cane, which you
have to take from Walt's house in Harmentz near the end
of the game. See section 4.12 for more information.
Moomoo: "If you can't figure out what's going on in the
warehouse, use a Lantern. But if you do that, it's gonna
be too late for the boy to receive the wave."
COMMENT: The Lantern is an item you can get at the secret
dungeon. It shows you the right positions for the crates
in the warehouses. The second part of this message is
quite puzzling... Mail me if you have any clues.
Cronoa: "Wahoo! Do you want some advice?
(Yes) ---> "Sneaking around someone else's house
is dangerous to your health. 4 out of 5
doctors recommend against it."
(No) ---> "I'm bored."
COMMENT: I dunno... Maybe the "4 out of 5" part means something.
As usual, mail me if you think you know what this might
Glybz: "I love music... By the way, I heard there is a woman in
Lienea who's the best farmer in the world. She can grow
COMMENT: A reference to Stahn's aunt. If you pay her and give her
the seeds, she can grow plants that bear items! You can
get great things this way. Check section 4.11 for more
Moobal: "Here's your thought for the day! You shouldn't waste
food, whatever it may be! Even if it's a little spoiled,
eat it."
COMMENT: This insanitary piece of advice doesn't seem to be of
Gadius: "Don't you think Radisrol is cool? There are three other
hidden places like this one, though I'm sure you've found
them already by now."
COMMENT: Of course, a reference to the other three places covered
in this section.
Seadof: "Hey, you. Have you climbed that tower yet? You should
have been there by now."
COMMENT: The hellish Tower of Druaga... Truly a pain in the...
neck to climb. This is the secret dungeon of the game.
See section 4.12 for more information.
Zyppo: "If you don't understand how to get around that tower,
you should try to find out what happened in the original.
I don't think you'll be able to figure everything out
that way, but I think you might be able to get to the
COMMENT: In the original Tower of Druaga, you played as
Gilgamesh, who had to climb the tower collecting the
treasure in order to free princess Ki from Druaga.
Burny: "Even if you are tired of fighting at the arena, try
winning at least 5 times. It might be worth your while."
COMMENT: After winning five times in the Coliseum, you will get
access to the Ghost Hunt mini-game, see section 4.4 for
more information.
Nahatom: "You shouldn't repay someone's kindness with hostility.
If you steal from someone who saved your life, it will
come back to haunt you later on."
COMMENT: Beats me... Maybe this guy is just trying to teach you
good manners ~_^
Boyn: "Despite its appearance, a Piyo Bird is a ferocious
monster. By the way, you shouldn't just move the boxes in
the warehouses around harbors. You need to listen to them
COMMENT: When you put a crate in the right spot in a warehouse,
you will hear a "click". Of course this is a pretty
useless clue, since you can now access the Tower of
Druaga and get the Lantern, which will make everything
much easier.
Ngpogo: "I love snow... By the way, have you met the Blue
Dragon? It's quite a gourmet and eats a lot. But if you
raise it well, it'll reward you. For example, it'll give
you a shiny disc."
COMMENT: After defeating Baruk in Cloudius, you should have
checked under his chair to get an Egg. If you give this
item to Stahn's sister, a baby Blue Dragon will hatch
from it. In order for the Blue Dragon to grow, you will
have to feed it the four gourmet dishes from around the
world. See section 4.11 for more information.
Baloo: "Hi there. Did you find everything? By the way, how's
the tricycle?"
COMMENT: The Tricycle is an accessory that lets you move on the
world map without worrying about enemies attacking you.
Too bad the speed sucks. See section 4.8 for more

Well, that's it for this place. Please mail me if you know anything
about what Solarei, Cronoa and Nahatom are hinting at.
Before leaving, check behind the column on the left to get the summon
item Valkyrie!

4.11- Lienea - Quiet Village Business

For a little village lost in the country, Lienea is quite a busy

place. Okay, there's no hustle and bustle, but there are two
interesting mini-quests, which more than you can say for Harmentz,
Armeida or Janos...

- Auntie Maggie's Planting -
NOTE: Most of the information here was adapted from Jens Osumek's
Seeds guide (available at GameFaqs). I would have liked to
include the complete list he wrote, but I was not able to
contact him. Thus, I decided to borrow from his guide... If you
want to know all you get from this quest, please refer to his
very complete guide.

You can have Auntie Maggie grow items for you; all you have to do is
get the seeds, select the fertilizers to be used and pay the price.
In each of the 3 stages of the plant's grow, you will have to choose
a fertilizer to add. In order to get the plant from one stage to the
next all you have to do is leave the village and re-enter. When you
do it for the third time, your plant will be fully grown.
Depending on the combination of fertilizers and the type of seed, you
will get an item (or just a dead plant ^_^;). Although one would
initially think all you get from this is trash, it is not so. You can
grow many things: from powerful Discs to the stuff the translators
were smoking when they re-wrote the dialogue for the scene with
Rembrandt at Mikheil -- Just kidding ~_^

It's important to know that Auntie Maggie won't do all this for free.
Renting the space necessary to grow the plant costs 2,000 Gald,
and each time you add fertilizer she will charge you 1,000 more. This
means that growing a plant costs 5,000 Gald, and that's without
the cost of the seeds!
There are seven types of seeds you can get. Three of them can be
bought from the Seed Shop (see section 4.10) and Otto (the scientist
at Darilsheid Castle), while the others have to be grown from other
· Pom Seed (buy from Otto for 50 Gald)
· Lanakear Seed (buy at Seed Shop for 10,000 Gald)
· Estima Seed (buy at Seed Shop for 10,000 Gald)
· Phen Seed (grow from L. Seed - Total Cost: 15,000 Gald)
· Dolgenia Seed (grow from E. Seed - Total Cost: 15,000 Gald)
· Oriola Seed (grow from Phen Seed - Total Cost: 20,000 Gald)
· Charak Seed (grow from Phen Seed - Total Cost: 20,000 Gald)
The four fertilizers are:
1.- 'Red Super Gro'
2.- 'Blue Kwik Gro'
3.- 'Yellow Miracle Gro'
4.- 'White Sure Gro'
Now, here's my little guide on what to do: first of all, go to the
Seed Shop and buy four or five Lanakear Seeds, then go to Auntie
Maggie. Plant your Lanakear Seeds using the fertilizer combination
3-2-3 to get Phen Seeds. Now plant you new seeds and use the combo
2-2-2 to get Charak Seeds.
The Charak Seeds are by far the best, since you can grow all sorts of
jewels and discs from them. Here are my recommendations on what to
· Golden Seed (combo 1-2-3) - This is necessary to get Stahn's
final Sacred Skill.
· Terra (combo 4-2-4) - Second best piece of armor in the
game. You may even want to grow
two of them.
· Wind Power (combo 2-1-2) - Apart from having good spells,
this disc gives a 380 boost to
both Slash and Thrust!
· Dark Power (combo 3-1-4) - 345 boost to both Slash and
Thrust, plus the Dissolve spell.

Now, take the Golden Seed to Otto, at Darilsheid Castle. In exchange

for your rare seed he will give you the Giant Disc, which is needed
to get Stahn's final Sacred Skill (you probably can't learn it right
now, though).
The discs are pretty good, specially for Igtenos, since he is very
low on levels. Finally, the Terra armor is good for Garr, though you
could equip it on Stahn until you get the Golden Armor...

Once again, if you want a complete list of what you can grow, check
Jens Osumek's guide at GameFaqs. Most of the information here was
borrowed from there.

- Lilith and the Blue Dragon -
Remember the Egg you got at the end of the Cloudius aeropolis? Well,
now's the time to do something with it!
When you first visit Stahn's house after getting the Egg, a scene
will take place in which Stahn asks Lilith to cook it for him ^_^.
Lilith refuses and decides to hatch the Egg and see what comes out of
it. This is where our mini-quest begins...
Once the conversation is over, exit the village and then return to
Stahn's house. Do this twice and another scene should take place in
which the Egg hatches and a little blue dragon comes out of it.
After the scene, the little Dragon (named Gourmet) will be running
around the village, asking for food. Alas, as his name indicates, this
dragon won't eat just anything, it will only eat the four Gourmet
dishes that exist in the world.
In order to make the four Gourmet dishes, you will have to take the
necessary ingredients (which you should have by now) to the four
master cooks:
· Gourmet A: The Sea's Bounty - Chef at the mansion in
· Gourmet B: Beast Meat Supreme - Mary, at her house in
· Gourmet C: Spicy Prawns - Chef at Baruk's office
in Cherik.
· Gourmet D: Queen's Delight - Chef at Seinegald
You should have all of the ingredients for the dishes by now, so all
you have to do is visit the chefs.
Once you have the four Gourmet dishes, go back to Lienea and feed
the blue dragon. He will grow up and give you the Blue Dragon disc,
with which you can cast the Blue Dragon spell (a multi-hit spell that
works well on large enemies).

4.12- 60 Floors of Hell - The Tower of Druaga

The Tower of Druaga is based on an old arcade game by Namco. There

are 60 floors, each guarding a treasure that will appear only after
you perform a series of (usually) complicated actions. The reward you
get from all this is some of the best equipment in the game, and
mountains of experience for your characters.

Before going into the tower, make sure you have as many healing items
as possible, especially for TP. This is simply a precaution, if you
play your cards right and follow my advice, you may not even need to
use a single item!
It's highly advisable that you spend 20 or 30 minutes exchanging Lens
for Savories at the Lens Shop to raise your stats (see section 4.10);
just fight enemies on the world map outside the shop until you get
100 Lens, then go in and trade them for a Savory. Repeat this for a
while and then use Philia's 'Identify' skill to turn the Savories into
Red Savories, which increase Max TP by 10% instead of 5%. Now raise
Philia's TP to around 850 or more and use the remaining herbs on the
rest of the party. If you feel like it, you could also repeat the
process to get Red Sages and increase everyone's Max HP, but that not
really necessary.

To enter the tower you must be in possession of the three colored

crystal rods of the Legend of Ishtar: the GC Rod , RC Rod and the BC
Rod (see sections 3.23, 3.27 and 3.28 for information on how to get
them). Note that if you don't have the GC Rod by now there's nothing
you can do about it: you won't be able to enter the tower.
The entrance to the tower itself is near Janos, in the frontier
between Phandaria and Seinegald. From the town, use the northern exit
and turn right at the junction. After a short walk, you should reach
the temple where you met Rutee at the beginning of the game; walk into
the main room.
There are three pedestals with holes where you must place the rods
(remember that you must use a Rune Bottle or Philia's Identify on the
Old Cane to turn it into the BC Rod). Once all the rods are placed the
music will change and the door to the tower will open up.

- General Tips -
The layout of the floors in the tower is very simple: just a bunch of
columns and walls. You can break any wall just by pressing the Circle
Button next to it, which makes navigation pretty easy.

An important thing to note is that there are no random encounters in

the tower, you can the enemies roaming the floors. Touching one of
them results in a battle against four of that kind of monster.
Some of the enemies here can give you a hard time even at high
levels, but there's a way to ensure victory every time. Read the
strategy below to find out more about this.

In order to advance, you must get the key in each floor, unlock the
door and go up the stairs. Getting the treasures is a little harder,
though, and some of them are necessary if you want to climb the entire
tower. Most of the methods that grant access to the goodies are very
bizarre, and half the time what you get is really interesting, that's
why I've decided to include the instructions to get the equipment I
consider important and skip the rest. If you want a complete guide to
each floor of the tower, please check the FAQ by other authors at
www.GameFAQs.com (by the way, I'm using information from
SolidSnake316's guide here).

- THE Strategy -
A secret item? A secret skill? Some bizarre button combination? No.
Surprisingly enough, this infallible strategy consists of a simple
special skill that most people seem to overlook. Why? Well, ever since
the first console RPG was made, programmers have found joy in putting
spells, items and skills in games that sound too good to be true. And
indeed they are: spells such as 'Mute', 'Death', 'Slow', etc. fail to
work 95% of the time, and when they DO work, the target is invariably
one of your characters.
Well, the people at Namco decided to include one of those tricky
little things: Philia's 'Stasis'. What makes stasis different from the
rest is that 'Stasis' does indeed work always, freezing normal enemies
in time long enough for you to obliterate them. Of course, most gamers
just ignore this wonderful skill instinctively, the reason being the
uselessness of Philia's other battle skills when compared to her
spells and, of course, the fact that we are all conditioned to ignore
special skills that sound too good to be true.
In case you haven't gotten it yet: HAVE PHILIA USE STASIS!
It works just like a Hourglass, but it costs a measly 40 TP. That's
right, spending these 40 TP at the beginning of every battle is the
cost of peace of mind. No more worrying about those pesky mages
casting spells, or shooting rays at you, or doing anything at all! The
chances of dying during a normal encounter immediately drop to zero,
and the best part is that you keep getting experience! To top it all,
Philia can recover those 40 TP at the end of the battle if her MAX TP
is high enough!
As a final note, let me warn you that Stasis won't work on the Quox,
so don't waste your time trying.
- Floor Solutions -

NOTE: In some floors, there will be a different treasure the second

time you climb the tower. The item you get on your second climb
appears is displayed next to the other one after a double slash

- 1st Floor - Treasure: Winged Boots

The chest of this floor contains a pair of Winged Boots, which may
come in handy if you decide to leave the dungeon without finishing,
and you don't have to do anything to make it appear, so just grab it
and get going.

- 6th Floor - Treasure: Lantern

To make the chest here appear you have go to all four corners of the
room in the following order: lower-right, upper-right, lower-left,
upper-left. The Lantern you will get allows you to see where to put
the crates in the warehouses around the world (see section 4.2 for
more information).

- 9th Floor - Treasure: Dark Seal

The chest in this floor appears after you break some walls,
preferably in the north section, but there's not a precise way to
do it. The bottomline is: just break stuff and it will appear! This
should be the second Dark Seal you have, equip it on Rutee if you want
to, since you probably aren't using her specials much...

- 10th Floor - Treasure: Warrior Symbol

The Warrior Symbol is an accessory that raises a character's strength
by 10%, and since you already have one, getting this one is only
useful if you use Mary or Bruiser a lot. To get the chest, you have to
kill all the Red Slimes while avoiding the Knights and the beams they

- 15th Floor - Treasure: ?JEWEL

The ?JEWEL you find here can be transformed into an Emerald, which
not really important; just kill the Blue Knight if you want it.
As you probably noted, the music here is different. That's because
there's a special enemy in this floor: the Quox. This monster is not
specially hard to beat if you know what you are doing, but it is
annoying because of its immunity to all elements, which renders your
Swordians and most of your spells useless. You will have to equip
Stahn with the Bahamut's Tear on Stahn to beat it, and it's just not
worth bothering.
Avoid the Quox if possible, and if you do take it on, remember to
equip Dymlos back on Stahn afterwards.

- 19th Floor - Treasure: Thinking Cap

Equip the Bahamut's Tear on Stahn and kill the Quox (re-equip Dymlos
afterwards), now get the key and open the door to make the chest
appear. Equip the Thinking Cap you just got on someone and go up.

- 26th Floor - Treasure: Hyper Gauntlet / Battle Knuckle

To get the Hyper Gauntlet, you have to get they key and kill a Druid
(the white mage-type enemy) within 30 seconds. Just wait by the key
until a Druid appears nearby, then pick it up and kill it. The Hyper
Gauntlet is the best gauntlet in the game for Stahn.
Also, if you use Bruiser a lot, you might want to pass the Hyper
Gauntlet and get the Battle Knuckle. To make this chest appear, kill
a Hyper Knight and the Quox and then have a Druid shoot you.
Whatever you choose, you can come back later for the other item, so
don't worry about what to choose.

- 27th Floor - Treasure: ?JEWEL

All you have to do is break any ten walls and a chest containing a
?JEWEL will appear. Use Philia's 'Identify' to transform it into a
Ruby, an accessory which grants a nice defense boost.

- 33rd Floor - Treasure: Blue Line Shield

In order to get the chest here to appear, Stahn's HP must be below
10%. The fastest way is to enter a battle and let the monsters beat up
Stahn a little before having Philia use Stasis and killing them, then
just get hit by the enemies projectiles outside of battle until the
chest appears (remember to switch Rutee's healing spells off while you
try to lower Stahn's HP). What you get from all this is the Blue Line
Shield, the best shield in the game.

- 37th Floor - Treasure: Megalith

Refrain from breaking any walls. Just find your way around them to
the key and open the door, now break a wall to make the chest
containing the Megalith disc appear.
Megalith enables the Meteor Swarm spell and boosts your Slash and
Thrust attacks by 460. Equip it on one of your Swordian masters (just
remember that giving it to Philia right now would be a waste since she
will be using her 'Stasis' special and not casting spells).

- 38th Floor - Treasure: GC Rod

Kill two sets of Will o' Wisps to make the chest containing the GC
Rod appear. Getting this treasure is essential if you want to finish
the tower. Whatever you do, don't miss this!

- 40th Floor - Treasure: Demon Seal

To get the chest here, kill all the Lizard Men (you'll have to equip
the Bahamut's Tear axe beforehand), then all the Mages and finally
all the Ropers.
The Demon Seal you get here doubles the experience earned by whoever
equips it, but blocks all special skills and reduces his/her defense
to zero. Of course that won't be a problem if you are using the
'Stasis' trick, so equip it on whoever you want (except for Stahn and
Philia, that is).

- 42nd Floor - Treasure: Star Mace

This chest is only worth picking if you use Mary a lot. What you
have to do is kill on the red Will o' Wisps, pick up the key and kill
another one to make the chest appear.

- 43rd Floor - Treasure: Mystic Symbol

You have to kill the slimes in the following order: DY Slime (dark
yellow), DG Slime (dark green), Blue Slime, Black Slime, Red Slime and
Green Slime. If you do it right, a chest containing a Mystic Symbol
(an accessory that halves the time it takes to cast spells) should

- 44th Floor - Treasure: Magical Ribbon

Just like the last level but you are killing mages this time. The
order to follow is: Wizard (orange), Sorcerer (green), Druid (white)
and finally Mage (purple). Get the chest and equip the Magical Ribbon
on someone.

- 45th Floor - Treasure: Excaliber

The same procedure here, with knights as victims. Ignore the chest
already on this floor and follow this order: Lizardman, Hyper Knight
(golden), Mirror Knight (light blue), Black Knight and Blue Knight.
Note there is no Red Knight on this list, so don't kill it! If you did
things right, there should be a new chest on this floor. Open it, and
then go open the one that was on the floor from the beginning to get
the Excaliber.
The Excaliber is very strong, but I still recommend sticking to
Dymlos, as he will eventually be as strong and Stahn needs him to use
Sacred Skills.

- 46th Floor - Treasure: Aqua Cape // SW500490

Even though the first time you come here you will only get an Aqua
Cape, coming here after climbing the whole tower once will award you
the most powerful attack disc in the game, the SW500490!
To get the treasure, you'll have to visit all four corners of the
room and then return to the first one.

- 48th Floor - Treasure: RC Rod

This is another chest you can't miss if you want to climb the whole
tower. Luckily, getting it is simple enough: just stand for around 10
seconds in each corner of the room. If it doesn't work the first time,
do it again until it does, no matter how many enemies you have to

- 50th Floor - Treasure: Emerald Ring // Mystic Symbol

The chest will appear after you touch all four walls of the floor in
the following order: north, south, east and west.

- 52nd Floor - Treasure: Gold Armor

All you have to do to get the best armor in the game is break all the
about what the enemies do, that doesn't count).

- 57th Floor - Treasure: Berserker Bow

It's mini-boss time! Start by going to the door without the key and
trying to open it. There should now be a woman standing somewhere in
this floor, find her and get healed up if you want, then attack!
Fake Ishtar is so weak you don't need a real strategy to defeat her.
Why? Well, she has a major flaw: she's weak to 'Stasis'! Just have
Philia freeze her and have another character use a Flare Bottle on
Stahn to finish her in less than a minute.
Now that Fake Ishtar is dead, equip the Bahamut Tail axe on Stahn and
kill the Lizard Man to reveal the chest containing the best bow in the
game, the Berserker Bow.

- 58th Floor - Treasure: BC Rod

This floor holds the final item you need to retrieve in order to
defeat the boss of the tower, the BC Rod.
In order to get the chest to appear, you will have to avoid the
enemies until the very end. First, go to the door without the key and
try to open it, then destroy all the walls in the floor. Now go to the
north wall and walk south down the middle aisle (start over if an
enemy gets in the way). Finally, defeat a group of Red Knights. If all
went well, the chest containing the BC Rod should be there now.
Don't panic if it doesn't work, as the method is definitely not
perfect and not the only one. Even if you fail to get it doing this,
try doing something else: kill more enemies walk around the floor,
check the columns walk/run up and down various aisles, etc. Don't
give up immediately!

- 59th Floor - Treasure: N/A

Okay, this is the floor where you will face Druaga, so get ready. If
for some reason you don't have all three rods of Ishtar, just pick up
the key, open the door and use the stairs. You will be dropped a few
floors so that you can collect the rods you missed.
If you DO have the rods, then defeat a Hyper Knight and a Wizard to
make a Quox show up. Equip the Bahamut's Tail and kill it.
There should be a new enemy walking around now, that is Druaga. Heal
up and get ready to fight. If someone in your party is equipped with
a Dark or Demon Seal, remove it; and give Philia the Megalith disc.
Now that you are ready, attack!

BOSS: Druaga__________________________________________________________
HP 25000
TP 9999
EXP 38250
Just give him the best you've got! If you have been fighting most of
your enemies and collecting all the important items, Druaga should not
pose much of a threat.
Use a Flare Bottle on your fighters and start pummeling with your
favorite specials. Stahn's Dragon Blade is recommended because Druaga
can't do anything between hits.
Rutee should either cast Tidal Wave or use Snipe Roar (to keep Druaga
busy). Of course, don't hesitate to cast a healing spell if needed.
Philia, meanwhile, should cast Meteor Swarm to deal some considerable
Druaga is not the slaughter machine you'd be expecting to guard this
tower, but that doesn't mean you should be careless. Heal whenever
necessary and don't give Druaga a chance to cast any spells (he can
use Black Hole, among others).
Now that Druaga is out of the way, pick up the key and open the door
to the 60th floor, where Ishtar awaits!

- 60th Floor - Treasure: Destroyer

Finally! Talk to Ishtar and then place the three rods in the holes in
the top, bottom and middle aisles to free Ki. Your reward for all the
trouble is the wonderful Destroyer disc, which enables the most
powerful spell in the game, Big Bang!

Now that you are back in the temple near Janos, quickly go to the
save point outside and use it! You have successfully conquered the
trial of the Tower of Druaga! But there's still more: if you climb
again, you can get the most powerful attack disc, the SW500490 in the
46th floor! It's worth the effort, so take and nap and then start
climbing again...
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5.1- Clearing Things Out

In this section I put additional info that you might want to know.
These questions weren't really asked, I'm just putting this here
because it didn't fit anywhere else.

Q - If you are not a native English speaker, then, where are you from?
A - I'm from Argentina, a South American country. I live in the city
of Bariloche, a tourists center, so maybe some of you have been
here sometime (not quite likely). By the way, the language spoken
in Argentina is Spanish.

Q - Then why make a FAQ in English?

A - Because not many Spanish speaking people play RPGs, thus the FAQ
wouldn't be worth writing.

Q - Your spelling and grammar suck!

A - Well, I'm working on that, that's what writing FAQs is all about
for me, English practice! Please do not hesitate to send any
corrections, especially for grammar (Microsoft Word is not very
good when it comes to that).

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Pablo Rossi - My friend, who indirectly introduced me to the RPG

world (long story...). He also introduced me to
PSX world. He did many other things for me but it
would be too much for this section. As a matter
of fact this guide is being written using his copy
of Tales of Destiny ^_^
Ignacio de Lucas - For letting me use the Disclaimer from his
Xenogears FAQ (an excellent FAQ if you want my
Kao Megura - Original writer of the Disclaimer (remember to ask
for his approval if you want to use it). Also, he
is the one who wrote one of the best FF 7 FAQs
GameFAQs - For publishing my FAQ of course! Thanks a lot!
SolidSnake316 - For giving me permission to borrow a bit from his
Tower of Druaga guide. Thanks a lot!
Jens Osumek - The creator of the 'Seed Guide' from which I
borrowed for section 4.11. I didn't actually get
his permission because it was impossible to
contact him, but I hope he doesn't mind. Thanks!

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