Prof DR GulZaman

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Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Gul Zaman

[email protected]

Department of Mathematics Contact

University of Malakand Chakdara Dir Office: +92 945 9250555
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan Fax: +92 945 9250505

0.1 Objective
I want to work on Higher Education Management to strengthen aca-
demics, promote research cultures and facilitate researchers to enable them
to utilize their skills and expertise for the uplift of the nation. My areas
of interest in research are Mathematical Biology and Fluid Mechanics
such as mathematical model of heart and blood circulation in human body,
population dynamics, mathematical epidemiology and infectious diseases with
optimal control, and ecological modeling. Moreover, I am highly appreciative
of any research activity in other areas of applied Mathematics. I believe that
applied Mathematics is tool-builder, therefore I would like to learn and use
applied Mathematics which is applicable to a broad diversity of many research
fields and useful in daily life.

0.2 Personal
Father’s Name: Abbas Khan
Qualification: Ph.D (Applied Mathematics)
Date of birth: 05-04-1973
Nationality: Pakistani
Address: Dir Timargara, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

0.3 Current Position

Vice Chancellor
University of Malakand, Chakdara Dir
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

0.4 Academics
• Ph.D (Applied Mathematics) (2008)
Department of Mathematics, Pusan National University, Pusan, South
Korea Dissertation title“Blood Flow of Oldroyd-B Type Fluids In-
duced by Brownian Force in a Vessel”.

• M.S ( M.Phil Mathematics)(2006)

Department of Mathematics, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea
Dissertation title“Stability Analysis of Spruce Budworm Popula-
tion and Optimal Control”.

• M.Sc. (Mathematics) (1997)

Department of Mathematics, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pak-

• B.Sc. (Maths A, B and Physics) (1995)

University of Peshawar, Pakistan.

0.5 Theoretical Knowledge
Numerical Analysis 1,2
Complex Analysis 1,2,3
Differential Equations
Algebra 1,2
Partial Differential Equations
Real Analysis
Mathematical Method
Mathematical Modeling
Dynamics & Optimization
Numerical Integration
Control Theory
Non Linear Analysis
Computational Mathematics

0.6 Computer Skills

Microsoft Word processing
Graphics (Power Point)
Data bases (BIDS and internet sites)
Well Experience of using E-mail and Internet

0.7 Current Research Project

1. Project Title: Mathematical Models of Dengue Epidemics in Pak-
istan and Control Strategies
Position: Principal Investigator

Period of Execution: 3 Year (Resubmitted to HEC after minor correction
for approval)
Total Cost: Rs. 2.9 Million (PKR)

2. Project Title: The transmission dynamics of Hepatitis and its

optimal control
Position: Principal Investigator
Period of Execution: 3 Year (2013-2015 in progress)
Total Cost: Rs. 2.3 Million (PKR)

3. Epidemic Models in Fractional Order (in Progress)

4. Smoking Epidemic (in submission process)

5. Modeling of Real World Issues (Working on research proposal)

0.8 Subject Taught

1. Applied Dimensional Analysis and Modeling
2. Mathematical Modeling
3. Introduction to Mathematical Biology
4. Computational Mathematics
5. Hydrodynamics & Differential Equations
6. Optimization Theory
7. Differential Equations
8. Numerical Analysis

0.9 Research Scholars Supervised

0.9.1 Ph.D Supervision

1. Mr. Abid Ali Lashari Ph.D from CAMP-NUST (Degree awarded, 2012)
dissertation entitled Mathematical Models of Vector Born Disease and
Optimal Control.

2. Roman Ullah Ph.D from AWKUM (Degree awarded, 2013)
dissertation entitled Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Control of
Some Infectious Diseases.

3. Anwar Zeb Ph.D from UOM (Degree awarded, 2014)

dissertation entitled Dynamical behavior and optimal control of smoking
model in fractional order.

4. Amir Khan Ph.D from UOM (Degree awarded 2015)

dissertation entitled Fractional Order Generalized Fluid Flow Models:
An Analytical Approach.

5. Muhammad Zamir Ph.D from UOM (Degree awarded, 2017)

Mathematical Analysis of Control Strategies for elimination of Leishma-

6. Nagir Ali Ph.D from UOM dissertation entitled Mathematical Analysis

and Control Strategies of HIV-1 Infection Models (Degree awarded, 2017)

7. Tahir Khan Ph.D from UOM (Research in progress, HEC funded)

8. Asaf Khan Ph.D from UOM (Research in progress)

9. Ibrar Ullah Ph.D from UOM (Research in progress)

10. Ghulam Hussain Ph.D from UOM (Research in progress)

11. Ms. Bibi Fatima Ph.D from UOM (Research in progress)

12. Naeem Jan Ph.D from UOM (Course work in progress)

13. Zakir Ullah Ph.D from UOM (Course work in progress)

0.9.2 MS/ M.Phil Supervision

1. Ms. Samreen Sharif M.Phil from CAMP-NUST (Degree awarded, 2010)
dissertation entitled Mathematical Models of Infectious Diseases and
Role of Optimal Control.

2. Muhammad Altaf Khan M.Phil, Islamia College University Peshawar,
dissertation entitled dynamical interaction between leptospirosis infected
vector and human population (Degree awarded, 2012)

3. Ibrar Ullah M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded, 2014)

dissertation entitled Asymptotic Behavior of Giving Up Smoking Model

4. Muhammad Sajjad Khan M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded, 2014)

dissertation entitled Stability Analysis of an Epidemic Model with Dif-
ferent Incidence Rates

5. Zia ud Din M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded, 2014)

dissertation entitled Numerical Solution of Oldrod-B Fluid in a Blood

6. Ghulam Hussain M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded, 2014)

dissertation entitled Optimal Control in Epidemic Model with Time De-

7. Anweruddin M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded, 2014)

dissertation entitled Stability Analysis of HIV Epidemic Model

8. Ms. Bibi Fatima M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded, 2015)

dissertation entitled The effect of migration on Hepatitis-B model

9. Same Ullah M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded, 2015)

dissertation entitled Stability Analysis of SIR and SEIR Epidemic Models

10. Ms. Nila M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded 2016)

Dynamical Behavior of Fractional Order HIV/AIDS epidemic Model

11. Haider Ali Khan M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded 2016)
Modeling and Analysis of Communicable Diseases with Nonlinear Inci-
dence Rates

12. Abdullah M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded 2016)

dissertation entitled Analysis of vector-borne diseases with vertical and
horizontal transmission in host population

13. Ms. Shamza Nawab M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded 2017)
Modeling and the effect of multiple controls strategies on different Hep-
atitis B infected individuals

14. Muhammad Naeem Jan M.Phil from UOM (Degree awarded 2018, HEC

15. Zakir Ullah M.Phil from UOM (Degreee awarded 2018, HEC funded)

16. Muhammad Wasim M.Phil from UOM (Degreee awarded 2018, HEC

17. Muhammad Ibrahim M.Phil from UOM (Research in progress)

18. Muhammad Tariq M.Phil from UOM (Research in progress)

19. Aurang Zeb M.Phil from UOM (Research in progress)

0.10 Research Interest

1. Model Formulation and Analysis of Infectious Diseases
2. Predator-Prey Population and Mathematical Modeling
3. Fluid Dynamics (Blood flow in a vessel and mathematical modeling)
4. Optimal Control Theory and Applications
5. Homotopy Perturbation Method
6. Stability Analysis and Computational Modeling
7. Applications of ODE, PDE and Fractional Differential Equations

0.11 Membership of Academic Bodies

1. Advanced Studies & Research Board (ASRB) University of Malakand

2. Board of Studies Department of Mathematics, Abdul Wali Khan Uni-

versity Mardan

3. Member of Academic Council University of Malakand

4. Korean Mathematical Society (KMS)

5. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)

6. Korean Society for Mathematical Biology (KSMB)

7. Member of Academic Council Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan

8. Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (KSIAM)

9. Member as Approved Expert of Committee of Courses (CC) Allama Iqbal

Open University, Islamabad

10. Board of Faculty Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan

11. Board of Faculty Gomal University D.I. Khan

12. House Allotment Committee University of Malakand

13. Board of Studies Department of Mathematics, Islamia College University,


14. Board of Studies Department of Mathematics, Abbotabad University of

Science and Technology, Abbotabad

15. Antiplagriausm Standing Committee UOM

16. Member of Selection Board SBBU Sheringal Uper Dir KPK

17. Member of Senate University of Swat KPK

0.12 Professional Skills and Participation

1. KISAM work shop Seoul National University, Summer 2005, South Korea

2. Pusan-Komamoto work shop on Mathematics Feb 2007 in Japan

3. Pusan-Kyung Sang Mathematical Society in June 2007 South Korea

4. Participate as a speaker in the 6th International Conference on Industrial

and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) 2007 in Switzerland

5. Participate as a speaker in the International Conference on Mathematical

Biology (ICMB) 2007 in Malaysia

6. KSMB 2nd meeting October 2007 in KAIST, South Korea

7. KISAM work shop in South Korea 2008

8. Participate as an Organizer and speaker in the 6th International Confer-

ence on Scientific Computing and Applications (SCA) June 2008, Pusan
South Korea

9. Participate as a speaker in the 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics

in KAIST South Korea

10. Participate as a speaker in the 2008 Global KMS International Confer-

ence in Jeju, South Korea.

11. Focal Person (Organizer) of Ist National Conference on Mathematical

Science 2-4th Sep. 2014, University of Malakand (Funded HEC).

12. Participate in the Indigenous On-Campus Training Workshop of Admin-

istrative Staff on “Good Governance”, University of Malakand, Novem-
ber 17-21, 2014, Organized by QEC, HEC Islamabad.

13. Participate in the Two days work shop on “Strategic Management”,

February 5-6, 2015, organized by British Council & HEC in Islamabad.

14. Participate in the one days work shop on “Research Proposal for Post-
Doctorial Fellowship”, December 17, 2015, organized by ORIC (UOM)
& HEC in Islamabad.

15. Participate in the three days training work shop for administrative staff
on “Good Governance”, 27-29 April 2015, organized by Quality Enchant-
ment Cell (UOM) & HEC in UOM.

16. Focal Person (Organizer) of one day workshop on Mathematics 13 Dec.
2016, University of Malakand (Funded ORIC).
17. Participate in the one days work shop on “Ph.D Supervision”, May 20,
2017, organized by HEC in Islamabad.

0.13 Academic Managerial Reforms

• Syllabus
• Curriculum Review Committee
• Modification BS-4 Yrs and M.Phil/Ph.D Syllabus
• Design and implement M.Sc Mathematics semester system in UOM

0.14 Awards
1. First Research Cash Award in Physical and Numerical Sciences- 2018
2. RESEARCH PRODUCTIVITY AWARD - 2015 by Pakistan Council for
Science & Technology
3. RESEARCH PRODUCTIVITY AWARD - 2013 by Pakistan Council for
Science & Technology
4. RESEARCH PRODUCTIVITY AWARD - 2012 by Pakistan Council for
Science & Technology
5. Best University Teacher Award 2011 by Higher Education Commission
6. Best Teacher for Spring Semester 2009, National University of Science &
Technology (NUST) Islamabad
7. First Position in Ph.D Course Work obtained 100% marks PNU South

0.15 Presentations and Talks/Public Lectures
1. Stability Analysis in the Nonlinear Spruce Budworm Popula-
tion Model, Pusan-Komamoto work shop on Mathematical analysis
and its application 3-4 Feb 2007 Japan.

2. The blood flow in vessel with compressible diameter approach

by an Oldroyd-B fluid, Pusan-Kyung Sang Mathematical society work
shop 2nd June 2007 in Kyung Sang University Pusan, South Korea.

3. Stability techniques in the SIR epidemic model, 6th International

Congress on Industrial and applied Mathematics 16-20 July 2007, in
Zurich Switzerland.

4. The effect of constant yield harvesting analysis in the spruce

budworm population dynamics, International conference on mathe-
matical biology 4 − 6th, September 2007, Kualalumpur Malaysia.

5. Optimal Vaccination and Treatment in the SIR Model, in KISAM

on 23-24th November 2007, South Korea.

6. Control in the Smoking Dynamics, in The 1st Young-Nam Young

Mathematician Conference 28-29th March 2008, PNU Korea.

7. Steady Oldroyd-B fluid in a blood vessel, the Korean Mathematical

Society 25-26th April 2008, Keung Meung University, South Korea.

8. A Mathematical Study of Human Blood Flow in a Vessel, Math-

ematics Colloquium for Junior Mathematicians May second 2008, PNU

9. Mathematical Modeling in Biology, Centre for Advanced Mathe-

matics and Physics 7th July 2008, NUST, Pakistan.

10. The Influence of the Orientation Stress Tensor on the Blood

Flow in a Vessel, the 12th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics 18-21
August 2008, Daejeon, Korea.

11. Optimal Control of communicable diseases and prevention of
epidemics, Mathematics Colloquium for Junior Mathematicians August
2008, PNU Korea.

12. Optimal vaccination of communicable diseases, Global KMS In-

ternational Conference 2008, Jeju Korea.

13. Stability and control in a predator population, International Bhur-

ban Conference on Applied Sciences & Technology, Jan. 2009, Islamabad

14. Stability and optimal control in epidemic models, Conference

on Recent Advances in Mathematical Methods, Models & Applications,
April 18-19th 2009, LUMS Lahore, Pakistan.

15. Stability and optimal control in epidemic models, The 10th Inter-
national Conference on Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications
July 27-31 2009, Kyungnam University South Korea.

16. Blood flow in a vessel with numerical simulations, Intensive Work

shop on Mathematical Models in Biology, 21-23th July 2009 South Korea.

17. Optimal treatment in smoking dynamics, Conference on Recent

Advances in Mathematical Methods, Models Applications, April 17-18th
2010, LUMS Lahore, Pakistan.

18. Dynamics of human blood in a vessel and orientation stress

tensor, The International Conference on Frustrated Spins Systems, Cold
Atoms, Nanomaterials, July 14-16th 2010, Hanoi, Vietnam.

19. Dynamical behavior and control of communicable diseases 24th

August 2011, Pusan National University, South Korea.

20. Dynamical behavior and optimal control of vector born diseases

21st June 2012, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, South Ko-

21. Blood Flow Induced by Brownian Force in a Vessel, IWMMS 3rd
International Workshop on Material Modeling and Simulation 3 - 6 July
2013, University of Malakand, Pakistan.

22. Some Mathematical Models in Biology and Optimal Control,

Symposium held on 12 - 13 May 2014, COMSATS Institute of IT, Ab-
bottabad, Pakistan.

23. Epidemic model of hepatitis B with vaccination, CASM Interna-

tional Conference on Differential Equations and Applications, May 26 -
28, 2016, LUMS, Pakistan.

24. Dynamics and control of double delayed HIV-1 infection model,

Two Days International Conference on Causes and Consequences of HIV/AIDS
in Rural and Urban Communities of Pakistan on 05-06 April 2017 Under
HEC thematic research projection University of Malakand.

25. Asymptotic Analysis and Optimal Control Strategies of Infec-

tious Diseases, 3rd National Conference of Mathematics Sciences, 27-28
April, 2017, Islamic International University, Islamabad.

26. Optimal Control of Giving up Smoking Model With Age-Structured

in Smoking Classes, 6rd International Conference on Control and Op-
timization With Industrial Applications (COIA-2018), 11-13 July, 2018,
Baku, Azerbaijan.

0.16 Invited Talks

1. The Non-Newtonian Blood Flow in Vessel with the Configura-
tion of Brownian Force, the 25th PNU-POSTECH Algebraic Combi-
natorics Seminar May 3, 2008, POSTECH Korea.

2. Stability analysis and optimal control in communicable diseases,

COMSATS, May 4, 2009, Islamabad Pakistan.

3. Dynamical behavior of infectious disease and role of optimal
control theory, 09 International Workshop on Nonlinear PDE and Ap-
plications 29 June 2nd July Pusan National University South Korea.
4. Some Mathematical Models in Biology Summer Intensive Lecturers
Program for Mathematical Biology 17-20th July 2011, Pusan National
University South Korea.
5. Summer School for UG students, 28 June-2nd July 2011, Depart-
ment of Mathematics PNU, South Korea.
6. Annual Meeting of Korean Society for Mathematical Biology ,
Modeling Dynamical Interactions Between Leptospirosis Infected Vector
and Human Population, 25-26 August 2011, UNIST South Korea.
7. China-Japan-Korea Mathematical Biology Conference, Dynam-
ical interactions and control of Leptospirosis infected vector and human
population, 22-25 June 2012, PNU South Korea.
8. Dynamical Behavior & Optimal Control of Vector Born Dis-
eases, Department of Mathematics and Electrical Engineering, City
University of Science & Information Technology, 20th October 2012, Pe-
shawar, Pakistan.
9. Invited by Chairman Department of Mathematics, King Saud
University, Kingdom of Saudi Arab to discuss joint research, 14 April
2015 to 27 April 2015.
10. Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Control Strategies for
Some Infectious Diseases, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi
Arab, April 20, 2015.
11. Blood Flow Induced by Brownian Force in a Vessel, King Saud
University, Kingdom of Saudi Arab, April 22, 2015.
12. Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Control Strategies for
Some Infectious Diseases, Department of Mathematics, College of
Science Al-Zulfi, Majmahh University, Kingdom of Saudi Arab, April
27, 2015.

13. Transmission Dynamics and Optimal Control Strategies of In-
fectious Diseases, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
King Abdul Aziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arab, April 29, 2015.

14. Dynamical behavior of vector born diseases and multiple con-

trol strategies, International Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis and Ap-
plications, University of Management Technology (UMT), Lahore, Pak-
istan, October 1- 3, 2016.

15. Mathematical models of infectious diseases and multiple con-

trol strategies, Workshop on Soft Computing and Their Applications,
Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat Pakistan, October 25-

16. Spreading dynamic of vector borne diseases and multiple con-

trol strategies, Department of Mathematic, 24 May 2017, GC Univer-
sity, Lahore Pakistan.

17. Mathematical Modeling and Control of Smoking Epidemic in

a Community, two days workshop on Modeling, Simulation and Op-
timization, Kohat University of Science & Technology, Kohat Pakistan,
April 19-20,2017.

18. Mathematical Model of Blood Circulation in Human Body In-

duced by Brownian Force, International Conference on Applied Math-
ematics, 22-25 May 2017, LUMS, Lahore, Pakistan.

19. Mathematical analysis of communicable diseases and multiple

control strategies, 3rd International Conference of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, 9-10 Nov. 2017, Sarghoda University, Pu Pakistan.

20. Dynamical behavior of vector born disease and role of optimal

control strategies, International Conference on Applied Mathematics,
13-15 Nov. 2017, GC University, Lahore Pakistan.

21. Modeling and control of different infectious diseases, Center of

Mathematical Sciences, 21 Dec. 2018, Pusan National University, Busan
South Korea.

20. Application of Mathematics in Biological Systems, Daegu High
School, 22 Dec. 2018, South Korea.

0.17 Publications

0.17.1 Published
• 1. Muhammad Tahir, Syed Inayat Ali Shah, Gul Zaman, Tahir Khan,
Stability Behaviour of Mathematical Model MERS Corona Virus
Spread in population, Filomat xx (yyyy), zzzzzz DOI (will be added
later) IF:0.635.
2. Sajjad Ali Khan, Kamal Shah, Gul Zaman and Fahd Jarad, Ex-
istence theory and numerical solutions to smoking model under
Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary
Journal of Nonlinear Science 29, 013128 (2019); doi: 10.1063/1.5079644
3. Asma, Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, Anwar Zeb, Vedat Suat Erturk and Il
Hyo Jung, Dynamical Analysis of Approximate Solutions of HIV-1
Model with an Arbitrary Order, Complexity Volume 2019, Article
ID 9715686, 7 pages
4. Muhammad Tahir, Syed Inayat Ali Shah, Gul Zaman and Tahir
Khan, A Dynamic Compartmental Mathematical Model Describing
The Transmissibility Of MERS-CoV Virus In Public, Punjab Uni-
versity Journal of Mathematics (ISSN 1016-2526) Vol. 51(4)(2019)
pp. 57-71.
5. Tahir M, Ali Shah IS, Zaman G, Khan T., Prevention Strategies for
Mathematical Model MERS-Corona Virus with Stability Analysis
and Optimal Control. J Nanosci Nanotechnol (2018) 2: 401.
6. Amir Khan and Gul Zaman, A hydromagnetic flow through porous
medium near an accelerating plate in the presence of magnetic
field, Georgian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 25, issue 3 (Sep 2018)

7. Muhammad Tahir, Syed Inayat Ali Shah, Gul Zaman and Sher
Muhammad, Ebola virus epidemic disease its modeling and stability
analysis required abstain strategies, Tahir et al., Cogent Biology
(2018), 4: 1488511
8. Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, Anwer Zeb, Vedat Suat Ertrk, Il Hyo Jung,
and Asma, Dynamical Analysis of Approximate Solutions of HIV-
1 Model with an Arbitrary Order, BioMed Research International
2018 IF:1.17.
9. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Muhammad Ikhlaq Chohan, The trans-
mission dynamic of different hepatitis B-infected individuals with
the effect of hospitalization, JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DY-
NAMICS, 2018 VOL. 12, NO. 1, 611-631 IF:1.835.
10. Asaf Khan and Gul Zaman, Optimal control strategy of SEIR en-
demic model with continuous age-structure in the exposed and in-
fectious classes, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 2018,
1-12 IF:1.558.
11. Anwar Zeb, Ayesha Bano, Ebraheem Alzahrani, Gul Zaman, Dy-
namical Analysis of Cigarette Smoking Model with a Saturated Inci-
dence Rate, AIP Advances 8, 045317 (2018); doi: 10.1063/1.5028157
12. Asaf Khan and Gul Zaman, Asymptotic Behavior of an Age Struc-
ture SEIR Endemic Model, Applied and Computational Mathemat-
ics, Vol. 17, no. 2 (2018) 185-204 IF:1.35.
13. Samia Bushnaq, Sajjad Ali Khan, Kamal Shah, Gul Zaman, Mathe-
matical analysis of HIV/AIDS infection model with Caputo-Fabrizio
fractional derivative, Cogent Mathematics & Statistics (2018), 5:
1432521, ISI.
14. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Ali Saleh Alshomrani, Spreading Dynamic
of Acute and Carrier Hepatitis B with Nonlinear Incidenc, PlosOne,
April 5, 2018,, IF:3.8.
15. Anwar Zeb, Sultan Hussain, Obaid J. Algahtani, Gul Zaman, Global
Aspects of Age-Structured Cigarette Smoking Model, Mediterr. J.

Math. (2018) 15:72 Springer
International Publishing AG IF:0.868.
16. Muhammad Tahir, S.I.A. Shah, G. Zaman, S. A. Hussain, M. Ishaq
and S. Muhammad, A Chronic Viral Disease MERS-Corona Model
Presenting with Optimal Control Strategy, Journal of Advanced
Physics Vol. 7, pp. 110, 2018, IF:1.58.
17. Muhammad Altaf Khan, Saeed Islam, Gul Zaman, Media coverage
campaign in Hepatitis B transmission model, Applied Mathematics
and Computation 331 (2018) 378 393 IF:1.738.
18. Amir Khan, Muhammad Shah, Hidayat Ullah Khan and Gul Za-
man, Study of Jordan quasigroups and their construction, JOUR-
1080/16583655. 2018. 1451061.
19. Tahir Khan, Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, The extinction and persis-
tence of the stochastic hepatitis B epidemic model, Chaos, Solitons
& Fractals, Volume 108, March 2018, Pages 123-128 IF:1.455.
20. Asaf Khan and Gul Zaman, Global analysis of an Age-structured
SEIR endemic model, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 108,
March 2018, Pages 154-165 IF:1.455.
21. Samia Buhhnaq, Sajjad Ali Khan, Kamal Shah, Gul Zaman, Ex-
istence Theory of HIV1 Infection Model by Using Arbitrary Order
Derivative of Without Singular Kernel Type, Journal of Mathemat-
ical Analysis, Volum 9 issue 1 (2018) pages 16-28. IF:0.00.
22. Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, Muhammad Ikhlaq Chohan, Mathematical
Analysis of Delayed HIV-1 Epidemic Model for the Competition of
Two Viruses, Ali et al., Cogent Mathematics (2017), 4: 1332881.
23. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Yongjin Li, Saeed Ahmad, Altaf Hus-
sain, The Oscillatory Motion of Oldroyd-B Fluid by Incorporating
Some of the Mechanical Factors, Journal Applied Mathematics and
Physics (2017) 5, 2402 - 2410, IF:0.58.
24. Gul Zaman, Il H. Jung, Delfim F. M. Torres, and Anwar Zeb, Math-
ematical Modeling and Control of Infectious Diseases, Computa-

tional and Mathematical Methods in Medicine Volume 2017 (2017),
Article ID 7149154, 1 page IF:0.937.
25. Tahir Khan, Il Hyo Jung, Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Classification
and sensitivity analysis of infected Hepatitis B individuals, Theoret-
ical Biology and Medical Modeling, (2017) 14:22 DOI 10.1186/s12976-
017-0068-3 IF:1.439.
26. Zakir Ullah, Gul Zaman, Lie group analysis of magnetohydrody-
namics tangent hyperbolic flow towards a stretching sheet with slip
conditions, Heliyon, 3 Issue 11 (2017) e00443.
27. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Saeed Ahmad, M Ikhlaq Chohan, Some
Exact Solutions of Generalized Jeffrey Fluid Using N-Transform,
American Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2017, 7, 402-412.
28. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Il Hyo Jung, MHD Oscillating Flow of
Generalized Jeffrey Fluid Passing Through a Porous Rectangular
Duct, Journal of Porous Media, Vol. 20(7) (2017) 649-661. IF:1.035.
29. Amir Khan, Tahir Khan, Hidayat Ullah Khan, Gul Zaman, Con-
struction of Right Nuclear Square Loop, Matriks Sains Mathematik
(MSMK), 1(2) (2017) 1-3.
30. Gul Zaman, Young Han Kang, Il Hyo Jung, Dynamics of a smoking
model with disease death rate, APPLICATIONES MATHEMAT-
ICE, 44(2) 2017 pp. 281-295.
31. Vedat Erturk, Gul Zaman, Baha Alzalg, Anwar Zeb, Shaher Mo-
mani, Comparing two numerical methods for approximating a new
giving up smoking model with fractional order derivative, Iranian
Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, pp 1-7,
25 September 2017, DOI 10.1007/s40995-017-0278-x, IF:0.217.
32. Roman Ullah, Gul Zaman, Saeed Islam, Hakeem Ullah, S. Shafe,
Control strategies of avian influenza pandemic model with time de-
lay, International Journal of Biomathematics, Volume 10, No. 7
(2017) 1750104, IF:1.05.
33. Amir Khan, Mehtab Khan, Hidayat Ullah Khan, Gul Zaman, On
Left Alternative Loops, Matriks Sains Mathematik (MSMK), 1(2)
(2017) 4-5.

34. Fatma BiBi, M. Ikhlaq Chohan and Gul Zaman, The obesity pre-
vention strategies in population dynamics, Advanced Modeling and
Optimization, Volume 19, (2017) 213-225.
35. Muhammad Zamir, Gul Zaman, Ali Saleh Alshomrani, Control
Strategies and Sensitivity Analysis of Anthroponotic Visceral Leish-
VOL. 11, NO. 1, 323338
36. Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, Abdullah, Aisha M. Alqahtani, Ali Saleh
Alshomrani, The effects of time lag and cure rate on the global
dynamics of HIV-1 mode, BioMed research International, Volume
2017 (2017), Article ID 8094947, 11 pages, IF:2.134.
37. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, A hydromagnetic flow through porous
medium near an accelerating plate in the presence of magnetic
field Georgian Mathematical Journal, DOI: 10.1515/gmj-2017-0017,
38. Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, Ali Saleh Alshomrani, Optimal Control
Strategy of HIV-1 Epidemic Model for Recombinant Virus, Ali et
al., Cogent Mathematics (2017), 4: 1293468.
39. Gul Zaman, Giphil Cho, Yong Han Kang, Jung Il Hyo, Optimal
strategy of vaccination & treatment in an SIR epidemic model,
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 136 (2017) 6377, IF:1.124.
40. Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, M. Ikhlaq Chohan, Global Stability of De-
layed HIV-1 Model with Saturations Repones, Appl. Math. Inf.
Sci. 11, No. 1, 189-194 (2017).
41. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman and M. Ikhlaq Chohan, The transmission
dynamic and optimal control of acute and chronic hepatitis B, Jour-
nal of Biological Dynamics, 2017 Vol. 11, No. 1, 172-189, IF:1.38.
42. Gul Zaman and Asaf Khan, Dynamical Aspects of an Age-structured
SIR Endemic Model, Computer and Mathematics with Applica-
tions, 72 (2016) 1690 -1702, IF:1.398.
43. Mhammad Zamir, Gul Zaman, Ali Saleh Alshomrani (2016), Sen-
sitivity Analysis and Optimal Control of Anthroponotic Cutaneous

Leishmania, PLoSONE 11 August 9, 2016, IF:3.05.
44. Tahir Khan and Gul Zaman, Classification of different Hepatitis B
infected individuals with saturated incidence rate, Khan and Zaman
SpringerPlus (2016) 5:1082 DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-2706-3, IF:0.98
45. Anwar Zeb, Sulan Hussain, Syed Inayat Ali Shah, Gul Zaman,
Asymptotic Behavior of Stochastic Hepatitis B Model with Con-
trols, Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations 24 (2016) 121
-130, IF:0.163.
46. Nigar Ali and Gul Zaman and M. Ikhlaq Chohan, Dynamical Be-
havior of HIV-1 Epidemic Model With Time Dependent Delay, J.
Math. Comput. Sci. 6 (2016), No. 3, 377-389, Available online at
47. Nigar Ali and Gul Zaman, Obaid J. Algahtani, Stability analysis
of HIV-1 model with multiple delays, Ali et al. Advances in Dif-
ference Equations (2016) 2016:88, DOI 10.1186/s13662-016-0808-4
48. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, The Oscillating Motion of a Generalized
Oldroyd-B Fluid in Magnetic Field with Constant Pressure Gradi-
ent, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media-An International
Journal, 6(3), 251-260 (2016).
49. Nigar Ali and Gul Zaman, Asymptotic behavior of HIV-1 epidemic
model with infinite distributed intracellular delays, Ali and Zaman.
SpringerPlus (2016) 5:324, DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-1951-9 IF:0.98.
50. Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Baha Alzalg and Vedat Suat Ertrk, Faisal
Yousafzai, Madad Khan, Approximating a giving-up smoking dy-
namics on adolescent nicotine dependence in fractional order, PLoS
ONE 11(4): (2016) e0103617. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103617
51. Roman Ullah, Sakhi Jan, Gul Zaman, Saleem Khan, Saeed Is-
lam, M.A. Khan, Hakeem Ullah, Mathematical Modeling of Vector-
Borne Diseases, J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 6(1)57-62, 2016 ISI.
52. Abdullah, Il Hyo Jung, Gul Zaman, Asymptotic analysis and back-

ward bifurcation of vector borne diseases, Cincia e Tcnica Vitivin-
cola, Vol. 31(2) (2016) 532-545, IF:0.479.
53. Roman Ullah, Mehroz Khan, Gul Zaman, Saeed Islam, M. A.Khan,
Sakhi Jan, T. Gul, Dynamical Features of a Mathematical Model
on Smoking, J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci., 6(1)92-96, 2016 ISI.
54. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of
Second Grade Fluid Due To Uniform Accelerating Plate, Journal
of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 3127-3133, 2016
55. Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Comments on “Transmission Model of
Hepatitis B Virus with Migration Effect”, BioMed Research Inter-
national Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 492513, 4 pages, IF:1.579.
56. Obaid J Algahtani, Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Shaher Momani, Il
Hyo Jung, Mathematical Study of Smoking Model by Incorporating
Campaign Class, Wulfenia Journal, Volume 22 (12) (Dec. 2015)
205-216, IF:0.65.
57. Muhammad Zamir, Gul Zaman, Shoukat Fiaz, Mathematical model
of cutaneous leishmania, with threshold conditions for infection per-
sistence, Advances in Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Proc.
3rd Int. Conf. Math. Comput. Stat. Sci. (MCSS ’15), UAE, Feb.
22-24, 2015, pp. 480-487.
58. Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Obaid J. Algahtani, Shaher Momani, A
Special Case in Giving Up Smoking Model with Relapse Class,
Wulfenia Journal, Volume 22 (10) (Feb. 2015) 90-104, IF:0.65.
59. Saeed Islam, Sher Afzal Khan, Gul Zaman and Il Hyo Jung, Per-
turbation Methods and Formal Modeling for Dynamic Systems, Ab-
stract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 384710,
2 pages IF:1.16.
60. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Ghaus ur Rahman, Hydromagnetic Flow
Near a Non-uniform Accelerating Plate in the Presence of Magnetic
Field Through Porous Medium, Journal of Porous Media, Vol. 18,
2015, Issue 8, pages 801-809, DOI: 10.1615/JPorMedia.v18.i8.50,

61. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, The motion of a generalized Oldroyd-B
fluid between two side walls of a plate, South Asian Journal of Math-
ematics 2015 , Vol. 5 ( 2 ): 42-52 IF:0.625.
62. Anwer Zeb, Fiza Bibi, Gul Zaman, Optimal control strategies in
square roots dynamics of smoking model, International Journal of
Scientific World, Vol. 3(1) (2015) 91-97.
63. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Obaid Algahtani, Transmission dynamic
and vaccination of Hepatitis B epidemic model, Wulfenia Journal,
Volume 22 (2) (Feb. 2015) 230-241 IF:0.65.
64. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of
Second Grade Fluid Due to Impulsive Motion of Plate, Electronic
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 3(1) Jan.
2015, pp. 215-227.
65. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Obaid Alghtani, Unsteady Flow of Vis-
coelastic Fluid Due to Impulsive Motion Plate, Asian Journal of
Mathematics and Applications, Volume 2014, Article ID ama0191,
9 pages.
66. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, On Oscillatory Motion of a Generalized
MHD Oldroyd-B Fluid, International Journal of Applied Mathemat-
ics, Volume 27 No. 6 2014, 605-612.
67. W. Khan, F. Yousafzai, M. Ikhlaq Chohan,, Anwer Zeb, Gul Zaman,
II Hyo Jung, Exact Solutions of Navier Stokes Equations in Porous
Media, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 96, No. 2 (2014) 235 -247.
68. Syed Farasat Sadiq, Muhammad Altaf Khan, Saeed Islam, Gul Za-
man, II Hyo Jung and Sher Afzal Khan, Optimal Control of an Epi-
demic Model of Leptospirosis with Nonlinear Saturated Incidences,
Annual Research & Review in Biology, 4(3) (2014) 560 - 576.
69. Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Il Hyo Jung and Madad Khan, Optimal
Campaign Strategies in Fractional Order Smoking Model, Z. Natur-
forsch.69a, 225-231 (2014). IF:1.363.
70. Madad Khan, Venus Amjid, Gul Zaman, Naveed Yaqoob, Charac-
terizations of ordered Γ-Abel-Grassmann’s groupoids, Discussiones

Mathematicae General Algebra and Applications, 34 (1) 2014, 55-
71. Roman Ullah, Gul Zaman and S. Islam, Control strategies for pre-
vention of avian-influenza pandemic, The Scientific World Journal,
Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 949718, 9 pages IF:1.173.
72. Anwar Zeb, Madad Khan, Gul Zaman, Shaher Momani, and Ve-
dat Suat Ertrk, Comparison of Numerical Methods of the SEIR
Epidemic Model of Fractional Order, Z. Naturforsch. 69a, 81-89
(2014), Doi:10.5560/ZNA.2013-0073, IF:1.363.
73. Gul Zaman, Yasuhisa Saito, and Madad Khan, Optimal Vaccination
of an Endemic Model with Variable Infectivity and Infinite Delay,
Z. Naturforsch. 68a, 677685 (2013), doi:10.5560/ZNA.2013-0051,
74. Roman Ullah, Gul Zaman, Saeed Islam and Imtiaz Ahmad, Dy-
namical Features and Vaccination Strategies in an SEIR Epidemic
Model, Res. J. Recent Sci., 2(10), 48-56 (2013), IF:0.3722.
75. Khan M.A., Islam S., Murad Ullah, Khan S.A., Zaman G. and Sad-
diq S.F., Analytical Solution of the Leptospirosis Epidemic Model
by Homotopy Perturbation Method, Research Journal of Recent
Sciences, Vol. 2(8), 66-71, August (2013)IF:0.3722.
76. Anwer Zeb, Gul Zaman, M. Ikhlaq Chohan, Shaher Momani, Vedat
Suat Erturk, Analytic Numeric Solution for SIRC Epidemic Model
in Fractional Order, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Applica-
tions, Volume 2013, Article ID ama0058, 19 pages ISSN 2307-7743, IF:0.0.
77. M.A. Khan, S. Islam, Murad Ullah, S.A. Khan, G. Zaman, M.
Arif, S.F. Sadiq, Application of Homotopy Perturbation Method
to Vector Host Epidemic Model with Non-Linear Incidences, Re-
search Journal of Recent Sciences, Vol. 2(6), 90-95, June (2013),
78. Saeed Islam, Syed Farasat Saddiq, Gul Zaman, M. Altaf Khan, Sher
Afzal Khan, Farooq Ahmad and Murad Ullah, Analytical Solution
of an SEIV Epidemic model by Homotopy Perturbation Method,

VFAST Transactions on Mathematics, Volume 1, Number 2, July-
August, 2013, 1-7.
79. Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Shaher Momani Vedat Suat Ertuek, So-
lution of an SEIR Epidemic Model in Fractional Order, VFAST
Transactions on Mathematics, Volume 1, Number 1, June 2013,
80. Muhammad Altaf Khan, Saeed Islam, Sher Afzal Khan and Gul
Zaman, Global Stability of Vector-Host Disease with Variable Pop-
ulation Size, BioMed Research International Volume 2013, Article
ID 710917, 9 pages, IF:2.880.
81. Roman Ullah, Gul Zaman, Saeed Islam, STABILITY ANALYSIS
on Mathematics, Volume 1, Number 1, June 2013, 16-20.
82. Muhammad Idrees, Fazle Mabood, Asar Ali, Gul Zaman, Exact So-
lution for a Class of Stiff Systems by Differential Transform Method,
Applied Mathematics, 2013, 4, 440-444, IF:0.15.
83. Syed Farasat Saddiq, Muhammad Altaf Khan, Saeed Islam, Gul Za-
man, Naeam Khalid, Syed Inayat Ali Shah, Zahor-ul-Haq, Optimal
control of an epidemic model of leptospirosis with time delay, Life
Sci. J. 2013;10(3s):292-298 (ISSN:1097-8135), IF:0.165.
84. Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Shaher Momani, Squar-root dynamics of
a giving up smoking model, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 37
(2013) 5326-5334, IF:1.704.
85. Abid Ali Lashari, K. Hattaf, Gul Zaman, Xue-Zhi Li, Backward
bifurcation and optimal control of a vector-borne disease, Applied
Mathematics & Information Sciences 7, No. 1, 301-309 (2013),
86. R. Ullah, G. Zaman, S. Islam, M.R. Muhyuddin, , Life Sci. J.
2012;9(4):5747-5753, IF:0.165.
87. Roman Ullah, Gul Zaman, Saeed Islam, Prevention of influenza
pandemic by multiple controls strategies, Journal of Applied Mathe-
matics, Volume 2012, Article ID 294275, 14 pages doi:10.1155/2012/294275,

88. Young Il Seo, Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Il Hyo Jung, Square-Root Dy-
namics of a SIR-Model in Fractional Order, Applied Mathematics,
2012, 3, 1882-1887, IF:0.15.
89. Muhammad Altaf Khan, Gul Zaman, Saeed Islam, Muhammad
Ikhlaq Chohan, Optimal Campaign in Leptospirosis Epidemic by
Multiple Control Variables, Applied Mathematics, 2012, 3, 1655-
1663, IF:0.15.
90. Abid Ali Lashari, Muhammad Ozair, Gul Zaman, X.Z. Li, Global
analysis of a host-vector model with infectious force in latent and
Vol. No. 2012, DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1160.2012.00000.
91. Vedat Suat ERTURK, Gul Zaman, Shaher Momani, A numeric-
analytic method for approximating a giving up smoking model con-
taining fractional derivatives, Computer and Mathematics with Ap-
plication, Volume 64, Issue 10, November 2012, Pages 3065 3074,
92. Anwar Zeb, M. Ikhlaq Chohan, Gul Zaman, The Homotopy Anal-
ysis Method for Approximating of Giving up Smoking Model in
Fractional Order, Applied Mathematics, 2012, 3, 914-919, IF:0.15.
93. Abid Ali Lashari, Shaban Aly, Khalid Hattaf, Gul Zaman Il Hyo
Jung, Xue-Zhi Li, Prevention of Malaria epidemics using multiple
control variables, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2012
(2012), Article ID 946504, 17 pagesdoi:10.1155/2012/946504, IF:0.834.
94. Gul Zaman, Saeed Islam, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, Blood flow
of an Oldroyd-B fluid in a blood vessel incorporating a Brownian
stress, SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, Jan-
uary 2012 Vol. 55 No. 1: 125-131, IF:1.169.
95. Gul Zaman, M. Altaf Khan, Saeed Islam, M. Ikhlaq Chohan, Il
Hyo Jung, Modeling dynamical interactions between Leptospirosis
infected vector and human population, Applied Mathematical Sci-
ences, Vol. 6, 2012, no. 26, 1287-1302, IF:0.235.
96. Abid Ali Lashari, K. Hattaf, Gul Zaman, A delay differential equa-
tion model of a vector borne disease with direct transmission, In-

ternational Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics (IJEES),
Vol.27 (2012) 25-35, IF:0.00.
97. Abid Ali Lashari, Gul Zaman, Optimal control of a vector borne dis-
ease with horizontal transmission, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World
Applications, Volume 13, Issue 1, February (2012) pp. 203-212,
98. Gul Zaman, Abid Ali Lashari, M. Ikhlaq Chohan, Dynamical fea-
tures of dengue disease with saturating incidence rate, International
Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 76, No. 3 (2012)
383-402, IF:0.86.
99. Anwar Zeb, Gul Zaman, Inayat Ali Shah, Asghar Khan, Character-
ization of ternary semigroups in terms of (∈, ∈ ∨qk ) ideals, Mathe-
matica Aeterna, Vol. 2, 2012, no. 3, 227 - 246.
100. Abid Ali Lashari, Gul Zaman, Global dynamics of vector-borne
diseases with horizontal transmission in host population, Computers
& Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 61(4) (2011) pp. 745-754,
101. Gul Zaman, Optimal campaign in the smoking dynamics, Computa-
tional and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2011 (2011),
Article ID 163834, 9 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/163834, IF:0.791.
102. Saeed Islam, Hamid Khan, Inayat Ali Shah and Gul Zaman, An
axisymmetric squeezing fluid flow between the two infinite par-
allel plates in a porous medium channel, Mathematical Problem
in Engineering, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 349803, 10 pages,
doi:10.1155/2011/349803, IF:1.383.
103. Gul Zaman, Qualitative behavior of giving up smoking model, Bull.
Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 34(2) (2011), 403-415, IF:0.854.
104. Gul Zaman, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, Orientational stress
tensor of polymer solution with application to blood flow, Mod-
ern Physics Letters B, Vol. 25, Nos. 1 45 & 13 (2011) 1157-1166,
105. Murad Ullah, S. Islam, Gul Zaman, S. Naeem Khalid, A note on
squeezing flow between two infinite parallel plates with slip bound-

ary conditions, International J. Phys. Sci. Vol. 6(14) (2011), pp.
3296-3301, IF:0.55.
106. Javed Ali, Saeed Islam, Hamid Khan, Gul Zaman, The Solution of
a Paramterized Sixth Order Boundary Value Problem by the Op-
timal Homotopy Asymptotic Method, PROCEEDINGS OF THE
ROMANIAN ACADEMY, Series A, Volume 12 , Number 3, 2011,
pp. 167-172, IF:0.537.
107. S. Islam, Fazle Mabood, Gul Zaman, Xue-Zhi Li, Il Hyo Jung ,
Optimal homotopy asymptotic method solution to convection heat
transfer flow, International J. Phys. Sci. Vol. 6(23) (2011), pp.
108. S. Islam, Murad Ullah, Gul Zaman, M. Idrees, Approximate Solu-
tions to MHD Squeezing fluid flow, J. Appl. Math. & Informatics
Vol. 29(2011), No. 5-6, pp. 1081-1096, IF:0.00.
109. Gul Zaman, S.H. Shaker, Dynamics and Control of a System of
Two Non-Interacting Preys with Common Predator, Mathematical
Method in the Applied Sciences, 34 (2011) 2259-2273, IF:0.778.
110. J. Ali, S. Islam, S.-U. Islam and Gul Zaman, The solution of multi
point boundary value problems by the Optimal Homotopy Asymp-
totic Method, Computer and Mathematics with Application, 59
(2010) 2000-2006, IF:2.069.
111. Gul Zaman, Dynamical behavior of Leptospirosis disease and role
of optimal control theory, Int. J. Math. Comp., Vol. 7, No: J10,
(2010) 80-92.
112. Gul Zaman, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, Stability and the effect
of harvesting in a budworm population model, Journal of KSIAM
14(3) (2010) 163-173.
113. S. Islam, Saqib Zia, Gul Zaman, Muhammad R. Mohyuddin, Un-
steady flow of Jeffery fluid induced by time dependent volume flow
rate, World Applied Sciences Journal 10(1) (2010) 19-22, IF:0.234.
114. Rehan Ali Shah, S. Islam, Gul Zaman, Tariq Hussain, Solution of
stagnation point flow with heat transfer analysis by optimal Ho-

motopy Asymptotic technique, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROMA-
NIAN ACADEMY, Series A, Volume 11, Number 4 (2010), pp. 312
- 321, IF:0.537.
115. Gul Zaman, S. Islam, A non-standard numerical method for a giving
up smoking model, Nonlinear Science Letter A, Vol. 1, No.4, (2010)
116. J. Ali, S. Islam, M. Tariq Rahim and Gul Zaman, The solution
of special twelfth order boundary value problems by the optimal
Homotopy Asymptotic Method, World Applied Sciences Journal
11(3) (2010) 371-378, IF:0.234.
117. Gul Zaman, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, Optimal control in the
SIR epidemic model with time delay, BioSystem 98 (2009) 43-50,
118. Gul Zaman, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, Stability and control
in the predator population, Proceedings of 6th International Bhur-
ban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology, IBCAST-2009,
Vol. 2, (2009) pp. 271-274.
119. Gul Zaman, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, The effect of constant
yield harvesting analysis in the spruce budworm population dynam-
ics, Proceeding of American Institute of physics. Vol. 971, (2008)
pp. 142-147.
120. Gul Zaman, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, A Nonlinear Mathemati-
cal Model of Blood Flow, Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Scientific Computing
and Application (2008) pp. 147-150.
121. Gul Zaman, Jung Il Hyo, Stability techniques in SIR epidemic mod-
els, Proceeding in Applied Mathematic and Mechanics Vol.7, (2007)
122. Gul Zaman, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, Stability and optimal
vaccination of an SIR epidemic model, BioSystems 93 (2008) 240-
249, IF:1.581.
123. Gul Zaman, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, The influence of the
orientation stress tensor on the blood flow in a vessel, Proceeding
of 12ACFM, Deajon, Korea, August (2008) M-1A-4.

124. Gul Zaman, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, Optimal vaccination and
treatment in the SIR epidemic model, Proceeding of the KSIAM,
Vol. 3(2), (2007) pp.31-33.

0.17.2 Accepted
125. Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, Jung Il Hyo, Stability analysis of a delay in-
tegro differential equation of HIV-1 model, Georgian Mathematical
Journal, 21 May, 2016, IF:0.40.
126. Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Il Hyo Jung, The Oscillatory Motion of
Oldroyd-B Fluid by Incorporating Some of the Mechanical Factors,
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 8 Sep 2017.
127. Some Analytic Solutions of Fractional Generalized MHD Burgers
Fluid Using N-Transform, Journal of porous media (Accepted 1.04
128. Solution of fractional order two dimensional telegraph equation us-
ing triple Laplace transform, Discrete and continuous dynamics (Ac-
cepted 0.5 impact)
129. Analytical Approximate Solution of Leptospirosis Epidemic Model
With Non Linear Incidence Rate. Computational Methods for Dif-
ferential Equations (Accepted- non ISI)
130. Nigar Ali and Gul Zaman, Analysis of Optimal Control Problem
of HIV-1 Model of Engineered Virus, International Journal of Ad-
vanced and Applied Sciences.

0.17.3 Submitted
131. Amir Khan and Gul Zaman, The Motion of a Generalized Jeffrey
fluid Between Two Side Walls of a Plate, submitted to Journal of
Central South University, 2014, IF:0.562.
132. Gul Zaman, Kang Yong Han, Jung Il Hyo, Asymptotic behavior
and control strategy of worm propagation model, Wulfenia Journal,
2015, IF:0.65.

133. Amir Khan and Gul Zaman, Exact Solution of Unsteady Fractional
Jeffrey Fluid Produced by a Plate Between Two Side Walls, sub-
mitted for publication to Computational Mathematics and Mathe-
matical Physics, 2014, IF:0.789
134. Anwar Zeb, Sultan Hussain, Gul Zaman, Asymptotic Behavior of
Stochastic Hepatitis B Model with Different Controls, Stochastic
Analysis and Applications, 2015, IF:0.63.
135. Amir Khan and Gul Zaman, Analytic Solution Of Fractional Jef-
frey Fluid Induced by Abrupt Motion of The Plate, Progress in
Fractional Differentiation and Applications (PFDA), 2015.
136. Tahir Khan and Gul Zaman, Modeling the transmission dynamics
of acute and chronic hepatitis B viruses, International Journal of
Applied and Computational Mathematics, 2015.
137. Amir Khan and Gul Zaman, Exact Solution of Unsteady Fractional
Jeffrey Fluid Produced by a Plate Between Two Side Walls Pure
and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 2015.
138. Amir Khan and Gul Zaman, Unsteady Magnetohydrodynamic Flow
of Jeffrey Fluid Through a Porous Oscillating Rectangular Duct,
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 2016.
139. Nigar Ali and Gul Zaman, Impact of delays in direct contact and
disease transmission in HIV-1 model, Chinese Annals of Mathemat-
ics Series B, 3 March, 2016, IF:0.452.
140. Anwar Zeb, Fiza Bibia, Gul Zaman, Vedat S. Erturk, Approximate
Solution of Fractional Order Smoking Model by GrnwaldLetnikov
Method, Kynpook University Journal, 6 November, 2016, IF:0.643.
141. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Viral dynamics and preventive mecha-
nism of different Hepatitis B septic entities using multiple controls,
Journal Biological System, 17 June 2017, IF:0.967.
142. Salman Ahmad, Tariq Hassan, Gul Zaman, The effect of new sub-
classes in giving-up smoking model, Kuwait Journal of Science, 12
June 2016, IF:0.310.

143. Tahir Khan and Gul Zaman, Modeling and the effect of multiple
controls strategies on different Hepatitis B infected individuals, Co-
gent Mathematics, 12 June 2016, IF:1.414.
144. Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, Ali Saleh Alshomrani, Optimal Control
Strategy of HIV-1 Epidemic Model with Recombinant Virus, Nu-
merical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 14 May 2016, IF:0.649.
145. Tahir khan and Gul Zaman, Global analysis of Hepatitis B epi-
demic model with saturated incidence rate, Quarterly of Applied
Mathematics 9 April, 2016, IF:1.03.
146. Muhammad Zamir and Gul Zaman, Modeling and analysis of effec-
tive control strategies of Leishmania, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 26
March, 2016, IF:1.611.
147. Tahir Khan and Gul Zaman, Ali Saleh Alshomrani, Abdullah K.
Alzahrani, Mathematical Analysis of Multiple Transmissions and
Optimal Mechanism of Hepatitis B, The Journal of Nonlinear Sci-
ence and Applications (JNSA), 25 Nov. 2016, IF:1.176.
148. Salman Ahmad, Tariq Hassan, Gul Zaman, The effect of new sub-
classes in giving-up smoking model, Kuwait Journal of Science, 12
June 2016, IF:0.310.
149. Tahir Khan and Gul Zaman, Asymptotic analysis and optimal treat-
ment of hepatitis B epidemic model, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences,
15 October 2016, IF:2.238.
150. Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, Ali Saleh Alshomrani, Optimal Control
Strategy of HIV-1 Epidemic Model with Recombinant Virus, Nu-
merical Functional Analysis and Optimization, 14 May 2016, IF:0.649.
151. Asaf Khan and Gul Zaman, Dynamical behavior of an age structure
SIRS endemic model, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,
26 August 2016, IF:1.08.
152. Asaf Khan and Gul Zaman, Complex dynamics of an age-structured
SEIR endemic model, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 23
Jan. 2017, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, IF:2.964.

153. Tahir Khan and Gul Zaman, ****Modelling and Optimal Control
of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis B Individuals, Mathematical Mod-
elling and Analysis, 24 October 2016, IF:1.21.
154. Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, Anwer Zeb and Vedat Suat Erturk, Ana-
lytical study of fractional order HIV-1 model by Laplace-Adomian
decomposition method, International Journal of Computer Mathe-
matics, 14 Sep, 2017, IF:0.980.
155. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Delfim F. M. Torres, Modelling and Op-
timal Control of Acute and Chronic Hepatitis B Individuals, Elec-
tronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (EJQTDE),
8 May 2017 IF:0.879.
156. Muhammad Said, Gul Zaman, Jun Il Hyo, Education and treatment
campaign in smoking dynamics, Rejected Advances in Difference
Equations (will submit Prof. Jung), 27 Nov. 2016, IF:0.269.
157. M. Ikhlaq Chohan, Nigar Ali, Gul Zaman, Optimal control strat-
egy of double delayed HIV-1 infection model, Numerical Algebra,
Control and Optimization (NACO), 28 May. 2017.
158. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Saeed Ahmad, Mathematical Study and
Sensitive Analysis of Hepatitis B Virus Transmission, ***, 5 Feb.
159. BiBi Fatima, Gul Zaman, Modeling and Stability Analysis of Mid-
dle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome, Journal of Computational and
Nonlinear Dynamics 28 May, 2016.
160. Saeed Ahmad, Zakir Khan, Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Lie Group
Analysis of MHD Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer over a Shrinking
Sheet under the influence of Thermal Slip”, The European Physical
Journal Plus, 4 April, 2017.
161. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Amir Khan, Sensitivity analysis and op-
timal control of hepatitis B septic individuals with multiple trans-
missions, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 15 March 2017.
162. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Modeling and sensitive analysis of different
hepatitis B infected individuals with optimal control, Mathematics
and Computer in Simulations, 28 March, 2017.

163. Sajjad Ali Khan, Kamal Shah, Gul Zaman, Mathematical Anal-
ysis of HIV-1 infection of CD4+ T-Cells Model with CAPUTO-
FABRIZIO Fractional Derivative, Numerical Functional Analysis
and Optimization, 6 April, 2017.
164. Muhammad Naeem Jan, Gul Zaman, Analytical Approximate So-
lution of Hepatitis B Epidemic Model with Vaccination, Scientific
Annals of Computer Science, May 27, 2017.
165. Amir Khan and Gul Zaman, Some Analytic Solutions of Fractional
Generalized MHD Burgers’ Fluid Using N-Transform submitted to
the Journal of Applied Mechanics 2 May 2017.
166. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, The transmission dynamic of infected hep-
atitis B individuals under the effect of hospitalization, Theory in
Biosciences, 15 June , 2017.
167. Nigar Ali and Gul Zaman, Optimal control strategy of delayed HIV-
1 model of fighting a virus with another virus” Complexity, 17 July
168. Roman Ullah, Gul Zaman, Saeed Islam, Normah Maan, A delay
differential model for avian influenza pandemic submitted to the
journal COMPLEXITY, 19 July 2017.
169. M. Ikhlaq Chohan, Naeem Jan and Gul Zaman, Analytical Ap-
proach of Hepatitis B Epidemic Model by Homotopy Perturba-
tion Method, submitted 29 July 2017, The International Journal
of Mathematics and Computer Science (IJMCS).
170. Anwar Zeb, Vedat Erturk, Gul Zaman and Shaher Momani, An
Approach for Approximate Solution of Fractional Order Smoking
Model, 27 August 2017, Rejected The Taiwanese Journal of Math-
171. Hidayat Ullah Khan, Amir Khan, Muhammad Shah, Gul Zaman,
TION, 6 Sep. 2017, Journal of Taibah University for Science.
172. Amir Khan, Altaf Hussain, Gul Zaman, Saeed Ahmad, M Ikhlaq
Chohan, Some Analytic Solutions of Fractional Generalized MHD

Burgers’ Fluid Using N-Transform, 7 Oct. 2017 Mathematical Meth-
ods in the Applied Sciences.
173. Nigar Ali and Gul Zaman, Anwar Zeb, Vedat Erturk, ANALYT-
Inequalities and Applications 11 Sep 2017.
174. Asaf Khan and Gul Zaman, Optimal control strategy of SEIR en-
demic model with continuous age-structure in the exposed and in-
fectious classes, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 19
Sep. 2017.
175. Amir Khan, Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Solution of fractional order
two dimensional telegraph equation using triple Laplace transform,
SIAM Sep 21, 2017.
176. Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, The stochastic permanence and extinction
of an hepatitis B epidemic model with varying population, Mathe-
matical Method in Applied Science, 20 October, 2017.
177. Amir Khan, Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Jafar Biazar, Solution of par-
tial differential equations with Triple Laplace transform, Arabian
Journal for Science and Engineering, 9 Oct. 2017.
178. Saeed Ahmad, Zakir Ullah, Amir Khan, Gul Zaman, Lie Group
Analysis of MHD Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer over a Shrinking
Sheet under the influence of Thermal Slip, Iranian Journal of Sci-
ence and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 3 Oct. 2017.
179. Gul Zaman, Anwar Zeb, Vedat S Erturk, Analytical study of frac-
tional order HIV-1 model by Laplace-Adomian decomposition method,
14 Nov. 2017, Journal of Taibah University for Science.
180. Muhammad Tahir, Inayat Ali Shah, Gul Zaman A Mathematical
Model Multi objective to a TB-HIV/AIDS Co-infection Problem
and its Stability Analysis”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 4 Dec 2017.
181. Nigar ali, Muhammad A Chohan, Gul Zaman, OPTIMAL TREAT-
FIRE WITH FIRE, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 8 Jan 2018.

182. Muhammad Tahir, Gul Zaman, Modeling And Stability Analysis of
The Epidemic Disease Ebola Virus, Nagoya Mathematical Journal,
2 Feb 2018.
183. Saeed Ahmad, Amir Khan, Tahir Khan, Gul Zaman, Il Hyo Jung,
Solution of Fractional Order Wave Equation By a Triple Laplace
Transform, Boundary Value Problem, 22 Feb, 2018, IF:0.8.
184. Muhammad Tahir, Gul Zaman, Ravi Agarwal, The stochastic per-
manence and extinction of the hepatitis B epidemic model with
varying population, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications,
23 Feb 2018.
185. Amir Khan Gul Zaman, The Multi-step Homotopy Analysis Method
for Approximate Solutions of SEIR Epidemic Model in Fractional
Order, AIP Advances 27 April 2018.

0.18 Book Published

1. Fluid Induced by Brownian Force
Mathematical and Numerical Interpretation
ISBN-10: 365912320X, ISBN-13: 978-3659123207
Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (May 30, 2012).
2. Competitive Approach in Mathematics
(A book for different viva voce)In Progress

0.19 Total Citation and Impact Factor

1. Total Citation 1058
2. Total Impact Factor 113.5416
3. H-index 16.00
4. I10-index 26

0.20 Administrative Experience
1. Chairman Department of Mathematics,
1 year 9 months (29th October 2015-to-26 October 2017) University
of Malakand

2. Director Administration
10 months (1st September 20016-to-8 June 2017) University of Malakand

3. Chairman Department of Mathematics,

6 months (19th Feb 2015-to-12th Aug 2015) Abdul Wali Khan Univer-
sity Mardan

4. Director Administration
4 months (11th October 20014-to-19 February 2015) University of Malakand

5. Chairman Department of Mathematics,

2 year 1 month (23th January 2013-to-19 February 2015) University
of Malakand

6. Focal Person of one day workshop on Mathematics, University of Malakand,

Funded by ORIC(UOM) 13 December, 2016.

7. Chief Proctor 3 years (March 2011-to- March 2014) University of Malakand

8. Focal Person of the Ist National Conference on Mathematical Science,

University of Malakand, Funded by HEC 11 - 13 August 2014.

9. Presenter from NUST in the meeting held in Pakistan Engineering Coun-

cil Islamabad for preparation of Biomedical Engineering program

10. Meeting as a focal person with rector NUST and AMC at GHQ to develop
research in Biomedical field

11. Member of advisor committee of the RCMS MS–Ph.D program

12. Participate the meeting as an expert to start B.E Biomedical Engineering


13. Member of the technical committee of the 35th International Nathiagali
Summer College on Physics & Contemporary Needs
14. In charge of transport at CAMP
15. Coordinator of M.Phil–Ph.D Mathematics program 2010- 2102 at Uni-
versity of Malakand

0.21 Teaching Experience

1: Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Malakand
Feb 12, 2018——–Till Date
2: Professor
Department of Mathematics, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
(February, 2015, August 2015)
3: Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Malakand
August 2015———Feb. 11, 2018
4: Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Malakand
July 2012———19th February, 2015
5: Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Malakand
Oct 2010———July 2012
6: Assistant Professor (NUST)
December 2008———Oct 2010-.
Centre for Advanced Mathematics and Physics
NUST, Islamabad Pakistan
7: Research Associate
Department of Mathematics Pusan National University

September 2006———November 2008.
8: Full time researcher
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Pusan Na-
tional University
March 2004———August 2006.
9: Lecturer
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Pusan Na-
tional University
March 2000———February 2004.
10: Lecturer (Private Colleges)
July 1996———August 1999.

0.22 Member of Editorial Board

(International Journals)
1. VFAST Transictions of Applied Mathematics (Editor-in-Chief)
2. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
3. Guest Editor of Special Issue (Perturbation Methods and Formal Modeling
for Dynamic Systems ) Abstract and Applied Analysis
4. Leading Guest Editor of Special Issue (Mathematical Modeling and Control
of Infectious Diseases) Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

0.23 Reviewer of International Journals

1. International Journal of the Physical Sciences
2. Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
3. Dynamical System & Differential Equations
4. World Applied Science Journal
5. Communication of the Korean Mathematical Society
6. Computational and Mathematical Method in Medicine
7. British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science
8. International Journal of Biomathematics

9. Stochastic Analysis and Applications
10. Journal of Theoretical Biology
11. Springer Plus
12. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

0.24 Linkages/Research Collaborations

1. Work in progress with Professor Jung Il Hyo my Ph.D advisor Pusan Na-
tional University South Korea
2. Professor Xue-Zhi Li, Xinyang Normal University, China
3. Professor Saito, Shimane University, Matsue, Japan
4. Dr. Saeed Islam Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan
5. Professor Sayed Inayat Ali Shah, Islamia College University Peshawar
6. Professor S.H. Shaker, King Saud University Saudi Arabia
7. Research in progress with Professor Kang Young Han Catholic University
of Daegu, South Korea
8. Dr. Shaban Alays Egypt
9. Professor Shaher Momani, The University of Jordan, Jordan
10. Professor Vedat Suat ERTURK, Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey
11. Professor J.M. Tchuenche, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
12. Professor F.B. Agusto, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, 37044,
13. Dr. Madad Khan, Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Abbotabad.
14. Dr. Obaid J Algahtani, Department of Mathematics, King Saud 15. Prof.
Dr. Maia Marctheva, University, Saudia Arabia.
University of Florida, 358 Little Hall Gainesville, FL 32611, USA.

0.25 Languages
1. Pushto
2. Urdu
3. English

4. Arabic
5. Korean

0.26 Hobbies/Extracurricular activates

Worked for five years with a community base organization namely Falahi
Tanzeem Nawjawana Amlookdara based at Talash Dir(lower) Khyber Pakhtunkhawa
1⇒ To raise awareness among the people
2⇒ Protection of environment
3⇒ Self help
4 ⇒ Social Development
5⇒ Women and Development
6 ⇒ Bad effects of intoxing Drug
Reading books
Playing Cricket
A member of the village social welfare committee

0.27 A list of References

Prof. Dr. Jung Il Hyo
Professor of Mathematics
Pusan National University
South Korea

Prof. Dr. Abdul Latif

Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science,
King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arab

Prof. Dr. Faiz Ahmad

Professor of Mathematics
School of Natural Sciences (SNS)

NUST, Islamabad Pakistan


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