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Volume V

"This book contains important selected papers from WSEAS
Conferences organized in the University of Cambridge (UK), University
of Harvard (USA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- MIT (USA),
China Jiliang University (China), Beijing Jiaotong University (China),
Univ. Politecnica of Bucharest (Romania), Technical University of Sofia
(Bulgaria), Tianjin University of Technology and Education (China),
Zhejiang Univ. of Technology (China), University of Alcala, Madrid
(Spain), University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain), Budapest Tech
(Hungary), University of La Laguna (Spain), Politehnica University of
Timisoara (Romania)"

Published by WSEAS Press
ISSN: 1792-6882
ISBN: 978-960-474-300-1

Volume V

"This book contains important selected papers from WSEAS
Conferences organized in the University of Cambridge (UK), University
of Harvard (USA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- MIT (USA),
China Jiliang University (China), Beijing Jiaotong University (China),
Univ. Politecnica of Bucharest (Romania), Technical University of Sofia
(Bulgaria), Tianjin University of Technology and Education (China),
Zhejiang Univ. of Technology (China), University of Alcala, Madrid
(Spain), University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain), Budapest Tech
(Hungary), University of La Laguna (Spain), Politehnica University of
Timisoara (Romania)"

Published by WSEAS Press

Copyright 2011, by WSEAS Press

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ISSN: 1792-6882
ISBN: 978-960-474-300-1

World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society

Volume V

"This book contains important selected papers from WSEAS
Conferences organized in the University of Cambridge (UK), University
of Harvard (USA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology -- MIT (USA),
China Jiliang University (China), Beijing Jiaotong University (China),
Univ. Politecnica of Bucharest (Romania), Technical University of Sofia
(Bulgaria), Tianjin University of Technology and Education (China),
Zhejiang Univ. of Technology (China), University of Alcala, Madrid
(Spain), University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain), Budapest Tech
(Hungary), University of La Laguna (Spain), Politehnica University of
Timisoara (Romania)"

Prof. Nikos Mastorakis, Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA / Hellenic Naval Academy, GREECE
Prof. Metin Demiralp, Istanbul Technical University, TURKEY
Prof. Valeri M. Mladenov, Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA
Prof. Azami Zaharim, Universiti Kebangsaan, MALAYSIA

Prof. Nikos Mastorakis, Technical University of Sofia, BULGARIA / Hellenic Naval Academy, GREECE

Editorial Board:
Prof. Siavash H. Sohrab, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA
Prof. Mikhael Wasfy, University of Central Florida, USA
Prof. Slobodan I. Babic, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, CANADA
Prof. Yiming Li, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 300, TAIWAN
Prof. Petr Y. Ekel, Pontif. Cathol. Univ. of Minas Gerais, 30535-610, Belo Horizonte, BRAZIL
Prof. Tuan Pham, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD 4811, AUSTRALIA
Prof. M. Isabel Garcia-Planas, Univ. Polit. de Catalunya, C.Mineria 1, 08038, Barcelona, SPAIN
Prof. Demetrios Kazakos, Texas Southern University, 3100 Cleburne Str., Houston, Texas 77004, USA
Prof. Olga Martin, University Politehnica of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Prof. Jos M Zamanillo Sinz de la Maza, University of Cantabria, SPAIN
Prof. Alexander Zemliak, Puebla Aut. Univ, Av. San Claudio s/n, Ciudad, Puebla, Pue, 72570, MEXICO
Prof. Jose Carlos Quadrado, Electrical Engineering Department, ISEL, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Prof. Pablo Luis Lpez Esp, Universidad de Alcal, SPAIN



This book contains important selected papers from WSEAS Conferences organized in the
University of Cambridge (UK), University of Harvard (USA), Massachusetts Institute of
Technology -- MIT (USA), China Jiliang University (China), Beijing Jiaotong University
(China), Univ. Politecnica of Bucharest (Romania), Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria),
Tianjin University of Technology and Education (China), Zhejiang Univ. of Technology (China),
University of Alcala, Madrid (Spain), University of Cantabria, Santander (Spain), Budapest Tech
(Hungary), University of La Laguna (Spain), Politehnica University of Timisoara (Romania)

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vii Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface v

Proposal for a Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Research Project on Idioms of Food in
Petronela Savin

Relationship in between House Price and Annual Management Fund in High-Rise Residential in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
N. Mohd-Tawil, A. Ramly, Md N. Daud, A. I. Che-Ani, A. Zaharim

Enhancing Employability Skills through Industrial Training Programme 12
Y. M. Yusoff, M. Z. Omar, A. Zaharim, A. Mohamed, N. Muhamad, R. Mustapha

Competencies Achieved through Industrial Training Programme 18
M. Jamil, M. Z. Omar, S. A. Osman, N. T. Kofli, M. N. A. Rahman, K. Mat

Use of Rasch Analysis to Measure Students Performance in Engineering Education 23
M. Saidfudin, A. A. Azrilah, N. A. Rodzoan, M. Z. Omar, A. Zaharim, H. Basri

Easier Learning Outcomes Analysis using Rasch Model in Engineering Education Research 30
M. Saidfudin, A. A. Azrilah, N. A. Rodzoan, M. Z. Omar, A. Zaharim, H. Basri

Exploring Users Perception toward Automated Checkout Trolley in Developing Countries 36
Koh Peik See, Tan Shiang-Yen, Nasuha Lee Abdullah, Rosnah Idrus

Application of WiFi-Based Indoor Positioning System in Handheld Directory System 43
Lee Pieh Wen, Chan Wee Nee, Khor Meng Chun, Tan Shiang-Yen, Rosnah Idrus

Mixed Number and Clifford Algebra 50
Md. Shah Alam, Sabar Bauk

The Effect of Environment on Mine 53
Soheila Khoshnevis Yazdi, Bahram Skakouri

Consumers Complaining Behavior. An Exploratory Research 60
Muntean Andreea Cipriana, Stremtan Filimon, Gavrila Paven Ionela

Ability Training through Partnered Education 66
Catherine W. Cook, Frank P. Decaro, Nicole E. Decaro

Overcoming Measurement Hurdles in Statistical Education Research using Rasch Measurement
Zamalia Mahmud, Mohd Saidfudin Masodi, Ida Rosmini Othman, Jamilah Othman

viii Table of Contents

Issues and Challenges in NSDI Implementation 86
Noor Habibah Arshad, Fuziah Abu Hanifah

GEE-Smoothing Spline Approach on Semiparametric Models for Correlated Nominal Data:
Estimation and Simulation Study
Noor Akma Ibrahim, Suliadi Arema

Portable Multi-Channel Environmental Data Measurement System for Monitoring Global
M. Amir Abas, A. Khusairy Azim, M. Hilmi Fadzil, M. Dahlui, A. M. Arshad

Parametric Optimization in EDM of Ti-6Al-4V using Copper Tungsten Electrode and Positive
Polarity: A Statistical Approach
M. M. Rahman, Md. Ashikur Rahman Khan, K. Kadirgama, M. A. Maleque, Rosli A. Bakar

A Wide Tuning Range Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Active Inductors for Bluetooth
Jenn-Tzey Yang, Shao-Kang Hsieh, Ping-Jung Tsai

Non-Atomic set Multifunctions 118
Alina Gavrilut

Fuzzy Diffused set Multifunctions 124
Alina Gavrilut, Anca Croitoru, Nikos E. Mastorakis

The Rademacher Complexity Model over Acoustic Features for Improving Robustness in
Hypernasal Speech Detection
E. Delgado, F. A. Sepulveda, S. Rothlisberger, C. G. Castellanos

Intensive Quenching of Tools in Water Salt Solutions 136
N. I. Kobasko, A. A. Moskalenko, E. A. Mazurenko, A. M. Medvedev

Why Database for Cooling Capacity of Various Quenchants should be Developed? 142
Nikolai Kobasko

New Approach in Manufacturing of High Quality Superstrengthened Steels 148
Nikolai Kobasko

MFM and XPS Analysis of Low Cost Black Nickel Solar Absorber 154
Ricardo Luiz Perez Teixeira, Renata Antoun Simao, Bruno Coelho, Armando Coelho Oliveira

Constructive Principles of the Italian System used to Build the Bastioned Fortification of Oradea
Valentin Capotescu

A Robust Control by Extended Static Output Feedback for Discrete-Time Uncertain Linear
Addison Rios-Bolivar, Flor Narciso

ix Table of Contents

Optimization of Limit Characteristics in Opened Queueing Networks 171
Gurami Tsitsiashvili

Design of Control Systems based on Vector Error 176
Oleg N. Agamalov

The Possible Causes of Tax Evasion in Romania 185
Comaniciu Carmen

Swarm Intelligence for Mixed Pixel Resolution 190
V. K. Panchal, Nitish Gupta

Modulation Transfer Function Compensation through a Modified Wiener Filter for Spatial
Image Quality Improvement
Jessica Wong Soo Mee

Sorting Networks on FPGA 201
Devi Prasad, Mohamad Yusri Mohamad Yusof, Smruti Santosh Palai, Ahmad Hafez Nawi

Prediction of Wear Mechanisms in High Speed Steel Hobs using Artificial Neural Network 204
M. Jalali Azizpour, H. Mohammadi Majd

Charging for Reactive Power Employing Generation Distribution 209
Francisco David Moya Chaves

Modeling and Prediction of Ship Squat using ANFIS and GMDH-type Neural Network 215
K. Salmalian, M. Soleimani

Modelling on Pedestrian Accidents in Malaysia 224
Noorizam Daud, Haslinda Ab. Malek

Deep and Surface Learning of Elementary Calculus Concepts in a Blended Learning Course 228
R. Haripersad

Towards a General Legal Framework of an International Objective Environmental Liability? 237
Cristian Mares

Measuring and Improvement the Productivity by PMCI Model in Fuzzy Environment
(Case Study)
Ghassem Haj Ebrahimi, M. Ali Sobhanallahi, A. Mirzazadeh

Study of Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport in Small Watersheds 249
E. B. M. Beilicci, R. F. Beilicci, C. A. Girbaciu

Indoor Air Quality in Apartment Buildings of Estonia 257
Alo Mikola, Teet-Andrus Koiv

x Table of Contents

Simplified Design Approach of Rectangular Spiral Antenna for UHF RFID Tag 262
Makroum El Mostafa, Rifi Mounir, Latrach Mohamed, Benbassou Ali

Maximal Allocated Benefit and Minimal Allocated Cost for Interval Data 269
Sahand Daneshvar, Mozhgan Mansouri Kaleibar

An Investigation of the Protection Performances for Current-Limiting Fuses using Stainless Steel
Narong Mungkung, Somchai Arunrungrusmi, Toshifumi Yuji

Assessment and Forecast Stability of Slopes in the Carpathian and Sub-Carpathian Area of
DamboviNa and Prahova. Classification and Risk Factors
Alexandru Istrate, Madalina Frinculeasa, Gica Pehoiu

Numerical Results for the Blood Micro-Circulation Modelled by a Porous Media 290
Yvon Maday, Noura Morcos, Toni Sayah

Author Index 297

Proposal for a Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Research Project on
Idioms of Food in Europe

Faculty of Letters
Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacu
Bacu, 157, Mreti Boulevard, 600115
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai
Iai, 11, Carol I Boulevard, 700506
[email protected]

Abstract: - Terms like cross-linguistic or cross-cultural are often used in phraseology research but the main
question as to what idioms actually constitute the so-called phraseological uniformity of Europe has never
been systematically studied. The present paper describes our first steps of a research project which aimes at
creating a collection of European idioms containing those units structures regarding the human being's
nourishment and feeding, which exceeds the perspective of a simple compilation of phrasemes that are
separately treated and alphabetically ordered, but organised as organic elements associated to a coherent
Key-Words: - European idioms, onomasiological field, human nourishment, systemic organization

1 Introduction
The present article concerns idioms of food that
are found across various languages in Europe. The
idioms are seen as the central category of
phraseology, distinguished from other categories.
Unlike proverbs, sayings and quotations which
differ from idioms by always making up an entire
sentence, an idiom is a structure in which the
meaning of the entire word formation does not
correspond with the sum of the meaning of the
individual words.
Phraseology researchers appear to have some
vague knowledge about a cross-linguistic approach
of idioms, but the set of problems connected with
this perspective has never been methodically
studied. There is no tradition of idioms studies that
could be comparable to the rich tradition of
international cooperation in the field of proverb
research, represented by Abquilina [1], Kuusi [2],
Paczolay [3], [4]. All these authors present
extensive collections of proverbs that are common
in many languages, but which are not primarily set
in linguistics but in a wide-ranging ethnological-
folkloristic and cultural framework. However, some
researchers interested in making collections of the
idioms in Europe and beyond have especially
noticed common aspects. Matti Kuusi, in his
important book Regen bei Sonnenschein. Zur
Weltgeschichte einer Redensart (Rain in the
sunshine. Toward the world history of a saying),
published in 1957, succeeded in recording more
than 3,000 variants of the saying mentioned in the
title, taken from hundreds of languages and dialects
spoken in various countries and continents, which
represents an impressively extensive research
material without modern media of today [5]. Menac,
in 1987, also presents an inventory of several
dozens of common European idioms, extracted from
six languages of diverse genetic relationships,
namely two Slavonic (Croatian, Russian), two
Germanic (German, English) and two Romance
(French and Italian) languages [6]. Korhonen, in
1991, realizes a comparative study of idioms which
covers nine European languages: German, Finnish,
French, Italian, English, Swedish, Russian,
Hungarian and Estonian [7]. Other attempts to
analyze idioms across several languages fall far
behind the above-mentioned studies.

2 Problem Formulation
The cross-linguistic similarities of idioms have
never been systematically studied. Regarding an
onomasiological approach of units structures,
research are much lees convincing. Several cross-
cultural studies start from the traditional grouping
of idioms into thematic groups (e.g. idioms with
body parts, animal or garment constituents),
mistakenly referred to as onomasiological
approach as well.

3 Problem Solution
In response to the current situation of
onomasiological cross-linguistic studies of idioms,
our project's main objective is the elaboration of an
European dictionary containing those idioms
regarding the human being's nourishment and
feeding, a dictionary which exceeds the optical of a
simple collection of phrasemes that are separately
treated and alphabetically ordered, but organised as
organic elements associated to a coherent system.
This dictionary is aimed at taking profits from
current linguistic space, providing an answer to
Eugeniu Coerius challenge regarding the study of
language from the perspective of cultures
universality and having in mind the various
demands of linguistic research which, as compared
with other subjects, entails the most numerous
connections with the mans way of being and with
all the human activities in general [8].
This task requires substantial empirical
preliminary work, which cannot be carried out by
one single researcher. An international, multi-
language cooperation of linguists will be necessary
to organize the corpus of idioms in as many
European languages as possible.

3.1 Argument for an European
phraseological dictionary of field of
human nourishment
According to Dubois [9] and Rey [10], the
dictionaries can be compiled by authors who are not
linguists, but this does not mean that the dictionary
does not assume a particular perspective on
language, even if lexicographers are not aware of it.
Bjoint argues that the most important currents of
theoretical linguistics had echoes in practical
lexicography, even if this happened after a certain
period of time [11].
Obviously, lexicography, as an independent
discipline, benefits from the evolution of linguistic
research, though the focus in current lexicographic
work has shifted to the structure and functions of
A method and a linguistic discipline with
valuable results in the current research is
onomasiology. Designed by German linguists as a
discipline studying the names of concepts in a
certain language, onomasiology combines with the
fields method to delineate lexical class (paradigm)
within which they can rigorously analyze the
semantic relationships. These methods contribute to
the delimitation of our corpus dictionary, including
the European idioms founded on images of human
nutrition. A dictionary of an onomasiological field
which is exclusively made up of a phraseological
corpus its a <cultural dictionary>, in the sense that
A. Ray and S. Delesalle give to this phrase, a
dictionary to answer socio-cultural questions [12].
This approach also subsumes the ethno-linguistics,
the European version of what Anglo-Saxons called
linguistic anthropology. In Eugen Coerius terms,
this linguistic discipline is aiming at the study of
language variety and variation in close contact with
civilization and culture of a community [13] while
for A. Duranti is an interdisciplinary field
dedicated to the study of language as a cultural
resource and speaking as a cultural practice [14].
In the modern lexicographical theory of
functions, cf. Bergenholtz-Tarp [15], it is considered
that dictionaries have to meet the communicative
needs and the cognitive needs of the users. By
satisfying the communicative needs it is meant the
help in solving a problem with text production,
reception, translation, while by satisfying the
cognitive needs it is meant the help in achieving
systematic knowledge about a linguistic
phenomenon or a non-linguistic phenomenon or
context. An European phraseological dictionary of
an onomasiological field obviously responds to the
cognitive needs. It can be an instrument of great
utility not only for linguists, but also for the
anthropologists considering that language, at the
level of idioms, preserves the deepest structures of
the folk mentality.

3.2 The methodology and expected results of
the project
In the former part of the dictionary the
corpus of phrasemes based on images of feeding
will be structured on onomasiological nuclei of the
INSTRUMENTS, PROCESSES regarding feeding,
which are in turn divided into subcategories
reaching the level of the food image which is
phraseologically exploited. At the level of each
image we will identify the signifying directions of
Petronela Savin
The choice of human nutrition as the topic for
study will be the occasion to reveal some essential
mechanisms of the reflection of history which is not
strictly related to the description of events in the
language, because in order to illustrate the linguistic
specificity of an idiom we must study the
representation forms of the quotidian structures in
the language, feeding being one of them, together
with housing and clothes-making [16].
Concerning the project submitted here, the
methodology is specific to a lexicographic
approach, which entails the following stages:
1. Inquiring into the works on general and European
linguistics regarding the study of phraseology, as
well as into the lexicographic sources of the
European languages;
2. Selecting the phraseological corpus of the
onomasiological field of nourishment in the
European languages and organising it into
phraseological nuclei;
In this stage each term food image with its
phraseological usage will be extracted from the
lexicographic source. We will compare the
structures from different sources and we will write
down the meaning and register differences, if the
case. We will directly organise the extracted
material on the abovementioned phraseological
3. Identifying the structure of each phraseological
We will elaborate a map of the
onomasiological field of human nourishment, in the
European languages, making reference to all the
subordinating levels up to the food image which is
rendered by a title-word.
In order to accurately illustrate the role of
the food image at the level of the phraseological
structure we will identify the subsections of the
phraseological nuclei. For instance, the
NOURISHMENT/FOOD nucleus will be composed
of the categories Edible plants and plant dishes,
milk and milk dishes, honey, meat and meat dishes,
eggs, spices. In its turn, the section Edible plants
and plant dishes can be subdivided into Vegetables
and fruits and Cereals and cereal dishes. This
subdivision can be motivated by the nature of the
two items. The phraseological units based on images
of fruits and vegetables illustrate the pickers
perspective, while units referring to cereals
demonstrate the growers perspective. Even these
preliminary delineations are illustrative of the
degree of expression of the primary mental patterns
related to general human or regional structures at the
level of idioms based on food images.
4. Elaborating each dictionary article;
At the level of each section we will register
the food images which present phraseological
illustration. Each food image, for instance EAT,
incorporated into the section ACTIVITIES
regarding human feeding, is investigated in a
separate chapter where all its phraseological units
organised on signifying directions will be presented.
For example:
EAT to take into the body by the mouth for
digestion or absorption
1. To overwhelm or defeat thoroughly
Eng. eat somebody alive
Eng. eat somebody for breakfast [17]
Fr. il veut le manger tout cru [18]
It. mangiarsi vivo (qcn.)
It. mangiarsi in insalata (qcn.)
It. mangiarsi in un bucone (qcn.) [19]
Rom. a mnca pe cineva de viu
Rom. a mnca fript pe cineva [20]
Rus. -. [21]
2. To desire/ want someone physically someone
Fr. dvorer des yeux (qqn.)
It. mangiare con gli occhi / sguardo (qcn.)
Prt. comer com os olhos [22]
Rom. a mnca (pe cineva) din ochi (cu ochii)
Rus. a aa
Blg. a o [23].
The above example holds that feeding
phraseology enables the discovery of mechanisms of
interaction between man and environment. Negative
relationship with otherness is best expressed through
violent act of ingestion. But from the digestive
womb to the sexual womb it is only one step,
confirming the connection between greed and
sexuality [24].
These homologous idioms in different
languages demonstrate the existence of
phraseological universals, in fact, the general form
of representing the world in direct correlation with
human experience. In this context, the study of
European idioms regarding the human being's
nourishment and feeding is a form of highlighting
the deep structures of collective mentality.
5. Elaborating the contents, the title indexes for food
images, the bibliography;
The usage of this dictionary is meant to be
an accessible and productive one. By continuously
citing the bibliographical resources we aim at
guiding the reader to the essential works in the
domain of European lexicography. The elaboration
of the contents and the appendix with title indexes
Proposal for a Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Research Project on Idioms of Food in Europe
we intend to overcome the common difficulty of the
reader when turning to dictionaries whose material
is alphabetically organised.
6. Formulating conclusions regarding the specific
character of the dictionary, some guidelines for
usage, the abbreviations list employed in the
Having in view the fact that this book is set
to organise the phraseological material, and not to
record it alphabetically, we need to present the
general parameters for conceiving the dictionary, as
well as some guidelines for its usage.
7. Publishing the Phraseological European Dictionary:
The Onomasiological Field of Human Nourishment at
one of the internationally acknowledged publishing

4 Conclusion
As a condition of existence, food is one of the
most important chapters in human development.
Feeding is defined by what is generally human
nature, characterized by a spontaneous automatism.
This belongs to nature. And, also, it is subject to
restrictive rules, being relative and individual. By
this, feeding is a part of culture. Both dimensions of
the food act, relate to nature, as source needed to
revitalization, and cultural dimension, as way of
knowledge and understanding life, are valued by
language. Idioms are the language section where the
food pictures show the true relationship between
culture and nature in the popular mentality. Our
project tries, in the process of meaning of idioms, to
highlight food, as a cultural sign, in the specific
elements of European culture and of human culture
The outcome of this project, an European
phraseological dictionary of the onomasiological
filed of human nourishment, represents the first
attempt of this kind. This dictionary is not organised
as a simple collection of phraseologisms that are
separately treated and are alphabetically ordered,
but as organic elements associated to a coherent
system. The former part of the dictionary entails the
structuring of the phraseological material on
onomasiological nuclei, reaching the level of a food
image corresponding to a series of phraseological
valorisations, organised on signifying directions.
The volume ensuing this project, European
Phraseological Dictionary: The Onomasiological
Field of Human Nourishment, will constitute a
philological resource-tool which will promote the
scientific activities in the domain of ethno-linguistic
research. The analysis of idioms could transgress the
level of language as a system, as it focuses on their
importance at the level of speech, but also at the
level of discourse, as a method of identifying
language acts as performance acts. Studies in
semantics, stylistics and even pragmatics centred on
phraseology based on human nourishment at the
level of discourse, could prove their productivity in
the space of contemporary linguistics.
Considering the established objectives and the
results which are expected, the project provides
answers to some requirements related to the
strategies of developing and improving European
science, in order to increase the visibility and
prominence of cultural research at an international

[1] Joseph Abquilina, A comparative dictionary of
Maltese proverbs, Valletta/Malta, Royal University
of Malta, 1972.
[2] Matti Kuusi, Proverbia Septentrionalia. 900
Balto-Finnic proverb types with Russian,
Baltic,German and Scandinavan parallels, Helsinki,
Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1985.
[3] Gyula Paczolay, European, Far-Eastern and
some Asian Proverbs. A Comparison of European,
Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and Other
Asian Proverbs, Veszprem, University of Veszprem,
[4] Gyula Paczolay, European Proverbs in 55
Languages with Equivalents in Arabic, Persian,
Sanskrit, Chinese and Japanese, Veszprem,
Veszpremi Nyomda Rt., 1997.
[5] Matti Kuusi, Regen bei Sonnenschein. Zur
Weltgeschichte einer Redensart, Helsinki,
Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1957.
[6] Antica Menac, Gemeinsame semantische
Gruppen in der Phraseologie der Europaischen
Sprachen. In Burger, Harald/Zett, Robert (eds),
Aktuelle Probleme der Phraseologie. Symposium
27.-29. 9. 1984 in Zurich, Bern [etc.], Peter Lang,
1987, pp. 269289.
[7] Jarmo Korhonen, Konvergenz und Divergenz
deutscher und fi nnischer Phraseologie. Zugleich ein
Beitrag zur Erlauterung der Verbreitung und
Entlehnung von Idio men. In Palm, Christine (ed)
EUROPHRAS 90. Akten der internationalen Ta
gung zur germanistischen Phraseologieforschung
Aske/Schweden 12.15, Juni 1990, Uppsala, Acta
Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1991, pp. 123133.
[8] Eugen Coeriu, Lingvistica integral (interviw
with Eugeniu Coeriu by Nicolae Saramandu),
Bucureti, Editura Fundaiei Culturale Romane,
Petronela Savin
[9] J. Dubois, C. Dubois, Introduction la
lexicographie: Le dictionaire, Paris, Larousse, 1971.
[10] A. Ray, Encyclopdies et dictionaries, Paris,
Presses Universitaries de France, 1982.
[11] H. Bjoint, Modern Lexicography: An
Introduction, New York, Oxford University Press,
[12] Alain Rey, Simone Delesalle, Problmes et
conflits lexicographiques, Langue franaise, No. 43,
1979, pp. 4-26.
[13] Eugen Coeriu, Lingvistica din perspectiv
spaial i antropologic. Trei studii, Chiinu,
Editura tiina, 1994, p. 133.
[14] A. Duranti, Linguistic Anthropology. In
International Encyclopedia of the Social and
Behavioral Sciences, Neil J. Smelser and Paul B.
Baltes (eds.), Oxford, Elsevier, 2001, p. 8899.
[15] Henning Bergenholtz, Sven Tarp, Two
opposing theories: On H.E. Wiegand's recent
discovery of lexicographic functions, Hermes -
Journal of Language and Communication Studies,
No. 31, 2003, pp. 171196.
[16] Fernand Braudel, Structurile cotidianului:
posibilul i imposibilul, vol. III, Bucureti, Editura
Meridiane, 1984.

[17] The Oxford Reference Dictionary, Oxford,
Oxford University Press, 1996.
[18] Petit Robert, Paris, Societe du Nouveau Littre,
[19] Nicola Zingarelli, Vocabulario della lingua
italiana, Bologna, Nicola Zingarelli Editore, 1942.
[20] DLR = [Academia Romana], Dicionarul limbii
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[21] Gheorghe Colun, Dicionar frazeologic
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Editura tiiific, Haya , Sofia-
Bucureti, 1972.
[24] G. Durand, Structurile antropologice ale
imaginarului, Bucureti, Editura Univers, 1977.

Financing of this article was supported in
part by the project CNCSIS PD- 582/2010 and in
part by project POSDRU/89/1.5/S/49944.

Proposal for a Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Research Project on Idioms of Food in Europe
Relationship in Between House Price and Annual Management
Fund in High-Rise Residential in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


Unit of Fundamental Engineering Studies, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600, UKM Bangi, Selangor
Department of Real Estate, Faculty of Built Environment,
University of Malaya
51000, Kuala Lumpur,
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: Living in Kuala Lumpur, city centre of Malaysia, bring matters of choosing dwelling as shelter. The
escalating of land promotes vertical residential building. Sharing lifestyle in this type of dwell, needs a pull amount
of money to manage and maintain the building ensuring of good condition and also prevent from decreasing value.
Therefore ,it is very important to have enough fund to bring all facilities in order Previous study on residential schemes
in Malaysia found that 50% of housing complex obtain less than 50% payment of service charge, whereas no complex
gets collection above 80%. In the other words, 100% collect less than 80%. In this study, research was done to analyse
the relationship in between house price and annual management fund. It was collect among 150 schemes of high-rise
in Kuala Lumpur. It also limited to the non low-cost unit with the price RM250,000 and below. Study shows that both
house price and annual management fund is linear function with gradient of 0.11 or we determine the relationship is
11% among this two element.

Key-Words: Management corporation, High-rise housing management,High-rise residential, regression coefficient

1 Introduction
Housing is a basic need for all and increased population
and income will lead to the increase in housing demand.
The increase of working group indirectly will increase
the demand for houses since they are the productive
group and have the purchasing power. The concept of
high-rise or strata living in this country is not new. It
started in 1958 with the two high-rise complexes of
Pangsa Sulaiman Court and Pangsa Jalan Loke Yew
(Leong, 1980). In mid-sixties, high rise construction was
emphasised to reinstate squatters and accommodate
urbanisation (Alinah, 2004). However, due to the
increasing urbanisation and the scarcity of land the
development of sky-crapers and high-rise residential
complexes has offered the best solution. Nevertheless,
the demand for house differs between the early needs
and the demand from house buyers now. The trend now
is more towards the quality living. The house price also
increases parallel with the demand for the house (Tiun,

Conversely, living in this kind of scheme means sharing
a lot of things. Conditionally, this is because buyers are
now paying more attention to value added features such
as security, privacy, covered parking space, swimming
pool, landscaped garden and many others.
Subsequently, to have a good living in high-rise
properties, a good management is needed to ensure
everything goes in the right track. And to have a good
management, good finance is most critical (Adi, 2007).
Unfortunately, the experience on managing high rise
residential properties in the country is very new and
inconsistent (Tiun, 2006). While fund collection is not
in the good order, a management agent and residence
have their own reason in facing this problem ( Jamila,
1994). Management declares that they cannot manage
and maintain the property as it should be since they do
not have enough capital resources while the residents
complain that they refuse to pay because the
maintenance done was commensurate with the fee. The
problems appear when residents cannot understand the
sharing concept. Some of them are declining because
they do not use all the facilities (Jamila, 1994).
Although extensive effort are being undertaken to
collect fees, it seems that collection is a critical issue
(Tiun, 2003). Norngainy (2005) found that just about
50% of complexes could only manage to collect less
than 50% maintenance fees.

This paper discusses and suggests a way of solving the
problem. It will focus on the fund or deposit concept.

2 Literature Review
To most individuals housing represents the largest single
investment in life. People are beginning to realise that
effective facilities management is very important to
ensure that everything goes well. Facilities management
is an activity with the wide range of businesses; it is not
an easy task. It involves proper planned activities to
achieve goals and objectives. In the other words,
property management plays a big role in sustaining the
property value and maintaining high-return on their
investment (Tiun, 2006). The focus of property
management and facilities management is often
associated with maintenance job and collecting rent
(Singh, 1969). But the continuous growth trend of high-
rise residential buildings indicates that there is a need for
an effective ownership and property management system
to have a quality living experience among high-rise
residents in this country.

Under such residential schemes, a multiplicity of owners
have their interests over the same parcel of land. Each
residential unit is owned by different owners. The main
characteristics of this form of property are individual
ownership of a unit, shared ownership of common
property and membership of a body corporate
responsible for the management of development
(Christudason, 2004). This makes managing such
complex is the difficult task. Therefore, a management
body is needed to manage the building together with the
public area (common property) such as parking area,
lighting and other common property in the buildings that
are shared together.

A residential high-rise unit is different from other
residential property types with regard to its management
responsibilities. Unlike the case for single-owner
dwellings where responsibilities for managing and
maintaining the property lie exclusively with the owner,
a high-rise residential complex needs to be organised
and maintained by a Management Corporation and,
because of that, gives rise to the issue of facilities
management (Linariza and Ashok, 2003). Adding to the
difficulty, owners come from different backgrounds and
ethnicity to contribute to the need for proper and
systematic residential complex management. This is to
ensure that the management serves the interests of the
majority of owners and at the same time does not neglect
the interests of the minority (Liias, 1998).

The Strata Title Act was introduced in 1985 as to
support the National Land Code. This Act is to ensure
that all high-rise residential issues can be addressed
effectively. An important provision in the Act is the
requirement for the establishment of Management
Corporation to manage housing complex. To ensure that
the building functions properly and complies with the
law, residents need to contribute to management fees.
All building management tasks are costly, especially the
maintenance parts. The high service charges contribute
to discontentment among residents who often fail to see
the necessity for contributions and flow of the money.
The Management Corporation, on the other hand, has
responsibility to keep service charges to more realistic
levels and find alternatives in reducing maintenance

3 Issues Regarding Service Charge in
High Rise Residential
House ownership scheme will determine housing
management activities. Ownership is classifiable into
two categories, i. e. single ownership, and multiple
ownerships or one building with different owners. This
research focuses on multiple-ownership housing
developed by government and private sector. According
to Tiun, (2003), high rise housing management is
governed by two main legislations, the Housing
Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 and the
Strata Title Act 1985 (West Malaysia) (1985 Act).

According to Tan and Teo (1990), there are three parts
to housing management philosophy: the maintenance
management (tero-technology), rental and pledge
maintenance, and community development
management. This aspect was enlightened by Priemus
et al (1999) as in Gruis and Nieboer (2004) that housing
management comprises of four categories: technical
management (such as maintenance and refurbishment),
social management, financial management (such as
treasury and rental policy) and ownership management
(such as renting, buying and selling). While Priemus et
al (1999) look at all aspects, the present research
concentrates on financial and management aspects only.

Relationship in between House Price and Annual Management Fund in High-Rise Residential in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Each building needs to be managed and maintained
continuously as to cope with normal wear and tear.
Lack of attention to maintenance will contribute to
heightened wear and tear (Ines, F. C. & Jorge, D. B.,
2002). Tiun (2003) argues that housing management
plays an important role especially in maintenance
activities to keep building in good condition. Moreover,
it is important to make sure all facilities are managed
wisely in order that they are safe for habitation (Ahmad,
2003). This aspect is the responsibility of the
management corporation as mentioned in Section 43 of
Act 318.

The management needs financial resources to provide
the services to residential property. Towards this, each
resident is required to pay service charge with regard to
the services given. This charge includes payments for
insurance, refurbishment, cleaning, maintenance,
lighting for public area and other costs to comply with
law, rule and ordinance (Ismail, O., 1993). Service
charge is defined as money collected by developer,
agent or management body from the unit owners for
maintaining and managing all common areas in the
residential complex. This charge is also known as a fee
which, in addition, all residents are obliged to pay
(Government of Malaysia, 2003). For units with strata
title, the amount charged by Management Corporation is
based on the share contribution of each unit.
Nonetheless, some owners are reluctant to pay because
they consider the charges to be too high (Jamila, 1994).

It is typical with any management activity, finance is the
most critical element in effective management of high-
rise housing. Without adequate fund, proper
management of high-rise housing will be affected. Fee
collection and arrears present the two greatest
challenges for any management body (such as
developer, local authority, management corporation and
residence organisations) undertaking the management of
strata housing scheme (Liass, 1998; Roerup, 1998;
Jamila, 1994; Mohd Razali, 2001; Sapian, 2003; Tiun,
2003; PKNS, 2004; Eddy, 2004). These problems are
more frequent among low and medium cost housing
complexes. In this regard, Ahmad, et al (2005) found
financial factor as the most important contributor to the
effectiveness of facilities management in multiple-
ownership management. Therefore, serious
consideration needs to be given to this factor if
management problem is to be resolved.

Since service charge and more specifically maintenance
charge and sinking fund, are a form of investment
expenditure from owners point of view, it is paramount
to pay attention to the value returned from the
investment. Viewed in this manner, owners obviously
would expect to get the best services out of the fees they
pay (Liias, 1998). For this reason, Management
Corporation needs to ensure that the quality of services
they provide is at par with the fees charged. Further, the
management corporation needs to negotiate with owners
and seek fee resolutions that owners are comfortable to

Although the Strata Title Act was introduced in 1985,
owners awareness of the importance of service charge
payment is still very poor. This is evident from the
substantial arrears that have accumulated over the years.
PKNS as a housing management body, for example,
claimed that their service charge arrears have risen to
RM8.1 million by March 2003. In the case of DBKL
(Kuala Lumpur City Hall), its 2004 budget summary
showed housing accounts as in deficit by RM38 million
by the 31 December 2004. Tiun, (2003) claims that there
are certain high-rise housing complexes where the
arrears are in excess of 60%. When the delivery of
services is affected as a result of non-payment, its effect
is felt among those who pay the service charge as well.
This tends to encourage the latter to take the same action
of not paying. Consequently, the Management
Corporation has to shoulder the burden of non-payment,
to the extent that they may have to draw on their own
financial resources or sinking fund to cover the
management expenses.

Studies show that owners give various reasons for their
reluctance to pay service charges. Their reasons range
from the fact that they do not fully utilise the facilities
(Roerup, 1998), to that the charge for service quality
does not match the fees charged (Tiun, 2003). Jamila,
(1999) contended that owners regret paying the
management fee. In the case of the gymnasium usage,
for example, the initial fee was announced as
maintenance fee and the monthly fee as gymnasium
management fee. Residents find this burdensome and
eventually refuse to declare ownership of the facilities.
According to Teo (1993), although Management
Corporation is legally permitted to prosecute in the court
of law under Sections 52(2), 53A, 53(2) and 55A of
Strata Title Act, the prosecution is rarely resorted to for
impracticality reason (Roerup, 1998; Tiun, 2003), such a
step might affect overall complex occupants pride
(Sapian, 2003). Also, although developer is allowed to
resort to the disconnection of electricity or water
supplies, again such an action is rarely taken (Roerup,
1998; KPKT, 1999; JPN, 2001). When most occupants
default on their payment of service charges, the fund
runs out. This impinges on the scheduled execution of
most activities and affects the effective management of
the complex (Tiun, 2003).

N. Mohd-Tawil, A. Ramly, Md N. Daud, A. I. Che-Ani, A. Zaharim
The above scenario portrays the importance of bringing
management costs to realistic levels. Owners of high-
rise residential complexes are increasingly aware of this,
which creates the need for the introduction of some form
of an index or benchmark on costs of high-rise housing
management. This is so that occupants are better
informed on whether or not they have paid reasonable
cost, and on whether or not the services they receive are
deserving of what they paid.

4 The Model
Gruis and Nieboer (2004), quoting from Priemus et al
(1999), contend that there are four main areas in housing
management: the technical management, financial
management, social management and ownership
management. The current study focuses on financial
management, and the samples are drawn from the
Management Corporation of strata title schemes where
first annual general meeting (FAGM) has been held.
Such a management body will continue in its function
until it is terminated. In Korea there is a housing rental
system called as Jonsei deposit. This system has been
developed hundred years ago and only practised in
Korea. In this system, the tenant will pay the landlord a
large lump-sum amount of money of about 25%-70% of
the house price. The lump-sum deposit will be deposit in
any bank to get the interest as the payment for the house
rent . after completing the tenure contract, the deposit
will be return back to the tenure (Yeong-Hee Jang,

The flow of the system can be done to manage the fund
deposit. It needs to generate income from the investment
to fulfil the management fund and must also have a
yearly surplus that must be deposited back to the deposit
fund. This is to ensure the fund will supply enough
money for the whole life of the building. Starting from
the early stage of proposed building by the developer
with facilities we can calculate how much money they
need to manage the building for one year. Then it will
be determined for all units. With the fund deposit model,
a deposit can be determined for each house. These will
be include in the house price. After that the fund deposit
body will invest the money and make sure it will goes as
what it should. After a year, the management
corporation can apply from the fund. This formula will
consider the return and the increase of the management
fund needs. We will also assume that the building will
remain for infinity. This is to ensure the deposit have
enough money as long as the building exists.

This can be shown from diagram below where the lump
sum amount of service charges for a management fund
can over come the criticality in collecting those funds.
Tiun (2003) and Norngainy (2005) find out the critical
indebtedness amongst the unit owner. Although various
methods used to collect that charges, the management
still face difficulty such as facing with black mail and
vandalism of their property ( Tiun, 2003 ). If this
concept can be accepted, therefore this challenge can be

Figure 1: Conceptual flow chart
Lumpsum Deposit Management Fund

Figure 1 shows the process of integrating the lump sum
amount of service charge as management fund deposit.
When the developers proposed the building, they are
also proposing the facilities for residential complex. The
house price offered consists of residential location and
type of facility provided. In this stage the amount of the
management fund per annum must be determine.
Through this the amount of the deposit will be derive by
the formula which consider the fund itself is perpetuity
and sustained as the building itself. With this, we hope
that the challenge in collecting management fund will
no longer be a gap to both parties.

Relationship in between House Price and Annual Management Fund in High-Rise Residential in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3.1 Fundamental at the model
In managing fund, the management financial principle
must be followed. In developing this model, we assume
that the service charge already known. This model is
based on annuity concept. Annuity is constitutes a
stream of over a period of time. Since, we assume the
management fund has an annual increment, it is not
suitable to use normal annuity. So, researcher used
continuous annuity which is actuarial science
formulation to get the cycle of deposit fund. This
function is well known in insurance and pension
scheme. Continuous annuity will give us present value.
In this study, present value is the deposit amount that
needs to be incurred in the house price.
( ) (1)
A = present value
f(t) = annuity payment per year function
r = return
t = time
T = payment time period
A f t e dt

(Haussler, 1996))

In this paper we want to know what is the relationship in
between the home price and the service change per year.
The analysis is done by using Regression Analysis.

4.0 Analysis
Ratio of House Price to Service Charge,

Survey was conducted for 150 high-rise residential in
Klang Valleys surrounding. The chart 1 below shows
the relation between house price and service charge

Chart 1 : A chart of service charge per year vs
house price
Source : This research 2008

Chart 1 above illustrates the ratio for the service charge
per year and the house price for 150 high-rise residential
falling under RM250,000. From the chart, the gradient is
0.011. That means that the service charge per year is
one percent from the house price per year. Therefore we
take the coeficient as 0.01.

5.0 Conclusion
The challenge in collecting fee from the residents of
high-rise residential has been seen as a critical issue in
our country. Although many legislations have been
introduced, it seems that there is a gap in persistance.
Both parties, the management and the residents, are
pointing at each other. In this paper, the study shows
that if a fund can generate income for the management
fund yearly, both parties will get the benefit. The
residents will only pay the fee up to the period of the
repayment loan (not for the whole of their live) whereas
the management will not suffer depletion of the
management fund.

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Relationship in between House Price and Annual Management Fund in High-Rise Residential in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Enhancing Employability Skills through Industrial Training


Dept. Of Eng. Sciences and Mathematics, College of Engineering, Universiti Tenaga Nasional,
Putrajaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Centre for Engineering Education Research, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Centre for Engineering Education Research, Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Bangi, Selangor, MALAYSIA
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract: - Employers nowadays consider a graduates academic achievement alone is not sufficient for hiring
the engineering graduates. They sometimes find achievement other than academic such as employability skills
to be important in the recruitment process. Hence, the purpose of this study is to examine the employers
perceptions on the performance of graduates and interns as an effort from Faculty of Engineering and Building
Environment of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) to meet the job market demands. Two different sets of
questionnaires were used to collect data. First, data collected on the employers perceptions on skills possessed
by new engineers in their workforce from a sample of 302 employers of engineering graduates in Klang Valley.
Second, data collected on assessment of the performance of engineering industrial training students from 305
employers of interns. The study reveals that attributes exposed in industrial training programme fulfil the
attributes required by employers. It shows that the industrial training programme is an essential component of
engineering curricula. The programme develops undergraduates employability skills through activities that
gave the interns an exposure to industry practices. The industrial training also strengthens employability skills
of engineering students through relevant work experience. The similar trend on percentage of agreement by
employers also indicates that the attributes attained by UKMs students in industrial training meet the criteria
required by employers.

Key-Words: Graduates, interns, employers, employability skills, performance.

1 Introduction
The importance of employability skills is now
greater than ever in engineering sectors. Most
engineering industries are now using highly
developed equipment, systems, and systematic
processes, requiring highly trained, integrated and
multi-skilled engineers [1]. As a result, employers
place main concern on employability skills in hiring
new engineers causing a significant increase on
demand for skilled engineering graduates in
Malaysia [2-7]. Yet, previous studies indicate that
the supply of entry level engineers in Malaysia does
not meet current demands, and future expectations
in engineering sectors [2; 3; 4]. One of the key
factors is the graduates are not ready to enter the
workforce [2-7]. They lack employability skills
needed by employers [2-5], competencies or
capabilities of personal skills [6] and not equipped
with the relevant skills [7]. Therefore, employers
perceptions and expectations have its influential in
determining the employability skills needed. Several
universities have conducted a study to obtain their
perceptions and expectations in various disciplines.
The best universities require engineering students to
obtain excellence academic achievements, however,
common queries still on: who they will be; what
they will do; where they will do it; why they will do
it [1].
Malaysian employers feel it is a beneficial for a
new engineer to have acquired certain employability
skills than just studied certain courses [7]. Although
professional education, skills and training expected
to be exposed by employers, rather than by
universities, employers still concerned about soft
skills own by graduates, in addition to, academic
achievement when they recruit new engineers.
Engineering education in Malaysia has long been
considered as a process of refining characters and
skills for employment in the workplace. With the
tremendous changing in the employment system, the
tertiary education must take more responsibility in
developing their students personal qualities in
terms of employability, and implement appropriate
programs to meet the changing needs in industry.
One approach to help increase the employability
skills are through an industrial training or internship
programme for engineering undergraduates

2 Engineering Graduates and
Industrial Training Students
Unstable economic environment and globalisation
influenced the recruitment practice, which also
affect to higher education system in Malaysia. This
can be seen in the advertisement that stated clearly
the criteria required for engineering post in Malaysia
nowadays. Malaysian engineering graduates have
strong basic engineering knowledge and sufficient
technical competency [2; 5; 9], but employers
complaint on the entry level job applicants still
lacking of generic skills [5] such as communication
skills, decision making and interpersonal skills [2; 5;
10]. Employers need an engineer with a solid
theoretical background and equipped with essential
soft skills and employability skills [2]. Robinson
(2000) defined employability skills as those basic
skills necessary for getting, keeping, and doing well
on a job. Engineering employability skills are
highly related to nontechnical skills or abilities.
These nontechnical skills not only help graduates to
succeed in getting employed but also doing well in
the workplace [8]. Obviously, engineering graduates
should have employability skills to apply and
practice the knowledge in the workplace.
Most engineering companies today expect higher
education providers (HEP) prepare for work-ready
graduates, who have sufficient skills and abilities to
work immediately [2; 3; 7]. Industrial training is one
of approaches to help students to prepare for work-
ready graduates. It is part of the learning process to
apply theories learned in college and to develop
technical skills and employability skills. Industrial
training programme helps students to discover
different roles and activities that give them an
opportunity to experience different challenges in a
real workplace. The activities provide exposure to
realities of the working environment and an
opportunity to gain hands-on working experience
in related industry. The industrial training
programme is part of curriculum in Malaysian
engineering programme. Duration of the industrial
training is between 2 to 6 months, subject to the
requirements of the degree programme. Even though
the educational background is significant to
employers, it is also necessary to have real-world
experience in the area before entering the
workforce. Therefore, industrial training programme
is one way of providing experience by which these
skills can be attained.
Upon completing the training, the students have
to submit a technical report as part of the assessment
of their performance in industrial training. The
assessment also includes the input by the employers
on the soft skills and knowledge as showed by the
students during the training. This input allows the
faculty to assess the students abilities as well as to
ascertain whether they have met the objectives of
the industrial training set by accreditation
Accreditation standards set by the Engineering
Accreditation Council (EAC) require a minimum
continuous period of two months of industrial
training for each student. The industrial training
supposes to provide the interns an exposure to
professional practice in an engineeringpractice
environment [12]. It is essential for the interns to
familiarise themselves with common engineering
processes and practices and to expose themselves to
a wide variety of processes required at a level
appropriate to them. Therefore, the interns of an
engineering programme are expected to attain
programme outcomes (PO) specified for industrial
training programme. The Faculty of Engineering
and Built Environment, UKM has set seven POs
(of 12 overall Pos) listed in Table 1 to be achieved
by the internship programme.
These programme outcomes for industrial
training describe the expectation of knowledge and
abilities should be attained after completing the
programme. Therefore, it is necessary to have
feedback from employers on the performance of
interns, to see whether the objectives of industrial
training programme have been achieved. This
feedback also will provide information on how the
outcomes meet the employers requirement. Parts of
an effort to achieve this, a study to obtain
information on the perceptions of employers
regarding to employability skills through interns and
graduates need to be done. Hence, this study seeks
employers perceptions on Malaysian engineering
graduates attached to them and performance of
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) industrial
training students.

Enhancing Employability Skills through Industrial Training Programme
Table 1: The relevant Programme Outcomes for
UKM Industrial Training Programme
Programme Outcomes
PO1 Ability to acquire and apply knowledge of
science and engineering fundamentals.
PO2 Ability to communicate effectively, not
only with engineers but also with the
community at large.
PO6 Ability to function effectively as an
individual and in a group with the
capacity to be a leader or manager as well
as an effective team member.
PO7 Understand the social, cultural, global and
environmental responsibilities of an
engineer, and the need for sustainable
PO9 Ability to design and conduct
experiments, as well as analysing and
interpreting data.
PO10 Ability to function in multi-disciplinary
PO11 Having the knowledge of contemporary
Source: Buku Panduan Siswazah Fakulti Kejuruteraan,
Sesi Academik 2007-2008 [13].

3 Methodology

3.1 Survey on Engineering Graduates
The selection of the respondents employed a
random sampling method. The questionnaires
developed to gather information on the
performances of engineering graduates on adopted
fifteen employability skills. These 15 employability
skills listed in Table 2, required by Malaysian
employers is quite similar to the attributes required
by the accrediting body, Engineering Accreditation
Councils (EAC) of Malaysia. The questionnaires
sought to collect data on the perception of the
employers towards performance of new engineers in
their organisation using a five point Likert-type
scale. The employers responded to level of
satisfactory on knowledge, skills and experience
owned by engineering graduates in their work place.
The responses 1 indicated Not Satisfactory at all
and 5 indicated Most Satisfactory. The
researchers had targeted about 400 employers with
sample limited to engineering employers in a
limited geographical area of Malaysia. Data
collected through face-to-face interview, telephone
interview, online survey and snow-ball sampling
using a set of questionnaires. In the end, 337
engineering employers responded out of 500
questionnaires given out and only 302 usable
responses were analysed. For interpretations and
conclusions of study finding, the data analysed
using the software package for social sciences
(SPSS 16.0).

Table 2: List of Employability Skills
A. Have adequate background knowledge
B. Ability to apply knowledge
C. Ability to function effectively in group
D. Capability to function as a leader in group
E. Ability to carry out leader/ manager's instruction
F. Behave professionally and practice good ethics
G. Appreciate social and cultural responsibilities
H. Awareness on environmental responsibility
I. Recognize the needs of lifelong learning
J. Ability to extract information
K. Ability to practice listening skills and giving
L. Ability to communicate in public or with
community at large
M. Ability to express ideas verbally
N. Ability to make decision
O. Ability to work independently

3.2 Survey on Internship Students
The research study was an empirical nature, with a
set of questionnaires handed to employers of interns
at the end of two months of the industrial training.
The internship programme is part of the curriculum
where third year students undergo a 20-week (from
the 12th April to the 3rd August 2009) training after
successfully completed six semesters of studies. A
set of questionnaires were delivered to a total of 305
employers to assess the interns under their charge,
of which 295 usable responses were obtained,
resulting in a response rate of 97 percent. The
questionnaires use a five-point Likert-type scale to
the attributes/skills measured. In the assessment,
fifteen employability skills listed with scale 1
indicates extremely weak and 5 indicates
excellent. A brief description of each of the
attribute/skill is included in the questionnaire to
avoid misunderstanding.

Y. M. Yusoff, M. Z. Omar, A. Zaharim, A. Mohamed, N. Muhamad, R. Mustapha
4 Findings and Discussions
The responses on scale 4 represent satisfactory
and 5 represent most satisfactory take into account
as well-performed skills by graduates.
Meanwhile, the responses on scale 4 represent
good and 5 represent excellent take into account
as well-performed skills by interns. The statistical
results demonstrate that the employers assessment
on performance of the skills owned by engineering
graduates and engineering interns are satisfactory.
Figure 1 illustrates the percentage of agreement on
well-performed employability skills as identified by
employers on engineering graduates and interns.
The three highest percentage of employers
agreed that the well-performed skills by graduates
were the ability to function effectively in group
(93%), ability to carry out leader/ manager's
instruction (92%) and ability to express ideas
verbally (92%). The last three skills that are not
substantially performed by graduates are the
capability to function as a leader in group (74%),
have adequate background knowledge (72%) and
ability to communicate in public or with community
at large (71%). The employers perception on
employability skills apparently shows that the
employers recognised all the skills performed by
graduates as being, at least satisfactory. They
were quite satisfied on skills performed by
graduates but still emphasis on the lacking of ability
to communicate in public or with community at
large among graduates. This study also agreed with
some other previous work in that employers quite
disappointed with various generic skills of
engineering graduates such as communication skills,
leadership skills and decision making [2; 3; 7; 11].
However, surprisingly, this study shows that only
72% of employers agreed that graduates have
adequate background knowledge of engineering.
Graduates demonstrate a high level of satisfactory
on teamwork, follow instruction, express ideas
verbally, provide feedback and work independently.
However, they appear not well-performed in
communicating in public or with community at
large, having sufficient background knowledge,
demonstrating their potential as a leader in a group,
having appreciation social and cultural
responsibilities and making a decision. Out of 15
skills surveyed, only 5 skills obtained more than
80% agreement from the employers that they were
well-performed by the graduates.
The HEPs are also aware that they need to
enhance their undergraduates skills, if they want
their graduates to succeed with their job application
and future career. Hence, part of an effort of UKM
to increase their engineering graduates
employability rate, Faculty of Engineering and Built
Environment, UKM monitors the industrial training
programme by getting feedbacks on employability
skills of interns and suggesting action-plan on it. To
obtain the feedbacks on employability skills owned
by students, the faculty has included the survey
form as part of the form that interns have to return
to faculty. There are 20 questions in it, but only 15
questions relevant to employability skills will be
discussed in this study.
Figure 1 illustrates that employers/ supervisors
perceived positively on the performance of interns
of UKM. The graph shows that percentage of
employers agreed on the performance of 11 skills
out of 15 exceeded 80%. This implies that the
interns of UKM are "Good" and meet their criteria.
The employers satisfied with the performance of the
UKM students particularly in an ability to carry out
leader/ manager's instruction (96%); appreciate
social and cultural responsibilities (95%); and
Ability to function effectively in the group and work
independently (92%). The other skills also assessed
as well-performed skills by interns are: Recognize
the needs of lifelong learning, Ability to practice
listening skills and giving feedback, Awareness on
environmental responsibility, Ability to extract
information, Ability to apply knowledge, Act
professionally and practice ethical ethics, and
Ability to express ideas verbally. The skills that
employers agreed not well-performed by interns are
ability to communicate in public or with community
at large (77%); ability to make decision (75%); and
capability to function as a leader in group (67%).
This situation is perhaps due to the interns lack of
experience. Therefore, the students need to involve
actively in various activities to gain experiences, in
order to enhance their communication skills,
leadership skills and the level of confident to make a
The analysis of data on both graduates and
interns shows they have a similar pattern on the
level of satisfactory of all skill assessed in the
survey. Figure 1 shows that the trend of the graph is
similar except for the attribute of appreciate social
and cultural responsibilities. The interns were
evaluated as 95% by their employers/supervisor as
well-performed whereas the graduates only scored a
mere 76% on this attribute. The level of satisfactory
on skills performed suggested that all of the skills
rated as satisfactory, with lowest mean equal to 3.9.
This does not imply interns and graduates are skilful
enough to enter the workforce. The assessment done
on graduates and interns has shown that both are
lack of employability skills particularly in decision
making, leadership and communication skills. The
Enhancing Employability Skills through Industrial Training Programme
students need to equip themselves with these critical
skills to better prepare themselves before entering
the market. The universities also perhaps need to
provide more opportunities for the students to gain
more industrial experience, and likewise, the
industries to be more open and supportive with such

Fig. 1: Percentage of Employers Satisfied With the Performance of Engineering Graduates and Industrial
Training Students

5 Conclusion
The survey invited views on the performance in
fifteen different employability attributes/skills based
on previous studies and accreditation requirement.
The employers percentage of agreement on well-
performed skills shown by graduates and interns
have similar trend, although they were from
different cohort and were evaluated in different
situations and job scope. This shows that industrial
training is an essential component of engineering
curricula to prepare for work-ready graduates for
industries. An exposure to industry practice is vital
for students to acquire employability skills through
industrial experience. The similar trend on
percentage of agreement by employers also
indicates that the attributes attained by students in
industrial training have met with the criteria as
required by employers.
The programme outcomes as set by the faculty
for the internship programme seemed to have been
achieved as demonstrated by the outcomes achieved
by the interns. Some of the well-performed
interns have even received conditional job offers by
the employers (i.e. by joining them upon the
completion of their studeis). Thus, it can be said that
a successful industrial training tenure can become a
powerful tool to increase a students employability

The authors wish to thank the Committee for
Indsutrial Training, Faculty of Engineering and
Built Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, for sharing with us the data of their
intership programme.

[1] National Academy of Engineering, 2005.
Educating the engineer of 2020: Adapting
engineering education to the new century,
National Academy Press, Washington DC.
Y. M. Yusoff, M. Z. Omar, A. Zaharim, A. Mohamed, N. Muhamad, R. Mustapha
[2] Zaharim A, Md Yusoff Y, Omar M.Z.,
Mohamed A., Muhamad N., Mustapha R.,
Engineering Employability Skills Required By
Employers In Asia. 6th WSEAS International
(EE 09), Rodos, Greece, July 22-24, 2009.
[3] Zaharim A, Md Yusoff Y, Omar M.Z.,
Mohamed A., Muhamad N., Mustapha R.
Employers Perceptions and Expectation
Toward Engineering Graduates: A Study Case.
6th WSEAS International Conference on
Rodos, Greece, July 22-24, 2009. Pp 23-29.
[4] Hassan, B., Mohd Zaidi, O., Zainal, M., Abang
Abdullah, A.A., Badrulhisham A.A, Abdul
Hamid, H, Nik Abdullah, N.M, Azmi, H, &
Zaidi, M.R.,. The Future of Engineering
Education in Malaysia, report by the
Department if Institutions of Higher Education
Management, Ministry of Higher Education,
Malaysia. 2007
[5] Kamsah, M. Z. 2004. Developing Generic
Skills in Classroom Environment Engineering
Students Perspective. In: Conference On
Engineering Education (CEE 2004), 14-15
December 2004, Kuala Lumpur.
[6] Mohammad, Shahrin and Md. Nor, Hasanan
and Omar, Wahid and Mohamed, Danial,
Enhancing Teaching and Learning through the
Incorporation of Generic Skills for Civil
Engineering Undergraduates. In: Conference on
Engineering Education (CEE 2004), Kuala
Lumpur. pp 14-15
[7] Lee Fui Tong, Identifying essential learning
skills in students Engineering Education,
Monash University Malaysia.
[8] DEST, Employability skills from framework to
practice, an introductory guide for trainers and
assessors, a report by the Australian Chamber
of Commerce and Industry and the Business
Council of Australia for the Department of
Education, Science and Training, Canberra.
[9] Mohd.Sam, A.R. and Abu Bakar, S and
Kassim, K.A., Inculcating Generic Skill for
Civil Engineering Students through Final Year
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[10] Abdullah, S, Zaharim, A, Harris, S M, Omar,
M Z, Basri, H, Nik Mohamed, N A,
Engineering Education: Using Technical.
Attributes to Analyse the Employers'.
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Practical Framework of Employability Skills
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[12] Engineering Programme Accreditation Manual,
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[13] Buku Panduan Siswazah Fakulti Kejuruteraan,
Sesi Academik 2007-2008. Pusat Penerbitan
Dan Percetakan, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor Malaysia.
Enhancing Employability Skills through Industrial Training Programme
Competencies Achieved Through Industrial Training Programme

, K. MAT

Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600, UKM Bangi, Selangor
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
web: http://www.ukm.my

Abstract: - This paper discusses the assessment on performance criteria obtained by the trainees during
industrial training. A total of 303 trainees from four departments under Faculty of Engineering and Built
Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, have successfully carried out the program with placements in
various organisations. The training has been carried out for the duration of 20 weeks, from the 12
April to the
August 2009. In this study, 96% employers have given their valuable feedbacks on the performance of 290
trainees. From the employers perception, trainees have obtained high performance rating in many criteria
including ability to carry out instructions (96%), social and multi-racial awareness (95%) and professionalism
and work ethics (94%). However, the employers are mostly dissatisfied with trainees` leadership ability which
recorded the lowest score with percentage of 67%.

Key-Words: - employers perception, industrial training, performance criteria

1 Introduction
In the era of globalization, Malaysia needs to build
up intellectual capital and transform workforce into
skilled manpower in order to succeed in this newly
competitive world. Based on evident from
developed nations, skilled manpower is the driving
force in many successful countries. Furthermore,
future national development of our country is to
bring forth challenges that require manpower to be
innovative and equipped with knowledge and
training with related skills. Industrial training
program refers to experience in the real working
environment that is relevant to professional
development prior to graduation and an aid to
prospective employment. It is an essential element
in the development process of professional skills
and work ethics required to become an engineer.
The program is an extremely valuable component of
professional courses in university education [1].
At Faculty of Engineering and Built
Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
(a.k.a. National University of Malaysia), the
industrial training program is part of the curriculum
where third year students undergo 20 weeks of
industrial training after successfully completed six
semesters of studies. Students from four
departments involved in industrial training program
which (training period from the 12
April to the 28

August 2009) are from Department of Civil and
Structural Engineering (JKAS), Department of
Electrical, Electronic and System Engineering
(JKEES), Department of Mechanical and Materials
Engineering (JKMB) and Department of Chemical
and Process Engineering (JKKP). Students
undergoing their industrial training are supervised
by industrial training coordinator from each
departments as well as industrial supervisors.
Students also have to prepare a written report of
their industrial training experience, which has to be
submitted to their respective departments while the
supervisor is required to evaluate the performance
of the students by filling up the assessment sheet.
The evaluation is very important to measure the
competencies of trainees with respect to some
performance criteria from the employers
perspective. The feedbacks and evaluation from
employers are very useful to further improved the
industrial training program and equip students with
desired criteria needed by employers upon
graduation. Thus, this study was carried out to
investigate employers perception and consequently
measure the performance of students.

2 Assessment Methodology
This study involved activities including distributing
assessment sheet to participating organization,
collecting data and analyzing findings. This study
utilized both quantitative and qualitative methods.
The quantitative method will be used to determine
the performance of students that highly related to the
quality of human capital produce by institutions. On
the other hand, the qualitative method will be used to
capture the various comments, feedbacks and
suggestion by industry towards improving the
quality of industrial training program. The
assessment of trainees by their employers was
carried out using Likert scales. It is a psychometric
scale commonly use as the familiar five-point
bipolar response. The assessment is justified on
educational grounds and soft skill. The assessment
will reflect the performance of the students in
industrial context, as judged by the employers who
are closely concerned with the progress.

3 Results and Discussion
Data was collected through assessment sheet which
contained both the profiles of the trainees and
performance inventory. Results of the assessment
are discussed and divided accordingly as follow.

3.1 Profiles of Respondents
Sample of this study is the students from four
departments as shown in Fig. 1 which involved 59
student from JKAS (19%), 67 students from JKEES
(22%), 80 students from JKKP (26%) and 97
students from JKMB (32%). A total of 303 students
underwent the industrial training in various
organisations of different industrial backgrounds in
Malaysia. The primary data for this research was
gathered through assessment sheets filled up by
supervisor or relevant personnel in the organization
participating in the industrial training program. The
assessment sheet contains items that capture general
information and items that probe on the expectations
and perceptions of employers towards the trainees. A
number of 290 employers (as shown in Fig. 2) have
given their valuable feedbacks which involved 51
employers of students from JKAS, 67 employers
(JKEES), 77 employers (JKKP) and 95 employers
(JKMB). These numbers of employers represents
96% feedbacks out of the total number of
organizations providing placement for industrial
training for the year of 2009. Thus, it shows that
many organisations have shown a great interest in
assisting and further improved the industrial training
program and curriculum development.

Fig. 1: Student Profiles Based On Department

Fig 2: Number of Participating Employers

3.2 Performance Criteria
The performance criteria measured by employers are
shown in Table 1. Each criterion is coded as P1 to
P20 respectively. Twenty criteria were evaluated
based on Likert scale. The scale ranges from a group
of five categories from least to most, asking
employers to indicate the level or degree of certain
criteria for each trainee. When responding to the
assessment item as shown in Table 1, employers
will specify their level of agreement to a statement
for every performance criteria listed. The
assessment sheet is designed to meet the objective
of the program and simultaneously can be used for
evaluation of trainees performance in industry. The
scale indicator ranging from 1-5 represents Very
Competencies Achieved through Industrial Training Programme
Weak (1), Weak (2), Average (3), Good (4) and
Excellent (5). To simplify this paper, rating given to
scales 1 and 2 are grouped together as weak, those
for scales 4 and 5 are grouped as good and scale 3
is considered as average. For this paper, only
result for good are shown.
The evaluation by the employers is given in Fig.
3. It shows the percentage of students evaluated as
good by the employers. From the result, generally
the students have performed well during the
industrial training and employers also quite satisfied
with the performance possessed by the students. As
shown in Fig 3, the highest score was given by the
employers to criteria P
(ability to carry out
instructions). The result of 96% of students obtained
high marks may indicates that majority of trainees
are good and fast learners. The figures also indicate
that the trainees were able to understand project
objectives and translate them into detailed tasks,
expanding, and implementing. However the lower
score is recorded by criteria P
with only 67% of
students able to function as a leader.

Table 1: Performance Criteria Measured By
Code Performance Criteria
Ability to make decision
Ability to express ideas (written)
Ability to express ideas (verbal)
Non-Verbal skill
Ability to communicate with public
Negotiation skill
Listening skill
Ability to interact
Ability to extract information
Lifelong learning
Disciplined and motivated
Environmental awareness
Social and multi-racial awareness
Professionalism and work ethics
Ability to carry out instructions
Ability to function as a leader
Ability to function as team player
Ability to apply knowledge
Adequate background knowledge

Fig. 3: Students Performance during Industrial

3.3 Achievement Level
Overall, the 20 measured criteria have been
categorized into three different achievement level of
performance indicated as high, medium and low as
shown in Fig. 4, Fig. 5 and Fig 6 respectively. High
achievement level comprises performance criteria
with rating percentage of students more than 90%.
Another achievement levels are medium (80%-89%)
and low (below 80%). Eight criteria are considered
as high achievement level with high rating more
than 90% as shown in Fig. 4. The eight criteria
include P
(Independent) P
(Listening skill), P

(Lifelong learning), P
(Disciplined and motivated),
(Social and multi-racial awareness)
(Professionalism and work ethics), P
(Ability to
carry out instructions) and P
(Ability to function as
team player). Also of some relief is that many
aforementioned criteria fall into this group are
related to positive attitude and soft skills. These data
may imply that the engineering education of the
M. Jamil, M. Z. Omar, S. A. Osman, N. T. Kofli, M. N. A. Rahman, K. Mat
faculty has been successfully providing enough
emphasis on preparing quality graduates required by
engineering profession and job market.

Fig. 4: High Achievement Level of Performance

Furthermore, other seven criteria also obtained high
approval rating from employers. Fig. 5 shows
recorded percentage of more than 80% which
include criteria related to personal soft skills such as
ability to express ideas in written and verbal (P
), negotiation skill (P
), ability to interact (P
) and
ability to extract information (P
). Thus, the data
prove that engineering student are equipped with
soft skills which play a vital role for professional
success and help them to excel in the workplace.
Competency on soft skills also has become an
important criteria required by employers (2). The
employers also satisfied with the criteria of
environmental awareness (P
) which recorded
percentage of rating 89%. This data may indicate
that sustainable development and awareness towards
green environment being practiced in university
level have become an added value to students.
Furthermore in some engineering courses offered by
faculty, the understanding and importance of
sustainability and cost-effectiveness in design and
development of engineering solutions is
emphasized. The criteria of ability to apply
knowledge (P
) also recorded satisfying result with
percentage of 86%. Ability to apply knowledge in
problem solving is one of the key aspects of
innovation practice in engineering company as
discussed by Baxter et al. (2009)[3].

Fig. 5: Medium Achievement Level of Performance

As mentioned earlier, the employers are most
dissatisfied with the criteria P
with only 67%
student shows the ability to function as a leader,
scoring the lowest percentage (see Fig. 6). The
figure also shows the low achievement level of
performance for criteria related to ability to make
decision (P
non-verbal skill (P
) and ability to
communicate with public (P
) with percentage of
75%, 77% and 77% respectively. The data shows
that these four criteria are related to leadership
characteristic that have to be strengthened among
the students. However, since this only involved four
criteria, the result therefore is not much significantly
worrisome since all other criteria have received high
approval rating by employers. All these criteria are
among the soft skills desired by employers in order
to work in multidisciplinary team which expose
trainees to the real world in industrial sectors. To
further improved the program and hence to further
benefit the student, engineering education has to
seriously evolve from providing students solely with
technical skills to providing them with courses that
provide students with the non-technical or soft skill.

Competencies Achieved through Industrial Training Programme

Fig. 6: Low Achievement Level of Performance

4 Conclusion
In conclusion, this study exhibit employers
assessment on students performance during
industrial training. The performances showed by the
students are satisfactory and fulfil the organisations
needs with almost all criteria as evaluated by the
employers have scored around 80% or more good
rating. The results also reveal the importance of
positive attitudes as well as soft skill characteristics
in the real work environment. The employers also
have forwarded some suggestions to the university
to further strengthen the cooperation between the
university and industry, such as through technical
visits and organising industrial talk by the
representatives from industries. The feedbacks also
indicate that industrial training is viewed by the
employers or organization as essential and would
benefit both university and the industry.

[1] Gibson, D.C. 2001. Communication Faculty
Internship. Public Relations Review, 27, 103-
[2] Azami Zaharim, Shahrum Abdullah, Mohd
Zaidi Omar, Hassan Basri, Farah Liza Mohd
Isa. 2007. Gap Analysis On Employers
Engineering Graduates In Malaysia Based On
Generic Skill Criteria, Proceeding Of The
Association Of South East Asian Institutions
Of Higher Educations (ASAIHL), 79-83.
[3] Baxter, D., El Enany, N., K. Varia, K., Ferris,I.
& Shipway, B. Investigating Innovation
Practices in Design: Creative Problem Solving
and Knowledge Management, Proceedings of
the 19
CIRP Design ConferenceCompetitive
Design, Cranfield University, 30-31 March
2009, 396-402.

M. Jamil, M. Z. Omar, S. A. Osman, N. T. Kofli, M. N. A. Rahman, K. Mat

Use of Rasch Analysis to measure Students Performance
in Engineering Education

Program Director,
P.hD, Program Coordinator, Exec.Dip. in Quality Management, UTM SPACE,
Master (Candidate), Dept. of Mathematics, Fac. of Science,
University Teknologi Malaysia, 81300 Skudai, MALAYSIA
Professor Centre for Engineering Education Research,
Fac. of Engineering and Built Environment,
Professor, Ir; Deputy Vice Chancellor (A) ,Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi,

Abstract: - The Engineering Accreditation Council of Malaysia (EAC) adopts the American Accreditation
Board of Engineering and Technology 2000 (ABET) requirements which promote outcome based education
(OBE) learning process. OBE calls for the evaluation of the subjects learning outcomes (LO) as specified in the
Programme Specification. This good practice is implemented in the Faculty of Engineering and Built
Environment, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) teaching and learning processes. Evaluation method has
been largely dependent on students performance carrying out tasks such as tests, quizzes or submission of
assignments. Instrument construct were based on Blooms Taxonomy whilst the evaluation on the students
performance output were assessed based on Students Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) Taxonomy which
gives an indication on the students achievement of the subject expected LO. However, the measurement of the
students achievement from the observed outcomes remain vague. This paper describes a measurement model
using Rasch Analysis which can be used to measure the subject LO of an undergraduate engineering subject.
An overview of the measurement model and its key concepts are presented and illustrated using the final exam
paper given through subject KKKF1134 Introduction to Engineering. Results obtained were assessed against
the course LO maps for consistency and used as a guide for future improvement of the teaching method and
style. The study shows that Rasch model of measurement can classify grades into learning outcomes more
accurately especially in dealing with small number of sampling unit.

Key-Words:- Learning Outcomes, instructional objectives, performance assessment, Quality, continuous

1 Introduction
The assessment of student learning begins with
educational values and a vehicle for educational
improvement. Educational values should drive not
only what we choose to assess but also how we do
so. Where questions about educational mission and
values are skipped over, assessment threatens to be
an exercise in measuring what's easy rather than a
process of improving what we really care about [1].
Its greatest contribution comes on campuses where
the quality of teaching and learning is visibly valued
and worked at. On such campuses, the push to
improve educational performance is a visible and
primary goal of leadership; improving the quality of
education is central to the institution's planning,
budgeting, and personnel decisions. On such
campuses, measuring learning outcomes to generate
useful and meaningful information is seen as an
integral part of decision making, and avidly sought.
The Engineering Accreditation Council of
Malaysia (EAC) adopts the American Accreditation
Board of Engineering and Technology 2000
(ABET) requirements which promote outcome
based education (OBE) learning process. OBE calls
for the assessment of the subjects learning outcomes
(LO) as specified in the programme specification.
IHLs in Malaysia conducting any engineering
programmes must assess the learning outcomes of
its teaching and learning processes as a prerequisite
to obtain EAC accreditation hence measurement.


2 Overview of Measurement
Measurement has been grossly misunderstood and
overlooked in many circumstances especially in the
field of social science. Many researchers in social
science are frustrated when existing instruments are
not well tailored to the task, since they then cannot
expect sensitive, accurate, or valid findings [3].
However, modern measurement method as practiced
using item response theory with a focus on Rasch
measurement model provides the social sciences
with the kind of measurement that characterizes
measurement in the natural sciences; i.e. the field of
The fundamentals of measurement must
comprised of the instrument to be used for purpose
which has specific unit of an agreed standard
amount. An instrument must have the correct
construct of linear scale which can be zero set and
duly calibrated. A valid instrument can then be
replicated for use independent of the subject hence
measurement taken thereof is therefore a reliable
data for meaningful analysis and examination to
generate useful information [4]. This information is
of utmost importance to be the prime ingredient in a
particular decision making.

3 Measurement Method
Responses from the students in an examination, test
or quizzes is normally marked against a marking
scheme comprising keywords; where when there is a
match then the student would be given a mark or
otherwise. This is truly counting the number of
correct answers which is then added up to give a
total raw score. The raw score is only giving a
ranking order which is deemed an ordinal data and
is of continuum in nature. It is not linear and do not
have equal intervals which contradicts the nature of
data fit for the due statistical analysis [5]. It does not
meet the fundamentals of sufficient statistics for
Rasch moves the concept of reliability from
establishing best fit line of the data into producing
a reliable repeatable measurement instrument
instead. Rasch focuses on constructing the
measurement instrument with accuracy rather than
fitting the data to suit a measurement model with of
errors. By focusing on the reproducibility of the
latent trait measurement instead of forcing the
expected generation of the same raw score, i.e. the
common expectation on repeatability of results
being a reliable test, the concept of reliability takes
its rightful place in supporting validity rather than
being in contentions. Hence; measuring LO ability
in an appropriate way is vital to ensure valid quality
information can be generated for meaningful use; by
absorbing the error and representing a more accurate
prediction based on a probabilistic model.
In Rasch philosophy, the data have to comply
with the principles, or in other words the data have
to fit the model. In Rasch point of view, there is no
need to describe the data. What is required is to test
whether the data allow for measurement on a linear
interval scale specifically in a cumulative response
process i.e. a positive response to an item
stochastically implies a positive response to all
items being easy or otherwise. This is dichotomous
responses which can take only two values, 0 and 1
which is known as Bernoulli random variable; in our
case a smart student or otherwise.
Rasch Measurement Model is expressed as the
ratio of an event being successful as;
P() =
(n i )

1 + e
(n i

e = base of natural logarithm or Eulers number;
n = persons ability
i = item or task difficulty

Rasch exponential expression is a function of
Logistic Regression which resulted in a Sigmoidal
ogive and can be transformed into simpler
operation by reducing the indices by logarithm:

n [
(n i )

1 + e
i )

Now ln[P()]; as the probability of a successful
event; x=1 is reduced to the expression in equation 6
and can be construed simply as the difference of
person ability;
and the item difficulty;
, which
can be represented as;

ln [P()] =

; Equ.(3)

The very reason why the need to transformed it
to logit is primarily to obtain a linear interval scale.
It can be readily shown mathematically that a series
of numbers irrespective of based used is not equally
spaced but distant apart exponentially as the number
gets bigger while a log series maintain their equal
separation; thus equal interval [6]. This equal
separation is mathematically shown in Table 1.
The difference between log
5 and log
2 is constant
and remain of equal distant between log
50 and
M. Saidfudin, A. A. Azrilah, N. A. Rodzoan, M. Z. Omar, A. Zaharim, H. Basri

20 which similarly hold true for log
; thus the
theorem can now be universally applied.

Table 1: Comparison of Numerical and Log

Similarly, an attempt of a student to answer a
question can be seen as a chance of him being able
to get the correct answer or successfully
accomplishing a given task. Now, for a given
normal score of 7/10 which is normally read as
70%; there is need of a paradigm shift to read it as
the odds of success being 70:30; thus a ratio data. A
mark of 6/10 shall now be seen as odd of success
60:40 and, so on. After all percentage is statistically
recognized only a data summary; which is somehow
largely confused as a unit of measurement [7].
This enable us to construct a log-odd ruler of
probability an event taking place with the odd-of
success as shown in Figure. 2 with unit termed as
logit , derived from the term log-odd unit; as unit
of measurement of ability akin to meter to measure
length or kilogram to weight.

Fig. 2: Probabilistic line diagram

In order to achieve an equal interval scale, we
can introduce logarithm of the odd probabilistic
value. Maintaining the same odd probabilistic ruler
as in Figure 2, starting with 0.01 to 100, we can
create an equal interval separation between the log
odds units on the line, hence the measurement ruler
with the logit unit [8]. This can be verified by
computing the value of log
0.01 (10
) equals to
-2.0; value of log
0.1 equals to -1; value of log
equals to 0 and so forth. Figure 3 shows the newly
established logit ruler as a linear scale with equal
interval separation. It is just like looking at a
thermometer with 0, as water being ice and 100 as
boiling point whilst the negative extreme end as
C, the point where all atoms of any element
come to a standstill.

Fig. 3: Logit ruler

Thus, we now have a valid construct of an
instrument to measure the students ability for each
defined LO.

4 Results and Discussion
The test was administered on 1
year Engineering
and Architecture students from the Faculty of
Engineering and Built Environment, University
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) for the course code
KKKF1134 Introduction to Engineering. The
result from the tests were tabulated and ran in
Winsteps v 3.6.8, a Rasch based analysis software;
to obtain the logit values. Figure 4 shows the
Person-Item Distribution Map (PIDM) where the
persons; i.e. the Students is on the right whilst the
items; the learning topics were plotted on the left of
the logit ruler. By virtue of the same ruler with the
same scale; then the correlation of the person,

and item,
can now be established as in equation

Table 2: Summary Statistics

Before delving any further, it is best to look at
the analysis Summary Statistics as in Table 2. The
prime information we are looking for in this table is
the overall students LO ability reflected by the
Person Measure ;
= -0.03logit
(P[]=0.4925). This gives the indication that
generally the students performance under scrutiny is
just slightly below expectation. SD=0.48 shows that
the students is very much within target though we
noted that poor students are LM171, LM242 with
1 0.000 0.000
2 0.301 0.694
5 0.699 1.609
10 1.000 2.303
20 1.302 2.997
50 1.699 3.912
100 2.000 4.606



Use of Rasch Analysis to Measure Students Performance in Engineering Education

PI159 measured -1.77logit being lowest whilst the
best students are PC134, PC129, LC186 and LI152
measured at +1.62logit being topmost .
Both students ability measurements can give us
some indication where are the students are on the
probability scale; -ve means they are to the left of
the thermometer, +ve means they are located to
the right of the scale. Now we can sense and have a
better appreciation if the students are in trouble or
not since now their performance is duly measured
on sound metrology principles thus generasibility.
The PIDM Map is the heart of Rasch analysis
[9]. The vertical dashed line represents the ideal
less-to-best continuum of quality. Items and students
now share the same linear measurement units known
as logits. On the left hand side of the dashed line,
the items are aligned from too easy to too hard,
starting from the bottom. The distribution of student
positions is on the right side of the vertical dashed
line in increasing order of ability; the best naturally
being at the top and the poorest student is at the
bottom of the rung. Letter M denotes the student
and item mean, S is one standard deviation away
from the mean and T marks two standard
deviations away from the mean. In Rasch Model,
since we are interested in the persons ability for
a given task, it is most prudent to zero set the scale
where the item mean is zero when the ability is
deemed 50:50 being the tipping point.
There are 127 Males against 116 Females
students in this study. Male students shows a mean
=-0.02logit where they were found to
performed slightly better than their Female
counterparts with a lower mean of,
Generally, the students separation, G=0.66 is such a
small value that indicates that there is not enough
differentiation among students ability to separate
them into distinct performance level or strata. Strata
can be calculated using the formula:

Strata = (4 X student separation +1)/3 Equ. (4)

Thus, a student separation of 0.66 was computed
into the strata formula which yielded 1.21; only a
poor 2 separated groups (good, mediocre). This is
clearly reflected by the PIDM in Figure 4.
Generally, it shows the students into two (2)
separate profiles;
Group 1: Mediocre students; (Male,N=71, 55.91%;
Female,N=69,59.48%) who has complication
attempting the Final Exam, Quiz 5 and JKAS. They
encounter some troubles pursuing Mathematics
Fundamentals, JKMB and preparing the Reports.
Group 2: Good students; (Male, N=56, 44.09%;
Female, N=47,40.52%) who has good command of
all subject matter but some difficulty in attempting
Quiz 5 and complexity in JKAS.
Further scrutiny of the students responses shows
lack of partial knowledge amongst the students.
Table 3 shows the pattern of responses. The
structure calibration; s is assessed to confirm the
rating classification used is true where s-value being
the separation between each structure category
e.g; s
= -0.88-0.27 =-0.61; < 1.4, Not OK.
= 0.57-(-0.88) =1.45; < 1.4, OK.
The separation shall be in the range where s;
1.4< s<5. It is noted in Figure 5 that the difference
for each category are irregular where the difference
between category 2, 3 and 4, 5 are all less than 1.4.
It can be seen that classification 2 is well submerged
and 4 just below 3and 5. Therefore, the ability
classification A,5>90; B, 4>80; C,3>70; D,2>60 and
Fail,1<60 is not reflective of this cohort person
separation. Hence, we need to re-classify the rating
and, in Rasch this is termed as collapsing. On the
other hand if s> 5, then the category cluster need to
be split instead. Subsequent to the re-scoring, if it is
found that the SD is larger, then the new re-scoring
will taken as the better measurement. Otherwise, it
shall be retained.
This pattern of dichotomous response gave rise
to concern of students lacking partial knowledge. In
engineering, prudent engineers must possess some
partial knowledge particularly in design concept or
engineering philosophies. A mechanical mindset
alone does not suffice and they need a more rigorous
program to change their mindset to be ingenious.

Table 3: Structure Calibration

Fig. 5: Item Characteristic Curve
M. Saidfudin, A. A. Azrilah, N. A. Rodzoan, M. Z. Omar, A. Zaharim, H. Basri

Rasch has a unique ability in recognizing the
students development based on the students
responses. Table 4 shows the Person Measure Fit
Order. This table gives an indication the validity of
the person responses whether it fits the model; i.e.
the fundamental of Rasch Model .

Table 4: Person Fit Order

Student PM097 attempted all the 9 domains but
obtained only 24 out of possible 45 since each
domain has a maximum rating 5. Coded
demographically as PM; Perempuan Melayu, her
ability is measured as -0.64 logit which means she is
on the lower side of the scale.

Rasch examine item or person fit by looking at
two types of fit values known as infit and outfit
Rasch typically examine outfit which is less
threatening to measurement and easier to manage.
Hence, we look at outfit MNSQ where the mean
square (MNSQ) outfit for the students is expected to
be near 1.0. Acceptable MNSQ outfit shall be
between 0.5 and 1.5.
Table 4 gives the Person misfit responses; the
topmost being worst where the data provided are
outfit to the model thus multi-dimensionality.
PM097 shows MNSQ Outfit=7.00 which means a
far item is not correctly assessed. Closer
examination of the scalogram pattern response in
Table 5 shows that item 8, 7 and 5 are somehow not
well assessed and need to be reviewed. Those rating
1 could have been more appropriately be higher
value. Similarly, item 4 should have been a 1 instead
of 4. Rasch would ask the researcher to identify the
reasoned argument why does this happen.
However, the point measure correlation can give
more interesting pattern of responses. Though the
acceptable value is in the range of 0.38 to 0.85,
perhaps we shall start to worry as it approaches near
zero or make it worst negative value. It simply
means the respondent is behaving the opposite way.
Let us have a look at Table 5 Student LI153. He
appeared to have scored a high 40 out of 45 from 9
items, but with a high MNSQ Outfit= +2.73 and a
very low point measure correlation=+0.17, which is
near zero. Analysing his pattern of response in Table
Fig. 4: Person-Item Distribution Map: Students Location
Use of Rasch Analysis to Measure Students Performance in Engineering Education

5 Scalogram confirms that he is peculiar. Take note
he faired poorly on the easy items, on the left but
scored well on the difficult items on the right.
Despite his high score, Rasch identified his pattern
of responses is different that warrants justification
thus response validity.

Table 5: Scalogram of Unexpected Responses

These outcomes do not meet Rasch model
expected outcomes. This major finding raised some
conclusions, for example, the student
underestimated the easiest items hence careless
errors. Conversely, for the difficult items, suspects
probably have special interest or knowledge on the
topic and/or comfort answering statement-based
question. On the other hand, it makes sense that the
student may simply guess the answers for the
questions. Rasch has this particular predictive
properties embedded in the model to make it a very
reliable validation model.

5 Conclusion
Rasch Model provides a sound platform of
measurement equivalent to natural science which
matches the SI Unit measurement criteria where it
behaves as an instrument of measurement with a
defined unit and therefore replicable. It is also
quantifiable since its linear. Rasch Model has made
it very useful with its predictive feature to overcome
missing data [3].
The logit ruler has been developed with purpose
to measure ability; in this case students learning
ability of specific learning outcomes. It can define
the students profile and most important we are now
able to validate a question construct on line. It is a
noble innovation where the ability ruler can
transform ordinal data into measurable scale. Its
graphical output is great which gives better clarity
for quick and easy decision making.
The measurement conducted reveals the true
degree of cognitive learning abilities of the
Engineering undergraduates based on Blooms
Taxonomy [10]. Previously, lack of such
measurement in Engineering Education has made
the necessary corrective actions in the form of skills
development, education and competency training
difficult to formulate. This major problem faced by
Engineering Education Administrators in an IHL to
design the necessary curriculum to mitigate the
going concern is therefore resolved. Rasch has all
the capabilities to rigorously analyse examination
results more accurately thus making evaluation
clearer to read and easier to understand [11].

The authors wish to acknowledge the financial
support received from the Centre for Engineering
Education Research, University Kebangsaan
Malaysia as research grant in the effort of improving
the quality of teaching and learning in engineering

[1] B. D. Wright and M. M. C. Mok, "An overview
of the family of rasch measurement models," in
Introduction to Rasch Measurement: Theory,
Models, and Applications, J. Everett V.Smith
and R. M.Smith, Eds., 2004, p. 979
[2] Astin. A.W, et. al. 9 Principles of Good
Practice for Assessing Student Learning, The
American Association for Higher Education,
1991, Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2005
[3] Saidfudin, M., and Azrilah, A.A., , Structure
of Modern Measurement, Rasch Model
workbook Guide, ILQAM, UiTM, Shah Alam.
2009. Retrievable at
[4] Saidfudin, M. and Ghulman, H . A; Modern
measurement paradigm in Engineering
Education: Easier to read and better analysis
using Rasch-based approach, International
Conference on Engineering Education,
ICEED2009, Dec. 9-10, Shah Alam
[5] Sick, J. Rasch Measurement in Language
Education Part 3: The family of Rasch Models,
Shiken: JALT Testing & Evaluation SIG
Vol. 13 No. 1 Jan. 2009 (p. 4 - 10) [ISSN 1881-
[6] Saidfudin, M, Azlinah M , Azrilah AA,

Habibah, A. & Sohaimi Z, Appraisal of
M. Saidfudin, A. A. Azrilah, N. A. Rodzoan, M. Z. Omar, A. Zaharim, H. Basri

Course Learning Outcomes using Rasch
measurement: A case study in Information
Technology Education, International Journal
of Systems Applications, Engineering &
Development; Issue 4, vol.1, University Press,
UK. pp.164-172, July 2007
[7] Saidfudin, M, Rozeha, A , Razimah A. &
Hamza A Ghulman, Application of Rasch-
based ESPEGS Model in Measuring Generic
Skills of Engineering Students: A New
Paradigm, in WSEAS Transactions on
Advances in Engineering Educationn, Issue 8
Vol.5, WSEAS Press. pp. 591-602, August
[8] Saidfudin, M, Azlinah M , Azrilah AA,

NorHabibah, A; Hamza A Ghulman & Sohaimi
Z, Application of Rasch Model in validating
the construct of measurement instrument, in
International Journal of Education and
Information Technologies, Issue 2, Volume 2,.
pp. 105-112; May 2008
[9] Saidfudin, M., Azrilah, A.A., Azlinah, M.,Nor
Habibah, A., Zakaria, S., and H.A. Ghulman,
Development of Rasch-based Descriptive
Scale in profiling Information Professionals'
Competency, in IEEE XPLORE indexed in
INSPEC; IEEE IT Simposium (ITSim
KL),2008, pp.329-333, August 2008.
[10] A.Chapman, "Bloom's Taxonomy - Learning
Domains." vol. 2007: Businessballs.com, 2006
[11] Saidfudin, M. Invited Paper, Intelligent
Students Learning Ability Measurement
System: Easier to understand and clearer
analysis using Rasch Model, Proceedings of
2009 IEEE International Conference on
Antennas, Propagation and Systems (INAS
2009), 3-5 Dec. 2009, Johor, Malaysia

Use of Rasch Analysis to Measure Students Performance in Engineering Education
Easier Learning Outcomes Analysis using Rasch Model in Engineering
Education Research

Program Director,
P.hD, Program Coordinator, Exec.Dip. in Quality Management,
Master (Candidate), Dept. of Mathematics, Fac. of Science,
University Teknologi Malaysia, 81300 Skudai, MALAYSIA
Professor Centre for Engineering Education Research,
Fac. of Engineering and Built Environment,
Professor, Ir; Deputy Vice Chancellor (A) ,Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi,

Abstract: - It has been a predicament of mankind to comfortably live in the wrong since the famous flat-
earthers theory and subsequent Ptolemic believe that the world is the centre of the universe. Despite such
widely accepted highly scholastic wrong Greek philosophies, the world does not collapse. Similarly in
Engineering Education (EE), we have been doing the traditional academic achievement reporting the classical
way believing the number of As as a measurement of achievement and progress. Such practise is only an
inference arising an observation made like the expansion of mercury due to heat energy obtained from the
surrounding. However, we need to define the quantum of one degrees centigrade; 1
C before a scale can be
meaningful and become of good use. An overview of the measurement model and its key concepts are
presented and its application illustrated using the final exam paper given through KKKF1134 Introduction to
Engineering. The students performance output were assessed based on Students Observed Learning Outcomes
(SOLO) Taxonomy which gives an indication on the student achievement of the subject expected LO i.e.
Students Profiling. The study shows that Rasch model of measurement can classify grades into learning
outcomes more accurately especially in dealing with small number of sampling unit.

Keywords: - Learning Outcomes, instructional objectives, performance assessment, Quality, continuous

1 Introduction
Learning is a complex process. It entails not only
what students know but what they can do with what
they know; it involves not only knowledge and
abilities but values, attitudes, and habits of mind that
affect both academic success and performance
beyond the classroom. Assessment should reflect
these understandings by employing a diverse array
of methods, including those that call for actual
performance, using them over time so as to reveal
change, growth, and increasing degrees of
integration. Such an approach aims for a more
complete and accurate picture of learning, and
therefore firmer bases for improving our students'
educational experience [1].
A good assessment recognizes the value of
information for the process of improvement.
Assessment approaches shoud produce evidence
that relevant parties will find credible, suggestive,
and applicable to decisions that need to be madeThe
point of assessment is not to gather data and return
"results"; it is a process that starts with the questions
of decision-maker that involves them in the data
gathering and subsequent analysis;
1. How do you assure the correct instrument is
used for purpose ? and subsequently;
2. What is the correct method of such data analysis
It is of utmost importance on the onset this
fundamentals of measurement must be correct.
Analysis must be based on valid data and duly
interpreted to generate a reliable report with
meaningful information for prudent decision making
towards continuous improvement of teaching and
learning. In an earlier paper, it was shown how
academic reporting using Rasch Analysis proved to
be more meaningful and make students
classification hence better management to improve
their achievement in meeting the targeted learning
outcomes [2].

2 Overview of Data Types
Fundamentally there are two types of data;
quantitative and qualitative type [3]. It was
generally perceived as countable and non-countable.
Total marks of a student obtained in an exam gave a
rank order but the distant between the next student
ability having lower or higher marks is never the
same. In reality, crudely speaking we are only
counting the number of correct answers. However, it
has been grossly misunderstood and treated like a
quantitative data which is somehow blatantly added
and subtracted and even multiplied or divided.
Modern measurement method as practiced using
item response theory with a focus on Rasch
measurement model now provides the social
sciences with the kind of measurement that
characterizes measurement in the natural sciences
i.e. the field of metrology [4]. The fundamentals of
measurement calls for an instrument to be used for
purpose to have specific unit of an agreed standard
amount [5]. An instrument must have the correct
construct of linear scale which can be zero set and
duly calibrated. A valid instrument can then be
replicated for use independent of the subject hence
measurement taken thereof is therefore a reliable
data for meaningful analysis and examination to
generate useful information. This information is of
utmost importance to be the prime ingredient in a
particular decision making.

3 Measurement Method
Responses from the students in an examination, test
or quizzes is normally marked against a marking
scheme comprising keywords; where when there is
a match then the student would be given a mark or
otherwise. This is the traditional park and mark
system. In theory, at this stage truly the assessors is
only counting the number of correct answers which
is then added up to give a total raw score. The raw
score only give a ranking order which is deemed an
ordinal scale that is continuum in nature [6]. It is not
linear and do not have equal intervals which
contradicts the nature of data fit for the due
statistical analysis. It does not meet the
fundamentals of sufficient statistics for evaluation
Rasch focuses on constructing the measurement
instrument with accuracy rather than fitting the data
to suit a measurement model with of errors. By
focusing on the reproducibility of the latent trait
measurement; in this case the students LO instead
of forcing the expected generation of the same raw
score, i.e. the common expectation on repeatability
of results being a reliable test, hence the concept of
reliability takes its rightful place in supporting
validity rather than being in contentions. Therefore;
measuring LO ability in an appropriate way is vital
to ensure valid quality information can be generated
for meaningful use; by absorbing the error and
representing a more accurate prediction based on
Rasch probabilistic model [8].
An attempt of a student to answer a question can
be seen as a chance of him being able to get the
correct answer or successfully accomplishing a
given task. Now, for a given normal score of 7/10
which is normally read as 70%; there is need of a
paradigm shift to read it as the odds of success being
70:30; thus a ratio data. A mark of 6/10 shall now be
seen as odd of success 60:40 and, so on. After all
percentage is statistically recognized only a data
summary; which is somehow largely confused as a
unit of measurement.
This enable us to construct a log-odd ruler of
probability an event taking place with the odd-of
success as shown in Figure. 1 with unit termed as
logit , derived from the term log-odd unit; as unit
of measurement of ability akin to meter to measure
length or kilogram to weight.

Fig. 1: Probabilistic line diagram

In order to achieve an equal interval scale, we
can introduce logarithm of the odd probabilistic
value. Maintaining the same odd probabilistic ruler
as in Figure 1, starting with 0.01 to 100, we can
create an equal interval separation between the log
odds units on the line, hence the measurement ruler
with the logit unit. This can be verified by
computing the value of log
0.01 (10
) equals to
-2.0; value of log
0.1 equals to -1; value of log
equals to 0 and so forth. Figure 2 shows the newly
established logit ruler as a linear scale with equal
interval separation. It is just like looking at a
thermometer with 0, as water being ice and 100 as
boiling point whilst the negative extreme end as
C, the point where all atoms of any element
come to a standstill.

Fig. 2: Logit ruler




Easier Learning Outcomes Analysis using Rasch Model in Engineering Education Research
Thus, we now have a valid construct of an
instrument to measure the students ability for each
defined LO.

4 Results and Discussion
The test was administered on 1
year Engineering
and Architecture students from the Faculty of
Engineering and Built Environment, University
Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) for the course code
KKKF1134 Introduction to Engineering. The
result from the tests were assessed based on SOLO
Taxonomy [9] and ran in Winsteps v 3.6.8, a Rasch
analysis software; to obtain the logit values. Figure
3 shows the Person-Item Distribution Map (PIDM)
where the persons; i.e. the Students is on the left
whilst the items; the learning topics were plotted
on the right side of the logit ruler as in Figure 3. By
virtue of the same ruler with the same scale; then the
correlation of the person,
and item,
can now be
established. In Rasch, the probability of success can
be estimated for the maximum likelihood of an
event as;

e = base of natural logarithm or Eulers number;

= persons ability

= item or task difficulty
Fig. 3: Person-Item Distribution Map:
Item Location

The PIDM Map as in Figure 3 is the heart of Rasch
analysis. On the right hand side of the dashed line,
the items are aligned from easy to difficult, starting
from the bottom. The distribution of student
positions is on the left side of the vertical dashed
line in increasing order of ability; the best naturally
being at the top and the poorest student is at the
bottom of the rung. In Rasch Model, since we are
interested in the persons ability for a given task, it
is most prudent to zero set the scale where the item
mean is zero when the ability is deemed 50:50 being
the tipping point. Rasch analysis tabulates the items
location in a very clear graphical presentation which
is easy to read and easier to understand. Each item
can be coded with attributes of Blooms Taxonomy
that is assessed affecting the students learning
process [10]. This will enable in depth analysis of
their study pattern to be evaluated meaningfully.
Before delving any further, it is best to look at
the analysis Summary Statistics as in Table 1. The
prime information we are looking for in this table is
the validity of this assessment. The value of
Cronbach- =0.33 is disturbingly low which is well
below the acceptable level 0.6 and, in normal
statistical analysis this test evaluation would have
been disregarded. However, Rasch analysis offer a
better evaluation where it shows the two
components of the test; the Person and the
instrument, i.e. item reliability. Rasch found the
Person Reliability rather low at 0.31 and a very high
Item Reliability of 0.99. This conclude that the
students need further scrutiny and yet we can
proceed with the analysis as the instrument has a
very high reliability in measuring what is
supposedly to be measured. This is where Rasch has
the major strength as the better model is making
measurement [11].

Table 1: Summary Statistics

P() =
(n i )

1 + e
(n i )

M. Saidfudin, A. A. Azrilah, N. A. Rodzoan, M. Z. Omar, A. Zaharim, H. Basri
The Summary of 8 measured items gave a
measurement of Maximum
=+1.82logit and
= -1.71logit. One item is identified to
be classified as minimum extreme score. Close
study revealed in Table 2 Item Measure shows the
item to be JKKP= -7.42logit.

Table 2: Item Measure
Item measures gave the indication on the level of
difficulty the students encountered in attempting a
given task. Now we can sense and have a better
appreciation if the students have trouble or not since
now their performance is duly measured on sound
metrology principles hence JKAS is the most
difficult task whilst JKEES is the easiest. JKKP
point measure correlation = 0.00 with extreme
measure, a match of 100% means the item cannot
discriminate between a good and a poor student.
Generally, the item separation, G=11.67 is a big
value which indicates that there is a very good
differentiation of item difficulty to separate the
students into distinct difficulty levels. So, if sample
separation is 2, then strata are (4*2+1)/3 = 3, means;
Separation= 2: The test is able to statistically
distinguish between high and low performers.
Strata= 3: The test is able to statistically
distinguish between very high, middle and
very low performers.
Thus, a student separation G=11.67 was computed
into the strata formula which yielded a distinct 15.89
strata. This indicate there is a large separation
between a very easy question and a very difficult
question. This call for a review of the assessment
done to close the gap.
Rasch has a unique ability in recognizing the
students development based on the students
responses. Table 3 shows the Item Misfit Order. This
table gives an indication the validity of the person
responses whether it fits the model or not. The
topmost being worst where the data provided are
outfit to the model thus multi-dimensionality.

Table 3: Item Misfit Order

Item3 JKEES measured at -1.71logit which is
approaching -2.00logit thus overly easy item has
been identified to have the most misfitting responses.
The outfit MNSQ=1.60 is above 1.5 upper limit
showing there are far items that need review;
indicating that there is possibility that item JKEES
scrutinize further for better assessment.
Rasch examine item or person fit by looking at
two types of fit values known as infit and outfit.
Rasch typically examine outfit which is less
threatening to measurement and easier to manage.
Hence, we look at outfit MNSQ where the mean
square (MNSQ) outfit for the item is expected to be
near 1.0. Acceptable MNSQ outfit shall be between
0.5 and 1.5.
Closer examination of the scalogram pattern
response in Table 4 shows that Person 158 onwards
to the end are somehow not well assessed and need
review. Those rating 1 could have been more
appropriately be higher value.

Table 4: Scalogram of Item Misfit
Response String

Further analysis of the expected value is shown
in Table 5 Item Most unexpected Response
Prediction. The item Z-STD =3.80 is beyond the
upper limit +2.00. It can be generalized that the item
has been under rated and Rasch would ask the
researcher to identify the reasoned argument why
does this happen. One possible conclusion is that
these cohort could have been careless in attempting
Easier Learning Outcomes Analysis using Rasch Model in Engineering Education Research
their works which lead to such a grossly under rated

Table 5: Item Most Unexpected Response

Table 5 shows a very interesting finding where the
most difficult item; Item 4 -JKAS was found to be
the reversed where it is observed to be generally
over rated with quite low point measure correlation
of 0.28. Conversely, for this difficult item suspects
could probably have special interest or knowledge
on the topic. On the other hand, they could have a
very kind hearted assessor who is gave away marks
rather easily. Rasch has this particular predictive
properties embedded in the model to make it a very
reliable validation model.

5 Conclusion
Rasch Model provides a sound platform of
measurement equivalent to natural science which
matches the SI Unit measurement criteria where it
behaves as an instrument of measurement with a
defined unit and therefore replicable. It is also
quantifiable since its linear. Rasch Model has made
it very useful with its predictive feature to overcome
missing data [12].
The logit ruler has been developed with purpose
to measure ability; in this case students learning
ability of specific learning outcomes. It can define
the students profile and most important we are now
able to validate a question construct on line. It is a
noble innovation where the ability ruler can
transform ordinal data into measurable scale. Its
graphical output is great which gives better clarity
for quick and easy decision making [13].
The measurement conducted reveals the true
degree of cognitive learning abilities of the
Engineering undergraduates[14]. Previously, lack of
such measurement in Engineering Education has
made the necessary corrective actions in the form of
skills development, education and competency
training difficult to formulate. This major problem
faced by Engineering Education Administrators in
an IHL to design the necessary curriculum to
mitigate the going concern is therefore resolved.
Rasch has all the capabilities to rigorously analyse
examination results more accurately thus making
evaluation clearer to read and easier to understand.
This method of reporting was found to consistent
with research done in other countries treating
ordinal data the correctly by application of Rasch
Analysis to obtain a more meaningful information
of the item validity hence prudent LO measurement

The authors wish to acknowledge the financial
support received from the Centre for Engineering
Education Research, University Kebangsaan
Malaysia as research grant in the effort of improving
the quality of teaching and learning in engineering

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Easier Learning Outcomes Analysis using Rasch Model in Engineering Education Research
Exploring Users Perception toward Automated Checkout Trolley
in Developing Countries

2, 3

School of Computer Sciences,
National Advanced IPv6 Center,
Universiti Sains Malaysia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: - Retailers nowadays have relied on technology-based self-service options such as the self-checkout
system to provide better customer value through pleasant shopping experience. Recently, automated checkout
shopping trolley technologies have taken a further step than the previous introduced self-checkout system in
terms of greater convenience, ease-of-use and greater efficiency. As this technology is considerable new in the
market of developing countries, hence it is vital to explore the perception of consumers toward the use of
automated checkout trolley. The purpose of this paper is to understand the perceptions and expectations of both
enterprise users and end users toward the new checkout system. Findings of this study indicate that both
consumers and retailers from developing countries possess positive attitude toward the automated checkout
trolley system, and are enthusiastic to try this emerging technology. The main concerns of the users are the
secureness of payment and the variability of payment methods, which forms their core criteria in determining
whether to adopt the system. The feedbacks from them are valuable in providing better automated checkout
system and facilitate adoption rate of the technology.

Key-Words: - Technology-based self-service (TBSS), Automated checkout, Technology management

1 Introduction
Technology-based self-services (TBSS) have
gradually repositioning as one of the important
mechanisms to deliver superior customer value,
especially in retailing sector [1]. Mass retailers such
as hypermarkets and department stores are the
pioneers and main adopters of self-service
technologies (SST). In this emerging trend of
technologically-oriented service, customers utilize
self-service technologies in order to provide service
for themselves with or without help from a retail
contact employee [2]. Studies postulate that self-
service technologies create customer value by
helping customer checkout more quickly, providing
them a simple convenience and usually leading to
higher perceived service quality [1, 3, 4]. One of the
most of common self-service technologies in
retailing sector is the self-checkout system.
Provision of the technology-based self-service
options such as self-checkout system entails
advantages to both the enterprise users (retailers)
and end users (shoppers). Benefits from the
enterprise users mainly derive from cost efficiency
resulted from reduced staff requirements, indirectly
reduce personal training costs and other variable
costs which proportionate to the number of staffs
employed [5]. On the other hand, shoppers are
benefited from the reduced checkout time, better
service, perceived privacy and anonymity [4].
Despite the advantages offered, researches
indicate that adoption of self-service technologies
not necessary contribute to better customer value [6,
7]. Instead, customer dissatisfaction may occur due
to frustration in using the SST. In fact, in order to
reap the time efficiency benefit of using the self-
service checkout system, shoppers required to able
to use the system reasonably competent. An
inexperienced customer can cause even more delays
than an inexperienced cashier on a conventional
register, and older customers may expect the
attendant to assist them directly with scanning
items, preventing the attendant from dealing with
other customers who actually require intervention
Recently, the introduction of automated checkout
trolley indicates the potentiality to alleviate the
shortfalls of existing self-checkout system. The
differences between two, are the self-checkout
system commonly exists as a stationary kiosk which
located in close proximity to cashier-driven cash
register in a retail setting, and there is often a head
cashier nearby who oversees user interaction with
the self-checkout system. Whereas the automated
checkout trolley, by its name, it is a trolley features
a built-in computer which allow users or shoppers to
scan the items that being put into the trolley and to
check out the trolley of items by simply passing
through the sensor device.
As the automated checkout trolley is a variation
of self-service technology, it may inherit the
common problem of SST that the end users
adoption rate is lower than enterprise users
adoption rate [1]. In order words, enterprise users
(retailers) is comparatively more aggressive in
adopting the technology, but the end users
(shoppers) is less willing to adopt the technology,
which eventually lead to the failure of the self-
service technology given the fact the successfulness
of the technology will ultimately depend on the
acceptance of end users. Hence, this implies that
perceptions and expectations of both end user and
enterprise user toward the automated checkout
trolley are vital inputs to the development and
enhancement of the automated checkout trolley. In
addition, the main streams of technology-based self-
service researches have focused on the user
behaviors and assessment of acceptance of the
technology through service quality measurement.
Scarce research has studied the system requirements
from practical level which able to provide sufficient
details of system requirements for the use of
practitioners. Moreover, main stream of TBSS
studies usually are done in Western context,
application of TBSS in Asian context are less well
understood. Their perceptions and expectation
constitute the requirements of the technology to
become success, especially in Asian contingent.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to assess
the perceptions and expectation of both end users
and enterprise users toward automated checkout
trolley system. The understanding of the user
requirements will able to provide better solution to
the existing model and enhance the adoption rate by
end users.

2 Automated Checkout Trolley
2.1 System Overview
Automated checkout shopping trolley (ACT)
system presented in this paper refers to the whole
system working together to make the trolley or
cart capable to conduct automatic checkout. In
other words, the under discuss trolley system not
only refers to the tangible trolley, but also the
database system, networks, technologies used to
identify sale items, sensors and the software as well.
In general, the most tangible module of
automated checkout trolley system is trolley itself
that attached with a built-in computer and sensor,
which connected with the database system. In this
environment, sale items are often tagged with
automatic identifier such as Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) tag. The trolley automatically
scans the items which the items are put into the
trolley. The ultimate goal of the ACT system lies on
its capability to check out the trolley of items at
once, by pushing the trolley through the sensors. At
the same time, the total amount of item purchased
will be deducted from the users credit card or cash
The automated checkout trolley system puts
service and checkout in the consumers hands,
reducing reliance on the point-of-sale for customer
service and freeing store personnel to provide
customer service in the aisle.

2.2 Developed Conceptual Prototype of ACT
In order to enable evaluation by users, the research
team has produced a conceptual prototype of the
automated checkout trolley system, named as S-Cart
with details of its feature and functionalities. The
proposed S-Cart has a mounted computer and sensor
device on near the end of trolley which facing the
user. User can interact with the system through the
touch-sensitive monitor or navigational buttons.
Users can access to various information using the
interactive display. The following list shows the
type of information provided by the S-Cart.
Promotion and advertisement information
Product details (e.g. contents, ingredients, tips)
Check location of particular merchandise
Check price of item
Sum up prices of all items in the trolley
Live chat function with supporting staffs
In order to use the S-Cart, users need to insert
their credit card or cash card (a member card issued
by the retailers, which users can reload the card with
money at the customer service counter) into the card
slot. The mounted computer on the trolley is
connected to the retailers database system and
credit card verification system through WiFi 802.11
network. Data of Credit card and cash card are sent
over the network to be verified. Other information
aforementioned is transmitted to the trolley using
the WiFi network as well.
When the merchandises are put into the cart, the
RFID sensor will update the list of items added into
the cart and display the updated total price of items.
The S-Cart adopts passive RFID tags as the
automatic identification technique to identify
merchandises in the trolley. The main reason of
Exploring Users Perception toward Automated Checkout Trolley in Developing Countries
Table 1. Constructs used to measure perceived service
Constructs Aspects Service
Comfortable Storehouse
Yes Yes
Accuracy Consistency of
price tag
Yes Yes
Service Quality Service Quality Yes Yes
Ease of Access Efficiency and
Yes Yes
Accountability Service Quality Yes Yes

Table 2 Items used in Questionnaire
Storehouse Environment
Store atmosphere and dcor are appealing.
A good selection of products was presents.
Merchandise displays are attractive.
Advertised merchandise was in stock.
The store layout makes it easy for customers to find
what they need.
Consistency of Price Tag
Price tags are consistent with the cashier's scan.
Prices are known by cashier in order to avoid arguments.
Service Quality
Promoters are in full support and helpful.
Sincerity in solving customers problem
Employees in this store are able to handle customer
complaints directly and immediately.
Efficiency and Timeliness
Payment process is fast and efficient (< 5 Minutes)
Sufficient counters are available
Staffs able to handle unexpected case effectively and
avoid customer waiting

adopting passive RFID tag is the cost efficiency and
energy efficiency provided by the method.
After the checkout process, customers are
required to push the S-Cart back to the trolley
collection area, in order to remove their credit card
or cash card from the S-Cart. The S-Cart will
produce alert message and sound to remind
customer to retrieve their card from the S-Cart.

3 Methodology
The purpose of this study is to explore the
perceptions and expectation of Asian users toward
the S-Cart system. Both enterprise users (retailers)
and end users (consumers) are included in the study.
In the first part, this study adopts questionnaire
survey to identify the existing service problems
faced by consumers prior to S-Cart adoption and
consumers acceptances toward the S-Cart. Second
part of the study involves the enterprise users
(employees of retailers) in in-depth interviewer, in
order to understand their perceptions toward the
idea of S-Cart.

3.1 Questionnaire Survey for End-Users
In this part, the unit of analysis was the individual
shopper. Questionnaires are distributed to individual
shopper in hypermarkets. The research team
collected back 86 sets usable questionnaire. The
questionnaire can be divided into three session,
which first session examine the perceived service
quality of hypermarkets, the second session examine
the acceptance of users toward the S-Cart and the
payment method in S-Cart, whereas third session
contained open-ended questions which attempt to
solicit subjective perception of user toward to idea
of S-Cart and the features they would like to S-Cart
to have. Both sessions one and two are in the form
of five point Likert Scales, which coded from
strongly agree with value of 5 and strongly disagree
with value of 1. The purpose of first session of the
survey is to identify the service problems in the
hypermarkets, thus new feature of S-Cart can be
proposed to confront the problems. It attempts to
examine the perceived service quality, by the factors
from The Service Quality Model and Evaluation
of Customer Satisfaction. Table 1 show the factors
and aspect which the factor attempt to measure. The
details of items used to measure each aspect
aforementioned are as shown in Table 2. It is an
administrated survey so that researchers able to
explain the idea of S-Cart to respondents in better
pictures, and to solicit further response whenever it
is necessary.

3.2 In-Depth Interview with Enterprise Users
Three interviewees of a selected case company, who
holding different positions (ranged from front end
manager to customer service staff) are interviewed.
The result of interview is recorded and transcripted.
Research team first informs the interviewee
regarding the result of survey consumers
perception toward the S-Cart and the perceived
problem with existing service. The purpose of the
interviews is to understand the perceptions of
enterprise users toward to idea of S-Cart, and their
Koh Peik See, Tan Shiang-Yen, Nasuha Lee Abdullah, Rosnah Idrus
concerns or expectations on the S-Cart system. The
general questions asked are:
a. What is your comment on the S-Cart?
b. What is your concerns regarding the S-Cart?
c. What functionality or features which you
would like to have on the S-Cart?
d. Do you think the S-Cart system is
applicable in the hypermarkets?

4 Result
Customer satisfaction is the vital contributor to
competitive advantage. Thus, a new creation or
development of system to be used by customer must
be able to meet their requirements and help them to
solve existing problem. Otherwise the system is
developed only for the sake of development. The
results of this study are organized into two parts,
which first part is the result of questionnaire survey
whereas the second part is the result of in-depth
interviews with the representatives of the

4.1 Result of Questionnaire Survey by
The 86 samples constitute of 49 female shoppers
and 37 male shoppers, which as illustrated in Fig. 2.

Table 3 indicates the result of session 1 which
attempt to examine the customer satisfaction in
existing shopping environment, in order to identify
the service problems.

The finding indicates that consumers or shoppers
are satisfied with the storehouse environment of the
hypermarkets, but dissatisfied with the other three
aspects which are price tag accuracy, service
quality, and efficiency and timeliness, with
increasing dissatisfactory from tag accuracy to
efficiency timeliness. These results indicate that the
hypermarkets can improve customer satisfaction by
solving the problems of efficiency and timeliness,
service quality, and price tag accuracy.
In addition, the finding of survey indicates that
approximately 70 percent of respondents agreed that
they overspent when shopping in the hypermarkets,
as shown in Fig. 3.
This implies that behavior of overspending is
prevalent. Hence a mechanism which is able to help
shoppers to control their spending is much
appreciated. In other words, the budget control and
alert feature proposed in the S-Cart system is a
practical and appropriate system requirement.
Session two of the survey examine the acceptance of
shoppers toward the use of S-Cart and the payment
methods used in the S-Cart, which the credit card
and cash card methods. As illustrated in Fig. 4,
about 88 percent of respondents are willing to use S-
Cart or automated checkout trolley system when
shopping in hypermarkets. This finding indicates
that majority of the shoppers in hypermarkets are
willing to embrace the S-Cart or Automated
Checkout Trolley (ACT) system, which also implies
of the practicality of implementing this system in
the hypermarkets of developing countries.

On the other hands, 59 percent of the respondents
not accept the credit card and cash card as payment
methods used in the S-Cart, as shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 2 Gender of Respondents
Table 3. Descriptive Statistics
Factors Mean
Storehouse environment 1.83
Price Tag Accuracy 2.70
Service Quality 2.81
Efficiency and Timeliness 3.10

Fig. 3 Feedback of Respondents on Overspent

Fig. 4 Consumers Acceptance toward S-Cart
Exploring Users Perception toward Automated Checkout Trolley in Developing Countries

With the complementary qualitative response
acquired, shoppers responded that they feel
unsecure and worry to use credit card or cash card
as the payment method used in S-Cart. The use of
credit card as payment method is much concerned
by respondents as the risks and amount of money
involved are considerable high. This finding implies
that security is single most important system
requirement of S-Cart system. Mechanisms which
allow to users to verify the transaction, password
encryption of card information, and secured
transmission of transaction information should be
implemented in order to increase the acceptance
level of the payment method. In addition, alternative
payment methods must be provided, which able to
cater for the needs of customer who not own credit
card and avoid customer frustration by forcing
customer to use certain payment methods.
Session three of the survey consists of 2 open-
ended questions to solicit subjective comments of
respondents toward the S-Cart and the features that
they would like to S-Cart to have. The advantages of
open-ended question are that it allows respondents
to provide creative, unconstrained feedbacks about
the S-Cart. The following are the comments from
Respondents are impressed with the
convenience and efficiency which realizable by
the S-Cart
Multi language supports should be provided
Respondents wish to have item-location
associated floor directory function to help them
navigate effectively
Respondents are pleasant with the budget
control and alert functions.
Respondents suggest use cash as alternative
payment method.
Respondents concern about the security of the
system since credit card or cash card is used,
and amount is deducted automatically from the
account. The risk of forgetting the card in S-
Cart is perceived as high.
Password verification should be used to initial
the card access, and also to verify the
The robustness of S-Cart is concerned as well
as customers often put their child inside the cart
during shopping.
Respondents request for adding Touch and
Go card as one the payment method. Touch
and Go card is a multi-purpose cash card in
Malaysia that can be used in public
transportations and road tolls.

Based on the qualitative feedbacks from
respondents, it indicates that most shoppers
responded that they are excited about the idea and
enthusiastic to try the S-Cart, provided if it is use-to-
use, convenience, and secure. As reconfirmed by
finding from session 2 of the survey, system
security is the main concern of shoppers, which
form the vital system requirements of the S-Cart
system in order to be succeeded. The second most
prevalent comments from the respondents are
regarding the payment methods, they request that
the various payment methods such as cash should be
available to make the S-Cart usable by wider range
of users.

4.2 Result of Interviews with Enterprise Users
Enterprise users of the S-Cart system are referred to
the staffs of the retailers or hypermarkets. Their
perceptions and expectations toward the S-Cart
system are paramount as they potentially influence
the decision of whether adopting the automated
checkout trolley system or not. As aforementioned,
staffs ranged from frontline manager to customer
service staffs are interviewed.
Overall, the interviewers possess of positive
attitude toward the ideas of S-Cart. They believe the
use of S-Cart will significantly improve the
checkout process, reduce personnel-related
expenditures, improve the customer service, and
increase customer satisfaction. At the same time,
they have valuable comments as well as concerns on
the S-Cart system, which are the main information
that sought by this paper. The following are the
comments or concerns of the interviewees.

Acceptance of Payment Method

Fig. 5 Acceptance toward Credit Card and Cash Card as
Payment Method
Koh Peik See, Tan Shiang-Yen, Nasuha Lee Abdullah, Rosnah Idrus
Table 4 Solutions provided by S-Cart System
Problems Solution offered by S-Cart System
Inconsistency of
price tags

All prices are directly retrieved from central
database. No longer need to physically
change the price tags, retailers can change the
price and other information from the database
Limited price
checker device
S-Cart itself has price checker function. Users
just need to drop an item into trolley and it
would display price, as well as other product
information such as expire date, content,
ingredients, and tips.
Trolley stolen S-Cart as a solution to prevent shopping cart
lost, as users need to push the cart back to its
dedicated storage area in regain their credit
card in the S-Cart.
Long Queuing
S-Cart is an automated checkout system that
significantly fastens the checkout process. It
helps to reduce the loads of cashier counters,
while maintaining the service level.

Cash payment must be available
How the system handle those merchandises
which cannot be scanned
How can the system handle items (such as
vegetables and grocery) that need to be
How the system handle merchandises which
must be paid in internal counter (such as
medicines and cosmetics).
Is the system able to prevent fraud in
transaction, especially for credit payment?
Will the S-Cart system prevent shoplifting
We are concerning about the robustness of the
trolley as vandalisms are quite pervasive.
The cost of the trolley is high, and we cannot
afford the trolley to be stolen.
Since the S-Cart use RFID tags on the
merchandise, it will increase our costs.

The feedbacks from the representatives of the
hypermarkets help this study to derive at the system
requirements of the S-Cart system from the
perspective of enterprise users. Most of the concerns
are related to the system security and operations. To
the retailers, the security and integrity of the S-Cart
to verify credit card or transaction are most
important as the compromises of these features are
disastrous to them.
Furthermore, the operability of the S-Cart in
handling routine operations or practices of the
hypermarkets is vital as well. For instance, the
system must be capable to handle items that paid in
internal counter, to avoid redundant checkout and to
avoid vulnerable to shoplifting. Additionally, RFID
tags may not appropriate for all the merchandises
(e.g. when the RFID price tag is more expensive
than the price of merchandise or merchandise that
need to be weighted). Thus, the S-Cart must able to
use other tagging method or identification
techniques to scan the items. Interviewees suggested
alternative payments methods, especially cash are,
as similar to the comments by the shoppers.

5. S-Cart solve Retailers Problem
Through the questionnaire and interviews, the
following are the common problems identified in
the hypermarkets which agreed by both customers
and the retailers. This section presents how the
adoption of S-Cart able to solve the various service-
related problems. Solving these problems implies
improved service quality, customer value, and
eventually leads to customer satisfaction. Table 4
shows the solution provided by S-Cart to service-
related problems.
Additionally, as the S-Cart utilizes RFID tag, it
make possible for the hypermarkets to create a vast
database of customer information [8]. Later the
retailers can extract business intelligence from the
knowledge base, which help the retailers delivery
product and service based on customers needs,
preferences, or past transaction [9].

6. Discussion
The findings from this study indicate that
respondents possess of positive attitude toward the
S-Cart system and most of them are enthusiastic to
try the automated checkout trolley system. On the
retailers side, they are willing to adopt this
automated checkout system, given its advantage to
reduce operational and personnel costs. These
results suggest that the shoppers and hypermarkets
in developing countries have considerable high level
of acceptance toward this evolutionary way of
shopping. In other words, the rate of adoption and
successfulness of the automated checkout system
are likely to be high in developing countries.
The most common concerns of the both
enterprise and end users are the security of
payments and the method of payments to be used
for the automated checkout trolley system. The
developers of such automated checkout system must
ensure that the transaction made using the system is
highly secured and users are allowed to verify the
transaction. The transaction security forms the core
functionality of the system which must be fulfilled
in order for the users to accept the system.
Moreover, the findings indicate that the payment
method used for the automated checkout trolley
should convenience and allow cash as one of the
payment method because the credit holders in
developing countries are not prevalent as in
Exploring Users Perception toward Automated Checkout Trolley in Developing Countries
developed countries, and cash payment may provide
great convenience and the feeling of secured.
Besides, forcing customers to use certain payment
methods are tend to result in frustration [7].
Enterprise users (retailers or hypermarkets)
perceived the compatibility of the automated
checkout system with their existing operations or
activities as important criteria in the evaluation of
adopting such systems. In fact, hypermarkets tend to
have their own unique business process. Hence, the
automated checkout trolley system must flexible
enough to enable the system to customized or
tailored to existing business process or practices.
For instance, the system must be able to handle
items which must paid in internal counter, rather
require the hypermarket to change their process. On
the other hand, a standardized system is more likely
to be perceived as disruptive and risky since the
adopter need to change their existing structure or
process in order to use the system, and thus the
likelihood of adoption would be lower.
The automated checkout trolley system is a
complementary mechanism to the conventional
checkout line, but not a total replacement of it.
Consumers should be given the freedom to choose
among the automated checkout trolley or
conventional checkout line. Solely dependent on the
automated checkout trolley system is not practical
as well, given that certain customer would prefer to
feel of customer service provided by real human [7,
10]. Additionally, social pressure might make it
impractical; because of fully adoption of the
automated system potentially impair the
employment opportunities.

6. Conclusion
The findings of this study provide information about
the perceptions of population in developing
countries toward the automated checkout trolley,
which is useful for the providers and suppliers of
automated checkout trolley. The findings provide
insights for these practitioners in defining the
system requirements, from the users point of views.
Additionally, this study forms the foundation for
more sophisticated or specific research which
wishes to investigate in the domain of automated
checkout trolley system.
This study is subjected to certain limitation as
well. Firstly, the sample used in the study is the
consumers from Malaysia, which the results might
not be able to fully generalize to represent all the
developing countries. Secondly, the assessment of
users in this study is based on the conceptual
prototype of the system, which might be varied from
the assessment using fully developed system.
Future works can assess the perceptions of users
based on the fully developed system, in order to
represent their real experiences and perceptions of
actual use of the automated checkout trolley system.
Furthermore, future works can apply theories or
models to derive at fortified hypotheses and
statistical testing on the hypotheses, in order to
enhance the result of questionnaire survey.

Appreciations go to School of Computer Sciences,
Universiti Sains Malaysia, and Incentive APEX in
supporting the conference fee.

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Koh Peik See, Tan Shiang-Yen, Nasuha Lee Abdullah, Rosnah Idrus
Application of WiFi-based Indoor Positioning System
in Handheld Directory System

School of Computer Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: - The purpose of this paper is to introduce a handheld indoor directory system which built on WiFi-
based positioning techniques. The whole system consists of three modules, namely mobile phone module,
Kiosks module, and Website and Database module. The mobile phone module is the main frontend module
which installed on users mobile devices, whereas the Kiosks and website are to provide supports and
maintenances to the main module. User can download maps and application from the Kiosks or website. On the
other hand, administrator uses the website to manage the database. The proposed system is aimed to provide a
new ways of providing indoor floor directory, which offers capabilities to retrieve customizable information, to
navigate interactively, to enable location-awareness computing and most importantly the portability of the
directory system. Additionally, the proposed system is designated to cater for the needs of visually challenged
persons by incorporating screen reader and improved accessibility.

Key-Words: - WiFi Positioning, WLAN positioning, Navigation system, Mobile Application, Visually impaired

1 Introduction
Navigation has always been an issue, especially
when a person is in an unfamiliar area. Directories
and maps are the vital facilities which assist visitors
to reach their desired destination or to have a feel of
the building layout. A common form of directories
is in the form of a physical board, placed in the
strategic positions which highly visible to the
It is usual that vast numbers of information and
labels are shown on the directory boards. However,
humans have the cognitive limitations to process
huge amount of information. Visitors often need to
spend long time to filter out irrelevant labels and
information, in order to focus on their point of
interests. They might also subject to disruption due
to lost trace in the congested directory. At the same
time, the physical directory board is subject to the
limitation of maximum user at a single point of
time. Additionally, the main inefficiency of the
conventional directory board is its immobility.
Users need to memorize the place of interests, route
to reach the place, and it is not uncommon that users
need to memorize multiple places and routes.
Approximately 314 million people are visually
impaired worldwide, and about 87 percent of the
worlds visually impaired live in developing
countries [1]. Despite of the high distribution of
visually impaired persons in developing countries,
the indoor facilities to assist the group is much less
sophisticated compared to developed countries. The
Visually challenged persons often encounter tougher
issues when they newly arrive at a building.
Moreover, they are almost impossible to use the
conventional directory, as it does not provide the
accessibility for those visually challenged. For
instance, the fonts used in the directory are often
small and enriched with different colors and a style
in order to make the directory has more attractive
appearance [2].
In relevant to aforementioned issues, an
interactive and customizable directory which has the
portability to be carried around would be much
appreciated. Furthermore, the implementation cost
of the new directory must be considerable low, in
order to allow it being widely adopted and
beneficial to larger groups of user. Therefore, the
purpose of this paper is to introduce a handheld
directory system, which allows users to use their
mobile device as an interactive and customizable
indoor directory. The proposed floor directory
system is built on WiFi-based positioning
techniques to provide the capability of real time
positioning, interactive navigation, and the
provision of location-triggered information.
Furthermore, a kiosk with touch screen acts as a part
of the whole system which not only to allows users
to download maps of the area through Bluetooth,
but to cater for the needs of users whose mobile
device does not support WiFi connection.
Additionally, the proposed floor directory system
caters for the needs of visually challenged persons
by incorporating dedicated features and
functionalities such as screen reader and legibility of
the interfaces.
Next section of this paper presents and discusses
various positioning techniques. Then, the discussion
narrowed down to WiFi-based positioning and
various wireless positioning techniques, which form
the foundation of this research. Section 3 presents
the proposed directory system in terms of its overall
architecture and system design. Section 4 presents
the implementation of the proposed system

2 Literature Review
2.1 WiFi-based Positioning System
In order to remedy the shortfall of GPS technology,
many researchers have proposed alternate indoor
navigation systems, e.g. ultrasonic-based system,
pseudo-satellite technology, Bluetooth, RFID-based
system, wireless signal positioning, TV signal
positioning, and IP address positioning [3].
However, most of these positioning systems rely on
proprietary infrastructure and often entail expensive
deployment [4]. As a kind of the alternate
navigation system developed, WLAN-based
positioning system has received much attention
recently. The scope of this paper is focus on the
WLAN-based positioning system, which also refers
as WiFi-based positioning system.
Compared to these other positioning systems,
wireless positioning system (WPS) that based on
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)
infrastructure has certain advantages, including
availability and readiness of infrastructure, low
deployment cost, easy to implement, and signal
stability. Currently, given that many buildings are
equipped with WLAN access points (shopping
malls, universities, office buildings, airports, etc.),
WLAN based positioning system has become
practical to use these access points (usually in the
form of wireless routers) to determine user location
in these indoor environments [4]. In other words,
the WLAN based positioning system utilizes the
existing communication equipment, thus
significantly reduce the implementation efforts and
costs. Major part of the positioning system can be
implemented in software.
Moveover, provided that most of the mobile
device such as cell phones are enabled with wireless
radio communication network interfaces (such as
Wi-Fi), protocols which to provide location
estimation based on the received signal strength
indication (RSSI) of wireless access points are
becoming more-and-more popular, precise, and
Additionally, WLAN is also known as a stable
system due to its robust Radio Frequency (RF)
signal propagation compared with the other systems.
For instance, the performance of video or IR-based
positioning systems is negatively affected by line-
of-sight (LOS) obstructions or light conditions, such
as uorescent lighting or direct sunlight [5].

2.2 Wireless Positioning Techniques
There are numbers of techniques have been
developed by researchers to determine or estimate
the position of the mobile device by different
properties of signal from the WLAN Access Points
(APs). Bose and Heng summarized various WLAN-
based positioning techniques into Cell Identity
(Cell-ID), Time of Arrival (TOA), Time Difference
of Arrival (TDOA), Angle of Arrival (AOA), and
signal strength based method [6].
Cell identity (Cell-ID) makes use of the radio
coverage of an identified cell to indicate the location
of a mobile device. It does not require complex
operation such as time synchronization and multiple
Access Points. The main shortcoming of this
technique is its accuracy since usually the coverage
of a cell is wide and due to its simplicity. Moreover,
the presence of high rise buildings and many
stationary points in an urban setting make this
method inaccurate due to multi-path propagation
and signal reflection [7].
In Angel of Arrival (AOA), the position of the
mobile device is determined by the direction of
incoming signals from other transmitters whose
locations are known. Triangulation technique is
used to compute the location of the measured
mobile device. However, a special antenna array is
required on the AP and be capable of mounting
them under static conditions [5].
Time of Arrival (TOA) measures a distance using
the travel time of a radio signal from a transmitter to
a receiver. Once the distances from a mobile device
to three stationary devices are estimated, the
position of the mobile device with respect to the
stationary devices can easily be determined using
the intersecting circles of trilateration. Its
application requires very accurate and tight time
synchronization of the transmitter and receiver,
which is difcult to achieve for close ranges [8, 9].
As a remedy to the shortfall of TOA, Time
Difference of Arrival (TDOA) was developed,
which utilizes the time difference between receiver
and two or more receivers [6]. Thus, TOA require
time synchronization between transmitters and
receivers, whereas TDOA only requires
synchronization between receivers.
Lee Pieh Wen, Chan Wee Nee, Khor Meng Chun, Tan Shiang-Yen, Rosnah Idrus
Signal Strength based technique uses the signal
attenuation property of the radio wave Received
Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) to measure the
distance from a receiver to transmitter using the
distance-to-signal-strength relationship. One
common approach of RSSI-based system is
fingerprint approach, which entails two phases: a
training phase and a tracking phase. In the training
phase, the received signal strength information is
ltered, interpolated, and eventually stored in a
database as sample points. In the tracking phase, the
position is determined by comparison with the
received signal strength sample points stored in the
database [10]. The accuracy of this system is a
function of the sample points' sampling space, an
estimation method and the structure of the database.
However, such a method requires the time
consuming survey procedure

3. Handheld Indoor Directory System
3.1 System Overview
The proposed interactive floor directory system,
named Guide Phone, is a solution to provide floor
directory and indoor navigation services, by
utilizing mobile phone itself as both an interactive
directory panel and as a signal processing device for
navigational purpose. In other words, the proposed
solution intended to change the conventional way of
providing indoor directory, which usually in the
form of physical directory board located inside a
building. The purpose of Guide Phone is to provide
interactive, portable, customizable ways to navigate
within an indoor environment. The following
subsections present the features of the proposed
Guide Phone.
3.1.1 Interactivity
Guide Phone is coined as interactive directory
system, given that it capable of providing richer
information contents, rather than just static
information as in the conventional directory board.
Additionally, users can request only the information
which is in their interests. In other words,
information is tailored and customized according to
personal needs. For instance, users can search a
specific location by name, level, or other
characteristics. Richer information such as products,
contacts, and direction can be provided to users.
This implies significant time savings, enhanced user
satisfaction and improved efficiency.
3.1.2 Location-Awareness Information
As the Guide Phone use WLAN-based positioning
technique, it able to provide locationawareness
information to users. As the most fundamental
function, users can track their current location in the
map. In advance, customized information can be
sent to user when they are in certain positions, to
provide further description or relevant information
regarding the current surroundings. Specifically,
shopping mall or commercial building can capture
the benefit of this functionality to customize their
advertisements and to increase the flow of crowd
into their premises.
3.1.3 Not Required to Connect to Access Points
Apart from that, the positioning technique does not
require the mobile device to connect to a wireless
access point (AP) such as wireless router, but only
need to detect the signal transmitted from the access
points. This feature is valuable given the reason that
it is common that most of the APs are encrypted
with passwords, thus make the positioning system
which require connection to the APs infeasible.
Nevertheless, Guide Phone only needs to detect the
strength of the wireless signal in order to estimate
the location of the users.
3.1.4 Flexible and Self-Contained
Flexibility represents the capability of Guide Phone
to use different maps with minimal efforts by
downloading the map of particular building from the
Kiosk provided or the management website. In other
words, the capability of the Guide Phone is
expandable to cover any new building or place. The
Guide Phone is a self-contented system when it is in
action. The sensor, signal processing application,
database are all included in the mobile phone. Thus,
the phone application can operate independently
without request any service from server.

3.2 Overall Architecture
The whole Guide Phone system consists of three
main modules, namely mobile phone module, Kiosk
module, and Website and Database module, as
illustrated in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Main Modules of Guide Phone System
Application of WiFi-Based Indoor Positioning System in Handheld Directory System
3.2.1 Mobile Phone Module
Mobile Phone module is the application which
installed on the users mobile device. The purpose,
input, operation, and output of the module are
indicated as in Table 1.

3.2.2 Kiosk Module
As part of the whole Guide Phone system, touch
sensitive kiosks are provided in the building. Users
can download the Guide Phone application and
maps of the building from the Kiosk through
Bluetooth or USB connection. Moreover, the Kiosks
act as complementary facilities to cater for the needs
of users whose mobile device does not has WiFi
adapter. It provides the identical functions available
to Mobile Phone module, with exception of the
positioning tracking system. This is due to the
reason that as the Kiosks are fixed in certain
location, it does not make sense to provide the real-
time positioning function.

3.2.3 Website and Database Module
The website and database can be described as the
backend portion of the Guide Phone system. The
main purpose of this module is to allow
administrators to manage the maps and other data
such as location of wireless points, details of rooms
or premises, and so on. However, users can access
to the frontend of this module to perform the exact
same functions of Kiosk module, which are to
download map, mobile module application, and
search functions.

3.3 Hardware and Software Architecture
Fig. 2 indicates the overall hardware and software
architecture of the Guide Phone system.
The central server will be the server hosting the
website and database of Guide Phone. The central
server will also store the latest Guide Phone
application which can be downloaded by the user.
The central server will provide access to the data
stored to the local servers. The central server will be
administered by an administrator who has access to
all the local servers as well as the data stored in
The local servers reside on the location itself. For
example, a shopping complex will have its own
local server which will control many access points
in the area. Therefore, the more areas implement the
Guide Phone, the more local servers will be
connected to the central server. The local server will
be administered by the areas administrator who can
edit and update the details regarding that area only.
The access points function as a guide for
triangulation. Each access point will have its own
Table 1 Description of Mobile Phone Module
To enable searching of lots/rooms by user
To determine current location of user
To provide sufficient information of a lot/room.
Users search request would be needed in order to
perform the search functions.
3 MAC address, latitudes, longitudes and signal
strengths will be needed to calculate the current
location of the user using triangulation.
Users selection of the lot/room will determine the
result of the full details of the lot/room.
Database and query function
A mobile database is stored internally in the mobile
phone and contains all the data similar to the
database of the web and the kiosk, which contain
the maps and layout data. Users define the criteria
used to search or filter the destination of interests.
Wi-Fi detection function
To detect the available access points for
triangulation purposes. It also includes functions to
determine the access points with the strongest
signal strength.
Triangulation function
Consists of functions and algorithms to carry out
triangulation based on the coordinates given in
order to calculate the current location of the user
based on the strength of wireless signals.
Location mapping function
Location mapping consists of functions which
enables the exact location of the user to be
displayed in the form of an image so that the user
can navigate around the area. Basically it displays
the results of triangulation.
List of search results.
The users current location on a map.
Details on a lot/room selected by the user.

Fig. 2 Overall System Architecture
Lee Pieh Wen, Chan Wee Nee, Khor Meng Chun, Tan Shiang-Yen, Rosnah Idrus
location and with this information, triangulation for
a users current location can be determined. The
access points can also function as a gateway for
users to access the local server to get the Guide
Phone application as well as the database and maps
of that specific area.
There are two ways for the end user to download
the Guide Phone application. One of it would be
through direct download whereby the user can
connect their phone to the Internet and then
download the application to their mobile phones.
Another method would be to access the website on
the central server using a computer, download the
application and transfer the application to the phone.
After downloading the application, the user can now
use the Guide Phone application.

3.4 Process Flow for End Users Operations
Firstly, a mobile user must turn on his mobile
phones Wi-Fi connectivity. After it is turned on, the
user will start the Guide Phone application.
If the application is not yet available in the mobile
phone, the user can download the application and
the mobile database containing a locations data
from the website. After the application is loaded, the
user selects the database of his current location. If
the database is not available, he can download it.
Once the database has been loaded onto the
application, the user can now access the functions of
the application. The user can choose to search for a
lot/room or search for his current location.
If the user wants to search for a lot/room, the
user can search either by category, name or level.
Once the search is complete, the list of search
results will displayed in the users mobile phone.
The user can then select the exact lot/room he was
looking for or search again. If the user selects a
lot/room, the lot/room details would then be
displayed along with the lot/rooms picture. After
getting the information needed, the user can opt to
search for his current location, conduct a search
again or end the application.
If the user selects to search for his current
location, the application will then detect the access
points available in the area and extract 3 access
points MAC address. If the access points cannot be
detected, the application will refresh until a few
access points are detected. These 3 access points
have the strongest signal strength. The MAC
address will then be stored into the phone and the
mobile database will be accessed to find the
coordinates of the access points based on their MAC
address. With the coordinates, the current location
of the user will be calculated using triangulation.
The results will then be displayed to the user. The
user can then opt to end the application or continue
to browse around the application. The overall
system use case diagram is shown in the appendix
session, which provides the overall view of the
system functionalities.

4 System Implementation
The proposed system has been implemented in a
building located in a university. The following
shows the user interfaces of the system main

4.1 Interface of Mobile Device Module
The application is developed to run on Windows
Mobile, using C# language. Fig. 3 shows one of the
main interfaces which users can see the description
of the building, and a menu of available actions is
provided at the bottom. Fig. 4 illustrates the
interface of search by category. Relevant results will
be shown according to the category pre-assigned to
the rooms.

The option search by level implies the function
will query the database to retrieve the room which
on the level or floor that match the criteria selected
by users. With the search by name, it provide the
flexibility for user to customize the search by typing
in the keywords that related to the room. The search
current location shows the map with the real-time
position of users, which shown in Fig. 5. By
clicking on the area in the map, user can view the
details of the particular selected area, as illustrated
in Fig. 6.

Fig. 3 Main Menu Fig. 4 Search by Category
Application of WiFi-Based Indoor Positioning System in Handheld Directory System
4.2 Interfaces of Kiosks and Website
The Kiosks and website interfaces which accessible
to the users are similar in terms of functionality. Fig.
7 shows a sample of the user interface on Kiosks.
The functions available are identical to the functions
offered in mobile phone module, with the exception
of search by current location.

A user can view the directory for the location.
Upon hover over any lots, the area will be
highlighted and the name for the lot will appear.
User can also click on the lot to view further details.
To make the kiosk accessible by even the blind
users, a screen reader (NVDA, an open source
screen reader for Windows) is used. Alternate texts
are used for images to allow blind users to visualize
the items which appear on the kiosk screen.

5. Conclusion
Although the implementation involves the most
fundamental functionalities, but it is resulted in
sufficient data and information for the purpose of
assessing the practicality and technical feasibility of
the Guide Phone system.
The proposed Guide Phone as a handheld
directory system is promising innovation. Provided
the pervasiveness of WiFi access points in current
buildings such as shopping malls, office and
administrative buildings, and tourism spots, the
proposed Guide Phone system can be implemented
with low cost by utilizing the existing
infrastructures. In addition, Smartphones with WiFi
adapter have penetrated the market in developing
countries than ever before. WiFi or WLAN adapters
have become necessities of modern mobile devices
which not limited to mobile phone but also other
devices such as tablet PC, netbook, and iPod. These
imply that the proposed system can be implemented
not only in Window Mobile platform, but can be
used in other platform in the future.
Nevertheless, one of the limitations of the
proposed directory is that the triangulation
algorithm used to estimate the position of mobile
device requires at least three WiFi access points in
order to successfully function. Moreover, more
sophisticated functions such as location-specific
message, voice guided direction to destination, and
inter-users connectivity can be introduced into the
Guide Phone system in future.

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[4] G. Zruba, M. Huber, F. Kamangar, and I. Chlamtac,
"Indoor Location Tracking Using Rssi Readings from
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Automation in Construction, vol. In Press, Corrected
Proof, 2010.

Fig. 5 Current Location Fig. 6 Details of Location

Fig. 7 User Interface for Kiosk and Website
Lee Pieh Wen, Chan Wee Nee, Khor Meng Chun, Tan Shiang-Yen, Rosnah Idrus
Mobile Phone
Search Lot/Room by
Search Lot/ Room
by Name
Search Lot/Room by
Search Current
View Lot/Room
Choose location
map and database
View About
Search Lot/Room by
Search Lot/Name by
Search Lot/Room by
View Current
View Lot/ Room
Website and Database
Browse Web
Download Map
Search Lot/Room by
Search Lot/Room by
Search Lot/Room by
Update Database
View Database
Delete Database
End User
End User
End User End User
End User
Access Database
[6] A. Bose and F. Chuan Heng, "A Practical Path Loss
Model for Indoor Wifi Positioning Enhancement," in
Information, Communications & Signal Processing,
2007 6th International Conference on, 2007, pp. 1-5.
[7] A. Kotanen, M. Hannikainen, H. Leppakoski, and T.
D. Hamalainen, "Positioning with Ieee 802.11b
Wireless Lan," in Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications, 2003. PIMRC 2003. 14th IEEE
Proceedings on, 2003, pp. 2218-2222 vol.3.
[8] R. Yamasaki, A. Ogino, T. Tamaki, T. Uta, N.
Matsuzawa, and T. Kato, "Tdoa Location System for
Ieee 802.11b Wlan," in Wireless Communications and
Networking Conference, 2005 IEEE, 2005, pp. 2338-
2343 Vol. 4.
[9] M. Ciurana, F. Barcel\, \#243, and S. Cugno, "Indoor
Tracking in Wlan Location with Toa Measurements,"
presented at the Proceedings of the 4th ACM
international workshop on Mobility management and
wireless access, Terromolinos, Spain, 2006.
[10] Z. Xiang, S. Song, J. Chen, H. Wang, J. Huang,
and X. Gao, "A Wireless Lan-Based Indoor
Positioning Technology," IBM J. Res. Dev., vol. 48,
pp. 617-626, 2004.

Application of WiFi-Based Indoor Positioning System in Handheld Directory System
Mixed Number and Clifford Algebra

Md. Shah Alam
and Sabar Bauk

Physics Section, School of Distance Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia
Department of Physics, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: - Scalar and vector quantities are well known. Here we presented another type of quantity which is
the sum of a scalar and a vector which we called mixed number. We have presented the Geometric product of
Clifford algebra and compared it with the mixed product.

Key-Words: Mixed number, Geometric product, Mixed product

In Clifford algebra, a new virtual unit j has been
introduced. j
= 1, j 1, j* = j and be named as
hyperbolic virtual unit [1, 2]. We also known that
in Clifford algebra, taking an equation [3-6]
A B = A.B + A B (1)

Where A and B are two vectors, A.B is a dot
product A B i.e. A wedge B which is different
from the usual cross-product in the sense that it
has magnitude ABsin and shares its skew
property A B = B A, but it is not a scalar or
a vector: it is directed area, or bivector, oriented in
the plane containing A and B. This product
(equation 1) is called geometric product.
In the second section we introduce another
quantity which we called mixed number. In the
third section we compare the mixed number
algebra with Clifford algebra.

Mixed number [7 -11] is the sum of a scalar x
and a vector A like quaternion [12-14] i.e. = x +
The product of two mixed numbers is defined as
[15, 16]
= (x + A)(y + B) = xy + A.B + xB + yA +
iAB . (2)
The product of Mixed numbers is associative, that
is if , and are three Mixed numbers defined
by = x + A, = y + B and = z + C we can
() = () (3)

Basis Mixed number i, j and k are defined in terms
of mixed number by
= x + A = (x + A
i + A
j + A
k) where x, A
, A

and A
are scalars and i, j and k are basis Mixed
numbers with the properties that
ii = jj = kk = 1 i.e. i
= 1, j
= 1, k
= 1 and
ij = i k, jk = i i, ki = i j, ji = i k, kj = i i,
ik = i j
where i = (1).
Rule of multiplication of mixed numbers has been
shown in the table 1.

1 i j k
1 1 i j k
i i 1 ik ij
j j ik 1 ii
k k ij ii 1
Table-1: Multiplication table for Mixed numbers.

Taking x = y = 0 we get from equation (2)
A B = A.B + iA B (4)

This product is called mixed product and the
symbol is chosen for it.

2.1 Consistency of mixed product with Pauli
matrix algebra.
It can be shown that [17]
(.A)(.B) = A.B + i.(A B) (5)

where A and B are two vectors and is the Pauli
matrix. If we consider as an unit matrix the
equation (5) will be same as equation (4).
Therefore from equation (4) and (5) we can say
that the mixed product is directly consistent with
Pauli matrix algebra.

2.2 Consistency of mixed product with Dirac
Dirac equation (E - .P - m) = 0 can be
operated by the Dirac operator (t - .V - n) then
we get
(t - .V - n) {(E - .P - m)} = 0 (6)

For mass-less particles i.e. for m = n = 0 we get
(t - .V)( E - .P) = [{tE + V.P + i.(VP)} +
{(t.P + E.V)}] = 0 (7)
where is the wave function.
putting t = 0 and E = 0 in the equation (7) we get
(.V)( .P) = {V.P + i.(VP)} = 0
or, (.V)( .P) = {V.P + i.(VP)} (8)

If we consider and are both unit matrices the
equation (8) will be same form as equation (4).
Therefore from equation (4) and (8) it is clear that
Mixed product is consistent with Dirac equation.

2.3 Applications of mixed products in dealing
with differential operators
In a region of space where there is no charge or
current, Maxwells equation can be written


(i) .E = 0 (ii) E = (B)/(t)

(iii) .B = 0 (iv) B =


From these equations it can be written as [18]

E =


B =


Using equation (4) and (9) we can write

E = .E + i E
= 0 + { i(B)/(t)}
or, E = i(B)/(t) ..(11)

or, ( E) = { i(B)/(t)}
= i(/t) { B}
= i(/t) { .B + i B}
= i(/t){ 0 + i

or, ( E) =

) (12)

It can be shown that ( E) =
E ..(13)

From equation (12) and (13) we can write

E =

which is exactly the same as shown in equation
Similarly using mixed product it can also be
shown that

B =

Therefore mixed product can be used successfully
in dealing with differential operators.

2.4 Elementary properties of mixed product
(i) Mixed product of two perpendicular
vectors is equal to the imaginary of the
vector product of the vectors.
(ii) Mixed product of two parallel vectors is
simply the scalar product of the vectors.
(iii) It satisfies the distribution law of
(iv) It is associative.

The algebra of 3-dimensional space, the Pauli
algebra, is central to physics, and deserves further
emphasis. It is an 8-dimensional linear space of
multivectors, which we can written as [19]
M = + a + ib + i (14)
scalar vector bivector pseudoscalar
The space of even-grade elements of this algebra,
= + ib, (15)
is closed under multiplication and forms a
representation of the quarternion algebra.
Explicitly, identifying i, j, k with i
, i
, i

respectively, we have the usual quarternion
relations, including the famous formula
= j
= k
= ijk = 1. (16)
Finally it can be shown that [19]:
a b = i a b. (17)
Thus a b is taken before the multiplication by i.
The duality operation in three dimensions


Mixed Number and Clifford Algebra
interchanges a plane with a vector orthogonal to it
(in a right-handed sense). In the mathematical
literature this operation goes under the name of the
`Hodge dual'. Quantities like a or b would
conventionally be called `polar vectors', while the
`axial vectors' which result from cross-products
can now be seen to be disguised versions of
Using equation (4) and (17) we can write
A B = A.B + i (i A B)
Or, A B = A.B + A B (18)
The right hand side of equation (1) and (18) are
same. Therefore, we can say that mixed product is
directly consistent with the geometric product of
Clifford algebra.
We have clearly explained the mixed number
algebra. Mixed product is derived from mixed
number algebra. It has observed that mixed
product is directly consistent with Pauli matrix
algebra, Dirac equation and Geometric product of
Clifford algebra.

[1] Yu Xueqian, Huang Qiunan and Yu Xuegang,
Clifford algebra and the four-dimensional Lorentz
Transformation, Advances in Applied Clifford
Algebras 12(1), 13-19 (2002).
[2] Yu Xuegang, Hyperbolic Multi-Topology and
Basic in Quantum Mechanics.
Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 9 (1), 109-
118 (1999).
[3] Baylis Willian E. Clifford (Geometric)
Algebra with Applications to Physics,
"Mathematics and Engineering", Birkhduser,
Boston, 2-11 (1996).
[4] Chris Doran and Anthony Lasenby, Geometric
Algebra for physicists, Cambridge University
Press, 2003.
[5] B.K. Datta, V. De Sabbata and L. Ronchetti,
Quantization of gravity in real space time, IL
Nuovo Cimento, Vol. 113B, No.6, 1998.
[6] B.K. Datta and Renuka Datta, Einstein field
equations in spinor formalism, Foundations of
Physics letters, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1998.
[7] Md. Shah Alam, Study of Mixed Number,
Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci. 37(1):119-122. 2000.
[8] Md. Shah Alam, Comparative study of
Quaternions and Mixed Number, Journal of
Theoretics, Vol-3, No-6, 2001.
[9] Md. Shah Alam, Applications of Mixed
Number in Quantum Mechanics, Proc. Pakistan
Acad. Sci. 40(2):187-190, 2003.
[10] Md. Shah Alam, M. H. Ahsan, Mushfiq
Ahmad, Applications of Mixed Number in
Electrodynamics, Proc. Pakistan Acad. Sci.,
41(1):37-41, 2004.
[11] Md. Shah Alam, M. H. Ahsan, Mixed
Number Lorentz Transformation, Physics Essays,
Vol.16 No. 4, 2003.
[12] A. Kyrala, Theoretical Physics, W.B.
Saunders Company, Philagelphia & London,
Toppan Company Limited, Tokyo, Japan.
[15] Md. Shah Alam, Mixed Product of Vectors,
Journal of Theoretics, Vol-3, No-4, 2001.
[16] Md. Shah Alam, Comparative study of mixed
product and quaternion product, Indian Journal of
Physic-A, Vol.77, No. 1, 2003.
[17] L. I. Schiff, Quantum Mechanics, McGraw
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[18] David J. Griffiths, Introduction to
Electrodynamics, Second edition, Prentice-Hall of
India Private Limited, New Delhi 1994.

Md. Shah Alam, Sabar Bauk

The Effect of Environment on Mine

Department of Economics
Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch,
No. 209, Azarshahr St., North Iranshahr St., Tehran
Email: :[email protected]

Department of Economics
Islamic Azad University South Tehran Branch,
No. 209, Azarshahr St., North Iranshahr St., Tehran
Email: [email protected]

Abstract-With all of the news reports of global warming and other environmental troubles facing society today,
one might wonder if mineral science has any role to play in solving these problems. It certainly does!
Traditionally, the major application of minerals and mineral science has been in the understanding of how rocks
form (petrogenesis) and behave. This is essentially the study of the solid part of the earth, or petrology.
Environmental mineralogy is by no means new, but it is certainly seeing an impressive rise in scope and
activity. Monographs review the immense literature and diverse applications of environmental mineralogy.
Recently, the Mineralogist published special green issues that focus on environmental mineralogy. The
important role of minerals in many interesting environmental problems makes today a very exciting time for
mineralogy .Environmental mineralogical topics as the effects of minerals on human health, minerals that form
in surficial acidic environments, and microbemineral interactions.
Mineral resources are an important source of wealth for a nation but before they are harnessed, they have to
pass through the stages of exploration, mining and processing. Different types of environmental damage and
hazards inevitably accompany the three stages of mineral development. The negative effect on the environment
of the activities involved in harnessing the minerals. An attempt will also be made to examine the possible
precautions and remedies that can be applied in order to mitigate the effect of adverse environmental impact of
mining activities.
Clearly, the major goal of this special issue is to highlight some of the important research that is occurring in
the new, multidisciplinary field of environmental mineralogy. Another goal is to reveal to the members and
officers of the mineralogical societies an indication of the range of mineralogical research that can be
considered pertinent to the environmental sciences. Lastly, the society officers and the journal editors want to
encourage the submission of more manuscripts on this challenging topic.
Environmental mineralogy is by no means new, but it is certainly seeing an impressive rise in scope and
activity. One indication of this is the number of recent books and monographs that review the immense
literature and diverse applications of environmental mineralogy. The sidebar lists numerous examples of such
review volumes. Recently, both the American Mineralogist and Mineralogical Magazine published special
green issues that focus on environmental mineralogy. The important role of minerals in many interesting
environmental problems makes today a very exciting time for mineralogy.

Key-Words: environmental damage, life cycle, mineralogy, minerals, mineral Economics, mining.

1 Introduction
Mineralogy is the study of chemistry, crystal
structure, and physical (including optical) properties
of minerals. Specific studies within mineralogy
include the processes of mineral origin and
formation, classification of minerals, their
geographical distribution, as well as their utilization.
History of mineralogy early writing on mineralogy,
especially on gemstones, comes from ancient
Babylonia, the ancient Greco- Roman world, ancient
and medieval China, and Sanskrit texts from ancient
India and the ancient Islamic World. Systematic
scientific studies of minerals and rocks developed in
post- Renaissance Europe. The modern study of
mineralogy was founded on the principles of
crystallography and microscopic study of rock
sections with the invention of the microscope in the
17th century (Needham, 1986).
Mineralogy was heavily concerned with taxonomy
of the rock forming minerals; to this end, the
International Mineralogical Association is an
organization whose members represent
mineralogists in individual countries. Its activities
include managing the naming of minerals (via the
Commission of New Minerals and Mineral Names),
location of known minerals, etc.

2 Types of Mineralogy
Mineralogy is an interdisciplinary science, as is
geology, in which the principles of physics and
chemistry are applied to Earth materials. There are
numerous other applications of minerals outside the
realm of petrology or even geology, and the
importance of minerals extends into many areas of
scientific and technological pursuit including
materials science, environmental science, medicine,
biology, and engineering (Ramsdell, Lewis, 1963).

2.1 Physical Mineralogy
Physical mineralogy is the specific focus on
physical attributes of minerals. Description of
physical attributes is the simplest way to identify,
classify, and categorize minerals, and they include:
crystal structure
crystal habit
specific gravity

2.2 Chemical Mineralogy
Chemical mineralogy focuses on the chemical
composition of minerals in order to identify,
classify, and categorize them, as well as a means to
find beneficial uses from them. There are a few
minerals which are classified as whole elements,
including sulfur, copper, silver, and gold, yet the
vast majority of minerals are chemical compounds,
some more complex than others. In terms of major
chemical divisions of minerals, most are placed
within the isomorphism groups, which are based on
analogous chemical position and similar crystal

3 Environmental Mineralogy
International Mineralogical Association (IMA)
Working Group on Environmental Mineralogy and
Geochemistry definition: Environmental mineralogy
[and geochemistry] is an interdisciplinary field
dealing with systems at, or near, the surface of the
Earth where the geo sphere comes into contact with
the hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. This is
the environment on which plants and animals
(including humans) depend for survival and which
can be disrupted by human activity, particularly that
associated with exploitation and utilization of
Earths resources.
Environmental mineralogy is obviously a very
diverse sub discipline of mineralogy, and a
comprehensive review of its many aspects is far
beyond the scope of these column two applications
of environmental mineralogy (Rakovan, 2008):
(1) Remediation of heavy-metal contaminates that
are currently in the environment.
(2) The design of solid forms of radioactive waste
for stable disposal.
One significant class of environmental pollutants is
heavy metals such as Pb, As, Cd, Cr, and Hg, which
are toxic, even at low concentrations, and may act as
carcinogens. These may be naturally present, but
human activity has greatly increased the flux of
biologically available forms of heavy metals in the
If the metals are present in a form that cannot get
into plants and animals or is nonreactive (i.e.,
cannot be metabolized), they are not bio available
and pose a much lower health risk. This leads to one
possible strategy for contaminant remediation.
Instead of removing the metals from the
environment, the idea is to change their speciation
Soheila Khoshnevis Yazdi, Bahram Skakouri

to a stable, non bio available form, such as being
incorporated into the crystal structure of a mineral
with low solubility (Bostick et al. 2000).
Mineralogists and other scientists (Wajima et al.
2007) are investigating the potential of converting
paper sludge into usable minerals such as zealots.
Minerals as indicators of specific environment
conditions (chemical and physical).The environment
parameters that can be inferred from the presence of
a specific mineral are: (Irwin, 1997)
Radix conditions
Presence of specific anions
Drainage with landscape position and
Temperature & climb sequences
Transported versus in situ regolith
Minerals can be used as indicators of specific
environmental parameters on a variety of scales
ranging from the micro (thin section) to macro (hand
specimen) to profile (vertical differences) to
landscape (hydrology, topography) to even
continental scale.

3.1 pH Acid or Alkaline with Dominant
The pH is the master variable and pH of surface and
ground waters (shallow and deep) have a direct
effect on the precipitation and stability or persistence
of secondary minerals in the regolith.

3.2 Redox Conditions
Specific minerals in the regolith are indicators of
radix state of the environment under which they
formed. They form and persist in a restricted Eh pH
range of oxidation potential. Pyrite (black) and mono
sulphides (black ooze) are indicators of reducing
environments, where sulphur reducing bacteria
catalyze oxidation of organic matter and link it to
reduction of Fe3+.

3.3 Drainage or Water Activity
The rate of flow of groundwater vertically and
laterally (landscape) through a profile, sediments or
sedimentary rock can affect the nature of the
minerals that form, and the presence of resulting
minerals can be used as indicators of the rate of flow
of water or in thermodynamic terms the water

3.4 Landscape or Catenaries Position
Regolith minerals can be used as indicators of past
landscape position, but interpretation is a
combination of drainage and pale landscape
evolution or substrate type. The iron oxides,
especially hematite and goethite, having their
genetic pathways controlled significantly by Water
activity or saturation, provide the best indicators of
drainage linked to centenary position.

3.5 Temperature & Climate
Generally, there are few reliable mineral indicators
of current and past temperatures. The main
indicators are the iron oxides and hydroxides.
Magnetite, commonly found in globules (nodules,
mottles) within soil and on the surface as
ferruginous lag, is a likely indicator of forest-fires.
Iron oxides (goethite, hematite) present in soil
matrix and in globules when heated to temperatures
above 3000C in the presence of organic matter (top
soil organics), transform to magnetite. Therefore,
the presence of magnetite is used as an indicator of
forest fires.

3.6 Transported vs. In Situ Regolith
Regolith is broadly classified into that produced as a
result of weathering of the basement rocks in situ)
and that produced due to the transportation
processes, which is essence is surficial sediments.

4 Types of Environmental Damage
Environment as used in this paper has three
components, namely, the sum total of external
conditions in which organisms exist; the organisms
themselves including the floral and faunal
community; and the physical surroundings such as
landforms. All these three aspects, which include
various entities such as air, water, land, vegetation,
animals including human, landscape and
geomorphologic features, historical heritage etc. are
adversely affected one way or the other during the
course of mineral development (Aigbedion ,2007).

4.1 Air, Land and Water Pollution
Varying degrees of pollution of air, water and land
occur in the course of mineral development
depending on the stage and scale of activities
attained. While only minor pollution occurs during
mineral exploration, more intense air and water
pollution emanates from the exploitation stages,
particularly if carried out on a large scale. In the oil-
producing areas of the country oil spillage of
differing intensity resulting from burst pipelines,
tanks, tankers, drilling operations, etc. is a common

The Effect of Environment on Mine

4.2 Damage of Vegetation
Vegetation in form of natural forest or crop
plantation is usually the first casualty to suffer total
or partial destruction or degradation during the
exploration and exploitation of minerals in a
locality. The vegetation damage is more extensive at
the time of mine development and mining
operations and is more expensive when crop
plantation is affected.

4.3 Ecological Disturbance
Another adverse effect of mineral extraction and
processing activities, which may not be immediately
felt, is the disturbance of the ecosystem with
possible adverse consequences on the floral and
faunal community in general.
Oil spillage produces a devastating ecological
disturbance in the oil-producing states as well as in
areas where leakage occur due to natural breakage
of oil pipe line or illegal bunkering .The plants,
animals, soils and water are affected.

4.4 Degradation of Natural Landscape
A common negative effect of mining minerals from
the earths surface is the destruction of its natural
landscape, creating open space in the ground and
generating heaps of rock wastes that cannot be
easily disposed off. These phenomena are amply
demonstrated in several parts of Nigeria, where
commercial mining or quarrying had occurred in the
past or is currently taking place.
In the Younger Granite Province, especially the Jos
Plateau, tin and columbite mining has resulted in the
destruction in places of the scenic landscape which
is replaced by unsightly large irregular holes and
heaps of debris produced by the opencast method of
mining (Brooks, 1974).

4.5 Geological Hazards
Mining operations normally upset the equilibrium in
the geological environment, which may trigger off
certain geological hazards such as landslide,
subsidence, flooding, erosion and tremors together
with their secondary effects.
Minor earth tremors are generated due to blasting of
rocks in various quarries. Villages and settlements
in the neighbourhood of the quarries have
experience unpleasant earth movements when the
rocks are blasted (Ajakaiye, 1985).

5. Mine Development: Exploration,
Planning, Approval and Construction
Mine development consists of a sequence of
Prospecting and exploration work to locate and
delineate the ore resource.
Economic, environmental and technical
feasibility assessment of the ore body.
Planning and design of the mine layout, site
infrastructure and the mining sequence;
Obtaining relevant government permits and
Construction and commissioning of the
Most environmental impacts during this stage of the
mining life cycle are typically associated with
planning, exploration and construction.

5.1 Planning
Effective planning, commencing at this stage and
continuing throughout the life of the mine, has a
great influence on minimizing the impact of the
operation. Planning is important to avoid or reduce
adverse environmental impacts over the life of the
mine and after closure. Planning is most effective
when the entire life of mine is compassed. Defining
the final objectives of mine closure from the outset
allows an optimum balance between operational,
rehabilitation and closure goals to be selected, thus
minimizing the cost of these activities.

5.2 Exploration
Exploration activities have some environmental
impacts. These are largely related to land
disturbances from the clearing of vegetation,
construction of camps, access roads, drilling sites
and sumps for drilling fluids and fines.
Effective planning of the exploration activities
reduces potential impacts by using existing
infrastructure where possible, taking appropriate
care during the construction of access tracks and
containing any drilling fluids and fines in sumps.

5.3 Construction
Construction activities have significant potential to
have adverse environmental impacts. During this
phase, often a large transient workforce is
employed, workforce numbers tend to peak and
material and equipment movements tend to be large.
Impacts are typically related to land disturbance
caused by earthworks, air emissions from dust,
noise from equipment and construction activities
and heavy volumes of traffic on access roads. In
Soheila Khoshnevis Yazdi, Bahram Skakouri

many cases, specialized third party companies and
consultants conduct mine construction activities.
Underground operations control exhaust particulates
by installing particulate filters on the exhausts of
mobile equipment. Retrofitting equipment with new,
more efficient and leaner engines also reduces
exhaust particulate and gas emissions, as well as
contributing to reduced fuel consumption and
maintenance costs.

5.4 Other Potential Impacts
A variety of other impacts may occur because of
extraction activities, including noise and vibration
due to blasting and the operation of equipment.
In some places, unsightly landscapes have been
improved by maintaining buffer zones, planting
green belts or the constructing barrier fences.
Prompt rehabilitation of disturbed areas that are
most visible can reduce the visual impact and
improve relations with the local community.

6 Socio-environment problems
Some socio-environmental problems are sometimes
created as a result of certain peculiarity of the
mineral industry. Since minerals are exhaustible and
irremovable commodities, the life of a mine and,
consequently, the mining activities in a place have a
limited time. The stoppage of mining activities
imposed by depletion of the available reserves often
leads to migration of people from the mining areas
to other places. This may result in the formation of
ghost towns, which are abandoned towns and
previous bubbling mining communities.
Radiation hazards: Exposure to natural
radiations emitted by some radioactive minerals
is a major source of health hazards. The radiation
intensity increases when the minerals are
Precautions and remedies for environment
damage: In order to minimize the ill effects of
mineral mining and processing, certain
precautionary measures must be taken by both
the government and the mining and processing
Since some damage to the environment is inevitable
in the course of mineral exploitation, usually, the
only option left is to apply some remedy to the
damage. The remedy or compensation should
depend on the type, extent and magnitude of
damage, which can be permanent or redeemable in
which case the damage effect fades away as the
causative factor is withdraw. The environmental
impact of mining and processing activities can
extend for many kilo meters from the operation site.

7 Environmental Management
Environmental management is an activity that is
ongoing throughout the entire mining life cycle,
from initial exploration to the final closure of the
operation and handing over of the site. It
encompasses and influences all the different
activities of the mining life cycle and is most
effective when integrated with the day-today
management and planning of the operation.
Environmental management consists of systems,
procedures, practices and technologies that vary
depending on the specific characteristics of the
surroundings ecosystem, the legal framework and
the mining methods and beneficiation processes
As appreciation of the complexity of environmental
considerations has grown, a variety of management
tools have been developed to assist companys
better control the effects of their operations and
provide a higher level of environment protection.
These tools include: environmental management
systems (EMS); environmental impact assessment
(EIA); environmental technology assessment
(EnTA); environmental auditing; life cycle
assessment (LCA); cleaner production and
environmental reporting (United Nations

7.1 Environmental Management Systems
The ISO 14000 Environmental Management system
and the European Union Eco-management and
Audit Scheme (EMAS) standards provide widely
recognized frameworks and guidelines that
companies can use to develop their own
environmental management systems. These are
third-party certified, providing a means by which
the company can demonstrate its commitment to
improved environmental performance. Many
phosphate rock and potash mining companies are
looking at the ISO 14000 standards to guide the
development of systems that are specific to their
Recognition of the growing importance of
environmental management systems is evident in a
number of countries including many developing
countries, where producers understand the
competitive advantage of meeting the increasing
demands of consumer markets such as the European
Union and Japan. As community awareness has
The Effect of Environment on Mine

grown, demands on industry have increased
accordingly. In many countries, both industry and
governments are becoming more accountable for the
decisions and actions they take. This is partly
because of the increased availability of information
concerning their actions and more stakeholder
involvement in the decision-making process.
In future, community concerns may shift away from
a focus on environmental damage at the mine site to
the need to balance competing demands for limited
natural resources such as fresh water and
agricultural land. The mining industry, as a
consumer of natural resources, will not be isolated
from these pressures. Foresight and the adoption of
adequate and effective solutions to arising issues
will assist the industry's response.
Governments are responding to community pressure
through new legislation. The European Union's
Integrated Product policy is one such response.
Policy implementation will lead to increasing
producer responsibility for their products. It will
also increase the use of market instruments to
internalize the external environmental costs of
products over their entire life cycle. This
responsibility will concern not only companies' own
activities but also those of their suppliers,
transporters and service providers Mining firms with
good reputations to keep and healthy financial
resources are more likely although not certain) to
engage in socially responsible mining. Such firms
are typically international or they are domestic firms
with ties to reputable international firms. In the
short run, socially responsible mining costs more
and requires considerable financial resources but
this is the sine qua non of long-term viability.
There remains a need to create positive
demonstration effects to promote sustainable mining
through tangible examples of successful, modestly
sized operations that practice responsible mining.
Rushing to expand the mining sector may increase
the likelihood of further accidents that are almost
certain to undermine the sectors growth potential.
A strategy of mining expansion focused more on the
quality than the quantity of mining operations will
pay higher dividends over the medium to long term.
The costs of environmental irresponsibility and bad
social practices on the part of one mining company
are borne by all companies in the region, and peer
pressure should reduce the likelihood of major
accidents and improve the credibility of the
industry. Therefore, the private sector in developing
countries should seek to institute mechanisms for
collective self-evaluation and self policing with
regard to member companies environmental
performance and contributions to community
And lastly, for the foreseeable future, there will be a
need to provide increased support for the
enforcement of all mining laws and provisions by
the appropriate government agencies and local
communities. It should be recognized that effective
enforcement and manageable levels of investment
are related. When enforcement is weak, prudence
requires that the vetting of prospective investors be
more stringent. However, strong enforcement allows
greater latitude in opening the mining sector to

8 Conclusions
Any environmental problem, there is need to assess
or measure the magnitude of the problem. This can
be done by direct measurements such as calculating
the value of economic trees removed and changes in
farm produce due to pollution; land, road and
property reparation cost; water treatment cost; and
the costs of treating diseases directly traceable to the
environmental damage. However, direct
measurements of environmental damage are not
always possible because the damage may be
intangible, subtle or even slow to appear. Under
such a situation the cost of providing an alternative
environment or renewable resources elsewhere, if
possible, can be considered.
A major issue concerning the remedy or
compensation for environmental damage resulting
from mining and processing activities is that those
who bear the costs of the environmental damage are
the people who live in the environment and not the
producing companies. The problem requires the
intervention of government through appropriate
legislation that can compel the mining/processing
companies to internalize the reparation or
replacement costs, which are so far borne by the
people who live in the environment. Safe disposal of
unavoidable waste in stable and aesthetically
acceptable structure must be enforced through
legislation. Thus, withdrawing the area from mining
would have economic impacts on the local
communities and may have social and economic
effects that are regional or national.
Extraction and processing of mineral resources is
the backbone of the national economy in many
developed and developing countries of the world.
However, the great danger posed by mineral
exploitation such as abandoned sites, biodiversity
damage, use of hazardous use of chemicals with
potential health risk to mine workers and
Soheila Khoshnevis Yazdi, Bahram Skakouri

neighbourhood communities deserved urgent
attention. Emphasis should shift from waste disposal
to waste minimization through sorting; recycling of
regents and water. Safe disposal of unavoidable
waste in stable and aesthetically acceptable structure
must be enforced through legislation.

[1] Ajakaiye D., Environmental Problems
associated with Mineral Exploitation in
Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 21st Annual
Conference of the Nigeria Mining and
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[2] Ambrose Alli, Environmental effect of mineral
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91, 1974.
[5] Irwin, R.,national park serveice, John
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[6] Needham, Joseph , Science and Civilization in
China: Volume 3. Taipei: Caves Books, Ltd
Stark, J, Li J., Terasawa K.,Environmental
Safeguards and Community Benefits in
Mining: Recent Lessons from the Philippines,
Working Paper No. 1, 2006.
[7] Ramsdell, Lewis S. Encyclopedia Americana:
International Edition: Volume 19. New
York:Americana Corporation,1963.
[8] Rakovan J., Environmental Mineralogy,
Department of Geology Miami University
Oxford, Volume 83, ,173, 2008.
[9] Wajima, T., H. Ishimoto, K. Kuzawa, K. Ito, O.
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Material conversion from paper-sludge ash in
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[10] United Nations Environment,
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The Effect of Environment on Mine
Consumers complaining behavior. An exploratory research

Management - Marketing Department, Faculty of Science
1 Decembrie 1918 University of Alba Iulia
Nicolae Iorga Street, no. 11-13, Alba Iulia, Alba County
[email protected] http://www.uab.ro

Abstract: Nowadays companys profitability and viability depend considerably by the way that this company
administrates its clients satisfaction and especially dissatisfied experiences (Ctoiu, Bolog 2006). The dissatisfied clients
will tell to other clients about their negative experience, they will change their attitude about the product or service; they
will register their complaint that will affect in a negative way the companys image and the companys products
The authors of this article want to contribute to the improvement of the complaining behavior of the dissatisfied
clients, considering the fact that in our country researchers in this area are modest. In this purpose it was developed a pilot
survey which objectives were referring to building a socio-demographical profile of the consumer that register
complaining. Data gathered and analyzed from an 112 persons sample living in Alba Iulia, lead to the conclusion that the
majority are recording their complaints when are dissatisfied by a product or a service, no matter their gender, they have
high monthly incomes, they have a high education level or are private entrepreneurs, and they are young.
The accomplished research represents a theoretical and empirical background of a future research that will
contribute to a better understanding in this area.

Key Words: consumer, complaints, complaining behavior, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, consumers rights

1 Introduction
The management of consumers complaints represents
an important aspect of the marketing activity of any
organization. A major difficulty that these companies
might have consists in understanding the way in which
their clients respond to dissatisfaction.
Exploratory research developed had as purpose the
identification of some demographic variables that are
influencing the complaining behavior, such as age,
monthly income and the socio-professional category.
The assumptions from which this research starts consist
in the fact that there are demographic differences among
those who file a complaint and those who dont do this
when they are dissatisfied with a product, service or
commercial unit.
In Romania were conducted few studies concerning the
consumers complaints behaviour. Accordingly, the
main purpose of this study consists in a better
understanding of how dissatisfied consumers react. For
this reason, the pilot survey carried out for gathering

information has the character of an exploratory research,
without any pretension of generalizing the results.

2 Literature review
Complaining behavior occurs after the acquisition and
consumption of a product or a service when the
consumer is dissatisfied (Bearden & Teel 1983; Folkes,
Koletsky and Graham 1987). According to the non-
confirmation paradigm, developed by Oliver in 1980, a
consumer will be dissatisfied when the perceived
performance of the product is below his expectations
formed before the purchase.
Jacoby and Jaccard (1981) define the
complaining behavior as being an action made by an
individual in order to communicate a negative aspect
concerning a product or a service either to the producing
or distributing company or to a third organization.
Day et al. (1981) suggests in one of their studies
that the consumers dissatisfaction may have important
implications such as changing the attitude towards the
brand or boycotting the selling points.
The complaints are a response to dissatisfaction
and their attainment highly depends on the
dissatisfactions intensity (Yi 1990). While the
dissatisfaction is a mainly affective response, the
complaining behaviour is a rather cognitive response.
The factors influencing the complaints behaviour are
closely related to the individual predisposition to
complain, to the opportunity of filing a complaint, to the
procedure of filing a complaint or the consumers lack
of information.
The research conducted in the field highlighted
the associations between the complaining behaviour on
one hand, and the gender of the dissatisfied consumers
who file complaints (Duhaime and Ash 1980), different
personal and situational factors (Day 1984), the socio-
professional category and the income (Jacoby and
Jaccard 1981), the life style, the values and
demographical characteristics (Morgansky and Buckley
1986), on the other hand.
With regard to consumers reaction to
dissatisfaction, most research paid particular attention to
the complaining behaviour as a consequence of his
dissatisfaction (Andreassen 2001, Ved 1991). It is
estimated that there are many types of consumers
responses to dissatisfaction, namely: taking no action,
changing the product / brand, switching the supplier,
filing a complaint to the seller, producer or a third
person/institution, telling other people about the product
that dissatisfied him (Goodwin, Ross 1990).
The complaining behaviour, as a reaction to
dissatisfaction, varies considerably from one consumer
to another. Most often, consumers take no action in
order to reduce or eliminate the problems encountered
on the market. Day and Bodur showed that most of the
dissatisfaction cases for which no action was taken occur
in the case of perishable goods (49.6%), followed by
durable goods (29.4%) and services (23.2 %).
The results of different studies have led to the
conclusion that a large number of dissatisfy consumers
do not file a complaint (Davidow, Dacin 1997, Jeffery
.a. 1995, Valenzuela .a. 2002). This lack of action
could have a negative impact for both marketers and
consumers. First, by not expressing the dissatisfaction,
the consumers are deprived of obtaining a recovery of
this unpleasant experience for them. Second, the limited
actions of the consumers do nothing but hide the
problems of the market that the company should correct.
Additionally, the company sees the consumers
complaints as an important source of information for
making some decisions about creating more competitive
There are studies that have attempted to
establish profiles of the consumers who complain the
dissatisfaction and have tried to find answers to
questions like: What types of consumers are willing to
file complaints?, What are the differences between the
consumers that file complaints and those who
compliment?, etc. (Cordo 2003, Dong-Geun, 2003,
Lau .a. 2001).
When establishing such profiles, the authors
considered especially the demographic variables such as
income, occupation, education, age, marital status, social
integration, mobility, etc. According to Robinson and
Berl, consumers who file complaints are generally
young, have a relatively higher income and were not
loyal to a brand even when they were satisfied. Also, it
is appreciated that the complaints are filed only by those
dissatisfied consumers who have enough resources to do
this and have high expectations regarding their
Regarding the relationship between the
complaints behavior and the products characteristics,
some authors (Keng 1995) concluded that it is more
likely to file a complaint for products that do not
demonstrate their performance, and this may have a
negative impact on the companys image. It was also
demonstrated that there is a direct link between the
products price and the complaining behavior: the higher
the price for a product, the higher probability for a
dissatisfied consumer to file a complaint (Keng .a.
In one of their studies, Gronhaug and Zaltman
(1981) describe three patterns of the complaining
behavior, called the resources, learning and personality
patterns. The resources pattern takes into account the
access to time, money and power as determinants of the
complaining behavior; the learning model suggests that
the complaints will be filled by experienced and better
educated consumers as they know their rights better,
regarding the personality model, the consumers who file
complaints are more aggressive and more confident in
themselves than those who do not file a complaint.

3 Problem formulation
A pilot survey was conducted in a shopping center, on a
sample of 112 people, inhabitants of Alba Iulia. In the
surveys questionnaire was included a filter question,
placed at the beginning, which sought to exclude from
Consumers Complaining Behavior. An Exploratory Research
the sample the ones who were not dissatisfied with the
product or service: Have you ever been dissatisfied
with a product or service? With the help of closed and
mixed questions there were obtained information on the
complainting behaviour of those included in the sample.
The research objectives were established as:
(1) Identifying the extent to which the dissatisfied
consumers have filed a complaint based on
gender, income, age or socio-professional
(2) Identifying the reason for which the dissatisfied
consumers have not filed a complaint;
(3) Identifying the organization to which the
complaint was filed (distributor, producer or
state authority);
(4) Identifying the type of product/service for which
they filed a complaint;
(5) Identifying the repurchase intentions.
Researchs hypotheses were formulated in this
(1) H
: statistically gender influences insignificant
the measure in which the dissatisfied clients are
register their complaints;
(2) H
: statistically monthly income influences in a
significant way the measure in which the dissatisfied
clients are recording their complaints.

4 Problem solution
Of the 112 questioned subjects, 6 persons (respectively
5,53%) said that they have never been dissatisfied with a
purchased product or service.
Considering the dissatisfied clients, 70,80% had
no ulterior action, and the difference of 29,20% recorded
a complaint. It is important to underline that those
consumers that recorded a complaint they are not doing
this each time when they are unsatisfied, but they have
done it at least one time.
As it can be observed from the table below
(Table 1), among those that recorded a claim 62% are
men, and among those that had no action 56% are

Table 1. Complaining behavior depending on
investigated persons gender
Complain Investigated
persons gender Yes No
Women 38% 56%
Men 62% 44%
Total 100% 100%
Source: realized by author based on research

Null hypothesis H
: statistically gender
influences insignificant the measure in which the
dissatisfied clients are register their complaints was
verified using X
Test. For 1 degree of freedom and 0,05
significance level, the calculated value for X

calculated = 2,623) was situated under the level of X

theoretic (X
theoretic = 3, 841), so the null hypothesis is
accepted. In conclusion, statistically there are no
significant differences between women and men
regarding the complaining behavior.
From the data presented in the table bellow
(Table 2) it can be observed that the ones that are not
recording complaints are with modest monthly incomes
(49,30% of all), while the dissatisfied consumers that are
recording complaints have monthly income above the
average (48,50% of all).
Null hypothesis H
: statistically monthly
income influences in a significant way the measure in
which the dissatisfied clients are recording their
complaints was verified using X
Test. The calculated
value for X
was 16,87 and it is higher than the
theoretical value of X
for 2 degrees of freedom and a
0,05 significance level. In conclusion the null hypothesis
is not accepted, so the complaining behavior is
significantly depending on the consumers monthly

Table 2. Complaining behavior depending on the
investigated subjects income category
Complain Income category
(personal, monthly
Yes No
Bellow 1000 lei 19,3% 49,3%
1001-2000 lei 32,2% 37,3%
Above 2000 lei 48,5% 13,4%
Total 100% 100%
Source: realized by author based on research

Private entrepreneurs, high education level
persons and clerks that are recording their claims when
they are dissatisfied in a bigger measure than the rest of
the socio-professional categories (Table 3). One possible
explanation of this result could be that the persons that
are included in these socio-professional categories know
better their rights as consumers.

Muntean Andreea Cipriana, Stremtan Filimon, Gavrila Paven Ionela
Table 3. Complaining behavior depending on the
investigated subjects socio-professional category
Complain Socio-professional
category Yes No
Pupil - 6,66%
Student 6,4% 8%
Worker 3,2% 30,6%
Clerk 22,5% 10,6%
High education level 25,8% 6,66%
Private entrepreneur 29,03% 9,33%
Domestic 3,2% 9,33%
Unemployed 3,2% 6,66%
Retired 6,4% 5,33%
Other category - 6,66%
Total 100% 100%
Source: realized by author based on research

Considering the age, claiming behavior is
specific to the people with the age bellow 40 years old
(Table no. 4). The dissatisfied consumers that have
above 60 years are recording complaints in a small

Table 4. Complaining behavior depending on the
investigated subjects age category
Complain Age category
Yes No
16 25 years 24% 6,45%
26 40 years 52% 25,8%
41- 60 years 22,66% 54,8%
Above 60 years 1,33% 12,9%
Total 100% 100%
Source: realized by author based on research

The lack of trust regarding the problem solving
is the main raison for which the most of the investigated
subjects are not recording complaints when they are
dissatisfied. As well, the ones that are not recording
compalints do not record them because of their lack of
time (34,66%) or appreciate that the product represented
for them a small importance (12%) (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Weight of the persons that are not recording
complaints depending on the reason for which they are
not recording complaints
Source: realized by author based on research
Among the subjects that had recorded the
majority (45,33%) had addressed to the
distributor/selling point from where they purchased the
product related to which they were dissatisfied and the
smaller part of them (20%) directly to the producer (Fig.

Fig. 2. Weight of consumers that recorded complaints
depending on the recording point
Source: realized by author based on research

From the total of 75 unsatisfied consumers that
have recorded complaints, the biggest part of them
registered their complains related to long term using
products (respectively 50%) and for services (29%). In
case of unsatisfied clients related to the perishable
products, had been recorded complaints by 21% of the
subjects investigated.

Subjects that addressed
the distributor
Subjects that addressed
to the producer
Subjects that addressed
to a third part
Subjects that addressed
the distributor
Subjects that addressed
the producer
Subjects that addressed
the third part
Lack of time
Lack of trust
Small importance
of the product
Other raison
Lack of time
Lack of trust
Small importance
of the product
Other raison
Consumers Complaining Behavior. An Exploratory Research

Fig. 3. Weight of registered complaints depending on the
products category
Source: realized by author based on research

The dissatisfied consumers that had recorded
complaints and were solved (their number representing
43% of the total subjects that recorded complaints)
intend in a big measure to repeat the purchase, while the
ones that were dissatisfied and did not recorded their
complaints do not intend to repeat the purchase.

5 Conclusions
The exploratory research developed allowed to made
some conclusions.
First of all, complaining behavior is influenced
by demographical variables like gender, monthly
income, age and socio-professional category.
Statistically there are not significant differences between
the womens complaining behavior and the mens
complaining behavior, but statistically there are
significant differences between the complaining
behaviors of the subjects belonging to different monthly
income category.
The subjects that are recording their complaints
when they are dissatisfied by a product or a services are
usually young with high education level.
In the second place, the main raisons for which
part of the dissatisfied consumers do not record their
complaints is related to the lack of time and to the lack
of trust that their problems will be solved.
In the third place, consumers recorded their
complaints first at the selling point where they
purchased the products and less to a third part.
Generally the complaints were made for long
term using products and services and less for perishable
The dissatisfied consumers that recorded a
complaint and this was solved are willing to repeat the
purchase unlike the ones that were dissatisfied and did
not had any action.
The conclusions resulting after the exploratory
research are underlying the importance of future studies,
especially due to the managerial implications of
complaining behavior researches. In this way, the
companies which want to increase the number of
dissatisfied consumers who complain should facilitate
this and also should assure them that their problems will
be solved. Also, these companies should focus on
dissatisfied consumers who complain to identify those
socio-demographic characteristics that make them to
have a positive attitude regarding complaining behavior.

6 Limits
The main limit of this study consists in that of the fact
that the results cannot be generalized because the inquiry
developed has the characteristics of the pilot survey and
the sample is statistically unrepresentative.

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Consumers Complaining Behavior. An Exploratory Research
Ability Training Through Partnered Education
Nathan M. Bisk College of Business
Florida Institute of Technology
150 West University Boulevard, Melbourne, Florida
[email protected]

Greenleaf University
100 Chesterfield Business Parkway, St. Louis, Missouri
[email protected]

Nathan M. Bisk College of Business
Florida Institute of Technology
150 West University Boulevard, Melbourne, Florida
[email protected]

Abstract: - An ability training partnership model was designed for high school graduates with disabilities to
execute results that were incorporated into a descriptive study. There are limited resources and employment
for high school graduates with disabilities. The objective of the study was to develop a descriptive analysis of
an ability training model as partnered efforts between colleges, universities and organizations seeking to
provide resources to high school graduates with disabilities. One of the purposes of the research was to
establish a proactive position for colleges, universities, and organizations against barriers that address
disabilities stereotypes and practices in employment. The nature of disabilities has been study for the many
years. However, few studies have been directed towards collaboration between colleges, universities, and
organizations to develop programs for ability training or on-the-job training to high school graduates with
disabilities. Hiring individuals with disabilities makes good business sense. These individuals can be
qualified, productive, and dependable in the workplace. This explanatory study was designed to take
information from learning theories and on-the-job training programs for high school graduates with
disabilities and build a picture of current and future trends involving employment training for these

Key-Words: ability training, disabilities, special needs, employment, learning theories, training programs,
partnered education

1 Introduction
In 1945, diplomats met to form the United
Nations. The World Health Organization
(WHO) came into force April 1948, and is a
specialized agency of the United Nations (UN)
that coordinates authority on international public
health [1]. The WHOs constitution and mission
states its objective are the attainment by all
peoples of the highest possible level of health, to
combat disease, specially key infectious
diseases, and to promote the general health of
the people of the world [1].

An estimated 10% of the worlds population
experience some form of disability and
according to WHO, about six hundred million
people live with disabilities of various types due
to chronic diseases, injuries, violence,
infectious diseases, malnutrition, and other
causes closely related to poverty [1]. According
to WHO, disabilities is an umbrella term
covering impairments, activity limitations, and
participation restrictions: impairment is a
problem in body function or structure; an
activity limitation is a difficulty in executing a
task or action; and participation restriction is a
problem involvement in life situations. The
International Classification of Functioning,
Disability and Health, known more commonly
as ICF, is WHOs framework for measuring
health and disability at both individual and
population levels [1]. The ICF definition of
disability is the outcome or result of a complex
relationship between an individuals health
condition and personal factors and of the
external factors that represent the circumstances
in which the individual lives [1]. Importantly,
the WHO organization is committed to work
towards ensuring equal opportunities and
promoting the rights and dignity of people with
disabilities [1].

In order to provide the highest possible level of
health to the disabled people of the world,
WHO, in partnership with other UN agencies,
are assisting by: promoting early intervention
and identification of disability; supporting the
integration of community-based rehabilitation
services; and facilitating the inclusion and
participation of people with disabilities in their
societies. In addition, WHO promotes
strengthening collaborative work on disability
across the United Nations system and academia,
private sectors and non-governmental
organizations, including disabled peoples
organizations [1].

2 United States Legislation
Legislation in the United States (U. S.) has
always played a major role in the history of
education; much of the progress in educational
needs of children and youths with disabilities is
attributed to laws requiring states to include
students with special needs in the public
education system [2]. In 1975 a federal law was
passed called the Education for All Handicapped
Children Act and in 1990 the law was amended
to become the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA). In 1997, the federal law
was again amended to ensure that all children
and youths with disability have the right to a
free, appropriate public education [2]. This
federal legislation specified that to receive
federal funds, every school system in the United
States must provide a free, appropriate education
for every student regardless of any disabling
condition [2]. Thus, during the 1990s, the first
comprehensive civil rights laws for people with
disabilities were passed in the United States.

Cornerstones of IDEA and other federal laws
focused on early childhood intervention with
free, appropriate public education for every child
or youth between the ages of three and twenty-
one regardless of the nature or severity of the
disability [2] and The American with
Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibited
discrimination against people with disabilities in
employment, in public services, in public
accommodations, and in telecommunications [2,
3]. According to Buck [4], students with
disabilities have more academic options
resulting from the ADA of 1996; the federal law
ensures the right of individuals with disabilities
to nondiscriminatory treatment in all aspects of
their lives with protections of civil rights in the
specific areas of employment, transportation,
public accommodations, state and local
government, and telecommunications. The law
created opportunities for people with disabilities
to overcome their shortcomings and master
skills in the classroom; importantly, these skills
can transfer into the real world [2]. The primary
intent of the federal special education laws
passed in the past decades has been to require
educators to focus on the needs of individual
students with disabilities [2]. Thus, with
changes in the education system, students with
disabilities have access to all the educational
benefits that fully able bodied students enjoy.

3 U. S. Students with Disabilities
Integration into the larger society for people
with disabilities began in the 1960s and
continues today. A key factor toward more
integration of people with disabilities into
Ability Training through Partnered Education
society was normalization, which is the belief
that we should use means that are as culturally
normative as possible to establish or maintain
personal behaviors and characteristics [2].
Under this principle of normalization, the means
and the ends of education for students with
disabilities should be as much like those for
nondisabled students as possible; other trends in
integration have involved deinstitutionalization,
self-determination, and inclusion [2].

According to Hallahan and Kauffman [2], early
intervention and a program of education or
treatment developed a better outcome for a child
with disabilities. Studies by Bricker [5] in 1995
and Kaiser [6] in 2000, suggested a childs early
learning provided the foundation for later
learning, so a program of early intervention
would have the child go further in learning more
complex skills. Early intervention was likely to
provide support for child and family. In
addition, early intervention helped families
adjust to having a child with disabilities and to
finding additional support service, such as
counseling, medical assistance, or financial aid
[5, 6].

Kahn, Hurth, Kasprzak, Diefendorf, Goode, and
Ringwalt [7] described approaches to long-term
services for student with disabilities, which
included state and local infrastructure, personnel
development, service providers, and community
settings that impact access and quality of
services. According to Kahn et al. [7] there was
a need for identifying students with learning
disabilities early early collaborative
intervention was designed to bring together
information about the students strengths and
needs, which allowed educators to think about
the student and match support and service to that
student [7]. After determining the students
strengths, needs, and interest, individual
assessments undertook to understand the
students strengths. Developed plans for
differentiated instruction are then offered with
appropriate challenges and high-end learning
opportunities [7]. According to Coleman and
Hughes [8], the allocation of resources followed
the supports and services, and as the needs of the
student increased, the educational resources
combined to provide greater support. Thus, the
goal of educational programs for disabled
children should be the fullest possible
development from preschool to completion of
high school.

4 Employment
What happens to students with disabilities when
they leave high school? Many students with
disabilities leave high school equipped with the
skills and supports needed to realize their goals
for adulthood; however, many students do not
[9]. According to the U. S. Department of
Education 2000 [10], students with disabilities
who graduated with a high school diploma has
remained at about 25%. Students who do not
complete high school are more likely to face
difficulties in adult living than are those who
have a high school diploma. In addition, studies
by Malian and Love [11], Wagner, Blackorby,
Cameto, and Newman [12], along with Yelin
and Katz [13], suggested students with
disabilities who do not complete high school are
more likely to have lower levels of employment
and wages and higher rates of problems with
the criminal justice system.

According to Goldstein, Murray, and Edgar [14],
employment earnings of high school graduates
with disabilities were slight higher than those of
peers without disabilities for the first four years
after leaving high school (because most of their
peers were attending college). However, by the
fifth year the earnings of graduates without
disabilities outpaced those with disabilities [14].
Thus, attending college or postsecondary
training programs would increase the likelihood
of obtaining employment and expand success as
an adult [15].

5 Early Intervention
In order to address the importance of effective
transition and preparatory programs to facilitate
entry into the workplace, one must begin at the
foundation of the planning process, which is that
of early intervention. Howlin, Goode, Hutton
and Rutter [16] posit that a childs school district
Special Education Department or committee is
required by both federal and state regulations
before the age of fourteen to develop a transition
plan from school to life after school. This
Catherine W. Cook, Frank P. Decaro, Nicole E. Decaro
entails meeting with the parent or guardian, the
child and community agencies when applicable
to discuss the skills and knowledge that the child
will need as an adult. The concern however, is
not whether programs are in fact in existence for
a child with disabilities. Rather, the attention
must be directed toward the quality of the
programs during the developmental process,
along with the quality of training and
development provided to those responsible for
implementing and monitoring of the success or
failure of such programs. The implication is that
individuals working directly with the child serve
as the catalyst for positive, negative or neutral
outcomes, consequently warranting the need for
immediate address as each child continues to
move throughout the levels of the educational

According to The Colleges with Programs for
Learning Disabled Students in 2010 [17], The
Americans with Disabilities Act mandates that
colleges and universities provide services and/or
accommodations for students with learning
disabilities [2, 3, 18, 19]. Yet, the key to the
success of the college program will largely be
determined by the quality of early intervention
found in the educational foundation provided
during elementary and high school years.
Consequently, the skills, knowledge, and
abilities which have been acquired during this
time in conjunction with external environmental
factors are crucial toward the personal and
professional outcomes of a disabled adult.
Nuehring and Sitlington [20] conceded that the
goal in educating students with disabilities must
be to help them become productive members of
society as adults; however, few schools have
directed these students into meaningful
employment opportunities that are appropriate
for their strengths and achievements. Although
an adult vocational service could assist a student
in this area, the high schools must serve their
function in preparing students to become
productive citizens as well.

6 Transition
An understanding of the definition of the term
transition must therefore occur prior to the
actual program development process within a
high school or institution of learning. The 1997
amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act (IDEA) [2, 3, 17, 18, 19]
according to Nuehring & Sitlingon [20] defined
transition services as a coordinated set of
activities for a student with a disability that is 1)
designed within an outcome-oriented process
that promotes movement from school to post-
secondary education, adult services, independent
living or community participation; and 2) is
based on the individual need of the student,
taking into account the students preferences and
interests. This is a multi-faceted outcome -
oriented approach that encompasses future
vocational placement, residential options,
funding and community resources.

Sherman [21] conceded that parents and
guardians must take responsibility with regard to
being careful about drafting goals and objectives
in the transition individual education plan (IEP)
in as much as services must be provided through
the age of twenty-one or until the goals and
objectives are met. Individuals that share the
same diagnosis may not necessarily share the
same needs, therefore a collective effort between
home and school may increase the likelihood of
the development of realistic and attainable
transition-based strategies. Anonymous [22]
stated that a primary initiative in the field of
education has been to promote the quality of
scientific research that may serve as the
foundation for instructional practice and that a
tenet of the No Child Left Behind Act was that
instructional practices needed to be research-
based. Because of the range of questions that
are important, the variability in the population,
and the ecological and sociopolitical contexts of
special education, important research questions
that would lead to the improvement of
educational practices for students with
disabilities may require unique applications of
scientific research methodology.

7 Disability
Amendments to the Americans with Disabilities
Act (ADA) signed into law on September 25,
2008, clarified who is covered by the laws civil
rights protections [2, 3]. The ADA
Amendments Act of 2008 revised the definition
Ability Training through Partnered Education
of disability to more broadly encompass
impairments that substantially limit a major life
activity (Americans with Disabilities Act, [2, 3].
The amended language also stated that assistive
devices, auxiliary aids, accommodations,
medical therapies and supplies (other than
eyeglasses and contact lenses) have no bearing
in determining whether a disability qualifies
under the law (Americans with Disabilities Act,
[2, 3]. Changes additionally clarify coverage of
impairments that are episodic or in remission
that substantially limit a major life activity when
active such as epilepsy or post-traumatic stress
disorder. These amendments took effect as of
January 9, 2009 [2, 3].

8 Issues in Transition Planning
The challenge presents itself in the realization
that one cannot group all students with
disabilities together in terms of educational
programs and transition-based strategies when a
child becomes of age to receive such services.
For example, children in many school districts
throughout the United States may be receiving
15-30 minute allocations of speech and
occupational therapy per month, while the actual
need may fall within the range of a minimum of
2 hours of speech therapy per week. An
additional area of concern is that school districts
that use the IEP as a specific funding source for
individual students can be problematic because
of budget constraints. Therefore, students that
require higher levels of services are not
receiving as such and ultimately be on the road
for becoming institutionalized. Teachers have
the added task of practicing a triage program
while the students which illustrate progressive
improvement are receiving the individual
services necessary and those with less
improvement may be relegated to the equivalent
of a day care setting. According to Hernandez,
Wadsworth, and Nietupski [23], counseling
professionals who served persons with
disabilities in vocational settings often measured
career outcomes through the assessment of
employment outcomes that occurred in the
competitive labor market. The underlying
assumption therefore, was that successful
community employment led to increased
empowerment and is associated with positive
independent living outcomes for persons with
disabilities [23]. However, there is still a need
to further understand the actual factors that lead
to placement and economic success, especially
in the transition stage.

9 Research Studies
A research study conducted by Fabian, Lent, and
Willis [24] reported that transition activities in
which students with disabilities could explore
and match their interests (i.e. job tryouts, job
shadows, and internships) led to successful job
entry. Beale and Holinsworth [25] reported that
low job production, job dissatisfaction, and
personal distress occurred when jobs did not
match student interests. In essence Hernandez
and et al. [23] concurred that the match between
career interests and employment opportunities
has been described by many career theories as a
significant fact in transition planning stages. On
the other hand, Beale and Holinsworth [25]
cautioned that unfortunately study participants
with more severe disabilities received lower
wages than did peers with less sever impairment,
despite achieving employment which matched
their interests. Consequently, students with
disabilities may benefit from exposure to diverse
career and interest opportunities and not
necessarily positions found in the low wage
category. However, the process does not end
with a matching process. Downs and Carlon
[26] stated that although the old bureaucratic
system might not have placed the person in his
or her preferred setting, the new system must
monitor the workplace and/or residential site
through meaningful and continued support. As a
result, Downs and Carlon [26] suggested that the
individual receive support while on the job for a
minimum of 90 days after initial hire and then
on a standard or as-needed basis. In addition,
one-support person per employer process instead
of the one-support person per person with a
disability would begin with the employer need
rather than employ.

10 Future Transition Research
The need for continued research in the area of
transition planning for students with disabilities
is of paramount importance and timing is critical
as the numbers continue to increase for students
Catherine W. Cook, Frank P. Decaro, Nicole E. Decaro
awaiting an uncertain future as well as just
beginning the process within the educational
system nationwide. Studies must take into
account students who fail to be employed
because of their disability or disabilities. It is
imperative that the researcher examines the
system from the beginning stages when the
student enters the system at a young age
throughout the process of young adulthood and
ultimate transition into the workplace.

An examination of the needs assessment,
program development, planning and
implementation must be reviewed on a continual
basis. Individuals responsible for transition
planning implementation vis--vis directly
providing educational and socially based
curriculum and training, must be properly
trained and qualified to do so. This is a cost-
effective strategy in as much as an effective
transition program can make the difference
between independence vs. institutionalization. It
is also necessary to examine how children with
disabilities are characterized in terms of
educational levels. In theory, one may state that
the child is graduating from high school, yet the
reality may be that the student is graduating with
a sixth grade education.

11 Partnership Resources
According to Carter, Trainor, Cakiroglu, Cole,
Swedeen, and Owens [27], career development
and early work transition personnel reported
having few community partners to support and
enhance these ability training experiences.
Carter et al. [27] surveyed 135 Chambers of
Commerce and other employer networks to
examine (a) whether and how these networks
have partnered previously with local high
schools on youth-focused career development
activities, (b) the extent to which they would
consider such involvement to be feasible, and (c)
the influence of disability status of youth on
their responses. Carter et al. [27] stated most
respondents considered a number of youth-
focused support activities feasible; however,
most had limited previous involvement or
experiences and their views were clearly
influenced by the disability status of those
youths [27]. Lastly, the study by Carter et al.
[27] recommended expanding the employer
networks in supporting career development and
early work experiences of students with
disabilities. To assist with the development and
implementation of ability training programs for
youths with disabilities, organizations have a
variety of networks and resources from which to
select. Resources such as the Business
Leadership Network, Easter Seals, local
Achievement Centers, Vocational Rehabilitation
Centers, and Workforce Development Boards
have programs designed with partnerships in
mind. Although there are differences in the
resource entities, they all share the same
mission: to provide job development, on-the-
job-training, as well as follow up and support

There is need for partnerships between
institutions of higher education and places of
employment. According to Durlak, Rose and
Bursuck [28], an increasing number of students
with disabilities were looking to postsecondary
education and training to help them achieve
success in career development and eventual job
placement. Past research by Bursuck, Rose,
Cowens, and Yahaya [29] Rose and Bursuck
[30], Bursuck and Rose [31], Benz, Doren, and
Yovanoff [32], along with Cameto and Wagner
[33], found an increasing number of community
colleges, 4-year colleges, and universities were
developing and providing services for students
with learning disabilities. Bursuck and Rose
[31] found some postsecondary programs were
reaching out to high school students in an effort
to facilitate the transition to higher education,
but high schools were not necessarily actively
involved in this process.

Despite the urgent messages from researchers
(e.g., Ward [34]; Bursuck & Rose [31]), the
teaching of self-determination skills must occur
at the secondary level; evidence of the existence
of such programs were minimal Durlak et al.
[28]. According to Ward [34], self-
determination was one component of secondary
students readiness for adulthood. In addition,
the concept of self-determination varied
according to its usage Algozzine, Browder,
Karvonen, Test, and Wood [35]. However,
Wehmeyer [36] defined self-determination as an
Ability Training through Partnered Education
individuals freedom to exercise choice and
make decisions associated to the quality of life;
including education, work, and other important
personal matters. Durlak et al. [28] proposed a
model training program to teach self-termination
skills to high school students with disabilities.
The results suggest that some students can
acquire, maintain, and generalize skills that
focus on the self-determination skills of self-
advocacy and self-awareness [28]. The results
of the study by Durlak et al. [28] had
implications for parents, educators, and
employers. In particular, higher education was
in the position of being able to teach students
about the opportunities and expectations of the
adult world and about ways in which acquisition
of those skills will enable them to negotiate in
that world [28]. Lastly, according to Gillespie
[37], it was the fundamental responsibility of
school personnel to make routine assessment of
basic academic skills and learning abilities and
disabilities. Thus, the study by Durlak et al. [27]
was a small step to education school personnel
on the characteristics of students with

Schooling and partnerships between colleges
and organizations involves fostering in teaching
and learning. Partners must focus on the need of
the students with disabilities and have authentic
assessments as those that sample the actual
knowledge, skills, and dispositions of students
with disabilities in leaching and learning
contexts. According to Whipp and Scanlan [38],
teaching and learning communities should be
inclusive of students across multiple dimensions
of abilities or disabilities. While evidence
shows that current partnerships between
colleges, universities, and organizations exist as
pockets of innovation, it is suggested [38] that a
systemic effort across institutions and employers
to improve education and life opportunities for
students with disabilities. Clearly, a
contemporary challenge for both institutions and
employers is to become simultaneously more
efficient in their use of resources (e.g., human,
fiscal, material, and tools) and more ambitious in
their partnership outcome aims that include the
elimination of gaps (between high school and
post-secondary education) in achievement for
students with disabilities [38]. Consequently,
these partnerships might contribute to the
broader improvement in teaching and learning
so that career development and work
experiences are not missed by students with
disabilities [38].
Are these partnerships helping youths with
disabilities be qualified, productive, and
dependable in the workforce? In efforts to
examine these partnerships critically, it was
suggested by Whipp and Scanlan [38] the use of
conceptual frameworks that cross defined
boundaries between colleges and organizations.
Whipp and Scanlan [38] described four such
frameworks: 1) a justice framework that draws
from theory and on-the-job-training so students
are touched by direct experience for the
formation of the of the whole person; 2) an
ethical care framework that pulls from social and
behavioral theories so students grow
academically, emotionally, morally, and
physically; 3) a learning framework based on
sociocultural learning theory and a professional
learning community to deliver social and
cultural learning situated in the contexts of
everyday living and work; and 4) a vocational
framework derived from business, management,
and economic teachings oriented toward results
and problem solving innovations. Each
framework provides a valuable perspective from
which to examine partnerships and reforms that
are systemic and oriented toward social and
educational justice for youths with disabilities

12 Ability Training Partnership
The term model has a wide range of uses, from a
physical scale model to a set of abstract ideas.
Modeling is a resource utilized in the flow of
decision making: decision makers have the
ability to analyze the problems, identify the text
techniques that can be used to resolve individual
segments of the defined problem, and eventually
elect or develop a model flow that will properly
employ the techniques for problem resolution
[39, 40]. Al-Fedaghi [41] stated that
information processing models have evolved
since 1949 and methods have been proposed to
extract requirements from policies and
regulations using formal models [39]. Geogini,
Catherine W. Cook, Frank P. Decaro, Nicole E. Decaro
Massacci, Mylopoulos, and
described a framework that enables model
actors and goals and their relationships:
modeling can be designed as an instrument
based on information factors deemed to be
important for partnership decisions and an
analytical framework to understand
training programs for youths with disabilities
[39, 40, 42]. A model represent
situation and is employed to aid decision makers
with preferred solutions to problems through the
evaluation of alternatives [39, 40]

The following Ability Training
Model (ATPM), Figure 1,
partnership importance between
universities, organizations, and students with
disabilities, and can be seen as characterized by
five criteria:

1) control over the conditi
of the training, roles, experiences, and

2) training conducted within the
students abilities;

3) training that provides for deliberative or
personalistic or critical reflection that
addresses personal growth, professional
relations, and the social context of the
work from students with disabilities;

4) training should enable the partners to
interrogate their own practices in the
educational goals through their
decisions about instruction and
assessment within the institutional
structures of the partners; and

5) the nature of the relationship between
the partners is dialogic where students
with disabilities and their evaluators
enter into dialogue aimed
success in ability training programs
resulting in positive independent living
outcomes [43].

Efforts to create new forms of on
training programs, such as ability training
Zannone [42]
a framework that enables modeling
actors and goals and their relationships: thus,
modeling can be designed as an instrument
based on information factors deemed to be
decisions and an
analytical framework to understand ability
training programs for youths with disabilities
A model represents a real world
situation and is employed to aid decision makers
with preferred solutions to problems through the
[39, 40].
raining Partnership
suggests the
between colleges,
, and students with
disabilities, and can be seen as characterized by
control over the conditions and context
of the training, roles, experiences, and
conducted within the context of
training that provides for deliberative or
personalistic or critical reflection that
addresses personal growth, professional
relations, and the social context of the
work from students with disabilities;
enable the partners to
interrogate their own practices in the
educational goals through their
decisions about instruction and
the institutional
structures of the partners; and
the nature of the relationship between
gic where students
with disabilities and their evaluators
enter into dialogue aimed towards
success in ability training programs,
resulting in positive independent living
new forms of on-the-job-
, such as ability training
through partnered education for youths with
disabilities, has sought to
traditional programs. T
the partners are at work within the ATPM model
is based on the belief that all partner
to be geared towards the efficient
practical fulfillment of
competencies involving students with
disabilities [43].

Fig. 1

Source: Cook, DeCaro, and

Colleges and Universities
1. control
context of
4. partner
5. results
through partnered education for youths with
sought to transcend the limits of
. The unique way in which
the partners are at work within the ATPM model
is based on the belief that all partner action need
to be geared towards the efficient social and
fulfillment of on-the-job-training
involving students with

and DeCaro, 2010
Colleges and Universities
1. control
context of
2. training
in context
of student
3. training
Ability Training through Partnered Education
13 The Star Center Model
According to DeCaro and DeCaro [44], a real-
world practical model was developed by The
Star Center Foundation, Inc. which incorporates
a holistic combination of medical, therapies, and
educational support. This particular model
works well with children and young adults
ranging in ages from three to twenty-one years
of age. The model is incorporated in a school
system within the state of Florida and what
makes this model extremely interesting is that it
blends the disciplines of psychiatry and
neurology together to gain insight into a child in
their formative years. The program also
provides for the children the different types of
therapies such as speech, occupational, physical
and applied behavior analysis. What makes this
program unique is that for the first time many
children will be under the care of a physician
who would actually be watching their progress
to see if the primary diagnosis that was given to
the child was correct and progressive
adjustments can be made accordingly. In
addition, DeCaro and DeCaro [44], find that
today a number of teachers that are graduating
from schools of education are not necessarily
qualified or prepared to address some of the
severe mental disabilities which could be
dangerous if appropriate intervention training is
lacking. Teachers in our schools are being
seriously injured by students who are suffering
from a number of severe disorders, while
behaviors continue to escalate. Unfortunately, it
is after the teachers are hurt that schools take the
necessary steps to see that the child is properly
evaluated [44].

As the child moves toward adulthood, we find in
a number of students with disabilities placed on
sedatives which may not necessarily be helpful
and may in fact impede the learning process.
Therefore, what some school systems may
unknowingly be promoting is the pre-
positioning of institutionalization for the
students. Alternatively, if we advance The Star
Center Foundations model, one can try to first
teach the person how to learn and to be socially
aware of their surroundings with the goal of
living in the community as a contributing
member of society. This would increase the
likelihood in later years for assisting in making
the transition process into college more viable.
What is currently being developed between The
Star Center Foundation and Greenleaf
University is a specialized on-line curriculum
which would make young adults with specific
disabilities more active and interactive within
this curriculum design [44]. The future holds
promise for young adults in achieving an
academic and/or vocational degree which would
help to remove the stigma of being burdens
and rather become perceived as being viable
contributors to our society. One of the benefits
of this state of the art program is to identify
those special gifts that these individuals may
possess such as may be found in the areas of
mathematics, music, the arts and technology, to
name a few. The key is to be aware that
individuals with disabilities learn differently
from the typical student. Therefore, once we
understand the individualized path of learning,
we have thus succeeded [44].

14 Conclusions
The nascent field of disabilities education is
growing more clearly defined within the United
States. This paper has conceptualized how
partnerships between higher education and the
workplace could inform and promote disabilities
education in communities. They could benefit
from a forged partnership based on a mission of
learning with professional development
resources. Such partnerships can be natural,
convenient, and symbiotic settings for students
with disabilities [38]. According to Gamoran
and Long [45], to counter the persistent evidence
of inequalities in educational opportunities at all
levels for many students in the United States,
there were indications that some partnerships are
offering a positive alternative for those who
have been traditionally marginalized in schools
[38]. The number of students with disabilities
has increased in the United States [46]. The
Office of Special Education reported in their 25

Annual Report to Congress [46] that 5.8 million
students with disabilities were served in the
public education system, with 49.2 percent of
those students enrolled in special education
programs due to specific learning disabilities
[46]. Thus, in order to ensure successful
Catherine W. Cook, Frank P. Decaro, Nicole E. Decaro
outcomes in terms of providing the opportunity
for each child with a disability to attain his or
her maximum potential, it is imperative that the
proper resources and training be provided to
those individuals working directly with the child
in order to provide to the child the necessary
resources and training preparation for
transitioning from the high school to workplace
environment. A collective effort between the
parents or guardian of the child and the
educational system increases the likelihood of
successful outcomes for all parties. The Ability
Training Partnership Model supports partnering
from high school to post-secondary education
and is a robust resource to improve education
and life opportunities for students with

In conclusion, the research has illustrated that
matching the job to the interest of the student at
various levels of cognitive or physical
functioning has resulted in successful outcomes
and possible new insight for future planning,
along with monitoring progress during various
intervals of employment. It must additionally be
understood that an individual with a disability is
not necessarily destined to become or remain a
low-wage earner. The investment of time, effort
and funds in the long-term can yield cost and
social benefit for all parties. In essence, laws
alone are insufficient if they are not properly
upheld and programs are not designed to ensure
that children with disabilities along with society
will benefit as a whole. As a result, Beale and
Holinsworth [25] contended that the benefits of
matching between occupation and interests for
young adults at various levels of functional
severity of impairment, may offer new insight
into the best practices for promoting the
transition from high school to the workplace.

15 Recommendations
Partnership is vital to the development of ability
training for students with disabilities. For this
reason, partners, such as college, universities,
and organizations, must work together to offer
ability training for students with disabilities.
Important issues include participant evaluation
and selection, program orientation and
standards, identifying participant needs for
positive behavior support, legislative
documentation and policy requirements, useful
and relevant knowledge funneling to
practitioners and families, and securing
knowledgeable personnel for the ability training
program. Most important is that partners be
committed to action step communication from
development, implementation, to assessments
and outcomes in the ability training programs.
In addition, the partners must have a common
purpose of improving student self-achievement
by ensuring effective instructional strategies for
success in the workplace environment. Finally,
partnerships can broaden, contribute, and
promote collaborative ability training models for
the future. Much future research remains to be
done if we are to understand and facility
partnerships in ability training for youths with

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Ability Training through Partnered Education
Overcoming Measurement Hurdles in Statistical Education Research
using Rasch Measurement Model


Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, 48000 Shah Alam, Selangor MALAYSIA
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Program Coordinator, Exec.Dip in QMS / QMS ISO9000 Lead Assessor,
School of Professional Advancement & Continuing Education,
University Teknologi Malaysia, 81300 UTM Skudai, MALAYSIA.
e-mail:[email protected]

Abstract: Research involving volunteer participants in educational settings is known to be difficult, and when the
study is on a small sample, it becomes even more challenging. This study aims to measure changes in postgraduate
students perception on statistics over a series of statistics remdedial classes. Five overlapping test forms were used
so that each student will eventually experience both the typical test ambience and open book test at least once. This
paper describes an attempt using Rasch measurement model to measure postgraduate students problems in
learning statistics. Using data collected from post classes survey responses, it was evaluated on how it relates to the
latent trait abilities being scrutinised and whether it corresponds to the attributes to be measured. Rasch Person-
Item map and measure appears to be more rigorous and has plentiful of vigor in revealing the correlations between
the postgraduate students performance (
) and item difficulty, (
) in classifying the students learning ability
this study, Rasch measurement model has been able to serve as a ruler to more accurately measure students
knowledge mastery development.

Keywords: Learning outcomes, learning ability, performance, item difficulty, Rasch person-item ma,

1 Introduction
Student learning begins with the assessment of
educational values. Assessment lends itself to an
educational improvement where it should help
students to inculcate the value of learning and
continuously help them to achieve their learning
goals. However, sometimes we tend to overlook the
values of educational mission. Assessment is often
seen as an exercise in measuring what's easy rather
than a process of improving what we really care about
Proper assessment is expected to lead to
improvement when it is part of a larger set of
conditions that promote change. Assessment alone
without emphasising changes will be meaningless.
Assessment without using proper measurement
method could also lead to incorrect diagnosis of
student learning.
With current education reforms in Malaysia, the
Ministry of Higher Education has empowered the
Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) to ensure that
the quality of education through various strategic
planning and actions be made visible and successfully
Firstly, the challenge for most higher learning
institutions (HLIs) is to understand the concept of
quality education and how to provide quality
education. Various strategic actions have been
introduced by MQA to assist colleges and universities
in providing quality education. The recent activity
being the assessment of student learning outcome
following the Outcome Based Education (OBE)
principle [2]. Students from various disciplines who
are currently enrolled in a statistics course are
subjected to the measurement of their learning
outcomes. Unfortunately, among the statistics
educators much less is said about the success rate of
OBE implementation as expected by the education
reformist. The reason being there is no clear
procedures on how these learning outcomes should be
precisely measured apart from the usual pen and paper
assessment. Even though certain Engineering faculties
gave positive response and input on the successful
implementation of OBE [3] but to many others, the
measurement path remains unclear.
Hence, this study intend to discuss an alternative and
precise measure of students learning using Rasch
Measurement Model. The discussion revolves around
a case study on a small sample of postgraduate
students who attended a statistics remedial classes in
preparation for the analysis of their research data. The
advantages and strength of the Rasch analysis is
discussed in the next section.

2 Overview of Measurement Principles
Measurement has been grossly misunderstood and
overlooked in many circumstances especially in the
field of social science. Many researchers in social
science are frustrated when existing instruments are
not well tailored to the task, since they then cannot
expect sensitive, accurate, or valid findings [4].
However, modern measurement method as practiced
using item response theory with a focus on Rasch
measurement model provides the social sciences with
the kind of measurement that characterizes
measurement in the natural sciences; i.e. the field of
The fundamentals of measurement must comprised
of the instrument to be used for purpose which has
specific unit of an agreed standard amount. An
instrument must have the correct construct of linear
scale which can be zero set and duly calibrated. A
valid instrument can then be replicated for use
independent of the subject hence measurement taken
thereof is therefore a reliable data for meaningful
analysis and examination to generate useful
information [5]. This information is of utmost
importance to be the prime ingredient in a particular
decision making.

3 Measurement Method
Responses from the students in an examination,
test or quizzes is normally marked against a marking
scheme comprising keywords; where when there is a
match then the student would be given a mark or
otherwise. This is the traditional park and mark
system. In theory, at this stage truly the assessors is
only counting the number of correct answers which is
then added up to give a total raw score. The raw score
only provide a ranking order which is deemed an
ordinal scale that is continuum in nature. It is not
linear and do not have equal intervals which
contradicts the nature of data fit for the due statistical
analysis [6]. It does not meet the fundamentals of
sufficient statistics for evaluation.
In Deterministic Model, these data set would
normally be put on a scatter plot to establish the best
regression line. However, estimate or prediction from
ordinal responses on the student learning outcomes
(LO) attributes are almost impossible due to the
absence of equal interval on a linear scale. The normal
solution in linear regression approach is to establish a
line which fits the points as best as possible; which is
then used to make the required predictions by
interpolation as necessary as shown in Fig. 1.

y =
m Equ. (1)

Figure 1. Line of best fit based
on Deterministic Model

In obtaining the line of best fit, there exist differences
between the actual point; y
and the predicted point;

. This difference is referred as error; e


= e
Equ. (2)

By accepting the fact that there is always errors involve
in the prediction model, the deterministic model of Eq.
(1) renders itself less reliable. This can be resolved by
transforming it into a probabilistic model by including
the prediction error into the equation.
In Rasch philosophy, the data have to comply with the
principles, or in other words the data have to fit the
model. In Rasch point of view, there is no need to
describe the data. What is required is to test whether the
data allow for measurement on a linear interval scale
specifically in a cumulative response process i.e. a
positive response to an item stochastically implies a
positive response to all items being easy or otherwise.
This dichotomous responses which can take only two
values, 0 and 1 indicates the failur and success of an
event, respectively. Rasch Measurement Model is
expressed as follows
) (
) (
) , / 1 (
i n
i n
i n ni ni
D B x P

= = Equ.(3)

The model expresses the probability of obtaining a correct
answer (1 rather than 0) as a function of the size of the
difference between the ability (B) of the person (n) and
the difficulty (D) of the item (i). Rasch exponential
expression is a function of Logit Model which resulted in
a Sigmoidal ogive and can be transformed into simpler
operation by reducing the indices by natural logarithm.
This is represented as

ln [P()] =

Equ. (6)

This transforms it to logit for the purpose of obtaining
a linear interval scale. It can be readily shown
mathematically that a series of numbers irrespective of
based used is not equally spaced but distant apart

Overcoming Measurement Hurdles in Statistical Education Research using Rasch Measurement Model
exponentially as the number gets bigger while a log
series maintain their equal separation; thus equal
interval [7]. This equal separation is mathematically
shown in Table 1. The difference between log
5 and
2 is constant and remain of equal distant between
50 and log
20 which similarly hold true for log
thus the theorem can now be universally applied.

Table 1. Comparison of Numerical and Log Intervals

An attempt of a student to answer an item renders
him some level of difficulty to choose a preferred
response. Rather than summing up the frequency of
response rating which is a complete disregard of
allowable mathematical operation in ordinal data to
obtain a so thought score and subsequently the item
mean. Rasch sees it as a chance of a person selecting
a given option hence in a rating of 1 to 5, from
Dislike to Really Like, he has a 20-odd chance of
selecting a choice of preference. So, if he chose
Dislike the odds will be 20:80, next slight dislike;
40:60 and so forth. This is known as odds of event.
We can put this on a probability scale as in Fig. 2.
For a given frequency of 5/100, an odd of success is

Figure 2. Frequency of Event

A frequency of 15% shall now be seen as odd of
success 15:85, 45% seen as odd of success 45:55 and,
so on as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Odds of Event Tabulation

This enable us to construct a logit ruler which is the
log-odd of an event taking place with the odd-of
success, as shown in Figure. 2 with unit termed as,
derived from the term log-odd unit, as unit of
measurement of ability akin to meter to measure
length or kilogram to weight.

Figure 3. Odds of success ruler

In order to achieve an equal interval scale, we can
introduce logarithm of the odd probabilistic value.
Maintaining the same odd probabilistic ruler as in Fig.
3, starting with 0.01 to 100, we can create an equal
interval separation between the log odds units on the
line, hence the measurement ruler with the logit unit
[8]. This can be verified by computing the value of
0.01 (10
) equals to -2.0; value of log
equals to -1; value of log
1 equals to 0 and so forth.
Figure 3 shows the newly established logit ruler as a
linear scale with equal interval separation. It is just
like looking at a thermometer with 0, as water being
ice and 100 as boiling point whilst the negative
extreme end as -273
C, the point where all atoms of
any element come to a standstill.
Thus, we now have a valid construct of an
instrument to measure the students ability for each
defined LO. Rasch offers the opportunity to measure
every respondents responses irrespective of the type
of test taken either traditional or Open book style.
Similarly, all the respondents whether he has taken the
earlier test and subsequently take the post test and
vice-versa; Rasch has the unique strength to predict
the likelihood of their expected responses [9].
This predictive ability of Rasch Model enable to
explain the link between the latent trait under scrutiny.
This connection is described as the Maximum
Likelihood Estimate (MLE) of an event based on
Rasch-Guttman Scalogram henced developed [10].
Thus, Rasch analysis is the formal testing of an
outcome scale; i.e. MLE against a mathematical
measurement model developed by the Danish
mathematician George Rasch as in Equation (6).

1 0.000 0.000
2 0.301 0.694
5 0.699 1.609
10 1.000 2.303
20 1.302 2.997
50 1.699 3.912
100 2.000 4.606
Rating 1 2 3 4 5
5 15 45 25 10
Odds 5:95 15:85 45:55 25:75 10:90
Zamalia Mahmud, Mohd Saidfudin Masodi, Ida Rosmini Othman, Jamilah Othman
3 Good
2 Mediocre
1 Poor
4 Results and Discussion

The test was administered on postgraduate students
pursuing their doctoral research degree in Universiti
Teknologi MARA (UiTM) attending the Research
Method class. The result from the tests were analyzed
using Winsteps 3.6.8, a Rasch based analysis software.
to obtain the logit values. Fig. 4 shows the Person-
Item Distribution Map (PIDM) where the persons; i.e.
the Students is on the right whilst the items; the
topics learned in statistics were plotted on the left of
the logit ruler. By virtue of the same ruler with the
same scale; then the correlation of the person,
can now be established.
The PIDM Map is the heart of Rasch analysis [6].
The vertical dashed line ( - + - - + - ) , separating the
Items and Person, represents the ideal less-to-best
continuum of quality. Items i.e., topic learned in
statistics and Person, i.e. the students, now share the
same linear measurement units known as logits. On
the left hand side of the dashed line, the items are
aligned from too easy to too hard, starting from the
bottom liken to a high jump bar; the higher the more
difficult is the task. The distribution of student
positions on the right side of the vertical dashed line
in increasing order of ability; the best naturally being
at the top and the poorest student is at the bottom.
Letter M denotes the student and item mean, S is
one standard deviation away from the mean and T
marks two standard deviations away from the mean.
On the right side of the PIDM as in Fig. 4 shows
the Students Location where the students were
separated by the type of test taken, traditional method
and the open book test to evaluate their trend of
learning in Statistics. Rasch Analysis tabulates the
students location in a very clear graphical
presentation which is easy to read and easier to
understand. Each student can be coded with attributes
or factors that is deemed to affect their learning
process. This will enable in depth analysis of their
study pattern to be evaluated meaningfully.
Prior delving further, it is best to look at the
analysis Summary Statistics as in Table 3. The lead
information we need in this table is the overall
students LO ability reflected by the Person Measure
mean ;
equal +0.58logit (P[]=0.6411). This
gives the indication that generally the students
performance and perception towards statistics under
scrutiny is very much within target where the item
difficulty has broader range compared to the students
ability. Note that the poorest student ability
(A0922713) measured at Mean
equal -0.28logit
being lowest whilst the best students (B0623915) is
measured at Max
equal +1.78logit
(P[]=0.8557) being best compared to the item range
of difficulty where the hardest item correspond to item
3Fa_Graph, measured at a very high Max
+6.36logit (P[]=0.9983) and the easiest item is item
07EP_Employable measured at Min
equal -
2.91logit (P[]=0.0517). This shows that there are
items which is extremely difficult far beyond the
students ability and equally many items being too
easy as well.
Figure 4. Person-Item Distribution Map: Ph.D students Learning Statistics in Research Method

Overcoming Measurement Hurdles in Statistical Education Research using Rasch Measurement Model

Rasch analysis provides two very important primary
information. Two major component is involved in any
test; the Person and the Question Paper. Cronbach-
has the limitation of providing only the overall test
result but it can be at stake if we encounter a problem
with the Question Construct. Rasch analysis shows
both the Person Reliability and Item Reliability score
at 0.88 and 0.96 thus showing the data validity for
further analysis. Further to that, it gave a clearer
classification of Person and Item separation instead of
the traditional Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
where CFA alone is able to show unidimensionality
among items only. Rasch analysis involves lesser
operation to validate the data for further analysis.

Table 3. Summary Statistics
Table 4: Rasch-Guttman Scalogram
Zamalia Mahmud, Mohd Saidfudin Masodi, Ida Rosmini Othman, Jamilah Othman
Generally, the students separation, G equal 2.75 is a
typical value achievable in Malaysian experience that
separate them into distinct performance level; Good,
Mediocre and Poor students or strata. Strata can be
calculated using the formula:
Strata = (4 X student separation +1)/3 Equ.(7)

which yielded a four(4) weak different strata. This is
clearly reflected by the PIDM in Figure 4. Generally,
it grouped the students into three (3) separate profiles:
Group 1: Poor students: (Male,N=0, 0%;
Female,N=1, 5.26%) and she is from Group A, who
does not have much problem with Central Tendency,
Measure of Dispersion, Reliability Test and very
familiar with SPSS applications only.
Group 2: Mediocre students: (Male,N=2, 10.52%;
Female,N=7, 36.84%) 79% (7/10) from Group A,
includes the two (2) males, 21% (2/9) from Group B.
They found Graphical Presentation easy, with some
good command of Data Tabulation but encountered
split difficulty in Test of Normality and Parametric
Hypothesis Testing.
Group 3: Good students: (Male, N=0, - %; Female,
N=9,40.52%) All female; 20% (2/10) from Group A
and 80% (7/9) of them are from Group B. They have
good understanding of all the topics taught but have
difficulties in Logistic and Multiple Regression. They
also have little knowledge in other statistical software,
e.g. Minitab, SAS.
The PIDM and Summary Statistics was derived
from Rasch Fundamental Theorem based on the
scalogram as shown in Table 4. Rasch has refined
Guttman Scalogram not only sorting by rank order but
by the nature of responses to the items being
examined. The result shows Person 16 (B0623915) as
being the most able at the top of the table whilst
Person 9 (A0922713) the poorest being at the bottom
of the table. Rasch also has arranged the items in a
way where easy items which theoretically every
Person will score well on the left and the difficult
items where Person encounter difficulties attempting
the task thus low score. Item 113 (07EP_Employable)
is the easiest item being on the left and item 31
(04BType of Study) is the hardest where none of the
students managed to answer it correctly.
This give rise to a table of person misfit response
as reflected in Table 5. Since the students could not
respond correctly to Item 31 hence too difficult and
categorized as maximum measure, it has been
discarded from further analysis. Rasch analysis
generated two (2) useful information; Outfit Mean
Square (MNSQ), z-standardized score and point
measure corelation (PMC). Mean Square below 0.5 or
exceeding 1.5 need to be investigated further. Item
144 (3Fa_Graph) high MNSQ equal 3.53 indicates
there are poor students who has made some lucky
guesses or probably having a specific interest on that
topic but warrants a consideration. This is further
reflected by the PMC as a negative value (-0.47)
where the item is measuring the reverse; smart
students failed to answer the item where else the poor
student somehow answered it correctly as shown in
Table 4 ( ).
Rasch translate these data to be tested against the
model by graphical presentation as shown in Fig. 5
and Fig. 6. If the item is very easy, graphically the
item characteristic curve will show the responses on
the upper end of the modeled line and vice-versa when
the item is very difficult all the responses will be at
the lower end of the curve. This allows us to predict
the rest of the possible responses in between.

Figure 5. Item Characteristic Curve: Easy Item

Overcoming Measurement Hurdles in Statistical Education Research using Rasch Measurement Model
Figure 6. Item Characteristic Curve: Difficult Item

Rasch has a unique ability in recognizing the students
development based on the students response pattern
from the scalogram. Table 5 shows the Person
Measure Fit Order. This table gives an indication of
person misfit response where values (5,5,3,2,5,0) are
not plotted according to the expected Rasch model.

Table 5. Misfit person response

Figure 7: Person Measure Fit Order

In Rasch, we test the data if it fits the model as
opposed to deterministic model where the line of best
fit with permissible error is delineated based on least
square method. In Table 5, Rasch Analysis revealed
that Person no. 6A062_14 gave the most misfitting
response string followed by A0122913. In case where
items does not show any response, Rasch will
estimate the likelihood of the event.

Table 6: Maximum Likelihood Estimate of Unexpected Responses
Zamalia Mahmud, Mohd Saidfudin Masodi, Ida Rosmini Othman, Jamilah Othman
If observed responses does not fit the expected
outcomes, Rasch will compute the residual difference.
The larger the residual signify the further deviation
from the expected outcome.
Table 6 shows the MLE for the most unexpected
responses from this assessment. It was found that the
largest standardized residual is 3.89 followed by 2.08
for item 129 (23EP_Irrelevant) and 1Fb_Quantity
respectively all relates to Person A0122913. Rasch
estimated the expected response to be 1.85 and 2.08 as
compared to 5 in the actual response.
This give rise to the strength of Rasch Model
where it is able to predict all the missing data as seen
in Table 5. The main hurdle in this research is
therefore overcomed. Though every effort is taken to
ensure all the students took all the test in any of the
possible scenario, it is certain that some will not
attend all the classes despite the compulsion for this
remedial class. Rasch predictive property enabled us
to conduct this research irrespective of the students
having taken the test before or after each identified
session. Rasch has this particular predictive properties
embedded in the model to make it a very reliable
validation model; for both the person and item
response string.

5 Conclusion

Rasch Model provides a sound platform of
measurement equivalent to natural science which
matches the SI Unit measurement criteria where it
behaves as an instrument of measurement with a
defined unit and therefore replicable. It is also
quantifiable since it is linear. Rasch Model has made it
very useful with its predictive feature to overcome
missing data.
The logit ruler has been developed with the
purpose of measuring ability; in this case students
learning ability of specific learning outcomes. It can
define the students profile and most important we are
now able to validate a question construct on line. It is
a noble innovation where the ability ruler can
transform ordinal data into measurable scale. Its
graphical output is great which gives better clarity for
quick and easy decision making.
The measurement conducted reveals the true
degree of cognitive learning abilities of statistics
learners [11] based on Blooms Taxonomy [12].
Previously, lack of such measurement in educational
research for assessment was difficult to formulate.
This major problem faced by education researchers in
an IHL to design a comprehensive assessment method
is therefore resolved. Rasch has all the capabilities to
rigorously analyse examination results more
accurately thus making evaluation more
comprehensive with better accuracy, clearer to read
and easier to understand.


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Rasch Measurement: Theory, Models, and Applications, J.
Everett V.Smith and R. M.Smith, Eds., p. 979, 2004.
[10] Linacre, J.M., and Wright, B.D., Winsteps. University of
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Overcoming Measurement Hurdles in Statistical Education Research using Rasch Measurement Model
Issues and Challenges in NSDI Implementation

Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor
[email protected]

Abstract: - The challenge to design, build, implement and maintain a National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
requires attention from various disciplines and examination of numerous issues and challenges. It is reported that
numerous SDI-related activities at the national, state and local levels in many countries share similar core objectives to
stimulate coordinated collection, dissemination and use of spatial data by public and private entities. NSDI is about
improving data sharing and use, so citizens, communities and governments can easily make use of spatial data to solve
problems. The main objective of this paper is to determine the major issues and challenges in NSDI implementation.
Major key issues and challenges identified are selected based on the comparison and matching of input from the
subject matter expert. The result of this study revealed that out of sixteen, three issues that have been cited by all the
experts gives the most impact to the implementation of NDSI namely availability of quality digital data, lack of
awareness on GIS and SDI, and institutional arrangements. The determination and elaboration of the issues and
challenges would greatly influence the strategy chosen for SDI development and its effectiveness.

Key-Words: - National Spatial Data Infrastructure, Spatial Data Infrastructure, Geographic Information System,
Digital Data, Institutional Arrangements, Capacity Building.

1 Introduction
The National Infrastructure for Land Information System
(NaLIS) was developed by the Ministry of Land and
Cooperative Development. NaLIS is the Malaysian
Government effort to establish National Spatial Data
Infrastructure (NSDI). In 1997, NaLIS Secretariat was
established within the IT Department of the Ministry of
Land and Cooperative Development. The scope and duty
of the unit was to carry out the development of geospatial
data infrastructure that encompasses policies, standard,
technology, law as well as support that includes data
preparation in agencies at Federal, State, and Local
Authorities at all levels [8,9].
In 2002, NaLIS Secretariat was superseded by the
Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure
(MaCGDI). The NSDI for Malaysia is a geospatial data
infrastructure that comprises technology, policies,
standards and procedures for land related agencies to
cooperatively produce and share land information. NSDI,
which for Malaysia is called Malaysian Geospatial Data
Infrastructure (MyGDI), provides a basis for spatial data
exploration, evaluation, and application for users and data
providers [9].
Despite the successful establishment of NSDI in
Malaysia, there are a number of issues and challenges
related to NSDI development from conceptual, technical,
political, institutional and financial perspectives.
Therefore, the challenge of designing, building,
implementing and maintaining an NSDI draws on many
different disciplines and requires examination of such
issues and challenges. It is also essential to understand the
significance of human and societal issues, all of which
contribute to the success of the Malaysian NSDI

2 National Spatial Data Infrastructure
Advanced spatial information and visualization
technologies, including geographic information systems
(GIS), remote sensing (RS), global positioning systems
(GPS), image processing have enhanced the methods and
tools for collecting, disseminating, sharing, integrating,
and using spatial information. Access to such information
as input to the planning and implementation of various
projects indicates its effective use. To address the need
for easy access to accurate, consistent, and up-to-date
spatial information, spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is
created by many countries at all levels [11].
An SDI encompasses policies, fundamental data sets,
technical standards, access network (technologies), and
human resources including users and data providers
necessary for the effective collection, management,
access, delivery, and utilisation of spatial data at different
political/administrative levels [1,13]. SDI developments
range from local to state/provincial, national, and
international regional levels, to a global level. The design
and implementation of an SDI is not only a matter of
technology but also one of designing institutions, the
legislative and regulatory frameworks and acquiring new
types of skills [1,2]. The ultimate objectives of these
initiatives, as summarised by [3], are to promote
economic development to stimulate better government,
and to foster environmental sustainability. Ideally, an SDI
should provide benefits to all parties.
The development of SDI is driven by the business
needs and technological developments to support the
rapidly expanding geospatial information industry.
According to [6] and [5] the infrastructures for spatial
information should be designed to ensure that spatial data
are stored, made available and maintained at the most
appropriate level, that it is possible to combine spatial
data from different sources in a consistent way, share
them between several users and applications. Policy
makers need fast and easy access to different types of
information in order to make sound decisions. Spatial
data is often crucial to the decision making process.
NSDI is a way to overcome the barriers and allow
different departments and organizations to supply the
NSDI with spatial information and open standards fill in
the gaps between geospatial islands of data sources
[10,14]. NSDI is necessary and implemented by many
countries, with objective to enable on-line access to
geospatial information, avoid duplication of effort in the
collection of data and to ensure the accuracy, timeliness,
correctness and consistency of data to be used in
planning, development and management of land-based
resources. Most of these are driven by the national or
federal government.
The importance of NSDI is recognized by majority of
developed nations and a number of emerging nations.
This is evident from surveys reported by [4] on
comparative analysis of NSDI implementations in various
countries such as Australia, Canada, United States,
Europe, Japan, France, India and Malaysia. Furthermore,
NSDI are underway in many countries. Being the way to
interoperability, NSDI is valuable in many respects.
NSDI is a must for the e-government and e-business.
NSDI will be a major component of e-government
because almost 80 percent of all the information is spatial.
Establishment of NSDI is critical to provide the
foundation of a properly working system for geospatial
data sharing. This study will identify the issues and
challenges in the implementation of NSDI. The
information about the current development in NSDI
implementation, experiences and analysis covered by the
local and other countries will be used to propose the
suitable enhancement in the Malaysian context.

3 Research Approach
Interviews with ten SDI experts from various countries
(Malaysia, Australia, German, Japan and Belgium) were
done to identify the issues and challenges which are
important in long running success of an SDI initiative.
The interactive inquiry includes interaction with key
experts in the field, which involved interviews with the
NSDI experts from local and abroad. These interviews
aimed at finding out the issues and challenges for a
success implementation of NSDI. For the purpose of this
research, some guided questions related to critical issues
relevant to the promotion and dissemination of NSDI
have been designed which include several aspects of
NSDI development such as policies, standards,
framework data, organisational and enabling technology
involved. The interviews were done with the key experts
who have vast experience in NSDI implementation and
involve directly in development of GIS based applications
and various data sharing activities.

4 Issues and Challenges
Detail elaboration of the major issues and challenges
discussed during the interviews are as depicted below:

a. Availability of quality digital data
Spatial data depositories developed and managed by
government agencies at all levels contain a varied set of
spatial datasets. Data availability depends upon content
and completeness of databases on variety of spatial
themes. The current and accurate spatial data must be
readily available to contribute to local, state and national
development and contribute to economic growth,
environmental quality and stability, and social progress.
This would be best achieved by making accurate and
timely spatial data readily available to support decision
makers and to do so with minimum duplication of effort
and at a reasonable cost. However, information needed to
solve cross-jurisdictional problems is often unavailable.
Users have to spend considerable amount of time to order
and process the raw data to produce the data products
they need in the analysis. Even if available, a spatial
dataset may or may not be obtainable. Some of the
problems faced by organisations were that the digital
spatial data needed for good governance are limited and
only available on certain conditions that are restricting its
extensive use. Relevant data is often hard to find and
frequently it is not in compatible forms. Furthermore,
framework data does not exists for broad geographic
areas and the information describing data is often non
The readiness of core framework dataset are crucial,
particularly the geo-reference and topographical maps,
which are used as the underlay for thematic data and
provides the basis for many geospatial datasets used by
public and private industry. Use of spatial information for
resource management and decision-making is limited due
to problems on how to combine the different data sets.

b. Institutional arrangements
Existing systems serve primarily their own clients,
without concern for the needs of other potential users.
Issues and Challenges in NSDI Implementation
This leads to the duplication of efforts and sometimes
inefficient use of resources, both financial and human.
Sharing information in a fully transparent manner is not
the main characteristic of the culture. In most
organisations, communication is linked to hierarchy and
authority. Due to the strong vertical organisation culture
of government and administration, there is no real
encouragement of cross sectoral communication. Each
ministry or department undertakes its own mandate,
trying to create its own database and information system,
following its own needs and priorities. Information is
handled in a strictly vertical direction, following

c. Lack of awareness in GIS and SDI
Lack of awareness of the potential of GIS among public
sector institutions, non-governmental organizations as
well as the private sector means, that the use of
geographic information systems is still low. To raise
awareness in GIS and SDI, it is necessary to demonstrate
the benefits, obtain support and promote investment for
implementation of the NSDI within provider and user
communities. NSDI Communications Plan should be
implemented to communicate progress and obtain
stakeholder feedback on NSDI implementation through
the NSDI workshop series.
There is an increasing number of spatial data
producers who provide substantial geographic databases
and products. However, means for disseminating
information about these databases and products are still
limited. Spatial data clearinghouses and NSDI-related
communication channels are in the formative stages and
not widely known or used by the majority of potential
users of spatial data and products. Information such as
data type (what), location (where), quality (accuracy,
currency, completeness), and ownership (whose) can be
obtained rather efficiently if the level of awareness among
potential users is increased.

d. Capacity building
The capacity building concept is often used within a
narrow meaning such as focusing on staff development
through formal education and training program to meet
the lack of qualified personnel in a project in the short
term. Capacity building measures should be addressed in
the wider context of developing and maintaining
institutional infrastructures to meet short and medium
term needs. Capacity building for NSDI and the adoption
of its wider concepts and levels can assist NSDI
coordinating agencies to speed up the progress in the
development of NSDI initiatives.

e. Clear SDI directives
NSDI is national in scope, and must meet the needs of a
wide range of geospatial user communities, data
producers and different areas of the private sector. A clear
NSDI directive is necessary to lay down general rules
aimed at the establishment of the infrastructure for spatial
information in the community. NSDI for a country should
be build upon infrastructures for spatial information and
operated by the member of the states. This Directive
should apply to spatial data held by or on behalf of public
authorities and to the use of spatial data by public
authorities in the performance of their public tasks.
Problems voiced regarding the availability, quality,
organisation, accessibility, and sharing of spatial
information are common to the various levels of public
authority. Solving these problems requires measures that
address exchange, sharing, access and use of
interoperable spatial data and spatial data services across
the various levels of public authority and across different
sectors. An infrastructure for spatial information in the
community should therefore be established. The NSDI
should assist policy-making in relation to policies and
activities that may have a direct or indirect impact on the
It should be possible to combine spatial data from
different sources across the community and share them
between several users and applications. The directive
should make possible for spatial data collection at one
level of public authority to be shared between other
public authorities; that spatial data are made available
which do not restrict their extensive use.

f. Lack of funding on GIS-based Projects
Many organisations are lacking of enough resources to
use and analyze the spatial data. Many of current
geospatial application projects require handling multi-
terabytes of data. In order to conduct such projects, users
have to buy expensive high-performance hardware and
specialized software. In many cases, those resources are
only purchased for a specific project and when the project
is finished, the resources will be set idle. Because of the
above problems, applying geospatial data to solve the
scientific and social problems is a very expensive
business and only few organisations can afford such
Efforts should be made to keep distribution costs of
spatial data to a minimum. However, additional funding
will be required for some agencies. Thematic data
represent a key component of many geospatial data
products and services. Thematic data are used in a variety
of industries and sectors. Frequently, clients request
specific types of thematic data to fulfil a decision-making
or planning process requirement, which requires in some
cases substantial amounts of funding to do research,
collect and maintain the datasets. Governmental
departments make up the largest user group of geospatial
data in a country. These governmental clients in some
cases cannot use needed data to make a planning or policy
Noor Habibah Arshad, Fuziah Abu Hanifah
decision due to the costs being charged by another
government agency through cost recovery.

g. Adoptions of standards
The major technical obstacles to data sharing reside in the
lack of application of a national standard for spatial data,
incompatible classification schemes and the absence of
data documentation or metadata. Spatial data sources
should conform to common standards that enable
integration with other data, where such integration
enables efficient and effective solutions for users. Sharing
and use of these datasets is encouraged for data providers
to make priority datasets available through the NSDI.
Actions should be taken to identify priorities and support
development of nationally consistent and integratable
spatial datasets that meet user needs. Adoption of
common classification systems, spatial referencing
system, content standards and data models are promoted
to facilitate goedatabase development at all levels. A
minimum set of best practice data standards should be
applied that facilitate integratability and develop
reference implementations to support the user-driven
development of integrated national geodata centre.
In many cases, the temporal and spatial coverage,
resolution, origination, format and map projections are
incompatible. Among the technical challenges are
integrating multiple standards and specifications together
and communicating complex standards. The adoption of
a core set of standards focused on documented data
quality and interoperability. Users are able to ascertain
the quality of existing spatial data and its fitness to meet
their needs. A set of NSDI data quality standards should
be approved and promote further improvement of the
quality of metadata records held by data providers.

h. Access Delivery Mechanism
More organizations and individuals are realizing the
benefits of having access to others data. The access
issues are related to the organizations and the individuals.
Financial issues, which are related to data access, include
cost-sharing, charges for access and services, profit, and
ownership. The major issues involved in the data access
environment are related to technical standards of data
access and sharing. The metadata (information about the
data relating to source, quality, limitations, and other
aspects), data standards, data transfer procedures, and
system interoperability are the key factors in the NSDI
environment. Progress continues on resolving the
technical issues related to data access, but the major
obstacles are institutional and managerial, including
policies for data access, data sharing arrangements and
agreements, pricing, rights and responsibilities,
restrictions on access and use, maintaining privacy and
security, and control of the data-sharing environment.
The current absence of guidelines and operational
evaluations in the data access area of the GIS and SDI
field presents a challenge for those trying to establish data
access policies and procedures for their own
organizations. Actions should be taken to identify barriers
to access to spatial data and develop institutional
arrangements to lower the barriers to data access and use.
Coordination arrangements in jurisdictions need to be
strengthen to develop agreements of relationship
management and consensus building for NSDI. However,
in most countries, the lack of uniformity across different
jurisdictions within a country often creates problems in
attempts to integrate various dataset at national level.
There is an increasing number of spatial data producers
who provide substantial geographic databases and
products. Means for disseminating information about
these databases and products, however, are still limited.
Therefore, the data and service providers need to advise
potential users about the availability of their spatial data
and services.

i. Lack of Knowledge and skills
Design and management of an appropriate NSDI is
crucial to ultimate integration of the geoinformation into
the organization. The development process must
incorporate the organizational aspects of NSDI initiation,
development, and operationalization. Successfully
handling all the components of the NSDI development
process requires skill and knowledge, including the ability
to recognize early the skills and expertise required and the
level present in the organization, as well as how much
outside assistance must be obtained.

j. Data Interoperability
Data interoperability is among the core issues in the
process of geospatial knowledge discovery and
utilisation. Many data users spend considerable time on
assembling the data and information into a ready-to-
analise form, even when the analysis is very simple. Data
collected by different organisations are often
incompatible. The data may cover the same geographic
area but use different geographic bases and standards.
The need for interoperability is also strong for
municipality and government applications. Due to the
lack of interoperability, governments and municipalities
face serious problems. These are mainly poor quality and
high cost of services, and low economical revenues.
Geodata should be as seamless as possible, with co-
ordination across jurisdictions and boundaries where
Most data is collected, processed, and maintained not
according to national standards. In addition, users, faced
with difficulties to maintain data integrity across
databases, and to enable the data integration.

k. Cultural (reluctant to change)
Issues and Challenges in NSDI Implementation
All communities and societies have a culture a system
of shared meaning. Similarly, any initiative or function,
including the sharing of information, also has a specific
culture, which needs to be promoted to prepare the
environment for developing/pursuing the specific activity.
Whether that culture is weak or strong is important to
both a coordinating agency and individual parties.
Therefore, sharing knowledge and information requires a
specific culture a culture for sharing.
The spatial databases being built up are stand alone
systems, using individual philosophies and technologies.
Most of these implementations are technology driven and
isolated implementations related to specific
environmental issues. Different agencies are often
supported by a different technology. Every organisation
has its own data sharing policies. There are also
organisations, which do not have any data sharing
policies. Due to these issues, data sharing and exchange
among several organizations is hard to achieve. Data
sharing involves a lot of political negotiation, agreements
on standards, agreement on costs sharing and agreements
on maintenance. Successful GIS and NSDI
implementation and adoption usually require some degree
of organizational change, which can be very difficult to
effect because organizations are naturally resistant to it.
This resistance has many sources, including
bureaucratic operating procedures, personal resistance,
and personnel habits. Making the changes to implement
the SDI in the organization can be complicated. Multiple
transitions may be needed to achieve the desired state.

l. Language barriers
Multilingual adaptation presents an important problem for
configuration management. The software use must
support a multiple-value variable for each of the different
languages in the system. However, multilingual support
issues are not usually considered part of the configuration
management processes. People traditionally provide the
translation capability. It is necessary to identify clearly
the new or modified functionality in order to be able to
coordinate the translation processes.
Multilingual support of data offered by Web
applications presents several problems. For instance,
catalog services should support cross language
information retrieval. There are many geoinformation
resources that are cataloged using only one language, but
users that make their queries in one language, may be
interested in resources that have been described in another
language. The user is more interested in the resource
(map, image or multimedia) than in the metadata
describing it. Therefore, catalogs must provide users with
mechanisms facilitating multilingual search without
forcing cataloging organisations to describe their
resources in all possible languages. Most standards for
service specifications do not take into account the
problems with internationalisation. The main difficulties
have been in the internationalisation of legends in Web
Map views because the Web Map Service standard does
not support the management of names of layers in
multiple languages.
m. Sosio and political stability
The significance of sosio and political issues is essential
that NSDI practitioners need to understand as they
determine and contribute to the success of NSDI
developments. Developing a successful NSDI initiative
depends much upon issues such as political support
within the community, clarifying the business objectives
which the NSDI is expected to achieve, sustaining a
culture of sharing, maintaining reliable financial support
and enlisting the cooperation of all members of the
community. The communities concerned are expecting to
get benefits from their investment in NSDI in terms of
improved corporate performances and cooperation. If the
success rate of NSDI initiatives is to be improved, it is
clear that attention needs to be paid to understanding the
community and organisational issues within which NSDI
is supposed to be developed.

n. Metadata availability
Metadata availability is a serious issue in many NSDI
developments. This creates problems to users who want
to use the data. Without metadata, they do not know the
detailed data contents. The creation of metadata must be
given priority and should be done along the data
preparation activities. Metadata adds informative and
quality aspects to the data. There has been a wide range of
metadata standards proposed. ISO 19115 became an
international metadata standard for geographic
information. In addition, most of the countries and
international organisations have proposed different
metadata profiles.

o. Legal arrangements
The development of NSDI not only comprises of
technical aspects but also is supported by economic,
social, organisational and legal measures. Three types of
policies promote spatial data availability, each with a
different purpose, access, reuse and sharing. Among the
policies that hinder the availability of spatial data are
those dealing with privacy, liability and intellectual
property. Intellectual property rights (IPR) in particular
endanger the availability of spatial data for access, reuse,
and sharing and pose a considerable threat to the
development of NSDI. Many agencies use their
intellectual property rights on spatial data to gain
additional funding for their activities.

p. Partnership arrangements
Responsibility for generating, maintaining, and
Noor Habibah Arshad, Fuziah Abu Hanifah
distributing the data is not widely shared by different
levels of government and the private sector. The costs of
generating, maintaining, and distributing such data should
be justified in terms of public benefits; overlap and
duplication efforts among participating organisations are
still persists. Access arrangements should recognise
confidentiality, privacy, security and intellectual property
rights. Upon agreement, partners should contribute
equitably to the costs of collecting and managing the data,
and should be allowed to integrate the resulting
information into their own databases, for their own use
and for further distribution to their stakeholders. There
should be an attempt to harmonise terms and conditions
for use where practical.

4 Conclusion
Development of a spatial data infrastructure is a
challenging task, as it requires identification and
examination of a large number of issues and challenges.
Interviews with expert resulted in identification of sixteen
major issues and challenges. From the sixteen issues and
challenges, three issues as cited by all the experts give the
most impact to the implementation of NDSI namely
availability of quality digital data, lack of awareness on
GIS and SDI, and institutional arrangements. Since the
experts are from local and international arena, most of the
issues and challenges identified can be considered
common to many countries. All the experts agreed that
data is a national capital asset and it should be collected
once and shared through NSDI at all level where the
usage of spatial data can be done effectively. All the
issues and challenges discussed could influence the
strategy chosen for SDI development and its
effectiveness. It is also a step towards the development
of a fully shifting of NSDI to become an
infrastructure for services.

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Issues and Challenges in NSDI Implementation
GEE-Smoothing Spline Approach on Semiparametric Models for
Correlated Nominal Data: Estimation and Simulation Study

Institute for Mathematical Research and Dept. of Mathematics
Universiti Putra Malaysia.
UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan 43400.
Dept. of Statistics
Bandung Islamic University
Jl. Tamansari No. 1 Bandung 40116
[email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract: - In this paper we proposed GEE-Smoothing spline in the estimation of semiparametric models for
correlated nominal data. The method can be seen as an extension of parametric generalized estimating equation
to semiparametric models. The nonparametric component is estimated using smoothing spline specifically
natural cubic spline. We use profile algorithm in the estimation of both parametric and nonparametric
components. The properties of the estimators are evaluated using simulation studies.

Key-Words: - Generalized estimating equation, Nominal data, Properties of the estimator, Smoothing spline,
Simulation study.

1 Introduction
Nominal data are common in many fields of study,
such as in marketing research, biology or in social
sciences. The data arise from the situation where
the subject has a chance to be at several possibilities
of levels. The difference between ordinal and
nominal data is that in ordinal data the levels can be
ordered whilst the nominal levels cannot. Hence in
the modeling, ordinal data can also be modeled as
nominal data. Correlated nominal data usually
comes from longitudinal or area-based studies. In
longitudinal study, the observations from the same
subject are usually correlated whereas observations
from different subject are independent. Whilst in
the area-base study, the observations from the same
area are correlated and from different areas are
Since nominal data can be seen as a member of
exponential family distribution [1], the general
parametric method used in the analysis of these data
is the class of generalized linear model (GLM). But
GLM assumes that the observations are
independent. Reference [2] proposed marginal
model for correlated data from the exponential
family distribution called generalized estimating
equation (GEE). Attentions have been made with
this method considering the efficiency of the
estimators (see: [3]-[6]).
Several authors extended GEE for binary data to
GEE for ordinal data. The main attention is in the
construction of the covariance matrix. Reference
[7] proposed GEE for correlated ordinal data that
can be seen as an extension of GEE given by [2] and
[3]. They estimated the association parameter
(correlation) using the second set of estimating
equation for the association. Reference [8] also
proposed marginal model for correlated ordinal
data. They used global cross (odds) ratio to obtain
the association parameter, where the odds ratio is
estimated by other set of estimating equation. A
more similar method of [7] was given by [9], but
they rather estimated the covariance matrix than the
correlation matrix. Another approach on GEE for
correlated ordinal data was proposed by [10], where
the association parameter is obtained as
minimization solution of the objective function.
The method discussed above is in the class of
parametric models which assume that the relation
between the response and covariates can be
specified in the form of known linear or non linear
function. In this model, the function is known
except the (finite) parameters. It is often that the
relation of the response with one or more covariates
is unknown, that means the relation can be any
function but unknown. This leads us to the
nonparametric model. The nonparametric model is
usually used in two situations: when the researcher
knows that the relation does not follow any linear or
non linear parametric function or, to explore the
relationship between the response and the covariate.
Semiparametric model is a combination between
parametric and nonparametric model. In this model
some covariates are modeled parametrically and
others are modeled nonparametrically. Several
semiparametric methods for correlated data have
been proposed. Reference [11] proposed local
polynomial kernel (LPK)-GEE to analysze
longitudinal data and studied the property of the
estimator. They used profile-based estimating
equation as proposed by [12]. They found that if
independent working correlation is used, then it
would produce n-consistent parameter estimate of
the parametric component. If other working
correlation is used, then the parameter estimate of
the parametric component is n-inconsistent, except
that the nonparamatric function is under smoothing.
Thus in LPK-GEE, one must ignore the within
subject correlation in order to obtain an efficient
estimator. This means within subject observations
should be assumed independent, hence the working
correlation matrix must be an identity matrix. This
result was definitely different to GEE given by [2],
that is the estimator is consistent even if incorrect
working correlation is used.
Reference [13] studied in-consistency of LPK-
GEE by studying the locality of kernel regression
and comparing it with P-spline and smoothing
spline. Their result is that the kernel is local for
both independent and non-independent working
correlation. P-spline and smoothing spline are local
if data are independent and non-local when data are
correlated. Motivated by this result [14] proposed
nonparametric regression for correlated binary data
using GEE-Smoothing spline. Reference [15] also
proposed semiparametric estimation using GEE-
Smoothing spline for correlated binary data.
In this paper we propose semiparametric
estimation for correlated nominal data using GEE-
Smoothing spline. This method can be seen as an
extension of GEE-Smoothing spline from binary
data [15] to nominal data, or an extension of
parametric GEE for ordinal data given by [7] to
semiparametric estimation for nominal data. We
use profile algorithm in the estimation of parametric
and nonparametric components. We evaluate the
properties of the estimator using simulation study.
The outline of this paper is as follows. Section 2
gives brief review of generalized estimating
equation and nonparametric regression using
smoothing spline. The GEE-Smoothing spline for
correlated nominal data is given in Section 3.
Section 4 gives the simulation studies and their
results. The conclusion and discussion are given in
Section 5.

2 Generalized Estimating Equation
and Smoothing Spline
2.1 Generalized Estimating Equation
Generalized estimating equation was proposed by
[2]. This method can be seen as an extension of
quasi-likelihood by introducing working correlation
into the estimating equation [16]. Suppose there are
n subjects and each subject is observed n
times, for
i = 1, 2, , n. The response for the i-th subject at j-
th time is y
with respective vector of covariates x

for j = 1, 2, , n
. It is assumed that the responses
from the same subject are correlated and from the
different subjects are independent. Let the marginal
distribution of y
follows exponential family
distribution with probability distribution function



= ) , y ( c
) ( a
) ( b y
exp ) y ( f
ij ij ij

is the canonical parameter. The first two
moments of y

ij ij ij
) ( ' b ) y ( E = = and ) ( a ) ( ' ' b ) y ( Var
ij ij
= .

The relationship between and covariates
through a link function

) =
= x
, (1)

where = (
, ,
is p x 1 vector of
regression coefficient. Let y
= (y
, y
, ,
y )
the n
x 1 vector of response variable with E(y
) =

= (
, ,
and X
= (x
, ,
x )
be n
x p
matrix of covariate for the i-th subject, and x
= (x
, , x
. Let R
() be n
matrix which
fulfills the requirement of being correlation matrix
and be s 1 vector which fully characterizes the
(). The R
() is called working correlation
matrix. Defined

2 / 1
i i
2 / 1
i i
A ) ( R A V = (2)

where A
= diag{
} = diag{var(y
)}. The
estimating equation for is defined as
GEE-Smoothing Spline Approach on Semiparametric Models for Correlated Nominal Data: Estimation and Simulation Study

0 ) y ( V D
1 i
i i


where D
/) =

and V
as in (2)
The estimate of is obtained
as solution of (3). The iteration procedure for uses
modified Fisher scoring algorithm and estimation of
and use method of moment. The iterative
procedure for is




1 i
i i
s 1
s T
1 i
s 1
s s 1 s

( y )(

( V )

( D

( D )

( V )

( D


with ))}

( ,

{ V )

( V
s s s
= . This method
treats the association parameter as nuisance. This
means that the focus of the study is regression
parameter. It produces low efficiency for the
correlation parameter. Some more efficient
methods to estimate association parameter has been
proposed. For more details see [3]-[6]. Reference
[2] showed that

is consistent even if we use

incorrect working correlation, as long as the mean is
correctly specified, but the most efficient estimate of
is obtained if the true correlation structure is used.

2.1 Smoothing Spline
Smoothing spline is one of the nonparametric
regression methods. This method is focused on how
to obtain the unknown function, that can be any
arbitrary function but comes from a specific class of
function, by imposing a roughness penalty to the
objective function. Reference [17] gave a good
introduction to smoothing spline focused in natural
cubic spline. They applied the method to
independent data: continuous data and general
member of exponential family distribution. They
also discussed the semiparametric model based on
smoothing spline.
Suppose a model with systematic component y
) +
, for i=1, 2, , n, where the function f can
be any arbitrary function and be estimated by
minimizing an objective function, sum squares
residuals RSS =
. Without any restriction,
we can take
i i
y ) t ( f

= and S() = 0. But the

estimate is a very rough function and it is only an
extrapolation of the data. One way to avoid too
rough f is by imposing roughness penalty to the
objective function. There are several measurements
of smoothness of a curve, one of them is the
integrated square of the second derivative of f,
dt. Thus now the objective function is

+ =
dt )] t ( ' ' f [ )) t ( f y ( ) ( S
1 i
i i

and known as penalized sum square. The objective
function has two components, (1) the goodness-of-
fit of data and the roughness penalty. Reference
[17] gave procedure to obtain the roughness penalty
dt for the class of natural cubic spline as
Suppose given n real numbers t
, t
, , t
in the
interval [a, b]. A function f in the interval [a, b] is
cubic spline if two conditions are satisfied: (i) in
each interval (a, t
), (t
, t
), , (t
, b), the function f
is polynomial cubic spline, (ii) the polynomial
pieces fit together at point t
in such away f, f, and
f are continuous at each t
. Hence the function f is
continuous in [a, b]. Cubic spline is called natural
cubic spline if its second and third derivative of f is
zero at a and b, thus f is a linear function on two
extreme interval [a, t
] and [t
, b]. Suppose f
= f(t
) and by definition
= 0. Let f be
n 1 vector of (f
, f
, , f
and be the (n-2) 1
vector of the second derivative (
, ,
Vector f and completely specify the curve f. These
two vectors are specified by two matrices Q and R
which are defined as follows.
Let h
= t
- t
, for i = 1, 2, ..., n-1. Let Q be the
n (n-2) matrix with elements q
, i = 1, 2, , n and
j = 2, 3, , n-1, given by
1 j j , 1 j
h q

= ,
1 j jj
h h q

= ,
j 1 , 1 j
h q

= . The symmetric matrix R is (n-2)
(n-2) matrix with elements r
, for i and j running
from 2 to (n-1), given by

); h h (
i 1 i ii
+ =

i i , 1 i 1 i , i
r r = =
+ +
for i = 2, 3, , n-1.

Matrix R and Q are numbered in non standard
way. The matrix R is strictly diagonal dominant, in
which |r
| >
|. Thus R is strictly positive
definite, hence R
exists. Define a matrix K by


The important result is a theorem given [17] that:
The vector f and specify a natural cubic spline f, if
and only if the condition

f =R

is satisfied. If the above condition is satisfied then
the roughness penalty will satisfy

R dt )] t ( ' ' f [

f. (5)
Noor Akma Ibrahim, Suliadi Arema
From the theorem above, the roughness penalty can
be computed easily, since it is just multiplication of
vector and matrix. Using (1), f can be easily
estimated (see [17] for more detail).

3 GEE-Smoothing Spline for Corre-
lated Nominal Data
Suppose there are n subjects, and each subject is
observed n
times. The response for the i-th subject
and j-th measurement is y
with the respective p x 1
vector of parametric covariates x
= (1, x
, ...,
, and nonparametric covariate t
, for i = 1, 2,
, n and j = 1, 2, , n
. It is assumed that the
response has nominal scale, with levels 1 , 2, , q,
K. Since y*
has K = q +1 levels, then we can
define a q new dummy variable, y
, for r = 1, 2, ,
q. The new variables are defined by y
= 1 if y
r, and y
= 0 otherwise. The first and the second
moment of y
is E(y
) =
and Var(y
) =

) respectively. It should be noted that y
and y

are not independent, with Cov(y
, y
) = -

r r ([1], [18]). The marginal expectation of
linked to the covariates through a logit link function:



= log ) logit( . (6)

The semiparametric model takes the form

) t ( f x x x
ij r ) 1 p ( ij r ) 1 p ( 2 ij r 2 1 ij r 1 r 0 ijr
+ + + + + =


In model (7), we model the covariates x
, x
, , x

parametrically and the covariate t non-
parametrically. We assume that f is a smooth
function and |[f]
dt| < . In estimation it is better
to write f(t
) in (7) in the form of vector and matrix,
that can be constructed as follows. Suppose that all
s have s different values, for all i and j, denoted
by t
< t
< < t
and defined s x 1 incidence
vector N
= (N
, N
, ..., N
, where N
=1 if t
and N
=0 otherwise, for u = 1, 2, ..., s. Let an s
x 1 vector f
= (f
), f
), ..., f
, such that
) = n
, and
= (
, ...,
. Hence the
semiparametric model (7) has form

ij r
ij ijr
n x f + = . (8)

For generalization purposes, we define new
vectors and matrices. Let y
= (y
, y
, ..., y
with E(y
) =
= (
, ...,
= (
, X
], N
= [I
], = (

, ...,
, f = (f
, f
, ..., f
. Also let y
, y
, ..., y
, with E(y
) =
= (
, ...,

= (
, ...,
, X
= (X
, X
, ...,
, N
= (N
, N
, ..., N
. Now the general
model is f
i i i
N X + = .
References [2], [3], [7], [8], [10] and others did
not mention how the GEE was obtained. They just
gave the estimating equation for the parameter of
interest. But [16] considered that GEE is an
extension of quasi-likelihood, by introducing
working correlation in the estimating equation.
From this, the justification can be made by
pretending that there exists a (like) quasi-likelihood
function, , such that the GEE in (3) is the result of
maximizing with respect to , i.e /. If we
apply this to our model in (8), the result will not be
satisfactory since we can take = 0 and take f that
interpolates the data, that maximizes . These are
not satisfactory since the estimate of is the main
objective of the study, and the estimate of f will be
too rough or wiggly. To handle this, we can give
the roughness penalty to the (like) quasi-likelihood
function, , such that the estimate of f will not
rough but smooth enough. Assuming that exists,
we may define penalized (like) quasi-likelihood
function, , given by

dt )] t ( ' ' f [ ) 2 / 1 (

= ,

and using (5), it becomes

f f K ) 2 / 1 (
= , (9)

where is a smoothing parameter and matrix K =[I

], with K
is defined as in Section 2.2. We use
profile algorithm to estimate the parametric () and
nonparametric components (f). For more detail
about profile algorithm, see [19], [20], [12], and
[21]. Profile algorithm treats both components in
different manner. The nonparametric component f
is estimated by assuming that is given. But to
estimate , it is assumed that f is a function of , i.e

. The estimates of f and are obtained by

maximizing penalized (like) quasi-likelihood
function, , w.r.t f and . It should be noted that
/f = 0 and f/ 0. From (9) and following
(3), the estimating equations are obtained as

0 K ) y ( V A N
) y ( V A N
) ( S
i i
i i
1 i
i i
i i
1 i
= =

f f f

GEE-Smoothing Spline Approach on Semiparametric Models for Correlated Nominal Data: Estimation and Simulation Study
0 K
) y ( V A )
N X (
) y ( V A )
N X (
) ( S
1 i
i i
i i
i i
1 i
i i
i i
i i
= + =

+ =

f f f
f f f


where A
= Diag{
, ...,
} with

= Cov(y
) = Diag(
) -

; V
= A

and = /
f f . Matrix A
is obtained from
decomposition of A, such that A= A
() is the working correlation matrix of y
i ,
the form


q q
n 2 q
n 1
n 2 q q 12
n 1 q 12 q
I I ) ( I ) (
I ) ( r I I ) (
I ) ( I ) ( I
) ( R


() = Corr(y
, y
) and is vector of
association parameter. If we assume independence
working correlation, then
() = 0.
From equation (10) and (11), the iterative
procedure using Fisher scoring algorithm for





+ + + +

f f f
f f f f
) y ( V A )
N X (
N X ( A V A )
N X (

1 i
i i
i i
i i
1 i
i i i
i i
i i
) s ( ) 1 s (


+ + =

f f
K ) y ( V A N

1 i
i i
i i
1 i
i i
i i
) s ( ) 1 s (

Following [2], the robust variance estimator for

) and Var( f

) are given by
1 0


) (

f f f
f ) (

f f f f
N X ( A V A )
N X ( H
1 i
i i i
i i
i i 1

+ + + =

N X ( A V ) y (
) y ( V A )
N X ( H
i i i
i i
1 i
i i
i i
i i 0
+ =

1 i
i i
i i
i 1

+ =


1 i
i i
i i i i
i i
i 0
N A V ) y )( y ( V A N H

The association parameter is estimated through
another estimating equation for . Defined for all i,
r, and j j = 1, 2, ..., n

2 / 1
r ' ij r ' ij
2 / 1
ijr ijr
r ' ij r ' ij ijr ijr
) r ' j )( jr ( i
)] 1 ( [ )] 1 ( [
) y )( y (

= ,

then E(Z
) =
(). In order to avoid restriction
of the space of correlation, we use transformation

1 ) exp(
1 ) exp(
' jj


where is vector of covariates that affect the
correlation, that can be the index of time or other
covariate. Let

) nq )( q ] 1
n ([ i
) q 3 )( q 1 ( i ) 31 )( 11 ( i ) q 2 )( q 1 ( i ) 22 )( 12 ( i ) 21 )( 11 ( i i
) Z ,
, Z , , Z , Z , , Z , Z ( Z


n ) 1
n ( 13 13 12 12 12 i
) , , , , , , , , ( ) Z ( E

= .

The estimating equation for is given by

0 ) Z ( W ) ( S
i i
1 i
= |




where W
= Var(Z
). Since misspecification of W

does not affect the consistency of , we may use W

=I (see [3]-[5]). The iterative procedure to estimate





+ =


) Z ( W

i i
1 i
i 1
1 i
i ) s ( ) 1 s (

. (14)

The steps of GEE-Smoothing spline to estimate
and f using profile algorithm are as follows.
(i) Given , compute equation (13).
(ii) Estimate the association parameter by
iterating (14) until converges and construct
and V
(iii) Compute equation (12).
(iv) Estimate the association parameter by
iterating (14) until converges and construct
and V
(v) Repeat steps (i) - (iv).

Noor Akma Ibrahim, Suliadi Arema
Table 1. Bias of the Parametric Estimates
True Sample Working Parameter
Corr. Size Corr.






AR1 30 AR1 -0.079 0.162* 0.011 0.089* -0.005 -0.017
EXC -0.069 0.164* 0.013 0.081* 0.039 -0.012
IND -0.123* 0.170* 0.001 0.068* 0.040 -0.019
50 AR1 0.008 0.098* 0.023 0.055* -0.008 0.014
EXC 0.016 0.094* 0.026 0.049 0.031 0.018
IND -0.041 0.095* 0.023 0.035 0.022 0.016
100 AR1 0.045 0.083* -0.010 0.050* -0.002 -0.023
EXC 0.057* 0.076* -0.010 0.046* 0.033 -0.021
IND -0.013 0.080* -0.011 0.030 0.020 -0.021
EXC 30 AR1 -0.034 0.186* 0.044 0.064 0.086 0.041
EXC -0.027 0.182* 0.048 0.062 0.097 0.042
IND -0.038 0.180* 0.044 0.065 0.079 0.040
50 AR1 0.069 0.014 0.053 0.057* 0.042 0.058
EXC 0.077* 0.012 0.056 0.058* 0.047 0.058
IND 0.060 0.011 0.055 0.060* 0.030 0.058
100 AR1 0.088* -0.035 -0.001 0.044* 0.012 0.002
EXC 0.096* -0.040 -0.001 0.046* 0.017 0.001
IND 0.073* -0.034 -0.001 0.043* 0.007 0.002
IND 30 AR1 0.007 0.005 -0.010 0.089* -0.027 0.039
EXC 0.008 0.001 -0.009 0.091* -0.032 0.039
IND 0.009 0.005 -0.012 0.089* -0.025 0.038
50 AR1 0.012 0.002 -0.008 0.056* 0.049 -0.011
EXC 0.012 0.001 -0.007 0.057* 0.046 -0.011
IND 0.014 0.001 -0.008 0.056* 0.050 -0.011
100 AR1 0.029 -0.016 -0.007 0.010 0.051 0.001
EXC 0.027 -0.014 -0.007 0.010 0.050 0.002
IND 0.029 -0.016 -0.008 0.010 0.051 0.001
Note: * = The 95% confidence interval of the parameter does not cover the zero

Table 2. Bias of the Nonparametric Estimates
True Sample Work. Pointwise Estimate
Corr. Size Corr.
) f
) f
) f
) f
) f
) f
) f
) f
) f
AR1 30 AR1 0.085 -0.023 -0.124* 0.040 0.022 0.034 -0.022 0.028 -0.042* 0.002
EXC 0.079 -0.022 -0.119* 0.045 0.018 0.049 -0.031 0.014 -0.050* 0.017
IND 0.128* -0.045 -0.170* 0.019 0.068 0.024 -0.014 0.032 -0.036* -0.006
50 AR1 -0.022 0.012 -0.014 0.079* -0.054 0.034 -0.039* -0.002 -0.045* 0.053*
EXC -0.029 0.017 -0.013 0.080* -0.056* 0.052* -0.051* -0.016 -0.056* 0.071*
IND 0.023 -0.016 -0.064* 0.062* -0.005 0.019 -0.030* 0.006 -0.036* 0.041
100 AR1 -0.080* 0.057* 0.033* 0.069* -0.080* 0.031* -0.043* -0.001 -0.034* 0.048*
EXC -0.091* 0.065* 0.041* 0.074* -0.089* 0.048* -0.055* -0.012 -0.047* 0.066*
IND -0.024 0.025* -0.015 0.038* -0.023 0.011 -0.031* 0.014 -0.022* 0.029
EXC 30 AR1 0.008 0.030 -0.046 -0.019 0.026 -0.018 -0.029 0.039 -0.009 0.018
EXC 0.000 0.036 -0.040 -0.015 0.020 -0.012 -0.033 0.033 -0.013 0.025
IND 0.013 0.025 -0.052 -0.019 0.033 -0.025 -0.028 0.045 -0.006 0.014
50 AR1 -0.037 0.033 -0.024 0.056* -0.028 0.012 -0.031* 0.013 -0.020 0.028
EXC -0.046* 0.034 -0.007 0.054* -0.035 0.019 -0.036* 0.009 -0.027* 0.035
IND -0.029 0.026 -0.031 0.053* -0.019 0.007 -0.029* 0.018 -0.018 0.023
100 AR1 -0.059* 0.056* -0.009 0.053* -0.042* 0.031* -0.042* -0.016 -0.033* 0.061*
EXC -0.065* 0.061* -0.002 0.057* -0.050* 0.037* -0.047* -0.020 -0.039* 0.068*
IND -0.044* 0.048* -0.018 0.042* -0.028 0.022 -0.036* -0.010 -0.029* 0.053*
IND 30 AR1 0.039 0.044 -0.062* -0.026 0.004 -0.001 0.007 0.050* -0.018 -0.037
EXC 0.043 0.043 -0.064* -0.027 0.006 -0.001 0.008 0.050* -0.018 -0.039
IND 0.040 0.044 -0.060* -0.028 0.004 0.000 0.006 0.050* -0.019 -0.038
50 AR1 0.007 0.032 -0.069* 0.035 -0.004 0.021 -0.031* 0.027 -0.014 -0.002
EXC 0.008 0.031 -0.070* 0.035 -0.004 0.020 -0.030 0.025 -0.015 -0.001
IND 0.006 0.034 -0.070* 0.036 -0.006 0.021 -0.030 0.026 -0.015 -0.002
100 AR1 -0.011 0.040* -0.043* 0.053* -0.038* 0.026 -0.019 0.006 -0.018 0.005
EXC -0.010 0.041* -0.048* 0.054* -0.037* 0.025 -0.018 0.005 -0.018 0.005
IND -0.010 0.041* -0.047* 0.054* -0.038* 0.026 -0.019 0.005 -0.017 0.004
Note: * = The 95% confidence interval of the parameter does not cover the zero

GEE-Smoothing Spline Approach on Semiparametric Models for Correlated Nominal Data: Estimation and Simulation Study
Table 3. Variance of the Parametric Estimates
True Sample Working Parameter
Corr. Size Corr.






AR1 30 AR1 0.819 0.826 0.645 0.274 0.734 0.528
EXC 0.812 0.893 0.651 0.286 0.807 0.551
IND 0.868 0.972 0.632 0.296 0.923 0.536
50 AR1 0.353 0.410 0.363 0.159 0.378 0.339
EXC 0.357 0.430 0.364 0.164 0.403 0.357
IND 0.380 0.489 0.360 0.176 0.533 0.347
100 AR1 0.158 0.201 0.155 0.070 0.167 0.130
EXC 0.160 0.213 0.156 0.071 0.176 0.136
IND 0.191 0.256 0.161 0.082 0.255 0.135
EXC 30 AR1 0.681 1.211 0.854 0.293 0.832 0.789
EXC 0.664 1.211 0.863 0.292 0.855 0.796
IND 0.688 1.246 0.850 0.295 0.882 0.786
50 AR1 0.326 0.655 0.388 0.151 0.531 0.385
EXC 0.316 0.650 0.395 0.148 0.522 0.387
IND 0.335 0.681 0.383 0.152 0.549 0.380
100 AR1 0.141 0.318 0.181 0.064 0.220 0.177
EXC 0.139 0.316 0.182 0.064 0.222 0.178
IND 0.143 0.324 0.177 0.065 0.232 0.177
IND 30 AR1 0.544 0.903 0.319 0.336 0.892 0.307
EXC 0.539 0.892 0.319 0.332 0.881 0.307
IND 0.540 0.902 0.318 0.334 0.886 0.305
50 AR1 0.317 0.551 0.174 0.180 0.485 0.146
EXC 0.315 0.549 0.175 0.182 0.485 0.147
IND 0.318 0.552 0.174 0.182 0.486 0.146
100 AR1 0.132 0.245 0.084 0.076 0.220 0.069
EXC 0.132 0.245 0.085 0.076 0.218 0.069
IND 0.131 0.245 0.084 0.076 0.219 0.069

Table 4. Variance of the Nonparametric Estimates
True Sample Work. Pointwise Estimate
Corr. Size Corr. f
) f
) f
) f
) f
) f
) f
) f
) f
) f
AR1 30 AR1 0.533 0.246 0.451 0.207 0.440 0.280 0.075 0.115 0.070 0.239
EXC 0.523 0.235 0.439 0.187 0.427 0.275 0.073 0.112 0.068 0.235
IND 0.556 0.267 0.482 0.226 0.464 0.285 0.081 0.119 0.074 0.237
50 AR1 0.233 0.132 0.177 0.082 0.200 0.150 0.040 0.067 0.039 0.135
EXC 0.235 0.134 0.180 0.082 0.201 0.144 0.039 0.065 0.036 0.131
IND 0.244 0.146 0.193 0.090 0.214 0.154 0.043 0.072 0.042 0.137
100 AR1 0.081 0.024 0.055 0.024 0.074 0.061 0.017 0.028 0.018 0.061
EXC 0.081 0.023 0.058 0.025 0.074 0.059 0.016 0.028 0.017 0.058
IND 0.098 0.035 0.074 0.039 0.087 0.064 0.019 0.036 0.021 0.064
EXC 30 AR1 0.264 0.136 0.287 0.207 0.260 0.277 0.076 0.140 0.072 0.213
EXC 0.264 0.134 0.284 0.205 0.257 0.271 0.074 0.139 0.070 0.210
IND 0.266 0.139 0.292 0.206 0.259 0.282 0.078 0.144 0.074 0.214
50 AR1 0.140 0.106 0.199 0.073 0.134 0.145 0.038 0.087 0.042 0.126
EXC 0.137 0.101 0.184 0.073 0.133 0.142 0.036 0.085 0.041 0.123
IND 0.144 0.111 0.212 0.078 0.136 0.146 0.039 0.089 0.043 0.128
100 AR1 0.053 0.032 0.067 0.027 0.055 0.057 0.017 0.035 0.020 0.055
EXC 0.053 0.032 0.067 0.026 0.055 0.056 0.017 0.034 0.019 0.053
IND 0.056 0.038 0.071 0.033 0.057 0.058 0.019 0.037 0.022 0.057
IND 30 AR1 0.257 0.169 0.205 0.282 0.247 0.232 0.094 0.092 0.089 0.190
EXC 0.258 0.172 0.208 0.285 0.248 0.235 0.095 0.093 0.091 0.191
IND 0.257 0.169 0.207 0.285 0.248 0.232 0.094 0.092 0.090 0.192
50 AR1 0.153 0.117 0.226 0.134 0.136 0.104 0.060 0.063 0.052 0.107
EXC 0.153 0.118 0.222 0.132 0.136 0.105 0.060 0.063 0.052 0.108
IND 0.152 0.116 0.224 0.132 0.136 0.103 0.060 0.063 0.052 0.108
100 AR1 0.063 0.043 0.118 0.060 0.063 0.058 0.029 0.034 0.033 0.062
EXC 0.063 0.043 0.120 0.060 0.063 0.058 0.029 0.035 0.033 0.062
IND 0.063 0.043 0.121 0.062 0.063 0.057 0.030 0.035 0.034 0.062

Noor Akma Ibrahim, Suliadi Arema
4 Simulation Study
In order to evaluate the properties of GEE-
Smoothing spline estimators, we did simulation
studies by considering the bias, consistency, and the
efficiency. The consistency can be evaluated using
the fact that an estimator is consistent if the variance
tends to zero when sample size tends to infinity. In
other words, if the variance decreases when sample
size increases, then the estimator is consistent. We
also investigate whether using the correct
correlation structure gives better efficiency
compared to independence working correlation.

4.1 Scenarios
We generated correlated nominal data based on
algorithm given by [22]. The algorithm employs
uncertainty coefficient (U) and Goodman-Kruskall
gamma as association parameter. We generated
three types of nominal data sets. The first one has
autoregressive lag-1 (AR1) correlation structure
with the association between the j-th and j-th time
measurements is U
= 0.5
. The second one
has exchangeable (EXC) correlation structure with
the association between the j-th and j-th time
measurements is U
= 0.3, for all j j, and the
third is by using independent structure (IND). We
consider nominal data with levels 1, 2, and 3. Each
subject was measured five times. We used logit link
function in the form of (6). The systematic
component has form

+ f

where j = 1, 2, .., 5; r = 1, 2;
= -1;
= 1;

= 0.5;
= 1;
= -1;
= 0.5;. The
covariate X
is a time varying covariate and X
is a
subject specific covariate. The nonparametric
covariate for all subject, t, is constant for each time
measurement, hence t
= t
for all i and j. We set t

= t
with t
=-2, t
=-1, t
= 0, t
=1, and t
=2. The
function f
is quadratic function with f
) = 0.5(t
2) and f
) = - f
). The covariate X
generated from Uniform(1) and X
was generated
from Bernoulli(0.5).
We considered three levels subject numbers, n =
30, 50, and 100. For each data set with combination
of correlation structure and number of subject, we
estimated using three working correlation,
autoregressive lag-1 (AR1), exchangeable (EXC),
and independence (IND).

4.1 Simulation Results
The Bias. The average of biases of parametric
estimates (
, and
) are very
small (see Table 1). Table 1 shows that the bias of
the parametric estimates are very small. The
average of biases seems unaffected by the number
of subject. Increasing number of subject does not
always decrease the bias. In many cases, number of
subject 30 gives the smallest average bias, but in
others cases, the smallest bias is given by the
number of subject 100. Regarding whether the 95%
confidence interval of the parameter covers zero,
there is no general pattern for the estimates of
intercept (
), except that for independent
data with large number of subject the estimates
cover zero. This shows that the estimates of the
intercept are generally biased, even though the
biases are small.
The coefficient estimates for the time varying
covariate (
) show different behavior. The
confidence interval for
covers zero for
independent data and small correlated data (U
with medium and large numbers of subject.
Meanwhile for data with correlation structure
, the estimates for all the working correlations
and for all the numbers of subject, the confidence
intervals cover zero. Whereas, the estimates of

for correlated and independent data are unbiased.
These are shown by the confidence intervals of their
estimates for all working correlations and all
numbers of subject covering zero. From these result
it seems that the coefficient estimates of time
varying covariate are unbiased.
From the result obtained, the coefficient estimates
of subject specific covariate are unbiased. These are
showed by the confidence intervals of

covering zero for all data structures, all working
correlations, and all numbers of subject.
Table 2 gives the average of biases of the
pointwise nonparametric estimates (f
and f
). This
table shows that the averages of bias are very small,
for all data types, all working correlations, and all
numbers of subject. There is no pattern of
increasing or decreasing the bias with respect to
increasing or decreasing the numbers of subject.
There is no guarantee that increasing number of
subject gives smaller bias. In many cases the
average of bias for number of subject 100 is large
than number of subject 30. Generally, when the
number of subject is increased then the average of
bias tends to a specific value, even small, but greater
or smaller then zero.
The consistency. We evaluate the consistency of
estimator by studying the behavior of mean square
error (MSE) of the estimates with respect to
increasing or increasing number of subject. The
GEE-Smoothing Spline Approach on Semiparametric Models for Correlated Nominal Data: Estimation and Simulation Study
estimator is consistent if the variance tends to zero
when the number of subject tends to infinity. In
other words, if the MSE decreases when number of
subject increases, then the estimator is consistent.
To save the space, we do not show the MSE here.
The MSE of both components have the same
behavior where it decreases when the number of
subject increases. It does not matter, whether using
correct or incorrect working correlation, this pattern
holds. Thus the estimator is consistent even if there
is miss-specification of the working correlation.
The efficiency. We consider whether using
correct working correlation gives more efficient
estimate than assuming independence. Evaluation
was made by comparing the variances of the
estimates of three working correlation, for their
respective true correlation structure and number of
subject (see Table 3 for the parametric component
and Table 4 for the nonparametric component).
When data are independent, there is no general
pattern of the variances of parametric components
). Some of the smallest
variances are given by the true working correlation,
but these are not general. In many cases, the
smallest variances are given by incorrect working
correlation. The same pattern can be observed for
largest variance. The variances obtaining from three
working correlation are comparable.
Even in many cases, AR1 or EXC give the same
variance as IND. This result shows that when data
are independent, using correct or incorrect working
correlation gives similar efficiency.
When data are correlated, the efficiency behavior
of the coefficients of time varying covariate (

) and subject specific covariate are different (

). For the respective number of subject and
the true correlation structure, the largest variance for
the coefficient of time varying covariate is resulted
when the estimation uses independence working
correlation (data are assumed independent). The
smallest is resulted when the estimation uses the
true working correlation. In other words, the most
efficient estimate is obtained if the working
correlation is the true correlation, hence the
efficiency of the estimate of coefficient of time
varying covariate is affected by the working
The behavior of the estimates of coefficient of
subject specific covariate is different from the
estimate of coefficient of time varying covariate.
There is no general pattern of their variance. Some
estimates with true working correlation give smaller
values, but some give the larger values of variance
estimate. Using independence working correlation
does not always result in the largest variance
estimate, in many cases the variance estimates are
small. Thus it can be concluded that the efficiency
of the estimate of coefficient of subject specific
covariate is not affected by the working correlation.
The efficiency of nonparametric components
estimates, i.e the pointwise curve estimates of f
are different than parametric components. In the
case of correlated data, the largest variance is given
by independent working correlation, and the
smallest is commonly given by the true working
correlation. Whilst for independent data, the
efficiency of correct or incorrect working
correlation are comparable.

4 Conclusion and Discussion
GEE-Smoothing spline gives good properties when
applied to semiparametric model with correlated
nominal data. The parametric components are
generally unbiased and the nonparametric
components are biased eventhough the bias is small.
The important result is that both parametric and
nonparametric components are consistent, even
using incorrect working correlation. This
consistency property is important, since we may use
this method even the true correlation is unknown.
The efficiency property of the parametric estimates
is varies between coefficients estimate of time
varying covariate and subject specific covariate. The
efficiency of the coefficient estimate of subject
specific covariate is not affected by correct or
incorrect the working correlation structure. Whilst
for the coefficient estimate of time varying
covariate, the most efficient is obtained if true
working correlation is used and assuming
independence gives less efficient estimate.
Our simulation study was based on condition that
the nonparametric covariate for each time
measurement is fixed for all subjects. This implies
the nonparametric covariate is the same as time.
Other simulation study might be used in the
evaluation when the nonparametric covariate may
vary for each time and each subject.

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GEE-Smoothing Spline Approach on Semiparametric Models for Correlated Nominal Data: Estimation and Simulation Study
Portable Multi-Channel Environmental Data Measurement System for
Monitoring Global Warming
M. Amir Abas
IEEE Member, A. Khusairy Azim
, M. Hilmi Fadzil
, M. Dahlui
, A.M.Arshad
Universiti Kuala Lumpur British Malaysian Institute
, CePH Uni.Malaya
E-mail: [email protected] ,
[email protected]
, [email protected]
[email protected]
, [email protected]

Abstract: - This paper presents the design of data management system for environmental monitoring
applications. The system uses 16-Bit Microcontroller as the main board controlling data management
unit (logger), Power Supply unit, Solar Tracker block and data storage block. Three sensors were used
namely temperature, humidity and ultraviolet. The system has been tested to capture data at two
different conditions, industrial area and high attitude area. The measurement was carried out for 30
hours and the results were plotted using Graphic User Interface (GUI) which is also one of the system
units under development.

Keywords: logger, microcontroller, solar, pyranometer

1.0 Introduction
Global warming has become the main issues in the
world and urgently requires a mechanism to restore the
damage that has been done. Pollution causes the
increase of earth temperature which severely affects the
phenomenon of glassier at north and south poles.
COP15 at Copenhagen was recently held to come out
with a strong stand for all the nations to agree with a
new policy of environmental accord. This shows the
immediate actions from all the leaders to curb the
climate changes at their own country.
Many industries have been reported fail to comply
with the environmental policies. Illegally dumping of
toxic waste, emission of smoke to the air, release of
untreated waste to the sea and rivers are among the
activities that pollute the environment. Actions taken
by the authority are usually late until damage has been
extensive and irreversible. Environmental pollution
would lead to tremendous effects on the health of the
people; severe skin disease, respiratory distress, and
cancers apart from causing nuisance and reduce the
value of properties. The cost to treat pollution where it
is possible is expensive. Hence, prevention and early
detection of pollution should be practiced. People who
are living in polluted and dangerous surroundings
should be made aware and given the information on the
situations. The information given should be evident
based rather than just based on intuitive. Scientific data
is certainly required of which special tools should be
used for the detection, recording and analysis of the
pollutions. A new portable data management system is
proposed and developed with low cost for
environmental activist includes student, house wife,
NGO and etc to buy and use. The system has two main
components, data logger and data interpreter. This
paper is mainly prepared to highlight the design
and the development of the system.
The other sections of this paper are explaining
the build up structure of the Sun Solar Tracker, the
operation UV sensor and logging technique for the
data logger. At the end of the paper a measurement of
Sun intensity is shown and analyzed to justify the
effectiveness of the model developed.
2.0 Data Acquisition System
Figure 1 shows the block diagram of a standard data
acquisition system. There are four main units in DAS
namely Sensory Devices, Controller, Transmission
medium and Data Analyser.

Sensor Devices Microcontroller Transfer Medium Data Analyzer



C 18F8520

Soldata (UV)

Fig. 1: Data Acquisition System


One of the main emerging components in
designing a data logger is the data management of the
system. There are few types of data management that
have been used in DAS [6] [7] such as serial EEPROM,
SRAM and MMC. Each of these is studied to identify
its effectiveness in managing data for DAS particularly
for remote application. The emphases to implement the
effective data management are:
To increase the speed of data captured and
data storage.
To ensure the memory storage devices
capable to store huge data.
To prolong the duration of data capture.

3.0 Sensory Devices
The first stage of development is to investigate the
function on the three sensor devices namely
temperature, humidity and Ultraviolet. The system is
adaptable to accept other types of sensor such as PH,
Ozone and etc based on the users needs. Temperature
device DS1820 was used which has capability to
function as one wire. The one wire feature simplifies
significantly the operation and the complexity of
measuring process for the temperature.
The second device used is the humidity sensor.
Humidity defines the percentage of water in the air.
The device HIH 4000 provides simple construction and
direct connection to the controller port A/D Converter.
The third sensor is pyranometer. The pyranometer
is manned to sense (Figure 3) and measure global
irradiance, i.e. diffuse plus direct solar irradiance. The
pyranometer is mounted on a horizontal surface or in
the same plane as a solar heat collector or photovoltaic
(PV) panel when the global irradiation on these
surfaces is of interest [4]. Hence this UV Sensor can be
used to measure UV and devices to indicate the
intensity of Sun energy for solar tracker. A typical
calibration factor K of pyranometer can be expressed

K = 160 mV/ (kW/m)
This value means that when the solar irradiance S is 1
(typical for a clear, sunny day around noon) the
pyranometer will provide an output voltage around 160
mV. If the output voltage is found to be 80 mV, this
indicates that the solar irradiance is about 0.5 kW/m
500 W/m2. Thus:
S = U / K
Fig. 2: Schematic diagram of Microcontroller System
where U is the signal voltage in millivolts and S is
measured in kW/m
. Note that forward scattering from
clouds may cause values 10-20% higher under extreme

Fig. 3: Pyranometer Sensor

For the amplification of the voltage output of the
pyranometer, an amplifier circuit was designed and
attached to the ADC converter channel of the
PIC18F8550. The range of the output voltage for
pyranometer is in milivolt (0mV to 160mv) which is
considerably small. Hence an amplifier is needed to
refine the range from 0V to 5V. The gain of the
amplifier was set at 26 which has matched range with
the voltage of ADC input port.

4.0 Solar Power
Fig. 4: Amplifier Circuit
The system is powered by a portable NiCAD
battery 12 V DC 12 AH. It needs to be charged
continuously to retain the power. Solar panel 40W is
installed to perform as charger and voltage supplier to
the system. Due to the position of the Sun is changing
for every hour solar trackers unit is developed to ensure
the solar panel is facing the Sun through out during the
day time

Portable Multi-Channel Environmental Data Measurement System for Monitoring Global Warming

Pyranometer in section 3 is used as UV measuring
device. The data measured is stored in the data
management unit and also being used for position
calculation of the solar panel. The solar panel is geared
by two shafts of stepper motors. Figure 5 illustrates the
strategy of tracking by the two stepper motors. The
initial calibration starts with horizontal scanning or X-
Stepper. The X-Stepper moves for every 15 and
measure the irradiance value at each step. This process
is repeated for 24 to complete the full round. The 24
readings are compared to select the highest value. The
value is then computed to locate the position of the
angle. Once this process is done the Y- stepper is
activated. The Y-stepper begins from morning pole and
moves with 15 step to the evening pole. The
movement for each step is triggered for every 1 hour.
5.0 Data Measurement
First measurement was carried out to investigate
the effectiveness of the measurement and data analysis.
Three environment parameters in section 3 were
measured at an industrial area, Bandar Baru Bangi,
Selangor. The results were saved in MMC as text file
using format as follow:

Figure 6 (i) (ii) and (iii) show the result of the
voltage output of pyranometer against the hours. In day
1, the measurement starts at 9.00 am until 6.00 pm.
Between 11.30 to12.00 pm the graph shows drastic
peak of light intensity but the value is below the
minimum requirement, 80 mV. Due to the cloudy
conditions, there is a drop starting from 1.00 pm until
the end of the measurement period. In day 2, the
condition is similar as day 1. The strength of sun
intensity is good in the first quarter but weak in the
afternoon due to raining condition. While in day 3, the
measurement took place for 12 hours from 7.00 am to
7.00 pm. The weather was good with less cloud
blocking. The graph shows average sun energy from
8.00 am till 6.00 pm. The peak energy was picked up at
time 1.30 pm. The drop below minimum value was
logged at 6.00 pm due to the sunset.
Fig. 5: Tracking Strategy of Sun Position

1 30 59 88 117 146 175 204 233 262

Figure 6 (i, ii, iii): Measurement of UV for 3
iii: Day 3(Full Sunshine)
i: Day 1(Cloudy)
ii: Day 2(Sunshine and Cloudy)

Vout (Pyranometer)
1 15 29 43 57 71 85 99 113 127

1 120 239 358 477 596 715 834


M. Amir Abas, A. Khusairy Azim, M. Hilmi Fadzil, M. Dahlui, A. M. Arshad

The results as shown in Figure 6 indicate the
typical weather in tropical country. Full sunshine is a
main issue which may affect the effectiveness of the
system. The average measurement of the solar
irradiance is approximately 106mV or equivalent to
. Table 1 shows the relationship for
pyranometer output, solar irradiance and the percentage
of solar energy.
The tracking mechanism is computed using the
curve of the graph of Figure 6(iii). The duration of the
curve above the min line is the key factor to support the
charging time, T
, for the batteries. In normal
circumstances the batteries require 8 hours charging
time to sustain the power for 3 days.

The DAS consumes 200 mA/H and the capacity of
the batteries is 12 A/H and this will be able to support
12/0.2 = 60 Hours which is approximately 3 days. The
charging time, T
, is depending on the output of the
solar panel. If the power from the solar panel generates
40 W/H or current I
= 40/12 = 3.3 A/H. Total current
per day produced by the solar panel is approximately
3.3 x 8 = 27A and the DAS only consumes 200 mA x 8
= 1.6 A.
The ratio between DAS consumed power and the
power for charging the batteries is 27:1.6 or 6 % power
is utilized by the DAS during day time. During night
time, for 12 hours the DAS consumes 200 mA x 12 =
2.4 A. The total power left is 27 1.6 2.4 = 23 A.
The balance current is stored in the batteries. However
the batteries used in the prototype design is 12 A/H
(max) only.
From the calculation it shows that the solar panel
has huge power to provide continuous power supply for
the whole DAS system. Further more the batteries can
support 3 days power supply without recharging and
needs only 8 hours for full recharged.

6.0 Case Study
Monitoring Environment Effects of Timber
Logging Activities at Cameron Highlands
Cameron Highlands is the largest and most famous
hill resort of Malaysia with 1500 meters above sea
level. Aggressive timber logging is carried out for new
area of plantation. A case study was proposed with the
aim to explore the effect of the logging activities to
the environmental parameters. Data concerning all the
environmental issues includes temperature, humidity,
Ultra Violet and air quality will be measured and
analyzed. Population of common disease due to sun
exposure e.g. skin cancer will also be gathered.
Correlation between the changes of environmental
parameters issues and the population of the disease will
be analyzed at the end of this case study. Sun
The first data measurement has been carried out at
Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands on 30
Dec 2009. The
measurement using the developed system was focusing
on measuring three environment parameters which
include temperature, humidity and ultraviolet. Figure 7
(a,b,c) show the results of the measurement for
temperature, humidity and ultraviolet.
Output (mV)
10 0.0625 6.25
50 0.3125 31.25
80 0.5 50
110 0.6875 68.75
130 0.8125 81.25

160 1 100

Table 1: Pyranometer Measurements

Figure 7a: Humidity vs. Time

Figure 7b: Temperature vs. Time

Portable Multi-Channel Environmental Data Measurement System for Monitoring Global Warming

The measurement was started at 12.01 pm 30
until 18.00 pm on 31
Dec (30 Hours). The temperature
has lowest value at 16C while the humidity (or
percentage of water vapor presents in the air) has
highest percentage 67 % at 4.00 am and lowest
percentage 40 % at 1.00 pm (Figure 7a). Malaysian
Meteorological Department reported the temperature
[9] for the same location was in the range of 15 C to
23 C. While figure 7c shows the irradiance graph
which has short hours due to minor error during system
set up. The average value from 10.00 am to 2.30 pm is
which is above the minimum value for
effective charging power.
The three graphs are the outputs of Graphic User
Interface (GUI) which has been developed to facilitate
the analysis process for all the measured data. The
system is developed using open source software,
Python. The development is still in progress with
additional features are upgraded to enhance the analysis
7.0 Conclusion
Low cost data measurement system has been
develop and tested. It has multi-channel for user to just
plug and play. The data storage, MMC has capability to
store huge size of data. A solar tracker system with
autonomous feature is also constructed. This feature is
certainly required for measurement at remote area
without electricity power supply. The system uses
batteries as power supply but it may not have sufficient
power for the long operation. A mechanism to charge
the batteries using solar panel is developed that could
retain the power of the batteries continuously. For the
data analysis off line analysis using designed GUI was
used as the first option in this study. The next
alternative is implementing wireless strategy for the
data transfer.
Finally the developed data management system
could be one of the effective tools to monitor global
warming issues. Fast action is the best practice to stop
the illegal activities before the environment becomes
permanently damaged and harm to human and animals.
Awareness campaign is also important issue to educate
people for taking care and looking after the earth from
devastated global warming issues.
This project is fully supported by e-science fund 01-02-
13-SF0002. Full compliments are given to MOSTI for
the approved fund which makes the project is carried
out effectively.
Fig.7c: UV Measurement
Fig. 7: Data Analyzer for Data Logger
[1]. Y.J.Huang, B.C.Wu, Solar Tracking Fuzzy
Control System Design using FPGA,
Proceedings of the World Congress on
Engineering 2009 Vol 1 July 1-3, 2009, London.
[2]. S.Mashohor, K.Samsudin, Evaluation of
Genetic Algorithm based Solar Tracking system
for Photovoltaic Panels, IEEE International
Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies
ICSET 2008
[3]. Wesley J. Adams, A Sun Tracking System,
Undergraduate Thesis. Engineering (Electrical)
University of Cape Town, October 2007
[4]. Frank Bason,"80SPC Pyranometer CM21
SolData, SolData Instruments Manual
[5]. Malaysian Meteorological Department,
[6]. R.Luharuka et al. Design and realization of a
portable data logger for physiological sensing.
IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and
Measurement, June, 2003.
[7]. R.Mukaro and X.F.Carelse. A microcontroller
based data acquisition system for solar radiation
and environmental monitoring. IEEE
transaction on instrument and measurement, vol
4, no 6. December 1999. 2.
[8]. Khusairy Azim, M. Amir Abas,
Hilmi.F,Measurement of Solar Irradiance for
Sun Tracking System Proceeding of
Engineering Technology ICET2009, Kuala
Lumpur, 11-13 Dec 2009.

M. Amir Abas, A. Khusairy Azim, M. Hilmi Fadzil, M. Dahlui, A. M. Arshad
Parametric Optimization in EDM of Ti-6Al-4V using Copper Tungsten
Electrode and Positive Polarity: A Statistical Approach

M.M. Rahman, Md. Ashikur Rahman Khan, K. Kadirgama, M.A. Maleque and Rosli A. Bakar

Abstract This paper explores the develop optimized model to investigate the effects of peak current,
pulse on time and pulse off time in electric discharge machining (EDM) performance on titanium alloy
utilizing copper tungsten as electrode and positive polarity of the electrode. The experiments are carried out
on Ti6Al4V. Experiments were conducted by varying the peak current, pulse on time and pulse off time and
the corresponding values of surface roughness (SR) were measured. A mathematical model for correlating
influences of these variables and surface finish of the workpiece is developed in this paper. Design of
experiments (DOE) method and response surface methodology (RSM) techniques are implemented. The
validity test of the fit and adequacy of the proposed models has been carried out through analysis of variance
(ANOVA). The obtained results evidence that as the surface roughness increases with peak current and pulse
on time increases. The effect of pulse off time on surface roughness changes with peak ampere. The excellent
surface finish is investigated in this study at short pulse on time. The optimum machining conditions in favor
of surface roughness are estimated and verified with proposed optimized results. It is observed that the
developed model is within the limits of the agreeable error when experimental. This result leads to desirable
surface roughness and economical industrial machining by optimizing the input parameters.

Keywords Ti-6Al-4V, surface roughness, copper tungsten, positive polarity, DOE, RSM.

The selection of appropriate machining conditions
for minimum surface roughness during the EDM
process is based on the analysis relating the
various process parameters to SR. Traditionally
this is carried out by relying heavily on the
operators experience or conservative
technological data provided by the EDM
equipment manufacturers, which produced
inconsistent machining performance. The
parameter settings given by the manufacturers are
only applicable for the common steel grades.
Optimization of the EDM process often proves to
be difficult task owing to the many regulating
machining variables. A single parameter change
will influence the process in a complex way. Thus
the various factors affecting the process have to be
understood in order to determine the trends of the
process variation. The selection of best
combination of the process parameters for an
optimal surface roughness involves analytical and
statistical methods. In addition, the modeling of
the process is also an effective way of solving the
tedious problem of relating the process parameters
to the surface roughness. EDM is one of the most
popular non-traditional material removal processes
and has became a basic machining method for the
manufacturing industries of aerospace,
automotive, nuclear, medical and die-mold
production [1]. The EDM process normally uses
thermal energy to produce heat that melts and
vaporizes the workpiece by ionization within the
dielectric fluid. The electrical discharges generate
impulsive pressure by dielectric explosion to
remove the melted material. Therefore, the amount
of removed material can be effectively controlled
to produce complex and precise machine
components. However, the melted material is
flushed away incompletely and the remaining
material resolidifies to form discharge craters. As
a result, machined surface has microcracks and
pores caused by high temperature gradient which
reduces surface finish quality. It was noticed that
various machining parameters influenced surface
roughness and setting possible combination of
these parameters were difficult to produce
optimum surface quality. The influences of the
machining parameters including the pulsed
current, pulse on time, pulse off time, voltage,
dielectric liquid pressure and electrode material
have been examined. The usage of titanium and its
alloys is increasing in many industrial and
commercial applications because of these
materials excellent properties such as a high
strengthweight ratio, high temperature strength
and exceptional corrosion resistance [2].
In aerospace industry, titanium alloys have been
widely used because of their low weight, high
strength or high temperatures stability [3. Titanium
and its alloys are difficult to machine materials
due to several inherent properties of the material.
In spite of its more advantages and increased
utility of titanium alloys, the capability to produce
parts products with high productivity and good
quality becomes challenging. Owing to their poor
machinability, it is very difficult to machine
titanium alloys economically with traditional
mechanical techniques [4]. The EDM is well-
established machining choice for manufacturing
geometrically complex or hard material parts that
are extremely difficult-to-machine by conventional
machining processes [5]. Its unique feature of
using thermal energy to machine electrically
conductive parts regardless of hardness has been
its distinctive advantage for manufacturing of
mold, die, automotive, aerospace and surgical
components [6]. Thus, titanium and titanium alloy,
which is difficult-to-cut material, can be machined
effectively by EDM [7]. Proper selection of the
machining parameters can result in a higher
material removal rate, better surface finish, and
lower electrode wear ratio [8]. The EDM of
titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) with different
electrode materials has been accomplished to
explore the influence of EDM parameters on
various aspects of the surface integrity of Ti6Al4V
[2]. A study has been carried out to develop a
mathematical model for optimising the EDM
characteristics on matrix composite Al/SiC
material [9]. They used response surface
methodology to determine the optimal setting of
the EDM parameters such as the metal removal
rate, electrode wear ratio, gap size and the surface
finish. The effect of the thermal and electrical
properties of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V on EDM
productivity has been detected [3].
Improving the surface quality is still a
challenging problem that constrains the expanding
application of the technology. When new and
advanced materials appear in the field, it is not
possible to use existing models and hence
experimental investigations are always required.
Undertaking frequent tests or many experimental
runs is also not economically justified. The main
performance characteristics in EDM process
comprise material removal rate, tool wear rate and
surface roughness [10]. It is difficult to acquire the
accurate quantification of these performance
characteristics because there are various uncertain
factors and non-linear terms. Optimal selection of
process parameters is very much essential as this is
a costly process to increase production rate
considerably by reducing the machining time.
Thus, the present paper emphasizes the
development of models for correlating the various
machining parameters such as peak current (I
pulse on time (t
) and pulse off time (t
) on the
most important machining criteria such as surface
roughness. Machining parameters optimization for
the titanium alloy material Ti-6Al-4V has been
carried out using the techniques of design of
experiments method and response surface
methodology. The effect of input parameters on
surface roughness in EDM process of Ti-6Al-4V
has been analyzed.

2.1. Experimental Setup
Pulse on time (t
) refers the duration of time (s) in
which the current is allowed to flow per cycle
[11]. Pulse off time and also known as pulse
interval (t
) is the duration of time (
) between the
sparks. The experiments are carried out utilizing a
numerical control programming electrical
discharge machine known as LN power supply
AQ55L. The EDM has the provisions of
movement in three axes such as longitudinal
(X- axis), lateral (Y-axis) and vertical direction of
electrode (Z- axis) and has also a rotary U-axis
with maximum rpm 40. In this effort, Ti-6Al-4V
was selected as the workpiece material and
cylindrical Copper Tungsten (CuW) electrode
were employed for machining the workpiece. The
experimental setup is shown in Figure 1. The
machining was usually carried out for a fixed time
interval. The listing of experimental parameters is
scheduled in Table 1. The weight of the workpiece
and electrode before and after machining were
measured by a digital balance, AND GR-200 with
readability of 0.1mg and the surface roughness
was assessed with Perthometer, Mahr Surf PS1.
Three observations were taken for each sample
and were averaged to get the value of surface
roughness, R

M. M. Rahman, Md. Ashikur Rahman Khan, K. Kadirgama, M. A. Maleque, Rosli A. Bakar

(a) EDM at machining state

(b) EDM tank with electrode and workpiece.
Fig. 1 Experimental setup of electrical discharge machining
The surface roughness of the work-piece can be
expressed in different ways including arithmetic
average (R
), average peak to valley height (R
), or
peak roughness (R
), etc. Generally, the SR is
measured in terms of arithmetic mean (R
) which
according to the ISO 4987: 1999 is defined as the
arithmetic average roughness of the deviations of
the roughness profile from the central line along
the measurement [12]. Arithmetic mean or average
surface roughness, R
is considered in this study
for assessment of roughness.
Parameters Description
Work piece material Ti-6Al-4V
Work piece size 25 mm 25 mm 20 mm
Electrode material Copper Tungsten
Electrode size (diameter
20 mm 44 mm
Electrode polarity Positive
Dielectric fluid Commercial Kerosene
Applied voltage 120 V
Servo voltage 70 V
Flushing pressure 1.75 MPa
Machining time 30 inutes
2.2. Design of Experiment
The main objective of the experimental design is
studying the relations between the response as a
dependent variable and the various parameter
levels. It provides a prospect to study not only the
individual effects of each factor but also their
interactions. The design of experiments for
exploring the influence of various predominant
EDM process parameters as peak current, pulse on
time and pulse off time on the machining
characteristics such as material removal rate,
surface finish (R
) and electrode wear rate were
modeled. In the present work experiments were
designed on the basis of experimental design
technique using response surface design method.
The coded levels for all process parameters used
are displayed in Table II. The set of designed
experiments to obtain an optimal response
utilizing box-behnken type of design is presented
in Table III.
Designation Process parameters Levels
Lowest Medium Highest
x1 Peak Current (A) 2 16 30
x2 Pulse on time (s) 10 205 400
x3 Pulse of time (s) 50 175 300

Current (A)
Pulse on
time (s)
Pulse off
time (s)
1 0 0 0
2 1 1 0
3 1 0 -1
4 -1 0 1
5 0 -1 1
6 0 0 0
7 -1 1 0
8 -1 0 -1
9 0 1 -1
10 -1 -1 0
11 0 0 0
12 0 1 1
13 1 0 1
14 1 -1 0
15 0 -1 -1

2.3. Response Surface Approach
In statistics, response surface methodology
explores the relationships between several
explanatory variables and one or more response
variables. The main idea of RSM is to use a set of
designed experiments to obtain an optimal
response. In this work, RSM is utilized for
establishing the relations between the different
Parametric Optimization in EDM of Ti-6Al-4V using Copper Tungsten Electrode and Positive Polarity: A Statistical Approach
EDM process parameters with a variety of
machining criteria and exploring their effects on
SR. To perform this task second order polynomial
response surface mathematical models can be
developed. In the general case, the response
surface is described as (1):
+ + + =

= = =
ij ij
i ii i i
x C x C x C C Y
1 2 1
where, Y is the corresponding response (SR) yield
by the various EDM process variables and the x

(1,2, . . . , n) are coded levels of n quantitative
process variables, the terms C
, C
, C
and C
the second order regression coefficients. The
second term under the summation sign of this
polynomial equation is attributable to linear effect,
whereas the third term corresponds to the higher-
order effects; the fourth term of the equation
includes the interactive effects of the process
parameters. Equation (1) can be rewritten
according to the three variables used as:
3 2 23 3 1 13 2 1 12
3 33
2 22
1 11 3 3 2 2 1 1 0
x x C x x C x x C x C x C
x C x C x C x C C Y
+ + + + +
+ + + + =


where: x
, x
and x
are peak current (I
), pulse on
time (t
) and pulse off time (t
) respectively.
Equation of the fitted model for SR is represented
in (3):
o i
o P i P o
i P o
i P
t t
t I t I t
t I t
t I SR
22058 . 0
06688 . 0 77866 . 0 20309 . 0
37112 . 0 15521 . 1 10604 . 0
60335 . 0 93814 . 1 49862 . 4
2 2

+ + +
+ + =

2.4. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
The adequacy of the above three proposed
models have been tested on behalf of both cases,
linear and quadratic by means of analysis of
variance (ANOVA) as shown in Table IV. The
variance is the mean of the squared deviations
about the mean or the sum of the squared
deviations about the mean divided by the degrees
of freedom. The fundamental technique is a
partitioning of the total sum of squares and mean
squares into components such as data regression
and its error. The number of degrees of freedom
can be partitioned in Table IV. The adequacy of a
model is carried out by computing the F-ratio of
the lack of fit to the pure error and comparing it
with the standard value. The values of P (<-level)
in the analysis ascertain that the regression model
is significant. The P-value of the residual error in
quadratic term 0.116 for SR is not less than -level
(0.05). The results of the analysis justifying the
closeness of fit of the mathematical models are
enumerated. Therefore it can be concluded that the
evolved models given by (3) has been adequately
explained the variation in the machining
parameters on SR.
Source of
Degree of
Sum of
F-ratio P
Linear 3 33.0534 11.017
12.94 0.001
Quadratic 9 41.2782 4.5865 20.07 0.002
Linear 11 9.3674 0.8516 22.78 0.043
Quadratic 5 1.1426 0.2285 7.75 0.116
Linear 14 42.4208
Quadratic 14 42.4208
3. Results and Discussion
Figure 2 displays the influences of peak current
and pulse on time on surface roughness. It is
observed form the plots that the increase of peak
current increases the surface roughness. This is
due to the fact that when pulse current increase,
more intensely discharges strike the surfaces and a
great quantity of molten and floating metal
suspended in the electrical discharge gap during
EDM. As well as in a given pulse duration, the
thermal energy which is induced in the workpiece
through the spark is increased with pulse current.
The higher the energy content of each spark, the
more violent is the process, thereby generating a
rougher surface. Thus increase peak ampere
deteriorates the surface finish of the workpiece.
The same observation has been reported by [13].
Similarly surface roughness increases as the pulse
on time increase. Long pulse duration causes the
more heat transfer into the sample and the
dielectric fluid is unable to clear away the molten
material, as the flashing pressure is the constant. In
other words, while the pulse on time is increased
the melting isothermals penetrate further into the
interior of the material and the molten zone
extends further into material and this produce a
greater white layer thickness. As a result the
increasing pulse on time increases the surface
roughness and the fine surface finish is achieved at
low pulse on time. It can also be supported by [2]
and [14].

M. M. Rahman, Md. Ashikur Rahman Khan, K. Kadirgama, M. A. Maleque, Rosli A. Bakar

Fig. 2 The effect of peak current and pulse on time against
surface roughness

Fig. 3 shows that the pulse off time increase the
surface roughness started to increase little up to
about 180 s pulse interval time and hereafter
decreases. If the discharge current is too high, long
pulse off time increases the SR. This is due to the
fact that the pulse off time must be sufficiently
long to acquire a uniform erosion of the material
from the surface of the workpiece and stable
machining process otherwise a non uniform
erosion of the workpiece surface occurs. Another
reason is that the long pulse off time furnishes
good cooling effect and enough time for flush
away the molten material and debris from the gap
between the electrode and workpiece. Thus, long
pulse off time present fine surface of the
workpiece and the same effect is achieved in [15].
It is apparent in this research that the optimal pulse
off time on behave of SR varies with ampere. In an
average the finest surface finish is found at 280-
300 s, 230-250 s and 180 s pulse off time as
the peak current 2-17A, 17-23A and >23A

Fig. 3 The effect of peak current and pulse off time against
surface roughness (3-D surface plot)

3.1. Optimum settings and validation
The settings for titanium alloys have to be further
optimized experimentally. It is also aimed to select
appropriate machining conditions for the EDM
process based on the analysis relating the various
process parameters to SR. It is aimed to develop a
methodology using an inputoutput pattern of data
from an EDM process to solve both the modeling
and optimization problems. The main objective of
this research is to model EDM process for
optimum operation representing a particular
problem in the manufacturing environment where,
it is not possible to define the optimization
objective function using a smooth and continuous
mathematical formula. It has been hard to establish
models that accurately correlate the process
variables and performance of EDM process. An
attempt is fulfilled to estimate the optimum
machining setting to build the best possible
material removal rate, surface finish and electrode
wear rate within the experimental constraints. The
obtained optimum values of the parameters in
EDM on Ti-6Al-4V utilizing Copper Tungsten as
electrode are shown in Table V. Optimum
machining parameter combinations for different
EDM characteristics are tested and presented in
Table VI through confirmation experiments that
verify reasonably good concurrence with
prediction of response surface method.
Process parameters Optimized Settings
Peak current (A) 2
Pulse on time (s) 400
Pulse off time (s) 232
1 Ip = 2 A, ti=400
s and to=232 s
0.8729 0.81833 6.25
2 Ip = 2 A, ti=400
s and to=232 s
0.8656 0.81833 5.46
Parametric Optimization in EDM of Ti-6Al-4V using Copper Tungsten Electrode and Positive Polarity: A Statistical Approach
4. Conclusion
This experiment was accomplished to investigate
the influence of the peak current, pulse on time
and pulse off time on EDM performance
characteristics. It was also attempted to formulate
mathematical model for surface roughness and
finally to detect the optimal settings. The
following conclusions have been drawn from the
i). As peak current increases the surface
roughness of the workpiece increases.
Likewise the surface roughness increases with
pulse on time. The product of high ampere and
high pulse on time deteriorate the more
surface finish. The superior surface finish is
identified in this experiment while the pulse
on time <50 s at all values of peak current.
Increase pulse off time preliminary worsen the
surface finish up to certain pulse interval and
subsequently improves the surface finish. The
converse effect of pulse off time on roughness
is investigated that as too high discharge
current, long pulse off time provides roughest
surface finish. The optimum setting of pulse
off time that generates minimum roughness is
changed with peak ampere.
ii. The empirical values of the EDM parameters
for optimum machining efficiency are 2 A
discharges current, 400 s pulse on time and
232 s pulse off time in the ase of optimal
surface finish.
Further study will be continue the gap between
the electrode and workpiece and also employing
the negative polarity of the electrode to ascertain
their effect on EDM performance characteristics of
The authors would like to thank Universiti
Malaysia Pahang for providing laboratory facilities
and financial support under project no.
RDU090394 and Doctoral Scholarship scheme
(GRS 090335).
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Manuscript received October 6, 2010. This work
was supported by Universiti Malaysia Pahang
under Grant RDU090394.
M.M. Rahman, K. Kadirgama and Rosli A.
Bakar are with the Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Tun
Abdul Razak Highway, 26300 Gambang, Kuantan,
Pahang, MALAYSIA (phone: +6094242246; fax:
+6094242202; e-mail: mustafizur@ ump.edu.my;
[email protected]; [email protected]).
Md. Ashikur Rahman Khan is PhD Scholar with
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti
Malaysia Pahang, Tun Abdul Razak Highway,
26300 Gambang, Kuantan, Pahang, MALAYSIA
(e-mail: [email protected]).
M.A. Maleque with the Department of
Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, Faculty
of Engineering, International Islamic University of
Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur,
MALAYSIA (phone:, +603-61965785,Email:
[email protected]).

Parametric Optimization in EDM of Ti-6Al-4V using Copper Tungsten Electrode and Positive Polarity: A Statistical Approach
A Wide Tuning Range Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Active
Inductors for Bluetooth Applications
Jenn-Tzey Yang, Shao-Kang Hsieh and Ping-Jung Tsai
Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Ming Hsin University of Science & Technology
No.1, Xinxing Rd., Xinfeng Hsinchu 30401, Taiwan(R.O.C)
Corresponding email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Phone: 886-3-559-3142; FAX: 886-3-559-1402

Abstract: - In this paper, a fabricated voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with active inductors using TSMC
0.18m CMOS process is presented. By employing an improved high-Q active inductor to improve the circuit
tuning range, the measurement results of the VCO tuning range from 1.26GHz to 2.98GHz with circuit operating
frequency at 2.4GHz achieves 71% tuning range and phase noise obtains -90dBc/Hz within 1 MHz frequency
offset. The power consumption including buffer is 44.6mW in 1.8V power supply. Occupied chip area is around
0.585 0.679 mm

Key-Words: - VCO, Tuning Range, Active Inductor, Phase Noise

1 Introduction 2 Architecture
In recent years, the rapid development of
wireless communication, such as WLAN, GSM and
DVB is demand for integrating systems. Indeed, the
fast emerging wireless technology demands low cost
and low power integrated RF transceiver. Therefore,
at present the popular research for the CMOS process
to implement of the radio frequency integrated circuit
(RFIC) [1-2]. The benefit of using standard RF
CMOS process can cause integrating the whole RF
transceiver on a single chip at lower cost. However, a
key building block in RF transceivers is the
voltage-controlled-oscillator (VCO).
2.1 Active Inuctor Design
The most common one-port active inductor
topology is the grounded active inductor, which is
based on the "gyrator theory" containing only two
transistors, which generate inductance. It is
small-signal equivalent circuits based on a gyrator
topology are shown in Fig.1.

It is main role is to provide a clean source of
high-frequency signals in the voltage-controlled
oscillator (VCO) block for RF integrated circuits [3].
The indicators of performance requirements have to
be making a VCO suitable for wireless applications
which low phase noise and large frequency tuning
range. In the existing CMOS VCO topologies, a
passive planar spiral inductor is used in tune tank of
VCO, but the spiral inductors will result in many
disadvantages such as large chip area and low quality
factor. These issues can be overcome by using an
active inductor. An active inductor has higher quality
factor and smaller chip area than a spiral inductor and
electrical tunable exist in an active inductor. In this
paper, we propose a CMOS wide tuning-range VCO
based on an improved high-Q active inductor and a
NMOS cross-coupled configuration. Using external
voltage, the characteristics of VCO can be tuned. The
measurement results of the VCO show that the design
can obtain well performance in Bluetooth
Fig.1 active inductor and equivalent circuit
1 2 1 1 2
1 1 1 1 2 1
1 2 2
1 2
1 2
( ) ( )
( )( (
ds m gs gd gd
gd ds m gs gd m
ds m m
m m
m m
g g S C C C
SC g g S C C g
G g g g
g g
g g
) )
+ + +

+ + + +

Equation (1) is expression of increasing parallel
conductance loss of G will reduce the Q-value of the
active inductor. Therefore, in order to improve the
performance such as the Q-value and the inductance
(L), we using the high-Q active inductors with a
feedback resistor [3]. The improved high-Q active
inductor circuit is illustrated in Fig.2. In this design,
by feedback resistance method of based on gyrator
theory then to increase Q-factors and reduce the loss,
the active inductor is combined with two transistors,
a feedback resistor, and current sources. The
characteristics of the active inductor can be improved
by using the feedback resistance (R
). By derived, the
component value of the equivalent circuit can be
expressed refer to (2).

Fig.2 High-Q active inductor and equivalent circuit
1 2
1 2
1 2
(1 )
f ds
gs f ds
m m
m m
G g
R g
C R g
g g
g g

From equation (2),the effect of the factor,
) designed to be a value greater than unity.
This factor will result in the equivalent conductance
loss (G) to be minimized, as well as an increasing of
the equivalent inductance (L) by (1+R
) factor.
The result of scattering parameter (S11) performance
of the inductor is exposed in Fig.3. It can be seen that
between 1GHz and 5GHz, the curve is inclined to the
outside of circle, indicating that the loss is decreased,
and the smallest loss at frequency 2.4GHz.
freq (1.000GHz to 5.000GHz)

Fig.3 Simulated S-parameters of feedback resistance active inductor
) and active inductor (without R
); the

frequency region is form 1GHz
to 5GHz.
This active inductor was fabricated by a TSMC
0.18m RF CMOS process with using ADS EDA
tool to required frequency 2.4GHz for the application
of low-frequency band 2.4 GHz Bluetooth systems,
as shown in Fig.4. It has maximum 90 with scan
frequency 1GHz to 5GHz at the 2.4GHz and Fig.5
show the frequency is tuned of inductance for 3.6nH
to 11nH.
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 1.0 5.0
freq, GHz

Fig.4 Maximum Q-factor at the required frequency 2.4GHz.
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 1.0 5.0
freq, GHz

Fig.5 The Simulated inductance of feedback resistance active inductor
2.2 Voltage Controlled Oscillator with Active
Fig.6 shows the proposed VCO, it is composed
with two active inductors and cross-coupled
configuration. In this VCO circuit, involving
transistors (M
) and feedback resistor (R
and R
emulate tunable active inductors. The active
inductors are combined with the parasitic capacitors
to form the resonator.

Fig.6 Schematic of proposed LC Oscillator
Transistors M1, M2 and M7, M8 are formed current
source to vary the oscillated frequency. The voltage
VA and VB of the current source are used to control
transistors M1, M2 and M7, M8, respectively. The
bias of the VA and the VB are tuned then the
inductance of the active inductors will be changed.
The various range of oscillated frequency will be
A Wide Tuning Range Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Active Inductors for Bluetooth Applications
achieved. In the 2.4GHz oscillated frequency, the
bias VA and VB are 1V and 0.667V at VDD = 1.8V,
respectively. Furthermore, the oscillation frequency
and tuning range will be affected by the value of the
selected feedback resistance (Rf1, 2). Assume the
total equivalent capacitance from the output node of
the NIC is C
, and then the output oscillating
frequency can be expended as refer to Eq. (4), the
is the inverse proportion of the
feedback resistance R
, which oscillation frequency
will be decreased if the feedback resistances are
increased. The cross-coupled configuration,
including transistors M9 and M10 produce negative
conductance to compensate the loss of the LC-tank.
Fig.9 and 10 plots the measured output power and
phase noise by using the Agilent E4407B spectrum
analyzer and E5052A signal source analyzer,
respectively. The VCO oscillated at 2.4 GHz (VB =
0.667 V) delivers an output power of -6 dBm to the
50- test instrument with a phase noise of -90
dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset frequency.

)] 1 ( )[ (
2 1 2
2 1
ds f gs T gs
m m
g R C C C
g g

+ +

3 Measurement Results
The proposed circuit has been fabricated in the
TSMC 0.18m CMOS technology. Fig.7 showed the
photograph of the VCO chip. The chip area including
pads is 0.585 x 0.679 mm
. The designed VCO
including two active inductors operates at a supply
voltage of 1.8 V with the total current consumption of
Fig.9 Measured output spectrum at 2.4GHz

Fig.10 Phase noise of the VCO at 2.4GHz
Brief characteristic of the proposed VCO of
measurement results oscillators are shown in Table 1.
Table 2 compares with the wideband VCOs
published over the past few years. It shows that the
tuning-range of the VCO with active inductor owns
the wide-band of above 1 GHz.
Fig. 7 Micro photo of VCO
As the VDD = 1.8V and VA = 1V, Vb is swept
from 0 to 1 V, the VCO frequency can be tuned from
1.26 to 2.98 GHz, showing in Fig.8.
4 Conclusion
An active inductor LC-tank voltage-controlled
oscillator with a wide frequency tuning range has
been proposed and implemented in the
TSMC-0.18m 1P6M RF CMOS technology. The
wide-band tuning provides a frequency tuning range
from 1.26GHz to 2.98GHz and output power
-5.3dBm to -18.7dBm. The phase noise with the
VCO tuned to 2.4GHz is -90dBc/Hz at 1 MHz
frequency offset and the total current consumption of
the core with output buffers are 24.6mA. The
designed VCO can be used for the applications in
low-frequency band of Bluetooth system.

Fig. 8 Measured oscillation range at V
= 1.8V, V
= 1V, V
= 0 to 1
Jenn-Tzey Yang, Shao-Kang Hsieh, Ping-Jung Tsai
5 Acknowledgment
The authors would like to thank the National
Chip Implementation Center (CIC), Hsin-Chu,
Taiwan, for chip fabrication and measurement.
Table 1 Performance Summary of the Wide-Tuning-Range VCOs
Process TSMC 0.18-um RF CMOS technology
Power Supply 1.8V
Power Dissipation 44.6mW
Frequency Range 1.26GHz to 2.98GHz
Tuning Range 1.72GHz
Phase Noise -90 dBc/Hz@ 1 MHz offset at 2.4GHz
Output Power -5.3dBm to -18.7dBm

Table 2 Performance Summary of the Wide-Tuning-Range VCOs
Ref. Process

This work
1.26-2.98 1.72 -90
C. C. Wei
2.166.16 4 -65 -85
L. H. Lu
0.53.0 2.5 -101 -118
0.52.0 1.5 -78 -90
dBc/Hz at 1 MHz offset frequency

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[6] L. H. Lu, H. H. Hsieh, Y. T. Liao, A wide
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A Wide Tuning Range Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Active Inductors for Bluetooth Applications
Al.I. Cuza University, Faculty of Mathematics
Bd. Carol I, No. 11, Iasi, 700506, ROMANIA
[email protected]
Abstract: In this paper, we focuse on different important properties in fuzzy (set-valued) measure theory, such as,
non-atomicity, diffusion, regularity, order continuity, exhaustivity, countable subadditivity, increasing/decreasing
convergence, semi-convexity, Darboux property for different types of set multifunctions dened on a ring of subsets
of an abstract, nonvoid space and taking values in the family of all nonvoid closed subsets of a real normed space.
Keywords: non-atomicity, atom, regularity, order continuity, set multifunction, multi(sub)measure, diffusion,
semi-convexity, Darboux property, fuzziness.
1 Introduction
It is well known the theoretical and practical impor-
tance of non-additive fuzzy measure theory (and espe-
cially of some of its problems, such as, for instance,
(non-)(pseudo-)atomicity, regularity, decompositions,
integrability, extensions, measurability etc.).
Fuzziness has many applications in probabili-
ties (e.g. Dempster [8], Shafer [39], Zadeh [42]),
medicine (e.g. Pham, Brandl, Nguyen N.D. and
Nguyen T.V. [37] in osteporotic fractures prediction),
articial intelligence (e.g., Mastorakis [30]), math-
ematical economics, statistics, decision, theory of
games, biology, physics, human decision making etc.
Because of their multiple applications, for in-
stance in non-atomic games theory (e.g., Aumann
and Shapley [1]), mathematical economics etc., the
study of (pseudo-)atoms and non-atomicity for dif-
ferent types of set functions has intensively devel-
oped. In this context, we mention the contributions
of Chit escu [2, 3], Klimkin and Svistula [29], Olej cek
[33], Pap [34-36], Wu [41] etc.
In several recent papers (see [5, 7, 17, 20-22, 25,
31]), in the context of set multifunctions, we intro-
duced and studied notions as atoms, pseudo-atoms,
non-atomicity, nitely purely atomicity.
In this paper, the following topics will be high-
lighted for different types of set multifunctions:
atoms, non-atomicity, fuzziness, regularity, count-
able (sub)additivity, semi-convexity, Darboux prop-
erty, extensions by preserving the properties.
2 Basic notions and results
We now introduce the notations and several deni-
tions used throughout the paper. Then we shall present
our results.
Let T be an abstract, nonvoid set, X a real normed
space, P
(X) the family of all nonvoid subsets of X,
(X) the family of all nonvoid, closed subsets of X,
(X) the family of all nonvoid, closed, bounded
subsets of X, P
(X) the family of all nonvoid,
closed, bounded, convex subsets of X and h the Haus-
dorff pseudometric on P
(X), which becomes a met-
ric on P
(X) ([28]).
It is known (see [28]) that h(M, N) =
max{e(M, N), e(N, M)}, where e(M, N) =
d(x, N), for every M, N P
(X) and d(x, N)
is the distance from x to N with respect to the
distance induced by the norm of X.
We dene |M| = h(M, {0}), for every M
(X), where 0 is the origin of X.
On P
(X) we consider the Minkowski addition

+ [28], dened by:


+N = M +N, for every M, N P

where M +N is the closure of M + N with respect
to the topology induced by the norm of X.
By N

we mean N\{0} and by 1, n, we mean

{1, 2, ..., n}.
Unless stated otherwise, in what follows, suppose
: C P
(X) is a set multifunction, with () =
We denote || the extended real valued set func-
tion dened by ||(A) = |(A)|, for every A C.
The following notions extend to the set-valued
case the classical corresponding notions from [9-11],
Denition 2.1. [4, 5], [7], [14-22], [24-27], [31]
: C P
(X), with () = {0} is said to be:
I) order-continuous (briey, o-continuous) with
respect to h if lim
)| = 0, for every sequence
of sets (A
C, with A
II) exhaustive with respect to h if lim
)| =
0, for every pairwise disjoint sequence of sets
III) decreasing convergent with respect to h if
), (A)) = 0, for every decreasing se-
quence of sets (A
C, with

= A C;
III) increasing convergent with respect to h if
), (A)) = 0, for every increasing se-
quence of sets (A
C, with

= A C;
IV) monotone (or, fuzzy) if (A) (B), for
every A, B C, with A B;
V) a multisubmeasure if it is monotone and
(A B) (A)

+ (B), for every A, B C,

with A B =
(or, equivalently, for every A, B C);
VI) a multimeasure if (AB) = (A)

for every A, B C, with A B = ;
VII) null-additive if (A B) = (A), for every
A, B C, with (B) = {0};
VIII) nullnull-additive if (A B) = {0}, for
every A, B C, with (A) = (B) = {0}.
IX) h subadditive if |(


)|, for every sequence of pairwise disjoint
sets (A
C, with

Denition 2.2. We consider for an arbitrary set
multifunction : C P
(X), with () = {0}, the
variation of dened by (A) = sup{

for every A C, where the supremum is extended
over all nite partitions {A
of A.
is said to be of nite variation on C if (A) <
, for every A C.
Remark 2.3. [14, 16-18] I) is monotone and
super-additive on C.
Also, if : C P
(X) is a multi(sub)measure,
then is nitely additive on C and || is a submeasure
in Drewnowskis sense [11] on C.
Moreover, if : C P
(X) is a multisubmea-
sure of nite variation, then the following statements
are equivalent:
i) is h subadditive;
ii) is order continuous;
iii) is additive on C;
iv) is order-continuous on C;
II) If : C P
(X) is of nite variation, then
: C P
III) (A) |(A)|, for every A C.
Remark 2.4. Any fuzzy multimeasure is, partic-
ularly, a multisubmeasure.
Evidently, there are multisubmeasures that are not
Proposition 2.5. [14-16] Suppose : C
(X) is a multisubmeasure. Then:
i) If is order continuous, then it is increasing
convergent and decreasing convergent;
ii) is order continuous if and only if it is de-
creasing convergent;
iii) If C is a -ring and : C P
(X) is order
continuous, then is exhaustive.
Examples 2.6. i) If : C R
is a submeasure
(nitely additive set function, respectively), then the
set multifunction : C P
(R), dened by
(A) = [0, (A)], for every A C,
is a multisubmeasure (multimeasure, respectively),
called the multisubmeasure (multimeasure, respec-
tively) induced by .
ii) If m
, m
: C R
, m
is a nitely additive
set function and m
is a submeasure (nitely additive
set function, respectively), then the set multifunction
: C P
(R), dened by
(A) = [m
(A), m
(A)], for every A C,
is a multisubmeasure (multimeasure, respectively).
Moreover, since |(A)| = max{m
(A)}, for every A C, then is order-continuous
(exhaustive, respectively) if and only if the same are
both m
, m
The following notions extend to the set-valued
case the classical ones from [2, 3], [29], [36], [40-41].
Denition 2.7. [5], [7], [17], [20-22], [24, 25],
Let : C P
(X) be a set multifunction, with
() = {0}.
I) A set A C is said to be an atom of if
(A) {0} and for every B C, with B A, we
have (B) = {0} or (A\B) = {0};
II) is said to be non-atomic if it has no atoms;
III) We say that :
i) has the Darboux property if for every A C,
with (A) {0} and every p (0, 1), there exists a
set B C such that B A and (B) = p (A);
Non-Atomic set Multifunctions
ii) is semi-convex if for every A C, with (A)
{0} , there is a set B C such that B A and
(B) =
IV) is said to be:
i) nitely purely atomic if there is a nite disjoint
family (A
C of atoms of so that T =

ii) purely atomic if there is at most a countable
number of atoms (A
C of so that (T\

) = {0} (if C is a -algebra).
Proposition 2.8. i) If is monotone, then
is non-atomic if and only if for every A C, with
(A) {0}, there exists B C, with B A,
(B) {0} and (A\B) {0}).
ii) [21] Any multisubmeasure having the Darboux
property is non-atomic.
iii) [18] If is a multisubmeasure and A
is an
atom of , then (A
) = |(A
iv) [6] If a set multifunction has the Darboux
property, then it is semi-convex.
Moreover, if C is a -ring and : C P
is a monotone increasing convergent multimeasure,
then has the Darboux property if and only if it is
In the sequel, let T be a locally compact Haus-
dorff space, C a ring of subsets of T, B
the Baire -
ring generated by the G

-compact subsets of T (that

is, compact sets which are countable intersections of
open sets) and B the Borel -ring generated by the
compact subsets of T.
In what follows, we recall different types of regu-
larity, that we have dened and studied in [14-16], [18,
19] and [26, 27] for different types of set multifunc-
tions with respect to the Hausdorff topology. Regu-
larity is an important property of continuity, which
connects measure theory and topology, approximat-
ing general Borel sets by more tractable sets, such as,
for instance, compact and or open sets.
Our study concerning regularity was inspired by
a great number of papers. In this sense, we mention
the contributions of Denneberg [9], Dinculeanu [10],
Narukawa, Murofushi and Sugeno [32], Olej cek [33],
Pap [34-36], Precupanu [38].
Let : C P
(X) be an arbitrary set multifunc-
tion, with () = {0}.
Denition 2.9. I) Let A C be an arbitrary set.
A is said to be:
i) R

- regular with respect to if for every > 0,

there exist a compact set K A, K C and an open
set D A, D C such that |(B)| < , for every
B C, B D\K;
ii) R

- regular with respect to if for every >
0, there exists a compact set K A, K C such
that |(B)| < , for every B C, B A\K;
iii) R

- regular with respect to if for every >
0, there exists an open set D A, D C such that
|(B)| < , for every B C, B D\A;
iv) R- regular with respect to if for every > 0,
there exist a compact set K A, K C and an open
set D A, D C such that h((A), (B)) < , for
every B C, K B D;
v) R
- regular with respect to if for every >
0, there exists a compact set K A, K C such that
h((A), (B)) < , for every B C, K B A;
vi) R
- regular with respect to if for every >
0, there exists an open set D A, D C such that
h((A), (B)) < , for every B C, A B D;
II) is said to be:
i) R

- regular (R

- regular, R

- regular, respec-
tively) if every A C is a R

- regular (R

- regular,

- regular, respectively) set with respect to ;
ii) R - regular (R
- regular, R
- regular, respec-
tively) if every A C is a R - regular (R
- regular,
- regular, respectively) set with respect to .
In what follows, suppose : C P
(X) is
We shall give several characterizations of the
above types of regularity.
Remark 2.10. [18] I) Every compact K C is
-regular and R

-regular and every open D C is
-regular and R

II) a) is R

-regular if and only if for every A C

and every > 0, there are a compact K C, K A
and an open D C, A D so that |(D\K)| < .
b) is R

-regular if and only if for every A C
and every > 0, there is a compact K C, K A
so that |(A\K)| < .
c) is R

-regular if and only if for every A C
and every > 0, there is an open D C, A D so
that |(D\A)| < .
III) a) is R-regular if and only if for every
A C and every > 0, there are a compact K
C, K A and an open D C, D A so that
e((D), (K)) < .
b) is R
-regular if and only if for every A C
and every > 0, there is a compact K C, K A
so that e((A), (K)) < .
c) is R
-regular if and only if for every A C
and every > 0, there is an open D C, D A so
that e((D), (A)) < .
Theorem 2.11. [14-16], [18], [27] Suppose :
(X) is a multisubmeasure. Then:
Alina Gavrilut
i) is R-regular if and only if it is R
-regular and
ii) is R

-regular if and only if it is R

and R

iii) If is R

-regular (R

-regular, R

respectively), then is R
-regular (R
-regular, R-
regular, respectively).
iv) If C is the ring (or the -ring) generated by
the compact sets or by the compact, G

sets, then is

-regular if and only if is R

-regular if and only if
is R

Proposition 2.12. [15, 16] i) Any R

-regular mul-
tisubmeasure : C P
(X) is order continuous.
ii) A multisubmeasure : B
(X) is R

regular if and only if it is order continuous.
Diffuse set functions were studied for instance by
Fernandez [12], Gardner [13] and many others. The
following notion extends to the set valued case the
classical denition of diffusion.
Denition 2.13. Let : C P
(X) be a set
multifunction, with () = {0}.
We say that is diffused if for every t T,with
{t} C, ({t}) = {0}.
Remark 2.14. If T is a locally compact Haus-
dorff space, then {t} is a compact set, hence {t} B.
The same as in [17], one can easily check:
Theorem 2.15. Let be A B with (A) {0}
and : B P
(X) a R

regular, fuzzy and null-
additive set multifunction.
i) If Ais an atomof , then there exists a compact
set K
B so that K
A and (A\K
) = {0};
ii) A is an atom of if and only if
() !a Aso that (A\{a}) = {0};
iii) is non-atomic if and only if is diffused.
Now, one can easily check that, if C
are two
rings and if : C
(X) is a non-atomic multi-
may not be non-atomic. Although,
Theorem 2.16. [17] Let : B P
(X) be a

-regular, non-atomic Borel multisubmeasure. Then

: B
(X) is also a R

-regular, non-atomic
Baire multisubmeasure.
Corollary 2.17. [16, 17] If X is a Banach space
and if : B
(X) is a R

-regular Baire mul-

tisubmeasure, which has atoms, then uniquely ex-
tends to a R

-regular Borel multisubmeasure : B

(X) which also has atoms.
In what follows, without any special assumptions,
suppose Ais an algebra of subsets of an abstract space
T, X is a real normed space, : A P
(X) is a set
multifunction, with () = {0} and f : T R is a
Denition 2.18. A partition of T is a nite family
P = {A
A such that A
= , i = j

= T.
Denition 2.19. f is said to be:
I) -totally-measurable on (T, A, ) if for every
> 0 there exists a partition P

= {A
of T
such that the following properties hold:
a) (A
) < and
b) sup
|f(t) f(s)| < , for every i = 1, n.
II) -totally-measurable on B A if the re-
striction f|
of f to B is -totally measurable on
(B, A
), where A
= {A B; A A} and

= |
Example 2.20. [23] Suppose T is a compact met-
ric space, B is the Borel -ring generated by the com-
pact subsets of T, f : T R is continuous on T
and : B P
(X) is nitely purely atomic, null-
additive, monotone and R

Then f is -totally-measurable on every atom
, i = 1, p (where T =

In the following, suppose (T, d
) is a locally com-
pact, metric space. We shall give an application of
Theorem 2.21. (Lusin type) [19] Let : A
(X) be a R

-regular multisubmeasure and f :
T R be -totally measurable on T.
Then for every > 0, there is a compact set K

A so that:
i) for > 0, there is () > 0, so that for
every t, s K

, with d
(t, s) < (), we have
|f(t) f(s)| < and
ii) |(T\K

)| < (i.e., f is pseudo-quasi-

continuous on T).
3. Concluding remarks. In this paper, we
concentrate on the study of different notions, such
as, non-atomicity, diffusion, regularity, order conti-
nuity, exhaustivity, countable subadditivity, increas-
ing/decreasing convergence for different types of set
multifunctions dened on a ring of subsets of an ab-
stract, nonvoid space and taking values in the family
Non-Atomic set Multifunctions
of all nonvoid closed subsets of a real normed space.
We synthetisize the main results in the following two
Darboux property



(1): C a -ring, : C P
(X) a monotone
increasing convergent multimeasure
(2): : B P
(X) a R

-regular, fuzzy and
null-additive set multifunction
(3): : C P
(X) a multisubmeasure






order continuity

decreasing convergence
(1): C = B
or B, : C P
(X) a multisub-
(2): : B
(X) a multisubmeasure
(3): : C P
(X) a multisubmeasure of nite
(4): : C P
(X) a multisubmeasure
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Non-Atomic set Multifunctions
Al.I. Cuza University,
Faculty of Mathematics,
Bd. Carol I, No. 11, Iasi, 700506,
[email protected]
Al.I. Cuza University,
Faculty of Mathematics,
Bd. Carol I, No. 11, Iasi, 700506,
[email protected]
Military Institutes of University Education (ASEI),
Hellenic Naval Academy,
Terma Hatzikyriakou, 18593,
[email protected]
Abstract: We present some properties regarding diffusion for fuzzy set multifunctions dened on a ring of subsets
of an abstract nonvoid space and taking values in the family of all nonvoid closed subsets of a real normed space.
KeyWords: diffused, fuzzy set multifunction, atom, non-atomicity, regular, multimeasure, semi-convex, null-
1 Introduction
In the last years, because of its utility in a broad spec-
trum of areas, such as statistics, probability, economy,
theory of games, articial intelligence, computer and
system sciences, biology, medicine, physics, human
decision making (see, for instance, [3], [8], [27], [30],
[32, 33]), a theory of fuzziness became to develop.
In recent years, we were interested in the study
of different problems of the classical measure the-
ory (regularity, fuzziness, atoms, pseudo-atoms, non-
atomicity, nitely purely atomicity, integrability, con-
tinuity properties), which we treated in the set valued
case (see, for instance, [1, 2], [4-7], [13-23], [28],
In this paper we investigate another important
property, with many applications, the property of dif-
fusion. Different problems concerning this property
of diffusion have been studied for real valued mea-
sures for instance by [11, 12], [25, 26].
2 Basic notions
Let T be an abstract nonvoid space, X a real normed
space, P
(X) the family of all nonvoid subsets of
X, P
(X) the family of all nonvoid closed subsets
of X, P
(X) the family of all nonvoid closed sub-
sets of X, P
(X) the family of all nonvoid closed
bounded convex subsets of X and h the Hausdorff-
Pompeiu pseudometric on P
(X). h becomes a met-
ric on P
(X) [24].
It is known that h(M, N) = max{e(M, N),
e(N, M)}, where e(M, N) = sup
d(x, N), for ev-
ery M, N P
(X) is the excess of M over N and
d(x, N) is the distance from x to N with respect to
the distance induced by the norm of X.
On P
(X) we consider the Minkowski addition

+ [24], dened by:


+N = M +N, for every M, N P

where M +N is the closure of M + N with respect
to the topology induced by the norm of X.
We denote |M| = h(M, {0}), for every M
(X), where 0 is the origin of X.
The following notions generalize the well-known
corresponding notions from the non-additive fuzzy
measure theory ([9], [10], [29]).
Denition 1 ([4, 5], [7], [13-23], [28], [31]) Consider
: C P
(X) a set multifunction, with () = {0}.
is said to be:
I) fuzzy (or monotone) if (A) (B), for every
A, B C, with A B;
II) null-additive if (A B) = (A), for every
A, B C, with (B) = {0};
III) nullnull-additive if (A B) = {0}, for
every A, B C, with (A) = (B) = {0};
IV) decreasing convergent with respect to h if
), (A)) = 0, for every decreasing se-
quence of sets (A
C, with

= A C;
V) a multimeasure if (A B) = (A)

for every A, B C, with A B = .
Remark 2 I. If : C P
(X) is null-additive, then
it is null-null-additive.
The converse is not valid.
Indeed, let T = {a, b}, C = P(T) and : C
(R) dened by (T) = [0, 2], ({b}) = [0, 1] and
() = ({a}) = {0}. Then is null-null-additive
but it is not null-additive.
II. Any multimeasure : C P
(X) is null-
The converse in not true. Indeed, let T = {a, b},
C = P(T) and : C P
(R) dened by (T) =
[0, 2], ({a}) = ({b}) = [0,
] and () = {0}.
Then is null-additive but it is not a multimeasure.
Suppose : C P
(X) is a set multifunction,
with () = {0}.
By || we denote the extended real valued set
function dened by ||(A) = |(A)|, for every A
Denition 3 For a set multifunction : C P
with () = {0}, we consider the variation of de-
ned by (A) = sup{

)|}, for every A C,
where the supremum is extended over all nite parti-
tions {A
of A.
is said to be of nite variation on C if (A) < ,
for every A C.
Remark 4 I. is fuzzy and super-additive on P(T),
the family of all subsets of T.
II. If is fuzzy, then || is also fuzzy.
The converse is not true. Indeed, let T = {a, b},
C = P(T) and : C P
(R) dened by (T) =
{1}, ({a}) = ({b}) = [0, 1] and () = {0}. We
have |(A)| = 1 if A = and |()| = 0. Then || is
fuzzy, but is not fuzzy.
III. If is null-additive, then || is null-additive.
The converse is not valid.
Indeed, let T = {a, b}, C = P(T) and : C
(R) dened by (T) = [0, 1], ({a}) = 1 and
({b}) = () = {0}. We have |(A)| = 1 if A = T
or A = {a} and |(A)| = 0 if A = {b} or A = .
Then || is null-additive, but is not null-additive.
Denition 5 ([4, 5], [7], [13], [16-18], [21], [28]) If :
(X) is a set multifunction, with () = {0},
I) A set A C is said to be an atom of if
(A) {0} and for every B C, with B A, we
have (B) = {0} or (A\B) = {0};
II) is said to be non-atomic if it has no atoms.
Remark 6 I. If : C P
(X) is fuzzy, then
is non-atomic if and only if for every A C, with
(A) {0}, there exists B C, with B A,
(B) {0} and (A\B) {0}).
II. Suppose : C P
(X) is fuzzy. If A C
is an atom of and B C, B A has (A) {0},
then B is an atom of and (A\B) = {0}.
Denition 7 Suppose m : C R
is an arbitrary
set function, with m() = 0. We say that a set mul-
tifunction : C P
) is induced by m if
(A) = [0, m(A)], for every A C.
Remark 8 Let : C P
) be the set multi-
function induced by a set function m : C R
i) is fuzzy if and only if m is fuzzy.
ii) is null-additive (null-null-additive, respec-
tively) if and only if the same is m.
iii) is a multimeasure if and only if m is nitely
iv) is non-atomic if and only if mis non-atomic.
3 Diffusion of a set multifunction
We present in the sequel some properties regarding
diffusion for set multifunctions.
Let T be a locally compact Hausdorff space, C
a ring of subsets of T, B
the Baire -ring generated
by the G

-compact subsets of T (that is, compact sets

which are countable intersections of open sets) and B
the Borel -ring generated by the compact subsets of
T. It is known that B
Denition 9 ([28]) Let : C P
(X) be a set mul-
tifunction, with () = {0}. We say that is diffused
if for every t T,with {t} C, ({t}) = {0}.
We recall nowdifferent types of regularity that we
have dened and studied, for instance, in [14, 22, 23]
for different types of set multifunctions with respect
to the Hausdorff topology induced by the Hausdorff
Fuzzy Diffused set Multifunctions
Denition 10 Let A C be an arbitrary set and :
(X) a set multifunction, with () = {0}.
i) A is said to be regular with respect to if for
every > 0, there exists a compact set K A, K
C such that |(B)| < , for every B C, B A\K.
ii) is said to be regular if every A C is a
regular set with respect to .
Remark 11 I. Let : C P
) be the set mul-
tifunction induced by a set function m : C R
i) is diffused if and only if m is diffused.
ii) is regular if and only if m is regular.
II. If T is a locally compact Hausdorff space, then
{t} is a compact set, hence {t} B.
One can easily observe the following:
Remark 12 I. The Lebesgue measure is diffused.
Also, the set functions m : C R
dened for every
A C by:
a) m(A) =

b) m(A) =
are diffused. The same are the set multifunctions in-
duced by them.
II. If , : C P
(X) are diffused set multi-
functions, then the same are:
a) the set multifunction

+ : C P
(X) de-
ned by (

+)(A) = (A)

+(A), for every A
b) the set multifunction dened by ()(A) =
(A), for every A C.
III. Let : C P
(X) be a set multifunction,
with () = {0}.
The following statements are equivalent:
a) is diffused;
b) || is diffused;
c) is diffused on C.
In the sequel, we establish that, under several as-
sumptions, non-atomicity and diffusion are equiva-
Theorem 13 Let A B with (A) {0} and
: B P
(X) be a regular fuzzy null-additive set
multifunction, with () = {0}.
i) If A is an atom of , then there is a compact set
B so that K
A and (A\K
) = {0};
ii) A is an atom of if and only if the following
property holds:
(P) ! a A so that (A\{a}) = {0}.
iii) is non-atomic if and only if is diffused.
Proof. For every E B, let K
= {K E; K
is a compact set and (E\K) = {0}} B.
i) Let A B be an atom of .
One can easily check that / K
. First, we prove
that K
is nonvoid.
Suppose by the contrary that K
= . Then for
every compact set K A, we have (A\K) {0}.
Since A is an atom of , then (K) = {0}.
Thus, by the regularity of , we immediately have
that (A) = {0} and this is a contradiction.
Let us prove now that every set K K
is an
atom of . Indeed, if K K
, then (A\K) = {0}.
Also, for every B B, with B K, since K
A and A is an atom of , we get (B) = {0} or
(A\B) = {0}.
If (A\B) = {0}, then {0} (K\B)
(A\B) = {0}, so (K\B) = {0}.
Consequently, K K
is an atom of .
We prove now that K
, for every
, K
Indeed, if K
, K
, then K
is a com-
pact set of T and (A\(K
)) = {0}.
It recurrently results:

, n N

, K
, . . . , K
We prove that K
K is a nonvoid set.
Suppose, on the contrary, that K
= .
There are K
, K
, ..., K
so that

. But from (1) it results

, which is a
Now, we prove that K
. Obviously, K
a compact set.
Let be K K
. Then (A\K) = {0}.
If K
= K, then K
If K
= K, then K
Because (A\K
) = (K\K
), it remains to
demonstrate that (K\K
) = {0}.
Suppose that, on the contrary, (K\K
) {0}.
Since K is an atom of , by Remark 6-II, it fol-
lows that K\K
is an atom of .
Because A is an atom of and (K\K
) {0},
then (A\(K\K
)) = {0}.
Let us consider C K
Then ((K\K
)\C) = {0} and, since
)) = {0}, by the null-additivity of we
get that (A\C) = {0}. This implies C K
Therefore, K
C, but C K\K
, which is a
contradiction. Therefore, (K\K
) = {0}.
So, indeed, if A B is an atom of , we nd a
compact set K
B so that K
A and (A\K
) =
Alina Gavrilut, Anca Croitoru, Nikos E. Mastorakis
ii) Let A B be an atom of .
a) The existence part:
We show that the set K
from the proof of i) is a
singleton {a}.
Suppose that, on the contrary, there exist a, b
A, with a = b and K
{a, b}.
Since T is a locally compact Hausdorff space,
there exists an open neighbourhood V of a so that
b / V .
Obviously, K
= (K
\V )(K
V ) and K
\V ,
V are nonvoid compact subsets of A.
We prove that K
\V K
or K
Indeed, if K
\V / K
and K
V / K
, then
\V )) {0} and (A\(K
V )) {0}.
Since A is an atom of , then (K
\V ) = {0}
and (K
V ) = {0}.
Consequently, according to the null-additivity of
, we get (K
) = {0}.
This implies {0} (A) = {0}, which is a con-
Therefore, K
\V K
or K
Because K
K, for every K K
, we get that
\V or K
V , which is impossible.
So, a A so that (A\{a}) = {0}.
b) The uniqueness part:
Suppose that, on the contrary, there are a, b A,
with a = b, (A\{a}) = {0} and (A\{b}) = {0}.
Because {b} A\{a} and (A\{a}) = {0}, by
the fuzziness of we get that ({b}) = {0}.
Then, according to the null-additivity of , by
(A\{b}) = {0} and ({b}) = {0}, we have (A) =
{0}, which is a contradiction.
Now, consider A B, with (A) {0} having
property (P) and let B B, with B A.
If a / B, then B A\{a}. Because
(A\{a}) = {0} and is monotone, we have
(B) = {0}. If a B, then A\B A\{a}, so
(A\B) = {0}. Consequently, A is an atom of .
iii) Let be diffused and suppose, on the contrary,
there is an atom A
C of .
By ii), there is an unique a A
so that
\{a}) = {0}.
On the other hand, by the diffusion of
, ({a}) = {0}.
The null-additivity of implies that (A
) =
{0}, which is a contradiction since A
C is an atom
of . Consequently, is non-atomic.
Now, let be non-atomic and suppose, on the
contrary, that is not diffused, so there is t
so that ({t
}) {0}.
Because is non-atomic, there is a set B B
such that B {t
}, (B) {0} and ({t
{0}. Consequently, B = or B = {t
}, which is
false. The proof is thus nished.
Denition 14 ([28]) Let : C P
(X) be a set
multifunction, with () = {0}. We say that is semi-
convex if for every A C, with (A) {0}, there
exists B C so that B A and (B) =
The same as in [28] or [13] one can easily prove:
Theorem 15 Let C = B
(or B). If : C P
is a fuzzy decreasing convergent semi-convex multi-
measure, then for every t T, there exists A
C so
that t A
and (A
) = {0}.
Theorem 16 ([28]) If : B P
(X) is a dif-
fused regular fuzzy multimeasure, then
the condition:
for every t T, there exists A
so that
t A
and (A
) = {0}.
Corollary 17 ([28]) Let : B P
(X) be a regular
fuzzy multimeasure. Then is diffused on B if and
only if for every t T, there exists A
so that
t A
and (A
) = {0}.
4 Concluding remarks
In this paper, results concerning fuzzy diffused set
multifunctions are discussed in the context of differ-
ent notions such as atoms, non-atomicity, regularity,
semi-convexity, decreasing convergence.
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Fuzzy Diffused set Multifunctions
The Rademacher Complexity Model over Acoustic Features for
Improving Robustness in Hypernasal Speech Detection
, S. R

MIRP Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition Lab, Research Center
Instituto Tecnol ogico Metropolitano ITM Instituci on Universitaria
Calle 73 No. 76A-354 Va al Volador, Medelln
SP&RG Signal Processing and Recognition Group, DIEEyC
Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Manizales
Campus La Nubia, Km. 7 Va al Magdalena, Manizales
{edilsondelgado, sarahrothlisberger}@itm.edu.co, {fasepulvedas, cgcastellanosd}@unal.edu.co
Abstract: People with a defective velopharyngeal mechanism speak with abnormal nasal resonance (hypernasal
speech). Voice analysis methods for hypernasality detection commonly use vowels and nasalized vowels. How-
ever, to obtain a more general assessment of this abnormality it is necessary to analyze stops and fricatives.
This study describes a method with high generalization capability for hypernasality detection analyzing un-
voiced Spanish stop consonants. The importance of phoneme-by-phoneme analysis is shown, in contrast with
whole word parametrization which includes irrelevant segments from the classication point of view. Parame-
ters that correlate the imprints of Velopharyngeal Incompetence (VPI) over voiceless stop consonants were used
in the feature estimation stage. Classication was carried out using a Support Vector Machine (SVM), includ-
ing the Rademacher complexity model with the aim of increasing the generalization capability. Performances
of 95.2% and 92.7% were obtained in the processing and verication stages for a repeated cross-validation
classier evaluation.
Key-Words: Acoustic Analysis, Speech Analysis, Feature Selection, Support Vector Machines and Rademacher
1 Introduction
The verbal communication process requires transla-
tion of thoughts into spoken language. A person with
a physical and/or neurological impairment, may have
a compromised vocal tract conguration and/or exci-
tation, resulting in reduced speech quality. A specic
example of a vocal tract dysfunction causing reduced
speech quality is a defective velopharyngeal mecha-
nism [1]. The term cleft palate refers to a malfor-
mation which affects the soft and/or hard palate, and
is usually congenital [2]. Digital voice processing
(DVP)-based techniques are amongst the most useful
of noninvasive techniques for assessing velopharyn-
geal function, due to the ease of recording speech sig-
nals, which are mainly affected in two ways: 1) nasal-
ized phonemes, and 2) weak consonants and short ut-
terance length [3]. The most common way to detect
velopharyngeal disfunction (employing DVP) is by
carrying out an analysis of nasalized vowel sounds.
In [2], a group of delay-based signal processing tech-
niques was described for the analysis and detection
of hypernasal speech. Experiments were carried out
on the phonemes /a/, /i/, and /u/, where the results
showed a high performance on hypernasality detec-
tion. The effectiveness of these delay-based acous-
tic measures were cross-veried with data collected
in an entirely different recording environment, how-
ever, the generalization capability results of this fea-
ture set with regards to the classication accuracy
were not convincing. In [1], the sensitivity of the
Teager energy operator for multicomponent signals
was used for detecting the hypernasality problem. A
measurable difference was observed between the low-
pass and band-pass proles for the nasalized vowels,
whereas the normal vowel, which is a single compo-
nent signal, does not show a difference. Parameters
such as Harmonics to Noise Ratio (HNR) [4], Nor-
malized Noise Energy (NNE) [5], Glottal to Noise
Excitation (GNE) and so on have been proposed for
the analysis of pathological voices in different stud-
ies. They were mainly designed for sustained vowels,
although sometimes they have been used for voiced
phonemes, as in [6]. The real problem in hypernasal-
ity detection employing DVP is the high variability
within-classes, which means high complexity in the
training stage and low generalization capability. In
this study, unvoiced consonant analysis is proposed,
which impedes the use of features previously devel-
oped in the literature for speech pathology assess-
ment. Using parameters that correlate the imprints of
Velopharyngeal Incompetence (VPI) over voiceless
stop consonants such as power, duration and so on,
allows for a better representation of the phenomenon
currently analyzed. Additionally, nding a reduced
representation space of the normal and pathological
records is very important, since this procedure re-
duces computational complexity without loss of clas-
sication accuracy and improves the detection robust-
ness by the Rademacher complexity model, due to the
addition of an uncertainty component in the feature
subset evaluation stage.
2 Materials and Methods
It is necessary to take into account the drawbacks
caused by small training samples in the design of
automatic classication systems. To reduce these
problems, the features used must be correlated with
the inuence of velopharyngeal incompetence in stop
consonants, and classiers with good generalization
properties should be employed [7].
2.1 Database
The sample was constituted by 88 children. Classes
were balanced (44 patients with normal voice and 44
with hypernasality), and all registers were evaluated
by specialists. Each recording was made up by sev-
eral Spanish words, but in this study only the words
coco (/k oko/ ) and pap a (/pap a/ ) were used. Signals
were acquired under low noise conditions using a dy-
namic, unidirectional microphone (cardioide). Sig-
nal range was between (-1, 1). A manual segmenta-
tion process was carried out to separate the stop parts
of the utterances /k oko/ and /pap a/ resulting in vari-
ous sets (two from /k oko/ and two from /pap a/ ) each
formed by 88 signals.
2.2 Parametrization of plosive signals
A plosive consonant is formed by blocking the oral
cavity at some point. During the articulation of most
plosives the velum is raised, blocking off the nasal
passages. Individuals with cleft palate have never
learnt to control the movements of the velum. Af-
ter reconstructive surgery or the tting of a prothe-
sis, such individuals need guidance in controlling the
velum to produce plosive sounds [8]. The subglot-
tal pressure represents the energy immediately avail-
able for creating the acoustic signals of speech [9].
The pressure that builds up behind the occlusion is
released suddenly as a minor explosion or popping
[3]. The power of stops can help to perceive the
weakness of plosive consonants in velopharyngeal pa-
tients. In this study, it is calculated using the expres-
sion: P = 10 log
where P

and P
is the power of the uttered word. Each
stop segment is considered separately for the whole
database. Air leakage around the blockage signi-
cantly slows down the rise in supraglottal pressure,
and therefore, delays phonatory shut-down [9]. This
can provoke a short utterance length of consonant plo-
sives, which in this study, is measured in seconds.
Velic action allows the nasal cavities to be closed or
open (or partially open, although air can leak around
the velic blockage) with respect to the rest of the
vocal tract, which allows sound waves to resonate
within the nasal cavities, giving a distinctive nasal
quality to the speech sounds produced [8]. In addi-
tion, the lower pressure of voiced stops in hypernasal
speech results in reduced high-frequency energy for
the burst [9]. The MFCC (Mel-Frequency Cepstral
Coefcients) and DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform)
use lterbanks to obtain measures of different por-
tions of the spectrum, so the energies at every l-
ter could be used to model the behavior at different
frequency ranges [10]. MFCCs are currently one of
the most widely used features for Automatic Speech
Recognition. These features are calculated by taking
the discrete cosine transform of the logarithm of en-
ergy at the output of a Mel lter. In feature estima-
tion processes based on the Fourier transform, the ex-
tracted features have xed time frequency resolution
due to the inherent limitation of the FFT. More re-
cently, discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and wavelet
packets (WP) have been tried for feature extraction,
because of their multi-resolution capabilities [11].
2.3 Feature selection
In general, given a set of observations represented for
a set of features {F
where each observation is
associated to one and only one class label from a label
set k, the main goal of feature selection is to choose
the best possible subset

of size q from a
The Rademacher Complexity Model over Acoustic Features for Improving Robustness in Hypernasal Speech Detection
set of p features, where optimal and suboptimal strate-
gies are ussually considered. For the optimal case, if
the cardinal of

is q, and all the q-cardinal subsets
are in

, the subset

is that which optimizes an eval-
uation function f, such as [7]:


= max



In pattern recognition tasks, feature selection accord-

ing to the evaluation function f can be carried out by
wrapper type selection, when f uses information of
the classication function oriented to minimizing the
classier error, and lter type selection, which con-
sists in data preprocessing by optimizing f with re-
spect to a metric (independent of the classication re-
sults), where the irrelevant, redundant and correlated
variables are discarded [12]. Wrapper type selection
procedures give better performance in cases where the
number of features is lower than 50 [13], while the
lter type can be operated in larger spaces because
its computational demand is usually lower [7]. Sub-
optimal algorithms, although incapable of examining
every feature combination, will assess a set of poten-
tially useful feature combinations. Popular methods
such as sequential forward selection (SFS) and se-
quential backward selection (SBS) are found. In oat-
ing search methods such as sequential forward oat-
ing selection (SFFS) and sequential backward oating
selection (SBFS), the number of added and removed
features can change at each step and these wrapper
routines carry out the search in a considerably smaller
number of subsets [14].
2.4 Support vector classiers
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) were used in this
study mainly for two reasons: SVMs have a rela-
tively good generalization capability with less amount
of training data, and they have been particularly well
developed for binary classication tasks. Traditional
neural network approaches are more likely to suffer of
poor generalization, producing models that can over-
t the data. This is a consequence of the optimization
algorithms used for parameter selection and the sta-
tistical measures used to select the best model [15].
For the binary classication problem, a discrimina-
tion function can be taken as g(x) = w
(x) + w
with decision rules w
0 x
0 x
, where (x) :

is generally a nonlinear function which maps
vector x into what is called a feature space of higher
dimensionality (possibly innite) where classes are
linearly separable. The vector w denes the separat-
ing hyper-plane in such a space and w
represents a
possible bias [12].
2.5 Rademacher complexity model
Rademacher complexity is a measure proposed in
[16], which attempts to balance the complexity of the
model with its t to the data by minimizing the sum of
the training error and a penalty term. Let {x
, y
be a set of training instances, where x
is the pat-
tern or example associated with features {F
and y
is the label of the example x
. Let h(x
be the class obtained by the classier h, trained us-
ing {x
, y
. Then, the training error is dened
as e (h) =

where, I

1, when h(x
) = y
0, when h(x
) = y
Let {
be a sequence of Rademacher ran-
dom variables (i.i.d.) independent of the data {x
where each variable takes values +1 and -1 with prob-
ability 1/2. According to this, computation of the
Rademacher complexity involves the following steps
Generate {
Get a new set of labels, doing z
Train the classier h
using {x
, z
Compute the Rademacher penalty, given by




Train the classier h, using {x

, y
Compute the training error e (h).
The Rademacher complexity: RC = e (h) +
2.6 Proposed procedure
The representation space was composed of the fea-
tures related to the plosive consonant power and
its duration in relation to the word. On the other
hand, feature estimation in the frequency domain was
achieved by using two techniques: DWT and MFCC.
Each feature was estimated for each plosive conso-
nant at the beginning of /k oko/ and /pap a/. By using
3rd order spline mother wavelet, the Nyquist spectral
E. Delgado, F. A. Sepulveda, S. Rothlisberger, C. G. Castellanos
range was divided in 4 bands (i.e., 3 for the detail lev-
els and 1 for the approximation level). The other fea-
tures consist of estimating parameters related to 13-
MFCC. Thus, the total number of extracted features
for each observation was 15. With the aim of com-
paring these two representation forms with regards to
the discriminant capability, the classication results
were obtained using a SVM classier.
Feature space reduction is carried out by using
a type-wrapper algorithm for heuristic search (i.e.,
SFFS algorithm) with a SVM classier (RBF-kernel)
using a hypothesis test based on a distance measure-
ment for establishing the initial conditions. Moreover,
the Rademacher complexity model was included in
the evaluation function f. With the aim of compar-
ing the proposed models performance, the conven-
tional training was developed and proved under the
same conditions. All data sets were divided in pro-
cessing stage data (70%) and verication data (30%).
That is, the processing stage data is the union of the
training and validation sets, which are disjointed from
the verication set.
3 Results and Discussion
The utterance /k oko/ has two plosive segments, Fig-
ures 1 and 2 show 2-dimensional scatter plots using
the duration and power for each segment. Discrim-
3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5

Power (dB)

Fig. 1: Duration vs power for the rst plosive segment
in the Spanish word /k oko/
ination between the two classes can be observed us-
ing the rst plosive segment. By contrast, in the sec-
ond gure this conguration is not seen. The clo-
sure of the velopharyngeal gap is necessary to pro-
duce vowels as well as stops; but in the rst segment
the velopharyngeral gap begins to open, provoking a
delay in the closing phase, in hypernasal speech. At
the beginning of the second stop, the velum is closed
as the previous phoneme is a vowel, thus the duration
2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0.5

Power (dB)

Fig. 2: Duration vs power for the second plosive seg-
ment in the Spanish word /k oko/
is more similar to the normal category, as depicted in
Fig. 2. Other parameters used in this study are related
to the fact that spectral components of the plosives are
modied by the velopharyngeal incompetence. This
set is formed by the energy for every band in a 3rd
level of the DWT decomposition. In Figures 3 and 4
two of these values are shown. Once again there is
greater similarity between the two classes in the sec-
ond stop segment. The two sets are slightly distin-
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Fig. 3: Energy in the third approximation and detail
bands for the rst plosive segment in the Spanish word
/k oko/
guishable as can be seen in the energy-band parameter
distribution, nevertheless when these parameters were
evaluated (joined with Power and Duration) from the
point of view of the classication rate, the perfor-
mance does not reach 61%. When 13th order MFCC
coefcients were calculated, instead of DWT, the per-
formance went up to levels between 83% and 88%
with an average rate of 85.7%, although this result de-
creased to 62.4% in the verication stage (i.e., poor
generalization capability). The classier evaluation
was made by applying cross-validation for 30 folds.
The Rademacher Complexity Model over Acoustic Features for Improving Robustness in Hypernasal Speech Detection
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5

Fig. 4: Energy in the third approximation and detail
bands for the second plosive segment in the Spanish
word /k oko/
Similar experiments were carried out for each word
as it is shown in Table 1, where F1
is the feature
set related to power and duration + DWT for the pro-
cessing and verication data, similarly, F2
is the
feature set related to power and duration + MFCC.
The notation //+// means that in this case the whole
feature set for /k oko/ and /pap a/ has been considered.
Feature selection results obtained without/with the
Table 1: Classication results (%) for /k oko/ and
/pap a/
/k oko/ 59.8 92.8 52.1 63.7
/pap a/ 60.9 97.3 55.3 77.9
// + // 85.7 62.4
rademacher complexity model included in the evalu-
ation function are shown in Table 2, over the process-
ing and verication data sets, where #F
is the
selected feature number from the {F1 + F2} feature
set without/with the rademacher complexity model,
similarly, A
is the average classication accuracy
(%) for the processing and verication data. It is re-
Table 2: Results without/with the Rademacher com-
/k oko/ 5 89.6 62.8 9 87.6 85.2
/pap a/ 6 95.1 78.3 7 93.2 89.5
// + // 7 96.6 76.8 12 95.2 92.7
markable that the classication results for the pro-
cessing with the Rademacher complexity model are
lower than for the other cases, although nally in the
verication stage, the proposed training retains the
classication accuracy even when the input samples
are completely unknown.
4 Conclusions
From these experiments it can be concluded that hy-
pernasal assessment should be determined by analyz-
ing phoneme by phoneme, instead of complete words.
The acoustic properties of the same phoneme can be
completely different in different parts of the uttered
word due to variability of the behavior of articula-
tors which depend so much on the context. According
to the obtained results, the Rademacher penalty adds
generalization capability to the classier, which is a
necessary constraint due to the high within-class vari-
ability of speech signals. This uncertainty included in
the feature selection allows for effective dimensional-
ity reduction.
Using few features, a performance of 85.2% in
the verication stage was obtained for the voiceless
plosive /k/, 89.5% for the phoneme /p/ and 92.7%
considering both phonemes. Thus, feature selection
revealed what features contributed to the generaliza-
tion capability. For example, the power has discrim-
inant information for /p/, while the phoneme /k/ is
well-represented by the duration. The other selected
features were related to the high-frequency bands ex-
cept one feature of low-frequency, which could prob-
ably be used as a reference for the classier. This is in
agreement with the information supplied by the clinic
specialists [9].
5 Acknowledgements
This study was supported by the Condonable Cred-
its program of the Departamento Administrativo de
Ciencia, Tecnologa e Innovaci on (Colciencias) in
Colombia and the Research Center of the Instituto
Tecnol ogico Metropolitano of Medelln under Grant
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[8] I. R. MacKay, Phonetics: the science of speech pro-
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[9] R. J. Baken, Clinical Measurement of Speech and
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[10] X. Huang, A. Acero, and H.-W. Hon, Spoken Lan-
guage Processing: A Guide to Theory, Algorithmand
System Development. Prentice Hall, 2001.
[11] O. Farooq and S. Datta, Phoneme recognition using
wavelet based features, Information Sciences, vol.
150, pp. 515, 2003.
[12] A. R. Webb, Statistical Pattern Recognition. John
Wiley and Sons, Ltda, 2002.
[13] M. Kudo and J. Sklansky, Comparison of algorithms
that select features for pattern classiers, Pattern
Recognition, vol. 33, pp. 2541, 2000.
[14] E. Alpaydin, Introduction to Machine Learning.
MIT Press, 2004.
[15] R. Solera, D. Martn, A. Gallardo, C. Pela ez, and
F. Daz, Robust ASR using support vector ma-
chines, Speech Comunication, vol. 49, pp. 253267,
[16] V. Koltchinskii, Rademacher penalties and struc-
tural risk minimization, IEEE Transactions on Infor-
mation Theory, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 19021914, 2001.
[17] E. Delgado-Trejos, L. F. Giraldo, and G. Castellanos,
Feature selection using a hybrid approach based
on the rademacher complexity model selection, in
Computers in Cardiology, vol. 34, 2007, pp. 257
The Rademacher Complexity Model over Acoustic Features for Improving Robustness in Hypernasal Speech Detection
Intensive Quenching of Tools in Water Salt Solutions
Intensive Technologies Ltd, Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected]
Institute of Thermal Science and Engineering of NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected]
Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected], [email protected],

Abstract: - In the paper intensive quenching, named IQ-2 process, is widely discussed. It is shown that
this process can be fulfilled by use of water salt solutions of optimal concentration (CaCl
) with additives
of Ca(OH)
and creation of protective anticorrosion layers on the surface of steel parts during their
heating. The proposed technology can compete with the expensive technologies which use furnaces with
the protective atmosphere and automated thanks filled with the intensively agitated anticorrosion salt
solutions. The technology is less costly and provide in many cases the same end result in terms of
increasing service life of tools. It is shown that intensive quenching of tools by water salt solutions of
optimal concentration increases service life of tools by 1.5 - 2 times as compared with the oil quenching.
Key - Words: - Intensive quenching, Salt solution, Optimal concentration, Prevention from corrosion,
Tools, Service life
1 Introduction
Water salt solutions of optimal concentration,
especially those which prevent corrosion, are
widely used for quenching of tools. As known,
water salts solutions of chlorides are used as a
quenchant to intensify cooling rate and achieve
high mechanical properties of materials [1, 2]. In
Ukraine, as a quenchant is widely used 8 -12%
water solution of CaCl
at 20 - 40
C. To prevent
corrosion, a small amount of Ca(OH)
is added
to the solution to keep pH within 8 -12 [1]. Even
with the additives of Ca(OH)
corrosion cannot
be completely eliminated. That is why, it is
proposed a method to cover tools before
quenching by nano - layers of Cr
or Al

[3] which prevent decarburization of tools
during heating and corrosion after quenching of
tools in water salt solutions of CaCl
. To
interrupt intensive quenching at the end of
nucleate boiling process, a noise control system
was used [4]. This system measures duration of
nucleate boiling process very accurately [4].
After interruption of intensive quenching and
equalizing of temperature to provide self-
tempering of tools, they were intensively
washed. Washing and the second step of
quenching are combined to provide
superstrengthening of a material [5, 6, 7]. A
detail description of procedures for two step
quenching of tools in water salt solutions of
is provided in this paper. The technology
can be easily realized without use of expensive
equipment to produce intensive quenching and
complicated calculations to develop recipes.
Instead of that, end results are the same in terms
of mechanical properties and quality of the
surface and increase service life of tools. It is
better to use water salt solutions of optimal
concentration which prevent corrosion
completely [8]. However in many cases these
solutions cannot provide appropriate critical heat
flux density (q

that is why they should be
intensively agitated to get high q
2 What is optimal concentration
and method of quenching?
There is an optimal concentration of electrolytes
[5, 9] when the first critical heat flux density has
an optimal value which is maximal (see Fig. 1).
We need this maximal value to prevent film
boiling during quenching. When film boiling is
absent, heat transfer coefficients during
immersion of tools into cold water salt solutions
reach 200,000 W/m
K and higher since
intensive process of nucleate boiling takes place
from the very beginning of quenching. It means
that surface temperature drops immediately
almost to saturation temperature T
and during
nucleate boiling maintains almost at the same
level [10]. The duration of this process can be
calculated by equation [11, 12]:


+ =

ln , (1)
is duration of nucleate boiling (NB)
process; and b are constants; ;
T T =
T T =

T is wall temperature at the
beginning of boiling;
T is wall temperature at the end of nucleate
T is saturation temperature; K is
Kondratjev form factor; a is thermal
This equation was used to calculate duration of
nucleate boiling process and speed of
conveyors. The speed of conveyors should
provide interruption of intensive quenching
write at the end of boiling process. Then steel
parts are delivered after temperature equalizing
to the washing and the second step of
quenching. The principal scheme of the furnace
with the conveyor is shown in Fig. 2. It should
be noted that during calculation of speed of
conveyor, the length of conveyor is taken into
account which is immersion in the solution (see
Eq. (2) and NB process can be measured by
noise control system (see Fig. 3).
K b



Fig.1 First critical heat flux density q
the concentration of NaCl and LiCl in water [5]
The optimal concentration of water salt solutions
provides maximum critical heat flux density and
maximal effective heat transfer coefficients
during nucleate boiling and effectively
eliminates film boiling [14]. Ref. [5] present
average (effective) values of heat transfer
coefficients for water and water salt solutions.

Fig. 2 The principal scheme of the furnace
with the conveyor
Intensive Quenching of Tools in Water Salt Solutions

Fig. 3 The second version of laboratory
equipment which includes personal computer
and small acoustical system [4]

Fig. 4 Core Cooling rate and noise intensity in
mV during quenching of cylindrical 10 50
mm specimen (AISI 304 steel) in 12% water
solution at 20
C (frequencies 2 - 3 kHz)

Fig. 5 Core cooling rate and noise intensity in
mV during quenching of cylindrical 10 50
mm specimen (AISI 304 steel) in 8% water
solution at 20
C (frequencies 2 - 3 kHz)
Fig. 6 Core cooling rate of cylindrical 10 50
mm specimen made of AISI 304 steel and noise
intensity during quenching in 6% water Na

solution at 20
C (1 are frequencies 100 - 1000
Hz; 2 are frequencies 1.0 - 2.0 kHz)
As we can see from Fig.4. Fig. 5, and Fig. 6, in
all three experiments film boiling was absent.
Duration of transient nucleate boiling was
almost 3 - 4 seconds which agrees with results
presented in Table 1. It means that water salt
solution (NaCl , Na
, CaCl
) of optimal
concentration eliminate film boiling during

Fig. 7 Temperature, core cooling rate of AISI
1030 steel (cube 100100100 mm) and noise
effect during quenching in 12% water NaCl
solution at 20
N. I. Kobasko, A. A. Moskalenko, E. A. Mazurenko, A. M. Medvedev

Fig. 8 Temperature and noise effect during
quenching of cylinder (50100 mm) in 12%
water NaCl solution at 20
C versus time: 1 is
temperature at the core; 2 is temperature 5 mm
below surface.
All data presented in Fig. 4 - Fig. 8 which were
measured by noise control system (see Fig. 4)
coincide very well with the data calculated by
Eq. (1).
Table 1 Comparison of the measured time of
the nucleate boiling process with the calculated
data during quenching of pins in 30% water
salt solution

of CaCl
[1,2, 5]
of pin in
time of
boiling in
by Eq. (1),
4.3 4.0
6.2 6.0
15.0 15.0
20.9 21
28.3 28.0
32.8 32
Table 2 Results of testing punches on automatic
line "National - 164" with performance of 175
strikes per minute[5]
Number of strikes until the
wearing of punches
Oil IQ in water
solution of

Increase ,
n times
6460 15600 2.4
6670 16500 2.9
4000 12075 3.0
2890 10500 3.6

3 Developments in preventing
decarburization and corrosion
Authors [3, 13] (National Academy of Sciences
of Ukraine, Kyiv) have developed special
metallo-organic chemical compositions
containing alloying elements such as chromium
(Cr), aluminum (Al) and others which during
heating transform into a vapor. This vapor
creates nano - layer on the surface of steel parts
consisting of chromium oxides Cr
aluminum oxides Al
which prevent
decarburization during heating and corrosion
after quenching in water salt solutions of
chlorides (see Table 3)

Table 3 Depth of oxidation of different steels
depending on temperature and soak time, and
existing of protective nano - layer Cr
[3, 13]

C Soak
No layer Cr

1045 850 30 0.02 0.005
50XI 850 60 0.01 Absent
4X13 1050 60 0.02 0.003
830 40 0.02 Absent
960 600 0.2 0.03
Intensive Quenching of Tools in Water Salt Solutions
The optimal interval of temperatures for nano -
layer formation of Cr
is 600
C - 950
C with
concentration of 5 - 200 g/m
for organometallic
containing chromium and 750
C - 1000
C with
concentration 2,5 - 15 g/m
for organometallic
containing aluminum which creates Al
Implementation of these developments into
industry results in the next benefits:
- A sharp decrease in the depth of the oxidized
surface layer;
- A sharp decrease in the thickness of
- Reduction of loss of alloying components (W,
Mo, V, Ti, Cr, Ni, etc);
- Saving the geometry and dimensional accuracy
of parts;
- Saving of natural gas up to 40%;
- Increasing the service life of electric heaters
furnaces at approximately 1.5 times.

Authors have published several technical papers
and applied their method to prevent
decarburization and corrosion in 10 (ten) big Co
of Ukraine and other countries [3].
The organometallic compounds are available for
The first work which discussed
application of noise control system for
quenching steel parts in water salt solutions was
published in 1990 [15]. At present time steel
parts are intensively quenched in water and
water salts solutions which prevent corrosion

4 Discussion
Water salt solutions as the quenchants are
widely used in Ukraine, Russia, China and
others countries. They can be used for intensive
quenching to improve significantly mechanical
properties of steels and eliminate oil as a
quenchant. Water salt solutions of chlorides
have high critical heat flux densities which
completely eliminate film boiling during
quenching. As a result, distortion decreases,
mechanical properties increases, the
environment improves. Disadvantage of
chlorides is corrosion. Combining intensive
quenching in chlorides with the protective
or Al
layers, it will be possible to
make next step in the heat treating industry. We
can start international cooperation between
countries which are using already water salt
solutions as a quenchant. Especially promising
are water salt solutions of CaCl
which can be
used for steel superstrengthening effect
obtaining [17].

5 Summary
1. Two - step quenching in cold water salt
solutions of optimal concentration (8-
12%) of CaCl
is discussed which
prevents film boiling during quenching of
steel parts.
2. The duration of the first step of
quenching is measured by noise control
system or calculated by generalized
equation .
3. After interruption of quenching and
equalizing the temperature, the steel parts
are intensively washed and further
quenched to room temperature
4. Two - step quenching in cold water salt
solutions of optimal concentration (8-
12%) of CaCl
is intensive quenching
since heat transfer coefficient at the
beginning of cooling is equal to 200
5. It is shown that intensive quenching in
water salt solutions increases service life
of tools by 1.5 - 2 times.
6. To prevent corrosion after quenching a
small amount of Ca(OH)
is added to
solution to maintain pH at the level of 8 -
7. To prevent oxidation and corrosion after
quenching completely steel parts are
heated in special atmosphere which
creates nano - protective layer of Cr

or Al
on their surface.
8. The proposed technology can compete
with the existing IQ-2 process where
expensive furnaces with the protective
atmosphere are used and automated tanks
with anticorrosion intensively agitated
salt solutions are combined with the
N. I. Kobasko, A. A. Moskalenko, E. A. Mazurenko, A. M. Medvedev
9. The technology can be used for
quenching of tools by different
companies which are making tools for
himself and need technology to be less

[1] N.I.Kobasko, V.I.Grankin, Cooling media
for quenching of steel parts, USSR
Certificate No 1340166, File number
4020742/22-02. Patented in Ukraine in
1994, Patent No 4005, Bulletin 6-1, 1994.
[2] N.I.Kobasko, Alloy Steel Quenching
Method, Ukrainian Patent No 27059, File
number 95020715, 17 February 1995.
[3] E.A.Mazurenko, , A.I.Gerasymchuk,
A.M.Medvedev, et al, Prevention from
high temperature corrosion of carbon steels,
titanium alloys and non - ferrous alloys,
The 7-th International Scientific Conference
"Equipment and technology of heat
treatment of metals and alloys in
engineering" Kharkov, 24-28 April 2006
[4] A.A.Moskalenko, N.I.Kobasko,
L.M.Protsenko, O.V.Rasumtseva,
Acoustical System Analyzes the Cooling
Characteristics of Water and Water Salt
Solutions, Proceedings of the 7th IASME /
WSEAS International Conference on HEAT
and ENVIRONMENT (HTE '09), Moscow,
Aug. 20 -22, 2009, pp. 117 - 122.
[5] N.I.Kobasko, Quenching Media,
Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka,
Moscow, VINITI, 1989, p 127-166.
[6] N.I.Kobasko, Steel superstrengthening
phenomenon, part I, International Journal
of Materials and Product technology, Vol.
24, No 1 - 4, 2005, pp. 361 - 374.
[7] N.I.Kobasko, Steel superstrengthening
phenomenon, Journal of ASTM
International, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2005, paper
ID JAI12824, available online at
[8] M.A.Aronov, N.I.Kobasko, J.A.Powell,
Basic Principals and Metallurgy of
Intensive Quenching Methods, IFHTSE
2002 Congress, Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 7 -
10, 2002, pp. 96 -103.
[9] Ya.I.Frenkel, Kinetic Theory of Liquids,
Selected Works (in Russian), Vol. 3, AN
USSR, Moscow - Leningrad, 1959.
[10] N.I.Kobasko, Self- regulated thermal
processes during quenching of steels in
liquid media, IJMMP, 1, 1, 2005. pp. 110
[11] N.I.Kobasko, Intensive Steel Quenching
Methods, Handbook: Theory and
Technology of Quenching, B.Liscic,
H.M.Tensi, and W.Luty, Ed.Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, 1992, pp. 367-389.
[12] N.I.Kobasko, Intensive Steel Quenching
Methods, Quenching Theory and
Technology, Second Edition, B.Liscic,
H.M.Tensi, L.C.F.Canale, G.E.Totten
(Eds.), CRC Press, New York, 2010, pp.
400 -459.
[13] S.L.Vrochinsky, A.I.Gerasimchuk,
E.A.Mazurenko, A.M.Medvedev, A.G.
Molar, Surface alloying metal heat treatment
and chemical vapor deposition, The 7-th
International Scientific Conference
"Equipment and technology of heat
treatment of metals and alloys in
engineering" Kharkov, 24-28 April 2006.
[14] N.I.Kobasko, Thermal processes in
quenching of steel, Metal Science and Heat
Treatment, Vol. 10, No 3, 1968.
[15] S.G.Povsten, N.I.Kobasko,
A.A.Moskalenko, A.A.Tyltin, On the Use of
Monitoring Noise Effects for Realization of
New Steel Quenching Methods, Proc. of the
VII-th International Congress on Heat
Treatment, 11 14 December 1990,
Moscow, 1990.
[16] N.I Kobasko, Quenching Apparatus and
Method for Hardening Steel Parts, US
Patent No. 6,364,974 BI, Appl. No
09/551,082, Filed on April 18, 2000, Date of
Patent: April 2, 2002.
[17] N.I.Kobasko, Steel superstrengthening
phenomenon, part I, International Journal
of Materials and Product technology, Vol.
24, No 1 - 4, 2005, pp. 361 - 374.

Intensive Quenching of Tools in Water Salt Solutions
Why Database for Cooling Capacity of Various Quenchants Should
be Developed?

IQ Technologies Inc, Akron, USA and Intensive Technologies Ltd, Kyiv, Ukraine
[email protected], www.intensivequench.com

Abstract: - In the paper, a necessity of the development of database for cooling capacity of quenchants is
discussed. In spite of the existence of several methods for solving an inverse heat conduction problem,
appropriate experimental techniques and funding, there is no database containing cooling characteristics
of quenchants needed for quench process computer simulations. Two reasons explain this situation. The
heat treating industry uses mostly oils for quenching alloy steels for which it is not so critical to have the
above database. A standard cylindrical Inconel 600 probe (12.5 mm dia) with the thermocouple installed
at the core cannot be used for evaluating real heat transfer coefficients (HTC). This probe can be used for
determining only effective HTC. Taking into account environmental issues, it is desirable to substitute,
when it is possible, oil quenching with intensive water quenching. Development of the proper database of
heat transfer characteristics for water based quenchants will accelerate this process.

Key - Words: - Real and effective heat transfer coefficients, Database, Standard probe, Oil, Water as a
quenchant, Environment.

1 Introduction
As known, alloy and high alloy steels are usually
quenched in oils. Often a gas quenching is
applied to decrease cooling rates within the
martensite range. When quenching in oils, no
trouble occurs because steel parts can be cooled
to the room temperature without the interruption
of the quench. There is no need to interrupt
cooling when approaching the martensite start
temperature since convective heat transfer
coefficient of oil is rather low (250 - 300
K). To control and to maintain stable the
cooling capacity of oils, a standard probe of 12.5
mm diameter, made of Inconell 600 with a
thermocouple in the core, was designed [1] .
Taking into account environmental issues, it is
desirable to substitute, when it is possible, oil
quenching with intensive water quenching.
Development of the proper database of heat
transfer characteristics for plain water and water
solutions will accelerate this process.

2 Real and effective heat transfer
A real heat transfer coefficient during nucleate
boiling relates to the difference
T T T = ,
instead of difference
m W
T T T = as it is
considered during a convection mode of heat
transfer , where:
T is wall temperature;
T is
saturation temperature;
T is temperature of a
quenchant. As well known, the formation of
nucleating centers depends on the overheat of
the boundary layer which is determined by [2]:
T r


R is a critical size of a bubble which
is capable to grow and function; is a surface
tension (N/m);
r is a latent heat of evaporation
(J/kg); is a vapor density (kg /
T T T = is a wall overheat.
Active nucleating centers are the basic
carriers of the thermal energy that remove heat
from the part surface and transfer it to a cooler
bath. After the initiation of boiling, the bubble
continues to grow (in a saturated liquid) until
forces cause it to detach from the surface. After
the departure, a cooler liquid from the bulk of
the quench bath fills the space vacated by the
bubble and the thermal layer is reformed. When
the required superheat is attained, a new bubble
starts to form at the same nucleation site.
Bubble dynamics include the processes of
growth, bubble departure, and bubble release
frequency which includes time for reformation
of the thermal layer. The bubble acts like a
pump to remove the hot liquid from the surface
and replacing it with the cooler liquid [2]. This
mechanism is the essential factor causing high
intensity of heat transfer during boiling. The
bath temperature has no essential effect on a
value of heat transfer coefficient during nucleate
boiling [2]. Therefore, when determining the
heat flux density during boiling it is necessary to
relate it to a difference of
T T , rather than
m W
T T , which can lead to large errors when
calculating the part surface temperature.

Fig. 1 The schematic which shows how
thermocouples were placed and accurately
flattened to the wall of spheres and polished by
French [3].

Table 1 Time required for the surface of steel
spheres to cool to different temperatures when
quenched from 875
C (1605
F) in 5% NaOH
water solution at 20
C and moving at 3 feet per
second (0.914 m/s), according to French [3]
Time, s
C 600 500 400 300 150





To see what is happening during nucleate
boiling, let's consider accurate experimental data
of French (see Fig. 1 and Table 1), which were
used for solving inverse heat conduction
problem (IP). For this purpose, the IQLab
software was applied. This software was
developed by Intensive Technologies Ltd
company (Kyiv, Ukraine) [4]. To solve the IP,
thermal properties of materials are needed. Some
of them are provided in Table 2.

Table 2 Thermal conductivity of silver, Inconel
600, and AISI 304 steel in W/(m K) depending
on temperature (
C 100 300 500 700 900
Silver 392 362 366 373 -
14.2 17.8 21.7 25.9
17.5 19.6 23 26.3 29.3

Fig. 2 Real heat transfer coefficients during
quenching of spheres made of steel and
quenched in agitated ( 0.914 m/s ) 5% NaOH
water solution at 20
C: a) for sphere 38.1 mm
dia; b) for sphere 63.5 mm dia
Why Database for Cooling Capacity of Various Quenchants should be Developed?

Fig. 3 Real heat transfer coefficients during
quenching of plate (14 mm) made of steel and
quenched in agitated plain water (0.914 m/s) at

As we can see from Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, the real
heat transfer coefficients during nucleate boiling
reach maximum values of 200,000 to 240,000
K) in 2 s after the beginning of the quench
regardless of the part size and configuration.
These results were obtained for steel specimens.
As known, the thermal conductivity of steel is
16 times less as compared with silver. It means
that the calculated values of the heat transfer
coefficient during cooling of silver probes in
water and water solutions will be higher. This is
because according to the Fourier law, the heat
flux is directly proportional to the material
thermal conductivity. Assume that heat transfer
coefficients during cooling of silver spherical
probes (20 mm in dia) are the same, then we can
calculate Biot number, which corresponds to the
maximum value shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, i.e.:

. 6 . 6
/ 366
01 . 0 / 000 , 240

mK W
m K m W

During testing of silver probes, it is accepted by
investigators that the probe core temperature and
surface temperature are equal. It is almost true
when Bi < 0.2. However, Bi > 6.6 and it means
that the probe core temperature and the probe
surface temperature are not equal. According to
the experimental and calculated data this
difference is up to 100
C and the error can
exceed 100% because Biot number is 33 times
higher. This problem was widely discussed in
book [5].
The main difference is in heat transfer
evaluation is.
The real heat transfer coefficient is calculated as

The effective heat transfer coefficient during
boiling is calculated as

m W

In practice, quenchants are tested using
standard probes, for example, silver sphere
probes or cylindrical probes made of Inconel
600. The thermocouples, as it was mentioned,
are located at the core. It is considered that
temperature field throughout the probe cross
section for silver is uniform, i.e., 2 . 0 Bi .
This assumption was confirmed by the
calculation of the heat transfer coefficient from
Eq. (3), where q is a heat flux density on the
probe surface;
T is the wall temperature;
is the temperature of the quenchant. This is a
generally accepted approach for the film and
nucleate boiling heat transfer evaluation.
However, film and nucleate boiling heat transfer
coefficients should be determined from Eq. (2).
It means that, in reality, heat transfer
coefficients during nucleate boiling are much
Let us illustrate the above mentioned
phenomenon by the following example. Let
T =110;
T = 100;
T =20. If is
calculated by equation (3) then:
o o o
90 20 110

If the calculation is performed using equation
(2) then:
o o o
10 100 110

Now consider by how many times
by dividing one value by the other:
= =
o o

is 9 times greater than
, which means
that, using silver probes during testing,
subsequent miscalculations will appear.
Therefore, it seems like Biot number 2 . 0 Bi
Nikolai Kobasko
However, actually it is greater than
approximately 6.6, that is why the sphere core
temperature differs from the sphere surface

Fig. 4 Heat flux density and Kondratjev number
Kn vs. time for 1 inch (25.4 mm) cylindrical
steel probe quenched in 5% NaOH solution

Fig. 5 Kondratjev number (Kn) vs. Fourier
number (Fo) for cylindrical steel probes 20, 30,
and 40 mm dia. and quenched in 5% NaOH
solution [6]

The software IQLab was used also for
calculations of the effective heat transfer
coefficients, generalized Biot numbers and
Kondratjev numbers Kn. Fig. 4 shows that after
2 seconds of cooling, the Kondratjev number is a
linear function of time. In coordinates Kn vs. Fo
for different diameters of cylinders, the
established function is the same (idem).
According to the results shown in Fig. 5, it is
possible to say that
idem n K =
It means that heat transfer coefficients for
boiling processes can be generalized in forms
(4). This simplifies significantly cooling time
calculations during the transient nucleate
boiling process. Fig. 6 explains why it happens.
With increasing of the size of the cylinder the
heat flux decreases proportionally to the cylinder
size. The average values of Bi
and Kn remain
the same (see Fig.5 and Fig. 6). The main
conclusion from the above calculations is that
the standard Inconel 600 probe can be used for
effective HTC calculations. However, one
should keep in mind that such data can be used
for cooling rate calculations at the core of steel
parts and cannot be used for temperature fields

Fig. 6 Temperature field distribution in
cylindrical probes 20mm and 40 mm dia. during
quenching in 5% NaOH solution at 20
C [6]

3 Critical heat flux densities and
their impact on understanding the
boiling processes
It is important to keep in mind that upon the
immersion of a steel part into the quenchant, the
initial heat flux density q can be:

1 cr
q q >> ;
1 cr
q q or
1 cr
q q << .

Why Database for Cooling Capacity of Various Quenchants should be Developed?
In the first case,
1 cr
q q >> , a full film
boiling is observed. A transition boiling is
observed when
1 cr
q q . In the last case,
1 cr
q q << , film boiling is absent and the main
mode of heat transfer is nucleate boiling. Each
of these three cases will produce different values
of ) (
T f = versus the part surface
temperature. Therefore, there is no unique
interrelationship of the heat transfer coefficient
as a function of the surface temperature.
To predict what kind of heat transfer mode one
can expect, we must know critical heat flux
When evaluating critical heat flux densities,
only film boiling heat transfer coefficients are
used, which are small enough (300 - 1000
K). In this case, the condition Bi < 0.2 will
be always satisfied. It means that the surafce
temperature T
during testing will be equal to
the core temperature T
of the probe only at
the end of film boiling. The probe presented in
Fig. 7 can be used for the critical heat flux
evaluation [7]. Rounded ends of cylinder will
provide the second type of heat transfer mode
and accurate estimations of critical heat flux

Fig. 7 Shape and dimensions of the silver
cylindrical probe with rounded ends that can be
recommended for evaluations of critical heat
flux densities [7].

4 Discussion
There are many institutes and universities which
investigate cooling capacity of quenchants and
use noise control systems to evaluate boiling
processes. Unfortunately, there is no database
designed for cooling capacity of quenchants
which can be used by engineers for the cooling
recipes development. We have only cooling
curves at the core of standard probes. These
data cannot be used for solving the inverse heat
conduction problem for getting real heat transfer
coefficients. Using these curves, it is possible to
calculate only average effective heat transfer
coefficients suitable for cooling time
calculations at the core and not at the surface.
At present time, it is possible to design
DATABASE for cooling capacity of quenchants
since everything is prepared for this purpose:
1. Liscic probe is available, which should be
standardized since it is very suitable for solving
the inverse heat conduction problem and for
providing very accurate data [8].
2. Small silver probes and the method for
calculations of critical heat flux densities are
available, which should be standardized for
critical heat flux densities evaluation [9].
3. The noise control system and method for
processing of data obtained are available which
should be standardized for transient boiling
processes investigations [10].
Also an international team is organized
to design the above DATABASE (see
If such DATABASE is designed, it will be
applied for solving important problem [11-15]
and for accurate computer simulations of
technological processes [16, 17].
Switching from oils to plain water as a
quenchant will make environment cleaner. The
database, if designed, will accelerate this

5 Summary
1. There are two approaches in HTC
evaluation. The first approach provides real
heat transfer coefficients, which can be
used to calculate temperature fields and
residual stress distribution. The second
approach provides effective heat transfer
Nikolai Kobasko
coefficients, which can be used to calculate
the part core cooling rate. It cannot be used
to calculate correctly the temperature field
in steel parts during nucleate boiling
2. The Inconel 600 cylindrical probe is used
to control stability of cooling capacity of
quenchants. It can be also used to obtain
effective heat transfer coefficients.
3. There is a need to create DATABASE
which includes critical heat flux densities,
real heat transfer coefficients, and initial
heat flux densities during immersion of
steel parts into the quench bath. If
designed, the DATABASE will accelerate
in many cases switching from oil to plain
water as a quenchant and will make
environment cleaner.

[1] G.E.Totten, C.E.Bates, and N.A.Clinton,
Handbook of Quenchants and Quenching
Technology, ASM International, Materials
Park, 1993, 507 p.
[2] V.I.Tolubinsky, Heat Transfer at Boiling,
Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1980, 316 p.
[3] H.J. French, The Quenching of steels,
American Society of Heat Treat., 1930.
[4] V.V.Dobryvechir, N.I.Kobasko, E.N.Zotov,
W.S.Morhuniuk, Yu.S.Sergeyev, Software
IQLab (commercially available from
Intensive Technologies Ltd., Kyiv, Ukraine,
[email protected], www.itl.kiev.ua)
[5] N.I.Kobasko, Steel Quenching in Liquid
Media Under Pressure, Naukova Dumka,
Kyiv, 1980, 206 p.
[6] N.I.Kobasko, Transient Nucleate Boiling as
a Law of Nature and a Basis for Designing
of IQ Technologies, Proceedings of the 7th
IASME / WSEAS International Conference
'09), Aug. 20 - 22, Moscow, Russia, 2009,
pp. 67 - 75.
[7] M. Narazaki, S. Fuchizawa, M. Kogawara,
and M. Inaba, Effects of surface oxidation
on cooling characteristics during quenching
of heated metals in subcooled water, Tetsu -
to - Nagane, (J. Iron Steel Inst. Jpn.), Vol.
79, No 5, 1993, pp. 583 - 589.
[8] B.Liscic, H.M.Tensi, and W.Luty, Theory
and Technology of Quenching, Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, 1992, 484 p.
[9] N.I.Kobasko, Quenching Media,
Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka,
Moscow, VINITI, 1989, p 127-166.
[10] A.A.Moskalenko, N.I.Kobasko,
L.M.Protsenko, O.V.Rasumtseva,
Acoustical System Analyzes the Cooling
Characteristics of Water and Water Salt
Solutions, Proceedings of the 7th IASME /
WSEAS International Conference on HEAT
and ENVIRONMENT (HTE '09), Moscow,
Aug. 20 -22, 2009, pp. 117 - 122.
[11] N.I.Kobasko, US Patent No.
6,364,974 B1
[12] N.I.Kobasko, Steel superstrengthening
phenomenon, Journal of ASTM
International, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2005, paper
ID JAI12824, available online at
[13] N.I. Kobasko, W.S. Morhuniuk, B.K.
Ushakov, Design of Steel-Intensive Quench
Processes, Steel Heat Treatment: Equipment
and Process Design, (George E. Totten,
Ed.), CRC Press, New York, 2007, pp. 193
- 237, www.crcpress.com
[14] N.I.Kobasko, Intensive Steel Quenching
Methods, Quenching Theory and
Technology, Second Edition, B.Liscic,
H.M.Tensi, L.C.F.Canale, G.E.Totten
(Eds.), CRC Press, New York, 2010
[15] N.I. Kobasko, W.S. Morhuniuk, B.K.
Ushakov, Design of Steel-Intensive Quench
Processes, Steel Heat Treatment: Equipment
and Process Design, (George E. Totten,
Ed.), CRC Press, New York, 2007, pp. 193
- 237, www.crcpress.com
A.M.Freborg, B.L.Ferguson,
M.A.Aronov, N.I.Kobasko, J.A.Powell,
Intensive quenching theory and application
for imparting high residual surface
compressive stresses in pressure vessel
components, SAE Journal of Pressure
Vessels Technology, Vol.125, May 2003, pp.
188 - 194.

[17] B.L. Ferguson, Z. Li and A.M. Freborg,
Modeling Heat Treatment of Steel Parts,
Computational Materials Science, Vol. 34,
Issue 3, 2005, pp. 274 - 281.
Why Database for Cooling Capacity of Various Quenchants should be Developed?
New Approach in Manufacturing of High Quality Superstrengthened


IQ Technologies inc, Akron, USA, Intensive Technologies Ltd, Kyiv, UKRAINE

Abstract: - In the paper the new approaches in designing of high quality and high superstrengthened steels are
discussed. The first approach consists in designing the optimal hardened layer, optimal residual stress
distribution in steel part after quenching with the superstrengthened material in outer layers, which appear to be a
result of intensive quenching technologies. The second approach consists in enhancing the possibilities of high
temperature (HTMT) and low temperature (LTMT) thermomechanical heat treatment combined with the
intensive quenching (IQ) processes. Especially, the second approach is very effective when high carbon steels
are used, containing up to 1.8% of carbon. The proposed new approaches allow the metallurgists to make
environment cleaner due to water as a quenchant, use plain carbon steels instead of alloy steels due to
superstrengthening phenomenon and compressive residual stresses at the surface of components, increase
productivity due to high intensity of cooling.

Key Words: - New approaches, High strengthening, Plain carbon steels, Compressive residual stresses, Service
life, Productivity, Environment.

1 Introduction
As a rule, plain carbon steels are quenched in water
and alloy steels are quenched in oils. High carbon
steels and high alloy steels are quenched in oils or
polymer solutions of high concentration that often
create environment problem. Due to slow cooling in
oils, mechanical properties of steel after quenching
dont satisfy the industrial requirements. In this case,
metallurgists must add more alloys to steel to
provide hardenability that makes material more
expensive. In fact, components of machines can be
made of plain carbon steels when after machining
they are intensively quenched. In the paper two
approaches of strengthening of steels are discussed
and illustrated by results of experiments and

2 Optimization of residual stresses by
adjusting chemical composition of
In heat treatment handbooks, a chemical
composition of steel is usually provided for each
CCT diagram. Having a digital DATABASE that
includes CCT diagrams with steel chemistries will
simplify the process of determining an optimal
chemical composition of steel for a specific part to
maximize residual surface compressive stresses. It
has been established that the optimal residual stress
distribution takes place when the following ratio is
satisfied [1, 2, and 3]:

35 . 0 =
, (1)

DI is a critical size of the steel part of any
D is the real size of the part made
of steel having the optimal chemical composition.
An ideal critical diameter or critical size of steel
parts of any configuration can be calculated by Eq.

5 . 0


b a
DI , (2)

where D is the part characteristic size (diameter of
cylinder, sphere, thickness of plate, etc.); a is an
average thermal diffusivity (m
/s); b is a constant
which depends on the shape of the steel part; n K is
an average Kondratjev number (a dimensionless
is the time where the part core cooling
curve intercepts with the 50% martensite
transformation curve at the level of the martensite
start temperature ( Fig. 1);
m M

. The
results of calculations can be used to optimize
chemical composition of steel for developing high
residual surface compressive stresses after
quenching [4, 5, 6].

Fig. 1 CCT diagram of AISI 1045 steel.

3 Designing of high quality of steel
components by interruption of
intensive quenching in proper time
The method consists in interruption of intensive
quenching of steel parts when compressive residual
stresses achieve their maximum value at the surface
and hardened layer is optimal [5, 6]. The method
can be illustrated by quenching the small rollers (20
mm in diameter and 20 mm in height) in
condition Bi . Assume that roller is made of
AISI 52100 steel, CCT diagram of which is shown
in Fig. 2. The rollers are heated to 860
C and then
intensively quenched in condition Bi in water
at 20
C (Kn = 1). It has been established that
compressive residual stresses are established when
core temperature drops approximately to 450
C. The cooling time can be calculated using
generalized equation [6, 7]:

s m
o o
o o
/ 10 6 . 4
10 12 . 12
20 450
20 860
ln 72 . 0
2 6
2 6



+ =


2 6
10 12 . 12 m K

= ; s m a / 10 6 . 4
2 6
= ;
K is Kondratjev form factor in m
and a is thermal
diffusivity of material in m
/s. The results of FEM
calculations are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
Calculations were made by software HART [8]. At
that moment hoop stresses at the surface of roller
are very high which reach up to - 1400 MPa (see
Fig. 4). At the core of roller small tensile stresses
are observed (Fig. 4).

Fig. 2 CCT diagram of AISI 52100 steel: 1 is
austenite; 2 is 50% martensite; 3 is bainite; 4 is
pearlite; 5 is more than 50% martensite; 6 is mixture
bainite and pearlite.

Fig. 3 Temperature distribution (in
K) in the finite
cylinder of 20mm diameter and 20mm height after
3 seconds of intensive quenching.

Fig. 4 Hoop stress in the finite cylinder of 80mm
diameter and 80mm height after 50 seconds of
intensive quenching
New Approach in Manufacturing of High Quality Superstrengthened Steels
The illustrated method of quenching can be easily
applied to simple configuration of steel parts like
rollers, cylinders, plates, and others machine
components and constructions. However, when steel
parts or components of constructions are
complicated configurations like gears, optimization
of chemical composition of steel is best a way for
creation compressive residual stresses at the surface
[1, 2, 3]. As known, alloy content in steel is always
presented as a range. For the minimum value of the
alloy content, 2 . 0 =
, and for the maximum
value of the alloy content, the ratio should
correspond to 5 . 0 =
, i.e.
5 . 0 2 . 0 < <
. (3)
Below is an example of the application of the
described method. Lets consider a cylinder of
80mm diameter and 80mm height (it could be a
stamp). A CCT diagram presented in Fig. 5
provides the ratio DI
of approximately 0.2.
This CCT diagram corresponds to a modified 52100
steel containing less amount of manganese. Fig. 6,
7 present the results of FEM calculations of the
temperature stress conditions for the above
cylindrical part after 50 seconds of intensive
quenching using from 860
C to 477
C. The heat
transfer coefficient on the part surface during the
quench was assumed of 40,000W/m
K. Note that
50 seconds is the time when the quench should be
interrupted to obtain maximum residual surface
compressive stresses and superstrengthened
material [9, 10 11].

Fig.5 CCT diagram for steel that provides DI

= 0.2 for a cylinder of 80 mm diameter and 80 mm

4 300.000000 - 350.000000K
5 400.000000 - 450.000000
6 500.000000 - 550.000000
7 600.000000 - 650.000000
8 700.000000 - 750.000000

Fig. 6 Temperature distribution (in
K) in the finite
cylinder of 80mm diameter and 80mm height after
50 seconds of intensive quenching.

Note that the finite cylinder of 80mm diameter and
80mm height is cooled from 860
C to 477
C under
the same as above heat transfer coefficient for the
following time:
s m
/ 10 36 . 5
10 9 . 193
20 477
20 860
ln 72 . 0
2 6
2 6




+ =

that agrees
very well with the FEM computer calculations [12,

Fig. 7 Hoop stress in the finite cylinder of 80mm
diameter and 80mm height after 50 seconds of
intensive quenching

Nikolai Kobasko
4 Duration of transient nucleate
boiling process and its regularities
The transient nucleate boiling and self regulated
thermal processes were investigated since 1968 and
their results were published in [14, 15]. Duration of
self regulated thermal process differs
insignificantly from the time of transient nucleate
boiling (within 0.5 1 second). The notion of self-
regulated thermal process was proposed in 1968
[16] and it means that wall temperature of steel part
is kept at the level of saturation point varying
insignificanly during all process of transient
nucleate boiling. The equation for determining the
duration of transient nucleate boiling (self-regulated
thermal process) was firstly received by
generalization of experimental data [15, 16, 17] and
then derived from the analytical equation and has
the form [15]:

k k
W F nb
, (4)

where value depends on initial temperature of a
steel part and condition of cooling. For initial
temperatures 850
C it can be within 3.6 4.17 (see
Table 1). Koefficient
k depends on configuration
of steel part (se Table 2). For plate- shaped forms
k = 0.1013; for cylinder shaped form
k =
0.0432; for spherical shaped forms
k = 0.0253;
k is dimensionless coefficient which depends on
liquid flow velocity. For motionless liquid . 1 =
For high flow velocity of liquid which prevents
nucleate boiling . 0 =
k That is why for different
condition we have . 1 0
k D is thickness of
the component: diameter of cylinder, sphere or
thickness of the plate; a is thermal diffusivity of a
The discovered law (4) of transient nucleate
boiling process can be used to delay martensite
transformation in order to improve significantly
mechanical properties of steel by applying law
temperature thermomechanical heat treatment
(LTMT). Fig. 8 explains what are high
temperature (HTMT) and low - temperature
thermomechanical (LTMT) processes. The correct
and incorrect process of LTMT is shown in Fig. 9.
Probably, ancient black smiths used similar process
to produce Damascus steel [18] since transient
nucleate boiling process can be heard, can be felt
and can be seen. Note Damascus steel was just
plain ultrahigh carbon steel [18, 19] which was
forget several times.

Fig. 8 The scheme of high and low-temperature
thermomechanical heat treatment.

Fig. 9 Scheme of incorrect (a) and correct (b) low-
temperature thermomechanical heat treatment

5 Combining thermomechanical heat
treatment with the intensive
quenching process could be very
There are not enough data providing the impact of
intensive quenching combined with the
thermomechanical treatment (TMT) process on
mechanical properties of a material. This
is because the TMT process is used mostly for alloy
steels to make low-temperature thermomechanical
treatment reliable. As a rule, alloy steels are
quenched in oil. Lets compare the mechanical
properties of AISI 5140 steel with those of AISI
1040 steel, both subjected to TMT. The AISI 5140,
after TMT, was quenched in oil; the AISI 1040 was
quenched in water. The martensite start temperature
for both steels was about 350
C. The heat transfer
of oil within a range of temperature of 100350
C is
300 W/m2K, and the heat transfer coefficient within
New Approach in Manufacturing of High Quality Superstrengthened Steels
the same interval for water is about 4,000 W/m2K
due to the boiling process, which occurs above
100_C. This means that the cooling rate within the
martensite range differs significantly between the
two The equation for cooling rate evaluation,
depending on heat transfer coefficients, is well
known [4, 6]:

( )
v =

where v is the cooling rate in
C/s; a is the thermal
diffusivity of a material in m2/s; b is the coefficient
depending on the configuration of steel parts; Kn is
the Kondratjev number (a dimensionless value); D
is size (diameter or thickness) in m; T is
temperature in
C; and T
is bath temperatute in
For a cylindrical 10-mm specimen, when quenching
in oil (300 W/m2K) and water (4,000 W/m2K), the
Kondratjev numbers are 0.05 and 0.4. According to
Eq 5, the cooling rate within the martensite range in
cold agitated water is eight times faster than with
the still oil. Mechanical properties of alloy steels,
subjected to TMT and quenched in oil, are less as
compared with the mechanical properties of plain
carbon steel, subjected to TMT and quenched in
cold water. It is well known that alloying increases
the mechanical properties of steel considerably,
depending on the content of the alloying elements.
It was established that HTMT increases yield
strngth of low alloy steels by 15% and and impact
strength by 250% [4]. The chemical composition of
steels AISI 1040, AISI 5140, and 40KhN are
presented in [20]. Benefits of intensive quenching
are properly discussed in the publications [21 25].

7 Discussion
The interruption of the quench process is used to
create a hardened shell at the surface of steel parts.
The hardened shell provides high surface residual
compressive stresses. This approach is suitable
when quenching steel parts of simple configuration.
When quenching steel parts of complicated shapes,
consisting of thin and thick sections, it is impossible
to create a uniform hardened shell throughout the
part surface area since the thin section of the part
can be quenched through. Surface tensile stresses
will be developed in the thin section of the part. In
this case, it is better to optimize chemical
composition of steel which will create uniform
hardened shell in the both the thick and the thin
sections of the part. Calculations showed that very
high surface compressive residual stresses (up to
1300 - 1900 MPa) can be developed even in the thin
sections of the part, when the steel part made of
steel of optimal chemistry and is quenched very
intensively. For example, for bearing products,
these results are true for modified AISI 52100 steel
with small amount of Mn and Cr and containing
about 1% weight of carbon.
It should be noted that it is extremely important
to create a global database for CCT diagrams which
should contain chemical composition of steels and
their mechanical properties. These data can be used
as a basis for optimization of the residual stress
distribution and for the selection of optimal steel for
every specific part to increase its service life. Both
the surface compressive residual stresses and the
superstrengthening of steel allow using less costly
materials for designing components of machines.
The advanced methods of calculations and new
methods of quenching are discussed in publications
[22 -25].

6 Conclusions
1. The optimal quenched layer and intensive
quenching under the condition of
1 8 . 0 Kn provide the optimal residual
stress distribution (high compressive
residual stresses at the surface and small
tensile stresses at the part core) and make
possible to use a superstrengthening
phenomenon in practice [5].
2. High compressive residual surface stresses
and superstrengthened material developed
in the part surface layer increase
significantly the service life of steel parts
while decreasing their cost.
3. On the basis of discovered law of transient
nucleate boiling process, it is possible to
apply LTMT to plain high carbon steels to
increase significantly their mechanical
4. The presented approaches can be used to
make environment cleaner using plain water
as a quenchant instead of hazardous oils,
and to use plain carbon steels instead of
alloy steels. Producing of alloy steels is
more harmful for environment as compared
with the plain carbon steels.

1. N.I.Kobasko, Quench process optimization for
receiving super strong materials, WSEAS
Transactions on Systems, Vol. 4, Issue 9, 2005,
pp. 1394 - 1401.
2. Kobasko, N.I., Current and residual stresses
during quenching of steel parts, in Finite
Nikolai Kobasko
Elements, Mastorakis, N.E. and Martin Olga,
Eds., WSEAS Press, Athens, 2007.
3. N.I.Kobasko, Intensive Steel Quenching
Methods, in Quenching Theory and
Technology (Second Edition), B. Liscic, H.M.
Tensi, L.C.F.Canale, G.E.Totten (Eds.), CRC
Press, 2010, pp. 509 - 567.
4. N.I.Kobasko, M.A.Aronov, J.A.Powell,
G.E.Totten, Intensive Quenching Systems:
Engineering and Design, ASTM International,
2010, 232 pages.
5. N.I.Kobasko, US Patent No. 6,364,974 B1
6. N.I.Kobasko, Steel Quenching in Liquid Media
under Pressure, Kyiv, Naukova Dumka, 1980,
206 p.
7. P.Krukovskyi, N.Kobasko, D. Yurchenko,
Generalized Equation for Cooling Time
Evaluation and Its Verification by CFD
Analysis, Journal of ASTM International
(JAI), Vol. 6, No 5, 2009.
8. Kobasko, N. I., W. S. Morhuniuk, and V. V.
Dobrivecher, Software Tandem-Hart
Analysis (commercially available from
Intensive Technologies Ltd. Kyiv, Ukraine,
[email protected], www.itl.kiev.ua).
9. N.I.Kobasko, Steel superstrengthening
phenomenon, Journal of ASTM International,
Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2005, paper ID JAI12824,
available online at www.astm.org
10. N.I.Kobasko, Steel superstrengthening
phenomenon, part I, International Journal
of Materials and Product technology, Vol.
24, No 1 - 4, 2005, pp. 361 374.
11. N.I.Kobasko, Intensive Steel Quenching
Methods, A Handbook: Theory and
Technology of Quenching, B. Liscic, H.M.
Tensi, and W. Luty, Eds., Springer Verlag,
Berlin, New York, 1992, pp. 367 389.
12. O.C. Zienkiewiez, The Finite Element Method
in Engineering Science, Mir, Moscow, 1975,
542 pages.
13. N.E. Mastorakis, Olga Martin (Eds)., Finite
Elements, WSEAS Press, Athens, 2007,
ISBN: No 978 - 960 -8457 - 84 -3.
14. N.Kobasko, What are duration of non -
stationary nucleate boiling and thermal
equilibrium during quenching of steel parts?,
Proc. of the 6th International Conference on
Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering and
Environment (HTE'08), Rhodes, Greece,
August 20 - 22, 2008, pp. 529 - 533.
15. N. Kobasko, Transient Nucleate Boiling as a
Low of Nature and a Basis for Designing of IQ
Technologies, Proc. Of the 7
Int. Conference on Heat Transfer, Thermal
Engineering and Environment (THE09),
Moscow, Aug. 20 22, 2009, pp. 67 76.
16. Kobasko, N. I., Thermal Processes in
Quenching of Steel, Metal Science and Heat
Treatment, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1968.
17. N.I.Kobasko, Self-Regulated Thermal Process
at Steel Quenching,
Promyshlennaya Teplotekhnika, Vol. 20, No. 5,
1998, pp. 1014.
18. D. Sherby, Processing, structure, and
properties of a rolled ultrahigh carbon steel
plate exhibiting a Damask pattern, Materials
Characterization, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2001, pp. 11
19. M.A. Mogilevsky, Cast ultrahigh steels with
Damascus type microstructure, Materials
Technology, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2005, pp. 12- 14.
20. Worldwide Guide to Equivalent Irons and
Steels , 4 th Edition, W.C. Mark, Cordinating
Ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH
44073 0002, USA, 2000.
21. B.K.Ouchakov, K.Z.Shepeljakovsky, New
Steels and Methods for Induction Hardening of
Bearing Rings and Rollers, In a book Bearing
Steels into the 21
Century (Joseph J.C. Hoo
Willard B. Green Ir., Eds); ASTM (American
Society for Testing and Materials), 1998, p 307
22. N.I. Kobasko, W.S. Morhuniuk, B.K.
Ushakov, Design of Steel-Intensive Quench
Processes, Steel Heat Treatment: Equipment
and Process Design, (George E. Totten, Ed.),
CRC Press, New York, 2007, pp. 193 - 237,
A.M.Freborg, B.L.Ferguson, M.A.Aronov,
N.I.Kobasko, J.A.Powell, Intensive quenching
theory and application for imparting high
residual surface compressive stresses in
pressure vessel components, SAE Journal of
Pressure Vessels Technology, Vol.125, May
2003, pp. 188 - 194.

24. B.L. Ferguson, Z. Li and A.M. Freborg,
Modeling Heat Treatment of Steel Parts,
Computational Materials Science, Vol. 34,
Issue 3, 2005, pp. 274 - 281.
25. M.A.Aronov, Final Technical Report
"Intensive Quenching Technology for Heat
Treating and Forging Industries," DOE Award
Number: DE - FC36 - 03ID 14463, Project
period: April 2003 - Sept. 2005, 44 pages.
New Approach in Manufacturing of High Quality Superstrengthened Steels
Ricardo Luiz Perez Teixeira
Programa de Engenharia Metalrgica e de Materiais, PEMM-COPPE
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Cid. Universitria-Centro de Tecnologia-Bloco F, sala F-210, Ilha do Fundo - Caixa Postal 68505;
CEP 21941-972, RJ, Rio de Janeiro
[email protected], [email protected]. pt http://www. metalmat.ufrj.br
Renata Antoun Simo
Programa de Engenharia Metalrgica e de Materiais, PEMM-COPPE
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Cid. Universitria-Centro de Tecnologia-Bloco F, sala F-210, Ilha do Fundo - Caixa Postal 68505;
CEP 21941-972, RJ, Rio de Janeiro
[email protected] http://www. metalmat.ufrj.br
Bruno Coelho
IDMEC - New Energy Technologies Unit
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, CEP, 4200-465, Porto
[email protected]. pt http://paginas.fe.up. pt/idmec/net/
Armando Coelho Oliveira
IDMEC - New Energy Technologies Unit
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, CEP, 4200-465, Porto
[email protected]. pt http://paginas.fe.up. pt/idmec/net/

Abstract: - A low cost, black nickel solar absorber coating used in thermal solar collectors on nanostructured
high thermal conductor copper was analyzed using XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy) and MFM
(magnetic force microscopy) techniques. Copper substrate nanostructuration was realized by electrochemical
polishing to improve MFM analysis. Black nickel solar absorber coating was electrodeposited on nanostructured
C81100 copper due to their good optical properties and low cost. XPS results after 15 minutes of sputtering
identified black nickel as a Cermet mainly composed of two metallic nickel atoms for each nickel and zinc
sulfide, i.e. 2 Ni: NiS: ZnS and traces of thiocyanate. The MFM black nickel lock-in-
presents a estimate mean diameter particle size in of (31 16) nm and mode diameter particle size of (6 16)
nm. This nanometric particle was attributed to the ferromagnetic metallic nickel found in XPS analysis. Thus,
MFM validate that black nickel solar absorber coating is a nanometric graded cermet of NiS-ZnS with 13 % of
metallic nickel nanoparticles by chemical composition of XPS results and MFM.

Key-Words: - solar absorber coating; X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; magnetic force microscopy; nanometric

1 Introduction

The demand for energy is rising all over the world,
with a doubling every five to seven years in
underdeveloped countries, seven to ten years in
developing countries and ten to fifteen years in
advanced countries. Renewable energy from natural
resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and
geothermal heat present solutions to decrease critical
climate changes due to emissions of harmful

pollutants from conventional energy consumption
(petrol, coal, and others). However, compared to
other renewable energy resources, solar energy has
probably the greatest potential, because the energy
coming from the sun is the most powerful (a solar
energy per m2 per day has 7 kWh energy content),
cleanest, and stable source [1, 2]. Sunlight is an
extremely energetic electromagnetic radiation with
wavelengths from the near infrared to the ultraviolet
(wavelength between 300-2500 nm). The amount of
sunlight striking the Earths atmosphere continuously
is 1.75 x 105 TW, with 60% passing through the
atmospheric cloud cover 1.05 x 105 TW reaches the
Earths surface continuously. If the irradiance on only
1% of the Earths surface could be converted into
electric energy with a 10% efficiency, it would
provide a 105 TW of energy, whereas the total global
energy needs for 2050 are projected to be only about
2530 TW. The present state of solar energy
technologies is such that solar-cell efficiencies have
reached over 20% and solar thermal systems 40%
60% are efficient. Solar PV panels have come down
in cost from about $30/W to about $3/W in the last
three decades. At $3/W panel cost, the overall system
cost is around $6/W, which is still too high to
compete with other resources on the electricity grid.
However, there are many off-grid applications where
solar PV is already cost-effective, especially with
governmental incentives, such as feed-in laws [1, 2].
A solar collector is an apparatus that collects the
sunlight energy then alters this energy into a more
usable or storable energy form. There are wide ranges
of different solar collectors; most consist of a flat
copper plate with a coated black paint on the absorber
surface with water tubes attached to the absorber
plate in which the energy is transferred. Technologies
that use solar energy in commercial applications
include concentrate solar power, photovoltaic, solar
heating [3,4].
Solar thermal devices use selective absorber surfaces
to produce heat from solar radiation for different
applications, from domestic to industrial, as well as
generate electricity. The photothermal effect is a
phenomenon that induces the absorption of radiation
by electromagnetic radiation producing
photoexcitation and heating on an absorber surface.
The absorber surface used in thermal solar collectors
requires high absorptance in the solar spectrum and
low emittance, i.e., high reflectance, in the infrared
wavelength range or a lower thermal radiation from
the heated absorber surfaces.
For solar collectors, the cost and effective utilization
of solar energy requires an efficient solar absorber
tandem coating (multi-layer coating) with a high
sunlight absorptance coefficient such as low energy
losses [5-8]. Heat treatment studies help to identify
the efficiency of the solar absorber tandem coatings
(efficiency of converting the sunlight to other
desirable energy form or work) and energy losses
connecting different parameters such as the
microstructure of a material, the chemical
composition, diffusity, conductivity, and emittance
[2, 9-11].
Cermet (ceramicmetal composite) films, also known
as composite films, have optical properties
appropriate for high solar absorption. They basically
consist of a metal oxide coating containing metal
nanoparticles embedded in a dielectric host on a
metallic substrate. It has been suggested that these
films strongly absorb in the solar region due to inter-
band transitions in the metal in combination with
small particle resonance, while they are almost
transparent in the thermal IR region.
Several techniques, such as vacuum techniques
(sputtering, electron beam, chemical vapor
deposition, etc.), sol-gel, electroless deposition
(catalytic reduction process) are currently used to
produce solar absorber surfaces [12]. However, the
desired characteristics of the solar absorber coating
may be better controlled by direct electrodeposition
such as their nanostructuration [13]. The
electrodeposition advantages against vacuum
techniques are basically as follows [14]:
a. Rapidity;
b. Low cost;
c. Free from porosity;
d. High purity;
e. Industrial applicability;
f. Ability to produce structural features with sizes
ranging from nm to m;
g. Easy to control alloy composition.
Advantages of copper substrate for selective coatings
in solar applications are as follows: longer life or
durability in piping systems suitable for heating fluids
up to 85C, higher thermal and electrical conductivity
(lower energy losses), low price (5 /kg, New York
Mercantile Exchange-2010) and low maintenance
costs. Beside these advantages, copper tubes are the
standard plumbing material for potable water and
heating systems in most European countries [10].
Other choices are chemical affinity and well know
processes and reactions [15, 16]. A thin layer of
nickel is plated to the copper to improve wear
resistance and to prevent the oxidation of copper,
besides promoting better black nickel adhesion.
Nickel can be plated onto copper surfaces by either
electroless plating (a catalytic reduction process) or
electrolytic plating techniques [17].
Black nickel is a Cermet type of solar absorber
coating that can be applied onto various metal
MFM and XPS Analysis of Low Cost Black Nickel Solar Absorber

substrates using an electroplating technique [12, 17].
The dark blackening of the black nickel absorber is
attributed to the deposition of sulfide particles
together with the Ni-Zn alloy [12]. The ceramic
matrix was composed of NiS and ZnS with a highly
absorbent coating in the solar region while fine
nickel-zinc particles in ceramic matrix offer an IR-
reflective property. The black appearance of black
nickel deposits attributed to decreased reflectivity by
reducing the effective electron density from the
formation of a cermet composed in a dispersion of
metal in a dielectric matrix. Thus, when the metal
contents of the deposit are small, the optical constants
gave low reflectivity at sufficiently large thicknesses

2 Experiments

The nanostructuration in copper samples of 1 x 1 x
0.1 cm
was done by mechanical polishing (P1200)
followed by three cycles of electropolishing assays
were all performed using a Autolab type III
potentiostat. The electrolytic cell for electropolishing
was composited of 85 %v/v H3PO4 as electrolytic
solution, at room temperature (25 C), at an electrical
potential of 1.75 V [16, 17].
The electrodeposition of nickel Watts underlayer on
copper bulk was performed to give black nickel better
adhesion. The nickel Watts underlayer was
electrodeposited using a sulfate Watts bath under the
chosen plating conditions of 0.02 A/cm for 5
minutes (room temperature) [17].
To plate black nickel on nickel Watts coating, a bath
composed of nickel, nickel sulfate, nickel ammonium
sulfate, zinc sulfate, and sodium thiocyanate was used
following Fichlock procedure [17]. The black nickel
coating was electrodeposited out using a sulfate
Fishlocks bath under the chosen plating conditions
of 0.002 A/cm for 15 minutes (room temperature).
AFM were performed by intermittent contact mode
operation on a JPK atomic force microscope that
was employed to obtain topography and lock-in phase
images using the tips such as NSC16/AlBS. Magnetic
images were employed to obtain magnetic
information from bulk by using the tips such as one
coated with Co-Cr. Topography and lock-in phase
images were analyzed by JPK image processing,
v.2 for the surface roughness. SPIP, v.
(Image Metrology A/S, Denmark) was used for the
diameter particle size.
Chemical composition was obtained by X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. XPS was
performed with the OMICRON system (Omicron
NanoTechnology GmbH) equipped with EAC2000
SPHERA and DAR400 DAR 400 twin-anode X-
ray source. Data analysis was performed with Casa
The thickness of nickel Watts and black nickel layer
used were measured as a result of the cross-section
photomicrography image of the back scattered
electron imaging. Scanning Electron Microscopy
(SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDS)
spectroscopy were performed using JEOL JSM-6460
LV and EDX Noran in 200 kV (EDS), respectively.
A digital micrometer with a precision measurements
of 0.1 m was used to measured the thickness of the
black nickel (black nickel/nickel Watts/copper) and
the nickel Watts (nickel Watts/copper) systems.

3 Results and Discussion

3.1 Crystallographic and Chemical analysis:
X-ray diffraction analysis and X-Ray
Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)

XPS survey spectrum of the black nickel films after
fifteen minutes of sputtering is presented in Figure 1
as well as the comparative evaluation of the atomic
composition. The C1s (284.6 eV) peak was used to
adjust the position of the XPS spectra. The black
nickel survey scan exhibits the main core-level peaks
for O 1s, C 1s, N 1s, S 2p, Zn 2p, and Ni 2p, centered
at binding energies 531.6, 284.5, 397.9-400, 162.7,
1021.6, and 852.9-855.7 eV, respectively.

Figure 4 - XPS survey Image of Black nickel after 5
minutes of sputtering.
Ricardo Luiz Perez Teixeira, Renata Antoun Simao, Bruno Coelho, Armando Coelho Oliveira

In order to get information on the chemical state of
the different species found on the film, high
resolution spectra were obtained for nickel, zinc,
sulfur, oxygen, and carbon with sputtering of 5
minutes, table 1. The survey XPS spectrum in figure
4 detected the presence of C (40.65 %atomic), O
(13.08 %atomic), Ni (21.57 %atomic), Zn (7.33
%atomic), S (14.78 %atomic), and N (2.59 %atomic).
The high resolution sulfur spectrum in table 1 after 15
minutes of sputtering detected the presence of sulfide
compounds like NiS (Ni2+ founded in XPS Ni high
resolution) and ZnS (ZnS compound founded in XPS
Zn high resolution). The high resolution nickel
spectrum with 15 minutes of sputtering found the
presence of Ni0 (60.8 % atomic) and as Ni2+ (39.2%
atomic). Satellites values (Sat) were added to the
main near peaks, table 1. By observing the range
between nitrogen 1s and sulfur 2p in figure 4 to
survey XPS, in terms of binding energy position, a
small amount of sulfur can be assumed as the
presence of thiocyanate compounds, (N1s-S2p) =
235.2 eV, according to Walton [18]. The presence of
nitrogen compounds as thiocyanate is below 5 %
atomic by XPS survey. Thus, analysis of the XPS
spectrum indicates that black nickel bulk (after 15
minutes of XPS sputtering) is mainly composed of a
comparative atomic amount of the twice metallic
nickel to each nickel sulfide and zinc sulfide, that is 2
Ni: NiS: ZnS.

Table 1. XPS high resolution of Ni, S, and Zn after 5
minutes of sputtering.

XPS High
Nickel Ni 2p3/2 (0) 852.86 27.60%
Ni 2p1/2 (0) 870.26 15.46%
SAT (Ni) 858.12 5.08%
SAT (Ni) 875.46 12.64%
Ni 2p3/2 (2+) 854.72 12.00%
Ni 2p1/2 (2+) 870.12 6.00%
Sat (Ni 2+) 860.06 17.71%
Sat (Ni 2+) 879.22 3.52%
Zn 2p1/2
1022 63.31%

Zn 2p3/2
1045.1 34.69%
Sulfur S
(sulfide) 161.78 38.13%
Poli S
161.94 61.87%

3.2 Morphological Analysis: Magnetic Force

The mean size of the metallic nickel grains was
indirectly interpreted by associating the MFM image
and the grain size analysis to the black nickel
absorber. In figure 2, magnetic domain structure is
presented by the MFM image with lifting-in of 35nm.
This image presents an estimated a JPK
root mean
square roughness (RMS) of 10.920 nm, a mean
diameter SPIP
particle size of (31 16) nm and a
mode diameter particle size of (6 16) nm.
This nanometric particles were attributed to the
ferromagnetic metallic. Figure 2 lock-in-phase trace
shows a one-domain structure, round-up points
nanometrically distributed lock-in phase image as
observed by Xiansong Liu [19]. Lock-in phase at
lifting in 35 nm of the surface correspond well to a
presence of ferromagnetic metallic nickel.

Figure 2 - black nickel MFM m images 5 x 5 with
lifting-in of 35 nm: the height (topography profile)
and the lock-in phase (trace and retrace) with
oscilloscope in a MFM scanning.

4 Conclusions

Surface Analysis by XPS after 15 minutes of
sputtering identified black nickel solar absorber
coating as a Cermet mainly composed of two metallic
nickel atoms for each nickel and zinc sulfide, i.e. 2
Ni: NiS: ZnS.
MFM 5 x 5 m lifting-in 35 nm images of
topography and lock-in-phase from the cermet
surface of the black nickel nanostructured present
ferromagnetic nanoparticles with a estimate mean
MFM and XPS Analysis of Low Cost Black Nickel Solar Absorber

diameter particle size of (31 16) nm and mode
diameter particle size of (6 16) nm. This
nanometric particle was attributed to the
ferromagnetic metallic nickel found in XPS analysis.
Thus, MFM validate that black nickel is a graded
cermet of NiS-ZnS with 13 %atomic of metallic
nickel nanoparticles by chemical composition of

5 Acknowledgements

INMETRO-XERM help in the experiments, to
CNPq-Brazil for financial support.

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Ricardo Luiz Perez Teixeira, Renata Antoun Simao, Bruno Coelho, Armando Coelho Oliveira
Constructive Principles of the Italian System Used
To build the bastioned fortification of Oradea Fortress

Department of Civil Engineering
Politehnica University of Timioara
T. Lalescu, 300223 Timioara
[email protected],[email protected], http://www.ct.upt.ro

Abstract: This paper presents a constructive concept of the Italian system of fortification and
demonstrates that the fortification of the Fortress Oradea is belonging to this principle. The
Italian system appears in the same time with the Renaissance. This is the very first modern
bastioned fortification which is using the sharp salient-angle (the feather model).
Renaissance`s Principles arrived in Transylvania also with the Italian architects and
engineers brought here by Caterina de Medici. This paper presents a detailed analyse of
the Oradea fortress,and contain a demonstration and explanation of the constructive
concept which was used.

Key-Words: - Military Architecture Theory ,Fortifications, bastioned fortress, rampart,
bastion, artillery, fortification, Renaissance, artillery.

1 Introduction
The construction of the star shape fortress
Oradea starts around 1540 and is was
made according with the Italian System
trace, drafted by Pietro Cataneo which
were later used by Italian military architects
who worked in Oradea (fig.1)

Fig.1. Cataneo`s System

The architects chose a pentagonal shape
pattern with 5 bastions ,adapted for artillery,
on each corner. The project was assigned
to the Italian architect Domenico di Bologna
who has visited the court og Gheorghe
Martinuzzi. Other Italian architects such as
Ottavio Baldigara, Domenico dei Ridolfini
da Camerino, Simone Genga, Achille
Tarducci da Carinaldo, Giovan Marco
Isolano da Bologna, Maurizio Veneiro or
Giacomo Resti got involved in this huge
project for building this fortress.

The fortress was erected in 2 large
stages: the 1
stage was between 1518-
1550 under the leadership of Gabriel
Bethlen and Rackoczi family; the 2
was between 1569-1598 under the
leadership of Ioan Sigismund of Bathory
and of Bathory family. The fortress is
surrounded by a very large ditch between
60 and 80 meters wide and 6 meters deep,
supplied with warm water from Peta river
that did not freeze in winter.

2 Material and method.

Constructive principles of the Italian system

The bastion had the shape of the feather with a
salient angle, the flanks formed a salient angle
generally of 60
, being ended and protected by
orillons. The orillons were linked with the curtain
wall through the lateral flanks of the bastion that,
connecting the bastion to the curtain side, were
further strengthen by a wall endowed with a
platform and a parapet, for a better lateral flanking
of the curtain wall. A parallel fire was thus

Volumetry volumetry

Cross-section Cross-section

Fig.2 Fig.3

Fig 2-bastion with a cavalier, Fig.3-bastion
without a cavalier.

By placing a cavalier or a lunette on the
bastion, the fortified element became even
harder to conquer, and very resistant to
enemy fire. Cataneo`s concept that was
used at Oradea is explained in figure 4.
Figure`s 4 legend: g-glacis, W-re-entering
places of arms, a-orillon, b-ravelin,
In order to understand this concept from
fig.4, we will analyse thoroughly all the
elements of the fortress of Oradea and we
will compare them with the theoretical

The defensive structure of the Oradea
fortress is analysed in figure 5. One can
notice that the fortification consist of 2
fortified pentagonal precincts (fig.5 upper
right)- the red pentagon that represents the

Fig.4. Cataneo`s Italian system used at
Oradea Fortress.
Castle and bastion precinct represented in
yellow. The defence ditch surrounds the
fortress on all sides of the starred perimeter
and it is represented in blue. In fif.5-left
corner, the fortress ditch is represented in
red and the old glacis which does not exist
anymore, is represented in yellow. Thus,
one can notice the way in which the urban
structure got too close to the fortress
entering even the protection area. The
fortification had 2 interior concentric yards,
the 1
being the castle yard-represented in
yellow in fig.5 (3
figure on the column),
while the 2
was the bastioned fortification
yard which included the first one as well,
represented in green (last figure in the
column). In fig.6 is presented the study of
the fortress today-stage, and an epoch
stamp (16
century). Notice in fig.7,8,9 the
way the system works. In those figures is
analysed the different types of fire.
Valentin Capotescu

Fig.5. Anallytic study of the component
elements of Oradea Fortress

Fig.6. Present study of the Oradea Fortress
and its representation in an epoch stamp.

Fig.7. Carrying out the cross fire and
flanking fire from the lateral flanks and

Fig.8. Carrying out the cross fire from the
lateral flanks of the bastion in combination
with the cross-fire of the first precinct
Constructive Principles of the Italian System used to Build the Bastioned Fortification of Oradea Fortress

Fig.9. The demonstration of the Italian
geometrical pattern over the fortress
ground-plane (the composition axis are
represented in red and O1,O2,O3 are the
centres of the geometrical plan of the

Fig.10. The demonstration of the Italian
geometrical trace of the bastion 5 with
explanation of the drawing method and the
component elements: AB,AC-bastion
flanks, CD,BF-bastion orillons, DE,FG-side

Figure 9 points out the concept of ideal
pentagonal fortification, the 3 geometrical
centres being collinear and equally apart
from one another. This manner in which a
bastion was built (it has an identical pattern
for all 5 bastions), is represented in fig.10.
The cannons could be placed in two ways:-
1 one the bastion platform, fireing from the
the parapet, or 2- inside the bastion, but
only in lateral flanks, in order to create a
flanking-fire for the curtain, and the rest of
the bastion was filled with earth. The main
strong point of this type of fortification is to
give up passive defence and adopt the
active defence. The advantages of the
Italian system are: usage of cross-fire, the
adoption of the starred plan and the salient
angle-sharp shape of the bastion which
removes the dead angle of the medieval
bastion in circular plan (fig.11).

Fig.11. The demonstration of the dead-
angle elimination in the Italian trace.

3 Problem Solution
Reshaping the protection area is utterly
necessary for the rescue of the monument.
A simple restoration is not enough, if a
method required for the revival and urban
inclusion of the fortress can not be found. It
is also important to acknowledge the value
of the monument since it is the only one of
this type in Romania, and the only example
of Renaissance military architecture of
Italian type in Romania. ( there was another
square bastioned fortification built on the
Italian system al Alba Iulia, but in the 18

century was part-demolish and included
inside the modern Vauban-type fortification
of Alba-Iulia- Carolina Fortress).

Valentin Capotescu
4 Conclusion:
In order to restore the citadel`s old look,
and to bring it to an acceptable shape, it is
necesarely to bring life inside it. You can`t
bring life inside if is not restored properly.
Knowing the past, helps you knowing to
restore the present and preserve it for the
future. This case in particular is the single
one in Romania, so it is necesarelly to save
the monument asap. A quick, fast and
professional intervention is required.
This paper explains the building
method of Oradea Fortress and why it does
belong to the Italian School, and it
demonstrates the concept and analyses the
reconversion and resquing possibilities of
this monument; this act can only be made
after a good knowledge of the monument
past ant the way in which it was built.

5 Acknowledgements
The research works was based on the book
wrote by the author, and elements which
are part from some other private collections
and Museum archives, from Romania. The
author would also like to thank to
Prof.dr.ing. Stoian Valeriu, and
Prof.dr.arh.T. Octavian Gheorghiu for
providing historic material from their
personal collection.
This work was partially supported by the
strategic grant POSDRU 6/1.5/S/13, (2008)
of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social
Protection, Romania, co-financed by the
European Social Fund Investing in


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Constructive Principles of the Italian System used to Build the Bastioned Fortification of Oradea Fortress
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della tecnologia, edited by GENOVESE,
R.A., in Restauro n.157; AA.VV.,2003.
Tecniche di rappresentazione
tridimensionale, edited by GENOVESE,
R.A., in Restauro n.163.
[17].CESARE BRANDI- Teoria Restaurarii
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Military Dictionary London 1779
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from 3000 BC to 1700 AD London 1955
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[25]. CHRISTINE DE PISAN The Book of
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Valentin Capotescu

A Robust Control by Extended Static Output Feedback for
Discrete-Time Uncertain Linear Systems

Departamento de Sistemas de Control Departamento de Computacin
Facultad de Ingeniera, ULA Facultad de Ingeniera, ULA
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract: - This paper presents a novel approach for the controller synthesis in discrete-time linear systems
(DTLS) with uncertainty polytopical type, by means of the extended static feedback of the measured output. The
method consists of designing feedback gains for the injection of the output and its derivative, which corresponds to
the control signal. Conditions for the existence of such controllers are established. The uncertainty parameters are
supposed to belong to a polytope. The stabilization problem is formulated in the context of linear matrix
inequalities (LMI). Multiobjective performance indices in are also considered, which are described as LMIs. The
extended conditions are obtained by means of the well known projection lemma. Performance of the
proposed synthesis technique is illustrated by a numerical example.

Key-Words: - Discrete-time Linear Systems. Static Output Feedback. Robust Control. Polytopical Uncertainty. Linear
Matrix Inequalities (LMI).

1 Introduction
In any process of synthesis of control systems,
the final goal is the practical implementation of the
designed controller. When considering the synthesis of
control systems for practical purposes, it is necessary
to look for greater flexibility and simplicity of
implementation [15]. Hence, the output feedback
control has been a topic of much research interest.

As it is known, one of the controllers that offer
these characteristics are built by using states feedback,
which have the disadvantage that not always is
possible to have all the states available. However, the
static output feedback allows an implementation
without many requirements. The major drawbacks for
the control synthesis of static output feedback (SOF)
are the conditions of existence of such controllers
The SOF problem may be described as following:
Given a linear system, which is generally time-
invariant, find a gain of static output feedback so that,
in closed loop, the controlled system exhibits the
desired behavior or determine the nonexistence of
such gain [5]. Although there exist several theoretical
conditions for the existence of controllers by SOF, do
not exist practical algorithms for the solution with few
requirements [16].

1.1 Problem Formulation
Consider the DTLS system defined by


where , and . The
problem is described by: given the system (1) with
stabilizable, find a control of the form


where is the static feedback gain to be
built, so that the closed loop system is stable. This
means that if there exists , then the closed-loop
dynamic matrix must be stable.

Problem 1: Given the system (1), with
stabilizable, find for the control (2) such that the
matrix has all its eigenvalues in the stable

The selection of the gain must be allowed to satisfy
the performance requirements according to the design
objectives of the control system. The first detail to
define is the existence of such gain of static feedback.
For this, several results have been presented for both
the continuous-time and discrete-time systems: [1, 3,

5, 6, 11, 17]. The established conditions do not show
directly the solution algorithms. Thus, several methods
for the solution of the SOF problem have been
proposed [2, 7].

On the other hand, in the particular case of
DTLS, the SOF problem in systems with uncertainties
has also been considered [10, 16], in which it is
emphasized that this is a non-convex NP-hard
optimization problem. This problem can be
represented, for many design objectives, as an
optimization problem with bilinear matrix inequality
(BMI). In this case, the reported solutions maintain the
problem of exigent requirements from the
computational point of view, limiting the practical
application of SOF techniques in industrial processes.

Notation. is the set of real numbers. For a
matrix , denotes its transpose. defines the
trace of the matrix . is the Hilbert space of
vectorial signals defined on , such that
, . is a diagonal
matrix with inputs and on its diagonal. In
symmetric matrices partitions denotes each of its
symmetric blocks. defines the identity matrix of
appropriate dimension.

2. Preliminaries
In this section some preliminary results are
presented to give additional performance conditions in
the analysis of discrete-time linear systems (DTLS).
Consider the DTLS system
where, are the states, are the controls
and are the measured variables. The matrices
are well known and they have the
appropriate dimensions.

In order to study the performance of this system,
in the optimal robust control theory, it is common
applying criteria based on norms. Thus, there exist
improved versions of the Bounded Real Lemma to
reduce conservatism [8, 12, 18], or in the case of
performance in [12, 13], this in order to reduce
conservatism. Next, some of these methods will be
described, which are the basis for the development of
the results to be shown in this paper.

2.1 Extended LMI conditions for DTLS

Lemma 2.1 ( norm relaxed in discrete time):
Consider a system as given by (4). The following
statements, with , are equivalents

I. is stable and .

II. Exist and , such that

III. Exist and , such that
Proof: The proof is based on the implementation
of the projection lemma. This proof can be evaluated
in [4].

Lemma 2.2 ( norm relaxed in discrete time):
Consider the discrete-time linear system (3), with
matrices . The following statements, with
, are equivalents

i) is stable and .

ii) Exists , such that

iii) Exist and such that

Proof: The proof is constructed from the
projection lemma. The details can be evaluated in [4,

Addison Rios-Bolivar, Flor Narciso

These results will be useful for the design of
robust controllers by static feedback of extended
output, such as it will be shown below.

3. Control by Static Feedback of the Extended

Consider the system (1). The control is defined
where and are the feedback gains to be
determined for output and its discrete derivatives. In
this case, the discrete derivative of the output is used
in the context of derivative action for PID controllers.
Thus, the control is given by

As may be seen, the existence of the control
depends on the invertibility of the matrix ,
which is a condition less strong than those established
in the Problem 1 of SOF. Thus, for the control by
static feedback of extended output the following
problem is established:

Problem 2: Given the system (1) with
stabilizable, find and for the control (14) such
that the matrix
has all its eigenvalues in the stable semi-plane.

Lemma 3.1 Given , there exists a
control by static feedback of extended output with the
if and only if have generalized inverse ((Moore-
Penrose pseudoinverse), given by .

In fact, if is the transpose matrix of , which
have complete range by columns, then the pseudo-
inverse Moore-Penrose Matrix is ,
which, if exist, will allow to compute the control law.
This condition debilitates and generalizes those
established in [9], giving a solution to the problem of
SOF [14].

3.1. LMI Formulation

Consider the problem of stabilization by the
feedback of extended output in the context of LMIs.
That is, given the system (1), find and so that
the closed-loop system is stable in the sense of
Lyapunov (bilinear matrix inequalities) are satisfied:

where is the closed-loop dynamic matrix.

Theorem 4.1 Let the system given by (1) with the
stablizable pair , there exists a control by
extended SOF of the form (9) that stabilizes the
closed-loop system, if there exists and the
symmetric matrix , and the matrices , such
that the following LMI is satisfied

where the feedback gains are obtained

Proof: See [15].

It is important to note that conditions for
calculating and are equivalent to those in [9].
However, in this case are less restrictive for the types
of systems since the stabilization can be achieved
through the proper calculation of and , whose
design condition extends the class of systems that can
be controlled by this technique.

3.2 Control in

Consider the LTI system defined by
where is an unknown disturbance. is the
controlled output and is the measured output.

Problem 3: Given the system (15), with
stabilizable, find and for the control (8) such
that the dynamic matrix in closed loop be stable,
and the norm-2 or norm- of the transfer function of
the disturbance to controlled output be minimum in
some sense, that is or .

In [15], an approach for control of discrete-time linear
systems with performance indexes has been
presented. There, the robustness problem has not been
A Robust Control by Extended Static Output Feedback for Discrete-Time Uncertain Linear Systems

4. Robust Control

So far the design of controllers that minimize the
effect of disturbances on the controlled outputs has
been considered, such as it has been shown in [14].
From now on, the interest is focused on the design of
robust controllers for processes where there is
uncertainty in the dynamic matrix of the plant.
Consider the uncertain system
where are the states, are unknown
disturbances, are the control inputs,
are the controlled outputs, are the measured
outputs. Additionally, the unknown matrices of the
system form uncertain polytopic, that is, they belong
to a convex hull, thus

with (17)

Given that is restricted to a unit set since
, then the matrices
are affine functions of the vector of
uncertain parameters , which is described by
the convex combination of vertex matrices
As can be seen, the matrices and are
considered known. This has correspondence with the
fact that they represent, from the practical point of
view, the fundamental and precise elements for the
implementation of control systems, which are the
actuators and sensors, respectively.
Now applying the control by static feedback of the
extended output and assuming that ,
k is given by

then, the closed-loop matrices are

4.1 Robust Control

From the Lemma 2.1 the following result is obtained:

Theorem 4.1 Consider the system (16) on the
polytope (17). There exists a control law by static
feedback of the extended output of the form (18),
which guarantees a performance in for the system
in closed loop, fulfilling the formal conditions, if the
following are satisfied

for , where , ,
, . Thus, the static
feedback gains of the extended output are obtained

Proof: Lets assume that a feasible solution exists for
the problem of static feedback of extended output,
according to control (18). Then, from the Lemma 2.1
and the closed-loop dynamic matrix, if
and , then by
applying the Lemma 2.1 the shown result is reached.

4.2 Robust Control

From the Lemma 2.2 the following result is obtained:

Theorem 4.2 Consider the system (16) on the
polytope (17). There exists a control law by static
feedback of the extended output of the form (18),
which guarantees a sub-optimal performance in
for the closed loop system, which fulfill the formal
conditions, if the following is satisfied

for , where , ,
, . The gains are:

Proof: Lets assume that a feasible solution exists
for the problem of static feedback of extended output,
according to control (18). Then, from the Lemma 2.2
Addison Rios-Bolivar, Flor Narciso

and the closed-loop dynamic matrix, and if
and , then by
applying the Lemma 2.2 the shown conclusion is

The results obtained in and can be
combined to achieve controller with multi-objective.
In the presented case, due to the extended versions of
the characterizations of the - norms as LMIs,
the products that involve Lyapunov matrices are not
generated, and the design matrices , will not
depend on them, avoiding the need to use the same
Lyapunov matrix for all the specications, thereby the
conservatism is reduced.

5. Numerical Evaluation
Consider the system defined by [4]:

which is unstable, with . Therefore, there
exist values of where the system is unstable. This
structured uncertainty form a two-vertices polytope.
Applying the Theorem 4.2 the following results are
for a value of . For these gains, the closed-
loop dynamic matrix is

which, for the range of values , is stable, as shown in
Figure 1.
To emphasize, at the vertices of the polytope and
for the central value, , these matrices are:
which, as can be verified, are all stable.
For the simulation, first, it has been considered a
value of , next for the new value is
. As can be seen in Figure 2, the system is
controlled, even in the presence of the variability of
the parameter, according to the established for the
feedback robust of the extended output.

Figure 1. Distribution of poles.

Figure 2. The controlled output.

Figure 3. The measured output.

6. Conclusions

From the output and its discrete derivative, the
problem of control by static feedback of the output in
discrete-time linear systems with polytopic
uncertainties has been addressed and solved. Using
both signals, two feedback gains have been designed
under the premises of robust stability and disturbance
management. The solution allows extending the space
A Robust Control by Extended Static Output Feedback for Discrete-Time Uncertain Linear Systems

of the systems that can be stabilized by the traditional
techniques of static feedback of the output. The
conditions for the problem solution have been
presented, and it has been solved for the control in
, using linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The
conditions are analogous to the well known problems
of static feedback of the output. However, the
spectrum of the uncertain discrete-time linear systems
that can be controlled by this type of feedback has
been extended. The design of the controller by static
feedback of extended output is robust since linear
systems with polytopic uncertainties have been
considered. The feedback gains of the extended output
are obtained by solving the relaxed LMIs, which are
less conservative. This is verified through a numerical

The authors want to thank the CDCHT-ULA for its
financial support through the project No. I-1206-09-
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Addison Rios-Bolivar, Flor Narciso
Optimization of Limit Characteristics in Opened Queueing
Institute for Applied Mathematics, Far Eastern Branch of RAS
Laboratory of Probability Methods and Systems Analysis
Radio Street 7, 690041 Vladivostok
[email protected]
Abstract: A model of an aggregated queuing network and an optimization of its limit characteristics are consid-
ered. In the aggregated queueing network numbers of servers in different nodes and an intensity of Poisson input
ow are proportional to a large parameter n. Each node of the aggregated opened queueing network is described by
stationary occupancy of its servers. For n these stationary occupancies tend by a probability to some deter-
ministic values. A maximization of a minimum of these limit occupancies consists of a nding of a route for some
one-variable function and includes a denition of permissible solutions of some auxiliary transportation problem.
An ability to handle customers in a superposition of opened networks is calculated. Network superpositions may
be interpreted as recursively dened structures widely used in a nanotechnology.
KeyWords: Opened queueing network, Route matrix, Limit occupancy of servers.
1 Introduction
Amodel of an aggregated opened queueing network is
considered. This model is constructed from n copies
of an opened queuing network. Each copy G consists
of the nodes 0, 1, . . . , m, m > 1 where the nodes
1, . . . , m are one server queueing systems with ser-
vice intensities
, . . . ,
. The node 0 is a source for
customers arriving the network G with the intensity
and an outow for customers leaving G. In the net-
work G customers circulate in an accordance with the
indecomposable probability transition (route) matrix
= ||
The aggregated opened queueing network G
the Poisson input ow with the intensity n and n-
server queueing systems in the nodes 1, . . . , m. Each
server in the node i has the service intensity
A main problem of this paper is to minimize (to
maximize) a maximum (a minimum) of stationary oc-
cupancy of servers in the nodes 1, . . . , mfor n .
Such limit characteristics are very convenient for next
optimization because it is possible to prove that the
stationary occupancies tend by a probability to some
deterministic quantities. And the minimum (the max-
imum) of these quantities may be optimized by suf-
ciently simple procedure from [1]. The optimiza-
tion procedure consists of a nding of a route for
some one-variable function and includes a denition
of permissible solutions of some auxiliary transporta-
tion problem.
As customers motions in the network G
are de-
scribed by the indecomposable route matrix =
so the solution (1, ), = (
, . . . ,
of the system
(1, ) = (1, ) (1)
exists, is single and consists of positive components
Suppose that



< 1, i = 1, . . . , m (2)
then a vector of numbers of customers in the nodes
1, . . . , m of the aggregated network G
is described
by the ergodic [3, chapter 2] discrete Markov pro-
cess y(t) = (y
(t), . . . , y
(t)) with the states set
Y = {n = (n
, ..., n
) : n
0, i = 1, ..., m}.
The process y(t) limit distribution [2, 2]
(n) =


), (3)

) = C
), C

(0) = 1, a
(k) =

min(j, n)
, 0 < k < .
) is a limit distribution of a stationary num-
ber of customers in the node i.
2 Law of large numbers for distribu-
tion (n)
Theorem 1 If the condition (2) is true then for any i
and for any , 0 < < 1/2 we have that

(1+2), 1im
(n) = 1. (5)
and a convergence in (5) is geometric.
Proof: Fix , 0 < < 1/2 then from the denition



and consequently









As a result obtain that for xed , 0 < < 1/2, and
for n


(k) n
(1 )

0. (6)
Analogously it is easy to prove that

n, 1im
(n) n(1


(k) (1 + )

, k > n (8)
so from the condition (2)


(1 + )

0. (9)
The limits (6) - (9) have a geometric (by n) rate con-
vergence and lead to the formula


(k) = 1. (10)
Then the formulas (3), (10) give the limit (5) with a
geometric rate convergence.
The theorem 1 establishes that the vector
, . . . ,
) characterizes the limit occupancies
of the nodes 1, . . . , m in the aggregated network
, n .
3 Optimization of limit network
Fix the intensities ,
, . . . ,
and introduce the
() = max

, () = min

Dene the equalities

= . . . =
. (11)
Suppose that the set M consists of vectors =
, . . . ,
) so that

> 0, . . . ,
> 0,


1, (12)
and satises the conditions:
a) the set M is convex and closed and has a smooth

Mso that the minimum () by all

Mwhich satisfy the equalities (11) is in the point


Mso that the maximum () by all

Mwhich satisfy the equalities (11) is in the point

d) the inclusion M { : () < 1} is true.
Minimization of maximum of vector components.
Consider a problem of a minimization of the function
() =min, M. (13)
Theorem 2 If a tangent plane L to Min the point

may be represented by the equation A = d in which

the vector A = (a
, . . . , a
) satises the conditions
> 0, . . . , a
> 0 then a single solution of the
problem (13) is the point

= (

, . . . ,

Corollary 1 The route matrix is a solution of the
problem (13) if and only if the matrix = ||
is a permissible solution of the transportation problem





, 0 i m. (14)
The condition (12) guarantees a solvability of the
transportation problem (14).
Maximization of minimum of vector components.
Consider a problem of a maximization of the function
() =max, M. (15)
Theorem 3 If a tangent plane L to M in the point

may be represented by the equation C = f in

which the vector C = (c
, . . . , c
) satises the con-
ditions c
> 0, . . . , c
> 0 then a single solution of
the problem (15) is the point

= (

, . . . ,

Gurami Tsitsiashvili
Corollary 2 The route matrix is a solution of the
problem (15) if and only if the matrix = ||
is a permissible solution of the transportation problem





, 0 i, j m. (16)
The condition (12) guarantees a solvability of the
transportation problem (16).
Remark 1 The statements of the theorem 2 and of the
corollary 1 are proved in [1] where a similar opti-
mization procedure appears in a maximization of an
ability to handle customers in an opened queueing
network. This approach is suggested in [4] for de-
terministic problems of vector optimization and gives
a simple calculation procedure. The statements of the
theorem 3 and of the corollary 2 may be proved anal-
4 Cooperative effects in opened
queueing networks
Results of previous section showed that the condi-
tion (11) of equal nodes load is very important in
considered problems of occupancy optimization. But
there are some more properties of aggregated opened
queueing networks connected with mean stationary
queue length


(k)(k n), 1 i m,
or mean stationary waiting time


(k)(k n + 1), 1 i m,
in the network nodes. As the condition (11) is true
= . . . , =
= .
Suppose that m = 1, n = 1, if
1 then
N(1), W(1) . But if m = 1, n and

(n), 1
(n) n

then for 0 < < 1 we

have W
(n) and for 1 < we have W
(n) 0
as n . Analogously if m = 1, n and

(n), 1
(n) n

then for 0 < < 1/2

we have W
(n) and for 1/2 < we have
(n) 0 as n . These cooperative effects
have been established for one node queueing network
in [5, Corollaries 1, 2]. But for opened queueing net-
work with arbitrary number of nodes these results may
be generalized in the case of equal nodes load or in the
case of approximately equal nodes load as follows.
Theorem 4 Suppose that the condition (11) is true
and = (n) = const < 1, n > 0, then
0, W
0, n , 1 i m, (17)
with a geometric rate of convergence.
Proof: The formula (17) is a corollary of the inequal-
ity (7).
The conditions of the theorem 4 may be realized
in the following way:

= . . . =


= a, = a < 1.
Theorem 5 Suppose that the condition (11) is true.
If 1 (n) n

then for 0 < < 1/2 we have

0, as n , and for > 1/2 N
as n ; 1 i m.
Theorem 6 Suppose that the condition (11) is true.
If 1 (n) n

then for 0 < < 1 we have

0, as n , and for > 1 W
as n ; 1 i m.
The theorems 5, 6 may be proved using the formulas
(3), (4) and [5, Corollaries 1, 2]
The conditions of the theorems 5, 6 may be real-
ized in the following way:

= . . . =


= a, = (n) =
1 n

Theorem 7 If 1
(n) n

then for 0 <
1/2 we have N
0, as n , and for
1/2 N
, as n ; 1 i m.
Theorem 8 If 1
(n) n

then for 0 <
< 1
0, as n , and for
> 1 W
as n ; 1 i m.
The theorems 7, 8 may be proved using the formulas
(3), (4) and [5, Corollaries 1, 2]
The conditions of the theorems 7, 8 may be real-
ized in the following way:
(n) ,
(n) =

1 n

Remark that if we consider multi phase queueing
system with loaded nodes then from the theorem 8 it
is possible to obtain in last nodes a very small queue
and in rst nodes - a very large queue. This property
may be interpreted as a cooperative network property.
An existence of such network properties were noted
by some specialists in computer science.
Optimization of Limit Characteristics in Opened Queueing Networks
5 Superposition of Queueing Net-
In this section a problem of a calculation of limit dis-
tributions in a superposition of queueing networks is
solved. A superposition of queueing network is an
opened or a closed network in which some nodes are
replaced by opened networks. Limit distributions in
these superpositions are dened by limit distributions
in initial networks using product formulas.
Such constructions allow to calculate their distri-
butions in a few steps of networks superposition. In
this section an ability to handle customers in a super-
position of networks is calculated. Network superpo-
sitions may be interpreted as recursively dened struc-
tures. Such structures now are widely used in a nan-
5.1 Product Theorem
Consider opened Jackson networks G, G

in Subsection 1.1 with the sets of oneserver nodes
, g
, ..., g
}, {g

, g

, ..., g

}, with the input Pois-
son ows (with single intensities) and with the ser-
vice intensities
, ...,

, ...,

. Denote by
= ||
| |


the route ma-
trixes of the networks G, G

. Dene the superposition

G = G

of the networks G, G

by a replacement
of the node g
in G by the network G

. Here an input
ow (output ow) of the network G

is created from
customers arriving (departing) to the node (from the
node) g
. In the network G the input ow is Poisson
with the single intensity, the nodes set is
, g
, ..., g
} = {g
, g
, ..., g
, g

, ..., g

and the route matrix =


is dened
from the formulas
, i, j = 0, 1, ..., m1,

m1+i m1+j

, i, j = 1, ..., r,

i m1+j

, i = 0, 1, ...m1, j = 1, ..., r,

m1+i j


, i = 1, ..., r, j = 0, 1, ..., m1.
Lemma 1 If
= 0 then the matrix =


satises properties of a route matrix and
is indivisible.
Proof: The matrix is route as all its elements are
nonnegative and for i = 0, 1, ..., m1







= 1
= 1,
and for i = 1, ..., r


m1+i j






) + 1

= 1.
Show that for i, j {0, 1, ..., m + r 1}
, ..., k
{1, ..., m+r1} :
, ...,
> 0.
If i, j {0, 1, ..., m 1} (i, j {m, ..., m + r
1}) then the formulas (18) may be obtained from
the matrix (from the matrix

) indivisibility. If
i{0, 1, ..., m1}, j = {m, ..., m+r 1} then from
the matrix indivisibility i
, ..., i
{1, ..., m
1} :

> 0, ...,
> 0,
> 0,
and from the matrix

indivisibility j
, ..., j

{1, ..., r} :

0 m1+j

m1+jn j

n jm+1
is m1+j

0 m1+j

>0, ...,

is m1+j
>0, ....,
m1+jn j
The case i {m, ..., m+r1}, j {0, 1, ..., m1}
is considered similar.
From Lemma 1 of [2, 2] there is the single vec-
tor so that
= , =(1,
, ...,
). (19)
Lemma 2 If
= 0 then

, i = 1, ..., m1,

, i = 1, ..., r.
Here = (1,
, ...,

= (1,

, ...,

are solutions of the systems = ,

Proof: Indeed if i {1, ..., m 1} then from the
formula (19) obtain








Gurami Tsitsiashvili
If i {1, .., r} then

0 m1+i


j m1+i















Describe a dynamics of the network G by

the discrete Markov process y(t) with the state
set Y = {y = (n
, ..., n
, n

, ..., n

) :
, ..., n
, n

, ..., n

Theorem 9 If
= 0 and
< 1, i =
1, ..., m 1,



< 1, i = 1, ..., r, then
the Markov process y(t) is ergodic and its limit distri-
bution P(y), y Y , has the form
P(x) =




) = (1
, i {1, ..., m},


) = (1



, i {1, ..., r}.
Proof: The network G is Jackson network and so the
theorem statement is a corollary of the lemmas 1, 2
and [2, theorem 2.1].
5.2 Abilities to Handle Customers of Opened
Suppose that the network G satises the theorem 9
conditions. Construct the following sequence of the
opened networks. Replace each node of the network
G by the network G and denote this network by G
In the network G
replace each node by the net-
work G and obtain the network G
and so on. Af-
ter n steps obtain the network G
with m
among which there are m
nodes with the service in-
. Denote the route matrix of the network
and suppose that the single solution of the

= (1,
, . . . ,
= 0, i = 1, . . . , m, then from the lemma 2 the
network G
satises the formulas



, . . . ,

k = 1, . . . , m, and the network G
satises the for-



, . . . ,

, k = 1, . . . , m.
Then the network G
satises the formulas



, . . . ,


n ,
k = 1, . . . , m. So in the network G
all nodes with
the service intensities
correspond to the vector
components of the form

, where


+ . . . + h
= n.
Calculate now the ability to handle customers a
of the network G
. From [1] obtain
= min
1km, 1jm

= min


If min

< 1 then a
0, n , if

> 1 then a
, n , if min

1 then a

Acknowledgements: The research was supported by
the Far Eastern Branch of RAS (grant No. 09-I-2-
[1] G. Tsitsiashvili, Parametrical and structural op-
timization of queueing network ability to han-
dle customers, Automatics and remote control, 7,
2007, pp. 6473. (In Russian).
[2] G. Basharin and A. Tolmachev, The theory of
queuing networks and its applications to the
analysis of information and computation sys-
tems, The totals of science and engineering,
the probability theory, VINITI, Moscow, 1983,
pp. 3119.
[3] G. Ivchenko, V. Kashtanov and I. Kovalenko,
Queueing theory, High school, Moscow, 1982.
(In Russian).
[4] Yu. Mashunin, Methods and models of vector
optimization, Science, Moscow, 1986. (In Rus-
[5] G. Tsitsiashvili, Cooperative effects in multi-
server queueing systems, Mathematical scien-
tist, 30, 2005, pp. 1724.
Optimization of Limit Characteristics in Opened Queueing Networks

Design of Control Systems Based on Vector Error

Oleg N. Agamalov
Tashlyk Pump-Storage Power Plant, Ukraine (e-mail: [email protected]).
Abstract: a new approach to the design of control systems is offered. This approach based on definition
the vector error allowing combining in real time a stage of identification of unknown plant and calcula-
tion of control. The measurement method of a vector error with use of Hilbert transform also it is shown.
Keywords: Vector error, identification, nonlinear system, Hilbert transform, stability.

Development of control systems is directed on design adap-
tive and robust controllers allowing providing required quality
of control for unknown, nonlinear plants at various conditions
and restrictions. The review of the literature on control sys-
tems shows, that alongside with modern directions adaptive
and robust controllers [1-9], such as fuzzy control, artificial
neural networks, genetic algorithms,

, -synthesis, etc.
for plant control in the industry, power systems, transport and
other still remains to the most widespread classical PID con-
troller structures [10-16]. It is caused by simplicity of its de-
sign and tuning. However for PID control cannot be taken into
account the basic features of nonlinear systems:
The superposition principle is not carried out. The research
of nonlinear systems at several influences cannot be reduced
to research at the sum of single influence;
The plant stability to depend at initial deviation from posi-
tion of balance;
At the fixed external influences some positions of balance
are possible.

Development of control systems both on the basis of modern
control algorithms and with use of the PID control demands
an exact model of plant. For this purpose it is necessary to
execute identification of plant: defined its dynamic behaviors
- change of an outputs at all possible changes of an inputs u,
noises n and disturbances d. Performance of the given prob-
lem theoretical is possible, however in practice in all cases is
impracticable on restrictions of technological character and
impossibility to predict n and d.

Therefore control systems development, providing quality,
stability and robust control achievable on the basis of last
modern algorithms and having simplicity of a design inherent
in the PID control, is perspective. Performance of the given
requirements probably if identification of plant to carry out
continuously and changing parameters or even structure of
controller depending at received results. Taking into account
complexity of sensors installation for measurement state vari-
ables of plant, identification is preferable to carry out used
information about output change of plant depending on an
input change of plant u at real parameters n and d. For this
purpose it is necessary to measure not only y and u, but also
time (dynamic) relations between changes of an input and an
output under influence n and d.

The decision of the given scientific problem can be achieved
if an error of control system to present as a vector [17, 18].
The Vector Error of control system is a difference vector be-
tween an input vector of controller (vector of reference r) and
an output vector of plant that allows identifying control sys-
tem (controller + plant) at influences of noises n and distur-
bances d and to take into account delays and the unknown
order of plant. On each step of control change of the real
component of vector error defines intensity of a control while
the argument or a phase of a vector error defines character of
a feedback in control system - positive, negative or its absence
on some steps of control - i.e. feedforward control.

In paper is considered the opportunity application a Hilbert
transform for measurement vector error of control system. All
input and an output of control system are represented as ana-
lytical signals. It is allows to apply the Hilbert transform.
Using the given transform, differences of instant phases for
all required combinations of inputs - outputs of plant can be
determined. On the basis of the received differences of in-
stant phases of vector errors and their components are calcu-
lated the optimum control for each of inputs.
The paper includes the following sections. In the second sec-
tion definition of a vector error of control system and the
technical method of its measurement is shown. This method
based on representation of inputs - outputs of plant as ana-
lytical signals and use of Hilbert transform for calculation of
differences of their instant phases. In the third section the
algorithm and block diagram of a vector controller and defi-
nition stability of control system with a vector controller is
considered. Examples of application an offered vector con-
troller for control of the first order plant with a transport de-
lay and also more complex example as an automatic voltage
regulator (AVR) of the synchronous generator with use of
SIMULINK are resulted in the fourth section. Conclusions
are presented in Sec.5


Modern control systems for maintenance their adaptive and
robust properties should be created on the basis of the algo-
rithms which are not demanding the detailed aprioristic in-
formation about plant, capable to make identification, struc-
tural and parametrical optimization based on continuous
measurement inputs and outputs of plant. The control system
with disturbance d and noise n is given in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. Control system with disturbance d and noise n.
where r - reference, = r - y

- a control error, u - a control

input, y a plant output, dependent at state variables ,
d - disturbance, n - noise, y

- a measured output of plant.

For identification based on the information about inputs and
outputs it is determined the vector error which is function
not only difference of the modules reference r and a meas-
ured output of plant y

, but also the difference phases be-

tween them = r - y

+ j
. Thus the module and argu-
ment a vector error, its real

and imaginary

nents will be defined according to geometrical ratio:

( )
( )
( )



+ =

; cos
; cos 2
2 2 2
y e
y r e
e r
e r
y r y r e
, (1)
where r - the module of a reference vector concerning which
displacement of an output of plant is determined, y

- the
module of an output of plant, - difference phase between a
reference vector and an output vector. Thus, the real part of a
vector error

takes into account dynamics of plant


In a case = 0 value of the real part of a vector error coin-
cides with traditional definition of control error with a nega-
tive feedback

= r - y

. In a case = /2 the real com-

ponent of a vector error

= r and it is feedforward control.
In a case = value of the real part of a vector error co-
incides with traditional definition of control error for positive

= r + y

. Graphic interpretation of a vector error

of control system shown in Fig. 2:

Fig. 2. Graphic interpretation of a vector error.
The difference of instant phases between an output and an
input can be determined with use of Hilbert transform, repre-
senting an input and an output as analytical signals. As is
known [19, 20], the analytical signal represents the sum of
two orthogonal signals with components are shifted on 90 to
each other. For analytical signal can be determined the instant
phase and instant frequency. The imaginary part of an ana-
lytical signal

(t) is analytically connected with its real part
(t)] = s(t) through Hilbert transform :
(t)] = s(t) = HT[s(t)] and accordingly the analytical
signal is represented as: Z
(t) = s(t) +j s(t). The difference of
instant phases of two signals

(t) and

(t) can be determined
with use of Hilbert transform as [21]:
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) t s t s t s t s
t s t s t s t s
t t
2 1 2 1
2 1 2 1
2 1 12
~ ~
~ ~

= =
. (2)
For control system with single input and single output (SISO)
a difference of their instant phases:

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) t r t y t r t y
t r t y t r t y
t t
r y yr
~ ~
~ ~

= =
, (3)
In case of control system with a reference vector of k dimen-

and an output vector of m dimensions

(MIMO) the
difference of instant phases can be determined similarly:

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) t r t y t r t y
t r t y t r t y
t t
k m k m
k m k m
k m mk
~ ~
~ ~

= =
, (4)

The calculated differences of instant phases (3), (4) can be
used for identification of plant, calculation of a vector error
and its components according to (1) and control of plant.
Control system with a vector controller based on the Hilbert
transform shown in Fig. 3:




Fig. 3. Control system with a vector controller based on the
Hilbert transform.
where C - controller, P - plant, HT block the Hilbert trans-
form and calculate of a difference instant phases between
input and output, r a reference vector,

a real component
of the vector error, u a control inputs, y

an output,

- a differences of instant phases. The algorithm of vec-
tor controller given in Fig. 4:
Design of Control Systems based on Vector Error

The Calculation of
an control u
The Calculation of
Hilbert transform HT
The Calculation of
an instant difference
of phases
The reference
vector r
The Calculation of
real component of
vector error Er
The output
vector Y

Fig. 4. Algorithm of vector controller

The control with the account (1), can be submitted as:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) = =

cos y r K t e K t u
, (5)

the gain of vector controller.
Let's consider nonlinear control system, Fig.5 (y

= y):

Fig. 5. The nonlinear control system.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) t u f t y t y + = & . (6)
With the account (5) dynamics of nonlinear control system
can be submitted as:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) + =

cos Y r K f t y t y
& . (7)

The gain
is determined from the stability analysis of con-
trol system. For this purpose we shall define the Lyapunov's
function in the square-law form concerning the real compo-
nent of vector error and a control input, Fig. 6:

Fig.6. The Lyapunov's function determined by values of the
real component of vector error and an control input.

( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) +
+ = + = + =
cos 2 cos
1 1 ,
2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2
yr y r
K e K u e u e L
The Lyapunov's function is positively determined. We shall
calculate a derivative of Lyapunov's function (8) for control
system (6) along trajectories of change the real component of
vector error

and an control input u:

( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )


+ =

sin cos cos
cos sin
1 2 ,
2 2
y y
y r y r
K u e L

According to Lyapunov's theorem [1,2] stability of control
system is provided, if the derivative of function (9) will be
negatively determined:

( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
sin cos cos
cos sin
2 2


y y
y r y r

Substituted value (7), we shall receive a stability condition of
nonlinear control system with a vector controller:

( )

+ +
) (cos ) sin (
y r
tg r y f r

We research an inequality (10) at change of a difference of
phases :
Oleg N. Agamalov

( )
( )
y r
f r
y r
f r



In case r f (*)>> 1 inequalities (11) determining stability of
nonlinear control system can be simplified:
( )
( )
y r
f y
y r
f y



, 0
Inequalities (10) - (12) allow defining allowable area of val-
ues the gain of vector controller

for nonlinear control sys-
tem proceeding only from the measured values of inputs -
outputs and a difference of phases between them.
Further are considered an example of application a vector
controller for control of the first order plant with a transport
delay, and also more complex example of application as an
automatic voltage regulator (VR) of the synchronous gen-

4.1 The control system for first order plant with a transport
Let's consider the first order plant with a transport delay:
( )
sL p
s W

, (13)
where s - complex frequency,

= 1 gain of plant, = 1 -
time constant of plant , L = 0.3 - transport delay of plant. The
optimum values of the PID controller for this plant have been
determined used method CHR (Chien, Hrones, Reswick) [22]
and the manual adjustment: K = 3,

= 1,

= 0.0452. The
control system with the plant (13) it has been simulated with
use of SIMULINK and it is shown on Fig. 7:

Fig. 7. The control system for first order plant with a trans-
port delay.
The measurement noise of control system is submitted as
block Band-Limited White Noise at: Noise power = 0.001,
Sample time = 0.01, Seed = 23341. Disturbance of control
system is submitted as block Random Number with pa-
rameters: Mean = 0, Variance = 0.001, Initial seed = 0. The
PID controller is shown on Fig. 8:

Fig. 8. PID controller for plant (13)
Properties of the control system were investigated at submis-
sion of measurement noise and disturbance at reference r = 1
and the submission a step signal at the time t = 15s. Received
transient for plant with the nominal parameters is shown on
Fig. 9:

Design of Control Systems based on Vector Error

Fig. 9. The transient for plant with the nominal parameters.

The properties of control system were investigated at change
parameters of plant (16) in range

= 0.5 - 2, = 0.5 - 2,
L = 0.3 - 1. The received results, Figs. 10-14, shown low
adaptive and robust properties of control system with a PID
controller adjusted for plant with nominal parameters:

Fig. 10. The transient for plant (13) at L = 0.7.
Fig. 11. The transient for plant (13) at

= 0.5.
Fig. 12. The transient for plant (13) at

= 2.
Fig. 13. The transient for plant (13) at = 0.5.
Fig. 14. The transient for plant (13) at = 2.
Further it is considered the control system for plant (13)
and the vector controller (5), shown on Fig. 15, 16:
Oleg N. Agamalov

Fig. 15. The control system with a vector controller.
Fig. 16. The vector controller for plant (13)
For measurement a difference of phases between a reference
and an output according to (1) and (3) the circuit shown on
Fig. 17 has been developed:

Fig. 17. The circuit for measurement a difference of phases
based on the Hilbert transforms.
Properties of control system with a vector controller were
investigated under the same conditions as for control system
with the adjusted PID controller. Value of gain

= 2.5 was
accepted proceeding from (10) - (12). The transient for plant
with nominal parameters is shown on fig. 18:

Fig. 18. The transient for control system with vector control-
ler and plant with the nominal parameters.
Properties the control system with a vector controller was
investigated at similar changes of plant (13). The received
results, Figs. 19-23, have shown high adaptive and robust
properties control system with the vector controller (5):
Fig. 19. The transient for plant (13) at L = 0.7 with vector
Design of Control Systems based on Vector Error

Fig. 20. The transient for plant (13) at

= 0.5 with vector

Fig. 21. The transient for plant (13) at

= 2 with vector
Fig. 22. The transient for plant (13) at T = 0.5 with vector
Fig. 23. The transient for plant (13) at T = 2 with vector con-
The control system with vector controller for first order plant
with a transport delay provides comprehensible quality of
control and stability at change of plant parameters in signifi-
cant ranges. The divergence of plant output from required at
change of gain plant

can be eliminated by introduction the

adaptive linear gain

from an plant output as the given di-
vergence has linear character.

4.2 The vector automatic voltage regulator of the synchronous

The offered vector controller is applied to model synchro-
nous machine infinite bus (SMIB) as an automatic voltage
regulator (AVR) of the synchronous generator. The model
"power_turbine.mdl" SIMULINK represents work of the
three-phase synchronous hydrogenerator with nominal pa-
rameters: full capacity 200 V, rated voltage 13.8 V,
nominal frequency 112.5 min
connected to a power system
by power 10000 V and voltage 220 V through the block
transformer and a long transmission line with a ratio of in-
ductive and active resistance X/R = 10. A three-phase short
circuit in a network 220 V by duration 0.2s and also submis-
sion a step signals on inputs references of terminal voltage

and active power

was simulated. The size of step signals
varied in a range of 0.1-0.3 p.u. for reference of terminal
voltage and 0.05-0.15 p.u. for active power. AVR represents
a vector controller with input V = V
- V
, where

- a vector
of a terminal voltage,

- a vector of reference. For meas-
urement of phase difference between of this vectors simu-
lated the equation (3), shown on Fig. 17. The given block
allows to develop vector AVR integrated it in structure of
excitation system standard IEEE type 1 [23]. The excitation
system shown on Fig. 24.

Oleg N. Agamalov

Fig. 24. The excitation system with vector AVR.

The experiments with given model have shown, that stability
of the synchronous hydrogenerator is provided at three-phase
short circuit with duration 0.25s for a wide range of changes a
model parameters: reference a terminal voltage V
= 0.7-1.1
p.u., active power = 0.8-1.3 p.u., frequency

f = 0.9-1.1 p.u.,
power of system S = 2000-10000 V, ratio X/R = 1-100.
Changes frequency and power of the hydrogenerator in a tran-
sient shown in Figs 25-26:

Fig. 25. Change frequency of the hydrogenerator.
Fig. 26. Change power of the hydrogenerator.

In comparison with AVR standard IEEE type 1, a vector con-
troller possesses the greater robust to change of parameters.

The problem of a vector controller it is an adaptation of gain
to change of parameters plant. The given question defines
a direction of the further researches.
1. The new approach for development of control system with
use of a vector controller is considered. Vector controller
based on Hilbert transform and allows executing identification
and control of plant not only depending on value, but also
difference phases between its input (reference) and an output.
2. Conditions of stability nonlinear control system with a vec-
tor controller are determined.
3. Applications of a vector controller for control the first order
plant with a transport delay and as AVR of the synchronous
generator shown robust properties of the offered algorithm.


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Oleg N. Agamalov

Faculty of Economic Sciences
"Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu
Sibiu, Calea Dumbravii, no. 17
[email protected] http://www.economice.ulbsibiu.ro

Abstract: Only a thorough and systematic analysis of mechanisms escapist phenomenon may lead to the choice
of methods, techniques and measures capable of predictable and combat tax evasion. What causes that generate
tax evasion phenomenon? and What are the possibilities to combat tax evasion? Here are two questions
dependecy. If the answer to first question is complete and relevant, response is obtained for the second
question, because it can be discovered ways to combat and eradicate the phenomenon escapist. Through this
article, we will try to enumerate the possible causes of tax evasion in Romania, while specifying the possible
solutions for their elimination.

Key-Words: causes of tax evasion, tax legislation, misunderstanding, high tax pressure, ineffective and
inefficient, fiscal control, tax education

1 Introduction
When burdens are too high and push too much on
the material taxable, taxpayers tend is to "escape".
Human nature always put first individual interests
to the detriment of general interest. In this regard,
taxpayers tried and tried to evade tax payment,
using various means, as yet be considered
mandatory levies bring damage to property and
earnings. Although escapist phenomenon can not
be stopped completely, there are techniques and
methods of control and mitigation, so, the injury of
public money to be minimized. The phenomenon of
tax evasion is treated mostly from the
problematization of the concept, continuing with
forms of manifestation and implementation
mechanisms. Taxpayers desire to be sheltered from
tax obligations there have been since established
for the first time taxes and there, as long as the
purpose and role of taxation is not understood, and
action is not reflected in measures to establish a
optimal tax system.
Decrease tax evasion phenomenon can be
achieved only under conditions which take into
account the existence of interdependencies among
elements characterizes tax evasion (definition of
tax evasion, manifestations, causes of tax evasion,
effects of tax evasion, measures to prevent and
combat tax evasion) and can anticipate the action of
the active and ingenious in the scope of coverage.

2 Problem Formulation
Only a thorough and systematic analysis of
mechanisms escapist phenomenon in Romania may
lead to the choice of methods, techniques and
measures capable of predictable and combat tax
Taxpayers tend to escape the tax burden, there is
and sometimes acquire large scale, by the
circumvention of tax laws, reason to have always
sought solutions to remove this phenomenon,
primarily due to effects generated.
Evasion of tax payment existed, exists and will
exist. Only forms and procedures for commission
change over time. Fiscal fraud, manifested in
deliberate circumvention of tax liabilities, is as
aggravating circumventio, being studied, analyzed,
legislated and punished whwewver it is detected.
What causes that generate tax evasion
phenomenon in Romania? and What are the
possibilities to combat tax evasion in Romania?
Here are two questions dependecy. If the answer to
first question is complete and relevant, response is
obtained for the second question, because it can be
discovered ways to combat and eradicate the
phenomenon escapist. It is true that tax evasion will
not disappear entirely, but techniques, tools and
methods used by the tax unit will lead to a
restriction of this phenomenon, not allowing his
development, both horizontally and vertically.
The tax evasion causes are multiple, resulting in
reduced taxable material and entirely escape
taxation. We will try to enumerate the possible
causes of tax evasion in Romania, while specifying
the possible solutions for their elimination:
The existence of tax legislation with gaps,
inconsistencies, ambiguities, flaws and repeated
changes. One of the basic principles of taxation
refers to provisions in tax legislation. In this
context, tax law must be clear, concise, do not give
rise to any arbitrary and known in advance by
taxpayers. Failure to observe this principle entails
the ability of the taxpayer, so, it seeks in the tax law
the shall agree on matters of taxation. A tax law on
which there hung qualities such as clarity,
relevance, appropriateness, etc., will be difficult to
enforce both by taxpayers and by organizations
concerned with the supervision of tax payment
Line separating areas of tax evasion is difficult
to draw, starting from simple mistakes and
knowingly breach reaching tax provisions. At the
risk of incurring sanctions, such penalties, increases
and fines, taxpayers using all means which may
attract a reduced payment of tax liabilities.

Taking advantage of loopholes in the tax system,
taxpayers seeking items masking taxable material.
From this perspective, an incomplete declaration
can be classified as income tax evasion. Also,
income from financial activities held abroad and
unreported to national tax authorities fall into the
category of acts of tax evasion.The examples could
continue, this is why it takes "skill" of the tax
authority to detect what acts lead to real tax fraud.

In Romania, in a given period of time, number of
fiscal normative acts is very high (for example for
the period 23.06.2010 to 20.08.2010 were issued 34
tax laws [3]), resulting impossibility of appropriate
applying from taxpayers. Basic Law of the
Romanian tax is Tax Code, published in the
Official Gazette. 927/23.12.2003. From publication
and until 14.07.2010, it has undergone many
changes, through 71 acts. [4]

Also, through the
Government Emergency Ordinance amending Law
571/2003 regarding the Fiscal Code, valid from 1
july 2010, the 32 points of order make amendments
to 17 articles of the Tax Code. [5]
These are just some of the reasons that led us to
consider the Romanian tax legislation as a cause of
tax evasion. Responsible for elimination of this tax
evasion case is the legislature.
Misunderstanding of the tax authorities of the
reasons that determine the taxpayer to evade the
tax system. Taxpayer behavior before taxes must be
analyzed in terms of social and psychological
Knowledge and understanding of this behavior
for authority with responsibilities in tax will
generate optimal solutions, for change,
modification and improvement behavior of all
"actors on tax stage ", so, place and role of taxation
to be fully understood.
Variables considered by psychologists in terms
of taxpayer behavior are stigma, reputation and
social norms. For this reason, tax authorities must
find a correlation between the threat of punishment
for acts of tax evasion and the taxpayer's intention
to tax evasion, so this leads to discourage taxpayers
to behave properly and establish a sense of guilt.
Recourse to the conscience and civic education, if
properly targeted, can positively change the five
positions of the taxpayer's motivation, namely:
commitment, capitulation, resistance, non
commitment and play.

Number, size and major changes of taxes, will
always cause taxpayers to choose or to migrate to
that legal form, assumed in their point of view, the
best option tax. In this respect, requires that any
micro or macro decision must to consider the
structure of tax payers, because is possible that a
measure of fiscal policy that aimed to increase tax
revenues, leading to a reduction in their.
In this respect, an example is the introduction in
Romania the minimum tax, since 1 may 2009,
according to the portion of total income
corresponding previous fiscal year.The reaction of
politicians, analysts and business to that tax change
came immediately after approving the Emergency
Ordinance, particularly on the legal form of
organization for taxpayers. Thus, on 16.04.2009,
stated that "at least 20% of the total number of
478.173 registered microenterprises in the year
2007 will turn in authorized individuals, to escape
the flat tax" [7]. In July 2009, details were as
follows: "Following the introduction of the
minimum tax, the number of authorized individuals
registered at the first five months was 26.254, up
32.6% over the same period last year ... This
increase was due mainly to the introduction of the
minimum tax, because many businesses were
closed, preferring to become authorized individuals
... Number of firms that entered into insolvency in
the first five months of this year increased by
60,5% from 6.035 to 9.687. Meanwhile, the
number of registrations during january to may was
54.225, down 12% from 66.124 companies in the
same period last year and canceled number rose to
21.345". [8]
Increasing the number of authorized individuals
and legal entities decrease from may 2009, is
mainly due to introducing flat tax, because, while
companies with legal personality required to pay
the standard rate, whether done or not income,
individuals pay tax depending on income, in real
system or by the rule of income. Underline again,
the need for prior approval of an amendment in the
tax system, to undertake analysis of the impact of
that changes to the structure of taxpayer.
The existence of high tax pressure. Ratio of
all taxes and social contributions actually received
Comaniciu Carmen
by government and gross domestic product is
compulsory levies or tax burden rate broadly.

In light of the tax burden, it can be addressed
both in terms of flow and in terms of indices. In
terms of flow, fiscal pressure is the amount of tax
liability on that income support, both at the
individual level and at sectoral and global

In terms of indices, fiscal pressure reflecting
flow ratio of tax revenue and creating economic
flows, in the monetary expression.[11]
In the contributor language, term fiscal pressure
is associated whith term fiscal burden, which
includes many tax obligations, tax rates and high
taxation, tax laws doubt, pressures on the taxpayer,
differences in tax, etc.
The large number of acts and deeds of tax
evasion can be explained starting from the classical
definition of fiscal pressure and taking into account
what is perceived by the taxpayer through this term.
Often a simple enumeration and summation of
its tax rates leading some taxpayers to believe that
there is a high level of fiscal pressure and act
within the scope of tax evasion.
According to the fourth study conducted by
World Bank experts and representatives of
PricewaterhouseCoopers, to the taxation of 183
states, in the year 2009, the situation for Romania is
as follows: Depending on the number of payments
made by a company, at 2009, Romania ranks 182,
with 113 payments. Biggest deviation from EU
average in terms of total payments of tax liabilities
recorded in Romania. If the EU average is 18
payments of duty, their number in Romania is 6,28
higher. Within the European Union, Romania ranks
14, with an average number of hours per year
required for tax obligations of 202 hours. [12]
Presentation of these studies (achieved either
nationally or internationally) highlights the need to
refine the work done at institutions with tasks tax,
because, state placement of one of the last
positions, in terms of taxation, may entail, decrease
trust in unit tax and the existence of escapist
behavior from taxpayers.
Applying a tax system based on equity and
efficiency will lead to understanding the role of
taxes and contributions to the budget revenues.
Although at first sight, implies a tax rate increase to
attract additional resources from state budget,
whether this increase is not fully justified will
generate increased tax evasion.
Most significant factors influencing the tax
burden are: performance of the economy at a time;
reduced efficiency in the use of public financial
resources obtained on account of taxes and
contributions; the low level of understanding of
taxpayers on budget needs; level of democracy
achieved by the population, etc.
Based on these factors, we consider the
relationship between taxation and fiscal policy
should be based on economic and social normality
and reasoning.
Ineffective and inefficient in use of public
financial resources. To combat tax evasion, the
authorities must consider how public goods and
services are offered, quantitatively but also
Taxpayer behavior is often inadequate because
does not receive the expected benefit and even
promised, in return for taxes paid. In this context,
public authorities must show the interdependence
between fiscal policy and budget policy, showing
where the taxpayer's money are.[13]

To support that inefficient use of public money
becomes an issue of tax evasion in Romania, we
will proceed to identify negative examples: a)
Legislation on public procurement offers many
wickets for targeted transfer of money from the
public to the private, and authorities have not yet
required to reduce the effectiveness of the
phenomenon. [14]; b) From 1 january to 31 october
2009, were completed 1.924 actions by Romanian
Court of Accounts, which: 1.267 financial audits,
246 performance audits and 411 control action. The
results of these activities have resulted in providing
a number of 225 certificates of compliance; issuing
a number of 1.177 decision; arrangement a number
of 6.021 measures to remove irregularities and
deficiencies noted. [15] The data presented are a
significant number of large deviations, which
means that there is inefficiency in use resource in
the public institutions, institutions have to provide
quality services to all citizens.
Existence precarious financial status among
taxpayers. In the case of a financial jam, taxpayers
among legal persons found how hard it is to work
without cash, the amount theoretically available on
paper, under any contract, but which can not be
used to pay suppliers, employees and taxes.
For this reason, companies choose their priorities
and challenges that make such payments, taxes and
duties remain the last.
Extending financial blockage in the economy is
another factor that increases the escapist
phenomenon, because it represents the total of all
debts recorded between public institutions and
firms, between firms and suppliers or between
companies and banks.
Economic specialists claim that the State would
be the first actor should act to settle the economic
and financial deadlock, regardless of political color,
but using the system of taxes as the main economic
and financial leverage.
The Possible Causes of Tax Evasion in Romania
Inefficiency guidance and assistance to
taxpayers. Guidance and assistance to taxpayers is
to provide general information about the way in
which taxpayers must do to qualify for a tax law or
to comply with a duty. Scope of guidance and
assistance activities include taxes, social
contributions and other revenues administered by
the tax administration.[16]

Sometimes, the lack of professionalism of the
tax authorities representatives and differences in
tax laws lead in providing information to taxpayers
likely to induce the latter to choose the path that
requires the lowest payment of taxes and fees.
Inefficiency of fiscal control. Effectiveness of
fiscal control subjects must be considered control
techniques and procedures, normative-legal means
or how to recover tax revenues are found to be
evading the payment.
From the theoretical point of view, effectiveness
of fiscal supervision must continually reported in
its mission to encourage voluntary tax compliance
of taxpayers and tax compliance.[17]

If at
implementing this goal does not exist, we face a
series of "small or large arrangements" between
taxpayers and inspectors, leading to increased tax
Analyzing the data presented by the National
Agency for Fiscal Administration in late 2009, it is
enough negative aspects regarding the degree of
budgetary revenue collection and degree of
voluntary compliance in paying taxes and
contributions. Regarding the degree of compliance
of taxpayers to declare and pay tax obligations, in
the year 2009 have given less encouraging,
especially for payment of taxes and contributions,
namely: degree of voluntary compliance for
declaration - 83,9%; degree of voluntary
compliance for payment (number) - 64,3%; degree
of voluntary compliance for payment (value) -
77,4%. [18]
High fines and imprisonment no longer scare
taxpayers, because the number of crimes of tax
evasion is high, injury was significantly, and the
number of sectors with high rates of tax evasion is
increasing. In Romania, in the year 2009,
Romanian Police found 9.293 acts of tax evasion,
in that 7.514 people were investigated which
produced a loss estimated at 1.754.663.040 lei. [19]
At EU level, for 2009, Romania has ranked second
in the tax evasion top (with 42.7% of unreported
taxable income), being surpassed by Italy (51%),
followed by Bulgaria (39,2%) Estonia (37,6%),
Slovakia (34,1%). [20]
Control is the key element in managing any
socio-economic system and exercise preventive
fiscal control function is a clear way to prevent tax
The existence of a low fiscal education.
Taxation is the essential component of social and
economic life of a nation. In order to understand
this appearance, requires an fiscal education, in
that, tax is not considered injury to a income or
wealth of the taxpayer, but a tool through which to
develop the personality of each citizen.
Fiscal education must be made with regard to
age groups, so, the information submitted must be
understood and over time deepen the role of
Fiscal education must be considered an essential
part of education for review. Thus, for children of
primary school, penetrate into the mysteries of
taxes should be done with fables, such "King's
Artax and taxes" or "Tax evasion, a temptation as
old as the world". Pupils are able to assimilate
knowledge about contribution in terms of capacity,
report income - tax, income characteristics. For
students, information submitted relating to the tax
area may include characteristics of the tax system
and tax policy, components of the tax system, tax
returns, role and functions of the fiscal system, etc.


3 Problem Solution
Through direct or indirect effects of tax evasion,
fight against it must continue to exist, because the
damage of this phenomenon are immense.
At first glance, tax evasion prejudice only to the
state, taxpayers are are those who earn. In fact,
those who feel or will feel the effect of tax evasion
(on short or long term) are, equally, fraudsters and
non-fraudsters. Effects of tax evasion directly
reflected on the levels of tax revenues, lead to
distortions in the market mechanism and can
contribute to social inequity.
Willful theft of tax obligations for a certain
period, bring benefits for fraudsters, in the same
period, for non-escapist, this removal leads to the
increased fiscal pressure. Thus, by redistributing
the tax burden, the inevitable will happen,
taxpayers morale will destroy.
Measures taken by public authorities for
combating escapist will have indirect effects on all
taxpayers, starting from the increasing of tax law
complexity and reaching potential erosion of civil
rights or legal professional privilege.
The direct effect of tax evasion for the economy,
having regard to the reduction of budget revenues,
will be reflected in unemployment, rising inflation,
increasing interest rates, non-financing sectors of
national interest. In this context, nation as a whole
will be "sick" and suffering will be for all
taxpayers. [22]

Comaniciu Carmen

4 Conclusion
In the current period, Romanian tax system needs
Identifying opportunities for improvement in the
tax area in Romania, requires consideration of the
following issues: establish a optimal correlation
between the structure of taxpayers and changes in
tax system; tax return analysis; strengthening the
role of fiscal management to achieve fiscal activity
performance; increase voluntary compliance;
improve the image of romanian taxation;
appropriate use of numerical fiscal rules; efficient
use of an Integrated Financial Management System.
The benefit of these training opportunities will
be felt, only insofar as, will diminish the acts and
deeds of tax evasion.
"The vicious circle of taxation" creates "pain".
State "complain" frequently for low level of public
resources, and taxpayers "complain" for the extent
of tax liability and the way is spent public money.
It can break this vicious circle? The answer is yes,
provided that, the rationality level of taxation offers
better responsiveness to the taxpayer burden.
Fr a avea pretenia c au fost epuizate toate
cauzele ce genereaz apariia evaziunii fiscale,
considerm demn de luat n seam, eliminarea
cauzelor specificate, pentru a reui distrugerea
cercului vicios al fiscalitii din romnia.
Without claiming that have been exhausted all
causes that generate the appearance of tax evasion,
we consider that is required to eliminate the causes
specified, to succeed destroy the "vicious circle" of
taxation in Romania.

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[7] Ristea L., "Ce pot face romanii cu firme mici si
mari ca s fenteze taxa", Newspaper Gandul
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[8] Iordache G., "De 10 ori mai multe firme si-au
suspendat activitatea in S1, Newspaper
Financiarul 10.07.2009,
[9] Brezeanu P., "Fiscalitatea concepte, metode,
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[10] Corduneanu C., "Sistemul fiscal in stiinta
finantelor, Ed. Codecs, Bucharest, 1998, pp.
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[12] World Bank Group, Price Waterhouse
Coopers, "Paying Taxes 2010. The Global
Picture", http://www.doingbusiness.org
[13] Devos K., "Tax Evasion Behaviour and
Demographic Factors: An Exploratory Study in
Australia", Revenue Law Journal, Vol. 18,
2008, pp. 5-6
[14] Boicu M. "60 de portite legislative prin care se
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[15]Romanian Court of Accounts, "Raport de
activitate 2009", noiembrie 2009, pp. 15-16,
[16]Order no. 1.338/30.09.2008 of MEF on
procedure guidance and assistance of taxpayers
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IBFD, 2008, pp. 24-27

The Possible Causes of Tax Evasion in Romania
Swarm Intelligence for Mixed Pixel Resolution


Defence Terrain Research Laboratory, Defence Research and Development Organisation
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
New Delhi
*[email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract: - Mixed pixels are usually the biggest reason for lowered success in classification accuracy. Aiming
at the characteristics of remote sensing image classification, the mixed pixel problem is one of the main factors
that affect the improvement of classification precision in remote sensing classification. How to decompose the
mixed pixels precisely and effectively for multispectral/hyper spectral remote sensing images is a critical issue
for the quantitative remote sensing research. As Remote sensing data is widely used for the classification of
types of land cover such as vegetation, water body etc thus Conflicts are one of the most characteristic
attributes in satellite remote sensing multilayer imagery. Conflict occurs in tagging class label to mixed pixels
that encompass spectral response of different land cover on the ground element. In this paper we attempted to
present a new approach for resolving the mixed pixels using Biogeography based optimization. The paper deals
with the idea of tagging the mixed pixel to a particular class by finding the best suitable class for it using the
concept of immigration and emigration.

Key-Words: - Geographical Information systems, Decision Support, Process Modeling, Artificial Intelligence,
Mixed Pixel, Biogeography based optimization, Remote Sensing.

1 Introduction
Remote sensing [1] data can be put to use in
classifying the features in an image into distinct
categories. The categorized images can then be used
in different ways a farmer may use thematic maps
to monitor the health of his crops without going out
to the field. A geologist may use the images to study
the types of minerals or rock structure found in a
certain area. A biologist may want to study the
variety of plants in a certain location. Remote
sensing with multi-spectral satellite imagery works
on the concept that different features of the land
cover reflect electromagnetic radiation over a range
of wavelengths in their own characteristic way
according to their chemical composition and
physical state. The problem arises when the terrain
features do not correspond to the pure object or
feature and may not have a prior spectral signature
library. Pixels which are in the interface region of
two classes e.g. vegetation & Water body, cannot be
clubbed together to a single category, say
vegetation, because these pixels do not follow any
one particular classs spectral signature. These types
of pixels are generally known as mixed pixels.
Assigning a class tag to the mixed pixels is cause of
conflict [2] in the experts mind and it is the focus
point of the study. Mixed pixel resolution of remote
sensing images is one of valid assistance means for
improving quality of feature extraction from the
images. A new algorithm implement mixed pixel
resolution of remote sensing images and takes full
advantage of neighbourhood information, makes the
resolution result more human, and presents better
robustness to environment.
The paper is organized into four sections. The
section following the introduction illustrates the
problem formulation which deals with the concepts
of Biogeography based optimization and mixed
pixels origin and then methodology. The third
section describes problem solution in which the new
algorithm for mixed pixel resolution is being
proposed. The fourth section show experiment and
summarizes the important findings for this paper, is
to observe this mixed pixel scenario and attempt to
resolve the mixed pixel and tag them with a specific

2 Problem Formulation

2.1 Biogeography Based Optimization
Biogeography is the study of the distribution of
biodiversity spatially and temporally. Over areal
ecological changes, it is also tied to the concepts of
species. Immigration is the introduction of new
people into a habitat or population. It is a biological
concept and is important in population ecology ,A
habitat (which is Latin for "it inhabits") is an
ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by
a particular species of animal, plant or other type of
organism. It is the natural environment in which an
organism lives, or the physical environment that
surrounds (influences and is utilized by) a species
Biogeography unfolds the geographical distribution
of biological organisms. The mindset of the
engineer is that we can learn from nature. This
motivates the application of biogeography to
optimization problems. The science of biogeography
can be traced to the Work of nineteenth century
naturalists such as Alfred Wallace [3] and Charles
Darwin [4]. In the early 1960s, Robert MacArthur
and Edward Wilson began working together on
mathematical models of biogeography, their work
culminating with the classic 1967 publication The
Theory of Island Biogeography [5]. Their interest
was primarily focused on the distribution of species
among neighbouring islands. The application of
biogeography to engineering is similar to what has
occurred in the past few decades with genetic
algorithms (GAs), neural networks, fuzzy logic,
particle swarm optimization (PSO), and other areas
of computer intelligence.
The term island here is used descriptively rather
than literally. That is, an island is any habitat that is
geographically isolated from other habitats. We
therefore use the more generic term habitat in this
paper (rather than island) [6]. Geographical areas
that are well suited as residences for biological
species are said to have a high habitat suitability
index (HSI) [7]. Features that correlate with HSI
include such factors as rainfall, diversity of
vegetation, diversity of topographic features, land
area, and temperature. The variables that
characterize habitability are called suitability index
Variables (SIVs). SIVs can be considered the
independent variables of the habitat, and HSI can be
considered the dependent variable.
Habitats with a high HSI have many species that
emigrate to nearby habitats, simply by virtue of the
large number of species that they host. Habitats with
a high HSI have a low species immigration rate
because they are already nearly saturated with
species. Habitats with a low HSI have a high species
immigration rate because of their sparse
populations. Biogeography is natures way of
distributing species, and is analogous to general
problem solutions. Suppose that we are presented
with a problem and some candidate solutions.
A good solution is analogous to an island with a
high HSI, and a poor solution represents an island
with a low HSI. High HSI solutions resist change
more than low HSI solutions. We call this new
approach to problem solving biogeography-based
optimization (BBO)[8].

2.2 Mixed Pixel
Each pixel [9] of remote sensing image contains the
information from multifarious ground objects due to
the difference from the resolution of remote sensing
image, called Mixed pixel.

The basic building block of the study is the concept
of mixed pixel, and what way the concept
representing vital knowledge is elaborated using
rough sets. A fundamental assumption that is
commonly made in remote sensing is that each pixel
in the image represents the area on the Earths
surface that contains a single class. This is often not
the case, with the mixed pixels containing presence
of more than one class
Origin of the mixed pixels may be attributed to the
1. Mixed caused by the presence of small, sub-
pixel targets within the area it represents
(Fig 1.i).
2. Mixing as a result of the pixel straddling the
boundary of discrete thematic classes (Fig
3. Mixing due to gradual transition observed
between continuous thematic classes (Fig
4. Mixing problem due to the contribution of a
target (black spot) outside the area
represented by a pure but influenced by its
point spread function.(Fig 1.iv)

Also the pixel appears superficially be pure. The
portion of mixed pixels in an image is often
large in remote sensing studies. The exact
proportion of mixed pixels in an image is an
interactive function of properties of sensor (e.g.
the class composition, spatial arrangement) and
so the mixed pixel problem is a contextual issue
as well. To tag the mixed pixel is really a matter
of concern and requires strong analysis of
terrain features before tagging it to a particular
Swarm Intelligence for Mixed Pixel Resolution Swarm Intelligence for Mixed Pixel Resolution
Figure 1. Some common origins of mixed pixels
(adapted from Foody)

2.3 Methodology
The image is classified into pure pixels
corresponding to different land features like water,
vegetation, rocky, barren and urban. Hence
beforehand we had the data set of mixed pixels and
pure pixels .Our objective is to resolve the mixed
pixel and tag it to the specific class to which it
revolves on the basis of the seven band digital data
(DN values). We have taken a multi-spectral multi-
resolution & multi-sensor image of Alwar area in
Rajasthan. The area is selected since it contains a
good variety of land use features like urban, water
body, rocky, vegetation & barren areas (Fig.2).
The multi-spectral geo-referenced image-set
consists of satellite images of dimension 472 X 546
pixels. The 4-spectral bands are in the visible bands
namely: red, green, near- infrared (NIR) and middle
infra-red (MIR) from LISS-III sensor of Indian
Remote Sensing sat satellite Resourcesat-1.Also,two
SAR images namely: low incidence S1 beam -20
(RS1) and other is High incidence S7 beam 45
,(RS2) of the same area taken from Canadian
Radarsat-1 satellite. The seventh band is digital
elevation model (DEM) of the area. The ground is
resolution of the image from LISS-III and Radarsat-
1 image is 23.5m and 10m respectively. The DEM
dataset is also generated from SAR interferometry
using RS1 and RS2 and have 25-meter resolution.

We are having spectral signatures from seven bands
namely Red, Green, NIR, MIR, RS1, RS2 and DEM
of the mixed classes (water-vegetation) (Table.1)
and training data set of pure pixels (water) (Table
.2) and training data set of pure pixels(vegetation)
(Table 3) provided by the expert. The table has,
therefore 7 attributes i.e. Red, Green, Near-Infrared,
Middle Infrared, Radarsat-1, Radarsat-2, DEM.

Figure 2. False colour satellite Image of Alwar area

Table 1. Data set of water-vegetation mixed pixel.

Table 2 .Data set of pure water pixels.

Table 3 .Data set of pure Vegetation pixels.

3 Problem Solution

3.1 Swarm Based Mixed Pixel Resolution
3.1.1 Definition
Definition 1: A habitat is a vector of integers that
represents a feasible solution to some problem (Here
habitat is the data set of pure pixels being

Definition 2: A suitability index variable (SIV) is an
integer that is allowed in a habitat. is the set of all
integers that are allowed in a habitat. (SIVs are the
seven band DN values i.e. Red, Green, Near-
V. K. Panchal, Nitish Gupta V. K. Panchal, Nitish Gupta
Infrared, Middle Infrared ,Radarsat-1, Radarsat-2,
Definition 3: A habitat suitability index HSI: is a
measure of the goodness of the solution that is
represented by the habitat.(HIS is the mean of
standard deviation of each band represented as
column in table).
Definition 4: An ecosystem is a group of habitats.
The size of an ecosystem is constant ( A set mixed
pixels with each mixed pixel being considered as
Definition 5: Immigration rate is a monotonically
Non increasing function of HSI. is proportional to
the likelihood that SIVs from neighbouring habitats
will migrate into habitat.
Definition 6: Emigration rate is a monotonically
Non-decreasing function of HSI. is proportional to
the likelihood that SIVs from habitat will migrate
into neighbouring habitats.
3.1.2. Algorithm
Frame work of swarm intelligence based mixed
pixel resolution algorithm.
Input- Dataset of Pure and mixed pixels of land
Output- All mixed pixels are classified.
Condition= no of different sets of mixed pixel
/* Data set of Water-vegetation, urban-rocky,
urban- Vegetation are taken*/

Reading training data set of all pure pixels.
Reading training data set of all mixed pixels.

While (condition! = 0)
/* taking one unique set of mixed pixel for each
Iteration for condition*/
Loop= no of pixels in mixed training data set
Original_HSI_1= mean (standard deviation of
each Band DN values of pure pixel data set of
class_1 of which a mixed pixel corresponds)
Original_HSI_2= mean (standard deviation of
each band DN values of pure pixel data set of
class_2 of which a mixed pixel corresponds)

for(i=0; i< Loop; i++)
Add pixel [Loop] from mixed pixel to tables
of both the pure pixel of which the Mixed pixel
corresponds./* Emigration*/
Calculate New_HSI_1, New_HSI_2 /* after
Deviation_1=Original_HSI_1- New_HSI_1;
Deviation_2=Original_HSI_2- New_HSI_2;

If (Deviation_1<Deviation_2)
Classify Pixel [Loop] as Class 1;
Classify Pixel [loop] as class_2;

4 Conclusion

4.1 Experiment
Alwar district is situated in the northeast of
Rajasthan between 27o4' and 28o4' north Latitudes
and 76o7' and 77o13' east Longitude. Its greatest
length from south to north is about 137 K.M. and
greatest breadth from east to west about 110 K.M.
The image of the district with dimensions 472 X
546 is taken. On the basis of spectral behaviour
observed by the sensors of satellite, The image is
being classified into set of pure pixels of various
land features and different pairs of mixed pixels
depending upon the land featured encountered in
Now the swarm based mixed pixel resolution
algorithm is applied on training data set of pure
pixels and mixed pixels. On the basis of DN values
of bands of mixed pixels, these are tagged under
unique class which shows the less deviation after
adding that mixed pixel in it.
The Figure 3 and Figure 4 shows the deviation of
water-vegetation mixed pixels (9 pixels of
distinguished values from data set of mixed pixel
are taken) from pure water and pure vegetation
respectively. Hence which ever shows the less
deviation from the pure pixel class, that pixel is
classified and iteration is carried out till all the
Swarm Intelligence for Mixed Pixel Resolution Swarm Intelligence for Mixed Pixel Resolution
mixed pixels are being tagged (Table 4). Similarly
the case of urban-rocky mixed pixels is taken and
graph is plotted and all the mixed pixel cases are
solved using this algorithm.
Judging from the experimental results, the mixed
pixel is resolved and hence the whole image is
classified totally.
Due to constraint of space, only the water-
vegetation mixed pixels resolution is shown (9

Figure 3. Mixed Pixel in Pure water and their
respective deviation

Figure 4. Mixed Pixel in pure vegetation and their
respective deviation

Table 4. Mixed pixels are being classified

4.2 Conclusion
Swarm based mixed pixel resolution algorithm is
put forward based on the mechanism of
Biogeography based optimization in view that every
pixel of particular land feature comes under the a
range of DN (reflected) values or they are related on
the basis of closeness and similarity between them
(assumed reflectance values being considered on the
basis of common platform of each land feature like
vegetation is being observed as on the platform of
1. The mixed pixels are resolved using the
BBO technique considering all the
permissible values of seven bands, which
are used for observing the land feature.
2. The new algorithm is based on the local
search of individuals in swarm so the
method utilizes adequately neighbouring
information of mixed pixels in range.
3. Spectral bands have definite contribution
towards the mixed pixel resolution.

[1] Ralph W.Kiefer, Thomes M. Lillesand,
Principles of Remote Sensing,2006.
[2] V.K.Panchal , Sonakshi Gupta, Nitish Gupta,
Mandira Monga Eliciting conflicts in experts
decision for land use classification, at
ICEEA(IEEE), 2010.
[3] A. Wallace, The Geographical Distribution of
Animals (Two Volumes).Boston, MA: Adamant
Media Corporation, 2005.
[4] C. Darwin, The Origin of Species. New York:
Gramercy, 1995.
[5] R. MacArthur and E. Wilson, The Theory of
Biogeography. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press,
[6] I. Hanski and M. Gilpin, Meta population
Biology. New York: Academic,1997.
[7] T. Wesche, G. Goertler, and W. Hubert,
Modified habitat suitability index model for brown
trout in southeastern Wyoming, North Amer.J.
Fisheries Manage., vol. 7, pp. 232237, 1987.
[8] Dan Simon, Biogeography based optimization. :
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation, vol.
12, no. 6, December 2008
[9] P. Fisher,The Pixel: a Snare or a Delusion,
International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.18:
pp. 679-685, 1997.
V. K. Panchal, Nitish Gupta V. K. Panchal, Nitish Gupta
Modulation Transfer Function Compensation through a modified
Wiener Filter for spatial image quality improvement

Malaysia Space Centre
National Space Agency of Malaysia (ANGKASA)
Lot 2233, Jalan Turi, Sg. Lang, 42700, Banting, Selangor
[email protected] http://www.angkasa.gov.my

Abstract: - The knowledge of Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) for a degraded image provides a mean to
compensate for the image degradation, which improves the image quality in terms of sharpness. MTF compensating is
in the image restoration; hence it is fundamentally an ill-posed problem. This paper proposes a stable and flexible
filtering technique that executes an optimal tradeoff between sharpness and noise to warrant an acceptable result of
image restoration. The MTF compensating is performed through a modified Wiener filter, and can be reduced to a
well-posed problem by incorporating the regularization method. The modified Wiener filter employed the L-curve
method for selection of optimal regularization parameter, and introduces an inverse control and smooth control
parameter that allows freedom of tuning when the importance of image sharpness versus noise is being compromised.
The data sets used in the analysis were synthetically blurred remotely-sensed images simulated from Level-2A product
of IKONOS. The results by modified Wiener filter were analyzed and presented, they were found to be able to reduce
the Mean Square Error by more than 50% with respect to the original image, and it results in a significant
improvement of spatial image quality.

Key-Words: - Modulation Transfer Function, Spatial image quality, Wiener filter, Image restoration, Ill-posed
problem, L-curve

1 Introduction
Spatial image quality is one of the key parameters for
characterizing and validating image data. The technical
characteristics of image data must be well understood
before image analysis can be done, since the quality of
the analysis depends on the quality of the data. Image
quality can be measured by a vast number of factors,
such as contrast, brightness, noise variance, sharpness,
radiometric resolution, granularity, modulation, contrast
transfer function and many more [1]. Among other
measures, image sharpness is vital for characterizing
images, for much of the information of an image resides
in its edges. Image blurriness, which limits the visibility
of details, can be objectively measured by the point
spread function (PSF), or its amplitude spectrum, which
is the modulation transfer function (MTF). Spatial
image degradation can happen in many ways. For
satellite imaging, image acquisition occurs while
orbiting the earth, and due to the satellites altitude
determination control for maneuvering, the
instantaneous field of view (IFOV) of the imaging
system can be greater or lesser than the nominal
resolution at any point in time during image capturing.
This results in MTF degradation proportional to the ratio
of IFOV and Ground Sample Distance (GSD) [2].
Moreover, regardless of how well an image system is
fabricated, it will inevitably suffer from some degree of
blur. These sorts of degradations need to be
compensated, and they can be compensated through the
knowledge of the degradation function which is the
MTF for that image restoration. MTF compensating is
in the image restoration; hence it is fundamentally an ill-
posed problem. This paper proposes a stable and flexible
filtering technique that executes an optimal tradeoff
between sharpness and noise to warrant an acceptable
result of image restoration.

2 MTF Compensation
MTF Compensation (MTFC) is a restoration technique;
Restoration techniques find filters that apply inverse
process in order to recover its original image. In image
restoration, the main challenge is to prevent noise of
input data from being amplified to unacceptable artifacts
in the restored image. Image restoration is ill-posed,
which means the MTFC is also an ill-posed problem,
meaning that it does not have a unique solution, even
with the absence of noise [3]. However, scientists and
engineers are usually less concerned with existence and
uniqueness of the solution to the ill-posed problem and
worry more about the stability of the solution. With the
concept of regularization, the ill-posed problem of the
existing MTFC can be reduced to a well-posed problem
by introducing a regularization parameter as a priori
constraints to produce a stable and flexible
deconvolution filter for image restoration. In this case,
it is stable in the sense that it will always produce an
acceptable image restoration result, while also being
flexible by allowing freedom of tuning when the
importance of image sharpness versus noise is

2.1 Deconvolution Filter
As a deconvolution filter, Wiener filtering is an inverse
problem, therefore it is likely to be ill-posed.
Regularization is necessary while solving inverse
problem because of the nave least squares solution by
Wiener filter. By using regularization, the error
contribution can be damped and the residual norm can
be kept in reasonable size. In other words, by
incorporating regularization parameter into the Wiener
filter, it is possible to control the power of inverse
filtering, and subsequently minimizes the amplification
of noise in the image. The Wiener filter has been used
by other researchers [4] [5] as an MTFC technique to
compensate for the degradation of remotely-sensed
images. And it also has been used by Shacham et al.[6]
as blind restoration technique to compensate for the
degradation of astronomical data. However, none of
them applied the regularization method in their filters,
thus a modified Wiener filter based on the idea in the
regularization method is employed in this work.

2.1.1 The Modified Wiener Filter
In this paper, the proposed deconvolution filter considers
images and noise to be a random process, and is rooted
in one of the most widely used deconvolution filters,
which is the Wiener filter. In order to regularize the
inverse problem of the Wiener filter, the concept of the
Tikhonov regularization was adopted. According to
Wieners theory [7], given a degraded image ) , ( y x g , the
degraded image can be restored by ) , ( v u W in a Fourier
sense, as shown by the following equations:
) , ( ) , (
) , (
) , ( ) , (
) , (
v u
S v u
S v u H
v u
S v u H
v u W

= (1)
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
v u
v u
v u H
v u H

= (2)
) , (
) , ( 2
) , (
) , (
) , (
v u S
v u S
v u H
v u H
v u H


where H(u, v) represents the degradation function;
) , ( v u S
represents power spectrum of the noise;
) , ( v u S
represents power spectrum of the undistorted
image and the pair (u,v) represents the location in the
spatial frequency domain.
From equation (3), the Wiener filter can be
perceived to have two separate parts: an inverse filtering
part and a noise smoothing part. It not only performs the
deconvolution by inverse filtering but also removes the
noise with a compression operation. These properties
were advanced to solve the research problem.
In the absence of noise (i.e. 0 ) , ( = v u S
), the
Wiener filter reduces to the inverse filter. On the other
hand, in the presence of noise (i.e.
) , (
) , (
v u S
v u S
> 0), the
denominator of (2) is never zero. In the limiting
case 0 ) , ( v u S
, then

) , (
) , (
v u H
v u W
0 ) , (
0 ) , (

v u H
v u H
thus no ill-posed problems arise in Wiener filtering. The
) , (
) , (
v u S
v u S
in (3) can be regarded as a term that
smooths the inverse filter
) , (
v u H
. However, for
frequencies at which ) , ( ) , ( v u S v u S
n f
, estimation of
W(u,v) becomes nearly equal to
) , (
v u H
, which means the
Wiener filter behaves as an inverse at the frequencies
(u,v). At high spatial frequencies, ) , ( v u S
is often much
larger than ) , ( v u S
, thus condition ) , ( ) , ( v u S v u S
n f

holds true. For degradation such as blur, ) , ( v u H at high
spatial frequencies is relatively small. When (u,v)
approaches a region with a large value of
2 2
v u + ,
) , ( v u H is nearly zero. Therefore, when
) , ( ) , ( v u S v u S
n f
and 0 ) , ( v u H , the Wiener estimate
) , (
) , (
v u H
v u w =

becomes ill-posed. Consequently, this
estimate will lead to a poor restoration result.
For the ill-posed inverse problem to be solved, it is
necessary to regularize the solution by introducing a
priori constraints [8]. This can be done by using a
numerical regularization parameter to control the power
of the inverse filter, thereby penalizing those (u,v) with
very high spectral frequencies. The
) , (
) , (
v u S
v u S

in equation
(3) is assumed to be constantly proportional to the
inverse of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the image.
This leads to the following modification of W(u, v) in
equation (3):
v u H
v u H
v u H
v u W

) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (

Jessica Wong Soo Mee
Thus, the frequency domain solution to optimize the
degradation problem is expressed as
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (

v u G
v u H
v u H
v u H
v u F


where ) , (

v u F

represents the restored image,
) , ( v u G represents the degraded image, and represents
the regularization parameter. The regularization
parameter was determined by using the L-curve method.
The L-curve is a parametric plot of the size of the
regularized solution and its corresponding residual [9].
The underlying idea is that a good method for choosing
the regularization parameter for discrete ill-posed
problems must incorporate information about the
solution size, in addition to using information about the
residual size. The L-curve method requires both the
regularized solution and its corresponding residual to
find the corner of the L-shape curve for the optimal
selection of regularization. With the underlying
degradation is the linear, position-invariant degradation
that is described in a spatial domain by
+ = Hf g (7)
where g represents the degraded image, f represents the
original image, matrix H represents the degradation
function, and represents the additive white noise. In
this case, the knowledge of noise variance is not
required. Thus the regularization problem can be
expressed using the Tikhonov regularization as
2 2

f f H g +

r be the residual vector described by

f H g r = (9)
can be calculated using the following equation:

) , (
y x r r
where [ ] ) , (

) , ( ) , ( ) , (
1 2
v u F v u H v u G y x r =


substituting the right side of equation (11) for ) , (

v u F in
equation (6) yields
[ ]
[ ]


1 2
) , (
) , (
) , (
v u H
v u G
y x r

represents inverse Fourier transform.

f can be calculated using the following


) , (

y x f f


[ ] ) , (

) , (

1 2
v u F y x f


The procedures for determining the regularization
parameter are as follows:

Step 1: Specify an initial value of
Step 2: Calculate
r and

Step 3: Gradually increase until = 1;
Step 4: Convert both
r and

f to logarithmic
Step 5: Plot the L-curve in log-log scale (see Fig.1).
Step 6: Trace the transition of the shape of the
corner of the L-curve plot, and mark the optimal ,
Step 7: Use the optimal to compute the optimal
estimate ) , (

v u F

Fig.1. L-curve for Tikhonov regularization [10]

As mentioned earlier, the Wiener filter can be
perceived to have two separate parts: an inverse filtering
part which contributes to the sharpness for deblurring,
and a noise smoothing part for denoising. Therefore it is
possible to control the regularization and inverse power
independently. Subsequently, it allows more degrees of
freedom for image restoration that incorporate both
deblurring and denoising techniques in one single filter.
Hence the proposed filter is as expressed as:

v u H
v u H
v u H
v u W
) , (
) , (
) , (
) , (


where and represent the inverse control parameter
and the smooth control parameter respectively.

Modulation Transfer Function Compensation through a Modified Wiener Filter for Spatial Image Quality Improvement
3 Experimental Results
The original image used in this work is presented in Fig.
2; it is one part of Level 2A product of IKONOS,
containing 7800 x 7800 pixels.

Fig. 2. The original image

Fig. 3 presents one of the blurred version of the
images obtained by using the inverse Fourier transform,
by multiplying the original (in Fourier sense) with a
Gaussian filter. The Gaussian filter function, H
which approximates the optical point spread function in
the frequency domain is expressed as:
2 2
) (
) , (

v u
e v u H
= (15)
where is the standard deviation of Gaussian curve. The
standard deviation, of Gaussian function for this
blurred image was set to 80. The data sets for this work
consist of sub-scenes extracted from this synthetically
blurred image.

Fig. 3. A synthetically blurred image
The proposed MTFC algorithm was applied to data
sets and evaluated quantitatively using two metric,
namely Mean-Squared Error (MSE) and Peak Signal-to-
Noise Ratio (PSNR), which are defined as follows:

)] , (

) , ( [
y x f y x f

log 10

where f, f

and S represent the original image, the

restored images and the maximum pixel value of the
image, respectively.
Two versions of blurred images were used to present
the experimental result of MTFC. The standard
deviation, of Gaussian function for these images is 50
and 80, respectively (see Fig. 4(a) and (b)). The
degradation function, H(u,v), which is the MTF of the
degraded image, was modeled using the measured MTF
by edge input method. The measured (estimated) MTF
were compensated using the modified Wiener filter as
described in Equation (14) to restore these images. The
regularization parameter, was tuned between 10
. Experimental result shows that regularization
parameter, = 10
is relatively good to optimize the
regularization of restoration problem. The L-curve plot
for regularization process of the blurred image in Fig.
4(a) and (b) is presented in Fig. 4(c) and (d),
By visual observation, it is clear that the restored
images in Fig. 4(e) and (f) are considerably better than
their respective blurred image shown in Fig. 4(a) and
(b). It can be observed that the blurred images are
sharpened without the side effect of noise amplification.
Typically, blurred images are assumed to have a lower
quality as compared to the restored images. Therefore
the MTF for the blurred images are expected to plummet
to lower MTF values as compared to the restored
images. Under this circumstance, MTF area under the
MTF curve after restoration will be larger than those
before restoration. This supposition was confirmed by
the two MTF plots depicted in Fig. 4.

(a) (b)
Jessica Wong Soo Mee
(c) (d)
(e) (f)

(g) (h)
Fig. 4. Restoration results; (a) Blurred image, = 50
with its L-curve plot (c), restored image (e) and MTF
plot (g); (b) Blurred image, = 80 with its L-curve plot
(d), restored image (f) and MTF plot (h);

One criterion for the restoration quality is the ratio
between the areas under the MTF curve after and before
restoration. The MTF area (MTFA) ratio for the
restored image in Figure 4(e) and (f) are 2.08 and 1.84,
respectively. Table 1 shows other forms of quantitative
results that quantified the image quality improvement.

Table 1: Quantitative measures for the restored images
Fig. 4(a) Fig. 4(e) Fig. 4(b) Fig. 4(f)
PSNR (dB) 23.17 26.70 25.29 29.07
MSE 313.24 139.09 192.37 80.48

For comparison purpose, the classical Wiener filter
was implemented using Equation (3). Both classical and
modified Wiener filter were applied to the synthetically
blurred image shown in Figure 4(a). The restored
images obtained from both classical and modified
Wiener filter are presented in Figure 5(a) and 5(b),
respectively. Qualitative measures based on visual
observation found that 5(b) displays a more enhanced
details as compared to 5(a). Fig. 6 shows the
comparison of MTF plot between these two filters;
MTF area under the MTF curve for the modified Wiener
filter are obviously larger than the classical Wiener
filter, which means that it produces a better image

(a) Image restoration by classical Wiener Filter

(b) Image restoration by the modified Wiener filter

Fig.5. Comparison of image restoration between the
classical Wiener filter and the modified Wiener filter

Modulation Transfer Function Compensation through a Modified Wiener Filter for Spatial Image Quality Improvement

Fig. 6. MTF Comparison between classical and the
modified Wiener filter

Table 2 summarizes the performance assessment of
these filters; the results demonstrated that the modified
Wiener filter was indeed able to produce a better quality
of restored image.

Table 2: Performance assessment of classical and the
modified Wiener filter
Filter PSNR (dB) MSE
Classical Wiener Filter 23.78 283.98
Modified Wiener Filter 26.70 139.09

4 Conclusion
This paper describes a stable and flexible MTFC
technique through Wiener filter that aims to execute an
optimal tradeoff between sharpness and noise to warrant
an acceptable result of image restoration for spatial
image quality improvement. The technique is based on
derivation of the spatial frequency response to edge
target input, which is the MTF measurement. The
derived MTF measurement was used to model the
degradation function to compensate for image
degradation. The main novelty this filter is the
incorporation of L-curve regularization method into the
classical Wiener filter, which then becomes the modified
Wiener filter to overcome the ill-posed problem of
image restoration. The algorithm was applied to
synthetically blurred images. Restoration results, using
the estimated MTF and L-curve regularization show
significantly improved of spatial quality image, where
the restored image by the modified Wiener filter has the
Mean Square Error (MSE) reduced by more than 50%
with respect to the original image. The ability of the
modified Wiener filter to invert blur and suppress noise
amplification at the same time demonstrated the
robustness of the proposed MTF compensation

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Jessica Wong Soo Mee
Sorting networks on FPGA

Devi Prasad, Mohamad Yusri Mohamad Yusof, Smruti Santosh Palai, Ahmad Hafez Nawi
Microelectronics Department, MIMOS Berhad.
Technology Park Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-57000.
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: - Speed and efficiency of sorting algorithms are essential for high speed data processing. FPGA based
hardware accelerators show better performance than the general purpose processors. Similarly traditional algorithms
may not be always efficient on FPGAs. Sorting networks have come as suitable alternatives which can be implemented
on FPGAs efficiently. Each application has its own constraint on latency and throughput. A careful selection of a
sorting network with suitable number of pipeline stages performs at higher throughput, without contributing much

Key-Words: - FPGA, Sorting networks.

1 Introduction
With the demand for high speed network and
computing, speed and parallel algorithms have become
essential tools for development. Many of these
operations were performed by a general purpose
processor [1]. But now days due to the availability of
FPGAs, many researchers try to implement various
algorithms on FPGAs more efficiently [2] [3]. FPGAs
are often used as hardware accelerators.
One of the commonly used operations in high speed data
processing is data sorting. The most commonly used
sorting algorithm is Bubble sorting. For efficient and
reduced operations implementation of sorting, Batcher
proposed a technique of sorting using sorting networks
[4] [5] [6]. Many of these are implemented of FPGAs
and general purpose processors [7] [8] [9].
In this paper we evaluate various sorting networks based
on the complexity and speed, focusing on FPGA
implementation. For the analysis purposes all the
networks are configured to accept eight unsorted
numbers, of eight bit wide each. The result will be the
sorted numbers.

2 Sorting Networks
2.1 Bubble Sort
In bubble sort the adjacent pair of data elements are
compared and swapped if they are found in wrong order,
and this process is repeated until the last two elements
of the array are compared. With each pass in the bubble
sort, by compare and swap process the smaller elements
bubble or move up to their designated locations in the
2.2 Shell Sort
Shell Sort is one of the oldest sorting algorithms, which
arranges the data sequence in a two dimensional array
and then sorts the columns of the array [10], which
results in the data sequence being partially sorted. As the
process repeats the array becomes narrow. Each time the
number of columns will keep decreasing. In the end, the
array will have a single column. Shell sort method
actually groups the data at each step, rather than sorting
the data by itself. At each step, either insertion sort or
bubble sort is used to arrange the data. The number of
times the data elements need to be rearranged is reduced
in this type of sorting method.
Fig.1. Shell Sort, n=8.
2.3 Odd-even transposition sort
In general, odd-even transposition sort compares the
adjacent pair of data in an array to be sorted and, if a
pair is found to be in the wrong order then those
elements are swapped. In the first step, odd index and
the adjacent even index elements are compared and are
swapped, if found in wrong order. In the next step, even
index and the adjacent odd index elements are compared
and are swapped, if found in wrong order. This process
continues with alternating (odd, even) and (even, odd)
phases, until no swapping of data elements are required.
Thus the resultant array is a sorted one. This network
comprises of the same number of comparator stages as
the number of inputs. In each stage either odd or even
index positions are compared with their respective
neighbors. Each stage alternates between even and odd.
Fig.2. Odd-even transposition Sort, n=8.
2.4 Bitonic Sort
Bitonic Sort is a sorting algorithm which is designed for
parallel machines. On any arbitrary sequence to be
sorted, bitonic sort produces a bitonic sequence by
sorting the two halves of the input sequence in opposite
Fig.3. Bitonic Sort, n=8.
A bitonic sequence is one, which consists of two sub-
sequences, one that monotonically increasing and the
other monotonically decreasing. Hence for any arbitrary
sequence of length n, in the bitonic sort, first two n/2-
element sorts are performed, one increasing and the
other is decreasing. This results in an n-element bitonic
sequence. This entire sequence is now bitonically sorted
to produce a sorted (monotonic) sequence.
2.5 Odd-even merge sort
The earlier odd-even transposition sorting algorithm has
a complexity of O(n
). With such a complexity, for any
large sequence with sequence length n the number of
steps to perform a complete sort will be very high in real
time situations. Odd- even merge sort solves this
problem. In odd-even merge sort, all the odd index
elements and even index elements are sorted separately
and then merged; this step is repeated until we get a
completely sorted sequence. Odd-even merge sort is also
called as optimal sorting algorithm.

Fig.4. Odd-even merge sort, n=8.
A summary of complexities of above mentioned given in
Table 1.

3 FPGA Implementation
All the five algorithms are described by Verilog HDL
language in two different approaches. One approach is
without any pipeline registers and other is with pipeline
registers. Each module accepts eight parallel input data
of width eight bits each and the clock. The output is the
sorted data. The functionality of each of the designed
modules is verified by the simulation in ModelSim , as
shown in Fig.5.

Fig.5. Functional simulation.
Sort Network
transposition sort
O(n) O(n
Bubble Sort O(n) O(n
Bitonic Sort O(log(n)
) O(nlog(n)
Odd-Even mergesort O(log(n)

Shellsort O(log(n)
) O(nlog(n)
Where n is the number of inputs.
Devi Prasad, Mohamad Yusri Mohamad Yusof, Smruti Santosh Palai, Ahmad Hafez Nawi
Each module is then synthesized and implemented on a
using Xilinx ISE [11]. Then each module is tested by
downloading the bit file to Xilinx Virtex-5 LX50
Table 2 & Table 3 summarize performance of the non
pipeline and pipeline stages of designs.

It is observed that pipeline stages based algorithms have
better operating frequency than the non pipelined stage
algorithms. On the contrary, pipeline stages consume
more FPGA resources than the non pipeline stages. The
Odd-even merge sort consumes fewer resources and
gives optimal operating frequency performance
compared to the bitonic sort which not only consumes
more resources but also has a poor operating frequency
performance. Both modules have a throughput of sorting
eight data per clock with a latency of five.

4 Conclusion
It is often critical do decide the best sorting algorithm
for a given application. This is based on the tradeoff
between pipeline stages, area and speed. It is observed
that by adding five pipeline registers for odd even merge
sort, throughput can be increased significantly without
much increase in area (FPGA resource). To achieve
similar performance, other sorting algorithms require
more number of pipeline stages.

[1] Amato N., Ravishankar Iyer, Sharad Sundaresan,
Yan Wu, A Comparison of Parallel Sorting
Algorithms on Different Architectures, in
Technical Report No. 98/029, Department of
Computer Science. Texas A &M University, 1996.
[2] R. Mueller,J. Teubner, G. Alonso, Data Processing
on FPGAs, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment.,
vol. 2, Aug. 2009.
[3] Martinez J., Cumplido R., Feregrino C., An FPGA-
based parallel sorting architecture for the Burrows
Wheeler transform, Reconfigurable Computing and
FPGAs., 2005.
[4] Y.Jun, Li Na, D. Jun, Guo Y., Tang Z., A research
of high-speed Batcher's odd-even merging network,
E-Health Networking, Digital Ecosystems and
Technologies (EDT), Vol.1, pp. 77-80, April 2010.
[5] K.E. Batcher, Sorting networks and their
applications, Proceedings of the AFIPS Spring Joint
Computer Conference 32, pp. 307314, July 1968.
[6] Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming Volume
3: Sorting and Searching (2nd Edition). Addison-
Wesley, 1998.
[7] M. Matveev, Implementation of the sorting
schemes in a programmable logic, 6th Workshop on
Electronics for LHC Experiments, pp. 476478,
Sept. 2000.
[8] R.M. Alonso, D. T. Lucio, Parallel Architecture for
the Solution of Linear Equation Systems
Implemented in FPGA,Proceedings of the 2009
Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics
Conference (cerma 2009), pp. 275280.
[9] R.M. Alonso, D. T. Lucio, A Programmable
Accelerator for next generation wireless
communications, 17th European Signal Processing
Conference (EUSIPCO 2009), pp. 12941298.
[10] D.L. Shell, A High-Speed Sorting Procedure,
Communications of the ACM., pp. 3032, 1959.
[11] http://www.xilinx.com.
Sort Network LUT

transposition sort
1237 128 72
Bouble Sort 1331 128 46
Bitonic Sort 800 128 85

128 101
Shellsort 885 128 61

Sort Network LUT

632 512 353 7
Bouble Sort 650 512 363 12
Bitonic Sort 540 448 353 5

368 368 5
Shellsort 537 448 360 10
Sorting Networks on FPGA

Abstract In this paper back-propagation artificial neural network (BPANN) is employed to predict the wear of
the gear hobbing tools. The wear of high speed steel hobs during hobbing has been studied. The wear mechanisms
are strongly influenced by the choice of cutting speed. At moderate and high cutting speeds three major wear
mechanisms were identified: abrasion, mild adhesive and severe adhesive. The microstructure and wear behavior of
two high speed steel grades (M2 and ASP30) has been compared. In contrast, a variation in chemical composition or
microstructure of HSS tool material generally did not change the dominant wear mechanism. However, the tool
material properties determine the resistance against the operating wear mechanism and consequently the tool life.
The metallographic analysis and wear measurement at the tip of hob teeth included scanning electron microscopy
and stereoscope microscopy. Comparing experimental and BPANN results, an acceptable correlation was found.

Keywords Back-propagation artificial neural network abrasion, adhesion, cutting speed, hobbing, wear

1. Introduction
Gear hobbing is a widely used method in mass gear
production. A hob has a large number of cutting edges
arranged spirally around the tool body. Gear hobbing
remains a cutting technology where high speed steel
continues to find wide application in modern
manufacturing practices [1], [2]. Gear hobbing has
complicated process kinematics; chip formation and
Tool wear mechanisms. Many researchers investigated
the wear behavior and tool life of turning and milling
cutting tools [3]-[6]. To understand the wear
mechanisms in Gear hobbing, it is necessary to have a
brief understanding of the Hobbing tribosystem includes
hob, Gear, Cutting operation and sever contact in the
tool-chip interface. Among the various hobbing
parameters cutting speed has the most effective role on
wear behavior [7].
In this study the effect of cutting parameters on the
wear mechanisms of HSS hobs has been investigated at
industrial conditions. The type of high speed steel
influences the speed that will be used and the wear of
hob. Two grades of HSS (AISI M2 and ASP30) are
selected for this purpose. Moreover back-propagation
artificial neural network (BPANN) is employed to
predict the wear of the gear hobbing tools

2. Experimental procedure
The main shaft of a tractor (Fig.1) is selected as gear
blank. Table 1 shows the detail of hob, gear and
hobbing condition. The vertical hobbing machining
Rh6/1623 is used. Cutting speed that has direct
relationship with temperature can change the
predominant wear mechanisms and wear behavior of
hob as well as gear. Scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) was used to study the worn surface and
microstructure. Stereoscope (Nikon-type 104) was used
to measure the flank and crater wear on the flank and
rake face. Surface profilometery is used to measure the
roughness of gear that produced by high speed hobbing
Prediction of Wear Mechanisms in High Speed Steel Hobs Using
Artificial Neural network
[email protected]

Fig1: Main shaft of a tractor as gear blank

Table1: Hobbing tribosystem
Gear Hob
Material :21
Hardness :170 BHN
Spure Gear
=50.8 mm
=256 mm
Number of teeth: 18
ASP30& M2
DP = 10
1 st
= 100 mm
L= 100 mm
Hardness: 65
Cutting fluid
Cut depth:
Axial feed rate :
speed : variable

3. Result of experiments
Among the variable hobbing parameters, only the
cutting speed can affect the wear behavior strangely [7].
Cutting speed has direct relationship with Tool- chip
interface temperature [7], [8]. At lower hobbing speed
where the temperature is not high enough, a stable built-
up edge (BUE) protects the cutting edge against the
abrasive and adhesive wear. However, the formation
and rebound mechanism of BUE Causes a sudden
failure in cutting edges in chipping form. The relative
motion between Tool and blank at such condition is
stickslip. At higher cutting speeds, this relative motion
changes to slip so that the BUE will be unstable to play
a wear particle (debris) role, causes three body abrasion
wear. Fig.2 shows the SEM topography of BUE in the
cutting edge. The segregated carbides and hard partied
from tool and blank have the same effects.
As shown in Fig.3 increasing the hobbing speed
leads to high abrasion wear. The peak of flank wear is at
65 m/min. At V= 65m/min the flank wear is 0.3 mm. in
this condition each of the adhesive and abrasive wear is
present but the abrasion is the predominant wear
mechanism. Fig. 4 shows the SEM topography of the
adhesive wear that exists at each condition. This
adhesive component often is referred to as mild
adhesive wear.
Two body abrasion wear is counteracted with high
yield strength (high hardness) as well as large carbide
volume of the HSS for three body abrasion [7],[10]. At
such condition also, the segregated BUE have a scratch
action. The presence of BUE as a thermal barrier layer
protects the rake face against the high temperature. At
cutting speeds higher than 65 m/min wear particles
(debris) begin to soften, and therefore lose their
abrasive role at flank wear. Declining in the flank wear
curve is because of phenomenon described above.
Softening and rebounding of the thermal barrier layer
leads to heat transfer from cutting zoon to rake face that
softens the hob tooth and forms a crater in rake face.
This adhesive component often is referred to as mild
adhesive wear. If the hob is used upper than its limit of
heat resistance, sever adhesive wear may result a large
scale plastic flow of surface material in direction of the
chip flow. Severe adhesive wear are primarily resisted
by HSS material through its high yield strength at
elevated temperatures (High hot hardness). At V=90
m/min the severe adhesion wear is predominant.
Adhesion wear mechanism is identified by deep
craters. The depth of crater increases always
proportionally with cutting speed. It will be useful to
find an optimum condition in which, the flank wear is
decreased but the thermal barrier role of BUE remains
exist. We can select V=50 m/min or higher cutting
speed such as V=95 m/min for economic aspects.
Macroscopic fracture of the tool can occur is a rather
scarce event. More common it localized chipping of tool
edge. Smooth tool surface, high fracture Toughness
promoted by fine grained structure of both matrix and
hard phased is counteractive tool properties against this
wear mechanism. This type of wear can occurs at low or
high cutting speeds.

Fig.2: SEM topography of built-up edge
Prediction of Wear Mechanisms in High Speed Steel Hobs using Artificial Neural network

Fig. 3: Flank and crater wear vs. cutting speed

Fig.4: SEM topography of adhesion wear mechanisms

Fig.5 shows a micrograph of the microstructure from
ASP30 hobs. Fig.6 shows a micrograph of the
microstructure from AISI M2 steel used as hob material.
As can be seen, the microstructure consists of hard
particles dispersed in a soft matrix. ASP30 that is the
product of Anti Segregation Process has fine carbides as
well as homogeneous distribution of carbides through
the matrix. Then it is difficult for the particles to
segregate from the matrix and hence there will be some
debris at the interface. For this reason, abrasive wear in
M2 hobs is more severe compared with ASP30 hobs
(see Fig.7). High degree of C/V proportion in the
chemical composition (such as M42) leads to a
reduction in the hardness difference between the matrix
and dispersed carbides. It has the same effect on the
abrasion as well as adhesion wear. The critical cutting
speed in M2 hobs is reported to be 60 m/min [11].
The hot hardness of ASP30 hob is because of high
amount of cobalt in the chemical composition. It means
that the ASP30 hobs can be used at high speed hobbing.
Moreover, at high cutting speeds, another wear criterion
exists. Increasing the surface roughness (Fig.8) of the
gear produced at such conditions, limits the cutting
speed to be used. Therefore, for optimizing the cutting
operation it is necessary to consider the surface
roughness of gears as an important criterion. For high
speed hobbing, we may use rigid machine tool and
blanks with low length to diameter (L/D) proportion.

Fig. 5: SEM micrograph of ASP30 hob microstructure

Fig. 6: SEM micrograph of M2 hob microstructure

Fig.7: SEM topography of severe abrasion wear
mechanisms of M2 hob

4. Neural networks
An artificial neural network is a parallel distributed
information processing system. It stores the samples
with distributed coding, thus forming a trainable
nonlinear system. The main idea behind a neural
network approach resembles the human brain
functioning. Given the input and the expected outputs,
the program is self adaptive to the environment so as to
respond to different inputs rationally. The objective of
this paper is to investigate the prediction of wear in gear
hobbing, by training a BPANN.
M. Jalali Azizpour, H. Mohammadi Majd

Fig.8: Surface roughness of gear (m) vs. cutting speed

The neuron can be classified into three types: input,
output, hidden neurons. Input neurons are the ones that
receive input from the environment, such as cutting speed
in this study (Table.2). Output neurons are those that
send the signals out of the system, like flank wear, crater
wear and wear mechanisms. As the activation function,
Sig activation function has been used, which is
continuous, nonlinear, monotonic non-decreasing and S
shaped: [12]

( )
x f


In this study, the back propagation, which is a widely
used algorithm, is used in the training step. Back
propagation is a systematic method for training multilayer
artificial neural networks. It has a strong mathematical
foundation based on gradient descent learning. Elman BP
network train with the back propagation algorithm is used.
Elman networks are back propagation networks, with the
addition of a feedback connection from the output of the
hidden layer to its input. This feedback path allows Elman
networks to learn to recognize and generate temporal
patterns, as well as spatial patterns [13]. For an Elman to
have the best chance at learning a problem it needs more
hidden neurons in its hidden layer than are actually
required for a solution by another method.
This model has four layers including, an input layer,
two hidden layer and an output layer. In this work,
different number of hidden units has been employed to
obtain the optimum number of hidden units. The
experiments show that number of 20 units in the hidden
layer is enough to reach the desired accuracy.
Training of the neural network was done in
MATLAB, using Sig and TRAINLM function.
TRAINLM is a network training function that updates
weights and bias values in a back propagation algorithm
according to LevenbergMarquardt optimization.
LevenbergMarquardt algorithm is a highly efficient
method for solving non-linear optimization problems
[14], [15].

5. Conclusions

In this work, a two-layer back propagation network
is developed to best fit this nonlinear engineering
problem. Through comparison between the targeted
value and training results with different neuron numbers
in the hidden layers, an appropriate number of 20 is
suitable to set up this network. For this nonlinear
engineering problem, the appropriate algorithm is
Levenberg -Marquardt because it can reach high
accuracy. The error between the predicted value and
targeted one is little. Using this network can save much
time. To obtain the most proper network a net with
different structures has been trained. For this purpose
first a 1-20-20-3 network with 100 epochs was selected
to modify the weights. The average of mean square
error (MSE) was recorded. Other networks have been
investigated. According to comparison among the
structures it was be seen that the best network is 1-20-
20-3. After 160 epochs the mean of errors converged to
2.3e-6. (Table.3). 70 percent of experimental data was
used for training the network, 15 percent for test and 15
percent to verify the trained network.
Wear mechanisms of HSS hobs has been
investigated. Tribological and metallurgical analyses are
employed for this purpose. A summery of conclusions is
as follow:

In HSS hobs at moderate cutting speed, the
predominant mechanism is abrasion wear at the
flank of cutting edge. The maximum of flank
wear is at V=65m/min
Adhesive wear can exist at each hobbing
condition but at high speed hobbing the
predominant wear mechanism is severe
adhesive wear.
The presence or absence of built-up edge is
important to change the predominant wear
The hob made by ASP30 has high hardness,
excellent hot hardness and wear resistance
compared with M2.
The grade of tool material can not change the
wear mechanism, but wear resistance of hob can
be improved by correct selecting of tool
material considering cutting condition to be
used and machining economy.
Prediction of Wear Mechanisms in High Speed Steel Hobs using Artificial Neural network

The error between the predicted value and
targeted one is near to zero and the network can
predict the wear with high accuracy.

Table2: Experimental results

min / m
Wear mechanisms
10 0.05 0.005 Chipping
15 0.05 0.005 Chipping
20 0.08 0.005 Chipping
25 0.09 0.005 Adhesion(BUE)
30 0.1 0.005 Abrasion
35 0.12 0.007 Abrasion
40 0.15 0.01 Abrasion
45 0.17 0.01 Abrasion
50 0.2 0.015 Abrasion
55 0.22 0.02 Abrasion
60 0.25 0.025 Severe abrasion
62 0.25 0.03 Severe abrasion
64 0.28 0.03 Severe abrasion
65 0.3 0.03 Severe abrasion
67 0.27 0.03 Severe abrasion
70 0.25 0.035 Severe abrasion
75 0.23 0.04 Severe abrasion
80 0.21 0.04 Adhesion
85 0.18 0.05 severe adhesion
88 0.13 0.05 severe adhesion
90 0.13 0.05 severe adhesion
95 0.1 0.06 severe adhesion
98 0.1 0.06 severe adhesion
100 0.07 0.07 severe adhesion

Table3: Test conditions

[1] Tokawa, T. and Nishimura, Y., "High productivity dry
hobbing system" , Mitsobishi Heavy Industry, Technical
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[2] Jainlk, C. and Agreval, G., Metal cutting science and
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[3] Rech, J. and Djouadi, M. and Picot, J., "Wear resistance
of coating in high speed gear hobbing", Wear, Vol. 250, PP. 45-
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[4] Lim, S.C. and Lee, S.H. and Liu, Y.B. "Wear maps for
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PP.137-134, 1993.
[5] Scherge, M. and shakhvorostove, "Fundamental of wear
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[6] Haron, O. and subramanian, S.V., " Tribology of tool-chip
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[7] Soderberg, S. and Hogmark, S., "Wear mechanisms and tool
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Vol. 110, PP. 315-329 ,1985.
[8] Brion, J.M., "Mechanisms of built-up layer formation on
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Vol.154, PP. 225-239, 1992.
[9] Bhattacharyya, A., Metal Cutting Theory and Practice,
Jadavpur University, New Central Book Agancy, Calcutta,
[10] EL-Rakayby, A. M. and Mills, B., "the role of primary
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[11] Joseph, R., ASM Handbook,Vol. 16: Machining, American
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[12] H. Mohammadi Majd, M. Poursina, K. H. Shirazi,"
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[13] Elman, J. L., "Finding structure in time", Cognitive
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Crater wear
0.0365 -0.00378 0.005 0.05 10
0.0798 0.004054 0.005 0.08 20
0.99 0.006915 0.005 0.10 30
0.1305 0.008219 0.010 0.15 40
0.18 0.018519 0.015 0.20 50
0.24 0.023029 0.025 0.25 60
0.29 0.034289 0.035 0.25 70
0.3 0.043573 0.040 0.21 80
0.15 0.049961 0.050 0.130 90
0.09 0.0699 0.070 0.070 100
M. Jalali Azizpour, H. Mohammadi Majd
Charging for Reactive Power Employing Generation Distribution
Engineer - Electrical School
La Salle University
Cra 2 N 10 70
Bogot, Colombia
[email protected]

Abstract: - This paper presents an analysis to calculate relative sensitivity by using five different methodologies
based on calculations of relative sensitivity that achieved a proper relationship between loads and generation
nodes. The calculation of sensitivity using five methodologies on the IEEE-30 is estimated.
Key-Words: - Reactive Power, Relative Sensitivity, Generation Distribution.
1 Introduction
Several reasons have driven the interest in Distributed
Generation (DG). A new energy source will emerge,
hydrothermal, photovoltaic, biomass, etc. Associated
with the consumer, it will certainly have an important
role, since it is the only way to ensure the
implementation of additional capacity at short notice
and at competitive costs. Moreover, this future
generation of electricity should also suit the needs of
energy markets, while respecting the unique features
of your electrical system, introducing efficiency,
reliability and flexibility, and looking at the same
time to respond to the challenges of ever increasing
efficiency of utilization of energy resources and
minimizing environmental impact during the process.
New developments in technology have placed these
DG plants as a concrete alternative for the supply of
electricity and heat, installing generators at the point
of final consumption or near. Since DG is located, by
definition, close to the electric charges, their
generating units, besides supplying the energy
locally, have proper conditions to play an important
role in all of the Interconnected System, even when it
stops (emergency generators, for example), they
increase power reserves among these loads, and
therefore reduce the risk of instability and increase
the reliability of the supply process. To the extent that
only some segments of the economy have the
capacity to produce electricity in a competitive way, a
significant portion of consumers will continue
depending on the Central Generation (CG) of power,
so it can be said that DG is not competing, but does
complement and enhance the system based on CG,
both existing in the future.
As the costs of various technologies have DG
decreasing trends (McDonald, 2004), the system
moves towards a situation in which, facing a high
cost of transmission, the DG may increase its stake
in the Colombian generation park. In this context, it
is urgent to understand this process and facilitate
and encourage wider use of DG in the Colombian
context. The CG has dominated the production of
power, due to economies of scale, the savings that
offset the construction of complex systems of
interconnection, where DG was used to increase
both the efficiency of certain processes regarding
their safety and / or to meet the individual systems
Currently, electric systems are changing and with
the DG growing up, the distribution systems are
turning from passive to active entities [2]. The new
and future DG schemes are allowing the
establishment of a wide range of new energy
suppliers and complementary services such as
auxiliary services in which the reactive power
supply takes part. DG is a new participant in the
current and future electric systems in terms of
programming and operating reserves dispatch [3].
Dispatch of centralized units requires a higher
generation level, which should supply energy to all
the network points, including all the load power and
the network losses in the whole system, the
transmission system and the final points related to the
distribution system [4].
On the other hand, delivering active power by the
generators in the distribution system, close to the
load, reduces losses and, consequently, improves
voltage levels and increases the security of the
This work shows some technical advantages when
DG is used in the dispatch of reactive power reserves.
In the following section, the formulation of the
problem is described. Then, the methodology
implemented is explained. Also, a methodology is
proposed to establish the maximum DG level that can
be installed.
It is also showed an application aiming at analyzing
what happens when DG is used to supply reactive
power. Additionally, DG technologies that attend
more efficiently the management of reserves are
described. Finally, the conclusions of this work are
2 DG Technologies to Provide Reactive
There are different kinds of technologies that can be
used for DG applications (wind power generation,
photovoltaic power, cogeneration, etc). Every
technology presents a different production profile,
therefore, the load flows and losses impact depending
on each particular technology. Generally, the DG
profile varies constantly. This variation can be
produced by the primary resource (wind, sun, water,
etc) or due to process features (e.g. cogeneration
As the DG production profile is adapted to the
demand profile of the buses where the DG is
installed, the electric parameters will be better or
worse. For instance, if the DG production in each bus
is exactly equal to the demand in each bus, the losses
will be cancelled since all the demand is supplied
locally and there are not flows within the network.
Therefore, the more appropriate GD technologies for
supplying reactive power have constant production
In this category the generators which supply almost
constant power at all time can be classified (higher
utilization factor, generally classified from 0 up to 1,
where 1 is the maximum value). In some cases the
DG production can be practically constant for
instance combustible cells, biomass plants and gas
microturbines. These technologies are well
conditioned to the demand profile. In [5] it was
shown that the wind and photovoltaic power
generation are ill conditioned to suit the demand
profile. Table 1 shows the behavior of those
technologies related to the demand and the reactive
power supply.

3 Sensitivity Calculations in Electric
The calculation of relative sensitivity is a tool to
identify devices that have an impact on some sets of
load nodes in electric systems. These devices allow
the achievement of a better contribution in the
delivery or absorption of reactive power above
certain node. The ability of a generator to participate
in the voltage regulation above a load node depends
on two concepts: the influence of reactive power
generated on the level of voltage and reactive power
available from the generator [6].
DG technologies behavior for reactive
power supplying [4]
Natural Gas Turbine Very good Very good
Micro-turbine Very good Very good
Steam Turbine Very good Very good
Combined Cycle Very good Very good
Electrochemical Devices Very good Very good
Small hydro Very Bad Normal
Wind turbines Very Bad Very Bad
Mini-Wind Very Bad Very Bad
PhotoVoltaic Very Bad Very Bad
PhotoThermal Good Normal
Fuel Cell Good Bad

3.1 Methodology 1
The incremental ability of a generator to influence a
voltage in a specific operating capacity is defined by
the Jacobian matrix. The marginal capacity of a
generator is the difference between maximum
generating capacity of reactive power and reactive
power current output, which is:
= Q
- Q
It takes into account the available margin of each
generator and not the total range (Qmaxima
Qminima). If the calculation of sensitivity is defined
based on the delivery of reactive power available
from each generator, then changes in voltage due to
the injection provided by a given generator m is:
inal m
Q e J
arg 1
) (



inal m
is the marginal reactive power
generation of m, and it is a null vector, except at the
position corresponding to local injection at the node i.
Francisco David Moya Chaves





w VSI ) 1 (
After evaluating
for all participants i with
relation to the generator m, the sensitivity Si is
calculated using the formula:


3.2 Methodology 2
The work in [5] describes another study to calculate
the sensitivity coefficient which relates the change in
voltage in a bar i respect to change of generation (or
absorption) of reactive power at node j. The
simplifications of a decoupled power flow follow:
| |
| |



22 21
12 11

Where B is the susceptance matrix. By inverting
matrix B it is possible to find the vector of voltage
variations [V] as follows:
| | | | | |

Therefore a coefficient which relates voltage changes
with variations in the reactive power generation is
given by:

Where Vi is voltage on bar i and Qi is the reactive
power at node j. This ratio means the way it affects
the reactive power generated in node j, the voltage at
the load node i.
3.3 Methodology 3
To determine which of the generators in the system
creates a better supply in the supply of reagents
needed for the load, a calculation of sensitivities was
carried out, causing a variation in each of the
individual generators, and by seeing the effect of this
variation in each generator, we charge.
By injecting of DG in power distribution network, the
impact depends on the behavior of the energy it
injects or consumes. There may be three situations:
a) Distributed Generator provides active and
reactive energy,
b) Distributed Generator provides active power
and reactive power consumed,
c) Distributed Generator provides active energy
and does not supply or consume reactive

Thus, the calculation of sensitivity depends on the
variations of active and reactive energy and the
coefficient sensitivity calculated as follows:


To determine the influence of a particular generator
on each of the network nodes in terms of percentage,
use the following equation:


Methodology 4: Voltage Sensitivity
To assess network capability to absorb available
distributed resources safely, a steady-state system
representation in the form of power flow equations
was used in [7]. The Jacobian inverse power flow
relates changes in power injections to changes in
angles and voltages by using the following equation:
In order to determine the most suitable sites for DGs,
two sensitivity-based approaches related to voltage
control and power loss are proposed. Both a voltage
sensitivity index (VSI) and a loss sensitivity index
(LSI) are defined and used to identify and rank the

Charging for Reactive Power Employing Generation Distribution
nodes within the network with respect to receiving
new generation. It is assumed that generators can
connect to any point in the network subjected to
security constraints and are not restricted in their
location by generator controllers or existing protection
Assuming that angle-related problems are not a
concern, the voltage sensitivity can be defined as:

From (l), for each s stem node, there is an associated
real power sensitivity


and reactive power


These values can be used to rank the overall voltage
sensitivity of each node to real or reactive power
injection. A Voltage Sensitivity Index (VSI) used in
ranking is defined in [7].
The diagonal elements of the Jacobian matrix
represent the sensitivity of one bus voltage magnitude
to the injection of power at the same bus, whereas the
off diagonal elements represent the sensitivity to
power injected at other buses. Since the purpose of
adding dispersed generation is to bring about an
improvement in network performance, the effect of
power injection at a single bus on the voltage
sensitivities of the whole network must be
considered. This is achieved by expressing the VSI
for each node as a Euclidean norm normalized across
all load buses. The value of the weighting factor w
will depend on the X/R ratio of the network under
consideration. The nodes are ranked according to the
VSI value and the ranked set is used to define the
optimum sites to accept injection of P and/or Q.
3.5 Methodology 5: Loss Sensitivity Index
The majority of power losses are ohmic in nature
caused by power flow through lines and transformers,
P loss = P (,V) (12)
Q loss = Q (,V) (13)
Combining equations (1) and (4) results in:
The Loss Sensitivity Index (LSI) is defined as:

4 Charges per user in compensation
If the power factor measured at the premises of the
consumer is less than 0.92 the cost of reactive
consumption will be charged, due to the difference
between the minimum allowed value and the value
calculated in the cycle. The premium is calculated by
the following formula:

= 1

FER = value of total revenues corresponding to the
consumption of reactive power surplus to the
amount allowed by the power factor of
reference in the billing period,
AC = active power consumption measured during the
billing period,
FPR = reference power factor equal to 0.92,
FPm = power factor of electrical inductive medium of
consumer unit, calculated for the billing
ACT = active energy tariff applicable to the supply.
Equation 16 shows that

is a relationship
between the cost of active energy and the cost of
reactive power. For the purpose of simple calculation
of the cost of reactive power in the simulations, we
used the relationship mentioned, with an FPm = 0.8,
thus, it has become a factor related to the active
energy of 0.15. Thus, according to the cost for
hydropower in [8], it has a production cost of active
energy of 64.78 ($ MW / hr), and using the
relationship mentioned above, there is a cost of
reactive power of 9.72 ($ MVAr / hr).
| | | | | |
V +


| |





loss loss
) 1 (
Francisco David Moya Chaves
By simulating these two scenarios, the sensitivity
coefficients can be calculated. Table 2 shows a
declining scale, the results for the most influenced
nodes. The calculation of sensitivity allows the
calculation to charge consumers, so each of us can be
benefited from the generation of energy:
Payment of user i =
* cost energy Q
Cost of active and reactive power with GD
N n V1 V2 V
100 0,994 1,199 0,205 0,026
99 0,994 1,190 0,196 0,024
98 0,994 1,189 0,195 0,024
97 0,994 1,186 0,191 0,024
96 0,994 1,160 0,166 0,021
95 0,995 1,102 0,107 0,013
42 0,979 1,069 0,089 0,011
75 0,980 1,069 0,089 0,011
74 0,982 1,071 0,089 0,011
41 0,983 1,072 0,089 0,011
73 0,984 1,073 0,089 0,011
72 0,984 1,073 0,089 0,011
40 0,984 1,073 0,089 0,011
82 0,960 1,051 0,091 0,011
81 0,960 1,051 0,091 0,011
80 0,960 1,051 0,091 0,011
79 0,961 1,052 0,091 0,011
78 0,966 1,056 0,091 0,011
59 0,966 1,056 0,091 0,011
58 0,966 1,057 0,091 0,011
57 0,966 1,057 0,091 0,011
56 0,966 1,057 0,091 0,011
55 0,967 1,057 0,091 0,011
54 0,967 1,057 0,091 0,011
53 0,967 1,057 0,091 0,011

5 Case Study
In this work, a simulation for different scenarios is
implemented aiming at comparing technical
centralized generation aspects and non-centralized
generation when a DG is involved.
These scenarios were computed by using a load flow
(static model) for an electric system which takes into
account voltage levels for transmission, sub
transmission and distribution in order to assess the
DG impact on every voltage level. The IEEE30 bus
system was used to carry out the study. Two buses on
the medium voltage level were separated for
generating the distribution network (low voltage
level). A distribution system of 70 buses, presented in
Figure 1, was connected to buses 30 and 24.
For computing, the optimal flow, the Newton-
Raphson and Fast-Decoupled Newton methods were
used. In order to develop the simulations, the
program for power system analysis MATPOWER
was used. Table 3 and Table 4 shows cost of active
and reactive power without and with GD respectly.
Cost of active and reactive power without GD

DG technologies behaviors for reactive power supplying

4 Conclusions
This paper has presented an analysis to calculate
relative sensitivity by using five different
methodologies based on calculations of relative
sensitivity to achieve a proper relationship between
loads and generation nodes, as well as the delivery of
P (MW)
Cost of
ion P
Cost of
on Q
G1 Centralized 8,1 64,78 0,92 9,72
G2 Centralized 43 64,78 15,33 9,72
G3 Centralized 100 64,78 23,99 9,72
G4 Centralized 73,29 64,78 40 9,72
G5 Centralized 29,67 64,78 1,07 9,72
G6 Centralized 30,92 64,78 -6 9,72

Losses 1,691 11,39

P ($/hr) Q ($/hr)
Total cost of
generation 18461 732,01

Cost of
n P ($/hr)
Cost of
Q ($/hr)
G1 Centralized 7,98 64,78 0,63 9,72
G2 Centralized 42,52 64,78 14,47 9,72
G3 Centralized 100 64,78 23,52 9,72
G4 Centralized 71,59 64,78 40 9,72
G5 Centralized 29,52 64,78 1,34 9,72
G6 Centralized 31,27 64,78 -5,25 9,72
G7 GD 2 64,78 0,12 9,72

Losses 1,592 10,78

Total Cost of
4,53 727,34

Charging for Reactive Power Employing Generation Distribution
reactive power between areas, allowing a procedure
for awarding bids to supply reactive power to be
This paper illustrates how the information on the
sensitivity provides valuable information for the
installation of strategic small generators. Reactive
power shows economic and operational advantages.

The DG impact on the system depends generally on
the production profile and how it is adaptable to the
demand profile. The DG technologies that can
accomplish a better role in the operating reserves
delivery are those with a constant production profile
and also those that can begin to increase output
delivery immediately in response to changes in
interconnection frequency to correct generation/load
imbalances caused by generation or transmission
It is possible to analyze that the losses active and
reactive increase in times of lower demand with the
use of GD, otherwise in times of higher demand
(peak hour) where the losses decrease. The use of GD
for reduction of losses is of the utmost importance in
reducing reactive power losses, and it is motive
enough to remunerate the DG for the compensation
and control of reactive in the electric systems.
[1] T. E. McDermou and R. C. Dugan, Distributed
generation impact on reliability and power
quality indices, Proceedings of the Rural
Electric Power Conference, vol. D3, pp. 1-
[2] Bhattacharya, Kandar and ZHONG, Jin.
Reactive Power as an Ancillary Service, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems. Vol. 16, No. 2,
May 2001, pp. 294-300.
[3] Moya F. Operating reserves provided by
distributed generation, Proceedings of the 3rd
IASME/WSEAS international conference on
Energy & environment ISSN: 1790-5095 ed:
Wseas Series, v.01 fasc.N/A p.219 - 224 ,2008
[4] Moya F., Distributed generation for the provision
of operating reserves", Transmission and
Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin
America, 2008 IEEE/PES, v.1 fasc.1 p.1 7,2008
[5] L. de Mello Honrio, A. C. Zambroni de Souza,
J. W. Marangon de Lima, Exercising Reactive
Market Power Through Sensitivity Studies and
HHI, Power Engineering Society Winter
Meeting, 2002. IEEE, Vol.1, pp 447-451, 2002.
[6] Moya F., CADENA A. and DURAN H. Estudio
del marco para regulacin de energa reactiva en
Colombia: modelo de simulacin de mercados,
Third International Symposium on Electric
Power Quality, SICEL 2005.
[7] Papalexopoulos, Alex y HAO, Shangyou.
Reactive Power Pridng and Management, IEEE
Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 12, No. 1
Feb. 1997. pp. 96.
[8] Baughman, Martin and SIDDIQUI, Shams. Real
Time Princing of Reactive Power: Theory and
Case Study Results, IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems. Austin, Vol.6, No. 1, Feb. 1991.
Francisco D. Moya Ch received the P.E. in Electrical
Engineering from the National University of
Colombia and the M.S. in electrical Engineering from
University Los Andes, Colombia, in 2000 and 2005,
respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering at UNICAMP (University of
Campinas), Brazil. He is an Associate Professor at
the Department of Electrical Engineering,
Engineering School from Universidad de La Salle.
His main research interests are in power quality,
distributed energy systems, energy efficiency and
conservation, renewable energy and environmental

Francisco David Moya Chaves
Modeling and Prediction of Ship Squat Using ANFIS and GMDH-type
Neural Network


Islamic Azad University, Langaroud Branch
Islamic Azad University, Lahijan Branch

P.O Box 44715-1333, Langaroud, Guilan
[email protected],
[email protected]

Abstract: - The reduction of the distance between ship floor and seabed, while the ship is moving forward, is
called squat. In this research the squat is determined for vessels with Series-60 hull forms in various depths by
experimental methods and then different numerical methods are employed for squat modeling. For this reason,
a set of facilities for testing the ship movement in shallow waters is prepared. A series of models of the vessel is
manufactured and many tests are carried out. The aim of the present study is to demonstrate the usefulness of
Adaptive-network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for modeling and predicting squat parameter for
ships in shallow waters. It is also shown how dimensionless squat (
S ) varies with the variation of important
parameters namely, block coefficient (CB), dimensionless distance between the seabed and ship floor ( ) and
hydraulic Froude Number (
Fn ). The results obtained through ANFIS are also compared with those of a
multiple linear regression and GMDH-type neural network with multi-layered feed forward back propagation
algorithm. The results show that the ANFIS-based squat has higher predictability function than other numerical

Key-Words: - ANFIS, GMDH, Squat, Shallow Water, Physical Model.

1 Introduction
To keep a safe passage of a ship in shallow water, it
is important to study the relation between ship
behaviors and the water depth in shallow waters.
Grounding of ships in shallow waters may result in
severe damage to the ship and, in extreme cases,
may lead to the complete loss of port or channel
capabilities. Squat is defined as the increase of
draught of vessel due to its forward movement in
shallow water [1-3]. One can calculate the squat in
shallow water by a number of methods such as
analytical method [4], numerical and experimental
methods [5] and [6]. Due to the existence of
complicated three-dimensional fluid flow around the
ship in shallow water, experimental methods are the
most viable option and the most accurate method.
Kreitner [7] was the first one who calculated the
squat of a given vessel by fundamental equations of
fluid mechanics. Havelock [8] obtained the squat of
a boat with elliptic hull form through analytical
equations. Constantine [9] obtained some equations
for the squat by one-dimensional hydraulics theory.
Rubin and Naghdi [10] calculated the value of the
squat for a certain ship by two-dimensional
hydraulics method and verified their results by
experimental means. Barras [11] introduced
experimental relations for real vessels that now have
applications for determining the squat in shallow
and narrow canals. Tuck, Taylor and Millward [12]
obtained other experimental relations for calculating
the squat that has limited application and are not
suitable for all ships and velocities. Due to the
effects of the squat in shallow waters, the resistance
of ships increases. This can be used for testing the
physical model and estimating the extra force
needed for ships movement in shallow waters.
Commonly, there are many parameters
influencing the squat such as block coefficient, the
dimensionless distance between the seabed and the
floor of ships, and hydraulic Froude Number. Due to
the complexity of squat assessment and
interrelationships among the influencing parameters,
it is difficult to develop a parametric model solution
especially for three-dimensional problem. So, a
series of experiments must be carried out and then
modeling should be done. Soft computing, such as
ANFIS or ANN, could be a good approach for
modeling and prediction of the squat as an important
phenomenon in shallow water for ships. Artificial
neural networks (ANNs) have become popular
because of their high computational rates,
robustness and ability to learn, and they have been
used in diverse applications in power systems,
manufacturing, optimization, medicine, signal
processing, control, robotics, and
social/psychological sciences [13, 14]. Group
Method of Data Handling (GMDH) algorithm is a
self-organizing approach through which gradually
complicated models are generated, based on the
evaluation of their performances on a set of multi-
input-single-output data pairs ) , (
X (i=1, 2, ,
M). The GMDH was firstly developed by
Ivakhnenko [15] as a multivariate analysis method
for complex systems' modeling and identification.
This way, GMDH was used to circumvent the
difficulty of considering the a priori knowledge of
the mathematical model of the process. In other
words, GMDH can be used to model complex
systems without having specific knowledge of them.
The main idea of GMDH is to build an analytical
function in a feed forward network based on a
quadratic node transfer function [16] whose
coefficients are obtained using regression
techniques. In fact, real GMDH algorithm in which
model coefficients are estimated by means of the
least squares method has been classified into
complete induction and incomplete induction, which
represent the combinatorial (COMBI) and
multilayered iterative algorithms (MIA),
respectively [17]. In recent years, however, the use
of such self-organizing network leads to successful
application of the GMDH-type algorithm in a broad
range area in engineering, science, and economics
[15-21]. Fuzzy logic is a problem-solving technique
that derives its power from its ability to draw
conclusions and generate responses based on vague,
ambiguous, incomplete and imprecise information.
To simulate this process of human reasoning, it
applies the mathematical theory of fuzzy sets, first
defined by Lotfi zadeh, in 1965 [22]. ANFIS,
developed in the early 90s by Jang [23],
incorporates the concept of fuzzy logic into the
neural networks to facilitate learning and adaptation.
In this paper, first, the results of experimental
method for the squat of commercial vessels in
shallow waters are applied. Then, the use of ANFIS
with different type of membership functions for
modeling and prediction of squat parameters in
shallow waters for ships has been demonstrated.
After that, a comparison is made between two
GMDH-type neural networks and multiple-linear
regression models with the best ANFIS model, with
respect to Mean Square Error (MSE) of modeling
and prediction, on two predefined datasets namely,
Training set and Testing set.

2 Experimental Procedure

2.1 The principles of the model testing of the
For assessing the ship behavior by a model test, one
should establish geometrical and kinematical
similarities between the ship and its model.
Consequently, a dynamic similarity will take place
which is the result of the model testing. In most of
the cases, the geometrical similarity is defined as
scaling down the ship dimensions and water depth
by a certain value.

s s
m m
L h
L h
= (1)

where is called scale,
L denotes ship length,
L is
model length,
h is water depth for ship and
h is
water depth for model.
In a case of squat model testing, the kinematical
similarity is defined as the Froude Number of a
model and the corresponding ship are to be the same
and the model is to be large enough, the Reynolds
Number of which falls in the turbulent region.
m s
hm hs
m s
m s s
Fn Fn
gh gh
= =
= =
Re Re
m m
m Critical

= >

where subscript m refers to model and s refers to
Fn is Froude Number based on water depth,
V is speed, g is gravitational acceleration and
denotes kinematic viscosity. The dynamic similarity
is achieved if one builds a model and shallow water,
which are geometrically similar to the ship and its
water depth, equation (1), and model moves forward
with the speed of
m s

= , then the dynamic

similarity will be achieved as follows:

s m
S S = (3)
Practically, there may exist some errors which are
called the scale effect. Having enough experience in
K. Salmalian, M. Soleimani
model testing with particular apparatuses, the scale
effect can be minimized or deducted from the test

2.2 Model properties and laboratory
Several tests are planned for the experimental
analysis of the ship squat in shallow water. These
tests are carried out at the marine laboratory of
Sharif University of Technology. To perform the
tests, two models are built, a shallow water tank is
prepared, and measurement and data recording tools
are provided.
Two models with series 60 hull form and block
coefficient of CB=0.7 and CB=0.75 and with the
scale of 1:40 and 1:70 are precisely manufactured.
The main particulars of the models are presented in
Table 1.

Table 1. Model Parameters
No. Length(m) Beam(m) CB Model Type
1 2.50 0.31 0.70 commercial
2 2.38 0.323 0.75 commercial

The models are shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Fig. 1 Model with Block coefficient of 0.7

Fig. 2 Model with Block coefficient of 0.75
In order to facilitate a shallow water condition
with an exact gap between the model floor and tank
bottom, an adjustable false bottom is installed in the
tank. The adjustable false bottom enables us to
adjust the gap by the accuracy of 0.5 millimeters.

2.3 The squat test parameters
The tests are carried out at 4 different dimensionless
2 . 1 nd 15 . 1 , 1 . 1 , 05 . 1 a

where h is the depth of the water and T is the
draft of the model. The tests are begun at the speed
of 0.2 / m s and continued by the speed interval of
0.2 / m s for low speeds and 0.1 / m s for high
speeds. Following the advice of the ITTC standard,
each test is carried out three times and is repeated if
the error is high.

In order to introduce a comprehensive equation
for the squat, the authors introduce some new
dimensionless parameters. These parameters are
, dimensionless squat, and , dimensionless
gap between the seabed and the model floor.
The above-mentioned dimensionless parameters
in conjunction with hydraulics Froude
Fn , are used for further analysis.
They are as follow:

S =
T h
= and
= (4)

Tests are carried out for two models at four
different depths at several different speeds.
Tests are continued until the model floor hits
the seabed. That is why the test for small is
cut at low Froude Number where for large is
continued up to Froude Number of about 0.6.
Moreover, due to interactions between the
tank bottom and the ship floor, the increase in
the speed of the model leads to an increase in
the squat. It is also found that as, , the
dimensionless gap between the seabed and
model floor increases, consequently the squat

3 Modeling Using GMDH-type Neural
By means of GMDH algorithm, a model can be
represented as a set of neurons in which different
pairs of each layer are connected through a
quadratic polynomial, and thus produce new
neurons in the next layer. Such representation can
be used in modeling to map inputs to outputs. The
formal definition of the identification problem is to
Modeling and Prediction of Ship Squat using ANFIS and GMDH-type Neural Network
find a function f

so that it can be approximately

used instead of the actual one, f in order to predict
output, y , for a given input vector,
) ,..., , (
3 2
1 n
x x x x X = , as close as possible to its
actual output, y . Therefore, given M, to be the
observation of multi-input-single-output data pairs
so that
) ,..., , , (
3 2 1 in i i i i
x x x x f y = (i=1,2,,M), (5)
it is now possible to train a GMDH-type neural
network to predict the output values,
y , for any
given input vector , ) ,..., , , (
3 2 1 in i i i
x x x x X = , that is
). ..., , 2 , 1 ( ) ,..., , , (

3 2 1
M i x x x x f y
in i i i i
= = (6)
The problem is now to determine a GMDH-type
neural network so that the square of the difference
between the actual output and the predicted one is
minimised, that is,
min ] ) ,..., , , (

3 2 1

i in i i i
y x x x x f (7)
The full form of the mathematical description can be
presented by a system of partial quadratic
polynomials consisting of only two variables
(neurons) in the form of:
4 3 2 1 0
) , (
x a
x a
x a
x a
x a a
x G y + + + + + = =
. (8)
Consequently, the coefficients of each quadratic
G are obtained to optimally fit the output
in the whole set of input-output data pair, that is,

min E


1 i
x ,
. (9)
In the basic form of the GMDH algorithm, all the
possibilities of two independent variables out of
total n input variables are taken in order to construct
the regression polynomial in the form of equation
(8) that best fits the dependent observations
y ( , i=1, 2, , M) in a least-squares sense.
) 1 (


| n n n
neurons will be built
up in the first hidden layer of the feed forward
network from the observations
{ }
( , , ); ( 1,2,..., ) y x x i M
i ip iq
= for different
} ,..., 2 , 1 { , n q p

[19]. In other words, it is now possible to construct
M data triples
{ }
); ( , , ( 1, 2,..., ) y x x i M
i ip iq
from the
observation, using such } ,..., 2 , 1 { , n q p in the form

M Mq Mp
q p
q p
y x x
y x x
y x x
2 2 2
1 1 1

Using the quadratic sub-expression in the form of
equation (8) for each row of M data triples, the
following matrix equation can be readily obtained
Y A = a (10)
where a is the vector of unknown coefficients of
the quadratic polynomial as in equation (8)
a a a }
{ = a (11)
y y y y Y } ,..., , , {
3 2 1
= (12)
is the vector of outputs value from the observation.
It can be readily seen that

2 2
2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1
Mq Mp Mq Mp Mq Mp
q p q p q p
q p q p q p
x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x x x
A . (13)
The least-squares technique from multiple-
regression analysis leads to the solution of the
normal equations in the form of:
T T 1
) (

= a (14)
which determines the vector of the best coefficients
of the quadratic equation (8) for the whole set of M
data triples. It should be noted that this procedure is
repeated for each neuron of the next hidden layer,
according to the connectivity topology of the
network. However, such solution directly taken
from solving normal equations (SNE) is rather
susceptible to round off errors and, more
importantly, to the singularity of these equations.
K. Salmalian, M. Soleimani
The evolutionary methods such as genetic
algorithms have been widely used in different
aspects of design in neural networks because of their
unique capabilities of finding a global optimum in
highly multi-modal and/or non-differentiable search
space [24, 25]. In this work, the design of
architecture is performed using Genetic Algorithm
(GA). The incorporation of genetic algorithm into
the design of such GMDH-type neural networks
starts by representing each network as a string of
concatenated sub-strings of alphabetical digits. The
fitness, ( ), of each string of the symbolic digits
which represents a GMDH-type neural network to
the model squat is evaluated in the form of:
1/ E = (15)

where E is the mean square of the error given by
equation (9) is minimized through the evolutionary
process by maximizing the fitness, . The
evolutionary process starts by randomly generating
an initial population of symbolic strings, each as a
candidate solution. Using the aforementioned
genetic operations of roulette wheel selection,
crossover and mutation, the entire populations of
symbolic strings is to improve gradually. In this
way, GMDH-type neural network models of ship
squat with progressively increasing fitness,, are
produced until no further significant improvement is
achievable. It should be noted that such an
evolutionary process was used in conjunction with
the normal equation approach for the coefficients of
the quadratic polynomials involved in the design of
the GMDH-type networks. The details of several
types of GMDH neural networks are available in

4 Adaptive-network-based Fuzzy
Inference Systems
In this section, an adaptive-network-based fuzzy
inference systemANFIS is proposed. ANFIS is
used for the modeling of nonlinear or fuzzy input
and output data, and for the prediction of output
according to the input. It uses a combination of the
least squares method and back-propagation gradient
descent method for training fuzzy inference system
membership function parameters to emulate a given
training dataset. Functionally, it is equivalent to the
combination of neural network and fuzzy inference
In this study, the use of ANFIS is adopted in
modeling ship squat in shallow water. ANFIS was
first introduced by Jang [27]. The model is based on
TakagiSugeno inference model [28, 29]. ANFIS
uses a hybrid learning algorithm to identify the
consequent parameters of Sugeno-type fuzzy
inference systems. Furthermore, the Sugeno fuzzy
model is assumed to have two inputs, m and n, and
one output, f. For a first-order Sugeno fuzzy model,
a typical rule set with two fuzzy ifthen rules can be
expressed as:
Rule 1: If ) (
A is m and ) (
B is n then
1 1 1 1
r n q m p f + + = (16)
Rule 2: If ) (
A is m and ) (
B is n then
2 2 2 2
r n q m p f + + = (17)
1 2 1 2 1 2
, , , , and p p q q r r are linear parameters
1 2 1 2
, , and A A B B are nonlinear parameters.
The entire system consists of five layers, fuzzy
layer, product layer, normalized layer, de-fuzzy
layer and total output layer. The relationship
between input and output of each layer is discussed
in the following sections.
Layer 1 is the fuzzy layer, in which m and n are
the input of nodes
A ,
B and
A ,
B respectively.
A ,
A ,
B and
B are the linguistic labels used in
the fuzzy theory for dividing the membership
functions. The membership relationship between the
output and input functions of this layer can be
expressed as below:

= =
= =
2 , 1 ), (
2 , 1 ), (
, 1
, 1
j n O
i m O
B j
A i

, 1
, 1
denote the output functions, and
denote the membership functions.
Layer 2 is the product layer that consists of two
nodes labeled . The output
W and
W are the
weight functions of the next layer. The output of this
layer is the product of the input signal, which is
defined as follows:
2 , 1 ), ( ) (
, 2
= = = i n m w O
i i
B A i i
Modeling and Prediction of Ship Squat using ANFIS and GMDH-type Neural Network
, 2
is the output of Layer 2.
The third layer is the normalized layer, whose nodes
are labeled N. The function of this layer is to
normalize the weight function in the following
2 , 1 ,
2 1
, 3
= =

w w
w O
, 3
is the output of Layer 3.
The fourth layer is the defuzzification layer. The
nodes in this layer are adaptive nodes. The
relationship between the inputs and outputs of this
layer can be defined as the following:
2 , 1 ) (
, 4
= + + =

i r n q m p w O
i i i i i
, 4
is the output of Layer 4, and
p ,
q and
r are the linear parameters of the node.
The fifth layer is the output layer, whose node is
labelled. The output of this layer is composed of
all the ingredients of the inputs, which represents
the results of the cleaning rates. The output can be
expressed as below:
2 , 1 ,
, 5
= = =

f w
f w O
i i
i i i
, 5
is the output of Layer 5.

5 ANN and ANFIS Squat Modeling
5.1 Data Preparation
The parameters of the interest in these multi-input
single-output systems, both GMDH-type neural
network and ANFIS, that affect the ship squat are
block coefficient (CB), the dimensionless distance
between the seabed and the ships floor ( ) and
Hydraulics Froude Number (
Fn ), that is described
in Section 2 in detail. There has been a total number
of 82 input-output experimental data considering 3
input parameters, namely CB, ,
Fn and one
output namely, dimensionless squat (
S ). In order
to demonstrate the prediction ability of both
GMDH-type neural networks and ANFIS, the data
have been divided into two different sets, namely
training and testing sets. For dimensionless squat,
training set which consists of 60 out of 82 inputs-
output data is used for training both the neural
network and ANFIS models. The testing set, which
consists of 22 unforeseen inputs-output data
samples, is merely used for testing to show the
prediction ability of such GMDH-type neural
network and ANFIS models during the training

5.2 GMDH-type Neural Network modeling of
ship squat in shallow waters
The GMDH-type neural network is now used for
such input-output data to find the polynomial model
of dimensionless squat in respect to their effective
input parameters. In order to genetically design
such GMDH-type neural network described in
previous section, a population of 50 individuals with
a crossover probability of 0.7 and mutation
probability of 0.07 has been used in 160 generation
which no further improvement has been achieved
for such population size. The structure of the
evolved GMDH models with 2 and 3 hidden layers
is shown in Figure 3.

Fig. 3 Structures of GMDH neural network models for
dimensionless squat : Two and Three hidden layers with three
and six neurons respectively.
Corresponding MSE are calculated as 0.000193
and 0.000114 for training and testing set,
respectively. The MSE for GMDH model with 3
hidden layers is 0.000168 and 0.000096 for training
and testing sets, respectively. One can define the
maximum hidden layers of such GMDH neural
networks higher than three until both training and
testing errors decrease with increasing the hidden
layers. When the number of hidden layers increase,
the corresponding testing error increases (in spite of
decreasing the training error), too. This is related to
a model that has been made with less a hidden layer.
When the over-fitting phenomenon happens,
consequently, a model with less hidden layer must
be chosen as the best model for modeling each
process. For the squat modeling with GMDH neural
networks, when four hidden layers are predefined
K. Salmalian, M. Soleimani
for training, the testing error of this trained model is
greater than the model with three hidden layers. For
these reason, three hidden layers model has been
chosen as the best GMDH model for ship squat in
shallow water. The good behavior of GMDH-type
neural network model with 3 hidden layers is also
depicted in Figure 4.

Fig. 4 The variation of Dimensionless Squat with input data
samples (GMDH with 3 Hidden Layers)

5.3 ANFIS modeling of ship squat in shallow
The computation of data for ANFIS is conducted
using MATLAB. The ANFIS training includes
hybrid method. The parameters of the membership
functions are optimized in the identification dataset
through back propagation while the consequent
parameters are calculated using a linear least
squares method.
In order to model such three-input single-output
set of data, an ANFIS with two linguistic terms in
each antecedent which is equivalent to two
membership functions for each input variable, is
considered. Different models are built, using
triangular, bell-shape, Gaussian and trapezoidal
membership functions. It should be noted that the
number of parameters in each vector of coefficients
in the concluding part of each TSK-type fuzzy rule
is four, according to the assumed linear relationship
of input variables in the consequents. Consequently,
8 2
= TSK-type fuzzy rules are identified using
ANFIS, given in the MATLAB fuzzy logic toolbox.
Compared results of such models with different
types of membership functions aspect to MSE of
training and testing set have been shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Comparison Results of Various ANFIS Model with
Different Membership
Mem. Function Mean Square
Training Error
Mean Square
Prediction Error
gbellmf 2.20381E-05 5.15621E-05
gaussmf 2.14398E-05 4.78557E-05
trapmf 2.60888E-05 6.29373E-05
trimf 1.93886E-05 3.89049E-05
It can be seen that the triangular membership
functions result in the best values for both training
and prediction errors. The triangular curve is a
function of a vector x , and depends on three scalar
parameters a , b and c as given below:




= 0 , , min max ) , , , (
b c
x c
a b
a x
c b a x f

Parameters a and b locate the feet of triangle
and the parameter c locates the peak. Figure 5
demonstrates the training and prediction behaviors
of the ANFIS model obtained using triangular
membership functions (trimf).

Fig. 5 The variation of Dimensionless Squat with input data
The ANFIS parameter values for inputs premise
parameters of this model have been shown in Table
Table3. ANFIS Parameters Values for Inputs Premise
Input Mem.Function(trimf) a
A1 0.65 0.7 0.7499
A2 0.7001 0.75 0.8
A3 0.04951 0.09037 0.1268

A4 -0.0504 0.2294 0.2858
A5 -0.4134 0.2265 0.5151
A6 0.08751 0.6278 1.071
Modeling and Prediction of Ship Squat using ANFIS and GMDH-type Neural Network
The obtained set of TSK-type fuzzy rules for
modeling of a dimensionless ship squat in shallow
water are as follow:
. 03075 . 0 0.5927 - 002798 . 0 0.02153
, : 1
5 3 1
+ + =
then A is Fn and A is and A is CB If Rule

. 09181 . 0 103 . 2 008354 . 0 0.06426

, : 2
6 3 1
+ + + =
then A is Fn and A is and A is CB If Rule

. 03786 . 0 0.772 03465 . 0 0.0265 -

, : 3
5 4 1
+ =
then A is Fn and A is and A is CB If Rule

. 2892 . 0 459 . 1 6669 . 0 0.2024 -

, : 4
6 4 1
+ =
then A is Fn and A is and A is CB If Rule

. 142 . 0 3.077 - 01292 . 0 0.1065

, : 5
5 3 2
+ + =
then A is Fn and A is and A is CB If Rule

. 072 . 1 329 . 2 09759 . 0 0.8043

, : 6
6 3 2
+ + + =
then A is Fn and A is and A is CB If Rule

. 04877 . 0 0.8211 09796 . 0 -0.03658

, : 7
5 4 2
+ + =
then A is Fn and A is and A is CB If Rule

. 1717 . 0 603 . 1 7400 . 1 0.1287 -
, : 8
6 4 2
+ =
then A is Fn and A is and A is CB If Rule

6 Comparison of the ANFIS results
with other techniques
In two former sections the GMDH-type neural
network and ANFIS, methods are used for modeling
and prediction of ship squat in shallow water. In this
section, initially, a simple method called multiple
linear regressions is used and, eventually, the results
of these three methods have been compared. In this
part of study, the comparison of these three
approaches is made on the basis of the accuracy, R-
square fitting parameter (that is, the square of the
correlation between the experimental dimensionless
squat values and the predicted dimensionless squat
values) and train and test performance.
Multiple linear regression analysis is usually
used to summarize data as well as to study the
relations between variables [30].
The simple equation obtained for dimensionless
squat with multiple regression analysis is:
Fn CB S 620 . 0 260 . 0 538 . 0 433 . 0 + + =

The comparison of the GMDH-type neural
networks (with 2 and 3 hidden layers), ANFIS (with
8 rules and triangular membership function) and
multiple linear regression models is presented in
Table 7. The comparison shows that:
(i) the minimum R-square is obtained with
the multiple regression model,
(ii) the R-square of ANFIS is higher than
that of GMDH-type neural network
(iii) The training and test errors of ANFIS
are smaller than those of GMDH and
regression models.
In brief, it may be stated that ANFIS yields most
accurate results.

7 Conclusions
This paper is conducted to demonstrate the
usefulness of the artificial intelligence techniques
for the prediction of ship squat in shallow water.
GMDH-type neural networks and ANFIS are
applied for modeling the ship squat that varies with
three effective parameters, namely block coefficient
(CB), dimensionless distance between the seabed
and ship floor () and Froude Number (
Fn ) that
were investigated experimentally. The GMDH-type
neural network model with 3 hidden layer and 6
neurons within those layers is selected as the
optimum and best network for modeling and
prediction of ship squat among other GMDH-type
models because of minimum MSE on two
predefined sets, the training set and testing set.
Eventually, the accuracy of predictions and the
adaptability of the ANFIS have been examined. The
ANFIS indicated that it is capable to learn the
training dataset and accurately predict the output of
test data. Triangular membership functions are
chosen as the best membership function for ANFIS
training of the experimental data. The results
obtained with ANFIS and GMDH-type neural
networks are compared with each other. These
results were also compared with the multiple linear
regression method. The comparison showed that the
ANFIS performed better than GMDH-type neural
networks and multiple linear regressions.

8 Acknowledgment
The authors wish to express their appreciations to
the helpful suggestions and comments of Professor
Nader Nariman-Zadeh from Mechanical Department
of University of Guilan.

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Modeling and Prediction of Ship Squat using ANFIS and GMDH-type Neural Network
Modelling on Pedestrian Accidents in Malaysia

Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Universiti Teknologi MARA
40450 Shah Alam
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: - Malaysia has been experiencing rapid growth in population, economy and motorization. This increase in
population and motorization has led to the increase in the number of pedestrian accidents on road networks. Recently,
road safety has become a major concern for many countries including Malaysia. Many researches pertaining to the
pedestrian accident data has been conducted in aiming to reduce the rate of pedestrian accidents in Malaysia. The main
aim of this study is to identify which distribution is the best fitted for pedestrian accident data obtained from 30 locations
in Malaysia from year 2006 to 2008. It is found that Negative Binomial distribution provides a better fit for daytime and
night-time of pedestrian accident data as compared to the Poisson distribution. This study also emphasized on the
identification of pedestrian accident blackspots using hierarchical Bayesian approach based on the correlation between
the mean number of pedestrian accidents during night-time and daytime. This study reveals that Tapah emerged as the top
ranked pedestrian accident location in this period.

Key-Words: - Pedestrian Accidents, Negative Binomial, Poisson, Blackspots, Hierarchical Bayesian, correlation.

1 Introduction
The pedestrians are known as the most vulnerable of
all road users. Malaysia has been experiencing rapid
growth in population, economy and motorization.
This increase in population and motorization has led
to the increase in the number of pedestrian accidents
on road networks. The children and elderly people
are considered to be at a higher risk regarding
pedestrian crashes [9]. The pedestrian accidents
contribute to the health and social problem in this
country. Moreover, road accidents are one of the
major contributors of human deaths in Malaysia.
Pedestrian exposure research has been conducted for
decades; however, the crashes between pedestrians
and motor vehicles become more serious problem.
Therefore, this paper concentrate on finding the best
distribution model of pedestrian accidents and use it
in identifying the potential pedestrian accident
blackspots. The identification of pedestrian accident
prone locations could help the road authority to
make the decision regarding the road safety
especially in order to improve the pedestrians
safety and hence, it could reduce the number of such
pedestrian accidents in the near future.
Many research related to the accident data has
been conducted in order to help in reducing the rate
of accidents. Among the studies conducted on the
distribution related to the accident data are Poisson
distribution, Binomial distribution, Negative
Binomial distribution, Truncated Negative Binomial
distribution and Log Series distribution. Besides,
many researchers claimed that among the most
popular distributions applied in road safety analysis
are the standard Poisson and Negative Binomial
(NB) distributions [1, 6, 8]. Furthermore, some of
the researchers have proved that the accident data
can be modelled by a Poisson distribution, for
example Zahavi [13] has shown that the Poisson
distribution is the best fitted model for the monthly
accident data at Israel from 1959 until 1961. The
same result found by Chapman [3] for daily accident
occurred at New South Wales, Australia from 1958
until 1963. On the other hand, Weber [12] has
proved that the Negative Binomial distribution
could fit the accident data for 148,000 drivers in
California from 1961 until 1963. He concluded that
the number of accidents for a certain period of time
can be modelled by a Negative Binomial
distribution. The same result found by Wan and
Kamarulzaman [11]. They have fitted a Poisson and
Negative Binomial distributions for accident data
obtained from 25 locations in United Kingdom from
year 1974 to 1992. Based on the comparison of the
fitted model, they concluded that Negative
Binomial distribution provides a better fit for
the accident data as compared to the Poisson
distribution. However, Senn and Collie [10]
have fitted the Bivariate Negative Binomial
distribution to the accident data for two periods
where the first period covers from year 1979 until
1980 and the second period covers from year 1981
until 1982. They concluded that the Bivariate
Negative Binomial distribution is appropriate to
model accident data with such features. In addition
to that, Maher [5] also suggested that this model
could be extended to the data on two types of
accident (slight and severe) and data on two period
of time (night-time and daytime).
More recently, Bayesian techniques are used to
tackle problems in traffic safety. A number of
authors have used the empirical Bayesian approach,
combined with multivariate regression models to
estimate the safety at various types of facilities. This
approach was first proposed by Bonneson et al.[2]
to estimate the safety at two way stop controlled
intersections on rural highways. On the other hand,
Noorizam and Kamarulzaman [7] have used a
hierarchical Bayesian approach in order to rank the
accident blackspots based on the correlation
between the mean number of fatal and serious injury
motor vehicle accidents. Furthermore, Higle and
Hecht [4] have conducted a controlled experiment to
compare the efficiency of different Bayesian and
conventional hazardous location identification
methods. It was concluded that Bayesian
identification methods generally perform better than
the conventional methods in correctly identifying
hazardous locations.

2 Methodology
This section will discuss about data used in the
study and also the method used in searching the
suitable distribution to fit this pedestrian accident
data. In addition, the discussion also covers on the
hierarchical Bayesian approach by considering the
correlation exists between the mean number of
night-time and daytime pedestrian accidents.

2.1 Data Collection
The data used in this study was obtained from the
Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research
(MIROS). The number of pedestrian accidents
occurred at 30 different locations in Malaysia from
the year 2006 until 2008. There are three variables
1) The number of pedestrian accidents in each
2) The location of pedestrian accidents.
3) The time of pedestrian accidents (night-time or
Here, Poisson and Negative Binomial distributions
would be considered in order to identify the
appropriate distribution to model the night-time and
daytime pedestrian accident data. The parameters
for both distributions are estimated using the
method of maximum likelihood. The Chi-square
goodness of fit test will be used to determine the
appropriate distribution to the data.

Consider two discrete random variables X
and Y

each representing the number of pedestrian
accidents in night-time and the number of pedestrian
accidents in daytime occurring at a certain location.
Since both X
and Y
satisfy the characteristics of a
Poisson process, it is reasonable to assume that both
variables are following Poisson distribution with
, respectively. Assuming
Gamma distribution with parameter and
follows Gamma distribution with
parameter and . The
each were
having means

= and

= ,
According to Maher [5],
can be assumed to

= U + V

= U + W
U~Gamma( ,V~Gamma( and
W~ Gamma( .
Assuming U and V, and also U and W are
independent and because of U is common to both,

are positively correlated with correlation
coefficient denoted as . This value of correlation
coefficient, can be obtained by using the following

Maher [5] also has suggested the application of
Bivariate Negative Binomial distribution to be used
to analyze traffic accidents during night-time and
daytime. The application of this distribution is based
on the assumption that the positive correlation exists
Modelling on Pedestrian Accidents in Malaysia
between the mean number of pedestrian accidents
during night-time and daytime.
The Bivariate Negative Binomial distribution as
suggested by Maher [5] is given below:

in which are the probability
density functions of three gamma variables U, V,
and W.

3 Analysis and Findings
Based on the parameter estimations, the
corresponding estimated values for Poisson and
Negative Binomial distributions using method of
maximum likelihood are given in Table 1.
Table 1: Summary of the parameter estimates
Time of

Night-time X~Poi(

= 1.99
Daytime Y~Poi(
) = 3.53

= 1.187
= 0.374

= 2.654

Table 2 shows the summary of the Chi-square
goodness of fit test. Based on the comparison of the
fitted model, it is found that Negative Binomial
distribution provides a better fit for night-time and
daytime of pedestrian accident data as compared to
the Poisson distribution.
In this study, the correlation between the mean
number of pedestrian accidents during night-time
and daytime was found to be 0.41. Based on the p-
value (0.024), at the 5% level of significance, we
could conclude that there is a significant correlation
between the mean number of pedestrian accidents
during night-time and daytime. Hence, the Bivariate
Negative Binomial is appropriate to be used in
analyzing this data where it parameters need to be
estimated. By using the value of correlation
coefficient, , mean of night-time accidents,
mean of daytime accidents, and =1,
the parameters of Bivariate Negative Binomial
which are can be found using the
simultaneous equations technique. Each posterior
mean of
are obtained using a written
MATLAB program. The top ten pedestrian accident
locations identified to be potential hazardous
pedestrian accident locations is given in Table 3.
Table 2: Summary of the chi-square goodness of fit
Distribution Chi-
Chi-square Table
X~Poi(1.99) 29.186

Y~Poi(3.53) 47.761

X~NB(1.187,0.374) 3.420

Y~NB(2.654, 0.429) 11.659

Table 3: Posterior mean with the correlation
coefficient 0.41
Location X
Posterior Mean Ranking
Tapah 17 17 10.358 R(1)
Mersing 14 19 10.061 R(2)
Barat daya 9 17 8.081 R(3)
Kuala Lipis 7 18 7.753 R(4)
Langkawi 7 16 7.237 R(5.5)
Pekan 6 17 7.202 R(7)
P. Besar 11 10 6.763 R(8)
Kulai Jaya 13 8 6.730 R(9)
Machang 8 13 6.742 R(10)

4 Conclusion
Negative Binomial distribution provides a better fit
for night-time and daytime of pedestrian accident
data as compared to the Poisson distribution. Since
the mean number of pedestrian accidents during
night-time and daytime are found to have a
significant positive correlation, a Bivariate Negative
Binomial distribution is used to model the night-
time and daytime pedestrian accidents. Based on the
overall posterior mean value, Tapah emerged as the
top ranked pedestrian accident location in this study.

Noorizam Daud, Haslinda Ab. Malek
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[8] Saccomanno, F., Fu, L. & Miranda-Moreno,
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Modelling on Pedestrian Accidents in Malaysia
Deep and surface learning of elementary calculus concepts in a
blended learning course

R. Haripersad
Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics
Durban University of Technology
Kwa-Zulu Natal
South Africa
[email protected]


This paper focuses on students understanding of elementary calculus in a blended learning course at a
University of Technology. Conventional lectures were integrated with the computer laboratory
teaching environment to promote interactive and discovery learning. Projects were designed to
support the development of calculus frames in conjunction with a theoretical framework that was used
in analyzing students understanding of integral calculus concepts. The students in the blended
learning mathematics course (experimental group) was also compared to students that were
traditionally lectured (control group). Both groups were assessed by the modified Ortons battery of
tests on integral calculus. The experimental group exhibited deep learning of concepts, while the
control group possessed more surface structures.

Keywords: Blended Learning, Calculus, Deep and Surface Structures

1 Introduction

Calculus is fundamental to further study of
mathematics at a University of Technology.
However, students that study engineering at
the UOT, enter with low symbols in
mathematics. They possess many
misconceptions and have poor pre-knowledge
frames in basic mathematics and calculus.
Naidoo [1] deduced that, first year
mathematics students that are taught
traditionally, study by rules. Lecturers tend to
teach mechanistically and do standard type
problems and solutions. Tall [2] states that
students develop coping strategies, like
computational and manipulative skills, when
faced with conceptual difficulties.

Research in teaching and learning using the
computer laboratory method gave a measure of
success, Naidoo [3], especially in graph
construction and numerical solutions.
Although students were performing better,
they still made errors that include, amongst
others inability to conclude that sequences
converge; problems with rate of change of a
curve; students lacked the ability to interpret

Silverberg [4], studies performed by a
Calculus Reform Group showed a measure of
success. His analysis of grades of traditional
and reform cohorts produced the most
compelling results. Significant improvements
in results were noted between cohorts in
contrast to the reform group that performed
better after some time.
The need for alternate methods of instruction
to enhance teaching and learning of calculus is
essential. A Blended Learning (traditional and
computer laboratory teaching) mathematics
course was developed and implemented in an
attempt to improve students understanding of
elementary calculus.

2 Blended Learning

According to Singh [5], blended learning
mixes various event-based activities, including
face-to-face classrooms, live e-learning, and
self paced Web Based Learning (WBL).
Blended Learning (BL) often is a mix of
traditional instructor-led training, synchronous
online conferencing or training, asynchronous
self-paced study.
He propagates this type of learning since
learning styles of each learner tend to be
different, and hence, a single mode of
instructional delivery may not provide
sufficient choices, engagement, social contact,
relevance, and context needed to facilitate
successful learning and performance.

Blended learning is viewed as midway along a
continuum that at one extreme has
conventional face-to-face instruction, and on
the other end totally WBL. It is self paced,
collaborative or an inquiry-based study.
Blended learning should not be an add on to
instruction, but as an integrated component of
the course [6]. The current trend of research is
to explore environments with a better balance
between two extremes.

By using blended learning, we expect to
enable students to easily move between

listening to a lecture;

engaging in class discussion;

working collaboratively;

using available software to investigate
concepts or solve problems

accessing their archived work

In this environment, linguistic, cultural, social
and economic groups can interact within a
group and among each other. The WBL was
blended into the traditional lectures using the
Wrap-Around Model of Mason [7].
The Blended Learning engineering
mathematics one course was designed using
Rule of Three guiding principles which
consist of graphical, numerical and analytical
methods that are used to teach calculus
concepts. The aim is to produce a course
where the three points of view are balanced,
and where students see each major idea from
several angles which is necessary for an
engineer, [8].

3 Deep and Surface Structures

Deep and surface level procedures of learning
has been identified in many studies. Matz [9],
states that surface level procedures are
ordinary rules of algebra while deep learning
serves the purpose of creating and modifying
superficial-level rules or changing the control

The blended mathematics course is guided by
Campbell [10] who outlines the following
methods to promote deep learning:
encourage faculty/student interaction
encourage student/student interaction
use active and interactive teaching
make links with existing student
discussing/teaching learning skills
link topics to students lives and career
encourage collaborative projects

Blended Learning discourages surface learning
which focuses on comprehension and
reproduction of knowledge (rote learning) as
excessive amount of material
Blended Learning releases the bare
minimum until after interaction with
students whose pre-conceptual frames
determines the amount of learning
material exposed to the student
high lecture contact hours
Deep and Surface Learning of Elementary Calculus Concepts in a Blended Learning Course
lack of opportunity to pursue subject
in depth Blended mathematics gives
the opportunity to students to
investigate the concepts by using the
quiz or project or enrichment materials

Ramsden , [11], summarized the deep and
surface approach to learning as follows:

Deep Surface
Focus is on what is signified
Relates previous knowledge to new
Relates knowledge from different courses

Relates theoretical ideas to everyday

Relates and distinguishes evidence and
Organizes and structures content to coherent
Emphasis is internal, from within the student
Focus is on the signs
Focus is on unrelated parts of the task

Information for assessment is simply
Facts and concepts are associated

Principles are not distinguished from
Task is treated as an external imposition

Emphasis is external, from demands of

The point is how to get students to use the
deep approaches rather than the surface
approaches, [12]. What students do when
learning and why they do it is described as a
congruent motive-strategy package, [13].
Case & Gunstone, [14],describe metacognitive
development as the move to greater
knowledge, awareness and control of ones
own learning.

Flavell, [15], describes metacognition as
ones knowledge concerning ones own
cognitive processes and products or anything
related to them. It also includes the active
monitoring and consequent regulation and
orchestration of information processing
activities. The computer is a means of getting
students to use deep approaches in their search
for solutions. In the case of calculus solutions
it also provides a visual aid to enhance

R. Haripersad
4 Methodology and Qualitative Analysis

The qualitative analysis considered various
sections in elementary calculus: sequences,
limits and infinity, symbolism, area and
integration to classify errors made by students.
Students had to perform the project tasks that
contributed to their part assessment for the
mathematics course. Further investigations
was performed to find out the strategy used by
students with respect to the use of deep and
surface structures to relate to the tasks
presented to them.

Task A, required students to retrieve the pre-
knowledge frames: area of trapezium = (a +
b) h, area of rectangle = l x b and area of
triangle =
(b x h). Then using the
appropriate values in the respective formulae
they should find that area = (a + b) h = [l x b
(b x h)]. They should predict that this
method gives the area under the line.

In Task B, the Zoom graph toolbar in
Mathematica allows students to experiment
with concepts by magnifying graphs, changing
variables, etc. From this exercise they will see
that as the number of rectangles under the
graph is increased, the more accurate the area
under the graph - the error is reduced.

Task C, tested the students understanding of
area. Even though the result of finding the
definite integral

dx x f area ) ( is 0, there
is clearly a region enclosed by the curve and
the x axis. Learners had to reason that part of
the curve lies below the x axis and if the
Riemann integral is used the total area will not
be equivalent to zero. Therefore, if area is
considered positive both under and above the
graph then the definite integral and Riemann
sum should be equivalent to each other.

We further used a modified Ortons test (1983)
to elicit responses from a control (traditional
learning group) and the experimental group.
The tasks were modified to include heights of
rectangles, area under graph, summation of
area of rectangles and limit of sequence equals
area under graph. This was related to 10
descriptive items and included in the project
tasks. The control and experimental group
were interviewed on the tasks output. Table 1
& 2 categorizes the learning into deep, surface
and intermediate structures from the data.

Table 1: Cognitive Level: Experimental Group

Items Deep intermediate Surface
1 82% 6% 12%
2 76% 12% 12%
3 46% 42% 12%
4 48% 45% 7%
5 82% 12% 9%
6 58% 3% 39%
7 39% 10% 51%
8 46% 13% 41%
9 31% 13% 56%
10 33% 33% 33%

Deep and Surface Learning of Elementary Calculus Concepts in a Blended Learning Course
Table 2: Cognitive level: Control Group
Items Deep intermediate Surface
1 79% 8% 13%
2 69% 13% 18%
3 13% 41% 46%
4 44% 32% 24%
5 25% 12% 63%
6 28% 2% 70%
7 15 % 11% 74%
8 36% 6% 58%
9 27% 9% 64%
10 8% 53% 39%

5 Project Tasks

Discuss the following problems by using the
chat-room tool on the course. When solving,
show all techniques, numerical tables, graphs
and explain your answers fully.


0 2 x
Find the area under 3 6 + = x y between
0 = x and 2 = x using the formulae for area
of trapezium.
Can you verify this answer by using the
formulae for area of a rectangle and area of a
Is it possible to find the area under a
curve using this method, explain
y = x

0 2 5

Using the Mathematica Graph toolbar
(appendix 3) and the method of sums of
rectangles under the curve
x y = above x
axis, between 2 = x and 5 = x , calculate the
area if
i) there is one rectangle
ii) there are three rectangles
iii) there are six rectangles
R. Haripersad
iv) Explain what happens as the number of
rectangles under the curve is increased. Give a
possible reason.

For the graph of
x y = , find the area enclosed
by the graph and the x axis between 2 = x
and 2 = x

i) using the definite integral
ii) using Riemann Sums
Is there any discrepancies? If so, explain.

Appendix 1: Exemplars from
Project Work


Area of trapezium = (a + b)h = (3 + 15)2 =
Area under graph = area of rectangle + area of
= l x b +
(b x h)
= (3 x 2) +
(2 x 15)
= 6 + 15 = 21
. but I think I made an error since Area of
trapezium should equal area under graph

[Intermediate Structure - student is able to see
the relationship between the area under the
graph and the area of trapezium however made
an executive error of substituting the incorrect
height for the triangle, thereby resulting in the
incorrect answer].

i) Area of one rectangle under curve = l
x h = 3 x (2)
= 12
ii) Area of 3 rectangles under curve =
(l x h) = 1 x ((2)
+ (3)
+ (4)
) =
iii) Area of three rectangle under curve
(l x h) =
x ((2)
) + (2,5)

+ (3,5)
+ (4)
+ (4,5)
) = 34
iv) Using the Zoom Graph toolbar, we
see that as the number of
rectangles are increased, the area
becomes closer and closer to the
actual area under the graph which
is given by

39 ) 3 / 8 ( ) 3 / 125 ( ] 3 /
= = = =
x x
dx area

[Deep Structure student exhibits all the
appropriate pre-knowledge and lecture frames]

Deep and Surface Learning of Elementary Calculus Concepts in a Blended Learning Course

0 ) 4 / 16 ( ) 4 / 16 ( ] 4 /
= = = =

x x
dx area

ii) First, partition the intervals [-2,0] and [0,2]
into n subintervals, each of length

n n n
a b
2 0 2


Lets work with interval [0,2]. The
implication for interval [-2,0] are the same.
Because f is increasing in the interval [0,2], the
minimum value on each subinterval occurs at
the left endpoint, and the maximum value
occurs at the right endpoint.
Using the left endpoint,
) 1 ( 2
= , the
lower sum is
) ( ) ( ) (

i i
x x m f n s
( ]
) 1 ( 2
n n

( ]
) 1 ( 2
n n

) 1 3 3 ( ]
2 3
+ =

i i i

) 1 3 3 (
2 3
+ =

i i i

) 1 (
) 1 2 )( 1 (
) 1 (
2 2
n n n n n n n
+ +


8 7 4
2 3 4
n n n n
+ + +

3 2
32 28 16
n n n
+ + =

Using the right endpoints,
= , the upper
sum is

) ( ) ( ) (

i i
x x M f n S
( )
n n

( )
n n


( i


) 1 (
2 2
n n

4 8
n n
+ + =

The example illustrates that for any value of n,
the lower sum is less than (or equal to) the
upper sum.

3 2
32 28 16
4 ) (
n n n
n s + + =
) (
4 8
n S
n n
= + +

Also, the difference between these two sums
lessens as n increases, so if we take the limit
as n , both the lower sum and upper sum
approach 4

4 )
32 28 16
4 (
) (
3 2
= + +

n n n n
n s

4 )
4 8
4 (
) (
= + +

n n n
n S

So the area for the region [-2, 2] which are
intervals [-2,0] and [0,2] is 4 + 4 = 8

iii) The definite integral and the Riemann
Sum should have the same answer, but it is not
the case since we are determining areas below
and above the graph.

[Arbitrary Error/Deep structure student was
able to calculate the areas using the Riemann
Sum and definite integral but did not consider
that because areas below the axis are taken as
negative, so the integral from -2 to 2 gives the
area difference and not the sum].

R. Haripersad

Appendix 2: Mathematica Demonstration

number of rectangles 10
left midpoint right
x 1 x
1 x
1 logx 1 1 x
x 2 cosx x 1
1 2 3 4 5
estimated area 150.4688
actual area 151.2500

The area under a curve can be approximated
by a Riemann sum. The definite integral is the
limit of that area as the width of the largest

rectangle tends to zero. Observe that as the
number of rectangles is increased, the
estimated area approaches the actual area.

Deep and Surface Learning of Elementary Calculus Concepts in a Blended Learning Course

[1] Naidoo, R (1996). Technikon
students understanding of differentiation.
SAARMSE. 96 Proceedings, University
of Stellenbosch

[2] Tall, D. (2002). Using Technology to
Support an Emboided Approach to
Learning Concepts in Mathematics, First
Coloquio de Historia e Tecnologia no
Matematica at Universidade do estado do
Rio De Janiero

[3] Naidoo, K., and Naidoo, R. (2007).
First year students understanding of
elementary concepts in differential
calculus in a computer teaching
environment. Journal of College
Teaching and Learning: Vol 4, No. 8,

[4] Silverberg, J., (2004). Does Calculus
Reform Work? Available online at :

[5] Singh, H. (2003). Building effective
blended learning programs. Educational
Technology 43(6): 51-54

[6] Richards, C. (2003). Distance
Education, on-campus learning, and e-
learning convergence: An Australian
exploration. Internal Journal on E-
learning, 1(3), 30-39

[7] Mason, R. (1998). Models of online
Courses. Asynchronous Learning
Networks Magazine 2(2), 9-19.

[8] Hughes-Hallett, D. (1991).
Visualisation and Calculus Reform. In
W. Zimmerman & S. Cunningham (eds.),
Visualisation in Teaching and Learning
Mathematics, MAA Notes, 19, 121-126
[9] Matz, M. (1980). Towards a
computational theory of algebraic
competence. Journal of
Mathematical behaviour 3(1), 93-166

[10] Campbell, E (1998). Teaching
Strategies to Foster Deep Versus
Surface Learning. Available at

[11] Ramsden, P. (1988). Improving
Learning : New Perspectives. London :
Kogan Page.

[12] Ramsden, P., Eswick, D. G &
Bowden, J. A. (1986). Effects of
Learning on 1
year university student s
learning, Human Learning, 5, 151-164

[13] Briggs J, (1986). Enchancing
learning skills: the role of metacognition,
in:J, Bowden(Ed.), Student Learning:
research into practice, Melbourne, Centre
of Higher Education, University of

[14] Flavell, J. H. (1976) Metacognition
aspects of problem solving, in: L. B.
Resnick (Ed.) The Nature of Intelligence
(Hillsdale, NJ, Lawrence Eralbaum

[15] Orton, A. (1981). A cross-sectional
study of elementary calculus in
adolescence and young adults. Phd
thesis. University of Leeds.

R. Haripersad
Towards a General Legal Framework of an International Objective
Environmental Liability?

Law Department, Faculty of Juridical, Social and Political Sciences
Valahia University of Trgovite
8-10 Gaesti os., Trgovite, Dmbovia County
[email protected]

Abstract: Given that at international level the mechanism of international liability was considered as a possible
way of avoiding the environmental damages and considering also the important number of accidents having a
major impact on the environment, the codification of the rules governing the international liability is a subject
which has interested the majority of the jurists and of the international professionals. States are still reluctant to
accept and apply international rules that would enforce liability for activities whose harmful environmental
consequences are likely to be limited to their own territory. Therefore, the civil liability imposed on operators is
preferred to the objective liability of States. Although there are different activities which present a significant
risk for the environment, the economic interests play a major political role.

Keywords: international liability, international responsibility, objective liability, absolute liability,
transboundary harm, damage, precautionary principle, prevention principle, polluter pays principle

1 Introduction
The liability institution in the international
environment law is under a crystallization period
with regard to the legal regulation and
jurisprudence, at present being manifested as a hot
area, because of the fact that nature and its resources
are severely affected, both at international level, and
Since the very beginning we should mention that
there is not any international legal instrument or
document that would regulate a general, unitary and
coherent legal status of international liability for the
damages caused to the environment. In the
contemporary international law, the rules on the
liability institution for internationally wrongful acts
and for harmful consequences resulting from
activities that are not forbidden by international law,
are regulated by the three drafts with a general
character elaborated by the International Law
Commission (hereinafter the ILC), respectively
the Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for
Internationally Wrongful Acts, Draft Articles on
Prevention of Transboundary Harm from
Hazardous Activities, both adopted on the occasion
of ITS fifty-third session, in 2001, Draft Principles
on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of
Transboundary Harm Arising out of Hazardous
Activities, adopted at ITS fifty-eighth session in
2006, and the Lugano Convention on Civil Liability
for Damage Resulting from Activities Dangerous to
the Environment as of June 20, 1993 (hereinafter the
Lugano Convention) [1] that represents the most
elaborated international treaty until present, that
takes into consideration liability and repair of
damages caused to the environment.
The U.N. General Assembly, by its Resolution
No.56 as of December 12, 2001, expressed its
appreciation for the ILC activity that supplied this
Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary
Harm from Hazardous Activities and requested the
ILC to go on working for the finishing of the second
part of the activity related to the environmental
transboundary harm, namely on liability, taking into
account the relationship between prevention and
liability [2].
Considering the Resolution No.56 as of December
12, 2001, at its fifty-eighth session in 2006, ILC
adopted, on the second lecture, the text of the Draft
Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the Case of
Transboundary Harm Arising out of Hazardous
Activities. Subsequently ILC recommended to the
General Assembly of the UN to adopt a resolution
by which to appropriate the Draft Principles and
requested to the states to act at national and
international levels for their implementation.

2 International Responsibility
International Liability
Following the analysis of these legal documents we
made a distinction between responsibility for
internationally wrongful acts and liability for legal
activities, concluding that the basis of the two types
of liability is different. In case of states
responsibility for internationally wrongful acts, the
fundamental basis is represented by the breach of an
obligation that rests with a state towards another
state, group of states or towards the international
community in its entirety. In the other case, of the
liability for legal activities, the fundamental basis is
the risk involved by an activity which may cause
harm to another state or to a zone being under its
jurisdiction or control. Therefore, in case of liability
for activities not forbidden by international law, we
have in view the accomplishment of legal activities,
that are necessary for the economical and social
development of a state, but due to their nature, to the
used technology, they present a risk to cause harms
to other states.
With regard to the two types of liability, for
internationally wrongful acts and for harmful
consequences resulting from activities that are not
forbidden by international law, these may be
simultaneously engaged, meaning that a state, on
whose territory, under whose jurisdiction or control
there is developed an activity that presents the risk
to cause a transboundary harm, that breaches its due
diligence obligation, may be sued, both for the
compensation of the harms caused on the grounds of
the liability for legal activities, and on the grounds
of the responsibility for internationally wrongful
acts, as well.

3 Objective Liability
Although these international documents, regulating
an objective liability, do not provide in an express
way the condition of the existence of any fault for
the involvement of international liability for the
harms caused to the environment, according to the
traditional conception this liability is subjective,
fault representing one of the conditions of its
There are, yet, fields where liability is objective,
having as a specific ground the idea of risk and of
guarantee, or even absolute. Therefore, in the
present international law, the objective liability of
states in the environmental law applies and is the
rule, being regulated in a conventional way, mainly,
in three fields:

3.1 Objective Liability in the Field of Nuclear
International conventions provide the existence of
an objective liability for the exploitation of nuclear
installations. For example, the Paris Convention on
Civil Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy as of
July 29, 1960, adopted under the auspices of the
Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development, the
Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear
Damages as of May 21, 1963, adopted under the
auspices of the International Atomic Energy
Agency, as subsequently amended and completed
and the Bruxelles Convention on Civil Liability in
the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear
Materials as of December 17, 1971, adopted under
the auspices of the International Atomic Energy
Agency, of the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development and of the
International Maritime Organization.
The Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for
Nuclear Damages provides, expressly, the
operators objective liability.
Liability is channeled exclusively to the operators of
the nuclear installations. This is the person
designated or acknowledged, from the beginning, by
the national authorities, as being the liable person
for any accident occurred to an installation or during
the transport to or from that installation. That person
is also liable for the accidents that take place during
the nuclear material transport. Therefore, the initial
purpose of the Bruxelles Convention of 1971, is to
exonerate any person that transports nuclear
material that could be held liable on the grounds of
an international convention in the field of maritime
transport, of the liability for nuclear damages in
cases the operator of a nuclear installation is held to
be liable according to the Paris and Vienna
Initially, art.I para.1 let.k of the Vienna Convention
defined the notion of damage without also including
the damages caused to environment. Subsequently,
the nuclear accidents from Three Mile Island and
Chernobyl raised the problem of damages caused to
environment, of economic losses and of the cost of
preventive measures and of the possibility of their
compensation. Therefore, by the Protocol amending
the Vienna Convention, adopted in Vienna on
September 12, 1997, there were included in the
notion of nuclear damage the cost to recover the
environment, economic losses, loss of profit, cost of
preventive measures and any other economic loss,
but only to the extent these are determined by the
law of the competent court of law.
Cristian Mares
The operator can be exonerated from liability,
wholly or partially, if he (she) proves that:
i) the nuclear damage resulted, in totality or in
part, from a serious negligence of the person
that suffered it or that this person acted or
omitted to act, with the intention to cause a
ii) the nuclear damage caused by a nuclear accident
resulting directly from acts of armed conflict,
hostilities, civil war or insurrection;
iii) the damage is caused by a nuclear accident
resulting directly from a nuclear cataclysm with
exceptional character.

3.2 Objective Liability in the Field of Maritime
In case of marine oil pollution, the international
conventions provide an objective liability of the
owners of ships that carry oil in bulk as cargo or of
those who exploit marine drilling installations. For
example, the International Convention on Civil
Liability for Oil Pollution Damage as of 1969 and
the International Convention on the Establishment
of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil
Pollution Damage (FUND), as of 1971. In 1992,
upon their amendment by 2 Protocols, they are
named the Convention of 1992 on Civil Liability and
the Convention of 1992 on Fund creation.
The Convention of 1992 on Civil Liability governs
the liability of ship owners for the damages
produced by oil pollution. This establishes the
principle of their objective liability and requires an
insurance system mandatory liability. The owner
of a ship has the right to limit its liability to an
amount depending on the capacity of its ship. This
Convention applies to all seagoing vessels actually
carrying oil in bulk as cargo, but only ships carrying
more than 2,000 tons of oil are required to maintain
insurance in respect of oil pollution damage.
The Convention of 1992 on Fund creation [3],
which completes the Convention of 1992 on Civil
Liability, establishes a regime of indemnification of
the affected victims when the indemnification
provided by the applicable Convention on civil
liability is insufficient. The International Fund for
Compensation of 1992 for the damages caused by
Oil Pollution (FIPOL 1992) was created following
the Convention of 1992 on Fund creation.
According to art.III para.1 of the Convention of
1992 on Civil Liability, a ship owner has an
objective liability for the damages produced by oil
pollution, at the time of an incident, or, where the
incident consists of a series of occurrences, at the
time of the first such occurrence, shall be liable for
any pollution damage caused by the ship as a result
of the incident. He is not exonerated from the
liability unless he proves that the damage by
i) resulted from an act of war, hostilities, civil war,
insurrection or a natural phenomenon of an
exceptional, inevitable and irresistible character;
ii) was wholly caused by an act or omission done
with intent to cause damage by a third party; or
iii) was wholly caused by the negligence or other
wrongful act of any Government or other
authority responsible for the maintenance of
lights or other navigational aids in the exercise
of that function.
If the owner proves that the pollution damage
resulted wholly or partially either from an act or
omission done with intent to cause damage by the
person who suffered the damage or from the
negligence of that person, the owner may be
exonerated wholly or partially from his liability to
such person.

3.3 Objective Liability in the Field of Outer
Space Activities
In the field of outer space activities of states or of
international organizations, for example, the Treaty
on Principles Governing the Activities of States in
the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including
the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, as of January
27, 1967, hereinafter the Treaty on Outer Space;
The Convention on International Liability for
Damages Caused by Space Objects, as of March 29,
1972. Therefore, in the outer space law, liability for
the damages caused by space objects is grounded on
the risk theory, considering that the activity of states
to launch space objects has a legal character per se.
The objective liability has a narrower application
field for the moment, but there are important
opinion trends on world level that incline towards
the acceptance of a more extended applicability for
this form to engage states responsibility. Given the
increasing frequency of ecological accidents and of
the acts of environmental degradation, we consider
that it would be recommended to simplify the
involvement of the liability of that who caused an
environmental damage, on the purpose to limit as
much as possible the events that have as a
consequence a hardly reversible degradation of it. In
this respect, for the involvement of the material
liability of a state there would be sufficient only the
existence of a major material damage produced by
this, or by an individual or legal entity legally
related to it.
Towards a General Legal Framework of an International Objective Environmental Liability?

4 Absolute Liability
Absolute liability, expressly regulated at
international level, although, in essence, this does
not suppose the existence of any fault, being also an
objective liability, is distinct from the latter by the
impossibility to invoke any exoneration reason.
The treaty that includes it as a standard is the
Convention on International Liability for Damages
Caused by Space Objects, as of March 29, 1972, but
in relationship with the damages caused on the Earth
surface or to aircraft in flight. Therefore, according
to art.2 of this Convention a State which launches or
procures the launching of a space object, or a State
from whose territory or facility a space object is
launched, shall be absolutely liable to pay
compensation for damage caused by its space object
on the surface of the Earth or to aircraft in flight.
These provisions were applied effectively in 1979,
when the Soviet satellite Cosmos 954
disintegrated in the Canadian atmospheric space,
radioactive remainders of it being spread on the
territory of Canada. The Canadian government
requested, back then, to the U.S.S.R., the
reimbursement of the expenses performed for the
localization and recovery of the elements that could
be hazardous, without invoking, in this approach,
the effective fault of the former Soviet Union and
succeeded in obtaining a part of the requested
amount. On April 02, 1981, following the
negotiations between Canada and the Soviet Union,
there was concluded an agreement between the two
parties, by which Moscow accepted to pay the
amount of 3 million Canadian dollars.

5 Conclusions
Although there are several international documents
and legal instruments that regulate the legal status of
international liability for damages caused to the
environment, we cannot say that there is a general,
unitary and coherent international legal status
applicable to the environment harms. In this respect,
de lege ferenda, there is imposed the adoption of an
international legal instrument that would regulate a
clear general status of environment liability
applicable at international level. This international
legal instrument may have as its starting point the
three drafts for the encoding of international
liability, elaborated by ILC, the Lugano Convention,
other international conventions and even the
Strasbourg Convention on environmental protection
by criminal law as of November 04, 1998.
Towards the objective or subjective character of the
international liability for the damages caused to the
environment, we propose de lege ferenda the
generalization of the collective objective liability for
environment at international level, each time there is
a present harm or an imminent threat with a harm,
being established a limited number of causes that
would exonerate from liability.
In this respect, considering irreversibility, and the
devastating effects of some damages caused to the
environment, we formulate another proposal of lege
ferenda, respectively that exoneration from liability
would be expressly limited only to the following
three cases: (i) an armed conflict, hostilities, a civil
war or an insurrection; (ii) a natural phenomenon of
an exceptional, inevitable and irresistible character;
(iii) the act of a third person for which the active
subject is not held liable, unless the latter took all
the corresponding preventive measures that imposed
in that case, but nevertheless the damage or
imminent threat of its occurrence comes.
Into an integrated approach of the existing
environmental problems at international level, it is
necessary to analyze the intrinsic relationship
between the prevention mechanisms and the liability
mechanism. If in the case of the prevention
mechanisms we talk about the techniques and
instruments that regulate the economic activities to
prevent the occurrence of a harm, in the case of the
liability mechanisms we refer to the measures taken
in case of an imminent threat with a harm or after
the occurrence of an accident or incident that may
produce a harm, in order to avoid its production or
to diminish its effects. From the performed analysis
results that there cannot be supported the
precedence of a mechanism against the other, each
of them fulfilling a well determined part in the
environment protection activity.
According to the French professors Genevive
Viney and Philippe Kourilski the precaution
principle is the attitude that any person must adopt
that makes a decision on an activity about which we
may reasonably suppose to present a serious hazard
for the health of the present and future generations
or for the environment. These persons, especially
the public authorities, must give priority to health
and security imperatives on economic freedoms...
and to reduce the risk to an acceptable risk for a
bearable economic cost [4].
The fundamental orientation of the precaution
principle is at first sight enough simple and direct. If
an activity threatens the environment or human
health, precautions are imposed, even if this threat is
not evidenced from the scientific point of view.
Cristian Mares
To a more close analysis, the principle is difficult to
understand, not offering but a basis which must be
improved in the national and international legal
The Earth Summit that took place at Rio de Janeiro,
in 1992, must have given the occasion to UN to
mark a new stage in the development of the
environment law and a global concern for the future
of the planet. It could have been the occasion to
unify the definitions of the precaution principle that,
in whole, were not provided but within non binding
instruments from the legal point of view and to
precise the senses of the principle to make it
operational, not just for the fight against pollutions,
to which it was restricted, but more generally, for
the entire environmental protection. But the
reluctance, especially of the USA, that saw in the
precaution principle a brake for the technological
innovation, did not allow this thing. However, there
cannot be retained a prevention of any scientific
innovation, by the application of the precaution
principle. Professors Kourilsky and Viney remind
that there is no a priori opposition between
precaution and technological progress. The
precaution principle invites to a reflection upon the
conditions in which this progress is performed
rather than to an inhibition of any innovation.
The best solution to respond to the present
problems, with regard to the reduction and, finally,
elimination of the negative impact of human
activities upon the environment consists in our
appreciation in the combination of techniques and
instruments with preventive and precautionary
character. It is necessary to grant all the support to
the process of research and innovation, to find the
best methods, means, mechanisms, techniques and
instruments to approach the environment protection
Referring to the difference between the prevention
principle and that of precaution, this is based first of
all on the risk knowledge degree. The risk concept
within the prevention principle is reported to the
risks whose cause-effect relationship is known,
unlike the common risks to the precaution principle,
that are unknown.
Prevention involves both the risk evaluation to
avoid the hazards, and the actions based on the
knowledge of the present situation, to prevent
environmental degradation.
This principle supposes actions against the causes
that produce pollution or degradation and activities
to limit the destructive or noxious effects for the
environmental factors [5].
In international law, some authors [6] have
established that the moment of the prevention
principle occurrence is identified with the sentence
of the Arbitral Tribunal as of March 11, 1941, in
Trail Smelter Case [7]. The Tribunal held that the
decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States
(taken as a guide in the field of international law in
so far as they had dealt with controversies between
the various federal states of the US) provided an
adequate basis for holding that under the principles
of international law, as well as the law of the United
States, no State has the right to use or permit the use
of its territory in such a manner as to cause injury by
fumes in or to the territory of another or the
properties or persons therein, when the case is of
serious consequence and the injury is established by
clear and convincing evidence. In this case, the
Tribunal found therefore that Canada was
responsible in international law for the conduct of
the Trail Smelter. It had a duty to see to it that
conduct was in accordance with Canadas
obligations under international law. Accordingly the
Trail Smelter would be required to refrain from
causing any damage through fumes in the US. The
Tribunal decided, finally, that, to prevent future
damage, a regime of control, which it stipulated,
would be applied to the operations of the Smelter.
In this respect we propose de lege ferenda the
inclusion of the observance and application of the
precaution and prevention principles as obligations
in the charge of all the international law subjects, in
order to completely eliminate and minimize both the
unknown, and the known risks, considering the
effects of the environmental liability, put into effect
in the preventive and remedying measures,
regulated by the international legal instruments with
general character. Therefore, we have in view the
replacement of the polluter pays principle, with the
precaution and prevention principles that correspond
to an objective environment liability.
As regards the active liability subject, the state has a
residual liability, the obligation of harm repair
belonging in first instance to the operator. The state
has the obligation to take the necessary measures to
ensure a prompt and adequate compensation for the
victims of transboundary damages caused by the
hazardous activities performed on its territory or
under its jurisdiction or control. This principle
responds and reflects at the same time the request
and the consensus of the international community
that the state of origin takes all the measures so that
adequate compensation measures in case of damage
would be available as a part of the mechanisms that
regulate hazardous activities performed under its
jurisdiction or control.
In this respect, a joint and several liability reflects
the best the particularities of the liability for
Towards a General Legal Framework of an International Objective Environmental Liability?
damages caused to the environment, leading
eventually to a better protection of it considering the
following reasons:
i) it is very difficult to establish the causal link
between the actions of different operators or the
incidents that took place and the environmental
harm, moreover when this evidence is in the
charge of the passive subject;
ii) often the effects of the operators actions or
incidents are cumulated being possible to
determine either an increase of the caused harm,
or the occurrence of connected harms. In this
case, it is difficult to establish to what extent
each operator bears the liability for the
cumulated effects or for the connected damages.
iii) It is possible that the damage would produce at
far distances or after a certain time, that makes
it almost impossible to precisely determine the
part of liability that comes to the different
With respect to the consequences of the
environmental liability for transboundary harms, we
can conclude that the preventive and the repairing
measures were recently acknowledged as elements
of harm, their cost being included within the notion
of harm, following to be borne by the active subject
of liability or paid as a part of the request for
compensations further to the occurrence of a
transboundary harm.
Failure of the State to comply with its legal
obligations to take appropriate measures to prevent
harm by non-State actors within its jurisdiction is
often the basis of claims against States under the
law of State responsibility.
Finally, we express our conviction that besides the
already announced de lege ferenda proposals, there
also imposes the regulation by imperative norms of
a general regime of liability for the harms caused to
the common heritage of mankind, by a liability
without the existence of a harm and of fault,
following the breach of the precaution principle by
any international law subject. Also, we consider as
necessary the creation of an authority that would act
in the mankinds name, in the case of precaution
obligation breach.
In November 1967, ambassador Arvid Prado [8], a
permanent representative of Malta to the United
Nations, urged the delegates to consider the oceans
resources outside the national jurisdictions as being
the common heritage of mankind. As already
provided in this declaration, the idea of heritage of
mankind exceeds the notion of res communis. If a
space or anything else is considered as such, it
cannot be appropriated. It is comprised in the idea of
res communis, but it belongs to mankind and, as
such, it must be managed and controlled by
humanity. Officially, in international law, the
concept of common heritage of mankind was
formulated during the United Nations Conference
on Sea Law, at the beginning of the 1970s.
Subsequently, there were officially proclaimed, as
being a part of the common heritage of mankind, the
Moon and its natural resources Agreement
Governing the Activities of States on the Moon and
Other Celestial Bodies, as of December 05, 1979
and the mineral resources of marine beds United
Nations Convention of Montego Bay on the Law of
the Sea as of December 10, 1982.

[1] It has not entered into force yet, considering that
until present no state has ratified it yet, although
it was signed by 9 states: Cyprus, Finland,
Greece, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein,
Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Portugal.
[2] ILC Report, 54th session, 2002, par.439-440,
p.223. Within this session, CDI created a work
group that performed 7 meetings under
chairman Pemmaraju Sreenivasa Rao, in the
period 27 May 1 August 2002.
[3] http://fr.iopcfund.org/facts.htm
[4] P. Kourilski, G. Viney, Le principe de
prcaution, Ed. Odile Jacob, Paris, 2000, p.216.
[5] N. de Sadeleer, Les principes du pollueur
payeur, de prvention et de prcaution. Essai
sur la gnese et la porte juridique de quelques
principes du droit de lenvironnement, Ed.
Bruylant, Bruxelles, 1999, pp.106-135; J.
Cazala, Le principe de prcaution en droit
international, Bibliothque de lInstitut des
Hautes tudes Internationales de Paris,
Anthemis P. H., L.G.D.J., 2006.
[6] A. Kiss, J.-P. Beurier, Droit international de
lenvironnement, 3e dition, Ed. Pedone, Paris,
2004, pp.132-133; P. Sands, Principles of
international enviromental law, Manchester
University Press, Manchester, 1995, I, p.195;
M. Duu, Tratat de dreptul mediului, 3
Ed. C. H. Beck, Bucharest, 2007, p.275.
[7] Trailer Smelter Case (Canada/United States),
Arbitral Tribunal, Washington, 11 martie 1941,
in International Environmental Law Report,
[8] R. E. Saunier, R. E. Meganck, Dictionary and
introduction to global environmental
governance, second edition, fully revised and
updated, Earthscan, London, 2009, p.89.

Cristian Mares
Measuring and Improvement the Productivity by PMCI Model in
Fuzzy Environment (Case Study)

Department of Industrial Engineering
Tarbiat Moallem, Tehran, Iran
[email protected]

Abstract: -The measurement is the main part and as a point of some person is the beginning point of the
scientific process in the productivity management. If we want to show exploitation in organization culture, the
main condition will be tooled for control and observation for progress, providing feedback, determining
measurable goals and assessment of the operation of organization PMCI is productivity approach, which
includes the process of the feedback system, improvement of productivity finally determining the goals of
organization by the unique measurable system. This paper uses fuzzy systems, by considering the structure of
measurement system and also uncertainty in efficiency effect and effectiveness effect that previously they were
used brain storm methods and AHP.

Key-Words: productivity; pmci; fuzzy system; expert system

1 Introduction
The productivity is a meaning which is considered
by experts of economics and politics and increasing
it is been necessary for improving the level of life
and making more welfare society that is national
goal for all the worlds. By improvement knowledge
of human in economic and social problems, the
mining of productivity is changed from the point of
shape and content and continuously is made new
sides. The productivity is used by depending on the
kind of persons and in connection to their
experience and knowledge. The main duty of
management, the earning of productivity is more
and this mater is considered by the manager for
management and reengineering of organization.
There are several definitions for productivity;
however, each of them can be correct and skilful.
But, if it can't express the main and basic meaning
as a basis of culture, consciousness and even
customs and belief of the different person, it will be
imperfect. It's not doubt that whatever the groups
have more culture and knowledge, we need deeper
definition. The editing of successful method for
improvement productivity is needed to arrangement
systemic way for measuring of productivity a macro
level and in micro level, too. For evaluation of
productivity is used various measures, and their
measures are different from one organization to
another and from one industry to another.

2 Problem Formulation
The PMCI model is one of the productivity
measurement techniques in organization which the
process of this system is shown below.

1. Organization objects
2. Measurement system
3. Feedback system
4. Increasing of Productivity
5. Organization objects

Its clear the process begins by determining the goals
of organization , in the basic of the goals is
determined the measurement system the compatible
with them ,then the data of it report to members of
organization officially and regularly, this feed back
is the main discussion about the quality of the
improvement of productivity.
In according to goals if productivity increases the
goals of organization will be fulfilment. Its the
basis of process that the process of event is from
down to up. So after approval, the project is planned
by senior manager and creating the productivity
measurement system begin from down and ends to
up hierarchy. It's obviously that the drawing team
include the manager of meetings, the maker of
facilities, the agents of fart and they plan the
measurement system. When they agree on system,
they offer the results to senior manager for
discussion and final approval. If the plan is
approval, it will be got ready to execution and
providing feed back.
The process of the establishment of system, the
processes of the establishment of this system are:
1) The determining of important exits
2) The determining the indictor of exits,
3) The contingency relationship (the determining
4) The performance and providing feed back report.

2.1 The first level, the determining the important
exits with necessary particular
Each unit has served goals and duties which we
expect these duties do to fulfilment goals the name.
The measurement of activities is productions or feed
back in this system. Because the productivity of
organization is depends on quality of producing
these feedbacks, the first phase is the determining of
outputs whit necessary particular. The designing
team must provide a list important outputs whit the
necessary particular.

2.2 The second level the determining of related
When, the outputs whit the necessary particulars is
determined, then there are determined the related
particulars of outputs. One particular is a criterion
which shows how it produces the output unit. The
members of team discuss together for determining
the related particulars and determine several

2-3 The third level: the contingency relationship
(the determining efficiency) the other stages is the
establishment of contingency relationship after
approval outputs and particulars. The contingency is
relationship between the value of particular and the
efficiency of it. This relationship says that how
much the different quantity are owned share in total
function of unit. This relationship has showed in
plan coordinate that horizontal axis shows different
quantities of particulars, and vertical axis is the
share of efficiency in the function of unit. In
horizontal axis is recorded the amount of particular
from worst member to the best manner. The
efficiency of them is determined in vertical axis.
The changing of efficiency locates from 100 to -
These changing, have zero point that shows the
natural and normal efficiency level, it's not good nor
bad, this level is balanced.
When the worst and the best axis level are
determined, then they determine the real function
which the amount of particulars is related to
efficiency. First, the zero point is determined, then
the efficiency level of max and min of particulars is
It's necessary to say that: firstly the whole trend of
relation indicates the importance of related
particular; the sharp trend made many changes in
efficiency and a slow trend because little changes.
Secondly, the relation is nonlinear and it's necessary
for accuracy of relation of organization function.
These characteristics are very important. Often in
many measurement systems, productivity combines
all of the particulars and earns one number. These
means all of the function has some value. It's clear,
this number don't reflect the reality of organization.
Different functions don't have the same importance.

2.4 The forth level: providing feedback reports.
Inserting the amount of particular in a formed
feedback system is the last stage. In this part, firstly,
is collected the data in a specific period of time.
Then, the efficiency numbers is determined for each
particular in the base of the contingency
relationship. Then the total productivity is earned by
adding the whole quantities of each output. Each of
them has private meaning. Zero number means that
unit estimates expectation. This productivity is
neither good nor bad. If efficiency is positive, the
unit function will go up more than our expectation.
When it is negative, it will have lower function.
On of the advantage of it is the possibility of
collecting numbers. In fact, different function is
done by units and its name is the whole particular of
Ghassem Haj Ebrahimi, M. Ali Sobhanallahi, A. Mirzazadeh
productivity. The contingency relationship which
has reflected the importance of related particular is
called as unit efficiency. This characteristic provides
the possibility of collecting function to find the
whole function.

3 The comparison of different units
Another characteristic is this system can comprise
the units productivity together even those do
different duties. This tasks place the possible
number of whole efficiency each unit by base of
maximum. If its percent is more, will obtain the best
productivity. The productivity of different unit
which do different function, comprise together by
earning the percent of real function these max value.
Each unit has the highest productivity, if it has max

3.1 The combination of total units
Also, in this system, the function of whole port is
earned by combination function of each unit. For
example, if a unit has 5 team for earning
productivity, the productivity of each unit is
obtained and we add them together and earn the port
productivity. This is not possible in some systems
easily, because the productivity of each units
measure whit different measures that adding them
together is not possible. But in this system, each part
was measured on efficiency in according to one
scale and the amount of efficiency of each part
causes the efficiency of organization and the
productivity of it is earned.

4 The fuzzy systems
These systems are a knowledge-based or rules-
based system. The rule based is the heart of system
that contain of rules. A if-then rule is a if-then
diction which many it's words are membership
functions. The start point for made a fuzzy system is
earning a set of fuzzy if-then rules earned by expert
persons. The other stage is the combine of these
rules. The fuzzy systems use different ways for
combination of tem. Usually are used 3 kinds of
1) Net fuzzy systems
2) TSK fuzzy systems
3) Fuzzification and difuzzification systems.
The main structure of net system shows below. The
rule based shows the collection of fuzzy if-then
rules. The fuzzy inference engine combines these
rules of fuzzy set in internal environment to external
environment in the base of fuzzy logical rules.
TSK systems uses easy math relation instead using
the rules that in net systems use descriptive
expression whit linguistic values. In fact, TSK
system is the average weight from numbers of ports.
For using net fuzzy system one any way is adding
one fuzzification at input and deffuzification at
output. The result is showed below. This system
covers the problems of net fuzzy system and TSK
system. In this paper, aim is a system whit
fuzzification and difuzzification.

4 The usage of fuzzy systems and fuzzy in PMCI
The productivity in hospital

Average fuzzy number Item

) 95.64 77.82 50.32 ( Management 1
(38.93,51.15,76.89) Sentry and reception 2
(85.03,92.91,99.04) Expert medico 3
(71.96,85.94,95.66) Nurse 4
(60.81,69.77,82.67) Para clinical services 5
(36.45,42.93,55.00) Services and hygiene 6
(30.81,39.23,50.43) Oficial sector 7
(33.95,59.30,84.25) Drogstore 8
(60.81,77.84,90.74) Medical equipment 9
(28.55,44.18,49.39) Sport space 10

middle extreme Item

9656 11857 Management 1
6343 9534 Sentry and reception 2
11522 12281 Expert medico 3
10657 11862 Nurse 4
8652 10252 Para clinical services 5
5324 6821 Services and hygiene 6
4865 6254 Oficial sector 7
7354 10534 Drogstore 8
Measuring and Improvement the Productivity by PMCI Model in Fuzzy Environment (Case Study)
9652 11254 Medical equipment 9
5478 6124 Sport space 10

defuzzification least Item

75.42 6240 Management 1
54.53 4828 Sentry and reception 2
92.48 10544 Expert medico 3
84.88 8923
Nurse 4
70.77 7541
Para clinical services 5
44.33 4520
Services and hygiene 6
39.93 3821
Oficial sector 7
56.38 4211
Drogstore 8
76.81 7541
Medical equipment 9
41.57 3541
Sport space 10

Table.1 data of the case study
This hospital's managers intend improve the
productivity of this hospital by PMCI model.

4.1 The first stage: determining the important
outputs whit the necessity particulars.
There is provided a questionnaire and ask form sick
persons that ask 3 question for each case
1) From point of you, what is the measure of
importance of item x? x

2) From point of you, what is the extreme measure
of importance of item x? x
) 2
3) From point of you, what is the least measure of
importance of item x? x

Which we have items in below
You consider the results as a (x
) and then we
obtain the result and introduce the important cone
as important outputs
The number of pattern is 124 persons. The result is
showed below: We grasp that the doctor, nurses,
tools, management and service have most
important that its 70%. So, we can select them for
PMCI model. We define the particular for these
outputs now.

4.2 The second stage: determining the related

1 Expert medico
The number of acquiescent
total sicks
2 Nurse
The number of mistakes

The number of devices
the number of essential
4 Management
The number of complaint at
total complaint
Para clinical
The number of true
total services
Table.2 indexes of outputs

It is defined important output particular for each of
the important outputs in according to defined

4.3 The third stage: the contingency relationship
For earning it, is used fuzzy system for each
important outputs. We said the fuzzy system
include rule based and inference engine,
fuzzification, difuzzification.
In this paper, there is the contingency relationship
for tools of medical. The rule based includes:

If efficiency is (65, 70, 75) then effectiveness is
(-5, 0, 5)
If efficiency is (70, 75, 80) then effectiveness is (5,
10, and 15)
If efficiency is (75, 80, 85) then effectiveness is (15,
20, and 25)
If efficiency is (80, 85, 90) then effectiveness is (25,
30, and 35)
If efficiency is (85, 90, 95) then effectiveness is (35,
40, and 45)
If efficiency is (90, 95,100) then effectiveness is
(45, 50, 55)
If efficiency is (60, 65, 70) then effectiveness is
(-10,-5, 0)
If efficiency is (55, 60, 65) then effectiveness is (-
If efficiency is (50, 55, 60) then effectiveness is (-
Ghassem Haj Ebrahimi, M. Ali Sobhanallahi, A. Mirzazadeh

If efficiency is (50, 55, 60) then effectiveness is (-

Fig.1 Mamdani fuzzy system
It's certain that effectiveness doesnt have direct
relationship with efficiency. So some times these
have inverse relationship.
Now, by inserting these data, efficiency numbers for
different manners can is obtained. As you see,
this picture is the medium graphic of on fuzzy in
matlab. We can obtain the total efficiency the
numbers for different effectiveness by this fuzzy
system that the result is below:
Design the fuzzy systems for all important
outputs are necessary.
The forth stage: providing feedback reports.
As was said before, in this stage, firstly the
information is collected in a specific period of
time. Then in the base of the contingency
relationship, the efficiency numbers is
determined for each particular. Then total
productivity is obtained by adding total
productivity is obtained by adding total
efficiency numbers of each output.
In according to calculated efficiency, the numbers
which are needed for PMCI model are the
related efficiency to medium and maximum
effectiveness that is obtained them by using
fuzzy systems from the contingency graph
insert them to the productivity particular
formula which will be point.

5 The productivity particular formula of
whole organization
For earning it, we must multiply related
efficiencies which average effectiveness of one
by one of particular in importance of it and add
them together, the total should divides the
whole productivity whit effectiveness maximum
on its weight that is:
Wi =the measure of i in the productivity
i=the earning efficiency from the necessity table
for i in related to maximum effectiveness in a
period of time.
N= the number of important factors
in the productivity of whole of
For this case study:

5. Conclusion
Because the measurement is necessary in
improvement of productivity in each organization,
so the way is important. PMCI technique is a model
that has been used in several organizations, the
fuzzy logic and fuzzy systems is used, because, they
don't have certain outputs. In this paper, PMCI
model at fuzzy environment is implied and can offer
away that is useful in uncertain environment.

[1] ISO/IEC Standard 15939: Software
Measurement Process, International Organization
for Standardization, 2002.
[2] IEEE Standard for Software Productivity
Metrics, IEEE Std. 1045-1992, IEEE Standards
Board, 1993
[3] J. McGarry, D. Card, et al., Practical Software
Measurement, Addison Wesley, 200210
8035 . 0
83 . 5681
8 . 4565
45 * 22 . 19 ... 75 * 17 . 23
5 . 32 * 22 . 19 ... 65 * 17 . 23
+ +
+ +

i i

Measuring and Improvement the Productivity by PMCI Model in Fuzzy Environment (Case Study)
[4] M. Crissis, M. Konrad and C. Schrum,
Capability Maturity Model Integration, Addison
Wesley, 2003
[5] R. Dion, Process Improvement and the
Corporate Balance Sheet, IEEE Software,
September 1994
[6] D. Wheeler and D. Chambers, Understanding
Statistical Process Control, SPC Press, 1992
[7] Function Points Counting Practices, Manual
Version 4.0, International Function Point Users
[8] B. Boehm, Software Engineering Economics,
Prentice Hall, 1981
[9] M. J. Bassman, F. McGarry, and R. Pajerski,
Software Measurement Guidebook, NASA Software
Engineering Laboratory, 1994
[10] R.B. Grady, Practical Software Metrics for
Project Management and Process Improvement,
Prentice Hall, 1992
[11] D. N. Card and B. Scalzo, Estimating and
Tracking Object-Oriented Software Development,
Software Productivity Consortium, 1999
[12] Wolfhart Goethert, Elizabeth Bailey, & Mary
Busby, Software Effort & Schedule Measurement: A
Framework for Counting Staff-Hours and Reporting
Schedule Information, Software Engineering
Institute, September 1992
[13] Robert Park, Software Size Measurement: A
Framework for Counting Source Statements,
Software Engineering Institute, September 1992
[14] History of Functional Size Measurement,
Common Software Measurement International

Ghassem Haj Ebrahimi, M. Ali Sobhanallahi, A. Mirzazadeh
Study of soil erosion and sediment transport in small watersheds

Faculty of Hydrotechnics
Politehnica University of Timisoara
G. Enescu Street, No. 1/A, postal code 300022
[email protected] http://www.hidro.upt.ro

Abstract: Nowadays, the study of soil erosion and sediment transport due to overland flow in small watersheds, and of
their own effects on the environment, is more and more important. The propagation area of soil erosion and its
damage values are practically speaking hard to calculate.
This paper present a study method of soil erosion and resulted sediment transport in small catchments, a method in
more steps, one of them being the soil erosion and sediment transport modelling with the use of WEPP program.
On the basis of the obtained results, we can plan land management which consider the present situation and the
perspectives of an area and harmonizes the interests of all its determining factors (the human factor, the environment,
the economic factor etc.). At the same time, we can establish the economic and technical efficiency of different soil
erosion and sediment transport control measures and works (agrotechnic, forest, hydrotechnical measures; structural
and non structural measures), necessary for the abatement of negative effects of soil erosion and sediment transport
on environment.
Key words: RomaniaHydrographical basinSoil erosionOverland flowSediment transportModelling.

1 Introduction
The physical phenomena of soil erosion caused by
water follow the next stages: the stage of solid particle
dislocation and entrapment, under the action of rain
spots and hydrodynamic forces (from hillslopes and
from river beds), the stage of actual transport of
sediments caused by water movement, and the
sedimentation stage. In time, soil erosion and sediment
transport brings changes and decreases in soil physical
and chemicals properties, favouring the occurrence of
land movements. Also it produces clog of storage
reservoirs, general erosion of the river bed
downstream of reservoirs, ecological problems due to
depreciation of the original qualities of the aquatic
ecosystem etc.
The determinant factor of runoff and water erosion on
the inclined land surfaces is represented by kinetic rain
energy, directly related to the rain intensity. Besides
this factor, an important role in the development of
land erosion is played by: the surface runoff
characteristics (liquid flow, runoff depth, water
velocity, superficial runoff type) and the land
characteristics (infiltrations properties, soil texture
and structure, declivity, relief, exposure, vegetation,
etc.). Soil particles are being dislocated and entrapped
by the rain spots force and by the overland flow. For
this reason, the study on solid runoff on hillslopes
cannot be separated from the study on liquid runoff,
the liquid runoff determining the solid runoff.
The study of mechanisms and effects of soil erosion
on the environment caused by water is necessary in
two distinct situations:
in the project stage of engineering works
which are going to be executed on the
hillslopes or the river bed water courses,
intending to satisfy the economic necessities
and to protect the environment against the
negative effects of erosion processes. In this
stage, we used mathematical models of these
processes characteristics.
in the operation stage of these works, the
operation mode being based on the prognoses
models of erosion processes. These will have
to be exploited in an optimal way in order to
satisfy, for a longer period of time, the
economic and the environmental necessities.
Soil erosion and sediment transport (caused by
overland flow) are a natural phenomenons, parts of
the geological processes and climatic changes. These
processes have increased during the last decades with
the growth of the world population and its food needs,
involving a larger land surfaces for agriculture
purposes and an intensive practice of agriculture and
animal husbandry. At the present time, over 2000
million hectares of land are affected by moderate and
excessive erosion, over 55 % of these being caused by
water erosion and almost 33 % by wind erosion. Each
year, about 5 7 million hectares are lost due to
different kinds of erosion, and approximately 25 000
million tones of soil are lost due to soil erosion by
overland flow. Soil degradation incurs a life-
expectancy risk to approximately 1000 million people.
In Romania, soil erosion caused by overland flow
affects 6.3 million hectares, from which 2.3 million
benefits from erosion control works (at present, many
works are degraded). Soil erosion and landslides
(present of about 0.7 million hectares) cause
approximately 41,5 t/ha.year soil losses. Out of the
entire agricultural land, we lose each year about 150
tons of soil, which contain about 1,5 10
tons of
humus and 0,45 10
tons of N, P, K. The direct
economic damage is decreasing by 20 % each year in
the agricultural production. [2]
The total soil losses caused by different kind of
erosion (tons/ha.year), and the areas which are more
affected by soil erosion from Romania are shown in
figure 1 and figure 2 (after Motoc, 1983). [3] [4]

Total soil loss due to the different kinds of erosion in

Fig.2 Soil erosion affected areas in Romania.
The most affected areas by soil erosion are located on
Moldova Plateau and Meridionali Carpaten
Mountains, while the least affected are in the West
Plain and in the south of Muntenia (The Baragan
Due to the growth of worlds population and its food
needs, floods, which are more and more frequent and
affect many regions of the world, are causing
significant material damage and human life losses.
There is a need to elaborate thorough studies on the
causes and the characteristics of sediment transport
and on the measures aimed to reduce their negative
The problems that need to be solved are the following:
the control of sediment transport, especially in
regions of high climatic aggression and
erosion risk;
the control of erosion and other hillslope
degradation processes, especially where there
is a desire to set up vine and tree plantations
and on arable land with irrigation systems;
the arrangement of the torrential hydrographic
network and reshaping of small valleys;
the management of inclined lands;
the agricultural assurance use of degraded
lands and improvement of their fertility;
the elimination of water in excess from
hillslopes and narrow alluvial plains;
the limitation of landslides, the arrangement
and differential capitalization of those affected
by active landslides;
the protection of reservoirs against silting;
the embellishment of landscapes in areas with
important erosion focuses.

2 Problem Formulation
For areas with a high risk occurrence of sediment
transport processes with important potential negative
effects, we need to carry out researches and studies
that allow us to know which are the causes, the
evolution and the effects of soil erosion and sediment
transport on the environment.
Such a research supposes the elaboration or the
updating of topographic, geomorphologic, climatic,
soil (concerning the erosion and other degradation
processes), hydrological, hydrogeological,
geotechnical, vegetation and social economic
Based on these studies we can elaborate models for
prognosis of soil erosion and sediment transport
evolution and effects. The stages of such a model
might be:
1. The carrying out the studies mentioned
2. The establishment of an initial stage of the
hydrographical basins status, on which we shall report
the later results.
E. B. M. Beilicci, R. F. Beilicci, C. A. Girbaciu
3. The modelling of hillslope erosion
processes with one of the forecasting programs
currently existing in the world (WEPP, RUSLE,
CREAMS etc.) with different land management
hypotheses. The model will be chosen depending on
the capabilities and the application possibilities of
each specific situation.
4. The overland flow and sediment transport
modelling from the hydrographical basins (Duflow,
SMS, HEC etc.).
5. The interpretation of results and the
determination of the necessary measures aimed to
reduce the overland flow and sediment transport,
respectively to reduce their negative effects on the

2.1 Studies Required by this Method
The studies topographic, geomorphologic, climatic,
soil, hydrological, hydrogeological, geotechnical,
vegetation and social economic are surveys. They
have to be carried out by specialized institutions, and
based on their results it needs to be established an
initial stage by a multidisciplinary team.
In order to exemplify the application of suggested
method, we chose WEPP program for soil erosion and
sediment transport modelling in the considered
hydrographical basins, and DUFLOW program for the
overland flow in the hydrographical basins.

2.2 WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project)
Model Description
WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) is software
for the prediction of watershed soil erosion, developed
by the USDA Forest Service, the Agricultural
Research Service, the Natural Resources Conservation
Service, the US Department of the Interior Bureau of
Land Management and Geological Survey, frequently
used in many countries.
WEPP model may be used in both hillslope and
watershed applications. The model is a distributed
parameter, continuous simulation, and erosion
prediction model, implemented as a set of computer
programs for personal computers.
The hillslope component of the WEPP erosion model
requires a minimum of four input data files to run:
climate file, slope file, soil file and plant/management
file. The watershed component requires a minimum of
seven input data files: each hillslope information file,
structure file, slope file, soil file, management file,
climate file and channel file.
WEPP considers that the hillslope is divided in
numerous parallel rills; the surface erosion occurs on
interrill surfaces and the dislocated soil particles are
transported downhill by rill flow (rill erosion is also
considered in calculus). WEPP produces different kind
of outputs, in various quantities, depend the users
needs. The most basic output contain: the runoff and
erosion summary information, which may be produced
by a storm, on monthly, annual or average annual
basis. The time integrated estimates runoff, erosion,
sediment delivery and sediment enrichment are
contained in output, as well as the spatial distribution
of erosion on the hillslope (figure 3). [5] [6]
Soil loss Hillslopes
Sheet andgully

Hillslope 1
Hillslope 2
Surface flow
Hillslope 3
Riverbed 1
Hillslope 5
Riverbed 2
Hillslope 4
Concentrated flow

Fig. 3 The WEPP Model Scheme.

2.3 DUFLOW Model Description
It is a one-dimensional program for quantitative and
qualitative modelling of overland flow in open
runways. It was developed by the International
Institute for Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering
(IHE) Delft, The Rijkswaterstaat (Public Works
Department), the Tidal Water Division, The Hague,
The Delft University of Technology, Holland. [7]
DUFLOW is designed to cover a large range of
applications, such as propagation of tidal waves in
estuaries, flood waves in rivers, operation of irrigation
and drainage systems, etc. Basically, free flow in open
channel systems is simulated, where control structures
like weirs, pumps, culverts and siphons can be
included. As in many water management problems,
the runoff from catchments areas is important; a
simple precipitation-runoff relation is part of the
Study of Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport in Small Watersheds
model set-up in DUFLOW. The DUFLOW software
consists of the following parts: DUFLOW water
quantity (with this program one can perform unsteady
flow computations in networks of open water courses)
and DUFLOW water quality (this program is useful in
simulating the transportation of substances in free
surface flow and can simulate more complex water
quality processes).
DUFLOW is based on the one-dimensional partial
differential equation that describes non-stationary flow
in open channels [8].These equations, which are the
mathematical translation of the laws of conservation of
mass and of momentum, read:

( )
) ( c o s w b
Q Q g
Q v
g A
= +

while the relation:
A v Q
= (3)
holds and where:
t time (s); x distance as measured along the channel
axis (m); H(x, t) water level with respect to reference
level (m); v(x, t) mean velocity (averaged over the
cross-sectional area) (m s
); Q(x, t) discharge at
location x and at time t (m
); R(x, H) hydraulic
radius of cross-section (m); A(x, H) cross-sectional
flow area (m
); b(x, H) cross-sectional flow width (m);
B(x, H) cross-sectional storage area (m
); g
acceleration due to gravity (m s
); C(x, H) coefficient
of De Chzy (m
); w(t) wind velocity (m s
); (t)
wind direction (degrees); (x) direction of channel
axis, measured clockwise from the north (degrees);
(x) wind conversion coefficient (-); correction
factor for non-uniformity of the velocity distribution in
the advection term, defined as:
d y d z ) z , y ( v

= (4)
where the integral is taken over the cross-section A
Equations (1) and (2) are discretized in space and time
using the four-point implicit Preissmann scheme.
For a unique solution of the set of equations additional
conditions have to be specified at the physical
boundaries of the network and at the sections defined
as hydraulic structures. The user-defined conditions at
the physical boundaries may be specified as levels,
discharges or a relation between both, for instance a
(tidal) elevation H, a discharge Q, or a so-called QH
relation. At internal junctions the (implicit) condition
states that the water level is continuous over such a
junction node, and that the flows towards the junction
are in balance since continuity requires:
0 q Q
1 j
i , j
= +

i indication for the junction node; Q
discharge from
node j to node (m
); q
additional or lateral flow to
node i (m
The above equations are solved at each time step.
They are transformed into a system of (linear)
equations for the water levels. After the water levels
are computed using a standard solution method for
systems of linear equations, the discharges are found
by substituting the computed water levels into
Equation (5) is not used in nodes where a water level
is prescribed as boundary condition. In such a node no
equation is needed because the water level is already
known. Discharge boundary conditions are taken into
account as the additional flow q
To start the computations, initial values for H and Q
are required. These initial values must be provided by
the user; they may be historical measurements,
obtained from former computations or just a first
reasonable guess. Additionally wind stress and rainfall
conditions can be specified.
The application of this model supposes a plan of the
study area for of the river network division and the
hydrographical basin. The river network is divided
into sectors of different lengths by nodes, in such a
way that the linear sectors between two consecutive
nodes, following the axe curves of the river bed. In
each node, we need to show the bed level and the
width of the water mirror on different levels. The area
of hydrographical basin is delimited by the highest
slope line, and, subsequently, successively, the
associated flow areas which will connect in nodes.
The results from simulation with DUFLOW are: the
variation of water levels and water discharges in each
node of network.

3 Problem Solution
The proposed method was applied to the
hydrographical basin of Manastur, Timis County,
The studied territory Manastiur hydrographical basin
is situated in the depression between Zarand and
Poiana Rusca Mountains, at the crossover line between
Lipova Plateau and Occidental Field (figure 4). To
model the solid runoff phenomena to it was chosen the
Topla river sub-basin with a length of 11.56 km, a
surface of 2357.40 ha; which contains 56 sectors of
secondary valleys with a total length of 31.58 km; the
area plan with the separation on sub-basins
corresponding to each valley is represented in figure 5.
E. B. M. Beilicci, R. F. Beilicci, C. A. Girbaciu

Fig.4 Studied hydrographical basin localization.

Fig.5 Area plan.
We have considered the following hypotheses [9]:
the rain intensity constant on the entire surface
of the hydrographical sub-basin
the same soil type for the entire
hydrographical sub-basin - Typic Hapludalfs
(with more subtypes), with a middle and
heavy texture (reduced permeability), being
part of hydrological group C, with an initial
humidity of 70% (table 1), according with the
study carried out by OSPA [10] [11]
soil use is the same all over the sub-basin
there are no works for soil erosion and
sediment transport control.
Table 1 Soil characteristics.
Layer Depth
100 g)
1 5.906 37.2 21.2 1.800 11.4 0.0
2 14.170 38.1 20.9 1.670 10.9 0.0
3 26.770 31.0 30.5 0.800 14.4 0.0
4 34.250 28.8 36.2 0.001 19.3 0.0
5 40.550 29.3 32.0 0.001 18.6 0.0
6 51.180 34.4 31.3 0.001 18.3 0.0
WEPP model was applied for each sectors of river bed
(ditch), on the corresponding hydrographical sub-
basin, and calculating the soil loses on each hillslope
during the torrential rain, in four hypotheses (which
have resulted from the torrential rain distribution
charts with the 10% assurance and having a duration
of 5, 15, 30, 60 minutes, elaborated on the basis of
measurements and statistical processing of the
meteorological data on the Bega hydrographical basin
area (table 2). [12]
For the application of the DUFLOW model, the river
network was divided into sectors of 74 nodes. In all
the 74 nodes, there were operated cross sections,
introducing the width of the water mirror on different
levels (from 0.2 to 0.2 meters). In each node, there was
introduced the water flow resulted from the overland
flow on slops (after establishing the area of the
hydrographical basin of each node and its runoff
Table 2 Characteristics of torrential rains.
(mm hr
% Duration
to Peak
15.00 0.08 189.375 20
23.30 0.25 94.132 20
28.80 0.50 58.176 20
42.00 1.00 42.420 20
The runoff coefficients k is in accordance with the
method taken over from the US Soil Conservation
Service, where the soil is classified in one of the four
hydrological groups (A, B, C, D).
The river network with the nodes can be seen in figure
-300 0 300 600 900 1500 2100 2700 3300
Network lay out
59 60
Fig.6 Hydrographical network nodes.
The simulation results are presented in the graphs from
figure 7 to 10, and show the variation of the
Study of Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport in Small Watersheds
1. Specific soil losses on the entire hydrographical
2. Surface runoff volume on the hillslopes.
3. Water volume and sediments, which go through the
outlet section of the basin according to the rain
The model simulation results show that we can
establish relatively good correlations (2 order
polynomial regression curve) between rain period and
volumes, which were computed (soil losses, runoff
volumes, water volumes which go out, sediment
volumes).It was chose the 2 order polynomial
regression because the R-squared (R is the regression
coefficient) are better, in comparison with other
regression types: exponential, logarithmic, linear,
power or moving average. Also, can be observed that
the difference between WEPP results and values of
regression equation are significant in case of short rain
duration, but are relative small in the case of long rain

Fig.7 Soil losses variation on the entire hydrographical
basin depending on rain duration.

Fig.8 Variation of runoff volume on whole
hydrographical basin depending on rain duration.

Fig.9 Variation of water volume which go out from the
hydrographical basin depending on rain duration.

Fig.10 Variation of sediment volume which go out
from the hydrographical basin depending on rain
WEPP program was run only in four hypotheses,
considering on the entire studied surface a single type
of soil and no soil erosion and sediment transport
control measures.
The modelling results of DUFLOW program are flow
hydrographs and water levels in different characteristic
cross sections of river network. The maximum flow
values and the time of their occurrence related to the
rainfall start in node 18 (outgoing cross section) are
shown in table 3.
The flood duration is around 12 hours in each of the
four hypotheses. At the starting point of the
simulation, we have considered that the water
discharge in each node is zero (the riverbed is dry).
The water discharge values are not so high because the
watershed is narrowed and occurs important delays in
the flood wave propagation (we have considered the
most unfavourable situation: the same rain intensity on
all the watershed area and covering the entire

E. B. M. Beilicci, R. F. Beilicci, C. A. Girbaciu
Table 3 DUFLOW model results.
Rain duration and
) T (hr)
5 min; 3 mm min
5.30 8
15 min; 1.55 mm min

6.20 7.8
30 min; 0.96 mm min

6.90 8
60 min; 0.7 mm min
7.10 9
The water level in node 18 (outlet sections) has no
important variations, because the riverbed cross
section is very wide.
This step of the modelling process serves in soil
erosion and sediment transport control measures
designing stage, for the calculation of the surface
runoff volume and the soil losses, due to soil
The next step contains: suggestions of different soil
erosion and sediment transport control measures in the
hydrographical sub-basins area, program simulation
and computation of the surface runoff volume and soil
losses. The final decision and placement of the
efficient works of soil erosion and sediment transport
control measures will be made according to economic
calculations and cost/benefit analyses.
As a critical observation, WEPP and DUFLOW
models can only be applied on small hydrographical
basins (as shown in the precedent paragraphs), as the
models can only use one file containing climatic
characteristics, the same type of rain or rainfall on all
the hydrographical basins (same intensity and period).
For larger hydrographical basins, it is necessary to
divide them into smaller basins with the same
precipitation characteristics but different association
times. In order to obtain flow hydrographs, level
hydrographs and concentration variation of the
suspension materials from the outgoing cross sections
it is necessary to integrate the flow on all the
hydrographical basins. [13]
WEPP model is also able to model hillslope erosion
for more than one year. In order to do this, beside the
topographic characteristics, we also need a good
knowledge of climate area characteristics (annual
medium temperature, annual precipitations, rainfall
intensity, medium high of snow, wind direction etc.),
and of land use prognoses during each year of the
In present time, in Romania exist only a single
specialized institution for research in the field of soil
erosion - Research and Development Centre for Soil
Erosion located in Perieni Barlad, East Romania
Moldavia region, Vaslui county. There exist
experimentally plots for soil erosion phenomena
research, but is not studied the resulted sediments
transport. For presented model application, is study
now the possibility of chose in Timis County in the
Vest part of Romania, an one small hydrographical
basin, that will be convert in an experimentally basin,
equipped adequate for soil erosion and sediment
transport study and measurements.
Then, will be possible the comparison between model
application results and data provided from
measurements in situ. The next steps are the
followings: WEPP model adaptation for Romanian
conditions, model calibration, and model results

4 Conclusions
On the ground of the obtained results, we can plan
land management, which takes into consideration the
present situation and the perspectives of the area, and
harmonizes the interests of all the important involved
factors (the human factor, the environment, the
economic factor etc.). At the same time, we can
establish economic and technical efficiency soil
erosion and sediment transport control measures and
works (agrotechnical, forest, hydrotechnical measures;
structural and non structural measures), necessary
for the abatement of negative effects of soil erosion
and sediment transport on the environment.
In the future, research on soil erosion and on sediment
transport phenomena will have to concentrate on the
following aspects:
1. The use of geo-informational systems (GIS) in
soil erosion and sediment transport phenomena studies
in hydrographical basins it is necessary because of
the possibilities it offers in the analysis of the
numerous factors which interfere in the triggering and
the development of erosion processes (particularly
factors related to the land topography), the higher
costs and the longer period of time necessary for their
monitoring by other methods, especially when it
comes to large surfaces. In the same time, GIS system
allows the acquisition, the storage and the processing
of data that characterize the status and evolution of
land degradation caused by wind and water erosion, at
any point in time. This allows policy makers to react
in time and to adopt measures regarding:
the management of land affected by erosion
the decrease of erosion rate to the admissible
the permanent control of overland flow on
hillslopes and of the concentrated ones in the
torrential formation network
Study of Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport in Small Watersheds
the reduction and control of watercourse
pollution with chemicals coming from
the reduction of the warping and pollution rate
of lakes by alluvia and chemicals washed off
from the hillslopes
the prevention of flood occurrence on lands
and other social economic objectives,
located at the basis of the hillslopes and along
the water courses, due to the warping of flood
waves mitigation hydro works. [14]
2. The diversification of methods aimed at
acquiring and processing data field in order to increase
the accuracy of the research on quantitative and
qualitative changes caused by soil erosion and
sediment transport of hydrographical basin elements.
3. The permanent development of models used to
predict the erosion phenomena, the creation of
forecasting models that satisfy all the requirements of
a complex model.
4. The creation of a multidisciplinary research
team for soil and hillslope erosion hydrological
modelling, given by the development of a model for
complex processes occurring on hillslopes implies a
compromise between the processes we wish to
integrate it in the model and the available data.
5. The need to develop a three-dimensional
overland flow model as close as possible to the
physical phenomena of hillslope overland flow, based
on which we can elaborate the fundamental physical
hydrological model of a hydrographical basin. [15]
6. The study of the physical - mechanical
interactions between the water current alluvia, which
influence the dynamics of certain pollutants. It is
necessary to include these interactions in water quality
models and in integrated water quality monitoring.
7. The creation of representative experimental
hydrographical basin (small hydrographical basin)
where we may study the causes, manifestations and
effects of soil erosion and sediment transport; also the
possibility for us to test the effectiveness of different
measures aimed at reducing the effects of soil erosion
and sediment transport. These experimental
hydrographical basin must be equipped with a
sufficiently dense point network of tracking the
erosion processes (hydrometric posts - in which we
observe liquid flows and sediment transport, water
levels and meteorological water quality, standard soil
profiles, etc.) evolution.

[1] Serban, P. Deterministic Hydrological Models.
Bucharest. Romania. Didactic and Pedagogic
Publishing House. 1995.
[2] http://www.enrin.grida.ro
[3] http://www.spectral.ro
[4] http://www.icpa.ro
[5] USDA-ARS. WEPP User`s Manual., Purdue
University, USA. 1995.
[6] USDA. Water Erosion Prediction Project Hillslope
Profile and Watershed Model Documentation NSERL
Report #10. USA. 1995.
[7] DUFLOW Reference Manual. 2002. Version 3.5,
Stowa / MX. System. Holland.
[8] Abbot, M.B. Computational Hydraulics. USA.
Pitman Publishing House. 1979.
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Erosion and Sediment Transport Effects on
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[11] Rogobete, Gh., and D. Tarau. The Soils and their
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[12] Bacov, A. Hydrotechnical arrangements of
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[13] Lazar, Gh. Computer Assisted Numerical
Modelling of Free Surfaces Water Currents in
Modified Regime. Timisoara. Romania. Politehnica
Publishing House. 2007.
[14] Popovici, N. Soil Erosion Control Practice. Iasi.
Romania. Politechnical Institute Lithography. 1991.
[15] Stanciu, P. Water Motion on Permeable
Hillslopes. Bucharest. Romania. H*G*A* Publishing
House. 2002.
[16] Varduca, D. Water Quality Integrated
Monitoring. Bucharest. Romania. H*G*A* Publishing
House. 1999.

E. B. M. Beilicci, R. F. Beilicci, C. A. Girbaciu
Indoor air Quality in apartment buildings of Estonia

Department of Environmental Engineering,
Tallinn University of Technology,
Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn,
[email protected]

Abstract: - During the large-scale renovation of apartment buildings in Estonia there has risen the problem that the
existing indoor air quality does not correspond to contemporary requirements. Some renovation methods, for
example, replacing the old-type windows with new ones reduce the air change in apartments. Therefore the indoor
air quality of apartment buildings should be studied carefully. The use of the metabolistic CO
method in
determining the air change gives a good possibility for assessing the quality of the indoor air. To generalize the
situation of indoor air quality in apartment buildings the large-scale measuring in different types of buildings has
been carried out. The analysis of the measurement results shows that in many apartment buildings natural ventilation
cannot guarantee the necessary quality of indoor air.
Key-Words: - Indoor air quality, CO
concentration in indoor air, air change rates, simulation of air change,
apartment buildings, natural ventilation.

1 Introduction
Large-scale renovation of old apartment buildings in
Estonia has raised the question of how to guarantee in
those buildings an indoor climate that corresponds to
contemporary requirements. So far renovation in
apartment buildings has first of all been guided by
saving energy, leaving the indoor climate in the
background. It is necessary to find out the quality of
the existing indoor air in Estonian apartment
An investigation into the existing situation of the air
change and ventilation systems in apartment buildings
requires large-scale measuring in apartments of
different types of buildings. The methods used must
guarantee the possibly most precise results [1], [2],
[3], [4], [5], [6], [7]. The use of metabolistic CO

method in determining the air change gives a good
possibility for assessing the quality of the indoor air.
The theoretical base of the method and previous
similar studies are described in [8]. This method has
widely been used in public buildings [9], [10], [11],
[12], [13], but the knowledge of its more exact
application in apartment buildings in countries with a
cold climate is not sufficient. Therefore in the given
investigation a case study has been made in the course
of which the methods used are specified and adapted
to the conditions in apartment buildings. For better
knowledge simulations of indoor climate have been
carried out.

2 Criteria for assessing the CO
in the indoor air
In accordance with the requirements [14] in Estonia
living area must have natural or mechanical
ventilation that guarantees the air change necessary
for human activity. According to requirements in
Estonia [15] air velocity in living spaces, the volume
of the room per person and the content of harmful
substances in the indoor air must not exceed the
values permitted.
content in the indoor air of residential
buildings is determined by the standard [15] and the
design criteria [15]. The CO
concentrations determined by the EVS-EN
15251:2007 according to the classes of indoor climate
for energy calculations and ventilation are presented
in Table 1.
Table 1 Recommendable CO
levels over external air
concentration and on the concentration 350 ppm
(EVS-EN-15251) [16]
Indoor air CO
above outdoor
air level, ppm
Indoor air CO
concentration at
outdoor air level
350 ppm, ppm
I 350 700
II 500 850
III 800 1150
IV >800 >1150

In analyzing the indoor climate in apartment buildings
the use of the values given in Table 1 is not of much
help, because mostly we have to do with natural
ventilation without a possibility to regulate the air
flow rate.
The Danish University of Technology has studied the
standard in detail and gives the air flow rate of the
classes of the indoor climate and the maximum norms
of the CO
content in the indoor air [17]. These norms
also correspond to the values that are given in the
designing criteria of the indoor climate, Table 2. Due
to that the present study uses the maximum values
given in the designing criteria CR 1752 for accessing
the CO
content in the indoor air, whereby the CO
content in the external air is considered to be 350
ppm. In new and already existing residential buildings
it is essential to consider the classes B (II) and C (III)
of thermal comfort. Values of class A (I) aim first of
all at guaranteeing the high quality of the indoor
climate that cannot be achieved in buildings with
natural ventilation.

Tabel 2 Class of the indoor climate for rooms with
human activity (CR 1752) [14]

at outdoor air
level 350
ppm, ppm
Indoor air

tion, ppm
A 15 460 810
B 20 660 1010
C 30 1190 1540

The standard for determining the initial parameters of
energy efficiency [15] allows short-time deviations
from the required parameters of the indoor climate.
The permitted deviation is up to 5%.

3 Results
3.1 Measuring of the CO
content in the indoor
air in apartments
The CO
concentrations measured in the bedrooms of
apartments in the summer period varied from 340 to
3200 ppm. According to the designing criteria of the
indoor climate the maximum value of the CO
for class B (II) is 1010 ppm and for class C (III) 1540
ppm (with the CO
content in the external air 350
ppm). In all the apartments investigated in summer
during 88% of the measuring period the CO
of the indoor air corresponded to class B and 97% to
class C, Fig 1. Considering the fact that on an average
people spend at home only about 14 hours a day, the
concentration corresponded to level B in 82% of
the time people spent at home and to level C in 95%
of the time respectively. Bearing in mind the fact that
in determining the initial parameters of energy
efficiency the standard permits CO
concentration to
exceed the maximum values 5% in determining the
classes B and C, in 75% of the investigated
apartments the air quality corresponded to both class
B and class C.
From the results it can be concluded that owing to
frequent airing the rooms by opening windows in the
summer time the exceeding of the CO
is not a problem. The analysis of the results of
measuring showed that the level of the maximum CO
concentration in the summer period is chiefly
exceeded as a result of active daily human activity. In
the night period the CO
level mostly corresponded to
the permitted values of class C.

Fig.1 Cumulative distribution of the results of the
measuring of the CO
concentration in the summer

The results of the measuring in the winter period
varied from 370 to 4000 ppm. In 13 % of the
apartments the CO
level for a short time exceeded
Alo Mikola, Teet-Andrus Koiv
4000 ppm the maximum limit of the measuring unit.
In the apartments investigated the CO
content in the
indoor air corresponded to class B in 59% of the time
of measuring and to class C in 87% of the time, Fig. 2.
As on an average people spend at home only about 14
hours a day, the CO
concentration corresponded to
level B in 38% of the time the apartments were used
and to level C in 81% of the time. Bearing in mind
the fact that in determining the initial parameters of
energy efficiency the standard permits the CO
to exceed the maximum values within 5% in the
winter period. In 17% of the investigated apartments
the CO
content in the indoor air corresponded to class
B and 34% to class C.

Fig.2 Cumulative distribution of the results of the
measuring of the CO
concentration in the winter

For assessing the impact of replacing the old-type
windows with new ones on the quality of the room air
an investigation has been made to separately study the
content in the indoor air in apartments with new
and old windows, Fig.3. In apartments with old
windows the CO
concentration in the indoor air
corresponded to the maximum value of class B in
66% of the measuring period and in apartments with
new windows to 56%. In apartments with old
windows the CO
concentration corresponded to the
maximum value of class C in 94% of the measuring
period and in apartments with new windows to 84%.
Considering the fact that on an average people spend
at home only about 14 hours a day, the CO
concentration in the air of the apartments with old
windows corresponded to level B in 49% of the time
spent at home and in apartments with new windows in
34% of the time, respectively. In apartments with old
windows the CO
concentration corresponded to level
C in 91% of the time spent at home and in apartments
with new windows in 77% of the time. Within 5% of
the permitted exceeding the maximum value,
apartments with old windows corresponded to class B
in 22% of the apartments investigated and to class C
in 55% of the apartments investigated. In apartments
with new windows 15% of the apartments
corresponded to class B and 25% to class C. Hence,
the impact of changing the windows on the quality of
the indoor air is apparent, and it turns out that
replacing the old windows with new ones essentially
deteriorates the air change in the apartments. It should
be added that in apartments with old windows the
rooms were aired much more frequently and therefore
their impact on the quality of the indoor air was even
bigger than are shown by the results of measuring.

Fig. 3 Impact of changing windows on the CO
during the period of measuring
In Table 3 we can see calculated air changes in
bedrooms and in Figure 4 average airflows in
investigated bedrooms.

Table 3 Air change rates in bedrooms calculated
by indoor air CO
content mesurements
Code Window
rate, 1/h
1 2 3 4 5
4151 new na+cook open 0,09
2131 new na close 0,14
2121 new na+cook close 0,17
3121 new na close 0,21
3111 new na+cook open 0,23
1231 new na open 0,24
1222 old na+cook open 0,31
4141 new na open 0,33
1251 new na open 0,40
1141 new na open 0,48
1131 new na+cook close 0,55
3131 new na open 0,60
Indoor Air Quality in Apartment Buildings of Estonia
1 2 3 4 5
4161 old na+cook open 0,64
2141 old na close 0,67
2111 old na open 0,73
4131 new na open 0,74
1211 old na+cook open 0,85
1111 new na open 1,01
1202 new na+cook open 1,01
4121 new na open 1,11
1172 old na+cook open 1,15
1191 new na+cook open 1,18
2151 old na+cook open 1,34
1181 old na open 1,47
*na natural ventilation; na+cook natural
ventilation and cooker hood

Fig.4 Average air flows in investigated bedrooms
and change of the values durning the measuring

3.2 Results of the simulation
A simulation of air change in typical apartment
buildings with natural ventilation was carried out by
software IDA ICE 4.0 on the basis of Estonian TRY.
The results are given in Figure 4. The average
difference of air change in months was more than 2
times and that of the maximum values was about 10

Fig.4 Air change rate in an apartment with an
average air change value in the case of natural
ventilation during a year (results of the simulation)

4 Conclusions
The purpose of the current study was to examine the
situation of indoor air quality and air change in old-
type Estonian apartment buildings. In order to achieve
exact results an investigation into the CO

concentration in the indoor air has been carried out. In
addition, indoor air quality simulations by special
software were made. Air change in bedrooms was
calculated by using the metabolic CO
method. The
situation of indoor air quality in Estonian apartment
buildings has been generalized applying the same
method. As the analysis shows natural ventilation
cannot guarantee the quality of indoor air in apartment
buildings. Therefore the ventilation of old-type
apartment buildings should be renovated.
measurements were carried out in 31 brick
apartment buildings in different Estonian towns. Air
quality assessment based on the measurement results
in the winter period varied from 370 - 4000 ppm. In
the apartments studied the indoor air CO

concentration satisfied the thermal comfort level B
during 59 % and level C during 78 % of the
measurement period. According to the measurement
results 17 % of the apartments corresponded to level
B and 35 % to level C. The air change rates in
bedrooms varied from 0.09 1.42 h
. The
simulations of natural ventilation show that exhaust
airflow changes greatly. Therefore it can be concluded
that natural ventilation does not enable to assure
sufficient air change in apartment buildings.
Replacing the old-type windows with new ones might
cause several problems with the quality of the indoor
climate. The study shows the indoor air CO

concentration increases when the new windows are
mounted. From the measuring results we can conclude
that replacing the old-type windows with new airtight
Alo Mikola, Teet-Andrus Koiv
ones must be accompanied by the renovation of the
ventilation system.

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Engineering Geology:Proceeding of 3rd WSEAS
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Indoor Air Quality in Apartment Buildings of Estonia
Simplified design approach of rectangular spiral antenna for UHF
RFID tag

Networks Laboratory, Computer, Telecom & Multimedia- EST
CED sciences de l'ingnieurs ENSEM
Km 7, Route El Jadida, B.P. 8012 Oasis Casablanca Oasis Casablanca, Morocco
Radio & Microwave Group, ESEO, Graduate School of Engineering,
4 Rue Merlet de la Boulaye, PO 30926, 49009 Angers, France
Laboratory of Transmission and Processing of Information EMC / Telecom.
School of Technology (TSE) PO. 2427 FES MOROCCO
[email protected]

Abstract: In this paper we present a method to simplify the calculation of spiral antennas for RFID tag settings
without resorting to numerical analysis methods. It saves up to 99% of the time required by the simulation based
on the method of moments. Thus we present a theoretical and experimental study for the design of the spiral
antennas for RFID label in the UHF band. We present in this study the S11 parameter that enables us to evaluate
the evolution of current distribution and therefore the resonance frequency of the spiral antennas. This parameter
is calculated theoretically by applying the method of moments to wired antenna formed by the rectangular copper
spiral printed on a dielectric substrate. The experimental validation of our theoretical models is performed using a
network analyzer. The confrontation theory-experience allows us to draw some interesting conclusions
concerning the number of loops of the spiral and the choice of dielectric substrate.
Key-Words: Antennas, Spiral antennas, RFID tags, UHF RFID tags, Method of moments, S11 parameter.
1. Introduction
uring these last decades, the technologies of
information and communications (ICT) have known
unprecedented development. The identification
technologies are part of these information
technologies. Due to the recent development of
microelectronics and wireless systems, new
contactless identification technologies have
emerged: the radio identification technology (or
RFID for Radio-Frequency IDentification). These
new technologies, by their greater flexibility, make
the exchange of information much faster and
RFID is a technology to recognize or identify
with greater or lesser distance (contact tens of
meters) in a minimum of time, an object, an animal
or a person with an electronic tag. We can cite, for
example, contactless smartcard systems, highway
tolls without stopping, parking or building access
control, etc. ...
It falls into the category of automatic
identification technologies (AIDC, Automatic
Identification and Data Capture), as the bar code
character recognition, pattern recognition, or
magnetic cards.
RFID systems use mainly four frequency bands
[1], [2] and [3]: 125KHz (LF band, Low
Frequency), 13.56 MHz (HF, High Frequency), 860-
960MHz (UHF, Ultra High frequencies), 2.45 GHz
(microwave). In recent years a growing interest in
the field of industry and research focused on passive
UHF RFID technology. It presents a low cost
solution. It also helps to have a data rate higher
(around 20 kbit / s) and achieve a reading range
greater than other technologies called passive RFID.
This interest has helped put in place in most parts of
the world regulations and industry standards for
market development of this technology.
In the first part of this document, a brief
presentation of passive RFID technology is exposed.
Then the modeling of a rectangular spiral RFID
antenna using the moment method and the results of
simulations and measurements are discussed and
presented in a second part. Then we develop a
method for estimating the peak current and thus the
resonant frequency of spiral antennas.

2. The principle of passive RFID
An automatic identification application RFID, as
shown in Fig. 1, consists of a base station that
transmits a signal at a frequency determined to one
or more RFID tags within its field of inquiry. When
the tags are "awakened" by the base station, a
dialogue is established according to a predefined
communication protocol, and data are exchanged.

Fig.1: Schematic illustration of an RFID system

The tags are also called a transponder or tag, and
consist of a microchip associated with an antenna. It
is an equipment for receiving an interrogator radio
signal and immediately return via radio and the
information stored in the chip, such as the unique
identification of a product.
Depending on the operating frequency of the
coupling between the antenna of the base station and
the tag may be an inductive coupling (transformer
principle) or radiative (far-field operation). In both
cases of coupling, the chip will be powered by a
portion of the energy radiated by the base station.
To transmit the information it contains, it will
create an amplitude modulation or phase modulation
on the carrier frequency. The player receives this
information and converts them into binary (0 or 1).
In the sense reader to tag, the operation is
symmetric, the reader transmits information by
modulating the carrier. The modulations are
analyzed by the chip and digitized.

3. Modeling of a spiral antenna in
UHF band.
To predict the resonant frequencies of the currents
induced in the antenna structures forming tags, such
as spiral antennas rectangular ICs, we have used
initially the model based on the theory of diffraction
by thin wires [4]. We arrive at an integro-
differential equation, and whose resolution is based
on the method of moments [5]. Although a very
good result is obtained, the computation time
required is a major drawback. It is quite high. In a
second step, the study is to find a method to
simplify the estimation of the resonance frequency
of rectangular spiral antennas in various frequency

3.1 Method of Moments
It is an integral analysis method used to reduce a
functional relationship in a matrix relationship
which can be solved by conventional techniques. It
allows a systematic study and can adapt to very
complex geometric shapes.
This method is more rigorous and involves a more
complicated formalism leading to heavy digital
developement. It applies in cases where the antenna
can be decomposed into one or several
environements: the electromagnetic field can then
be expressed as an integral surface. It implicitly
takes into account all modes of radiation.
Moreover, the decomposition of surface current
to basis functions, greatly simplifies the solution of
integral equations which makes the method simple
to implement.
This procedure is based on the following four
Derivation of integral equation.
Conversion of the integral equation into a
matrix equation.
Evaluation of the matrix system.
And solving the matrix equation.

3.2 Formulation of the method of moments
[5] [6]
We have chosen the configuration shown in
Figure 2, a rectangular metal track, printed on an
isolating substrate. It consists of length A, width B
and thickness e.

Fig.2: Dimensions of the track used in the
The theory of antennas for connecting the induced
current in the metal track to the incident
electromagnetic field (Ei, Hi) using integro-
differential equation as follows:
Simplified Design Approach of Rectangular Spiral Antenna for UHF RFID Tag Simplified Design Approach of Rectangular Spiral Antenna for UHF RFID Tag
dl R G l I d gra l t d gra l t
dl R G l t l t l I j l E l t
' ' '
' '
) ( ) ( ) ( ) (
) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (


The method used to solve such equations is the
method of moments [4].
The problem thus is reduced to solving a linear
system of the form:
With :
[I] representing the currents on each element of
the structure.
[V.] representing the basic tension across each
element m in length given by:
= ()
[Zmn] represents the generalized impedance
matrix, reflecting the EM coupling between the
different elements of the antenna.
The rectangular loop will be discretized into N
identical segments of length :

The discretization step is chosen so as to ensure
the convergence of the method of moments.

We conclude from this relationship that the
number of segments required for convergence of
numerical results is:

: Represents the smallest wavelength of
EM field incident.
The simulations will focus on frequencies
100MHz < f < 1.8GHz whether 17cm < < 3m
The number of segments will be: N = 76.
The illumination of the loop is done by an plane EM
wave, arriving in tangential impact such that the
incident electric field Ezi is parallel to the longest
The amplitude of the incident field is normalized
1V/m. we are interested in a loop short-circuited to
highlight the resonance phenomena relating to the
geometric characteristics of the loop.

Fig.3: Current induced on the loop 24x8 cm
simulation by MOM

We note on the fig.3 the presence of two very
distinct zones. A first area in which the induced
current remains virtually constant. It corresponds to
frequencies whose wavelength is greater than about
twice the perimeter of the loop.
Beyond these frequencies we observe the
appearance of current peaks, showing that the
rectangular loop resonates.
To locate the resonance frequencies of the loop,
we use the theory of transmission lines (TTL),
moderately few adjustments. The induced current
I(z) on the track IC has illuminated by a plane wave
can be expressed by [4]:

Iz = A
A +B
cos k
A +B
: The amplitude of common mode current.
: The amplitude of the differential mode
k = : wave Vector.
Indeed, A
and A
can be written as:
= j
cos k

= j

with Z
is the characteristic impedance of a
transmission line.
0 and e
(0) : respectively represent the
equivalent electromotive forces at the center of the
tracks of common and differential modes.
The coefficients A
and A
take an infinite value
only if:
cos k
= 0
= 0
100 200 400 600 800 1 000 1 500 1 800
1 000
1 200
1 500
Frquence (MHz)


Courant induit
B A ) (
= A

) (


= A

Makroum El Mostafa, Rifi Mounir, Latrach Mohamed, Benbassou Ali

cos k
= 0
= 2N +1


with N=0, 1, 2,..
k = . We have considered the isolated loop,
surrounded by air, so
= 1 and k =


k =


(13) becomes:
= 2N +1


Hence the resonant frequency common mode:
= 2N +1


= 0
= N.
With N=1, 2, 3,..
(17) Becomes :
= N.
Therefore the resonant frequency of the
differential mode is:

= 2

We therefore find the result observed in fig.3,
which was obtained by the method of moments.
The resonance frequency of the loop can be easily
linked to the length A and width B of the loop by
the following approximate relation:

2( +)
With c = 3108 m / s, speed of EM waves in
vacuum and N = 1, 2, 3, ...

4. Simulations and measurements
The simulations were done under the MATLAB
environment. The experimental validation was
performed at the Laboratory LTPI / RUCI1 in Fez.

4.1 Achievement
We have made various prototypes of antennas as
shown in Fig.4, using as the substrate, glass epoxy,
type FR4 with relative permittivity r = 4.32 and
1.53 mm thick.

Laboratory of Transmission and Processing of Information / Regional
University Center interface

Fig.4: Antenna loops made

4.2 Measures and results
The coefficient of reflection of antennas made,
were measured with a vector network analyzer HP-
type operating in the100Hz-6000MHz band (Fig. 5).

Fig.5: Measurement of the reflection coefficient of
the antenna using a vector network analyzer.

5. Evaluation of peaks and frequency
of resonance of induced currents in
function of geometric
characteristics of printed loop
The assessment of the size and position of
resonance peaks of currents distributed on the
printed tracks is crucial for designers of antennas
tags. Indeed the action of these peaks can
completely change the normal operation of the
In this part the evolution of the amplitude of these
peaks and their resonance frequency will be studied
in function of geometric characteristics of loops.

5.1 Evaluation of the peaks as a function of
the perimeter of the printed loop and the
report (B / A)
In fig.6 we found the current to peak resonances
for loops with different perimeters (from 40 cm to
120 cm) and reports Width / Length (B/A = 1/4, 1/3
Simplified Design Approach of Rectangular Spiral Antenna for UHF RFID Tag Simplified Design Approach of Rectangular Spiral Antenna for UHF RFID Tag
and 2/5). We find in this figure a linear variation of
these peaks as a function of the perimeter of these
loops to the same ratio (B / A) thereof. Note that we
have made loops whose resonant frequencies are
between 400 MHz and 3 GHz.

Fig.6: Amplitude of peak current at resonance for
loops with different perimeters with a (B / A)
The peak current amplitude at resonance can be
easily connected to the perimeter of the loop by the
following equation:

= .
With :
: The amplitude of peak current at resonance.
: The slope of the line.
P : Scope of the loop.
- For the


= 1.735. 10
6.94. 10

- For the

= 2.353. 10
6.94. 10

- For the


= 2.776. 10
6.94. 10

From the above we can write as follows:

= 6.94. 10
The equation can be written as follows:

5.2 Evolution of the resonance frequencies of
the induced currents in function of
numbers of loops of rectangular spiral
antennas (fixed perimeter).
The evaluation of the resonance peaks of currents
on printed circuit tracks is crucial for designers of
printed antennas. Indeed the action of these peaks
can completely change the normal operation of the
We calculated the resonance frequency of the
induced currents for four rectangular spiral
antennas, respectively having a loop, two loops,
three loops and four loops and the same perimeter
64cm, shown in Fig.7

(a) 1 loop (b) 2 loops

(c) 3 loops (d) 4 loops
Fig.7: Dimensions of the Ics tracks used in the
simulation and measurements

In fig.8 we observe that for the same scope the
resonance frequencies of induced currents remain
almost unchanged in function of the number of

(a) 1 loop
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
x 10
primtre (cm)

300 400 500 800 1 000 1 200 1 500 1 800
Frquence (MHz)
S11 (1 boucle)


Makroum El Mostafa, Rifi Mounir, Latrach Mohamed, Benbassou Ali

(b) 2 loops

(c) 3 loops

(d) 4 loops
Fig.8: Reflection coefficient S11 on the tracks of the
ICs in fig.7-simulation by MOM and measurement

However, we notice a slight difference between
the frequencies of resonance peaks of these antennas
evaluated theoretically and those measured
experimentally. This difference is surely due to the
fact that in our theoretical model we do not take
account of the dielectric permittivity of the
substrate. Indeed, for the simulation we considered a
spiral surrounded by air.
To account for the influence of the dielectric
permittivity of the substrate on the positions of
resonance frequencies, consider the case of a single
loop. On Fig.9 we have ploted the S11 parameter for
different values of

substrate. We effectvely note

that this setting actually influence the position of the
resonance frequency.

Fig.9 Influence of r on peak resonances of spiral

We can take advantage of this finding to try to
design antennas that resonate at particular
frequencies by playing on the nature of the dielectric
substrates. This will allow the miniaturization of
spiral antennas for RFID applications.

5.3 Evolution of the resonance frequencies of
the induced currents in function of
numbers of loops of rectangular spiral
antennas (A and B fixed).
We have calculated the resonance frequencies of
the induced currents for three rectangular spiral
antennas, respectively having a loop, 2 loops and 3
loops and the same lengths (A = 24cm) and widths
(B = 8cm): Fig.10

(a) 1 loop

(b) 2 loops (c) 3 loops
Fig.10: Dimensions of tracks of printed antennas
used in the simulation

On Fig.11 we see that for the same lengths (A =
24cm) and width (B = 8cm) resonance frequencies
of the induced currents can be easily represented by
the following approximate relation:

300 400 500 800 1 000 1200 1500 1 800
Frquence (MHz)
S11 (2 boucles)

300 400 500 800 1 000 1200 1500 1 800
Frquence (MHz)
S11 (3 boucles)

100 400 500 800 1 000 1 200 1 500 2 000
Frquence (MHz)
S11 (4 boucles)

300 400 500 800 1 000 1 200 1 500 1 800
Frquence (MHz)
S11 (1 boucle)


Simplified Design Approach of Rectangular Spiral Antenna for UHF RFID Tag Simplified Design Approach of Rectangular Spiral Antenna for UHF RFID Tag


With: N=2, 3, 4,.

Fig.11: Frequencies of resonance in function of
numbers of loops on the tracks of the ICs of the

6. Conclusion
This paper presents the design of antennas for
passive RFID tags. The first part concerned the
quick introduction of this technology. It was
followed by modeling of a spiral RFID UHF
antenna using the theory of the antennas.
Finally we have presented a method of estimating
the peak current and resonance frequency of
rectangular spiral RFID antennas.
This study showed that the amplitudes of the
resonance peaks of rectangular spiral antennas
printed vary linearly as a function of geometrical
characteristics thereof. This linearity can be used by
designers of printed antennas to assess the
amplitude of current peaks at resonance with simple
graphs that can be drawn as a function of
geometrical characteristics of loops. Aswell as
frequencies of resonance of the induced currents are
virtually unchanged in function of numbers of loops
for the same perimeter.
Currently we are trying to establish a relationship
between the resonance frequency of such antennas
and the nature of the dielectric substrate on which it
is printed. This will surely improve the performance
of printed antennas and also to contribute to their

[1] Klaus Finkenzeller, RFID Handbook ,
Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2003.
[2] D. Bechevet, Contribution au dveloppement
de tags RFID, en UHF et micro ondes sur
matriaux plastiques , PhD thesis from INPG,
December 2005.
[3] S.Tedjini, T.P.Vuong, V. Beroulle, P. Marcel,
Radiofrequency identification system from
antenna characterization to system validation,
Invited paper, Asia-Pacific Microwave
Conference, 15-18 december 2004, New Delhi,
[4] M. RIFI, Modlisation du couplage
lectromagntique produit par des champs
transitoires sur des structures filaires et des
pistes de circuits imprims connectes des
composants non-linaires , PhD thesis,
University Mohamed V, 1996.
[5] R.F.HARRINGTON, Field computation by
Moment Methods, Mac Millman, 1968.
[6] M.OMID, Development of models for predicting
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Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, 1997.
0 1 2 3 4
Nombres des boucles


Makroum El Mostafa, Rifi Mounir, Latrach Mohamed, Benbassou Ali

Maximal Allocated Benefit and Minimal Allocated Cost for
Interval Data

Sahand Daneshvar, Mozhgan Mansouri Kaleibar

Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University Tabriz Branch and
Young Researchers Club
Tabriz- Iran, Tabriz -Iran
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract:This Paper deals with calculating the minimal and maximal shares of individuals or organizations based on different criteria.
Suppose that players are selfish and the score for each criterion for a player is an interval. Each player makes any possible efforts to bring
about his or her ideal condition. In this paper a new scheme to calculate the minimal allocated cost and the maximal
allocated benefit for interval data is offered. In this scheme also the new models have been proposed for avoiding zero weight
occurrences. Here ultimate allocated is achieved for each player with suitable coalition within several defined coalition.

Keywords: Assurance Region Method, DEA, Game Theory, Minimum Game, Weight Selection, Zero Weight.

1 Introduction
Consider n players each have m criteria for evaluating
their competency or ability, which is represented by
interval. For example, consider a usual classroom
examination, the higher score for a criterion is, the better
player is judged to perform that criterion. For example let
the players be three students A, B and C, with three
criteria, linear algebra, real analysis and numerical
analysis are supposed to be variable in an interval. Now
the problem is allocated a certain amount of fellowship in
accordance to their score at these three criteria. All
players are supposed to be selfish in the sense that they
insist on their own advantage on the scores. However,
they must reach a consensus in order to get the
fellowship. This paper with using allocating and
imputing the given benefit [3] propose a new scheme for
compute maximal allocated benefit and minimal allocated
cost for players under the framework of game theory and
data envelopment analysis (DEA). By this scheme the
zero weight occurrence can be avoided. It also applies to
determining the coalition with the ultimate benefit and
least cost. The sections of this paper are as follows. In
section 2, the basic models are described and some
properties of problem are proved. Section 3, extensions to
the basic model and introduce coalitions are discussed. In
section4, a numerical presentation of game is considered.
At last, section 5 included conclusions and some remarks.

2 Basic Models of The Game
We introduce the basic models and structures of the

2.1. Selfish behavior
[ , ]
ij ij
x x be the score of player j in the criterion i, for
1,..., i m = and 1,..., j n = and
0, 0
ij ij
x x > > . It is
assumed that the higher the interval score for a criterion
is, the better player is judged to perform as regard to that
criterion. Each person k has a right to choose two sets of

non negative weights
( ,..., )
k k k
w w w = to the criteria that
are most preferable to the player. Using the weight
w ,
the relative scores of player k to the total score are
defined as follows:
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
, (1)
( ( )) ( ( ))
ik ik
ij ij
m m
k k u
i i
i i
m n m n
k u k u
i ij i ij
i j i j
w x w x
w x x w x x
= =
= = = =
+ +

The denominator represents the total score of all players
as measured by player k weight selection. While the
numerators indicate player k self- evaluation as a lower
and upper bound lower bound. Therefore, the statement
(1) represents player k lower and upper relative
importance in accordance to the
ik ik
x x . We assume
that the weighted scores are transferable. Player k wishes
to maximize this ratio by selecting the most preferable
w , for each of
ik ik
x x as follows:
( )
( 2)
( ))
. 0
k u
i ij
w x
w x x
s t w i

( )
( 3)
( ))
. 0
k u
k u
i ij
w x
w x x
s t w i

The motivation behind this problem is that the player k
wishes to maximize his lower relative efficiency by (2),
and upper relative efficiency by (3).As we can see in (2)
the lower weighted sum of its record to the total weighted
sum of all player records is maximized and in (3) the
upper weighted sum of its record is maximized. We
reformulate the problem, without losing generality. We
normalize the data set X so that it is row wise

normalized, i.e.,
1 ( )
x i

. We divide the row

( ,.., )
i in
x x by the row-sum
( ) 1, 1,...,
ij ij
x x i m
+ = =

Thus, using the Charnes-Cooper transformation scheme,
the fractional programs (2) and (3) can be expressed
using a linear programs follows:
1 1
( )
. 1 (5)
c k Max w x
s t w
w i

( )
. 1 (6)
u k u
c k Max w x
s t w
w i

After solving problems (5) and (6), if the optimal value of
the problem (5) and (6) are
( ) c k and ( )
c k respectively,
( ) ( )
c k c k + may be considered as optimal value of
the problem. Now the problem is to maximize the
objectives (5) and (6) on the simplex

Apparently, the optimal solution is given by assigning 1
( )
i k
w and
( )
i k

for the criterion i(k) and ( ) i k such
} {
( )
1 1
i k ik
x Max x i m = = and
} {
( )
i k ik
u u
x Max x i m

= = respectively and assigning 0

to the weight of remaining criteria. We denote this
optimal value by c(k).
1 1
( )
c k x = and ( )
u u
c k x = K=1,,n (7)
Theorem 1.
( ) ( ) 1 (8)
c k c k

Proof. Let the optimal weight for player k be
1* 1* 1*
( ..., )
k k mk
w w w = and
* * *
( ..., )
u u u
k k mk
w w w = ,
( )
i k k

0( ( ))
w i i k

= and
( )
i k k

= and 0( ( ))
w i i k

= . Then we have
( ) ( ) 1 1
1 1 1* 1
1 1 1 1 1
* 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
ik i k k i k k k k
n n n n m
u u
i k
k k k k i
n m n n n n
u u u u
i k
k i i i k k
c k c k c k c k w x
w x x x x x

= = = = =
= = = = = =
+ = + =
+ = + + =

The inequality above follows from
( ) 1
1 1
i k k k
x x and
( ) 1 i k k k
u u
x x

and the last equality follows from the row

wise normalization.
This theorem assert that , if each player sticks to his
egoistic sense of value and insists on getting the portion
of the benefit as designated by
( ) c k and ( )
c k , the sum
of shares usually exceeds 1 and hence
( ) ( )
c k c k + cannot fulfill the role of division of the
benefit. If eventually the sum of
( ) c k and ( )
c k turns
out to be 1, all players will agree to accept the
( ) ( )
c k c k + , since this is obtained by the
players most preferable weight selection. The latter case
will occur when all players have the same and common
optimal weight selection, we have the following theorem.
Theorem 2.
The equality
( ) ( ) 1
c k c k
+ =

holds if and only if our

data satisfies the condition
1 2
1 1 1
k k mk
x x x = = = and
1 2
k k mk
u u u
x x x = = = , 1,..., k n = . That is, each player
has the same score with respect to the m criteria.

Proof. The (if) part can be seen as follows. Since
1 1
( )
c k x = and
( )
u u
c k x = for all k , we have:
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1
k k
n n n n n
u u u
k k k k k
c k c k c k c k x x
= = = = =
+ = + = + =

The (only if) part can be proved as follows. Suppose
11 21
1 1
x x > and
11 21
u u
x x > then there must be column
1 h and 1 h such that
1 2
1 1
h h
x x < and
1 2 h h
u u
x x < ,
otherwise the second row sum cannot attain 1. Thus we
11 11
1 1
(1) , (1)
u u
c x c x and
2 1 2 1
1 1 1
( ) , ( )
h h h h
u u u
c h x x c h x x

> >
1 1
( ) ( 1, )
c j x j h
( ) ( 1, )
u u
c j x j h . Hence it
holds that
1 2
2 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1,
1, 1 1
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
j h
j h j j
n n n n
k k k j h
n n n
u u u
j h j j
c k c k c k c k x x
x x x x

= = = =
= = =
+ = + +
+ + > + =

This leads to a contradiction. Therefore player1 must
have the same score in all criteria. The same relation must
hold for the other players.
In the above case, only one criterion is needed for
describing the game and the division proportional to this
score is a fair division. However, such situation might
occur only in rare instances. In the majority of cases, we
( ) ( ) 1
c k c k
+ >

2.2 Coalition with additive property
Let the coalition S be a subset of player
set (1,..., ) N n = . The record for coalition S is defined by
1 1
( ) , ( ) ( 1,..., ) (6)
i ij i ij
u u
j S j S
x S x x S x i m

= = =

These coalitions aim to maximize the out comes
( ), ( )
c S c S
Sahand Daneshvar, Mozhgan Mansouri Kaleibar

1 1
( ) ( )
. 1 (7)
c S Max w x S
s t w
w i

( ) ( )
. 1 (8)
u u
c S Max w x S
s t w
w i

( ) c S and ( )
c S with
( ) 0 c = and ( ) 0
c =
defines a characteristic function of the coalition S. Thus
this game is represented by (N,c).
Definition 1. A function f is called sub additive if for
any S N and TN with S T = the following
statement holds:
( ) ( ) ( ) f S T f S f T + .
Definition2. A function f called super additive if for
any S N and TN with S T = the following
statement holds:
( ) ( ) ( ) f S T f S f T + .
Theorem3. The characteristic function c is sub
additive, for any SN and T N with S T = we
1 1 1
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
u u u
c S T c S T c S c S c T c T + + + +
Proof. By renumbering the indexes, we can assume that
{ } 1,..., , { 1,..., } S h T h k = = + and { } 1,..., S T k = . For
these sets, it holds that
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
ij ij
ij ij ij
k k h
u u
i i i
j j j
k h k
u u
i i i
j h j j h
u u
c S T c S T Max x Max x Max x
Max x Max x Max x
c S c T c S c T
= = =
= + = = +
+ = + +
+ +
= + + +

( ) ( ) 1
c N c N + = .

( ) ( )
( )
m n m
i ij i
i j i
n m n m
u u
ij i ij ij i
j i j i
c N c N w x w
x w x x w
= = =
= = = =
+ = +

= + = =

1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1
2.3 A DEA minimum game
The opposite side of the game can be constructed by
(N,d) as follows :
1 1
( )
. 1 (9)
d k Min w x
s t w
w i

( )
. 1 (10)
u k u
d k Min w x
s t w
w i

The optimal value
( ) ( )
d k d k + assures the minimum
division that player k can expect from the game.
Theorem 5.
( ) ( ) 1
d k d k

Analogously to the max game, for the coalition S N, we
1 1
( ) ( )
. 1 (12)
d S Min w x S
s t w
w i

( ) ( )
. 1 (13)
u u
d S Min w x S
s t w
w i

Theorem 6.
The min game (N,d) is super additive we have
1 1 1
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
u u
d S T d S T d S d T
d S d T
+ +
+ +

for each S, T N with S T = .
By renumbering the indexes, we have
{ } 1,..., , { 1,..., } S h T h k = = + and { } 1,..., S T k = . For
these sets it holds that
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
ij ij ij
k k h
j j j
k h k
u u
ij ij
j h j j h
u u
d S T d S T
Min x Min x Min x
Min x Min x Min x
d S d T d S d T
= = =
= + = = +
= +
+ + +
= + + +

Thus these game start from
( ) 0 d k > and ( ) 0
d k > and
enlarges the gains by the coalition until the grand
coalition N with
( ) ( ) 1
c N c N + = is reached.
1 1
( ) ( ) ( \ ) ( \ ) 1
u u
d S d S c N S c N S S N

+ + + =
Proof. By renumbering the indexes, we can assume that
{ } 1,..., , {1,..., } S h N n = = and { } \ 1,..., N S h n = + .For
this sets, it holds that
Maximal Allocated Benefit and Minimal Allocated Cost for Interval Data

1 1
1 1
1 1
( ) ( ) ( \ ) ( \ )
ij ij
ij ij
u u
h h
i i
j j
n n
i i
j h j h
d S d S c N S c N S
Min x Min x
Max x Max x
= =
= + = +
+ + +
= +
+ +

1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1
( )
( )
( )
( )
ij ij
ij ij ij
ij ij ij
ij ij
ij ij
n n
j j h
n n n
u u
j j h j h
n n n
u u
j h j h j h
n n
j h j h
n n
i i
j h j h
Min x x
Min x x Max x
Max x Min x x
Min x x
Max x Max x
= = +
= = + = +
= + = + = +
= + = +
= + = +
+ +
+ =
+ + =

3 Extentions
In this section, we extend basic model to maximal
allocated benefit and minimal allocated cost for interval
data and discuss the zero weight.

3.1 Maximal allocated benefit
Suppose that there are s criteria for representing benefits.
[ , ]( 1,..., )
y y i s = be the benefits of
player ( 1,..., ) j j n = where u
( ,..., )
u u is the virtual
weights for benefits. Analogous to the expression (1) we
define the relative score of player j to the total scores as:
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
(14), (15)
( ) ( )
ij ij
ij ij
s s
i i
i i
s n s n
u u
i ij i ij
i j i j
u y u y
u y y u y y
= =
= = = =

+ +

Player j wishes to maximize his benefits. We can express
this situation by linear programs below:
1 1
. ( ) 1 (16)
0 ( 1,..., ), 0
s n
i j
i i
Max u y
s t u y
u y j n u i
= =

1 1
. ( ) 1 (17)
0 ( 1,..., ), 0
s n
i j
i i
Max u y
s t u y
u y j n u i
= =

The weights of benefits are nonnegative. A
characteristic function of the coalition S is defined by the
linear program below:
1 1
1 1
( )
. ( ) 1 (18)
0 ( 1,..., )
i j S
s n
i j
c S Max u y
s t u y
u y j n
u i
= =

1 1
( )
. ( ) 1 (19)
0 ( 1,..., )
u u
i j S
s n
i j
c S Max u y
s t u y
u y j n
u i
= =

In the program (18), (19) the benefits of all players are
nonnegative. Since the constraints of program (18) and
(19) are the same for all coalitions, we have the following
Theorem 8. The maximal allocated benefits game
satisfies a sub- additive property.
Proof. For any N S and N T with = T S , we
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
( ) ( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( ) (
ij ij
ij ij
ij ij
ij ij
s s
i i
i j S T i j S T
i j S j T
u u
i j S j T
s s
i i
i j S i j T
i i
i j S i
c S T c S T
Max u y Max u y
Max u y y
Max u y y
Max u y u y
Max u y u
= =
= =
= +

= +

+ +

= +

+ +

1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
ij ij
ij ij
j T
s s
i i
i j S i j T
s s
u u
i i
i j S i j T
u u
Max u y Max u y
Max u y Max u y
c S c S c T c T
= =
= =

+ +
+ + +

3.2 Minimal allocated cost
Suppose that there are m criteria for representing costs.
[ , ] ( 1,..., )
x x i m = be the costs of player
( 1,..., ) j j n = where v
( ,..., )
v v is the virtual weights for
costs. Player j wishes to minimize his costs then we have:
Sahand Daneshvar, Mozhgan Mansouri Kaleibar

1 1
. 1 (20)
0 ( 1,..., ), 0
m n
i j
i i
Min v x
s t v x
v x j n v i
= =

1 1
. 1 (21)
0 ( 1,..., ), 0
m n
i j
i i
Min v x
s t v x
v x j n v i
= =

The weights of costs are non negative. A characteristic
function of the coalition S is defined by the linear
program below:
1 1
( )
. 1 (22)
0 ( 1,..., ), 0
i j S
m n
i j
i i
d S Min v x
s t v x
v x j n v i
= =

1 1
( )
. 1 (23)
0 ( 1,..., ), 0
i j S
m n
i j
i i
d S Min v x
s t v x
v x j n v i
= =

In the program (22), (23) the costs of all players are
nonnegative. Minimal allocated costs game, satisfies a
super additive property.

Theorem9. The maximal allocated cost game (N,c) and
min game (N,d) are dual games, for any SN, we have
1 1
( ) ( ) ( \ ) ( \ ) 1
u u
d S d S c N S c N S + + + = .

1 \ 1 \
1 1
1 1
1 1
( \ ) ( \ )
( ) ( )
( ( )
( ( )
( )
ij ij
ij ij
ij ij
ij ij
s s
i i
u u
i j N S i j N S
i j N j S
u u
i j N j S
s s
i i
i j N i j S
N S c N S
Max u y Max u y
Max u y y
Max u y y
Max u y u y
= =
= =
+ =
= +


1 1
1 1
1 1
( )
(1 ) (1 )
1 ( ) ( )
1 ( ) ( ).
ij ij
ij ij
ij ij
s s
u u
i i
i j N i j S
s s
i i
u u
i j S i j S
s s
i i
u u
i j S i j S
Max u y u y
Max u y Max u y
Min u y Min u y
d S d S
= =
= =
= =
= +

3.3 Avoiding occurrence of zero weights and
setting preference on weights

In A and B, we presented a scheme for determining the
weights through the program (18), (19), (22) and (23).
Some weight may happen to be zero for all optimal
solutions. This means that the corresponding criterion is
not accounted for in the solution of the game at all. Let us
suppose that all players agree to put preference on certain
criteria. The zero weight issue can thus be solved in this
way. If all players agree to incorporate preference
regarding criteria, we can apply the following "assurance
region method". For example , we set constraints on the
ratio w
, w
(i=2,,m) as:
i i
, (i=2,,m)
where L
and U
denote lower and upper bounds of the

, respectively. These bounds must be set
by agreement among all players. The program (5) is now
modified as:
( ) ( )
. 1 (24)
( 2,..., ), 0
i i i
c S Max w x s
s t w
L U i m w i

Similarly, we can avoid occurrence of zero weight in
linear programs of maximal allocated benefits and
minimal allocated costs. Then, we have:
1 1
1 1
( )
. 1
0 ( 1,..., ) (25)
( 2,..., ), 0
i j S
s n
i j
i i i
c S Max u y
s t u y
u y i n
L U i s u i
= =

Maximal Allocated Benefit and Minimal Allocated Cost for Interval Data

1 1
( )
. 1
0 ( 1,..., ) (26)
( 2,..., ), 0
u u
i j S
s n
i j
i i i
c S Max u y
s t u y
u y i n
L U i s u i
= =

1 1
1 1
( )
. 1
0 ( 1,..., ) (27)
( 2,..., ), 0
i j S
m n
i j
i i i
d S Min v x
s t v x
v x i n
L U i m v i
= =

1 1
( )
. 1
0 ( 1,..., ) (28)
( 2,..., ), 0
u u
i j S
m n
i j
i i i
d S Min v x
s t v x
v x i n
L U i m v i
= =

The (22), (23) are modified in (27), (28) respectively.

3.4 The best coalition
In program (18),(19),(22) and (23) we presented a
scheme for computing maximal allocated benefits,
minimal allocated cost for coalitions. Also we can
compute maximal allocated benefits and minimal
allocated costs for members of coalition, using programs
(16),(17),(20) and (21).These values can determine the
players expected percentages of the total benefit, cost in
the game. Each player can increase benefit allocation and
decrease cost allocation, establishing coalition. In other
words the possible ultimate benefit allocated to the
coalition can increase and minimal cost allocated can
decrease once the best circumstance is provided. There is
a question, how can player j establish coalition? Now,
knowing this it's easy for the player to examine which
other players, she/he can establish coalition with so that
he can reach the ultimate benefit ratio and minimal cost
ratio. Each player can establish coalition in different
ways, chance coalition, coalition concerning players of
minimal allocated benefit (cost), coalition concerning
players of maximal allocated benefit (cost), coalition with
the player enjoying the ultimate benefit and the players
with the minimal allocated benefit (cost), coalition with
the player enjoying the minimal benefit (cost) and the
players with maximal allocated benefit (cost). Clearly,
coalition with the player having the ultimate allocated
benefit would be better than the others. Coalition with the
player having the minimal allocated benefit would be
poorer in comparison to others. Now, it's easy to
understand that a player with the minimal benefit ratio
establish a coalition with the player who has allocated the
ultimate benefit for him/her self and player with the
maximal benefit ratio establish a coalition with the
player who has allocated the minimal benefit for
him/her self. Having established the coalition the player
cost ratio would be less or unchanged. Clearly, player
with the minimal cost ratio establish a coalition with the
player who has allocated the minimal cost for
him/herself, and player with the maximal cost ratio
establish a coalition with the player who has allocated the
minimal cost for himself. These results represented by the
example below.

4 Numerical Example
There are 10 players in this game. Each player uses 2 cost
criteria and 4 benefit criteria for first of interval. We
compute maximal allocated benefit and the minimal
allocated cost for each player for first of interval. Table
(2) shows this results (we set constraints in the ratio
).Similarly, we can compute maximal allocated benefit
and minimal allocated cost for end of interval.
Player j 1
2 j
2 j
3 j
4 j
1 50 20 800 200 350 340
2 70 18 900 160 320 470
3 80 22 1000 175 395 400
4 110 30 950 185 290 510
5 90 17 960 186 280 480
6 55 24 870 210 360 370
7 65 26 780 165 300 440
8 75 32 670 150 400 500
9 50 29 810 170 410 510
10 100 16 910 190 420 390

We now apply this approach to the data above.
Player j maximal allocated
benefit for first of
minimal allocated
cost for first of
1 11.17% 6.71%
2 10.66% 7.69%
3 11.56% 9.40%
4 11.56% 12.82%
5 11.10% 7.26%
6 11.73% 7.3%
7 9.98% 8.72%
8 11.35% 10.7%
9 11.63% 6.71%
10 11.91% 6.84%
7th player has the minimal allocated benefit and the l0th
has the maximal allocated benefit. Also, the 1st has
maximal allocated cost and 4th and 9th have the minimal
allocated cost.
Sahand Daneshvar, Mozhgan Mansouri Kaleibar

benefits for
members of
benefits of
total game
S1 31.77%
S2 33.76%
S3 31.52%
S4 31.55%
S5 29.94%

cost for
members of
allocated cost
of total game
S1 28.86%
S2 13.42%
S3 35.17%
S4 31.54%
S5 28.19%

Consider in Table 3(A) , S
is chance coalition , S
coalition concerning players of minimal allocated benefit,
is coalition concerning players of maximal allocated
benefit, S
is coalition with the player enjoying the
minimal benefit and the players with maximal allocated
benefit and in Table 3 (B), S
is chance coalition S
coalition concerning players of minimal allocated cost, S
is concerning players of maximal allocated, S
is coalition
with the players enjoying the minimal cost and the
players with maximal allocated cost and S
is coalition
with the player enjoying the maximal cost and the
players with minimal allocated cost.
Table (3) shows, establish the coalition the player benefit
ratio are increased or unchanged. Also, establish the
coalition the player cost ratio are decreased or
unchanged.7th player with the least benefit ratio has the
most benefit inS
.10th player with the maximal benefit
ratio has the most benefit in S
.4th player with the most
cost ratio has the least cost inS
.1st player with the
minimal cost ratio has the least cost in S
Player j Modified maximal
allocated benefit for
first of interval
Modified minimal
allocated cost for first
of interval
1 9.22% 6.80%
2 10.33% 9.13%
3 11.12% 10.53%
4 10.90% 14.47%
5 10.78% 11.34%
6 9.91% 7.52%
7 9.22% 8.84%
8 9.11% 10.24%
9 10.20% 6.98%
10 10.52% 12.41%

In this paper, we have studied the common weight issues
that connect the game solution with arbitrary weight
selection behavior of the players. Regarding this subject,
we have proposed a method for compute maximal
allocated benefit and minimal allocated costs for interval
data. We have introduced coalitions and the ways for
finding the best coalitions. In this sense, avoided
occurrence zero weight by assurance region method.
Furthermore a numerical example, have been calculated
with proposed ways, has been considered.

We are grateful to the anonymous referees and Professors
Nakabayashi and Tone for their helpful comments and
suggestions. This paper is supported by Islamic Azad
University Tabriz Branch and Young Researchers Club.

[1]. A. Charnes, W.W. Cooper, and E. Rhodes, Measuring the
efficiency of decision making units, European Journal of Operational
Research, vol. 2, 1978, pp. 429-440.
[2]. G. Owen, On the core of linear production games, Mathematical
Programming, vol. 9, 1975, pp. 358-370.
[3]. G.R. Jahanshahloo, F.Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, and S. Sohraiee,
Egoist's dilemma with interval data, Applied Mathematics and
Computation, vol. 183, 2006, pp. 94-105.
[4]. K. Nakabayashi, and K. Tone, Egoist's dilemma: a DEA game,
The International of Management Science, vol. 36, 2006, pp. 135- 148.
[5]. R. Allen, A.D. Athanassopoulas, R.D. Dyson, and E. Thanassoulis,
Weights restriction and value judgment in data envelopment analysis,
Annals of Operations Research, vol. 73, 1997, pp. 13-34.
[6]. W.W. Cooper, L.M. Seiford, and K. Tone, Data envelopment
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DEA- solver software, Boston: Klawer Academic Publishers, 2000
Maximal Allocated Benefit and Minimal Allocated Cost for Interval Data
An Investigation of the Protection Performances for Current-Limiting Fuses
Using Stainless Steel Wires


Department of Electrical Technology Education

King Mongkuts University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, THAILAND
Faculty of Education and Culture, Miyazaki University, JAPAN
e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract: - Recently, owing to a high demand of and high dependence on electric power, the reliability of the
distribution voltage of electric power systems has become more important. 22 kV high voltage cutout fuses have been
used widely, but some melting accidents have occurred due to pollution/contamination of bushings. As the number of
contaminants in bushings increases, the electric fields on the fuse element surface rise to a critical level, triggering
corona discharge. A fuse element material that is more resistant to corona discharge than the Ag element is desired. A
new type of current-limiting fuse made of stainless steel wires, which is low-cost and simple in design has been
developed. Characteristics tests, including a blocking test with a high surge current when a voltage is applied, have
been conducted. Using a model fuse, it was confirmed that this new type of fuse possesses similar performance
characteristics to those with an Ag element.

Key-Words: - Large current breaking test , Stainless steel wire, 22kV high voltage cutout, Arc extinguishing tube

1 Introduction
In response to improvements in the reliability of electric
supply as well as increases in short-circuit capacity,
which accompany increases in electrical demand, there
has been a demand for verification of improvement in
the blocking capabilities of high currents in switching
protection instruments used for electrical power
distribution, as well as characteristics related to these
blocking capabilities [1]. There has also been a gradual
increase in the number of equipment with high-pressure
cutout fuses installed.
In 1995, there were numerous melting accidents
involving 22 kV high-voltage current-limiting cutout
fuses in Japan's Kyushu coastal district [2]. Based on the
authors' research results, such accidents are caused
when, for example, the porcelain tube of a high-voltage
cutout fuse is polluted or contaminated. In such cases, a
highly electrical field is produced between the porcelain
tube and fuse element, and a corona discharge is
generated in the fuse element area, causing a melting
accident to occur due to thermal degradation of the
silver element (hereinafter referred to as Ag) used
regularly in fuses [3,4]. As a result, improvements are
necessary, and a fuse structure that prevents fuse-
melting accidents caused by thermal degradation must
be developed. High-voltage cutout fuses using stainless
steel wires are being developed by Kakimoto [5] et al.
However, since such fuses are of an emission-type
structure, there is the problem of cracked gas [6] being
emitted from the arc extinguishing tube, and a fusion
sound being heard when the fuse melts. This in turn
causes concern to the living environment.
The purpose of this research is to develop a low-
cost 22 kV high-pressure cutout current-limiting fuse, by
using stainless steel wires (SUS304) that are resistant to
corona discharges as the element, and by comparing this
to the presently used current-limiting fuse that uses Ag
In this experiment, a 22 kV high-pressure cutout
current-limiting fuse (hereinafter referred to as model
fuse) with a newly structured element portion using
stainless steel wires instead of the currently used Ag
element was first experimentally created. Then, an
oscillatory impulse high-current blocking characteristics
test (hereinafter referred to as blocking test), which is
one of the characteristics tests for fuses, was carried out.
It was confirmed that the oscillatory impulse high-
current blocking characteristics of the model fuse that is
proposed here, a simulated fuse with a thin wire portion
in the center, has equivalent blocking characteristics as
fuses that use Ag. The results that were derived after
examining the blocking characteristics of stainless steel
wires, as substituted for Ag, are reported below.

2. Experimental Arrangement
For blocking tests, flashovers are prevented in the main
wire area, where recovery work is difficult, and a
lighting surge flashover is made to occur near the
transformer. In such a state, the blocking capabilities of
the high-pressure cutout fuse to completely block the
short-circuit current that starts flowing are examined [9].

Fig.1 Experimental circuit for large current breaking

Figure 1 shows the circuit for the blocking
characteristic test. The power source and measuring
apparatus used in this experiment are the power voltage
of the arrester and a shock voltage current generator
used for current characteristic tests, respectively. In the
blocking test, the model fuse was substituted for the
lightning protection component, and the terminal voltage
and current characteristics were surveyed by measuring
the terminal voltage and current waveform with an
oscilloscope (Yokogawa; DL1540).

0 100 200
Time [s]

Capacity applied volatge : 15kV

Fig.2 Peculiar current waveform

Figure 2 shows the prospective current (ip) waveform
when the current voltage (Vco) of the condenser is 15
kV. Two types of model fuses with different structures
were used for the blocking test.
Each of these is shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. As
shown in Figure 3, Type (1) represents the model fuse
with a structure where one stainless steel wire is set
horizontally/linearly in the atmosphere. As shown in
Figure 4, the Type (2) model fuse is composed of two
stainless steel wires as the fuse element, but the central
part of the element is composed of one wire. Since the
model fuse will definitely melt in the central part, Type
(2) is structured with a gap (d). The structure of this gap
has been examined by giving sufficiently taking the heat
conduction equation [10] into account. The purpose of
the Type (2) model fuse is to extinguish arcs generated
in the fuse's central element area when melting of the
fuse occurs [11]. To do so, a transparent arc
extinguishing tube (Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene; PTFE)
with an inner diameter (hereinafter referred to as " p ")
of 0.5 mm was affixed, and the acrylic pipe was filled
with arc-extinguishing sand.

Single wire

Fig.3 Trial fuse (TYPE)

PTFE tube
Acryl i c pi pe
Tape Tape
Gap d=10mm
Wi re
PTFE tube

An Investigation of the Protection Performances for Current-Limiting Fuses using Stainless Steel Wire
Fig.4 Trial fuse (TYPE)
3. Experiment results

3.1 Pre-arcing process of fuse element
Figure 5 and Figure 6 are photographs of the Type (2)
fuse melting as taken with the image converter camera
when the applied voltage was 30kV, the element area
consisted of Ag with a diameter (hereinafter referred to
as "s") of 0.1 mm and stainless steel wire with s=0.2
mm, and an arc-extinguishing tube in the shape of
p1.0 mm with a length (hereinafter referred to as
"1p") of 100 mm was used. The value of resistance
differs [12] for the material of the two different fuse
elements, but characteristics tests were conducted such
that the structure of the element part was the same for
both model fuses.
In Figure 5, the emission of light is spread out
overall, but in Figure 6, a strong emission is prominent
in the center of the element part of the model fuse. This
confirms that the gap in the center of the fuse element
definitely contributes to the melting mechanism in the
central area. It is assumed that for Ag, depending on the
quality of the material, if an unexpected electric current
passes through the Ag, an adiabatic increase in
temperature occurs [13] and there is light emission
Figure 7 shows the voltage and current waveforms
measured at the same time the photographs were taken.
As shown in (a), which represents the model fuse that
uses Ag, melting occurs at the current waveform's peak
value of approximately 4.5 kA, about 6.0 s after power
distribution begins. The arc current at approximately
40s after the start of power distribution is about 300A.
For the model fuse that uses stainless steel wires, Figure
7 (b) shows that 7.0 s after power distribution begins,
the current waveform's peak value is approximately 2.8
kA, at which fusion occurs. After a current distribution
period of approximately 22 s, the electric current
subsides to nearly 0.0 A. No. 5 of Figure 6 (which
corresponds to (5) of Figure 7 (b)) is a photograph taken
approximately 8.0 s after power distribution started,
and is the first frame in which an emission can be clearly
confirmed. This matches the peak value of the voltage
and current waveform in Figure 7 (b), which confirms
that melting occurred in the element portion of the fuse.
The model fuse using stainless steel wires was
confirmed as having the same blocking ability as the
fuse using Ag.

3.2 Results of blocking test
Figure 8 shows the power voltage between fuse
terminals and the temporal change during the blocking
test that was performed using the Type (2) model fuse.
In this case, the stainless steel wires were of s = 0.1
mm, p0.5 mm, and lp100 mm. In (a) and (b) of the

Fig.5 Framing photos in fusion test of trial fuse by
Image converter camera(Ag).

Fig.6 Framing photos in fusion test of trial fuse by
Image converter camera(SUS304).

Narong Mungkung, Somchai Arunrungrusmi, Toshifumi Yuji
) (
Ri P K
d gas
same figure, the charging voltage (Vco) of the condenser
is 22.5 kV and 37.5 kV, and the upper part of the
waveform represents the terminal voltage, while the

lower part represents the current waveform. When
Vco30kV, the same waveform as the one for 22.5 kV
was obtained. In a regular fuse melting process, after
power distribution begins, the fuse element becomes
heated by Joule heat, from the power distribution current
[14]. The period from when power distribution starts and
meltdown begins (hereinafter referred to as Tf) is the
meltdown time (hereinafter referred to as Tm), and the
period from when power distribution starts until the arc
is generated is the fusion time (hereinafter referred to as
Tp). The electric currents/voltage waveforms from the
results of the blocking characteristics test are shown as
the results from only one test. As shown in (b) of the
same figure, an increase in applied voltage, or injected
energy, results in a shortening of the fusion time. This is
referred to as the exploding wires phenomenon, and a
large amount of research is being carried out in regards
to this phenomenon [15,16]. The breaking of copper
wires by high currents is also reported on as a fracture
phenomenon by Professor Arai of the Tokyo Denki
University. The stainless steel wires used in this
experiment, however, are composite materials and are
not categorically the same as the ones discussed in
reference material [17].
Figure 9 shows the power voltage and temporal
change when the Type (2) model fuse is filled with arc-
extinguishing sand. Compared to Figure 8, there is a
prominent change in the power voltage and current
waveform, depending on the applied voltage. Figure 9
(a) differs from Figure 8 in that the current value
decreases to 0.0 A after surpassing Tp, due to the
absorption of heat by the arc-extinguishing sand. A re-
ascent in the current cannot be confirmed. Once the
current is reduced to nearly 0.0 A, the current value rises
again. In Figure 9 (b) and (c), the current is reduced to
nearly 0.0 A, as an arc is generated at a point when the
current waveform has passed its peak value, after
starting to decrease due to a sudden increase in terminal
voltage immediately after the Tf value. As with the
current-limiting action [18] of the current-limiting fuse
and formula (1), the process of extinguishing arcs is
mainly composed of the melting mechanism and the
energy Pd lost by the arc to the arc-extinguishing sand,
resulting in the above phenomenon. The arc generated
loses energy, cools down, and loses its conductive
properties [19], while heating the surrounding arc-
extinguishing sand. In the following equation, Kgas
represents the constant related to the gas that the arc
strikes, and R represents the arc resistance.


0 20 40
Time [s]


Type21 Ag


0 20 40
Time [s


Type21 SUS304

Fig.7 Voltage and current waveforms.

After fusion of the fuse element portion, the arc-
extinguishing tube was visually confirmed as having
slightly melted. This is because the structure of the gap
between the arc-extinguishing tube and stainless steel
wire is small, and fusion occurs when the central area of
the stainless steel (one wires worth of element) is
effectively heated by a high current. Generally, when a
metal wire explodes through melting, there is (1) an
increase in temperature while in the solid condition, (2)
a melting process after reaching the melting point, (3) an
increase in temperature while in the liquid state, and (4)
vaporization at boiling point, after which an arc is
generated, undergoes a four-stage change, and then the
An Investigation of the Protection Performances for Current-Limiting Fuses using Stainless Steel Wire
metal is fused [19]. For the model fuses that were
experimentally created, after power begins in the
stainless steel element, the melting point is reached after
an increase in temperature by Joule heat while in the
solid state. Afterwards, the stainless steel element melts,
transforms to a liquid state, and increases in temperature.
It then reaches boiling point, vaporizes, undergoes a
four-stage change of state, leading to the blocking of the
fuse. This is based on the generalization of the authors
past research results [20]. After the blocking of the fuse,
there were also some residual substances, such as soot,
inside the acrylic pipe, from after the fusion of the arc-
extinguishing tube.
Figure 10 shows the relationship (hereinafter referred to
as Tm-V characteristic) between Tm and applied
voltage (hereinafter referred to as V) of the Type (2)
fuse. Tm-V indicates that the heating characteristics
inside the arc-extinguishing tube are influenced by the
inner diameter of the arc-extinguishing tube. The figure
indicates 3 ensemble average values; those marked with
(when there is no arc-extinguishing sand in the
acrylic pipe) and (when the acrylic pipe is filled with
arc-extinguishing sand) are for when 1p=80 mm, and
those marked with (when there is no arc-extinguishing
sand in the acrylic pipe) and (when the acrylic pipe is
filled with arc-extinguishing sand) are for when 1p=100
mm. Figure 10 also shows that after the model fuse
melted, the fusion time of the model fuse without arc-
extinguishing sand in the acrylic pipe is shorter than for
the model fuse with arc-extinguishing sand in the acrylic
pipe. This is due to the heat dissipating more easily if the
fuse element comes in contact with the arc-extinguishing

4 Conclusion
A high-pressure cutout current-limiting fuse that is
simple in structure, with superior corona discharge
resistance properties than the Ag fuse element currently
used, was experimentally created. Blocking
characteristics of the experimentally created model fuses
were examined through blocking tests. The main
gathered results are as follows.
1. In blocking tests using arc-extinguishing sand, the
fuse blocking time is short, and the arc current reaches
nearly 0A approximately 20s after fusion.
2. In the blocking tests, the fuse blocking time was
shorter when the acrylic pipe is filled with arc-
extinguishing sand.
3. The gap that was designed intentionally in the fuse
element area definitely contributes to the fusing
mechanism in the fuses central area.
4. Emissions confirm that fusion of the fuse element
starts in the central area when an oscillatory impulse
high-current is applied.
In the future, the application of stainless steel wires
in actual 22 kV high-pressure cutout fuses will be
considered after clarifying the characteristics of AC
voltage superposition through experiments.

0 20 40 60


0 20 40 60

Fig.8 Voltage and current waveforms of Type in 0.1
wire fuse with PTFE tube without arc extinguishing

Narong Mungkung, Somchai Arunrungrusmi, Toshifumi Yuji

0 20 40

We would like to thank the National Research
University Project of Thailand's Office of the Higher
Education Commission for financial support

[1] T. Kato and K. Sunabe; CRIEPI REPORT,
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[2] M.Otsubo, K.Takada, T. Matsune, C.Honda,
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IEIE of Japan, G-3, pp. 403-404 (2001) (in
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K. Maki; Reprinted from Memoirs of the Faculty of
Engineering, Miyazaki University, No.30, pp.189-
194 (2001)(in Japanese).
[5]H.Kakimoto, T.Yarimitsu, H.Utsumiya and
Y.Yamada; Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual
Conference of Power & Energy Society. IEE of
Japan, No.478, pp.419-420 (2000) (in Japanese).
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[7] T.Yuji, S.Hidaka, M.Otsubo, C.Honda, and K.Maki;
Proccedings of 2002 Joint Conference of ACED &
K-J Symposium on ED and HVE, pp.672-675
[8] K.Takada, N.Tominaga, H.Iwamoto, M.Otsubo,
C.Honda and Y.Fukui; 2000 Joint Conference of
Electrical & Electronics Engineering in
KyushuNo.609p.243 (2000) (in Japanese).
[9] S.Arai and T.Kato; IEE of Japan, SPD-80-7, pp. 11-
20 (1980) (in Japanese).
[10] T.Inaba and T.Ishikawa; CRIEPI REPORT,
No.181047 (1982)(in Japanese).
[11] M.Nagate and Y.Yokoi; T.IEE Japan, Vol.93-
ANo.7pp.285-289 (1973)(in Japanese).
[12] T.Inaba, Y.Kuzuma and Y.Goda; CRIEPI
REPORT, No. 683001 (1983)(in Japanese).
[13] T.Inaba; T.IEE Japan, Vol.99-A, No.3, pp.97-104
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[14] T.Inaba; CRIEPI REPORT, No.74705 (1975)(in
[15] W.G.Chace & H.K.Moore editing: Exploding
[16] W.G.Chace & H.K.Moore editing: Exploding Wires
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[17] S.Arai; T.IEE of Japan, Vol.91, No.11, pp.123-132
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0 20 40


0 20 40

Fig.9 Voltage and current waveforms of Type in 0.1
wire fuse with PTFE tube and arc extinguishing sand

An Investigation of the Protection Performances for Current-Limiting Fuses using Stainless Steel Wire

25 30 35
Applied voltage [kV]



; 0 .5mm
; 0 .5mm

; 1 .0mm

; 0 .5mm

; 1 .0mm

Fig.10 Relation between applied voltage and breaking

[18] Technical Committee of Fuse of IEE of Japan;
Technical Report of IEE of Japan (), Vol.7, pp.1-
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[19]S.Houki and F.Fuji; T.IEE of Japan, Vol.664,
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K.Maki; IEE of Japan, ED-01-29, DEI-01-35, HV-
01-29, pp. 65-70 (2001) (in Japanese).

Narong Mungkung was born in Lopburi Province,
Thailand, in 1965. He received the B.S.Ind.Ed. degree
in electrical engineering from King Mongkuts
University of Technology, Thonburi, Thailand, in 1992,
the M.S.Tech.Ed degree in electrical technology from
Kings Institute of Technology, North Bangkok,
Thailand, in 1998, the M.S. degree and D.Eng in
electrical engineering from Nippon Institute of
Technology, Saitama, Japan, in 2000 and 2003.
Currently he is Assoc Prof. of Department Electrical
Technology Education, Faculty of Industrial Education
and technology , King Mongkuts University of
Technology Thonburi, Thailand. His main research
interests are in engineering education, electrical
discharge, plasma application , energy conversion
system and high voltage.

Somchai Arunrungrasmi was born in Chonburi
Province, Thailand, in 1972. He received the
B.S.Ind.Ed. degree in electrical engineering from King
Mongkuts University of Technology, Thonburi,
Thailand, in 1995, the M.S. degree in electrical
engineering from King Mongkuts University of
Technology Thonburi, Thailand., in 2000. Currently he
is a lecturer of Department Electrical Technology
Education, Faculty of Industrial Education and
technology , King Mongkuts University of Technology
Thonburi, Thailand. His main research interests are in
engineering education, image processing, geographic
information system and system design.

Toshifumi Yuji was born in Miyazaki, Japan, on June
2, 1976. He received the M.E. degree from the
University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan, in 2003 and
Narong Mungkung, Somchai Arunrungrusmi, Toshifumi Yuji
the Ph.D. degree from the Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 2007. He became a
Research Associate at Hiroshima National College of
Maritime Technology in 2005 and Assistant Professor
at Oita National College of Technology in 2006. He is
currently a Lecturer in Faculty of Education and
Culture, University of Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan. His
research interests are plasma application and electric
power installation. He is a member of the Institute of
Electrical Engineers of Japan and the Japan Society of
Applied Physics.
An Investigation of the Protection Performances for Current-Limiting Fuses using Stainless Steel Wire
Assessment and forecast stability of slopes in the Carpathian
and sub-Carpathian area of Dmbovia and Prahova. Classification
and risk factors


Department of Geography, Faculty of Humanities
Valahia University of Trgovite
Str. Lt. Stancu Ion, no. 34-36, 130105, Trgoviste, Dambovia
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; www.valahia.ro

Abstract: - To determine risk factors in assessing and forecasting, the stability of slopes is a need for
classification and ranking, so it is possible to establish a degree of urgency in the analysis of paddocks.
The paper is addressed to the risk factor of landslides, which affects the slopes of space flyisch and fore-
syncline of the Carpathian space between rivers Arge and Provia. Analysis of spatial distribution of landslides
shows the role of geo-structural factor, that has the regional breakdown.
Within a geo-structural unit, lithologic factor can be considered as constant, no matter at what level scale
geological and geo-chronological formations fall, favoring the occurrence of landslides.
Spatial distribution of landslides seems no coincidence, these focusing on certain areas that overlap
alignment of tectonic fractures, usually crossing the general geological structure. Therefore, in the researched
area, tectonic factor must have a large slope stability assessment and prognosis. In areas affected by tectonic
fractures are found to accelerate the process of altering the rocks, which causes a reduction in the resistance
forces on the one hand, and increasing gravitational instability, on the other. However, faults and their
surrounding areas promote the movement of groundwater, contributing to increased gravitational instability.
Distribution analysis of landslides on the slopes is for every slope values that determine the maximum
frequency reached for relatively small, up to 15
, of flyisch, and up to 30
, where is located Carpathian fore-
syncline. The explanation of such sharing should be sought in the mineralogical composition of the deposits
involved in the phenomenon of slip and geological structure of the perimeter analyzed. From here we can see
the correlation between various factors which condition each other and form the whole trigger mechanism of

Key-words: - geo-structural factors, spatial distribution, frequency of landslides, tectonic factor, illit-
montmorillonit couple, fault.

1 Introduction
Slope instability is a constant presence in the of
Carpathian flyisch and fore-syncline, being, on the
one hand, a consequence of natural evolution of
relief, and on the other, a result of human activity on
environmental factors. Concerns for the limitation
of the effects on human habitat appear to be
insufficient, and that due to the volume of work that
it entails, and thus their costs.
Therefore, it must be taken into account the
problems of assessment and forecasting the behavior
of slopes in time, approach that proves extremely
difficult and complicated.
The assessment and forecast models of slope
stability are considered eight factors of favorability,
namely: arrangement of structural-tectonic,
lithologic and petrographical nature, geo-
morphological configuration of the land surface,
climate and hydrological regime, the movement of
groundwater, seismicity region, arboreal vegetation
coverage and impact of human activity.
Of the more than 150 landslides analyzed over
the years include the most detailed elements of a
number of 136, which covers the pleated and folded
structures in the space of Carpathian fore-synclinal
interfluve Arge - Provia. Their monitoring was
conducted over the period 1965-2000 years.
Preliminary data included their knowledge of
their spatial and temporal location, information on
gradient slopes and areas affected.
Just a few of these slides were taken from
detailed data in respect of spatial geometry, physical
and mechanical parameters of the deposits involved
the phenomenon of slip and the geological sub-
layers, hydrological and hydro-geological
conditions, analysis of the status of efforts slopes
2 Distribution of landslides
By their location in relation to geological
structure has resulted in a statistical distribution,
which allows some conclusions in the risk
assessment and classification of the region.
Correlation in distribution of landslides with flyisch
units (Fig. 1) and fore-synclinal creates an overview
of the extent and spatial distribution of the
phenomenon. One can easily see that the highest
frequency belongs to flyisch, which has values
nearly double (86 landslides) in relation to fore-
synclinal (50 landslides) (Fig. 2). This image allows
some comments on favorability factors in landslide

Fig. 1. Landslide repartition in the flysch and

Geo-structural speaking, the area covered are
different internal structures represented by the
Ceahlu canvas, Teleajen and Macla canvases, and
external flyisch made here only by the one of
Tarcu. To these are added post-tectonic units of
internal flyisch such as: syncline Slnic - Bezdead -
Gura Brbuleului, Rul Alb - Malu cu Flori -
Vleni Dmbovia and Talea - Runcu.
South of Tarcu canvas develops a fore-syncline
where also the land sliding phenomena have a
certain distribution and frequency.
Therefore, one can say that the regional factor in
geo-structural has a large share of the risk
assessment of landslides and it correctly reflects the
distribution and frequency.
Fig.2. Landslide frequency correlated to the tectonic units
Flisch Fore-deep
Geotectonic Units



But within a region with high risk of instability
phenomena in the development of the land, it is
noted that the distribution and frequency of a certain
structure, which should found significant weight
factors in assessment and forecast slope instability.
For the regional analysis of the phenomena of
land instability, lithologic factor has a major share.
On the canvas of Ceahlu, land slip processes are
located on the Early Cretaceous formations, mainly
on marly facies, the marly gritty schists, which are
Sinaia layers and Comarnic layers.
Spectacular phenomena of instability are giving
by post-tectonic deposits in the internal party of
Ceahlu canvas, belonging Turonian - Senonian
(Late Cretaceous), in the perimeter Dealul Frumos -
Runcu. All upper Cretaceous, the period Vraconian
- Turonian, in the predominantly shale facies, is due
to landslides in the Macla and Teleajen canvases, in
the line Mgura - Fieni - Vulcana de Sus.
The relative uniformity of lithologic facies in
geological structures out lengthwise (from east to
west) would suggest that the distribution of
instability phenomena have the same spatial
distribution, with variations depending on local
conditions (slope, arboreal vegetation coverage,
etc.). However, there is a concentration of landslides
in some alignments that overlap large tectonic faults
Another area with relatively high frequency of
instability is the process which overlaps
post-tectonic structures of internal flyisch,
consisting of Eocene deposits or Paleogene - Lower
Miocene of synclinals Rul Alb - Malu cu Flori -
Vleni Dmbovia and Slnic - Bezdead - Gura
Brbuleului. It can be observed the same
distribution along tectonic faults overlapping
A high frequency of landslides is registered in
the canvas area of the Tarcu of external flyisch,
forming a broad waiver, being multiple transverse
Fig. 2. Landslide frequency correlated to the tectonic units
Assessment and Forecast Stability of Slopes in the Carpathian and Sub-Carpathian Area of DamboviNa and Prahova.
Classification and Risk Factors
faulted. In this case, the lithologic factor favors the
occurrence of landslides in clay-shale facies of
Pucioasa layers. But, as in the cases listed above,
there is a group of landslides after some alignments.
In the fore-syncline, lithologic factor remains the
main favorability factor by shale facies of Badenian,
Pontian and Dacian sequence of clay-sand.
But some landslides are grouped, as with fliysch
of some areas, although the area of outcrop of
geological formations that favor the occurrence of
landslides is much higher.
Quaternary, especially the Piedmont area of
Cndeti developed interfluve Dmbovia - Arge,
favoring instability phenomena through
intercalations of clay and clay-shale of Cndeti
facies. In this case, should be considered also hydro-
geological factor, which has a special weight
because of the presence of aquifers under pressure.

3 Distribution of landslides in relation
to geological formations
Distribution of landslides in geological
formations allows some comments (Fig. 3). The
analysis of this sharing shows the highest frequency
observed in the area of outcrop of Paleogene of
canvas Tarcu and post-tectonic structures of
Cretaceous canvases (50 landslides). A lower
frequency submit Cretaceous and Pliocene deposits
(36, respectively 38 landslides), which would
suggest that lithologic factor is a constant.
Regarding spatial distribution patterns of
structures and lithologic complexes ought to
landslides are located on the east-west directions.
The situation would be consistent with the broad of
geo-structural units, but the reality is different, they
focusing on specific alignments, not incidentally
overlapping large tectonic fractures.
Returning to Fig. 1, we can notice that the field
of Cretaceous flysich, Lower Ialomicioara Valley is
affected by a transverse fault of the geological
structure in the sequence along which many
landslides can be very deep. In this space, canvas of
Ceahlu has a complex structure, given by a
succession of syncline fold, some faulted overfolds,
being affected across the fault of Ialomicioara.
To the south, the area of Teleajen canvas,
landslides are located along faults of superposition
at the head of tectonic structures, as in the
perimeters of settlements Cucuteni and Fieni, or the
canvas area in the territory of the localities Macla
and Mgura, on the Bizdidel Valley.
Similar situations on can meet in the field of
external flyisch, respectively Tarcu canvas and
post-tectonic structures. An obvious example is
Cricovul Dulce Valley, where a series of landslides
was produced along the fault line upper Viineti, a
transverse fault of general geological structure of
Tarcu canvas. A cross-cutting aspect have also the
perimeters of locality Vrfuri and Ulmetului fault,
located slightly west.
In the same way can be seen sliding Vulcana Bi
village perimeter, following, more or less, the fault
of Ialomia.
Fig.3. The distribution of the landslides according to
the geological formations
Time scale



The role of tectonic factor can be shown also in
the fore-syncline, such as northern flank of syncline
Valea Lung, where cross faults is related to the
extended Tarcu canvas. As can be evidenced
tubee fault, along the valley with the same name, is
extended to the south of Ulmetului fault. Some
landslides from the same flank can be traced to the
southward extension of the faults Viineti and
Also, in the Moreni town perimeter are some
landslides that may be linked with fault of salt in the
northern flank of anticline diapir with the same
name. The same situation is encountered in Ocnia
village area, where are found some slides related to
faults of mounting cross Lculee - Ocnia -
It is to be noticed a differentiation factor in the
distribution of tectonic instability phenomena of the
land, explained by the following processes:
- The existence of tectonic forces, for mobility
or reactivation of faults of others, which has
the effect of changing the status of efforts of
- A system of cracks of one side of the fault
plane, which results in a decrease in rock
strength and acceleration of deterioration
- Hydro-geological faults, which also favors
the acceleration of deterioration and hence a
Fig. 3. The distribution of the landslides according to the
geological formations
Alexandru Istrate, Madalina Frinculeasa, Gica Pehoiu
decrease in resistance parameters;
- Increasing the thickness of the altered shell,
implying a greater gravitational effort.
Thus, within a high risk regions in terms of land
instability, tectonic factor can not be neglected, it
sometimes having a crucial role in triggering such
events and, especially, in issuing a forecast behavior
of slopes. Delineation of fractures in a particular
area becomes a mandatory action, especially where
slopes are now established, but the future instability
phenomena may occur.

4 The correlation between landslides
and slope angle
Distribution analysis of landslides based on slope
angle of the slope founds an inverse proportionality.
Specifically, the frequency increases with
decreasing slope (Fig. 4), which means that the
slope is not a big major risk factor, as specified in
the regulations for the development of risk maps to
slip the slopes.
However, such a result must have an
explanation. From the analysis pointed graph is
observed number of 80 cases, the slopes up to 15
which represents a rate of 59%, 28 cases of slopes
corresponding to 30
, with a rate of 21%, and the
remaining 20% returning more than 30
Fig.4. Landslide repartition according to the angle of the


Slope [degree]

Breakdown of the two major geo-structural units
analyzed causes the greatest weight to return fliysch,
compared with fore-syncline. In the unit of flyisch,
the number of cases for slopes of less than 15
is 65
from a total of 91, representing a rate of 72% (Fig.
For fore-syncline, where are the same slopes, the
number of cases is 15, from a total of 44,
representing a rate of only 34%.
Fig.5. Landslide frequency in the Carpathian flysch unit
according to the angle of the slope
sub 15 16-30 31-45 peste 45
Slope [degree]

In the case of fore-syncline, an important one
and subsidence have produced the slopes of up to
, representing 32%, similar to the previous
(Fig. 6).
Therefore, regarding fore-syncline, slope
inclination express in some measure proportionality
between it and the risk of landslides.

Returning to Fig. 2, where the frequency of
landslides is higher unity of fliysch, to landslide,
might suggest that the slope would play an
important role in triggering landslides. This
correlation, regionally, is consistent with the role of
slope in landslide occurrence, whereas, in fact, the
formation unit slope has a high percentage
compared with the fore-syncline. Therefore, at the
regional level, slope factor can express the degree of
risk of occurrence of landslides. But within a geo-
structural unit with a high risk, it is noted that
landslides have high frequency on sections of the
slope with low gradient.
Factor explaining this behavior is the
mineralogical, that the report is determined by illit -
montmorillonit couple.
Fig. 6. Landslide frequency in the fore-syncline
according to the angle of the slope

sub 15 16-30 31-45 peste 45
Slope [degree]
Fig. 4. Landslide repartition according to the
angle of the slope
Fig. 5. Landslides frequency in the Carpathian fliysch unit
according to the angle of the slope
Assessment and Forecast Stability of Slopes in the Carpathian and Sub-Carpathian Area of DamboviNa and Prahova.
Classification and Risk Factors
Numerous laboratory studies was performed on
different types of slide show that illit is transforming
in montmorillonit, which increases under clays fatty
deposits surrounding sensitive clays, which have a
high capacity to absorb water (Fig. 7). Water
absorption may be so great that there is a gravity
water forming an undercurrent. However, the
occurrence of gravitational water greatly reduces
internal friction and cohesion forces of clay

In this situation occurs hydro-geological factor,
the pore water pressure reducing the normal
component of gravity and, thus, reducing the
resistance forces.
The role of hydro-geological factor is
accentuated when the groundwater is mineralized,
especially the sulphate, as in the Paleogene
formations of syncline Slnic - Bezdead -
Buciumeni or Rul Alb - Malu cu Flori - Vleni
Dmbovia. Furthermore, the contribution of
groundwater mineral fraction accelerates the process
of transition illit to montmorillonit.
Therefore, triggering landslides on slopes of less
than 15
is explained by an accumulation of factors,
including the hydro-geological and mineralogical
ones, which have a high share.
Lower frequency of landslides on slopes steeper
slope can be explained by several findings of the
field and laboratory work.
In areas with high slopes, thickness of altered
shell is lower, hence the lower value of tangential
component of gravity.
In other cases, the size composition of deposits is
somewhat rough, which gives greater permeability
and allows faster drainage of the slope. Thus,
contact time rock - water is relatively short, so the
transition illit - montmorillonit does not occur or is
significantly slowed.
The analysis in this case shows that the
conversion to montmorillonit is produced from top
to bottom, having an important role it rainfall

5 Conclusions
Analysis of landslides in the Carpathian region
of fore-syncline and fliysch in the interfluve Arge -
Provia refer some matters which may result in
assessment and forecast the behavior of slopes in
At regional level, geo-structural factor has a
defining role in zoning a territory, increasing its
share with a degree of geological and tectonic
Inside high-risk regions such as fliysch and even
Carpathian fore-syncline, lithologic factor can be
considered a constant in achieving conditions of
landslide occurrence.
In the area examined was noted that the slip
phenomena have a certain distribution in space,
which incidentally are associated with large tectonic
fractures, with a regional or local aspect. On notice
the important role of transverse faults deterioration
of geological structure, which would suggest further
efforts to introduce changes in steady-state of
slopes. Therefore, tectonic factor becomes
especially important in particular for forecasting the
evolution of slopes.
Very good results were obtained by studying the
frequency of landslides based on slopes gradient.
Logically, the slope should have a high proportion
in evaluating of slopes stability in a region.
However, to obtain a high frequency of landslides
on slopes of up to 15-16
, in the case of Carpathian
fliysch, and in proportions roughly equal to the
slopes of up to 15
and from 15 to 30
, in the
fore-syncline region.
The explanation of such behavior is given by the
contribution of hydro-geological and mineralogical
factors that have a role in triggering the instability
phenomena of the land.
Therefore, the eight factors that determine slope
instability should have a certain hierarchy, some of
them with regional importance, while others
introduce spatial differences and make us
understand that the distribution of landslides is not
entirely coincidental. On the other hand, it has to be
introduced a factor to expressing the effects on the
human habitat, so that the following classification
and ranking of landslides in the degree of urgency in
taking measures to limit property damage and
human victims.
In connection with those stated, may draw
attention to the fact that landslides are a major risk
Fig.7. The corellation between flowing limit and
plasticity index - landslide Vulcana Bai
Alexandru Istrate, Madalina Frinculeasa, Gica Pehoiu
factor in terms of population and human settlements.
However, the more susceptible to such phenomena
are especially localities in the geographical area of
the rivers Dmbovia and Prahova.

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Editura Tehnic, Bucureti, 1979.
[2] Istrate A., Elemente de prognoz a evoluiei
versanilor, volumul simpozionului Schimbul de
experien al laboratoarelor din construcii,
SELC X, Constana, 1997, pp. 46-51.
[3] Istrate A., Fenomene de instabilitate a
versanilor n zona fliului carpatic din
interfluviul Ialomia - Prahova, Analele
Universitii Valahia Trgovite, Seria
Geografie, Tomul 3, 2003.
[4] Istrate A., (2005), The role of the tectonic factor
in the distribution of the landslides in the
Carpathian flysch from the Ialomia Basin,
Revista Forum geographic - Studii i cercetri
de geografie i protecia mediului, Editura
Universitaria, Craiova, pp. 83-88.
[5] Istrate A., Repartiia spaial i temporal a
alunecrilor de teren n domeniul fliului i
avanfosei carpatice din bazinele Ialomiei i
Dmboviei, Lucrrile tiinifice ale
Simpozionului multidisciplinar internaional
Universitaria SIMPRO 2006, Editura
Universitas, Petroani, 2006, p. 52-57.
[6] Istrate A., Chiescu Mdlina, Impact of terrain
instability on the infrastructure and human
habitat of Dmbovia County, Romania;
determination and classification of the risk,
Congress of Geological Society Engineering
geology for tomorrows cities, Nottingham,
UK, September 2006, published in April 2007,
pp. 131-136;
[7] Murrescu O., Pehoiu Gica, Impact on the
Environmental Factors of the Landslides in the
Sub-Carpathians of Ialomia River, Romania,
Environmental Science and Sustainability,
Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International
Conference on Natural Hazards (NAHA 09),
Baltimore, USA; November 7-9, 2009, pp. 116-
[8] Mutihac V. et al. Geologia Romniei, Editura
Didactic i Pedagogic, Bucureti, 2004.
[9] Pehoiu Gica, Cristina Muic, Mihaela Sencovici,
Geografia mediului cu elemente de ecologie, Ed.
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[10] Rotunjeanu I., Stabilitatea versanilor i
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[11] Sndulescu M., Geotectonica Romniei,
Editura Tehnic, Bucureti, 1984.

Assessment and Forecast Stability of Slopes in the Carpathian and Sub-Carpathian Area of DamboviNa and Prahova.
Classification and Risk Factors
Numerical results for the blood micro-circulation modelled by a
porous media
Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)
Bote Courrier 187, 4, place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05
[email protected]; noura [email protected]; http://www.ann.jussieu.fr/
Departement de mathematiques, Faculte des sciences
Universite Saint-Joseph
B.P 11-514 Riad El Solh, Beyrouth 1107 2050
[email protected]; http://www.fs.usj.edu.lb/profs/tsayah.htm
abstract: We consider a non periodic homogenization model to simulate the blood ow at the level of
the microvascularised tissues. We solve elliptic partial dierential equations with two length-scales on
the domain and we show numerical results and comparisons.
Key-Words Porous media, stochastic Homogenization, reduced basis method.
1 Introduction
Blood ow at the level of the microvascularised tis-
sues can be considered as a ow through a porous
media. This gives rise to models of homogenization
types in which we solve elliptic partial dierential
equations (Darcys law) on structures having two
length-scales. Due to inhomogeneity, the homoge-
nization is not periodic and the simulations involve
the resolution of a large number of parameterized
cell problems. After solving the various cell prob-
lems, a global macroscopic homogenized problem
can be set up and solved. The reduced-basis tech-
niques of numerical simulations allow to speed up
the computation of this large number of cells prob-
lems without any loss of precision. This reduced-
basis method is based on the weak variational form
and relies on a Galerkin method on an appropriate
discrete space built from preliminary generic com-
putations. The control of the approximations error
on some output of interest is performed through a
posteriori error estimation. An application of this
is for simulation of the propagation of an image-
enhancing tracer in the capillary bed. This will
provide insight for the interpretation of the tracer
behavior for the measurement and classication of
cancer tumor. The article is organized as follows.
In section 2, we present our problem and dene
the corresponding parameters. In section 3, we
give a presentation of homogenization theories. We
introduce in the section 4 the RB approach for a
parameterized cell problem and notably derive a
posteriori error bounds. In section 5, we propose
a new scalar product to remedy to the problem of
convergence and we end the paper with numerical
results and comparisons.
For the existing numerical homogenization strate-
gies, we can cite [9], [3], [5], [2], [11], [1], [6], [7], [8].
For the RB, we can cite [10], [4] ...
2 Description of the model
Let be an open C
bounded domain of IR
a boundary = . We denote by n the exte-
rior unit normal to =


. We are
interested in the behavior of a sequence of scalar
functions n
that satisfy
(r) n
(r)) = )(r), r ,

= 0;


= 0


= 1.
for a sequence of scalars - 0. We suppose that
) 1
() and we are looking for the asymptotic
limit of the sequence n
when - 0. For ev-
ery - 0, we suppose that





is the set of uniformly positive def-

inite square matrices with uniformly positive def-
inite inverse. The problem (1) is well posed and
for every - 0, there exists a unique solution

() = {n H

= 0} with the
relation n

3 Two-scale homogenization
First, we will introduce the two-scale homogeniza-
tion theory to get explicit expressions for the ho-
mogenized problem. We assume that tensors
are functions of two coupled variables on the set
locally dened by a fast microscopic variable -
coupled with the slow macroscopic variable r in .

(r) = (r,
), (2)
where (r, .) is Y = [0, 1]
-periodic, r and



). We denote by r the macro-

scopic variable and by j =
the microscopic vari-
able. As (r,
) is locally periodic, one possible
manner to get explicit expression for the homoge-
nized problem is to perform a formal two-scale anal-
ysis with the following Ansatz:
(r) =

= n
) + -n
) + -
) + .......
where, for any r , the functions n
(r, .) are Y -
periodic. Inserting the Ansatz (3) into equation (1)
allows us to write n
= n

+ -



+ :
, (4)
where (n
(r, .))
are n Y-periodic cell functions
parameterized by their macroscopic position r
and veried the following n cell problems,

((r, j)[c

(r, j)]) = 0, j Y, (5)
and the function n
= n

does not depend on

the fast variable -
r and veries the homogenized


(r) n

(r)) = ), r ,

= 0,

(r) n



= 1,

(r) n



= 0.
where the entries (

of the homoge-
nized matrix

can be explicitly computed with

the cell functions n
(r, .),

(r) =

(r, j)(c

(r, j))c
dj, (7)
Where, provided n

(), the correction er-
ror :
can be estimated to locally scale as - (far
enough from the boundary), and to globally scale

- (see [4]).
4 The reduced-basis method
To reduce the computation time, we use the RB
method to improve the repeated numerical treat-
ment of parameterized cell problems (5). Therefore,
a computational procedure based on an oine/
online approach should naturally allow for a reduc-
tion of the computation time, when in particular, a
large number of parameterized cell problems occurs
in the limit - 0 of the homogenization strategies,
in order to compute the homogenized problem (6)
with non-periodic coecients.
The RB approach for the parameterized cell prob-
lems (5) should signicantly decrease the expense
of computations in terms of CPU time for the ho-
mogenization problems where the oine stage is
short compared to the online stage.
Let , be the quotient space H
(Y ),IR of Y -
periodic functions that belong to the Sobolev
space H
(Y ) equiped with the norm n


induced from the inner product
(n, )

n.. In the dual space

of ,
the dual norm is dened as p

= sup


. For
any integer i,1 i n, the i-th cell problem (5) for
the cell functions n
(r, .) rewrites in the following
weak form :
Find n
(r, .) solution for :
(r, .), ; r) = )
(; r), .
Numerical Results for the Blood Micro-Circulation Modelled by a Porous Media
where r plays the role of a parameter, o is
a continuous and coercive bilinear form in
parameterized by r dened as o(n, ; r) =

(r, j)n(j).(j)dj and )
is a linear and
continuous form dened as
(; r) =

(r, j)c
.(j)dj, 1 i n.
We introduce the n-dimensional square symmetric
matrix of elements (:
dened by:
(r) = )
(r, .); r)

(r, j)c
(r, j)dj,
We consider the set = {n
(r, .), r , 1
i n} which can be approximated by
, 1 , } of . To compute nu-
merically the cell problem, we introduce the set

= {n
, .), 1 / j, 1 i n} induced
by a discrete sample = {r
, 1 / j}
of parameter values distributed over the parameter
space . This is termed as the oine stage.
can be approximated by a nite dimensional sub-
= span{
, 1 , } of . Then,
the reduced basis method suggest to solve the vari-
ational problem (8) through a Galerkin projection
method which consists to build the nite subspace

with an hilbertian basis adapted to the
equation(8). r et 1 i n , the Galerkin
approximation n

of n
(r, .)) satisfy :
(r, .), ; r) = )
(; r),
The approximation of n
(r, j), i = 1, ...n for some
given r
, / = 1, ..., j, is calculated with a criteria
of a posteriori error estimation which will be pre-
sented later. To recall the estimation errors showed
in [4], we begin by dening the quantities:

(r) =

(r, j)(c

(r, j)).c
= :
(r) +

(r, j)c
Since the matrix : is the part which interests us in
our calculation of the homogenized matrix, one will
state two theorems which enable us to dene the a
posteriori bounds error of this matrix.
Theorem 0.1. [4] For 1 i n, we dene the a
posteriori error estimation
(r, .)) by :

(r, .)) = ( o(n
(r, .)n
(r, .), .; r)


and the corresponding aectivities j
(r) by j
(r) =

(r, .)), n
(r, .) n
(r, .)

which satisfy
the N-independent inequalities: 1 j


Theorem 0.2. [4] Let n
(r, .) and n
(r, .) be two
solutions of the problem (8) and n
(r, .) and
(r, .) two solutions of the problem (10) with
i = ,, we have :
(r) :
(r) with

= o(n
(r, .) n
(r, .), .; r)

(r) =



Finally, in the online stage, for any r , n
(r, j)
is to be approximated, using the Reduced Basis
method, by some vector n
(r, j) in the Galerkin
projection space
of size that writes;
(r, j) =

(j), (12)
where n
(r) is computed by problems.
5 Application
In this section we simulate the blood ow in the
capillary as in the (FIGURE 1). The purpose of
this work is to model a porous media, for which
we will use a permeability tensor which vanishes
on some region of the domain. This fact gives a
very small values of the constant of coercivity c

and follows a non pertinent a posteriori error. To

solve this problem, we will introduce a new scalar-
product which gives better numerical results.
In this section, we take n = 2. Let

= [0, 1]
the reference cell where the permeability is dened
as follow:
1 =
( j
, j
) 0
0 1
( j
, j
( j
, j
) = 1
( j
, j




+ ,
where ( j
, j
) [0, 1]
,o = 0.07, j = 0.5,
0 < < < 1. We denote by

= H

To build a random porous media, rst we intro-
duce the function c
( j) = 20 j
+30 j
+(10) j
Yvon Maday, Noura Morcos, Toni Sayah
which is stable on [0, 1] and have a reciprocal func-
tion for every random 0 ] 2, 1[. Then we will
modify 1 in every cell by replacing j
by c
( j
and j
by c
( j
), and we denote by
( j
, j
) =
( j
), c
( j
With the chosen permeability tensor, we will solve
rst the cell problem in order to compute n
tion of (1), by applying the reduced bases method:
For all i {1, 2}

(j)(c +n(0, j))) = 0 j Y =]0, 1[

n 1

(Y )IR,
with 1
(j) = 1
(j) and

)11(j) = 111 w

(j) = (1

)22(j) = 122 w




(j1) j


(j2) j
From the last expression of 1, we can deduce that
the coercivity coecient c

= of the bilinear form

o is very small. Since, the theorem 0.2 gives a non
pertinent results because we divide by c

. To rem-
edy to this problem, we will introduce a new inner
product [[ n, ]]



) For all n,

and we denote by [[.]]

the associated norm.

Theorem 0.3. With this new inner product, we
dene the a posteriori estimate

(0) = ( o(n
(0, .) n
(0, .), .; 0)


and the eectivities
(0) =
(0, .)), n
(0, .) n
(0, .))

We have the inequality 1 j



= max


) and a

= min


Theorem 0.4. With this new inner product, the
theorem 0.2 becomes :
(0) :

(0) =



= o(n
(0, .) n
(0, .), .; 0)

6 Numerical Results
In this section, we show numerical results for n = 2,
=]0, 1[
, 0 [0.4, 0.4] and ) = 0. We choose

= {1}]0.35, 0.65[,
= {0}]0.35, 0.65[ and

is the rest of the boundary. In this work,
these numerical computations are done with the
Freefem++ software. More precisely, we use clas-
sical P1 Lagrange nite elements. The repartition
of the permeability is given by the left gure of
(FIGURE 2). The right color of (FIGURE 2) rep-
resents the ow repartition in the porous media
where - = 0.01
The (FIGURE 3) represents the variation in loga-
rithmic scale of:

= max


, .))
, .)

with respect of , where = 10
and 10
We conclude that with the new inner product val-
is not aected by the variation of .
Next, in (FIGURE 4), we compare the error values
in logarithmic scale, of the a posteriori estimate of
the solution with the new scalar product
the a posteriori estimate of the solution with the
old inner product
= max

, .))
, .)

We conclude that the errors of the solutions com-
puted with the new product scalar is much better
than the other one. Hence the advantage of this
The next table shows the CPU time (in seconds)
given by the Freefem++ code to approximate the
FE matrix for the homogenized problem either with
a direct FE approach or with a RB method for a
porous medium and for a small -, where NB is the
bases number,

is the number of the degrees of

freedom of the cell, is the number of the degrees
of freedom of , oine part is the time of the bases
construction, BRA is the time of the calculation

using the reduced basis method and EFA is

the time of the calculation of

using the nite

element method.

oine part BRA EFA

5 100 1.17 s 121 0.017s 0.764s
5 400 5.62 s 121 0.018s 3.011s
5 100 1.476 s 10201 1.810s 64.604s
5 400 5.93s 10201 1.816s 263.945s
As we can see, the RB method is faster than the
FE method. We can notice also that the oine
part depends only on the microscopic mesh while
the online part depends on the macroscopic part.
Numerical Results for the Blood Micro-Circulation Modelled by a Porous Media
Conclusion: In this paper, we use the RB method
to solve and speed up the resolution of the Darcy
equation in the porous media using the locally ho-
mogenization model. We introduce a new scalar
product to obtain pertinent results. In a next pub-
lication, we will show three dimensional results.
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Figure 1.
Figure 2. In the left : repartition of the permeability K. In the right : ow repartition
Yvon Maday, Noura Morcos, Toni Sayah
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Figure 3.
with respect of , with = 1c 10 (left) and = 1c 14 (right)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Figure 4. = 1c 14,
with respect of (left),
with respect of (right)
Numerical Results for the Blood Micro-Circulation Modelled by a Porous Media

Author Index

Abdullah N. L. 36
Abu Hanifah F. 86
Agamalov O. N. 176
Akma Ibrahim N. 92
Alam Md. S. 50
Ali B. 262
Amir Abas M. 102
Antoun Simao R. 154
Arema S. 92
Arshad A. M. 102
Arunrungrusmi S. 276
Azizpour M. J. 204
Azrilah A. A. 23 , 30

Bakar R. A. 107
Basri H. 23 , 30
Bauk S. 50
Beilicci E. B. M. 249
Beilicci R. F. 249

Capotescu V. 159
Castellanos C. G. 130
Che-Ani A. I. 6
Cipriana M. A. 60
Coelho B. 154
Coelho Oliveira A. 154
Comaniciu C. 185
Cook C. W. 66
Croitoru A. 124

Dahlui M. 102
Daneshvar S. 269
Daud Md. N. 6
Daud N. 224
Decaro F. P. 66
Decaro N. E. 66
Delgado E. 130

Ebrahimi G. H. 243
El Mostafa M. 262

Filimon S. 60
Frinculeasa M. 284

Gavrilut A. 118 , 124
Girbaciu C. A. 249
Gupta N. 190

Habibah Arshad N. 86
Hafez Nawi A. 201
Haripersad R. 228
Hilmi Fadzil M. 102

Idrus R. 36 , 43
Istrate A. 284

Jamil M. 18
Jenn-Tzey Y. 114

Kadirgama K. 107
Kaleibar M. M. 269
Khoshnevis Yazdi S. 53
Khusairy Azim A. 102
Kobasko N. I. 136 , 142 , 148
Kofli N. T. 18
Koiv T. A. 257

Maday Y. 290
Mahmud Z. 78

Malek H. Ab. 224
Maleque M. A. 107
Mares C. 237
Masodi Md. S. 78
Mastorakis N. E. 124
Mat K. 18
Mazurenko E. A. 136
Medvedev A. M. 136
Meng Chun K. 43
Mikola A. 257
Mirzazadeh A. 243
Mohamad Yusof M. Y. 201
Mohamed A. 12
Mohamed L. 262
Mohammadi Majd H. 204
Mohd-Tawil N. 6
Morcos N. 290
Moskalenko A. A. 136
Mounir R. 262
Moya Chaves F. D. 209
Muhamad N. 12
Mungkung N. 276
Mustapha R. 12

Narciso F. 165

Omar M. Z. 12 , 18 , 23 , 30
Osman S. A. 18
Othman I. R. 78
Othman J. 78

Palai S. S. 201
Panchal V. K. 190
Paven Ionela G. 60
Pehoiu G. 284
Peik See K. 36
Perez Teixeira R. L. 154
Pieh Wen L. 43
Ping-Jung T. 114
Prasad D. 201

Rahman Khan Md. A. 107
Rahman M. M. 107
Rahman M. N. A. 18
Ramly A. 6
Rios-Bolivar A. 165
Rodzoan N. A. 23 , 30
Rothlisberger S. 130

Saidfudin M. 23 , 30
Salmalian K. 215
Savin P. 1
Sayah T. 290
Sepulveda F. A. 130
Shao-Kang H. 114
Shiang-Yen T. 36 , 43
Skakouri B. 53
Sobhanallahi M. A. 243
Soleimani M. 215
Soo Mee J. W. 195

Tsitsiashvili G. 171

Wee Nee C. 43

Yuji T. 276
Yusoff Y. M. 12

Zaharim A. 6 , 12 , 23 , 30

Author Index

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