3rd Quarter CHS 9 EXAM

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NAME: ________________________________ DATE: _____________________

GRADE & SECTION: ______________________ SCORE: ____________________


1. What does OHS means? b. Radiator

a. Over Head System c. Heat-sink
b. Over Heat System d. Water basin
c. Occupational Health and Safety 11. What will happen to the CPU if you force it into the
d. Over Health and Sanitation socket?
2. Which of the following is an input device? a. The socket can be broken easily
a. Mouse b. The motherboard could be dislodged easily
b. Monitor c. The CPU might be too hot to handle during
c. Speaker installation
d. Printer d. The pins are very fragile and can be bent easily
3. What will you do before doing computer related 12. The floppy disk is connected to the data cable that
maintenance? comes with a cable twist
a. Tell my friends that I will be doing computer a. So that the data transfer speed is improved.
related maintenance b. For the floppy disk to be configured as A drive.
b. Consult my teacher about my activity c. For the floppy disk to be configured as B drive.
c. Let my parents know about my task d. So that floppy disk can be fixed into the drive
d. Consult appropriate technical personnel to bay properly.
ensure that work is coordinated well. 13. What type of power connector should be used to
4. Which of these storage devices can hold most data? connect a CD-ROM?
a. Ram a. PATA
b. Floppy Disk b. Molex
c. Hard drive c. Berg
d. DVD d. SATA
5. What will you do before doing computer repairs? 14. An optical drive is a storage device that reads from and
a. Gather the maintenance checklist to determine writes data or information to
the problem. a. RAM
b. Gather maintenance checklist and repair b. Registers
materials c. Hard disk
c. Just repair immediately without knowing the d. CD and DVD
problem 15. Where does the BIOS store the configuration data?
d. Sleep after knowing the problem a. Cache
6. What is the main function if the motherboard? b. Hard Drive
a. It processes the instructions given to a c. CMOS Chip
computer d. Floppy Drive
b. It allows a computer to display video 16. What is used to connect a wireless keyboard and mouse
c. It ties together all of the functions of a computer to a laptop computer?
d. It acts as the brains of a computer a. SATA Cable
7. Which of the correct meaning of WAN? b. Bluetooth
a. Wifi-Area Network c. USB
b. Wireless Area Network d. GPS
c. Wide Area Network 17. Which of the following considered as volatile memory?
d. None of the above a. Hard disk drive
8. When was Windows 7 OS launched? b. USB
a. 2006 c. RAM
b. 2009 d. Monitor
c. 2007 18. Which of the following is an output device?
d. 2008 a. Keyboard
9. What part of the computer that acts like a brain? b. Monitor
a. Monitor c. Scanner
b. CPU d. Camera
c. UPS 19. What is the function of an operating system?
d. AVR a. Manages computer’s resources very efficiently
10. Which of the following device transfers the heat from b. Takes care of scheduling jobs for execution
CPU? c. Manages the flow of data and instructions
a. Coolant d. All of the above
20. Which is not the function of the Operating System? 28. After upgrading the processor, your system shuts down
a. Memory management automatically after 10–15 minutes of use. Why is this
b. Disk management happening?
c. Application management a. The processor is overheating.
d. Virus protection b. The processor is not using the correct voltage.
21. After connecting a new printer to a Windows XP c. The pin on the processor is bent and not seated
Professional computer via a parallel cable, the computer properly.
will not print to the printer. What is most likely the d. The processor has been overclocked to the
problem? point where it runs faster than what it was
a. The printer is connected to the wrong port. designed for.
b. The device drivers are not installed. 29. Which of the following SPECS is best suited for
c. The computer must be rebooted. students like you?
d. The printer is not compatible with Windows a. CPU 1.5 GHz, RAM 2Gb, HDD 250Gb Price
XP. Php 18,000
22. Eric’s mum constantly reminds him to save his work on b. CPU 2.5 GHz, RAM 4 Gb, HDD 500Gb Price
the computer constantly in case the computer Php 23,900
hangs/crashes. Which is the characteristic of the RAM c. CPU 2.7 GHz, RAM 4 Gb, HDD 1TB Price Php
inside the computer that leads her to say that. 30,000
a. It has low read latency time d. CPU 3.2 GHz, RAM 8 Gb, HDD 1 TB Price
b. It has high read latency time Php 72,00
c. It has nonvolatile memory 30. The difference between people with access to
d. It has volatile memory computers and the Internet and those without this access
23. A customer has complained that the system time resets in known as the
whenever he turns off and on the computer. What is a. Digital divide
likely to be the problem? b. internet divide
a. Bug in the operating system. c. Cyberway divide
b. Someone is changing the system time. d. Web divide
c. CMOS battery level is running low or flat.
d. Power supply is not sufficient or unstable. For 31-40
24. A technician is preparing to replace a hard disk in a a. Input b. Output c. Software d. Storage
computer. As a grounded wristband is unavailable, what
is the next BEST thing he should do? 31. Hard Drive
a. Clean the tools for any oil and grease.
b. Wash his hands before replacing the hard disk. 32. Printer
c. Wipe dry the outside of the computer for any 33. Speaker
static buildup.
d. Touch the system chassis while the power cord
34. Floppy Disk
is plugged in. 35. Word 2016
25. John receives an email from the bank stating that he did
36. Keyboard
not log in for some time and must log in immediately to
reactivate his account. However, John does not have an 37. WebCam
account with that bank. This form of security threat is 38. Flashdrive
known as
a. Adware 39. Microphone
b. Grayware 40. Operating System
c. Phishing
d. SpyWare
26. You are a student with limited finances, and you want
to purchase a printer for occasional use for your school
assignments. Which type of printer would BEST suit
your needs?
a. A dot matrix printer
b. A laser printer
c. An all-in-one printer
d. An inkjet printer
27. Sanjay wants to purchase a new computer monitor that
can handle his heavy gaming habit. Which of the
following BEST fits his needs?
a. A standard monitor
b. A TV-ready monitor
c. A high-definition monitor
d. A 55-inch monitor

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