Pitch Tendencies and Intonation Mapping

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Pitch Tendency Chart Guide


Basic Tuning Rules

1. Warm up thoroughly before tuning
2. Always use sufficient air support and play at a mezzo forte dynamic level.
3. Do not use vibrato or try to manipulate the tuning note—play it straight.
4. Before completing the chart, tune to the pitches shown below by adjusting the
head joint accordingly.

Your Tuning Notes

Play quarter note pitches to help “prep” the tuning note (the half note pitches).

Note- The head joint has an adjustable tuning plug at the closed end. It is extremely important
that this plug is in the right location (screwed in the correct amount) in order to tune accurately.
Check that it is placed correctly by inserting a cleaning rod into the open end of the head joint
until it touches the cap. If correctly placed, the etched line on the cleaning rod should appear
exactly in the center of the tone hole.

If the plug needs to be moved outward (away from the open end), tighten down on the threaded
cap. To move the plug toward the open end, loosen the cap and push in. Please ask for help in
doing this. Once it is in the correct place, DO NOT MOVE IT!

Your Tuning Mechanism

Head joint- pull the head joint out if the pitch is sharp; push it in if the pitch is flat.

How to Adjust a Pitch While Playing

- Sharp- Roll head joint in (direct air more downwards into tonehole).
- Flat- Roll head joint out (direct air more across tonehole).
- Alternate fingerings

Common Out of Tune Notes

Sharp Flat Flat Flat Sharp

Pitch Tendency Chart
Name__________________________________________ Date_______________________
Instrument Make and Model_____________________________________________________

Directions: Read the procedures on your Pitch Tendency Chart Guide thoroughly and tune your
instrument to the notes shown. When your instrument is adjusted properly to the tuning note,
play each of the following notes without looking at the tuner. Have your partner record your
pitch tendency in cents by marking # or b followed by the number of cents you are off pitch
under each note. Example: #-8 or b-12.

Tuning Notes

Chromatic Scale

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendencies of Dynamics

p mp mf f p mp mf f p mp mf f

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Pitch Tendency Chart Guide
Oboe/English horn

Basic Tuning Rules

1. Warm up thoroughly before tuning
2. Always use sufficient air support and play at a mezzo forte dynamic level.
3. Do not use vibrato or try to manipulate the tuning note—play it straight.
4. Before completing the chart, tune to the pitches shown below. Adjust the reed if
the pitch is flat or sharp.

Your Tuning Notes


or or

Your Tuning Mechanism

None. Oboe tuning is dependent on a properly adjusted reed and a good embouchure. On
English horn, it is possible to uses bocals of slightly different lengths to raise or lower the pitch,
but a well-formed embouchure and good reed are emphasized.

How to Adjust a Pitch While Playing

- Flat: increase amount of reed in mouth, increase embouchure pressure.
- Sharp: decrease amount of reed in mouth, decrease embouchure pressure.
- Alternate fingerings

Common Out of Tune Notes

Flat Sharp Sharp Sharp

Pitch Tendency Chart
Oboe/English Horn
Name__________________________________________ Date_______________________
Instrument Make and Model_____________________________________________________

Directions: Read the procedures on your Pitch Tendency Chart Guide thoroughly and tune your
instrument to the notes shown. When your instrument is adjusted properly to the tuning note,
play each of the following notes without looking at the tuner. Have your partner record your
pitch tendency in cents by marking # or b followed by the number of cents you are off pitch
under each note. Example: #-8 or b-12.

Tuning Notes
Oboe English Horn

or or
Chromatic Scale

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendencies of Dynamics

p mp mf f p mp mf f p mp mf f
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Pitch Tendency Chart Guide

Basic Tuning Rules

1. Warm up thoroughly before tuning
2. Always use sufficient air support and play at a mezzo forte dynamic level.
3. Do not use vibrato or try to manipulate the tuning note—play it straight.
4. Before completing the chart, tune to the pitches shown below. Adjust the barrel,
middle joint, and/or bell as shown below if pitch is sharp or flat.

Your Tuning Notes

Play quarter note pitches to help “prep” the tuning notes (the half note pitches).


Adjust Adjust Adjust

barrel middle joint bell
Your Tuning Mechanism
Barrel, middle joint, and bell. Pull out or push in the barrel (never the mouthpiece) to tune the
open tone G if it is sharp or flat (the barrel is the main tuning mechanism). Next, adjust the
middle joint to tune the G on top of the staff. Last adjust the bell to tune the C or B on the staff if
necessary. For any of these mechanisms, pull out if you are sharp, and push in if you are flat.
Note- If your Bb clarinet is extremely sharp and you have to pull the barrel more than 1 ½ mm,
use tuning rings to fill in the gap, otherwise poor intonation will result.
The tuning pitches for bass and contrabass clarinet are the same as Bb soprano clarinet (shown
above). The tuning pitches for Eb soprano, alto, and contra-alto clarinets are concert Bb and Eb
or D.

How to Adjust a Pitch While Playing

- Sharp notes- “lip up” (increase lower lip pressure)
- Flat notes- “lip down” (drop jaw, open throat)
- Alternate fingerings

Common Out of Tune Notes

Sharp Flat Sharp Flat Sharp

Pitch Tendency Chart
Name__________________________________________ Date_______________________
Instrument Make and Model_____________________________________________________

Directions: Read the procedures on your Pitch Tendency Chart Guide thoroughly and tune your
instrument to the notes shown. When your instrument is adjusted properly to the tuning note,
play each of the following notes without looking at the tuner. Have your partner record your
pitch tendency in cents by marking # or b followed by the number of cents you are off pitch
under each note. Example: #-8 or b-12.

Tuning Notes


Chromatic Scale

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendencies of Dynamics

p mp mf f p mp mf f p mp mf f

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Pitch Tendency Chart Guide

Basic Tuning Rules

1. Warm up thoroughly before tuning
2. Always use sufficient air support and play at a mezzo forte dynamic level.
3. Do not use vibrato or try to manipulate the tuning note—play it straight.
4. Before completing the chart, tune to the pitches shown below. Adjust the
mouthpiece if pitch is sharp or flat.

Your Tuning Notes

Play quarter note pitches to help “prep” the tuning notes (the half note pitches).

Your Tuning Mechanism

Mouthpiece. Pull out the mouthpiece on the cork of the neck if the pitch is sharp; push it in if the
pitch is flat. After the mouthpiece has been properly adjusted, mark the cork with a pen for future

How to Adjust a Pitch While Playing

- Sharp notes- “lip up” (increase lower lip pressure)
- Flat notes- “lip down” (drop jaw, open throat)
- Alternate fingerings

Common Out of Tune Notes

Sharp Flat

Pitch Tendency Chart
Name__________________________________________ Date_______________________
Instrument Make and Model_____________________________________________________

Directions: Read the procedures on your Pitch Tendency Chart Guide thoroughly and tune your
instrument to the notes shown. When your instrument is adjusted properly to the tuning note,
play each of the following notes without looking at the tuner. Have your partner record your
pitch tendency in cents by marking # or b followed by the number of cents you are off pitch
under each note. Example: #-8 or b-12.

Tuning Notes

Chromatic Scale

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendencies of Dynamics

p mp mf f p mp mf f p mp mf f
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Pitch Tendency Chart Guide

Basic Tuning Rules

1. Warm up thoroughly before tuning
2. Always use sufficient air support and play at a mezzo forte dynamic level.
3. Do not use vibrato or try to manipulate the tuning note—play it straight.
4. Before completing the chart, tune to the pitches shown below. Adjust the reed if
pitch is sharp or flat.

Your Tuning Notes

Your Tuning Mechanism

None. Do not attempt to adjust the pitch of the bassoon by moving the bocal in or out of the
instrument because the vent hole must be positioned so that the pad covers it. Bassoon tuning is
dependent on a properly adjusted reed and a good embouchure, but bocals of slightly different
lengths can be used to raise or lower the pitch of the instrument. The higher the bocal number,
the lower the pitch.

How to Adjust a Pitch While Playing

- Flat: increase amount of reed in mouth, increase embouchure pressure.
- Sharp: decrease amount of reed in mouth, decrease embouchure pressure.
- Alternate fingerings

Common Out of Tune Notes



Pitch Tendency Chart
Name__________________________________________ Date_______________________
Instrument Make and Model_____________________________________________________

Directions: Read the procedures on your Pitch Tendency Chart Guide thoroughly and tune your
instrument to the notes shown. When your instrument is adjusted properly to the tuning note,
play each of the following notes without looking at the tuner. Have your partner record your
pitch tendency in cents by marking # or b followed by the number of cents you are off pitch
under each note. Example: #-8 or b-12.

Tuning Notes

or or
Chromatic Scale

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendencies of Dynamics

p mp mf f p mp mf f p mp mf f
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendency Chart Guide
Trumpet/Euphonium (Treble Clef)

Basic Tuning Rules

1. Warm up thoroughly before tuning
2. Always use sufficient air support and play at a mezzo forte dynamic level.
3. Do not use vibrato or try to manipulate the tuning note—play it straight.
4. Before completing the chart, tune to the pitches shown below. Adjust the main
tuning slide if pitch is sharp or flat.

Your Tuning Notes

Play quarter note pitches to help “prep” the tuning notes (the half note pitches).

Your Tuning Mechanism

Main tuning slide. Pull out main tuning slide if the pitch is sharp, push it in if the pitch is flat.

Tuning the Valves:

Each of the valves on your instrument has a separate tuning slide that must be adjusted in relationship to the
main tubing after it has been tuned. Neglecting to tune the valves will negatively affect the overall
intonation of your instrument. To tune each valve, follow these steps:
1) Tune the first valve exactly one whole step below the open tuning note (B flat on the staff)
2) Next, tune the second valve exactly one half step below the open tuning note. (B natural on the staff)
3) Last, tune the third valve exactly one and a half steps below the open tuning note. (A on the staff)
* If the note is sharp, pull the slide out. If it is flat, push it in.

How to Adjust a Pitch While Playing

- Alternate fingerings
- Third valve slide ring
- First valve slide thumb trigger
- Embouchure adjustment (increase lip pressure if pitch is flat, decrease if pitch is sharp)

Common Out of Tune Notes

Sharp Flat

Pitch Tendency Chart
Trumpet/T.C. Euphonium
Name__________________________________________ Date_______________________
Instrument Make and Model_____________________________________________________

Directions: Read the procedures on your Pitch Tendency Chart Guide thoroughly and tune your
instrument to the notes shown. When your instrument is adjusted properly to the tuning note,
play each of the following notes without looking at the tuner. Have your partner record your
pitch tendency in cents by marking # or b followed by the number of cents you are off pitch
under each note. Example: #-8 or b-12.

Tuning Notes

Chromatic Scale

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendencies of Dynamics

p mp mf f p mp mf f p mp mf f
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendency Chart Guide

Basic Tuning Rules

1. Warm up thoroughly before tuning
2. Always use sufficient air support and play at a mezzo forte dynamic level.
3. Do not use vibrato or try to manipulate the tuning note—play it straight.
4. Before completing the chart, tune to the pitches shown below. Adjust the main
tuning slides if pitch is sharp or flat.

Your Tuning Notes

Play quarter note pitches to help “prep” the tuning notes (the half note pitches).
F horn Bb horn

Depress thumb

Your Tuning Mechanism

Main tuning slide(s). Tune the F horn first, then tune the B flat horn using the same written note
(simply press the thumb valve). The pitches should match each other. If the pitch is sharp, pull
out; push in if it is flat.

Tuning the Valves:

Each of the valves on your instrument has a separate tuning slide that must be adjusted in relationship to the
main tubing after it has been tuned. Neglecting to tune the valves will negatively affect the overall
intonation of your instrument. To tune each valve, follow these steps:
1) Tune the first valve exactly one whole step below the open tuning note (B flat on the staff)
2) Next, tune the second valve exactly one half step below the open tuning note. (B natural on the staff)
3) Last, tune the third valve exactly one and a half steps below the open tuning note. (A on the staff)
* If the note is sharp, pull the slide out. If it is flat, push it in.

How to Adjust a Pitch While Playing

- Alternate fingerings
- Adjust distance of right hand in bell.
- Embouchure adjustment (increase lip pressure if pitch is flat, decrease if pitch is sharp)

Common Out of Tune Notes

Sharp Flat
Pitch Tendency Chart
Name__________________________________________ Date_______________________
Instrument Make and Model_____________________________________________________

Directions: Read the procedures on your Pitch Tendency Chart Guide thoroughly and tune your
instrument to the notes shown. When your instrument is adjusted properly to the tuning note,
play each of the following notes without looking at the tuner. Have your partner record your
pitch tendency in cents by marking # or b followed by the number of cents you are off pitch
under each note. Example: #-8 or b-12.

Tuning Notes
F horn Bb horn

Depress thumb valve

Chromatic Scale

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendencies of Dynamics

p mp mf f p mp mf f p mp mf f
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Pitch Tendency Chart Guide

Basic Tuning Rules

1. Warm up thoroughly before tuning
2. Always use sufficient air support and play at a mezzo forte dynamic level.
3. Do not use vibrato or try to manipulate the tuning note—play it straight.
4. Before completing the chart, tune to the pitches shown below. Adjust the tuning
slide if pitch is sharp or flat.

Your Tuning Notes

Play quarter note pitches to help “prep” the tuning notes (the half note pitches).

Your Tuning Mechanism

Tuning slide. Pull out the tuning slide if the pitch is sharp, push it in if the pitch is flat.
If you have an F attachment, you must tune it by playing the fourth line F on the open horn, then
engage the F attachment and match the pitch. If the pitch played with the F attachment is sharp or
flat, pull out or push in the F attachment tuning slide.

How to Adjust a Pitch While Playing

- Slide adjustment—move the slide in or out while playing to alter pitch.
- Alternate slide positions.
- Although you can adjust pitch with embouchure pressure (increasing pressure raises
pitch, decreasing pressure lowers it), it is rare since you have the ability to adjust pitch
with your slide.

Common Out of Tune Notes

Sharp 3rd partial notes Flat 5th partial notes

Pitch Tendency Chart
Name__________________________________________ Date_______________________
Instrument Make and Model_____________________________________________________

Directions: Read the procedures on your Pitch Tendency Chart Guide thoroughly and tune your
instrument to the notes shown. When your instrument is adjusted properly to the tuning note,
play each of the following notes without looking at the tuner. Have your partner record your
pitch tendency in cents by marking # or b followed by the number of cents you are off pitch
under each note. Example: #-8 or b-12.

Tuning Notes

Chromatic Scale
Use F Attachment

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendencies of Dynamics

p mp mf f p mp mf f p mp mf f

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Pitch Tendency Chart Guide

Basic Tuning Rules

1. Warm up thoroughly before tuning
2. Always use sufficient air support and play at a mezzo forte dynamic level.
3. Do not use vibrato or try to manipulate the tuning note—play it straight.
4. Before completing the chart, tune to the pitches shown below. Adjust the main
tuning slide if pitch is sharp or flat.

Your Tuning Notes

Play quarter note pitches to help “prep” the tuning notes (the half note pitches).

Your Tuning Mechanism

Main tuning slide. Pull out main tuning slide if the pitch is sharp, push it in if the pitch is flat.

Tuning the Valves:

Each of the valves on your instrument has a separate tuning slide that must be adjusted in relationship to the
main tubing after it has been tuned. Neglecting to tune the valves will negatively affect the overall
intonation of your instrument. To tune each valve, follow these steps:
1) Tune the first valve exactly one whole step below the open tuning note (A flat on the staff)
2) Next, tune the second valve exactly one half step below the open tuning note. (A natural on the staff)
3) Last, tune the third valve exactly one and a half steps below the open tuning note. (G on the staff)
*On instruments with a fourth valve, it may be necessary to tune the third valve slightly flat to help
lower notes played with valves 1-3 and 1-2-3.

On instruments with a fourth valve, you must tune it by playing the third partial F on the open horn (fourth
space) , then depress the fourth valve and match the pitch. If the pitch played with the fourth valve is sharp
or flat, pull out or push in the fourth valve slide as you did above with the other three valves.

How to Adjust a Pitch While Playing

- Alternate fingerings (use a fourth valve when possible)
- Embouchure adjustment (increase lip pressure if pitch is flat, decrease if pitch is sharp)

Common Out of Tune Notes

Sharp Flat

Pitch Tendency Chart
Name__________________________________________ Date_______________________
Instrument Make and Model_____________________________________________________

Directions: Read the procedures on your Pitch Tendency Chart Guide thoroughly and tune your
instrument to the notes shown. When your instrument is adjusted properly to the tuning note,
play each of the following notes without looking at the tuner. Have your partner record your
pitch tendency in cents by marking # or b followed by the number of cents you are off pitch
under each note. Example: #-8 or b-12.

Tuning Notes

Chromatic Scale
Use Fourth Valve

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Pitch Tendencies of Dynamics

p mp mf f p mp mf f
p mp mf f
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

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