Regenesis Workbook 1 WK 1

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10 Tones to Change the World

Meditating with Harmomics Workbook 1.1

Breath, Sound and Light are the Basis

of Meditation & Enlightenment! David Sereda
Course Outline 6 months - 23 weeks - Year 1 Regenesis

1.) Orientation and Brief Outline - From Singularity, to Duality and

Frequency - How we got here and how Frequencies Determine our states
of consciousness and awareness.

2.) Preparing the Body to become a super crystal oscillator - what

supplements, good water and diet you need to better receive and resonate
with harmonic frequencies. Getting good headphones for the tones.

3.) Singularity - The Place of Non-Duality, Non-locality, and Non-Time,

Non-Dimensions, Virgin Silence. From Silence to harmonic Vibrations
that caused the Creation and maintain it. Angelic Voices!

4.) Applying Singularity and Harmonics to meditation and our lives!

5.) Differentials - The Birth of Frequency and Locational Identity, Time,

Limitation to Location and Dimension - How do we get free?
6.) The 3 Bodies, Physical, Astral, and the 9 levels of the Light Body -
What is the path of truly activating the light body? What is the history of
the light body in world religions?

7.) The 10 Chakra System and Introduction. The electrical chakra system.
What is pure chakra body electricity and how do we harmonize it?

8.) The use of breath, Sound and Light both Historically and practical
methods taught in this course. David & Crystal.

9.) What frequencies resonate your chakras properly? Your Musical body!
The male and female musical tones! A binary wave in the tones
themselves. The heart of all hearts! Heartphonics!

10.) How our current music scale and its history has caused an evolution
in our DNA. The rennaisance revolution was it due to music?

11.) The Lost Scale - The Scale of Life - How it was discovered.
12.) The next Revolution in DNA encoding of the tones! How to go deep
with the tones. How the tones will change the world by changing DNA.

13.) 12 Octaves of the 10 base tones, an overview. How you will use
these 12 octaves of the 10 base tones with breath and meditation over

14.) Sweeping from the base to the top, from the base to the top and then
silence. Forgiving each chakra for holding on to fear, resentments, anger,
repression and letting go to become free. The true meaning of

15.) The 9 levels of Heaven, Angelic music, and the 9 levels of

consciousness - a world history of our true potential.

16.) Lucid dreaming and how to recover visions. How do we become

aware of the dreaming vision process? Dreaming into reality.

17.) Visions and their practical use and applications for the transformation
of humanity. Co-creating a new vision together.
18.) The 9 planets, their frequencies and their play on our consciousness.

19.) The Multidimensional universe and Singularity.

20.) Using the Heart Center to resonate all of your chakras in tune with its
master center. Crystal!

21.) Non-locality and non-local awareness.

22.) Purity of consciousness - the substratum and goal of everything.

23. )The exprience of perceiving God Dess in everything and every atom.

24.) Becoming Light Workers for a New Earth!

Now that you have seen The Lost Scale video on youtube,

you can understand the basis for how we became a

discordant society. All of our music is out of tune with
nature! With the power of broadcasting music out of tune
with radio station antennae, with all of that broadcast
power sending those signals all over the planet, those
vibrations of distortion have adversely affected plants,
cells, DNA, humans and all living things in their range.

It is no wonder how and why cancer is spreading through

our society into individuals, marine life and sea mammals
and landed animals.
Your Nervous System is a Musical
Instrument that needs tuning and
needs to be played!

This instrument is so powerful, if you

learn how to use it, it will blow your
mind. Pythagoras called it
The Musica Humana!
The Brain produces frequencies of 0.1 hertz (waves per
second) in Delta to 4 waves per second. In Theta it
produces waves of 4 to 8 hertz. In Alpha it produces waves
at 8 to13 hertz, Beta brainwaves 13 to 30 hertz, and
Gamma brainwaves are beyond 30 hertz.

Humans can hear 20 hertz to 20,000 hertz at upper

brainwave activity and higher. 20,000 hertz is difficult to
hear unless background is silent.
It is important to note that nature does not use single
frequencies or whole numbers as frequencies. It uses
harmonics of 2 or more frequencies together, none of which
are whole numbers. A whole number is 528, 432, or 1 or 9
etc. For example the frequency of the Earth at the Equator
is Speed of light Divided by the wavelength =
Circumference of Earth at Equator = 40075.161153048 KM
= Frequency 7.480754895908850489 hertz. This is a
non-whole number meaning it has a decimal series after the
whole part. Phi is also a non-whole number 1.6180339887

I have never seen a whole number as a frequency in nature

anywhere. It is like saying there are exactly 365 days in a
year when there are 366.242199 Siderial days per year.
Solfeggio Tones - The Limitation

While there is some distortion with the known

Solfeggio Tones, it is a 6 tone whole number
system and there are 7 to 10 chakras in a
human being depending on how advanced the
scale development is inside that person. The 9
tone Solfeggio scale has gross distortion. It
therefore cannot be used to vibrate a person into
higher dimensions of consciousness.
Imagine that your 7 chakras or potential
10 chakras are playing distortion between
their notes? What happens is chaos
develops in the system, waves crash
into one another and knock
out the purity of the spiritual

Because Solfeggio 6 tones are

low in distortion, you get some
chaos but not much. When you add
a 7th, 8th and 9th tone at the bottom,
there is real distortion!

This makes Solfeggio limited to a 6 chakra system!

For listening to tones, use good headphones. I suggest
AKG Q 701 Quincy Jones Signature Reference-Class
Premium! These are on sale for $200 on and
are well worth it. You can also get AKG for $50 and
upwards and they are all good. You cannot go wrong with

My $50 ones sound great too!

You will need headphones for

the course. They are preferred
for meditating with the tones
over speakers.
Comparing Frequency Tones of The Great Pyramid’s hidden Music Scale,
with the 12 tone Chromatic Music Scale, Solfeggio 9 tone, Phi 10 tone
scale, it looks like the Great Pyramid represented a superior lost music
scale of 10 tones (from a lost ancient 10-base math). Let us investigate
each tone represented in Hertz Frequency.

Chromatic Music Scale Solfeggio Scale Phi True Pyramid Scale

A 440 174 122.9918 Secret
B Flat 466 285 199.0050 Secret
B 494 396 321.996 Secret
C 523 417 521.0019 Secret
C Sharp 554 528 (Upper C) 842.998 515.1
D 587 639 1364.0007 Secret
D Sharp 622 741 2206.999 Secret
E 659 852 3571.0002 Secret
F 698 963 5777.9998 Secret
F Sharp 740 9349.0001 Secret
G 784
A Flat 831
You can use an audio tone generator software like this one from Black Cat
Systems for Mac, and enter any frequency and it will come out of your
audio interface or audio port on your computer. Use Sine Wave for sound.

You can experiment with the numbers I gave you and see how much
distortion there is between notes. Phi does not distort but the leaps in
numbers get so great, huge tonal range is skipped over.
It is important to note that when you test a scale for
distortion between the notes, you start by playing the base
tone and work your way up but you do not turn the lower
tones off. You keep each one on. It can sound nice with
the first 4 tones but the sound gets intense to listen to as
you go up and stack more tones on top of one another.

The scales with the most distortion wobble as you click on

each tone going up. When you get to the top, you listen for
wobbling and that is your distortion. It will not be
harmonic to listen to any scale perfect or not with all 9, 10,
or 12 tones all at once but you can check for distortion.

The pyramid scale is the most harmonic with the lowest

In order to get human DNA to evolve, we need 7 perfect
tones or preferably 9 tones or more. There are 7 chakras
inside the body with the crown of the head being the 7th.
To get to the higher levels of the crown system, there are 3
more light centers above the crown.

This makes a total of 10 tones. This 10 tone system has 12

octaves and goes above hearing range!
Upon an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery;
upon the harp with a solemn sound. Psalms, 92:3

This evidence suggest a 10 tone scale that was long

forgotten. 10 tones means a scale with ascending and
descending octaves.

Today’s Chromatic music scale has 12 tones and 8 octaves.

Most of those octaves are never played. These octaves are
x 2 or double the frequency each time you ascend to
another octave.

The human ear can barely hear 10 full octaves of the

Chromatic scale!
Hidden math in the Great pyramid reveals the 515.1 C
scale. According to the math, taking the Great Pyramid
angle and dimensions as a giant crystal oscillator, the
Pyramid is the most advanced musical instrument ever
Aftering looking at all the numbers, it looks like we only
experience music and tones in 2 dimensions. That is
because a string vibrates in 2 dimensions only. All stringed
instruments, including the piano work this way. The string
is struck and goes up and down in 2-D.

So it is with our music scale: it is all 2 dimensional tones or

vibrating strings going up and down. A 3-D string would
have to spin to produce sound and they are not spun, but
struck to vibrate up and down in 2 dimensions.

So the first Great Pyramid Scale is a representation of the

scale hidden in the Great Pyramid in 2 dimensions just like
ours. The 3 and 4 Dimensional tone scale is advanced
spinning vortex tones!
The Pyramid Frequency math reveals a sequence of 4
waves that are timed in perfect rotation. This produces

a rotating spinning set of frequencies that take the base

tones to a new level. This is spinning wave octaves.
Our DNA is a spinning waveform or spinning string.
Therefore it is going to evolve better with 3 or 4
dimensions of spin harmonics rather than just 2 dimensions
of sound going up and

What do spining 4-D waveforms look like?

In an audio editing bay, this is what a music editor sees:
waveforms for music, several instruments with lines going
up and down with very little structure.

This is 2-Dimensional Sound! This is what we were trained

and tuned with. This is a Jazz song with several
instruments and vocals. Note the waves going up and down
with little structure.
This is the 5th note on the Pyramid Scale in 4-Dimensions
or 4-D sound. These frequencies spin upwards like a
vortex. Look at the structure and geometry in the
waveforms compared to our 2-D sound today!

To take a person from 2-D to 4-D means we have to start

with scaling up the Pyramid scale and tuning in 2-D and
then move onwards to 3 and 4-D later when we are tuned.
The Human brain has 2 main hemispheres and 6 lobes.
Because we have 2 ears for each hemisphere, we generally
understand sound processing from the auditory cortex one
on each hemisphere.

So we are geared
it seems for
2-D sound via
the ears, and
auditory cortex!

Our DNA is 3-D

and our spine
is 3-D So we will start in 2-D
To start, sit in meditation pose in a chair eyes closed or
cross legged with a pillow under the bum. Cross legged is
better! You will be more aware in this pose.

Listen to the Breath of God Technique Track and get ready

to do this breath for 1 minute each, for each of the 10 tones.
Do this 1 or 2 times per day, morning and night!
Tone 1 - Balancing & Harmonizing your base chakra!
Base chakra is our relationship to sensations in the body.
Breathe into the sound and this chakra! This first low tone
resonates first chakra and tunes sensations! There are 10
octaves for human use of this tone. This is the 5th Octave!
Tone 2. Your 2nd Chakra is your life force connection
chakra. This is where we were plugged into our mother’s
womb for 9 months! This energy center defines how
supported we feel and how we support our selves and
others. It is also about money as energy and survival.
Breathe into this chakra for 1 minute.
Tone 3. This is 3rd Chakra Adrenal energy and life force!
This is the chakra that gets us going and motivated to move
energy towards visions in the higher centers! Do you go for
your visions or do you procrastinate? Do you let go and
allow this energy to flow? Breathe now!
Tone 4. Heart Chakra. This chakra is the center point
between the lower primitive human and the divine
upper house of consciousness! When you align your low-
er chakras and higher with heart and love, you bond to the
force that connects you to the light of whom you truly are!

Breathe into your heart and play with it. Have fun
breathing here and now - let it flow! Be the sound!
Tone 5. This is our vocal tone center
and communication center. If we
communicate with bad tones, we do not
get well received! Learn how to
resonate this chakra with this tone.

remember that each tone has

10 octaves in the human range!

This is the 5th Octave you are hearing

for the 5th Chakra! Breathe the sound
into your being!
Have fun!
The 6th Tone. This Chakra is the inner vision center.
When it gets plugged into the universe and opens, you will
see all kinds of sacred geometries made of

This Chakra can also produce ecstassy inside the total

nervous system when it is tuned. Let the sounds tune you
here! Breathe into the tone!
be the tone expanding out
into space!
Tones 7, 8, 9 and 10 are the gateway to
Cosmos! Tone 7 is the open portal at the
top of the crown of the head! 8, 9, and 10
are beyond the top of the head and
expand outwards into cosmos!

Breathe into these tones and focus with lightness in’your

awareness! After the tones, be silent and let yourself drift
into the beyond for as long as you can hold the space!
David Sereda’s Full course will go much deeper than this
first level of tonal and breath use. The deepest part of the
work is using the tones to create resonance and allow the
trapped emotions and energy blocks to become free of
bondage that is no longer serving you well.

Forgiving each chakra for holding onto patterns of

limitation, fear and unfulfilled desires is the greatest part of
the work. You have to forgive yourself for holding on so

The course also goes into the spinning 4-D sounds to better
move the energy through the 7 to 10 chakras! It covers
ancient knowledge, mysticism, shared visions, messages
and more!
If you want the full course, Write
[email protected] or
[email protected]
on how to register.

The course is not live. It becomes available with weekly

lessons October 15, 2014. You can start at any time. It
runs 6 months per year for 7 years. The 6 month break
gives you time to catch up and practice.

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