We Have Already Talked

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We have already talked about visual and oral sigils, or more precisely we

have spoken about how to specify your desire and sigilize it, either into a
symbol or a mantra. We have yet to speak about gnosis, the last needed
part to let it work, but for now let's speak about other types of sigil,
because a sigil is much more than a drawing or a sequence of sounds. The
main power of Sigil Magick comes from the very definition of a sigil. A sigil
is a symbol associated with our desire, with what we want to accomplish.
We can associate gestures with our intent, these would be called a Sigil
Mudra, or even full body postures (Sigil Asana). For a sigil you can also use
a certain breathing pattern (Sigil Pranayama).
Later in this book we will speak about the Alphabet of Desire and its
applications, but for now let's just define it as a set of sigils for different
purposes which you combine together for a certain outcome. Now
imagine that your sigils were only gestures, postures and breathing
patterns, then building your spell would look like a dance or a karate kata.
Actually, a sigil doesn't need to be static at all, do you know the modern
version of a circle casting when a caster turns clockwise while point with
his finger forward and visualizing how a colored circle is being drawn by
that finger? That whole act itself is a sigil with a quite clear desired
outcome, protection during the ritual (even when most traditional systems
use circles rather as a lighthouse that spirits can use as a navigation mark
to get to your ritual).
If you take the definition of a sigil to its final conclusions, you will notice
that even Wiccan rituals or Ceremonial Magick rituals can be considered
as sigils or a set of sigils and it actually makes sense. Take it this way, you
turn off all electrical lights, light up candles, you cleanse the space, cast a
circle... That's all associated with "there is something going on". Then you
call to your deities, that's like saying "I want to do Magick right now", then
you do things to seal the deal, you request help from the entities, you give
offerings, stuff like that, that's when you state what your actual desire is.
Finally, you go for licensing to depart, cleansing the space again, hiding
ritual items, once again a huge association: "My ritual is finished, back to
the mundane now".
As you can see, each act in Magick can be stripped into its general
meaning and that means that the act itself works based on its association
with its meaning, just like the association between a sigil and a desire.
Sigils themselves can be used for the very same thing, replacing a different
portions of rituals. The interesting part is that you cannot do different
parts of the ritual at the same time, but sigils can be meshed together and
used as one, saving time for the preparation and also execution of your
work. I don't want to go too in-depth on the matter as this is basically
what we are going to do in a chapter focus on the Alphabet of Desire.
Other famous type of a sigil is a so called Hyper Sigil. This term was coined
by a great artist, Grant Morrison. Generally a hyper sigil can be a book, a
song, or even a whole album, it's a work in which you describe what you
want to achieve. Morrison's first hyper sigil was his comic book, The
Invisibles, in which he pretty much lined up his own life through the story
and actions of one of the characters, a bold headed, leather jacket wearing
bad-ass. Needless to say that this method worked great for Grant as is
apparent from his life story, maybe even from his own appearance, he also
became a bold headed, leather jacket wearing bad-ass.
It's time to speak about gnosis. Gnosis, traditionally speaking, is a term
that can be defined as a divine revelation A state in which one does no
longer need to believe in something as the true nature of the universe was
already revealed to him. In Sigil Magick and Chaos Magick this term has a
little bit different meaning. In these paradigms a gnosis means a state of
the mind when all the mental chatter is stopped and psychic censor is
deactivated. We divide between two forms of gnosis, inhibitory gnosis and
excitatory gnosis.
Inhibitory gnosis is achieved via meditation. This state is easy to control
and lasts for a longer period of time. Unfortunately achieving this state
takes a massive amount of time and practice

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