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Hexing Your Enemy Spell

Here is a great Hex to bring total chaos to your enemies or someone you hate. Pe
rfect for someone who has done you wrong in a bad way. You will need a piece of
thick string or yarn about 9 or 10 inches long. You will tie 3 separate knots a
couple inches apart as you recite the following before you tie each knot... so y
ou will be reciting this 3 times...
"With this knot I seal this hex
you will not sleep, you will not rest
Knots of anger, knots of hate
Discord brings you to your fate
I tie this second knot makes two
Bringing darkness over you
Slander, discord, evil too
Bringing darkness straight to you
With this third knot, I do bind
Weaving chaos in your mind
Hex of anger, hex of hate
Bring him down, I will not wait"
So it be now made manifest!
As you do this spell be thinking of all the chaos that it is going to bring to y
our enemy and make sure you are worked up into a rage before doing the spell. Th
is will make it all the more effective! When you are done see if you can hide th
is string (with the knots now tied) around you enemies home! This will make it m
ore potent! If not then save it in a special place until you decide to untie the
knots and give your enemy a second chance.

Mind Penetration Spell

1. Get relatively
2. Gather as much
not, try raising
3. Concentrate on
4. Say:

close to the person who's mind you want to penetrate

energy as you think you may need, a small amount should do. If
the amount of energy you use.
the person

Amnari Re'cai
Invacatem thy
5. Quickly surge your energy into their mind. Once you do this, you can attempt
a mental attack or mind reading.
Note: You may want to create a Psi Shield before doing this, if your target has
strong mental defenses and/or can detect your attack and quickly counter it.
Questions: Please mail me if you have any, I am always trying to improve my work

'Mind message Spell

Hold the necklace by the chain with 2 fingers talk into the necklace like you wo

uld into a phone and say who you would like to send the message to and what the
message is then the necklace should begin swinging round and round in circles if
it does it means its sending the message and then when it begins to slow done s
top it then the person will receive the message but don't make the message to lo
ng or it won't work
Black Death Spell Spell
Note: This is not for newbies. I say this because unless you are powerful with y
our own energy/bio electricity this will fail or be too weak to work. Also death
is no game. Lets start then.
1.) Sit or lie down someplace quiet with no disturbance. Somewhere with strong n
egative energy is good, like a graveyard for example. Relax.
2.) Imagine grey energy flowing around your body ( NOT into it, never bring this
in ) and try to control it. Expand the energy, make it flow, etc. Gain a feel f
or it.
3.) Once you have done that, imagine your victim and feel all of your anger towa
rds them. Anything they have ever done to you, think it. Now imagine that dark e
nergy flowing into their aura and slowly consuming their body, try to feel this
to direct it. Once the energy has hit the middle, expand the energy outside thei
r aura, letting it sit around the victim, yet still inside.
4.) Now imagine yourself next to them, begin to hit them. Do whatever you wish t
o them. Focus all of your hate. Try to maintain this for atleast two minutes.
At the end of it all open your eyes, meditate on white, positive energy and flus
h away any bad energy left around you.
Good luck. I am not responsible for whatever happens.
Seven things taken (revenge)
1) Purify area with sage
2) Write victims name on paper and place in between black candles
3) With the chalk, draw an upside down pentacle with upside down crosses on each
corner, make sure it's around candles and paper.
4) Put the black termlion on the paper
5) Call the watch towers/quaters
6) Close your eyes and imagine the victims life being torn apart.
7) Chant:
"(victims name) you've brought me pain, now it's time I made you go insane. Seve
n things will be taken away from you, and all your nightmares will come true. On
e, you'll be caught on all the wrong you do. Two, you'll come down with the wors
t flu. Three, everyone shall lose trust in you. Four, a close family member shal
l pass. Five, a bone will be broken. Six, you'll lose the girl/guy you love. Sev
en, no one will ever love you. I reverse my pain to go to you, so no one is ever
good or true to you. So mote it be."
8) Take the paper, and burn it. Leave the ashes where they are.
9) Close the circle.
Curse to death Spell
Say "god will give you blood to drink"
Repet that 2 then he will die but it will take time
To Change A Person's Mind Spell'
Look at the person's head. See it become clear and transparent. See the dust ins
ide of it; the dust of their bad habits or ideas, the ones that are destructive
or you want to change. Dust it out with an astral feather (a red one, made of fl
ame). It singes all bad thoughts from their head. Once done, the head should ret
urn to being opaque. It is done, but because it is manipulation it should be don

e with care.
The Attack
What you need to do is visulize entering their mind. This can be done in a coupl
e of different ways find what works best for you. Me I will visulize me just in
their head but with out my body there. Then see a ball of electric energy gettin
g bigger and bigger as it gets more energy. Then let it expload blasting their m
ind. Then do it again as much as you wish. This may hurt your head a little bit
but not to much.
Blocking This
A way to block this would be to visulize an electric sheild building in your min
d spreading out until it covers your whole mind. As long as you hold it it will
protect you. Plus you can add more sheild of possibly metal or something else.
'Audiokinesis Spell'
This is an EXTREMELY advanced art. I use it only to disguise my voice on the pho
ne, make sure no one hears me talking about magic in public, to make someone els
e more audible, or to make my voice louder. Eventually it will become instinct.
Concentrate on what you want to make louder or softer. It's much easier to do so
meone else's voice, but still really hard. Concentrate on whether you want it to
change, or if you just want it to be louder or softer. It will then become loud
er or softer depending on what you want. Eventually you'll be able to decide who
does or doesn't hear something.
'Biokinesis (Really Works!) Spell'
First get into a meditative state. Then make a needle with your psi energy reall
y thin and sharp. Then imagine your genes running through seperate tubes. Tell t
he needle what to with your mind like change my gender to a girl. The needle the
n should go to a tube and poke into it. Once the needle has made a hole, close u
p the hole with psi otherwise you will lose part of your character. Then wait un
til the needle evaporates into the tube, and then exit your meditative state. Go
around thinking what you would change like "I am a woman" or something. When yo
u get really good at this you will see immediate change. Message me telling what
you were able to do!
'To enter someone's mind Spell'
Decide who to do this on and concentrate on your aura (their's too). Imagine you
r aura seeping into their's.Try to speak with them or imagine little bombs going
off in their mind
Keep trying and you'll get it.
'psi fist Spell'
create a small ball of psi in 1 hand
use the other hand to wrap the hand with psi
then hit ppl with it

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