12-Vocabulary Grammar 3star Unit3 PDF

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Unit 3 Vocabulary

Weekday routine School subjects

1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences 3 Match pictures a–i to definitions 1–9. Write the
about Vincent’s day. school subjects.
a b c

d f
1 2


3 4 1 We learn to make things. (a) technology

2 The language people speak in France.
3 The language people speak in the UK and the
4 We learn to use computers. ________________
5 We learn to play musical instruments. ________
5 6 6 We learn about the past. __________________
7 We draw and paint. ______________________
1 Vincent has a shower at quarter past seven.
8 We learn about animals, plants and chemicals.
2 He ________ c_________ at nine o’clock.
3 He ________ l_________ at half past twelve.
9 We work with numbers. ___________________
4 He ________ h_________ at four o’clock.
5 He ________ h_________ at eight o’clock. 4 Complete the text with words from exercise 3.
6 He ________ _____ b_____ at eleven o’clock.

2 Use information from the table below and from

exercise 1. Complete the sentences about
Vincent’s day with before or after.

7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 10:30

has packs his has a brushes
breakfast bag snack his teeth Hi, I’m Safa. I’m thirteen and I go to school in
Brighton. Everybody in my year does maths,
He has breakfast after he has a shower. English, and PE. Most people also do
1 He p______ ___ b____ ________ he has (1) _________, because they want to learn about
breakfast. the past. My mother is from Paris, so I’m studying
2 He s______ c______ _______ he has lunch. (2) ________, too. I don’t like drawing and painting,
3 He h____ ___ s______ _______ he goes home. so I don’t enjoy (3) __________. In (4) __________
4 He d____ ___ h______ _______ he goes home. we sing, and in (5) __________ we use computers.
5 He b_____ ___ t_____ ______ he goes to bed. My favourite subject is (6) ___________, because I
love animals!

Unit 3 Grammar
Present simple negative and interrogative 4 Write short answers to the questions in
1 Complete the sentences. Use negative past exercise 3.
simple verbs. 9 Yes, they do.
They don’t start classes at nine o’clock. 1 9 ____________________________________
1 We ________________ dinner at eight o’clock. 2 8 ____________________________________
2 My sister ______________________ the guitar. 3 8 ____________________________________
3 Tom ___________________ TV in the evening. 4 9 ____________________________________
4 You __________________ to bed at ten o’clock. 5 8 ____________________________________
5 Carl _____________ his homework after dinner. 6 9 ____________________________________

2 Look at the answers and write the questions.

Do you speak French? Question words
Yes, I speak French. 5 Complete the questions with a question word or
1 ______________________________________ expression from the box.
No, they don’t use a computer.
What Why Where Where
2 ______________________________________
Who When How often
Yes, I live in Madrid.
3 ______________________________________ Where does your friend live? In Valencia.
No, Laura doesn’t like swimming. 1 __________ do you have lunch? At one o’clock.
4 ______________________________________ 2 __________ do you study music? Because I
Yes, Tanya plays tennis. like it.
5 ______________________________________ 3 __________ do you play football? Twice a week.
Yes, we study music. 4 __________ subjects do you like? History and
6 ______________________________________ English.
No, Carl doesn’t do martial arts. 5 __________ do you swim? At the swimming
3 Complete the sentences with doesn’t or don’t.
Then write the sentences as questions. 6 _________ is your best friend? My best friend is

6 Look at the answers and write the questions.

Use question words from exercise 5.
Where do you go for your holidays?
We go to Portugal for our holidays.
1 ______________________________________
I play football because it is fun.
They don’t have dinner at eight o’clock. 2 ______________________________________
Do they have dinner at eight o’clock? We see our cousins once a month.
1 He _______ study English. 3 ______________________________________
______________________________________ He does his homework before dinner.
2 We _______ go swimming every day. 4 ______________________________________
______________________________________ My favourite sports are tennis and swimming.
3 Hugo _______ chat on the internet every day. 5 ______________________________________
______________________________________ My aunt is Rosa.
4 Jenny _______ like maths. 6 ______________________________________
______________________________________ I play tennis at the sports centre.
5 You _______ listen to music. 7 ______________________________________
______________________________________ My grandparents live in Madrid.
6 They _______ go to the cinema.

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