Will Wont Unit 6

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1 will: affirmative
will affirmative will afirmativa 3 Completa las frases con will y los verbos
I will go yo iré entre paréntesis.
you will go tú irás
he will go él irá
she will go ella irá
it will go (ello) irá
we will go nosotros/as iremos
you will go vosotros/as iréis
they will go ellos/as irán He will study (study) French.

will + infinitivo se usa para hacer predicciones de


1 Une las palabras. Luego escríbelas.

I will go
they will live 1 I (go) to Australia.
it will be
you will study
she will live
he will study
we will go

I will live 2 We (be) famous.

1 4
2 5
3 6

2 Indica la respuesta correcta.

She will be / to be famous. 3 It (be) happy.
1 We will to go / go to university.
2 He will study / to study English.
3 You will live / to live in a big city.
4 Leah will to go / go to Australia.
5 We will study / to study French.
6 It will be / to be happy.

4 Luke (live) in a big house.

Vocabulario clave
Australia  Australia   be  ser   big  grande   city  ciudad   famous  famoso   French  francés
go  ir   happy  feliz   house  casa   live  vivir   study  estudiar   university  universidad   year  año

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4 will: negative
will negative will negativa 3 Completa las frases con will o not.
I will not go yo no iré
you will not go tú no irás
he will not go él no irá
she will not go ella no irá
it will not go (ello) no irá
we will not go nosotros/as no iremos
you will not go vosotros/as no iréis
they will not go ellos/as no irán She will not be rich.

will + infinitivo se usa para hacer predicciones de


1 Une las palabras. Luego escríbelas.

you will not be
they will not get up
she will not wait 1 They not 2 You will
wait. win.
I will not rain
it will not win
we will not go
he will not eat

you will not go

1 4
2 5 3 It will 4 Danny

3 6 rain tomorrow. not eat his dinner.

2 Completa las frases con not.

They will not win.
1 He will go to school.
2 I will be rich.
3 Clare will eat her dinner.
4 We will get up early. 5 They 6 Leah will
5 It will rain. not go to school. get up early.
6 You will wait.

Vocabulario clave
be  ser   dinner  cena   early  temprano   eat  comer   get up  levantarse   go  ir   rain  llover  
rich  rico   school  colegio   tomorrow  mañana   wait  esperar   win  ganar

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7 will: questions
will questions will preguntas 3 Completa las preguntas con will y los
Will I go? ¿Yo iré? verbos entre paréntesis.
Will you go? ¿Tú irás? Will they
Will he go? ¿Él irá? get (get)
Will she go? ¿Ella irá? married?
Will it go? ¿(Ello) irá?
Will we go? ¿Nosotros/as iremos?
Will you go? ¿Vosotros/as iréis?
Will they go? ¿Ellos/as irán?
1 we
will + infinitivo se usa para hacer predicciones de

1 Une las palabras. Luego escríbelas. 2

Will you Will he
Will she
2 Molly
play? go? (study)
Will they Maths?

get married?
3 it
watch? 4 (snow)?
5 Will I
Will we

Will you study? 3

1 4
2 5
4 I
2 Ordena las palabras para formar preguntas. (play)
I / go / Will / ?  Will I go? the piano?
1 they / Will / play / ? 
2 study / we / Will / ? 
3 Will / she / watch / ? 
4 it / Will / snow / ? 
5 work / you / Will / ? 

Vocabulario clave
get married  casarse  ​go  ir  ​Maths  matemáticas  ​piano  piano  ​play  jugar / tocar  ​snow  nevar  ​
study  estudiar  ​work  trabajar

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2 will: affirmative
will affirmative will afirmativa 2 Ordena las palabras para formar frases.
I will speak yo hablaré
In ten years …
you will speak tú hablarás
be / will / He / famous.
he will speak él hablará
He will be famous.
she will speak ella hablará 1 children. / will / have / You
it will speak (ello) hablará
we will speak nosotros/as hablaremos 2 will / play / guitar. / the / Lucy
you will speak vosotros/as hablaréis
they will speak ellos/as hablarán 3 live / I / Barcelona. / in / will

will + infinitivo se usa para hacer predicciones de
4 will / eat / pasta. / We

5 have / They / will / dog. / a
1 Escribe bien las frases.
Next year …

3 Completa las frases.

Th e y w i l l go to Italy.
1 H i sp k Italian.
2 Sh w v sit her friends.
3 W ll pl y tennis.
4 I w l g to museums.
5 Y wi e t pasta.

I will have a 4 Indica el error en cada frase. Luego escribe

las frases correctas.
car .
1 Wewillplaytennis. They will to live in Italy.
. They will live in Italy.
2 Youwillgotouniversity. 1 Carl will going to Portugal.

. 2 I visit will my friends.
3 ShewillspeakItalian.
. 3 You will to play the guitar.
4 TheywillvisitItaly.
. 4 She’s will have two children.
5 Iwilleatpasta.
. 5 They will playing football.

Vocabulario clave
car  coche   child(ren)  hijo(s)   dog  perro   famous  famoso   friend(s)  amigo/a(s)   go  ir   guitar  guitarra
have  tener   Italian  italiano   Italy  Italia   live  vivir   museum(s)  museo(s)   next  próximo  
play  jugar / tocar   speak  hablar   tennis  tenis   university  universidad   visit  visitar   year(s)  año(s)

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5 will: negative (short form)

will negative will negative (short form) will negativa
I will not go I won’t go yo no iré
you will not go you won’t go tú no irás
he will not go he won’t go él no irá
she will not go she won’t go ella no irá
it will not go it won’t go (ello) no irá
we will not go we won’t go nosotros/as no iremos
you will not go you won’t go vosotros/as no iréis
they will not go they won’t go ellos/as no irán

will + infinitivo se usa para hacer predicciones de

futuro. 3 Ordena las palabras para formar
1 Completa las frases con won’t y los verbos
entre paréntesis.
I won’t have (have) a dog.
1 We (play) basketball
2 You (live) in Valencia.
3 They (go) home.
4 She (wait).
5 It (rain) today.
6 George (be) a teacher.
be / pop star. / She / won’t / a
She won’t be a pop star.
2 Escribe las frases con la forma abreviada de 1 won’t / have / They / children.
will not.
He will not play football today. 2 dog. / We / a / have / won’t
He won’t play football today.
1 We will not wait. 3 go / home. / I / won’t

2 You will not be a pop star. 4 in / won’t / Albacete. / She / live

3 They will not go to the cinema. 5 play / They / won’t / basketball.

4 Lisa will not have children. 6 won’t / It / tomorrow. / rain

5 I will not live in London.

Vocabulario clave
basketball  baloncesto   child(ren)  hijo(s)   cinema  cine   dog  perro   football  fútbol   go  ir  
go home  irse a casa   have  tener   live  vivir   London  Londres   play  jugar   pop star  estrella de pop
rain  llover   teacher  profesor/ora   today  hoy   tomorrow  mañana   wait  esperar   year(s)  año(s)

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8 will: questions and short answers

will questions will preguntas will short answers will respuestas cortas
Will I go? ¿Yo iré? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. Sí. / No.
Will you go? ¿Tú irás? Yes, you will. / No, you won’t. Sí. / No.
Will he go? ¿Él irá? Yes, he will. / No, he won’t. Sí. / No.
Will she go? ¿Ella irá? Yes, she will. / No, she won’t. Sí. / No.
Will it go? ¿(Ello) irá? Yes, it will. / No, it won’t. Sí. / No.
Will we go? ¿Nosotros/as iremos? Yes, we will. / No, we won’t. Sí. / No.
Will you go? ¿Vosotros/as iréis? Yes, you will. / No, you won’t. Sí. / No.
Will they go? ¿Ellos/as irán? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. Sí. / No.

will + infinitivo se usa para hacer predicciones

de futuro.
3 Completa las preguntas y repuestas cortas
con las palabras del recuadro.
1 Une las preguntas y las repuestas cortas.
Will you buy a laptop? Yes, she will.
1 Will Anna get married? No, it won’t.
2 Will he go to university? Yes, I will.
3 Will it rain today? Yes, we will.
4 Will I be rich? No, they won’t.
5 Will they learn Italian? No, you won’t.
6 Will you be my friends? Yes, he will.

2 Completa las respuestas cortas con will o won’t  meet  Will  Sarah  I  he  it
won’t. Will you be a doctor? No, I won’t .
Will she eat the cake? 1 you learn German? Yes, we will.
No, she won’t . 2 Will they their friends? No, they
1 Chris meet his friends? No, he won’t.
. 3 Will he buy a laptop? Yes, will.
2 you go to the beach? 4 Will get married? No, she won’t.
Yes, we . 5 Will rain today? Yes, it will.
3 it rain this weekend? 6 Will you go to Madrid this weekend? Yes,
No, it . will.
4 Andy and Paul be doctors?
No, they .
5 I go to university?
Yes, you .
6 Emma buy a laptop?
Yes, she .

Vocabulario clave
beach  playa  ​buy  comprar  ​cake  pastel  ​doctor  médico/a  ​eat  comer  ​friend(s)  amigo/a(s)  ​
laptop  portátil  ​German  alemán  ​get married  casarse  ​Italian  italiano  ​learn  aprender  ​meet  quedar  ​
rain  llover  ​rich  rico  ​this weekend  este fin de semana  ​today  hoy  ​university  universidad

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3 will: affirmative (short form)

will affirmative will afirmativa 3 Mira los dibujos. Luego escribe frases con
I’ll go yo iré she, he o they’ll.
you’ll go tú irás
he’ll go él irá
she’ll go ella irá
it’ll go (ello) irá
we’ll go nosotros/as iremos
you’ll go vosotros/as iréis
  swim in the sea
(1) read a book
they’ll go ellos/as irán
(2) sunbathe on the beach
will + infinitivo se usa para hacer predicciones
de futuro.

1 Lee la tabla. Luego escribe frases con la (3) ride a bike

forma afirmativa de will y go. (4) go horse-riding
I I’ll go (5) go canoeing
to the beach.
you (1) to a restaurant.
he (2) on holiday.
she (3) to a museum.
it (4) to the beach.
we (5) horse-riding.
you (6) to a museum.
they (7) home.
(6) visit a museum
(7) go to a restaurant
2 Completa las frases. Usa la forma afirmativa (8) take photos
de will y los verbos del recuadro.
go  swim  visit  take On holiday …
read  ride  go  visit She’ll swim in the sea.
I ’ll visit
a museum tomorrow.
1 She a bike on holiday.
3 He’ll
2 We canoeing next week.
3 He his grandparents later.
4 They home later.
6 They’ll
5 We photos on holiday.
6 I a book tomorrow.
7 He in the sea next week.

Vocabulario clave
beach  playa  ​book  libro  ​go  ir  ​go canoeing  ir en canoa  ​go home  irse a casa  ​
go horse-riding  montar a caballo  ​grandparents  abuelos  ​holiday  vacaciones  ​later  luego  ​museum  museo  ​
next week  la semana que viene  ​read  leer  ​restaurant  restaurante  ​ride a bike  montar en bici  ​sea  mar  ​
sunbathe  tomar el sol  ​swim  nadar  ​take photos  hacer fotos  ​tomorrow  mañana

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6 will: negative (short form)

will negative will negativa
3 Escribe frases negativas para cada dibujo.
I won’t go yo no iré
you won’t go tú no irás
he won’t go él no irá
she won’t go ella no irá
it won’t go (ello) no irá
we won’t go nosotros/as no iremos
he / eat / three pizzas
you won’t go vosotros/as no iréis
He won’t eat three pizzas.
they won’t go ellos/as no irán

will + infinitivo se usa para hacer predicciones

de futuro.

1 Completa las frases con la forma negativa

de will y los verbos del recuadro.
she / catch / the bus
go  catch  give  write  use 
be  eat

I won’t go to school by plane.

1 We computers at school.
2 She on a whiteboard.
3 My teacher us homework
they / play / football
4 He the bus.
5 James a teacher in 2020.
6 You pizza today.

2 Completa el texto. Usa la forma negativa de

will y los verbos entre paréntesis.
My school in 2080
In 2080, my school won’t be (be) like he / go / swimming
schools today. The teacher (1) 3
(use) whiteboards and she (2)
(give) us homework. The students
(3) (write) with pens and they
(4) (study) English with books.
People (5) (walk) to school and
they (6) (catch) the bus – they she / buy / a new computer
will go by plane! 4

Vocabulario clave
book(s)  libro(s)  ​by plane  en avión  ​catch the bus  coger el autobús  ​computer  ordenador  ​eat  comer  ​
give  dar  ​go swimming  nadar  ​go  ir  ​homework  deberes  ​like  como  ​new  nuevo  ​play  jugar  ​
pen(s)  bolígrafo(s)  ​people  gente  ​school  colegio  ​student(s)  alumno/a(s)  ​study  estudiar  ​
teacher  profesor/ora  ​today  hoy  ​use  utilizar  ​walk  andar  ​whiteboard  pizarra blanca  ​write  escribir

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9 will: questions and short answers

will questions will preguntas will short answers will respuestas cortas
Will I go? ¿Yo iré? Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. Sí. / No.
Will you go? ¿Tú irás? Yes, you will. / No, you won’t. Sí. / No.
Will he go? ¿Él irá? Yes, he will. / No, he won’t. Sí. / No.
Will she go? ¿Ella irá? Yes, she will. / No, she won’t. Sí. / No.
Will it go? ¿(Ello) irá? Yes, it will. / No, it won’t. Sí. / No.
Will we go? ¿Nosotros/as iremos? Yes, we will. / No, we won’t. Sí. / No.
Will you go? ¿Vosotros/as iréis? Yes, you will. / No, you won’t. Sí. / No.
Will they go? ¿Ellos/as irán? Yes, they will. / No, they won’t. Sí. / No.

will + infinitivo se usa para hacer predicciones

de futuro. 2 Escribe preguntas con will. Luego escribe
respuestas cortas.

1 Completa las preguntas con will y los

verbos del recuadro. Luego completa las
respuestas cortas.
live  work  live  work  be  be  get  pass

In fifty years …
Will people live (people) on the moon?
he / take the money? ✓
Yes, they will .
Will he take the money?
1 (your sister) married?
Yes, he will.
Yes, .
1 they / work at the weekend? ✓
2 (you) in a hospital?

No, .

3 (he) in the USA?
2 you / be rich? ✗
Yes, .

4 (she) rich?

Yes, .
3 Lisa / pass her exam? ✓
5 (the weather)


Yes, .
4 we / go to Paris next week? ✗
6 (Sam) in an office?

No, .

7 (Maria) her exam?
5 the weather / be good tomorrow? ✗
No, .

Vocabulario clave
at the weekend  el fin de semana   concert  concierto   different  diferente   famous  famoso
get married  casarse   go  ir   good  bueno   hospital  hospital   live  vivir   money  dinero   moon  luna
next week  la semana que viene   office  oficina   Paris  Paris   pass an exam  aprobar un examen   rich  rico
take  coger   tomorrow  mañana   USA  Estados Unidos   weather  tiempo   work  trabajar   year(s)  año(s)

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10 will: affirmative, negative, questions and short answers (1)

will affirmative will negative

I/you/he/she/it/we/they + ’ll (will) + infinitivo I/you/he/she/it/we/they + will not (won’t) + infinitivo
He’ll get married. I won’t play computer games.
They’ll swim in the sea. You won’t have lunch outside.

will questions will short answers

Will + I/you/he/she/it/we/they + infinitivo ... ? Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they will.
Will you walk to the park? No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they won’t.
Will we travel to Belgium?

will + infinitivo se usa para hacer predicciones

de futuro.
2 Une las palabras y escribe las preguntas de
Cathy. Luego escribe repuestas cortas.
1 Escribe las frases en la forma negativa o
afirmativa de will.

be married
win rich
get in Las Vegas
go the lottery
Today … live to Brazil?
Alba / not go / to the beach Will I be rich
? ✓
Alba won’t go to the beach.
Yes, you will.
1 Carlos / not play / football
1 ? ✓

2 Nuria / not walk / in the park
2 ✗

3 Adrian and Miguel / not swim in the sea
3 ? ✓

4 They / not have / lunch outside
4 ✗

5 They / watch DVDs

6 Andrea / read a book

7 Ximo / practise the piano

8 Javi and Sergio / play computer games

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