Minor Project Report of Mtech Format

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Topic name
Submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirement
For the award of degree of

Under the supervision of Submitted By

Er. Ravikant Sharma

(Assistant professor cum. Head of department)

R.P. Educational Trust Group Of Institutions

Affiliated To Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra
I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the minor project entitled
”ROTATING BRIDGE” being submitted by Your name and roll no in partial fulfilment of the
requirement for the award of Master of Technology in Civil (Structural
Engineering)submitted in the Department of Civil Engineering at R.P. Educational Trust
Group of Institutions (Affiliated to Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra) is an authentic
record of own work carried out under the supervision of Er. Ravikant Sharma. The matter
presented in the minor project has not been submitted in any other University / Institution
for award of any degree.

Your name

This is certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my/our

Er. Ravikant Sharma

(Assistant professor cum. Head of department)

(Civil Engineering)

R.P. Educational Trust Group of Institutions

The M.tech Viva-voce examination of Your name has been held on ------------------and

Er. Ravikant Sharma

Supervisor (E xternal Examiner)

The writing of this minor project has been accomplished with the generous help of many
people. I feel I have been very fortunate enough to get the requite co-operation from them.
I express express my sincere thanks to all of them.

First and foremost , I am indebted to my principal supervisor, Er. Ravikant Sharma, Assistant
Professor cum. Head of Department of Civil Engineering, R.P. Educational Trust Group of
Institutions, for his able guidance and necessary support at every stage of my minor project.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to him for his valuable advice and patience in reading,
correcting and commenting on the draft of the minor project and more importantly, for his
generosity which I received throughout my research program.

I also express my thanks to Dr. R S Sharma, Director, RPIIT Campus, Karnal, and all the staff
member of the department of civil engineering R.P. Educational Trust Group of Institution,
Karnal who also helped me in conducting this study.

I am grateful to the staff of the lab and library for their kind co-operation. I am also thankful
to all the authors and scholar, whose writing I have consulted in the course of my writing of
this minor project.

Your name


This is certify that your name and roll no pursuing M.Tech Civil Engineering (Structural
Engineering) from RPIIT Campus Karnal is performing the test regarding his project work in
labs of civil engineering department of R.P. Educational Trust Group of Institutions, Karnal.

During this period, his conduct was good and we found him to be hard working sincere and
devoted. We wish him all success in his future endeavour.

Er. Ravikant Sharma Director

(Assistant professor cum. Head of department)

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