Step Acquisitions
Step Acquisitions
Step Acquisitions
A step acquisition occurs when the parent company acquires control over the
subsidiary in stages. This is achieved by buying blocks of shares at different times.
3. Calculate goodwill on the date parent acquired control, i.e. the date of second
Question 1
Ayre holds a 10% investment in Byrne at RM24,000. In accordance with IFRS 9.
On 1 June 20x9, a further 50% of Byrne's equity shares at a cost of RM160,000.
On this date, the fair values are as follows:
Byrne's net assets - RM200,000
The non-controlling interest - RM100,000
The 10% investment RM26,000
Calculate the goodwill arising in Byrne, using the full goodwill method to value
the non-controlling interest.
Question 2
The statements of financial position of two companies, Major and Tom as at
31 December 20X6 are as follows: Investment Sundry net assets
Major Tom
RM000 RM000
Investments 160 -
Sundry net assets 290 222
450 222
Share capital 200 100
Reserves 250 122
450 222
Major acquired 40% of Tom on 31 December 20X1 for RM90,000. At this time, the
reserves of Tom stood at RM76,000. A further 20% of shares in Tom was acquired
by Major three years later for RM70,000. On this date the fair value of the existing
holding in Tom was RM105,000. Tom's reserves were RM100,000 on the second
acquisition date.
Prepare the consolidated statement of financial position for the Major group as
at 31 December 20X6, using the proportion of net assets method to value the
non-controlling interest.
(B) Acquisitions that do not result in change of control
This step acquisition has not resulted in a change of control, as the status of S has
been a subsidiary before and after the additional acquisition.
All steps are similar to a normal consolidation taking into account the following:
2. Calculate goodwill on the date parent acquired control, i.e. the date of first
Holding % x (post acq up to disposal)
Decrease in NCI (increase%/ original%* A ) B
The Portion Group values the non-controlling interest using the proportion of net
assets method.
(a) Prepare the Portion group consolidated statement of financial position as at
31 December 20X1.
(b) How would the financial statements be different if the Portion Group uses the
full goodwill method to value the non-controlling interest and the fair value of
NCI at acquisition was RM163,000?
Question 4
Below are the financial statements of Top and Down as at 31 December x7,
Additional information:
a. Top acquired 180,000 of the 300,000 issued ordinary shares of Down on 1 January x6 at a
cost of RM225,000 when the retained profit of Down was RM50,000. The fair value of one
ordinary share of Down on that date was RM 1.20.
c. Assume that revenue and expenses accrued evenly throughout year x7.
Additional information:
a) On 1 January x8, Cadbury acquired 60 percent of the issued ordinary shares of Sweets on
which date the retained profit of Sweets was RM 150,000. The cost of the acquisition of
Sweets was RM 2.5 million and the fair value of the identifiable net assets of Sweets on
that date was RM4 million. Goodwill of RM20,000 was impaired on 31 December x9. On
1 April x10, Cadbury bought an additional 20 percent of the issued ordinary shares of
Sweets, paying RM2.6 million. The fair value of the identifiable assets of Sweets on 1 April
xl 0 was RM 12 million.
b) On 1 January x5, Cadbury had acquired 40 percent of the issued share capital of Jelly Beans
for RM600,000. The balance on the retained profits was RM150,000. On 1 April x10,
Cadbury bought another 40 percent of the ordinary shares of Jelly Beans for RM1 million.
The fair value of the initial 40 percent interest in Jelly Beans on 1 April x10 was
c) The sales of Cadbury include sales to Sweets of RM1 million. These goods were invoiced
at cost plus 25 percent. Sweets still has 20 percent of these goods.
Prepare the group statement of profit or loss for the year ended 31 December x10.