Corpus by Motion, You Are Begging The Judge To Do The Right Thing, 99.9% of Those Motions Get Denied. If You Do A

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The key takeaways are about procedures to follow when objecting in court and filing counterclaims and lawsuits to challenge jurisdiction.

The document mentions that there are 5 requirements of a court of record but does not specify what they are.

If a judge overrules your objection, you should state 'For the record, I do object; that is my wish.'

Sovereignty Lecture Notes

- By the time you go to court, you should have all your paperwork in.
- The only reason you appear in court is so the court can ask you questions.
- When you file a motion, petition or anything, that is the actual hearing (on paper).
- In your ‘points & authorities’, you say anything you have to say.
- Attorney’s often put in all sorts of new evidence at the hearing. This is not allowed unless the court chooses to allow it
or you fail to object to it.
- Anytime that anything happens that you don’t like, you object. ‘I object’
o The next thing that will happen is that the judge will ask, ‘Why do you object?’
o Your response should be, ‘it is not my wish that it be that way.’
o That is all you should say; it is not the sovereign’s place to have to explain himself.
- Should the judge over-rule your objection, then you can say, ‘Your honor, for the record, that is my wish’ – he should
respond, ‘for the record that is noted.’
- At that point, you said everything you need to say. Just move on to the next item of business.
- The judge is going to do & say whatever he wants to. You cannot take physical control of the judge.
- When you leave the courtroom, the next step is to go to the computer and issue orders reversing anything that you
objected to (what was overruled).
- All that has any meaning in the court is that you objected and it was noted in the record.
o Make sure you keep good notes (when you object anything) – take all the time you need to make notes.
o If the record is not properly kept, submit an affidavit (from 2 people would be best)
- If judge respects your wish, then you can state what your wish is.
- At some point, the conceptual weight of the record wins.
- Everyone is the subject if you are the plaintiff.
- If you are a defendant, you are going to need to file a counterclaim or a writ habeas corpus in order to convert
yourself into a plaintiff.
- When you file a counterclaim, challenging jurisdiction, everything stops in the other court until they can prove their
jurisdiction to your court.
o The outcome of this case may or may not be the death of the first case
- The whole idea of a counterclaim is that you have been injured by them taking jurisdiction when they shouldn’t have.
If you’ve been injured, you want compensation for your injuries.
- Never claim the damages to go to the next level court; claim the actual damages.
- Try to have 2 witnesses with you when you go to court.
- When you make a motion, you have to have your affidavit of facts, your points & authorities (brief) [where you
argue your case]
o It is purely the discretion of the court to ask you any questions if they have any.
- There are 5 requirements of a court of record.
- When you’re in court, on any kind of a hearing, that is not the time to present your case. You present your case on
paper. If the judge tries to make any decision, it is contempt of court??
- The judge is not allowed to make any decisions in a court of record.
- There are no statues in a court of record.
- If you accept the law and accept any of the 3 pleadings, you accept the code and just got yourself under the
statutory law. Object to the whole thing!
- Make sure you are the plaintiff. None of this works if you are a defendant. (make a counterclaim)
- The primary claim (on your counterclaim) is that they exceeded their jurisdiction.
- The truth is that you have no rights. Never claim that they impeded your rights. Overrule their jurisdiction & b/c they
did that and you were injured, they owe you damages. There is nothing in the Constitution that says that the states
can’t violate your rights. If the Constitution don’t give them jurisdiction over you, then they can’t take it.
- There are no statutes in the Court of Record.
- All of the courts in California are courts of record (proceed according to the common law).
- If you are already in court, there are some practical limitations to making a counterclaim. You should make the
counterclaim the minute they know there are charges. What you can always do is habeas corpus. If you do habeas
corpus by motion, you are begging the judge to do the right thing, 99.9% of those motions get denied. If you do a
common law habeas corpus, you are in your sovereign capacity. The judge will not have jurisdiction over this.
- What they can do is carry the information they have on you over to a grand jury & the grand jury may produce an
incitement. The next step is a jury of 12 (in the hands of the people [citizens]).

- If you are being subject to their proceedings, you can demand to be released from the jurisdiction.
- The counterclaim is identical to an original lawsuit (complaint).
Sovereignty Lecture Notes
- A trial in absentia should never occur. You should always show up to these things. If you fail to object, you agree.
- Always appear no matter what. You are there in different rules.
- Contempt of court has two purposes:
1. Preserve the dignity of the court
2. Preserve the authority of the court.
- The IRS Tax Court is your court. You are the moving party in an IRS Tax Court. You are the plaintiff & they are the
o Court = ‘the person and suit of the sovereign’
o If you open up IRS court & are the sovereign of the court, & then you label it a court of record, it goes into
common law & if they don’t object to that, it sticks.
o Bill has not tested this yet.
- In all the cases where we say, I’m one of the people and in this court of record, nobody ever objects to or challenges
that. They read right over it & don’t understand the significance of that.
- In you paperwork, “I am, name, one of the people of name of jurisdiction you are in (state or federal). & In this court
of record, respond to, object to, whatever…
- As a sovereign, you decree the law of the case.

- In writing, “The law of this case is decreed as follows…” with your signature at the bottom.
- You have to be instructed by reason.
- This is a thinking person’s system. It is not a fill-in-the-blank kind of thing.
- Words & Phrases – this is where you go to get the definitions of words
- Going to court is civilized warfare.
- If you don’t want to argue a point, don’t bring it up. – Abraham Lincoln
- Legalese uses the term domicile to mean where you live, vs. resident meaning that you live elsewhere are and
conducting business where you are.
o Bill T is not concerned with contracts
o If they wish to bring in a contract, all you do is say, ‘show me the contract’.
o Read the terms of the contract. Ask where is your signature?
o Part 3 – [27:00]
o They didn’t disclose a part of the contract --> void from abanicio (void from contract)
- You can be a citizen for some purposes & not a citizen for other purposes.
- They generally only have jurisdiction when the person is a citizen.

People vs. Citizen

- The people decide what rights they have.
- Lansing vs. Smith in NY

- The courts do not bring up anything that is not brought up!

- Make sure the government is constitutionally defined as a republic.
- In the common law, ‘there shall be a remedy for every wrong.’
- In court, don’t say, ‘I am sovereign.’ They may argue that. Say, “I am one of the people.” Nobody will argue
that. Cite the cases that acknowledge the sovereignty of the people. By not using the word ‘sovereign’,
arguments are avoided.
- Internal Revenue Code sec 26 USC 7806 – states that title 26 is not law; no presumption … aka LAW
- You infer what you hear, the other person implies what they say.
- Cut their argument off at the GATE.

- In the California Government Code, [sec. 100?] it states that the sovereignty of the state lies in the people.
- The state can claim sovereign immunity only to the citizens, not to the people.
- The state cannot claim any statutory protections against a sovereign. States have no rights at the level of the common
- The common law is recognized by the United States and will be enforced for you.
- Constitution states, ‘The judicial power of the United States shall apply to all cases in law and equity that arise under
the Constitution.’
Sovereignty Lecture Notes
o This is why we want the common law.
- CA Government code 11120 (Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act) – main focus is conduction of public meetings
among public agencies [same in WA State RCW 4217251]
o It states, ‘The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them.’
o The courts are an agency.
o For info, check out leginfo [check 54950]
11120. It is the public policy of this state that public agencies exist to aid in the conduct of the people's
business and the proceedings of public agencies be conducted openly so that the public may remain informed.
In enacting this article the Legislature finds and declares that it is the intent of the law that actions of state
agencies be taken openly and that their deliberation be conducted openly.
The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in
delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know
and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain
control over the instruments they have created.
This article shall be known and may be cited as the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act.
o 54950. In enacting this chapter, the Legislature finds and declares that the public commissions, boards and
councils and the other public agencies in this State exist to aid in the conduct of the people's business. It is the
intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.
The people of this State do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in
delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know
and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain
control over the instruments they have created.
o 54950.5. This chapter shall be known as the Ralph M. Brown Act.
- In the reference to ‘member’ in the government means ‘citizen’ – pay attention to these terms
- You make the rules/definitions in your own court. In statutory law, the court makes the definition, unless it is
appealed, in which case the appellate court determines the definition.
- If they try to do something in your court, object & back that up with a court order.
o When you issue an order, they don’t always obey it. Sometimes you have to push it further.
o You may have to issue a mandamas; you take it to a higher court than their court (not higher than yours).
Then get the judge of the superior (appellate) court to tow the line. You want this court to mandate that the
problematic judge do something or not do something.
- The Federal Gov’t has rules, under which the state can prosecute. If the prosecution rises to the level of a felony, the
federal gov’t makes the state get their permission first. p.509-519 (Federal Rules of Civil Procedure). For a felony
offense that provokes federal law. State must get permission first.
o It may be possible to hang the state on this rule.

- In a Republic, the people are free. Any rules that are created in the republic are advisory (with 1 exception – that
100% of society is against you), in a democracy, they are mandatory.
- To deprive the people of their sovereignty, it is first necessary to get them to agree to submit to the entity, which they
have created. This is done by getting them to claim that they are citizens of that entity.
- All rules passed in a democracy are mandatory for all citizens.
- All rules passed in a republic are advisory for the minority.
- Use the context of the word to figure out its proper definition.
- The decree of the Sovereign makes law. [banana co. vs fruit co.]
o “The law of the case is decreed as follows” – bill puts this in his cases
o When the gov cites their laws, they just read codes, they do not decree anything
o They are called codes & statutes b/c they are not LAW
o LAW, in the absence of any clarification means COMMON LAW
- If you are sovereign and you decree the law or decree that a previous case is your law, Shepardizing means nothing.
- The law does not entertain trifles.
- You are only a person if there are rights & duties assigned to you.
- Rights – this word gets abused a lot.
o If I’m tribunal, a right means a natural right; God-given.
o If a right is granted by a government, that is actually a privilege.
- Resident, inhabitant, domicile – know the difference

Courts of Record
1. Keeps a record of the proceedings
2. Tribunal is independent of the Magistrate
Sovereignty Lecture Notes
3. Proceeds according to the Common Law
4. Power to fine or imprison for contempt
5. Generally has a seal (optional)
o You can make your own seal for your court. Bill’s has his name, b-day, ‘wisdom, strength, beauty’, and says
SEAL; it should have somewhere on it, the word ‘SEAL’
- The magistrate is an administerial office. He cannot make the rules of the court, but can carry out the rules of the
- A magistrate is a ‘person clothed with power as a public civil officer’.
o With power means the authority to make law.
- If you go through arraignment, you contract to the code system.
- In CA, all courts are courts of record. How is it that the judge is both the tribunal and the magistrate? They get you to
agree to it by the arraignment process.

- If you plead guilty, not guilty or nolo contender, you are agree to the code / jurisdiction.
Faretta waiver form:
- If you accept an attorney to represent you, you admit to the jurisdiction of the court.
- ‘Do you now wish the court to permit you to represent yourself as your own attorney.’
o If you accept the permit, you are back in their jurisdiction.
- All the judges in California are magistrates. They get around the ‘court of record’ requirement of the Constitution by
the ‘arraignment’ process.
- By your actions, you enter into the contract to allow the judge (magistrate) to do the judging.
- You should always object to the penal jurisdiction. You want that court of record. No need to ask for a jury, they need
to find the sovereign of the court. Where are they going to find the people of California?
- A lawsuit, a suit is the witnesses or followers of the plaintiff.
- A magistrate cannot judge b/c that makes them a tribunal. All judges in CA courts are magistrates. You can let them
be tribunals, but you can stop them also.
- In a court of record, the magistrate cannot make any decisions. Only the tribunal can make decisions as mandated by
the 1879 version of the CA constitution.

- A minute order issued by a judge is not part of the record. [it is not an order]
- In a court of record, the judge (magistrate) cannot make any decisions; only the tribunal can make decisions. This is
mandated by the CA constitution.
- Since all courts in CA are courts of record, the judge runs the show by issuing minute orders. As long as they can get
you to think that is an order, then they got away with it.
- It is called a minute (aka. small) order b/c the clerk’s notes were written in a small handwriting. The court orders were
written in a large hand so that everyone could read it.
- Anything that is written in a small hand is a clerk’s notes. That is how the judge does not violate the court of record
and really doesn’t issue an order at all!!!
- Titles & headings do not control. The substance of the argument is what matters.

How to Force a File to be Filed

- When you are in court, you tell the clerk to ‘file on demand’ if they are resistant to filing the first place.
- If they refuse to file on demand, Bill has had 100% success by sending them in by registered mail.

- Titles and headings do not affect the substance of your suit.

- Clerks cannot give advice. Don’t ask for advice. If you need their help, ask them, ‘What do you require?’
- When you do a counterclaim on a criminal proceeding, you need to take all the paperwork that is available to you, the
criminal complaint, whatever you have & enclose a copy with your complaint if & only if you have new defendants.
- All a record is, is what was the issue & what was the decision made. Everything else is just notes.
- The only way for them to get jurisdiction over you is with a court of record. With a court of record, there has to be an
injured party. Without an injured party, there is no case. In a court of record, you are innocent until proven guilty vs. a
corporate court where you are guilty until proven innocent.
- The court is always in session. It doesn’t matter if you are in chambers.
- There is nothing so fearful as ignorance in action. – Goethe
- We are dealing with a lot of ignorance/arrogance. But you are building this record. At some point, somebody is going
to lose their job by screwing up.
o There are people higher up who do understand these things & will not trash the system to win just one case.
(Bill’s theory)
o If up & down the line, everyone is against you, you are not going to win.
Sovereignty Lecture Notes
o It has been Bill’s experience that we do run into honest people.
- The court of chancellery is an equity court. He is properly called a chancellor, not a judge. The chancellor has the
permission to make a remedy/law. A judge only has permission to rule based on past cases.
- Common law makes it difficult for judges to screw you.
- If you don’t want a corporation court, insist on a court of record. If they won’t give that to you, do a counterclaim b/c
they went beyond their jurisdiction.
- When you’re in an administrative/corporate court, you are guilty until proven innocent.
- Equity courts are not courts of record.
- If you know that a minute order is not an order, it is easy to counteract by a real order.

- Copies delivered to parties were in large hand. Copies not delivered were in small hand (minute).
- A minute order goes into the minute book.

FROM THE EXAMPLE: [San Bernardino County Case]

- Plaintiff sued under common law, which says there is always a remedy.
- Normally, the law-making bodies have immune b/c the laws are just advisory/suggestions (it is a republic)
- When the state participates in the commerce, they lose their sovereign immunity & become liable.
- Whoever makes a DEMUR, automatically agrees to all facts.
o Don’t ever do a demur unless you are ready to agree to all the facts.
o In a DEMUR, the only thing left to argue is the law itself.
 If you argue the law, you can, purely at the discretion of the court, the court can jump straight to the
judgment without a trial.

Action vs. Complaint

- An action is a court proceeding.
- A complaint is a court proceeding with a magistrate.

- In paragraph 1 & 2, this is a general demur. Whenever they make a general objection & do not explain which part
they don’t understand, then the court must deny the demur (no option).
- The demur did get denied. Bill knew that he had a defective lawsuit & used the judge’s denial of the demur to have an
excuse to revise the lawsuit.
- When a judge misbehaves & issues an order you cannot complain about it if he is given discretion.
o You cannot attack the discretion of the judge when he has jurisdiction.
o If a judge does not have any jurisdiction, he is not allowed to use his discretion.
o He is sitting in the courtroom, but he is outside the court. When he makes a decision and gives it to the clerk
& the clerk files it. This is an ‘error in procedure’ b/c the clerk is accepting a ruling from an unauthorized
source (the judge never had the authority in the first place).
o The magistrate (judge) is not allowed to file that order b/c it is a court of record and the tribunal & magistrate
are separate from each other.
o An ‘error in procedure’ is counteracted by the sovereign issuing a ‘writ of error quarum novus’ indicating
that an error in procedure is being corrected (writ of error) and that the court is correcting its own error
(quarum novus).
o A quarum vobus is a higher court correcting the procedures of a lower court.
o Before we got to the writ of error, we had to do a few things.
 1. A judicial notice – the court takes notice of something
 it can take notice of the English language, the laws, the court records (these do not have to be
proven in evidence); they stand on their own without proof.
 When the court takes judicial notice of something, these are things that the court will consider
when it arrives at some decision.
 The judicial notice is advisory.
 A judicial cognizance is one step higher. Whatever the court takes cognizance of, that is
mandatory on the judge and it has to be compatible with the decision. It must apply with the
 For the example case, the notice is read around 22:52. The sovereign takes notice of the
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, California Government Code, 54950; meaning of
sovereignty, rights which formerly belonged to the king, state cannot diminish rights of
people, federal rules not overridden by local practice, rights of the sovereign; define a court
of record (b/c magistrate issued a direct order which he was not authorized to issue);
Sovereignty Lecture Notes
- You can adopt any rules of the court you want. Bill likes the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure b/c they are simpler &
he knows the better & they are universal throughout the United States.
- Bureaucrats love things in writing. The common law is custom in usage. To deal with the bureaucrats, we use the
Magna Carta.

- Bill is going through the example case, reading the Judicial Notice & moves on to the Findings of Fact
 2. Findings of Fact
 William Jones is one of the people
 The court is a court of record
 All parties & court personnel have been properly apprised of the foregoing.
- Attornatus Privatus – private attorney
o You don’t want to be an attorney representing yourself in their court.
o A private attorney does not hold his services out to the public. In this case he is representing the court.
o You can’t see in the pdf file, but here is a pretty gold seal on the right side.
o He cannot use the term master, b/c master is still a magistrate.
o The private attorney is nothing more than a witness to the order.
- Whenever you issue a sovereign order, you are not a judge. If you were a judge,
- In California, if a trial lasts less than 8 hours, then you must tell the judge in advance of the decision that you want
him to explain the decision. If he makes the decision first, he can ignore your demand for an explanation. It is best to
put the request in writing.
- We are not judges. We are in a very unusual position. The common law is not very strong in the United States. The
balance of power has been rather upset. He have to be very right & correct in everything we do (including the
paperwork) and when we make a decision, we have to explain it.
- There is no difference btw a writ of error quarum novus residant & a writ of error quarum novus.
o All it means is that the king himself is in court
- Part of every lawsuit is psychological warfare.
- Every claim that you make is cited in the record. – this gives strength to your order
- When you write the decisions/judgments of the court, you must be neutral.
o It may help to have someone else write the judgment for you.
- In the example, the court cannot order, but the plaintiff can agree.
- In effect, the court said that the defendant’s demur should have been granted & is granting part of it & the court is
turning around and having the plaintiff revise the action in a given amount of time (30 days).
o If the plaintiff didn’t get the order in, he would be thrown out of the court with prejudice.
o The judgment is just as hard on the plaintiff as it is on the judge.
- Once you serve somebody with an action, you cannot change it unless you get permission of the court.
- Anytime you issue any order for anything on your own motion, without all parties being apprised of it, you should
always issue an order to show cause, telling them to let us know if we are wrong.
- This example case was a intentionally slow case that was intended to cover everything for the purpose of the example.
- ‘Good cause’ means that you better have a good, strong legal reason.

- This only works if you are a plaintiff. The primary point in your counterclaim is your challenging jurisdiction.
- In order to get a (drivers?) license, you have to claim to be a citizen & resident.
- Transcript #2 – May 7 - is the response of the judge to his order being vacated.
- All a case management conference is a conference to manage the case. No judgments are made on those days. It is
still an opportunity to find the plaintiff in contempt of court if he is so.
- Don’t fall into trap of arguing with the judge. If he asks you a question, tell him that ‘it is all in the paperwork’
- The night before you go to court, you must sit down with somebody & explain exactly why you are going to
o When you do this, you will automatically say the right things.
- Whenever you do a common law lawsuit, you have to provide all the evidence up front; all the paperwork, the medial
paperwork, whatever it is (all evidence). That gets served right with the lawsuit.
o There is no such thing as discovery in a common law lawsuit.
o If you refuse to provide all the evidence, the only remedy that a defendant has is to make a motion in
limiting? Asking the court to block out all the evidence that has not been presented.
o In a common law case, you provide all the evidence, you don’t care if they block out any un-presented
evidence, because there is none.
- Lawsuits are civilized warfare, psychological warfare & also wars of attrition (run their costs up; the higher the better
– at some point they just might settle with you).
Sovereignty Lecture Notes
- The goal of the transcript 3 hearing from the plaintiff’s point of view was to get absolute proof who signed that order
& the judge admitted to it.
- In conducting the case, Bill and the plaintiff didn’t want the defendant to see their strategy & understand the strength
of the sovereign.
o The invoked a code that said that all meetings had to be public except those dealing with person health issues
& personnel issues (ie. - disciplining of a public employee by a public supervisor).
o Bill & Mr. Jones took the position that the judge is a public employee & they had a disciplinary problem &
b/c of that, they could operate on this issue in secret. Therefore, they put in an order Sealing the Papers. The
top sheet contained only the who vs. who information, no text of the case. The remainder of the case and a
copy of the first page was put inside an envelope and they put the first page outside the envelope & filed it
that way, so that it was sealed.

- The sovereign has a great deal of flexibility. Although you have to follow procedures, you are the boss!
- A gold seal was placed on the right side of the sealing of papers document b/c it is an order.
- You have an affidavit saying ‘here is what happened’. Then you ask the court for contempt.
- If they don’t answer the affidavit, it is presumed true.
- There are 3 types of contempt in California:
o 1. Civil
o 2. Criminal
o 3. Misdemeanor (means jail time)
- Why is the judge spending so much time discussing this? If he were really in charge, he would have just thrown Mr.
Jones out.
- Contempt is all about dignity and authority of the court.
- Recap: judicial cognizance is obligatory; it must be held as part of the decision.
Insert exact definition here from Black’s Law Dictionary.
- When you put together your cases, when you are trying to lock down your sovereignty, it is all right in the judicial
cognizance section of the EXAMPLE, ’17 Ruling Re Contempt.pdf’.
- The legislature passes the code information over to the law review or legislative review dept. Their attorneys then
review it for consistency.
- Bill has found that there are 3 groups of people who understood this sovereignty thing; the legislative committee, the
judges of the supreme & appellate courts, and people like you and me.
- The legislative committee has a meeting with the Supreme Court justices to review the codes/laws before they pass.
- The government doesn’t produce affidavits, they produce certified --- somethings.
- When we made the motion for contempt of court, we were wearing the plaintiff’s hat, the injured parties hat. We were
out to take them down!
- Now, Mr. Jones took his plaintiff’s hat off and put on his tribunal hat. Now he has to be fair, go down the center of the
road. [This is in the Findings of Fact Section]
- Another important point is when Mr. Jones asked the judge, ‘Do you have a claim against me?’ his response was no &
they used this against him later on.

- You should avoid to some degree pronouns b/c they tend to lose the meaning. By repeating the points, you drive them
home better.
- 100% of all the orders to show the cause that Bill has ever issued have gone unanswered.
o If you fail to object, it means you agree.
- Duly means that it meets the requirements of the common law and statutory law.
- You decree the law, only if you are the plaintiff or counter-plaintiff. You cannot do any of this if you are the
defendant. You can get this by a counterclaim or a habeas corpus.
o If you try to file/issue an order to dismiss (the case against you) as a defendant, that is OK provided that in
the body of it, you assert your status as sovereign (relative to the state), that you are outside the
jurisdiction (their jurisdiction), & that this is an order from your court to their court. And you want to
accompany it with an ‘Order to Show Cause’ with a deadline for filing. It has to be in the body of the text
b/c there is no other place to put it.
- "He who decides a case with the other side unheard, though he decide justly, is himself unjust."
o Very important quote. Keep in mind for future writing.
- “Execution of this order shall be stayed pending the filing within six judicial days of a petition for extraordinary relief
testing the lawfulness of this court's order or a notice of intent to file within 30 days a motion for reconsideration.”
o If an attorney is found in contempt of court in California, he gets that privilege. We are showing that we are
fair & considerate.
Sovereignty Lecture Notes
- The new judge that replaced the judge in contempt stated that the new judge was a member of a private group of
judges that studied the common law.
- If you lose in a municipal court, you can appeal to a regular appellate court or to the superior court appellate division.
- The appellate court of the superior division is a very high quality court. Their judges are very sharp, very experienced
& very knowledgeable. When they write an opinion, it has precedent value like just like an appellate decision does.
- The contempt ruling from the example will be extremely valuable when you write your own decisions. The
entire chain of logic is there that leads from the Constitution right down to the court level as to why you are
boss and they are NOT.
- If your court makes a decision, it is not appealable since your court is the highest court.
- In the United States, you are a sovereign without subjects until you hire them (the judge, the court reporter, the
marshal, bailiff, clerk, etc.)
- The whole purpose of the court hearing is to give the court an opportunity to clarify something that you wrote. No
new information can be added to the case in the courtroom.
- When you make a motion, the hearing is set 30 days after you make the motion. Then the other person has 20 days to
answer. You then have 5 days to reply to his answer, which leaves 5 days for the judge to read it, then you have the
- When responding to a motion, you deal only with the subject of the motion.
- The real world is common law. The fictional law is statues.
- When you find defects in the opposition, you need to use some strategy. Failure to object means that you agree.
But, on the other hand, don’t educate the other side. Don’t tell them what is wrong so that they can fix it. If you
don’t tell them about it, you have to have an exit plan. What is your strategy about when you are going to reveal it
to him, b/c you don’t want to reveal it at a point where they have time to correct it. It may be a good time to raise
the point at the actual trial or a allocution.
- When you go into a motion, you only go in to answer the court’s questions. If someone brings up new information,
then you object. You can object b/c ‘it is not my wish [that new information be allowed in].’ – is this trial-by-surprise
- You can set the date of the counter-claim on the same date as the hearing. When you show up at the hearing, you
appear as the sovereign b/c the other case is suspended since the counterclaim froze it.
- If you do a counter-claim and the judge didn’t read it, who’s in charge? You can vacate any orders issued by the judge
(magistrate) in your court.
- If the IRS steals computers, records, etc. … the court is going to demand that you file returns you haven’t filed …
they will want you to produce some kind of filing report. Your response should be that you would love to if you
could, but you lost control of the records. They were put in the hands of someone who is an adversary & you have
absolutely no assurance that they are correct anymore.
o You can sue the IRS agent that did this. You can do this in state court if you wish.
o The state & federal governments are foreign entities relative to the other.
o One of the duties of the governor is to protect the citizens of the state from attack by any foreign entity (which
includes the federal government).
o Bill recommends that you do your counter-claim. If there were no court orders and they took your equipment,
that is theft & you can sue them for common law theft. That would be a trespass.
o A trespass under common law involves violence (false arrest, deprivation of rights, taking your materials). [in
the case, they had a search warrant, but no probable cause affidavit attached to it.]
o The guy can do a claim since there is no action filed yet.
o If you do your claim before they do any official action like that (a claim against you), when they actually do
some sort of a claim, whatever they do, you can then raise the issue of vindictive prosecution.
o When you raise the issue of vindictive prosecution that is the one issue that you do not have to prove. The
burden of proof is on them is to prove that the government is not vindictively prosecuting.
- In a common law court, if there is a jury, they will decide the law and the facts. If there is not a jury, you decide
whether or not they are guilty. (the sovereign decrees the law)
- Bill seals the papers (just crimping) for someone else; but if it is an order, he puts the gold on & seals it.
- Any sovereign can come to the aid of another sovereign. You can always file a habeas corpus for someone else.
o Read the procedure for habeas corpus in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
- You hire the judge to act as the magistrate. He has an implied contract with you. When you come to a conclusion, you
present it to the magistrate for a signature. If he refuses to sign it & you have given him a proper order to sign it, then
you go to his boss (the appellate court – if he is in a District Court) & the issue is not the habeas corpus, the issue
becomes, why is he not fulfilling his contract, his duty to the court?; you want a mandamas ordering him to do it. Or
you can take it up to the Supreme Court. You can also ask the congressman to start an impeachment proceeding
against he judge because of his behavior.
o This last act will severely injure the judge’s career advancement possibilities.
Sovereignty Lecture Notes
- All a police report does is put, on their local police record, information so that the district attorney can look at it &
decide whether or not to prosecute. You don’t have to put up with that. There is an easy way to get a report going. It’s
called a lawsuit. Put everything you would have put in a police report in your lawsuit and sue ‘em. Now it’s really
public. He’s been sued for misbehavior in office. Don’t depend on the prosecutor or cops to do it. If it is serious
enough, sue them.
o When a public official fails to perform their duty, you may consider a writ of quo warnto to remove them
from office. A Grand Jury of 25 can remove someone from office.

- Bill does not encourage people to attack the government, but he does encourage people to defend their rights.
- Bill’s Strategy: If we can get 3% of the people out there in the courts attacking, doing counter-suits & when you’re
attacked, settle the attack on your own conditions (without PREJUDICE).
o A well-conducted suit at law will cost them $25-100,000 to defend, much more than they would get from you.
o If they can put you in jail, that is money in their pocket. A person in jail is an asset that they can borrow
o If you settle the account and you sue them & they are spending money to defend the suit, they are losing their
- Bill suggests that you do a Notice and Demand.
- If we can bring the Common Law to Common Understanding, you are going to be looking at resurrection day for your
- Whenever you have legal procedures (statutory), there is sometimes a common law equivalent. When they create the
statutory law, usually they build in a somewhere a statutory procedure that gives you the common law benefit that you
are looking for.
- List Pendant? - Whenever you have an interest in a property and you are suing somebody about it, that notifies a
future buyer or lender that the property is at stake. If a person buys it in the midst of the court case, they will lose the
property and their money when the case settles.
o If you follow the common law procedure, you cannot file the list pendance.
o There is a procedure called a ‘Notice of Perservation of Interest’ which Bill thinks is the statutory execution
of the common law procedure.
o This section tells you how the form should be made out.
o You file this form with the county recorder against the property.
o Say you are suing a judge. You do a property search through a private investigator to find out what properties
he has. You then put a preservation of interest on it & you say that the basis of it is this lawsuit against him.
That immediately screws up his credit. It screws up his ability to sell the property if he wishes to duck out of
it (b/c whoever buys the property, if you win, they lose).
- Statutes at Large – LXX Crimes – Crimes Against Justice [find this code] – 5403
o Any person who willfully destroys or attempts to destroy with … clerk or officer of such court, or any paper,
document or filed record, ….
o Can use this to force a clerk to file your paperwork.

Courtroom Procedure Recap:

1. If anything happens that you don’t like, you object; ‘I object.’
2. You object because ‘It is not my wish.’
3. If judge overrules you, then you state, ‘For the record, I do object; that is my wish.’
4. If you are being subject to their proceedings, you can demand to be released from the jurisdiction.
a. It is important to make the demand. ‘I demand that I be released from the jurisdiction.’
b. The judge might be breaking the law by keeping you in jurisdiction & this will be a threat to him that you are
aware that he is in this position.
5. If the judge does not let you speak, then you speak. He may tell you, ‘If you say one more word you will be in
contempt of court.’ Reply: ‘Okay your honor’ or don’t say anything at all.
6. After leaving court, go to your computer and issue the order reversing whatever the judge did.

Your Counterclaim:
1. They exceeded their jurisdiction.
2. The result of #1 resulted in damages.
3. You are owed compensation for the damages.
* The loss of your rights (Bill of Rights) or property are considered injuries.
Sovereignty Lecture Notes

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