Riddles D&D

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Table of Contents

The Blood Wall .............................................................................................................................................................. 2

The Lockpicking Door .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Painted into a corner..................................................................................................................................................... 3
The one way hall ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
Petrified Key .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Dark Staircase................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Back to the Drawing Board ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Trapsweeper ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
The Other Door ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
The Greatest Weapon ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Make me talk................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Roy G Biv's Magnificent Hall ....................................................................................................................................... 10
Maidens Sacrifice ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Cursed Passage Stones ................................................................................................................................................ 11
The Mirrored Instructions ........................................................................................................................................... 12
The Empty Gauntlet .................................................................................................................................................... 13
The Scales .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
A Matter of Perspective .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Build-an-Armor Set...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Mirror Mirror............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Narcissist Puzzle .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Runic Hallways ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
The Way in................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Rocky Elevator Ride ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Pressure Plate Hallway ................................................................................................................................................ 19
A Puzzle of Numbers ................................................................................................................................................... 20
The Enchanted Poison ................................................................................................................................................. 21
The Dragon's Offering ................................................................................................................................................. 22
Rise of the Poor ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
Light Channels Through You........................................................................................................................................ 23
Knock Knock jokes ....................................................................................................................................................... 24

The Blood Wall

The party enters a room with a stone wall and a locked door. The wall has a riddle
engraved in it; "The key is found within you head, use the key to paint me red, be
aware of what you spurn, for what you give shall be returned." “Viandante, la
chiave ti porti addosso, usala ora per tingermi rosso; pensa bene a ciò che dai,
perché te ne pentirai. Solution:

The party must use blood and smear it on the wall(where they get it from is up to
them), and a duplicate of what the blood came from emerges out of the wall. The
party must fight and defeat the duplicate to unlock the door.


Barring the way forward. Hiding secret rooms, or treasure rooms.


Have the riddle read “Use your head to paint me red, inside of thee resides your key.”
Forgo the fight if an actual key is painted on the door.
Have only the player that smeared the blood become the key so they may open the
Include a magical easel, or a patch of canvas on the door which the party should
draw on instead.

Possible Magical Items:

Crystalizing Blood: A small blood red gemstone which still seems to have flowing
blood inside. Holding it like a weapon and saying a phrase turns it into a Crimson
Crystal dagger.

User Credit:

Xenomorph_Queen, ZzPhantom,

The Lockpicking Door

The party runs into a locked door (in a smugglers den or a bank). The door has a few
archaic symbols at the top (This is a red herring. It's Thieves Cant describing
whatever's inside the room, you can be as subtle or as blatant as you like if you have
a rogue) and what looks like seven locks with various writings on it. There is a thick
iron turning handle in the center of the door.

The first lock says "Open" in Common. The

second lock says "Close" in Elvish.

The third lock says "Open" in Dwarvish.

The fourth lock says "Close" in Infernal.

The fifth lock says "Open" in Giant.

The sixth lock says "Close" in Halfling.

The seventh lock says "Close" in Undercommon.


The objective of the puzzle is to unlock the locks which say "Open" (DC 10, or the
trap goes off) and to leave the locks which say "Close" closed, and then turn the door
handle, otherwise the Lightning Rune in the center of the hallway activates.


Barring the way forward. Locking secret rooms, or treasure rooms.


Have some of the locks in more exotic languages.

Lock-Picking the lock which says Close always sets off a smaller less deadly trap.
Exchange Lightning rune for different traps.

Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


Painted into a corner

The party take a long rest in a room with a mysterious painting. The landscape
artwork gives off a strong neutral magic aura, but is mundane to the senses.

When the players sleep in the room with the painting, they find themselves trapped
in the landscape the painting showed. Also in this environment are creatures, all of
which possess small bottles of strange, clear, strong-smelling liquid.

The players are trapped inside a magical painting. The liquid in the bottles is
turpentine. Splashing the liquid on any player or creature/NPC in the painted world
causes them to take a high amount of acid damage. If a player is reduced to 0 HP by
this acid damage, they are freed from the trap and awake normally in the room
where they fell asleep.

Fun side activity during an adventure Alternatives:

Have a key pictured in the portrait that is needed to progress. With an inscription
below the painting.

Possible Magical Items:

Painters World Turpentine: Does high amount of Acid damage when splashed onto a

User Credit:

OldManBasil, kr_kitty

The one way hall

A Hallway that looks normal but ends in a dead end. When you turn around there is a
wall 5 ft behind you. You are now stuck. The wall appears solid. On the end wall
there is writing saying "keep your eye here and you may escape."


The trapped player must look at the writing and move backwards in order to escape.


Barring the way forward. Hiding secret rooms, or treasure rooms.


Have the writing be 'retrace your steps'.

Describe the wall behind the player as having a massive eye on it which slowly closes
the more the player looks away from it.

Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:

Roboman20000, mjanstey

Petrified Key

The party arrives in a room with a statue of a man in the middle. He is looking
directly at a statue of a Medusa. The characters notice the key to the door needed to
continue is around his neck, but is also made of stone and they can't take it.


You must figure out that you have to find a way to block their line of sight (like cover
the man's eyes with a cloth), the man comes back to life and gives you the key, he
can be used as a guide to the rest of the dungeon. Depending on the level of your
party you can also make the Medusa come back to life and make your players fight


Bar exit out of the dungeon. Fun Segway into a fight Alternatives:

Exchange the Medusa for a Basilisk.

Have the Medusa statue facing the statue of a man. The man is holding a circular
shield that is reflective while he himself is looking over the shield at the Medusa so
he petrified himself with her. If the shield leaves the Medusa's gaze she too would be

Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:

Nanodel ,Fayt-Harkwind, unitedshoes

Dark Staircase

There is a staircase with an inscription above the archway leading to it. It leads down
to pitch-blackness.

The inscription reads "Life leads us down dark roads, but sometimes that is
necessary to see the light." The endless monotiny of descending stairs takes its toll
after a while, and eventually the PCs will have to start making concentration checks
to avoid tumbling down the steps and taking superficial bludgeoning damage. Past a
few hours, they might start suffering from temporary levels of exhaustion.

If they turn around, the staircase is endless that way, too.



The players must put out all sources of light and Players with Darkvision must close
their eyes to continue.


Gate passage to the next area. Wear down adventures for upcoming fights.


Alternate Inscriptions:
"The road may be dark, yet oft-times light does naught but blind"
“Embrace the dark for those that do may end up in the light”
“As a light illuminates the darkness sometimes the road ahead seems endless.”
"Are you so blinded by your sight that you cannot find your way?"
"Life has paths that cannot be seen, and must be felt"
"Sometimes in life we must move forward with blind faith"
"In times of trial, the path we see can blind us to the path we must take" If a

player cast Darkness on the area this could stop the endless stairs aswell.

Possible Magical Items:

Gem of Darkness: Allows the casting of the Darkness spell once before dying User


Kain222, Math-NotEvenOnce, Wodney

Back to the Drawing Board

Upon entering a room a small pedestal can be seen. There is a small map of a maze
placed on the pedestal with a symbol in the center that seems important. The map
also has a marked exit that seemingly can't be accessed. Directly across from the
pedestal is the entrance to the maze.

Hint: Do not make the entire map erasable or all challenge is lost on the second go.


The marked object in the maze is an eraser. When they use the eraser on the
original map they can open the passage to the exit.


Add additional challenge to a maze filled with monsters. Simple traversal made
slightly more challenging.


Similar results can be achieved with a map carved into the pedestal. And a chisel in
the middle instead of an eraser.

Place a portal near the pedestal and the eraser so your players don’t have to make
the entire journey back through the part of them maze they already went through.

Possible Magical Items:

Maximus Erasor: Erase ink, charcoal or pencil lead from any surface leaving no trace
it was ever there.

User Credit:



A large room (at least 50x50) is almost entirely empty, and floored with a
checkerboard pattern. These tiles are trapped in a random configuration. Whenever a
player steps on a tile containing a trap, that tile turns a certain color and a trap
activates (traps are random, and various). When a player uses a perception,
investigation, or arcana check to search for these traps, they cannot tell exactly
where they are, but can tell how many traps are adjacent to the square they are
currently in. The party's primary objective is to get to the opposite side of the room.


This is basically minesweeper. Find your way to the opposite end of the room without
dying is the real puzzle here.


Replacing basic trap checks with an actual thinking game.


Have monsters in the room, so that the players must rush and activate some of the
traps, and also some treasure on the side opposite the exit. I also made the
gameplay more literal, marking each square for them and gave the players a cascade
(when you get a cluster of squares when there's no trap nearby) once they figured
out what the gimmick is.

Have some of the traps unleash a monster from a cage underneath that square.

Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


The Other Door

The players come across a locked door. There doesn't appear top be a key anywhere
but it's fairly easy to pick the lock. After going through the door they travel down a
hallway and eventually come across another locked door. The lock on this door is
very difficult to pick but if they look around they will find a keyring hanging on a
nearby hook.

The keyring has quite a few keys on it but none of the keys will work on the door. If
they try to force the door open or manage to pick the lock they will only find a solid
wall on the other side.


The party has to take the keys to the previous door, close it, and use any of the keys
to unlock it. The door will then open to a completely different area allowing them to


Quick but fun brainteaser to fill up otherwise empty room.


Have several doors inside this room and make them all open the opposite door.

Every key unlocks the second door, but it puts you right back in the same hallway
with the same door. You have to use the right key and it will unlock the door
"properly" and the party can proceed to the next room Possible Magical Items:

Keyring of Annoyance: Key ring the keys on which seem to shift position randomly.
Trying to open a door with the keys on the ring means the last key the user hasn’t
tried on the door is the key to open that door.

User Credit:

Lemunde, DaPurpleHippo

The Greatest Weapon

A room filled with various weapon racks and all sorts of different weapons
surrounding a statue of a knight with an outstretched hand, and a plaque that says
"Bring to me the greatest weapon, that kings covet, puts warriors to ruin, and

ends all battles." Putting any weapon in the hand of the statue causes it to become
an animated weapon that attacks the PC’s.


Among the weapons is a sword called "Peacemaker", with an olive branch wrapped
around the rusted blade. Placing the olive branch (symbol for peace) in the hand of
the statue solves the puzzle.


Halt progress. Grant magical weapon(s) to players.


Have one of the rack simply contain a twig instead of wrapping the branch around a

Tell the players that each weapon has a name on it. There would be like 2 dozen
weapons, and I had a note for each one, something like "Deathbringer, great axe,
black with white trim" and "Oathshatter, longsword, silver".

Allow players to make Nature/History checks to figure out that the olive branch is the
symbol for peace.

Possible Magical Items:

Olive Branch/Peacemaker : Longsword which allow the wielder to cast the spell Calm

User Credit:


Make me talk

An intelligent magical talking door that requires a password to open, perhaps the
answer to a simple riddle or math problem. A key part is that the answer "must be


The answer must be spoken by the door. So give the players a way to trick the door
into saying the password.


Gate progress, A deceptively difficult Alternatives:

Give the door a interesting personality. Haughty, Irritable and Smarmy work well for

Have the doors face or mouth explode when the riddle is solved. This gives the door a
reason not to just let the PC’s pass.

Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


Roy G Biv's Magnificent Hall

A long hallway that, if players simply walk to the end, triggers a deadly trap.
However, the left side depicts a grand mural, with seven (or less, if you prefer a
shorter puzzle) gemstones upon it, each a different color. On the opposite side of
each of these gemstones are candleholders, within each is a candle that, when lit,
burns a different color, corresponding to the colors of the gems, but not in order.


Move the candles so they line up with the gems of corresponding colors to open the
way forward .


Hide secret rooms, Gate progress,


Place buttons underneath the candleholders that have to be pushed when a candle of
the correct color is in place. Then have a trap go off or a monster spawn when they
do it wrong.

Have several empty candle holders which do not correspond to the gemstones.

Have the candleholders neatly lined up while the gemstones are placed (seemingly)
randomly in the mural. The order of the gemstones on the wall is the order the
players must place the candles in.

Possible Magical Items:

Candle in the Wind: An everlasting candle that cannot be extinguished.

User Credit:


Maidens Sacrifice

The party arrives at an alter covered in dried blood. There is a small drain hole in the
middle of it. On the front of the alter is an inscription that reads "The maiden's
sacrifice is necessary for life." Additionally the altar is surrounded by running spring
water and a ladle on the edge near the water. A mural on the wall shows a woman
seemingly made out of water.


Pour X amount of fresh spring water into the altar. The blood is simply a red Herring
and can trigger a trap or creatures. Perhaps even change some of the murals on the


Irritate your players with red herrings. Adding an encounter you aren’t to blame for.
Reveal an NPC called the maiden who will respond/look different depending on the
“sacrifice” made Alternatives:

Remove the blood and the mural.

Possible Magical Items:

- Maidens Gift: A small pale blue crystal of which the smell reminds the holder of
spring. Drinking spring water while it is attuned grants temporary hitpoints.
- Maidens Tainted Gift: Dark crystal which can be used to cast the Destroy
Water spell.

User Credit: slaptac

Cursed Passage Stones

A room has stones of different colors, enough for each character to have one, and
the far door is blocked by an invisible barrier. When a character picks up a stone, he
is imbued with a curse chosen by the DM which must include a condition that they
cannot talk about their own curse. When the group verbally identifies a character's
curse in a general sense, that character can pass through the barrier. Once through,
the curse is lifted. A clue on the wall appears only when all characters are cursed:
"When your affliction is identified, only then may you pass."

The curses I chose for my players: None of them could talk or act out of character,
none could talk about their own curse, and they each got one of the following:

• You cannot speak unless someone else is speaking. You are then compelled to talk
loudly over them.
• You cringe sharply in pain or fear whenever you speak or hear a word containing the
letter F.
• You cannot use any nouns except pronouns. The only exceptions are "thing" and
• Three words into each sentence you must stop speaking and think about what you
are trying to say. You cannot use sentences that are three words or shorter except
"Let me think", "Hang on", and "Shush".


Figure out what your curse is and the door will open to that player.


Blowing of steam after difficult fight. Gate progress.


- Design your own curses.

Possible Magical Items:

User Credit: wolfsilver

The Mirrored Instructions

The player enter a room full of fire, and a scorched piece of paper lies on the ground.
Most of the fires are real, but some are just illusions. The paper explains this in text,
and also gives the route through the fire. But all the text is mirrored, a slight
inconvenience for the players.


The instructions to the maze are mirrored as well. The players simply need to follow
the mirror of the instructions and get to the other side.


Gate progress, a chance to do damage to your players.


Replace the fires with walls, or any other element of your preference.

Possible Magical Items:


Red hot Ring: A ring that glows whenever exposed to fire.

User Credit:

Asddsa76, Insanebrawler

The Empty Gauntlet

here is a shallow water well with stone walls in a small round room, only one way in,
the room is about 10-15 feet across. At the far side of the well, a stone statue stands
with one arm raised in a fist, index finger pointing to the ground. The other hand
holds a tablet with runes translating to: 'Be humbled, trespasser... you believe your
destination is beneath you but you mustn't miss the point.' In the water, about 2 feet
down, a metal gauntlet hovers magically, glowing blue in the clear water, fingers
outstretched toward the statue. The gauntlet is immovable unless worn. The water
level rests 1.5 feet above the gauntlet.
The door mechanism is activated by placing a hand in the gauntlet. Once a hand is
placed into the gauntlet, and any motion is made with the hand or fingers, it rotates
freely in 360 degrees, but clasps the wrist of the wearer, unable to remove their
hand. The floor of the well starts mechanically dropping and filling with water, pulling
the gauntlet and the wearer with it. The wearer must solve the door puzzle before


The wearer must mimic the hand gesture of the statue, pointing down. The clue is in
the runes. The hand gesture activates the door, which stops the flow of water,
reverses bottom of the well, releases the hand of the wearer, and then starts to drop
the floor of the entire room, well included, into another room below. The entire room
acts as the point of entry.


Gate progress. Perhaps give out magical gauntlet.


Instead of the water rising the platform lowers into the water. Same effect but might
cause more worry.

Possible Magical Items:

- Gaunlet of the Way of Water: Allows Water Walking once per day for 2 minutes.

User Credit:


The Scales

It would be a scale that needs to be balanced to open a door or cross some sort of
otherwise impassable chasm. There are several items the party needs to balance the
scale, and they can be little statues already in the same room as the scale, or found
throughout the dungeon. They have symbols on the bottoms to show they have
different weights, or that two items have the same weight.


Divide the weight equally on both sides of the scales and the way is opened to the


Cross a chasm. Open a door. Stop traps from going off. Unlock secret room


Have a riddle which determines which items must be placed on the scales
Example “Looks are deceiving for a heavy heart is can weigh one down like lead.”
(The two items that must be placed on the scales are a heart and a lead figurine.)
Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


A Matter of Perspective

The party arrives in a circular room, in which there are 8 pressure plates surrounding
what appears to be a pile of rubble. The 8 pressure plates are situated in the
directions of a compass and the stone floor has been carved in such a way that stone
grooves flow from the pressure plate to the center of the room where the rubble is.
Across from the players is a large set of double doors, which reads "It's all a matter
of perspective."
When players interact with the pressure plates, it causes the rubble to float into the
air. Players will notice that the rubble is forming words. However, each player sees
something completely different. Despite each player seeing something different,
there is a theme. (Ex. Player One sees dew, Two sees river, Three sees ice, Four
sees mist. Theme: water/liquids) [The rubble will reset and form a new word/theme
if anyone steps off the plate] Solution:

When players identify/say the theme, the double doors at the opposite end will open.


Gate Progress.


Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


Build-an-Armor Set

As the door closes behind a party when they enter the room, they see a Warforged in
a magic crystal ball that states they need to a certain suit of armor since it is the key
to exiting the room. In the room is a bunch of different pieces of armor of different
levels that are all cursed so that if you can't leave the room with the armor from said


When the correct armor pieces are put in the slots in the wall, the door opens and
the magic suit of armor gives the players one armor piece of their choosing but
removed the curse from it first.

Give out some magical armor. Gate progress. Unlock Secrets.


Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


Mirror Mirror

The party comes to a room with a large rectangular mirror at the end of it. In the
mirror the party sees a large room. By stepping into the mirror they can explore the
mirror realm, but when they turn to leave, the portal refuses to open. They're
trapped in the mirror room.


The trick here is to exit facing the same direction as they entered, by walking
backwards through the portal.


Trap players. Cut that one annoying bastard off from the rest of the players.


Instead of seeing a large empty room the key to the next room can be seen inside
the mirror but not the real world. Thus forcing a player to go inside (and set up
restrictions as to who can enter.).

Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


Narcissist Puzzle

You enter a room (can be a bedroom or a room filled with chest(s). I suggest having
the room be slightly cluttered with objects/clothing) and see a statue staring into a
mirror with a slight smile on their face. As you approach the statue it looks up and
say's "Only the most beautiful may pass" (feel free to come up with something more
clever) and then looks back into the mirror.

In the chests, or around the room there are various articles of clothing. Some of
those articles of clothing are the same as the articles of clothing that the statue is
If players have trouble figuring out the puzzle either have the statue go on and on
about themselves, or leave clues such as a journal showering themselves with


Once one of the party members wears a matching set of clothing to the statue (the
statue will comment on your sense of style/beauty) will the door appear.

If they approach not wearing matching articles of clothes the statue sneers and says
"why would I let someone so hideous pass" (once again feel free to come up with
something more clever) and have the statue summon some sort of monster

Hand out magic item. Give player chance to show their smarts.


If, in addition, to the players changing into the same set of clothing, they use some
sort of illusion spell to mimic the statues face, the statue gushes over there beauty
and awards them with a magic item

Possible Magical Items:

Narcissist's Charm: +1 Charisma and ability to cast charm person 1/long rest. This
item can be anything from a ring, to a medallion to a gaudy pink hat depending on
the tone of your campaign.

User Credit:


Runic Hallways

The party arrives at a door with an ancient message carved into it. The letters
themselves seem magical, and read "Walk these halls and return to me, a letter is
the key". The dungeon halls themselves spells out one of the runes.


The party must touch the correct letter, or avoid a trap. Example.


Damage party. Gate progress.


Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


The Way in

The Grid:

Players spell out password or passphrase by pressing letters in a sequence, on the

grid. There are 3 restrictions:

• The next letter selected must be adjacent (can be diagonal)

• You cannot repeat a rune already chosen
• You must move bottom-to-top

You can be upfront about these restrictions, or have the puzzle provide feedback -
arcane, mechanical, or otherwise - letting the players know they aren't using the grid

The players must spell out the answer to a riddle Uses:

Blocking entry to something (door, chest, portal, etc.)


A Chess horse style approach: Where the players can make only move similar to how
a Knight can move in chess.

Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


Rocky Elevator Ride

As soon as one party member enters the elevator (or pushes a button, depending on
how cautious your party is), it begins to descend, leaving the rest of the party to
scramble to climb in or jump on the roof.

As it descends traps fire off each round. In this case three Rocks falling from above,
poisonous darts flying from the walls, and spikes shooting up from the floor. Each of
these traps can be avoided by being on a certain part of the elevator. Rocks can be
avoided by being inside, darts can be avoid by being ducked behind the half walls,
and spikes can be avoided by being on the roof or standing on a half wall. Depending
on where the player is, you can also throw in various checks to see if they fall.

Each button on the center column coordinates with one of the traps and cycles
through them, releasing one and depressing the next one. So like this:

Round 1: Button one depresses and rocks fall.

Round 2: Button one releases and Button two depresses, darts release.
Round 3: Button two releases, Button three depresses, spikes come out of the floor.
Round 4: Button three releases, Button one depresses, rocks fall.


To not get murdered by the traps. The party needs to figure of the pattern and press
the button that will be depressed on the elevators next turn, so:Button one releases,
Button two depresses and darts release.
Turns into:PC presses Button two.Button one releases, button two releases, nothing
happens.Next round they would have to press button three, then button one, and so
on and so forth.


You can throw in any variety or number of traps. Make the buttons go in any pattern.
You can make it last however many rounds you'd like.
If you hate your party have them fighting while this is going on. If you really hate
your party, make it flying creatures so they aren't affected by most of the traps and
can move freely.

User Credit:


Pressure Plate Hallway

Essentially you have a long hallway, maybe 30ft with columns at every 2-5 ft on
either side. Going the entire width of the hall to the other column is a pressure plate
on the ground. When activated, it will shoot an arrow out of the columns on a one
second delay.


The trick is to run across the hallway, as opposed to the normal cautious approach.
But don't follow too close behind your teammate, or you may eat one of their arrows!


Unique traversal for a regular hallway.


Place any traps you like just remember they shouldn’t go off immediately.

Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


A Puzzle of Numbers

PC are confronted with a magical piece of chalk and a board that looks like this

. ll . . . . .

. . . . . . . ll . . .

The instruction written above the board is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


PC must find the correct order and numbering of the numbers which is:



There's one 2, three 4's, five 6's and seven 8's


Since this is in fact a old children’s riddle. It’s mostly done to annoy others.


Possible Magical Items:


User Credit:


The Enchanted Poison

There is a large bottle of deadly poison in the center of the room. Above the exit door
is a carved face with an open mouth, pouring the poison into its mouth opens the
door. However, if anyone touches the poison bottle, the face begins to chant a
drinking song and whoever is touching the bottle is magically compelled to drink the
poison. They remain compelled in this way until somebody pulls the bottle from
them, at which point that person is affected by the compulsion instead.



Test creativity. And Gate progress.


Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


The Dragon's Offering

A large, square room with a well in the center and a wooden table on the far side.
The walls slide together as you enter, preventing you from leaving. On the table
rests many gemstones, metal shards, ores, and a single statuette of a dragon, with a
riddle carved into the table's surface. The statuette's mouth is open. Attempting an
incorrect solution will begin to flood the chamber.


The riddle points to what needs to be placed in the dragon's mouth.


Restrict acces to (Room chest, etc) Alternatives:

Possible Riddles:
- Gems and stones I devour whole. For a taste of this Red all else I turn to coal(Ruby)
- Crimson and fluid. Drip it into my mouth and I’ll chew it. (Blood)
- Of late I have a mind of metal. Yellow and soft for nothing else shall I settle (Gold)
Possible Magical Items:

User Credit:


Rise of the Poor

A large hall with statues on either side. Each statue seems to be of a Knight
however one of the pedestals is empty. But next to this empty pedestal sits a statue
of what appears to be a beggar holding out a small bowl. Each statue has on it's
pedestal a plaque they read in order.

1. A beggars lot in life seems solid like stone.

2. But give him what he needs to get through the day and he shall thank you with
3. Heals his wounds and he shall walk.
4. Bring him a blade and he will stand enobled.
5. Now a knight of the order he will rise.
One of the statues will come to life if they attempt to break any of the statues.


If a weapon, some food or gold and a potion are placed in the bowl the statue will
move onto the emtpy pedestal. And the way will be opened. With each item place a
part of the beggar statue should light up to signal they are on the right track.


Gate progress. Perhaps hand out a special item or blessing Alternatives:

Attempting to progress without enobling the beggar makes all statues come to life
and attack.

Possible Magical Items:

Light Channels Through You

The players enter a room and the door to the next room is shut tightly without a
lock. Three beams of light shine into the room one green, one red and one blue.
There is also a large crystal in the middle of the room and a smaller one above the
locked door. At the base of the large crystal is an inscription: "As people have
worked together to advance throughout all of time so too must you to see the true
light”. In each corner of the room stands a small copper disk covered in dust.


The three beams of colored must all be guided into the large crystal which will then
shine a bright beam of white light which in turn must be guided to shine into the
small crystal above the door.


Gate progress


Remove the inscription altogether.

Add a different inscription at the bottom of the large crystal. Example: Three become
one and one with the strength of three can overcome any obstacle.

Possible Magical Items:

Small crystal of light: Shines a light with the same statistics as the light spell in a
color of the players choice.

Quattro stagioni
I made a pretty simple one that's open ended but worked well in my game. Party enters a room
and each of the four walls is painted with a mural representing a different season. In the middle of
the room is a small patch of dirt. Buried in the dirt is a seed (don't tell them this part unless they
dig it up).

The players need to replicate each season in order. How they do so is pretty open ended, so there's
no "You didn't do the exact thing, so it doesn't work." nonesense. As they correctly match each
season, the paintings on the wall will light up and the room will physically change to match.

The order for the correct solution is this:

 Spring: Rain. Party needs to pour some kind of liquid on the dirt. Water from canteens,
prestidigitation, even taking a leak on the dirt would work. When completed, a small sprout will
grow up from the dirt.

 Summer: Sun. Part needs to make any kind of light or heat. A daylight spell, firebolt (not cast
directly at the plant), or lighting a torch would work. When completed, the sprout will grow into a
miniature tree.

 Autumn: Wind. Party has to make some sort of air flow, even blowing at the tree would be
acceptable. When completed, the leaves blow off the tree and it is bare.

 Winter: Snow. Any kind of cold magic will work, or any way to reduce the temperature around the
tree. When completed a small cloud will form over the tree and snow and ice will cover it. After
that, the doors to the room open, allowing the party to progress

Knock Knock jokes

I once had a big set of double doors with skull door-knockers. Whichever door you knock on, the
skull asks "Who's there?" If the PC doesn't answer with a knock knock joke, the skull shoots lasers
out its eyes at them. (I did 2d6 damage, halved on a successful reflex save.) If you do tell a knock
knock joke, the doors swing open.

For best results, make the players tell you whether they're knocking on the left door or the right
door. I just wanted to know which voice to use; the left skull's voice was a manly baritone and the
right's was nasally and female. Apparently my being a stickler for details had the added bonus of
completely psyching out my players. They thought maybe one door wanted a joke and the other
wanted a serious answer. Nope. They both wanted jokes. The player who knocked got lasered

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