Magic Item Shopping: A DM's Resource

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Magic Item

a DM's resource
by Daniel F. Walthall (@Axebane on twitter)

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand,
and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work may contain material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors.
Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
Masters Guild.

All other original material is copyright 2016 by Daniel F. Walthall and published under the
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Not for Resale. Permission is granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

-- 1 --
What is this thing? How do I use this?
Simply put, this DM's resource is a set of tables that Choose a page, based on where the players currently
you, as the Dungeon Master, may either roll are: an Outpost, a Town, a City, a Temple, or
randomly on or select from when your players ask the potentially anywhere (within reason) by using the
inevitable question: "Where can we buy magic items?" Travelling Merchants or Black Market pages.

The most important rule Next, roll on the chosen table (or select a magic shop
from the page) to find out what shop or merchant the
The prices, and overall design of this DM's resource, players find, if they find one at all! Finally, describe
are built with the mindset that magic items are the shop to the players, roll for the number of items
mostly considered expensive "luxury items", however that are in stock and then carefully select that many
the most important rule to remember when using items from the item list. (based on the party level)
these tables is:
Select items that fit your players / campaign best, or
"It is your campaign!" if you prefer total randomness, roll a d4, d6, or d8 and
count "down the list" to determine the items!
Remember, the magic items and shop details found in
these tables are just guidelines. You can, and What do i need?
probably should, modify the content to fit the style of
your own campaign. Other than some dice and these tables, you just need
the 5th edition Dungeon Master's Guide. Page numbers
For instance, you might decide that "Potions of are included alongside each item for ease-of-reference,
Healing" are more common, or that each merchant in the following format: (dmg pg. 200) -meaning-
only has one item in stock at a time, or that your "Dungeon Master's Guide page 200"
campaign is infused with so much magic that even a
settlement as small as a village might have a magic Why are the prices so high / low?
item shop. (you could easily use the Small and Large
Outpost tables when doing so.) The prices for these items were carefully selected by
using the suggestions in the Dungeon Master's Guide
It all depends on your campaign! (dmg pg. 135) for item rarity/value. However, each
Dungeon Master tends to hand out gold at different
rates, so just adjust the prices/availability as needed
How many shops are there? to fit your campaign.
This resource contains 70 magic item shops! They
Also, I recommend you don't get carried away when
are organized into the following categories:
allowing your players to shop for these items, lest you
end up with a party of adventurers who become

Small Outpost (page 3)
overloaded with powerful magic items, which can

Large Outpost (page 4) create several problems despite how fun it sounds!

Small Town (page 5)

Large Town (page 6) What about selling magic items?

Small City (page 7)

Large City (page 8) I strongly recommend that you don't allow the selling
of magic items as easily as regular equipment. This

Small Temple (page 9)
can lead to a campaign where wealth is too easy to

Large Temple (page 10) stockpile (by selling any unwanted magic items) and

Travelling Merchants (page 11) eventually magic items will start to feel

The Black Market (page 12) "commonplace" and possibly even "boring".

By Item Type (pages 13 - 16)
Instead I recommend using the guidelines for selling
magic items starting on pg. 129 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide.
-- 2 --
Magic Item Shopping: Small Outpost
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: 1 shop per outpost. Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: 1 shop per outpost. All prices doubled.
d8 Shop Information Party Level 1-7 Party Level 8+
The Rings of Power 1d4 Rings of swimming 450 gp (dmg pg. 193) 1d4 Rings of water walking 500 gp (dmg pg. 193)
(1d3 items are in stock) Ring of evasion 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 191) Ring of spell storing 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
The owner of this tiny shop is a Ring of protection 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 191) Ring of free action 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 191)
1 male human sorcerer named Ring of lightning resistance 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 192) Ring of the ram 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 193)
Clayton Oakhall. He sells quality
rings, although his prices are a bit
higher than average.

Cora's Magic Shop Shortbow, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213) Dagger, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d3 items are in stock) 1d4 Scrolls of identify 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) Bag of holding 500 gp (dmg pg. 153)
The owner of this tiny shop is a Scroll of mage armor 100 gp (dmg pg. 200) Scroll of melf's acid arrow 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
2 female halfling wizard named Scroll of shield 180 gp (dmg pg. 200) Scroll of magic weapon 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Cora Tosscobble. Her shop might be
small, but it is decorated with
beautiful paintings of the ocean.

Axebane's Deft Blade Shortsword, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 213) Longsword, +2 2,800 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d3 items are in stock) Handaxe, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213) Greatsword, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this tiny shop is a Potion of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) Rapier, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 213)
3 male human wizard named Potion of hill giant strength 75 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Axebane Walthall. It is rumored
that he works for the local
1d4 Scrolls of identify 50 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Wizards Guild. Scroll of levitate 300 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Ranger of Oakhaven Light Crossbow, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 213) Light Crossbow, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) Longsword, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213) Dagger, +2 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this small shop is Scroll of fireball 300 gp (dmg pg. 200) Shortsword, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213)
4 a female elf ranger named Lilly 1d4 Potions of healing 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) Cloak of protection 400 gp (dmg pg. 159)
Moonbrook. She is couragous and
honest, and her prices are
1d4 Ropes of climbing 300 gp (dmg pg. 197)
reasonable. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
The Flying Frog Longsword, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213) Longbow, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) Potion of gaseous form 900 gp (dmg pg. 187) Armor, +1 (Studded leather) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
The owner of this small shop is a 1d4 Potions of healing 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) Cloak of the bat 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 159)
5 female human named Tessa 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) Amulet of health 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 150)
Goldbridge. The walls of her shop
are decorated with dazzling
Potion of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
paintings of the Feywild. 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Corwin's Deck of Tricks Longsword, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 213) Greatsword, +2 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) Deck of illusions (20 cards) 400 gp (dmg pg. 161) Light Crossbow, +1 500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this small shop is a Saddle of the cavalier 300 gp (dmg pg. 199) Vicious longsword 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 209)
6 male human fighter named Corwin Sending stones 400 gp (dmg pg. 199) Periapt of wound closure 600 gp (dmg pg. 184)
Ambercrown. His is a man of little
words, and a skilled swordsman.
1d4 Potions of healing 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Thava's Provisions Wooden shield, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 200) Tentacle rod 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 208)
(1d4 items are in stock) Vicious dagger 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 209) Wand of paralysis 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 211)
The owner of this small shop is a Shortsword of warning 500 gp (dmg pg. 213) Ring of force resistance 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 192)
7 female dragonborn named Wand of magic dectection 350 gp (dmg pg. 211) Ring of necrotic resistance 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
Thava Turnuroth. Her shop is
unique, with many colorful
Winged boots 500 gp (dmg pg. 214) 1d4 Potions of growth 200 gp (dmg pg. 187)
carvings decorating the walls. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
The Dragon's Claw Wand of the war mage, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 212) Staff of swarming insects 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 203)
(1d6 items are in stock) Rod of the pact keeper, +1 500 gp (dmg pg. 197) Rod of the pact keeper, +2 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 197)
The owner of this large shop Ring of warmth 500 gp (dmg pg. 193) Giant slayer battleaxe 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 172)
8 is a male human warlock named Bag of holding 350 gp (dmg pg. 153) Potion of gaseous form 1,000 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Jiang Lao. His shop is impressive,
and the quality of his magic items
1d4 Potions of water breathing 100 gp (dmg pg. 188) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
is very high. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
-- 3 --
Magic Item Shopping: Large Outpost
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: 1 shop per outpost. Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: 1 shop per outpost. All prices doubled.
d8 Shop Information Party Level 1-7 Party Level 8+
Tome of Mysticism Ring of psychic resistance 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 192) Amulet of health 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 150)
(1d3 items are in stock) Scroll of find traps 100 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Scrolls of water breathing 120 gp (dmg pg. 200)
The owner of this tiny shop 1d4 Scrolls of barkskin 100 gp (dmg pg. 200) Scroll of pass without trace 120 gp (dmg pg. 200)
1 is a male human ranger named 1d4 Scrolls of hail of thorns 50 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Scrolls of cure wounds 50 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Dorin Evenwood. His shop is dusty
and messy, but his prices are hard
to beat.

The World Tree Longbow, +2 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 213) Halberd, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d3 items are in stock) Eyes of charming 250 gp (dmg pg. 168) Flame tongue shortsword 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 170)
The owner of this tiny shop is a Dust of dryness 150 gp (dmg pg. 166) Vicious battleaxe 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 209)
2 female half-elf barbarian named Gem of brightness 400 gp (dmg pg. 171) Guantlets of ogre power 600 gp (dmg pg. 171)
Lia Nightbreeze. Her shop is very
small, but has a nice variety of
1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
magic items. 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Might of the Minotaur Mace, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213) Greatsword, +2 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) Flail, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 213) Light Crossbow, +1 500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this small shop is a Metal shield, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 200) Glamoured Studded Leather 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 172)
3 male human fighter named Gloves of swimming & climbing 300 gp (dmg pg. 172) Gem of seeing 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 172)
Gregory Buckman.
He is friendly and the locals trust
Potion of hill giant strength 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
him almost completely. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
The Crafty Rogue Light Crossbow, +1 450 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1d4 Daggers, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) Dagger, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213) Sending stones 400 gp (dmg pg. 199)
The owner of this small shop is a Dagger of warning 500 gp (dmg pg. 213) Cloak of protection 600 gp (dmg pg. 159)
4 female human rogue named Tessa Vicious rapier 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 209) Winged boots 600 gp (dmg pg. 214)
Marivaldi. She is the leader of the
local Theives Guild.
Hat of Disguise 400 gp (dmg pg. 173) Gloves of thievery 400 gp (dmg pg. 172)
1d4 Potions of healing 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Orb of Arcane Energy Headband of intellect 500 gp (dmg pg. 173) Quarterstaff, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) Helm of telepathy 400 gp (dmg pg. 174) Boots of levitation 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 155)
The owner of this small shop is a Goggles of night 300 gp (dmg pg. 172) 1d4 Beads of force 750 gp (dmg pg. 154)
5 male gnome named Gimble Turen. Driftglobe 200 gp (dmg pg. 166) 1d4 Elixers of health 750 gp (dmg pg. 168)
His shop is decorated with a dozen
small stone figurines of elves.
1d4 Potions of healing 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 550 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Shield of Kings Metal shield, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 200) Metal shield, +2 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 200)
(1d6 items are in stock) Wooden shield, +1 350 gp (dmg pg. 200) Armor, +1 (Chain shirt) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
The owner of this small shop is a Sentinel shield 400 gp (dmg pg. 199) Greatsword of life stealing 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 206)
6 female half-orc fighter named Gauntlets of ogre power 500 gp (dmg pg. 171) Horn of valhalla (silver) 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 175)
Ovak. She is strong, brave, and
well-liked by the local commoners.
Saddle of the cavalier 300 gp (dmg pg. 199) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Finnan's Supplies Keoghtom's Ointment (4 uses) 250 gp (dmg pg. 179) Vicious mace 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 209)
(1d6 items are in stock) Bag of holding 400 gp (dmg pg. 153) Staff of healing 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 202)
The owner of this shop is a male Dust of disappearance 250 gp (dmg pg. 166) Horn of blasting 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 174)
7 halfling bard named Finnan 1d4 Potions of growth 200 gp (dmg pg. 187) Lantern of revealing 500 gp (dmg pg. 179)
Hilltopple. He is very friendly,
enjoys a good laugh, and is well-
2d4 Potions of healing 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) Ring of fire resistance 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 192)
liked by the locals. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
The Grinning Goblin 1d4 Javelins of lightning 600 gp (dmg pg. 178) Portable hole 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 185)
(1d6 items are in stock) Decanter of endless water 400 gp (dmg pg. 161) Ioun stone (awareness) 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
The owner of this large shop Deck of illusions (30 cards) 500 gp (dmg pg. 161) Ioun stone (reserve) 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
8 is a female human sorcerer named Gloves of missile snaring 500 gp (dmg pg. 172) Bag of beans (6 beans) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
Arizima Hahpet. Her shop is
decorated with colorful tapestries.
1d4 Scrolls of identify 50 gp (dmg pg. 200) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
-- 4 --
Magic Item Shopping: Small Town
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: 1 shop per town. Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: 0 - 1 shop per town. All prices doubled.
d8 Shop Information Party Level 1-7 Party Level 8+
Shazzar's Magic Shop Longbow, +1 350 gp (dmg pg. 213) Shortsword, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d3 items are in stock) Potion of climbing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
The owner of this tiny shop Potion of healing 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of fire breath 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1 is a soft-spoken male human Bag of holding 250 gp (dmg pg. 153) Scroll of fireball 180 gp (dmg pg. 200)
wizard named Shazzar
Greyfeather. Tendrils of incense
smoke drift about.

Evelyn's Scrolls Scroll of feather fall 50 gp (dmg pg. 200) Scroll of fireball 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)
(1d4 items are in stock) Scroll of mage armor 75 gp (dmg pg. 200) Scroll of levitate 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)
The owner of this small shop is a Scroll of identify 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) Scroll of web 180 gp (dmg pg. 200)
2 female dragonborn wizard named Scroll of burning hands 60 gp (dmg pg. 200) Scroll of melf's acid arrow 180 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Evelyn Delmirev. She is very
patient and also a great scholar.
Scroll of shield 100 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Scroll of magic weapon 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Baynelor's Finest Blades Shortsword, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1d4 Longswords, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d6 items are in stock) Longsword, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213) Battleaxe, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this small shop is a Rapier, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1d4 Rapiers, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213)
3 male half-elf sorcerer named Potion of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Baynelor. His past is unknown
but the locals seem to trust him.
Potion of hill giant strength 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Scrolls of identify 40 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Potion of fire breath 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) Scroll of levitate 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
The Wizard's Wise Word Longsword, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) Dagger, +2 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d3 items are in stock) Cloak of protection 450 gp (dmg pg. 159) Shortsword, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this tiny shop is a Scroll of fireball 250 gp (dmg pg. 200) Armor, +1 (Leather) 1,200 gp (dmg pg. 152)
4 female elf named Enna Liadon. She Potion of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of greater healing 120gp (dmg pg. 187)
is generous and brave, and also a
very skilled artist and cartographer.

The Eye of Newt Cloak of elvenkind 350 gp (dmg pg. 158) Longsword, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) Ring of evasion 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 191) Cloak of elvenkind 400 gp (dmg pg. 158)
The owner of this small shop is a Scroll of identify 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) Staff of healing 4,500 gp (dmg pg. 202)
5 female human named Tessa 1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Goldbridge. Her shop is decorated
with dazzling paintings of the
Potion of superior healing 550 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Feywild. 1d4 Scrolls of identify 40 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Mystical Power Dagger, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213) Shortbow, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) 1d4 Javelins of lightning 450 gp (dmg pg. 178) Longsword, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this small shop is a 1d4 Rings of water walking 250 gp (dmg pg. 193) Light Crossbow, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213)
6 male halfling named Eldon Scroll of prestidigitation 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) Boots of speed 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 155)
Tealeaf. His shop is well
maintained and decorated with
Scroll of fire bolt 50 gp (dmg pg. 200) 2d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187)
gold-threaded tapestries. 1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Gwen's Magic Shop Longsword, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) Quiver of Ehlonna 250 gp (dmg pg. 189)
(1d6 items are in stock) Metal shield, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 200) Armor, +1 (Studded leather) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
The owner of this small shop is a Wand of web 400 gp (dmg pg. 212) Ring of protection 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 191)
7 female human named Gwen 1d4 Rings of swimming 250 gp (dmg pg. 193) Scroll of shield 150 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Moonvault. She is the leader of the
local Wizards Guild.
1d4 Scrolls of ray of frost 50 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of superior healing 450 gp (dmg pg. 187)
The Mystic Orb 1d4 Longswords, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1d4 Rapiers, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d6 items are in stock) 1d4 Ropes of climbing 250 gp (dmg pg. 197) Wooden shield, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 200)
The owner of this shop is Ring of evasion 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 191) Handaxe, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213)
8 a male gnome wizard named Bag of holding 350 gp (dmg pg. 153) Boots of levitation 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 155)
Seebo Turen. He is wealthy, but it
is said that he fights with the
1d4 Potion of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
local Thieves Guild. Potion of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
-- 5 --
Magic Item Shopping: Large Town
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: 1 shop per town. Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: 0 - 1 shop per town. All prices doubled.
d8 Shop Information Party Level 1-7 Party Level 8+
The Moldy Tome Cloak of elvenkind 350 gp (dmg pg. 158) Winged Boots 450 gp (dmg pg. 214)
(1d4 items are in stock) Wand of magic missiles 300 gp (dmg pg. 211) Wand of Secrets 300 gp (dmg pg. 211)
The owner of this small shop Shortsword, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1d4 Scrolls of fireball 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)
1 is a female half-elf warlock named 1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) Scroll of identify 40 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Bella Marblebridge. Her shop is
well organized, but her prices are a
1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
bit high. Potion of fire breath 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
The Lucky Gargoyle Wand of the war mage, +1 350 gp (dmg pg. 212) Wand of fireballs 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 210)
(1d4 items are in stock) 1d4 Shortswords, +1 180 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1d4 Longswords, +2 2,800 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this small shop is a 1d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) Shortsword of life stealing 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 206)
2 male halfling bard named Davies Scroll of mage armor 60 gp (dmg pg. 200) Scroll of alarm 180 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Dekkmar. He is an odd one, but
also a generous halfling, and wise.
Potion of hill giant strength 40 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Bag of holding 400 gp (dmg pg. 153)
Dagnal's Bag of Wealth Dagger, +1 180 gp (dmg pg. 213) Wand of lightning bolts 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 211)
(1d6 items are in stock) Longsword, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) Javelin, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this large shop Warhammer, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) Ring of protection 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 191)
3 is a female dwarf fighter named Bag of holding 300 gp (dmg pg. 153) Ring of spell storing 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 192)
Dagnal Ungart. Her past is
unknown but the locals seem to
1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
trust her. Potion of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Scrolls of levitate 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
Mara's Mystic Blade Longsword, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213) Greatsword, +2 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) Circlet of blasting 300 gp (dmg pg. 158) Shortsword, +2 1,200 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this small shop is a Scroll of web 180 gp (dmg pg. 200) Armor, +1 (Hide) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
4 female half-elf fighter named Mara 1d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) Ring of mind shielding 250 gp (dmg pg. 191)
Moonbridge. Her shop has some of
the best prices in the region.
Potion of superior healing 450 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
The Winged Fury Dagger, +2 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1d4 Shortswords, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) Bracers of archery 300 gp (dmg pg. 156) Cloak of the bat 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 159)
The owner of this large shop Pearl of power 400 gp (dmg pg. 184) Broom of flying 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 156)
5 is a male halfling named Borly 1d4 Scrolls of fireball 250 gp (dmg pg. 200) Portable hole 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 185)
Greenhaven. His shop is clean and
well-stocked, and everything is
1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) Bag of holding 350 gp (dmg pg. 153)
above average quality. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Sofia's Bazaar 1d4 Daggers, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) Longbow, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d6 items are in stock) Eyes of the eagle 250 gp (dmg pg. 168) Shortbow, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this small shop is a Pearl of power 400 gp (dmg pg. 184) Dragon slayer Longbow 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 166)
6 female human wizard named Ring of spell storing 2,800 gp (dmg pg. 192) Armor, +1 (Leather) 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 152)
Sofia Proudmore. Her shop has
quite a variety of powerful
1d4 Elixers of health 800 gp (dmg pg. 168) Cloak of displacement 4,500 gp (dmg pg. 158)
magic items. 1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
The Enchanted Anvil Greataxe, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213) Metal shield, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 200)
(1d6 items are in stock) Spear, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213) Longsword of life stealing 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 206)
The owner of this large shop 1d4 Rings of protection 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 191) Potion of gaseous form 800 gp (dmg pg. 187)
7 is a male dwarf fighter named 1d4 Rings of jumping 250 gp (dmg pg. 191) 2d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Dain Frostbeard. He is known for
his strength, but also for his
1d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
generosity. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Mysticism of Merlyn 1d4 Quarterstaffs, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1d4 Longswords, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d6 items are in stock) 1d4 Rings of evasion 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 191) 1d4 Rapiers, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this large shop Bag of holding 300 gp (dmg pg. 153) Necklace of fireballs 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 182)
8 a male human wizard Necklace of adaptation 250 gp (dmg pg. 182) Horn of blasting 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 174)
named Daniel Erdanhall.
He is intelligent, and a craftsman
Scroll of alarm 180 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Elixers of health 750 gp (dmg pg. 168)
of silvery trinkets. 1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
-- 6 --
Magic Item Shopping: Small City
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: 1 - 2 shops per city. Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: 1 shop per city. All prices doubled.
d6 Shop Information Party Level 1-7 Party Level 8+
The Lucky Dragon Longsword, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) Gloves of thievery 200 gp (dmg pg. 172)
(1d4 items are in stock) Cloak of elvenkind 300 gp (dmg pg. 158) Wand of Secrets 350 gp (dmg pg. 211)
The owner of this small shop Wand of magic missiles 400 gp (dmg pg. 211) Ring of protection 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 191)
is a female human wizard Wand of the war mage, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 212) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1 named Mary Oakleaf. Her shop Bag of holding 250 gp (dmg pg. 153) 1d4 Scrolls of fireball 180 gp (dmg pg. 200)
is well-stocked, and the items 1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Scrolls of identify 40 gp (dmg pg. 200)
are high quality, but her prices
are a tad high too. She is
intelligent and well-liked.
Echoes of Faewhisper Wand of the war mage, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 212) Wand of lightning bolts 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 211)
(1d4 items are in stock) Hat of Disquise 300 gp (dmg pg. 173) Glamoured Studded Leather 1,000 gp (dmg pg. 172)
The owner of this large shop Bracers of archery 250 gp (dmg pg. 156) Scroll of melf's acid arrow 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
is a male elf sorcerer named Rope of climbing 180 gp (dmg pg. 197) Scroll of shield 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
2 Adran Nightbreeze. (Optional: 1d4 Scrolls of hunter's mark 50 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
He pays 50 gp to each player if 1d4 Scrolls of healing word 50 gp (dmg pg. 200) Potion of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
they can slay a Kobold boss who
leads a scattered band of 3d6
kobolds, in a nearby dungeon.)
The Mage of Kelmarr Shortsword, +2 1,200 gp (dmg pg. 213) Wand of lightning bolts 4,500 gp (dmg pg. 211)
(1d6 items are in stock) Dagger, +1 150 gp (dmg pg. 213) Javelin, +2 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this large shop Cloak of elvenkind 250 gp (dmg pg. 158) Wand of fireballs 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 210)
is a female half-elf bard named Driftglobe 150 gp (dmg pg. 166) Ring of spell storing 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
3 Dawn Goldleaf. (Optional: She 1d4 Rings of protection 400 gp (dmg pg. 191) Portable hole 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 185)
pays 75 gp to each player if they Scroll of levitate 200 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
can slay several undead that
1d4 Scrolls of cure wounds 50 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Scrolls of levitate 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
have been killing the local
1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Scrolls of fireball 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
farmers during midnight raids.)
Codex of Mazzodar Shortsword, +2 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 213) Longsword, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d8 items are in stock) Wand of the war mage, +1 350 gp (dmg pg. 212) Wand of the war mage, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 212)
The owner of this shop is a male Scroll of witch bolt 60 gp (dmg pg. 200) Portable hole 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 185)
human named Hama Pashar. Scroll of hold person 200 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Scrolls of invisibility 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
4 (Optional: He pays 100 gp to Scroll of invisibility 200 gp (dmg pg. 200) Scroll of lightning bolt 300 gp (dmg pg. 200)
each player if they can save his 1d4 Scrolls of identify 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Scrolls of haste 300 gp (dmg pg. 200)
friend from an dungeon at least
1d4 Scrolls of web 120 gp (dmg pg. 200) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
2 days travel away, it is an elven
1d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 450 gp (dmg pg. 187)
ruin now controlled by orcs.)
Legends of the River Dagger, +2 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 213) Wooden shield, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 200)
(1d8 items are in stock) Wand of magic missiles 350 gp (dmg pg. 211) Giant slayer greataxe 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 172)
The owner of this large shop Bracers of archery 250 gp (dmg pg. 156) Armor, +1 (Scale mail) 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 152)
is a female gnome named Glena Deck of illusions (24 cards) 400 gp (dmg pg. 161) Pearl of power 350 gp (dmg pg. 184)
5 Silverwood. Her shop is clean 2d4 Elemental gems 250 gp (dmg pg. 167) Bag of holding 250 gp (dmg pg. 153)
and well-stocked, and 1d4 Scrolls of light 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Scrolls of remove curse 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
everything is high quality.
1d4 Scrolls of remove curse 200 gp (dmg pg. 200) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)

Ancient Arcane Force 1d4 Daggers, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1d4 Javelins, +2 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(2d4 items are in stock) Vicious greatsword 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 209) Flame tongue longsword 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 170)
The owner of this shop is a Boots of elvenkind 400 gp (dmg pg. 155) Dragon slayer longsword 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 166)
female human wizard named Bag of beans (8 beans) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 152) Dagger of venom 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 161)
6 Kara Nemetsk. (Optional: She Scroll of lightning bolt 400 gp (dmg pg. 200) Armor, +1 (Chain mail) 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
pays 125 gp to each player if 1d4 Scrolls of minor illusion 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) Ring of spell storing 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
they can get a scouting report of
1d4 Elixers of health 800 gp (dmg pg. 168) 1d4 Elixers of health 800 gp (dmg pg. 168)
the size and strength of a goblin
1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
army in a distant war-camp.)
-- 7 --
Magic Item Shopping: Large City
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: 1 - 2 shops per city. Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: 1 shop per city. All prices doubled.
d6 Shop Information Party Level 1-7 Party Level 8+
The Wisdom of Faustin 1d4 Daggers, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) Shortsword, +2 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d8 items are in stock) Metal shield, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 200) Wand of Secrets 300 gp (dmg pg. 211)
The owner of this small shop Circlet of blasting 250 gp (dmg pg. 158) Ring of protection 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 191)
is a female human named Sofia Wand of the war mage, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 212) 1d4 Scrolls of fireball 180 gp (dmg pg. 200)
1 Nightblade. (Optional: She pays 1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Scrolls of levitate 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
100 gp to each player if they 1d4 Scrolls of remove curse 200 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Scrolls of hold person 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
can bring her a set of 3 ancient
scrolls rumored to be located in
a deep dungeon below the city.
Dwarven Stone of Ages Mace, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) Warhammer, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(2d4 items are in stock) Metal shield, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 200) Mace, +2 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this large shop Eyes of the eagle 300 gp (dmg pg. 168) Armor, +1 (Chain shirt) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
is a male dwarf cleric named 1d4 Ropes of climbing 200 gp (dmg pg. 197) Ring of poison resistance 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
2 Tordek Fireforge. Once per day, 1d4 Scrolls of cure wounds 50 gp (dmg pg. 200) Belt of dwarvenkind 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 155)
there is a 10% chance that he Dust of Disappearance 200 gp (dmg pg. 166) 1d4 Elemental gems 250 gp (dmg pg. 167)
will realize that he has an extra
1d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 potions of greater healing in
Potion of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
a locked chest in a back room.
The Wizard's Folly 1d4 Daggers, +2 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 213) Greatsword, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d8 items are in stock) Longsword, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) Longsword, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
The owner of this large shop Brooch of shielding 200 gp (dmg pg. 156) Armor, +1 (Scale mail) 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 152)
is a female half-elf fighter 1d4 Beads of force 800 gp (dmg pg. 154) Cape of the mountebank 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 157)
3 named Haydren Fayne. Scroll of mage hand 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) Cloak of the bat 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 159)
(Optional: She pays 125 gp to 1d4 Scrolls of light 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) Bag of beans (6 beans) 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 152)
each player if they can slay 3d4
1d4 Scrolls of hold person 250 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Rings of protection 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 191)
giant spiders that have infested
1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
a cave system near the city.)
The Tome of Duality Wand of the war mage, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 212) 1d4 Javelins, +2 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(2d4 items are in stock) Ring of feather falling 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 191) Wand of the war mage, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 212)
The owner of this shop is a male Boots of elvenkind 400 gp (dmg pg. 155) Armor, +1 (Studded leather) 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 152)
half-elf named Dorn Khelio. Scroll of blade ward 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) Ring of fire resistance 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
4 (Optional: He pays 100 gp to 1d4 Scrolls of acid splash 50 gp (dmg pg. 200) Ring of acid resistance 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
each player if they can save his Scroll of invisibility 200 gp (dmg pg. 200) Deck of illusions (20 cards) 350 gp (dmg pg. 161)
friend from a deep dungeon
1d4 Scrolls of blink 250 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Scrolls of invisibility 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
under the city. It is an old elven
1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
ruin now infested with goblins.)
Oracle of the Ancients Sickle, +2 1,000 gp (dmg pg. 213) Dragon slayer greataxe 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 166)
(2d4 items are in stock) Wooden shield, +2 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 200) Ring of the ram 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 193)
The owner of this large shop Bag of holding 200 gp (dmg pg. 153) Ring of free action 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 191)
is a female human druid Dust of Disappearance 200 gp (dmg pg. 200) Ring of animal influence 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 189)
5 named Sora Moonsilk. Her shop 1d4 Elemental gems 200 gp (dmg pg. 167) Bag of holding 250 gp (dmg pg. 153)
is organized and her prices are 1d4 Elixers of health 600 gp (dmg pg. 168) 1d4 Scrolls of remove curse 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
lower than most other shops.
1d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of frost giant strength 600 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)

Legendary Mysticism 1d4 Daggers, +2 1,000 gp (dmg pg. 213) Flame tongue greatsword 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 170)
(2d4 items are in stock) 1d4 Quarterstaffs, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213) Wand of the war mage, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 212)
The owner of this shop is a male Robe of useful items 200 gp (dmg pg. 195) Armor, +1 (Ring mail) 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 152)
human wizard named Kara Boots of elvenkind 300 gp (dmg pg. 155) Ring of cold resistance 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 192)
6 Nemetsk. (Optional: He pays Pearl of power 400 gp (dmg pg. 184) 1d4 Rings of spell storing 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
150 gp to each player if they can 1d4 Scrolls of fireball 180 gp (dmg pg. 200) 1d4 Scrolls of levitate 180 gp (dmg pg. 200)
kill the evil leader of a group of
Scroll of stoneskin 800 gp (dmg pg. 200) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
outlaw bandits and theives. His
2d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
camp is somewhere to the north.)
-- 8 --
Magic Item Shopping: Small Temple
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: 1 temple per city. Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: 1 temple per city. All prices doubled.
d4 Shop Information Party Level 1-7 Party Level 8+
Temple of Tymora all of these services are available: all of these services are available:
(1d3 items are in stock) Healing 30 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one Healing 30 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one
Tymora is the goddess of the sea. player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.) player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.)
The acolytes and clerics from Remove curse 150 gp (The spell "Remove Curse" Remove curse 150 gp (The spell "Remove Curse"
this temple are mostly humans, (phb pg. 271) is cast on one creature or object.) (phb pg. 271) is cast on one creature or object.)
but also a few halflings. Blessing of quickness 250 gp (For the next Blessing of quickness 250 gp (For the next
1 48 hours, this player has advantage on all Dexterity 48 hours, this player has advantage on all Dexterity
(Optional: The temple will pay 50 checks and initiative rolls.) checks and initiative rolls.)
gp to each player if they can
save a nearby village from being
attacked by an evil orc warlord. He Metal shield, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 200) Wand of secrets 400 gp (dmg pg. 211)
leads a a group of 2d4 orcs and 3d4 Brooch of shielding 200 gp (dmg pg. 156) Ring of protection 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 191)
goblins, and his base of operations is 1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Scrolls of hold person 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
a dungeon under the village.) Potion of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Temple of Tyr all of these services are available: all of these services are available:
(1d3 items are in stock) Healing 25 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one Healing 25 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one
Tyr is the god of justice. The player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.) player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.)
acolytes and clerics from this Remove curse 150 gp (The spell "Remove Curse" Remove curse 150 gp (The spell "Remove Curse"
temple are mostly dwarves, but (phb pg. 271) is cast on one creature or object.) (phb pg. 271) is cast on one creature or object.)
also quite a few humans. Blessing of protection 300 gp (For the next Blessing of protection 300 gp (For the next
2 48 hours, this player gains a +1 bonus to AC and saving 48 hours, this player gains a +1 bonus to AC and saving
(Optional: The temple will pay throws.) throws.)
75 gp to each player if they can
bring back an ancient staff that was
lost in a dungeon about three days Wooden shield, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 200) Mace, +2 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 213)
ride from the temple. The dungeon 1d4 Elemental Gems 250 gp (dmg pg. 156) Ring of protection 1,200 gp (dmg pg. 191)
is controlled by a scattered group of 1d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
4d6 kobolds and 1d6 lizardfolk.) Potion of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 450 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Temple of Eldath all of these services are available: all of these services are available:
(1d4 items are in stock) Healing 20 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one Healing 20 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one
Eldath is the goddess of peace. player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.) player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.)
The acolytes and clerics from Sending 10 gp (The spell "Sending" (phb pg. 274) is Sending 10 gp (The spell "Sending" (phb pg. 274) is
this temple are mostly elves, but cast on one player in the party, allowing them to send a cast on one player in the party, allowing them to send a
also a few humans. short message to a creature's mind, and receive a short message to a creature's mind, and receive a
3 response, as per the spell.) response, as per the spell.)
(Optional: The temple will pay
100 gp to each player if they can
save a cleric of Eldath who is
trapped in a nearby dungeon. He Flail, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213) Ring of fire resistance 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
was captured by a group of 2d4 evil 1d4 Scrolls of remove curse 180 gp (dmg pg. 200) Wand of wonder 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 212)
drow on the second floor of the 2d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Scrolls of remove curse 180 gp (dmg pg. 200)
dungeon.) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Temple of Lathander all of these services are available: all of these services are available:
(1d4 items are in stock) Healing 15 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one Healing 15 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one
Lathander is the god of birth player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.) player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.)
and renewal. The acolytes and Raise Dead 2,000 gp (The spell "Raise Dead" Raise Dead 2,000 gp (The spell "Raise Dead"
clerics from this temple are (phb pg. 270) is cast on one dead player that has been (phb pg. 270) is cast on one dead player that has been
mostly human. dead no longer than 10 days. This temple refuses to dead no longer than 10 days. This temple refuses to
4 raise any evil player.) raise any evil player.)
(Optional: The temple will pay
150 gp to each player if they can
slay an evil wizard who dwells in a
dungeon underneath a nearby Wand of magic missiles 350 gp (dmg pg. 211) Ioun stone (reserve) 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
forest. He wears orange robes, and 1d4 Scrolls of cure wounds 40 gp (dmg pg. 200) Keoghtom's ointment (5 uses) 350 gp (dmg pg. 179)
he is rumored to wield a flame 2d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Scrolls of alarm 100 gp (dmg pg. 200)
tongue dagger. (dmg pg. 170))
1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
-- 9 --
Magic Item Shopping: Large Temple
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: 1 temple per city. Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: 1 temple per city. All prices doubled.
d4 Shop Information Party Level 1-7 Party Level 8+
Temple of Helm all of these services are available: all of these services are available:
(1d3 items are in stock) Healing 25 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one Healing 25 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one
Helm is the god of protection. player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.) player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.)
The acolytes and clerics from Blessing of protection 300 gp (For the next Blessing of protection 300 gp (For the next
this temple are mostly humans, 48 hours, this player gains a +1 bonus to AC and saving 48 hours, this player gains a +1 bonus to AC and saving
but also a few dwarves. throws.) throws.)
1 Remove curse 180 gp (The spell "Remove Curse" Remove curse 180 gp (The spell "Remove Curse"
(Optional: The temple will pay (phb pg. 271) is cast on one creature or object.) (phb pg. 271) is cast on one creature or object.)
75 gp to each player if they can find
and retrieve a magic shield that is
rumored to be found in a nearby Wooden shield, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 200) Ioun stone (protection) 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 176)
cave system. The cave is controlled Mace of terror 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 180) Mace of disruption 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 179)
by an unorganized group of 1d4 Potions of healing 50 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Scrolls of cure wounds 50 gp (dmg pg. 200)
2d4 bugbears and 4d4 goblins.) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Temple of Thoth all of these services are available: all of these services are available:
(1d4 items are in stock) Healing 20 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one Healing 30 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one
Thoth is the god of knowledge player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.) player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.)
and wisdom. The acolytes and Remove curse 150 gp (The spell "Remove Curse" Remove curse 150 gp (The spell "Remove Curse"
clerics from this temple are (phb pg. 271) is cast on one creature or object.) (phb pg. 271) is cast on one creature or object.)
mostly humans. Sending 10 gp (The spell "Sending" (phb pg. 274) Sending 10 gp (The spell "Sending" (phb pg. 274)
2 is cast on one player in the party, allowing them to is cast on one player in the party, allowing them to send
(Optional: The temple will pay send a short message to a creature's mind, and receive a short message to a creature's mind, and receive a
100 gp to each player if they can save a response, as per the spell.) response, as per the spell.)
a distant village from a wearwolf. It
has been killing the local farmers Ioun stone (reserve) 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 176) Keoghtom's ointment (3 uses) 200 gp (dmg pg. 179)
during full-moons. Another party of 1d4 Oil of etherealness 800 gp (dmg pg. 183) Ioun stone (awareness) 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
werewolf hunters were sent after the 2d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
beast but never returned.) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 450 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Temple of Mystra all of these services are available: all of these services are available:
(1d4 items are in stock) Healing 10 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one Healing 10 gp (Restore all lost hit points for one
Mystra is the goddess of magic. player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.) player, and remove any petrified/paralyzed condition.)
The acolytes and clerics from Blessing of quickness 250 gp (For the next Blessing of quickness 250 gp (For the next
this temple are mostly elves, but 48 hours, this player has advantage on all Dexterity 48 hours, this player has advantage on all Dexterity
also a few humans. checks and initiative rolls.) checks and initiative rolls.)
3 Remove curse 150 gp (The spell "Remove Curse" Remove curse 150 gp (The spell "Remove Curse"
(Optional: The temple will pay (phb pg. 271) is cast on one creature or object.) (phb pg. 271) is cast on one creature or object.)
150 gp to each player if they can
defeat a tribe of evil lizardfolk who
live in a nearby swamp. The leader
Javelin of lightning 350 gp (dmg pg. 178) Periapt of wound closure 400 gp (dmg pg. 184)
of the tribe is rumored to be a Lantern of revealing 200 gp (dmg pg. 179) Mace of smiting 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 179)
cunning lizardman fighter with a Keoghtom's ointment (4 uses) 250 gp (dmg pg. 179) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
loyal following of 4d4 lizardfolk.) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of superior healing 450 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Temple of Odin all of these services are available: all of these services are available:
(1d4 items are in stock) Divine blessing 250 gp (For the next 48 hours, Divine blessing 250 gp (For the next 48 hours,
Odin is the god of knowledge all weapon attacks by this player deal an extra 1d4 all weapon attacks by this player deal an extra 1d4
and war. The acolytes and radiant damage on a hit.) radiant damage on a hit.)
clerics from this temple are Raise Dead 2,500 gp (The spell "Raise Dead" Raise Dead 2,500 gp (The spell "Raise Dead"
mostly humans, but also a (phb pg. 270) is cast on one dead player that has been (phb pg. 270) is cast on one dead player that has been
4 few elves. dead no longer than 10 days. This temple refuses to
raise any evil player.)
dead no longer than 10 days. This temple refuses to
raise any evil player.)
(Optional: The temple will pay
200 gp to each player if they can
find out what happened to a party
Sending stones 300 gp (dmg pg. 199) Wand of fireballs 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 210)
of adventurers who were sent to 1d4 Oil of slipperiness 120 gp (dmg pg. 184) Keoghtom's ointment (4 uses) 250 gp (dmg pg. 179)
clear out a nearby dungeon infested Keoghtom's ointment (5 uses) 300 gp (dmg pg. 179) 1d4 Stones of good luck 400 gp (dmg pg. 205)
with 1d6 ogres and 3d6 orcs.) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) 3d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
-- 10 --
Magic Item Shopping: Travelling Merchants
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: 5% chance per day to find a merchant while travelling. Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: 5% chance per day to find a merchant while travelling. All prices doubled.
d10 Merchant Information Party Level 1-7 Party Level 8+
Belteshazzar Immovable rod 400 gp (dmg pg. 175) Horseshoes of speed 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 192)
(1d3 items are in stock) Ring of swimming 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 193) 1d4 Rings of water walking 500 gp (dmg pg. 193)
1 He is a male human wizard who Ring of thunder resistance 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 192) Potion of gaseous form 900 gp (dmg pg. 187)
dresses in colorful robes. 1d4 Potions of healing 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Lerissa Shortbow, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213) Rod of rulership 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 197)
(1d3 items are in stock) Robe of useful items 400 gp (dmg pg. 195) Bag of holding 500 gp (dmg pg. 153)
2 She is a female tiefling wizard and 1d4 Scrolls of fireball 200 gp (dmg pg. 200) Scroll of levitate 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)
a collector of rare magical scrolls. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 600 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Khelio Oakstaff Quarterstaff, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 213) Quarterstaff, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d4 items are in stock) Battleaxe, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 213) Winged boots 500 gp (dmg pg. 214)
3 He is a male half-orc fighter and 1d4 Sending stones 250 gp (dmg pg. 199) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
well-known for his bravery. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 600 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Sutha Grimblade Longsword of wounding 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 207) Scimitar of speed 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 199)
(1d3 items are in stock) Shortsword of warning 500 gp (dmg pg. 213) Longsword, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
4 She is a female half-orc eldritch Greatsword, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213) Sun blade 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 204)
knight and a collector of swords. 3d4 Potions of healing 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Dalthor Goldbridge Ring of spell storing 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 192) Ring of telekinesis 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 193)
(1d3 items are in stock) Ring of animal influence 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213) Ring of protection 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 191)
5 He is a male half-elf wizard and Ring of spell storing 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 192) Ring of feather falling 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 191)
specializes in rare rings. 1d4 Scrolls of fireball 180 gp (dmg pg. 200) Ring of the ram 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 193)
Cody of Ancientgate Bag of holding 400 gp (dmg pg. 153) Potion of vitality 8,000 gp (dmg pg. 188)
(1d4 items are in stock) Potion of clairvoyance 750 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of diminution 750 gp (dmg pg. 187)
6 He is a male human fighter and 2d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) 3d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
specializes in rare potions 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Lorilla Nackle Quiver of ehlonna 400 gp (dmg pg. 189) Wand of wonder 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 212)
(1d4 items are in stock) Wand of magic missiles 400 gp (dmg pg. 211) Wand of enemy detection 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 210)
7 She is a female gnome wizard who Potion of mind reading 800 gp (dmg pg. 188) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
comes from a very distant land. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Helen of Kelmarr Wand of the war mage, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 212) Wand of the war mage, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 212)
(1d4 items are in stock) Wand of web 400 gp (dmg pg. 212) Potion of gaseous form 750 gp (dmg pg. 187)
8 She is a female human wizard, and Dagger of warning 500 gp (dmg pg. 213) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
a member of the Wizards Guild. 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Gortho Ironband Mace, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213) Ioun stone (fortitude) 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 177)
(1d8 items are in stock) Ring of necrotic resistance 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 192) Horn of valhalla (brass) 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 187)
He is a male dwarf cleric and is Mantle of spell resistance 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 180) Glamoured studded leather 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
well-known for many miles for his
Medallion of thoughts 400 gp (dmg pg. 181) Ring of protection 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 191)
9 collection of rare magic items.
Necklace of prayer beads (3 beads) 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 182) 1d4 Elemental gems 200 gp (dmg pg. 167)
Necklace of adaptation 300 gp (dmg pg. 182) 1d4 Elixers of health 800 gp (dmg pg. 168)
1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)

Tana Kulenov Boots of levitation 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 155) Staff of fire 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 201)
(2d4 items are in stock) Cap of water breathing 300 gp (dmg pg. 157) Rod of absorbtion 35,000 gp (dmg pg. 195)
She is a female dragonborn wizard Amulet of health 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 150) Quarterstaff, +3 15,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
who is well-known for her powerful
Ring of evasion 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 191) Ioun stone (strength) 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
10 magic items. It is rumored that she
was once a high-ranking member of Bag of beans (12 beans) 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 191) Necklace of fireballs 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 182)
the Wizards Guild. 3d4 Potions of healing 60 gp (dmg pg. 187) Ring of free action 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 191)
2d4 Potions of water breathing 100 gp (dmg pg. 188) 3d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
-- 11 --
Magic Item Shopping: The Black Market
At least one player must have a close connection with a criminal NPC (a player with the criminal background has a 10% chance to automatically have one),
otherwise the party must pay a bribe of 1d8 x 100 gp each time they shop on the black market. For a "low-fantasy" campaign: all prices are doubled.
d8 Merchant Information Party Level 1-7 Party Level 8+
Anton Calabra Rapier of wounding 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 207) Wand of polymorph 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 211)
(1d3 items are in stock) Vicious spear 1,200 gp (dmg pg. 209) Shortsword of life stealing 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 192)
1 He is a male human fighter who is Wand of magic detection 200 gp (dmg pg. 211) 1d4 Potion of gaseous form 750 gp (dmg pg. 187)
well-liked by the local Wizards Guild. Ring of radiant resistance 1,200 gp (dmg pg. 192) 2d4 Potions of superior healing 400 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Bree Underbough Staff of withering 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 205) Staff of thunder & lightning 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 204)

(1d3 items are in stock) Wand of fear 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213) Robe of stars 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 194)
2 She is a female halfling sorceror Rod of the pact keeper, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 197) Ring of the ram 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 193)
who is soft-spoken and wise. 1d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 600 gp (dmg pg. 187)

Keth Redblade 1d4 Daggers, +2 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 213) Dancing shortsword 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 161)
(1d4 items are in stock) Dagger of venom 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 161) Frostbrand scimitar 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 171)
3 He is a male half-orc rogue and Cloak of displacement 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 158) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
well-known for his bravery. 2d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) 1d4 Potions of superior healing 450 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Makaria Shortsword of wounding 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 207) Manual of quickness of action 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 181)
(1d4 items are in stock) Horn of valhalla (brass) 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 175) 1d4 Daggers of venom 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 161)
4 She is a female tiefling rogue, and Helm of teleportation 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 174) Necklace of fireballs 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 182)
leader of a nearby Thieves Guild. 2d4 Potions of healing 30 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of superior healing 350 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Rhogar Nemmonis 1d4 Daggers, +2 1,200 gp (dmg pg. 213) Dagger, +3 18,000 gp (dmg pg. 177)
(1d6 items are in stock) 2d4 Daggers, +1 120 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1d4 Daggers, +2 1,000 gp (dmg pg. 187)
He is a male dragonborn warlock. Dagger of venom 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 209) 1d4 Daggers of venom 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 209)
He is known for his deadly daggers, 1d4 Vicious daggers 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 209) Ring of the ram 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 193)
5 and it is rumored that he was once
Necklace of fireballs 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 182) 1d4 Elemental gems 200 gp (dmg pg. 167)
a high-ranking assassin in the
Assassins Guild. 1d4 Potion of gaseous form 600 gp (dmg pg. 187) Deck of illusions (16 cards) 120 gp (dmg pg. 161)
2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Luisa Falone Dragon slayer shortsword 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 155) Flame tongue longsword 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 171)
(1d6 items are in stock) Hat of disguise 200 gp (dmg pg. 173) Ioun stone (agility) 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
She is a female human rogue who is Eversmoking bottle 150 gp (dmg pg. 168) Ioun stone (awareness) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
well-known for her intelligence and Eyes of charming 200 gp (dmg pg. 168) Ring of regeneration 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 191)
6 lockpicking skills.
Ring of evasion 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 191) 1d4 Oil of sharpness 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 184)
3d4 Potions of healing 40 gp (dmg pg. 187) Potion of flying 8,000 gp (dmg pg. 187)
2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187)
1d4 Potions of superior healing 400 gp (dmg pg. 187) 3d4 Potions of superior healing 400 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Bane Grothgar Greatsword, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213) Battleaxe, +3 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(1d8 items are in stock) Vicious battleaxe 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 199) Longsword, +3 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
He is a male half-orc fighter from a Sentinel shield 200 gp (dmg pg. 199) Dancing scimitar 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 161)
distant land. He wears a strange
1d4 Oil of sharpness 6,500 gp (dmg pg. 184) 1d4 Javelins of lightning 200 gp (dmg pg. 178)
7 type of armor you have never seen
Wand of binding 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 209) 1d4 Rings of protection 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 191)
before. It resembles studded leather
armor, except there are additional Ioun stone (awareness) 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 176) Keoghtom's ointment (5 uses) 100 gp (dmg pg. 179)
sections with larger, diamond 1d4 Elixers of health 700 gp (dmg pg. 168) 2d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187)
shaped "plates" of some kind of
1d4 Potions of greater healing 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
purple metal.

Seraphina High-hill Mace of terror 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 180) Rapier, +3 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
(2d4 items are in stock) 1d4 Daggers of venom 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 209) Helm of brilliance 35,000 gp (dmg pg. 172)
She is a female halfling rogue who Portable hole 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 185) 1d4 Oil of sharpness 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 184)
was once a mercenary for the army
Pipes of the sewers 200 gp (dmg pg. 185) Ioun stone (protection) 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 176)
of Greenhaven. If at least one of the
8 players has the soldier background, Ring of poison resistance 1,200 gp (dmg pg. 192) 1d4 Rings of evasion 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 191)
there is a 50% chance that she will 1d4 Quaal's feather tokens 800 gp (dmg pg. 188) Potion of invisibility 7,000 gp (dmg pg. 188)
give the party a free gift of one 3d4 Potions of healing 30 gp (dmg pg. 187) 3d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187)
Potion of superior healing if they 2d4 Potions of greater healing 100 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
buy at least one item from her.
-- 12 --
Magic Item Shopping: By Item Type
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: All prices doubled.
d20 Weapons (uncommon) d12 Weapons (very rare)
1 Dagger, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213) 1 Dagger, +3 20,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)

2 Quarterstaff, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 213) 2 Shortsword, +3 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)

3 Shortsword, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) 3 Longsword, +3 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)

4 Mace, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) 4 Shortbow, +3 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)

5 Light crossbow, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 213) 5 Battleaxe, +3 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)

6 Shortbow, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213) 6 Dwarven Thrower 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 167)

7 Battleaxe, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213) 7 Dancing scimitar 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 161)

8 Spear, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213) 8 Longword of sharpness 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 206)

9 Flail, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213) 9 Frost brand longsword 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 171)

10 Javelin, +1 250 gp (dmg pg. 213) 10 Nine lives stealer greatsword 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 183)

11 Greataxe, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 213) 11 Scimitar of speed 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 199)
12 Greatsword, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 213) 12 Oathbow 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 183)
13 Longsword, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213)
d8 Armor (uncommon)
14 Rapier, +1 300 gp (dmg pg. 213)
1 Wooden shield, +1 400 gp (dmg pg. 200)
15 Longbow, +1 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
2 Metal shield, +1 500 gp (dmg pg. 200)
16 Dagger of warning 400 gp (dmg pg. 213)
3 Adamantine armor (scale mail) 300 gp (dmg pg. 150)
17 Quarterstaff of warning 400 gp (dmg pg. 213)
4 Adamantine armor (chain mail) 350 gp (dmg pg. 150)
18 Longsword of warning 500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
5 Mariner's armor (leather) 250 gp (dmg pg. 181)
19 Trident of fish command 300 gp (dmg pg. 209)
6 Mithral armor (scale mail) 250 gp (dmg pg. 182)
20 Javelin of lightning 500 gp (dmg pg. 178)
7 Mithral armor (chain mail) 300 gp (dmg pg. 182)

d20 Weapons (rare) 8 Sentinel shield 400 gp (dmg pg. 199)

1 Dagger, +2 1,800 gp (dmg pg. 213)

d10 Armor (rare)
2 Shortsword, +2 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
1 Wooden shield, +2 3,500 gp (dmg pg. 200)
3 Longsword, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
2 Metal shield, +2 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 200)
4 Shortbow, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
3 Armor, +1 (studded leather) 1,200 gp (dmg pg. 152)
5 Longbow, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
4 Armor, +1 (chain shirt) 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 152)
6 Battleaxe, +2 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 213)
5 Armor, +1 (chain mail) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
7 Greataxe, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
6 Armor of resistance (leather) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
8 Greatsword, +2 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 213)
7 Armor of resistance (scale mail) 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 152)
9 Dagger of venom 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 161)
8 Armor of resistance (plate) 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
10 Longsword of life stealing 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 206)
9 Arrow-catching shield 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
11 Dragon slayer longsword 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 166)
10 Elven chain (chain shirt) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 168)
12 Flame tongue shortsword 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 170)

13 Giant slayer greataxe 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 172)

d8 Armor (very rare)
14 Mace of disruption 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 179)
1 Metal shield, +3 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 200)

15 Mace of terror 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 180)

2 Armor, +2 (leather) 20,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)

16 Mace of smiting 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 179)

3 Armor, +2 (breastplate) 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)

17 Scimitar of wounding 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 207)

4 Armor, +2 (splint) 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)

18 Vicious halberd 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 209)

5 Animated shield 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 151)

19 Vicious warhammer 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 209)

6 Dwarven plate 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 167)

20 Sun blade 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 206)

7 Spellguard shield 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 201)

8 Dragon scale mail 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 165)

-- 13 --
Magic Item Shopping: By Item Type
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: All prices doubled.
d4 Wands (uncommon) d4 Cloaks & Robes (uncommon)
1 Wand of magic missiles 500 gp (dmg pg. 211) 1 Cloak of elvenkind 500 gp
(dmg pg. 158)

2 Wand of secrets 400 gp (dmg pg. 211) 2 Cloak of protection 500 gp (dmg pg. 159)
3 Wand of the war mage, +1 500 gp (dmg pg. 212) 3 Cloak of the manta ray 400 gp (dmg pg. 159)
4 Wand of web 500 gp (dmg pg. 212) 4 Robe of useful items 400 gp (dmg pg. 195)
d8 Wands (rare) d4 Cloaks & Robes (rare)
1 Wand of the war mage, +2 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 212) 1 Cape of the mountebank 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 157)

2 Wand of enemy detection 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 210) 2 Cloak of displacement 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 158)

3 Wand of fear 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 210) 3 Cloak of the bat 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 159)

4 Wand of fireballs 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 210) 4 Robe of eyes 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 193)

5 Wand of lightning bolts 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 211)

d3 Cloaks & Robes (very rare)
6 Wand of paralysis 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 211)
1 Cloak of arachnida 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 158)
7 Wand of binding 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 209)
2 Robe of scintillating colors 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 194)
8 Wand of wonder 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 212)
3 Robe of stars 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 194)
d2 Wands (very rare)
d8 Boots, Gloves & Bracers (uncommon)
1 Wand of the war mage, +3 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 212)
1 Boots of elvenkind 500 gp (dmg pg. 155)
2 Wand of polymorph 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 211)
2 Boots of striding & springing 400 gp (dmg pg. 156)

d4 Staffs & Rods (uncommon) 3 Boots of the winterlands 500 gp (dmg pg. 156)

1 Rod of the pact keeper, +1 500 gp (dmg pg. 197) 4 Winged boots 500 gp (dmg pg. 214)

2 Immovable rod 300 gp (dmg pg. 175) 5 Gloves of missile snaring 500 gp (dmg pg. 172)

3 Staff of the adder 500 gp (dmg pg. 203) 6 Gloves of swimming & climbing 300 gp (dmg pg. 167)

4 Staff of the python 500 gp (dmg pg. 204) 7 Gloves of thievery 350 gp (dmg pg. 172)

8 Bracers of archery 400 gp (dmg pg. 156)

d6 Staffs and Rods (rare)
1 Rod of the pact keeper, +2 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 197) d3 Boots, Gloves & Bracers (rare)
2 Staff of charming 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 201) 1 Boots of levitation 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 155)
3 Staff of healing 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 202) 2 Boots of speed 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 155)
4 Staff of swarming insects 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 203) 3 Bracers of defense 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 156)
5 Staff of the woodlands 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 204)
d4 Ioun stones (rare)
6 Staff of withering 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 205)
1 Ioun stone (sustenance) 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 176)

d8 Staffs and Rods (very rare) 2 Ioun stone (awareness) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)

1 Rod of the pact keeper, +3 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 197) 3 Ioun stone (protection) 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 176)

2 Rod of absorbtion 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 195) 4 Ioun stone (reserve) 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
3 Rod of alertness 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 196)
d6 Ioun stones (very rare)
4 Staff of fire 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 201)
1 Ioun stone (agility) 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
5 Staff of frost 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 202)
2 Ioun stone (fortitude) 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
6 Staff of thunder & lightning 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 204)
3 Ioun stone (insight) 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
7 Staff of striking 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 203)
4 Ioun stone (intellect) 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)
8 Staff of power 60,000 gp (dmg pg. 202)
5 Ioun stone (leadership) 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)

6 Ioun stone (strength) 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 176)

-- 14 --
Magic Item Shopping: By Item Type
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: All prices doubled.
d10 Amulets, Necklaces & Helms (uncommon) d20 Misc. Items (rare)
1 Medallion of thoughts 400 gp (dmg pg. 181) 1 Bag of beans (8 beans) 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)

2 Necklace of adaptation 250 gp (dmg pg. 182) 2 1d4 Beads of force 750 gp (dmg pg. 154)

3 Periapt of health 200 gp (dmg pg. 184) 3 Belt of dwarvenkind 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 155)

4 Periapt of wound closure 500 gp (dmg pg. 184) 4 Belt of hill giant strength 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 155)
5 Cap of water breathing 200 gp (dmg pg. 157) 5 Chime of opening 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 158)
6 Circlet of blasting 500 gp (dmg pg. 158) 6 Cube of force 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 160)
7 Hat of disguise 400 gp (dmg pg. 173) 7 Dimensional shackles 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 165)
8 Headband of intellect 500 gp (dmg pg. 173) 8 1d4 Elixirs of health 1,000 gp (dmg pg. 168)
9 Helm of comprehending languages 400 gp (dmg pg. 161) 9 Folding boat 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 171)
10 Helm of telepathy 500 gp (dmg pg. 174) 10 Gem of seeing 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 172)
11 Heward's handy haversack 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 174)
d4 Amulets, Necklaces & Helms (rare)
1 Amulet of health 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 150)
12 Horn of blasting 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 174)

2 Necklace of fireballs 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 182)

13 Horn of valhalla (silver) 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 175)

3 Necklace of prayer beads 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 182)

14 Horseshoes of speed 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 175)

4 Helm of teleportation 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 174)

15 Iron bands of bilarro 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 177)
16 Oil of etherealness 1,000 gp (dmg pg. 183)
d2 Amulets, Necklaces & Helms (very rare) 17 Portable hole 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 185)
1 Amulet of the planes 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 150) 18 2d4 Quaal's feather tokens 600 gp (dmg pg. 188)
2 Helm of brilliance 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 173) 19 Rope of entanglement 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 197)

d20 Misc. Items (uncommon) 20 Wings of flying 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 214)

1 Bag of holding 300 gp (dmg pg. 153)

d20 Misc. Items (very rare)
2 Bag of tricks 500 gp (dmg pg. 154)
1 3d4 Arrows of giant slaying 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
3 Brooch of shielding 500 gp (dmg pg. 156)
2 2d4 Arrows of golem slaying 8,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
4 Broom of flying 500 gp (dmg pg. 156)
3 1d4 Arrows of dragon slaying 10,000 gp (dmg pg. 152)
5 Deck of illusions (30 cards) 500 gp (dmg pg. 161)
4 Belt of frost giant strength 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 155)
6 1d4 Dust of disappearance 250 gp (dmg pg. 166)
5 Belt of fire giant strength 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 155)
7 Dust of dryness 200 gp (dmg pg. 166)
6 Candle of invocation 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 157)
8 1d4 Elemental gems 250 gp (dmg pg. 168)
7 Carpet of flying 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 157)
9 Eversmoking bottle 200 gp (dmg pg. 168)
8 Crystal ball 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 159)
10 Gauntlets of ogre power 500 gp (dmg pg. 171)
9 Efreeti bottle 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 167)
11 Gem of brightness 400 gp (dmg pg. 171)
10 Horn of valhalla (bronze) 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 175)
12 Keoghtom's ointment (4 doses) 300 gp (dmg pg. 179)
11 Horseshoes of a zephyr 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 175)
13 Lantern of revealing 250 gp (dmg pg. 179)
12 Manual of bodily health 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 180)
14 Pearl of power 300 gp (dmg pg. 184)
13 Manual of gainful exersize 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 180)
15 Quiver of ehlonna 300 gp (dmg pg. 189)
14 Manual of golems 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 180)
16 Rope of climbing 250 gp (dmg pg. 197)
15 Manual of quickness of action 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 181)
17 Saddle of the cavalier 250 gp (dmg pg. 199)
16 Mirror of life trapping 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 181)
18 Sending stones 300 gp (dmg pg. 199)
17 Nolzur's marvelous pigments 25,000 gp (dmg pg. 183)
19 Stone of good luck 500 gp (dmg pg. 205)
18 Tome of clear thought 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 208)
20 Wind fan 250 gp (dmg pg. 213)
19 Tome of leadership & influence 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 197)
20 Tome of understanding 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 209)

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Magic Item Shopping: By Item Type
When running a "high-fantasy" campaign: Prices as listed.
For a "low-fantasy" campaign, where magic items are more difficult to find: All prices doubled.
d6 Potions (uncommon) d20 Spell Scrolls (uncommon)
1 Potion of water breathing 120 gp (dmg pg. 188) 1 Scroll of mage armor 120 gp (dmg pg. 200)

2 Potion of animal friendship 120 gp (dmg pg. 187) 2 Scroll of shield 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)

3 Potion of fire breath 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) 3 Scroll of melf's acid arrow 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)

4 Potion of hill giant strength 180 gp (dmg pg. 187) 4 Scroll of magic weapon 180 gp (dmg pg. 200)

5 Potion of growth 180 gp (dmg pg. 187) 5 Scroll of levitate 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)

6 1d4 Potions of greater healing 150 gp (dmg pg. 187) 6 Scroll of fireball 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)

7 Scroll of find traps 100 gp (dmg pg. 200)

d8 Potions (rare)
1 Potion of clairvoyance 600 gp (dmg pg. 187)
8 Scroll of barkskin 100 gp (dmg pg. 200)

2 Potion of diminution 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)

9 Scroll of pass without trace 150 gp (dmg pg. 200)

3 Potion of gaseous form 750 gp (dmg pg. 187)

10 Scroll of water breathing 120 gp (dmg pg. 200)

4 Potion of fire giant strength 750 gp (dmg pg. 187)

11 Scroll of web 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)

5 1d4 Potions of superior healing 500 gp (dmg pg. 187)

12 Scroll of alarm 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)

6 Potion of heroism 600 gp (dmg pg. 188)

13 Scroll of hold person 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)

7 Potion of invulnerability 1,000 gp (dmg pg. 188)

14 Scroll of invisibility 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)

8 Potion of mind reading 600 gp (dmg pg. 188)

15 Scroll of remove curse 200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
16 Scroll of animate dead 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)
d6 Potions (very rare) 17 Scroll of blink 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)
1 Oil of sharpness 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 184)
18 Scroll of knock 150 gp (dmg pg. 200)
2 Potion of flying 7,000 gp (dmg pg. 187)
19 Scroll of haste 250 gp (dmg pg. 200)
3 Potion of cloud giant strength 7,500 gp (dmg pg. 187)
20 Scroll of lightning bolt 400 gp (dmg pg. 200)
4 Potion of supreme healing 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 187)

5 Potion of invisibility 8,000 gp (dmg pg. 188) d12 Spell Scrolls (rare)
6 Potion of speed 6,000 gp (dmg pg. 188) 1 Scroll of stoneskin 750 gp (dmg pg. 200)

2 Scroll of arcane eye 600 gp (dmg pg. 200)

d4 Rings (uncommon) 3 Scroll of blight 900 gp (dmg pg. 200)
1 Ring of jumping 300 gp (dmg pg. 191)
4 Scroll of dimension door 800 gp (dmg pg. 200)
2 Ring of mind shielding 300 gp (dmg pg. 191)
5 Scroll of fire shield 600 gp (dmg pg. 200)
3 Ring of water walking 400 gp (dmg pg. 193)
6 Scroll of wall of fire 800 gp (dmg pg. 200)
4 Ring of warmth 600 gp (dmg pg. 193)
7 Scroll of stone shape 750 gp (dmg pg. 200)

d8 Rings (rare) 8 Scroll of polymorph 800 gp (dmg pg. 200)

1 Ring of animal influence 2,000 gp (dmg pg. 189) 9 Scroll of ice storm 900 gp (dmg pg. 200)
2 Ring of evasion 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 191) 10 Scroll of greater invisibility 1,000 gp (dmg pg. 200)
3 Ring of feather falling 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 191) 11 Scroll of telekinesis 1,200 gp (dmg pg. 200)
4 Ring of free action 3,000 gp (dmg pg. 191) 12 Scroll of cone of cold 1,500 gp (dmg pg. 200)
5 Ring of protection 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 191)
d6 Spell Scrolls (very rare)
6 Ring of resistance 2,500 gp (dmg pg. 192)
1 Scroll of arcane gate 7,500 gp (dmg pg. 200)
7 Ring of spell storing 4,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
2 Scroll of circle of death 10,000 gp (dmg pg. 200)
8 Ring of the ram 5,000 gp (dmg pg. 193)
3 Scroll of disintegrate 10.000 gp (dmg pg. 200)

d3 Rings (very rare) 4 Scroll of true seeing 7,500 gp (dmg pg. 200)
1 Ring of telekinesis 30,000 gp (dmg pg. 193) 5 Scroll of sunbeam 10,000 gp (dmg pg. 200)
2 Ring of regeneration 40,000 gp (dmg pg. 191) 6 Scroll of teleport 15,000 gp (dmg pg. 200)
3 Ring of shooting stars 50,000 gp (dmg pg. 192)
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