Microbial Complexes in Subgingival Plaque - Socronsky - J Clin Perio 1998

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1 Clio Pffiodorrrol
Den mark
Denmark . . righlf maned

clinical periodontology

Microbial complexes in S. S.Socransky', A. D. Haffaiee',

R. L.Kent Jr. 2
C.Smith` sled

Departments of, t ruariodoelology, haostatiolso

subgingival plaque Forsyth Dental Center, Boston, IAA, USA

Socronsky SS. Haffajee AD. Cunini MA, Smith C. Kent ✓r. RL: Microbial
compleses re subgingival plaque. .1 Alin Periodontal 1998: 25: 134-144.
Munksgaard. 1998,

Abstract. It has been recognized for some time that bacterial species exist in
complexes in subgingival plaque. The purpose of the present investigation was to
attempt to define such communities using data from large numbers of plaque
sampl. and different clustering and ordination techniques. Subgingival plaque
samples were taken from the mesial aspect of each tooth in 185 subjects (mean
age 51 T 16 years) with (n=160) or without (n25) periodontitis_ The presence
and levels of 40 subgingival taxa were determined in 13.261 plaque samples using
whole genomic DNA probes and checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization. Clinical
assessments were made at 6 saes per tooth at each visit. Similarities between pairs
of species were computed using pin coefficients and species clustered using an aver-
aged unweighted linkage sort. Community ordination was performed using prin-
cipal components analysis and correspondence analysis. 5 major complexes
were coistently observed using any of the analytical method. One complex
consisted of the tightly related group: Bameroider Ancrydrus. Porphyromonas
gingivalis and Treponema denticida. The led complex consisted of a tightly re-
lated core group including members of the fungracicrium nuckunim/periodonticum
subspeci., Prevalent, iniermedia. Prevotella nigresem and Peptostreptococcus
micros. Speciesassociated with this group included: Euhamerium nodanini,
Campylobamer refry, Camnylognmer shown, Sirepioroccus ragtag,. and
Campylobacter gracilis. The 3rd complex consisted of Streptococcus sanguis. S.
(ming S. mitis, S gordimii and S. in media. The 4th complex was comprised
of 3 Capnocytophaga species, Cor pyinhacter cone's.. Eikenella corroder. and
Achnobricillm aminonisceremcomiians serotype a. The 5th complex consisted of
Veillonella parvule and Arlinonigres odoniolyikm. A. actirunnyceroncomiumv sere-
type b, Selenomonas noxia and Actinomyces naesiundii genospecies 2 (A. vircosurr
were outliers with little relation to each other and the 5 major complexes. The Kelt uttCrOtbdOgyf saw.. suogingtva
tat complex related strikingly to clinical measures of periodontal disease particu- Planow evotosx ertrrePoutat
larly pocket depth and bleeding on probing. Accepted lor publication 10 May 1097

The complexity of the subgingival side in this area Cursory examination a zone of gram negative and/or motile
microbiota has been recognized since of a series of plaque samples suggests species located adjacent to the epithelial
the 1st microscopic examination of this that there is lade order in the micro- lining of the pocket while gram positive
ecosystem by Van Leeuwenhoek in 1683 biota that colon es gingival sulci or rods and cocci appeared to be forming
(Tal, 1980) Since that time, numerous periodontal pockets. However, examen a tightly adherent band of organisms on
studies have evaluated the composition ation of sections of plaque by light and the enamel or root surface (Listgarten
of plaque using light and electron electron microscopy indicates a surpris- 1976, Listgarten 1994).
nuc.oscopy, cultural techniques and ing degree of order in colonisation pat- Cultural, immunologic or DNA
more recently imunologic
m or DNA terns. For example, early supragingival probe assessments of plaque have dem-
probe techniques. All techniques re plaque demonstrated columnar ar- onstrated that certain species frequently
inforce Van Leenwenhoek's initial ob- rangement of morphologically distinct occur together M subgingival plaque
servation that subgingival plaques are bacterial species from the tooth surface samples. For example, Porphyromonas
comprised of a large complex mixture to the outer surface of the plaque gingimlis is almost always observed in
of bacterial species. Indeed it has been (Listgarten et al. 1975). Subgingival samples that am harboring Bacteroides
estimated that 400 or more species re- plaque was frequently characterized by firmyikes. It has teen speculated that B.
Microbial complexes 135

forrythus in some fashion precedes odontitis or acute necrothing ulcerative acetate. The released DNA was placed
colonization by P. gingival, since B gingivitis was included in the study. into the extended slots of a Minislot
forsylhus is detected more frequently by (I romunetics, Cambridge MA) and then
itself (Gmur et al. 1909). Other com- concentrated onto a nylon membrane
011111010 monitoring
plexes that have been observed include (Boehringer Mannheim) by vacuum
P gingivalis and Treponema &Nicola Subjects were screened for suitability and filed to the membrane by exposure
(Simonson et al. 1992b) and Pomba, and if accepted, were asked to sign in- to ultraviolet light followed by baking
nurianrum and Pram,. inter formed consent forms. All subjects were at 120°C for 20 mM The Minislot de.
media (Ali at al. 1994). clinically monitored at baseline and sub- vice permitted the deposition of 28 dif-
Understanding the relationship jects with periodontitis were monitored ferent plaque samples in individual
among bacterial species is useful in ata month intervals post therapy. Plaque "lanes" on a single 15X15 cm nylon
anderstanding the biology of subgingi- accumulation (OM, overt gingivitis(Oro, membrane as well as 2 control lanes
val plaque and in planning strategies bleeding on probing (0/1), suppuration containing 10 or 10 4 cells of each test
for its control. Knowledge of the eco- (0/1). probing pocket depth and probing specim. The membrane with fixed DNA
logical relationships among bacterial attachmem level were measured at 6 sites vats placed in a Miniblotter 45 (Im-
species can direct and focus investi- per tooth (mesiobmcal, buccal, disto- mundics, Cambridge MA). with the
gations on critical bacterial interac buccal. distolingual. lingual and mesiol- - lanes" of DNA at 90° to the channels
tions. ingual) at all teeth excluding third mo- of the device. A 30x45 "checkerboard"
Technological developments permit lars et each visit. The baseline clinical pattern was produced with 5 of the
the evaluation of large numbers of bac- features of the 185 subjects are presented probe lanes remaining empty to permit
terial species in large numbers of plaque in Table I. accurate localization. Each channel was
samples from a wide range of subjects. used as a hybridization chamber for
Such procedures provide a data base in Microbiological asammment
separate DNA probes. Signals were do
which associations among bacterial tatted by chemiluminescence.
species can be precisely examined. As Subgingival plaque samples were taken
sociations between a pair of species is from the mesio-buccal aspect of each DNA-DIVA hybridization
often performed using contingency tooth in each subject at each monitor- The membranes were prehybridized at
tables, sometimes 2x2 and sometimes ing visit. Counts of 40 subgingival spe- 42°C for 1 hr M 50% formamide, 5 xSSC
with mom levels of each specks. Cluster cies wore determined in each plaque (1 XSSC=150 mM NaCl, 15 mM Na
analysis has been useful in describing sample using the checkerboard DNA- citrate. pH 7.0), I% casein (Sigma, St.
closely related species when more than DNA hybridization technique (Socran- Louis MO), 5 X Denhardfs reagent, 25
a few pairs of species are examined. sky et al. I994). After the removal of mM sodium phosphate (pH 6.5) and 0.5
Community ordination is a procedure supragingival plaque, subgingival men' yeast RNA (Boehringer Mann-
that attempts to indicate closely related plaque samples were taken with individ- heim). Digoxigenin-labeled, whole chro-
species within a community and then ual sterile Gracey curdles from the me- mosomal DNA probes were prepared
demonstrate the relatedness among dif- sial aspect of each tooth. The samples using a random primer technique (Fein-
feilm communities of species within the were placed in separate Eppendorf berg & Vogelsilin 1983). The probes and
ecosystem of imerest. The purpose of tubes containing BD ml TE (10 mM hybridization buffer were placed in indi-
the present investigation was to use Tris-HCI, 1 mM EDTA. pH 7.61. 0.15 vidual lanes of the Miniblotter and the
cluster analysis and community ordi- ml of 0.5M NaOH was added to each whole apparatus placed in a sealed plas-
nation techniques to examine relatMil sample and the sample boiled M a water tic bag. Membranes were hybridized
ships among bacterial species in subgin- bath for 5 mM. The samples were neu- overnight at 429C in a hybridizing solu-
gival plaque samples. and relate the tralized using 0.8 ml 5 M ammonium tion containing 45% formamide,
complexes to clinical parameters of
periodontal disease.
Table I. Baseline clinical char bjeci OmnP14-1851
Material and Methods Mean (4513) Range
age (Years/ 5,16 20-87
185 subjects ranging in age from 20-87 no. mng teeth 3.1±3.1 o-8
years who were considered to be peri- ma. 43
dentally healthy M=25) or with evi- mean pocket depth 1 ,11m) .7-6.6
dence of prior attachment lam (n=160) moan attachment level (nm) 0.8-6.8
were selected for study. All subjects had sites wiih:
plaque 6,430 o-tou
at least 20 teeth. Exclusion criteria in- and 72,0 o-tou
cluded pregnancy, periodontal therapy BOP 49,7 0-10o
or antibiotics in the previous 3 months, suppuration 0.49
any systemic condition which might pocket depth <4 mm 74,0 11-100
have affected the progression or treat- pocket depth 4-6 ram 2,17 0.76
ment of periodontitis and the need for Pocket depth >6 nim ,46 0.57
pm-medication for monitoring or ther- attachment level mm 72,4 -100
apy. No subject with localized juvenile allaclmmut level 0.6 mm 2,111 7
attachment level >6 mm 0.6.4
periodontitis, rapidly progressive pert-
136 St


landrogram of a cluster analysis of 32 sulagingisal apa I la

similarity between pairs of spucies was computed using a pin soul-
liment, Me coefficknx were scaled and then sorted using an average
unweighted linkage son Clusters were formed with a threshold letel
6.0, The color waling used to delineate the groups in .
Part employed in all figures.
£k 2 Comm., ordination of 32 suligingival to um
purn. analysis The relationships among species were et
using the teals of OR species at each of Me sampled saes tit
Lanae was performed na deveribed by Ludwiga Reg... ,
species sere ploPed along the first I maxis, and second MNandthe
'a./ au, The colors indicate msa within the xime gm, A n.
lundrr geno,mics "you. arnmon,,elentr.nran,..erniw 5
b and novia were not part of any complex
Fig .4 Communiiy ordination of 32 xillyfingnal tam using corn, ,scribed in Fig. 2:
hossever the esaxis has been added IX. presentation demonstrate , est in Fig. 2 such as E.
Mr. and T dom., were xidely separated in Me lidimensional pi•p—mt.
I Community oNination of 31 stagingual ming principal components anal, The relationships among species were evaluated
using Me lesels of the speass a each of the pimpled sites Principal components analysis sus performed as described by Ludwig a Reynolds
119881 and rhe species were Natal along the first I paid, and second (pas. principal components
rig 5 Community ordination of 32 subgingisal tam using pdmipal components analysis The analysis was performed as described in Fig
a hammer. the MIN principal component has ban added This presentation demonstrated that species that appeared to be closely
aasociated M Fig. 4 such as F me2alun and I' dennodu were widely separated in the 3 dimensional plesentabon.

5x SSC. I NDenhardt's reagent, 20 Will SDS, 20 min, twice) in a Disk Wisk ap- I:25.000 dilution of anti-digoxigenin
Na phosphate (pH 6.51. 0.2 mg/m1 yeast paratus (Schleicher and Schuell. Keene antibody conjugated with alkaline
RNA. 20 ng/ml of labeled probe. ION NH). phosphatase using the modification de-
dextran sulfate and I% casein. Mem- scribed by Engler-Blum at aL (1993).
bra nes were washed at low stringency to Defection and enumeration After washing, the membranes were in-
remove loosely bound probe and then at To detect hybrids, membranes were cubated in Lumiphos 530 (Lumigen,
high stringency (68°C, 0.IxSSC. al % blocked and then incubated with a Southfield. MI1 for 45 min at 37°C.
Mirrnhial complexes 137

present. Signals were evaluated visually

B. forsylhus -ve B. forsythus sate
by comparison with the standards for
id- Ma Td- Ida
% of sites the test species. They were recorded as
70 P17- 64.2 81 7.8 7.3 0, not detected, I.<10' cells: 2. — 10';
1.1 13 3.1 10.1 10' to 10 5; 4, --10°; 5 >1O° cells.
55 Pg+

Stetielicel [manna

Microbiological data available for each

Observed subject included the level of each of 40
test species horn up to 28 plaque
Enbeeted samples (mean 25.2 samples) at each
t. The prevalence (the number of
sites at which the species was detected)
of each species was also computed for
each subject at each visit. A total of
13.261 plaque samples were evaluated.
Data for 32 of the species examined
were used in the following analyses. The
species were chosen on the basis of fre-
quency of detection, species detected
Nene Po 74 .1.1 All in< 5)ff of sites were omitted. Two by
two tables were set up for each of the
Fig 6 Bar chart of the observed and expected frequencies of members of the red complex 496 pairs of species in which the pres-
fR tr. iBIS. T. dent., 1.0 and P /Per, individually and in different erste or absence of each species was
ominations. The observed frequencies of the species isere summarized in a x2x1 comim summarized. A phi coefficient was com-
gm, table and configural requeney analysis Ivan Eye 19501 was performed to compute the
puted to assess association between
expected frequencies. The hoes pre.. the Yr of saes in each of the 8 cells.
each pair of species and scaled to range
between 0 and 1005/0. The resulting
similarities were clustered using an aver-

Intennedle-ve P. Intennedie +vs age unweighted linkage sort (Smalls &

Fnv- rm. Fnv- Fnv+ Sokal, 1973). For comparative pur-
poses, other similarity coefficients were
Pin— 42.3 6.2 7.6 7.9
employed including the Bray Curtis.
Pro,. 2.0 5.4 2.4 280 Mahalanobis P and the correlation co-
Community ordination was per-
formed using principal components
analysis and correspondence analysis
(Ludwig & Reynolds 19884 The data
employed were the ranks representing
different counts of the test species at the
13,261 sampled sites. The data were
plotted as described by Ludwig & Reyn-
olds (19801.
In orderto examine the robustness of
the observed relationships. subsets of
the data were analyzed using the cluster
and community ordination procedures.
These subsets included use of first visit
7. Bar e ar o he observe a d expect d freq enci s tames save members of Me data only and samples from sites within
orange comp ex (P micros IPA, F. nucleus um ss ringensii (Fe ) an A inrimmudiu specified pocket depth ranges including
individually a d in el - Berens cambia tions. 0 served and xpected freq enures were computed 0-3 mm. 4-6 mm and >6 mm as well
as described or Fi . 6. as pre- and post-therapy data.
Associations among species within a
complex were examined ming config-
placed in a film rescue with Reflection cies by adjusting the concentration of ural frequency analysis. Significance of
NEF film (Dupont, Boston MA) for I each DNA probe. This procedure was differences between observed and ex-
b at 375C and then developed. Two carried out in order to provide the same pected values within cells were deter-
lanes in each run contained standards sensitivity of detectionon
for each species. mined as described by von Eye (1990).
at different concentrations. The semi- Failure to detect a was recorded The relationship between the clinical
tivity of this assay was adjusted to per-as rero. although conceivably, counts in parameters and individual species and/
mit detection of 105 cells of a given spa- the I to 1000 range could have been or complexes was examined ager aver-
138 Socransky et al

aging data for a chosen parameter opwdon mein* exhibiting

within the subject and then averaging
across subjects. For example. the levels
of a species or complex were averaged
28 27
for all non bleeding on probing sites in
a subject as well for all bleeding on
probing sires in that subject prior to av-
eraging within BOP categories across
subjects. Significanceof differences for
clinical parameters were sought using 5 FE
the KruskabWallis test.
7 /4
associatrene among becterbt species as
determined by molder analysis

Fig. I presents a dendrogram of the re- g Area plots demoting M e geme, nt of saes c Ionised by members of the orange and
red c The data are based on exams at o 13,221 subgingival Mabee an. The
sults of the cluster analysis of all 13,261
samples using 3 coefficients and an av-
88 Lad ;LI indicate Me percentage of s tes cola teed by 0, I 4, 5-8 and a-1,1 members
of the orange complex. The right hand pan I press Is the same data, but overlaid with the
erage unwmghted linkage sort. 5 clus- percentage of sites in each of those mtegor es that shreued I, 2 or 3 members of the red
ters were formed with >6064 similarity complex.
and tn.-eluded 29 of the 32 taxa evalu-
ated. The red cluster consisted of P. gin-
;tool's. B. Forsyth. and F denacola.
The orange cluster consisted of 6' nu-
electrum subspecies. P. in media and
nigrescens. Peptostreprococcus micros
and Campy/abode, rectos. Cumpylo-
heeler shoos?, Campylobacter gracilis, 64 27
E nodaturn and S. roustellat. The 3
Cognocyrophagu species, Cennpylo-
barter coml.,. Einenella corroder. and
WORTS a formed the green cluster,
while a group of streptococci made up
the yellow cluster. Streptococcus mi.,
Streptococcus usuguis and Streptococ-
cos oxalis were most closely related
within this group. Aram/ogees odonto- Pn' T1=a*rler=e : "
lyre r. and Veillonella parvule formed Ft, P. Area plots depicting thss of Atm colonTed by members of the red and eran.
the purple cluster. 2t 0,5100- coin kg.. T. left hand panel indrea es the 1, of des ...zed by 0, 1.2 or 3 membersof
dii genospecies 2 (Actinomyces she red complex. The right hand...Texnts the same data, but overlaid with the perm.,
«scosus), Selenomonas rt oxia and A. of sites in each of those categories that exhibited 0,1-4, 5-8 and 9-12 members of the orange
actinornyceterneornitans serotype b did coot rex
not cluster with other species.

onst ated the relationships among the and A naeslundn genospecies 2 (A.
Amerelations among N.M.l mere. ea
Cap ocgtophogo species, most of the visrosus) was evident (Figs. 2 .3).
determined by community ordination
Streptococcus species. E. corroders and Fig, 4, 5 present principal compon-
The results of community ordination C conc.. These species were closely ents analysis of the same data and indi-
using correspondence analysis are pre- relat d to each other and somewhat re- cate similar groupings of species This

v cited in Fig. 2. This analysis re-

forced the relationships demonstrated
in Fig. 1 and showed the relationships
lated to the orange complex. A. actino-
mgr (means... serotype b appeared
to be closely related to C ochracea. but
analysis reinforces the distinction of the
red (P onngivalis, B. Forsyth. and T
denticolul and orange clusters as well as
among the different microbial complex- dim the separation of these 2 assures from
es. For example, the red complex con- of the correspondence analysis (Fig. 3) the green and yellow complexes.
s of P. gingivolis, forsvthus and indicated that these 2 species were dis-
F denticola was closely associated with
T tant from one another. The relationship
Associatreas among specoes
the orange complex that included F nu between A. odonrolyticos and V paryola
(Feculent subspecies, P intermedia and suggested by cluster analysis was con-
P E micros, E nodatum firmed by correspondence analysis. The associations between species in the
and S. ronsrednires and 3 of the Further, the outlier status of S. noxia, red complex are summarized in Ftp. n
Campylesharicy species. Fig. 2 also dem- A actostungeeternronsitans rerotype b OVA of sites harbored none of the Ate-
Microbial complexes 139

%sites colonized the same data together with the percen-

tage of sites in each category that also
a sangnia

tot P. ginglanas K nun. se vincontll
0 Doi
harbored 1, 2 or 3 members of the red
0 2437..eho complex. It is readily apparent that

•,..' ''?- ils found in rtc:PLIZba:. 'oaf t

orange complex. With increasing colon-
., ization by the orange complex. more
sit. were colonized by increasing num-
B. tot-When .. A .. vi...." bers of the red complex. Fig. 9 presents
1, ." 'ht. a p the same data but with the left hand
r r panel depicting the % of sites colonized
by members of the red complex. Only
36./o of sites harbored one or mom of
the red complex species compared with
72% of sites which harbored members
- ,
POCKET D P111DID) of the orange complex (Fig 8). The
indicates that a
ia Bar charts of the mean 1 nSEht) of th % of sites colonized by s bg ng vol pedes ti ght hand panel lar ge
roc„ S.„ I tack i
proport on of sites in which the ted
sel cted
depth category was computed for each subject and the avenged norms u pets. ipifieance complex was not detected was colon-
of differences among pocket depth categories was tested using the Knack s les. The zed by members of the orange com-
icial number of subjects was 185. The number of s bjects exhibiting the dfferent pocket plex. Taken together the data suggest
depths is shown above the bars in the A. noes,ndii genospecies 21A. Unona) panel, while that species in the orange complex pre-
the number of aims M each pocket tic,. category is shown above the bars or S angles. cede colonization by species of the red

% sites colonized
Relationship between bacterial spades
tee 7 P gingivalis F. nuc. as vincenal S. sang&
and GIME. parameters

The relationship of the species in the

different complexes to pocket depth was
examined. Species in the red complex
exhibited a very strong relationship
111111 with pocket depth (Figs. 10. 111. For ex-
ample, B. forsethus and P. gingivaln
B. forsythus P. Woman% A. visa.. (and F denten!o, data not shown) in-
creased in prevalence and numbers with
inereasing Pocket depth. Similarly. all
species in the orange complex showed
a significant association with increasing
pocket depth as exemplified by P. in
e3 9 e 5 6-7 7
and F. nuclear eet vineentie A.
• 5 6-7 7 e9 9 a 5 6-7 7
naesiundit genospecies 2 (A. vieeosta)
.tM mmr- to and S. sanguis provide examples of the
Cl9 IM t> remaining species which showed no
Fig. II. Stacked bar anus of the % of sites colonized by different levels of 6 subgingival statistically significant relationship with
species at selected pocket depths. The number of subjects and saes providing the data were pocket depth.
presented in Fig. 10. Since species in the red complex were
so strongly related to pocket depth, the
relationship between individual and
cies in this complex. while We of sites ewe were detected less frequently than combinations of species in this complex
harbored all 3 species. These percen- expected, Similar results were obtained and pocket depth was examined further
tages were strikingly elevated as deter- for the yellow and green complex. (Fig. 12). Sites with none of the species
by configural frequency analysis. (data not shown). exhibited the shallowest mean pocket
Incontrast, the individual species were depth. while sites harboring all 3
detected less frequently than expected. showed the deepest. It is interesting to
RelatIonsPlp among complexes
The same analysis has repeated using note that sites harboring P. gingivelis
representative members of the orange The relationship between the rod and alone or in combination with the other
complex (Fig. 7). In a fashion similar to orange complexes is illustrated in Figs. 2 sped. exhibited the deepest mean
the red complex, the % of coos harbor- 8, 9. The left hand panel of Fig. 8 de- pocket depths. The red complex and the
ing none or all of the species were sig- picts the % of sites colonized by 0, 1 -4. individual species in that group were
nificantly higher than expected. while 5-8 and 9-12 members of the orange also strongly associated with bleeding
the individual species and pairs of spe- complex. The right hand panel presents on probing (Fig. 13).
140 Socrunsky et al.

a Bar chart of mean (?SEMI pocket depth et

slim harboring none, all or different combinations of
the species in the red complex (B. forneAus 117,0, T
Met., (TT and P gingpwlis 1Pg,I. The average
pocket depth Mr each a the microbial combinations
was computed within a subject and then averaged
acrose subjects.

0 TO B Pg SI TO Pg ■ Td BI•Pg All



Pix. LT Bar chart of the mean CTSCee/ Ti of species

in each complex sites that bled or dM not bleed on
probing. The, of species in a complex preseniat each
sitc was computed. The values were averaged for each
BOP category within mch subject and then averaged
across sulsOcets. The only signifimnt dilTerence between
bleeding and non bleeding sites was *en. for the
red compex. The individual members of that complex
differed significantly's depicted in the right panel.

Fig. 11. Diagmnimatic representation of dm mlation-

ships of species within microbial complexes and be-
tween the microbial complexes. This diagram was
based. t he results of multiple cluster and community
ordination analyses ming the entire data base as well
as subsets of data.
Microbial complexes 141

species evaluated, only C shoo. and monson et al. 1992b, Kojima et at

C. real. cross-reacted ata- 1993, Wolff et al. 1993, Ali et al. 1994,
The goal of the present investigation logous,hetcrologous ratio >100:1. Kamma et al. 1995, Kigurc et al. 19951.
was to attempt to understand the na- There were no cross-reactons among In particular. )(muse et at (1995) using
ture of the microbial complexes that the 3 Mywaylewhaga species. Cross-re- immunohistochemical techniques, pro-
exist in subgingival plaque. Any rep- actiOTIS within the Stretplacoocl were vided graphic demonstration of the re-
resentation of these complexes whether minimal ahwlys exceeding 100:1 for lationship between T. defame, and P.
by cluster analysis or community ordi- homologoushmerologous species, at gingivolis in biopsies of subgingival
nation techniques suffers the limitation though S. malls, S. alias and S angels plaque, epithelial and connective tissues
that one is attempting to represent mul- showed no cross-reactions with S. in from different pocket depths in human
ti-dime nalrelationships in hey or and S. constellalus. Thus, the periodontitis subjects. They demon-
three dimensions. Thus. different prey- majority of the observed relationships strated that both species were predomi-
entations of relationships are bound to were unlikely to be due to cross-reac- nant in pockets >4 mm. In 4-6 mm
suggest somewhat different associations tions of the DNA probes although pockets, A denticola was detected at the
among species. In spite of these reser- sortie influence cannot be entirely ruled surface layer of the plaque, while P. gin-
vations, the associations observed were out. A second concern might have been givolis cells were detected in the layer
quite robust, in that different similarity the fact that pre- and post-therapy beneath. In deeper pockets, the species
coefficients. different methods of com- samples were included for periodontitis co-existed in large numbers. Other
munity ordination or subsets of the subjects, but only first visit data were studies demonstrated a reduction in the
data, such as first visit data only or data used for periodontally healthy subjects. species of this complex after scaling and
from sites with different baseline pocket It must be emphasized that the relation- of planing (Simonson et at 19926.
depths, provided essentially identical ships depicted in this manuscript were Haffajee et at 1997). Possible mechan-
groupings. The only exceptions were observed when only 1st visit data were isms of pathogenicity of species in the
the occasional movement of E. wawa,' employed) i.e„ each subject contributed red complex have been reviewed (Son-
into the red complex. A. mammy,- approximately equal numbers of ransky & Haffajee 1991. Haffajee &
tonconams serotype a joining octi- samples. The authors chose to present Socransky 19941, however. it is of inter-
neanycooncomitons scrotype b and A. the entire data base as it included est that thh trio has been shown to pro-
naeshaaii genospecies 2 (A, vise...) pre- and post-therapy samples adding a duce proteolytic enzymes such as those
joining the purple complex. Fig. 14 is degree of robustness to the observed re- sought in the "BANA' . test (Loesche no
an attempt to summarize the complexes lationships. al. 1992) and in the proposed 514013
and the relationships among complexes The relationship of P. gingivolis. T. peptidase rest (Seida et al. 19921. The
observed in multiple analyses of the full doodah, and B. forsythia (red complex) biological basis of the association
data base and subsets of the base. The appears in one guise or another in the among P. glacial.. T. doodah, and B.
potential for human error M interpreta- Figures provided in this manuscript as forsythus is not known. However. it has
tion of the multi-dimensiimal data is well as when subsets of datawere emm- been shown that members of this com-
high: however. Fig 14 may serve as a inch from pre or post therapy Wsits or plex coaggregate strongly in vitro (
point of departure for further evalu- for sites subset in different pocket depth Grenier I992a, Onagawa et at. 994,
ation of subgingival microbial relation- ranger (data not shown). Aspects of this Yao et al. 1996) and one species of the
ships. complex have been described in the complex may produce growth factors
One concern in interpreting the data literature (Omer et al. 1989. Simonson required by another in that complex
would be the sensitivity and specificity no al. 1992ab). Dour et al. (1989) de- (Gremer 19926, Nilius eta). 1993).
of the DNA probes employed The sen- scribed a strong relationship between B. A second complex that was observed
sitivity of the assay was set to 10° cells forma,. and P gingival.' in stagingi- in multiple analyses was the orange
of a species by adjusting the concen- vat plaque samples from pockets of dif- complex consisting of the F. nucleate'',
carton of each probe in the hybridMa- ferent depths in adult subjects. Both subspecies. F periedenriewn. P. wawa,
non buffer. The specificity of the probes species were detected more frequently intermedia, P. awesome. &replace,
was examined using a recently acquired and in higher numbers in deeper peri- caconstellams, Enadenum. C. shame,
Storm Fluorimager Molecular USA)) Dy- odontal pockets. In addition. P. ging, C oracle, and C. recta The species in
namics, Sunnyvale, CA, and At- mils was never detected in the absence this group were closely associated with
tophos (Amersham Life Science. Ar-
of La Heights, Illinois, USA) instead
of Lumiphos 530 (Lumigen, Southfield.
of B. forsythia. Simonson et al. (1992a)
found astrong association between P.
gingival, and T defame, in plaque
cne mother and this complex appeared
losely related to the red complex.
Other studies have shown an associ-
Michan,ig USA) M the detection step. samples taken from subgingival sites hi ation between members of this com-
Over 9 2% of all probmheterologous spe- 74 Fijians, 24 Colombians and 73 plex. For example, Ali et of (1994)
cies reactions did not exhibit cross-reac- Americans stationed in the Sinai desert. found that P. intermedia was always de-
Sons under the conditions of the assay Pederson et al. (1994) demonstrated a tected telthe presence of F. mamma, in
Some probes such as those to B. for. similar relationship in a continental US subgingival plaque samples from deep
mew. P. gingival, and T &walla did population. Members of the red com- pockets in a group of adult pen-
not exhibit cross-reactions with any bet- plex were found together in high num- odontitis subjects. P. name and C. ow
erologous species tested When cross-re- bers in lesions of adult periodontitis Ita were significantly elevated in
actions were observed they were always (Hoanka e al. 1994, Umeda et al. samples from mobile teeth compared
F ithin genera and were quite limited. 1996); in particular, in sites with deeper with non-mobile teeth (Grant et al
For example, of the 6 Camatobaler pockets or more advanced lesions (Si- 19951. Von Troll-Linden et al. (19951
142 Socransky et al

found that P intermedia. C. radar and On observing Fig. 14, it is tempting Further. other studies have suggested
P micros were significantly ekvated in to speculate that the relationships ob- that different therapies affect different
saliva samples from subjects with ad- served mimic to some extent the segments of the microbiota and the use
vanced periodontitis compared with crobial succession patterns that may an therapy may be ineffective
samples from subjects with initial or no exist in developing plaque. It seems powering the target species and might
in lowering
periodontitis. Further, treatment that likely that A. weekend; genospecies 2 adversely affect other members of the
included systemically administered me- vireos.) and the streptococcal spa. microbial community (Han). et al.
tronidreole drereased levels of these cies are early colonreen followed by 1996/.
species and improved periodontal sta- Capnorpophaga sp, C. cantina. and E The data of the present investigation
tus. Members of the orange complex corradenr. A. odontaipicus and V par- suggest the nature of some of the mi-
have been associated with infections in rots may be bridging species leading to crobial complexes in subgingival
nomperiodontal sites. Sundqvist (1992) the or complex and ultimately, at plaque. Although the number of plaque
sampled 65 infected root canals. The some sites, to the red complex. This samples was quite large and the number
most frequently detected organisms in pattern of colonization is part specm. of species evaluated was rearenably ex-
cluded F. nucleation, P. intermedia, P. lation and in part based on data about tensive. the investigation represents an
mirror. anaerabius. Euharterhart the composition of plaques in various initial attempt at evaluating in
and C rector. Strong associations were clinical conditions (Moore & Moore among subgingival speci..
found between F nuclea and P. 1994). It ateresting to note that a While some of the associations depicted
micros, F. nuelestum and C r eelle and
tum treatment such as SRP has a profound may not be completely accurate, certain
P. intermedin and P micros. Summanen effect on the species of the red complex associations were seen repeatedly using
et al l (1995) found that the most com- and virtually no effect on the majority different analytical techniques and were
monly detected anaerobes in subcutane- of other species except for an increare in accord with data in the literature.
ous abscesses of intravenous drug users in A. traestundii genrepeci. 2 (A. Further. certain complexes, and mem-
were F nucleation. P micros. P. in viscosuffand some of the streptococcal bers within the complexes. related
media.nigreseens, A. adantolyticur species (Haifa* nal. 1997). strongly to clinical parameters of in-
and V permute while F. nucleation, P. The red complex showed the strong- flammation and periodontal destruc.
intermedia, P. nigrescens, P. mirror and est relationship with the clinical par. non. The data provide a framework for
Pubacterium species were most com- ameters considered most meaningful in understanding the complex ecology ob-
monly detected in 46 cases of anaerobic periodontal diagnosis. For example. the served in plaque and could be used to
empyema (Circa et al. 19951. P in individual species in the complex as well guide approaches to diagnosis and ther-
has been shown to stimulate the as the complex itself related very apy of periodontal diseases.
growth of S. constellatur in vitro and the strongly with pocket depth and bleed-
combination of these sp.ies often pro- ing on probing. As described earlier in
d uced fatal pulmonary infections in a the Discussion, other investigators have
mouse model system (Shinzato & Saito noted the relationship between pocket
19945 One possible mechanism for co- depth and members of the red complex This work was supported in part by re-
aggregation between E. iodation and (Gmur et al. 1989. Kigure et al. 1995. search grants DE-0488I and DE-I0977
strains of F. nreleanren was described by Simonson et al. 1992b). The orange from the National Institute of Dental
George and Falkler 119921. The wag- complex also 'elated to packet depth. Research
gregation was thought to invalve a pro- although this relationship and the re-
tein receptor on F. nucleation and a lationship to other clinical parameters
heat-stable protein or polysaccharide was less striking. Zusammenfassung
component on E. in/datum. Knowledge of the assaiations be- .1rISnAs.d. Komplex.. in der subsingivolen
While species within complexes were tween subgingival species maybe used Pimple
closely associated. the complexes them- to iterpret
n and guide periodontal then- Es wurde sen einiger Zeit erkannt, dell bak-
selves seem to have specific relation- apy. The recognition that an inter-re- lerielle in der subging.len Plaque
ships with one another (Fig. 12). Spe- lated complex of species such as the red in Komplexen existieren. Der Zurek der vor-
cies such as A. naeslundii genospecies 2 complex exists suggests that therapies liegenden Untersuchung war es. die Defini -
(A. vireos.). and members of the yel- that affect I of there species may influ- tion solcher Gemeinsehaften tamer Verwen-
dung der Oaten einer groBen Aneahl von
low and green complexes were less com- ence the colon sea of the other spe-
Ylaqueprohen sow verschiedener Ouster-
reonly associated with members of the cies in this group. In additio n.eit might an iken re versuchen Bei d
red and orange compkres than with be speculated that altering th orange INS Person= I Altersdurchshont 1,11a,
each other. The 2 species M the purple complex might prevent subsequent re) wurden von der MesiaMache eines *lot
compkx were strongly related to each colonization of species in the red com- Zahn. min tn=1601 der okre Parodontitis
other and to a lesser extent to members plex providing the therapist with a sec- subgingivek zlaintsond/sn 'Room.
of the orange, green and yellow com- ond route to control this group of or en. Dater yerwendang von Gane- Genon,
plexes. The reasons for these relation- ganisms. A actinomyreternearnirons D NA-Sullen tad der Schachbrett-DNA-
D NA-Hybridnierung wurden rias Vorkom•
ships among complexes is unclear but serotype b related poorly to members of
men und der Anteil von 40 subging.len
it might be speculated that antagonistic the red and orange complexes sug-
Taxa bei 13261 Plaqueproben bestimmt. Zu
relationships (Greater 19961 may exist gesting that therapies effective against jedem Termin warden an 6 Mellen pro Zahn
or thatenvironments selective for one one set of pathogens n5ay no nec.s- klinischen Mesa ungen durchgernhrt Ahn-
sec arily be effective against others. This in- hchkeite ewi.hen Speeiespuaren wurden un-
ond group of organisms. deed appears to be the case for SRP Mr Vemendung von Phi-Koeffieienten en
Microbial complexes 103

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