Hs Engineering Design Process Rubric
Hs Engineering Design Process Rubric
Hs Engineering Design Process Rubric
Clearly state the problem in your own words. Problem/Question is easily identified on the poster
Carefully analyze the problem and fully describe the problem. Purpose/goals and potential impact identified
Generate Concepts
Conduct relevant research on scientific principles and topics related to the project criteria and constraints
Be creative - Show visual brainstorming of numerous unique and original ideas, responses, or solutions
Develop a Solution
Systematically evaluate the team’s many solutions to determine which design best meets the criteria and constraints
of the challenge
Justify the chosen design solution based on the project criteria and constraints and the relevant scientific principles.
Solution is an improvement over previous or researched methods
Keep detailed records and sketches of the design possibilities, plans, and revisions. Drafts/Blueprints should be
mathematically scaled to the final design and include accurate measurements
Iterate - Test and revise the prototype(s) to ensure the final prototype meets the project criteria and constraints. Collect
data to analyze and compare the results of each revised prototype
Innovate - Document how you creatively and responsibly use materials and resources. Explain how your prototype is
different than other solutions/prototypes and why this is an improvement in design
Functionality - Self-assess the prototype and analyze all designs differences. Identify strengths and weaknesses
Suggest multiple solutions to problems or multiple ways to improve the function or quality of the prototype. Sound
conclusions connect results and further study or future improvements
Identify ways the creation of the prototype has potential impacts on people and/or the natural environment. Identify
the economic implications of the solution if applicable
Clearly explain connections between results (data) and conclusions and/or future improvements
For Teams: All members of the group contribute to the Q&A or presentation
Poster communicates solutions and designs clearly, including models, results, and prototypes as appropriate. (Is your
poster understandable without additional explanation?)
All data and results are clearly documented in tables, graphs, figures, etc.