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Published by
American Welding Society
Education Department

Education Services


The American Welding Society, Inc. assumes no responsibility for the information contained in this publication.
An independent, substantiating investigation should be made prior to reliance on or use of such information.

International Standard Book Number: 978-0-87171-579-1

American Welding Society
550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126
© 2008 by American Welding Society
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America

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Table of
Chapter Title Page

1 Welding Inspection and Certification 1-1

2 Safe Practices for Welding Inspectors 2-1

3 Metal Joining and Cutting Processes 3-1

4 Weld Joint Geometry and Welding Symbols 4-1

5 Documents Governing Welding Inspection and Qualification 5-1

6 Metal Properties and Destructive Testing 6-1

7 Metric Practice for Welding Inspection 7-1

8 Welding Metallurgy for the Welding Inspector 8-1

9 Weld and Base Metal Discontinuities 9-1

10 Visual Inspection and Other NDE Methods and Symbols 10-1

Welding Inspection
and Certification

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................1-20

Who is the Welding Inspector? ...................................................................................................................................1-30

Important Qualities of the Welding Inspector...........................................................................................................1-30

Ethical Requirements for the Welding Inspector......................................................................................................1-60

The Welding Inspector as a Communicator ..............................................................................................................1-60

Personnel Certification Programs...............................................................................................................................1-80

Key Terms and Definitions ..........................................................................................................................................1-11


Chapter 1—Welding Inspection and Certification

Introduction quirements, and what degree of inspection is required.

This review will also show the need for any special pro-
In today’s world there is increasing emphasis placed on cessing during manufacturing. Once welding begins, the
the need for quality, and weld quality is an important part welding inspector may observe various processing steps
of the overall quality effort. This concern for product to assure that they are done properly. If all these subse-
quality is due to several factors, including economics, quent steps have been completed satisfactorily, then final
safety, government regulations, global competition, and inspection should simply confirm the success of those
the use of less conservative designs. While not singularly operations.
responsible for the attainment of weld quality, the weld-
ing inspector plays a large role in any successful welding Another benefit of this course is that it has been designed
quality control program. In reality, many people partici- to provide the welding inspector with the necessary in-
pate in the creation of a quality welded product. How- formation for the successful completion of the American
ever, the welding inspector is one of the “front line” Welding Society’s Certified Welding Inspector (CWI)
individuals who must check to see if all of the required examination. The ten chapters listed below are sources
manufacturing steps have been completed properly. for examination information. The welding inspector
must have at least some knowledge in each of these ar-
To do this job effectively, the welding inspector must eas. Typically, the information presented will simply be
have a wide range of knowledge and skills, because it in- a review, while sometimes it may represent an introduc-
volves more than simply looking at welds. Consequently, tion to a new topic.
this course is specifically designed to provide both expe-
rienced and novice welding inspectors a basic back- Chapter 1: Welding Inspection and Certification
ground in the more critical job aspects. This does not
imply, however, that each welding inspector will use all Chapter 2: Safe Practices for Welding Inspectors
of this information while working for a particular com-
pany. Nor does it mean that the material presented will Chapter 3: Metal Joining and Cutting Processes
include all of the information for every welding inspec-
Chapter 4: Weld Joint Geometry and Welding
tor’s situation. Selection of these various topics is based
on the general knowledge desirable for an individual to
do general welding inspection. Chapter 5: Documents Governing Welding
The important thing to realize is that effective welding Inspection and Qualification
inspection involves much more than just looking at fin-
Chapter 6: Metal Properties and Destructive
ished welds. Section 4 of AWS QC1, Standard for AWS
Certification of Welding Inspectors, outlines the various
functions of the welding inspectors. You should become
Chapter 7: Metric Practice for Welding Inspection
familiar with these various responsibilities because the
welding inspector’s job is an ongoing process. A suc- Chapter 8: Welding Metallurgy for the Welding
cessful quality control program begins well before the Inspector
first arc is struck. Therefore, the welding inspector must
be familiar with many facets of the fabrication process. Chapter 9: Weld and Base Metal Discontinuities
Before welding, the inspector will check drawings and
specifications to determine such information as the con- Chapter 10: Visual Inspection and Other NDE
figuration of the component, its specific weld quality re- Methods and Symbols


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