IOT Assignment
IOT Assignment
IOT Assignment
Table of content:-
1. Introduction
2. Categories
3. Vision of IoT
4. Characteristics
Things-related services
Dynamic changes
Enormous scale
5. Architecture of IoT
Smart device / sensor layer
Gateways and Networks
Management Service Layer
Application Layer
6. Future technological developments for IoT
Privacy and security
Cost versus Usability
Data Management
IOsL (Internet of smart living)
IOsC (Internet of smart cities)
IOsE (Internet of smart environment)
IOsI (Internet of smart industry)
IOsH (Internet of smart health)
IOsE (Internet of smart energy)
IOsA (Internet of smart agriculture)
IoT assignment
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the use of intelligently connected devices and systems to
leverage data gathered by embedded sensors and actuators in machines and other physical
objects. It refer to the general idea of things, especially everyday objects, that are readable,
recognizable, locatable, addressable through information sensing device and/or controllable via
the Internet, irrespective of the communication means (whether via RFID, wireless LAN, wide
area networks, or other means). Everyday objects include not only the electronic devices we
encounter or the products of higher technological development such as vehicles and equipment
but things that we do not ordinarily think of as electronic at all - such as food , clothing ,chair,
animal, tree, water etc.
Internet of things common definition is defining as: Internet of things (IOT) is a network of
physical objects: network of device of all type and sizes, vehicles, smart phones, home
appliances, toys, cameras, medical instruments and industrial systems, animals, people, buildings
We define IOT into three categories as below:
People to people,
People to machine /things,
Things /machine to things /machine, interacting through internet.
Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept and a paradigm that considers pervasive presence in the
environment of a variety of things/objects that through wireless and wired connections and
unique addressing schemes are able to interact with each other and cooperate with other
things/objects to create new applications/services and reach common goals. In this context the
research and development challenges to create a smart world are enormous. A world where the
real, digital and the virtual are converging to create smart environments that make energy,
transport, cities and many other areas more intelligent.
The fundamental characteristics of the IoT are as follows;
With regard to the IoT, anything can be interconnected with the global information and
communication infrastructure.
IoT assignment
Things-related services:
The IoT is capable of providing thing-related services within the constraints of things, such as
privacy protection and semantic consistency between physical things and their associated virtual
things. In order to provide thing-related services within the constraints of things, both the
technologies in physical world and information world will change.
The devices in the IoT are heterogeneous as based on different hardware platforms and
networks. They can interact with other devices or service platforms through different networks.
Dynamic changes:
The state of devices change dynamically, e.g., sleeping and waking up, connected and/or
disconnected as well as the context of devices including location and speed. Moreover, the
number of devices can change dynamically.
Enormous scale:
The number of devices that need to be managed and that communicate with each other will be at
least an order of magnitude larger than the devices connected to the current Internet.
Even more critical will be the management of the data generated and their interpretation for
application purposes. This relates to semantics of data, as well as efficient data handling.
As we gain benefits from the IoT, we must not forget about safety. As both the creators and
recipients of the IoT, we must design for safety. This includes the safety of our personal data and
the safety of our physical well-being. Securing the endpoints, the networks, and the data moving
across all of it means creating a security paradigm that will scale.
Connectivity enables network accessibility and compatibility. Accessibility is getting on a
network while compatibility provides the common ability to consume and produce data.
IOT architecture consists of different layers of technologies supporting IOT. It serves to illustrate
how various technologies relate to each other and to communicate the scalability, modularity and
configuration of IOT deployments in different scenarios. The functionality of each layer is
described below;
IoT assignment
Sensors require connectivity to the sensor gateways in the form of following networks;
Personal Area Network (PAN) such as ZigBee, Bluetooth and Ultra Wideband (UWB)
Massive volume of data will be produced by these tiny sensors and this requires a robust and
high performance wired or wireless network infrastructure as a transport medium. These
networks can be in the form of a private, public or hybrid models and are built to support the
communication requirements for latency, bandwidth or security. Various gateways are;
microcontroller, microprocessor... & gateway networks are; WI-FI, GSM, GPRS…
The management service renders the processing of information possible through analytics,
security controls, process modeling and management of devices.
One of the important features of the management service layer is the business and process rule
engines. IOT brings connection and interaction of objects and systems together providing
information in the form of events such as temperature of goods, current location and traffic data.
In the area of analytics, various analytics tools are used to extract relevant information from
massive amount of raw data and to be processed at a much faster rate. Analytics such as in
memory analytics allows large volumes of data to be cached in random access memory (RAM)
rather than stored in physical disks.
IoT assignment
Data management is the ability to manage data information flow. With data management in the
management service layer, information can be accessed, integrated and controlled.
Security must be enforced across the whole dimension of the IOT architecture right from the
smart object layer all the way to the application layer. Security of the system prevents system
hacking and compromises by unauthorized personnel, thus reducing the possibility of risks.
D. Application Layer
The IoT application covers “smart” environments/spaces in domains such as: Transportation,
Building, City, Lifestyle, Retail, Agriculture, Factory, Supply chain, Emergency, Healthcare,
User interaction, Culture and tourism, Environment and Energy.
IoT assignment
IOT uses technology to connect physical objects to the Internet. For IOT adoption to grow, the
cost of components that are needed to support capabilities such as sensing, tracking and control
mechanisms need to be relatively inexpensive in the coming years.
In the traditional Internet, interoperability is the most basic core value; the first requirement of
Internet connectivity is that “connected” systems be able to “talk the same language” of
protocols and encodings.
Data management;
Data management is a crucial aspect in the Internet of Things. When considering a world of
objects interconnected and constantly exchanging all types of information, the volume of the
generated data and the processes involved in the handling of those data become critical.
Potential applications of the IoT are numerous and diverse, permeating into practically all areas
of every-day life of individuals, enterprises, and society as a whole. The IoT application covers
“smart” environments/spaces in domains such as: Transportation, Building, City, Lifestyle,
Retail, Agriculture, Factory, Supply chain, Emergency, Healthcare, User interaction, Culture and
tourism, Environment and Energy. Below are some of the IOT applications;
IoT assignment
The IoT application area is very diverse and IoT applications serve different users. Different user
categories have different driving needs. From the IoT perspective there are three important user
categories: (1) The individual citizens, (2) Community of citizens (citizens of a city, a region,
country or society as a whole), (3) The enterprises.