1 Microbiology

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Fundamentals of Microbiology

BNB-304 4(3-1)
Microbes in Our lives
• The words germ and microbe bring to mind a
group of tiny creatures that do not quite fit into
any of the categories in that old question,

"Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral?"

• Microbes, also called microorganisms, are
minute living things that individually are
usually too small to be seen with the unaided

The group includes
1. Bacteria
2. Fungi (yeasts and molds)
3. Protozoa, and
4. Microscopic algae.
5. It also includes viruses, those non cellular
entities sometimes regarded as straddling
the border between life and nonlife
We tend to associate these small organisms only with
major diseases such as
1. AIDS,
2. Uncomfortable infections, or
3. Such common inconveniences as spoiled food.

However, the majority of microorganisms make

crucial contributions by helping to
maintain the balance of living organisms and
chemicals in our environment.
• Marine and freshwater microorganisms form the basis of
the food chain in oceans, lakes, and rivers.
• Soil microbes help break down wastes and incorporate
nitrogen gas from the air into organic compounds, thereby
recycling chemical elements between the soil, water, life,
and air.
• Certain microbes play important roles in photosynthesis, a
food- and oxygen-generating process that is critical to life
on Earth.
• Humans and many other animals depend on the microbes
in their intestines for digestion and the synthesis of some
vitamins that their bodies require, including some vitamins
B for metabolism and vitamin K for blood clotting.

Commercial Applications of
They are used in the synthesis of such chemical
products as
1. Vitamins,
2. Organic acids,
3. Enzymes,
4. Alcohols, and
5. Many drugs

Applications of Microorganisms in
Food Industry
The food industry also uses microbes in producing
1. Vinegar,
2. Pickles,
3. Alcoholic beverages,
4. Green olives,
5. Soy sauce,
6. Buttermilk,
7. Cheese,
8. Yogurt, and
9. Bread.

• Though only a minority of microorganisms are
pathogenic (disease-producing), practical
knowledge of microbes is necessary for
medicine and the related health sciences.
• For example, hospital workers must be able to
protect patients from common microbes that
are normally harmless but pose a threat to the
sick and injured.

• Today we understand that microorganisms are
found almost everywhere. Yet not long ago,
before the invention of the microscope, microbes
were unknown to scientists.
• Thousands of people died in devastating
epidemics, the causes of which were not
understood .
• Entire families died because vaccinations and
antibiotics were not available to fight infections.

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