General Medical Microbiology

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General Medical Microbiology

• The biology comes from bios referring to living organisms and logy
means the study of, thus biology is the study of living organisms.

• Micro means very small, viewed by microscope

• Microbiology is the study of very small living organisms called
microorganisms or microbes, these include bacteria, algea,
protozoa, fungi and viruses.

• Because many scientist do not consider viruses as living organisms,

the terms infectious agents or infectious particles are often used in
reference to viruses
• A disease causing microorganisms called pathogens (3% of all known

• The others are non pathogenic (97%), the beneficial microbes are 87%

• Microbes live on and in our bodies e.g. skin, in the mouth and
intestine are known as indigenous microflora (or indigenous
microbiota). Some of them cause disease accidentally and known as
opportunistic pathogens (10%)

• Diseases caused by microbes are called infectious disease

• Ubiquitous microbes means that they are virtually found every where
in or on the body and in different environment of the globe
• Many bacteria and fungi are Saprophytes, which aid in
fertilization by returning inorganic nutrients to the soil.
• Saprophytes break down dead and dying organic materials
(plants and animals) into nitrates, phosphates, carbon dioxide,
water and other chemicals necessary for plant growth

• Saprophytes also destroy papers, feces and other biodegradable

matters, although they cannot break down most plastics or glass

• Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, that live in the root nodules of certain

plants called legumes are able to return nitrogen from the air to
the soil in the form of ammonia for use by other plants
The Role Of Microbes In Fermentation

• The study of fermentation came early and start by use of

fermentation in preserving food through accumulation of lactic
acid (soured milk, cheese and silage).
• In 1830s, Schwann & others showed that microbes are responsible
for alcoholic fermentation by using grape juice. In 1857, Pasteur
showed that different kinds of microbes are associated with
different kinds of fermentation (yeast in alcoholic fermentation)
and small rods (lactobacilli) in lactic acid fermentation.
• Fermentation refers to the microbial decomposition of vegetable
matters which contains mostly carbohydrates, while putrefaction
refers to the formation of more unpleasant products by the
decomposition of high protein materials, such as meat and eggs.
• Pasteur on his studies on microbial fermentation, developed the
study of microbial metabolism or microbial physiology. In
particular, Pasteur showed that life is possible without air, that
some organisms (obligatory anaerobic) are even inhibited by air.
Microbiology and Medicine

• The germ theory of disease:

The contagious diseases are transmitted or

spread by seeds (microbes) either directly or
indirectly (transmitted from diseased to
healthy person).
Transmission of Infection
• Demonstrated in 18th century by John Hunter, who inoculated himself
with pus-material from a patient with gonorrhea (experimental animal
was not used until 20 years later) and used for transmission of the
tuberculosis causative agent (direct & indirect).
• The indirect transmission of disease was recognized later in 1840s,
physician move with unwashed hands between patients in hospitals lead
to puerperal sepsis and cause of maternal death. In London, John Snow
showed that cholera agent is spread through contaminated water with
fecal matters.
Basic Microbiology
1. Deal with all microorganisms.

2. Classification of microorganisms.

3. Visualization of microorganisms (microscopes &


4. Metabolism and metabolic pathways.

5. Nutrition, growth and its requirements.

6. Techniques of sterilization & the disinfection.
Medical Microbiology

1. Is the study of organisms that cause diseases to humans

(pathogenic organisms).

2. The relationship between microorganism and the disease, e.g. S.

typhi cause typhoid fever.

3. Characteristics of microorganism causing disease, and how

microorganism cause disease as invasion of tissue or by
producing toxic products.

4. Mechanism of disease establishment called Pathogenesis.

5. Virulence factor of the microorganism called Pathogenicity, e.g.
ability to invade host tissue, production of toxins as by-products.
6. Epidemiology of the disease, deal with source of the disease
and method of spread.
7. Diagnosis of disease, based on:
8. Proper sampling.
9. Stain and culturing.
10. Recovery of pathogenic organism.

11. Treatment of the disease by antimicrobial agents,

e.g. antibiotics.

12. Prevention of infection: by vaccination & quarantine.

13. Control of infection: by isolation of human or animal,

and by proper treatment.
Food Microbiology
1. Microorganism (M.O.) used in food processing and ripening
are not pathogenic.
2. M.O. can cause food infection & poisoned food, e.g.
Staphylococcus aureus.
3. M.O. can cause Spoilage of food.
4. Preservation of food: drying, salting, freezing, jamming,
canning & use of preservatives (chemicals such as sodium
benzoate & sodium nitrite). The method of preservation
must be suitable for the food type and must retain food
quality and prevent its destruction by M.O.
Industrial Microbiology
1. Deal with M.O. used in the industry.
2. Characteristics of the bacterial strains.
3. Maintain the bacterial strains unchanged.
4. Concern with quality of the products & its quantity.
5. Deal with storage condition of the products.
6. Shelf-life of the products: for how long the material will be stored
under proper condition without being destructed or spoiled.
7. Mostly industrial microbiology use fermentation process to
produce certain product.
Pharmaceutical Microbiology
1. It’s the use of M.O. in the production of pharmaceutical
products such as antibiotics, alcohols, enzymes and vitamins.
2. Deal with check of contamination and spoilage of
pharmaceutical preparation by adding preservative.
3. Use different sterilization techniques and preservation of
pharmaceutical products.
4. Proper use of antibiotic and chemotherapeutic agent (give
proper type of antibiotic in proper time for proper organism
in proper dose for proper duration).
Agricultural Microbiology

1. Deal with the N (nitrogen), C (carbon) and S

(sulfur) cycle in nature.
2. Fertility of soil.

3. Disease of plants.

4. M.O. in ruminants used for digestion in the

Sanitary Microbiology

1. Deal with proper disposal of sewage and


2. Disposal of waste and wastewater.

3. Safety of water and food.

4. Control of flies and vectors, e.g. mosquitoes.

Microbial Physiology And Genetics

1. Research in microbial physiology lead to

better understanding of the functions of
2. DNA structure and genetic manipulation
with virus and bacteria.
Environmental Microbiology
(Microbial Ecology)
1. It becomes important branch because the concern about
pollution of soil, air, water, sewage, food and dairy products

2. Also cycling of elements by microbial, environmental and

geochemical processes

3. In addition, the biodegradation of toxic chemicals by

various microorganisms is being used as method for
cleaning up hazardous materials found in soil and water

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