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org © 2017 IJCRT | Volume 5, Issue 4 December 2017 | ISSN: 2320-2882


1 2
Mr.G. Ilamurugan Miss.R. Akiladevi
1 2
Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
1 2
Co mputer Science and Engineering, Co mputer Science and Engineering,
1 2
Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology, Chennai, India Rajalakshmi Engineering Co llege, Chennai, India

Abstract: During rainy seasons, roads are usually flooded with sewage wastes and overflowing of garbage cans. People will
also suffer fro m frequent power cuts and voltage fluctuation problems. The objective of this project is to discover these problems
before they create a nuisance to the public. In the existing model, there is no mechanism to detect the power failure or to monitor
the overflow of drainage automatically. The traditional method of testing only includes ultrasonic sensors to detect the varying
levels of waste in the sewers. In the proposed system, we introduce the concept of integrating the informat ion obtained from the
Flow sensor, Level sensor and Current sensor using microcontroller PIC18f4550 associated with the ZigBee module. The
gathered data is transferred by the ZigBee module to the central server. This in formation can be used to notify the Corporati on
authorities using GSM services. Our paper proposes a less expensive system for real time monitoring of drainage, transformers
and dustbins.

IndexTerms - Internet of Things, Zig Bee, Flow sensor, GSM services, SMS, Current sensor, Level sensor, Ult rasonic sensor.



IoT (Internet of Things) can be described as the networking of physical objects with the use of embedded sensors. These
sensors collect information about the objects, their surroundings and communicate this information to other stations, linked
through wired or wireless networks. The use of IoT started the era of device controlling and making objects speak to one
another. Now, the objective is to make such objects intelligent.

In Indian cities, waste management is mainly carried out by Municipal Corporations/Committees. Many of them often
suffer fro m resource deficiency in terms of men and machinery. Moreover, the general public is not willing to share the costs in
this process. Seasonal as well as daily variations in waste generation add up to the problem. This results in a much lesser waste
collection capacity compared to the waste generation capacity, which is visible in fo rm of open trash dumps and overflowin g
solid waste containers. These issues have thus resulted in increased collection costs and environmental damage.

In the case of sewage management, heavy flooding may appear in urban areas, and some serious sanitary problems may
occur due to the improper management of wastewater that comes out of the network canals and into the streets.
In power systems, a distribution transformer provides the final voltage transformation in the electric power distribution
side, stepping down the voltage used in the distrib ution lines to the level used by the customers. Operation of d istribution
transformer is monitored in order to detect any leakage in power.

Many researches into waste management have been conducted, IoT based systems are one such proposition. This paper
proposes an IoT based solution for effective and efficient waste collection. The solution has main focus on the optimal use of
sensors and Zigbee module to notify the appropriate corporation managers upon filling of bins, drain overflows and current

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Fig.1 System Architecture



FLOW SENSOR: Ultrasonic flow meters in the sensor can effectively measure the flow rates for a wide variety of fluids, as
long as the speed of sound through that fluid is known. They are designed for versatility and performance.

LEVEL SENSOR: Ultrasonic level sensors are used for non -contact level sensing of highly viscous liquids, as well as bulk
solids. They are also widely used in water t reatment applications for pump control and open channel flow measurement. The
sensors emit high frequency acoustic waves that are reflected back to and detected by the emitting transducer. Ultrasonic lev el
sensors are also affected by the changing speed of sound due to moisture, temperature, and pressures. Correction factors can be
applied to the level measurement to imp rove the accuracy of measurement.

CURRENT SENSOR: A current sensor is a device that detects electric current (A C or DC) in a wire, and generates a signal
proportional to it. The generated signal could be analog voltage or current or even digital output.

ULTRASONIC SENSOR: An ultrasonic sensor is a device that can measure the distance to an object by using sound waves. It
measures distance by sending out a sound wave at a specific frequency and listening for that sound wave to bounce back. By
recording the elapsed time between the sound wave being generated and the sound wave bouncing back, it is possible to
calculate the distance between the sonar sensor and the object.

Fig 2. Sensors

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A distributed transformer networks remote monitoring system (DTRMS) is developed and constructed, for monitor and record
the parameters like temperature, o il level status, of a distribution transformer.[1]

This project is also designed to protect the electrical circu itry by operating an Electro magnetic Relay. The Relay can be used to
operate a Circuit Breaker to switch off the main electrical supply.[2]

In existing concepts, the system is dependent on a subscribed mobile network. There is no automatic alert in case of overflow
and it is also difficu lt to monitor the load conditions of the distribution transformers for p roblems before they occur. [3]

The idea of on-line monitoring system integrates a global service mobile (GSM) M odem, with a standalone single chip
microcontroller and different sensors. The obtained parameters are processed and recorded in the system memory.[4]

The faults that are costly to repair, are not prevented and result in a loss of service. The system is e xpensive in order to
construct the communicat ion wires between the monitor and each distribution transformer station.

The proposed system focuses on integrating the information under a single application. It is less expensive to imp lement
widely. Our system automat ically updates the Android application with the help of sensors. The remote electrical parameters
like Voltage, Current and Frequency in real-t ime are acquired. The applicat ion periodically sends the data whenever a request is
received fro m monitoring node.The monitoring nodes are verified through secure login credentials.


Our concept is designed to monitor the sewage system in roads during rainy seasons for open drainage, the metal detector
system is used to check open lids. Float sensor monitors the over flow of sewage water in cases of flooding.[12]

Current and Vo ltage is measured by sensors attached to the distribution transformer and it also helps in detecting the
disconnection in the electrical power lines. The proposed system which has been designed to monitor the transformers essential
parameters continuously throughout its operation. If the microcontroller recognizes any increase in the level of voltage or
current, it is immediately reported.

The system will notify the waste managers upon filling up of the bins due to the ultrasonic sensors attached to the trash can lids.
The level of garbage in the can is also monitored.[5]

We alert the Corporation Authorities by sending message through GSM Serv ice. The ZigBee module in the lamp post of each
street is used to transfer the information to the central controller fixed in the area transformer to intimate the E.B.

In addition to this, the module also intimates the Drainage and Waste collection corporation using the inbuilt database updated
with the contacts of managers and superiors.

The authorities can then login to the Android application using verified credentials, in order to track the site location and fin d
out the other details.

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Fig.3 Data Flow Chart


ZigBee is a wireless networking standard that is aimed at remote control and sensor applications which is suitable for operat ion
in harsh radio environ ments and in isolated locations.

Fig.4 Zig Bee Module

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www.ijcrt.org © 2017 IJCRT | Volume 5, Issue 4 December 2017 | ISSN: 2320-2882

ZigBee technology builds on IEEE standard 802.15.4 wh ich defines the physical and MAC layers. Above this, ZigBee defines
the application and security layer specifications enabling interoperability between products from d ifferent manufac turers. In this
way Zig Bee is a superset of the 802.15.4 specificat ion. With the applications for remote wireless sensing and control growin g
rapidly it is estimated that the market size could reach hundreds of millions of dollars as early as 2007.


PIC18F4550 is an 8 bit microcontroller. PIC18F4550 has been implemented with Nano WATT technology hence it requires
very low power for its operation. PIC18F4550 has 16 bit Instruction Set Architecture, (ISA) wh ich provides a degree of
freedom to programmers with various data types, registers , instructions, memory architecture, addressing modes, interrupt and
IO operations. PIC18F4550 also has an Extended Instruction Set as a special feature.

Memory Specifications: A PIC18F4550 has 256 bytes of EEPROM (Electrically Erasable and Programmab le Read On ly
emory ), 2KB of SRAM (Static RAM) and 32KB of flash memo ry which in return proves another degree of freedom t o

Fig.5 PIC18F4550 Microcontroller

Co mmunicat ion Protocol: PIC18F4550 is remarked as advanced, as it uses well sophisticated protocols for communications.
The modern protocols like USB, SPI, EUSART, are well supported in PIC18F4550. These technologies integrate with Nano
Watt Technology (as mentioned before) to produce PIC18F4550, a wellequipped, low power consuming microcontroller.


The proposed IoT based methodology can easily serve the purpose for all type of bins (with or without lids). The technology
is robust, cheaper and easy to use due to the low cost of the sensors used, its advanced utility in both lid and lidless situations.
The suggested method was accomplished by designing an interface circuit and a software program. The system is designed based
on a PIC 18F4550 microcontroller which acts as a data acquisition, processing and transmission system. The ZigBee module
enables effortless wireless communication between the sensors and the central server. Using GSM technology and an Android
application the message will be sent to the correspond ing authorities. It fulfils the purpose of introducing proper waste
management in Indian cities as it depends on device-to-device communication instead of manual intimation of officials.

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In this work has been introduced a new optimization algorith m called SCOA, which is based on the behavior of stem
cells in reproducing themselves. SCOA was found to have high speed of convergence, low level of co mplexity with easy
implementation process. It could also avoid the local minima in an intelligent manner. M SC is currently used for the treatment
of a variety of clinical conditions. Seg mentation of images is a challenging issue. Successful segmentation is an important
precursor to successful pattern recognition. A novel approach was proposed in this study for optimized cell image
segmentation. For experiments, stem cell optimization was proposed with classifiers such as naïve Bayes and MSVM. The
focus of the present work is on the optimization algorith m with MSCs. The Future work can be carried out with the stem cells
obtained from adult’s different organs like brain, peripheral b lood, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, skin, teeth, heart, gut, liver,
ovarian epitheliu m, and testis. The input data set can be tested with other feature selection algorithms. Also we can emplo y
classifiers like ANN and so on.

[1] Ansuman Sharma, Rajesh Behura; “GSM based Distribution Transformer Monitoring System”, May 2013.

[2] A. Adeju mobi, I.G. Adebayo and A.J. Olanipekun.; “Development of Microcontroller-based Electric Power Distributio n
Automation System”, Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Sciences, Vo l. 2, Issue 1, pp.10-28, March 2011.

[3] DS1307 64 x 8, Serial, I2C Real-Time Clock, Maxim Integrated Products Inc., Californ ia, 2008.

[4] Modem-Mobile Broadband Modems [Online] (2016, Jan 2).Available:http://www.liquisearch.co m/ modem/ mob ile_broad

[5] Abhimanyu Singh, Pan khuri Aggarwal, Rahul Arora; “IoT based Waste Collection System using Infrared Sensors”

[6] Ajay Kapoor, Nur Engin; Johan Verdaasdonk “Leakage mit igation for low power Microcontroller design in 40n m fo r
internet of things (IOT)”.

[7] B. Chowdhury and M. U. Chowdhury, “RFID -based realtime smart waste management system”, in Proceedings of the
Teleco mmunication Networks and Applications Conference, pp.175–180, December 2007

[8] A mit Sachan “GSM Based Automated Embedded System for Monitoring and Controlling of Smart Grid”


[10] Y. Glouche and P. Couderc,"A smart waste management with self-describing objects", The Second International
Conference on Smart Systems, Dev ices and Technologies (SMART'13), June 2013

[11] V. Ku mar and R.K.Pandit,"Problems of solid waste management in Indian cities", International Journal of Scientific an d
Research Publicat ions, Vo lu me 3, Issue 3, March 2013

[12] A. Ramirez-Jaime, N. Qu ijano, Senior Member, IEEE, and C.Ocampo -Martinez, Senior Member, IEEE. “A Diffe rential
Game Approach to Urban Drainage Systems Control “

[13] A.Medvedev, P.Fedchenkov, A.Zaslavsky, T.Anagnostopoulos and S. Khoruzhnikov,"Waste management as an IoT

enabled service in smart cit ies", 8th International Conference on Internet of Things and Smart Spaces, ruSMART 2015

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