LORA Water Monitoring

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International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)

Vol. 10, No. 2, April 2020, pp. 1278~1287

ISSN: 2088-8708, DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v10i2.pp1278-1287  1278

A long range, energy efficient Internet of Things based drought

monitoring system

Van-Phuc Hoang1, Minh-Hong Nguyen2, Thanh Quan Do3, Dinh-Nhan Le4, Du Duong Bui5
Le Quy Don Technical University, 236 Hoang Quoc Viet Str., Hanoi, Vietnam
National Center for Water Resources Planning and Investigation (NAWAPI), Hanoi, Vietnam

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The climate change and global warning have been appeared as an emerging
Received May 30, 2019 issue in recent decades. In which, the drought problem has been influenced
Revised Oct 1, 2019 on economics and life condition in Vietnam. In order to solve this problem,
Accepted Oct 11, 2019 in this paper, we have designed and deployed a long range and energy
efficient drought monitoring based on IoT (Internet of Things) for real time
applications. After being tested in the real condition, the proposed system has
Keywords: proved its high dependability and effectiveness. The system is promising to
Environment Monitoring become a potential candidate to solve the drought problem in Vietnam.
Internet of Things
Smart Water
Copyright © 2020 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science.
All rights reserved.
Corresponding Author:
Van-Phuc Hoang,
Department of Microprocessor Engineering,
Le Quy Don Technical University,
236 Hoang Quoc Viet Str., Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: [email protected]

In recent years, Internet of Things (IoT) is the key word that there are a large number of people
looking for and it is a part of the fourth industrial revolution. Many researchs [1-5] related to this subject
have been performed with many different areas, such as healthcare, transportation, smart infrastructure, smart
city, etc. Howerver, most of these applications have different requirements, operate in different
environments, so all equipment of each application have to be designed the most optimal to achieve
the highest effectiveness. Especially, one of these applications is smart environment monitoring system based
on IoT that can provide real time data. In the past few decades, there have been a large number of researchers
focus on applications related to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Wireless Body Area Networks
(WBANs), IoT with a variety of different platforms [6-33]. In these designs, microcontrollers (MCU) which
are often ultra-low power chips were chosen to reduce the systempower consumption and MSP430 family
from Texas Instrument (TI) is a good choice [8-10, 13]. Moreover, some transceivers were used in these
works, including Wi-Fi module, bluetooth module, Radio Frequency (RF) module with many different
protocols. Especially, authors in [10] presented the comparison of different wireless transmission modules to
give the best choice for a detailed application. In addition, in recent years, smart cities have concerning in
many countries, so Wi-Fi will cover most of place in the future. Therefore, using Wi-Fi modules as
transceiver should be used in applications related to WSN, WBAN, IoT. With each application which has
different functions, sensors will be chosen to ensure the lowest power consumption and the highest accuracy.
However, to provide long range communications, energy efficient and real time monitoring, in this paper,
LORA technology is used.

Journal homepage: http://ijece.iaescore.com/index.php/IJECE

Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  1279

In Vietnam, the drought has appeared as a burning issue and seriously influenced on economics,
society and the daily life for recent years. In addition, the drought increases significantly the level and widens
the affected area, leading to critical consequence if it is not controlled effectively as reported in [34].
As a result, the early drought warning and monitoring is an essential solution to address this matter.
In this work, we have researched, designed and implemented a really full worked-out system based on LORA
technology drought for monitoring, consisting of both hardware and monitoring software. After a number of
experiments, the system has demonstrated the effectiveness and stable working. The rest of this paper is
organized as follows. Section 2 describes the system architecture. Section 3 shows data analysis and
processing method. Section 4 presents the implementation results and finally, Section 5 concludes of
the paper.

The proposed IoT based drought monitoring system has three main sectors including slave node,
master node and monitor software as shown in Figure 1. These sectors are connected throught an IoT
platform with LORA, Wi-Fi and Internet systems. The slave nodes will collect temperature and precipitation
information and then transmit this information to master node as shown in Figure 2. Since there have many
slave nodes, each node will be assigned a code. When the slave node receives an instruction from the master
node, it will transmit data. Consequently, data management of the slave node is more efficient and the slave
node power consumption is reduced. On the other hand, the master node roles are to monitor and control
the slave nodes, to collect data and then to calculate the drought parameters and transmit this information to
website. The website will show the recent temperature and precipitation data of all slave nodes, daily and
monthly average temperature and precipitation, and the SPI, PE and J index. All these parameters will be
analyzed in order to state the drought level of each area and predict the drought trend in the future.

Figure 1. System block diagram of proposed IoT based drought monitoring system

Figure 2. The master (right side) and slave (left side) nodes hardware

A long range, energy efficient Internet of Things based drought monitoring system (Van-Phuc Hoang)
1280  ISSN: 2088-8708

In order to implement the proposed system, the AcSIP LoRa WAN EVK+Antenna KIT S76SXB of
the ACSIP Technology Corp was used. This development kit can be considered as a really effective platform
for the popose of technical developing and testing of the AcSIP S76S SIP LoRa module employing
LoRaWAN protocol as shown in Table 1 [33]. Because USB-to-UART chip is included in the developer
board, testing and programming of the MCU becomes more easily. Moreover, since a Micro-USB connector
is used in the interface, it can power the modules. In addition, the sensors used in the slave nodes play an
important role in the proposed system because they affect directly to accuracy and dependability of
the system. In the proposed system, the DS18B20 sensor was used to measure the temperature due to its high
accuracy and low power consumption. In order to measure the precipitation, the system employs a box to
contain water. This box contains the sensor to measure the water level and has a normal closed valse.
The valse will be opened daily to evaluate the daily precipitation.

Table 1. LoraWAN parameters

LoraWAN parameters Value
Frequency 433 MHz
Bandwidth 125 KHz
Spreading Factor 10
Coding Rate 4/5
Tx Power 7 dBm
Sensitivity -137 dBm
Payload length 64 bytes
CRC on payload Enable
Distance 16 km


3.1. Evaluating precipitation
In the proposed system, three main precipitation indexes were analyzed, the Standardized
Precipitation Index (SPI) [34], the Precipitaion Effectiveness Index (P-E index) [35] and the De Martonne
aridity index (Iar-DM) [36]. These indexes will be clarified briefly as follows. The first index, SPI, can be
defined as following equation:

P- P (1)

where P and P are the precipitation and the average precipitation (in mm) in defined time period,
respectively. The σ parameter is the standard deviation of the precipitation. In fact, the SPI can determine
the wetness value in different time periods as 1, 3, 6 months; 1, 2 years, and so on based on the application of
user, ranging from -2.0 to +2.0 as shown in Table 2. In the proposed system, the time period was chosen as
one month.

Table 2. The range of the SPI value

SPI value Climate condition
≥2 Extremely wet
1.50 ÷ 1.99 Very wet
1.00 ÷ 1.49 Moderately wet
-0.99 ÷ 0.99 Near normal
-1.49 ÷ -1.00 Moderately dry
-1.99 ÷ -1.50 Severely dry
≤-2 Extremely dry

The second index, (P-E index), was introduced by Thornthwaite and used to analyze the climate. The index is
defined by the following equation:

P 10/9 (2)
P-E = å115( )
i=1 T -10

Where P and T are the mean monthly precipitation in inches and temperature in F as shown in Table 3.

Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 10, No. 2, April 2020 : 1278 - 1287
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  1281

Table 3. The range of the P-E index value

P-E value Climate condition
≥ 128 Wet
64 ÷ 127 Humid
31 ÷ 64 Sub-hummid
16 ÷ 31 Semi-arid
≤ 15 Arid

The third index, Iar-DM, is the suggestive indicator for the characterization of the aridity index which is
introduced by De Martonne, being clarified by the following equation:

12 P (3)
Iar - DM =
Tm  10

Here, P and ܶ௠ are the total monthly precipitation and the mean monthly temperature, respectively.
In the equation (3), the additional value of 10°C is added to the mean monthly temperature in order to make
positive results in some regions having the negative average annual temperatures such as mountainous and
desert areas. The Iar-DM index is basically used to evaluate the climate and subsequently used in
the clarification of soil hydrologic regime as shown in Table 4.

3.2. The proposed method of precipitation evaluation

In our experimental system, there are one master node and three slave nodes in which each slave
node is assigned by one code. In this paper, the working process of the proposed system will be illustrated
clearly. First of all, the master node frequently sends the slave node code in the circle in which each node
code will be sent in given number of minutes as shown in Figure 3a. Second, when the slave node receives its
node code, it will measure the temperature and precipitation, transmitting these information to the master
node as shown in Figure 3b. The master node controls all the slave nodes and every day the master node send
a reset instruction to all the slave nodes in order to collect data for new day. Finally, when the master node
receives data from the slave node, it will transmit this data to sever computer as shown in Figure 3a. The
sever computer will analyze and calculate the defined indexes and informs the climate condition. All this
information will be shown on the website.

Table 4. The range of the Iar-DM index value

Iar-DM value Climate condition
≥ 60 Very wet
30 ÷ 60 Wet
20 ÷ 30 Mildly wet
15 ÷ 20 Semi-dry
5 ÷ 15 Dry
0÷5 Very dry

3.3. Power consumption of the system

For many smart electronic systems, the power consumption is the key factor which determines
the dependability and the effectiveness. In the proposed system, the power consumption of the slave node is
the most important because they are set far from the control center. On the other hand, the power
consumption of the master node and the sever computer is not necessary because they are set in the control
center. As a result, in this paper the energy consumption of the slave node will be calculated mathematically
and tested in the real system.
In our system, the period of each slave node is 5 minutes (300 seconds) insitting of 290 seconds in
waiting mode and 10 seconds in reading and sending mode. Depending on the datasheet of devices, the total
current is about 9 mA in the waiting mode and is 61.4 mA in the reading and sending mode in which
the current of the LoRa s76s kit, DS18b20 sensor and the precipitation sensor are 49 mA, 1mA and 14.1 mA,
respectively. Consequently, the total average current can be calculated approximately as:

9* 290  64.1*10 (4)

I0 = = 10.8(mA)

A long range, energy efficient Internet of Things based drought monitoring system (Van-Phuc Hoang)
1282  ISSN: 2088-8708

In the experimental system, we used two Ultrafire 18600 batteries combined parallel in which each
battery capacity is 4800mAh. As a result, the average life time of the slave node will be:

4800 * 2 (5)
TLife = = 888.9(hours ) = 37( days)

In fact, the real average life time of the slave node is about 35 days. This life time is reasonable, however,
it does not meet requirement of the modem smart and automatic systems. To overcome this problem,
we proposed two types of energy for the slave node that are solar energy and solar energy combined with
standby battery, depending on the sunlight condition. After one-year testing, the solar energy has illustrated
its high dependability and efficiency.

3.4. Demonstration system

In this work, we have designed a complete system consiting of both hardware and software for
drought monitoring. After testing in the real condition in three areas in Hanoi, the proposed system has
proved its high effectiveness and dependability. In order to produce convenience to user, the Google map is
also intergated into our website, consiquently, the user can easily find out information about temperature,
precipitation, drought index and drought degree by one click to the slave node area as shown in Figure 4.
After testing the proposed system in three areas in Hanoi (Cau Giay, Phuong Canh and Academy of Finance),
the system has produced the dependable information about the temperature and precipitation all the year as in
Figures 5-7 and the drought index and the drought degree as in Figures 8-10. By analyzing this information,
climate experts can support the government and authority to make and adjust plan to overcome drought
problem. The proposed system can be considered as a potential candidate to solve partly the climate change
and global warning in order to bring better life for people.


Setting parameter

Setting parameter

Send Node
Receive data
Time = 24h
True False False
Data=My code Data=Reset
Send Reset

True True
Read Temperature Open valve
Have data


Send to Raspberry
Read Rainfall Close valve

Send data Close valve
False True

(a) (b)

Figure 3. The working algorithms of the master (a) and slave (b) nodes

Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 10, No. 2, April 2020 : 1278 - 1287
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  1283

Figure 4. The map of the slave node distribution

Figure 5. Temperature and precipitaion in Cau Giay district

Figure 6. Temperature and precipitaion in Phuong Canh

A long range, energy efficient Internet of Things based drought monitoring system (Van-Phuc Hoang)
1284  ISSN: 2088-8708

Figure 7. Temperature and precipitaion in Academy of Finance

Figure 8. P-E index

Figure 9. SPI index

Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 10, No. 2, April 2020 : 1278 - 1287
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  1285

Figure 10. Iar-DM index

In this paper, a complete system based on IoT has been designed and tested for drought monitoring.
The proposed system has shown its high dependability and effectiveness. We believe that the proposed
system can be a potential solution to support our government to solve the climate change issuses that has
been affecting significantly and suffering to economics, society and the life condition in Vietnam.
For the future work, the proposed system needs to be tested for more time and area to prove its benefits.
We also need to improve protocol to control the slave node more effeciently when the number of the slave
node increases to cover a wider area.

This research is funded by Vingroup Innovation Foundation (VINIF) under the grant number

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Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 10, No. 2, April 2020 : 1278 - 1287
Int J Elec & Comp Eng ISSN: 2088-8708  1287


Van-Phuc Hoang was born in Hung Yen Province, Vietnam. He received PhD degree in
Electronic Engineering from the University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan in 2012.
He has worked as Postdoc researcher, visiting scholar at the University of Electro-
Communications, Tokyo, Japan and Universiy of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK during the period of
2012-2014. He is working as an Associate Professor, Deputy Head of The Department of
Microprocessor Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam. His research
interests include embedded systems for Internet of Things, VLSI architecture for digital signal
processing, digital circuits and systems, low power IC design and hardware security.

Minh-Hong Nguyen was born in 1960. He received PhD degree in Automation Engineering from
Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam. He is working as the Deputy Director of
Center for Automation Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University. His research interests
include automation engineering, embedded systems for Internet of Things, VLSI architecture for
digital signal processing, digital circuits and systems.

Thanh Quan Do was born in Hung Yen Province, Vietnam. He received PhD degree in Electronic
Engineering Yokohama National University, Japan in 2017. His research interests include wireless
communications, Internet of Things, digital circuits and systems, advanced digital signal
processing algorithms.

Dinh-Nhan Le is a Bachelor student of Le Quy Don Technical University, Hanoi, Vietnam.

He was the leader of a student scientific research team receiving the Certificate of Merit from
the university president for the excellent research achievement. His research interests include
embedded systems for Internet of Things, automation engineering and advanced digital signal
processing algorithms.

Du Duong Bui received PhD degree at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan in 2011. He has 14-
year experience in teaching, research and management in the areas of Water resources & Climate
change: Impacts and Adaptation; Disaster management including drought management, mitigating
water-related risks; Water management policy and water governance. He is founder of the Vietnam
Water Cooperation Initiative - a global platform hosted by Vietnam to promote water
collaborations with worldwide partners. He has visit more than 20 countries around the world and
published extensively, including peer-reviewed articles and book chapters.

A long range, energy efficient Internet of Things based drought monitoring system (Van-Phuc Hoang)

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