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Project Report On

Client Acquisition for B2B

Ideas to Impacts

Submitted By:

Snehal Patil

Submitted To:

Vishwakarma University

In the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

BATCH 2018-20

This is to certify that, the project assigned on “Client Acquisition for B2B ” has
been successfully completed by Snehal Patil of Vishwakarma University, Pune.

The project is being completed as a part of the syllabus and in partial fulfillment of
the two-year full-time degree of Master of Business Administration conducted by
Vishwakarma University.

Signature (Course
of coordinator)

I, Snehal Patil, of MBA-II, Seat no. ___________ hereby declare that the
Project work titled “Client Acquisition for B2B” which has been submitted to Vishwakarma
University, is an original work of the undersigned and has not been reproduced from any other
source. All the references have been duly acknowledged. Also, the company gave permission to
access the necessary data required from their official sources.

Place: ____________ Signature:


Date: ____________ Name:


Every project is the synthesis of knowledge and experience of students and experts in their
related field. However, the guidance and help extended by the experts to the students with the
sole benevolent purpose of intellectual development generates a feeling of profound respect for
them. I hereby take this opportunity to thank all those who made my training, a knowledge
gathering experience for me.

I am sincerely thankful to the Director of my college, Mr. for giving this great opportunity to
actually work on a project which helped me in enhancing my knowledge for the subject.
I would like to acknowledge my heartily thanks to my mentor Mr Rohan Jadhav, Manager-Ideas
to Impacts Innovation Pvt Ltd, Pune and Dr.Jayashree Vispute professor at Vishwakarma
University to whom I owe a great debt of gratitude for not only guiding me through the project,
but also providing valuable suggestions which helped me in better understanding of the different
aspects of the topic and making this project a successful one.
I am also thankful to “VISHWAKARMA UNIVERSITY” for providing me this opportunity to
pursue my summer internship project and for providing me with sufficient help whenever
Last but not least I would like to thanks Ideas to Impacts Innovation Pvt Ltd for having me an
opportunity to work with them and make the best out of my internship. My heartfelt gratitude
also goes out to the staff and employee at Ideas To Impacts Innovation Pvt Ltd for having co-
operated with me and guided me throughout the six weeks of my internship period. This really
helped me in developing my skills and confidence to a great extent.

Snehal Patil, MBA-II


1 7

2.1Industry Scenario
2.2Market Scenario
2.3Competitor Analysis
2.4Company Introduction
2.5Introduction to the Project
2 2.6Scope of the Project


3 Literature review 26


4 Problem 28

5 29


6 Methodology 30

Data Analysis
8 31
Finding and

9 Interpretation 40


10 s 41

suggestions 42

Objective of
11 43

Future Scope and

12 limitations 44

13 bibliography 45

14 Questionare 46

15 conclusion 49

The project work is pursued as a part of MBA (Master of Business Administrative)

Curriculum at “Vishwakarma University, Pune”. It is under taken as an internship
at Ideas To Impacts Innovation Pvt Ltd, Pune. The project is done under expert
supervision and guidance of Mr. Rohan Jadhav (business head).

The Project is about the study of creating client database structured by profiling
customers based on selected parameters and pitching them over provided services
and building a company client relation to aid increment in work orders.

At Ideas to Impacts, initially I was imparted process and service knowledge. I was
given sufficient period for understanding the aim, ideas, working structure and
services of the company . The task allocated was generating leads. The process to
attain these leads through offline and online medium was through regional
searching and recognizing potential clients to form a target database. Main
objective was to know the need of the customer and how to fulfill that in the best
way through getting the perfect requirements.

Thus, it gave me the opportunity to learn about all the services and with the range
of services Ideas to Impacts offered it made the task a bit easier as we could fulfill
the need of the customer in a better way

Services knowledge: This included the theoretical knowledge about the field and
services which needed to be marketed.

Pitching in Fintch,Keynote speakers, manufacturing sector etc: This included the

implementation of the knowledge imparted to me and the test of my marketing
skills. Initially I was accompanied by company guide so that I can learn how to
approach customers and understand their requirements. This also enhanced our
interpersonal skills and confidence level.

Customer Acquisition means gaining new customers or existing prospects to

become new customers for your business. The targeted customers are one who are
not aware about your products and services or they have bought from your
competitors. Business should be ready to prepare high budget for acquisition as
well as customer retention as both are important for business. Commonly, cost of
the Customer Acquisition process measures how much value customer is bringing
to your businesses.

Your acquisition process begins with identifying who are the potential or targeted
customers for your business success. Find out who are they, how to gain them, how
you can talk with them or how you can sell your products to them. Finding right
customers for your products will help in knowing which individuals are interested
in buying your products or using the same type of products from your competition.

After deciding who the target is, find ways how to contact them. Do research,
survey, call, email or use analytics tools to find right.

If using the Customer Acquisition right way, it would be easier for the companies
to gain potential customers for their business. Specially, the startups or new
companies require focusing on the acquisition concept to deal with the new
customers ideally. customers for your products. If you are able to acquire the new
customers, then chances are turning them into potential buyers.

Benefits of Client Acquisition in B2B :-

Using appropriate customer acquisition strategies helps companies to grow, and

targeted customer acquisition programs help companies acquire the right customers
in a cost effective way. New companies or those with less established products
especially need to place a greater focus on customer acquisition. As companies
mature, they can shift their focus to customer retention. It’s important to keep in
mind that customer acquisition costs often are higher than customer retention costs
and therefore require a thorough analysis of the associated benefits. The acquisition
benefits also need to be fully quantified in order for companies to accurately gauge
the relative value of their customer acquisition process. For established companies
to grow most effectively, they should find ways to attract, satisfy, and retain

Client Acquisition Process:-

As consumers move through the funnel (as part of their journey as a buyer), they:

Gain awareness of your brand

Add your product or service to their consideration pool, and

Make a decision to become a paying customer of your business.

To simplify the process, lead generation typically happens at the top of the funnel,
lead acquisition happens in the middle, and lead conversion happens at the bottom.
And customer acquisition typically refers to the funnel as a whole.

For the sake of this guide, we’re going to use customer acquisition in reference to
the top and middle of the marketing funnel — lead generation and acquisition
combined. This is because the bottom of the funnel (conversion) typically requires
more dedicated, customized methods to convert customers, such as lead scoring
and closing tactics.

Here’s another way to visualize it, in a less funnel-like fashion:

In the example above, customer acquisition lives in the attract phase, where
consumers become readers and visitors.

So, now that we’ve defined customer acquisition and its place in the overall
marketing process, let’s dive into how to measure it.

What Is Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)?

You’ve heard the buzzword: customer acquisition cost, otherwise known as CAC.
Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the cost associated with bringing a new
customer or client to your business, such as marketing costs, events, and
advertising. It’s typically calculated in reference to a specific campaign or window
of time.

CAC is important because it assigns real value to your marketing efforts and allows
you to measure your ROI — a metric inquired about by CEOs, managers, and
investors alike.

How to Calculate Customer Acquisition Cost

High-level customer acquisition cost is calculated by dividing marketing costs

associated with a specific campaign or effort by the number of customers acquired
from said campaign.

This CAC formula is

CAC = MC / CA, where:

CAC is customer acquisition cost

MC is marketing costs

CA is customers acquired

To get a more in-depth, accurate look at CAC, you must include all costs
associated with marketing spend, including everything from campaign spend to
marketing salaries to the cost of the staples used to create those lengthy contracts.

This CAC formula looks like:

CAC = (MC + W + S + OS + OH) / CA, where

CAC is customer acquisition cost

MC is marketing costs

W is wages for marketing and sales

S is marketing and sales software

OS is outsourced services

OH is overhead for marketing and sales

CA is customers acquired

Where the simple CAC metric might apply to a single campaign, the more complex
CAC formula should be calculated within a given window, such as one month or
fiscal year. For example, if Company A spent $10,000 on customer acquisition in
Q4 of 2017 and acquired 100 customers, the CAC would be $100.

Featured Resource

Customer Acquisition Cost Calculator

CAC can a fickle metric and shouldn’t be the only number used to evaluate
marketing efforts. Why? Well, here are a few things that could throw off the value
and application of your CAC:

On average, how often do your customers make purchases? There’s a major

difference between the CAC of a Audi dealership and a Starbucks.

Does/did your company spend money on marketing efforts that are slated to pay
off in the far future? Say you invest in a Q3 campaign but pay for it in Q1. You
aren’t necessarily going to see new customers right away from that investment, and
that might skew your Q1 CAC.

Regardless, CAC is a critical number to calculate (and constantly recalculate) when

acquiring new customers and employing new acquisition methods.

How to Minimize Customer Acquisition Cost

Here’s a simple truth about marketing: You can always do better. You can always
reach new audiences, market with better messages, and minimize associated costs.

Depending on your outlook, this could be good or bad news. Personally, I find it
motivating. There’s always something to learn and always something to improve
upon. Better yet, you aren’t stuck with a subpar metric that your executives or
investors aren’t quite happy about.

If you’re looking to improve your CAC, here are a few ways to minimize the cost
of acquiring new customers:

Improve your website conversion efforts. Enhance your calls-to-action, ensure your
site is mobile and tablet responsive, optimize your landing pages, and clean up your
copywriting. Consider A/B testing a landing page or shopping cart to see if a
certain design or copywriting angle works best. These will make sure any customer
acquisition methods you’re already employing are working as perfectly as possible.
Boost the value of your current customers. This may involve releasing a new
product or upgrade in which your customers can also invest in. User value can also
skyrocket when they refer other customers or simply act as promoters for your
business. (We’ll touch on more of this below.)

Adjust and optimize your customer acquisition strategy. Take some time to lay out
your acquisition blueprint and see what each method is costing you. Where could
you cut back on extra marketing spend or manpower? Costs for specific channels
can rise over time, and you can always minimize CAC by finding newer, cheaper
channels to invest in. This process also ensures your strategy reflects the most
recent marketing trends and remains agile.
Market Scenario

When considering a B2B customer acquisition strategy, marketers should take a

close look at the new, connected customers they’re aiming to acquire. These
customers don’t want to be “sold.” Instead, they want to know they’ll be taken care
of throughout their relationship with a company — and a huge part of that
relationship, for marketers, starts with understanding how a solid retention strategy
can actually boost customer acquisition.

More and more companies are stepping into the content marketing and digital
advertising ring to duke it out for new customers. At every stage of the customer
lifecycle — from acquisition and onboarding, to retention and advocacy — B2B
marketers are searching for the latest ways to get their message in front of current
and prospective customers.

Much of the attention, though, looks to be preoccupied with acquiring customers.

In fact, B2B marketers rank brand awareness, lead generation, and lead nurturing
as three of the top content marketing areas to enhance in 2017, according to “2017
Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends — North America.” Likewise, a recent survey
by Demand Metric in partnership with Salesforce found that marketers spend twice
as much on getting new customers as they do on keeping customers.

When it comes to B2B customer acquisition strategy, we’ve seen a fair amount of
(beneficial) disruption in the field, especially with the rise of marketing technology
like data management platforms and artificial intelligence. These evolutions aren’t
coming out of nowhere, though. Instead, they’re prompted by the ever-changing
consumer landscape. Buyers have access to more information than ever before —
in fact, 94% of B2B buyers do their own online research before buying, according
to one Accenture study. With these savvy customers, there’s a new definition of
customer acquisition on the rise, one that’s changing the way companies invest in
their audiences.

So, what is B2B customer acquisition, and how has the connected, empowered
consumer influenced a massive shift in B2B marketing strategies.

One idea that businesses are latching onto is “customer experience balance.”
According to an article in Forbes, “13 Marketing Trends For 2017 That B2B
Marketers Need To Understand,” this approach involves providing customer-
focused, relevant experiences across the customer journey, not just during
acquisition. Instead of doubling down on lead generation and lead nurturing efforts,
it’s important to view customer acquisition as something that’s influenced by the
rest of the stages in a customer’s lifecycle, including retention.

“Too many companies are continuing to follow a one-sided approach to marketing

automation, focusing on acquisition at the expense of retention,” said Adam Waid,
Director of Customer Success for Pardot at Salesforce.

This can be dangerous for B2B marketers, especially when 20% of existing
customers generate 80% of revenue for companies, according to Gartner Group.
The question for marketers, then, is: Why not increase spending on retention to
boost customer acquisition?

It’s an interesting concept — and one that may prove worthwhile. There are many
ways that marketers can use customer retention efforts to boost customer
acquisition efforts. As one example, the helpful, educational content marketers
produce to increase customer retention can also be repurposed to acquire new
customers. How-to video tutorials, step-by-step e-books, FAQ articles, email
newsletters — all of these can be used during both retention (as a customer service
initiative, for example) and acquisition (as a way to promote thought leadership, for

On top of repurposing content across retention and acquisition, B2B marketers can
also increase referrals — thus acquiring new customers — by placing an emphasis
on retention.

“Implementing smart retention strategies is key to strengthening customer loyalty,

boosting engagement, increasing sales, and generating more referrals,” Waid

The great thing about referred customers is that they’re already primed for
acquisition, potentially reducing the investment for acquiring that customer.
Ideally, these customers will also be easier to retain, which may eventually reduce
overall strain on companies’ marketing budgets and teams.

Industry Scenario

All forms of advertising and marketing are designed to attract people to a product or
service with the hope that they will eventually become brand loyalists. Above-the-line
advertising, such as billboards, television and radio spots, posters, print advertisements,
and cinema spots do a great job of getting a brand in front of millions of eyes, but they
rarely close a sale or include methods to track customer conversion.

In through-the-line and below-the-line advertising, the process becomes much more

scientific and informative. For instance, a direct mail pack that contains phone numbers
or mailing addresses provides an advertising agency with data that can help them track:

How many pieces were mailed out

How many pieces were opened and responded to

How many pieces resulted in a sale, or conversion

Customer acquisition has found a similar home in social media, with Facebook and
Twitter in particular being proven resources for outreach. You can target customers and
keep them informed of special offers or new product lines. You can make them feel
valued, talk one-on-one with people, and share insights that build the brand.
Competition Analysis

One of the most lucrative ways to improve your business is to attract your
competitor’s customers to your business. Consumers will switch brands and
businesses if they can see real value, so you need to give them a pretty good reason
to choose your business over your competitors.

Thorough competitor analysis is the strategic way of developing a . Lower your


Simply being the cheapest supplier can be an effective way to attract new
customers, but what your business sells will have a major impact on how effective
this technique will be. If your business sells commodity items such as books, CDs,
DVDs etc., which are identical no matter which retailer sells them, consumers will
look for the cheapest price.

Value however, is often related to price. An item that has a very low price can
frequently be perceived as inferior. Look closely at the pricing structure of your
competitors before slashing your own prices, as this could damage the brand value
of your company.

And value for money doesn’t simply mean more for your money, as the equation
consumers use to decide what price they want to pay for any goods is complex.
Attracting customers away from competitors may have a price component, but this
isn’t the only factor consumers will use for goods that are not seen as commodities.

2. Create brand loyalty

Inviting customers to become part of your brand can be a powerful attractor.

Companies such as Apple illustrate how successful strong brand values can be.
Consumers want to be part of a group or tribe that not only delivers great goods or
services but, also shows the people in their network they support the values of the
brand they associate themselves with.

Trust and interest in a business’ customers and what they do are strong ways your
business’ brand can become highly attractive to your competitor’s customers. The
emotional ties your business can make via social media for instance can be highly
effective. In addition, it has been shown that consumers who are emotionally
connected to a brand are less price sensitive, which is why Apple can charge so
much more for its products.

3. Raise your profile

As consumers are constantly bombarded with marketing messages, making your

business standout from the crowd is vital. Marketing of course has always been
critical to all businesses.

However, today, social media has enabled direct and highly personal connections
to be made with groups and individuals. This granular marketing is a highly
effective way to raise your business’ profile in the minds of your competitor’s

Remember though that overt marketing and selling techniques can have a negative
impact across social media networks. Discounts and competitions are proven to be
highly popular with consumers. Offering these across your social networks could
enable you to steal some of your competitor’s customers.

Consumers are also looking for help, support, value and something to share with
their networks. Creating content for these groups delivers these shareable materials,
which could mean your brand and business becomes more desirable to buy from
than your competitors.

4. Encourage brand advocates

One of the most powerful ways to attract customer from your competitors is via
word-of-mouth. A personal recommendation – often on social media – can have a
profound impact on consumers looking for goods and services. Indeed, Nielsen
discovered that word-of-mouth recommendations are the most credible. No amount
of advertising can beat a personal recommendation from a trusted friend, colleague
or family member. Look closely at your business’ key influencers. These are
groups and individuals that have shown a keen interest in your brand and its goods
or services. Your business should support these groups or individuals, as they can
often be the start of a recommendation that then widely disseminated across what
could be vast networks. Brands can encourage brand advocacy through referral
marketing strategies and techniques. As a small business owner, this can be an
effective low-cost acquisition channel if done well.

5. Find the gaps

Think about the market sectors your business is trading within. You should be
constantly looking to innovate and fill the gaps with new goods and services. One
of the most effective ways to attract customers away from competitors is to not
only offer something unique, but something that you know is missing from the

Use social media to constantly assess your market. Ask your customers what goods
or services they would love to see become available. Your competitors may come
along with something similar later, but your business was first to market, which can
gain new loyal customers.

6. Support your customers

According to Oracle, 89% of consumers would move to a competitor if they had a

poor customer service experience. Today thanks to social media, customer service
has become an almost real-time exercise. Twitter is now one of the most used
channels for consumers to contact the businesses they buy from.
Moreover, consumers are using their experience of a business’ customer service
support as a means to differentiate businesses in any given market, which they use
to decide where to spend their money. Making a personal connection to them is
critical. SpotOn revealed that 41% of consumers buy from businesses that send
personalized emails.

It’s a simple equation: the better your customer service the more customers your
business will attract – and more importantly – retain over the long-term with high
levels of loyalty.

7. Invest in m-commerce

How consumers now connect and buy from businesses has changed. The internet
has of course become a massive channel for commerce, but mobile commerce
looks set to eclipse even the huge success seen with e-commerce. Businesses that
can embrace the mobile space will be highly attractive to customers – especially
those in the lucrative millennial group.

Businesses that can use the mobile channel with dedicated websites and apps will
be able to gain the customers looking to do even more with their phones and
tablets. As figures from eMarketer suggest that nearly 50% of m-commerce sales
are completed with smartphones, businesses need to ensure they are fully
supporting this burgeoning channel across their businesses.

And the app economy shows no sign of slowing. According to the Business of
Apps global revenue from in-app purchases could reach USD $189 billion by 2020.
What is clear for all businesses, is if they can expand into m-commerce this could
be a massive attractor for competitor customers.

clearer picture of what's happening in the market and giving you a basis to develop
your own action plan.
Company Introduction

In the knowledge economy, companies are competing in two markets. One, for its
product and its services & the other, talent required to develop and deliver them.

Ideas to Impacts’ development and implementation technology services empowers

technology companies and enterprises for intelligent resolution of their requirements.
Seamless innovation distinguishes our approach to creating a distinct, first-class customer
experience. They are in alignment with the change sweeping across India’s non-metros.
Skill-intrinsic and pioneering Small Town Model ensures that we provide optimum
benefits through their services.

I2I collaborates with cutting-edge technology companies, engineering and data service
firms. We partner with these companies to develop last-mile value added solutions and
implementations for enterprise users of these products. I2I specializes in the domains of
AI / ML, IoT, SAP, Content and Data Transformation delivered through our Small Town
Reliable, on-time delivery, efficient talent pool, expert cross-platform skills, and deep
domain expertise are key differentiators. Proven delivery model ensures professional
quality delivery and sustainable competitive advantage for clients. This explains long-
term strategic partnerships with several of the established global enterprise and top
product technology companies.

Today, I2I presence spans the global, urban and the non-urban Indian market, owing to a
global delivery model and ability to handle complex and large scale projects. I2I’s robust
small town delivery model ensures value-based, rich experiences for customers.
CEO and Founder

Gireendra Kasmalkar


1. Content and Data Transformation

Market-ready digital content, localization, identification of challenges posed by respective

content ecosystems are among the content transformation needs we address. I2I restructure,
rethink and rewrite content to create high-value, high-utility, connected and enriching
experiences for your audience.Key services include corporate branding, technical content
creation, marketing collaterals, indexing, language enhancement, and content marketing.

I2I help clients generate maximum value from their data. For example, data transformation
services can help automate your basic important data tasks. Ensure manageable and usable data,
customize data-related tasks, and take advantage of our expertise, tool-knowledge and make the
handling of your day-to-day operations easier. Ensure effective data conversion, ensure data
intelligibility across databases and applications with u.
2. Product and Data Engineering.

From the product ideation, conceptualization and prototyping to development, deployment

and product support, I2I team are always by your side. I2I product engineering experts help
you get insights into using advanced technology, align to changing business needs, and stay
one step ahead of the market challenges.

I2I data engineering services enable you to make quick and informed business decisions through
our big data services that deliver all-inclusive, integrated solutions. I2I big data specialists work
in tandem with you to answer most of your big data challenges.

3. Enterprise Services.

At I2I, we will help you identify bottlenecks and problems during the pre-deployment
phases. We can help tune your SAP technology stack including operating systems, network
infrastructure, databases, hardware platforms and SAP software components. This will
ensure that your system can handle the user load during peak hours of activity.

We understand that functional SAP testing, manual or automated testing is crucial to

application success. Our SAP test automation frameworks, test accelerators, standardized
testing processes and experienced testing professionals will help you discover defects
before they affect your operations.

Customer intimacy:

Understanding customers and their requirements so that we can offer our best services
and results.

We maintain the highest security to the information that we have been entrusted with.

We remain committed to deliver high quality services to both clients and candidates by
adequately understanding their needs.

85% of expert marketers say that lead generation marketing is the most important element in
their marketing arsenal. Yet only 42% of business owners have an active plan in place. Lead
generation is often paired with lead management to move leads through the purchase funnel.
This combination of activities is referred to as pipeline marketing.

A lead is usually allotted to an individual to follow up on. Once the individual (e.g. salesperson)
reviews and qualifies it to have potential business, the lead gets converted to an opportunity for a
business. The opportunity then has to undergo multiple sales stages before the deal is won. Lead
generation firms supply your company with the hot leads you need to acquire new clients, while
freeing up your time to spend on other tasks, like product development or quality assurance.
Conversely, you could double down on new leads, drumming up business in tandem with leads
provided by generation firms. Business expansion is directly correlated to finding new clients
and making them happy, and the free time gained to reallocate time on these pursuits is what
makes lead generation so powerful.
Lead generation is one of the most important, yet complex and imperfect parts of selling
(or marketing). There are often more questions than answers in the lead generation
strategies deployed by any organization– regardless of business size or industry, it’s a
common problem.

Here are just some of the questions you might be asking yourself:

 Which channel can help drive both high volume and high-quality leads?

 What are the biggest challenges standing in the way of generating more
 How important is scoring and tracking leads (and what criteria should I use)?

 Which lead generation trends should I take note of?

 Can sales lead generation software help?

 One‐on‐one Primary research

 Secondary study based on internet sources ,Journals and Industry reports

 Use of Microsoft Excel for data analysis

 Charts and Graphs.


Lead generation is a vital component for a business it helps to draw in a lot of customers thus
revenue generation. Now everyone owns mobile phones and carries them everywhere and text
sms has become one of the most popular and easiest methods of getting connected

Bulk SMS is now become one of the most preferred channel to grow any business by generating
business leads and inquiries.

Lead generation through social media marketing for updating new clients for the services

LinkedIn for Lead Generation.

LinkedIn boasts a wide array of robust analytics and marketing tools, yet we
still often leave it behind in the dust.
Customer acquisition plays an intrinsic role in any business, sadly, sending cold emails also plays
a big role in the customer acquisition process, especially for startups and businesses with limited
funds to spend on Facebook ads and the rest.
So how do you generate cold leads… at preferably ZERO cost?

The answer to this question, starts by identifying where your prospects are and then how to get
their information into your CRM or whatever tool you use to save leads.

Cold Calling for lead generation.

Calling a prospect for the first time, and your goal may be no more than to establish
some kind of rapport with them, and to learn about their needs and desires for future
reference. On the other end of the spectrum, you may be hoping to actually encourage the
purchase of some particular products which you have in mind, and which you feel might
be a good fit for them. Then again, you might have neither of these two scenarios in mind
but are instead hoping to obtain more prospects from the call so that you can follow up on
Literature Review

Customer Acquisition

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2009), finding the right customers that provides a
profitable return

can be defined as customer acquisition. Customer acquisition is necessary for every

companies that start

creating a business, expanding their business, products and services, and it is effective in
situation where the

switching cost is relatively low and repeat purchases are rare .In acquiring customers it is
essential for

organization to choose the right customers to serve before decide how they can best
acquire them. This is

particularly important as it is a fact that organization will not be able to serve all
customers in every way. Hence,

organizations nowadays decide to segment their customers and focus more on customers
that they can acquire,

satisfy best and bring profitability (Jobber, 2010).

After deciding which segment of customers to target, it is necessary for organization to

understand the

consumers first. There are three concepts that need to be recognized. Firstly, needs which
refer to basic human

requirements, in airline case; this can be in a form of necessity to go overseas by airline

service. While, wants
are the alternative form of needs that are molded by culture and individuality, again in
airline case, this would be

the desire to have convenience, comfortable and prestigious airline service. Thirdly,
wants that are supported by

ability to pay is often called demand. It is critical to understand these three concepts
which can be seen in the

work of Burton, Kotler and Keller (2009) because it is difficult to provide service with
better value that lead to

successful customer acquisition, if the organization itself does not know what are the
customers’ needs and

wants which will not create strong demand.

Next, Market offerings can be defined as the combination of product, service, experience

information that meet the needs or wants of customers (Lovelock, Patterson and Walker,
2007). Organization

need to be careful in creating market offering as by creating an offering, customers tend

to create a form of

expectations in regards to value and satisfaction based on market offering (Kotler, 2000).
For example, SIA

offer a great experience and excellent quality level of airline service, customers that hear
SIA market offering

tend expect high level of airline service. Hence, if the market offering of SIA does not
meet the expectations,

customers tend to be dissatisfied and switch to competitors. However, in SIA scenario,

SIA is able to deliver

their service at the promised level which leads to the creation of loyal customers who will
share their experience

and recommend the service to others. Next, it is also essential to keep in mind that quality
of the service is not

the only decisive factor. This is true as every customer has their own budget (i.e. for those
who want value-formoney service can go for budget airline while those who prefer
luxury and prestige will choose SIA). Last but

not least, there has been an observation in the work of (Sellers, 1989; Hanan, 2003) that
more than 25% of

airline customers are changing airlines annually which indicates that knowing how to
acquire customers are

extremely essential, particularly due to arrival of budget airlines and the development of

Customer retention

According to Thompson (2004), customer retention is about increasing the sales by

endlessly satisfy

and serve the customers so they will keep coming back. In order to ensure the customer
retention to be

successful, the quality of the service needs to be able to satisfy or go beyond the customer

(Zikmund, McLEOD and Gilbert, 2002). Moreover, this view has also been supported in
the work of Storbacka

and Lehtinen (2001), which said that considering what are the customers’ needs for today
is not enough. It is

also vital to identify or predict the customers future needs.

Customer retention can be done in many ways, like for example by the use of customers’
program (i.e. KrisFlyer program from Singapore airlines which allows customers to
redeem free travel in

accordance to the mileages that the customers have spent). Another way to retained
customers is by keep

providing satisfying service or providing the service that beyond the customer
expectations to maintain trust and

satisfaction of the customers. Additionally, by opening an open feedback from customers

to ensure that the

company is providing the service that is still relevant and needed with the customers.
Customer retention has

been argued by Reichheld (1996), that it is less costly compared to customer acquisition,
as customers that are

satisfied and believe in certain services tend to increase the switching cost in terms of
trust and convenience.

Customer Relationship Management

A remarkable technique that involves creating relationship that gives win-win situation
for both

customers and company can be defined as Customer Relationship Management (Baran,

Galka and Strunk,

2008). Customer relationship management involves compiling and analyzing the vast
amounts of data of

customers which will provide greater insight of the customers’ behavior. This will allow
a company to treat

different customers with different actions accordingly which allow the company to act
more efficiently and

effectively while retaining their customers. This technique is crucial in retaining

customers, as without the

existence of knowledge in regards of customers, it is difficult to understand, anticipate

and adapt with the

customer needs and wants.

Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

It has been stated in the work of Timm (2011), that a basic sense of caring, concern and

plays an important role in building customer satisfaction. Customer that are satisfied with
a service tend to be

loyal and involved with repeat purchases that lead to mouth-to-mouth promotion which
will increase the

company profitability (Hill et al, 2007). Next, according to Timm (2011), customer
satisfaction occurred

whenever the customers feel that the price that they pay for certain service is beneficial or
worthy. One of the

best ways for company to provide satisfaction for customers is by working closely with
the customers to ensure

the service meet their needs and wants (Lovelock, et al., 2005). This is necessary in order
to ensure the service

to stay relevant and needed by the target customers and not result in defect customers.
For example, tiger airway

which is a budget airline stays closely with their target market which is the price
conscious customers by keep

offering value-for-money airline service.

Next, different customers perceived value from a service subjectively. Therefore, it is

essential for company to

identify and assess the value perception of key people that are involved in purchasing
process (Hollensen,

2003). For example, by using a multiple-person approach which often provide more
reliable results rather than

single-person studies.
Research problem

 Sources of database are Reliable or not.

 What is the satisfaction level of the companies?

 On what bases the demographics should be segmented?

 To identify the improvement areas and focus on those areas to make service
better and measuring service quality.


1. To contribute customer database.

2. To increase in periodic work orders.
3. To profile customers based on selected parameters.

The explanatory research design is used for analyzing and studying the process of
Business Development. It is very simple & more specific. explanatory research, also
known as Causal research is conducted to identify the extent and nature of cause-and-
effect relationships. Causal research can be conducted in order to assess impacts of
specific changes on existing norms, various processes etc.

Causal studies focus on an analysis of a situation or a specific problem to explain the

patterns of relationships between variables. Experiments are the most popular
primary data collection methods in studies with causal research design.

Data Sources:

Primary Data: - It is a firsthand data which is collected by you only. The different
way of collecting primary data is personal interview, questionnaire, survey etc. As
my project is descriptive study there is no primary data collected as such.

Secondary Data: - Secondary data is collected from already existing sources in

various organization broachers & records. Secondary data for the study were
collected from the magazines, websites & other previous studies. To meet the
objectives, the study used qualitative research. The descriptive study was done
through review of existing literature that helped in validation and extraction of the
important variables and factors. Data was collected from secondary sources.
Secondary sources were magazines, websites, books, office executives, and company
Data analysis and findings

Irrespective of your business type and size, your audience are most likely on social media. On the
plus side, you know where to find them, on the other hand, Social media platforms protect this
information and the only way to get it is to pay for it.

LinkedIn is the world's largest and only real B2B network, comprising of 450M+ pros
you can filter through, reach out to, and sell to.

With 562 million users, LinkedIn is all about building networks and connections. It’s not
only about who you know, but about who your connections know.

That’s the real power of LinkedIn for business: the ability to tap into existing connections
and grow your brand through word-of-mouth. It’s also the top-rated social network for
lead generation.

If your LinkedIn marketing strategy is limited to a personal profile—especially one with

an out-of-date, bare-bones resume—it’s time to up your game. You need a detailed
Company Page if you want to grow your audience and drive business results.

In fact, according to insights provided to Hootsuite from LinkedIn, completed Company

Pages generally receive twice as many visitors than those with incomplete pages. And
organizations that post at least monthly generally gain followers six times faster than
those that don’t.

While most other social networks keep their algorithm secrets closely guarded, LinkedIn
provides quite a bit of information about how its algorithm works. Here’s how the
algorithm rates and ranks your content, in a nutshell.

1. A bot evaluates your content as spam, low-quality, or clear. The takeaway? Quality is
important, as you obviously want to aim for the clear ranking here.

2. The algorithm measures initial user engagement. Is your post getting likes and shares?
Good. Are users hiding it from their feeds or marking it as spam? Whoops, not so good.
Again, quality is key, but so is relevance. Make sure your posts speak to your followers,
giving them reasons to engage with rather than hide your content.

3. The algorithm does some further checks for spam and credibility based on the quality
of your account and your network. Engagement is also very important in this stage.

4. Human editors review content and determine whether it should continue to be

displayed, or even boosted.
Of course, it’s not always quite that simple. For more details and strategies for making
the most of the LinkedIn algorithm, check out our post How the LinkedIn Algorithm
Works (And How to Make it Work for You).


Clients Pitched
Reponse Received
Cold Leads
Hot leads

The Clients were targeted based on demographics, here the lead magnet played its role of
attracting the customers through various mediums and making them enter the funnel.

Every day a certain geographical area would be segmented into different categories and
targeted accordingly the prospects were led to enter the funnel.

The journey of a prospect from awareness to conversion is known as lead nurturing


Targeting the right set of audience is very important in case of converting the prospects
into customers.

1. Focus on increasing the frequency of service.

2. Training, learning and development for customer facing team and bottom
line to increase responsiveness and enhance understanding of the customer
3. Focus on business growth and business sustainability.


1. Have a target audience.

Marketers have a deep understanding of their audiences. They study demographics,

attitudes and behaviors to create detailed customer personas and target messages to
specific groups of people.

2. Every channel. One brand voice.

Marketers know that if they want to get the attention of their audience, they need to
use more than one method. A campaign cannot be successful through emails and
newsletters alone. Marketers use a mix of media to convey their messages. They
use video, images, interactive websites, social media and more. In fact, the best
marketing is viral -- it’s what other employees say about the programs.

3. Bring it all together.

Marketers want to make the buying process easy for customers. And like
marketers, HR wants employees to “buy” into programs, initiatives and benefits
enrollment. It connects them to their work in broader ways.

4. Measure effectiveness.

Marketers track and measure everything to find the best strategies, adjust what isn’t
working and get the most bang for their buck. Data is everything in modern

Suggestion for best market of HR company

STEP 1: Market Segmentation To Become Super Attractive To Your Target Market

STEP 2: Create A B2B Content Marketing Funnel To Attract Business Clients

STEP 3: Create a strong database and segment the database according to the strategy.

STEP 4 – Create An Easy Marketing Process To Improve Your Marketing.


 To study the role of digital marketing in Return on web.

 To contribute customer client database.

 To increase the periodic work orders.

 To profile customers based on select parameters.

 To study the different criteria of digital marketing services.

 To analyze the approach which help them to get more business?

 To know how to pitch a client while meeting basically how to talk, what to
talk, how make client engage in your conversation.
 To know the right way of writing a proper content for the E-mailers.

 To study the growth of Digital marketing.

Limitations of the study and scope future


1. The project was based on generating leads for various services provided by the
2. Focusing personally on each level of those services and developing those
services according to clients requirements.
3. Focusing on certain aspects and not prioritizing the demand.
4. The database is not strong and is not obtained from much reliable sources leading
to bounce.
5. Lead nurturing process is must which needs to be followed.
6. Strategy planning needs to be more systematically and moulded according to the
various aspects and customer behaviour.

Key Learnings During The Project

1. B2b space requires higher touch point frequencies than just the transactions.
2. Long term value and knowledge based outlook is essential.
3. Adoption and Up- gradation to best practices, technology and sensing need of the
market is essential for success.
4. Higher level of service customization and service modulation considering
customers need is key to build long term service image and trust

In today world, Digital media and digital media have taken the way of marketing to
another level. Digital platforms have created a bridge of direct communications with the
customers. It is helping business grow in all the aspects causing two way
communications. The reach has been increased leading business growth and business
sustainability. As it is said customer is king, understanding what customers’ expectations
are and fulfilling it is helping businesses gain loyal customers. Strong database leads to
more numbers of conversions.

Hence, client acquisition is very important aspect for any business to plan and strategize
their business to grow and sustain in the long run market.

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