Acrylamide Tertiary Butyl Sulfonic Acid

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Acrylamide tertiary butyl sulfonic acid(Special monomer with sulfonic a...

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Hom e > Product s > Acrylic Products > Acrylic Monom ers and Chem ical Products > Acrylam ide tert iary butyl sulfonic acid( Special
m onom er w ith sulfonic acid group, ATBS)

Acrylic Monom ers and Chem ical Products

Acrylam ide tertiary butyl sulfonic
acid( Special m onom er w ith
Com m odit y
Chem icals

sulfonic acid group, ATBS) Acrylic Products

Product nam e ATBS╒

Acrylic Monom ers
ATBS is a unique vinyl polym er w ith a sulfonic acid group, and its polym ers are used in and Chem ical
a w ide range of applications including t extiles, flocculants, dispersants, scale inhibitors, Product s
additives for ore chut es, etc. As it is highly polym erizable, it can easily be
copolym erized w ith acrylonitrile, acrylic acid, acrylic esters, and acrylam ides using Acrylic polym ers
general m ethods.
Polym er

Products UV-Curable Resin

Specialty Chem icals

ATBS Pow ders and Pellets

Plast ics
Alternative 2-Acrylam ide- 2- m ethylpropane sulfonic acid, N- t- butyl acrylam ide
nam es sulfonic acid
Product search
CAS num ber '15214-89- 8
Search by product
nam e
Chem icals for ore chutes, w at er treat m ent ( prim arily scale
Applications inhibitors) , dye- assist agent s for acrylic textiles, paints and coating
agents, paper and pulp indust ry applicat ions Search by
keyw ord
Law s and
CSCL: 2- 2821
regulations Exam ple: Heat
resistance, flexibility,
Pow der 20 kg paper sacks, 100 kg drum s luster, etc.

Packaging Pellets 150 kg drum s

20 kg cans, 240 kg drum s, 1,200 kg
ATBS- Na aqueous solut ion
containers 16/05/2016
Acrylamide tertiary butyl sulfonic acid(Special monomer with sulfonic a... Página 2 de 2

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