STD 162

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OISD - 162

For Restricted
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First Edition, July 1995

Oil Industry Safety Directorate

Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
First Edition
July 1995

For Restricted
Circulation only


Prepared By


Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
2nd Floor, ‘Kailash ‘
26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001

OISD (Oil Industry Safety Directorate) publications are

prepared for use in the oil and gas industry under
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. These are the
property of Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas and
shall not be reproduced or copied and loaned or
exhibited to others without written consent from OISD.

Though every effort has been made to assure the

accuracy and reliability of the data contained in these
documents, OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability
or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their

These documents are intended to supplement rather

than replace the prevailing statutory requirements.

Oil Industry in India is more than 100 years old. Over the years a
variety of practices have been in vogue because of
collaboration/association with different foreign companies and
governments. Standardisation in design, operating and maintenance
practices was hardly in existence at a national level. This lack of
uniformity, coupled with feed back from some serious accidents that
occurred in the recent past in India and abroad, emphasised the need
for the industry to review the existing state of art in designing,
operating and maintaining oil and gas installations.

With this in view, the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas in 1986
constituted a Safety Council assisted by the Oil Industry Safety
Directorate (OISD) staffed from within the industry in formulating and
implementing a series of self regulatory measures aimed at removing
obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing standards to
ensure safer operations. Accordingly, OISD constituted a number of
functional committees comprising of experts nominated from the
industry to draw up standards and guidelines on various subjects.
The present document on ‘Safety in installation and maintenance
of LPG cylinders manifold’ was prepared by the functional committee
on LPG Cylinders Manifold. This document was prepared based on
the accumulated knowledge and experience of industry members and
the various national and international codes and practices.
This document will be reviewed periodically for improvements
based on the new experiences and better understanding.
Suggestions from industry members/users may be addressed to :

The Coordinator
Committee on
LPG Cylinders Manifold
Oil Industry Safety Directorate,
2nd Floor ‘Kailash’
26, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001

Members Representing









In addition to the above, several other experts from industry contributed in the preparation,
review and finalisation of this document.















There are a number of LPG cylinders 3.1 General guidelines for manifolded
manifolded installations existing in Hotels, LPG cylinders shall be followed from IS :
Hospitals, Nursing Homes etc. Apart from a 6044 (Part I) - 1971. The additional safety
BIS code, there is no detailed code which can measures need to be taken are as under:
be followed by the Oil Industry (through
their approved contractors). In view of the 3.2 The site for LPG cylinder manifold
potential hazards of such manifold shall be located away from the kitchen.
installations, the need was felt to develop a Installation shall be slightly raised from the
standard code of practice in addition to BIS ground level. Cylinders shall not be installed
code IS:6044 (Part I)-1971. In the Liquefied below ground level in cellars or basement.
Petroleum Gas trade, commercial/Industrial The cylinders shall be stored in dry, cool and
cylinders installations relate to the larger well ventilated room.
type catering/production arrangements such
as Restaurants and Canteens located in 3.3 Cylinders installation should not be
Hotels, Hospitals, Nursing Homes and located close to steam pipes and boilers etc.
Industrial Establishments such as Textiles, to prevent cylinders from getting affected due
Baking, Glass factory etc. to radiant heat.

2.0 SCOPE 3.4 Cylinders shall not be installed at a

place where they are likely to cause
obstruction, suffer damage or be exposed to
This Standard : conditions likely to affect safety.
- Covers LPG cylinders (all types
approved by CCE) connected through a 3.5 The cylinder storage room shall be of
manifold to commercial/ domestic, industrial fire - resistant construction. Flammable
burners where the end use of LPG is for materials like wood and plastic shall not be
Commercial cooking/ production/ Laboratory used.
3.6 Cylinders shall be located on a
- Supplements IS:6044 (part I) - 1971 concrete or brick floor in case of outdoor
on guidelines for packed cylinder installation. installation. The cylinder shall be installed in
Items covered under IS:6044 (part I) - 1971 upright position with the valve pointing
are not being repeated and this standard may upwards.
be referred in conjunction with IS: 6044 (Part
I) - 1971. 3.7 Since LPG is heavier than air,
ventilation shall be provided at floor level
- Relates to safe practices in Design, open to atmosphere. The ventilators shall be
erection, commissioning and maintenance of provided with 2 layers copper or non -
manifold installations. However, detailed corroding metal wire mesh not less than 11 to
operational practices like handling the linear centimeter.
emergencies etc. are not covered.
3.8 Safety cap should be put on the
Oil industry is in the process of cylinders which are empty.
drawing out detailed specifications of the
equipments used in the manifolded LPG 3.9 The doors of the room where cylinders
cylinders installations. All equipments are installed shall open outwards.
used in these installations shall meet the
above specifications.

For replacement schedules in the installation,

equipment guidelines suggested by the
manufacturers may be followed.
4.2 Requirement of Cylinder
Bank/Burners :
3.10 Main shut-off valve (Plug or ball-type) Multi- cylinder manifolds are mainly designed
on the pipeline emerging out of cylinder and used for cooking purpose. The LPG
storage room shall be located in such a requirement of customers desirous of
manner that it just falls outside the storage converting from other fuels to LPG can be
room and shall be easily accessible at all assessed based on the quantity of fuel used,
times. At the point of entry of each work its calorific values and heat transferring
place, the line shall have a quick shut off efficiency.
valve (plug or ball-type).
4.2.1 In the case of absolutely new
3.11 The main shut - off and quick shut-off installations the requirement may be
valves are required in case the distance assessed alternatively by taking normal
between the storage room and the work place consumption per person per day from 0.1 to
is more than 10 mtrs. 0.13 kg. depending upon the climatic
conditions. For existing as well as the new
3.12 As per Statutory requirements no customers the no. of cylinders required to be
explosive license is required for multi in use may be assessed after taking into
cylinder installations. However, consumers account the burner consumption rate of LPG,
having unconnected filled cylinders with more % utilization during the usage and the natural
than 100 kgs. LPG shall obtain explosives vapourisation capacity per cylinder.
license under Gas Cylinders Rules 1981.
4.2.2 Provision should also be made for
3.13 The safety distance of packed 100% spare capacity for cylinders as
installation shall conform to Rule 3.1.6. of calculated above.
IS:6044 (Part I) - 1971.
4.2.3 While deciding at the size of the
3.14 Wherever the pipelines are passing manifold it should preferably be designed for
through walls, slacks shall be provided so higher no. of cylinders to accommodate for
that the pipeline does not get abraized. increase in consumption in future.

3.15 The storage room shall have caution 4.2.4 Size of the cylinder storage room shall
signs such as “DANGER”, “HIGHLY depend upon the number of installed
INFLAMMABLE GAS SHED”. “NO cylinders designed for the layout of the
SMOKING” etc. painted in luminous red manifold (parallel or linear) and the cylinder
paint outside at a prominent place. arrangement in the storage room (Standard
or staggered). Enough room shall be
3.16 A minimum distance of 1 mt. shall be provided for easy access to each and every
maintained between the cylinder installation cylinder.
and the surface water drain, if any.
4.3.1 All The cylinders at the customers’
premises shall always be connected to the
4.1 In order to meet the larger manifold wherever the installed cylinders at
requirement of commercial customers it is the premises are more than four. The
necessary to connect a number of cylinders to cylinders should not be left unconnected or
a manifold so that the required quantity of stored elsewhere. Should there be
gas at requisite pressure can be obtained. requirement of additional cylinders which are
The multi cylinder installations shall be to be kept loose, the customer can store
designed as per IS:6044 (part I) - 1971. them within stipulations as provided for in
Gas Cylinders Rules, 1981. However
4.1.1 It is required to visit the customer’s such cylinders should not be stored in
premises and select a suitable site for manifolded room. Each arm of the manifold
cylinder storage room as per the layout shall have a control valve. To each arm of
considerations. In order to ascertain the the cylinder manifold, cylinders shall be
requirement complete details shall be connected through a pigtail. For ‘SC’ type
collected and noted in the format as given in valve cylinders it is necessary to use an
annexure - I. adaptor to connect the cylinder pigtail. The
distance between the nipples on the manifold
to which pigtails are attached, depends upon 5.1 GENERAL :
the type of cylinder arrangement required i.e.,
standard or staggered. The staggered 5.1.1 For safe efficient performance of
arrangement is to be used when any LPG installation, all equipments,
availability of space is limited. appliances and accessories shall conform to
the laid down standards and specifications.
4.3.2 The flexible hose/pigtail shall be in the For quality control more and more items are
same room and its length shall not exceed 2 being covered by BIS. In case of BIS
M. Flexible hose/ pigtail shall not pass covered items, items approved by BIS only
through doors, windows, walls, ceiling (or) shall be used. In case any component is not
floors. The pigtails shall be accessible for covered by BIS Standard, then the same shall
inspection. have Oil Industry’s approval.

4.4 LOCATION FOR MANIFOLDED 5.1.2 A list of such approved

INSTALLATIONS: manufacturers for various components can
be had from the concerned oil company.
4.4.1 Manifolded installations upto 40 kgs 5.1.3 Major components of LPG
LPG can be installed on any floor. Minimum installation are briefly described below:
floor area required 5M 2.
4.4.2 Manifold installations not exceeding
40 kgs. of LPG may be installed in doors on 5.2.1 Pressure Regulators are devices
any floor within the same workspace used to regulate the delivery pressure to the
provided the minimum distance between two appliances for safe operation. Adequate
such installations is 3 M. The floor area for attention should be given to the Pressure
each installation should be at least 5M 2 and Regulator selection and it must be chosen with
the aggregate quantity of LPG in all such due care. It shall have sufficient capacity to
installations does not exceed 200 kgs. handle the volume of the gas required to
supply maximum demand. The different
4.4.3 Manifolded installations not exceeding types of pressure regulators presently
80 kgs. of LPG may be installed indoors on available are :
any floor provided the floor area is not less
than 12 M2 for such installation. - low pressure regulators with high volume.
4.4.4 Manifolded installation not exceeding - high pressure regulators with fixed
80 kgs. of LPG may be installed indoors on outlet pressure.
any floor area provided the minimum
distance between the installations is 3 M, the - high pressure regulators with variable outlet
proportion of such installations to floor area is pressures.
one installation per 12 M2 and the aggregate
quantity of LPG in all such installations does 5.2.2 All high pressure regulators to be
not exceed 200 kgs. used in LPG installations shall be of
approved type. Only oil industry approved
4.5 As per IS:6044 (Part I) - 1971, small high pressure regulators shall be used.
manifold (i.e. Total capacity upto 320 kgs)
can be accommodated within the building. 5.2.3 If the regulator selection is not proper
For bigger manifold (i.e. capacity 321 to 1000 the appliance performance will be affected
kgs) a separate shed away from the main by pressure fluctuations and will induce a
building shall be provided keeping adequate slow pulsation in line pressure causing
safety distances. For manifold capacity appliance flame to vary.
requirement of more than 1000 kgs, separate
installations each not exceeding 1000 kgs.
shall be provided. 5.3 GAS PIPES :

4.6 The manifold (header) pipeline shall 5.3.1 Copper, steel and mild steel tubes to
not have any joints to extend its length. be used in LPG service shall be as specified
in IS:6044 (Part I) - 1971.
EQUIPMENTS, APPLIANCES AND 5.3.2 Steel pipes, cold steel drawn
ACCESSORIES seamless or electric resistance welded
(ERW) conforming to IS:3601 shall only be These have a spreading ring flame profile
used. and are good for cooking purpose. These
burners are referred to as ‘M’ type burners.
5.3.3 Copper tubes shall be solid drawn with There are no BIS specifications so far. Hence,
outside diameter of 10, 12, 20 mm as suitable Oil industry approved make shall only be
conforming to IS:2501. used.

5.4 VALVES : 5.5.6 ‘V’ RING OR ‘L’ BURNERS

5.4.1 The following types of valves are These are long burners used horizontally and
normally used in the LPG installations: named ‘V’ burners due to their shape.
i) Needle control valves These burners are used for heating long,
ii) Fire control valves broad containers mussel ovens etc. The
iii) Quick shut-off valves burner flame impinges on the bottom of the
iv) Main shut-off valves vessel or plate at an angle of 45 degrees.
The burner shall be so chosen such that the
5.4.2 The valves designed to work on LPG flame does not enter beyond the
shall only be used. Materials used in these circumference of bottom plate of vessel.
valves should not be affected by LPG. Type
of valves to be used on LPG service should 5.5.7 CANTEEN BURNERS
be of proper pressure rating and meet oil
industry specifications since BIS or equivalent These burners are low pressure
standards are presently not available. appliances widely used in commercial
installations. These are similar to the
5.4.3 Cast iron and aluminum valves shall domestic burner but of larger size.
not be used. Canteen burners shall conform to
IS:5517 - 1969.
5.5 BURNERS : High pressure canteen burners as
5.5.1 The burners used in commercial may be required by end users can be custom -
installations are normally high pressure built and used.
burners. These burners work at a pressure of The heat efficiency of all the burners
0.315 kg/cm2 (4.5 PSIG) and above. Of the mentioned above should be a minimum of
various models currently in use, from types 40% when tests are conducted as per BIS
which find the maximum applications are Standard No. IS:5117-1969.
outlined below:
TORCH BURNERS 5.6.1 Cylinder manifold is very important
because of the fact that it is subjected to full
These give a concentrated flame and are cylinder pressure at all times. The fabrication/
good for water heating and deep frying. The welding of the manifold should be of the
vessels used in this type of burners should best available quality. All such manifolds
preferably have concave bottom. shall be designed to a pressure equivalent
to the maximum possible cylinder pressure
5.5.3 These are vertical burners and height (assessed at 65 degree C) of LPG i.e. at 16.87
can be varied. kgf/cm2. The test pressure should be 1.5
times the maximum pressure (assessed at 65
5.5.4 There are mainly two sizes in this type degree C) i.e. 25.35 kgf/cm2.
of burners i.e. T22 and T35 with consumption
of 1 kg/hr and 1.6 kg/hr LPG respectively. 5.6.2 The control valve (‘F’ type ) used in
These burners are also called as T1 and T2. the cylinder manifold arm shall be of the type
Higher capacity burners are also available. used for LPG cylinders. Valves manufactured
There are no BIS specifications so far. Hence by approved valve manufacturers of oil
oil industry approved make shall only be industry shall only be used in manifold.
5.6.3 All joints in the manifold should be
5.5.5 ‘M’ TYPE BURNERS welded (except for valve fixation) and be
easily accessible for inspection/ repairs etc.
5.6.4 Each manifold arm shall be fabricated 6.0 INSTALLATION OF PIPING AND
out of a single length of pipe. Joints to APPLIANCES
lengthen the arm, are not permitted.
6.1 In fabrication of LPG installation
5.7 CYLINDER PIGTAILS : general guidelines shall be drawn from code
of practice for LPG storage installation IS :
Normally copper pigtails are used to connect 6044 (Part I)-1971.
cylinders to the manifold. However, flexible
reinforced synthetic rubber pipes are also 6.2 Those responsible for the installation
being used. The quality of braided synthetic of LPG equipment and piping etc. should
rubber tubes shall be such that it is least understand the characteristics of LPG very
affected by LPG. The reinforcement i.e. clearly and shall be trained in proper
braiding should be able to withstand the same handling, installing and maintaining
pressure as that of cylinder manifold. The installations.
design and test criteria shall be same as
that of cylinder manifold. Test pressure shall 6.3 Detailed drawings giving
not be less than 25.35 /cm2. The free nut at specifications of the equipment used and
the end shall be of noncorrosive metal. layout of the entire installation must be
approved by concerned Oil Co. before
5.8 ADAPTOR : undertaking work.

This device is used to connect the pigtails 6.4 The route of pipeline which is spelt out
to the cylinder valves (self-closing) of the very clearly in the approved drawing, shall not
LPG cylinders. This device shall have non- deviate while laying down the pipelines. If
return device and shall have prior approval of need be the original drawings can be got
the oil industry. revised duly approved by Oil Cos.

5.9 NEEDLE CONTROL VALVE : 6.5 All pipelines must be either welded
or brazed so as to ensure that no leakage
These are normally used to control the flow can take place even at pressures much higher
of gas to the burners. These valves should than the working pressures. Use of threading
be of approved type of oil industry. and jointing the pipeline through jointing
compound shall not be resorted to.
6.6 The welding/brazing of the pipeline
A good quality pressure gauge with a range of joints shall be done by a trained and qualified
0-3 kgf/cm2 (0-40 PSI) shall be provided in welder.
the pipeline after the first stage pressure
regulator. The joint at which pressure gauge is 6.7 If the pipeline diameter is more than
fixed shall be thoroughly checked for leakage. 50 mm, it should be welded and/or flanged.
Similar type of pressure gauges shall be Smaller diameter pipelines should only be
provided in the pipelines after II stage welded/brazed.
6.8 The piping joints shall not be placed
5.11 EXCESS FLOW VALVE : embedded in floors in inaccessible places.
Wherever it cannot be helped, welding and
The excess flow check valve shall be provided prior pressure testing of pipeline shall be
on each arm of the manifold to ensure done. Wherever the pipes are buried they
stoppage of LPG supplies in case of heavy shall not have any flange joints in the buried
leakage/damage to the pipeline in the portion.
downstream facilities. The capacity of the
excess flow valve shall be 50% more than 6.9 Joints other than welded, if any, are
the maximum designed flow rate required to be so placed that they shall be readily
through the manifold. accessible, so that leakage tests can be
conducted without any difficulty.
6.10 Piping both embedded in floor and
Proper record of suppliers of equipments, its above ground shall be protected against
installation and Standard used shall be physical damage and corrosion. These shall
maintained. be covered with bituminous wrap coating at
the buried portion for LPG.
6.11 Cast iron and aluminum pipe fittings 7.1 Every multi-cylinder installation
shall not be used. essentially consists of the following:
1. Cylinders
6.12 All materials including non-metallic 2. Manifold
parts for valves, seals, gaskets and 3. Valves
diaphragms shall be resistant to the action 4. Pigtails
of the LPG under the service conditions to 5. Regulators
which they are subjected. 6. Burners
It shall be ensured that all the above
6.13 Plugs shall be solid steel plugs or equipments conforms to a approved layout
steel ball plugs. Cast iron or brass plugs shall drawing and other specifications as mentioned
not be used. in the foregoing sections.

6.14 Copper or brass pipe or tubing shall 8.0 MAINTENANCE OF CYLINDErs

be seamless and shall only be used. for sizes MANIFOLD
12.5 mm and under.
Maintenance of the cylinders manifold and the
6.15 The pipeline connecting the storage equipments shall be undertaken regularly and
shed to the main installation should the periodicity of the maintenance shall be as
preferably be brought overhead without under:
creating any hazard for the people/vehicles
passing through the same. In case of any
foreseen hazard the pipeline can be laid 8.1 PERIODICITY :
embedded in the ground.
i) Valves : All the valves i.e. needle
6.16 Quick shut-off valves designed to valves, manifold control valves emergency
work on LPG, shall only be used for mainline valve shall be checked once in a year.
for shut-off operations. The jointing
compound shall be of Industry approved type. ii) Piping and manifold: It should be
checked once a year visually. pneumatic
6.17 No heating devices of any nature testing of pipe lines once in 5 years.
are permitted to be installed in the storage
shed. Similarly, pipelines location shall be iii) HP & LP Regulators once a year for
such so as to avoid any over heating/cooling its accurate throttled pressure.
at any length of the pipeline.
iv) The burners shall be regularly
6.18 The single stage pipeline network cleaned.
(down the range of first stage pressure
regulator) from the storage shed onward v) Pigtails shall be checked every time
should work at pressure very close to the empty cylinder is replaced by a filled cylinder
working pressure of the appliances. Under no and replaced in case of any physical damage.
circumstances, the pressure of the pipelines
should exceed 22 PSI (1.5 kg/cm2). This 8.2 INSPECTING AUTHORITY :
should be obtained by double stage regulation
of pressure, if necessary. A typical layout of 1) All the manifold installations shall
installation is given in Annexure III. be checked once in six months by the
dealers authorised mechanic and record
6.19 Water spray of 10 liters PM/M2 on maintained at the installation location.
LPG manifold (with connected LPG cylinders)
may be considered depending on installation 2) The installation shall be checked once
size. in a year by the concerned Oil company
Sales Officer of the area or by any authorised
6.20 Whenever cylinders are taken out of representatives of the Oil Co.
manifold after closing the isolating valve, the
idle ends of adaptor end shall be plugged with 3) Major installations shall also be
dummy valves (if new cylinders are not fixed) inspected by Senior Officials of the Oil Co.
to avoid leakage from adaptor end to The inspection shall be carried out as per
atmosphere. the check list attached. (Annexure II)


9.0 SAFE OPERATING PRACTICES AND another or otherwise subjected to
LEAK TESTING any undue shock.

9.1 All the safety precautions outlined in iv) Sliding, dropping or playing with
the Gas Cylinder Rule 1981 shall be complied cylinders is prohibited.
v) Liquefied Petroleum Gas cylinders
9.1.1 Storage of Cylinders shall always be kept in an upright position and
i) The storage of cylinders is governed shall be so placed that they cannot be
by the Gas Cylinders Rules - 1981 and the knocked over.
appropriate safety distances as given in the
rule should be complied with. vi) Open flames, lights, lighting of fires,
welding and smoking shall be
ii) Cylinders shall be stored in a cool, prohibited in close proximity.
dry, well ventilated place under cover, away Cylinder should not be lifted with magnets
from boilers open flames, steam pipes or and chains should not be used for
any potential sources of heat and such place slinging.
of storage shall be easily accessible.

iii) The storage room or shed shall 9.2 LEAK TESTING:

be of fire resistant construction.
9.2.1 Criteria For Leak Testing
iv) LPG filled cylinders must never be
stacked in horizontal position. i) It shall be ensured that the manifold
provided has been subjected to the test
v) Cylinders containing flammable pressure of 25.35 kgf/cm2 (360 psig) at least
gases shall be kept separated from each for a minimum period of 1 hour inspected
other and from cylinders containing other by the Oil Industry approved contractor.
types of gases by an adequate distance or
by a suitable partition wall. ii) It shall be ensured that the fire
extinguisher and sand buckets are provided
vi) Cylinders shall not be stored under and installations are adequately protected
conditions which will cause them to corrode. from weather conditions.

vii) Cylinders shall not be stored along 9.2.2 Detection of Gas Leakages
with any combustible material.
Gas leakage can be easily detected by its
viii) Unconnected cylinders shall be kept characteristic smell and more positively
away from the LPG cylinder manifold. located by means of a soap solution.

ix) All electric meters, distribution boards, 9.2.3 For pinpointing the source of leakage
switches, fuses, plugs and sockets, electric only soap solution shall be used. A NAKED
fixed lamps, portable hand lamps and motors FLAME MUST NEVER BE USED because
shall be of flame-proof construction. there is risk of causing fire accident.

9.1.2 Handling and Use 9.2.4 Source of Leakages

i) Cylinders shall be adequately
supported during handling.
A. Cylinders :

ii) Trolleys and cradles of adequate I) Welded seams

strength shall as far as possible be used when ii) The cylinder/valve connection bung
moving the cylinders. joint.
Use of high powered magnets for lifting iii) Cylinder valve
the cylinders and chains for slinging
the cylinders shall not be permitted. B. Check leakage from Pressure
Valve or any other fitting on the cylinder Regulator at :
should not be lubricated.
i) Near the joints.
iii) The cylinders shall be handled
carefully and not be allowed to fall upon one ii) In the pressure regulator itself.
iii) Check leakage from the piping and
Regulator and the appliance inlet

iv) Check leakage from cooking

appliances at

i.) All threaded connections.

ii.) The appliances itself.



i) Leakage of cylinder: Any cylinder

which develops a leak should be promptly
removed to an isolated open place away
from any source of ignition.

ii) In case of leakages of piping,

appliances or pressure regulators, close the
valves and isolate the part, disconnect the
cylinders and place the safety cap on the
valve of the cylinder. NEVER repair the
appliance or any other part of system when in
ANNEXURE-I Burner requirement:
ASSESSMENT FORM Type of Consumption No. of Total
Burner per hour Burners Consumption
per hour
Name of the customer : T 22
Address : T 35

M 22
Category : Hotel/School/Hospital/
M 35
(Specify) /Mess V 300/600/900
Type of Hotel: 5* 4* 3* 2* Other
Canteen burner
Type : New Hotel/unit
M 100/140
: Existing unit using other fuels converting to LPG
: Existing unit using LPG and requires
enhancement Intermittent :
Adequate space available for
cylinder storage : Yes/No Continuous :

Type of Food prepared/quantity : No. of installed cylinders for above

requirement (Approximate to next higher
No. of Meals per day: figure):

No. of cups of Coffee/Tea per day: Total installed cylinders :

Snacks and other preparations per day: Signature of Inspecting Officer

Sweets preparation per day: Name :

Timing : Duration (No. of hrs) Designation :

Coffee/Tea Date :




Other fuels used per day/week :

Weight Calorific Total Heat Requir-
in Kgs. Value heat Transfer ement
outpu efficiency of
t LPG in

No. of cylinders required per month :

(Approximate to nearest higher round number)

e. Installation is protected from
ANNEXURE - II excessive weathering from sun,
rain etc. Yes/No

LOCATION 2. Position of Cylinder to facilitate

MULTI CYLINDER INSTALLATION a. Changing and quick removal Yes/No

Access to connection and
regulating device
Date of Last Yes/No
Consumer No._______ Inspection _______
c. Operation of cylinder valves Yes/No
_____________________________________ d. Cylinder installed upright Yes/No
____________________________________ e. Cylinder installed on grounund
level Yes/No
Phone No.__________________________
f. Cylinder are not installed where
End Use____________________________ they may get over heated
(3m away) (Close to steam
Name of Dealer_______________________ (Close to steam pipe, boilers
open flame etc., Yes/No
Address _____________________________
_____________________________________ g. Cylinders are not causing
_____________________________________ an obstruction Yes/No
Others _______________________________ h. Cylinder raised in case of
outdoor installation (on a
Phone No.__________________________ concrete or brick floor) Yes/No
Installation Supplied By:______________ i.Cylinders are 1m away from
entrances of openings (from
Type of Establishment : Hotel Industry culverts, depressions, opening
leading to below ground level
Laboratory : Hospital/Nursing Home compartments and drains) Yes/No
Educational Institution__________________ j. Smoking is completely forbidden
within 3m while connecting
Others Specify_________________________ and disconnecting Yes/No
Sanctioned Qty:________________________ k. If mounted on trolley, the
trolley is stable Yes/No
3. Cylinders Manifold :
a. All joints between manifold
1.Cylinder Location : header and cylinder connection
are readily accessible Yes/No
a. Installed Indoors Yes/No

b. If so, Floor area as per norms Yes/No b. All materials, fittings etc. used
in cylinder manifold comply
c. Adequate ventilation at low level with BIS stipulation. Yes/No
to directly outside air provided
Yes/No c. In case of pressure regulator
and automatic change over
d. Minimum distance of 3m is Yes/No device connected by semi
maintained between installation flexible connectors and are
and any building, public place,
roadway and other surroundings
rigidly supported. Yes/No
provided Yes/No
4. Pressure Regulators :
e. Not twisted - looped or
a. PR comply BIS stipulation kinked Yes/No
(IS:4786-1968) Yes/No
f. Joints are accessible for
b. PR fitted with a relief valve and inspection Yes/No
positioned to avoid
hazards Yes/No g. Piping and electric wiring
are at least 60 mm
c. PR and other control devices away and is fixed below
adequately supported Yes/No electric wiring Yes/No

d. PR manufactured by_____________ 7. Leak Testing :

5. Piping, Tubing and Fittings : a. Naked flames are not used

for checking gas tightness
a. All piping, tubing and fittings of the installation Yes/No
comply BIS stipulation Yes/No
(IS:2501-1963 - Copper b. Soap solution is used to
Tubes) detect leak Yes/No
(IS:3601-1966 - Steel
Tubes) c. Defective pipes or fittings
(IS:1239 - Part I) - 1968 replaced and not
mild steel tubes) repaired Yes/No

6. Flexible Hose/Piping : d. Consumer knows the action

to be taken in case of
a. Cylinder and the appliances leakage Yes/No
are in same room Yes/No
e. Consumer knows the
b. Length of hose does action to be taken in case
not exceed 2 m Yes/No. of fire Yes/No
c. Appliance connected
portable Yes/No f. Consumer knows the
action to be taken in case
d. Accessible for of damage to or failure
inspection Yes/No of any part of installationYes/No

Action to be taken:

Inspection Officer Signature ______________________________

Regional Office ________________________________________

Annexure -III


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